#[Analysis Ready > Updates]
mylittleredgirl · 2 months
i can't stop chewing on the MASH time loop situation. my star trek brain will not turn off. there is definitely some kind of temporal anomaly at play, but it's not really a time loop in the traditional sense.
effects carry over from loop to loop. they appear to age. the same wounded soldiers appear on the table three times, but the scars of past surgeries are still there. a character leaves or dies and is gone from the mash forever; their replacement arrives near the end of the war and is still there at the beginning. the dates overlap, yet their presence is sequential. the other characters remember all of them.
how far does this effect extend? if it's summer again at mash, is it summer in tokyo? is it summer in maine? if BJ is in korea two years before he arrived, who's in residency in california, marrying his wife, conceiving his child?
their family trees at home deform—different wives, different children, loved ones alternately dead and alive and never born. those inside are oblivious to what they've lost. hawkeye remembers trapper, but not his sister. what happens in korea persists; the world outside is a fragile suggestion. he tells a soldier that men at the front can't see the whole war, only the other guys dug in with them on their one little hill.
for a deep space nine fan this is irresistible. hawkeye says, wars end, but war is forever. kira asks, if the past has changed, why do i still remember it? sisko never left that ship. time itself is warped by trauma. it is not linear. you exist here. you choose to exist here.
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miss-musings · 1 month
It’s so funny how in The Bad Batch 3.01 “Confined,” Crosshair and Batcher are parallel characters:
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• Omega visits both of them regularly. While they are confined, she has some amount of freedom within Tantiss.
• Both are initially closed off/withdrawn and antagonistic toward her.
• But, through continual positive interactions with Omega, they grow attached to her. (You could say she domesticated BOTH of them … as others joked about here! 😂)
• Both of them are hurt — Batcher, physically and Crosshair, emotionally/physically — and Omega helps them both to heal.
• Both of their lives are threatened because of Omega’s actions. Batcher is slated for termination after Omega domesticates her; and Hemlock threatens to kill Crosshair if Omega’s misbehavior continues.
• Omega eventually frees both of them, and they both prove crucial in their collective escape in Episode 3.03. (Note: all three of them escape Tantiss the same way — via Batcher’s kennel chute.)
• Both Batcher and Crosshair are always ready to Square Up ™️ anytime someone threatens Omega.
• “S/he deserves a chance.”
• Hemlock only ever uses their designations — CT-9904 and LH-201. Omega only ever uses their names.
• The irony of Hemlock saying “actions always have consequences — sometimes not in the ways we imagine”… He literally arms Omega with two individuals who help in her first escape, and pairs her with Emerie who helps with the second escape. And later, Crosshair and Omega team up with Hunter to kill Hemlock. None of this would’ve happened if Hemlock had supervised Omega more closely, or not given her as many freedoms during her initial stay.
• Same thing with “Emotion and sentiment have no place within these walls. You would do well to remember that” … considering it’s the Bad Batch’s love for each other that causes Hemlock’s downfall.
• Omega refuses point-blank to leave either of them behind throughout S3. “I wasn’t going to leave without you.” / “I’m not abandoning her.”
• Also, Batcher and Crosshair save Hunter together in 3.05. 😂
• Batcher almost exclusively follows Crosshair in 3.05. But, after he reconciles with Hunter and Wrecker in that episode, Batcher seems more comfortable hanging out with Hunter and Wrecker too. Like, she fully integrates into the family when Crosshair does.
• UPDATE: Hemlock’s line of “And your domestication of LH-201 only made her vulnerable” also applies to Crosshair, as I talk about more in my Allegorical Analysis of 3.05 “The Return.” Despite his attempts to push her away, Omega makes Crosshair feel emotionally vulnerable for the first time in ages. But, just as Omega ultimately protected Batcher *by* domesticating her, so too does Omega protect Crosshair emotionally through the bond they form on Tantiss. As I speculated about in my CrossDad Episodes Ranking, seeing Omega regularly on Tantiss is probably a big reason — maybe the primary or only reason — why Hemlock’s CX conditioning didn’t work on Crosshair. Yes, Omega made both characters “vulnerable” in a way they weren’t before, but she also ultimately saved their lives by doing so.
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omenarchive · 2 months
Welcome to the Omen Archive!
We're pleased to see you. You may note the “pardon our moon dust” banner at the top of our site. We’ve been weighing site readiness against a desire to launch, and finally felt we had reached the tipping point. This doesn’t, however, mean that things are complete: there is a long list of projects on the docket. Some are below. 
We intend, in time, to add:
A single campaign-at-a-glance page
Character cards (current level)
Character cards (previous levels)
Character level-up summaries for each level
Character damage taken
Fearne’s Wild Shapes
Chetney’s Hybrid Transformations
Chetney’s toys
Times that FCG snaps
Laudna’s Hunger of the Shadow
Imogen’s dreams
Laudna’s “capable”s
Ruidus flares
FCG’s baked goods
Delilah appearances
Campaign calendar
Dynamic character/party inventories
Visited locations list
Improved ability to sort existing lists and tables
Additional data visualizations (graphs, etc.)
Export data to machine readable formats, such as Excel or JSON
If there are additional stats you’d like to see collected, please email us at [email protected], as well as (if relevant) some notes about how you tend to use that type of data (for example, running some analysis of your own, cross-checking lore, researching fanfiction, etc.). We’re always happy to add new things to the list where we can. 
Keep visiting the site for updates, and keep an eye on our social media for announcements of additions and changes to our stats and interface.
ETA: We're happy to see people getting excited about discovering new data via our site, but there's one important detail we want to be sure to clarify. Abundant credit is due to the team at CritRoleStats for not only lending us all of the pre-Episode 82 data on our site, but also for providing a partial foundation for some of the above categories where we hope to expand. While some of the data we eventually add to the site will be new from the ground up, thus far a lot of our work has been providing new interfaces and visualizations for engaging with the work the CritRoleStats team has already done!
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ahaura · 7 months
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(Nov. 18)
from CNN (Nov. 18)
CNN analysis: Video suggests IDF might have rearranged weaponry at Al-Shifa prior to news crew visits
An Israel Defense Forces video on November 15 showing a tour of Hamas weaponry found at Al-Shifa hospital shows less weaponry at the scene than in later footage filmed by international news crews, indicating the weaponry may have been moved or placed there prior to news crews arriving.   CNN compared footage published by the IDF online with footage taken by Fox News, which was granted access to the site in the hours afterwards. IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus leads the tour in the IDF video and a watch on his arm shows the time to be 13:18.  Fox News foreign correspondent Trey Yingst later visits the scene when it is dark. He says in his report it is “the middle of the night.”  Yingst is shown a bag located behind an MRI machine inside the hospital with two AK-47 guns visible on top of it. However, the IDF video filmed earlier shows only one AK-47 gun. It is unclear where the second AK-47 gun came from and why it is not visible in the earlier IDF clip.  In the intervening hours, the IDF also posted online a photo of the weaponry purportedly found at Al-Shifa hospital. The WhatsApp file name for this photo indicates it was taken at 17:35; this places it after the IDF tour of the MRI compound but almost certainly before the Fox News crew arrive.  It is possible the weaponry was removed from the scene and replaced prior to the news crews arriving. However this does not explain why more guns are visible when the press arrive than in the original IDF video.  The BBC was also granted access to the hospital the following day, November 16, and two AK-47 guns are still visible on top of the bag inside the MRI room.  Israeli military responds: The IDF told CNN the discrepancy between the military’s own video and the BBC footage was “due to the fact that more weaponry and terrorist assets were discovered throughout the day.”  “Suggestions that the IDF is manipulating the media are incorrect,” it added. “We are acting with full transparency whilst maintaining the safety of our troops and operational readiness.” This post has been updated with the IDF's response to questions about the videos.
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lakemojave · 10 months
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Friday 9/8 @ 5pm Pacific: The Complete History of Kingdom Hearts (For the Trans Empowerment Project)
About 2 years ago I did a stream where I explained the lore of Kingdom Hearts to my friends, including familiar folks like Laika, Cody, and Mia. This ran about four hours, and I left out Kingdom Hearts 3 so that I could build anticipation for my own stream of that game, which has never happened. Now, after reviving this stream format into what has become The Complete History series, I am ready to present my updated analysis of not only the story of the ENTIRE franchise, but also the development history, the game design, the actual pieces of the game that make it compelling. Yes, even Goofy dying.
Join me, @the-seelie-court-official, @spitzy-speaks-jp, and @radiofreederry as we raise money for the trans empowerment project! We're shooting for $2000 to help fundraise for trans people in need, providing things like emergency food, gender affirming clothing, and education resources! Stay tuned for our live incentives and stretch goals, and see y'all then!
artwork by @terrafey
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
I’d like to imagine that y/n is involved in all the adventures going on in kingdom, and considering the previous update, I’d like to see y/n casually dropping that they fought a dragon like it’s normal to their new rockstar friends and them getting instantly worried
bonus if y/n brings snapdragon cookies as proof
[Be you, hanging with Black Lemonade and Bassist Cookie one time, jamming to her tunes when she taps your shoulder.]
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Black Lemonade: You know, Y/N Cookie, I’ve heard a lot of talk about you and this Cookie Kingdom you’ve got going on.
Bassist Cookie: Aw yeah! Cookies from many of our gigs have brought you up here and there, quite the big deal.
Y/N Cookie: Well, when you’ve been through and been to places as much as I have, you aren’t really easy to be forgotten about in the eyes of many.
Black Lemonade: What exactly did you do for it to be like this?
Y/N Cookie: Oh boy, it’s a LONG story. Where to begin…
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Y/N Cookie: Where are you taking me!? You just upped and grabbed my arm out of nowhere!
Strawberry Crepe Cookie: Calm down, I’m just borrowing you for a second! I can tell you’re different from those other cookies? I just need a further analysis on you!
Chili Pepper Cookie: Get back here with Y/N Cookie, you little!
Gingerbrave: You let go of Y/N Cookie right now!
Strawberry Crepe Cookie: Ugh, so annoying. I’ll give them back when I’m done, promise!
Y/N Cookie: I could just slip away right now…
(Strawberry Crepe Cookie suddenly grabbed you with their large crepe arms!)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie: Not happening, I didn’t even get to have some time with you because of these…basics!
Healer Cookie: Hang on tight, Y/N Cookie! We will do our best to rescue you!
Y/N Cookie: Strawberry Crepe, we can talk about this. Just put me down and we can-
Strawberry Crepe Cookie: I needed to run field tests on these arms anyway, I’d rather they stop functioning all together before I hand you over.
Y/N Cookie: WHAT-
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Clotted Cream Cookie: Are you ready, Y/N Cookie?
Y/N Cookie: I made sure to pack everything I needed, I am missing some clothes, but I can manage without them.
Clotted Cream Cookie: Good, it won’t be a long stay, so there’s no need for worry.
Financier Cookie: The airship is ready to take flight, Consul.
Clotted Cream Cookie: Shall we, Y/N Cookie?
Y/N Cookie: There’s actually one tiny problem left.
Clotted Cream Cookie: Oh! What would that be?
(Y/N Cookie points to their legs, showing that Pure Vanilla, Hollyberry, and Dark Cacao are holding onto them tight.)
Clotted Cream Cookie: I think I see the problem here…
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Moonlight Cookie: Ah, no more! Your words hurt like the terror of nightmares. Y/N Cookie, stay close to me.
Y/N Cookie: Moonlight Cookie is right, Stardust Cookie! The Wizards meant no malicious intent, you’re not a failure!
Stardust Cookie: You look particularly fond of this cookie, Moonlight Cookie…what is it about them that you cherish? What is it about them that washes away your sorrow…?
(Moonlight moves more in front of you to block Stardust’s line of sight, Stardust’s attention on you has made her on edge.)
Stardust Cookie: Move aside, Moonlight Cookie. I wish to see them, to see what makes you hold them dear.
Moonlight Cookie: N-no, please. It would bring me pain to see them hurt.
Stardust Cookie: I will not bring them harm, I just want to get a look at them closely. Y/N Cookie, was it? Step forth.
Moonlight Cookie: They do not wish to, please understand-
Stardust Cookie: Allow them to make their own decision, you cannot speak for them.
Y/N Cookie: Leave her be, I’ll do it.
(Moonlight clutched you close in her arms)
Moonlight Cookie: Y/N Cookie..no….
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Hollyberry Cookie: There they are!
Tarte Tatin Cookie: Y/N Cookie!
(There, sheltering in the cave, was you. You held your stomach as jam was stained on your head as you held it. Your sword laid next to you, claw marks littering the blade. Your breathing was heavy. Hollyberry was FREAKING OUT.)
Hollyberry Cookie: Y/N Cookie please! It’s alright, I’ve got you. Tell me you aren’t hurt badly!
Y/N Cookie: Still breathing and-WHOA! Hey, come on now, Holly! I can’t exactly do that now that you’re squeezing me tightly again!
Hollyberry Cookie: Haha! It’s just that I’m really happy to see you alive! You had no idea how horrified I was when the Red Dragon carried you away! Pitaya Dr-Pitaya Cookie is still fuming from that!
Pitaya Cookie: Your dough! It’s all scratched up! Grrr, that imposter will pay for this….
Tarte Tatin Cookie: You are incredibly lucky to have escape the dragon’s grasp…
Snapdragon: (worried babbling as they went to your side)
Royal Margarine: What do we do know? The Red Dragon will surely come back!
Y/N Cookie: I can still fight, we can still make it to-ARGH!
Hollyberry Cookie: I can’t let that happen, Y/N Cookie. I can carry you the rest of the way, but you’re not drawing your blade again.
Y/N Cookie: Don’t worry about me, the others are hurt too..
Tarte Tatin: Eeugh! I’ll be alright, Y/N Cookie.
Y/N Cookie: Liar…
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Black Lemonade: ….
Bassist Cookie: Woah….gnarly.
Black Lemonade: Are..are you being serious, Y/N Cookie? A dragon? You fought a dragon?! Are you alright?!
Bassist Cookie: Yeah, are you all good, man? No lasting injuries or…
Y/N Cookie: Outside of burnt dough, several broken ribs, head injuries, and multiple therapy sessions, I’d say I got out of that situation pretty fine.
Black Lemonade: With what you’ve told me, you really are quite a big deal at your place. I’m..actually kind of flattered now since you’re a fan of mine.
Y/N Cookie: Oh yeah, totally. I’m hoping to make Snapdragon Cookie one too.
Black Lemonade/Bassist Cookie: Snapdragon Cookie?
(Cue Snapdragon Cookie suddenly popping out from behind you)
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Snapdragon Cookie: Kyaaha!
Black Lemonade/Bassist Cookie: WHAAAAAAAAT?!
Snapdragon Cookie: Buubuu!
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Hi, Linked Maze fans! It's me again!
Ohhhh boy we are cooking and I am excited. Let's do a late-night ramble with yours truly
When I tell you I looked at these panels for a reasonable amount of time I was lying and it was longer than that.
Now a link to the comic page can be found Here! Please go give it some love :D
For the important stuff!
Linked Maze belongs to @linked-maze and its wonderful creator @frulleboi. (You should follow them, they are wonderful) And as a heads up, Linked maze is for more mature audiences! :)
As usual, you know the drill, Grab some water, Grab some popcorn and prepare for me to ramble at you for however long it is!
Here we go!
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Oh lordy it's the sun (you'll see why later.)
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He sniffin. Sniff Sniff
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Now, Everyone remembers the first rule of exploring. Dont run off! That includes you Wolfy!
Now I have a theory. Which I'll come back to in detail later. But just, Remember the shadow behind four for me. We'll get back to it.
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Warrior is the group Dad at this point. also, I love this side shot of him thank you.
Warrior. Speaking to Wolfie like he is a kid rather than a wolf.
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I dont think It'll be Sky. I think it'll be a hero we haven't met yet!
We interupt this comic analysis for unhinged analysis :D
Ready? Me too, lets go
Because, that shadow?
this one?
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I dont think it's wolfy, It can't be.
Wolfie's shadow has a definition to it. It has a shape.
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You can see the outlines of his tail, which is what we would see if it were him.
Where this one is a blob. Closer to a person.
Ie Winds's shadow
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the blob
In fact, if I had to give you a position for Wolfy right now. It's not there. Let me explain.
Remember the sun? (Me too, I miss it;-;)
The sun can tell us a bunch about time and stuff. But also where a person is (Because fun angles and maths that I know way too much about tbh)
So Wolfy's shadow hits another wall
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This wall looks flat so it can't be a corner. (Taking the grass as reference)
And his face isn't shadowed at all, So he himself isn't behind a wall. He's approaching one tho. So in this case I reckon Wolfie isn't visible at all to wind and Warriors at the point Four turns to them.
So who is this mysterious shadow?
It ain't angel. No way.
I reckon it is another Link group. And we are either going to meet the last of the Links we are yet to meet. Or we are pulling groups together.
You know what....
I think it's World or Spirit. And we are gonna see these guys interact before they meet the other larger group of heroes.
Though im leaning towards Spirit just because of the shadow's shape. (And the lack of Sheerow)
Let me know what you think because I'm not 100% sure and I'm interested in what you think.
Okay ramble over, but to be fair that's why your here right?
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Oh windddddd
the poor boy
I feel so bad for him he didn't deserve this. He probably tried to open his eye cause he was excited. :(
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The boyyyyyyy
He's trying to be a strong hero in front of these other heroes again. This poor kid i feel so bad for him.
They have expressive ears and it kills me to see wind sad like this.
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And his little ear lower of worry for the small I love him sm okay.
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Excuse me?
You can't leave it like that
Where's wolfy
Wheres four?
Will the small boy ever not be in pain?
I have questions!
Ahh okay okay I loved this update it was very fun. Im excited to see what's coming up in the next chapter.
Thats all from me!
Have a great night all! :D
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ineadhyn · 4 months
Playing Astarion good aligned and what that meant for his character - a completely unnecessary but fascinating analysis
So the idea was: entirely good aligned Astarion origin playthrough
However I can't just do that, it has to fit into his character somehow. It has to make sense to me, so I did analyze and justify and this is what I came up and how it is going:
Normally Astarion escapes Cazador gets tadpoled and is a menace, a violent bastard who lashes out, barely contains how hurt he is and tries to get people to like him the only way he knows: through sex.
What if Astarion is the main character? The leader? If he figures people would like him if he is good or at least pretends to be. He notices quickly that people approve of good deeds and oh, how good the praise and gratitude feels. So Astarion tries being good for a change. People are easy to believe he's genuine because they want him to be, especially good souls like Karlach.
He still hooks up with Lae'zel, but figures quickly that his body is far less powerful than his arrow in the right throat. It's not worth it getting on his back anymore. Also he has set his eyes on the wizard (Gale was very suppportive about Astarion's vampirism).
As Act one closes he is too deep into the being the good person to drop the act now. Halsin is with him and he would annihilate Astarion if he ever found out how much he actually loathes the tiefling party. No, he is in this now, he has to carry on.
Entering the Shadow Curse and meeting Jaheira he remembers his own hero: Drizzt do'Urden and, now expecting more great things from himself and having to live up to the expectations of others, he tries to become Drizzt. His most asked question to himself is: wwdd - what would Drizzt do? It becomes his compass for decision making.
Gale finds himself in love with Astarion and Astarion is very pleased about that, a bit of genuine softness feels nice and also, hello, there's delicious hunger for power hiding under these purple robes amongst other things.
Now we come to the core problem this version of Astarion has: His heroism is an act, a mask. He has picked it up so quickly he never had the chance to be terrible and start to heal. He is as full of fear as he was at the beginning of the game and desperate for protection. He's reaching for every straw that will give him an advantage not caring for himself in a healthy way. He's ready to make sacrifices. He bit Araj.
He encourages Gale to go for the crown. He even toyed with the tadpole's power. Not ready yet to give up his beauty and become half-illithid but maybe after the spawn attack he panics so much he'll consume it. (I wonder if Cazador reacts to that, seeing his spawn like that, his beauty ruined) What a powerful protection against being sexually abused again. Gale will still love him, no matter his appearance.
And most likely he will ascend and pretend it didn't affect him. He needs to keep the mask up, can't risk to fail against the Absolute and reveal the weak spawn he (thinks) he really is underneath it. He needs the praise to keep coming, he needs to protect himself and his lover and Gale needs to protect him. So ... god Gale is also very much possible.
I am now entering Act 3 and will keep this updated because it is an unusual but very fascinating path to me. Astarion, glowing on the outside, the hero of Baldur's Gate, the good vampire, the one people trust - but on the inside he's more rotten than ever, more afraid than ever. The only real thing about him is his relationship with Gale, he genuinely loves him, which sadly makes it worse for both of them.
Note that I do feel bad for him, but am too intrigued to stop.
Here he is, drizzting his way through my game. Nailing the hero pose, just as he nailed the smile when he lured a target:
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thefourchimes · 10 days
Encanto Dashboard Simulator
haha guess who just decided to try something completely unhinged in an attempt to be funny and is probably failing miserably at it?
#im trying my best #this will probably crash and burn but hey at least i tried right #say hello to an encanto dashboard simulator #the movie but in tumblr lmao #or rather this is a day before the movie #also i think i fumbled on some of the characterizations...im sorry pls go easy on me ahahsfiuhasf #oh and dont question too much about time periods because i have no idea either #i kept it as vague as possible lmao
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🕯 encanto-updates May 20
Antonio Madrigal, the youngest member of the magical Madrigal family, will be having his 5th birthday and gift ceremony tomorrow!
The ceremony and celebration will be happening at Casita by 7 in the evening!
#madrigal ceremonies #the madrigals #madrigal family #antonio madrigal #the encanto
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🔁👀 hidden-in-plain-sight reblogged farmingwoes May 20
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🏯 probablymagicalplaces Follow May 20
does anyone have any theories on what the youngest madrigal's gift will be?
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🥣 magic-soup Follow May 20
maybe something similar to his siblings?? dolores has superhearing and camilo has shapeshifting. what could be a possible gift like those?
or maybe like his mom! something closer to nature, maybe
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🌾 farmingwoes Follow May 20
as long as it isn't like his mother's gift, pretty much anything is good
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🔇 shhhhquiet May 20
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👀 hidden-in-plain-sight May 20
hey man @farmingwoes u really shouldnt be saying things like this, u know? i mean, what if a madrigal sees it? u'd be screwed!
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🌾 farmingwoes Follow May 20
as if the family would check this hellsite
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👀 hidden-in-plain-sight May 20
u never know tho...they could literally be reading this right now
#theres always a chance ur words will come back to bite u #:]
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🙃 aaaaaaaaa May 20 • Liked by nothingswrongimtotallyfine
#screams #more screaming
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🔁💃 his-shine reblogged her-sun May 20
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🎶 her-sun Follow May 20
@his-shine Mi vida, I have a cup of coffee with your name on it.
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💃 his-shine Follow May 20
You are a lifesaver.
#gracias #i really appreciate it #<3
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🧍‍♂️ listentomeimserious Follow May 20 • Because you follow #the madrigals
Finally, after three whole months of researching and writing, I have done it.
Here, in all its glory, is my analysis on why the Madrigals and their supporters are a cult, complete with sources, pictures, and pure undeniable proof to drill the point home and shut the doubters up.
Let's begin.
` Keep Reading
#the madrigals #encanto #this took me so long to gather and write #but i have finally done it #here is your proof!! #the madrigals are a cult!!!
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🔁🪓 please-take-a-break reblogged need-a-break May 20
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🪓 please-take-a-break Follow May 20
I did not expect that tree to fall down the way it did.
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🔪 need-a-break Follow May 20
Ay...come here, mi amor.
#eheh...lo siento
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🔁🫠 nothingswrongimtotallyfine reblogged lovercorn May 20
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👊 gotintoafistfightanddidntdie Follow May 20
there's a donkey munching hay outside my house again...
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🌽 lovercorn Follow May 20
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op, are you okay...did you get enough sleep
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🧶 wondrous-crafts May 20
⚫ Anonymous asked: any new projects you made recently? will you share them?
Oh! Well, I do have some things I created in the past few weeks. A stuff toy and some embroidered items ready for events...
Not sure yet if I'll share them but we can see how that goes!
#got a couple things prepared for my family #but we'll have to see if i'll share them hahaha #yeah
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🔁🐀 iaminyourwalls reblogged jumpedbyacapybara May 20 • They're back!
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🤕 jumpedbyacapybara Follow May 20
sure hope tomorrow won't be a disaster in the making
#knock knock knock #knock on wood
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
i don't think ive ever been so eager/desperate for an update on raider joel before 😭😭 i love all your writing btw ❤
Thank you ❤️ Soon! Raider Master List
Raider: Company (Extra Scene)
300 / raider!Joel x f!reader
A/N: I was gonna have the next one pick up directly after Raider: Company, but I'm putting that part here to keep discussion of the other girl out of the next one. This is optional. WARNINGS: Angst. Discussion of perceived infidelity. Joel's a little mean but he's just struggling with his identity. Analysis of Joel's state of mind is here.
Joel comes back to pick up you and only you. He takes you up the hill to his trailer and you're pensive. You're distant. He feeds you some spaghettios and obliviously asks you what's wrong, seeming to think you got what you wanted. You don’t say anything. Then he takes your chin in his hand and makes you look him in the eyes. His face is tense but his brown eyes are deep and soft.
“Why’d you do it?” you ask him.
He looks at you for a moment longer, then swallows and his eyes flatten. He lets go of your chin. “Told ya. Now those animals might leave ya 'lone. And if they don't--”
“But why'd you let her suck you off earlier.” Your eyes cloud up with tears. "She told me."
He squints at the table as though confused or considering your question, then clenches his jaw and doesn't say anything.
You blink your lashes hard and a drop rolls down your cheek. "You don’t like how I do it?"
He rubs your back. "You do it great, sweet pea." He takes a bite of jerky then offers you another spoon of spaghettios but you ignore it.
“Did she make you come?”
He shakes his head as he chews, still holding the spoon.
You ask, "Why?"
“Cause–” He closes his mouth, swallows, inhales sharply through his nose, and looks at you sternly. His voice becomes gruff. "God damnit, girl. Wanna know why I did, why I didn't." He drops the spoon down in the bowl with a small splatter then points a cautionary finger at you. "That's enough'a this shit." He goes outside to chop wood.
You finish eating by yourself, then get ready for bed. You curl up on your side, under the covers, facing away from him. You fall asleep without him, and when he gets in bed, he drapes a heavy arm over you, then pulls you into him.
My analysis of Joel's reaction is here if you want it
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abbadonandhisparadise · 2 months
Realizin’ Au Cato Catacombs Lore
@realizinau get ready for some lore. > :>
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Cato got an easy life in the Realizin’ AU even if she doesn't remember who she was before, despise this not everything is as it seen Cato will bottle up her emotions if she needs to cry or scream, she will do it where nobody can hear or see her. 
She is still kind of a suck up with the scientist but is not afraid to use her gas against them if an employ goes missing there a possibility that Cato ‘deal’ with them, Cato take her role of Big Sister extreme serious something her love will get annoying even suffocating but she really cares about them and their well-being more that her own. 
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The Wisteria Gas 
The blue wisteria gas was created as a less potent Poppy gas made to for the children to feel relax during the medical exams and in large doses it works as anesthesia. 
How is this extract? Easy!
The experiment is carried out to a special chamber and scientists place three specialized needles on the subject's back that suck the gas until the necessary amount is obtained. Gas can be stored in tanks "unfortunately" no, it must always be fresh, as they say: "The best batch is always fresh from the source"
Staff Reports
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Cato and Candy Cat  
Experiment ████ and ████ have begun to form a strange bond. Observations implied a greater bond with ████ than with the Critters, and measurements were taken and ████'s mobility along with its larynx was eliminated. 
████ believes that ████ has abandoned them, the staff has returned the now motionless ████ to ████ as a 'gift', their bond has been successfully broken, ████ suspects nothing. 
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Experiment ████ has been subjected to hard labor for the past few months as punishment for disobedience, ████ is handling it with difficulty, but they should get used to it in time since they are old enough to know the consequences of going against staff rules. 
After more weeks of observation and some bribery from the staff, ████ has started working with fewer challenges, but their attitude hasn't changed much. The superiors ask us to make ████ an example for other toys in disobedience. 
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Changes in behavior 
After ████'s isolation for more than a week, their behavior has changed drastically, superiors praise the change, this will be considered for the future. 
████'s first instinct was to run into 1222's arms for comfort, even if 1222 wasn't even close, we fear that ████ is creating another bond with the other experiments and not the other critters like they should, we are trying to bring 1188 closer and ████ without success. 
A month ago, ████ were missing, 1188 reported that they had "fallen" through a hole in the ground, when the other critters where asked they refused to answer. We suspect that 1188 did something to ████ but we have no evidence other than that the two experiments have a strange relationship. 
Experiment #1006 came to us this morning holding ████ in their claws, The doctor explains 1006 took care of ████ while missing in the darkest part of the factory. 
The higher ups have put Harley Sawyer in charge of the next experiments. 
Project re-introduction  
Experiment #1188  
Tag: Playcare.  
After the last incident within Home Sweet Home between Experiment 1188 and ████ and even having to involve Experiment #1006 we are to take drastic measures. 
- ████ has been keep away from Home sweet Home, 1188 haven't shown any worry yet.  
- Three week have passed the critters are starting to ask updates about ████. 
- 1188 is showing sign of distress, the other have started to beg for 1188 to act and look for ████. 
- Anguish has filled 1188's mind, ████ will be return to Home sweet Home late night. 
Analysis We have found fear is the best way to make the experiments bond, as 1188 and ████ relation has better itself but of course this is not without its consequences, in the end Project re-introduction serve its purpose. 
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sophietv · 1 year
All Of The Kaylor Lore Table Of Content:
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Here's a list of all my Kaylor content in a way that is easy to find! (I'll update it everytime I post something new)
The goal here is to explain most of the important Kaylor Lore to help you better understand.
I also do a LOT of Threads on Twitter explaining Kaylor theories. You can find them all here: (X)
Kaylor Lore:
The Love Blackout (It's all part of the f*cking story)
Kaylor Timeline BEFORE the 2013 VSFS
Their "Breakup", Folkmore and William Bowery
Why I Think They Are Still Hiding
My Thoughts About Them Having Kids
The Ultimate LSK Thread Of Koincidences (Fall of 2019)
The Ultimate LSK Thread Of Koincidences (2020) Part 1
The Ultimate LSK Thread Of Koincidences (2020) Part 2
The Ultimate LSK Thread Of Koincidences (2021) Part 1
The Ultimate LSK Thread Of Koincidences (2021) Part 2
The Ultimate LSK Thread Of Koincidences (2021) Part 3
Midnights IS about Karlie Kloss:
Those are threads I did on Twitter. I'll transfer them here when I have a minute (I'm not done, I still have a lot of songs to do but got distracted by other threads 😅):
Snow On The Beach
Anti-Hero Music Video
Bejeweled Music Video
Lavender Haze Music Video
Songs Analysis:
The Great War
You're Losing Me
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Don't Blame Me
End Game
...Ready For It?
Reputation Prologue
Other Kaylor Theory/Threads:
Kaylor: The Eras Tour
Other Gaylors Theory:
Karma On The Wall Update
Everything About The Failed Coming Out 2019
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Buck & Eddie: Buck is looking for answers!
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Before 6x15 aired, I wrote a speculation post about Buck's "Therapy Uniform vs. his date clothes" (linked here) but everyone knows how the season ended with the showrunner pulling that BS by having Eddie revert back to being a giggly high school student who acted like an 18-year-old that didn't know how to ask a woman out on a date. And Buck literally made the same mistake by sleeping with a woman he just met who only wanted one thing from him but I digress. It still pisses me off, so I won't revisit it.
Also, I did a post after 6x13 aired (linked here) about Buck finding the answers (Eddie and Chris) because when he said he was the guy with the answers, he looked at Eddie.
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Anyway, after TM (showrunner, GLAD HE'S BACK so KR can kick rocks and go write an episode) released more cryptic Buck, Eddie and Chris pictures at dark o'clock Saturday night or Sunday morning (depending on your time zone), I revisited my theory about Buck's therapy uniform but now I've revised it. He does wear one but the reason he does is a lot narrower in scope. Even though I still believe he wears specific colors or a "uniform" per say for certain things, I realized after doing some analysis that whenever he wears a Gold/Bronze/Burnt Orange/Dark Orange or a Brown shirt with navy-blue or dark colored pants, he's LOOKING FOR ANSWERS!
That's the difference between my original post and this one and I have photos from each episode to prove my updated theory. Before I delve into this, I need to mention there are two pictures from season 6 that contain the colors but BE WARNED, the pictures included deal specifically with the COUCH METAPHOR 🙄🙃. I know, I know... the season ended with Buck asking ND to help him find a couch but full disclosure, after I started working through my frustration with the way the season ended by writing a huge fanfic, I took a closer look at their whatever the hell they were doing (it wasn't a relationship) and I don't think it was meant to be interpreted that way. I won't go into it here in my CANON posts but if you want to know my thoughts on it, I've included them in my love for FANON writing in my multi-chapter fanfic titled "I'm still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!".
Now, let's get into this topic and review Buck's looking for answers uniform.
In 4x2, Buck was looking for ANSWERS from Dr. Copeland and he said, "I think you were right when you said I hide my true feelings from others".
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In 4x3 Buck told Maddie and Chimney he was seeing a therapist to help him find the ANSWERS and he started to find them but then everything went to $hit when the Buckley parents showed up.
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In 4x4, Buck showed up at Maddie's and Chimney's apartment looking for ANSWERS about his parents and that's when he found out about Daniel.
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In 4x8, Buck was lost and trying to find ANSWERS because guess who started dating again? EDDIE! And he was getting ready to introduce AF to Chris but Chris got upset and ran away and took an Uber to Buck's loft.
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In 4x11, Buck and TK were FRIENEMIES (not friends even though he believed they were) so he contacted her and asked her for help because he wanted to find the ANSWERS regarding who hit Sue Blevins and ran.
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In 4x14, Buck wore his "looking for ANSWERS" uniform twice and BOTH TIMES his quest involved Eddie! The first time was when he was packing more clothes to go to Eddie's house so he could keep taking care of Chris. That's when he got the call from AF after TK kissed him and ran so I've included two pictures so his shirt can be seen better while he's sitting at Eddie's beside. He was looking for answers about Eddie being shot in front of him and his heart being ripped out of his chest when it happened.
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The second time he was looking for ANSWERS, he was in the hospital talking to Eddie during THE WILL REVEAL! 🤪😜
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In 5x3, Buck was once again looking for ANSWERS about his relationship but reminder, he went home to an empty loft after he told Eddie during the blackout to break up with AF🤪.
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In 5x4, he was looking for ANSWERS about Maddie and why she left him again even though she promised him she wouldn't in 3x16. Did she tell him she was leaving, YES! But reminder, she didn't tell him where she was going and all he told Chimney was "It's what she does, leave".
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In 6x1, at the end of the episode, Buck was looking for ANSWERS again but this time it was about his couch or the lack thereof. At the beginning of the episode, he cooked dinner for him and his Diaz boys and they made fun of him for not having one even though THEY WERE SITTING RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF HIM. He missed the fact that they were waiting for him and had been since he broke up with TK and he still didn't get it. The picture shows Buck carrying his armchair (which is the same color of the shirt he wears when he's looking for answers) and he moved it to where his couch once sat.
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In 6x4, Buck was looking for ANSWERS again when he was trying to decide if he should be Connor's sperm donor.
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In 6x12, Buck was lying on the couch looking for ANSWERS about his death but reminder, the color of the couch is close to the color of his armchair but it's hard to see. He's wearing a navy-blue t-shirt while lying on that uncomfortable orange couch his mother bought even though he told her HE'D FIND ONE ON HIS OWN.
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In 6x15, Buck was looking for ANSWERS about the fact that he died but ND was fangirling over him so hard that he LIKED the attention she was giving him then he said that Bull$hit to Eddie about her seeing him and Buck and Eddie went back to making the same mistakes. Eddie let people (**cough** Pepa and **cough** Bobby) tell him he should date instead of finding his own way. And Buck tried to make another woman like him when in fact all she wanted was his "Firehose".
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In 6x17, he was still looking for ANSWERS but this time it was answers regarding how to calculate the tip at the bar he took ND to and that's when LD showed up and insinuated, they hooked up when she knows they didn't. Reminder, Buck could only do math when he was with Eddie and Chris and the firefam but he couldn't calculate $hit when he was on a date with ND🤪🙃😁😉.
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Finally, in Season 7 (TM didn't specify which episode the scene below will appear in his cryptic post), Buck's wearing his LOOKING FOR ANSWERS colored shirt again. The color pants he's wearing while he sits on Chris' bed can't be seen but based on 6x13 when Chris wanted Buck to give him the answers to his math homework and since Chris is clearly doing homework in the picture, it's possible he's asking Buck to help him but he doesn't have the answers anymore because his special skills wore off after 6x13 which just so happened to be the episode the Buckley-Diaz family was together 90% of the time.
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What, if anything, does all this mean? I'm not speculating but will Buck finally find the answers in Season 7 or will it be more of the same, him looking for answers while Eddie tries to make another relationship work with someone he doesn't want to be with or will Buck and Eddie finally TALK about all their traumas and confess how much they love each other? Only TM, the producers and the actors know the answers to that question.
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womanexile · 11 months
The Haylor Bible
Links for all things Haylor. From song to music video analysis, to theories and stories. This is an ongoing project from the Haylor community.
Haylor timeline summary
Updated Haylor timeline on twitter
2nd updated Haylor timeline
When HS gave TS the airplane necklace
Harry’s 1989 era IG posts
Reputation timeline
Anne being a Haylor
Harry’s Another Man playlist
Pleasing being Haylor
Music Video
Wildest Dreams
Adore You
As It Was mv
Late Night Talking mv
Daylight mv analysis
Daylight mv analysis part 2
Satellite mv analysis
Satellite mv analysis part 2
Fools Gold Lyrical analysis
Sign of the Times analysis
Seven analysis
Medicine analysis
Still the One analysis
Wildest Dreams and Cruel Summer interpretations
Back for You analysis
Only Angel
Cornelia St., Lover and Paper Rings
The Very First Night
Death by a Thousand Cuts analysis
Not So Typical Love Song analysis
The 1
This is me trying
Happiness analysis
…Ready For It analysis
1989 album
As It Was
Little Freak
New Years Day
Snow on the Beach
Begin Again
Now That We Don’t Talk
Is It Over Now?
End of the Day
Guilty As Sin?
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
HS and TS twin flame journey
HS and TS twin flame dreams
Daylight mv. Was it almost Two Ghost 2.0?
May 20th-date of significance
November 15th-date of significance
Haylor dates of significance
How Gerry Rafferty’s Right Down the Line (Harry’s inspiration and pre show playlist staple) is the basis for much of Harry’s Haylor writing.
Fine Line (the song) as Harry’s barometer
Harry adding Stockholm Syndrome to the LOT set list 2023 European leg
I Wish You Would/Already Home
Why is To Be So Lonely rare?
Why is All of the Girls You Loved Before Haylor?
Haylor signs in 2023
Did Haylor collab and what 1D songs are Haylor
Something I’ve Been Waiting For and Endlessly leak
Sweet Disposition (a Haylor story)
She’s the One BTS story
Harry’s Haylor tattoos
Is the Satellite mv a response to Question…?
Is Mastermind about Harry?
Variations in handholding
September 28th
Unspoken dialogue
They can say it in a song
Harry referencing Taylor’s older songs
Harry thinking about Taylor
No place like home (Harry & Taylor using “home” in their songs)
Secret language
“No shoes”
Haylor “pay for it”
TS questions for HS
TS & HS using “drive” in their songs
TS & HS using “wine” in their songs
TS & HS using “summer” in their songs
TS & HS using “red lipstick” in their songs
TS & HS using “stay” in their songs
TS & HS using “New York” in their songs
TS & HS using “daydream” in their songs
TS & HS using “hallways” in their songs
TS & HS using “flying & planes” in their songs
Songs of significance
Words by Gregory Alan Isakov
Other Haylor master post
Another Haylor master post
Another Haylor master post
Haylor tarot readings
Haylor playlist “most amazing unspoken dialogue ever”
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Hello Everyone
How are you all? Good I hope! :)
You may have noticed I've been posting less. This is because of a few different things came up that have been getting in the way. However, just to be clear, I'm not leaving. Never in a million years. Things might have to change a bit though. So, let me answer the question
What Happened?
The first thing that happened was the release of Dragons Rising Season 2. I wasn't expecting so much discourse to spawn from it. And as a person who uses this space as a way to escape negativity in the real world, that was upsetting for me. And I didn't want to be involved in any of it. So I decided to take a break for awhile. That started a chain reaction of me not being as timely with my release of leaks, news, fun facts and general posting. In addition, I also ended up shortly afterwards getting a huge case of burnout.
Thankfully, both the discourse and the burnout has died down a bit. (Although admittedly, I'm still scared to go anywhere near the Ninjago tag.😅) But to my surprise, something else came up. One of my other side blogs started taking off. I wasn't expecting it too. I had planned to keep it small since I was already working on many things here. But one thing lead to another, and now I'm frantically juggling two blogs that both need attention.
Hopefully I can get this all sorted out. I have a few idea that should work. Now, finally I can answer
What Happens Next?
Well, first and foremost, my projects. I should be very clear, none of the them are being shelved! Production will continue as usual, albeit a bit slower. In fact, the first episode of Ninjago: Rough Riders is almost ready for release! It just needs some finishing up and proof reading. And Ninjago: Into The Deep is coming too. However updates for these projects will no longer have a set release date and content will be released for them whenever I feel it is finished. This is merely for the sake of my own mental health and a way to keep myself from being burnout too quickly.
Other smaller projects such as the ROTTMNT x Ninjago AU, the NeverRealm Analysis Video, and various articles I had planned will have to be put on the back burner. Still coming. But later. News, trivia, and leaks may also come a bit slower. But I'll try my best to stay on top of that at least.
And that's it! Thank you to anyone reading! And I hope that I continue to provide the Ninjago fandom with plenty of fun and enjoyment for many years!
Have a wonderful day/night!💖💖💖
Sincerely, Ink Dragon
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l0uterstella · 3 months
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aka fragmem was ALMOST happy for once full english lyrics updated: Mar 31 2024
Not much to theorize on for this? So again like All so Bad this is more of an analysis than a theory. This song is mainly about Kurode finding his way; Finding himself as his own person separate from his brother. His "notes" represent self-affirmation from himself and his members
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"Until this desire dies out / Until my wish comes true" = Until he finally surpasses Merold. Bellflowers represent gratitude, everlasting love, and humility, but in some cultures, it also represents death, which is why people put Bellflowers along graves. They're open to things changing, just not yet. Kurode isn't ready to face Merold yet; He isn't ready to show his gratitude towards him (and isnt ready to see him die somehow), and so he hides his "key" away.
(Side note. "Someday the future will be a blank slate". Someday the future will be destroyed; aka the prophecy the stars tell the Stella twins in the voice drama of the Blue Continent being destroyed. Ciel I hate you)
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The 6 stars in the back move like a compass, representing Blue Bouquet showing Kurode his way. Klark especially seems to be a big support for him. (and they were best friends)
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Kurode's face almost looks like it's been ripped off, showing how he doesn't want to be recognized as Merold's brother.
(also notice how Klark's the only one that looks vaguely normal in this scene)
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The song is a message (melody) to Merold, that Kurode will someday surpass him and finally be acknowledged.
1. Klark keeps looking like a ghost. what. Also a big stretch but the glitch also makes him look like a soul. All so Bad souls for reference. The twins are actually biblically accurate angels or deities real not fake
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2. More beheaded/eldritch Cielomort crumbs <3 (see Aozora no Memory theory)
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3. Similar background as Aozora where Ciel's gem is falling. Kurode witnesses what happens to him?
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4. There's this sequence of frames I'm not sure what to make of yet. Klark is alone but at the bottom, Kurode seems "faded" when Cielomort is there, but is back to normal when by himself. From the end of ep 1 of Blue's voice drama we know that Ciel is pretty ominous and not trusted by the Stella twins.
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Even with the clumsiness under neither shade nor sunlight Sometimes we let go of our weakness Let me protect all of them if you need me to
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