#[musing] [ this is so Stefan]
coffeedrgn87 · 4 months
LPK Musings...
I feel like writing a Caleb/Stefan short story. I've something very cute in mind. Here are some hints: 🫂 🥰 🪢 🥰 💬 🛏️ 🫂
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malka-lisitsa · 4 months
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She hurt, and angry and gonna burn Mystic falls down about it.
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ac1num · 24 days
oh, we must stop meeting like this. / phoebe
ttpd the anthalogie prompt meme. / accepting.
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mystic falls was starting to be a town that I really liked. here, no one judges me. here, no one is there to tell me that I am making stupid mistakes. i loved california. don't get me wrong. it's a beautiful city. i'm born there. my family is all there. but that is just that. family. california was good for getting tanned and getting back to basics during the holidays, but staying with my sisters there forever? no. out of the question. I need to grow up and prove myself in life. I need to work on myself and on these new powers. perhaps it was a blessing in disguise? prue does not approve. I can still hear her telling me to come back. that she was going to make an effort for me. that they needed me. especially if they don't know what could happens if one of us wasn't there. until when? here, at least, I'm safe and I can do what I want.
wandering the streets of the city, I stop at the corner of the forest. the daylight was beautiful. it's peaceful here. the only sound here being the birds singing, the leaves which had fallen to the ground made noise under my shoes, no sound but only nature calling me. peaceful. until I bumped into something, well, someone. stefan. a small laugh escapes me as I bite my lip, looking at the boy with wide brown eyes. " sorry? " I raise my hands in defense as I admire the boy. " I guess you're right. next time you bump into me, you have to buy me a drink. that's a tradition, you know. it can bring bad luck if you don't. " / @salvatoraes.
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thenxghtwemxt · 4 months
@flcralhaze | Stefan and Indira, The Stables of Lal Qila
"Your steed is no elephant, but it is a true beauty." Indira marvels upon approach, a thin silk over her dark tresses to protect from the sun. Whatever else popular opinion may hold, Indira knows this - the German's do not share in it. Now that is a friend in the making. Why not start with an easy one? The debonair, middle Prince who seemed to drink as much as she did. "We have not been introduced. Lady Indira." She nods her head, but makes no move to call him his highness. Though she is no Princess, everyone knows Indira is a true Empress of the Mughal Empire. "I am lover and wife to the Empresses." She clarifies, gesturing to the Palace. "And the hostess of last night's memoriam." Canting her head, she adds in a perfunctory manner; "Condolences on your father."
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ac1numa · 4 months
❛ the only one who gets to kill you, is me. ❜ / damon
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ds. were they always like this? always dismissing each other? no. before all this, they were inseperable. damon always liked to share thing with stefan. looked after him when their father was around. now though, lot of thing has changed. not that damon wished their bond would still be strong, deep down, he thought of that. being the older brother that he needed. but this chance were lost now. especially when they had fancied the same girl. damon fixed stefan with a bemused expression, his trademark smirk playing at the corner of his lips. he took a casual sip from his glass of bourbon, meeting stefan's intense gaze with a mixture of amusement and nonchalance. " dramatic much, stefan? are you auditioning for the role of my personal executioner? i must say, your commitment to fratricide is truly heartwarming. but here's the thing, little brother, i've been around for quite a few decades, and i've seen my fair share of threats, promises, and noble declarations. somehow, i'm still standing. or rather, immortal. so, forgive me if i'm not quaking in my salvatore boots at the prospect of you being the exclusive proprietor of my demise. " damon's eyes glittered with a mischievous glint as he continued, " but, hey, if it makes you sleep better at night, believing you hold the golden ticket to my eternal rest, who am i to burst your hero complex bubble? just make sure you sharpen that stake real nice, and we'll have a grand old time at the 'Damon Salvatore Farewell Fiesta.' you can even plan the menu if you'd like. i hear vampire blood pairs well with a side of righteous indignation." he raised his glass in a mock toast, the devil-may-care grin still firmly in place. " so, stefan, my self-appointed executioner, shall we get back to the important business of living, or, well, undeading and leave the theatrics for another day? i've got a world to charm, and you've got… well, brooding, i suppose. " / @salvatoraes kind of asked for the pain. but he got the sass.
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hisbattles · 1 year
maybe i should just make a blog where i write both salvatore brothers bc.......
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bunnyblooded · 11 months
hi i'm back (:
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wr1tten · 10 months
@salvatoraes asked : ❝ you’re all i’ll ever need. ❞
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forever  was  something  many  people  wanted,    but  it  meant  giving  up  everything.    people  would  grow  old,    get  sick,  pass  away.    all  while  these  immortal  beings  they  were,    held  them  in  place.    frozen  in  time.    her  fingertips  traced  his  knuckles,    intertwining  their  hands  together.    she  couldn’t  meet  his  gaze–    they  found  each  other  again,    but  it  just  reminded  her  of  what  they  could  have  had  together.    a  family.    a  trembling  lip  was  tucked  between  teeth,    holding  in  those  emotions.    sadness  that  felt  like  it  was  tearing  her  in  two.    valerie  tucked  her  head  into  stefan’s  shoulder,      ❝ i  know.    i  feel  the  same. ❞      he  was  her  happiness.    he  had  been  from  the  moment  she  laid  eyes  on  him,      ❝ but  you  would’ve  been  such  an  amazing  father… ❞
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nighthcwling · 1 year
❝ grow up. ❞ ( katherine for stefan )
There was a momentary pause in his movements, the rim of the whiskey glass pressed against his lower lip as he eyed the woman across the room. He should grow up? That was laughable to him, after tossing back the remaining alcohol Stefan set the crystal glass on the table.  ❛ that coming from the one and only Katherine Pierce is C L A S S Y.  ❜
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He poured himself another glass as the anger boiled inside of him, there were c o u n t l e s s others he would rather be trapped in a room with and yet it was her. Stefan's eyes followed her movements, inhaling sharply as he put the top back on the decanter ❛ why did you come back Katherine? ❜ his body shifting his weight to one leg as he cocked his head, ❛ mystic falls has n o t h i n g left for you. ❜
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denydefeat · 7 months
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"Trust me." - @brokenegoed (Katherine) sent a MEME
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"When you give me even one reason to trust you, I might consider it." Doubtful. The trust he had once had in her had been shattered over a century ago. And nothing she's done since their reunion had even been a shadow of an attempt to fix it. Arms crossed, he doesn't make a move, staring her down rather than take the first step. "But you can't even do that, can you?"
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“Will I see you again?” - @magicianz​​ (Rebekah) sent a MEME
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“Do you want to see me again?” He hadn’t planned to stay in New Orleans - in fact, this was meant to be only a few night stint, but he was enjoying his time. The Mikaelsons were quite accommodating, and New Orleans had a lot to offer. Particularly when he was off the wagon, so to speak. It was a good time, and the nagging guilty voice in the back of his head was silenced with simply the flick of a switch. The smirk on his face - he really was enjoying their her company - indicative that he would be back. “I’ll be back tomorrow night. If the entertainment promises to be as good.” 
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klausysworld · 8 months
I know you've not been as active lately (not having a go promise ❤) but I was wondering how Klaus would react with a s.o that swears A LOT compared to the normal person, if u aren't comfortable with this feel free to ignore and I hope ur doing ok❤
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Klaus with his cussing love:
Klaus could still remember the first time he met her, as soon as he introduced himself she told him to “back the fuck up” before calling Damon and asking him what the fuck he was thinking when he left her home alone at the Salvatores.
He had began to laugh before he took notice of the look on her face, the glare in her eyes and pressed his lips together with the clearing of his throat, both brows raising as he looked away. She stared at him for a full minute before asking why he was still there and telling him to piss off before Damon was back.
He had let out a short laugh before stepping outside, feeling the wind hit his face as the door slammed shut. He proceeded to listen to her whispering a series of curses as she mused the idea of killing Damon.
Shortly after a very tense Salvatore brother came rushing past Klaus only to be smacked over the head with a newspaper and called a little dickhead.
Klaus had decided that it was best to come back later.
The next time he heard her was when Stefan had both her and Elena in his car, threatening him with Elena’s life. Y/n, he found her name out to be as Elena yelled for her, had been with the Gilbert when Stefan forced them into the car. Despite Stefan’s threats and Elena’s cries, he could hear her yelling angrily “I don’t give a flying fuck what kind of bullshit you have with this prick, pull the fuck over, right the fuck now!”
He wasn’t able to catch the rest as the sound of car brakes shrieked and the call was cut off but he couldn’t help his smirk.
The day he properly met Y/n was when Elijah had invited the Salvatores over for a truce and Damon had brought Y/n along as a ‘surprise’. She had payed the Mikaelson brothers no mind as she asked Stefan why the fuck someone would need a house that fucking huge
Elijah had cleared his throat and kissed the back of her hand regardless and brought them all inside whilst Niklaus remained seated with an amused expression on his face. He began to explain he had many servants and hybrids and such but she told him she didn’t give a shit and he shut up.
She had contributed few words to the conversation, a ‘fucks sake’ when they spoke of the doppelgänger and an ‘ah shit’ when Elijah revealed the daggers before Damon grabbed her arm and dragged her out while she laughed and pointing at the situation.
He found her amusing and a relief from the whiny residents of Mystic Falls but also a difficult person to pull much conversation from.
He had attempted to speak to her in the grill, he had wanted to invite her to the ball but she had been a little…rude. Told him to go fuck himself and as one could imagine, he was a little pissed off.
He had slammed his glass down and stormed out as to not cause a bigger scene than needed. Y/n had shrugged and sipped her coke, most people were used to her swearing and took it lightly. Klaus wasn’t.
And so he took Caroline to the ball.
And then he chased her the next day until he found out she had tricked him to help dagger his brother. By the end of the evening, his mother was dead and his siblings were all planning to leave him once more. That was when he went for a late night walk and found Y/n lead in the middle of a silent road.
“What has you so daring?” He questioned, his voice sounding much too loud against the silence of the cold air. Y/n shrugged as she continued to stare up at the stars
“Damon said he lays in the road when he’s stressed or angry or sad…he’s a bit fucked in the head so he can’t handle emotions. Thought I’d try it” she mumbles and he hummed, uninterested in Damon’s choices.
“So which are you? Stressed? Upset?” He asked and she turned her head to look at his shins, her eyes darted up to look at his eyes
“Dunno, just felt off so thought I’d lay for a while. You should try it, you’re always in a piss” she muttered and he huffed but nevertheless laid beside her on his back. He glanced to her before sighing to himself at the ridiculousness of his actions as he looked up at the sky, the half moon hung above them.
They stayed in the peaceful quiet for a while before she began to speak
“Are you more angry or sad?” She whispered and he furrowed his brows
“About your mother” she stated as though it were obvious
“Why, did you have something to do with it!? Did you know that Elena had spoken to her about-“
“Calm your fucking tits down man” she cut off his accusation with the roll of her eyes “if I was planning to kill you then you wouldn’t fucking know about it” she grumbled and he frowned. He remained quiet, unsure what to say to her but she kept up her end of the conversation “besides there’s being a dick and then there’s helping a psycho bitch kill her but job kids. I’m not that far gone” she murmured, distaste on her tongue.
Klaus tapped his thumbs together as he kept his gaze on the moon and listened to her ramble on about how “fucking pathetic” everyone was in this town.
He eventually told her to shut up and she did so simply. Y/n went silent for a moment before a whispered “sorry” left her and he pushed himself up into a sitting position making her mimic his stance. She gave a tight lipped smile before speaking “I don’t mean to make it worse” she mumbled and he nodded
“In all fairness, you haven’t said anything that isn’t true” he admitted and she hummed
“I know” she nodded and he chuckled
“You’re an odd one, Y/n” he mused and she smiled
“Better odd than a fucking lunatic”
From there Klaus saw more of Y/n, not always under the desired circumstances but he found that she never actually had anything to do with any of the attacks on him. She was just there, not contributing but not in the way.
He only found it natural to want to cause more troubles so that she would pop up some more. He found that if he was able to cause the Salvatores to stress out then they would piss off Y/n and then he would get to lay with her among the stars again, listening to her rant off the reasons she would out live “all those crazy fuckers”
It wasn’t too long before she was round his house, invited or not, just to talk with him or see him.
Her…use of language became more and more normal as he listened to her more. Often it was amusing under certain conditions and most times it was rather useful. She told him exactly how she felt and exactly what he was thinking, with zero filter. He needed someone like that, someone who wasn’t afraid and would sugar coat everything.
Though sometimes it was a little annoying, especially when he was already in a bad mood, but she almost always apologised and after watching her struggle to find kinder words to use he would let out a soft laugh and tell her it wasn’t her fault.
The phrase “fuck it” was the most popular when she was with him. It was said before their first kiss and the first time they slept together. At first he was a little worried that it didn’t mean anything to her but he found that she always had a knowing smile on her face when she would whisper it into his ear.
His siblings were always amused by the way Y/n would speak to both him and everyone else. Rebekah always looked impressed and on the verge of laughter, Kol was often offended or giggling as he watched Klaus get told to “shut the fuck up” and Elijah, gave up on ever trying to reduce her swearing after she told him what a “tight ass” he was and making him turn a dark pink as he struggled to defend himself against words that were although true, slightly harsh.
Klaus found she was always defending him, she’d tell every supernatural creature going to go “shove it up their own asses” if she had to and Klaus would be proud of her each time.
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alexa-fika · 20 days
Hey, hey I wondering of you can Goldie from the newer Puss and boots movie x Whitebeard pirate. But imagine instead of goldie meeting the bears when she was a child and using all of the bear family stuff she instead uses the Whitebeard pirates stuff and like they found her sleeping in Ace bed because in the the original story she was in the youngest bear bed and Ace is the youngest of the crew. How does she react? How do the Whitebeard pirates react?
Second if this one is better
Goldie from newer movie x whitebeard pirates. But instead she is a teenager and she had already grown with the bear family but she got seperated from her bear family when the area in the whising star took her away from her dimension and she lands on the Whitebeard ship. How does she react? How do the Whitebeard pirates react?
Thank you sm if you answer this or do this, Im sorry if its to much you can pick one of the scenario wich is more to your liking. ♡♡♡
Unexpected Reasons ( Whitebeard x f!child!reader)
A/N Here we gooo, am I the only one with a crush on goldilocks, that woman is gorgeous anyhow, I decided to go with your first prompt, im not sure if to call this a cook or a flop what do you guys think
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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"What the hell?" muttered Haruta, looking around the commander's quarters, which now lay in disarray. Various commanders commenting on the absence of some of their belongings.
"Did we get ransacked?" Questioned Ace
"No one would dare ransack Whitebeard, much less its mother ship; it doesn't hold water, idiot," Thatch scoffed.
"That last part was unneeded," he snapped, glaring at the chef.
" Ya pitchin' a fit?" he piped back a grin on his face.
"Cut it out, both of you-yoi," Marco Sighed.
"Perhaps it was Stefan. We were gone for a few days, and the lad was most surely angered at us leaving for such a long time," Vista Mused.
"We leave this room locked; he couldn't have gotten inside, not to mention Stefan is quite the behaved canine; I do not see him capable of this," Izou answered, frowning at the lack of his crimson obi amongst his things.
"Where is Stefan?" Thatch questioned
"Haven't seen the furball since we came back"
Their conversation is soon interrupted by the sound of ruffling; they all turn to the bed in front of them, and the covers draped over a lump on the mattress begin to shift.
"So it was you...Stefan," Ace exclaimed, stomping his way to his bed and uncovering the bed to reveal said canine. His words, however, paused as the crew's dog was not the only one lying on the bed.
"What is it-yoi?" Marco questioned walking next to the freckled man only to stop and stare in a manner not much different from Ace himself, the rest of the commanders mirrored their expressions as they stared at the child lying down on the bed, hugging Stefan close to her a familiar obi wrapped around her for additional warmth
"Well, I'll be; Pops is going to have the time of his life with this one," Thatch said, breaking out of his shocked state and grinning at the girl, who began to shift. She rubbed her eyes as she sat in the bed, letting out a giggle as Stefan began to jump on her, licking her face in greeting.
Izou smiles, gently scooping up the child into his arms.
"Hi there, who might you be?" he questioned 
"I'm Dokucha!" She grins up at him
"You seem to have something of mine," he commented, gesturing to the crimson obi wrapped around her.
"It's pretty and soft," she smiles, nuzzling further into the silk, receiving a soft, amused hum from the sniper.
"What are you doing here?"
"It's comfy!"
Marco looked at the girl, letting out an amused laugh at her simplistic answer.
"You broke into a galleon belonging to pirates because you thought it would be comfortable."
"No!" she laughed, seemingly finding the idea entertaining.
"Well that's goo-
"It was because I liked the whale. It's so cute!" she exclaimed, interrupting Ace's words as she threw her hands in the hair at her proclamation.
Ace lets out a slight snicker that soon turns into uncontrolled laughter, soon spreading to the rest of the commanders.
"Hey, dokucha, how would you like living in the cute whale?" Thatch questioned looking at the small girl
"Do I get to be with the puppy?" She questions with a slight tilt of her head
"Do you mean Stefan?" Izou questioned, gesturing to the terrier who was pawing at his arms, trying to get to the girl once again 
She nods, laughing gleefully as the dog leaps into Izou's arms, continuing his barrage of kisses on the girl.
"Well, we know how Stefan feels-yoi," Marco laughs.
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What do we think? That ending was kinda sudden so im kinda eh about it, what are we thinking?
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panlight · 1 month
Today's musings are about the visiting vampires in Breaking Dawn and modern technology:
The group slowly dispersed, some off to hunt, some to while away the time with Carlisle's books or televisions or computers.
Mealtimes were dicey, though. Our company cooperated as best they could. They gave Forks and La Push a wide berth, only hunting out of state; Edward was a gracious host, lending out his cars as needed without so much as a wince.
Maybe it's just me, but my impression from the books and the guide was that the non-vegetarian vampires weren't like, super involved in the human world. I mean it was 2006 and the Cullens had to physically go and find these people (other than the Denali), which supports the idea that they were off the grid. No phones, no computers. Couldn't just email [email protected] and ask him to come visit. Couldn't ring up Siobhan and explain.
So how familiar would they realistically be with the tech of 2006? I thought most of the vampires were just like, chilling in the wilderness or their hidden lairs and only interacted with the human world to hunt and steal the clothes from their victims, so the idea of like these ancient vampires all knowing how to drive and how to use a computer threw me off a bit. Like sure they would have had all the time in the world to learn this stuff, but where? Under what circumstances? They're nomads; they don't live in a house and pay for cable and internet and car insurance like the Cullens. Are Siobhan, Liam and Maggie popping into public libraries to use the internet? Vladimir and Stefan going to sports bars to watch soccer/football or something? Did younger-looking ones like Benjamin, Tia and Maggie take a driving course and then teach the others?
And why would they even want to borrow a car when they can just run? For the novelty of it, maybe?
Were all these vampires huddled around the Cullens' TV watching Hallmark Christmas movies? What are they googling on the computers? Or are they just playing solitaire? Or using Carlisle's eBay account?
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ac1numa · 4 months
@ttrustfalls, stefan salvatore required a starter from katherine pierce.
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kp. the mystic grill was buzzing with activity as katherine elegantly entered, her heels clicking against the floor. she wore a confident smirk on her crimson lips, her piercing eyes scanning the room with a hint of mischief. dressed in a stylish black dress that accentuated every curve, she seemed to command attention effortlessly. making her way to the bar, katherine gracefully took a seat on one of the high stools. she signaled the bartender from her presence with a flick of her perfectly manicured finger, ordering a glass of bourbon. as she waited, her gaze lingered on the customers, a mix of humans and supernatural beings. there was always something intriguing about the chaos of mystic falls. just as she took a sip of her drink, she noticed a familiar face across the room. stefan salvatore. a mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes as she raised her glass in a subtle acknowledgment. " stefan, " she purred, a playful smile forming on her lips. " fancy seeing you here. have you missed me, or is it just a coincidence ? " her tone held a blend of seduction and mockery, challenging him to engage in the dance of words they were so accustomed to.
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Stefan x reader - what I’ve done
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Can i request a Stefan Salvatore one where he turned off his humanity and ur the only one who can make him turn it on - Anon💜
You weren’t in town when it happened, if you were you would never have let him turn it off.
Now you were everyone’s only hope of fixing what Klaus had done, but trying to find Stefan was a mission and a half, but you managed to track the pair down to a small town nearby.
Walking into the bar, you looked around before spotting them sitting without a care in the world as the sipped their drinks and drank blood from the poor unsuspecting bar tenders.
“I didn’t think you’d find us so fast.” Klaus mused.
“Let him go.” You warned.
Klaus turned to face you, a smirk on his lips as he swirled his drink around in his glass.
“What’ll you do?” He chuckled.
You didn’t reply, because truth be told, what would you do? You couldn’t do anything.
Stefan didn’t even bother to face you, and that stung. The man who looked at you with nothing but love and adoration, who held you on your worst nights.
He simply sat there, eyeing up some people in the corner of the room with malicious intent.
“Stefan…” you called softly.
This made him finally turn, and the look in his eyes made you shiver.
“Go home.” Was all he said.
Klaus chuckled to himself and got up, walking away.
You walked over to Stefan and stood in front of him, searching his eyes for any sign of the old him being there, but you couldn’t find anything.
Stefan didn’t say anything, but he met your gaze with his cold and uncaring one.
“Stefan… I know you’re in there…” you whispered.
“It’s pointless.” He mused.
You shook your head.
“It’s not, because I know you Stefan, I know you’re in there. The real you.”
“This is the real me (Y/N)! Why can’t you see that! This is what I am!” He snapped.
“It’s not! This is what klaus wants! He wants you to be like this! But this isn’t you!”
Stefan’s hand tightened around his glass that hard it shattered under his grip.
He quickly stood up, and you stumbled back a step, flinching just a little as he slammed his hand on to the counter.
Something in his expression changed for a second, you could have sworn you saw regret, but just as quickly as it came it went.
“Leave.” He said calmly.
“Stefan I’m not going to give up this easily, you know me better than that. I know I can bring you back, and I will. Because I love you, and I don’t want you building your a huge pile of regret that you’ll never be able to forget.”
You gave him a sweet smile and held out your hand to him.
“What?” He asked.
“Please? I’ll leave after.”
Stefan sighed and held out his hand to you.
Taking it, you reached into your pocket and pulled out the necklace he gave to you, a promise he would always be with you.
It was a promise that no matter what happened, where you guys went, Stefan would always find his way back to you.
“You need it more than I do.” You whispered.
Closing his fingers around it, you let his hand go and walked out of the bar.
Klaus was leaning against your car, a smirked on his face as he stood up straight.
“Given up?”
“Not a chance in hell. Let him go Klaus, I swear to god let him go now.”
“Hm. Let me think. No.”
You walked in front of him, when you were close enough you quickly pulled a stake from your pocket and shoved it into his chest.
Klaus roared in pain, but it soon turned into laughter as he pulled it out before it could have any effect.
“You’re dead.”
He pinned you to your car, hand around your throat as he tightened his grip.
“You know what?” He whispered, “I’m not going to kill you… I’m going to make Stefan do it…”
He called the other vampire and he came rushing out, standing right next to klaus as his eyes bore into you.
You knew this was stupid, you had no plans of actually doing any of this, but seeing the flicker of emotion from Stefan when he scared you, you knew it was your only chance.
You had to try this, the absolute last resort, you had to try while you still knew where they were.
Even if it didn’t work, you knew you tried.
“Kill her.”
Klaus dropped you, leaving you gasping for air as you fell to the floor, hitting your head.
Blood trickled down your face as you slowly looked up.
“What?” Stefan asked.
“Kill her. Now.”
Stefan didn’t do anything.
Klaus grabbed Stefan by the shoulders, eyes boring into his as he smirked to himself.
“Kill her, and make her suffer…”
With that, he walked away.
“She better be dead when I come back out!”
Stefan looked down at you, watching you slowly stand up, leaning heavily against your car.
Stefan slowly reached out, but he hesitated.
“Stefan please…” you whispered weakly.
He didn’t say anything, he simply grabbed you and tossed you across the parking lot.
The pain flooding through your body was intense, it hurt so much, tears spilled down your face.
You tried to sit up but you couldn’t, every time you moved a scream of pain ripped through you.
Stefan slowly stalked his way over to you, standing just a few feet away as he watched you struggle.
That’s when he saw it.
The bit of metal you had snapped off when you went flying into the air.
It was stuck straight through your stomach, blood dripping from the end.
But it didn’t make him hungry, it didn’t make him want to drink every single drop of blood flowing through your body.
It made him sick.
Stefan’s hand slowly came up to his mouth, covering it as he crouched down, eyes meeting your teary ones.
“Just kill me…” you chocked out, “please…”
Stefan moved closer and you held eye contact with him.
“Stefan… it.. it hurts… please… make it end…”
He knelt next to you, hand slowly reaching out to brush some hair from your face.
“It’s.. it’s not your fault…”
His eyes brimmed with tears, he pressed his hand to the side of your face.
“I.. oh god.. I’m so.. I’m so sorry…”
Stefan bit his wrist, and fed you his blood, then he looked at the metal sticking through you and looked back at you.
“This is going to hurt…”
He reached around you, holding your head to his chest as he gripped it from the other side and quickly ripped it out.
You screamed and he quickly held you tighter.
“Come on, come on…”
He quickly picked you up and rushed you to your cat, sticking you in the back seat he jumped in the drivers side and sped away.
He had to get you as far away as possible, so he drove and drove.
He kept looking at you in the rear view mirror, and when he saw you head dropping he panicked.
Pulling up to some sleazy looking motel he got a room and rushed you inside, laying his jacket on the bed before resting you in it.
He felt your pulse, it was weak, but it was there, though your skin was deathly cold.
“Come on…” he whispered.
He wasn’t going to turn you, he promised to never do that until you agreed.
Looking at you deathly pale form, he couldn’t help but cry.
He did this.
This was his fault.
And nothing could ever fix what he’d done to you.
He couldn’t do anything, so all he did was call an ambulance and sit with you until it was close, then he left.
He couldn’t stand to look at you, look at what he’d done to the woman he loved.
So he left, hoping and praying you would make it through the night
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