#[Edward Nygma; The Sphynx]
dr-dlightfull · 7 months
You're a doctor at Arkham, right?
Is it too far of an ask to... Request, Edward to be given an image of a sphynx? Nothing much.
- 🥐
I don't work with Mr. Nygma, he is not one of my patients, and I am pretty sure he is not allowed to have anything in his cell, you'd be suprised ehat someone can do with paper...
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kurawastaken · 5 years
Riddler #55 kenz if ya please
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Enigma man
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who-is-tommy-elliot · 4 years
Continued from here
So far, Edward knew he needed two things: A way to apprise the people in the building or the authorities of what was going on and an distraction, something that would muffle the noise of his own gun. For now, it all meant survival and he had to keep focused on that. This whole reveal, this… sentimental reunion could cost him his life. Yet he payed attention to every word, considering that no matter how painful, he could use them against Elliot. The man bothered listening to him so far, this could only continue as so.
“Oh I did think about you. Or rather, about Thomas… It was painful, but this was not the first little fling I had to put down. Then again, you’re the first to come back so kudos for that!” It wasn’t fair calling him that, it surely was way more painful than what he meant to say. But there was no point convincing Hush otherwise, so it was better to play along. This had evolved into far more than a mere heart-to-heart. The solution to both his needs came as a gift from his possibly soon-to-be killer himself. A split second among the loud noise from the gun and the shattering glass was all Edward needed to pull back the safety of his own gun, ready to shoot. The loud noise would also alarm the building security or his secretary, poor thing would be there in a minute. A welcome distraction, though she would certainly become a casualty.
Elliot’s voice gave up his position as well. The former criminal waited however, knowing the opportunity would come though deep down he knew he couldn’t shoot to kill. Immobilize, possibly. Near dear? Also acceptable. But for now, he waited, knowing this would either become a stalemate between the two or a terrible mistake from both parts. “How kind of you. Perhaps too kind considering I would have simply disposed of your body in a ditch, as you remember! I see the emotional impact of our relationship left you with open wounds. Quite the riddle however how a man named ‘Hush’ can’t shut up… Did you pick that little habit from me, my darling?”
“I already had the ring, you know,” He hushed out to him, his voice slower and softer, but by the grin across Bruce Wayne’s face, it certainly was a well-aimed jab. He tapped the barrel of the gun slowly against the top of the desk, urging him to come out. “I might still have it, but I think there’s a good chance it ended up in the river. Who knows, maybe it’s back at my old penthouse from the night we stayed there before I found myself bleeding out. A platinum ring, topped with a dresden green diamond. It cost me quite a lot, and it was hard to get. It would’ve looked beautiful on your finger, love, maybe I can cut off your finger to display it somewhere nice,”
“I can be plenty kind,” He continued to hush, slowly walking around the desk with creeping steps, barely moving at all with each step, cautious to any weapon Edward might have- He could have had a pocket knife in his pocket, or, worse, a gun hidden away in that desk. “You know I can be plenty kind, I wasted it on someone so pathetic to hide under a desk and spit petty insults that come from a place of hypocrisy. You’ve barely even given yourself time to get to know my new face; I thought you loved Bruce Wayne? You certainly act like it,” He grinned, “How things change there, isn't that right, Eddie? After all this, did you even solve yourself?”
He suddenly kicked the desk, harsh and hard enough to make the desk jump to try and provoke a reaction out of Edward, glancing towards the door, and towards the now-shattered window. He laughed, the soft, low tone from before slipping away. “We’re leaving,” He snapped, like it was a fact. “Your security will be here any minute, we are leaving. There's a fire escape staircase just beside that window, and I know from experience that you are… especially flexible. If you want to leave here alive, and any of your staff unscratched, then…” He kicked the desk a second time. “Get a fucking move on.”
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who-is-tommy-elliot · 4 years
He might have been slower, but this was still Hush. The man would have no trouble murdering him with his bare hands which, was he not the planned victim of such act, Edward could find somehow poetic. A step back was all he managed to do for now, considering his choices for now. No way out, the door to the office was past the other man and jumping out through the window would be suicide. 
“Barely worth your time yet you come around personally to try and kill me. You’re not even making sense now!” He gestures towards the man, glaring at him with disdain, though he can’t hide the hint of concern in his voice. Truth be told he did imagine Thomas would come around and try to finish him off but Edward hoped he’d be prepared to escape... Or to deal with his former associate in a better state of mind. Seemed like he barely had any options now other than doing what he knew best: Talk his way out of this.
“We all have our regrets, Tommy. Some of us seem to be able to move past them after some time, however! You can’t change the past...” Edward shoots a quick glance to his desk, searching for anything he could use to defend himself. “And don’t even pretend that you’re at my mercy, we both know I won’t try to kill you again, as if that was the only way to stop you. That’s the issue with you Thomas! You’re always quick to jump to extremes because of your emotions. I see that didn’t do you any good yet, huh?“
Edward's voice was loud. It made his head sting through a tense of his muscles, clenching his fists by his sides. Edward always sounded like he was bragging. He hates it. He hates, hates it and he hates how much he thinks he's better than him- He's not. Even with him getting him shot info Gotham river, Edward has failed. Batman had beat him again, and they were so close to winning. So close to proving they were better than Bruce together and-- and yet. Tommy sucked in a breath, glaring at him through the face of bandages. "Don't- don't call me that," he hissed at him, pausing to elaborate. "My name is Hush! You helped give me that name, you should learn to use it!" Despite his snapping, he held his ground, creeping forwards by a step.
"I-I-- You're weak, Riddler," He repeated himself like a broken record. "I've seen you at your weakest. I've seen you cry, I've seen you damn-well almost die. My ego is large, but what about yours? You were so caught up in your favourite riddle that you took everything we had. You're a sham and a fake and you never succeed," Tommy hissed through his teeth. Tommy sighed out, his shoulders slumping with the glare softening, just a bit. He wanted to scream at him and about and tear him apart- physically so -but he was fired. God it hit him like a pile of bricks, he hadn't noticed the fatigue until Edward actually brought it up. Damnit.
"You used me and you betrayed me and now you pretend to be happy," Tommy took a step forward's with each word, taking a slow breath. Tired. "And maybe you're right. Maybe I let my emotions get ahead of me- Because I damn well didn't expect someone I trusted and cared for to- turn around and try to have me dead. You never cared. You're just happy that Batman gives you special attention." Tommy stopped. "I want to know why you did it." He hushed under his breath, only just in hearing range. "That's what I never got to hear last time, you were too busy being thrown through a window. Why did you do it?"
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who-is-tommy-elliot · 4 years
Continued from here
The rough response was expected, though he hoped it would come right after he was done speaking. And they were back to square one, pressed against the wall by hand clearly far more hesitant this time. Different from the other man however he didn’t intend on fighting it, not now. Edward listened, and as he did, he devised his plan.
“You really don’t understand… The lines you were determined to cross, without them, we’re nothing!” Edward moved his hand up once more, how holding onto the other man’s coat with a bit more strength. “Who’s to say you wouldn’t have done the same to me? I don’t doubt you cared about me, you showed me that very plainly but you’re still Hush. Sooner or later you would do the same to me. Be honest, it only hurts you so much because I acted on it first, right?“
He was quiet for a moment, looking away before leaning even closer, lips hovering over Elliot’s as Nygma hesitated to speak. The proximity makes his heart race. “I won’t change your mind Tommy but sure, I’ll say it only because it’s true. I cared about you. Somehow, I think I still do. Otherwise, I wouldn’t say I’m sorry for what I’m about to do.” Edward barely finished his words before pulling Thomas down and striking up with his knee with all his strength. Perhaps he wouldn’t last in a fair fight so this distraction and the other man’s fatigue hopefully gave him any sort of advantage. Hopefully.
“Edward it- It wasn’t like that,” He whispered back to him, his grip loosening even further with his eyes- now blue, compared to the green they had been when they met- hovering over Edward’s eyes, and down to his lips as he leaned in. Sleep deprived as he was, the closeness made him hesitate, staring for a long moment. “I wanted to marry you-” He started, almost reaching up to cup his face, before he was completely taken off guard, yanked down by a man arguably much smaller than him, and his knee collided harshly with his jaw. 
Tommy was almost certain he heard something crack, and gonna be honest, perhaps it wasn’t Edward’s smartest move. He stumbled backwards, shocked with his hand reaching up to where blood was seeping through the bandages around his lips and nose, like he was shocked Edward actually did that. It woke him up, that's for sure, his eyes snapping up through a larger awareness, expression turning into a scowl. His head rang, grabbing harshly at the bandages that had loosened from the knee to his face, yanking them down to pull them away, hanging loosely around his neck.
He was a completely different man from when Edward met him. Tommy Elliot didn’t exist anymore, Hush took his place with a new face, identical to that of Bruce Wayne. He glared, wiping blood from his bust lip, and slowly grinned at him. “More lies,” Tommy snapped at him, cocking his head back at him, licking blood off his lip. “You almost had me there. Perhaps the sleep deprivation was a good point, alas-” He reached inside his trench coat jacket as if he was reaching for something, before he bolted, quickly, to grab the kicked away gun from the ground. He reloaded swiftly, pointing it straight towards him. “Now? I think it’s time to make the Riddler finally shut up.”
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who-is-tommy-elliot · 4 years
@thesphynxheir said to who-is-tommy-elliot:
(spots to kiss + #10) "It's so easy to see your mistakes from here, my dear."
God knows how he got in this position, and he couldn’t bring himself to care. His hand pushed through Edward’s hair, keeping him still and pushed against the wall. Somewhere in between them finding each other in the same room, Edward’s hat had been knocked to the floor, and his bandages slicking down against his shoulders, threatening to follow after the hat. Tommy breathed down against Edward’s lips, taking slow breaths, expression oddly soft, shifting to cup Edward’s cheek, brushing against his jaw slowly and carefully, keeping his eyes on him. Taking him in. Taking in the small marks that he’d memorized and dedicated to memory, the blue eyes and soft lips; A jawline to kill for.
He sighed against him, leaning past Edward’s jaw to sweetly press a kiss the area under his cheekbone, between where his plenty-defined face showed where his jaw interlocks. Take it slowly, savour it, because you’ll never get another opportunity like this. Ignore the intimacy, don't mention the intimacy and Edward should follow through with the silent rules. Keep it quiet, gentle, brushing his thumb against the spot he kissed, just in time to hear Edward speak close to his ear.
He twitched, pulling as annoyance scattered across his face. Easy to see his- His mistakes. What mistakes? His art was a perfect rendition of Bruce’s face, past the faintest of scars that touched upon his skin. He pouted at him, pushing his shoulder a little forcefully against the wall. “Pity. I see you still haven't touched up that nose of yours, nor how high your cheekbones are…” He adored his nose. He adored every bit of detail about him. “But I don’t offer surgery to people who play with my heart,” he pressed his finger against Edward’s lips in a shhh motion, smiling softly. “My face is perfect. Yours? Not so much.”
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who-is-tommy-elliot · 4 years
Hesitation is by far the most telling of all elements he had noticed in that situation. His own surprise had given space to observing them, the way the gun was pressed against his jaw, the hand on his shoulder and even the look in Thomas’ eyes. Truly he didn’t expect to see the man after what they went through, so much he didn’t even have his cane around this time to defend himself. It didn’t seem necessary now Edward thought, watching the chain reaction to his words as Hush seemed to have a hard time even processing the information.
When he’s released, he can’t help but glare at the other man with a hint of disappointment. “I am flattered that you’ve spent sleepless nights plotting to kill me, but to get here so tired that you stumble your way through it? Now that’s simply embarrassing.” Seems like his opportunity arrives not long after... As suspected, the gun wasn’t even loaded and in his rushed attempt to change that Elliot drops the weapon. Time to act.
“Oh, I don’t think so!” Though there’s not much around him he can use to defend himself Nygma is quick enough to kick the gun out of Hush’s reach. There aren’t many options for him at the moment so the next reasonable (as reasonable as he could be under this much pressure) step is trying to push the man down and throw him off his balance. Problem is, considering his own size this could prove to be a real challenge. 
Tommy flinched with the gun being kicked out of the way, and he glared solidly at him, hand hovering where the gun had been on the ground. Damnit. His vision was all knocked to the side, his reflexes slower, and the worst of it? He hadn’t even realised how bad of a shape he was in. Everything was, arguably, perfectly planned, up until the actual act. The theory? Perfect. Everything else was flawed-. He scowled at Ed, looking to where he'd kicked the gun: Way across the room and way out of reach, even with his own confidence in how fast he could move. "Shut up," Tommy snapped at Edward, his voice sour and the slightest-bit slurred. If Edward wasn't plenty aware of how Tommy acted while intoxicated, it could easily be mistaken for that.
"You're weak, Nygma. Barely worth my time. You think I need a gun to smash your skull against the wall?" He laughed, his grin cocky through his bandages, enough so that any insecurities he had in his miscalculations could be masked up in an air of smugness. He threw his arms in the air, emphasising his size in comparison to the much more meek Edward Nygma. Tommy was, afterall, arguably, a perfect replica of Bruce Wayne. Not just in face, but much similar in body, too.
"What, did you just expect me to never come back to you?" He mocked, hand pressed against his chest through a slight tilt of his head. "You were my favorite patient, Eddie. We have plenty of history, I mean- Without me you'd be dead. I wish I left you to die," the honest of those words didn't matter when he couldn't think straight enough to decide if he meant them. "And what are you going to do against it? Kill me? I may be lacking a few hours sleep, but I don't exactly think your precious Batman will be especially happy with you if you stooped back down to murder. How does it feel knowing your entire life is surrounded by lives? How long do you really think this gig of yours is going to last?"
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who-is-tommy-elliot · 4 years
“How long has it last been since you slept?”
He’d spent a decent amount of time tracking down where Edward was- At what time, what place, his office or his apartment or somewhere else entirely. He wasn’t shy about being especially spiteful of past times, even if it's been a dramatic amount of time. Edward trying to have him killed was plenty reason to try and kill Edward multiple times, wasn’t it? Where he’d ended up was in Edward’s office- mostly due to him being so annoying to claim to be reformed -with Edward pressed against the wall by a hand pressed against his shoulder with his strength being enough to keep him there.
“Sorry, what?” Tommy muttered out, as if he was suddenly taken off guard by the words, and it especially forced him to realise he hasn’t slept in a few days after spending time plotting all of- this. His gun was pressed under Edward’s jaw, but looking, he’d find it sufficiently empty and not even loaded. Shit. How long has that been like that? He paused, pressing the gun in closer like it still might scare the man- It might, maybe, if Edward was stupid, and out of personal experience, Edward was one of the smartest men he knew, even if he wouldn’t admit that to his face anymore. He has ammo on him, it can't be that hard to just, pull away and reload. Which would mean pulling back from the wall. Shit.
Even sleep deprived, Tommy was quick to step backwards and out of reach, letting Edward’s shoulder go, reaching for the inside of his trench coat, and during so, dropping his gun plainly on the floor; “Shit,” Tommy hissed under his breath, “Don’t you dare move, I’m not done with you,” Tommy snapped at him, slowly lowering himself down to grab at the still-unloaded gun.
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ratisserie · 2 years
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ratisserie · 2 years
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ratisserie · 2 years
Unseasoned Ratisserie chimkin
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