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zoeysandin · 3 months
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"meh meh meh! aggro much! you overcompensating for something?" she taunts, scoffing, then keeps calling out towards him. "you ain't got shit on me! this is profiling you know! i'll report you to your union rep!"
replies to your starter as a repost because tumblr won't let me reblog | @etxrnaleclipse
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puddingcass · 2 years
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━ Me perdoei, eu estava distraída e não prestei atenção no que disse. Poderia repetir, por favor? ━ perguntou a professora à MUSE, com um sorriso simpático e encantador desenhado nos seus lábios carnudos e rosados. 
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pinknightmaresx · 2 years
MISSING YOU. • {dakota&eddie} @mad81king
Dakota was in a hurry on a Tuesday morning. The only time when she could relax was during the flight but even there she was impatient, always shifting in her seat, unable to focus at the game she was playing on her Nintendo. As soon as she went through the passport check, she almost ran to the luggage area, waiting impatiently for her suitcase to appear. It took only five minutes, but it felt like an hour. However, when she finally saw it, she grabbed it and paced out of the building. She waved at the first taxi she could see and told the driver her desired address. And as soon as Eddie's home address left her lips, she could feel butterflies in her stomach.
She missed him dearly. And it probably wasn't a good feeling considering they both agreed to keep it no-strings-attached when it first happened. However, since Cheree was spending more and more time with him, his presence grew to her and she got used to him always being around. Add those strong arms of his and soft kisses and she was slowly getting addicted. So the feeling probably wasn't good, but the idea of seeing him in a few minutes felt amazing.
The pink haired woman soon found herself standing in front of his door, knocking on it. She was only hoping that he'd be home and wouldn't mind her showing up. But his messages the night before were promising and so she pushed the worries away and just eagerly waited for the door to open.
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thomaswtwt · 2 years
Tommaso não era religioso, mas nos últimos dias, andava suplicando a qualquer entidade disponível para que o livrasse da sensação estranha que o consumia: a mesma sensação que o fazia seguir os passos de um colega específico, alguém que na verdade o tirava profundamente do sério, mas que também andava atravessando seus pensamentos após alguns ocorridos específicos. No final das contas, pegou-se observando @unholyangelo de longe várias vezes, ignorando-o inconscientemente ao vê-lo aqui e acolá, apenas porque devido a transformação recente, sentia todo seu corpo extremamente vulnerável. Sobretudo no que dizia respeito a seu autocontrole, que poderia não ser tão bom caso se aproximasse muito do vampiro naquela noite. Por isso preferira evitá-lo, agora repousando sobre os degraus da escadaria, entretido com os botões de seu colete enquanto na outra mão brincava com seu isqueiro. Até seus sentidos indicarem justamente a presença ques ele menos desejava naquela ocasião. — Se você veio aqui para dar nas minhas ideias, meu amigo, sugiro que volte depois. Não é mesmo uma boa hora pra olhar pra sua cara.
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-Créditos al autor.
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chicacrazy0 · 1 month
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black-beauty-poetry · 2 months
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El amor realmente enceguece a las personas.
-Dark prince
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yo-espero-que-me-leas · 6 months
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saciada · 4 months
estou cansada de deixar que todos tenham o meu melhor enquanto recebo qualquer coisa.
alessandra braga — saciada.
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impotesmentis · 8 months
eating her out!! (gnawing on her guts and snarling)
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dylanhaites · 1 month
with: open starter
“Que questionamento é esse? Do jeito que você está falando até parece que estou sendo interrogado por um crime”, disse, na tentativa de mudar de assunto, ao ser bombardeado de perguntas. Será que estava tão na cara. “Tudo bem…”, o repertório do filho de Perséfone estava se esgotando e, no momento, não conseguia pensar em mais justificativas e formas de ficar evitando as perguntas centrais. “… Digamos que me dei alta da enfermaria. Meu tornozelo está praticamente novinho em folha e eu não aguentava mais ficar lá”, o machucado de Haites (um tornozelo torcido) tinha sido simples demais se comparado com o ferimento de outros semideuses, de forma que encontrou seu próprio jeito de ir embora da enfermaria. "Enfim, como pode ver nunca fui muito bom em guardar segredos".
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zoeysandin · 3 months
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"tell me WHERE ABELARDO IS!" she hollers, thwacking him with the crack of her whip one more time as she paces over to loom above him. he starts chatting his shit again and she has to restrain herself from spitting. can't leave any dna on him.
"yeah. you should see me when on my period," she snarls, pulling a more personal weapon out as she crouches down to sit on his chest. soon enough she's bringing the knife up to slide along his cheek now. "you're gonna tell me what i need to know and... i might not hurt you. cliche, but it's true... maybe." or maybe i'll still stab you. but you don't have to know that part.
replying to your starter as a repost because tumblr wouldn't let me reblog | @etxrnaleclipse
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lipid · 11 months
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Protests and memorials in honor of the first and only openly nonbinary Mexican magistrate, Jesús Ociel Baena Saucedo, in CDMX, Aguascalientes and Mexicali.
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Ociel advocated for laws protecting LGBT people, trans youth, equal marriage, gender identity recognition, between others. They inspired a lot of trans and gnc people in the country, being widely celebrated for their advocacy in court and for being open about their relationship with gender.
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On the morning of November 13, 2023, Ociel was found murdered with their partner in their house. Police said they didn't have "enough proof" to consider it a homicide.
Justice for Ociel, for Karen, for Renata, for Paola, for Naomi, for Dayanne, for Ivonne, for Valeria, for every trans person murdered in this country and in the world.
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pinknightmaresx · 2 years
Dakota was running from the women's lockerroom to the make-up room and back. It was almost show time and she forgot few things in the locker, just like always when she was in a rush. She turned her head back when she thought someone yelled at her but her legs didn't stop and she didn't see the open door in front of her. She bumbed into it and with a loud noise her body fell to the ground. "Oh, fuck!" She screamed, holding her forehead with her palm as if it would soothe the pain. A bruise would form there soon.
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umpensamento1p · 3 months
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