#[ moxxie ] ── * ic
snoobs01 · 25 days
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
@sharp-shooter-no-more-moxxie liked the Starter Call!
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" 'Scuse me!" How the heck did he end up in the Underwhere? How the heck did it get so violent in his time away!? "Have-a you seen a pipe around here somewhere? Large, usually green, and-a shoots up from-a the ground?" He absolutely needed to leave. The people here were either crazy for violence or crazy for....something else. This person he'd run up on looked like a local. Logic dictates that could help.
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crimsonsharked · 2 months
(( a clubbing outfit? On mobile so can't send symbol, sorry!))
Dress my Muse up. 👚 | Accepting
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This is posted IC despite the ask being OOC because I thought it'd be funny to respond to a moxxie rper with this. and ruin Moxxie's day.
Crimson: @angelichooves
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mannyriveraeltigre · 3 months
Members Of The Guy Members Magia Episode Series
Original YouTube Link:
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angelsandemons · 2 months
@angelichooves responded to your post:
"To not turn out like ya motha'. Barely fuckin' there in your life, yet her influence remained. She ruined you."
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"You just didn't like her because she didn't put up with your bullshit!"
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atheaterkid45 · 1 year
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lets give it up for our bicons 💕💕
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madsxientific · 16 days
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"YOU sit! Sit on…a…and the di- DO YOUR JOB!!""
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mono-rogue · 7 months
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a sketch request made for a friend a while ago
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unholi-archive · 3 months
@aracniss ; ❝ i would love to help you but i'm afraid i'm suffering from a terrible case of 'it's not my problem.' ❞ ( for moxxie ,,,, let the mafia boys kiss meet )
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"seriously?" brows knit together and a single eye gives a twitch in irritation. he should have known that working with anyone outside the family, let alone a sinner, would have just caused more problems than necessary. if he doesn't start carrying his own weight and help with this heist, they're both fucked. "well i can't get this vault open, so unless you have any other ideas, we're leaving here empty-handed."
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bloodmoon24 · 7 months
tbh, I found your incorrect quotes of bee, Mam and ozzie in that ice age scenario to be funny. I can only imagine moxxie to be scrat the squirrel
Oh my god. That would be perfect 🤣
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"Oh, hey Honey. Me and Blitz, well, we were planning out a little romantic getaway." He says smiling. "I was thinking something like a nice restaurant, maybe a movie after, then we enjoy the rest of the evening together." He says.
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"Pfft, tame and lame I'd say. I was thinking we try out that new indoor sports arena, its got paintball, rock wall climbing, and a kick ass food court. Could get a lotta fun outta that place." Blitz says smirking.
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"Hmm...What do you think Millie?" He asks her.
@ladiesofhell continued from x
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wrath-bound-trio · 1 month
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@sharp-shooter-no-more-moxxie asked: NYOOOMMMMM!!!! Here comes Moxxie at full speed and he jumps right at the dragon! He has missed him so much that he purring up a storm! The girls better watch out cause they are next!
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The dragon has been koala'd! He's just going to smile and hug the imp, holding him there. "Good to see you too moxxie!"
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crimsonsharked · 2 months
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𝔼ℝℝ𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕊 | Something is very wrong here.
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Plotted starter | @angelsandemons
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Alessio felt like he had been every but the ring he actually lived in lately. Thankfully he could do all of it during his free time, and or at night... when he'd rather be asleep. If he wasn't run into the ground doing useless tasks for Valentino, he was going to lose his mind. He had just finished taking a latte to the man, that's it a latte. Alessio didn't stick around long enough for him to ask for something else. Currently had had taken the opportunity to sit down on a bunch with his face in his hands.
The hellborns and a few sinners avoided the man, since it was rather rare to see one of his own kind out of his ring. Also, he was sure he looked incredibly bitter. He sat there for 10 minutes before he got another text on his phone from Valentino asking him to run another errand.
Well, it was good he hadn't made his way back to the greed ring yet, he didn't want to have to run all over the place again. He wasn't sure how the others under Valentino dealt with the man, though he supposed, they weren't being ordered around like a delivery boy. He sent a thumbs up back to Valentino and sat there for a few more minutes not moving, finally getting up to make his way to where he was asked to go.
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helldustedstories · 4 months
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@madefate asked: It's been a hell of a night and, quite frankly, Blitz is getting sick of them. He's never gotten a lot of sleep, but he'd at least like to stop falling off the fucking couch from the nightmares. They still have that quality about them - grainy, too real, too close to home, full of memories more than nonsensical images. He's glowering over his coffee, watching the office, trying to find peace in the routine even as his temples pulsate.
When Moxxie sets up shop in the conference room, papers in hand, and Millie's busy with the calendar outside, Blitz slips in after him, slinking towards the seat across from him. For a few moments he just - watches him. Head tilted, eyes appraising, trying to pick up on anything - out of the ordinary. Less than healthy. Bothering him.
❝ - Hey. ❞ God, he hates talking like this, stripped bare of all the jokes and innuendos that make everything hurt less. But this - this is important. ❝ I've been ... meaning to ask but - have you been okay since that human government bullshit ? ❞
unprompted // always accepting
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Moxxie had set today aside to get paperwork done. He was usually pretty good about staying on top of it (it was one of the things he did his best to keep as organized as possible, to make sure their clients paid them on time and in full), but they'd had some back-to-back jobs that had forced the filing to the back burner. Which meant that there was more to do than he would like, but he'd deal with it, the way he always did.
Truth be told, Moxxie liked doing paperwork. It was one of the things that made sense to him; there were specific guidelines to follow, and he didn't have to try to figure out if he was interpreting something wrong. He could just sit down, make sure everything was properly filled out, and know that he'd done a good job. You couldn't exactly do that with people, after all.
Not to say that he wanted to just do paperwork; he loved field work, too, and he was pretty damn good at it, if he did say so himself. But it could be a nice change of pace to just make sure the papers were in order, as much as he could. It was just another way to make himself useful, really.
He was frowning down at a particularly convoluted invoice (when had they used … did that say mint leaves? on a job?) when he heard Blitz make his way into the conference room, the controlled chaos of Moxxie's invoice system spread across the table. The smaller imp was used to Blitz occasionally just watching him and Millie, and while he normally would have looked up to see if he needed something, his eyes remained glued to the invoice, absorbed in what he was working on.
Even then, the moment Blitz greets him, Moxxie can tell that there's something going on. Between his unusually serious expression and the lack of jokes that frequently accompanies him, Blitz had something on his mind.
❝ I've been … meaning to ask but - have you been okay since that human government bullshit ? ❞
The question catches him off-guard, but Moxxie would be lying if he said he was surprised that Blitz had asked. He'd figured it must just have been him who was still dealing with particularly vivid dreams. But given that he had been dreaming in musicals (that devolved into nightmares more often than he'd like to admit, especially after a chance run-in with one of his father's goons, ships passing in the night), he figured it was fine, right?
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His first instinct is to brush it off, to say he's fine…, but he has a feeling that there's more to this than Blitz is asking right off the bat.
"Well, truth serums, airborne or otherwise, aren't exactly my area of expertise," he starts, but he can feel himself starting to get into something that was a) not what Blitz asked, and b) probably not currently the most relevant to this situation. He pauses, then tries again. "I mean, I'd hoped it was just a weird side effect, but…are you all right, sir?" There had to be a reason he was asking, right?
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angelsandemons · 2 months
Arianna was always a little protective of Moxxie, ever since the day she gave birth to him. This didn't cause any issues when he was a literal baby, but as soon as Moxxie was old enough to walk and talk, Crimson started trying to nudge him in the direction of his inevitable future. That's when the problems began.
The arguments about what was and was not age-appropriate for Moxxie became increasingly higher tension dances between the two Imps, always ending when one party (usually Arianna) inevitably gave in to prevent an actual fight. Still, by the time Moxxie was four, it had reached a level that he'd begun to notice.
And today, he could feel that tension mounting again as his mother walked him over to Alessio so she and Crimson could go 'out' for a bit. Up until this point, Arianna had insisted on always being home to take care of Moxxie, but Crimson insisted that they hadn't gotten out in years. Moxxie wasn't exactly sure what they were going out to do, but considering how uncomfortable his mom already looked, he thought it best not to ask.
Moxxie knew the Alessio because he was around Crimson pretty often, but he'd never really properly spoken to the men, let alone met him. When they stopped in front of him, Moxxie craned his neck to look up at the man's face. He was so tall! Then he looked up at his mother instead with an uncertain look.
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Arianna looked back down at him with a hint of guilt. Crimson rolled his eyes, letting out a soft sigh.
"Ari. He's gonna be with Alessio the whole time."
"I don't know..."
"We're only gonna be gone five hours, he'll be fine."
Arianna could tell her husband was already getting annoyed, so she sighed in defeat and turned her attention to Alessio.
"There's leftover pork roast in the fridge, but please cut it up for him, he has trouble with that. He also needs to sleep by nine and it's easiest if you read him—ah!"
Crimson, who looked properly aggravated now, had yanked his wife away suddenly and started walking away with her, mumbling something under his breath. Moxxie watched until the two had left completely before turning back to Alessio.
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madefate · 4 months
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When Blitz had gone after Striker on his own, Moxxie and Millie had both been worried until they finally heard from him: when he called to get them to alert the hospital. Moxxie had made sure the hospital knew that he was coming in with His Highness, and he'd been able to help Blitz get into his room when he was out of surgery. He'd tried to convince him to let him take him with him when he left, but Blitz had been determined to stay, to keep watch. Instead, he and Millie had contacted Octavia, to make sure that she didn't find out what had happened from the news or from some reporter calling to try to get some sort of reaction from her or her mom, which was probably one of the most important things they'd done during this whole ordeal. Now, even after Blitz has showered and changed, Moxxie's determined to make him get some sleep, even if it's just a couple of hours. "We can keep an eye on His Highness, Blitz," Moxxie says, defaulting to his name instead of the usual 'sir,' to show that he's worried. "You have a team for a reason, and you can't keep an eye on him if you're dead on your feet," he points out. "Get some sleep, sir; we'll let you know if anything changes." / @helldustedstories
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If he had to guess, Blitz would put it at two days since Stolas had gotten out of surgery - he's still vague on the time that passed while he was waiting, dissociating the endless hours looking at the same nondescript white walls - and he's managed to at least grab a quick shower in one of the bathrooms, if only to finally get the blood off of himself. He'd taken the opportunity to assess himself, quietly popping his shoulder back in place, apparently.
But when he hasn't been in the room with Stolas, he's been just outside it, a constant presence, vigilant of every possible avenue for an ambush. When he's not occupying the room or haunting the hallway, he just feels - ... lost.
He's expecting Moxxie when he gets back to the hallway - as much as Blitz will tell him and Millie to stay the fuck away lest they get caught up in Striker's sights again, he knows them too well. Avoiding them ( or, rather, their concern ) would only work for a short amount of borrowed time. So, when Moxxie catches him, Blitz stops and listens.
His initial instinct is to argue, because of course it is. There's a hundred reasons to stay here himself, isn't there ? Obviously there's a rogue assassin on the loose that's been a pain in his side for too fucking long - and it's not as if Blitz is a stranger to sleeplessness. Especially when the alternative - a chill rolls down his spine at the thought of letting the hospital out of his sight.
❝ I - ❞ apparently, the warm water and actual change of clothes has worn out his voice. That, or the hours are catching up with him. Blitz blinks, mulling it over. Millie's had his number from the get go - probably Moxxie, too, even if he hadn't said anything until now. He knows that they're capable. That's why he hired them - that's why he trusts them.
❝ - Here's the rundown, ❞ he says firmly, taking Moxxie by the shoulder. ❝ I dunno if Stolas remembers telling me, but he says it was his wife who hired Striker. That means it's personal, and it's probably not over. I don't want you or Millie to get caught up in this either, and I don't trust the staff here to know what they're doing. If you need to sleep, take turns, and watch the exits. I'm not - I'm not letting this shithead fuck with us anymore, okay ? If you need to run, get Stolas and get yourselves out of here. Call me the second something happens. ❞
Honestly, it's only the thought of getting home to Loona, even if for a night, and gathering her up in his arms, appreciating the fact that she's alive and whole and well. He can reassure her, check on her - exist with her.
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❝ And remind him that he can call me if he needs me. ❞ Blitz pauses for a moment, then moves his hand to ruffle through Moxxie's hair, his expression softening with genuine gratitude - genuine affection. ❝ I know I can count on you, Moxx. I'll be back in the morning. ❞
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