krusaderman · 2 years
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beardedmrbean · 21 hours
Over the past few weeks, suspicious drone sightings have been made near infrastructure sites in various parts of Finland, reports Ilta-Sanomat.
According to the paper, sightings have been made, often at night, by members of the public in Mikkeli and Savonlinna in the eastern part of the country, and at Mynämäki in the southwest.
Leena (no surname given), who was staying at her cottage in Mynämäki in the Southwest Finland region, told IS that she and her husband spotted a drone in the middle of the night from their terrace. While sitting there, the couple noticed a drone flying from the direction of a neighbouring cottage.
"We were very surprised to see that a few moments later it flew over us again in the same way. It was pretty low both times. All we could see were the lights," Leena said.
According to Leena, there are transmission lines owned by the Caruna power company near the cottage.
Rene in Savonlinna, also reported drone sightings near a large power line close to the Russian border. What makes the sighting so unusual is that the drone flight took place in the dark at midnight, according to Rene.
He says there have been similar sightings in the area before, especially shortly after Finland joined Nato. He said he reported the sightings to the authorities.
In addition, there have been drone sightings in Mikkeli in recent weeks. Sirpa, who has a cottage at Haukivuori in Mikkeli, told IS that she had also seen a drone.
A rail line is located nearby, with regular timber and freight shipments.
The Caruna power utility told Ilta-Sanomat that it has received reports of "several sightings" of anomalous activity near its electricity networks over the past year.
According to Jarmo Ström, the company's operations manager, in addition to drone sightings, some of Caruna's remote sites have even been broken into. Other suspicious activity has also been seen near electricity distribution points.
Ström declined to give IS details of the dates or the exact number of break-ins. He did say that since the start of Russia's war against Ukraine, Caruna has stepped up its own surveillance around electricity its power network.
The Finnish Border Guard has not commented these drone sightings.
"The Border Guard does not comment publicly on individual sightings made by its own surveillance operations or reported by the public, unless they require wider security communication measures," Kimmo Ahvonen, head of the Border Guard's communications unit, told IS.
The Eastern Finland Police Department, on the other hand, confirmed that the police have received and are receiving a steady stream of sightings of various drones in their area.
80 years since Moscow Armistice
Savon Sanomat is among the papers carrying a brief STT news agency item which notes that Thursday marks the 80th anniversary of the end of the Continuation War, Finland's 1941-1944 conflict with the Soviet Union.
The war between Finland and the Soviet Union officially ended on 19 September 1944 with the signing of the Moscow Armistice, although a ceasefire had already come into force on 4 September.
Under the terms of the armistice Finland ceded to the Soviet Union not only the Karelian peninsula, the outer islands of the Gulf of Finland and the Salla-Kuusamo area, which had been lost in the Winter War, but also the Petsamo area and leased the Porkkalanniemi peninsula to the Soviet Union for 50 years.
In addition, Finland was obliged to pay new war reparations. The agreement required Finland to pay a total of 300 million US dollars in reparations over six years. The payment period was extended to eight years at the end of 1945.
The Moscow Armistice also obliged the Finns to remove the remaining Germans troops in Finland, leading to the Lapland War, September 1944 – April 1945.
Homeowners' costs skyrocket
Homeowers' expenses in Helsinki rose by more than 40 percent between 2020 and 2024, according to the economic and business daily Kauppalehti.
The property owners' association Kiinteistöliitto, the Finnish Real Estate Federation, provided the paper with a breakdown of its recent report that showed a sharp rise in costs of home ownership for all items measured, with the exception of the price of electricity.
A calculation based on a 90-square-metre flat in the capital found that annual homeowners' expenses went up 1,407 euros between 2020 and 2024, which is more than 117 euros per month, around 43 percent over the period.
The calculation includes property taxes, district heating, water, electricity and waste costs, but excludes private services such as management, accountancy and cleaning.
According to the federation's chief economist, Jukka Kero, the rise in recent years in Helsinki can be attributed in particular to increases in district heating, property tax and water costs.
"In 2022 and 2023, during the inflationary boom, private service companies also started baking increases into the prices charged to housing associations. Construction costs have also risen by almost 20 percent since the beginning of 2020. This is reflected in renovation costs for housing associations of all sizes," says Kero.
Lottery vs inheritance
Large numbers of Finns believe that winning the lottery is a more acceptable way to get rich than inheriting wealth, according to a study reported by Maaseudun Tulevaisuus.
A survey of more than 3,000 respondents by Danske Bank found that winning the lottery was cited by 29 percent of respondents as the most acceptable way to get rich. Entrepreneurship came second, with 22 percent of respondents saying it was the most acceptable path to riches.
Getting rich through inheritance was considered acceptable by only 18 percent of those polled.
The survey also shows that more people (39 percent) think that winning the lottery is the most likely way they will ever get rich compared with those (37 percent) who believe they can build wealth through regular savings and a frugal lifestyle.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Zorroku and Peaches Part 14
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Two parts so soon? I'm on a roll...down hill...but that's not important. What is important is that I have this. Enjoy.
Zorroku and Peaches 
Part 14
But come morning, you found Bullard’s kids at your door again. 
“Aunt Bella?” They asked. 
“Hey guys, come on in. I’m trying to pack up but you can come in.” You invited as you greeted them all happily. 
“So what’s up?” You asked as you continued to pack up while they were all wearing their own packs on their backs. 
“When we get to Avlar, can we stay with you?” Bullard Junior asked hopefully. 
“Sure, I don’t mind. Why?” You asked. 
“Our mothers told us to stay with either you or with Grandma and Grandpa, but Grandma and Grandpa already have their hands full with both sets of twins. But our moms told us to leave them alone because they needed space to be courted and couldn’t be courted right if we were there.” Bully Jr. answered as Zorroku nearly spit out the juice he was drinking and almost choked before he coughed and beat his chest. 
“Your own mothers told you to get lost?” He asked as they nodded before you gave him a meaningful look before he gave you a nod. 
“Of course, you know you’re always welcome to be with me. All of you always are.” You reassured them as you hugged them tight, happy to have them back with you. 
“Are you sure we won’t be an inconvenience to you?” Bully Jr. asked. 
“Nope, you never were and you never are and you never will be. Come on, I want to show you guys something.” You invited them upstairs. 
“What are they?” They asked when they saw the plants you pointed their attention to. 
“I don’t know. But your daddy left them for me. I wanted you to see them and see what you thought.” You offered to them. 
“When these produce fruit and seeds, could we have one to plant back here?” They asked. 
“Of course, absolutely.” You smiled. 
“In fact, I’m hoping that each of you will carry one on our way up to Avlar. Could you do that for me?” You requested as you handed the first to Bully Jr. The second to Fabu and the last to Caruna while encouraging them to share turns with Belinda and Becina too. 
“So between you and your siblings, you guys will need to look after them and make sure they make it safely up to Avlar. And you guys can travel up with me ok? Let your moms have some space and some time alone ok?” You urged them before you brought them back downstairs to make sure they had all gotten enough to eat and drink before you would leave to go. 
“Zushku, could you put these guys on my other horses so they can all stay together?” You requested. 
“Sure. I think I’ll see if anyone brought a multi kid saddle.” Zorroku answered. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him before he left to go look. 
“So? What do you guys think of him?” You asked Bullard’s kids as they smiled appreciatively once he had left. 
“He’s really nice.” Belinda praised. 
“Yeah he is.” You grinned. 
“What do you like the most about him?” Bully Jr. asked. 
“His humility.” You answered immediately. 
“He is a Warchief, not because he wanted to be or asked to be, but because his father saw that he was ready and gave him that responsibility without him asking or begging for it. Humility is not grabbing everything you want just because you want it. Especially when that thing is heavy responsibility. Remember what your dad said that Clan responsibilities were?” You asked. 
“A heavy burden without weight.” Bully Jr. answered. 
“Exactly. And what happens when you try to carry something that is way too heavy for you to carry, before you have built up the strength to carry it?” You asked. 
“You get hurt.” He answered. 
“Exactly. Zorroku’s father, watched how Zorroku was building his own strength up, both in mind and body and spirit, before he ever asked for such a weighty responsibility. Do you remember how your dad, before he left, was always tired? Even when he physically didn’t do much. How, he said that the burdens he carried were burdens in his mind? Rather than his body?” You asked as they all nodded. 
“But Daddy always said that if everyone pulled their own weight, the weight he carried wouldn’t be so heavy.” Belinda recalled. 
“That’s true, but it means that those who shirk their own load, it all must be carried by the others right?” You asked as they nodded. 
“Some people see others who carry heavy burdens and wish to help them carry that load. Others see the heavy burdens and beg off from carrying in the first place. But the key is balance. So if you see the Clan Chief and those in authority carrying heavy burdens because of clan affairs, And you love them, and you want to help them carry those burdens, especially, if they’re your family members, build yourselves strong if you want to carry them.” You urged them as Zorroku just stared in utter adoration of you. 
“No truer or wiser words were ever spoken. And if I could ever give you advice, if any of you ever meet another person as wise as her, listen and listen very closely and very carefully. Because wisdom like that- is rare and hard to come by. No matter how it’s given or who it’s coming from. But recognize it when it comes and heed it when you hear it.” Zorroku urged them.
“But, we should get packing and ready to go though.” He encouraged them before they were happy and eager to help you get packed up and then ready to go. You watched as you were put up in the head of the caravan and then looked behind you to see their mothers fawning over several options in the back of the caravan. But at least Bullard’s children were with you. That was the least you could do for Bullard’s sake. 
You got up to Avlar, and were greeted with a party and celebration. And while you were happy to be the Double Vizsla, you urged all who asked, that the children with you, were your special guests. 
“Come on, we should deposit most of this cash into the account as well as have your signature noted so that when you write checks today, the banks will know your signature.” Zorroku urged you as he helped you fill out a deposit slip for most of it while you made sure all of Bully’s kids had their own wallets, each with a brick’s worth of money, except for Bully Jr. and Belinda, who got a brick and a half’s worth of money as he helped you with their younger siblings and half siblings and was like a bit of a babysitter too.
“Do you see the sign?” Zorroku noted as he tapped it and how it was framed before you looked up and read it and started laughing with Zorroku when he couldn’t help but laugh with you. 
“Oooh, are they going to get the surprise of their lives.” You giggled.
“And these guys are?” The teller asked as she gestured to the kids as she processed your deposit cheerfully along with the changes to your account and the fact that you had adopted Orianna and were now going to be co-parenting her with Zorroku. 
“Oh these are my nieces and nephews.” You answered as you gestured to them. 
“But she’s like a second mom to us more than she is an aunt.” Billy Jr. corrected. 
“Aww, that’s so sweet! Well if you’d like, could I get your names? Will you guys be with her regularly? I can add them to your account as registered extended family members.” She asked as they looked to you hopefully before you looked to Zorroku.
“They’re your nieces and nephews, that’s your call to make.” He simply smiled, even though he could already tell that you were going to do so anyway. 
“I would love that.” You smiled. 
“Yes please.” They readily agreed as they gave her their names and had then opened accounts with them at the bank and transferred money into each one so that they could learn to manage an account before she got special little paper checks and put the appropriate stamps on them too before she handed the little “starter” check  books out to them while Zorroku gave them an impromptu lesson, thanks to a chart the bank had about how to fill out the checks and how to write out the amounts of bricks, bars, sticks and cubes as the teller took down copies of their signatures and sent a request to Jaseeneh to approve of the additions to your accounts and the approval of the shared family accounts. 
“Is there anything else we can do for you today?” She asked once you were all done and all squared away. 
“No, I think that’s it. Thank you so much for your help. I look forward to seeing you around more often.” You smiled as you shook her hand and the hand of her manager who had helped you do it while your brothers and sisters had been down the line to do the same thing, setting up their own accounts and such but hadn’t needed to add extra accounts and had already left to enjoy the market. 
Once you were satisfied and then went to go leave the bank as their mothers walked right by their children and outright ignored them and acted like they weren’t even there as they tried to greet their birth mothers, but they wouldn’t even acknowledge that. You were just as upset by that as the kids were as the tellers noticed the exchange and noted that down too. 
“Come on Darlings. Let’s get snacks at this snack vendor over here.” You urged them as you pointed it out to them before you got them situated at a table and rounds of snacks for everyone as Zorroku found Bully Jr. on one side of him and Fabu on the other side, which he didn’t mind one bit. He was more eager to watch the spectacle that was about to unfold as he noticed that Lilly and even your brothers had taken up seats at nearby tables to watch this unfold. 
“Hello. I’m Burquen, and I’d like to cash this please.” Burquen said as she laid Jaseeneh’s check up on the counter as the teller did a decent job of hiding her disgust to see what it was written out for. But she knew this person was going to come into the bank today and they had just gotten the brown paper money in- just the day before and had counted and recounted it to make sure it would be enough. 
“Of course Miss Burquen, welcome to the Bank of Avlar.” She greeted politely as she took the check from her. 
“If you’ll excuse me, I have to get my manager to cash this particular check out.” She excused as she and the other two tellers who each had Famire and Crelle at their windows as they all went into the manager’s office. 
“They’re here, the Double Vizsla’s ransomers.” The tellers said as they handed the checks over for the manager to sign off on and make the appropriate changes to Jaseeneh’s account. 
“Ladies. Welcome to the Bank of Avlar, if each of you would please take a seat with the bankers, we must go into the vault to get the money. We’ll be right back.” The Bank’s manager offered charmingly as she took the other tellers into the vault as they each got palettes and got the right amount in bound stacks of brown square single bar bills perforated to make ten single little squares. 
Each of them smiled happily when they saw the huge cases of brown bills, not realizing the significance of them at all, only that it was a lot of money metaphorically speaking. 
“Uh, actually, we should probably get this traded down and in for regular money.” Their courtiers offered. 
“Why?” Burquen and her sister wives demanded. 
“Because did you see all the signs in the market? How many of the vendors had signs of ‘no brown squares’? This is the money they were talking about. This won’t be any good, and those vendors won’t accept this as a form of money. We’d be better getting it in physical salt.” They tried to urge. 
“Oh I am sorry but didn’t you read the sign?” The tellers asked as they pointed to the huge signs right on the bench of the teller’s counter. 
“‘All blood money, will be charged a 50% exchange rate into regular cash or a 90% exchange rate for physical salt.’ What the fuck?!” The suitors asked when they read it aloud. 
“When was this enacted?” They asked.
“Two weeks ago.” The Bank Manager’s answered. 
“But…but..” They said as they just glared at the sign in the bank. 
“Will this ever be lifted?” They asked. 
“No. The Dowager Clan Chieftess and both the Clan Chief and Clan Chieftess all signed off on the order. That’s why most of the vendors won’t even bother taking the squares. Because even they would have to pay these percentages once the money was deposited.” She said. 
“Are there any stores that will take the brown squares?” The other courters asked. 
“Only the general store in Avlar. That’s the only one that will accept them. But they may charge an additional fee on top of the 50% to accept them.” The Manager offered in her most professional apologetic tone. 
“But what if we deposit the check, as is into my account, surely it wouldn’t have such fees.” They tried to offer. 
“Actually then that’s when this would be put into affect.” The manager said before they showed them a second document. 
“Any account accepting the checks numbered…” The guys read off before they read off all three check numbers.
“‘Will be demoted to red and stay red for life.’ What kind of fucked up nonsense is this?” They asked. 
“Ahem.” The manager flipped the page and read the back of it. 
“Oh.” They said as they didn’t bother to read it outloud. It went onto decree that any who married them would get the same status and that neither they nor any children born to them would ever get anything bigger than the red checks for life. 
“Then only a 30% one time fee would be needed to clear the check itself.” The Manager told them just as they read that themselves. 
Half of them immediately cut their losses and left without saying much of anything, leaving only the most desperate who had great debts that needed to be paid- left. 
“Well then we’ll just go to the other banks.”  The remaining three guys insisted. 
“You can try.” She shrugged with a shit eating grin from behind the counter as the brown paper money was taken back and immediately put onto a train to the main vault of all the banks. So that the money would be retrieved by any and all banks- not just in Avlar but all over the many cities while the checks themselves were handed back to Burquen and her sister wives who glared at you while their suitors urged them to the railway system to get to the farthest bank who hopefully didn’t get a chance to come under Jaseen’s order. 
Meanwhile, you were happy to keep Bully’s kids with you and go through the market, happy to buy them what they wanted, as Yotul was happy to do the same for Bula and her other children and other daughters in law, specifically, Miles’ kids, and while they initially had less money, because they didn’t have the same “ransom” that Bully’s bitches got, they were given a stipend that Yotul usually got given for a month. And it was better than nothing and they didn’t have to pay any fees at all to change the physical salt in for paper currency. And thankfully their own suitors were eager to have them as their wives with their younger kids, while the elder ones chose to stay with their grandparents. And they could already count as their own as they were eager to get them added to their own accounts and happily “deposit” the actual physical salt and exchange it for actual cash and order checks for them that would match their own status and put in requests for changes to their status’. 
“Oh, here’s for…” Bula began as she handed an envelope of cash for Bully’s kids once she found you in the market as you were getting the kids fitted for new and really good shoes. 
“No, I got em, save it for Miles’ kids.” You urged them as you stopped her from giving it to you. 
“But we should be…” Bula tried to argue. 
“Children should never pay for the sins of their parents. I’m happy they’re with me and not being grouped in with their mothers at least, look at them, arguing with the banks about the blood money, I do not wish for these children’s faces to be associated with their mothers. Their own mothers told them to get lost. And they found me instead. For Bullard’s sake. Let me keep what I’ve found, for as long as I can. For who knows what will happen to them after this. Bully always took care of me. Let me return the favor to them, for his sake at least.” You pleaded as Bula’s eyes glazed with tears before she hugged you as tight as she dared as you then both watched  from the table of a snack vendor’s stall that was right in front of a bank where Burquen and her sister wives were arguing vehemently with the bank staff, that had gotten beefed up for the banker’s safety. 
“Thank you.” She thanked you. 
“You’re welcome. Enjoy the market. I’m going to keep them with me for now, I have guest bedrooms at my house according to Zorroku at least. I’d be happy to keep them as long as I can. I don’t know how much room you will have at Crowthu’s home with Yotul and everyone else. At least until tomorrow before we try to blow this money before it burns holes in our pockets. Because you always taught me to never shop on an empty stomach.” You smiled before Zorroku gave them your address. 
Once Burquen and her sister wives moved on from that bank, and were determined to go to the others, Zorroku could sense how truly furious and angry they were and didn’t want them to vent that anger out on you or the kids so he took you and them to your house himself as the kids enjoyed their comfortable new shoes on the way there while they carried their own shopping bags full of new treasures themselves as you let them get whatever they wanted. You had a fortune that dwarfed even their mother’s ransom check and was more than what you could ever hope to spend in a lifetime. But while you wanted it to be generational wealth, you also didn’t want to waste this opportunity to get the kids what they wanted and needed for themselves either as the kids were actually overjoyed to keep the mountain lion cubs and wolf pups on leashes and collars like the other dire wolves were in the cities were, as there were even little “parks” specifically for the domesticated pets to use the bathroom and play with others as the kids were happy to continue to teach these pets their names and other commands, Bully Jr, Fabu and Becina doing so the most with the three wolf pups while Belinda and Caruna each taking a mountain lion kitten with them so each kid had their own animal to care for that they were “responsible” for. And what you really loved about this place was there were vendors there strictly to provide food for the animals while their owners would get food too. 
“So, this is it. Home sweet home.” Zorroku said before he gestured to it once he brought you there. 
“Oh my gods.” You balked when you saw the gorgeously carved front of the house. With huge peacocks carved and inlaid right into the stone as you laughed in delight as you touched them as if they were real before you saw the gorgeously carved doors with your name on them before you used the special and one of a kind key to open the door to reveal a gorgeous home. Practically a mansion, four stories high with a large terrace on the top floor, full of plants and shrubs and blooming with flowers since the opals imbedded into the ceiling of the cavern mimicked the true sky from the mountain tops, even “clouds” traveled over the opals to allow “shade” from the warm sunshine. And for being so high up, Zorroku said something about the opals giving off good breathing air so that everyone could breathe easy despite the elevation. As you giggled when you had “mail” in the mailbox. An invitation to a celebration and ceremony tomorrow with Jaseeneh and the Clan Chief and Clan Chieftess in the main square that was between all of the major cities where major festivals took place along with your official “invitation” to the unification celebration that still listed your name under one of the potential brides available for wooing that listed off your gifts, and that you were currently co-parenting with Zorroku. And you hoped that that would be enough to deter most. 
“We’re going to need special clothes for it don’t you think?” You asked Zorroku as you pointed to the invitation for the celebration for tomorrow specifically. 
“Yeah, you should have several outfits that will do just nicely.” Zorroku nodded. 
“No, I know I do, but I don’t think they do.” You nodded to the kids as they were still walking through the house’s entry way and staring at the gorgeously inlaid stone walls and floors covered with gorgeous rugs as everything smelled fresh and clean and even looked brand new and spotless. 
“Oh, yeah, we can definitely get them something after lunch. I just wanted you guys to not carry stuff around all day.” Zorroku explained. 
“This is your home?” Bullard’s kids asked in amazement. 
“I guess it is.” You marveled with them. 
“Can we stay with you the whole time we’re here? Please?” They asked hopefully. 
“Of course, you’re always welcome to stay with me, Grandma and Grandpa know you’re staying with me for tonight at least, so make yourselves at home.” You urged them. 
“Here, I know she has spare bedrooms for guests. I’ll show you.” Zorroku invited as he took them upstairs and got them situated and comfortable before you went to the kitchen and just stared in amazement at what was already there and waiting for you. As you could smell how most of this had been moved here only this morning or maybe the day before. The quality of the ingredients already here were amazing and in quantities you could easily use to feed a small army. Youreadily started to make lunch for them before you could hear Lilly already hard at work in her house right next door on the other side-  asking her “guests” to rearrange some of the furniture inside as you simply shook your head. While it seemed, Glasha was on the other side of you, with Dastrin in his home, showing it off to him. 
“So? What do you think?” Zorroku asked as he entered the kitchen to see Ori happily sitting in a special seat, holding a rattle in her hand and playing while you cooked as in just the short week, she had practically doubled in size and was starting to gain some fat rolls. 
“I love it. The kitchen is spectacular and very well stocked.” You praised. 
“Good. I was hoping you would have what you wanted and needed in here especially.” He answered before Belinda and her sisters Bencina, and Caruna came into the kitchen. “Can we help?” Belinda asked hopefully. 
“Of course, I would love some help, thank you.” You smiled happily as you got the girls prepping food before Bully Jr. and Fabu came in. 
“Can we help too?” They asked. 
“Yes, I need you big strong boys to get that hunk of mammoth meat in the ice chest and cut steaks for us out of it. Could you do that for me?” You asked. 
“You got it Mama, or Auntie, sorry.” Fabu apologized before you paused and hugged him. 
“It’s ok. I won’t tell- if you won’t.” You whispered with a pleased smile and a sweet kiss to his cheek. 
“But what if I want you to be my mom? My mom only used me to get herself good stuff from Grandma and Grandpa. And then she always…” Fabu began. 
“Fabu, I know. I was there. I’ve been there the whole time, remember?” You reminded him. 
“Don’t worry about it. You just stay with me. I’ll make sure you’re taken care of. Always. Especially when I get the chance to do so myself.” You smiled as you kissed the crown of his head before all the kids hugged you. 
“That’s it, bring it in. Big group hug.” You laughed before they disbursed to do as you had asked as Zorroku helped them learn what cut of meat this was and how to cut it accordingly as all of you worked together to make a wonderful family meal as you actually preferred to eat it on the table that was in part of the kitchen as it was an ‘informal’ dining room. As you didn’t care much about much of anything outside of this room. As you enjoyed sharing the meal with them as this house started to feel more and more like “home” the more you and Zorroku and Ori and somehow, especially Bully’s kids were in it. 
“So is this where you are going to have your own servants eat?” Bully asked. 
“Who says I need servants?” You asked. 
“This is a really big house, you would never sleep if you tried to clean it all- all by yourself.” Belinda noted. “Well I don’t plan on being that dirty of a person. And as long as you guys clean up after yourselves, it shouldn’t be that hard to maintain its cleanliness the way it is right?” You asked as they all nodded in agreement. 
“But there are several places where you can hire housekeepers and babysitters and stuff, who don’t have to live with you, they would just come to the house to lend a hand and you wouldn’t own them as master and servant per say, but you could get the help if you needed it or wanted it.”  Zorroku supplied. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You smiled. 
After lunch, you got the kids to the clothing district to get them all new clothes,  and good sturdy clothes too, and several sets each, and especially good clothes for the celebration that was going to be held tomorrow, before you opened up your checkbook and the tailors nearly fainted when they saw it. 
“Vizsla? The Double Vizsla?” The store clerk asked as she looked at the checks and had to practically lift up her jaw off the floor. 
“Yup.” You nodded. 
“And these are your children?” She asked. 
“Well this one for sure. These are my nieces and nephews.” You answered delicately as you listed them off after gesturing to Ori in her sling across your chest. 
“Of course, of course. I need to get your sizes, for we were given your clothes and we were told you’d be coming. Thank you so much for stopping by. Come, let me measure you.” She urged you as you gave Ori back to Zorroku before she took you to the back to get you fitted. 
“Will you be expecting little ones for yourself soon?” She asked. 
“Most likely.” You nodded yes. 
“So you will need more room in the belly.” She noted. 
“Yes. If at all possible, could I get them adjustable, so I could fit them to me as my body will undoubtedly change?” You asked her hopefully. 
“Oh of course. We have very beautiful ties just here.” She pointed to the display as you picked out your favorites that would be put on your garments before you gave a check for the total amount including a generous tip for her undoubted near herculean effort of getting the clothes she had been making for you to suit your current and future sizes before you saw the most amazing silk mother sling on display. 
“So this is a mother’s sling?” You asked you reached up to touch it’s softness and marvel at the way it was one solid piece of silk. 
“Yes, that one is very special. We just got in too. The weights are actually made from pieces of a meteor that was found. And the metal was naturally shiny and while it took quite a bit to decorate. The weights serve as a counter balance. See, like this.” She said as she got it off the display as you took your current mother’s sling off of yourself so she could wrap this one around you before she showed you how to twist the weights around each other in the back to give however heavy the baby you were carrying in the front counter balance before she showed you all the many ways you could tie it around you so that you could even have each weight on the back edge of each hip so you could still sit down and even lay down. But the weights acted like counter weights for your own balance and once you put Ori back into it, it was strangely like she barely weighed anything as the weight was transferred to your legs which were naturally stronger and your back and shoulders were relieved of the weight from both Ori and your bosom. 
“I love it, I need it. How much is it?” You asked. 
“We’ll it’s actually two bricks by itself, the fabric is one solid piece of silk and it was fashioned to the weights instead of the weights being fashioned for it.” She answered. 
“Worth every cube.” You insisted as you added that to to the total too before you made sure everyone got everything else they wanted and needed from her shop as you were adamant that you were going to raise every child from now on- in this thing. It was truly one of a kind and something extraordinary and you just loved everything about it. 
“Thank you, so much Vizsla Belladonna.” She thanked you as she held the check and was so happy to get one of the first checks from your checkbook. 
“You’re welcome. You can just call me Bella, I’m used to that as being my nickname for friends and family.” You thanked her. 
“Oh, me- a friend of the Vizsla? I’m blessed to be so.” She praised as she hugged you happily. 
“Of course. Thank you so much for all the help with all my nieces and nephews too. They’re growing like crazy.” You smiled before she saw you off and then closed up shop for the day because she would be taking the check straight to the bank to get the sweet, sweet interest. 
“How about we go out for dinner?” Zorroku offered once he brought you all to the very fine restaurant section where you saw Lilly sitting at a huge table, surrounded by all your previous suitors before you looked over to see Brunah and Marnausta and Dastrin and Glasha eating at a smaller table for just the four of them as you all saw each other and waived but let them enjoy their appetizers that had already been brought to their tables while Shuzug and Nar were at another one and eagerly waived hi to you too. 
“Zorroushku! How are you?” The waitress asked when she saw him and walked straight across the restaurant to greet him as she hadn’t noticed where he was sitting and who he was sitting with either. 
“Hey Maddie, I’m good, how are you?” He asked before he simply reached over to grasp your hand on the large round table that had a spinning disk where the dishes would be put around the table and then the center circle would be rolled over balls in grooves to allow everyone to get some of each dish but the movement caught her eye as she watched as you took it and gently squeezed his hand with yours as you looked up from the menu up to her as her own eyes traveled up to where you had Ori in a sling and then to your own face. 
“Oh I see you found Ori, another mother.” She noted as she only slightly faltered in her smile before rebrightening it to hide her own disappointment.  
“Yup. This is Belladonna.” He introduced. 
“Hi, you can just call me Bella.” You said as you extended your other hand to shake with hers as she shook your hand before Ori turned her head to see who you were touching and started growling and grunting again. 
“Hey, hey, Little Lady, behave. We’re out in public.” You gently chided Ori as you pulled your hand away from the waitress to pet her head and kiss her forehead which settled her down before she started cooing to you as if she was telling you all about the woman beside you. 
“Oh she’s always been like that. At least she’s not screaming her head off this time.” Maddie tried to joke and waive off. 
“Oh I see, well I’ll keep that in mind.” You placated Ori who was content to rest her head back down on your chest and babble ‘mama’ over and over as she rubbed her face into your bosom. 
“Oh she needs to nurse again probably.” Zorroku realized. 
“Probably.” You agreed as you could just start to feel your milk come in too before you adjusted her in the sling and had her lay down and nurse from one breast which finally settled her down. 
“So are these your other kids?” The waitress asked as she noticed the other kids around the table looking at her curiously. 
“These are my nieces and nephews. This is Bully Jr, Belinda, Becina, Fabu and Caruna.” You began as you went around the table and introduced them all to her. 
“Oh wow. So where are your parents?” She asked them. 
“Out shopping.” You smiled in answer. 
“Oh nice. So what can I get you?” She asked as she got her order pad out to write down the order before Zorroku offered one of the feasts that was on the menu to feed everyone and all of you got a variety of punches to drink, but with yours and Zorroku’s it came with the added bonus of alcohol in it too. 
“Awsome.” I’ll get that started for you then.” She smiled as she got that down and wrote the order in. 
“Are you sure?” You whispered over to Zorroku having noticed that it was going to be a whole brick per adult and half a brick per child, regardless of age. 
“Yup. Don’t worry about it. I got it.” He smiled. 
“Zorroushku!” Guys came over to greet him when they came into the restaurant themselves and recognized him in an instant and made a B-line for him. 
“Hey guys.” He greeted happily when he saw them and got up from his chair to hug them. 
“Hey! You found a mom for Ori! Now what’s your name Beautiful?” They asked. 
“I’m Bella, I take it you’re friends? Family?” You smiled as you shook their hands while Ori was still happy to be held and nursed and rocked by you. But they recognized Ori’s clothes that you currently had her in peeking between the straps of the mother’s sling. 
“Yeah, yeah, we’re…” They introduced themselves and how they knew Zorroku and were related to him through your own grandmother. 
“So how did you two meet?” They asked. 
“His grandmother had a vision about me. So he and all of his brothers and his father rode to me where I was serving as the Clan Chief’s Master Chef of the Black Wolf White Rock Clan, which we simply call it White Rock for short. They came for an alliance meeting and so I got to make breakfast for everyone. And when my Clan Chief made the joke that I was a cook worth her salt. His dad took him up on it. And it turns out that my Clan Chieftess is his father’s current Clan Cheiftess’ sister. So once I uncovered that, Thunder Herd and White Rock were discovered to be sister clans, for the last oh, 12 years or so?” You explained. 
“It was the best food I’ve ever had in my life, and she’s been a godsend for Ori especially.” Zorroku praised proudly as he sat back down in his seat beside you. 
“So you got him through his stomach eh?” They grinned. 
“Something like that.” You smiled happily. 
“And these are her nieces and nephews from White Rock, that’s Bully Jr, Fabu, Belinda, Caruna and Becina.” Zorroku pointed as he started with his immediate left where Bully Jr. was sitting and then pointed around the table as they all said their hi’s too. 
“So did you hear? You mom’s double Vizslas were found, there’s this huge introduction ceremony but the rumor is that it’s a whole family of six. And four of the kids are of marrying age, two women and two men, looking for two men and two women respectively. They’re supposed to be coming here today. Did you get to see them yet?” They asked. 
“Oh you mean that double Vizsla?” Zorroku smiled proudly when he pointed back to you before they looked wide eyed from him to you. 
“You’re..you’re one of the Double Vizslas?” They asked in surprise. 
“Yeah. My full name is actually Belladonna, daughter of Oriannaregina, the daughter of Dowager Clan Chieftess Jaseeneh. That’s my twin sister Lillyanna over there with Kakazi and everyone else at the big table. Just look for the red hair, you can’t miss us.” You repeated  
“But you’re…you’re…” They stuttered and stammered as they gestured to you. 
“My mother was adopted by Jaseeneh as an orphan when she was only Becina’s age. And these are my nieces and nephews by the way. The Clan Chief and Chieftess’ of White Rock grandchildren. I’m like the friend of the family, honorary aunt. Their dad was my best friend growing up. This is Bullard Junior, he’s  7, this is Belinda, she’s 6, Becina, she’s 5. Fabu who is 4 and little Caruna here is only 3. I’m watching them because Clan Chieftess Yotul of Thunder Herd is with her sister Clan Chieftess Bula of White Rock. And that’s my twin sister Lillyanna over there. And over there are my brothers Dastrin and Brunah with Glashnarrah and Marnausta.” You pointed to the other tables. 
“I have proof if you’d like to see some proof.” You offered before you got your checkbook out of your purse and showed it to them as they all shoved in around to read it for themselves before you closed it and put it away.
“So…you’re taken, I take it.” They ventured as they then gestured to Ori who was still happily guzzling down her dinner and still happy to practically hold your breast like a bottle while she did so. 
“Just about. But my sister isn’t. She’s auctioning off her hand to the highest bidder at the unification celebration in just a few weeks.” You answered as you gestured back over to her. 
“Awesome, well congratulations Zushku. It was a pleasure to meet you Vizsla Bella and to meet your nieces and nephews. See you around.” They urged with pats and squeezes of Zushku’s shoulders before they all practically came over to Lilly to fawn over her which she was happy to get the attention and adoration as others got chairs to squeeze in around her already massively huge table to accommodate her new suitors as she urged the former to move down so she could get to know the newcomers. You could just subtly shake your head to watch them before Ori drained that breast and popped off and started to fuss because she was still hungry.
“Hang on Baby Girl, give Mommy a chance to get you changed over from one udder to the other.” You pacified her as you got one breast put away before you moved her over to the other and settled her back in before your feast was brought out as huge platters lined around the circle with a giant platter of roasted and seasoned rice was in the very middle with various heaps of stewed meats ontop of that too and huge serving spoons and tongs to grab what you wanted as the kids giggled to get spoonfuls of food onto their plates before “spinning” the table around to get to the other dishes. 
“This is awesome. Can you get a table like this at your house Mama?” Fabu asked. 
“Sure.” You smiled and nodded as Zorroku helped get the food onto your plate since one of your arms was around Orianna and resting her in the sling on your chest. 
“How expensive are tables like this anyway?” You asked Zorroku. 
“Eh, depending on how nice you want it, could be relatively cheap or expensive, depending on the materials used. But your table is already pretty nice if I recall.” Zorroku offered. 
“But what about the table in the informal dining room, the one that we ate off of for lunch? Could we put one like this in there?” Bully Jr. recalled. 
“Well actually the table in your family dining room would be better, the layout of the room is better suited to it.” Zorroku answered. 
“How much of my house have you personally put together?” You chuckled as you used a utensil to eat different pieces of your dinner. 
“A lot, it’s how I could deal with Yotul during the winters. My sisters helped a lot too, because it was the one of the few places we could escape Yotul, and it was something we could still tie to my mom and it would keep us sane while we wintered here. I think I spent more nights at the houses of your family members than I have my own the last 12 years.” Zorroku muttered. 
“You have a house of your own?” You asked. 
“Well it was the house my mother had while she was alive, and when she died, it’s been inherited by myself and all my full siblings and we’ve all taken up little rooms in it. But Yotul’s and my father’s is right next door. And Yotul can be a very loud, annoying neighbor. But don’t worry, I didn’t sleep in your bed or anything. But we did use the guest bedrooms fairly often.” Zorroku explained as you snickered a laugh at the comment about Yotul. 
“So which one did you like the best? And don’t say mine unless it’s the truth.” You urged him. 
“Honestly? Your brother’s Dastrin’s. I really liked the simplicity of it. Your sister’s, I got real tired of seeing all that green and yours was usually so busy I got headaches.” Zorroku teased. 
“Did you really?” You asked. 
“No, I’m kidding. Yours was the most fun actually. So bright and colorful. And then to meet you in person and to see how reserved you were, I thought for sure, you would have had Lilly’s home. But then to hear Lilly move everything around, we must have gotten it all wrong.” Zorroku murmured. 
“Nah. Don’t worry about it. She’s a very particular person. It’s because she’s a healer, everything has to be exact and in order. If I healed the way I cooked, I’d kill half the time because I measure with my mood and not according to any exact recipe. It drives Lilly nuts because it’s inconsistent.” You waived off. 
“But it’s really good.” Zorroku offered. 
“Thanks. I try. Love is always the secret ingredient.” You beamed.  
“Well that’s why it’s always the best food ever.” Zorroku grinned. 
“Thanks, although I wouldn’t say no to learning the ingredients and cooking preparations of this. I really like it.” You offered as you ate the different dishes before you popped a particular one in and found the hot chilis hotter than you expected. 
“Woo, that’s hot, good, but spicy.” You praised as you broke out into a sweat and reached for your drink to cool your palate. 
“Sorry.” He apologized. 
“No, don’t apologize. It’s really good, just spicier than I thought it would be.” You appraised before Ori was done nursing and tried to climb out of the sling before you handed her off to Zorroku to put yourself back together. 
“So how is everything?” Maddie asked as she came over with two pitchers to refill your cups of punch as Ori once again started to growl and grunt and move her little fists towards her as she kicked her little legs as she looked from Maddie over to you and started to fuss again before you got her back from Zorroku. 
“Oriannaregina, stop. That’s rude. Behave nicely please, I don’t care if you throw fits at home, but we’re out to eat. We need to learn restaurant and-out in public manners.” You urged Ori who looked at you with her big wide eyes because this was the first time you were really disciplining her. 
“Can you be good? For me? And stop giving Maddie here a hard time? She’s serving us. She’s trying her best, she needs to be close enough to do so. You can relax. It’s ok. You’re ok. I’m ok, you’re ok, Daddy’s ok and the other kids are ok. So please, stop growling and stop trying to hit her or kick at her. That’s very rude and disrespectful. So you need to stop.” You urged Ori before Ori looked from you to Maddie as Zorroku was both awed yet proud because he hadn’t had the heart or nerve to discipline her either before Ori reluctantly said something in the same tone a kid, being told to give an apology would give. 
“That’s close enough to an apology for me.” Maddie smiled, happy and relieved that Ori had you to be the right mother to Ori, because while Zorroku knew how to care for her, and to a degree, cater to Ori. He had not been one to ever discipline her either. At least, that she saw. 
“Zoku, you got one hell of a good mom for her.” Maddie praised. 
“Thanks, I couldn’t agree more.” Zorroku grinned. 
“See? You’re getting older, you’re gonna need to learn how to be good and behaved like they are.” Zorroku told Ori as he nodded over to Bullard’s kids. 
“I take it you’re the one to teach them good table manners too?” Maddie guessed as she refilled the other cups with the non-alchoholic punch. 
“Yup, elbows off the table, only put enough food on your fork that it can hold.” Belinda started to list off. 
“And don’t put more into your mouth than you can chew.” Bully Jr. added.
“And always say ‘please and thank you’.” Fabu supplied. 
“Wow. I can see why you got her to be Ori’s mom, she’s already had quite a bit of practice with her other family members.” Maddie smiled. 
“Yeah. Lot’s and lots of practice. The food is really good by the way. Very well prepared. Please give my compliments and praise to the cooks.” You offered. 
“You can if you’d like to.” She offered. 
“Really?” You asked.
“Yeah, come on.” She invited. 
“Oh, ok. I guess I’ll be right back, here, let me get her bag so I can change her diaper while I’m up.” You urged Zorroku before he leaned forward so you could get the diaper bag that was slung behind his chair. 
“Now you have to promise to be good.” You told Ori before you followed Maddie to the kitchen.
“So is Maddie short for anything?” You asked her. 
“Yes, Maddiwar.” She answered. 
“Aw, that’s really pretty.” You smiled. 
“I’m so happy you got to Ori. I was afraid Zoku was going to either lose her or spoil her rotten. Because before now, he’s only gotten the best for her, to an almost ridiculous degree.” Maddie admitted. 
“Yeah, tell me about it. When I took her over, she has better clothes than my own previous Clan Chieftess did. I mean look at her, the girl wears nothing but silk.” You murmured back to her. 
“But you are still doing really good with her. She looks so much better than she did the last time I saw her.” Maddie admitted. 
“We’re getting there. She’s allergic to onions and garlic and those were the favorite foods of the woman who had nursed her previously. So I’ve done my best to stay away from them for Ori’s sake.” You admitted. 
“Oh wow, that would make sense as to why she struggled to thrive under his sister in law’s care then.” Maddie realized. 
“So where is your other child?” Maddie asked. 
“I have no other child. Zorroushku’s father’s mother blessed me with mother’s milk so I can nurse her. Otherwise I’m a virgin actually.” You admitted. 
“Really? The way Zoku was with you at the table, I thought…” She admitted. 
“Oh, well you see, there’s a unification celebration for The Mountain Blizzard Clan, The Thunder Herd Clan and Black Wolf White Rock Clan here in just a few weeks. And my sister and I volunteered our hands in marriage for it. So technically, Zorroushku and I aren’t “officially” together, together, but he’s the only marriage offer I’ll be accepting then. But my nieces and nephews have been excellent chaperones.” You confided. 
“Oohhh, I see, that explains it then. Because I was standing there going ‘man none of those kids look anything like her’.” Maddie admitted. 
“No, they’re of no blood relation to me but I helped birth them and raise them and babysat them. My best friend growing up was their father. But he died two years ago in a raid, trying to free some slaves from Iron Mammoth. And their moms basically abandoned them, or sold them- more or less, to their own grandparents. And Zorroushku’s step mother, and the current Clan Chieftess, Yotul, is my previous Clan Chieftess’ sister. But I didn’t find that out until I went home with Crowthu and all of his sons because they had come to White Rock for an alliance meeting, that I cooked for and when Crowthu grouped me in with the alliance agreement, Bula and the Clan Chief, Khagra couldn’t and wouldn’t argue about it. And it wasn’t until I walked into Yotul’s tent that I recognized her and realized who she was and made the connection. It was nothing short of the gods’ will and hand bringing me there to connect the two and for her and I to connect too.” You explained as Maddie grabbed a napkin and wiped up her tears. 
“That is just so sweet.” Maddie praised. 
“You were so brave. I mean I would have shit a brick if that had happened to me.” She admitted. 
“Oh I was ready to-too. But Bula has always been like another mom to me and I was basically another mom and aunt to those guys and we were all practically family. Sometimes family is more than just blood bonds, but who you find and choose along the way.” You appraised. 
“Oh well Zoku is really blessed to have you then, it must have been some meal you cooked.” She praised. 
“It was. When you get some time off, I’ll have Zorroushku give you my address and I can show you what I did and how I did it. So that if you don’t have a partner yourself, you can get which ever one you like.” You giggled. 
“I’d love that.” Maddie beamed. 
“Corner!” Maddie called out as she rounded the corner as you stuck close to her side before you saw a full kitchen and then recognized a bunch of the faces who looked up to see you and then reached out to nudge the others. 
“Bella?” They asked. 
“Hey! How are you?” You asked before they dropped what they were doing and came around to hug you. 
“You got out! You got out of White Rock!” They cheered. 
“I did.” You laughed. 
“I came back here to tell you how great you guys did making the food, it was so good and amazingly prepared. Really. It was fantastic.” You praised as they bashfully but happily took your praise. 
“Still, not as good as you could make it though.” They reassured you. 
“No, you made it better than I could. Of course, you guys probably have access to better ingredients so...” You shrugged. 
“Actually, we got some new ingredients in just this morning, could you tell us what they are?” They asked you before they brought you over to the refrigerator as you were quick to bundle Ori up in a blanket to keep her warm in the ice room before you immediately recognized the ingredients and told them all about the ingredients, what they were, how to cook with them, how to use them, to the best of your knowledge. 
“And you are?” The Head Chef asked. 
“I was the Head Chef for Clan Chief Khagra of the Black Wolf White Rock Clan. Hi, I’m Bella by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You offered as you offered your hand to him. 
“And you know them- how?” He asked as he gestured to the others before you told them what clans they used to come from and where and how you knew them all previously, both through Khargra’s alliance meetings and from your travels with Bullard, Yar and Shuzug. 
“Holy shit, you’re pretty well traveled.” He appraised. 
“Yeah, not, really by choice, just the assigned babysitter for others, Shuzug mostly. Been trying to keep that kid from accidentally killing himself since birth. He’s ten now and you know that really reckless stage that just about every kid between the ages of 10-12 goes through where they think they’re invincible and no matter how much knowledge they possess, they are so sense stupid, it’s a wonder they’re alive?” You posed rhetorically as everyone nodded and murmured their agreements to that. 
“That’s been him since he was 3. He is coincidentally one of the smartest yet dumbest people I know. Do you know what he got me as a mother gift when I got Ori?” You prompted them. 
“What?” They asked. 
“Wild mountain lion cubs!” You revealed as they all gasped in varying degrees of horror and shock. 
“Like I don’t have my hands full enough as it is with her and everything else.” You gestured to Ori. 
“So who is this again?” They asked. 
“Oriannaregina, daughter of Zorroushku, first born son of Crowthu, Clan Chief of Thunder Herd and his late Clan Chieftess Sharnarrah the Magnificent.” You answered proudly. 
“Wait, this is Ori? Little Ori? Fuzzy Ori?” They asked as they gestured to her. 
“Yup. Amazing how much a baby can grow when they’re nursing from a woman who isn’t eating everything they’re allergic to.” You nodded. 
“Oh! I didn’t recognize her! She’s not screaming her head off. That’s improvement.” They agreed. 
“Well, if you guys ever want to share the recipes for how you made the food tonight, I would love to get them if you were ever so inclined. They were really good.” You praisecd. 
“I’ll trade you recipes, how’s that?” The Head Chef offered. 
“I’d love that. I have plans for tomorrow, but maybe the day after tomorrow?” You offered. 
“Yeah that would work out. Mornings, this place gets busy at night.” 
“I understand. Well let me get out of your hair so you guys can get back to work, there’s still a bunch of really hungry people out there.” You offered before you thanked them and gave them all little hugs and handshakes before Maddie showed you where the restroom was so you could change Ori’s diaper since Ori decided that the cold room was a great place to start to take a dump in her diaper. 
“Feel better?” You asked once she got it all out and you were changing her as she giggled and started cooing as you changed her on the changing table and rinsed out the soiled one right there in the restaurants’ diaper cleaning sink. 
“Well I’m glad you feel better. Now please be good. Stop being Miss Jealous Overprotective ok? I don’t need it now that everyone else is after Lilly. It’s just you and me and Daddy ok?” You cooed to her before you exited the bathroom only to hear a huge commotion and when you came out, you saw Zorroku get up from the table and back Bully’s Bitches away as they were pointing and screaming at the tops of their lungs at him as Kakazi and Lilly’s other suitors joined Zorroku in trying to get them out of there and away from the kids before you hurried over to the kids as were your own brother’s and sisters who were leaving their tables to get to Bully Jr. and his siblings as even Shuzug and Nar were trying to pull them out of there, but to no avail.
“You bitch!” They screamed when they caught sight of you and weaved around Zorroku and Shuzug and Nar and Kakazi and the others along with the other tables to get to you before, without thinking, you put Ori to your back where thankfully she was still held up in the sling and without thinking, you just deflected all of them with ease and put them down into the floor before turning and backing away while facing them, leading them away from their own children to keep their anger and focus on you. 
“Pay for them! Pay for what you stole you petty, pathetic kitchen slave!” Burquen and her sister wives all screamed at you as they tried to gang up on you but instead you used their own weight and size to your advantage to once again deflect their blows until they were in a heap on top of each other as the police were filtering into the restaurant to apprehend them. 
“I never stole anything.” You maintained calmly. 
“Yes you did! You stole Bully’s heart, mind and soul away from us! You stole his love away from us! You stole our own children’s love away from us! You need to pay for that! Pay for all of it!” They bellowed as the police officers immediately restrained them and then picked them up. 
“No I didn’t. You sold your own children to their rightful and legal guardians, their grandparents. And Bully has been dead for two years, you literally cut all the ties you could to be free of him yourselves. So how could you ever accuse me of stealing anything that I never took in the first place? You were perfectly content with the payments you got for the ransom you held me and my family under and you were content with the price you sold your own children for this morning. To the point you wouldn’t even acknowledge them when you saw them this morning at the bank when you tried to cash that ransom check in. So take your ransom money and whatever payment you got for selling your own children and whatever ties you had to my friend Bullard, may the gods give him peace and rest, and the rest of his wonderful family, and go fuck yourselves and don’t you ever come at those innocent children again. If I see you even looking at them, I will not hesitate to finish what we started right here and right now. Don’t ever speak to them or go anywhere near them ever again and I swear to every god in the heavens above, in the earth around and in the sea below, if any of you harms any of those children, I will not hesitate to kill you for it. You sold every right you had to them before you ever came here. And I don’t owe any of you anything, ever.” You urged them. 
“You heard the Double Vizsla, take them to jail for attempting to assault and attempting to murder the Double Vizsla, I’m sure everyone in this restaurant can attest to their shameful and honorless conduct.” Zorroku urged the polic officers as you were moving Ori from your back- back to your front before they were gagged to keep them from screaming and saying much of anything else as Zorroku escorted you away and the other patrons and even the kitchen staff applauded your ability to deflect the attempted assault. 
“How did you do that?” Kakazi and Lilly’s other suitors asked as you got back to the table and checked up on Bully Jr. And his siblings to make sure they were ok as Shuzug especially was exceedingly proud of you for handling them the way you did.
“Ask Yar, second son of Clan Chief Khagra of Black Wolf White Rock Clan. He’ll tell you and show you better than I ever could.” You deflected. 
“You can’t miss him. He’s literally a giant of muscle. He could, and probably would eat a mammoth by himself.” Zorroku added as he helped you put the food into to go containers and then into a bag to take home. 
“Well let us escort you home at least.” They offered. 
“No, you guys should still enjoy your meal. We were done eating here right? Let’s go home and bake a cake for dessert, how’s that guys?” You asked Bully’s kids who nodded in agreement as they seemed to huddle around you. 
“No, please, let us escort you back.” Kakazi insisted. 
“Are you sure I won’t be ruining your night?” You asked. 
“Nope. I doubt any of us would sleep tonight if we didn’t see you safe at home.” Nar insisted.
“Ok. But I want you two to go and tell your parents what Bully's Bitches tried to do.” You urged Shuzug and Nar.
"Yup, on it." They agreed before they went back to their own table to pack up thier leftovers and paid for the meal and then left to go do as you asked.
“Did you take care of the bill for the food?” You asked Zorroku. 
“Nope, the Chef took care of it. He was alarmed you would be assaulted in his own restaurant.” Zorroku answered. 
“Well I should leave a decent tip for Maddie at least.” You said. 
“No, I already took care of it.” Zorroku stopped you before he and his other friends and family got you, and Lilly and your brothers and Bully’s kids into a protective formation and walked you out of the restaurant. 
“We were having such a pleasant day too.” You pouted. 
“I’m sorry they ruined it Mama.” Jr. offered before Lilly and your brothers all smiled knowingly at you. 
“Me too Honey. But you did really good, I saw the way you kept your sisters behind you at least.” You said as you put your arm around their shoulders before Bula and Khagra, and Yotul and Crowthu all came around and were relieved they ran into you and met you halfway as did Justineh and Fusha and your parents when they heard about it from Shuzug and Nar and were worried about it as Jaseeneh was being brought over as well. 
“Where are they? Where are my grandchildren?” Bula asked worriedly. 
“They’re ok, they’re in here, please part to let them in.” You requested before they moved away so Bula and Khagra could come to them and hug them and console them too as you and Zorroku helped Khagra take a knee to hug and hold his own grandsons in his arms as Bula and Khagra were both crying and worried and upset when it was reported to them what Bully’s Bitches tried to do. 
“And you’re ok? They didn’t hurt you?” Bula asked. 
“No, they never landed a hit.” You shook your head. 
“I want Bella to be my Mama though.” Fabu insisted as he came and cleaved to your side before all the kids did the same as you were moved to tears too as your arms instinctively came to rest around them. 
“But I have no rights to you though.” You tearfully pointed out. 
“But you fought for them. You have always loved them as if they were your own. You have always taken care of them as if they were your own. And you fought for them and led the danger away from them tonight. You have acted as their mother ever since they were born and without you ever being asked to. As far as I’m concerned, if they want to be yours, then that’s ok with me.” Bula offered tearfully but happily. 
“But they’re Bully’s kids, I don’t want them to be separated from you, just as much as I also don’t want to be separated from them.” You admitted. 
“But it’s not like we are never going to see each other again. When we miss them, we know exactly where to go to find them and see them again. Besides, I think we’ll be trying to work out how to get the whole clan up to winter here to see Miles’ kids too. If we’re all here every late fall, all of winter and early spring, we’ll see each other for half the year, every year from now on right?” Khagra volunteered as Zorroku and Kakazi helped him back up to his feet. 
“Right.” You found yourself agreeing to that. 
“Well then it’s settled huh? Congratulations kids. You have one hell of a mom and soon to be a great dad too.” Kragra congratulated before Bully’s kids hugged their grandparents. 
“You’ll still always be our Grandma and Grandpa though.” The kids urged.
“Always.” They agreed before Jaseeneh came upon the scene. 
“Who dared to assault my Double Vizla Belladonna?” Jaseeneh asked. 
“Bullard’s widows.” You answered. 
“Are you alright?” She asked. 
“Yeah, they never landed a hit. But the kids are a bit shaken up and the widows did make a scene in the restaurant, which was practically humiliating.” You admitted lowly. 
“Not as humiliated as they were that you were able to put them into the ground by just deflecting their attempts to strike you.” Zorroku reassured you as the others were quick to agree to that. 
“I see. So what is the outcome?” She asked. 
“I would like to adopt them as my own the way I have Ori.” You answered.  
“Very well. Dowager Clan Cheiftess Arob has told me that you are a mother ice bear. Quite protective of your den, an excellent provider and quite the gifted defender. It would make sense as to why you would be the mother of a nation and why children and fathers flock to you for you are already the perfect example for such a great nation. Very well, if these are your children, they are your children, by their father who is no longer with us. I shall inform the banks to approve them as yours. And I’m sure my son in law will approve of it as well. Zorroushku, you chose very well. I will see to it that you and they are all protected and cared for.” Jaseeneh dictated. 
“However, I still wish to honor what the invitations said about myself. And while I wish to only accept Zorroku’s proposal, I do wish for there to be honor in the invitation, especially for Lilly’s sake.” You offered.
“Because your honor is especially fine.” Jaseeneh smiled and nodded proudly. 
“Regina, how well you have done to raise such excellent young adults.” Jaseeneh praised. 
“It was a joint effort between Micha and myself Mom.” Regina answered proudly. 
“Yes, every child is owed excellent parents. And I’m very happy to see that your own were given that.” Jaseeneh praised. 
“Could we all come into my house now? I promised the kids I would bake a fruit and honey cake. Would anyone else like some?” You offered as you looked around. 
“That would be wonderful, thank you. So hospitable.” Jaseeneh agreed before you opened the door to your house and invited everyone in before you handed Ori back to Zorroku while yourself, Lilly, Bula, Fusha, Glasha and Marn all got to help make several pans of fruit and honey cake for everyone else while Bully's kids showed off your pets to Kakazi and the other guests who were intrigued with them while Shuzug told everyone how he got them for you as Bula just shook her head.
"So Bella's the only reason he's still alive?" Yotul muttered to Bula once the cakes were made and were in the huge oven to cook.
"Yup." Bula nodded.
"Half tempted to send him to me for the next few years so him and Nar at least will be able to stay close to the one voice of reason he'll listen to?" Yotul offered.
"Don't tempt me beyond what I can bear. That would be so nice. He has been inseperable from Nar anyway." Bula sighed in resignation.
"Eh, let those two keep each other company." Yotul urged her sister.
"Agreed." Bula nodded.
"Cake is done!" You called out as you pulled out the various pans of cake and drizzled them with the honey sauce and once they were cooled enough, you cut them up into pieces and put pieces on various plates for everyone who was there and was happy and grateful to get a piece of it before the whole house was practically filled with moans and keens about how good the cake was done as Zorroku's shoulders almost started to bruise from the others jabbing them in mock jealousy of how good of a cook he had managed to snag as Zorroku was happy to laugh it off.
“This is a spectacular house Bella.” Bula praised as she ate the cake from the comfort of one of your couches.
“Thanks. I have yet to even look it all over. The kitchen is great though.” You laughed from your spot beside her while Khagra was happy to have his grand daughters eating their huge piece of cake with him while Lilly was happy to eat some cake with her suitors too. As even Bula and Khagra laughed. 
“Of course. Any house with a good kitchen is a good house for you.” Bula offered. 
“Well, that and a happy family within it. It’s what makes any house a home.” You smiled. 
“True.” She nodded in agreement before there was a knock on the door. 
“Yes?” Zorroku asked as he answered the door to see the police officers and an investigator there. 
“We need to speak to Dowager Clan Chieftess Jaseeneh.” They reported. 
“Couldn’t this wait?” Jaseeneh complained as she didn’t bother to pause in eating her delicious cake. 
“The assailants are demanding a Shiro Katzu.” They reported. 
“Out of the question.” Jaseen immediately snapped. 
“What’s a Shiro Katzu?” You asked. 
“A fight to the death over parental rights.” Your mother answered. 
“That matter is already decided.” Jaseeneh insisted. 
“But because they were married to Mountain Blizzard Clan members just today, they claim thier children were never sold and have no reciepts for such things, all three claim maternal motherhood rights to their children, and the stipend that comes with them.” The investigator claimed as you could only snort in derision. Because it wasn’t about the kids. It was about the stipend. 
“That’s proposterous, I can list the things they sold them for.” Bula argued before she listed them off as each thing made you lose your appetite as Bully’s kids couldn’t even raise their heads and look at anyone, just looked down at the plates they were eating off of. 
“Clan Chieftess Bula, those items that you just listed were found by the door of your rooms. Your son Yalak was just as surprised to find them as we were.” The investigator said. 
“How could those things have been put back into the rooms?” Bula asked Khagra who looked just as furious yet humiliated as you and his own grandchildren were. 
“Where are they now?” You asked. 
“They are currently held in the prison.” They answered. 
“When will they be relseased?” You asked. 
“Never.” Jaseeneh insisted. 
“Will they be satisfied with the stipend only and not the actual children?” You asked. 
“No. They claim such a thing is priceless.” The investigator answered. 
“Well, I can’t argue with that sentiment. Grandmother, I request that the matter be decided by how those honorless whores demand. My mother has told me countless times how Avlar is a city of law and order and how such things give the clan every right, freedom, liberty and honor. And if they claim legal right and are legally challenging me, I wish to answer such a legal challenge. For I wish for all of my children to be able to hold their heads up high and claim me as much as I wish to claim them. I wish for the matter to be settled difinitively and legally. For such dishonorble people to claim that any member of your household or family would do such a dishonorable thing as poaching children from their parents, should not stand and should not go without answer. Do not worry. I have faced them before and have come off victorious. They will not be able to defeat me. I’m stronger and sturdier than I look and I fight for the most noble cause there is.” You answered. 
“Then you will not fight alone.” Jaseeneh decided. 
“I will fight beside her.” Zorroku volunteered before everyone else practically tried to jump in. 
“Will my assailants be fighting with their mates?” You asked. 
“Yes.” The investigator answered. 
“Then that is enough. Zorroushku and I will fight as the parents we are choosing and happy to be. No other should needlessly involve themselves.” You urged them. 
“Mama,” Bully Jr. tried to interrupt but you simply slipped from the couch to kneel with him on the floor as you held his face that reminded you so much of his father. 
“My Love, it’s ok. You and all of your siblings are worth any danger I would face to protect you. You are extremely precious to me and priceless and I never want you to doubt your own worth or be afraid of someone bigger and stronger than yourself or how you percieve me to be, harming you or bringing any harm to your brother and sisters. And the last thing I ever want is for you to be ashamed to be who you are and where you come from. You are your father’s son, just as much as all your siblings are. All of you have his heart of gold, his exceptionally fine honor, his regal and noble character. He died trying to free the enslaved and shelter the weak, beaten and abused. And in my book, there is no more worthy cause to fight for. And that’s why I will fight for you. Because you have been under those vicious women who you had the unfortunate luck in life to be born from. But in this moment and every moment after this one, honor me by letting me be your mother in every respect. And forgive me in advance for what I must do to keep you with me and keep you safe from the honorless women who sought to use you as leverage and as a tool to seek their own selfish desires.” You requested as he nodded and just hugged you tightly. 
“Very well, tommorrow, after the announcement, we will have the battle in the arena.” Jaseeneh caved. 
“And what will your weapons be?” The investigator asked. 
“This.” You answered as you reached down and tugged on the tie that served as your mother’s sling. 
“You can’t be serious.” The investigator and the other’s asked as Zorroku looked to you meaningfully but the look you gave him told him that you had answered with all seriousness.
“I’ve seen her take down more with less.” Zorroku offered. 
“But I will be in my usual armor with my usual weapons.” Zorroku answered. 
“Mama, you shouldn’t go in there with just this sling.” Bully Junior tried to plead. 
“Junior, look.” You offered as you began to untie from around yourself to reveal it had weights at the ends. 
“What happens when you spin a weight really fast at the end of piece of cloth?” You asked him as you held the two weights in your hands. 
“They become more powerful.” He answered. 
“And this is one solid piece of silk. What does wet silk never do?” You asked him. 
“Break.” He smiled despite his tears. 
“So as a mother, there is no finer weapon for me to fight with- to fight for the right to be your mother and the mother of your siblings than this. Besides, part of fighting is disarming your opponets right?” You questioned as he nodded. 
“This spinning as fast as I can get it to go, will dent and smash whatever it collides with. So my plan is break any weapon used against me from a distance that they would never be able to reach out and touch me with them anyway. And any warrior who relies solely on his weapons forgets that the greatest weapon is always the mind. You’ve heard of warriors who slayed countless foes without every having to touch the handle of a weapon, who were always deadlier with hand to hand combat than they were with full armor and full sets of weapons right?” You posed as you sat back on your lower legs. 
“And you’re smarter than they ever were.” Bully Jr. praised. 
“Thank you. I try, I’m still learning, because remember, no one knows everything, everyone learns different things at different times and we all always keep learning new things all the time if we are open to learning them. And hopefully it’ll be this and this that wins. No other weapons needed.” You said as you gestured to your head and heart after you carefully set the two weights down onto the surface of the table. 
“It’ll be ok. Tomorrow, this matter will be settled permanently and I can prove my own worthiness as a mother to you and every clan here so that such things are never brought into question ever again ok?” You insisted. 
“Ok.” He nodded. 
“Then we should leave my Double Vizsla to enjoy the evening with her family in privacy.” Jaseeneh insisted once she finished off the last bite of her cake before everyone else seemed to wolf down the last bites of their own pieces of cake too as you and your kids took on the now empty plates from your guests as you said your goodbyes and goodnights and wishes of luck and success.
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444namesplus · 8 days
Abastory Abele Abelfga Aberge Aberi Abhūta Abianinn Abiares Abnove Abrac Abran Abras Abrax Abrel Abruflast Abyzons Acomard Aconow Aconzuzuz Acord Acorda Acork Acorphet Adaecang Adswor Aedim Aelim Aeshaul Aeviax Agaam Agaanin Agaddon Agadimah Agard Agenne Agger Agomalino Agono Agonzou Ahria Ahriarra Ahrinion Aillas Aimar Akavy Akenborym Alaacros Alaili Alano Aldecas Alder Alderel Alderemya Aldhasim Aldhory Alepard Aletecas Alettog Alhooka Alilf Alillyon Allas Allavial Allowanel Allyon Alven Alvon Amaliurg Amampon Amare Amars Amaym Amdus Amindani Amitar Ammor Amoden Amogge Amonshen Ampos Anabiesh Anabif Ancers Anchet Anchonos Ancith Ancuth Andales Andechri Ander Andhas Andim Andros Aneblil Anelen Anggi Aniaurg Aninna Anjall Anjalthas Anock Anosadai Anover Anoweih Antar Antsal Antswor Antuccub Anzoama Anzweir Aphurith Apocorg Apolo Arampo Aramta Arcar Arcasbow Ardögath Arelitte Aritsam Armeje Armejes Armurge Arosiman Arraii Arras Arscyth Asabno Asbeth Aspras Asprufla Aspruna Asprus Assalias Assattwem Assbeth Assbow Assia Assiass Assiont Assya Astanshel Astaraxet Astlenne Astleorg Astoc Astog Astorg Astos Astrog Asuclaap Attel Attle Attlefi Attraamy Attrihem Attwed Attweirta Attwen Attwenge Azagamya Azage Azelpha Azimal Azuzu Azwemoll Azwen Azwerus
Baach Baalavata Baamta Babillorg Babolanin Bacriaum Bacron Badorndre Badreau Badya Baeles Bakab Bakasagan Bakava Bakee Baken Bakenbor Bakileán Balaant Balas Balasith Balast Baletu Ballasta Balowan Balphith Balth Bancim Bancimora Bandethin Baneblub Banemuer Banin Banocell Banshen Bants Baphous Bapikee Baraii Barasion Baraur Barbat Barel Bareres Barhemur Bariare Barra Barravres Barre Barson Baryff Basada Basander Bastleán Basurg Batchin Bathim Bathima Bayende Bayenem Baymorg Bayne Baynex Bayol Bayotan Beadd Beadon Bealoch Behans Behau Behax Behel Beheth Belema Belereiel Belevas Beleviau Belhaure Belhou Beliboti Belith Bella Belphip Berax Berberim Beres Bereydaje Bergen Berias Beril Berni Bersbeen Berun Berusya Bethara Betola Bezbeha Bezberes Bhūtago Bhūtavias Biaurvoon Biell Bifrakkum Bifrida Blamal Blanda Blasto Blavit Blinkin Bluce Boadenna Boamalaum Bodagory Bodamarra Bodeihen Boder Bodeus Bodeusya Bodra Bodrosion Bolava Bolde Bollwhine Booka Borcas Borog Boron Bowing Brechos Brelerna Brella Bremigg Bresh Brest Breth Briat Briax Britestos Britzi Bruta Bueri Bukasab Bunre Burac Buradrog Buravat Burban Burmilloc Burog Burtervo Busal Bushes Busiman Busya Caell Caello Caelzeld Caervoors Caevin Caevo Caimorym Caivilis Calabel Calassya Candalkas Cange Cangevis Canne Caravia Caravre Carbancub Carbet Carch Caremigh Carim Carmit Carno Carobar Caronzwan Carsongen Carta Cartage Caruna Casage Casalka Caseurvo Casiale Casseir Cayene Caynel Celeorog Chante Chavigort Chiont Chomorg Chorta Chouloron Choutbuzu Chunres Cifer Ciferge Ciferhes Cifraage Cifrigon Cifur Cimarinn Cinchrith Cininne Cinnam Cinow Claamdus Clabillon Clacrim Claii Clang Clarbar Clasbord Clast Clastaffi Claur Clauramat Clavereka Clucitaff Cludnos Comer Compont Composs Coraxe Cordim Corel Corffir Craim Cravy Crefiel Creihen Crenborta Crept Cresias Cresion Creun Criat Crime Crinovee Criste Crits Crius Crogginge Cross Cubukobar Curill Cutbolon
Daelde Daell Daemonzou Daera Daeruin Daeveles Daevigiel Daevo Dagol Dagolamer Daigra Dairtago Dajjallu Dallibou Damar Damonock Danasaka Danjalock Darasat Darmita Darne Darono Davac Decaym Dechard Demah Dempolli Demurg Denabre Dennabiar Derax Deresh Dereus Deridow Dethies Deuta Deuthen Deven Devith Devon Dileán Dilicorn Dilin Dilis Dillerus Dorch Dorgor Dorhemorg Dornian Dorst Dorta Drandra Drass Dratcht Drath Draviliax Drogo Druge Druin Drunabrun Drusiax Druta Dudge Dudnol Dudnose Dunaball Dunreus Dyffies Dyffrax Dyforg Dzoam Dzongg Dzoun Dzouneus Dzous Dzousit Dzoutbun Dârers Dâres Ebolano Eburd Eburg Ebusken Ebuzuzuzu Eigge Eigino Eihar Eihedd Eihel Elefi Elilis Ellarna Ellis Ellorta Elloun Ellsu Ellwhinge Estars Estoskee Estoskena Exethald Exezag Eyseirt Eyswerge Fanex Fangehee Fangerit Fanniss Fantis Fantissak Farsoyn Fengda Fenlamya Fielavel Flaan Flaigh Flamar Flanife Flant Flanzuz Flast Flasu Flavacht Foammota Foare Foarn Focans Focayneus Foces Forabakas Forch Forff Forfurt Forge Foria Forinnis Forius Forninne Foroggion Forota Forym Fugerias Furaim Furama Furff Furge Furgen Furmurt Furne Furnove Furta Furtbor Gaagakku Gaarrah Gaddon Gakartart Gakim Gakshym Galber Gallavis Galth Gamer Gammorg Gamta Ganich Garnoti Garotgre Gathymory Gattweme Gheune Ghomer Ghora Ghorcanow Ghord Ghorshax Gladdord Glaim Glasta Glasur Glavac Gleaur Glech Glechen Glechu Glegaka Glephall Gletes Gleth Glevinki Glevitre Glyol Glyon Glyorasu Glyothya Glysen Gomeih Gompus Gonti Goramdus Gorda Gorgontu Goronzu Gorsth Grakard Grakaviax Gramalas Grath Graver Greadd Grecur Griau Grida Grihe Grihen Griken Gring Gritan Grith Grits Grius Grivite Guack Gualen Guall Guandalil Guandha Guandre Guano Guarch Guard Guaym Guaymo Guayn Guayon Guayord Gulecar Gulvana Gushya Gusit Gusoinn Guson Gusoyon Gweigor Gwemurgo Gwemy Gwendigra Gynvan
Habakvel Haeli Haemor Haerht Hagerge Hagornd Hagort Hakell Hakku Hakvel Halasta Halkabrer Hamaurg Hanabnold Handech Hangsprun Haniono Harasa Hares Harine Harmiusim Hasagorn Hassbern Hastal Hauchulsu Haven Havike Hendanna Henge Hocan Hocara Holega Holeán Holli Holoces Holor Houlasurg Houth Iferaas Ifereyda Ifraii Ifris Ifrivian Inder Ingraas Ininfurg Ipeaum Ipelf Ipelhas Ipender Ipoch Jeadael Jealdecha Jealili Jeaurfurg Jikeen Jiken Jinda Jingakee Jinna Jinti Jinur Kabezbeha Kabies Kacer Kaelegies Kaelf Kaellsurg Kaemota Kaevelin Kaevo Kagaan Kagarht Kagarog Kaggie Kagionin Kagon Kagonta Kagor Kagornion Kagos Karel Katan Kavacrog Kavigor Kavromorg Keraii Keraxet Kerbath Keria Keriax Killil Kimaer Kindhaur Kinfrake Kingras Kinna Kinne Kluccul Kluchon Klucif Klucim Knola Knolo Knolow Knoseith Knoves Knowan Kobadant Kobande Kokas Koksworne Kradreis Krainnol Kravantra Krobadra Kroskel Kumbham Kumbhar Kumbhūta Langevin Langor Langosal Lanocal Leath Lechegi Lefied Lefielin Legaas Lemiusion Leornin Lerainnis Leshaki Leteres Lethria Letia Leves Levitres Leyalder Leyazwan Leydagg Leydago Leyde Leydemo Leyder Liast Liaurt Lichurbar Lilfgala Lillocera Linnon Lissad Listlegio Litemya Litisal Litreyda Littwen Liurak Locas Loces Lowan Luchion Lucla Luclas Luczan Lyrian Lyrih Lyriharra Lyrilin Lyrimervo Lyritzi Macht Maech Maeleva Maellocan Malaas Malas Malavallo Malboon Maleyda Malis Malist Malistog Malits Mallasta Mallomar Mallorn Maloce Malouta Malth Manakavy Mania Mantremog Manzuzu Marath Marbac Marbatos Marbel Marberid Marcha Marcubus Mardange Mardow Marelias Mareyde Mareza Maridar Marith Maron Maros Marreza Martard Marus Masad Massy Masya Matan Mayeqono Maymon Mayne Maynemya Mayolder Mayolders Mealas Meart Meaucz Meaurax Mejes Melenneus Mellock Mellyota Mephe Merair Meriard Methis Migon Mirtancub Moderim Modrog Molam Molas Molau Moldevas Mollock Monge Moniane Moniferg Moninos Monsh Monta Monzoar Morabol Morno Morog Muera Muiginis Muigriken Muinn Muinnel Muinow Muistavy Muisthe Muras Murau Muraxas Murbera Murefiell Muriti Murmepai Muroce Murontif
Naaphalis Nabeth Nabie Nasago Nasalete Neuna Neutbus Neuth Neuthene Nilin Nilis Nilleme Nilluccub Ninggen Novebul Novel Novelia Novelphar Novis Onzwenge Oravia Orcassem Ordord Orinfros Orith Orithim Orsolem Orsoyne Ortbus Ortswor Oryffrius Osken Oxenlas Oxezbel Oxezet Paimacrog Palarmurn Palastes Paligge Palithu Pallu Parimacz Parraapon Parrat Pazuzuzu Pazwarel Pealias Pelias Penakkum Penge Perrawen Persh Pesias Pharbar Phasath Phasyak Phosh Pikentu Pithim Pithus Pittles Pittlet Pocerit Pocon Polan Poldhous Ponin Ponthym Poreal Poritra Posak Posakas Posenfurd Poshel Posheus Poshmalvo Posia Prosihabi Pruggi Pruiggi Prune Pulchu Pulephene Pulevonth Pulou Pulsurno Quachan Quaritel Rachu Rachulo Raddorn Raddorth Rahaelius Rahakven Rahromal Rakab Rakabar Rakenebue Rakim Rakku Rakswen Ramdus Ramta Randha Rasia Ravac Ravade Ravat Ravesih Raviat Ravre Ravreka Razaggam Razagge Razephork Razet Razimaym Redigh Redmal Repazetum Reria Rhulsu Rhunemo Rhymolde Rieddont Rielissim Rielius Ringe Rivee Riven Riverin Riviassen Rivigh Rivigi Rivili Rocans Rocel Rocher Rogon Rogordori Rositaff Rosits Rowen Rowerivel Rozronth Rozronts Rozros Rozrosith Ruace Ruantif Ruayet Ruflas Ruggedim Ruigh Runeuta Rusan Sabeha Sabia Sabyzon Sadaje Sadan Sadech Sadya Sadyal Sagart Sagen Saggerau Sakee Sakent Sakveri Salas Saline Sallou Sallsu Samdus Sarchweie Sarmasu Satolasu Scaing Scalin Scallion Scard Scastel Scayn Schaar Schassale Schurtan Schwedbra Scythen Scytheus Seirtborn Semerg Sempus Sengda Senta Shaas Shanovin Sharn Sharon Sharos Shempus Shendemor Shene Shion Shorong Shurge Shymon Shysword Siaur Slefies Sleydago Sliara Slicomard Smarsprun Soingda Solacel Soviar Spaililia Spainfrax Spaza Spelf Spruis Staniax Sterias Stygg Stygge Styggents Suacharon Suachava Sualevigo Sucht Surack Suradage Suraim Surajjall Suraweir Surbath Surfurta Surge Suriat Surosad Surossyas Survont Tagindan Talphorn Tanderi Tanzwer Tarun Tegan Tegara Tegiaurg Tegie Thules Thulsurg Thura Thurdanna Tigras Tolameit Tolet Tophal Tophun Toyorock Trech Trefar Trefariur Trethis Treus Triaros Trihaurg Tritsadya Trock Tronin Trons Trosak Troskeen Tucifri Tuczag Tyffies Ukabhau Ukabie Ukabif Ukath Ukavreal Ukobal Ukobapul Union Uppel Uppelhaur Uppell Vachimor Vachou Vackswor Vales Valomete Vanda Vantis Vaphius Vaphus Vaposhya Varich Vaseus Vathis Vattwemy Vebolock Vedbrugge Veder Vedge Velharcan Velion Venex Vennin Viaule Viaumbhax Vidge Vidor Vidoron Vigie Vikilloce Vikinio Visha Vitinki Vizim Vizimas Vizimat Vizin Volanzu Voler Volon Warmeje Wederugen Wemon Wenex Whibori Whius Whiusiar Wineunex Wingswor Winian Winine Xapie Xenamius Xenge Xethim Xetter Xezancim Xezbeheth Yendraim Yenfra Yenfras Yengeher Yeqont Yettwenel Zagoni Zagorg Zantu Zavach Zavachax Zavat Zavellap Zaverai Zavinn Zavith Zavros Zazept Zeblichus Zeburgen Zimept Zimiusoyn Zinchwedd Zureih Zurmue Zurta
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jazzhandzz · 12 days
Sept 6th, 2024
A Caruna, Spain
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officialstandardhumans · 10 months
SH86: Fake it till you make it (The O-Train Odyssey—Part 2)
In this episode, the Humans dive further into the troubled history of Ottawa's O-Train Confederation Line project. Transit expert Declan joins to explore the challenges faced by this notorious project, sharing lessons for improving transit initiatives in other cities. This episode explores the 2010 municipal election, the procurement model's impact, train quality issues, testing problems, and the influence of a secretive cabal known as the "WhatsApp Group."
Show Notes
Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry
O-Train Interactive System Map
O-Train System map (As of the time of recording)
O-Train Phase 2 map
2010 Ottawa municipal election
Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Investments
AMF, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board and KKR become new shareholders in Caruna alongside Elo
Indian toll roads: Investing in India’s infrastructure to boost economic growth
European Airports: Creating runway for a more prosperous and sustainable future
Alstom was 'pushing the limit' of what a light rail car can do, inquiry hears
The Citadis Dualis began service in 2019
1,200 Japanese workers convert above-ground train to subway line in a matter of hours
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wordwineweb · 1 year
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Wine Pictures - Wine Friends - Enrico Caruna - Caruna Franciacorta - Wine: Brut - Franciacorta - Vendemmia 2019 - Sboccatura 2022 - Vinitaly
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durasikehidupan · 2 years
Chapter 2
Kali ini sinar bulan menerangi malam yang gelap, ditemani secangkir hot matcha dan sebuah novel mampu membuat caruna tenggelam dalam dunia nya.
"caruna, ada teman kamu" Panggil tania, mamah caruna
"Siapa mah? " Jawabnya dengan heran, ia tidak membuat janji dengan siapapun
"Udah ke ruang tamu aja dulu, mamah tunggu ya" Senyuman manis terbit menghiasi wajah sang mama diikuti dengan kepergiannya.
Caruna segera bangkit untuk memastikan siapa yang datang, dengan rasa penasaran ia terus berfikir dalam hati.
Seakan nafas berhenti, otak yang kaku, dan kepala yang pening, diiringi senyuman manis dari sang pelaku mampu membuat caruna ingin mati di tempat.
"Hai zee! " Sapa abie. Ya, abiemanyu datang menjumpai caruna.
"Hai bie? Kenapa kesini? " Tanya caruna heran
"Loh na, abie ke sini tuh bawain mamah oleh-oleh nih, dia abis flights ke bali, katanya kangen sama mamah." Jawab mamah caruna
"Sama anaknya juga" Sahut papah caruna dari balik pintu kamarnya.
"Pah! Apaan si"
Merah bak kepiting rebus itulah pipi caruna sekarang, ingin segera menenggelamkan diri kedalam air. Caruna tak sanggup, bantu caruna Tuhan !!!!
Abie hanya tersenyum manis, tanpa mengalihkan pandangannya sedikit pun dari caruna mampu membuat caruna semakin menggigil.
"Bie, ngobrol di belakang aja ya. Di sini gak beres semua" Ucap caruna berusaha menolong dirinya dari segala ledekan mamah dan papah nya.
"Bilang aja mau berduaan, suka modus dia bie." Ucap mamah caruna dengan kekehannya
"Jangan macem-macem ya bie, na" Ingat papah caruna.
Abie hanya tersenyum dan permisi kebelakang taman bersama caruna. Caruna menggunakan jurus jalan cepat nya untuk segera sampai di taman.
Mencintai seseorang adalah anugerah, namun cinta monyet adalah perkara cinta anak kecil. Bagaimana mungkin cinta itu masih tumbuh setelah sekian lama tanpa bertemu, bak setan yang sedang menggoda. Cinta seakan berbunga dalam keadaan diam.
@Copyright, 2023
#udaradekapan #longstoryfiksi
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pepemay93 · 5 years
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Commission: "Double Date"
Happy Pride Month
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oh6hgn · 5 years
#avaruuteen #täällämäoon #t_pirttinen #pakoon #caruna.a ja #corona.a (paikassa Space) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9tmgPdjkvW/?igshid=17etvl70gcjp2
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malafight · 3 years
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this is probably the most impressive thing i’ve done lately. i’m still so damn proud of it
scene from the kingsreach 5e campaign i’m in! a bit of context and bonus silly version under cut!
purple: arvalen (npc); white and dead: carunas (pc, cleric)
backstory expo session showing in a sort of shared dream-session how current carunas (who is a reborn one) died and was reborn. his city was destroyed by invaders (because it’s a city of necromancers and Necromancy Bad except Osovan necromancers are pretty chill and not enslave-y) and he and his family were able to escape, in the process releasing arvalen (his best friend, imprisoned for Cwimes) to help him escape as well
except they were jumped outside of the city and everyone but arvalen killed (bc arvalen is effectively immortal) and after arvalen wrecked the enemies’ shit he proceeded to absolutely lose it, refuse to accept carunas’s death, and then fused part of his immortal demon heart to carunas’s and brought him back. (it got complicated from there)
carunas (and his player) didn’t know this was how it went down and the whole session was just intense and amazing and breathtaking and the reason why i started recording our sessions because i was Not going to miss something like that again. (yes everyone knows they’re being recorded. im also using it for animatics. i only have one done so far but im working on it ok)
anyhow here’s the silly version, cawunas and awvawen:
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entheognosis · 5 years
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The Scarabaic Rising of Christ
by Laurence Caruna
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thegravecartel · 5 years
Do the hellhounds act like regular dogs sometimes? For example, do they like walks, ear scritches, and chicken scraps?
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“The family Hellhounds tend to be a bit more docile, in a sense.  So far, my interactions with my grandpa’s head Hellhound, Alabaster hasn’t brought about any of those things.  I’ve been tempted to summon another hound though, just to test these things out... I’m just not quite sure if doing so while I’m in the hotel is such a good idea, I’ll just go outside to do it.”
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“I do have this bond with a leviathan Hellhound that I see whenever I’m down in the Inferno, though!~ Their name is Caruna, and they act like a massive puppy when they take a liking to someone.  They have a funny way of showing it, but I suppose being trapped in Hell for your whole life does that.”
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“They get so sad whenever I have to leave them behind.  It breaks my heart...”
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hzaidan · 4 years
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09 Works, Today, July 9th, is Sir Adrian Fortescue’s day, his story in art #190 Sir Adrian Fortescue (1476–9 July 1539), Knight of St. John, justice of the peace for Oxford, martyr, belonged to the Salden branch of the great Devonshire family of Fortescue, he was a descendant of Richard the Strong, shield bearer of William the Conqueror, who gave to his family his surname — le Fort-Escu: “the Strong Shield” — and his devise: “Forte scutum salus ducum”.
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wherespaulo · 3 years
Hiking in Galicia, Spain
August 12-23, 2021
I blame it on Ramon – who’d inexplicably told me his name was Joseph when we first met. An affable and mysterious Galician who cracked me up on my 2019 hike from Seville to Santiago de Compostela without speaking a word of English. Short dark hair, mustached, 50’s with slight paunch, he somehow communicated his passion for his Celtic homeland by waving his arms and with a fast Spanish dialect that I didn’t understand a word of – all emanating from a cloud of smoke generated by his never-ending supply of cigarettes.
So here I was once again in the least known yet oldest of the Celtic regions, surrounded by Santiago de Compostela’s splendid ancient architecture and ready to explore Ramon’s homeland by hiking the Camino’s Ingles over three days (47 miles reverse alternative route from Santiago to A Caruna) and Dos Faros over eight days (122 miles Malpica to Finisterre).
The Camino Ingles, which originated in the 11th century when many English pilgrims arrived by sea prior to their onward trek to Santiago de Compostela and the tomb of St James, would take me to the coast, while the Camino Dos Faros, a newly established route, would take me along the Costa da Morte coastline in a westerly direction.
I would navigate using a combination of guide books (John Brierley’s guide to the Camino Ingles and John Hayes’ guide to the Camino Dos Faros), way markers (yellow arrows on the Ingles and green arrows on the Dos Faros), and electronic maps (AllTrails) and have my luggage transferred between my accommodations (small hotels) so that I only needed to carry a day pack.    
As always, for me this would be an inner journey just as much as a geographical one – all part of a much longer Odyssean journey. The four winds had been loosed from the cobblers bag years ago and I needed to find my way home. We all need to walk slowly in the rivers of our truth to find that place where we might belong, wherever or whatever that might be. Don’t we? “Seek and ye shall find” I used to say to my kids – and they always did. The trick is knowing something’s lost in the first place.
Most pilgrims I’ve met on the various Camino trails are searching for something. I met Enrique and Diego on a closed off section of the Dos Faros just after the beautiful estuary town of Ponte do Porto – clearly all like-minded rebels, we decided to ignore the ‘no-entry’ sign and plough on together. Diego, 60’s, with a bald head as brown as a nut, spoke no English and moved with a fast pace, head down, rudimentary wooden staff in hand – with silent determination he kept his inner journey firmly to himself. Enrique on the other hand, 50’s and wiry from Andalusia, shared his hopes and fears using good English learned over 13 years in the UK as a guide dog trainer. Recently divorced, he was clearly still processing what this meant for his future, now a blank canvas.
Jaime, 50, needed to borrow my phone at the Nariga Lighthouse to organize his taxi pick-up from Praia de Ninons since his signal had vanished amongst the coastal headlands. We walked together to Ninons, communicating via my Google Translate app – an excellent tool but for some reason was stumped by my English – New York hybrid accent, interpreting half my words incorrectly. Desperate to leave the failing custom signs business he ran with his brother in Valencia, his inner journey was to finally make this difficult decision.  
While back in Santiago before returning to New York I visited one of my favorite restaurants, Garigolo, situated close to the Atalaia B&B where I regularly stay. As with other restaurants and small hotels I’d visited on this trip, many owners seemed slightly shell shocked after the Covid pandemic experience, seemingly fearful of what else might be careering towards them. I felt a spiritual connection with the owner and told her I’d be back again soon -- she presented me with a four-leaf clover she’d recently picked and I was grateful for its magical protection.
On the Ingles between Sigueiro and Hospital de Bruma I entered a dark tunnel of dense woodland where it seemed the trees were in cahoots, suspicious, whispering -- until I realized it was the pitter patter of raindrops on the leaf canopy. A sun shower out of a crystal clear azure blue sky? There was clearly magic about in these woods. Was something trying to warn me that I was going in the wrong direction? As in life, I’ve generally preferred the road less traveled. It seemed as though I was the only person going in the reverse direction here, just as in 2018 on the Scottish Southern Uplands Way the locals were aghast to see me walking west into the prevailing winds. It all reminded me of my youngest son, Alex, who for many years insisted on putting on his pajama top inside out – the apple didn’t fall far from the tree there!
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Between the Ingles and Dos Faros I stayed in A Caruna for two nights over a weekend. It was the Festas de Maria Pita so during the evenings the warren of streets were packed with thousands of outdoor diners sampling the local food. I’ve never seen so many people eating within half a square mile where the incredible mix of aromas together with the cacophony of sights and sounds of so many convivial Galicians were a welcome onslaught to the senses after so much solitude.
The tranquil coastline of the aptly named Coste da Morte on the Dos Faros belies its treacherous nature.
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The English Cemetery at Punta do Boi where hundreds of British sailors are buried is testament to this -- drowned in the 1800’s after running aground on the many hidden reefs. Many lighthouses (faros) were built over the years to counter this trend.
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In the end I had to cut the Dos Faros hike short by ending at Lires rather than Finisterre since I needed to get back to Santiago early to get my covid test in time for traveling back to the US. That was ok since Lires, a small village set into a beautiful estuary, has a special place in my heart after getting lost on my way there from Finisterre last year.
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Don’t you think it’s interesting that something seems more precious when you’ve had to search for it? But perhaps it’s the journey of getting lost that’s more important than what you find?
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wordwineweb · 2 years
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Wine Pictures - Caruna - Franciacorta - Extra Brut - Brescia - Vendemmia 2018 - Sboccatura 2021 (presso Euromoda Brescia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnHvjnWtqQs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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