#[[ also aaron: what's an atom ]]
I know that Barbenheimer was mostly a meme but I did actually go watch Barbie and Oppenheimer on the same day and... They kind of actually complemented each other really well. I'll elaborate on that, but major spoiler warning: stop reading right now if you don't want spoilers for either movie.
Oppenheimer, by itself, was about the atomic bomb and the man who led its development. But in the context of Barbie, Oppenheimer was about what a world ruled by men has done. And, just like in Barbie, the fragile male ego was a big motivator of evil in Oppenheimer. I know that it's a bit silly to compare Barbie to a very serious movie based on an actual historical tragedy, but these are just my thoughts after watching them.
In Oppenheimer, the movie spent a lot of time on the development of the atomic bomb, of course, but also a fair bit of it focused on Oppenheimer's life. In the last 45 minutes of the movie we slowly found out how Lewis Strauss tried to destroy Oppenheimer's life and reputation. And that wasn't because of his involvement with the bomb: no, it was because Oppenheimer had been mean to him. Strauss had all these other reasons he claimed, stuff about communists and whatever, but really the reason was that Oppenheimer had humiliated Strauss.
And in Barbie, Ken turned Barbieland into a patriarchal nightmare world because Barbie had been mean to him. He had all these other reasons too, like finding horses cool, but the real reason was that Barbie had always taken him for grantedand always left him out. It's different from humiliation, but still. Idk, I see a parallel.
Barbie made fun of the meeting room full of men in suits talking about empowering girls (by selling more Barbies). In Oppenheimer, we saw meeting rooms full of men in suits deciding what city gets obliterated, making plans on whether to make bigger bombs or try to work on diplomacy, and so on. The depiction of what happened in Barbieland when the Kens took over - a world where a bit of jealousy, tiny bruises to men's egos, can start a war - wasn't so far off from reality. In reality we have big important men in charge making big important decisions about who lives and who dies - and sometimes the real reasoning is as superficial as "I had my honeymoon there."
Oh and about the women in Oppenheimer: I can only recall five. There was a communist seductress, an alcoholic wife, a friend's wife, a secretary and a female scientist (and some unnamed students but I won't count them, they were barely characters). The one feminist quip the scientist lady made does not make up for the fact that frankly, the women had zero agency. One got killed, one just turned a radio on once, one was just someone to cheat with, and one was passionate and made some great points in a crossexamination (but then that amounted to nothing). This, sadly, is historically pretty accurate, so I won't blame the movie for this. Tbh I'm happy about any little bit of presentation women in science get, and I liked the little quip from the chemist. But still, not a lot of women in this movie.
So, to anyone who might want to complain about the representation of men in Barbie (a movie that is just as much about a woman as Oppenheimer is about a man), I'd like to point out that Barbie had far more (and more complex) male characters than Oppenheimer had women. There were Ken, the other Kens, Allan, the Mattel CEO, Aaron Dinkins, Sasha's dad... and the men in Barbie actually got to do things and affect the course of the movie. In Oppenheimer, just like most movies, women were just a fun accessory with zero real impact.
That's my two cents. Overall both movies were good, very much recommended. But don't go into Oppenheimer expecting much more than a biography. (And if you watch both, watch Oppenheimer first or you'll just ruin the good mood gained from Barbie).
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watched tenet for the 7th time first of all Neil and the protagonist are literally boyfriends been know since first time I watched it you can’t tell me other wise the way Neil kept coming back in time in revert to save the protagonist they IN LOVE YOUR HONOUR the give doctor and river song vibes 2nd how come I’ve watched this 7 times yet I ain’t know that was Aaron as Ives or maybe I did and just forgot Aaron Taylor discography insane this to bullet train now that’s marvel actor done great now rdj too cuz he’s in Nolan movie too! back to the movie I can without a doubt
say this is Nolan greatest film I’m sorry it’s this or memento that’s just facts and prestige is 3rd best Nolan movie ofc I’m so sorry people didn’t get tenet the first time or 2nd or 3rd time it’s literally one of the greatest movies and Nolan greatest movie no doubt in my mind I’m sorry y’all dumb and couldn’t understand the nuance of the movie the storytelling and plot but that’s just seems like you problem imagine not like one of the greatest movies bc you didn’t get it so you hated and gave it bad reviews ah fcvk it was also clearly racism involved cuz wryly the one time the main lead actor is black man in Nolan movie y’all hate it an give bad reviews and rankings it’s like how y’all treat every black lead movie especially the princess/superheroes movies bc y’all believe they taking away roles from ur fav same old yt actors
it’s clear it was racism that fuelled the hatred for tenet you can’t convince me y’all would’ve ate it up if it was yt actor y’all love who did the movie like y’all already loving Oppenheimer even tho y’all haven’t even seen it and will give great rankings reviews etc call it his
best work etc bla bla give it a high RT same old same old yt privilege sh*t while we on Oppenheimer was it hints in the movie bc they talked about him and atomic so much in the movie it’s like Nolan was giving us obvious huge clues hints that it was gonna be his next movie and it is the amount of times they talked about Oppenheimer atomic b0mbs grandfather of the blax2 it’s clear he was letting us know imagine if tenet and Oppenheimer was in the same universe that would’ve been so cool cuz they can invert themselves back in time what if they somehow found
a way it would’ve been so cool I know they can’t go that far back to a time where they weren’t born but its Nolan be most have a way of doing that it would’ve been so awesome cuz the guy we never met was getting things from the future what if he made sure Oppenheimer got the idea
the future or whatever that would’ve been the most mind blowing sh*t to ever happen in film imagine if Nolan created his own multiverse like this with tenet being a way for Oppenheimer sort of? and why do I feel we getting a tenet2 plz god tell me we are plz Nolan need them back
I need the boyfriends back I need to know how they met how he recruited her how he became aware of the whole thing from Neil and the protagonist perspective this time since we only saw Neil knowing the protagonist for years they literally been bfs for years I’m gonna end it all
bc why would the protagonist feel so strongly about a man he just met unless he subconsciously knew they were more he was crying for godsake over a guy he met few days ago max a month but he also knew Kat that long yet he been villing to risk her life for the mission timex2 again
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jenyifer · 11 months
Atom don’t mind the soup pot it normally smacks against your head
Here we are again for the third pre only friends day in a row where I have to spend my Friday talking about my least favorite little shithead Atom. Because he’s in the preview for the episode so… we need to talk about his decisions and what it could mean for BostonNick because this is my calling in life.
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So let’s discuss. I think Atom and Boston are genuinely friends. Boston doesn’t let just anyone talk to him at a bar. Usually he has to go so he can pick someone up. But this is Atom his best friends brother Cheum confirms this by saying if Atom won’t talk to her to talk to Boston. He has helped Atom in the past. Using him to get away from Nick was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up because he was hurting so badly. But Atom the smug bastard is ready to make a move on Boston someone he admired. Meanwhile I think Boston was planning on taking someone anyone home as evidence by Nicks photo being missing from his wall again in the dark room. So when he leaves the party he’s disappointed he had to see Nick again (when Nick came to get Sand) and he confronted with Ray and Mew’s selfish behavior and he didn’t even get to bring someone home. Until atom offers himself up on a plate.
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I feel like he’s wanted this to happen from the bar scene. This isn’t a last minute ooo I have opportunity. He is literally also dressed as Brad Pitt.
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Atom leaves their trist with a false impression that he was super seductive to Boston. That Boston enjoyed their session so much of course it’d happen again. Now Boston WAS DEFINITELY WRONG FOR NOT TEXTING ATOM. We also don’t know how much time has past time in only friends is subjective. However Boston made it clear over and over he only does sex. If atom has been about Boston for 4 years at this point idk how he won’t know this. So Atom genuinely thought he was special. This is why Boston’s “your not in my league” comment cut so incredibly deep. Maybe Atom thought eventually Boston would return to him? But when that’s proven false he sulks even worse than if he’d been broken up with. Skipping work. Staying out late drunk. He’s debating his sexuality and mourning the loss of being attractive to the person he likes. I think he wanted to humble Boston make him regret not desiring Atom because Atom is a selfish POS. Maybe Boston would talk to him again if Atom ruins his life? (Ha I don’t think that’s his intention) what hurts me the most about Atoms fake confession is him saying twice he’s so embarrassed.
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He knows he is fucking wrong. He knows he’s being evil. So why the hell am I going to see him again in the same place as BostonNick. There is nothing he can do to redeem his character. I suppose he is going to try to get between Nick and Boston but my baby boy Nick has sharp stalker teeth and I’m hoping he won’t buy Atom’s bullshit. What I’m more worried about is Boston believing what Atom is going to say. He’s trying to be more empathetic but Aaron deserves 0 sympathy. Yes I’m all for finding yourself in your own time but don’t weaponize your journey.
Ugh I hope I don’t have to talk about him again. But we all know that won’t happen.
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flammenzungen · 4 months
Biography ☼ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁 ﹏ ༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓆉︎ ⋆。 ˚ ༝ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
name: Salix Wedderburn River Havoc alias: Crimson Alchemist place of birth: Montego Bay (Saint James), Jamaica date of birth: 11.11 age: 27 height: 185cm eye color: blue-greenish hair color: raven black (chin length) fc: logan lerman & aaron taylor-johnson built: muscular scars and marks: a large burn wound on his left side, lower back and abdomen | a scar on the back of his right hand (in the shape of tongues of flame), a green coloured curse mark on his left leg: a wave-like pattern around his calf that looks similar to a tattoo handicap: the sea witch Morgana injured his left leg to put a curse into his calve and ever since that incident, River has a limp and often uses a cane. The severity of his limp varies, depending on factors such as cold weather and his condition. gender: male sexuality: bisexual species: human/alchemist powers: Flame Alchemy:
The Flame Alchemy allows him to manipulate the concentration of oxygen in the air. When attacking, River raises the density of the oxygen surrounding his target to a level at which it becomes volatile and creates narrow pathways of oxygen between himself and his target through which he can direct the ensuing flash fire that blossoms from the spark of his fingertips. As a result, he can incinerate any number of enemies in the field while deftly avoiding any adjacent allies.
As one may expect, Flame Alchemy is explosive, deadly, and nearly indefensible, stated to be "the most powerful type of alchemy". What makes River so dangerous, apart from the sheer destructive potential of fire itself, is the speed of his transmutation. Unlike other fire-users, River does not "throw" or "launch" fire from his person (although he’s able to do that), but rather explosive flames simply appear wherever he wishes them to at instantaneous speed. Only a single moment is needed for him to incinerate a target, the size or location mattering little in the face of his techniques. As a result, often the only way to combat him is to interrupt his alchemy before it starts, for example by disrupting his transmutation circles. River is also able to delegate each hand to a different flame effect, possibly due to a difference in hand dexterity. The right hand appears to allow for large explosive attacks, while the left allows for smaller, but strong and very accurate pinpoint flame attacks. Overall River is able to create various fire attacks.
Thanks to his father's Water Alchemy River is able to separate hydrogen atoms from the oxygen atoms in water molecules, isolating them into a highly combustible fuel and powerfully volatile oxidizer, respectively. Though this method can only be used when a large quantity of water is present in a relatively closed-off space (and not in the rain where the air is open and separating hydrogen and oxygen for the purpose of combustion would pose far too much danger to anyone in the vicinity), with an outside source of ignition such as a cigarette lighter or a match, River can produce extremely powerful, localized explosions. Water Alchemy: River is also a formidable alchemist specializing in controlling water, able to freeze any source of water, even sources with water essence in them, allowing him to use any available source of water for a variety of feats such as paths to walk on or forming crude weapons to strike at his opponents with. By touching his opponent, he can freeze or boil the water in their body to instantly kill them. alchemy birthmarks: On each hand is a triangle inscribed in a circle with alchemical symbols in the center of each - the sun symbol (signifying gold) on his right palm and the moon symbol (signifying silver) on his left. When he puts his palms together the two triangles (the left pointing up to represent fire and the right pointing down to represent water) combine to form a hexagram which initiates the transmutation. The birthmarks claim him as a Hydra (someone who's able to use more than one element), a very rare species of Alchemists. Only a handful is known to exist, because of their rarity and they're all on the run from the government and the coven, hidden all around the world. combat: River is an expert sharpshooter and firearms specialist. Whether armed with a bolt-action rifle, sniper rifle, pistol or even two handguns at once, he is well known for never missing his target. The monks incalculate that he shouldn't rely too much on his alchemy because he's a wanted man for his powers and Hydra-status and he can't unlock his full potential because of the curse. They advertised that he should learn a different method of defending himself, that's one of the main reasons why he became a sniper in the first place.
occupation: Pirate position: Captain afillation: Black Skull Rovers ship: Dream Chaser bounty: high enough to make you a very wealthy man or lady hobbies: playing chess, fishing, map drawing, treasure hunting likes: he deeply cares for his crew (they're family), the sea, freedom, swimming, tons of alcohol rum, fighting, reading, sailing, crafting, alchemy, science, nature, healing, books dislikes: injustice, the government, the coven, the military, the marines, oppression, being lied to, his curse, homunculi, that fucking witch Morgana motto: I'm wild like the sea and nobody owns me. Background information Salix' alchemy shouldn't exist. It's an abnormaly, a broken law against nature and also against the covens principles. His powers make him a very rare alchemist and something the government sees as an alarming thread to the world, since he could overpower everyone and everything as soon as he's able to use his full potential. He's already a handful for them as he is now, so they want to make sure to get his head on the gallows before he unlocks his true form. A curse on his bloodline makes it a little hard for him to use all of his strength and that pisses him off. His mother, Auriel, was a fire alchemist, his father, Cailan, a water alchemist. They weren't allowed to ever fall in love yet alone to create new life, alchemists have to be around people with the same elements and chemical structures, that's the highest commandment. After the Wedderburns fell in love, they spend their lives on the run until Auriel got pregnant. To protect their baby, they brought the newborn to the Earth Temple Jakaris. The government killed his parents after they found out what the Wedderburns had done. Salix grew up around monks and they found a master for him, who fiercly trained his Fire Alchemy, hoping he would never figure out the secret of his father's genes. Although being born with an element, alchemists have to find masters who train the alchemist in knowledge, transmutation and in the theories. To fulfill his parent's last wish to keep their son safe, Salix had to give up his own name and the monks renamed him to River Havoc. When River was thirteen years old, he figured out that he was also a water alchemist and discovered his other abilities. He didn't find a master and tried to train himself on his own but he didn't succeed at first, his abilities were already too specialised to his fire side. With some practice, the water eventually came naturally to him and he gained little victories and experiences in bending the element. A scout figured that out and told the coven, who decided then and there to work alongside with the government to get rid of the boy. A sea witch (payed by the coven) tricked the young boy into a trap and cursed his bloodline. To activate the curse, she seriously injured his left leg and ever since that incident, River has a limp and often uses a cane with a skull as its handle, which also doubles as a weapon. While she cursed him, she broke his leg and put the curse right into his calf and the injury was never able to fully heal properly because of that. The water ornaments on his calf hold the curse at bay. She kept him in her cave for several days, until the curse grew stronger and stronger, making his leg kinda useless for now. The original plan was to kill the child, but she didn’t wanted to hand him out to the government and the coven. Instead she wanted to remove his alchemy so she could claim his power as her own. Before Morgana could finish the ritual, River was saved and brought back to the temple. He lived safely upon the monks until his 17th birthday. The rebellious teen was sick of hiding in the temple and to live in its own pace. Surely there had to be more to life than praying, meditating, gardening and simply just being. He wanted to sail the world and to break his damn curse, he wanted to take matters into his own hands and he wanted to make a difference in their society. So he left Jakaris and became a pirate.
Personality: On the surface, River seems to be a shallow, self-absorbed and an incorrigible flirt who is infamous for the selfish and narcissistic aura he gives off. He comes off to most as a sort of cocky asshole despite having a softer side hidden underneath his attitude problems. River is expertly manipulative and prone to think several steps ahead of those around him, giving him a remarkable talent for making his target act exactly as he wishes despite appearing not to have had a hand in their decisions - all traits which make the fact that he has managed to attain the lofty rank of a pirate captain at such a young age (he was 17 when he formed his crew) a matter of public gossip.
River also has a reputation of being a shameless flirt, and it's rumored that he spends much of his time cavorting about town with various women and men and wooing several of the military corps with his abundant charm, good looks and charisma, despite being on the enemy side.
However, while these traits do have a place in his real personality, much of his outward persona can be considered an intentional façade perfectly designed to cause those unfamiliar with him to underestimate his remarkable intelligence and ability. River is an exceptional tactician, well-versed in various strains of combat theory and particularly talented in the realms of surreptitious information-gathering, covert operations and enemy ensnarement.
He is also rather quick-tempered, resorting more often to steel-fisted violence than calm negotiation to settle disputes when his impulse acting gets the best of him. The pirate is also known for being foul-mouthed and is an incurably sarcastic cynic, only too happy to bluntly and harshly relieve others of their comfortable delusions regarding their beliefs, reality, or their own self-importance. However, for those few people who have made an impact on him, River shows his deeper nature to be one of marked selflessness, unflinching loyalty, and great compassion.
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'Christopher Nolan's best movies, from Inception to The Dark Knight, are also among the best movies of the 21st century, which proves how essential he is to understand blockbusters today.
The British-American director has been working behind the cameras for over thirty years, delivering some mind-bending, eye-catching work. Nolan's movies have a common ability to always surprise viewers, usually thanks to time-twisting stories that are never what they seem.
That's also true for his latest movie Oppenheimer, an unexpected box-office hit (blame the Barbenheimer phenomenon) that has arguably been the most talked-about of his career to date, even ahead of his excellent Batman trilogy. It's also one of this year's biggest awards contenders, with enough Oscar buzz to potentially secure the Academy Award for Best Picture.
The three-hour biopic about the life of J Robert Oppenheimer became Nolan's third highest-grossing movie ever, behind only The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. It's very close now to becoming Nolan's third billion-dollar movie.
But enough about the box office. The only ranking we care about is the quality of the movies...
10. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Rounding out Nolan's acclaimed Batman trilogy was never going to be easy post-The Dark Knight, and sadly, The Dark Knight Rises is more remembered for the controversy surrounding Tom Hardy's vocals than the movie itself.
Still, with standout performances from the likes of Michael Caine and Anne Hathaway, there are worse Batman movies out there.
Also, a near-perfect ending closes the door on Christian Bale's Dark Knight – hopefully not to return for the DCU's Multiverse.
7. Inception (2010)
Boasting Nolan's most A-list cast yet, Inception was like nothing we'd seen before when it debuted in 2010. Helping boost Joseph Gordon-Levitt's career, he plays brilliantly alongside Leonardo DiCaprio as the tragic Dom Cobb.
This Bond-inspired heist movie delves into the psyche of Cillian Murphy's mark, and as we go deeper, each layer is richer than the last.
Delivering one of the most debated endings of all time, we're still talking about whether that totem stopped spinning.
6. Dunkirk (2017)
Remembered alongside war epics like Saving Private Ryan, Dunkirk is probably the least Nolan movie in his catalogue.
Hitting the beaches of World War II, Dunkirk follows the famed 1940 evacuation on land, sea, and by air in three different timelines that offer up their own unique perspective.
Doing away with your typical tropes of a war movie, Dunkirk isn't afraid to get straight in there and hammer home the horrors of the war.
5. Batman Begins (2005)
Putting Christian Bale in the cape and cowl for the first time, Batman Begins ended the run of schlocky comic book movies of the early '00s to redefine the superhero origin story.
Restoring faith in the Dark Knight following Batman & Robin was no easy feat, but with Bale's Bruce Wayne channelling the darkness of Batman: The Animated Series, it defied expectations.
Also, opting for Liam Neeson's Ra's al Ghul as the villain instead of the Joker was a stroke of genius.
4. Oppenheimer (2023)
Combining the real-life history of Dunkirk and the theoretical physics of Tenet, Oppenheimer feels like the movie Nolan was always building to.
A dense three-hour biopic about J Robert Oppenheimer, aka "the father of the atomic bomb", it's a thrilling and thought-provoking watch with a never-better Cillian Murphy at its centre.
The movie's different timelines can be a bit confusing and Jean Tatlock's storyline is a bit questionable, but this is one of Nolan's best works.
Once watched, never forgotten.
1. The Dark Knight (2008)
Arguably the best comic book movie of all time and one of the best movies of all time, even superhero haters are hard-pushed not to be wowed by The Dark Knight.
Christian Bale is joined by Aaron Eckhart showing the softer side of the villainous Two-Face, while Gary Oldman's Jim Gordon is another highlight.
Of course, who could forget Heath Ledger's legendary performance as the Joker? For the opening bank heist alone, Ledger more than earned his posthumous Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.'
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afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
250(ish) Favorite Arrowverse Episodes: Part 9: 50-26
Picked from „Arrow“, „Black Lightning“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“, „The Flash“, „Barwoman“ Season 1+2 and „Superman & Lois“ Season 1+2. I did consider kicking „Superman & Lois“ of this list, but since it pretended to be part of the Arrowverse for its first two seasons I left it on here.
  50.  The Last Children of Krypton (Supergirl 2x2)
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22, Written by: Robert Rovner, Caitlin Parrish, Directed by: Glen Winter
 "A Kryptonite-charged cyborg almost killed Kara! Almost killed me!"
 49.  Prochnost (Arrow 8x5)
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165, Written by: Benjamin Raab, Deric A. Hughes, Directed by: Laura Belsey
 "That is the thing about teaching. It's not about what you want to say. It's about what they need to hear. Remember first thing I taught you?" "Living is not for the weak." "Your children are not weak, Oliver. They're also not children. Whatever it is you have to say, they can handle it. If you do not, they will never learn to be heroes."
 48.  State V Queen (Arrow 2x7)
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30, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Drew Z. Greenberg, Directed by: Bethany Rooney
 "Oliver. Is it okay if I call you 'Oliver'? Surprised to hear from me, right? Not as surprised as I was. You see, I find this not unattractive blonde, getting all up in my business. And what does she have on her? A Queen Consolidated I.D. badge. Now, I think to myself, why does that name ring a bell? Oliver Queen. He tried to buy off me last year, just before the Hood put me in a padded cell. Ipso facto, Arrow."
 47.  Lian Yu (Arrow 5x23)
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115, Written by: Wendy Mericle, Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 "You won. Your son has his father back, and he learned exactly who his father was. Just like you learned who your father was right here... on these very same waters."
 46.  Going Rogue (The Flash 1x4)
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4, Written by: Geoff Johns, Kai Yu Wu, Directed by: Glen Winter
 "Believe me. It took much more than seeing Oliver do the salmon ladder for me to trust him. I've seen firsthand what this life can do to people. It's a lonely path. Don't make it any lonelier than it has to be."
 45.  Shogun (Legends of Tomorrow 2x3)
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19, Written by: Phil Klemmer, Grainne Godfree, Directed by: Kevin Tancharoen
 "Guys, bottom line is, if the Shogun has the A.T.O.M. suit, it's not just Masako and the village we have to protect. He can use it to conquer the whole region."
 44.  Tricksters (The Flash 1x17)
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17, Written by: Andrew Kreisberg, Directed by: Ralph Hemecker
 "I've had 20 years to come up with the perfect trick. It's going to be my masterpiece. My Mona Lisa. My Breaking Bad season five."
 43.  Crucible (Arrow 2x4)
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27, Written by: Andrew Kreisberg, Wendy Mericle, Directed by: Eagle Egilsson
 "Sooner or later, we all go through a crucible. I'm guessing yours was that island. Most believe there are two types of people who go intro a crucible; the ones who grow stronger from the experience and survive it, and the ones who die. But there's a third type: the ones who learn to love the fire. They choose to stay in their crucible because it's easier to embrace the pain when it's all you know anymore. That's why I'm on the clock to help this city. Before it becomes used to living like this."
42.  Moonshot (Legends of Tomorrow 2x14)
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30, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Directed by: Kevin Mock
 "We're both scientists. We're both obsessed with achieving the impossible. You dedicated your life to learning how to shrink yourself down to the size of an atom, and I spent mine learning the secrets of the Speed Force." "I became the Atom to help people."
41.  All Star Team Up (The Flash 1x18)
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18, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Kai Yu Wu, Directed by: Kevin Tancharoen
 "I thought that Wells was a great man and I was so wrong."
 40.  The Reverse-Flash Returns (The Flash 2x11)
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34, Written by: Aaron and Todd Helbing, Directed by: Michael Allowitz
 "There's nothing you can do about it. This is his origin story, and it's going to happen no matter what you do."
 39.  Flashpoint (The Flash 3x1)
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47, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Brooke Roberts, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 "You know what you have to do. You have to take me back to that night and let me finish what I started." "You go to Hell!" "You're taking both of us there! Now who's the villain, Flash?! Now who's the villain?!"
 38.  Doomworld (Legends of Tomorrow 2x16)
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Written by: Ray Utarnachitt, Sarah Hernandez, Directed by: Mairzee Almas
"Well, it looks like you losers managed to remember who you are. I should've wiped you from existence when I had the chance! Do you have any idea how infuriating it is to know that Merlyn was right?! Lucky for you I believe in some fates worse than death, like me destroying the Spear and cementing this reality for all time."
37.  Enter Flashtime (The Flash 4x15)
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84, Written by: Todd Helbing, Sterling Gates, Directed by: Greogry Smith
 "Well, I'm sorry, Jay. If this is the only way to save everyone in the city, I have to."
 36.  Infantino Street (The Flash 3x22)
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68, Written by: Andrew Kreisberg, Grainne Godfree, Directed by: Michael Allowitz
 "Piece of advice: stop trying to beat Savitar at his own game. Your goodness is your strength. Call me sentimental. Think the Flash should remain a hero."
 35.  Pilot (Superman & Lois 1x1)
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1, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Todd Helbing, Directed by: Lee Toland Krieger
 "You think your mom wanted us to move to Smallville and live on the farm?" "It's a simpler life. More time with each other, be part of a community, and now this? I think she felt like this family needs Smallville." "As much as the world needs Superman?"
 34.  Aruba (Legends of Tomorrow 2x17)
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33, Written by: Phil Klemmer und Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Rob Seidenglanz
 "Guys, I think we broke time."
 33.  Pilot (The Flash 1x1)
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1, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns, Directed by. David Nutter
 You can do this, Barry. You were right. I am responsible for all of this. So many people have been hurt because of me, and when I looked at you, all I saw was another potential victim of my hubris. And yes, I created this madness, but you, Barry, you can stop it. You can do this. Now run, Barry, run!"
 32.  Fellowship of the Spear (Legends of Tomorrow 2x15)
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31, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Matthew Maala, Directed by: Ben Bray
 "Now that the Spear is whole, it will try to lure each of us to use it. It will draw on our weaknesses, our desires, our regrets. It will promise each of us that we can re-make the world just as we want it."
 31.  Flash Back (The Flash 2x17)
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40, Written By: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, Directed By: Alice Troughton
"Just one thing that occurs to me, I don't need you, do I? Not this you certainly. Oops, you probably should have thought of that before you came back here. Shame... you ran all the way back here just to die."
30.  The Last Temptation of Barry Allen Part 1 (The Flash 6x7)
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121, Written By: Jonathan Butler, Gabriel Garza, Directed By: Chad Lowe
 "My name Is Iris West-Allen, and I once met a young man - a superhero - who I called the Streak. The world has come to know him as the Fastest Man Alive, the Scarlet Speedster. The Flash. But no matter what title you choose for him, he'll always be remembered as the protector of our amazing city and it's citizens, as a beacon of hope for us all, and as the man who sacrificed himself again and again so we could live. Today we say goodbye to him. Today we say goodbye to him, not because he was taken but because he gave himself willingly. And in the end, that's what makes him deserving of the greatest title of all: Hero."
 29.  The Once and Future Flash (The Flash 3x19)
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65, Written by: Carina Adly MacKenzie, Directed By: Tom Cavanagh
 "Cisco told me – or showed me – that you all haven't been a team in a long time. And I know that I'm the reason for that. Iris' death shouldn't have driven me away from you all. I mean, it should've driven me closer. This isn't what she would want. But I'm here now to tell you that no matter what happens in the past, I will not abandon you."
 28.  The Adventures of Supergirl (Supergirl 2x1)
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21, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Jessic Queller, Directed by: Glen Winter
 "You know, what's funny is, on Krypton, by my age, I'd be a spinster. I know it seems like I should have everything figured out by now, but I don't. Last year, was all about figuring out how to be Supergirl, and now... now it's time I figure out how to be Kara."
 27.  Nora (The Flash 5x1)
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93, Written By: Todd Helbing, Sam Chalsen, Directed by: David McWhirter
 "My name is Nora West-Allen, and I'm the fastest woman alive. When I was a child, my father disappeared in something impossible. Then I grew up and became the impossible. Now I'm trying to live up to the legacy he created so that one day, I'll stop him from ever disappearing. I'm XS. How schway is that?"
 26.  The Brave and the Bold (Arrow 3x8)
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54, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenheim, Grainne Godfree, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 "Sometimes bravery isn't enough; sometimes the world requires us to be bold."
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justapillowpetpanda · 6 months
Prime Video's Fallout Reveals New Images of Vault 33 & Beyond
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Fallout's April 11th premiere is quickly approaching, and Prime Video has gifted us with more images from the apocalyptic series. The series stars Ella Purnell (Yellowjackets), Aaron Moten (Emancipation) and Walton Goggins (The Hateful Eight). The recent images, interviews with the director, Jonathan Nolan, and background of the three main characters provide a lot to think about before the series premiere this month on Prime Video.
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Ella Purnell (Lucy), Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime Video
Plot & Characters of Prime Video's Fallout Series
Ella Purnell is Lucy, an optimistic Vault-dweller with an all-American can-do spirit. Her peaceful and idealistic nature is tested when she is forced to the surface to rescue her father. Aaron Moten is Maximus, a young soldier who rises to the rank of squire in the militaristic faction called Brotherhood of Steel. He will do anything to further the Brotherhood’s goals of bringing law and order to the wasteland. Walton Goggins is the Ghoul, a morally ambiguous bounty hunter who holds within him a 200-year history of the post-nuclear world. These disparate parties collide when chasing an artifact from an enigmatic researcher that has the potential to radically change the power dynamic in this world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-mugKDQDlg&t=1s
Jonathan Nolan's Take on Fallout's World
It makes sense for a director like Nolan, whose previous work includes HBO's Westworld, to work on adapting something with such an abundance of storytelling potential. I'm calmed by the fact Nolan played any of the games at all, but I love what he has to say about his experience with Fallout 3. In an interview, Nolan had described the games as “simultaneously epic, dramatic, dark, emotional, but also political, satirical and crazy, deeply funny – almost goofy.”
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Executive Producer and Director Jonathan Nolan, Showrunner and Executive Producer Geneva Robertson-Dworet, Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime The factions and groups of people that pop up from the collapse of society will be foundational for this adaptation. There's a lot to account for, but I'm hoping we see raiders, children of atom, those factions from Fallout: New Vegas, gunners, mutants, caravans, and plenty more. It's exciting to hear about Nolan diving into the combination of absurdity and survival in this upcoming series. Hearing and reading about Nolan's excitement when teaming up with the showrunners and writer's room has me beyond excited for what's to come.
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Executive Producer and Director Jonathan Nolan, Cinematographer Stuart Dryburgh Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner join Nolan to write up the story of Fallout and they bring a mixture of experience in comedy, action, and thrillers. The merging of sci-fi and comedy can be found in combining two minds in the story's development and writing. It seems that Nolan and others on the crew found out that two minds were better than one when leading the story of Lucy, The Ghoul, and Maximus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qljE3C6Gn18
Lucy & The Wasteland: Not in Vault 33 Anymore
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Ella Purnell (Lucy), Credit: Prime Video Purnell's character, Lucy, is set to arrive in the vast Wasteland of California after societal collapse but her privileged background may make this tougher for her than she thought. When I think of the residents inside a place like Vault 33 (or really a majority from the games), I get visions of the film Pleasantville. Everyone is protective over the smooth and easy-going structure of the neighborhood. This environment alongside idealistic solutions for conflict give Lucy a difficult path ahead outside the vault.
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Ella Purnell (Lucy), Kyle MacLachlan (Overseer Hank), Credit: Prime Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K02U0z8lJY Lucy is the daughter of Vault 33's overseer (Kyle MacLachlan) and provides a look at what the world of Fallout would think of as the ideal vault-dweller. According to recent interviews, Purnell used some unique inspiration for her character such as Ellie Kemper in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Leslie Knope in Parks and Recreation, and Ned Flanders from The Simpsons.
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Moisés Arias, Dave Register, Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime In regard to her character's original home, Purnell explains her thoughts on Vault 33: If the entire function of the vault is to create generations and generations and generations of vault dwellers who truly believe that their entire life's purpose is to rebuild America, how does that influence your attitudes towards relationships, towards sex, towards education and reform?"
The Ghoul: Hollywood Icon to Fallout Bounty Hunter
Goggins character, the Ghoul, has a very California-style origin story filled to the brim with experiences and a long history in pre- and post-apocalypse Hollywood.  The inspiration for his performance comes from a similarly isolated character in popular media, Wolverine, who had seen time come and go as he only progressed past loved ones and life itself.
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Walton Goggins (The Ghoul), Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime From previously released clips, we meet Ghoul in a marketplace called "Filly" and he becomes an introduction to residents of the wasteland according to the showrunners. Witnessing the introduction of a character like Ghoul in the marketplace clip, it's obvious how the bits and pieces from Fallout 3 impacted choices for Nolan.
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Walton Goggins (The Ghoul), Credit: Prime Video
The Brotherhood of Steel: Sparta of Fallout
Moten's character, Maximus, is on a journey to become a part of the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout. A devout and complicated army of pre-war technology devotees, this wasteland faction brings out a spartan lifestyle for those involved. Moten has said about the faction, "They are certainly capable of monstrosities in the wasteland as well. They want to project this sense of power and violence, and they want to control the wasteland." This isn't far off from the truth if you've played any of the games.
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Brotherhood of Steel, Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime Maximus' life is set on finding what is a goal noble-enough for him to pursue and it might end up not being with the Brotherhood of Steel. Morten apparently had a tough job figuring out how he should move in the iconic power armor suit, but assistance from his stunt double, Adam Shipley, proved to be crucial in lightening the literal weight of it all.
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Aaron Moten (Maximus), Credit: Prime Video According to recent interviews, Maximus will be venturing out on a solo mission for the Brotherhood of Steel that may encounter other factions like the Enclave and the New California Republic. It's easier said than done when figuring out where the faction lands in terms of morality (especially from game to game in the series). The pressures will become complicated and ever shifting for Morten's character in the wasteland.
Prime Video's Fallout & Its Future
Nolan, like many fans, hope for the potential to broaden with any season expansions announced. For now, it becomes a waiting game for the writers, the cast, and the fan-base. A lot of inspiration for the future plans for Fallout come from Buffy the Vampire Slayer series for Nolan. Expanding upon more factions, states, characters, vaults, and more is just ahead for those involved as long as Prime Video continues the series. Fallout will begin its journey on the streaming platform on April 11, when all episodes will be available to watch. Read the full article
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 8 months
if i was writing episode 9000:
Elle: Well, I have good news and bad news. Good news is, you didn't kill him by hitting him with the car, Andrew. Bad news is it wasn't Leo, either so I may have just burned that bridge for no good reason.
Andrew: so Leo didn't shoot him?
Elle: Leo did shoot him in the neck with a crossbow, but that actually saved his life because he was choking to death on the poisoned martini from Aaron he got to wash down the horse tranquilisers Amy put in the food she got him from the snack bar after Lucy pushed him down that flight of stairs when she got in between him and Mum after she slapped him for turning Harlow against her.
Andrew: Then who did kill him?
Elle: if I had to guess? David.
Andrew: The dead guy?
Elle: Dad didn't die from the fall, the poison, or the shot to the neck. He died from internal bleeding from when Uncle Scott accidentally opened the car door onto him at the church when he was walking me down the aisle. Someone replaced his heart medication with blood thinners months ago, and after prolonged use, with his condition, he was basically a ticking time bomb.
Andrew: What does that have to do with David?
Elle: I spoke to Dr Kennedy at the party. He says that he did prescribe Dad the pills, but it was Dr Varga-Murphy who dispensed them. She gave them to David, who gave them to Leo, who gave them to Dad.
Andrew: Leo or the doctor could have also messed with the pills?
Elle: Nice guess, but when I dusted the pill bottle from Dad's ensuite the only fingerprints inside the bottle, like someone was trying to hold it still to put pills in without gloves, matched up to David. The good doctor evidently wore gloves, and Leo's fingerprints were only on the tube itself, not the inside.
Andrew: So Chelsea the Golddigger, who everyone has been blaming, is basically the only person who DIDN'T almost kill Dad tonight.
Elle: What can I say. She's not a very good gold digger.
Andrew: I can't believe this. David. of all people.
Elle: If it helps, I don't think he was TRYING to kill Dad. I think he was just trying to make him seem to Leo like he wasn't safe to have around Abi. The date on the pill bottle says they were dispensed two days after Dad first started kicking up a stink about him and Nepo Baby Krista dating. '
Andrew: Um, hey just before we go in there and drop this atomic bomb of a cluedo guess you've got going on, um, I should let you know it was me who spilt the red stuff on Donna's original bridesmaid dress. I was eating the popsicle from your freezer you were saving. Just thought I'd let you know before you like, rip my whole life apart in front of me.
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sparrowsabre7 · 1 year
Godzilla (2014) thoughts
I know I'm way late to the party on this but I just saw it on Netflix and I have some Thoughts.
I like what they did with the film conceptually, treating it more like a disaster movie than a monster movie, focusing on the human response rather than the monster threat. The palpable tension works well here in a way it's not really portrayed in a lot of current films that end up destroying cities and while trite, tying a human, family story into the tragedy helps ground it and feel more personal (Elizabeth Olden selling the hell out of her rather meagre role but doing much more with it than Aaron Taylor-Johnsons bland protagonist).
I also dug that Serizawa (Ken Watanabe) had ties with the Hiroshima bombing, given the zeitgeist that inspire the creation of "Gojira".
In terms of spectacle there are plenty of visually impressive setpieces (despite the now cliché post-2000s pitch black darkness of night time action scenes being on full display to try and spoil it), the HALO jump from the teaser being one and the finale battle was impressive given the slow burn of Godzilla's appearances, the first use of his Atomic Breath (tm) in particular was a treat.
That being said.... why is this called "Godzilla"?
I knew going in from all the complaints at the time that the big G got very little screentime, that's fine. I expect that in the first film, you want to do the horror thing, less is more, I don't necessarily like or agree with it but I respect it. However... Godzilla isn't the antagonist of this movie, the MUTOs have far more screentime, occupy far more of the humans' storyline. Godzilla appears in the opening credits as something that's already established in the world. I know that the kaiju fans will be saying how Godzilla isn't really a villain and takes a more heroic role in most of the Japanese films, however, it's not like he's the protagonist here, he takes up far too little screen time to be classed as such and his conflict is not central to the actual protagonists stories. He feels very much like an after thought thrown in to get the brand out there. It feels like if they called "Captain America: Civil War" "Spider-man" instead. Like, yeah he's there and he's awesome, but he also doesn't really change the narrative if you swap him out.
It's just a bit odd for his first major reboot in modern times for Godzilla to not only not be the focus, but not even be that important to the narrative besides as a weapon to throw at the MUTO.
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back-and-totheleft · 2 years
The world according to Oliver Stone
Oliver Stone begins shooting this summer on his new film Savages, adapted from Don Winslow's 2010 novel about marijuana growers in Orange County outside Los Angeles, who run afoul of a Mexican drug cartel.
The project, which takes Stone to Laguna Beach and other locations in southern California, has a dream-team cast - including Blake Lively, Teresa Palmer, Benicio Del Toro, Taylor Kitsch, Salma Hayek, John Travolta and Aaron Johnson.
Now 64, but as energetic as ever, Stone has been making films regularly for more than 30 years. He has been trying to make them for a lot longer.
When Stone sat down to talk while in San Francisco earlier this month to accept the Founder's Award for Directing from the San Francisco International Film Festival, he stressed that he had struggled to make movies in his early days, even after winning an Academy Award in 1979 for his script for Midnight Express, an adaptation of the book by Billy Hayes.
"It's been an up-and-down experience," said the director of Wall Street, who acknowledged that his career might look like the chart of a stock that spikes and dips. "People say that I'm history. People say that I'm washed up all the time. Nixon, in 1995, was not a commercial success, but for me it was a successful film. Then I went off to make documentaries. They want me to make the same film all the time.
"Frankly, I have different interests at different times," Stone said. "W, about George W Bush, has a simple style. I don't think there's anything wrong with simplicity when you get older. And now I'm off to make Savages. I may go back the other way."
Before the public sees Savages, Stone will premiere a series that he has been working on for three years, The Untold History of the United States, a documentary project for American television in which he examines tragic events of the 20th century. The director said he turned to documentaries "to refresh the source".
"Dealing with fiction or dramatisation, it becomes something of a 'gig'," he said. "I found myself wanting to go back into the field." Stone's non-fiction subjects have been Fidel Castro, Palestine, and the Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez - all controversial for the American audience.
"What we're doing is going back and examining forgotten history. I was brainwashed in school the way most Americans are," said the director, who has never been reticent about his opinions. "I went off to the war in Vietnam, believing that we were fighting evil, monolithic communism," he said. "History was ethnocentric back then. It's better-written now, more critical, but there is still a tremendous gap between reality and what the experience of American history is. We're trying to close that gap."
Stone said that his Untold History would begin with the US decision to drop atom bombs on Japan in 1945.
"Memory is the thread of civilisation," he said. "Without memory, we become barbarians."
Stone said he made Platoon so that the public would remember the war in Vietnam. The director listed films of the 1990s that, he believes, clash with memory. "Black Hawk Down is a well-made movie, but it's in praise of technology," he argued. "Even in Saving Private Ryan, you saw the worship of World War II as the good war. Gladiator in 2001 was part of that war mindset. By the time of the Iraq War, we were ready to go back.
"America loves war, America depends on war, and so does its industry," said the director.
If Stone is right about Americans and war, it seems odd that it was so difficult for him to get Platoon financed there in the 1980s.
"It was considered a box-office downer, uncommercial," he explained. "It got made for reasons of a freak accident. It was an English producer, who made the movie for very little money - $6 million. We did it in the Philippines on the skin of our teeth. John Daley, who just passed away, also produced Salvador for $3m, $4m. Salvador only got distributed because it was the advent of the video revolution, and we had money from that."
In casting Platoon at that budget, "we went as realistic as we possibly could," Stone said. "Most of what we had seen as war in movies before had older men, like John Wayne. I took younger actors, with the exception of Willem Dafoe and Tom Berenger, and we prepared them for shooting in what was the equivalent of training camp. So, by the time that they were actually on film, it looked as if they were soldiers who'd been through a war. That's what we wanted."
Stone credited that realism with uniting veterans and critics of the war in admiration of Platoon.
"There were some veterans who called me a liar for what I showed in the film, or people who wanted me put on trial for crimes against humanity, but it was one of those rare moments, like the Obama -election."
He added: "It's a nice thing to see. If it happens again, grab it. It's like a surfer's wave. It doesn't happen very often."
The nature of history has not turned Stone into a cynic, although it has been the gift that gives him stories to make films about. "You've got to have a sense of humour," said the man who dramatised two Wall Street meltdowns. "What a ride. You begin to wonder how much more we can take. Is Donald Trump going to be president of the United States? That might be a reason to move back to Vietnam."
The veteran filmmaker seemed to smell a screenplay, although this subject promised a whiff of comedy, not exactly Stone's trademark.
"I've made comedies," he insisted. "Natural Born Killers is a comedy - it's a dark comedy. U-Turn has comedic elements. Salvador has very comedic elements. I think there are comedic elements in Any Given Sunday and, frankly, the George Bush film, W, if you're willing to look at it with a sense of irony, is a very funny movie. The man is president of the United States, and this is quoted dialogue."
Stone stressed that he stepped back from any opinions he had about Bush. "I'm a dramatist first," he said, noting that he had been criticised for not going on the attack more fiercely. "I thought we should just show the guy, and how he became president, which involved walking in his shoes. Empathy means you're not pro or con, but you're understanding, and letting him speak for himself."
Turning back more than 2,000 years, Stone noted that his 2004 epic about another ruler, Alexander, will finally be released this year at the length he originally wanted it to be - three hours and 45 minutes. "Frankly, I rushed the movie to make the marketing deadline of November 2004, and it had to be under two hours and 55. You can't cut a movie up like that."
"Our new version actually allows the movie to breathe and be what it is," said Stone, who considers the film one of his greatest achievements. "It is at the beginning of time, and it's not at all comparable to George Bush going into -Baghdad."
Stone hesitated for a moment, and laughed. "It was done the same year. What a big mistake."
-David D'Arcy, "The world according to Oliver Stone," The National, May 25 2011 [x]
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xtruss · 2 years
How a Musty Gold Mine Became Key in the Quest for Mysterious Dark Matter
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— Svetlana Ekimenko | November 27, 2022
Scientists believe that roughly 85 percent of the Universe is made of dark matter - a certain type of material that cannot directly be observed since it does not emit light or energy.
An old gold mine and a vat containing liquid xenon are the key elements of an ongoing hunt for the elusive dark matter that is believed to make up about 85 percent of all matter in the Universe.
This hypothetical form of matter doesn’t emit, absorb or scatter light, while existing almost everywhere in our Universe, making it undetectable in astronomical observations. In the hopes of solving this fundamental mystery, a team of researchers picked an old gold mine in Lead, South Dakota, US, burrowing down underground to a depth of nearly a mile, or 1.6 kilometers, to block out all background noise.
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Two researchers walk through an old mining tunnel to what is now the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, S.D. © AP Photo / Stephen Groves
The experiment spearheaded by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley Lab) with contribution from physicists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and involving an international team comprising around 250 engineers and scientists is calculating on catching the undetectable dark matter as it interacts with other particles.
The crucial element of the Sanford Underground Research Facility is liquid xenon, sitting inside two titanium tanks, fitted with detectors able to zoom in on miniscule flashes of energy potentially coming from a particle of dark matter colliding with a xenon atom. The titanium is designed to keep the liquid xenon cold and also to maintain background radiation down to a minimum.
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A lab worker wearing a full-body suit to avoid contaminating the dark matter detector works in the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead. © AP Photo / Stephen Groves
According to the plan for the experiment, the mysterious dark matter might come from the theoretical Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). The WIMPs, if they exist, while interacting with gravity, could be expected to collide with particles of visible matter on rare occasions.
"Our job is to get some chunk of matter, which is very clean and very quiet from a particle perspective, and in which we can instrument and be able to detect when there was a particle interaction," Aaron Manalaysay, the project's physics coordinator, told media.
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Early results are expected sometime in 2023, with observations scheduled to continue for up to five years.
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revexant · 3 years
someone get this man a rotom phone just so he can ask it stupid questions
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honeypiehotchner · 3 years
Unconventional (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- part ten
Listen...this is who knows how many words of porn (~4k I think). This is the hottest thing I have ever written in my opinion, but y’all can be the judge ;)
Also reminder that the pictures I put are from Pinterest and are only here for the aesthetic, they are by no means what I write the reader to look like (because the reader is all you!)
Warnings, in no particular order: reader’s first time, praise kink, slight virginity/innocence kink, oral (f receiving), guided fingering, multiple orgasms, Sir kink, talk of masturbation, talk of rules, light smacking, light biting, THIS IS LITERAL PORN DON’T LOOK @ ME, also not as much aftercare as there should be
Previous chapter || Fic Masterlist || Hotch Masterlist
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Aaron’s lips are hot and ferocious when he kisses you in the elevator. You’re backed into the wall, the railing right at the arch of your back, pressing your lower half into his. The groan that erupts from his throat at your touch is animalistic.
Finally, you think as your hands go to press into his abdomen, but you’re surprised when he grabs your wrists. To your pleasure and amusement, though, he pins them above your head, causing a moan to escape you, only to be swallowed by his lips.
The elevator doors open and he peels himself away from you, only barely. His hand rests on your lower back the same way as earlier, only now his fingers are flexing, like he wants to dig his nails into your skin and mark you.
You’re surprised at how well he keeps his composure while he types the code into the keypad on the door, but once the green light shows, the door is practically thrown open, and you’re shoved inside.
You’re too full of lust to care. His hands are all over you again, fingers pressing into your skin and daring to tear you open. You want him to.
When your hands try to press into his abdomen once more, wanting to feel him, he pulls your wrists away, this time peppering kisses on your arms to your wrists to your palms to the tips of your fingers.
His eyes burn brighter with every kiss and soon he places your hands behind his neck. You smirk and link your fingers together, wondering what he’s up to.
But he slows down. His hands rest on your hips and he kisses your forehead, then your nose, your lips, your cheeks, and your lips once more.
Your eyebrows furrow, your head spinning, trying to catch up to his new pace.
“What, honey?”
You inhale sharply. “Why did you stop?”
He smiles softly, and you’re still beyond confused. Your skin is still on fire, every atom begging to be touched by him, yet he’s slowing to a stop.
“Do you want more?” His eyes demand an answer, but you’re more than willing to give one.
“Yes,” you say, like it should’ve been obvious. “I want more. I want you.”
“I’m right here,” he says. “Are you sure?”
You nod. “I’m sure. I’m so sure.”
“You’re not tipsy?”
“Aaron, one glass of champagne four hours ago does not make me tipsy. I am stone-cold sober right now and I am begging you to fuck me.”
Like a switch has been flipped inside him, he resumes his previous pace. Now a man on one mission, he wastes no time in slipping the straps of your dress down your arms. He helps you step out of it, kicking your heels somewhere else in the room. His jacket is next, then his belt, and he raises an eyebrow when he sees you eyeing it wistfully as he tosses it away.
“Another time,” he promises, and he has a feeling you’ll hold him to it.
His pants are next, but you make the bold decision to walk over to the bed while he undresses, giving him a show as you sway your hips.
You’re barely crawling on the bed before he’s on top of you. Face down on the mattress, every part of you buzzes as his body covers yours, and his lips suck on your neck.
It’s not until he flips you over onto your back and begins tearing away your panties that you remember a vital piece of information.
“Wait, real quick,” you pause to breathe, unaware of your shallow breaths. “This is my first time, so...go easy on me.”
He freezes. “Your first time?”
“Yeah…?” You sit up on your elbows. “Why?”
He looks up at you from in between your legs, and you nearly scream right then. “You’ve never…” He pauses. “Done anything? Anything at all?”
You tilt your head. “That is what I said, yes.”
He sits up on the edge of the bed, pulling you up to a sitting position as well. “What have you done before?”
“Kissing,” you admit. “Making out. With you.”
His thumb strokes your cheek. “Was I your first kiss?”
“No,” you murmur. “But it had been six years, and it wasn’t a real kiss. It was high school.”
“Okay. Answer me honestly. Do you want me to be your first?” He asks. “This doesn’t have to be part of our agreement. Truthfully, it never was, but the way you looked tonight…”
“I do want you,” you say. “I do.”
He smiles then, leaning in to kiss you sweetly this time, still claiming your lips, but softer.
After a moment he begins sliding back down your body, settling himself between your thighs, back where he was and where he wants to stay.
“You have touched yourself before, haven’t you?”
You can feel your face burning hot from his question. You aren’t embarrassed, but you’ve never talked to anyone about what you do to yourself.
“Yes,” you squeak out, covering your face with your hands. “Obviously I’ve masturbated, I’m twenty-two, Aaron.”
“I’m only checking,” he says. “Don’t hide from me, sweet girl.” His hands wrap around your wrists, tugging your palms from your eyes. “You can talk to me, and I need you to, okay?”
You nod slowly.
“How often do you touch yourself?”
You’ve never really thought about it. “Just...whenever I feel like it. Am I supposed to have a real answer?”
“That’s good enough,” he says. “But how about a new rule? Are you up for some rules?”
You blink. Fuck yes. “Yes.”
“Well, for starters,” he kisses your knuckles. “It’s ‘Yes, sir.’ From now on. Okay?”
Jesus Christ that’s hot. “Yes-- Sir. Yes, sir.”
“Good girl,” he smiles, giving your knuckles another kiss as he gently massages the palms of your hands. It’s calming in ways you never knew about, having someone else massage your hands. “Second, you’re no longer allowed to touch yourself without my permission.”
Your eyes widen. That’s also hot, but you can already foresee it frustrating you. “What do I do if you’re not with me?”
“Then you call me and you ask for permission.”
“What if you don’t answer?”
He smirks. “Then I guess you don’t get to touch yourself until I do.” He turns his head to kiss your inner thigh, nipping at the skin with his teeth to drive his point home. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, but what if--”
“No more what if’s, little one,” he chides softly. “Don’t touch yourself without asking me first. Do you understand?”
“Ugh, yes, fine, yes s--”
You’re cut off by a gentle (but it still stings) smack to your thigh. It makes you gasp, not from pain, but from surprise -- and complete arousal. You didn’t expect it to be arousing.
“Without the attitude, please.”
“Yes, sir,” you say, with no attitude this time. “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you, you’re forgiven, sweet girl,” he replies, soothing the spot where he smacked you with a kiss, even though the stinging went away within seconds.
He continues like that for a few moments, only kissing your inner thighs, slowly making you lose your mind. You squeeze your hands into fists at your sides, and Aaron chuckles when he notices.
“We can work up to this one, but I want you to ask for what you want. Explicitly.”
You let out a surprised whimper just at the thought of asking for things. Specific things.
Aaron notices the bashful silence and says, “We’ll work on it, little one, if you want to.” All while he speaks, his lips brush against the skin of your thighs, your hips, your stomach.
“I think I do,” you murmur, biting back a smile.
“Then we’ll work towards it,” he assures you. “For now, though, I don’t mind if you hold onto my hair. Pull, if you want, I encourage it. If you want more or less, push or pull, can you do that for me?”
You nod.
“Use your words, angel, that’s another rule. I need you to always use your words with me, okay?”
“Yes, sir,” you nod again, smiling now.
“Perfect,” he praises you, settling back down. “I’ll start slow.”
He literally dives in, like he hasn’t had a meal in days, like there’s a certain hunger deep inside him that only your orgasm will satisfy. He sucks your clit gently, tonguing the bundle of nerves, humming when your fingers tangle in his hair. You weren’t going to hold onto his head at first, but now you see why he said you could. You need to hold on for dear life at the rate he’s going.
When he pauses for just a second, you gasp out, “That’s slow?”
“Yes,” he chuckles, kissing your clit softly before looking up at you. “Do you need me to go slower?”
Your head falls back onto the pillows. He looks impossibly hot when he’s staring up at you from between your legs. “I don’t know yet. No. No, keep...keep going.”
“My good girl,” he praises, “using her words.”
He resumes his ministrations, this time moving his hands to your hips, his fingers squeezing your skin while he licks and sucks and devours you.
He continues for a few moments, and then he realizes that you’ve been quiet, your fingers limp in his hair. And you’ve grown tenser under his touch with every passing second. Not a bad tense, but not a good tense either.
Lifting his head, he rubs soothing circles into your skin with his thumbs. Your head is still laid back, eyes closed, lips slightly parted, but your eyebrows are pinched together.
“You’re tense,” he whispers. “What’s going on in your head?”
“How much I wanna cum,” you chuckle dryly. “But it’s like I can’t.”
“Have you before?”
“Many times,” you laugh. “Trust me.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No, I wanna cum,” you snort.
He smirks. “Shall we try something else?”
You crack your eyes open. “Like what?”
He holds his hand out to you, and you skeptically take it, letting him pull you up into a sitting position. Confusion is etched onto your face as he maneuvers your body, shifting himself and then practically picking you up to place you between his legs.
“Lean back,” he says softly, his fingers pressing on your shoulders.
Still disbelieving, you do as you’re told, leaning back so your bare back is pressed against his chest -- he still has a shirt on.
“Spread your legs,” he instructs. “Hook your heels over my calves.”
“What does--”
“Just do it, little one,” he whispers directly into your ear. “Don’t make me ask again.”
Goosebumps cover your body as you spread your legs, hooking your heels over his calves. And then, he spreads his legs.
“I don’t have the spreader bar with me,” he says, chuckling lowly. “So we’ll make do.”
A spreader bar. Jesus.
“Oh, I felt that shudder,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your neck as his hands rub up and down your arms. Up and down, and up and down. Soothing. Arousing. “We’ll talk about that stuff later. For now, let’s work on making you cum.”
“Please,” you exhale, slumping back into him. “Please, sir, please do.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you, little girl.” Another kiss is placed on your neck. “You’re tense. When was the last time you made yourself cum?”
You try to think, but you can’t remember. Your silence tells all.
“Why haven’t you relieved yourself?”
“Too busy,” you shrug, relaxing a little more into his chest when he peppers your head with kisses.
“Too busy to pleasure yourself?” He tuts, moving his hands down to squeeze your hips. “We’ll have to work on that.”
You chuckle, your eyes slipping closed. “Sure. Sounds good to me.”
This time when his fingers graze your inner thighs, you barely move, too strung out to even care. His left hand grabs your right, placing your palm over the back of his right hand. Your eyes open in confusion, looking down to see what he’s doing.
“Guide me,” he says after a moment. “Show me what you do.”
That… Strangely, that seems like it might be too much, or too embarrassing, at least, which makes no sense considering the position you’re in right now.
But your body is practically buzzing with arousal and the need to cum, so you do as he says, and you apply pressure to the back of his hand.
A surprised whimper leaves your lips when his index finger pushes inside, meeting zero resistance. One of his fingers is like two of yours, plus this angle, and you already feel full.
Gently, you push and pull on his hand and he begins a steady pace with just one finger. You move your hand to begin rubbing your clit, but Aaron swoops in and moves your hand away, replacing your thumb with his.
“You’re doing none of the work tonight,” he whispers. “Just let me.”
You slump back into him, groaning and grabbing his right hand.
“Do you want a second finger already?” He asks, chuckling sweetly when you nod, beginning to rut your hips. “Relax, little one. I’ll give you another.”
Still, your hips lift, and he uses the moment to his advantage, slipping a second finger in with the first. You feel a slight stretch this time, one that disappears quickly when you make yourself relax for just a moment, allowing him inside.
“Good girl,” Aaron murmurs, feeling the change, the way his fingers easily slid inside, right to the knuckle. He returns to your clit, rubbing quick circles, and he feels the first flutter of your walls. “That’s it,” he encourages quietly. “Let go.”
You have no reply, just writhing in his arms, your feet flexing, thighs tightening and wanting to close your legs, but Aaron spreads his further. His words of encouragement fill your ears, his teeth nip at your ears, his arms tighten around you, holding you in place.
“Shit,” you breathe, feeling right on the edge. “Aaron--”
“Let go,” he says again. “Let yourself go.”
You reach down a press on his right hand, keeping his two fingers buried deep inside you as his other hand still works your clit.
“Do you like how deep I am?” He asks, and you nod, your face scrunched up in pleasure. Aaron presses his fingers even deeper. “That’s good. I’ll be even deeper when it’s my cock.” The thought and his voice makes you groan loudly. He curls his fingers, chuckling breathily when you begin to whine. “Mm, there we go. Come on, little girl, let me see you cum. You can do it, come on.”
His fingers curl tighter, his thumb quickens its pace on your clit, and the coil snaps. You cum with a loud cry, thrashing in his arms harder than you’ve ever done on your own.
He continues gently thrusting his fingers, working you through the pleasure, easing you down from the high that you were thrown off of.
After a few moments, Aaron stops his movements, leaving his fingers buried deep inside you, relishing in the aftershocks that jolt through your body. He peppers kisses all along the sides of your face, down your neck, on your shoulders. The only signs that you aren’t passed out from the force of your orgasm are the tiny breaths and whimpers that leave your lips every now and again.
“Are you okay?” Aaron whispers, his lips grazing the shell of your ear.
“Mhm,” you murmur, and then, shocking Aaron, you begin to grind your hips against his fingers.
“Really?” He chuckles, not moving, letting you do the work this time and take your pleasure. “Is my little one needy?”
“Yes,” you groan, your hands gripping his arm tightly. “Want another.”
“Go ahead,” he says, scissoring his fingers. “Take it. Take as many as you need.”
The second orgasm is small, a fleeting burst that rattles your skull, leaving you as breathless as before and still wanting.
Aaron slowly takes his fingers from your heat, grinning at the mess you’ve made.
“Can I have your mouth again?” You ask, twisting around in his arms, sitting on your knees now between his legs. “Please?”
He stares at you, your pupils dilated with lust, your lips swollen from where you’ve been biting them. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” You’re close to begging, and if he holds off any longer, you just might start. “Please, sir.”
“Well, since you’re asking so nicely,” he says, capturing your lips in a kiss. “Will you do something for me first?”
You nod eagerly. Whatever. I’ll do whatever.
“Taste yourself,” he says, raising his fingers to your lips. “Have you before?”
Again, you feel heat flooding your cheeks as you admit that you have. You were curious one night after reading it a few times in books.
“You’re not as innocent as you seem, are you?” He taps the pads of his fingers to your lips. “Open up.”
With almost no hesitation, you part your lips, humming when he pushes his fingers against your tongue. You close your lips and suck, the familiar yet still foreign taste of yourself flooding your tastebuds.
Aaron’s free hand cups your jaw, thumbing your cheek gently. “Good girl,” he murmurs. “You’re so good for me already.”
The praise has your chest swelling, and your eyelashes flutter bashfully.
This time when Aaron settles between your legs, you’re much more relaxed. He notices even in the way you practically melt into the sheets, blissfully running your fingers through his hair when he kisses your navel.
He goes slow this time, seriously slow, listening to your whines and moans. Overstimulating you wasn’t on the agenda tonight, but it’s something worth mentioning soon when the two of you talk about more nights like these. He thinks overstimulation might be a kink of yours that you weren’t even aware of.
He makes you cum a third time without his fingers, instead fucking you with his tongue. It’s a new sensation, one you weren’t expecting to like so much, yet you can’t get enough when he does make you cum.
Aaron almost goes for a fourth, but decides against it, feeling the layer of sweat on your skin. It’s time for you to calm down for the night.
Massaging your thighs, he watches as you sink further into the pillows, your eyes closed and lips parted as you breathe deeply.
Slowly, he crawls back up on the bed, lying next to you. You’re aware of the movement, but you don’t open your eyes.
“I’m going to get a washcloth,” he says, and you hum quietly in response.
Aaron leaves and returns with a warm washcloth, and he begins gently cleaning you up, soothing your sore entrance.
“What about you?” You ask, sitting up on your elbows, but you still look exhausted. “I thought we were…?”
He smiles softly. “I’m not fucking you tonight, little girl. I don’t have the proper toys with me to get you ready and I am not risking hurting you.” He kisses your forehead gently. “And as for me, I am just fine. I want you to relax and get some rest.”
“Do not worry about it,” he says, firmer this time. “I wanted tonight to be good for you. Was it?”
You nod, smiling softly. “Very.”
“Good. That is all that matters.” Another sweet kiss pressed to your lips. He can’t get enough. “Rest.”
You’re out before you even realize it.
Next chapter
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castiellesbian · 4 years
i feel like i need a glossary of terms or a contact list for all these people involved with the show. i have shit memory and dont pay attention to the credits who is sera (sara??) and why does everyone hate her!! why is he Bobo!!!!!! please... has anyone posted about this im desperate
lol well including everyone involved with the show would be difficult, but I’ll give you some highlights
Eric Kripke: creator of Supernatural, showrunner for seasons 1-5. People have differing opinions about him but general people enjoyed his run and he’s considered the best showrunner in the series overall. Not much to say because there’s a lot to say lmao (notable episodes: “Pilot,” “Lazarus Rising,” and “Swan Song”)
Sera Gamble: writer who was involved from the beginning of the show, became showrunner after Kripke left. Her seasons, 6 and 7, are typically regarded as the weakest seasons. She was a huge brothers-only supporter, and was responsible for Misha being written out of the show (as well as Jim Beaver, Bobby) in order to get the show to just be about the brothers again. There’s a lot of drama regarding her treatment of Misha/Cas, but more recently she’s known for the Magicians debacle, a horrendous example of the Bury Your Gays trope. She’s also involved with (the showrunner of?) You on Netflix. She was a pretty good writer, but overall fans dislike her because of her showrunning tenure (notable episodes: “Faith” with Raelle Tucker, “Death’s Door,” “The Born-Again Identity”)
Jeremy Carver: writer from season 3 that was promoted to showrunner from seasons 8 through.... some time in 12, the timeline has been a little murky to me. He was the one who brought Cas back into the main plot, as well as allowing the deancas storyline to become genuine subtext (we can argue whether it was queerbaiting or what he was intending to do if he had been running the series finale, but yeah). Unfortunately, he was also the showrunner when Charlie was killed off brutally, which dampens his legacy. People are conflicted about his seasons, but generally he’s looked upon favorably (not related, but the picture that comes up when you search him on google is NOT him, he’s really like a typical white nerdy looking dude lol) (notable episodes: “The Rapture,” “Sacrifice,” “Do You Believe in Miracles?”)
Andrew Dabb: writer from season 4, promoted to showrunner during season 12 and is the last showrunner of Supernatural (he wrote the finale). He was well-liked by deancas fans for awhile because of how much screentime they were allowed to give, and because of the focus on extended/found family. Sam and Dean only fans didn’t like him for the same reasons. Unfortunately, HIS legacy has been marred by the awful series finale, though it’s debated whether that was his fault or because of network meddling. (notable episodes: “Dark Side of the Moon” with Daniel Loflin, “The Prisoner,” “Moriah”)
Robert Singer: executive producer since the beginning of the show (he’s also co-showrunner throughout Supernatural, but I don’t think he typically was involved with the plotlines too often). He’s directed quite a few episodes, including the infamous wire fight episode (s13 finale) as well as the series finale. Married to Eugenie Ross-Leming, writer of the show
Eugenie Ross-Leming/Brad Buckner: writing partners TECHNICALLY from season 1, but they only wrote one episode until they were brought back in season 7. They are regarded as the worst writers in all of Supernatural, responsible for tactless death scenes of fan-favorites (and typically minorities) like Kevin, Charlie, and Eileen. They also feature a gross amount of dubcon/noncon, racism, weird unnecessary sex stuff, and are SUPER into Lucifer for some unknown reason (they have a crush on Mark Pellegrino I guess). They’re also just kind of bad writers in general, their pacing is weird and their plots convoluted. To be fair, though, they have written some good moments, like Dean trying to reach Cas in Hell’s Angel and Dean’s confessional scene in Paint It Black. But overall, they suck. Why are they still on the show even though BOTH sides of the fandom (who never agree on ANYTHING) dislike them? Well, because Eugenie is married to Singer. Nepotism. (notable episodes, the ones I can stand to watch lmao: “Holy Terror,” “Hell’s Angel,” “Our Father Who Aren’t in Heaven”)
Ben Edlund: writer from season 2 who left after season 8, but people STILL talk about him simply because he is arguably the strongest writer of the series. Cas fans particularly like him because he did most of the heavy-lifting regarding Cas’ characterization. He also wrote the famous bi!Dean scene with Aaron in season 8, where Dean is flustered after being flirted with. (notable episodes: “On the Head of a Pin,” “The French Mistake,” and my all-time favorite “The Man Who Would Be King”)
Robert “Bobo” Berens: writer from season 9, his first episode was “Heaven Can’t Wait,” which is all you really need to know about his influence on the deancas storyline. He’s also gay, so people particularly enjoy seeing how he approaches destiel in his episodes since it’s not just another straight guy potentially just catering to fans. He was also the one who was meant to go off and run Wayward Sisters, and is responsible for a lot of their development in recent seasons. I believe he also created Rowena? He wrote the episode this season where Cas confesses his love to Dean (along with other heavy deancas episodes like “The Trap”). Sam fans typically don’t like him because he doesn’t give him much focus. (notable episodes: “Heaven Can’t Wait,” “Who We Are,” “Wayward Sisters” with Andrew Dabb)
Steve Yockey: writer from season 12 through the beginning of season 15. Also gay, and also responsible for deancas moments in recent years. Generally loved for his deancas subtext but ALSO because he is an amazing writer who came out with iconic episodes. (notable episodes: “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox,” “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets,” “Peace of Mind” with Meghan Fitzmartin)
Robbie Thompson: writer from seasons 7 through 11, and wrote some fan favorite episodes in the meantime. He is also the creator of fan favorite characters like Charlie and Eileen. He was also one of the few writers who was vocally supportive of destiel during his tenure rather than just later. I’m not implying anything about his intentions, but it was validating for him to encourage fans during a time where most of the cast/crew ignored or actively dismissed it. Plus his episodes are just fun! (notable episodes: “LARP and the Real Girl,” “Fan Fiction,” “Baby”)
Meredith Glynn: writer since season 12, has worked closely with Bobo during their seasons together. She and Bobo cowrote “The Future,” which is the mixtape episode, so she has been taken in by deancas fans haha. She also wrote the episode where Cas makes the deal with the Empty, so it’s pretty safe to say she and Bobo had worked on the deancas plotline together :) She’s also liked some deancas-related tweets on twitter, so she’s being subtly supportive (notable episodes: “Regarding Dean,” “The Future” with Robert Berens, “Byzantium”)
Davy Perez: writer since season 12 (a lot of the ones I’ve mentioned are, since this is when Dabb became showrunner and made changes in the writers room). His episodes tend to either be horror or bizarre. I mention him because he’s responsible for episodes like “Stuck in the Middle (With You)” (Cas’ first “I love you”) and “Tombstone” (aka Brokebacknatural lmao). I don’t know much about him otherwise, but that’s why he’s brought up usually (notable episodes: “Stuck in the Middle (With You),” “Tombstone,” “Atomic Monsters”)
hopefully this helps, and hopefully I didn’t forget about anyone major. There have been a LOT of people behind the scenes so it’s hard to say who to include. Like, I didn’t mention Jerry Wanek, Jim Michaels, Kim Manners, Thomas J. Wright, or others who might be mentioned from time to time.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'We are on the verge of a "Hartnettaissance."
Josh Hartnett recently had impressive performances on TV ("Black Mirror") and in movies ("Oppenheimer").
Since he's known best for his work on the big screen, we're highlighting Hartnett's top movie roles.
14. John Tate in "Halloween H20: 20 Years Later" (1998)
In his big screen debut, Hartnett played John, the son of Jamie Lee Curtis' character, Laurie.
It's what you'd expect — he runs for his life from Michael Myers. It's not the most memorable performance, but landing the role did help catapult him into the "next big thing" conversation in Hollywood.
13. Hugo Goulding in "O" (2001)
In this modern-day retelling of Shakespeare's "Othello," Harnett plays the evil Hugo (essentially an adaptation of the Iago character in the classic play), who plots against his supposed friend Odin (Mekhi Phifer) to get the attention of Desi (Julia Stiles) and ruin Odin's life.
Released at a time when Hartnett's star was rising fast, the movie helped show that Hartnett was more than just a pretty face.
12. Dwight "Bucky" Bleichert in "The Black Dahlia" (2006)
Though this Brian DePalma-directed adaptation of James Ellroy's classic pulpy noir didn't get the acclaim you'd expect with such legends attached, Hartnett still shined as a detective investigating one of Los Angeles' most notorious murders.
In a cast that also featured stars like Aaron Eckhart, Scarlett Johansson, and Hilary Swank, Hartnett proves here that his dramatic acting chops are on par with those of genuine movie stars.
11. The Drifter in "Bunraku" (2010)
A rare impressive performance from the decade or so where Hartnett found himself in B-movies that often went straight-to-video or On Demand, Hartnett has a blast in "Bunraku" playing the movie's lead, The Drifter, who stumbles upon some interesting characters — and a lot of blood.
10. Matt Sullivan in "40 Days and 40 Nights" (2002)
Hartnett leans heavily on his heartthrob status in this rom-com, in which he plays a guy who gives up any sexual contact for Lent.
Playing up his character's wide eyes and penchant for hyperventilating as his hormones gradually get out of control, Hartnett delivers big on the laughs and the charm here.
9. K.C. Calden in "Hollywood Homicide" (2003)
A year after doing the rom-com thing, Hartnett teamed up with Harrison Ford for this studio action comedy.
Harnett holds his own across from Ford, delivering a playfulness he doesn't often give us in his filmography.
8. Ernest Lawrence in "Oppenheimer" (2023)
In Christopher Nolan's biopic of J. Robert Oppenheimer, Hartnett stars as one of the real-life physicists who joined the Manhattan Project to create the atom bomb alongside Oppenheimer.
Hartnett plays Ernest Lawrence as a man who is not just friendly with Oppenheimer, but who tries to make the genius understand that his actions, especially his favoritism towards Communist thinking, can lead to problems.
7. Trip Fontaine in "The Virgin Suicides" (1999)
In Sofia Coppola's feature directorial debut about the tragic lives of five teenage sisters, Hartnett plays Trip, the movie's heartthrob who dates the most rebellious sister, Lux (Kirsten Dunst).
Hartnett plays his role perfectly, and Coppola frames him as a high school God on screen, complete with a flowing 1970s-style haircut and stylish outfits.
6. Dave "Boy Sweat" Hancock in "Wrath of Man" (2021)
The recent "Hartnettaissance" can be traced back to this Guy Ritchie action thriller.
This revenge movie set in the world of armored truck guards finds Hartnett playing one of the guards who befriends Jason Statham's character.
It won't be the last time Ritchie calls on Hartnett to bring one of his characters to life.
5. The Salesman in "Sin City" (2005)
As the slick assassin in the Robert Rodriguez adaptation of Frank Miller's iconic comic series, Hartnett's character plays a key role in bookending the movie.
His voiceover narrates his target at the start of the movie at a party. Then, dressed as a doctor at the end of the movie, he encounters a woman in an elevator. She knows from the sight of him that her fate is set.
Though Harnett doesn't get a lot of screen time, his presence in both scenes is thrilling and chilling.
4. Matt Eversmann in "Black Hawk Down" (2001)
Hartnett is front and center in Ridley Scott's acclaimed war movie, which follows the aftermath of a Black Hawk helicopter crashing in enemy territory in Mogadishu in 1993 during the Somali Civil War.
The role was a breakthrough in positioning Hartnett as not just a heartthrob, but a good actor in his own right.
3. Danny Francesco in "Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre" (2023)
Teaming again with Guy Ritchie, Hartnett delivers one of his best performances in recent memory. In this Ritchie action movie, Jason Statham plays a spy who must track down a device before an arms dealer (Hugh Grant) sells it to the highest bidder.
Hartnett plays the dealer's favorite actor, whom Statham's character uses to infiltrate the dealer's world.
Here, Hartnett gets to flex his comedic chops, as his egotistical actor character suddenly has to be as tough as the characters he plays on screen.
2. Danny Walker in "Pearl Harbor" (2001)
Michael Bay's blockbuster fictional epic about the attack on Pearl Harbor was slaughtered by critics and became a punching bag for audiences throughout the summer of 2001. But despite all of that, it features one of Hartnett's best performances.
Starring alongside Ben Affleck as two best friends who survive the attack, the role marks the biggest studio job Hartnett has had to date. Not only does Hartnett deliver an impressive dramatic performance, but he also carries the movie's main love story, alongside Kate Beckinsale.
1. Zeke Tyler in "The Faculty" (1998)
The same year Hartnett made his big-screen debut in "Halloween H20," he also starred in Robert Rodriguez's sci-fi horror "The Faculty."
As the rebellious, drug-dealing student at an Ohio high school who is repeating his senior year, Hartnett delivers all the qualities that would go on to make him famous: His boyish good looks, his brooding intensity, his signature deep voice, and that late-1990s look where you wear a long-sleeved shirt under a T-shirt.'
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favescandis · 3 years
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NEW project: ‘Oppenheimer’ Enlists ‘Vikings’ Actor Gustaf Skarsgard (Exclusive)
The Christopher Nolan film is currently in production for a July 2023 release.
The sprawling cast of Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer can count one more among its ranks. Gustaf Skarsgard has landed a role in the biopic of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, one of the fathers of the atomic bomb.
The Swedish actor will play Hans Bethe, a German-American nuclear physicist who won the 1967 Nobel Prize in physics and was tasked by Oppenheimer to head up the T (Theoretical) division of the Manhattan Project.
Skarsgard played Floki in the History Channel drama Vikings and also had a role in HBO’s Westworld, which was co-created by Nolan’s brother, Jonathan Nolan, and sister-in-law, Lisa Joy. The actor was nominated earlier this year for a Golden Bug, which is Sweden’s top film award, for The Emigrants. Other credits include the Oscar-nominated adventure drama Kon-Tiki. He has wrapped production on the psychological crime drama What Remains, which also stars his father, Stellan Skarsgard, and Andrea Riseborough.
Cillian Murphy leads Oppenheimer as the famed physicist. The call-sheet also includes Robert Downey Jr., Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Florence Pugh, Rami Malek, Kenneth Branagh, Benny Safdie, Josh Hartnett, Dane DeHaan, Jack Quaid, Matthew Modine, Alden Ehrenreich, David Krumholtz, David Dastmalchian and David Rysdahl.
Oppenheimer is based on Kai Bird’s 2005 Pulitzer Prize-winning book, American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Universal has dated the project for July 21, 2023.
Skarsgard is represented by MGMT. Entertainment, the Gersh Agency and Agenfirman.
via hollywoodreporter.com
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