#Even if he dies here Ticket Master will get an earful
coveholdenmyluv · 3 months
Mean Girls - Eren Jaeger
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synopsis. Eren's the new kid at Trost Academy and being fresh meat in his senior year isn't easy. Especially so when the only friends he's made yet have managed to convince him to help them mess with "The Plastics". The problem?
He's got the biggest crush on their queen bee, Y/N.
series masterlist.
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chapter warnings. Foul language, rich ppl, mentions of vomit, mentions of shitting your pants (what even are these warnings LMAO), laxatives, mentions of giving a character laxatives, hitch is a bitch (I love her I’m sorry I made her like this), drama drama drama, a lot of menstrual product talk (these characters are very comfortable talking abt these things!)
chapter synopsis. From a brawl at the supermarket to a meeting with the Queen bee’s arch nemesis, our trio’s plan preparations seem to be coming together! Though, will learning some lore regarding our resident plastics impede on Eren’s drive? Perhaps the future isn’t looking so bright for our revenge seekers…
chapter 2. Fuck with the Plastics: start
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"Bag secured, over." Mikasa spoke in her usual monotone voice.
"And... you're completely sure that this will only make her a bit gassy, right 'kasa?" Armin spoke next, the shake in his voice painfully obvious even through the speaker of Eren's phone. With no answer, he tries again, "Guys? Hello?"
"You're supposed to say 'over', Armin!"
"Oh! Over."
"Alright, mine is secured too... over?" Eren announced as he slipped his arm through the plastic bag, doing his best to be inconspicuous, though the hood over his head isn't helping his case. His attire was mostly to calm his troubled conscience.
The three way call had one purpose and a very important one at that.
Phase one of 'Fuck with The Plastics'.
"Good boy," Mikasa purred and Eren swore he could hear the mischievous grin his reply had caused to form on her face. "Now Armin, relax. All this is gonna do is make her tummy a bit upset, a little gas here and there never hurt anyone. She'll get the humiliation she made Eren bear... only much much worse because of her status, plus ruin her chances of winning this highly anticipated game and possibly her entire athletic career. Over."
"Please, stop repeating what could go wrong. I'm getting nauseous again..." Eren groans into the speaker.
"Mikasa, you say that now but, what if she's allergic to it or something? Ohmylanta, what if she dies?!" Armin screeches and Eren fears he may begin to wail soon. "I don't wanna go to jail guys! I can't go back!"
"Geez Louise, Armin." Eren winces as he pulls the phone away from his ear. "My ears are bleeding."
"Oh wait Eren, now that you reminded me, can you get me some pads from the store? My cycle is pretty heavy today." Mikasa asks.
"Uh, T-M-I Mikasa..." Armin mutters as he glances around the student aid center. His portion of contribution to the trio's master plan is arguably the least interesting, though the boy didn't seem to mind. All he was put in charge of was attaining their tickets for the game, which they receive free of charge with their student ID's.
"Mikasa, I'm literally already walking out of the store." Eren says exasperatedly, though his pace has already begun to falter in preparation for his U-turn.
"Well then, go back? If I bleed out all over the bleachers, it's your jacket I'm using to wipe it clean. The ball is in your court."
"Oh my gosh, fine!" Eren relents. "What size?"
Silence reigns over the three, and Eren swears everyone in the supermarket had audibly halted all movements along with them.
"Mikasa, you know damn well..." Armin begins.
"Armin! Shut the hell up, the length helps with my leakage so mind your own business!"
"Zayum, okay geez."
"Wings or no wings?" Eren asks, already having made his way back into the multiple isles freshly restocked.
"Wings, please. I want to be ready for anything." The girl answers ominously.
"I don't even want to know what that means. I'll head back to the academy after I'm done with this, where do you guys want to meet?"
"The restrooms near the cafeteria are right beside the doors that lead to a path straight to the stadium. We can meet there." Armin suggests, already beginning to make his way towards the meeting spot.
"Okay. Actually, since I'm here, do you guys want any snacks for the game?" Eren asks while he grabs a box of fruit roll ups and a bag of hot Cheetos for himself. "How long does a soccer game last?"
"A little under an hour and thirty minutes, and that's if they don't go into over time which they probably will, considering who they're playing against." Mikasa answers, "Oh, and I'll take an oat meal crème pie and a red Gatorade. But! The one with the twistable cap that you can suck on."
"We'll see how long this one will last with what we have planned, though." Armin mutters into the speaker anxiously, "Anyway, I'll take some Skittles, baby Gerber puffs, Teddy Grahams, Hubba Bubba, strawberry Hello Pandas, Scooby-Doo snacks, Gushers, Pirate's Booty-"
Eren hangs up before the other boy could finish, deciding it wasn't worth his weekly allowance.
He had already arrived at the feminine hygiene products aisle by the time Armin had sent him the remaining 27 items on his wishlist for tonight, which Eren promptly ignored. The wall that held most of the menstrual supplies was expanse and slightly intimidating to the teenage boy's eyes, though that was not to say he was taken off guard. Having a close relationship with your mother desensitizes you to a large amount of aspects of womanhood that most immature boys his age would either cringe at or ridicule.
He knows the brand his mother uses is best for absorbing, but they're not the best at being discreet. He wonders which Mikasa would prefer, though he decides that coverage and preventing leakage must have been her priority considering her earlier words. Deciding upon the trustworthy brand he had always picked up on late night pad runs with his mom, he notices how it seems to be the only brand that has yet to be restocked. The one in his hand being the very last one in XXL.
As he turns to leave the isle, a high pitched voice, practically whining curse words, catches his attention. Before he instinctively turns his head towards the sound, he internally prays for there to be no reenactment of his first encounter with Armin, knowing he couldn't bear to handle another stereotypical bully, much less work up the courage to stand up to them once more. 
"They don't have that one today, I swear I've looked everywhere!" The, now visible, person speaks into the cell phone clutched to his ear. "I don't know? Does everyone suddenly use the biggest size available? I know you do not need double X."
It seems to be a young boy, perhaps only a few years younger than Eren himself, with messily styled H/C hair and a few piercings adorning his delicate face.
"The one with the purple flowers on the box or the navy blue one with the stars?" The young boy asks, his impatience slowly making its way into his features.
Wait, purple flowers?
Eren's gaze moves back toward the box in his hands and his eyes trace those exact purple flowers printed and plastered smack dab in the center. Though, he knows there are tons of other brands that use matching floral patterns, perhaps this boy was looking for the one with the green background instead of the pink one Eren held.
"The one with the pink box, right?" The boy asks.
Well, perhaps he was searching for the 7 hour wear edition instead of the 8 hour one Eren got for Mikasa. Surely that was the case-
"8 hour version? Do you need to charge it or something, why is there a time limit?"
Certainly he couldn't be looking for the same size, not many people would be as paranoid as Mikasa due to leakage-
"Mm, XXL? Oh, cause of leakage, got it."
Run, that's what Eren needs to do. He knows how far passionate boyfriends would go for their lovers, especially ones as young as the boy he is sharing the aisle with. Kids his age will either pay romantic relationships no heed or take them far too seriously.
Though, before he could pivot in the other direction, the boy ends the call and turns to presumably search for the pink floral box in the size XXL. Coincidentally, the exact box Eren plans to buy.
The last box.
Green meets E/C.
His heart drops to his ass and his arm hastily shields the prized object behind his back as visible sweat forms on his forehead. Though, truly his efforts were all for naught.
Silence follows as the two teenagers hold eye contact, one accompanied with worry creases near his brows and the other with an unamused pout to his lips.
"Those are the last double X they have in stock, aren't they?"
The H/C boy sighs and holds his hands up in surrender. "Look, dude. I come in peace, it's fine. What do I look like to you? Someone who would go batshit over menstrual products?" Eren shakes his head hastily, to which the younger boy agrees. Of course, what was Eren thinking? Incriminating a person who looked to be no older than the age of 15 was not cool on his part.
"You're right, My bad."
Letting any past thoughts flee his mind, Eren resumes his standstill with the stranger, neither seemingly knowing what to do next...
...before the stranger juts a finger behind Eren and exclaims, "Hey, look over there, it's TSwift!"
"What?! Where?!"
Eren was tackled to the ground and landed with a coherent 'oof', the assailant clambering on top of his chest and tugging at his arms to loosen the tight grip on the box that remains in his hands.
"That was a low blow, you psycho! I haven't seen her since I was in fifth grade!" Eren whines as he tries to free himself. Deciding that his actions were amounting to nothing, he thrusts the box away from his body and above his head, the cardboard sliding across the tiled floor of the supermarket.
"Morality is non-existent when it comes to the last box of pads, pretty boy!" The younger boy grits as he abandons Eren's body in favor of stumbling to his feet to reach the box.
As the boy steps over his head, Eren grabs onto one of his leather boots, causing him to plummet with his fingers outstretched only inches away from the prize. Eren flips himself onto his stomach and scrambles over the other boy, laying a palm atop his face to thwart his vision. In retaliation, though not after a sharp squawk, the boy chomps on the fingers overlaid his mouth, causing the brunet to cry out in pain.
"Give up!" The boy demands, "I don't care if I have to bite every one of your fingers off, I'll be leaving with that box!" He declares and delivers a torturous blow to Eren's crotch, causing him to wheeze and topple over in pain. "Aha!" The boy proclaims as he nears his victory, emitting a cry of premature success.
Though, before his slender fingers are able to reach the jackpot, his worst fear is born into existence.
"My Prada boots!" He squeals in agony and fear as Eren holds the cherished shoe above his head triumphantly and a pained smirk creases onto his face. "Don't you dare you monster, they're monolith!"
"You rich people are all the same," Eren scoffs as he throws the boot aways behind him, not sparing a glance in the direction as the boy abandons the box in favor of running over to his beloved shoe. Eren limps over to the pink box and swipes it up with an exhausted sigh escaping his lips. "I win." He states in a cocky tone, taking pride over the brawl he emerged victorious from, already preening at the amount of bragging rights he had just earned himself. "Mikasa, you owe me big time- ack!"
Not without a war cry, the unrelenting stranger rams a shopping cart into Eren's body, forcing the brunet back onto the ground and causing the box to slip out of his grasp and slide onto the floor once again.
"Never mess with my Prada boots again," He heaves and delicately steps over to the abandoned box, taking it into his hold and placing a kiss atop the the printed flowers. "Auggie, you're awesome." He then turns to face Eren and boldly upturns his pierced nose at the sight of the older boy sprawled on the floor. "You put up a good fight, unfortunately for you I reign superio-"
"I didn't hear a bell!" Eren shouts as he springs up and tackles the shorter boy, resulting in the two wrestling on the ground once again, just as they had originally started. Scratching, kicking, and biting their way across the floor, though noticeably making zero progress towards the box they both sought out.
An awkward cough acts as the bucket of cold water that halts their movements, both boys craning their heads in the direction of the sound alike deers in headlights.
An employee that hauled a cart filled to the brim with pink cardboard boxes and printed purple flowers decorating their surfaces stood before their tangled ball of limbs, gifting them a critical stare. Leisurely, and hesitatingly so, she tucks the prized boxes where they belong, before scurrying away with her haul of products stacked into her squeaky cart.
An air of silence follows the departure of the poor retail worker, both boys remaining stunned by the sudden appearance. Though, after realizing what a compromising position they had been caught in, the unraveling of their limbs went unspoken as they stood simultaneously.
Another awkward cough, though this one originating from the brunet, filled the vacant space between the two. Eren grabs ahold of one of the boxes that was recently stocked, his head hanging low in embarrassment. "So..." He utters hesitatingly.
The younger boy clears his throat, "M sry." He mutters.
"I said I'm sorry! ...I know that Tswift joke was wrong of me."
Eren sighs in resignation, now realizing how idiotic his actions were, especially considering the fact that he seemed to be the older of the two. "It's fine. I guess we were both signed up for errand boy today, huh?"
The stranger shook his head, "Yeah but, to be honest, this is my first time going on a pad run for my sister. I wasn't 'old enough' a few years ago, and even then we don't usually do our own shopping. Our butler handles all of that."
"Oh..." It was stupid of Eren to forget that most people in his city were lathered in riches, but he did. His recent encounter with this new boy only furthered his forgetfulness, because what sort of opulent teenage boy was willing to engage in a full out brawl for a box of pads? "Well, either way. I'm guessing these aren't for you?"
"Nah, they're for my sister's friends. But, she can get pretty impatient real quickly and I'm not in the mood to deal with teenage Godzilla. She'd probably run me over with her convertible."
The mental image of Godzilla driving a convertible, only to then run over an edgy teen made Eren chuckle, "I get it, this size seems to be in high demand."
"My sister says that it's because of leakage, whatever the hell that means. I don't even think I want to know."
Eren smiled sympathetically, little brother ignorance was something he knew about all too well. "So, why are you here instead of your butler? I think I would have stood a better chance against him if I'm being honest."
The boy shrugs nonchalantly, "She says it's an emergency. Those girls can get pretty scary when in a state of panic. For being older than me, you'd think they'd be better at dealing with stress."
"I understand completely." Eren huffed in exhaustion, "My friends and I are dealing with these real popular kids at our school, we've got an ulterior motive of course, but we've seen a fair share of their antics and I can tell we'll have our hands full. At least the pay off will be worth it. We have a whole plan and everything."
The boy cackled a laugh that shook his whole body and clapped a palm onto the older boy's shoulder, "You don't say? What's such a good prize worth dealing with what seems to be a bunch of rich maggots eating away at your soul?" He asked.
"Well, it has to do with this girl..." Eren begun to attempt to elucidate the entire situation to this stranger but in the end only arrived with stutters, before he decided that the effort of reliving his trauma was not worth it. He sighed, "It's a long story."
Unexpectedly, a highly pitched rendition of 'I'm Just a Kid' began to chime in the stranger's pants, causing him to wince and groan in annoyance. "A story that I can't stay for, unfortunately." He muttered before slipping the device out of his pocket. "It's Godzilla." He confirmed his suspicions but made no moves to accept the call. Instead, he offered a jeweled hand towards the brunet.
This hand wasn't like the one that was offered to him earlier today. Instead of diamonds and gold, silver and various colored stones wrapped around this boy's digits, crowning them with luxury and status.
"My name's Augustine, but you can call me August." He paired with a friendly grin, bringing attention to the silver lip ring hung on his bottom lip.
For some reason, this boy struck something within Eren. He didn't know what it was, but there was a sense of reminiscence flooding his senses when he stared at his smile. The reminiscence that creeps up on you when you look at your sibling and recognize that the shirt they have on is in fact not theirs but yours.
He can't put his finger on it... but August reminded him of someone.
Nonetheless, he excepted his dressed hand with his own bare one. "Eren, it's just Eren."
"Alright, just Eren. I have to go, but hopefully I'll see you around!" August called out as he scampered down the aisle before Eren could have gotten another word of parting out.
What a nice guy, Eren hopes to see him again.
After grabbing the snacks that his newest friends had ordered, promptly ignoring 25 items on Armin's list, he pays the nice woman working the register and makes his departure. By the time he steps back on the pavement, the sun has begun its decent, painting the concrete buildings and vibrant trees in a golden hue.
Trost truly is a beautiful district — the architecture alone places it on a superior level when compared to many other extravagant districts out there.
Eren himself has never lived the kind of life that his new friends or acquaintances were born into. Although having a successful doctor for a dad, it was never an aspect that had ever brought upon wealth for the Jeager family. His mom rapidly rising in her fashion designer career is what has brought him to such a district as this one. Mrs. Jaeger is well on her way to being known for her individuality, and he couldn't be filled with more pride.
Having to leave his old school was pretty easy for him, he had never had many friends there anyway. Sure there were the few he could greet in the hallways, but none that had ever willingly stricken a genuine conversation with him, much less an interesting one. Though, that's not to say the experience of moving out of the blue in your senior year was something he was excited about either, that wouldn't be a nice time for anyone.
It was just his luck that he'd already made a fool out of himself on his very first day. In front of his crush to boot.
Y/N Ackerman.
He wouldn't lie to himself and proclaim that he has no feelings towards the girl. He quite literally puked on her because the amount of emotions she made him feel at a single glance proved to be overbearing to his body. Though, a portion of himself finds itself conflicted. Actually, scratch that - multiple portions of himself find themselves conflicted. As if the little people in his head are arguing against each other, and he isn't sure which side he should be on.
On one hand, the purple person that he decides to name Armeen is arguing that he should hate the girl. Mikasa said that Y/N had surely made it her goal to embarrass Eren in an attempt to solidify her superiority against him and that she was a vicious person with the ugliest soul she had ever seen. 
On another, the red person, Mika Mika, proclaimed that he already hates her. Armin and Mikasa have informed him of her vile friends, the people she willingly surrounds herself with. She condones their actions by mere association. Not to mention the absolute joke she had made of him, which was sure to have cost him a year's worth of ill-repute. Hell, probably even the rest of his soon to be miserable life.
But then, as if he had grown a sudden third hand, there appeared a pink person. This one unnamed, whispered details the other two would surely never approve of. How could she be a vicious person, when she had went out of her own way to not only invite him, but his only friends, to her highly anticipated game AND her own home, knowing that everyone in their grade had heard the abrupt invitation? She was willingly attempting to help him fix his image. How could the person those little people in his head describe as ruthless and callous, ever make his insides light on fire, as if he was a skewered rotisserie chicken on a white Sunday morning? How could the devil herself bring upon him feelings only talked about in movies?
Gaslighting someone to their wits' end by batting her fluffy lashes. It's an old tactic really, but one that would never die out, nor could it. Eren isn't stupid, he knows the truth of the situation. How dire a messy set up like this could have affected her reputation as well, he gets it. Understands that measures need to be taken to prevail through such a trying time. When you're at the top, tiptoeing a razors edge, everyone at the bottom has a clear shot to shoot you down. Those mean comments and accusations of prejudice are just the paint strokes crafting a precise target onto her back.
But, to bring him and his friends into her little scheme?
To escape that threat, you need to move, and to move, you need stepping stones. Eren won't let himself or his friends be used as stepping stones.
That's exactly the reason why the three of them have developed a plan to knock her off of her prodigious throne. No longer will they allow the Queen Bee of Trost Academy to continue her reign of exploitation.
Instead, she will... shit her pants?
Well, that's the best they could come up with, so it'll have to do.
It was simple in nature really, Eren simply needed to buy her a drink, one that Mikasa claims has always been her favorite pick to drink before a game, though Eren still questions how she even had that information, and then he will offer that said drink to her as a peace offering.
A seemingly innocent gesture, except it's not. Mikasa was in charge of acquiring laxatives which they would infuse into the refreshment, which Y/N would drink and whatever happened next would be left up to fate. Though, Armin had elucidated three paths that which this plan could take.
Probability 1: She'd harbor a stomach ache, forcing her to be benched due to her poor performance, effectively eliminating the captain of Trost's varsity soccer team. Ruining her image, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
Probability 2: She'd fart up a storm, or worse, ruining her image of the ideal senior of the year, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
Probability 3: She'd pull an Eren and projectile vomit all over her teammates and opponents. Ruining her stellar image, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
The third was preferred for their goal of seeking revenge, but they wouldn't complain if either of the other two played out perfectly.
"Finally, Eren! You took so long, we started to wonder if you had gotten lost on the way here." Armin says as the boy approaches their meeting spot.
"I did, three times. There is no need for this school to be so damn huge."
"Well, you're here now so..." Mikasa surreptitiously looks over her shoulder and then Eren's, "You got the goods?" She asks.
"Stop acting shifty Mikasa, you're making me nervy." Eren rebukes, eyes glancing from side to side in paranoia.
"Do you have it or not." She exasperatedly asks. He timidly ushers the plastic bag her way, his back moving to obstruct the exchange from any prying eyes. "Good boy, keep me covered and I'll crush these bad boys and then pour them in."
"Hurry 'Kasa, I don't wanna go to jail!" Armin's nerves get the best of him, and just as Mikasa began to pour the laxatives into the energy drink, his trembling palms latch onto her shoulders and begin to shake her back and forth. Unfortunately, the forcible motions cause her hand to slip and pour more than what was necessary for what they had planned. "Oops..." He breathes.
Eren's jaw drops at the amount, "Holy shit, are you- are you sure that's okay?" A dramatic gasp forcibly rasps his throat, "She's not actually gonna die, right?!"
"Uhm... no... I don't think so."
"What do you mean, you don't think so?!" He screeches.
"Armin, chill." Mikasa grits, before twisting the cap of the bottle and giving it a good shake. "She'll be fine, we're not going to jail. All that'll change is the addition of one more possibility, which is shitting her pants for real."
"I thought we were only joking about that? You mean she'll actually shart herself?" Eren asks.
"Yeah," Mikasa declares with no amount of remorse in her irises, simply tilting her head to face him head on, smirk standing proud on her lips. "Even better than we planned, right? Give the bitch the humiliation she deserves."
After a moment of maintaining arduous eye contact with the ravenette, Eren relents, throwing his head back to stare at the ceiling instead and interlocking both hands in his shaggy hair. "You're crazy. Like deadass, you belong in a mental hospital."
"Okay but, wait. The bottle is already open, no one who has a right mind would accept an already opened drink from someone she met yesterday." Armin points out, ever the observer.
"Well, she's gonna have to in order for this plan to work..." Mikasa mumbles, lips pursing in thought. "Oh, Eren! Why don't you be a doll and offer to open it for her, that way she wouldn't even notice it has already been open." She announces with a proud nod, clearly impressed with her solution.
Eren however, isn't as impressed. If anything, the pit in his stomach twists and turns even tighter, bringing forth creases onto the surface of his skin as his face lightly scrunches in disgust. Playing a direct hand in the demise of anyone's athletic career can be catastrophic to the psyche, though he doubts Mikasa's is being affected much if at all.
"Good boy-"
"Stop calling me that!"
"Anyway, we should get going now. Or else, we'd be late. The game starts in 20 minutes, and the walk there is about five, give or take. Though, the introductions take up a good 10 to 15." She ignores the boy.
"Plus, we still need to find seats. Hopefully we won't have to sit on the opposing team's side, or else we'd be royally fucked." Armin adds as they exit the school building.
The pathway that leads them directly towards the stadium is beautiful and cleanly. The school itself is exceptionally cared for, with vibrant green bushes that looked as if they were clipped with the utmost precision. Marbled vases for various other plants and polished benches littered across the lawn oozed a luxurious aura.
"Who are they playing against?" Eren asks.
"I think it's Stohess Prep." Armin answers.
"Oh, that means drama~" Mikasa adds, "10 bucks Levi chokes out Coach Nile?"
"Mm, nah. 20 bucks it's Ymir and Hitch." Armin replies, pointer finger prodding at the fat of his cheek in thought.
"Oh, I forgot about those two. 30 Y/N is forced to step in either way."
"40 bucks she joins."
"50 that they recreate that one Euphoria scene from season 2."
"60 someone yells plus ultra."
"70 bucks Y/N gets hit by a bus and dies."
"Okay, you need an exorcist." Armin quips.
"I've been wondering, why do you hate her so much? There's gotta be history you're not telling me." Eren asks the girl.
It was true, he can feel the animosity she seemingly reigns in 24/7 and he wonders if it was at all reciprocated. Though, he has the feeling that it's heavily one sided.
"Mikasa and Y/N-"
"Armin, shut it." The girl grits before her friend could have thought to utter the remainder of his statement.
Eren groans, "Armin, don't shut it. Open it. Open it wide."
"Don't word it like that, Eren..."
"I just don't see the point," Mikasa admits, though her face was telling to how difficult the situation seems to be for her, "What's in the past should be left there, why open up that can of worms?"
"I don't know if you've noticed, but it's pretty damn obvious that those worms have been out for a while now. You don't think I've noticed how personal this seems to be for you?" Eren rebuts.
"Oh, and I'm not supposed to notice how personal this is for you? As in, more than just some revenge brought upon by petty high school humiliation?" She challenges, and her piercing gaze bore into Eren's own. "You've made your little crush pretty obvious, the addition of this information might change more than you think it would, Eren."
"Who I have a crush on is none of your business. Besides, yeah, I'll admit I'm not blind, I can tell Y/N is an attractive girl. You can't blame me for admitting so, but a silly little school crush is just a silly little school crush at the end of the day. I don't get how your past with her had anything to do with something as minuscule as that."
Mikasa's arms crossed before her chest in frustration, and she kept her head forward, not relenting at unsealing her lips. Though, Armin, being placed in the middle of both teens, hates being a quiet middleman.
"Y/N and Mikasa are cousins." He blurts.
Eren's jaw drops, "What?!" His fingers thread through his hair once again, this time gripping at the roots because what the actual fuck. "You're fucking with me, right?"
Armin shakes his head vehemently, "Deadass. They even have the same last name! You'd have never guessed, right?"
"Well, not really. Like, at all."
"Trust me, I wish it wasn't true either." Mikasa sighs.
Eren's arms flail before him defensively, "No! It's not that I wish it weren't true, it's just that it's hard to believe considering how you guys are like polar opposites. I mean she's so... y'know-" He awkwardly shrugs his shoulders, expecting the action to speak the words he couldn't find in himself to utter out loud. "And you're... y'know..."
Armin coughs, "Emo."
"I'm not emo! As a matter of fact, I'm not even a goth, contrary to popular belief. I'm just edgy, how hard is it to look up, people?!"
"...what's the difference?"
"Oh, shut up, Armin! That's why your balls haven't dropped!"
"You promised you wouldn't bring that up anymore!"
"Armin, your balls haven't dropped?"
"Oh, look! We're here!"
As Eren looked before them, he was met with the front of an impressive industrialized soccer stadium. The words 'Home of the Scouts' were engraved above the entrance in proud bold letters. He notices that they are currently standing in the middle of the massive parking lot, containing multiple first class busses bearing the titles 'Stohess Stallions'.
Guessing that those belong to the opposing team, and that team was no where to be found, Eren concludes that both teams must be inside already. Which begs the question, how late is this trio?
"You're in the way."
Eren nearly jumps out of his skin at the sudden stern voice, and the freight was not limited to himself. Armin squeaks and hides behind his two friends, using them as human shields, though Mikasa simply whips around with a nasty scowl at her face because, who would have the audacity?
Oh, that's who.
"Hitch." She grits.
Coming face to face with a group of girls clad in forest green shorts and jersey's, though their matching team jackets obscured the latter, was intimidating, to say the least. The one standing with the most pride, right at the front and center, wore a smug smirk on her face that her short and wavy dirty blonde hair framed beautifully.
"Well, well, well, would you look at who we have here." She drawls with a laugh. "This is such an interesting trio you guys have going on."
"Mikasa who is this, and why did she come up to us like an anime villain?" Eren whispers towards the ravenette.
"Just our luck." The girl mutters under her breath, not at all a just answer in Eren's eyes, but he was not about to voice his thoughts.
The stranger eyeballs Eren in a way that a certain Ackerman did just a few hours earlier in the day, though this time it did not have him weak in the knees, instead an eerie shiver ran down the length of his spine and caused him to gulp down a yelp.
"Come lookin' for a barf bag, new kid?" She decides to single him out directly, "You know, it's almost funny. I always have the same reaction you did when I see Ackerman as well! I don't blame you, hell, I'd even praise you if it wasn't so disgustingly embarrassing." She jests. "You are new aren't ya? Man, the balls you must have to pull that stunt on your very first day. Oh, the look on her face was enough to have me in tears, I've got to tell you."
"It wasn't on purpose." He mumbles with an eye roll.
"Oh, be careful Hitch. You'll make him mad and we just had our jerseys dry cleaned." Comes a voice from beside her, one of her teammates presumably. This draws out many more chuckles from the group of girls, causing Eren's cheeks to heat up from the jab at his poor stomach.
That voice, low but smooth, causes both Armin and Mikasa to stiffen, as if they had recognized it.
"No way..." Armin mutters, his eyes widening in surprise as the owner of the voice made herself visible.
Another blonde, though this one a paler tone, with glacial blue eyes and a sloped nose emerged from the group, a large bag slung over her shoulders and purple cleats hanging from her fingers.
She had an aura about her, one familiar to Eren. One that wrapped itself around every throat and forced the people around her to pay her heed.
"You're right, Annie. Coach would bench us if we happened to sully them and he can't afford to bench his star players." Hitch agrees, though her eyes are not on her apparent teammate. Instead, they seemed to be inspecting Armin and Mikasa's faces, clearly amused by their starstruck expressions.
"Kasa, do something..." Armin whispers.
"What do you want me to do, hex her?"
"Mikasa, long time no see." Annie continues. It seems that the two know each other, perhaps they are old friends? What a heartwarming reunion. "How's it feel living in your cousins shadow?"
Or, perhaps not.
Mikasa's eyes darken and she begins to fumble in her bag for a pair of scissors, "I quite like the shadows, it gives me a place to properly plan your downfall. Maybe even your murder."
Hitch gasps and feigns a frightened expression, "Oh shiver me timbers, small emos are so scary."
"I'll show you scary cunt-"
"Hey hey hey! What's going on here?" Connie unexpectedly appears from behind the trio, his arms making their way around their shoulders. "You guys will be late if you keep loitering around."
"You could never be Bokuto." One of the girls murmur.
"Oh, Connie, I'm so glad you're here. Bend down a little will you? I feel like I have something stuck in my teeth." Hitch jests as she rubs a finger across her pearly whites.
"Aha, funny." Connie grits, "Hey, how's Marlowe by the way? I imagine he's better since he left you for, who was it again?" He asks with a false pensive look.
"Her mom." Armin declares with a proud grin.
The girl clenches her jaw and scowls, "Fuck you, Connie. Isn't yours chilling upside down on a roof?"
"Wrong AU, hitch."
"At least my hair doesn't make me look like I call corporate." Connie retorts.
"Yeah, well at least-"
"Hitch, we don't have time for this." Annie interrupts, holding her wrist out and allowing her teammate to glance at her watch... is that a Rolex? "We still need to warmup."
Eren doesn't think he has ever seen Connie's eyes darken as much as they did then, shooting daggers at the blonde on par with the ones Mikasa fires at her cousin. "You finally decide to talk, Annie?" He calls the girl out.
Without even sparing him a glance, she states a monotone, "I have nothing to say to you." And walks away from the group in pursuit for the entrance.
Following her departure, Hitch scowls at the fact that she too should follow. "Whatever, I'll save my energy for your little friends on the field. You better watch your captain, it'd be a shame if she forgets her place and mysteriously finds herself on her knees where she belongs."
"Don't dish out what you can't take." Connie asserts.
The girl simply rolls her eyes, "Let's go." She says and takes her leave, taking her army of followers along with her.
"Saweetie did it better!" Armin yells after her, to which Mikasa agrees and waves her hand daintily at the group.
"Man, you are having the worst of luck today, aren't you, Eren?" Connie says with a guffaw.
Eren groans and holds his head in his hands. "Trust me, I know."
"I'm surprised you held your own, Connie. Considering that was literally Annie... and she's with Stohess." Mikasa says.
The boy sighs, "Yeah, I know. Fortunately, Reiner found out yesterday, so we weren't as blind sided. Though, we still haven't told the team, and that's been a topic of discourse amongst a couple of our friends." He answers, and the pained expression on his face almost forces Eren to feel sorry for him.
Shaking his head lightly to disperse his frown, he instead returns his attention towards the brunet once again. "Anyway, don't worry about Hitch. She's always like that. It's petty school rivalry shit that we used to have with Marley till they shut that school down. Now Stohess thinks they need to step up and claim the spot as our rivals." He explains, though Eren laughs at the ridiculousness of his joke.
They're in high school, clearly it wouldn't actually be that serious, right?
Why is Eren the only one laughing?
"No literally, look." Connie says and juts a finger towards the busses they had spotted earlier. Eren hadn't spotted it before, but right under the school name seemed to be the words, 'Trost Academy rivals! Fuck Marley and Fuck Trost!'
"Oh..." Eren utters breathily, "We're too old for this shit."
"Anyway, we should really get going or else we won't find good seats." Armin ushers his friends with his hands.
"Oh!" Connie exclaims with a newfound grin, one that Eren thinks fits him better than his previous frown. "Don't worry about your seats, you can come chill with us. We've already saved some for you guys."
Armin gasps dramatically and his eyes nearly bulge out of his skull. "Y-you mean, your VIP section? We get to sit in VIP?!" He screeches. Even Mikasa seems taken aback, her jaw slack and her brows hiding behind her bangs, though she didn't dare voice it.
"Yup! Though I had no idea it was called that, Sasha is gonna freak when I tell her!" The teen buzzes with anticipation. "I'll lead the way, come on."
As they begin to follow him, Eren leans into Armin's ear to ask, "Why are they called the VIP seats?"
Armin sputters, "Why else, Eren? They're the best seats in the stadium. The plastics are the only ones to ever use the space, but today we're making history."
"We haven't even told you about the rest of their clique." Mikasa adds.
"The rest? There're more than the eight we've talked about?"
"Oh Eren... there are levels to this shit, okay? Not to mention, lore." Armin says whilst his fingers wiggle before Eren's face to build suspense.
"For instance, remember Annie from earlier? The blondie with blue eyes and a tongue as sharp as a dagger?" Mikasa asks.
"Well, she might not act like it, but she's a retired plastic."
"What? You mean she attended Trost at one point? Also, you can retire? Why would she retire?"
"She didn't just attend Trost, she was a founding member of the plastics. A true OG. She helped run our halls. In fact, I'd go as far to say that she was once closer to Y/N than Jean has ever been." Armin said.
"Then, what would make her willingly give that up?"
"Something so simple and obvious, yet achingly torturous that you wouldn't help but sympathize with her. Especially someone like you, wearing your heart on your sleeve like that." Mikasa lightly jabs at her friend.
"Just tell me, 'kasa. I'm not as soft hearted as you think I am." Eren grumbles.
"Unrequited love."
Eren's breath catches in his throat at her words, for he couldn't believe what she was implying. "W-what? You're telling me..."
"Yup," Armin decides to finish his sentence, "We're not sure which way it went or how exactly it went down, but...
One of those girls loved the other far deeper than just mere friendship."
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Taglist: @idreamitski @str4wberrylover @jesus-son-of-god @hoejosblindfold @caycaysblogg @simpingmyassoff @youatemylollipop @enouche @longestline [comment to be added, dm to be removed!]
A/N: im sorry this took so long, its shorter than the last but twice as long as my first draft 😟
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Please make tobi tall<3 and then reader just casually mentioning they're not scared while ghosts hunting because they have tobi with them T_T
Chat always tries to psych you out on hunts like this.
"I hear the last person who visited that house found claws marks on their back when they got home."
"I heard that the owner of the house was killed in the master bedroom, and if you sit in the same chair they died in - you won't be able to get back up."
Historic sites with recordings of the paranormal and macabre deeoer than any you traversed before. You couldn't dispute the risk or danger of it all, but that's what made it exciting. Exploring the great beyond was bound to have some unforseen outcomes ranging from proof of its existence or an express ticket to that world - though you personally prefer the former. Besides, if you were ever in any danger, it wouldn't be for long.
From carrying you to the hospital after you sprained your ankle, to forcing his jacket on your shoulders when the weather was one degree lower than mentioned in reports - you were certain your dear companion and camera man could get you out of anything. On top of that, with their height and demeanor they were almost one to one with the creatures everyone warned you about. One look from them and any ghoul would clear the building.
" 'If you don't leave an offering, they'll take your soul instead.' Spooky. You don't mind sharing any of your snacks with the ghosts, do you, Tobi." You glance over at Tobi who shakes their head in dismissal. With their eyes focused on the road, you've been reading off the various facts and tidbits from members of your server as they drove. As always, they lended an ear with a proper head shake or nod to your questions. As their truck pulls to a stop Tobi reaches into their pocket and pulls out an energy bar. He hands it to you, crossing our the ghost printed on your shirt and pointing up at you. You'd hadn't eaten dinner before you left home and there was no way they'd let you film on an empty stomach.
"Fine." You peel back the wrapper and take a bite as you pop the door open. You continue to scroll through messages as Tobi grabs their equipment from the back. You tuck the wrapper into your pocket and smile for the camera as you start the livestream from your phone.
"Hey guys, me and Tobi have arrived. Took a while, but let's hope the luck that got us here continues inside."
The chat sends you luck and positive wishes beside their previous teasing - but one message sticks out in the form of a donation.
"If you go inside that house - you're going to die. Aren't you scared?"
You lower your phone. Tobi looks up, crawling over the back reach and reaching for the device. The sideview mirror cracks as their eyes reflect in its surface. You clutch your stomach.
"Pfft- haha, scared? Why would I ever be afraid when I have Tobi around?"
Their hand stops at your shoulder. Glancing back, you grin up at them through another giggle as their fingers tremble. "Isn't that right, Tobi?"
Tobi remains still.
"Ow." You hold your forehead as your brain throbs in your skull. Regaining sense of their motor functions, Tobi pulls their cap over the entirely of their face and stumbles out of the truck as their foot catches on the strap of their bag. They pick it and themselves up, staring at you through the open back door before sprinting up the hill towards the abandoned house. You should ask if they're okay to fillm tonight. You've never seen their face that shade of purple before. Is that even a color a person can be. As you hop out to join them - a private message comes in from that same viewer.
"Of course, Y/n. Tobi will always be there to protect you....:')"
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writerbuddha · 4 months
I am conflicted about something with Star Wars. I have been thinking about the Jedi, Anakin, and what could have been done different and what would have happened if the Jedi Council had just said no to training Anakin.
I feel a lot of Anakin's issues stem from being separated from his mother when he was 9. Luke and Leia handled the lose of their loved ones better because they lost theirs when they were 19. Whereas Anakin spent a decade worrying about his mother because as far as he knew she was a slave until Watto told him what became of her.
I feel if the Jedi had freed her and give Anakin a note from her that explained she was free his training about have gone better and he would have been able to handle things better. And before it is brought up, yes she died when she was free, but my focus is on Anakin and him spending 10 years worrying about her.
But the Jedi do not help her and even stranger she has made no attempt to contact Anakin at the Jedi Temple. I guess she could have, I don't know if the Jedi would allow them to talk. Based on a line from Anakin, he says he's not allowed to be with the people he loves, I assume the Jedi would not.
So we have the story as told and we know what happens there.
If the Jedi Council refuses Anakin's training and he goes back to Tatooine or Obi-Wan leaves and trains Anakin he isn't around Palpatine and all that so he might do better but the Jedi Order still gets taken out.
I did a rewatch of the Prequels over the last few days and found Anakin really was not key to any part of Palpatine's plan. Remove Anakin and Mace and the other masters would not know Palpatine is a Sith Lord when they confront him. Although that situation probably wouldn't happen like that because I believe Palpatine revealed where General Grievous was to get Obi-Wan out of the picture and it is Palpatine that tells Anakin in the opera.
With all this in mind I have come to the conclusion that the Jedi were handed the Golden Ticket (Anakin) to destroy the Sith and instead of cashing it in to win they punched their own ticket out of existence by not addressing the situation with his mother.
The Jedi need Anakin to win, I watched a behind the scenes video where Lucas says the prophecy is real, Anakin is the chosen one, and he does fulfill the prophecy in Return of the Jedi.
And given a theme of Star Wars is nature, balance, and I see that the Jedi Order had reacted it's evolutionary dead end because the Jedi could not adapt to survive which is do something outside their rules and no allowing Anakin's training was not that in of itself. They needed to do more to help the child.
With Lucas confirming the prophecy is real and all that I am left to conclude that Anakin would have destroyed the Sith some other way.
I guess the lesson with the Jedi Order is that institutional stagnation will lead to destruction. The Jedi and Sith are cycles of life, both predators, and the Sith had evolved while the Jedi did not. Nature and the Force are unforgiving I guess.
So I guess in the grand scheme of things, what I am trying to say, is the Jedi Order had reached it's end and was mean to shuffle off.
Dear Anon,
You feel, a lot of Anakin's issues stem from being separated from his mother when he was 9, and you feel, if the Jedi had freed her and give Anakin a note from her that explained she was free his training about have gone better and he would have been able to handle things better.
The thing is, I don't get these feelings when I watch the movies. And I have to admit, I'm a bit in trouble here, because I am not sure if I can put my finger on what evokes these feelings in you. I'm all virtual ears if you are OK with telling me!
To me, it was always clear that Anakin himself tells us the cause of his issues: "I don't want things to change." And as the Jedi Masters point it out: he is afraid to lose his mother. Yoda explains he has much fear in him, which can be a problem, because there's always fear behind anger, which is behind hate, and these are adding up to a state of suffering, which also a state of being on the dark side.
The story what's told illustrates this perfectly.
You imply that you think, the older one gets, the easier for them to handle the loss of a loved one.
With all kindness in my heart, I have to tell you, that's just not true. The only thing age does is that when we get older, we more or less successfully internalize a sense of "I must get over this, I must beat this, I must take this blow with a straight face." So, we learn how to suffer with clenched teeth and screaming and weeping in the inside, because we're told, that's adult and mature. In my experience, real, genuine ability to handle the loss in a constructive way requires ceasing attachment to your loved one and develop unconditional love for them. That is, however, accessible for us in any age.
You say, Anakin spent the ten years between Episode I and II in constant worry for his mother's well-being, which undermined his Jedi training.
Since you said, you re-watched Episodes I-II-III recently, please help me: on which part or parts of the movies you draw this conclusion? What makes you think that he felt that his mother is in constant danger? Because to be honest, I see Anakin being afraid of losing his mother, I see him missing his mother, I see him being sad over not being with his mother, but I don't see him worrying for her well-being. He is afraid of losing her - he is not fearing for her.
He even says, "I don't know why I keep dreaming about her" in Episode II, and when he realizes that he’s having premonitions about his mother being in pain, and returns to Tatooine, his behavior toward Watto is quite friendly, rather than jumping to the conclusion that it must be his former slaver, who harmed Shmi, pretty heavily implying that he did not expect Shmi to get hurt while he is away, training.
You find it strange that Shmi did not contact with Anakin, and you vaguely suggest that she was not allowed to communicate with Anakin, because the Jedi would forbid it.
In Episode II, when they discuss the life of the Jedi Knight, Padmé says, "Must be difficult, having sworn your life to the Jedi... not being able to visit the places you like or do the things you like." To which Anakin replies: "Or be with the people that I love." Now, you read this in a way that says: Jedi Knights are not allowed to do the things they enjoy, visit the places they enjoy or be with the people they enjoy to be with. To me, this does not make too much sense.
To me, the discussion is about the fact that Jedi Knights go to the places and be with the people where they are needed, with who they need them, as their duty dictates this. Not where they would like to be, or with the people they would like to be.
When I watch Episode I, I see no reason to believe that Shmi and Anakin expected to be able to communicate, which makes sense - Tatooine is the seat of a crime lord, it would be rather strange if the heart of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order would be a "phone call" away. I'm afraid, you read too much into this, which seems to be founded on the idea that the Jedi are frowning upon love.
You say, the Jedi could have done more for Anakin and they were supposed to change.
Well, at the end of the day, Anakin was resisting their teachings - that's not something that only he could have change. Instead, he wanted to stop things changing, he wanted to stop the sun from setting and to stop people from dying. From where I stand, I can see no flaw in how the Jedi Order operated.
You seem to say that the Jedi Council was wrong to not to say no to training Anakin.
With all fairness, the Jedi Council actually did say no to training Anakin, because he was too old to be trained. In the end, they said yes, because they felt, the right thing to do is to train him to cultivate unconditional love for all living beings, to cease his grasping and clinging to coming and passing things and to overcome his fear, anger, hate and aggression, and to train him to be a selfless guardian of peace and justice in the known universe. So we have the story as told and we know what happens there. But in Episodes IV, V and VI it's powerfully stated that it's not impossible. Luke started his own training even later in his life, and he was able to become a true Jedi Knight, something that Anakin failed to achieve until the very end.
You seem to say, since Darth Sidious would have been able to orchestrate the separatist crisis and the clone wars with the clone army, thus he would have been able to butcher the Jedi and turn the Republic into the Empire without Anakin helping him, proves that the Jedi Order was beyond saving, it was "institutionally dead". And that they are "predators" and they were meant to be erased.
I am truly sorry, but I have to say, I genuine have no idea of what makes you draw this conclusion. I have the feeling that there is something else going on that is unrelated to Star Wars, that you might need to work out... If I'm wrong about this, I apologize. It comes off like something else is going on.
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chandlerxfitzgerald · 8 months
Chains // self para
The plan was simple, really. Chandler would graduate high school with the highest marks and jump the next flight out of the city. Every major destination he pointed to on a map tucked away in his suitcase were all places he'd visit, the itinerary for each day meticulously formulated with the teenager's enjoyment in mind. No more boring meetings, no more lessons, nothing but new experiences and careless flings. Another part of the master plan involved taking Morrigan with him. It proved challenging, to say the least. The times they were spending together had grown closer to nonexistent and most often than not did Douglas sparingly allow the siblings in each other's presence for weeks at a time. Visits were mere minutes.
This has been a continuing trend since what Chandler dubbed 'the incident'. Four days of physical and psychological abuse endured by the Urie children who sworn themselves to secrecy over one single name. One boy perished brutally, another was saved, and he wondered if it was worth the price. Julian's avoidance at school leading up to their senior year proved the lies worked well enough despite Chandler's secret desperation to fix what he helped shatter. Nothing could fix this, though. An innocent teenager still died and Douglas still claimed his victories. Desmond was gone, sent away to the opposite end of the earth for his part in the scheming, and their father insured pure isolation for the two children who remained. It seemed he and Morri greeted loneliness as an old friend.
But even loneliness overstayed its welcome. Chandler didn't remember how it happened or when, a sneaking suspicion told him a combination of Morri's absence and spending every meal alone in his room instead of at the table touched the fever pitch, but the very thought of spending another minute in the mansion caused him to snap. All meticulous planning was tossed through the window from that point. Chandler would require improvising as soon as he ran for the hills. A plane ticket he hadn't even purchased yet swapped for the bus, after the bus ride, enough leeway booking a flight. There isn't any sneaking off on the private jet, no, he would find his own way.
Chandler hauled the suitcase from its place in the closet across the bedroom floor and almost too aggressively slammed it on his mattress with determination before flipping the lid open. He continued moving around the room, checking off the mental list in his mind of anything needed on his travels. Pillows, fashion magazines, socks, the framed photograph of his siblings, all stowed away. He approached the open closet again and began haphazardly yanking every outfit he owned from their hangers, stuffing them in the bag without bothering to fold anything properly.
"And where do you think you're going, boy?" Chandler immediately halted mid-pack and froze at the sound of Douglas' demanding tone, fingers still clutching the periwinkle dress shirt that had always complimented his dark locks. Their interactions were sparse like his time with Morrigan, a personal choice of avoidance, not including the fact any Douglas appearance instantly caused flashbacks of the video feed. The whip sounds filled his ears, the screams haunted him no matter how he tried blocking out everything.
"Anywhere that you aren't." Chandy resumed packing, knowing keeping his back to his father would only further agitate. Let him get pissed. "School's finished, your lessons ended the moment you sent your precious heir away, and I cannot stand living every single day of my existence under lock and key." His hands plucked a scarf from the mixed pile of his clothes, wrapping and unwrapping it around his wrists as a distraction from what will inevitably transpire the longer he spent in the man's presence. Curious, how satisfying it would be tying the fabric around Douglas' throat and watch him slowly lose oxygen. A demented thought. "There's nothing left for me here."
"What has given you the impression your freedom was still an option?" The inflection of the word freedom sang a sarcastic note Chandler wished he could scrub from his skin with bleach. "How easily you've forgotten your role in this family already." Chandler flinched as his father all but slammed the door closed to invoke their privacy, despising the way Douglas forced him into a corner like a trapped animal. "Believe me, boy, the second I find it suitable for your brother's return, the both of you will spend your waking hours training until the day comes when Desmond takes his place as leader. Your actions, Chandler," Douglas sneered, taking a step forward, "Your life belongs to me. The man you used to call father detested the sight of you, your own family abandoned you. I gave you purpose."
"You gave me absolutely nothing." Chandler threw down the scarf still in his hands and whipped around impatiently, "All you do is preach and proclaim how it's a duty serving at the great Douglas Urie's feet when he thinks gratitude is an automatic given. I am nothing more to you than a back carrying the weight of that pedestal you've placed Dezzie on." He knew Desmond might disagree on the contrary, but the dig wasn't clearly directed at him. "You pretend to treat me like the son you never had, but the only reason I'm here's because you found an opportunistic advantage ready to mold to your liking."
"Such insolence." The man growled, maintaining a calm composure despite his temper sparking at the first indication of back-talking. "I thought it would have been an easy solution handing over everything you craved on a silver platter. I provided a sibling you idolized, the mansion, an enticing inheritance hefty enough to maintain your endless hunger for materialism, yet, nothing satisfied you. You still held resentment and thanklessness. You rebelled." Chandler released a scoff over the idea rebellion and turned back around to resume packing his suitcase, hiding the eye roll. Douglas continued his point regardless. "You've spat in the face of my generosities, so I knew taking away all I've given was the only path I could travel making you listen for once. The price you pay for conspiring against me behind my back."
And there it was, the confirmation Chandler guessed rang true from the beginning. Douglas stood on his high horse, building up the teenager and handing over a position of power just to tear him to pieces when he wasn't a viable piece of clay that could be shaped. Chandler's persona wouldn't allow a snake whisper in his ear and create an obedient soldier. The heart inside his chest cannot cease beating with emotion's absence, no matter what Douglas wanted. "I did what I had to do for her."
"And look where it has left you." The statement hung over Chandler's head like a sharp sword seconds from dropping. An executioner's guillotine. He could take his bags and storm away without giving his adopted father one last backward glance, shove aside the ways he's had everything taken from him, and start someplace where nobody passed judgement on his preferences. Chandler was stronger than this, better than this, but Douglas wouldn't let his son forget he will forever be at his mercy. Strength can only last for so long. "Living in complete solitude. Your friends have forsaken you, my boy, and your brother wasn't here to save the day. Not even the little slut would comfort you."
Chandler gripped the sides of his suitcase, gaze flickering to the bed comforter as flashbacks materialized the echo of his huddled form. Shivering in the freezing cold, fingers and toes nearly turning to ice, and the intercom playing a screaming symphony. "Did you really think I wouldn't break you, Chandler?" Douglas took advantage of the boy's silence. "Your resilience was something to be commended, though, proven challenging. I could have dealt with you the same as I handle those who defy me. Beat you into submission if I knew raising a hand would hold effectiveness, but you'd simply take the hit and continue revolting."
The memories were trickling back for Chandy the longer he stood there, eyes squeezed tightly closed and the temptation of plugging his ears with his hands increasing, anything to block out the noise. He could feel the phantom sensation of fingers gripping his arms, feet dragging along the wooden flooring with resistance, the surveillance footage searing the images of bruises and lash marks inside his brain. "A mind is a fragile thing, my boy." Nausea rose at the back of Chandler's throat, threatening an appearance if he didn't swallow it down quickly. "If I wanted a worthwhile punishment fitting for the crime, I needed to strike where your heart lies. Sending your imagination running rampant with spoken description doesn't hold a candle to seeing it live, does it?"
Chandler suddenly caught a glint of metal at the bag's bottom, partially covered by the sleeve of a sweater and beckoning him. The conversation dragged the fact he had packed it out of his thoughts, covertly purchased from a discreet dealer in Newford. It wasn't easy orchestrating back alley deals with another faction when eyes were on him, but his fight-or-flight response had kicked in. "It had to be her." Douglas was testing him, goading him, the jabs were making his heart race and ears ring. He couldn't take this any longer. "You needed to hear the cracks of the whip for yourself to realize every bruise, every slash along her flesh, her screams, were of your doing as much as they were mine. Reminding you that you have only your actions to blame for the whore's suffering. Her blood's on your hands, boy."
Chandler could feel his hand involuntarily wrap around the handle of the gun before he spun angrily on his heel, wasting no time pointing the weapon at his adopted father. He watched Douglas's face convey surprised confusion and finally coming to settle on boiling fury. That he, a privileged son, would possess the sheer audacity to draw a handgun on a faction leader. "Enough!" The teenager bellowed. He never spoke toward Douglas in this manner and, fuck, did he feel powerful. "I'm so sick and tired," He ground out through clenched teeth, "of watching you pretend as if you can call yourself a father. What kind of parent beats their own child into a coma? What kind forces his son to clean up the aftermath or mentally torments his other? You're no father of mine." Chandler saw a change in the man's expression, something unreadable, like Douglas knew some secret he didn't. He hated it. "You fucked with the temperature of my room. You made me watch Morrigan's suffering, knowing I couldn't do a damn thing about it." Chandler's grip around the gun's handle began wavering, anger and anxiety causing his hands to slightly shake. "Here's what's about to happen, you are going to let me leave and I'm taking Morrigan with me. And if you have us followed," His confidence was already slipping, "I'll pull this trigger."
"Will you?" Douglas hissed with venomous intent, bravely stepping closer until the gun's barrel pointed a foot from his chest. He knew the consequences staring down a weapon, the threat of his life was forever imminent as a faction leader, and it's justifiable believing he could die at anyone's hands. Paranoia isn't a foolproof form of protection. "See, here is what I think is about to happen. I will allow you to leave on your little vacation without the slut under the condition I will have you dragged back here when I see fit. You take a step near her bedroom and she'll spend the rest of her days chained in the basement until she's married off to a husband who can beat her every single day." The older male tipped his head back authoritatively, "You are weak, Chandler."
Chandler slowly lowered the gun and settled his hard gaze on the man's cold eyes, a stare-down between father and his disappointment of a son. Maybe the brief pause was a mistake on his part or the perfect opportunity while his guard was down, but he never saw it coming. Douglas didn't hesitate raising his hand and slapping the boy across the face, the force sending Chandler to the ground with a loud groan and knocking the weapon from his hands. "I made the mistake giving you freedoms in the past, but this punishment of yours isn't over." Chandler heard his father speak as he pushed himself into a sitting position, a palm cupping his already reddening cheek. "When you finally make your return back home, you will never see her again." Douglas shook his head dismissively and made his way to the bedroom door, "That's a promise."
He didn't bother watching the other leave. Instead, Chandler brushed away the shock with dignity and finally rose to his feet in complete defeat. For the time it took packing his suitcase with what was left, the decision was already made for him. His traveling was temporary, his punishment for keeping his sister and the Reese boy safe permanent, and the journey around the globe was going to be done alone. The ride to the airport wasn't short enough, especially with the flesh of his cheek still stinging a stark reminder of Douglas' promise.
Chandler removed his cell phone once he was settled in his seat on the flight and dialed Morrigan's number before placing the receiver to his ear with hesitation. He knew the chances of Morri still having her phone were slim to none, but he owed his sister this. "Hi, Morri," Chandler forgone his usual nickname for her, feeling he didn't deserve the honor anymore. Not after what he just did. "I don't even know if you'll get this message or if you're aware I'm gone, but, um," The recording picked up his brief sniff, "I had to go. I'm sorry. If I had to keep living at that house listening to this screaming in my head, I couldn't, I couldn't take it. I can't keep fighting anymore." He cleared his throat, tears lingering at the surface, and evident when he nearly choked on them. "You're free to hate me, call me a coward, and it's warranted. I ran and I wasn't able to bring you along. I'd give you a million explanations and you'd still hold resentment." He released a steady sigh and nodded once, "Just know that no matter what happens, you will always and forever will be my sister. I love you, Morrigan."
The beep at the end of the voicemail message ended, cementing Chandler's destiny.
0 notes
bluejaytaco · 3 years
(We returned to the session with all party members floating in the waters of Fransland. The bar has “Welcome to my realm” written on it in blood. Outside of it there are strange, humanoid creatures walking around. We're in the water, Theodora had a young elf boy knocked out on her back and Art has Reita clinging to him because she doesn't know how to swim.
The water is, however, strangely buoyant.)
Theodora:(immediately swims over and hugs Koejin) I'm never letting you go again.
Koejin: (hugs back) yeah... uh, no more jumping through strange portals for a while.
Alabaster:(casts waterwalking and walks over to Art) Hello, my friend!
Art: (jumps at the sight) Holy Jesus! Hi, hello!
(We all end up swimming to shore and catching up a little bit. The creatures were something Team A was dealing with while we were in the separate universe. From the distance, some of us can see that the creatures are all attached to one cloaked figure sitting off to the side.)
Koejin: (shoots an arrow at the figure and hits it right in the head. The head pops off and rolls closer. It's Skelly)
Skelly: What the Hell?! What just happened?! Who shot me?!(all his minions just kinda stand around his head) Don't just stand there! Reattach me!
Theodora: Skelly?
Skelly: (After his head's back on, he notices us) Oh, hey guys!
Hennessy: What're you doing here?
Skelly: I don't know. Just one minute I'm minding my own business, the next I'm here with these guys (gestures to the shambling forms) Just making friends and hanging out.
Theodora: Are they.... friends by choice? (stares pointedly at the tethers)
Skelly: They're friends by MY choice!
Theodora: How long have you been here?
Skelly: A day... A week... two years and five minutes? Ehhhh....
Art: (moves to explore the tavern)
(As he moves closer, a giant red claw comes up and climbs onto the roof. Mrs. Red glares at the party. Koejin also notices humanoid Mrs. Red is on her back. Dragon Mrs. Red rears back and uses her fire breath on everyone, successfully melting Skelly into a pile of ash.
We also have a new party member, Jaquine. She is not as high of a level as us, so the blast would kill her.
But then a large tiefling woman jumps in and takes the brunt of the burn for Jaquine. She looks.... very familiar. Despite the fact that we've only really met like two tieflings.)
Tiefling woman: Everyone, inside! Now! (Jumps up on Dragon Red's face and they fly away.)
Koejin: Uh, yeah! Let's go!
Alabaster: (moving over to bring Skelly back to life)
(Skelly is now a strange pile of moving ash. He hasn't regained his original form.)
Vincent: Yesss.... burn.... (This is like... the third time he's gotten excited about some violence.)
Hennessy: Alright! You and me! We gotta talk!
(We go inside the bar to see a scawny looking white dragonborn behind the bar, cleaning a glass. Aside from him, there's only one other patron; a woman passed out in a puddle of her own drool with long, rainbow hair.)
Art: (eyes the bartender) Hey there... I'm Art... and you are? (he already knew the answer)
Dragonborn: (smiles creepily) Oh, hi! I'm Eltbalm.
Art: Right, right. (looks over at the passed out woman and frowns as he realizes it's Thia. He walks over to her)
Reita: (runs to Wreybar and points at a hole in the wall. She then dives for it and pulls out a rat. She tears the rat in half and hands part of it to Wreybar.)
Wreybar: Is it a gift or food?
Reita: (nods and bites into her half)
Wreybar, grinning: Thank you!
(Me: I'm a good big brother for letting this happen.)
(For a moment, we cut to Hennessy and Vincent talking to each other about the way he's been acting. Vincent, after being kidnapped and just all around having a shitty time, has adopted the whole idea of killing in order to make the world better. But, after a bit of talk, he's feeling a little better. Hennessy talks about how Theodora, Koejin, and Alabaster would be able to help him with whatever he needs to feel safe again. That seems to help.)
(Meanwhile, Art is gently shaking Thia awake. He gets her to snap her head up but that's about it. He gestures to Eltbalm to get them some water for her.
We all try to get her to wake up and talk with us, but to no avail. However, all of us agree that this might be the best time for a long rest. But before that)
Hennessy: Art, can I speak to you?
Art: Uh... yeah. What's up?
Hennessy: Your sister. She's still got that pink stone embedded in her back, right?
Art: Yeah... we haven't been able to remove it... why do you ask?
Hennessy: Well, while we were all superpowered by the gods, I came across a spell that might be helpful. We could create a clone copy of Reita and remove the stone from her original body. Then, if anything were to go haywire, then we can put her essence into the clone.
Art:.... I want you to think about this for a second.. Put yourself in my shoes and Vincent in Reita's.... would you still trust it?
Hennessy: If it means saving his very life and the lives of millions, then of course!
Art: Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying no. It's just... a lot. And, I mean, it's not like we can do it right now anyway, right?
Hennessy, seeing that Art doesn't fully trust the idea: Yes, but... to ease your worries... it might help to keep in mind we have a genuine necromancer on our side. (Gestures to Alabaster)
Alabaster, seeing that gesture and looks over to find out whats going on: Hello, yes!
Art: You're a necromancer now?!
Alabaster: Why yes. It's an interesting tale but yes. And I would be able to help your sister, given the situation!
Art: (looks at the Skelly blob then up at Alabaster tensely. He then turns back to Hennessy.) It's not something we can do now anyway so....
(Everyone took a look at the stone. Hennessy discovered it was an ancient magic while Art recognized it as tiefling magic. Theodora offered to cut the magic and see what might come of it, but Art was afraid it might hurt Reita. He might be a little over protective.
This is around where we took our rest. As we're rested and trying to figure out our next move, the tiefling woman steps in through the door. She has in her hands the fifteen foot battle axe and is covered in blood. She walks up, demands a beer from Eltbalm, and walks back over to the table where Thia is still passed out. As she takes a sip, she gestures to all of us to gather around.)
Tiefling Woman: Must be pretty confusing for all of you.
Art: That's putting it lightly.
Tiefling Woman: So, let's start with an introduction; I'm Elsie. Elsie Red. I'm the only form of Mrs. Red here that's a tiefling.
Art: ...yeah, why are you a tiefling?
Elsie, shrugging: Don't know. Don't have any memories of anything outside of here. But, hey! I gotta gift for you (looks over at Eltbalm) Hey, you! Go get her. And you better not have touched her!
Eltbalm: Aww, but- (interrupted by the battle axe embedding itself in the wall next to him) coming up!
(Eltbalm disappears for a moment and returns with a bound Mrs. Red. It's our Red; missing tongue and all. He sits her down next to Elsie.)
Hennessy: Elsie, is your story anything like our Red's? It's quite the tragic tale.
Elsie: I don't know. I dont remember. That smiling bastard sent me and all these reds here. It's like we're some kind of experiment or something.
Theodora, nodding: Sounds like Ticket Master, alright. He is quite an asshole.
Hennessy, turning to Red: Do you still have the diary I returned to you?
Red: (nodding in her condescending, mean girl way)
(Art tries to reach into her satchel in order to show Elsie only to get bitten for the trouble.)
Art: Ow, hey! You bitch!
Red: (glaring at him)
(Art gives Elsie a rundown of what they know about Red's backstory. It sums up to Red ending the war and starting her reign of terror after the death of Eltbalm. At that, he points to the scrawny dragonborn at the bar.)
Elsie: Uhhh, no. I remember being married to a tiefling woman. He's not really my type....
Art: Our Eltbalms haven't looked like that. They're more....uh... Koejin, describe Eltbalm.
Koejin: Oh... He's just so hunky and buff. He's covered in shiny white scales. Like, a beautiful man just... (chef's kiss)
Elsie: Yeah, still no.
(We eventually decide that our Red's inability to speak was making this hard. So, we ask Vincent if there's anything he can do.
Turns out, DM rolls high enough to where Vincent pulls out a mechanical tongue.)
Vincent: Now, you gonna go and bite me the moment I go to put this in your mouth?
Red: (nods with a 'Well, duh' look on her face)
Vncent, putting the tongue on the table: Then you can do it yourself.
(Elsie undoes Red's hands and Red immediately dives to put the tongue in her mouth. She doesn't take long to secure it.)
Red, pointing to all of us: Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuuuck you. And a special 'fuck you' to you! (points at Elsie)
Alabaster: Charming.
Red: You took away everything from me and expect me to do anything for you?!
Art: Oh, you mean like what you've been doing to us?
Red: Oh, you fucking little shit. Why the fuck would I care?! You interrupted everything and stopped my ascent to finally killing that smiling asshole you call Ticket Master.
Art: Please, you went toe to toe with him and couldn't take him down.
(We ended up arguing with Red for a while and trying to get her to help us and figure out the parts missing that kept her from doing it. Then...)
Thia: (grabs the empty beer bottle and smashes it against the table. Holds it out to Red) put that to your neck.
Red: (loses control of herself and immediately follows the order) Wha-?
Thia: How do we get out of here?
Red: I- (is comanded to press in deeper. Starts to cry.) I... I don't know. I don't know. I can't remember!
Thia: Then remember.
Red, freezes for a second: I... remember everything...I... (turns to Art) I'm your mother.
Art: I... Wh-wait.... what?
Red: It happened so long ago now. I... Eltbalm and I... were tieflings. We were very much in love. We were happy... Eventually, we were blessed with a beautiful baby. A little girl... but, the land told us, no. Our girl would become a charming handsome boy. Not too long after, we were granted our beautiful, sweet Reita... but... but the war came to our land. They killed Eltbalm, my love. Right in front of me... So I prayed to the land for a way. To stop the war. To protect my children. I was turned into a dragon and given the power to end it all, so I did. And I prayed for a way to bring my husband back. And the land granted me the stones. All parts of Eltbalm.
I didn't know I would be worshipped by our people. I just wanted you to be safe... so, I prayed for a way to the land. And then.... he appeared.
I was so full of rage, but Ticket Master offered me a way. I sold him my soul and I asked that you and your sister were raised by tieflings. To be sure you were kept safe. And he did...
I tried to make it so Reita could be strong like me. Even in my rage and my forgotten memories, I wanted to keep her safe. She was so... helpless. Art, I am so sorry it turned out this way. I lo-
Thia, interrupting the last part: slit your throat.
(Red follows the order and immediately starts bleeding out. Her body collapses on the ground.)
Art: (immediately moves to save her)
Thia: Stop.
Art: (Fails a Con save and is forced to stop)
Theodora: (moves in to heal Red)
Thia: Sit down.
Theodora: (Fails a Con save and follows the order)
Hennessy: Now, wait ju-
Thia: Cover your mouth.
Hennessy: (Fails a Con save and follows the order) Mmmph Rmph!
Koejin: Thia, why're you doing this?
Thia: It's what you guys taught me. you have to kill in order to get to the top. In order to get anyone to listen. To get any type of power.
Koejin:...I thought you just wanted to do drugs and run your bar.
Thia: I did. But then this shit started happening. And you guys started killing generals. And you guided me here. That's when I realized that yes, this is the only way.
Theodora: (trying to do Lay On Hands to Red as Thia's distracted.)
Thia, noticing: Go lay down in that corner, far away from her and don't move.
Theodora:(fails the Con save and does that.)
Art: The leader shouldn't be influenced by their followers.
Thia: I wasn't your leader. Cloak was. And look how much you cared about her death. (glares at Art) not that you're one to talk about not killing. You signed a contract for the God of Death and Deceit.
Art, glaring back: To save my sister.
Thia: still.
Hennessy: (still screaming behind his muffled hands)
Art, casting Sending to get what he was trying to say: Hennessy says "we have been nothing but merciful as instructed." He also said other things, but it got caught off.
Thia: Fine. Remove your hands and speak.
Hennessy: We have been more merciful to everyone of these generals. Green, your own father, was spared and look now! He's one of our strongest allies! Purple returned to their gem under our influence!
Thia: And what about Orange? And Blue? And Yellow?!
Hennessy: Orange was.... an unfortunate circumstance. And Blue gave us no choice. But Yellow; if I recall he willingly died.
Art, tenses: Uhhh, Hennessy...? Yellow was Thia's mother. And she didn't.
Thia, clearly even more angered: I'm starting to think this world needs to be wiped clean so we can begin again.
Art:.... Please don't think that.
(As if hearing her, the roof of the tavern is torn off and there stands Shmoogie. He's staring down at us.)
Shmoogie: Pelor knew you would see the light. (puts his hand down to her) Come now. There's much work to be done.
Thia: (climbs onto the hand)
(Everyone scrambles to look for a way to stop her from leaving with him. In his panic to keep her there, Art uses Black Tentacles to try and pull her out of his hands before she goes out of reach. Thia sees it and tries to order him to stop, but gets smacked in the face by one of them and is now sporting a huge mark near her eye. She disappears through a white portal in the sky with Shmoogie.
But the spell is then released and they can move.)
Art, rushes over to Red, torn in what he's about to do: Okay, I kinda shouldn't care but after all that now I don't want you to die. There's waaaay too many questions to be answered, but you're still an insane bitch. Okay, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna save the life of my...mother...mortal enemy... fuck.... How the fuck did Alabaster do this? Here we go. (casts spare the dying on Red)
Red: (Alive and no longer bleeding out, but out cold)
Reita: (watching her brother in confusion)
Art, noticing this: Uhhh... hey, uhhh... There's a lot to explain but.... once I understand what's going on, I'll explain it all. Okay?
Reita: (lifts some of her half-eaten rat to her mouth)
Art: (pushes it back down slowly)
(As Art is healing Mrs. Red and talking to Rieta, everyone is discussing the best way to get out of here. Theodora and Koejin have some private talks with the DM and come back, but seem reluctant to do the things they were talking about.)
Theodora, to Elsie: You think you can turn into a dragon and help us out?
Elsie: You're asking this from the only Mrs. Red that can't.
Koejin:... I think I have an idea. (digs through her bag for a gem she had.)
(She summons a carriage labelled Koejin's Brews and it's pulled by a horse with sunglasses.)
Horse: Heeey there, Koejin! Ready to ascend to your position?
Art:... Koejin's a god... I mean, why not? Why the fuck not? (heads to the carriage to immediately drink his face off.)
(We all pile on the carriage to find a fully stocked tavern with plenty of room. Like a bar version of a Tardis. "A Bardis" as Theodora's player starts calling it. And, as we ascend, the bar shakes a little as if experiencing turbulence, but then we end up in a world of light.
It's bright and white. Everything is white. Including the people.
Me: Sooo, Racism?
DM: It's Pelor's realm.
Theodora's Player: So, yeah, racism.)
(As we step off the carriage, we pass by people and see a letter hanging from the gate. On it is written "To Alabaster.")
Alabaster: (takes the letter)
Letter: Alabaster, you used to be so devout and loyal, but seem to have been corrupted by the influences around you. I will cleanse this world of all that is dark. Come see me and will do the same for you. It isn't too late. Not for you and not for your daughter. Come see me, my boy.
(Attached to the letter is a picture of Eris, Alabaster's daughter. Pelor is holding her by the head.)
((DM wasn't kidding when he said this would be pretty intense.))
((Koejin's Player: So... I've been hitting on Art's dad...))
2 notes · View notes
hello 👋🏻 i was wondering if you could write different kissing/kisses scenarios with Jonathan? just tooth rotting fluff, maybe a desperate kiss where they feel they might lose one another or something yanno? THANK YOU ILYILY
Note I don't have access to my laptop, that's why this time is a bit different, so I'm sorry if this came out weird because I'm typing it from my phone.
Either was I hope you enjoy!
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• Morning Kiss
Jonathan groaned annoyingly at the one ray of sun light that was able to escape the dark heavy curtains of the equally dark room. His first instinct was to get up from the bed, move to the curtains ,and close them properly. However, that was all forgotten when her realized the small weight that pressed his arm to the bed, he smiled as he looked down at your sleeping face. Carefully, Jonathan layed back down, ignoring the light that woke him up and focused at you. He has said how he loved the look of fear in people's faces, but when he is with you he wants to see nothing but your smiles and the peaceful look you have now as upu slept. Leaning down, he gently pressed his lips to yours and proceeded to shower you with kiss, when he heard your giggles it encouraged him to keep going, until you are fully up, which would take a while. The master of fear had always preferred the night, but since he met you he started to love mornings even more.
•Angry Kiss
"Fuck You!" You yelled before turning away to leave to your room.
"(Y/n), please wait!" Called Jonathan and he walked after you.
"No!" You said mot stopping as you went up the stairs. "You alway do that, you promise you'd make time for me everytime, and lile everytime I belive you, like an Idiot!"
When you were almost about to reach your room jonathan graped your wrist to stop you. It wasn't a strong hold, a gentle one that you could get free if you pulled your hand away hard enough. But you didn't and just stopped in your place but did not face him.
"I know I have been a terrible boyfriend to you, my love." He started. "I am so sorry,but please know that I am truely trying so hard to spend more time with you, but the Legion-"
"The Legion this, the Legion that, with how much you use them as an excuse you sound like a broken record!" You spat before pulling your arm away and faced him. He looked so guilty but you stood your ground. "I know your reputation as a villain is important, and I was ready to be patient through it all, when you have your all nighters, your meetings, and even when you get send to Arkham."
"My love-"
"7 MONTHS!!" He cut him off. "We haven't been able to be alone in the same room let alone set together for 7 months, I don't even remember that I have a boyfriend unless I see the news to see you in it!"
"I promise to be there more!" He said quickly. "I will take a break from the Legion, I will even take us on a vacation to that place you love so much, even if the Legion called me for assistant I will ignore them, I will be here for you for as long as you want me! "
All that didn't effect you because he said it all before, but what calmed your anger is what he said it next.
"Please...don't leave me."
His voice sounded so broken and lost. there was a pause between you two before you let out and angry groan, and get a hold of his shirt collar, which suprised him, and pulled him to you, where your crashed your lips to his. Jonathan was so lost and confused but he didn't pull away and gave in to you. The kiss was so agressive, heated, and before you pulled away you bit his lower lip making him wince in pain. The bute drew a bit of blood.
"You better keep your promise this time." You smirked. "Or I'll have to punish you~"
• Desperate Kiss
Like the joker you were Jonathan's Harley, but unlike the mad clown jonathan never abused you. In fact, he'd always keep you close to him at all times, you were his lab partner, the first head seek their opinion on his next plan, and whenever they'd face the batman, he'd send the henchmen to fight while dragging you with him to escape. There were couple of times where you were caught and sent to jail, and because you are not insane the judge would always send to spend time in regular jail for women which makes jonathan go into a frenzy, needing couple of guards to hold him down as the others took you away. Of course, the moment he escapes arkham he breaks you out the same night.
It wasn't long for a rumor to break loss of the two of you dating. You ignored it, which was hard considering how Harley and Ivy would poke you around to make you "Confess", which was never satisfying since your answer was always "We are not dating". The rumor became a reality, when jonathan confessed his love for you and asking you out for a date. Least to say, you were lovely dovey, even when your relationship lasted years, you still acted as if you were have become lovers recently. Despite the ups and Downs of being beaten by the bat, and seperated in court, you were happy.
Until that Halloween night, where Jonathan had planned something... really... Very ...bad. It was so bad that after you were caught and sentenced to jail for life as usual you found out from TV that Jonathan was sentenced to death. You felt your face grow pale and body grow cold at the news. He was being guarded by batman himself to assure he won't escape, that same night you had sever panic attack that they sent your to the infirmary to calm you down before you hurt yourself or others. You tried to escape by yourself but it always failed and ended up with you being beaten by the gaird and sent to solitary. One night a couple of guards took you away and sneaked you out of jail, you were confused by the lake of show, jonathan would put as he broke you out, but you were still excited, thinking he had escaped and came to get you. But was disappointed when you handed a letter from him telling you leave to the agreed location, and with it was tickets. The same day you escaped prison you left the country with the confident that Jonathan will come after you. Months past and you heard nothing from him or of him. Every day you'd go to the post office and asked if there was any letters by your "Fake Name" but every time nothing, you'd stay up at night thinking he'd be walking through the door every moment now.
After a whole year had and you broke down crying because by now you believed that jonathan had died a long time ago and you were hanging to a hope that wasn't there. You were crying so hard that you didn't notice the warm arms that wrapped around you until you were brought against a hard chest. You gasped and looked uo only to be met with tearful blue eyes of jonathan. You didn't think, you quickly wrapped your arms tightly around his neck and pulled him to a desperate kiss, he kissed you back as his hand went and and down your back to calm you down. When you stopped kissing you didn't pull away and only hugged him tighter and rested your head on his shoulder.
"P..Please ...don't go away.. " You begged between sniffs, thinking this was just a hallucination. "Don't leave me alone again."
Jonathan hugged you tighter, deeply regretting not giving a sign of him being alive, how he broke out, how he needed to do many favors for other villains to help him retire, obtain enough money to last you a life time,and live the peaceful life you both have ever dreamed of.
"I promise, I won't."
• Distracting Kiss
You came home from work excited. They finally gave you the vacation that you have been asking for and you wanted nothing more than to spend it with Jonathan. You were daydreaming about all the things you had planned for the both of you when you almost tripped and fell over something, you looked down and recognized the item as Jonathan's shos.
You let out a sigh. Everytime he leaves his shoes at the door like that, it means that he had hurried to his lab to work again. Normally you'd just shrug it off and just head off and make food for him so he won't starve himself... Again. However, today you will no have that. You put your things aside and went to the basement where he had set a mini lab for him to work in, his original lab was in his secret hideout, but he still set a lab in your home so he won't have to go back and forth over small things. You stopped at the end of the stairs and just stared at a hunched over jonathan who was writing on paper as if it was his last day.
"Jonathan." You called sweetly. He lifted his head to look at you and give you a tired smile before going back to his work. That didn't set well with you. "What are you doing?"
"I am working on a new formula for the fear toxin." He answered not noticing you coming closer. "It came to me on my way back home-"
He stopped talking, writing, and breathing when you wrapped your arms around him, and pressed your front ti his back. But that wasn't what made him stop functioning, it was the kisses you were placing in the back of his neck and with how your hand were moving around his body. He let out a sigh of pleasure that he couldn't hold in.
"(Y/n) dear... Please stop." His voice struggling. "I need to go back to work."
"And I need attention." You pressed your body on him more to be able to whisper in his ear. "A lot of it."
Jonathan tried to resist you could see it. He took his pen again and started to continue writing but this time slower than before. You held back a laugh at his determination, and decided to do your own testing, you started kissing up and down his neck. You knew all his weak spots and so it was only a matter of minutes before Jonathan gave up and turned around to give a direct kiss, which muffled your laughs as he lifted you up to your shared room where he will give you all the attention you want.
•Chaste Kiss
You and jonathan were setting together in the living room, you were watching whatever was on TV on the wide sofa, while he was reading in his seperated chair. Expect, he wasn't reading at all, he was staring at you while resting his head on his hand. You looked so beautiful, that he knew very well when he first saw you, but your beauty became even greater the moment he knew you more. You were so smart, sweet, kind, and most importantly patient. When he would be sent to arkham, when he would come injured from a failed crime attempt, when he made a lab in your basement. The list can go forever, yet she still stayed with him and when he asked her why she just answered with...
"I love you, that's why."
It bewildered him, confused him, he found no sense to give up all that for someone just because they loved them, but the warm feeling he felt by your words silenced everything else. He never told you those words, but that doesn't mean the feeling isn't mutual. His eyes trailed to her lips, which made him realize how in the past he hated any kind of physical touch, that just the mention of kissing made him feel disgust. But now he doesn't seem to have enough from her sweet kisses, even in their intimate moments he would make sure to ravish her lips the most... Aside from other areas.
"Why are you smiling?" You asked pulling him out of his train of thought, you also were smiling but he could also see a bit of blush obviously embarrassed by the realization that he was staring at her while smiling.
Jonathan didn't answer, he careful closed his book and got up and left to the other room, missing the pout you had, but it was quickly replaced with bewilderment as he came back after putting his book away, and instead of setting back in his chair he went to set next to her. (Y/n) still looked confused but pleased, he smiled down at her before placing his hand on her cheek and leaned in to kiss her. He could feel her tense in surprise before quickly relaxing. The kiss wasn't heated or deep, just a simple and gentl kiss.
"Jonathan, what-" you tried to asked after the two of you pulled away but he cut you off with un expected words.
"I love you." He said as he stared into her wide eyes.
He never said those words for he preferred his actions to speak louder, but those simple words seemed to please his lover quite a lot.
•Unexpected Kiss
"Shit!" You exclaimed as you jumped up from your desk and started gathering papers and other items from your desk. Jonathan who once in a while would visit your office for a coffee break looked confused if not surprised by hearing you curse.
"What's the matter?" He asked as he silently watched you go through your drawers searching.
"I forgot my mother is going arrive to Gotham today!" You said as you put stuff in your suit case. "I told her that I'd pick her up after work, but I forgot it was today!"
That's going to be troubling considering the distant between the airport and Arkham." He said casually sipping his coffee.
"I KNOW!" You yelled desperately.
"Want me to drive you?" He asked and you shock your head as you wore your coat.
"Thanks for the kind offer Jonathan, but I'll be able to handle it this time." You said getting ready to leave, you went to your place which was across from him and drank the rest of your coffee.
"Very well, just be careful and good luck." He said getting up to leave.
"Yeah thanks you too!" You said distractedly, but your next action left Jonathan with a look of pure shock, you kissed him on the lips before existing the office. "Lock the doors on your way out, thanks!! "
Jonathan was still staring with wide eyes at the direction you disappeared to. You had just kissed him and hadn't realized it yet, knowing you, you'd probably realize it only late at night when things had calmed down and you were alone with your thoughts. Now, you and him have only been friends in the work place at Arkham, but from your action just now, which happened because of two reasons, you genuinely wasn't aware of it, or deep down you wanted for them to be more than just friends, who drink coffee together, or go out for lunch after work.
He hoped for the later, but to finally find out he'd have to wait untill tomorrow morning, or later that night when she'd probably call him apologizing while being embarassed.
I hope you guys liked this one and sorry for any error, again I wrote this on my phone.
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Don’t Go Running Off Into Danger, Even If I Do pt 4
Aight bitches, this’ll be the first chapter when the title starts to make sense. Dipper and Mabel are complete idiots and manage to get lost in the Ghost Zone trying to find Danny, who knows the place. Also, Tucker and Sam. I’m contemplating making one of them nonbinary, prolly Tucker. Yup. And Sam may or may not have she/they pronouns. I think that’s all. Enjoy my chaos.
Chapter 4
Danny did not sleep. Skulker, Ember, Johnny and Kitty decided it would be a great idea to wreck havoc. Ghosts do need order. They said that they only did it because they have no leader. Danny suspected Clockwork was behind it, but he was too tired to string together much of a coherent thought. So, goodbye sleep schedule! He’d sleep in Lancer’s class. What was one more detention? 
He greeted Sam and Tucker at the doors. The Pines Twins also showed up.  “Danny, did you get a new girlfriend while we were away?” Sam joked.  “Shutup. I’m not in the mood,” Danny grumbled. “Oh, it’s cranky pants!” Tucker laughed. They seemed to think his fucked up sleep schedule was a joke. “Don’t blame me, blame Skulker and Johnny,” “Those two usually have Kitty and Ember with them,” Sam said. She had a point. “Yeah, yeah. You know the gyst. Anyways, this is Mason and Mabel,” He gestured to the twins. “They accidentally caught me transforming. Also, we have to make a trip to the Ghost Zone,” “Call me Dipper!”  “Once again, I’m not using your stupid nickname,” “Come on Danny, don’t be a dick,” Sam laughed.  “Bold of you to assume I can be one,” Danny snorted. Tucker slung his arms over the other two.  “Only you get to make trans jokes. And maybe not in earshot of Dash,” They pointed at the quarterback. “Eh. I’m the heir to the Ghost Throne. What can he do?” “You’re the what now?” Sam and Tucker yelled in unison. “Clockwork told me yesterday. Also, they’re immune to Time Outs,” “How is that possible?” Sam was confused. Danny didn’t blame them. “We had a run in with Bill Cipher,” Mabel said confidently. “Sounds boring. Why would the guy with powers be called Bill?” “You’re just salty because you got called InvisoBill,” Tucker comforted him. “I have half a mind to reveal myself to the entire school,” “Bill was extremely dangerous,” “Danger dorito!” Mabel chimed in. “You are not helping me take this seriously. Tucker, get off,” Danny shoved Tucker off. They were elbowing him in the ribs.  “Oh come on, you know you like it. Mwah!” Tucker kissed Danny’s cheek. Danny became a tomato.  “Hey! Not in front of the entire school!” He was completely gone. He’d been dating Tucker for about a month now.  “You guys are dating?” Mabel looked heartbroken. What the fuck? “Uhh, yeah. Tucker’s into guys and I’m bi. But we’d prefer not to announce it to the entire school,” “You know what you should announce to the entire school? That you’re Danny Phantom. Only if you take the crown though,” Sam said. “I’m doing it. Jazz said it would be a good idea,” “We’ll need cover then. Dipper, Mabel, you get to guard the portal!” Sam said way too enthusiastically. “They’re new! They know nothing about it!” Danny protested. “Well, if it’s anything like Great Uncle Ford’s portal, we can handle it,” Mabel said.  “That shut down the moment he walked out Mabel,” “My parents’ Ghost Portal has been going strong for two years!” Danny said. “And caused all of the madness in Amity. Never mind half killing you,” Sam said. “That was entirely your fault,” Danny replied. “I concede to that point,” Sam accepted her fate.  “Good. Now, are you guys sure you can handle this?” Danny was skeptical. “Yup!” Mason and Mabel said. 
Sleeping in Lancer’s class was a one way ticket to detention. But what did that matter? At lunch, he ran up to the stage in the caf and transformed in front of the entire school.  “FENTON IS PHANTOM?” “HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?” “I’VE BEEN CRUSHING ON NERD BOY?” Ah, Paulina.  “Anywho, now that you’re all done panicking, yeah, it’s true. Tell whoever the fuck you want. I’m tired of lies and secrets. Also, I’m trans!” He flew off. He had to deal with a ghost. Val caught up with him before long.  “Are you a complete idiot?!” “Yup. But hey, who gives a fuck. Wes might get a kick out of it,” “You’re going to get yourself killed!” “Been there done that Val,” “Why?!” “Turns out I’m the heir to the Ghost Throne. Who the fuck is gonna mess with the all powerful Ghost King?” “You aren’t yet!” “I will be by the time school is over. Clockwork told me he’d help me out if I needed it,” The GAV came up under him.  “DANIEL FENTON! GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!” His mom yelled. “Nah, I’m good. You know, I’m surprised you didn’t notice your own son DIED,” “Danny, don’t be like that,”  “Don’t be like what Dad? Don’t be dead? Don’t protect Amity from ghosts? Oh! I’ll do you one better, don’t panic when you scream that you’ll rip me apart molecule by molecule? Now if you don’t mind, I didn’t sleep last night and the Box Ghost is back,” He rushed into the fight before they could see the tears.  “Danny!” He heard his mother howl in anguish.  “Hey bub. Fought you yesterday. I’m seriously not in the mood for a fight, so get in the fucking thermos!” He held out the thermos.  “BEWARE!” “SHUT UP!” He yelled and became invisible.  “Danny, we know you’re there,” Mom said.  “SO?! You know, I kinda hoped you would notice, but only Wes was smart enough to notice. I spent two years hiding. Now, I’ve got a Crown of Fire I need to take,” He sped off. There wasn’t gonna be more hiding.  “Wait, like Pariah Dark? Danny, that will corrupt your mind!” “Like being a half ghost has done? Oh, and just FYI, Vlad is half ghost too. Remember Plasmius? Vlad. Have fun!” He sped off for real this time.  “Vladdie’s a ghost?” Dad looked baffled. Danny sped past the school and grabbed the group.  “Was that really the best way to go about that?” Sam said. “You’re going to be all over the news!” Tucker screamed. “Meh. I was already. At least I’m not public enemy one anymore!” He dropped the Twins and sped into the portal. Sam and Tucker had put on the Fenton Phones already.  “Wes is having a field day,” Sam panted.  “Figured he would. Let’s go in,” They walked into Pariah’s Keep.“CLOCKWORK!” “Ah, I see you made the desicion to come,”  “Yup. Does there need to be a ceremony or something? Cause I just announced my identity to the entire school,” “Like a fucking dumbass,” Tucker muttered. “Bold of you to assume I could be anything but,” “Sorry Tuck, Danny’s right,”  “Yay! I can be right for once! Take that Jazz!” “About your dumbassery,” Tucker groaned. “Semantics. Let’s do this,” “You just need to place the crown atop your head, then place the ring on your hand. Right hand, ring finger,” “Does it have to be just like that?” “Bad things happen if you do it any other way,”  “Okay,” He sighed and did as told. He shivered as the crown became ice and a black billowing cape came off his shoulders. “Weird,” “Dude, you’re the Ghost King!” Tucker screamed.  “Ahh! Advanced hearing! Where’d that come from?” Danny covered his ears.  “When you become king, all of your existing abilities become amplified and you gain new ones,” “Oh yay. More powers to master,”  “Okay, this is great and all, but what does he do now?” Sam said.  “My ears,” Danny cried.  “Sorry,” She whispered.  “Your eyesight will also be advanced. You won’t notice it much here, but in the human world, it will become obvious,” “And painful to adjust to,” Danny muttered.  “Brrr. Danny, it’s freezing,” Tucker shivered.  “If I was bad at controlling that before, you think I can now?”  “Sorry dude. Let’s head back,” “I need to tell the people my first rule real quick,” “What’s that?” “Don’t wreak havoc in the human world. They can still go, but don’t do anything that endangers the humans,” “Huh. Good plan,” Sam shivered. “You sure you can’t control that?” “I’m doing what I normally do to fix it times 10!” “So it could be colder?” Tucker shivered. “Go home and get jackets,” Danny sighed. He pointed and a portal opened. “The fuck?!”  “Congrats dude, you can make portals!” Tucker clapped. “At least we won’t have to use the Fenton one anymore,” Sam shivered into her shirt. Danny concentrated and made portals directly into their houses. He grinned. 
Dipper and Mabel heard footsteps coming into the basement and had no place to hide, so they jumped into the portal. The place was terrifying.  “Mabel, this is freaky,” Dipper shivered. It was oddly cold.  “You think Grunkle Ford felt this way when he travelled through dimensions?” “Not that he told me,” They both shivered. A strange vehicle came rushing past.  “Was it always this cold in here Mads?” Jack Fenton said.  “Not that I remember,” She shivered. The temperature fluctuated randomly.  “He’s in here somewhere!” Jack exclaimed and sped off.  “That’s Danny’s parents! We gotta find him!” They followed the strange machine. 
Sam and Tucker took five minutes to get jackets. He’d managed to grab Jazz in the mean time.  “Hoodie. I’m not wearing the stupid jumpsuit with this cape,”  “Since when do you have a fashion sense?” Sam laughed. “Since never. I just like the hoodie more,” He pulled the hood up. The temperature went up. “Hey! That’s neat,” It went down again. “Heh,” “Don’t get excited until you figure this out better,” Tucker groaned.  “Deal,” He laughed nervously. “Okay, how do I get them all to come here? I’m not the greatest at this,” “Just yell announcement. That usually makes them teleport directly here,” Clockwork said. Danny obliged. His voice was really loud.  “I guess that’s another one to add to the list,” He chuckled. All the ghosts in the Zone teleported to his feet. They grumbled. “Uh, hi guys. I’m not very good at this royalty thing, so I’m only gonna really give you one new rule. I’ll get rid of all the stupid rules later. Just, uh, don’t wreak havoc in the human world. Don’t endanger humans. Like, you can still go, but avoid being dangerous,”  “King Phantom, are you sure that’s the best plan? You are going to enforce rules that protect us from the humans too, aren’t you?” Dora’s voice rang through. “Oh shit. The whole guys in white incident a while back. Yeah, I’ll come up with something,” He rubbed his temples. “Also, can I get some help learning how to make it less freezing all the time?” “Of course Great One. The people of the Far Frozen would love to help,” Frostbite said. “Thanks Frostbite?” He grinned. At least until he saw the Spectre Speeder pull up. Fuck.  “Look at all these ghosts! I’ve gotta catch a few!” His dad yelled. The ghosts looked terrified.  “Hey! You aren’t going to do that! HOW DARE YOU?!” Danny sped down to the Speeder. “Danny, I can’t believe you aren’t trying to capture these ghosts for science!” Jack said. The world became very, very cold.  “These are sentient people that you just decided to barge in on! You’re always like this! And it’s my job to protect them just as much as I protected you! GET OUT OF THE ZONE NOW!” He screamed.  “Danny, calm down. We just want to help you,” “No you don’t. I won’t let you endanger ghosts for ‘science’. It’s cruel and wrong. Would you do that to a human?” “Of course not. But ghosts aren’t sentient. Their emotions aren’t real. Just displays put on to convince you that they have them,”  “HOW. DARE. YOU! You have no right to barge in here and threaten these people. Some of them may have harmed you, but the way you act like they’re nothing, like they aren’t standing here right now, is horrible. This is Frostbite,” He grabbed Frostbite. “ He leads a stable society in the Far Frozen. He’s never left the Ghost Zone and never once harmed me. You know what the first thing he did when he met me? He gave me a hug. And you would torture him just for being a ghost. You think you know everything, but you know NOTHING! LEAVE NOW!” “Danny, is this really how you feel?” Maddie looked sad.  “Get. Out. I’m destroying the portal on your way out. If I EVER find you back here, I will not hesitate to cause harm,” “The crown’s already begun to corrupt you!” Jack protested.  “No, my views haven’t changed. You hurt ghosts. You hurt me! I’m trying my hardest all the time all you care about is your beliefs,”  “They’re true!” “No, most of them aren’t. You don’t even bother talking to a ghost. Ghost have feelings, feel pain, have a society. Maybe it’s different than what you’re used to, but that doesn’t invalidate it,” Danny sighed again. “Just leave,” He turned around and flew back up to the chunk of land.  “Danny...” “DIDN’T HEAR ME?! LEAVE!” He whipped around and yelled. 
Sam, Tucker and Jazz followed him into the castle. He stared at Pariah’s sarcophagus.  “Danny, I know that was difficult, but you were right to do it,” Jazz put her hands on his shoulders. He must’ve been freezing.  “They really don’t listen. I have no clue what I’m doing, but I do know that the ghosts have a right to my protection,” He heard screaming. “You know what’s weird? If I close my eyes tight enough, I can see all over the Zone. And I think the Twins got lost in here,” “Let’s go get them,” 
The Fentons came rushing past again. They didn’t seem to have Danny though.  “I can’t believe he’s protecting ghosts!” Maddie sobbed. “He’s gonna destroy our life’s work!” “I know,” All of a sudden, Danny appeared before them.  “Hey guys. Get lost?” He smiled. The crown floating above his head serving as a daunting reminder.  “Yeah, we were trying to find you to warn you about your parents,” “I dealt with them,” The temperature fluctuated again. “Sorry, my hands are cold. But you need to get home,” He opened a portal and they flew threw it. He teleported away. 
He went down to the basement and destroyed the portal. His parents looked mortified.  “Finally. I won’t be constantly reminded how I died,” He sighed. Maddie and Jack said nothing. “Humph,” He teleported away and made a portal back to the Zone.
Aight. That do be a chapter bitches. I’ll make a tag for it now. Just the acrynom, but meh.
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60. “have you always been this beautiful?” + 68. “You owe me a kiss.” for sean/reader plssss?
Glitter in The Air (Sean X Reader)
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A/N: This is just pure Sean Falco bubble gum cotton candy fluff just for Joz ☺️☺️😍
You held your finger above the mouse and debated which road to take:
Add him. It's only been four years, but he's bound to remember you.
Forget it. It’s been four years, how would he ever remember you?!
Without a second thought you clicked add friend on the Facebook name “SeanFalco92.” You typed out a little note just in case.
Hey, Sean.
I'm sorry about what happened at the University. You're a bit infamous. Not every day the quiet Irishman gives it to the campus police. That fire hydrant was ugly anyways.
Y/N, The Dark Room Princess
Then you switched off the internet to prevent yourself from nervously checking every ten minutes to see a response. So you poured yourself a cup of coffee and put your headphones in. It was gonna be an all-nighter on your grad school thesis.
Your computer made a loud ping noise that startled you from sleep you didn't realize you had fallen into. You raised your head and looked at the time “11am.” Thank God, still a few hours until you had to turn in your thesis. Then you were free to never worry about university again, until the loans rolled in. You groaned.
Still you adjusted yourself and your glasses to read the message that had come up alongside the friend request acceptance.
Hey! Yeah it's totally been awhile. How have you been? I felt the wrath of my parents when they bailed me out. Due for a bit of community payback for a few months. Sorry “Service.” Next time I won't get nicked.
Not quite sure about the dark room reference, but was thinking you should meet me at the carnival on Friday. I know I shouldn't be on campus, but I had tickets before everything went down. Care to be my reason for still showing my face after all that humiliation?
You shook your head and laughed. He definitely didn't remember you, and you weren't exactly sure what he was up to. Who turns down an opportunity to spend the night with Sean Falco?
You took your time replying. Showering. Eating lunch. Printing your thesis and assembling it. Not wanting to appear eager in your reply. He pinged again.
You there? It looked like you were online. Sorry, didn't mean to appear so needy or forward. I just thought it’d be nice to be reacquainted.
You cocked an eyebrow, cheeks flushed a bit and finally returned a response.
Yeah. I would like that. I live in the Madison apartments. Get to Union station (I'm guessing you lost your license?) and we’ll take the Gold Line back to campus. See you at 7.
Sean's comeback was immediate.
It's a date!
Your face grew even hotter. Fuck, it's a date.
You couldn't help but be nervous as you paced around the front steps of your apartment complex. You felt confident in the cute outfit you rushed out and bought impulsively. Or how you bit the bullet and got your hair done too after you delivered your thesis. You claimed it was in celebration of the rest of your life and nothing to do with the tall, lanky Irishman now headed your way.
“Sean!” a bit startled as you turned around in his direction.
Curly hair a bit wild, his jeans looking industrial but you knew they weren't bought that way. The purple tee-shirt he wore somehow made his leafy green eyes positively stunning. His hand was outstretched with a flower held towards you.
“T’ought I might go a bit old-fashioned t’night,” you took the --- from him. “Maybe a bit o’ congratulations for finishing your t’esis paper.”
Glad your hair covered your ears because you knew the tips were bright red. You never remembered his lilt being that strong or noticeable. Maybe for some strange reason it was his nerves too?
“A Peony? Sean, these are my favorites! How’d you know?” you smelled it briefly before you tucked it away behind your ear. Pleasantly surprised. “Thank you.”
“I may have creeped around your photos a bit, hope ye don't mind?” Sean raised his hands and crinkled one of his eyes shut.
“This is my first flower from anyone, so I'll take some light stalking in the meantime. We should hurry though, the train leaves in ten minutes.”
The two of you side by side. You sat turned to face him, back towards the window of the car. Sean faced forward and stole sideways glances while you talked.
“So what does a young lady with a Masters in Art History do fer livin?”
“I want to restore old paintings at the Met in New York, but I'll probably be stuck here in Portland till I'm thirty. What about you, think you can bypass a degree and still be a photojournalist? Maybe and Irish Ansel Adams?”
Sean laughed, “How did you know any of that?” He looked directly at you with a gleam in his eyes.
“You really don't remember me do you?”
You took a chance and slid your hand into his to prevent him from picking at a loose thread in his shirt. Sean easily enclosed it without hesitation.
“Mostly!” Cheek hidden in his smile. “I just thought something about ye clicked in my brain. Can't figure out why, but was hopin’ going out with ye would jog my mind. Is t’at ok?”
There was no time to answer. Soon enough you were back on campus. You talked Sean into some french fries and corn dogs before tugging at his hand excitedly.
“Ok, the Ferris Wheel! Let's do that first? We should be able to see downtown, and it'll be dusk by the time we get on.”
Sean hesitated as his eyes glanced up towards the top. A flash of nerves behind his eyes, but he gave up and shrugged. Obediently following you in line while he ate, a bit sullen.
Surely the guy who just fought a fire hydrant and a cop wouldn't be scared of heights, you thought. Then you flashed back to that day Freshman year and Sean's panicked voice in the dark. His ragged breath and palms that sweat through your tee shirt as he held onto your shoulders.
You shoved a cheese fry in your mouth as the line staggered forward slow and steady. The conversation had died quite suddenly, but you knew you had to take the chance. Cheesy romantic comedy as this all was, who doesn't want to be with a hot guy alone stuck on a ride?
“Uh y/n?” The giggle was back in Sean’s voice now as you broke from your reverie. “You've got some..” His thumb swiped at the corner of your mouth before he lifted it to his own. “Cheese.”
“Thank.. you?” The tension was silent and awkward.
Then, as the two of you simply stared at each other, Sean let out a sound somewhere between a strangled laugh and a snort. It was infectious, and you instantly joined in. That type of laughter you aren't sure how people achieve, but it leaves you breathless and annoying to everyone in your sight.
“I don't know.. why..I licked.. my thumb,” he wheezed around the most childlike giggle. “It was like a weird compulsion.” The way he said the word came out like “way-rd,” and instigated more laughter from deep inside you.
It seemed to ease Sean’s apprehension as the two of you began to board the ride, though. A calm coming over him as you both quieted down. He white-knuckled the bar as it clicked into place over your laps. Eyes wide as it lurched into motion.
You brushed your fingers tentatively over his clenched fist. Sean had a glazed look in his eyes as you slowed and stopped multiple times. You inches towards the top. He really was frightened.
“I've just gotta get over this. I'm confronting my fear is all.” He sounded so serious with a hint of pride, you stifle a chuckle with a bite of a lip.
Sean peered slightly over the edge of the car and looked downwards. Then it halted suddenly and he grabbed your hand and covered it with his massive one. You squirmed around to hold it properly as he squeezed his eyes shut. The car swung back and forth a bit on the precarious side, even for you. One last time, and it would start spinning in its giant lackadaisical circle.
Forward. Pitch to a stop even harder than the last few. This time Sean buried his face in your shoulder, and you relished this surprising role-reversal. But then he looked up at you in the most serious manner.
“Have you always been this beautiful?”
At the same exact time you said:
“First claustrophobia now heights”
You both sat up straight and gaped.
Again simultaneously.
“How d’ye know I'm claustrophobic?!”
“Did you just call me pretty?”
For the moment, Sean was no longer afraid. Your sentiment about his fear distracted him long enough that he loosened up immensely. Long fingers scratched at his mess of curls while deep in thought. Your eyebrows knit together in confusion, heart beating wildly in your ears.
Sean tugged at his chin with a forefinger and thumb. Obviously deep in thought as he gazed off into the sky. It was like a lightbulb finally popped on over his head.
“Jesus (jaysus) Dr Bacher’s photography course. Freshman year!”
You smiled, “By Jove I think he's got it!”
“T’at’s how ye know me. We got right stuck in that darkroom door. It was like a pitch-black tube really. Man I bloody well panicked.”
“I thought you were screwing with me at first! Your hands were so sweaty my tee-shirt was wet from where you were groping me. I kept thinking how every single girl in our class would've killed our professor to be stuck with the hot Irish guy. All that heavy breathing, my teenage brain thought it was sexual tension.”
“I was 18 wedged in a small space with a cute girl. It was claustrophobia, but it was also sexy.”
You bit the inside of your cheek and smiled. The two of you ignoring the ride and it's slow rotations. Still holding hands.
“I don't think I imagined that..” you struggled with the next line.. “parts of you were totally poking into me.”
Sean's mouth dropped open but he repeated his prior sentiment. A bit higher pitched. “I WAS 18 IN A SMALL SPACE WITH A HOT GIRL!” His lilt was more pronounced.
“Who gets a fear.. boner,” you rolled back into the hysterics from earlier on the ground.
Sean's face a deep crimson as his mouth tightened into a straight line. He looked away, but you knew he was playing along. Those eyes betrayed him with a hint of a smile.
“You told me if I got us out you’d take me on a date.”
“I said I'd kiss ye if we got out alive. Never knew how long it’d be til someone found us.”
“You did!” you agreed excitedly. “The door just needed hoisted up and back on the track. Which I did! Then we stumbled out and I practically threw myself in your arms for that kiss.”
“Wait, did we?” Sean turned back to you as the Ferris wheel slowed to another stop. Neither of you remembered it moving.
“No. Stupid ass Derek Sandoval was in the classroom waiting for you.”
“Oi! Watch now, he's still my mate.” Sean's turn to tease now.
“I bet he is.”
The two of you sat back in the car. Your fingers still entwined but the fright had melted away. Sean let out a long steady breath as he really looked out on the carnival and the multicolored lights as they danced around you. The stars blanketed the sky.
His face heavenwards. “Yeah y/n?
“I think you owe me a kiss,” your words soft, almost a whisper.
Sean’s gaza came back down from the clouds. The music and noise from the crowds seemed to fade away as your breath caught in your throat. Without a second thought, he let go of your hand and put his arm around you. That soft mouth leaned over and almost melted with yours. Your bodies enveloped in a hug as Sean slid the tip of his tongue between your lips. Your own darted forward to fight with it.
Then the car hulked into motion again and you broke apart. A smirk on Sean's face revealed a dimple, and you joined in with a grin of your own.
“Well, that was worth a four year wait.”
Tag list: @joz-stankovich @robertsheehanownsmyass @magic-multicolored-miracle @elliethesuperfruitlover
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Epilogue: Ja Mata, Friends
I finally finished the Main Story Quest Rewritten Series! Yaaaaay! *Kermit Flail!*
Erii settled down on her knees and opened her little red suitcase. She wrote down on the paper notepad that she was supposed to be going to Korea to start a new life, but you notice that she didn’t pack very much. 
Your body still aches terribly to the point where you wanted to puke. Your eyes rolled with fatigue. But Erii was showing you her things and writing down her words in her way to chat with you even though you could only stare blankly.
You were in the middle of a graveyard of bones. The cooling effect of the broken canister of liquid nitrogen mixed with the spring air and created a dense fog in the Red Well. But you could still see the outlines of ribs, femurs and skulls among the pile of debris. Charred skeletons embraced each other in battle and deadpool remains mixed with human remains. It reminded you of a scene in an ancient fossilized tar pit. Over hundreds or thousands of years, countless animals and people fell into the pit and died together. Archeologists discovered them but their bones were all mixed up.
Erii showed you her Roman shoes, her white strapped shoes, her hairpins, stockings and ribbons all neatly packed. Then she showed you her little toys. Then she showed you her postcards.
“On April 24th, I went to Tokyo Sky Tree with Sakura. The warmest place in the world is on the Sky Tree.”
“On April 26th, I went to Meiji Shrine with Sakura. Someone held a wedding there.”
“On April 25th, I went to the amusement park with Sakura. The haunted house was scary, but with Sakura there it wasn’t so scary.”
You blink sleepily and suppress a yawn to avoid the pain of stretching your bones. “Hmm… at Christmas, I will take you to see Siberia.”
She nods seriously as this is a solemn vow to her.
Erii quietly took out some of her clothes and pressed them against your skin. The battle had ruined the last remnants of your wedding dress. She opened a blouse and slid it on your arms, pausing when you flinched and hissed in pain, only to continue when you relaxed. Then she buttoned up the front for you. She handed you her skirt and slipped it over your body. 
A soft noise, like a stone rolling down a hill made you sit up in alarm. Erii pressed one hand to your shoulder to keep you from standing. She wrote in her notebook. “Sakura is here.”
You blink at an approaching, staggering human shaped shadow in the fog. For a second, you think it’s Z and your heart lifts. In a few more seconds, Lu Mingfei came into view. Erii with her amazing hearing had already sensed his approach. That explained why she had dressed you and covered you up.
The man looked exhausted and soaked to the bone. At the sight of Erii’s wave, he relaxed to near collapse. “You’re here!” He exclaimed.
Lu Mingfei stumbled the rest of the way into her arms. He hugged her tightly and after a long time, he quietly began to cry. You watched them embrace, feeling happy for them at first, and your eyes grow dull.
Chance was gone. Ruri Kazama was gone too. He fell asleep in the mind of Chime and you would never be so greedy as to use the clapper on him to bring him back. Chime was off somewhere with his brother. It was uncertain if you’d ever see him again. Somehow, you’d seen the world, been wooed by the most beautiful men of Tokyo and still had ended up alone with no one to hold you and cry. 
Lu Mingfei had arrived in a black Mercedes and that’s what you took to get out of this place. You fell asleep on your way there.
You woke up days later to an IV in your arm in the comfort of the luxury suite. You stare up at the princess canopy. You’re surprised. How could it be that this place remained untouched throughout the whole disaster? Ruri Kazama knew your room. Perhaps by his fierce order, all the Devil Clan members knew not to destroy the bedroom of his precious love.
“MC…” A familiar voice speaks out of the dimly lit corner. You sit up. 
Renata was sitting next to your bedside. Her long blond hair was down over her bare shoulders. She wore a frilly blue lace top and a light yellow skirt with a white obi belt at her waist. A black knee brace interrupted her silhouette. For a moment you stare silently into each other’s eyes, expressionless. 
“Is there still a bug in this room?” You ask.
“I had Fingel remove it.” She said, standing and sitting next to you on your bed.
You finally wrap your arms around her, rest your head in her chest, and the tears roll down your face. Renata doesn’t cry but the strength in her arms as they hold you, so firm and so tightly, conveys her thoughts. You slept for twenty years and traveled all the way across the world. You’d fought with monsters and devils, gangsters and gods. But you still managed to find each other in the end. In this secret hide away in the dark, you could hold each other again. You press your ear to her chest and listen to that strong heavy heartbeat and hear her breathe in and out. “Renata… I loved you back then.”
“I thought so too. I was too embarrassed to say anything about it. I was afraid of getting in trouble with the nurses. But please. Continue to call me Zero. It’s more than my new identity. It’s who I am now.” She pulled away from you slightly. “Do you know about… him?”
You know she’s talking about Z and you nod. “A little.”
“Please keep it to yourself.” Her eyes were gentle, but her voice held a command. “There are things that are still far beyond that we cannot understand. But if you stay useful to the end, he will not leave you.”
It takes three months for everything to settle and, in the meantime, you stay with the men in Takamagahara Night Club. Your bloodline test returns completely clean and you are installed as a full member of Cassell College.  You don’t tell them how it happened, that you were bitten by the Light King parasite and filled head to toe with its fetal blood. When Erii embraced you, the effect was the same. She bathed in the blood of a young dragon and her bloodline issues resolved. In Caesar’s report, he simply states that your bloodline problems were clerical errors and you were never a dangerous hybrid.
In those months, the club Takamagahara was fully restored. Though Tokyo still lies in ruins, a great final performance has been arranged. You settle in your seat next to Zero and she looks at you and smiles.
The curtain was slowly opened. Caesar’s fingers ran across the keys of a piano, Chu Zihang blew out the first note on the saxophone and the applause rolled over like a tide. The spotlights swayed over them and the banners that read “Love Sakura!” “BasaraKing forever!” and “Sacred Ukyo!”
Zero huffed to your right. “Someone should stand behind Lu Mingfei before he faints.”
Erii sat next to you on your left and held up a sign. “Go Sakura!”
Tonight is his debut show and the farewell show for the three of them. The theme is ``Goodbye, Ikemen Team.” The TV regrettably announced that BasaraKing, Ukyou, and Little Sakura would be returning to the United States due to their expiring contract. Tonight is their last performance. They would also be ending their careers as performers, so this was truly Sayounara.
All the tickets were sold out in advance. Not even VIPs could get a hold of them. Whole bar fixtures were removed to accommodate more guests. The dance floor was full of women, young and old. Everyone was dressed in costumes from shiny sexy short skirts to dignified long black sleeves. In order to ensure safety, the Metropolitan Police Department temporarily activated traffic control measures and everyone had to walk to the Takamagahara.
Apparently, Cassell had pulled some sort of mass brainwashing. All the people who witnessed the raging deadpool in the club suddenly didn’t remember it that way at all. They only remembered you and the boys protecting and helping people during the storm and that was it. Cassell was scarily efficient at hiding the truth of the world from the world.
Lu Mingfei stepped to the microphone and looked at Erii and sang a shaky little “Sayounara.” He picked up the champagne on the piano cover and drank.
You only understand the word Sayounara in the song. It’s all in Japanese. Lu Mingfei might not have the best voice, but he does have the best Japanese of the three. You quickly pick up a handkerchief. “Erii… don’t cry! Come on, you have to give your support! You can still chat over Line tonight.”
There was no more fear that Erii would rage out of control and kill everyone. So she was free to express sad emotions like this. Now her red eyes ran with tears. “I want to go to the US with Sakura.” She wrote.
“And you will! You will! Eventually… Don’t despair okay?”
The best theater speakers in Tokyo were tuned to the use of the Takamagahara. The sound from the subwoofers burst like ten thousand cannons. Caesar’s piano skills were handed down to him from the world’s top masters and flowed into the sound system. Chu Zihang’s saxophone was also very good. The musical emotional refrain climbed higher and higher. And then when the hall seemed to no longer be able to accommodate such surging music, the top of the hall suddenly opened letting in the moon and starlight.
The spring had turned to summer and the warm air of the seaside city flooded in. You look up at the star strewn sky and grin. Your hand tightens on Zero’s hand. “Make a wish.” You whisper.
Caesar got up from the piano and Chu Zihang put down the saxophone. They all walked to Lu Mingfei’s side and the three took each other’s hands and bowed deeply. 
Cries and applause swept the stage like a storm. And the enthusiasm can't be contained. Women rushed the stage to embrace the young men who were leaving but the stage was too high to climb. So they throw roses, thousands of roses until the stage is covered with bright red, pink and white.
“Ukyou! Ukyou! BasaraKing! Basaraking! I love you! Don’t leave!”
It was time for the final rankings of the performers. At this moment, the spotlight suddenly came on to Lu Mingfei. Whale who had lost an arm in the disaster strode onto the stage. “According to Takamagahara practice, whether Little Sakura stays in our warm family depends on one thing - love! That is, your love!” Whale shouted. “Only the flower tickets of your love can get him to stay. So vote for him. Waiter! Please reveal how much love did LIttle Sakura get during his internship?”
A waiter came with an envelope on the platter. Whale tore it open with his teeth and shouted “320 flower tickets!”
“Oh…” You wince. Poor Lu Mingfei. Chu Zihang and Caesar and easily gathered over 900 ticket buyers in a few days. And after months here Lu Mingfei couldn’t gather half that.
But Whale continued. “In addition to the flower tickets purchased before the show, the total is 100,320 flower tickets! Congratulations Little Sakura, you passed the internship period and you are now a member of our Takamagahara club family!”
Whale took a check from his pocket. A projector enlarged the check until it was the whole background of the stage. It was a check for 100 million yen. Lu Mingfei stood in stunned silence. The check was signed by Erii Uesugi.
Erii had stood up at the end of the show but now she held up a new sign with a sad silent face. The sign read clearly. “Sakura, please stay.”
“Oh… Oh Erii…” Your heart was moved by this. You reach out to her.
Zero takes your arm and whispers urgently. “You have to go now. Or else you’ll miss them.”
You hesitate. Erii doesn’t look at you or shift from that spot. Lu Mingfei stares at her over the crowd but the curtain goes down in front of him. Zero is pushing you now and you have to go.
Erii still stands there even though the curtain is down.
Zero drags you out a side entrance to a waiting Alfa Romero Sports car.
“You can comfort her later.” Zero says as she shuts the door of the driver’s side of the vehicle.
“Yeah…” You buckle up and then do a double take. “Since when did you learn how to drive?”
“Since forever ago.” She turned her head and backed out of the alley and sped down the street so fast you were pressed into the leather. 
The helicopter was parked in a large parking lot two blocks away and the eight executive members of the Hydra lined up to send the Cassell team off. After this incident, the Japanese branch was established again, but a new agreement was signed. Anjou gave up his personal control over the branch, though he still holds the highest decision making power.
The last surviving member of the original family was Nanami Sakurai and she was promoted as Minister of Japan and the new acting director of the Executive Bureau. Chisei and his brother were missing in action and assumed dead. But before his disappearance, Chisei had left the leadership to Mrs. Sakurai. Caesar and Anjou spoke to Mrs. Nanami and she was impressed by their words enough to let you have a special internship and training as a White King bloodline operative and you would be handling all matters when it came to the Devil Clan and unstable hybrids.
“These small gifts left by the clan chief are not quite high end,” Crow gave sunscreen in glass bottles to Casear, Anjou, Lu Mingfei, Zero, and Fingel. “They’re his whole collection. He was really serious about going and selling sunscreen.”
“I’ll smear it on the prettiest girl’s back for him.” Caesar said.
“That would make him happy. That’s what he looked forward to the most.” Crow said.
Your heart aches slightly, thinking of Sakura Yabuki. You wondered where Chisei was now. You hoped he managed to find peace somewhere with his brother.
Caesar approached you. “Are you going to be alright by yourself?”
Your lips curl upward. Then you dip your head and delicately remove your contact lenses. Your eyes are glowing golden, permanently. One didn’t just brush up against the experience of being a dragon king and not be left with some sequelae. “Caesar… Are you going to be alright by yourself?” You ask in a sly voice.
Caesar averts his eyes. “Okay, okay, point taken.”
You replace the contacts in your eyes. “I’m no Caesar Gattuso, but I think I can hold my own here.”
Caesar’s eyes soften. “We’re going to look for him.”
Your smile fades. “Don’t look too hard.” Your chest aches again. “Chime needs time. And so do I.”
Caesar pulls you into a tight hug. You inhale deeply and focus on the bright sweet scent of tobacco. “Don’t forget to text me when you get in. And tell Nono I said hello.”
“I will.”
You approach Lu Mingfei. His eyes are dim and he doesn’t look up. You shake your head. You’re living because of this guy, so you can’t punch him or threaten him too badly. You tap his nose and he looks up at you, looking irritated. 
“Better step up, pretty boy. She went through a lot for you.”
“I know… I... “ Lu Mingfei rubbed the back of his head.
“Don’t say anything! I’m having the hardest time not dragging you back to the Takamagahara right now. It’s 100 mil yen man… come on.” You suddenly hug him tight.
“Ow! Ow! Have you been working out or something? Geez you’re gonna leave a bruise!” He whined.
“Text her.” That’s the last you say to Lu Mingfei.
You approach Chu Zihang. He looked down at you with golden eyes hidden behind black eyed contact lenses. Even now, you didn’t feel particularly close to him, especially not close enough to hug. Chu Zihang was holding a long white wood box that contained Chisei’s swords anyway. He nodded once to you.
“I will be following your progress closely.” He said.
Principal Anjou was blowing out a puff on his cigar as you approached him. He handed you a small white card. “This is your official Cassell Credentials. You’ll be on remote study, but given your performance, you can study at your leisure.”
“Thank you, Principal. I would like to learn Japanese, and how to drive faster than Zero.”
Zero looked up from where she was about to board the helicopter and rolled her eyes at you, but there was a trace of a smile on her lips.
The helicopter took them up into the sky and you watched as its white light disappeared like a shooting star flying into the distance, taking your friends away across the ocean to the United States. 
You turned back to Crow who bowed deeply until he was horizontal. “Mrs. Chief. Forgive my bad English, but your car is ready to go to your new accommodations at the Hydra headquarters in Genji Heavy Industries.”
You grin flashing your white teeth at him. “Arigatou.”
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dilly-oh · 4 years
Creeped Out
Kakashi had the perfect plan for Friday night. 
Friday night was movie night, a much cherished time as it was his one night off a week from Tsunade’s hellish Hokage training before he took office, which mostly consisted of him being forced to do mountains of mind-numbing paperwork while she drank herself under the table. Movie nights were also cherished because he spent them with one Umino Iruka, the snarky, quick-tempered, frankly gorgeous Sensei whom he’d grown closer to after the end of the war and wouldn’t mind getting much, much closer to, wink wink. 
Yesterday, Kakashi had asked the desk clerk at the store for the scariest movie they had in stock and had been handed the newest arrival, some kind of zombie flick that was guaranteed to induce nightmares. It was perfect - Iruka would be ALL over him, and with the heightened tension and physical contact, perhaps their relationship would finally take off rather than continuing to flounder in the purgatory between ‘just friends’ and ‘more than friends’.
Although that was probably Kakashi’s fault, what with his complete inability to communicate properly and fear of ruining an already good thing he had going with the man. He didn’t want to push and risk losing a friend, even if that friend had dark, smoldering eyes and a laugh that sent shivers down his spine. 
Either way, this movie was his ticket to something more. He just had to wait and see if he arrived at the destination, or was unceremoniously derailed from the track.
I’ve made a horrible mistake, Kakashi realized ten minutes into the film. The movie wasn’t scary - it was downright terrifying. The chilling atmosphere and haunting music made him shiver with goosebumps, and the special effects were disturbingly accurate. He squirmed in his seat as another unfortunate character screamed and was devoured alive in grotesque detail. He’d be gnawing at his fingernails if he didn’t already have a death-grip on Iruka’s arm - he was half afraid he was cutting off circulation, but the other man didn’t complain. For once, Kakashi’s mask was useless, doing nothing to hide his obvious discomfort, which Iruka thankfully failed to comment on. 
The Sensei, surprisingly, seemed to be completely unfazed. He just sat there beside him, munching popcorn and giving the occasional snort of disbelief. He didn’t even react to the grisly deaths or jerk at the jump-scares, and- was that a red pen? Was he grading papers right now?
“How does this not frighten you?!” Kakashi burst out. Iruka glanced over at him and shrugged. 
“Are you kidding me? This movie’s so cheesy I think I’m constipated.”
“They’re just reanimated corpses,” Iruka explained patiently. “We literally fought those in the war.”
Oh. Right. 
Still, though. These ate, like, human flesh, for God’s sake. Brains or whatever.
“Come on, I’m sure you’ve seen worse on some of your missions,” Iruka went on. 
“That’s different,” Kakashi scoffed, as if it was obvious, because it was. On missions, you fought, you bled, you died. These things got up after that, and then tried to eat you. Completely different.
“Do you want to watch something else?” Iruka asked, putting his paper down. 
“What? No. No, of course not,” Kakashi said quickly, bristling at the suggestion. He was the Copy-nin, Sharingan Kakashi, feared and respected in all of Konoha. He’d slaughtered countless enemies, mastered hundreds of Jutsu, was next in line to become Hokage. He could handle a simple scary movie. 
...It couldn’t get that much worse, could it?
Yes it can, Kakashi’s mind whimpered as the credits began to roll. He had been so, so wrong. It had gotten worse. SO much worse. He shuddered at the residual images, his Sharingan choosing that moment to replay several particularly scarring pictures that would haunt him for days. Any prospect of getting laid tonight had shriveled up and died just as violently as the last survivor in the ending scene. 
“I’m off, then,” he said, hurriedly standing up and heading for the door, eager to leave before Iruka noticed his discomfort or, even worse, suggested they watch another. 
“Take care,” Iruka called after him. 
“Thank God that’s over,” Kakashi grumbled under his breath as he tugged his sandals on. 
Now he just had to walk all the way home.
In the dark. 
Oh, no.
“Kakashi?” Kakashi nearly jumped a foot, startling out of his trance and whirling about to find Iruka standing in the hallway, hands on his hips. “You okay?”
“Fine,” he croaked out. “Just...leaving.”
“You said that five minutes ago.”
“...I did?”
“Right, yeah. Of course. Leaving.” Kakashi took a deep breath and faced the door down like a Missing-nin, rolling his shoulders determinately. “...Here I go.” 
He didn’t move. 
“Kakashi,” Iruka let out an exasperated sigh, “if you’re that creeped out, you can spend the night, okay?”
Kakashi straightened, bridling with outrage. What was he, some sniveling, wet-behind-the-ears Genin? There was no way he was going to admit such pathetic weakness and spend the night banished to Iruka’s  uncomfortable, lumpy couch. He had his pride. 
“My bed’s big enough for two if we squeeze.”
On second thought, screw pride.
Definitely not how I imagined I’d be jumping into bed with him, Kakashi thought as he wiggled in beside Iruka on his definitely non-two-people-size mattress. He didn’t even entertain the notion of trying something: sex was the last thing on his mind right now, overshadowed as it was by the graphic, bloody images still imprinted on his mind. Despite the fact that Iruka had lent him a pair of loose sweatpants and shirt that smelled pleasantly like him, there was no chance in Hell of him getting the slightest bit horny. He pressed his face, the lower half of which was covered with another pleasantly-Iruka-smelling bandana, into his pillow and closed his eyes. 
“So are we gonna screw or what?” Iruka asked after five minutes of silence.
Kakashi’s eyes snapped open and he stared at him in shock.
“It’s, like, the tenth date,” Iruka went on, propping his head up on a hand. His hair was loose, draping down to pool on his pillow like spilled ink. “I thought people usually screw on the third. What gives?”
“We’re...dating?” Kakashi squeaked out uncertainly.
“Kakashi. We’ve been having these movie nights for weeks. We go out for dinner, like, every few days. You bring me home-made ramen for lunch at the Academy. Without me asking. Of course we’re dating.” Iruka’s frown deepened. “Unless...I’ve horribly misread things between us and you don’t want to-”
“No, I want to. I definitely, definitely want to,” Kakashi hurriedly assured him. “It’s just…” He hesitated. “...We haven’t even kissed yet.”
“Well, yeah, I thought that might make you uncomfortable, what with your mask and all. I didn’t want to push.” 
Kakashi fell silent, touched by Iruka’s thoughtfulness. Now that he thought back on it, there had been dozens of little hints and clues from the Sensei, lingering looks and subtle brushes of skin that he’d failed to pick up on. Iruka had been sending all the right signals, and Kakashi simply hadn’t received them, not daring to believe. Time to change that. 
“Listen, Iruka,” he began slowly, not sure how to explain his predicament, “I really do like you, and I’d love to take our relationship to the next level. But...I don’t know...if tonight...is the right time to-”
“You’re still creeped out by the movie.”
“Oh my God yes.” He couldn’t suppress a shudder. “So, even if I wanted to, as you so eloquently put it, screw, I’m afraid I’d be quite...unable to oblige you at the moment.”
“Okay, fine, we’ll screw in the morning.” Iruka settled back down, lifting the covers up invitingly. “Now get over here. We can at least get a hardcore cuddle-session out, maybe some platonic spooning.”
“You slut,” Kakashi snorted, wriggling closer. 
“I’ll even let you be the little spoon,” Iruka whispered in his ear teasingly as he draped an arm over him. 
Kakashi couldn’t wait for morning to come.
And not just because he really was still creeped out.
(Written for @kakairu-fest Nine Weeks of Summer, Week Five Prompt: Horror)
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shelby-love · 5 years
"Beer and a hockey game date”
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Requested: no
Prompts: none
Warnings: none
Authors note: /
The more you continue to work in Chicago Med the more you grow crazier and crazier. Going to work isn't as fun as it used to be, it actually never was. And there was only one person responsible for that.
Dr. Sam Abrams. The head of neurosurgery at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center.
Your boss.
He's been hard on you ever since you finished med. school and got matched as a specialist at neurosurgery. But lately he's been sending shots your way that you can't avoid no matter how much you try.
He's amazing at what he does, there's no doubt but his soul is black. Whenever he's around there always seems to be a dark cloud over the top of his head and that damn cloud is so powerful that even patient's who have some type of brain damage notice it. If anything that cloud gives you work and opportunities to master your neurosurgery skills because everyone would take your opinion and your services over his.
Jay Halstead. The name you hear Dr. Abrams say more often than his complaints and disagreements about the new rules that doctors have to follow. Maybe that's why he's so harsh and cold. Because he thinks Jay is distracting you from your job.
You keep thinking and arguing with yourself in your mind as you sip your coffee and walk through the emergency department where your boyfriend's brother also works. The ED is actually the place where all the cool people work. They make you question why you choose neurology. God why couldn't Sam Abrams be a bit nicer?
"You're late," You recognize the voice too well. Your frown deepens at Dr. Abrams voice but you mask it by sipping your coffee, too afraid of the thought that if he saw you frowning he'd have you hooked on to basic neurology assignments that you can't avoid. Those assignments are meant for babies, but when he gives them to you you feel like a kid who got extra homework because of behavior. Sometimes you even get offended. Dr. Abrams, who now stands in front of you hands you a tablet with a new patient's problems displayed on the screen. "Here's your patient, I got paged down here. Doctor Manning needs my consultation. She asked for you but, given your antics with Jay Halstead, she should've known you'd be late to work."
My antics with Jay???? You think, there's a big part of you that wants to put him in his place but God made you a nice person. Your yesterday's antics, was a two hour hangout with Jay, Burgess and Ruzek at Molly's. You had nothing more than a beer and a few sips of Jay's drink but he can think what he wants.
"Thanks Sam," you reply and he gives you a look. You bite the inside of your cheeks to prevent an eye roll. Sometimes you think only people at neurology are still on the last names basis. "Doctor Abrams."
His nod towards you is dismissive, "Just get it done." He strides away without looking back.
A big sigh escapes your mouth as you glup your coffee down and throw it in the bin next to which Maggie is standing. "Dr. Abrams seems to be in a good mood today."
You snort and start scanning your patients medical records, "What you saw right now is ten times worse when we're up in neurology."
"Yeah, I bet it is." She sighs. "Good luck Y/N. Oh and by the way Jay is here."
Your brows furrow in confusion as you take your eyes off the screen and look at her. Even through its early in the morning and you're just in time for work which means Jay should be starting work about now too, something tugs in your chest. "Is he okay?" You ask, immediately thinking about him being injured. It happened before, his profession is dangerous.
Noticing that you took her statement the wrong way Maggie puts her hands up in a calm down motion, "He's fine. It's his dad."
You haven't been dating long enough for your formal introduction to happen so that's why you felt uneasy going to Trauma 2 where he and Will were. You had work to do and a patient to attend to. Not knowing what to do you fidget with the tablet in your hands and tell Maggie you're going to say hi to him. Probably use Will so you can have an excuse to say hi. Even though you saw him the night before, you still felt like a giddy high school girl whenever something was related your badass detective.
"I'm sorry but Doctor Y/LN they need you upstairs! It's an emergency!" Maggie halts your movements and you take a big turn and run to the elevator. "Maggie tell him I said hi!"
You storm out of the operation room raging. If someone takes a good look at you right now, they'd be able to see smoke coming out of your ears. You just lost a patient because Dr. Abrams dismissed your opinion. On the operation table, where a patient laid unresponsive due to the strong medication with his skull open Dr. Abrams didn't let you take lead when you knew exactly how to fix his falling pressure. He died on the table.
It's always hard to loose a patient, especially when you know how to help but have your hands tied due to being a junior in your profession. Neurosurgery isn't something someone can joke about and take lightly.
You scan over the waiting room in hopes of spotting the man's wife. To your surprise you see Jay sitting in the bunch as well. Jay notices you and gives you a smile, he doesn't seem as worried as Will who's pacing around. Their dad must be in surgery. The smile is you give him is tired, you turn around and face the woman and your eyes meet. She jumps from her seat and sprints towards you, "Is he going to be okay?? Please tell me he's going to be okay!"
You shake your head sadly and she falls into your arms, sobbing and shaking. "Your husband didn't make it. His pressure fell and we couldn't control it. Dr. Abrams did everything he could Miss."
"What about you?! You're a doctor too! Why didn't you do anything?" She sobbed, her fired questions made you think. Were you supposed to take the lead nevertheless? Were you supposed to fight him into doing it? But there was no time.
"Miss, I'm sorry for your loss." You say, keeping your voice steady like you were always told to in school. She pushes you away and falls back into her chair.
Your eyes meet Jay's and tears gather in your eyes but dissappear once you see Dr. Abrams coming out of the OR. You send him your angriest look and kick the waiting room doors open and storm out. Suddenly everything in the hospital seems to suffocate you. You feel claustrophobic and need fresh air.
Chicago's strong cold weather hits you like a truck when you step out but you don't mind. You just hug your arms closer and take deep breaths. You saved one life today, but lost another. You don't mind the shivers and the goosebumps that form underneath your long sleeved doctor's attire. You look at the buzzing people outside, ambulance cars that pass by, people walking towards or out of the hospital, doctors chatting and drinking warm liquids. Suddenly, something warm drapes over your shoulders and you turn your head and meet faces with Jay. He gives you a warm smile and kisses your temple before draping his arm over your shoulders and pulling you close to him. "I'm sorry for the way things turned out for you today. I'm sure you did everything you could."
"I could've saved him Jay. But Dr. Abrams didn't listen to me." Your head rests on his shoulder. "I think he thinks I'm not good enough for this job. All of my ideas are dismissed even though I never missed a diagnosis."
"But I heard you also saved a life today," Jay says, "Y/N, you're one of the strongest people I know, but some days, you're not going to be able to save everyone. Trust me, I know. You just have to come to terms with it and move on, but remember it so you don't make the same mistake again."
"My mistake isn't in the diagnosis. It's in the fact I failed to fight for this patients life. I let Dr. Abrams boss me around with his senior status."
"I go against Voight's orders when it's a life death situation," He says shrugging. "You should try it sometimes babe."
You smile. It's amazing how you two understand each other. It's the reason why you work well together. There's a lot of relation in your jobs, they crossover a lot. "Should I now?"
You turn around to face him and he connects his lips to yours. The kiss is soft and comforting and it makes your worries disappear. You pull away after a few moments and ask him, "How's your dad doing?"
"Connors doing surgery on him right now. He's gonna be okay," Jay says, "What are you doing tonight?"
"Hanging out with my cat," You say and furrow your eyebrows. "Why?"
"I have two Blackhawks tickets for tonight," He pulls you close. "Will you go with me?"
"A hockey game date?"
"Duh, of course. Do you wanna come? I'll pick you up at 7?" To prove his point he pulls away and starts rummaging through the pockets of his jacket that's draped over you. He pulls out two tickets and waves them in the air.
"You and me, cold beer and a game of hockey. What do you say?" You pretend to think about it before you smile and say, "Yeah I'll go with you Jay. I love men in skates."
"Then it's settled. I'll pick you up at 7."
"See you at 7 Jay."
He grins once more and pulls you in for a kiss. He dissappears into the hospital to check up on his dad and later leave back to work at the district. Now standing there alone, you take a deep breath once more and walk back into the hospital hugging Jay's jacket closer to yourself.
May God help Dr. Abrams now.
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childoftimeandmagic · 4 years
Got Our Whole Lives
I really should be working on my Practical Magic!Klaroline fic, but this was tumbling, rumbling and rolling around in my brain instead. 
Merthur fic for @kickassfu because she’s amazing and I love her. 
You can also read it here AO3. 
           “Are you sure that Merlin’s working till seven tonight?” Arthur asked, for the twelfth time that afternoon as he sat in Gwen’s living room as Morgana walked back in with two mugs of tea one for her and one for Gwen.
           Gwen took the mug from Morgana and shifted on the loveseat so that Morgana could sit with her before focusing on Arthur who was frantically typing into his laptop as he organized a surprise trip for him and Merlin’s second anniversary. “Yes Arthur, your boyfriend who you talk to everyday at least 12 of the 24 hours will be off work at seven alright?”
           Arthur flipped her off and focused on reserving the caravan from the company he’d found online as well as the tram tickets to Normandy. He had asked Merlin to request the 17th to the 25th of June off so that they could finally take a proper holiday together. Merlin had stared at him eyeing him suspiciously as he called his boss to put in for the requested dates. Thankfully, his boyfriend hadn’t asked him what they were doing. Proclaiming that if they were going on a holiday then Arthur was planning it as Merlin was going to be finishing his Masters thesis in early June and honestly couldn’t be arsed to also plan a posh vacation up to Arthur’s aristocratic standards.
           “We’re going to be caravanning?” Merlin’s voice broke through his concentration as he was going through the plan one more time. Slamming his laptop closed he looked up at Merlin who was standing just inside the living room looking down at him like he’d lost his marbles.
           “What are you doing here you aren’t supposed to be here till half past seven,” he hissed, his face flushing as Merlin sat down on the floor next to him and gently handed him his phone which had two missed calls and five unanswered texts. It was also telling him that it was ten to eight – oh.
           “You didn’t answer what you wanted to get for dinner and then Gwen sent me a text saying that she couldn’t ravage your sister with you in the flat,” Merlin said softly, his eyes looking at Arthur with that love and adoration that sometimes made Arthur feel stunted.
           “Right we should head off,” he said standing up stiffly and pulling his laptop bag over to his side shoving the offending instrument into the finished leather.
           “Arthur are you okay?” Merlin asked, they were halfway back to the flat that they shared close enough to the university and Merlin’s café job, that Arthur didn’t mind taking the extra underground line to his job in City Centre.
           “Huh, oh yea,” he said, squeezing Merlin’s hand in his and pulling him in for a chaste kiss. “Better now though.”
           “Right but you know me joking that you had to plan our first holiday wasn’t an effort for you to keep it a secret,” he said, cupping Arthur’s cheek with his free hand.
           “I know but I want it to be a surprise,” Arthur said, as they passed the Indian take-away place a block before the apartment. “We’re eating Indian for dinner.”
           Merlin laughed as his boyfriend changed the subject from what their holiday plans were to what their most pressing plans were, frankly if they had Indian take-away for dinner every night, Merlin thought Arthur would be happiest. Following him into the shop he smiled as Arthur ordered one of every appetizer before ordering Merlin’s Lamb Saagwala and his own Chicken Biryani both moderately spicy for two white boys from the countryside and wrapping the order up with an obscene number of naan.
           “You know I don’t get paid till Friday right,” Merlin whispered, into Arthur’s ear when Arthur had paid and walked over to stand next to where Merlin was sitting on a stool by the window.
           “I know it’s my treat,” Arthur said, wrapping his arms around Merlin’s waist pressing a kiss to his cheek and hiding his face against Merlin’s neck.
           “Are you sure you’re alright?” Merlin asked, rubbing his hands across Arthur’s back.
           “I’m fine just want you to have the best holiday ever,” Arthur whispered, placing a kiss to Merlin’s pulse point.
           “Okay, but we could hide in the flat and not go anywhere for a week and it would be the best vacation ever,” Merlin said, leaning into Arthur’s rare showing of public affection.
           “Right, but you’ve never gone on a holiday outside the country, and I want your first one to be with me,” Arthur said, squeezing Merlin tighter in his arms.
           “Alright, but can you at least tell me if we’re doing a roadtrip or a resort,” Merlin teased, running his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair it was growing longer than he normally let it get. Merlin was selfishly happy that Arthur had let his hair grow out slightly.
           “Fine you twat, we’re gonna roadtrip for a week,” Arthur relented, pulling back to look at Merlin eyes searching for any sign of disappointment or reluctance to the plan. All he saw was admiration and love.
           “Sounds amazing, I’m not sure I could have handled a posh resort where you and your cronies hang around when not at Parliament to talk about defrauding the everyday people of more social services,” Merlin said, completely straight faced while Arthur winced and pulled away.
           “I can not believe that you just tried to tie me to my late father’s political party,” Arthur gasped, hand on chest.
           “I know you’re the good party who only does marginally better for the people,” Merlin said, pulling Arthur back into his arms grinning like a loon.
           “You are a twat,” Arthur said, trying not to give into Merlin’s teasing.
           “Well it’s better than being a Clotpole,” Merlin said, kissing Arthur’s cheek before pushing him back towards the counter as they called out his name.
           Arthur laughed as he walked back to his boyfriend who had unfolded himself from the stool to stand by the door. Waving to the employees and wishing them a good night Arthur and Merlin walked out into the night towards home.
              Finished, it was done and he didn’t need to be back in the Politics and International Relation Hall until the first week of July to defend his thesis to the faculty panel. Rolling over he frowned, it was Saturday and Arthur didn’t work on Saturdays. So why was he missing from their bed? Merlin got up grabbing one of Arthur’s rugby shirts from the top of the wardrobe and walked out of the bedroom to find Arthur sitting at his laptop frowning in the kitchen.
           “Who died?” he asked, walking closer to rub Arthurs shoulders.
           “Huh – oh we got upgraded,” Arthur said, reaching up to tangle his fingers with Merlin’s against his left shoulder.
           “Why does that have you looking like you just got a call about someone dying,” Merlin pressed, his thumb rubbing against Arthur’s hand.
           “It’s just uh bigger than I was expecting,” he said, showing Merlin the large caravan.
           “That’s like a proper lorry,” Merlin commented looking at the specs before looking at Arthur.
           “Well can we go back to the original mini camper?” Merlin asked, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
           “Yea, but it won’t be ready till tomorrow,” Arthur said, sighing as he turned and buried his face in Merlin’s middle wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.
           “Okay so we leave on the train first thing in the morning tomorrow for Calais,” Merlin reasoned out, rubbing circles on Arthur’s shoulders.
           “You don’t mind not starting your freedom from the city right away?” Arthur repeated after Merlin nudged him for mumbling into his torso.
           “Nope, because I think that we can find plenty to distract us right here,” Merlin said, raising his eyebrow and nodding back towards the bedroom he’d just left. “I’m not sure I feel properly loved.”
           Arthur barked out a laugh before standing up his hands gripping Merlin’s thin hips as he hoisted him up into his arms as Merlin laughed. While roughly the same height Merlin was definitely an inch taller, but he lacked the muscular physique of years of rugby and footie that Arthur had, and loved it when Arthur picked him up in his arms.
             “I can’t believe we’re going on a roadtrip across the north coast of France and you didn’t even plan one battleground or museum visit,” Merlin teased, he sat in the seat his legs across Arthur’s lap since it wasn’t a manual vehicle.
           “You just spent the last two months writing a thesis on the battles of the Normandy conquest. I made the executive decision that this would be nature parks, cafes, beach walks, and ocean spray not academics.” Arthur snapped, huffing as he passed a lorry on the left.
           “I love it, and appreciate that you put so much effort into this trip for me,” Merlin said, pulling his feet out of Arthur’s lap to lean over and kiss his cheek.
    ��      “Uh huh, how long is my plan going to last?” Arthur asked, eyebrows raised shaking his head.
           “Probably till the first time we stop and I see a sign for a stuffy local museum,” Merlin admitted laughing when Arthur groaned.
           “Next time we go to a nice resort that has nude beaches and no museums near it,” Arthur grumbled, turning up the music playing through the sound system.
           “Fine I’ll stop teasing you with my obsession with wasting days away in stuffy museums,” Merlin said, carding his fingers through Arthur’s hair.
           “Dollop head.”
           “Are you ever going to tell me what that means?”
           Soon they devolved into Arthur driving and Merlin fiddling with the playlist on his phone until he found one he wanted, and leaned against the seat arm to kiss Arthur quickly before pulling away. Arthur laughed as Merlin folded his long limbs into a pretzel sit and leaned his head against the window eyes dropping already. Merlin always fell asleep if he wasn’t the one driving.
           Arthur smiled and relaxed as he followed the GPS directions to Camping des Dunes, a beach campground. It was rustic and relaxing.
           Pulling in he followed the directions to the beach front parking. It was crowded but not the levels that Gwaine and Percival had warned him about. Parking and pulling up the emergency brake he pressed a kiss to Merlin’s temple and turned his seat around to set up the bedding and open the back door so that they could sleep to the sounds of the ocean behind them. Once he’d done that he grabbed the small grill and bag of charcoal so that they could cook up the chicken kababs that they’d made up yesterday afternoon.
           “Are we there?” Merlin asked, turning to look out the side door at Arthur who was stoking the coals to get them hot. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around and smiled at Arthur who grinned back.
           “Go take a look around, I’m just heating up the coals and then I’ll find you okay?” Arthur asked, rubbing the small little box in his jean pocket.
           “I’m going to see what the amenities are like and then the beach I’ll be back in like ten minutes,” Merlin said, pulling Arthur close for a quick kiss which turned into a longer moment than he planned. “I can’t leave here if you don’t let me go.”
           “I don’t want to let you go,” Arthur mumbled, tightening his grip around Merlin’s middle before releasing him.
           “I’ll be back soon,” Merlin said, walking off to explore.
             Once the coals were adequately hot, he covered the grill and started off to look for Merlin. As Arthur walked over to the beach which was just around the hedge he’d parked next too. Walking on the sand his sandals in his hand. Looking for his boyfriend, he admired the sun glinting off the waves and the sand. Merlin was sitting on the top of the dune staring out at the waves.
           “Hey Emrys, you get lost in your head,” he asked, sitting next to his partner.
           “Sorry I was sitting in the sun and it felt so good. Can we have dinner after the sun sets?” Merlin said, leaning against Arthur’s shoulder. Arthur shifted so that his chest was against Merlin’s back. Arthur chuckled and settled back into the dune, pulling Merlin into his arms holding him tight.
           “It’s beautiful here,” Merlin murmured, trailing his fingers up and down Arthur’s legs as he relaxed into Arthur’s hold.
           “I’m glad you find it so beautiful,” Arthur said, shifting so that he could rest his chin on Merlin’s shoulder. “I have a question for you dearheart.”
           “What’s going on darling,” Merlin asked, shifting so he could look at Arthur. Pulling away and looking at his boyfriend Merlin searched his face for a hint at what was on Arthur’s mind.
           “So we’ve been dating for the last three years and living together for two, and you’ve been with me for some of the hardest moments in my life,” Arthur started taking a deep breath and reaching out to hold Merlin’s hand in his. “You helped me come out to my Father, you helped me reconcile my grief with my anger after he died. When I think about the future and where I want to be in it, Merlin you’re right by my side. I don’t – no I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
           Merlin took the pause that Arthur inadvertently took a breath to hold up his hand. “I need you to hold that thought because if you’re doing what I think you’re doing I need to grab something from my pack.”
           Arthur was sitting in the sand watching the love of his life run across the beach back to their caravan and then running back only tripping twice, thankfully not biting it and falling. When Merlin fell to his feet in front of him Arthur eyed the small green box in his hands before Arthur pulled out a small black box from his jeans. They looked at each other and promptly devolved into laughs holding onto each other.
           “Can I finish please?” Arthur asked, looking at Merlin eyes wide as he cupped his cheeks, rubbing his thumb across the stubble.
           “By all means you aristocratic poof,” Merlin teased, sneaking a kiss before pulling away to hold Arthur’s hands in his.
           “As I was saying – I was wondering if you’d do me the honor of making me the happiest lord in England and man on earth by marrying me?” Arthur asked, opening the box in his left hand to reveal a dark band with flecks of blues, golds, reds in the center of the band shifting in the sunlight.
           “I first would like to point out that I was hoping to ask you while you stargazed tonight, but I – I don’t want to wait. I’ll marry you if you’ll marry me?” Merlin said, grinning looking at his boyfriend as he opened the green box in his hand revealing an elegant and smooth gold band with a gentle engraving on the inside in sloping interconnected lines.
           “Nothing would make me happier,” Arthur said, taking Merlin’s left hand in his right while Merlin took Arthur’s left hand in his. Once they interchanged the rings, Arthur pulled Merlin into a gentle kiss. Resting his forehead against Merlin’s, Arthur smiled and stood up slowly.
           “We gotta go cook dinner, otherwise we won’t have any coals left to use,” Arthur said, taking Merlin back to the caravan. This road trip was going to be more amazing than they’d originally thought.
           “After dinner we have to call mum and tell her the good news,” Merlin said, intertwining their fingers. Arthur laughed and nodded as they separated to complete the required tasks.  
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andaleduardo · 5 years
reddie.,....94,....if you’re feelin it :’)
I had so much fun!! Thank you for sending this and I’m sorry if the ending is rushed I didn’t know what to do with it and I wanted to keep it ‘short’
Heavily inspired by chaotic and energetic Eddie Kaspbrak, he’s a brat and we love him.
94. “You heard me say what in my sleep? Wait–why were you even listening in the first place?!”
If you were to ask Richie what his favorite place on earth was, he would say the clubhouse without hesitation. Yeah sure, it was also located in Derry, also known as the worst place on earth if Richie could say so himself. But it felt as if it were far away, nowhere exactly. It was their own world, their own corner, sometimes it could feel more of a home than their own houses.
And that applied to all seven of them. 
Every corner of the clubhouse was filled with amazing memories, all of them engraved in their hearts. Stupid doodles and words carved into the wood. Little trinkets, toys and pictures littering every surface. Movie tickets pinned to the pillars, low quality polaroids hanging on battery-charged christmas lights, and all kinds of cozy additions they managed to bring down there. 
Now, they kept blankets and pillows inside a big box so that they wouldn’t get dirty, per Stan’s request, and some old stools and bean bags that took up a lot of space, but they weren’t complaining. The hammock was still a part of the family, of course.
The clubhouse had been the stage of many memorable moments. On top of that, Richie had some fun self discoveries while being down there. The most prominent one, painted in big bold letters, being the realisation that what he felt for Eddie was more than just friendship. This, of course, lead to a more obvious conclusion.
So, Richie liked boys. Big deal, right?
Yeah, a pretty fucking big deal that got him tearing his hair out and biting his nails away.
But well, life kept going and Richie had to learn to cope with the knowledge that he had a crush on his best friend. Also had to learn how to control himself whenever they sat close, or touched, or had any type of interaction. Which meant always. Richie had to learn how to control himself always. Because Eddie was always touching him and bickering back at him and being annoying (which Richie loved). And Richie would blush and sweat and stutter like Bill.
Now they were sixteen, so Richie had enough time to perfect his skills. Three years to be exact.
Of course, all those skills were thrown out the window as soon as he caught himself alone with Eddie. He just couldn’t help but feel like he was thirteen again, having just figured out about his feelings and acting like a complete idiot.
Right now was one of those moments. Richie had been tired of being home so he decided to go down to the barrens and hang in the clubhouse. He did that a lot, even if none of his friends were there he would still stay. But he quickly noticed he wasn’t alone as he climbed down the ladder and took a glance around the space. A pair of legs hanged off the hammock. Legs that could only belong to Eddie because of the familiar sneakers and white socks. 
Immediately, Richie got his years of practice into action. 
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite type of pasta hiding down here on this fine summah day!” He exclaimed as he jumped from the third step.
The answer was silence. 
The pillar was blocking Eddie’s face from Richie’s vision so he made his way over to the hammock only to realise the boy was asleep, an unfinished comic laid open on his lap.
This was the type of situation Richie didn’t really know how to deal with. Two full minutes passed as he stared at Eddie’s sleeping form, trying to decide if he should wake him up by flipping the hammock upside down or let him sleep and wake up on his own. But soon those thoughts shifted. Without noticing, Richie wound up staring at Eddie’s peaceful face with no other thought in his mind besides: ‘That’s cute.’
“Fuck.” He sighed loudly. And then proceeded to keep staring like an idiot. It sounded creepy even in his mind, but he couldn’t help it, okay? Eddie was just that cute, and he was never allowed to stare because Eddie would start hitting him and telling him to ‘quit it, you creep’.
Richie wasn’t a creep, or so he hoped. He was just hopelessly in love.
Now, there’s a thought that doesn’t scare him at all, no sir.
“Fuuuck.” He groaned again and physically forced himself to walk away, looking for something to do while Eddie took his nap. Surely he’d be waking up soon.
For a total of four minutes Richie busied himself with his yo-yo, mindlessly walking in circles around the small space and only stealing glances at his friend once or twice. After that, he was downright bored, so he started looking around the stuff they kept stored down there hoping to find another distraction.
Stan’s can of shower caps stole his attention right away. He squinted at it curiously while an idea popped into his head. Stan had bought one shower cap for each of them, and Richie knew somewhere in that little tin there was one with a dinosaur print that was meant to be his, but he never worn it out of pride. 
Throwing another look over his shoulder to see if Eddie was still asleep, Richie grabbed the tin. Since he was the master of subtleness, he let the lid fall on the ground with a horrible noise. His neck snapped back to check Eddie, but the boy didn’t even stir.
Okay, that’s cool. Leaving the lid on the ground for the moment, Richie found what he was looking for and carefully placed the tin back in its place. It was no big deal, he just wanted to put his shower cap on at least once, so that’s what he did. Patting the top of his head to matt it down a little, he felt a little ridiculous, but he liked the pattern Stan picked out for him. He had always been a fan of dino-
“Shit! I’m not wearing this, you are!” Richie fisted the thing off his head and threw it far away without looking before turning to face Eddie. Who was… still asleep and giggling?
Right, Eddie talked in his sleep sometimes. Richie could almost sigh from relief.When they were younger, Eddie would sleep over at Richie’s frequently even before he discovered the sleep talking thing. The first time it happened Richie almost peed himself because he woke up to Eddie sitting on the feet of the bed and whispering at him.
“Tell him to leave, Richie… he’s taking my space… send him away.” 
It hadn’t been fun. Richie had started crying because he didn’t know what the fuck Eddie was talking about and they were eight, okay? He was allowed to cry when he thought there was a demon laying in bed by his side that only Eddie could see.
Over time it had gotten better, Eddie didn’t move much now while he slept, but he still mumbled and called for the people he was dreaming about. 
Which meant he was dreaming about Richie. And giggling at the same time.
Richie was sure his face was very red, it suddenly felt really hot inside the clubhouse. He had decided to let it go and try to find a subtle way to wake up Eddie when the boy started mumbling through giggles again.
“Rich… stop that…” 
And that was enough to make his ears burn and for him to do a reckless thing. He stomped his way over to the hammock and fisted both hands on the fabric. Then, he tugged and screamed
“WAKE UP!” while Eddie’s body rolled onto the ground on the other side with a loud thump.
“WHO FUCKING DIED?!” Eddie screamed as he woke up mid-air, a split second before he fell on the wood. “FUCK!”
Still unaware of Richie’s presence, Eddie groaned as he slowly lifted himself into a sitting position and massaged his forehead from where he hit it on the floor. 
Richie was a jerk.
“Morning, sleeping beau-
“HOLY FUCK!” Eddie screamed again.
“Jesus, can you scream some more? I think there’s still a piece of my left eardrum that’s intact.”
“Did you fucking push me, asshole?” 
“No…?” Richie tried.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Eddie spat as he got up and brushed dirt and dust from his clothes. 
Richie tried to come up with an answer, but it was useless as Eddie started one of his ‘let’s trash Richie and speak a million words per second’ discourses. The only thing that came to his mind to save his ass from having to listen to Eddie’s endless rambling was to say something really fast and, most importantly, without thinking first.
“You heard me say what in my sleep?” Bad choice. “Wait–why were you even listening in the first place?! How long was I asleep? You should have just woke me up-”
“Aw Eds, you’re just embarrassed because now I know the truth. You think I’m funny, I’m hi-la-ri-ous!”
Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose and placed a hand on his hip in deep frustration. “You know what? Fine! Whatever you say, Richie. If that helps you sleep at night.”
It was really the perfect opportunity. 
“Helps me? More like helps you sleep at night, Spaghetti. But there’s no need to be ashamed! I get it, I get it, I’m so handsome that I appear on all your dreams to make you happy all night long-”
And then the metal lid of Stan’s tin flew right onto his head.
Send me prompts from this list or any that you have :)
perma taglist:  @constantreaderfool @mrs-vh @eds-trashmouth @girasol-eddie
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brucethecrocodile · 4 years
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This is my story and art so please don’t repost on other sites thanks
Behind the Door
WARNING: This story is not for the faint of heart.
It all began one thousand years ago, in the small tribe of Shamungga, in West Africa. The Shamunggan shaman’s apprentice was reciting a spell, which he thought would bring rain to the tribe when in actual fact it was a spell to release the Hashnawa, a terrible demon that devourers all beauty, life and soul from everything. When the spell was complete and the Hashnawa was released, chaos and ruin took Shamungga, hundreds were killed and the rest wounded. The chief banished the apprentice and the remaining people sought refuge with the shaman. The Old Shaman with her powers vanquished the demon, but she died of exertion. What the people of Shamungga did not know was that the Hashnawa was not killed but lay in wait for the day where he would be freed from his prison and destroy anything and anyone in his path.
Now we come back to the present day where I’ll introduce our five victims, did I say victims because I meant to say…uhhh…”heroes” that’s it sorry, lost my train of thought, but let’s continue. Shall we?
Our first person is a lowly man by the name of Cadmus, he is 42 years of age, single, balding from the back forward, has no friends, his family really dislikes him, he is obese, his skin colour is white, has no children (but likes children) and he works as an underpaid cook at a fast food place.
Our next person is a very depressed man, who is fabulously rich, by the name of Richard Richie Richmond, he is 24 years of age, single(but has adoring fans who love him), blonde hair, grey-black eyes, well built, his skin colour is white, has a tremendous amount of fake friends, he is an only child, when he does see his parents they are always on the phone, hates children, is cruel to his employees and under pays them, he owns dozens of fast food places and he would like to hire an assassin but has no one to kill.
Our third person is a beloved, kind actress by the name of Erica Patience; she is 40 years of age, married with 3 teenage children, she looks half her age, pitch black hair (no grey/white hairs), strikingly green eyes, her skin colour is black, has a close group of true friends, a loving family, is kind to everyone and anyone, hates violence and can’t dance or sing.
Our fourth person is actually three people by the names of Nutella, @ and Cyanide Cornfoot-Bonefat, they are 24 years of age, blonde, brunet and fiery red coloured hair, they have heterochromia eyes which are blue and brown, brown and green and green and blue, they are studying to be doctors, all of them are single, their skin colour is black, are orphans, they have friends but are their own best friends forever, they are passive, timid and aggressive and hardly ever do as they are told.
Our final person is a criminal of high security he has 50 life sentences his name is Bobby Bill, he is 11 years of age, doesn’t have a family anymore, has no more friends left, his eyes are black with hatred and pleasure, his heart has no more colour, his conscience…what conscience he has none, his hair is a cruel colour, his skin is so sickly white it is translucent, his teeth are a vile shade of yellow-green, his ears look like rats have chewed them almost completely off, his nose is like a rats, his face is quite rat like with his beady little eyes, rat nose, whiskers and mouth, he smells of rotting flesh and garbage, he has a skeletal appearance and has the warts a toad would be grossed out from.
So now that you know our “heroes” let’s start our true story. Let’s bring the chaos…an archaeological dig, in west Africa have found the ruins of an ancient tribe, where lies the remains of hundreds of humans and a cave with a passage written in the Shamunggan language of tyticky, the archaeologists did not know that the text was indeed the spell that set Hashnawa free and the warning to NEVER read the spell aloud. The archaeologists sent the text to a master of deciphering dead languages. It took a month but the “master” finally deciphered the text and gave it back to the archaeologists, and they read it… aloud. With that one little mistake they endangered the lives of everyone and everything in the universe.
Hashnawa curled up under the tribe in his prison. In that moment opened his eyes for the first time in one thousand years.
Cadmus had an appointment with his boss; he wanted to ask for a raise because he has worked there for so long. When he stepped into the office building he felt a sudden rush of fear, flood through his veins. After about an hour of waiting in the waiting area, he knocked on his boss’s office door. The office was on the top level of the tallest building in the city and the whole one wall was made of glass, which gave it an excellent view, the desk was close to the window and was an antique black oak writing desk. Cadmus’s boss, sat in a black leather swivel office chair, he was facing the window so you couldn’t see his face.
“Please come, sit…I don’t bite…usually.” joked, Cadmus’s boss in a deep sinister, masculine voice that was unquestionably smooth and suave. Cadmus gulped and gingerly took several small baby steps forward, toward his boss. “Now…uhhh…Cadmus is it?” asked, Cadmus’s boss in that same voice, “um…y…ye…yes…sir.” Squeaked, Cadmus awkwardly saluting his boss’s back, his boss slowly turned his chair around to face Cadmus, with his blonde hair and penetrating grey-black eyes that seem to stare right into your soul.
“Now there Cadmus, no need for those formalities, you can just call me Mr. Richmond. My friends either call me Richard, Richie or RRR/triple R. But obviously you can’t call, ME that now…can you? So now Cadmus, hilariously stupid name by the way, what have you come to ask me, today?” inquired Richard, with an obnoxious look on his face. “Well, sir I mean Mr. Richmond. I have come to…well…uhhh…um…I have come to ask you for a rai…” started Cadmus. “Now let me just stop you right there, what makes you think that I’m going to give YOU a raise… huh! Why do you deserve it?! Tell me, don’t just stand there looking at the ground like an idiot, and tell me already…no well ok then this meeting is finished I have a movie premiere to go to.” interrupted Richard.
Richard stood up and stormed out, mumbling about the likes of Cadmus…as he was passing Cadmus. Rude much, I mean he didn’t even say goodbye and have a good day. Anyway, Cadmus decided to follow his boss and try to “persuade” or in other words “beg” and “plead” his boss for the raise.
Meanwhile at a high security prison just outside of town, a certain deadly prisoner is “making a break for it” or he is trying and succeeding at breaking out of prison.
Yet at the movie premiere a crowd swarm as they try to get a glimpse, of the celebrities walking down the red carpet. In this swarming mass of people is someone unlike anyone else there, because they are a three headed girl. Some might call them conjoined triplets; they might call them a three headed freak of nature.
The star of the premiere was walking around, by herself, nearby the premiere, her family was already inside. She passed an alleyway and she heard a sound as if someone had ran and hid. “Hello…is anyone there…” Erica Shouted cautiously, as she stepped toward where the sound came from. She suddenly heard another sound right behind her and she felt as if she was being watched. She turned around…slowly. “AHHHHH!” she screamed as she got the shock of seeing the little 11 year old boy for the first time.
Erica was shocked at how this boy looked and smelled she was even slightly scared of this boy, who looked almost like the devil incarnate. Erica soon found herself again. “Hello there. Sorry I screamed, you just startled me that’s all. What is a young boy like you doing in an alley way late at night, and all by yourself to?” asked Erica, to the small terrifying boy.
“I’m hiding, from the pol…uhhh…bullies who were...picking on me. They are very violent.” lied the strange looking boy. “But why are you out here, and not at home? And where are your parents?” Erica asked suspiciously, with a raised eyebrow. “Well I…uhhh…don’t have any parents there deceased and I...live at a…orphanage. The thing is the orphanage is awful and everyone bullies me because of how I look, they…uhhh…call me names like freak and rat-face and rodent boy.” explained the boy with a sad, innocent look on his face. Erica asked the boy one last question “So what is your name? Mine is Erica Patience.” He answered with a smirk “Erica, my name is Bobby Bill.”
Cadmus followed Richard to the premiere, but he couldn’t go in through the front door, because he didn’t have a ticket, so he snuck in the back door through the staff entrance. The conjoined triplets were inside, and took their seat next to Richard. Erica and Bobby sat with Erica’s family, who were coincidentally next to Richard and Nutella, @ and Cyanide.
In the middle of the premiere Cadmus suddenly was on the stage with a mic and told everyone what Richard told him. The security dragged him out of the premiere, but little did they know that he would not give up there.
Most of the people who were at the premiere went to the after party; this includes Richard, Nutella, @, Cyanide, Bobby and Erica. Erica’s family went home but she had to stay because she was the star of the movie. Cadmus followed soot.
Keep in mind that our “heroes” still have not properly met except for Bobby and Erica, and Richard and Cadmus.
Richard went straight to the bar and ordered a couple of drinks for himself.
Nutella wanted to dance but Cyanide wanted to drink and @ just wanted to leave, so Cyanide drank, on the right shoulder, while Nutella danced, with their feet, she was on the left shoulder, and @ was just there, in the middle looking awkward as ever.
Erica tried to persuade Bobby out of the shadows to dance with her, but he was unwilling.
A little while later, Erica had given up and was dancing, Bobby was still in the shadows. Richard was almost drunk, at the bar ordering more drinks. The conjoined triplets getting tired of dancing headed to the bar, on the watch for cute guys. Cadmus was inside the gates, trying to think of how to confront his boss…without getting fired.
Richard had just had his third drink and was a…wee bit tipsy. When these three girls came up to him at first he thought his mind was playing tricks on him because these girls had one body. There was a red head with a pixie cut that was very punk rock, she had one blue eye and one brown eye she was on the right, holding an empty drink and she looked quite fearless. The girl on the left had brunette hair styled in that tight 60’s curl, with one green eye and one brown eye she held herself confidentially bopping her head to the music. The last girl was in the middle, she had one green eye and one blue eye, and she hid behind her long straight bleach blonde hair and looked shy and awkward. They were wearing a short tight red dress with black heels.
The girls sat down next to Richard at the bar. “Can I get a drink…please?” yelled the girl on the right with the fiery punk hair; she sounded like she had already had numerous drinks. “I don’t think you should drink anymore, you’ve already had lots.” shyly whispered the girl in the middle, looking down at their hands. “What did you say? Are you trying to tell me what to do?” Spat the first girl. “No…I mean yes…I mean…I don’t know.” mumbled the second girl. “That’s what I thought your just a little scaredy cat, you know what I think you’re just…” “Stop it right now!?” interrupted the girl, with the 60’s do, in a passive but serious tone.
After the girls had cooled off Richard introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Richard…and you fine young ladies are?” inquired Richard. Blushing they answered one at a time, “I’m…@.” giggled the girl in the middle. “I’m Nutella, it’s a pleasure to meet you Richard.” blushed the girl on the left, sticking out her hand to shake formally. “I’m Cyanide, and are you…single? Because we are.” drunkenly stated the girl on the right. “Uhhh, yeah...ok. Do you guys want a drink?” awkwardly answered Richard. “Yes thanks, we would love a drink.” exclaimed Nutella.
Just as Nutella finished her answer there was a low pounding sound, like giant footsteps, coming closer and closer. Until, finally this colossal reptilian looking beast with six legs, stood in front of the party goers. Standing on its hind two pairs of legs, it had raptor like talons, a skeletal tail with no flesh at all just the bear bone, on the tip of its tail a venom excreting mace, its twenty blood-red eyes were plastered onto the front of it gnarled scar ridden face and as it roared its unruly, blood-curtailing, deathly roar it unfurled its satanic bat-like wings.
This dreadful beast was in fact Hashnawa, the terrible demon, in his full strength, for the first time in one thousand years. He devoured all the beauty, life and soul from the people that were near him. Their lifeless bodies slouched over, with stark white eyes and hair. Hashnawa leaned over and grabbed a carcass in his powerful jaws. He crunched down shattering the bones, tearing the flesh, muscle and skin to shreds with the person’s blood cascading down both sides of his jaws, meeting on the tip of his chin, only to drip down onto the floor.
The crowd screamed and ran as fast as they could trying to get far away from the beast, but our “heroes” stood there frozen staring up at this 100 foot monster their feet bolted to the ground, their eye transfixed on this thing. They only snapped out of the creature’s hypnotic trance by an ear-splitting scream as a girl cried out as she was deprived of all her beauty, life and soul. Cadmus sprinted to his car and shouted out to the others “GET IN THE CAR, BEFORE YOU GET EATEN!” and they hurried to squash into Cadmus’ car, and he sped away without any hesitation.
After they were a safe distance away from the creature Cadmus slowed down. “What was that...that thing?!” yelled Nutella. “I don’t know...but did you see what it did to those poor people.” exclaimed Erica. “Hey you’re Erica Patience the actress, it is a great honour to meet you.” chorused everyone, except Bobby and of cause Erica. “Thank you all, it is always great to meet a fan. Now you all know me but the only person I know is Bobby here.” smiled Erica pointing to the small 11year old disgusting boy, who was sitting next to her. They then introduced themselves, before telling each other about themselves.
That night Bobby stayed with Erica and her Family.
The next morning on the News.
News reporter: “Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with some professors from the University of Archaeology, who say they can explain the recent rash of disappearances. So professors what’s the verdict?”
Professors: “Stay home lock your doors, bolt your windows no one is safe from the wrath of Hashnawa the demon who devourers all the beauty, life and soul from everything. He will bring chaos and ruin like he did to the ancient tribe of Shamungga, hundreds were killed and the rest wounded they were only saved by their shaman and she could only imprison him. Our best advice to you is run and hide, go underground if you have to just save your selves and your loved ones.”
News reporter: “ok...so they are crazy...oh they’re now singing the song ‘it’s the end of the world as we know it’ so that was a dead end...I’ve just got news that this has happened in West Africa, where people suddenly started disappearing. So I guess that’s all from me now back to you Earl.”
Erica turned off the TV, gobsmacked she had to sit down.
When she was finally herself again she phoned, her new friends from last night and told them what the news had said. They were all shocked too. They later decided to meet up for lunch and talk, she brought Bobby with her, since he wasn’t going to school. When they were all at the café they discussed it fully, but as they were getting up to leave...they heard a terrified scream and they all turned to see what the fuss was about, and what they saw shook them to the core.
The army was called in but as the tanks and soldiers, were about to fire. The tanks stopped and the soldiers collapsed to the ground like human ragdolls. One by one they were eaten in shocked silence the only sound was of the crunch, snap and crack of the Hashnawa eating the lifeless corpses of the soldiers. Then the beast roared its horrible roar, and continued eating. In that moment the human race saw its defeat, some gave up, some ran and hid, but the few that didn’t give up banded together in rebellion, they then tried to fight Hashnawa with weapons...it did not work and they were killed then ripped to shreds then eaten.
News reporter: “It has been a month since the demon Hashnawa arrived, there is now no electricity. Our numbers are declining and we suspect that he will not stop, he will wipe out everything on the face of the planet, if the world is listening then...go underground and hide because there is no one to save us.”
Our “heroes” lives are quite different now. Erica’s family has moved away to safety, it is just her and Bobby, they keep each other company. She still has no idea that Bobby is actually a wanted criminal of high security. Cadmus now has friends and he got the raise, not that it matters now anyway. Richard now has actual friends and is a better person; he is dating Nutella, @ and Cyanide and it is serious, he still has no one to hire an assassin for though. The conjoined triplets have graduated university. They have all stayed in contact and are great friends.
*1:00am* ring, ring...ring, ring “Hello, yeah this is he...yeah...hmm...ok...how come...sure but...hmm...I know...I’ll try...ok bye.” Richard sighed and phoned his friends.
“What do you mean we have to try and defeat Hashnawa?! It’s suicidal...but why us, why you this makes no sense...I know but...sure...yeah but...ok...right...I know and you’re right...ok see you tomorrow then bye.”
The next day the friends set out on their mission, they were all terrified. “Ok let’s do this.” They shouted together, to pump themselves up. They charged Hashnawa to get his attention, and then they led him out of the city and into the dessert. Once they were far enough away they began shooting at him from all angles always moving so he couldn’t kill them. “It’s working, it’s actually working. This is great! Hey you guys, I haven’t told you this before but you’re the only friends I have ever had.” Cadmus shouted over the roars of Hashnawa. “Cadmus you are an awesome person, and we’re lucky to be your friends.” Everyone chorused.
Just then Hashnawa was about to hit Erica, but Cadmus saw this and ran to save her and pushed her aside shouting “Noooooo...” before being hit with the fatal blow, in the middle of nowhere miles from anywhere.
His friends cried out when he was hit. Bobby Bill, who had grown attached to the kind, obese man who was balding from the back forward, tried to run to him but got held back by Erica and the others. So he just cried out in vein. Bobby was hoping, wishing and pleading that his friend was still alive, yet after he didn’t stir and say something like “don’t worry ‘bout me l’il chipmunk I’m a tough old geezer.” That’s when Bobby knew he was gone forever and he cried. He cried until there were no more tears left to cry, when that happened he just then moaned, heart breaking moans of sadness.
“At least he died with a smile on his face.” Said Richard who had knelt down next to Bobby, who was kneeling next to Cadmus’ crushed and deformed pale body and Richard gave Bobby a comforting hug. “Let’s destroy this monster, once and for all!” shouted Bobby angrily.
By sunset they and Hashnawa were tired. Richard fired a shot gun at the demon and it fell down. The friends leapt in victory, Richard went up to Hashnawa and did a little dance. Hashnawa quickly slammed his mace tail down on Richard wounding him then he devoured all the beauty, life and soul from him.
He hit the triplets with his tail as they ran to the body of Richard; they were flung into a rock and couldn’t move they had a venom injecting spike stuck in their stomach. @ died with her eyes and mouth open, blood rolled out of her mouth her sisters cried out in sadness. Nutella was the next to die. Cyanide was the only one left, she screamed in pain and sorrow and told them she was sorry for being mean to them and she died with her eyes closed hugging her sisters bodies in her arms, a single tear ran down her cold lifeless cheek.
Erica suddenly pushed Bobby away and shouted to him “run and be safe.” Those were her last words to him, because after that Hashnawa ate her in one clean bite in front of him she had been waving goodbye to him, when it happened with tears in her eyes and a proud motherly smile on her face. He cried and cried for what must have felt like hours, he had found himself a family after so long and then one day it just vanished. He remembered everything they had been through together, only to cry some more.
He felt himself stand up and grab all the remaining weapons and he just fired them blast after blast at the demon while walking closer and closer then he activated all the bombs strapped to him and let himself be eaten.
Bobby died. The demon Hashnawa was never seen again.
On our “heroes” grave stones it read:
R.I.P Cadmus at 42 years old, Richard Richie Richmond at 25 years old, @, Nutella and Cyanide Cornfoot-Bonefat at 25 years old, Erica Patience at 40 years old and Bobby Bill on his 12th birthday.
Saviours of humanity. Beloved by many, known by few.
But what no one knew was that the Hashnawa has hundreds of thousands of demon spawn in his cave...
Shayna M.
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eeveecryptid · 4 years
Various lines that Psychos have said through Borderlands 1-3 (not including the Pre-Sequel since they were called something else), feel free to change pronouns if needed. May include nsfw material.
“ Ahh, another victim! ” “ Another walking meat puppet! ” “ Come closer, I can almost smell you. ” “ I wonder what your face would look like on mine. ” “ I'm gonna squeeze you 'til you bleed blood! ” “ It's time to paint this body with blood! ” “ Just three more steps and I got me dinner. ” “ Keep walkin', keeeep walkin'. ” “ No, don't run away, I need your face! ” “ Strip the flesh, salt the wound! ” “ Why don't you come over here, I got a little present for you! ” “ Another story to sing to the cages at home! ” “ Bring me a bucket, and I'll show you a bucket! ” “ I can't wait to take your picture! ” “ I love you! ” “ Love me, hate me - It all tastes the same! ” “ I'm gonna beat you to life! ” “ I wonder, if I plant you in the ground, if you'll grow taller? ” “ I made you a salad outta worms! ” “ Let's agree to disagree! ” “ Look into my eyes when I stare at you! ” “ Look at me when I'm charging at you! ” “ Mommy dearest was the clearest until she lost her bearing, now she's rusted, and is busted, and out of sight and hearing! ” “ They told me to bring a pail lunch-- you look pale enough to me! ” “ This is prison and we're the guys in the shower! ” “ What does it all mean!? ” “ Will you marrow me? ” “ You smell like my little girl! ” “ My mommy's gonna be so mad! ” “ My mom looked at me that way, too! ” “ Mom always said to be thorough. ” “ I'm the one who knocks! ” “ For France! ” “ You can't kill me! I'm already dead tomorrow! ” “ STOP LOOKING AT ME! ” “ WHY ARE YOU YELLING?! ” “ NO NEED TO SHOUT! ” “ A flower? For me? ” “ I AM IMMORTAL! ” “ I like my victims like I like my coffee... in the butt! ” “ It's meat puppet master theatre! ” “ I can hear with my teeth! ” “ I wanna play! Just play with me! ” “ It's time for a good old fashioned slap and crap! ” “ I'll never stop until they flop! ” “ Just a drop! On my tongue! ” “ Slurp it! Drink it! Eat it! (sniff) Smell it! ” “ Slap the pancakes! ” “ Start the clock! I'm going to count every minute I get with you. ” “ Pluto's not a planet! ” “ Gimme my hit points back! ” “ I need a powerful man/woman! Right now! ” “ Wait! Come back! I won't eat you! Really! ” “ I see you! ” “ You can hide, but you can't run! Pussy! ” “ ​I think s/he's gonna play xylophone with my spinal cord! ” “ Bang-bang leads to smash-smash! ” “ Every time you shoot its head, another puppet loses its skin! ” “ Got my friend back! ” “ Time for a sleepover! ” “ ​Too much friendship! ” “ Mom says I can't see you! ” “ Bad friend! Such a bad friend! ” “ ​Ooohh, a shooting star! ” “ It's like a microwave meal! ” “ Weakness leads to deathness! ” “ That was my pasty cake! ” “ Goddammit! I had it all set up! All set up! ” “ Did I get some on my shoe?! ” “ No one touch that pile! It's mine! ” “ I feel like we grew apart since s/he died. ” “ But you'll miss tea time! ” “ High-five! Oh, you're dead. Sorry. ” “ If only my mom could see me now... ” “ No, you have a time out! ” “ Never gonna give you up-- ” “ End... quotes... death... gurgle... ” “ Bury me upside down! ” “ I've changed... I'VE CHANGED! ” “ I didn't do it! ” “ This isn't the last thing I'll say! ” “ My words will ring in your ears for miles! ” “ I regret nothing! ” “ I regret everything! ” “ My whole life was a joke. ” “ But the cakes we were going to bake! ” “ I cry every morning because the moon IS DEAD! ” “ I am a bad egg, and I came first! ” “ Now YOU scream! ” “ Who got your nose? ME! IN A MINUTE! ” “ Look at me goddammit! LOOK AT ME! ” “ THIS. IS SO. EXCITING! ” “ Look what I did! ” “ ABIDE TO MY VOICE! ” “ Are you jam? BECAUSE I LOVE JAM! ” “ For three easy payments of $14.99, you will belong to me! ” “ I planted a kazoo and it came out a vuvuzela...SKREE! ” “ I need some more zest for my lung salsa, cha-cha-cha! ” “ DID SOMEBODY ORDER ME? ” “ Such profit to be had! ” “ No! YOU'RE mostly crushed up children! ” “ Hope you enjoy my CASSEROLE! ” “ Give me a second and I'll take a whole hour! ” “ Hello little snail! WHERE IS YOUR HOUSE!? ” “ I don't believe in you! ” “ I'm not a cannibal, you're an animal! ” “ Make like a tree and...WHAT'S A TREE!? ” “ I'm going to make you shit so hard it'll stain your soul! ” “ Like a rock...BUT NOT! ” “ Don't stare at the entrance to my organ jail! ” “ Perishable by design, yet I still subsist! ” “ Fork this mask! I need a helmet! ” “ Oh... sis is going to shit all over you! ” “ And yet, I'm still sitting! ” “ Another shall be revealed to me soon. ” “I am older than you know. ” “ I'M NOT A DAMN CHILD! ” “ What's even real? ” “ I'm the face, and you're the mule! SCREW YOU, MULE! ” “ Remember to live life lightly! ” “ Though I shiver, my longing ends! ” “ You're a freak! ” “ Mister/Miss (name), tell me about the sky... ” “ I'm a basket made of gnomes! ” “ In my long sleep shall I awaken! ” “ Truly, all is permitted. ” “ Joke's on you, I soiled myself! ” “ I would have preferred a thank you! ” “ For (name), I would gladly shatter! ” “ It's a dog-eat-dog world. ” “ Put that experience to good use. ” “ This is turning out to be a real bummer. ” “ Good luck on your quest! ” “ That's it, you're out of book club! ” “ Circumstances dictate everything! ” “ See you in the sequel. ” “ Who dies screaming anyway!? ” “ Prison break...from the bone jail... ” “ Dream I dream and the construct shatters. ” “ My chili recipe dies with me! ” “ Tell my kids I wish they were born! ” “ So many things I never felt. ” “ I die, that the family may live. ” “ You fight better-- there, I said it. ” “ (Name)’s gonna drink soup out of your skull. Cold, like gazpacho. ” “ I get it now, we're all just a joke. ” “ I'm gonna live forever! ” “ (name) will protect me! ” “ This is gonna suck! ” “ Your scalp's my ticket to great wealth! ” “ You're out of your league, baby cakes! ” “ Present for you, you earned it! ” “ It's curtains for you! ” “ Fresh out of boom. ” “ The horror! ” “ This is gonna shit all over you! ” “ My suffering is yet incomplete. ” “ Sucker! Right in the kisser! ” “ You're gonna get purged, heretic! ” “ You look better with bullet holes! ”
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I Dream of Zero  XZeroWeek2020- Day 1
((For those of you who may or not be familiar about the show, here's is a fan fic version of it about ZeroX. Plus, I kinda suck at writing fan fics so...😅 Anywho enjoy!))
As the town of Abel City are completely silent despite of the raging maverick riot reigning against humanity and Sigma’s rule has died down, X and Zero will finally obtain some relaxation after that endless war or battles throwing at them altogether. It was quite a rough batch, but they handled it pretty well. Both of them began to return home with hands held together, completely lockable without a key.
And now, at the backyard garden of Maverick Hunter HQ, the ocean themed hunter is resting underneath the tree with his arms behind the back of his head and legs crossed, to fantasize peacefully. No wars, bloodshed, etc. Just a nice resting and endless relaxation to wipe the worries away. Zero, on the other hand, plans a pretty yet pleasurable surprise Valentine gift for his little blue gem just in case, however, he must think of something first before that. As the forest eyed hunter continuously stares above the clouds in peace after that endless rabble rousing battle against foes. Until then, a sudden call was coming from the crimson hunter, ((obviously)). Saying that there was something dangerously strong has infiltrated the HQ. X jumped up from his position and rushes over as quickly as possible. However, for what he doesn’t know is the blond hunter is planning a special surprise for him. He has established his entire dorm in redness perfection. Roses, lights, curtains, all has been perfectly set in order to woo his indigo partner in crime. Sexually. As the B Class crusader runs by to check onto something dangerous, the red velvet reploid slowly peeks by the door with the smirk, meaning that the plan is right around the corner as he knows it. He walks to the bathroom to change into something sexy for his friend’s arrival. The blue brunette finally rushes to his friend's dorm, knocking on the door to speak to him about something dangerously strong or perhaps another maverick. Unfortunately, it was already opened all along. He allows himself inside to look around and started to investigate this “strong maverick”. Or is there? Looking around, it was Valentine themed everywhere. Sweet as an apple, if mistaken.  He blinked for a moment while looking around at this strange decor of shady velvet everywhere. Seeing that there was no enemy intruding at the HQ after all, this must be a trick. Suddenly the door was shut behind him, activating the lock system. The sapphire reploid gasped, trapped as a helpless bird in the cage. Aiming his X Buster to break it down as a ticket to get out of here is the only solution for freedom, but before that, there was a sudden mist appearing from the bedroom inside the dorm. The sensual music combined with Arabic was played automatically, candles were lit brightly to keep the mood pleasurable and last but not least, a strange yet familiar long haired silhouette coming out of the curtains into a lustful position and creates a charming dancing pose before the blue pacifist. Arms behind the head, moving his hips to the rhythm. Appearing into a belly dancing outfit with a see through mask which covers the mouth, hair tied up into the ponytail and the long slit skirt along with the glittering bra to cover his green chestorbs. He could not experience something before in his eyes as he turns around with a slow paste. It was Zero, who planned this special gift for his lover from the start.
"Why hello, my young master~ What is your wish so that I may bestow it upon you~? " He winked at his partner, with a flirting grin.
Dancing his way over and closer to him, shaking his delicious hips combined. The blue reploid holds his nose to prevent the drop of nosebleeds when experiencing something…. elegant? Weird, but a sexy masterpiece, no doubt about it. As Zero walks over to him, he seduces him by performing an everlasting dance, making the one and only person instead of others blush mostly like a shy tomato. A pacifist tomato to be exact. The strange feeling within him is increasing strongly, as well as his core and spirit, if he had one. In missions, the power of friendship and support fuels his potential. Right now, his partner’s charm is recharging his energy even more than anything as he grinds his armor upon his lover’s as well. Flustered as the strawberry, the brunette must act quickly to escape this love spell that the crimson blond is showering onto him, but it is useless to resist because he is the only friend to trust and count on. 
"Come, master~ There's no reason to leave right away, for I still remain patiently for your wish~" He pleaded with a seductive tone, blowing it into the ears of the blueberry android.
"Uhhh... Gulp...." Completely nervous as sometimes, he has no idea what to do but to give in to genie boyfriend. "Alright... I wish that I could stay by your side forever, without any judgements to pin me down." 
Finally, his wish had came true at last as the golden headed dancer smiled gladly. Kissing the cheek of his best friend.
"Your wish has been granted, my blue master~" 
He surrenders himself quietly to the flirtatious spell by accepting the unique gift of the red hot reploid and began to sit down onto the bed to watch the blonde beauty dances endlessly. Stroking his chest orbs along with his body, letting out a satisfying moan escaping from the mouth before his tongue swirls around his lips. Moving them unique hips of his like they don’t lie as well as twerking. The pacifist is still holding the blush inside without unleashing it, covering the nose. While the golden haired mentor continues to move his hands onto his body once more by running them smoothly to please him more, hopefully to see his friend release the blush from within. Soon, it will be complete. Without resistance, X shamefully allows the nose bleed to commence all of sudden while peeking the treasure before him. Now under the crimson hunter’s control at last, all to himself alone to pleasure his little blue diamond so more. Closer and closer, way more towards his face. The fearless scarlet hunter started to shake his hips endlessly to hypnotize the shy brunette hunter. Unable to resist, he is under his lover’s command at last, giving into this miraculous spell of his hips. It finally worked well as he dances even more closer to the indigo hunter, places his hands onto his face for a tasty kiss into the lips. Inside, his tongue explores into his. More, more, and more. Hands stroking around his back, bodies began to meet face to face. Or chest to chest if you really wanna write that up on the chalkboard. The movement of the ruby reploid's hips would please his partner if he needed to. The silent moans due to the endless lip sucking escape from the mouths of both of them or into their minds. And finally, the real fun between them will commence as the candles blew out, shutting the curtains of the bed behind them for privacy. The lustful love train has taken off.
A few minutes later, both of them began to snuggle together into their sleeping chambers or bed, enjoying a warm relaxation they deserve unlike the boring mission against mavericks day and night. Combined colors of purple, one bedroom, equals the greatest day ever. Nothing will ever go wrong for as long as they have each other to protect. True love conquers all. Two of them stare at each other with a smile, leaning for a sweet and long passionate kiss, telling each other “I love you” before deserving a well desired rest in peace.
Happy Valentine’s Day 💝💋💘💕💕
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