#[gestures wildly]
theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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Watched Re-Animator. Think these two should get to kiss
Edit: DISCLAIMER: Before you decide to watch Re-Animator, make sure to check for content warnings, there is a scene that a lot of people choose to skip!
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dira333 · 9 months
Blue Salvia - Think of me
Ushijima x reader, Matchmaker Tendou - for my Haikyuu Request Game - requested by S.
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You know the plant was meant for him the moment you lay eyes on it.
It’s purple, distractingly so, thousands of tiny purple blossoms tickling your hands as you sweep them over it. 
You buy it on instinct alone and keep it on your windowsill until it grows so big you have to make cuttings, plant one in the garden and prepare the other one to be gifted.
“Ushijima-kun.” You approach him in the hallway after class, too aware of your surroundings, the people, the noise, the eyes moving over you.
Tendou is right by his side, big eyes under flaming red hair, always leaning on something like you’d grown to know him.
“I thought you might like this.” You hand him the plant, safely hidden from curious eyes in a simple brown bag.
You turn and leave without another look back, hoping against hope that he might take it the way it was intended.
Blue Salvia means I think of you.
Only two days later a chair scrapes against the floor next to you, Tendou falling into the free space, draping himself across the table dramatically.
“Blue Salvia, huh?” He asks, big eyes watching you.
“Don’t you think it would suit me too?”
“The color or the smell of it?”
He pouts. 
“The meaning, of course.”
You blink, heat crawling up your neck. 
“I am not sure what you mean.”
He laughs, turning his head in an almost impossible manner, to look up at Ushijima who’s approaching the table, eyebrows scrunched like you know them to be.
“Am I the only one who knows Flower Language here?”
“I am not aware of that language,” Ushijima says and you can feel the vibrations of his words in your ribcage, your heart thrumming with it. “What does it entail?”
You turn back to your food as they talk, well aware that it’s a rare feat to have them at the table with you, well aware that time with Ushijima Wakatoshi, the ace, is a treasure to hold up.
If you were someone else, you might have laughed with your friends about the fact that your confession failed spectacularly.
But being who you are, you just smile and shake your head when your classmates ask you who you like. You tell them of your new-found love for gardening when they ask you about the plant - somehow nothing ever stays secret in Shiratorizawa, and offer cuttings to those who want them.
Being who you are it comes as a surprise to find Ushijima and Tendou sitting at your table more regularly, the former presence as soothing as the latter is amusing.
“What are you doing over the weekend?” Tendou asks, always the one to start the conversation, while Ushijima and you share a comfortable Silence. 
“I was going to start the upcoming assignments. You?”
“Oh,” his smile is as bright as it’s teasing. “Which means you can come over and watch a movie with us?”
“A movie?” You ask, warmth already crawling up your neck. 
“You know, moving pictures with sound? I’m sure you heard about that before. I am trying to develop Ushiwakas knowledge and you sound like you could benefit from that too.”
“Don’t call other people boring, Tendou,” Semi calls him out and takes a seat at the same table. In a matter of minutes, the second years of the Volleyball Club are crowding your table and it’s not the first time it has happened.
“It’s okay.” You reply softly. “I am aware that I’m boring.”
“You are perfectly interesting.” Ushijima’s deep voice cuts through the chatter at the table and you lower your head to stare at your food, heat now burning in your cheeks.
It’s not surprising that Tendou uses your sudden shyness to get you to agree to the movie night.
The lights are dimmed safe of some fairy lights that are draped rather aesthetically over the bunk bed Tendou and Ushijima share. Semi and Ohira wave from the top bed and there’s just enough space to squeeze in between Ushijima and the mountain of pillows that separate you from Tendou. He’s lying in them like they’re his thrown. 
“My bed, my pillows.” He tells you before starting the movie. 
It’s a good movie, you’re sure it is. It’s hard to focus when you can feel Ushijima’s warmth burning through your layers of clothing. 
You try to sit more comfortably and fall against him and the soft mattress does nothing for you when you try to right yourself, just falling further into him until he raises one arm and pulls you upright by your shoulder.
His arm stays where it is, a heavy, yet grounding weight on your shoulder. 
“What are they doing?” Ushijima’s voice is a deep breath in your ear, a rumble you can feel in your side that’s still pressed into him.
“I think they’re climbing a mountain?” You tell him, not sure either what’s happening in the movie, but you’re distracted for a different reason.
You’re just glad that the room is dark, you wouldn’t be able to take any jokes over this.
His question sparks a conversation that’s you pointing out plot holes and him asking questions that neither of you can answer until the movie ends, the light goes on and Tendou watches the two of you with eyes that are sparkling.
“So?” He asks, excited in his own way. “What do you think?”
“Why were they climbing that mountain?” Ushijima asks and you’re torn between listening to Tendou’s explanation, all with over-exaggerated hand movements, and the sensation of still sitting too close to him. He’s not bothered to peel you off him now that the light has turned on.
Months before you all graduate, Ushijima approaches you after class, a brown bag in his massive hands.
“It has grown a lot.” He says. “I wanted to know what you’d like me to do with the cuttings.”
“You can gift them to others.” You tell him, your heart clenching at the thought of that. “Or throw them away if you have no space.”
He thinks about that for a moment, his pondering face not unlike his normal face.
“Is it true?” He asks. “What ‘Blue Salvia’ means?”
Your tongue turns dry in your mouth, fingers finding purchase in your own uniform, rubbing the hem of your blouse as if the answers are hidden in the fabric.
Maybe it’s the fact that you’re alone, that gives you courage, or the aromatic smell you seem to detect even through the paper bag, or the color of his purple jersey peaking out of his bag, but you gather your heart in your hands and nod.
He stretches out his arm and offers you the bag, his face turning soft in a way you haven’t seen before.
“You should take them then. There’s no one else I’ve been thinking about.”
“Not even volleyball?” You joke and he furrows his brows again, the familiar sight easing your nerves.
“You cannot gift flowers to a sport.” He reminds you.
It feels like everything’s been said and nothing has been cleared at all.
Does he like you? Do you like him?
Is anything going to happen between the two of you?
The bees are dancing outside in the bed of blue salvia that’s growing and growing in your garden and the mother plant on your window sill is a bright, cheerful purple, but your own heart tumbles over questions you have now answers to.
It’s Tendou, again, who drapes himself over the chair next to you. Who tries to steal food from your Bento, who invites you to their room to study, who brings up the topic of Colleges so subtly, you only realize you’re talking about it when you’re already in the middle of a sentence.
As it turns out, you have been accepted at the same College as Ushijima.
As it turns out, Tendou has no plans on staying in Sendai, or Japan.
He laughs at your shock, and coos at the way you admire his courage.
“It’s a good thing that we have you.” He says when it’s time for you to leave. “I’ll entrust Ushiwaka to you. Take good care of him.”
He pushes his friend out of the room at these words, tells him to walk you to the bus stop like a gentleman, and winks at you knowingly.
Tendou, you realize, has known all along.
As you walk, Ushijima's hand haltingly brushing against yours at first, then gently taking your hand in his, you wonder what flower you’d give him.
Hydrangea. Gratitude for being understood.
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My Kofi if you want to tip me
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mrcspectr · 11 months
I miss Marc Spector. :(
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diveyne · 6 days
do y'all play v rising. because. what if i...........
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rysttle · 9 months
Might as well post this here too
Fun little enamel pin 1/? 👌✨
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holytomfoolery · 2 years
I think peter and daniil are two sides of the same coin in the ways that they're both immensely intelligent, and led by their dreams. dankovsky is more tethered to the earth on account of being so rational but his rationale is also suffocating his dreams, which is why the polyhedron is so important to him. peter can still dream but he has no anchor and so is drowning himself in twyrine and does nothing but dream... andrey does function as an anchor of sorts but he is also an enabler. he's too close to peter to be able to help him. I'm personally just obsessed with the interpretation that the polyhedron signifies a certain childhood innocence and ability to dream that dankovsky lost, and which I think peter never fully lost ... they're both of the sky. do you get it
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purgetrooperfox · 3 months
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blade metaphor here
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canary-song · 6 months
Hey. Hey hello
Thistle and Weeds by Mumford and Sons
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Noir Peter type song
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indecisive-dizzy · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Welcome Home - Clown Illustration Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barnaby B. Beagle & Howdy Piller (Welcome Home), Barnaby B. Beagle/Howdy Pillar (Welcome Home) Characters: Howdy Pillar (Welcome Home), Barnaby B. Beagle (Welcome Home) Additional Tags: minor Barnaby B. Beagle/Howdy Pillar (Welcome Home), Howdy Pillar-Centric, Howdy babysits, random children with names, random parents with names, not OC, Not Beta Read, Babysitting, Modern AU, College AU, Welcome Home AU, Author Is Sleep Deprived, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I am not funny, I Tried, early 2000s, Alternate Universe - 2000s, How Do I Tag, Mentioned Wally Darling (Welcome Home), Attempt at Humor, I'm Bad At Titles, Howdy Pillar is a Perfectionist Summary:
Welcome Home 2000s/College AU
Howdy babysits in his free time for some extra cash, and today he was called minute. Let's see what happens!
I don't have an excuse for this other than I'm projecting and really wanted to explore more of Howdy's character. Also I want to personally apologize to my fellow Laughingstock shippers for not making them the main focus. And for my attempt at humor /hj
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sarcasmcloud · 2 years
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Cassian ‘if looks could kill’ Andor - Andor s01e05
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If anyone needs me, I will be living and breathing this theory until the day I am convinced it is not happening:
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I've been wondering for MONTHS how they would handle the eventual reality in which Orym talks to Keyleth directly.
And like. It was right in front of me.
Marisha not only answers as Keyleth, but like. Plays. As Keyleth.
Because some/all of the cast will be playing their previous characters.
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konohamaru-sensei · 7 months
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when you want to be mad that your part time girlfriend left for 3 years but you are also lyon
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its 2am!!!! I have class tomorrow!!! and so much to do!!!! but but but rhgrhrhgrhrgrhrghgrhrgrhrgrhraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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electrivolt · 2 years
// volkner knows how to drive just about any land vehicle without issues, but he heavily favors motorcycles over any kind of car. he's had his own for a few years already, but he keeps it in perfect condition all the time and regularly checks it up and gives it a thorough maintenance to make sure everything is in working order.
also it looks like this—
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queeriboh · 2 years
SOMETHING I've thought about actually is that !!! Atems penalty game that was supposed to make Seto recognize Mokuba as the missing piece if his soul kind of backfired and made Kaiba Worse(tm) in a lot of respects and actually caused the events if Duelist Kingdom but. I do think that he and Yugi and the nerd herd did help to teach Mokuba empathy and forgiveness he wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
I see a lot of people point out his seemingly random change of heart in Death-T, but he's!!! 11 !!!!!!! his brother just betrayed him and his rival pulled him out of Hell Itself and he doesn't know WHAT to do!!!!
so he feels the need to explain. have you ever met a 10 year old ?? they have no filter. nevermind that everyone in ygo has to be on the spectrum/ADHD for this card game world to make sense. Mokuba immediately infodumping his Tragic Backstory to the first person in his entire life he thinks might maybe Get It makes so much sense. do you know how many times I as an autistic adult have accidentally overshared something thinking it was a hilarious anecdote only to realize it's midly horrifying from an outside perspective ??????
and he saved Honda as a sort of "fuck okay I GUESS I owe you one" gesture and probably talked to him and found out he has an older sibling too and also a baby nephew and he's kind of an okay guy actually...
he still harbors a LOT of resentment in Duelist Kingdom. he says he still hates Yugi!!!! and there's a big part of him that still does, he's not lying. but he also doesn't have anyone else to trust either. he doesn't understand it or have as close a perspective as the other, but he dies know there are 2 sides to Yugi, and he thinks he can trust one but not the other.
by the end of DK, he's in their debt again either way and he thinks. Yugi could have just saved his grandpa and himself and his friends. he could have even saved me out of pity. but he had 0 reason to save Seto, and yet he did it anyway. maybe people can change. and I really think that's part of why his own character changes so drastically and settles down and grows
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