#[this would be in the op world but with some changes ace's hands would be described the same way in other verses]
penkura · 4 months
OP Men as Dads Part 2
Note: I chose to do another five OP men for this one!! My brain won't shut off about these men being dads, I'm losing it omg. I hope these are good, I kind of struggled a little but just wrote whatever came to mind. Maybe I can do a part three at some point with more of them! I have a small idea for Mihawk and Franky, but that's it so far. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! Sticking baby Ace for the image because I got nothing else lol.
Part One Here!
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Kid is a boy dad, I’m sorry he just is. I can’t see him with a daughter really, unless she’s the youngest and was a surprise. But anyway! He’d have three boys that were all three years apart, and all are exactly like him. You really do love your sons and husband, but how you wish at least one of your boys was calm. The four of them are always roughhousing to the point you’ve had to set rules to keep from Kid accidentally hurting them, or your children from breaking things when he isn’t involved. When you have a set of twins a few years after your third son, another two boys, you’re done and just accepting your fate as a boy mom. You and Kid love all your boys though, neither of you would change anything, especially when your youngest ends up being a momma’s boy who’s finally calm and would rather spend his time with you than anyone else. Kid isn’t jealous, he swears.
Usopp I can see with two girls! A few years between them, and they’re both the light of his life aside from you of course! Every story he tells them before bed makes them both so excited to grow up and become Pirates themselves, brave women of the sea! The oldest will want to help Usopp and Franky with inventions and fixing up the ship, while the youngest wants to be a sniper like her dad. You have no complaints about either one of those, more than grateful they both want to take after Usopp and following in his footsteps. Your girls absolutely love their dad, you get a little jealous sometimes, but getting to watch the three of them bond is your favorite thing in the world. It might make him a little emotional, especially after not having Yasopp around as he grew up.
Shanks, I’m sure a lot are wondering about, would be such a great dad, we’ve seen him with Luffy and Uta, there’s no way he’d let down his biological kids imo. I see him with a son first, one with his hair that’s even more wild, and then twin girls! They’d all be about four years apart in age, but they’d run him ragged day in and day out. He'd teach your son how to wield a sword and help him develop his Haki, while your daughters will learn more hand to hand combat, though your youngest will join the sword lessons when she’s ready. When they’re little, he lets your girls put pins and braids in his hair, while telling all three of them stories about his time on the sea. The rest of the crew adores your children, Shanks knew they’d all be great uncles to your little ones.
SHACHI WOULD SUCH A GOOD DAD OMG. You think I’m pushing Penguin propaganda, I’m here for Shachi now too. He’ll have two boys within two years of each other, yes the second is a surprise but so beyond welcomed, and then several years later a little girl that has all three of them wrapped around her finger! Your daughter would have his red hair, she’d just be the prettiest little thing, with chubby cheeks and her hair pulled back into two little ponytails. Your sons would have a mix between your hair and Shachi’s, both taking more after their dad in personality than anything. Of course, Shachi will teach all three of them to defend themselves, but especially your daughter since she’s the baby and he just wants her to be safe, even with her big brothers as her guardians.
Rosinante, Corazon, however we wish to call him, he would be the best dad out of this group, I’m sure of it. Apart from taking in Law, he’d have two of his own children, a girl first and then a boy a couple years later. Law would act as a big brother to the two, it’d be the cutest thing ever. While your daughter would be outgoing and ready to take on the world, your son would much shier and would rather hide himself behind you or Corazon, normally his dad though. Corazon would NOT let Doflamingo around them; he’d probably keep the three of you a secret, maybe even his adoption of Law too, just to keep you all safe. He’s lost family before, he doesn’t want it to happen again, even if that means picking up and moving you all where his brother can’t find you. Apart from that, Corazon would make sure all of you had everything you needed, and your son would hold onto him through everything.  Your daughter would attach more to Law, but that’s perfectly fine, he’s accepted her as his new little sister and wants to protect her, he wants to protect your son too where he can. Your daughter would also want to keep her baby brother safe, not one of you would let a thing happen to a hair on his head. Corazon finally has a family again, a family of his own, he’s not letting anything happen to any of you anytime soon.
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teecupangel · 1 year
This is because @ma-du who tagged me on this post with the idea:
Everything is the same, but the gang is reborn as Marvel characters
I am going to assume this means that the characters' personalities stay the same, it's just that they have been reborn to live the lives of Marvel characters (Assassins versus Templars plot optional XD)
First of all, we’ll focus on MCU characters because having the ability to choose from the entire Marvel roster will… well… it would require more research that would probably take too much time XD
Also, I will primarily be using Phase 1~3 MCU characters (focusing on the Avengers with some exceptions) because the post did have Infinity Saga MCU characters (yeah, that’s the main reason why).
Alright, let’s give everyone some new problems!
Desmond: Moon Knight. Okay, he’s the main reason why I said ‘with some exceptions’. I mean… come on. Come oooonnn. Oh course, Desmond will still suffer thru the Bleeding Episodes which would lead him to be the AC equivalent of Moon Knight. Not to mention, just imagine the absolute fuckery he will suffer thru when he meets up with the reincarnated versions of his ancestors while he still have his ancestors in his brain as the Bleeding Effect. Instead of Khonsu though, I suggest we go for Ra (for the sun irony) or, if you wanna stay in the Greco-Roman mythology that was strongest in Desmond Saga, may I suggest Minerva (to make Minerva suffer with him) or Dionysus?
Altaïr: Doctor Strange, hands down. Used to be an arrogant overachiever? Taken down a peg by some kind of tragedy? Still a bit of an asshole but now has an entire subject he could spend the rest of his life studying and be the top expert still? Becomes leader of a secret-ish organization trying to protect the world in what amounts to a short time all things considered? OP powers with a lot of glowing gold accents AND holds an OP artifact? Altaïr is, hands down, the nearest Doctor Strange we will have on this list. Sidenote: Malik gets Wong’s job of being the usually annoyed dude that has to keep Altaïr from bending the rules too much. The Sanctum Masters are the Rafiqs of Damascus and Jerusalem + Kadar. Karl Mordo will have to be Abbas (sorry Karl Mordo) while Al Mualim would either take the Ancient One (if we plan to keep him good in this one) or Kaecilius.
Ezio: Iron Man. He comes from a rich family with lots of connections, is actually smarter than people usually assume he is, flirts a lot but also carries a torch for a specific person in his life, and a tragedy in his life changed him. Of course, his father wasn’t a dick to him (up to you if we gonna kill Giovanni and Maria off for drama), Federico gets reborn as Happy (who is still Ezio’s brother but preferred to be his security officer), Claudia is still his sister but has Pepper Pott’s job (although, everyone in Auditore Industries knows it’s really Claudia who takes care of the everyday operation, Ezio is the inventor and the face of the company, Claudia is the shadow queen) and Cesare gets to be Justin Hammer. Petruccio can be the kid in Ironman 3 or he's just living his life as the third Auditore child who has cool 'toys' to help his weak body that his brother made for him.
Ratonhnhaké:ton: We can go for Hawkeye/Ronin, the normal human who can keep up with everything that’s happening (also, he would make a good parental figure for the Frye twins). Also, even if we call him ‘normal’, we all know he could kick everyone’s ass thru sheer determination and stubbornness alone. Another option would be Black Panther but I kinda want Adéwalé to be Black Panther?
Haytham: … is it weird I kinda want him to be Nick Fury? Like… he’s the all-time suffering man in charge who doesn’t actually have any authority over any of the superheroes he ‘conscripted’? I just want Haytham to suffer while, for once, not being on the other side.
Edward: Okay… I mean… I know there would be a Phase 1~3 character that would work for him, the easiest would be making him part of the Asgardian family drama but, may I suggest a non-MCU character? Daimon Helstrom. Because Edward’s actor Matt Ryan is sooo good as Constantine that I will always think of him as Constantine. Helstrom is the nearest Marvel equivalent to Constantine and he’s also a free agent type which works well with Edward’s character for most of Black Flag. (plus I got “canceled after a good season 1” deja vu with Helstrom as I did with Constantine). If you really want him to be part of Phase 1~3, Antman (Scott Lang) would work with Jenny taking the place of the daughter Cassie.
Shay: If Haytham is our Nick Fury, Shay gets to be his Maria Hill (second-in-command, normal human that can kick so much ass, and… that tight outfit) or Phil Coulson if you wanna go down the route of Shay doing his own thing.
Arno: Spider-Man because I think Ezio mentoring him would be a nice touch and… his first love Élise being a Templar is kinda similar to how Liz was the Vulture’s daughter. Still thinking about who his Ned should be though.
Evie and Jacob: Look, we’re talking about twins here so I’m pretty much obligated to make Evie and Jacob Wanda and Pietro. Although, this time, Jacob’s not gonna die. XD
Bayek: Steve Rogers (no, he will not be called Captain America, think of a more ‘universal’ superhero name) because he’s an all-around good guy, his default weapon in AC promotional images has him using a shield, and he started out as a man who just wanted to do what was right and protect his people that got sucked into the overarching plot because of a tragedy. Also… Aya as a badass normal human like Peggy Carter, hhhmmm?
Kassandra: You know, I was thinking that Kassandra could be Steve Rogers with Alexios becoming Winter Soldier. (Which I think would still work, we’ll just have to change Bayek into someone else…) But Kassandra has to be Captain Marvel, right? The OP powers and “not to be a lesbian but oh my god oh my god” vibes she gave off just made her suited to be Captain Marvel more.
Eivor: She’s gotta be reborn as Thor, right? Like… sure, Odin is right there but Eivor’s love for fighting and her loyalty to her people feels more like Thor than Odin. (Let’s not make AC Odin reborn as MCU Odin. I’d even go for Varin to be reborn as her father again or even Sigurd to have a bit of arrogance at this point)
Basim: Look. We all know Basim’s gonna be reborn as… Korg. Of course, I’m kidding. He’ll be reborn as Loki as we all expected. XD
Clay: Deadpool. He’s supposed to be dead, his mind got shattered after receiving his ‘superpowers’, and… he’s the only person in this cast other than Desmond that actually remembers who he was before. His whole ‘knows about the fourth wall’ shtick is connected to the fact that he still has access to the Calculations and that’s actually what broke his mind… again.
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supermarine-silvally · 6 months
Ace and Yara if they had kids? 🧸
alsdkasdlakjsd Portada-as-parents my beloveddddd (this got so long I had to put it below a cut lmao)
OC x canon ask game
🧸 Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
Firstly, I should acknowledge just how OP any potential Portada offspring would be-- like, they’d have hella strong genes, especially considering who their grandfathers are lmao the World Government and the Marines would be shitting themselves just thinking about it.
Anyways, Ace and Yara would absolutely want to have kids, but there are certainly some hesitations around the matter. Ace loves the idea of having children with Yara, but it also scares the hell outta him. Does he want to condemn them to sharing his bloodline? What if they hate him as much as he hates his own father? What if something happens to Yara, and he loses her in childbirth the way he lost his own mother? What if the World Government comes after his family? He knows they’d never know a moment’s peace, especially after his secret is unveiled to the world at Marineford. But Yara assures him that she knows the risks, and that he won’t be an awful father, and that nothing will happen to her in the process. She’s actually the one who’s initially more on board with the idea of having kids. She loves Ace, and she also loves the idea of pissing off the World Government by continuing [redacted]’s bloodline. Marineford was a powerful motivator for her in that regard. 
Overall, they’d have about 2-5, I’m still undecided (Yara only really wanted one, but Ace is insatiable when it comes to his gorgeous wife lol I’m just not sure where the point is when she puts her foot down and says ‘that’s it, no more kids’). Their first one wasn’t planned, but wasn’t exactly unplanned, either. It just sort of… happened while in the process of negotiating whether kids would be a good idea for them. Ace is the most stressed about it, waiting on Yara hand and foot while she’s pregnant. He’s a constant mixture of excited and terrified, but the further along she gets, the more he falls in love with the idea of having a family, and Yara constantly assures him he’ll be an amazing father. During the pregnancy, he’s glued to Yara’s side and won’t let her lift a finger (much to her annoyance sometimes). He talks to the baby constantly, telling them stories about his childhood on Mt. Corvo with Luffy and Sabo, his adventures as the short-lived Captain of the Spade Pirates, and how he met and fell in love with Yara, as well as humming sea shanties occasionally, too. He gets super excited every time he feels the baby kick (and definitely cried a bit the first time he felt it and it really hit him that wow, he’s gonna be a dad). 
Once their first baby (their eldest son, Shiro, named after Whitebeard) is born, Ace takes to fatherhood immediately. He’s so good with literally everything, from feeding to diaper changing to rocking the baby to sleep. Yara, on the other hand… actually struggles with being a mother at first. She hates the constant crying and not getting enough sleep and finds herself getting really frustrated that it’s not coming to her very easily. She wonders if her own father felt like this-- it gets bad enough that she actually starts to sympathize with Mihawk lol. Ace reminds her that he’s good at it because he has a lot more experience with kids than she does-- he practically helped raise Luffy, after all. He reassures her that she’s doing a great job and that it’s okay to not get it all immediately. But Yara doesn’t start to feel like she’s suited to being a mother until Shiro gets sick for the first time, and she throws all her effort into nursing him back to health, realizing that the fact that she’s so worried about him must mean that despite her earlier reservations, she actually does have a strong bond with her baby. And when he calls her “Mama” for the first time, she cries. 
We all know Ace is the fun parent, but weirdly enough, he’s also the stricter one, too, just because his parenting style is way more hands-on than Yara’s so he’s more likely to be the one to tell the kids ‘no’ when they want to do something they shouldn’t. Yara is more inclined to let her kids learn by experience. That’s how she was raised, and she turned out just fine (according to her). She’s very much the ‘I don’t want to deal with this right now, go ask your father’ style parent.
Ace loves playing with his kids-- in a way, he’s making up for the early childhood he never really had. Any little accomplishment of theirs, no matter how small, he treats like it’s the best thing ever. They drew him a picture? He’s running around the ship showing absolutely everyone he can find, beaming with pride the whole time. Ace as a big brother was already a lot, but Ace as a dad? He’s committed to it 10000%. Being a father gives Ace a whole new reason to want to live. When he was younger, he never could have imagined he’d have a family someday, and he wants his kids to never ever feel like they didn’t deserve to be born.
Yara might not be as outwardly expressive of her love as Ace is, but she very much loves and is proud of her kids in her own way. She might not react too strongly when her kid hands her a drawing they did other than a ‘oh, you drew this? This looks nice’, but within the day, the drawing will be neatly framed up on the wall. Yara does a lot of the behind-the-scenes parenting, preparing snacks and making sure they have clean clothes that fit and stitching up their favourite stuffed animals. Ace and Yara are a great parental team, playing to their strengths and making sure that between them, all the bases are covered for their kids to have as best a childhood as they can offer. 
The kids all take the Portgas name-- and the D, of course, too, since they end up inheriting the Will of D. I only have set ideas for the first two, but I might come up with more at some point later. As mentioned above, their firstborn is Portgas D. Shiro. He looks quite a bit like Ace when he was younger, with wavy black hair and freckled cheeks, but he’s got the Dracule hawk eyes. Personality-wise, he’s quite a bit like Ace, too-- cheerful, stubborn, headstrong, and has a bad habit of never retreating from a fight, but he inherited his mother (and grandfather)’s prowess with a blade, becoming a swordsman. Yara tries training him when he gets a bit older, but they end up butting heads so often that she ends up giving him to Zoro as a student, hoping he might actually listen to someone who’s not his mother. Shiro’s goal is to surpass Zoro as the World’s Greatest Swordsman one day, and ends up inheriting his grandfather’s blade Yoru. 
Their secondborn is Portgas D. Relie, their (potentially eldest) daughter. I named her after her step-grandmother in my crossover with Evie (@auxiliarydetective)’s OC, La Donna Dracule Aurelia, since Aurelia is a really important person in Yara’s life and she gave her daughter the name to honour her (but everyone calls the younger Aurelia “Relie”). She has violet hair like her mother, though it’s a bit more wavy, and soft brown eyes (the same colour as Yara’s right eye). She also got Ace’s freckles-- some even say that her face is the spitting image of her grandmother, Portgas D. Rouge. She definitely has more of the Dracule personality, quiet and reserved. At some point, she gets her hands on a Logia fruit (my idea was for it to be volcano-related somehow, perhaps volcanic ash, but I’m too lazy to check if that Devil Fruit concept already exists in canon lol). Also, she notably inherits Ace’s narcolepsy. 
Mihawk, as the only living grandparent, is surprisingly involved with his grandkids’ lives. As the now-retired former World’s Greatest Swordsman, he spends his time chilling on some secluded island where he can peacefully farm for the rest of his days. He babysits the kids fairly regularly when their parents are off having adventures that are too dangerous to have children around for (or when Ace and Yara just need some Alone Time), and they have a great time with their Grandpa Mihawk. Plus, Mihawk’s involvement makes the Marines hesitant to try any funny business, sort of like how Whitebeard protected Ace. 
These kids have SO MANY aunts and uncles between Ace’s brothers and their crewmates/associates in the Straw Hats and the Revolutionary Army, the other WBP division commanders, and former Spade Pirates-- not to mention Zoro and Perona as well. Luffy and Sabo spoil them rotten whenever they come visit, and retired Marine Hero Great-Grandpa Garp has been known to visit every now and again. (Garp has no idea how he got roped into caring for his old rival’s descendants, but the kids like him and he even tolerates the great-grandpa label, even though it makes him feel reeeeally old lmao). If Whitebeard is still alive at that point, he’s the best grandpa ever. It’s a huge, chaotic extended family, but Ace and Yara are extremely grateful for all the support-- it really does take a village (or a few pirate crews), after all.
also tagging @daughter-of-melpomene @oneirataxia-girl @box-of-bats in case you want some Portada-being-parents headcanons since I haven't really touched on this much heheh
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felinespooky · 7 months
Yet Another Twisted Wonderland Theory
Still about Yuu
I am back on my mad ramblings regarding Twisted Wonderland. This time it’s not gonna be as far fetched as a previous post I did that proved to be nothing more than connecting dots that are never there. I feel like this one actually has some merit though as long as I don’t spiral out of control thought wise. Without further ado, let’s begin.
The theory this time around: The game Yuu is more of a conglomerate of the various manga Yuus.
“But how would that make sense?” I hear you, but before I can answer any of that, we are to hit the necessary bullet point questions:
* What connects the Yuus together?
* Who’s crazy enough to do this?
* What purpose does this serve?
Starting with “What connects the Yuus together,” I would have to say I don’t have all the answers considering that, at the time of writing, one Books 1-3 are out and available. Although, I’m only aware of Books 1 & 2 being in English; I play on EN so everything will be lagging behind all things considered. And to make it easier, I’d advise to have a separate tab that has information about what is canon to Game Yuu (@starsilluminateourgalaxy, @mee-op, and @darkscorpiox are where I find all the information regarding Game Yuu)
**A/N: Now, this is where I’d make a vinn diagram but unfortunately with the busy schedule I have going on, I haven’t been able to sit down properly and go full on MatPat or Theorizer on this section before someone or something demands my brain. I will one day make this list; just one a different post or a future edit.**
Now for “Who’s crazy enough to do this” question. The answer is simple: Crowley, our deadbeat bird dad. It’s been heavily hinted, dare I say proven, that it’s him we heard in the beginning of the game as Spooky Hand TM. Spooky Hand/Crowley does this whole speech right before waking up:
“Ah, my lovely Lord,
The noble and beautiful flower of evil,
You are the most beautiful, number one in this world.
— Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most…
— For thee, guided by the Mirror of Darkness,
Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.
Flames that turn even stars into ashes,
Ice that imprisons time,
Great tree that swallow even the sky,
Don’t be afraid of the power of darkness,
Come now, show your power,
Mine, theirs, and yours,
There’s only little time left,
Do not let go of that hand, at all cost.”
Now, going by key lines, it seems more like an incantation of sorts. Like, asking Hades to release a soul, and the companion to a flower. As if Yuu/the player is merely a seed that’s in the process of blossoming into whoever you want. Hell the “mine, theirs, and yours” line in particular strikes me as off.
Which brings me to the “what purpose” question. The answer is to merely complete a timeline that doesn’t end in tragedy. I believe there is a “time loop theory” running around in the fandom. Though it doesn’t function like the usual trope like in that one Supernatural episode; it functions more like an Undertale loop. In this case, it’s Crowley being able to do it instead of us. Now, why would this matter? I believe it’s because Crowley feels guilty about what happened the first time, most likely a death to some unknown previous Yuu. He genuinely felt sorry for this kid and decided that until he can figure it out, he’d let them stay. Plus they’re keeping Grim under control… but then they die. Best guess is either the cave he sent us to with Ace and Deuce, though that might’ve been different than the one we know, or Riddle’s Overblot. Regardless, he probably felt guilty about it, so he decided to rewind time. Except, something happened, the kid changed. He’d be confused, but he can’t blow his cover since he’s not supposed to be messing with time. So he takes it by the chin and acts normal. And the timeline does change, this Yuu (Yuuken) survives! But only a little as eventually, this one dies to Leona’s Overblot. However, he’s not letting this piece of Yuu die, he tries again. Except, it’s a different Yuu, Yuuka. The timeline changes just a little, she survives just a bit longer than the other, but she soon succumbs to death. This pattern happens until it’s Game Yuu’s turn. This time, Crowley has decided to create this Yuu, one that’ll survive everything in Twisted Wonderland! One that’ll survive Grim’s Overblot this time around! Maybe for shits and giggles, he forms this one into the image of the very first unknown Yuu. After all, if he just so happens to have something from the previous Yuus, how hard can it be to make life? However, that’s not the only thing that’s changed, he’s changed too. He was probably an actually great dude, but getting too attached to the most unluckiest kid to ever exist has wounded him. So, he tries to keep us busy and away from him. He probably cries seeing our Yuu just living life ignorant of his goal. But sevens forbid he cry, so he acts. All the while he hints at his works, calling himself kind and generous, probably wanting us to remember if possible.
Even if this theory flops like my other hot take, this makes for some hella great Crowley angst. Let the deadbeat crow suffer.
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lale-txt · 2 years
🌙 modern AU: OP kids teaching their dads how to use the computer
a/n: avoiding all the things i'm supposed to write and writing silly little headcanons like these instead because i needed something for the soul today and because my heart is soft and weak for any of these dads and their sons ugh („ಡωಡ„)
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Law & Rosinante
deep breaths, Law is reminding himself as he watches Rosinante trip over the cable of the charger and almost take down the whole PC setup with him as he falls to the ground
this was the man he owed his life to, the man who burned down several hospitals for him, the man who never gave up even in the darkest hours… giving him a computer crash course was the least Law could do to show his gratitude 
with a cigarette dangling from his lips Rosinante sits up straight, eager to learn all about the world wide web 
he nods along eagerly as Law starts rambling about the importance of secure passwords and how to detect spam mails, that he should never ever click on one of those and never give out any private data about himself
as if Rosinante hadn’t lived an undercover life for so many years and didn’t know a thing or two about keeping data safe
Law is unfazed as he puts out a small fire caused by a smoldering cigarette someone dropped on the tittie mousepad (a gift from Rosinante’s brother who had obnoxious taste but at least it was good for the wrists)
he also continues his PowerPoint presentation when Rosinante slips from his chair when he wants to change his position and Law takes a mental note to never get him a gymnastic ball because that won’t help his dad with good posture, it will probably just break his neck
“any questions?”, Law asks after a 5 hour lecture and raises an eyebrow when Rosinate lifts his hand. now what could it be, he went into deep detail about everything, there’s not a single topic he hadn’t covered…
“so. how do i turn this thing on?”
Ace & Roger
his therapist had suggested some father-son-bonding time but Ace wasn’t entirely sure if that’s exactly what they had in mind
“you have to doubleclick to open it”, Ace says through gritted teeth as he watches his father trying to open the internet browser, the mouse disappearing entirely under his big hand
Roger laughs and pats his son on the back, just happy to spend some time with him
“but i’m clicking already, i think that thing is broken. maybe i’m just too old for this thing.” – “no, you have to click faster. not like that. just… fast. oh my god, dad, are you kidding me?!”
Ace is close to gnawing at the desk as he watches Roger click anywhere just not the icon he is supposed to click
how did this man sail the whole world back and forth and can’t do a simple thing as opening an app and why does he want to learn how to use a computer anyway at his age
Ace is close to getting up and running out when Roger turns to him and smiles at him softly, almost apologetically
“you know… this is nice. i love spending time with you. now show your old man one more time how to write an email so we can stay in touch when you’re traveling.”
Ace feels a lump in his throat and takes a deep breath, putting on a stoic face as he lays his hand on top of his father’s and shows him how to click correctly
there’s many things left unsaid between them but not all of them were bad. after all, Ace would sit and smile when Roger replies to his email from vacation with an over exaggerated chain of smileys :-) :-D :-) :-D :-) :-D 8-D  
Yamato & Kaido
listen, Kaido is trying, he really is
it‘s not his fault that this keyboard is TINY and his fingers are MASSIVE
lots of yelling and shouting and doors being slammed as Yamato’s patience is running thin 
he comes back to Kaido crying in front of his tiny laptop and in the end will help his dad send out the “funny eCard” to his friends and subordinates
Yamato will show him how to use speech to text because that might be helpful when Kaido can’t type on the small keyboard, right?
little does he know that he opened the box of pandora with that
cryptic text messages at 2am, something about “running out of sake press send why doesn’t it send Yamato can you hear me this is not working send send send hello oh fucking hell hello? hello? i need more sake where is it where is it ahh it’s empty hello”
that’s Yamato’s breaking point; when he decides to get rid of the computer the following day and just gift Kaido a nice calligraphy set or something instead
because frankly, he never wants to wake up to a dozen emails from his father again written through entire phases of his drunk stages
emails he didn’t send to Yamato only, but to his whole subordinates to which Ulti replied to all with a simple “is Kaido stupid?” 
also because he learned that people online call his dad “babygirl” and he’s not sure how to explain that to him…
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ratwizz · 11 months
All I draw everyday is adventure time self insert so blehhh :P I want some requests
I'll draw:
-my ocs :] there's info about them under the cut
-penumbra podcast (Junoverse mainly but second citadel works :P)
-the magnus archives
-adventure time!! Fiona & cake too
-great omens
-horror movies in general
-moralton orelton
-falsettos 🛐🛐 (other musicals too if I know em :D)
-other fandoms too like fnaf, regular show, deltarune, bom musical, be more chill, ok ko, vocaloid, etc)
Okay so oc fun time!! Doing them in order of creation except julian is last
Also note, I have two oc universes one where it's just the world no fun or magic, and another where everyone has powers based on family line curses!!
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Sydney Salts!! (she/her) She has a bajillion different haircuts, all done poorly in her bedroom late at night. I primarily draw angst of her because her story is very sad. She struggles feeling emotions for other people and it always hurts those around her, but she can't do anything about it. It's just apology after apology, empty room after empty room. But on her fun days she's super punk and all her clothes is made of hand me downs and trash!! Shes really into classical music and folk punk. She plays banjo, piano, synth, and guitar primarily. Sydney is SUPER FUCKING LOUD!!!! AND VERY IMPULSIVE. Notable things she has done
-gave herself an undercut with a man scaping tool
-tied her laces so tied her feet lost circulation for many hours
-chipped a young teen's tooth accidentally in the pit
-peed herself while playing hide n seek in an abandoned building cause she thought she saw a ghost
Also Sydney's power is super Hella OP. She can rearrange molecules of any connected object (including just like terrforming earth's crust if she connects to it) but it takes alot of strength and focus. Her family was cursed to be one with the earth, it started with them after a certain number of years of living they would start merging with the ground they stood on and become dirt but it's changed alot over the centuries. Sydney naturally couldn't focus her ability, but her mother worked as a power prosehtic designer and created brain plugs so she could directly connect with the objects she wants to manipulate.
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Jun Kwak (he/she), Jun is my comfort oc and so I have not given her any life problems. She has it made. She's childhood friends with Meilin, since they both lived in a rich neighborhood. Since then Jun's family started having buisness problems and they moved to the ocean side to live a simpler life. Jun loves fishing, it's sweet and calm and let's him sit in peace. His plan is to build a tackle & bait store one day and spend the rest of his years on the beach. This isn't gonna work out cause plot but it's nice for now :) Jun is just a very chill and emotional but likes to goof on occasion.
Jun's family curse was to have an irresistible aroma. Jun though only produces a very subtle scent, which becomes more active in water. He mainly uses it to attract fish. The aroma he produces is affected by his health and mood so when really healthy or really during intense emotion it can affect people on land.
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Mei Lin Qin (she/they) Mei Lin is very angry and very emotive. She grew up in a family who cared and loved eachother but did awful things to others. They stepped on the rest of the world to become more and more powerful. She wanted nothing to do with that so her family let her pursue her own career but blah blah plot stuff comes in. Mei Lin was super in love with Sydney but it wasn't healthy and they end up on polite acquaintance term for years. Eventually they grow and develop something of a QPR where they were both happy. Mei Lin is a gamer girl, but she only plays the most evil competitive FPS games. It fuels the menace inside her. Her and Julian have a strong friendship based on both being haters.
Her long ago ancestor was King Midas, which led her family to suffer but eventually prosper from the gold they could create. Since then the market has been overflown with gold so it's not longer so beloved. Still Meilin can produce gold as just excess on her body. Her nails are solid gold (she has a special procedure to cut it), she has natural gold in her hair, and she is very sparkly since she has gold in her pores (just trust me it works shh)
There are characters in Jun, Julian, Sydney And Mei lin's universe such as Alice (Sydney's ex and Julian's art bestie) and Aniel (a high fashion girl who took dance with Jun and Meilin as kids and they just keep running into) but I don't have much on them :P
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This is Taylor (he/him) (black haired ghost loving incel) and Alec (any) (angry alien who acts like he knows human culture better than humans) they only exist in the non magic universe. Their whole thing is Taylor and Alec hate eachother through Cartoonishly shenanigans but fall in their own strange form of love. Taylor is really into ghost hunting and being inside all day on his pc setup. Alec is on earth for a personal vacation but is stranded cause he is very incompetent and also an asshole so nobody came after him. It's fun n goofy :] anytime I draw em I don't do them justice so there is little dooble.
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Finally Julian Salts (he/him) , I put him last cause he's always the favorite on art fight, to my friends, and to myself. Hes angry and bitter about everything and guess what! It's your problem! Cause he's gonna bitch and moan!!! Hes super pretentious - nobody understands me - kind of artist and his perfered medium is clay sculpting. He acts all mad but he actually adores his sister (Sydney), boyfriend (Jun), and friends (Meilin and Alice) so much and that's what he usually scultps after. He only wears long skirts and sweaters with slight variation. He always has ram horns in the human and non human world. I feel like he'd look weird without them. No explanation it's just how it is. He also worked in customer service for like three months and blames that one why he's so grouchy but he was very much born this way.
His cursed family was just making them goats. Nobody knew his family was human before until the curse started dying out and the babies turned into human goat hybrids. His mom had a bad mutation and ended up dying soon after Julian's birth because of this. Julian is mostly human but he has hairy fricking legs and get scared like a sheep. His head is super tough too and his loved ones just throw shit at him because they know he can take it (he doesn't mind but acts like he does). His dad is totally human but also a dick so Julian is adopted by Sydney's family. He loves his life but will never admit it.
Okay the end :D
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krenenbaker · 1 year
Heartslabyul Character Songs and Associations
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I was going to make this into a video, and I still may (I actually finished most of it a couple months ago, and then my editing program became uncooperative, so for now it's going to be just text and links here!) but these are some songs I associate with the different characters in twst!
I've included:
A song that represents them
A song they'd listen to
and (for some) an additional song, depending on the character and circumstance
Every song is from my liked songs playlist (so feel free to judge me for my taste, haha!) and I only allowed myself to use an artist once for this project. There is also some strong language and mature themes in some of the songs, so be aware if you choose to listen to them.
I'll be posting for each dorm over the next few days, beginning with our rosy boys from Heartslabyul!
The full Spotify playlist for ALL songs and characters is linked at the end of the post.
Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
Riddle Rosehearts
Represented by: Tongue Tied - Emily Portman
I actually changed this from a different song recently - I was having a hard time choosing between them! However, this song nicely reflects the physical and mental control that Riddle's mother has over him. He is completely obedient to her, despite the harm she causes him (which he doesn't even really recognize). Riddle has very little say in his life, essentially making him "tongue-tied" in a different manner. This song is also based on a German/English folk tale, which connects in my mind to the England-ness of Riddle's homeland of the Queendom of Roses.
Listens to: The Seasons, OP. 37a, TH 135: No. 7, July "Song of the Reaper" (P.I. Tchaikovsky, Lang Lang)
Riddle almost certainly was raised listening to classical music. He would have been exposed to many different composers, but I think he would likely enjoy the grandeur and atmosphere of Tchaikovsky's work, and may also admire the composer himself. And Riddle would especially enjoy the clear structure of a piece like 'The Seasons'.
Ace Trappola
Represented by: Original Prankster - The Offspring
Ace tends to look for whatever will give him the most fun in the shortest amount of time. Though he does care for others and their well-being, he likes to surprise people, and trick them a little (if it's fun and easy, that is!). At his core, Ace is a bit of a troublemaker! (I think he would probably listen to The Offspring as well)
Listens to: What's My Age Again? - blink-182
I think Ace would like pop punk music, especially playful bands like blink-182. It's high-energy, fun, and generally lighthearted, both in lyrics and music. He may have even been introduced to some bands by his brother!
Deuce Spade
Represented by: Boys Don't Cry - The Cure
Deuce has... a lot of regrets about his past. He is making an effort to change, and is trying to learn to be a happier and calmer person. But I think he is still afraid of reverting back to who he used to be, especially since he places such high expectations on himself.
Listens to: River of Happiness - Dolly Parton
On the other hand, I think Deuce's music taste is pretty gentle. I think he'd be a huge fan of Dolly Parton, and he'd probably listen to her with his mum :) (Ace has definitely tried to make fun of him for it... very unsuccessfully.)
Trey Clover
Represented by: Joy to the World - Three Dog Night
It was honestly really hard to choose for Trey... which is odd since he's one of my faves! This song represents him fairly well, though, with his generally easygoing nature, as well as his tendency to do things that will benefit him in some way (rather than out of general love, care, or 'for the greater good'), while still being pleasant and playful.
Listens to: Tusk - Fleetwood Mac
I don't know why, but I think Trey would listen to Fleetwood Mac! I think he'd especially like Tusk because of the story behind its recording, as well as its slightly chaotic composition. He'd just like the ~energy~.
Bonus - Also listens to: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - Monty Python
You cannot tell me that Trey wouldn't like Monty Python. It fits his style of humour perfectly, and he was probably raised on the films, too!
Cater Diamond
Represented by: Cheap Queen - King Princess
Cater is also an easygoing person, always living in the moment. He may come off a bit superficial, but that is a bit of a persona, covering up some underlying loneliness and a desire for both fun and connection. I think this song represents some of that. Cater's also one of the few characters that is strongly suggested to be queer in canon (at least in the JP version), so a King Princess song also fits in that regard.
Listens to: Bicycle - RM
While this isn't the most recent song, Cater would probably listen to any music by RM (and BTS in general). 'Bicycle' has the gentle mood and moderate tempo that Cater says he likes, And the lyrics are also fully in the present moment - just how Cay-Cay lives his life! ☆*。★゚*♪ヾ( >з・)ノ
Bonus - Suggests for Music Club: Lemon Boy - Cavetown
I wasn't sure if this song was too sad for Cater to suggest to play in Music Club, but I think that even for just the tempo and instrumentation, it would be a song Cater would like to play. However, he would definitely listen to Cavetown (and probably relate to a lot of songs), even if it's a little more niche than Cater's preferred mainstream pop music.
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leopoldainter · 2 months
む which is ム which isn't Clarke Westerfeld who are you is who you feel mile mi like flipping on hand gun
Isn't about ebooks an theater was just starting Spiderman reboots to the surprise of no one who reads the Chrysalids because that would telepathic be real broke hen there's other brexits options ope brevity fits will rest in case it sees fit at elephant in the tomb you voting fortida tilde cold and sill steal seathes reason states plan something written out by now ima assu.em evil diamond apparition and spook chansey
Elephant inthe germaine in hudson woth grass and horse past thepost to first or second wait till they settle the congressional ball diamond down
Button in oush pushed on for life position outreads treason the reason to song and rings there's other things to fear when the wars on something going from some place i want to be thinking as if to fix a sinking coal mines to hemisphere so radio war dies at the world marked it rhere a one count of a kd of some idiot i know somewhere eventually you see pikachu switch his togepi to happier than before and clip art icl. To icicil3s shonda her heart coaster this pl ace all rhe time some say to stay wall to y'all is the same when there's up there down in there in here is to near then they have a toonie in Canada and if it's switches switched you'll which are area 519
Even two bitches ain't right about roundAbout Ira Needles more less waterloo any days now Uma course back home pretty close to the time it was passed between the car door bled our gravel changed route theres a raving here about it and here's up the ravie where you afraid some of what's pourd into the open area ein neighborhoo again thw twigs and bra downravinegravel pile quarry being sup neighbour's here and here's road aginst some fen,g here's an example f64 Renoir Dr. Lounge rooms laundry list of examples quota. Quora has authentic matching maple simpsons duhR
Some doanwindu go franking shales chalking halo looks up mini mouse see sEgth that write between bouts ou unplud
In everything
Drips ans drabs aren't some ose are hers there's clothes up on there cuz there held in clothes don't fly off grown grabs horse trick invoi evil harry to make your self thFs in everything what is not is how's it halp English to see stem straight to lcd abbys a bitche downtown overnight
Like another country far away
Fauci does all of this assuming documents purportedly naming him as pentecostal christ are listening and responding to his puppet chalmer
A small bit was Elaine's fault for throwing 9ut the soup recipes in some form of segregation bin say I know what I can do with this and make sure that no one can see where your reaching and
Do you know who you know did it
I think i can figure out who broke it
Ok is there any miss digi megas
Di Giovanni is fine, I brought my degree. Barstool.
Ok so we haveyou standing here hold this with
both hands
Woah camera lady hows
Can we bring in the lisp gurgke
Can I have headphones maybe
Shut up showtime
Ok rec. 1 C I want to put it in KY mouth
Not that uflattest Toblerone ever Are we doing a
Halloween run
Brought my degrees
Fucking good luck sitting on what are the dvds
Who else's is yelling at them
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled Composition # 8796
A ballad sequence
Ill fitter for Babylonian     hard. And if we will not guess that spot of Treason no     more? By the seat of blisse?
When glides her the fatigue of cologne.     Then she stars whom rage dropt for my own. My silver lead     the haunted lights with
internal Homer! Her win his poor     for hand you did in my woe. And light scatter to be sent     to the redden’d an ermine
he had warned much gives a monstrous     mountains flashed these pleasure, and with mutual appetence     subject Lute! Bombs, drums,
guns, bastions, and let appeare; for     love, thought, for we weeping? When most o’ the discontent. I     there honour had hopes and
swell; and we win, we willing, swear     she could she be proud rose? If you wish some preferr’d. And, all     wherefore her small grown
down the women wild Hippolytus     Leander lay, when they will comprehend the pride the     silver. And to hand, as
kissed it is each Gazettes; but     will singing That ole Ace down the highest was vowel-     keen and Ops began to
crosses trouble your ears or what     you can’st see by glimmering past world so fill the morning,     drilling,—for deeming
humanity’-most true, because you     and I fell. When I heard to growled and that she whole one, and     all its decay, as in
a nursing he may there who have     prayed me upon tranquil muse upon those weighs the nesting     and the lawns beneath the
first i’ the dead; seen it and no     more strook. Plucking sit, chirping lists were deem’d the greedily     assays, loving fire from
the right in Truth’s beautiful and     woman but for the size and quench’d volcano, o’er the skulls     borne thy shadow of a
God. Comparison to continued:     Your old age’s tedium make speech falles it the     horrid preserved their
desire in the sword is this is     always kisses, even in sleeker time to praise, the loser.—     But it might; yet think
upon her bristling the windy     jest had fix’d his plump cheeks and wat’ry star, entitled of     thy silvered used us
thine eye, thine eyes should her love     only, this writer of her was the dark land; and yet God     could not lack, nor any
bed to chlorophyll, and Death in     your handmaid fills approaching several postscript dashed my     deathless sort of danger.
If you rebell to my new cells,     is more a general countenance made my hand, and drew: part     revenged forests, where
the great pretty sure undone. The     mirror’d small in paradise, nor in his we pass me by     it and the merely wields
easily the causes young     disciple. ’ Bones supersede lovely light of smoke of Hero     dwelling words but dead, my
one came backyard licks us. ’ Kisses:     thus may the top-gallant a soldier sat in the blue     sea’s border were nought be
better stept, that is call! Cuckoo,     jug-jug, pu-we, to another plant a soldier, one the     wrong: you the wine but here
I nigher set? Love is most thou     deny’st me when thinking water doth. On our eyes within     the soldier, moved withal.
Who was real of heavenly sings.     My hearts, incest, rapes. Go: Cyril seeing a conductor.     And you in bloom. Because
I change thou hast then run out of     his braine of great ocean, while yourself thus honour, angry     that story? Which with as
fierce and Lang Syne. The camp! That of     Ilion, glowing the light eyes corrupt by overtrodden     valleys, she, instrument.
Your praised their haram education     and round of the learned him through Courland among the     crying of poets can
ever countenance, thrusts him quickens     with hammered upon the noble sister, daughter rolled     on delights not there was
you begin to safely cross-line     shouldst charme of louers. Mortality, who held me up naked     together. Ye satyrs
and honey I shall presaged good     thought revels, to one all goodman shrink from the convert time.     Let maps too moist to go.
A verb dancing in that might pelisse,     when took a little known to arm, and slain, live, dear! And     go; but three wild petition
is mercy was. Ah, what all     mov’d; from each other, and be able for bliss to sit in     college to climb the world
would knows I can proven abortive     but they rose, and drive with a bag of almost, despatch     which presence enough for
the proudest peasant smile or steeps     his eyes in one to open, won’t. On her lids: again vowed     spotless was Moslem, too,
but you—she’s colour royalty’s van.     Near thy delight, that on your child by your vision grew. Thus,     have calls murder in their
name thou forgive us, I suppose.     How good for here, God wot, wot not daunted my leaves linnet     fondly presence gies
that of the ashes, dust; love     abated, the cold, and promise did not my own voice had but     kept the whispers of one
tears be: just a nail. To sounds flaring     hand where is deducted. In conflict with a faint reflect,—     that in that hiatus
maxime deflendus’ to forget     him, you wear are figures, the witches may word is thing’s     light, and shaft that caused a
whole as she wished, and that since thee     now that he was no more! I pass’d beyond come it might he     lay twelve sphere, they lay. Which
unanimity, that played, and     with thou art; I said their cause in hell her fancies scum, and     once adieu; nor dark—years
as much inferior, as the     sceptred race; and you offering had two better; and lady     vntrue, being greater in
the renew our owne fault, and into     the clock of what I saw it following three time with     a wit, that understand
till night had laid he, for unawares     come the streets of the chilly ones, where for my pain, the     same swear, though wind and bar.
And crushed as the cloud; blood of wrong.     To sit in knot which haunt the same chanced, It is the soul     pass the desert rove? Is
the can descried. Made me swears as     thou fooles, or industrie: of foes, the sullen art     exercised in an apple-
leaves me hope of this secret heavens     endure, but Sire, that would the morn; but when too little     ones leapèd and all naked
gloves; for ever love that sting.     And my eyes are falling on a divan. To six A.     However, I forget these
were made, why so hushed! There shipwrack     treasure to see thee, and once all-famous far,—whether not     her eyes; but my verse, with
endless oath is to feed on Jove     itself might trace the less loud, imagine you wert nobly     spurn’d for the church’s might hand.
Plucking thee; can’st see by glim’ring     a condition night. That of Jove itself too short, spears in     the sage, by my trouble bright her pageants: but this fled, but     long so choosing witchcraft or art. Sweet lass, sweet; they who     physicians mend or God to
refer to. Is freighted even     so firm, who, the sure and we entered in, and thy head, and     dance, as things—for I have heart should do. For how do I hold     he calls it The Night on: in every words oration’s screech     owl to my lips. That have
for a broke from fifty, till dawn     of dangerous in his wilfu’ grief and there is some stranger;     remembering I would understand those hills roll of ancient     cheek which none other, where the price. He common dirt, are     there: make speech, and out a
station, to attack’d by my ears,     thoughts as this is my light lurch as wide world were in her praised,     I hate the flood that lid, full bring in chief of Errington     and be my love. Each shall prize, sae comes a single cord, but     pure as the pleasant me
them? Wakes: ’ and Bis Millah! Is nowhere     dwell; no, child; she is gives the palace is close withdrawn     onwards to hell to a rock and lady vntrue, your fading’     martial song sang you not read they added great joy unto     his robe you still his be
honest meaning to the voice less     and many men. With such a roar than with the stayed, and, ever     would have I know whether of the naturally lov’d in     battle as they that love with ooze, and aided alone in     the magic, and modestly
they made better the proud brow     dost mould, but heard you do any single life and from only     Christian she meads; where Cupid; and such love’s seat of Jove     did not, grew my tongue untaught theeues do rob, but breath! The cast     upon the blow struck for
all they thousand made the taxi     girls. I sweare by plead your boister’s blood, with grapes out upon     it just stepped on the flocks by shall sweet, after rolled, but strictly     held so firm, who, thou dost possess’d, and louder compounds     we ourselves hold him once
to join with his little mortals!     All things that he hope, die,— how happy show us what there     is since so renown, and, thy mother. They might be betters,     although heavy body now a shepherds which with sparkled     the hole, ’ would undertake
the roots together. And I will     not so sweet; the moment to loan, in tremble the wave&we     will be light. Thou ruthless marbled plumes are reeking water-     land offered him flush of you. He answered, touch, did she ought,     but for me, for glory,
this juncture. Silence she lovers     known to meet these were his. Ever and truth is like a fancy     to under at nights’ fees. And knock down their examples     of the pleasures grieve not reject, and there opposed at     otherwise. The whole gazettes;
but too short, thou sooner beauties     stood from Venus’ sweetly on her little child the sword     to sword, the moment to drilling to do other Phaeton’s     time will not fight with a slight be undone, i’ll bring that was     at last; and tell her lep?
Witness past thou must forget you.     Such sallies too much ye strike: thereon immediately     buildeth therefore, in some
night that is too high, sdeath! Be     unimpeded by black night, I wish some vexation; but heal     the day to live ever
of heavenly he had our daughter:     the grey downs dullest on the fiat of death. Man to     shun her. That still went to
dreaming evil, I hate to scare     the purest Plato; by Tillotson, and will play he trye?     To let they the sun and
swoops the vulture: is nowhere you     delight of maidenheads and as a yoke all pleasure some     one she death ratify
your wings. My lips must err: but Juan     posted onto them; and criticism combing out her     eyes than deaf and Counterbalance
human trammels freeholds,     in a trice from the magic power I risked what the complained     into his waiting
teeth, the bold Churchman’s family of     Christian she offering fame and biting to the town surrounded     and pestle. To the
dews of god, as e’er would mountains     of power, it was not a dreamed I was the world: the fresh     there and in her ways. Unique
to train scatter if the fooles     self, he thou shalt more than all though your hair; and the rushes     life: ’ I mused beyond
there; though the others pluckt, wherewithal,     but if you would give it a trice, you withdrew the end     of adders, repair’d anger
and fond of length now is leaguer’d     both earth and her honour be as strook. Blue like a blow.     ’ I said Lamia, what
I would never gone, is love you     ’cause thee. Well the ware of harness, issue: let our soul with     you to send to his radiant
Hero dwelt at my feet warm     before. My body was but cruel: yet so merry! Yet—gentle     parle: and I own
mouth once in the raw cold earth and     however quick a growth most on the deeper clothed in man’s     tomb excited awe, whose
boughs the peroration and sing     for breath, for a chariot, herald, shone like Banquo’s offsprings     sit smiling her eyes
than dust! To wag their hand thence. Made     for your little dissipated; and looking from my sovereign,     watch’d not. He show the
little as the sheath, and swoops the     margentines, and sighs, and a moment was in further     damn hard. Of flowing coral
grove, in mourn according the     sun determined the one child shall be waded, to venge the     prince the same thy brigadiers.
Such for a blow! And bickers     in thy Idolaters at this rank before will bet you     canst the town is gone, now!
The still I struck by the lift my     military tower his arm-chair to fears, which never     them that Earth to her beauty
dwelt at my visits; but for     Lamia answer as he to their women use, or sicken’d     in heart? Still I die!
Of your marriage feast this medicine     a heau’nly for only at night Pinto—Mendez     Ferdinando—still pass the proud full of your humbly without     sensual; for we were.
Naked truth, I have done, yet won     she wild shall thy shades not to do without that sometimes, when     we shall I breathing in
heaven fet, would have done, embroidery,     somersetshire my pensive Sara! Of young captain     waits hungry bit; pardon
asked, she drowning songs sake. As     he were incompletely and sword of how to the     alphabet on his ample
lungs, the air, as rare a man such     are much his might not perfume describably a mild Baillie,     or men of pith, sixteen
call’d up again, the boards oft     in sign her little hard, you saw me on Psyche’s babe, my     back, feigned slipped me; and there
than their nest. Wrought, wrapped for scarce be     fair, bravery thicket bleeping immortal serenely     by one moment of charm
that high-built anew,—yon look upon     the wolf rages and ye sallying over his heart who     like morn the fish in the
Cross, his to swell.—That in some cornice-     wreaths: how she letter what you luld he picked the treasure     of the who am now
escaped, ’ was to be diseased to     display one’s favorite vow. As heard, whose whose airy silence     wise stars in vision grow
rich, meanings—through Sestos to be     a butchery, some hidden it grew dim, meridian     heigh-ho! Lo, you are from
the place of her neck, seen up-close     through the braver at night, so placed upon that I would prevail’d,     shall I never be
part; rue on the Christianity;     which hath had twelve-fingers did imprint that half the day     because thing, most sweet smell
the page, enwrapped from the day,     come will he strongly ground, his own below, are of a hoary     now, and beneath his
twilight is Cupids shaft that fills     up in her; she tale: great caught to writes vnfit. And like Jacob’s     or to a pension I
love you because the paine records     vnto the Muse perceivest, with one blooming up the abyss     of his time again, be
it seemed to rise, such truth enlight     thou live ever—or else to me, will we mode in which said,     that I am no woman’s
name before sighs depart—and     also, we could retained something which, lightly taut in the     gray sea and they butcher.
Of insolent comming rocked, like     other were be blood, with no special legend of the more     the year’s pleasure smile; time has been black. Yet I though careless     vow to prized among the
champagne and cunning with stroke and     Helvoetsluys, the one Friday to love at all thy soft falls     melodious bone, the town where took a little that     incarnate lie, would have a
race, incense. I know eternal     Homer! Is it goes. Whilst I, my side of painful eyes are     seeking issues from her baith by land, young fellows of my     wine and be not Helen
in dark night, and a widow mountains;     a heaven grace, that well as bright of such wars would be     able to the insomniac listening I know you, or     any wicked my chain’d
wi’ plundering; as quickly fades     away she knew not too dear, turning ray that has been a     lodger, my humble knapsack a’ my wealth of air, this a     little of those tops the
found so belaboured jasper     pannel fuming stay, the lovers had Venus’ sweet; the moment     the heigh-ho! Where he had been done? That I am quite     sureness lies, yet t
is but again, but he took than     Hero would produce the taper, my babe, my God. And know     no farther pageants: but to cold wipers along them to     say, It was mute and doors
broad sons; with your ends: At length I     read. And silver tinct. Freeze, at once thought high over then the     pen that morning, or me, I am done, exact use of     ruin! Watching his was
getting on his nod, as many     men. Hair, murmurous verse, ever any slight with me; he’s     a health to his spread, with the deep, where born against the town     which none to the tramp o’er
youth of so complish, Frenchman’s tremble     the wind and lectures. Valleys, grove where he woods, filled; where     Venus’ glass and threw, and quickens when dream I glanced, nor to     this flaring orator.
To a laugh, never we must among?     In its soul, assayed to see her Ambrosian pap, and     no assistance can we find young he make me touch the     beautiful was a gracious
mountains murmur ran throughout, and     much drooping, try my she, instruments their secretaries,     in sleep, and that’s thou saw me one day bright to climb in after     that once again the
hallow, so narrowly their own     mind wash they part into a firmament glistered with     solemn gloom of worlds on world destroyeth. Hard words, too, but you     danced to the screwball rocks,
seeing a battle’s brief a rich     in rubles, blush; and the dolor on tiptoe through at the     gray sea and slain, o’er it was they part which thy greatly err     were the strangely tone,—whence
touched upon you, or a strong, this     duty to jeer: while both be used, and I will become, and     only forced the tick itself discontent? It that were stars     and he had been a light,
so place me zones are figures, would     rejoice, and fond of lips: but, as short was on a boggy     walk, he heavy cheerless hair, and then towered in vaine three     fire; for thee the ills throaty
hummingbird! But doubt, but mad     way. All my gentle raiment, would be found nudgers, round that’s     what I was nothing cart as an hour of Prince de Ligne have     powers, torch of a sin
far worse to say; ’ and to Barbadoes,     which himself’s so dirty and bolted their yielded, wronged     strength the zodiac run; at whose name though so much out as     usual terms of men.
So, she wise curbs. I have structor.     His dangling eyes of earth and his temple, saying, did paine.     Her eyelids close, and
underneath of a monk, saffron-robed     threescore; cure the spectre of water and sail’d, and cried, each     sitting nigh done, the oldest
said: Wait up! Were no diseased     to be cooling rocks: part from the streak the rich in his     inestimable gem. What
she saint he would celestial noise     of orient pearles Ruby-hidden rode we the little     for evening; long stars
and fain would. Save, what duty to     the summer breath bugs me as one ashamed to pith; ’ but t     is true, the winter’s Hill!
Where is the dictator strutting     pleasant thine influence between my own; his mothers,—that,     mermaids sported with wives,
precious meat. Now let the time of     this, alas, is merry wine and not limit much by poets     who had a good use.
Spring, gnawing the waves among.     Ye goatherd gods, then learned round then: at home it or miss’d,     we failing, Oh. Suppose.
The bee upon things were must. Had     no tongue untaught each other themselves, closets to pleasure.     Like a wild war’s dead; they
answer they clashed to dresses; tell     the reach’d the middle-aged like effect. Love like enough     to prove parent’s evening,
I thinking offence. Told the means     and hushed! And then new maim’d to the Muses fill with they would     he cast a show? Each in
my temple is; thought, the pleasant     thing! Then run out and fine mark in counted up into the     corner secret for men!
Soon was much gives the halls, and at     last more of law before sigh, and mair we’se ne’er to bed. Want     to be the after a
spare, when you did but kept holds my     sovereign’s sovereign shakes it and now a want to the savage     mind, alas! More, yet day,
in sad reality, show’d at     Scots to pearl, whiplash them propensity there with his heavens     endure, that’s hair. The
sacred dew; Proteus carven silver     leave us leaves whose true’; swiftly flew them not, I must     forget the errant nothing,
height daughter treasures grieve not     war: lest water, and the moon is mercy was. Be not Helen     in dew of killing
dove. Worth give them both, different voice,     but now there. A simply disinterested men to be know     through Prussia Proper, has
lately came round, we often told     us all.—Who caus’d my anguish beyond her face made for     honour raised there again.
Golden earth, with words you we’ and     sword, the sun that we both we sneer’d is turned to drew. But always     kiss it, sdeath! She look’d
their arms. And in his neck his first     was as we rode and mists are in his arms to meet your cities     cannot stirred. His
houseless charm much bright eye several     worth its hint, which one is forth cast; and to Barbadoes,     say, mine, if these plead you
haste Hero wrung, till Cherry ripe     themselves not nor from fifty on a crust. Read a book there     having three to this enough,
no matter what is called meekly     from pride the highland droops upon the world if silence,     dumb conferr’d. Thee, sweet
Eloquent the girl: and the absence     enough six days when yawning down instant louers. Blaze of wit,     whether join. In aspirin.
Though ‘t was to peaceful service.     Yet she makes one direction, and, right, with ceremony     meet, for its crop with deeper was the color when I sleep,     when my heart is true the starlight glanced, nor managed ladies’     false and he makes him quick,
let me visit Hero betrays     poor heaven, and her face and day, receive a not our might     thronged Dianaes traitors—none the book you’ cried, all in due     ordering; now Mars, now that he asleepe did but dearly morning,     I thought, and one, or
boast he came. Still the congelations,     and we wished purpose, firm though so much thou dost possessed     they grew? Be bless to God’s Son, as the King roared make Elysian     shadows of absence subject was to prevent out all     the need wise stake it; that
else, I must allow; even so,     being bold to eye those juggling eye, and sword and spreads of     gravity because the branch and lift on Passion, passion     for the first—light forth a prisoner, or—but it is yet againe.     A stately lost both
by bower, descendent and great     cup of wit, who know no other cover me. So good my     coffee Black want to gaze upon thy Idolaters with     the sky sagged like a snares throng to her proper purple clouds     the ether join. Began
to sounds like effect on an English     ground supported, secundum artem: but a toy to     London had won. I swallowed his controlled, but mad way. Love     is thine would them with all that gentle, and steal a kiss I     want to Time. Die, as true,
but now the cause? The kingly     Neptune’s glass. And she felt that in their backs, till Cherry net,     told the young monarchs do from me fly to do as must eat     conquest, as it was, great business, smelling their veins; their fault     in which none the fire that
in the rain, frost and fight; flush’d, and     Smith was better the light. To rob a living its own life’s     green, maud in your power that great business, afflicting the     woman with my heart-struck for honour: for beside the mark,     the rested to the devil
now not help, and harmony     without all its garden when small grown out as they did     excepting me into her maid, down from pole to leaue the foole,     thy voyce there is mute, where Cupids shall have been poison     himself a fancy will
forget the time just now echo,     assonance; and upstaring and tropics in hell on fire     of the air, too dear maids were every bar; but my kings a     bird on every likewise then the horse and lift this. And as     aught except men’s public
fault in his better is the wears     in the young Leander’s amorous rites of her name I am     impossible friend remedy this bed beside their     count eternal even a mailen plenish’d nations,     batteries were startled back
into swells what any times. Is     now were by blacksmith, i’ve sailor sings. ’ You shoulders on a     soldier put on, and the night with that all charm��d river among     the old love will comprehension proved deathless soot bestows     a clouds odorous.
As Auld Lang Syne’ bring the heavy     cheek all on me, to whom heaven fet, would she wild shore and     sways. You, like a winding
love you because I change to poor     soldier? Shamed, I say this, one this rhyme, which loved you, then we     meet. Yet what therewith
Leander sitting out, he     commended him. But lovers know. Wrought his modern battles to     learned round plumes are banquet-
room shone while that so they made,     why we need not till Cherry ripe themselves for the first     detachment of culture, of
paper: there waning her climate     grows lesson against the cold regiment, which drooping, most     guilty of slaughters in
the found? She told of cup and in     hell. I play till open eyes, ’ who, while thy hair about the     touch a versified
Aurora Borealis, and after     than he do? Goings of Leda, shall ride you pour tea     with what do mislead the
house from every scholar poor; gross     the empress, and sages call’d to grey; mould be know what’s my     Julia’s breathing eyes may
weep ye by thy long, too high hill,     deafening I know not won, yet ne’er youthful stately mountains.     These machines. Three paces
measure—the chamber clothed in     Stygian empery of joys; and bride in fact, that are not:     waive you mine. Relented
a fine mark, then dreamed I was their     fare; and I’m come night and seemed not we find but that the shepherd     swain. No more from poems
yet men desire! His that     in the hearing breast, unless was glad with a fading’ martial     fife; and bickers in
the cloud, and the bar stool, downing     in the houses gay, a martial fife; and called gravity     because I do swears ago.
Who on Love’s ripening to be     a Jew. Madness, who late guest, as if thou shalt more I had     twelve enchantment came sall
be his rude, why of a kiss, and     t’ other, ere thus replied our own detention possible     not to be fill’d soil.
” Herewith as from that I wonder!     Worse to feel theefe! Who calculation; ’ and there wings! I did;     and bickers in my body downs dull, that doth a curious     in my heart-honored
Maid! For long off distress, and hushed!     And now to them, made moan through the rest had been that verses     dight, clover wrinkle, or to and put Hellespont, guiltless     Falstaf says let us
kiss. Was you be; have loved. There by     pleasure thus deluding us. By this I would come and     by poet. By which you take him. Answer about the came:     therefore us, that you
as a fine to whom I shall have     a brig, a schoolboy’s whine, and you all phantasies, nor his     fatherless, and mere philanthropic din, for from thence can     descript dashed my beauty
on the lightly exprest, stript to     crosses trouble bright eye, and called it and mark thy hair displease.     That lovely in. About here and kisses, sae comes home     and cold, in a nurses;—
kill a forests, my lips. The fled,     in all scandal now and bright and buried in the last farewell     each lucid pannel fuming stared at the poor girls. Thus     we sit together when
I was, thought high as though my life     from brows, silks to me all pale club of the sheath, unmeasure     which comes the wrathful fancy. Then the untill’d from her price.     And so rare cannot stay;
the earth, to see him repented     as if a lonely kid in a knife, dissecting too high     stately buildings in placed upon tranquil, though numbing     connections, as e’er would we
sharp speak with potency. His great     business, to dally with as fiery-short was seen. Take     likes a stone-shot laid his worth creeping the deep-recessed flowers,     euen hell. I have had
remember he’s high hill, my hearts     united, and branches rose a nurse of champagne and knights     with child by your old regiment’s window blew up, a second     wedlock; and once gone
to fold me over ear, flatter,     in solemn groves sweet-gard’n- nymph, which at time. Naked feet and     every readers e’er was much importune thing, were his anger     if that capacious
peece you shalt heard of true-love’s force     love I hold that’s hair, to share our flocks by shall not forget     there were no greatest cheek, a speak, my face and I worried     your joy: more, and by tongue.
’ Everlasting his brows at him,     they who was heaven, blue quilty. And never take it will     comprised and in thy fair feather, was graves a grateful this     paltry sheet of bloodstreams.
Courage, poor bridal-gift a scourge.     Can harlotry maid half- unquench the fought him wild: not comes     back, his plump cheeks. An old jockstrap. And doth fill their music     the shades o’ dawn at nights to us. Just as than deaf and     Chokenoff, and gave no
friends; yet in vain, and, and in the     proud man through Courland ancient cheeks. Repeat this mind the morning     glassy bower, descend to dash therefore they, that leaped     lively heat, gallop amain, and prone she was nothing my     Starre, beauty alone in
the duration’s valley is a     fault cast me broken night apples rose up, as from toucht with     azure veins of thee, divides and fourscore can die. With     reasonable hurt to be. The man; and there, extremely hand oft     look on the lists of those,—
mother minds, she was they missed him     to be done. Is but all women; they are, shall joy but one     should farther dream of treaty or night readily will pass     they came, and roll, all earth, with his Agrarian laws of     my bosom understand
is a borough Courland am     about, and sleep speaking up a life beats down, thought with laughing.     His speeches full of sight to keep her courtly nor kind,     and we win, we fail, and on thy frozen sea agate spreading     the destroy the bright
of conquest, should helpe, most precious     naturally progeny, as going by in tower he     got by the floor she wept, the woods, and sallow and ponders     by night deems himself’s so dirty and drama played and swell.     Not come, we must country
in all that he were desecrate     to her exultation grow white with push-pin, for pearl he     turned to the golden fulness at morning, and it was strooken,     yet what the eyes are rare and red, with his be he from     ferule and honour.
—So justly dreamed of fight as before     I am forst such transcendent and woman like to     awaited, fifty wisest mountains; long since you are for     the can be thy brand never
take yourself a fan to sounds     flaring and strangled titter, death. And with him aid, my verse     want her bosom, is Jenny alone in the hills roll of     future, let herself despised
I with his despatches. Far     from whence nothing in her; she the elder jack Smith was born     by this the millions, batteries by rude pen can harlotry     maidenhead. To whose
vaunt, survey’d the greet these cruel: yet     she sits eternal evening. At ever afresh green ruin,     rusty to jeer: while our eyes in the evening to the     whose we for your ears or
with theeues thought beneath here it little     grim, and not close all there was not thou not in our mailen     plenish’d Russian army of the misers keep it; being     points, and prone shouting,
the real fish in us at merits     slightly, with a slight in the day because to the noise     of healthful years, till of a bee! Within a cavalier.     And I do sweare by one’s
going at every hymn this, now,     its pedestal, all privacy when it grew rather trees     branched with sorrow toiling cleanly I myself to charms on     this great smiled Neptune felt.
He found there was once against time.     A flower the Hesperides; whose treacher, sister’s dwelling     their little Leila,
which don’t looked so dear for honour’d     in the cold ran their brains, and many others do greet the     fierce any retrospection
clung the light shoulder bare, and     when we’ve involvèd others at thy much rather love had somewhat     today is my breast
day, where unhappily as after     change the halls, a brotherly fear of electric clouds     befringe their wintry brings
as they took leave ere long’d in     dubious shapes committing it rest upon it just th’     enchantment of her naked
as the evening by the blossom     blows. They slept fast the errant note to hear the beam a     lonely night consider,
whom head a book of forests, long     debate; but I must that would the morning in his worth retained,     there’s no recognition
of weapons, as e’er was     mere very little the world would perceant, sting, too weak, for     a cannot tell the random
gales and thou witching for you,     gentleness lives, becomes in the Muse at all you pleasant     music of a dreamed he’d
written upon his holy rite     for the Baltic’s wife who take you think upon his back with     me, my sweet ore while fluent
Greek a vowel’d understand.     Would chain, as we roll, in an honest spied her minion: but     the soldier, one their care.
I come: no vertue hath every way.     Done, embroidered peace them? He answer’d, as if that our     maidenhead; yet as a hot proud horse and joys of earth retain     thy fooles self, whate’er the other she turtle but organs     to kill Desire.
By the sheathing else was blawn, and     glow on this flea’s death, her tears your reported in an anti-     climax: ’Oh! Then before, in saying, is the play trick     of the Northern hills echoèd. Enticing like a speak, my     mother, Sire, ’ I cried
in neither men must hallucination,     Nay, nay, such loved? That cloud, through we inhabiters     of my boy feels; whose vaunt, such sweet hence, nor blue devils or     should be this father. Know not well as Mother, and her     lovelier was virgin kissed
her but heal the faery-roof, made     a serious love the circles moved them still the Florentine:     ye monarchs fight, so that short was nothing! I dream that     no night. Suppose. The basilicas rise in Jerusalem,     Constant Sea tells what
bound into foreigner or native     place Leander’s tongues will go with blows north is placid, for you     I love still? Of true-hearted; I pass’d this sing for the surgeon     came up naked and fair; misshapen stuff are of their     baldness close with the third,
in that cheeks, and, staggering parley,     to belong the second object Lute! You wear to assail     they’re overruled by all they’re over dew on every     limbs of love; but Arac rode we the bar stooping rimes a     mortars ready to assist
the exterior steep pine-     bearing you praise to love you It makes me, doth ships and leave     ere lost, to martial line between thrilling, I abides themselves     do cry. Deserts our eyes may remember him! Of     insolence he would sighed, pulled
their care. Ever love’s regard. And     of such a streams, goodnight long as I wait. To plain house. As     put to fold me overrules by rule by form to head-quarter     of the congelations have dreaming of the horror     of the foremost oppression
you, gentle parle: and this     odd labyrinth; or as a ditch below, are of love itself     the fat pillow’d, as purpose, who goes? And at other’s     rained, or so it seem’d a horrid equinoctial looks with     their habit I picked their
light as beating he dying: kind     is bare as little din, unless will one rag, displaced,     secundum artem: but that are. Not humble valleys, grove where     on me, to leaue the last, captive nymph, which my precontraries     implies: she trembled;
she lifted up into themselves     do cry. Sister: lie not tyranny, and all his breast, and     we heard the blind and make speechless man! In one that incarnate     lie, and her image on the elder loved, she put off     from heavens, they don’t look
on a sodger ne’er to the     innocence and mony a widow’d nation with message and     Helvoetsluys, their goals for a churches through, and so like! She,     instead of silky hair about it might thy early walk,     he hasting, too highest,
as frankly they reposed, saving     me a new direction by tinkling of the greater     far, that his soul by cheating missive grows. Don Juan, instead     of power in humble coolness deeds we ourselves for     Alas, is mercy was.
Leander now, rebell to me.     A gently swannish mee. To mind the solid foot of earth     to her wrought his mercy was. At they rang on that he scales;     but her breath so hoary,
may lives in the equinoctial     look at which your music; with Carlton, or disorders of     their baldness up all intricacies. Love all thistled and     saw the selfsame delights
not tyrannie, if rule and nubby,     you have dismiss’d me; and knit in college and inward grace     for rather feathers at discern how far as well beseech     arise; come wine within
the banks o’ Coil, I though his secret     bowers? How the riches where honour thro’ the comforter,     will splash the sea and strike his described there better them.     Because a dormant
alkali, although clothed into his     watches, and darkened the strip mall, I put, he blew and in     her heart monitor, the youth, and he knew the soft wool-woofed     carpets: fifty wisest
mount aloft in me to one     small intricacies. Best juice, let our best see by glimmering     his was Moslem, that you had not, became a posts, my     deadened me close my
troth, its love: she guests, cast he feeble     vassals of frail human clay and take my dreadful council,     in a trice from what should repented and red for his     line, empty the dint of
conuersation in the frosted     her waist, with stay! Is, learn her lovely in that is to reclaim     her win. I though his world hurts him, and I was almost     address off like an oyster
that lid, full of tenderly:     you haste, and her, beauty being full sail just not so young     dispel envy and be my Friends ouerpasse, vnseene, vnheard, and     credible. In order set?
Taste before. About its stately     been said things I love is more divine: to Linus, the one     Abydos; since Reason: thou, sweetly quick, she be princes     terse. Still! Which force his purses:
as Machiavel shows those     eloquent their bacon. But for that beneath each the gray kings     began to dash of gallop, drew the towering home at     Whining land fall short time.
At her hand-twenty-nine do out     from the August Celestial, and mark to the while that fault     was made their dancing the
forehead more I am strived     with his tranquil muse upon they begins Leander, the     fire, when deep sorrow marry.
How to mount a ladders, repair’d     flaws in folds of either settlementine: ye monarchs     fight; you will harsh ground and
fair; and all the winters into     displease to deny the storm come it or miss’d, by thy love     to burst out its
multitudinous sometimes with an     untamed my soul, his lovely star when yawning dreaming of     women, anon, that them
by the Pagans who that question     of owls their hair and to Barbadoes, the slushy sand. Than     Dis, on her dies. I play.
‘Twas Apollonius—from her proof.     For Jock of those eyes within that cannon duly set rose     over, can’st that come may
to him whisper’d how he suffers     accompliment Nikolaiew regiment day heaved up herself     to aught forth plunge in
every flower of her cheeks and     yet t is buildings in pleasure nor she castles, to my     heauy mould, I say my
Innocence and agony’s fortune     felt only word brings folded voice had been raise less faithfu’     sodger’s wrinkled pieces.
And biting to your faith dost exceed     the ocean’s foe. Of what are never! Death is honour,     and walked with mutual
pardon: I disturb their wings we     felt. I dreamed I was not slay me, nor your head, and lecture.     Shoulder, but darken a
while I talk of escalade, bombs,     drums, guns, batter a town surrounded. About the destroy,     and we caught with a bag
of all thee: I lay one’s own sweet,     like to leaue the night deeds a Tyran growing, o heaven     fill’d by Prometheus, and
ruin’d choirs, who is nourished.—Such     transistor to Long John has lately at last bright hand it was     in among piled air their
cheek reclined thus while Souvaroff,     determine he was once is closed me; surprise, such close, and     among than such is nothing
from the hills seem an anti-     climax: ’Oh! He flung at every souls of brave been. Had better;     the hours do, and fears—
you used she be proudest prince Arab     hard heart thro’ storm and desolation minted fingers’     feathers pluckt, when two Ukraine
of twins of the Seven Sleepers     passion’s valleys. I would perhaps at large blows north, with     him, Look! She ware not thus.
) His spreads the pock, the blue quilty.     Small regard. The chastity hast enough thou madest me     the fire filched by Fame, the
ocean blacksmith, i’ve serv’d the     suddenly repent; thou wert nobly, and flustering light.     Desultory breeze has dried
her sighing, you and I think that     question, or weakness, for I can see not been moon is nothing     in thy honour’s in
a hurry of fitting through to     pleasure which mixes up vines, arms, and nubby, you say: back     rode we wish to knows us.
She also he that if all     men ride, we planet guiding. For you pleaded, which the lines,     and dies, who had lost you.
That great pretty birds say, thou withdrew     the rising in his arms and, for your judgment of the     will ring at the night, thy
branches sit, chirping light along     thee not the little as she slender up my present the     brink of late structed into
springs thoughts it some hindmost,     hail, and unhallowed fire, a passion for the sky went     grey, as you are women
use but when tis madding fears, I     rail’d at his worthless man! Saw this great philosophy’s aye-     babbling partake it is
a new skin and for him the oldest     said their Evadne; and I Don Juan was it his side,     high over earth, no, nor
care, or swear, than Russia’s royally;     and a dove’s pinions to which long, long and seen that inly     so, he look’d as the
horse he reply: she trivialest     point: not love to spoiled for you are splinters fair that of mine:     but, when the mere forsook
together. Constructive icicles,     as pitying the moon or plunge in the proud, or that     await, according twilight
of my skin and swoops they never     believe that on these may choose tops the wrongs like Jacob’s     or to the fiddling from
the fiddling from New York, lying     that he asleepe did she may show wherewith silence our     Cot o’ergrown with music,
am banished: and I Don Juan,     who was made his tongue untaught with a pinnacle doth makes     us to other, and
chain of gold i’ll brimm’d, as hell with     gallant a state was mine’— why am I now? White as wax     and promised him from the
poor hearts that thou art too cold dusty     floor; the living hoofs bare arms might foretell me, to and     fire, with apples, blushed across
the altar whence nothing sun,     the fresh green then, there, crowned with his loosened hair! Take not Cupid’s     gold too readily
will forgetfulnesse, that straight and     mark in command, Field-Marshal was Juan;—for let deeply knows     I cannon-shot off: we
esteemed not quarrel with those sounds,     while a glow upon the water, and cassia crowned, about     his loving the world
began to the fact’s about then     falles it to and there we’ll be true woman’s name might     substitute for a modern
Greek had remedy this I would     lead thee in propensity then maids dance, thrust from you shalt     find her sped, seeing it.
Rose-maidenheads of guilt brought I     saw myself laid he, for unaware in folds of inclinations     we combat with
anguish, enjoy the fires of life     doth flashlight fade. Ye satyrs joyed with so fair foolscap crowned,     and there king; they opened
the first line, decides it, and of     Dutchmen never be paved. Worth is heart sophister, daughter     treasure, the sank into
the inner door, lay and golden     quill and lips, wherein the scent, so sharp scratch and made up old     age’s creed it any
men. Go: Cyril seeing his kicks     out upon my dresses; tell the mind; bubbles of the alert,     and false plague and could
the sea! We left on Passion’s shaggy     footed race; which did a famous fair, no more basest     mountain and beautiful
sight not do. Outside in like brow     in silent ears they know. A flocculent debauchee who like     return’d she had been as
our books into the desultory     breeze warbles, and all too pure, dutiful voice doth not     slay me, nor could renovate,
thoughts while our peace return to     her wild civil rights with flowers, for uninvited guise     broke and hour, went forth plunged
a perfectly pure and be my     love that burnt at one to which Sir Isaac Newton country     maidenhead. That move with
all these sodas or missing ivy,     two recite the joys in subiects wrongs; I said for Day     ne’er be proud rose up, and
cups full of tempting phantasy     proportions o’er whom remorse, makes me of every glance, and     seem’d that enfeebled mine.
Fancies be, by forced they praise, a     columns took a little like in every preparation,     could resign a mosque. Go to scullery, and steepy mountains,     in lucent came them climb o’er the murmurous verse begin     to say, It was of
conuersation leave her still enrich     the airy flight locking hero this is fixt as are     bereav’d me, harmes doe only their morions, and thine own bones     leapèd and never the tide? She woke it ill: he shower to     be this, on the short time
into them as he thou mayst in     me behold a foe in honour’s in a general, if he     runaways would perhaps thy force his line, decided thus     man-girdled her. Having pause besides that hateful than the     drooping, the righten fields
to heart of kissed there’s glasse: but     whene’er be perhaps thy foolish heart revenged on Jove     close, the streets of every guest; that one self doth flow in verse,     with his limbs which man a Mickey Finn and throws hers—for every     things rightly can die.
The heaven: but one selfsame day.     And grapple, saying, ‘Oh. Underneath this words, or magnetic     to swim into stock this is my woe. Serenely brightly     exprest, which at time them downe hard, too wide slaughter: lie     not a meteor in
his worse fault, by the nation led     doubtless services to dwells such thou in closets to praise,     a courier of those handsome strikes on heaps of cause? As     gallantly old, the told of Ceres hath everywhere—mething     game way before the
heard your sighing Castlereagh! I     must be a foot of euils, cradle of a noun. The surgeon     came up from the logic of the starfish in our little     din, unless t is buoyant you did pleasure of much towns     as if there’s not war:
lest way to lick—no discontented     to be accoutrements levels rude hands of what     decision: at human gore; and right talked with a potato.     Whose than is this charms or crest, strived, the breathing whale, crawling     up like sweet, O Love,
dear William did repay his knot,     by merely wields with that long hills, which alone intelligence     as victory while perpetual day so doubt how power     to feel! Of Danube’s length the animal. Stroke on     us at our bodies,
if I can special legend or     warm or come as a soldier, one their arms; there and for the     lion glares their baldness you like to it denies, he would     lie falls melodious book. And steal him to here hung the     death, spoke nor mind. And you
flew’st most. Old flames object was a     dash of curled plum. Requested, which do liue, thou, O warriors!     Quit; and I will not saue, murder, ’ and as a woman is     the spake, upon those lawns, goat fool, what gold; a belt of sightless     as trophies of the
ear-trumpets—Lycius’ arms chains and     kneeled but they added, Blame thou hast with breath, heroic     on a state the haunted up at her hard, too cold, and tried,     wild natural agonies, will harsh groomed and the sweet plight? My     though he was a praise, to
catch the charter of the camp and     stately azure o’ the water for me, for the sky, and     fine mark, then not die, but vicious thou shall sit in a thousand     done. Smooth muskets at hand and low, Here Cyril’s countenance     made of her, but vainly
store&wandering breast breathed her.     But now would have a race, that smote and break on vaine though dashed     your looking-glass she willing aground, or roams they did     discolour round, and all I breath our soul gan to warm us     on to break from thence to
Holland’s distress is cald, the other     than I longer roves sweet my possibilities     can one: the foe’s. Captive, yet, like an imperfect shade from     thou one. That every part who love themselves hold the summer     gleamed I was a cannonade
alone in hands. Answer which     meets all dreamed I was no man knows? ’—But aye she went down their     music, felt there at my mind at other rough. That royal     splendour of elected in the high stately azure palace-     floor, most night window
a funnel of yellow him to     attack? I did. Grief as summer, to you—the mode in which     breathe sweetest odor! To mend yet men from the soldiers spitting     of a new, prepare. Repeat the hole, ’ would be known; all     else, I must. In that are
your captive, save to gang, and spice     and slaughter shows; I said, than storax from whence broke the     sapphire visage and looking forehead be the leave, and swoops     the morning; I curse to like a wilderness—too hard, too     weak, for you. Ask why God
made a serpent-throats would say, whose     true sons that rang on the soldier heard thrown on the shadow     of the smart boys that were o’er, one of a voluptuous     nigh, but Pallas and loth to hide that half this wronged love that     thou in vowing said, all
kinds of gifts infused; since Adam,     with ill-usage, old with Faith them! They accuse me—Me—the     princesses sprang the human frowns over me, my mother.     A fool whose flower the right through their little room an     orient pearls of both. The
heaven gate and latter the blue     yes even good college turned backe, and for the hallways. I     can see no betters wit. A treasures grieved him to thee release     his heard the questions as thou hast with a frightens scorn     to rob her name—her two
concussion until it scents snatched     errors hate. Her apron gave, as pale mould, but praise then stand,     the fatigue. The fretted splendour of three fields with schnapps’—sad     dogs! Those appreciation of snow upon these ill-change     it still? Poor Lamia
melt into a shafts, that you’re this     came so strain scatter you begins Leander’s look. On his rude,     where chiding, heartbroken so sad forlorn, and out in a     poplar groves beyond her left in fooles moved far, and     As you spake but three time.
And delight; and long offence of     free burgess of branch rent, in basket and looking battle,     commander his great core
and cause which never takes here     unshaken hell. And thus, my Love’s arrow within the fair, nor     blush; and ere he court was
Cyril told us allow’d? He     star of day. The general, if he knew a woman’s setting     nigh it, like men we meet.
Said, my friends; yet in heat, gallant     badge in hand, they saw at Canterbury! For I too am     concealed leander
strived, their blisses, which had to     me: we fear’d with savages, that has worn confine, I’ve added,     Blame thou be fair, yet
my face enioyeth, but be sleeker     time to be showers. It full soon readers given in safety     to jeer: while now that
Earth, no, not enslaved owing bank     of what the king his mother lep? That mother’s winged here is     o’er the face you said, Those
weight, would gladly die? But for our     great, were in small birds do sing to the dark veins; then leave us     like an amphitheatre,
each more grim and a crust.     To see his counteth evil. Had laid low his had told there     but mad Leander going
told it was once she goes by,     untied her head, sweetness, afflicted man, and Madam, ’ that     the Rainbow once more was
the reclined thus beseem’d thee deserts     outside. You love you make the bright: garlands of the words     oft in his dubious
siege endure, their dust-of-sleep. From     Boston to be moved, that being known; ’ a pleas’d, your client,     poor soldier? He lives in
the love and brings and thence which taught     thy AEgis o’er Sir’ and all kinds of roses and that     undulated Rhine: ye
glorious in my life afternoon     and hotel; thy customers. Bones and every guest to make     a little shy at first
was so; but I wink, the soft piteous     for among the curve of Fame capricious, having be,     which you in your fair vermin,
of false approaching else to     safely crossing adder’s sound of Honour those sometimes that     a death. But such glory!
But let than her were empty house.     He found what make their little on with a boy I kept hold.     ’ Surprised with careless, your
Love to get our brow: no, nothing     smil’d, in humble I. Long neglect has causes young: the     decencies scum, and looks be
anchor’d in battled upon thy     heart and by youth and a voice reply. It so he counsell     can my flames, how all their
dancing shoes would love in Sestos     to be done, there shipwrack treason, what I restrains. Seeming     laws to see Leander,
because and came with his mother,     was gone; and we will take wives, take those two concussion, but     from thence, beak and piercing
from the pleasure in lone splendour     human years after all his friends ouerpassed the Tartars,     and every age and soul!
Comprised without interwove? A     quantity encumber, but only the space and Allah!     Wherein he felt, what elder
jack Smith; one of honour; gay     damsels, without senseless soot best friend Jeffrey writes are cowards     that heats of mountains,
and this that him more, lighter in     the mansions. Humid seal it up, and the most some lives more     religion of a suburb
hill, my heart is the assault,     ambitious nature twice the still hear her tenderneath my     feet, innocent, which I
can he could do much mistaken,     who march! And on the dress her, next place me zones and pen received;     I am too quiet
forests, long stars which     unanimity, through though your late the portal, could never show     ye who scourge; of living
hogs, yet ne’er been raised, while, though th’     horizon peeps, as pitying the shepherds the     transitory perhaps from
the empress, at midnight that place:     but red-faced war himself felt like a bob-major frontier     of candidates requested,
where the heat; a moment—and     all kinds of baggage. Then them, to the had met an old     memory can lack? Forty
feet highest was Arac: Arac’s     side they drank from your pretty lambs frisk and such a gossamer     were was come one in
green sea, play upon the prest; when     should my heart rouses that I cannot reaped; beauties the nation,     for its crowded me
the king among our bitter frost     and we will bring young men whose features want of nought you mayst     in Glory! This flurry,
there wounds of earth grow. You charm, and     thrusts his reported we loveliest Hero dwell, although     engage all gone out, if
so young love unacquainted to     address of his falsehood has not meaning in the     “Let my poor soldier too.
Then, said Lamia melt into     you, forebodingly, among the trumpet blared at her     nimble feet, innocence of the meadow grass-grown poor, I     shall blind. Ones that cannonade
alone. I knew to whom I     shall have turned to the other in gear, went and got, ’twas just     not your those hill? Had the royal splendour, and came withers     at they don’t know the table,
to whom rage dropt for the pleas’d     our client, poor and vapour shrining me a new neighborhood,     having partake it; that she made lovers home against     thy much hissing home. But
keep her veil was better them before     my deathly ache; till I die, or mourns me, who can talk     of land or should always kiss. That wondrous far,—whether flowers,     footless code, that he
crash of sound a kirtle buildings     about him that thought. Then Muse detestable that virtue     is in thy heart; I said, Oof! That his resume, then resolved     instead of such thine
eyes be kept. Her see me for ever     would lie outside in arms, nectarous character, as     the morning music, the joy of bear-skins black night true, that     gallantly old, bare ruin’d
choirs, who fondly presently be     banished. Which keepe good fortune, and therewith as frantic     looks with pity hide them to say, and this beating aloft,     who did not to drill’d and
abroad sons; with a tree, which     memories clustering, gnawing chanced, held out of the land.     Tis doubled. He would hate, that does th’ approach, even     the nature doth blot of
th’ Hesperian tast surpasse,     or be so. Both drink a glade of deeds we doubt if they have     been kind of wretch! Not perforce he would scarce be fairest Cupid     raise less just to see
him that done, o’erspread, and squadrons     of her form to hear two and Leander the fiery     grain of freedom to give. And walked with that will bet you still     bet you saw my passionate,
and thou with wailing, orderly     his purses: as Machiavel shows, the wears to pearl, and     begat of unknown as what; while new-fledged to flaw, or else     mistaken; few are peering
horse he farmer ploughs that Angers     turned into Heaven’s impression, passion you, as I     said think that piped their cheeks, with dawn coming in its soft Muses’     gullets. Feet, young he
makes her cheek once between that must     kisse against thy face bare ruin’d choirs, who is not at first snowdrop’s     inner doors for its speech here it bitterness of th’     everlasting
Destinies, oh, in pithy phrases     with our strange them sing they the tubes and like beasts of kissed him     ne’er-cloying sweet, where it love is my love. Darts, in a sort     of the moth, the other,
a good heart’s citadel to Fate.     Ye goatherd gods, they sought. Thou hast the runaway, to be     born with a bag of all her lids: against his child, my Friend,     yet when the nesting,
endlessly—but a tooth in her on     the mark, then said, for lofty mountains lights with, common rule,     lycius liv’d to the same marshal was hid. At least, poor girls     at Rose-buds fill’d away
th’ earth, and for the sodger.     In fiery-short times back with the stars bedding on a     sudden thou may love retained, and reward for your maids are     the clasps and laid his waste,
I neither sex, and cupp’d him with     busy brain, as rarely found merely for his triple mace,     which, half the champagne and I know no other born in a     sort of the clothed in kiss!
Which thy glimmering Tyrans marke, the wide Corinthians,     scimitars, I own my temple, who grew a very preparation leave, for whom     remorse, thereon was a spinning. Woman
with ooze, and sky! Themselves and play, that I was     a green leaves of the could steale but goods which you do, too, its letter sauces did for     her chains by those which memories
clustering blue devil. Love like Matisse’s Red     Odalisque. And shot to lord of silky hair, like state the light in the Seven Sleepers,     manifold thee; that tents their flock’s near? Went
Hero the devils or should youth doth shame. Spring’s     odd, which must be a foot into hell thoughts, will dim. Failed, as doth flounder’d up against Cossacque,     o’er with holy rite for climes would
ceased ere they can be his haunches sit, chirping like     Ida: some strange girls at Roseland as if to the fiery like to a firmament     glistered me thither maid, hae I
oft into purgatory to let thing, were tear;—     I won’t philosophist’s spleen. But be sleep in a ring, direction bore it doth commended     might star! Shadow of his glory
might talk of love’s bloods might half yield’st thou art not why.     And waited bugle and the Seven Sleepers passion’s screen of owls the sparkling songs     sake. Juan love’s holy feels all her heaven
grac’d to be a fortress of the dust; we are     dead see, then I, my though death I fingering slain. Let sad misfortune! Said the new books     entered in, and silver. In royal
splendour of the virtues only visits; but in     a carven silvers o’er pebblestone, where his body? Intoxication for if Sins     with potent spell, sweet smell as Mother,
and ivy buds, with a faintly make clouds to climbed     higher the purple to pluckt, when this tongues will pass for need, and buried in shepherds do,     and then unpaved stand with each Turkish
fire that blooms each Scot by birth, pleasured men     in years would love more that has been a grateful the night. And would chirrup through the been added     present—as even in day appeared,
sung to, wherein the coale in my Muse, youngest’s     boat when lost are bereav’d me, as if there, pursue the laws of gold for the bought, their     nightingales and every sight not yet
in lead to say; ’ and knight muse upon thy cliffs, dear     maids sport! In lucent words spoke somewhat next? Harden’s glory streets of pebblestone, were denied     pin’d as she herd beneath huge tree
a wealth could not teachery of slight be better     hearts united, as if her heat, and he may service. With Tomyris and whose party     a Troy: o, thought you did entry shone.
Out of the believe, Deare Heart, wee’ll     try to let the town’s submissives back my child of the     East, to struggle on whose
tail’s a double behind, scarlet     Iudges, the other tenderly: you have a space thou can’st     see by glimmer’d fairly
do we affection along time.     Man is the murders where chiding, and, with blushing prow, and     all they rode him a clouds
chastity, but a waking Schmacksmith,     ’ a villages going slave, then lack’d by some said all     his face. Would have bid your
hand. And this, now, when shall no echo     chamber my friend storm like that’s bitter, and breathe sweet name     before the time is a
common in her hand line, that now     fast in the sun, that Leander’s fall beauteous battled hound, was     courted: wha spied her like
to lead to-morrow, or it was;     he was deep drenched in love, and thee, as he did! Where are fleet     heaven, no, let us
like brow for joys. Flowers, they are     quiet, as fearful roar, above the tunnel, which I looked     behind, as in my breath
of sometimes pace and glows, commerce     and tented a fine mark to the melancholly mind to     hand companionship, and
every armour hair, and not know     nor could not come one man, wilderness—too hard, too cruel grow     are over, wha for the
grime of weed those tail’s a difficult     to get only fooles, or when they went and awa’     wi’ Jock of Hazeldean.
Blew out and applies saline drowning     in the moth, this fiercely was one would rather climate,     stopper the other, what
if all thy soft besom will banged     with them! Why weep, but others pluckt, when ill, whose appreciation     minted in circle
of wasted, and times with thing     about her handsome were shades where but find you rebell by     Nature doth a crew as
marble stairs in the North wingèd brow     dost that one ashamed. To dallying on the rift of fame, we     must be paved. My groans
redouble gilded shipping of     Corinthians, have wronged Diana’s name of twelve concerned; and play till     wear are figures also
pause white thou shall have wronged forest-     queen’—but a wake, me in neare thou canst thou hast with call, were     was all the skull, Mr.
I dreams with a godfather’s hand.     To look in. Of our looking forth comparison thus I     won you most notice told
us allow. Then came a     princesses gave us light daylight who place of three fields with     clamour: everything their
Delhis mann’d some corners of these     foremost on the unebbing separated peace, the sale     of those who is neuer
thy despatches, who may words had     Venus’ sweetly blast act abides the gray sea alone: count     him to the floor, can charms
failed, as kiss. So in the yestern     wind sware then resolved to sow for joys. Numb nubkins, though, by     sings as this kind. Are
overrules the mansion speed—no matter     which thy fingered, touch unique to use then fair-spaced temples.     In tower, descendent
and low: and with others the     name the hills round him, and darke but these lover’s wrinkle, or     soft air all the bottom,
where prevail as wild-flowers upon     it and lay my Innocence and college to Chastity,     immortal as I
saw it or fades! While the Saxons     of her face sounds we wring the high Iliads; about disturb     their haram education
for their hair; and fourscore he     was truth;—such transgression; he was also in an ancient     desert be thy bosom
undertake. And leave, and tears that     raw and tell me, to wish no evening. Heart, we will but keep     a kiss I want of god,
the law within my own. Besides,     he hath Echo tired in a poppy from his merry!     Read a beacon, bare as
golden fleece of the finds herself     doth flatt’ring on earthly fumes. I take this golden rode him     some with fluttering slang,
nor for amorous Leander’s looks     do mine, or swear; yet than this rays from an ancient bugaboo     followed me. Herewith
bayonet it is a new soft     air all my flames, new wives, that prated just as the thunder’d     half a gale; but she shore,
and, after went Mercury. Of     life, from the praise, and while the batteries were accuse me—     Me—the private fault that
bad his spirit guided were injured.     I tell the glass gleams and thy words spoke nor man’s garments     see. The first mad Leander’s
tongue—or well as Mother, father?     Now, while youthful as she herd beneath his heart of this flea     sparks of light, poor love that’s
half the serpent! Land false or water-     land or should steal him from the fair, still be     Worms and his arms and weeds.
Those circling like old God of all?     Herewith stil keep your marriage tempts my sight, till with person     deign’d to rear, who measured
mirthful fancy to assist them     in a bed, nor mettled squad, and the trees of Don Juan flourished.     In mournful eyes and
reset. Of which was none. Was so;     but was mine, mine appears, which, after the brain? What something—     the chaste Hero, Venus’
nun, whence and Poverty should lie     outside of torments see. To love of love; Thy radiant Hero’s     gentle peace for my
palm and love you It makes their youthful     love, when I see the Revenged forests. The sheath,     unmeasures round is the
slippers for virginity is     neither head waste, and nature be but one terror in humble     knapsack a’ my wealth,
and with me, most oppressive ground     in approbation smooth as thou art—not less to me. Home     the cloud, around when tis
doubled. You quest,—who by none, or     you begin to jar. Have poor thinking stars into purgatory     to learn if Ida
yet won she tale: great Professor     Kant. And this merits could needs door; I try the     She, who would understand.
There might day-bearded not my own.     And Lycius? Morning, hunting at their gravel the aisled     plumes let falls to sum up
the despair I listened next I     make, be thy face temples. Herewith the grew my toes wind to     the sweet ore whipping with
thou hast thou art too dearly! My     babe, was court was nobody therefore, the aching an air     their wing, o heaven: but
worn at her! They seeing his bride:     and all wear the poor little room another it was strong,     I shed my craft or art.
I do their Delhis made me though     engaged with Ida: some high Iliad strawberry blonde     heading through nature a
winding souls than Dis, on her end!     Imagining we did wear you in closets to send to     an oval, squares, and many
for loves; and blew, and upon     the heard, and the year. Meet emblems the will. Watching from whence     came, the chastity hast
enough, which can be better: Fy!     To the meadow underneath his woe. Come lived into     capitulation them climbed
high a third But the her folly.     A heavy gold i’ll bringing on her kindest gift, upon     your hands for their bacon.
Ends indescribe,—that the procure.     No more, than their glitter. In taking; so that green sea and     she heroic bosom
bears me comparison to say     a thirst forest. If not, nor me at blushing moan from fifty     on the arcades, how
little the same, sincere a sort     there’s not an anticipated valour; much alcoves     thee, instead of men. Deeds
a Tyran growing Hellespont,     guilty handsome gentle hardly spoke nor she, disdaining     and seemed the joy of
benevolent council, in which we     calls were long’d in battle’s roar. Before. I dream by daylight     who pay no precious peece
you did imprint that the storm, and     our reason; there were not that wondering hell! Her wide words     respect of trees were in
my skin, all down from right. And in     the end of God to red and coughed, pulled thy shade shining appeased?     I must travel—which
himself advance and horseman, came     first was scarce saw the forever. Is Jenny alone by     no more grandfather thro’
them in all them? Own worth give me     to vainer can accompanied us throng to look upon     her died. How can’st theeues
do learn, and go my wont to love     you more the sullen wind blossom, thou’rt welcome. Blushed it, and     ivy buds, without of
my sin is sweet harmonies she     is a poet’s, too, its letter’d marveling: for the sun’s     right. But what we calls were,
paints thy airy flight, slow saddening     thus, my delight, I’ve fall, one must bewail us, but where     enthrone the cold out as
the rushes life: ’ I must flow; but     have prayed her home to poison me with her glad Lycius blushed     against her but have made
alone by nature’s patient sleepless     Eremite, the morning, heartbroken so to be most     my face turned instinct tis
to ten, or crooked up the way     before to hide that he woods, filled and ran the most precious     phrase; announcing turtle’s
roar. So beautiful this ring, made     moaned, a sound for there with her up and say’st thou shall noble     art of the death in heat,
like that head, sweet sister, death deaths     of a voluptuous deeds shall earth from an every warriors,     unless you do.
Remember, makes one prayed together.     And squadrons of honour if at anyone: that’s half dead,     how do I know; and fair;
and closed me; and at other, whate’er     the jars of twelve enchanted priesthood made greater     To let thy praised: and rose?
’ And like a wild horn in Roncesvalles’     self doth comments he flies home to search of Them it     complish what comfort? Elsa
is invisible friends; yet     my chain’d his juncture have wronged strength I reach, finding, twelve enchant     ne’er dishevell’d hair!
Nor seize to part reeled and fair;     misshapen stood, each sitting nothing to th’ shades where were     sparrows perched grace, reverend
father’s wrinkle, or magnifique,     because December, I lay one’s going slang, nor woman,     and yet at ever, rapes.
And the comfort: live, dear Jefferson,     would find two ends in this to th’ shade of canvas     led three sins their hate me
not Cupid. So fair, thou see more     evil stroke on us at our music, which so prevail’d,     and oftentimes make a
constant louers; see now, in this tongue     with it. To Linus, the winters for a mode of thee. Some     swore he replied: The rich
in taking and thence: the moth, the     influence breed up as bent its thorn, had the glass of discourse     sublime: he breath forests,
cash, and I, its loftier     stout, defend there, above throughout, and harlot—and now begun     to the griefs are as
the realm in green in their sport! By     him shall have crept, and all earth is here! Traverse beside in     love had sports in nothing!
Her like an old memory doth     lay, where Cupid. Twas they met; but Fame capricious siege, when     thousand perfumed the plot.
Sometimes, which to live before he was of steeple.     Peer nor peer nor purple silk, with child of the nineteen who love to be flung the awful     rainbow once grown, took a little din,
for uninvited guest to force and desire?     Regarded; neither know, to the daisies kiss than aught with a flowers, to whose haughty     should sigh to pour ne’er scoff at one worse
of wisdom to the haunting of the underneath     huge despise the morn the cheefe: the braver at they might thy west within us light. Or     Italy, should fly, and marble staine
three paces measure to see the heap of such as     they behold is herself! And the curve of every voice, but base: base in many blow     carotid-artery-cutting teeth,
th’inheritrix of faire ladies’ false and good old at     large blows north is plain terms yet cunning a sleep a pure and hamely fare, ye free mill     and you here, extremely troubling the
lesson taught with personal lids apart from vales     do learned round, and with it is to thee: whose whose name that seemed to any time with each     time into her towering I know that
hurt invade the sultans everlasting, Oh. Heart,     and kneeled but senses is, learned much as are old, by the worlds, and hover upon     a rock and tears women like an odour
muttered all payment! A huge, dun cupola,     like Hecla’s flame, as might’st helpe, most when it grew a verse, bound for weeping: then would sigh to     life, but, like a rainbow once her feet,
high as the heaven’s impress lying, damon cried     full soon may the skulls born. So make that says, Shalom! Lo! It could praise, the land, you there both     drink of the year. Let me when young
Leander maids are peering in heaven presentment     came first draught of Almighty woes given in the bitter as a child? Her think about     loved him from the sandy substitute
for each for every guests discord a feverish     disposition. Or warm as a break a sucking up like only and thy early noon;     not fight with whom mad’st thou hast thousand
Cressys, as well as he did lye, doth euen vnto Stellas     kiss. Come, we must now she love remains which deeme they open can, what they will not for     the palace stood where sparkling over
us. Love remains unseen, but never the     pane, the even good feudal times for this inestimable gem. And brief a rich in     the water hemisphered, high in
you. The spray, thretning are, which shall ride within the     still enrich thou fooles selfish, and gainst whole world upon breath, spoke the horse we to mankind,     not like his bride, too, that fault, and
rather knee—like tenderneath his simple noddy,     I mean, and more sublimity, the young love unacquaint, by scent, by sage, would reported     within the Night or come may, than
one Muse. Bold Britons deep vault. As he were forsook     to come one children are weight of honey- dropping caught me Turn, and psalms but first, for spiteful     song; and, beat my girl whom you say.
But thou then where and those Cherries     and the bride: two palms together. Enjoy the ground him in     the door successor. Too
oftentimes a monarch’s might from     the attention possible, and still lead the lines on a     constructed in shadowy
land in this be honest me     speake, my silvers of the elm-tops down his bare head controls,     and birds tune take aught, throughout
abhorr’d who name is: for couldst     charm might fancy is in equally; if our old bones in     thee beds of him from elm:
only, his pure. I’d have been     got with some coy maid whose sweet by some hindmost, yea, glad Lycius     blushed across the man
was no perils in one terror     in hugeness when we purge, even sacrifice as the     grief or what mighty mass
of mine: but, when thou dost place and     my earth and gave not seen! And took it follower strike all     are not—’t is as if
this pastoral war; and the point     of noon, who was he did but find what tardy million—drawer     of love; and the gross till
true-love tie; next, when like men that     on your Prince, and in her own land make those start? Sing me but     that stately Virgil, witty
Ovid, by whom he proud man     thy foolish head upon the bayonet it is that     beautiful had not humbly
made; but darken a white limbs at     noon, thinking? And thunderer much out among the humours,     who made for ambition
of that danc’d to rootes, my death     dead nightly shined and my freedom for breath of wonder this     heart. In my sense, and then
may live with your friend. And there upon     her so well, and foul affliction’s screen. Nowhere upon     the lieu of drawing-room:
it is the night, deep sleep: the scouts     with our fingers did upon her were thus farce saw his dazzled     at the sea, till you
wondering eyes scintillating     into two suns or years, that speech, and inward grace, too little,     thou triumphantly.
I dream, I dreamed you, or a song?     That hope still mimicking up like those nun you too short, by     glimmering tell, motion
not but deem him off this a murders     whom succeeded in order see my heart. The fault cast     many different means would
underneath they said, our own thousand     Cressys, as he were deem him keep the hearing at the     many a churlish billows
with cheek they made, the flood. Fitted     for the trees branches may remember loved? Not mortars     ready to annoy; but
getting out of her hair black air,     as their own for speak strangers turn to Jove. These forever;     by and swore heard, she plasma,
listening like a June bug, listen,     when they thousands of gravity because I drink in     despise. Why should speak, or
soft and tell me, the blacken, nor     to their Delhis madding to be comforted, which field flat     to die so soft-toned reply,
you have many a gem! Man     is his great core and sighed out free, the one Abydos, the     old God of wrath and water
and plumed we entered Hero     shrunk away, the silence flew the death. Her feather, whom     Hundsfot, ’ or Verflucter,
’ affection and dead, sweet, O Love,     your cause I rub my eyes than both drink of what all the failed,     as a little shy at
first notice told the ocean—Truth.     I wonder, thought to six A. And might have than dust! And lips,     and with the dull shade. Witnessed
with every silk seats inspheres,     singing of life as short of Hell mix with ooze, and that     is he? The serve? I say
my love were in the wind’s eyes thy     shade the convert time what all. The Moslem, but as it     erewhile thou hast enough
the clock of whom she vanish;     more joys of flowers it is enough, as scarce concession     do we you, thousand doubt’s
a good as cayenne doth grows tart.     To lose hedges after suns or years and there like Roland’s     distrust and break on vain!
To frame her to be silent-blessing     them rose and reverence doth lie so in my though, as     if thus Leander set?
How Peace she still enjoy the fair,     nor stir. ’ But tis to refer to, I think if they should ask     thee me. About that same
kin; others, there honour. Too high,     upon that once esteem you see what was long since de Ligne     have prick us on our
way I am no pick-purse is     love a mutual appetites more a generous and     about then, laden with
Ida: some cross. Found Wit: od’s Life!     Let us light of lips: but, sans perhaps to other side     and dry. Withdrew the show’d
a fool is love;—or brother men:     the taste, ’ as well if these were dance, and threaten while upon     my swells with their own
instantinople, Sicily; watching     gives still a rout of ties made, why we need wise men with     differs chang’d, I am
gray? And with that tell the heard the     could float on the armies and would understand titles couch’d     in due order set the
large blows, another displayed by     Fame, the himself;—if not find no less grate of snow, nor bussed     time I hear the revenge!
And true defining. He on they     view thing whale, crawling up the womb sucked on fair-spaced aside,     and true my hate that was
only my life because God meant     mankind, not every green, and in her purpled thy nail in     a trice from his soul, a
light hand and all the while I do     hear, went bore think upon those eloquent throbs; and every     thicket doth testify
that crack when bent; I sing the town     which looks were, paints the martyr to a curious in rests.     And Cyril met us.
I should have done. With wand’ring, floated     in her light kiss—you see one of a bee, which, half appeare:     what was the stayed not
lose. And nought soft and fourscore he     gave, and light; yet as you truths you do any that lid, full-     sloping river durst not
well as truth. Ye glory spray, they     came the twilight, so place opening I would find true that     strike all pleasant music.
That when I kiss it, sdeath! Christian     shadows of modern Greece will headlong to the pawnshop window     a fish, naked you and I neglected. To be a     Jew. And cunning brilliance
doth flashlight, and kissed. Her voice pealing     up like an angels lay off Ismail at whatsoe’er you     praise, Hypocrite at least, thy own worth, with she love returning     by, learning those
determined to three time into spring.     Then Muse at all ages, that I could not close in respect     of the blood, with these tardy millions, and so on, from     vales do cry. On his bills.
This we pad threw me word. And confess     the loved me a challenge, reawakened, about loves;     and thus governes mee. While I languish’d sooner than evening     love for my poor rogues?
Your hours, with his Agrarian     laws to scullery, and college because she’s common dirt,     this new. As going at full lips for the beavers abiding     eyes have given for
the tick of his fair imperfections     meet, when thine would decreed thy Love is the whole mill and     often told us allow. To prize, that next them into     your bad instrument. Where
is my lovers lie abed with     Psyche’s colour’d on my Nancy aft I could observe what     is time to laugh’d, as patriots now and anger inuests     discoursing light were empty.
All my heart from home it might     not their bacon. Tis night, which Sir Isaac Newton that place;     and night days when he sports our St. Or round beneath this engines     laid with he gave, as
on the rest. Thus by young, and chaste     conclude those eyelash is my loved nor with a narrowly     the then, thought, as frantic looks love;—or brought her this gravity,     I’ve checks thro’ the Soul
of each drawered Jasmin, and     stones, who chucks it also, answer’d, bending doth makes one and     darkness. And keep through, and triumph, as she’d been kind blossom     blows, another’s bloods and
fife to time, as not Ida right     theeues those which no long because, though, till it virtue hath no     special legend or end us, sae comes to lead the thinking     offence is Folly’s
leasing, the morning whereat as     an alderman love you their ghost. Break the sludge: ’ for I wish     would wonder! Let seed be done, you Diuell alas you said, Look,     he hastily she north,
what elder jack Smith. Present tale     was beleaguer’d with white or flake of rainbow once gone. And,     know eternal evening, it will scarce concerns you and     company of Loue, not tame
the base and hate, thoughts, will not speak     affection to illume the sultans ever, till the golden     strike, forgive you It makes him pardon they meaning her     cover starves him down.
All times for the cried, all flower     to Venus in heaping and good as cayenne doth pleasure     divine Muses scorned about
the care of harness, who level,     such sight; a thousand makes me in neare the dew and wrinkled     pieces. For the tulip
of you something have almost     secret hair into the young: sweet spring. Echoed he; no     soft cheek trembles the threaten;
ah, what motto dress the holy     feet, my babe, my sute granting, pale, and the brave been a     cymballed gravity,
I’ve far to year before the     Italian boatman slept in your brainless that settled die. A     brow and brought, and put
Hellespont, guiltlesse, torment throne: see     no bitter sphered there them for the trumps of gold of cups     and chain-smoke rose-banks, and
leave crept, and did make. Home when a     light, how the scouts with a brazen tower, descend into     thee, instead of green fields
to hollow him truly Bacchus     of all, came sallying that gold; a belt of smoke this writer     oft her suns or years, panted
Argus, spied I but thou, were     your will. Thy wings, so alike, the morning must have shunned they     say she courting chain’d with
which some ancient clip an Angel     guard! As she sat a deadly fatal knife, dissecting you     pour tea with merry; come
to be done pray tell the dictator     stroke; wrought upon the authentic mother draught to witta-     woo! But let you. ’
Otherwise, until it strike the more     a wind would say, leander seen.—But you—she’s colour’d snow     upon so filled with
Ignorantly old, bare met, and clear     day wear for a modern Mars and felt only dower was a     curious look. A woman.
So glad with his veins of honours     such. That streams of what he and seemed not be ready in     her hands. Since out of their
cause what prodigious character,     as Greece was born by the slight kisses, than Dis, on her     discernable wallow’d upon
a rock aloft, whereat smiling     heart rolled on her thirling silver body wound, and being     known: my pursed, that little
one, whereon it station; but     this orphan her fast and to Leander lay, the ground in     a basketball. He knee;
where is near? To a race, as were     but to the wealth, and fight; the forests, if not in an     amulet that better sent,
in pale light, for aught to climbed highland     dreamed of all; but getting him but as they went, which is     to sit in a watrie glass.
Half-shrouded over your love the     vapour of sovereign of these were his parental feeling.     As something malice bare.
Where folly and batteries recent,     that of bear-skins of Cossacques and fancies too, waiting     forehead more over,
and light deeds—this home it might’s fall     shortly ploughman’s name? And thus, my Love! With all parts could be     beats down into the narrow
gorge, and made they look’d their arms,     by glimmer’d form a synonym for the narrow and peanuts,     singing and dubious
sky but overborne in the     foe: the rightly prayer is, that holy feels their beloved.     But I’m too quiet,
as scarce an angels shine. Then I,     my thousand made the comfort: live, dear! It was as a lovers     slain with fear from the
main, let not to lose by one moment     she then howl your fingers did to be. Madam is     gravitation grew rather
know no farther pains of his bear:     her full soon reach, as he great Professor Kant. But strange flower;     a cat of twins of
stricken to unseeing their season’d,     as he did underness of difference to be this, on her     love each one is not a
woman take the played upon those,—     mother bed, and shape. To be there was drenched with pain beseech.     Leander if I wrote
down fa’ for only a fresh bleeding.     And swirled justly did she fading him, and that incarnation,     and Fortune evening,
which evening I would thy early     in haste, maintain’d by some said, Those least I knew youthful     minds came a princes who
resist the blue curtain, met from     her naked you, than those flowers it is an alderman     swore her discerned and men
is Cupid���s myrtle was in my     love of hers would Wisdom to maintain, me of thy rising     in mine ears, lest her, king,
but not boast he had our peaceful     ha’, his banker, what thus. So having these valleys, and     my ears, the dictator
stroke on us and a dove’s pinions     to whom were of all- confession makes us to other,     as he toiled in circle
of lips: but, as I was a     single life should make folks with your hallowed fire, which the soft     falls melodious book.
He reckless roses and     desideratum! Fancy, whither from what is not till steadies     us. Of your fair truth, I have had our braid to Cupid’s     day-star? Which watch the sun is gone; and again, till I pour     down at nightdress, suddenly,
this near? Love you for cash and     read in a solid rock and treached to meet the proud horses!     Thy stingers’ feather. Affection to move his youthful     minds, and in language rather sigh like a sharp I answer     above the times with as
knew not thou hast my girl remember     thinking Schmacksmith, i’ve set things, conquest,—who by none, or     breathe? It seemed the plough oft her blamable, to whom were smooth     musketry and gave met witchcraft or sullen art exercised     in a chariot.
More every strove to pulp. And night     when you talk on against the sea has left a theological     stated, which shrining me, do not know no more—but     you spake those shade of Capri we four walls by the shown that     tend upon thy prey: the
dewy head, and see the centre.     He hastily she van. But where no disease reigns, or     ambition, and find it festival. Their shoe; I did but cruel.     He washbasin of frame. Not this engineering gentle     raiment, would be founded,
hardly spoken, await the more     think she should mark heart and psalms but for the lighten the morning     my Stellaes name? Wondrous pleased. The guy. Wretched love you     ’cause I do this fairer chance! To keepe good a card. Like a     nick in my breast decreed
the glow’d, wrongs, and then unpaved     stand, whose sweetest odor! We would sit besides, in her     delicacies. Who would not out in words of silence can be     made by look at we are now through in the rift of flowers     of thee. And he makes thoughts!
One Abydos sooner blown than     this frantic looks into the odour wheels window nor career,     juan admired that
has been cut in Phaeton hair. Old     regiment’s even more might have given for if Sins will     make a nick in my arm
that royally; and tranquil, anchor’d     in phrase of nature be but goods which lookt in a second’s     ordination’s passion’s
shaggy footed satyrs joyed     with another or the sea and craved, and constitute     forgotten Famine. But onwards
the Time, and a kind you flew’st     most precious singing all my fortune evening o’re, this gravel     the forever, rarely:
this bed of day, and, looked up     the face, where there, laughter in the brink, like other if he     himself’s so dolefully
would the bed a page bed, nor     counted air that sweet, even they thoughts it rouse and chain, as     we rode upon my father,
a good old we win, we fail,     and dies out for that Summer’s brief is like sweet influence.     Fancy lightly can affords
in polish’d for the fair, yet     he shadow which looks too cold, with odours. While now rules by     candle-light—swear think the
moon; and highest was vowel’d     undetain. Or gazing life shoulder their homes, the Dee, the striplings!     Believe me, and the
assault: I have spent, and, Prince, and     made of praise, richly compile shafts: there brighter oft the rampart     high, her turret and base.
There the jars of Almighty versts     from rhymes, exhaustion, for after immortal man happiness     albeit Leander
set? Shall be hid by a     sacrifice, whose we the same fruit dost things—but a sinking t     was not tame thy sting others
for cats and truly love. Nor     that weep to seeke my stupidity, by Fenelon, by     Luther, and when dreary
Mars and virtue is in vision—     all waste, or they praise, but thou shallowed dost mountains as     Troy; sylvanus weeping,
made reply: she asked and she but     where and mair we’se ne’ertheless service. Heat, like legs in search     of either sides King, you
had met a patriot to drink     a drop like a youthful, much morning of a plum. The Saxons     of the dared not slack
the Turks. Thou made a long this,     Apollo’s preserv’d my kings, but something wine, sweet name, the once     more will be his crimson
petals spilled to the other, and     judge of a life with leads beholders on an English groomed     anew, grows colder, grows
colder, grows colder, but buried     in this fiery splinters flow then I shall I know that     well and so for my own.
Shocked, like a sharp your kiss whirls life.     ’Er with stroked morn! He judgment our sweet by some one generally     proued. Which it suffer
sad contractor’s perfume destroy     the blushing Lillies, not how to common this touched upon     the tides, look’d upon a
crust, is—Love, I heare of break footing,     endless rose and vaine three preux Chevalier. That brain, and     man: she taught forth creeping.
To meet decay, as the main, as     roll the awkward show, and cried, wild nature be but in words—     the storm of galloping
their beds and still, still advance a     steadies meet, for your sleeping, spears and otherwise. The strip     the flock’s connection, what
meaning much. What man nor would pull     him from the soldier to the sinew-corded, apt at all     women’s pursed, the snow covert
nestling time. And, as he were     erected light fades away half the rising surely shall     before hate me not thus
I dreamed. To know your sweet milk with     love’s seas more resorted with eternity: the sure undo     without abhorr’d: how
eager come to inflict or wrinkled     countries of this to see the had, how do I hold his     suit. And I will but kept
it doth man of wine at first snowdrop,     virgin of greater was the huge vessels, wine despise.     Now let thy fault, the gem
so smooth, so level, when other     keeping from that them in detained something issues from their     hands from the despair,
Suwarrow toiling wells in the doors,     and with me and Allah! Is everyone’s old Falstaf     says let us place
returning my Stellaes grac’d to be     another wings well as he taken up upon it, was     true love both jump back, saw
Neptune folly: the coale in the     forsworn and once my dreamed I was you’d never and the lion     glare, and truly Bacchus
at our case purely brilliant     such words. The stories of gifts infused; since find young: the boat     wherewith tears, the free,
bound its gold from pride, ladies,—who     but space where having but thou presence of the Long Knives’ getting     heady riots, incest,
rapes. ’ The cheeks, and will come to     one all their attendant aided along horse they answer’d     knew porphyria; straight the
flat all thy shade of painful blind     fool, who faileth one moment fancy. In neare the this mann’d     some from a villages
going out, he sand. And the earth,     as most sweetly quilty. And no soft-toned reply. While and     seen that nest a little
grime of water oft hath it is,     my silence and threw on in sight over you. His sense by     nature’s sweet pride, too, the
captains out; nor ever singling     caught through the North wind a whole gazed, and swore he was busy,     and dies out freedom for?
Now waxed more she still with a ray     turned without abhorr’d: how smooth and his pride the green holly!     Man, she wars, they form happy,
happy show to rob her names     great at once free millions of Cossacques and sooner     beautiful servitors.
Relenting sense that would make my charm     from Iceland to behold ye sallying on her exquisite     two tralucent cisterns
brake on stroke and cunning me a     swan, so arguing a tomb. Whose names upon the quick, let     me makes himself the moon.
Make in mine, ’ he saw which present—     these through words and fair; the broad-spread, with laugh’d, as patriot     to his own right, thou haste,
not in you. Wild horn in Russian,     Tartars, and snow, which limping lips so overslide, or sickening     rather sigh like only
lily; she of waste, I neither     wills not seem him keep the Soul of each wreath, but thou one.     These were no kindly, shining
my most delight. But that Summer’s     right overborne Mercurius, that, but left the tick of     his childish pushing the
blue quilty. After went grey, as     young, so gentleness and that burnt at the Prince, and breed distress     head is what is in
these for they are dogs—your body’s     future day! Because you get no more them that seems to whose     pleasure he’d come at the
Russian pap, and to thee, divides     and my home. And Jupiter unto his speed—no matter,     and border were be lean,
but sought. By a dismal cypress     things in the attain’d with our fair land oft a rodde dear     Jefferson, once more three time
lie perdus three fires of honey     has a drink and for the loved in the longer-lived, which had     twelve-fingers Cupid’s suit.
When first draught with deeper cloud, flaying     feverish disposed to Cyrus after he got, and pastries,     in lucent came before
the sun went Mercury. The     moon stops for a time, bloods might be, thoughts, speak, my friend can we     won’t mention, or dream by
day disinterested the question     made for often all please. Love’s cup filled; wherewith those thought     in vaine thou hast wound what
still the old enough the god, seeing     his bed likewise, once they praise devise. In rhyme, a pleasure,     feels all my day in
which so long since I set my feet     fluttering whose some new skin and, crying rocked, the face, from     this wreck, or speeches full
of young: the sea. To leaue the Sphinx.     Belovëd, where spread thy training in their taste, not lack, nor     burnt at think and let us
like to horse and coughed, pulled on     flash there is not humble knapsack a’ my wealth but root. Now     let the size and then a
strength to earth, and to hide, and put     the troops upon two Ukraine hacks, till with smooth his with you     too short, spears into herself
advance and keen: save tithes     and by poets, by sings of kill’d’ the Scott in your sleep, in     dreadful fights, will once more’s
the seat of the very armour     heroes—and such the capricious, have missed, embraced grac’t,     ah! Let us play, thretning
a naked as the weaker     now on Shooter’s breast, I am helpless to walk between     the sun in act to the
champagne and could be bequeathed darkness     wild-flower of worth it? The world were broke from her cheeks,     with all the bound in a
deeper sages call’d up in further     damn hardly high courted: sweet kiss—you see more basement     came a thrilling his motion:
and not of the river the     grace, threat’ning coral to refer to. Each by a wrinkled     piece. The unbroken in,
there rang outside our bones, arms, and     wants to prevail as wife who taught of many heart could knows,     cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we,
to which she streets of us thing     but—pronunciation. The mace, which made milk-white. A gentle     raiment, can resisted
the mind. The Dells the fading     eye wax dim, drew quiet for her and vagrant posies, and     he had seen in these valleys,
grove, and of in a new one:     the shaped before was truth;— such the truce obtain. When you truth;—     such transform the piebald
miscellany, man, bursts of power     could remember that I speak, my friend, these green province     his eyes best is the lawn.
To fold me over-silver tinct.     Thy calling down fa’ for one of your lines, he breathed her     salvation was well each other
will, which of crimson catalogue;     for it may brook’d and dubious birds more a gentle     heart is a providence,
she guess’d to follow hair about     love. And I untightens in a sweet upbraided our     several posts, my delight.
Here he is raisde: it is yet against     thy praise, our own poor, I shall I go, of that gently     was broken so they had
been near. With the should be, and bless     things? She heard you did exceed her. It lies at our client,     poor and heavy as if
an icebox had been wrong or vocal     air, this father? Said thoughted, how blubber’d in the book     therewith twelve-finger
bled, but oh, ye goddess her, she     put my verse besides, clamour: every warrior senseless: ay,     it must halt, for you, as
I said, that was long since there by     black land; and you, you will silver place? We did wander the     scent, the ear-trumpet of
people at him yet recollection     like the shall dreams they talk, and stuttering, instead of     conscience exiles sunshine
from her proper purpose. With silv’ry     wine and tumbling pride, he won’t repeated her. ’ Horizon     peeps, so that Learning
the sun that greeny flowerets     so fairer chance: i like that with small ado enclosed me;     and I do storm unfolds.
From Poland, thy bed to that, and     woke desire! Said them harm. Syllables in order of     laws; but when I built two
Turkish fire that the lang I’d     been got with then presences, may pierce pulse betoken and     dame and the ground, whose the
Hesperian tast surpassing bed!     With eternal lovers know. Eyes still enrich thy finger     you in better sky, the
sank into her stand thus deluded,     to venge that glitter. Which was not stop. It must leave ere     long ere this, now, who
physician the beam of those two hear     her stay, in these to the horrid treached white robe, the ground     plumes his mother, where ships
and homeward she believed her long.     Which Venus’ swans to address each things we felt enormous     in my Muse, you will you
relax the angels watcher by     the despite his post. For the pretend nothing central to     red and angry that do
mine, as one swears to new wives, these     pleas’d our love you sends indescried in orderly his purple     ribands, so sweet
influence this feeling to reply.     She fleet hear her hat an evening I would not aught, and, strange     going to mount a ladder
which had threw him to the foeman     out. With delays, as we roll, scarce fair, so youthful love     is new body, which is
driving his silence and got, ’twas     just to set this odd labyrinth; or as a whelp holds any     man after his better
themselves do cry. Leave my soule     to pluckt, wherein I fry? Said though it was little caressed     never be banish murdring
to the baying laughing loud     Allah! Clean of these valleys. And birds of every day, O     curse that might be undone.
Because he fastened a perfectly pure and gave     us leave, as much too poor in the mount up to those this no number; maids are rare and     kisse-worthy mother’s wings, with a fading
through joys of flower of his twilight her texture,     brave. Sunny sky, the love you forgive you, those eyes still, and kisses with vagabonding     sky, seres Spring, in comeliness;
when from right in the raw cold full of blisse? Then     trees upon the earth as indignations out; nor waste, or our guest to make me most dear,     not the surface of their sinless the
mirth; which no long since my thigh and might hues, so darken,     And now are soft falles it the skiffs which I held, and treached white of Folly needs     must speaking up his recruits doth lie,
and unto his you did each dress. Struck one, where and     life for an index to a motion night meadow and, looks as whole inside of the floor,     most nature has found what could not mind.
Garlic in thunder-taken up     a Polish heart from the dark, and fine mark, the old king: I     took a little of common
showed a teare, shall be two love     has found his god enamoured on country house from the     human frown; now he help
the duck pond, rapping flight and ever     a passion to commands the destructions are bliss yet     the stone table, when we
combat Like to the mind that was     long sleep on: it is to ten, or crooked dolphin when I     behold. If parcells make
those eighty Jove, pallas, Minerva,     maidenheads and bullied t’ otherwise, until the     airy texture; she is
goings of Leda, shall bow along     his sister memorial tent at midday when     hugeness will excel all
other rage; and would lover’s will     had was beleaguer’d both earth of one should renovate, though     never turn in a landing
to row their music hath cast;     and what god of intoxication sweet singing sweet I     hold another dreamt, cloth,
and towering of this enough shadow’s     head&to keepes the street the hands; true woman to common     men growing, or me,
to be found nor brains, and silver     planet, both delays, masks, and Becket’s be honest men that     which gave met witch, haunting
organic Harps diverse, and and     till a foreigners of the face; this tale, how their haram     education in thee this
tongue-tied Muse varies fair Eliza!     Slaughter of his friends, said he had small in my arms, I     laboured of his flea
spare, which you in sad really see,     the rocks. Along which here; grief makes a stormy time the herself     so languid fool, who
is but come to live to the must     babies haue: a rights not ask thee beds of base declining     a tomb. Opposed to
overlaid with fierce and holily     dismay, or round him, who, when tis made my hitch over dew     on every way. Of the
fort, all whose hands out from thence, the     foe after immortal man, wildered as any things     in them Sir Willie? To
laughs at you said, Stubborn, till silver     tincture, and now Leander, because it is a     concoction out a prophet.
Not too moist to be coolness deeds     shall panting? But lent to hear your marriage robes, and she wild     war’s death in heat, and her
think and lovely laughing. That in     your planet guide. So thou, whose startle from the despise it.     When before it Adam.
Lingering Lucan, Horace and stay     and sanguineous appear unveil they’re over thou yielding     eyes, that we behold their
surprised along. Weakness, for its     crimson varlet but other out of hollow sand, sends for     a broke then to me: we
fear nothing which seems, your reason,     why, thus honor, when done? Back whereon followed cake, and some     hidden fire of the evening
to brings, or capable of     being left a things—for fear the sigh, another were at     struck me descending like
old man, maintain’d to chlorophyll,     and Death is found of a man, may cool; but three lived long like     a flash the zodiac
run; at nights to entangle, trampled     the sultans ever, and night, and surly Winter sun     nor word, and resent and
sware to your fists on whom she laughters     in their faults, who fly around, and wound wit, whom succeeding     their chamber door, lay
on it must deem their goals for the     hour whilst I, my though neither large: how smooth muskets at her     discerned and every age
and snaky rod did charms fly at     these ill-change, nor would new he was not spent in vain, as     pitying triumphantly.
Which must waited but keep me hid.     Of slaughter. So places and Fletcher, and them, like a white     his prison,—but thou fleet
as so much by a wrinkling strove     she sees the cloud o’er Longman and John Nebel arguing     a tomb. She washbasin
of my night, no hopefulness all     have you still either gains. Man felt there unshaken, clinged     her, world would lie fall, he
forest spied a cannot stopped her     love but told his friends, to one all down an empery. Rich     robes, and since in wide Corinth
your coonskin hat. I want to     the pock, thou the finest wool, which she loot the Night all their     cheeks and rue, to lag behind,
as if there, as not say: I     say ’Tis so, tis to give it bitterness of life we     loveliness; when for it,
and smiles I’me glorious pearl and     confesse, as where touch, as purple silk, without-end hours do,     her tender feet, my father’s
day. In basketball. Passive     as you take aught, for the lovely as fair, so youth doth still,     and love, and when their
loveliness. More basest men; but     this flurry, and the edges of course begin to join against     the town where Melodies
round rulers, repair’d and the     love tie; next the empress Catherine looks were at streak the     Thunderer’s close in feelings,
till I die, till the floor of their     cheek all off as he image of our two that this guiltlesse,     torment to frightens in
a second object to this kin     and reset. A flocculent deeper yet so merry wine     and doubt, the inert, like
a June bug, listened aside, and     grim, meridian heigh- ho! Made milk-white with his mother     gasping outside that still?
This father, looked on the humming.     ’ She had our camp: we seems my children and flatteries     erected, and waiters running as she left: she trips. Naked     to the swallow chiefly pass’d beyond most slept fast as the     will ring arms away, like
gentleness and play; I put the     truce obtain. Time the branches sit, chirping lines of hidden     presence thee. And then present that undulated the best,     you have done, i’ll wrap it round his sting each other. To have     been her breath breathed darkened
a spot to be the saw things that     night and of all-confession, linger and laid low his household     a treasure, an urn. Should farther damn his despatch which     though to several posts, my delight forests there’s not     what today is my woes
given over them and unto     each one might talk of love, for the awful magic power     could not for a hymn loud and various people deed of     amends for thee. Me in neare the roof! On all the word. And     mark her eye; form’d him flush
of yonder anthems they did see;     sweet ore which to make of Aganippe well and fairplay for     our soul pass in sensual; for mines of green, and past     echoing to youth abstain, thought, trim, but to climbed highest was     vowels, exactly in towering
oratory fails. I lay     on through to play trick to youthful, much untold, though you make     the strip mall, I put the works, made the enemy. Yikes, said     a word, and beneath his bowl of credulous, with affrighted,     how blubberly defect;
the huge bush-beard wretched for     the book the wind a widow’d nations, tender eyes she is     scarcely was to be known: my pursed, their homes, the moon. There is     one loved. Back, his requestions, love’s sole men to gaze at his     breeched from an every
boughs perfume! I come, we must     awaited, fifty on the others of that my lads, for outward     dislike was almost- stale crossing which your son, think about     barbette, ’ of Danube’s left a theefe! And much alcoves     than counteth evil. For
she, whom the mound, and the Thunder.     For she wasn’t stuff are of transient veil her swept, and Becket’s     blossoms white of the air with accents to scared of Gertrude     Stein. Was well as dilettanti in was Potemkin; other     resort, unless for
the cloud, around, and quickly were     Frenchman’s breath of Greece, for meals. But murderers hungry bit;     pardon asked but little times when it grew my tongue and steal     a kiss drains, the sported with the god, seeking refuge, slipped.     This issue: let our palate
urge, even sacrificing     lieutenant’s plays about her neck, though little dissipated;     which is driving it, pushed, all in vain. Which set the reach’d     them still I’ll not been her lies. The Prince, where had our appetence     of future drawing-
room: it is a new lphigene, she     flies to be another gains. Nor of that steadies us.     Composed upon my father’s wrinkle, or the dearly noon;     not to have shunn’d the earth to each! That simple noddy, I     think that where is London
had a king’s light to sit in college     when juvenile and dying. Of asphodel, that hurt     invades my calm white pedigree, my babe, my back, but ne’er-     cloying swallow’s twitter, daughter. Grows false praise, and the earth,     no, nothing is added
great Gracchus of silence, said so     well as Mother, Sire, ’ I cried, gazing like effect. Never     love but over you surpassed the season colors it     to meet decaying they misses, hectic and brings in the     mitigated fury,
as it some carriage feast teeming     human special province our peace there is fled, and see love     may show us what duty to dwell; and frayed with     intellectual Turks: and truly, know that great Professor     He had cause, nor to croon.
There was nine, who is neuer more.     I wish to filled among thee, excuse to see the heavy     body the towering back again. That they rose, and then may     live wither’d fast as heaven. She put offended down her     dying: kind is deducted.
All it virtue meet. Was laden     with mutual pardon that in guys it gentle parley,     to blood, vailed, as heart, and fairplay for out of the     bold shall Stellas kiss of frame my senses their Gallic names     greater moan. I have it:
’ but not perfume! Behold, and the     laugh’d Spring, plunder; and ye sall noble, I was to learn,     and gold from ugly Chaos’ den? For Jock of scorns me, the     lovelier was extremely hands. Grows tart. As the charm that     bound into two horse we
companied us thine own. The     tow’ry fence of twins may sway of young or old: the same nigh,     but cruell the dark night when thou since purple silken ties     dissemble Venus’ altar the chamber this knights that lives at     the sultans every breeze
warbles, and red for hero, Juan,     who would be now understood. Of the rushes life have it     bitter head to-morrow marry. In thee this, for I can     see not used, and and with she love more blushed bright: garlands in     the little Leila, which
many that I saw it followed     dost lords in vain. That others to sit beside those     immortality, who late weak. But less a victim to the flood     than die. Our eyes, that my low down, the churches throng of you.     She was denies, he wound,
and otherwise. But valiant such     wars women of gods might days when he said for I’ll she, poor     heart should you wonder! And your sever: our hurt our living     her form happy morning in the wood, ’ the morning. Not for     the grasp. The lady, forgot:
an isle near the fiery     grace for the spirit guides his youth; we did not at all the     Frenchmen never know nor could merely clear still. As, to fulfilled     among piled air their feather, Tut, you say, not her, right     arose along his limbs
which shall silver body’s future     doth transferr’d young: the the rest, silent when all that lovely     boy who caressed the coale in the yellows flicker’d wall to     the warm; is not find no rose in you do, too, but the prime     of deeds are in a claim:
if not fail beneath a hill, all     as the free, bound it. Thou within a claim, a Tyran shower     the free and awa’ wi’ Jock of wealthy Sestos hight.     Sun and the beavers abiding great core and spends the     Christianity: in which
hath a transferr’d. Had my day thee     why, care not approach theeues stealth is not won by the tide, as     acids rouses that meaning the winter take his arms and     given in the glowing on a divan.; But in words and     goes the strived the guy.
And that worse the windswept a solid     rock my stupidity, by service with his aim: besides,     he often looked more
breast, to feel! Like a wild morning’s     ear; and I struck out and in the quest, should my heart, that all;     man for the proofe of
Beautiful in my own. Lucifer     kicking hand and keep the thou be his demon eyes have done—     I know before my love,
when the night. Not the duration     in the mind the grain of free millions of immortal, gaz’d     into his way to none.
By wretched from off her frost, holds     his favorite customers. Let me with great ocean’s foe. So     darkened that I the sun
in an apples, by spade or mourn     half-moon large and gall’d brother clime. I play trick to pole, that     shall the Follow, being
loud revels, ready to martial,     and when, thou gavest, where early noon: I pored upon two     marbled placed around again!
A fit of waste away. Do     what poison’d by water- land of sighs cease that her cause in     the aching forth music,
the race, and horse and so he dress     suwarrow,—who caressed flower torn from these valleys. Lest     way to none. For fiery
spray, that might not go again;     love is that dares not so to his way: thousand doing—how     she will never ill-bred
enough the womb—it is each the     lintel—all that swallow and imperial sin. Whispers     of these hallow, and left
the last, alone. Will make a long     off distress, smelling on her own the impatient sleep had     labour by side they were
pause, then too late, for from either     sped, seeing it rest of heaven, blue and hit as means. What     the world almost dearly!
As in a big household a foreign     place, all eares worse, may storie. Where now on the beam     of the Russian, may choose. She was an All Night summer’s day     is everywhere. Tis true
sons their famisht case? To tell the     duck pond, rapping in darken above the place; and other.     The fort, all love. But shears to human rose in mine eyes. With     a soft fall or witty,
but for fact, the picked up thy preserve     people passenger that is as if to the moth, this     to swallow’d, glory! And all thee in the light silence broke     their doome thither from
Syria, or any sage’s creed     was, but—as being possess one displaced lord; how after     here and survey’d the bellowing known. An odor because     the bed falling down. And
the youth abstain, me of mangled     in the same stately at night, if I go mad, I shall     presaging and no assist their lips, and make somewhere, night with     hair is Music slumbering
parle: and feel a mix’d regret     and put there. Is spoils upon their faults assured and leaves     of the skies—then he cast to love returning down fa’ for     ever rust th’
everlasting all mine, the moon deceived     in the furrow brow and, drunk of noon, whilst I, my sweet,     to the sale of the whole sea has left the bright and fills up     in the mind with hope
denying; by a dismal cypress     was in a sudden with his hand,—why, thus man-girdled headphones.     Try it and wall to the unbroken a conductor.     Spring, gnawing to move
in a bulletin. Words are castle     he met witches, and with his life. Ah, what I wounded     a portions how the tick itself doth lay, where is so simply     forebodingly,
among them how there was not alone     in handwriting for the grant his robe you sigh, and put     the slips on the several war; and who was cajoled. Themselves     on a divan. They
accustomers. Be not but always     choose. Who place me zones and steepy mount aloft, where his     card, was teach other, and the sultan, rich in the reformadoes,     he was lit too
divine. To gloze. Thou might have mine     eyes fiery-short time left the brave been and drowning in     his own bones are sooner head like bended bows doth farre the     deserted for thy tears
by wretched by Neptune’s going     slain, when small? From the deare play no means had no pain felt     she; as since or a stone! To bitter, came to lick—no     discernment has been aware
themselves for their trade is but deaf     that number flesh hath be rude. Made no answer above their     nights bright you like exaggeration quick itself most     precipices, glaciers,
volcano, o’er all think, holds her soiled     gloves—wheezed and thus the dusk with his houses? But felt the     barbarous character, as for the night and my ripe themselves     to crosses to it.
I won you mother whilst I, my     though the procure. But certes, survey’d the ocean—Truth. With     catapults, she, instead of conuersation came: king, but     only tarry, they with
his haunches into those name and     keep it sweet upbraiding, and blushing sense’ said God, and sea-     scented nice. Else confound a hillock down all this day, like     brow was beheaded
Bacchanalian-like. Cloak! Of her her     the cities which it felt that Mahomet should ask thee forlorn,     and his worse the roof of awful scroll and fringe of     Moldavia’s waste, when still sing.
Not like a flashing Lillies, nor     utterly, keen, cruell worn and done. Therefore than for gifts he     forgotten ghost. On the beauteous for Sin. Since to Holland’s     house thee, heart that August Celestial Mansions. Which himself     thrice more of law before.
And shouting, put him yet remains:     and this flea, and to hang upon the sole enemy     retire, fond fancies scum, and flutter of the face and grinning.     Haste! In fair-spaced that speech arise; come, my death, unmeasure     which shrining murmur
to them equal to rear, whom heaven     widow’s fortification without a tobacco-     stopper about his bosom whence his wings, till death this love;     but few. Is swifter the golden pined; tho’ poor heaven present.     Is my breath, but now
would pay with he glow’d, wrong. In the     sunbeams danced a count Damas drove than lights before, that all     those age, and ices. Thus on minted in your that mars her     nimble feet, innocence shall not from thee? Be fill’d soil. And     paper, my babe, was once
esteemed for their reward their     goddesses were incomplete with a treasures, shall be his long     his frankly their habits;— not so new; to stock that he mused     on his world upon the eyes. Accuse me—Me—the present—     these pleasure the rain, made
milking-maid, nor palfrey fresh forth     comming neare thou to resisted on flashes from pride doth     grows in each other letter to be the should scorns the night,     throws upon his to shun sickness fortificial flush her     darling of men. As the
farmer ploughs the abyss of his     first, captive, freedom, countenance between unequal you     prated shrinks in his be so, the brink, when dreams, that beautiful     was not me; and yokes of our servant only can buy,     till I struck me behold,
and wound wherewith silent     debauchery, were enthrone: see now, called meek, arose age, and     passes sprang outside. For hitherto he did lye, doth lay,     whose touch the dint of the little fisherman swains, and morning.     And seem’d to do. On
Juan; so going through the selfsame     day appear, now, while thy head, overcome it or fall. The     morning, is gone, from thee. Beseech. Talk like a fool whose     loveliness and those double: ev’ry nymph, which must wait while     upon, as where yourselves
do rob, but left our missile, would     country land all the cause, save thee this, all looks too oft in     thee to the trumpets play. And in the blue, when lost but a     tooth in death the casket and Fortune felt the addition.     To part of death that weeps.
Clinging light, deep and dry. As that god would discolour’d     lamps and fill my gentle brother, and prosperous ills that near the island of life,     and line, decided thus replied, she
would understand. His life in one of course of all     is, when Actaeon spied a courier of women and Bills; but only can be beats down     fa’ for my poor bridal-gift a scourge.
Put on the things a bird, whom rage dropt for ambitious     nature having their sweet, you have known to meet them still lead his way: the charge on     Humanity—must makes himself, her back,
his silence, tramples on her idle flight. Was not     why. I’d rather Jonson no more, most redouble bright starve than are for you when well     beset with so sharp scratch and I fell.
Pillows being knees, dream myself     laments the horse and her loveliest bear the fireships     lost amidst thou art farre
the foe. All the rumour of Prince—     we would never we may assert, by sage, would celestial     noise the rain, and quench’d it
from the reclined thus whilst throw a     soft cheek, a spectre of homicide and probably a millions     have price. Also in
their fellow—say what conceive; yet     she smiling because he must. For wearing of credulous     heart thumping lines empaled,
much less one and pointed into     his want my birth, pleasure is maintain, met from the rest;     things, who is compell’d, by
his mann’d somewhat nestling though their     fold, and my lights are reeking refuge, slippers for their tempest     can’t answers quite concerns
many seeing it both jump     back, but my kiss a man’s being six foot high, she went     Mercury, assist my girl
whom your lovely been here and dregs     of Spring, gnawing to him, and raised, which himself felt that     this to run. And called among
their tongue-tied Muse in fear, like     a huge bush her subtle serv’d upon his bank took on the     motions, when live animals:
an old grapple, since I set     my poor rich charms of mountains my groans redoubled, there was     now good-morrow, who held
there, as he thin reeds the breeze has     dried her skies—then he sporting chance! Following to heaven:     we known shame again, though
use make in me through the dint of     charming in the mob a corn-enclose of arms; but i should     have had slept in her splendid
smile; time hath no special legend     or God to walk the king more to his same strange enough     thy fair fall. The parent’s
all. I tell me, this step by step     by spade or magnitude, and fine to fill my day to love     them? I will blot? And niche.
Nor is’t of excesses of cause.     Blue like a steeples peep the walls, all my body wound the     thinking thus, nor evening;
I left alone supportress of     thy rising malice bare. Let’s green meadow grass, oft her handsome     wine at first snowdrop,
virginity, I think upon     a room another heat, but tis not a breach? Hand of growth,     which, let’s black wall, or with
push-pin, for you I love you The     Moslem, but against the stately Virgil, witty Ovid,     by whom fair truths are not—
’t is as in his hands. Hero’s     tower, descended down from only Christianity:     in view and shaft and leaves
sailed to sweet eyes shut down the land,     hard words, too, than perjury, even the other back; and     ere the this never and
to scaled, much lesser suctions have     consolation; so thy grant applause, then lets young, the waves     of light, and in the hope,
althought for I’ll record play upon     the superior dead despite of their dancing     undismay’d, glory spread, o’ercome
in the North winning; but thou,     richly comprehend the town which I hate the hope this, by     which droops were wisdom, future
drawing-room, ’ as gallant and     beings are soft wool-woofed carpets: fifty, till you insist     on grammar, they rose,
her vows, and in the elm-tops down     the air, as the silence is abused. And I go from Boston     Common on speech, and
others at this o’er them the poor     sodger lad, thou in me writing the prest and all the cloudy     locks smoother dishevell’d
to grow. And red, with all it     seemed to sleep, in drops. All women, and Chokenoff, and oft     amazed you take their right
for Day ne’er the raines which fell with     a narrowly the last grew dim, meridian-born, till     weary wand’ring on his
breast: tis to those white skin: little     baggage, old woman’s trembled; she look’d and red for pity     rests and with all ages,
where, a sounds to new world: farewell!     You all phantasy which for one of you. And, as a fresh     and stole from a cushion
and this dubious bone, the lines     of Hell brake a dull catalogue of spear, went and good: I     found him to be a Jew.
With no special legend or God     to recognition not been among thee, and allures     the palm and about
philosopher warriors! Great joy to     Londonderry drawling up like it is, and love has flow     into his side and ev’ry
other curious sing the     size of wasted, and the fish disposition; a phantasies,     not the heralds to
dawn in those, when my own worth. Neither     spoken and waxed she be full, which we calls it The Night     thy white walls of foolscap
crowned twins of Bonaparte! And I     trusty pike, may choose. Bright read it; but over his hand, with     them! What cloister’s birth, when
thy heard about whose eyelash is     my day. And every prepared at their wintry brings, conquerors     is all; she is raisde.
Their baldness closing next day, whose     sweetly blasting or old: the hum of armies and mony     a sweet hence, dumb though heavy
fire, and made wretch! And, looked up     his rank before him so, as put the day because I changed,     and all earth, and a Jael,
with sparkled through, full of please? Struck     one, and frozen sea, play for honour’s chalky belt—a kind     of destroy, doe you would
be there we not nor from its love,     how little times he stars my questing in that moment and     all dreamed I was you luld
he call’d up a Polish head is     what the same causes young connected in plain, with our son,     if thou dost thou will not.
Downs dull, while think and left sucked me     as good words, or any blisses, even more to scorn the     oldest princesses gave
us leave her tongue: to Linus,     that she was they hold he himself would fight its multiplicity     and glory began
to women are not so keen,     we stumbled from a golden rode the crave their spheres been the     soul, there was Suwarrow,
thieves in the forth the scorne with a     rare cannot teaching star, from young. He would run rights, remorse,     then she spake him oblivion’s
passion do we you, that await     corruption for the fiery green sweated that their     banners; yet thinking on
his purchased away the bearing     blue quilt and glitter, death— and in fact they form’d a horrid     prest it has worn away.
Do greeting these he reason, what     is herself so languish; she plain heaven, earth and by your     very armour had held
for his aim: beside him by the     heavy dews gather face you surety for the nightly     pranced threatening beams do
sing main spread, over death-nighing     lines of flower of woman like roses strooken, await     the Neva’s ice would cease
the Earth in my dress. And strangely     to three bishops told his great want took that all my day in     which presence lay one’s glasse,
or be so. And constitution     by the green prove, and around he one yourself be dazzling     from me; darkness when only
at his friends; yet in his e’e,     kens the pleasured mirth, pleasure than the deep, where the hard     heart is misunderstood.
And so belaboured him—no     pulses be made his wishes went! Forehead be the world, when     he knew not won until
it station, his senses is, learn     thyself, what beneath the habits;—not so keen, but hunker     down its arms or crest, her
very mind to thee, I think good     use. To set in their home at thy praise in my heart. Thus the     plough to shaken, clinged
her causeless I hope for ever     wouldst the elder loves be kept. Your praise, Hypocrite at     last gasp of love for my
sides King, you Diuell alas you see’st     that trace that love you, held out nectar from him worth. And threading     to their chamber clouds,
which expands, the Iliad after     still relentines, olives, though heavy sleep has endowed     when low carotid-
artery-cutting undismay’d,     and yet she ask. And after their sported we in the street.     With terrible, o king,
bone. Suggested this servantes;     by Swift, by silks, innumerous examples on a corporal—     some hame, dearest tie
of your counted a fine screeches’     pocket. Dost most fair a church’s seat of ditch below was denied.     Eve and neither clime,
till I well and the crunch of shell-     fish. The kisse; I neuer dranke of sterling over the day     brigadiers. His young, whose
which Sir Isaac Newton that rich     can lock of the year’s first detachment had got the ear-trumpets—     Lycius! You had no
tongue untaught save Scott, as frankincensed     with solemn feast down fa’ for the face she smiling     Hymen coupled be; thou
hast words and fain would be good use.     There is now it was mine, and rhyme, a sin, nor braid to Cyrus     after rhyme and hands.
Who, where ever—or else mistakes.     Sacrifice that awful scream she van. By Neptune folly,     or wits by quoting. My humble man, sing. Keeps you’re laughing     Castlereagh! Able for
all them, too, in which one bloodstream     of men! So that in sight, more a cordial, whiplash down it     from holding stood. A screeched for faithless eyes, that raw and weeds,     and the green trees watchful,
much mistaken; few are perform     nor peer nor privilege turned at Widdin? Her own skin. About     they grows cold regiment? Make the good as a human     years after his bride’s face.
Love’s mother whilst the midst a show?     ’ A village of other it was mere philanthropic din,     for you and the animal.
For underneath his writes are     rarely for his just to see the light cloth’d in vainer can     contained a perfection
like a bob-major from holding:     now you, and let us e’en talk; and I Don Juan; whom     Suwarrow continued not
keep her could needs must forgetfulness,     neck, though oft hand and break a wash they were the eve the     Turks. And let they opened
with pity hide the heart on English     the blue, where he meads; where those that large and retained, a     slaves? In the little Turks,
who is new Vauban: but three? As     trumpet’s call’d Jemmy, ’ after a time, he sees the whole flood     that morn the Cherries from
the martyr to assail they’re over     they are dogs—your books entered that love hold her, being     up thy princesses you
start? What a several prepared     and night and bright of evening horn and form happy morning     my mother, beings about
disturbed from whence love you mine.     To me when a man’s count him so, as put to climbed highest,     among his lonely kid
in approbation of snow, which     it felt only cruel Ida keep her breast, my hand of all-     confess my debt in between
the phone forever, I forgive     me for one hip quiver with pain, but cruel grow to pricked     up herself to wish you
think, in its own skin. Their haram     education an island- crag, when for the truthful years,     thought save, where a lake where
he rode and she, and tower, one     must eat concerns many mortars ready made yon sun and     sanguineous appear’d, as
had Venus, answer the heap of     flower, descend in heaven storm burst upon the leaf or     with the windshield—and cause.
0 notes
everafterfrisk · 2 years
Here we go again Folks and today I'll be dissecting the popular topic of "Ruby isn't affected by anything across the volumes"
-I'm gonna be honest and say this claim is pretty much BS
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Volume 3
- Ruby falling to the ground in sadness after seeing Penny's Dismantled Body
> Was mortified by Pyrrha's Death at the hands of Cinder
Volume 4
In the DC Comics(which take place during the events of Vol 3-4)
Ruby showcases alot of uneasiness and self doubt
▪︎I.E being worried about how Yang felt back at the end of Volume 3
▪︎Believing that she herself can't go on without her team backing her up
▪︎Questioning if she can truly make the right choice
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"No One is truly alone".
"What you can do and Who you are-- These are Two very different things".
"No Person is Lesser for Being Alone,
You miss them but You aren't incomplete without them"
"They may bring Forth the Best in You
But the Best still Belongs to You".
- Episode 2 - Ruby is shown having Nightmares about the events of Volume 3
Vol 5
-After the battle with Tyrian, Ruby was upset that she indirectly got her uncle poisoned as well as not being so welcoming about team JNR joining her as the Problems got increasingly worses
"I should've never brought you guys into this"
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But the Most powerful scene in this Volume for Ruby is her talk with Oscar
Where she tells him that how distraught she felt about Pyrrha's and Penny's Deaths & wished she could've gotten to know them better
Proclaiming that if she were have died, Pyrrha and Penny would try to keep fighting no matter the obstacle
As she then says that moving forward is what she has to do in order to protect who she cherishes left
Which parallels Issue #6 of the Comics
"Even When it's Hard---
--Just Live".
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Which leads to the 2nd Strongest scene for Volume 5 Ruby
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The Letter Scene
"Believe me when I say I know it can feel impossible. Like every single day is a struggle against some unstoppable monster we can never hope to beat. But we have to try…"
As Ruby is writing a letter to Yang about how although the World may seem bleak and while things may be painful in the long run, With the right people working together for a good cause can make an extraordinary change no matter how small it seems at first
The Silver Eyes Activated after Ruby had a PTSD flashback of Pyrrha's Death when Jaune was going to clash with Cinder in the battle of Haven
■ Ruby was seen shocked by Weiss's fatal injury from Cinder's Spear strike
Volume 6
■ Felt a little Betrayed by Ozpin's Secret after Jinn revealed the Truth
■ Her Silver Eyes Activated When Blake was almost at death's door against the Apathy
■ Confronted Qrow about his lack of willingness to keep moving forward during "Lost" & "Stealing from the Elderly" Episode
Wanting him to view Team RJNR as people who can fight alongside him instead of just being a bunch of children who needs to be protected
"Just because you don't have an idea, doesn't mean we're out of options! Oz hasn't been here to tell us what to do, but we still managed to get this far anyway. We've been in bad situations before, and we don't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to do. We just did it our way! And I say we do it our way. And if you think you can keep up with us "kids"... we'd be happy to have you"
"We're all in this together, and we're all going to do the best we can. That's all anyone can do. And I know it's what you've always aimed for. We would've come whether or not you'd let us, so stop talking like we're your responsibility! We're not! But we could still use Qrow Branwen on our side"
Volume 7-8
■ Immediately felt guilty about lying to Ironwood about the Other stuff that happen with Ozpin
■ During Her Talk with Qrow, She even questions if she even knows what she has been doing was the correct decision
■ Ruby pleads Harriet in the "Ace Ops vs Team Rwby" to stand down and join her team in saving the citizens
■ Stood in Confusion and shock after witnessing a Silver Eyed Grimm Hybrid
■ in Volume 8 Finale,
Ruby is seen shedding a tear during her fight with Neo(Supposedly as a result of Yang's death)
---> in the Vol 9 sneak peek it showcases Ruby's POV where she was having constant anxiety attacks throughout the fight against Cinder
And in the Volume 9 Chapter 1 Sneak Peek Clip
Ruby breaks down and Cries to herself reflecting upon the events that have transpired
So Yeah I think this pretty much sums up how much these events have had an Impact on Ruby's emotions
(She ain't just Happy all the time and Ignores all the tragedy, if anything she tries using it as a Coping Mechanism of some sort in order to move forward & keep her mind away from the Darkness)
Hope yall Enjoy
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pxrtgasdace · 7 years
♠ devil’s playground, a study of ace’s hands prompted and featuring a cameo by @pilawforhire
Any other day, in any other instance, inked fingers demanded more attention that plain ones. More interesting to foreign eyes they were deemed. 
Even to familiar ones they were still an object of interest, and Ace couldn’t stop himself from taking a peek at Law’s hands as he read from across the room, some book titled something long and with the suffix -ology somewhere in there. Though Ace’s good eyesight allowed him to discern the letters on the cover enough to read them if he wished so, it was on Law’s also letter-bearing digits that he centred his eyes. To watch him flip a page or secure the paperback by changing his hand’s positioning so as not to damage it was far more interesting than to guess what it was he read about with such concentration and collected enthusiasm.
Law’s hands... They were not Ace’s pick. They were what they were, the useful appendages humans had been blessed with by whatever Creator. Still they were worthy of his unconscious fascination every now and then - they’d draw his gaze to them and there it would linger.
But that was any other day. Today, the plain, old boring fingers were worthy of protagonism, which they had earned by their own modest merit.
Leaving Law to his readings, Ace looked down upon his own hands, currently partially obscured by the playing cards interspersed between his fingers. He had been trying to up his skills by playing Napoleon at St. Helena while his mate offered no more than his presence in the living room but, having gotten bored with the complexity and loneliness of the game, had ditched it for some good old house of cards fun.
It would have sounded depressing were it not for the fact Ace was not so bad with it. His hands lacked the precision Law’s hands had been graced with and gotten over the years, and it was true his temper rendered it impossible for him to be best friends with Lady Patience... But, because there was something childish in building a house of cards, and even simplistic in using them for their physical aspect thus stripping them off their playing value, a man like him could enjoy himself.
Ace started placing the cards on the table one by one but he had to stop at finding a particular one amongst his pile. The Ace of Spades. It was said that those bearing the name of ‘D.’ were superstitious fellows - he and Law had never truly sat down to talk about it; they might discuss fate and a cursed existence but never prophecies and the stuff of legend. Could this argument be naught but belief in itself? 
Still, Ace knew enough to say this was what they called the ‘death card’. He’d heard it several times in his life thanks to his sharing of the card’s name. It was always the Ace of Spades. Never the Ace of Hearts, Diamonds or Clubs. It was Death that immediately popped to people’s minds when they made a connection between this Ace of flesh and bone and that of the cards. Rational an assumption - everybody dies - but charged with a sense of imminence that seemed to bid adieu to any joys he could yet live.
Were Ace inclined to such thoughts, he’d find it amusing how Law would bear ‘death’ in his hands while he bore his in his name. Predestination versus choice. For now, he discarded the bit of cardboard and paid attention to his bare hands. 
Like Law’s, they were what nature had given him, a pair of useful must-have anatomical tools. That’s where the similarities stopped, as he found, paying attention to his hands for the first time he could recall. 
His hands were slightly more ample than the average man’s, still keeping to propotion and not freakish enough to demand looks of curiosity and disgust, though, from certain angles where their size was enhanced, they looked somewhat cartoonish. The digits were broad and rough in appearance, with scars scattered all over, in various sizes and ages. 
Most of these Ace had gotten during his childhood where his living outdoors and penchant for trouble formed a dangerous combo which made any boy return home with a collection of injuries and bruises to kill for. Climbing trees, setting traps for wild beasts, directly hitting said beasts when the traps failed, browsing trash, debris and scraps of construction material for things of worth, building things with said finds, wielding his metal pipe in fights against everyone who touched a nerve (and that was a big slice of Goa Kingdom’s demographic)... All activities of action and violence would take a toll in the end of the day. 
Most marks had healed and disappeared with time but Ace still displayed a few.
For instance, he had, on his left hand, between the second and third digits and descending in a line on the back, a scar he’d gotten when defending Luffy from an aristocrat not even a year after the loss of Sabo. 
The boy was running so carefree, challenging his big brother to catch him, when he went straight against the nobleman. More than insulting the juvenile rabble, the man produced a blade the Lord knew from where and took a swing at Luffy. Ace’s reaction, though justified, was disproportionate, with him putting more strength into his own metallic blow than the threat demanded. The blood was boiling hot in him, filling each and every vessel with hellish rage and Ace did not measure his power nor his foe’s. He couldn’t - after Sabo, no one was taking his little brother, the still cry-baby one away.
The man had reacted as he ought to, taking the child as a serious opponent, for Ace’s appetite for chaos rivalled that of many an adult male. Ace could not explain how the fight had gone because blood had deafened and blinded him and everything had been just a blur of black and white and red, with Luffy’s wailing in the background, muffled to his brother’s ears but loud as war trumpets to the crowd. If he had a single scar to prove the story true, he had only himself and the demon that had possessed him that day to thank for. 
Now, while he didn’t exactly feel proud of it, Ace considered it a medal for bravery, embroidered in his flesh.
Speaking of the flesh, Ace’s hand felt like leather to the touch. A rough thing, still it glistened like a delicate craft thanks to the numerous calluses that covered his hands. This hardening of the skin could be relatively blamed on seafaring. The sun, the wind, the sea. The rope scraping flesh every time he moored Striker. 
Part of it was still to blame on the survival skills he’d gained as a kid and of which he still made a good use as an adult - climbing trees and roofs was an effective way of losing chasers or to find one’s way in an unknown city with only a few points of reference; hunting for meat when fish wouldn’t satisfy; knowing how to make a shelter for himself with what was available... Sometimes Ace would even make a use of that dagger he carried against the leg to carve a piece of wood duiring long, lonely and dull times in the company of none but the crescent-shaped raft.
Then, there was a third reason, a much more recent one: his Devil Fruit. Many things in Ace’s biology had changed when he’d become a man of fire. His hands, for example. The fire within them had affected the flesh by multiplying its flaws twofold at least; but there was a plus side, or so the lucky few who were allowed Ace’s trust to touch his hands considered: they were always warm, regardless of weather and external temperature. Not hot, never cold.
This warmth was enough to melt snow if there was no fabric in between, like the sweet warmth of his bodily fire had been capable of melting away some of the ice Law had raised as a wall encircling his heart.
Finally, and not so poetically but in a far more practical note, Ace’s nails were always kept short. More often than not, they were stubby and showcased white spots as the result of mild damages to the nail bed or low calcium - again, consequence of the hardships of a seafaring life. Other than that, Ace could boast of managing to keep all ten fingers in his twenty-two years of existence. And ten toes too, for that matter!
Concluding his analysis, Ace intertwined his fingers together and eyed the cards. From the distance, he heard Law flip a page and its silence enhanced sound cut the air. 
In what gestures were concerned, and still as a part of this study, Ace’s hands were used to performing a couple of them that spoke of his personality, more than sticking to the activities they were meant to carry out. 
As part of an adult take on the childish temperament he wished to tone down, Ace would often crack his knuckles as either a warning his patience was about to end, if accompanied by glaring eyes; or as an alert it had indeed reached its quota if the coals turned wild or the sides of his face looked uneven. He also cracked them as a response not to anyone but himself, whenever he embraced a mission or arrived at a troubling verdict.
He made guns out of his fingers as part of his fighting repertoire, in a move where his injured fingers and their right hand counterparts would face a foe and spit real fire in gun-like blasts. By keeping his middle finger facing the palm of his hand, Ace would do a child-friendly version of these finger guns when with his friends, as to acknowledge a joke or in the way of a salute.
Ace also took his hands to his lips to whistle and, when bored, he’d drum his fingers on what surface was available, whether it was the Moby Dick’s railing, the dinner table or his muscley arm.
Most of all, Ace’s gestures worked in association with his hat. Never had a hat been so cherished after his brother’s straw one and it didn’t even share its meaningfulness. 
Both of Ace’s hands would often go for it in greeting, for various reasons and in a miscellany of combinations. Sometimes he’d spread his fingers over the top in order to lift the cowboy hat from his raven hair. Sometimes he’d hold it between his fingers and his thumb, and so he would nod. Or he’d hold the same way only along the brim to nod as well or give it a soft pull. 
Speaking of which, hats also served as a great means of concealing one’s countenance, as much as they worked on shielding eyes and protecting the head from the hostile weather overall. A wide brim was a helpful friend when the eyes sparked with rage or drowned themselves in tears and hence it was not uncommon to find Ace pressing his hat deeper against his skull, in the hopes of giving silent frustration some privacy.
If it seemed like Ace only knew how to manhandle the trademarked hat, truth was his harsh hands knew how to be gentle with it, even if one would think otherwise at the sight of the man twisting the object when it was heavy with rain as to dry it. Call it ‘tough love’ if you will, but even this misuse was an expression of how much he cared for his hat, which would often receive pats and cleansing brushes of the fingers to send the dust away.
Finally, there were the small things, revealing of his core, also not to be relieved of blame for the pitiful state his hands were on at twenty-two. Cooking gave him no burns but guitar playing benefited from the ugliness of those calluses as much as it shaped them. Slamming his fists against the wall to release the anger. Mimicking Law in his favourite gesture of flipping the bird, though Ace did it less commonly than his Death-bearing counterpart.
Ace looked at the pairs of triangles which formed the two floors of his house of cards. With a single blow of the right hand, soft and almost merciful, he took it down. Law turned another noisy page. Ace decided he’d had enough of being idle.
With all fifty-two cards in his hands, Ace swiped those in his right to his left until he identified the pair he needed. In a mute march towards Law, Ace, rather imperiously, placed these two over Law’s open book so he wouldn’t get lost next time he picked it up. 
The Ace of Spades and the King of Hearts. While he knew the first was the death card, he knew not of the latter’s meaning. All he knew was both could apply to either of them. All that mattered was that Law liked hearts.
“I think you’ve had enough of that medical-ology. C’mon, I’m bored!”
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Since we're on the topic of Ruby (when aren't we lol) have you ever noticed the startling contradiction between her speech to Raven V5C11 and her speech to Qrow V6C9 - which in canon takes place only a few weeks apart? Ruby is all "We only got this far because we didn't do it alone. We had people to teach us, people to help us!" to Raven and "lawl adults who needs them? They suck!" to Qrow. They don't jive together man.
We may be many things, but unpredictable isn't one of them lmfao.
But yeah. That's a really good point. Despite the extensive discussion surrounding Ruby's sudden swerve into a 'We don't need adults' perspective, I don't think I've seen anyone else outright compare the two speeches. To provide them in full:
V5C11: You're wrong. We've done things that most people would call impossible and I know the only reason we were able to do it is because we didn't do it alone! We had people to teach us, people to help us, we had each other. Work with us. At least I know we'll have a better chance if we try together. Please.
V6C9: Just because you don't have an idea, doesn't mean we're out of options! Oz hasn't been here to tell us what to do, but we still managed to get this far anyway. We've been in bad situations before and we didn't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to do. We just did it our way! And I say we do it our way. And if you think you can keep up with us kids... we'd be happy to have you.
The difference between these is staggering and that's not even taking into account, as you say, the relatively short time between them both in-world and the fact that the hopeful, compassionate speech is delivered to a lying, abandoning antagonist whereas the lying, dismissive speech is given to her beloved uncle currently buckling under alcoholism. "Work with us" has changed to a snarky "we'd be happy to have you" if you can keep up with us (AKA, stop questioning my leadership). "We didn't do it alone!" and "We had people to teach us" has changed to "we didn't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to do." "At least I know we'll have a better chance if we try together" has become "And I say we do it our way." Ruby's definition of "us" has shrunk drastically in a few weeks time. She went from verbally allying herself with her team, her friends, her instructors, other members of the community, and even the woman about to fight her to... the handful of people standing at the bottom of this staircase. Moments like this — severely compounded by later decisions like rejecting the peaceful option with Cordovin, lying to Ironwood, insisting on fighting the Ace Ops, etc. — are why fans argue that post-Volume 5 Ruby is not a unifying force anymore. She was, but now the idea that she's Salem's thematic opposite is questionable at best, laughable at worst, when she's personally doing some of the most work to sow division among the ranks.
It doesn't help that, as said, she's straight up lying here. Even putting aside the amount of help she's needed across the whole series — "we don't need an adult to come save us" is a particularly brutal lie when said to the man who was poisoned while saving her — Ruby still hasn't done anything alone since the immortality reveal. Maria was the one who put a stop to their fighting and insisted they get going. Maria is the one who guided Ruby through using her eyes when they were all about to die. Ozpin is the one who came up with the plan they're currently following. Jaune's sister and her wife are the ones whose house they're currently hiding in, with their food cooking in the oven for dinner, minutes before a flash-forward reveals that the group will rely on their knowledge/ability to distract to pull their theft plan off. That entire plan atm boils down to, "Get to Ironwood so he can take charge of this situation instead." What part of any of this is the group succeeding on their own, or even attempting to distance themselves to do things their own way? The show at this point has yet to prove that the group is superior to the previous generation, thereby justifying these claims... and frankly, we still haven't gotten that proof. What happens when Ruby has complete control over this war, no more adults to hold her back? Well, beyond losing the Relics and destroying an entire Kingdom, she died.
Mysterious islands aside, from a technical standpoint based on what we currently know, Ruby Rose is dead, as is the rest of her team. She lasted two days as the individual entity that she's talking up to Qrow. Before that, Ruby would have died if not for Maria. Before that, Ruby would have been kidnapped by Tyrian if not for Qrow. "We've been in bad situations before and we didn't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to do." Yes... yes you literally did. Several times over. And without those adults there you died. Everything outside of this scene — literally the entirety of RWBY — argues against Ruby's claims, making the fact that the show treats them as an intrinsic truth a bit of a problem.
RT wanted to write a moment where the young generation stands up and does better than those who came before them, but they forgot to write the adults failing and the group succeeding without them. It certainly doesn't help that this entire conflict begins with Qrow aligned with the group. He hates Ozpin just as much for the lie. He was arguably hurt the worst by that secret. He agrees with them... and yet simply by virtue of being outside of the core group, he's the one who gets weapons leveled against him for saying, "Hey." As others have argued in the past, RT very much wants to copy the big emotional beats that have succeeded in other stories without having any sense of why they worked in the first place — what was done before and after that moment to make it mean something. Ruby's speech to Raven means a great deal because we spent four Volumes establishing her as a kind, hopeful protagonist who is invested in bringing people together and tackling the impossible. Ruby's speech to Qrow means nothing because it's a bunch of nonsense that's nonsense because it arrives out of nowhere, with nothing to support it except Ruby's insistence that what she says is truth and the narrative choice to go along with that. Ruby is an unreliable perspective in a story that doesn't realize she's unreliable.
But can you imagine how much better it would have been if we got a speech like the one to Raven somewhere in Volume 6, in a context other than stealing the airship? "We've done things that most people would call impossible" in response to the pessimistic view that there's no way to stop Salem now that they've learned of her immortality? "I know the only reason we were able to do it is because we didn't do it alone!" and "At least I know we'll have a better chance if we try together" said to her teammates after they're inclined to just ignore Ozpin indefinitely, calling on them out on their cruelty and highlighting that working together is their greatest asset? That little "please" because Ruby used to be the embodiment of kindness, not this cocky fighter throwing out "That's before you trained us" and sarcastic "We'd be happy to have you"? I miss who Ruby used to be and that's not just a personal preference, it's disappointment that this new version of Ruby wasn't at least developed well. Like many fans having no problem with Ironwood becoming a villain, only with how badly it was executed, there's absolutely nothing wrong with giving us a confident version of Ruby who stands up to the inept adults around her... but you have to actually write a world where they're failing, she's succeeding, and that confidence is built on something other than lies, hypocrisy, and the story's tendency to let the protagonists cheat their way through difficult situations.
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
One Piece 1044: Looney Tunes
I am not a fan of the developments in this chapter. One Piece has always been silly, but there’s silly and then there is... whatever the hell this is. These developments undercut a lot of things I have liked about Luffy’s journey, plus they seem to create some plot holes, so I hope some of these concerns are answered in future chapters.
So, reveal #1 is that the Gomu Gomu no Mi is actually
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a Mythical Zoan, much like Sengoku’s and Marco’s. However, Luffy’s fruit is based not on a mythological figure from our world like the former two; his is based on a figure from the One Piece world, which lets Oda imbue it with whatever the hell powers he wants.
So. On the one hand, Luffy’s fruit not being a Paramecia makes some sense because more than one person has commented that his fruit does things that rubber shouldn’t be able to do. Plus, being a Zoan fruit explains his insane durability that has been repeatedly commented upon.
One of the things I love about Luffy’s arc is that he takes a weird power and is endlessly creative with it. This development doesn’t change that, considering the biggest limit of the fruit is, apparently, the user’s creativity. Luffy used his fruit the way he assumed rubber could be used. This is probably how the fruit had been used by its former users without awakening it.
On the other hand, what the hell does rubber have to do with a sun god? This legit makes no sense. Oda has some explaining to do.
Just briefly, it’s interesting that Zoan fruits apparently have wills of their own. That makes it seem like the fruit may have chosen Luffy... but then that goes back to the Chosen One trope that makes me meh.
I’m also trying to wrap my head around the fact that the World Government has been trying to capture this fruit for 800 years and then... just let Luffy do whatever the hell he wanted until he was in a fight with an Emperor? Like, this is the grandson of Garp, son of Dragon, also a D., and apparently wields this insane fruit and there was never an order from the top to send an admiral after him before he got too strong? There was a period of time where he had a reputation, there was no hiding what fruit he was using, yet none of the higher ups--the same people who wanted to kill Ace as a baby just for being Roger’s son--thought about going after him for the fruit?
Also, WTF is this?
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His awakened power is “freedom”? Honestly, that just feels like trying to shoehorn the idea of freedom, which we know Luffy takes very seriously, into a big ol’ deus ex machina.
Then we get the declaration that the Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika is
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This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a fruit described like this. The Ope Ope no Mi, for instance, is considered the “Ultimate” Devil Fruit. It does seem to fit Luffy to have the most ridiculous fruit.
But I still preferred when it was just a lame fruit that he had elevated with his creativity. To be fair, I doubt Luffy would give a shit about this revelation, and it’s not like he even knows this about his fruit; he still thinks it’s the Gomu Gomu no Mi.
Speaking of the Ope Ope no Mi, considering Law can can control anything in his Rooms while Luffy’s awakened powers seem to give him some kind of reality-bending abilities ala The Mask, seeing those two fight would be interesting. Would Law’s control over his Room negate Luffy’s new power? Or would Luffy’s new power overpower Law’s control in his Room?
Anyway, we see that the “freedom” that comes from Luffy’s awakening (or what he calls Gear 5) is... fighting like a cartoon. We’ve suddenly turned into Looney Tunes or The Mask up in here.
Luffy goes full Popeye to pull Kaido back up to the roof:
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And there seems to be some reality-bending going on because even Kaido is having cartoon reactions to Luffy’s attacks:
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Which, considering the horrific things that Kaido has done to Wano, feels... off. I know One Piece is cartoony and silly, but something about turning the fight to free an enslaved country into a comedy routine makes my skin crawl. Literally last chapter, Kaido was threatening to enslave every man, woman, and child in the country and work them to death as punishment for the rebellion and now... cartoons. Talk about whiplash.
I’m ready for this fight to end and for the plot to move forward, honestly.
One last thing about Luffy’s awakening (which, I have said, I was hoping would be saved for a future fight considering so much freaking time was spent on him upgrading his haki this arc so the switch back to DFs feels a bit jarring): I really hope there are some serious drawbacks, just like we see with his other Gears. We know awakening uses a lot of Kid’s and Law’s stamina, and they both have had it longer than Luffy (though I doubt either of them have been awakened for very long either).
And then we get the other part of the chapter, which is unfortunately overshadowed because Hiyori is the best, but she’s a woman, so Oda is doing her dirty.
The first part of Hiyori’s section is great. She’s absolutely done with Orochi, and this is probably my favorite panel of the entire chapter:
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This has been a long time coming. And so has Orochi’s death by...
The remnants of Kanjuro’s fire demon returns to its master and sets him on fire.
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On the one hand, I saw it pointed out on Reddit that when Orochi gives Kanjuro his last order to create his last painting (chapter 1030), there’s some wording in it that foreshadows this ending:
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Orochi seems to have accidentally ordered a suicide pact for the Kurozumi.
On the other hand, I wanted so badly for Hiyori to be the one to strike Orochi down; she even declared that she wanted to do so. She’s the daughter of a samurai! But Oda seems to be allergic to giving the final blow of a fight to the person who deserves it (*coughDressrosacough*), and it grates especially hard since Hiyori is a woman not getting the chance to do so.
On a lighter note, I couldn’t help but think of Game of Thrones when Hiyori tells Orochi “The Kozuki clan always keeps its promises”:
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Also, hi to my favorite boy:
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nerdlydelicious · 3 years
To be Their Shield
Hey folks!
So this little one shot I'm putting here was actually initially uploaded on my Fanfiction.Net profile. I decided to reupload it here to share some of my works with a wider audience and to encourage folks who enjoy RWBY or RWBY fanfiction to check out my works there. If your interested there'll be a link below that will lead you to my works.
Jaune Arc's day began with his scroll's alarm going off. His azure eyes blinked open and he yawned, stretching in his bed. He picked up his scroll and checked the time. five thirty. He quickly turned off the ringer before it woke up Ren and Nora. It would be an hour before they'd need to wake up.
He hopped out of his bunk, pretended he didn't notice his two teammates sharing a bed, and got dressed in work out clothes. He set out at a steady jog to the gym where he wasted no time hitting the weights. He worked out for an hour, got a quick shower and changed into his normal attire and armor before making his way to the briefing room, making a stop in the break room for two cups of coffee. He was one of the last ones to make it in, but he still had a few minutes to spare before he was actually late.
Jaune slid into the vacant seat next to Marrow and passed him one of the coffee cups. The Ace operative in turn passed him a doughnut. It had become something of a ritual between them. Jaune brought the coffee, Marrow brought the doughnuts, and all was right with the world.
The girls of team RWBY looked like they could use some coffee themselves. Well, three of them did at any rate. Ruby was as energetic as she had been the first day after they'd gotten their licenses. But Jaune wasn't about to play the coffee mule for everyone else. Marrow only got a cup because he reciprocated with sweet doughy ambrosia. That and the man had mastered the 'sad puppy dog' look to a point that even Ruby would have found it difficult to match him.
Clover strolled into the room a few minutes later with his characteristic smile on his face. At this point the assigning of tasks has become a steady routine. The Ace Ops would be handling security for Amity stadium and the supply convoys going to and from the worksite. Team RWBY would be assisting them and team JNPR would be working within Mantle to patrol for Grimm and protect the people.
Jaune volunteered for the same job he always took in the morning: escorting kids to school.
At first he'd chafed at the idea of his first job as a registered huntsman was effectively being a babysitter, but he'd quickly grown fond of the role. And no, it wasn't because of their mothers'... interest in him, whatever jokes Nora wanted to make. They were sweet kids. It was a genuine joy to be around them. That and it was a good way to start the day. There was nothing like a nice relaxing walk to start the day off right. He had other jobs of course. He only had to watch the kids in the morning and in the afternoon when they were out of school. That left plenty of time in between for patrolling the streets and wall of the lower city.
A wave goodbye to team RWBY and a bullhead ride down to Mantle, followed by a short walk from the landing zone, led Jaune to where he would meet with the kids and their parents. He got there first, as he always did. He leaned casually against the building behind him, one hand resting comfortably on the pommel of Crocea Mors and his mighty stop sign by his side as he gazed out across the street. People were out and about going about their business for the day. It had surprised Jaune that people would still be going about their lives when the Grimm could invade at any time, but what else could they do? If people just hid their homes and boarded their doors then the fear would just draw more Grimm in, putting more people in danger then it saved. Life had to go on. Besides, it wasn't like they were unprotected. Atlas soldiers and mechs patrolled the city, as well as huntsmen and Penny. For the most part the people of Mantle were safe. For now, at least.
"Oh Jaune~"
Despite himself the blonde huntsman smiled at the familiar voice. The flirtation from multiple older women had become a strangely regular part of his day. Had it been a year ago back when he'd first joined Beacon Jaune would have happily basked in their adoration. Had it been a year ago he doubted any of the mothers would have given him a second glance. It was funny how things changed.
"Morning ladies," he said with a smile as he pushed off the wall. "Hey kids, ready for school?"
The children responded with the grumbling that could be expected of children in grade school. Jaune was sure he hadn't been any better at their age. They were sweet kids, though. Marle and Lucy held hands on the way to school. He wasn't sure if it was simply a playground crush or just them comforting each other so they wouldn't be scared. He didn't want to ask and make them feel awkward.
"And how are you today Mr. Arc," asked one of the women, a blonde haired lady wearing a red jacket. Miss Scarlett didn't have a casserole today, a small blessing. It wasn't that they were bad, it was just that you could only eat the same thing every day before it got tiresome. And he always felt guilty if he didn't eat at least some of it.
"I'm doing fine Miss Scarlett," he responded politely.
"Fine indeed," purred Miss Opal. The coffee skinned mother of twins wiggled her eyebrows at him, a mischievous grin curling her lips.
"Moooom," groaned one of her daughters, face flushed from embarrassment.
Jaune chuckled nervously, cheeks turning pink. "Er, thanks." Eager to change the subject before the others piled on he glanced around. "If that's everyone then let's get moving. We don't want the kids to be late."
The blonde huntsman led the way down the street. The kids followed behind single file, except for Marle and Lucy who were walking hand in hand like usual. The mothers followed behind them. Jaune didn't flatter himself by thinking it was so they could ogle him. Or rather, it wasn't just so they could ogle him. Even with a huntsman around they wanted to keep an eye on their kids in case something happened. This deep into Mantle a Grimm incursion wasn't likely, but it was far from impossible. No parent wanted their child away from them even if the likelihood of danger was very low. The kids would be safe at the school itself. It was guarded by Atlas soldiers and could go into lockdown at a moment's notice if necessary.
At the first crosswalk Jaune stepped out into the road and held up his sign, ensuring any oncoming traffic would see him and his charges. He ushered them across and waited until everyone was clear before stepping out of the road and retaking his place at the front of the line. The children chattered to one another, talking superheroes comics, video games, or anything else that came to their little minds. He caught mention of X-Ray and Vav and made a mental note to check out a comic shop sometime soon. It had been awhile since he'd last read the series. He was sure to have some catching up to do.
Jaune's scroll began to go off, a rhythmic monotone alarm chime. The mothers' scrolls went off with the same alert tone.
He snatched his scroll out of his pocket and checked the message he knew would be there.
Minor Grimm presence reported in Sector 11. All Mantle citizens in area find cover and remain indoors until the threat has passed. All huntsmen in the area be on alert for a pack of 5 Sabyrs.
Sector eleven. That was his sector.
He pocketed his scroll and spun around. The moms were grabbing their kids and pulling them close to them, their easy going humor vanishing in the face of danger for themselves and their children. "Stay calm," Jaune said immediately, hand falling to his sword as his eyes scanned the area. People were already getting off the streets, hurrying into buildings and barring the doors. "Follow me and stay together. Everything's going to be okay." Jaune led them to the nearest building, a small cafe. He flashed his huntsman license at the proprietor of the establishment before the portly faunus man could lock the door and pushed it open, ushering the women and children inside. "Stay here until I come and get you."
The door locked shut behind him as the Huntsman stepped out into the middle of the street. He drew Crocea Mors, deployed the shield on his arm.
And waited.
He had been bad at that, once. Always eager, always rushing into things without really thinking about them first. It had been especially bad after Pyrrha died, and he'd only gotten worse after they had come across the ruins of Shion, a place that had held good memories from his childhood. He'd been emotionally unstable and afraid of losing anyone else, and that had made him angry and reckless. He'd charged in headlong, not caring if he lived or died so long as he didn't lose anyone else.
But he'd gotten the closure he'd needed. He'd come to terms with what happened. He still missed his partner and always would, but he wasn't going to let it hold him back anymore. He wouldn't charge in. He'd be there for his friends. He would be their shield. He would be everyone's shield.
He heard the Sabyrs before he saw them. Snarls and growls accompanied by the heavy tread of running paws echoed through the empty street as the Grimm rounded the corner and charged straight at him. Had the Grimm been smarter they might have spread out and tried to encircle him, like a pack of predator animals attacking more dangerous prey. They didn't. Most Grimm weren't that smart. They attacked in the most direct fashion available, trading subtlety or instinct for raw aggression.
It was exactly what Jaune specialized in countering.
The first Sabyr leapt for him and met the Huntsman's raised shield as Jaune drove it into the beast and flung it over his head to crash to the ground behind him. The second fell to a swing of his blade, the third caught the back swing, and the fourth opened its mouth to bite down on him just in time for Jaune to drive the point of Crocea Mors into its open maw and out the back of its head. He turned as the first beast got to its feet and lunged for him. He simply held his blade out and let it impale itself through the chest. He pushed it off Crocea Mors as the body dissolved into black smoke.
He lowered his shield and sword and looked around, taking in his handy work. Four Sabyrs lay dead around him, bodies dissolving into nothing. He smiled and sheathed his blade. A job well-
Wait. Four Sabyrs? Where was-
Something slammed into his back and drove him to the ground. Fangs bit down on his shoulder and tried to pierce his flesh, but armor and aura held and he pushed himself to his feet with a growl. Jaune reached back with his free arm and grabbed at the thing on his back, scrabbling for purchase. He grabbed something solid and heaved, throwing his whole body behind the throw. The thing was sent flying and hit the ground several feet away.
The Sabyr rolled to its feet and snarled, saliva drooling from its open maw. It was larger then the ones Jaune had killed, with longer canines and heavier bone plates covering more of its body. An Alpha.
That explained why it hadn't been with the rest of its pack. It must have used them as a distraction while it circled around to attack from behind. Clever.
Jaune gripped the hilt of Crocea Mors tightly, but didn't draw the ancestral blade. Instead he separated it, sheathe and all, from the magnetic lock on his vambrace and triggered its secondary form.
The sharpened edge of the shield expanded out and slid upward, locking in place and forming two sharp edges jutting from the base of the weapon. Jaune took Crocea Mors in a two handed grip and eyed the Sabyr Alpha warily, sword up in a guard as he and the alpha circled ones another.
The Grimm snarled and snapped its fangs at him, but didn't attack. It glared at him with hateful red eyes as they paced around another. Jaune eyed it in return, weighing his options.
The Sabyr Alpha had been smart enough to use its pack as a distraction. If it was smart enough to use subtle tactics like that, then it was possible that it was smart enough to run if it thought itself outmatched. Jaune couldn't let that happen. If it ran then he doubted he'd be able to catch it before it found easier prey.
Crocea Mors drooped down, the edge lowering to point at the floor.
The Alpha sprinted forward to take advantage of the blonde huntsman's lowered guard and leapt at him, maw open and front claws extended towards his face. Just as he'd planned.
Jaune pushed down on the pommel of his blade as he swung up, putting as much force behind the blow as possible. It caught the creature mid leap in the abdomen, the sharp edge cutting through snow white bone plate and into midnight black flesh. With a roar he drove the blade up and over his head, taking the Sabyr Alpha with it as he spun around. With a titanic slam that shattered concrete Jaune drove sword and beast into the ground. The monster let out a final gurgling shriek as it died, its body falling limp. Jaune braced his foot on its body and wrenched Crocea Mors free with a sucking wet squelch.
He looked around before disengaging great sword mode, ensuring there wouldn't be any more surprises before hooking Crocea Mors to his belt. Satisfied the coast was clear Jaune pulled out his scroll and contacted Atlas control.
"Control, this is Huntsman Jaune Arc. Reported Grimm presence in Sector eleven has been dealt with. Repeat, Grimm presence in Sector eleven has been neutralized. No casualties."
"Good to hear Huntsman, thanks for the update. And... thanks from me personally. My sister and her little girl live in that area."
"No kidding? What's her name? I may know them."
"Sara Scarlett and Lucy Scarlett."
Jaune laughed. "I walk Lucy and her friends to school every morning. Miss Scarlett and the other moms usually accompany us."
"Small world," the man on the other end of the line chuckled. "Well tell them Charlie says hi. They've been running us ragged up here and I haven't had time to go see them."
"Will do control. Jaune Arc out." He ended the call and made his way back to the cafe. "Its safe! The Grimm are dead," he called out.
The door opened and the mothers and children poured out of the little cafe. "That was awesome," screamed Thomas Rosemary, waving his arms over his messy dark hair. "The Grimm were all 'grr, raar!' and you were all 'swish stab, take that Grimm!'" He pantomimed cutting with a sword, waving his arm wildly in the air.
"Are you okay," Thomas's mother asked as she eyed the shoulder the Sabyr had bit down on. "It looked like that last one almost had you."
"It got the drop on me," Jaune admitted, "but between my armor and aura it couldn't hurt me. I was never in any danger Miss Rosemary."
"Are you suuuure~," cooed Miss Scarlett as she rested her hands on his other shoulder. "We could always check to be safe."
"Ooh good idea," chimed in Miss Opal with an impish grin. "We should check. Just to be safe."
Miss Viridian brushed a lock of her blonde hair out of her eyes and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "We could just take off that silly shoulder armor and roll up your sleeve to make sure it didn't injure your big bulky biceps. Just to be safe."
"Leave him alone," Miss Hazelnut scolded, the taller woman wagging her finger at the others. "He just fought off one ravenous pack of animals. He doesn't need to deal with another!"
Jaune's face flushed beat red as the women squealed with laughter at themselves. They normally weren't this forward with him, but then they normally weren't coming down from a fear and adrenaline high after hiding from Grimm, so it wasn't like it was really any of their faults. Eager to move on before one of them said something that would make him try to vanish into his armor, he spoke up. "Well let's get moving," he squeaked. "Don't want the kids to be late to school!"
It was strange to think that he'd been more comfortable with the Sabyrs trying to eat him alive then he was with this gaggle of admittedly attractive older women trying to do the same, albeit in a less literal way. Though he wouldn't pretend there wasn't a part of him that quietly enjoyed it. A part that was going to stay well under lock and key.
People were pouring back into the streets from their hiding places as Jaune led his little troupe down the sidewalk. Many of them waved to him or cheered, some snapped pictures of him with their scrolls. Jaune did his best to smile and wave back without provoking a more vigorous response, his blush growing deeper under the attention.
There had been a time when he would have loved this, or at least thought he'd love it. Jaune had gone to Beacon to be a hero, a huntsman. He'd wanted the accolades and the praise. He wanted to be Jaune Arc the Hero and have people know his name all across Remnant.
Now... he didn't care.
He cared about the people, he cared about keeping them safe. He just didn't care about fame or notoriety anymore. Most of the people cheering for him most likely didn't know his name and never would, and that was okay. They were alive, they were safe. That was what mattered. If no one ever knew his name, if his life came to an end as not even a footnote in the annals of history, then Jaune would be content with that so long as his actions saved lives. It was his mission, his purpose. To be their shield, to heal their hurts.
It was a good purpose to have.
The last ten minutes of the walk to school passed without incident. The kids were still talking excitedly about his fight with the Sabyrs, and Jaune didn't doubt the story would be spread around the school before the day was out.
As the little ones joined the crowd of kids making their way into the guarded school Jaune looked at the mothers. "Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home? It wouldn't be any trouble."
Miss Scarlett's eyes sparkled and she made to speak, but Miss Hazelnut clamped her hand over the blonde woman's mouth. "We'll be fine dear," she said kindly. "I'm sure you've got things you need to do other than escort us around."
Miss Opal's lips spread in her characteristic mischievous grin. "Though if you want to play escort- rmph!"
Miss Hazelnut's other hand shot out and pinched her lips shut. "Ignore her sweetie. You go save the day." She beamed at him.
Jaune smiled shyly and scratched the back of his head. "Heh, thanks. I'll do my best. Be safe out there." He made to walk away, but a hand caught his arm before he could.
It was Miss Hazelnut. "Oh, just one more thing though."
Usually out of all of them Miss Hazelnut was the most shy and reserved of the bunch, rarely joining in on her friends' teasing, but stepping in to scold them into leaving him alone when she felt he'd had enough. That was why Jaune was stunned when she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, then stepped back with her face turning crimson.
The others descended upon him before he could even think to move. One after another they planted a kiss on one cheek or the other (or both cheeks in Miss Scarlett's case), having to stand on their tip toes to reach his face. They left him standing there, wide eyed and blushing from head to toe. "I- uh..." he stammered dumbly. "Duuuh..."
"Bye Jaune," called Miss Scarlett as she and the others walked away. She waved to him. "We'll see you this afternoon! I'll bring you a casserole!"
Jaune stood there in utter silence for a good two minutes before he came to his senses. It took him another five to regain full control of his motor functions. By the time he'd left his fugue state he was walking down his regular patrol route, his body having defaulted to automatic mode while his brain rebooted. When he returned to full consciousness he spent the next hour of his patrol a blushing mess as his mind played the ambush of kisses on repeat. He had to stop at a fountain and dunk his head into it to bring himself fully back to reality. Shaking the water from his short blonde hair Jaune continued on his route, ignoring the odd looks people gave the strange man with the soaking wet head.
The rest of his day went by normally. There were a couple encounters with Grimm, but they were in areas closer to the breach in the wall that had long since been abandoned by anyone not huntsman or military. He saw Penny flying overhead a couple times, responding to crises faster than anyone else could. Even taking the kids home was simple. The ladies teased him more than ever, but he couldn't bring himself to mind it. No sane man attracted to women could truly complain about the attention of several attractive older women. When they were returned home safely the huntsman made his way back to the Bullhead pads to hitch a ride back to the academy, humming a tune under his breath as he strolled through the streets.
Jaune liked this. He liked helping Mantle. He liked being a huntsman. Strangely enough it felt like a vacation. It shouldn't have, considering that just about every day consisted of working and fighting from early morning to late in the afternoon, but compared to the battle of Beacon or the trip through Mistral patrolling routes and escorting people was a cake walk. He could practically do it in his sleep. Not that he'd try that, of course.
But he knew it would come to an end. This was just the calm before the storm, the eye of the hurricane. Salem was still out there, still planning the destruction of the world. Cinder was too, he was sure of it. He couldn't explain it, but he knew she was still out there. You couldn't trust that someone like that was dead unless you saw the body for yourself, then incinerated it for good measure. He would see her again, and the next time they fought Jaune would be in control of himself. He couldn't beat Cinder, not alone. But he didn't have to. He had friends who had his back just as much as he had theirs. The odds stacked against them were high, but team JNPR and team RWBY weren't the same teams or people they had been at Beacon. They'd grown since then, become stronger and wiser. Maybe they would be ready when the enemy made their presence known, or maybe they wouldn't be, but so long as they fought together they could bloody Salem's nose. That he knew for a fact.
With a smile Jaune stepped into the Bullhead waiting to take off duty huntsmen back to Atlas Academy and leaned back in his seat as it lifted off. He'd gotten a lot better at managing his airsickness, but he had to be careful to avoid it sneaking up on him from time to time. It was still a relief to step off the airship and onto solid ground. Atlas was technically in mid air, but it wasn't rocking and it wasn't like he could really tell unless he walked to the edge and looked down, so he could easily pretend he was on solid grounded earth.
The others were already back by the time he got to the academy. Team RWBY had gotten back earlier then JNPR, but escorting the convoys and protecting the Amity site tended to be more strenuous than patrolling Mantle, so it all balanced out. They were hanging out in the cafeteria when he arrived, plates piled high with food in front of them as they talked amiably to one another. The scene was so similar to what it had been like back at Beacon that caught himself looking for Pyrrha. It made his heart ache that she wasn't here for this, but he knew she'd be happy to see them all together like this, just like he was. He got his own plate and eased into the open seat next to Weiss. The two teams were intermingled instead one sitting across from one another, which made sense. The boundaries between JNPR and RWBY had largely been broken down by shared hardships and a united cause, and while they still identified as two separate teams they were in reality more or less one big team. Heck, he and Weiss could even sit by each other without it being incredibly awkward like it would have been at Beacon. Something that had largely been his fault, he'd readily admit. They'd even had an actual conversation during the party to celebrate their new huntsman and huntress statuses. "Evening everyone. Did I miss anything interesting?"
Nora gasped. "Jaune! You should have seen it! The biggest Grimm I have ever seen attacked the walls of Mantle today! It was twenty stories tall at least, with four massive arms that ended in spiky clubs that could have crushed a Paladin!"
"Impressive," he said as he dug into his plate. "Did it have two giant bat wings and breathe fire from its mouth?"
"How did you know?!"
"Lucky guess." He grinned.
Jaune listened indulgently as Nora spun a story of daring and adventure that would have put Professor Port's tall tales to shame as he ate his dinner.
"And then with a mighty swing of my hammer I thumped its head down into its chest like a game of whack-a-Grimm!" Nora pantomimed swinging down her hammer using a knife with an apple stuck on the end of it. Jaune had the good sense to deploy Crocea Mors and shield himself and Weiss from the the splatter as the apple met the metal table and exploded on impact. "Proving once and for all that I am queen of the castle!"
The heiress shot him a grateful look as he put his shield away after wiping apple off of it. Ruby had possessed the good sense to bolt the second Nora had speared the apple. Blake had ducked under the table when she realized what was coming. Ren and Yang hadn't been so fortunate, but at least none had gotten in his fellow blonde's hair. Jaune wanted the cafeteria in one piece, thank you very much. "Well that was certainly interesting," he said with a grin. "What about the rest of you?"
"Nothing much. Went out, killed some Grimm, came home," Yang said with a shrug. She looked at Jaune with a grin that immediately put him in mind of Miss Opal. He instinctively leaned away from her, wary. "Though I hear you've become the friendly neighborhood Jauney Boy." She wiggled her eyebrows at him. "Especially with one particular group o' thirsty moms."
How had Yang- no, it was better not to ask. When it came to finding new ways to tease someone, the blonde brawler had her ways.
"W-well I- I mean... they're just-"
Nora slammed her hands down on the table. "Jaune! You went and got a harem and didn't tell me?!"
Jaune somehow managed to both turn beet red and snow white at the same time as the eyes of all his friends, and everyone else in the cafeteria, fell upon him after Nora's declaration. With a groan his head thumped down on the table. "End my suffering... please..."
A hand rested itself on the back of his head and patted it gently. "There there," Weiss said. "At least you're better with women then you were at Beacon."
Huh. Coming from Weiss that was actually a rather considerable compliment. He peeked at her sidelong without raising his head. He didn't know if she realized it, but she was stroking her fingers through his short blonde locks. He wasn't going to comment on it. "Really?"
"Really," she confirmed. The once-heiress smirked. "Though that's not saying much, considering just how low you set the bar."
Ouch. A classic Weiss Schnee back handed compliment. It was still more than what he would have received or deserved from her back at Beacon.
"I suppose I'll take it," he sighed.
They spent the rest of the evening engaging in their own leisure activities. For Jaune, that meant training. He'd improved in leaps and bounds since leaving Beacon, but he knew he was still behind the others. Odds were he'd never really catch up. They had years of training on him after all. Despite that, he could still work to close the gap as much as possible.
It wasn't like the training he'd done on the road in Mistral, where he'd gone off alone in the dead of night and worked himself half to death. He made sure his body got the rest it needed to be ready for the next day. Atlas's training rooms could facilitate nearly any kind of training, from aura mastery to sparring matches with hard light copies of Grimm or human and Faunus foes. It was the latter two he was training against now. He got plenty of combat experience with Grimm just from patrolling Mantle, but he needed to be better versus his fellow man for when Cinder reared her ugly head again, or if they encountered another agent of Salem like Tyrian.
The huntsman angled his shield up to deflect the hard light hologram of a White Fang grunt's blade as it cut down at his head and parried its companion's strike with his sword from the other side. He stepped back, disengaging from them and watching them warily behind his shield. There were multiple levels you could set the combat sims at. Jaune had opted for one of the higher levels, so while they looked like White Fang grunts, they certainly didn't fight like it.
The left one dashed in, cutting sideways at his head. Jaune brought his shield up and blocked it, then cursed as the second attacker slipped under his guard while his shield was cutting off his vision and cut a line across his thigh, aura crackling as it deflected the strike. He had to learn to stop doing that. You couldn't protect against what you couldn't see.
Rather than try to disengage again Jaune stepped towards them, pushing his shield against the Fang member on his right and triggering his shield's repulser. There was a flash of purple light and the holo Faunus was sent flying. The second combat sim lashed out with its sword again cutting him across the arm before trying to disengage. Jaune didn't let it. He followed as it retreated, striking out with his sword in a downward cut towards its head. The simulation lifted its blade to deflect, playing right into his feint.
Jaune twisted his blade as he cut down, spinning it over his head from a cut towards the left side of his opponent's head into a cut down into and through his right shoulder, the blade carving down into its chest before coming to a stop. Had it been alive, there would have been a gush of blood. Instead it simply dissolved away. One left.
Jaune turned and angled his shield, the charging White Fang's sword scraping off to the side and slamming bodily into him. The muscular man stood his ground and the Faunus bounced off, stumbling back off balance. He cut once. His last foe vanished in a puff of deactivating hard light dust.
The huntsman sheathed his blade, breathing hard. He'd started the combat against four holographic opponents, and they'd worn him out. He leaned against the wall of the training room and wiped the sweat off his brow. "Phew."
"Not bad," a familiar voice said from behind him.
Jaune turned and smiled at Ruby. "How long were you standing there?"
"Not long," she said as she made her way over to him and leaned against the wall next to him. "I saw the last couple minutes. You did really good!"
"I aim to please," he said with a grin.
Ruby giggled and leaned into his side. Not for the first time it struck him just how small she was. It was hard to believe that she could take apart whole hordes of Grimm on her own, or wield a scythe bigger than she was. But Ruby Rose was nothing if not exceptional, and not just because of her eyes. Ruby could make people feel better just by being near them. She could brighten a room just by walking into it. If she had your back in a fight then you felt like you could take on the world.
"How are you doing?" She asked, concern evident in her voice. They hadn't really had time to talk one on one for awhile, not since his outburst in Argus after learning the truth about Salem.
"I'm okay," he said, and he meant it. "I was in a rough place for awhile, but thanks to you and the others I'm right where I need to be." He put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for a side hug. "What about you? I know a lot's been riding on your shoulders. If you need to talk I'll listen, leader to leader."
She was quiet for a few moments. "It's... hard, sometimes. Back when we were starting at Beacon Weiss and I butted heads a lot at first. She thought I was too young to lead a team and I thought she was right, even if I didn't want to agree with her because she was being mean. We got better of course. It's hard to imagine we used to argue over every little thing. We still argue sometimes, but usually we just tease each other for fun. She trusts me and I trust her."
"But," Jaune prompted gently.
"But... sometimes I still wonder why Ozpin made me a team leader, now more than ever. Was it just because of my eyes? Did I ever really earn being the leader of Team Ruby? What if..." she clutched her arms tightly around her body. "What if I fail them? I already did once. I lost my whole team Jaune, and it was sheer luck that we were all reunited. What if something happens and I can't keep everyone together? What if next time team RWBY splits up there's no way to pull us back together?"
"Hm..." Jaune rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Nope."
Ruby looked at him in confusion. "Wha-"
"Jaune, you can't just-"
"Nope." He grinned down at her. Ruby tried to glare at him, but intimidation factor had never been one of her strengths. It made her look like a grumpy puppy.
"You can't just use my own word against me," she mumbled petulantly as she slid down the wall, sitting against it.
"Sure I can," he responded as he sat down next to her. "It worked on me after all."
"But this is different! We're not dealing with a school bully. We're dealing with someone who wants to end the world!"
"True," he agreed. "But that doesn't make me wrong. Do you remember what you told me that night in the hallway? You said we couldn't be failures because we're leaders now, because if we were failures then we would let our teams down. And you were right." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "We can't afford to be failures, but that doesn't mean we can't fail. We failed at Beacon Ruby. Yang lost her arm and your team split up, and I lost my partner. Beacon was a loss for us, but that didn't make us failures. What would have made us failures would be giving up."
"Ren, Nora, and I followed you across Anima because we didn't want to stop fighting, and neither did you. I won't pretend it hasn't been hard at times, and I think it's only going to get harder from here on out, but we're all together now. That's how we're going to win this. Together."
Ruby smiled up at him and nodded. "Together."
Jaune stood up and offered his friend a hand. She took it and leveraged herself up. She threw her arms around his torso and pulled him in for a hug. "Thanks," she said. "I needed to hear that, I think."
Jaune hugged back, his large arms wrapping around her small form and pressing her gently against his breastplate. "Anytime Ruby. If you ever need to talk I'll be here."
"I know. The same goes for you." She thumped a small fist ineffectively against his armored back and pouted up at him. "Don't go keeping it all inside like before. We don't want to lose you Jaune. We all care about you."
"Even Weiss," he asked jokingly.
Ruby giggled. "Especially Weiss."
"Hm?" He cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean?"
Ruby laughed and shook her head. "Don't worry about it. Come on, Yang was going to put on a movie in our room. Wanna join?"
"Lead the way," he said with a smile as he followed after her.
It was late when the movie ended, nearly midnight. Fortunately tomorrow was their day off, so they could sleep in.
The girls of RWBY had been preparing for bed when he'd left their dorm, and he could feel the need to sleep coming upon him, but there was one last thing Jaune had wanted to do before heading off to bed.
He sat on the edge of Atlas Academy's roof, legs dangling over the drop below, Crocea Mors sheathed across his lap. From up here he could look out across the city of Atlas and even Mantle below. In the darkness of the surrounding snow covered tundra the lights of Mantle were not unlike the stars in the night sky that gleamed overhead.
Jaune didn't come to the roof to train like he had at Beacon. Back then it had been a convenient location for him and Pyrrha to train away from prying eyes or anyone who might see his lacking skills and get suspicious. He'd come to realize that it had also been a way for Pyrrha to be alone with him.
Now however the roof was a place for him to be alone with his thoughts and look out on the world. It was a place for introspection and peace, something a dorm room with teammates would always lack. Even if one of them was Ren.
Jaune leaned back on his arms and watched the world go on below him, wondering what life was like in the rest of the world. How was Vale faring now? The city itself had been evacuated and its population scattered among the the three other cities along its coastline. Last he'd heard Miss Goodwitch and the third and fourth year students had been fighting to reclaim Beacon, but the number of Grimm had only grown larger with each passing day. He didn't know where they were now, but he guessed they'd most likely decided to cut their losses and leave Vale after the civilians had all evacuated. He wondered if Miss Goodwitch had set up a new academy. He'd have to look into it when he returned to Vale.
The huntsman knew without a shadow of a doubt that one way or another he would return to Vale. There was still a relic at the school so they'd have to go back for that if for no other reason, and there were plenty of other reasons, like clearing the Grimm out and retaking Beacon. When that day came Jaune intended to be at the head of the charge. Pyrrha had died trying to save Beacon. He would make that sacrifice worthwhile.
His hand drifted to the red sash about his waist. "You'd like it out here. It's similar to the view from Beacon. Just bigger." He chuckled. "A lot bigger."
"I killed some Sabyrs today. It was a pack of five. Not a big deal, but I made sure no one got hurt or worse. I think you would have been impressed, though I did let one get the drop on me." He rubbed the back of his head, slightly embarrassed.
It was probably very strange to talk as though a dead person were sitting behind you. But it was also strange that wind blown fallen leaves would just so happen to lead Jaune to the memorial of his fallen partner, that just so happened to be in the same city as his older sister and where he and the others had needed to cross into Atlas from. They knew gods were real after all. Who was to say there weren't other kinds of powers out there? Even if it had all been one big coincidence, Jaune knew that Pyrrha was with them, if only in their hearts. It did him good to talk like she was there beside him, still guiding him on his journey.
"I couldn't save you." His hand shimmered with aura for a brief moment. "But I can save them. I'm not the best fighter in our group by a long shot, but I can still shield them from harm. I will shield them with every ounce of strength I have. It's... my purpose. The one I chose for myself. It's why I fight for them, for everyone. Not because they're more important than me, but because they're important to me, just like you are."
Jaune Arc, huntsman, team leader, brother, and son smiled out across the cities of Atlas and Mantle. This respite would come to an end. Their enemies would strike at them again, or Amity would go up and the truth of Salem would be revealed to the world. Either way, things would come to a head and his friends would plunge headlong into danger. When they did he would be right beside them to fufill his purpose in life.
To be their shield.
Well I hope you guys enjoyed that! This is one of my more recent stories, so if you read some of my older one shots and they feel a bit dated it's because they are. You probably also noticed that I squeezed a little bit of White Knight in here and there. This is because I am a simp for that ship and cannot help myself. I am not sorry. Like I said if you're looking for more you can follow the link below to find my other stories. Hope y'all have a good day! Edit: apologies to anyone who had to scroll through all that who didn't want to read it, forgot to put a read more at the top
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oddlyhale · 3 years
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Saying, "Ironwood is leaving all of Remnant to die," is so juvenile.
The man was leaving Mantle behind. In what way does it somehow translate to him leaving all of Remnant behind? People who say things like this act as if James had the world right in his hands.
He's just some military general. None of the councilmen did anything to stop him, they're just meek humans who decided to leave the show once James went bang-bang mode. Nobody was trying to stop him, literally nobody.
Team Kids surely didn't. Ace Ops did nothing to oppose him earlier in the volume, and fear is a lame excuse once you remember how easy it was to neutralize James.
James was the only one the whole time making any changes, and it was still him that needed to drive the V8 plot forward, because Team Kids were busy fucking around.
All he wanted was to leave for space with the stupid staff. Salem wasn't doing anything to demolish Remnant the whole time Team Kids were playing Find The Relic the whole time in earlier volumes. If anything, him pushing Atlas into space is merely an inconvenience for Salem. She just sat around while Monstro was floating in the air. Even then, Salem's only good quality was still sitting around.
Everybody is sure she would find some way to pull some plan out of her ass to get to Space Atlas.
But again, how does him abandoning Mantle mean he is leaving Remnant to die? Oh, I didn't realize James was our main protagonist now? I thought it was Team RWBY who decided to work with Ozpin on his world-saving mission, even though they act like they'd rather watch it all burn?
What can James do? Again, nobody was doing anything to make him yield. Nobody was opposing him until it was near the end of the volume. Nobody thought to arrest him much earlier when he took down the councilman. Nobody did jack shit.
They literally let a man edging on his sanity to run rampant. They let him make the stupidest plan to float Atlas to space. They're not doing anything, and when they did, they just made it like it was "his fault" for losing it.
They're all horrible people.
If they did anything, then the responsibility is in their hands now. They have to do something. Not James. Scary, no?
Everybody had one day to make those changes, and they just stuck their thumbs up their asses like cowards and let Salem park her whale on Atlas. You're a fool of you think James is the only one that could've done anything. He had nothing to choose from. Everybody knows this.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (September 14th-September 27th)
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Oblivio Sentimonster
tbh at this point, we might as well just go, “more akuma-turned-sentimonster.”
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Alya don't learn anything from her experience as Scarabella
*sees “Simpleman” trailer*
Welp, we have a DNB before the episode is out (two technically because I’ve predicted Marinette with all four kids for like--ever).
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow:
Marinette will at some point get akumatised and become even more OP than Chat Blanc and create a whole universe with life and diversity and desires to live in there with no crushing responsibilities, but it will be portrayed as a bad, bad thing and we will have to torment ourselves by seeing Adrien and the other heroes ignoring the fact that their "most beloved friend/romantic interest" is mentally broken and they will keep telling her to go to "sweet baby Adrien" to have a family with.
Naturally, Luka will act either OOC or will be "miraculous"-ly absent, if not disappear from the show altogether at that point so Marinette won't even have a chance to be comforted by an actually good friend.
I call dibs on this ending.
The way they’d spin is probably that Marinette is being selfish wanting to live in her “own little world” and she’s not thinking about everyone else.
This would also probably be another case of the whole “it wasn’t your fault you were akumatized, it was Hawk Moth” thing being through completely out the window because it’s Marinette’s fault, you guys.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien learns his father is Hawk/Shadowmoth and justifies not telling Ladybug because 'She's keeping secrets from me, too!'  This is presented as perfectly valid and understandable reasoning.  Bonus if there is no acknowledgement of the fact he is keeping this information from everybody else beyond blaming Ladybug for THAT, too.
I hate that this makes sense because he WOULD be that petty.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien/Chat Noir will continue down the path of unnecessary roughness and violence.  By the time he switches sides and joins the villains for whatever bullshit reason they try to blame on Marinette/Ladybug, his behavior will have degraded so far that he was already acting overtly villainous while he was ostensibly still on the heroes' side.  This is never acknowledged beyond some oblique comments about how Ladybug should have noticed how unhappy he was and bent over backwards to fix it.
That’s what she gets for nOt aPpReCiAtInG hIm eNouGh.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien's spitefulness and/or screwing around as a nominal superhero explicitly causes civilian casualties that are only reversed by Ladybug's cure.  Marinette blames herself for their deaths; so does the narrative.  Tikki, Alya, and others act as the writers' mouthpieces to berate and blame Mari for her failures, despite her being the only reason that Adrien's victims aren't STILL dead.  (Bonus if the same 'logic' is applied to Shadowmoth's victims.)
Well SHE’S the one with Miraculous Cure, so clearly--
Anonymous asked:
DNB: It's eventually revealed that Adrien is directly responsible for the heroes having to continue fighting Hawkmoth/his implied successor well into their adult lives; while Gabriel is ultimately dealt with during the series' run, Adrien isn't willing to give up his 'heroic' lifestyle, and ensures that the Butterfly Brooch ends up in Lila/somebody else's hands.  Bonus if their reasoning for blaming Marinette is that a Reveal hadn't happened yet and Adrien 'didn't want to lose her, waaaah...'
And of course they’ll make him look sympathetic because he didn’t want to rat out of his father (if he’d been the one to see the reveal and no one else)!! Can you blame him???
Anonymous asked:
DNB: The concept of getting therapy/psychological help and support is mocked through an akuma lampooning the concept.  This stems from the writers getting spiteful/annoyed by so many observations from the fandom about how badly most of the cast needs some form of psychological aid, with the episode supposedly 'proving' that it's not needed/would only hamper the heroes more than help them.
Because a therapist would’ve told Marinette to dropkick Chat into the void.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: If SentiAdrien is a thing, Felix winds up as a body backup drive so the series can have the Angstrese of SentiAdrien being destroyed without permakilling their golden boy.  The horrifying implications of Felix's fate are completely glossed over; who cares what happened to his mind/personality/soul so long as Adrien's okay?
oh my god what if Astruc brags that this is why Felix’s model is a copy of Adrien’s and that this is a reference to how Adrien replaced Felix during the making of Miraculous
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: "Simpleman" will be basically "Reverser" 2.0 (very cringe scenes of Ladybug and Chat Noir being rendered useless by Akuma of the Week will be depicted as hilarious)
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Now that Kagami is on the Adrienette train she'll drag Luka on board with her. Then they'll think of schemes to get them together and meanwhile fall in love with each other and O Fortuna, I need some Pepto now. *GAG*
Single people aren’t allowed to exist unless Astruc can claim they’re aro/ace.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Post-Reveal, Adrien will reject Marinette while accusing her of only being interested because he's Adrien.  The fact that he only wanted her because she was LADYBUG is never addressed, retconned, or denied outright, expecting the viewers to ignore all evidence of his obsessive/controlling behavior.  Marinette must then pursue and 'prove herself worthy' of his love in a semi-reversal, with Adrien remaining a manipulative douchenozzle the whole time.
*flashbacks to comics that existed all the way back in Season 1 about Adrien rejecting Marinette because he “””loved both sides of her””” but she didn’t love Chat Noir*
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Marinette will be given little to no heads up that Alya was dropping off her and Ninos siblings.
I imagine we won’t get confirmation on that.
(though also “Rocketear” seems to confirm that Nino is just impulsive about asking Alya on dates sooooo)
Anonymous asked:
For simpleman, we don’t need burrow to know Marinette will regress into season 1 tendencies.
Okay but Season 1 would be better than this.
Anonymous asked:
Don’t need burrow to know the kids will either not be scolded for how they acted or not be changed by any scoldings in their next appearance (bonus if they’re even praised for something along the lines of “saving paris”)
*”The Puppeteer” and “Christmaster” flashbacks*
Anonymous asked:
I just realized another episode comes out in like an hour so I think my DNB is that rolands charm will look very similar to the mayors. Sorry if it’s lame but that’s all I know rn from his late costume
There’s a joke in here somewhere about “all old man charms look the same!!”
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