#[c'mon baku don't be like this :(((((]
planetyandere · 2 years
could you write baku/todo/deku (separate) consoling their darling after the little pet they got them, to keep them occupied while they work, passes away? :( their darling is a mess of tears and clings them them all the time now for comfort after resisting them for so long </3
Warnings: Swearing, violence, yandere themes.
It had been a week since the incident and everyday you seemed to be getting worse. If he knew the stupid bunny was going to cause you this much grief he would've never agreed to getting you it in the first place. He only caved because you always complained about being alone and he was gone most of the day doing hero work. So reluctantly he picked up the creature from the pet store one night and brought it home to you. It was probably the only time he had ever seen you genuinely smile. Some time had passed and he was honestly kinda annoyed at how much attention you paid the stupid creature. Cooing at it and cuddling it to sleep. He wished he never got you the stupid thing in the first place.
And then his wish came true.
It was just another night after work, he was exhausted coming home but looking forward to seeing you. As he approached the door to your shared prison home he froze. What should have been muffled humming, a habit you took up since getting your beloved pet, was replaced by loud sobs. A million thoughts raced through his mind. Had someone attacked you? Did you try hurting yourself again?
He practically busted down the door. Eyes wide and frantically searching until he found your form sitting on the floor, back facing him.
"Y/n?! Why the hell are you cryi-" In seconds he was by your side but abruptly stopped when he took in the scene before him. You sat there in a heap clutching the once full of life bunny in your shaking arms.
"H-h-he was just-just jumping a-around and then he-he made this h-horrible noise a-and he-he hasn't m-moved!" He could barely understand you through your choked cries but with the limp animal lying there it wasn't hard to piece together what the problem was.
Sighing he tried to get you to calm down saying crying over a stupid animal wasn't worth it and that he'd just replace it for you but for some reason that made you cry even harder.
Eventually he was able to take the thing away from you and out of the apartment. When he came back you were still on the ground in the same place.
"C'mon don't cry, I said I'd get you another one didn't I?" His tone was that of impatience and annoyance but his face said otherwise. Honestly he hated to see you upset and just wanted you to stop crying. The only reason he got you the damn thing was because you cried about being lonely. God this was such a pain in the ass...
When it seemed like you were never going to leave the ground he came over and pulled you up by the arm, surprised a little at how compliant you were.
Your sobs had turned to sniffles at least, but it was like you were in a daze as he led you to the bedroom.
After helping you wash your face he led you to the bed. Still a little shocked at how you didn't even try to resist his touches at all like usual.
As he was finally about to drift off he heard the muffled sobs again. Sighing he reached a hand over. Eyes widening in surprise when not only did you take it, but you used it to pull him closer until your head was stuffed into his chest. He didn't even care you were soaking his shirt, too stunned that you were this close to him willingly.
Hesitantly he pulled his arms around you, not wanting to ruin the moment or somehow bring you back to a reality where you loathed his touch.
But you didn't move, you just snuggled deeper into his chest, crying your heart out while he cradled you until eventually you cried yourself to sleep.
The next morning he left you in bed to go and start cooking breakfast. It was a rare day off so he had time to make pancakes and some other things. While he was at the stove he heard you shuffling into the room.
Glancing over his shoulder he saw your puffy eyes and sad pout. His thoughts drifted back to last night's moment.
He turned back flipping a pancake, "Breakfast is almost ready, go on and get out the plates"
Instead of shuffling towards the cabinet like he expected he felt your presence behind him.
"Huh what is it?" He turned again seeing your head downcast. Confused, he raised a brow watching as you raised a single hand to his shirt and secured it there like a safety pin.
Like a child you clutched onto him. He stood there dumbfounded, frozen by your actions until the smell of burning batter got his attention.
"Ah Shit" he dumped the burned cakes into the trash and continued to cook all while you held onto him.
Even when he set the plates down he noticed how your chair was scooted just a bit closer than before.
Was he dreaming? How did you go from despising him and his touch to...being needy? Clingy even?
He wondered how long until you snapped out of it but he found he didn't really mind. After breakfast he sat in his office doing some paper work but found you hovering near the doorway soon after. So he gave up and asked you what you wanted to do.
Cut to half an hour later he was watching some sappy cartoon movie while you lay your head on his shoulder. He'd sneak glances your way every now and then. Your eyes glued to the screen but hand near his.
If he knew all it was gonna take was that stupid pet dying for you to want to be near him he would've killed the damn thing himself.
He swung an arm around your shoulder and smirked when you snuggled closer.
Yeah, he could get used to this...
"Please don't cry! It's ok! I'll get you a new one ok?!"
"But-but I don't want a new one! I want him!"
Izuku sat helplessly on the ground beside you trying to get you to calm down. He had been sleeping peacefully when your yells had him shooting out of bed.
"Y/n?! What is it?!?What's wrong?!?!" He was by your side in an instant. Frantically he looked you over for injuries but didn't see any.
"H-hes g-gone!! You pointed to the boarded window and he squinted seeing a small rip in one of the screens. Finally he pieced together what must've happened.
"Oh Bunny I'm so sorry..." he sighed relieved that nothing was wrong with you but upset that you were crying.
Hesitantly he reached an arm around you but practically jumped when you threw yourself on him, sobbing into his chest like a baby.
He froze for a moment, not believing what was happening but then wrapped his arms around you, patting your hair softly.
"Its ok, everything's going to be ok honey, how about we get you washed up and put on that new movie you like until you fall asleep?" he practically melted when you offered a tiny nod into his chest.
Carefully he helped you up and to the bathroom. Several minutes later you were tucked back in bed together.
About halfway through the movie he heard the sniffles begin again. He moved to go grab a box of tissues from the bathroom but froze when he felt your hand pulling at his arm.
"D-don't go..." your eyes sparkled with unshed tears as you quietly begged him to stay by your side.
He nodded eagerly and cuddled beside you, taking advantage of this rare opportunity and pulling you closer to him.
He didn't mean too. He really didn't mean to. But it had been an impossiblely long day and everything that could go wrong had gone wrong.
So when he came home in the middle of the night to the stupid creature growling at him he only got more irritated.
If it wasn't for how much you loved the stupid thing he would've gotten rid of it ages ago. He didn't understand why it loved you so much but practically bit his head off whenever he approached.
"What are you growling at mutt?" He glared at the creature standing protectively by the door to the bedroom.
He tried side stepping it but the damn thing lunged for his leg instead.
He didn't mean to kick it so hard...truly he just reacted. But when he looked over and realized the mutt wasn't moving he knew he messed up big.
Quietly so as to not wake you he removed the animal from the house and came back inside. Not knowing how he was even going to explain this one to you in the morning.
He sighed looking at your form under the covers sleeping soundly. He felt horrible.
The next morning he was awoken by a hand on his shoulder. He was startled at the contact but quickly memories of the night before flooded his mind. His vision focused to a worried looking you standing by his bed.
"What's wrong?" He asked as if he didn't already know.
"I-I can't find him, I think he got out somehow, can you please go out and look for him Shoto?"
He didn't even know what he was doing, but somehow he found himself outside for an hour looking for something he knew damn well was gone.
He could have told you the truth but honestly this was better.
You had cried when he came back empty handed. Even though it killed him he offered you another pet but you refused, too heartbroken to even consider another companion.
He became more worried as the days went on but you remained just as sorrowful. You barely touched your food and he could count the number of times you spoke on one hand.
He tried cooking your favorite meals, renting your favorite movies, even letting you go on a walk (at night and with him holding onto you of course) but nothing seemed to snap you out of this sadness.
Then one morning as he was slipping on his boots for work he found you hovering near him, shyly looking down.
"Y/n? Is something wrong?"
Your eyes met his and his own widened at your teary expression.
"Please Shoto" you pulled onto his arm.
"I don't want to be alone...please?" And how could he say no when this was the first time since he'd taken you that you'd willingly wanted his company.
He should've killed that Mutt months ago...
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for the request:)❤
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gaybananabread · 2 years
How about 6 for TodoBaku for the Tickletober event? Love your writing btw!!
Absolutely! I haven't written for this ship before, so I hope I did it justice. Enjoy!
Lee: Todoroki
Ler: Bakugo
Ship: TodoBaku
Summary: Todoroki won't cuddle him to sleep, so Bakugo finds a way to tire him out.
Warnings: swearing (by Bakubabe). This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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Dusk settled around U.A. High, bringing the chilly day to an end. The students were tucked away in their dorms, winding down. It was the perfect weather for fuzzy pajamas, pillow forts, and snuggling up under the covers. Two students were making the most of the cooler weather, cuddling in bed while the day began to end. Bakugo and Todoroki, 1A's class-proclaimed power couple.
They were in Todoroki's dorm, making use of the large bed to sprawl out a bit, warming each other under the rich covers. Bakugo was already drowsy, the time, as well as the comforting atmosphere, readying him for sleep. Todoroki was wide awake, scrolling through his phone, entwined with the other. As the clock neared 8:30, the blonde grabbed his boyfriend's phone, tucking it in a bedside drawer. "C'mon, it's late. Time to sleep, half-an'-half."
He smiled at this, but didn't comply. "It's 8:27. Unlike you, I can't just fall asleep before 11. I can still cuddle, but I need something to do until then." He reached for the drawer, only to be pulled back down. "Sleep, damn it. If you really need something to do, I'll it to ya."
Completely missing the ominous tone of that message, Todoroki nodded. "Sure. A break from the phone actually sounds nice." A little stunned, the blonde cleared his throat and gestured next to himself.  "Lay with your back facing me, but press in."  He did as he was told, only slightly suspicious of his requests.
"Put your arms above your head." Now he could sense the oddness of the positions, but cautiously raised them, trying to work out his plan. As soon as Bakugo's arm came to hold him in place, it all clicked. He began to squirm in the blonde's hold.
"B-Bakugo, don't." When he looked into Todo's eyes, Bakugo could see the giddiness behind them. He bet that if he let go, the candy-cane boy would be very disappointed. "I'll be nice."
He fluttered his fingers in the boy's armpits, making him rethink his choice of a thin sleep shirt. He tried holding in his giggles, but when the blonde dug in, he broke.
"Bahahakugohoho!" Soft, precious giggles filled his ears, melting his heart. He smirked and ran his hand downwards, spidering on his ribs, down to his sides, and finally landing on his belly. His squeal was utterly adorable.
"IhihiIHIT- ihihihi CAHAHAN'T!" His laughter switched octaves, like flicking a switch. Bakugo even joined in, softly laughing at his boyfriend. "Hehey, calm down. I'm barely even touchin' you."
The teases made it worse. He kicked his feet, trying to dull the tickley sensations spreading out from his stomach.
Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, he slid his hand under the human candy-cane's shirt, scratching at his navel. He absolutely lost it. "NAHAHA! QUIHIHIHIT IHIHT!" He thrashed, bucking his hips, anything. Though it was only for a few seconds, the sensations felt like they lasted forever.
Even after he stopped, Todoroki could still feel the tingles on his poor belly button. He curled up, getting out the last of his laughter. Baku rubbed his back, smiling at the cute puddle in front of him.
"That was unnecessary." He chuckled. You're tired, arent you?" He inhaled to respond, but all that came out a yawn. More chuckles. He stretched out his arms, laying back down on the bed. "C'mere."
Meer minutes after he suggled up, Todo was asleep, soflty snoring in Baku's arms. The two boys were asleep in each other's arms, smiles on both their face. In both their opinions, the day had ended perfectly.
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alltoolewis · 2 years
Worrier- Lando Norris ✨
Haven't written for this one in a while, so I was happy when I seen someone ask for this prompt! It's not the best tho & doesn't really have a plot but it's fluffy, so I hope that makes up for it...
Summary- After finding out you are pregnant, Lando takes his worrying to the next level... (This isn't the best.. sorry)
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Prompt- "You should not be drinking coffee."
Anybody that knows Lando, knows that he loves to worry. From stressing about his races or simply what he's going to have for lunch in 2 weeks' time, there was nothing that he didn't threaten about! You somehow didn't think it could get worst, he was already the most stressful person you knew... but then you got pregnant!
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Lando gasped as he saw you crouched down in your shared wardrobe, boxes down as you continued to pack his belongings. Looking at him confused, you smiled "I'm packing your case... I always do it before your race in case you forget something!"
Giving you a disapproved shake of the head, he helped you up, walking you straight to the bed where you had been lying for 2 days now "Forget about that, you should be resting..." Rolling your eyes, you reluctantly climb back in bed, a pout on your lips as you stared at him "& stop looking at me like, I'm only looking after you and the baby!"
"The baby's the size of a grape Lando..." You giggled, showing him your still flat tummy "I don't think we're going to get hurt by just folding some clothes, stop holding me hostage!" You were only 5 weeks pregnant and to a blind eye you didn't even look bloated... nobody would know! But he knew... which meant that any task that you'd usually do- if that's running yourself a bath or getting a drink, folding your clothes, or simply washing the dishes, had know turned in to his!
"I am not holding you hostage..." Lando protested, pointing at you playfully "I am protecting you, there's a difference."
"Protecting me from what..." You raised your eyebrow "A box of your underpants... wow my hero!" Giving you a glare, he threw a pair at you, causing you to screech as they landed on your head "That's gross Lando..."
"What if the box fell eh?" Lando glared as you stifled a laugh "and hit you on the head... or what if you tripped and fell? You wouldn't be laughing then would you...?" You knew he had a point. Of course, you had to be more careful, even if the baby was only the size of a grape- it wasn't just you anymore & you had to get used to that. However, that didn't mean that he wasn't taking things a little bit far...
"Your such a worrier..." You laughed, making your way over to him as you wrapped your arms around his waist "I love you, so much. But you need to stop stressing about everything you can't control" Forcing him to look at you, you smiled "Wrapping me in a duvet all day & treating me like I can't do anything isn't really helping me, love... It's driving me mad!" Lando saw the flash of frustration in your eyes, and he promises, he has tried his best not to smother you with too much stress- already having plenty of conversations with his mum about the situation. But it was hard not to... he was already protective of you anyway with you being the only girl he has ever truly loved. So combine that with you being the mother of children... he was going to panic...
"I'm sorry darling..." He sighed, pulling you further into his chest "I didn't realise I was making this unenjoyable for you..."
"Oh believe me.. I'm enjoying it..." You giggled, putting both of your hands on your tummy "I love the extra cuddles I get and the way your showing me love... but let's just do it without the stressing yeah?" Nodding his head, he picked you up gently, carrying you over to the bed before pulling over his suitcase. Dropping a hand full of clothes next to you, he plopped himself down on the floor in front of you "C'mon then... let's get me packed for Baku!"
After he was all packed, Lando hopped in the shower while you headed down to make some breakfast. Pouring yourself a cup of coffee before you waited on the couch for your goof of a boyfriend to return. "There he is..." You smiled, opening your arms for him to climb into "Daddy's back!"
"I don't think I can use to you saying that without it being sexual..." Lando smirked, causing you to his chest playfully. Taking a double look at the mug in front of you, he turned to look at you, stern look on his face "Please tell me that's not what I think it is..." Taking your silence as his answer, he groaned trying to pick up the cup before you... "You should not be drinking coffee..." Pulling the cup from him, you rolled your eyes "And you should not be worrying..." You sassed, taking a sip "It's one cup, it's the first one I've had all week!"
"But what if it causes you to have an energy burst and you fall! Or if it goes straight to baby and affects them... what if-"
Slamming the cup down, you straddle his waist, pushing your head to his "What if you stop panicking about a little coffee, and kiss me..." Without hesitation, he pulled your lips to his, feeling a flush of relaxation hit him... but obviously it didn't last long..
"It does taste a bit strong on your lips tho..." He mumbled, running his tongue across his lips as he pulled the cup away from you "Let's get a little bit of milk..."
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lostkrbkaccount · 2 years
Baku: hey can you-
Kiri: why don't you have a boyfriend?
Baku: ...because I'm married?
Kiri: oooo~ who's the lucky guy?
Baku: stop it.
Kiri: c'mon I wanna know. Is he handsome?
Baku: very.
Kiri: is he super manly?
Baku: the manilest man I know.
Kiri: is he good in bed?
Baku: never seen a bigger dick, always the best sex of my life.
Kiri: Yeah? Does he have awesome hair? Do you like the colour?
Baku: nah his hair is pretty shitty, he likes to gel it up which is no fun for me cuz then I can't play with it. The colour suits him tho.
Kiri: sounds like a real catch.
Baku: will you stop teasing and kiss me already?
Kiri: of course, babe.
Baku: idiot <3
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literally-inlove · 2 years
Okay. I'm a bit bored so I've looked at prompts that I could write about and found one. I hope you like it!
(I also have the strong urge to write a Shousuke Komi oneshot but I need a prompt. Requests for him are greatly appreciated! <33)
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Socially Incapable
Denki Kaminari x GN!Reader
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Summary: The reader has a resting bitch-face that makes it look like they hate everybody. Do they even want any friends? Do they want to be a hero? That was something Denki wanted to find out. Turns out, they're actually... Super nice?
➛Tenya Iida version!!
➛Tamaki Amajiki version!!
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Whenever someone looked up at you, all they could feel was fear.
Your face was always in a cold glare, almost like you didn't want to be spoken to. And whenever the teachers spoke to you, you gave the same look. You had to be crazy to disrespect Mr Aizawa (Not like he has the same look).
There were a few people that tried to befriend you. They either got ignored or got scared when you opened your mouth. In the end, most of them ran away before you could even say anything. It was always like this.
Everybody thought you were a delinquent. You didn't like anybody. Your grades were probably bad. And you most likely did drugs. That wasn't the case however.
You're just a normal student attending Yuuei High School with perfect grades and looking after your sick grandmother. Your mother was scary herself but actually a massive sweet tooth. Your father owns a cafe which you work part-time in. Over all, life is pretty good.
As you walked past, everyone watch as your hair did soft bounces while framing your face perfectly. "Funny how they look after their skin and hair. Huh?" Mina sweat dropped while whispering to the group.
The pinkette was heading to class with her three buddies, Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari. All four of them together were complete morons. They all shared a single braincell that they don't even use. Except for one time... Do NOT interact with (Y/n).
Something about how they would get thrown to next year if they interacted with the first year. They knew that the teen was "bad news" cause even some of the higher up students at the school were afraid. This kid owned the school. It was their playground.
"I've always wondered where their friends are at though." The electric boy tilted his head, imagining what their friends would look like. Just a bunch of motorcycle guys with scars? Fat old dudes? The entire "Baku-squad" had their own wild imagination.
A shiver went down each of their spines as they thought about what their appearances would be. Eijiro shrugged it off and said, "C'mon. We're gonna miss first period. We don't want to miss that."
The group agreed and went on their way, with Denki staring in the direction (Y/n) went. Now that he thought about it, did they even have friends at Yuuei?
When they entered the classroom, Kaminari announced something to his group in a loud tone. Unsurprisingly, the rest of the class heard it too. "I'm gonna talk to (Y/n)!!"
Silence. Everyone was just staring at him until Jirou put a hand on his shoulder. "Listen. I get it. You're dumb. But are you insane?!"
"Yeah. You're gonna get yourself killed, man." Sero butted in, agreeing with the musical girl. Kaminari watched as the closed nodded in unison, urging the boy not to do it. But alas, he is stupid.
So he went to do it anyways.
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Denki surprisingly did some observations. He noticed that you left school after most of the students went home. But... Why?
Turning the corner he bumped into someone with purple hair. "Oh. Hey Hitoshi! What are you up to?"
The sleep-deprived first year sighed before answering back. "Had to help out a classmate with taking paperwork to the teacher's lounge. They offered to do it themselves but Vlad King insisted I helped them."
Right. While he was still in class 1-C, Shinso was now considered to be a pretty big deal. Almost beating Deku and his quirk was super strong when put to good use.
"Really? Who?" Not like it mattered. Kaminari knew quite a few people in his year level so maybe it's someone he's familiar with.
What he didn't expect was- "Oh. It was (Y/n)." The reserve course student pointed behind him, indicating that they're still back at the teacher lounge. "Sorting the papers now I think."
The blonde stared at the male with shock in his eyes. That teen was... Being helpful?
He thanked Hitoshi and ran off to the teacher's lounge to catch the student walking out. "(Y/n)!!" They looked up and met his electric yellow eyes. "What's up, buddy?"
They just stared at the hero course student, wondering why he was talking to them. They looked around, seeing if anybody made him do a dare. They looked at him and just shrugged before walking away.
He waved at them while running and slinging his arm over their shoulder. "C'mon. You and me should hang out. You know... Like friends do!" (Y/n) turned to him with shock. "I've noticed you walking the halls alone.. You must not have many friends, huh?"
The student looked down before shaking their head. "Great then!" They heard him exclaim. "Guess I'll be your first!" His smiled shined to them. They always thought their face was scary but maybe... They only need one person to feel special.
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That day, they exchanged numbers and hung out over the weekend. They went to the park and then the next weekend, they went to the beach. The boy found out that (Y/n) didn't really have many friends to begin with.
But really, they're just a big softie with a scary face.
And then, came school once again. In the cafeteria, Kaminari sat with the group he normally sits with. Sero was blabbering on about how his favorite gamer got canceled again, and nobody was really paying attention.
That was until Mina brought something up. "Hey, Denki." All eyes went to her. "How come you haven't been hanging out with us lately?"
"Oh. Been hanging out with (Y/n)." Everybody just stared at him with confusion. This guy really was dumb enough to talk to them.
Bakugou then spoke up with, "Your definition of hanging out according to (Y/n) is probably invasion of privacy."
That was not true at all. A lot of the times they hang out was the 1-C "delinquent" inviting him to hang out.
He went over to their place after school a couple of times and met their milf mother and their dilf father. Now he can see where they got their looks from. (Y/n) parents were extremely nice and let him stay the night whenever he wants.
He later found out that (Y/n) is a hard worker to look after their grandmother who is sick in hospital at the moment.
"Like you would know that, Kacchan! You've never even spoken to them yourself!" A shiver ran up Kami's spine when Katsuki gave him a glare with his cold blood-shot eyes.
Kirishima tapped Denki's shoulder. "Dude. For all you know, they are planning your demise. You are pretty dumb." Picking up his cutlery, the red-head went back to eating his food. Not knowing the blonde was staring at him dumbfounded.
"No. They're not."
"Dude. Their dad probably owns a drug store." Sero laughed.
Denki pointed the ravenette. "Aha! There! You said probably! But it's not true. According to you, it is. But it's not."
While the group were having a small quarrel between them, they didn't notice the 1-C student approaching. All the other students shrunk down into the chairs or backed away, seeing as they had a white plastic bag with them.
Eijiro eventually saw them coming towards their table and hit Denki. "Dude. They're coming to kill you." He shook the electric boy by the collar and shook him.
(Y/n) stopped at the end of the table where Kaminari was at as he was finally released from the Kiri's grasp. They didn't really look at anyone else at the table. Only Kaminari.
His entire friend group started sweating, praying this guy was going to make it out alive. "What's up, (Y/n)?" He spoke to the student so casually.
Carefully, they leaned into the bag they were carrying. The tension in the air rose as the pulled something out. A small box. "I accidentally made more than what I had to at my part-time job in my dad's cafe. You should come by and visit some time. I sure my dad would love to give you a discount!" A smile was planted on their face.
Everyone surrounding the table didn't know what to say. Part-time job... At a cafe?
When the blonde opened the box, he saw oreo cupcakes. "Sweet!" He fistbumped the air before asking where (Y/n) normally eats lunch.
"I mostly sit outside under the big tree. It's peaceful out there. Sometimes I feed the birds that come down for my lunch." Okay.. This was weird.
They watched as they waved back to the dumb 1-A student before looking at him. He had his face stuffed in the sweet delicacy before he gave a small smirk. "Should've never judged a book by its cover."
Sero leaned over and tried to steal on before Denki slapped his hand. "Dude! You gotta share!!"
As (Y/n) walked away, a small chuckled left their lips. It wasn't a scary one or an evil one. It was quite soft.
That's what friends feel like..
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Done! You probably saw that the reader was based off the mc of Toradora. Bro. I love that anime sm. It's so good!!
I do take requests!
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trrickytickle · 3 years
Booming Beach Trip
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A/N: Happy bones day! 🐶 MHA TIME AGAIN LMAOOOO <3333 This Time It's Baku!!!! I've always wanted to write this- and more for the bakusquad! I miss going to the beach, especially since we're locked down in New Zealand. My next MHA fic is going to be Ler!Shoji!!
Summary: Tubes, tans and the sun. Exactly what makes going to the beach great. Bakugo's pretty peeved though... and the squad are going to find out just why that is! (Lee!Bakugo (some lee Kiri), Ler!Bakusquad. Aizawa.) 💗💕
Aizawa never agreed to this. Taking a group of Class 1-A's rowdiest and most boisterous students ever to the nearest beach was not what he anticipated, but it was what he had to expect after losing an arm wrestling bet against Kirishima. He groaned, figuring that taking the "Bakusquad" on car rides, buying them fast food and listening to rap was basically his life now. But honestly, he didn't really seem to mind.
"Let's go to the beach, beach, let's go get a wave!" Mina yelled, her fingers dancing over Kirishima's armpit.
"Hehehey, hey- whAHAHAHAH- whahat they gon' say-" Kirishima attempted through his loud laughter.
"C'mon Kirishima! Siiiing~ Anyways... HAVE A DRINK, DRINK, FOUND THE BUD LIGHT-" Kaminari yelled, administering a flurry of electric pokes to his sides.
"Not a chance I'm singing." Bakugo growled, clawing at Kirishima's stomach unenthusiastically from the front seat. "Still tickling him though."
"More for me! BAD BITCHES LIKE ME IS HARD TO COME BY!" Sero yelled, curling up in the trunk, startling when Aizawa's van made a sudden creaking noise and stopped.
"Oh look, we're here!" With that, Kaminari, Mina and Bakugo ceased their tickling to jump out of the car. (They waited for Sero to spend an unnesccesary amount of time crawling out the trunk.)
"Bakubro! You say beach, I say day!" Kirishima yelled.
"No." Bakugo replied.
Despite all their initial rowdiness, the squad took a minute to stretch and appreciate the open sea and the beautiful pastry-cream colored sand in all its sparkling glory, looking upon beachgoers. Some kindergarten students were on a field trip, using their Quirks to play around, a couple on a bench, and- who are we kidding? They got bored of peoplewatching after like, five seconds. Running across the sand and kicking it in Aizawa's van in the proccess, the gang set up their blankets and equipment- however, there was a crisis. They all had different activities in mind.
"Okay, so are you all thinking what I'm thinking?" Mina chimed. On three! Three, two, one-
"Working on my tan."
"Sandcastle competition!"
Of course, there were disagreements- everyone was talking over one another devolving into random fighting over nonsensical things. Mina and Kirishima had a fight over whose hair was better, Sero got a crab jammed in his tape dispenser and Kaminari got towels rubbed on his face to create a static discharge.
"YOU ALL! JUST SHUT UP!" Bakugo yelled. "Let's play some volleyball or somethingdothething whereigetburied...." He muttered, although a certain spiky friend who knew him all too well could make something else out. Maybe he could figure out why he was being so ....quiet.
"Yes! Volleyball! Volleyball!" Mina cheered. Kirishima put a hand on her mouth and sauntered over to Bakugo and flashed that shark-like smirk of his.
"Actually, Mina.... I have a better idea. Why don't we cheer our little sourpuss up?" Kiri formed his hands into crab claws, and needless to say, everyone got the memo. Bakugo gulped, his cheeks flushing a rare cherry pink. You see, Kirishima always knew that Bakugo had a soft spot for being tickled. It was certainly embarrasing, but hey- it made him happy, and Kiri seemed to form a love for tickling hm as well.
"What's this about- KIRISHIMA YOU- FUCK YOU GUYS!" The blond yelled, threatening to punch his friend group. "ABSOLUTELY.... NOT!"
"Wow. Blushing already?" Kaminari teased. Sero and Kirishima started on covering Bakugo's limbs with sand, making sure he was comfortable enough
to not be hurt, but also vulnerable enough to get totally destroyed by his best friends.
"Give me all you've g-got!" Bakugo stuttered.
"Tickle tickle, Bakubro!" Kirishima teased, wiggling his fingers over Bakugo's
ribcage. The air of anticipation made him freeze up, his mouth twisting into a quick smile.
"You like it when we tease you, riiight?" Sero jeered, threatening to scribble the sides of Bakugo's neck- which really amped his laughter up.
"DAHAHAHAMNIT- YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF NERDS! JUST- STOP- NO, START- NO- GODFUCKINGDAMMNIT!" Despite being a total softie for tickling, Bakugo's explosive nature still seemed to show.
"Alrighty, starting... Now!" Kaminari utilized his quirk to a small extent, poking around his toes with a kind of static electricity which felt almost knismetic, which he called a tickle shock, originating from a prank. Bakugo always quite liked that.
While Kaminari was zapping away, Kirishima also made good use of his Quirk and bit and scribbled around his side with his bluntly sharp nails and teeth. Deep down, he wanted this, and he'd take that to his damn grave.
"NOHOHOHO- FUCK! FUCKFUCKFUCK- WAIT NONOTTHERE!" The explosive blonde's eyes widened, craining his neck up in an instinctive attempt to crawl out.
"Hahahah, you sound kinda like a chicken!" Mina poked his armpits, wriggling her fingers inside. "Kinda funny how one finger makes you laugh harder than all their Quirks~"
"Admit it, Bakubro. You want this." Kirishima said. "You told everyone days ago, it wasn't that hard." With that, Bakugo grew more flustered than ever.
"NOOO!!! AHAHAHAH, BITCH-FUCKYOUPIECESOFSHIHIHIT!" Bakugo shook his head, his face turning redder than ever.
"No? Well sounds like someone's got a hankering.. for a raspberry!" Mina held onto Bakugo's stomach, blowing a deeply ferocious one.
"Yes. Yes we are." Sero said, helping Bakugo up with a roll of tape. "Now, what to do."
"Bakubro gets to decide!" Kirishima piped up. "Riiight?~" He once again skittered his fingers over Bakugo's ribs while he rubbed away the lingering feelings.
"Ahahaha- yeah! LET'S TRASH SENSEI'S VAN, DORKS!" Bakugo yelled.
Everyone cheered, filling sand in as many containers as they could. Aizawa was going to be so mad.
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bakug-owo · 7 years
♛- …dare my muse to do something silly. 
          “What the fuck makes you think I’m gonna do that.” Bakugou was hot and emotion-driven, not stupid. He wasn’t about to embarrass himself in public or anything like that.
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          “If you want to see someone start a shitty conga line through fucking intimidation alone, you do it, fuckmunch, and I’ll tape you so you can see it... eventually.”
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hnychn · 4 years
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pairing: mina x fem! reader
summary: no one every thought you were capable of exploding, but they also didn't know they were only lighting your fuse. and it was slowly getting shorter.
note🐝: warning: homophobia!! i love this girl too much not to write a headcanon about her. also! i know i said i would be working on a hawks fic, but it's a lot harder than i thought it would be lol. so instead, i'll be working on smaller headcanon fics while i work on it! i have a little angsty one coming up next with class a's big three :) as always, lmk what you thought! 🤍 -honey
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so to begin with, your relationship with mina is very much ✨yes✨
like bro, she's so hype and energetic and ready to do just about anything
and you're so calm and down to earth and ready to do just about anything
you just go along with her ideas, no matter how crazy they can be
because you're 🥰whipped🥰
but i mean who wouldn't?
anyways, so as much as I'd like to believe this world is 100% a utopia, it isn't
so when you and mina came out with your relationship,
obviously all of your friends supported you guys,
but there were some people who would give the two of you disgusted looks in the halls
and they would talk shit behind your back,
but never to your face, assholes 😤
but y'all two are some ✨bad bitches✨
so you don't fucking care 🤪🤪
like talk yo shit bitch
but we all know you're just scared 🥰🥰
but recently you notice mina has been a bit reserved with her love for you in public
like, normally she's all over you and kissing your cheeks and shit 24/7 🥰🥰
ugh i love her
and she's a confident girl and you know she doesn't pay much attention to all the nasty words people throw your way
so you don't really worth much
but she has been reserved like i said
and you start to worry 😔✋🏼
in your dorms during cuddle time, you ask her
"is everything okay, amor?"
please i'm spanish let me have this 😩
and she just nods, "of course, babe."
so you leave it at that
because the two of you are so communicative in your relationship
you think she'll tell you when she's ready
but she doesn't
so you get even more worried.
and you go ask jirou about it
and she looks at you a bit weird because
"bitch you don't know?"
you shake your head.
jirou sighs, "some people have been cornering her after school and calling her some. . .not so pretty names for being lesbian.."
and you just-
you have never been one for confrontation,
and actively avoided it
but being friends with bakusquad only riased your chances of being in arguments or fights
you were the passive one of the group
the one hat kept bakugo in line
but everyone had their limits
and yours was just pushed 🥰🥰
completely disregarding the fact that first class was about to start,
you for their names and class number from jirou
and off you were 😌
the rest of bakusquad, who weren't too far off and heard jirou spill the beans to you, were hot on your trail
kiri was trying to rationalise with you, they all were,
🦈 "c'mon, y/n, classis gonna start soon, this isn't worth it."
💥 "be smart about this, dumbass! you'll get suspended!"
⚡️ "maybe you should calm down a bit y/n!"
mina and sero weren't there
the two went off to get some drinks before class started
and were chilling in class thinking y'all just went off to the bathroom or whatever
now, when you get to their class you just-
your hands curled into fists by your side and a calm look on your face
but your eyes were bringing with pure rage
their teacher wasn't there yet either
and you-
"where the fuck is nishida and akame?"
your voice was chilly calm and it sent shivers down everyone's spine
kirishima had a grip on the back of your shirt to make sure you shouldn't do anything stupid
bakugo and kaminari were just standing at the door
a boy and a girl then stood up, a condescending look on their faces
"what's it to you, bitch?"
i'm sorry i just can't write a homophobic slur it physically hurts me 😭✋🏼
"is this about us cornering that pink bitch?"
"you concerned about your lover, freak?"
"the pair of you are nothing but disgusting."
you didn't really take any of their comments to heart
but obviously mina did if she started to be more reserved
and your heart begins to race from all the r a g e burning in your body
because you start to imahinehow mina must have felt
have to face such harsh words alone
and bottling it all up
and how harsh they must have been to have her, a girl so confident and optimistic, become reserved
and in the blink of an eye, you
kiri, baku, and kami are low-key cheering you on
but also ready to jump in if you start losing
which you don't 🥰
because you're a bad bitch 🥰
and you know how to fight 🥰
but you also don't realise that some people begin to record
i won't go into detail about the fight, you can imagine it however you want
plus i'm terrible at writing fight scenes 😭✋🏼
but eventually the teacher shows up
and goes to get aizawa because she recognises the four of you as 1-a students
so he comes, ahaha 😅
and he sees you going at these two students
(highkey proud you're winning).
now, aizawa isn't stupid
he's heard the whispers
and he hates that two of his students are being bashed for just loving
but he's a teacher first and foremost,
so he binds you up and pulls you away from the students
some students groan from the entertainment being over
aizawa glares at them
he gives you a little glare when you struggle a bit in his binds
"kirishima, bakugo, kaminari," aizawa's voice booms through the silence that settled over the class, "detention for not stopping this when i know you three could have very well prevented it."
but i know why you didn't - words unspoken on aizawa's tongue.
"you're coming with me, l/n"
so he unbinds you and the two of you walk to his office
it's silent when you get there and he gestures for you to take a seat
"do you know why what you did was wrong?"
you nod.
"you you regret it?"
your answer came almost instantly, "no. and i would do it again in a heartbeat."
aizawa nodded, "good."
and you-
HUH???? 😀
"i understand why you did it and i don't blame you for wanting to confront the people who hurt mina, but you also understand why i have to suspend you, right?"
you nod.
he nods.
it's a mutual understanding he wouldn't suspend you if he had the choice,
but he has to
so you're suspended .
and the videos the other students took blow up
and it gets back to mina
so she watches it obviously
and 😳😳😳
she was bLUSHINGGG
like bro-
her calm bundle of joy??
absolutely hammering those two students??
she has a hard time believing it
but lo and behold, there's the charm bracelet the two of you add to every anniversary on your wrist
the one you're punching the boy with 💀💀
and -
she has never in her life been more turned on like-
like queen, what? 😀
she bursts into your dorm after school
and throws herself onto you
"baby the was both the scariest and hottest thing i've ever seen.."
while peppering kisses to your neck
and her hand slithers its way up your shirt
c h i l l s
"yeah?" you smirk
she hums and sucks hickies onto your neck-
😌😌😌 yeah. . .
shit gets a little steamy after that 😌😌
the two of you are just chilling in the after glow,
the sweat sticking you two together a bit, but neither of you minded
mina traces over the hickies she left on your chest and neck, "you should get angry more often."
"if it'll lead to more of this, then you know damn straight i will."
after that no one cares to even look in either of your directions 😌
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class1akids · 3 years
what i don't get is how come kirishima visited todoroki instead of bakugo. don't get me wrong, obviously he cares about todoroki (and midoriya) too, but i'm like ??? fucking mineta of all ppl, who's always been kinda nasty to bakugo, is there, and sato's randomly there too for some reason, but not KIRISHIMA? i guess kaminari's injured but c'mon, only sero cared? it feels like horikoshi dropped this relationship completely years ago and now kirishima has replaced bakugo with ashido.
(cont.) and i'd buy it if the explanation could be "it was just a random division" but obviously that's not the case, bc ida and uraraka went to deku, jiro went to kaminari, momo went to todoroki, etc. so obviously they did have a choice of who to see and apparently kirishima would rather follow ashido than visit bakugo who literally almost just died. not hating on the character, i'm just severely questioning horikoshi's decision to completely drop their relationship in favor of kirimina buildup
Hi anon! As someone who is waiting every week for some tdbk crumbs, I totally understand your frustration. I’ll try to answer this question though totally taking off any shipping glasses, and as a multishipper, who is pretty chill about most of the ships at play. 
1. Yes, it definitely feels like KiriMina is being built for endgame, just like TodoMomo, KamiJirou and IzuOcha. Horikoshi sensei is not the most talented when it comes to writing romance, so it is what it is. I’m hoping all these ships will remain lowkey (it’s a bit late for IzuOcha).  But I, for one, am happy to see Mina’s reaction; to see her so shattered, it feels like we may get some character focus / arc for her after her freezing up so badly against Machia. 
2. The presence of the students in the hospital feels kind of chaotic in general - it almost feels like Present Mic went in to substitute, took a look at the kids’ faces, ushered them on a bus and they all went to the hospital. There could be quite a few people to see there - obviously the Origin Trio, but Uraraka and Tsu may be visting Nejire or Ryukyu, or some of the kids may be seeing other mentors or camping in Kaminari’s room or some of them may still be out there, helping with clean-up -  so they may be doing rounds in smaller groups. Maybe they were instructed that way. 
3. The Momo-Kirishima-Mina group is the one who discovered Midnight’s body together and they had the biggest role in bringing down Machia, that is probably a big bonding experience. It may bring them comfort to stick together right now. Mina and Momo never interacted much either, but obviously now they lean on each other in their shock and grief.   
4. Todoroki is the only one awake at the time from the Origin Trio. The kids may have been literally kicked out of Bakugou’s and Deku’s room, and probably they don’t want to overwhelm Shouto who is going through the biggest shit among them all - so they rotate maybe how many keeps him company, but they also don’t want to leave him alone because there is an army of reporters ready to pounce on him. Kirishima looks like he’s there and ready to throw down with anyone who would bother his pal, and that’s something he can do, while they are waiting for Bakugou to wake up. 
5. The students who Bakugou talks to seem to be the peeps he first runs into in the corridor. 
So who is in which room I think is dictated a bit by the narrative focus. What messages does the story want to convey?
1. Class1a ultimately is a big family. Squads aside, they deeply care about each other and will support each other. 
2. They are all deeply shaken. Showing comic relief characters like Mineta, Sero and Hagakure, Horikoshi can reflect the level of trauma. Sato also had a bit of highlight at the mansion, so Horikoshi may have some plans with him. 
3. Continue the themes from the war arc for the Trio. In Todoroki’s case, he wants to showcase his thoughts around Dabi, which were not covered during the fight, as well as build up the mood for the appearance of his family. So having a comforting presence of looser friends and Todo losing his voice works for this purpose. We can see his thoughts, but also that he’s supported.
4. For Bakugou, the story needs to build on that character growth we’ve seen in 284-285. Bakugou changing, becoming more caring, his atonement. So it makes sense even without shipping lenses that he wants to know how everyone is and when he hears Deku is still unconscious, he wants to go to him. Bakugou almost died for Deku, he’s been trying to atone, but all very furtively. They never talked. He didn’t apologize. He didn’t tell Deku his hero name. There is a ton of open issues between them. Bakugou needs to feel the sense of urgency, that he can’t just keep postponing these things, because maybe there won’t be a next time. He needs to feel the weight of things unsaid. This is part of the build up for their eventual talk. 
Now having Kirishima in the room worried sick about Bakugou wouldn’t change that Bakugou’s first thought in this situation would be to get to Deku. Like shipping or no shipping - this is what the story has built. But it may feel like a let-down for people who would like a nice Kiri-Baku interaction. 
This way, there is a chance that when / if they interact again, it will be something relevant to them, rather than about Deku. 
And I don’t think Horikoshi has dropped their friendship. It’s just currently there is nowhere to take it in a way that’s worth highlighting in the aftermath. Kirishima and Bakugou are comfortably friends. We already know that they trust each other, support each other, protect each other. That’s not where the narrative dynamic lies right now.  
So I think all in all, Horikoshi did have his reasons to highlight the kids he did in the groupings he did, beyond just shipping. That doesn’t mean the others didn’t visit. I’m sure Iida went to see Shouto at some point. I’m sure Ochako went to see Izuku - it’s not shown right now, because it was not necessary for the points the story was trying to make. And I’m sure Kirishima will rush to see Bakugou as soon as he hears that he’s awake - whether on or off-panel. 
But I totally get that you’d want to see those moments - I’d like that too. I could read 10 chapters with nothing but different student interactions. But unfortunately, often, that stuff is left for the Light Novels. 
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lostkrbkaccount · 2 years
Mina: you two make such a cute couple! You're perfect!
Momo: we're not a couple..
Todo: did you assume that because we both have rich parents? Or perhaps you just assume everyone is straight?
Mina: Huh?
Kiri: Ashido, Todoroki is dating Midoriya..
Baku: Yeah and ponytail is dating ears, c'mon even I know this.
Mina: why did no one tell Me?
Baku: everyone who's coupled up is intimate as shit all the time. Be more aware of your surroundings.
Mina: you and Kiri are close..
Baku: because we're together.
Kiri: keep up man.
Mina: well is Ochako single?
Baku: Yeah, why?
Mina: no reason...
Kiri: oh my God! You like her!
Mina: I do not!
Baku: cut the crap, you totally do!
Mina: so what?
Baku: she likes you too.
Mina: she does?
Kiri: no way! That's so cute!
Baku: calm down, red.
Kiri: right, this isn't manly.
Mina: should I ask her out?
Baku: do whatever I don't care.
Kiri: he does care, Katsuki is a huge romantic.
Baku: I am not
Kiri: are too-
Mina: I'm going to her (Walks away)
Baku: I'm not romantic, you are!
Kiri: Yeah I know, but so are you!
Baku: tch.
Kiri: I know you read romance manga!
Baku: I know you look at porn!!
Kiri: what? No I don't?
Baku: yes you do! I've seen the naked pictures on your phone!
Kiri: babe they're of you!
Baku: they are?
Kiri: Yeah!
Baku: damn I'm hot..
Kiri: right?
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lostkrbkaccount · 3 years
The amount of sibling energy bkdk give off is so funny like-
Baku: stop it Deku!
Deku: stop what?
Baku: tapping the table!
Deku: why?
Baku: it's pissing me off!
Deku: oh yeah? Well- *taps louder*
Baku: son of a bitch-
*wrestling on the floor*
Todo: not again..Kirishima!
Kiri: yeah?
Todo: they're at it again!
Kiri: *sighs* BOYS! STOP IT!
Baku: he started it!
Kiri: I don't care, I'm finishing it
Baku: *sticks his tongue at deku*
Deku: don't make me slap you!
Kiri: apologise.
Baku: no way!
Kiri: Katsuki!
Baku: ugh fine I'm sorry, Deku.
Deku: I'm sorry too, Kacchan-
Baku: sorry your such a lil bitch-
Deku: *smacks him*
Baku: ow you bastard! *chokes him*
Kiri: *sprays them with water* bad! Stop it!
Baku: *hisses*
Deku: okay! We've stopped!
Kiri: good. Now Todoroki will keep Midoriya company..
Deku: yeah ok
Kiri: and Katsuki, you're coming with me, c'mon let's go.
Baku: tch fine- I'll get you next time damn Deku!
Deku: in your dreams bakubitch!
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lostkrbkaccount · 3 years
Quirkless AU
(Stay at home dad Kiri/ fashion designer Baku/ Married krbk/ Kiko is 8/ twins are 2)
Kiri: have a lovely day at work, babe! *kisses his forehead*
Baku: thanks, red. Tho my hag of a mother is gonna be a pain in my ass
Kiri: only I get to be a pain in your ass
Baku: no, you're a pleasure~
Kiri: oooh someone's looking to get fucked, huh baby?
Baku: mmm fuck, as much as I'd love to I have to go-
Kiri: yeah and I've got the kids
Baku: oh I'll pick Kiko up on my way home today, so just watch the twins
Kiri: okay Katsu
Baku: bye babe *kiss*
Kiri: bye *kiss*
Baku: *leaves*
Kiri: kids! Breakfast!
Kiko: I'm ready for school!
Kiri: good girl, eat your pancakes whilst I get the twins then I'll come and do your hair
Kiko: okay daddy!
Kiri: that's my girl!
Akira: daddy?
Kiri: morning princess
Akira: goo mornin!
Akane: breaky
Kiri: c'mon girls let's get you fed and dressed for the day!
Kiko: why don't Akira and Akane go to school?
Kiri: because they're two, you're eight. They're too young, they go next year. They go to nursery.
Kiko: oh okay!
Kiri: have a wonderful day, kiddo!
Kiko: I Will! *enters school*
Kiri: okay it's just us three at home now. So what do you wanna do?
Akira: princesses!
Akane: yeah princesses!
Kiri: you wanna play princesses?
Akira: no watch em!
Kiri: oh! Like a movie? Which one do you girls wanna watch?
Akane: booty an da beast!
Akira: yes! yes!
Kiri: beauty and the beast? Is that your favourite?
Akane: beast is manly!
Akira: I fink Belle is pwetty!
Kiri: m'kay girlies, we'll watch that then.
Baku: we're home!
Kiko: watcha doin?
Kiri: watching princesses
Akira: wittle mermaid!
Akane: yes! Put that on daddy!
Baku: you can watch little mermaid after dinner now go wash your hands
Akane: but-
Baku: do it, or there won't be desert! And it's chocolate cake..
Akane: wash de hans
Akira: splish splash
Kiri: how was your day, kid?
Kiko: boring! I had maths, but miss Takashi said that I'm super smart.
Baku: top student in her grade!
Kiri: well done, sweetie!
Baku: yes, now go wash your hands!
Kiko: I'm going I'm going-
Kiri: c'mere-
Baku: ah ah, no kisses- wash your hands I'm cooking here
Kiri: but I haven't seen you all day
Baku: Eijiro. Hands.
Kiri: but-
Baku: I'm guessing you don't want desert either?
Kiri: I don't care about the cake
Baku: I wasn't talking about that cake, I meant mine
Kiri: your ass?
Baku: wanna eat it or not?
Kiri: yes yes holy fuck yes
Baku: then wash your hands for dinner, Ei-ji-ro~
Kiri: yessir!
Baku: works like a charm.
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lostkrbkaccount · 3 years
Bakusquad GC 👽💖💪❤💥💣🍃🖤💛✌
Mina: what ??
Sero: sup
Mina: ooohhhh he mad mad
Sero: tell usss
Kiri: Katsuki! You'll do no such thing! Leave Denks alone
Baku: but he's gonna tell them!
Kiri: tell them what?
Mina: yes tell us what?
Sero: I'm curious to know~
Denki: yeah what could I possibly tell them, Kacchan?
Baku: I'm not stupid! Not saying!
Kiri: Katsuki c'mon it can't be that bad, do I know?
Baku: of course you do we have no secrets..
Denki: hang on Kiri already knew?
Baku: it's not a big deal
Kiri: no it's not baby, you can have any interest you please
Sero: if this is about Bakugo reading romance manga then we already knew-
Denki: nope not that
Mina: oh is it juicy?
Denki: very much so
Kiri: it's not, don't listen to him
Sero: what is it then?
Kiri: Kat why don't you just tell them? Get it over with
Baku: no!
Kiri: they're gonna find out eventually..
Denki: Bakugo does yoga
Kiri: it helps him with flexibility
Denki: yeah but in leg warmers?
Baku: I like how they look
Kiri: you do look adorable
Sero: flexible eh?
Mina: can you suck your own dick?
Kiri: MINA
Mina: what?
Baku: yes I can, pervs
Kiri: you can????
Baku: yes?
Denki: you didn't know??
Kiri: no? Did you?
Mina: none of us did but
Sero: but we thought you of all people would
Denki: yeah what happened to no secrets??
Baku: okay I have some secrets
Kiri: not anymore you don't!
Baku: Eiji?
Kiri: I'm coming over and you're telling me every thing!
Baku: ugh fine
Kiri: and we're testing out your flexibility!
Baku: okay now I like where this is going Eijiro
Denki: sex
Mina: lmaooo
Sero: that was pretty obvious dude..
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lostkrbkaccount · 3 years
Denki: Bakugo looks so much like his mom, it's crazy!
Baku: it's a curse..
Denki: you must like your dad, Kiri.
Kiri: I don't have a dad?
Denki: huh?
Kiri: I have two moms.
Denki: yeah but there was a man involved in making you, there for you have a dad!
Kiri: no I don't! Ichiro was just a sperm donor. That's all.
Baku: you know his name?
Kiri: yeah I mean we hang out like All the time. He's super manly!
Denki: what are your parents quirks?
Kiri: my mama can turn objects into stone and my mom has read people's minds.
Denki: what about your donor?
Kiri: he can turn himself into a shark. He works at the aquarium. Kids love him.
Baku: so that's how you got hardening?
Kiri: yep!
Denki: can you read out minds?
Kiri: sadly, no.
Baku: what does he look like?
Kiri: he's big and manly. kinda built like All Might, if not bigger. He has this black mane of hair and piercing blue eyes. Sharp teeth, just like my mama!
Denki: hold up..
Kiri: what's wrong?
Denki: you said that he had a shark quirk...
Kiri: he does?
Denki: are you part shark? I mean you have sharp teeth. Do you have a blood kink? A biting kink? Do you have two dicks??
Kiri: that's a bit personal..
Denki: oh c'mon man!
Kiri: *looks at baku* you tell him.
Baku: yes, yes and fuuuck yes.
Denki: you- wha- I- When?
Baku: let's just say I'm very satisfied with this big guy.
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lostkrbkaccount · 3 years
Kiri: I'm top!
Baku: aw hell no- I'm no. 1, I top!
Kiri: c'mon man I wanna be on top!
Baku: well that's too bad-
Kiri: wait where's Denki gonna go?
Baku: he can stay on the floor!
Kami: um I didn't consent to this..
Baku: consent to what?
Kiri: yeah Man, what are you talking about?
Kami: threesome..
Baku: what?
Kami: well you where talking about top and bottom and where I'm gonna go and I don't want to have sex with either of you.
Kiri: dude we ment bunk beds
Kami: oohhhh
Baku: fucking dumbass.
Kami: well then I'll be top and you two can cuddle on the bottom..
Kiri: oh I like that!
Baku: tch fine.
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lostkrbkaccount · 3 years
*krbk making out*
Baku: mmmn
Kiri: *bites lip*
Baku: Ahh~ fuck your teeth~
Kiri: *kisses harder*
Baku: *moans*
Kiri: *grinds down*
Baku: mmm *grinds up*
Kiri: mmmn
Baku: *panting*
Kiri: *kisses neck* just like that baby, fuuuuuuck
Baku: mmm Ei~
Mitsuki: *bursts through door* Katsuki-
Kiri: *freezes*
Mitsuki: I've been calling you downstairs for 20 minutes now!
Baku: get the fuck out hag!
Mitsuki: why you're just having a bit of a cuddle with your boyfriend. I never see you this sweet. Look at you, you're blushing with embarrassment-
Kiri: *whispers in his ear* or arousal.
Baku: *whispers* shut up
Mitsuki: - and as much as I love seeing you embarrassed, you need to get up. Grandma Mimi and Hana are here, they wanna meet Eijiro.
Baku: *knowing they're both hard* Eiji, don't move..
Kiri: Katsuki..
Mitsuki: c'mon up.
Baku: get out
Mitsuki: get up
Baku: ma
Mitsuki: for Christ sake Katsuki- *yanks him up* are you?
Baku: I told you to go away
Mitsuki: who gets hard from cuddling?
Mimi: Mitsuki? Where are you? *walks in* oh there you are-
Mitsuki: hello ma, not now..
Mimi: what's going on?
Baku: would you just get out?
Mimi: *notices* Mitsuki you bitch, leave him alone. Poor boy can't get any privacy! Finish with your boyfriend son- c'mon out! *drags her out and closes door*
Mitsuki: what the hell?
Mimi: let them be sexual, it isn't hurting anyone..
Mitsuki: they're 16 for fuck sake!
Mimi: so? I've already had the talk with him- they're both clean, I gave them condoms and if they did it raw Katsuki isn't gonna get pregnant!
Mitsuki: But ma-
Mimi: but nothing! They're young and horny- you were the same at that age, bringing back different men!
Mitsuki: ma!
Mimi: I had the talk with you! Then you brought back Masaru and ended up pregnant at 22! I'm glad Katsuki's here I am but I'd think you'd be a little more sympathetic. He's a queer teenager.
Mitsuki: so? I should treat him like I would with my daughter!
Mimi: Kaori is 6, Katsuki's a gay 16 year old. It's harder for us. Are you forgetting I'm gay too?
Mitsuki: ma I-
Mimi: I know how he feels. You know your other mom? I've been with her since I was 17. Katsuki could be with that boy forever. Don't ruin it for them. Show respect.
Mitsuki: I'm sorry ma
Mimi: you better be. C'mon your other mom is down stairs.
Baku: I'm soft
Kiri: me too maybe be can do this later?
Baku: yeah I wanna go down stairs and see Mimi..
Kaori: *sitting on Hana's knee*
Mitsuki: it's good to see you mom!
Hana: you too my dear. How is your wonderful husband?
Mitsuki: he's doing great, he's a bit busy in the studio at the moment
Hana: you've got to love a hard working man! Speaking of which, where is my Katsu?
Baku: I'm here memaw
Hana: oh look at you baby..
Baku: memaw this is Eijiro, my boyfriend.
Mimi: you hear that love? Boyfriend. He's queer like us!
Hana: stop it would you, your grandmother!
Kiri: hello!
Mimi: c'mon then lads, take a seat. Tell us everything..
Baku: *sits on Kiri's lap* well-
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