maddmuses · 1 year
@thundertempo is based and gets a starter
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The man had been battered and bruised when he, and the chest he was drifting on, came into Usopp's sight. It was a pretty simple procedure for Franky to fish the man out, but it seemed that the drifter might have been too far.
Chopper wasn't the type to let that go and as he began to stir, the dark-haired young man, draped in nothing but a red gi, boot, and a tattered and dirty jacket, began to part his eyes.
As his vision began to fade in, it was fuzzy, and difficult to make out much. But there was something... Orange? Hovering over him. As his eyes opened, the man realized that it was the face of a woman, with brown eyes, and the aforementioned colored hair. With a small cough, and weak voice, he asked, "Who... Are you?"
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villains4hire · 1 year
@thundertempo discussed an AU with Nami.
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Having summoned Nami, her hair blowing in the wind as that top-hat stayed seated upon her head. Zatanna vaguely knew of this one, enough to call upon her anyway as she often did when the fates deemed it so. The Witch summoned to her side, "And so our steps intertwine yet again it seems, though I don't mind it, you've always carried yourself thus far... and you're pleasant I'll admit, Hero."
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"To put it bluntly? I figured you would be game for some greater treasure and artifacts considering your greed, but also who has called upon me, the strands of destiny are being unwoven in this far off planar realm. Its effects would ripple through the planes. Why it's happening? I do not know, but I am going there to investigate, so what say you, Navigator of the Cosmos and Stars beyond?"
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pinklocksoflove · 1 year
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"What about looking big in a good way? I do want to kinda show it off if I'm being honest." Still the compliment eased her mind. She had been feeling iffy about her appearance, such is the way with low self esteem.
"Still that means a lot. Thank you, miss. I'm touched"
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
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@thundertempo​ asked: ✏️for Nami
Send in ✏️ and I’ll use this (improved) incorrect quote generator featuring both our muses! (Always Accepting!)
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Ikkaku: Someone care to explain why we have 6 dogs in our apartment? Nami: They're golden retrievers, dude. They retrieve gold. I did this for us.
Kidnapper: I have your partner. Nami: What? I don't have a partner... Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face? Nami: Oh my god, you have Ikkaku.
Ikkaku: I’m genuinely surprised you haven’t gotten arrested, let alone gotten a felony yet. Nami: Nat 20 Charisma. Ikkaku: That is NOT how that works-
Ikkaku: You know, people treat me like a god. Nami: How? Ikkaku: They ignore my existence unless they need something.
Nami: You use humor to deflect your trauma. Ikkaku: Awww, thanks- Nami: That’s not a good thing. Ikkaku: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
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  MAKEOVER for Nami (@thundertempo), she would love for Vivi to help with her hair~
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She knew Nami's hair care regimen down to a tee. Vivi still remembered it even more than two years since she left the Straw Hats to pursue her own path. She was not sure if that path was still open to her now that the Reverie happened! Vivi was thrilled to be with the Straw Hats again after all this time. She missed adventuring with them the most, and she hoped she could do so again.
She got her wish, but at what cost? It brought tears to her eyes. She blinked them back as she concentrated on washing, conditioning, and blow-drying Nami's hair. Terracotta taught her a great deal when it comes to styling. She sectioned Nami's hair and began styling it in an updo. A little braiding for some of the strands here and there, with some beads in lapis lazuli and gold. Hm, she was sure Nami would love it.
"This was the hairstyle Terracotta styled for me when I had a formal. It became the trend in the young women of Alabasta," she said. "The lapis lazuli would look good with the blue evening dress." She continued with a smile. "Terracotta would describe it much better. Though in ancient times, my people would use crushed lapis lazuli for eye shadow. Many nobles wore it."
Vivi examined the front of the style and fixed some of the kinks in the bangs and hair. "Lapis lazuli was also believed to help connect to self. It was believed to help souls into the afterlife. It is a stone of wisdom, truth, and intuition. And I hope it'll help on your journey, Nami." She took a step back to admire her handiwork. She grinned as soon as she finished checking it.
"Perfect, you're ready for whatever the seas throw at you!"
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waraxarcana · 1 year
@thundertempo​​ replied to this post:
Nami plays dead (RIP)
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"You are fortunate that fate has declared you merely ‘play’ dead this day,” he stated, looking down at the prone cat thief. His cards had deemed the probability of her crew coming after him to avenge her to be 99%, and thus not worth the trouble. For he knew enough about his fellow rookie Supernovas to know that trouble would, indeed, be what he got for even being in their vicinity for more than ten minutes. Thus, he walks off and Nami lives another day.
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💋 for Nami~ @thundertempo
everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse.
Junsui saw his cute ginger friend from across the room, and gave her a wave as he went over to speak to her. Once he got there, a small awkward smile crossed his face (what was new?). "Oh Nami! Thank you for the help with the directions earlier to the library... I have something for you as thanks."
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He had meant to lean in and kiss her on the cheek, but he must have mistimed it or something because. Whoops! Smooch. Right on the lips.
His face turned bright red.
"S-Sorry that was uh!!! C-Cheek not uh!! lips!! So-aah!!" Words had given up on him.
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kibonosentoki · 1 year
Nami is holding out a mikan, "I know it's not much, but Happy Birthday!" (From @thundertempo)
Gohan's Bday stuff! // Still accepting!
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"Oh! You shouldn't have!" Gohan smiled as he took the offered fruit. It had been years since he'd managed to eat one of these fruits, 17&18 had really gone wild when it came to destroying wildlife. The Hybrid effortlessly peeled the fruit and popped a slice into his mouth. "Y'know, I've been trying to grow one of these back where I live, it's a slow process but I think it's getting there. Mount Paozu is good for a lot of plants and wildlife, so I'm hoping I can grow these in my home."
"Thank you. I mean it, it's a great gift."
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iiingenious · 1 year
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@thundertempo said: Timmy-kun is such a dirty little boy that likes wearing girly panties~ or would prefer I call you Timmy-chan, baby girl?
"N-Nami-san-!" Tim could not help but blush profusely, It wasn't any kind of accusation, but a known fact to Nami, hence her use of the more traditional female honorific. "I--I can be your Timmy-chan, Nami-san--"
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In reference to [x] @thundertempo​
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“Ow, ow!! Ok it was me, sorry!!”. Luffy didn’t know which was more powerful, their navigator’s iron grip or the nagging but he could literally feel the consequences of his actions. Punishments were necessary at times (although their dorky captain didn’t seem to learn from his random not-so-funny shenanigans). 
Before that had just eaten a basket of chicken wings with the world’s best bbq sauce ™ made by Sanji. Of course while already rushing to another place, the captain would forget to wash his hands, and that’s how those binoculars got messy and smelly at the first place. 
“How did you know it was me? I mean anyone could’ve taken your binoculars, right?” he tried once again his luck with blaming his (innocent) crew mates. 
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theallblue · 1 year
@thundertempo x
It was Nami’s apartment that Sanji found himself in once more because of the long week dealing with finals. He had been dealing with them as well causing his nose to be buried in one of his many books. The invitation was accepted knowing that it never hurt to study together, it would benefit them with their finals. 
He should have thought about bringing some snacks before his arrival knowing that food would make a study session easier. It seemed that Nami had already started before he arrived because of the colored cards that rested on the table. She was obviously working hard for their sake even when he had asked her not to. The sound that came from Nami’s stomach told the blonde enough that she could use something to eat, he wanted nothing more, but to make herself something. 
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“I want to, Nami. I have the perfect snack for our study session, it won’t take long.” A smile graced his lips, he had already made up his mind about wanting to make the idea which lingered within his thoughts. He loved cooking for others especially if they were his friends, he wouldn’t hesitate to make them anything.
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maddmuses · 1 year
A Different Kind of Justice
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"Umm, miss?" The marine adjusted his glasses as he leaned over, though they were about the same height, he was trying to get a look at the text of the book she was thumbing through.
Trying to physically angle a look at the book, while getting her attention, he insisted, "Is that the Cartography Theory in The Grand Line? I was really hoping to check that book out, will you be too long?" Though Nami had a bounty, Toru rarely looked those things over attentively before going places.
Though someone would never miss Nami's particular poster, seeing as she was posing, he wasn't likely to correlate it immediately... If ever. Especially when such a rare book was in the room.
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villains4hire · 1 year
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"....Soooo what do you even do out here half the time? I half-expect you to be a serial-murderer underneath all the sweets."
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c0mplex-heroes · 1 year
@thundertempo liked for a playlist starter
song inspiration: "horns" by bryce fox
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"There's nowhere to run!" If the sorceress could breath fire, then she would have used it to burn the retreating heels of the bounty hunters making their escape. Whilst she knew Nami was capable of handling herself, their threatens and words had found a way to anger Kimiko. So now she stood in front of the navigator, ready to make them pay.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
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@thundertempo​ asked: YES TO THE DRESS
Send “Say Yes to the Dress” to see the wedding gown my muse would wear to our muses’ wedding. (Still Accepting!)
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If Nami and Ikkaku ever got married, I imagine Nami would insist on couture, expensive-looking gowns while Ikkaku would want something simple but sexy, so she’d compromise with something like this. The pearl embellishments are definitely what makes this dress for her.
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Crocus sativus Crocus -- Breathe -- Calm, rest, stop, and just be.
from Robin to Nami @thundertempo
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She hoped the New World's weather would be merciful enough to let the girls enjoy a glass of iced coffee or a mimosa. It was a good welcome after a long and arduous journey. Robin wondered if they will have enough supplies to last them to the next island.
Robin took a deep breath as she made her way to the kitchen. She was to help Sanji in the kitchen with both setting things up and clearing the table. She waved at Chopper who was going through his first aid supplies. Usopp was up bright and early to water his plants, so she greeted him as well. Franky was quite busy with his work, and she was very positive Nami was already checking on the small orange grove on their ship.
She unlocked the refrigerator after looking around for Luffy but figured he was still asleep. She made a small conversation with Sanji while she mixed up some mimosas and brewed coffee for iced coffee.
Robin chuckled at Sanji's enthusiastic greeting. She counted utensils and plates for breakfast for the rest and brought them up to the table on the deck. She remembered to count how many oranges were left before locking the refrigerator. On her second trip upstairs, she would try to see if Nami was tending the grove.
"Hm, there's only one left," she said, concluding Sanji might use the last orange to sweeten the batter. She figured she would take Nami's mimosa to her.
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