#[ooc- hope this works okay!]
joethehoeee · 1 year
I finally tried my luck with Trollhunter!Barbara.
Here is the result:
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Obviously without Text again:
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It's the battle of the bridge. Barbara wants to end this fight against Bular, once and for all. However she is not only buisy with helping Blinky (who got caught), fighting off Bular and trying to prevent to open the bridge, but she is also buisy with thinking about Jim. Jim, who stands on stage to perform as Romeo. Her boy, her everything. It might seems unimportant in a literal war but she can't stop to think about his disapointment...how hurt he will be if she dosen't show up. However...she can't just leave Blinky and the other...(I mean, technically she could but-)
As she tries to fight back her enemys (as well as her toughts), a familiar figure appears behind her. With one quick and smooth movement, he managed to not only disarm her but also to smash her down onto the floor. Her sword bore into the dark floor of the museum. Her head spins for a second as she hit the floor, her vision is blurry for a few blinks, but even through the cracks of her glasses, she can see him.
His heavy foot pressed one of her arms onto the floor as he kneeled down to hover above her. She grabbed his ankle trying to free herself but he is heavy, too heavy for her. She squirms as he pinned her harder. Her calls for daylight, her sword, didn’t work. But...did she wanted it to work? It was still Walt-. No. It wasn’t. It was Stricklander, the changeling, the...Impure. A Monster.
He hovered above her, doing nothing but looking down at her, cold almost emotionless. But...this couldn’t be it. Everything they shared, everything they did...everything they went through. Something must have been real...even if it was just one tiny thing. She spoke his name, not his troll name...the name that she had used for him...with a shaky voice "please...Walt." Her eyes are close to tears and for a very brief moment she thought that his expression changed, that she could see some tears in his eyes too... whatever she thought that she saw, it was gone. His cold expression returned.
"You won’t 'save' me Bar-...", he stopped for a second, "...Trollhunter...no matter how hard you try. So why do you even try at all?" His cold words made the tears roll down her cheek. "...Because I believe that you want to change, Walt. I know that you can change...so please...let me help you..." She was pleading but he gave out a bitter chuckle. "You can't even help yourself." His claws grabbed the wrist of her free hand to pin it down, while his other leg pinned her legs. (Under other circumstances she might even would've enjoyed it-) His gaze changed to a disapointed and...scared?...look "I want to trust you...but-" His eyes close and he looked away before returning with a dark and cold expression. "This war will end. Here. Now..." He held her down while he used his free claw to grab the amulet on her chest. "Walt...please....for the sake of the world...." his grip tightened and he starts to pull wich gave her a hurtful sting in her chest. "...for your students...Toby, Claire....Jim..." He hesitated, just for a second before pulling harder with a growl. "...for me..." He stopped, just looking at the glowing amulet that was attached to her amor. "Please..." His mouth opened and closed again as if he wasn’t sure if he should say something.
"Useless Impure!" The dark prince, known as Bular, gabbed the Changelings neck to throw him against the wall. The wall cracked as the changeling hit it, his body fell limb onto the floor. Barbara couldn’t even react as the dark troll grabbed her. "I knew that the Impure couldn’t even follow one simple task. He will pay for that but first...we will let you pay." With that he ripped the amulet from her body and the amor vanished. Bular stepped onto the bridge, pinning Barbara’s head down onto the edge as he placed the amulet on it's place. "My father will enjoy smashing this small head of your's. Now watch your failure, human. Watch how pathetically you lose." She wanted to scream, she wanted to free herself but all she could do was watch. Blood runs down her forehead and her glasses are almost completely destroyed, yet she could see him...
'...s-sorry...' Stricklander mouthed as he tried to get up. Their gaze met in one last glance as the amulet burned blue and opened the bridge...
Well anways-
A lighter Version so you can see it better-
(I know...bad background-)
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Aaaaaand closeup of both versions:
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elliscousland · 22 days
good news: i am feeling way better overall, the antibiotics are doing their job & i am way thankful for it. i've also got some appointments to keep up on the og issue & dealing with this has put me on the fast track to getting / keeping insurance!
bad news: i do think i got sick from sitting next to a little girl in the er & that is kicking my ass so everything in my life is way behind right now. i want to write, but i have to clean house before i clean drafts lmao
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nightiingaled · 20 days
im like a little dragon with a hoard aslkdasl;dkaskl;
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godblooded · 5 months
let me tell you i haven’t ever felt this uncomfortable on here and i. hate. it.
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ghostsandmirrors · 15 days
( starter for @sublimetimetravelturtle )
"You 'kay?"
His words--cut short before he could utter 'Stevie' like he had when they were smaller--floated in from where he'd been sat since they'd let his arm out of the vice. He was watching Steve, maybe a little too closely, with an air of exhaustion about him. In his defence, it'd been a long day.
Couple of days? How long had he even been unconscious?
However long it'd been, it wasn't the longest blank spot in his memory so it wasn't as important as anything else he could've been focused on in that moment, with his priority being Steve. He was very certain, because the whole situation was a lot for him, that none of this was particularly easy.
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dol-dee · 7 months
Hm I would love to continue Dee's dol journey and play it more but I feel like I’m starting to run out of stuff
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zinbu · 2 months
In the twilight haze that draped the city like a fragile veil of smoke, Wolf moved with the precision of a shadow, his form slipping through the labyrinthine streets as though he were part of the dusk itself. The air was thick with the fragrance of decay and rain, mingling to create a scent that clung to the soul. His thoughts were a whirlpool of urgency and defiance, spiralling in sync with the rhythmic beat of his heartbeat—a drum that marked time’s inexorable advance.
Wolf’s eyes, sharp as a hawk’s, zeroed in on the other with a mix of protectiveness and resolve. Each step he took was a whisper against the cobblestones, each breath a silent pledge.
Wolf's thoughts surged like a tempest, a voice of commitment and desire to shield Fuu from the encroaching darkness. No harm would touch him on my watch, Wolf thought fiercely, feeling the weight of his promise anchor deep within him.
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With a predator's grace, Kim approached, the world narrowing to a tunnel of intent and breath. He was the silent guardian, the unseen shield, and as he slipped behind the familiar body, his movements were fluid, almost reverential. The space between them vanished, and Wolf’s palm, warm and firm, came to rest gently over the other's eyes. It was a gesture both tender and commanding, a silent vow to be the barrier between innocence and the brutal edge of reality.
The man’s hand was like a firmament, encompassing the blocked vision with the security of a storm’s eye. He drew Fuu closer, their bodies melding into a single entity, a seamless shield against the world’s capricious malice. He became the umbrella sheltering against the pelting rain of threats, the vest of armour prepared to absorb every curse, every bullet of cruelty. In that close embrace, Wolf’s presence was a sanctuary—a fortress of warmth and unspoken strength.
With a breath that carried the weight of unspoken fears and promises, Wolf leaned closer, his lips brushing against the ear. His voice was a hushed growl, roughened by the resolve that drove him. "You left me once, little piglet," he murmured, his tone a mixture of anguish and fierce protectiveness, "I won’t let you leave me behind anymore."
The words hung in the air, a binding contract between their souls. Wolf's heart beat with a protective cadence, a relentless drum that vowed to fend off every whisper of harm. And with every heartbeat, Wolf fortified his shield, the certainty of his role as protector unshakable. The city around them continued its indifferent spin, but in their cocoon of darkness and light, Wolf’s thoughts remained resolute. He was the unyielding bastion against the storm, the protector who would bear the weight of all that sought to inflict harm. His thoughts were as steady as his resolve, and the question that lingered, spoken softly into Fuu’s ear, was a plea wrapped in the guise of a statement. "You’re not going to leave me, are you, Fuu Fuu? Answer me, please..." // @astarab1aze
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oculusxcaro · 8 months
{{ eeee you better post pictures of the snek when it comes !!! >:3!!
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Oh, I'm planning on it! I've had corn snakes in the past and they were so much fun to take care of but I'm leaning really heavily towards a ball python if possible. They're a little slower and very, very chonk which would be adorable. Going to wait until it gets a little warmer first as I'd need to get a train there but sometime soon you'll see the new baby!
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nearestend · 11 days
updated my rules a tiny bit: just asking for mutuals to please tag any uses of the d*ke slur and refrain from using it in conversation with me, especially if you are not a lesbian. i'm not really interested in the whole debate about who should be allowed to say/reclaim it, it's just not a word i am comfortable with for my own reasons, so i'd like to steer clear of it if i can! thank you and i appreciate it!
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c0mplex-heroes · 1 year
@thedoctornumber11 liked for a starter with Nico
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The noise.. it was irritating. Ever since Nico had awakened to her powers, it just made her more sensitive to sound. Especially high pitched noises that sounded like some brakes that needed changing out.
At first she thought it was coming from the street, maybe some wannabe racer who'd watched too many Fast and Furious movies. But no it was getting louder and louder, and it was coming from inside her apartment. Nico covered her ears, the sound getting under her skin.
Before long a blue police box materialised in her living room, the sound soon fading with it. Leaving Nico baffled... It baffled her more when the door opened and a man stepped out.
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tvrningout · 10 months
tbh i understand that character deaths have to happen occasionally, but sometimes a creator will go and kill a character prior to using them to their full potential?? and it won't even hit hard bc it's not a purposeful decision. it's not " it's so tragic that gary died before his time and this arc/story examines that tragedy and how it could have been avoided. " it's " it's so tragic gary died. woulda been more tragic if i put in more work. " like i'm not gonna be sad that you killed gary if you don't do the groundwork before/after. i'm gonna be mad bc you killed a character, and it was a wasted death bc nothing interesting or meaningful happened as a result, or it didn't even need to happen.
i dunno?? maybe people will disagree with me, but i feel like so many series and movies will fall into killing characters for shock value -- or maybe there's a reason, but they poorly execute it by rushing the story or failing to ever tell the story beyond " oh these two mean a lot to each other " without much detail. and that's so frustrating when you get attached to those characters and i'm sorry to rant all of a sudden asdfg i'm just feeling salty as heck over this rn (。•́︿•̀。)
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Blog Info
About the AU The Characters Recap Page
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disturbnot · 1 year
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devourcr · 6 months
i'll be getting to some of my asks and drafts here in a bit! once i finish work and do some grinding on dbd. i also plan to bounce over to jake & my mm.
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stillcominback · 6 months
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hey friends!! just wanted to share the mini TWD inspired drop i’m adding to my shop this afternoon @ 3PM PST! 🧟❤️💫 i mean who would i be if my new small shop didn’t have SOMETHING for rick or richonne in it??? it’s currently planned to be a limited run until 4/8 (if it’s popular we may keep it up, but if there’s anything you like, i would grab it this week)!
just wanted to share with my friends here! i’m still struggling to find any full-time or freelance work so, i’m really trying to work on this little shop and earn some extra $$$ that i could really use. any support is greatly appreciated!! ❤️❤️❤️ ( IG / website )
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ghostsandmirrors · 6 months
( @hcxcd asked for Bucky )
The sunrise wasn't something that Bucky was usually outside for, but today was different. He'd gone out earlier than normal for a morning walk, leaving a fresh pie in the kitchen--because one didn't truly live with Bucky until they regularly saw a fresh pie on a counter top--and come back after the Sun was up, a little something from the nearest bakery in a brown paper bag for Wanda.
She deserved something nice.
When he saw her after getting back, hanging up his coat and hat, and moving through their home, there was a small smile on his lips.
"Y'know, saw the sunrise for once," he said, being uncharacteristically conversational as he placed the baked good--her favourite--on the surface nearest her, "still not as beautiful as seein' you wake up."
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