harmonia-university · 19 days
(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) Edin @ Lily: "Ohmygod, it's Lillian Lurd..." he exited to see a familiar face here. "Oh, I'm sorry. Hi, I'm your biggest fan. Can you tell me about using the Psychic-type moves? Because I'm not really good at them. (mostly because I have a physical training myself)"
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This is just freak behaviour
[ @ask-the-shiny-pokemons ]
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tearblossom · 7 months
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trennoandgreggo · 5 months
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new bvb meme dropped
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bright-eyed-dizzy · 3 months
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Daybreak on Sudra
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peppermintkamz · 28 days
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Monstrous emotes I've made for the Discord server
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fallstaticexit · 10 months
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Next // Previous // Beginning
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rainingmarmalade · 9 months
Art by @femkeneri
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roughridingrednecks · 10 months
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perionan-blog · 2 years
Edin is now colored. Yay.
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jordan-the-pious · 8 months
~ @poorsadorphanposting
I promise I'm not here about Esmee again. She uh... She wasn't very happy when she noticed I was talking about her behind her back. Which I guess is understandable in retrospect ahahahaha.
Uhhhhh this is about something I did!
So. As you may have heard, money is uhhh... Tight at the orphanage. I don't think I can go into much detail, but Esmee and I direly needed money. Usually she insists on getting it herself so I don't have to endanger myself (I can't say I love the arrangement, though I was already a kind of scared to go outside and most traditional jobs I try I just end up breaking down, so... I'm not really in a spot to argue about it.)
So there is this businessman with a lot of disposable income. I think Esmee has been with him before, but their personalities clashed (and now, seemingly out of some sort of misguided protectiveness she straight up despises him.) He seems to prefer me and well... We need the money, like I said.
Before, it was enough to go to a nice place with him, try not to be so jumpy as to make it look as though he beats (me as he said), look cute (as he also said) and tolerate a kiss at the end! I can just about deal with that and he knows I have vows that are important to uphold.
The issue is, he's been asking more and more of me lately. (I'll say he's seen the chastity belt and leave it at that...) culminating in, uh... Well. Goodness, I think I'm stalling a bit, here. Um. Ilethimdefilemymouth. It was awful and I feel gross. I still feel it, even three days later. I wanted to confess this, but um, I think moreso I wanted to ask about being some form of purification? I don't know. I'm aware the temple doesn't usually check for or punish this. I just want this feeling to go away and to be normal and pure again ahaha...
Goodness gracious Edin, I am so so sorry to hear about all of this. It must be quite difficult carrying this weight around on your back, let alone keeping it bottled up inside of yourself for so long. I can hardly imagine what tumultuous emotions you must have been experiencing recently. Why on earth did it take you so long to bring this up with me? You should know that I am always here for you in any way that you need me.
I am going to set every issue with your sister and her behavior aside for now. You need focus and attention, and so my focus and attention you shall have. I am here to help you, I promise.
You have done well so far, young Edin. It takes much bravery to make up for our own mistakes, let alone the mistakes of those we care about. You are an excellent older brother, and a testament to our faith. Never forget that, and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
You are correct that this is something that the temple does not check for, and does not punish. You are still, in the mind of our religion, pure. Having said that, I do understand your wish for purity, for cleanliness after being defiled this way.
Come with me. The temple does not have a way to deal with this, but I may have found myself in a similar situation to you in the past and wanted to cleanse myself as best I could following that incident. It is a bit different, as I will admit that I acted voluntarily for someone I loved, but it should work for you nonetheless.
Jordan leads Edin from the main confessional area down several long winding paths, before eventually stopping in front of the door to their main residence. They enter, swiftly grabbing a red glass bottle from the back of their bookshelf, where it appears to have been hidden. The lid of the bottle has a rose motif on it, and the body has a label that simply says "For B" on it. Jordans eyes seem to try to avoid these details, as they grab a cup and pour a small amount of the liquid out into the cup and hand it to Edin. It smells like liquid roses.
Apologies if the scent is strong, I wished to cleanse myself rather thoroughly the last time I made and used this. Swish this around in your mouth for a few seconds, and then swallow. It should help you feel better.
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fantasy-hoe-25 · 1 year
I sometimes forget how MUCH of a monster fucker I am until I start reading Monstrous again
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eeveonaartz · 11 months
(Sorry it wouldn't let me add a picture to my ask)
Decided to do a redesign for Edin 👉👈 I didn't want to chance change to much about him- Then I went a little overboard.. well overboard I think, hehe
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I started off by changing up his hair a bit, and adding some darker textures to his ears, hair, and tail a bit. ^^ I then gave him a more fancy outfit, with his candy coat, tie, and shorts.
@ask-the-shiny-pokemons <3
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tearblossom · 7 months
I just finished the second book in Lily Mayne's Monstrous series and Edin & Hunter made me cry. 😭
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(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) Edin @ Zipporah: "Oh my god, your outfit looking pretty." he carefully approaches her with a bit of carefulness. "Also, Alto Mare? I've never been here, but what it looks like?"
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"I-I wasn't sure about this dress at all." she mumbled, then inhaled and exhaled.
"Well, Alto Mare is an isolated island in the Johto region. It habitant with humans and pokemon. The whole island is a floating city on water, there's so many canals too. I mean, it's called the City of Water for a reason. Human's transport is based on of that."
"I actually live in the secret area of Alto Mare. The Secret Garden, where many pokemon live there and barely have human visitors. IT's my duty to protect the locals." she looked at the other, blushed hard. "I-I'm sorry I talked too much." and she went of to get herself something to drink.
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punkrockmixtapes · 1 month
Listen/purchase: Edin by Common Sage
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peppermintkamz · 1 year
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This is how Edin and Chuck communicate right?
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