saiyanandproud · 3 months
@viopolis from x
"Oh, tell me about it."
Mariko pulls the chair back and lets herself fall on it with a threatrical huff. A full hour with the leader of the Radiance Coalition? Nice. She was going to make the most of it.
"I'm a Time Patroller," she declared, leaning against the seat and folding one leg over the other one. "So, you know. The usual life. Fixing timelines, meeting people, saving who is meant to be saved... Sometimes, killing who is meant to be killed. Although, not my favourite part, I have to admit it," she said witha grimace.
No point in denying her job. She did yell it to the purple/blue guy in front of everyone, after all. Not a smooth move, but hey... Maybe getting this guy's interest on her real skills also meant getting an opening to ask him more intricate questions too.
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"This, however, have been out of our radars for a while," she added, nodding at the screens. "The Radiance Coalition. What is this all about? I mean," she went on, "if someone has big plans, usually the Time Patrol keeps an eye on them. If it doesn't happen, it's either because they're acting very righteously, historically speaking... Or very cautiously."
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risingsouls · 3 months
💝 and/or 💙?
Questions for Munday || Open!
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
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[YOU. But gosh there are so many. @synthetixflora, @unboundpower, @earthforsaken, @hopefromadoomedtimeline, @kiealer, @anemcia @dragvnsovl, @saiyanandproud, @polterxgheist, @goddevourd, @athenafire are the ones that come to mind immediately. I'm sure there are more but all of these guys are so inspiring to me in one way or another, whether it's their writing in general, their creativity, or just their boldness to just do whatever the fuck they want without letting "cringe" or anything else stop them from having fun and making their characters what they want them to be. It's very refreshing and ily all.]
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
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[Watching the Big Green Dub of the Bojack movie had me ALMOST wanting to bring back Zangya. I also had a moment of wanting to resurrect my OC, Selbi and work on her. Neither of these will happen but. It was a brief consideration.]
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@viopolis replied: "Your fault that you quit too early." - 🪲💚
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"That's rich coming from the one who quit his own tournament because he was scared."
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pzfr · 4 months
4, 11 and 17? c:
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Back when the queen bit the dust somebody I was following (who had a 'no politics!' rule no less in place for mutuals to follow) was not only mad at people for cheering, but went as far as to call them violent savages. That was the icing on the cake for me because how do you not only isolate yourself under wishy washy neutrality but go as far as to manage to insult everyone who has a genuine grievance with imperialism. Lol. Lmao even.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
I've had the good fortune of mostly avoiding the fandom-related stuff I don't want to see because my longtime mutuals are geniuses and have huge meat are cool and passionate about what they enjoy.
That said I do express caution with the well known 'automatic' shipping setups. Arranged Marriage, the (Internet's Interpretation of) Hanahaki disease, Soulmates, generally anything where there's an external plot element that insists on pushing two characters together. Other folks can pursue that as much as they want it's just going to be a really hard sell with me.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
At least in terms of fic & RP There needs to be more setups where rejection can occur. Or the Pon Farr from Star Trek, specifically so people can invoke the Kal-If-Fee deathmatch and all its variations. A champion is selected by the betrothed to fight the suitor. The betrothed represents themselves and attacks the suitor.
I'd also love to see gen fic/rp with really banal and/or surreal comedic situations. Not just for the laugh factor but to see how characters react to certain things.
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2c75ff · 28 days
♛ + Viopolis ( would not blame you for choosing to focus on just one muse; I have a decently-sized roster and feed a bunch into them when I have the chance )
🔵 -- 'MY OPINION ON...' meme . ACCEPTING
my opinion on;
CHARACTER IN GENERAL. I've chosen to focus on Nucleotide for this particular response, henceforth referred to as 'Cleo'.
One of my favorite things about Cleo thus far is how his very existence, and the fact that he's such a mental mess about it in the first place, raises a variety of weighty questions about the nature of his being and the overall place he occupies in the world.
(For instance: is he fated -- [doomed, even] -- to be 'bad' just because his progenitor was? Do his origins mean that he didn't deserve a chance at life in the first place? Does his unstable sense of belonging within a broader community -- in combination with the ever-present, latent threat that he could very well present to humanity if he ever chose to -- mean that he's inherently evil? How much of his emotional struggles [with himself and with others] is he allowed to show and be forgiven for before those things should be held against him or taken as proof of some kind of inherited and inescapable malevolence? Is he allowed to make mistakes, regress, or fluctuate emotionally in the way that others often do without it being seen as a sign that he's just a ticking time bomb waiting to inevitably go off? Will he ever be considered 'good', or is he always going to be just one wrong move away from becoming a villain [perhaps one he was always meant to be] in the eyes of those around him? The list truly does go ever on and on.)
And here's the thing about it. While I might have my own responses to all of those questions, I can't necessarily take for granted that my answers are 'right' within the scope of the universe Cleo operates in, or that they fall in line with whatever fate (or in this case, you) might have in store for him. He truly is a creature of opposites -- a chimeric, conflicted, deeply confused entity caught in the midst of warring urges and warring inputs that, when you get right down to it, are not actually his fault. He can't help the who, what, why of his existence, and yet everyone who crosses paths with him can see it and bring their own baggage to the table. It's never solely, truly about him. It's unfortunate. It's unfair. The world he was brought into really is just that kind of bitch sometimes -- and yet here he is all the same, making some kind of unsure, fumble-footed effort to stay on the right side of The Line, for all that he doesn't always necessarily feel that kind of charitable and for all that he isn't always necessarily graceful about it. He may or may not be doomed by the narrative in the long run, but the fact that he even cares in the first place about being accepted, about having a place, about being good says more about him than he himself might realize.
What's more relatable than the struggle of not wanting the wreckage of your being to be seen for exactly what it is, while simultaneously longing for just the same?
What's more relatable than wanting someone to See, and not look away in the end?
(...Okay, yeah; I'm big attached already. Call me out, why don't you.)
HOW THEY PLAY THEM. One of your strengths that I'm already noticing as I gain familiarity with your blog -- (and this applies to everyone you play; not Cleo alone) -- is that you allow your characters ample room to be difficult, wrong, or ugly, even (or perhaps especially) if they aren't necessarily villainous or 'bad people'.
It's always seemed to me that many writers struggle with some protective sentiments toward the characters they play, especially if those characters are OCs -- a certain desire for the characters to not act foolishly and to not be pathetic; to always have 'an excuse' for why the moments when they're wrong, or making a poor choice, or otherwise exhibiting any kind of unattractive trait shouldn't be held against them. By comparison, you seem to treat your characters' traits less as inherent negatives and more as parts of the greater whole which must be seen and acknowledged in order to understand the entirety of the picture. No more and no less. You let them have their good, their bad, their everything in between, without trying to buff away their imperfect facets. The end result, in my opinion, is a pleasingly complicated sense of 'realness'.
Bringing this back more specifically to Cleo, you take care to explain his conflicted nature, permit him to have negative traits both large and small, and don't try to convince your audience that he's above reproach or entirely clean-handed in the moments where he actually expresses those traits or otherwise acts in ways that would make him difficult for most people to handle. For a multitude of reasons, Cleo would be a hard person with whom to develop or maintain any kind of meaningful relationship; and I think you're good at striking an important balance between making him sympathetic, and letting him still be troubled in ways that have effects on and consequences for those around him. He's isolated, yet not an island. I can't help but feel a very particular variety of affectionate over him.
THE WRITER. Right up front, I appreciate the fact that you present yourself in an engaging, friendly, enthusiastic manner, without "uwu-ify"-ing yourself in the process. I understand that many people are shy and/or anxious, and that there's a certain, unspoken expectation in many of these kinds of spaces for players to preemptively assuage others' nerves by making themselves appear as small and non-threatening as possible. However, I am very much an adult -- (I do taxes. I have a Roth IRA.) -- and find that I gravitate most readily toward other adults who occupy their space with a certain measure of basic self-assurance. You do that without coming across like a hard-ass, and I find that wildly refreshing.
do i;
FOLLOW THEM. Of course. RP WITH THEM. Not yet. WANT TO RP WITH THEM. Naturally. SHIP THEIR CHARACTER WITH MINE. I would need to see these two in action with each other before I could properly say -- get an idea of the initial flavor of the dynamic, gauge where and how that dynamic might progress given time and tending; all that. I'd be absolutely open to the possibility though if indeed a facet like that proved to be both reasonable for them and interesting for us. In any case I can see abundant opportunities for a great deal of long-term emotional strangeness on both their ends, regardless of whether or not romantic chemistry ever gets involved.
And if indeed it does get involved, then what an extra fun little minefield they'll be navigating when the time comes where those strange pains in Cleo's ribs and abdomen sprout at last into something greater...
(Why yes, I am forever snared within the jaws of my fondness for scenarios with thematic similarities to [a] The Shape of Water, and [b] The Fly. Why do you ask?)
what is my;
OVERALL OPINION. 'I would die for [him]. I would kill for [him]. Either way, what bliss.'
[ @viopolis ]
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beforecreation · 8 months
@viopolis liked for a starter!
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"Surely you're not here to try to assassinate me, are you? There certainly are less painful ways to throw your life away."
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grandgrief · 4 months
🧫 aaaand 🩹
send an emoji and i'll tell you my opinion on...
🧫 IC / "IRL" blogs
NOTE: misunderstood this part too lazy to edit rn
I think if you asked me before I'd be sympathetic and say that generally any non-RP account is unfamiliar with the processes of roleplay communities (considering some accounts forego rules and clear-cut separation of In-Character/Out-Of-Character. Some personal accounts may even just try to RP from an account that outwardly doesn't even resemble an RP account. Whatever works for people + social cues and reading the room expertise is kind of difficult to guarantee on a wide-spanning platform like this, I hope that makes sense.
But also I tend to get frustrated in regards to myself and my friends who do have visible rules pages and structure that can for the most part, be accessed. And with how social media prioritizes consumption to the point of disregarding the person who makes something and what they're trying to do with it.
🩹 reblog karma
I try to remember to send at least one thing in, even though now I reblog from source (barring being unable to access the original post because the blog deactivated or something like that).
Though even reblogging from source I tend to get frustrated, specifically with a few folks who in the past would grab the same memes, sometimes even writing in similar details to things I've included in threads and then there's just zero OOC small talk or plotting, not even a shorter IC interaction, and when I'm feeling particularly low my paranoia kicks in there.
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unboundpower · 5 months
🚩 for whatever is grinding thine gears most at this moment.
Unpopular opinions & hot takes. // accepting.
Too many users on this site are too goddamn sensitive. Yeah, I said it.
I know I personally say a lot of..."rocking the boat" kind of things. I know I can and do come off as a certain way. I know how I talk and the opinions I've shared have made people dislike me. I know there are people active in this RPC right now who dislike me. But none of that will ever stop me from speaking my mind.
What gets me is when people share their basic fandom takes (especially ones that THEY KNOW aren't a part of the majority's), but then....they act like they're? A victim, for lack of a better label?? They make vent posts to complain when people don't agree with them, want to debate them (as they tend to say: "attack" them) for the sake of knowledge-seeking, or are bothered enough to unfollow them.
WORSE - Some people will take someone else's muse being combative with their own IC-ly as a personal attack. If your muse criticizes theirs or meets them head on in whatever conflict occurring in the interaction / thread, they'll think you're trying to start beef with them OOC. Like????? What happened to "mun does not equal muse" ??????????
That still gets repeated to this day no matter the fandom, but it's like the community overall doesn't or can't understand what that actually means (including the grown ass adults in it) anymore. I've witnessed 5+ instances? Idk if it's actually that many but it's been a lot?? of this these past two months alone.
Like I know some people really really love their muses and view them as extensions of their person because of the time & effort put into them, but COME ON. So many folks need to keep it a buck with themselves.
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mechahero · 7 months
@viopolis continued from here
They've got sharp nails too? Damn.
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"I dunno! Are you?" Not exactly the smoothest thing he could have said in response. Instead, the words tumble out of Lambda's mouth. The shock hadn't quite settled down just yet. But then again, there's just something so familiar about the person he's seeing. And yet, he can't quite pin down what.
"Or I mean, somethin' like that. Y'know..."
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saiyanandproud · 3 months
@viopolis from x
Welp, she got two bingos. Not much but enough to get a chance to investigate on this weird Radiance Coalition and report to Trunks about it.
Althoug... A bingo, of all things?
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"Hey. Who are you calling ephimeral-- ephem--- That. I'm a Time Patroller, big dude," she claimed, pointing a finger against First with a frown. "I've seen more in my years serving the Time patrol than most people do in their whole life. Experience can go beyond age, you know? Plus," she went on, folding her arms with a conceited huff, "who determines what's venerable? I do venerate myself -- I'm badass. So, there you go. I'm venerated, hence, I'm venerable."
But there was more urgent matter to take care of.
"Whatever. I'll get back at you after I deal with him."
And with that she marched towards Frost, took a seat in front of him, and folded her arms in a swift move, planting her elbows on the table and her eyes into his.
"Save your pleasantries for those who care... Or fall for it," she said. "Thirty minutes is more than enough to ask you all I want."
She cocked an eyebrow. Took a moment. Then smiled.
"Your allegiance to this Coalition, for example. Why did you join it?"
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anemcia · 2 days
4, 13 aaaand 28!
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4. What’s one thing that always manages to get under your skin?
//A lot of things get under my skin tbh, but I'm finding that's a lot easier since I've been here long enough to see it all. If I had to narrow it down to a singular problem, I'll keep it RPC relevant. Not a fan of muns policing how to run other people's muses if it doesn't fit the "fanon" interpretations (Or sometimes even THEIR OWN headcanons)
I get that many of us get attached to a specific view of a character. I'm one of those people! Everyone knows by now that I am a stickler for how Cell is portrayed, it's just my vision. Ya can't get heated over someone doing their own thing with em'. I genuinely don't care if the entire community has agreed that "This character IS LIKE THIS / NOT LIKE THIS!!!" Nnnnnaaaah, you don't make the rules. People are going to play with their fictional paper dolls regardless of your input, so let go and move on. Even if it's Problematic? More like NOT MY PROBLEMATALL. I don't care, it's just not worth the fuss or headache. Just block them for fucks sake.
13. What’s underrated in the rpc?
Perhaps a nostalgic feeling, but what ever happened to magic anons? I get that it's easier to reblog memes for specific prompts, but I kinda miss the wild west of "SHIAKAZING, YOU ARE NOW NAKED FOR 24 HOURS." And that's just how it was a little over 10 years ago. I think we need to go back to that old tumblr rpc, bring a little bit of goofy fun now and again for the sake of something unusual to happen to our characters. This is implying you're allowed to ignore CERTAIN prompts, but otherwise? Have fun with it.
28. What’s your favorite genre to write?
I would be lying to myself if I didn't fancy a little bit of romance now and again. It's hardly touched upon because I'm a lil stinky nervous baby who overthinks everything when writing with friends, but it warms my soul. Refreshing, even, just to do something nice. Though it goes without saying that I love just about all genres of writing, I just wish I could do romance a little more sometimes.
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risingsouls · 7 months
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[I have smart friends. Heed their advice, nonnie, if you want to be taken seriously.]
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pzfr · 13 days
📺 TALK SHOW A-GO-GO! ( Immensely fun prompt. Please choose whoever you wish from my roster, whoever you’ll have the most fun with 💙 )
Send "📺 TALK SHOW A-GO-GO!" for your muse to get interviewed on Rex's new talk show!
"--Cleo. Cleo, c'mon. Just let the band do their thing, you have your own segment later to do whatever you want. Look, Cynara will be here any moment. Ah! There they are. It's our special guests for tonight: Lord Kelvaan and Cynara!"
The band played something to begin Kelvaan's entrance, and then something else, *very* quickly for Cynara, when she entered the stage, while the video editing specialist-- the dictator-supervillain Sergio Sidewinder made small talk with the blue bio-android, taken on as an intern with the band on Cynara's request.
"Welcome to the show, Lord Kelvaan, and Cynara!" exclaimed Rex. "Music was a little last minute on our part, but we appreciate that you made it here on time. So, Kelvaan: How's the coalition? Keeping everything bright and shiny, are we? And Cynara, great to see you. Started that err... that uh, that Grim Tour yet? Any insights from your skinned self over in that other universe by way of Gotham City?"
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llixulia · 4 days
☯, ⚡, 💔?
Do you prefer to wing it or to plot things out first when it comes to longer threads?
It depends. Sometimes I have ideas and run them by the person to see if they'd be interested and we go from there. Other times I simply jump into their inbox and see what comes out of it.
What typically leads to inspiration for you when it comes to writing?
Books, movies, music... And I always have the best ideas for plots/dialogues when I can't write them down or when I'm trying to sleep.
What kinds of characters do you have the most trouble writing for?
That'd have to be truly evil characters. Being evil just for the sake of being evil... I'm not sure I can write them properly.
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5mind · 6 days
hc + Maintenance! ( For Fivey )
Send me hc + a word of your choosing and I’ll write a headcanon relating to that word!
Fivemind tries to do proper maintenance as regularly as possible, monthly with a rotation of 2 units per week. So its like, Red + Blue for the first week every month, followed by Yellow + Pink the nex week, and then Green + Chirptune (not a unit but she needs maintenance too).
Maintenance is primarily repairs, tune-ups, and internal cleaning. While Fivemind does repair the units as soon as possible when they get damaged, less dire damages or anything that would require replacement parts that they don't have on hand at the moment are left for their designated maintenance days. So yeah, despite the squadron's appearance, Fivemind is trying to take care of the units as well as they could!
Still not fixing up Pink Four's face though. The knife-in-head look is good for intimidation (which they do resort to sometimes) and almost everything needed for her functioning is located in her torso. Most units can just function headless.
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athenafire · 1 month
🚩 🚩!
Send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes [Accepting]
//I'm going to put these under read mores because my salt tends to burn.
//It annoys me to no end when people don't tag their nonsense. I don't tag a lot of things, but I at least try to get the simple ones out of the way. Out of rope for OOC posts, lemon warning for nasties (I'm old, shut up.) and if it gets super weird, I try to tag that as well.
//I don't care what rocks your socks, just tag it. It's your business, not mine. Very much a don't like, don't read type. But also I love it when people tag that kind of stuff, so I have the option of still being in the room and vibing, but without seeing something that's going to ruin my mood.
//And speaking of, have some damn media literacy. It's not hard, my guys/gals/non-binary pals. One of my favorite games to play is Guild Wars 2, and if I have to hear one more idiot with no critical reading skills say Braham is the worst, or Braham is the best, I'm going to invade Arenanets home base and start permabanning people.
//Dude made a bunch of mistakes that caused the plot to go forward because of his grief and toxic environment. The Commander isn't at fault, they had bigger fish to fry and by the time they could have done something about it, it was too late. Dude boi had his peoples expectations on his back because of his actions. Things he did because of his own grief and toxic processing of that grief.
//The entire point is he fucked up, experienced consequences, and not only grew from that, but made amends and faced those consequences head on. Doing some of that was a bad idea, or done in a bad way, but that was another step in the process of him becoming the character he needed to be.
//It doesn't excuse his actions, or absolve him of guilt, it just sees that this is a character in a story. His story might not resonate with you, because it's not for you. Same deal with Caithe who has the haters and... the people who have either been there.... or have critical reading skills.
//Not every story is for you, and y'all need to calm down.
//There are more hot takes I have that could fit closer to home here, since a lot of you are into DBZ, but i'll save those for another time.
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