#[remember how i said i'd die for you][demon au]
epicaxolotls · 1 year
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i had no idea what to do for body swap so we're procrastinating on that
anyways morally gray sbi
if this is horrible and rushed then I'm just gonna say no beta we die like the guards in this, because i am tired-
oh speaking of those guards minor (background) character death tw but its very offscreen tbh
Prompt: Experiments/Scientist AU
Words: 1,985
The sirens were screaming.
People were screaming.
Tommy wanted to scream.
Well, it was a decent question to ask: Tommy, what the fuck was happening? Well, honestly, Tommy didn't know. Kinda. He wasn't really sure what was happening right now, but he knew what happened.
Actually, a lot more things made sense now, if Tommy was being honest.
…He wasn't making sense. Yeah, okay, starting at the beginning. That'd make sense.
Thomas 'Theseus' Innit, annoying problem child that no one liked. Couldn't stay in a foster home for more than two weeks (though his record was two hours), flunking out of school, and couldn't give a fuck about what anyone thought of him.
So yeah. When he was kidnapped by creeps and taken to a weird facility to be the test dummy for the studying of some eldritch horror demons they caught, it wasn't like anyone took the time to put up missing posters.
He had been pretty determined to try to escape at first. Getting the fuck out and bolt without a second thought.
He hadn't really been giving anything a second thought.
Honestly, looking back, he should've been worried about a bunch of other shit. Like hearing guards talking about their hate of having to clean up guts. Or y'know, why he was here in the first place. Which he still wasn't sure of at the time.
They never told him. Maybe that had been for the better. Knowing the shit he knew now, he would've been freaking out. And who knew how that would've turned out for him. He figured it out, though, eventually. 
Not in the beginning, though. Not when he was first hauled into a barren room, where in the middle, a man stood.
Techno. Tommy remembered how he thought the man's pink hair was a bit weird. He hadn't said it out loud at first, though. He wasn't that dumb.
"Uh." Was the first thing Tommy spoke. Usually, he had a lot more to say to people. Usually, he'd be talking about some shit no one was interested in by now. 
Well, this obviously wasn't usual.
"...You're a child." The man had spoken. Maybe, if he wasn't busy being offended, Tommy would've noticed how the words seemed just a little bit unnatural to the man, like he knew English but never spoke it. But even if he had noticed, that would've been something he'd brush off.
"I am not a child! I'm sixteen!" Tommy had shouted instead.
"Years? I doubt it." The man had said with a hum.
Tommy crossed his arms as he glared at the man. Techno had given him an impassive stare back.
"Though isn't sixteen still a child?" The man had finally asked.
"Oh, fuck you." Tommy muttered.
The man didn't respond.
If Tommy cared more, he might've kept it silent. Wait it out.
Looking back at it, Tommy was glad he didn't.
"...Tommy." He had eventually muttered.
"Your name?" The man had asked, and when Tommy had nodded, he hummed, "Kind of a boring name."
Tommy scoffed, "Yeah? What's yours, then?"
"Technoblade." Techno had responded, like he expected the question. He had then paused.
Tommy hummed, "Okay, but that's a weird name. I'd rather have a boring name than a weird name. Kids don't really get bullied for having a boring name. Were you bullied in school?" There it was. The shit that started to annoy people.
No one really finds it annoying at first. People just think he's chatty. Tommy had assumed Techno was the same, "Didn't go to school."
Tommy had nodded, "Homeschooled? Yeah, with a name like 'Technoblade', I can see why."
There had been a pause. Then, a slow nod, "Sure. I was homeschooled."
As the two made light conversation, Tommy had come to the conclusion that English wasn't Techno's first language.
Well, he hadn't been wrong, necessarily.
When the guards came back about half an hour later, they seemed shocked. It had been hard to tell, with the smiley face masks covering their faces, but the way they just kind of… stared at the two of them, sitting on the floor now, having been interrupted in the middle of a conversation about a book Tommy had read recently.
Techno had seemed to be actually listening, too.
But now Tommy was being brought back to his cell.
As he was being walked back, one of the two guards muttered to him, "Hey, kid, how'd you do that?"
Tommy had been confused, "Do what?"
The guard had paused. Then shook their head, as they got back to his cell.
The next day, he had been brought back. He talked with Techno. The guards still seemed surprised when they came back to him alive and well.
And thus, it became routine.
Honestly, Tommy should've figured something out. How Techno would glare at the guards, and how they'd flinch back when his eyes fell on them. How every once in a while, Techno's eyes would look more red than brown. Far too red to be a trick of the light, despite Tommy convincing himself that it was just that.
God, Tommy had been an idiot.
He had considered Techno a friend. And he thought, by the way Techno seemed to warm up to him, that Techno might consider Tommy a friend, too.
Eventually, Tommy pushed it. He fucked it up. Like he always does.
"D'you have any clue why we're here? 'Cause they aren't explaining shit to me." Tommy had asked at one point.
And Techno had gone silent.
Tommy looked up from where he had been lying on the floor to where Techno was sitting. The man was staring at Tommy. Tommy couldn't really read his face.
"...So you really don't know." Techno murmured.
"Know what?" Tommy asked, raising an eyebrow, "Pretty confused here, big man."
Techno didn't speak.
The guards pulled Tommy out soon after.
Tommy had never been great with keeping track of time, but he was pretty sure it hadn't been a half hour yet.
Tommy didn't see Techno after that. No one came to get him when he usually went. He just sat in his cell, staring up at the ceiling from the foam mattress he slept on.
He was still fed and shit. Same meals, same time. But none of the guards would answer his questions.
And Tommy had been an idiot and started to miss Techno. He actually got attached to the motherfucker.
Tommy felt dumb.
So when two guards came to grab him again, he had been… not excited. Hopeful.
Hopeful that he didn't fuck something up. Hopeful that Techno was still there. Hoping, stupidly, hoping that he didn't fuck it up-
But he did fuck it up. Like how Tommy fucks up everything.
Tommy wasn’t brought into the same room. The room looked the same, but Tommy knew the path to the room at this point. And it hadn't been the path.
And so Tommy met Phil.
"Where's Techno?" Had been the first thing Tommy asked.
"You know Techno?" Had been his answer.
Philza. Tommy met Philza, who was apparently Techno's dad.
Tommy didn't want to fuck it up again by questioning shit. So he didn't. 
Maybe he should've questioned shit. Maybe he should've asked what the hell was happening, what he didn't know, what he was doing here.
He didn't ask any of those things. Instead, he simply had asked if Techno was alright.
He was.
Then Phil let Tommy talk, too. He wasn't as quiet as Techno, but he still acted interested in what Tommy was saying. He talked with Tommy.
It was a bit refreshing, honestly. 
But then that became the routine. Tommy going and talking to Phil every day. Weirdly, it felt longer than when he was with Techno. He wondered if that was just him.
One time, he had heard a guard mutter to another one outside his cell, "Honestly, I'm just waiting for it to kill the fucker. Haven't eaten in weeks, the lot of them. Gotta be getting restless."
Honestly, Tommy should've figured it out then. But he hadn't. Maybe he was in denial. Maybe he had just been an idiot. Who knew.
Tommy kept visiting Phil. And then, one day, Phil had someone else with him.
"This's Wilbur," Phil had introduced the tall guy, who stared down at Tommy in… disgust. Yeah. That was an expression that Tommy was familiar with. "My other son."
Tommy couldn't help it, "What about Techno?"
Phil had paused, "Techno's… he's busy."
A part of Tommy was sad. But he ignored this, and instead almost immediately began to argue with Wilbur. 
Well. Not argue. Bicker, he'd call it, if Tommy knew him better. They just talked about things they disagreed about, and occasionally Phil would mention his own opinion.
Wilbur seemed to warm up to Tommy, eventually.
It took a bit longer than normal for Tommy to be brought back.
Tommy was taken back the next day. They had still been there, the both of them.
Tommy had been sure the guards had forgotten he was in the cell eventually, with how long they'd leave him alone in there.
 Tommy didn't complain. He liked being with Wilbur and Phil. More than just sitting alone all day, anyway.
Then they took him out.
They didn't bring him back.
Not after a day. Or two. Or three.
"I didn't even do anything wrong this time." Tommy muttered, as a guard gave him food.
He didn't get a response.
He missed them.
He hated that he missed them.
It was stupid of him. It was so fucking stupid, when he bolted out the door the second the guard unlocked it to come in with food.
To the room.
Nothing there.
To the other room, the one Tommy first met Techno in.
No one.
And as Tommy heard the shouts of guards behind him, he ran.
Did he know where he was running? Nope. He was just running. To get out, to find them, to spite these motherfuckers he wasn't sure. He was just running.
But then he stopped.
The place had looked important. Computers everywhere, all monitoring three… three things that were on the other side of a wall of glass.
Tommy had locked eyes with one, and he could see-
And so the alarms screamed. And people screamed. And Tommy screamed, as this colossal thing smashed through the glass. 
Honestly, Tommy was still processing it. Trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.
He didn't know what to do. 
What the fuck was he supposed to do?
He- yeah, because that Techno. There was something about it. The creature.
Yeah. Yeah Tommy was freaking out a bit. What the fuck. Because he knew something was wrong. He ignored it. Not ignored. Missed it. He fucking missed all that shit they did, just because he was desperate to talk to someone. God, he was an idiot.
Techno was just staring at him. He looked like a fucking bipedal boar, but he had to be at least ten feet tall.
Why. Why the fuck. Tommy wasn’t allowed to make friends in a weird lab place that kidnapped him without them turning out to be fucking eldritch horrors or some shit-
Technoblade moved forward. Tommy found that he couldn't move. No, that was nice. That was fucking awesome, he'd just be wiped out by this guy. Why not.
But then Techno bent down in front of Tommy. His red eyes were fucking glowing, illuminating Tommy's face.
And then it cocked its head.
Tommy blinked.
It just stared at him. 
The other two guys- Phil and Wilbur-? That'd make sense. Those two were… oh yeah they were fucking killing people.
Tommy looked back at Techno.
Techno… Techno nodded.
…So Tommy was not being killed? That was nice. Good to know. 
Well, befriending eldritch horrors could be crossed off his bucket list.
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💍 + demon au dipcifica *
[imma delete things that don’t apply so i’m not constantly reiterating myself.]
where they get married
for some reason i feel like demon au dipifica wouldn’t have a big wedding. by this point most of their friends and family (paz’s aside) have at least forgiven them for taking on these demons. that doesn’t mean they’re ready to be close w them again. so i feel like they’d just go sign at the courthouse. if anyone is there it’s mabel, stan, and ford to be their witnesses. maybe wendy and robbie, too.
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
asap i guess? the demons make them very clingy and possessive and not being around each other makes them irritable and fidgety. so like once they’re both 18 they move in together and get married bc they just….physically cannot stand to be apart. so honestly it’s like, maybe october before they actually get married so it’s not too close to pacifica’s birthday.
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
if anything they both dress very nicely and paz has a bouquet. mabel might be w them? idk tbh this verse is still VERY undeveloped compared to our others. pacifica didn’t go to puerto rico in this au either so none of those traditions.
what their wedding cake looks like
if they had one it’d be their agreed upon flavor and icing with their names written in yellow and hot pink. so like congratulations, dipper and pacifica.
….who smashes cake into whose face
tbh they probably both do it’s their chaos demons.
who proposed to who first
paz probably suggested them moving in together? but dipper goes all out w an engagement ring and shit. (ngl they probably get into some petty theft and shit bc they’re both chaotic neutrals at this point. they don’t dive too deep into the gf underworld but there’s a lot of underhanded dealings w the supernatural and that’s how they make they’re money.)
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
i mean they’re just signing papers so they stand together.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
she wears a simple white sundress and some hot pink accent pieces. he wears a simple black suit and a gold bowtie.
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
they don’t have one. if they did it’d be bright pink and gold tho bc…..wow they got narcissistic.
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
she has one so i guess??? uh. pink roses? which according to one of my books means “grace”, oddly enough.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
they go w traditional to make it go faster but they both say “I do, forever” bc they’re kinda-sorta immortal now? idk we haven’t completely worked out all the kinks.
if anyone’s late to the wedding
idk if anyone besides them even goes. robbie if he’s invited to be a witness. run’s in late w his skinny-jeans ass like “sorry i couldn’t get my eyeliner right!” and the girls are all just like “wE KNOW THE STRUGGLE UR GOOD.”
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
they don’t take a lot of pictures bc their “true” eye colors (gold and hot pink, respectively) show up in them but they do take a few nice pictures on the courthouse steps and of their rings. the only way most people know they’re engaged/married is paz changing her statuses on facebook. there’s a very sweet one with paz in her dress and dipper in his tux and they’re kissing in front of the courthouse on the bottom step w whoever came as witnesses standing on the steps above them watching them happily.
who cries first during the ceremony
i wanna say dipper bc he’s a softy but it’s paz. having a demon in her head has unlocked her emotional stone walls yo.
what their rings are like
his is a simple gold band. her’s is a gold band with some kind of hot pink colored gem.
where they go for their honeymoon
they don’t rly have one? probably some cruise for like a week and then they come back and resume their lives of working and wreaking havoc.
who officiates the ceremony
i think they’re called a county clerk? whoever officiates when you sign at the courthouse.
what song their first dance is to
they don’t technically have a “first dance” since they don’t have a reception but they do dance outside the courthouse after they finish the ceremony. i think this would be very sweet for them to dance to bc even with all the chaos in their heads they’re rly only calm and safe and okay with one another. dar.ren cri.ss’s gl.ee cover is also perfect for this but boy.ce ave.nue are so sweet they kill me.
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qingxin-s · 3 years
༉₊˚✧ʀᴇᴅ ꜱᴛʀɪɴɢ : xɪᴀᴏ x ꜰ.ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
anon requested:  a red string of fate soulmate au where in xiao would try to avoid / deny that he has a soulmate,, angst to fluff or just plain angst :]
synopsis: everyone is born with a string that connects them to their soulmate. it can never be cut, and it can never be tangled. 
genre: soulmate au, angst
word count: 1.5k
warning(s): mentions of blood and character death, not fully proof-read so sorry in advance
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Xiao had hated the idea of soulmates for as long as he could remember.
Why put all his effort into caring about someone who was going to die anyways? Why break their heart when he has to push them away due to his job? The whole idea was stupid to him, and if he could- he'd sever the string tied around his pinkie finger.
At least, that's what he thought until he met her.
A joyful soul, so full of life and energy- always prepared to lend those closest to her a helping hand. She was even kind to the Yakasha, she didn't run from him in fear. He had heard about her before their meeting, she was somewhat famous around Liyue.
Famous for her kind acts and bright smile: even the children sung their praises about her. She was who he was least expecting to be his soulmate.
The air blew harshly through his sea green hair as he sat on top of the rooftop staring down at his now bare finger- and he couldn't help but grit his teeth.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
The tugging at his finger was growing more and more frequent as he stalked through the hilltops and although he tried his best to ignore it, he couldn't help but notice how much his heart rate was beginning to rise.
Why the hell was his soulmate out so late? Didn't they know the dangers that lurked in the shadows, the monsters waiting around every corner? They were going to end up being killed before he could even meet them- if he ever decided to meet them.
With every step the young man took, the string grew tighter and tighter- becoming more visible to his eyes, to the point where he could see it trailing on the grass floor. The bush to his right moved as he looked towards the string- and he instantly pulled out his weapon.
"Who's there?" Xiao hissed, his golden hues narrowing at the sound. The bush rustled again as a head poked over the top of it, and they instantly shushed him.
"Shush! I finally managed to get the poor cat to sleep" She whisper-yelled, causing him to cock his head in confusion. What cat? Before he could ask about it however, he noticed the string around his finger lead to her own.The girl wasn't immune to this either...and she slowly turned to him.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
With a yell he threw his spear to the floor and pushed himself from the roof, jumping to grip hold of the wooden railings as tight as he could- ignoring how white his knuckles turned.
Why was he thinking of her now? It had been so long since...since then, so why did she still plague his mind?
The amber hue of the sunrise peaked shyly at him as he kept his head bowed, staring down at the bridge connecting Wangshu Inn to Liyue, and he grimaced. The sunrises weren't the same now without her, they weren't as full of energy.
"You knew this was going to happen, idiot" He growled to himself as he fell to his knees- glaring out at the scenery.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"He likes you!" (Y/N) beamed  as she watched the Yaksha poke slightly at the grey cat, his yellow eyes full of confusion as it purred at him. It had been several weeks since they had met under such unusual circumstances- and he was stupid enough to help her look after the cat she was talking about.
"Why is it making that noise? Is it possessed?" Xiao murmured as he watched the creature roll over and display it's stomach to him- causing her to burst into a peel of laughter. She clutched at his arm as he cocked his head once more.
"You're so cute, Xiao! It's a cat- it makes that noise when it's happy!" She grinned as she intertwined her hand with his own, moving it to stroke the cat. The mix of her jasmine scent and the warmth of her hand was enough to make him dizzy- and he had to focus all his attention onto the creature before him.
"Tch, whatever" He mumbled as he stroked the cat, and she clapped her hands in delight.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
Tears glassed over his yellow hues, threatening to spill and stain his cheeks. God, he'd spent so much time around her that he had picked up on her ways of expressing emotions. He had never cried this much before- dammit.
Harshly, he wiped at them with his gloved hands...but it was no use. They kept spilling, and spilling, and spilling.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"I thought I'd see you out here!" (Y/N) grinned as she poked her head round the balcony entrance, spotting the Yaksha stood there. He turned his green haired head slightly to catch her gaze, and she quickly bound over to him.
"I brought you some almond tofu! The boss was telling me how much you like it!" She smiled, holding out the small bowl to him. Almond tofu...his biggest weakness. (Y/N) pulled him towards the small table set up near the railing of the balcony and pushed him onto the chair- pointing towards the dish for him to eat.
"Did you make it yourself?" He asked, looking up at her as she stood proudly with her hands behind her back, and she nodded her head enthusiastically. With a sigh he reached towards the fork he had been provided, and he took a bite.
Almost instantly, the flavours he adored so much washed over his tongue and made his heart throb- and his yellow hues widened.
"You like it!!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she clapped her hands, and without thinking he pushed his chair away and walked up to her- wrapping her in a tight hug. Almond tofu always made him happy, and now that she had made him some...he was even happier.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"Xiao, can I ask you something?" The h/c haired girl whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder, staring out at the sunset. They were perched on the balcony at Wangshu Inn, all alone together in their little bubble. He hummed in response as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder- pulling her closer.
It was a year after their first encounter, and he had began to warm to the idea of having a soulmate. She cared about him deeply, he knew she wasn't going to leave him unprompted. But he was still scared.
Humans were too weak.
"Are you...happy that we're soulmates?" She whispered, leaning her head up to take a good look at him, soaking in his peaceful features. It was rare to see his face so relaxed, but it had become a habit around her. His eyebrows knitted as he pulled away from her slightly.
"Do you think i'm not happy?" He prodded, and she quickly shook her head.
"No, no! Just...I really like you. And I don't want you to feel forced to feel the same way just because...you know...we're soulmates" (Y/N) mumbled the last part, and he quickly cupped a hand to the back of her head and pulled her to his chest.
"I'd kill for you, don't ever think otherwise" He said firmly, and he could feel her laugh into his chest and she very quickly melted into the embrace.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
But, he'd been around long enough to know that all good things in his life swiftly come to an end.
He'd seen so much death to know what was going to happen.
He knew...he was going to lose the only good thing in his life.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"(Y/N)!? Hey, answer me already!" The Yaksha yelled as he ran towards the clearing, the mask attached to his face glowing green and lighting up his path. No...no no no. Where the hell was she?!
He told her not to go out, not to follow him because it was dangerous. But by the time he had returned to her home- she was gone. The rain beat down on his body harshly as he pushed shrubs out of his way, raising his spear to cut through some of them.
The string around his finger was tight- he knew she was nearby. But why wasn't she responding to his calls?! In his panic he slipped, almost plummeting off the face of the cliff he was approaching- but he quickly steadied himself.
Up ahead, he could see 4 figures all huddled over something, the cloud around their bodies inky black. They were demons- and they had to be eliminated. With no hesitation he sprinted towards them, jumping in the air as he cut through them like paper- and they fell to the ground with a thud.
As he landed he felt the string pull tight, and his heartbeat rose. She was here. Slowly, his eyes fell to the floor where a figure was collapsed- and his heart almost cracked.
"(Y/N)?..." He whispered as he dropped to his knees, quickly scooping her up in his arms as he brushed her h/c hair off her forehead. Her skin was cold, her lips chapped and stained a crimson colour he was all too familiar with.
"Hey! Answer me!" Xiao cried as he shook her body, but she remained silent- still. His jaw clenched as he balled her towards his chest, and without trying to stop it- a loud scream of pain left his lips. Acidic tears poured from his eyes as he clung to her, the harsh rain making the blood seeping from her body pool around him.
This is why he hated the idea of soulmates.
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certified-sloth · 3 years
So... I made a thing-
It's an AU about Solomon being aware of you and your choices throughout the game
Although they don't give specific routes, I see you leaving him out with his own happy ending with you when the others have already reached theirs.
Ehehe, time for a moment of pain.
When is it my turn? (Solomon/MC)
You heard a laugh that stood out more than the ringing in your ears.
You turned around to be met with the sorcerer who claimed to always stick by your side as both of you as humans.
"Are you entertained?" He asked amused as he took walked towards you.
You attempt to take steps back to keep your distance but was soon cornered by him.
He cooed at you with endearing eyes yet they were so full of mischief. "You don't have to keep your guard up my dear, you're just asleep right now."
You frowned as you asked hesitantly. "What... happened to me?"
He raised an eyebrow but made no thought of answering as he took ahold of your hand and led you to a more pleasant space.
You ended up in a meadow, yet he's still holding your hand. You make no comment about it as you were taken aback by the scenery.
He chuckled as he glanced at you. "You'd expect the avatar of sloth to be doing this, invading your space instead of me." He said.
He eyed you. "...do you remember your name?" He asked. You paused and came to look back at him.
"Of course I do, it's MC... what's with that question?" You responded.
He blinked multiple times before laughing and shaking his head. "I'm just making sure."
"You didn't answer me earlier... what happened to me and why are you here?" You pointed.
He sighed and let your hand go, turning to face you completely.
"....you've made your choices in every story." He stated.
You smiled a little and tilted your head. "That's new?"
He frowned as he kept eye contact with you. "Just because you've met an endgame with the others doesn't mean you get to leave me out."
"...how much more should I pretend?" He asked.
You look at him surprised. He turned away from you as he walked through the meadow, you following closely behind him.
"Don't think you could shrug it off with the 'I don't know'." He stated.
"I... Don't understand, what do you mean?" You asked.
"You've made your ending with the brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos and Simeon. So tell me, MC..." he trailed off and stopped walking.
"When will it be my turn?" He looked back with sad eyes as you stare at him surprised.
He smiled and laughed bitterly. "Is it because I don't peak your interest? Or is it because you think I'd be one to spew lies because of how suspicious I look?"
He placed a hand on your shoulder as he watched you stunned with his words.
"If it's the second... I assure you I never lied to you." He stated.
You were about to speak until a light screen caught your eyes, making you turn away from him to see every single moment you shared with the demons and angel, the sorcerer merely watching in the sidelines with a pained smile.
"You're... aware?" You asked.
He hummed, not bothering to look at the screen like you did.
"Every starting point, you've given them their happy endings. Don't you think it's unfair?" He pointed as he went to pick a daisy.
"Any of the brothers have each other, Diavolo has Barbatos, and even Simeon has Luke. I've been wandering the face of the earth for so long, having to watch every single person I came to care for, die right in front of me."
"Sure, I have the demons I made pacts with, as well as Asmo, but they don't feel the same as you." He finished, making you look back at him.
"I know I'd come to regret these feelings like the others. After all, I could never claim you as mine." He stated as he tucked your hair behind your ear.
"And here you are, carelessly catching the hearts of a human, an angel, and even demons themselves."
You were left speechless as he mindlessly placed the daisy on your hair.
You smiled and let out a small giggle, making him confused.
"Did I say something funny?" He asked.
You rolled your eyes playfully. "You ramble a lot, don't you?"
You pulled him into a warm embrace, catching him off-guard.
"Have you ever heard of saving the best for last?"
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fallencrowkarma · 3 years
THIS THING IS GETTING BETYER AND BETTER A- Also the tag that said "what name would you like me to refer to you as" (can't exactly remember what it says- crying-) Halo is fine! Or Centurian, but I see a lot of people misspell it or it's too long to always write so Halo works!
And I saw you said you like vocaloid- and I also saw mention of poly relationships- I'm here for it-
Since it's modern AU I'ma thrown in some vocaloid headcanons for it now cuz I can see quite a few characters being into vocaloid-
Barbara absolutely would love DECO*27 along with some honorable mentions: Mitchie M, Ryo, Kz Livetune, Dixie Flatline, and Samfree (may he rest in peace), I can see her absolutely vibing to Luka Luka Night Fever, world is mine, Weekender Girl, Aikotoba, and Freely Tomorrow (along with Age Age Again) like- those are such happy sounding songs!!
Xinyan absolutely is rocking out to maretu- SIU y e s- and Mind Brand... I can see her jamming to Sadistic Music Factory lmao-
But consider- Barbara and Xinyan with Ievan Polkka or PoPiPo- I'd pay to see it-
For the other characters... I can see Albedo getting into it because of how peculiar it seems at first, I can also see Xiao liking it a bit as well cuz of how pretty a lot of the songs are. Scaramouche would prolly like the dark side of vocaloid- he'd prolly partly get into it for the dark side and partly because I big majority of the songs are in his native language so like- (you can't convince me that Scara's first language ISN'T japanese- it absolutely is-) this may or may not also be because of self projection but shhh-
Not many kid friendly songs, but I could see 'Bedo letting Klee listen to songs like Electric Angel, Last Night Good Night, Weekender Girl, Tell Your World, World is Mine, Highschool Days, Freely Tomorrow, and Velvet Arabesque (those names instantly came to mind cuz I currently have Project Diva opened lMAO-)
Xiao is absolutely in the Chinese side of vocaloid, like he prolly finds a lot of Chinese vocaloid songs and I love that for him- sending links to Chinese vocaloid songs like "look" and then disappearing into thin air-
If Klee isn't spamming baby shark, she's probably playing ievan polkka instead.... the ungodly amounts of covers of that song (I swear I listen to that song 20 times a day- it's so catchy I've been doing this for like 3 YeARS NOW, IT'S CHRONIC-), Klee getting the other kids into those songs. Diona prolly likes the song Cat Food and Envy Cat Walk just cuz of "cat" being in the name
As far as songs Albedo would listen to and probably link to (and if Reader says they know those songs- 😳 happi bedo noises) I can see him liking Common World Domination by Pinnochio-P, that absolutely seems like his type of songs from the message of the song to how soft Miku's voice sounds- I can see him liking Wowaka (may he also rest in peace) with songs like Unhappy Refrain and Unknown Mother Goose. Maybe also Can't Stand You by VocaCircus (I could see him like.. self projecting onto that song cuz of Rhinedottir abandoning him- baby needs some way of coping 😔😭)
Xiao likes wowaka.. cuz he depressed and like.. all of those songs have some sort of depressing message in it- he probably likes the song Just Be Friends- I'm sorry- and Break It, Break It (by E.L.V.N) actually.. him and Albedo would vibe to that together... I know at one point the song says something about "I don't need you" so Albedo projecting on that, trying to say he doesn't need Rhinedottir (YOU DON’T BABY YOU GOT US :(((( HUG HUG)
Scaramoche listens to Masa... religiously.. also Maretu- and Kikuo- ABSOLUTELY KIKUO- I could see even him being traumatized by Gomenne Gomenne- (pathetic- /j), he likes Close and Open Demons and The Dead- he loves "The Story of The Fox and The Demon" by MASA. And Golden Japang- literally a song about gods raving. He likes This Is the Happiness and Peace Of Mind Committee. You can't say this mans doesn't, it literally lists like 12 ways you can choose to die- the song is threatening you to he happy- Sadistic Music Factory cuz I said so- that sounds like him- locking you away as an eternal prisoner to do something for him- when he isn't being an asshole he's probably talking about the lore behind MASA songs whether people like it or not- he's probably translating the songs to English pleade never let him into the family friendly chat, he will willingly traumatized those children- "if I have to carry the burden of knowing what Gomenne Gomenne is saying, so does everyone else" -Scaramouche 2021
And on the poly thing, allow to introduce Acute... but a good ending- choose whoever you want and then reader, fake the song Acute which is a whole love triangle basically, but give it a happy poly ending! Disaster successfully evaded!
I can see Albedo being into trying out a poly relationship so- uh- reader if you're pOLY-
Xiao is probably poly cuz he just needs love bitch 😭 (can you tell I have favorites?- lmao)
Scaramouche doesn't give a shit, he's jealous either way- but I can see a poly relationship working out too- totally not because those 3 are in my harem and I actively wanna be in a polyamorous relationship with them all- idk what you're talking about!
This got hella long again prolly- I'm sorry- once I get talking, I don't stfu lmao
Ooooooooo Halo is such a nice name!!!!
My fellow Project Diva Player💜💜💜 Look at you having so much taste💜💜✨✨
Don't apologize and don't stop talking i am having a field day with this!! ( I think thats a thing ppl say right? Dhdhdh)
Voca headcanons lets go!!! Imma format this into lists cuz i feel like that'll give a nice overview (also i'll mark personal favs with a Heart cuz why not!)
Luka Luka night fever
World is mine
Weekender Girl
Freely tomorrow (💜)
Age age again
Big yes to all of those!!! Cutesy and/or upbeat is totally her thing!!
Triple Baka (💜💜💜💜)
Karakuri pierrot
Romeo and Cinderella
Alluring secret~black vow~
What do you mean?
Are a few more i would add. Karakuri pierrot, cantarella and alluring secret~black vow~ tell beautiful/tragic stories that i think she would just really enjoy. Romeo and Cinderella is one of the bangers she got from Xinyan and Triple Baka is just... Fun. (very nostalgic for me. One of my first ever voca Songs💜)
SIU (💜)
Mind brand
Sadistic music factory
Honestly she probably loves sadistic music factory!!! Mind brand and SIU are just 💜💜 i feel like Xinyan pays close attention to both the feel of the music and the lyrics (self-projection but shhh)
A Tale of six trillion years and a night
The tailor shop in enbizaka
Lost time memory (💜)
Packet hero(💜)
Madness of Duke Venomania(💜)
Matryoshka is a classic what can i say. A Tale of six trillion years and a night and Lost time memory just give me Xinyan vibe!! A tailor shop in enbizaka and Packet hero are a few more of the darker songs and Madness of Duke Venomania is ... A vibe. It's just so good. Hdhfhfhf (Scara enjoys that one as well)
Man Xinyan and Barbara vibing to popipo and Ieven Polka... Ngl these songs make me wanna punch a whole in the wall (complimentary)
Electric Angel
Last night Good night
Weekender Girl
Tell your world
World is mine
Highschool days
Freely tomorrow
Velvet arabesque
You are absolutely correct. I feel like Klee and Barbara share a lot of favourite songs. Whenever Barb sends a song into their Voca group chat (yes they have that bcs it's great) Albedo knows it's probably safe for Klee to listen to. (Klee is not in there because she does not need to hear Masa songs.)
Deep sea girl
Happy syntheziser(💜)
And thats all i could think to add. Just. Very wholesome fun songs for Klee we love that.
Her spamming Ievan Polka instead of Baby shark is... acceptable (what Bedo says about it). Personally i stay away from that song because i know it's gonna get stuck in my head and i will go insane. Don't think i ever listened to any covers of it so i might risk it....
Cat food
Envy Cat walk
Yes yes yes! She will listen to any songs with cat in the title. But archons do not let her read the lyrics to envy cat walk.
Ah, It's a wonderful cat Life
Nekomimi Archive
Nekomimi switch
I want to be a cat
Just... Cat. Good for her
Common world domination(💜)
Unhappy refrain
Unknown mother goose(💜)
Can't stand you
Listen Albedo listening to vocaloid? Big brain. Albedo listening to Common world domination? Huge, Gigantic brain. That is absolutely his song. He loves wowoka (rip) songs, especially the lyrics. And oh my god. Can't stand you for him is so perfect and heartbreaking :( He definitely listens to that on bad days :((( poor Baby :(((
Solitary hide and seek envy(💜)
Alice of human sacrifice(💜)
Leftbehind city
Dune/Sand planet
I could probably add more but lets stop here dhdhhd. His taste is very... Albedo. The first 5 songs on that list are coping songs for him (i'm so sorry). He, Scara and Xiao LOVE Paradichlorobenzene/Antichlorobenzene. Especially the mashup.(me too) Dune is just his vibe and cendrillon... Idk i think he just likes it.
Just be friends
Break it, Break it(💜)
I agree, this man is depressed. Just be friends is a suprising but fitting one. Everyone would be like 'oh He likes fast, hard songs' but he likes the slower sad songs too!!! He and Albedo absolutely both vibe to Break it Break it. I went ahead to the lyrics and -
"All the Red, Red words/I don't need it, I don't need anything/Ah, It's all worthless/We're better off apart."
It's the last few lines. Such a good way to end the song!!! He does listen to Chinese vocaloid!! Sadly i do not know much about them cry cry.
Lover's suicide oblivion(💜)
Tokyo Teddy bear
Ghost rule(💜)
Here comes Karakasa-san (💜)
Lost ones weeping
Abstract nonsense
I don't think these need much explaining. All of these are absolute bangers and also mostly depressing.
I'm sorry i'm sorry
Close and Open Demons and the dead
The Story of the fox and the demon
Golden japang
This is the happiness and Peace of mind commitee(💜)
Sadistic music factory
Literally all of that yes. His Ass LOVES Masa and kikuo and maretu. Him being traumatized by i'm sorry i'm sorry (pathetic/lh) is like... Me but it wasnt that bad i rlly like the song. Happiness and Peace of mind commitee is literally his theme song- (though the galaco version is the best imo). He loves talking lore with Albedo!!! But archons get him away from the family friendly chat!!!! He does not need to push his childhood trauma videos onto the kids!!!!
Also yes scara is japanese for sure!!!
White happy(💜)
Regret Message (acoustic Version with Meiko)
Love me Love me Love me(💜)
Honey i'm home(💜)
Broadcast illusion
Top secret
I think he likes some slow songs as well- regret message and top secret for example. He copes with those. You cant tell me he doesnt love GHOST songs. And also Echo, Love me Love me Love me and iNSaNiTY because classics.
OH MY GOD ACUTE BUT GOOD ENDING!!!! YES YES YES. I personally like to think none of them would be strictly against poly relationships. It would work especially well with Xiao/Bedo/Scara just because i think they would get along well. But that deserves a whole post itself.
I'll add on songs they ALL would listen to together (except the kids probably)
Butterfly on my right shoulder (💜)
The whole Kagepro series. All of it. Lost time memory, Imagination forest, Outer science (etc.) (💜)
Many of the honeyworks songs. Barbara started with those and they just stuck. A teacher detained (💜), Tokyo Summer Session etc. Scara and Xiao pretend to be annoyed at the love songs but they like them.
The Immoral memory, the lost memory(💜)
Death should Not have Taken thee/your adventure log has vanished (💜)
Ohedo julianight
Party x Party
The Bad end night series(💜)
Shadow stepping etranger
Streaming heart
Panda hero
Okay i will stop here because this is already way too long. But this is so so so fun cuz i Love both vocaloid and genshin so much. Mashing them together is heaven.
Also imma gently nudge you to this post because!!! What do you think!!!!
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biromantic-nerd · 3 years
what is the untamed about? i realize i could google it but you post about it a lot and i'm intrigued and I think it's nice to hear synopses and stuff like this from someone who loves it :)
oh thank you! Yeah for sure, I'd love to answer!
I have way too many thoughts bc you're right I DO love it, so you're going to get a long answer sorry
• The main character Wei Wuxian practices his cultivation skills (it's pretty hand wavy of what cultivators can do but it's like being mildly magic but you have to have trained for it and developed it) along with his peers, and goes through hardships. Wei Wuxian believes strongly in his protecting his two siblings and in justice, which guides all of his actions.
• The show starts off with his death - yes you read that right - then his resurrection, and character introductions you don't yet understand. And then it launches into a series of continuous flashback episodes about 16yo old Wei Wuxian and by the time you remember that you watched him die (and get resurrected) you WILL cry about it. The flashback episodes catch up to the early episodes again then carry on in a normal linear manner. Sounds confusing but believe me - I am very bad with nonlinear timelines and I understood and loved this show.
• I don't know how much you know about "cultivators" (I knew Zero amounts beforehand) but it's an AU thing. Cultivators basically have cool powers and use them to battle forces that regular people can't deal with. (Like spirits.) But so there's groupings of cultivators based of families (Sects) but you don't have to be family to learn from them. But the families run the Sects. So it gets a little political of certain Sects do things one way and some do it another way. Which ties into the theme of morality and one of the other major themes of trying to do better by the next generation than what the previous generations did for you. It's actually pretty easy to follow along with bc the plot carries you regardless. At first you don't know what really makes up cultivation but it's kinda just like mild magic + fighting. Even if you don't understand cultivation, the plot can be understood.
• One major theme of The Untamed is that the opinion of society can make or break you. But also that it should be more important to do the right thing - even if the consequences are severe. Another major theme is that it's hard to know what is the right thing and that sometimes you're forced to reevaluate your priorities and morals. And that there's a lot of people who can't be so easily defined as good or evil. So it has a really cool nuance.
• The novel and show differ in the extent but it's gay. The novel is canon gay while the show is extremely clever in hinting at gay. Not to mention all the actors do amazing imo. But it's not just gay. It's just a genuinely great romance that overcomes time, morality, and even death. Knowing that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are in love definitely are an appealing factor, but the plot has a lot of platonic relationships to also draw you in.
• So this has been said before but somehow the show starts off and it's like just okay. And then there comes a point - I think like episode four or five? idk exactly - where suddenly you cannot stop and cannot remember why you didn't instantly love it. Once you reach that point, you're hooked. Part of it is bc of the pacing: at first you don't know what is going on. It's like a mystery! And then you reach the part of the flashback episodes where before you know it get drawn in.
shorter answer: Basically it's about gay 'demon' fighters and sword fights. and coming back from the dead. and loving your siblings but never being able to tell them only show them and trying to do better but at what cost - but no the cost isn't too great, how can it be, it's such a clear choice that we must try to do better and make this world better. It's about sacrifice. It's about love. It's about justice. It's about - and I cannot stress this enough - 'unrequited' love by two very intelligent people who are in love with each other but too dumb to realize it until they do. it's about love language in actions, even for some characters who appear to not love someone but then their actions reveal their heart as you get to know them better
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askjaybird-hyssop · 4 years
OOC: Hi! I just found your blog because of a friend in the MH group chat, and could I please get a sorta more detailed recap than the one you've pinned? You don't have to, but I'd like to get caught up on everything, and it seems really well crafted from what I've seen! -Blue
//ooc: Sure! Just for reference though, I’ll link the [first post] which has links under the section called “The Story/AU” for a link to some other posts with lots of information too! I linked those all because there’s so much stuff that’s been fleshed out that it’d take forever to compile it all onto one document (I’m talking over 5,000+ words total).
(EDIT: I’m not sure how long this is but I think it’s probably gotten close to this  number lol)
This is also going to be pretty long, but I’ll try keeping it as short as possible (and it’s only going to be talking about what’s happened on the blog so far.) This will include information from the first 2 chapters, so if you haven’t read those be aware that there are spoilers here!
If you want even more info about the entire series/AU and are willing to hear spoilers just DM me and I’ll try getting back to you asap!
Warning: This is extremely long. Like, extremely long
--- --- ---
So, first and foremost, let’s talk about supernatural lore and the time loop. If you want to skip down to the next part just talking about the blog, it’s after the next black line (but you’ll probably be confused if you don’t read this).
In this world there is no “one true God” that rules everything. In reality, there’s a multitude of different supernatural creatures from all religions and mythology. This means there are Angels (ex: Seraph and Cherub), Demons (ex: Succubus and Kitsune), Dragons (ex: Hydra and Bakunawa), etc.
Or, in other words, everyone’s right in their religion because they all exist.
There’s a lot of lore here that I can’t go into without risking spoilers, but the last thing I can say is that The Operator is considered a type of  wraþþe demon (aka a demon of wrath). 
So, as Jay is shot and bleeding out the story mentions how he basically begged to any god or creature listening to help protect the others affected by their situation and how he wishes he could go back and save them all. Remember when I said that there are a bunch of supernatural creatures here? Well, they were there watching as he was dying and said his wish.
And what do they do? They panic. 
Why? Because they know that he is dying and they can’t let him die. People like Jay are extremely rare to come by because of his soul.
“His mother, who was away with the other leaders, was one of the most powerful Seraphim. His father, a mere mortal. But they loved each other greatly and their son had been blessed with a bright soul and a passion to support others. Yet here he was dying, after trying to help a childhood friend who had been possessed and tormented, the light within him desperately fighting to stay alive. No, this wasn't supposed to be happening.”
This explains why they are all freaking out. Because, while there are tons of different supernatural creatures, Angels and Demons still don’t get along and are in a constant fight. Some creatures, like the Phoenix, side with the Angels. They are sometimes also referred to as the “Celestial”. Others, like the Vampires, would side with the Demons. Sometimes they are referred to as the “Terrestrial”. Some creatures didn’t take any sides and were considered “Peacekeepers” or neutral parties.
The reasoning for the different names is because most fights between the Demons and Angels occur on the mortal realm. These fights aren’t the typical bloodbaths some people like to imagine, no, they are usually dealing with the interference of human life and the mortal plane.
The Angels, and usually the ones who side with them, are called Celestials because they typically are the creatures who have a harder time interacting with humans or going to the mortal plane while being visible. Demons and the neutral parties, on the other hand, are able to interact with the mortal plane a lot easier. This is why The Operator is able to be seen and have such strong effect on everyone.
This is also the reason why Jay was, and still is, being targeted by The Operator. When he was dying, The Operator was waiting to attempt to steal his soul and destroy it, because people with these souls are typically people who can interact with or be influenced by both the mortal plane and the supernatural plane. More often then not, these people don’t know about this and are targeted by both Celestials and Terrestrials. Because the Celestials have a harder time being able to influence the mortal plane, their goal is to try and use these people to help other humans, the world around them, and humans being hunted or possessed by Terrestrials. Demons, on the other hand, want to chaos destruction and chaos. They typically target humans and use them to create these things for them. In a sense, they use these humans that are possessed or corrupted by them as a food source. Also, it pisses off the Celestials, so there’s that bonus.
Only the most powerful Celestials and moderately powerful Terrestrials can actually view and interact with the mortal plane. All Terrestrials can view the mortal plane, however only the moderately powerful Celestials and most powerful Celestials can start the viewing of the mortal plane. For Celestials, if one creature starts a viewing of the mortal plane then any others who pass by can look over and see. Only the moderately powerful and the most powerful Celestials can actually go down and be there (even though they’re not visible to others). The most powerful Celestials are the only ones who can make themselves visible to humans and are able to interact with them.
Because Demons and other Terrestrials have such easy access to the mortal plane, this usually causes moderately powerful Celestials to be sent down to the mortal world, where they are unable to actually be seen or felt, and they usually fight to protect over the person/people that the demon use.
Now, Jay’s dad was one of the few exceptions to the rule of influence. This was because when he was in his late-teens him and some friends decided to mess with some witchcraft and supernatural stuff, but he was the only one actually affected ( because he was distantly related to another person with a partial-celestial soul, so there were very small traces of it in his blood. Even then, it was an incredibly small chance that this would actually happen). He had no idea this actually happened until he met Jay’s mom in the back of an alley one night. The rest is history.
So how does The Operator play into this?
The Operator saw Jay’s soul while he was attached to Tim and wanted to destroy or corrupt it. Because Jay was really close to Alex at the time, and The Operator couldn’t directly attach himself to Jay due to his soul being partially Celestial, The Operator decided to attach himself to Alex.
His goal was to cause destruction, chaos, and to cause as much pain/suffering to Jay as possible. (Note: he is classified as a moderately powerful demon. Still extremely hard to beat, especially for humans. To put this into context, if Jay currently fought a demon considered lowly powerful, he would most likely be left completely beat up and hurt, even though he has a chance of winning. These low level demons are still extremely powerful compared to humans)
While Jay’s dad had no problem being contacted by other Celestials or Peacekeepers, both his parents agreed they didn’t want him involved in the disputes of the supernatural world. They forbade any creatures from interacting with him and told them to keep him out of anything even remotely supernatural. Sadly, because Jay’s mom is a Seraph and is considered to have a lot of power, the other Celestials were not allowed to help him in the past. Their only rule was to make sure he didn’t get involved and that he didn’t get killed by a Terrestrial. That is why they panic so much.
Another note, People with partially Celestial souls like Jay are extremely rare, and some have stronger souls than others letting them see the different planes. Those with strong enough souls can interact with the two planes, which the Celestials find to be very helpful for when they want to help protect a person but are unable to manifest in the human world. These people sometimes act as messengers and communicators between worlds, but are usually not ones to advertise their abilities. Again, those who actually can interact with both planes are even more rare than Celestial-Human souls. Those with stronger souls are also targeted a lot more, which is why Jay made it all the way till meeting Tim and the others without ever being attacked by a Terrestrial.
So, what happens now? How did he get saved? What caused the time looping?
A phoenix decided to help him and give him what’s called a “blessing”. 
Whoa, whoa, whoa, another large and important piece of lore? Yep.
Different creatures can give what is called a blessing to a person, normally it barely affects them (ex: a little bit more good luck, passion for helping others, stealth and ability to hide crimes easier, more strategic mind, etc.), but because Jay already had a special soul used to reach out through the planes to help people, this is what caused him to gain his wings with the blessing from the Phoenix.
Blessings are typically small things that just boost another trait or part of a person. Some Terrestrials use their blessings to help make more chaos and increase damage, others don’t really care. The same thing applied to most creatures. Some care about giving their blessings out to peoples, others don’t. (Another note: a person can only have one blessing at a time, and the creature that blesses them can only bless 5 people total)
Jay’s soul cannot take blessings like a normal person’s soul, because it is a mix of human and celestial. When growing up, he always had a passion for helping others more than himself, and this was the minor influence of his soul. His powers were relatively weak though, and the only thing that actually occurred around others was that he had a stronger sense and ability of empathy and helping people through different event or what they were dealing with. He could’ve strengthened his powers to get them stronger and to possibly protect himself more, but because his parents refused to tell him he had no idea his soul was any different.
When the Phoenix gave Jay his blessing, it strengthened his soul, which let him gain more of an immunity to The Operator and other demon’s abilities/effects on humans (but only after he built an immunity to it himself. Before he wasn’t able to have any immunity at all. Think of it like someone who never had an immune system finally getting one). 
Because his soul was different, it could also warp the blessing to get certain things out of it. As a result, he gained his Green Jay wings (due to both the Phoenix and his mother being winged Celestials, also a small pun on his nickname), a stronger empathetic ability (now he can pick up on other’s emotions easier, but unknown to everyone for a while, they can pick up and feel his emotions. This can be dangerous in the fact that his negative emotions can end up hurting those around him by making them feel this way too. It’s small enough to where people can tell it’s not theirs if they focus but strong enough to be able to be felt), and is now able to touch (and if he used enough strength, harm) other demons (The energy drawback is extreme, especially if not trained or strengthened and if he attempted to kill a demon it would also result in him dying too as of right now). The other aspects that he got were a result of the warping of the blessing (claws, eye changes, markings, etc.) as a means to protect himself now that more Terrestrials will be targeting him. 
When Jay finally starts strengthening his powers, he’ll be able to start helping fend off The Operator (along with other Terrestrials) and he will be trying to help protect the other members of the Marble Hornets crew from the Terrestrials too (most won’t target his friends, though, they’ll only go after him. His friends would be considered collateral damage).
So, where does the time loop come into play?
A lot of lore suggests that Phoenixes are able to rebirth themselves in a fire, and because Jay was blessed by a Phoenix he is now stuck in a time loop until he can save all his friends and himself. (Remember, this is also a result of the blessing warping because of his soul. It was to benefit him in the largest way it could, and his last wish before he died was to help save his friends)
--- --- ---
Now that we’ve gotten most the lore out of the way, let’s get onto the recap of what’s happened so far in this blog.
Jay was shot, got his powers/blessing, and woke up on March 23rd, 2006 with the Green Jay wings and an open bullet hole.
The bullet hole won’t bleed out or kill him, it’s more of an irritant than anything. It still hurts him, and will bleed non-stop (increases if his heart rate elevates). He ends up trying to clean it up and bandages it. (If his heart rate increases and he bleeds more, he has to change the bandages sooner than normal to prevent staining. He hasn’t mentioned much about the bandages on purpose, because he’s nervous and honestly terrified of the entire situation surrounding the bullet hole.)
He started this blog as a way to log any information he finds, along with having reference in case his memory was removed again. He refused to go over and create a new Twitter or YouTube account because he knew Alex had watched the previous videos, and he really didn’t want to risk Alex or any of the others seeing that.
He has both his old phone and the phone that lets him access the Tumblr. The other phone is the same as his phone he had when he was shot, but due to some timeline difficulties it has the date as May 27th, 2020 (aka the start date of the blog!). He finds out that he is unable to connect the phone to his camera/camcorder that he bought and is hesitant to risk it with anything else (they glitch and crash, any footage or pictures on the old devices will become corrupted and useless).
Because he’s back in time, that also means he had to start adjusting himself back into the routine he had before the Marble Hornets fiasco. No one remembers what happened and the only people he currently has contact to is Alex, Seth, Tim, and Brian. Alex knew him as a friend since middle school, Seth is more of an acquaintance of his known through Alex. Tim and Brian he now has contact to because of the Marble Hornets castings. He has not tried getting contact with Jessica or Amy yet.
Within the first couple days, someone sent in some code to mess with him. He then started being on guard for any sign of TTA or The Operator, even though he doesn’t think it was them.
He then goes to class after a while and another classmate sees his wings. They asked him if he was cosplaying for an even or something, and even though he had no idea what it meant he just said yea. They complimented the realistic style of them and went about their day. Jay had no idea previously that he had his wings or other physical changes.
He had felt something weird on his back, but due to being recently thrown back in time he was so focused on trying to seem ‘normal’ he didn’t realize he had the few things that literally scream “somethings not right”. That is how he finds out about his wings and other features. He has managed to hide them, but he hasn’t revealed how. He stops posting for a while even though he said he was going to send out an update post with a breakdown of what he knows (and wants the public to know)
After around 3 or 4 days, Jay finally posts again and says he woke up in Rosswood with no memory of getting there or any memory past posting that text-post. He later says he’s starting to regain the memories but they’re blurry and he can’t understand them. He also couldn’t remember clearly what happened leading up to him being shot at first, but even though he doesn’t say it that’s something that is included in the returning memories. 
He notes that when he woke up there seemed to have been a struggle, but he is still unsure what caused that. He doesn’t think it was Masky or Hoodie, but he’s still keeping a look out for them now too.
After that, he posted the pictures of his camcorder that he had tried hooking up to his phone to transfer the pictures, but it was completely black due to the resulting glitch. He then posted a couple hours later the picture of the screen working and say that he finally got it working again but was hesitant to try connecting his phone to it again.
He currently doesn’t know if he has a masked state or not (hint: he doesn’t. But that doesn’t mean Skully isn’t going to make an appearance later on!) and that resulted in him being on the look out for any suspicious masks too.
His next post is him saying he’s nervous about the auditions that are the next day, and he that he knows he can’t try asking Alex to cancel the film because it would seem even more suspicious. (Alex is already very concerned because of the days of silence and the sudden “cosplay” that someone saw him in, but hasn’t said it outright)
After someone suggested it, he decided to try convincing Alex at the end to go with Tim and Brian to Applebee’s (and he ended up getting dragged along as well). He also complains because the auditions were set to go from 11 am to 7 pm, and he really didn’t want to leave the blog alone for so long when he had also just recently lost his memory. He goes, tries posting a little bit, but then Alex got curious and he had to stop.
The same person who suggested that, though, put emphasis on Jay’Bird’, making him concerned and suspicious because he hadn’t said anything about the changes (and he still hasn’t! He’s really nervous to say it in case the others see).
Marble Hornets auditions were March 30th, 2006. That was when he finally got contact with Tim and Brian, but his behavior was noticed by Alex and he’s been asked multiple times if he’s okay. They both know he’s not, but Jay hasn’t told anything to Alex. (Can you guess what tipped Alex off? Hint: it’s something that some trauma victims experience)
Later, the person who suggested taking Alex to Applebee’s explained they thought it was some nickname irony or something, which he said he understood. He also noted he forgot how fast some of you guys were at figuring things out or making theories/cracking codes. He also goes on to explain a little more about the changes his body has but stay away from anything bird related.
Someone asked why he was being so secretive with the other changes and notes that if it can be passed off as cosplay it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. His response is basically “have you even seen some of the cosplays out there???”. He goes on to say that even though cosplay wasn’t as big back then there were still some extremely large and complex ones out there, and basically gives away that the changes are large enough to be extremely noticeable and that the smaller ones probably weren’t actually noticed by the student who asked him.
Someone also asked if he was planning on telling the others, and he said that he wasn’t going to yet. He really doesn’t want to show anyone the phone and is hoping no one sees or notices the changes in appearance/behavior.
He also explains a little bit later about the changes and there are some that can come on command but none of them can be affected by him wanting them to go away (meaning, if they showed up around the others then he can’t force them to go away. He can make them appear at his will, though!)
When someone asks if he has something like bird wings, as a joke, he just says “No comment”. 
His next text-post just says “It’s so hot out here I feel like I’m dying oh my god
This is a really bad idea
I’m making a mistake”
After that, all the code is released and that’s pretty much everything that’s happened and been revealed so far.
Also, a note: remember that you guys all can affect how the story goes! There are some plot points that will happen no matter what, but it’s determine by when, how soon, and if it’s bad or not by you guys. If you’re confused, you’ll understand what I mean later on, don’t worry ;)
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Hello Blu!!! Blu, I'd like to ask you, what if exist a flashpoint like in Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (in your mind/your point of view), for ex: What if Jason had been saved by Bruce, what would have change in this flashpoint paradox? What other things/people would have changed? What do you think of this? Sorry just a random question that came to me ^^ and i'd like to know your opinion! ^^
In a flashpoint where Jason lives instead of dying… Alright, well, I’ve thought a lot about this. I even have a story on the parameters of if Jason had lived rather than dying, but that’s a bit closer to the Arkham Knight AU for what happened to Jay.
Anyways, B would save Jason, he wasn’t late, but Jason’s still in critical. I HC that B managed to save Jason but couldn’t save Shelia so that bitch dies in the very explosion she was meant to die in (a moment of silence as we mourn the bitch… okay back to business).
Jason is rushed into a hospital, coma, rehab, years of work to come back; because he’s not magic. Dick is now growing the fuck up and pulling his head out of his ass and trying to be a big brother to Jason as Jason struggles through PT. Alfred forces the family to see a shrink (JL or other), traumas are addressed rather than manifesting unhealthily. Alfred finally just had enough of this shit and said they would see a shrink; all because Jason’s brush with death scared decades off him, and B, and they both see the value now in maybe growing up and addressing the traumas. Also, B doesn’t blame Jay, especially not after he finds out about Sheila. 
They address Jason’s trust issues, inferiority feelings, how he felt when they isolated him and were going to take Robin away from him. Dick gets to talk about his needs to grow up, spread his wings, be himself, and address his anger issues and maybe they’ll also talk about his relationship with and his feelings about Jason and how Jason IS NOT his replacement. B never develops his god complex, because God Knows That Man Is Merely A Man! It’s fucking annoying too, B feels that.
I think that Dick and Jay work on becoming brothers through Jay’s PT, movie nights, Titans actually properly meet Jay, books, books, more books, and Jay might even get to go to that school dance he wanted to go to. Even if he’s pushed into the dance in a wheelchair. Dick’s Titans, Garth, Roy, Donna, Lilith, and Wally completely support Jason’s role as Robin now. Yes, Jason still is crushing on Donna, but she’s out of his league and she finds it sweet.
In that time, I think Tim finds the Waynes, and I think Tim and Jay bond; tight and fast, Dick’s actually stepping up to be a big brother. Tim becomes Robin, Jason focuses on PT; resentments about that situation are addressed and Jason doesn’t have that festering wound of being replaced. 
Tim is now the baby brother, and Dick and Jay adore him. They like teasing Tim, and drawing Tim out of his shell, maybe even doing normal brother shit, like beating up Tim’s bullies, rough housing with him, and even possibly formally telling Jack Drake to fuck off, Tim’s their baby brother. I think with that in mind, B legally goes about adopting Tim, and Tim is shocked at this news. They have a huge family dinner to make the announcement, and Tim cries like a baby in joy (No one will ever say anything about that, because Tim’s family).
Stephanie comes barrelling into the family (Jay’s starting to go back into the field; possibly under a different name, Red Bird, or Bluejay or something). Dick and Jason torture Tim about his crush on Stephanie, and they adore Stephanie. B tolerates her still, and maybe tries hard. Stephanie never becomes Robin, staying Spoiler, and she practically lives at the mansion. She trains with the boys, plays with them, and is never adopted because of Tim’s feelings for her, also B might like her but she’s so not his kid. Babs takes a real liking to Stephanie, and takes Steph under her wing, even presenting Batgirl to Stephanie when she’s older.
Yes, we still find Cass, or better Cass finds them, and she’s adopted by them. Babs is still Oracle. The Batfamily; whilst dysfunctional in different ways, is functioning, and they are recovering. B adores her; obviously and she’s his favorite child; the boys all know this and they adore her. The boys are also painfully aware that Cass can do no wrong in B’s eyes, and could probably get away with murder, they can never get away with anything.
Jason never clashes with Joker; and Joker is a quadriplegic, blind and mute after B is done with him. [I Know There are ways to incapacitate Joker without killing the fucker, so B can stay on his ‘No Kill’ rule and Joker is fucking gone from the depths of nightmares and on a painful trip to Hell]. Joker dwindles into nothing more than a nightmarish memory on Gotham’s psyche. 
Jay and Roy become BFFs during his PT and Roy’s recovery, and get into a shit ton of antics still. Jason never makes that first kill, but is still reckless, he even acquires the All-Blades; though no one knows how he accomplished that. Alfred is the one who teaches Jay to shoot, it’s a coping mechanism to make Jay feel some form of control and safety. No, he does not use guns on his patrols, opting to stick to B’s methods and the swords.
Jason becomes a Titan, on a team with Raven, Eddie Bloomberg, Conner Hawk, Kyle Rayner and Koriand’r on his team. Jason torments Dick about this when Kori crashes here and Dick’s tripping over his tongue and feet around her. Tim just finds it hilarious too.
Dick and Babs never work out, but they stay friends, and Dick eventually marries Kori. Babs and Kori are great friends, and have a girls weekend once a month (Babs is Mar’i and Jake’s aunt, Raven’s still their godmother and Wally their godfather).
B and Talia never get back together, instead their fall out is of epic proportions when B finds out about Damian. The Bats take Dami in without questions.
Damian still clashes violently with Tim, Jason beats Damian up though and Dick comforts Damian. Damian still bonds closest to Dick, while Tim and Jay both leave the demon spawn to Dick. Tim will never admit this but he totally slept in Jason’s room for the first year after Damian moved in; after that first night and he was violently woken up by Damian’s attempt to murder him. Jason is Tim’s favorite brother at that point.
They adopt Duke a year after Damian, Dick and Jason actually insist on this; with Cass’ help, and Duke is dragged into the lunacy of the Bats.
Cass and Stephanie are BFFs, and they work closely with Oracle, they are Orphan and Batgirl, and together all of Gotham’s criminals fear purple glitter bombs, and ass-kickings. The girls are the ones who stumble over Harper Row and her brother, Cullen, and they quickly accumulate Harper and Cullen into their little group. B has no idea what to think about this, but everyone knows he’ll never say no to Cass.
Tim becomes a Titan, on a team with Kon, Bart, Cassandra Sandsmark, Zachary Zatara, Tanya Spears.
Kate joins their ranks, but is not permitted her firearms, in fact, she is the biggest clashing force in the Bats with B. But B, and the family are firm on their No Killing policy and their No Fire Arms. In fact, this is almost a fall out for Kate and B until the Bats have to save Kate, and they kind of make it clear that if she’s in she’s all in exactly how they want. If not, she’s no Bat.
Luke joins into the Bats too, though that’s completely accidental as he’s only interested in saving his father at the time. But he kind of falls hard for Babs, and sticks around. He’s also the buffer for Tim when it comes to keeping his secret as Red Robin from Tammy, though Luke vastly disapproves of tihs. But neither of them want Tammy in the Batfamily world; it’s dangerous. Luke and Tim also save Tammy from Bane’s venom, with the aid of Stephanie when that rolls around.
B marries Cat. No heartache or heart break there, they are married, almost a year after what happened to Jason because they realize: Life Is Too Fucking Short.
Jason gets into Princeton, he’s always at the top of his class and involved with athletics and vigilant life. He’s not a lady’s man like Dick was before Kori, but he’s good with the ladies, and has a lot of girls who are his friends. He’s not Mr. Popular but the world has finally stopped comparing him to Dick. Jason’s time in Princeton is huge! The family is extremely proud of Jay and they are vocal in their pride, even being the dorky family cheering at his graduation. Jason did punch Dick for that, and caught Tim in a headlock as Stephanie glitter bombed them both for having a banner there. Cass has the photographic evidence of this. Damian just clicked his tongue in disapproval before Dick glitter  bombed him too. Duke was Cass’s perch for the glitter bombing so, he was safe from all glitter bombs. Over all though, it’s good times.
Jason later goes to Harvard to study medicine, which he’s really excelling at. He wants to be an ER doc, to help people shortly after their trauma, knowing the importance of quick actions after extensive damage.
Tim and Tammy get engaged. Tammy is furious when she finds out she engaged a Bat, but she’s mostly upset he didn’t trust her enough to say something.
Cass does become a ballerina, and still takes acting classes from Clayface.
Babs and Luke eloped; a weekend in Atlantic City neither of them really remember.
Tim and Tammy break up though when Tim moves to San Francisco to be with the Titans more.
Duke goes to Princeton after Jay, and meets Claire, they start dating.
Damian becomes a Titan, he’s on a team with Kaldur’ahm, Garfield, Wallace West, Jon Kent (for whom he is falling for almost painfully), Djinn and Emiko Queen.
Helena was born at some point, she’s adored and the center of the family’s eyes, even Damian fell for her. He’s also a sucker for Mar’i and Jake (though he’d soon eat glass than say that). 
Jason finds Terry and Matt, by accident after they lost their parents in a wreck and were at the hospital Jay. The DNA testing showed Terry and Matt were B’s kids, so he kind of brings them home. B goes off on Waller for this violation, and the using of his DNA to create the boys. 
Babs and Luke adopt Carrie Kelley and Nell Little, bringing them into the Bats when they can’t keep Carrie out of it.
Life continues on though, and they keep going. They are a family. They aren’t perfect, the Bats are far from perfect, they still have epic blow outs, and fights, also huge feuds but they are a family. They banned together after Jay’s near brush with death and didn’t travel down that morbid rabbit hole of self destruction and god complexes of inadequacy.
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“ah, fuck it” ----- demon au *
It was one of their quieter nights. When the demons in their heads weren’t screaming for the chaos they so craved. They hadn’t discussed the electricity in the air every time they came together. Dipper had just come through the window he always used to sneak into her room. She’d grabbed his forearm to help him in, their eyes met for once. And then-
“Ah, fuck it.” He’d pushed her into the wall right by her window and pressed his mouth roughly against hers.
Her fingers immediately dive for his hair, getting tangled in his curls. She kisses him back, matching the intensity. SHe doesn’t know if it’s the chaos or the lust or the electricity or an actual connection but all she can think about is how much she wants him. Wants to be with him. Her heart hammers against her chest and she presses closer to him to feel his heartbeat against hers.
She pulls away slowly from him, only opening her eyes to meet his when their lips finally part. His glow gold in the dark of the night, of her room.
“You should’ve done that a long time ago, Pines.”
“Tell me about it.”
She just grins and dives back in for another kiss.
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