#[V. Came In Like A Hurricane // Bodyguard AU]
deviated-detective · 4 years
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amarabliss · 5 years
Galahdian Dreams (Nyx Ulric/Reader)
It’s Valentine’s Day and I have a whole new story in my head about Nyx…but I refuse to write it right now cause I want to finish Oaths and Hearts… so I will indulge a little for the sake of V-Day…
Synopsis: Your father was the king of Insomnia. He was good and just. You never thought you’d meet anyone like him after he was taken from the world. You Uncle Regis, has taken the throne and followed through on your father’s plans. It was good to see the city in capable hands. Enter Nyx Ulric, refugee, Glaive, fighter…how is it he can see all your secrets? He knows how to set you off and he’s promised to not let you go…(AU for sure, Regis wasn’t supposed to take the throne, and our lovely Nyx has more of a past then we thought…)
WARNING: Be aware, this may be triggering for those who deal with thoughts of suicide. If you need help please reach out. I love you, and no I will not let you go.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
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“You will escort my niece from this point on. Do you understand, Nyx Ulric?” King Regis held his gaze at the young man before. 
Nyx’s eyes shifted just for a moment toward the former princess of Insomnia. She looked so sad and something in him stirred. He knew exactly how she felt in that moment. 
Her home was no longer her’s. Forced to change in order to survive. Orphaned…
“Of course, your Majesty. I will do as you command.” Nyx planted his hand over his heart and bowed.
“Good…it is important for a bodyguard to understand his charge. Y/N,” Regis turned to you placing a hand on your arm, “this is for the best, I hope you will cooperate so he may do his job properly.”
“Yes uncle…of course.” You spoke quietly before glancing at this Glaive, “I appreciate everything you’re doing…under the circumstances…”
“I wish I could have done more…Your father was a great king and you mother a loving queen…I know they would have done the same had they ever been in the position I am in now.” Regis sighed his features softening, “I do this because I love you…and I do not want the same fate to befall you. It is only by the Six you were not in that caravan…”
“I won’t trouble you, I promise.” You stared into his eyes as you forced a smile, but your eyes were cold and distant, “I will do what is necessary…your Majesty…”
Nyx eyes widen slightly as you turned stepping away from Regis. He’d never seen anyone just leave the King’s presence before without being dismissed. Granted he and his people had only been filtering into the city within the last year, thanks to Regis’ extended hand of help, so his knowledge of Insomnian royal protocol was next to none.
“Uh…” Nyx glanced at you as you passed him. He cleared his throat bowing to Regis, “Your Majesty…”
“Go with your charge Glaive…keep her safe.”  Regis’ eyes met Nyx’s directly as if to serve as a warning.
Nyx nodded once before turning briskly. He ran to catch up with you. He didn’t miss how you looked at him slightly irked by him placing an arm out to stop you, “Ma’am, I will go first.”
“As you see fit.” You took in a breath clenching your fists for a second.
He waved you out when he cleared the hallway and began following you down the many corridors, “Ma’am?”
“Yes?” You didn’t stop or look at him even for a second as he spoke to you.
“It would be a great benefit to know our destination.” He told you quickly, “So I can be better prepared…”
“You have nothing to worry about…” You looked at him finally pushing open a glass door, “We’re here.”
He hadn’t been to this part of the citadel before and he felt his mouth drop slightly as warm humid heat hit his face. A wide open greenhouse lay out before him. Colors of every kind sparkled from the flowers and leaves. It was winter in Insomnia, and this was…
“Are you going to stand there all day and gawk?” He looked over at you as you took off your cape hanging it up near some tools, “Or are you going to come in?”
“Forgive me ma’am…it…” He stopped as he shut the door to keep the heat inside.
“It what?” You asked as you tied an apron around you waist.
“Uh…�� He tilted his head a little before he answered, “It reminds me of home, ma’am…”
You looked at him eyes flashing a little, “Like…Galahd?”
“Yes ma’am.”  He nodded stepping in slowly.
“Hm…my father would bring back specimens from all his trips…” You spoke softly as you pulled on a glove, “Perhaps there is some piece of Galahd here…you’re welcome to look.”
“Thank you…ma’am.” Your eyes met his for the first time. He swallowed a little unsure of how to proceed.
Finally, you walked up to him holding out your ungloved hand, “I have a name…it’s certainly not ma’am…Y/N  Lucis Caelum.”
He took your hand in his noting the softness of your skin, “Nyx Ulric.”
“Hm…” You shook his hand before letting it go, “Do you know plants?”
“Know? Uh, not particularly. No.” He shook his head as you walked back grabbing a watering can and a small handled carrier holding tools.
“Shame…I fear you’re going to be very bored.” You smiled, genuinely, and Nyx felt blessed to see it because it was lovely. Even if it did only last for a second.
“I learn fast…if it matters.” He sprinted to catch up with you as you walked through the garden, “I have a friend and we did know a thing or two about hops…”
“Hops? As in beer making?” You looked at him quzzically.
“Yes, ma’am…best brew of the capital…” He smiled and it slowly faded, “Well it was…”
You stopped and stared at him for a moment. You looked as if you had a thousand conversations you wanted to speak but not a single word made it past your lips. He could see such a strong wall behind your eyes. He understood it…
“Libertus had the green thumb.” He finally said to break the awkward tension, “I was more the face…”
“Ah…I see…” You nodded slowly turning from him silence falling again as you watered some plants. He shifted on the balls of his feet looking around the area. It was beautiful here and so unlike the rest of Insomnia. Here things felt alive.
“You can ask your questions if you like.” Your voice drew him back to the task at hand. You glanced over your shoulder, “But don’t expect it to be one sided.”
“…what happened?” He asked you seriously. A small breeze made the leaves sound like a wave as he watched you stand up stiffly.
You looked at him nose reddening from suppressed tears, “They were coming home from talks with…I think Lestallum…I don’t really remember…and a Nif hit squad bombed the caravan…”
“Why weren’t you with them?” He watched as it became a struggle to speak, “Y/N…why weren’t you with them? The Royal Family is supposed to travel together at all times…”
You took in a sharp breath, “…it was my birthday…and I stayed behind here with a friend and couple guards…I just….”
“You don’t have to say anymore…” Nyx took a step forward, “I understand.”
“Do you?” You looked up to his face an anger coming to your eyes.
“Yes…” He spoke straight faced, “You’re not the only one who’s lost people because of the Empire…you’re not the only one who’s lost a home because of it either…”
He watched as you took a step back looking at the ground, “This place…it’s all I have of my father anymore…He wasn’t a man who liked things.”
You went on taking off your glove before reaching out touch the leaves of a plant, “He liked to leave things behind…he wanted things to grow…”
“I’ve heard he was a kind king, that it was actually his idea to open the borders to us, Galahdians…” Nyx told you quietly, “I probably owe him my life, so it’s only fitting I protect yours.”
“For what it’s worth…” You whispered shutting your eyes, “which isn’t much anymore…”
“Whoa…” You looked at him as concern fell over his features, “Let’s make one thing clear, all life is sacred and created equally…Y/N, you’re not…”
“I’m tired…” You turned from him throwing the gloves in the box you carried as you walked away.
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He stood there watching you for a moment before he followed you. Warning signs began signalling in his mind as he followed you all the way to your room. He stepped in clearing the room as his thoughts raced.
“All clear.” He stopped in front of you as you held the door.
“Thank you, you can go.” You waved for him to leave.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that ma’am.” Your eyes widened. Good you could still be surprised.
“Everything is clear…I don’t need your assistance any longer.” You told him quickly.
“No ma’am, there is a clear danger present.” Nyx stepped up to you leaning into your face becoming very serious, “I promised to protect you, that means even from yourself.”
You looked away from him shaking your head, “I have no intention…”
“Say it to my face.” His eyes narrowed in for the kill, “If you really mean it…say it to my face.”
The same emotional tells from before. Cold distant eyes full of a hurricane of self loathing. He knew that storm well, weathered it from time to time still himself, “I…”
“So…what…the plan was get a guard…a good one…” He reached up for the door pushing it closed, “Try to get them relaxed…disinterested in your hobbies…come back here…”
He moved across the room scanning everything until your eyes flickered toward the bookshelf. He walked over reaching for a decorated box as you spoke, “You have no right!”
He glared at you holding up the box from your reach. He turned reaching inside pulling out a pill bottle…one of many… He turned back clenching his jaw, “Well here…”
He shoved the box into your hands roughly making a few of the bottles fall out as he spoke, “You can do it, but I’m going to be right here to save you.”
Tears welled up into your eyes as your face reddened, “You don’t even know me!”
“I don’t need to know you to know that you’re hurting!” He shouted back at you, “I don’t need to know you to want to keep you safe!”
You let out a scream throwing the box at him. He shielding his head with is arm only lowering it when you looked him in the eye, “Get out!”
“No.” He flexed his hands as he shook his head, “I’m not going to leave you like this.”
“I don’t want you here!” You came up to pounding your fist into his chest, “Leave!”
“I won’t.” Six, he knew this pain. He knew this process and he wished someone had been there with him, “I won’t ever leave you like this.”
You screamed as tears pooled down your face. A years worth of holding it all in coming out all at once. You pushed him, punched him, and he just stood there until you couldn’t stand anymore. 
His arms wrapped around you as he helped you to the floor. You cried into his chest, wails of loss, of resentment and shame. He sighed rubbing your back slowly trying to help you find a steady breathing pattern again.
“Your ladyship!” Guards burst into the room no doubt alarmed by the commotion from a moment ago.
Nyx looked at them shielding you from the world as he pledged he would, “We’re fine here…”
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ask-thediangelo · 8 years
Kyle Christmas canons! :3 For both verses if you feel up to it ;3
//Of course I’m up for both verses! I love Kyle and Nico’s relationship too much to not do both!
These are pretty long so I put it under a Keep reading.
v: ghost king (Default/Canon verse)
After Nico left Kyle’s care to inevitably pursue his vendetta against Percy (under the influence of the spirit of the slimy King Minos), when Christmas rolled by, he actually felt really guilty for leaving Kyle behind so with his new-found (and more stable) power over the undead, he summons several skeletal servants to deliver an entire sack of presents to Kyle’s home - a present for every day that has passed since Nico left.
All of the presents have a small note-card that has “I’m sorry’ scribbled in Nico’s messy handwriting.
When the Great Prophecy came to an end and Christmas drew near, Nico, without telling anyone in camp, shadow-traveled his way to Kyle’s home and paid the vampire a long-awaited visit.
Nico hugs him as soon as he opens the door and is a hurricane of apologies.
He cries, but he never admits to it.
Eventually it becomes a tradition for Nico to spend a part of his Christmas day with Kyle.
If Nico hasn’t spoken to Kyle for any extended period of time (more than a week of silence) prior to his yearly visit to the vampire, Nico spends a great deal of his visit recounting the quest/task/errand his father (Hades) sent him on or that he was roped into that resulted in his lack of communication.
All of Nico’s gifts to Kyle range from trinkets that he’s found during his occasional disappearances from camp, objects that Nico thinks Kyle would like (a lot of Dad-esque gifts are given [Like mugs or picture frames with a picture of Nico and Kyle inside]), and the occasional hand-made goods (Nico is really good at sketching, so, on the off-chance that he’s able, he will give Kyle a compilation of sketches of the best memories Nico has of the vampire).
Nico will start a snowball war with Kyle. He knows it’s a bad idea, but he still does it anyway.
He cheats by summoning his undead soldiers to help him.
They go down easily like a bunch of bowling pins though.
Nico literally is not above using his powers to try to get the upper-hand.
He’ll even shadow-travel behind Kyle to “sneak attack” him if he has to.
When he’s comfortable with their relationship, Nico eventually brings Will over to Kyle’s house. He wants them to get along since they are both very important to him.
Nico will extend an invitation for Kyle to spend Christmas in Camp Half-Blood since he does want the man who he considers as his secondary guardian to celebrate with the rest of Nico’s (crazy) extended family
He won’t admit it but he just wants Kyle to be around a lot.
v: a second chance (Sided with Kronos AU)
The first Christmas Nico spends with Kyle after his separation from Kronos’s forces is a tense one. Nico is still very guilty about what he’s done and feels that he deserves none of the kindness Kyle has been giving him.
Nico gives a lot of gifts to Kyle during Christmas.
Mostly because he wants to show Kyle how much he appreciates all he’s done, and partially because he feels this is one way to “pay” Kyle back for taking care of him.
Since he doesn’t really go out on his own much anymore, all of the gifts are hand-made crafts that Nico makes in his newly possessed spare time.
Gifts range from misshapen cups (from his poor attempts at pottery), home-made Christmas cards that are drowning in glitter, cheesy poems, and sketches of Kyle (the only gift that actually looks nice).
He totally helps out with decorating the area.
He does this with or without Kyle’s permission.
If Kyle has no Christmas decorations, Nico will literally make his own.
He once got himself tangled with Christmas lights and face-planted onto the floor. Nico now refuses to touch Christmas lights.
If Kyle starts singing any Christmas songs, Nico will act really annoyed and roll his eyes, but he actually likes them and will eventually join in on the singing.
When he gets more comfortable, he ends up caroling all around the house during the holiday season.
Still will challenge Kyle to snowball wars.
No skeletons though since he refuses to make use of his abilities ever again.
Will totally build an army of snowman and make them surround the house.
Nico calls them their “bodyguards”,
One snowman situated at the front of the army is fashioned to look like Kyle, and if you look behind that snowman, hiding behind it, will be one that looks like Nico.
Nico will deny their resemblances though.
He’s lying. It’s totally a snowman version of him and Kyle.
Nico has a habit of falling asleep on Kyle during Christmas. Nico will say these instances are just accidents.
He’s lying again.
He feels safer around Kyle so its easier for him to sleep.
If Kyle buys Nico one of those ugly Christmas sweaters, Nico will make a show of refusing to wear it but…he always ends up wearing it.
He can’t say “No” to his vampire dad.
Nico will always greet Kyle on Christmas with a: “Merry Christmas, Kyle. Thanks for taking me in.”
At some point, he (may) eventually refer to Kyle as “Dad”.
Will mumble it at first but will eventually say it louder as time goes on.
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deviated-detective · 4 years
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Verses with upcoming blurbs:
[Bodyguard Verse ▪️ Man Of The Law]
{V. Man Of The Law}
[V. Came In Like A Hurricane // Bodyguard AU]
[Household/AX800 Verse ▪️ Whatever You Want Me To be]
{V. Whatever You Want Me To Be}
[V. I Was Made In Graven Image // AX800 AU]
[Sun Fire King Verse ▪️ Crown Of Golden Flame]
{V. Crown Of Golden Flame}
[V. Lower Your Eyelids To Die With The Sun // Sun Fire King AU]
[Cyberpunk Verse ▪️ Giving You A Nightcall To Tell You How I Feel]
{V. Giving You A Nightcall To Tell You How I Feel}
[V. Cyber Noir AU: Neon Dreams]
[1980s Verse ▪️ In These City Streets]
{V. In These City Streets}
[V. Detroit Dangerous // 80s AU]
[Angel Verse  ▪️ He Fell From Grace For Love’s Sweet Taste]
{V. He Fell From Grace For Love’s Sweet Taste}
[V. Holly Scripture Cannot Hold Me // Angel AU]
Alt Angel Nefarious Variant:
[Nefarious Michael  ▪️ Golden Chariot Upon Golden Flame]
{V. Golden Chariot Upon Golden Flame}
[V. Smite Thy Enemy With A Golden Spear // Michael AU]
[Horned God Verse  ▪️ Gods Of Guise Fall To The Hunt]
{V. Gods Of Guise Fall To The Hunt}
[V. They Brand You With The Fire And Push You Into The Sun // Horned God]
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