#[Headcanons: Zain]
ultrabananapudding · 6 months
Suddenly thought about Clarice being like a cool aunt for Zain. Secretely bringing him things Salim doesn't want his son to have (but nothing too extreme of course!) and all this cool aunt stuff
Aaaa yes !!! Cool Auntie Clarice is my favorite genre, and I think she would hit it off very well with Zain - both with their personalities meshing well and in case of sharing the same hobbies.
In my own headcanon, I think both of them are into collecting antiques & vintage stuff.
Also, Clarice gifting Zain a Nintendo 3DS pretty much solidified her status as the "Cool Auntie".
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Hey yall, im in my writing era so pls send some oneshot suggestions!
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buoryok · 2 years
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Have a ton of headcanons about Jason’s childhood and parents, but a big post won’t get a lot of attention, so here’s a little bit
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I started to write this post almost a month ago, but some bad stuff happened and I was… really not okay. But I'm getting better, kind of, so here are some (a bit angsty) night thoughts for you.
I share the fandom headcanon that Jason's father was not, you know, exactly the "father of the year" type. So, when Jason and Salim start to live together (because, as we all know, that's how the game ended, that's canon, right?), Jason sometimes becomes… overprotective of Zain.
He doesn't even realize that. It's just small things. Taking the blame for the glass that Zain accidentally broke. Trying to convince Salim that in Zain's age it's totally normal to come home late and a bit drunk, even if Salim is understanding and not actually angry. Stressing out when Salim and Zain argue, even if they both mean it as a joke. Stuff like that.
Jason doesn't realize that's the thing. Salim and Zain do.
"You know I love my son, right?" Salim asks one night.
"Yeah, I noticed,” Jason chuckles. “You've said that, like, a million times in the first hour after I met you."
"And you know I will never hurt him."
"Yeah, you'll probably hurt yourself first. Why?"
“You seem to… protect him from me.”
Salim can see that Jason genuinely doesn't understand what it's all about. Salim tells him about all those small moments, about his obvious nervousness — and Jason is visibly embarrassed.
"Do you want to… talk about it?" Salim says.
"I'd rather not."
"Okay. And it is fine, you know. It is kind of cute."
"Fuck off," Jason grumbles, rolling his eyes.
Salim just smiles and changes the subject.
It's Jason who brings it up again in a couple of days.
"About… me being overprotective."
"I wanted to make it clear… it's not about you being a bad dad or anything. It's just…"
There's a long pause as he is trying to find the words. Salim is waiting patiently.
"I had a fucked-up childhood, alright?" Jason says finally. "And my father… I mean, he meant well, I guess, but I do still have a couple of scars. And… well," it gets really hard for him to say that, "I guess, l myself wanted to be… protected. And, I guess, it'll stick with me for the rest of my fucking life."
He stares at his hands as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. Salim doesn't interrupt.
"And about Zain, it's… what's the clever word, projecting or something? I'm projecting this stuff on him, probably. I mean, I don't know shit about psychology, but that's a thing, right? It's just… not easy to stay chill when you two start arguing. Even if I know that it's really alright."
He sighs as if it was physically hard for him to say. He seems relieved that it is finally put into words.
"So, yeah. You're a great dad, and Zain is far better than I was at his age. And I'll try not to do that shit you told me about. Sorry."
It's Salim now who is trying to find the words. Jason never really mentioned his childhood; Salim did not expect this.
Salim could never understand how it is possible for a father not to love his own kid. Salim is not an ideal dad, of course; but it feels impossible for him to hurt Zain. Even to think about hurting him.
"I did not know about your father," he says as calmly as he can, even if something inside him is furious. "I will try not to raise my voice when you are around."
"No, that's… fine." Jason shrugs. "You don't have to. I mean, it's your family, your rules, you are both fine with that, and I'm just intruding."
"You are a part of the family too. Have you not noticed?"
Jason mumbles something unintelligible and moves closer on the couch. Salim puts his hand around Jason's shoulders.
"I love you," he says. "And Zain thinks of you as the cool dad. Or, at least, the cool big brother."
"Yeah, that's all I lived for," Jason grumbles sarcastically.
He is smiling — he just can't help it.
It's all going to be okay.
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What emotion are you?
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Your guilt gnaws at you like a cancer, slowly destroying you from the inside. It is a constant reminder of the mistakes you have made, of the people you have hurt, of the opportunities you have wasted. You deserve to suffer for what you have done, and the only way you can atone is by punishing yourself, by making yourself suffer. You want to torture yourself, knowing you let everything happen, and your pentinence will eat you whole. It is a small price to pay for the pain you have caused others, but do you truly deserve it?
Tagged by: stole it from @tres-fidelis :)
Tagging: @overx , @eclipsedfates , @everlastiingiimmortals , @mmxstrangers
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leothil · 10 months
fic recs: archive edition 12
Happy Monday gang! The holiday season is here and I hope everyone can enjoy it as much as they want to!
how to peel oranges by iphigenias (@oatflatwhite) 5+1 times Buck and Eddie talk on the phone. I can't properly explain the emotions this fic invokes in me. I want to cry and wrap everyone (in the fic and irl) in the tightest hug possible. The very definition of a lovely heartache! 3.4k words, rated T
it's 5 a.m., it's noon by iphigenias (@oatflatwhite) Yep, you get two Liz fics this week. I can do what I want. Eddie and Karen talk, in the last few weeks before Eddie can come back to work after the shooting. 1.2k words, rated G
Close My Eyes and Stumble (Right Into Your Love) by @hmslusitania Or, the fic I've sent to friends who haven't even seen 9-1-1. A rewrite of S1 if Eddie joined dispatch instead of LAFD when he came to LA, and he was the dispatcher Buck started talking to instead of Abby. Do yourself a favour and also check out the absolutely spectacular art based on this fic by @like-the-rest-of-la! 21.6k words, rated M
once bitten, twice shy by lecornergirl (@clusterbuck) A lovely introspective piece on ace!Eddie and the fear that he'll never be enough for Buck, so he'd rather they keep on teetering on the edge of something forever instead of talking about it. 3.5k words, rated T
my hands, your heart by @zainclaw Established relationship buddie where Eddie explains his asexuality to Buck. So tender and lovely! 3.7k words, rated E
I didn't intentionally plan on including two ace!Eddie fics this week, but I feel that Zain's and Emma's fics complement each other very well. And aspec Eddie is a beloved headcanon of mine! As always, previous posts in the series can be found here!
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diiwata · 7 days
eddie.... looks at u with my big eyes
do u have any fc ideas for panlo & sheaf? totally ok if not, js wondering!!
district 9 tributes re-imagined?!
BEL! i didn't at first, but i thought of a couple just for you (and for me to indulge in). i saw your tags on your "little guy sheaf" post, in which you said d9 could have some south asian or middle eastern influence, so i have two fancasts per character to account for that headcanon, and to be more similar to the actors in the movie!
sheaf 1
young!avi lake. i know the book described her as smaller, so i tried finding someone that matched the vibe of a younger version of the actress :) imagine this cutie doing a handstand
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sheaf 2
yasmeen fletcher. she's on the older side, which i thought matched movie!sheaf while also adhering to your middle eastern!d9 hc. she is half lebanese.
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panlo 1
tenzing norgay trainor. he has roots in nepal and tibet on his mother's side, me thinks! both panlos match your south asian!d9 hc, by the way. he just gives me panlo vibes <3
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panlo 2
zain iqbal. loved his soft, older brother vibes in these pictures, which i think match the posts you have on his personality. he plays an indian character in agggtm, which i assume is his ethnicity too!
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randomgooberness · 1 year
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Decided to design Joshua and make Gordos an ex-spouse :3 Mostly cause I wanna put them in a fanfic or make lil arts but also I got carried away fleshing them out. Dw they’re a great person stuff just didn’t work out between them :(
headcanons under the cut from when I was rambling to my buds on discord and broke the word limit!
-any pronouns, just switch them up and make it interesting -mixed Black and Arab. He’s Muslim :3 -met Gordon at MIT when they had a class together with the same minor, Engineering -very caring and sweet, but not afraid to stand up for when a situation has gone wrong. Also a little sillaayyyy -very fun and colorful fashion -cares very deeply about Joshua and what's best for him -divorced Gordon on mutual terms, they were young and rushed into everything, and by the time the relationship started falling apart, they were fighting over nothing- mostly Gordon instigating these fights because of stress. He blames himself that the fire died out but they’re still friends- not close friends at All but will hold conversations when picking Joshua up or at an event for him. They care about one another very deeply. -Joshua was a complete accident, they got married shortly after they found out, a very short and quick ceremony with only close family and friends at the courthouse. It was the same one they divorced at. -Gordon was absolutely stressed with both trying to get through MIT and taking care of a baby, which caused him to accidentally leave a lot of the load to his partner- which started the rift between them. Its also a huge reason she takes care of him more than him(they have him two weeks and he has him every third)- because she’s, in both their eyes, much more capable. -divorced when Josh was only a year or two old -ARCHEOLOGIST!!! 
-born with a Congenital amputation, his leg stops above the knee. Recently got his first prosthetic(that wasn’t either of his parents messing around with pet projects)! -premature, via Gordon's stress. -autistic and mostly nonverbal, uses a tablet a good 80% of the time, though if he doesn't have that he uses sign language. -normal Joshua stuff. Foghorn cowboys eels neopets ect -SIX YEARS OLD!!!  -shit was rough at first but Gordon loves him lots :)
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cr33pypaper · 3 months
Random collection of headcanons (that are kinda basic) for the HoA cast:
Nick grew up in a family that went to church almost every week, but since enlisting, he hasn't been. He starts going again after they survive.
Was in the choir and very shy about it as a kid
He also grew up in a close knit, large family that has a military history
Picked up his smoking habit in High School and hasn't been able to quit. His family gives him shit for it, but it helps him calm down
For some reason, I feel like he's the 2nd oldest in his family and his older sibling went into the miltary? And he followed in their footsteps, wanting to make them proud. But he also gives off oldest brother vibes :)
His parents and siblings keep in close contact when he's away and sends him gifts and letters even though they call frequently. Jason sometimes gets gifts from them when Nick mentions him
Has a sister, what is my reasoning? Don't know, gives off those vibes
Former Art Kid turned Burnout
Had long/shaggy hair before joining the military
Cheap as fuck because he grew up poor and can't handle spending money
Used to smoke cigarettes on top of everything else, but quit cold turkey after he enlisted
Had his ears pierced, but came to the conclusion that they looked stupid and stopped wearing them when he joined the Marines
Almost flunked out of High School, but barely scraped by and got his GED
Used to play some sort of sport in her school years, maybe Softball or she ran Track
Her and Jason go out for drinks together monthly and sit in silence or bitch about their subordinates
Her and Eric didn't have a big wedding, they got married at the courthouse and had a small party afterwards. She keeps the dress she wore pristine in the back of her closet
Was the bossiest kid ever and the teachers always chose her to be the representative. She was the best line leader known to man
Would drive a jeep or a pick-up
Paints her nails a light pink or glossy clear, but would get french tips when she wasn't following dress code
Got a fuck ass bob once as a teenager and regretted it so bad she refused to try a new hairstyle for years and years
A BEAST at card games. Beat the whole squad's ass at Blackjack, many of them still have flashbacks and refuse to play any game with her
Her career is her livelihood, has vacation time stacked up and rarely uses it
Black coffee drinker
Jumped at the opportunity to have Clarise as his assistant, handpicked her when he saw her resume
Wanted to have kids/a kid before him and Rachel's marriage went downhill
Only child vibes
Radiohead fan vibes
Always adored science and was one of those kids who wanted to be an astronaut
Guilty pleasure is those stupid ass sitcoms that runs late
Threw himself into work after the accident, trying to distract himself and Clarise would find him passed out working
Hates the taste of coffee, but drinks it for the energy. He's a tea man at heart
Used to be the worst cook known to man, but learned when he had Zain and grew to be really good at it
Tried to keep up a good relationship with his neighbors and bring them food when he made extra, but they never grew into the friendships he hoped they would
Has a record player and collects records of any genre, but enjoys slow music
Zain helps him cut his hair
Sweet tooth for desserts, especially chocolates
Dances like a dad to his records and drinks tea in the mornings to classical music while tending to his garden
Never got a chance to go to university, but always wanted to. Loved school
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ultrabananapudding · 11 months
Jalim | Tiny Jalim, for the soul [Sleeping edition]
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Jason has a hard time falling asleep, but once he does, it's impossible to wake him up. He also has a habit of twitching in his sleep, which freaks Salim out. The opposite could be said about Salim where it doesn't even look like he is breathing at times.
Salim falls asleep in milliseconds, but he is an incredibly light sleeper. Raising Zain as a single parent made him ultra aware of his surroundings as he always expects the worst to happen at all times.
Salim likes the mornings the best, too bad his husband is NOT a morning person.
Before Salim moved to America with Jason, they had a habit of falling asleep "together" on FaceTime (despite the 7 hour time difference).
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House of Ashes Salim Othman Headcanons.
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He's a great cook. He taught himself to cook tasty and nutritious food for Zain.
He's a great singer. He used to sing lullabies to Zain when he was a baby. You can find him humming to himself while he cooks.
He's mildly allergic to cats. He starts tearing up and sniffling every time he's around one. Will he still pet every cat he comes across? Yes.
After the events of HoA, he got a tattoo of a sword on his fore arm to remember what happened that night. He also got it on his arm to remember Jason because he had tattoos.
Salim used to smoke, but when his wife left, he promised himself to quit for Zain. He still keeps the lighter to remind him what he's fighting for.
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stagnation-if · 10 months
will the game recognize/ask if mcs personality changed after they came back? like a soft happy sunshine before they were killed, and now they're a snobbish asshole. I'd really love to play a MC like that + they had history with Seth (looking at that relationship dynamics ask hehe), I'd especially enjoy learning what would Seth and Bruno think of such change >:)
but if that's not possible that's fine! I'll just have this as a headcanon :D
Yep^^ It's acknowledged.
So far there isn't any mention of past MC's behavior in the past but there'll be a few flashbacks to further establish the dynamic between MC/Seth, MC/Zain and MC/Zain/Seth (as well as a few others).
Bruno has a clear and very idealistic idea of what the Deity of Dreams is like and he's going to react if MC strays from his ideas.
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cottoncloud0 · 6 months
ill rn so I’m literally just thinking abt jason kolchek (as always) and house of ashes and it somehow never occurred to me that we have no idea why any of the characters joined their armies :0
So I will now present my headcanons on why they joined
Rachel: was always told how her bossy asf attitude could make anyone do what she says, so she just decided ’why the fuck not, I can boss ppl around and do some good’
Eric: Was already in the marines but when he got into his accident and lost his leg he thought his career completely over and quit but enlisted a few months later when his condition was improving and he got his prosthetic
Nick: enlisted cause he was bored 😭😭 (I have zero ideas for nicky)
Jason: we already know part of the reason he enlisted (he was a stoner LMAO) but what if another reason he joined was to prove himself to his family. stereotypically southerners are quite conservative and proud, so as jason himself said ‘my life was going nowhere fast’ so maybe his family were ashamed of him and all jason wanted was for his family to be proud of him and his life. but he didn’t know where to start so he turned to alcohol and drugs , then 9/11 happened and we already know he was stoned out of his fucking mind when it happened and he was so ashamed of himself he decided to enlist in the marines to turn his life around
Salim: there is no way in hell he would ever join the army voluntarily especially because of zain and his wife leaving and he 100% tried to quit before but because of the american/iraqi war going on he was never able to. so salim was definitely forced to enlist
There’s no way you can tell who my favourite character is 💀
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9. Is your muse attracted to any features in particular? [[Kane and Zain?]]
Vanilla Sunday Meme
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Many of the new Gods are obsessed with physical beauty, both in the context of their own selves, and in the faces of their many attendants and lovers. Kane, however, doesn't bother himself with such things-- in the history of the Wasteland God's reign, he's taken no partner, no servants, and nothing has ever caught his eye.
In all fairness, how could any mere human capture the attention of a God that revels in battle and the hunt?
What he values most is strength and cunning, someone who could keep up with him in the field just as well as his own bedroom. A partner who is capable of besting him in combat has not come to pass yet, but he isn't looking for a brute either-- if they can share his intelligence, that makes them all the more appealing. He wants to have someone that makes the drone of immortality a little less boring.
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Zain... also doesn't care about physical appearances for the most part, but instead leans towards kindness. He doesn't like those who are prideful or overconfident, preferring someone who doesn't mind stooping low to help others, or at the very least be understanding.
Over the time he's been online, he's discovered that he really prefers being with someone who's in the same field of work as himself, when he does find himself interested. Another Hunter is preferred-- they already understand Zain's tasks as a Maverick Hunter, and are typically accommodating because they also usually have the same restrictions he does. They're also less likely to be damsels in distress, which he can't work well with-- they're too high maintenance for him with his already dangerous line of work.
...He does like cute people, those that look easy to befriend or get along with-- like they'd be your friend in a heartbeat. What he likes more though, are people who aren't afraid to be straight with him and those that are willing to snap back with him, either when bantering or to tell him he'd being stupid. Someone who'll look past Zero to see who Zain is immediately gets his attention.
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incorrect-pipravi · 1 year
More PipRavi headcanons cuz why not!
I imagine their first kiss was intiated by Pip because I think Ravi didn’t want to ruin his friendship with her.
I think it was at one of their houses. They were just sitting on the bed talking about Sal and The Andie Bell case.
“I can’t express how grateful I’m, Sarge. You gave my brother the justice he deserved and I’m forever in debt to you.”
Pip would reply “Give yourself some credit, Agent Ravi! After all, you were my partner.” there would be this moment of silence and Pip would pull Ravi and press their mouths together.
He would start kissing her back and she’d pull back and be like “I thought you’d never do it!”
“I wasn’t sure you liked me back, Sarge.”
Pip would laugh and be like “You’re way too smart to be that dense.”
He’d laugh and be like “I guess I am.”
And then they’d kiss again and they get walked on by one of their parents (probably Victor) who would definitely be like “Oh, finally! I’m glad you guys figured it out because everyone could see it but you two!”
Pip is a demisexual queen and Ravi is a bisexual/pansexual king and don’t ask me why they just give me those vibes!
Ravi’s first crush was SRK (a famous Indian actor) and he was so confused because in all of the movies he’d seen the guy is supposed to love the girl so he tells Sal and Sal tells him that sometimes people love someone of the same gender and there’s nothing wrong with him.
He comes out to Pip a few months into their relationship while watching a movie (the movie is Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge btw trust me I was with them).
“You know, he was my first crush!”
At first, Ravi is nervous because what if Pip does not want to date a guy who is attracted to other guys too, but Pip’s answer would be a faux pouty “That’s not fair! How am I supposed to compete with Bolloywood’s biggest romance star?!”
And then Pip would actually get serious and tell him that it’s totally okay he needn’t to worry at all.
“Before you, I’ve never been attracted to anyone. I thought there was something wrong with me, too. And then I told Cara and after a very deep internet scroll, I settled on the term demisexual.”
Ravi would definitely smirk/grin and reply something like “So what I’m hearing is that I’m so sexy, I awakened something in you?” and Pip would roll her eyes and be like “I knew it’d get to your head.”
Ravi loves rainy weather because it reminds him of the first time Pip said “I love you.”
Ravi is definitely the cook between the two and he loves making Pip meals.
Especially breakfast in the bed.
Pip loves cradling her fingers in Ravi’s hair whenever they’re cuddling.
Ravi teases Pip about her height by putting her things on the top shelves (in honor of me going crazy over Zain’s and Emma’s height difference pt.2).
He would eventually give them to her, but of course it’s after a little cute angry Pip scolding!
Ravi has a scar on his chest due to a clumsy childhood accident that Pip jokes is hot!
“Yes, Pip. I know how very sexy and hot I am.”
Ravi knows how to play violin. I’d like to believe Sal taught him when they were young.
Pip loves writing poetry, but she keeps it a secret because it’s embarrassing (she has written many poems about Ravi).
Ravi finds them one day and he is brought to tears by how beautiful they’re.
“They’re actually inspired by you.” and here comes more tears and laughter and hugs.
Ravi would be like “I’m just so lucky to have you.”
Ravi has a good singing voice and he sometimes sings to Pip to soothe her back to sleep whenever she has nightmares.
I mentioned that Ravi is a swiftie but I forgot to mention that Pip starts liking Taylor’s music because of him.
And yes they go to the eras tour together. They’d even dress up in outfits inspired by their favorite albums/eras.
Pip would probably wear a simple dress with the cardigan because her favorite album is folklore/evermore and it’s not up to debate!
Ravi would probably put rhinestones around his eyes to imitate the lover album cover and wear some pastel colored outfit (most likely some knitted sweater and cargo pants).
Pip would so love the song “sweet nothing” because it reminds her of Ravi.
Forehead kisses from Ravi are Pip’s favorite while Ravi prefers the kisses Pip presses to the corner of his mouth and his cheeks.
They’re not the ones for big PDA but they do subtle ones like hand holding or a hand on each other’s thigh under the table or some such thing.
Ravi loves playing footsies with Pip when they’re having dinner with either of their parents because her blush is so cute.
Pip loves listening to audio books while Ravi prefers reading.
Pip claims that she is not the jealous type of gf but she definitely is! Like she trusts Ravi and she’s secure about their love but she just hates it when someone is friendly/flirty with him.
I think her jealousy stims from her insecurity that she doesn’t deserve him.
He always assures her that he feels like the luckiest person alive to have her and that she’s literally perfect to him.
I think Ravi is more protective than jealous, but he knows that his girl can protect herself after all she is Pippa freaking Fitz-Amobi.
He still tries to protect her despite that (like the time he yelled at Max).
Ravi’s biggest insecurity is probably his body because he’s not very muscular or strong.
Pip always assures him that he’s perfect by leaving kisses on his chest.
“Brains beat brawn any day of the week!” (Actual quote from the book btw)
The first time Ravi visits Pip in Cambridge, she takes him on a tour around campus and all of her classmates are very shocked because they didn’t think THE Pippa Fitz-Amobi is capable of being chatty and bubbly!
“Who are you and what have you done with my classmate Pippa??”
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vienoreal · 1 year
holy shit bro just saw your most recent post and.
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i am also. very normal. about slimeriana. we should discuss them. and i would absolutely love to hear about your aus yes yes yes infodump baby i sit on ur porch with a basket and i want u to put ur ideas in it so i may feast >:D
okay so i read this fic with Slimeriana that was like resident evil au, like Slimecicle's playthrough with Charlie as Leon and Mariana as Luis and it gave me a thought! what if House of Ashes AU with Charlie as Jason and Mariana as Salim!! Zain as Flippa as well ofc
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^ this so slimeriana coded, Mariana on the left and Charlie on the right. i can just imagine the morning after an argument and they're wearing this while Flippa has the cutest little onesie jumpsuit thingy that is a one punch man suit with a slime themed eye mask
also Sannylity's selection(?) AU gave me the idea of just royalty au, where Mariana is a prince and Charlie is the new courtjester that he fucking falls in live with, and it could be angsty with like arranged marriage with like prince Foolish
AND! and, au where Charlie didn't exist on the Quesadilla island, but instead is the SCU!god version of him and saw like the weird shit going on and decided to just go mess with the people and just instantly fell in love with Mariana, and decided to grant a wish for him to bring Juanaflippa back with like the condition that he gets to raise her too and kdhjgdjgdjgd
and ofc in similar ways a version where Slimecicle is a demon and decides to be sussy and mischievous but cringefails so hard and marries a single parent Mariana
i also have a minecraft diaries au but like idk if people really know about that or wanna hear about it fjzjgsjg
also coffee/flower shop au, Charlie is a gardener who opens up a shop and Mariana is a tired barrista who works across from it, also i like to think Flippa is like Charlie's niece who he adopted when she was born, due to her actual parents dying, and she introduces Charlie to Mariana because she likes to get cookies from the coffee shop.
also, i have thought about a dying light 2 au but i haven't really figured it all out, basically just aus for every game Slimecicle has posted a playthrough of lmaoo
aeeee english isn't my first language so i hope you forgive my messy and nonsense ramblings
please do ask for more and specific stuff if you want more, i also have so many headcanons :')
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