#[aaa sorry its late!!! now he will have to think of a white day gift haha
sentofight · 6 months
the entire dorm was fragrant with the sweet smells of baked goods ! one could even catch a whiff outside the building even ! a joint venture from the second year girls( yukari, fuuka, & the ever excited for any group activity; minako herself ! ) who had completely bogarted the kitchen completely for the day. the trio deciding it would be far more effective, && cheaper, to simply make all the confections they needed for valentine's day--- though it seemed as if they really just had the boys of the dorm to give any to, the rest no doubt going to themselves. a proper way to rev up galentine's day for sure !
of course, that didn't mean that there wasn't any care into those sweets that were going to their male companions. juggling fixing the various mistakes caused by fuuka, minako had taken a specific venture to make a separate set of cookies for her senpai specifically. remembering a passing comment once before that he wasn't the biggest fan of sweets, aiming to make something quasi on theme with chocolate but not so sugary that it would be a pain & a half for him. so after flipping through quite a bit of various recipes in books at the library & quite a few online on the dorm computer--- she had settled on madeleines ! the lot were more like small cakes anyways but easier to eat.
&& with that in mind she'd made sure to make the madeleines herself, little cookie sized cakes that were shaped not in their traditional shell appearance but that of a heart in honor of the holiday. of course being heart shaped was no doubt expected from the bright fool, after all she loved her senpai ! she loved junpei, she loved yukari & fuuka & everyone at the dorm ! all her friends held her heart so why shouldn't she treat them with cute little heart shaped treats ! valentine's day is about love in all it's forms ! delighted to see the batch come fresh out of the oven almost perfect, the lot was half dipped within some semisweet chocolate. half were left to dry, while half were then sprinkled with some nuts for garnish, stuck neatly( as she very, VERY meticulously made sure the pieces laid juuuuust right ) within the chocolate. the other half were then separated once more & that half got a different garnish of white chocolate lines piped thinly for decor.
once done, the madelines were gathered & wrapped up within a cute handkerchief & tied with a ribbon to be put aside so it didn't get mixed up with the other goods & sweets. everything was to be made ahead of time so that early on february fourteenth the girls rushed downstairs & put out all the various chocolates & baked goods upon the grand table within the dinning area in the lounge for everyone to partake in all day ! specific boxes from each of the girls had been placed with everyone's names upon them, each having small bits of fudge or chocolates with silly messages or drawings.
the little bundle of madelines sat upon the boxes from fuuka & yukari, but minako's gift came with a little note rather than just a name of which said:
for senpai, who is very sweet but doesn't like things that are super sweet. - arisato p.s; you have to get all of us white day gifts now haha !
The kitchen was off-limits--a war zone, none of the boys dared to step outside of the rooms, heck some decided to spend their time outside of the dorm fearing for their lives. For Akihiko, he would hate to be locked in his room for hours, so he opt to go and train. It would be a good use of his time instead of holing himself up in his room.
Akihiko went on his usual jog, met some school mates on his way, and even club mates who share similar training regimen. Hagakure visit is a must, too after a long jog.
Junpei had texted him saying that the girls had finished their culinary crimes and he can get back home. It was not like left because of them so he decided to stick around and pay a visit to Officer Kurosawa.
The golden boy was not dense as to what this day hold in meaning. He just rather feign ignorance which can help him avoid unnecessary situations. The girls in the dorm were probably make gifts--chocolate ones for the people they like? Well, he get that it is not necessarily for people you 'love' since he got some chocolates from his foster mother early this morning. How kind of her ... which is another reason he cannot fail on his mission. He is Sanada's soul now.
Going back to the dorm after bidding goodbye to officer Kurosawa, he hoped at least that someone took care of what Fuuka had ... concocted. Whoever the poor fellow will get her mystery food x, may their soul rest in pieces--peace.
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The smell is enough to knock someone out with diabetes. Geez, what were they doing? "I'm back," he said swinging the door open. Seems like there were no one in the lounge. "Hm... " he walked toward the dining table where boxes of different red gradient color were placed. "Did they make all of these? Cool." eyes quickly lays on the ones marked for him. "Huh? Me?" he raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"I see. They made for all of us, huh. Well, if we all get knocked out, who is going to save us? Sigh..." what a predicament. Declining a girl's gift is like ... opening gates of hell upon yourself. He'd fight shadows day and night than being placed in a situation like this.
Thinking ...
"Doubt anything in here can kill Junpei, so we might as well have a fighting chance." pure logic, ladies and gentlemen.
"Besides, Mitsuru will do something ... I think," unless she rather see them willow in pain .... she wouldn't, would she? Sigh ...
"Argh, dang it. If it does not kill me, at least it might make me stronger," perhaps. He picked the first thing on top which was the bundle. Something was obvious that it was from leader--just the careful details yells it is Arisato. Always looking out for everyone.
"Let's see... madeleines?" His first impression was a cake or chocolate something. This was not a bad choice in all honesty. Creative and different. To be honest, he could use a little bit more sugar today after his workout but hey, these go well for breaks between studying and training in his room. Definitely, a thoughtful gift.
He picked his share and climbed up to his room to try them out. Arisato's madeleines were chef kiss. All that home economics classes seem to have paid off, huh. Hopefully, the same goes for Fuuka's stuff--and Yukari's.
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A smile curled his lips upon seeing the note. Yep, that's their leader. "I do like sweet things, though. Some sweet things." he do indulge in some sweet fries from time to times. They keep the kid in his heart alive. Oh, and pancakes. Pancakes are good.
"White day gifts, huh... Geez, now that's a hard thing to do. I have to think about it from now." he placed the note on his desk to be a reminder for him to not forget about his new obligatory gifts haha. God help him to pick something back for the girls.
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valentine's day | i still accept them if u send them ~ | @foolshoujo
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getofy · 4 years
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as you are loved by another
genre: angst; tsukishima x gn!reader | wc: 1.2k
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—a/n: hello! this is long overdue but tysm for 100 followers aaa. it means a lot that people enjoy my stupid headcanons/word-vomits. as a gift i offer you: this angsty kei fic that i wrote in the wee hours of the morning. is it good? questionable. am i happy with it? not necessarily. however, posting this seemed better than scrapping so here we are </3. enjoy!
cw: brief mentions of death/funerals; self pity/deprecation; no spoilers; one-sided pining; hurt/no comfort
—synopsis: in which tsukishima’s not sure who he hates more: your new boyfriend or himself.
edit: i made it so when tsukki refers to ur boyfriend, it’s in italics. im so sorry i forgot to do that before.
—Tsukishima had never considered himself to be a hateful person, and yet, here he was: laying in bed on a Friday night, thinking about you with him, and allowing levels of unprecedented envy to bubble up in his chest.
This was not how he had expected his night to turn out.
One moment, he had been doing homework at his desk, and the next, his mind was wandering to today at lunch when you giggled after receiving a text message from your insufferable boyfriend. The memory lasted for only a short moment, but it was all it took to make his head spiral. He had tried to control it, but once his brain got going, it was hard to get it to stop; eventually, he had to retire from being productive to rotting on his mattress.
Generally, Tsukishima was good at keeping sentiments such as these at bay. But it’s been getting harder to do that now, especially since you and him have been so affectionate together recently.
The cruelty of it all leaves him feeling burned by the fire of his jealousy, and a natural disaster of his own making plays out in the depths of his heart as he studies the intricacies of his bare, white ceiling. A song by some band he couldn’t bother to remember the name of emits itself loudly from his phone speakers while the middle blocker desperately tries to stop his train of toxic thinking. He rolls from his back to his side and lowers the annoying music’s volume; not even the most incredible lyrical masterpiece could pull him from the devastation the conflagration of his emotions had been causing him as of late.
And, besides, the sound was giving him a headache. He preferred to brood in silence.
The intensity of his feelings irritates him. Despite his outwardly antagonistic exterior, Tsukishima had always believed his tendency for total apathy would take precedent over any other negative emotion—including jealously.
Tonight, however, was proving this preconceived notion of his character completely wrong.
This wasn’t the first time he’d wasted his night thinking about you and him. Ever since the day you had giddily announced your new relationship, Tsukishima had been allowing himself to become more acquainted with the green-eyed monster, and this evening, he relishes in its company more than usual.
Pity parties like this—which was shaping up to be the worst one to date—had been happening to him more frequently. Feelings of contempt had become his newfound obsession in the sense that they consumed his very being. Hating him was easier than hating himself, and he enjoyed it. The only downside towards living so sullenly was that it made him realize that, more often than not, guilt was a close companion of unwarranted negativity.
Tsukishima knew better than anyone else how outrageous his feelings were. And feeling this way did trouble him, but then again, how could he not be envious?
Seeing the way his hand wrapped around your waist. Recalling the way his fingers traced little shapes into your hands. Remembering the way his eyes followed you as you walked out of the room—as if Kei’s hadn’t been the ones that did that first. It was all just too much for him to bear. Knowing that he made you happy in a way that he could not.
The overwhelming knowledge of his inadequacy makes the middle blocker want to double over in anguish, but he won’t, not yet. He is much too proud to allow himself to display such sorrow, so he’ll settle for feeling hatred tonight instead.
Of course, he knows that he’s in no position to be feeling this way. You were never his, and he had never shown interest in changing that. It was only a matter of time before someone swept you off your feet and gave you the affection he had neglected to provide you with. This whole situation was very obviously his fault. If he had been brave enough to confess before he had, maybe he’d be the one you loved instead. Or maybe not. Your new boyfriend was absolutely perfect for you, and Kei was anything but.
This was so tirelessly aggravating. Why did you have to be stupid and date somebody he could never compete with?
White-hot resentment flows through his veins, and he’s not sure if it’s directed at you, himself, or the man you love. Regardless, one more second of this suffocation, and he thinks it’s likely he’ll die by the morning time. The thought of it makes him laugh, and it temporarily lifts the burden on his heart.
Maybe his funeral would be green-themed. That wouldn’t be so bad—he quite likes the color. Or maybe his tombstone would say something like: ‘Tsukishima Kei: A son, a friend, and someone left gasping for air after being smothered to death by the tight grip of unjustifiable envy.’
Wouldn’t that be something?
Tsukishimas mind betrays the light-heartedness of the moment ruined when, bitterly, it wonders how much you’d care if his death—albeit a metaphorical one—actually did happen.
You probably wouldn’t be too concerned, especially now that you’ve got...someone who isn’t himself who would happily help to console you as you grieve. You were always gushing about how your new boyfriend was such a good listener. One kiss from that guy would probably make any pain you felt about his own fictional death go away in an instant.
Not that he would blame you. Tsukishima thought himself to be pretty forgettable. And he was anything but.
Why reminisce on the underwhelming memory of his own life when you had someone who shone so much brighter than he ever could to focus on instead?
He hates this—the way he let it get this bad. What was wrong with him? He was acting like an entitled child watching other kids play with a toy he wanted to play with. And he hated himself for it. You were a person, not a possession. And even if you were, you were still not his to have.
No, you belonged to someone infinitely better.
Someone who made you smile bigger than he ever could. Someone who made you laugh harder than he ever would. Someone who he despised—second only to himself—more than anyone else in the world.
As he rests in the still of his room, evaluating how intelligent he could possibly be after doing something as stupid as falling for one of his best friends, Tsukishima Kei decides that while he may hate your lover, he hates himself more.
A strange melancholy replaces his previous feelings of jealousy, and his typical level of self-loathing cranks it’s way up to 100. There’s a growing ache in place of where his heart should be, and Kei shakily brings his hand to clench at it. When the pain does not subside, he deduces that his current level of grief was inconsolable. Wearily, the middle blocker shuts his eyes close and allows himself to escape to the bliss of sleep.
Maybe, he’d be able to outrun the misery of loving you as you are loved by someone else in the world of dreams.
He hopes he can.
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit permission.
a/n: again, i apologize for not being super active (mental illness goes hard), but i’ve been feeling better so hopefully that changes! likes + reblogs are always appreciated and feel free to give me constructive criticism (i know i need it lol). i hope you enjoyed.
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omoghouls-writes · 6 years
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(Hhhhhhh I really liked this idea aaa- )
Also, these are the ghouls I'm thinking of (so like, OG-ish)
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The water ghoul looked at the engraved door, he pressed his hand against the oak and let it slowly creak open. Rain took a deep breath as he stepped forward, back down the hall where he and Dewdrop had ran away from a short few days ago.
He couldn't let this instill so much fear into him, these were ghouls, just as he was. Maybe they were older and maybe their outfits cloaked them in the colour of purity, when they were far from such a notion. But, ghouls of his kind.
Rain felt his heart beat quicken the lower he traveled, eyes darting when even the smallest of noises echoed out.
"Welcome back." A voice calmly said.
"Little lamb are you lost? Has your wandering soul sent you astrew once more, young one?" The elder ghoul asked, fingers entwining through the metal of which the water ghoul's grucifix hung.
Rain sucked in a sharp breath from the sudden presents. He turned on his heels to face the white robed ghoul from before.
Rain's shoulders stiffened from the close proximity, his voice feeling as it was the thing lost.
"No, no I am not," the bassist began, "I, I am a ghoul too-"
"And you believe you are to be given access to these parts huh?"
Rain slowly nodded, keep his look to the masked other.
"Such a brave heart under that frazzled exterior." The other mused, unkempt claws trailing over the smaller one's face, if his face were free of its cloaking Rain could swear the ghoul was smirking.
"My, my. You know, my brethren would love to meet the ghoul I have spoken about, would you come along?" The ghoul asked, head pointing towards the absolute bowels of the church.
The water ghoul's tail wagged in curiosity, perhaps even a bit of excitement from the idea of being welcomed amongst the elders. Rain took hold of the other's hand as he was lead futher into the abyss.
The two ghouls stood at the door, soft noises of feet shuffling towards the door, causing it to swing open. Another ghoul, slightly taller looked at the water ghoul in curiosity before the one who stood with him spoke.
"This is, Rain." The ghoul warmly said, guiding him by the back into the courters. There were three others, dressed identically,all looking up in unison.
"Ah, so you are the ghoul who got us in trouble." The taller one said.
Rain paused in his steps, "Tr-trouble?" He squeaked out when the taller of the ghouls roamed over to him.
"Oh worry not, young one we aren't upset. Our Papa however," the ghoul paused to look to the others with a small nod before looking back to Rain, "He was less than pleased, believing that his ghouls were having accidents in the halls."
Rain quickly bowed his head, "I'm, I'm sorry to have you get in trouble." He apologized, brow cocking when he heard the soft, ghoulish chittering, it was the long since spoken dialect of the language.
"Young lamb, look up, we are not in need of an apology. You coming back has been our gift of apology." The hallway ghoul said, lifting the ghoul's chin up.
The water ghoul stood infront of the group, swaying slightly as he looked from expressionless face to the next. The horror stories he had heard from the clergy members and fellow ghouls.
Feral, unkempt, sadistic ghouls with no disregard for others, best to stay clear of them.
"You're not like how everyone says you are. You seem, nice." He thought aloud, face reddening as the words slipped out.
There was an eruption of laughter from the group, the tall one, who Rain assumed had been the pianist motioned for him to sit with them. The water ghoul shimmied and shifted into the small space between two of the white robed ghouls.
"There are many assumptions made of us, our Papa was, dedicated to the cause, in unlavish ways so, as were we." One ghoul began.
"Yes, unlike that of the second and third heir, we were, taught differently."
"Manners, manners and courtesy is what we were taught." Another chimed in, looking to the new ghoul.
"And it seems to us, you were taught them same, you are, so well behaved, more so than that fire ghoul you had been with the previous day." The elder crooned, scratching the under of Rain's chin.
Rain let out a soft purr as he leaned into the touch, "Dewdrop is just, well, he has a lot of energy." He explained. Reciving another wave of chuckles.
"So kind even when you know the truth of the matter." The pianist mused, letting his hands fall onto the ghoul's lap, looking to the others as to get permission to continue. There were a few silent nods.
The elder ghoul turned back to the water ghoul.
"Rain, there is perhaps one thing to be done to make up for the clean up we had needed to do so late into the night."
The bassist looked up and nodded. Curiosity filling his eyes when the standing ghoul stepped into a separate room, coming back with a small box.
"Now, these were given to us from our Papa," the ghoul began as he placed the package on the coffee table, "Of course they make sense, for those who need them," he added,using a claw the slice the tape away, the box opening.
Rain's heart dropped to his stomach when he saw what was inside.
The ghoul nodded, "Yes, and we all know who the culprit was of the puddle. Would it be fair for one party of many to be taking blame for something one ghoul had caused?"
Rain shook his head, fiddling with his vestments, "I have to wear them?"
"Such a smart ghoul you are. Now it will not be forever, just until the package is finished. That way, Papa believes we had complied. " The ghoul explained as he pulled out one of the puffy undergarments, beginning to open it as he looked to the others.
"We will be keeping your secret if you keep ours. If Papa were to know such a young ghoul was down here, unsupervised, unable to control themselves? You would surely be sent back to the nursery and den-mother until these 'piddles' ocoursnces were to end."
"Come now, Rain, the floor is carpeted." The eldest softly said, patting the ground.
Rain took a deep breath before he slid to the ground, feeling a clawed hand gently pushing him to lay back as another pair worked on pulling his slacks and garments away.
The water ghoul was lifted onto the lap of one of the ghouls.
"There we are, now we do not have to worry of any more accidents now do we?"
The eldest nodded as he gently patted the front of the crinkling material, "And if an incident is to happen, as is common with young ones such as you, lamb, you will be safe." The ghoul stood up, ears perking up,walking over to the small counter space as the kettle boiled over.
"Why not stay for some tea hmm? I bet you have never had a brew such as this." The ghoul said as he walked back over, handing Rain the mug of steaming water.
The water ghoul sniffed it cautiously before thanking him as he took a sip, licking his lips and nodding contently from the pleasant taste.
The hours rolled on, the first era ghouls had filled the young ghoul in on the history of the church, their adventures when they were the ones on the stage, albeit a much smaller scale. Rain smiled and leaned into the ghoul he had been sitting on. He was excited to recount these lessons and stories to the others.
As he thought, the bassist absentmindedly began to wriggle, squirming and shifting around as the tea settled.
The white cloaked ghoul looked to him and smiled as he moved his hand to the taut lower abdomen of the young ghoul.
Rain froze from the touch, instinctively hiding his face into the nearest chest. The ghoul he was seated on chuckled, running his hand along Rain's spine.
"You had three cups of tea, you must need to go huh?"
The water ghoul sucked on his lower lip and nodded, slowly he tried to wriggle off the lap but, was held securely in place.
"No need to move."
Rain knew what they were insinuating, he felt a noise escape his lips as his bladder ached for relief, he tried to press a hand between his legs, whining as the material stopped him.
"You are a silly one arent you, young ghoul? Come now, we dont want you hurting yourself, little ones such as yourself can not hold it as long as elders can." The ghoul said, claws circling as he lifted Rain's shirt up.
As the pianist did so, another swooped in, pressing gentle down.
"Such a good ghoul." He murmured when he heard the gentle hiss, the material growing and expanding between the water ghoul's thighs.
Rain closed his eyes tightly as the urine flooded, the warmth spreading to his backside as his bladder emptied itself.
"My, perhaps three cups was three too many." One mused as they watched a small stream escape the diaper.
Rain let out a shaky breath when he released he was leaking onto the others lap.
"Shh, shh, it's alright. We can not expect a kit such as yourself to know the right time to go." The standing one said, lifting the water ghoul up into his arms, pressing the wet material, "That is what this is for."
The water ghoul looked up with teary eyes, sniffling as he was laied back down on the floor. The tapes being torn away, the wet material quickly changed back into the dry variant.
"There we are, clean once more." The ghoul said as he help the bassist back on his feet, guiding his legs into his slacks.
"Now, it is getting late, we do not want to have your Cardinal fretting of your whereabouts."
"But-" Rain began, gesturing to the slightly protruding edges.
The pianist patted his shoulder as he guided him to the door, "Just a precautionary, we do not want our new friend to have yet another accident in the hall in the case of something frightens you." He explained, hand slipping to the water ghoul's backside before letting the ghoul start down the hall.
"Same time tomorrow, yes? We still have many stories to tell."
Rain nodded, giving a small wave before the door closed behind him. He glanced back before heading forward, back to the main level.
Once he was back, Rain was quick to scatter into his room, shutting his door and sighing as he glanced to his lower half.
He supposed, it was only fair for causing such an issue for them all. And, it was only for a few days. He could survive it.
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Happy 2K17!
Hello! It’ been forever since i blogged. It’s finally 2017 now, so HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! (technically it’s 3rd January today, 3:17am, so I’m about 2-3 days late but that’s okay)
I have always wanted to share what I did for my 21st birthday last year, but my laptop decided to give up on me so here I am now, blogging from a friend’s laptop. (seriously, what would I do without her)
So for my big day, I went out all alone. Yeap, ALONE. I don’t really mind being alone, I’m not a clingy brat and I’d prefer some “me time” too, really. So I did a little shopping. I got myself a new bracelet, finally! My cheap Mickey & Minnie Mouse bracelet was giving up on me too! To be very specific, I got myself a Thomas Sabo Engraveable Bracelet, with “you can’t give up” engraved on it, and a “21″ locket charm to symbolise my 21st. Total costing me about $250, leaving me broke for the entire month of November :’) But hey, I survived!
Trust me I’d really like to post it on tumblr, along with all my other birthday presents that I’ve received but like I said, my laptop screwed up at the wrong time, so... I do have a pic actually, but it shows my cute toes hahahaha but its not a “tumblr-worthy” image anyway so I’d give that a miss. I could also post now to show, but its full w scratches now, bet you can’t see the engraving too.
I specifically choose that quote because yes, I am indeed obsessed with Thomas-Brodie Sangster, and this is one of his dialogues from a deleted scene. A scene in which he said to Dylan O’brien (in The Scorch Trials), “you can’t give up. I wont let you.” Pretty meaningful, don’t you think? I could have engraved the whole line if the space was plenty but its not, think I can only afford 18 alphabets haha. Thankful for this brand, the quote and everything, because it reminded me never to quit or give up, and also for letting me own a -something Thomas- (since I can’t own him) hahahaha!
On New Year, I went out with my boyfriend and his family to Universal Studios Singapore (USS for short) and to be honest, 21 years of living and that was my first time there. I went once for Halloween on 2015, but I couldn’t catch the rides so that wasn’t really my first time.
The first ride we took was my all time favourite; the Transformers Ride!! Mad mad love for Transformers, no idea why. Even my boyfriend thinks i get carried away with fictional characters. But it’s okay, it shows I enjoyed something so much right? (Is it even healthy or normal, anyway)? 
Next we took the Jurassic Park ride. Like I said, it was my virgin trip, I had zero clues that USS has water rides. The ride is to sit on a 9-seater circle boat, so it spins as the currents pushes you through. I, out of 9 people, happened to be the UNLUCKY one, on MY FIRST TRIP, was the one who got soaking wet! Legit, I’m not even exaggerating! Syahrin’s sister got wet too, but i got DRENCHED. COMPLETELY SOAKED FROM HEAD TO TOE. My hair (that I’ve straightened, my top that I’ve ironed, my cute socks and shoes.... ) Its bad enough I didn’t bring spare clothes and shoes, to make matters worst, it rained, heavily! I did went to the dry pod to dry myself up, but it’s as useless as a cheapo hairdryer that takes forever and does nothing. Oh and not to mention, not only was my shirt wet, IT STAINED. I was wearing white on that day, and it got wet.... And dirty. Definitely not cool. (Boo).  Also, it smelled. Smelled so bad like I haven’t bathe in a week. It was pretty crowded that day since it’s a holiday so imagined how insecure I was. Yes, I could purchase a shirt from the gift shop, but who would spend $30 on a plain “UNIVERSAL STUDIOS SINGAPORE” top? Sorry, not me. I’m broke af.
Afterwards we took the Puss in Boots ride. Also a 9 seater so we don’t have to split but I sat out on the corner so every turn makes it scarier! At this point the rain was still drizzling, so its not that bad. Puss in Boots is like a normal ride, Still thrilling, tho.
We managed to catch a Revenge of the Mummy ride, and that was CCC-RRRR-AAA-YYYY-ZZZZ-YYYY!! Insane! You name it! It’s bad enough the ride is indoor, and dark, and cold, but it has no seatbelts! All I had was a freaking bar in between my legs to grab and hold on tight to, and it was insane. Lit but insane! You move forward, backwards, and all the other directions you could possibly think of! My heart nearly stopped and came out of me, and I twisted my arms through the small gap on the bar to give myself extra security. Even that wasn’t enough.
By the time we stepped out of the Mummy ride, the rain was already heavy. USS doesn’t provide too many shelters, and their shelter space was small. Imagine about 80 people of all shapes and sizes, cramming under one small shelter, and some other people passing thru... Not cool. Nope. It rained for what seems like forever, so many outdoor rides had to stop, sadly. I really wanted to take the 2 outdoor Galactica rides. But luck wasn’t with me. It’s okay, perhaps next time. 
The rain continued all the way and we braved through the rain to other shelters to find food, but Singapore is all about making money, and a regular hotdog bun with fries and a soft drink cost $13. No thanks. We took another boring indoor ride, the Madagascar ride just to kill time but the rain was still.... Heavy.
We managed to find another larger shelter and by then the rain has started to show mercy, so we managed to capture some pics. After all that, we left the place with the unsatisfied feeling of not being able to catch all the rides.
I’m guessing we went at a wrong time since it’s quite a monsoon season in Singapore right now, but it was a good experience. A good start to my 2017 really, cos days before 2016 ended, Syahrin and I talked about going USS and on 1st January, his mom decided to take us there. A blessing indeed. Syukran.
I believed things happened for a reason, and tho we couldn’t catch the other rides, I’m still thankful for this trip. thankful and blessed to have known Syahrin and his perfectly beautiful family. 
Knowing Syahrin has definitly been my biggest blessing since 2013. His family is really accepting and perfect, and it’s with them I got to experience many “first time”. My first time to Adventure Cove, USS and many more. Thank you Allah, for giving me an opportunity to have known Syahrin and his wonderful family.
I can’t wait to see what 2017 has in store for me, and may it be a better year for me. In Sha Allah, Amin. 
Till next time, xoxo.
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