#Redesign Munday
eeveonaartz · 11 months
(Sorry it wouldn't let me add a picture to my ask)
Decided to do a redesign for Edin 👉👈 I didn't want to chance change to much about him- Then I went a little overboard.. well overboard I think, hehe
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I started off by changing up his hair a bit, and adding some darker textures to his ears, hair, and tail a bit. ^^ I then gave him a more fancy outfit, with his candy coat, tie, and shorts.
@ask-the-shiny-pokemons <3
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inaris-pokemon-world · 6 months
Kinda curious how you'd redesign Pikavee. If it's a bit much, you can do Lief oops c//c
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(Not taking any more of these!)
Redesign notes:
I opted for a darker color scheme since she’s an Umbreon/Espeon hybrid.
Starry freckles!
Made her hoodie Espeon-colored because the darker color of the original one just kinda blended in with the darer purple.
Gave her a ponytail because I was having trouble making the hair look nice in this pose. I think it looks cute!
And just for fun, have a Dark Mode Pikavee (she glows!):
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ask-sarah-and-co · 11 months
I know it's not Munday vut I still wanted to send this for you to see <3
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So for the redesign, meme Sarah wouldn't looking completely different ^^ she would have a fee different items such as the yin and yang moon necklace for her and Hugh- A few more earrings and her shirt would also contain a different set of patterns- As well as her hair would change a bit- but other than that she would honestly be the complete same ^^
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AAAAAAAAAGHHAGAHAHAAA she’s so cute! I love the matching necklaces- they’re so cute!!
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No munday today but have these sketches. I am trying to redesign the lycantwins a little bit, and most importantly trying to figure out how to draw snouts
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wayward40k · 5 months
✄ What is an idea you originally had in mind for your muse, but ended up scrapping? Why?
It’s Munday!
[[ So many that we're not going to talk about because my brain suffers from Extreme Dumb, especially while under the influence of Overwhelming Self-Doubt and General Anxiety Regarding Being Perceived.
Though folks remember once Alethea was Verit? They're now two separate characters. I have a redesigned Verit art I haven't shared here yet because I got slammed with IRL and stuff. BUT she's still a cute, innocent sweetheart, just... is trying to keep people's hopes up on a world stuck in a Dark Souls-like dreamscape. ]]
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polteashop · 1 year
Munday: Which character do you want to redesign, but you still like the way they are?
Well, fun fact, I did exactly that with Kettle! XD She originally was a Pyroar-Polteageist fusion design that I really liked, but I changed her up a bit to be a full-blooded shiny Pyroar with a teacup hat and a frizzy black mane!
(Old design -> new design)
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Munday: Which character would you like to redesign, but you still like the current one?
(Interesting question. I would probably redesign the Bisharps. I love them but I probably could have done more with the whole one parent being a sableye thing. (And totally not because I genuinely keep forgetting details when I draw them lol)
Thank you for the question!)
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pokege-ne-project · 1 year
Munday: Which character do you want to redesign, but you still like the way they are?
>> OOOO good question.
Took a bit of time on this, but if I had to do a redesign, I would say Shadow and Neo-Ka, if only because their designs are so different from how I now currently do Pokemon designs.
That said: Admittedly I couldn't bring myself to redesign even if I wanted to. Both of them have a lot of sentimental significance to me ngl :"D
Thank you for the question!
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arcxnumvitae · 2 years
Why do you love shades of blue?
Anon || Munday Questions
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No clue! I don't know, I first kind of "noticed" turquoise and light blues of that color around.....middle school? 7th grade? I can't remember, just that I thought it was very pretty and that I had a Properly Collared and Appropriately Plain school shirt of that shade with matching earrings and a headband I liked wearing. The USB I needed for computer class (I'm not even that old and isn't that an "old" thing) was that shade, etc. etc.
I guess it became my "thing" when I was redesigning my bedroom-- and I use the word 'redesigning' lightly because really my mom was doing the decorating and I was just signing off on things-- from purple and pink to something more "mature" for an 11/12/13 year old I'm really bad with my ages haha sorry.
I was out of town for the week with my grandparents, and I was like really bummed because I was homesick-- especially so my parents extended our stay a little longer. Turns out they'd done that so I could come back and find that my entire room had been painted that shade of blue! I can't remember if painting the walls in that color was a part of the plan I knew of and just hadn't expected it to happen then or not, but anyways, haha I loved those walls! I loved my room! It stayed that way all the way until we moved early 2021, and one of my only requests in the new house was that my room be painted as close in shade to my old one as possible. My dad's always said he doesn't know how I can relax or sleep in a room with such bright walls but I always found it calming! Seeing old pictures of Snowball in my old, blue room, two beloved things of my childhood/teens/hell even young adult life just feels so heartwarmingly nostalgic.
I didn't know the answer at the beginning of this ask, but I guess I ended up reaching it at the end of it all, huh?
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eeveonaartz · 11 months
Redesign Challenge!
Send me your drawing of a redesign or a description of the changes I need to draw fkr an OC of mine!
This challenge applies to all my blogs! Not only pokemon *reminder of that
So go nuts and have fun!
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inaris-pokemon-world · 6 months
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Curious what you'd do with him ;3c
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(Not taking any more of these!)
Redesign notes:
Hair fluff! I love adding fluff to Pokemon.
Gave him a Griseous Orb as a clasp for his cloak! Also made the cloak all tattered looking.
Colors referenced from pictures of the Distortion World from the games and show.
Tail is like ectoplasm or maybe antimatter? Both goopy and wispy.
Limbs and nose are darker at the ends to make reference to him basically dying. Like rot had set in.
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demon-slayer-kaiden · 5 months
questions 6-10!
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Munday Questions. Send in a number(s) to get to know the mun better!
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6. What other fandoms are you in, apart from this one?
Technically I'm fandomless. Kaiden used to be an Inuyasha OC before I rebranded her because I started thinking of her own story and world. But I guess I'm also partially apart of the MHA fandom and the Demon Slayer fandom
7. What drew you to writing your current character(s)?
I think I'm so drawn to Kaiden because I really enjoy her character redesign and just her personality and story I've come up with. She's just a vibe for me a lot of the time. A very chill and easy character to sit down and write when I'm feeling inspired.
8. Have you ever met anyone outside of RP?
Unfortunately no...all of my mutuals are spread out BUT I would love to get the chance to meet them someday! You guys are always so sweet and kind. :)
(I think this is what the question is asking about)
9. How would you describe your aesthetic?
Um, the opposite of minimalist. I am very much a little dragon with my hoard of art supplies, books, dice, pokemon cards, games, trinkets. I like to collect and I like to try and display the stuff I own.
10. What is your favorite fictional character (in or out of the current fandom)?
I'll pick some of my favorites from shows, games and books I've currently read, along with a couple of my all time favorites.
Sango & Kirara (From Inuyasha)
Leafpool (Warrior Cats)
Daenerys Targaryen (A Song of Ice & Fire)
Lucy Maclean (Fallout Show)
Marcille (Dungeon Meshi)
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ask-sarah-and-co · 11 months
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connectedspace mod popping in! i love seeing human characters, especially ocs. i put some more adaman into this gal, and i made the jacket more uniquely tailored. i thought pins along the strap would look cute, and i thought the hair being slightly up would be fun
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AHAJANJSBSJANN SHES SO CUTE!!! I loveee the hair sm! 💕💕
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rabbitprose · 11 months
12 (for the munday meme / its not letting me paste the question itself in)
munday meme / Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? / @starfelll
hm. maybe my k.ingdom h.earts oc but i'll be honest i'm constantly redesigning her that i don't think i'll ever be in a place where it'll be able to work out LOL.
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angelofoverwatch · 5 years
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{{  Munday features my reaction to the new content coming our way--and to my beautiful baby girl finally getting some good spotlight in the newest cinematic.  }}
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
-plops- only made ONE of the posts I intended today. Oh well. Also I’m binging Yu Yu Hakusho before Hulu takes it down and it makes me wanna revive/redesign the OC I had in middle school. Fun fact, my friend in middle school had two OCs for the show too, and of course hers were the girlfriends of Hiei and Kurama because, well, those are the girl-bait ones and everyone’s OCs are always their love interests. And I, FOR SOME REASON, was not interested in them, so I was fine with that, and we RPed over the phone for hours together even though we didn’t know the term yet. I decided to make my OC have a crush on Kuwabara just because I’d noticed no one ever seemed to like him, but she never really acted on it at all and of course Kuwabara remained only having eyes for Yukina in the RP. . .and eventually my friend felt bad for her, so she made a male OC just to be her boyfriend and I was like. . .oh. . .thanks. . . and then ignored his existence. Meanwhile another female OC that I had made for our games, a very tall and muscular woman, got REALLY close with her OC that was Kurama’s gf and a love triangle eventually resulted. God, I was so transparently gay. My friend was less transparently so, but, uh, turns out she is now a lesbian as an adult too. I literally found her again via a woman-for-woman dating app lol. So that’s another story for Munday XD
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