#[Day Five]
soapyakships · 3 months
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reartem · 3 months
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Day 5: Bond and Anya playing fetch in the snow
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daily-pearl-doodles · 5 months
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It is revealed….the reason I’ve only posted doodles the past three days…
(Day five!!)
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nerdynuala · 3 months
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@radioroseweek day 5 here we go (look at this procrastinator still posting on time)
Healing might take two
Just very soft Alastor because I don't care, I know he's the softest boy to his Rosie
He's crashing at her place, recovering from Adam's wound and he's very fluffy and soft and grateful
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Zeb Appreciation Week: Day Five - Favorite Dynamics
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thisapplepielife · 3 months
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Written for @steddie-week.
Can't Miss Us.
Day #5 - Prompt: Reunion/Exes to Lovers | Word Count: 1979 | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Steve | Tags: Post S4, Future Fic, Corroded Coffin Eddie, Hawkins Steve, It's Wedding Season, If They Didn't Have Their Besties, They'd Still Be Floundering Alone, Platonic Stobin, Eddie and Gareth are BFFs
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He's in his pajamas. 
And they aren't even his good pajamas. They're just a ratty-ass pair of plaid sleep pants that Robin and him fight over ownership of, and a soft, but ragged, t-shirt that the logo wore off long, long ago, with holes all around the neck and under the arms. 
Steve was just running to the store for ice cream before they closed at midnight. He didn't think he'd see anyone, let alone Eddie Munson.
Shit. Shit. Shit. 
Maybe he will go unnoticed. He backs up out of the aisle, and runs his back straight into someone else's chest. He turns to say sorry, and it's Gareth.
"Steve?" Gareth questions, and he sounds just as surprised as Steve feels.
Eddie looks up at hearing Gareth speak. Steve sees the movement out of the corner of his eye, and there'll be no running from this. From them.
From him.
"Hey, I didn't know you guys were in town," Steve says, trying to play it way cooler than he'll ever feel about the situation. 
Eddie left, Steve stayed, and that was that. They don't hate each other or anything, but it has always been far easier for Steve to just keep a healthy amount of distance between them. 
"The wedding, you know," Gareth says, and Steve doesn't know. 
Is Eddie getting married? Is Gareth? 
Steve lives here. Surely he would have known if a big wedding was happening right under his nose. But he's heard nothing, from no one. Surely, Henderson would have let it slip if Eddie was coming home to get married.
"Oh, no, I didn't know," Steve says, "Congrats?" 
That shouldn't sound like a question, and he feels dumb, dumb, dumb. 
"Well don't congratulate me, I'm not getting married," Gareth says, then holds up his hand, "mainly because I already am." 
Steve nods, dumbly, not really listening to Gareth at all. But Eddie hasn't moved an inch to come closer. Apparently he's not going to. He's just standing there holding two tubs of orange sherbet. Eddie as frozen as the sherbet.
Time to get the fuck out of this awkward situation.
"Okay, well. Good to see you," Steve says, and leaves without the ice cream. 
Robin will understand. 
"He was just standing there staring at you like a creep?" 
"Well, it didn't seem creepy, as much as shocked to see that his ex-boyfriend is now apparently homeless. Look at what I'm wearing, Robin! Look!" he shouts, tugging on the collar of his shirt, and it rips a little further. 
Steve's spiraling. 
"Calm down. You look comfortable. It's midnight. Eddie's not dumb. He doesn't think this is your new style. He knows."
And Steve knows that. He does. But it's still terribly embarrassing. You don't want to go years without seeing the guy you'll probably never quite get over, and then be wearing your scrubbiest clothes.
It's tragic.
"He might be getting married," Steve says, dejected. That's the real problem here. Not his clothes. 
"In Hawkins? Get real. Eddie would never. He hates it here." 
He wouldn't. Steve knows that, too. Eddie hardly ever comes back, saying it's not his hometown, not anymore.
Steve understands. Hawkins kind of lost that right when they tried to burn him at the stake for something he didn't do. But Steve likes to think it's changed, at least a little, after the ones that did stay have worked to make changes.
Like Robin, and him. They stayed, and they aren't unhappy about it. 
"I'd say get some ice cream and calm down, but we don't have any," Robin snarks, and it's just what he needed, as he laughs and leans against her shoulder.
The next afternoon, they drive around in Robin's car, Steve slunk low in the passenger seat, checking every possible venue in town, trying to determine where this wedding might be. They check the churches. The best hotel that has a shoddy excuse for a ballroom. 
And in an act of desperation, the school.
Lover's Lake. 
But it's not in town. Can't be. There are no crowds anywhere.
However, out near the country club, they spot balloons stuck to a sign. 
Green/Goodwin Wedding
"See!" Robin crows, "It's Goodie! It's not Eddie. I told you so, dingus. Can we go home now?"
Steve nods. It does make Steve feel a little better, but Eddie still didn't tell him he was coming home. Still didn't want to see him while he was here, obviously. 
Definitely didn't expect Steve to be loitering around the Big Buy at closing time. 
And that kind of stings, just a little.
The whole "we'll still be friends" thing was a load of horseshit. They aren't anything to each other, not now.
"Home, Jeeves," Steve says.
"Ice cream first?" Robin questions.
Steve nods, "Only if you go in. I'm traumatized."
Robin looks over at him, "Well. I'll do it just this once, but don't think this gets you out of ice cream duty, dingus. I can drive. But I still don't want to."
"Deal," he says, because once Eddie's gone back to his life, things can go back to normal.
"Door!" Robin shouts from the bathroom, and Steve looks at his watch. It's after ten. He didn't even hear anyone knocking from his room. And it's a little late for anyone they know, unless Henderson is in town for this wedding, and just said nothing. 
Steve eyes the bat leaning near the hall tree, and then opens the door. 
It's Gareth.
"How'd you know where I lived?" Steve asks, skipping the hello.
"It's Hawkins. I just had to ask the first person I saw. Which was my mom," Gareth says, and Steve looks out beyond him. Checking to see if Eddie is lurking in the bushes. He doesn't seem to be.
Gareth just reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tape, "Here."
Steve takes it because he doesn't know what else to do.
"If you think it's what I think it is, we're at the club all night. We're out back. In a tent. Can't miss us."
"It's a wedding," Steve says, "one I wasn't invit-"
Gareth pulls an envelope out of his jacket pocket, "From Goodie."
Steve doesn't know what to say, but Gareth doesn't make him, because he just turns and leaves.
"What?" Robin asks, coming out, her hair up in a towel.
"It was Gareth. He gave me this," Steve says, holding up the cassette.
"Is it 1986?" Robin asks, and Steve laughs. The stereo still has a tape deck, but a CD would have been more convenient. "What do you think it is?"
Steve shrugs, but he knows. Down deep. He knows.
And he's right. It's a tape of songs that are very clearly about Steve, and by Eddie's voice, and the way it's matured as the tape went on, they've been laid down over many, many years. 
Steve doesn't know what to do with this information.
Eddie didn't give it to him, Eddie didn't come to him. 
Why does Steve have to be the one to stick his neck out?
Because, Eddie won't. Eddie will run for ten, twenty, forty more years. 
And these songs? They say that he regrets it. That he doesn't want to have ever done it in the first place. 
So. Steve pulls a suit out of the closet, and demands that Robin put on a dress, any dress, or slacks, anything she owns other than her yummy sushi pajamas.
She does. They both do. 
And Robin drives.
And Steve frets, worrying the tape case in his hands, the whole way.
Gareth wasn't lying. They couldn't miss the tent. It's a beacon in the night. Edged up to the woods, and it's a testament to what they all did, that that's a safe thing to do, here in Hawkins. Steve just hangs back, and looks. Sees the blur of people moving around, dancing, having fun. 
The music is decidedly wedding reception, and not Corroded Coffin. 
But Steve doesn't see Eddie.
"I don't see him," Steve says, not taking his eyes off the tent to look at Robin. She'll tell him if she sees him first. "Do you think-"
"I'm right here," Eddie says from behind them, and Steve turns. Slowly.
Robin pauses, for just a second, and then bolts for the tent, like a little traitor. Leaving him alone, staring Eddie down in the near dark. 
Steve fishes the tape out of his jacket pocket, and holds it out for Eddie to see. Eddie takes it, but doesn't look shocked, or betrayed, or anything really. Until he cracks a smile.
"Kid's a meddling little shit," Eddie says, meeting Steve's eyes.
"Was he wrong?" Steve asks.
"No," Eddie answers, "but he rarely is. Which is part of the problem. It's annoying."
"Well, I have Robin. So I get it," Steve says, and Eddie smiles.
"You want to go to the tent? I think it's about time for Cotton Eye Joe," Eddie teases.
"Oh, well, in that case…" Steve laughs, because seeing Eddie do that Cotton Eye Joe dance would be worth it.
"Or, we have rooms blocked off in the lodge," Eddie offers.
Steve raises an eyebrow, and Eddie keeps talking, "Meeting rooms. Sitting rooms. Not bedrooms," Eddie rambles, "I mean, we do have those. But I meant the other options."
Steve laughs, because he's still Eddie. He wasn't sure he would be, but yeah, this is Eddie. Just polished up a little, not as rough around all the edges.
Grown up. 
"Okay, Munson. Take me to one of your non-bedroom rooms," Steve teases, and Eddie lights up, offering Steve his elbow. It's goofy, and silly, but Steve slides his arms through the loop of Eddie's elbow, letting himself be led. 
Eddie stops at the open bar, gets them both a drink and a huge tray of the leftover passed appetizers. And they sit in the room that the guys clearly got dressed in. There are garment bags, and street clothes, and stuff on every surface. Eddie scoots a bunch of it down the bar, making room for the two of them.
"Sorry, it's a mess in here," Eddie says, "we weren't expecting company."
"I don't think I count as company," Steve says softly, picking up what looks like a fancy little pig-in-a-blanket and popping it in his mouth. Even cold, it's pretty damn good. 
Maybe he's just hungry.
They make small talk. Catching up, skirting the real reason they are both sitting here, together. The tape. The songs.
They eventually fall into a lull, and Steve doesn't feel like he needs to fill the silence. They can just sit together, that's okay. Eddie still feels comfortable, even after all these years, those miles, this distance.
He's still Eddie. And Steve's still Steve. 
"They are about you, you know?" Eddie asks, and Steve knows. "The songs."
"I know," Steve admits. 
"But they were private, so they didn't make any albums," Eddie says, "not because I didn't want you to hear them. I just didn't want anyone else to hear them."
Steve puts his hand on Eddie's forearm, and squeezes, "I get it."
"I have missed you, you know? Leaving you? The hardest thing I've ever done."
"Harder than fighting off demobats?" Steve teases. They can do that now. Time has passed, and enough of it, that it's in the past. Which is wild. He wasn't sure that'd ever be true.
"Way harder," Eddie says, smiling a shy smile.
"Staying was hard, too," Steve admits, softly.
Eddie nods, leaning his face down, until it rests on Steve's upper arm, Eddie rubbing against him, like a cat. Steve had almost forgotten that was a thing he'd do. 
His chest constricts, squeezing.
He wants Eddie. All of him. Everything he can get, for however long.
"So, about those bedrooms…" Steve trails off, smiling as Eddie meets his eyes, smiling right back.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddie-week and follow along with the fun!
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neptunes-sol-angel · 10 months
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What's the 2024 canon event in your universe?
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Pile One 🕷
Your Canon event that cannot be interfered with: There's going to be a tremendous amount of movement for you in 2024. This could look like traveling, ascending in your endeavors, plans playing into motion, but the main thing that's standing out to me is that you won't be doing this alone. There's a lot of group activity here with friends, family, or co workers who you have a healthy relationship with. This could also indicate a lot of celebrations or ceremonies regarding success in what you accomplish next year. I keep getting this image of gears moving non-stop, which to me it looks like you're pushing through anything physically and mentally. Some of you could be start working out as a new hobby or something else that requires you to uncover barriers within yourself that you never thought you could exceed. Maybe this is inspiration to pull yourself out of something in the past that has been making you feel like you should just lay in stagnation, or maybe you're tirelessly moving because you have to, but either way, you're making moves that you should see positive results in the year of 2024.
Pile Two
Your Canon event that cannot be interfered with : You are going to learn either from circumstances that corner them or through self-reflection (can even be both) that will make you learn how to take more accountability. This is about making changes in the way that you have been reacting to stuff that boils down to the multiple ways that you have been self-sabotaging. Knowing when to walk away when you've put your all into a person that isn't doing the work to meet you half-way. Withdrawing your energy from situations that seek to get you out of character. Understanding the value in your emotions instead of pushing them aside or allowing other people to invalidate them. 2024 is the year for your voice to be heard. You'll improve in how you communicate with others, especially amongst conflict, discovering your unmet needs that you didn't even know were needs, solitude that will bring you more peace that'll draw away from the loneliness you may feel in working on yourself. You could even be finding out what spirituality actually means to you as well. Overall, I'm getting the feeling that you're walking away from the noise that's discrediting your discernment, you're going to find out that you aren't crazy as some people tried to make you ought to be.
Pile Three
Your Canon event that cannot be interfered with : 2024 for you is going to be about uncovering a lot of secrets and I'm not talking about anxiety inducing kind. This year is going to be exciting for you and about revealing what your self-concept is. Tapping into your sexuality, finding the things that compliment your beauty, or your "recipe" that just makes life work for you, having more freedom financially, romantically, or other areas that you may have felt restricted in. I feel like most of your months are going to be eventful to the point where you may pause temporarily throughout the year because you may feel like you need to chill out, or life just feels "too" good. This could be related to certain indulgences or this could be some fear creeping on you that'll make you doubt the positive things going on with you in life. Other people could find you impulsive, but that's really none of their business, a lot of the blessing that you receive in 2024 comes from taking leaps of faith and being assertive in searching for things that you want to take a chance on.
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can't wait for the next generation of wrestlers to be trained by ibushi that will go well
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silent-snake7 · 1 year
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Día cinco: Libre
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dailydamijon · 2 months
Day five of daily damijon
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DCeased: War of the Undead Gods (2022) Issue #8
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Days Five Through Seven of Figure Drawing & First Attempt at Sebastian Sallow 😅
Can you tell I haven’t done the eyes tutorial yet? 😆🤣😆
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✨ Days 5 - 7 exercises after the cut ✨
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hoodies-n-cola · 1 year
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Eddtober 2023 - Day 5: Pre-Legacy
Getting caught up oops- but ye I haven't really drawn PL Tom, I figured this would be a nice time to do it :>
Also while I was drawing, I kinda had a thought: what if Tom is a shape-shifting alien/monster who showed up as a kid? He wasn't really sure what humans looked like so he did the best he could with his limited, premature eyesight
He got himself into school and made friends with the other weirdos (Edd and the gang) and slowly changed his appearance as he aged into a more human looking guy
Maybe "Monster Tom" is the real Tom 👀
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starbanmk · 5 months
"oh, I'd do so many things for you..."
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“Ashswagg. Ancient God of Smoke.” The mortal bowed his head as he spoke the forgotten God's name. Ash blinked his many, tired eyes, awake for the first time in centuries.
It was a roman. A roman who had done his research. How had he gotten into Ash's temple? His walls, his body, had long since been overgrown, the native bushes of roses curling around his pillars like a lover hanging off their partner’s arm.
Ash refocused on the roman who was watching him carefully.
“You've woken me.” He said plainly, shifting his form to something similar to the mortals. More smoke pooled onto the floor as he did, tickling their feet.
“I am in your service.” The roman said, extending a rose he'd been holding out to the God.
Ashswagg laughed, he could tell it hurt the roman's head. “What do you think you can do for me?”
“Anything.” The roman (Ash supposed he was his roman now) blinked hard, taking a courageous step forward, urging Ash to take his rose. “I’d do so many things for you.”
“You're a roman.” Ash observed. “You have your own gods.”
“My name is Reddoons,” He said, “Only the gods I believe in can dictate my fate.”
Ash narrowed his eyes. “That's silly. Your fate is not something I care to dictate.”
“So be it. I guess I'm on my own, then.” Reddoons shrugged, then nodded to the flower in his hand. “A rose?”
Slowly, Ashswagg stepped forward and took the rose. It's thorn pierced his skin, but he didn’t feel it. He was a god. “Thank you.”
Reddoons grinned. Ash inspected the flower. What an interesting man.
[end of part one]
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esilher · 8 months
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Power of Love - Huey Lewis & the News
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Inktober 2023
Day 5 - Map
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I had this idea about America.... That I'd find myself here. That's why people get in a convertible and hit the road without a map. That's the promise. That you'll finally see yourself when you don't recognize the scenery.
Wayward Son, Prologue, Rainbow Rowell
Simon's journey is not a literal map he can follow.
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reartem · 3 months
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Day five: Sylvia Sherwood practicing yoga
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