shellyseashell · 11 months
Hi! Do you have any headcanons about Dizzy and Anthony Tremaine's relationship with each other?
more about the whole tremaine family rather than just dizzy and anthony but
- the adults are always arguing, so the kids are never home. drizella married hans, and they’re always arguing. drizella and lady Tremaine are usually arguing, and anastasia hasn’t gotten involved in family anything since the baker (her husband) died.
- when they were younger and these arguments happened, anthony and anne (drizella’s oldest kid) would play games with the others. they still do this with dizzy.
- oh yeah, so far this is my lay out of tremaine kids:
anastasia’s kids: anthony (19), rosalie (17), suzanne (15)
drizella’s kids: anne (18), marcelle (17), dizzy (14)
will probably make more eventually but this works for now
- drizella is the one who’s more physically abusive, but everyone except anastasia are emotionally abusive
- the kids are scattered among gangs (anthony is a pirate, dizzy is in mal’s gang, a few probably don’t belong to any one gang) but they’ll help each other, even if it means breaking gang alliances
- everyone is legally required to protect dizzy. and suzanne, since she’s only a year older than dizzy, but even she protects her younger cousin.
- dizzy initiates family dances. anthony cannot dance but will kill anyone who points it out. marcelle is the best dancer anyone ever seen.
- they do each others hair
- if they’re not found in the salon, they’re probably in the bakery, which they turned into a hide out after the baker died. rosalie practically lives at the salon, and anne at the bakery.
- hans made sure his kids got decent educations, and also taught them manipulation tactics. anthony and anne are the most manipulative in the family, but their cousins and siblings see through it.
- they used to be forced to go to church, but they stopped when they all left home
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babycharmander · 1 year
One part I found hilarious in Coco was when Imelda hits Ernesto with her shoe and says "That's for murdering the love of my life!" and he goes "Who the?"
He did find her vaguely familiar at first, but he didn't actually realize who she was until Hector jumped out.
I suppose it does make sense that he didn't recognize her at first. They probably haven't seen each other since he and Hector left Santa Cecilia over ninety years ago. And even if he did return to Santa Cecilia at some point, well, he would've made every attempt to avoid her. Besides, it's still been over seventy years since his death, people look different as skeletons, and they would have had no reason to see each other once they were both dead.
But then she says "That's for murdering the love of my life!" and he still has no idea who she is.
Like. Ernesto. How many people have you murdered that your first reaction to being told "That's for murdering the love of my life! is not something like "$#%* oh no how did Imelda find out quick think of a convincing lie" instead of "Who the?"
Ahahah yeah that's for sure one of the best scenes in the movie.
I think what might've happened was that cuz she just immediately struck him in the head with a shoe, his head was literally spinning so he might not've immediately registered what she said.
Also I definitely think Ernesto avoided going back to Santa Cecilia basically until his death, when his body was buried. It would've been too great a risk.
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Do you have any headcanons about Phoebus in the Descendants universe?
// My first thought is he probably disagreed with the decision to imprison all the villains on the Isle, except the dangerous ones. Once he found out they had children, and that the children were also stuck there, he sought an audience with the king in an effort to persuade him to release the kids. Probably definitely said something to the effect of, “punishing children for their parents crimes’ is something a villain does. Not a hero.” Everybody is horrified that Frollo has a kid, but Phoebus (and Esmeralda and Quasi) are even more so, because they know Frollo more deeply, Phoebus from working with him and being taken into his confidence. Frankly, he would doubt that Frollo is her biological dad, given everything he knows about the man. He loves Zephyr, but probably has trouble not accidentally going into soldier/captain of the guard mode. He isn’t abusive at all, and it’s not like he expects Zephyr to never misbehave, but Phoebus is perfectly happy to follow orders that are good and that make sense, so when Zephyr goes through his teenage rebellious phase, they probably clash a lot. In earlier stages where Phoebus asked him to do something perfectly reasonable and Zephyr refused for refusal’s sake, he probably left the room to calm down/think of a better way of approaching the situation,, precisely because he doesn’t want to risk damaging their relationship by going into, “I’m your father, and you’ll do as I say just because,” mode. In Phoebus’ mind, though, he’s making perfectly reasonable requests, and Zephyr is being ridiculous.
On the other hand. Claudine’s total, unquestioned compliance gives him the creeps, partly because he knows she does it out of fear and not realizing she can say no, and partly because, being a soldier, he knows how easy she’d be to take advantage of*, even in harmless ways—like when he asked her to tidy up the kitchen and came back to find her deep cleaning it, because she didn’t know the difference, and he didn’t realize she wouldn’t ask for clarification. (Because Frollo just assumed she was pretending to misunderstand on purpose to get out of her chores, and that never ended well.)
it’s Phoebus who actually sits her down and explains that most people don’t expect military like, robotic obedience from those around them, 24/7/365–and if she meets someone who does, she should run. Most people expect some degree of pushback, from their children or their colleagues or their friends, and while they might find it frustrating, they understand why it’s happening, and while they might wish it happened less often, they don’t actually want mindless robots, even if sometimes—especially with toddlers and teenagers, he tells her— they think they do.
He explains about how to weigh up any requests she’s given and decide if she really wants to do them or not, and assures her that she’s allowed to say no, and allowed to say she doesn’t want to, even if she might end up actually having to do the thing, and that no one will react to her doing those things the way her father did. They might get a bit impatient or shouty, if they’re stressed, and don’t see the request as a big deal, but they won’t hurt her.
Phoebus is actually the first person Claudine says ‘no’ to, after she’s been with them a while. They’re weeding the garden, and he asked her to throw some of the flowering weeds into the rubbish pile, and she looked right at him and said no. They were both pretty shocked—and, luckily, Phoebus had gotten good at helping her calm down when she started panicking, thanks to all his dealings with soldiers who had PTSD—and eventually she managed to tell him that she collected “weeds,” especially the flowering ones like dandelions, and kept them dried and pressed in an old book. He of course agrees, and starts just giving them to her after that.
I really like your fanfic where he’s the one to discover she self harms, so I’m adopting that—except I guess in my headcanon, he’s the second person, since Quasi knows first, but Quasi doesn’t know what to do about it, whereas Phoebus—once he’s gotten over the shock, and assures her he isn’t angry at her, but her father—manages to explain why Frollo’s wrong about her self harm being proper penance.
That’s all I have for now!
*medieval soldiers wrecked havoc on the peasantry, even in their own countries, by living off the land and requisitioning food from the peasants. They also had reputations for violence against conquered civilians, particularly sexual assault.
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loracarol · 1 year
Hi! What are your headcanons about Julio Rivera?
It's been a while since I watched Coco, so I'm afraid that these may not be comprehensive (?) as my previous ones, but:
He 100% tells people that he fell in love with Coco at first sight. This isn't precisely true as they grew up in the same town, and he saw her around, but he fell in love with her as soon as he really looked at her and went, "oh shit (in Spanish)."
Prior to courting Coco, he asked around for people to teach him how to work with leather. He had no clue how to make shoes but he wanted to go in with at least a little bit of knowledge.
He used to ride horses in his youth. Admittedly, it wasn't very necessary for him to know how given modernization, but he did know how. (Alebrijes are a different beast, literally and figuratively, especially when the alebrije in question is Mamá Imelda's.) By the time of the movie, he hadn't done it in years.
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anamericangirl · 6 months
“My children are 6 and 9. They have no idea who Christopher Columbus is, but they know how to mix paint to match their skin color. They've never heard the inspirational words of Martin Luther King Jr. in school, but they know he was, in their words, "shot by a white guy."
My younger child was told to look at the color of his skin and determine if that means he is black or white (as Jews, we don't identify as either).
He was taught that Black Lives Matter activism is similar to our nation's historic and commendable Civil Rights Movement.
What wasn't he taught every day? Math."
- Lisa Liss explaining why she and her husband have taken their two children out of New York City's public schools, the New York Post, August 23, 2023
Via @dragoneyes618
Disappointing but not surprising. Public schools are nothing but activism and propaganda machines. They don’t teach children how to think, they teach them what to think.
Everyone needs to take their children out of public schools.
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library-child · 8 months
@thefinaljediknight, thanks for the tag!
Last reads: I've just finished 'Dune' by Frank Herbert and I really enjoyed it. There's such a pervasive sense of doom throughout the entire book.
Current reads: Nearly done with 'Als ich ein kleiner Junge war' (meaning 'When I was a little boy', there seems to be no English version) by Erich Kästner. A super heart-felt and witty memoir.
Next reads: Spooky season is upon us, so I'll pick up the one creepy book from my TBR, which is 'The White Dominican' by Gustav Meyrink. And I need to check out some horror fanfiction.
Tagging: @al-val-meadow, @volunteerfelinedetectives, @snowdropnature, @dragoneyes618, @cleverqueencommander, @jacobsnicket, @acacia-may, @virginian-wolfsnake, @wimplee, @insane-author, and anyone I forgot and/or feels free to join. 😊
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thepeopleinpower · 4 months
Zionist and pro-Israel blogs to block! Feel free and encouraged to add any more that you know of and I’ll add them to the original post, especially blogs that reblog and add their shitty ignorant misinformed Zionist rhetoric to pro-Palestine or anti-genocide posts.
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hannahhook7744 · 29 days
Stormbringer Crew Gachas Part 1;
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Zee Snoops, daughter of Madame Medusa and Mr. Snoops.
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D.E Anonymous, daughter of unknown (oc of @dragoneyes618 ).
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Tiger Khan, daughter of Shere Khan (oc of @panthera-tigris-venenata ).
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Kailani ‘Clever’ Athanasiou (featured with her twin brother, John Facilier), daughter of Dr. Facilier and Ursula (oc of @cleverqueencommander ).
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Amira Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamed of Agrabah, daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin (oc of @descendants-extended ).
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Joy Foxworth, daughter of Nibs Darling and Jenny Foxworth (oc of @casinotrio1965 ).
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Kyle White, son of Snow White and Prince Florian (oc of @olithetalker ).
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Tommy Wonderful, daughter of Misty Wonderful (oc of @idontliketomatoesleavemealone ).
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Treycor Fae-Aoratos, son of Maleficent and Hades (featuring his girlfriend, Shan Bri, daughter of Shan Yu), (oc of @crimsonstar2096 ).
Note: Treycor is REALLY tall.
Bri is just a little below address.
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Real Names in “Descendants“
Here’s a rant + solution about the characters’ names in Descendants.
Who in his right mind could accept Lonnie’s name is just that? Mal makes sense for the explanation we were given, but Evie? Even assuming Ally is short for something, isn’t that’s a weird name? The books have stuff like Herkie, Lil’ Shang, Pin, Tiger Peony, Ginny Gothel and I don’t know how many more and while I get it’s about making them recognizeable as the children of certain characters, I do get it, I still think they’re bad.
So I decided to compile a list of presumable actual names of the Descendants kids, VK and AK alike that anyone could feel free to use in fics.
Two little notes before anything else:
the -son/-dottir patronimics I see sometimes in fics are North European and should be used only in the right context, avoided otherwise. In Ancient Greek the correct suffix is -ides (gender neutral), so Mal wouldn’t be Hadesdottir but Hadeides; similarly, Uma would be Ursulaides, and Ursula Poseidonides and so forth. Despite that, I assume Auradon would want to conform to the habit of fixed family names that is normal in modern Europe, so they’d make everyone adopt one, like Chad Charming, or use the place of origin, like Jordan of Agrabah.
The explanation I have in-universe for some names is that there's an obsession in Auradon with precising who their famous parents/relatives/family friends could be and many kids end up with nicknames tied to that. Either this or because names have power when it comes to magic, so real names are kept secret and known only by the most trusted people, but that wouldn’t get along with how magic works in the movies, nor with the fact Ben and Mal shared their middle names like it was no big deal (but then again, Ben could have a secret third name and Mal didn’t specify her first name is short for Maleficent). The first explanation is easier.
I’ve been working on this list for quite some time. As such, if you use this as reference it’s fine, but I’d like to be told at least, even in a note to this post and given credit if you pick one of my ideas that aren’t mainstream in the fandom.
Also, I may add to/modify this post later on, but without taking into account anything made after Descendants 3.
That said, VKs first:
Mal: we’ve been said Mal is just short for Maleficent and the daughter isn’t allowed to use the full name because she “didn’t deserve it”. Abusive and terrible, yet it fits. But I don’t think Hades would agree and in myths there is a Melinoe who is an Hades’ daughter, so Mal’s full real name could be Maleficent Bertha Melinoe Hadeides or just Melinoe Bertha Hadeides.
Jay: I saw Jayden around and, nope, it doesn’t work for me. Either Jayanth or Jayad (both mean “victorious one”) sound a lot better and more fitting for the general area Aladdin is set in. But, really, this page has tons of names starting with Jay, pick one from there. (also, for a proper surname you should check Arabic onomastic, which is complicated, so just use “of the Isle” or “of Agrabah”, unless you know the subject well. I don’t think Auradonians would bother to learn anyway)
Evie: oh, dear, my poor girl, what an atrocity. It could be short for anything like Evelyn, Evangeline (but the Evil Queen would never choose such a meek name, plus it’s tied to Tiana’s story), Evanna, Evalina, Evisse, all can work, but the one I prefer is Everhilde or Everild, which would call back to the Evil Queen’s real name, Grimhilde. On this note, I suppose Genevieve could work too with the “parent-children with same intials” trend.
Carlos: I already said I find weird he has a Spanish name when Cruella is British, and unless there are some Spanish roots somewhere in the de Vil lineage, his name should have been Charles. But recently I headcanoned his father could be Bruno Madrigal, so the Spanish name could stay (in the books it’s stated his middle name is Oscar, which @dragoneyes618 reminded me was also Bruno’s first-draft name), so, Carlos Oscar de Vil-Madrigal.
Uma: it’s a Hebrew or Hindi name and a weird fit for the granddaughter of Poseidon (yes, I am one of those who agrees Ursula is one of Poseidon’s children and thinks a name meaning “little she-bear” is a tad weird for a sea being). But, after all, Ariel is a Hebrew name too, so Uma fits the Little Mermaid lore and all is well.
The three Hook siblings (Harriet, Harry and Calista Jane) have the most normal and reasonable names of the whole franchise and I won’t dare to change them. Perhaps I’d argue Harriet and Harry are fem/male variants of the same name, but, really, there is worse in the franchise (and I guess, when she made up Harriet, Melissa de la Cruz had no idea they’d later create Harry for the next movies).
Gil: his real name could be Gillaume (variant of Guillaume) or Gilbert. Personally, I prefer the latter (like Gilbert Motier de La Fayette, you know, lol). His brothers’ names, unfortunately, fit with Gaston’s narcissism, so they can stay. The canon surname is LeGume, although I’m not sure where it comes from exactly as it’s never mentioned in either movie or live action as far as I remember.
Freddie: I think Frederique Facilier sounds great and she probably hates it. I read that in a fic but I don’t remember whose, maybe @ginnyrules27 or @hannahhook7744 or @dragoneyes618, feel free to correct me if it’s none of theirs.
Celia: it’s a name in its own good, used in both French and Spanish (fitting for New Orleans’ culture), but if we want, we can consider it short for Cecilia.
Ginny Gothel: assuming Gothel (like Yzma) was able to procreate and Ginny isn’t actually Cassandra’s daughter (I haven’t seen the series though so I don’t know much about her), Ginny is still an abbreviation, usually of Ginevra/Guinevere. I can’t fathom why Gothel’s name became a surname though, I’m at loss here, unless we are supposed to read it as Ginevra Gotheldottir (Rapunzel is a germanic tale, so this kind of patronimic fits), shortened Ginny Gothel.
Dizzy: I wrecked my brain on this. Drusilla or Desdemona. That’s it, that’s the top I could come up with. Drusilla Tremaine-Westergard, in my universe, to be precise.
The only other Tremaine cousin we have a canon name for is Anthony and I think it’s a perfectly fine name. Antoine if we set the story in pseudo-France.
Hadie: Hades had few children in the myths and Zagreus was the one I liked the most, that’s my reasoning. In myths, Zagreus is Persephone’s son but here it could be anyone’s, he’d still keep the Greek patronimic, so Zagreus Hadeides.
Squeaky and Squirmy Smee: those are 100% nicknames, it can’t be otherwise. In fact, in piracy, it’s pretty normal to have nicknames and aliases that are known more than regular names, like Calico Jack, Blackbeard, Big Murph and so on. The twins likely have normal names like Sullivan and Sean or something like that. In fact, their big brother is Sammy, short for Samuel, I assume, so it pretty much supports it.
Mad Maddy: while “mad“ is a mockery/title, Maddy should be short for Magda or Magdalene, but it’s used on its own too, so it’s your pick.
LeFou Deux: stupid name, like so stupid it can’t be real. Let’s pick a normal french name, like Denis LeFou, with the mockery he acts like father, they call him Le Fou Deux aka “twice as stupid”. Kids can be cruel.
Claudine Frollo: unfortunately, it’s an actual French name, but a religious zealot would maybe give her a double name, like Marie-Claudine.
Zevon and Yzla: I don’t know what to say here, I really don’t. Yzla sounds bad, that’s all I can say (but I admit Zevon has a nice ring). I accept suggestions.
Lil’ Shang: first thing first, in China (and other Eastern countries) surnames come before names. So Li=surname Shang=name. Cleared that up, this name makes sense only as a nickname (which I hate). If we want it to start with S and an assonance with his father’s, we could pick Sheng (victory) or Shuang (clear and bright).
Lonnie: Lanying, which, mispronunciated, became Lonnie, it would make sense if said by kids first. (Fun fact: irl Lin Lanying was the name of a scientist, there’s also a Guo Lanying who is a soprano, both great women).
Herkie: oh, don’t make me start with this. This is one of the atrocious names that are clearly rip-offs of the parent’s names and I hate that. Hercules had lots and lots of children in the myths, from Megara in particular he had four: Therimachus, Creontiades, Ophitus and Deicoon. Pick whatever you prefer, I am partial to Therimachus, too difficult for Auradonians to enunciate, they started to call him Herkie as a nickname that stuck.
Tiger Peony: I’m certain I’m not the first who thinks a name like this is, like, the epitome of disrespectful. For the same reason, I admit I know nothing of the subject and ask if someone could tell what an appropriate name for her could be.
Ally: Allison Liddel (original Alice’s surname) or Kingsley (live action surname). Or another surname if she took her father’s (I am partial to the Tim Burton movies and ship Alice and the Hatter, so Allison Hightopp, but that’s just me).
Jordan: Joodah (or Joudah) meaning “generous“ or “of high qualities“ (as far as I could find, please feel free to correct me).
Artie: don’t ask me where I took it from, but in my head his full name is Arnault Pendragon (and he isn’t Guinevere’s son as Disney’s Arthur married another woman under the advice of Merlin, but this is all my headcanon).
Pin: Pinocchio’s son. Now, in Italy it is traditional to name children after parents or grandparents (I have one uncle and 5 cousins all named after my maternal grandfather and other 4 cousins after my grandmother, to say nothing of the ones who have them as middle names), so it wouldn’t be weird BUT! we don’t have names without final vowels, especially first names, in Italian, so he’d be called Pino. Which is also short for Giuseppe (Giuseppino) and I much prefer that (if they wanted to use Geppetto’s name it would have made sense too, and that he would have been nicknamed Geppettino > Tino).
Now, for the dwarves’ sons I picked German names with the same initials:
“Doc II” Dominic;
“Hap” Harold;
“Cheerful” Klemens;
“Gesundheit”/“Gus” Gustav;
“Bash” Bastian;
“Shy” Silas;
“Crabby” Conrad;
“Sleepy jr” Simon;
“Snoozy” Samuel.
Doug and Gordon are normal names and can stay.
Ruby and Anxelin Fitzherbert: I’m not even sure from where we got those names from for Rapunzel’s daughters, I seem to recall Ruby mentioned in Wicked World, maybe? Anyway, I don’t like either name. Anxelin is the name of a wine, that’s a very strange choice, and Ruby, uh, is too generic, I guess? There are so many german names to pick from, if we want to follow the pattern of same initial as the parents! Renate, Rayna, Reinheld, Richel, Roslin, Rowena... then Engelbertha, Eda, Erika, Evonne, Edith,... Just research a bit. If we really want to keep the original ones, Anxelin could be a deformation of something like Annegret or Analise, and Ruby could stand for Ruperta or Ruomhildi, although I prefer to call them Annika (same initials as Queen Arianna, Rapunzel’s real mother) and Roslin.
Opal: daughter of Mama Odie (what is it with those super-old women having teenage kids?!) can be Opal of the Bayou, I suppose. It has a nice ring, actually, although I don’t know what tie opal stones may have with voodoo.
Bobby Hood: usually, Bobby is short for Robert, which fits the area and the pattern. Robin is, at times, short for Robert, but I don’t think it’s the case here. The surname Locksley was discarded by Robin, provided it existed in the Disneyverse, but it’s worth remembering it.
This post will possibly be corrected expanded in the future and I appreciate further discussion, as long as all parties are respectful and thoughtful.
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That one AU where Harriet Hook and Anthony Tremaine go to Auradon.
@dragoneyes618 @auradon-bore-a-don @idontliketomatoesleavemealone @eahravinqueen
The start of this AU?
Well, no weird soulmate dreams, for starters. Ben decides to start the Isle kids program with no dubious magic whatsoever, because he is a sweetheart like that.
So instead of taking a purple-haired girl and whover she runs with (Isle novella), or simply taking randomly-chosen children of major villains that approximately match him in age (D1) and going for a shock therapy I guess, he reaches out to Dr Facilier, the headmaster of Isle's biggest school.
(Not to Yen Sid, because I have no idea who the fact is that and he sounds suspicious anyway.)
So Ben, the soon-to-be boy-king, sends a message about his first official proclamation to the Dragon Hall.
Now, Doctor Facilier's objective is „get my kids out of there as soon as and not fuck it up for the other ones,“ which, you know, sensible enough. Good for him.
He asks Harriet and Anthony to his office, to discuss the matter, as they are more of an unpaid help than students anyway. He shows them the envelope.
„So, the Beast is dead?“ asks Harriet, which, again, sensible reaction, because why the fuck would you name a sixteen years old a king anyway.
„Unfortunately, no.“ (Which is why we can't afford to fuck this up.)
„...Shame,“ both of them sight at the same time. Dr F can't say he disapproves of that sentiment.
They look over the text for some time.
„Who is comming over?“ Anthony asks, as if he didn't care in the slightest. Honestly, Facilier is kind of surprised they hadn't made a grab for the invite yet, to get it for them and their families.
„My daughters,“ he says.
„It says four people,“ Harriet says, „With the hope of bringing more over if the first four prove that they can give up their villianous ways.“
Yeah. And what's her point?
„...You do know that your daughters would level Auradon in between them, right?“
„Excuse me?!“ His daughters do have self-preservation instincts, thank you very much.
She only lifts one eyebrow at him and jerks her head in the direction of distant explosions. ...Which are most likely caused by CJ Hook (which Harriet conveniently ignores for the moment), Zevon, and, yeah, his Freddie. Those other two are bad influence, but yes, point taken.
„Celia then. Freddie comes over in the next round.“
„Fair enough. Who's coming with her?“
In that moment, he makes the decision: „You two should come. You want the little ones out as much as I do. Oh, and you will take care of my daughter, unless you want to experience the other side, first hand.“
„Wouldn't dream of doing otherwise.“
Great, he still has it.
But, of course, there is still one spot left. Dr F leans back as they stare at it, and then at each other. This is not his problem anymore.
Harriet bites her lip: „...I want to take CJ,“ she says, her hand in a fist, „but...“
Facilier watches in amusement as Anthony briefly covers her hand with his own, and really, shame he won't see how this will play out. Celia will keep him informed, he is sure.
Eventually, they decide to take Dizzy, because she is the least murder-prone out of their relatives, and also friends with Celia. Oh, and Auradon will adore her, with her colourful dresses, sparkly tiaras and unnatural cheerfulness.
That can only be beneficial.
(Not CJ, for obvious reasons. After her fun trip, there wouldn't be much of Auradon left.)
(Not Harry, because he'd refuse to leave without Uma and their crew, and also because he might just hook the Beast, which, fajr enough, honestly.)
(Not the Smee twins, because you don't split up twins.)
(Not Sammy, because Harriet needs them to run the crew and ship in her absence. And look after CJ – Nothing to envy here. Absolutely nothing.)
(Not any other of the Tremaine cousins, as they might just throw themselves at all princess and princesses in sight, which, not a good idea in the long run, or stab when they are looked at. Generally depends on... Actually, neither Dr F nor Anthony are sure. They don't intend to find out.)
(Not any of the younger ones, either, because they picked up the stabbing habit, and also, highschool.)
Now, here is how it went down in the port:
[Several minutes of stabby Sammy Smee trying to track down the two younger Hooks]
Harriet: „Harry, CJ, I'm going to Auradon for a while.“
CJ and Harry: „What?! When-?! Unfair!“
Harriet, paying them no mind: „If it all goes well, we will be able to get you and the other kids out of there very soon.“
CJ: „Why can't I go now?!“
Harriet: „Because you'd blow something up and get sent back. Also, we need to make a good impression.“
Harry: cackles
CJ: „Hey! I can behave if I want to!“
CJ: „...Fine. Point taken. But they'd deserve it.“
Harry: „And why can't I go?“
Harriet: „Would you? Alone?“
Harry: „...Point taken.“
Harriet, sighting: „That's what I thought. Meanwhile, do not die, try not to kill too much people, and remember, no open fire in the port.“
And by the Tremaines:
Anthony:„Dizzy, you are going to Auradon.“
Dizzy: „I am?!“
Anthony: „Yes. Go pack your things.“
Lady Tremaine: „Where are you going and where are you taking her?! Who will run the saloon?!“
Anthony: „You could do it, for a change, grandmother. It is in your name, after all.“
Lady Tremaine: „You-!“
Anthony: „Yeah, no. We are staying in the port until we go. Don't try to reach us.“
So, you know.
No one dies.
(That's always worth mentioning with the Hooks.)
Celia and Dizzy spend the remaining days on the Isle trying to get Harriet and Anthony to confess their love and ideally also to get Sammy to officiate their wedding. CJ helps, of course, but turns out she and Dizzy don't agree on the methods.
Anyway, the day of departure is there, the limo comes, same old, same old.
The goodbyes contain last reminder to „not murder anyone, or at least not to get caught,“ (the Hooks, on both sides), „Have fun,“ (the Faciliers, and it's terrifying), and promises to send a lot of letters and dresses and tiaras (Dizzy).
In the limousine, Anthony reminds Dizzy to not stuff herself silly with chocolate or at least wipe her face properly for god's sake, and Harriet swallows her remark that it might be poison. (She is reasonably sure that tea time with poison is not exactly normal. Won't stop her from being paranoid, though.)
Finally, they arrive to Auradon Prep, and, oh my god, the music.
What on earth is that music.
It's illegal, that's what it is.
The limo stops.
The music, unfortunately, does not.
Anthony is the first to climb out: he opens the door right into the driver's face and then he is in Auradon, the colourful kingdom of pixie dust and other glass shoes and other such insanities: Dizzy is gonna love it here.
But meanwhile, why is the world so bloody bright?!
Seriously, his eyes hurt.
And not only from the onslaught of honestly offensive pastels.
He turns around and offers his arm to Harriet to help her climb out of the limousine, as a proper gentleman, and it's only basic etiquette, really.
...Ignore Dizzy and Celia giggling.
Harriet steps out into the sun, mutters a soft „fuck“ and blinks a few times; she also keeps her hand on his for slightly longer than reasonable, but he is pretty sure no one in Auradon notices that kind of stuff. Or cares.
Either way.
They take a few steps forward, to allow the younger girls to climb out too and also to create a barrier between them and the crowd with their bodies.
Dizzy and Celia hold onto eachother for support, too, Dizzy a bit overwhelmed, but Celia seems to glow under the crowd's attention. (She has also managed to draw a totally unnatural shadow over hers and Dizzy's eyes.)
Now, a boy steps forward and introduces himself as Ben.
So this is prince Ben. How... Intriguing.
„Right,“ Harriet says, and then leans to whisper into Anthony's ear: „How old is he again?“
Of course, being the drama queen she is, she stage-whispers loud enough for the majority of the crowd to hear.
„I believe he is sixteen,“ Anthony answers, ignoring the boy-king, and actually quite amused at the expression the princess by his side is making, thanks for asking.
„Pfff. Just a baby,“ Harriet snorts, „Teenage boys shouldn't be in charge of anything, much less a kingdom.“
„You wound me, Harriet.“
„Anyway, as I was saying,“ interrupts the boy-king rather awkwardly, „I'm Ben, and-“
„Prince Ben, actually!“ the pink princess on his arm is much better at interruptions than he is, „Soon to be king!“
Anthony can see the willpower it costs Harriet not to roll her eyes, and, honestly, same.
„And I'm princess Audrey!“
So this it the game they want to play?
He glances at Harriet and she nods subtly.
Let's dance, then.
He smooths out his suit and steps forward; he takes the shallowest bow he can afford, one that could be interpreted as much as an insult as a sign of respect.
„I'm Lord Anthony Tremaine,“ he introduces himself, and takes pleasure in the gasps of the crowd; then he moves on to introduce Harriet, as a proper gentleman should: „And this is Captain Harriet Hook of Scattered Hope.“
He takes extra care to stress her title.
She doesn't bother to as much as angle her head.
He introduces his cousins, too, as „Lady Desdemona Tremaine,“ („I go by Dizzy, actually!“ she beams at the crowd), and then Celia, who doesn't have any titles as far as he is aware of, but who has perfected the art of creepy waving and eerie smiles.
Good for her.
Now, hete comes the fun part: when the Isle kids hear „Captain Hook,“ they think of Harriet and her safe ship more often than not.
On the other hand, when the Auradon citizens hear „Captain Hook,“ a shiver runs down their spines as they remember her father.
Which is, of course, why Harriet insists on being addressed as „Captain Hook“ at every possible occasion.
Yes, even in the bullshit that is Fairy Godmother's Remedial Goodness class.
FG:„Miss Hook?“
Harriet: „...“
FG: „Miss Hook!“
Harriet: „...“
FG, sighting: „Captain Hook, your answer to following question?“
Harriet: „When I see a baby on the street, first I check whether it is a trap or not, so I take my cutlass out and poke at the shadows a bit and maybe threaten a few people. If no one shows up, I check my pockets. Then I give the baby to Sammy to take to the ship and track down that bastard that abandoned a baby. Or murdered its mother, in which case I've got another stupid murderer at my hands, and need to deal with that, too, on top of somehow getting baby formula and deciding which one of my crew will get stuck carrying for it. Does that answer your question, Fairy Godmother?“
FG: „...“
Harriet and Anthony: smile sweetly
And, of course, they get into moderately heated discussion with King Beast, which Lumiere later describes as "the shouting match a the decade".
Upon exiting his office, Anthony asks when they are going to shout at him for real;
„Just wait until my sibling get there,“ answers Harriet, „Especially CJ.“
And Anthony smiles, because he finds the image of Harriet's tiny half-way feral sister yelling at King Beast as amusing as she does.
(It happens, btw. CJ yelling at him. She needs to drag a stool over to look at him straingh, which is hilarious as it is, nevermind that the former king doesn't run because he doesn't know what is good for him.)
Shortly after the first debate, the rest of the Isle kids are brought over.
Happy end!
(I'm soft, people. How could I not?)
Also, here, enjoy some fun facts:
Anthony is an only son of a french noble family that likes to think itself better than it is. Harriet is the eldest daughter of an English noble and an Eton graduate. Of course they know etiquette. And they are not afraid to weaponize it.
They are also nineteen years old. Surrounded by sixteen years old royals that have never once prepared a breakfast in their lives. They are tired.
Rules? What rules? You mean those things we have memorised so we can break them better?
Anyway, curfew, that is, like, a suggestion? Right?
Meaning, Harriet has insomnia and Anthony is not leaving her alone. They are found wandering the school grounds more often than not. Well, they are not found, as the school security sucks.
Also, Harriet has some things to say about Lonnie being Ben's only bodyguard. As has Anthony. And Celia.
She just stares at the people that told her and goes: „Well that's bloody stupid.“
„Language, Celia!“
Also, both Harriet and Anthony reflectively (and preventively) reprimand the AKs and order them around.
„Careful in those high heels, the pavement down there is broken. Are you prepared to drop them if you need to run?“
„If you want to steal the knives, hide them better.“ („I was just trying to... I was just trying to butter a toast?“)
„Don't stab eachother in the halls, please.“
(As I said, they are tired.)
None of the Isle kids wear the uniforms. Anthony and Dizzy think they are a crime against nature, Harriet doesn't care enough, and Celia complaints that it doesn't fit her aesthetic.
Harriet wears her red cloak. It flares around her when she marches down the hall and she enjoys the manner in which the AKs get out of her way.
Anthony calls her „Ettie“ in public precisely one (1) time. She reacts by saying that she will dismember him and use his bones to create a tinker toy to hang above his youngest cousin's crib.
Oh, and Anthony gets a look at the financial management of the kingdom. You wouldn't believe how bad it is.
Yeah, he and Harriet are totally dating. As in, established relationship, but they refuse to acknowledge it.
Also, Dizzy and Celia are crushing at eachother a bit. (They are, what, thirteen? That happens, right?)
If you have any questions//anything that you find interesting, I'll gladly elaborate.
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shellyseashell · 1 year
Hello! I saw you said in the tags of one of your posts for someone to ask you about Claudine Frollo (she's one of my favorite characters too) so, well...here I am? ;)
wow i’m so glad someone asked me about claudine, i say, having begged for someone to ask me about her.
so first i have to get something out of the way: jehan is on the isle. i don’t know what he does in the movie, since i’ve only seen the musical, but in the movie he *check notes* is kicked out of the church, has quasimodo, and dies. we miss you king. anyway, i’m fairly sure he was doing stuff auradon looks down on. so, on the isle he goes.
he knows what frollo did to quasimodo — his son, who he entrusted to him. so when he learns about claudine he thinks absolutely fucking not. He already ruined one kid, he won’t ruin another. so he approaches frollo, says that with his second chance at life, he’s realized the error in his ways, and wants to repent. it takes some convincing, but frollo eventually lets him back in.
so claudine grows up with her uncle. her uncle who believes in the exact opposite of the church, is very good at pretending, and teaches her basically everything that isn’t scripture.
jehan isn’t able to guard claudine completely, though. she’s still beaten, and starved, and harassed. but jehan gives her food when she’s sent to her tower without dinner, treats her wounds and gives her what pain meds he can, and tells her when her father is out so she can sneak out if she wants, and he teaches her stuff that counteract everything her father teaches her.
claudine grows up to be very rebellious, but she’s good at hiding it. her father is often gone for days at a time, preaching to the isle and probably murdering people. so she can get away with not memorizing one new bible verse a day, or let her clothes be slightly dirty, and she can eat food even if she made a mistake during the day. as long as her father never finds out.
she still believes she deserves her beatings, though. no matter how many times jehan brings her back from the edge of death, or how many new scars she gains, she believes she deserves them. not because she sinned — she doesn’t really believe in sinning anymore — but because she was caught misbehaving. and it’s getting caught she hates most. next time, she’ll do better.
she is not religious, because there are fairies in the isle, and her captain is a demigod, and a Greek god runs one of the only good restaurants on the island, and the queen of hearts may be having an affair with time himself. what are gods, really, when everyone on the isle is so close to power they can’t quite touch? there are only powerful people, and in her mind, none of them deserve that power.
thanks to jehan, her father’s hold on her is shaky at best. it snaps completely when she is 13.
she is 13 when her father beats her, and jehan was out, so she runs to find him. she leaves bloody footprints behind her, and she’s always had a bit of a limp after. she doesn’t find jehan. instead, she’s found half dead by the hooks, who take her to their mother (zarina, who does not live with hook) to heal her.
when she wakes up, she’s surrounded by pirates, and two of whom’s mother instincts kicked in and decided yeah, this is my child now.
claudine officially joins the lost revenge because she only spoke french at first, and gil volunteered to be a translator until someone got around to teaching her english (it ended up being gil, which goes about as well as you’d expect), but she is a hook. they all will protect her.
she’s resistant, at first, but relents eventually. she still goes home, to see jehan, but she mostly sneaks in now. frollo still catches her, either at home or around the isle, and she will be punished. the pirates have taken to sending someone with her when she leaves the ports.
harry is especially good at noticing when she’s been injured, because harriet hides her injuries the same way, and she has the same bad habit of running back to abusive homes. whenever he sees the slightest hint that she’s hurt, he has to force her to accept help because claudine, lass, you’re limping again, and the more you walk on an injured leg, the more likely it’ll have to be cut off, and you don’t want that, do you? he’s exaggerating, of course, but the idea of being deformed terrifies claudine, so she concedes.
her father made her wear her hair up and cover it, so when she joins the lost revenge, she starts to wear bandanas, and lets uma help her find hairstyles she actually likes (to this day, harry and uma are two of the only people she’ll let touch her).
when frollo is mad at her, she’ll be locked in her room without food. she’s beaten (burned and whipped, i’d say), and forced to beg for forgiveness. sometimes, frollo only issues one of these punishments. sometimes he issues them all.
she wears clothes that cover all her skin. partially because she will be called a whore if she doesn’t, and because of her scars. she doesn’t want her scars to be seen, even though everyone knows what frollo does to her. she does have a jacket that was her mother’s, and she’s nearly always wearing it. frollo has yet to destroy it.
speaking of her mother, claudine does not know who her mother is. she was abandoned as a child, left on frollo’s doorstep. all she knows is her father calls her a witch, and she bears some resemblance to the few romani people on the isle. it wasn’t hard to connect the dots from there.
she has a habit of assessing tone of voice when speaking to people, since it was one of the only ways she could evaluate how her father was feeling.
claudine is friends with freddie, which sounds odd, but hear me out: frollo tries to kill most the isle because they’re witches, right? one day, the person he captures is freddie facilier, who likes conning people and talking with the dead. claudine knows her death would start a war with dr. facilier, and freddie is her age, and claudine has been made to watch these executions before, but the idea of watching someone her own age killed is another thing, so she lets her go. frollo never found out it was her, but he beat her anyway.
they don’t talk again until claudine is adopted by the hooks, and cj decides it’s a good idea to introduce the two of them. claudine is still getting used to magic being normal, since so many members of the lost revenge and harriet’s crew have some sort of magic, even if it’s weakened under the barrier. but freddie remembers her, and her father, so she only steals some of her stuff.
i imagine their friendship being something like freddie asking if she can shrink people’s heads, and claudine saying as long as she’s not associated with it, she can shrink whoever’s head she wants. and if freddie is making a voodoo call of frollo? well, claudine sure didn’t see it.
also, she’s definitely gay, but the thought terrifies claudine so much she just ignores it.
anyway. that’s it. claudine is easily one of my favorite characters, and i’m so mad we don’t see her more. she really is a blank character, so i can do whatever i want with her. most of my headcanons come from the fandom’s consensus on her, and also just ideas i like.
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babycharmander · 1 year
Do you have any theories as to what on earth Héctor Rivera did with Chicharrón's femur?
Yeah. I'm pretty sure in one of my fics I had implied that he tried to use it as bait (or a carrot-on-a-stick thing) for an alebrije so he could ride said alebrije over the marigold bridge. I don't remember which fic it was that mentioned that, or if I actually included that detail at all, but that's my own headcanon for what happened.
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@dragoneyes618 didn’t ask for this one but I think she’ll enjoy this.
I have so many Quasimodo in the Descendants verse headcanons I keep forgetting to write down so here they are.
Quasi is even more horrified than Esmeralda and Phoebus are when he learns Frollo had a daughter. I’ve decided good mental healthcare is A Thing on Auradon so, he would absolutely call his therapist probably immediately for help processing all the feelings—and for tips on how best to help Claudine.
Going off my Deenie headcanobs post for a minute, he’s the first one to figure put she’s autistic—tbh film!Quasi reads as autistic to me—remind me and I’ll make a post about it—so either he picks up on it bc similarities or bc he works w/disabled kids in Auradon and can spot the signs, or my favorite, both.
One thought I’d had is that all the changes in environment, norms, people, sensory stuff, etc., pushes Claudine into the first meltdown she’s had in a literal decade at least, and Phoebus and Esmeralda call Quasi because they don’t know what to do/what’s happening/afterwards Claudine is hiding under some piece of furniture—in my head it’s the kitchen table idk why—and unable to come out, so he comes over and figures it out after like, five minutes—from being so familiar with it.
Quasi knows ASL—or Aurandon’s version—and he teaches it to Deenie because it’s helped sone of his shyer students or students who are semi verbal.
He’s the first person Deenie tells her real name to, and maybe the first person she says anything to.
As much as I love your fanfuc addressing Deenie’s self harm, I think he might be the one to figure out what she’s doing, before anyone else does, but then is conflicted. He knows he should tell someone, but he doesn’t want to undermine the trust she has in him. They might actually fight about it, because I could Deenie becoming a bit of a self righteous jerk when she gets upset/angry enough, as a defense mechanism.
He introduces her to the archdeacon/Friar Tuck and they bond.
Quasi is the one who can, eventually, help her see all the things Frollo was wrong about, because he gets where she’s coming from as far as loving Frollo as her dad/feeling defensive of him/having a hard time trusting the de Chateaupers and everyone else, etc.
She has his phone number—he’s probably the one who explained telephones LOL—and she knows she can call him whenever, day or night, and he’ll talk to her or even come pick her up if she needs a quiet place to be for a while.
He’s made her so many stained glass mobiles and she’s got them hanging everywhere. She starts sewing clothes for his Woden figurines and helping him paint them. He made a model of Aurandon and she likes looking at it because it helps her process how big it is compared to the Isle.
She stays with him and Madeleine a lot, especially when Zephyr has his friends over, because the chaos is too much. I do think being around her would be hard for Quasi at first, bc I think, just by virtue of her and Frollo being father/daughter instead of master/ servant, that she’d have picked up some of his mannerisms/ways of saying things, and I could see that being triggering.
They do some sort of animal rehab/thwraoy together and it’s adorable.
That’s all I’ve got for now but I’m sure I’ll add more.
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cleverqueencommander · 11 months
@mirarosalie @blooming--warrior @randomestfandoms @randomtwfan @isleofdarkness @auradons-trash-heap @lilicohirukoma @shouldwemaybe @hannahhook7744 @panthera-tigris-venenata @thestrengthofevil @theanimegamergirl @eloras-headcanons @ginnyrules27 @dragoneyes618
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anamericangirl · 9 months
This is a good analysis of why companies are so willing to pay for the abortions of their female employees even if getting them out of state.
It’s never for the sake of the woman, in case that’s what you were thinking.
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library-child · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks for the tag, @thefinaljediknight
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
A Series of Unfortunate Events/All the Wrong Questions by Lemony Snicket and The Secret Series by Pseudonymous Bosch.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Associates (A Series of Unfortunate Events/All the Wrong Questions)
Without Shedding a Tear (The Secret Series)
Unsafe Territory (All the Wrong Questions)
Places (A Series of Unfortunate Events/All the Wrong Questions)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do in order to show my gratitude that someone took the time to leave a comment.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's either Places or Without Shedding a Tear. I can't quite decide which one oozes out more misery.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Associates. Well, to be fair, it's been my only fic with a happy ending thus far.
Do you get hate on fics?
Fortunately not.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't write crossovers, but did imagine some insane mashups of basically all the media I ever consumed as a kid. And sometimes, I scribbled them down. Those were dark times.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. Is that a thing?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't ship. Romance isn't my genre.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I am lucky enough to no longer have such a thing.
What are your writing strengths?
Definitely dialogue. Give me two arguing characters, and I'm happy. Conflict, story, it's all there.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. They're the curse of my existence.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
This one is tricky. I haven't written dialogue in a different language from the rest of the fic before, but I'm not an English native speaker, so you might say I'm writing dialogue in another language all the time. Thoughts? Dialogue is the easy part.
First fandom you wrote for?
Depends on how you define writing. Technically, it was a children's book called Peter and Anneli's Journey to the Moon, for which I scribbled down my ideas for a sequel when I was six. (Again, dark times.) The first fandom I actually published for was The Secret Series.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
What a cruel question! How can you expect anyone to choose between their babies?! If I absolutely had to choose, I'd probably pick Without Shedding a Tear, because it was the first fic I published, the one that ignited the spark. And because the Secret Series fandom is so tiny it needs some extra sympathy.
Tagging (no pressure), @volunteerfelinedetectives, @dragoneyes618, @acacia-may, @jacobsnicket, @accidentallylita, @cleverqueencommander, @tangentiallly, @sianitha-snicket, and whoever else wants to play!
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