#[ verse harriet: isle of the lost ]
hannahhook7744 · 4 months
Dragon Hall hc please ?
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Harry Hook got kicked out of their shortly after Uma switched schools. Gil shortly followed. Dr. Facilier has never been more relieved because he HATED having to deal with all of Hooks kids at once (Harriet and Harry attended the school. CJ was enrolled but only showed up half the time. The other half, she's at the witch school with Zevon).
They have a dragon statue (because it's cool and also, they're terrified of Maleficent).
The graveyard is not as fake as some of the isle claims. Because, as other people have pointed out, the isle doesn't have a lot of free land and you bury the dead where you can.
Unfortunately, this does mean that some of Dragon Hall's former students and teachers have ended up buried there.
Many tombstones now have sayings on them rather than the names of the deceased. Because there has been some people trying to hide just how real the graveyard is.
The school colors are forest green and a purpleish-grey.
They follow the A-F grading system.
Very few of the students care about their grades at all. Yen Sid became a teacher there partially to help encourage students to get better grades.
If Dr. Facilier catches students skipping at his arcade or shop, they are temporarily banned and basically used as free labor to clean the school. This has reduced the kids skipping somewhat (but not completely. Some just got smarter at it).
The food isn't very great. Obviously.
It is VERY easy to get lost in the catacombs and dungeons.
As stated in the books, it is for all ages. Because of this, the other two schools were actually made (because no one is willing to teach all of the kids and they don't have the room for it).
The first of these schools was Serprent Prep. Hence the rivalry between them and Dragon Hall. Even though there wasn't nearly as many students then as there are now.
It was formed in year zero of the isle because contrary to popular belief, there WERE a few children already born/at school age when the isle formed).
The school is mostly made of stone.
All of the furniture is worn out.
The school is very filthy and covered in moss/plants/bits of mold.
You will DEFINITELY be getting jumped at this school but to be fair, you will get jumped on the isle in general so...
Furniture has been broken during fights.
Captain Hook has been mentioned to have kept Harry's best report card.
Learning disabilities and just, most disabilities, are not really acknowledged much because the staff aren't very well versed in it. So there are no aids/help for this.
Tutors are barely a thing there.
The classes aren't the best.
No one is sure the faculty chambers actually exist.
As stated in canon: 1. Dragon Hall is actually an old tomb re-purposed to act as a school. It's unknown how far it actually goes downward, but there is a statue of Maleficent's dragon form on the landing between the 2nd and 3rd basements.
2. There is barely any light and the lockers are haphazardly lined against the walls.
3. There is a forbidden library referred to as the Athenaeum of Evil which serves as storage for now-defunct information; Dr. Facilier is the only one with the key, and he has a spider the size of a cauldron guarding it.
Because of this, it sucks to be a student with arachnophobia there.
There are clubs at the school. Most are student founded.
There is graffiti everywhere.
Dragon Hall has the best school nurse on the isle. Probably because Dr. Facilier's kidd go there and he actually cares about them for the most part. Unlike other schools.
People have argued about whether the spider is the mascot or if a dragon is. Out of Mal and Maleficent's earshot, of course.
Dr. Facilier's shop and Arcade aren't located too far from the school.
Rumors say, Dr. Facilier can IN FACT be in three places at once (other rumors say, that it's because of secret passages but that cannot be confirmed nor denied).
The plumbing often breaks but it gets fixed somewhat quickly because, again, Dr. Facilier is the headmaster and his kids go there.
All of the de Vils have attended Dragon Hall. Some have had better times than others.
Diego and his band keep breaking into the school to practice: Dr. Facilier is not amused by this.
Frollo has tried to burn it down numerous times but he's done that with every school.
The bell tower is nearby.
If there is someone on the isle Dr. Facilier hates more than Maleficent, it's Frollo. But is that really a surprise?
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askauradonprep · 2 months
Poly Pirate Crew Timeline
I should not have been allowed to do this rewatch. I am back on my poly pirate crew bullshit and I'm about to drag a bunch of new followers down with me if I have my way. :P
About three months before D2 (and 3 months after D1) the crew first forms. They're described as 'hardened mercenaries' 'cutthroats' and 'a bunch of scoundrels' but also as kids who were deemed not worth very much by the Isle. There are bumps and bruises in getting some of them into teamwork but overall, things go really well. Uma quickly inspires confidence by doing things like diving into the sea to rescue Gil or waiting at the mouth of a collapsing cave to make sure her entire crew gets out.
Over that three month interval, the crew not only makes major territory grabs (including Mal's former territory) and even begins to be taken seriously by some of the adults. They also start hanging out and spending most of their time together, so when it comes to doing things like making out as stress relief or going to places together, it's usually with each other. At some point it occurs that they're all pretty much dating each other but they have bigger things to worry about so it's not that big of a deal.
Descendants 2 goes down, Uma's missing for a whole year. Harry takes over and manages to hold down the fort but the crew is a mess without Uma and he knows it. Even people who don't hang around the crew like Ginny Gothel notice how close knit the crew is and can no longer imagine Harry without them. Harriet notes that getting Harry a VK Day application is pointless because he won't leave without his crew. They also note he's been miserable without Uma.
Descendants 3 goes down, Uma returns! The crew is elated but only for a moment. Uma has to tell them the gut punching news that the barrier is going to stay closed forever and they're all going to die on the Isle. Rather than dwell on that, she focuses them on preparing to protect the Isle as supplies dwindle and chaos breaks out. Obviously this crisis is averted by Mal letting down the barrier and setting them all free.
The crew is in Auradon now! They take about a semester to get caught up on educational requirement differences and their 'we're REASONABLY certain they won't destroy Auradon' stamp of remedial goodness. They make things official and enjoy both running wild and having actual DATING moments. During this time, they find an abandoned villa in Auradon that they claim as theirs (by hiding it from everyone else with magic). Then they're officially free to pursue their own interests and they all....split. Everyone is on their own for about a year. Uma's happy for them chasing their dreams but also devastated to lose them. Well, after that year, Drey calls a meeting in a warehouse to see everybody. Harry reveals he's spent that time fixing up the Lost Revenge to be seaworthy and now they can go wherever they want and do whatever they want. The crew gets back together and sets sail for about a year and a half (totally not doing revolutionary things to stop certain escaped villains from hurting kids or bringing down places like the Isle, nooooo).
Uma is invited to be in charge when Mal, Jay, Evie and Ben go off to do some alliance building. She accepts and her crew accompanies her back. Most of them settle the villa and get their 'living on land' ducks in a row, but about six get Uma's office ready and help her out (yes this is from the Merlin verse but IDC, I like it, do it happens here too. :P)
Once Mal and Ben return, Uma's crew goes back to the water. They return periodically but for the most part, they are now full time pirates. After a while they start considering themselves PRETTY MUCH married. During one of these visits back, Drey gets pregnant with the crew's first kid born during the relationship (Valor being born before hand) at about age 26. This kicks off the start of lots of kids. Does this stop them adventuring, treasure hunting or pirating? Absolutely not.
There's a lot of details to fill in in between these but this is the general gist of how I imagine that relationship going.
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shellyseashell · 2 years
Hello! I saw you said in the tags of one of your posts for someone to ask you about Claudine Frollo (she's one of my favorite characters too) so, well...here I am? ;)
wow i’m so glad someone asked me about claudine, i say, having begged for someone to ask me about her.
so first i have to get something out of the way: jehan is on the isle. i don’t know what he does in the movie, since i’ve only seen the musical, but in the movie he *check notes* is kicked out of the church, has quasimodo, and dies. we miss you king. anyway, i’m fairly sure he was doing stuff auradon looks down on. so, on the isle he goes.
he knows what frollo did to quasimodo — his son, who he entrusted to him. so when he learns about claudine he thinks absolutely fucking not. He already ruined one kid, he won’t ruin another. so he approaches frollo, says that with his second chance at life, he’s realized the error in his ways, and wants to repent. it takes some convincing, but frollo eventually lets him back in.
so claudine grows up with her uncle. her uncle who believes in the exact opposite of the church, is very good at pretending, and teaches her basically everything that isn’t scripture.
jehan isn’t able to guard claudine completely, though. she’s still beaten, and starved, and harassed. but jehan gives her food when she’s sent to her tower without dinner, treats her wounds and gives her what pain meds he can, and tells her when her father is out so she can sneak out if she wants, and he teaches her stuff that counteract everything her father teaches her.
claudine grows up to be very rebellious, but she’s good at hiding it. her father is often gone for days at a time, preaching to the isle and probably murdering people. so she can get away with not memorizing one new bible verse a day, or let her clothes be slightly dirty, and she can eat food even if she made a mistake during the day. as long as her father never finds out.
she still believes she deserves her beatings, though. no matter how many times jehan brings her back from the edge of death, or how many new scars she gains, she believes she deserves them. not because she sinned — she doesn’t really believe in sinning anymore — but because she was caught misbehaving. and it’s getting caught she hates most. next time, she’ll do better.
she is not religious, because there are fairies in the isle, and her captain is a demigod, and a Greek god runs one of the only good restaurants on the island, and the queen of hearts may be having an affair with time himself. what are gods, really, when everyone on the isle is so close to power they can’t quite touch? there are only powerful people, and in her mind, none of them deserve that power.
thanks to jehan, her father’s hold on her is shaky at best. it snaps completely when she is 13.
she is 13 when her father beats her, and jehan was out, so she runs to find him. she leaves bloody footprints behind her, and she’s always had a bit of a limp after. she doesn’t find jehan. instead, she’s found half dead by the hooks, who take her to their mother (zarina, who does not live with hook) to heal her.
when she wakes up, she’s surrounded by pirates, and two of whom’s mother instincts kicked in and decided yeah, this is my child now.
claudine officially joins the lost revenge because she only spoke french at first, and gil volunteered to be a translator until someone got around to teaching her english (it ended up being gil, which goes about as well as you’d expect), but she is a hook. they all will protect her.
she’s resistant, at first, but relents eventually. she still goes home, to see jehan, but she mostly sneaks in now. frollo still catches her, either at home or around the isle, and she will be punished. the pirates have taken to sending someone with her when she leaves the ports.
harry is especially good at noticing when she’s been injured, because harriet hides her injuries the same way, and she has the same bad habit of running back to abusive homes. whenever he sees the slightest hint that she’s hurt, he has to force her to accept help because claudine, lass, you’re limping again, and the more you walk on an injured leg, the more likely it’ll have to be cut off, and you don’t want that, do you? he’s exaggerating, of course, but the idea of being deformed terrifies claudine, so she concedes.
her father made her wear her hair up and cover it, so when she joins the lost revenge, she starts to wear bandanas, and lets uma help her find hairstyles she actually likes (to this day, harry and uma are two of the only people she’ll let touch her).
when frollo is mad at her, she’ll be locked in her room without food. she’s beaten (burned and whipped, i’d say), and forced to beg for forgiveness. sometimes, frollo only issues one of these punishments. sometimes he issues them all.
she wears clothes that cover all her skin. partially because she will be called a whore if she doesn’t, and because of her scars. she doesn’t want her scars to be seen, even though everyone knows what frollo does to her. she does have a jacket that was her mother’s, and she’s nearly always wearing it. frollo has yet to destroy it.
speaking of her mother, claudine does not know who her mother is. she was abandoned as a child, left on frollo’s doorstep. all she knows is her father calls her a witch, and she bears some resemblance to the few romani people on the isle. it wasn’t hard to connect the dots from there.
she has a habit of assessing tone of voice when speaking to people, since it was one of the only ways she could evaluate how her father was feeling.
claudine is friends with freddie, which sounds odd, but hear me out: frollo tries to kill most the isle because they’re witches, right? one day, the person he captures is freddie facilier, who likes conning people and talking with the dead. claudine knows her death would start a war with dr. facilier, and freddie is her age, and claudine has been made to watch these executions before, but the idea of watching someone her own age killed is another thing, so she lets her go. frollo never found out it was her, but he beat her anyway.
they don’t talk again until claudine is adopted by the hooks, and cj decides it’s a good idea to introduce the two of them. claudine is still getting used to magic being normal, since so many members of the lost revenge and harriet’s crew have some sort of magic, even if it’s weakened under the barrier. but freddie remembers her, and her father, so she only steals some of her stuff.
i imagine their friendship being something like freddie asking if she can shrink people’s heads, and claudine saying as long as she’s not associated with it, she can shrink whoever’s head she wants. and if freddie is making a voodoo call of frollo? well, claudine sure didn’t see it.
also, she’s definitely gay, but the thought terrifies claudine so much she just ignores it.
anyway. that’s it. claudine is easily one of my favorite characters, and i’m so mad we don’t see her more. she really is a blank character, so i can do whatever i want with her. most of my headcanons come from the fandom’s consensus on her, and also just ideas i like.
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Why Wait Till Tomorrow
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Media The Maze Runner AU
Character: Newt 
Couple: Newt x Reader
Rating Cute
Concept: A World Run By Wicked
My black boots seemed to echo through the dark cobblestones streets, the sound of it echoing off rock and steel. The sky that loomed over me was the constant grey, having never once seen anything else.
I kept my breaths steady as I walked making sure not to draw attention to myself.
As much as you can try, you can't be invisible. It's whether or not you get noticed.
I felt my watch vibrate slightly on my wrist. I didn't need to look at it, I knew what it meant. A moment later the sharp sound erupted.
From every lamppost and street sign sat metal speakers they whined and crackled slightly as they always did before the song began.
‘All Hail Wicked.
In Her Beauty.
In Her Times of trial
and success.
All Hail to Wicked
and the spark high above us all
bringing us songs and shade from the sun. All Hail to Wicked
blessed are we to be with her.
All Hail to Wicked
Let her reign forever more.’
I hated the damn song.
It played from these speakers twice a day, more on holidays and events.
Everyone knew it.
Everyone sang it.
The original recording of the song was done so many years ago the original singer was long dead, even if her voice was still hauntingly plaid.
The echo of the song filled the air as everyone sang it in perfect time and perfect tune.
But I suppose they had to, from as early as you could speak you'd be taught it and I'd heard stories of people being whisked away to the isle for daring to ignore the song, there was a tale on the print a year or so ago that told of a man who forgot a line one day, his ankles were broken by the enforcers and this was reported in the print as a good thing, enforcement was praised and the man because a social pariah.
I hurried myself heading down the street past the Langford theatre where the man himself stood. I didn't say a word to him and he said none to me.
Simply moving over to stand with me, walking in line with our boots and words hidden by the loud song.
"Ya ready for this?" Vince asks
"As I'll ever be" I told him "news on Minho?"
"Not a word since last Cresent" he says "gave up y/n. He's dead. Or worse."
"I hope he's dead" I told him as we walked soon enough snuck in an alley I spotted the red mop of hair a shock to his black outfit of jeans and a long button down. We didn't say a word to him and he didn't to us but he joined us.
I picked up the pace knowing we didn't have long, they were on the last verse the further we went more people in black we came across and all of them joined our walk so by the time we reached the corner of new Oxford Street we had a crowd of At least fifty people just as the song was on its last few lines.
"We'll hang back. Wait for the cue" Vince spoke up
"Understood" I nodded
"Make some fireworks y/n" Harriet smirked handing me the large metal hammer from his bag
I took it and headed down Oxford Street as the song ended.
As always there was a moment of silence after the song of everyone thinking, it was meant to be a moment for those lost, those forgotten, but most just froze in fear of what would happen if they didn't. People stood around the little wooden framed shops, mostly women in pastel dresses and men in suits and ties. Frozen. Stopped. As if someone had pressed pause on them. Stood like robots waiting for it to be over.
The speakers hissed in the silence, the slight sound of whirring coming from the many cameras who zoomed and searched each person. I made sure I saw one making unbroken eye contact with its lense.
And in the silence I screamed hearing my voice echo through the streets, in this quiet my voice could likely have been heard for miles.
"Shut Down The Spark!"
And I swung the heavy metal hammer as hard as I could and let it go. It made contact with the glass window of a bakery shop immediately shattering the glass, sending the broken shards tumbling to the floor.
For a moment not a soul moved but everyone looked at me.
One scream erupted from a woman in a yellow dress and soon enough every woman was screaming running to the arms of men who pulled them in to protect them.
But I could feel the vibrations through the cobblestones and second's later I was followed by everyone we had gathered on the walk making any left run, as fast as they could to the underground to get away from us.
Everyone breaking windows, smashing lights, pulling cameras down all while chanting as Loud as possible
'Shut down the spark! Shut down the spark!'
I grabbed a sledgehammer off a young girl near the back and joined of course, heading over to the camera I had made the contact with going as close to it as I physically could meer inches from the lense.
I took my trademark panic purple lipstick from my pocket drawing an X or a kiss on the lens with the lipstick, before backing away blowing the camera a kiss and then smacking it with my sledgehammer so hard it shattered into pieces that scattered across the street.
"Bots!" I heard Harriet yell from the end of the street and indeed there was a crowd of enforcers at the end of the street, everyone formed a line a marched giving them no choice but to do the same leaving us at a standoff
'Shut down the spark! Shut down the spark!" We shouted as loud as possible
And one voice rose from the enforcer's line
"Stop this. Turn yourselves in. You do this willingly, you will not be harmed"
"Screw the bots! Screw the bots! Screw the bots!" Everyone cheered
"This is your last chance, come willingly or face the consequences" he warned
Not a soul moved holding our line strong
"Alright. You had your chance" he says and immediately in his word they began to attack and of course we thought back making sure they didn't get anybody for too long but there was just too many of them.
I felt someone grab my wrist and pulled me through the crowd our the back of our line and I saw it was Vince
"What the hell!"
"y/n go."
"No. I have to stay I-"
"y/n! Go. Lead everyone back"
"You lead them back I'll stay"
"We don't have time to argue!" He yelled as many began running away too "we just lost Minho. I'm not losing you to"
"Fine" I to run many who could get away following me, everyone doing our best to avoid detection, going to the little places we all knew, I made it to the tracks on West Street so I held the door making sure everyone got down into the tunnel. Until I spotted an enforcer on our trial "shit"
"Come quickly!" The last girl urged
"You go. I'll lose him"
"What about you?"
"Don't worry about me." I told her quickly shutting and locking the door, I got his attention and bolted as fast as I could leaving him to chase after me "what have I got myself in for" I sighed as I ran making sure to get onto the track streets were it was harder to run hard for me but worse for him, I knew I couldn't run all the way to the border and everyone would have shut the tunnels off by now.
But luckily I saw parked up on the side of the road still on its track a little blue moped unfortunately it has a rider.
"Hey, weird little question. But could you give me a ride?" I smiled as nicely as I could as I approached.
And the rider turned to see me.
They were as thin as a rake, blue and white lace up canvas shoes with hearts drawn on them, right blue skinny jeans with a withered old grey belt, a long sleeve white shirt with a pastel blue button down over it half unbuttoned, his white Moto jacket over him too and his white open face helmet in hand, he had a freshly cut mess of light blonde hair with brown roots to match his brows and eyes, which to mention were fairly wide as the sound of someone speaking to him his helmet gripped tightly in his skinny fingers as he too looked me up and down noticing my every detail
"Uuuuuhh- h- hi" he stuttered moving his leg over to this side of his bike so he could sit facing me "you uuhh you wanted what sorry?" He asks shaking himself from his head
"I was just wondering if you'd mind giving me a ride home, if it isn't too much trouble" I cooed as innocently as I could attempting to sound as sweet as I could
"Oh uhh no, no not at all" he smiled getting up sitting his helmet on the bike offering his left hand where his watch sat for a moment. I held my breath, better test than any I could do at home I guess. I moved my hand over his own letting his watch scan mine and mine scan his immediately his alerted with a little happy bell and I exhaled in relief checking my own "no trouble at all...y/n" he says having to check it for my name
"Thanks, Uhhh" I said as his hadn't actually come up on mine, I need to fix that
"Newt. It's tricky I know" he smiled clearly scrolling through my file but acting like he wasn't before quickly returning his focus "I don't have an extra helmet I'm afraid but I'll drive carefully I promise" he smiled "where are we going exactly? The address hasn't shown up" He asks pointing to his watch
"Ohh I moved recently,”
“Oh, yeah they take forever to update don’t they”
“Yeah, just to circle nine if you can I need to see someone"
"Circle nine? No problem, I was heading that way anyway" he smiled, climbing back on his bike and offering me the front seat with a tap or two.
So I climbed on immediately noticing an enforcer at the end of the road clearly keeping his eye out for anything unusual I did my best to get comfortable on the little moped and also not look suspicious as Newt for his helmet on and put his arms around me to reach the handles staring it up, electric of course so no engine sound and the moped slowly moved down the track not to inline a small child's roller coaster slowly going down the streets following his on-screen instructions for directions
"So what takes you to circle nine then?" He asks
"Ohh visiting my sister" I lied "you?"
"Aww that's nice, said I'd drop my dad his dinner off while he's at work" he shrugs
"That's kind of you"
"Well I'll be moved out soon might as well do them as many favours as I can while I'm still here" he explained
"Found yourself a place then?"
"No, not yet. Got to find a girl first" he chuckled "got my eye on this lovely little place over in circle two"
"Circle two. Expensive up there"
"There not too bad with my discount" he shrugs and soon enough we arrived at the worse place in circle nine we could have arrived at, the enforcers office "I'll drop his stuff off then I'll drop you home y/n" he smiled climbing off the moped "just a moment" he smiled taking my hand giving it a soft kiss before he went to the doors scanning himself in with his watches screen. I was undeniably nervous. Any of these enforcers could know who I was. Honestly I'm surprised Newt didn't recognize me. I thought about just taking the moped and bolting but it was synced to his watch so it was turned off till he got back and syncing it to mine would take too much time not to mention the obvious stupidity of the idea, of stealing a moped parked Infront of the enforcers office
Soon enough Newt returned climbing back on the bike "all done. Now you direct me" he says starting it up again, I have him directions mostly making him go around in circles getting him lost near the end of circle nine he did try chatting with me nothing important just mindless chatter
"Stop here. I need to check the Address I think" I lied as we pulled into a small off street with no cameras in sight
"No problem take your time I don't have to be home for another hour or so" he smiled
"I uhh I don't know what's going on maybe her address isn't coming up right in here" I laid fiddling with my watch
"Maybe." He says "uhh y/n?" He says slipping his helmet off
"Yeah?" I asked waiting for some people to wander past the end of the road turning to sit on the side of the moped but he took my hand softly making me a little confused
"I'm sorry, but I had to be sure… I saw on your profile you're well…" he blushed making me hold my breath "Not taken" he blushed and I sighed in relief trying not to giggle well this is a good distraction
"You looked?"
"I did. I'm sorry I just couldn't believe it to be true when I first saw it. I checked twice. I can't help thinking this was… a chance meeting of fate. And I admit you're very beautiful" he smiled "I uhh I don't have work tomorrow, did you maybe wanna go out maybe take a nice walk In Melrose park?" He suggested
"That sounds very nice. But why wait till tomorrow" I cooed nuzzling close to his neck stroking his shirt, I could feel and hear his heart beating fast, his breaths sharp as he eagerly glanced down at me
"Uuuuuuuuuuughh-" he gasped melting into the tiny touch of my skin against him "y/n…" he sighed happily his eyes rolling back into his head
God you'd think I was doing something serious to him all I'm doing his nuzzling at his neck and kinda poking him
He glanced at my lips clearly egar to kiss them I went along with it allowing him to get get inches before I grabbed his shirt and pushed him as hard as I could onto the cobblestones
"Oww!" He complained in shock,
I synced the moped to my watch and quickly pulled out the speed Inhibitor
"What are you doing y/n?" He asks very confusedly Still laid on the floor confused
"Thanks for the ride Newt" I smirked blowing him a kiss before rushing off as fast as the little moped would go much faster now without the inhibitor the screen going crazy trying to stop me but I ignored it getting out of circle nine and even circle ten even if it didn't like leaving the tracks at the end of circle ten.
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anathenaeum · 2 years
Anthony Tremaine
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Anthony Tremaine, the son of Anastasia Tremaine, is tall and considers himself to be - and is often considered by others to be - handsome. He’s technically a Lord, and wants to be acknowledged as such; it’s only right, given how much life has taken from him, that he be able to ask for that. He’s insightful with people, though he tends to only use it to his advantage. 
He makes sure he always wears tailored clothes, and contrary to popular belief, they’re that way because he sews them himself... in between the chores he does for his grandmother... and his mom... and his aunt. Without Cinderella around to wait on them, they’ve had to come up with a new servant, and since Anthony does his best to keep Dizzy - the one person he really cares about - out of their way, or at least at the hair salon, then he’s the obvious choice.
At 16, Anthony is described as a tall, elegant boy with dark hair swept off his forehead. He has a handsome face that reminded Mal of Ben's. His clothes are worn and ragged as everyone else’s, but somehow, he always looked as if he was wearing custom tailoring. He wears a dark leather coat that is cut perfectly and jeans that are the 'right' dark wash. He has a notorious baritone voice that he can be identified by and usually speaks in a tone that implies he's bored by the conversation.
Anthony appears in the first novel. He is first mentioned when Jay refers to Anthony's kickback (party) the week prior.
Later he appears at Hell Hall, arriving with his sisters and cousins and rolls his eyes at their attempts to be chased by Gaston's sons.
After Mal arrives at the party, he asks her to dance to which causes her to panic. After she refuses, he walks over to ask Harriet Hook to dance instead to positive results.
Anthony is first seen when he confronts Jay about a shoe-stretcher Jafar had sold to Anastasia that hadn't been delivered. After calling Jay a 'turncoat', Jay removes Anthony's wrist-watch and slips it into his coat pocket to annoy him. He confronts Jay once again and believes he has stolen it. When Jay promises he hasn’t, he leaves Jafar's shop muttering darkly to himself.
Anthony is next seen emerging from the shadows of the Rickety Bridge alongside Ginny Gothel and the Gaston twins. He mocks Mal's change and becomes threatening towards her. As the small crowd surround Mal, she is pushed to the crocodiles as Anthony watches.
He and Mad Maddy keep away from the fight that ensues between the villain kids and Evie, Jay and Carlos. Carlos notices this and begins to practice some Judo moves in front of him. He rolls his eyes and runs off.
Further notes on Anthony Tremaine
Glorified maid: Anthony on the Isle of the Lost
Out of place even in suitable clothes: Anthony in Auradon
Road less traveled: any AU threads
Starter Call
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acourtcfmuses · 3 years
@dreamingonthedaily​ asked: ❝  I  love  you.  And  I’d  endure  every  second  of  it  over  again  so  I  could  find  you.  ❞ Rhett to Harriet
“Ye shouldnae.” She shook her head. “Yer’ wrong, ye’ dinane.” he couldn’t, no one loved her. She was a villain, like her father before her. The things she had done during her life on the Isle? No one could call her a hero. She was her father’s daughter, a dark princess with a legacy of violence. She had blood on her hands so that the kids on the isle wouldn’t have to forgo the twisted sense of childhood that they’d got. “I’m no someone tha’ people love. yer’ a hero Rhett. Heroes they get the happy endin’ bu’ people like me? We know the stories, we were raised t’ succeed where our parents failed - villains dinnae get the happily ever after.”
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islecaptain-a · 5 years
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@islcndxmisfits​​ | wanted a starter from Harriet (for Harry)
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“You want to explain the rumours I’ve been hearing Har?” The pirate Captain circled her little brother, hands on her hips as she watched him. No need to tell him it wasn’t a rumour and she’d actually watched the embarrassing chaos from a platform higher up the docks with Uma’s elder sister. “Kidnapping a King? You’re insane right? That’s the only explanation that makes any sense.” because of Auradon had realised he was missing? It would have been a death warrant sent to the isle.
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dvarapala · 4 years
my favorite thing of ud’s descendants verse is, really, the fact that she ended up on the isle accidentally. she’s not from there. (but probably ended up getting picked up by the crew of the lost revenge, offering her services ‘cause she knows as much about hurting people through pressure points and the like as she does about healing through pressure points and such). it’s very obvious that she’s not from there and so she (very quietly, and internally) feels as though the rules technically don’t apply to her. except they totally do, for the duration of her stay in that verse, and, in her head, she knows that. (it’s just her heart that is torn between so many places!) anyway, tl;dr: ud is unabashedly #teamuma and #teamlostrevenge. (maybe #teamharriet if harriet finds her first in a thread!) but she’d like evie too, i think, if she ever met her because she reminds her of varsha. and i feel like the same goes for ben as well (whose personality would remind her of the twins, hemant and shishir, and maybe a bit of antaka, too). jay reminds her of vasant, and carlos reminds her of sharad. and audrey? audrey reminds her of her (kinda sorta) lost love grishma so she’d have a soft spot for her too. as for mal? mal reminds her of kalindi. very much so.
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forgottenstoriies · 5 years
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I’m posting this series of headcanons in lieu of writing a bio because I’m having trouble putting some into words and this is helping out tremendously! .DO NOT REBLOG WITHOUT MY PERMISSION
Harriet Hook is the eldest of child of Captain Jas Hook & a Neverland Mermaid
As one of the eldest children on the Isle, Harriet wasn’t actually born there but was born in Neverland. However, because those in Neverland never age and the mermaids know nothing of responsibility, Harriet was abandoned by her Mother and left for the crew of the Jolly Roger to find. Harriet wound up on the Isle of the Lost that way, the barrier keeping any signs of her mermaid heritage from manifesting. 
The Hook siblings are all half-siblings, which helped build the rivalry between the three of them. 
As the eldest, Harriet had to play the roles of older sister, mother figure and keeper as her Father embarked a downward spiral due to his imprisonment. Hook came to rely on her most and it was the start of the rivalry between the siblings. Hook seemed to favor Harriet, meanwhile she’s always felt he’s used the animosity of the siblings to keep power over them. Harriet loves CJ and Harry but has trouble showing it and feels that their relationship may be forever damaged.
She has her Father’s temper and is the easiest of the Hooks to rile up.
While Harriet cannot say that she loves her Father, there is a mixed loyalty. . . she cannot completely hate the parent who stayed. 
While older than Mal and the core four, Harriet has never actually graduated Dragon Hall. She’s skipped too many days and thus is technically still a student there, however Harriet has long since stopped showing up. 
She captains her own ship called ‘the Defiance’ One of the abandoned ships of her Father’s fleet that Harriet assumed command of and restored herself. In her quarters, she has the only item remaining of her Mother, a fishing net she was wrapped up in as a baby. 
With the barrier down, Harriet hoped to return to Neverland to find her Mother, however she found herself finally gaining some mermaid abilities instead. 
Harriet can hold her breath longer than the average human, she is not a full mermaid so air is required of her eventually but she can last far longer than most.
Water re-energizes her and her wounds will heal faster if she is in salt water.
Harriet can’t go very long in places void of water such as deserts or even without drinking water, she dehydrates incredibly easily. 
he does have OUAT canon verses where her parents are Killian Jones and Emma Swan. In those verses the Hook kids are full siblings not just half and Harriet still feels bitter toward Killian and the royal family for making her grow up so fast.
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youthflight · 5 years
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the island of neverland, though technically not in auradon, is still a territory of it.  adam acquired it in order to have access to the fairy records, but also because the island was beautiful and would be a nice addition to the other kingdoms that he had brought together under his rule.  it was also meant to be a place where auradonians could get away from the mainland for some rest and recreation, but because peter and the lost boys were so hostile towards everyone who visited, the plan to build a resort and cabana there was ultimately scrapped.
neverland doesn’t abide by the “no magic” rule.  the fairies of pixie hollow argued that cutting off the magic provided through the pixie dust tree could potentially upset the balance of the entire island, so they were permitted to maintain their magic on the condition that they allowed it to be siphoned from the core of neverland to help create the isle barrier.  peter does not know about this.
despite magic remaining commonplace, the neverland is not what it once was.  it is a lone source of raw magic in a now mostly magicless world; all of its residents (but especially those who thrive off of the belief of others) feel the effects of the lack of magical energy on the mainland.  it shows through the little things, like the island’s weather not aligning with peter’s emotions / presence, or the pixie dust tree occasionally creating less dust than usual, for example.
since adam never had the opportunity to build anything in neverland, it is not up to date with technology, housing, or the latest fashion.  “lost things” tend to wash up on its beaches though, and they range from tech to clothing.  this causes the lost boys in particular to dress strangely, as their outfits are usually a hodge podge of items local to neverland, like furs, leaves, and twine, and random pieces from various different eras and auradonian kingdoms.  people can also reach neverland by becoming lost.
there is no actual school in neverland, since peter is against the idea of schools unless it’s for pretend, but he forms “club” r.o.a.r. and tourney teams so that he and the lost boys can participate in sports after the events of d1.
peter’s characterization.
peter is aged up slightly in this verse to keep with the “teenager” theme of the series, but he is extremely immature / oblivious and is sometimes out of touch with others’ way of life (technology, slang, fashion), which usually causes a very blatant disconnect when he meets most AKs and VKs.
as mentioned previously, he is extremely hostile to any adult who comes to neverland, and his first instinct is to run them off.  children and teens are permitted there, of course, regardless of whether they’re AKs or VKs, but if he dislikes them for any reason, he treats them just as he would any grown up.
when adam, belle, and fgm rounded up hook and his crew and transported them to the isle, peter actively tried to stop them.  being unable to do so successfully was a massive hit to his ego, and losing hook, especially to someone that was not welcome on his island, caused him to become noticeably heartbroken for quite some time.  while peter is forgetful by nature, and there are days where he doesn’t think about hook at all, he can still almost perfectly recall the memory of the banishment when reminded of it.
peter maintains his relationship with the darlings, and will occasionally travel to auradon just to visit them.
after ben becomes king, peter eventually comes to auradon from time to time, but usually sends lost boys in his place as liaisons until after the events of d3.  while he still doesn’t like the idea of auradon as a whole, he likes the idea of a young king being in charge (though he doesn’t consider that ben will eventually grow up).  his only disagreement with ben’s first decree is that the main focus of bringing the VKs over is to send them to school, which he hates as a rule.
peter is torn when it comes to harriet, harry, and cj, as well as any of the children of hook’s crewmen.  they’re the offpsring of his enemies, as well as pirates, but they’re also young, and so he feels automatically inclined to try and ally himself with them.  generally, he is fond of hook’s children in the same way that he’s fond of hook himself: he enjoys interacting with them and winding them up whenever he can, but could potentially cause them physical harm for his own amusement.   * relationships will vary depending on partners / interactions.  
before & during d1.  this spans from anywhere prior to hook’s banishment up until the events of d1.  peter lives in neverland and spends his days just as he did before the formation of auradon, minus constantly fighting his arch nemesis.  he has no relationship with auradon; neverland’s connection to the mainland is managed exclusively by the fairies.
after d1 through d3.  peter begins to make appearances in auradon city.  while he rarely comes when summoned, he makes an effort to send lost boys in his place and is more lenient towards people coming to neverland.
after d3.   it takes a while for word of the barrier falling to reach neverland, but when it does, peter’s primary goal is to find hook and continue where they left off.
visiting the isle.    /    plot only.    /     during one of his many frustrating attempts to try and break a hole in the isle’s barrier, peter notices a barge docking there, piled high with garbage and leftovers from auradon.  before its next delivery to the isle, about a week or two later, he decides to slip aboard and rides it over to the isle of the lost and beyond the barrier, before escpaing into the derelict city in hopes of finding hook or some other incredible adventure.  instead, he discovers that the island is populated with not only evil villains, but all of their children, too, and that all of the happy thoughts in the world aren’t enough to help him fly under the magic-blocking dome.
reverse isle au.    /    plot only.    /    the villains place the heroes on the isle rather than the other way around.  i’ll flesh this description out with particular details later.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Did Shan Shiro set the Tremaine fire on purpose?
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To those of you who are confused by the ask, this is a continuation to my Tremaine series here. Now to answer the question my dear friend asked...
Yes, he set the fire on purpose BUT he wasn't trying to set the Tremaine house on fire. You see, before the Tremaine fire, he was in Harriet's crew and was friends with Anthony. But he was also a bit of a pyromaniac with zero impulse control who resented the world around him.
He resented his younger siblings for taking his father and mother's attention away from him. He resented the rest of the huns for always needing his father's help. He resented his father for not spending enough time with him and for the fact that he could never seem to be good enough for him. And he resented his mother for favoring his sister. But most of all... he resented Auardon for trapping him and the other kids of the isle there.
So him, being a drunk, impulsive, pyromaniac of a pirate decided to try and set the barrier on fire. And wouldn't you know it, the barrier was fire proof. But the Tremaine house that was very close to it? Not so much. So yes he set the fire on purpose but he wasn't really trying to hurt anybody. But that doesn't erase the fact that he did and that it ruined his life, even on the isle.
He's a tragic character, you see. Because you want to feel bad for him because he was just a dumb, impulsive, 15 year old kid who wasn't trying to hurt anybody. But at the same time, you can't completely feel bad for him because at 15, he should have known better to play with fire. Especially while inebriated. But he didn't and because he didn't, 9 animals and (supposedly) 21 people (most of which were children) died. Because he didn't have common sense, 30 lives were lost and 2 (or 3 if we're talking about my oc descendants verse) were ruined. His bestfriend's life and his bestfriend's littlest cousin's life was ruined because of his actions.
And that never stops haunting him. Because he knows that he can never be punished enough for what he's done. Even though he's lost literally everything; his family, his friends. His home and people. His pets. His job and security. Everything.
He knows he fan never be punished enough because he ruined and took so many lives because he was reckless and impulsive and losing all of that doesn't make up for what he's done. And Shiro never complains because he knows that he deserves it all and much worse.
It probably doesn't help that he tried to hide the fact he did it. And that he didn't tell Anthony until like four months later, which just ruined any chance of salvaging their relationship. As well his relationship with every body else. So yeah, he really didn't make things any easier for himself. Any more questions?
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heartsunholy-a · 5 years
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships! // @we-are-guiltless
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1. Harriet Hook and Colin “Curly” Charming
WHOO BOY!! This could be so much fun? They both have similar backgrounds of being displaced from their families - though, in Harriet’s case, she was still with her biological father and half-siblings - and have to adjust to whole new environments? Especially interesting because Harriet’s got no clue how to act around her mom and Pan but Pan and Curly are super close so he could be a good liaison for her in Neverland.
2.  Betty Cooper and Hatter
THIS COULDN’T BE MORE PERFECT OH MY GOD. I haven’t fleshed it out a ton but I currently have Betty’s desc verse as Alice’s daughter so!! If Hatter wants another kid?? Betty’s so here for that.
3. Diana Tremaine and Tricks
I know we’ve done some pirate/mermaid kids meeting lost boys in the past (I think I cleared those out in a draft drop because I’m The Worst™) but I’m def here for more of that! I love Di getting to awkwardly be big sister to these lil disasters lmao
3.5. Dizzy Tremaine and Daphne Tremaine
Bonus because wow, the generator knows we need more of our girls!!
4. Drizella Tremaine and Agathe
Isle mom friends? Isle mom friends. They both need some, lbr
5. Melody Andersen and Aaron Frollo
I? Don’t think I’ve ever written with Aaron even though he’s one of your oldest muses?? We gotta change that. I’m not sure how a regular verse Melody would work with him but she’d tried so hard to be nice to him, even if he looks scary lmao. But Isle!Verse Melody could be very interesting, given that they were both taken from Auradon - only Melody has no idea of her true parentage. Idk, I just think he’s cool and I wanna write with him more lmao
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Milah - Verses
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To save her beloved, Milah pierced Rumplestiltskin with his dagger, not knowing what would it mean for her. Taken over by the Dark Curse, she turned into a Dark One, runing away from Killian, to not let the darkness destroy him as well.The pirate, after his beloved woman had been taken away from him, swore to not rest until he’d find a way to break the curse.
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Milah is the wife of Captain James Hook, having left her husband for the handsome pirate. She is also the mother of his three children - Harriet, Harry and Calista. She lives with them on the Isle of the Lost, having chosen to be with her family.
Soon after Calista’s birth, Milah fell ill with consumption. Since then, she was falling more and more ill, ending up bedriden by the time of Descendants 2. At this point, her mostly drunk husband hardly ever visits her, and his mother keeps her children away from her, just to make sure they don’t get ill either. So she spends most of her time on her own, in her blood-smelling room, in the pillows she’s coughed blood all over.
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hookd · 3 years
character sheet.  ˎˊ˗
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full name: harry james hook
nicknames / aliases: har, harold, baby to uma only
age: 18-21
zodiac: scorpio
spoken languages: english, bits and pieces of latin and fae picked up or taught from his dad.
physical characteristics.
hair color: brown, not much more to it
eye color: light blue, almost grey
skin tone: pale, freckles over his nose and scattered along the rest of him.
body type: mesomorph trapezoid ( i think ).
voice: somewhat soft, mid-tone, with a scottish accent.
dominant hand: ambidextrous, but right handed.
posture: either hunched over to seem as a threat, or stood straight, imposingly.
scars: a lot of them, ( tw ) self harm scars on his arms, scars from abuse on his back, and quite a few others scattered.
tattoos: plenty! i’ve got a post here but his favorite is the print of uma’s tentacle wrapped around his right arm.
birthmarks: none in particular.
noticeable features: his eyes, his very good jawline. the hook he carries around. he has very strong arms.
place of birth: the isle of the lost.
siblings: harriet ( older sister ) and cj ( younger sister ).
parents: captain james hook, unknown mother.
adult life.
occupation: uma’s first mate and right hand in diplomacy, as well as captain of the fleet of trade ships for the isle.
residence(s): the lost revenge, previously the jolly roger.
close friends: uma, gil, the crew, alice ( biteofwinter ), allie ( loetise ), anya, remus ( both adoredstars ).
relationship status: deeply and wildly in love with uma and gil in every verse, other relationships are verse-dependent.
financial status: poor on the isle, although somewhat more well off than others thanks to the money people in uma’s territory paid for protection, and better off in auradon, although he still doesn’t accept much.
driver’s license: no, but he’d ride a motorcycle.
criminal record: god, yes.
vices: lust, wrath, violence. prone to jealousy.
sex and romance.
sexual orientation: pansexual.
libido: high.
turn-ons: praise. knives, blood, and general violence. uma, uma’s tentacles. having his hair pulled. being dominated (if he trusts the person).
turn-offs: degradation, rich and stuck up attitudes.
love language: quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation.
relationship tendencies: while he does have standards and is not down for everything with everyone, harry’s typically down for any sort of physical relationship, but he’s not very willing to open up or trust, and true romantic feelings are rare for him. as far as he’s concerned, especially once they come to auradon and he doesn’t need to use sex for as much of a coping mechanism or tool, unless we have something else worked out, gil and uma are the only people he truly needs, romantic or sexual.
character’s theme song: uuh oh, take me to church by hozier, definitely.
hobbies to pass time: um. sex and work. not sex work, although he’s considered that. he’s taken up exploring and reading, recently.
illnesses: he certainly had some issues on the isle, but he could have been worse. since coming to auradon, his health has improved, although he still deals with a handful of mental illnesses and personality disorders, but he’s working on bettering himself.
left or right-brained: i took a quiz and harry got 50/50. so.
phobias: abandonment, failing or hurting those he loves.
self-confidence level: varies! he is very confident in what he does and who he is, his identity, but sometimes his personal confidence in himself wanes.
tagged by: @biteofwinter​ ( thank you!! ) tagging: YOU!
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baby-prince-oppa · 7 years
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[NOTE: Like a dumbass I was, I accidentally deleted the original post of the Descendants Family Tree while I was updating it, so I’m posting this again. Please show as much love with this one as you did with the first by reblogging! Thanks!]
♔ ♕ - Disney’s Descendants - Family Tree  ♕ ♔ 
Note: I may update the chart once there are new characters that will be introduced in any upcoming books, movies, spin-offs, etc.
I made this chart so I can group the characters in their respective movies and whom they descended from. Most of the information I got was from Disney wiki. There are possible cases where some characters only adopt their children and raise them as single parents (hence the ??? at the opposite side of their name). If you know any other information that I have overlooked, please let me know.
There are some things I want to point out (and thoughts I had while making these charts) so here’s an explanation under the cut.
Beauty and the Beast
The fact that there are Descendants characters who are named exactly/closely similar like their parents really irritates me to no end. Like how lazy can Disney be anyway? But let’s be real though; Gaston would definitely name his sons after him because he’s that much of a narcissist. However in Descendants 2 and Rise of the Isle of the Lost, Gaston has a third son named Gil. This raises two questions: Does Gaston have any more kids other than these three? Do they share the same mother or not?
The Beast doesn’t have an official name according to his character wiki (although I was really tempted to type “Adam” since that name stuck with me out of nowhere throughout my entire childhood).
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Sleeping Beauty
I’m really curious as to who is Mal’s father (like seriously. As said from someone else in some other post, “WHO WAS BRAVE ENOUGH TO BANG MALEFICENT?!” which to be honest, sounds like a game show title. LOL). According to the novel, The Isle of the Lost, we definitely know for sure that he is human. When is he gonna make an appearance? Along with the other missing parents of the Rotten Four?
Snow White and the 7 Dwarves
We can see here that Evie and Snow White are stepsisters and Prince Florian is her brother-in-law.
I’m wondering if Snow White and Florian have any children yet at this time. If so, this would’ve make Evie an aunt. :D
Doug has 3 other cousins, Bashful Jr., Sleepy Jr. (both in School of Secrets), and Gordon (Return to the Isle of the Lost, chapter 43). 
Two things are mentioned in The Isle of the Lost: Aladdin and Jasmine had a son named Aziz and Jay mentioned he has a cousin named Jade. Since Jafar has a twin sister named Nasira (who appeared in the video game Aladdin: Nasira’s Revenge) it would make perfect sense for him to have a niece.
Another thing mentioned in Rise of the Isle of the Lost, is that Aziz is the eldest son, implying that Aladdin and Jasmine may have more than one child.
In Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams, Jasmine has a cousin named Sharma who was a schoolteacher, but it wasn’t clear as to whether she’s her maternal or paternal cousin.
Genie is in a loving relationship with a female djinn named Eden on the show Aladdin: The Animated Series. With that much devotion to each other, I’d be pretty surprised if they don’t end up having a child together in the Descendants verse (unless Disney happens to overlook that fact as well. Just like everything else. -__-).
There’s also another unknown fact (not sure how many people know about this) that Aladdin has a canon father, Cassim, who appears in the movie Aladdin and the King of Thieves.
In the live-action Aladdin (2019) movie, Genie had 2 children with Jasmine’s former handmaiden, Dalia; a daughter named Lindy and a son named Barro. It seems that Genie’s other daughter, Jordan, doesn’t exist in this particular universe.
101 Dalmatians
“Who was brave enough to bang that crazy bitch, Cruella de Vil?” would’ve been added to the list of questions that will probably go unanswered. Although someone did pointed out that in the original novel of The Hundred and One Dalmatians, Cruella was married to a furrier but that detail was omitted in the Disney verse. (Discussion about that can be found here: 1 2 3 .)
There is official info on Cruella’s relatives, so her having a nephew named Diego seems plausible. I tried to fit them in with what space I had. Looking at it however, I’m pretty sure either Cecil B. de Vil is Diego’s father or Cruella has some other unknown sibling who is the parent of Diego.  
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The Dalmatian puppies listed on the chart are the ones that Perdita and Pongo have naturally. The other 86 puppies are adopted (like hell I have the energy to name every single one of them LOL).
It has been confirmed that Carlos’s middle name is “Oscar”. Carlos Oscar de Vil.
Anastasia have just entered in a relationship with the local baker in the sequel Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True (he even made a small cameo at the end credits in Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time). I had a discussion with a few other friends that the baker might have went with Anastasia to the Isle willingly and if that’s not the case, then Anastasia might have had children with someone else (which made me sad to think about, since she and the baker seemed to genuinely love each other). I’m willing to bet that Anthony Tremaine (who appeared in The Isle of the Lost) is Anastasia’s son, if we are to follow the “first name alliteration rule” that applies to almost every Descendants character. He also seems to be Lady Tremaine’s only grandson.
In Descendants 2, Drizella has a daughter named Dizzy (another stupid name). Might appear to be her only child if we were to disregard the Isle of the Lost novel.
The novel doesn’t specify how many granddaughters Lady Tremaine has.
As we can see here, Chad Charming is cousins with Anthony and Dizzy.
There are questions whether Jane is either a full blooded fairy or a half blood. This post addresses that.
The only thing I have to say about this is; I wonder if Shan Yu has a kid in this universe too? (Even though I don’t really agree that every single Disney character should bear a child.)
The Princess and The Frog
Tiana’s and Naveen’s child(ren) has got to exist somewhere.
I have this headcanon that Freddie was actually reborn from another life by the help of Dr. Facilier (or somewhere along the lines of being resurrected from the dead), but due to some complications from knowing the facts (i.e. magic can’t be used on the Isle and voodoo probably doesn’t work that way) that headcanon is pretty short lived.
Dr. Facilier happens to have another daughter named Celia who appears on Descendants 3.
So I’m really confused as to who Rapunzel’s and Eugene’s daughter is. From the web series, “School of Secrets”, there’s a girl named Anxelin who was said to be Rapunzel’s daughter, yet in “Wicked World”, a girl named Ruby was also confirmed to be Rapunzel’s daughter. It’s still unknown whether or not they are sisters or if it’s the same character renamed.
Ginny Gothel is a character who appeared in The Isle of the Lost.
The Little Mermaid
Ariel is the first Disney princess to have a child in canon (The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea), so shouldn’t that count for something? But knowing Disney, they would probably throw in a redhead girl whose first name starts with “A” just to fit in with the criteria.  -___-  Either that or Melody would only be mentioned as the “older sister” of this girl.
In “School of Secrets”, Ariel has a niece, but it’s not clear as to which of her sisters is the mother of this girl.
In Descendants 2 and Rise Of The Isle Of The Lost, Ursula’s daughter, Uma, was introduced. 
Ursula has a sister named Morgana (The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea). Morgana is often very jealous of Ursula because their mother always considered her to be her favorite daughter.
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Thanks to @auradone who pointed it out, there’s a musical that portrays Ursula and Triton as siblings. This means that Ursula (and Morgana) is Ariel’s aunt and Melody’s great aunt. Although to me it’s kind of confusing since they’re both a completely different species. (Honestly I’m not exactly on board with this story line since Ursula and Morgana’s mom was shown above. Definitely doesn’t seem like she’d be related to Triton.)
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Peter Pan
Before, I thought Harriet and CJ were the same person but the confusion was cleared in Rise of the Isle of the Lost that Harriet, Harry, and CJ are apparently siblings (oldest to youngest in that order). Still unsure as to whether or not they all came from the same mother.
I strongly disagree that Peter Pan would have any kids himself. He’s a child and will always be a child, so I highly doubt that he would take on the responsibility of being a parent. EVER. If Disney ever try to shove that bullshit under our nose, I will completely lose ALL faith that they’re going to put any effort into accuracy.
Mr. Smee had a son named Sammy in the 1st novel Isle of the Lost, but has 2 other sons in Descendants 3, Squeaky and Squirmy.
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The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Thanks to @72crowe89 for reminding me that Phoebus and Esmeralda had a son together.
Quasimodo and Madellaine had a happy ending in The Hunchback of Notre Dame ll, so I’m pretty sure they have to get married at some point.
I guess since Frollo was so used to have Quasi as a personal slave (and so abusive towards him), he had to assign that same fate to his daughter (hence her job as the bell ringer at Dragon Hall, the school on the Isle). How sad…
Again, who’s in charge of naming the kids of Disney characters when their “originality” is as dull as a brick?
Clayton has a sister named Lady Waltham who appeared in a spin-off TV show, The Legend of Tarzan. 
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Alice’s sister doesn’t have an official name (it wasn’t even mentioned in the credits), but in a few sources, her name is Mathilda. I just went along with it, because it would look weird if I only put in a nameless sibling.
Pin? JUST PIN?!! THAT HAS GOT TO BE THE LAZIEST NAME EVER. They couldn’t even give him a legit Italian name that starts with a “P”? Are you serious right now?! I pray to God above, that better be just a nickname. This was mentioned in the second novel Return to the Isle of the Lost.
Yzma apparently has her own little family; her mother, Azma, and her two nephews, Zim and Zam, who all appeared in the TV show spin-off The Emperor’s New School. Yzma’s daughter, Yzla, appeared in the books Isle of the Lost and Return To The Isle Of The Lost, while her son, Zevon, appeared in Wicked World.
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acourtcfmuses · 3 years
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@paintedragcn​ | wanted harriet
“Dinnae look at me like tha’.” Harriet told Mal as boarded the ship, a bandage down on of her arms from where she had just been patched up from fighting with her father.  “It’s no as bad as it looks.” It stung, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been getting in the way of the hook. “It’s clean, tha’s the main thing.”
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