#how to get a white boy to fall in love with you 101
can't wait for the next generation of wrestlers to be trained by ibushi that will go well
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artdcnaldson · 5 days
I love your sex edu AU, honestly it gives me so much needed serotonin! If you dont mind, how about reader being also interested in Art´s porn history? Like Patrick mentioned Art also being into freaky deeky stuff, but Art´s shy little bean, and showed us only the "soft" stuff, when reader asked. And maybe Art is into some mommy/daddy stuff?
It’s so cute because truly Art and Patrick are sooo night and day when it comes to this stuff <3
You really have to be a liiiittle manipulative when it comes to Art. Maybe it’s just the two of you in his dorm, making out while you jerk him off :) he’s just really needy and so lost in it when you ask him to show you what he watches when he’s jerking off. He blushes so pink, embarrassed like you don’t already have his dick in your hand.
“You actually want to?” He asks, moaning as you continue gliding your hand up and down his cock. When you nod, he groans like he’s in absolute anguish, lets his head fall against the pillow. His eyes squeeze shut, he’s torn between being turned on and mortified that you want to know, at the idea of showing you.
By the time he gets his laptop out, he’s flushed red down to his chest, pulsing in your grip. The laptop is warm on your thighs where it’s balanced. He reaches over you, pulling open videos he has saved on his desktop under Bio 101. Clever.
It’s all pretty basic at first, nothing to write home about as you tab through some of them. But video after video starts popping up of women in charge— dominating the guy, making him submit to her whims. It’s nothing too tough— maybe a little slapping, but mostly it’s just about being in control.
“Why’d she stop? He said he was about to cum,” You ask him softly. Your hand is still wrapped around him, still pumping him nice and slow as the two of you watch.
He closes his eyes, like he’s trying to find the strength to speak up. “Uh… she didn’t want to let him cum yet. It— it— fuck— can feel better if you have to wait.”
He knows what you’re going to do before you even do it. Your hand speeds up, he’s panting and groaning beneath you. “Tell me when you’re close.”
He nods, his pretty blond curls plastered to his forehead. “O-okay.”
You bring him to the edge twice before he’s practically begging, hips canting up as he fucks into your fist. You get impatient, and seeing him cum is the best part anyway.
“Okay, want you to cum for me.” As soon as you give permission, he finishes. Cumming messily, shooting ropes of white onto his stomach, up to his chest.
He laughs, almost embarrassed, as you run a finger through the mess covering him. He opens his mouth obediently, cleaning his own cum off with his tongue.
You smile and kiss his cheek. “Good boy.”
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Tied Together - John Wick X Female Reader
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Title: Tied Together
John Wick X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Dog/Boy (John's Pitbull), and Freckles the Dalmatian (OC)
Requested by Anon!
WC: 1,594
Warnings: embarrassment, nervousness, slight 101 Dalmatians movie reference/meet cute, John being John, awkwardness, slight angst, and fluff
The sun was shining brightly down upon you and your dog, Freckles. He was a Dalmatian, with five prominent spots on his nose and around his eyes, with black ears, and the usual black spots that dotted his short white coat. He was a beautiful, angelic animal... When he wanted to be. He was always running off on his own to do things like play in the park, or run through the woods in search of birds, squirrels, or any other small prey animals. But that was just how dogs acted, and you loved Freckles. He was your best friend. 
The park was nice, calm, and with very few kids running around; playing games, or having picnics with their families. It was just perfect weather for a walk. You weren't really paying attention, but with a sharp tug of the leash, you looked up abruptly. Freckles was bouncing or hopping back and forth, looking up at you with wide bright eyes, seemingly excited about something. You frowned slightly, tilting your head.
"Freckles... Honey... What is it?" You asked your hyper dog. "Is it a squirrel?" His tail wagged wildly and he let out another yip of excitement. And before you knew it, Freckles bolted. You almost fell forward, stumbling to not fall as Freckles pulled you along behind him. This dog was certainly more intelligent than most. You knew he wanted something, and you almost regretted putting him on the leash. You looked up, eyes widening when your dog went barreling into someone. 
Freckles jumped up on a man, his dirty paws landing on the man's suit pants, making you cringe. The man turned, looking down at the tail-wagging, tongue-hanging-out dog. The man's black hair fell like dark curtains, framing his face almost too perfectly. Your heart stopped at the sight of his brown eyes, so deep, you couldn't imagine ever looking away. His lips were pulled into a tight frown as if angry; however, his eyes told you differently. They held an emotion you had never seen before. A kind of sadness that made you yourself worry. You swallowed nervously, giving the man an awkward smile as you quickly apologized. "I'm sorry. Freckles doesn't usually do this." 
The man looked back down at your dog, who hopped off his legs and began to sniff his Pitbull. "Freckles?" He asked, his voice deep and mysterious, making you wonder what his morning voice would sound like.
You nodded sheepishly. "Yeah... Uh... He's got spots, like freckles... So I sort of got inspiration from that?" You spoke, your sentence becoming more of a question the more you spoke. 
The man before you then turned down to look at the dogs, watching them play with each other. It was silent for a long time, an awkward tension in the air as you watched your dog, subtly glancing at the man beside you. He still hadn’t said anything, which made you feel even more nervous. His overall presence beside you made you nervous. You couldn't get over how handsome the man was. He was definitely more attractive than any guy you’d ever met. You shook your head lightly. That thought was ridiculous and inappropriate. You were only meeting the man for the first time, and already thinking about that?
"So..." You began, instantly cringing at yourself, "What's your dog's name?" You asked, and the man beside you said nothing for a while, making you want to crawl up inside a hole and die, but you let out a breath when he finally spoke.
"... Boy. His name is Boy." He answered, his voice softening and sounding more relaxed now.
Your jaw dropped slightly. "... Oh." You responded lamely, and you could've kicked yourself. "Boy… That's a good name for him…" You added quietly, looking back down at Freckles and Boy playing. You couldn't help smiling slightly.
He chuckled softly. "Yes, I suppose it is." Then he smiled slightly, before turning slightly towards you, his hand out. "My name is John."
Your eyes widened slightly as you took his hand, shaking it gently, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly. "Uh... Y/N. Nice to meet you." You stuttered, feeling more embarrassed with every passing second that passed by. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears and felt sick to your stomach. You were so stupid... So unbelievably stupid. You should've been able to hold a normal conversation with him, and yet here you were trying to make small talk. "So, uh... Where'd you get Boy?"
John glanced at you before looking back at the two playing dogs, "A kennel." He answered simply, and you looked at him with a surprised expression.
"Really? That is so sweet. Rescuing dogs is such a noble and heroic thing. I didn't get the chance for Freckles. My parents gifted him to me." You replied with a soft giggle, causing John to glance back at you. You cleared your throat before speaking again, "Sorry. Uh, I'm not really good at socializing." You said quickly, your cheeks growing warmer with embarrassment.
"No apologies needed," He murmured, "Socializing isn't really part of my expertise either." He added, causing you to blink in surprise.
"Oh... Well..." You trailed off. Why did you suddenly feel the need to fill the silence? Why did you want to speak to him further? You tried to think of what to say. "Well, it's nice to meet another introvert like me." You inwardly cringed again, realizing how stupid that sounded.
John gave you a look, and you thought you almost saw another smile before a small yip brought your eyes to your dog. You bit your lip briefly before you looked up at John once more, "Uh, I might as well go. I have to make lunch soon, and Freckles must be tired from all the playing." You chuckled, as Freckled pranced over to you. "It was nice meeting you, John." You looked down at Boy. “And you too, Boy.” The pitbull barked happily.
John nodded, offering you a small smile, "You too."
As you turned to walk away, Freckles walked with you for a while before he barked up at you, suddenly turning and running back to John and Boy. You watched in horror as Freckles ran up to John and Boy, your rambunctious dog then launched you into John's back. Slightly startling the man as he turned around, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you blushed madly. You tried to pull away, apologizing profusely but you couldn't move your legs. Looking down, you watched as Freckles chased Dog around you and John, ultimately tying the two of you together with the leash. 
"Freckles! Stop!" You shouted both yours and John's bodies pressed together uncomfortably as you tried to stop your dog. Looking up at John, you continued to apologize. "I'm sorry about him, he's usually very well-behaved."
John shook his head, his hands wrapped almost protectively around your biceps, "It's alright, please don't apologize."
"Well, I can't help but be sorry." You spoke, almost defeated. "I feel so embarrassed." You mumbled softly, feeling your cheeks grow hot as you stared up at the man, who smiled slightly at you, his hand loosening its grip on your arm.
"Please, don't worry." He spoke, "It was an accident."
"I know." You sighed, "Here, we should try and get out of this." You mentioned before you and John began to successfully untangle yourselves from the leash. 
Hands on your hips, you glared down at Freckles, who looked up at you with wide puppy dog eyes. "Oh, you're in big trouble, mister." You scolded him gently, in a slight baby voice. "No treat tonight." At your words, Freckles whined, before seemingly huffing and sitting down. "Oh, don't give me that attitude, young man." You chastised sternly, and Freckles pouted up at you. "Don't give me that look! Don't you dare pout at me either!" John looked at you with a warm smile, clearly amused. His smile left once you turned to look up at him. "I'm sorry about him again, there has to be something I can do to make it up to you." You offered.
John quickly shook his head, "No, it's alright. I understand."
You took your turn to shake your head, "No, please. I must do something to make this up to you. I won't be able to sleep at night if I don't." You practically pleaded. John stared at you, frowning slightly, the gears turning in his head as you continued, "Please, let me take you to this sweet diner I know. I'll pay for lunch."
John paused for a moment, his brows furrowing in thought as he slowly shook his head, as if not wanting to accept. "You don't have to do that."
"But I want to." You insisted.
John continued to stare at you, his eyes raking over your features, analyzing everything he could; from your hair to your eyes, to your lips. His own lips parted, but no words came out. Could John open his heart again? Could he let his cold heart thaw? Could John let someone back into his heart? He opened his mouth a few times, an "Alright." Finally fell out. You smiled widely.
"Really?" You asked excitedly.
"Sure." He repeated himself, his hands finding a place in his pants pockets. "So, where is this diner?"
You grabbed Freckles's leash as you and John began to walk out of the park, Freckles and Boy fooling around as they followed. "Well, it's just up the street! It's super nice, has the best milkshakes, and is pet friendly..."
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respectthepetty · 4 months
No one asked for my opinions, but if Keng + Non become a couple, I'm going to throw my laptop down the stairs. (I'm mature enough to be aware that I'm talking about fictional characters, ftr, and people are allowed to enjoy taboo things, but Keng just makes my skin crawl 😟)
Also, since I'm here with my personal DFF Ending wishlist, I'm hoping Jin tells Phee that he filmed Non with Keng and it makes Phee angry and Phee tells Jin why he got in with the group and it makes Jin angry. Am I wrong to want them to end up resenting each other?
Anon, I want the same outcome as you do with Jin and Phi fighting each other, but even if the show decided to give me them falling in love and trying to escape together, I won't be upset. I'll just want them to die even more.
TLWR: You're not wrong for wanting Phi and Jin to resent each other because I want everyone dead.
Mental Health 101 tells us not to stress about events that have not happened because then we will have been upset for an entire week that Keng is alive and with Non when in actuality, Keng could be dead like I want, and all our strife was for nothing.
But . . .
It's seriously the ONLY thing I can think about.
And I keep thinking about it because I wouldn't be mad about it.
Unlike all of these other shows that have done little things along the way to upset me before they hit me with the final offense, Dead Friend Forever has done everything right for me up until this point, so if it did something I don't agree with now, I'd be conflicted but not upset. Perfect example: Phi catching real feelings for Jin simply moved him onto the kill list, but I'm not upset at that development. I'm not mad at the show. I just want Phi to die now. It's like fantasy football and my pick for quarterback is fucking it up! I'm mad at the players, not the game.
The show has given an excuse for every single character. I still want all of them to die, but I can see why they did what they did (except Fluke cancelling the Uber). I understand how Phi caught real feelings. I get it! But I want him to die now. So if the show is giving us Keng alive, I'll probably understand why, but I'll still want him dead like I want everyone else dead (except Tan, Non, and White because they are perfect although I'm still questioning White).
Because this show has tapped into the very special part of my heart where I greatly enjoy watching characters die once they piss me off. By the end of the Game of Thrones, I was rooting for the White Walkers to take out EVERYBODY! And that's how I'm treating Dead Friend Forever. Once Uncle Dang lost his head, the possibility of people dying went up significantly, and I turned into the Queen of Hearts demanding heads roll.
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So while you've been questioning whether you're wrong or not for wanting these boys to resent each other, I've been actively rooting for them to murder each other.
You take the high road.
I came for the low.
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marvelmusing · 2 years
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Billy Russo Masterlist
Last Updated: 22/07/22
My Masterlist
Introductions • Part 1 • Part 2
Your colleague Dinah suggests a training session at a private firm - Anvil - and you meet the company’s charming CEO.
Love and War • Part 1 • Part 2
You are tasked with eliminating two dangerous fugitives. When the time comes, will you be able to finish the job?
Love Languages • Part 1 • Part 2
A series based on the five love languages, and how each one applies to your relationship with Billy.
Disastrous Dalmatian’s • Part 1 • Part 2
A 101 Dalmatians inspired meet cute. When your dog Pongo falls for a random Dalmatian in Regent’s Park you become acquainted with her owner, Billy Russo.
Guilty of Love • Season 1 • Season 2 • Season 3
When the wanted vigilante Billy Russo turns up in your house one night, you’re expecting a fight. After all, you’re the one tasked with bringing him in. What you’re not expecting is for him to be making you dinner. Things only become more and more unexpected from that moment on.
White Picket Fence • Masterlist
Billy and you have to go undercover as a newly married couple in the suburbs, and you’re certain your house is bugged so it’s 24/7 of you two acting like a married couple.
Trials & Tribulations
Also known as The Trials & Tribulations of Billy’s Long Suffering Marketing Director - a social media AU, featuring CEO!Billy Russo.
Don’t Blame Me • Part 1 • Part 2 • Drabble
You’re the only one who will love and appreciate Billy exactly the way he is, and you will do anything to prove that to him - even if that means keeping him locked up in your spare room.
The Chelsea & Jess Dumb!Reader Universe Collab
His Best Kept Secret • Duplicate • Ineptitude • Off to the Races •
In the Dark • Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3
You wake in a strange bed, in a strange room, and are startled to find a pair of dark eyes watching you. Featuring dark elf!Billy.
The Other Side • Masterlist
After the events of The Punisher (season one) Billy Russo stakes his claim on New York, quickly establishing himself as a force to be reckoned with amongst the city’s criminal underworld. When you get assigned to an undercover operation that seeks to take down Russo, a conflict of interest occurs. You may or may not be falling for him?
Building Blocks & Daisy Chains • Coffee & Collisions
Whilst babysitting your nephew in the park, you bump into Karen, a friend of yours, and she introduces you to Billy Russo.
Puzzle Pieces • Part 1 • Part 2
Frank and Billy took down Rawlins together but now you all have to deal with the aftermath. Billy’s mind is more fractured than the scars on his face, and the pieces of your own life are crumbling under the weight. Will the two of you ever assemble the jigsaw?
NSFW Alphabet
Comfort Character
Billy comes to your apartment in need of some TLC.
His Smile
Agent Madani expresses too much interest in your boyfriend for your liking. Billy unknowingly provides you with a reminder that he’s yours.
Good Boy [18+]
You make a discovery about your boyfriend, Billy Russo.
Partition [18+]
You and Billy have some fun in the car on the way home from a gala.
Billy Russo loves all things sweet, but you take up a particular spot in his heart.
Valentine’s Day
You and Billy both plan some last minute surprises for your first Valentine’s Day together.
You’ll always wait for Billy, and he’ll always come home to you.
Barber Shop
You give Billy’s beard a trim, giving him the opportunity to think over how lucky he is to have you.
Birthday Boy
You plan to give Billy the best birthday ever.
As Billy’s assistant, you sit in on client meetings with him, and this afternoon is particularly boring for you both.
Surprise [18+]
You have a surprise for Billy, which he discovers sooner than you had anticipated.
Hunted [18+]
As part of a training exercise with Anvil, you’re tasked with remaining hidden in the city for an entire week. When Billy tracks you down on the last night he decides to teach you a lesson.
New Tie [18+]
You buy Billy a special gift to show him who he belongs to.
Imagine [18+]
You ask your one of your friends, Billy Russo, to take your virginity. Billy is more than happy to oblige.
Crosshairs [18+]
After a few months of stalking Billy, you make the decision to curb your obsession, believing that he deserves better than you. Billy doesn’t agree.
A Little Revenge [18+]
Operation Cerberus was covered up, leaving Billy and the rest of his unit with blood on their hands and no place in the world. You decide to give a little power back to Billy.
Early Morning
After a hard week at work, you’re exhausted, and Billy insists you take a break.
Rescue Mission
During a disastrous blind date you reach out to your best friend Billy, and he offers to come to your rescue.
Bonded [18+]
The hunting season begins and Billy tracks down his future mate.
Fresh Ink
After having a few friends around for drinks at your apartment, you and Billy have a talk about his tattoos.
Monthly Comfort
You’re on your period, and Billy wants nothing more than to make you feel better.
A Night Out [18+]
Vampire!Billy takes you to a local feeding club, and you let him drink from you.
Back in Time
With you by his side, Billy returns to the fire station in Albany where his mom left him as a baby.
Shower Thoughts
The past comes back to haunt you and Billy during your holiday, and the following altercation takes a toll on Billy.
Distracted [18+]
You become a distraction when Billy is attempting to finish his work for the night.
Balance Between Forces
A Star Wars AU. You can’t explain the pull you feel towards the Sith Lord, Darth Russoti. No matter where he is, you can always find him.
Hair Salon
You have a short haircut and you decide to recreate the famous Russo slicked back look with your own hair.
Experiment [18+]
You ask to try something new with Billy.
Perfect Remedy [18+]
Billy has had a long day at work, luckily he knows exactly what he needs to de-stress - and it starts with you on your knees.
Sleeping Beauty [18+]
After a long week, Billy decides to take care of you while you sleep.
Rough Day [18+]
After a long day at work, you know exactly what Billy needs to relax.
Gonna Find You
Your husband has been kidnapped, and you plan to find him yourself.
Never Hurts to Dream
Featuring Singer!Reader. Lisa deems Billy her ‘cool uncle’ meaning that he’s the only adult allowed to take her and her friends to their first concert.
New Year Celebrations
How you spend New Year's eve with Billy.
Blood in the Water
When Billy goes to get the paperwork for your new life together, Agent Madani pays you a visit.
Take Over
It’s fair to say that the Russo case has taken over your life. But maybe you’re okay with that.
Twisted Games
Billy loves to play games, and with his advantages as a vampire, he always wins.
A Marriage of Sins [18+]
When you hear of a demon living in an abandoned church in the woods, you know you need to investigate. But how could you know that the demon was just your soulmate waiting to marry you?
The Twins • Reinforcements
Featuring William ‘Billy’ Russo & Jonathan ‘Jonny’ Russo the co-CEOs of Anvil Security.
Misbehaviour [18+]
Billy takes you to one of his favourite restaurants, but you can’t seem to behave how he wants you to.
Cam Boy!Billy
God of Love!Billy
FU in my Head
Personal Trainer!Billy
Mamma Mia AU
Single Dad CEO!Billy
His Dark Materials AU
Scream AU
Sleeping with a Ghost
Moodboard Masterlist here
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helenadurazzo · 7 months
Ranking Taylor Swift Songs
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1. Enchanted
2. Haunted
3. Picture To Burn
4. Better Than Revenge
5. Mr Perfectly Fine
6. Don’t Blame Me
7. Wildest Dreams
8. Getaway Car
9. Timeless
10. London Boy
11. Story Of Us
12. Love Story
13. Mine
14. Long Live
15. Forever and Always
16. Sparks Fly
17. Cruel Summer
18. Our Song
19. The Way I Loved You
20. Bejeweled
21. Dear John
22. The Last Time
23. Now That We Don’t Talk
24. All Too Well
25. Lavender Haze
26. Wonderland
27. Out Of The Woods
28. White Horse
29. Should’ve Said No
30. The Man
31. The Last Great American Dynasty
32. August
33. Long Story Short
34. Fearless
35. Back To December
36. Hey Stephen
37. Message In A Bottle
38. Safe and Sound
39. New Romantics
40. Karma
41. End Game
42. Look What You Made Me Do
43. Exile
44. Welcome To New York
45. Electric Touch
46. Delicate
47. A Place In This World
48. Mean
49. Change
50. I Almost Do
51. I Bet You Think About Me
52. Willow
53. Paper Rings
54. Fifteen
55. Blank Space
56. Style
57. Snow On The Beach
58. Never Grow Up
59. Breathe
60. Castles Crumbling
61. Ours
62. Anti Hero
63. Marjorie
64. It’s Nice To Have A Friend
65. Bad Blood
66. Lover
67. Cardigan
68. Cornelia Street
69. Labyrinth
70. Holy Ground
71. Treacherous
72. You Need to Calm Down
73. Never Getting Back Together
74. 22
75. I Knew You Were Trouble
76. The Best Day
77. I’m Only Me When I’m With You
78. I Can See You
79. Midnight Rain
80. You’re Not Sorry
81. Gorgeous
82. Seven
83. Mirrorball
84. Afterglow
85. Daylight
86. The 1
87. Red
88. I Did Something Bad
89. You’re On Your Own Kid
90. Great War
91. Me
92. This Is Me Trying
93. State of Grace
94. Invisible
95. The Outside
96. You Belong With Me
97. Teardrops On My Guitar
98. Untouchable
99. Today Was a Fairytale
100. Tell Me Why
101. Mary’s Song
102. Tim McGraw
103. Superman
104. Speak Now
105. That’s When
106. Gold Rush
107. No Body No Crime
108. Right Where You Left Me
109. My Tears Ricochet
110. Superstar
111. Don’t You
112. Jump Then Fall
113. Bye Bye Baby
114. I Know Places
115. Ivy
116. Is It Over Now
117. I Think He Knows
118. Cold As You
119. Last Kiss
120. You All Over Me
121. Say Don’t Go
122. Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
123. I Don’t Want To Live Forever
124. Shake It Off
125. Tolerate It
126. Maroon
127. Champagne Problems
128. Mad Woman
129. Tis The Damn Season
130. Starlight
131. The Other Side Of The Door
132. Come In With The Rain
133. You’re Losing Me
134. Invisible String
135. Illicit Affairs
136. Everything Has Changed
137. A Perfectly Good Heart
138. We Were Happy
139. Babe
140. Suburban Legends
141. Stay
142. The Very First Night
143. Wish You Would
144. Bigger Than The Whole Sky
145. Ready For It
146. Come Back Be Here
147. Closure
148. Mastermind
149. Sweet Nothing
150. Sad Beautiful Tragic
151. Stay Beautiful
152. The Lucky One
153. Begin Again
154. Girl At Home
155. Nothing New
156. Better Man
157. Miss Americana and the HBP
158. Paris
159. Question
160. Ronan
161. Forever Winter
162. Tied Together With A Smile
163. The Moment I Knew
164. Betty
165. Hoax
166. Coney Island
167. Clean
168. Call It What You Want
169. New Years Day
170. False God
171. King of My Heart
172. How You Get The Girl
173. You Are In Love
174. High Infidelity
175. Innocent
176. Foolish One
177. Death By A Thousand Cuts
178. This Love
179. So It Goes
180. The Archer
181. The Lakes
182. Dear Reader
183. Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve
184. I Forgot That You Existed
185. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
186. Dorothea
187. When Emma Falls In Love
188. Run
189. It’s Time To Go
190. Cowboy Like Me
191. Glitch
192. Dress
193. Peace
194. Epiphany
195. Soon You’ll Get Better
196. Evermore
197. Happiness
198. Slut
199. Vigilante Shit
200. Stay Stay Stay
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kimberlyannharts · 10 months
ok.. Lame question... So.. we are supposed to feel sorry for Cook because He feels like he was extra , the team didn't make him a member, he wasn't sure Aisha liked him.. Yadda yadda yadda... Ahh.. So I did a re read of most of the comics (digital comics are a wonderful thing).. and from my understanding.. Our Boy Oliver was ALWAYS destined to be the white ranger... him being green was pure manipulation on the part of Rita. If she could make this kid meant to be the embodiment of good turn evil she'd win. Which leads me to believe that everyone who's a ranger was meant to be one. So where is this Flake getting the idea that he was "extra?" He IS a ranger.. So by the logic of the WHOEL rest of the series, clearly He's a ranger cus it was meant to be... Did rita rip his brain appart so hard that he ACTUALLY believes that? SHEESH... I'm starting to like Cook LESS and LESS as this goes along, And I didn't like him that much to begin with!
Yes, we are absolutely supposed to feel sorry for M/tt. It's practically being shoved in our faces every issue since #101 that he's just the most tragic sad boy ever and we need to cry over how tragic his circumstances are, and understand that all led to his fall. It's reflected by how the rangers are absolutely devastated by his kidnapping, and how this has been the main emotional arc for the books for a whole YEAR. They want us to be invested in him and his circumstances.
The problem with that is, besides it being so unbearably over the top at this point that it's hard to take seriously, these so-called tragic circumstances aren't true, and were never supported in the text. The team DOESN'T consider M/tt expendable; they always include him in their missions and love him to the point where they'll choose to save him over saving the Morphin Grid. Aisha DOES return M/tt's feelings and would have said yes if he had asked her out. Grace sees him as a valuable member of Promethea and apparently chose him for "his heart" (ignore that her first choice for Green was DRAKKON). The so-called turning point for M/tt succumbing to evil was Kim, Trini, and Zack leaving him to carry all of the snacks at the movies, which........is frankly pathetic lol. And then of course there's just the fact that his origins as a ranger were pretty much perfect - he's a public celebrity, he adapted to the ranger powers flawlessly, he beat Zedd in his first ever mission with no negative repercussions. There is literally nothing wrong with M/tt's life that he would realistically have angst over at this point; and therefore there's little to empathize with. But now suddenly he's just SOOOOOOOO sad and you should feel SOOOOOOO sorry for him - I don't even know if Grace is legit dead because I just have such a hard time believing they'd pin such a horrible deed on him, evil spell or not, because heaven forbid anything ACTUALLY goes wrong in his life that he's not immediately excused for.
(Also for what it's worth him being an "extra, expendable" ranger was his angst at the beginning of the arc. Now his angst is that he's a "replacement," which I would assume is what they intended this whole time as it's supposedly the reason he likes Aisha as he says they have that in common, but that isn't the same thing and isn't even true in his case. He didn't replace Tommy, Tommy replaced himself. Hell, Tommy was arguably M/TT'S replacement in the first place. But again, everyone else obviously doesn't consider him as anything but a valued member of the team, so it's moot anyway.)
It sucks! And it just cements him as Boom's pet character that does nothing but take up development and screentime from the characters we actually care about and have gotten nothing in comparison (ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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hexedmaiden · 2 years
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I posted 1,908 times in 2022
40 posts created (2%)
1,868 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,906 of my posts in 2022
#dincobb - 386 posts
#film - 300 posts
#star wars - 170 posts
#pedro pascal - 166 posts
#tv - 151 posts
#people - 144 posts
#text - 138 posts
#timothy olyphant - 136 posts
#sw fan art - 126 posts
#cobb vanth - 98 posts
Longest Tag: 101 characters
#i can't believe they had this fine piece of ass in the studio and grinch looks like basic white man 3
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hex my love, I’ve had an awful day and the only thing that would make me feel better is some soft dincobb smut. Can I have some please? 🥺
I'm so sorry you had an awful day, my dear anon!! Here's almost 1k of sweetness just for you🥺♥️
Din rests his back against the stack of pillows, his glasses slip down the bridge of his nose. He holds his book in one hand as his other pushes his glasses back to their previous position upon his nose. 
Grogu is staying over at his friend Winta's house. It's the first time their little boy has been away from them. Din shakes his head trying to dislodge the thoughts of how quiet the house is. In his head he knows Grogu is okay, he's only just across the street. Winta's mother, Omera, has their number if there's an emergency or if Grogu gets too scared and wants to come home. But, in his heart, he’s worried for his little boy.
Behind the door that leads to the attached bathroom, the shower water turns off. Din slides the bookmark into his book and places it on the nightstand. He rests his head back against the pillows as the door opens. 
Cobb emerges from the bathroom, holding the towel snug around his hips. His easy-going smile falls softly from his face. Din knows he looks pitiful, like a kicked dog Cobb would say.
"Oh, honey."  Cobb coos, as he makes his way straight to Din. He lets the damp towel go, letting it fall onto the floor, and crawls naked into bed. Why does he have to look so pretty when Din is having a mini-crisis. 
"He's okay." Cobb sits on top of the covers, pulling Din to his chest to hold. Din turns his body toward his husband's warmth, buying his face awkwardly into Cobb’s neck. His glasses dig into the side of his face. 
"I know he is. I'm just trying not to think about the what-ifs." Din sighs as Cobb runs his finger through his curls. 
"Me too. He’s a tough little devil and I’m sure he’s not even worried about his two stressed old dads. Probably over there hopped up on sugar and causin all kinds of trouble."
“He takes after you.” Din mumbles with a smile against Cobb’s skin.
"Well, he's got your looks so we're even." Cobb places a kiss on the top of Din’s head. Din exhales deeply. 
"Feelin' better?"
"Little bit."
"Good, I gotta go put clothes on my ass is freezin." 
“What if you got under the covers with me and I kept you warm?” Din pulls his face from Cobb’s neck.
“Hmm, you’re just tryin to keep me naked.”
“Caught me red-handed.” Din rolls his eyes.
“You’re just lucky I’m the sheriff in town.” 
Din snorts and gives Cobb a little shove. The two of them pull away from each other, Din helps pull down the covers of the bed as Cobb scoots around to slip his long legs underneath. Din takes a few pillows from the stack behind him and drops them on the bedroom floor. He lays his head down on the single pillow and turns the lamp on the nightstand off. 
He turns toward Cobb, who gathers him in his arms to kiss him.
“Hold on, my glasses.” Din chuckles and pulls his frames from his face. Blindly reaching behind him to place them safely on top of his book. He returns to kissing Cobb again. He pulls the blanket up to their shoulders and runs a hand over Cobb’s arm and back. Mostly to warm him up as promised. 
Cobb burrows in closer to him, practically smashing their faces and bodies together. Din nibbles his lip in retaliation, careful baby. Cobb whines and slips a hand under Din’s shirt to rub across Din’s chest, sorry.
Din snakes his hand between them to cup Cobb’s growing hardness that digs into Din’s hip.
“Fuck,” Cobb gasps as Din gives him a little squeeze.
“Hm, not tonight I don’t feel like cleaning all that up. This okay?” Din brushes his nose against Cobb’s.
“Yeah yeah yeah.” Cobb chants quietly as Din starts to stroke him. Din moves his mouth back to Cobb’s, who opens his mouth to kiss him hungrily. Din moans into the kiss as Cobb slips a hand into his boxers.
“Good?” Cobb asks breathlessly.
“Real good, baby.”
See the full post
21 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
Hello! I've had this idea for the longest time. Could you please do DinCobb "may I have this dance?" perhaps rollerskating? Thank you!
Thank you so much for this sending me this prompt! I hope you enjoy this silly little thing ❤️
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Cobb holds onto the outside rail of the skating rink for dear life. His legs feel as if they’d sweep out from under him at any second. He tries to gently pull himself along the rail, hoping to not fall flat on his ass.
    Of all the places his kid wanted to have a birthday party, Grogu had to choose the roller skating rink. So here he is risking life and limb to go out skating with his boy. At least the kid is having fun skating circles around him.
    “May I have this dance?” Din’s voice asks suddenly in his ear, almost causing him to lose his footing.
    “If you make me fall…” Cobb starts to threaten him as Din joins him out on the rink. Din gracefully skates up alongside him, keeping the slow inching pace that Cobb has set.
    “You know I’d never let you fall alone. Now, give me your hand.” Din tells him as he moves to stand in front of Cobb.
    “You smooth son of a gun. I’d kiss you right now if I wasn’t worried I’d break a leg.” Cobb laughs as he slowly lets go of the rail to grab on to Din. He wobbles just a little, but Din’s grip on him is strong and steady.
    “I’ve got you.” Din smiles as they slowly coast away from the railing, “keep your eyes on me.”
    “Trust me ain’t no place I’d rather look.” Cobb gives a nervous chuckle as they slowly go around a curve.
    “Not so scary now is it?” Din asks over the music.
    “Not with the right partner.”
    “You ready to let go yet?”
    “Hell no,” Cobb replies almost faster than Din can get the words out.
send me a prompt
26 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Hi gays, happy pride month! 🌈
I can’t believe we’re already halfway through 2022! I’ve been slowly working on another DinCobb FicRec list for this year and in the mean time since we’ve gotten so many new folks to our little fandom I wanted to shout out some of my faves
Check out last years fic rec list DinCobb 2021 FicRec List
Want to see other Tim & Pedro characters smooch? Check out DinCobb Adjacent Fics on ao3
45 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
I have a little thot for you my love! Din probably has a competence/weapon kink right? So this could go two ways in my head.
- Din has a nightmare and asks Cobb to “read him a bedtime story”, which really is Cobb talking about blaster modifications and upgrades. It does the trick and Din falls right back asleep.
- Din asks Cobb to “talk dirty” to him and Cobb starts spewing out blaster models and what upgrades he would do for each one. Needless to say Din doesn’t last long after that.
Hope you like it! ❤️
Thank you so much for sending me such cute prompts! Sorry for the slow response! You know I had to go spicy for this one 😩❤️
“Can we try something?” Din asks as he crawls up the foot of their bed on hands and knees, a mischievous grin spread across his face. Cobb looks up at him over the rim of his glasses, lowering the holopad. 
“You know I have an awful time sayin no to that pretty face o’yours.” Cobb lays the holopad down on the nightstand as Din sits in his lap. His hands come to rest on Din’s hips to keep him balanced.
“Yesterday. Yesterday you told me no.” Din gives him a look.
“Yeah that’s on account of I wasn’t gonna fuck you on Boba’s throne. At least while the man is still on Tatooine. It's like you want him to kill me.”
“So when he’s off-world you will?” Din raises an eyebrow.
“Force, yes. Throne room, that big ol’ table that seats a hundred people, in the rancor pit, wherever your heart wants.” Cobb laughs and Din dips his head to give Cobb a kiss.
“What is it that you want your Highness?” Cobb asks between kisses, his hands roaming up Din’s sleep shirt.
“Will you talk dirty to me?” Din sighs as Cobb kisses the corner of his mouth.
“Yeah? That what you want? Want me to tell you all the filthy things I wanna do?”
“Oh, fuck, please.” Din moans as Cobb rolls them over roughly so that Din lays beneath him. He returns back to kissing Din again, his hand slipping under Din’s waistband.
“I wanna take my HF-94 and replace the scope with a modified DH-17 scope.” Cobb says, hot against Din’s ear as he strokes his cock.
“Yeah you heard me, baby. I’m gonna get an extended clip for it too. It holds 25 now but with an extended clip I could get it up to 50.” Cobb gently nibbles at Din’s ear lobe making his breath stutter.
“Cobb.” Din moans into his ear as he tightens his grip.
“Darlin.” Cobb moans back at him as he kisses down Din’s jaw.
“You’re gonna love what I wanna do to my KA-74. Gonna replace the stock with an adjustable one, ya know in case we need to teach our baby to shoot.”
Din rolls his hips up faster into Cobb’s fist just like Cobb knew he would.
“Knew that one’d get you goin, you filthy little thing.” Cobb chuckles, “I promised I’d raise warriors with you and I meant it.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“Go on then, baby. Cum for me.” Cobb breathes against Din’s lips before sealing his mouth over Din’s. He continues to move his hand over Din through the aftershocks, until Din finally stops shuddering.
“Good?” Cobb asks, finally breaking their kiss.
“Take that as a yes then.” Cobb carefully extracts his hand from Din’s shorts. He reaches back to the nightstand for a tissue to wipe his hand and grabs another for Din.
“Yeah.” Din slurs as he lifts the waistband of his shorts with one hand and shoves the other with the tissue inside to clean up. He hands Cobb the dirty tissue back.
“Thanks, sweetheart.”
“Mmm.” Din murmurs, falling asleep as he talks. Cobb snorts and tosses the tissues into the can beside the bed. He reaches up to take off his glasses and lays them on the table before turning off the light.
45 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Dom! If you’re so inclined, can you do “I think I’m falling in love with you” for DinCobb?? <3
Absolutely, my dear❤️😘
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───  
"I think I'm falling in love with you." The words seem to spill from Din’s mouth before he can stop them. 
"Din I-"
"I'm not asking for you to feel the same. Grogu loves you and I almost- we almost lost you. I regret every second I spent not telling you when I came back." Din tightens the grip on his helmet in his hands as he looks down, "When I thought you were dead I...I died that day too."
His eyes burn with unshed tears as salt washes over his tongue.
"Hey, look at me." Cobb calmly commands him as he lifts Din’s head gently with his knuckles under Din’s chin. 
"Darlin, I'm in love with you too." Cobb leans forward as he guides Din by the chin to his lips. Din tosses away his helmet in favor of gathering Cobb to him. His breath comes in shaky gasps as he kisses Cobb as if he'll never get to again
"Shh, sweetheart. I ain't going anywhere, I'm right here." Cobb whispers to him as he kisses Din’s face.
"I'm in love with you. I'm so in love with you." Din doesn't know why he starts to laugh. Relief? Joy? Love? Maybe all of them all at once. It’s almost like he’s floating as he kisses Cobb’s lips again.
"Kriff me darlin, I'm in love with you too." Cobb laughs with a smile kissing him back and squeezing Din tightly in his arms.
send me a prompt
52 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
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amywritesthings · 2 years
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I posted 1,295 times in 2022
That's 1,291 more posts than 2021!
372 posts created (29%)
923 posts reblogged (71%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,281 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#feedback. - 264 posts
#fic: point a to point b - 183 posts
#q - 178 posts
#fic recs tag. - 176 posts
#commentary. - 101 posts
#din djarin - 90 posts
#pedro pascal - 82 posts
#the mandalorian - 71 posts
#art. - 67 posts
#prolix-yuy - 67 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#this could also inspire me to write a line from a future fic.... stares at my 'want to write' list like
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Summary: Escorting a former Empire prisoner of war to a Rebel Alliance safe zone? It should be a piece of cake. Absolutely no problems whatsoever.
A/N: Point A to Point B is a multi-chapter romance loosely following The Mandalorian S2. It follows ‘You’ and your journey with Mando after your rescue from an Imperial ship. His task is to escort you to Coruscant, though you have no memory of the cause (or who you truly are).
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader ( Din x You ) Rating: Explicit ( 18+ only / smut noted with an asterisk*) Word Count: 54K+ Tags: Slow Burn, Smut, Mentions of PTSD, Amnesia, Adult language, Manhandling, Praise kink, Injuries, Graphic violence, Mentions of torture, Flashbacks, Yearning, Blindfolds, Mando is Very Religious, Hurt/Comfort, Sexual Tension, Dirty talk, Oral sex, Virgin!Din, Hand play, Helmet Stays On, Warnings update per chapter
( Visit my AO3 version of this story. )
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473 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
Meet Me At The Usual
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gif credit @ gwinammie
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 5K
Summary: It's sophomore year Winter Formal, and things get a little messy with your secret friendship (and secret crush) with the Freak of Hawkins High.
Warnings: Language, Fluff & Angst, Secret Friendship, Unresolved Crushes, School Dances, Yearning, First Kiss, Eddie Munson in a Suit
A/N: Enjoy my self-indulgent, cavity-inducing story of Eddie Munson having a massive crush on you and not knowing how to be chill about it. I love writing this man. Prequel to Where Shadows Meet Shapes.
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“I wanted to ask you to the dance tonight,” you croak before you can chicken out.
Eddie sucks in a sharp breath, readjusting his all-too-aloof demeanor in order to protect the brief, crackled surprise underneath. 
“Little ol’ me? I thought it was supposed to be the other way: guys ask girls, yada yada—”
“You were never going to ask me.”
His chin juts back, face scrunching in offense. “That isn’t true.”
See the full post
546 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Where Shadows Meet Spaces
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gif credit @ drogonstone
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader (Rated E; 18+ only)
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: He’ll never be what your father approves of, and he’ll certainly never be a boy you can bring home to meet your mother. Eddie isn’t your life plan, but he doesn’t ask you to look anywhere beyond the here and right now.
Warnings: Smut, Oral Sex (f!receiving), Porn with Feelings, Pet Names, Protected Sex, Eager!Eddie
A/N: So did we all fall in love with the same 3x senior year goblin boy or what? I wrote this in two hours. Enjoy my thirst for this sweet idiot.
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“Do you want to roll for perception?” you ask, sliding the fingers of your right hand to the top white button.
His eyes widen gradually to the size of saucers the second the button snaps open, exposing the start of bare collarbones.
“If you talk Dirty and Dungeons to me, angel, I won’t last beyond a minute.”
“So your usual, then.”
The quick-witted response garners a genuine belly laugh from the curly-haired boy.
“Oh, fuck off.”
See the full post
578 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader (+ Marc Spector x Reader)
Word Count: 1.6K
Summary: (Spoilers) At the end of Episode 5, Steven wakes up.
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Porn with Feelings
A/N: Marvel owes me compensation for my emotional state this morning, so here’s a little hurt & comfort smut to hopefully make you feel better. (Because I did it so I felt a little better lbr.)
Also dedicating this to the Moon Knight besties @prolix-yuy & @iamskyereads​ , ilu both.
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It’s as if he’s taking his first gulp of air.
With an anguished gasp, Steven Grant jolts from his mattress in a cold sweat. Sometimes it’s always like this: seconds that feel like minutes, minutes that feel like hours, to get his bearings of where he’s been. Tingles at the tips of his fingers are a good sign. It means his body’s working — their body, the body that was once torn apart — and his second instinct is to stare.
In the dark, in the mirror, until he sees a familiar silhouette.
Except it isn’t his, not really. Not entirely.
The sheets beside him move, and in the gentle hue from the London street lights peering through the bedroom window he can see the relief in Marc’s face when you wrap a hand around Steven’s bare bicep.
Concern. You’re not meant to be concerned, not about him. And if Steven wasn’t so frightful at the idea of Marc’s eyes disappearing from view, then maybe he would have turned faster.
“Are you alright?” he asks, but not to you.
Swallowing thick to calm the tremble in his throat, Steven waits for Marc to say something, anything, between the reflection keeping them separate.
(There was a space where the alters were tangible. Is that how close they’ll ever get, when Death is a mere few feet away?)
“Answer her, Steven,” Marc answers instead, jaw tense. 
Always so closed off. Always so worried about everyone else.
“Is Marc okay?” you murmur, cautious in your approach to be the middleman of the equation. Approaching the two can often feel like trying not to spook a wild animal — while one will respond, the other is prone to run. 
When you stare into the mirror, it’s only Steven’s wide eyes and wild curls matted to his forehead. He looks like he’s seen ghosts. The worry festers in the bottom of your stomach.
“Tell her we’re okay,” Marc urges, gaze focused on you behind Steven as if he can tell you himself without the buffer of another person.
“I— yeah, think so,” Steven finally answers for the both of them, blinking to glance at you through the reflection. 
“What about you?”
It’s eerie, how you and Marc seem to echo the same concern in different octaves. The question is spoken at the same time, further confusing reality from his own mind.
Steven squeezes his eyes shut, making a noise of discomfort. “Oh, god, dunno what the hell happened. Felt like I— like we got separated and it all went black and I couldn’t feel a bloody thing…”
You shift on the mattress to sit in front of Steven, but he’s already meeting you in the middle. With desperation, he turns from the mirror to quickly pull your face into his large hands. He inhales sharply, as if the mixture of your lingering perfume and the ability to expand his lungs will be enough to bring him solace.
Right on the precipice of what it means to be alive and dead.
See the full post
817 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Meet Me On the Other Side
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gif credit to @ joseph-quinns
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 4.9K
Summary: The Hawkins crew only has eight people in their three-tier plan to take down Vecna. Eddie makes a Hail Mary of a phone call to even the odds.
Warnings: SPOILERS AHEAD, VOL2 FIX-IT, Language, Angst (with a Happy Ending), Unresolved Tension, Yearning, Peril, Violence, The Upside Down, Desperate-To-Kiss!Eddie, we’re writing this entire storyline baybee let’s go
A/N: Are you hurting just as much as I am after Vol2? Cool, well that didn’t happen. This is the new canon. Within the ‘Freak & Valedictorian’ series. Separate Ways (Remix) intensifies.
                     PART ONE / PART TWO / PART THREE
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“Eddie?” Click.
And just like that, Eddie Munson is gone.
(You refuse to let that be the final say in this conversation.)
Leaving behind your homework and study for a pair of keys and sneakers, you burst from your dorm room and run down the hallway to the stairs, to the student parking lot, and beeline to your car.
Hawkins is a two hour drive.
If you double the speed limit down the interstate highway, then you can make it in half the time.
See the full post
891 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Thursday already? I am buzzing for my weekend. How about you? Have I got big plans? Of course not but I’ll be just as happy doing sod all!
Had another brilliant day on campus yesterday. I love my Wednesdays! The students are such good fun! Having said that, I put on a good show and leave the place exhausted! We’ve got a three-week Easter break now. “We’re going to miss you!” said one of my students. Who the hell says that? I felt flattered. It made me smile. What’s my secret? Debate. Good students enjoy a good debate.
The front page of yesterday’s Standard read, “Shock rise in inflation.” Who was shocked? Were you shocked. I certainly wasn’t shocked! My grocery bill on Tuesday was £101 and I came out of the supermarket with nothing! Mick Lynch finally got his boys and girls an improved pay offer, but will it keep up with rising inflation? Unless somebody sorts out this country, Mick may have to organise another strike? And my friends at e.on next have told me that my energy bill is going up again. What a surprise! Months ago, I told you prices were going up again in April. According to Twitter, OFGEM is “Britain’s independent energy regulator, protecting consumers by working to deliver cleaner, cheaper homegrown energy.” Do you feel protected? I certainly don’t! Like the BBC, another organisation in the pocket of the government.
As my friend, Dr. Louise Raw commented yesterday, “… no trace of the lovable, bumbling schoolboy act now.” As former Prime Minister Boris Johnson began shouting at the Privileges Committee, we could all see he was rattled. ‘White privilege’ is being able to do what the f*ck you want and being able to get away with it. Cheat, rob, steal, even kill, white privilege allows you to get away with it, and some people get very upset when their white privilege card doesn’t work for them. Who’s paying Boris’s legal fees? You and me. Despite the fact that he’s earned £5m from speaking engagements in the last 12 months, tax payers are footing his legal bills. He laughed in our faces as P.M. and he’s still doing it. Let’s hope for a proper resolution!
Check out a good film on Netflix called ‘Hustle’. Adam Sandler is a huge basketball fan, so I’m sure he was thrilled to make a movie with real basketball players. Ladies, try not to fall in love with the lead star, a real basketball player called Juancho Hernangómez, though I’m sure you will!
Today, I am going for a walk in my local park. It might not sound like much but, last term was so busy, I literally didn’t have the time or energy to do something I love to do. Tomorrow’s forecast is rain but 13 degrees is not cold, so I will be out and up and down those hills.
Have a throbbing and thrusting Thursday (with hopefully a few thrills through your thoroughfare?) I love you all.
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Aloha ladies and theydies, I just picked up The Quarry for the exorbitant price of 71EUR because, as you can see from this blog, I loved Until Dawn and more broadly, the whole You and Your Ability at QTEs Drive the Story! genre. And I am exceptionally good at QTEs. :) Will quasi-live-blog until I get bored of doing so, tagged "the quarry spoilers" (and also fox plays).
I also watched the Righteous Gemstones and 2 seasons of Santa Clarita Diet this year, which means I am all in on Sklyer Gisondo and his adorable freckles. That said, the graphics seem worse than in Until Dawn? Emma (mouth) and the Tarot card reader (eyes) especially seem totally uncanny valley, which was not a feeling I got from anyone in UD. Yes, this can be used to make a character more unsettling, but I really don't think it was intentional.
Of course, while this is a cinematic experience and immersive entertainment etc etc, it is still a Game and therefore I still want to Win it, and since there aren't really explicit Win States, as seen by the trophy for everyone dying, what I want in this first playthrough, when I don't know the universe or the rules that govern it, is to get the Most. i.e. as much evidence, clues, tarot cards, alive people, and romantic hook-ups as I can. Can I get the Golden Path by intuition alone?
To that end, I have been exploring as exhaustively as I could, but when I got to the inter-act scenelet with the Old Lady, she implied I missed a tarot card. I assumed they took the place of the totems from UD, and further assumed that meant I would stumble upon the first one without really trying, which clearly I did not.
I lied to the cop about what we hit or didn't hit (although I couldn't tell from the cutscene that it was human-like -- I actually saved the video clip because an old woman's ghostly head floated in the backseat for a full five seconds during the crash and I wanted to re-watch that, and the "animal" still does not look human-like -- is it Silas the Dog Boy?).
The cop has some kind of scratch on his neck, which I thought I was slick by screenshotting (at the same time as he said Harbinger Hotel... ooh, spooky! Do they think kids these days don't know what harbinger means?) but then Skyler pointed it out so I guess I'm not that slick. But also, that's the kind of thing I wish the game would have enough faith in me to pick up on. I can't stand it when games (and all other narrative media) think their audience is stupid, and most "popcorn" entertainment does. I guess that goes back to naming shit "Harbinger Hotel" like it's not WATCH OUT FOR THIS SHIT 101.
The thing in the bunker also didn't look human to me. More than anything it looked like the enemies from UD, which are a white exploitation and cavalier bastardization of Native American culture and mythology. Part of me thinks it would be cool to have an explicit connection/reference to the UD-verse, a bigger part of me thinks that would be corny as hell, and the biggest part of me thinks SM should keep their hands off Native American myth, which is why, for example, I don't want to write out the name of those enemies.
Of course, in terms of explicit references to UD, someone sneaking up on you with a syringe of tranquilizer to the neck is pretty clear-cut!
And the pause screen UI is basically identical, though I saw it was missing personality traits and relationship values. The former was basically irrelevant, but the latter... well, they were irrelevant too, right? Like Ashley not opening the door for Chris was based on the butterfly decision, not their relationship. I think all it changed was the police station questioning during the credits. So I can't view relationship stats, but I am getting notifs saying "Nick is falling for Abi" or "Ryan is sick of your shit." Hmm.
So... is it possible to arrive at Hackett's Quarry, knock on the door, and get back in the car? I wanted to immediately start over and see, but that is not In The Spirit Of This Genre. But if so, how would you get the cool moonrise/"Fly me to the moon"/title card sequence??
Anyway, as you might have guessed, Laura opened the bunker, wandered around, thought it was unusual to name a dog Ian (??), dropped a heavily-bleeding Max down a flight of stairs while trying to rescue him, and got syringed by the cop. In UD, the perspective chars of the opening sequence died... but Skyler Gisondo is the biggest name in the cast, after David Arquette and Ted Raimi, whom I had actually never heard of but assumed was related to horror legend Sam (whose Evil Dead is mentioned in the first 20 minutes of gameplay) and indeed, is his brother. So I assume they didn't hire Skyler for 20 minutes of footage.
Also one of the trophies is “reunite Laura and Max” so obviously they come back. UI SPOILER!!
0 notes
nikkastans · 2 years
⫸ to be read: JUNGKOOK
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strikethrough means it’s read | main menu
➥ Blizzard
Summary: When a blizzard hits your town, you and your shy awkward roommate are forced to spend time together, not being able to leave the house due to the strong snowstorm. To make matters worse, the power gets cut in the middle of his shower. Which also means no heating.
↪ Blizzard: Let it Snow
Summary: It’s holiday season, and you have yet to disclose your new romance with Jungkook to the rest of your friends. But during your traditional Christmas gathering night filled with food, Love Actually and mistletoe, each of the six of them discover your secret relationship with your shy roommate one by one in ways that you dread…
➥ Wintervale
smut, fantasy
➥ brain dead
➥ six foot two
College AUFriends to Lovers, flirty jk will be the death of us all
➥ growing pains
brother's best friend au, Friends to Lovers, Coming of Age, Fluff, soft angst, Eventual Smut
➥ you are in love
falling in love au, College AU, SO MUCH FLUFF, Light Smut, jk is the sweetest boy ever part 2
➥ bad influence
pwp, badboy!jk x goodgirl!reader, THE BEST JUST READ THIS ONE (and listen to call me back - chase atlantic. just trust me)
➥ skirt chasers
f2l, triple texting king kook, ncampus crush kook who is also the weird gamer boy, the skirt aspect is forgotten towards the end tbh, dumbassery is a disease and we are all affected by it, confessions SO CORNY it could be a 2005 teen romcom
➥ baecation
richboy!jk, -3 knowledge of how vacations work, domestic love!!!, outdoor sex, unprotected sex, fingering, jk’s white ass cheeks mention
➥ milestone
American highschool/college universe, brother’s best friend au, grinding, first time, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (pls use condoms tho), dirty talk, confessions, um graduation sex??? idk lol
➥ microwave misadventures
Fluff, slight angst, smut / college!AU, roommates/housemates!AU, enemies to lovers!AU
➥ a thousand reasons why
friends to lovers, fluff, smut, angst, crack
➥ one morning stand
in which you and jungkook have one night stands with roommates and happen to be sneaking out at the same time.
➥ lemon sherbet
summer!au, ex high school classmaters, kinda frenemies to lovers, tattoo artist!&piercing artist!jungkook, popular!reader
➥ frat party
super flirty and charming jk and a shy y/n meet at a frat party
➥ zoom call
summary: In a sea of black screens and faceless names, there’s one smiley boy that beams back at you through the dimly lit screen of your laptop, a tiny Jeon Jungkook (he/him) tacked to the corner of his window.
➥ i wish i missed my ex - jungkook scenario
college!au, friends to lovers!au, fakeboyfriend!au, fluff if you squint real real hard, smut, angst i think(?),slowburn
➥ you can be the sin, i’ll be the sinner — jungkook scenario
college!au, badboy!jjk, smut
➥ callous - jungkook scenario
angst, highschool!au, badboy!au
➥ heartfelt — a jeongguk scenario
angst idk maybe + slow (slow!) burn + best friends! to we could be lovers but we’re both to nervous to ask each other out
➥ in your arms tonight - jeongguk scenario
college!au, smut, established relationship, domestic!au, drabble
➥ cheetos
the one where you wrote jk a confession letter and slipped it into his backpack but he didn’t see it and a month later he’s confused as to why you’re now ignoring him when really you’d absolutely gutted because he rejected you without knowing
➥ heart of the storm
Fluff • Smut • Hint of Angst • Secret Feelings/Strangers to Lovers
➥ pining 101
hospitalplaylist!au, hospital au, friends2lovers, idiots2lovers, pining!!!, over 10 years of pining lmao, comedy, fluff, jealousy, a lil angst, pediatricsurgeon!jungkook x generalsurgeon!reader
➥ the love project
college!au, friends to lovers!au
➥ the love swings
smut, jjk is that boy af there i said it, cherry!kook appears
➥ simmer down and pucker up
prompt: combined - #12. things you said when you thought I was asleep #41. things you said you loved about me #58. things you were afraid to say #59. things you said after we fell in love
➥ pour up
fuckboy!jungkook / fuckboy!taehyung + smut | summary: sleeping with both notorious frat boys kim taehyung and jeon jungkook doesn’t sound so bad ━ especially when you’re drunk and faded.
➥ kismet
summary: in your desperation to find a job, you accept work at the local bookstore, owned by a grumpy man who wants to make your life miserable. you can’t seem to figure out why he’s so cold towards you yet charming and sweet to everyone else. when his act starts to slip, you realise there’s more to him than he lets on
➥ lover
“Let me get this straight.. you want me to break up with you for 24 hours so you can go barricade yourself in our bedroom and cry to Taylor Swift?”
➥ sleepless nights
summary: in which you can’t fall asleep and accidentally wake jungkook up so he decides to make it worth your while for both of you
➥ anything for you
summary: in which jungkook lets you do his skincare
➥ 物の哀れ ( ‘the sadness of things’.)
Alpha! Jungkook x Omega ! OC. Arranged Marriage / Temporary contractual Marriage. A recently widowed Jungkook agrees to a contract marriage to keep his company afloat. His grief overwhelms him and it is hard to look at his new wife as anything other than an intruder .
➥ that which still haunts us
summary: jungkook and his partner yoongi have been in the hitman business for a few years by now, so this mission should be as easy as any other. little does jungkook know, his next target may be his most difficult one yet… angst, smut, a little romance, ex lovers to lovers
➥ after I left you
“when you decided to meet up with taehyung for dinner to reconnect, you didn’t expect to see jungkook, your ex, on a date with his current girlfriend and not to mention, end up fake dating taehyung.” exes! AU, fake dating! AU, enemies to lovers-ish! AU, unrequited feelings-ish! AU, angst, fluff
➥ love, rekindled
enemies2lovers! au, ex!au, professional!au, jeon jungkook x reader (side kim taehyung)
➥ quit
your ex to shows up at your apartment in the middle of the night. angst; smut; exes to lovers; 18+; pwp
➥ long way home
dilf!jk x best friend!reader, single dad jk, friends to lovers, angst, jungkook’s life makes an 180 degree turn when he’s suddenly a single dad and while you’re trying to help him come accustomed to the new circumstances, your long-standing friendship takes new turns as well.
➥ swipe right
summary-  after a horrible breakup, you sign back up for tinder and ironically match with your best friend, jungkook. a date for fun is harmless, right? genre- best friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, jk is a minecraft streamer, brother namjoon, brother-in-law jimin, namjoon is kind of a himbo stay at home dad ngl, ex-boyfriend seokjin (mentioned but doesnt show up)
➥ ancient history
actor!jungkook x actress!reader, angst + smut + fluff + exes to lovers + actor!au
➥ eight year ache
ceo!jungkook x ex-richgirl!waitress!reader, fluff, angst, mild smut, exes to lovers, modern persuasion au
➥ perfectly, us
Synopsis: You have the perfect valentines day planned, the rose petals, the candles, everything you could think of to make it the perfect day. Sadly, when it comes to yours and Jungkook’s relationship nothing has ever been perfect, but luckily for you, perfect is subjective.
➥ just a little bit of your heart
Summary: Jungkook’s eyes used to always be wide with wonder, although your paths had separated a long time ago, you still find yourself wondering if after all that he’s been through, they still keep their magic inside them, if he’s still got that special place for you in his heart.
➥ parking lot
Synopsis ✦ Daddy’s boy Jungkook has been chasing after you for months, trying it all just to get you in bed. Will your stubborn refusal eventually turn into a strange acceptance after a stressful night out?
➥ roommate
Roommates to lovers, friends to lovers, angst, fluff, smut, fuckboy Jungkook x fuckgirl reader.
➥ sex therapist
summary: you and your boyfriend are having problems in the bedroom so you decide to make an appointment with Dr. Jeon.
➥ de-railed
College Student!Jungkook x College Student!F.Reader, fluff, angst, smut, basically PWP, Strangers to Lovers
➥ always you
summary: what happens when the man who broke your heart is your only option as a date to your sister’s wedding?
➥ acatalepsy
survival!au, apocalypse!au, loose bird box!au (no birds - jk is the bird 👀), eventual smut, dark and angsty, character death
➥ f is for
college au, fboy jk and fgirl yn who l*ke each other
➥ scattered stars
It’s easy to despise Jungkook when your contradicting magic doesn’t allow you to touch each other without fatal consequences - but what if your eternal enemy turns out to be your soulmate with whom you, unfortunately, do fall in love?
➥ all over you
genre: fantasy!au, HP!au, exes/e2l!au, light angst, fluff, smut, a lot of smut | Summary: You just wanted to win the prize in potions class, but it seems as if your ex has other plans
➥ not my fault
Summary: After sparking a sinful conversation on a dating app, you vow to yourself that you won’t give in to more the notorious college fuckboy Jeon Jungkook might have to offer. That is, until he rings your doorbell just one night later – and it’s truly not your fault that he’s so damn hard to resist.
➥ favor
Everyone thinks you and Jeon Jungkook should date for world peace. Their world peace, as in they are totally sick of girls chasing Jungkook around like starving wolves trying to take a bite out of a polite but very unwilling bunny. Pair the bunny with the human personification of fuck you and all their problems are solved! You are not amused.
➥ colour me in
Summary: Jungkook’s door only opens for you when there’s a barter: a trade of lust and haze. But today you knock for something more, as intriguing as it is frightening – and you hope it doesn’t close his door forever. 
➥ waking up in vegas
summary- you know what they say. what happens in vegas, stays in vegas.  but, what happens when you accidentally marry your brother’s best friend?
➥ just for tonight
summary: jungkook will do anything to get invited to the annual and exclusive start-of-the-year party, even if that means dragging you along for the ride
➥ how long will we fall
glimpse: if it’s fate, it should already be set onto your skin — that’s why jungkook’s initials are already on your finger. he’s always there for you, but not only for you. if you’re his fate, he’d rather not have it.
➥ home
SUMMARY: Jungkook introduces you to Bam
➥ puddle of love
You get some bad news, which takes you back to Jungkook.
➥ not my fault
Summary: After sparking a sinful conversation on a dating app, you vow to yourself that you won’t give in to more the notorious college fuckboy Jeon Jungkook might have to offer. That is, until he rings your doorbell just one night later – and it’s truly not your fault that he’s so damn hard to resist.
➥ scattered stars
Summary:“And with that, a picture of Jungkook flashed into your mind, his fingertips caressing your cheek and his gentle and affectionate smile sending shivers down your spine as you admitted to yourself that yes - you wanted him.“
It’s easy to despise Jungkook when your contradicting magic doesn’t allow you to touch each other without fatal consequences - but what if your eternal enemy turns out to be your soulmate with whom you, unfortunately, do fall in love?
➥ ego
summary: what's a girl to do when her sweet, innocent baby lab partner isn't quite so sweet and innocent? well, he's a grown-ass man, and you're about to learn that the hard way. (smut, humor, college!au, fuckboi!au, fratboy!au)
138 notes · View notes
henqtic · 3 years
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— characters included : rafe cameron, sarah cameron, kiara carrera, jj maybank, john b. rutledge, topper thornton, pope heyward.
— masterlist ; taglist form ; request works
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( word count: 159 )
alright so rafe is very ... rafe ?? 
anyways, he gives if he stayed in college, frat boy who only cares about the full kegs at the party in some random mansion, dancing under strobe lights, drunk off of laughing too much and the way your body was moving against his like their weren't other people around at all — not that any of them cared enough to take their eyes off of the people they were already directed to 
so with him, i'm thinking the most basic white boy that wants to see his girlfriend ( barely ) dressed up — let’s think doctor who lost his stethoscope before the night even started, madly in love with the nurse falling to his feet 
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( word count: 108 )
i see sarah as wanting to keep it pretty basic and cute with the halloween costumes — obviously, she has more than enough money to go out and buy something elaborate with flashing lights and special effect scars but she didn’t exactly feel like putting the whole effort in after helping wheezie with all of hers every year
so, she’s forcing you into a short dress with cheep ears and a drawn on nose and whiskers — or some wings from party city with an ungodly amount of body glitter so that she could be tinkerbell and you could be iridessa, silvermist, vidia ( whichever fairy you like most ) 
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( word count: 162 )
i can kind of see kie in the same sorta category as sarah with the whole preferring to dress basic instead of going on all out despite the money at hand but with her, she’s more of an ‘it’s a predictable costume but it’s cool that we’re doing it’ type …
so with her, i could totally see something where you dress up as dead / zombie cheerleaders — ripped uniforms , fake blood coming from scars on your forehead and limbs , bits of dirt from having to rise from the grave and claw through the ground all on your own just so that you could find your way back to each other in the afterlife 
messy hair made to look like you put too much hair spray and let it sit too for long ( it did actually , october thirtieth was a terrible day filled with teasing from the rest of pogues because you looked straight from a bad hair day in the 80’s )
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( word count: 101 )
i don’t know why but something about jj screams vampires — i can just envision the whole thing in my head, the cliche costume get up with the old fashioned clothing designs — weird frills, black, whites and, reds, contacts for added dramatic effect, painfully obvious fake fangs and of course, the fake blood which looked ( and was ) strawberry jelly. 
oh and you definitely use the excuse of “just staying in the halloween spirit” and “playing the role” to make out while everyone else is off trick or treating, playing a game or doing anything other than eating each other's faces. 
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( word count: 161 )
okay so john b is a dumb bitch — let’s be honest
one night you were laying on his room floor a week before halloween, the slightest bit of tipsy from stealing some of his fathers beer but only to the point where you were both giggling like fools and not throwing up everywhere
the topic of costumes came up and how neither of you had yours yet so then the great idea popped up into your head to do a cheesy couples ones since you were … a cheesy couple that got made fun of at the multiple pet names that you made for each other ( majority not making any sort of sense ) 
so i’m seeing santa clause and one of his eleves ( john b. being the elf ) — it was a dumb decision on your part to not check the bags or recipes after getting it and trusting your drunken selves to get the “best halloween costumes ever seen”
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( word count: 120 )
okay so topper is a basic bitch — let’s be honest
he’s put no effort into a halloween costume since last year of middle school when he deemed himself as “too cool” for it and that dressing up was for little kids. but at the sound of your voice practically begging him to just do a matching costume with you once just for this year — he couldn’t bring himself to say no
so now you’re roaming the streets in matching pink bunny onesies, topped off with the plastic nose you had bought along with it — deciding that if you just had to match, it had to be something subtle like this where he could easily say you just had the pajamas laying around
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( word count: 101 )
pope is one of the cheesiest people ever ( extremely affectionate ) — so he’s definitely going with one of those more stereotypical couples/best friends costumes out there without even letting you give any input …
so you’re going out as a box of cereal and him with a fake oversized knife with glue as a replacement to milk and plastic fruit loops dripping off of it
he alone sorta made sense but if you went to a house by yourself you’d get a scrunch of eyebrows and have to explain that you didn’t just go as a damaged box of cereal 
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🎃—!! @pogueslandia @jemimah-b99 @wlfstxr @darklingbrekksov @lieswithoutfairytales @a-bolanos @amourslover @vinniehcker @nehireerdogan @canibeoneofthepogues @clearbolts @urskaa @i-love-scott-mccall @wolfstar-lb @jellyddog @velqvet @velvetcloxds @candiedfruits @pinkcloxds @wrongilbert @lieswithoutfairytales @badbussylol​ @a-bolanos​@drewstarkeysbitchh @SupernaturallyDC @victoriadeangeliswifey​ @nehireerdogan @clearbolts​ @joeybslut​ @enchqnting​ @iwannafeelallthatloveandemotion 
to be tagged in future outer banks works and other fandoms i write for, fill out this form <3
or follow @henqticstudy and turn on notifications (works just like a taglist would) <3
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152 notes · View notes
its-taeil-time · 2 years
Lee Donghyuck
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☁︎ - fluff // ✶ - angst // ☽ - mature  
✧ total: 40 ✧
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pussy fiend  [68.9k] ☁︎☽
part one  [28.2k]
part two  [40.7k]
➥ college!au, roommate!au, enemies to friends with benefits to lovers
romancing  [23.7k] ☁︎
➥ college!au, podcast!au, enemies to lovers
running a romance advisory podcast with lee donghyuck means clashing and feuding with him because you’re too hopeless while he’s too realistic. practically everyone in campus listens to it, which is why you have no idea that your co-host has started asking the show for love advice since he’s fallen for someone. for all you know, lee donghyuck does not fall in love, but you don’t know what’s changed.  
uncertainty.  [10.2k] ☁︎
➥ college!au, kinda pest!haechan
the thing about dating  [7k] ☁︎
➥ college!au, architecture student!haechan, star hockey player!haechan, barista!reader, strangers to lovers
❝ well, it’s not every day a cute jock comes up to you during your shift and offers to walk you to your place. and, for the second time, this is not a date. ❞
i turned my best friend into an e-boy (and kissed him!!!)  [5.2k] ☁︎
➥ part of the not clickbait series, youtuber!au, best friends to lovers
my youth  [5k] ☁︎☽
➥ newly presented alpha!haechan, omega!reader, a/b/o
“How could I ever forget the omega that made me pop my first knot? Most embarrassing summer of my life.” Jeno groans rubbing a hand over his face.
“You mean we popped our firsts knots. Most embarrassing summer of our lives.” Jaemin adds on shaking his own head. “I still think about that white bikini when I’m beating off. Maybe I should hit her up since she’s back?”
“Doesn’t sound like a good idea..” Haechan mutters gazing out his bedroom window, watching you towel dry your hair.
“You still holding on to that crush dude? You know an omega like that only goes for alphas. You don’t stand a chance.”
payback  [4.9k] ☽
➥ brat!haechan, brat!reader, ft. brat tamer!mark
when you and hyuck take teasing mark a bit too far, he puts you both in your places.
change your mind yet?  [4.6k] ☽
➥ enemies to lovers-esque
you’re going to kill him. you swear, you’re going to kill him. how did liu yangyang accidentally tell lee donghyuck—your greatest enemy—that you think he’s hot and that you’ve been in a dry spell recently? now you have to avoid the inevitable confrontation, and worst of all, deal with the most stubborn person alive (who ironically thinks that you’re the most stubborn person alive.)
reluctant  [3.8k] ☁︎
➥ high school!au, fake dating!au, friends to lovers
in the cards  [3.7k] ☁︎☽
➥ virgin!haechan, virgin!reader, best friends to lovers
Best friend Haechan wants you to read his tarot
i dare you.  [3.2k] ☁︎✶
➥ college!au, best friends to lovers
truth: do you like me? dare: prove it.
motivation  [3.2k] ☽
➥ gamer bf!haechan, voyeurism, ft. gamer!jeno 
clueless  [2.4k] ☁︎☽
➥ best friend!haechan with a corruption kink
the bet  [2.2k] ☽
➥ ice hockey player!haechan, exhibitionism, friends to lovers
touch  [2k] ☁︎☽
➥ alien!haechan
“We’ve been seeing each other for six weeks now. I should have ended it sooner. She’s getting touchier, her hand travels further up my leg. Kisses turn into full blown make out sessions that end in her riding my thigh. I have to break up with her. It’s too hard. I really liked this one…”
Your boyfriend Haechan’s hiding a big secret. One slip of a touch reveals it all.
impulse  [1.5k] ☁︎☽
➥ bf!haechan
saying i love you for the first time during the heat of the moment doesn’t really count... right?
dating 101  [678] ☁︎
➥ (wannabe) badboy!haechan
“you’re not very intimidating”
nice to meet you, soulmate [???] ☁︎
➥ soulmate!au, strangers (?) to lovers
it was your forgetfulness that nearly cost you your grades - however, it was forgetfulness that led him to you.
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nothing yet.
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blurbs/ drabbles
as your roommate ☁︎
what kissing him would taste like ☁︎
being surprised by s/o during practice ☁︎
aftercare ☁︎☽ (suggestive)
soft nsfw headcanons ☁︎☽
soft dom!haechan ☽
hard dom!haechan ☽
mean dom!haechan ☽
breeding kink!haechan ☽
how experienced he is ☽
eaten out in an alley ☽
overstim ☽
pierced tongue!mc ☽
letting him ‘practice’ on you ☽
roommate!haechan ☽
stop teasing me so much + first one to make a noise loses + of you can’t sleep... then how about we have sex? ☽
turning haechan on by.. doing literally nothing? ☽
────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──────
fake dating ☁︎
platonic kissing (dream version) ☁︎
platonic kissing (127 version) ☁︎
────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──────
[7:41] ☽
32 notes · View notes
itsallyscorner · 4 years
maybe like a part 2 where the reader was a singer!
but maybe like everyone in the marvel cast goes to the sweetener world tour to suprised them n congratulate them?
Thank you for the request, hun! I appreciate you for reading my other stuff and suggesting a part 2! Now that I think about it, I might make the whole singer thing into its own series of imagines and headcanons! Just a thought🥰 Happy reading!❤️
A/n: I’ve never been to an Ari concert, so I don’t know the set list, but enjoy my loves❤️
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(She’s so pretty ugh)
You looked at yourself in the mirror. You leaned forward making sure your makeup was all good and to check if your lipstick has smeared onto your face.
“Everything good, hun?” Your makeup artist, Perrie, chirped from behind you. You took a step back, getting one more look.
“Yes Ma’am.” You turned to her and she was holding up the familiar bottle of setting spray.
“One more spray for good measure.” She motioned for you to close your eyes and you did. You breathed in through your nose as you felt the vibrations of the arena. The mix of the music playing out on stage mixed with the cheering of your fans added to your adrenaline.
The tour was finally at Inglewood, California, the last stop of the Sweetener World Tour. You had been traveling around the world for the past 10 months, performing every night in a different country or state. As tiring as it sounded, you absolutely loved the experience. Not only were you traveling and seeing new places, you were meeting your fans from different countries and doing what you loved. After 101 shows and 3 tour legs, it was finally coming to an end. The ending of tour was always bittersweet. You’ve been traveling with multiple people and crew who have grown to be another family. You were going to miss them so much but it was time for you to go back home to your real family. Not only have you missed your parents and siblings, but you also needed the rest. 10 months of nonstop traveling definitely took a toll on you. But nonetheless, it was all worth it.
“All done!” You opened your eyes to see Perrie smiling at you.
“Thank you so much!” You pulled her into a hug as your eyes began to water. You groaned playfully and tilted your head back.
“I’m gonna miss you doing my makeup everyday. Ugh, I haven’t even gone out on stage yet and I’m crying already.” You laughed through tears as Perrie began to protest.
“(Y/n), I swear if you mess up your makeup, you’re never going to hear the end of it. Cry later!” She laughed as she tried to get you to stop the tears from falling.
She gripped onto your arms and yelled, “NO TEARS LEFT TO CRY REMEMBER?” You bursted out laughing at her reference. You waved your hands at your eyes and when they finally felt normal, you looked straight.
“Okok, I think I’m good.” You released a breath as you smiled sweetly at her, “I love you!” You giggled pulling her into another hug.
“I love you too, darling. Have fun out there, you’re going to do amazing like always.” She squeezed you tight before letting you go. Victoria, one of your dancers and friend, peaked her head into the room.
“You ready? They’re waiting for you in the circle.” She informed you holding a hand out. The circle was like a pre-show ritual you had backstage with all the dancers and crew. You took her hand as you all walked out the makeup room. Your heels clicked against the floors, echoing in the hallway. The closer you got to the stage the louder the fans got and the stronger the vibrations got.
The circle was already gathered with all the dancers and crew. When Scott, another one of your dancers and friend, noticed you he began to cheer. Everyone followed along as you entered the circle. You were tucked in between Scott and Brian, who were twins. The two have been your dancers since the beginning and still are how many years later. You were truly grateful for them and everyone who was included in your Sweetener family.
“Damn. Last show ya’ll!” You began causing them to all cheer. You waited till they quieted down, shyly laughing, before continuing.
“Um, I don’t wanna get all emotional and shit right before going on stage. I’m gonna look like a mess out there with my mascara running down my face. Perrie I’m sorry!” You laughed. “I just wanna say, thank you to every single one of y’all. You guys have been the most fucking amazing people to work with. You guys have been working day and night to make the show as spectacular as it is and I love you all so much. You guys are my family and I can’t wait to write another album so I can tour with y’all again. I just want to hug every single one of you, you guys mean so much to me. Like literally, from the bottom of my heart I love all of you so much. I know I’ve said that like multiple times, but I really mean it. Y’all are gonna get a fatass check after this.” You finished making everyone laughing again. By now a few tears have made its way down your face. You even saw a few people’s eyes well up.
You laughed as you heard a chorus of “I love yous” as everyone squeezed in for a group hug.
“Alright! That’s enough crying, let’s get this show on the road!” You cheered to help everyone from crying. Everyone moved out the circle and got into places.
Before you can get in place, Perrie pulled you aside to fix up your makeup. Your stylists began smoothing out your skirt and making sure your knee high boots were securely on. Next was to get your earpiece on while one of the stage hands gave you your mic. From backstage you could hear the intro to the concert playing causing the fans to scream louder.
You got into place as you got the signal to start singing. You sang the opening lyrics of Raindrops (An Angel Cried) and began to smile as your fans sang along.
The platform began to move up when you finished and the beat of God Is A Woman began to play. You were now on the stage, the sea of white lights looking back at you. The adrenaline was still running through your veins. You performed the song, acing every move of the dance you’ve learned 10 months ago.
When the last note of God Is A Woman played, all the lights turned off except for the red lights on the stage.
“INGLEWOOD!” You yelled into your mic, your fans cheering even louder than before. You shared an excited smile with Brian.
“Welcome to the Sweetener World Tour!” And with that the opening notes of Bad Idea began to play, the show finally kicking off.
You were in the middle of singing R.E.M which was part of Act 2 of the concert. You moved towards the pit to see familiar faces beaming up at you.
“Boy, you’re such a drea— oh my god!” You squealed as you saw the pit full of your Marvel cast mates. You saw all the Chris’, both of the Tom’s, Robert, Scarlett, Elizabeth, almost everyone you’ve worked with in Marvel was there. You got down to your knees to touch their outstretched hands.
The fans screamed as the camera from stage panned down to the pit where all the actors were. You took the mic away from your mouth and leaned down to them.
“What are you guys doing here?” You asked them through the loud arena.
Scarlett, Brie, and Lizzie were the nearest to the stage.
“We’re here to surprise you! It’s your last show and we wanted to be here for it!” Scarlett yelled over the track that was playing.
“We’ll catch up later, keep going!” Lizzie urged you to continue the concert with a toothy grin.
You held onto Brie’s hand as you sang to them, “Inglewood let me hear ya’ll! Excuse me um...”
“I LOVE YOU!” The fans sang back to you, including your cast mates. You dusted your knees off and continued to walk around the ramp. Before you could leave, you sent an excited wave to Brie and the rest of them.
~After the show~
You hopped off the platform that brought you down from the stage and were greeted by a bunch of congratulations and cheering. You and your dancers shared another group hug.
“(Y/N)!” You heard a familiar voice yell. You follow the voice and see Anthony waving at you with his infamous grin. He was accompanied by the rest of the cast behind him. You run towards them and jump into Anthony’s outstretched arms.
“I’m so sorry, I’m sweaty, but I’m so happy to see all of you!” You wrapped your arms around Anthony’s neck as he spun the two of you around. He let you go and you were suddenly being pulled into hugs by everyone.
When you got to Robert, a proud smile was on his face as he cradled your face, “Sweetheart, that was amazing. You’ve outdone yourself.” He pressed a fatherly kiss to your forehead and pulled you into a hug.
“Thank you.” You laughed, your eyes welling up with tears once again. Next was Chris (E) who playfully shoved Robert.
“Stop it, you’re hogging her! Let me hug (y/n)!” He childishly whined. He gasped when he saw your eyes watering.
“And you made her cry! C’mere.” His arms enveloped around you as he hugged you tightly.
In your ear his whispered, “You absolutely killed it.”
You thank him and move on to Scarlett who already had her arms out for you, “Surprise!”
“This was your idea?” You asked her as she hugged you. A cheeky grin quirked on her lips.
“Maybe” she teased dragging the ‘e’. You hugged her again as she laughed into your shoulder.
“Thank you, Scar. This means so much.”
“It’s not a problem, honey. We just wanted to see you together while you did your thing up on stage.”
You were now full on crying through a smile as your Marvel family showed you mass amounts of love. You stumbled into Tom (Holland) who instantly grabbed you into a bear hug. Tom’s actually seen your show in London with his friends and brothers, so this was his second time seeing you perform.
“You know what’s so crazy?” He asked you leaning down to your ear so you can hear him.
“It’s literally just as great as it was in London. Like everything looks the same, you sound exactly the same, everything! The show was fantastic!” He looked at you with wide eyes with so much amazement on his face.
You laughed at him and patted his shoulder, “Thank you, Tom.”
Suddenly there was a commotion a few feet away from you. You saw Robert standing on one of the cases your crew used to store equipment in.
“ATTENTION EVERYONE!” When everyone backstage was looking at him Robert sent them a sweet smile and was handed a megaphone.
“Alright, so I gotta say, (y/n), you definitely know how to throw a show. Everyone who was part of this tour, your hard work pays off because that show was the most fun I’ve had in a while! (Y/n), you keep surprising us everyday with your talent and I hope you get to do more of what you love in the future. As my way of thanking you all for throwing such an amazing night, I want to take out every single one of you for dinner! I just rented out a whole restaurant just for all of us and I hope to see all of you there!” Robert said into the megaphone. A round of cheers and claps were heard from everyone at the announcement. As everyone began to file out, you were being called to get out of your costume.
Before you can turn to leave you hugged Robert and looked at all your cast mates who showed up for the night.
“Thank you guys for being here, it really means a lot.” You sniffled, wiping a tear from your face.
“And you, I can’t believe you rented out a restaurant for my crew, thank you Robert.” The older man just waves you off as he slung his arm around your shoulder.
“Not a problem, sweetheart. We wanted to be here and we are all so proud of you, you’ve come a long way, (y/n).” He gave your shoulders a squeeze.
“Now run along now, you still need to get changed and I’m starving. Go.” He teasingly turned you towards your stylists. You rolled your eyes as you waved at all of them.
“We’ll see you at the restaurant!” You heard Brie yell after you. You quickly turn back, “OK, I LOVE YOU!”
The further you got you heard Evans scream, “I LOVE YOU TOO!” You turned down the hall, your laugh echoing against its walls.
That was definitely one way to end a tour.
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imnotwolverine · 3 years
Wolfie’s Fic Recs | The Grand Library of Kink 1/2
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THE GRAND LIBRARY OF KINK - Allow me to give you a list of treats to quench the unbearable thirst between your thighs. 
>> Looking for part 2 of this list? <<
🖐WARNING: NSFW - SMUT below the cut 🖐
Author’s note: Let’s be honest. You probably are prowling the Tumblr grounds for the same reasons I am: there’s some darn good porn fics out here. And in the year I’ve been in the Cavillry, I’ve gathered a most wondrous collection of soft to extremely kinky fics. Time..to make a more comprehensible list of my favourites thusfar! (💦It’s long, so you better have some fresh panties at the ready💦)
In this library you’ll find:
Part 1:
Self-help 101  
Cherry Popping Goodness 
Vanilla With A Sprinkling Of Sex Toys 
Vanilla - Toybox Special 
Henry’s Hands Special
The Hook-up
Part 2:
Sensory Delights
The Triple Threat  
Fuck - The Geralt Special
Take It Like A Pussy - The Napoleon Special 
Hammer-time - The Walker Special 
Cpt. Cunnilingus - The Syverson Special
Thighs And Canes - The Sherlock Special 
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Self-help 101
[This one’s all about the act of self love - solo masturbation]
Toys are for boys. Unless it’s in the bedroom..right? Almost The Same by @lunedelorient  [Henry x Reader]
Mike can’t help himself as his gaze falls upon your lipstick stains on a beer bottle. Where else would he like those stains to be? Lipstick by @emyearns [Mike / reader]
A toy arrives to sweeten the lonely nights when Henry is away. There’s only one minor detail as the package is being unwrapped; she isn’t alone yet. Flying Solo by me [OFC x Henry Cavill]
I love fics written in Henry’s point of view. In this one Henry can’t take it no more. He simply needs to let off some steam; I Need A Woman by @chamomilebottom [Henry Cavill x reader]
This man gets caught..a lot, doesn’t he? You give Henry a helping hand as you catch him in the shower in Welcome Home by @rosethornsanddaisies [Henry Cavill x reader]
I wasn’t sure whether I should put this in the self-help section. So consider yourself warned: watch out..you’re in for a solo-lovin’ surprise in On Display by @ladyreapermc [August Walker x Reader]
Cherry Popping Goodness
[There’s a first time for each flower to bloom - loss of vaginal/anal virginity]
The bookstore meet-cute, the skipping heartbeats, and the fluster of cheeks as she just read a steamy passage of her book aloud. It’s the perfect recipe for romance...though there is one tiny, tiny... Her Minor Thing by @ladyreapermc [Henry Cavill x erotica novelist!OFC]
For one night only, gigolo August Walker will make all your fantasies come true. His specialty? Sweet, innocent little flowers. Velvet Chains by @littlefreya [August Walker x reader]
The morning after the cherry popping, a bud starts to bloom. White Honey by @littlefreya [Henry Cavill x reader]
This fic! This. Fic. I hadn’t seen I Capture The Castle when I read this fic, but it made me fall for Stephen so freakin’ hard that I kind of watched the movie straight after. It’s sweet, blushing-cheeks worthy and utterly cinematic. Bluebells by @yespolkadotkitty [Stephen x reader]
August Walker, a virgin? Well..there’s a First Time For Everything by @hope-to-hell [August Walker x reader]
Theseus didn’t mean it to go this way. But he was so thirsty - and now for more then just a drink of water. To Die of Thirst by @hope-to-hell. [Theseus x reader]
It’s Geralt’s first time and isn’t a Witcher body just a fascinating thing..hmm... Anatomy Lessons by @princess-of-riviaa [Geralt x experienced!reader] 
I didn’t know bullet point lists could be this sensual and H.O.T. - First Time w/ Henry by @henchry [Henry Cavill x reader]
GOODNESS ME. Can first times be like this for everyone, please and thank you?! My Flower gives you squirt-inducing, sweet talkin’ Henry making the most out of this special little moment. By @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
Wait till marriage with August? Highly unlikely....right? Uncharted Territory by @chamomilebottom [August Walker x reader]
Now onto some other sanctuaries to plunder. (Anal that is) Poker Night @foodieforthoughts [Syverson x OFC]
Lets @littlefreya’s words entice you into a new world as you and Henry finally pick the Forbidden Fruit (yep, anal again) [Henry Cavill x OFC]
And now we’re on the anal train, I do notice that men barely ever get any backdoor lovin’ from their partners. And I know, I know: most men are really apprehensive about it. But goodness can it be good! Sy has learned of it’s sweetness and reminisces that first time in Sy And The Sex Tape by @hope-to-hell [Syverson x reader]
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Vanilla With A Sprinkling Of Sex Toys
[Couple’s sex with just a touch of kink] 
Let’s start with a game. Written in the language of love (French that is), this enticing bit of foreplay gets the blood streaming alright. Invisible Touch by @emelinelovesjc [Henry Cavill x reader]
Is it time for my favourite poetic foreplay fic?! YES it IS! Ode by @wolvesandhoundshowltogether just does something for me and I can simply not explain - just go ahead and read it and see for yourself! [Henry Cavill x reader] 
The key to good sex, is foreplay. And teasing during an event? You bet your  sweet ass you can get Henry riled up. Tease by @captainbigdy [Henry Cavill x reader]
Ready for some myrrh mountain-esque, super indulgent eroticism? Read Confessions by @captainbigdy [Henry Cavill x reader]
Birthday sex
What do you give a man who has it all, for his birthday? A little boudoir, a little make-out on the couch and...Happy Birthday by @rosethornsanddaisies [Henry Cavill x reader]
Apparently boudoir pictures for Henry’s birthday is on y’alls mind! A Picture’s Worth by @sunflowersstan gives you a belated birthday present - but that definitely should not spoil the fun. [Henry Cavill x reader]
Home (coming)
For once, Henry is forgiven for his ungodly early alarm clock: it’s beach time! And Kal will be there too. Home by @chamomilebottom [Henry Cavill x reader]
Henry, unfortunately, isn’t always home. In fact, he’s away quite a lot. Meaning it’s all the important to make up for lost time: Welcome Home by @geralt-of-baevia [Henry Cavill x reader]
And what’d you do if he finally comes home, but an impromptu surprise party is organised by his friends? Better Keep Quiet, baby. By @toomanystoriessolittletime [Henry Cavill x reader]
Does that come with side effects? When a 200 pound beast tackles you after coming home, you just might feel it in the next few days. Lust Worthy by @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
Home is also domestic goodness ( “Can I, baby?” He whispers against your cheek, placing a soft kiss to it, his eyes searching to meet yours. >> I mean..YES YOU CAN!! DO WHATEVER YOU MUST YOU HUNK OF A BEAR 😩) in this sweet ficseries chap by @lovelycavills: The Night [Henry Cavill x reader]
Tropes to lovers 
Friends to lovers trope, anyone? Of Fck It by @tillthelandslide gives you beers on the couch, friendly banter and then WOOPSIEDOODLIEDOO. [Henry Cavill x reader]
More friends to lovers with one accidental wet dream while lounging on the couch with Henry. Dreaming by @yoursecretsmutblog [Henry Cavill x reader]
Or perhaps PA/boss to lovers? Thunder by @toomanystoriessolittletime gives you Henry in full Geralt gear and rain..lots and lots of rain - meaning it’s time for a ..😏break. [Henry Cavill x OFC]
One more PA story to get the storm in your pussy settled. Years after working for Henry, you send a drunk text and he Answers. In the flesh. By @toomanystoriessolittletime [Henry Cavill x reader]
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Audio porn
Another thing I got quite attached to while I learned all about my kinks here on Tumblr, is audio porn. And what better than to have Henry do some audio recording for us thirsty women? Erotic Audios Present... By @thetaoofzoe [Henry Cavill x OFC]
More audioporn!Henry? @toomanystoriessolittletime has got you covered with Talk Dirty To Me, starring photographer Henry who has had.. a bit of a past - and doesn’t his voice sound terribly familiar? 🧐[au!Henry Cavill x reader]
Smutty fics practically always skip the “So what do you actually like”-part. Well. This fic covers it - and then some. The Interview by @peachyvulpixie. [Henry Cavill x OFC]
And communication is very - very important. Especially when moving stuff around, right Henry? A Little Bit To The Left by @lunedelorient [Henry Cavill x OFC] 
Communication is also key when you want to decide on sub/dom dynamics. Switch has daddy vibes, but in a domestic, confidential, well-established relationship. By @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader] 
Or, you may just want to tell sweet Henry that it’s definitely okay to get a little louder between the sheets. Express Yourself by @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
A thrilling ride
Want to “chose your own adventure” in smutty style? @sciapod’s got just the thing you’re looking for with BD Morning Energy  [Henry Cavill x reader]
Sometimes it’s rough, sometimes it’s sweet, but ever and ever; it’s truly Henry. Read about various types of horny Henry in Shapeshifter by @wanderinglunarnights [Henry Cavill x reader]
Body/orgasm insecurity
This was a very personal piece to write. I have difficulty reaching orgasms, especially with a partner, so for all fellow ladies with the same little problem: Henry is here to give you some Riding Lessons between the sheets. [Henry Cavill x OFC]
And I’m so, so glad that there’s at least a few of you here on Tumblr who can also get a little worried and even impatient between the sheets. Thankfully Henry is the posterboy of Patience, ready to unravel you piece...by.. delicious..piece. By @captainbigdy [Henry Cavill x OFC] 
Nipple love
Female nips get all the lovin’. But male nipples? Not often. Tease by @the-soot-sprite will make sure that is taken well taken care off. [Henry Cavill x reader]
Alright, and now for a little female nip-nip action, let’s dive right into the action. Rough lovin’, shovin’ Cavill is showing you how terribly fucked out he can get you in In My Thoughts by @jolly-polly [Henry Cavill x reader]
Horizontal vs. vertical sex 
Shower sex is such a delectable topic to read about (even though in real life it’s usually awkward and impractical). Let your dreams bring you..after workout Showers with Henry by @darklydeliciousdesires [Henry Cavill x reader]
Or perhaps honeymoon shower sessions? Mirror by @tillthelandslide [Henry Cavill x OFC]
Did someone say honeymoon? Marshall remembers having to climb through that darn window the night before he married you and it makes for a super sweet, domestic fluffy smutty sex scene. And did I mention there was family right at the other side of the door? 👀 Locked by @fourmarkdove [Marshall x reader]
After all that working out it’s time for some food. But what would Henry prefer: ragu or you? What’s Cooking by @writingforhenry [Henry Cavill x reader]
Netflix and Chill
Netflix and chill, anyone? This Movie Night becomes a little steamy 💦 by @writingforhenry [Henry Cavill x reader]
It’s really difficult to watch tv with Henry around, and Freya gets a little frustrated with his incessant teasing; can a woman not just watch some Mindhunter in peace, damnit?! The Refund by @wolvesandhoundshowltogether [Henry Cavill x OFC]
From game play to girlfriend play during an extremely boring day in lockdown. Confined by @darklydeliciousdesires [Henry Cavill x reader]
More game chair smuttiness? It’s Game on! Mic on! - And ..Eh.. wait..what?! By @thecavillchronicles [Henry Cavill x reader]
Is tickle-play a thing? After a long day where everything seems to have gone wrong, you just need a good shag and Mike will make sure you can Sleep soundly tonight. @emyearns [Mikey x reader]
Alright, it’s a thing. Here’s some more tickle play with Marshall. Laughing During Sex by @promptandpros [Marshall x reader]
Hereby I declare that hairplay is also a thing. And with curls like Henry’s..I mean..come on. Love So Soft gives you dry-humping like horny teenagers after a bad day - and yes..hairplay. By @princess-of-riviaa [Henry Cavill x reader]
Needy Henry
Sad sky eyes are in dire need of some medicine, but Rose doesn’t realise until she’s getting some action for herself that the best medicine for Henry’s malady, is probably not watery soup. In Morbus Et Salus by @fanficsrusz [Henry Cavill x OFC]
Drunk Henry is in need of a midnight snack. And it’s a good thing there just happens to be one in his bed. Drunk In Love by @angrythingstarlight [Henry Cavill x reader]
And the next morning he might just be a really, really needy bear. (My boyfriend, for one, is always EXTRA horny when he is hungover 😂) Five More Minutes by @angrythingstarlight [Henry Cavill x reader]
A few more
And five minutes is probably all you get when you have kids. But it just makes these little mommy and daddy moments all the more sacred. Close To You by @the-soot-sprite [Henry Cavill x reader]
There’s also not a lot of time when you’re in a limo, trying to get your groove on. 🎶Driver roll up the Partition pleaseee 🎶by @fanficsrusz [Henry Cavill x reader]
Now to finish off this vanilla segment: vanilla kisses! Lick Me Till Icecream by @the-soot-sprite [Henry Cavill x reader]
Vanilla - Toybox Special 
[A special toy segment for you vanilla(ish) lovers] 
When it’s play time - long work day or no - Henry better be prepared for some frisky business. On Purpose by @wanna-do-bad-things (also hell yes for including some toys!) [Henry Cavill x one very frustrated OFC]
More toys? MORE TOYS! Command And Obey brings you dom!Henry being a terrible teasing ass, but alas..it still gets you all kinds of wet *shrugs* By @wanna-do-bad-things [Henry Cavill x reader]
Perhaps need some dom!Clark instead? With toys? We’ve got you covered. By @poledancingdinos [Clark x OFC]
Now, let’s not forget about Henry’s favourite toy of them all. His bike. In Good Vibrations by @deathonyourtongue [Henry Cavill x reader]
You find Henry pleasing himself with something you didn’t even know he owned; a fleshlight. Henry’s Toy by @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
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Henry’s Hands Special 
[I can’t be the only one who has the hots for hands]
Having a bad day? Talented fingers belonging to one caring man of a Henry are here to let off your steam. Burn The Couch by @meowpurrbooks [Henry Cavill x reader]
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a complete and utter obsession with male hands. This fic is amazing in every way. It’s got suspense, hands AND Henry; Idle Hands by @thelastsock [Henry Cavill x Reader]
More handsy stuff is offered in this private drawing session. Draw Me With Your Fingers by @emelinelovesjc [Henry Cavill x OFC!author]
This fic? ..it’s hands-on work. I must give a disclaimer: I’m hard to please when it comes to daddy!fics, but this one I truly enjoyed. It perfectly rides (hehe) the fine balance between rough throat fucking, choking and usage of the endearing nickname ‘little fawn’. Hands by @twhstuckylover [Henry Cavill x reader]
Henry’s hands are here to warm you up on a cold day in Finger Work by @yoursecretsmutblog [Henry Cavill x reader]
The Hook-up
[A little less established, a little more messy. But definitely h-o-t-h-o-t-h-o-t]
Changing rooms may just hide a Dirty Secret (and crotchless pantyhoses) by @foodieforthoughts [Henry Cavill x OFC]
Being toyed around, Henry can’t stand it any longer - and goodness where did he leave that darn bowtie?! Caught In The Storm by @thelastsock [Henry Cavill x Reader]
Syverson is also not one who likes to be toyed around with, especially when you’re in the same bar wearing that deliciously short dress and his favourite high heels. Mine by @yoursecretsmutblog [Syverson x reader]
Dancefloor delights and popping buttons (is this a good time to admit I have ripped some shirts like that? *woops* 😅) - this quite exhibitionistic fic is an utter delight and I’m Glad You Came  by @foodieforthoughts [Henry Cavill x reader]
Since this is steady-hook-up I wasn’t sure whether to post it in this segment or the Vanilla segment, but ..yea..it definitely deserves a read! Rules Of Engagement has Em and Henry coming to the realisation that a friendly hook-up isn’t all that easy. Especially not when one foul IUD throws baby dust in their busy lives. By @ladyreapermc​ [Henry Cavill x OFC] 
Marshall specials 
An old friend/lover shows up just when you find yourself with the predicament of a broken down car. Before you know it you’re having car sex with one curly haired police officer in..yea..a police car. A Perfect Shitty Day by @toomanystoriessolittletime [Marshall x reader]
OOPH you girls are in it for the Walter hook-ups. Forget That Asshole follows up after you had one particularly disappointing blind date. And thankfully a blue eyed sweater-bear-man is there to provide you some much needed consolation.  By @penwieldingdreamer [Marshall x reader]
Sex on set
On set things might just get a little steamy, so might as well take ..*clip scene* ACTION! Touch Me Tease Me by @deathonyourtongue [Henry Cavill x OFC]  
More on-set delights? Perhaps with a touch of embarrassing nerves? Directed By La Petite Mort by @wolvesandhoundshowltogether [Henry Cavill x reader]
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>> Looking for part 2 of this list? <<
Artworks/edits are mine ❤️And as always: if you have more fic recs to add, share them in your reblogs/comments! 
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