#[ i'm excited for this au not gonna lie ]
raiiny-bay · 1 month
some kel sketches i'm working on
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harper-collins · 5 months
Guys, please, for the love of god, let me know if this already exists, but I was just thinking whilst preparing tomorrow's world a day (completely unrelated to this idea for its example, by the way), and I wondered if anyone's done an AU where Scar and/or Mumbo were or become a part or YHS/TS...
And then I thought about adding the watcher lore into this, too (I still haven't finished the EVO series, so I can't add my full opinion of this in yet, but give me a chance, and I'll finish the series)
I really want to expand on this more, and I might; I'll see? But if anyone's already done this, can they let me know so I can either look at it or read it because the idea's in my brain, and I can't get it out.
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besthimbomachine · 1 year
I'm doing taxes so to help me survive the ultimate adulthood nightmare send me asks about my planned fics!! I'm gonna list them below and you can just ask me anything!
my love when it counted (ch 3 is done and I got like 3 more already well planned)
take me to the edge and back (hangman request after revolution, smut)
a long, lonely time (hangman request, friends to lovers, fluff)
some you do for love (hangman/bcc feu request, friends to lovers, fluff with some violence)
title shot (kenny smut where reader is a wrestler who just won the women's title)
leave it to the land (kenny werewolf! AU, probably multichapter, certainly smut)
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vxctorx · 2 years
“Are ye’ sure the door’s jammed? Maybe ye’ just need to push a wee bit more?” There was no way the two of them were stuck in the middle of this shoebox of a closet. Surely not!
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  ❝—Any more pressure and you ought to break it off of its hinges.❞ His adumbral figure remains inclined against one of the four walls amongst which they have found themselves confined, listening to the rattling sounds of the other’s efforts to free himself from his entrapment and, respectively, Victor’s evidently unwelcome company. As the young detective’s defeated sigh at last resonates across the narrow space which they now share, he finds himself battling the urge to bite the inside of his cheek in order to hide the smile which the other will not be able to see, but no doubt can hear tinging his voice.
  ❝—Well. I don’t suppose anyone is in a rush to come to our rescue, so we may as well make ourselves comfortable.❞
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teddybeartoji · 6 months
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the prince finds himself in alone and in trouble in the woods - but lo and behold, a knight appears and saves him, infatuating the prince from the first drop of blood spilled just for him.
☆. contains: prince!satoru gojo x gn!knight!reader; crack, fluff, meet-cute????, blood and death, tw gojo is fucking ridiculous, a couple of suggestive comments and a boner mention, knight!suguru mention, reader has scars
☆. word count: 6k
☆. note: dedicated to @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat (u can find their version here!) thank you for being insane about them with me and thank you for being my inspiration and to @mossmurdock your knight!sugu lives in my mind thank you for feeding my brain
+ here is the series masterlist and here is the official soundtrack!
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adrenaline pumps in his veins.
the branches scratch his marble skin as he runs through the forest, followed by the loud thumping of six or seven men. the sudden loudness amidst the trees scares even the birds, flocks of them flying in their seperate ways over the clear blue sky.
"c'mere, boy!"
"yeah! we jus' wanna talk!" their deep dark laughter echoes between the trees. the prince's heart thumps in his chest - for once in his life he might actually be a bit anxious. nervous, even. no, no way. he'll talk himself out of it just like any other time. his charm will save him.
"wanna see what your insides look like, pretty boy!"
okay, maybe not.
he tries to catch a glimpse of them over his shoulder and immediately trips over a branch, falling face first into a cute small clearing. the perfect little spot for a murder attempt of a prince.
"well, well, well. if it isn't the honored one." says one of the men that had been chasing him. another one steps into the clearing after him and from the corner of his eye he spots another pair. he's clearly outnumbered.
"why hello, gentlemen! fancy seeing you here! didn't take you for nature guys but it is a lovely day today, isn't it?" still down on the soft grass bed, the prince tries to slowly back away from the hunters before him.
"where's your sword, boy? stupid of you to come out without it. you never know what lurks in the shadows, heh." another voice booms from the left. two more men leaning on trees, one of them plays with a knife while the other lights a smoke. the bright sunlight bounces off the knife, making the prince gulp.
now typically, he would have it with him but well, he hadn't really planned on getting ambushed, now did he? his plan was to enjoy the warm weather and time away from his father. so this time, he does not have it. this one time he decides he'll do fine without it is the time for these money hungry bastards to make their move. how unfortunate.
"i was actually hoping to use one of yours." he says with a smile.
the men laugh.
a bald one steps forward, the leader the prince presumes. he plays with the tip of his blade, letting it glide over his palm as he starts making his way over to the prince.
"you really are as arrogant as they say. d'ya know how much your head costs?"
the prince laughs.
"what's so funny, boy?"
"i don't think you gents can even comprehend how much my head would cost."
a palm flies over his mouth, surpressing the giggles threathening to leave. how can one be so proud of his own joke? his attackers stare at the prince with straight faces - they either don't understand or they're seriously beginning to take him for a bit of a loony.
"not funny? i thought it was funny. you know, head?" the prince's tongue pokes at his cheek, his hand making a back and forth motion and one of the men gags. "what?! you're the ones talking about my head!"
the baldy is only a few steps away but the prince doesn't really have a plan. should he run again? the castle is far, would he even make it there? sure, he's fast but there's way more of them. hell, there might be more hiding in the trees. what if they do have horses somewhere? they'll catch him for sure. shit, where is suguru?
and as if an aswer to his question — a sudden loud neigh cuts the tension on the clearing and a saviour appears.
a black horse, with a mane darker than night, stands back on it's hind legs - looming over the prince and the peasants. a figure sits up high, bright sunlight beaming from right behind them, the shadow hiding their face. but the prince knows — it's not suguru. no, this is someone else entirely.
armor clangs as the figure hastily jumps off their horse, mumbling a quick go, boy! to the animal. he takes off into the woods, leaving just the hunters and the prey behind.
a knight. coming to save him.
"step back." confidently unsheathing your sword, you point the silvery blade at the baldy. your voice is rough and the prince definitely doesn't recognise you.
"we were here first." he bites back.
"he's mine."
and then the prince falls into a dream-like state. the short interaction between his knight and the bandits falls deaf on his ears as he's busy taking you in. who are you? you're surrounded by some kind of holy light — an angel, sent just for him. he has never seen you before, he'd definitely remember you if he had. he glances over your armor, noticing the small specks of rust covering the joints of the cuirass. you're not wearing a helm so the prince can take his time to remember your eyes; the big scar running down across your right eye forever engrained into his mind. and it's not the only one – you've clearly taken some hits; a strong warrior nonetheless. your eyes are set on the bald bastard in front of you – cold and hunter-like? absolutely devoid of fear and anything alike, you know you will best the men before you. you shall brush them off and count this as a quick and simple victory. your posture is immaculate, your head held up high – it's making him a bit jealous really, all the times he's been lectured about not having a straight back flood his mind. he should be ashamed. his eyes fall to your lips; they're a little chapped but that's completely understandable. a mighty knight like you doesn't have the time to worry about such silly things, although the prince thinks he would gladly (and generously) share some of his special made lip balm with you. preferably straight from his lips to yours.
a sudden light in the corner of his eye breaks breaks him from his dream and gives him a second to scoot backward – to escape the sharp blade coming down his way very fucking fast —
it lands right between his thighs, awfully close to his precious manhood and he gasps. big widened eyes gaze up at the perpetrator but before he can say anything, a quick swing at the man's neck makes the lump in the prince's throat grow in size. the man's mouth opens and closes twice, eyes rolling back before the whole head rolls off the body. it falls between the prince's legs, right next to the sword, the body following a mere second later. blood splatters out of the limp figure, painting the lush green grass a deep dark red color instead.
the prince blue eyes rise from the sight in front of him to you and your eyes meet for the first time ever. a prince and his knight.
but moment doesn't last. you tear your sharp eyes from his infatuated ones and glare at the men hiding in the treeline. it seems they need a moment to collect themselves – as they should. not everybody is able to cleave a head off a body in one swing.
they've heard stories about you.
an abrupt war cry emits from behind one of the trees, accompanied with the fast heavy steps of the man sprinting towards you. he's a good distance away, giving you more than enough time to ready yourself. his eyebrows are furrowed, fingers tightly gripping the sharp blade in his hand. he's approaching quickly, the ground thumping under his feet. you make your stance directly in front of the prince, ready to protect him, ready to keep him all to yourself.
while you're focused on the bastard coming straight for you, you barely make out the other pair of feet advancing from the other side.
"watch out!" a loud warning comes from down below you, the prince watching the scene unfold with exhilaration. this just might be his dream – he's the damsel in distress and you are his knight.
but to you, it seems that these poor men (including the prince himself) still underestimate you.
the yelling man meets his demise the second he's in your reach, a swift deep slash across his body stopping him in his tracks - he'll bleed to death in a matter of minutes. you think about how stupid they are for coming out here without armor or any other sort of protection. did they really think killing the prince would be so easy. however, you don't have time to contemplate the decisions of these silly little men because the other bandit is about to be on you.
almost stumbling over the prince's lanky legs, you realize that you're putting the prince way too close to the danger. you wouldn't want him to get hurt, now, would you? so, you take a bold step toward your attacker and pressuring him into making his move earlier than expected - which in turn, makes dodging it easier than expected. he swings his sword but you dodge it; he does it again - this time in the opposite direction but to no avail. you strike him once, twice – sending him staggering backwards before finishing him off with slash to his throat. he falls.
you're panting; a light sheen of sweat covers your forehead – a drop runs down the side of your face. the heavy armor and the sword are taking their toll but it's nothing new, you're used to this. thick dark blood drips from your blade - they're good friends by now, they often meet. the silver and red mix together, making a color you know all too well.
meanwhile, the prince sits on the soft grassy ground, observing the brutal scene. his hands shake from the adrenaline still pumping in his body; the excitement of the whole thing making him grow restless – desperate for some action. every day he sits in the castle, rows of words filling his vision – it's boring. he tries to bother suguru as much as he can, it's pretty much the only entertainment he has. sometimes he still messes around with the maids; aimlessly flirts with the younger women and cracks jokes with the older ones. but it's not enough. he needs this.
so, he scrambles to grab the dead man's sword from between his legs, drawing your attention away from the treeline, where three men still prowl.
"stand back, your highness." you try to command him.
"no way." he replies with a smile.
you reach out your hand, ready to push him aside - to usher him toward the other side of the clearing but a deep voice interrupts you.
"would you look at that, the boy wants to play too?" he chuckles darkly.
"bold of you to laugh while your friends lay dead before you." the prince sharply snaps back.
the man stays quiet.
you stare at him for a moment, raising a brow at his arrogance. you've heard that the prince has had some training and that he is supposedly good with a sword but to be this excited in a moment like this? he's something else, you surmise. he takes his place slightly behind you, ready to "watch your back".
in theory, you're still outnumbered even with the prince alongside you. the men are circling around you and it's hard to keep them all in your sights. two of them seem to be more focused on you, seemingly the only good idea they've had in a minute, and one is going straight for the prince.
they all make their move simultaneously, running wildy at the both of you. a loud clang — a swing against your tough armor; the heavy hit almost making you lose your balance. you collect yourself fast and take a quick left - successfully ducking away from the next blow. but the taking on two people at the same time is no small feat; the other bandit smacks you right in the middle of your face with the back of his sword, immediately flooding your senses with the tangy smell of blood. the warm liquid drips down to your lip and you can almost taste it. no, wait - you can taste it. a cut in your tongue, deep and painful, the result of it getting caught between your teeth. you've always thought it hard to bite your tongue and now, a mouthful of blood clogging your throat confirms that you won't be doing that again. you spit some of it out and bare your red stained teeth at the attackers.
the prince behind you is, surprisingly, holding his own very well. he's enjoying it. a cocky smile plays on his lips as he toys with the man. taking a step to the right and then to the left, as if checking his footwork.
"not bad, tough guy!" the prince laughs, making you glance over your shoulder but the movement in front of you brings your focus back to your guys. tired of playing around, you juke one of them and cut off the hand holding the blade; the man's wailing music to your ears. whilst he cries, you stab the remaining man right through his chest.
the prince and his dance partner are still going at it. the man swings his blade at the prince and he deflects it with ease. he keeps taking steps forward, forcing his opponent to back up; it's clear who's controlling the fight.
it's quite pleasing to watch; how smoothly he walks; with no shame - like he owns this clearing (he quite literally does). just like you, he knows he's already won this duel. it pleasing to watch how he raises his sword with a smile; how he knows there won't be a single consequence to anything he could possibly do to this man. he can have his time with him.
but there's a very distincitve difference between him and you. while the prince uses every possible chance to taunt and mess with his rival, preferring to toy with them - you would never. it's what really reminds you, who you're fighting alongside with. this is not some random drunk in a tavern or a even a skilled knight on a battlefield - it's the prince. a boy, who's used to playfighting instead of surviving.
your heavy armored boot sinks into the ground as you step between them, swiftly slicing your sword across his knees, making him fall down with a sob. you wipe the blood from your nose, slightly smearing it on your cheek.
"this isn't a game." you deadpan to the price. it's uncanny, how good he looks. no. scratch that. it's uncanny, how excited he still looks. a smirk stays glued to his lips, his cheeks are flushed and his eyes are just about to pop out of his head, pupils so dilated that the crystalline blue color of his eyes is almost entirely gone. his lips are parted and he's panting a little, resembling a puppy - ready to do anything just to go outside and play.
"why not? i haven't had this much fun since – i don't know, fucking forever, probably."
the two last bandits cry on either side of you but you pay them no mind.
"these men are trying to kill you, your highness." blood pools in your mouth and you spit it out, wiping your mouth once more.
"whatever." he laughs. he plays with the blade in his hand but his eyes are cemented to your bloodied lips.
another loud cry comes from the man with no arm.
"there are constantly people trying to kill me. it's no big deal." he drops the sword, aware he won't be needing it any longer.
"must i remind you – you looked pretty terrified before i arrived, your highness."
the prince's mouth falls agape. how dare you mock him? and how dare you look so good while doing it?
just when the armless man opens his mouth to let out another annoying wail, you end him with a strong blow, putting him out of his well-deserved misery.
"and need i remind you, i am your prince." he stands next to you, eagerly trying to assert dominance but the jutted out lip almost makes you laugh.
"oh, my deepest apologies for offending your pride, my prince." you bow down, just enough to really get your teasing point across. you spit out another clump of blood. stepping to the very last dying man on the clearing, you swat away his dirty hand and slice his throat. you watch the red liquid flow out of the wound and down his body. you watch the light go from his eyes and you let out a deep sigh. closing your eyes, you lift your head up to the sky, momentarely basking in the warm sunlight.
the silvery heavy boots you're wearing are absolutely tearing into the back of your heel and the constant irony smell and taste is getting rather annoying. your tongue hurts and your fucking nose hurts and if you're being honest, your whole damn body hurts.
but the over exaggerating sigh emitting from the prince makes you take a peek at him. he's almost mimicking you - standing up with his head lolled back and eyes closed, he also seems to be enjoying the sun. just like you.
gives you time to just look at him, though. his hair still looks soft as ever, like he hadn't been fighting for his life a few minutes ago. you know, he takes care of his hair - he just seems the type to spend inexplicably long in front of his mirror making sure the white tufts of hair sit nicely. his pretty little prince attire is messed up, though. it's dirty and stained green in some places; it's wrinkled, deep lines running all over his body. but then, you spot a patch of red on his beautiful pale skin. the dirt and the wrinkles you can look past but blood on the kingdom's beloved prince is a bit too much. he can't go back to the castle like that, can't have his parents worrying. can't have the king and the queen worrying. so, you abandon your place in the sun and walk over to him. the prince barely has the time to open his eyes before you're roughly grasping his chin and smashing his cheeks together.
"you uh- have a little something here, your highness." you wet your thumb in your mouth and bring it to his cheek, gently wiping it clean.
he should be at least a little disgusted. he's the prince! how dare you touch him like that! with your own fingers; with a saliva coated thumb, wiping at his precious face and oh, his thoughts are running wild in his head. he wants more of that. he needs more of that. sure, it's dirty – he doesn't know where your hands have been. well, he kind of knows, considering he literally just watched you decimate six men. but your hand cradling his jaw is something he doesn't get that a whole lot.
sure, his mother kisses him on the cheek every once in a while and there are people helping him dress and even wash himself but it's just not it. he wants somebody to really touch him. like you're doing right now.
he's staring down at you, looking at the concentrated look on your scarred face. the close proximity is already clouding his head, the touch deprivation really kicking in. yeah, no, he's officially addicted.
when you finally release his face from your hold, his own hand rises to return the gesture but you harshly swat his hand away.
"none of that." you grunt as you for the nth time of the lovely afternoon, wipe your own blood off off your face. turning away from him a piece of clothing on the ground catches your eye.
"so you're allowed to be all bloody and muddy but i am not?" since your back is turned to him, you can't see his face but you're so sure you just heard him pout.
"because my appearance does not matter, your highness. all that matters is you being returned safely."
"right." his eyes bore into your figure, trying to take a mental picture of the cravings on the back of your armor. he doesn't recognise those either.
bending down you pick up the piece of cloth made out of the most expensive materials, surely, just for the prince. swiping your rough fingers over it, you marvel in the softness of it. it's completely and utterly foreign to you. not meant for you to touch.
"i do believe this is yours, your highess?" you turn back to him and reach out your arm, offering it to him. he nods but makes no attempt to retrieve it from you.
"shouldn't you put it on, your highness? doesn't it hurt?" you inquire, genuine curiosity evident in your voice.
"no, i want to keep looking at you without restrictions."
usually, you don't fall for such simple words. usually. but this really caught you off-guard. your breath hitches just a little as you stare back at him. he confidentally holds your gaze, no regret in his eyes. if anything, a glint of proudness shines in them. you try to brush it off.
taking a few steps, you simply push it into his hands and a bright smile plays on his lips as he pickets the blindfold. he's annoying, you conclude in your mind.
in the background you hear a quiet neigh, breaking the sweet little moment between the knight and the prince – your horse letting you know that it has returned to you.
"he's very well-trained." the prince muses.
"he is." you look at your companion with pride and beckon it closer. stopping right in front of you, his dark mane glistens under the sunlight. you give him a few pats before adjusting the saddle.
"unlike you, of course." it's a mumble, if anything. a quiet breath under your nose yet the prince hears it nonetheless - his eyebrows shooting up.
"excuse me?"
you look up at him.
"you are excused, your highness. 'though, i really oughta return you home now, i'm sure your parents are terribly worried." you gesture to the horse.
he scoffs. "ah yes, surely, the king is worried."
you hum knowingly. you've seen him waltzing around town a few times, a bitter old man; desperate to keep his claim on the land and even more desperately trying to build a clone out of his son. trying to open up his brain and stuff it with battelfield strategies while the boy himself is occupyied with actually taking care of his people. that much you know about him.
stepping back from the saddle, you motion for him to climb on but to your displeasure, the man steps back.
"wait-wait! i don't even know your name! you just saved the prince, i really should now your name." he says loudly. he speaks like he's not afraid to take up space. you envy him.
"that is irrelevant, your highness. now, please." you motion to the animal beside you again.
the prince takes another big step backward into the centre of the clearing. he does a spin, enjoying the warm sun and completely ignores the dead bodies all around him.
you look at him confused. the boy stands in the field of blood with a beaming smile and an outstreched hand. inviting you in. "my name."
"i know your name, your higness." you stare at him blankly. this is the prince? your kingdom will soon be in his hands? you're doomed.
"well, i want you to use it."
"absolutely not, your highness."
"i command you."
satoru's lips twitch upward – awaiting for your reply; thinking he's won already. clearly not enough people tell him no.
"i pretend i do not hear, your highness."
his shoulders fall, his lower lip jutting out. "but you have to!"
"i do not, your highness."
"isn't a prince's command sacred?" he skips over to you. "or something?"
"or something, your highness." you sigh, looking at him, silently begging for him to climb onto the horse and be on your way to the castle and then to the nearest bed. you reckon you deserve as muc —
"where do you think you're going?"
a voice - coming from the other side of the clearing. it's deep, like thunder. and there he is. the seventh man of the group and he's big. this is who the guys were probably betting on doing the all of the work. shit.
"hey, who are you?!" the prince shouts and you almost push him into the bush next to you.
"i see you've already dealt with my dear friends. that's a shame. one of 'em owed me a drink."
"and you'll be dealt with, too, if you don't stop right there!" you yell back at him, making him laugh.
"listen here, tin can," the humiliating nickname makes the prince snicker and you have half the mind to actually smack him. "i'm not here for you. 'm here for your pretty little boyfriend."
"he is not my boyfriend!"
"no? so you're not on a lovely stroll in the woods together, hm?" he's now in the middle of the field and the reality of this man's size is making you gulp. he's very obviously towering over the both of you and well, armor won't really do anything if your opponent can just crush your skull.
"we actually are!" the prince answers with a smug smile. and this being the final straw, you hit his shoulder with everything you've got, making him stumble backwards.
"how dare you?" he whispers. you try your utmost best to ignore him.
unsheathing your sword, you start making your way over to the man.
"good luck!"
"oh, fuck off."
the prince is sure he's in love. and since love is blind, he definitely does not see the real danger of the situation; he truly believes you will kill this man in one go and you'll be on your merry way home. he'll be swinging his legs while sitting behind you, whistling alongside the birds.
"what kind of a man doesn't fight his own fights?"
"the prince kind, you dumb fuck."
you meet him smack in the middle of the blood field. fingers gripping the handle of your blade; how does one fight a giant? you hold your ground, boots leaving a deep print into the mud. a flock of birds flies high above you, altering the way the sun bears down on you. it shines right into your eye and the second it's gone, the giant is a foot lenght away from you, angrily raising his sword – ready to make you bleed —
but then his mountain-like body moves a step to the side, a force pushing him aside and away from you.
the prince.
your eyes widen and you try to pull him away from the giant but you're too late – his heavy hand does it for you and prince goes flying back; falling back onto his ass, groaning and moaning. you lock eyes with the bandit boss and clang! — the sound of his rusted sword colliding with your polished one reverberates throughout the whole forest. the entirety of this man's strength is making your knees buckle and he chuckles at you. another clang and then another; one right after the other. you don't stop; with taking big steps you force him to lose his edge of towering over you. another clang but this time you spin youself from under the impact, pulling your sword upwards and scoring a hit on the giant. red blooms from under his shirt but he's unrelenting. a swish and a clang and yet another clang - and you manage to trip your rival; he bares his back to you and is punished for it immediately. a strong swing of your blade tears into the skin of his neck, the red now pouring out. he falls to his knees, facing the prince. a growl leaves your lips when you raise your sword for the last time for today - it smashes through the thick pinkish meat of his neck once more and with that, you've beheaded exactly two men today.
a clap.
a clap is what brings your eyes up from the lifeless body laying dead on the ground.
"knew you could do it!" the clapping echoes in your ears; another bloody ball of spit leaves your mouth and you wipe the remains with the back of your hand. "jus' needed a bit of help at first, no big deal."
the eye roll you give him only irks him on. "all offense, i did not need your help, your highness."
"i don't know, definitely looked like you did, though. the sun seemed to be doing a number on you."
a few fast paced steps toward him make the corners of his lip pull up even higher. fuck, that's really beginning to get on your nerves.
"get up."
"w- what do you mean 'nuh-uh'? get up, i'm taking you home."
"has anyone ever mentioned that you're very bossy?"
"has anyone ever mentioned that you're very irritating?"
"yes, many times actually." he says it like he takes pride in knowing that.
"that is not a good thing, you know."
"lay here with me a moment."
"are you fucking serious?"
his answer is a smile. FUCK.
"get. up."
"tell me your name and i will."
"this isn't a negotiation. get up."
"get the fuck up."
"you look really good from this angle, you know."
in one quick motion, the tip of your blade touches his jaw - the cold steel tilting up his head. his adam's apple bobs and the sharp edge slides an inch on his glassy skin. he would rather give up one of his precious balls than to admit that you do look a bit scary like this. but just a bit. it's the quiet anger in your eyes; he can see that you're holding yourself back. if he were anyone else, he'd surely be dead already. you're clenching your teeth, your jaw tensing. it's hot.
your burning eyes bore into his icy blue ones and a short breath of air escapes your nose. it's the twinkle in his eyes that's really pissing you off now. you're getting tired; this isn't a game. the tip of your blade presses more into his skin, making him back down with a breathy chuckle. he thinks you won't hurt him.
oh, but you will.
the cold blade sinks half an inch into his neck, stopping when a drop of blood dribbles down it. the sun shines down on the warm liquid, making it appear lighter in tone than it actually is. it trickles down the prince's neck and straight onto his whiter than snow shirt. just a drop.
the prince holds his breath. a new kind of excitement running in his veins. blood rushing to... somewhere.
when all he does is blink up at you, you press the sharp blade deeper into the small wound, making him wince - a small ah-ahh leaving his pink lips.
"i will take you home now. understood," a final push. "your highness?"
the prince nods against your weapon; feeling his pants getting tighter and tigher by the second. he shakes his head to rid of these thoughts. you are his saviour, his angel, his knight. it is inappropriate.
to his surprise, you offer him a hand, which he so generously takes. the small and short-lived skin to skin contact making his crush only worse. pulling him up onto his feet he bumps into you, making him almost lose his balance if not for your hand in his. this is the same man from before? who was toying with his opponent? weird.
the prince clears his throat and refrains from commenting on the fact that your warm hand still sits in his. it takes you a second to realize and you pull away from him as if you just got burned. the prince wipes off the blood on his neck – the wound remaining a constant remainder of you. looking away, you sheathe your sword and step towards your awaiting horse. you also feel the need to clear your throat; a strange lump keeps forming in there and you don't really know why.
the prince follows you with quick steps and this time, to your surprise, he doesn't fight on the matter of going home. he lets you get on first and then with the help of your offered hand, he sits himself behind you – arms circling your armored waist. for safety purposes, of course.
with a shallow breath and a gentle shake of your head, you grab the reins – letting your noble steed know you're ready to go.
the ride to the castle is quiet (you figure it would be time for the prince's afternoon nap anyhow). birds chirp on the branches growing over your head, squirrels chase each other down the tree barks. the late afternoon sun is slowly starting to set, warming the back of the sleepy prince behind you. an unexpected weight rests itself against your shoulder and you try to glance at it – and it really is the sleepy prince. his eyes are closed, his long elegant white eyelashes lay against his skin. his cheek is completely smushed against your armor, both lips jutted out as if awaiting his fairytale kiss. he's kind of cute like this. when he's not being a dick.
a gentle smile graces your lips as you continue on your ride to the castle. upon arrival, you're met with the townsfolk's glares. understandable, considering you have a knocked out prince on your back.
"hey!" a smooth voice calls to you and you're met with another knight. he's beautiful.
he's stood by the castle gates, convering with another servant but seeing you he scraps his sentence and hastily makes his way over to you. he's holding his helm under his arm, his dark black hair gently blowing in the summery wind. his eyes are glued to the man behind you – you can see the worry swirling in them. and you can also see it disappear when he hears the prince snore. "is he sleeping?"
a sigh. "yeah."
"fuckin' christ. of course, he is." his eyes have now found yours and he's studying you. you're not from around here, at least not from this town. he reckons you're here for the money; he doesn't blame you. "thanks for bringing him back."
"i'll get him inside and then i'll bring you the reward." he slightly shakes the snoring man but nothing.
your eyebrows shoot up. "the reward?"
"for bringing him back? the king put out a reward?" it's the knight's time to sigh. his big hands wrap around the prince's waist and he pulls him onto his shoulder. watching him getting manhandled like a doll is quite funny to you. the knight does the smallest jump in order to move the limp body into a more "comfortable" position before looking at you.
"oh... no need." you tell him.
"no? the king put it out, not me, you know."
"i know. just... buy the sleeping beauty a new fancy little outfit with it, why don't you?" you can't hide the small little smirk on your lips, imagining his reaction to your words.
the knight snorts quietly. somehow he already knows the prince will be asking about you the second he opens his eyes. he'll bombard the black haired knight with questions about you as if he'd know any better. he's already preparing himself for the headache he'll surely get.
you take one last look at the prince on the knight's shoulder and rein your horse away from the men, setting your mind on finding a place to stay.
this prince — this irritatingly beautiful boy with an even more irritating personality and an even more beautiful smile won't definitely haunt you for the rest of your life. he won't.
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astonmartinii · 3 months
it's got to be time travel | charles leclerc social media au
pairing: charles leclerc x fem footballer!reader
face claim: jessie fleming (i'm a chelsea fan and i'm sad she left :()
they've got all the time in the world for each other, don't ask them where they got that time from though
note: we're also gonna pretend that the women's football and f1 seasons line up here lol
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liked by landonorris, lewishamilton and 1,203,784 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc: last sunday lunch before we both have to go back to work :(
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user1: ffs why do their ACTUAL jobs have to get in the way of my regularly scheduled charles x y/n content???
user2: i personally think that the fia should just give charles the championship and y/n the WSL title so they can just chill together :)
maxverstappen1: not on my watch
charles_leclerc: you don't even follow me? get out of my comments
maxverstappen1: you can't just get given the championship because you have attachment issues WE ALL HAVE ATTACHMENT ISSUES
charles_leclerc: me i get, but y/n doesn't deserve to win?
maxverstappen1: i never said that. y/n is girlboss slay queen
yourusername: too right i am
charles_leclerc: why are you peace and love with her and not me?
maxverstappen1: she's cool, you aren't
yourusername: can't disagree with that babe soz
user3: i have a feeling that these spats might get worse the longer charles is separated from y/n
user4: waa waa we're all sad their being separated but all i'm thinking is UP THE CHELS
user5: i need the treble right fucking now, a charles championship would be a bonus i guess
lewishamilton: will i get a formal introduction to y/n before we're teammates?
yourusername: YES, YES YOU WILL
charles_leclerc: i guess that answers that
lewishamilton: don't hate the player, hate the game
yourusername: i better see your ass at kingsmeadow at some point, it's fun, even if others think they're too good for it
lewishamilton: i'll be there 🫡
user7: can 2025 come quick.... PLEASE
user8: lol does this mean that charles has offered to take carlos to a game but he didn't go?
user9: ugh what a bore
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liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri and 1,402,667 others
tagged: chelseafcw
yourusername: excited for the new season back with the girlypops :))))))
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user10: treble or nothing I BEG
user11: it's their year for the champions league i've seen the script
alexalbon: no seatbelt ? way to set dangerous examples to your young audience
yourusername: if you're not careful i'm gonna teach my audience how to put their foot up the ass of those annoying her
alexalbon: ugh i hope you lose :P
yourusername: i don't have to hope, i know your ass ain't gonna be in q3
alexalbon: that's TOO far @charles_leclerc does our years of friendship mean nothing?
charles_leclerc: sorry buddy, i am y/n stan first, human being second
yourusername: as he should.
user12: so like... will we see charles in a y/n jersey again in the paddock?
user13: @ferrari stop being so annoying and let him wear what he wants
user14: i think i tasted paradise when they actually let him wear a y/n canada jersey in montreal
charles_leclerc: never seen someone make blue look so good
maxverstappen1: i'm right here?
sebastianvettel: did the homoeroticism of our challenge videos mean nothing?
danielricciardo: do not lie to yourself
yourusername: sorry sluts, you wish you looked this good
charles_leclerc: they'll never be you 🫶🏻
user15: i know the cfcw admin and pr department have a heart attack every time y/n posts
user16: the way she's out here calling three f1 drivers sluts with no repercussions
yourusername: can't be told off for telling the TRUTH
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liked by lewishamilton, fernandoalo_oficial and 1,205,489 others
tagged: charles_leclerc & yourusername
f1: couple goals! charles leclerc takes pole in bahrain while his girlfriend, y/n y/ln, scored the winner for chelsea women!
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user19: okay but i've never been in a relationship and am currently rotting on my couch... so who is the real winner here x
yourusername: my handsome boy is so talented :3
charles_leclerc: not as talented as you, pretty girl
yourusername: nuh uh at least my team is competent
charles_leclerc: errrrr
samkerr20: i think you broke him lol
yourusername: sometimes i think he's more loyal to ferrari than me
charles_leclerc: no!
scuderiaferrari: huh?
charles_leclerc: wait...
yourusername: i see :(
charles_leclerc: i'm LOGGING OUT
user20: charles is so lover boy stuck in his tortured poets department (ferrari formula one team)
user21: the way he's probably yelling down the phone to y/n about how much he loves her right now
samkerr20: he is and it's so loud the whole locker room can hear it
yourusername: but he's so sweet isn't he
niamhcharles17: i guess?
alexalbon: we heard it from his side... barf
yourusername: @lilymunhe are you being starved of romance?
lilymunhe: compared to you and charles YES
alexalbon: ummmm get out of my business y/ln
yourusername: you're ALWAYS in my business buster 🤨
alexalbon: NO! i am just passing down the ancient skill of communication?
yourusername: you're such a gossip girl alex
user21: i know they bicker like siblings, but i know deep down that there have been double dates
charles_leclerc: yes, but y/n and i are much better (no offence lily)
yourusername: did you log back in to restart the argument with alex
charles_leclerc: yes!
alexalbon: boo you whore
yourusername: don't talk to him like that 🤨
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 303,445 others
tagged: yourusername & charles_leclerc
samkerr20: forced to hang out with the straights... they're actually kind of cute
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user22: you know the couple has to be real cute when even the gays think they're cute
user23: no one can resist the charms of y/n and charles
yourusername: these photos make me think that we are cuter
samkerr20: we are but i didn't want to hurt charles' feelings
charles_leclerc: consider them hurt
samkerr20: boo hoo
yourusername: noooooo i love you xxx
charles_leclerc: hehehehehehehe i love you too xxx
yourusername: i miss you, hurry up and win and come home to me
charles_leclerc: i'm doing my best :(
yourusername: you are the bestest boy
oscarpiastri: when will australians stop being victims of this relationship
danielricciardo: this is your first season dealing with them properly, buckle up
oscarpiastri: i'm in a relationship but they make me feel so lonely
maxverstappen1: you get used to it after a while
yourusername: we're right here
landonorris: let us commiserate in peace
charles_leclerc: ??? do you or do you not get free football tickets out of it?
landonorris: yeha but when we go we just have to watch you cry when y/n inevitably wins another trophy
user24: chelsea women players must be so confused when these grown men start arguments in the comments of THEIR posts
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liked by alexalbon, charles_leclerc and 1,529,556 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername: weekend off... you know what that means
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user25: i know there's over 1.5 million likes but how can i gatekeep y/n?
user26: for real
charles_leclerc: the best weekends are with you here
yourusername: i may have a love/hate relationship with this team, but the catering is banging (i may have to move to italy)
yourusername: okay, sorry guys (the pasta was so good though)
charles_leclerc: not even for me?
yourusername: okay, let's pedal this back. i'm not leaving london and we all still love charles, right admin?
chelseafcw: .... yes
user27: when you're in a who has attachment issues with y/n y/ln and your competition is the chelseafcw admin and charles leclerc
user28: no point even showing up
maxverstappen1: i for one am glad when y/n is in the paddock because it means i can sneak in without the cameras seeing me
yourusername: i am a woman of the people
charles_leclerc: she's such a star, everyone wants to see her
maxverstappen1: yeah i'll give you that
yourusername: we're also hot
charles_leclerc: don't you dare respond to that one max
maxverstappen1: 🫡🫡🫡
user29: patiently waiting for the hq photos of them 😚
user30: gonna print them out and put them in my heart locket
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 1,398,452 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc: babe is top of the league (and top scorer)
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user33: get yourself a guy who flexes your achievements as much as charles does
user34: setting the example tbf
yourusername: my lucky charm, that hat-trick was for you xx
charles_leclerc: would mean more if you didn't score them every week 😭
yourusername: they hate to see a girlboss winning
charles_leclerc: wanna share some wins with me?
yourusername: you're doing great this season babe, not your fault that nasa decided to rebrand to red bull racing
redbullracing: adrian says thanks 😊
charles_leclerc: DON'T SAY IT Y/N
yourusername: you don't even know what i was going to say
charles_leclerc: ....
yourusername: @redbullracing you got a seat???
charles_leclerc: Y/N!!!!!!!!!!
yourusername: whoops
user35: y/n really out here trying to get charles that damn seat
yourusername: i'll stop when the horse team makes a championship worthy car that they don't break halfway through the season...
user36: add ferrari to the group of people who shudder in fear when y/n posts
chelseafcw: fine... we hope you enjoyed (no more italy jokes)
charles_leclerc: i had a great time, i always do when i watch y/n do what she loves (slay)
yourusername: awwwwwwwwww i love you charlie
chelseafcw: okay no need to make admin feel that lonely, damn
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liked by charles_leclerc, alexalbon and 1,782,309 others
yourusername: finishing my best ever season with a big trophy haul :) now time to support my trophy husband in his day job
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user41: she really be out here doing it all
user42: i need her to win the Ballon d'Or Féminin PLEASE IT IS TIME
user43: with charles in attendance, first couples red carpet appearance YES, YES RUN IT TO ME PLEASE
charles_leclerc: unbelievably proud of you, mon amour, constantly inspired by you
yourusername: i love you so much, thank you for being there to support me through it all
charles_leclerc: it's the biggest pleasure in the world
yourusername: i'm all out of winning this season, your turn next weekend?
charles_leclerc: for you, i'll do anything
alexalbon: congrats i guess, you're pretty good
yourusername: thanks, since my boyf is so supportive, it's only natural that you have to try and humble me at every turn
alexalbon: you're more famous than us now, we need to keep you grounded
lilymunhe: don't worry y/n he cried nearly just as much as charles when you won the WSL
yourusername: I KNEW IT
charles_leclerc: i still cried more
alexalbon: it's not a competition bro, we all know you're both helplessly in love
yourusername: that we are
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 1,309,855 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc: happiest when i'm with you (and whoever has decided to tag along), oh and winning a race helps as well i guess
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user46: the way y/n went just as mental as us, her and zecira jumping around the garage (and starting the champagne shower after the podium)
user47: really proving that y/n and charles really are each other's biggest fans
user48: thank the lord the WSL season finished when it did so y/n could be there for this win
user49: y/n would've ran to austria to be there i'm sure
yourusername: you know it 🫡
maxverstappen1: had to let you win so you could look cool in front of your infinitely cooler girlfriend
charles_leclerc: not even gonna bite, i'm too happy to care
maxverstappen1: but i called you cool?
yourusername: i'll accept the compliment now, i had to defend charles' honour first
charles_leclerc: heheheehe i'm blushing
maxverstappen1: gross
user50: i need y/n to permanently be in the ferrari garage, they were on it today (i think out of fear)
landonorris: damn i thought i thirdwheeling lestappen was bad, but y/n and charles is a different beast
yourusername: we're both athletes, need to savour the time we have together when we can
charles_leclerc: sorry not sorry you'll get it when you're in love
landonorris: .... i guess i'll die then
note: i hope you enjoyed !!!! one last WIP to go and good lord the writers block is kicking my ass. but f1 being back should help!!! + f1 academy, much enjoyed it so far.
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lcvclywon · 27 days
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teaser 𓍯𓂃 SO HIGHSCHOOL | ot7 series
back to masterlist
taglist ── open! until 29/5/2924 send an ask or comment to be added! | @floweryang @cupidhoons @ak-aaa-li @yvjw @xiaoderrrr @jlheon @junislqve @roastandtoast @un06 @lilyuwon @bywons @venn-ie @yongbokified @jwsdoll @tobiosbbyghorl @laurradoesloveu @chaehyunloveeee @shawnyle @en-gelic @hwangism143 @bbinwrld @deffnotnia @belovedsthings @honeywonuu @k1ttylvr @dimplewonie @llvrhee @fateenthisast @sasfransisco @tokkisann @jaklvbub @nazwrites-2002 @sseishiross @nshmrarki
DISCLAIMERS! i'm not trying to sexualize enhypen nor any other idols, this is a work of fiction. I do not actually view them like this in real life. Please do not copy nor plagarise.
thoughts frm yuya 💭 ack !!! blurb + announcement post finally out hehe >< each fic will be realllyyyy long so please do be patient with the posts TT Jay one will prob release first! I'll be releasing them throughout June + July so make sure to stay tuned for each post !! I will not be making separate taglists for each story unfortunately. Also huge huge HUGE thanks to my pookies @cupidhoons @bywons and @wonfilms for all the help on this, they legit helped me develop so many of the stories so i'm so grateful for that ^^ anw hope u guys are excited as I am about this !! (also apologies the header pics look so ass....all my design ideas were gone)
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You know how to ball I know Aristotle | LEE HEESEUNG
You hate heeseung. You hate his toothy grin, you hate his obnoxiously loud laugh, you hate his roaring athleticism, and you've hated his guts ever since he dropped you in grade 7 for those stupid basketballers. Ever since then Lee Heeseung has never held a place in your heart, every waking moment you spent in the same building with him you were filled with sheer pettiness. But when your broadcasting club leader hands you an offer you can't refuse, can you put aside your differences for once and work with him?
pairing ── heeseung x female reader
genre ── forced proximity, childhood friends to enemies to lovers, popular basketball player x broadcasting club
wc ── est 12k or more
warnings ── cursing, heeseung lwk a dickhead, kissing, alcohol, underage drinking, fighting, they're both kinda evil
release date ── tba
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So tell me, who else is gonna know me? | PARK JONGSEONG
Park Jongseong and Baek Y/N: the two biggest names in Decelis and two richest. Jay knew he would be bringing a date to his brothers wedding at the end of the school year, but he didn't expect that partner to be you of all people. After a small white lie Jay finds himself entangled in a rouse to fool his parents that you and him are now dating. This however seems to be a bigger blessing than you realise. While both using each other as pawns you find yourself "dating" Jay until the wedding; but as a four day trip ensues feelings change, lines get crossed, and walls come down.
pairing ── Jay x female reader
genre ── fake dating, childhood connection, rich kid au, one bed trope, slight angst
wc ── est 17k or more
warnings ── cursing, kissing, slight suggestiveness if you squint?, both of them are lwk nepo babies, slight familial issues, mentions of food, mentions of weddings, pet names
release date ── tba - maybe sometime this month ?
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Everything comes out of teenage petulance | SIM JAEYUN
Sixth grade, that was when you first laid eyes on Jake Sim and you swore in that moment were what the poets called: lovestruck. Ever since that day you've been harbouring a massive crush on your older brothers best friend, a crush that would never be reciprocated unfortunately. However this was a fact you've learned to come to terms with. But in the midst of Junior year, when your physics grades are at the cusp of failure, your parents suggest Jake to help tutor you. When your repressed crush seems to resurface, you may not be as hopeless as you seem.
pairing ── Jake x female reader
genre ── brothers best friend x reader, forbidden romance, tutor x tutee, obvious x oblivious
wc ── est 11k or more
warnings ── cursing, kissing, age gap of like 1 year (jake is a senior and YN is a junior I SWEAR ITS NOT WEIRD), taesan as the older brother and hes protective as shit please bear with that, inspired by hidden love obv
release date ── tba
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I died on the altar waiting for the proof | PARK SUNGHOON
Following your parents death you abruptly are forced to move to Jinhae to live with your aunt. You love your life in Jinhae working in your aunts cafe, your life was quiet. However that was all until Park Sunghoon showed up one day, out of the blue, completely unannounced. To make matters worse he ends up having to work with you at your aunts cafe. Everything resurfaces: both the fond memories and nasty ones. Can you manage to work peacefully with each other both at work and school, or will your unresolved feelings threaten to strain your already troubled relationship.
pairing ── Sunghoon x female reader
genre ── exes to lovers, enemies to lovers, workplace romance (? kinda), forced proximity, misunderstandings, angst, small town romance
wc ── est 16k or more
warnings ── cursing, kissing, sunghoon and yn being at each others throats, they're both kinda evil to each other, a lot of misunderstandings, pet names, parents death, mentions of grief
release date ── tba - maybe early next month or late this month
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What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh | KIM SUNOO
Sunoo and YN. Everyone knew both your names went hand in hand with each other since preschool. Sunoo always made it clear how much he liked you, that perhaps might've been the downfall of your relationship in highschool. After his incessant confessions you learned to grow indifferent to his quick pickup lines between lessons. You don't like Sunoo like that, you'll never be able to see him like that. But when he suddenly starts dating Seol Yoona, you can't help but feel a pang of jealousy strike your heart. However with the help of Jungwon you hope to solve the conflicts straining your relationship.
pairing ── Sunoo x female reader
genre ── soulmates au, grumpy x sunshine, childhood friends to enemies to lovers, second lead syndrome
wc ── est 11k or more
warnings ── cursing, kissing, yn is kinda evil and sunoo is way better than me fr i would have dropped her, sunoo also kinda desperate tho, kinda ? using jungwon as a pawn, fighting, slight angst, pet names
release date ── tba
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You gonna marry, kiss, or kill me? | YANG JUNGWON
1st rank: Choi YN. You could always trust that your name would be top of the list all. the. time. That was until highschool at least when you transferred to Decelis for higher academic challenge. However what you didn't expect was for said higher academic challenge to come in a teenage boy with annoyingly deep dimples. Yang Jungwon. Student council president and your sworn rival since the moment you stepped into Decelis. With you two being top students, president and vice president, and not to mention the two top debaters in school, it was safe to say almost every aspect of your highschool life revolved around beating Jungwon. But when you are forced to work with him in debate for nationals, you find yourself truly questioning why you hated him to begin with.
pairing ── Jungwon x female reader
genre ── academic rivals to lovers, forced proximity, top student x student council president
wc ── est 16k or more
warnings ── cursing, kissing, loosely based off of Ann Liangs 'If you could see the sun', some fighting, yn and jungwon at each others throats all the time, theyre kinda hella mean to each other, mentions of anxiety, academic pressure
release date ── tba - mid of june maybe?
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Fuck it if I can't have him | NISHIMURA RIKI
Riki Nishimura had a reputation: an all round bad influence, bottom of his class, and had more absences than presences flooding his attendance card; everyone believed he was a lost cause. So imagine your surprise when you and and him were sitting side by side at the principals office while he explained the new tutoring program that would be set in place for him. Well now there was another thing to add to his reputation: YN's student. Reluctantly accepting the proposal you find yourself entangled in RIki's complicated life. While getting to know each other more and more, you realise there's more to Riki than meets the eye.
pairing ── Niki x female reader
genre ── trouble maker x goody two shoes, tutor x tutee, obvious x oblivious, student council president x bad boy, he falls first you fall harder
wc ── est 16k or more
warnings ── cursing, kissing, smoking, drinking, fighting, mentions of injury and cuts, riki lwk being a little shit at the start, teacher involvement/meddling, YN under a LOT of pressure
release date ── tba
465 notes · View notes
saerotonins · 8 months
ft. nanami kento x fem!reader
content warnings: fluff, based on THAT nanami episode, reader's hair length is not specified but it can be tied into a ponytail, suggestive, welcome to the first installation of actor!nanami  and actor!jjk au 🫶🏻 more to come!
wc: 1387
note: he is so HAWT pls i cannot contain myself
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"tell me the numbers of your allies and their places," you heard your husband say through the  tv screen.
as terrifying as he sounds, you can't deny that your husband really looks good in this shot. especially the way his voice sounds so stern and so commanding—
and then you see him pull haruta's ponytail while asking the same question. dear god was he so attractive when he says his lines. you remember him trying to practice them with less ferocity and feelings as to memorize them.
your husband is not the type to ask you for help in these kinds of scenes since he doesn't have the heart to speak to you in such harsh voices. sometimes however, he asks you to listen to him say lines that doesn't require any emotions like anger. you also hear him having an online meeting with his co-actors (particularly gojo) and practice their lines together while giving each other comments on what to improve on.
but seeing this scene come to light and be alive, you can't help but feel something burning inside of you—
but then it hits
"that should have been me!" you whine into the air and hitting the throw pillow with annoyance at the same time with giddy because god does your husband looked so fucking good doing it.
you finish the episode with a huge smile on your face and a brilliant plan in your mind.
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nanami comes home exhausted, finishing another shoot and meetings for new promotion and magazine releases. all he wants right now is to lie down in your arms and get a good night's sleep.
however, he is welcomed with silence instead of you cooking or watching some reality show you were currently into. he was confused but it didn't ring any alarm bells in his mind. 
"darling, i'm home," he calls out trying to get some kind of response. he doesn't hear you answer back but the pitter-patter that he hears towards him is enough to know that you're in there.
"kento! you're home," you greeted him with a wild smile on your face while standing a few feet away. your hands are on your back as you swing your body left to right.
nanami finds your behavior quite strange today but decided to brush it off and smiles anyway. he then takes a few steps to give you a chaste and careful kiss on your forehead. you close your eyes at the sensation and savor the affection that your husband gives you.
"i'm gonna go change for a bit then we can have dinner, yeah?" nanami says but before he even gets to walk to your shared bedroom, you stop him.
"wait!" you say which puts his steps into a halt, he turns his back to face you with a confused expression painted on his face.
"hmm?" he asks, waiting for your response. instead, all he sees is you swaying your head left to right which makes him even more confused.
"what is it, hon?" he says, trying to gently lure out some answers as he also realize that you have been acting weird ever since he got home.
"do you... notice anything new?” ignoring his question, you turn your back at him showing him the back of your head.
nanami is an observant man, of course he notices you put your hair into a ponytail the moment he saw you, but it's not something alarming or drastically different to the point that he needs to say it out loud. however, basing on your actions, he decides that maybe he does need to say it out loud.
"you tied your hair into a ponytail?" nanami says, his voice having a tinge of confusion, because he really doesn't know what is this all about.
you quickly face him again enthusiastically with an excited nod and 'mhm!' your smile stretching out on your face. "do you like it?"
"yes, you look good at any hairstyle but what is this all about? am i missing anything?" now his mind is starting to worry as to what he had missed, but seeing the smile on your face tells him that nothing is wrong.
you pouted and blinked, and then tilted your head, and pointed on you ponytail, further emphasizing it to nanami.
"yes, darling, i see you're wearing your hair in a ponytail but what is this really about?" at this point you're surprised why he's not mad and that's what you love about him, always so patient and puts up with your antics— even the stupid ones.
you give him one last hint and started on tugging your ponytail with a straight face. you see your husband racking his brain for answers, his eyes blinking as he stares at you.
finally, it clicked.
"oh, did that episode air today?" he says, now with a sly smile on his face. 
your husband is never the type to tease (unless it's in the bedroom), but you see a glint of mischief in his eyes and that's enough for you to know that he plans on provoking you as long as the energy left in his body can. with the voice he used to ask you, all confidence is left in your body and suddenly the walls of your home looks more interesting than him.
you hear footsteps towards you and once it halts, you feel his hands on your chin, lifting it up to meet his eyes. "i asked you a question, angel,"
"yeah," you croaked out, your throat suddenly feels dry because of the distance. 
three years of marriage and seven years with each other, he never fails to make your heart beat faster whenever he does little things like this.
you suddenly feel your stomach churn, from nervousness, anticipation, or excitement, maybe all of them, you don't know, but you opt to close your eyes instead. but what you didn't expect is you feel nanami's hands glide from your chin, to your nape, to the back of your head—
and then you feel a sudden pause that made you open your eyes. 
there's a smirk plastered on his face, practically mocking you. you frown and you see it grow bigger.
"what are frowning about?" he asks, a hint of playfulness in his voice didn't go unnoticed.
"you know what i want, kento," 
"oh dear, we're using government now?"
you sigh out of faux irritation, "ugh, fine, if you don't want to– ah!"
a yelp goes out of your lips as you feel nanami tug on your ponytails harshly, but careful enough not to hurt you. "is this what you wanted, darling?" he says, as you feel his the heat of his breath in your ears. 
"yes," you managed to breath out. it was a shock but you loved it nonetheless as you swallow a thick lump of your saliva.
you closed your eyes again when you feel nanami kissing your jawline, going closer towards your lips as he grips your ponytail tighter which gives your head a nice, dull ache. you hold onto his forearm for support as you feel your legs turn into jelly, and the moment his lips reaches the corner of your lips, he stops.
"what the— why'd you stop?" you whine as you grip his arms tighter, not wanting to let go.
"i just remembered i have a quick online meeting with the magazine team and crew for our next campaign photoshoot," he says, quickly letting go your hair and walking towards his study.
"babe, you can't just rile me up like that and leave me all alone!" you say as you quickly follow him.
"you're a big girl, y/n, you can wait for a few minutes," 
"but i'll be suffering!" you say as you stomp your feet on the carpeted floor along the hallway.
"face the consequences of your actions, i've got a boner while on a meeting, i'm lucky we're doing this online," he then opens the door to his study but before he goes to his desk, he looks at you through the ajar of the door. "wait for me, this'll be quick, then we can solve our issues," he says before finally closing the door.
that statement brought a huge smile on your face.
that haruta bitch character ain't luckier than you, after all.
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lotus-n-l0ve · 1 year
— Sukuna, Satoru, Nanami, Toji, Suguru x Female Reader
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➷ ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ : JJK boys college!boyfriend headcanons.
➷ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ : college!au, cursing, mention of sex, pet names.
➷ ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʟᴏᴛᴜꜱ : Hello people. I'm back from hiatus. First time trying Headcanons so do tell me if I did something wrong or how I can improve. If you like the headcanons then please leave a like, comment and reblong. Follow me for more like this. Enjoy ♡
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Ryomen Sukuna
Boyfriend!Sukuna who is definitely the captain of the basket ball team. Who absolutely destroys his opponents without any mercy.
Boyfriend!Sukuna who loves you to death. He loves every single small things about you. From the way you watch baby animals with a adorable look on your face to how you buzz with excitement whenever a new episode of your favourite anime airs.
Boyfriend!Sukuna who loves to show you off to littraly anyone and everyone. He loves just going to a random person and introducing you to them as his. 'My girlfriend', 'My girl', 'my princess'.
Boyfriend!Sukuna who loves when you brush the tip of your fingers over his tattoos or when you run your hand through his pastel soft hair. While having sex call him captain and he is gone. Let's just say you would not be able walk properly the next day.
Boyfriend!Sukuna whose eyes always look for you. Even in his basketball matches he is waiting for you to turn up. His game is getting better whenever he sees you wearing his jersey that you borrowed one day and never returned.
Can't wait to win the game and then ripping of the jersey from your body and devouring you all night long as a reward.
Gojo Satoru
Boyfriend!Satoru who is the heartthrob of the college. Girls wants to be with him and boys wants to be him. Eyes always following him around wherever he goes but his eyes are always stuck on you.
Boyfriend!Satoru who loves to annoy you to see your cheeks become red with frustration. When he realised that he was in love with you he straight up told you and congrats now you are dating the heartthrob of the college.
Boyfriend!Satoru who is lokey possesive. When others look at you or comment on he won't say anything on their face but don't be surprised if they suddenly disappeare into the thin air.
Boyfriend!Satoru who wants you attention like a attention sterved kitty. Pet him and that fucker will purr like a fucking cat. He is clingy and is not ashamed of it. He is your baby so you better take care of him. If you hurt him (not pay attention to him all the fucking time) he will pout and wait for you to sincerely 'apologise'.
Boyfriend!Satoru loves to dumb fuck you till the only thing you can do is utter nonchalant words. He has a superior kink and you can't convince me otherwise. He calls you names like 'little slut', 'cock warmer ' etc.
Wants you as his reward everytime he passes any exam.
Nanami Kento
Boyfriend!Nanami who is the topper of the college. His attention is always either on a book or on you. No in between. Hates when Satoru calls him Nanamin but when you do butterfly starts flattering in his stomach. You are his queen and he will fucking treat you like one.
Boyfriend!Nanami is such a sweet and supportive boy. College Boyfriend!Nanami who helps you with your academics or if you have any other problem. He will help any and every way he can.
Boyfriend!Nanami has a pet dog (not cat because they remind him of gojo) which he got because she reminded him of you. No gonna lie but he sometimes feel so jealous when you play with the dog instead of him and then feels stupid because he is Jealous of a dog.
Boyfriend!Nanami will gift you different kind of flowers everyday with a hand written note filled with complimenting and encouraging words. He will praise you for every small or big thing you achieve like— "I'm so proud of you." "You did great." Etc.
Boyfriend!Nanami who has a breeding kink. He is a family man so he naturally wants a family with you. He will over stimulate you to the point you pussy will throbe in pain. Loves to cum inside of you and the view of cum dripping down you pussy is all he wants after a stressful day.
Fushiguro Toji
Boyfriend!Toji who is the delinquent of the college. The scar on his lips is the proof. Everyone in the college fears him including the teachers.
Boyfriend!Toji who can't see you sad. First he will comfort and then hunt down reason of you sadness. One time a teacher insulted you without any reason so Toji taught him a 'lesson' and that teacher never even looked your way.
Boyfriend!Toji who loves when you kiss his scares. They don't feel dirty if you love them so much, specially the one on his lips which got while fighting the previous delinquent of the college.
Boyfriend!Toji is the most possesive one out them. His family never loved him or cared for him so he always feels like he doesn't deserve you but is too selfish to let you go. Those days you just hold him in your arm and assure him that you love him and will never leave him.
Boyfriend!Toji fucks you like a sex deprived man. He can and will eat you out like a sterved man. You are his own personal cumbag. He will plam your stomach to feel the bulge when he is balls deep inside you.
You are his personal whore so you better lay back and take everything he is giving you.
Geto Suguru
Boyfriend!Suguru who believes that everyone is bellow him. If Satoru has superior kink then this man has god complex. He thinks everyone is a lowlife. You are the only exception.
Boyfriend!Suguru will take you to expensive restaurants on dates. You know each and every single pincode to his cards. He gifts you jewellery, branded clothes etc. And when you tell him that you can't accept them, they are too expensive, he will reply with somthing like 'This is not expensive at all princess.' or 'This is not even half of what I spent in a day.' He is arrogant.
Boyfriend!Suguru who won't say but loves the cheap dango you buy everyday. Why does he act like that? Obviously because they are cheap. So when you force him eat one he will act like doesn't like them but internally prays that you force him to eat another one.
Boyfriend!Suguru brought a custom made coller for you with his name on it. He makes you wear it whenever you two are fucking. He will not let cum easily. He will tell you to earn it. He loves when you whine and moan for his cock.
Boyfriend!Suguru is wild. There is not a single corner in the house he has left to fuck you. The kitchen island? Check. The back of his car? Check. The terrace where everyone can see you being wrecked by him? Check baby.
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© 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐔𝐒-𝐍-𝐋𝟎𝐕𝐄 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑, 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃 — all content rights belongs to LOTUS-N-L0VE. do not plagiarize any works and do not repost or translate onto any other sites.
All the rights and credits of the characters, gifs, songs and pictures used here belongs to their rightful owners. If you want be added on any my taglist then you can do that here. The ask box is open so if want me to write something then you can request there.
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estellan0vella · 1 day
Dr Yuji Older Brother Sukuna AU HFBU
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You smooth out your clothes nervously, standing outside Sukuna's apartment door. This is a big step, meeting his little brother Yuji for the first time. Sukuna has talked about Yuji often, and you know how important he is to him. The sound of the lock turning snaps you out of your thoughts, and the door swings open to reveal Sukuna's imposing figure.
"Hey," he says, his deep voice softer than usual. "Come on in."
You step inside, feeling a bit more at ease when Sukuna gives you a reassuring smile. The apartment is cosy and welcoming, a stark contrast to Sukuna's often gruff exterior. You can hear the sound of a cartoon playing in the background and the pitter-patter of little feet.
"Suku!" a high-pitched voice calls out, and a small blur rushes towards you. Yuji, a bright-eyed four-year-old, skids to a stop in front of you, looking up with wide, curious eyes. "Hi! I'm Yuji!"
You crouch down to his level, smiling warmly. "Hi, Yuji. I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you."
Yuji grins, his excitement contagious. "Do you like dinosaurs? I have lots of dinosaur toys!"
"I love dinosaurs," you reply, and his face lights up even more.
"Come see! Come see!" he urges, tugging at your hand.
"Alright, alright, slow down," Sukuna interjects, his tone firm but fond. "Give Y/N a chance to breathe."
Yuji giggles and runs back to his toys, giving you a chance to stand up. Sukuna places a hand on the small of your back, guiding you further into the apartment.
"He's really excited to meet you," Sukuna says softly.
"I'm excited to meet him too," you reply, feeling some of your nerves dissipate.
The three of you settle in the living room, with Yuji eagerly showing off his dinosaur collection. You laugh and play along, enjoying the warmth and joy in the room. Sukuna watches, his usual stern expression softened as he sees you and Yuji getting along.
After a while, you start to feel a bit off. The familiar sensation of an impending seizure begins to creep in. You try to catch Sukuna's eye, but he's engrossed in a conversation with Yuji about the different types of dinosaurs.
"Sukuna," you manage to say, your voice shaky.
He looks over immediately, his eyes sharp with concern. He knows the signs. He quickly excuses himself from Yuji and moves to your side.
"Hey, it's okay. I've got you," he murmurs, his hand firm and steady on your shoulder.
Yuji looks confused, sensing the shift in the room's atmosphere. "What's wrong with Y/N?"
"Y/N just needs a little rest," Sukuna explains, keeping his voice calm for Yuji's sake. "Let's give her some space, alright?"
You feel the seizure coming on stronger now. Sukuna helps you lie down on the couch, ensuring you're safe and comfortable. He keeps a protective watch over you, his expression a mix of worry and determination.
Yuji stands nearby, clutching his favourite dinosaur toy. "Is Y/N gonna be okay?"
"Yes, she will be," Sukuna assures him. "Just stay calm and quiet for a bit, okay, buddy?"
Yuji nods solemnly, his eyes wide as he watches you. The seizure doesn't last long, but it's exhausting. When it's over, you feel disoriented and tired, but Sukuna is right there, his presence grounding you.
"It's okay," he whispers, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "Just rest now."
You close your eyes, the exhaustion pulling you into a deep sleep. Sukuna stays by your side, his hand never leaving yours. Yuji watches quietly, his little face full of concern.
After a while, Sukuna moves to sit next to Yuji, who immediately climbs into his lap. "Is Y/N gonna be okay, Suku?" he asks again, his voice small.
"Yeah, she's gonna be fine," Sukuna replies, his tone gentle. "Y/N has something called epilepsy. Sometimes it makes her have seizures like that. It's scary, but we know how to help her."
"Can I help too?" Yuji asks, his determination mirroring Sukuna's.
"You did great by staying calm," Sukuna says, ruffling Yuji's hair. "That's a big help. And you know what else? When Y/N wakes up, she might need some cheering up. Think you can handle that?"
Yuji nods vigorously. "I can do that!"
Sukuna chuckles, the sound rare but genuine. "I know you can, little man."
You sleep peacefully, comforted by the sounds of Sukuna and Yuji's quiet conversation. When you finally start to wake up, the first thing you see is Yuji's concerned face inches from yours.
"Y/N!" he exclaims, his voice a mix of relief and excitement. "Are you feeling better?"
"I'm feeling much better, Yuji," you assure him, your voice still a bit weak. "Thank you for being so brave."
Yuji beams and runs off, returning quickly with his toy doctor's kit. "I wanna give you a check-up, to make sure you're really okay!"
Sukuna can't help but laugh at Yuji's earnestness, and you join in, the sound easing the last of the tension from the room.
"Alright, Dr. Yuji," you say, smiling. "What do I need to do?"
"Just sit still," Yuji instructs, mimicking the serious tone of a real doctor. He pulls out a plastic stethoscope and places it against your chest. "Breathe in and out."
You follow his instructions, and Sukuna watches with a soft smile as Yuji goes through his whole routine, checking your reflexes by tapping something against your forehead and even pretending to give you a shot.
"You're all better now!" Yuji declares proudly.
"Thank you, Dr. Yuji," you say, ruffling his hair. "I feel much better after your check-up."
Yuji grins and sits back, clearly pleased with himself. Sukuna pulls you closer, his arm around your shoulders.
"See? I told you he'd love you," Sukuna murmurs, his eyes full of affection.
"You were right," you reply, leaning into him.
Yuji climbs into your lap, snuggling close. "Are you gonna stay for dinner?"
"I'd love to," you say, looking at Sukuna. He nods, his expression warm and inviting.
As the evening progresses, you find yourself more and more at home in Sukuna and Yuji's apartment. Dinner is a simple affair, filled with laughter and conversation. Yuji chatters away, delighted to have you there, and Sukuna watches you both with a contented smile.
Later, after Yuji has fallen asleep in your lap, Sukuna gently carries him to bed. You follow, watching as he tucks his little brother in with a tenderness that belies his tough exterior.
"You two looked pretty cosy," Sukuna remarks as he closes Yuji's door.
"He's a sweet kid," you reply, smiling. "You're doing a great job with him."
"Thanks," Sukuna says, his voice gruff but appreciative. "Means a lot coming from you."
You reach out, taking his hand. "I'm really glad I came over today."
"Me too," he says, pulling you close. "And about earlier... I know it's tough. But I'm here for you. Always."
You nod, feeling a swell of emotion. "Thank you, Sukuna. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Good thing you don't have to find out," he replies, kissing the top of your head.
As you stand there, wrapped in Sukuna's arms, you feel a deep sense of belonging. The apartment, once an unfamiliar space, now feels like a place where you can truly be yourself, supported and cared for by the people who matter most.
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The night passes peacefully, and you wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast wafting through the apartment. You stretch and make your way to the kitchen, where you find Sukuna at the stove, flipping pancakes, while Yuji sits at the table, coloring a picture.
"Good morning," you greet them, your voice still a bit groggy.
"Morning," Sukuna replies, his tone softening when he sees you. "Feeling okay?"
"Yeah, much better," you assure him, touched by his concern.
"Y/N!" Yuji calls out, holding up his drawing. "Look! I made this for you!"
You walk over to see his masterpiece—a colorful depiction of the three of you, complete with smiling faces and a big, yellow sun. "This is amazing, Yuji. Thank you!"
He beams with pride. "I'm glad you like it!"
Sukuna plates the pancakes and brings them to the table. "Alright, let's eat before these get cold."
You all sit down together, enjoying a leisurely breakfast. The conversation is light and easy, filled with laughter and Yuji's endless stream of stories. Sukuna watches you both with a satisfied smile, clearly content with how well you and Yuji have bonded.
After breakfast, Yuji insists on showing you his favorite park. Sukuna agrees, and the three of you head out, the morning sun bright and warm. The park is a short walk away, and soon Yuji is racing ahead, his laughter echoing through the air.
"You sure you're up for this?" Sukuna asks, his eyes scanning you for any signs of fatigue.
"I'm fine," you reassure him, touched by his vigilance. "Really. Let's just enjoy the day."
He nods, his hand finding yours as you walk. "Alright. But let me know if you need a break."
At the park, Yuji immediately heads for the playground, his energy boundless. You and Sukuna sit on a nearby bench, watching him with fond smiles.
"He's really something," you remark, your heart swelling with affection for the little boy.
"Yeah, he is," Sukuna agrees, his gaze fixed on Yuji. "He's my world."
"And you're his," you add softly, squeezing his hand. "You're an amazing guardian, Sukuna."
He looks at you, his expression serious. "I try. But it helps having you around. You make things better."
"I'm glad," you say, leaning your head on his shoulder.
You spend the rest of the morning at the park, playing with Yuji and soaking in the joy of the simple moments. When it's time to head back, Yuji reluctantly leaves the playground, but not before making you promise to come back again soon.
Back at the apartment, you all settle in for some quiet time. Yuji takes a nap, exhausted from his morning adventures, and you and Sukuna find yourselves on the couch, enjoying the peaceful afternoon.
"Thank you for today," you say, looking up at Sukuna. "For everything."
He pulls you closer, his arm around your shoulders. "No, thank you. For being here. For being you."
You smile, feeling a warmth spread through you. "I love you, Sukuna."
"I love you too," he replies, his voice deep and sincere.
As the afternoon sun filters through the windows, casting a golden glow over the room, you realize that this is where you belong. With Sukuna and Yuji, in this little corner of the world you've carved out together. It's not always easy, but it's real, and it's yours.
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tizeline · 3 months
Hello ooohs! I just wanted to say that I adore your AU and just can't get enough of the change in dynamics for Rise!!
Your designs are incredible (( especially Leo's!! He is so adorable <3 )) and I get so excited each time you post!
So I have a question I want to ask: I have a huge soft spot a mile wide for Leo/Splinter family bond dynamic. I just turn to mush every time their familial bond is portrayed in comics/fanart/ and fanfiction.
Anyway! My question is: do Leo and Splinter develop a close relationship with each other later in the AU after meeting for the first time? I mean it has been shown how much of a fan boy Leo is for Splinter XD. Can your provide more insight into it and what Splinter thinks of the other three kids?
I also wanted to bring up a small error in The Cell part 3 that I noticed
For Donnie: "that's " was it supposed to be "that" ?
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If not then I'm sorry for nitpicking your work. I just figured I'd help but my apologies <3 I still want to stress that I adore this AU so much and in extension; platonically adore you!! Keep being the best that you can be and take care!
Thank you!
And skfskbdwlskdisj yessss I love Splinter's and Leo's dynamic you're so real for that. And yeah, out of the of the Drax Bros, Leo is the one who ends up growing the closest to Splinter, both because he's been a secret Lou Jitsu fanboy for years at this point, but also because Leo was the first to change his mind on the evil world domination plan. Leo freed Donnie from imprisonment and tried to help him stop The Foot and The Shredder in the season 1 finale, and I imagine Splinter would be quite appreciative of that.
Not to mention, after Leo technically betrayed his family (even if it was for good reasons) Leo's and Draxum's relationship is a bit tense to say the least. And we see in the show that Leo has a tendency to seek out extra father figures, so in the AU Leo would be quite enthusiastic to recieve any positive attention from Splinter.
Splinter I imagine would feel rather guilty about not being able to rescue any of the turtles aside from Donnie when he fled Draxum's lair. He'd wanted to prevent Draxum from raising them as soldiers, so in failing to do that Splinter would continue to worry about how they were doing even years after the incident. After encountering the Drax Trio again years later, he'd be relieved that they don't seem to be TOO traumatized or anything, but they ARE still child soldiers, so that's a yikes.
That being said, while Splinter would've liked to find a way to get the other turtles away from Draxum, his priorities very much lie with Donnie. Considering how powerful Draxum is, and how Big Mama would also be looking for him, Splinter couldn't risk going back to the Hidden City to try to get Donnie's brothers without risking both his own and Donnie's safety. So he decided to cut his losses and play it safe by laying low in NYC and putting as much effort as he could into only protecting Donnie. This stays the same even after Donnie runs into his brothers as a teen, Splinter feels no ill will towards the other three turtles, but they WERE raised by Draxum so he does not trust them. Leo gains his trust after helping Donnie in the season 1 finale, but it takes some more time for him to start fully trusting Raph and Mikey because he wants to be sure that they're not gonna switch back to being evil or something and try to kidnap Donnie again.
Splinter's relationship with Draxum is the same as in the show, Splinter hates Draxum, Draxum hates Splinter, and there is NO underlying homoerotic tension between the two of them WHATSOEVER!
... Anyway, with that concluded, that IS a typo goddamit. I do appreciate people pointing out spelling and grammar mistakes in the comics I make, so thanks for that. But also it's a small enough mistake that I'm probably just gonna leave it be, I'm to lazy to fix it XD
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Hazband 2: Band AU
Buckle Up, Buttercups. This is gonna be looooooooooong.
-"Insider Bands" playing on VH666 streaming services on a computer monitor / TV screen sitting on the desk against the far wall-
Charlie: (laying on her belly on her bed and chewing her nails like a cartoon goat chews through a field of grass as she watches the TV)
Riff Rascal: Alright, dudes, dudettes, non-duders, and rock-aholics! That was Simple Plain's newest single "Why Are We Kids?!". Coming up next, our guy, our big shredder, our big bad-
????: Dammit, Riff!!!! Just get on with it!!!
Riff Rascal: Yo, sorry, boss lady! Coming up next, we have our expert in all things metal and shredding, Axel Steelgrave, conducting a super secret, super exclusive interview with one of Hell's latest and greatest! Stay tuned!
Charlie: (whines and plasters her face into the comforter) Fuck! I really messed up! I shouldn't have released that album, guys! What if Vaggie doesn't like girls outside of the metal scene?! Then I'm just the creepy, stalker, pop diva who messages her on Sinstagram every once and a while! And likes all of her posts! And comments on each picture! And-
Razzle: (trying to finish polishing Charlie's hooves after a full pedicure and hoof care) Baap?
Charlie: So? It was only ever mentioned once in a tabloid that she was once in a poly ship with a man and woman before. Nothing set in stone. Who listens to tabloids anyway? She said she was a lesbian in her last interview with Angel Metal Monthly.
Dazzle: (brings up a wide array of nail polishes) BaaaAaaAp?
Charlie: Yes! She messages me back almost immediately after every message I send her, but that doesn't mean the's interested in me. She hasn't been online in a week! (rolls over and flops onto her back, covering her eyes with her arm) Not since Katie Killjoy did that whole news segment on my new single music video and album.
Dazzle: (painting Charlie's hooves in a deep red hue called "Wicked Sinister") Baaaaaaap. BaaaAAaaap. Baap. (clicks his hoof in a way that's supposed to look like a sassy finger snap and blows heated air over the paint)
Razzle: Baap! (scowls) Baaap. Baaa. Baap!
Charlie: Thanks, Razzle. No, Dazzle. I really don't think this is some kind of rebound. I really started liking her during the Battle of the Bands gig over at the Jackpot Hotel and Casino. She was the first person who didn't openly laugh at me being there even though I was the only pop singer there.
-VH666 blares back with a heavy metal guitar riff-
Axel Steelgrave: Hey, good evening, everyone. How's it going? Tonight, we have a very special guest. (camera pans out to show Vaggie sitting next to Axel in an interview chair) Lead singer, guitarist, and rocking girl, Vaggie the Steel Vagina from Fallen Angels.
Charlie: WHAT?!?!?!?!?! (crocodile death rolls around in her excitement and falls out of bed, completely wrapped in a burrito, and worm crawls over to the TV) RAZZLE!!! DAZZLE!!! TURN IT UP!!!
Razzle: (salutes) Baap! (grabs the remote and turns up the volume)
Dazzle: (sad bleats as he looks at the mess of nail polish everywhere) baaaaaap.....
Vaggie: (trying not to snarl at the name) It's just Vaggie, Axel.
Axel Steelgrave: Oh, sure. Sure. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to come and see us. Not gonna lie. We were shocked to hear that you were coming out with a new single so quickly.
Charlie: (plasters her face to the screen) New Single?!?!?!?!?!
Vaggie: (blushes slightly) Well, I figured after hearing the Princess's new album and call-out, I should work on a reply.
Angel: (from behind the camera man) You wouldn't have had ta write and record a whole new song and music video if you just sent 'er a video of you jacking it all week! I've never heard dat vibrator work so hard in its life! I swear I smelled smoke last night!
Charlie: (squeals, gasps, and shrieks all at once and falls backwards)
Vaggie: (jumps up from her seat) Angel! What the Fuck?!
Axel Steelgrave: Well, well, well, I guess that answers my next question. I take it this new single is going to be good news for the Princess?
Vaggie: (still steaming as she sits back down and tries to compose herself) I know you have the video on hand. Why not play it and let the fans see for themselves?
Axel Steelgrave: I couldn't have said it better myself. (to the camera) With that being said, let's take a look at a sneak peek of Fallen Angel's new single: "Dear, Charlie - For Somewhere Better".
-Video cuts to some random point in the music video where Vaggie is standing in black leather skirt that has the leather ripped into strips in a hoola-skirt style, black halter tank top, thigh high leather heeled boots, and black fingerless gloves, holding and shredding a guitar. Angel is a pink, fabulous gay disaster on drums while one set of hands works a keyboard.-
Vaggie: (singing) We'll ignite. Still dreaming wide awake. On the hunt for "Somewhen brighter". Pull me close now, and I'll dream until my dying day. Till we create a new "Somewhere better". The promise of a life. Like a thousand suns inside my broken heart. I can see through your eyes. And embrace the flame that guides me through the night.
-Video Cuts back to the interview-
Axel Steelgrave: (freaking out excitedly) Wow! That's quite the statement! Good on you, Steel Vagina!
Vaggie: Vaggie.
Axel Steelgrave: Before we end this exclusive, is there anything you want to say to the Princess in case she's watching?
Vaggie: (Face falls briefly as her eye widens and a blush colors her face) Oh.... (shakes her head to compose herself, looks into the camera, and makes a telephone gesture) Call me~
Axel Steelgrave: (laughing) Alright! You heard it here first, folks. "Dear, Charlie" will be available on HellTunes tonight at midnight. Thank you all so much for tuning in. And, as always, stay rocking.
Charlie: (finally managing to unravel the blanket and sitting on the floor with a bright red blush) C-Call.... Her.... She wants me to call her... (jumps up and down like a teenager in a bad "not another teen movie" while holding Razzle and Dazzle's hooves) SHE WANTS ME TO CALL HER!!!! (pauses) How?! I don't have her number!
Charlie: (dives for her phone on the floor and opens a new Sinstagram message)
FallenAngelVaggie: Hope you got a chance to watch "Insider Bands" tonight. Talk to you later? Maybe over coffee? XXX-XXX-XXXX
Charlie: (takes a deep breath) SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Vaggie: (leaning against the wall of the VH666 studio, holding her phone against her chest, and taking a long drag of a cigarette)
Angel: Hey! I thought you were quitting! (yoinks the cigarette and plops it between his lips)
Vaggie: Dammit, Angel! I said I'd be done once my case is empty! (digs in her pocket and pulls out an angelic steel cigarette case) It still has four left! I haven't even lit up in nearly six months!
Angel: I know! Proud of you for that. That interview rile you up that much that you gotta wreck six months of hard work?
Vaggie: Ugh! (slams her back into the wall) You think Charlie got the message?
Angel: (looks up at the sky towards the Morningstar Mansion where it looks like fireworks are going off on one of the balconies) Oh, I think she got it~
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lincolndjarin · 9 months
Oh Honey. ✩ Chapter 2
chapter two : beware the jabberwock
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series masterlist ao3 kofi main masterlist
a/n : took a while to get out but here is chapter two !!! i have a lot of fun writing this fic bc the pacing is so much different than bks but i'm excited to get this chapter out bc i loved writing it so much and i'm so happy that people enjoy this fic so far !!
pairing : monster!joel miller x mortician!reader
rating : 18+ mdni - explicit content, read all warnings
word count : 15.1k (i'm so sorry idk what happened)
summary : new relationships are tricky, especially when your boyfriend likes to disappear for several days with no explanation.
warnings, etc. : dub con?? i'm gonna tag this with that because the sex is like weird in this?? a lot of it is angry or reluctant from one participant at times so i'm gonna tag it just in case, soulmates au, no outbreak au, language, graphic descriptions of violence, gore, fear, feeling of being stalked, feeling of being watched, me making up things regarding the embalming process, animal death, graphic description of the mortuary process, menstruation, derealization (sort of), smut, oral f!recieving, p in v, biting, just like a lot of mouth stuff lmao, cum eating, rough sex, degradation, sort of dumbification, joel is a bit beastly, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, praise, use of the pet name bunny, nightmares, periods, menstruation, joel is a terrible boyfriend, angry sex, injury, blood, blood drinking, manipulation, not a/b/o but something i made up that is sort of along those lines??, body horror, monsters, predator & prey dynamic, a lot of stuff happens this chap so i might have missed some sorry!!, no physical description of reader but joel is described as being abnormally strong and does pick reader up, there is no actual fucking of a monster yet we can't just do that right out the gate it's a thriller it destroys the thrill if they fuck immediately, that being said; this is a monster fucker fic - proceed accordingly
comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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You don’t sleep well after your dream.
Just staring up at the ceiling until the sun is starting to shine through the windows. 
Not that you’ve been sleeping well recently to begin with. And Joel suddenly feels less safe, the grip of his arms around you feels more like it’s trapping you rather than protecting you.
It’s Joel. 
Just take a deep breath. 
It’s Joel. Joel Miller. Sweet, handsome, kind, Joel Miller. Joel who came back, even though you assumed you’d never hear from him again. 
It was nothing more than a dream. 
Stop making up monsters. 
You slip out of his arms, quietly making your way over to the fridge to try and find something to make for breakfast. You haven’t gone shopping in a while, all you’ve got is half a loaf of bread and a few eggs. Good enough. Clicking the stove on you set a pan down, cracking the eggs with a small sizzle as they hit the metal. 
“Up already?” You didn’t hear him wake but when you turn he’s propped up on an elbow watching you. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” Not technically a lie. 
“Are you okay?” He sits up a bit and you can feel him sizing you up. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” 
You aren’t really. 
But you can’t really tell him why, so why bother. 
He stretches his arms above his head as he gets up, making his way over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and resting his head on your shoulder as you flip the eggs. 
“Hungry?” You’re desperate to think about anything but your dreams, as you speak his grip around your waist tightens. 
“I could eat.” You shudder for several reasons as his teeth graze your neck before nipping at you. 
“These should be done in a few minutes, I just gotta make the toast.” You laugh softly as the scruff of his beard brushes against you. 
He makes it too easy to forget your fears. 
“Mhmm.” The vibrations from his humming make you gasp, nearly dropping the spatula in your hand as he squeezes you for a moment. You work around his advances, putting the bread in the toaster as one of his hands slips under your shirt. 
“How many do you want?” You hold up the bread in front of him, trying to get him to pay attention but it’s getting difficult to stay focused on your task when something is currently pressing against your ass. 
“I think I’m fine with just this.” He squeezes the bare flesh of your torso making you yelp a bit as his hand drifts further up. 
“What happened to your third date rule?” He groans as you reach over to the stove, turning the burner off to keep the eggs from burning before turning around in his arms, your back pressed against the counter. 
“We should go to dinner tonight.” He smiles before leaning forward to kiss you but you put a hand between his mouth and yours. 
“What makes you think I’ve forgiven you enough to warrant another date?”
He pouts. His bottom lip sticking out a bit as he frowns. 
“Wouldn’t matter if I did anyway, it would only be the second date.” You shrug. 
“Last night was the second date.” He says rather matter of factly. 
“That didn’t count.” You can’t help the smile that threatens to form on your as his frown deepens. 
“So you wanna wait for two more dates.” 
Definitely not.
“Tonight?” For a brief moment you try and think of anything else you might be doing but you don’t exactly have a social life here in Honey. 
“S’gotta be, I’m spending tomorrow with Ellie and then I’ll be busy with work, gotta catch up on some things.”
Why would he need to catch up if he’s been busy all week?
“Tonight works.” Even after what he put you through you still feel the strangest pull towards him, dragging him to the table with you as you set down a couple plates. 
“I’ll be here at eight?” He sits, an accomplished look on his face. 
“Works for me.”
You have an uneventful breakfast. 
Neither one of you talks about his disappearing act. And eventually he has to leave for work and so do you, so he gets his things together once you eat.
“Get dressed, I’ll drive you to Maria’s, I gotta pick up Tommy anyway.” He takes a sip of whatever juice you had left over in the fridge as you nod, finding something clean to wear before following him out to the truck. 
He makes it too easy.
He smiles like everything is fine and he holds your hand as he drives.
“Have a good day at work.” You return his smile and he leans across the truck cab to kiss your forehead.
“You too, I’ll see you tonight.”
“See you tonight.” You wave at him as you walk up to the house, Tommy’s just leaving, giving you a pat on the back as he passes you before jumping in the truck with his brother. With a weak smile you watch them go. 
There are no bodies today.
It’s a paperwork day for both of you. You know Maria’s dying to ask about what happened but she never does, just staring up at you every once in a while, always looking like she’s about to say something before choosing not to. 
You decide to throw her a bone. 
“I’m having dinner with Joel tonight.” You can’t ignore the surprised smile on her face. 
“I’m glad you two seem to be getting along.”
“Yeah, apparently he got caught up in his work for a few days.” You try and get a reaction out of her but she goes emotionless, giving you only a hum in response. 
You don’t try to start another conversation after that until you say good night at the end of your shift. Giving her a small wave before stepping into the misty evening air. 
You keep your eyes on the trees the entire walk home but nothing seems out of sorts and before you know it you’re safe in the camper.
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You’re dressed and ready to go when the truck pulls up. You aren’t sure where exactly you’re supposed to be going but you’re ready nonetheless, deciding on just jeans and a plain tshirt. What you aren’t expecting is when Joel steps out of the truck with grocery bags and a grin plastered on his face.
“I thought we could cook together.” He says as he makes his way up the steps inside. 
“You know how to cook?” You try not to sound as surprised as you are but he just laughs. 
“I have two kids. I know how to cook.” He sets the bag on the counter and you open it, he’s brought bread, cheese, and cans of tomato soup. 
“What exactly do you plan on cooking?”
“Grilled cheese.” He says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world and any worries you had about tonight go out the window. 
“You really went all out for tonight.” You raise your eyebrows at him.
He nods, searching through the cabinets for a pan and a pot. 
“When you said cook together you meant you cook and I watch, right?” You lift yourself up onto the counter as he lights the stove. 
“Obviously.” He sets everything down and you watch him fish around the top of the fridge for a few seconds before pulling down a rather dusty old radio. “I knew she had one somewhere.” He grins as he sets it down beside you, plugging it in and fidgeting with the knobs until the static turns into music. 
You don’t recognize the song that plays but he does, as he hums along, opening the two cans, emptying them into the pot. 
You had been so nervous about tonight, nightmares aside, you had expected a totally different Joel, the kind of person who ignores you for a week and expects immediate forgiveness. But instead he continues to be just Joel. Joel, who’s very presence lulls you into an overpowering sense of comfort. The moment he stepped inside the camper the entire space became heavy with his cologne, everything smells like the forest, as if you’re surrounded by pine trees and not the four walls around you. 
“We should do something this week.” He turns to you as he butters the bread, setting it in the pan with a quiet sizzle. 
“Don’t you have work, and Ellie?” You tear open the plastic wrapper on the cheese, handing him a few slices. 
“I do, but I can get Tommy to watch her for a night.” He tosses them down onto the bread before opening a drawer, riffling around until he finds a spatula. 
You hum along to the music with him when the song changes to something familiar, watching him cook. 
He looks at home with you, like he belongs right here. 
You both laugh your way through dinner, it’s outrageous how charming he can be, he tells you about the house he’s building, and how his brother ordered the wrong kind of cement. (You didn’t know there was a wrong kind.) And he tells you about how Ellie’s picked up some curse words, apparently there’s quite an argument happening between the Millers regarding who she learned them from. 
You’ve always been hesitant to talk about work, especially on dates because you never know how people are going to react. Not everyone has the same relationship with death that you have. So when he says, how has working for Maria been? You aren’t exactly sure what to say. 
“It’s good.” 
“That’s it? It’s good?” He looks up at you, giving you that lopsided fucking smirk and you can’t help but just melt at the sight of it. 
“We’ve been… busy, lots of work the last few days, now we’re just funeral planning, this week we’ve got a funeral pretty much everyday, Maria’s swamped.” 
“What made you choose this line of work?”
You never really know how to answer that question. 
“Because I like to play with dead things.” Never gets the laugh you hope for, and the real answer just makes you sad.  
“I like to fix things.” You instinctively break eye contact, staring down at an uneven floor board you’d never noticed before under the table. “I like knowing that I can help people in that way, to fix them one last time.” 
For a moment he doesn’t speak, when you look back up at him he simply looks at you with something that resembles yearning. 
“That’s nice.” 
You’re glad he thinks so. 
He takes the dishes, rinsing them in the sink despite your protests. 
Your palms are getting clammy. 
This is, by his count, your third date. 
Is it weird that this feels scheduled? It was different when you’d brought him home after your first date, that felt natural, your body innately wanted to be with him. How do you even start this kind of thing when it feels so planned? You both know what you want but it feels strange to just outright say, so is this the part where we have sex? 
He dries his hands on his jeans and clears his throat as he turns back to you, holding his hand out, you aren’t really sure what he’s doing until he pulls you up from your seat, wrapping his other arm around your waist.
It isn’t the kind of song you can slow dance to, it’s fast and upbeat.
But as far as you can tell, Joel isn’t the kind of guy who dances in the first place, so you bring your free hand up to his shoulder and join him in his attempts to dance. 
I heat up, I can't cool down
You got me spinning
There isn’t a lot of floor space in the camper but he makes it work by holding you close and mostly just spinning you as he nods along to the music.
'Round and 'round
'Round and 'round and 'round it goes
If his goal was to put you at ease then it’s working, any remaining nerves you have fizzled out completely. You laugh in earnest, not out of fear, as he bumps his nose against yours. 
Where it stops nobody knows
Every time you call my name
I heat up like a burning flame
Burning flame full of desire
Kiss me baby, let the fire get higher
He keeps his forehead flush with yours as you continue to sway your hips back and forth to the beat, the both of you laughing and spinning, you watch curiously as he closes his eyes, inhaling deeply. 
Abra abracadabra
I wanna reach out and grab ya
Abra abracadabra
With a satisfied sigh he opens his eyes, his gaze going from simple infatuation to something darker. When the song ends he pulls you close, so you’re chest to chest and reaches over, turning down the radio. 
“So…” You can’t stop smiling as you stare at him through your lashes. 
“So.” He gently guides you, his hands on your hips as he walks you backwards until the backs of your knees hit the bed. 
“I’ve got a long day tomorrow, I should probably get some sleep.” You give him an exaggerated yawn and point at the bed, plastering a mock apologetic look on your face. 
“You’re really funny.” He leans down to give you a chaste kiss before picking you up. His strength is still a wonder to you. 
The way he throws you down onto your bed makes you erupt into a fit of giggles but he certainly isn’t laughing anymore as he drags you by your ankles to the edge of the mattress, a look of concentration on his face now. 
“Joel!” You shriek as you hear the tearing of the zipper on your jeans. 
“M’sorry.” He grumbles, making no effort to slow down as he tugs them down. 
He doesn’t sound sorry.
“It’s a zipper, just unzip it for Christ's sake.” His sudden change in demeanor leaves you a little breathless, in the blink of an eye he’s gone from remarkably gentle to practically unhinged.
“S’too late for that.” He groans softly as he kneels on the camper floor, throwing your legs over his shoulders. 
“You owe me a new pair-” Your voice trails off into a stuttered moan as his mouth latches onto the front of your panties, dragging his tongue over the wet spot that’s been forming all night. 
“We can go to the mall sometime this week.” He mumbles against your cunt before you feel his teeth grazing the fabric before tearing it apart completely. 
“Jesus, Joel!” Instinctively your hands grip his hair as he buries his face between your legs. 
How sharp are his teeth? 
He’s all consuming. Like he’s trying to lay claim to every single part of you. And he’s loud, it’s a good thing you don’t have neighbors. Lewd slurping noises as he laps at your dripping hole like it’s his fucking job. 
He flattens his tongue, dragging it through your folds, for a moment you aren’t sure what he’s doing, but it feels fucking amazing. The way his tongue moves in and out of you, occasionally drawing a lazy circle around your clit, it isn’t like anything anyones ever done before. It takes you a moment to realize that he isn’t necessarily trying to make you feel good (despite the effect it may be having on you,) you’re pretty sure he’s tasting you. 
Drinking you in. If he’s trying to get you off it’s only because he wants more. 
“S’ so sweet.” He mumbles against your thigh, biting the meat there making you cry out a bit before he returns to his work between your legs. 
“Joel- fuck, Joel please.” You manage to stutter out between gasps, when did he become so gruff? You never could have predicted that he would be like this in bed, his grip on you is certain to leave bruises and you can barely think straight after just a few minutes with his head between your thighs. The noises he makes as his lips wrap around your clit are down right pornagraphic. Your vision is starting to go white around the edges as he does the first gentle thing since he started, sucking that bundle of nerves almost lazily. Through shuttered breaths you manage to mumble out his name a few more times your vision whites out completely. 
You’re a little surprised at how quickly he manages to pull an orgasm from you, your skin coated in a thin sheen of sweat as you sit up, pulling him up by his hair as you crash your lips against his, tasting your own slick on his tongue. He moves so feverishly as you feel his hands spreading you again, teasing your entrance with two fingers before slowly pushing them in. 
“Joel- oh my god-” He silences your rambling with his mouth again, swallowing your groan once he’s knuckle deep inside you. His brows furrow in concentration as he starts to pump them in and out of you. “P-please.” You stammer out. 
It’s such a sharp contrast to the Joel you’re used to, he’s so… unruly. 
“So fucking tight.” He mutters before grinding his palm against your clit, pulling another series of gasps from your throat. “Such a pretty, tight, wet cunt.” He whispers against your jaw and you feel a third finger pushing into you. 
You hadn’t expected him to be so vulgar, turns out he’s only all southern manners outside of the bedroom. You’re starting to see stars all over again as you feel the stretch of his thick fingers, he nips at your jaw before pressing them in deep, focusing on grinding the heel of his palm into your clit until you’re soaking his hand, hands tugging at his hair as a second orgasm is ripped out of you with a shudder. Your head falls back with a noisy whine, you can’t decide if you want more or less, his touch burns your skin but you feel so cold without it.  
“Please, please Joel.” You exhale the words, scratching lightly at his shoulders with a whine. 
“Tell me what you want.” His voice is lower than ever and you watch as he unzips his jeans, shoving them off and taking his cock in between his fingers, still slick with your release. Your eyes go wide as he strokes himself a few times, he’s thick, hefty, you’re trying not to stare slack-jawed at the way he fills his own hand.  You grab the bottom of his shirt, pulling it off in an attempt to feel more of his skin against you.
“Fuck me… please.” You tack on the please at the end hoping he doesn’t make you wait much longer as you gawk at his pretty tan skin. You don’t even know where to look, you run your fingers through the coarse sprinkle of black and gray hair on his chest as he crawls further up the bed to hover above you.
He takes your thighs, pushing them up against your stomach, his eyes dark with something reminiscent of hunger. You hook your own arms around your knees to keep yourself in that position as he takes hold of his cock once more, guiding himself into you with a strangled groan.
“Christ…” He mumbles under his breath as he slides just the tip of himself in, your own breath hitching at the size of him. He tilts head town, pressing a soft kiss to your chin. 
He splays his palms out on your thighs, leveraging himself as he carefully rocks his hips back and forth, slowly working himself into you. The camper fills with the sounds of your collective noises. Joel is loud. Grunting and growling as he fully buries himself in your heat. 
He scans your face for signs of distress, tears pricking the corners of your eyes, the tiniest sting from the stretch pulls a whine out of you but you only nod as he stares into your eyes. 
“More, Joel.”
Once he has your approval he starts moving, setting a pace that for a few thrusts is slow before picking up. Quickly becoming downright brutal, every slam of his pelvis against yours drives his cock deeper into you. He feels as if he was made for this, he’s just big enough that it doesn’t hurt, simply an overwhelming feeling of fullness. 
Your body begins to tense up all over again, you wrap your arms around his torso as much as you can in this position, scratching at his back. He leans forward, going in for a kiss before moving around your face, kissing your jaw, forehead, nose, and temples. When he kisses the apples of your cheeks you feel his tongue darting out. 
Did he just lick up a tear? 
He snaps his hips forward, disrupting your train of thought, his teeth barred as he does so, eyes fixed on every one of your reactions. He’s practically snarling as you let your head fall back against the mattress, the head of his cock driving into your g-spot.
“Wanna come again already, bunny?” You make a real spectacle of yourself, hooking your legs around his waist, trying to pull him in deeper. “Greedy little thing…”
“Joel please-”
“Joel please.” He mocks. “Is that all you can say now?” You keen softly but he only grins as you tighten around him. 
“P-please…” You squeak out as he snaps hips forward once more. 
“Come again, I wanna feel this pretty cunt come.” He snarls against your neck, leaving a trail of bites until he reaches your shoulder, a particularly harsh bite has you crying out.
“Joel!” You grit your teeth, a wave of heat washes over you as you come one last time, you feel his tongue dragging across the bite mark. 
It’s all so close to being painful.
Your stomach aches from the overstimulation, and you register a faint stinging feeling when he laps at the bite. Your walls clench around him, strangling his cock, and his hands instantly leave your legs, gripping the sheets instead.  
“Fuck, fuck.” He barely pulls out in time, coming on your stomach. You reach down in your haze, scooping some of his load onto your finger before sliding them between your lips. 
Fucking salted caramel. 
Sweet and sticky on your tongue. 
He pants above you, watching with an intoxicated look as you dip your fingers into his cum over and over again until your stomach is bare.
He nudges his nose against yours, rubbing every part of his face against you for a few minutes. It’s wildly intimate and you're once again a little taken aback by his sudden tone shift. 
“Was that okay?” He drawls, once again searching your face for any indication that you might not be. 
You nod, beaming up at him and letting him rest the bridge of his nose on yours for a few moments more before you slip out of his arms, stepping into the bathroom. You relieve yourself before going to sort yourself out in the mirror. 
You’re bleeding. 
Where he bit you, two mirroring crescents, red and angry on your shoulder, leaking blood. 
“Shit.” You grab a handful of toilet paper, wiping it clean before rinsing it in the sink and returning to him.  
“Everything okay?” He’s pulled his boxers on, tossing you his shirt which you’re eager to put on. You don’t want him to see the bite. 
“Everything’s fine.” You crawl back up into the bed beside him. 
He stays the night, pulling you to his chest and caging you in with his arms. 
And you aren’t haunted by dreams. 
In the morning a part of you worries he’ll disappear all over again, you’re a little surprised when he texts you just a few minutes after he drives off.  [ can’t wait to see you again soon bunny ]
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Joel follows through on his promise. 
A few days later he picks you up from work and drives you to the outlet mall about an hour away, saying he needs to get some stuff for Ellie as well. Apparently she likes to throw plates so he wants to find the kind that suction onto the table. As he drives the radio plays a country song you don’t recognize which he hums along to as you watch the trees outside the window. 
“You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you about my aunt.” He turns the music down once you start speaking. 
“Darlene? You probably know her better than I do.” He doesn’t seem very eager to talk about her but it only makes you want to know more. 
“Doubt it. All I know about her is that she wasn’t close with anyone in my family.”
“You weren’t close? But she left you her camper.”
“That’s why I need to know anything you might know about her, I know nothing.” He seems hesitant and you’re worried if you keep pushing it he won’t tell you anything at all. 
“She was a lonely old woman, had me fix things for her often, I honestly think she just wanted company.” His voice softens a bit as he says it. 
“She didn’t have friends here in Honey?” 
“Not that I know of, she was a bit of a shut in, sweetest woman I’ve ever met, just a bit… skittish. She worked from home and I’m pretty sure someone delivered her groceries. The only time I ever saw her outside was when I was fixing her roof and she sat in a lawn chair to talk to me while I did.” 
“She worked from home?” 
“Yeah, something on her laptop, I’m not entirely sure.” You’ve never seen a laptop. 
You’ve been living in the camper for nearly six months and you’ve never seen a laptop. 
But that’s not what interests you the most right now. 
“What do you mean by skittish?” You’re trying to gauge his reaction but he doesn’t seem to have one. 
“Maybe skittish isn’t the right word. Eccentric? Some of the kids in town called her ditzy Darlene.” His expression sours as he says it. 
“That’s horrible.”
“It was.”
“Why?” He seems more reluctant than ever but now you’re just upset on behalf of the woman who left you everything.
“She fed into a lot of the legends around town, and didn't seem to have any hobbies outside of monster hunting.”
“Monster hunting?”
“She was the only local who went to the gift shops, searching for a monster she swears she saw.”
Sounds familiar.
“Did she ever find any?” 
“Monsters?” He laughs. “Not that I know of.”
“Did you think she was crazy?”
“I think she was lonely, and I think when you spend that much time alone your mind can wander.”
“But did you think she was crazy?” 
“No.” He puts an end to the conversation by putting the truck in park. You hadn’t even realized you were there, the outlet mall is so small. His southern manners remain persistent as he jogs around the truck to open your door for you, holding onto you to provide balance as you hop out.
You aren’t sure where anything is so you just follow him, taking his hand in yours as you walk. He takes you into a clothing store you don’t recognize the name of and waits patiently as you try on a few different pairs of jeans. It’s been quite some time since you’ve bought new clothes so you get a few pairs, you’re worried it’s boring for him to just wait outside the changing room but when you walk out with three pairs slung over your arm he still looks happy as can be. When you go to pay he opens his wallet, silencing your protests with a reminder that it’s his fault you needed new jeans in the first place. 
After that he takes his time, the two of you walk hand in hand through each store, he doesn’t even look around most of them, seemingly content with just spending time with you. 
He manages to find a few rubber bowls with suction cup bottoms for Ellie as well as some spanish flashcards and you decide to get a pair of blue hiking boots, if you’re gonna be walking everywhere you might as well be comfortable. 
At the last store you stop at you find a nice perfume, spraying a bit into the air and inhaling. It reminds you of springtime, it’s light, floral, but when Joel catches a whiff of it he scrunches his nose up. 
“You don’t like it?” You set the bottle back down. 
“I like the way you smell now.” You frown, trying to remember what shampoo and body wash you’ve been using. If you recall correctly it’s just some generic brand you’d bought ages ago. 
“I didn’t know you spoke spanish?” You remark, pointing at the bag containing the cards, opting to just change the subject rather than give yourself a headache trying to remember. 
“I don’t, but Sarah does and she’s been insisting I teach Ellie while she’s gone, something about it being better if she’s bilingual.”
“I think that’s sweet.” You swing your arms a bit, keeping his hand in yours as he walks you out of the store and in the direction of the truck. 
“Of course you think it’s sweet, you're not the one with two daughters who will be using their secret language against you.” He takes his keys from his pocket, clicking the unlock button. 
“It’s not a secret language, if your baby can learn it then I’m sure you can.” He helps you up into the truck once more, shutting the door behind you.
It’s almost comically difficult to keep your hands off him when you’re alone, especially now that you have a taste for him. Even just being in the truck with the windows up is suffocating, the smell of his aftershave or his laundry detergent drives you mad the moment you’re stuck in an enclosed space with him. 
You slide across the truck so you’re in the middle seat as he pulls out of the parking lot. It’s like you feel sick when you aren’t touching him, like you’re suffering from this barely noticeable nausea and you don’t realize you were even dealing with it until it’s gone. 
You watch curiously as he keeps one hand on the wheel and brings the other to rest on your thigh. His shoulders relax the moment he does, his frown lines smooth themselves out a bit. 
He’s just so warm, and he’s so nice to be near. Today he smells like a candle you used to have, something you lit around Christmas time. He smells like cookies and peppermint. 
You can’t help but turn your head a bit, trying to discreetly inhale the scent of his jacket.
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To say that Joel Miller becomes the perfect boyfriend would be an understatement. 
He drives you to work, he sends you flowers, (which gets confusing in a funeral home.) he holds open doors, and he always texts you back. 
Quite literally everything gets better once he’s back in your life. 
You don’t get anymore mangled bodies, only a few from the nursing home and one from a nearby hospital, it’s mostly just funeral planning these days. You see Joel daily, Maria and Tommy seem a little surprised every time he dotes on you and you can’t help but wonder what he’s done to earn such a reaction, but he’s so sweet you hardly care. Between both of you working and him having a toddler you’re shocked he makes as much time for you as he does. You see him every morning when he takes you into work but he also insists on seeing you twice a week, whether it’s going out, or ordering in, or just dragging him into your bed, he always makes time for you. 
You even spend a little time with Ellie. Joel spends a lot of time with her at the funeral home so you often see her in little doses, she seems indifferent towards you which worries you until you realize she acts that way towards everyone but her father. It’s remarkable to watch him with her, he’s soft with you but with her it’s something else entirely. She sticks to him like glue and you’ve never once seen him look bothered by that fact, you assume she’d get bored just sitting in his arms but she never does. He likes to tell her jokes and you aren’t even sure she understands them but without fail she bursts into a fit of giggles every time he gets to the punchline. 
It’s good with him, everything is easier. Everything just sort of makes sense with Joel and for the first time in a long time everything feels right. 
Until the morning you wake up, a sticky feeling between your legs and an ache in your belly.
“Shit.” You roll out of bed, quickly shedding your clothes, tossing them into the laundry bin before texting Joel.
[ hot date idea for us, you drive me to the laundromat and then watch me do my laundry ] 
Setting your phone down you hop into the shower, washing away the blood with a groan, you spend far too long under the water, when you finally step out and check your phone you’re running late, you pull open the curtains a bit to see if Joel’s already waiting for you but much to your confusion you aren’t met with the familiar sight of the truck.
You had never really discussed him driving you to work; it was just something he’d started doing, you probably shouldn’t have expected it to be a permanent thing. 
You haphazardly pull yourself together, tossing on whatever looks clean before grabbing your phone and bag, rushing out the door. 
The cool morning air stings your face as you quickly walk down the familiar gravel driveway towards the home, you’re already preparing your excuse for why you’re so late but Maria doesn’t even notice as you step into the office, she’s busy on a call.
You recognize the look on her face, she’s talking to a family. You step inside, taking a seat in one of the chairs across from her desk as you wait. She seems to be at the end of the conversation. 
You couldn’t be more grateful that she takes care of telling the families. You’ve never been good at that kind of thing. She hangs up with a gentle, goodbye, smiling up at you as you try and imagine a situation in which your job was to deliver such terrible news. 
The ache in your stomach snaps you back to reality. 
Fuck. You forgot to bring anything.
“Any chance you have a pad?” You give her an apologetic look.
Based on her expression you’d think you’d just asked her for a lung. Several emotions flash across her face in an instant, but mostly she looks like someone who just solved a riddle that had been plaguing them for quite some time. She snaps out of it quickly though, giving you a curt nod. 
“Of course, let me just run upstairs.”
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It’s an older man, graying and wearing what is obviously hiking gear.
Poor guy. 
He’s torn apart, the worst you’ve seen so far, his limbs have all been individually torn off, they lay, separated from the rest of him on the table. 
It’s an open casket so you’re gonna be down here all day. 
You text Joel one last time before setting your phone down. 
[ gonna be pretty busy all day, got another bear attack, i’ll call you when i’m on my way home. ] 
With that you get to work, putting on your gown and gloves, and starting at the torn clothes. It’s hard to figure out where his clothes start and his skin ends with the condition his body is in but you manage to cut him out of everything so you can properly assess the damage. 
You’re getting used to seeing these messy wounds, the sight of torn flesh. It should be a pretty easy job all things considered. He’ll be in a suit so you’ll just reattach everything and no one will ever have to see the extent of his wounds. 
You check everything twice, making sure that you’ve got the left and right correct before you start sewing things back up. You try to mimic the way you saw Maria do it, careful and practiced stitches.
You finish the legs easily enough, both had been ripped off just above the knee, you’re about to start on the arms when you drop the needle in surprise. 
How didn’t you realize this before? 
You’ve been preparing these bodies for weeks now and you’ve never once noticed one harrowing detail. You’re used to tending to bodies that have already seen a pathologist. Bodies with their organs in a bag, with their blood drained, ready to be prepared for a funeral or cremation. And you’ve been so focused on doing a good job to impress Maria that you’ve failed to take note of the most obvious thing before you. 
There’s no blood. 
None of the bodies you’ve tended to from the bear attacks have blood, all of their organs remain intact but because Maria declares cause of death you know she doesn’t drain them. You’ve drained everyone who hasn’t been sent in from a bear attack. 
Maybe Maria drained them before you got in.
But that isn’t possible, you know that, you’d have seen the equipment, and you’ve gotten bodies straight from the scene, already drained. 
You reach over to grab a scalpel off the table. 
You shouldn’t do this. You could probably be fired for it, but as long as no one finds out you’ll be fine. All the damage to this cadaver has been done to its limbs, so hypothetically, if you were to slice open his chest you would see blood, dried or otherwise. 
So you do just that. 
You carve out a small, clean, incision vertically on his sternum. 
You’ve got a pen flashlight that you shine into his chest cavity only to find his organs. Dry. 
He’s been completely drained of his blood. 
You stitch him up quickly, finishing the job as swiftly as possible before running up the stairs, mumbling a rushed excuse to Maria before running the entire way home. 
Joel doesn’t text you back. 
This isn’t happening, not again, he wouldn’t do this again. 
You feel like you’re gonna be sick. 
An image flashes through your mind. 
Lips curled back in a snarl. 
No. That wasn’t real, it was just a dream. Although the line between the two has been getting blurrier. 
Joel isn’t out there draining people of their blood, that’s absurd, even if he goes missing and those dates happen to coincide with the days that you get bloodless corpses. 
It’s a coincidence. 
Or it isn’t. 
Maybe for one second you should just let yourself consider the possibility that something is terribly wrong. 
You thoroughly check the two bodies you get the next day. 
They come in together, a couple from out of state hiking in the park. Neither one of them bleeds. 
The day after that you wake up early and walk to the funeral home as the sun rises. You watch the hearse wheel in the body, and you make sure you’re the first person to see her. 
A tragically beautiful woman who appears to be in her late forties, maybe early fifties. 
None of her wounds are bloody, and when you open her chest cavity it’s like someone drank her insides with a straw. 
You’re nearly at your breaking point, nothing you’re looking at makes any sense. 
You spend that night in bed, unable to sleep as you try and figure out what the hell is going on. 
Joel doesn’t answer your calls. 
He doesn’t respond to your several angry texts. 
And something deep down within you tells you that asking Maria would be a mistake. 
You’re completely alone on this. 
So you call Maria and you tell her that you’re sick and won’t be in tomorrow. Then you look up the bus schedule in and out of town.
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The bus comes in and out of Honey twice, every other day. Lucky for you, today is one of the days the bus will be there in the morning, and return in the evening. 
The bus stop is empty when you arrive, the misty morning air clings to your skin as you stare out into the surrounding forest. 
Something is out there. 
And you’re gonna find out what it is.
You can’t keep being afraid, this is your home now, and you won’t be driven away by some imaginary monster. 
It starts to drizzle when you look out the window of the bus, watching Honey disappear behind you. 
You have a plan. 
Well sort of. 
You’re going to find some literature on the subject. You’re sick of feeling crazy so you’re going to prove yourself right. Something is very wrong in Honey, and monster or not, you’re going to figure it out. 
You don’t catch the name of the town you end up in, you just get off at the stop that looks the most tourist friendly, assuming that there has to be a book store somewhere in town. 
You only have to walk main street for a few minutes before you find it. 
It’s a quaint little shop tucked in between an attorney's office and a gift shop. 
Betty’s Books
Dimly lit and jam packed wall to wall with books, a small elderly woman sits behind the counter, reading a Stephen King novel. 
“Excuse me?” You clear your throat as she looks up at you over her wiry glasses. 
“How can I help you?” Her smile is warm, it fills the entire shop with an aura of comfort. 
You’re going to sound ridiculous. And the moment you do this you’ll be speaking it into existence. 
You don’t have any other options. 
“Do you have anything on local urban legends?” You try not to sound too ashamed but her smile never falters as she points. 
“Back left corner, dear.” 
“Thank you.”
“Let me know if you need anything else.” She’s already buried her nose back in her book before you turn towards the rest of the shop. 
You begin searching the shelves for anything that could possibly help you, there’s several different books on bigfoot and the loch ness monster. There are a lot of empty spaces between books and you have to assume that this is what most tourists are buying. 
People in search of ghosts and myths. 
Are you any better than them? 
Running out into the darkness, looking for a monster you very well may have made up. 
You look through a few more options before finally settling on a thick, leather bound book, you pull it from its place and stare down at the embossed cover. 
A Beginners Guide to Cryptozoology : West Virginian Monsters 
You aren’t going to find a better place to start. 
You move back towards the front, stopping in front of the children's section.
Lullabies & Poems for Bedtime 
A rabbit with a pocket watch, asleep under a tree, adorns the cover. 
Ellie might like that. 
Even if you’re madder than hell at her father. 
You grab the little white book, setting both onto the counter, paying before stepping out into the rain. You’ve got hours until the bus back to Honey returns so you quickly make your way to a diner across the street, keeping the books tucked into your jacket. 
A little bell chimes as you push the door open, sitting yourself at one of the free booths you set the books down on the table. 
The waitress brings you coffee and water as you set your jacket aside, you order a plate of fries just to give you something to do as you watch the rain on the diner windows for a bit. 
Eventually you know you can’t put it off anymore so you open up the book and sit back, taking care to read every single page, not wanting to miss a thing. 
The first thing you learn is that there are a startling number of unnamed monsters. 
It covers the basics in the first few chapters, mothman, bigfoot, chupacabra, and werewolves, but the second half of the book is entirely monsters with no names, only ink drawing accompanying the descriptions. For a while you find nothing, eventually ordering a milkshake which you sip as you skim the pages.
After two hours you’re about to give up when you stumble across a page that finally shows something familiar. 
A drawing of a body, mangled, with wounds you recognize. 
Five slashes across the chest, both arms completely torn off. 
This creature is thought to reside only in heavily wooded areas, it was speculated to be located in the southern United States for several decades before disappearing completely. 
Since then people have claimed to have seen this creature in many different locations although the majority seem to be centralized to the east coast of North America, resembling a lich, or a wendigo. 
When you turn the page the illustration of the monster stares back at you. 
It’s hard to make out what’s what and it looks mostly like inky scribbles but within those lines you see the creature you’ve been imagining. Long, sharp limbs, massive shoulders, and a face almost reminiscent of a humans, everything is just… distorted. 
While technically unnamed, there are many unique pieces of folklore attached to this specific creature. Witnesses claim to have seen this monster transform from human to creature and vice versa, as if they walk among us in their free time. 
What sets the creature apart from many other creatures of this variety is their affinity for humans. More often than not we’ve gotten reports of these creatures seeking out human mates.
We have several different claims from people saying they’ve seen the transformation happen right before their very eyes. One man claimed to have watched his sister in law turn at Thanksgiving dinner. Another says that he saw a cousin's boyfriend disappear into the woods during a wedding, transforming into a beast as he did. 
According to old legends there is thought to be a connection between these creatures and their mates, quite literally bonding them in blood. The males are believed to be linked to their human mates menstrual cycles; if they have one, the females are linked to their own. There are many different descriptions of what this means for human mates. Some believe that when this creature comes in contact with their mate that they permanently revert to their human forms. Others believe they’re hunger for flesh only grows after coming in contact with them.
But most believe that they eat their mate. Plain and simple. That their blood is more potent to them than anyone else’s, so much so that any love they may harbor for them is irrelevant, they are simply blinded by their bloodlust. 
Its victims often resemble that of an animal attack. Bodies torn apart, mangled, often believers of this legend are ‘disproven’ because of this fact, but there is always one thing that separates this creature's kills from that of an animal. Animals who eat their victims will do exactly that, eat them, this creature does no such thing, while it does massacre its victims it will rarely consume its flesh, preferring the taste of blood. 
There have been no confirmed sightings of these creatures and we have been unable to trace its origins or obtain any photographic evidence, maybe it really is just an animal. 
Monster or bear? It’s up to you.
It’s up to you. 
You slam the book shut.
It’s nonsense. 
Joel isn’t some blood drinking, period monster. But you came all this way, looking for a monster, and seemingly you’ve found it. 
You pick up the little book for Ellie, taking a sip of your coffee. 
Maybe it’ll make you feel better. 
You open it to find a familiar little song on the inside of the cover.
I know you,
I walked with you once upon a dream. 
You flip through it, mostly admiring the beautiful illustrations, they look like watercolors. There’s a frog with a crown, princesses with flowing gowns and witches grinning up at you from the pages. It isn’t until some random page in the middle that you actually stop to read the poem. The drawing accompanying this one isn’t colorful, only black ink, a drastic change from everything so far. 
By: Lewis Carroll 
It unsettles you to look at so you focus on the words instead. You know this creature, it’s from Alice in Wonderland. The poem is whimsical, you can imagine a child finding it rather entertaining should a parent read it with enthusiasm. You don’t have a parent reading it to you though, you’re alone, staring at the lines that have caught your eye. 
Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
No more books today. 
When you check your phone there are no new notifications. So Joel is either a terrible boyfriend or a potential murderer. 
How comforting. 
Fuck it. 
You click on his contact.
Monsters aren’t real. 
Joel Miller is just the worst boyfriend (soon to be ex-boyfriend) on the planet. 
It doesn’t help that you catch a glimpse of a tampon wrapper in your bag when you throw your phone back into it. 
It’s a coincidence. 
You can’t say anything to anyone about this, how would it look if ditzy Darlene’s niece showed up and started spinning stories of her own? You can’t do it, you know exactly what people would say. They’d say it ran in the family and they’d find a reason to be cruel to her even in death. 
So you take the bus home in silence. 
For the next few days barely speak to Maria other than polite greetings, you’re certain she doesn’t notice, both of you are swamped. You’ve got a body everyday the rest of the week and she’s up to her neck in paperwork. 
And Joel never texts.
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Maria’s juggling Ellie and trying to fill out papers when you get in the next morning. 
“Thank god you’re here, can you run upstairs and grab something for me, there’s a little makeup bag on the counter in the bathroom, I forgot it earlier and I’m waiting on a phone call regarding the couple we had.” 
“Of course.” You set your things down before reaching for Ellie. “Here, let me take her so you can do that.”
“You’re a lifesaver, thank you.” Almost as if on cue the phone rings the moment she says it. You head towards the stairs, the toddler in your arms scrunches up her face as if trying to recall your identity. 
“You know me, silly, I’m friends with your daddy.” At the mention of her father she seems to relax and you open the door at the top of the stairs. 
You’ve never actually been in this part of the house before, you’ve always stayed in the business section. You don’t get a chance to look around, the bathroom is the first door on your left. A bag the size of a pencil box is on the counter, you hand it to Ellie, her little hands play with the bag as you carefully bounce her in your arms. 
“Do you know where your daddy is?” You poke her in the belly making her smile at you for the first time. “Not gonna snitch?” You tickle her side, earning a tiny giggle. You let her play with the zipper as you bring her back downstairs. “Any bodies today?” You yell as you descend the stairs. 
“Had a cremation from the home this morning, I’ve just got a lot of papers, I’m planning six funerals simultaneously right now.” 
Six massacred corpses in six days. 
“Where’s Tommy?” Ellie puts up a bit of a fight for the bag but you set it down on the desk just in time to watch Marias grip on her pen tighten. 
Yikes. Must be a sore spot right now. 
“He’s got a work thing, left me with that little monster.” She uses the pen to point at the toddler who’s already starting to get antsy in your arms. 
If you’ve got no bodies today you might as well offer to help.
“I can watch Ellie if you’d like.” 
“Really? You don’t mind?”
“Of course not, want me to keep her upstairs? I’m sure you don’t want me watching her in the basement.” You laugh a little as she nods. 
“You really are a lifesaver, I don’t know how I managed without you.” 
“Oh stop, you clearly did just fine before I came along.” Your face gets a bit hot at the compliment. 
“I’ll be up in a few hours once I finish up here, you two have fun.” She doesn’t give any instruction beyond that so you just take Ellie back upstairs. You haven’t spent much time with her beyond the small interactions in passing but you know she doesn’t like doing nothing unless it’s with Joel. She’s trying to get out of your arms the second you’re at the top of the stairs. You set her down in the entryway and she’s already running into the kitchen. 
You don’t want to snoop but you actually get to take a good look around as Ellie settles in front of a pile of notebooks and a mess of crayons on the kitchen floor. It’s a pretty open floor plan, the kitchen and living room are all one big room and from the looks of it they must watch Ellie often, an outsider would assume they have a child of their own. A play pen is set up on the floor of the living room and toys are scattered everywhere. 
“Are you hungry, sweetie? Do you want something to eat?” There’s different snacks on the counter as you walk over to where she’s playing. 
“Yes please.” Her voice is clear and high pitched, you’re actually a little surprised, you didn’t even know she could talk, she’s always silent when you’re around. There’s an assortment of different things on the counter so you just find something that’s already open. Handing her a little container of apple puffs, she doesn’t look up from her drawings, just blindly reaching over and grabbing a handful as you sit at the counter to watch over her. 
She’s a very well behaved baby all things considered. 
You have to stop her from drawing on the walls a few times and at one point she stuffed a handful of food between the couch cushions but other than that she’s rather relaxed. She sits and draws mostly, only occasionally getting up and doing a few laps around the room before returning to her papers. 
At one point she makes her way to where you’re sitting, slapping your leg to get your attention until you pick her up, she points to the window above the sink and when you take her there she simply stares out at the trees. 
She’s focused on the woods as you watch her expression, her face is oddly serious. 
After a few minutes you set her down, unease filling your body. She doesn’t seem to mind though as she runs back to her drawings, you return to the counter, checking your phone for a few minutes until she appears in your peripherals once more, tapping your leg again, handing you one of her drawings. 
At several different moments this week you’ve thought that you’ve reached your breaking point. 
None of those compare to how you feel when you pick up the paper Ellie had been scribbling on. 
It’s crude and mostly indiscernible but you know exactly what you’re looking at. 
A monster. 
A broad shouldered, sharp toothed, crayon monster. 
You stare at the little girl, trying to keep your composure as you pick her up, setting her in your lap and pointing at the mess of scribbles on the page. 
You feel crazier than ever, asking a toddler for help but no one else is around and you’re running out of options. 
“Can you tell me what that is, sweetie? What did you draw?” You hand her the drawing back which she crumples a bit in her fist before setting it on the counter, you point again at the creature. “Ellie, honey, can you tell me what this is please?” You’re doing your best to keep calm as she kicks her legs a bit before staring up at you with a frown. 
“Daddy?” For someone so small she speaks so loudly and clearly, but you just shake your head. 
“I know, honey, you want your daddy, I wish I knew where he was but you’re stuck with me today.” You smooth out her hair a bit as she scrunches up her face, looking rather upset. 
“Tío.” She points down at the drawing before looking back at you for approval, you just smile. You feel like an idiot. Asking a child for help. A child who can barely speak. 
“It’s okay, you’re too little to understand.” You hold her under one arm as you walk around the counter to the fridge. “How about I get you some juice.” 
You find a clean sippy cup, pouring her some apple juice before setting her back down, handing her the cup and searching through your bag. 
“I almost forgot, I got you a present.” She perks up immediately, setting her cup down as you hold the little white book out towards her.
“Thanks!” Her eyes light up as she takes it from you, it’s one of the few times you’ve seen her smile without her father being in the room, sitting on the floor before looking back up at you, tapping the spot next to her until you sit as well. 
“Do you want me to read it to you?” You watch as she sets it down in front of her, she’s surprisingly gentle as she flips open the cover. 
“No thank you.” She’s enraptured by the illustrations, not caring for the text, laying down on her stomach, and sitting up on her elbows as she slowly flips through the pages, her eyes wide as she points out everything she sees to you. You rub her back, nodding along, you’re mostly just happy that she’s excited. 
She kicks her feet as she explains the big red bird on the page to you. After a few more minutes of her babbling she turns the page again.
She giggles wildly as she points at the page and suddenly you’re filled with dread all over again. She’s positively captivated by the drawing, refusing to turn to a different page when you urge her to move on.
You don’t speak again until Maria comes upstairs to check on her, when you do it’s to tell her you aren’t feeling well, and you’re going home.
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You’re going on a monster hunt. 
There’s nothing left to do. You need to soothe your fears before you lose it completely and you aren’t going to stare at the trees and wonder for the rest of your life. 
You stop at one of the tourist traps in town, you need supplies for tonight. 
A camera. 
It’s an easy in and out stop. You buy a polaroid camera, and several packs of film. 
No one will believe you otherwise, you’ll be ridiculed the same way they did Darlene. You think of her as you walk back home, what if she was right about everything? She spent her life in fear of a monster no one believed in and they mocked her for it, and at the end of the day she might have been right. 
Maybe the monster is real and it isn’t Joel. 
Either way you’re going into the woods tonight. Your backpack is packed with the essentials, your water bottle, camera, an extra film pack, one of the knives from the kitchen (wrapped in a towel,) and a flashlight. 
Once you’re packed you put your boots and jacket on and head out. 
It’s like everything quiets down the moment you step outside. The forest hums, beckoning you in, and how could you refuse such an offer? 
You manage to keep your hands steady as you flip the switch on your flashlight, stepping into the trees. It feels so much colder now than it did when you were walking home. 
With dusk settling the sun is no longer there to keep you warm or to guide your way. You haven’t actually seen much of the forest, so you decide to walk in a straight line to avoid getting lost as you carefully step over a tangle of roots. As a child you loved nothing more than playing in the woods behind your house. But after just half an hour in these woods you suddenly resent the trees, they no longer bring you any comfort as you carry on into the cold dark night. You’re just about to give up and turn back around when suddenly something changes.  
Without warning and with seemingly no cause you feel a chill rush through your body, your hair standing on end. Your blood runs cold and you hear a sound you’re all too familiar with at this point. 
The tearing sound rips through the air. 
Your instincts tell you that you’ve become prey rather suddenly in this situation but you can’t turn back now, not when you can prove to yourself that you aren’t losing it. 
As quietly as possible you reach back into your pack, grabbing the camera already loaded with film and holding it in your free hand. The beam coming from your flashlight trembles slightly as you carry on towards the noise. 
It’s louder than it ever was in the dreams. In the dreams it was subdued, almost as if you subconsciously knew that it couldn’t hurt you. As you carry onward you can’t help but wonder if you’re just imagining it at this point. It doesn’t seem to get louder as you walk. It simply fills the air completely, you’re being directed purely by your instincts. You know it’s this way as you move forward a few more steps. 
You scan the trees with your light, seeing nothing out of the ordinary until you finally see it. Your finger instinctively flips off your flashlight. 
You almost didn’t catch it. 
But your legs keep moving and you get closer and closer to the hunched figure. 
It’s hard to describe, like your eyes don’t want to accept what you’re seeing. A voice in the back of your mind tells you that you’re getting too close but you can’t seem to stop yourself as you carry on until you can get a good look at it. 
You can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief as you realize it isn’t Joel. But that relief only lasts a moment as you see what you’re actually dealing with. 
You aren’t sure how big it is. It’s big. That much is clear but it’s crouched down, it’s almost human, it may have once been human. You’re having trouble making out most of it in only the moonlight. It’s less broad than the illustrations you’ve seen, almost slim, with how close you are now you can see that it’s eating. 
A buck, one of the biggest ones you’ve ever seen is splayed out across some rocks. It’s stomach has been ripped open. You watch, with morbid fascination as it digs its maw deeper into the gore. 
How curious, it’s wearing clothes. Or at least the remains of some clothing, a bit of fabric clings to its crooked spine, it wears the tattered collar of a shirt like a necklace. Navy blue sweatpants stretch around the creature's waist, the fabric pulled taut, it looks like they make it just past its knees. The elastic around the ankles has snapped. 
The funniest part of all of this is that you feel nothing but fear for the creature. You aren’t disgusted and you certainly don’t hate it. You’re just afraid, so afraid that before you can slap your hand over your mouth you burst into a peal of laughter. 
It all happens so fast, you aren’t ready in the slightest to be face to face with it and suddenly you are, purely on instinct your hand twitches and with the flash of the camera you get a single moment to stare at it. 
It’s so close to being human.
It’s mouth is too big, a blood soaked tongue falling past a row of jagged, pointed teeth. It’s almost like someone stretched out a person's face like it was made of clay. And it’s male. Intricate branching horns stretch out from under the hair crowning its head. 
“The doe’s don’t have antlers.”
Your dad was a hunter, you know your antlers,  you aren’t exactly sure but if it was a deer it would be a thirteen pointer. You should run, you’re about to but then you finally look it in the eye, just as the final remnants of the camera flash flicker out. 
There is something worse than hunger, or thirst, or rage in its eyes, if that was all there was you could scream or cry. But this leaves you frozen in place. 
Like it knows you. 
And the moment it recognizes you it snarls, an ear-piercing sound that rips through the quiet of the forest, blood spewing from its maw at you, flecks of crimson tint your clothes and hands as your eyes go wide.
It’s a good thing your legs move faster than your brain, you’re already sprinting away from the creature. 
You lose your flashlight almost immediately but you know where you’re going, you couldn’t be more thankful for your decision to go in a straight line. You don’t stop moving, running blindly back the way you came, never once daring to look behind you. 
You know it’s there, you can hear it, and you can feel it. 
Its breath is hot on your heels, you can hear the branches splintering directly behind you. Everything is a blur, stray branches sting your exposed skin but you don’t stop, you can’t, your muscles ache as you push onward, keeping your hands out in front of you to guide you through the darkness until you finally see the road up ahead. 
You’re nearly there, almost feeling relief, almost. 
An icy hand wraps around your ankle, you’re yanked backwards before you can process what’s going on, your back dragging across the forest floor and in an instant you’re beneath it. 
This is it. 
You wanted a monster, you got one. And now you’re going to die for it. It snarls as its maw falls open, you’re face to face with a row of shimmering, gore smeared teeth. This is it. 
He smells like cinnamon. 
It tilts its head ninety degrees, its jaw closing in on your throat as you close your eyes, tears now flow freely down your face and finally you can’t contain your terror anymore. 
You scream. 
A trembling shriek falling from your lips and much to your confusion a killing blow never comes. After one more shuddering breath you open your eyes only to find you’re just staring up at the trees. You sit up, still out of breath. 
He’s a few feet away now. 
Thrashing around frantically as he stumbles backwards. As if your scream had upset him. He bellows, his twisted hands clutching his skull like he’s angry with himself. You cover your ears instinctively when it snarls in pain.
He can’t help it. 
You’re scrambling to your feet once more, giving him one final glance, you look into each other's eyes.
It speaks. 
You break into a sprint once more, not daring to stop until your feet touch pavement. You don’t get the sense that you’re being followed anymore but you’re still in shambles. The adrenaline is slowly starting to fizzle out and you’re painfully aware of the wound you sustained during that encounter. Your ankle is torn up, two deep gashes from where it grabbed you are bleeding an alarming amount. You stumble, the sight of it making you nauseous. 
You get a moment's respite and you manage to compose yourself enough to retrieve your phone from your pocket. Walking backwards, keeping your eyes on the forest as you slowly continue to back away. In your desperation your blood stained fingertips frantically swipe across your phone screen, you don’t realize until it’s too late that you’re calling the only person who isn’t going to answer. 
Yet when you bring the phone to your ear you hear a click. 
“Joel?” You can’t fucking believe it. He actually picked up. 
“Sweetheart? Are you okay?” He can definitely hear the panic in your voice. 
You just break down.
“I’m by the road, on the way from Maria’s to my camper, I- I need you to come get me, please, it’s- it’s following me, but I think I lost it please, Joel.” You’re in hysterics as you catch a glimpse of one of the few streetlights down the road. You hear the sound of keys and you swear you hear Maria saying something in the background but you’re too frenzied to focus on that. 
“Who’s following you? Stay right there m’on my way.” You can hear the truck starting in the background as you keep running, not daring to stop even though it doesn’t feel like you’re being pursued anymore. 
“The monster… in the woods… it’s not a bear Joel.” You’re out of breath when you finally stop, standing in the middle of the road underneath the street lamp, spinning around to try and somehow keep an eye on all of the darkness around you. 
“Stay where you are, I’ll be there in two minutes, okay? Stay right where you are.” You’re about to beg him to hurry when the line goes dead. 
You must look like a mad woman. Standing in the middle of the street, covered in blood, and spinning in circles to try and keep an eye on every single direction as you listen for any signs of movement. 
Your heartbeat never slows, you can hear it pounding in the crushing silence that surrounds you. 
It only takes a few minutes before you see headlights approaching in the distance. You don’t even let the truck come to a full stop as you open the door and jump in, closing it behind you as you scramble towards Joel as if he could protect you from the goliath you saw in the darkness. 
“Drive! Now Joel, go!” You yell as he accelerates just to the point of following the speed limit as he heads towards your camper. 
“Bunny, please, calm down.” He wraps the hand that isn’t on the steering wheel around you but you shove him off, sliding back to the other side of the truck. 
“Don’t tell me to calm down, Joel, not after what I just went through, I saw it, a real monster grabbed me.” You’re stumbling over your words, trying to get them out as quickly as possible.
“Slow down, just tell me what happened.”
“I told you on the phone, I just found a fucking monster, Joel, that’s what happened.”
He’s gone silent now.
He probably thinks you’re crazy. 
That’s fine. You know you aren’t, you saw it, watched it feed. There’s deer blood on your boots. 
“You didn’t see a monster.” When you look he’s shaking worse than you are. You don’t dare turn your head further but you watch in your peripheral as he grips the steering wheel, his knuckles going white. 
He’s lying. 
Why would he lie? 
“I did, I took a-.” You reach into your bag and your stomach fills with dread as you realize you dropped the camera. 
“You didn’t. You’ve been spending too much time alone, and you shouldn’t be going out in the woods by yourself to begin with.” 
“And who’s fault is it that I’ve been alone?” You snap.
He doesn’t have a response to that. And you don’t have anything else to say, not like he’d believe you if you did. You should probably break up with him, for several reasons. 
Except you can’t. 
If you do, how will you stop people from being needlessly murdered? He may not be the monster, but he knows something, and you need to find out what it is. 
So you’ll ‘forgive’ him. Again. Because you need to get to the bottom of this.
And maybe, despite it all, you’re still terribly attached to him. He keeps disappearing, without warning and with halfhearted excuses as to why and all you can think about right now is how badly you missed him, and how badly you need him.  
“Does Tommy have Ellie tonight?” You mumble, trying not to sound too irritated. 
“I was stopping in to see her before leaving her with Maria for the night when you called.”
“I was gonna come over here and apologize.” He sounds just as sincere as he did last time but you still scoff.
“What’s the excuse this time?” When you turn to scowl at him he looks guilty.
“I was out of town on a work trip.”
“And you couldn’t answer your phone.”
“I forgot my charger at home.”
It’s a preconceived lie. You’re certain of it based on how quick he replies, and it’s not even a good one. He could have borrowed a coworker's phone or bought a new charger; it wouldn't have been difficult. But he doesn’t want you to know where he really was. 
Every bit of this confuses you. 
You saw something in the woods, but it wasn’t Joel? Joel was with Ellie and then he was with you, he couldn’t have been slaughtering lost hikers. It doesn’t make sense. One thing is for certain though, and it’s that you can’t break up with Joel until you know what's going on or more people are going to be killed by that thing you saw in the woods. You aren’t really sure what to call it, but you know that you found the thing that’s been killing. 
And he knows something about it. 
He had no reason to get as rattled as he did if he didn't know something about what you saw. So you can’t break up with him, not until you figure this all out. Until then you just have to play the part of a clueless, loving girlfriend. Which shouldn’t be too hard considering the fact that for some reason there is still a sick and twisted attraction to him despite everything you know, settling in your stomach. You bite your tongue, going the rest of the short drive in silence. When he finally pulls up to the camper the engine goes quiet as he turns the key. You had no intention of inviting him in but you won’t stop him if he follows. 
You slam the truck door shut, stomping up to the door, his footsteps following close behind. 
“Let’s talk about this.” He reaches for your arm as you’re unlocking the door but you just shove him off. You leave it open, kicking your shoes off as you slip out of your jacket as you flip on the lights. 
“I don’t want to talk.” He shuts the door behind him, you note that he locks it behind him. 
How presumptuous. 
Correct, but presumptuous. 
“You’re clearly upset, bunny.” He kneels down, untying his own boots before kicking them off. You glare down at him until he stands, trying to pull you into his arms but you just shove him away again. His eyes go wide as he takes you in.
Based on his reaction you really must be quite a sight. 
“Jesus, you’re a mess.” He looks genuinely concerned but you brush it off. 
“Thanks.” You scoff but when you look down you realize you’ve been leaving a trail of blood in your wake. 
“Do you have a first aid kit?” You should send him away. Tend to yourself and go to bed, but instead you just point to the cabinet containing the kit, sitting on the table as he retrieves it, tossing it down beside you. He doesn’t ask what happened, grimacing as he lifts your leg to examine your ankle.
He doesn’t need to ask, he knows what happened. 
He tends to your wounds in silence. You wince as he wipes the lacerations on your ankle, they look bad enough that you consider just going to the hospital but he doesn’t seem too worried. They’re just shallow enough that you don’t think you’ll need stitches. 
You don’t watch as he sprays it with antiseptic, quickly wrapping it in a layer of gauze and then bandages. 
When he’s finished you’re ready to get angry with him all over again but the moment you open your mouth to yell at him he grabs you by the chin, taking a clean piece of gauze and gently dabbing the thin cuts that litter your face. 
You stare up at the ceiling light, refusing to meet his gaze. 
He tends to every one of them, taking extra care as he smears ointment on each one. When he’s finished he takes anything bloodied and gathers it in his hand, standing to toss them into the bin under the sink. You don’t turn, but out of the corner of your eye you see him bring his hand to his mouth. 
Your blood.
He tasted your blood. 
You can feel the bile rising in your throat but you just swallow it back down. 
“Now we can talk.” He makes his way back over to you but you just shake your head. 
“I already told you, I don’t wanna talk.” 
“Bunny-” He takes another step towards you. 
“Shut up.” 
“Don’t be like that.” There’s real remorse in his eyes, you might even feel bad if you didn’t know that he was lying to you. 
“Shut. Up.” You push him so he stumbles back onto the bed. “I’m not crazy.” He props himself up on his elbows to look at you as you say it.
“I know.” He sounds almost apologetic. 
“Take your clothes off.” You mumble, already tossing your shirt to the side. 
“Are you sure?” 
You’re sure that he knows what’s out there in the woods and he isn’t telling you. 
“I am.” You kick your jeans off to emphasize your point. You know he won’t deny you this. Whatever sick, unexplainable force pulls you into his arms affects him as it does you. You don’t just want him, you need him. 
You hadn’t realized it until he’d disappeared again, but now you couldn’t be more aware. It’s as if your entire life you’ve felt wrong. You’ve been in a state of discomfort for as long as you can remember, like a vital part of you was missing. But you got used to it, and you learned to live with the odd sensation of never feeling like you're in the right place, nowhere ever felt like home. 
Joel feels like home, in a sort of twisted way. 
From the moment you first saw him everything cleared up. It was like you had finally found your center of balance, and when he disappeared he took all of that with him. 
This is more than just attraction. 
With that he tugs his flannel off, you grab the bottom of his shirt, impatiently pulling it up over his head, not wanting to look him in the eyes, you stare at his shoulders as you climb up onto the bed, straddling his lap. 
“I really think we should talk-” He starts again so you reach behind yourself, unclasping your bra, glaring at him as you let it drop.
“Then talk.” 
He looks at you like you’re something to eat. 
“That’s not fair.” He finally manages to pull his gaze off of your chest, looking you in the eyes, his pupils swallowing his irises leaving you to stare into the darkness of his eyes.  
“There’s nothing to talk about, you went away for work and you forgot your phone charger.” You reach between the two of you to remove his belt, tossing it behind him on the bed before trying to unzip his jeans. “It was just an unfortunate series of circumstances.” You grumble before lifting yourself off his lap so he can shove his jeans off.
He’s glaring at you now. Good. He should know that you’re challenging him. Everything from this point on is a game, you just have to catch him in a lie. You grind down against the straining fabric of his boxers, hands on his shoulders to balance yourself as you rub yourself against his clothed erection, drawing a hiss from between his teeth. Before you know it his hands are gripping the hem of your panties. 
“Go on Joel, rip them off. I know you’re plenty capable.” You say it like the accusation it is. He’s strong enough to do a lot of things, you aren’t sure if tearing a person in half is one of those things but you’re determined to find out. He knows what you’re implying but he does it anyway, grabbing the fabric on either side of your hips and easily tearing them to shreds. 
“You don’t know what you do to me.” He murmurs, leaning forward to press his forehead to yours. 
You do. 
He does the same to you. A carnal desire, your most basic human instincts are reduced to nothing the moment your skin is against his. 
You don’t waste any time, slipping your hand under the waistband of his underwear, watching his cock spring free, slapping against his stomach. You unceremoniously spit in your hand before taking him in your fist, watching his jaw go slack as you rake your nails against the underside of his cock, feeling him twitch in your hand. You keep your eyes trained on his face as you notch him at your entrance, tilting your head to the side as you hesitate. 
The veins in his neck jut out as you slide the head of his cock over your clit, hissing softly as you do. 
He’s purposefully showing restraint. 
He clutches the sheets, his knuckles go pale and you can’t help but wonder if he isn’t touching you because he’s worried he’ll hurt you. 
“Fuck me, Joel.” You lean forward, biting his stupidly plush bottom lip. He doesn’t move his hands from where they are and you can’t help but scowl against his mouth.   
He’s holding back. 
He knows exactly what you’re doing and he’s trying to prove you wrong. How long has he been holding back?
In one sharp motion you slide down on his cock, forcing an obscene moan out of yourself, but it isn’t loud enough to cover the ripping sound. Your eyes wander downward, his are rolled back but all you can focus on now is your torn bed sheets in his clenched fist. 
Holy hell.
“Fuck. Me.” You rasp out, lifting your hips again before dropping them back down. His head falls forward this time, his mouth latching onto your shoulder, muffling his growl.
You know that growl. 
“Fuck me or leave, Joel.” You take his face in your hand, roughly pulling him back so he’s eye to eye with you.
You heard that growl in the woods less than an hour ago. 
“You’re playing with fire, bunny.” He glares at you but you just stare right back. 
“I won’t say it again.” You give him one last warning and he finally brings his hands to your hips, with a grunt he lifts you up, slamming you back down on his cock, you can feel him brushing against your cervix as you cry out. 
At his age he shouldn’t be able to do that. 
He does it again, moving you like a ragdoll up and down on his length, a lewd squelching fills the air, egging him on. He tilts his head down, his teeth scrape against your breast, and you can hear a roar building in his throat. He fucks you like a fleshlight, moving you effortlessly up and down on his cock, your chest bouncing with each thrust.
He shouldn’t be able to do any of this.
Neither one of you speaks, you can feel the camper swaying ever so slightly as he slams into you, thrusting his hips up to meet yours as he pulls you down onto him. 
He makes it look effortless. 
Another growl rips through the air and you know neither one of you is gonna last long if he keeps going at this pace. He hammers into your sensitive spots with every thrust, your clit rubbing against the dark curls along his pelvis.
He’s merciless with the force at which he moves you, he’s started nipping at your shoulder and you know he’s close as they get harder and harder. You finally feel him break the skin and just like that he’s lifting you off of him, his mouth clamped down on your flesh, you feel his cum between your legs as he finishes on your folds. The sensation of him slipping out of you sends you over the edge right along with him, your stomach tightening as you groan, letting your head fall forward onto him.
You feel better already. 
Not good, just better. 
He manages to keep you both upright for a few more moments before collapsing down on the mattress with you in his arms. 
And then it’s just quiet.
Until the mattress squeaks as you get up. Wiping yourself off with a towel and turning the lights off before returning to bed without a word. He’s the one who finally breaks the silence.  
“If you want me to leave, I’ll leave.”
 “You can stay.” You mumble, rolling over to face away from him. 
It’s better if you know where he is. 
That’s what you tell yourself. 
It’s easier to swallow that excuse than the truth, that you can’t shake the terror from your encounter with the creature and now amount of fucking is going to change that. You don’t want to be alone, no matter how angry you are. He doesn’t seem to take the hint though, snaking his arm under yours and pulling you to his chest. 
You start to push him away but you feel a wave of calm wash over you when he does so you just settle back against him. You close your eyes, praying sleep might come but all you see in the darkness is that open maw closing in on you. 
You know that growl. 
It isn’t Joel. It can’t be Joel, he was with Ellie and then he was with you. 
It wasn’t Joel.
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You’re more than used to waking up in the woods at this point. Monsters and men torment you in your dreams whenever they get the chance to. 
But tonight is different. 
You don’t feel the cold, wetness of the forest floor on your back before you open your eyes. Instead you only feel steel, you make an attempt to sit up on instinct but you can’t. In a panic you open your eyes to find yourself cuffed to the cadaver carrier from Marias basement. 
This can’t be happening. 
This is the kind of dream you get after your first body. 
You’ve had this dream, years ago when you’d just started studying mortuary sciences. Although now it feels worse, more ominous than it had previously. 
That probably has to do with the fact that you can’t move. 
In response to that petrifying thought you begin to uselessly tug on the cuffs, your ankles and wrists attached to the cold unforgiving steel of the table you’ve sewn countless bodies back together on. 
You don’t strap cadavers down, there’s no need to. 
The door swings open and you’re thankfully able to sit up enough to watch Maria and Joel walk in, solemn looks on both of their faces. 
You open your mouth to call for help but something stops you.
No, no, no.
Your jaw is wired shut. 
The sudden realization makes you gag as you shake the table with the force of your panic. 
Maria is always thorough, your mouth is full of cotton.
They act as if you’re as lifeless as any other corpse as they stand beside you, despite your muffled screaming, tears immediately flowing from your eyes as you feel your throat constrict around the cotton.  
“What happened to her?” He sounds so far gone even though he only stands a few feet away. 
“You know what happened to her.” Marias sorrow turns to a look of resentment as she turns to Joel. 
“Bear attack.” He says it more to himself than to her. 
“Keep telling yourself that.” 
“I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“You never do.” Her voice is full of a hatred you haven’t ever heard in reality. 
She looks at you with a pity you’ve had on your own face before. It’s the same look you give every corpse on a table.  
You follow Maria’s gaze down at your body and find your chest sliced open, the inside dry. 
And then you wake up. 
Of course Joel is there when you sit up in bed with a strangled cry, a fresh flood of tears falling down your face. 
“Bunny?” His groggy, sleep ridden voice resembles a growl, sending you backwards away from him, your back hitting where the mattress meets the camper wall. He’s already up, he moves towards you but the moment you flinch away from he stops. “Are you okay? What hap-“
“Don’t come any closer.” Your voice is barely above a whisper. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Thankfully he doesn’t move towards you, he holds his hands up ever so slowly. He’s acting like you’re a cornered animal. 
You can’t seem to find your voice. Every single logical and rational part of your body and mind tell you to get as far away from him as possible. To fight tooth and nail to get past him, to run away and never look back. You’d never get away with that though, he’s too deeply rooted in you already. He’s made for you. Sculpted by the gods to be everything you’ve ever wanted all in one neat little salt and pepper package, served up to you on a silver platter.  
“Sweetheart, it’s okay, you’re okay.” He inches forward a bit but the way you pull your legs up against your chest, trying to make yourself smaller makes him move back. “It’s okay, it’s just me.” 
Yeah Joel, that's the problem.  
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a/n : i have such mixed feeling abt this chap but whatever i really like it so ?? idk
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263 notes · View notes
emepe · 1 month
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— Pairing: Eren x Reader, friends to lovers
— General info: series, 18+, modern AU, serial killer AU, smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
— Summary: Fate is a tricky thing. Certain situations can’t be avoided as much as certain people’s lives can’t be kept from intertwining. With a serial killer on the loose, and unexpected relationships blooming, how will the universe intervene?
— Chapter summary: Eren dwells on the possible consequences of not saying three little words back. However, a week at the Jaeger house only makes your bond grow stronger and for your trust in each other to manifest in more ways than one.
— Content warnings: nsfw, dry humping, sloppy make out, vaginal sex, handjob, oral sex (f receiving), multiple positions, dirty talk.
— Notes: Chapter 9 is finally here! <3 This is my second favorite chapter in the entire series. It’s a long one, so buckle up because lots of things happen. Reblogs and likes are highly appreciated. Don’t be shy to stop by my ask box <3 If anyone else would like to be added to the tag list, lmk. Happy reading!
Links: Read on AO3 | Chapter guide | Masterlist
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home is in your arms
The passing scenery from inside of the rental car is bursting with color. Toasty yellows, cheerful blues, fresh greens, and vibrant reds span your vision as you drive across the town. It's a stark contrast to the icy whites and blues you left behind just a few hours ago when you took a flight to Paradis Island. 
Eren's free hand rests on your thigh while the other steers the wheel. His sunglasses are low on the bridge of his nose and the warm wind comes in through the lowered windows and teases his hair. 
You bite down on the ice cream sandwich in your hands before humming for Eren's attention and offering him a bite, too. 
He chomps down on the snack, laughing when you pout at the significant reduction of the treat he brought you at the convenience store next to the car rental shop. He insisted he didn't want anything other than the bottle of cold water snug in the cupholder, so you only offered him a bite of your ice cream to be nice, but didn't expect him to be so greedy.
You click your tongue in annoyance before playfully slapping his hand from your thigh. 
It only fuels his amusement. At the next red light, he leans over the console, using his reprimanded hand to pull you closer by the back of your neck into an enthusiastic kiss.
“I'll get you another one later,” he promises before falling back into his seat, his warm hand back in its original spot.
He strokes soothing stripes with his thumb, switching to tapping beats with his fingertips when he happens to like a song on the radio. 
“I'm really happy you came,” he grins.
You glance at him with a smile.
“I can tell,” you tease.
On the days leading up to your year-end holiday trip to the Jaeger family's hometown, Eren has barely done anything to keep his excitement under wraps. 
His face would light up each time he talked about showing you around the streets he grew up in before his late father moved them to the city when he was just six years old. After Eren grew up and could properly fend for himself — his parents moved back to Paradis Island to live out a more relaxed life until Eren's dad, Grisha, passed at the hands of an illness a couple of years back. It's the only time Eren's been back that hasn't been for the winter holidays. This year, it just made sense that you joined him.
“You think your mom will like me?” you ask, neatly folding the ice cream wrapper into a small square that you wedge beside your water bottle in the cupholder. 
“Are you kidding?” he grins. “She's thrilled I'm finally bringing you over. She's gonna love you.”
You smile as you continue to look out the window through your sunglasses, oblivious to the sudden shift in Eren's demeanor after his reassuring words.
It's been roughly a month since you told him you love him. It's been just as long since he failed to say it back — not because it'd be a lie, but because he was simply shocked and overwhelmed with emotion at the time.
He's been trying to find an opening to say it, but you haven't pronounced those three words since, and with every passing day, it's gotten more embarrassing to just say it out of the blue. For a while, his paranoia even led him to believe your confession to be no longer true since you neglected to bring it up after it happened, so the topic has been hanging in the air for a while. Not that you seem consumed by it as much as he is. You've been perfectly fine since that night, much so that he'd actually prefer if you confronted him about it so he gets a chance to preach his true feelings.
“Oh, wow,” you gasp as he pulls through the open gate of his childhood home. 
Your eyes scan the area. It's a lovely home with a manicured lawn, hydrangea patches and neatly trimmed rose bushes overflowing with pink and white. The two-story house is painted in peach with terracotta tiles lining the roof of the terrace, and colorful handmade pots on either side of the front steps. To the left is a small driveway that Eren steers the car towards, and to the right is a small ornate gate painted in white that leads to the backyard where you catch a glimpse of a pool.
A woman — whom you presume is Eren's mother — eagerly rushes out the front door at the sound of the foreign car. 
Much to your surprise, she calls out your name first, passing by her son and pulling you into her arms instead.
“You're finally here,” she gushes. Your arms awkwardly hang at your sides, taken aback by the sudden contact, but you quickly regain control over yourself as you sink into the warm welcome. She sways your body from side to side as she exclaims how happy she is to finally meet you.
Your heart flutters with an unfamiliar sensation, one you haven't experienced in years as Carla Jaeger’s motherly affection lightens your soul.
“Look at you,” she says, pulling back and cupping your face between her soft hands to soak in every detail of your face. “You're so pretty.”
“Thank you so much,” you smile. “It's so nice to meet you.”
You take the opportunity to observe the woman before you. Eren's shown you a few pictures before, but Carla's even more beautiful up close. Though still fairly young, it's easy to tell she's one of those people whose powerful genetics allow them to age gracefully. She shares the same large eyes as Eren, though hers have a caramel color to them, and they crinkle more at the corners when she smiles. Her thick eyebrows match her voluminous head of dark hair, which is fixed in a loose braid over her shoulder. 
She's wearing a long flowy dress that easily outshines your airport look made up of a pair of baggy jeans and an oversized graphic tee with a hoodie tied at your waist, but the way she looks at you makes you feel as though you may as well be stepping off the runway given the twinkle of admiration shining in her eyes.
Eren regards the endearing scene between his mother and girlfriend with a smile etched on his face. He can tell you're shy but just as happy for the warm welcome. 
He clears his throat suddenly, garnering the attention of both women. 
“I'm here, too, mom,” he sassily pronounces with his hands openly asking for the same attention.
Carla laughs and walks over to him, but not before affectionately squeezing your hands and tossing you a playful eye roll.
She wraps her son in a tight hug, forcing him to hunch over to accommodate her petite stature as he reciprocates her embrace.
“My baby boy,” she coos, much to Eren's embarrassment as he blushes profusely when he notices your teasing smile.
A yearning feeling pulls at your heartstrings at the scene of mother and child reunited.
Carla ushers you inside the house, asking you all about the flight on the way. You and Eren trail behind her to the kitchen, where she takes out a pitcher from the fridge while you sit down at the bar.
“Not too bad, right?” Eren glances at you, encouraging you to take part in the conversation.
You smile at him appreciatively before turning to Carla, watching as she carefully pours lemonade into two glasses and offers them to you.
“Smoothest airport experience ever,” you agree before taking a sip. “Even though I don't have much to compare it to.”
“Why's that, hon?” 
Your heart flutters at the affectionate name you've earned without trying.
“Oh, it was her first time on a plane,” Eren explains, tossing you a smile.
“Really?” Carla's eyebrows rise in surprise. “What'd you think?” 
“It was okay,” you reply with a shrug, trying to seem cool about it. But Eren outs you as soon as the words leave your mouth.
“I had to hold her hand during take-off,” he bluntly states, earning himself a slap on his shoulder.
“You don't have to expose me like that!”
“Hey, I wasn't complaining,” he laughs. “It was cute.”
Your face burns when he pecks your cheek, and you nervously glance at Carla, who only laughs at your exchange.
“You two are adorable,” she gushes. 
Her words fluster you even more.
Eren teasingly wiggles his eyebrows at you before chugging the rest of his drink and hopping off his stool.
“I'm gonna get our suitcases.” He turns to his mom. “Are we in my old room or did you already turn it into a yoga studio?” 
Carla shakes her head.
“It's a craft corner now,” she clarifies, holding up a finger. “You're staying in the pool house. I fixed it up this morning.”
Eren nods, humming in approval. 
“Nice. Thanks, mom.”
He ventures out of the house, leaving you and Carla alone.
“I figured you could use some privacy,” she adds once her son is out of earshot.
You laugh nervously at her mischievous smile. Her eyes crinkle in amusement before she wears a more serious expression.
“How's my son treating you? Is he good to you?” 
Carla — though very stern about making sure Eren grew up to be a good person, and proud that he did — is one who will still check in every now and then to make sure nothing has led him astray. Especially in situations that are so rare in his life, like romance is.
You smile, easing her worries instantly.
“He's incredibly kind,” you softly say. “I couldn't be happier.”
Carla relaxes into a smile. 
“That's good to hear.” 
“He's a very respectful man,” you add. “At least in my case, it’s been pretty hard to come across genuinely good guys, but ones like Eren are especially rare… He’s very caring… and patient… and understanding. You and Mr. Jaeger raised a wonderful person.”
A dust of pink surfaces Carla's cheeks at the compliment. 
She reaches across the counter to place her hand on top of yours.
“You know, I was so excited when he told me he started seeing someone. For a while I worried he just wanted to be alone,” she admits. “Not that there's anything wrong with that. I've always said it's better to be alone than to keep the wrong company, but he’s been so happy every time he calls me up since you started dating… I'm glad he has the same effect on you.”
“Well, he makes it easy.” 
You share a smile with each other, holding hands in silence.
You aren't as nervous as you thought you'd be when Eren first told you he wanted you to come to Paradis with him to meet his mom.
She's got a calming energy that easily soothes you in her presence — much like her son.
“I meant to say this earlier, but your house is lovely,” you say as you look around, eyes landing on every pop of color provided by eclectic knick-knacks and accent walls, handmade vases and colorful flowers. It's like someone took your apartment and turned the dial as far as it can go, it's unapologetically loud without being overwhelming. “It’s like a dollhouse.”
“I decorated it myself,” she grins. “Picked the palette, the furniture, everything.”
“That's amazing,” you breathe, highly impressed. “Eren told me you used to work as an interior designer.”
She nods.
“I did. I majored in art in college but my father already had an architecture firm so that's where everything fell in place for me after I graduated.” 
You politely nod along.
“I like to dabble in lots of things now. I still paint and take on private clients now and then, but I spend a lot of time on my hobbies. Knitting, sewing, baking, Italian, gardening…” 
Your eyes widen as the list goes on, especially when it's a hobby of your liking, too.
“You saw the pots outside?”
You nod.
“Made those, too,” she proudly states.
Your smile grows as does your admiration for the talented woman before you.
Eren told you some basic things before coming, but he failed to mention how remarkable his mother truly is.
“That's incredible,” you sigh. 
“What about you?” she smiles. “What do you do outside of work? Eren told me you're an office administrator?”
“Office manager, yeah, it's not a very glamorous job,” you chuckle. “But I like knitting, too. And reading, cooking… but baking is my favorite.”
She claps with glee at the last of the list.
“Oh, good! You can help me make cookies tomorrow!” 
“Yes, of course!” you reply, mirroring her enthusiasm.
She squeals with delight.
“Oh, it's so nice to finally have a baking buddy,” she gushes. “Eren only helps lick the batter off the spoon.”
You laugh.
“Eren, what?”
The man himself wanders into the kitchen with an accusing gaze.
“Oh, nothing,” you say, dismissing him with a wave of your hand. “Just exchanging war stories with your mom.”
In his ever-lingering childish manner, Eren pouts.
“Hey,” he complains. “She's still my mom. She'll report back to me later.”
He glances at Carla for backup, but the lively woman tears down his idea on the spot.
“I wouldn't dare. Girl talk is sacred.”
She holds up her pinky in your direction, which you gladly link with while laughing at Eren’s playful scowl.
“You two should get settled in before dinner,” she says, waving you out of the kitchen. “I'm making bolognese.” 
“Oh, would you like some help?” you offer.
But she shakes her head while waving her hands in front of her.
“No need, honey. Just go unpack and I'll call you out. You're probably tired from the flight here.”
Before you can insist any further, Eren laces your hands together and gestures to you to follow him out with a nod and his signature boyish grin.
He leads you out to the backyard through the sliding doors at the back of the dining room.
The pool water sparkles underneath the sizzling sun at the center of the vibrant green of the freshly cut grass. A few lawn chairs are scattered along the poolside under the shade of a tree.
On the other end of it all, there's a simple, one-story construction in the same peach tone and the same terracotta tiles from the main house. Eren holds the door open for you to step into a colorful lounge area equipped with a bar and kitchenette, with two doors along the left wall that lead to other rooms.
“It's a mini-dollhouse,” you murmur in amazement as your eyes go from the royal blue curtains to the yellow velvet sofa to the oddly-shaped acrylic coffee table before it, to the green and blue mismatched tiles that take up the northern wall of the kitchenette. 
Eren amusedly watches you wander over to the doors on the left side. 
“There's a pink bathtub!” You turn to him in surprise. 
He laughs as he rejoins your hands and guides you to the bedroom.
“I've never seen a pink bathtub,” you murmur, still amazed by what you saw in the bathroom.
“Come here,” Eren grins, sitting down on the edge of the bed and pulling you onto his lap. 
He looks up at you, eyes shimmering as he brushes your hair out of your face.
“Are you happy?” 
You smile as you lock your hands behind his neck.
You reply with an eager nod as you close the gap between you to kiss the corner of his lips. He doesn't allow you to pull away, his hand keeping you in place as he returns the kiss. 
He falls back onto the bed, pulling you down with him by the waist.
You rest on your sides, regarding each other in comfortable silence.
“Do you think we can find a place with a pink bathtub?” you wonder out loud after a few minutes.
Eren laughs.
“Are you still thinking about that?” 
“I can't help it! This place is amazing,” you gush. 
“Just wait til the New Year's Eve party,” he says. “You're gonna love it.”
“Tell me about it,” you ask him, snuggling into his chest.
“Let’s see,” he murmurs, as he squeezes your frame. “There’s music and champagne. My mom has a friend who owns a catering business and they serve the most incredible food. My mom decorates the terrace with all these flowers and lights, and at the stroke of midnight there's a fireworks show to celebrate the new year.”
“That sounds so nice,” you smile, then lean back to look at him. “Any New Year's kiss plans, Jaeger?”
“I don't know,” he sighs. “There's this girl I have a huge crush on but I don't know if she'll say yes.”
“That's too bad,” you say. “One-sided crushes are the worst.”
He nods in mock disappointment. 
“I'll just have to settle for you.”
“I guess you should.”
He kisses your cheek once, which soon transforms into a full-on attack of affection as he tickles and pokes your sides, making you laugh until you're gasping for air and tears of joy line your eyes.
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Laughter echoes throughout the Jaeger home as the three of you browse the pages of Eren's baby photo albums.
After a relaxing shower and filling your bellies with heaps of Carla's pasta — she promised to pass on the recipe to you before you left — she left the dining room with a mischievous grin on her face, only to return with a stack of five albums, one for each early year of his life, and a box with more photos from later years. 
The three of you curled up on the sofa in the living room — you in between each Jaeger.
“This one has to be my new favorite,” you laugh as you land on a new spread.
Your eyes focus on a picture of a chubby nine-month-old Eren wearing nothing but a diaper and a pair of black boots, his eyes covered by a pair of sunglasses as he grips his tiny hands on the edge of a chair. 
Eren blushes when you turn to look at him with eyes crinkled in amusement and giggles leaving your lips.
“You already have like twenty favorites,” he chuckles.
“You were a really cute baby,” you defend. 
“This one is my favorite,” Carla points out, as she turns to the next page to reveal a photo of him fully naked with his back to the camera as he looks over his shoulder with a pout on his lips. 
You fall into a fit of giggles, gushing at baby Eren's adorable expression. 
“This feels like a hate crime,” he mutters.
“On who?” you laugh.
“On me, obviously!”
He tries to seem annoyed but the truth is, he enjoys watching your eyes light up as you watch him grow up between every still image.
The three of you share more laughs and you and Carla especially gang up on Eren when you reach the photo series from when he was going through a self-proclaimed model phase, where he would strike the most ridiculous poses he could think of in every frame.
You resist your tiredness until the last of the pictures has been graced by your delighted critique, to the point where you practically collapse onto the bed hours later when you and Eren go back to the pool house for the night. 
With Eren's warm embrace and the hours of travel catching up to you in an instant, you quickly fall asleep to the sound of his breathing.
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Your first official day in Paradis has a late start. After your late-night laughs, you didn't wake up until nearly noon. Though you intended to help Carla make breakfast and clean, she was very understanding about how tired you were after such a long day. 
Even so, a couple of hours later, you hoped your assistance in baking cookies would be enough to make up for it.
You and Carla seem to make quite the team as you move around the kitchen in sync — sifting dry ingredients and mixing the wet ones, all while keeping your stations clean for the next steps. 
Christmas music plays in the background as Carla's infectious joy for the eve of her favorite holiday spreads through the house and wraps you in the same eagerness. 
“I've never made Christmas cookies before,” you mention, as you raise the whisk from your mixing bowl to check the consistency of your chocolate batter for the bundt cake Carla put you in charge of as she rolls out the dough for the cookies.
“Really?” Carla asks.
You nod.
“One of my neighbors gifted me some once when I was younger, but they were store-bought. And my mom wasn't much of a baker… or into holidays, for that matter.”
Carla glances at you with a sympathetic smile as she sets aside the rolling pin and eyes the thickness of the slab of gingerbread dough.
“It must've been hard for you at times, huh?”
Eren shared some details of your past with his mother before making the trip. Not that he expected her to say anything hurtful, but because he figured she shouldn't be caught off guard in case you were particularly sensitive about something.
“I can't really miss what I've never known,” you reply with a shrug. “I think there was a time when I would feel a little jealous of the kids at school after winter break when they would brag about all the stuff they did. It was normal for them but to me, it seemed like a luxury. I'm sure there were some good holiday moments at my house but they were too early on for me to remember.” 
Carla nods, lips pursed and eyes pensive.
“Is there anything you want to try this week?” she asks with a smile. “Eren and I always watch a movie on Christmas Eve and eat cake.”
With a shy smile on your face, you shrug.
“I don't really know. That's already more than I've done on my own… and I'm having enough fun already.”
Carla's smile grows wider at your words.
“Well, if you think of something else, let me know, okay?”
Appreciatively, you nod.
Just as you're about to pour the chocolate batter into the mold, Eren pops into the kitchen, eyes zeroing in on the whisk in your hands.
For the sake of spending more quality time with you, Carla asked her son to keep out of the kitchen — that, and because she doesn't want his sticky fingers near the cake batter. But, of course, he just had to make an appearance during his break from cleaning the pool.
“Looking good,” he comments, pressing a hand against the small of your back so he can get to the fridge for a glass of cold water.
A smile paints across your features as you continue pouring the batter into the mold, scraping down the sides of the bowl with a wooden spoon.
“Are you done with the pool already?” Carla asks him, to which he nods as he chugs down the glass of water.
“Sure am, ma'am.”
Carla hums with skepticism. 
“Go water my plants now, will ya?”
Eren straightens his posture, giving his mom a soldier's salute before making his way out. 
He pauses when he's right behind you, snatching the wooden spoon over your shoulder, pecking your lips when you turn around looking startled. 
“I'll take that,” he grins, winking at your flustered face before exiting the room, laughing on the way as Carla yells at him to not distract her baking buddy.
You bring a hand to your lips, laughing nervously as you avoid Carla's amused gaze.
The two of you take on either side of the slab of dough with cookie cutters as the holiday cheer heightens.
A while later, after the kitchen's been wiped down and the sweet smell of cookies and cake permeates the air, the three of you settle in the living room to fulfill the Jaeger’s Christmas Eve tradition.
You're snuggled between Eren's legs on the reclinable seat, your body covered by a blanket. The nights in Paradis run as cold as the afternoons are hot, but that's no issue when your boyfriend is always so warm.
Eren has his arms wrapped around your waist and every few moments he'll lean down to kiss the crown of your head. Your back picks up the vibrations of his chest when he laughs at a funny scene, as well as his heartbeat, which echoes in sync with yours as your fingers lace with his underneath the blanket.
The tree lights twinkle from the corner of the room as the only source of light aside from the TV. The air is sweet and you're at peace with a stomach full of cake and hot chocolate with peppermint and marshmallows. 
Good holidays have been rare, but this one so far will remain at the top of your list for years to come, you're sure.
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The morning after, you're huddled on the floor around the Christmas tree, watching Carla open the gift you got her — a steel jewelry kit with an assortment of stones to embed into her creations. 
Her face lights up like a child's and she throws her arms around you in appreciation. 
“It's perfect!” she exclaims. “How did you know?” She narrows her eyes at her son, assuming he forecasted her next hyperfixation. 
Eren raises his hands in defense.
“It was all her,” he says with a proud grin on his face.
“Thank you,” she smiles as she pronounces your name.
Eren gives her his gift next — a signed vinyl of her favorite band from her early twenties, which receives an equally big reaction.
Eren bursts out laughing when he unwraps your present and pulls out a chibi Sailor Mars figurine. 
“This is amazing,” he grins, turning the box in his hands with fascination. 
You and Eren each receive hand-knit sweaters from Carla, made with intricate patterns and neat stitches in vibrant colors and soft wool.
When it's your turn to open Eren's gift, he holds his breath as he carefully watches you peel off the paper from the black velvet box.
“Oh, wow,” you murmur as you lift the delicate necklace to admire the pendant up close. It's an angel cast in silver, its tiny hands holding a sphere made out of your birthstone.
A knot forms in your throat as you look back at a shyly smiling Eren.
“It's a guardian angel,” he explains in that gentle voice that makes you weak at the knees.
He gestures for you to angle yourself so he can put the necklace on you.
Carla admires the scene from her place with proud eyes and her hands over her heart.
“Do you like it?” Eren asks, his face hovering over your shoulder to gauge your reaction as you look down at the little angel that rests a couple of inches below your collarbone. 
Turning around to face him, you nod, eyes shimmering with joy and appreciation for the boy before you.
“I love it.”
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After breakfast, you and Eren wander back into the pool house hand in hand.
You collapse onto the bed, side by side as he brushes your cheek with the back of his hand.
“Are you happy?” he asks.
“You asked me that yesterday,” you smile. “And the day before, too. Do I not look happy?”
He chuckles airily.
“I just wanna make sure.”
You prop your weight on your elbow and cup his face with your free hand. 
The silver angel dangles between you, catching the light that comes through the window. 
“I'm extremely happy,” you murmur, bending down to kiss him as soon as the words leave your mouth.
He smiles into the kiss.
You stand from the bed, walking over to the mirror above the dresser. Smiling, you tilt your head, swaying your upper body so you can see how the angel looks at different angles.
Eren admires you from the bed for a moment before coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I have a second gift for you,” he murmurs slyly. 
Your eyebrows rise with intrigue.
From the mirror, you see him pull something from his back, waving it into view.
Your grin widens at the familiar image of black boots and sunglasses.
“The baby picture!” you exclaim.
You turn around in his arms to take hold of the glossy photo paper.
“It's all yours,” he smiles, then lifts your chin to kiss you on the lips. “And so am I.”
You sink into his kiss, soft and warm, as your arms drape around his neck.
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You're giddy with excitement as you, Eren, and Carla venture between scattered beach towels and umbrellas in search of a good spot to settle down.
As expected of Paradis Island's track record, the weather is perfect for a day at the beach. Eren is happy at the chance to make up for the lack of water activities from your first date, as you finally get to cross out one of the items on your bucket list. 
You find a good spot at an equal distance from the water and the seaside eatery where families gather for food after their afternoon swim.
It's not as crowded as you expected, but enough people thought the beach was the perfect setting to unwind from any leftover Christmas chaos from the day before.
Eren fixes the beach umbrella while you and Carla smooth your towels on the sand. Eren gulps hard when you tug off your t-shirt and shorts, revealing once more the delicate swimsuit you bought for the occasion, before lathering yourself in sunscreen, aided by Carla for the spots you can't reach.
When you stepped out of the room in your one-piece earlier today — one with embroidered flowers and delicate straps tied in bows on your shoulders — while tugging on a pair of shorts to keep you modest, Eren nearly passed out.
The drive over allowed him to cool down and thankfully, you threw on that baggy t-shirt, too, or he would've been too flustered to drive.
He plops down onto the beach towel next to yours, watching you share a laugh with Carla over something unknown to him. You turn to him with a smile, kissing his cheek before offering to help him put on sunscreen.
He blushes but nods.
Your fingers sear his back as you massage the sunscreen into his bare skin. You catch glimpses of his flustered demeanor as you work your way down his back. The tips of his ears are flushed red, and when you finally finish, he shyly averts his gaze. 
After a quick look over your shoulder to make sure Carla is distracted looking for something in her bag, you lift Eren's chin and place a soft kiss on his lips.
“What was that for?” he smiles, glancing at his mom lying behind you. He knows you've been shy about kissing him in front of her.
“Because you're cute,” you tease with a shrug before relaxing against your towel.
Eren laughs to himself before taking a moment to relax in the sand as well. His hand meets yours in the middle and he interlocks your fingers, relishing in the warmth of your soft hand and that provided by the heated sand underneath him.
Carla's engrossed in a romance fantasy novel, which she reads through her sunglasses while you and Eren take in the salty air and the collective rustle of fellow beachgoers, with their distant cheers and laughter in between splashes of water.
“I'm gonna go for a swim,” Eren says after a while, carefully releasing your hand before standing. “Wanna join me?” he asks you, hoping you remember his promise to teach you.
You do. 
“Maybe in a little bit,” you smile.
With a crooked smile, he nods before jogging out toward the water.
You and Carla watch him run into the water without hesitation before diving in and swimming for a few feet until he resurfaces and waves at you from a distance.
An endeared smile takes over your features by reflex.
“He's pretty energetic, isn't he?” Carla laughs.
You nod.
“That's one of the things I like about him,” you murmur.
Carla glances at you briefly as she wedges her bookmark into the freshly read pages and sets the novel down on the sand. 
“Eren really likes you, you know,” she smiles. You nod. “I've never seen him so infatuated.” 
You giggle nervously.
“Yeah, but he's had a girlfriend before, right? That's what he told me.”
Carla racks her memory for a moment. 
“Oh, you mean Frieda!” she exclaims. “They dated in high school. She was a nice girl, but I don't think it compares to the way he looks at you. Besides, their romance was pretty short-lived. I don't think she liked him enough.”
You nod along to her words, wondering how anyone could ever not fall for Eren.
“He's a bit of a hopeless romantic,” she adds. “I figured most people would like that but I guess not all of them do.”
“Well, I do,” you assure her. “I like that he's sensitive.”
You poke holes into the sand with your index finger, unaware of the lazy grin that shapes your lips until Carla points it out.
“Do you love him?”
You immediately nod.
“I told him a while back, too… but he didn't say anything. I didn't expect him to, I know I might’ve said it a bit early but… everything feels right with him. I think I might’ve scared him, though.”
An amused air leaves Carla's lips.
“Oh, honey. He brought you here, didn't he?”
Embarrassed, you laugh down at your lap.
A looming shadow draws your attention. You look up to find Eren standing before you, hair wet and droplets streaming down his tan skin, swerving between every dip and curve of his toned torso.
“Hey,” he grins. “Ready?” 
Picking up your jaw and smiling, you nod before looking over at Carla.
“Mind if I steal her away for a bit, mom?” Eren asks.
Carla dismisses you with a wave of her hand.
“Go, have fun. I've got my book,” she says, plucking the bookmark from its place.
You take off your angel necklace, leaving it for Carla to keep safe in her bag. Eren helps you up with one easy pull and leads you through the sand.
The sun blares onto his back, drying off the smaller specks of water from his form as you walk to the shoreline. 
“What were you guys talking about this time?” he asks.
“You, obviously.”
He grins.
“All good things, I hope.”
You smile at him.
The two of you walk along the shoreline, playfully swinging your linked hands as you distance yourself from the more crowded waters. 
“Here’s probably good,” Eren says once you reach a less saturated area.
You look around nervously, checking for any onlookers near the scene, but Eren’s quick to reassure you.
“Nobody’s gonna be looking at us,” he smiles, squeezing your hand. He steps backward into the water, gently tugging you along with an encouraging shimmer in his eyes.
The water causes you to shudder as you come into contact. It’s not too cold, but combined with the prospect of trying something new, it awakens a nervous response.
Eren carefully guides you deeper into the water until it reaches your waist. Instinctively, you catch yourself standing on your tiptoes the entire time, too unfamiliar with the wet sand beneath you to properly set your feet on the floor. You gently push your weight up, testing if you can somehow float even just the tiniest bit, but your body’s fearful reaction almost causes you to lose balance, if it wasn’t for Eren holding your hands. You go back to standing on your toes. 
“Isn’t it dangerous to learn how to swim in moving waters?” you ask, making nervous minuscule steps toward and away from Eren. You can’t seem to keep still with the feel of the sand shifting under your weight. “Maybe you should teach me in the pool. At least I can't drown there.”
“Relax,” Eren chuckles. Your nervous doe eyes have him in an amused trance. In his eyes, you're a clumsy baby deer learning to walk. “I worked as a lifeguard.”
You blink up at him, still making those tiny aimless steps.
“Did you really?”
“No,” he chuckles, too weak to lie when you’re holding onto his hands so tightly and looking up at him so helplessly. “But I’m not gonna let you drown; you’re too precious.”
You heat up in embarrassment. It’s not enough that you’ll likely make a fool of yourself but he can’t stop flirting even for a moment.
“How can I trust you after you just lied to me?” you pout.
Smiling, he lifts your chin with his index finger, leaning in to capture your lips in a brief kiss.
“Fine,” you murmur, miserably failing at hiding your flustered smile. “I trust you.”
He eagerly grins as he tells you to continue holding onto him and just allow your lower body to rise and float. You fail a few times, your fear keeping your legs from staying parallel to the water. Eren helps you, murmuring gentle commands and tips until you finally manage to stay afloat on your stomach.
“Now, try kicking,” he says, momentarily releasing one of your hands to mimic the motions with two fingers. 
His instructions are clear and in that soft tone he uses with none but you. Even when you're feeling self-conscious or silly it mostly stems from an inner source. Whenever he happens to laugh, it’s because he’s happily encouraging you and cheering you on, or because you’re laughing too.
When he begins pulling you around the water as you practice kicking, he teases you by racing a few steps, causing you to lose your center of gravity. The two of you erupt in laughter as he quickly hoists you up by your waist until you regain your balance.
“You jerk!” you laugh, using as much force as you can muster to splash him with water. 
He raises his forearms in defense, grinning as the salty water washes over his form, before returning your attack in the next instant.
You continue attacking each other with water, squinting at the salt that manages to reach your eyes and trying hard not to laugh to keep from tasting it.
Eren draws his body closer. His attacks are much more aggressive, making you back away from your offense and resorting to shield yourself with your arms while you gleefully squeal words of surrender and pleas for mercy.
The splashing stops when his arms wrap around your waist, pressing your back into his chest as he spreads salty kisses onto your cheek.
You turn around in his arms, grinning widely as you catch your breath. 
He looks adoringly into your eyes, airy laughter sputtering from his lips as he smooths your hair back with one hand and squeezes your hip with the other.
“That was an unfair fight, Jaeger,” you breathe. “You’re supposed to go easy on your girlfriend.”
“I don’t know. You were pretty feisty,” he grins.
You pull him in for a kiss, easily ignoring the saltiness on his lips as a satisfied hum bubbles up his throat.
You lean back, still mirroring each other’s smile.
“Want me to teach you to float on your back?” he suggests.
You hesitate. 
“That one scares me a little,” you admit. “What if I’m carried away by the current?”
He laughs.
“You won’t, there are barely any waves. Come on, it’s really cool once you get it.”
After a brief moment of contemplation, you nod.
Under his guidance and his strong arms, you're lifted parallel to the water again, only this time you’re on your back. His hands are pressed under your upper back and just below your glutes for support, as he tells you how to adjust your form. 
“Lift your chin,” he gently instructs. “And arch your back just a little more.”
You focus intently on keeping your head centered, resisting the urge to look at him so you don’t tilt your weight. 
“I’m gonna let go, okay?”
You quickly utter a string of no’s.
“I’ll do it slowly, yeah?” he offers. “Just stay as you are, I’ll still be right here in case you lose your balance.”
Hesitant, but mildly intrigued to see if you can stay afloat on your own, you subtly nod.
Slowly, the pressure of Eren’s firm hands strays from your body, leaving you to float on your own.
Holding his hands out for you to see, he proudly grins.
“There you go,” he laughs.
Nervous giggles spill from your lips as you observe the water from your peripheral vision. 
You close your eyes for a moment, relishing the feeling of floating in water. Eren stands next to you, like a palm tree shading an island.
“Pretty cool, right?” he murmurs.
You grin in response. Your eyes flutter open, squinting at the sun. With Eren keeping watch, your body relaxes into the soft motions of the water.
A ripple in the water sways your form. It’s a small shift in movement, so it only adds to the experience.
That is until a slightly bigger one comes your way. It’s still small enough that it would barely faze you had you been standing, but in your current position, it’s enough to startle you.
Eren reaches for your hand once he notices the mild panic in your eyes, but your arms shoot out to cling to his neck as you clumsily lift your upper body from the water. The ripple passes through, and your feet have yet to meet the ground. Eren’s hands are wrapped around your waist, keeping you steady as your doe eyes look up at him in apology for the sudden assault.
In one swift motion, he hooks his arms under your legs, wrapping them around his torso — simultaneously putting an end to your struggle and fixing you in a compromising position. 
“You okay?” he murmurs, his face mere inches from yours.
Flustered, you nod.
He smiles; you mirror the expression. 
His gaze flits to your parted lips, which expel soft breaths. 
He leans forward, tilting his head slightly as his nose brushes against yours. Your eyes flutter closed as he captures your lips in a gentle kiss. His lips are salty but warm as they slot between yours. Your hands are still hooked behind his neck from when you clung to him when the second ripple passed through the water. You ease your grip to weave your fingers in his hair, the water droplets trailing from the strands, and onto your palms as you deepen the kiss.
His sigh of relief falls inside your mouth, as your tongue brushes against his, eliciting goosebumps on your sun-kissed skin.
Your breath hitches in your throat when you notice him hardening, the bulge under his swim trunks brushing precisely against your most sensitive spot.
You pull apart from the kiss, forehead pressed against his, as you glance down where your lower bodies meet.
Just two measly layers are keeping you apart, and you can easily make out the outline of his erection as you continue to peer down with shallow breaths leaving your parted lips.   
When you look back up, you’re met with pink cheeks and half-lidded eyes.
“Sorry,” he murmurs, bashfulness lacing his meek tone as he tries to laugh. “Not much I can do about Little Jaeger in this situation.”
Warily, he scans your face for any motion, any twitch to get a read on what you’re thinking.  He can easily put you down now but, frankly, he doesn’t want to. He just hopes you feel the same way because having you in his arms like this, with water droplets clinging to your skin and your hands lovingly petting his hair, is something he wants to prolong forever.
“It’s okay,” you breathe. “I don’t mind.”
You reconnect with his lips, gently sucking on his bottom lip, drawing out a strained moan from him in the process.
He can feel himself growing impossibly harder under his trunks. It’s getting more difficult by the second to keep himself together when you’re moving your tongue against his so slowly. Thankfully, you pull back a few moments later.
“We should probably get back to your mom, though,” you murmur. “And I’m kind of hungry now.”
He nods. He doesn’t want to, but he lowers you to the ground. His erection brushes against your lower stomach in the process, leaving you to stumble back with a flustered expression on your face.
“You should head back first,” he says, running a nervous hand through his hair. “I’m gonna need a minute to… calm down.”
You shyly avert your gaze but nod to let him know you understand before finding the way back to your spot on the beach without him.
Still dizzy from the recent exchange, Eren looks out onto the horizon, taking long, deep breaths until he’s ready to meet you for lunch.
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You pad barefoot into the bedroom, ruffling your hair with your hands to catch another wave of the fresh scent from your shampoo. Standing at the foot of the bed, you stretch your arms over your head, smiling down at Eren, who observes you quietly through shimmering emerald eyes as his arm rests behind your pillow. After your long day at the beach, where you sunbathed with Carla, Eren taught you how to float, and you feasted on ceviche and coconut water, you’re more than ready to collapse.
You climb onto the bed next to Eren, snuggling into him as you always do, while he lazily wraps an arm around your waist as he always does. The golden light from the bedside lamp on his side acts as the only source of light, soft and comforting.
“You had quite a day today, babe. Think you're on your way to join the Olympics?” he teases.
You roll your eyes, scooting back so you can face him properly.
“Not if you keep dragging me around like that,” you deadpan. “That was an attempted murder.”
He laughs.
You watch him ease into a smile as his thoughts wander to somewhere unknown to you.
“My mom really likes you, by the way,” he murmurs as he caresses your cheek with the back of his hand. 
You prop yourself on one elbow, your interest piqued by his comment.
“Really? Did she tell you that?”
He nods as he raises his hand to trace the curve of your bottom lip.
“You know when you went to get shave ice? She told me then.”
“Ah, so you talk about me behind my back, too.”
An amused air blows through his nose.
“All good things. She kept going on and on about how pretty you are.”
“Is that so?” you say, leaning closer to his face.
“Mhm. She said you're the perfect girl for me.”
You quirk an eyebrow.
“That's a pretty bold statement.”
“What can I say? She's obsessed with you.”
You giggle as you lean even closer. His gaze flickers from your eyes, to your lips, and back again.
“Are you sure it wasn't you who said all those things?” 
“Oh, what? You think I'm obsessed with you?” he jests.
You suck in a meditative breath through your teeth. 
“I can't know for sure but you look like you really want to kiss me right now,” you reply, your tone laced with a hint of arrogance. 
“I don't know what you're talking about," Eren murmurs, immediately contradicting himself by lifting his chin to meet your lips, which linger dangerously close above him.
“Hm… then maybe I'm wrong,” you say, pulling back just as his lips ghost beneath yours.
Eren blinks up at you, helplessly sighing. 
You giggle before dipping down, only to pull back at the last second once more.
You chew on your bottom lip as you look down at him with mischief tainting your gaze.
A gasp travels past your lips when Eren suddenly pushes you back on the bed, pinning your wrist down with a firm grip.
He hovers over you now, eyes stern and determined with your body caged between his legs.
From your point of view, he seems so big. And the strength with which he keeps you in place reminds you he's as tough and manly as he is gentle and sweet. It's a reminder that draws a tingling sensation in your stomach.
In the next second, his eyes soften, as does his grip on your wrist as he bends down to kiss you.
Your body relaxes upon the comfort of his mouth caressing yours.
Your eyes flutter closed as your free hand finds a home in his hair, urging him closer — a command he can't resist.
His careful tongue wanders into your mouth, swallowing the soft moan that bubbles up your throat. 
He breaks away from the kiss, exhaling heavily as he rests his forehead against yours.
The corners of your lips tug into a smile.
“Trying to finish what you started?” you murmur.
“Maybe,” he says before his voice grows timid. “Should I?”
Slowly, he pulls back just enough to properly gauge your reaction. 
Your eyes twinkle as they hold his intense gaze. They travel over every single one of his features — his upturned eyebrows, the pink cheeks, the lips that hold back from taking or releasing breaths, and the emerald eyes that twinkle just the same. 
Your voice is barely enough to be called a whisper, but the word reaches his ears just fine.
The kiss is quickly reignited; his tongue forces itself into your mouth, earning a delicate whimper in return as you free yourself from his grasp to pull him closer by his hair. Your fingers tangle themselves between the short chocolate strands as he needily sucks on your tongue, the mix of your spit slathered around your mouth in the midst of his sloppy greed. 
One forearm keeps his weight above you as his free hand grips your waist, your shirt riding up in the process as you writhe under him, desperate for his touch, for his lips, for his tongue.
As you grow dizzy from your frenetic makeout, your hands travel down his chest, feeling each tensed muscle over the cotton fabric until your fingers hook under the hem of his shirt, silently asking for him to undress.
He pulls back to give in to your wishes, swiftly tugging the garment over his head and tossing it onto the floor.
He takes a moment to look down at you, your frame suddenly so small beneath him but your pupils are blown with lust and excitement as they wander his bare torso.
Through shallow breaths and with trembling hands, you trace over every defined curve with the pads of your fingers, committing every shape to memory as you go. 
Eren bites back a smile. He knows you're only trying to be gentle, but your delicate fingers tickle his skin as they slowly explore his abdomen. 
He sucks in a sharp breath, brow furrowed and eyes fluttering shut when you reach the waistband of his boxer briefs. 
You eye him carefully as you trace the border of the only remaining piece of clothing on his body — testing his patience as you draw over the edge a couple of times before your fingers hook around the elastic band.
Slowly, you pull down his underwear, holding your breath until his semi-hardened cock springs out of its confines. 
From above, Eren closely watches your reaction, getting drunk off the image of your parted lips, your gentle half-lidded eyes, and your shy hands that carefully wrap around his growing erection. You stroke him once, to which he bites down on his bottom lip to keep himself from pronouncing any profanities, but when your thumb brushes over the sensitive head of his cock to collect the gathering amount of precum, his eyebrows upturn in pleasure and he fails to keep himself upright.
“Fuck,” he whimpers, falling down onto your chest, struggling to hold up his weight on his forearm while he buries his face in the crook of your neck.
Your other hand nestles in his hair, comforting him as you continue stroking him.
His cock grows under your touch, fully hardening until it's pressed against your stomach when you finally release it.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you feel the length of what's bound to penetrate your insides. 
“See what you do to me?” Eren's strained voice murmurs into your neck.
You turn your head to the side, trying to get a look at the boy whose feverish skin is burning through your clothes.
You call his name in the shape of a whine — a shy plea. 
He lifts his face from the crook of your neck, his eyes boring into yours before he leans forward to kiss you.
The kiss is less urgent than before, but equally needy. His warm tongue slips into your mouth, drawing out a relieved sigh.
“Let me do something for you, yeah?”
You look back at him quizzically, but he only pecks your lips before pressing an open-mouthed kiss onto your collarbone and lowering his body down the bed. He stops when his face is level with your abdomen. His fingers hook around the hem of your shirt, lifting the fabric to expose your stomach. 
Starting just below your ribs, he leaves a trail of wet, open-mouthed kisses on your skin, circling his tongue around your belly button when he reaches it and continues further down. 
You close your eyes, head thrown back as your mouth falls open from his affections. 
His fingers tug on the drawstring of your pajama shorts as he glances up at you for confirmation.
Meeting his questioning gaze, you nod, chewing on your lip as you lift your hips for him to slide the garment off your legs. He tosses it to the side and wraps his hands around your ankles, spreading your legs just enough for him to kneel comfortably between them.
Your heart quickens in anticipation, but he outstretches the thrill as he's intent on teasing you first. He holds up your left leg, keeping his gaze fixed on you as he litters your skin with the same open-mouthed kisses he left on your stomach. His mouth travels up your calf, up your inner thigh, and near the trim of your white cotton panties, where he nips at the skin with his teeth, sucking fervently before repeating the process on the other side.
He kisses your right calf, and up your inner thigh, and sucks on the skin before your panties start. And finally, he kisses your pussy over the cotton fabric as he watches you bite down on your bottom lip through his lashes. With his eyes finally closed, he loses himself in the sweet scent of your sex as he drags his tongue in rhythmic stripes, pressing into your clit through your underwear. Your whimpers echo throughout the room as you squirm under his tongue, hoping he'll rid you of your panties soon. 
But he takes his time.
He engages in a heated makeout with your pussy through your underwear, his tongue gliding over your entrance before his lips take their turn each time. 
Your pussy flutters around nothing, aching to be touched, to feel those fervent strokes from his tongue directly on your flesh.
There's a dark patch forming on your underwear, courtesy of his saliva and your built-up arousal. The flimsy cotton sticks to your pussy lips, giving Eren a perfect outline of your needy sex.
“Eren,” you whimper, finally earning a glance from the teasing man between your legs. 
Putting a pause on his teasing, his eyebrows rise in question.
“Please,” you beg, eyebrows upturned in a helpless manner. 
Your ruined panties are discarded. He hooks his hands behind your knees, throwing your legs over his shoulders just in time for him to dive into your pussy like a starved man. His tongue swirls around your entrance, sending shivers up your spine as your fingers lose themselves in his hair. 
A guttural moan rises from the back of his throat as he collects every last trace of your arousal, the taste heavenly sweet on his tongue, though that might be because he's so undeniably whipped.
He repeats the same motions from before on your bare pussy, his mind reeling with dizzy pleasure when he feels you pulsing directly on his tongue. He buries his nose between your folds as his tongue prods deeper, lapping at every nook as he makes a mess of his face.
Checking in on you as he does, he pulls back and slowly inserts a finger inside you. You've barely any strength to utter a word, but the way you throw your head back with your eyebrows upturned in pleasure is enough for him to continue, adding one more finger as he curls them against your insides, searching for that sweet spot that makes your thighs twitch once he finds it.
He lowers his face back into your pussy, teasing your clit with the tip of his tongue.
He draws tight circles onto it, the pressure making you squirm in pleasure in addition to his lithe fingers that produce melodious wet noises as your arousal only continues flowing.
He sucks on your clit as your slick coats his fingers and drips down your ass and onto the covers. 
Not knowing what to do with yourself, you can only continue pushing his face down between your legs as you feel an orgasm creeping up on you.
You whine his name again.
Eren pulls out his fingers, quickly sucking them clean before finishing you off with his mouth.
His tongue languidly prods at your entrance and, with the aid of his fingers spreading your folds, he pushes his tongue inside you as far as he can, stroking your insides with the warm, tireless muscle. His thumb toys with your clit, drawing out a series of lustful cries from you until your toes curl and you squeeze your thighs around his head — not like he cares, anyway; it's practically a bonus reward.
With one last kiss pressed onto your pussy, he pushes himself back up.
When your eyes flutter open as you come down from your orgasm, he's hovering over you, his chin and plump lips glossy with your release and his spit. 
“How'd I do?” he asks breathlessly. His eyes twinkle as he awaits your review, hopeful that you'll praise him.
You pull him closer by his neck.
“So fucking good,” you breathe, before meeting his swollen lips.
Tasting yourself from his mouth feels nothing short of sinful but you happily suck on his lips to gather every last bit of your essence.
In the midst of getting you off on his tongue, Eren discarded his boxer briefs somewhere on the floor, so when he grinds his hips against yours in search of friction, there's nothing but flesh on flesh and neatly groomed pubic hair tickling your skin.
His hand massages the side of your waist, creeping up until he's met with the underside of your breast. This time, your lack of a bra doesn't surprise him, and he doesn't shy away, either. 
His hand eagerly gropes your breast, his fingers gently pinching the nipple as he swallows your moans.
He kneads the soft mound as his cock continues dragging between your folds, hitching on your entrance with every other stroke.
“Mind if I take this off?” he mumbles into your mouth.
You hum in approval, sitting up so he can tug the shirt over your head before falling back onto the pillow.
“Wow,” he whispers, eyes drinking in every detail of your upper body — your tender breasts, your pert nipples, your soft skin, your shiny hair splayed on the pillow, and your pretty face looking up at him with equal admiration.
You smile at him, raising a hand to caress his cheek. He closes his eyes at the contact and rests his hand over yours, turning around to press a kiss into your palm.
You giggle. He smiles down at you.
With your free hand, you travel up his chest, resting just above your favorite sound.
“Your heart's beating like crazy,” you point out.
He squeezes your hand before bending down to brush his nose against yours.
“I wonder why.”
Your eyes crinkle with glee as a shy smile takes over your lips.
He cradles your face with one hand, stroking the apple of your cheek with his thumb.
“You have no idea how precious you are to me.”
A warm glow spreads through your insides at his words, like golden honey that infiltrates your heart and pumps through every corner of your body.
“I think I do,” you whisper, to which he smiles.
He pulls back, eyes glassy and cheeks dusted with pink.
He reaches over to the bedside table, fumbling around the drawer as his angle keeps him from having a full view of the inside. He retrieves a foil square between two fingers.
You raise an eyebrow.
“Were you hoping to get lucky on this trip?” you tease.
“I bought them just in case,” he grins.
You nod in approval. 
“Good call.”
He tears the foil packet open, tossing it aside once he pulls out the contents, and rolls the condom down his length. 
He fixes himself on his forearm once more, caressing your face as his eyebrows rise in question.
“You sure?” 
With a small smile playing on your lips, you nod. 
With the help of his knee, he spreads your legs wider while reaching down to line himself with your entrance — all while maintaining eye contact.
He makes slow teasing stripes down your pussy with his tip — once, twice, three times — before he finally starts sliding inside of you. You hold onto his arm, the muscles firm at your fingertips as they work to keep him steadily above you.
His tip slides in with little resistance, though it's still a bit of a tight fit. Carefully scanning your face for any signs of discomfort, he pushes himself inside you in fragments. 
You close your eyes, sighing in relief when you finally feel the brush of his pubic hair against your lower tummy.
Eren closes his eyes for a moment, too, swallowing thickly as he comes to the realization that he's inside you. He's inside where everything is warm and wet and tight and comforting. 
He opens his eyes before you do. For another moment, he simply admires you, watching your parted lips release hushed breaths — your peaceful image close to that of an angel in prayer.
He smooths back your hair and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
When your eyes finally open, you smile up at him. 
Taking that as a sign, he makes an experimental thrust, eyeing your reaction as he does so. 
You hook your arms under his, your hands pressed firmly against his back as he gradually gains more confidence with each stroke. He peppers your face with kisses until he settles on your lips, where he gingerly pulls on your bottom lip with his teeth, and his pleased sighs are poured down your throat.
You hug him tighter, moaning his name into his ear as he rolls his hips into yours with finesse. 
Eren's back grows sweaty with each of his movements, his breath shallowing at the same pace. Every drag of his hips brushes against your clit, making for the most well-rounded experience as he loses himself in the feeling of your insides fluttering around his length. 
“Does this feel good for you, baby?” he asks as he presses your foreheads together.
“Uh-huh,” you whimper. “Don't stop, Ren. Please.” 
“Wouldn't dream of it,” he smiles before capturing your lips in a needy kiss.
You sigh into his mouth as your tongues swirl around each other, heightening your arousal while he continues building up the pace of his hips. His fingers dig into your waist, acting as leverage for his increasingly faster thrusts. You buck your hips upwards, meeting him halfway in search of more friction. 
“My baby,” he coos against your mouth.
The room is filled with squelching noises of your arousal glossing his length over the condom. Every vein, every curve of his thick cock leaves its mark on your insides, permanently altering your body to fit him. Every deep thrust, every tight circle drawn by his thumb plants a seed for a permanent craving that only he can satisfy. Only he can draw out such pretty noises from your mouth. Only he can make your sweet and innocent voice morph into that of a sinful, greedy woman who wishes to be brought to pleasure by his expert touch. Only he can make love to you like this.
His balls are quickly growing heavy, slapping against your ass with every roll of his hips — the sound echoing in your ears. 
With one quick kiss to his cheek, you push him back gently. He falls onto his back, his aching cock pulsing into nothing but air as he scoots back to rest against the headboard, watching through adoring eyes as you straddle his lap and lower yourself onto his cock with a whimper, relieving yourself from the momentary emptiness you felt. His hands grip your hips with a bruising force, his jaw slack as he watches you expertly move your hips, rocking back and forth against his pelvic bone to satisfy your clit, and up and down to satisfy him.
He fondles one of your breasts as your face falls into the crook of his neck, whimpering and blubbering about how good you feel with him buried deep inside you. One of your hands tangles in his hair while the other digs crescents into his back. 
It’s unreal. To think he’s allowed to be this close to you, to be blessed with the opportunity to melt into your touch. Every whimper, every instance of begging, every drowned-out moan as you hide your face in the crook of his neck — it's beyond addictive. 
You're both coated in sweat, the place where your bodies meet growing stickier with every passing second. Your thighs begin to burn as you continue riding him, trying your best not to lose your pace as he sucks on your nipples and your head falls back in pleasure.
“Fuck yeah, baby,” he huffs. “Keep riding my cock like that.”
You tighten around him at the unexpected dirty talk.
Eren's always such a gentleman, so this shift in behavior is surprising — though certainly not unwelcome. 
“Eren,” you whine, looking down at him helplessly as you continue bouncing on his cock.
He flashes you with his signature boyish smile.
“I got you.”
In one swift motion, you're flipped back on the bed while Eren hovers over you. Refusing to let your build-up slip away, he reconnects with you in an instant, sloppily thrusting into you as your legs wrap around his waist.
“Look at you,” he breathlessly coos as he caresses your thigh with one hand and cradles your face with the other. “My baby's so fucking pretty.”
The sounds of slapping skin and moisture reign the room. Your nails dig into his back, scarring the skin with red marks, claiming his body as yours — not that he would want it any other way. Your feverish body clings to him like he's the only thing keeping you grounded as the coil in your stomach tightens more and more.
Sweat drips down his forehead and the now dark chocolate strands that frame his face. His pupils are blown with lust, nearly dominating the entirety of his sweet emerald irises, but his usual warmth remains.
His hips start bucking erratically, his rhythm carelessly tossed out the window as he hooks his arms under your legs and presses them toward your chest. The new angle has you crying out in pleasure as he uses his last bit of strength to sloppily thrust into you a few more times.
The coil reaches its limit, snapping at the hilt of your ecstasy as you cry out his name and your toes curl in pleasure.
A couple of thrusts later, he's spilling hot ropes of cum into the condom and releasing hoarse moans into the crook of your neck. 
His hips finally stop as you lay there, limbs tangled and bodies sticky, while you steady your breathing. His hand rests on your waist, tenderly stroking the skin with his thumb as you comb through his hair with your fingers. 
The air is thick with the sweet remnants of your sexual fulfillment. 
Reluctantly, he pulls out of you, his cock already softening inside the condom as he falls onto his back and pulls you by the waist so that you rest on top of his chest. 
His hand affectionately smooths your back as he takes in your exhausted features. 
“You okay?” he whispers, his voice still too weak to speak as normal.
Not yet recharged from your passionate lovemaking, you just nod.
You smile at each other.
“I didn't… I mean, I didn't hurt you or anything, did I?”
You shake your head at his worried expression before leaning forward to peck the corner of his mouth.
“It was perfect.”
He smiles again. 
Carefully, you lift yourself off his chest before any more soreness settles into your muscles and you begin scouring the floor for your clothes. 
Eren sits up on the bed, ridding himself of the used condom and tying it in a knot as he watches you slip on your underwear.
“What's wrong?” he asks when you click your tongue in confusion.
“I can't find my shirt,” you mutter as you pick up a garment from the floor, only to find it's not what you're looking for. “I don't want to walk around naked. What if your mom comes?”
Eren glances around briefly before he lights up at an idea upon spotting his own white t-shirt on the floor. 
“Here,” he says, tossing the garment in your direction. You catch it with ease. “Just wear mine.”
Without thinking too much about it, you tug on the shirt over your head, the fabric cascading down your body and falling mid-thigh.
“Thanks,” you smile before grabbing a fresh pair of underwear from the dresser and stepping out the door, leaving Eren a blushing mess at the lingering image of you wearing his clothes.
A few minutes later, both clean and tired, you snuggle into each other under the covers. Eren reaches behind him to turn off the bedside lamp, leaving you in peaceful darkness.
“Are you happy?” he asks.
You smile.
“I've never been happier.”
With your hand on his chest and his arm around your waist, you fall asleep.
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The following morning, you're woken by the sunlight sifting through the curtains.
When you squint your eyes open, you see Eren smiling at you.
You giggle. 
“How long have you been staring at me?”
“Not too long,” he grins. “You look pretty when you're sleeping.”
Your face warms as you hold onto him tighter. Your body is still dealing with the tired symptoms from last night's heated encounter.
“You think your mom will mind if we stay in bed all day?”
“I don't think I can go that long,” he murmurs. 
It takes you a second to realize what he's hinting at but, when you do, you playfully slap his shoulder. He laughs.
“How are you feeling?” he smiles.
“I'm just a bit sore,” you reply honestly.
He hums in response.
“You wanna postpone our plans?” he asks, concerned you might be too tired for today's itinerary. “We can go out tomorrow.”
To his surprise, you shake your head.
“No, I still wanna go. Just give me a few more minutes.” 
He smiles as he looks down at your tired form. You're wearing that same relaxed expression from last night, reminiscent of an angel when he was hovering over you.
Three words teeter the tip of his tongue, but when his lips part to pronounce them, he retreats, flustered.
So with a quick kiss to your temple, he slips out from under the covers, gets dressed, and ventures to the main house. 
Carla's fixing herself breakfast in the kitchen when he walks in. She greets him with a smile, asking where you are.
“She's still asleep. She's pretty tired from yesterday,” Eren explains, hoping that if he doesn't think about it too much, he won't seem suspicious. 
But Carla only nods in understanding as she sits down to enjoy her omelet. 
“We’re going into town today. I’m gonna show her around. Wanna come?” Eren asks with a smile.
“I can’t today, honey. I’m meeting up with my book club later and I need to catch up on my reading. But you two have fun.”
Eren nods.
A couple of minutes pass by in silence. He stares at a blank point as he chews on the inside of his cheek.
“Would you like me to make you one?” Carla asks, an amused look on her face as she notices her son intently staring at her omelet.
Eren blinks. 
“Oh, no. I’m good.”
“Are you okay?” she asks.
“Can I ask you something?”
She sets her fork down, resting her chin on her laced hands with a nod.
“What’s on your mind, kiddo?”
Eren nervously wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans, taking a deep breath as he gathers the right words to speak his mind.
“A while back,” he pronounces your name softly. “She told me she loves me.”
Carla smiles, having known that already since you told her.
“But I kind of choked at the time.”
Carla tilts her head, her features serious now. She’s seen the affectionate look in his eyes whenever he sees you, and the way he’s so gentle when treating you. However, perhaps it’ll be easier if he practices admitting his feelings out loud.
“Was it because you don’t…” she trails off, but Eren quickly denies what she’s implying with a shake of his head.
“No, that’s not it. I was just surprised when she said it… It felt really good to hear it,” he smiles.
“So what’s got you worried?” she tenderly asks.
Eren looks down at the counter, gaze lost on the patterns of the mismatched tiles that somehow harmoniously blend together.
“I just… She hasn’t said it since. And I keep trying to tell her how I feel but now I’m worried that, because I didn’t say it back that time, she… might not feel the same way anymore.”
Carla’s concerned features soften, her lips perking into an endeared smile before her son’s anxious expression.
“Oh, honey,” she murmurs.
Eren blushes.
“Do you think that’s it? Do you think she changed her mind?”
“You beautiful dumb boy,” Carla laughs.
She reaches over to squeeze his hand.
“She’s still here, isn’t she?”
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“And this is where I dislocated my elbow.”
Eren points to a spot a few feet from the seesaw. 
“How’d you do that?” you ask.
“I let go when it was my turn going up,” he meekly explains, to which you laugh into your hand.
“Oh, Eren.”
You can picture the scene in your head — a young Eren flying into the air after trying to act tough by raising his hands from the handlebar, too young to understand the physics behind the oncoming accident.
He grins as he guides you toward the swings, where he offers you a seat before stepping behind you and gently pushing you.
“The swings are supposed to be for the kids,” you giggle as he pushes you higher.
“It’s not like that’s a law,” he replies with a shrug.
He settles into the swing beside you, promptly matching your height as the chain creaks under his weight. 
As you fly up in the air, he glances over at you. You’ve got the same youthful look in your eyes from the evening you spent together building a sandcastle with Josie. Your face lights up in the same delighted manner. You’re a kid again.
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Classical music echoes in your ears from your headphones as you turn the page of the novel Carla left you before leaving to meet the ladies from her book club. 
She gifted you an extra copy from one of the titles in her personal library — last month’s read which she thought you would enjoy. You’re curled up on the yellow velvet sofa, snacking on a clementine from the bag Eren bought for you at the market. As you turn to the next chapter, you catch a glimpse of movement from your peripheral vision, and you look up to find Eren leaning on the bathroom door frame, wearing a robe. 
You pause your music and set your headphones aside.
“What are you doing?” you smile.
He tilts his head in a flirtatious manner.
“I filled up the pink bathtub.”
Your smile grows as you stand to accept the hand he holds out for you to take.
Candles are burning in every corner of the bathroom as vanilla-scented bubbles rest on the water’s surface.
Eren’s robe pools at his feet and he steps into the pink bathtub first, relaxing in the water with his back pressed against the porcelain as his arms rest on either side of the tub. He watches you undress, an enamored smile shaping his lips as you gradually reveal every delicate curve of your nude body to him. 
Using his hand as support, you step into the warm water and settle between his legs, your back flush against his chest as his arms wrap around your waist. 
You instantly relax in his arms, every trace of leftover soreness vanishing from your body as you scoop up the vanilla foam in your hands and rub it between your palms.
Eren presses an open-mouthed kiss onto your bare shoulder and the slope of your neck.
“Are you happy?” he whispers into your ear.
You smile.
He hums in approval.
“I had fun at the park today,” you add.
You nod.
“I felt like a kid again when you were pushing me on the swing.”
He chuckles softly. You continue as he listens closely.
“I feel like you really spoil me sometimes.”
“Does that bother you?” he asks, his eyebrows upturned in concern as he wonders if you still don’t feel entirely comfortable with all the attention he gives you.
But you smile and shake your head.
“I like it,” you murmur shyly. “I feel like God compensated me for everything by putting you in my life.”
Your voice weakens with your confession, pulling at Eren’s heartstrings in the process. When you look back at him, tears are lining your lashes, but your features remain cheerful.
“I’m glad I met you, Eren,” you smile before facing forward again.
“I’m glad I met you, too,” he whispers, resting his chin on your shoulder.
You remain quiet, allowing your synced breathing to be the only one to take up the room.
Eren’s thumbs trace up and down your stomach, as you sink further down his chest.
After a while, your voice breaks through the silence. 
He hums in response.
“Do you still want to know everything?”
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: By chance(short 1)
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In which Jungkook gets to know his soulmate and can't help but fall deeper and deeper in love.
Tags/Warnings: Soulmate AU, Idol!Jungkook, slight angst, major fluff, no one asked but I still deliver, Jungkook having impure thoughts oops
Length: short/mid
Belongs to: By Chance
"Did you order this much?" He laughs to himself as he brings in all the takeout boxes. You jump up to help, nodding eagerly, your phone now discarded on his couch. You've visited him after he'd asked if you wanted to spend some time with him- get to know him, seeing as you're soulmates.
"I haven't eaten all day - and honestly, I paid for it, so who cares! Those cinnamon bites will still taste good tomorrow morning for breakfast. And before you ask, I do plan on taking this stuff home with me if we don't finish it." You shrug, bringing the other boxes Jungkook couldn't hold into the living room.
"How much do I owe you?" He asks, already taking his phone out, and you just lick your finger after having opened some boxes to look what's what, shaking your head.
"Your honest opinion on the chicken, really. I've never ordered those, but they do look very hot right now, not gonna lie." You say, sitting down before stretching your legs. Your shorts reveal a tattoo on your leg that seems to travel high up- he's spotted a glimpse of something up to your rib when your stretched earlier, rising fabric of your shirt having also revealed a sparkling butterfly hanging from a silver piercing decorating your belly button. It makes him wonder how much more you hide away from his eyes, what might be there to discover for him.
You seem to be such a free spirit- an uncaged bird, open, colorful, exciting. You're infectious too, your bubbly nature easily making him feel all happy and relaxed. And he swears that's not just his soulmate bond speaking. He truly believes he would've at least developed a crush on you no matter the circumstances, really. You're cute, a little wild, testing him as if to see if he's able to tame you. You're exactly his type, not just physically.
Your beauty is simply a bonus- a pretty soul safely tucked into an equally pretty body.
"I love them, even if they're a little greasy. I've got a horrible love for fried foods." He laughs, sitting down to eat across from you.
"Would've never guessed." You smile. "Not to insult you, really. But I always thought every Idol, you know, is obsessed with dieting and staying away from anything that could have more calories than a carrot." You say, before holding a hand towards your mouth, eyes wide. "Oh my God, that sounded so rude, fuck!" You shake your head. "Now I cursed, I'm sorry, fuck- I mean not fuck, shit- I mean-" you whine to yourself putting your face in your hands while Jungkook laughs across from you.
"You're fine, really, it's okay." He reassures. "I'm not that sensitive, and honestly, a lot of idols do be like that." He shrugs.
"Maybe? I mean, I probably shouldn't even bring that topic up. I don't wanna be nosy." You say quietly, stealing a piece of chicken from him before you freeze in your motions. "Oh God I should've asked- why am I like this?!" You scold yourself, and he smiles brightly towards you.
"You're cute, nothing wrong with it." He flirts.
You look at him a little playfully suspicious before you continue eating. "If you're aiming at getting into my pants, I might have to disappoint you, mister." You say, and his eyes widen while he stops chewing for a second. "In front of you sits a very awkward virgin that's not even sure if she even likes sex, or kissing, or anything of that nature really. I'm just putting it out there, lay my cards on the table, I guess." You shrug before taking a sip of your soda.
"May I ask why?" He wonders respectfully, wiping his fingers on a napkin close by. "I'll respect your decision, obviously. I'm just curious, I guess." He clarifies, and you shrug.
"You've got every right to be." You nod, licking your lips. "I guess every guy has always been so.. pushy with it to the point where I didn't want to do it simply just to spite them." You explain, not looking at him. "Wanted to see how they'd react if I said that I didn't want to. You know, neither kiss nor have sex. Like a test, to see if they're any good." You tell him, and he nods.
"And none ever passed the test?" He asks, making you shrug as you look at him now.
"I mean, there's one who's on a pretty good road of maybe being the first to do just that." You say, and he smiles charmingly, fingers playing with his lip ring for a second before he turns serious again.
"All jokes aside, I really am okay with that." He says. "I didn't invite you here to fuck you, nor do I ever plan on doing that. Putting up a facade to tangle you into something, I mean. I'd fuck you if you'd want me to, just to be clear here." He tells you, reaching over to steal a few sips of your drink.
"Well, you stole an indirect kiss now, so that gonna be some points added to your fuckboy-ness." You say, crossing your arms- unaware probably that he now gets a very attractive sight of your cleavage now.
"We can easily make it a direct one too, if you want." He flirts again, and you stay quiet for a second, almost making him apologize- until you actually speak again, softly.
"I mean, I wouldn't mind.." you mumble.
"You don't have to push yourself." He tells you calmly. "I'm sorry if it felt like I was trying to convince you. I'm only joking around."
"No-" you start, looking everywhere but him. "-I, don't know, I actually do wanna try it with you. See if I like it." You say. "But, you know, only if you're up for it too."
"I'd be dumb to say no to kissing a pretty girl like you." He shrugs with a boyish smile before he gets up from the floor and squats down in front of you, his hands on your knees as you're still sitting on his couch. He chuckles at your shyness a bit before he slowly leans upwards, making sure to check until the very last second for any signs of you becoming uncomfortable. But that moment never comes, and when his lips make contact with yours for a short peck, your hands find his to hold onto, making him smile into the kiss before he parts from you. "Good? You're free to say if it wasn't, I'm really cool with that." He says, and you nod.
"Never really knew what to expect from a kiss, really." You shrug. "But it's nice. I liked it." You nod.
"Wait that was your first kiss?!" He now asks, and you nod.
"Wasn't that obvious? I thought I made it obvious." You laugh, and he laughs as well.
"I mean, I understood the virgin part, but I thought, you know, a pretty girl like you would've at least been kissed before." He says, and you playfully hit his chest, making him fall dramatically on his butt.
"Oh come on now prince charming, go eat your greasy chicken." You tease, making him grin.
Yeah- he really believes he's gonna fall for you. Maybe he already has.
Either way- he doesn't mind one bit.
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bbrissonn · 8 months
𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐮 - 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐳𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐬 (𝟏)
╰┈➤kinda nervous lol, making this on sept 22 at 11:51 pm. i came up with this idea for an au after seeing this post from @edwardslvrr like 2 hours ago
╰┈➤ october 8th bri bri here, decided to post this cause why not, it's all i've been thinking about since i started this au in my draft and i really want to make it public so yeah :))) hope you enjoy !!
╰┈➤ pairing: trevor zegras x ex!singer!reader
╰┈➤ masterlist
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: ̗̀➛ alannaoregon has posted on instagram for the first time in a while
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liked by jamie.drysdale and 1.8M others
alannaoregon so excited to announce that my sophomore album Tired of U comes out on October 13th !! this has been a work for almost 6 months and i cant wait for all of you to hear it. starting off with “i regret you everyday” coming out September 22th
much love, lana 🩵
view all 5,042 comments
becky.rivera GO BEST FRIEND
alannaoregon @/becky.rivera I LOVE YOU BEST FRIEND
jamie.drysdale so proud
alannaoregon @/jamie.drysdale love you little one
user920 soooo we all agree on who all of these are gonna be about right…?
user726 trevor went from having 12 love songs written about him, to 14 breakup song 🫢
user02 @/user726 from obsessed with you to tired of u..
sabrinacarpenter so happy to be by ur side and see u grow, cant wait for everyone these masterpieces 🩷
alannaoregon @/sabrinacarpenter love you so much 🩷
user53 the way lana always uses a blue or white heart, but always a pink one for sabrina 🥹
user836 @/user53 glad im not the only one who noticed
load more…
: ̗̀➛ alanna oregon posted a new youtube video
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“Becky bring your butt over here.” Alanna called out, placing her camera on the counter of her bathroom. Her skincare products in front of her as Becca made her way into the room, waving at the camera once she was in frame.
"I'm here, I'm here." The Rivera girl said as Alanna grabbed her first product and started applying it to her face.
"Hi cuties, it's me, Lana." The singer said in a weird voice, one she used in every intro. Becca snorted a bit, making her best friend giggle a bit. "I am back with my girl Becky."
"That's me."
"And today, we're gonna take for a lake day with us. And through out the day, I am gonna explaining every single song from my next album, Tired of u, that comes out on October 14th." Alanna explained as she moved onto her second product. Next to her, Becca was nodding along to what she way saying, a proud smile on her face.
"Go pre-save it, guys!"
"And we're gonna be starting with a single, I regret you everyday, coming out on September 20th."
"Not gonna lie, I think that's one of my fav." Becky said as Alanna moved onto her third product. The singer had already made her best friend listen to the whole album, but the girl was there for the writing and producing process so she already had a good idea of what the song were like.
"So, I regret you everyday is a pretty self explanatory title for the song. It's pretty much about regretting ever getting into a relationship with someone, let alone even meeting them even if it's something you can't control." The girl started as she applied her sunscreen gently to her skin. "I think it was the second song I finished writing, maybe like a week after my break-up."
"Wasn't it two weeks?"
"I dunno know, doesn't matter. I was just crying on Becky's couch one day and just came up with it, she helped me write some of the lines."
"You can call me Shakespeare now." The Rivera girl joked, causing her best friend to giggle once again.
"Any who, I picked that song to be a single because I think it really gives off the vibe of what the album is gonna be. Also, because Becky said she'd hit me if I didn't put-"
"If I didn't put out as a single. So, yeah, now you know!" Alanna continued, ignoring the look her best friend was giving her. She quickly cut the camera after that, laughing at Becca's expression that still hadn't changed.
The next clip was of the two girls in the kitchen, preparing their breakfast for the day.
"I don't know if we said it before, but we're at Becky's family cottage for the weekend, so we're gonna go swimming this afternoon." Was the first thing said in the clip, Becky in the frame as she broke the eggs. Alanna was in the back, doors of the fridge opened as the looked for the milk.
"Then I am taking her out a date to the porch for dinner with the sunset."
"Fun fact for y'all, the photo on the back of the album was taken by the neighbors of me and Becky. So, thanks to them for their contribution to the album."
"And to my dock for being the front of it." Becca added as she now left the frame and Alanna was now the main focus.
"The next song we're gonna talk about is sunset chasing. Now that song was... very emotional to make, because as some of you might know, I am a whore for sunsets, and sunset chasing was something I did a lot with my ex." The girl started explaining.
"Big big whore for them!"
"In the song, the sunset represents like my relationship with said ex, and how I was like chasing after him and his attention even though we were together for years already. And I guess you could say there's like a double meaning I think, like how sunset chasing turned into me chasing him." She added, smiling slightly had Becca's words.
"I was once again present for the writing of this song and contributed." Becca said, walking back into the frame for a slight second, a proud smile on her face.
"The birds are trying to eat my food!" Becca yelled out, a loud laughing coming from Alanna as she filmed her best friend shoo away the birds. The two girls were now outside, their breakfast in front of them as they sat on the porch, from which they had a nice view of the lake.
"Becca, don't hurt them!" Alanna said from being the camera, making the girl in question look at her like she was crazy.
"They're going for my food, Lana." There was a cut after that, and then the two girls were sitting around a round table as they slowly ate their food.
"Can I introduce this song?"
"Even if I say no, you'll do it anyways, Becky."
"Damn right I will. Anyways, guys, the next song is called 11 feet behind!" Becca announced to the camera giggling a bit after saying the title of the song. "What's that song about, Lana?" She asked with wiggling eyebrows.
"That song is about always feeling like you're always behind in your relationship. Like people know more what's going on in your relationship than you do, which, fucked up for one, and two really sucks, because it makes you feel like you mean nothing to your partner."
"Guys, let me tell, my girl did not hold back with this one." Becca giggled while talking to the camera. When Alanna had told her best friend she'd be using Trevor's number in one of her song titles, the girl gasped, calling her crazy because of it.
"I am speaking the truth."
"I'm so proud of you, lanny." Becca said randomly, looking over at her best friend. Alanna laughed a bit before giving the girl a big hug, laughing a little.
"We're getting Starbucks!" Becca yelled out as the next clip started, Alanna's laugh being heard once again. The two of them were now in the car, Becca driving as the other girl sat in the passenger seat, holding the camera so they were both in frame.
"Which is like totally crazy 'cause the next song was written in a Starbucks."
"What a coincidence."
"Right!" The two girl joked, their chuckles echoing in the car before Alanna focused back on the task at hand. "Anyways, it's called Friend Stealer. Long story short, it's about getting dumped by a guy so he can go date one of your friend, that he met through you."
"Snakes." Becky could be heard whispering in the back.
"And the reason why it was written in a Starbucks is because I just wanted to leave my house, get some caffein, and as I was just sitting there thinking about the whole thing, the lyrics just came to me. So, I wrote them down in my notes, typing like a crazy lady on my phone."
"She was gone for like three hours, I was so worried!" Becca said, making Alanna roll her eyes slightly.
"Okay, that's a bit dramatic, I was gone for like, forty-five minutes maybe."
"Still scared me."
"Moving on, that song was probably what helped me really get over my break-up, well more like started the whole moving on process. I was really just writing what I was feeling and yeah, that song was born. It was the first one that I found the melody for, but I think it was like, the forth I wrote, and that's when I decided I was making an album." The singer explained with a shy smile, recalling the happiness she had felt after finally writing out all her anger.
"We're back in the car! Becky, what'd you get, girl?"
"I got a grande iced coffee with a splash of cream, two pumps of vanilla and two pumps of hazelnut." The girl explained her order, shaking her drinks around. "How about you, m'lady?"
"I got the same as always, my sir. A venti brown sugar oatmilk shaken expresso, only three pumps of brown sugar, three pumps of white mocha and no cinnamon."
"For all of you who didn't know, Lana's my sugar mommy, and she paid for my drink." Becca spoke, grabbing the camera for it was focusing on her. Her best friend scoffed a bit before bringing back to camera on her as Becky started to drive.
"Killing us softly is the name of the next song we're gonna be talking about. The title pretty much says it all, it just talks about how someone in a relationship just doesn't care enough and it's slowly killing their relationship." The clip cut right after the girl was done talking, and the next clip was of her sitting in her bed, filming on her phone with her headphones on.
"Guys, my camera died, oops. And at first Becky and I were gonna go to Target, well we still did, and film the next song in the car. Obviously, we couldn't do that, and my dumb ass forgot to like, go to the song we were gonna do in the car. So, here it is!
It's called mascara stained cheeks, once again, title says it all. But, it goes more into details about how toxic my relationship with my ex got, and how much he made me cry. Small reminder, that crying often in a relationship because of your partner, is not a healthy relationship, never has been and never will be. With that being said, next clip! Wait no, disclaimer, I got a little lazy with these, oops again, so the clips are pretty short. Okay, now, next clip!"
The two girls were now laying on their chests on sun bathing chairs. The camera was set up on a small table in front of them as they both pushed themselves up on their chairs.
"30 seconds. Wanna do the honor's of explaining this one, Becky?"
"Yes please. This song is about how much of an asshole mister tiny dick was."
"What? He was. Mister tiny dick broke up with my goddess of a best friend over a phone call, that lasted a solid 30 seconds." The Rivera girl explained, as Alanna gave her stern look.
"Becky, I'm gonna get demonetized because of you."
"Not my fault he had a tiny dick."
"Guys, it's editing Lana here again." The girl said, once again sitting in her bed. " So, apparently, none of my footage for the next three songs saved, yay. So, I am gonna have to do this little explanation segment again.
Okay, crushed mind. My baby, the second song I wrote, uhm, I pretty much got emotionally cheated on, so, my mind crushed. Oh my, God, I suck at explaining when I am alone. I feel so awkward just talking to my phone. Ugh, anyways, yeah, I don't know what else to say for that one.
Moving on, i miss u, this one I'm gonna explain so good, just watch, well listen... and watch. It's about missing the person your partner used to be, feeling like they've just become this whole new different person than the one you feel in love with. Which hurts, a lot. But, you know, people change, you can't get mad at people because of that... but you can write songs about it." The girl said, giggling slightly at the end.
"Last song that vanished, spinning circle, talks about conversations with my ex, would just be a spinning circle, I know the saying is like cycle or whatever, but the circle part is explained in the song. I can't tell you right now though, 'cause then I'm... I'm spoiling the like plot twist in the lyrics. Anyways, my camera figured itself out after that clip, so yeah. Back to Lanny and Becky from a week ago."
The two young adults were sitting on the paddle board, which was tied to the dock so they didn't float away. The sun was beaming on them as their wet skin reflected the light slightly.
"I felt a fish touch me!" Becca gasped just as Alanna was about to speak.
"It's a fish, it's not gonna kill you."
"No, but you know what will, forgiving." Becca said, winking at the girl, clearly proud of herself for the word play. "Get it? 'Cause the next song is... forgive."
"Go you, girly. Forgive, is about forgiving myself for the pain I caused myself during the end of my relationship. Like, I knew it wasn't healthy and all, I knew I should've broken up with him, but I didn't. And it ended up hurting me a lot, and I wrote that song last, kinda like a letter to my past self, forgiving her for making me hurt."
"If any of you though it was about her forgiving mister tiny dick, you weren't alone. I though so too, and I almost wacked her when she told me." Becca said, using the nickname she had for Trevor once again. "Don't look at me like that, you're not gonna get demonetized!"
"Okay, friends, it's now bedtime for us. We decided not to film after dinner, because we ended having a little heart to heart in the car after, and we just didn't really feel like it. So, we're gonna speed run the last three."
"Heist!" Becca called out. The two best friends were once again in the bathroom, now doing their nightly skincare.
"Going on a heist to get the smallest bit of attention from your partner." Alanna answered.
"heart n soul."
"How hurt my heart and soul were after my break up."
"Last one, tired of u!"
"Tired of... them. Yeah! No, uhm, I am gonna take a little more time on this one since it's also the name of the album. Tired of u, is just about how tired I was of how my old boyfriend was treating me and acting around me. And the reason I picked that name for the album, is because it really describes how I feel towards him still, and our relationship, even now. Overall, just tired of everything related to my old relationship, the media, the comments, just all of it."
"I got tired of him, too, Lanny." Becky said right before the clip cut, making the singer chuckle slightly.
"Okay friends, we're now in our matching pjs, and we're gonna go to sleep now. So, thanks for hanging with us today."
"Don't forget to go pre-save the album!"
"And yeah, I'll see you guys soon. Bye bye!" Alanna said before leaning in and pressing a kiss to the lens, which Becca than repeated.
: ̗̀➛ comments
user80 the way every time she vlogs she always struggles with the camera- she's so me
user001 so excited to hear these songs, all of them sound so interesting !!!
user719 guys i think she's gonna release sunset chasing as a single before the album drops cause she did the whole album in order, expect for i regret you everyday and sunset chasing
user412 @/user719 OMG YOU'RE SO SMART alannaoregon @/user719 shhh bestie you're gonna ruin the surprise user719 @/alannaoregon OH MY GOD OH MY GOD HIIIII
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