#[will sell motherboard for $$$: swindle]
Blitzwing, on Lugnut: [Icy] Occasionally I even think he hears Megatron's voice in his head. This sometimes results in him getting me in a little over my heads. [...] [Hothead] He iz a big tin can of clumsy who should learn to be more careful with zat punch of hiz. [...] [Random] He is a five-eyed, no-brained, flying purple people eater! Hahaha!
Lugnut, on Blitzwing: His icy persona is the most advantageous to Megatron. With this visage he is calculating and strategic. [...] His hothead persona is serviceably useful to Megatron's grand agenda. In this guise, he is angry and combative, useful traits for dealing with those miserable Autobots. [...] His random personality, though, is infuriating! He can adopt it without warning at any time! When he does he's as apt to break out in song as he is to further Megatron's glorious cause.
The Angry Archer, on Swindle: Forsooth, 'tis a rare man or bot who is named as aptly as the roguish knave they calleth "Swindle". This mercantile automaton doth possess a metaphoric tongue as glib as Iago himself. Let not his charming visage deceive you, for he wouldst sell his own motherboard were the price but dear enough.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[Swindling Ciphers]
[ @the-trxangle-guy​ || Plotted in DMs!]
Twin purple optics onlined, dirty-gold plating running against panels of each other in silent complaint. The mech stretched, careful not to whack the organic that was undoubtedly still recharging beside him- but his servo managed to come out, smacking into something that was very much not the brick-frame he’d grown accustomed to. Both optics snapped open at the dull CLNG as metal hit metal. The sight that greeted his vision was one that was very much unwelcomed- silver-smooth walls, a giant red robot face on one, the slab of material beneath him as rigid as his own frame.
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He bit back an audible groan of annoyance at the room. It was threadbare, just interlocking panels connecting to make six sides- four walls, a ceiling, a floor. Aside from the berth, there was only a door. At least, that is what it would look like to the casual observer. He ex-vented.
Swindle hadn’t lived here in years. And last he checked, he’d demolished the building in question with his own servos.- Every memory he had from beyond its destruction still rang, clear as bells. The constant, unending deals, exclusive clients, new worlds, gaining more and more con skills as time whispered by... One thing was clear: this was a dream. And, to top it off, he appeared to be lucid. That brought more than one temptation to mind, but he opted to see what the rest of the dream entailed. Perhaps he would get to relish the destruction of this base for a second time, break down every lie and falsehood he’d had to listen to once more.
Now that-- that brought a smile to the mech’s face.
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“Oh, this should be fun!” He laughed as he stepped off the berth, peds hitting the floor before he jaunted towards the door, only now noticing that the lights were dimmed. A snicker escaped him as he placed his servo where the usual panel would be, the door sliding open to reveal a silver-lined corridor... With more of that accursed symbol stretching out into infinity down either way. “I know they say ‘everyone deserves a second chance’, but this is an absolute goldmine...!” Even if it was just a dream, the thought of making off with every weapon inside was more than tantalizing. He had never done so in his original anger. Why not enjoy this, whatever this was?
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tfanimatedimagines · 7 years
You can replace these characters if you don't write for them. Swindle and Lockdown find out their s/o is a highly sought after android with a very high selling price.(Kinda like the neir automata androids). And s/o didn't know.
Ooh! A challenge! I’m so interested in seeing what I can do with this! :)
And you know, I used to dislike Lockdown when I was SUPER into this series when I was like 12, and I was kinda like, ew, his face looks weird. But now??? At 19 years old, I kinda dig the whole serial killer bounty hunter thing. Maybe my tastes matured. And Swindle? *makes it rain 20 dollar bills on that robooty*
Okay here we go! Let me know what you think!
Note: Upon privately consulting the asker, I found out that the s/o is a girl, so if you were wondering why I’m writing she/her pronouns, you know why.
Another note: Also, thank you guys for 10 followers! Be sure to send me some asks!
“Ready guys?” (your name) asked, walking out of a stairwell in a near empty parking garage, wearing a slinky, form-fitting (favorite color) dress with matching pumps. 
Though it looked like she was talking to no one, she was actually talking to her two Cybertronian boyfriends who just happened to be in their alt modes at the moment.
(Y/n) was waiting for this night for roughly a week. After slaving away at her job at Pacsun in the mall, with no day off for weeks, she finally had one, and she decided to spend it with Swindle and Lockdown. The agenda for the night was to go to a local rock show and get milkshakes, all on a budget, as per Swindle’s suggestion. 
(Y/n) met Lockdown first. Upon leaving the mall one night 6 months ago, she came across a really cool looking muscle car sitting unattended in the parking lot. The funny thing about (y/n) is that she’s always been a car enthusiast, but after basically an eternity of working at the mall, she hadn’t been able to afford even a cheap used car. 
She started running her hands across the hood, and then leaned onto it, almost giving it a pseudo hug while whining, “Ugh, I wish I could afford a car like you.” (Y/n) walked over to the driver’s side door of the car and pulled the handle. Much to her surprise, the door was unlocked. A devious smile grew on her face as she got an irresponsible idea. 
She entered the car and sat in the driver’s seat. It was really nice inside, to say the least. The young woman grabbed the steering wheel and pretended she was driving, giggling while doing so.
Suddenly, the engine started to rumble. “What the hell?” (y/n) muttered. Thinking she did something wrong, she tried getting out of the car, but the seat belt caught her and pulled her back inside. “Okay, this car is possessed,” she whimpered. 
“Not possessed,” said a gruff yet alluring voice. “Just alive.” Lockdown pulled out of the parking space and sped away. 
“What the hell is happening?” (y/n) cried. 
“Sit back and relax, darlin’. Our stop is a few more miles away,” Lockdown told her, completely disregarding her question. 
And like he said, in a few miles, Lockdown came to a halt. They were inside a parking garage. (the same parking garage that they were in at the beginning of this story) The only other vehicle in there was a brown and purple Humvee, who then transformed into a giant brown and purple robot. Lockdown followed suit and also transformed into robot mode. 
“Well, what do we have here?” asked Swindle. His voice was also alluring, but more suave than Lockdown’s. 
“I was just recharging in this parking lot, and next thing ya know, this little lady comes over and starts feeling me up,” Lockdown explained. 
(Y/n) was frightened. Those two didn’t look like the “good guys” she sees on the news all the time, and they could squish her at any moment if they so choose. Despite this, she was still blushing furiously. “Why are you like this?” she asked herself.
Soon enough, the two take turns hurling flirtatious statements at her. She blushed even harder. 
After even more of that, the two projected their human holoforms, and… well… I’ll just leave what happened next to your imagination. 
Ever since then, the three have been in a healthy polyamorous relationship. Their dates usually consisted of hanging out somewhere lowkey, as to not attract too much attention. Tonight was one of those date nights, except a little more special, because this is the first day off she’s had in a while. 
While (y/n) was getting dressed, Swindle was browsing the encrypted black market network on his datapad. He found a wanted poster for something, or someone he was very familiar with: (y/n).
“Lockdown, would you look at this for a second?” he asked his bounty hunting friend. “Tell me that doesn’t look like (y/n).”
Lockdown studied the picture on the datapad. “That’s a cute picture of her,” he remarked.
“So you see it, too. I found that picture on the black market. It says here she’s an android.” Swindle said. “And she’s worth a billion shanix!”
Lockdown was just silent. When he finally spoke, he said, “You’re not thinking what I think you are, right?”
“What? No!” Swindle exclaimed. “I love her! That must be what you’re thinking about.”
“Oh, please. Says the bot who would sell his own motherboard to the highest bidder,” Lockdown scoffed. 
The two decide to give the other the silent treatment, and that’s when (y/n) came out.
“Guys?” (y/n) asked. “Are you okay? You seem uncharacteristically quiet…”
The two transformed into their robot modes. They ended up agreeing that they were going to tell her after the night was over, so as not to spoil her fun. 
Hey I’m going to continue this story at some point since it was really fun to write, so stay tuned!
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Swindle: Megatron, you old warmonger! It's been stellar-cycles! I can't tell you how tickled I was to learn that my favourite customer was still online! You look great, by the way.
Megatron: Oh, spare me the platitudes, Swindle. How did you get this frequency?
Swindle: A mutual bounty-hunting friend provided it in exchange for a weapon or two. Professional scruples prevent me from revealing his name.
Megatron: Scruples? You'd sell your own motherboard to the highest bidder.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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Blank template under cut!
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[ @sharpshooternomoremoxxie​ || WHY DO YOU INSTIGATE THESE TWO-]
Who can toss someone further those swindle or bumblebee? >:3
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“Me, obviously! I’ve got the mods for it!”
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“And mods aren’t everything, slimy!”
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S-Mun, why....? The two were now glaring at each other.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“Some shout ‘Primus’ because they just need a way to curse- but for a classy mech like myself, I’d rather not.” The mech’s digits slipped, and the (rather heavy) cargo he was trying to move landed on his ped with a loud, metallic CLANG! “SONOVA SCRAPLET!!!!”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[ @speedsternomore​ || Said...]
“I don’t know… Swindle is pretty fast himself….So is Soundwave..
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“Ex-cuuuuuuse me?! I’m faster than BOTH those glitchheads!!”
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“Ooooo~, is a certain bot scared he’s not everything he claims to be?”
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Soundwave walked away. He’s not going to be pulled into this.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“I would absolutely sell my motherboard for the right price--”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
7 @ Swindle
[Unasked Muse Questions]
7. Do they still consider Pluto a planet?
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"That depends!"
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"How much would you pay me to answer?"
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“Swindle, no.”
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“Swindle, yes.”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[Nightcore - FRI-END]
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
💛💝 ( for The crystal gems/Koro/Writer and any other moxxie been in contact with :)
[How does your muse feel about mine?]
💛: Loves them platonically. 💝: Looks up to them as a role model.
This is gonna be long, so under the cut we go! (Moxxie has interacted with more of my muses than you might think...)
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"Guess he picked the best of the best! Now c'mon, let's go raze some Hell."
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"Th' kid thinks of lil' ol' me that way? Well, I'm glad he does- guess I should set a better example for 'im!"
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"... Thanks, I think?... Isn't that the one who keeps getting Swindle and I into fights-?"
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"I love you, too." She nods approvingly.
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".. Someone- looks up to me as a role model... And not just... A demon?..." Tears are coming to the demigod's eyes. "... T-... Thank you.."
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"And I very much value you as a son! Although, unless your plan is to be an assassin, I'm afraid I'm not much of a role model.- Or maybe a good man... I guess I can do that!" Korosensei giggles. "Thank you, son!"
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"... Are you- sure about that, little one?... There are... Not many who rather-... Like u-... Me." Still... It fills her heart with... Warmth...
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"The one who flirted with me thinks of me as a role model? Well~, I guess it makes sense~... I am the best in the business...."
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"... These thoughts are rather illogical, since we have not interacted much... But alright."
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"I should really look up to Moxxie! Already a pro at setting those more powerful than him against one another! Like a true swindler, I'd say!"
[SPINEL] (Only ten images allowed per post).
"Well, thank y'kindly, Moxxie! You ain't half-bad as a role model yourself!"
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“Depending on how much I’m paid, throwing people is very nice.”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[Panic - Wrindle]
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“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry...!” Writer had their hands clasped to their head, knees pulled up. Every thought had been stopped several minutes ago, snagging on the one idea they always tried to avoid. Now, they were locked- a prisoner in their own body, wishing they would stop speaking, not knowing for what they were apologizing for, nor to whom.
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Swindle had just returned from another sale, ready to tell Writer he’d gotten some more Earth-cash for them to use to pay the bills- when he came across the sad sight before him. They looked so small, so fragile, begging for forgiveness for reasons he couldn’t understand. But he could see the tears, could hear the desperation as they tried in vain to ask for mercy. He was quiet as he stepped over, peds somehow making no noise.
He sunk down to their level, optics watching them for a few moments.
“.... Writer...?” He reached out a servo. Were this anyone else, he wouldn’t have been so willing, would’ve just left them to their own devices.
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When his digits just barely touched their skin, their own hand came up- grabbing down with as harsh a grip as they could muster. Swindle froze, watching for any signs. They just continued to mutter the same words- ‘I’m sorry’- a forbidden mantra to their own ears. They pulled Swindle close, the ‘con allowing the action to take place. It was just to calm them down so he could tell them about the sale. Just to get them to stop.
“... I’m s-o sorry....” He caught his arms trying to move, to enclose around the other. He paused yet again, optics resting on the fragile being before him- before gingerly encasing them.
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“... I forgive you....” For what, he didn’t know. For why, he had no clue.- But the mantra stopped. The chanting fell into nothingness, and Writer broke down, sobbing in the mech’s arms. “.... I will always forgive you...”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[Nightcore - Everybody’s Weird]
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