#[all rainbow blasting aside... hello everyone~~~~]
coollyinterferes · 1 year
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"Is it really that difficult t' understand that I ain't romantically or sexually interested in women at all...?" Good fuckin' lord...
The p*rn b*ts saga shamefully continues
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bluejaytaco · 3 years
(We returned to the session with all party members floating in the waters of Fransland. The bar has “Welcome to my realm” written on it in blood. Outside of it there are strange, humanoid creatures walking around. We're in the water, Theodora had a young elf boy knocked out on her back and Art has Reita clinging to him because she doesn't know how to swim.
The water is, however, strangely buoyant.)
Theodora:(immediately swims over and hugs Koejin) I'm never letting you go again.
Koejin: (hugs back) yeah... uh, no more jumping through strange portals for a while.
Alabaster:(casts waterwalking and walks over to Art) Hello, my friend!
Art: (jumps at the sight) Holy Jesus! Hi, hello!
(We all end up swimming to shore and catching up a little bit. The creatures were something Team A was dealing with while we were in the separate universe. From the distance, some of us can see that the creatures are all attached to one cloaked figure sitting off to the side.)
Koejin: (shoots an arrow at the figure and hits it right in the head. The head pops off and rolls closer. It's Skelly)
Skelly: What the Hell?! What just happened?! Who shot me?!(all his minions just kinda stand around his head) Don't just stand there! Reattach me!
Theodora: Skelly?
Skelly: (After his head's back on, he notices us) Oh, hey guys!
Hennessy: What're you doing here?
Skelly: I don't know. Just one minute I'm minding my own business, the next I'm here with these guys (gestures to the shambling forms) Just making friends and hanging out.
Theodora: Are they.... friends by choice? (stares pointedly at the tethers)
Skelly: They're friends by MY choice!
Theodora: How long have you been here?
Skelly: A day... A week... two years and five minutes? Ehhhh....
Art: (moves to explore the tavern)
(As he moves closer, a giant red claw comes up and climbs onto the roof. Mrs. Red glares at the party. Koejin also notices humanoid Mrs. Red is on her back. Dragon Mrs. Red rears back and uses her fire breath on everyone, successfully melting Skelly into a pile of ash.
We also have a new party member, Jaquine. She is not as high of a level as us, so the blast would kill her.
But then a large tiefling woman jumps in and takes the brunt of the burn for Jaquine. She looks.... very familiar. Despite the fact that we've only really met like two tieflings.)
Tiefling woman: Everyone, inside! Now! (Jumps up on Dragon Red's face and they fly away.)
Koejin: Uh, yeah! Let's go!
Alabaster: (moving over to bring Skelly back to life)
(Skelly is now a strange pile of moving ash. He hasn't regained his original form.)
Vincent: Yesss.... burn.... (This is like... the third time he's gotten excited about some violence.)
Hennessy: Alright! You and me! We gotta talk!
(We go inside the bar to see a scawny looking white dragonborn behind the bar, cleaning a glass. Aside from him, there's only one other patron; a woman passed out in a puddle of her own drool with long, rainbow hair.)
Art: (eyes the bartender) Hey there... I'm Art... and you are? (he already knew the answer)
Dragonborn: (smiles creepily) Oh, hi! I'm Eltbalm.
Art: Right, right. (looks over at the passed out woman and frowns as he realizes it's Thia. He walks over to her)
Reita: (runs to Wreybar and points at a hole in the wall. She then dives for it and pulls out a rat. She tears the rat in half and hands part of it to Wreybar.)
Wreybar: Is it a gift or food?
Reita: (nods and bites into her half)
Wreybar, grinning: Thank you!
(Me: I'm a good big brother for letting this happen.)
(For a moment, we cut to Hennessy and Vincent talking to each other about the way he's been acting. Vincent, after being kidnapped and just all around having a shitty time, has adopted the whole idea of killing in order to make the world better. But, after a bit of talk, he's feeling a little better. Hennessy talks about how Theodora, Koejin, and Alabaster would be able to help him with whatever he needs to feel safe again. That seems to help.)
(Meanwhile, Art is gently shaking Thia awake. He gets her to snap her head up but that's about it. He gestures to Eltbalm to get them some water for her.
We all try to get her to wake up and talk with us, but to no avail. However, all of us agree that this might be the best time for a long rest. But before that)
Hennessy: Art, can I speak to you?
Art: Uh... yeah. What's up?
Hennessy: Your sister. She's still got that pink stone embedded in her back, right?
Art: Yeah... we haven't been able to remove it... why do you ask?
Hennessy: Well, while we were all superpowered by the gods, I came across a spell that might be helpful. We could create a clone copy of Reita and remove the stone from her original body. Then, if anything were to go haywire, then we can put her essence into the clone.
Art:.... I want you to think about this for a second.. Put yourself in my shoes and Vincent in Reita's.... would you still trust it?
Hennessy: If it means saving his very life and the lives of millions, then of course!
Art: Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying no. It's just... a lot. And, I mean, it's not like we can do it right now anyway, right?
Hennessy, seeing that Art doesn't fully trust the idea: Yes, but... to ease your worries... it might help to keep in mind we have a genuine necromancer on our side. (Gestures to Alabaster)
Alabaster, seeing that gesture and looks over to find out whats going on: Hello, yes!
Art: You're a necromancer now?!
Alabaster: Why yes. It's an interesting tale but yes. And I would be able to help your sister, given the situation!
Art: (looks at the Skelly blob then up at Alabaster tensely. He then turns back to Hennessy.) It's not something we can do now anyway so....
(Everyone took a look at the stone. Hennessy discovered it was an ancient magic while Art recognized it as tiefling magic. Theodora offered to cut the magic and see what might come of it, but Art was afraid it might hurt Reita. He might be a little over protective.
This is around where we took our rest. As we're rested and trying to figure out our next move, the tiefling woman steps in through the door. She has in her hands the fifteen foot battle axe and is covered in blood. She walks up, demands a beer from Eltbalm, and walks back over to the table where Thia is still passed out. As she takes a sip, she gestures to all of us to gather around.)
Tiefling Woman: Must be pretty confusing for all of you.
Art: That's putting it lightly.
Tiefling Woman: So, let's start with an introduction; I'm Elsie. Elsie Red. I'm the only form of Mrs. Red here that's a tiefling.
Art: ...yeah, why are you a tiefling?
Elsie, shrugging: Don't know. Don't have any memories of anything outside of here. But, hey! I gotta gift for you (looks over at Eltbalm) Hey, you! Go get her. And you better not have touched her!
Eltbalm: Aww, but- (interrupted by the battle axe embedding itself in the wall next to him) coming up!
(Eltbalm disappears for a moment and returns with a bound Mrs. Red. It's our Red; missing tongue and all. He sits her down next to Elsie.)
Hennessy: Elsie, is your story anything like our Red's? It's quite the tragic tale.
Elsie: I don't know. I dont remember. That smiling bastard sent me and all these reds here. It's like we're some kind of experiment or something.
Theodora, nodding: Sounds like Ticket Master, alright. He is quite an asshole.
Hennessy, turning to Red: Do you still have the diary I returned to you?
Red: (nodding in her condescending, mean girl way)
(Art tries to reach into her satchel in order to show Elsie only to get bitten for the trouble.)
Art: Ow, hey! You bitch!
Red: (glaring at him)
(Art gives Elsie a rundown of what they know about Red's backstory. It sums up to Red ending the war and starting her reign of terror after the death of Eltbalm. At that, he points to the scrawny dragonborn at the bar.)
Elsie: Uhhh, no. I remember being married to a tiefling woman. He's not really my type....
Art: Our Eltbalms haven't looked like that. They're more....uh... Koejin, describe Eltbalm.
Koejin: Oh... He's just so hunky and buff. He's covered in shiny white scales. Like, a beautiful man just... (chef's kiss)
Elsie: Yeah, still no.
(We eventually decide that our Red's inability to speak was making this hard. So, we ask Vincent if there's anything he can do.
Turns out, DM rolls high enough to where Vincent pulls out a mechanical tongue.)
Vincent: Now, you gonna go and bite me the moment I go to put this in your mouth?
Red: (nods with a 'Well, duh' look on her face)
Vncent, putting the tongue on the table: Then you can do it yourself.
(Elsie undoes Red's hands and Red immediately dives to put the tongue in her mouth. She doesn't take long to secure it.)
Red, pointing to all of us: Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuuuck you. And a special 'fuck you' to you! (points at Elsie)
Alabaster: Charming.
Red: You took away everything from me and expect me to do anything for you?!
Art: Oh, you mean like what you've been doing to us?
Red: Oh, you fucking little shit. Why the fuck would I care?! You interrupted everything and stopped my ascent to finally killing that smiling asshole you call Ticket Master.
Art: Please, you went toe to toe with him and couldn't take him down.
(We ended up arguing with Red for a while and trying to get her to help us and figure out the parts missing that kept her from doing it. Then...)
Thia: (grabs the empty beer bottle and smashes it against the table. Holds it out to Red) put that to your neck.
Red: (loses control of herself and immediately follows the order) Wha-?
Thia: How do we get out of here?
Red: I- (is comanded to press in deeper. Starts to cry.) I... I don't know. I don't know. I can't remember!
Thia: Then remember.
Red, freezes for a second: I... remember everything...I... (turns to Art) I'm your mother.
Art: I... Wh-wait.... what?
Red: It happened so long ago now. I... Eltbalm and I... were tieflings. We were very much in love. We were happy... Eventually, we were blessed with a beautiful baby. A little girl... but, the land told us, no. Our girl would become a charming handsome boy. Not too long after, we were granted our beautiful, sweet Reita... but... but the war came to our land. They killed Eltbalm, my love. Right in front of me... So I prayed to the land for a way. To stop the war. To protect my children. I was turned into a dragon and given the power to end it all, so I did. And I prayed for a way to bring my husband back. And the land granted me the stones. All parts of Eltbalm.
I didn't know I would be worshipped by our people. I just wanted you to be safe... so, I prayed for a way to the land. And then.... he appeared.
I was so full of rage, but Ticket Master offered me a way. I sold him my soul and I asked that you and your sister were raised by tieflings. To be sure you were kept safe. And he did...
I tried to make it so Reita could be strong like me. Even in my rage and my forgotten memories, I wanted to keep her safe. She was so... helpless. Art, I am so sorry it turned out this way. I lo-
Thia, interrupting the last part: slit your throat.
(Red follows the order and immediately starts bleeding out. Her body collapses on the ground.)
Art: (immediately moves to save her)
Thia: Stop.
Art: (Fails a Con save and is forced to stop)
Theodora: (moves in to heal Red)
Thia: Sit down.
Theodora: (Fails a Con save and follows the order)
Hennessy: Now, wait ju-
Thia: Cover your mouth.
Hennessy: (Fails a Con save and follows the order) Mmmph Rmph!
Koejin: Thia, why're you doing this?
Thia: It's what you guys taught me. you have to kill in order to get to the top. In order to get anyone to listen. To get any type of power.
Koejin:...I thought you just wanted to do drugs and run your bar.
Thia: I did. But then this shit started happening. And you guys started killing generals. And you guided me here. That's when I realized that yes, this is the only way.
Theodora: (trying to do Lay On Hands to Red as Thia's distracted.)
Thia, noticing: Go lay down in that corner, far away from her and don't move.
Theodora:(fails the Con save and does that.)
Art: The leader shouldn't be influenced by their followers.
Thia: I wasn't your leader. Cloak was. And look how much you cared about her death. (glares at Art) not that you're one to talk about not killing. You signed a contract for the God of Death and Deceit.
Art, glaring back: To save my sister.
Thia: still.
Hennessy: (still screaming behind his muffled hands)
Art, casting Sending to get what he was trying to say: Hennessy says "we have been nothing but merciful as instructed." He also said other things, but it got caught off.
Thia: Fine. Remove your hands and speak.
Hennessy: We have been more merciful to everyone of these generals. Green, your own father, was spared and look now! He's one of our strongest allies! Purple returned to their gem under our influence!
Thia: And what about Orange? And Blue? And Yellow?!
Hennessy: Orange was.... an unfortunate circumstance. And Blue gave us no choice. But Yellow; if I recall he willingly died.
Art, tenses: Uhhh, Hennessy...? Yellow was Thia's mother. And she didn't.
Thia, clearly even more angered: I'm starting to think this world needs to be wiped clean so we can begin again.
Art:.... Please don't think that.
(As if hearing her, the roof of the tavern is torn off and there stands Shmoogie. He's staring down at us.)
Shmoogie: Pelor knew you would see the light. (puts his hand down to her) Come now. There's much work to be done.
Thia: (climbs onto the hand)
(Everyone scrambles to look for a way to stop her from leaving with him. In his panic to keep her there, Art uses Black Tentacles to try and pull her out of his hands before she goes out of reach. Thia sees it and tries to order him to stop, but gets smacked in the face by one of them and is now sporting a huge mark near her eye. She disappears through a white portal in the sky with Shmoogie.
But the spell is then released and they can move.)
Art, rushes over to Red, torn in what he's about to do: Okay, I kinda shouldn't care but after all that now I don't want you to die. There's waaaay too many questions to be answered, but you're still an insane bitch. Okay, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna save the life of my...mother...mortal enemy... fuck.... How the fuck did Alabaster do this? Here we go. (casts spare the dying on Red)
Red: (Alive and no longer bleeding out, but out cold)
Reita: (watching her brother in confusion)
Art, noticing this: Uhhh... hey, uhhh... There's a lot to explain but.... once I understand what's going on, I'll explain it all. Okay?
Reita: (lifts some of her half-eaten rat to her mouth)
Art: (pushes it back down slowly)
(As Art is healing Mrs. Red and talking to Rieta, everyone is discussing the best way to get out of here. Theodora and Koejin have some private talks with the DM and come back, but seem reluctant to do the things they were talking about.)
Theodora, to Elsie: You think you can turn into a dragon and help us out?
Elsie: You're asking this from the only Mrs. Red that can't.
Koejin:... I think I have an idea. (digs through her bag for a gem she had.)
(She summons a carriage labelled Koejin's Brews and it's pulled by a horse with sunglasses.)
Horse: Heeey there, Koejin! Ready to ascend to your position?
Art:... Koejin's a god... I mean, why not? Why the fuck not? (heads to the carriage to immediately drink his face off.)
(We all pile on the carriage to find a fully stocked tavern with plenty of room. Like a bar version of a Tardis. "A Bardis" as Theodora's player starts calling it. And, as we ascend, the bar shakes a little as if experiencing turbulence, but then we end up in a world of light.
It's bright and white. Everything is white. Including the people.
Me: Sooo, Racism?
DM: It's Pelor's realm.
Theodora's Player: So, yeah, racism.)
(As we step off the carriage, we pass by people and see a letter hanging from the gate. On it is written "To Alabaster.")
Alabaster: (takes the letter)
Letter: Alabaster, you used to be so devout and loyal, but seem to have been corrupted by the influences around you. I will cleanse this world of all that is dark. Come see me and will do the same for you. It isn't too late. Not for you and not for your daughter. Come see me, my boy.
(Attached to the letter is a picture of Eris, Alabaster's daughter. Pelor is holding her by the head.)
((DM wasn't kidding when he said this would be pretty intense.))
((Koejin's Player: So... I've been hitting on Art's dad...))
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zach-the-fox · 4 years
Furiends Episode 7: Broken with Power
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It is a new day, and the friends gather once again. This time, their conference takes place at the Heroto Diner. They squeeze together in a round booth and get comfortable. After having washed off the last of the rainbow chemicals and rest from their time at the ruined laboratory, the gang finally chills without having to be in an eerie environment. Brook takes a big gulp of sweetened iced-tea as Emmy sips on her mug of hot, steaming coffee. Hatboy and Zach, on the other hand, hold soda in their grips. Carly is the only one focused on the activity she creates in her drawing pad.
“Ah,” utters Emmy, smiling. “This is nice: sitting in the diner and having a good meal.”
“I second that,” Hatboy replies, reflecting his expression. “Nothing beats a good, old-fashioned burger and some french fries.”
“I agree!” adds the purple rabbit. “It’s so much better with you guys, unlike those cold-hearted animals known as Team Rescuers.” She turns to Zach. “Sorry, didn’t mean to bring that up. No offense, you know…”
“None taken,” Zach tells her. “In fact, I’m happy to say I’m past all of that. You guys have helped me back on my feet and changed my life. You’re the greatest friends a fox could ask for.” She pats him on the back with a smile.
Emmy looks to the cat. “Carly, can’t you work on drawing another time? We’re at the table with our friends.” Carly scoots away slightly to ignore her. “Come on. Don’t be so-” The warthog pauses as she notices the people of the diner begin eyeing the gang. “Um, does anyone get the feeling something’s wrong here?” The others see what she means, observing the specters of the eatery.
Brook sees what she means. Her smile disappears. “Everyone is looking at us… Why are they looking at us like that?”
“We didn’t do anything,” Hatboy implies. “We’re just hanging out… Unless, they all think we’re weird because Zach is with us…”
“Maybe we should get out of here,” Zach suggests. “I feel like we’re attracting unwanted attention.”
“I second that,” Brook insists. “Besides, I’m feeling a little headache…” Everyone agrees, get out of their seats, and stand. Carly keeps her head in her sketchbook as she draws.
Hatboy places money down on the table before the whole gang exits out the diner. The eyes of the other animals follow them as they disappear, and remain fixed on them through the glass as the others distance themselves from the diner. “Okay, that’s so creepy,” he comments. “What is going on?”
The warthog halts beside the glass window of an electronic store, noticing her and her friends’ pictures on the screen mounted on the wall. “Guys, come look at the television right now…”
“Not now,” Carly says. “I’m working on something very-”
“We’re on the news!” the warthog interrupts. Everyone gathers by the screens and watches the news story.
“Welcome to Heroto News!” utters a well-dressed owl. “I am Helen Hooters with your regular news stories. We begin today with a warning to the town. Team Rescuers are advising us to be cautious of these five figures shown here. We’ve been told that they were at the old ruined Heroto Laboratory last night and are have been acting suspicious. Team Rescuers and police are urging residents to be cautious.”
Brooks remains fixed on the television. “What…? They think we’re suspicious? Suspicious of what? This is ridiculous…”
“We’re now going to turn to our breaking news,” the owl continues. “The Heroto orphanage had been ripped apart by a loud explosion. We go to you live on the spot with Camille Chicken.” The scene cuts to the orphanage building with a large hole in it and emergency services around the area.  
In front of the damaged structure stands a chicken in a trench coat. “Good morning, Helen. It is a surprising morning to everyone in Heroto as we have found the orphanage had been blown up in the early morning hours. Residents have informed the news team that they heard a loud “boom” last night around 4:20 a.m., and are calling it an act of terror. Team Rescuers had combed through the site to find evidence that it was, indeed, a terrorist attack, after finding pieces of explosive materials around the area. There have been only mild to moderate injuries, and everyone who was involved in the blast are expected to make a full recovery in the hospital. People have been informing us that they’ve seen five animals walking through town and suspect they are the culprits behind the attacks. Team Rescuers has advised us it’s the flawed fox and his freaky friends that hang about, but there is no word on whether they were the ones behind the attacks. This is Camille Chicken reporting to you from the Heroto Orphanage.”
“Thank you, Camille.” The shot returns to the owl. “Now, we’re unsure if these two events are related to each other, but it seems plausible at this time. Team Rescuers and police are urging caution. We now take you to Alan Hawk for the weather.”
“That can’t be good,” says Zach. “That can’t be good at all…”
“Indeed,” Emmy adds. “We better get out of here now before-”
“Flawed Fox and friends!” The gang turns to see Jay and the team appear before them. “You have made a grave mistake!”
“Oh, hello there, Team Rescuers,” utters Brook. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
“Can it, Hops! We had suspicions you would, Flawed Fox!” Jay marches up to the fox. “I know you always loathed the orphanage, and it’s a good enough motive to get you arrested!”
“Hold on.” Carly stands between the two animals. “What makes you so sure Zach was the one who blew up the orphanage? He was with us the whole time.”
“Indeed, you were,” says Miffy. “You five have quite the nerve attacking poor, defenseless children!”
Carly turns to her quickly. “What?!”
“We weren’t the ones who attack the orphanage!” cries Hatboy. “We were all hanging out last night.”
“Yeah,” responds. “Hanging out by the old laboratory!” Hatboy flinches with fear. “You don’t think we know? You’re all in big trouble! You’re coming with us!” She reaches for Zach and grabs him. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this, Flawed Fox!”
“Get off of him!” Carly smacks the sheep with her sketchbook, causing her to fall back. She then charges toward them, but Hatboy pushes her aside, tossing her into a trashcan nearby.
Jay growls. “No one hurts my girlfriend!” He starts for the red rabbit, clawing at him and scratching his face. Zach steps in and extends his arm across Jay’s face, punching him in the mouth and knocking him away. “That’s it! I’ll kill you, Flawed Fox!” He charges for the fox, but then freezes within three meters of them as Brook stands in front and sticks out her leg, which connects with the area between his legs. The wolf covers his sensitive spot and stumbles to the ground.
Brook smiles. “I’ve always wanted to do that!”
“You’ve messed with the wrong group!” Kenji gets into his ready stance. “Prepare to face a master in martial arts!” Emmy stamps on the monkey’s foot, which causes him to lift and hold it before Zach quickly pushes him into the trash with Cindy.
“You criminals won’t get away with this!” As Miffy presses forward, Carly grabs her by the tail, yanks her, and spins her around. With enough momentum, he lets go and tosses her into a wall, where she’s stunned and dazed.
“Don’t ever mess with my friends!” Carly yells. The gang looks around as a crowd of angry citizens gather by them. “Uh… Uh oh…”
“Let’s get out of here!” Emmy shouts. Her and the others bolt away from the area with the mob. They run, faster and faster, as the yells and cries of the mob continue from behind them. The gang gets chased around blocks and corners. Eventually, they head down into a subway station and travel down the dim-lit tunnel. The gang continue down the line, then hide. When they no longer hear the cries and yells of the townsfolk, the friends stop and rest in place by the nearest station.
“Phew,” comments Brook. “That was close… Who would’ve thought people would become agitated quickly…?”
Zach turns to the others. “That was amazing… The way you all took on Team Rescuers…”
“You did well, too,” says Carly, smiling. “It was a nice punch against Jay. Did it feel good?” Zach nods.
“Friends always stick up for each other,” Emmy implies. “That’s what we do. It’s too bad that everyone, including Team Rescuers, will be after us, now…”
“That’s just great,” Hatboy starts. “Now the whole town thinks we’re terrorists…”
“W-what do we do now?” asks Carly. “We can’t go back to our homes… Team Rescuers will be waiting for us up there…” She sighs. “Great, now my mother will definitely kill me, if not Team Rescuers.”
“But we didn’t do anything!” Brook utters. “How could they blame us for something we didn’t do?!”
“I don’t know,” Zach responds. “They’re probably just blaming us because-” The fox pauses and holds his head. “Ugh!”
Carly moves closer to him. “You okay, Zach? What’s gotten into you?”
“My head,” the fox tells her. “I-it hurts so much! It’s like a hammer is banging on my skull a million times! My whole body’s aching, too!”
“You should take s-” The cat mirrors the fox’s move and flinches, trembling. “Ow! Ugh, I don’t feel so good…”
Emmy heads over to them with worry. “We should see if we -” The warthog pauses, then quickly kneels to the ground as she grudges her stomach. “A-ah! W-what is happening?! Why does my body ache so much?!” Soon, the rabbits join them in agony as pain fill their minds, bodies, and senses. All they could do is endure it, with no help or relief. The friends moan, groan, tremble, grit, and clench as their suffering continues. Half of them lie on the ground as the rest lean against the wall, wishing it would all stop. And then, just like that, the torture ceases.
“W-what just happened?” asks Zach, getting off the wall. “What was all of that about?”
“Ugh,” Hatboy stands from the concrete ground, still holding his head. “Why do I feel so strange? I feel like a fly that’s been squished.” Light encompasses the red rabbit as he changes form. His entire body morphs into a giant black fly. Everyone stares at him with gaping eyes and mouths. “Why is everyone looking at me like that?”
“Holy!” Carly points at him. “You’re a giant fly!”
“What?” Hatboy looks down at his paws, which are the limbs of an insect’s. “What the?! What’s happened to me?!” He pulls out his phone, looking into the camera’s selfie function. “I’m a fly?! Ah! Change me back! Someone!” Just like that, he returns to his normal self. “Uh…”
“Oh my god!” Zach yells. “How did you do that?!”
“I don’t know… I just said I was a fly… I have transformation abilities?!”
“Hold on!” Carly puts his paws on the area between her legs. “I have to use the bathroom real bad!” She runs away fast, then returns within five seconds. “Phew.” Everyone stares at her in bewilderment. She looks at her friends before reflecting their expressions. “Oh my! Did I just run to the bathroom and back in a matter of seconds?! Wait a minute…” She pulls out her sketchbook, and within a few seconds, she fills the entire page with her speed. “Whoa…”
“You have super speed!” exclaims Brook. “That’s so cool!” She looks down at her paws to examine them. “I feel a little tingly in my paws… I wonder what happened to me…” She extends her arm out to Hatboy. He starts glowing bright light blue before being hoisted in the air. Brook’s arm conducts him high. “Whoa! I’ve got telekinesis! Cool!” She takes back her arm, dropping the red rabbit. “Oops, sorry, Hats.”
Emmy holds her head. “I feel a little light…” Suddenly, she vanishes into thin air.
“Oh!” Carly juts. “Emmy, where’d you go?!”
“I’m right here!”
Carly looks around frantically. “Where?!”
“Here!” The warthog reappears in front of her. “I’ve been standing her the whole time! Didn’t you see me?!”
Carly stares at her in surprise. “No… You just disappeared, then reappeared!”
Emmy thinks hard about it, causing her to disappear and reappear again. Her expression turns to reflect the cats. “I-I have invisibility… That’s insane!”
Zach looks down at his body. “Why does my body feel strange…?” Everyone looks toward the tunnel at the sound of a horn, seeing a railroad car speeding toward them Everyone but Zach jumps out of the way. The fox extends his arms out to the metal vehicle and shuts his eyes tightly. The train slams into him and pushes him along the tracks, but then slows to a halt. Zach opens his eyes to see the subway stopped in its tracks as he holds it out in front of him. The others come out of hiding, looking at the fox with shock. Zach himself examines the work that he’s done. “Oh… My… God…” He then pushes the cars in the opposite direction with great force. “I’ve got super strength… I… Whoa…”
“We have super powers,” concludes Hatboy. “That’s incredible… How did we get super powers?”
Zach gasps, tracing his thoughts back to the event that lead up to this point. “The chemicals from the laboratory! The rainbow liquid that washed over us! That’s how we’ve got them!”
“I’m down with that,” Brook says. She pushes the empty cans with her telekinesis. “Man, this is “super” cool. We’re like superheroes!”
“Hm.” Carly puts her paw on her chin. “That actually gives me an idea. We should start our own little super gang with our new abilities. We can blow Team Rescuers out of the water and show Heroto what real heroes are. We’d be better than them.” Everyone hesitates with her suggestion, but then soon come to an agreement on it.
“Just one question,” adds Emmy. “Where are we setting up our base of operations? We’re wanted by the whole town, and I’m pretty sure Team Rescuers will be out looking for us.”
“We can hide down here, actually,” Zach implies. “There’s an abandoned subway terminal just down the line on the third set of tracks. Been abandoned for years, and no one ever uses it.”
“Ooo!” Brook smiles. “I like the sound of that! Very interesting! Wait, how the heck do you know about that?”
“When I was with Team Rescuers, we intercepted Capital Corp using the tunnel, but we – I mean Team Rescuers – battled and pushed them out.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” Carly tells him. “We should get our things if we’re going to set up down here.”
“And how are we going to do that with Team Rescuers and the townspeople above us, waiting to hurt us?” Hatboy queries.
“We’ll go at night,” Emmy suggests. “That way no one can see us. Carly can use her superspeed and I have invisibility, which means we’ll get everything down here quickly.”
“Yeah, that’ll work. First thing’s first, though.” Brook looks at Zach. “Lead us to the abandoned station, Zach. I’d love to see that.”
“It’s right this way.” Zach traces the third track down into the tunnel with the gang following him. “It’s going to be a bit of a long walk, but since no one comes down here, it should be safe enough to hide in.”
Emmy has her hoof on her chin as she follows the fox. “I’m starting to grow skeptical of Team Rescuers…”
@carlycmarathecat​ @emmy-the-absolute-goof​ @bendy-bear-15​
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screamin bout zi-o 36
i had fun doing this last week, so let’s make another screencap post! of course, i said that, and then it took several days to upload all the pictures because tumblr just stops fucking working sometimes. anyhoo! it’s yuko kitajima roast hour. image-heavy and spoiler-heavy, naturally.
so ginga blew everyone up and they ran away to a sewer it seems.
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honestly that theory makes as much sense as anything else on this booty ass fuckin’ kamen rider show
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i was just like...he isn’t
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but then he was
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swartz: she could step on me in those red pumps and i’d say Thank You
hora: i regret so much right now
uhr: *shonen anime character walking down the street pose*
then over quartzer plays and im starting to feel a little lost because i don’t get to hear about the episode according to woz’s book? hello??
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yuko’s still out gettin her spa treatments and shit, god only knows how she got the money for all that, and somehow she never crosses paths with the cops or anyone who recognizes her from the news?? uh
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honestly yeah?? a queen deserves to look GOOD. her theme music is eerily sexy, i need an mp3 of it right now
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don’t get me wrong, im well aware that swartz is being a suck-up to try and get yuko to help with his plan to seize ginga’s power, but damn im kinda shipping swartz with yuko now too...i mean, he WAS looking at her while doing the sexy ice cream thing last week. what flavor ice cream would yuko be? black cherry chip maybe?
(headcanon: woz tries apple pie ice cream and declares it a crime against both apple pie and ice cream alike--but he still eats the whole coneful)
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hora and uhr get ZA WARUDO’D down the stairs by swartz
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we were all uhr right here
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yeaaaaaah she just doesn’t want to fight ginga
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tsukuyomi’s a mood. someone put a band-aid on geiz’s forehead pls
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ok woz i get that if you’re looking for a despotic ruler to follow that yuko is likely a better bet than sougo, but you’re missing an important detail: if yuko actually had a shot at becoming queen of everything, she’d already have one of you in tow, and you would most likely hate each other.
...majou means “demon queen” in this case, not “witch”, right?
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aaaaaand this...is the moment when yuko started making me very uncomfortable. the way she responds: “yes...i do remember. it’s you.”
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and sougo’s face just lights up--my guy, she could so easily be lying. she didn’t say one thing about the band-aid or the playground or anything that’d indicate she’s actually sougo’s crush.
like...if not for the fact that sougo had such a crush on the seifuku girl, it wouldn’t be all that major a memory. it likely wasn’t for the girl in question--just a happy sunny day cheering up a lonely little boy. a beautiful memory, yes...but memories fade.
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can someone please explain to me why woz’s characterization is all over the place in kiva arc? are you pro-yuko or anti-yuko, woz? i don’t understand what’s going through his pretty head at all honestly. he gets pretty taciturn in the scenes he’s not inhaling pie, but then at times he seems to think yuko’s cool aaaaaagh i don’t know
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junichiro: meowing, just wanted an excuse to cook lots of food
sougo: “yay, uncle’s cooking!”
woz: [deadpan monotone] “yaaaaaaay uncle’s cooking...”
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ive had enough of this evil bitch honestly but when she points it’s still Good Shit
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ridiculous move name, but also an awesome move name
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and turning to stone to heal up while the sun’s clouded over? very cool
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i noped so hard at this part. like...i really do feel protective of sougo. yuko doesn’t give a damn about him, she just doesn’t want him to get in her way.
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nope. no. nuh uh. you two step away from each other right now.
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ok but in all seriousness, do you want time jackers? because, im calling it now, letting oma zi-o go in raw is how you get time jackers.
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yeah im pretty sure miho would’ve kept at it if she’d lived, and yuko...shes not gonna listen to sougo
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thank you for the much needed reality check furry man
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so she’s a...fu-joshi? 👀
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yuko wears such fabulous shoes
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was anyone surprised at this point that yuko was the real killer? i sure wasn’t. not after all the obvious lies.
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i love her leitmotif. i need it. where do i download
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hey kids! it’s time for *mashes play button* la-la-la lies! yeah, tell me that you love me! la-la-la-lies! look deep into my eyes! la-la-la-lies! say there’s no one else above me! i’m the king of fools, cuz baby, you’re the queen of actually very hurtful and manipulative lies!
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that’s such bullshit
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now im the last person to be like “don’t play the dead mommy card”--i practically keep that card in the hello kitty wallet my dead mommy gave me. but i bet you yuko’s mom is just fine (aside from living with the trauma of knowing her daughter’s a murderer and pathological liar).
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thank you tsukuyomi. god sougo really needs a chaperone with yuko around, he’s way too dumb and thirsty.
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GUESS WHO’S BACK. BACK AGAIN. fortunately, it seems swartz and woz have been just standing there watching him for the duration of the rain shower.
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lest we forget (because i didn’t screencap it), when zi-o took the brunt of ginga’s attack earlier, it sent him flying. now, that’s a human body, which has some ability to absorb force because it’s mostly pretty soft and fluid. yuko’s manhole cover almost completely absorbed this blast--she barely shifted her weight on impact. is it just that she’s THAT ripped? 
then The Boys rider kick ginga to oblivion. rip ginga, you didn’t have a personality or a character arc, we never even saw you un-transformed--you were just a cool looking plot device with pretty attacks. but for that much, we appreciate you!
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swartz looks so pleased with himself. he must not have watched the preview for this episode.
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YOINK! gotta love how swartz doesn’t look surprised so much as puzzled.
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sure am glad kurowoz took his other self’s advice and kept an eye on swartz
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i love it so much how woz just has these magic scarf powers and it needs no explanation? hell, he can fly and time travel and make people fall asleep and he’s super strong too, with no explanation? and he’s the comic relief? ALSO HE’S REALLY HOT? woz is a being to behold honestly
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speaking of super strong and really hot, yuko is KILLING IT in that gown. i mean...i guess that’s the intention. killing it. cuz she’s a homicidal maniac. haha.
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she’s so good at pointing. yuko could be a prosecutor in shuichi kitaoka: ace attorney. (FUND IT)
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yuko throws her manhole cover at the boys (rude!) and next we see geiz holding it. a shame we don’t get to see him snatch it out of midair. or did woz catch it and just hand it to him? we may never know.
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zi-o. listen to geiz, zi-o. use the fucking watch. just use the watch, zi-o. you seriously plan on just letting another kiva go on a killing spree? do you not get by now what she’s capable of?
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thank goodness zi-o has his retainers to make wise decisions so he doesn’t have to.
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please note the placement of mars on ginga woz’s suit. very important.
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I Love You
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my favorite character gets a beautiful rainbow final attack. i feel so blessed.
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i mean...protecting all mankind would probably include protecting them from people like yuko. just sayin.
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is it bad of me that my immediate thought right then was “at least woz’s attack wasn’t what did her in.”
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this shot, especially in the context of the church, definitely gave me pieta vibes--albeit reversed somewhat.
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weirdly enough, woz does an outro instead of an intro this episode.
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at this point while watching, i said to shylax “you know what this calls for? pie!” but before i could finish--
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--PIE! cmon sougo, it’s time to gobble up your feelings!
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fucking woz, i swear, you have pie in your mouth and pie in your right hand and pie on your FACE and when your overlord expresses how miserable he is you just go for his uneaten pie with your empty hand.
...is it normal to eat pie like this in japan? because the only times i’ve seen americans make this much of a mess eating pie is when they’re toddlers.
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oh hey, what do you know? looks like sougo’s first love wasn’t a violent crazy person after all. she also wasn’t yuko.
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sougo’s just an idiot who will mistake any older woman who rubs him on the chin and calls him cute for his sailor girl.
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i blame joshua kiryu
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how eloquently this one line sums up not only kamen rider zi-o but kamen rider decade as well. that’s it, that’s the show. that’s the clusterfuck we will inevitably get whenever toei decides to make a kamen rider crossover.
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LOOK AT THIS! TSUKUYOMI REMEMBERED SOMETHING! who is she smiling at? is it her dad? is that swartz behind her?! omg baby tsukuyomi is so CUTE!
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“a team”. uh huh. is that what the youth are calling it these days? cuz when i was a wee lass, i believe they called it “fucking”.
so what have we learned this week?
very little about ginga
sougo does not remember faces all that well
before sougo dates ANYONE that person should be fully vetted by junichiro, geiz, tsukuyomi, and woz because CLEARLY HE CANNOT SAFELY CHOOSE A PARTNER FOR HIMSELF
i still really like yuko as a character, if not as a person. same as i enjoy junji ito manga, but would be very upset if most of it happened in real life.
swartz loves a woman who can kick his ass
what the fuck are manhole covers in this world
i can’t wait for baby tsukuyomi flashbacks! that, and more tsukasa.
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aspiringarmstrong · 6 years
Star vs Evil - Chapter 7
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Tom looked across the long banquet table at Star, sitting on the other end. He diligently hunted for the largest hellboar he could find and overwatched the chefs create their meal tonight.
Toffee said any effort is never wasted, even if we don’t perceive the desired results. Plant the seeds and they will grow.
Star picked at her food and sighed. She looked up across the long table to Tom who gave her a reassuring smile. She returned the smile, but Tom’s faded. He could tell it was half-hearted. He had hoped she’d turn to the normal, bubbly girl he’s in love with, but with her moping about all the time… it felt like she was his prisoner.
“Star… it’s been a week.” Tom said as he mirrored her fidgeting.
“I know, I know.” Star sighed and pushed her food away. Every time her gaze connected with his, she would turn away and focus on something else.  
“What do you want to do tonight? There’s going to be a wrestling match later. I know how much you love to watch mindlessly violent sports. Last month we had two dismemberments!” Tom said with glee. He hoped he could find some way to turn this around.
“Meh,” Star said with a sigh and absentmindedly changed her nail colors with her wand. She didn’t even look at the food he spent all day lamenting over. A part of him wanted to scream at her insensitivity, but he’s trying to move beyond that side of him.  
“We can go hunting?” Tom said, brandishing all forms of killing instruments from out of nowhere.
“Meh,” Star replied and poked at her plate again, returning her wand with her free hand to her purse.
“What is going on? You were so happy to be here!” Tom lamented.
“No, Tom. I’m not happy here. I’m here because it’s the right thing to do.” Star snapped. She kicked her chair out and stormed off outside the castle.
“Star…” Tom whispered, his outstretched hand grasping at the retreating form of Star.
“Sir… the Butterfly has left the nest!” Buffrog reported to a floating bat eyeball.
“Thank you, commence the attack,” Toffee said from the viewing room. He stood next to Ludo, his stone face hiding any thoughts he may be having.
“I...I should be out there commanding my troops!” Ludo exclaimed. “My years of tactical analysis is going to be invaluable.”
“I understand, sir, but you’re too advanced to be of any help to your troops, This is like a chess game, each piece has its part. Just watch,” he said, revealing a smile full of teeth. Ludo nodded in excitement, ignoring the little voice in the back of his head warning him of danger.
Marco curled up in bed with the covers over his head. What were King and Queen Butterfly thinking? They expected him to be her knight? All this time… it wasn’t a coincidence that he was her host house? The layers of betrayal felt like suffocating weights pressing against his chest, one pound at a time.
The sound of space unicorn erupted from under his pillow. Halfheartedly, he checked the caller ID. He didn’t want to talk to Jackie right now.
Marco shot up in bed and answered the phone. “Star?”
“Hey… Marco,” She said. It was her ‘confused and needs advice’ tone, Marco noted. He should run down and make some s’mores, that always helps the ‘confused and needs advice’ Star.
Marco punched his pillow. No! He will not start that! He’s not her protector or her knight. He was a normal kid going to school.
“I’m… sorta busy.” Marco said, his chest tightened as he said those words to her. God, he wanted to see her!
“Oh… I’m sorry… I’ll just…” Star mumbled.
“No! Wait!” Marco shouted before Star finished. “I… I mean, I got some time, what’s up?”
“I’m… just having second thoughts,” Star mumbled. “But… enough about me. How are you and Jackie? We haven’t talked in like a week… and I just am going for a walk around Lava Lake… and thought of you… I mean though I’d catch up with you… since ya know… walking, and bored… that sorta thing.”
“Star… Your Mom and Dad were here.” Marco said dryly.
“Oh?” She said innocently. “And… how were they?”
“I found out a few things,” Marco said, he wanted to scream and yell but didn’t want to anger Star and have her hang up on him.
“And… you found out how awesome of a friend you are and they are in no way holding you responsible for my rash and uncontrollable decision to run away?” Star said. He could hear her grinning from ear to ear, anticipating what sort of trouble she may be in.
“I found out why you came to live with me,” Marco said.
“What?” Star asked, “I… don’t understand.”
“Don’t pay dumb, Star,” Marco said. “I was chosen before you even came to earth. I was supposed to be groomed into a Bach...knight or something and move to Mewnie when I was older. When you took the crown.”
“I’ve never heard of such a thing. A Bach...knight?” Star said and suddenly gasped with some sort of realization. “I can’t believe them… That’s so like Mom!”  
“So… you honestly didn’t know?” Marco asked.
“No. Of course not!” Star said. “I love it over there and I’d never ask you to…”
“Ask me to what?” Marco asked. “Star? Hello?”
Looking down at his phone, it showed the call was dropped.
Marco’s hand shook as he sent text after text, call after call only to get no reply.
“MOM!” Marco screamed as he tore out of his room. “Please tell me you have a way to get ahold of King Butterfly!”
Star looked at the shattered cell phone in her hand. It was cleanly broke in two. She winced in pain as she noticed an arrow sticking out of the back of her hand, the shaft halfway up, and a green stone arrowhead inches from her face...
“M...Marco?” She asked the destroyed cell phone. Her mind hadn’t caught up with what had happened. A part of her was mildly curious at the green ooze coming from the stone arrowhead.
Star looked around. Slowly Ludo’s army appeared, surrounding her. Instinctively she reached for her wand and gasped in pain. The arrow was still in her palm. She fumbled with her purse and reached in with her left hand, pulling out the source of her powers.
“Narwhal Blast!” She screamed, The rainbow filled attacking narwhals fired as usual but missed their target.
Ludo’s crew surrounded her and slowly closed in the circle. Star fired a few more missed shots and turned her focus to her dominant hand.
Star tried to pull the arrow through but almost blacked out from the lightning pain that shot through her arm.  Her breathing was labored, a mix of panic and pain. She cast her wand about wildly, not even attempting any real spells. She hoped Tom was on his way and glad Marco was safe. She didn’t want him to see her like this.
“And.. she just stormed off!” Tom said to his therapist. Toffee nodded and wrote in his notebook.
“And.. how did that make you feel?” Toffee asked
“Like I should go after her!” He replied. There was a knock on the door. “I’m BUSY!”
“Should we stop?” Toffee asked,
“No, It’s nothing. Just some underlings want something. They know not to bother me in here.” Tom said and sat on the reclining sofa that he sat in front of the communication mirror.
“Now, what would happen if you did?” Toffee asked, picking up from his last question.
“She’d say I was smothering her and get mad,” Tom replied, he slumped down on his chair and let out a defeated sigh.
“Exactly… Let's work on those feelings.”
“Tom? Marco?” Star shouted. Her voice cracked from the pain. She felt a knot in her throat and despair claw at her chest. “Anyone? I need help!”
Star lightly jogged away from the minions that attacked her. A full sprint would waste energy, and she needed to conserve what she had. None of the minions had attacked her yet, the massive presence and their slow approach were driving her mad. She was being engulfed in hopelessness, knowing she was powerless against them. The more she ran, the more appeared. She realized too late, that she was being corralled.
She needed someone to help her… she couldn’t do this herself. She thought she could, but she could barely move her hand, the pain had moved up her arm and was now at her shoulder. Was the arrow poisoned?
Desperation overtook her. She charged the nearest monster and screamed. The giant chicken moved aside, and her kick whizzed through the air, connecting to nothing. Losing her balance, she slid on the hard rock that overlooked the lake of molten fire. The group reformed around her and closed in on her. She backed away, brandishing her wand, firing shot after shot with her left hand, missing each one as they slowly closed in.
As Star backed away, her foot slipped. She knelt down to steady herself and looked behind her. She was up against the edge of the magma lake.
The creatures in the army chuckled, and the sound of a tiny slow clap rang in her ears. She could see some of the monsters part ways to reveal Ludo clapping in triumph.
“Nowhere left to run… Butterfly!” Ludo said in triumph. “Now… give me the wand, or your goose is cooked!”
“Ludo… this doesn’t mean you won!” Star said she tried to muster up any intimidation she had left.
“Look around! No one is showing up to save you!” Ludo chuckled. “You’re incapacitated, and there’s no way you can win! I mean… the only thing you could do is…”
Ludo covered his beak, realizing the mistake he made.
Star’s face wore a wide grin.
“Oh… you want my wand?” She said. Her legs shook as she stood back up. “Fine… go get it!”
“Wait! No! Star! Can we talk about this!” Ludo screamed in a panic! “NO! STOP HER!”
Star mimicked a baseball pitch Marco taught her and threw the wand with all her might.
Everyone stood in silent reverence as they watched the spiraling wand land in the lake of magma. Slowly it became encased in molten rock and disappeared from view.
“NO!” Ludo screamed and lunged forward. BuffFrog grabbed him with one hand and held him back. “No! I can still get it! I can get it! Someone go in and get it!”
“Sir, It’s gone,” BuffFrog said somberly. “It’s… It’s over.”
“NO! NO! NO!” Ludo wailed. “I was so close! I almost won!”
Star fell on her side, breathing had become increasingly difficult. The frantic Ludo paused and looked at Star’s collapse figure.
“Star?” Ludo asked. He rubbed his hands gingerly and motioned BuffFrog to set him down. The maniacal look on his face changed to one of concern. He walked up to her and looked over her body’s labored breathing. Black veins crept out from the arrow wound and slowly inched up her wrist. “Hey… is she going to be okay?”
“She was shot with poison arrow… of course, she’s not okay.” BuffFrog replied with a shrug.
“Who said to use a poison one?” Ludo asked that voice in the back of his head screamed louder, warning him of danger. “The idea was to disable her hand so she couldn’t aim!”
“Toffee instructed,” BuffFrog replied with a shrug.
Before Ludo could say anything more, the ground around them erupted. Star’s vision blurred, but she could make out a red hoodie rushing forward surrounded by Mewnie guards. The monster army scattered and escaped into the undead forest surrounding them.
“Star! Star!” Marco screamed. He was so far away. She tried to reach out to him. He raced over to her and cradled her in his arms. “I’m here… god, I’m sorry. I’ll never leave your side. This is all my fault.”
“Arrow… poisoned.” Star mumbled, indicating her injured hand. With that, consciousness escaped into visions of space unicorn videos involving laser puppies.
Star woke up in her room. She felt disoriented. It wasn’t Tom’s castle or Marco’s house. Was she back on Mewnie?
She sat up and winced. She looked down at her hand. It was bandaged, but black streaks were running up her arm.
“It won’t go away,” Marco said from the corner. He couldn’t quite hide the crack in his voice. His eyes are puffy and red. Was he crying?
“M… Marco?” Star asked rubbing her head. The events were fuzzy after her hand was skewered with the arrow.
“Yeah. I’m here,” he said and sat on the foot of her bed and held her good hand.
“I was so scared.” She whimpered and burst into tears. She never felt so powerless before.
“So was I.” He said and pulled her to him. She laid in his lap, and he rubbed her head. “I’m here now. It will be okay.”
“No… no, it won’t” Star sobbed. “It’s gone.”
“What’s gone?” Marco asked.
“The wand… I… I threw it in the lava lake. It was my only choice. If I died, then Ludo would have gotten it.” Star sobbed. She looked at her bandaged hand and winced in pain.
“They… are looking for a way to stop whatever was on that arrow,” Marco said. “I can’t believe Ludo would be this dirty. I mean, I don’t know the guy, but there seemed to be an underlying respect for you when we fought. There was a line he wouldn’t cross you know?”
“I heard him say he didn’t know about the poison,” Star mumbled. “BuffFrog said someone named Toffee made the decision.”
“Well… no matter what happens, we’ll get you fixed up.” Marco said and rubbed her temples. “Just rest knowing this is all over. We’ll figure out where to go from here, but without the wand, no one is going to be coming after you.”
“Yeah…” Star said, and wrapped her good arm around Marco’s waist. She closed her eyes and felt her consciousness slipping away. “Marco…” She whispered as she drifted off to sleep. She swore she saw Tom standing in the doorway, but she must be imagining things. She was with Marco and knew everything will be alright.
Toffee stood at the edge of the magma lake and looked at his pocket watch.
“He’s late.” Toffee said.
“TOFFEE!” Ludo screamed as he emerged from the forest. “What’s the big idea!”
Toffee cocked an eyebrow at Ludo and turned back to overlook the molten lake.
“Why did you poison Star?” Ludo shrieked. “There’s a line you don’t cross when trying to destroy your enemies!”
“Do you realize how stupid that sounds?” Toffee grimaced. “The problem you have is that you played fair. This whole thing was a big game between you two. It was… so annoying to watch.”
“You better change that tone.” Ludo shouted, “You don’t know who you’re messing with.”
Toffee checked his watch and removed from inside his jacket a large plastic glove. Looking at the shoreline, he nodded to himself.
“I wish to make an announcement to all those following chicken head here.” Toffee said everyone looked at the Big Giant Chicken. “No… I meant… god, you all are stupid. Ludo! Those who follow Ludo.”
“What is this? Some sort of mutiny!?” Ludo demanded and ran at Toffee.
Toffee took a step forward and extended his leg. Ludo flew over the crowd and passed a pair of trees. BuffFrog raised two hands in the air, signaling the shot was good.
“Now… as you can well assume, I’m taking over. This can be an easy or a hard transition or…” Toffee explained.
“But… what about the wand?” Someone asked.
“I’m glad you mentioned it.” Toffee said and stepped aside. Crab Claws emerged from the molten lava, encased in a lead suit. Around the edges glowed from the heat and pressure. Gripped in his claw, dripping with molten rock was the Butterfly wand of power.
Toffee grabbed the wand with his gloved hand and grinned.
“Any Questions?”
There was a shriek of anger from behind the group. Ludo erupted from under someone’s legs, holding a sharpened stick, and charged at Toffee.
“I HAVE WORKED FOR YEARS FOR THAT WAND!” Ludo screamed. His little legs pushed his tiny frame forward, building momentum for his attack.
Toffee sighed, rolled his eyes, and held out the wand. A sparkling light erupted from it, engulfing Ludo.
A stone statue of the tiny ruler remained.
“Let's head back to my castle and I’ll tell you of the next stage of my plan.” Toffee said and cut open an interdimensional portal. “I’ve ordered pizza and ice cream for the party.”
Everyone erupted in cheers and barreled through the interdimensional portal. BuffFrog was the last one. He was holding the stone remains of his former master. Toffee raised an eyebrow at him.
“Wanted to put it on mantle. Would make great hat rack.” BuffFrog said and shrugged.
Toffee shrugged in response and let him pass.
As the portal closed after them. Silence filled the undead forest, occasionally interrupted by a glug from the molten lake.
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Stubborn Loving
My contribution to @ftlgbtales October event: day seven: Stubborn
Part(s):  [1]   [2]
Summary:  Minerva just wanted to come home to her loving girlfriend and maybe a nice cup of tea. Instead she got a face from her past and a lot of reminders of her ruined childhood. Luckily Yukino is always going to be there for her.
Pairing(s): Yukinerva
Setting:  Modern day AU. This two-shot exists within a universe I set up in a OS ages ago. The OS is The Rolling Pin if you wanna check it out on AO3? Not at all necessary to do that in order to understand this though, everything’s self explanatory.
Sunlight glittered off the disco ball hanging in the window. Now that Yukino had gotten used to it, she quite liked having it there. It hung perfectly in a corner between two windows where it caught the most light and reflected it in decorative circle beams all around the living room.
Yukino put her book down when one of its beams began shining directly on the page she was reading. She remembered when Minerva had first gotten it, claiming it was a gift from Sting to “spice up their apartment”. Minerva said she took it only to make Sting happy and to get him off her back, but Yukino saw the way she admired its decorative capabilities before.
Yukino also remembered how when Minerva had first gotten it, the disco ball was painted over. In actuality, it was just a large styrofoam ball with bits of reflective plastic glued to it. Something Sting had made by hand. Only, Sting took it a step further and painted the plastic (presumably in hopes that it would shine different colors around the room). But the paint had the opposite effect, and ended up making it’s reflective lights dimmer, almost nonexistent.
Minerva had sighed when she first noticed it. “For someone who tries so hard he doesn’t get very far…” she remarked under her breath. Minerva then spent the next hour enlisting Yukino’s help in washing off the paint, which came off too easily, and buying tinted plastic to glue onto it, doing the job Sting wanted it to do in the first place.
Now it flashes white circles of light with a colored outline around the room. Not exactly the rainbow disco Sting had wanted for them, but all in all effective. Of course, Minerva and Yukino had never told Sting about all the work they had to do to get it that way. So whenever he came over he was always pleasantly surprised that they still had it, and that it reflected light the way he had wanted it to. He liked to praise himself on it at least once a week.
Yukino bookmarked her page and set the book on their new coffee table. After Minerva’s father destroyed the last one, they were forced to spend what little money they had on a replacement. Yukino insisted as long as they were paying for it, they might as well make it good quality. Preferably one that matched with their couch. If Sting prides himself on his disco ball making skills, Yukino could pride herself on her coffee table buying skills.
As if on cue, her phone buzzed the next moment with a snapchat from Sting. Opening it, Yukino found Sting’s face extremely close to the camera, Minerva and Rogue just barely visible beyond his messy blonde hair, talking with each other seemingly unaware Sting was taking a photo. They all looked happy and the thought made Yukino’s heart soar.
Sting had captioned the picture with, “Everyone’s here and they miss you.” Yukino was about to reply when her phone buzzed again with another snap. This time it was Minerva’s face right beside Sting’s. Both of them with wide eyes, squishing their faces together; trying to be closest to the camera. Yukino stifled a giggle and read the caption. “Your woman says to stop being an antisocial bookworm and get your ass over here.”
Yukino grabbed her book to pose with it covering half her face and replied, “Books are such good company but if you insist…”
Seconds later she got a snap from Minerva. It looked to her like Minerva had snuck away from the boys because she was in a differently colored room. In the photo, her thin eyebrows were raised suggestively and she was biting a large chunk of her burgundy painted bottom lip. This was something she knew Yukino hated, but also loved immensely. “Come play with me”, the caption read, and Yukino had to put her phone down because her heart was pounding so much.
She snapped a quick photo in the middle of her getting up, one which featured contents of their living room in blurred motion and a quick message saying, “I’m on my way”.
It only took about ten minutes to find a cab and ride it into town where she knew Sting and Rogue’s apartment was. She stepped out of the car after tipping the driver, and already she could hear yelling singing coming from Sting’s open window.
From their snaps, Yukino had thought that she walking into a hang out between Sting, Rogue and Minerva. But she was very certain she heard Orga’s booming laughter over Gajeel and Natsu’s competitive bickering. All the while, Minerva and Sting had a screaming sing off. Although Yukino knew both of them had a rather nice singing voice, it certainly didn’t sound that way now. The fact that Yukino could hear them all the way from the third floor was an impressive feat.
On a whim, Yukino pulled out her phone and quickly took a video of the only window of Sting’s that faced the street. The curtains were drawn but the window was flung wide open and Yukino caught their auditory chaos on camera. Laughing, she sent it to Sting.
Yukino was about to head up the steps to their apartment when suddenly Sting stopped singing, the music from the karaoke game and Minerva’s voice continuing in his place. In a split second he was yelling Yukino’s name and ripped open the curtains to his window.
Yukino gave him a polite wave while Sting slammed his hands down on the windowsill. He leaned his body out of the window so far Yukino thought he might fall. There had been a metal grate there once, but after a particularly rowdy party and Sting’s body slamming into it, the grate popped off its hinges and was lost on a street corner.
“Get your butt up here, Aguria! Or Rogue’s gonna eat all your cookies.”
Yukino squeaked, “Save a magical floating cookie for me!” That was a name Sting coined when he first got high off Yukino’s cookies and it stuck ever since. Yukino had to run up the steps to the third floor. The elevator was still out of order, and at this point she doubted they’d ever fix it.
If the sound from outside the building was loud, then opening the door brought a whole new blast of energy to her. Immediately upon entering she was greeted with at least five hearty welcomes that boomed out into the hallway.
Orga caught her hand and pulled her inside with a wide grin. Six bodies all writhed around the small one bedroom apartment. Sting still hadn’t gotten around to buying more furniture aside from the beat up couch in the living room. Rogue had at least got him a wooden desk that he could use for his laptop. It sat in front of the couch and by location and functionality mostly became Sting’s new mock television/radio set.
Aside from that, the apartment was largely empty, Yukino surmised months ago that this was the only reason they all came here to party: the lack of furniture and the open floor plan left them able to fit many bodies inside of a small space. That, and she was pretty sure Sting loved the company more than he loved himself.
The karaoke song ended, not because Sting had stopped singing altogether, now choosing to entertain his guests, but because Minerva had stopped the music on Sting’s laptop as soon as Yukino walked in.
“Oi, don’t turn off the tunes!” Yukino heard a disgruntled Gajeel yell from across the room.
Minerva didn’t even bother glancing back as she shouted to him, “Then you pick the song metalhead!” Then she flashed Yukino a smile and made her way over to her girlfriend.
“Oh, no you don’t!” Natsu screamed, lunging for the laptop before Gajeel could get there. “The last time you chose the music my ears bled. Let me DJ this time.”
While Natsu and Gajeel bickered over the music choice, Yukino was distracted as Minerva sauntered her way over. She’d never be over the way Minerva’s hips swung wildly as she walked, her side slit skirt showing off just the right amount of thigh to give Yukino goosebumps.
There was no time to talk, not even a hello, just Minerva grabbing Yukino by the waist, dipping her and planting the most passionate kiss on her lips. Half of the room erupted into teasing and Yukino was pretty sure she caught Rogue snapping a picture of them.
She ignored all the eyes on her the minute Minerva opened her mouth and let her tongue dance over Yukino’s lips. Minerva’s hot breath brought the stench of alcohol and Yukino had to pull back.
She creased her brows. “Babe?” Yukino started, but Minerva only gave her a sly smile. It wasn’t too late in the day to drink quite honestly. Yukino had walked up the apartment steps by six in a summer afternoon, but Minerva knew how alcohol set Yukino’s anxiety off. She’d seen Minerva be a victim of it for too long.
“I’ve only had one glass, relax,” Minerva said voice low in Yukino's ear. She wasn’t inebriated, in fact she wasn’t even tipsy yet, but Yukino was uncomfortable with it anyway. She decided for just this once, she wouldn’t make it a big deal. She knew that Minerva wasn’t working tomorrow, so she guessed it would be fine.
And it was fine...for the most part. Yukino was able to enjoy the party with her friends. She enjoyed it even more after she had one of her magical floating cookies. Now at least twice a month, Sting or Rogue would request Yukino to make more of those cookies for all the parties the boys liked to hold.
Yukino knew Sting just wanted to have a good time, and although she knew Rogue had never liked crowds as much she guessed the cookies helped take a little of the edge off so he could enjoy himself. Yukino knew what that felt like, because she knew Minerva was often the same way with alcohol.
But for tonight, Yukino was able to put her worries about her friends’ physical and mental health aside. Natsu and Gajeel were easily the life of the party, and if you combine that with Sting’s uncanny ability to keep whoever engaged in conversation with him happy and upbeat, these parties were always something that Yukino looked forward to.
Yes, everything was going well...that is, at least until the end of the night. Yukino could tell that Minerva was steadily drinking too much. And although the cookie she had did a lot to quell her ability to care about this, it wore off around ten then got impossible to ignore closer to midnight. Minerva was pacing herself but once the sky got darker it seemed like she let herself go wild.
Gajeel and Orga had already been called home by their significant others, and had left the party. Natsu, who seemed to have no problem making himself at home, was passed out on Sting’s couch. Minerva was still entertaining them with card games. She tried to get a round of strip poker going once but Rogue and Yukino, the only sober ones left at this point, talked her down from it.
Yukino glanced at the clock on her phone; it read nearly one o’clock. She pinched Minerva’s elbow by her side and leaned it to whisper in her ear. “It’s late, we should head home.”
Minerva tilted a little as she replied too loudly, “You’re always ruining the fun! Drink a little, let go of that stick in your ass!”
Yukino frowned deeply at Minerva. She was talking too loudly and she was definitely too drunk at this point. The entire room had heard her and although Natsu was still asleep his snoring had stopped. Yukino wondered if he was just pretending to stay asleep for the sake of staying out of the oncoming fight.
Yukino grabbed Minerva’s arm and in her serious voice told her, “Min, I mean it. You’ve had too much to drink.”
“Sting we should get you to bed too,” Rogue cut in and Yukino was thankful for it though she kept her staring contest with Minerva. Sting was much easier to handle drunk than Minerva was and the only protest he offered was a mumbled request to cuddle with Rogue. To which Rogue blushed and told him gently, “Just go to sleep, Eucliffe.”
Yukino pulled her lips thin and waited until Rogue had helped Sting to the bedroom before speaking again, more patient this time to try and appeal to Minerva’s good side. “Minerva please. It’s late, I’m tired and you shouldn’t drink anymore tonight.”
Minerva pulled away and her lips made a pffftt sound as she waved her hand. “I’m fine, Yuks,” she said then nearly fell off her chair reaching across the table for the vodka bottle. Yukino stood up quickly and caught her arm.
“Stop being so stubborn, Minerva!” Yukino shouted the words a little louder than she meant to. “You always get like this when you drink, that’s why I hate it! Can’t we just enjoy our friends and have a good time without you going overboard like this?”
Minerva frowned now, trying to stand up but having to lean into the table heavily. “I am having fun, Yuki! You just wanna be an anal bitch.”
Minerva tried to move from her spot but Yukino caught her arm to stop her from falling and then pinned her hands on the table to keep her in place. “Stop with that. Please for once let’s just go home without making it a big deal,” Yukino pleaded.
Minerva shook her head belligerently, her dark hair falling over her face, catching on the tip of her pointed nose and making her look even more a mess. “Why do you even care so much?” She began to try to remove her hands from Yukino’s grip but didn’t find it easy. “You shouldn’t care, you know that?” Minerva’s words were beginning to slur, already they were so mumbled Yukino could just barely understand her.
“Minerva-” Yukino began losing her patience.
“Yukino!” Minerva mocked. “Yukino, Yukino, stuck with my depressed ass because all you do is pity me. You can just leave if it’s that horrible, Yukino! I’m better off on my own anyway!”
This time her words shocked Yukino and Minerva was able to wriggle free from her grasp. Minerva stumbled back into the other chair Rogue had left pushed out but she caught herself and tried to walk to the fridge next.
Yukino shook herself from her trance and caught up to Minerva quickly. She took Minerva’s shoulders and whirled her around so she could look in her eyes. “Min,” she said. “You don’t really believe that do you?”
Yukino knew talking to drunk Minerva never went anywhere. Minerva wouldn’t remember this come morning and she was too far gone to handle herself or her thoughts correctly. But Yukino wondered if maybe the drinking had somehow brought unaddressed issues to the surface that Minerva wouldn’t have told Yukino about otherwise.
Part of her yearned to try and fix Minerva, to help her see how much Yukino loved her and see her be happy. The other part of her knew that it was pointless. Minerva was too stubborn when drunk, too unwilling to listen to anyone. And anyhow it was just the alcohol talking. Minerva never would have said these things sober.
Minerva pushed Yukino’s arms off her and stumbled until her back hit the fridge, rattling its contents. “You’re the only one who doesn’t!” she retorted. “I’m too ffffucked up for you,” Minerva stammered, having trouble saying the ‘f’ sound. “You’re too good. You’re too...perfect! And everyone knows it’s only a matter of time until you leave me. Just like everyone leaves me.” Now Minerva’s face contorted and she let out one loud ugly sob.
Yukino could barely think straight as Minerva slid down the fridge in defeat. She curled her knees up to her chest and folded her arms over her head, openly sobbing now. Suddenly the sight of her snapped something inside Yukino. She couldn’t stand here and just watch as the love of her life curled up helplessly on the dirty kitchen floor.
Yukino knelt beside her and tried to take Minerva in her arms. “Babe, I’m never going to leave you.” Minerva sobbed louder. Yukino tried to lift her chin now. Minerva was hiccuping and couldn’t control her erratic breathing. Her eyes scrunched into anguish as tears fell down like tiny rivers. It was enough to make Yukino tear up. “Minnie, I’m not going anywhere.” She tried to make her voice reassuring but was afraid it fell short. “I promise. I love you, Minerva. I don’t want to leave you.”
Minerva didn’t respond to her but she stopped sobbing, tears falling silently now. She pulled her gaze away from Yukino and trained it on the floor between her thighs. Without a word she shuffled over and dropped a hand on the spot beside her.
Yukino knew what she meant and positioned herself at Minerva’s side, wrapping her arm around her girlfriend. Minerva sniffed loudly, resting her head in the crook of Yukino’s neck. Neither of them spoke and the antics of the night was suddenly lost to deafening silence.
Now Yukino could hear the constant buzzing of the streetlights right outside the window. Sting’s laptop, now halfway to closed, left a faint outline on Natsu’s still form on the couch, one of his arms draped over the backrest. It provided the only other light aside from the ceiling lamp which had dimmed years before Sting moved into the apartment.
Soon Minerva’s hiccups and shaky breaths died down into a steady rhythm as she fell asleep. Yukino pulled her tighter, dragging Minerva’s limp form into her lap and letting her head rest there.
The apartment was so quiet she was nearly startled when the door to Sting’s bedroom opened and Rogue’s padded footsteps came out. Over the kitchen counter Yukino could see him looking around for them. He raised an eyebrow when his eye fell on Minerva and Yukino cuddling in front of the fridge.
Yukino lifted a finger to her mouth as Rogue came close. He knelt down beside them. “Everything ok?” he asked placing a gentle hand on the toe of Yukino’s bare foot.
Yukino nodded but her head dropped to the floor in spite of her attempt at positivity.
“Yukino?” Rogue said her name like a parent would when they know a child is hiding something.
Yukino didn’t look up at Rogue but simply brushed some of Minerva’s long locks behind her ear. “She’s afraid I’m going to leave her,” Yukino said, her voice too small even to her ears but yet the words were also too loud in the empty, silent apartment.
Rogue didn’t answer immediately. Instead he sat down cross legged in front of them and asked, “Well, are you?”
Yukino shot him a look halfway between indignation and confusion. “I could never.”
Rogue sort of smiled at her and said, “Yeah, I kind of knew that.” He paused and Yukino let out a sigh. “Minerva needs you, Yukino. Just like you need her. She may drink sometimes but I think you know by now how insecure she is.”
“I never knew about this…”
“She never told you?”
Yukino shook her head and took a deep breath. “I get it. Her father’s the biggest asshole on this planet. He did horrible things and left her with so many problems. I just-” Yukino paused trying to search for the words while also trying to keep her voice steady. “I never knew she was afraid for me too.”
Rogue didn’t look at them. His red eyes wandered to somewhere beyond the open window. “We all have something we’re hiding. But whatever it is, don’t let that stop you from getting help. You know Sting and I are always here for you both.” Yukino nodded and Rogue sort of chuckled as he continued. “Even Orga and Rufus, however often they like to ignore the sentimental stuff.” This made Yukino smile.
Before either of them could say anymore Natsu’s sleepy voice floated over from the couch. “You forgot about me, idiot.”
As Yukino and Rogue turned to look at the couch they saw Natsu sitting up and turning around so his arms rested over the back of the couch. Yukino smirked. “How long have you been listening?”
Natsu shrugged, a gesture barely picked up in the dim room. “Long enough. But I mean it, Yuks. Friends are supposed to be there for each other. And you’re my friend so I’ll always be there for you.”
Yukino smiled at him, “Thank you very much,” she said sweetly.
There wasn’t a moment's silence before Natsu’s phone started buzzing. He pulled it out, the bright screen lighting up his face more than anything else in the room. He looked at them sheepishly then and said, “Ah, sorry. Horrible timing but Gray’s calling. Probably wondering where I am.”
Rogue nodded in understanding and Natsu stood up to answer the phone, grabbing his things and exiting out the door as he did. As Natsu walked Yukino caught snippets of his conversation that faded out the farther he went down the hall.
“Hey...Yeah I’m fine, ice princess, relax...Don’t have to yell at me, I’m coming home!”
Yukino and Rogue shared a look and a laugh as Natsu and Gray’s bickering quieted into nothing. There was a moment where Yukino was too tired to think of anything to say. Rogue filled the returned silence with, “Now that the couch is free let’s move Minerva. I’ll make up the air mattress for you beside it.”
Yukino wanted to refuse but she knew she wasn’t in any position to. There was no way she could get Minerva home when she was passed out. Instead Yukino nodded and said, “Thank you, I’m sorry to impose.”
“Nonsense. Wait there, I’ll get blankets and pillows. Lord knows Sting has enough of them on his bed.”
Rogue stood up and walked around the kitchen counter to the hallway where he paused. “Oh, and Yukino?” she looked up at him. “Let her know none of us are going anywhere,” he said with a quick glance down at Minerva.
“She’ll know soon. Because we’re all here for her.”
Rogue nodded then added, “We’re all here for each other.”
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02blessings · 7 years
chapters: 1/1
words: 2.5 k
rating: G
additional tags: datekou gen, tortoise puns, aone and futakuchi friendship, nametsu mai roasting futakuchi kenji
“She was just here! I don’t understand-” Futakuchi turns his pockets inside out as if Speedy could be found hiding inside them- “how- what- why is she so fast?”
Or, Futakuchi likes to think he’s pretty quick on his feet. Not as quick as Aone’s tortoise, apparently.
Check it out on AO3 or below the cut!
Takanobu has heard a lot of untrue statements come out of Futakuchi’s mouth.
It was Shibayama’s idea.
No, don’t change. That shirt looks good on you, Moniwa.
I’m not scared, you’re the one who’s scared.
You’re doing great, Koganegawa.
Kamasaki is my favorite upperclassman.
Of course I remember Pantalons’ real name!
I don’t care.
But no statement has ever been as completely, unequivocally false as when Futakuchi told him, “You have nothing to worry about, Aone. Speedy and I get along great.”
In response, Takanobu had reminded Futakuchi that Speedy - and Russian tortoises in general - don’t “get along great” with anyone, as they tend to be distant with strangers. Speedy barely acknowledges Takanobu as anything more than a walking tree that supplies lettuce on most days, and they had been together since he was a child. Futakuchi had agreed that that may be true for Aone and the common masses, but he knew for a fact that he was superior to the general population, especially when it came to pet tortoises. Some might even call him a Tortoise Magnet. His words, not Takanobu’s.
So when Takanobu had to leave for the weekend to visit family in Tokyo, he asked Futakuchi to babysit Speedy. Because he trusted him and believed he was completely qualified for the job.
Well, sometimes Takanobu was untruthful as well. He had actually asked literally everyone else he knew to watch Speedy, but they had all been busy. He even contacted someone from Aobajousai, Iwaizumi Something, because he had seemed particularly responsible during their last match against each other. Iwaizumi had replied that he was going to be busy that weekend “watching another scaly reptile,” which Takanobu interpreted to mean he was either partaking in a Godzilla movie marathon or babysitting Aobajousai’s setter. Or both.
Eventually he had settled for Futakuchi, who was free because despite acting the opposite, Datekou volleyball was his social life. But Takanobu wasn’t worried at all.
Another lie. He was starting to wonder if he was in denial.
“Have fun on your weekend. Let loose, go wild, do something you wouldn’t want the team to see pictures of. But make sure you send us the pics anyways. I’ll take good care of your turtle.”
Takanobu sighs and hefts his luggage onto his shoulder. He kneels down in the grass next to Speedy’s outdoor enclosure, draping his arm over the wire fencing to rub the top of her pale green shell the way she likes. He glances over his shoulder to see Futakuchi hovering his pointer finger over the needle of one of Takanobu’s prized cacti, muttering “don’t be a coward” to himself. Takanobu closes his eyes to allow his brain to reset, then gives Speedy a stern look. “Don’t give him too much trouble,” he whispers to her. She slowly looks up at him, and he swears he can see her smirking.
He decides to leave his phone volume on the highest setting just in case he gets a call from Futakuchi, or the fire department.
Takanobu stands next to Futakuchi, who is now letting Takanobu’s mother’s Venus fly trap eat his finger. He waits until Futakuchi turns to look at him, and Takanobu is willing to admit that he enjoys Futakuchi’s slight recoil from the intense expression on his face.
“Alright, alright. I promise I’ll be really responsible and I won’t do any of the things I’m considering doing. Get going already, you’ll miss your train.”
Takanobu stays still.
Futakuchi sighs. “Fiiiine. The emergency numbers are on the fridge, Speedy’s feeding schedule and food is on the kitchen counter, and more instructions are in your room.” And then, because he was Futakuchi, he added, “And I know how to use Google. So. Bye, now.”
Takanobu realizes that if Futakuchi hasn’t changed his behavior in the two years they’d known each other, he wasn’t going to change in the five minutes Takanobu had left before he was officially late for his train. He accepts the fact that his weekend will be cut short and backs out of his house, pointing warningly at Futakuchi until the front door closes.
“So, Speedy. Come here often?” Kenji snickers at his own joke and looks around the garden that she calls home. The edges are lined with a mix of Aone's cacti and his mother's flowering carnivorous plants, and Kenji is a big fan of the aesthetic. “You’ve got some pretty sweet digs here. This might be bigger than my bedroom. Definitely bigger than Kamasaki’s bedroom, the proletariat.”
He refers to the instruction sheet Aone left him, and decides that he has enough time to watch some TV before he has to feed Speedy. He eyes her as she meanders across her enclosure, pushing aside blades of grass taller than her. He suspects that she might be watching him as well, but he brushes it off as inevitable - not even beasts could resist all of this - and heads back into Aone’s house.
Slinging himself over the back of Aone’s leather couch, he turns the TV on and begins scrolling through the channels. “What’s with this Pokemon nerd shit? I’mma still watch it though, I’mma still watch. But only to make fun of it!” He yells the last part just in case Speedy is judging him.
Kenji sinks deeper into the couch. “You know, Speedy, you kinda remind me of that little blue turtle Pokemon. What’s it called again?” Kenji knows what it’s called. It’s Squirtle, it’s his favorite, and he has three plushie versions on his bed in assorted sizes. He’s just not sure if Speedy can be trusted with the knowledge that he still loves Pokemon.
“Hey Speedy, if I was a Pokemon, which one do you think I’d be?” Kenji yawns and props his feet up on the glass top of Aone’s coffee table. “Don’t say Magikarp.”
His head slides to the side to rest on a brightly patterned throw pillow. He watches as Ash orders Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on Team Rocket - how violent of Ash, he always knew he respected him - and whispers “it’s super effective” as they blast off. The last thought he remembers having was whether he should rewind the show to sing along with Team Rocket’s song or just wait for the next episode before he falls asleep.
“Shit.” Kenji sits up from where he had slid off the couch and onto the floor in a room that was significantly darker than he remembered. “Oh no, the turt- tortoise is going to kill me.”
He rushes to the kitchen to grab some lettuce for Speedy, checking the clock. He was thirty minutes behind her feeding schedule, and he was unsure if that was a noticeable difference for a tortoise or if that counted as, like, a second in tortoise years.
The back door slams behind him as he stumbles into Aone’s garden, piles of lettuce clutched in his hands. “Speedy, please don’t tell Aone, I��ll give you a carrot if you don’t talk- wait. What.”
Speedy was nowhere to be found.
“Nope. Noooooope. Nopity nope.” Kenji retraces his steps back into the house, waits for the world to fix itself, then goes back into the garden. Speedy is still missing. The lettuce falls from his hands.
He paces back and forth across the garden and does some quick calculations in his head. Assume that tortoises are slow, carry the 1, multiply by 2...Kenji concludes that there’s no way the tortoise got out of the garden. He begins searching under the bushes and behind the flowerbeds, even climbing the tree just to be safe. There’s no sign of Speedy.
“She was just here! I don’t understand-” Kenji turns his pockets inside out as if Speedy could be found hiding inside them- “how- what- why is she so fast?”
Kenji is beginning to panic, so it’s understandable that he makes the worst possible decision and calls the one person who actively enjoys watching him suffer.
“Futakuchi Kenji. What did you do now?” Nametsu Mai greets him. Kenji is stung that he didn’t even get a hello this time.
“Nametsu Mai. What makes you think I did anything- okay fine, I lost Aone’s turt- tortoise.”
There’s nothing but silence on the other end of the line, and then Nametsu is laughing at him. Kenji is disturbingly used to the sound.
“Did- did she go too fast for you? You must be a little...shell-shocked,” she grits out.
“Come on, this is serious-”
“No, wait wait, I have one more - Aone is turtley going to lose it when he finds out.”
“I’ll have you know, Speedy is a tortoise and she’s beautiful. Are you going to help me or not?”
Nametsu’s laughter cuts off abruptly. “Can’t. Aone actually asked if I could watch his tortoise this weekend, but I let him know the managers are having their monthly get-together where we swap stories. Mainly about you.” Her voice moves away from the phone as she talks to someone in the room with her. “What? Yeah, it’s Futakuchi. Tell Hana she was right, we owe her money now. He didn’t even last the night.” She moves back to the phone. “I have to go, Futakuchi, but I won’t tell Aone yet. Call some of the team. Actually, call all of the team and tell them exactly what you told me. See you Monday.” Kenji hears her yell “Yachi! You and me, Rainbow Road, right now!” before the call ends.
He takes a deep breath and scrolls through his contact list.
“Thank you all for joining me on such short notice,” Kenji says to the assembled group. He crosses his arms across his chest, only flexing a little bit. “I’ve called you here today to complete a very important mission.”
The long-suffering faces of Moniwa, Obara, and Pantalons look up at him from where he ordered them to sit on Aone’s living room floor. He likes to feel tall sometimes. Kenji had called Kamasaki and Sasaya as well, but Nametsu had probably gotten to them first because when Kamasaki picked up Kenji had been unable to say anything over the full minute of laughter he heard from both of them before they hung up and blocked his number. Kenji had decided against calling any of the first years, in order to maintain what little respect for him they still had.
“Don’t you think we’re wasting time talking when we could be looking for Speedy?” Pantalons asks wearily.
“Yes. Don’t interrupt. As I was saying, we’ve gathered here for a very important mission - Operation Ghost in the Shell.” Kenji pauses to let his joke sink in. He spent ten minutes working on it. He unfurls the poster he spent another ten minutes working on. “I’ve outlined a plan for us to cover the most ground in Miyagi before Aone gets back. It involves Moniwa getting a pilot’s license, a horse, and several pairs of rollerblades.”
“I don’t think Speedy made it any farther than a mile, max,” Moniwa says hastily, paling at the prospect of taking a test for a pilot’s license. He hadn’t even studied.
Futakuchi thinks for a second. “Don’t interrupt, but that sounds like a good starting range. We should split up and search the entire block.”
“I’ll take Obara, then. Onagawa, you go with Futakuchi,” Moniwa says, rising from the ground. Kenji revels in the fact that he’s still taller even when Moniwa is standing.
“Huh? Who’s Onagawa? Pantalons, you come with me. Moniwa, stop giving orders. I'm captain now,” Kenji leads the way out the front door, pointing imperiously down Aone’s street while Moniwa grabs Obara’s arm and speedwalks in the opposite direction, attempting to hide his laughter at the horrified expression on Pantalons’ face.
“Futakuchi. Give up, please. It’s time to call Aone,” Pantalons calls up to him. Moniwa and Obara stand next to him, Moniwa’s hands fluttering in panic. Pantalons had called them for help after Kenji started to make rash decisions when Speedy hadn’t been found immediately.
“No, he’s with his family! I’ve got this under control!” Kenji pulls himself up using another branch. He’s almost to the top of this tree, and then he’ll be able to see all of Miyagi. Kenji - 1, Speedy - 0, he thinks gleefully. She can’t hide from him now.
Kenji is preparing his victory speech to be delivered on speakerphone to Nametsu and the rest of the managers, when the branch he’s standing on snaps. Obara’s terrified screech almost makes him laugh hard enough to lose his grasp on the branch above him, but as he carefully looks down, he realizes he’s still alive but now stuck in a tree.
He pulls himself up to sit on the branch that saved his life, grabbing his phone and dialing Aone’s number. He picks up on the first ring.
“I just unpacked.”
“Hellooooo to you too, big guy. How’s the weather in Tokyo?”
“You lost Speedy.”
“I lost Speedy.”
Aone sighs. “I’m on my way.”
Kenji hangs up, then starts dialing the fire department.
Kenji - 0, Speedy - 1.
Aone enters the house quietly and makes his way to the backyard without pausing to say hi to Kenji, which was honestly really rude of him, it’s not like Kenji lost Speedy on purpose-
“You didn’t lose Speedy.”
Kenji stops in the doorway to the garden, Moniwa and the other second years peering over his shoulder. “What.”
Aone kneels down next to the enclosure and pushes aside a mound of dirt and- oh. Speedy’s head pops out and she turns surprisingly quickly to look directly at Kenji. He swears she’s smirking at him.
“I’m going home,” Moniwa says, turning immediately towards the front door and walking out of Aone’s house.
Obara and Pantalons sigh in unison, patting Kenji on the back and saying goodbye to Aone before following Moniwa out. The garden is silent for a moment as Kenji focuses intensely on the foliage. The first stars have started to appear, stark against the blue-black of the sky, but the edges of the horizon are still a soft pink. He thinks it makes the garden look even more disgustingly quaint than usual.
“It’s on her instruction sheet.”
Aone offers some lettuce to Speedy. “Russian tortoises like to burrow.”
“Oh.” Kenji scuffs his shoe on the ground, avoiding eye contact with Aone and Speedy, that judgmental rock-lizard. “I’m...sorry you had to leave your family.” There. He said it. He hopes Aone isn’t recording this to send to Nametsu.
“It’s okay. I don’t like my cousins,” Aone replies, stroking Speedy’s shell as she munches on her lettuce.
Kenji brightens immediately. “So I did you a favor then!”
Aone doesn’t respond, which Kenji typically interprets as a yes or a no, depending on whichever answer would best suit him. This time it’s a yes for sure.
“Well, in that case, you’re welcome.” He settles on the ground next to Aone and reaches over to pet Speedy. She appears to appraise him, her eyes narrowing before allowing it to happen. Kenji beams at Aone and nudges his shoulder while gesturing wildly at the tortoise. Aone acknowledges them both with a small smile.
“Told you we get along great.”
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imaginegladions · 8 years
Make It!
Chapter 1: Surprise!
Summary: All paths led back eventually. Back to Alola. And, back to Gladion.
Note: The song I used is from PriPara, it’s called Dream Parade. You can use Laala’s or Mirei’s version. I suggest Mirei’s though.
Pairings: Gladion x Reader, or Gladion x Moon if you prefer.
“I feel we have chance…yes, let’s push forward.” A girl gripped the railings as she walked about the edges of the ship. She shouldn’t be out here, her friend would scold her for being so careless. The ocean was beautiful though as she watched the ship which took her from Kanto sail her to the vast tropical Alolan seas. She grinned, thinking of her favorite idol and of that first show, the one that flung the Champion of Alola into stardom.  “I don’t want to regret it later-”
You smirked and stepped next to her, your frame casting a shadow on the girl blocking the sun. 
“Our future lies right ahead…” You sang.
The boat horn blasted, signaling your arrival at Hau’oli and with a brief wave to the shell shocked girl you dismount your pack slung over your shoulder as you breathed in the tropical air. You turned then, to greet her. “Welcome to Alola”
Amarillo De Bosque Verde was enamored with your voice since your first live was broadcast across Kanto. She remembered the Alola’s Girl program very well and she always tuned in for it feeling encouraged by the bravery of girls in Alola but never once did she think she would meet you. So, when faced with [Y/N][L/N] herself, she was overwhelmed and didn’t know what to say.
Luckily for her, being an idol and Pokémon master, you knew how to fill awkward silences. “Are you here for the World Idol Festa, then?” You ask, scanning around for the girl’s parents.
“Y-Yeah! I was going to audition-” She fidgeted with her skirt and stuttered but you perked up at the mention of an audition. “I was going to try the third spot in-”
“Yellow!” A cheerful yell came from the woman getting off the boat. “Oh,” She muttered, pushing her long brown hair aside and blinking widely at you. “You’re that idol!” She clapped looking more amused than you expected.
You laugh, a little uneasy about the stranger who entered the conversation. “Nice to meet you both!” You greet, looking at the shorter girl and feeling your mind light up with a good idea. “Well, I’m holding a surprise live in a bit as a sort of I’m Home thing to let the locals know I’m here before we announce the World Idol Competition.” You pause as the shorter girl’s eyes blew wide open. “That’s why we’re auditioning for a third and looking for another group to spot us since the competition is sextet.” You explained.
“A World Idol Competition.” The blonde smiled. “This week is going to be great.”
“And you guys, hold on-” You shoved a hand into your bag and pulled out two passes. “Are invited to my opening show!”
The brunette accepted the tickets for them both as the blonde stared down at them like they were made of gold. “We’ll definitely make it.”
“Great! Cause auditions are tomorrow and it’s best to know what you’re going to be aiming for.” You said just as your phone started to ring. “Hold on a sec.” You lift a finger in their direction and answered the phone, holding it up to your ear. “Hello?”
“All set up!” Lillie chirped knowingly from the other end of the line. “He’s going to be so shocked. He’s going to love this.” She giggled, beeping sounds from what you assumed was the control box were alerting left and right. “You’re up in ten for rehearsals.”
“I’ll be there in five.” You hang up and smile sheepishly at the two new arrivals. “Stage is set so I have to get going.”
“And we have to get going because Yellow and I need to unpack to see your live! Right, Yellow?”  The brunette said, clutching her companion’s arm and shaking it.
Yellow nodded. “We’ll see you there, [Y/N]-chan.” She blushed bright red.
You smiled at them and waved. “Alright, see you!”
Blue slowly let go of Yellow as you walked away, her hand going to her phone thoughtfully. “Another trio besides you.” She looked at Yellow, rolling her eyes. “I know just the people.”
“Blue, please don’t go there.” Yellow groaned, trying to shove the phone out of her hands.
“Ah ah! We’ll be late for [Y/N]’s live!” She said, shoving the phone down the back of her pants and sticking her tongue out at Yellow. “There you go!”
“You’re disgusting.” Yellow pouted.
“You love me! Now, come on!” Blue grinned and started pulling Yellow along towards their hotel. “We have a date with destiny!”
You peeked out the curtains, the crowd stirring and gathering at the stage which was all set and ready for you to start performing. No one knew you were coming home today and they certainly didn’t know you’d barely gotten the World Idol Competition approved a week ago overlapping with Idol Festa just so you could come home.
Just to see him again.
You didn’t feel like you’d seen enough of the world yet sometimes.
But, when it’s too quite, you think of blonde hair and dauntless green eyes and have to keep yourself from booking a ship ticket to Alola.
Breathing in, you catch sight of two figures entering the backstage area and smile when you recognize the brunette and blonde. “You guys came!” You cheered, hugging them and then dragging them over near the control room. “You guys can watch with Lillie.”
Lillie waved at them, patting the bench next to her.
“I have to do some preliminary stuff but it should start soon so stay with Lillie!” You say, waving as you left to get your stage up and your performance on.
You step onto the stage and are met by gasps and murmurs and clicks of cameras and you know there is no going back. You plaster on a smile and keep walking until you stand center stage. “Hey, Alola! Is that any way to welcome back your Champion?” You wink and grin as the crowd respond with a cheerful welcome back. “Luckily for you, I have a special song for you today as well as a special announcement as a gift for my return!” You cleared your throat. “This week’s World Idol Festa is going to host a World Idol Competition, and the winning group gets to be the first ever published idol group in the world!”
The crowd cheer, growing larger as more and more people begin to recognize you.
It’s only a matter of time before this reaches Gladion, you think with a smile as you bring the microphone to your lips.
“And as an opening to this, I’ll be singing my new song called…” You smile. “Dream Parade.”
The camera zoomed in as you burst into action, your arms waving and legs stepping so fast no one can quite capture what you’re doing in words. Videos were being streamed left and right as the intro played.
You felt the intro come to a close as you strike a pose, before sharply bringing your arms to your chest. “If you’re not sure whether to go for it or not” You sang, doing something complicated with your arms all the while gripping a microphone in one hand.  “Come on over here quick” You cupped your mouth with your hands as if calling out to them. “‘Cause we’re waiting for you.” You raised an arm, beckoning the crowd closer with a wink.
“Not everyone can always get full points”
Gladion looked up from his desk, eyes glued to the breaking news that interrupted his company’s advertisement. He knew that voice anywhere.
He shoved his chair back so hard it fell back and hit the floor. But, he didn’t wait for it to fall, he was shoving his coat on and out the door in seconds. “Wicke, I’m going out.” He said, shutting the door to his office.
“Where to, Young Master?” She asked.
“So just be confident and go”
He smirked. “To meet an old friend.”
“Everybody has their own dream!” You sing loudly, your breath running out and your stamina eaten up by fatigue. “That shines with rainbow colors.” You turn, hoping no one knew you were tiring and quickly at that. You take a moment to breathe really quickly and turn back to the audience with a smile. “The choices are endless, after all. Take one step forward and you’re on your way!” You sing, stepping forward to greet the crowd.
Twirling, you point to them, one knee raised. “I don’t want to leave this as just a dream” You shake a finger at them, winking. “Once you’ve decided on your very own, fly out-” You step back and pose. “PriPara Dream Parade!”
You catch your breath enough to dance the full outro and by the time you stop at your final pose you’re panting and out of breath.
Your vision spun as you tried to bow and thank the audience.
‘One more song.’ You thought, raising the mic to your mouth. ‘One more-’
“[Y/N] will now take a short break and she will return in a while to sing her crowning song, Start Line.” The crowd seemed discouraged by the sudden break but were buzzing with excitement at the mention of Start Line.
You walked backstage, confused. “One more song-” You managed to say before tipping over and falling into the arms of the blonde and the brunette from earlier with Lillie on their tail. She must have made the announcement.
“I knew having this event after the five concerts you just did in Kanto was too much.” Lillie said sadly. “Why are you pushing yourself so hard? You’re already a top idol in all the regions!” She scolded.
Shaking your head, you frown. “Not enough, if I don’t improve then-” Your nose scrunched up as you stared into her familiar green eyes, tearing up slightly. “If I’m not amazing, if I didn’t improve then leaving him wouldn’t have been worth it! Don’t you get it?” You breath in sharply. “I wasted years I should have been here with him for nothing if I’m not the best. So, that’s what I have to be.” You snapped, breaking away from them and walking back onto the stage.
“Hey everyone!” You grinned, the crowd responding as if automatically. “Who’s ready for some Start Line?”
Yellow watched you start to dance, your movements were flawless despite your fatigue but your aura seemed to suffer from the lack of rest. “Guilt isn’t a good reason to be an idol.”
“It wasn’t the reason she wanted to be one.” Lillie chimed in, looking sad. “Love does things to people. You heard her.” She shrugged. “She doesn’t think she deserves it, the waiting he did.”
Yellow blinked at her. “Who’s he?”
The telltale signs of a helicopter landing penetrated through the loudness of your singing and Lillie smirked.
“You’re about to find out.”
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