#[ i know the trailer was so cool and my boi has places to BE but WHY ]
ladykailitha · 3 days
Eddie and Nancy
Just giving my brain a break from the Secret Tunnel (aka the game show) story. I still have two chapters to get through and my brain needs a cool down.
I've seen a lot of headcanons that Eddie is the Wheeler children's older half brother because of how much they look like each other.
But may I propose instead: cousins.
Hear me out.
You have first born, Elizabeth. Absolute hippie child. All about that free love, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. She learns how to play guitar, falls in with the charming and cool, Al Munson. They plan to tour the country his beat up old truck. But before that can happen, Elizabeth gets pregnant with Eddie. So she marries Al.
Then you have Karen, the younger sister. Bright, demure, absolute golden child. She dyes her hair and blows out the curls to more like waves so she doesn't look like Elizabeth anymore.
She does what she was raised her whole life to do. Get married to a good boy so they can have good children and pay taxes and never do anything fun.
When Elizabeth dies, Karen refuses to go to the funeral, hates that her name is even in the obituary at all. Then three years later when Al is sent to prison, CPS calls her first.
She's the boy's aunt. She has a comfortable home, and bringing him in would barely dent their finances. But Karen refuses. She won't have that delinquent anywhere near her children.
So they go to Wayne. Wayne who really doesn't have the space or the money to take care a little boy almost teenager. But he looks into those big brown eyes and can't say no.
They keep apart until the murders in town start in Wayne's own god damn trailer. He keeps his mouth shut when Nancy comes up to him asking about Eddie. He would like to throw it in her face that he knows who she is and that he knows full well that Karen would throw a fucking fit if she found out where her daughter was. But he won't. It's not the girl's fault her mother is a bitch.
After Vecna (and Eddie NOT dying) Nancy is sent to the attic to see if she can find some of Mike's old things to donate as a lot of Nancy's went to Holly. She finds an old trunk and though locked it comes apart in her hands. In it she finds dozens of pictures of her mom with beautiful girl with flying dark brown curls and sparkling eyes.
She smiles as she reminds her of Eddie.
Her mother calls out for her to hurry and slips one of the pictures in her back jeans pocket. Nancy closes the trunk and hurries back to her mother.
Then because Nancy can't leave a mystery well enough alone, she goes digging. All while Eddie and Max are in a coma, Nancy works on her mystery.
She finds her answer in the most unlikely of places. Joyce Byers's year book. She had it out showing her boys the outrageous hair styles they had in her day.
There two rows down from Lawrence Byers is an Elizabeth Childress. She's got ribbons in her hair and smiling brightly at camera. So full of life.
She closes her eyes. There is no doubt this is her mother's sister. A sister Nancy never knew anything about.
She points her out to Joyce. "Oh, I remember her. Such a sweet girl. It's really too bad she fell in with that Munson boy. Or rather the wrong Munson boy."
She flips the pages and on the same row as her, is Wayne Munson staring up at her. So happy and free. The Vietnam would too soon take that from him. "That's Wayne. Such a good boy. Elizabeth would have thrived with him. But Wayne was shy and more interested in getting good grades than girls."
Joyce flips back to the seniors with Jim and Lonnie and began searching for the M's. "There." She pointed at another boy. Alan Munson. "He was trouble from the moment he was born. But he had a motorcycle and a leather jacket. Lizzy fell hard. They got married right out of high school, I heard."
Jonathan and Nancy share a look of shock.
"What happened to her?" Jonathan asks.
"Cancer," Joyce says sadly, "poor thing."
Armed with her knowledge and a borrowed yearbook, Nancy marches right up to her mother and slams the yearbook in front of her. The picture Nancy took from the attic serves as bookmark and she shoves both at her mother.
There is no denying it now. All the proof is right there in black and white.
"This is why you didn't want to join the D&D club my freshman year, isn't it? Because it was Eddie's club?"
Karen buries her head in her hands. And the truth just starts spilling out.
"And that boy is just like his father!" Karen cries. "He might have not have killed those kids but he was a drug dealer."
"To keep the lights on his trailer!" Nancy yells back. "If you and Dad had taken him in maybe he wouldn't have turned out the way he did. Maybe he be a better person."
"Or maybe he would have dragged you other children with him!"
"If you really thought that Mike wouldn't have been allow in Hellfire either!"
It's at this point Mike walks in and suddenly Karen is caught.
She breaks down and explains that Eddie had helped her with her car right before Mike started high school. So as a way to return the favor she let Mike join.
Nancy heads to the hospital and manages to get into see Eddie.
Wayne tells her only family is allowed to see him and Nancy smiles.
She knows.
Then Eddie wakes up, falls for Steve, the whole party teases Steve about keeping it in the family and Karen gets her head out of her ass and everyone lives happily ever after.
The end.
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urhoneycombwitch · 4 months
mean mouth
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foreword: and if I said Eddie liked when you talked a lil' mean to him. what then. n e ways. just a little exploration of his early-day sub tendencies. I generally write Eddie as older but since this takes place in some nebulous time before s4 u can think whatever u want +18. ‘unnamed freak’ is Jacob. punk band name was not thought of by me but isn’t it great <3
cw: gn!reader w/breasts + V, oral (R receiving), unprotected PiV, soft!dom(ish) R, Eddie subbing from the top 😎, gotta-be-quiet-when-we-fuck trope my beloved
wc: 3.7k
The first time it happens, it’s an accident.
Eddie’s a blur of motion in the little trailer kitchen, knocking against your knees where you’re propped up on the counter (not entirely helpful but, in his words, ‘much-needed eye candy for the chef’), closing cupboards with a bang and talking animatedly over the hiss of onions cooking.
Your boy is loud, always has been, and tonight is no different- he’s crowing and cackling, recounting a particularly genius foible that he’d orchestrated during last night’s campaign, wooden spoon dipping in and out of heated pots over the stove like some crazed frizzy-haired potions master. 
“And then.” He punctuates with a jab of the spoon towards you, a long drip of spaghetti sauce narrowly missing your leg- you flinch and squeak in alarm, but Eddie just grins wildly, eager to get to the punchline. “Red rolls a natural. Fucking. Twenty.” 
“Holy shit!” Your smile is wide, natural and easy for him- Eddie’s excitement is infectious. 
“I know!” Eddie spins back to the stove, plunking the wooden spoon back into the simmering sauce before opening the oven. Heat from the broiler rises in a mouth-watering cloud of herby smell, and Eddie reaches for the metal sheet of garlic bread, still talking. “Couldn’t fuckin’ believe it. And then I- shit!”
You don’t put the pieces together until Eddie’s spinning away from the open oven, whole body moving with the force of his hand being shaken in the air- he’d touched the roiling-hot metal with his bare hand.
“Oh, shit, babe-” Sliding from the counter, you nudge the oven door closed with a foot, reaching out to assess the damage- but Eddie’s a whirlwind, jumping up and down, swinging his injured hand around in jerky movements, howling in pain.
It’s kind of freaking you out, ‘cuz you can’t tell if he’s playing up or if he’s actually got a third-degree burn. The voice that comes out of you is commanding, one that you rarely use, firm and louder than his hollering. 
“Eddie, for fuck’s sake- stand up and let me see it.”
That seems to do the trick. Eddie’s eyes snap to you, pausing mid-hop, and you take advantage of his semi-stillness to snatch his wrist and drag him towards the sink. The water runs cool and you turn his palm over in both of yours, breathing a sigh of relief when the pink welt across the bridge of his hand doesn’t have any blisters.
“Under the water,” you instruct, pushing at his silver-link braceleted wrist until he gets the memo, letting the flow from the tap ease the burn.
Eddie hisses through his teeth, and then goes quiet for the first time in ages.
There’s a few moments of this strained silence as you watch his hand carefully, color leaching back into his palm until you notice Eddie’s looking at you sideways.
Your shoulders hunch in a bit, arms crossed over your chest as you take a step back, misinterpreting his look as wounded. “Sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. I just-”
“Hey, whoa, no-” Eddie’s hand automatically reaches for you, dripping water on the floor until he remembers his injury with a wince and plunges it back under the tap. “You don’t have to apologize for that. At all. Um.”
His left hand, the uninjured one, braces against the linoleum, ringed knuckles creaking as he shifts his stance. He sounds uncomfortable, and you’re about to start apologizing again until he lifts his head, eyes twinkling- “You were so bossy. It was totally hot.”
A shocked laugh burbles out of you, unsure if he’s joking or not- when he shifts his weight again, your gaze flickers down to the zipper of his dark jeans- he’s fully hard. 
“Oh my god.” Split between amusement and mortification, adrenaline from seeing him get hurt fizzing through your veins, you laugh again- this time, sardonic, into your hands, shaking your head. “Jesus christ, Eddie.”
“Can’t help it.” He’s close to whining, hips pressing flush into the cabinet, partly to relieve the ache in his groin and partly to toy with you. “Goddamn. Sound so sexy when you tell me what to do-”
There’s a teatowel hanging from a nearby rack; you snatch it up and whip it at Eddie’s shoulder, playful and irritated as you snap, “Shut up.”
“Oh, yeah, just like that, baby-” Eddie’s fake sultry voice earns him another towel-whip, this time at his neck- he squawks, ducking to avoid another blow while still keeping his hand under the water.
“Ridiculous. You’re ridiculous,” you announce with finality, slinging the towel over your shoulder and turning on your heel. “I’m gonna get the burn cream. Try not to cum or die while I’m gone.”
His bright laughter follows you all the way down the hall.
The next time it happens, it’s sort-of on purpose.
Eddie’s glowing with a post-show rush- a local business convention meant Corroded Coffin got to play for a nearly-packed room. Nevermind the fact that their Bruce Springsteen cover was the one bringing in the most applause; Eddie’s always been able to feed off the energy of a crowd, and tonight was a riotous success.
The Hideout is loud but your boy is louder, as per usual. There’s sweat curling the baby hairs at his temples, bright spots of flushed pink in his cheeks from the round of whiskey you’d bought the band as a congrats. 
He’s making a toast to his laughing bandmates, to beautiful you, to any nearby drunk who will listen, proclaiming his lust for life with one boot on the well-worn table in noble pose.
“And to Bev, the best of us-” Eddie tips his half-empty glass towards the nearby bar, shouting over the din of the jukebox and lively chatter, “-may your sharp-tongued wit live on!”
Bev pauses service to flip him off, and Eddie collapses back into the comfort of your arm over the booth’s top, grinning when the band trio of Jeff, Gareth, and Jacob nearly fall out of their chairs with laughter.
It’s always hot to see Eddie in his element, and tonight’s not an exception. He turns to lean into you, looking down the slope of his pretty nose like he knows why you’re staring.
A charming wink precedes, “Come here often?” but his flirting is interrupted when Jeff gets up for another round and bumps the table- whiskey sloshes over the side of Eddie’s cup and coats his hand in stickiness. 
He swears viciously, yanking out his bandanna to wipe at the mess while you laugh over the rim of your own glass at him. “Real smooth, babe. Good thing you killed it on stage, otherwise I might not take you home.”
Eddie’s eyes light up, inhaling for another cheesy line to wow you with when his gaze flicks past you and his face falls. 
Across the table, Jacob mutters, “Oh, shit,” and Gareth glowers.
Following their eyelines, you look over your shoulder to see Nico Hawley, frontrunner of Hawkin’s own punk band (the Scumshots), enter through the front door in a cloud of cigarette smoke.
When you turn back to Eddie, he’s already twisting the damp bandanna around his rings. The usual softness of his doe-brown eyes are now flint-sharp, and with a rush of panic, you remember the last time Eddie and Nico ran into each other; the night had ended with you back at the trailer, holding a cold pack to Eddie’s split lip, which he’d received from engaging in what he referred to as “friendly fisticuffs”.
There was nothing friendly about the way Eddie stood, then, to his full height, dark and imposing with his big mane of hair and leather jacket. The other Corroded boys won’t start any shit themselves, but will absolutely back Eddie up (fearless leader, resident shit-starter, instigator extraordinaire). 
Time’s running out for you to get a handle on the situation, Eddie already moving to slide past you out of the booth when you snag his left jacket sleeve in a tight grip.
The first yank you give stops him in his tracks; the second, more intentional tug gets his face level with yours, Eddie’s hardened stare giving way to confusion as you pull him into your space. 
In that same authoritative tone, you pin Eddie in place with a fistful of leather and command, low, right in his ear to be heard above the bar noise, “Don’t. Sit down and be good.”
At first, you’re not sure it worked, because Eddie’s just staring at you- slightly slack-jawed, pretty pink o mouth as his gaze flickers to your lips, back up to lock in your gaze again.
And then, by some miracle, Eddie obeys. Like a well-trained, marvelously-behaved dog. He’s back in his seat with a jolt to the booth, hand curling around his whiskey again. 
Curls spill and shift around jacketed shoulders as he shoots the rest of the glass, adam’s apple bobbing, other hand slipping to cup your thigh hidden from view. “It’s not worth it,” he announces to the rest of the group, sounding strained, staring at the bottom of his empty glass, knuckles white with force.
Jake sighs, relieved, but Gareth scoffs, tipping the neck of his beer across the table to point, goading Eddie with  “Since when have you been the one to take orders?”
“Shut up,” Eddie shoots back, blood returning and redistributing enough from where it had all rushed south, enough to defend you and himself against his drunk bandmate. “We’re already on Hop’s shit list, asshole, can’t be catching any more charges for stupid fuckin’ bar fights.”
Nico had disappeared into the throng of people at the bar while your group has been arguing- probably for the best that he’s out of eyesight. Unperturbed by Gareth’s comment (he likes you fine, he’s just grumpy from the alcohol and itching for a fight), you sip your drink and give him a shameless wink. 
Underneath the tabletop, Eddie’s palm flattens over your jeans, fingers dipping to toy with the denim seam hugging the fatty plush part of your inner thigh. You shift your hips, subtly, feeling flush with heat and power. Just a couple of words and you have him eating out of your goddamn hand. 
Jeff returns, setting a handful of beers in the middle of the table. “Saw that shitstain Hawley at the bar. What’d I miss here?”
Gareth swoops in with accusatory explanation, seizing another bottle out of Jeff’s hands. “What you missed is Eddie’s balls on a leash-”
“Jealous you don’t have someone at home to tie you up, Emerson?” Eddie’s dig comes swiftly, lips quirked in a smile around the rim of his drink. 
There’s a raucous burst of laughter, Gareth’s curly mop of hair gets ruffled playfully, and everyone eases back into celebration, all while Eddie’s thumb edges closer and closer to the apex of your thighs.
The next time, though? Totally on purpose.
There’s a sliver of gold from the hallway light spilling under Eddie’s closed door, left on in case Jeff or Gareth needed to use the bathroom during the night. 
And despite the fact that two of his bandmates are passed out on the couch and floor just a short walk away, Eddie’s hands are exploring the length of your body under the sheets like he’s got plans to map you with his tongue. 
“We- ah- can’t.” Your whispering scold is interrupted with a sharp gasp when Eddie nips at your neck. “No fooling around. Not when we have guests.”
His left hand drips over the swell of your breast, squeezing and kneading, your nipples perking to attention (traitors) underneath the bra you haven’t yet had the chance to take off.
Eddie adopts your quiet tone as he speaks between kisses that trail further down your body, not outright ignoring your weak protests but not doing much to combat them, either. “Mmm. Got me so worked up. Been driving me crazy since the bar, y’know that? ‘S cruel, baby, can’t just talk mean and expect me not to act on it.”
“Wasn’t mean,” you counter, hands shifting automatically to wind through the soft locks of hair tickling at your stomach as Eddie continues his path downwards. “Didn’t wanna have to patch up a split lip. Had to make you behave somehow.”
The vibrating groan Eddie gives against the soft skin of your stomach tickles; when you squirm, shushing him again, his hands slide to your hips, pinning you in place. 
Nose to your navel, warm breath fanning across the strip of skin just above the band of your panties, Eddie sounds strung-out already, close to begging. “Please, baby. I’ll be good. Make it so good for you. I’ll be quiet-”
His head snaps up at your sudden gasping laugh, chin perched on your tummy as he scoffs. “What, you don’t think I can keep quiet?”
“Eddie Munson, you couldn’t be quiet to save your life.” Your hands migrate to his cheeks, squishing them together fondly as he grins around your touch, his thumbs working circles at your bare hips. 
“Ye of little faith.” In the dim light of the room, Eddie’s teeth are a flash of white before his mouth dips to press against the wet patch at your underwear.
“Fucking… shit-!” The expletives fly out harshly, only because you weren’t expecting the wet stripe of his tongue against your clothed folds. Head dropping back to the comfort of your pillow, you get one hand in Eddie’s hair again, the other finding its way to twist at the sheets.
You can feel his smile, equal parts smug and sympathetic as he coos saccharine to your inner thigh- “Now, now, angel. Gotta be quiet.”
Not willing to lose the fight, you focus on clamping your mouth shut, eyes closed in concentration- even as Eddie slides your underwear down and off, a quick flash of blue fabric before it’s swallowed by the floor’s darkness. Even as he seals his lips over your clit, sucking hard like he’s been deprived of your taste for too long.
When his tongue breaches your entrance, a soft gasp escapes, one that has your head turning sideways to grab some pillow with your teeth. 
Eddie brings the wetness from your entrance up again, spreading it over your pulsing clit, nerve endings fizzing bright and hot in your stomach from the attention.
On instinct, your right leg kicks out, jolting with the spasm of pleasure- Eddie’s quick, though, taking advantage of the movement to find a new hold at the back of your thigh; rings biting cold, he pushes until you bend for him, your knee now pressed towards your chest.
“Gonna make it so good for you.” Eddie’s mumbling pussy-drunk rambles into your cunt that’s now on display, dragging his nose through the slick that weeps out of you, all for him- “So wet for me, angel. Fuck’s sake. This all for me?”
As if he doesn’t know. The hand that isn’t busy holding you open trails up your thigh, middle finger teasing at your entrance before slipping inside, no resistance thanks to the river of slick that rushes to greet it.
There’s a soft squelching noise as Eddie adds a second, curling them up, stroking against that tender gummy spot that always skyrockets your pulse. 
The noise is almost enough to give you pause; feeling wild and flush with heat, your hand tightens in the crown of Eddie’s hair, eyes popping open as you prop yourself up on an elbow to give a strangled hiss of warning through your teeth.
Eddie senses your unease, pulls his fingers and mouth out and off (a travesty), softening the blow by giving a placating kiss to the top of your mound. “Shhh, sweetheart. S’okay. You hear that?”
Past the noise of nighttime crickets from the nearby cracked window, past the hum of the kitchen, you hear it as Eddie crawls back up- distant, tandem snores from the boys in the living room.
“They sleep like the dead. Like rocks,” Eddie promises, settling his weight into his hands planted on either side of your head, hair creating a curtain around your faces as he leans in. “So we can get our rocks off.”
“That was awful.” You kiss him anyways. He tastes like you, earthy and warm and wet, saliva mixed with your arousal as the kiss turns sloppy.
Eddie rocks his hips forwards, the friction from the fabric of his boxers making you both gasp into each other’s mouths. He’s achingly hard, cock leaking and smearing precum through the cotton; there’s a hurried, manic shift as you both work to strip the last pieces of clothing from yourselves, his boxers and your bra following your underwear from earlier into the dark of the room.
And then Eddie is sliding his cock through the folds of your pussy, slicking up the sizable length as much as he can before the tip nudges at your entrance; Eddie’s arms tremble with effort as yours wrap around his shoulders, soothing with a kiss to his cheek- “Lotta talk about keeping quiet, Munson. That’s all it was? Just talk?”
Now that his mouth isn’t intent on making you fall apart anymore, you’ve got some breathing room to tease. To be the one to work him up. Tucking a curly lock of hair behind his ear, your fingers trace adoringly over his temple before sliding to grip the back of his neck. “Gonna prove me wrong, hotshot?”
With this new proximity, you can see Eddie’s eyes- fixed intently on yours, black pupils nearly eclipsing the soft amber of his irises. He looks slightly feral, sweat sticking his bangs in place, lips parted, spots of pink staining his cheeks. 
As if he doesn’t trust himself to speak, Eddie’s near-silent as he slides himself in to the hilt, jaw dropping as the warmth from your walls encompasses him completely.
The chained guitar pick around his neck tickles between the valley of your breasts. He pants, chest heaving, not daring to move yet; your breath stutters. You can feel him in your throat.
“So big,” you murmur, an honest reaction but one that has Eddie’s brows drawing together, a little whine escaping as his hips jerk forward, reflexive to your words.
“Fuck. Oh, fuck.” 
Eddie’s voice, strained though it may be, is on its way to regular volume. At the back of his neck, your hand flexes, a warning as he begins to rock steadily into your tight heat. 
“Gotta be good.” Biting back your own groan, you sling your leg over his waist. At this angle, you can press your heel to the dip of his lower back. “Be good and quiet for me and I’ll let you come in my p-”
His hips snap forward, audibly, subsequent wet noise obscene, filling the room. Eddie moans into the curve of your neck before your sentence is even fully formed- “Jesus, baby. Oh my god. Can’t say stuff like that, gonna come too quick-”
His cock fits along the contours of your cunt like you were made for him, ridged tip dragging against that same sensitive spot of your front wall with each pull and thrust.
Eddie’s forehead thunks into yours as he rolls it back and forth, mindlessly. All the tease has melted out of his voice: it’s been replaced with a lust-filled rasp, rock-salt and deep. 
Your voice, however, is all tease, still hushed but laced with mischief despite your mounting pleasure. “Yeah? Gonna come in my pussy?”
It’s almost not fair and you almost feel bad, seeing the way Eddie fights to make his gasp silent as the channels of your cunt clench in answer to his fucked-out expression. With his next thrust, Eddie loses the battle- a hoarse, blissful moan much too loud spills over and out into the quiet room. 
Moving quick, your hand slips from the back of Eddie’s neck to his mouth, palm flat over the plush of his lips.. The commanding tone comes easy this time (with practice, you’ll surely be a natural).
“Eddie. Be. Quiet.”
Usually, Eddie’s got stamina enough to prioritize your pleasure, making sure you’re taken care of at least twice before he even thinks of himself. Tonight, though, he’s already been straining in his jeans for hours, unbearably turned on from your earlier sharp words, pushing the limits of desperation.
Your words, once again, do the trick. Eddie’s cock pulses, and he comes hard, teeth sinking into the soft flesh of your hand, chorus of whimpers successfully dampened. His dark brows knit together, eyes pinched shut, nostrils flaring with each stilted breath.
He’s so fucking hot when he comes, hair a riot around stormcloud eyes that open to take you in. Even prettier when he’s coming down, leaning into your hand for support before you take it away, guiding and encouraging him to lay down.
Eddie collapses, carefully enough that it doesn’t jostle you, but still with his full weight. The crown of his head radiates heat against your chin. 
His arms wrap solidly around your middle as he whispers (he’s learning) in croaky fragments, “Jesus fucking H. I think you just broke my brain. Smashed it into a million little pieces. Never come so hard in my life. I’m in love with you.”
The laugh you give him is quiet but golden, the rise and fall of your chest causing his head to bounce a bit (but Eddie could die happy between your breasts so he doesn’t mind). “See? It’s worth it to listen to me, sometimes.”
“You’re so smart. Gonna do whatever you say, forever and ever. Cart-blank.” And then he’s pushing up onto his elbows, keeping his face level with your left breast so he can suck your nipple into his mouth, gently worrying his teeth over the peaked bud.
Previously tangled in the sheets, your hand flies up to grab his shoulder, nails digging in. “Fuck. Fuck, Eddie. That’s good. And- ah- it’s ‘carte blanche’.” 
He leaves the comfort of your breast with a sigh. “Whatever you say, princess. Gonna let me fuck you some more? Your turn to be the loud one.”
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irishvampireboy · 11 months
"Do you think Eddie likes me?" The question leaves Steve's mouth absently, like an afterthought. Wayne watches his shoulders tense as he holds the cabnet door up. His eyes are on the floor. His cheeks going red. Wayne hums genlty, trying not to laugh in Steve's face. If he only knew.
Instead he sits with the question for a moment, keeps working, tightening the screws till they're snug. He nods at Steve, he lets go. Wayne swings the door back and forth a few times. No squeaks. And it doesn't fall off into his hands. He and Steve both nod at the same time, satisfied, Steve's hands dropping to his hips.
"Does he bite you?" Wayne asks, trying to sound as thoughtful as Steve had with his question. Steve stares at him. Wayne raises his eyebrows.
"Eddie. Does he ever bite you?" He repeats, giving Steve a pointed look.
"Oh! Um.. he... yeah? S-sometimes." Steve stammers a bit, his brow furrowing as he rubs at the back of his neck. And then his hand falls to his shoulder. And then drops by his side and clenches. Wayne smiles.
"You ever heard'a cuteness aggression?" Wayne asks, putting his tools back into their box and stashing it on top of the fridge. Steve shakes his head and frowns again. Wayne nods, motions for the small table and sits, Steve following him and sitting across from him.
"Well what I understand of it, and I'm getting this information from Eddie so... take it as you will." Steve smiles, a knowing look passing his face as he nods, and yeah, this kid has it bad for his boy.
"It's when someone thinks something is so cute it makes them violent. And Ed's got it bad. Took him ages to get it under control. What do you think happened to Gilberts ear?" Wayne nods toward the couch where their chunky brown tabby cat is napping. He looks up at the mention of his name and meows inquisitively.
"Oh my god what?!" Steve gasps, his hand jumping to cover his mouth. Wayne snorts.
"I'm just messin with ya kid. He was like that when Ed found him." Wayne smiles. Steve looks at him, straight faced, unimpressed. One of Eddie's favorite looks to wax poetic about.
"Very funny." He says dryly. Wayne chuckles, taps his hand on the table and says,
"I thought so. Anyway, point is. If that boy's teeth have sunk into you at some point. Odds are he likes ya just fine." Wayne smiles warmly, watches the gears turning in Steve's head, his brow furrowing and then relaxing as his mouth drops open in a little "O".
"So he'd say yes. If I- I mean if I wanted to-" he watches Steve swallow nervously.
"If you asked him out. Yes. I believe he would say yes." Wayne just watches Steve, takes a sip of his coffee. Steve nods to himself.
"Okay. Okay cool. I can do this. Awesome. Thank you!" He'd stood, hands wiping at his thighs, patting down his pockets, looking for his keys, before startling and turning back to Wayne to thank him.
"They're on the table by the door. And you're welcome son." He took another sip.
"And Steve?" He calls as Steve's hand hits the door, the boy turns to look at him, wide eyed.
"He can be a little... dense. When it comes to these things. Best to be forward. To the point." Wayne nods again, gives Steve a knowing look. Watches as his head tilts like a puppy as he processes.
"Forward. To the point. Okay. I got this." Steve said, nodding, to himself really, before darting out the door.
Wayne shakes his head, smiles as he cleans out his coffee cup and hopes that he'd done right by his boy. He couldn't take much more of Eddie's love sick puppy eyes. And Steve had been doing them for a few months now as well, and it was all too much. It had to be done.
Three hours later the trailer door slams open and Eddie rushes in. Steve hot on his heels, hand locked in Eddie's as he drags him down the hall.
"Evening boys." Wayne says, nonchalant, from his place near the stove, leaning against the counter.
"Hi Wayne!" Steve calls, happy and polite.
"No!" Eddie says, points at Steve aggressively and then to Wayne.
"No more talking! You two have talked enough today!" He half yells, and then drags Steve into his room, both of them laughing. His door slams shut. And then promptly opens again. Eddie bounds into the little kitchen, right into Wayne's space, and nearly tackles him in a tight hug.
Wayne squeezes him back, feels Eddie's lips press gently against his shoulder and then he's gone. Twirling away from his uncle's hold.
"Thanks Wayne." He says, his eyes bright and shining, his cheeks dimpled with happiness, and, right along his jaw, the imprint of teeth. A bitemark. Right on his face.
Wayne nods, and smiles as Eddie disappears into his room again. He can hear them talking and laughing through the wall as he makes dinner. Dinner for three now. As it has been for months.
He cooks. And he thinks. Three hours later and Steve still had to bite him to get his point across. Wayne shakes his head, smiling as he breaks the noodles and tosses them into the water, happy that his boys were finally happy.
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stevesbipanic · 1 month
@steddieangstyaugust Day 23: Skull Rock
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For many years Skull Rock was Eddie's favourite place. When he had his first ever argument with Wayne, shortly after moving there he ran away into the woods. His thought process was that Wayne couldn't send him away if he couldn't find him. What he found was Skull Rock.
He sat under the big boulder, tear tracks drying on his face. The cold surface up against his back calmed him until he felt he could return home. Wayne of course wasn't mad at all anymore, only worried and assured Eddie he would never be sent away.
He often returned to the rock whenever he needed a moment of peace. One day he found he wasn't alone. A small figure was crouched under the rock, similar to the way Eddie had been months before.
The smaller boy jumped at the voice, his face was blotchy from crying. Eddie vaguely recognised him as a boy from school in the grade below him.
"Are you ok?"
The boy wiped at his face quickly, "I'm fine."
"It's ok if you're not, I come here when I'm not fine too, I call it Skull Rock," Eddie said sitting beside him.
"That's a cool name, it's nothing my dad was just mad at me."
Eddie nodded, "Dads can suck sometimes. You can come here whenever you want though we can share the spot. I'm Eddie."
The other boy smiled, "I know, you were in the talent show last week, you guys were cool too. I'm Steve."
Eddie face broke into a grin, "You saw our show? It was pretty metal wasn't it."
From then on the boys met at the rock often, even if neither of them were upset. They traded stories and wandered the woods and climbed up the rock to bathe in the sun. At school it was different, Eddie was seen as weird and Steve was always sat with the basketball kids. But here, here they were best friends.
Skull Rock was theirs, their place, just theirs. There they could be themselves, talk about what they wanted. Even...even share a small kiss, tentative and soft like all first kisses of young love. Skull Rock was theirs.
Until it wasn't.
Until Eddie showed up at the rock one night and saw Steve there, hands in the hair of some curly haired girl, lips joined and eyes closed. Eddie never returned, and Skull Rock became Steve Harrington's make out spot.
Until Spring Break.
Eddie pressed his back against the cold rock begging it to give him some kind of comfort. Traced the spot where two stupid boys promised to be friends forever and carved their initials into the rockface. He hoped that Steve still thought about where Eddie would go to hide.
Eddie has never seen Steve look so relieved to see him, tried to hide his smile when Steve wrapped him in a hug. "Knew you'd be here," he whispered in his ear.
"It was our spot wasn't it?" Eddie hoped his voice hid the sadness in the past tense of the sentence.
"I'm sorry, Eds, I promise to make it up to you when this is over ok."
He thought about that promise as he ran from Dustin and the trailer, how disappointed Steve was going to be in him but he had to keep them all safe.
He's glad Steve was stubborn and refused to let him die. Otherwise, he wouldn't be kissing him now, cold rock against his back.
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thisapplepielife · 3 months
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Written for a @astrangersummer.
Save it For a Rainy Day
Week #9 Prompt: Where It All Started | Word Count: 1950 | Rating: T | POV: Wayne | Characters: Wayne, Eddie, Steve | Pairings: Wayne & Eddie, Steddie | CW: Eddie's Rough Start in Life, Parental Neglect, Language, S4 Canon | Tags: Good Uncle Wayne Munson, Taking in Eddie, Eddie and Steve Meet as Kids, Haircuts and Swimming Playdates, Fix-It, Happy Ending
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He's so little. 
That's the only thought Wayne has, over and over again. He's so goddamn little. With lank, limp hair, all snarled and knotted, matted. Unkempt. Dirty. Dark circles under his sullen eyes. He's small, but at the same time he looks every bit of a hardened fifty-five, at all of seven-years-old.
He didn't look like that the last time Wayne had seen him. 
And Wayne is sick that he's deteriorated to this point, in just two years time. At five, he had been a happy, wild boy. All snips, snails and puppy dog tails. 
With a loud mouth and big, round cheeks.
Al swore he was fine, that they both were, on the rare occasions when he'd call after losing Betts and Wayne had believed him. Until the social worker was on his front steps, Eddie standing there, head bowed, so utterly serious.
"Do you want me to find someone to try and comb it out, or would you like to shave it and start over?" Wayne asks, and Eddie just shrugs. Still not talking, still buried deep within his shell.
Wayne's not going to decide for him. Thinks it should be his decision, but knows it can't stay like this either, even if he doesn't have it in him to start dragging a comb through it. He knows that'll hurt, and he can't do it to Eddie. Won't. 
"When you decide, you let me know," Wayne says, hoping he'll decide sooner rather than later.
It takes three days, but Eddie finally comes up behind Wayne on the couch, and taps him on the shoulder, and makes the motion for shaving his head.
"Okay, I'll get you an appointment," Wayne tells him, because he wants to do this right, and not leave Eddie with the memory of Wayne shaving his head in the kitchen of the trailer. Maybe that's cowardly, but he'd rather push that off on a professional. 
Eddie is sitting on the little wooden board the hairdresser placed over the arms of her chair to make him taller, the hydraulic lift hadn't even been enough to get him where she needed him, and he somehow still looks little.
She gently, oh so gently, takes the clippers to Eddie's hair, shaving off strips, as she talks him through each pass. Eddie seems fine with it, there are no tears, but no smiles either.
This was the right call. A beauty shop, not a barber. Wayne's own barber does just fine on his own hair, but wouldn't have been so delicate with Eddie, and right now, Wayne's pretty sure his boy needs a soft touch.
There's another boy in the chair next to Eddie, probably the same age, but he's so much larger, and more animated. Studying every move of her hand as she barely trims anything off his thick head of hair. He doesn't need the booster board, even if Wayne suspects he's younger than Eddie.
"Nanny Louisa, can I get my haircut like that?"
She laughs, "Steve. Your mother would have both of our hides. We all have very strict orders for your haircut and you know it." 
"Aw, man, it looks so cool," Steve whines, and if Wayne isn't mistaken, that's Richard Harrington's boy. And if that's true, there's no way he's leaving here with his head shaved, that's for damn sure.
And then, as if it were a miracle, Eddie smiles. It's small, faint, barely there. But it's a goddamn smile, aimed at the other little boy that is watching as Eddie's hair falls down all around his chair and onto the floor.
The Harrington boy doesn't win, and only gets a trim, but Eddie has straightened up on the board. Not nearly as withdrawn as he was when they entered the shop.
Maybe shedding all that damaged hair feels like a new start. Wayne sure hopes so, because they're gonna need all the help they can get.
When he's all brushed off, and the plastic cape removed, the hairdressers each hand Eddie and the Harrington boy a coupon for a free ice cream cone at the shop down on the corner. It's a perk for being good in the chair, and they both earned it today.
Eddie clutches his coupon in his little hands.
"Do you want to save that, or get it now?" Wayne asks, and Eddie looks torn. That isn't the look Wayne wants on his face, so he quickly amends his question, "Or both? You can save your coupon for a rainy day, and we can still get ice cream now," Wayne offers.
"Really?" Eddie says, looking so hopeful, and it's the most beautiful word Wayne's ever heard in his whole life.
"Really," he reassures, "you save it until you want to use it. And I'll buy, today."
"Can we go get ice cream, too, Nanny Louisa?" the Harrington boy asks, and she looks reluctant, but finally nods. She couldn't let him get his head shaved, but ice cream, that's probably a much more doable request.
Wayne sits at the table with Louisa and makes the world's most uncomfortable small talk, as the boys sit at another table together, and jabber back and forth. Well, Steve is doing most of the talking, but Eddie, his sweet Eddie, has said more in the past thirty minutes than he has in the past week, and Wayne doesn't care who has gotten those words out of him, he'll be grateful. 
When the cones are gone, both boys appear at the side of the table, "Eddie's coming over tomorrow to swim," Steve announces. 
"Oh, is he?" his nanny asks, teasing Steve, and Wayne smiles. 
"He is. His uncle will bring him," Steve says with a confidence that things will always go his way in life, and Wayne hopes that rubs off on Eddie, just a little bit.
"I will?" Wayne teases, and Eddie meets his eyes, and Wayne nods. "If it's okay with Miss Louisa, I think that could be arranged."
"I don't know how to swim," Eddie admits on the way home, and Wayne laughs.
"Maybe you shouldn't have made a swimming playdate then, kid," Wayne teases, and Eddie laughs, a small quiet laugh. But it was a laugh. Wayne heard it.
"Yeah," Eddie says, and then he's quiet for a stretch, "could you teach me?"
Wayne isn't so sure that's his area of expertise, but he supposes he could try, "Yeah, I can try."
Knowing Eddie would be far too embarrassed to go to the public pool, Wayne takes Eddie out to the swimming side of Lover's Lake.
Wayne, not sure the last time he's even been in shorts, wades out in the water in his cut-off jeans, surely blinding the boaters a mile out with his white legs, as Eddie walks in beside him.
And Wayne teaches him, always staying within an arm's reach. And Eddie swims. It might not be the fancy strokes that the Harrington boy can surely swim, in his private pool with his private swimming lessons. 
But Eddie's doing it, and Wayne feels like maybe, just maybe, he's finally done something right for the kid today.
Eddie's laughing, and splashing, a quick study, and Wayne lets him paddle around for as long as he wants, until the sun threatens to sink beyond the horizon. 
Once back on shore, Wayne wraps him up in a towel, just one from the house, and gets him back into the truck.
"I'm starving," Eddie says.
"The downside to going swimming, I'm afraid," Wayne answers, but swings by Benny's Burgers on the way home, getting them both a burger, fries and a milkshake. Ice cream twice in one day is fine, Wayne's pretty sure, since Wayne's celebrating the first good day they've had since Eddie got here.
Anything the kid wants, forever, Wayne will do his best to make happen.
In the morning, Wayne brings Eddie by Melvald's General Store, to let Eddie pick out a beach towel from the rack. Eddie combs through them, so serious as he checks out the options: Star Wars and Barbie and Huckleberry Hound.
"Garfield!" Eddie finally declares, and Wayne supposes that's the one. 
"Garfield, great choice," Wayne says, taking the towel to the counter so they can pay for it. So Eddie won't be embarrassed bringing a fraying old towel from home. So he'll have something new, and fun, that he picked out all for himself. 
Wayne probably should have washed it first, but he's not that organized, and Eddie'll live. Wayne pulls off the tag and hands it over, and Eddie hugs it to his chest.
Pulling into the circle drive at the Harrington's is weird, to say the least. He's never set foot on the property, and never imagined he ever would. But, Eddie's brought a lot of changes, and if Eddie likes this other little boy, and he's kind, Wayne will be polite and make his boy happy in any way he knows how.
That evening, when he picks Eddie up, he's tired, and a little sunburnt, but rattling off information about his new friend and all their grand plans for the summer vacation.
And as time always goes, that summer flew by too fast, and before Wayne knew it, years had passed. The boys drifted apart as fast as they became friends. As kids do. By high school, Wayne hasn't heard the name Steve Harrington from Eddie's mouth in years. 
But that summer, that first summer, Wayne will forever be grateful for him. For Steve Harrington, Garfield beach towels, and more ice cream cones than he could ever begin to count. To swimming, and fishing, and playing in the backyard. 
To the little kid that made his boy smile again.
And when Steve Harrington, now grown into a man, shows up on Wayne's doorstep, Eddie's denim vest clutched in his hands, filthy and blood-stained, Wayne lets him inside without a word. 
Wayne takes one look at him, and tells him to wait there. 
He has to dig, but he finally finds Eddie's piggy bank in a cardboard box that he'd packed from the remnants of the trailer, and pulls out the bottom plug. Change falls out, clattering onto the desk. 
But inside, there's a slip of paper. Folded to fit, and dirty from spending so much time hanging out amongst the coins.
Wayne clutches it in his hand, and when he presses it into Steve's palm, trading him for the vest, Steve looks down at it, his eyes wet and red-rimmed.
Wayne starts, "I don't know if you remember-"
"Of course I remember," Steve cuts him off. 
"Well, I thought today might be that rainy day."
Steve laughs, and sniffles a little, both at the same time.
"This ice cream shop has been closed for years," Steve says, but he's finally smiling, just a little. 
Eddie's not here to do it himself, not here to coax out that smile, so Wayne's repaid the debt for Eddie himself. 
"Yeah, well…" Wayne trails off.
"But it is, you know," Steve says, "that rainy day. So, thank you."
And months later, Eddie shows up on Wayne's doorstep again. Dirty, his hair matted, and eyes downcast. Thin, worn to the bone, and as silent and stoic as he had been at seven. Wayne asks no questions. The answers don't matter right now. Instead, he pulls on him, hugging him tight, welcoming him home.
They've done this before, and they can do it again. And Wayne's grateful to have the opportunity. He was so sure he'd never see him again.
Then, after Wayne's gotten Eddie settled, and Eddie is standing in front of the bathroom mirror, combing out his own hair, Wayne excuses himself, heading for the kitchen to call Steve Harrington.
Wayne tells him to bring ice cream.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @astrangersummer and follow along with the fun!
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mysticmunson · 1 year
press play: alpha!steddie x omega!reader
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(my blog is 18+)
authors note: hi i've been working on this for a bit and i hope u enjoy. special thanks to my loves, @lilacletter and @andvys for their constant support and feedback. feedback and requests are always welcomed.
warnings: smut, a/b/o dynamics, mentions of pain during sex
summary: while hosting the weekly movie night, eddie has a shocking revelation that leaves him and steve scrambling, but for more reasons than one.
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The humid rain covered the patches of grass and dirt at Forest Hills Trailer Park, clouds of grey hiding the light blue sky. It was movie night, the one evening when Steve did something mildly rebellious by sneaking a VHS from Family Video after his Friday shift, which he will talk about until Eddie does something more nefarious.
Stormy days made Eddie feel peaceful, enjoying the soft background noise it provided and the coolness it brought to Hawkins. After long hours at the garage, he enjoyed smoking a bowl and listening to it as he strummed on his guitar.
Grabbing the blankets from his cupboard, Eddie placed them on the couch in a blue and black pile, throwing the decorative pillows to one side. A gentle knock hit the front door, blending in with the patter on the roof. His heavy footsteps hit the thin flooring, the friends outside noting his approach.
Swinging open the door, you and Steve greeted him with smiles, yours more genuine than the boy beside you. Walking in, he got a whiff of your light perfume, the one you had worn since high school that smelled of hydrangeas. In a flowing lilac sundress, a pale yellow cardigan covered your exposed shoulders, leaving your neck open.
Along with securing the entertainment, Steve picked you up from your job on the way over, showing up around an hour after Eddie got off of work. He made sure to get rid of the smell of oil and grease, throwing his coveralls in the washer and jumping in the shower. 
He’d spray some cologne on, but dress casually in sweats and a band tee. Mainly because he didn’t have the energy to redress when the night was done and that his hands would be shoved in them as soon as the door locked. 
“What’s on the schedule for tonight, Harrington?” Eddie asked, shutting the door behind you both removed your shoes. Bending down to your Mary Janes, Steve and Eddie shared an accidental glance, both trying to see if the other was indulging in the not-so-friendly glance. 
“The Lost Boys,” He announced with a smirk, “Just came in, not even in our system yet, I have the morning shift Sunday, so no one will know a thing.”
You gasped, excitedly rising on your white sock-covered toes, grabbing the VHS from Steve’s hands. Eddie had been excited to see the film, even loved it, but he also knew about your bias for the Corey’s; Haim and Feldman. 
“I’m giving you two opportunities to say something about Thing 1 and Thing 2, that’s it!” Eddie protested, smirking as you gasped, smacking his chest. But Eddie’s playful comments couldn’t detour your mood, not when the sexy vampires looked back at you.
Walking over to the couch, you sat and looked over the cover, looking over the red poster on the front. Eddie smiled at your joy, looking until the startling realization hit him. Steve could see him tense beside him, shooting a strange look in his direction. 
“Hey, Steve I found this old VHS in my closet, let’s see if you guys have it at work!” Eddie spoke, cutting Steve off from his impending interjection, “Would you mind getting the popcorn started, sweetheart?”
You nodded, walking to the kitchen as the two boys departed to the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind them. Turning around, Steve threw his hands up in astonishment, accustomed to his friend's antics, but slightly annoyed.
“This is bad, we gotta get her out of here.” Eddie paced, “Or at least distracted.”
Furrowing his brows, Steve cocked his hip to the side, “Why the hell do we need to do that, she’s so excited-”
“I left porn in the VHS, man! I didn’t even properly stop it, so it’s going to come on full volume!” Eddie grits in a hushed tone, face blooming a fiery shade of red.
Both young men had presented as alphas a few weeks ago, confiding in each other about the inevitable awkwardness that followed. Many of their friends had yet to present, leaving them to navigate things on their own accord.
“Ah, dude.” Steve sighed, rubbing his palms down his flustered face, “Where did you even get that from, I see your rent history at work.”
Fumbling with his words, Eddie shot his gaze to the ground, scratching behind his head. 
“I bought it from some dude, it’s an alpha and omega porn.” Eddie blushed, his fingernail slotting between his teeth as his foot tapped impatiently. 
Due to the intensity being an alpha brought, it was hard to sedate one during the rut. He decided to track down a copy of some, watching it while out of his heightened sensitivity to ensure its authenticity. Most of the erotic films produced were by betas as they could keep their sexuality in check, abiding by a script or more than one partner.
He had experimented with those a few times, especially prior to becoming an alpha, but he needed more. It wasn’t enough to sedate him, typically becoming angry at the unsatisfying sex before him, furthering his resistance. 
Staring back at him with intensity, Steve awaits some more of an explanation, secretly craving more details. Neither of them had mated with an omega, only going off of textbooks and their imagination. 
“I’m taking that, repayment for all the movies I’ve taken.” Steve griped, thumb and index finger toying with the loose thread on his blue jeans on his thigh. 
“What? Fuck no, I paid a lot of money for that shit, it’s perfect too. Looks just like-” Eddie snarled, cutting himself off before his secret fell through the cracks. While it happened by accident, the omega in the film was perfect for him.
Throwing his head back in annoyance, blinking slowly at the ceiling, Steve began to pace. No longer focusing on the idea you may see Eddie’s pervy secret, but the fact he needed to slip that in his bag somehow.
“Looks like who, Munson?” Steve sassed, watching Eddie’s eyes flicker to his door and back, “Holy shit, it looks like her, doesn’t it?”
Unbeknownst to them, you had made the snack, putting it in a large bowl on the coffee table in the living room. Not wanting to disrupt them, you popped open the plastic covering to the movie, hoping to prepare it for them.
Pressing the red button at the left corner of the remote, the static TV showed a bedroom, making your eyebrows furrow. It was far too low of quality to be a film, the audio slightly muffled while you adjusted it to the lowest volume. The grey hue on the screen made it almost eerie, a king-sized mattress with tan sheets in an indistinguishable location.
Sitting against the couch, you watched as a man and woman ferociously made out, making your cheeks sting. The woman had hair identical to yours, a body built similarly, and synonymous facial features. That aspect alone had kept you honed in on the blurry interaction, anticipating the next movements they would conduct as their clothes were removed.
The scene quickly intensified, heat flooding every area of your body, particularly between your legs. You had yourself or seen anyone present, but watching this, you knew it wasn’t betas. Catching a few glimpses at typical dirty flicks, they were not like this, usually with loud music playing in the background and extravagant moaning.
There were no backing vocals as the man freed himself from his boxers, his erection larger than anything you had ever seen and intruding between the woman’s legs as she cried out. The scene should’ve traumatized you as she cried, digging her fingernails into his clear skin in, presumably, pleasure. 
But you couldn’t look away. Too infatuated by the way it created a stir in your body, pulling your knees to your chest, feeling your heart race within your chest. The erotic language used by them made your core melt, his unadulterated need to be inside of her as her unalloyed passion seeped into his ears. 
Just a wall over, Steve and Eddie’s intense conversation had taken a turn for the worse at the knowledge of the resemblance between you and the woman. Instead of planning on how to navigate the situation, Eddie sat on his bed in shame, staring at the ground as he awaited Steve’s disgust. The question of how could he have seen their precious best friend this way, who wouldn’t harm the smallest of creatures and cared for them so deeply.
“I’ve thought about it too.” Steve stated, looking at the Metallica tour poster hung on the door, “Thought about how when her legs would brush past mine and that they weren’t always shaven, thinking that her bush must be similar.”
“Steve,” Eddie began, though no rebuttal was followed as he had also conceptualized this imagery even further. 
Gulping his intensity down, Steve turned his body to face his friend, but didn’t look into his eyes. The clothes on his body felt freshly constricting than when he got dressed this morning, the room sweltering as he tossed off his jacket to the bed.
“She’s a neat girl, it’d be clean, but, fuck.” He chuckled, blushing at his own crass language, “Felt like such an asshole, wondering how she sounded, felt, and tasted.”
Mouth hung open in shock, Eddie’s breath added weight as he thought harder, sweat building beneath his pores. He wasn’t sure if this was for the better that both of them had thought these things as it didn’t validate the urges, but it felt better knowing he wasn’t alone.
“Thought about her begging for me, throwing her down on my bed and driving into her.” Eddie revealed, both boys now shooting daggers at Kirk Hammet’s tee on the poster that separates them from you.
“Having her over and trying to ignore how good she smelled, how pretty she’d look stuffed and pregnant.” Steve affirmed, Eddie’s cock lurching at the idea, his fists forming. 
The boys knew it was vile to be discussing you like this, knowing if someone else had been saying these things about you, they would’ve killed them. However, the inner craving that had been clawing its way through their layers of restraint was growing thin, diminishing into small pieces in Eddie’s bedroom.
Time was lost on the three of you as you continued to examine the spectacle before you until it became unbearable. An unprecedented inundation wave of fear settled within you, your body trembling as tears filled your eyes, confused as you weren’t glum.
Standing on shaky limbs, you hit the pause button, racing to the nearby fridge to drink from the plastic water bottle inside. While refreshing, it did little to quell the requisite sprouting, stuck between the feeling of fleeing and crawling into a ball. Your amativeness was deliberately resonating between your legs, it only increased as you tried to recollect yourself.
Noises from beyond the wall shook the men from their illusion, their heads darting upwards as Eddie rose from his position on the bed. The air was thick, quickly pondered if you’d be able to notice the change in demeanor. 
“I’m going home, sorry.” You squeaked in an absurdly raised tone, the quaint crack in your voice catching their attention immediately, their nerves dropping to their lower stomach. The worry that you had overheard them was evident as they looked at each other, almost tripping over their own feet to get out the door. 
In a blur of yellow and lilac, you raced toward the door, legs still unsteady from the influx of hormones you felt. 
Eddie noticed the paused screen before him, his fear becoming a reality as he noticed your unsettled state, blocking the door with his body before you could scurry away with your black shoes in hand. It was raining and you had been dropped off here, there was no way in hell you were walking home, nonetheless alone.��
“Shit, let me explain, I swear I completely forgot it was in there,” Eddie began to divulge, looking at Steve for assistance, but caught his fierce glare on your cowering structure. 
Looking mystified, he wondered what warranted this response from one of her closest friends, especially when it was mainly at the fault of himself and neither of them. You turned around, facing the boy behind you, dropping your shoes to the ground.
“Steve, what the fuck-” Eddie began, ready to berate him to no end for startling you, but neither of you flinched, only his eyes boring into yours. 
“You need to tell us right now whether you want to go home or stay.” Steve rumbled, his voice merely leaving his chest unscathed, sharpening its potential dredges. He was trying not to express his fierceness, but the months of repression were crawling up his chill-adorned skin.
The realization hit Eddie with the equivalence of a head-on collision, nearly knocking him to his knees as he detected the change in energy not just within themselves, but with you. 
Eddie was falling right behind him within his head, taking a step further to stand beside his friend. Your eyes flickered to his, hugging your own middle as they looked with preying eyes.
It wasn’t the boys making you unnerved, but rather the sensation itself, how each symptom became increasingly more evident with their presence. You were still unsure what was occurring, dampness coating your under eyes. 
“I don’t want to leave.” You peeped, watching as their jaws tightened, a slight hint of urge within their glimmering iris’. 
“Are you sure, sweetheart? I think you’re presenting.” Eddie consoled, pulling at your heartstrings at their worry. You could only imagine what they were resisting, the primal urges with a fresh omega available to them. Still, you nodded, tentatively inching closer and tucking a stray strand of hair from Steve’s stern face to behind his ear.
He impetuously pulled you to his body, lifting you with ease as your legs wrapped around his waist, meeting you with a kiss. His mouth tasted pleasant, a hint of mint on him along with the iced tea he had been drinking earlier in the car. 
As if preordained, he took you to the bedroom, kicking the door open and closed with his foot. Only Eddie stopped it from hitting his face, a scowl on his features as he heard you whimper into his touch. He set your body on the unmade bed, about to climb up onto it.
“Alright, asshole, this is my house.” He proclaimed, wrenching Steve up from over your body, assuming his position. 
Eddie’s mouth was different than Steve’s, but equally alluring. The mint was more prominent on his tongue, due to his adamant scrubbing before you arrived, but with the faintest hint of tobacco from his lunchtime cigarette. His caress was much more gentle, but equally feverish.
Steve caressed your sides, fingers trailing against the seams of your dress, his mouth meeting your neck and jawline. The wet pecks littered your skin, overwhelming your once coherent senses into pure urgency. The pain settled in your pelvic opening, fire spreading against your bones as sweat came from your skin. 
The heaving didn’t go unnoticed by the boys, pulling away and stroking you, Eddie removing the hairs from your forehead as Steve sat you up. With the other boy now on his haunches, Steve maneuvered the sweater to the floor, tossing it to the side and letting his shirt join.
Eddie soon removed his, smirking as he watched your awestruck expression at his frame. You sat up, scooting to sit against his headboard as they glanced at you. The layers of taut clothes began to irritate them further, grumbling to stand and forcing their pants off. Steve sighed at the alleviation sans the denim, while Eddie appreciated the lack of contact on his throbbing member. 
They planted their knees on the bed, Eddie to your right and Steve to your left. Subtly under gawking, their brown eyes fixated on you, the longer-haired of the two outstretching his inked arm to raise your dress. 
“M’sorry.” You murmured, their eyes softening at your quivering voice, looking down to see what you were referencing. Groaning in strange harmony, they saw your slick had basined the sheets beneath you. 
Mistaking that for disdain, panic grew in your brain, “I can go, I can walk home.” The comment was made in a haze, both boys knowing that even stepping outside would be dangerous like this. 
“Shh, it’s okay, that’s what we want. Means we get to help you.” Steve cooed, his hand sliding to your thighs, fingertips skimming your sopping core. 
“I liked the video.” You whispered, a wicked grin on Eddie’s face as he pulled the dress over your head, leaving you in your floral-printed panties and skin-colored bra. The garments kept you fully covered, but it only spurred their enthusiasm, feeling like opening a Christmas gift.
“Did you?” Eddie teased, fingers dipping beneath the thin fabric and against your dripping heat, “Oh fuck.” He shivered at the brush of skin, hips jutting in the air as his nose nuzzled against your cheek.
“Are you guys that big?” You gasped, Steve’s hands cupping your breasts as Eddie continued feeling your folds. 
The attempted stifle of their laughs didn’t work due to the close proximity of your bodies, feeling the change in lips and hand placement. Eddie snaked his hand to your back, letting the brasserie fall down your shoulders until he pulled it off.
“Don’t worry ‘bout that, honey, we’ll take care of you.” Steve purred, the words alone making you mewl, back arching into his touch. He went to your hipbone, ripping each side of your underwear to veer them off easily. 
With Eddie perched on his arm and laid on his side, your body slotted beside his as Steve went to pull off his boxers. Only catching the faintest glance, you gulped as he settled between your legs. Jitters boiled within you at the unknown, a flash of doubt in your head over if this would be detrimental to the years of friendship, but the egregious pain took control.
There was truly no one you felt safer with than them, but the brisk shift from even half an hour ago to now was shocking. It felt unreal as they touched you, being mollified into a world where they were the rulers. 
While you had contemplated being with either of them, the thoughts rolling like a rolodex in your head were pathetic. The pitiful thoughts convinced you that you would do anything to make them happy, crying at their feet and kissing the ground they walked on for even a juncture of their recognition. 
His thick mushroom tip prodded your entrance, yelping at the stretch as he inched in, the other man slinging an arm around your waist to pull you closer. He pressed kisses on the sides of your face, his brief-clad cock pressed against your thigh, feeling his subdue jut forward.
Choking on air, the burn intensified in your body, the new propensity to weakness you had been experiencing crashing in. A sob wracked through, much to their concern mentally as their bodies betrayed them, only becoming harder.
“It’s okay, omega, it’s okay. We’ve got you.” Eddie cooed sweetly, tilting your face towards his and kissing you gingerly. 
While alphas did dominate, they too faced vulnerability in their desire, wanting nothing more than to assist their omega through their turmoil. None of them had even heard of two alphas and an omega, or vice versa, making this no-mans land. Still, their typical kind selves percolated through the intense exterior, making your comfort at the forefront of their concerns. 
Your hands were clutching air as you tried to find some way to hold onto them, the magnitude of your disarray becoming evident. Senses that belonged to an omega enacted, you coveted their approval, now brutally cognizant of their own needs. 
To be an omega is to satisfy your alpha, just as an alpha is meant to tend to its omega. The delicate balance of the feeling of vulnerability mended into fulfillment. So with two alphas at your side, it felt near impossible, worrying you would leave one distraught. Thankfully, the boys weren’t in their ruts, so their stream of consciousness was far clearer. 
“Hey, hey.” Steve gently called, watching your eyes focus on him, “There she is, you have to stay with us, pretty girl.” The term of endearment made your walls flutter, reminding you how deep he truly was.
The incomprehensible babbling leaving your puffy lips leaves them concerned, Eddie possessing the aptitude to slip his thumb against them, drawing it into your mouth in an assuring manner. 
“Want your… in my mouth, please.” You sweetly puled to them both, not bringing yourself to the vulgarity that they could fill in on their own.
Exchanging a glance, Eddie was pulling his briefs off, shuddering in relief as he met the air. The man currently between your legs benignly slipped from you, a surge of torment knocking the wind from you, gasping. Much to your relief, Eddie soon took his spot, beginning to insert himself as you met Steve’s eyes.
Taking his large hand around his own throbbing manhood, he collected your abundant desire with locked eyes, licking it from his palm. The sight stifled you, back arching as Eddie tried his best to make it as comfortable as possible. Sending a glare at his friend, he mumbled for him to stop, leaning down to hover over you.
Just as the tip had fit snugly, Steve shot you a sly wink, making you wail and curl into Eddie’s chest. When he got halfway in, he sat up and smacked Steve’s chest who held his hands in surrender. 
“M’sorry he’s mean, angel.” He murmured, kissing your hairline and then your lips, feeling your tension dissolve with each slot of your lips. Pulling away with a strand of spit, it spills down your chin and chest, dripping between your sensitive breasts.
“I’m sorry about the teasing, honey. Just the tip, pull away if it’s too much, okay?” Steve smiled, leaning down to kiss your head as you got up on your elbows. Tsking, he put some pillows behind your back, propping you up with ease.
Tongue falling out, he slid the most sensitive part of himself against you, shuddering as you enclosed it with a suck. 
The pleasure consumed you, your leg kicking out subconsciously, which Eddie caught quickly as you whined. They both chuckled, Eddie’s ringed hand going to clutch your hip to hold you still, his thumb inching towards your clit. Ghosting the bundle of nerves, you gasped, choking with your head bobbing.
Hand springing down to smack it away, he retreated, apologizing as Steve wiped the tears that sprang from your eyes. Fighting the urge to let your eyes close and have them use you, you focused on their torsos. Skin you had seen in glimpses before, but in more neutral settings, but now you could feel the tuft of hair brushing against your body.
Eddie’s was pale, black ink on his arms and chest, plans to add more soon. Steve was golden, somehow maintaining a tan through the brisk Indiana weather. Both with brown hair, Eddie’s remained unruly as Steve kept it in top shape, making you want to pull it. Looking up at the boy’s hazel eyes made you choke again, whimpering as he pulled out.
The boys exchanged a look, trying to decipher what their next move was as you succumbed to the bliss of Eddie fucking you. Steve went to sit behind you, thigh on each side as he wrapped his arms around you, feeling his throbbing cock against your warm skin.
The tickle of Steve’s stubble hit your cheek, making you squirm as one of his arms kept you pressed to him, the other playing with himself. Eddie continued his pace, speeding up slightly as he felt his end growing near.
As an alpha, you not only need sexual satisfaction, but an emotional one too. So while Eddie may be fucking you, he’s not able to coddle you like Steve is doing as he watches you kiss. Steve is thriving with the affection, but his cock is feeling quite neglected after feeling you and resorting back to his hand.
“Almost there, shit. Let go, baby.” Eddie mumbled, glancing up at his friend who nodded, his own pace increasing. It was clear you were a bit far gone, looking at them in a trance as they maneuvered you.
Steve gripped both of your thighs, spreading them wider for Eddie to speed up and restricting your arm movement while he touched your clit. The wail that came filled the room, fat tears rolling down your hot cheeks as your body began to shake.
“I can’t, just give me your knot!” You shivered, the foreign feeling startling you, control slipping through your fingertips as they played you like a fiddle. 
“You won’t get my knot if you don’t come.” Eddie growled, his chest vibrating in the unusually low register he had taken on.
The choice of dominance was shown to be a mistake as your lip wobbled, mustering out a “What?”
Eddie looked up in fear as you began to panic, Steve trying his best to restrain and calm you after smacking his friend upside the head. 
“It’s okay, omega, he didn’t mean it.” Steve cooed, “He’s going to give you every last drop.” Your body seemed to relax more, but it was still on edge, your mind responding quicker to the words of assurance.
The man inside of you’s lip’s reached yours feverishly, catching you midbreath as the one behind you scattering kisses on your neck. The heat radiating off of their bodies increased your excruciation, but lured you to your impending fate.
The jubilant conclusion hit you hard, neither of their paces faltering as you gushed, Eddie’s hips bearing down as he released inside of you and Steve following soon after on his hand, teeth prodding into your shoulder. 
Radio static filled your senses as you lay between them, forgetting where you were or any worldly concepts. The room’s heavy weight had been lifted, a tranquil aura in its place as the boys regulated their breathing. Steve’s eyes fluttered open, vision focusing on you slouched against his chest, panting.
“You did so good, omega.” He cooed, earning a squeak in return as you opened your eyes, looking at him before he kissed your head. Eddie kissed the same place, stroking your hip lovingly. 
As his swelling diminished, Eddie slipped from your hold, making you whimper. Both hushed you reassuringly, Steve laying back after cleaning himself and bringing you with him, letting you curl against his chest. 
Eddie vanished into the trailer and returned with water and snacks, the popcorn and candy from earlier mixed in the bowl. Steve would scold him for not bringing a more nutritious choice, but also knew he likely had nothing in his pantry. 
With the exhaustion covering your eyes, you rubbed them with your fists, Eddie joining you on the bed as you sat up.
“Can we watch the movie now?” You yawned, grabbing a piece of the tepid popcorn, popping it in your mouth, and wincing at the kernel. Eddie moved to sit at your side now, leaning back against the propped-up pillows.
Steve scoffed, finger aimlessly running against your bareback, feeling the small divots he had only witnessed in stolen glances. He was feeling exhausted and couldn’t imagine you would feel far more energized, seeing your sluggish movements.
“I want to see my boyfriends, The Corey’s, on screen.” You protested with a lazy smile, settling beside them as they dramatically gasped and grimaced. 
However, this playful banter now felt more authentic, giving each other a look above your head. They both felt the instant fire igniting at the mention of another man, someone else having you in this way, and it made them sick. Neither considered themselves possessive, a bit protective, but nothing egregious until now.
“I’m burning that tape.” Eddie grumbled as you whined, making him smile at his subtle victory. 
“Don’t you dare, it’ll come out of my paycheck.” Steve grumbled, his fingers working through a knot in your hair as you looked at both of them in rapture, Eddie fixing the blanket over your body. 
Twisting to find a place of solace, you attempted to be weighed down by their frames, squishing beneath Eddie’s arm and shoulder before attempting to move Steve’s on the other side of you.
“What’re you doing?” Eddie remarked with a grin, lifting his arm so you became confined between his bicep and ribcage. 
“Want you both on top of me.” You grumbled as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, it made sense in your mind that had been scrambled like puzzle pieces for the past hour, finally making a semblance of a picture.
Yanking his arm up, you nuzzled beneath, humming contently at his warm skin, spotting the small freckles spread across the expanse of his back. Steve cuddled behind you while the other man twisted to face you, sandwiching you between them. 
The occasional peck to your skin from both of them occurred every few minutes, like they had forgotten you were there before having an epiphany, mending their own succor as their adrenaline settled again. 
As your own epinephrine began to appease, it was exchanged for a solid slumber, safe between the bodies of the two people you trusted the most. 
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The next morning came like a gentle breeze, the younger of the two boys rousing from his sleep, flummoxed by his surroundings till the events of the night before came to a head. Grabbing his boxers from the floor, he pulled on the grey clothes and realized parts of your clothes were missing.
Uneasiness fluttered in his chest as he shook Eddie who rose much quicker than anticipated, putting on his own underwear before they looked out into the rest of the trailer. The idea of you alone right now was enough to make them go mad, eyes scanning over every inch of the small abode.
“You don’t think she left, do you?” Steve whispered, pondering the question that loomed between the two of them as they went back into the bedroom. Just as they did, a scuffle sounded from behind his closet door, signaling them closer.
The apprehension in their shoulders loosened as they realized you were likely nesting, a common practice for omegas during their heats, explaining why both of their shirts were now missing. The wooden door creaked as it slid, uncovering you in a pile of clothes, sporting Steve’s top and surrounded by Eddie’s garments.
“Hi, pretty girl.” Steve smiled, watching as you reflected it with more timidity, burrowing your face into the mountain beneath you. The mix of their natural scents and colognes blended into a perfect dose to sedate your wavering sensibilities. 
As content as you were, they were antsy to dote on you, giving the other a quick look that secretly confirmed the paired thought. Eddie put his hand in the pile, feeling around cautiously before skimming down your nose, feeling a playful nip once he reached your lips.
A warning tap hit your nose without an ounce of malice, making you scrunch your features, pressing a kiss to the afflicted area on him. You rose from your cave, patting down your hair that had been mangled in your sleep and this morning. 
Waking up in a fog, a wanton urge surged through you, foraging any piece of them left discarded on the floor. The room felt too big, a massive counterargument to the typical stuffy feeling you experienced previously, and you tried to find a suitable spot to relocate. 
The daunting thought of deviating from the bedroom was too much for you as you scanned over the messy boys' bedroom, settling with the closet. Moving some of his forgotten trinkets to the side, there was a perfect place for you and your findings, surrounding the open space with their aroma.
Shuffling forward to them, they engulfed you in a shared hug, selfishly inhaling your new prominent scent that was not as noticeable yesterday upon first presenting. Your change in body language caught them before your mind processed it, stiffening and too aware of the skin on yours.
“Eds, Stevie.” You mewled, eyes closed with lips against Eddie’s pulse point, breath quickening as your brain caught up.
“It’s okay, we got you.” He mumbled, rising up as Steve helped you stand, guiding you to the bed that hadn’t recovered from the hours before.
Neither were quite sure what you were at the moment, if this meant the beginning of a genuine relationship or the start of a complicated friendship as their lips met your warm skin again. All they knew was you had laid between their arms with a satisfied smile on your face, embracing the warmth and comfort of them both. And that was their personal sublime for now.
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hi hi :)
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racergirl-112 · 1 month
Push Me Over - Hugh Jackman and OG Reader
Since I get into writing these fan fics based on who I'm obsessed with at that time, then my library is all over the place. Like a lot of people, I have rekindled my 10 year old crush on Hugh Jackman.
Here is a taste of my original story featuring the man, the legend, the man who makes my daddy issues ok, Hugh Jackman and my original character.
Let me know if you want more!
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WARNINGS:::::::::MDNI (Future chapters) Angst; love; loss; so much smut. Fingering, unprotected pinv (wrap it up); creampie, orgasm, mention of death; age gap. Reader is in her 30s and Hugh is 55.
Up and coming actress Danielle (Dani) James Levy just got the opportunity of a lifetime, a supporting role in her Uncle Shawn Levy's new film with his best friends, a little film called Deadpool and Wolverine. She has all intentions of being professional and getting her first big break, but little does she know all her plans are about to be derailed by her co-star and her uncle's friend. None other than Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman.
Once they meet and test the limits of their chemistry, along with their 23 year age gap, more than fireworks begin to erupt.
With Hugh coming off his divorce and Dani trying to stay professional, will that keep them from their happy ending?
******************************************************************* Chapter 1: At First Glance
May 2023
There was a knock on her trailer door as Dani Levy scrolled her phone. “Come in,” she answered. The door swung open and her Uncle Shawn walked in. She set her phone down because she knew if he was here, then it was something important. After a few small parts and background acting, her Uncle Shawn had gotten her a big audition for a supporting role in the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie. Being a fan of Marvel and her Uncle, she jumped at the opportunity. 
“Dani, are you ready for your big debut?” her Uncle Shawn asked. 
“Absolutely, just really nervous. I mean Ryan is cool, but I get to work with everyone else and haven’t even met them yet.” 
“Well, that’s why I’m here. I wanted to do a little team dinner tonight to welcome everyone to filming. It’ll help introduce everyone before filming and hopefully break the ice.” 
“Wasn’t that what you do at a table read?” Dani asked. 
“Usually, yes. This project has been so locked down though, we didn’t have a chance to do one with everyone’s schedules and plus half the script would have had to have been redacted.” 
“Sorry, you know the stuff I’ve done. I haven’t had to do these types of things before. I’m just nervous,” Dani replied. 
“It’s all good kid, you know Uncle Shawn has your back. Who knows, this might open you up to new adventures and opportunities,” he said, getting up to leave. Dani followed her Uncle to the door as she watched him leave.  New adventures and opportunities. Yeah right. Boy, was she in for a big surprise. 
Later that night, Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds pulled up to the restaurant the team had rented out for the cast and crew to get to know each other. 
“Are you sure you’re still on board, man?” Ryan asked. 
“Yeah mate, I’m still committed. I wouldn’t grow my facial hair like this for nothing,” Hugh answered. 
Ryan let out a laugh. “How are things going at home?”
“Well, Deb and I went to the lawyer last week to officially finalize the divorce paperwork. It just feels weird.” Ryan put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. 
“Look man, if you need anything, you know I’m here and so is Blake. If Shawn knows too, you know he’ll help you out too.” 
“Thanks Mate,” Hugh replied as they walked into the restaurant and to the bar. 
Dani decided to not make it look like she was one of those nepo Hollywood kids, so she decided that she would arrive separately from her uncle. She pulled on the hem of her short black long-sleeve dress she had decided to wear, feeling self-conscious in her decision. She stood at the door of the party and took a big breath before walking in. People mingled around the large room, then she spotted her Uncle at the bar next to Ryan. 
“Ah, look who finally got here,” her Uncle Shawn said. 
“I’m not late,” Dani said, looking at her watch with a panicked look. 
“What’s up kid?” Ryan asked, pulling her in for a hug.
“Hi Ryan! Kid really?,” Dani replied with a laugh. She glanced at the man standing beside Ryan. He looked familiar, but also super hot. The way his arm muscles filled out his collared shirt, to the stubble beard that peppered his jawline was making Dani feel some sort of way. 
“Ryan, you already know my niece, but Dani, I’d like you to meet Hugh Jackman or as everyone knows him, wolverine.” 
“Nice to meet you, Dani,” he said, his hand reaching out to shake hers. The smile he gave her, adding to the list of things she was finding attractive about this man. 
“Nice to meet you too, Hugh. My Uncle has told me alot about you,” she replied with a smile. 
“I hope all good things,” he replied with a smile. “Shawn, I didn’t know your niece was an actress.” 
“Well, she is and she is super talented. When we got the script finalized and talked to Ryan and Kevin about who would fit the part, I suggested Dani to audition.”
“She’s not so bad,” Ryan replied, putting his arm around her shoulder, acting like another uncle or older brother. 
“You two are embarrassing. I’m trying not to look like I got the part because I’m related to the director,” Dani replied. 
“I think you’ll be just fine,” Hugh answered, giving her a wink. Dani nodded, downing her drink before excusing herself to talk to someone else on the cast. Little did she know, she had captured the one person’s attention that had put her in a way and now he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. 
Insert the beginning of all the problems. 
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medusapelagia · 1 month
23 Meet me at Skull Rock
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt: Skull Rock) and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt:Musician ), @aug-kissed (prompt: Using Tongue) Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: no one Words: 1403
(Did Tumblr eat my fic... AGAIN?! Yes! It did! But now I'm smarter and I have copies! Lol XD)
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The car is parked down the road, hidden behind a thick bush and a big tree, the same place Steve used every time he hung out at Skull Rock. Nobody could see it from the street and that gave him all the privacy he needed.
Steve has been to Skull Rock so many times by now, but every time was different from the time before.
There was a time when he was still King Steve and he used to come here with the girl of the week. There was a time when he was just Steve, and he drove Nancy here just to look at the stars and intertwine their fingers. There was a time when he was a warrior, ready to fight, and he came to save a friend.
But this time...
This time is different from all the other times.
This time is a goodbye.
Eddie hasn’t really told him, but when he asked him to meet at Skull Rock Steve immediately got it. The road is close enough to the highway. They can share a joint, drink a beer or two, and then Eddie will drive his car far away from Hawkins. From the place that was never home to him. And Steve will remain. Because his roots are deep and strong and he can’t move. Not when the boys are still there. Not when Robin has promised to take a year off to help him figure out what he wants to do with his life. Not when his parents finally came back to take care of him even if he doesn’t need it anymore.
“My liege! Come! Sit down! I already started a fire and brought some s’mores.”
Steve sits on the ratty blanket Eddie has laid down on the ground to protect his royal ass from the bumpy rocks, grabbing a marshmallow and stabbing it with a stick, roasting it on the flame.
Crackers and chocolate are waiting for him at Eddie’s side when he puts the hot candy out of the fire.
“So, you’re going to try?” Steve asks, squishing the marshmallow between the crackers and the chocolate.
“I have nothing to lose,” Eddie mumbles, his mouth full of crackers and some chocolate dripping down his fingers.
“Musician. That’s a cool career.”
“That’s the dream: playing my songs in an arena full of people who sing along with me. And there are other benefits. Like groupies, free stuff, and money. So much money.” Eddie adds in a dreamy tone.
“Yeah. It sounds, nice.”
“I know I’m dreaming big, but you should try it sometime. It really changes your day.  And even if I won’t make it, I will be far from this stupid town anyway, so that’s a plus. In a big town like Los Angeles, I could get lost in no time. No more angry parents threatening me or Wayne, no more slashed tires. No more spray paint on the trailer. Yeah. It sounds like Paradise.”
“The boys?”
“Jeff is coming with me, he is going to attend college in California anyway, And next year Gareth and Frank will graduate too so we’ll be reunited. And maybe we’ll finally make it big. If not, there are so many bars where we could play. I'm not worried at all.”
Steve nods quietly while inside him his feelings are bubbling like a hot soup. He reaches out to grab another marshmallow, and his hand bumps into Eddie’s. The metal head smiles brightly, “Didn’t know you had a sweet tooth,” he says, offering him the bag to grab another candy, but that seems to be Steve’s breaking point. He drops the bag of candies, not caring about ants or other insects, and pushes Eddie with his shoulders to the ground.
“Tell me to stop,” he whispers on Eddie’s lips, “tell me you don’t want this and I’ll leave.”
Eddie’s eyes have always been big, but right now they are huge pools of chocolate brown staring at him in astonishment.
He doesn’t ask Steve to stop, he doesn’t push him away or scream against him, he grabs the back of Steve’s head with one hand and drags him toward himself. Eddie tastes like chocolate and candies with a hint of cheap beer, that’s what Steve will remember about his first kiss with a man. His hands are strong and his long slim fingers are curling on Steve’s back, urging him closer, and closer. They’re chest to chest, Steve practically crushing Eddie with his body, and then Steve’s tongue pushes a little bit harder and Eddie grants him permission to kiss him deeply. Their tongue meets halfway, as if they couldn’t wait to finally touch each other. Steve’s tongue twirls and moves faster into Eddie’s mouth and Eddie follows his lead, obediently. It’s not so different from kissing a girl, the only difference is Eddie’s chapped lips and a hint of beard growth brushing against Steve’s chin, but Steve doesn’t startle at the realization that he’s kissing a man. He just makes himself softer and kinder, not wanting to leave Eddie with a bad memory of their first kiss.
Steve doesn’t know how long they keep kissing, he hasn’t made out for so long in months and he’s somehow surprised when he finds Eddie straddling him, their hard dicks brushing one against the other behind their jeans.
But then Eddie retreats, crawling backward on the blanket.
“What was that?” he asks, cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand, and Steve knows he fucked up, he really did.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Is that so? I don’t know what I was thinking?! You fucking kissed me, man!” Eddie yells, “You… you stole it from me!”
“I didn’t steal anything.” Steve replies tiredly, “I kissed you, I made a big mistake, and I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, you should have not!” Eddie insists, and now he’s standing, touching with his fingertips his plum lips, “Why did you do that?”
“I don’t know Eds. I wanted to, okay? You’re leaving anyway, why does it matter? It’s not like you have never been kissed before!” Steve sighs, brushing a hand through his hair, and then the realization hits him. “It wasn’t… it wasn’t your first kiss, right? You… you have all those dirty magazines you bought in Indy, you always talk about that stupid hanky code. You… you have never been kissed before.” Steve whispers, pinching his nose, “Listen, man, I’m sorry, ok? I didn’t mean it.”
“You didn’t mean it? Thank you, Steve! That makes things so much better!” Eddie complains, his arms crossed in front of him, “Hey Eddie, I stole your first kiss because I was drunk and sad. I don’t even like boys but you were here so I just did it. Sorry. But we’re fine right?” Eddie yells, mocking Steve’s voice.
“That’s not… It’s not like that, ok? It wasn’t…”
“It wasn’t what? An experiment? A test?”
“I do like you, moron!” Steve finally yells and his voice reverberates in the quiet of the woods, then he lowers his tone, “I do like you. I have liked you for quite a bit but I never gather the courage to say anything. And now you’re leaving and I won’t see you again, and maybe you’re right, I’m sad and drunk. But I did mean it, Eddie. It wasn’t an experiment. I swear.” Steve almost whispers, avoiding staring at Eddie in the eyes. 
The metalhead is still standing in front of the fire, his silhouette dark and ominous.
“You did? You really meant it?” Eddie asks, and this time it looks like his crossed arms are pulling him together instead of shielding him.
“I did. I do.”
Very slowly, Eddie sits back on the blanket, “I’m going to leave anyway,” Eddie reminds him.
“I know. It’s the right thing to do.” Steve agrees.
“But maybe… you and Buckley could think about joining me next year. Or the year after.”
Steve reaches out with one hand, caressing Eddie’s arm.
“I’d love to.”
“So… maybe we can try again? Practice makes perfect, you know?”
Steve chuckles, “Yes. Yes, we can. Come here, babe.”
They kiss until the sun rises and when they get back to their cars Eddie’s last promise is that he’ll call him as soon as he’ll find a place to stay. And if Steve is already waiting for Eddie's call, sitting next to the phone, is none‘s business.
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❝𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐦𝐛 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫❞
𝐁𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘'𝐀𝐋𝐋!! 𝐈 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐬𝐮𝟏𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐬𝟑𝐥𝐟 𝐡@rm, 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝟑𝐫𝐝𝟎𝐬𝐞. 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐤.
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬!! 𝐈 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 (𝟑+ 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬)
the lamb siblings sat outside their musty trailer, they could smell the weed from the surrounding houses... if you could even call them that. Penny was convinced the two had a constant second hand high from how much their little "safe haven" smoked that shit.
This was their normal ever since they were small, sitting with each other while their parents couldn't care less, penny, being the elder of the two felt the responsibility to protect her brother, Ezra, from the cult they lived in, however he was a clever kid and eventually caught on in his preteen years.
"do you think we'll get out of here, ez?" penny asked gently, looking over at her little brother, dressed in his usual cape, he insisted he looked cool.
"no. no we won't, no one has" Ezra put simply, that was one thing him and penny never saw eye to eye on; sugar coating things. he always said it how he saw it.
"you.. don't think we even have a chance?" her question was met with the boy simply shaking his head.
She sighed deeply, feeling herself starting to tear up, god she hated this place, she hated her parents, more importantly? she hated herself. Times like this she thought back to her countless nights alone in her room, bloody toilet paper, a razor in her hand and her cheeks tear stained as she felt the sting in her thighs. that's how she kept herself grounded; pain. The only thing keeping her alive was her brother, she cannot leave him alone in this hellhole, he's her whole life, he's the only one who loves her.
Her flashback was interrupted as their parents called the pair inside, the two exchanged worried looks before heading into their trailer, this thing didn't even deserve to be called a home. Once inside they we're met with a harsh grab on their wrists and dragged to the kitchen, Penny's worst fear had become reality, and her brother would have to bear witness.
"mind explaining this? hm?" their mother questioned, her glare shifting between the two.
a razor, a bloody fucking razor sat on the counter, penny felt sick, she wanted to run away and die. actually die, no coming back like in movies, no happy ending; she deserved death.
Ezra stared in shock, he'd never seen it before, he was too young to worry about facial hair to shave, he was too afraid to even touch dangerous objects, so he shook his head
"ive never seen that, mom, and- and I doubt penny has! she.. she wouldn't, right penns?" penny remained quiet "penns..? why is it bloody?" he asked again shakily, connecting the dots. Their parents watched emotionless, penny finally spoke up
"how.. did you find that?"
"oh honey, please, we looked through your room once you developed a little limp and found your friend here. Tell your brother what you've been doing, or should i?"
"tell me what? penny why have you been limping? what does,.. that... have to do with it? you said no secrets between us!" her younger brother quickly became defensive, he knew the answer, he knew the answer to it all, he wished he didn't but... He wasn't dumb.
"Ezra, please, I'll explain it later-"
"no! I want- I want to know now! how are you so calm?!" tears began to form in both of the children's eyes.
Ezra was crying over his beloved sister hiding secrets, penny crying because her brother hated her now.
"ever... ever since we were young, I began to cope in this place with... that" she gestured to the object "the pain would distract me, would get my mind off of how doomed we were to die here, I'm not calm, i am beyond scared right now" penny explained, her voice flat, it was scary, she was never like this. this all but scared her brother more, he was the monotone one, it seemed they had switched places.
With that he walked silently to his room, their mother turned to penny, holding the razor out for her to take
"I see you'll be needing this again, now that the only person who would remotely like you is gone, all because you can't handle your emotions..."
penny took the blade, going up to her own room and breaking down as soon as the door was closed.
Her mother was right, about everything, grabbing the stash of first aid in her dresser she hitched up her skirt and began to "cope"... she couldn't even call it that, it wasn't coping, she was dying, she wanted too, now that Ezra was gone what was stopping her? she continued this cycle of thinking, of slashing and hacking at her skin, for what seemed like hours but was only 2 minutes. The girl sat there, staring at the mess she made, her skirt was blood stained, her thigh was sticky and her nostrils were intruded with the smell of sickly sweet metal. she wanted to vomit, she wanted to vomit until she couldn't any longer.
After her self pitying, penny finally stood up, limping to the bathroom in order to clean up, this was her nightly routine it seemed. Wrapping her leg in gauze, she heard a knock on the door;
"Penns...? I know it's you" her heart hurt. She couldn't turn her brother away, she opened the door to let him in.
Ezra nearly screamed at the sight, his sister was blood stained and sickly pale, he sat next to her on the ground, grabbing an alcohol pad to wipe her hands. A small gesture but he needed to be there for her
"I didn't want you to see me like this, I look pathetic" penny laughed, finishing bandaging her leg, letting her brother care for her
"I didn't want to see you like this either, at least I know you're alive" he reassured, throwing the wipes away and just sitting near her. the two sat like this for a while until penny spoke up
"when... I leave, will you be okay-"
"no. no I won't. which is why you can't leave, in any way." he knew what she meant by leaving. he wasn't dumb.
"right but... if I did?"
"I'd go with you, I don't exist without you"
penny just nodded, pushing herself up to exit the bathroom in silence
"I'm okay, ez, I'm going to bed, you should too" he agreed with her, hugging her tight as he headed to his room.
Once she knew he was asleep, she rushed to the kitchen, searching the pill cabinet for Ezra's Ritalin, with shaky hands she poured a handful, pouring a cup of water with her free hand.
She walked up to her room, waiting for the pills to kick in, she laid down in bed, feeling at peace for the first time in her life, she was finally leaving Elysium. her peace didn't last long as her body soon became clammy and her breathing was shallow; it was time, and she was okay despite the panic. her mind was racing; was this the right thing? should she call someone? what would ezra-
Ezra. oh god Ezra.
By the time her brother crossed her mind, she felt herself choking on her own blood, she found it beautiful in a way, ghostly pale in a pool of blood.
After a minute of agony... penny lamb was dead. She reached her goal of leaving Elysium.
Ezra awoke the next morning with a sense of dread, something wasn't right in the house. he rushed down to the kitchen, finding his parents but no sister
"where's penny? she's out by now"
"hell if I know, couldn't care less about that slut" his mother huffed, shooing him away like a horsefly, he simply turned and made his way to pennys room, figuring she must've overslept after the long night she had. It was unusual for her to sleep until 10am but he didn't put it past her, slowly he opened her door in case she was indecident.. she was, but not in the way he suspected.
This time he did scream at the sight of his sister, the only thing remotely recognizable about her was the twin French braids she always had, even they had dried blood in them, everything about his dear sister was bloody. his parents rushed to find their son kneeling in front of their daughters body, hysterically sobbing as they watched in shock
"no... no she couldn't have, she can't be serious, penny lamb, wake up!" their mother pleaded, shaking her slightly, her head simply lolled to the side as her mouth spilled with blood, dripping onto the floor, causing her family to back up.
Ezra stayed in her room for days, even after her body had been removed, the room smelled of her, of her perfume, blood, tears, memories... the room was her, it was all he had of her, he barely ate for weeks, just enough to barely live, just enough so his parents, as shitty as they were, would have one of their kids. He needed to stay alive for her, stay alive so she wouldn't have died in vain.
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xhoneygirlxx · 1 year
Life Sized
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
summary: After a spell gone wrong, Eddie Munson is stuck with a real life Lucky Lucy doll.
warnings: fluff. slight angst. grump x sunshine reader. cussing. mentions of Eddie dealing. strangers to friends. Reader is a doll, "Lucky Lucy", however because she's made up skin tone, body type, and ethnicity is not mentioned. Eddie calls reader doll/Luce/Lucy Reader does wear Eddie's clothes. Reader and Eddie are around 20 (even though reader is a doll, she's been out for about 20 something years). 90s era.
*if I missed anything please let me know!
a/n: hi my loves! I'm so sorry for the wait but life was hectic for the past few days with schedule changes and birthday plans. I want to let you guys know I am slightly hung over so this might now be the best. Anyway, thank you guys for joining me on this birthday adventure! Love you guys :)
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Cause we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
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“Woah woah woah woah woah,” Eddie waves hand back and forth, eyes closed as he tries to process what he just heard, “You did what?” 
Sighing heavily, Dustin stands up from the well loved couch that sits in the Munson’s trailer. “If you listened the first time you would have heard me. I said, I went to the crazy lady’s store in the hopes of bringing Chews back from the dead because I can’t watch my mom cry anymore. Before I created a monster out of a dead cat, we decided to practice on Mike’s sister’s doll,” Turning his body slightly, Dustin points to the pretty girl that sits in the recliner. 
“It didn’t work but when we woke up this morning she was sitting there.” The curly haired boy stares at the older boy in front of him, semi out of breath from his fast speaking. 
“Let me get this straight, you went to the one place that is off limits to everyone in Hawkins, bought a book of spells, and then brought a doll to life, only to bring said doll to my house?” His voice is loud enough to ricochet off the thin walls. 
“Well you said everything I just said, but yeah pretty much.” The young boy nods causing the curls of his hair to bounce. 
“Nuh uh, no, I don’t want any parts of this.” Shaking his head, Eddie begins to push the younger boy towards the door. 
“Eddie please,”  Will begs from his spot on the couch, “We have no one else to turn to.” 
“Yeah, come on Eddie, we need our dungeon master.” Lucas adds, knocking his shoulder into Mike who stays quiet on the arm of the sofa. 
“Hey don’t bring me into this, I didn’t want to do it.” Mike throws his hands up defensively, only to change his answer when the other two boys give him a stern look. 
“I-I mean, Eddie, we need your help.” It comes out more like a question than a plea but it’s the best they're going to get out of the black haired boy. 
Locking eyes with the older man who still has a hand on his shoulder, Dustin does his best to give the world's cutest puppy dog eyes. 
“Please, Eddie. I need you.” It’s quiet and sincere, and because it’s coming from Dustin it goes straight to Eddie’s heart, tugging tightly on the strings. 
Fuck why did he have to have such a soft spot for the kid. 
“I swear to Ozzy himself, if you don’t fix this in twenty four hours, your ass is grass.” A ringed finger is pointed at Dustin, his eyes going semi cross eyed from watching it wag in his face. 
Turning his body quickly, Eddie points his finger to the other three boys who sit wide eyed on the couch. “And that goes for you three. Your asses will be hanging right next to Wayne’s mugs if it doesn’t get fixed. Capiche?” 
When all four heads nod vigorously, Eddie straightens his posture and releases a sigh so loud it sounds like all the air from his lungs came out.
"Can I just say, you remind me of Lucky Lars! He has cool tattoos and long hair like you too!" You're looking right at him, eyes sparkling with happiness.
"Jesus H. Christ, there's really a talking doll in my house." Eddie's voice sounds like a whining child as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Alright it seems like everything is fine here, so we're gonna go ahead and leave." Before Eddie can stop Dustin or the rest of the younger boys, they're already out the door and gone.
"Great, just fucking great." Slapping a hand down to his thigh, Eddie spins on his heel and heads to the kitchen. He needs a fucking beer, or maybe six, either way he needs something to get him through this nightmare.
Opening the fridge, he grabs a cold can of pbr and gulps it right down without taking one breath. The liquid goes down so smooth and for a minute Eddie seems to forget the predicament he's in. Then you speak and he's instantly brought back to reality.
"Um, excuse me sir," It comes out so graceful and sweet and he hates it.
Without moving his head in your direction, he spits an angry "what" at you - teeth gritting and fist clenching. A part of him regrets being mean with you, it's not your fault this whole shitshow happened.
"I um, just wanted to ask if everything was okay." He hates that your pretty face is scrunched up with so much sadness and that he's the cause of it.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out.
"Yeah, just peachy." It's forced through his tight lip smile.
"Oh well that's great!" You annoyingly clap your hands together and he winces at the sound. "When can we go shopping?"
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Eddie didn't know who he wanted to kill more, you, Dustin, or himself. Why he even agreed to taking you to Starcourt was beyond him, but God was the whole experience horrible. You commented on every single thing, stopped and looked at mundane objects, and ooh'd and awee'd every time you stepped in a new store.
Every store you walked into, you left with multiple bags, which Eddie had to carry. To make matters worse he had to pay for everything, burning a hole right through his drug dealing money. You're a doll for heaven sake, why the hell would you have money?
On the way home you would not stop talking about the whole experience, comparing everything to Lucy's Lucky Land. To make matters worse, you wouldn't stop touching the radio until you landed on the most ear bleeding pop song.
The moment the two of you arrived back at the trailer, Eddie realized he couldn't escape this nightmare. He was stuck with you until those little shit heads could come up with a solution to the problem.
"Alright, just uh.. put your bags somewhere in the corner." Eddie instructs, pointing in the cleanest corner of his bedroom.
Pink heels step on the brown shag carpet of his room, eyes traveling around as you take everything in. It was completely different from what you were used to, clothes scattered everywhere, cups and dishes stacked up, and posters with names you've never heard of.
It amazes you just like everything else you've seen today. You've never seen a room like this, not even the boy's back home had rooms like this. With wide eyes and agape mouth, you spin around with open arms, just like you did when you walked into the mall.
"Oh, Eddie! This is so beautiful!" With your bags still in hand, you sit down on the mess that is his bed.
"Oh my lucky stars!" You gasp, "Your bed is so soft!" Proving your point, you bounce on your butt causing the springs to creak with every movement.
Eddie watches from the doorway, unamused by your entertainment.
"Ugh yeah, it's a bed. Don't you have those in Lucky Land of Lucy or whatever it's called." Crossing his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow in questioning.
"It's Lucy's Lucky Land," you correct him, still smiling ear to ear, "and yes we do have beds! Our beds are made of plastic though, not bouncy like this one!" Sliding the bags from your arms, you continue to bounce but now you use your arms to make yourself go higher.
"Right, I should've known." He drawls.
Crossing into the room, Eddie starts taking off his vest and leather jacket, followed by his heavy boots. He doesn't realize that you've stopped bouncing, now honed in on his movements.
Turning around from where he stands by his dresser, he's met with the sight of you trying to take your shirt off.
"H-hey now, let's not do that." Turning his head to the side so he doesn't see anything he's not supposed to, he stretches his arms out to stop your hands from moving.
"Did I do something wrong?" You're so sincere when you say it, innocence dripping off of you like raindrops on a flower's petals.
"You can't just start taking your clothes off, Luce." His eyes are still to the floor, cheeks glowing red from the flush that's creeped it's way there.
"But I thought that's what you were doing." It sounds dejected and Eddie chances a look at you and he instantly regrets it.
There you sit on his messy, old, stain ridden bed, glossy pout on your lips and eyes glassy with tears. In that moment he sees you, the girl that's been nothing but sunshine and rainbows all day, the girl that's taken every indirect insult he threw with a smile on your face, now reduced to tears because of him.
"No, sweetheart, I was just taking off my shoes and jacket. When it's ready to change I'll let you do it in privacy." He tried his best to explain to you not wanting to upset you anymore.
"Are you mad at me?" You sniffle.
His eyes study your face, watching the tears roll down the plush skin of your cheeks. The more he looks, the worse his frown gets. "Why would I be mad at you?"
"B-because you d-don't want m-me here. I-I didn't mean to r-ruin your life Eddie." Tears now fall like a stream of water and words are being choked out through hiccups.
Eddie can feel all the blood drain from his body, cemented to the floor of his room. You're reduced to tears and snot because you think he hates you. He made you feel this way through constant eye rolls and loud huffs. You've been nothing but kind to him, trying everything in your power to get him to have one decent conversation with you. Yeah, there were some things he couldn't wrap his mind around when it came to you, especially when you tried to chase down a squirrel in pure curiosity, but you were trying.
Just this afternoon were you dropped off in a stranger's home, new to everything in the world, with not one single clue about life outside of your little playland. You didn't ask to be brought to life, you didn't ask for any of this but Eddie made it your problem the minute you opened your mouth.
He doesn't know what to do or say, he just stands there completely silent watching your shiny exterior crumble to nothing.
"I j-just wanted to be y-your friend b-but you hate me." Your small palms catch your face, your sobs now echoed in the curve of your hands.
"Lucy," Eddie walks over to you, dropping to his knees in front of you, "I don't hate you, okay?"
Separating two of your fingers, you peek at him from the comfort of your hiding spot and quickly retreat when brown eyes peer into yours.
"Lucy,” He calls but you don't move.
"Luuuccy," This time it's sung but still no movement from you.
Releasing a deep breath, he tries to think of something that will make you happy.
"I guess I'll just have to find someone else to play with my hair." Shagging his shoulders, Eddie sighs sadly and drops his head.
"I can play with your hair?" You sniffle, face still shining with the wetness of your tears.
Craning his head back to you, he smiles softly and nods his head. In an instant your jumping up from the bed, clapping your hands together in happiness.
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"So what kind of jobs do they have in Lucy Land?" Eddie asks, wincing slightly from your finger untangling a knot in his hair.
"Oh we have so many! I've been a fashion designer, model, singer, baker, doctor, and a ballerina!" Your fingers continue to intertwine sections of the curly brown hair, trying to be as delicate as possible.
"Then there's Lars, the one you remind me of, and he's an action star. Then there's Lance who is a race car drive. Linda is a teacher, Lorelai is a painter, Lily is a florist, and then there's Larry, he doesn't have a job."
"Why doesn't Larry have a job?" He asks, flinching slightly when you pull a little too hard for his liking.
"Cause he's Larry." You say nonchalantly.
Pulling the scrunchie from Eddie's wrist, you tie off the first braid before moving on to the next one.
"What's your job?" It's an innocent question but it still makes him choke on his drink.
"I ugh, I uh work in sales?" It's the best answer he can come up with, not wanting to explain what drug dealing means to your innocent ears.
You continue to tug on his hair, pulling and twisting strands. "What's that?"
"I sell things." Blood rushes to the tips of his ears and apples of his cheeks.
"Like what?"
Eddie would rather deal with the yanking of his hair than answer this question. He racks his brain for an answer, letting a small pause settle over the conversation.
"I sell brownies to people." Doing his best to shrug, embarrassment sinking to the pit of his stomach.
"Oh my golly!!! I love making brownies," You gasp and then pause for a moment, "but in my world our ovens and food are fake, so I wouldn't know how to do it in your world."
"Wait, so what do you eat?" Eyebrows are pinched together in confusion.
"Oh Eddie, you're so silly." You giggle, reaching for his other wrist that adorns the pink scrunchie.
Tying the end of his braid, you pat his shoulders gently, "All done."
The lanky boy stretches from his position on the floor, knees creaking from the movements. Walking over to his mirror, calloused fingers run over the french braids, shocked by how neat they are.
"Wow," he whispers, "They look really good, doll." Eyes still trailing over his hair, head moving side to side making sure to see every angle.
"They look so good because I had such a pretty model." Your lips are sprawled out into a smile.
Eddie finds himself blushing again, bats swarming around in his tummy and heart skipping multiple beats. Trying his best to shake it off, he claps his hands together and spins to face you.
"How about I make you my famous mac and cheese for payment?"
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"Who knew food could be so good?" A satisfied sigh falls from your lips.
"Yeah, who would've thought?" Eddie snorts, sarcasm soaking his words.
Leaning back onto the couch, your eyes flutter shut in contentment. Your hands sit folded on top of your belly, shoeless feet propped up on the coffee table in front of you.
Eddie lets you enjoy your food coma, picking up the empty bowls and walking them to the sink. He decides it would be better if he washes them now, not wanting Wayne to get home and bitch him out for having a full sink.
Once the dishes are done and dried, he walks back into the small living room and is met with the sight of you sleeping. Long eyelashes fall on the tops of your cheeks, your permanent smile still sits on your pretty glossed lips, and small snores falling from your nose.
For a moment he just looks at you, eyes following the lines of your features for the first time all day. When you first showed up, he could see that you were pretty and during the mall trip he'd find little details he hadn't noticed before, but right now he's really taking his time to admire you.
You're so beautiful, flawless really, and man did he get lucky having you crash into his life. You're a doll, something that's made of plastic, but nothing about you screams fake. You're so sweet and kind, always quick to accept whatever apology he gives you when he's been shitty.
Your spirit and energy shines brightly through you, bringing light to the darkness of his reality like the sun coming out on a cloudy day. You're all pink and sparkles, glitter and fluff, while he's black and spikes. For all the bad in the world, you remind Eddie of all the good.
He doesn't hate you, in fact he likes you and he wants to have you around for a bit longer. He wants to be friends with you, teach you about the real world and everything it has to offer. For the first time today Eddie realizes that this might not be so bad, not when he gets to relive all the cool things in life with you by his side.
Stalking over to you, he gently shakes your shoulder. "Luce, hey Lucy. Come on, s'time to wake up."
Squinting from the harsh yellow lighting of the room, your lips pout slightly from the rude intrusion of your slumber.
"Come on, Luce. We're gonna go to bed now." Holding out a hand to you, Eddie helps you stand up from the couch.
"I don't have jammies." You sound like a small child, voice quiet and hushed from how tired you are.
"What did you get at the mall then?" Leading you to the edge of the bed, he helps you sit down.
"I bought cute clothes to wear during the day." You shrug, rubbing your eye with the back of your hand.
"Of course you did." It's quiet enough so you can't hear, fingers rubbing hard over his forehead. "Alright, well I have something you can wear."
Digging through his drawers, Eddie finds an old Hellfire shirt and a pair of sweatpants from high school he doesn't wear anymore. Walking back over to you, he hands you the clothes and instructs you to change when he leaves the room and to call for him when you're done.
When your groggy voice echoes from behind the closed door, he slowly creeps in. You're still sitting in the same spot now wearing his clothes.
"Everything fit okay?" You nod, eyes growing heavier the longer you're up.
"Good, good. Well let me help you," Eddie leans over you, trying to fluff up the pillows the best that he can. Pulling the covers back, he tucks you into place.
"I'll be sleeping on the couch, so if you need anything just call my name and I'll be back." Giving you a tight lipped smile, he turns to shut the bedside lamp off.
"Eds?" Your voice cuts off his actions. "Can you sleep in here with me?" You blink up at him tiredly, still as beautiful as ever.
"How about I sleep on the floor next to you? Is that okay?" Eddie offers and you quickly accept with a sleepy smile and a lazy nod.
"Okay let me grab some extra blankets from the closet and change, then I'll be in." He reassures and you wiggle around in a tiny dance making his chuckle.
"Hey Eddie," Again you cut his movements short, "Thanks for being my best friend. I like being here with you." Your smile is shy, fingers nervously picking at the frayed edges of the blanket.
"I like being with you too. Thanks for being my best friend." The two of you beam at one another, letting the warmth of your budding friendship sink into both of you.
Leaving the room Eddie makes sure to shut the door behind him. Before he digs for any kind of blanket, he moves to the phone that sits on the wall. Punching the numbers fast, he looks back to make sure you haven't left your spot.
After a few rings, the other line finally picks up to his relief.
"I know it's late but ugh," He checks the door one more time just in case, "Forget what I said earlier. Yeah, she's gonna be staying here for a bit longer."
After hanging up the phone and grabbing whatever he needed, he heads back into the room where you're now sound asleep. Throwing a pillow to the floor, he shuts off the light and lays down.
For a moment it's quiet, the darkness of the room lulling him to sleep quickly. Before his eyes slam shut, your arm snakes out from under the blanket, your awaiting palms sitting there for him. Without hesitation, he grabs on and holds it for dear life.
Yeah, having you around won't be so bad.
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Thank you guys for reading! love you all <3
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storiesbyrhi · 7 months
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence/some infrequent gore, swearing, animal death, no beta, death in childbirth (mentioned, not described), abusive parents, suicide, spiders/bugs, grief/mourning; light smut; warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: Life goes on. 2994 words.
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The calendar looked the same as it had five minutes ago. Yet, you found yourself back in front of it, staring at it silently. If Eddie was home, you would have pretended you were at least there to get something from the fridge the calendar was stuck to. But you were alone to space out and look at the numbers and lines as if they meant something different.
A knock at the trailer door eventually pulled you away from the month of October.
“Oh. Hi!” The boy looked shocked to see you.
“Hi, Dustin…”
“Sorry. Hi. Um. Hi,”
“Hi. So… How are you? How have you been?”
You looked him up and down. He was as you remembered him, though less sad, but not entirely happy yet either. You stepped aside. “You wanna come in?”
Dustin looked around Forest Hills with hesitation. Neighbours were out enjoying the cooling breeze. The heat of August was gone, September had just finished ushering in just a taste of what October would offer.
“Lots of witnesses seeing you come in. You’re safe,” you told him.
The kid looked back up at you. “Is the…”
You knew what he was asking, but instead of putting him out of his misery, you just raised an eyebrow.
“The vampire. That’s what he is, right? Nancy and Robin told me-”
“He’s not here,”
“Oh. He’s out? But it’s daytime?”
“Yeah. I can turn him into a bat. He’s immune to all that when he’s the bat,”
“Is that a good idea?”
“Are you a vampire expert now?”
“I mean… I am an expert in a lot of the, you know, monster type situations that happen here,” Dustin countered, putting his hands on his hips.
“So I hear. Come on. What do you need?”
Dustin followed you inside the trailer. “I, ah, love what you’ve done with the place,” he quipped as he drew a smiley face in a pile of dirt on the kitchen bench, then picked the leaf next to it up, spinning it between his fingers.
“Don’t touch that!” you squealed too late, grabbing Dustin’s hand and healing him before the Dendrocnide moroides had a chance to take effect.
Dustin’s eyes were wide, the panic sweeping across his face. “What was that?! Am I gonna die?!”
Letting him go, you examined his hand. “No. You just would have been in a lot of pain,”
“Like poison ivy?”
“No, like an excruciating pain that feels like being burned with acid. And it can linger for months. Flare up after years,”
“And you have it just laying around?”
“Well, Dustin, it has no effect on me or Eddie. And I don’t get a lot of visitors.”
He nodded sheepishly. “Sorry… Sorry. I didn’t mean to- I’ll… keep my hands to myself,”
“For the best. But the couch is safe. Sit.”
Dustin sat, picked up a throw pillow and hugged it to himself. He said nothing and avoided eye contact.
“Can I make you a cup of tea?” You added, “Not magic tea,” before he could ask.
He nodded.
You brewed chamomile and honey, took a mug of it to Dustin, and sat next to him with your own. “So, put my mind at ease; no new monsters for me to worry about?”
“No. Nope. Hawkins is… safe,”
“You don’t sound convinced.”
Dustin laughed out a strange cackling sound.
“Sorry. No. No more monsters. Nancy and the others keep telling me it’s done. Finished. Even El says so…”
“But you don’t believe them?” you asked gently.
“I want to. I want to be happy that everything is going back to normal. But…”
“You’re scared. I get it. I really do. I know what it’s like to have the war end and be left to… you know, live. It’s hard. But he’s gone, Dustin. Whatever he was. There’s nothing left here of him. The gates are closed. There’s no way between there and here,”
“But what if there’s someone else? What if there is another way? Not now. But one day. What if we all grow up and have kids and they have to do this all over again?”
Dustin’s hands had begun to shake. You placed the mugs of tea on the coffee table and took his hands in yours.
“If we get stuck mapping out all of the ‘what ifs,’ we never get to move forward. And there are no guarantees. We don’t know if Hawkins gets to be safe forever. We can watch over it. We can hope. But other than that… We just have to figure out how to be okay.”
The boy nodded, tears rolling down his face. You pulled him into a hug.
“I miss them. I miss Steve,” he cried.
“I know. The grief never goes away. It becomes easier to carry though,”
“Can you make it go away?”
Clenching your jaw, you shook your head. “It’s better to remember. You don’t want to forget what love felt like. You don’t want to forget them. If this grief is the price, we have to pay it.”
You held him until he could take a shaky but mostly controlled breath.
“Do you… Do you know if you’re staying in Hawkins?” Dustin asked.
“Ah, yeah actually. Something about being here feels right,”
“If something happens then…”
“I’ll be here. For you and your kids,”
“Are you like, really old?”
You laughed. “Yes. I am. And, I have some other really old friends coming soon too. There’ll be a few of us to keep watch,”
“More witches? Or vampires?”
“Witches. Eddie is the last of his kind.”
Dustin nodded, considering the information. He wiped his face on his sleeve and picked up his mug. He liked the tea; you could tell.
“You can always come here, Dustin. Maybe not literally here here. But to me,”
“Where are you going?”
“Well, can’t have a coven of witches sharing a trailer, can I?”
Dustin smiled wide, toothy, and happy. “A coven?!”
“Yep. My very own,”
“They can come too,”
“Come where?” you asked.
“That’s why I came, actually. But being here reminded me of… Steve…” Dustin fished a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to you.
When you unfolded it, a black cat with bright green eyes greeted you. It was carving a jack-o-lantern. “Black cats can’t wait to meet you… Golden pumpkins agleam… Owls and bats guide you… To our party Halloween,” you read. A place, time, and date were listed.
“Will and his family are throwing it,” Dustin told you.
“To be honest, I’m surprised all your families decided to stay. Long ago, when my kind fought an enemy here, we left once it was done." 
Dustin shrugged. “Most people don’t know what really happened. Government handed out some pretty big cheques,”
“Most towns are built on graveyards, I guess,”
“Well, on that cheery note…” Dustin stood.
“You’re okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I guess… You should come to the party. And your… friends, if they’re here,”
“What about Eddie?” you asked, almost just for fun.
Dustin walked down the trailer’s steps, looking back at you. “He’s one of the good guys, right?”
It could have been a coincidence, but it was far more likely to be Eddie’s sense of drama. He came swooping by Dustin and you, landing on the coffee table between the mugs of chamomile and honey. You rolled your eyes.
“Is that…?”
“Yes. King of theatre himself.”
Dustin looked at the bat. “Um. Hi. You can come… to the party… but maybe… not like that.”
Eddie chittered and you knew the demand. You cast him back.
“Jesus, man!” Dustin screeched, shielding his eyes. “A little warning!”
You and Eddie both smiled stupidly at each other.
“I think that’s a crime! Public indecency!” Dustin continued as Eddie casually strolled naked to the bedroom, avoiding the burst of sunlight from the open door.
“He’s in his own home,” you shrugged.
“Fine! Child endangerment!”
“Yeah, he’s got you there,” you said over your shoulder.
“I’m going now,”
“Bye, Dustin,” you farewelled.
“Goodbye, Dustin! Nice to meet you, Dustin!” Eddie yelled.
Dustin was on his bike and on his way out of Forest Hills before you even closed the door.
“To our party Halloween,” Eddie read, picking up the invitation. “Well, that’s cute,”
“It is. They’re resilient, aren’t they?”
“All humans or specifically yours?”
“All of them, I guess, but these ones in particular. They just keep going,”
“They do… Will you be attending this celebration of All Hallows Eve?” he asked, letting his voice dip into a Vincent Price impersonation.
“I don’t know. Halloween is so far away. I have so much to do before then,”
“Speaking of, I scouted the whole area out near the forest gate. Not a house or paved road in sight,”
“Yeah? Cool. It might work then…”
It would have been a harder task if Hawkins had not recently had major groundworks and construction happening.
“We had to map out everything from here to bloody Fort Wayne!” the woman at New City Hall, Nell, had said. “So, you came at the right time. Now, which part did you want to know about?”
“Over here,” you pointed to a map Nell rolled out. “Near this forest, then out beyond that,”
“Oh, jeez, honey. You don’t want to be heading out there. Nothing good out there,”
“What do you mean?”
Nell sighed. “Well, Merrill Wright was all set to buy some of the land. Expand his pumpkin patch and whatnot. But after all that hullabaloo with the poisoning, then the earthquake… Don’t think he’s thinking on expanding. Take a lot of work to make that land good again… But… Looks as though you’ll be wanting to talk to the Klines…” The way her sentence tapered off suggested talking to the Klines was going to be a difficult task.
“They own all of this? One family?”
“Klines have been in Hawkins as long as Hawkins has existed. Guess they just… claimed it at some point.”
You couldn’t recall any Klines from before, when Hawkins was referred to as ‘the flatlands.’ Rightfully, the land belonged to the Native American peoples, those that coexisted with the land before British and French rule. How the Klines came to own the land was probably another lesson in displacement and colonisation.
“Where can I find them? The Klines?”
“Ah, well, Larry Kline is…” Nell covered her mouth and whispered the next part – “…in the slammer.”
You nodded and tried to look scandalised.
“He had some shady dealings with some… Let’s just say… unsavoury characters. Some bad comrades, if you catch my drift,”
“No!” you hissed, as outraged as Nell expected you to be.
“I know! Poor Winnie… When it all came out, she found out he was cheatin’ on her too. With his secretary no less! She moved right after. Not sure what happened with the land… Probably still sitting in Larry’s name… Maybe the government took it when he was locked up?”
Following Nell’s directions, you drove across town to a law firm that had once represented Larry Kline. They confirmed that all the land his family once appropriated now was property of the U.S. Government.
“And that’s a good thing?” Eddie questioned when you returned home and filled him in on the findings.
“It's... good and bad. Either they won’t sell it privately, and we just use some stronger wards and protections for now. Or, they do sell it to us and we can return ownership to the Native Americans and ask permission to base our coven there,”
“Can’t you just… make them… sell it to you?”
“I mean…”
Eddie knew what the debate in your head was. “A good witch wouldn’t make them,”
“Probably not, no… But, I don’t know if I am a good witch anymore, right?”
“Right. You’re better. You don’t tie yourself to archaic notions of a moral right and wrong,”
“Sure… I’ll think about it. They might do the right thing themselves,”
“They? The government? Of the United States of America? Have you fallen ill?” He pressed his palm to your forehead. “Are these visions from another dimension plaguing you?”
You laughed and pushed him away. “The drama never ends,”
“I prefer the term showmanship. The showmanship never ends,”
“Okay, showman, well let’s get the cards out and see what they say about magically forcing land back, yeah?” An hour later you were laughing at Six of Pentacles and The Chariot. “Can’t get any clearer than that!”
The room you were led into was sterile but still had a thick air of toxic masculinity. A family photo of the man, his wife, and children was up high on a bookcase. Dusty and never looked at. A crystal decanter half-filled with bourbon sat on the corner of his desk. No artwork on the walls. A pen with a picture of a pin-up girl wrapped around it, when the cam was clicked, her naked form appeared. He said it was embarrassing, claimed was a gag gift from the 1985 office Kris Kringle, yet never got rid of it.
“We received your proposal. That’s a lot of land you’re looking to buy.”
Resisting the urge to say ‘I know,’ you smiled and nodded.
“What’s a girl like you want to do with all that land?”
What, exactly, is a girl like me like? 
“The land is relatively untouched at the moment. There are neighbouring farms and a few private roads, but it is mostly just woodland and open plains. Hawkins has seen a lot of devastation over the past couple of decades. We would like to see the land taken care of. You know, returned to its rightful owners. Any deforestation or development staved off.”
You knew it was risky mentioning the ‘rightful owners’ of the land but you wanted this man, in all his white-collar sweatiness, to have a chance to do the right thing.
“Hmm… And the ‘we’ is you and your…”
“Collective. We are kind of like a non-profit. A charity. We all have other jobs, but dedicate our free time and resources to helping people and the environment,” you answered, reciting the proposal that he very evidently did not read.
“How does a group of…” He flicked through the pages. “…women. A group of women raise enough cash to make this kind of offer?”
“Campaigning… Bake sales. That kind of thing.” You shrugged and batted your eyelashes. It was a stupid and obvious lie but it fit into the man’s preconceived idea of the economics of women, so he brought it.
“Still… We’re more in the business of innovation. Indiana needs to keep up with the East and West coasts, you see. And, we like to see our proposals a lot more financially sound. There’s no clear way for you to make the repayments,”
“You’re not a business though,”
“You’re not a business,” you repeated. “You’re the government. Specifically, the part of the government that is meant to do the right thing for the people and the land, by deciding what happens to the land. Your objective isn’t to make money,”
“Right, but-”
“And, as far as you are concerned, the proposal is financially sound. The money to buy the land is there. What we have free and clear, then the rest in loans not owed to you. So… you’re paid. The hypothetical debt we get into and the repayments don’t concern you at all. That just seems like an excuse to not approval the proposal,”
“No. Absolutely not,” you interrupted again.
“Miss, I’m going to have-”
From the moment you sat down, your hand had been in your pocket ready for the moment. You curled your fingers to your palm, collecting the dust. “Actually, I’m going to have to do this,” and you blew it in his face. The man froze in place. He couldn’t even blink.
“Okay, you can come out.”
You opened the lid of the backpack carefully sat at your feet. Eddie crawled out and looked around. He flew up and perched on the man’s desk.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to kill you with a bat attack or anything,” you told the man. “He’s just here to watch… And don’t worry about not being able to move. I’ll fix that before I go. We just have some business to attend to first,” you said with a grin that would haunt the man for the rest of his life.
It wasn’t dark magic. It was… morally grey magic used for the greater good.
The man felt compelled, entirely committed, obsessively in support of your proposal. He felt like if he didn’t hand over the land at an insanely reduced price he might die. He would die. Everyone could die.
When you freed his body from your hold, tears rolling down the man’s face from lack of blinking, he coughed hard. He looked at Eddie with a frown.
“Who’s this?” he asked.
“Who’s who?” you replied.
“The…” but your face told him that you couldn’t see Eddie… Maybe he was going crazy. It was the cursed Hawkins land. He had to get rid of it. To you. Yes. Yes, perfect. Sell it off cheap. Get rid of it. And to a charity? Well, everyone would think he’s a hero! A true American hero! Maybe he’d even get a bonus. Yes. Sell it. Sell it. Sell it. “I think I can make you an offer…”
On the drive home, you pushed The Head on the Door tape into the deck and sang along with Robert Smith loudly. When the sun set and Eddie swooped through the open window, you turned him back and laughed when he refused to put on pants.
“Out of curiosity, little witch, would that freezing spell work on… say… you… or me?”
You looked over at him and his sly grin. “Is your mind in the gutter again?”
“It’s always got a foot there. Care to join me?”
End Note: Click here to see the inspo for the Halloween party invitations.
Also, I forgot to say this last time: the reason that Mel, the music journalist coven member, is haunted by Steve is because my IRL bestie @kookygranger (who the character is based on) reblogged a chapter and added her own little blurb to it. Kind of like fanfic of my fanfic hehe. You can read that reblog here. She has now expanded it to be its own entire fic (read here). It deviates from what my characters are doing, so it’s pretty much a Burning Yarrow AU. Obsessed.
As always, I hope you are all well and I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings. xo Rhi
Fic Taglist:  @paranoidmunson  @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch @spicysix @briasnow-blog @goth-cowgirl-03
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel @dashingdeb16 @cultish-corner
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piko-power · 26 days
idk what to post so here's me getting excited over an animated hedgehog lol
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 so far is VISUALLY STUNNING. The lighting, the animation and SFX, just, BEAUTIFUL ON SO MANY LEVELS.
Everything about the trailer blew my mind, but I will do a post about my thoughts and theories on it later on. For now I wanna talk about the Blueberry Muffin himself.
Sonic in the movie looked GREAT. He got a small upgrade compared to how he looked in both Movie 1 and 2. (Especially Movie 1)
But he's still the goofy, heroic dork he is, and I'm SUPER EXCITED to see my boy again!! 💕
I don't know what else to post, so I'm just gonna gush over some of my favorite (which I'll admit, are almost every shot of Sonic in the trailer. Just wanna admit that, right now XD) shots of the Blue Devil.
I will do another version of this but with Shadow, but that'll be in the future. Shadow looks INSANE in the movie, so of COURSE I will lose my mind over his design once the post comes out lol
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But right out of the gate, we got a really cool shot of Sonic running through a log, I think? Absolutely love the blue glow emitting the entire dark interior. And it gave Sonic a nice glow, too.
I love how determined he looks here, too. There were some scenes in the trailer where it looked like Sonic, Tails and Knuckles were racing each other. I think it's really adorable that the Wachowski Bros. spend time together by just racing through the woods outside of their own house.
This shot looks like Sonic might be in the lead.
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Tom: "It hasn't always been easy, but it can't change who you are *points to Sonic's heart* in here."
Sonic: "Yeah. In my lungs."
The pure innocence from this hedgehog is killing me 😭
This is probably after the race? Idk when this is taking place, after all, all we got is a trailer. But I'm just spitballing here, but this is definitely another scene in the series where Tom gives Sonic some profound words for him to remember by.
But anyways, I love this shot of Sonic. You can already tell there is some slight differences with how he looked in the first film and the second film, which I kind of already freaked out over on this post here lol.
His expression complete with his line is just the perfect mixture for this shot. It describes Sonic to me. He's got a heart of gold, but at times he can be just a little confuse but still got the spirit.
He's just a child 😭
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Here we got Sonic casually breaking the laws of physics just to grind on a tree branch, because he's just that cool.
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Sonic is up in the air, twirling around with a huge smile on his face 🥺
He is having the TIME of his life. He is just so happy AAAAAAAAA-
Also, I love that Sonic's body, mainly his chest, has become a bit more puffy (since the Knuckles show anyway), but he still has that bean shape in certain shots lmao (Got a bit of Classic Sonic in there since day one XDDD)
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I mean, come on. Look at his cheeks and tell me he don't have any baby fat anymore? He's still small! He's still squishy!! 🥺
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Anyways badass Blueberry. EPIC callback to the beginning of SA2, only this time Tails and Knuckles are along for the ride. (also love Tails' expression as he jumps off the helicopter.)
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I love this particular shot a lot for some reason XD
Knuckles really wants to fight Shadow despite Sonic not wanting to. He wanted to handle Shadow just by talking things out (clearly he has not met the dude) and Knuckles is over here ready to throw hands.
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Sonic looks very annoyed here 🤣
I'm just so happy to see Sonic and Knuckles together on screen again after the Knuckles show. I fell in love with their dynamic ever since. Sonic and Tails' bond is truly special to me, but it's Sonic and Knuckles' bond that means SO MUCH to me, and I SERIOUSLY need to write more about these dorks.
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This is the face of a hedgehog who was NOT prepared for the horrors that is Shadow the Hedgehog and maybe bisexuality. XD
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Pissed off Blueberry.
Sonic is one of those characters where they rarely get upset or angry, but when they, it's badass and genuinely terrifying. I am NOT ready to see Sonic get so upset in this movie.
I know shit is about to go down in this movie, and I know Sonic is probably gonna go feral when it does. And it won't be pretty.
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He is NOT happy at all. But at least here he looks kind of pouty.
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It's kind of funny XD
"Here. Take my stupid strand of magic hair, just make sure you clean it when you're done. >:("
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"What did you do?"
Yeah, no, he's furious. It's actually scary seeing Sonic like this. I have seen pictures of Sonic in rage mode in the comics and yeah, you can say that Sonic's about to reach his limit, if you know what I'm saying. (btw best moment in the Archie comics hands down)
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Okay, one last image, I PROMISE-
THIS ONE, is my favorite out of all of them. Everything about this shot is just... I... don't even know how to explain how much I love this.
The lighting. The intensity of this whole scene. Sonic's anger. His powers going up to 100.
Yeah, this movie is gonna drive a little crazy. :)
Of course I'm just getting started on my Movie 3 hype rambles lol. Don't want this post to be too long or annoying-
I'm just so happy to see my comfort character back in action. I'm so happy that EVERYBODY'S back! I CAN'T WAIT DUDE!!!
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Hi there! I’m looking for more body worship/pleasure dom fics. The one with Eddie and the shy chunky reader was so gooood
Oh man have I got you covered; this request opened up a chest of inspiration today.
Just the Touch of Your Hand
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Highschool had been hell; in the era of super slim, super cute, dainty girls with glossy, sleek hair, you were the furthest thing from an 'it' girl as it was possible to be. Adult life would be different, you told yourself, when you had a job and a place of your own...
Of course, it isn't. Working in a bar with the same super fit, super slim girls, serving the same rude guys who look at you as if terrified a single smile would give you the wrong idea is hell too, God forbid the chubby chick thinks you like her, right?
Is it any wonder you need to let loose now and then? That's what you tell yourself as you drive out to Eddie's trailer. You just need to let loose; the weed is a way to relax and definitely not a way to forget you're... well, yourself, for a few hours.
He opens the door with a wide grin and leans on the frame, his dark hair messy and wild around his face, a sliver of smooth skin showing between his belt and his shirt,
"Y/N," he says and shakes a finger at you, "you're not a cop now, are you?"
"In this body?" You scoff, "no, Just a pissed-off barmaid."
"The cops would be lucky to have that body," he whispers, winking before he turns on his heel, leaving you no chance to reply. You roll your eyes and follow him, closing the door behind you. It's always been the same; he always has something smart to say, but when he plops down on the couch and hands you a baggie you force a smile.
"How much?" You asked, pulling your wallet from your purse,
"Sit and smoke with me and it's free," he says, then spreads his hands in mock surrender, "I'll be a gentleman, I just wanna catch up. Seems like it's been forever." You hesitate; you just want to be alone, but when he smiles at you like that it's hard to say no,
"Ok, Eddie," you sigh as you sit at the other end of the sofa, "let's chat."
He grins like he's won the lottery, and that joy is infectious,
"Great, you want a beer?" He jumps up, clapping his broad hands together,
"Sure," you nod and stretch, letting the cool air the fan blows around the room and the muted music from his bedroom soothe you. He places a can down gently and starts filling a bong.
The problem with Eddie Munson is that he can't help but be charming. The guys in school who called him a freak were assholes; he was weird, sure, but in a goofy, kind of endearing way, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to see the desperate longing in his eyes. He just wants people to like him... boy do I know that feeling,
"So," he blows smoke out in a plume before he hands you the bong, "you're a barmaid."
"Yes." You nod and take the bong,
"Do you like it?"
"Hell no," you laugh and take a drag,
"Fair enough..." he leans back, watching you hold the smoke for a few seconds before you let it go, one hand in his thick hair, "your own place?" You nod. "Hey, that's great."
"Thanks," you say and raise your eyebrows, "it's a shithole."
"Well, it's your shithole and that matters," he says, then winces, "let's forget I said that, it sounded wrong." You nod and laugh, feeling your mood lift despite yourself,
"You graduate yet?" You ask
"No," he said and grins, "but this is my year, Princess, I can feel it."
"I bet it is, too," you say as you pass the bong back, folding one leg under you, "You still seeing that chick? With the red hair?" He shakes his head,
"Nah, she moved to Portland." He shrugs as if it's nothing, but you can hear a little hurt in his voice,
"Shame," you murmur, hating yourself for being glad. He's just too cute, even if there's no chance, "she seemed nice."
"She was," he says and then his eyes slide to you with a mischievous glint in them, "you got a boyfriend these days?"
"A girlfriend?" He asks, wiggling his brows,
"No, Eddie," you say and slump back into the soft cushions. He frowns,
"Why not?" He asks, "no-one you like?"
"No-one that'll have me." The ceiling is stained with smoke, but the lights are clean. Everything is strangely clean. He scoffs and leans forward and the smell of his aftershave seeps into the air between you, fresh and sharp
"Then they're idiots," he whispers conspiratorily,
"Nah - I don't mind."
"You should have some poor guy wrapped around your little finger," he says and his eyes are warm and dark. The way he looks at you, it feels... wrong. Nice, but wrong. This isn't the way men talk to you.
You sit up, heart hammering, certain there's a blush spreading across your cheeks.
"Anyway, that's all for guys, really," you say, scrambling for something that will take those eyes away from you,
"Dating?" He asks with a quizzical grin, eyes already a little hazy. You shrug, suddenly embarrassed,
"Yeah, no, I dunno, Eds," you say and take a drag from the bong, "the whole... all the stuff that comes with it, you know?" You shake your head, feeling the world go soft and hazy, "the.. sex stuff. It's not really for girls... well, girls like me. We just kind of put up with it... or... you know, not, in my case." You laugh, but he isn't laughing along. "Guys don't really like me," you confide in him without any filter, yeah, that's what weed does dumbass, "but I don't mind."
You realize you've shocked him, you must have because he's silent and there's a line between his brows. When he opens his mouth, at first, he says nothing, and by the time he thinks of something to say the phone rings, calling his attention,
"Stay... right there," Eddie says and crosses to answer it. As he speaks into the phone, you realize you've said too much, but by the time you're gathering your purse, he's back, and he's on his knees in front of you looking at you with that same strange, almost hurt look, "ok, look, before you go..." he says, "I know you probably think you said too much, but you didn't."
"Ok," you say, and your voice is small,
"I'm sorry some shitbag made you feel like you're not good enough, " his hands land on your knees and they're so big. Your head spins. "You are. You're more than good enough... and any idiot that made you think it's 'not for you'," he makes air quotes, "if I ever find 'em, I'm gonna run them over with my van."
He's so earnest that you laugh and cover your mouth, and this time he does laugh with you. But he reaches up and takes your hand away from your face,
"Don't hide that pretty smile," he says softly, "please."
"Ok," you say, standing up with his help. Eddie presses a fresh baggie into your hand,
"Drive safe," he whispers, "and don't be a stranger.... please."
Just like that, you're in the sticky night air again; you stop your car and take a few deep breaths. Did that really happen? As if in answer to your unspoken question, his trailer door opens,
"No," Eddie almost shouts, "you know what," he leaps the steps from his trailer and crosses the ground between you, pushing a broad hand into your curls moments before he stoops to kiss you. It's hard and needy and feverish; you whimper into his mouth and let his weight push you back against the side of your car. He doesn't cop a feel, but the way his hand grips your hip has the same feeling; like you're helpless and exposed and completely at his mercy.
He pulls away, eyes bright and glittering in the gloom,
"Sex is not just for guys, Y/N, it's for girls too... especially girls like you," he whispers and rubs his nose against yours, "do you believe me?"
"I..." the words don't come; you're trembling, silent, and his face starts to shift,
"Shit, sorry -" he mutters, "I'm a fucking idiot, I'm sorry-" You cut him off with a kiss because it's the only way you can express what it is you wish you could find the words to say, and he turns to you like a sunflower following the light.
"I'm not sure I believe you," you whisper when you pull away, "but you can try to prove me wrong if you like."
He grins like you've given him the world and takes your hand,
"I will," he says and steps back, not tugging or pulling you, just inviting you to follow, and God it could be a bad idea but you do. All the way to his bedroom where he pulls off his shirt like it's nothing. You wish you had his confidence; the thought of taking off the loose, long dress you're wearing is like ice down your back, and he sees that, "hey," he says gently, "it's ok if you changed your mind."
"No... I haven't I'm just..." you trail off as he approaches,
"Lil' shy?" He teases, but his voice is warm. You nod, "that's ok... do you trust me?" You nod; you always have. He's a nice guy, really a nice guy; the kind of good person that wouldn't let anyone be pushed around. He was always kind to you, and that doesn't seem to have changed. When Eddie trails a hand along your arm, you shiver; the next kiss is gentle and slow. And it goes on and on until you think you'll lose your mind; as you slump against him, his arms slip up around your waist and he holds you like it's easy. Like you weigh nothing, "can we lose this?" He murmurs, tugging the skirt of your dress gently.
Time to be brave, Y/N, it's now or never.
You nod and help him undo the buttons down its front, but you keep your eyes closed as it slips away and the cool air tickles the fine hairs on your arms and belly.
Then he whistles through his teeth,
"Where have you been hiding?" He asks, voice a little thick. When you open your eyes they don't meet Eddie's, because his are fixed on your body. He takes a few steps around you, and for a moment it's hard not to feel like a rabbit being circled by a wolf. Then he steps up behind you and kisses the side of your neck, fingers tracing along your hips and waist,
"Nowhere," you whisper,
"You've been hiding in these baggy dresses," he mutters, "you shouldn't have, Princess, you're perfect." Those big, warm hands slide over your skin, around to your belly, up to ghost over the fabric of your bra,
"Hardly," you scoff, but he just nips your ear lobe, making you squeak and squirm, and you can feel it against your back, how hard he is. Somehow it makes you feel small. Toes curling in the flat hightops you haven't gotten around to taking off, you're almost floored by a sense of clarity. Of how you must look in your underwear and shoes. It feels vulgar, but not dirty.
It's strange, you realize, how he moves you without pushing or pulling at you. It feel natural to move to the bed, perfectly natural; its like he's guiding you. There's no pressure or negotiation; if I say no, he'll stop. Just like that. He won't even be mad. The thought is like warm water, so when his fingers touch your back, you lie on the bed on your belly without thought, and smile when the thud of his knees hitting the floor shakes the matress.
Lips ghost over your legs and back, his hands slide slowly, almost lazily over you until he snaps your bra strap against your back with a chuckle,
"Hey!" You whine and squirm,
"Sorry, Princess," he says with a laugh, "couldn't resist. Damn I can't believe you're here..." he tugs the strap again, "yes? No?"
"Yes," you murmur, when was the last time you were this relaxed? You can't remember. When the clasp comes free and he gently pulls the bra away you sigh,
"Can't believe you're really here," he says again, "God I wanted you so bad when we had English together." The absurdity of that thought makes you giggle,
"Can't believe I believed you when you said you were gonna be a gentleman," you tease and he feigns offence, lowering the weight of his body onto your back as he whispers,
"I am being a gentleman," he says, "I'm gonna take such good care of you." You roll over, almost by your own volition, but raise your arms. This time he does pull; pulls them down, "none of that," he mutters and lowers his head to kiss the skin under your collarbone, working down to lick your nipples, placing a kiss on each one, "don't hide from me. Promise?" Those eyes are like pools of warm chocolate. How can you say no to them?
"Promise," you say, and he raises a hand,
"Pinky swear?" There's a teasing edge to his voice, he pushes one leg between yours and shifts, rubbing the rough denim of his jeans against the thin material of your panties,
"Pinky swear," you gasp and wrap your pinky around his, grinning when he leans to kiss it,
"Good, 'cause if you do, I'm gonna have to punish you," he says, grimacing, "detention for you Princess. "
"Gonna make me write lines, Eds?"
"Not what I had in mind," he rubs his leg against you again, eyes flicking over your face as you flush, then leans down, "you cold?"You shake your head, "no? Then why're you shaking?"
"I don't, ah, I don't know." When did it get so hot in here? He sighs and sits up, eyes trailing up and down your body until the urge to cover yourself is so strong it's almost tangible. He tuts,
"'Sex isn't for girls like me,'" He mimicks you with a roll of his eyes, "bullshit, this," he runs his hands from your hips up to your breasts before pressing his knee against you firmly, grinning when your thighs squeeze around it, "sweet," he leans to kiss your neck, "soft," another kiss, lower down, "perfect," and another, lower still, "little body is made for it." His chin digs into your belly, his hands tug your panties, "please?" He pouts, dragging laughter out of you again. Are you supposed to laugh this much when you're naked?
You nod.
"Fuck me," he groans, "even your pussy's pretty, what the fuck Y/N?" That's it, the last straw; you buckle, curling around yourself, shaking with laughter, "no, no, no, I know I'm hilarious but you better bring that pretty ass back over here." He says, sniggering. Domineering isn't the word for Eddie Munson, but he manhandles you with ease; the strength in him shocks you as he wrestles you onto your back and presses the length of his body against yours, "you do understand that it's unfair to be this cute?" He's grinning like a child, watching you blush and laugh and shake your head, "it is, yes, it's unfair and it should be illegal, but it won't stop me from eating that pretty little pussy until you scream, so are you gonna behave or do you need a minute?"
"I need, Jesus, Eds, I need a minute," you gasp through the gasps of laughter and the fiery blush. He flops beside you on the bed,
"Fine," he says, turning to look at you, "do you want a beer?"
"No, thank you."
"You want a pop tart?"
"No Eddie," you snort shaking your head,
"So what do you want?" He props himself up on one elbow,
"I want you to lose the jeans, for a start," you say, feeling your nakedness with painful clarity, "even the playing field a little. "
"Oh the playing field," he drawls and hops to his feet, undoing his belt without ceremony, discarding the jeans with a flourish, "you don't fool me," he points, "we both hated gym."
Even on his knees, Eddie seems to loom, he can't help it. You smirk as he approaches, putting his elbows on either side of your legs,
"I'm literally on my knees, " he says, "can I please eat that perfect pussy?"
"God you're so rude," the eye-rolling, the admonishment; it's a front. You're shaking, terrified and exhilarated... and maybe, just maybe, enjoying the strange power he's given you.
"Please," he bats his eyelashes comically, dragging you closer until our hips are at the edge of the bed, "pretty please."
"Fine," you drag the word out, trying to mask the shivering excitement that's building in your belly.
He parts your legs like he's opening a gift, which is precious, but there's no time to tell him that; he doesn't start slow. Trying to breathe through the onslaught of sensation is enough to keep self-consciousness at bay until your body understands what it's feeling. The hot press of his maddening, the way his tongue slips over the flesh makes your head spin, and when he sucks, just enough to make you whine with need, your hands find his hair and tug.
Hips moving in time with his rhythm, you suddenly get it. Suddenly all the fuss makes sense; this is what it's supposed to be like. Those half-hearted fumbles with boys who were only interested in being able to say they had fucked anyone feel like they happened to someone else. This is how it should have been.
When you cum, it's like lightning; blinding and sudden hen you, and when you come back down to earth, Eddie's tapping your thigh,
"I do need to breathe," he says, muffled by your legs which, you see, are clamped around him.
"Shut, Eddie, I'm sorry, I-" he cuts you off with a kiss, and you can taste yourself on his lips,
"Don't be, that's exactly how I want to go out." Just like that, it seems to be over; he lies beside you and pulls you close, kissing your forehead and your hair,
"What about you?" You peek up at him and he smiles,
"I'm good," he says quietly, pressing his nose to your hair,
"You don't want...?" It's funny, you don't know how to ask him. It seems silly, this is the perfect time to ask him, just say 'Eddie, don't you want to fuck me?' The words don't come,
"I do," he murmurs, voice hot and sweet in your ear, "but this is about you."
"I want to make you feel good," it's the bravest collection of words you can assemble, so you slip your hand down to cup him while you say them and watch his eyes flutter closed,
"Yeah?" He asks, voice catching,
"Yeah," this time you're the one who moves, trying to put him on his back, but Eddie rolls and traps you under him,
"Well, who am I to refuse a lady," he chuckles and buries his face in your hair as he reaches over to fumble in the drawer of his bedside table, what...? Oh, "sure?" He asks, shaking against you as he pulls a condom free,
"Uh-huh," you can't help but watch him as he pulls his boxers down and kicks them off.
"You're so fucking cute when you blush," Eddie almost growls as he climbs back onto the bed, "... you sure about this?"
"Aren't you?"
"Fuck - what... how the hell can you ask that?" He demands A look of stupefied irritation on his face as you snort,
"Just checking," you say and realize, finally, that all this, the jokes, the teasing, they're to make you less nervous. And it's working, because your legs are up on his hips and you can feel the hard, hot press of him against your entrance... and you don't feel nervous anymore. It's Eddie, and when he sinks into you, muttering something barely audible about how good you feel, about how wet you are, the only words you hear that matter are simple,
"my good girl"
It's that simple, you realize, and that complex; it doesn't really matter what everyone else thinks of your body it doesn't matter if other men don't agree with him. As long as he says those three words again. As long as he holds you close and kisses you just like this, it doesn't matter if your stomach isn't flat, or if it ever is. Because he's got you. "You feel so good," you whisper it into his ear, along with everything else you've wanted to say all night. You tell him he's precious and adorable and handsome, that he makes you feel small in the best way, that he was right, that he proved you wrong and you want to do this again and again, and in the end, he only jokes about not actually being a superhero. So, you both agree to call a pizza and watch a horror movie while you wait.
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syddsatyrn · 8 months
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Chapter 1⛤Chapter 2 ⛤ Chapter 3 ⛤Chapter 4 ⛤ Chapter 5 Masterlist
⛤Pairing: - Eddie Munson x FemReader
⛤Warnings: Swearing, drinking / smoking, drugs, fluff, friends to lovers, kissing, a little angst if you squint.
⛤Words: 2.7k
⛤Song: "Photograph" By Def Leppard
⛤Summary: Moving away from Hawkins was the biggest mistake of your life. You left your best friends and forgot to stay in touch. Years later, you decide to hit up your good friend Steve. Its time to make a plan and make amends. The one thing you didn't expect was feelings to resurface when you saw your old high school crush.
⛤Notes: This series is 18+ Minors scram. I've got a super extra long chapter for you guys today! @hellfiremunsonn is my faithful beta reader and assists me so much. Thank you guys for making my come-back series a fun one. My next chapter will be the end of this series.
⛤Chapter: 4 "Subtle" Chemistry Star court mall is always at least a little crowded. The lively hum of conversations, laughter, and distant music formed a vibrant backdrop. Storefronts beckoned with their displays of trendy fashion, electronics, and enticing sales. Shoppers meandered through the wide walkways, their bags filled with many treasures. Neon signs buzzing, the occasional sounds of a cash register, and the scent of cinnamon drifting through the air. It was just like you remembered it. You had a blast hanging out with Robin. She picked out a brand new pair of ankle length combat boots. You both decided to get ice cream and take a break from walking around. The food court wasn’t super crowded, it was the perfect place to chat. “Can I tell you something? It’s a secret so dont go telling Steve.” “Ohhhh is it secret time?” I won't tell Stevie boy, I promise.” Robin raises her right hand, “Scouts honor.” “Okay. Uhhh…well…I slept in Eddie’s bed last night. He came home from tour in the middle of the night.” Your face turns redder with every word. “Oh shit. Wow Y/N, I didn't think you had it in yah.” She chuckles and puts another spoonful of strawberry ice cream in her mouth. “We didn't do anything!” You affirm your tone a little on the defensive side. “What!? I’m just saying you guys have been madly in love with each other since sophomore year and neither of you have had the audacity to tell each other for some unspoken reason…until now.” She's not wrong, Robin has always been one to spell it out for you loud and clear. She never holds back, it's something you’ve always appreciated about her. Robin has been telling you to come clean for ages now.
“Look, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I don't want to screw up my friendship with Eddie. Also, he's like a big rockstar now, I doubt he has any time for stuff like that.” You explain as you sink into your chair. "He probably has some cool metalhead girlfriend I don't know about.” You take a bite of your vanilla ice cream. It's so fitting for this conversation, vanilla ice cream for a vanilla person.
“God it's been years and I still can’t wrap my head around your stupid self doubt.” Robin says, shaking her head. “Eddie doesn't have a girlfriend. When you left he moped around his trailer for weeks. No one could get him to come out, not even Dustin. One time I went over to his place to check on him and he was sloshed out of his mind. He told me, "The songs he sings don't mean a thing if you’re not there to hear it.”
“He didn't say that.” You scoff.
“Oh but he did, and he keeps a photo of you in his wallet.” Robin says teasingly.
“You know about that too?!” It's becoming apparent that everyone knows this except you.
“Of course I do. It's me, I know everything.” Robin says with a cocky tone.
You and Robin decide to float around the mall a little longer. A small department store was calling your name. The story had low lighting and they were playing some classic rock on the radio. Robin's goal was a pair of shoes, your goal however, was a hot outfit for tonight's party at the hideout. It honestly didn't take you long to find the cutest black skirt with chain embellishments, you picked out some new stockings too. —-------------- After the girls left Eddie felt like he could finally breathe. He finishes his coffee and breakfast, then falls backwards onto his bed. He stares at his ceiling as he finds himself lost in the intricate dance of thoughts that revolve around you. Images of you smiling genuine and heartwarming, flashed like snapshots in his imagination. Casual conversations, stolen glances, and the subtle chemistry that lingered in the air when you were near. The anticipation of his next encounter with you and the sweet nervousness that comes with it. The soft glow of the afternoon sun is casting a warm hue across his room. Steve and Dustin went grocery shopping, the apartment was silent. Eddie pulls himself out of his thoughts and shakes them off. He grabs a pre-rolled joint and lights it, Eddie is nervous and he knows it. All these years and he still can't tell you the truth. His life has changed so drastically for the better ever since he signed that record deal. But there was always something missing, something he was holding out for. Of course many girls are interested in him, but he's not interested in many girls. He promised himself after you left that next time he sees you, he is gonna tell you. If he misses this opportunity, he might lose you entirely. He almost completely gave up on you after a year of no contact. But every time he opened his wallet, he saw a glimpse of your face, he couldn't bring himself to get rid of you or the photo. Eddie puffs on his joint, each inhale making him a little less anxious. He tries to think about something else. It will be nice to hang out at the hideout again. That was where he played his very first gigs when the band was just starting out. They barely had any attendees and the band definitely sounded rough. Then Eddie recalls you being there for every single show. Your smiling face in the crowd, cheering him on after every song.  “Uhgg, get it together, man.” He says under his breath. He finishes his joint and decides to get dressed. —--------------- When you returned with Robin, Steve was putting away the last of the groceries. “We’re back!” Robin announces. Dustin is reading on the couch, when you look down the hall, Eddie’s bedroom door is open. “Welcome back, we will head to the bar when I finish this. I also need to get dressed. Eddie is out, said something about dropping off some equipment with Gareth. He’s gonna meet us there.” Steve says. Honestly, you were a little bummed. You were hoping he’d be around when you got back. But you shrug it off and take your stuff to his room. Robin follows you and shuts the door behind her. You both change into something a bit more stylish. You had a cropped Def Leppard shirt that you paired with the new skirt. This outfit would go well with boots and stockings. Robin didn't change anything really, just her shirt and shoes. You put on a couple of layered chain necklaces, a few rings, and a pair of small silver hoop earrings. “I am astonished really.” Robin says with a smile as she looks you up and down. You tilt your head in response and she laughs. “Eddie is gonna have a full on heart attack when he sees you.” Your face feels a little hot and you laugh nervously. “Do you think so?” “Oh yeah. No doubt.” She smirks. “Someones lookin’ to get lucky.” “Shut up!” You place your hand over her mouth. She does the unthinkable licks the palm of your hand. You give her this horrified face followed by both of you hysterically laughing like a couple of hyenas.  ---------------
The sun was setting and the sky grew darker with every passing minute. There is a chill in the air, which makes you shiver when you open the door. Steve drove to the hideout, it wasn’t far, maybe ten minutes away. When Steve pulled into the parking lot, you looked out the window and saw Eddie’s van. He’s already here, and you start to feel a bit anxious. The Hideout had not changed a bit. The neon signs in the window buzzed as you walked inside. Posters, fliers, and rustic decor filled the walls. You hear the low hum of chatter and the clinking of glasses, the place has a warm glow to it. You used to watch Eddie play here all the time. It felt like your heart was swelling, it's that bittersweet feeling again. You turn the corner and see Eddie and Gareth sitting in a booth. Eddie waves and one by one you all walk over and pile into the same booth. You sit across from Eddie, you can see his face getting a little red. “You uh…look really good, Y/N.” Eddie says with a half smile. He reaches over and adjusts one of your chain necklaces. Robin sees this and covers her mouth, trying not to laugh at how embarrassed you are. But you had to pull all that on hold for now. Nancy and Johnathan walk up and greet the group. You practically climb over Robin and wrap Nancy in a tight hug. “Oh! Y/N? You’re here?! When did you get into town?!” She hugs you back just as hard. “The other day! It's so good to see you, Nance.” Nancy smiles and fights back tears, she didn't expect any kind of reunion. The thing is, You both grew up together. Your mom was friends with Mrs. Wheeler. You spent a lot of your childhood with Nancy and her brother Mike. When you left, Nancy thought she lost you to the city for good.  “Don’t cry! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long.” “They are happy tears, it’s fine. I’m just so happy to see you.” Everyone in the group is touched to see two best friends reunite. Robin looks like she might start crying too. You give Jonathan a hug as well, It's nice to see him doing well. He wasn't always full of smiles and you’ve wondered how he's been over the years. You remember Jonathan used to take photos of the gang, half of the polaroids you have were probably taken by him. A bartender comes by and takes our order. Eddie ordered whiskey and so did you. Vodka soda for Nancy and Robin, Steve and Jonathan order beers. The clinking of glasses, the occasional burst of laughter, and the subtle hum of the other patrons deep in conversation created a soundtrack to this shared experience. You updated your friends on your new life, and once again apologized for being an awful friend. Everyone was so happy to see you that it didn't matter anymore.  “You better not leave and go back to ignoring us.” Robin says. --------------------
The sun was setting and the sky grew darker with every passing minute. There is a chill in the air, which makes you shiver when you open the door. Steve drove to the hideout, it wasn’t far, maybe ten minutes away. When Steve pulled into the parking lot, you looked out the window and saw Eddie’s van. He’s already here, and you start to feel a bit anxious. The Hideout had not changed a bit. The neon signs in the window buzzed as you walked inside. Posters, fliers, and rustic decor filled the walls. You hear the low hum of chatter and the clinking of glasses, the place has a warm glow to it. You used to watch Eddie play here all the time. It felt like your heart was swelling, it's that bittersweet feeling again. You turn the corner and see Eddie and Gareth sitting in a booth. Eddie waves and one by one you all walk over and pile into the same booth. You sit across from Eddie, you can see his face getting a little red. “You uh…look really good, Y/N.” Eddie says with a half smile. He reaches over and adjusts one of your chain necklaces. Robin sees this and covers her mouth, trying not to laugh at how embarrassed you are. But you had to pull all that on hold for now. Nancy and Johnathan walk up and greet the group. You practically climb over Robin and wrap Nancy in a tight hug. “Oh! Y/N? You’re here?! When did you get into town?!” She asks and hugs you back just as hard. “The other day! It's so good to see you, Nance.” Nancy smiles and fights back tears, she didn't expect any kind of reunion. The thing is, You both grew up together. Your mom was friends with Mrs. Wheeler. You spent a lot of your childhood with Nancy and her brother Mike. When you left, Nancy thought she lost you to the city for good.  “Don’t cry! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long.” “They are happy tears, it’s fine. I’m just so happy to see you.” Nancy says between sobs. Everyone in the group is touched to see two best friends reunite. Robin looks like she might start crying too. You give Jonathan a hug as well, It's nice to see him doing well. He wasn't always full of smiles and you’ve wondered how he's been over the years. You remember Jonathan used to take photos of the gang, half of the polaroids you have were probably taken by him. A bartender comes by and takes our order. Eddie ordered whiskey and so did you. Vodka soda for Nancy and Robin, Steve and Jonathan order beers. The clinking of glasses, the occasional burst of laughter, and the subtle hum of the other patrons deep in conversation created a soundtrack to this shared experience. You updated your friends on your new life, and once again apologized for being an awful friend. Everyone was so happy to see you that it didn't matter anymore.  “You better not leave and go back to ignoring us.” Robin says.
“I wouldn’t even dream of it.” You reply.Hours slipped away unnoticed as the night unfolded, a mosaic of laughter, camaraderie, and the shared appreciation of the moment. Eddie could help but sneak glances at you, it was hard not to. He’s been trying to keep his cool all night, he had several shots of whiskey to build up some liquid courage. The world outside the café window dimmed as everyone delved into stories and life updates.
Eddie hands you his pack of cigarettes, silently asking if you’d like to go outside with him. You take one and place it between your lips. You and Eddie excuse yourselves from the group and head outside, the cold air sent a shiver up your spine.
“Brr! I forgot how cold it is when the sun goes down. I should have brought a coat.” You offhandedly say as Eddie lights your cigarette for you. Eddie removes his leather jacket, leaving him with a thick black hoodie. He drapes it around your shoulders and you are immediately much more comfortable. Your face gets a little red, he’s always been such a gentleman. You both lean up against Eddie's van. His thoughts are a symphony of emotions, dancing between hope and uncertainty. The evening was filled with a serene ambiance, and even in the quiet moments, you still felt comfort in his presence. “Y/N…” Eddie finally pipes up. “Yeah?” “I think we should talk. Y’know…about where we stand with each other.” Eddie admits. Your eyes widen, this is finally happening. The anxiety sets in and you try to swallow your nerves. Eddie stands in front of you, looking at his feet. “Do you remember, right before you left, that time we got high in my van next to lovers lake?” “Yeah. I do.” You answer quietly. “Do you remember me telling you that no one could ever replace you in my life?” He asks and you nod. You remember it like it was yesterday. It was a sunny day, the light glistening along the top of the water. You and Eddie passed a joint back and forth. You gave him a small wallet sized photo from picture day. “I still have that photo, I keep it in my wallet. You told me to keep it as a reminder, so I don't forget you. The thing is, meeting you was like finding my favorite song in a world full of noise, and I can't stop hitting replay no matter how many times I hear it.” Eddie takes a deep breath. It's like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. You were stunned, absolutely speechless. In that moment, the unspoken became words, there was no going back now. Eddie moves a few inches closer, pinning you between himself and van. Under the glow from a nearby streetlamp, the air was charged with tension. You met his gaze with a gentle smile. Without another word, Eddie cupped your face in his hands. Time seemed to slow down as Eddie leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. You kiss him back, It spoke volumes with no words at all. Eddie presses his body against yours and you wrap your arms around his neck to bring him closer. You can't stop shaking, your nerves combined with the cold air made it impossible to be completely still. Eddie finally breaks away from you and opens the back doors to his van. “Hop in, you’re freezing to death.” Eddie says, you take his hand as he helps you into the van then he climbs in after you and shuts the door. You take a seat on an upside down milk crate while Eddie starts the car and cranks the heat. You still can't believe what just happened, you’ve only ever dreamed of this moment. Eddie grabs his acoustic guitar and sits on top of a large amp. He took a deep breath, fingers gently caressing the strings of the guitar, and he started to strum. “I feel so stupid for leaving you alone out here.” You say while looking down at your hands. “If anyone deserves an apology it’s you. I just assumed you moved on and didn’t need any reminders.” “Don’t worry your pretty little head, I forgive you.” He chuckles. “Besides, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?” You recognize the tune he's playing, you’ve heard it before. “What song is this?” You ask, it's so familiar. “Photograph by Def Leppard.” He answers with a half smile and you smile back at him, your eyes widen as you recall the lyrics. He played this song for you before, but you ant remember how long ago. 
“Y’know, I still haven't figured out how to sit across from you and not be madly in love with everything you do.” You reply, hearing him play was actually really calming, you’ve missed this side of him. The guitar became an extension of his feelings, his voice carrying a sweetness to it, like warm honey. ♫“I see your face every time I dream
On every page, every magazine
So wild and free,
So far from me
You're all I want, my fantasy
Oh, look what you've done to this rock 'n' roll clown
Oh-oh, look what you've done
I don't want your photograph
I don't need your photograph
All I've got is a photograph
But it's not enough”♫ As the last chord resonated. Eddie sets the guitar against the wall of the van. You spring into his arms, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. You bury your face in his shoulder, you didn't expect to get so emotional. You’re so happy but you still feel so guilty, you question why anyone would leave this feeling behind.
Eddie pulls you into his lap. “Are you crying?! Oh shit, no don’t cry…”Eddie squeezes you a little tighter. “Shhh…it's okay, sweetheart.”
You took a deep breath, “I love you, Eddie.” The words spilled out.  “I love you too. I’ve always loved you.” Eddie says, when you look back at him he smiles and brushes a few strands of hair away from your face. “Do you want to go back to mine?” He asks, it's like he read your mind. You nod in response and Eddie chuckles. “Let's get out of here.”
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wheels-of-despair · 9 months
A Slightly Late Munson Christmas Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie spent Christmas '85 with Evil Woman, but it's time to go home and celebrate with Wayne… what if he brings her along? Contains: Hangin' with the Munsons, Christmas gifts, a sleepover, Eddie finally accepting that this is not a temporary arrangement. Words: 1.4k
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"Wayne's coming home tonight."
You open your eyes and try not to show Eddie how sad you are about him going home. He's been with you most of Christmas break, since his uncle started working overtime, and you'd loved every second of it. But he has to go home sometime.
"I know," you mumble, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. You're nestled into his side, as close as you can be, on the loveseat in your garage. Is it warmer inside? Yes. Do you prefer being out here so Eddie can smoke and you're forced to huddle for warmth? Absolutely.
"Wanna come do Christmas with us?"
"What?" You lift your head to look at him.
"Do you want to come over and have A Slightly Late Munson Christmas with us?" He glances at you, then focuses on the smoke rising from the cigarette in his hand.
You can't fight the grin spreading across your face. "Really?"
"Don't get all excited about it or anything, it's just frozen dinners and whatever's on TV."
He stubs out his cigarette and tries to play it off as no big deal, but you're more excited about this than your own Christmas. Eddie coming to you has become standard, because his uncle works through every holiday. You knew they did a little something together afterward, but he's never invited you to be a part of it before.
"I'd love to."
You shared the plan with your mom, packed a bag, hopped in the van, and went straight to Bradley's Big Buy for the essentials. (TV dinners, beer and soda, some holiday-themed snack cakes that were half-off.)
The trailer was cold when you got there. Eddie turned up the heat, and you both scurried around to straighten up a bit before Wayne came home. Blankets were folded, mugs were washed, ash trays were emptied. You placed your presents for Wayne on the table, as well as a plate of cookies your mom had saved for him.
The tin trays of something slightly resembling food were in the oven and Eddie was in the bathroom when you heard Wayne's truck door slam outside.
He ambles in with half-lidded eyes, and smiles when he sees you leaning against the kitchen counter. "Hey, darlin'."
"Hi, Wayne."
"Hey, old man," Eddie grins, emerging from the hallway.
"Watch it, boy," Wayne warns half-heartedly, causing Eddie's grin to approach Grinch-like intensity.
Wayne sits down in the chair beside the door to unlace his boots. "Y'all have fun?"
"Oh yeah," Eddie says, dropping into the chair across from him. "Stole some lawn ornaments, set fire to some Christmas trees, sacrificed some virgins. The usual."
Wayne sighs and looks to you. "Did he behave?"
"For the most part," you grin. "Chief Hopper let him off with a warning, since it's Christmastime and all."
"You weren't supposed to tell him that!" Eddie stage-whispers angrily.
You chuckle, and Wayne shakes his head. Eddie's watch beeps - which is standing in for the unreliable oven timer - and he reaches for a potholder. He transfers the flimsy foil trays from the oven to the counter to cool, like a pro, then stands next to you.
"Well, while those are coolin', how about presents?"
"Talked to Santa," Wayne says somberly, leaning back to lace his fingers behind his head. "Said he'd have to pass you by this year."
"Well, my girl's mom must've changed his mind, 'cause I had a packed stocking on Christmas morning just like everybody else," Eddie says proudly, hooking his arm around your neck and pulling you close. You wrap an arm around his back and smile up at him, remembering how excited he was every time he pulled out another little gift.
"Really?" Wayne's eyes flick from Eddie to you. You nod subtly, and Wayne smiles. "Well, in that case, I guess it's alright. In the corner, go get 'em." Wayne gestures to his favorite chair. Eddie lets you go with a kiss to the forehead, and goes to investigate. While Eddie's ass is in the air, leaning over the chair and trying to reach the gifts behind it, Wayne looks to you.
"When he was little, I had to lock his presents in the toolbox on my truck. Such a sneak. Gettin' lazy in his old age."
"Not lazy," Eddie grumbles, bringing a few packages wrapped in newspaper to the table. "Just knew I'd never get anything cooler than the Stretch Armstrong that Santa brought me when I was 9." He puts the items on the table and heads for the door. You raise an eyebrow and stay put. He comes back with a bucket, which he flips over and sits on. "C'mon," he says, patting the chair he'd recently vacated.
You sat around the table and exchanged presents while Eddie filled Wayne in on your first real Christmas together, and what "Santa" had filled his stocking with. When your tinfoil dinners were cool enough to handle without burning off your fingertips, you moved to the living room. Wayne propped himself up in his favorite chair, and you and Eddie took the couch. Eddie found an old western on TV, and you ate in a comfortable silence.
When you finished eating, you and Eddie stacked your trays on the coffee table, but made no move to get up. He put an arm around you, you cuddled into his side, and he covered you both with a blanket.
The Slightly Late Munson Christmas was very different from Christmas at your house, but you loved it just as much.
You were rubbing absent-minded patterns on Eddie's leg when a snore rumbled through the room. You jumped in surprise, and Eddie let out a quiet chuckle.
"C'mon," he whispers. "Let's let the old man crash."
You stand and quietly gather your trays and cans - and Wayne's - and take them to the trash can. You place the forks in the sink one by one to avoid clattering while Eddie pulls out Wayne's creaky fold-up bed. The lights are turned off, except for the one above the stove, and you retreat to Eddie's room and close the door.
"Is the chair bad for his back? Should you wake him up?" you ask with concern, sitting on the edge of Eddie's bed.
Eddie shakes his head with a smile and unbuttons his jeans. "He drank two beers, he'll be up to wiz in an hour anyway. Then he can crawl into bed and let the sugar-plum fairies… dance or strip or whatever."
You snort, and he dives into bed in boxers and the t-shirt he'd been wearing all day. You, a more civilized kind of person, slip into the bathroom to change into pajamas. When you return to Eddie's room, he's ditched his shirt and is lying there in bed in what you assume is an attempt at a seductive position.
You roll your eyes and crawl over him, unaffected. He pouts and flips over, so you're lying there facing each other.
"Thanks for inviting me to A Slightly Late Munson Christmas," you whisper.
"Thanks for putting up with me all week," he smiles.
"I want to put up with you all the time."
"Your window to get rid of me is like," he squints and pushes his thumb and index fingers together to leave just a sliver of space, "this close to closing forever."
You reach out and use your own fingers to push his together.
"You're mine, Munson."
Eddie's mouth slips into a lopsided smile, and he leans forward for a kiss. When he pulls away, he looks at his watch and laughs.
"You know it's like 9:30, right? And we're in bed like old people."
"I'm sure we can think of something to keep ourselves awake…" you smirk.
"Yeah?" He waggles his eyebrows. "Wanna make out a little?"
"Eh… I guess," you shrug, like that wasn't your intention all along.
Eddie scoffs and flips over to lie on his other side, facing away from you. He crosses his arms with a dramatic "hmph!"
"Aww," you tease, moving in close and spooning him from behind. You wrap your arm around his middle and nuzzle your cheek to his back. Eventually, his hand closes over yours.
"This was the best Christmas ever," you mumble into his back.
"Hell yeah, it was," he yawns, giving your hand a squeeze.
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mama-qwerty · 27 days
Okay. So.
The Sonic 3 trailer.
First of all, I watched this with my whole family, so didn't see it until about 2:30 this afternoon. My son is the one who got me into Sonic in the first place, so I thought it was only fair that I wait until he got home from school so we could watch it together.
We all absolutely loved it, and think it looks like a really fun ride.
I've rewatched it a few times, and a few things stood out to me.
The Race Scene
The little bit at the beginning when the three are having what looks like a race into the forest back home. Maybe they're actually racing or playing capture the flag or some other kind of game to give them some enrichment and exercise (so they don't cause shenanigans). Based on a few other quick shots, it looks like they're having fun.
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Now, further into the trailer we see Knuckles kicking off Big Ben, and Sonic zipping up the side of a bridge, much like he did off the log back home during this game. I'm thinking we'll see a parallel of the game at some point, where they maybe need to work together, or just need that connection to home to really focus and get the job done. (I'm guessing they're going after whatever that ship is that's coming out of the water. Maybe. I dunno. The time of day looks right, though.)
Team Sonic Working With GUN
Walters isn't recruiting the boys out of just desperation. He wants to see them in action, wants to know what they're capable of. And he's only going to tell them what he wants them to know. They're not chomping at the bit to join the very organization that tried to capture them (Sonic and Tails) or likely hold them accountable for partnering with Robotnik the last time (Knuckles).
Sonic calls Shadow a "rogue alien", which would be odd if he knew Shadow's true origins. Walters likely told them Shadow appeared on earth 50 years ago and was subdued and put into status, but escaped and now is a danger to the planet. They likely don't even know he's a hedgehog. Which would explain Sonic's claim of not wanting to fight once they realize he's like them.
Which ends badly for all three.
My guess is that line about how "Shadow isn't too different from Sonic" is said later, once the family confronts Walters about who this other hedgehog really is. Walters has no choice but to fess up (to a point) and tell them what happened.
"What did you do?"
Sonic says this line with such a combination of anger and fear and pain that I can only guess that Shadow did something to Sonic's family. Likely Tom. This would cause Sonic to drop all pretense of jovial banter, and get really, really pissed.
I've seen theories that this maybe brings about Dark Sonic, which would be cool, but I have my doubts. But it will test Sonic's heart, calling back to the scene at the beginning that Tom said his heart never changed after everything. If Sonic thinks Shadow hurt (or killed) someone he loves, he would feel very conflicted in how he'd react to that.
Okay. So, he's back, no surprise there, and he's looking really unkempt. Depression does that to a person. I'm eager to see the back and forth that gets him to agree to work with the boys, and wouldn't put it past him to demand the Master Emerald as payment. To which Knuckles will of course refuse, which is why Sonic will give him one of his quills instead.
He likely has no idea about Shadow, as it seems as though Shadow escapes on his own. (Or does he? Could Robotnik have access to whatever containment system Shadow's been kept in, and releases him simply to cause mayhem?)
The group somehow end up at what used to be the ARK for some reason. I take it this is where Robotnik double crosses the boys (shocker!) and chains them up to let Shadow finish them off.
This is also where he meets his grandfather, Gerald. (He calls Gerald Pap Pap, which is a term some people use for their grandfathers, myself included.)
Now, here's where I have a few theories. It could really be Gerald, still alive and running on his anger after all these years. If he stayed at the ARK after the military overran it, that would be 50 some years of solitude, where he's dwelling on what happened, why it happened, and what could have been done to prevent it. He's become twisted and insane, seeing humanity as a plague and releasing Shadow to enact his revenge.
Or, based on how identical Ivo and Gerald look, it's possible 'Gerald' is actually Ivo himself. Maybe a subplot of this is the chaos emeralds, they need to find them so Sonic can be powerful enough to stop Shadow. But maybe they're like the Infinity Stones, and one has the power to manipulate time. Ivo gets hold of it, goes back in time, and proceeds to use the quill that Sonic gave him during their little agreement to work together to create Shadow.
Or the chaos emerald itself was used to create Shadow as well, and that's why he's got so much chaos energy in him that he can't control. He can't find that damn fourth chaos emerald, because he IS the fourth chaos emerald.
Or, Ivo is a clone that Gerald made of himself to continue his research. When the ARK was raided, all of Gerald's experiments were taken, including Gerald IV--that the government named Ivo before placing him into an orphanage.
I dunno. None of these are likely true. But they're fun to play with and think about.
Adorable as ever. I'm hoping we get some more engagement and action from him.
My boy. Needs an ice pack for that wrist. Just wanna scoop him up and care for him. I hope we see some good interactions between him and the rest of the family.
He looks good. Like, really good. I'm not 100% sold on the voice acting, but we've only heard 2 lines from him, so I'm reserving judgment on that. The fight scenes look great, and he's a very formidable adversary for the boys. Unlike anything any of them have seen or fought before. Running on pure grief and anger, he's thrown into a world he doesn't understand, and doesn't care to because it stole his sister from him.
I found the trailer very fun, and am excited for the movie. And I'm happy to see some excitement for the SCU out there again.
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