#^ those are probably all the most viral artists for each genre
full-metal-furies · 1 year
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yoon-kooks · 5 years
Witch Hazel- Pt.5
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: FanficWriter!Jungkook, Idol!Reader, College!AU, Angst, Fluff
Summary: There are two students in your art class with a secret: you and the quiet Jeon Jungkook. You’re a problematic idol singer, infamous for your ice cold reputation and perpetual resting bitch face; he’s the artist and author behind the viral comic series based on a certain ice queen idol. After a blowup of destructive rumors, lost motivation and inevitable solitude, you stumble upon Jungkook’s comic and find a new and unexpected light.
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: none
Parts: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // ?
“So are you in, Jimin?”
“I’m in,” he chuckles at your little proposal. His laugh retains its charm, even through the phone. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little jealous of that charming quality of his. “But can I ask you something, Snow?”
“Go for it.”
“Why me?”
“To prove a point,” you say. “You also have something to prove, right? Otherwise you wouldn’t have shown up at my concert that night despite being well aware of how the public and media would react.”
“Right… Sorry about that, by the way.” You hear the sorrow still beating him up in his lowered voice. It makes sense that he feels the need to blame himself for all the backlash you received, but he shouldn’t have to feel guilty when all he wanted was a little freedom as a normal human being and not as the perfect idol the world makes him out to be.
“It’s fine, Jimin. We may be glorified idols at the top of the industry, but there are a lot of things we have no control over.”
“True… Sometimes it seems like the only way to escape the judgment of the public eye is to hide behind a mask, huh.” Jimin sighs. “But we can’t always live like that either.”
After hanging up, you toss your phone aside and pick up your guitar.
On your way to class, you’ve made a habit of checking jk.seagull’s blog for any updates on Witch Hazel, and you’re delighted when you find this new text post:
“it’s not done yet, but I’m planning on posting a new chapter this afternoon after class!”
To celebrate the occasion, you stop by your local coffee shop to pick up a special mocha with extra whipped cream. You’re already late for class after failing to hear your five alarms this morning anyway. And besides, maybe you deserve a little pick-me-up after all the writing you’d done the night before. For once, you feel pretty good about the direction you’re headed in.
Not even a scolding by your professor could ruin your mood.
“Oh, Y/N. How nice of you to join us,” your professor motions for you to take your seat as soon as you step foot into the art room. “I was just talking about how certain students have not been taking this class seriously as of late.”
She glances directly at you, along with your tablemates, Taehyung and Jungkook. “Sorry,” you mouth with a lack of sincerity, before taking a long sip of your mocha.
“And because of that,” the professor continues, “I’ve decided to move up the due date of our portrait project to tomorrow.”
A collective groan fills the room from the entire class, with the exception of those few lucky bastards who’ve already completed their project early. Once the class is dismissed, the scramble to actually get shit done begins. Even Taehyung opts to stick around as opposed to his usual obligations, and that speaks volumes.
As soon as your team relocates to one of the empty art studios nearby, however, it’s apparent that no one is really vibing with this project.
“So… what’s the assignment again?” Taehyung scratches his head. As much as you’d love to scold the boy for his lack of awareness of anything happening in art class, you haven’t been in the proper mindset to give the project any thought either.
“Something about drawing ourselves based on how others perceive us?” Jungkook yawns. “Or was it drawing each other’s portrait?”
“The first one, I think,” you say. “It doesn’t really make a difference when Jungkook’s gonna end up drawing Taehyung’s portion anyway.”
“True,” the boys say together. If there’s one thing you’ve learned from your art class shenanigans, it’s that the more you get to know someone, the easier it is to understand them and their actions—even if they’re completely different from you like Taehyung.
“If that’s the case, let’s hurry up and let each other know how we perceive one another. I have a doubleheader later on that I’d really hate to miss,” Taehyung nods in satisfaction at his clever wording for what you presume to be back-to-back one night stands. “I’ll start: Y/N, there’s not much I know about you besides the fact that you’re unfriendly, but I think that’s intentional. Like you’re hiding a dark secret or something. Jungkook, if you weren’t so shy, I’m sure you’d get laid more often.”
“Let’s not sugarcoat anything,” you roll your eyes. “I would say you, Taehyung, abuse your charm to get what you want. You use sleeping around as an excuse to avoid responsibility. And you embrace it because you fear that that’s the only thing people will ever acknowledge you for.”
“I’m not usually a masochist, but I kind of like it when you roast me like that, Y/N,” Taehyung shrugs it off, though you know you’ve hit the mark. Everyone has a poker face, and Kim Taehyung is no exception. To take the attention off of himself, he throws an arm around his favorite art buddy. “Roast this guy next.”
You glance over at Jungkook who’s in the midst of adding to your roast on Taehyung. It’s interesting to see how differently he acts with Taehyung, with you, and with everyone else. The more he knows someone, the less he withholds. If he knew you more, you wonder what he’d tell you. “I agree that if Jungkook weren’t so shy, there’d be more potential for a lot of things, but-”
Buzz! Taehyung looks down at his phone. “Well, that’s my cue. Jungkook, Y/N, you know what to do~”
“Have fun at your doubleheader,” you wave off your incompetent teammate until he’s out of sight. “Should we be enabling him like this?”
“Probably not. But even I can’t say no to that charm of his.” Jungkook sighs as he pulls out a blank sheet of bristol paper. In what feels like an instant, several dots and lines transform into a general outline of Taehyung’s face. “I’m surprised you haven’t fallen for his charm yet… unless…?”
“Look, I get the appeal of a smoothtalker who walks with confidence, but Taehyung really isn’t my type,” you laugh.
“Still, I’m a little envious of him.” Jungkook draws Taehyung a nice and natural wink. “Because he isn’t afraid to chase after what he wants.”
You want to tell the boy that he should chase after whatever it is he wants, but you know that’s easier said than done. After all, you know exactly how it feels to take that leap of faith, only to fall short before reaching the dream you so desired. So all you can do is nod and start working on your own portrait.
For about five whole minutes, you try to sketch out a decent upside-down egg shape for your head, but it always comes out a little lopsided or rough around the edges. Once you’ve got a little mountain of eraser shaving piling up, you decide it’s time to sneak a peek at Jungkook’s sketch to get an idea of how a well-seasoned artist draws a proper face.
What you see instead, however, is the boy staring back at your mountain of eraser shavings. You swear you hear a little pft come out of his mouth. The nerve.
“Hold your pencil like this,” he says, holding his own pencil with his pinky sticking out.
You replicate his grip, wiggling the pinky. “Is this some sort of weird pinky promise that artists do?”
Before Jungkook can even respond, your pinky is already linked to his. Funny how his finger curled around yours as if it were the most normal thing to do, but his burning cheeks say otherwise. You might’ve jumped the gun on this one.
After blinking at the empty pinky promise for a good three seconds, the boy finally lets go. “Use that pinky to steady your hand as you sketch.”
“Oh… right…” You feel a wildfire spreading across your own cheeks. Your dumbass somehow misinterpreted a drawing technique for something as childish as a pinky promise! Whether it’s because you’re flustered or just shitty at art, you fumble around to get your pencil on the paper. “…How do I do it again?”
Rather than trying to explain or demonstrate it to you, Jungkook motions for you to come closer. So you do. He takes your hand and individually sets each finger onto your pencil like a guitar teacher helping their student find the right chord position.
You’re pleasantly surprised by how gentle his touch is. Rather than forcing your fingers to conform to the conventional ways of an artist, he gives them the little push they need to find their own place along the length of the pencil—wherever is most comfortable for you.
Once you’ve got a good grip, Jungkook guides your pencil back to the canvas with your pinky just barely touching the drawing surface. “Now try drawing the outline of your face again.”
You do as you’re told and see immediate results. Although it’s not a perfect egg, your lines are noticeably smoother as if your skin had just been cleared. Jungkook gives you and your improved egg a thumbs-up, which you return with a thumbs-up of your own.
As you both resume your portraits, you can’t help but wonder if it was the tiny adjustment of how you held your pencil that made the difference. Or if it was Jeon Jungkook himself. You suppose only time will tell.
Several hours later, Jungkook has finished Taehyung’s portrait, you still need to color yours in, and an announcement goes off through the intercom.
“Due to the art auction charity event tonight, this building will be closing in ten minutes. Thank you.”
You groan. This is the worst case scenario for your damn group project. Because if you’re kicked out of the studio, you won’t have access to all of the necessary art supplies.
You exchange glances with the most devoted artist you know.
Jungkook’s apartment is not exactly how you imagined a weeby Snow stan’s habitat to look. There’s not a trace of Snow, nor is there a hint of magic anime girls floating around. But the one thing you did correctly predict is the amount of art scattered across the boy’s room.
Everywhere you look, you’re blown away by something different from the last. A painted city landscape detailed enough to be mistaken for an actual photo, a busy abstract pattern that makes the little wheels in your head spin, the familiar animation booklet of the flower in the snow, and an interesting little doodle that doesn't seem to scream “college art project”.
You try to make sense of what appears to be the chaos that ensues when the worlds of mathematics and music collide. Half of the basic times tables chart is replaced with values represented by music notes. The math nerd in you laughs when you see that a sixteenth note is correctly placed where two quarter notes align. Similarly, the music sheet on the other side of the doodle has a time signature of “75%” aka ¾ time aka the rhythm of a waltz.
“How old were you when you drew this one?” You point to the artwork titled Math Musician written in tiny font at the bottom corner next to the boy’s initials.
Jungkook chuckles, probably out of embarrassment. “I think I was ten.”
“Imagine being a talented artist at age ten. Can’t relate,” you clown yourself as you pull out your unfinished portrait from your art bag. In addition to looking “unfriendly”, your drawn face is rather lifeless and more so demonic for some reason. Hopefully some color will bring more dimension and life back into your flesh.
Just then, you realize you’ve made a fatal mistake.
“Umm, Jungkook?” you continue to stare down at your mistake. “I forgot to factor in your opinion of me into my portrait and now I just look unfriendly like Taehyung said.”
Jungkook tilts his head to get a better look at your monstrosity. His reaction could go one of three ways: he could laugh and give you a hard time about it, he could help you find a solution, or he could do both.
“You definitely nailed the ‘unfriendly’ part,” he snickers. “The RBF is strong with this one.”
“So you agree that I’m unfriendly?” On one hand, that would be good because you won’t have to revise your portrait if Jungkook shares the same opinion as Taehyung. On the other hand, you don’t want Jungkook to have that opinion of you.
“Not necessarily,” he says. “I think if people looked beyond your unfriendly demeanor, they’d find someone very different.”
Before you can ask the boy to elaborate, he has already left and come back with the solution to your problem: fancy coloring markers.
“Since you already drew your appearance based on Taehyung’s opinion, you can color it in based on my opinion, if that makes it easier.” Jungkook hands you an assortment of markers, though a large portion of them are just different shades of one color in particular. Yellow.
Yellow was the last color you were expecting. You expected cooler and darker tones like blues or greys to match your ice queen personality. But yellow? Yellow, to you, has always meant bright and happy.
“Yellow is a happy color, isn’t it?” You start swatching each shade of yellow to see how they translate onto a white canvas. Your favorite shade out of the bunch is the soft pale one called Banana Milk, but that still doesn’t mean it suits you. To prove your point, you hold up your unfriendly demon portrait to your actual face and pout. “Do either of these faces look happy to you, Jungkook?”
“No, but they do look silly.” The boy cracks a smile at your humor. “In a good way.” The way he smiles so brightly plants a dangerous little seed in your head. Maybe the yellow is meant to represent not how he perceives your feelings, but rather, how he perceives his own feelings for you.
By the time evening comes, you’ve shaded in every inch of your canvas, completing your portion of the portrait project. You were right—the bright colors really did help bring life back into your face, and there’s less of a demonic aura about it now.
It also looks like one big contradiction: an unfriendly-looking face with a cheerful brightness around it. But that’s probably what Jungkook was referring to when he said you were very different beneath your unfriendly mask.
As you stretch out your arms and yawn, you peek over at the boy’s progress with his portrait. He stares down at his markers scattered across the floor, pushing his long locks out of his eyes, in search of his next color. From the small portion that he has colored so far, you notice a big difference between his portrait and yours. While your color scheme is bright and flashy like a star, Jungkook’s is soft and subtle to mimic his shy and lowkey personality.
“Use this,” you toss him the Banana Milk marker and pull a scrunchie off your wrist, “and this too.”
Jungkook places the pale yellow marker down right on the area he’ll color next. He doesn’t, however, know what to do with the foreign hair accessory in his palm. He just blinks at it.
With a dramatic sigh, you join the boy on the floor and take back the scrunchie. Like a puppy with long bangs poking its eyes, he lets you comb your fingers through his hair before tying a tiny sprout on top of his head.
“So this is what the world looks like,” he nods, as if his long hair had greatly hindered his view of the world in front of him. At the same time, he spots the finished product of your portrait. “Your self-portrait is a lot different from how I would draw you.”
“I would’ve appreciated a compliment for my hard work, but go ahead and insult me, Jeon.” You square up.
“Oh sorry. You did a phenomenal job, Y/N.” He doesn’t even try to put effort into masking his sarcasm as pity praise. But that’s expected in how he hasn’t missed a single opportunity to tease you and your shitty art. “It’s just interesting how differently others interpret us from how we interpret ourselves.”
Now you’re curious. “How would you draw me then?”
“You want to see?” Jungkook pushes his own portrait aside and starts digging around for a sketchbook with a blank page to spare. What possesses him to prioritize a drawing of you before his own portrait that’s due in less than 24 hours? You won’t allow that.
“I want to see it after our project is finished, please,” you pull his unfinished portrait back in front of him before making yourself comfy on the boy’s bed. “In the meantime, I’ll be reading you-know-what.”
“Smut?” The boy has a dirty mind, it seems.
“Unless Witch Hazel plans on getting a little smutty, no, I will not be reading smut.” With a hmph, you scroll through jk.seagull’s blog. “I wonder if the new chapter is posted yet.”
Jungkook, too, picks up his phone with wide eyes when he hears you say “new chapter”. Your hype and excitement around the fanfic must be rubbing off on him.
But unfortunately for you, there is no new post since the one you saw before class. You make a sad booboo face, but it isn’t the end of the world either. You’ll just have to reread the series from the beginning as you wait for either Witch Hazel to be updated or Jungkook to finish the project. Whichever happens first.
“Wait, I think the seagull guy just posted something.”
You’ve never jumped onto your phone so quick when Jungkook mentions the seagull guy. It isn’t a new chapter of Witch Hazel, but instead another small text post.
“sorry for not updating witch hazel today like i said i would!! i was bombarded with an unexpected art assignment;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”
Your sad booboo face disappears. It seems you’re not the only one struggling to find balance between the arts and the need to satisfy others. “Isn’t it funny that he’s an art student too?”
“Haha, yeah…” Jungkook’s voice fades as he returns to his portrait.
“Maybe that’s why I like his work so much,” you say, clicking back to the very first chapter of Witch Hazel where Snow is helping out those who she had unintentionally scared away with her witchcraft. “He just gets it.”
“He gets what?”
With the biggest yawn, you shrug because you don’t really know how to put it into words. It just feels as though you and him think alike. And the thought of that is comforting enough to put you to rest until Jungkook finishes up the project.
“Y/N.” You hear things shuffling around in your half-asleep state. When you rise from mysterious pile of blankets on top of you, you see Jungkook putting his art supplies away and clearing space on the floor for him to camp out since you’ve apparently claimed his bed.
“Did you finish?” You check the time in the dimly lit room, and you’re shocked to see it’s past midnight.
“Yeah.” He pulls your scrunchie out of his hair and drops it into your palm. “Thank you for your service.”
“Keep it.” You slide the hair tie onto the boy’s wrist when you notice he looks a little different somehow. The hoodie he was wearing earlier is replaced with a plain white tee, and his torn jeans have become grey sweatpants. The unspoken reality of you stay over at the boy’s apartment is slowly becoming realized. “In exchange, I’d like to see how you’d draw me.”
“Already done,” he says, jogging to his desk and back to you with a page from his sketchbook in hand. “I drew you as a superhero.”
“What kind of superhero?” You kick the blankets off of you and reach for the drawing, but of fucking course, Jungkook pulls it back real quick just when you were about to snatch it. ���Let me see!”
He keeps it hidden behind his back for a while until he gets a little too cocky and dangles it above where you’re sitting on the bed. It would be too predictable for you to reach for the hand with drawing in it, so you decide to aim for the other arm to trap him in.
But rather than latching onto his arm, you catch only a piece of the scrunchie around his wrist, causing you both to lose balance. Your back hits the soft bedding as you stare up into the eyes of the boy who just so happened to land on top of you. Aha, you finally figure out why he looked a little different after you woke up. No glasses, just his handsome brown eyes.
You’d give yourself a pat on the back for figuring that out if you weren’t distracted by the drawing of you as a “superhero”. You were expecting something tough like the Avengers or Sailor Moon or even Izuku Midoriya. But instead you see someone who looks very much like yourself with a guitar and yellow flower crown.
“That’s not a superhero,” you say quietly.
“There are people who would feel otherwise.” Jungkook plops down next to you on his stomach.
“Like who?”
“Like people you share your music with.”
You bite your lip before rolling off the bed to run and get something. When you hop back onto the bed, you drop a pencil into Jungkook’s hand make him hold it with his pinky out like he had shown you earlier. You do the same with another pencil and link your pinky to his once more.
“Promise me you won’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you.”
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ohlayarfp · 3 years
Film Review - Misteri Dilaila by Syafiq Yusof
Misteri Dilaila is a Malaysian horror thriller film that went viral in 2019. I rarely watch Malaysian films because when i do, it’s usually the same plot all over again. Drama, romance, action, comedy and everyone’s favourite, Horror. I feel like these genres are the usuals everywhere but what makes it unbearable for most of us Malaysians is how similar every story is. Rich boy meets a poor girl. Rich boy falls in love with her and when they get married the mother hates the poor girl. They fight and one day someone dies and the end. For horror, it’s just about some people getting haunted by a ghost that was sent by a close friend of theirs.
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The thing I understand about the horror hype for Malaysians is how our culture is deeply rooted with mystical beliefs and as religious as we tend to be, ghost stories seem to intertwine with our faith for countless years. Personally, I believe in Asian ghosts more than the western versions. This is probably due to my own family having our fair share of sights into the world of the undead. 
The reason why I chose to talk about this film is because of how disappointed I felt when I watched it. Unlike most Malaysian films, it had the potential to be a great one. The look of the film was far better than the usual ones we got and the story building had a Gone Girl vibe. What made me disappointed was the fact that while watching that film I was hopeful and excited thinking finally a Malaysian Filmmaker is making a psychological horror instead of those in your face jump scares. 
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The story is about a married couple, Jefri and Dilaila, who were spending their holiday together at a luxury vacation home in Fraser’s Hill. After a petty issue where they end up quarrelling at each other, Jefri discovers his wife went missing the following morning. Next thing he knows, a mysterious woman who also goes by the name of Dilaila shows up one night where she claims to be his wife. Adding more confusion is the supernatural occurrences that regularly haunts Jefri whenever he’s alone in the house.
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Throughout the whole film, I was at the edge of my seat thinking that there’s finally a malaysian filmmaker that is about to introduce a character with a mental illness as the protagonist which would’ve justified his hallucinations of the ghost. Unfortunately, it was just like other films where there’s no actual context to the sightings, they were just ghosts being ghosts and haunting him for no reason. Well that’s for the 2nd version of the film.
Another fun fact about this film is that it went viral due to the alternate endings it has. When the film came out in the cinemas, people were surprised to hear that they had different endings when they discussed it with their friends. This was purely the filmmaker and his team’s intention. Different halls have different endings and this was meant to be a surprise for the audiences. It was a great marketing strategy and considered as a genius way of thinking for some people while some were mad that they were being ripped off. 
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As a person that watched both versions, I was unsatisfied with both versions as both endings angered me. Nevertheless, I didn’t think it’s an absolute flop though. Both versions have the fair share of plot twists. The first version revealed that the protagonist we thought all along was the actual antagonist. He was the one that killed his own wife whilst every supporting character was a part of the police team that were acting to make him confess to his wrong doings. It was then stated that the hallucinations he got was a result of his guilt and him being under the influence of drugs all along.
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The second version on the other hand is more mystical. The ghosts made more appearances in this version. The protagonist is still the good guy but the inspector that was involved in the case turned out to be a fake policeman and he was working with the imposter Dilaila. Towards the end, Jef found out that his wife has been dead a long time ago and the ‘wife’ he was holding turns out to be something else (this we never see on screen though). 
Personally if i were to choose an ending, I would choose the 1st version as it makes more sense logically but I can understand why people love the 2nd Version.  Malaysians and their thirst for horror films explains the statistics. But a famous film reviewer on YouTube (ZhafVlogs) once made an instagram poll and asked his subscribers to choose between the two versions and surprisingly it was a tie. This proves that the director made the right decision to come up with alternate endings. 
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The film then landed in a controversy within the next few weeks after the premiere. Someone noticed that the story was awfully familiar. It was then proven that the story was 90% similar to a few films from India, America, Russia and more. People were comparing it to a film called “Vanishing Act” and they were right. 
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As a film student, I am aware about the concept of adaptation so I personally see no wrong in the filmmaker’s act. However, I can understand why people are mad. The filmmaker went silent once news got out about him “stealing” the idea and “claiming” the story as his. But based on my research, I never found him claiming the story as his before. Although, he also never mentioned about him making a remake of the initial film as well. The filmmaker went silent for a long time and people kept sending him hate comments but soon died after a few months. 
A year later, the issue was raised yet again by someone and this caused the filmmaker to finally speak up. He explains the concept of adaptation and how he was inspired by a scriptwriting book called Save The Cat which said that “A good artist copy, but a great artist steals”. He also states about there being so many films abroad that have the similar concept to an older film such as Fast and Furious with Point Break, Avatar with Pocahontas and Inception with Paprika. He finally came clean and stated that he was inspired by a stage play from France called “A Trap for a Lonely Man”. He then added his own twist by adding some horror elements knowing that it being the target audience favourite genre.
Also regarding the quote from Save The Cat, (in my opinion) I feel like what the author was implying is about ‘stealing’ stories from life. Not stealing the exact plot codes from other films. This is based on my understanding from the phrase which I assume Syafiq may have misinterpreted it.
He raised logical points from a filmmaker’s perspective and he also raised some issues about being pressured from his father (Yusof Haslam) and brother (Syamsul Yusof) who were well known filmmakers as well. He said that everyone kept on telling him to be better than his father and brother. Sadly, when he was at his lowest, even his family turned their backs on him and said that it’s fully his fault. 
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From my point of view, I was initially furious with him for not being able to defend himself by explaining about the adaptation because I feel like most Malaysian audiences are unaware about it. People assume adaptation is from book to film when it's more than that. I, myself, learnt that from film school. And I’m not entirely defending him as well, I’m still disappointed in him for not speaking up sooner. But I do empathise with him as well. The audience were quick to attack him. The film industry in Malaysia is not entirely in the best state for these past few years. So a film like Misteri Dilaila made everyone hopeful for more quality films like it only to be betrayed at the end when they found out that it wasn’t his own creative idea and a total rip off. I still feel like he did a good job with his visuals which was an improvement from the local films around that time.
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Reading through the whole issue and looking at how this decision to “copy” the plot codes as he was inspired from the Save The Cat book has opened my eyes. As a filmmaker, I feel like i should always do research before starting on a project and the best thing is to always be honest with our intentions. If it’s inspired by a remake, then set it straight and give credit to the original piece. Don’t keep it to yourself. It is terrifying though, being in his state where everyone turned their backs on him, even his own family. He released a few films after that, saying that film is his job and that it is his source of income so as much as it may seem hard sometimes, life still goes on. Sadly, he received a lot of backlash and people lost their faith in him. People were being sarcastic and teasing him if the film was even his.Seeing that happened to him opened my eyes. People may let it slide but they’ll never forget. Once you screw up, people will remember and use it against you. 
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Pictures of the set:
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Links to Film Reviews:
A Non-Horror Fan's Guide To Watching 'Misteri Dilaila'
Misteri Dilaila (2019) Review
Movie review: Misteri Dilaila
Link to news about the controversy :
Is Local Horror Film ‘Misteri Dilaila’ a Rip Off? Here’s What The Director Had To Say..
Horror fans slam ‘Misteri Dilaila’ for ripping off Hollywood film ‘Vanishing Act’
Clarification/Statement by the Director about the issue (in Malay);
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thesinglesjukebox · 4 years
Do we choose rule, or do we choose suck?
Alex Clifton: Juuls. Juuls. Juuls. Oh my god, Juuls. [7]
Katie Gill: It's a little bit telling how all the comments on the YouTube video are comparing this song to other meme songs and not talking about the merits of the song itself. Still, there will always be a place in the world for meme songs that are serviceable memes but less than serviceable songs that teenagers can obnoxiously quote on the bus. "Where's My Juul" fits that niche perfectly. I expect a fleet of TikToks featuring people lip-syncing to this and will be very disappointed when this inevitably doesn't happen because I am out of touch with the youth. [6]
Kalani Leblanc: I can see there's already an abundance of blurbs submitted for this song, and the number will have risen by the time I finish this. After thinking so hard about how to go about being the fifteenth person to say "It sounds like "Shoes"," I'm realizing it's not really "Shoes" anyway. While they're both jokes that bear a resemblance in the thrash of a breakdown, "Where's My Juul??" is also listenable. The comparison is getting tired because it's like did anyone listen to "Shoes"? As a song? In earnest??? While this is not an entirely impressive piece, no concerto or FKA Twigs production, it's enough. Since 2006, we've been making everything into jokes, so it makes perfect sense. Nicotine-induced freakouts would've been the subject of an after school special ten years ago, but now they're joke material for hypebeasts and others on Twitter. Lil Mariko makes an impressive case while trying to find her Juul; I can't find anything this song did wrong, sorry. [8]
Will Adams: The mid-song 0-to-11 ramp is what takes this past the mean-spiritedness of "#Selfie" and the meme-spiritedness of "Phone" into effortless "Shoes"/"Let Me Borrow That Top" absurdity. The Juul is a placeholder; sub in any other monosyllabic cultural artifact, and Lil Mariko's rage against Full Tac's electroclash-y beat would cut through just as effectively. "Sorry, guys!" she says at the end, except there's nothing to apologize for. [7]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: I wrote 20 pages about Juul culture in 2018 so I should in theory be the exact target audience for this. Yet "Where's My Juul??" doesn't really click for me. It's charming and funny in parts (Lil Mariko's spoken verses, which transmit nervy anxiety and barely restrained fury effectively) but the hook, which takes up most of the very long minute-forty-five, is comedy via brute force principles: repeat a phrase enough and it will transfigure into a joke. [5]
Brad Shoup: About as funny as the related TikTok meme, though not as menacing, surprisingly. I wish so badly that Full Tac had gone full hardcore -- or even brostep! -- but am glad that Lil Mariko's Danny Brownian ad-libs and sudden reversals grind "#SELFIE" into the dirt. [7]
Oliver Maier: I need not catalogue the myriad ways in which this is transparently designed to blast off on TikTok -- you would probably know better than me -- but that cynicism detracts from "Where's My Juul??" for me. There's none of the spontaneity or sense of genuine fun that animates certain other genre-agnostic, threat-spewing, extremely online weirdo duos, more savvy than it is genuinely silly. It's not badly executed, but I felt like I got the picture before even hitting play. [4]
Will Rivitz: I get this is supposed to be more meme than song, but I so wish it had leaned into the latter for more than half its runtime. The "FUCK!!!" at the beginning of its second chorus is worth at least a [7] on its own, and its redlining nu-metal production is such a tight fusion of XXXTENTACION's sonic fingerprint and simplified TikTok trap that I'm surprised the "oh my God" ad-libs aren't followed by a "Ronny." As it stands, "Where's My Juul??" and its just-a-little-too-long interludes that grate after listen number four or so functions as a sort of "Thrift Shop" for the current day, a track defined by its novelty that we as an Internet music-Twitter hivemind all agree was genuinely good about five years after it's exited the public consciousness. It deserves more. [8]
Ian Mathers: Both less musically compelling and with less of a point than "Can I Get a Box?". [5]
Katherine St Asaph: It's kind of amazing how it took seven years for Rebecca Martinson to release her debut. [1]
Nortey Dowuona: Lil Mariko is actually kinda weird in the lol so random funny way that people think that [insert overrated white comic who had a Comedy Central show] is and has a really great metal screaming voice. I don't know who made this dull approximation of Kenny Beats and Pi'erre Bourne, nor do I care. Lil Mariko will hopefully get a recurring cameo role on Nora From Queens and get her own show from that. [5]
Mo Kim: The best joke here is the escalation of nonchalance (hey, where's my Juul?) into something desperate, and therefore dangerous: it hits like the drop in a rollercoaster when Lil Mariko finally breaks out the deep-throated metal screams, but the moment wouldn't have half the thrill without the masterful way she gradually ups the heat on the song's first chorus before that. Both of her spoken monologues, where she merges Valley Girl affect with murderous menace, only sweeten the deal. [8]
Ryo Miyauchi: "Where's My Juul??" gets spiked with an infectious dose of adrenaline when it suddenly turns a lot more aggro than you'd expect from a meme-y cross-section of Rico Nasty's mosh-pop and PC Music's ironic bubblegum. The demented beat stings with a pungent metallic sourness, and while her Valley Girl accent scans as an obvious put-on, Lil Mariko's blood-curdling scream is legitimately hair-raising. The song rapidly combusts, ensuring the joke doesn't overstay its welcome. [7]
Joshua Lu: Yes, hearing the unassuming Lil Mariko scream and snarl over a missing Juul is intrinsically funny, especially accompanied by a music video that knows exactly how to push the limits of its concept. But the real strength of "Where's My Juul??" lies in its sheer relatability. The title could be anything -- where's my wallet, my phone, my eraser -- because anyone who has ever misplaced anything can relate to the escalating panic and rage in not only the cataclysmic vocals, but also Full Tac's discordant production. Also crucial to the song is its sense of plot, as it steadily progresses from confusion to blame to outright violence. The ending, though predictable (Lizzo used the exact same twist not that long ago), is a necessary denouement, as it provides the moment where everyone involved can look back on the last minute and a half of chaos and laugh. [8]
Iain Mew: As a song structure trick, I love the fake-out final verse, those ones that seem like something slowly developing before the artist brutally cuts it off for the chorus or instrumental to come back stronger than ever; the "Don't Speak" and "Your Best American Girl" kind of thing. The key moment of "Where's My Juul??" comes in taking that same trick to a ludicrous, brilliant extreme. It has a drawn-out, jittery verse, a cartoon scowl of a chorus, and then one question into verse two it veers straight into swearing, screaming and fucking everything up. That's perfect enough that it would ideally be even shorter than it ends up. [7]
Kylo Nocom: Full Tac and Lil Mariko do in less than two minutes what took Justice five. The gimmick is the least fun part, and judging by my sample size of BigKlit's "Liar" and Full Tac's very own "CHOP" the producers behind this might not even be as funny as this video would imply. But I've long settled with music that's good on the merits of just being fun; when the production here is layered with discordant guitar sampling, analog drum kits, and distant screams of "piss!" and "fuck," I'm willing to buy into the ugliness. [8]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Full Tac returns with another take on "Liar," succeeding because the goofy conceit here finds an appropriately goofy (that is, unexpected) vocal performance. Part of the appeal is how "Where's My Juul??" could sit comfortably alongside songs from Rico Nasty and Rina Sawayama, but has the appeal of shoddy viral videos from yesteryear. It's that "Kombucha Girl"-type reaction it's striving to elicit, and it accomplishes that as soon as the screaming starts. The best detail, though, is the most subtle: the moment Lil Mariko stops herself from saying "who" and politely asks "have you seen it?" [7]
Michael Hong: Have you ever been dragged to a party only for your only friend to disappear, leaving you to mingle with a group of people you don't know? And one person makes a comment so absurd that you just giggle along with the rest of the group even though you're not really sure if they're layering their statement with even a hint of irony or if there's something much more unsettling lurking underneath? But the jokes are getting more and more uncomfortable and suddenly fewer people are laughing along, instead furtively glancing across each other with an exasperated look as if to say "is this person for real?" And instead of backing away, that person instead starts doubling down, getting more and more aggressive, screaming across the room for what feels like hours and surely people must be ready to head out. Instead, when you finally catch a moment to glance down at your phone, you find that only two minutes have elapsed since you arrived and you realize that not even a quarter of the time has passed before your ride will come and you can leave this godforsaken party. You have absolutely no choice but to continue standing in the group in discomfort, waiting for this moment that feels like an eternity to finally finish, with the only background noise being the stereos blaring what sounds like someone's first attempt at using GarageBand. [0]
Crystal Leww: While I was digging through "likes" on SoundCloud, I noticed that a friend of mine had liked "Baby Let Me Know" by Full Tac, which sounds like the synth heavy dreamy pop that was popular at the beginning of last decade. I did not stick around for "Where's My Juul??" so imagine my surprise today when I turned this on and it's umm, screaming. A consistent genre as an essential part of an up-and-coming artist's brand is less essential than ever, especially in an age where (waves hands) dance music has eaten itself alive in its swirling storm of troll energy. Chaos in and of itself is a brand -- from 100 gecs to Alice Longyu Gao's dueling sister tracks "Rich Bitch Juice"/"Dumb Bitch Juice" to any DJ Bus Replacement Service set, it has fully infiltrated dance music. How this goes from sweetly threatening to full-on psychotic and back to cutely apologetic is chaotic so yes, I think Full Tac could make some noise (both in creating a fanbase and also like literally) with this. [8]
[Read and comment on The Singles Jukebox]
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Top 10 Creepy/Scary Songs
I know it isn’t Halloween, but really, we can do this kind of thing any time of year, because I like discussing scary things. The following list is an eclectic mix of songs from varying genres that have creeped me out to varying degrees over the years. Enjoy!
'Acid Rain' Lorn (2015)
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The the music video clip features zombie cheerleaders dancing their final dance for their onlooker (presumably Death himself) around an abandoned diner before they pass on into the afterlife. You-Tubers and Reddit users alike believe that the video depicts “Native American traditions that believe when Death comes you have the chance to dance your last dance, and Death has no choice but to watch. The wooden Native American looking into the distance in the diner for the video is a tell tale sign of this artistic vision.” Symbolism aside, it is hauntingly mesmerising.
In addition, and aside from the music video, the lyrics "daylight in bad dreams" makes me think that the subject of the song has bad dreams about living their everyday life, and that he doesn’t want to wake up, because his day-to-day drudgery is one long nightmare. This unsettles me, because it reminds me of the quote by Hannah Arendt, who discussed the banality of evil, within the context of Nazi Germany. Horror doesn’t have to be fantastical when reality is horrific enough. Which brings me to my second song....
'This is America' Childish Gambino (2018)
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The music video for this song went viral at the beginning of 2018 for its shock value and controversial symbolic imagery. Several YouTube videos have been dedicated to deciphering the meaning behind both the video and the lyrics. The video and the lyrics are primarily dealing with the plights of African-Americans, and also seem to depict the careless handling of gun violence in America, in the wake of seemingly endless massacres and shootings. The laws don’t change, despite the damage that these events do. All of these issues create a horrific landscape for modern-day America, which can be far more terrifying than any supernatural phenomena.
'If I Had a Heart' Fever Ray (2009)
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Also the theme song for the TV series 'Vikings,' the music video for this song by Swedish-Norwegian folk group Fever Ray depicts children fleeing with creepy-looking shamans from what appears to be a massacre in a palatial mansion, where bodies are strewn across the living room and even across the empty pool in the back garden, all while a demonic voice utters “more, give me more, give me more.” It appears that it may be Death itself panning his eyes across this visual landscape, watching it all unfold, and always wanting “more” death. It also fits the TV series it is a theme song for, as it could also be seen as an ode to human greed, as seen in the lyrics, “this will never end because I want more.” The whole song makes for eerie, ethereal listening.
'Theme Song' American Horror Story (2011)
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Speaking of theme songs for TV series, the opening theme for this FX anthology series is one of the most disturbing I have witnessed, and of course, the one that had the most impact was the intro for the the first season, Murder House. Baby heads in jars, along with other body parts, a gruesome cellar, and a lot of creepy child pictures flash on the screen sporadically as the theme song plays at the beginning of each episode. The discordant, spooky sounds set up an uneasy vibe for each episode, making audiences constantly on edge 
'The Carnival' Amanda Jenssen (2012)
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Also featured as a song in AHS Freak Show, this song has a foreboding, long intro before Ms. Jenssen’s moody voice kicks in, and, thanks to Freak Show, I will always associate this song with Twisty the Clown, and those scary teeth he has. The lyrics fit well with Jenssen’s album that they were featured on, entitled, “Hymns for the Haunted.” Give it a listen.
'Hurdy Gurdy Man' Donovan (1968)
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If you've ever seen the 2007 movie 'Zodiac,' you'll know what I mean. But even before this movie came out, I remember travelling in the car with my parents and listening to this song playing on the radio, or on one of their cassette tapes on a long road trip, and even if it is not supposed to be a creepy song, it always sent shivers up my spine when Donovan sang the lyrics, “Down through all eternity, the crying of humanity.” It just felt so final and nihilistic, and that the Hurdy Gurdy Man was not the answer, but rather the cause, of all this endless sorrow. Call me weird, but this song definitely fits that shooting scene in Zodiac, if only because of how it mirrors the helplessness one would most definitely feel if being shot at unarmed, or if trying to calm the eternal cries of humanity.
'House of the Rising Sun' Lauren O'Connell (2012)
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There are many versions of this song, the version by The Animals in being the most well-known and popular, but it’s Lauren O’Connell’s version (also featured in AHS Coven) that is the creepiest rendition of all. It’s slow, moody and builds tension in a way that makes you feel that the “House in New Orleans” is definitely a godforsaken place that no-one would want to end up in, and that all who go there face certain doom. Let’s just say the AHS franchise does creepy songs well.
'Turn Around, Look at Me' The Vogues (1966)
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Made creepy by Final Destination 3, and probably one of the best things about this dismal instalment to the Final Destination series. Every time this song comes on the radio or over a loud-speaker, we know that the protagonist and her pals are in for a rough time, and the final time it plays on the train, when a guitarist disembarks, you feel as if Death itself is singing the song, and it is a memorable omen for the devastating events that follow. What can I say, I just really appreciate a well-placed song in a movie that creates the right atmosphere (or more appropriately, “atmosfear”). This song in this movie does exactly that.
'Missing' Everything But the Girl (1996)
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Seriously, just listen to the lyrics behind this dance-y track. The singer asks pretty early on if the subject of her song “could be dead.” Other depressing lyrics are hidden in this seemingly upbeat Eurodance track. I like that lyrics such as this can exist in what appears to be a cheerful song. It gives it layers, and I appreciate layers as much as I appreciate symbolism.
'Every Breath You Take' The Police (1983)
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The ultimate stalker song. I read that Sting was inspired by some sort of Cold War version of a Big Brother situation, and I never got why there were people that thought this was such a romantic song they played it at their wedding. It’s musically pleasing, but the lyrics give off a suffocating vibe, and I cannot help but think the stalker in the song got the upper hand in the end, probably in some sort of Nick Cave “Where the Wild Roses Grow” scenario. Brrrr.
And that concludes my list for now. There might be a part two somewhere down the track. Adios, and pleasant nightmares.
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dprdabin · 6 years
Korea's Rising Rap Star DPR LIVE Looks Back on 2017 and Talks New Plans: Exclusive Video & Interview
With an onslaught of addictive bangers and visually-captivating videos in 2017, DPR LIVE has ascended from an elusive, underground rapper to one of the most talked about and celebrated new voices emerging in Korea's rapidly growing hip-hop scene.
Since gaining recognition through knockout bars and a scene-stealing performance on the critically acclaimed viral hit "Eung Freestyle," DPR LIVE―real name Hong Da Bin―has excelled thanks to his chart accolades and internet co-signs.
The 25-year-old spawned two impressive EPs via his explosive debut EP Coming to You Live from March 2017 and stellar follow-up Her in December, the latter peaking at No. 8 on Billboard's World Album chart, despite no big-name features. DPR LIVE also played to sold-out crowds in Korea and London last year, scored a promotional video campaign with Nike, and racked up millions of views on YouTube, all helping him garner a legion of excited fans all across the globe.
Yet what really sets the charismatic rapper apart as one of the more interesting come-ups in 2017 is the fact that he has achieved all this as a completely independent artist -- a rarity in Korea's highly-competitive music scene.
DPR LIVE and his crew Dream Perfect Regime -- a creative collective better known as DPR -- have relentlessly hustled with nothing but talent and determination, all in the name of keeping LIVE’s budding rap career authentic and true to the crew's message. Never bowing to industry standards, the collective's focus on positioning DPR LIVE onto the mainstream radar has already paid off in a big way: The crew received their first major monetary investment in late 201, which helped fund a new Seoul studio.
While DPR LIVE has already made accomplishments most of his indie peers can only dream of, the young talent is eyeing 2018 with higher aspirations. Gaining stateside traction for his witty flow flips between Korean and English and forward-thinking ear, LIVE earned a slot on this year's massively-anticipated, sixth annual "Korea Spotlight" showcase at SXSW 2018 among some of Korean music’s biggest names -- like R&B phenom Crush, rock sensation Hyukoh and powerhouse diva Lee Hi -- all taking place on March 16 at the Belmont in Austin, Tex.
Ahead of his debut U.S. show, DPR LIVE exclusively sat down with Billboard Koreafor his first-ever, in-depth artist interview at his new studio to share his personal struggles, creative vision and goals.
Watch DPR LIVE’s recap video and read full interview below.
What were some of the challenges you faced in the industry as an indie artist without an actual label?
Oh man, where do I even start? We had a shit-ton of challenges. First of all, financing everything on our own was the hardest thing we had to overcome. We started with zero capital. No investor, no fancy equipment, no nothing. That’s why we had to start as a visual team, but that was probably the smartest move we made, to think about it now. Not only did we get a chance to showcase our talent, but it also helped to connect with other musicians and entertainment labels. It was a good way of learning the ropes of the Korean music industry; how it worked, how we needed to evolve to get to the next level, etc.
For a good two years, DPR REM [creative director] and DPR IAN [visual director] busted their asses shooting materials for other artists in order to help fund any and all of our projects during that time. And the more I think about it now, the more I’m grateful for that, you know? Cause I know it takes a lot of trust and commitment. They were sacrificing a lot, and that’s what fueled me when I was making music. I knew I not only had to do it for myself, but more importantly, for my team.
The second biggest challenge, I guess, was the fact that we were completely clueless. [Laughs.] I didn’t even know what it meant to "mix songs," or how to get distribution for my music. It was all trial and error, because none of us had any prior experience. We had no money or any real knowledge as to how this [music industry] really works― all we had was just a whole lot of untamed passion and a dream. If one approach didn’t work, we would learn from it and move onto the next one. We learned a lot in those years. That experience is what helped us launch our own company. Now, we get to run our own show and do exactly what we want to do. No one tells us what to do, what to make or how to do it. If we like it as a team, then we do it. That kind of freedom is truly incredible. Our struggles brought us closer together and I’m proud that we have accomplished this as a team.
What is your and DPR’s greatest strength and weakness?
Our greatest strength is that whatever we do, it’s organic. We also know each other so well now to the point where we can easily align our thoughts in such a quick way that it allows us to get straight to work. There’s really no buffer period or queue. We have our own system that works efficiently for all of us. But on the other hand, we can improve and learn how to expand and grow our team. We’re known to be mysterious and unpredictable, and we like that because it keeps our fans in suspense and on edge, but it makes it harder for all of us to bring in new members, because we are such a tight-knit group. However, I’m confident we’ll get into the hang of things in due time.
Last year was great year for you. What are some of the most memorable moments?
2017 has been a life-changing year for me and my team. I released two albums, moved into a brand-new, dope studio, got to travel to some awesome places and work with some amazing people. I honestly couldn't have wished for more. Although all these moments were significantly memorable, I’d have to say getting our studio was probably the most memorable moment of 2017 for DPR. Might not sound like a big deal to some, but you have to understand, we used to hold meetings ranging from coffee shops to even local karaoke rooms on a regular basis just to get some privacy at times. Now that we have a place we can all call home, with separate recording, producing and meetings rooms; it’s surreal, to be honest. Really goes to show what can be achieved.  
Any mistakes or regrets?
No, I don’t have regrets. Everything I’ve experienced was for a specific purpose, and I really believe in that. Literally everything. Although, I had a fair share of upsets and disappointments, now that I look back on it, I'm starting to see how it all came together. Each experience was meant to happen at that exact moment so that we can draw a bigger picture. I'm a huge believer in the whole "everything happens for a reason" quote and so is my team. DPR was basically founded upon that motto. We all happened to meet by chance if you think about it. A bunch of kids, who grew up in all corners of the world, somehow met up in Seoul and eventually came together to do what we do now as DPR.
Your debut EP Coming to You Live boasts guest features from some of the top names in the industry. How did you get them to collaborate?
It was a mix of good timing and mutual respect, I guess. DPR was slowly getting recognized in the industry as an up-and-coming visual team and that really helped my musical career and credibility. While I was in the studio recording demos, IAN and REM were hustling on the video side and doing whatever they could do to spread our brand name. It also helped us earn some money to finance whatever we wanted to do in-house. [Laughs.] Also, being featured on "Eung Freestyle," which was also produced and directed by my team, gave us a good boost. It helped start a lot of conversations with artists in general.
Your recent release Her has also been successful. What did you want to resonate with this project?
Her is a more genre-specific compilation of songs than my first EP. I wanted to get more personal and intimate with my listeners on themes relating to love and relationships.
Where does your musical inspiration come from?
For me, inspiration comes in many angles. I’d say half of it comes from just an array of talented musicians and their music. The internet in itself is inspiring sometimes. On the other hand, a lot my inspiration comes from my experiences in life and the things I place value on.
Why and how did you start making music?
I started making music when I was stationed in the Korean army. I went relatively early for my age, and I had a lot of free time on my hands so I would start writing whenever I had the chance. That’s where my passion slowly grew. It was a good time for me to reflect on my future;  I had a lot of thoughts/things I wanted to say. That’s where I really picked up writing song lyrics.
What goals do you have for 2018?
I can probably make a huge list of what goals I want to hit in 2018, but ultimately, I really just want my team to stay healthy, committed and passionate. That’s not only for 2018, but that’s really a lifetime goal I have.
And what's the biggest drive that motivates you?
I just want to release quality music and materials.  I hope we [DPR] never get lazy or complacent, and continue to challenge each other so that we can continuously push boundaries. It’s not easy to impress people these days, but to rise above that, and to see that stamp of approval and recognition from people is where all my adrenaline rush comes from. It drives me and my team to go beyond.
Where do you see yourself in the next few years?
Hopefully in the next few years, I’ll not only be a better artist myself but I hope to see our team grow and continue to do more exciting things together. Whether it be a visual thing, or a music thing, or something completely different, I just want to see us all succeed together. That’s really the main point.
In the end, it's not really the legacy that I leave behind, but the impact we make as a team. There aren’t that many teams like us in Korea and for that reason, it’d be really dope if we could almost set a benchmark or an example for the next up-and-coming generation of creatives to think outside the box and really learn to DIY. In the end, that’s what we did and it's been the best decision we’ve made.
© Jessica Oak @ Billboard
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withnive · 3 years
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210730 니브(NIve)_namastehallyu Interview
EXCLUSIVE: Looking Through The ‘Broken Kaleidoscope’ of NIve
"It’s a pretty vulnerable expression of me – I almost feel naked letting 'Broken Kaleidoscope' go out to the world, but it’s very precious and personal to me." - NIve
Jisoo Park, also known as NIve, is a Korean-American singer-songwriter, and a renowned producer and composer.
NIve first appeared as Brian Park in the 2014 South Korean television talent show series, Superstar K 6 where he ended up in the Top 9. He was invited to attend the show as a contestant after his cover of John Legend’s All of Me went viral. NIve released his first single Getaway, featuring indie singer-songwriter JMSN, on November 9, 2018 and his official Korean debut song, Like a Fool, featuring Sam Kim, was released on April 2, 2020, which received great response in the domestic market.  He also featured Heize on his track, 2Easy where the fans got to listen to two wonderful singers with exceptional vocals in one song.
NIve introduces himself as a singer, a songwriter, and a producer. He recalls how he chose his stage name and shares, “One day, I was trying to figure out a word or even a sound that represented me, and a sound similar to “Nive” popped up in my head. I looked up a bunch of words that felt similar, but nothing else felt quite right. I discovered that NIve means “being cool without having to say cool,” and I really related to that meaning on a personal level because I don’t think “cool” always has to mean what we think it does. Cool is whatever you want it to be, and I think we’re all the coolest when we’re being ourselves.” NIve as an artist is a singer-songwriter but he also goes by the name Jisoo Park of 153/Joombas when he produces or composes songs. With two different alias, we were curious if there were any differences when it comes to how he work or musicality, NIve shares that at the end of the day, they’re both him but the difference is the approach.
I write my own story as an artist, but I help to write another artist’s story as a songwriter. That completely changes the mindset and the style of music I write for myself versus for another artist. – NIve
As a producer, NIve has worked with many popular K-POP artists like EXO’s Chen, BTS, Jeong Se-Woon, Paul Kim, SF9, NCT U, and Super Junior. As a singer, Nlve is back with his debut EP, ‘Broken Kaleidoscope.’ Ahead of his debut album, NIve had earlier pre-released a single, ‘Escape.’
Befitting of the various hats that he wears, NIve wrote, composed, arranged, and produced the single, ‘Escape’, where he expresses his desire to escape and run away from an unrelenting reality. It is something which he hasn’t done before and hence, it did surprise his fans in a positive way. The pre-release single brings an element of hybrid pop rock song and we get to hear the driving guitars and bass lines which is accompanied by percussive elements and his vocals that bring a sense of uniqueness as well as a fun element to the song.
With ‘Escape’, NIve challenged himself in a way that it was nothing like the tracks that he had put out till date. The talented artist explains how ‘Escape’ was born as he shares,  “I was going through a rough time and felt pretty hopeless for a little bit. Then one day I finally sat down and figured that the only way for me to get over this was to write music that expressed these thoughts in the most honest way possible. ‘Escape’ was one of the songs that expressed my feelings of restlessness and wanting to run away from overwhelming emotions. I didn’t exactly think “I’m going to write a pop-rock” style song, but as I kept writing the song, it just felt right”.
If ‘Escape’ surprised his fans, Nlve is now back with his debut EP ‘Broken Kaleidoscope’ which brings out more versatility.  The album may have released few days back but fans are already familiar with some form of ‘Broken Kaleidoscope’ after all, the artist has shown his fans a peek of his life through his Instagram stories where he has penned down many things to “himself” and it has not only been an escape for him but has also been a source of comfort and strength to his fans. Perhaps that’s why it is not a surprise that his album has been named the way it is, Nlve however adds on,  “The EP consists of five songs and each song takes on a different color, sound, and emotion, which is why I named the album “Broken Kaleidoscope”! It’s a pretty vulnerable expression of me – I almost feel naked letting this album go out to the world, but it’s very precious and personal to me.”
With ‘I’m Alive’, NIve sings, “Through the gray sky, even if the thorns fall, I’m gonna keep myself alive.” This maybe a new genre for him but the sound, the music, the symbolism, the visuals, the analogies in the MV has proved why this is one of his best works and what he meant, when he said that he felt vulnerable putting it out to the world.
NIve had shared in the past that his famous track ‘Who I am’, which is also the first song that he produced, is the projection of his life lessons and struggles.  When talking about it, he added that to be where he is right now, he had to overcome all the self-doubt that had built-up over time, “All the things that made me question who I was as a person – those were the things I had to erase before I could move forward.”
As a Producer, NIve has been credited for co-producing, co-writing, and co-composing for the biggest names in the industry and have come up with tracks which has done well not only domestically but also internationally. He had also participated in the song ‘Blue and Grey’ sung by BTS, EXO Chen’s ‘Beautiful Goodbye’ and also composed ‘My Everything’ sung by NCT U for their album, NCT RESONANCE Pt. 2 – The 2nd Album. Although NIve loves all the songs that he has written with and for other artists, he shares that ‘Beautiful Goodbye’ by EXO’s Chen is one of the songs that he holds very close to his heart and among all the songs that he has released as part of his own discography, the artist says that if he had to recommend one song to someone who is just getting to know him, he would recommend ‘Tired’ as the first song!
NIve has achieved a lot in his journey but when he looks back at where he began, Nlve shares that although he vaguely remembers it, the first song that he ever produced was probably over 14 years ago. He however confesses that he can’t remember what exactly it sounded like, but the one thing he remembers is that he was inspired by an Australian singer named Delta Goodrem at that time.
Apart from creating music for different Korean artists and for himself, NIve has also recently produced a ballad OST, for the webtoon, ‘The Girl Downstairs’. Speaking about the collaboration, Nlve shares that, the other team reached out for a ballad, and they fortunately picked the one he wrote! He also adds that he haven’t really gotten into any web toons outside of the ones that he has written songs for but he would love to recommend a webtoon when he finds one that he really loves and hence, to look out for it.
If numbers are what decides popularity, NIve also has numbers to prove why he is one of the most celebrated artists. After all, when Spotify released their #2020artistwrapped  last year, his songs were streamed in 92 countries and one of the top countries was India. NIve shares his reaction on it as he says, “It was honestly a huge surprise for me. I’m so glad my music was able to resonate with so many people in India. It’s a dream come true for me to receive so much love from people who come from such different places and backgrounds around the world.”
After we heard Nlves thoughts, as cliché as it might sound, we were curious to know if he had watched any Indian Movie or if there is an Indian singer whose work he admires. Nlve stated, “Although I am not too familiar with any Indian movies yet, but I’d love to get recommendations! I love watching films. I actually got to interact with Armaan Malik before. He had covered “Beautiful Goodbye” and posted it on his Instagram one day and my fans who know that I wrote the song ended up tagging me in it. I watched the video and he sang it so well, so I sent him a DM right away.” (After we heard this, we immediately began to channel a future collaboration between the two artist.)
Nlve further shared that the song he is currently listening is, To Let a Good Thing Die by Bruno Major and sent a message to his Indian fans and international fans and ended it with a promise.
“Thank you so much to everyone who has shown me love in India and everywhere else in the world! I’m so grateful for you all. You all motivate me to keep going and stay creative. I promise to always do my best to bring my best art to you. I can’t wait to meet you all in person soon.”
For Nlve, his ideal day is a Saturday and like many of us, the first thing he grabs when he leaves the house is his phone. He seems like any normal person but unlike some of us, NIve is happy with where he is and what he has done, and has no room to wish for things, as he shares that the song that he wishes he produced or sang is his next single.  Although, he shares that the first song that he ever wrote will stay in his archive forever, he has shown some parts of his world through his music and recently, with ‘Broken Kaleidoscope’.
Nlve is not just a singer-songwriter/producer/composer, he is an artist in the truest sense. When we asked him to describe himself in one word, he replied, “Sentimental.” Perhaps that is one of the reason why we get to see his bare expressions and writings and this is why listeners can connect with his song. For Nlve, Music is Life and for his fans, his music definitely helps them get by it.
When we asked NIve what is the first thing that comes to his mind when he hears the word, ‘India’, he replied, “Vast and colorful” and that’s how we see his music as well – ‘Vast with different colors and elements – with a song for every mood.’
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Do you have any good book recommendations?
Yes so many omg!!! I'll be doing this my genre soFantasy :Moribito(series) - Balsa, spear wielder and bodyguard, is a wandering warrior who has vowed to atone for eight deaths in her past by saving an equivalent number of lives. On her journey, she saves Prince Chagum, and is tasked with becoming his bodyguard. His own father, the emperor, has ordered his assassination. The two begin a perilous journey to ensure the survival of the prince. Balsa's complicated past begins to come to light and they uncover Chagum's mysterious connection to a legendary water spirit with the power to destroy the kingdom.Inkheart(trilogy) - Meggie lives with her dad, Mo. One night a guy named Dustfinger comes to see Mo, and they talk about some dude who's on his trail (Capricorn). Mo decides to bail with Meggie, and Dustfinger tags along as they go to visit Mo's absent wife's aunt, Elinor. Mo entrusts a book to Elinor, but is all secretive about it.Capricorn's men break into Elinor's place to kidnap Mo and steal the book. Meggie and Elinor decide to go find Mo and offer Capricorn the real book in exchange for him, since Elinor had secretly switched the real book for a fake one. Dustfinger shows them to Capricorn's village, which is a day's drive away in southern Italy.They arrive, and Meggie realizes that Dustfinger had been working for Capricorn all along—she and Elinor are imprisoned with Mo. Mo finally spills the beans: he read Capricorn and Dustfinger out of a book called Inkheart (which is the same book that everyone seems to want). This means that they were characters in the book, but then—nine years ago—they popped out into the real world. Just as people can be read out of books, so too can they be read into them, which accidentally happened to Meggie's mom and she hasn't been seen since. Sea of shadows (trilogy) - In the Forest of the Dead, where the empire’s worst criminals are exiled, twin sisters Moria and Ashyn are charged with a dangerous task. For they are the Keeper and the Seeker, and each year they must quiet the enraged souls of the damned.Only this year, the souls will not be quieted.Ambushed and separated by an ancient evil, the sisters’ journey to find each other sends them far from the only home they’ve ever known. Accompanied by a stubborn imperial guard and a dashing condemned thief, the girls cross a once-empty wasteland, now filled with reawakened monsters of legend, as they travel to warn the emperor. But a terrible secret awaits them at court—one that will alter the balance of their world foreverMystery :Tokyo Heist- When sixteen-year-old Violet agrees to spend the summer with her father, an up-and-coming artist in Seattle, she has no idea what she's walking into. Her father's newest clients, the Yamada family, are the victims of a high-profile art robbery: van Gogh sketches have been stolen from their home, and, until they can produce the corresponding painting, everyone's lives are in danger--including Violet's and her father's.Violet's search for the missing van Gogh takes her from the Seattle Art Museum, to the yakuza-infested streets of Tokyo, to a secluded inn in Kyoto. As the mystery thickens, Violet's not sure whom she can trust. But she knows one thing: she has to solve the mystery--before it's too late.Suicide notes from beautiful girls - They say Delia burned herself to death in her stepfather’s shed. They say it was suicide.But June doesn’t believe it.June and Delia used to be closer than anything. Best friends in that way that comes before everyone else—before guys, before family. It was like being in love, but more. They had a billion secrets, binding them together like thin silk cords.But one night a year ago, everything changed. June, Delia, and June’s boyfriend Ryan were just having a little fun. Their good time got out of hand. And in the cold blue light of morning, June knew only this—things would never be the same again.And now, a year later, Delia is dead. June is certain she was murdered. And she owes it to her to find out the truth…which is far more complicated than she ever could have imagined.The Assassins Game - At Cate's isolated boarding school, Killer Game is a tradition. Only a select few are invited to play. They must avoid being killed by a series of thrilling pranks, and identify the murderer. But this time, it's different: the game stops feeling fake and starts getting dangerous and Cate's the next target. Can they find the culprit ... before it's too late?Romance :Carry on - Simon Snow is the worst Chosen One who’s ever been chosen.That’s what his roommate, Baz, says. And Baz might be evil and a vampire and a complete git, but he’s probably right.Half the time, Simon can’t even make his wand work, and the other half, he sets something on fire. His mentor’s avoiding him, his girlfriend broke up with him, and there’s a magic-eating monster running around wearing Simon’s face. Baz would be having a field day with all this, if he were here—it’s their last year at the Watford School of Magicks, and Simon’s infuriating nemesis didn’t even bother to show up.Under rose tainted skies - Norah is confined by agoraphobia: for her, the outside is a glimpse of sky. But a chance encounter with Luke, her next-door neighbour, changes everything. Determined to be the girl she thinks Luke deserves – a ‘normal’ girl – Norah’s love and bravery opens a window to unexpected truths.The sun is also a star - Two teens--Daniel, the son of Korean shopkeepers, and Natasha, whose family is here illegally from Jamaica--cross paths in New York City on an eventful day in their lives--Daniel is on his way to an interview with a Yale alum, Natasha is meeting with a lawyer to try and prevent her family's deportation to Jamaica--and fall in love.LGBT :Sympthoms of being human - Riley Cavanaugh is many things: Punk rock. Snarky. Rebellious. And gender fluid. Some days Riley identifies as a boy, and others as a girl. But Riley isn't exactly out yet. And between starting a new school and having a congressman father running for reelection in über-conservative Orange County, the pressure—media and otherwise—is building up in Riley's life.On the advice of a therapist, Riley starts an anonymous blog to vent those pent-up feelings and tell the truth of what it's really like to be a gender fluid teenager. But just as Riley's starting to settle in at school—even developing feelings for a mysterious outcast—the blog goes viral, and an unnamed commenter discovers Riley's real identity, threatening exposure. And Riley must make a choice: walk away from what the blog has created—a lifeline, new friends, a cause to believe in—or stand up, come out, and risk everything.Openly straight : Rafe is a normal teenager from Boulder, Colorado. He plays soccer. He's won skiing prizes. He likes to write.And, oh yeah, he's gay. He's been out since 8th grade, and he isn't teased, and he goes to other high schools and talks about tolerance and stuff. And while that's important, all Rafe really wants is to just be a regular guy. Not that GAY guy. To have it be a part of who he is, but not the headline, every single time.So when he transfers to an all-boys' boarding school in New England, he decides to keep his sexuality a secret -- not so much going back in the closet as starting over with a clean slate. But then he sees a classmate breaking down. He meets a teacher who challenges him to write his story. And most of all, he falls in love with Ben . . . who doesn't even know that love is possible.This witty, smart, coming-out-again story will appeal to gay and straight kids alike as they watch Rafe navigate being different, fitting in, and what it means to be himself.Freak Show - Billy Bloom is gay, but it’s mostly theoretical, as he hasn’t had much experience. When he has to move to Florida, he can’t believe his bad luck. His new school is a mix of Bible Belles, Aberzombies, and Football Heroes, none of which are exactly his type. Billy’s efforts to fit in and stand out at the same time are both hilarious and heartrending. In this novel from adult author and media personality James St. James, readers are in for a wild ride as he tells Billy’s fascinating story of bravado, pain, and unexpected love, inspired by his own experiences.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
How Wonder Twins Became the Funniest DC Superhero Book
Mark Russell and Stephen Byrne have made the Wonder Twins the most unlikely superhero reboot success story of our time.
For all of the high profile storm clouds gathering on the horizon of the DC Universe between Year of the Villain, some decidedly Crisis-y vibes in Justice League, and the fact that the Batman Who Laughs gets his jollies by turning the heroes of the DC Universe into evil versions of themselves, you might think that it's all bad vibes in the DCU. Ah, but you would be wrong. Each month, Wonder Twins (yes, those Wonder Twins) delivers a blast of hilarity and social commentary, all set right under the noses of the Justice League at the Hall of Justice. Imagine a DC superhero comic as steeped in deep superhero and animation knowledge as a show like Venture Bros., packed with the same irreverent and manic energy, and with a similarly sympathetic eye towards the failings of its heroes and villains. That's Wonder Twins.
And really, it shouldn't work. The titular Wonder Twins, Zan and Jayna, were alien sidekicks from the planet Exxor who hung around on episodes of the Super Friends in the late 1970s and early '80s. Both are shape shifters, although their respective power sets are somewhat limited in this regard. Jan can take on the "form of" anything related to water, while Jan takes on the "shape of" various animals. Of course they can only activate these powers when they're together, and really, there's only so many times a giant purple eagle can carry a bucket of water with a face on it to put out a fire or whatever, so their powers aren't exactly their most compelling aspect. Nor are there purple uniforms, snazzy as they are, or weirdly uncool-cool-for-like-5-minutes-in-the-late-90s-then-uncool-again haircuts really the thing that makes Wonder Twins such a great book.
No, that would be the jokes. So many of them. All of the jokes allowed by the Comics Code were that still a thing (which it thankfully is not). Jokes from the minds, pens, and brushes of Mark Russell (of the similarly hilarious and shockingly poignant The Flintstones and The Snagglepuss Chronicles) and Stephen Byrne (lots of cool things but especially a bunch of gorgeously animated genre-fan friendly viral videos that you have almost certainly seen...and if you haven't you should fix that right now). Jokes that are packed into the backgrounds of panels and arrive at such a pace you sometimes have moved on to another page before they've all fully landed. Hell, even jokes at the expense of Superman and that notorious buzzkill Batman. 
But threaded through the humor is a genuine understanding of the human condition, a sympathetic eye given to all who deserve it (even the book's villains), and a genuine understanding of and even respect for how the DC Universe should work, even when we're all laughing with (or at) the sheer ridiculousness of it all. It's that balance that probably helped Wonder Twins, originally planned as a six part mini-series get expanded to 12. And with the first volume out now collecting those initial six issues, there's no better time to get to know Zan and Jayna...or the creators behind them. So...activate! 
Den of Geek: The thing that really strikes me about this book is how animated it feels even on the page. What’s your process is like working together? Are you acting these scripts out? Are you hearing the script in your head when you start doing it? 
Mark Russell: Well it starts with the process of trying to think of what I would tell myself if I had the ability to go back in time and talk to myself as a 16 or 17-year-old kid and think about what that means in the modern context. If I can tell them one thing today, what would it be? I try to tell it in as visual way as possible. I know that Stephen's going to take the ball and run with that in ways I can't even foresee. Our process is mainly me just telling him what I have to say and just waiting for him to come up with visual ways to make that happen.
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Stephen Byrne: I guess from an art perspective, I have a background in animation and the main place where people know the characters from originally was the Super Friends cartoon. So I'm sort of trying to bring a little touch of that vibe into it with the bright colors and the simple line work, but then to inject it with more darkness and deepness and emotion. You can be more creative with the types of compositions and shots you're doing that they wouldn't have had the budget for in the old Wonder Twins cartoon. I want it to feel artistically familiar to how people know the characters, but also make it a much more emotional and meaningful.
Mark: I feel like Wonder Twins is ultimately sort of a dystopian book, but I feel like a dystopian America will be colorful. 
Stephen: Doesn't dystopia imply futuristic? Isn't it just present day dystopia?
Mark: Right. It's a dystopia that will take place in the next 18 months. I feel like dystopias you see in literature are all gray and dark like George Orwell's 1984. They all kind of look like East Germany in 1976. I feel like in dystopian America, we might not even recognize the dystopia because it will look like a Taco Bell. It'll be like, purple and orange and stuff. That's why Steven is so good because he represents these dystopian topics, but in a way that's very sort of colorful and almost attractive.
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Stephen: I like that because I think of the book as dealing with some of the unresolvable tragedies of our time. That's overall in the themes, but then moment to moment on every single page, there's something that'll make you laugh or some funny joke. I try and keep it light and brief in the moment to moment because the story carries that extra satirical social commentary.
Mark: I think the central theme of the story is that the world is terrible, but we find things worth saving in it, that our lives are still good despite the fact the world is terrible.
Stephen: Sometimes.
Mark: We find ways to make life worth living and I think that's what the Wonder Twins do. They make the life they have worth living, even though they’re exiled on a planet they know nothing about, living in a sort of screwed up culture that they had no role in creating, but they find a way to make it work for them.
There's so many background gags in there ... are these all written by Mark or is Stephen sneaking stuff in the background too?
Mark: I think it's both..
Stephen: But I'd say it's mostly you and you started doing it and then once in a while I will take the lead and put it in something because I know that's kind of the tone of what you're going for.
Mark: That's kind of how I get to know an artist. I say, "Here's some background gags I want you to sneak in at some point." Then I think that they get me after that point. They get the sensibility and they feel more comfortable including their own thing. I think the worst thing you can do is just have every scene in what looks like a CSI set. There needs to be things that give you your character and your perspective in the background that set it apart from other sorts of things. I'm very adamant about writing in background gags or details that will give it this air of not being like the set of a primetime TV show.
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Stephen: That's funny because I used to do satirical newspaper cartoons and I would do the main joke or whatever in the strip, but if possible, I would always sneak a little something in the background for people. I think people like that if they notice something that they know not everyone noticed. You get a little extra satisfaction out of it.
Mark: It makes the world feel more fully populated. Oh, this isn't just somebody making it up as they go along. They've created this whole world for me to live in.
Any of those jokes not make it into the final book?
Stephen: I probably didn't know about it. By the time it got to me, they were already gone.
Mark: There's some that were just a little too dark to make it into the Wonder Twins comic. It's like ‘we don't really need these jokes in a comic about a guy who turns into water’ was one of the comments I got from one of the editors.
Anything that you're allowed to talk about or not?
Mark: I'll leave it there.
Okay, that's fair. Stephen, have there ever been any that you had to get on Skype and say, "Mark, I'm not doing this. I'm not drawing this."
Stephen: No, I don't think so. I think by the time...
Mark: The editors get to do that. Then by the time Steven sees it, it's a little sanitized.
Stephen: When it gets to me, it's all very above board.
What kind of voices do you envision for these characters because obviously we all remember the Super Friends voices, but possibly my favorite panel in this whole series is still from the date story when Zan is like, "I'll have the scared tuna," with this look on his face. The only voice I can ever hear when I read that panel is Hank Venture's. How do you guys envision their voices?
Mark: Well I kind of approached the Wonder Twins like they’re one really well adjusted person tragically split in half. Jayna's the one with the deeper intelligence and the wittiness and Zan's the guy who's optimistic and ready for any adventure, but he's kind of dopey and clueless about the world at the same time. That's the way I tried to have that. He's ultimately just optimistic and ready to venture opinions about things he knows nothing about. Jayna's more shy and sort of a quiet genius, but not ready to talk about the things that she knows very well.
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Stephen: I hadn't specifically thought about their voices, but I think their characters come through in the words really strongly. When I'm drawing Zan, he's always over-excited and making a fool of himself and being sort of zany and weird, living in the moment. He's like a puppy. Whatever's going on, he's just excited about. Then I think of Jayna as much more introspective, contemplative, thoughtful...
Mark: She sees the deeper tragedy in everything around her.
Stephen: Yeah, very self serious. Zan is usually bouncing off the walls and smiling and she's usually sitting, thinking about everything that's terrible all the time. I have thought about it in the way that I do their body language and stuff like that, but not specifically their voices.
Mark: Jayna's probably more of the person I am and Zan's probably more of the person I wish I was.
Stephen: Yeah, I'm a Jayna for sure.
How much of this book is an actual critique of superheroes and how much of this is you trying to relate to superheroes in terms of this world?
Mark: Well, I think a lot of it is my critique of society in general, which is that our institutions no longer serve us. The institutions were created to serve us, but then at some point it changes. And so we then begin serving the institutions, and we forget why they exist except for that we know that we must serve them. And I feel at some point the superheroes themselves become an institution, and they forget why they're superheroes. They forget why they're doing this. They just know that this is what they've always done. And so I try to question that. I try to force them into these circumstances where they have to wonder why am I doing this or is this the best way to serve society, five superheroes converging on a purse snatcher? Is this really what society needs more than anything? I couldn't be doing anything else more valuable with my powers than this? I try to ask these questions in my scripts.
Stephen: I think of it as a commentary on superheroes but also a celebration at the same time. Like the best self-referential work, it can poke fun at the thing it's about also being a great version of what it's about.
What about body language? The body language that you give Superman is not the body language you often associate with the character.
Stephen: We're seeing him in a different context than we usually would. And so he's dealing with interns which isn't his usual thing. And so you're just getting to see a slightly different side of him.
Mark: He's more of a father figure in this one because he's got these two foundlings that he brought over from Exxor to Earth. He's their father figure now. It's his super power not being so much his speed or his strength, but his wisdom, and it's a side of Superman you don't see a lot, but just him understanding what it is as an outsider the human race needs. And then explaining that to Zan and Jayna I think sort of defined Superman for this series in a different way than he is sometimes presented in other series.
You're often writing characters who are the smartest people in the room. You have a Filo Math and Polly Math and you just did that great Riddler special as well. That's not the easiest thing to do, especially in the superhero world. So how do you put yourself in that head space and then how do you distinguish them from the characters that are less visible?
Mark: I just think smart people are more interesting. I also think that we are all sort of the geniuses of ourselves. We all understand our own perspective better than anybody else. So what I try to do is just give the character room to explore right or wrong. This is why I feel the way I do and make a stand for why they are the way they are. And I feel like that's what allows people to connect with these characters to make them feel relevant. It's like we all have that moment where the world does not understand us, but if we only had this moment where we could talk to somebody through the pages of a comic book and explain ourselves, then we would be the heroes of our own story.
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Stephen: My answer is much less sophisticated. I draw the intelligent people wearing suits and ties and glasses. There's some body language and expression stuff too, but that's definitely part of it is just sort of the way they present themselves. They're smart people.
Since that was way too straightforward and serious an answer, let's go back to the funny stuff. And what do you feel is the most ridiculous thing you've gotten to draw in the book so far? Whether it was the funniest or whether it was a thing that you were just like, how the hell am I going to make this work in this comic?
Stephen: First thing that came to mind, although there's so many, right? It's like there's something every issue that's insane. But the first thing that comes to mind was a giant gorilla punching an alcoholic vampire through the air, which I was just like, this is so weird and funny and comedic in tone and yet in like three pages time, you're going to get an emotional punch in the gut for the conclusion of that story, which was so tragic. So I love drawing the funny stuff and I love drawing the emotional stuff and I love that you can kind of oscillate between them in such a short space of time. I think a lot of that is down to Mr. Russell.
Mark: And I think one of the things I try to bring out in the scripts is that these are two dimensional, funny comic book characters where there's always a third dimension lurking somewhere in the background. There is a backstory or a tragic shadow to this person that makes what they're doing makes sense and Stephen does a very good job of bringing that out in the artwork.
Mike Cecchini is the Editor in Chief of Den of Geek. You can read more of his work here. Follow him on Twitter @wayoutstuff.
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Interview Mike Cecchini
Nov 13, 2019
DC Entertainment
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stuckinthekookiejar · 7 years
Distractions pt 11
Pt. 1 || Pt. 2 || Pt. 3 || Pt. 4 || Pt. 5 || Pt. 6 || Pt. 7 || Pt. 8 || Pt.9 || Pt. 10 || Pt. 11 || Pt. 12 || Pt. 13 || Pt. 14
Yoongi x Reader x Jimin
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Word Count: 4856
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Yoongi laid in bed as the noon sun pierced through the blinds painting glimmering golden stripes across the bedroom. It’s already been a whole week since he collapsed and finally, he seemed to be recovered but he chose to stay home for one more day to make sure that he had fully gotten rid of his illness. He didn’t want to get you or anyone else sick at Music Box.
After hours of just laying in bed, Yoongi’s stomach finally decided to make a desperate call for help. All this week he had no appetite because his brain just refused all ideas of eating while he was sick. Now that he was better, he felt like he could eat an entire grocery store or something. 
The dorm was empty as expected. It was already afternoon and everyone would probably be out doing their own thing, but Yoongi was surprised to see Jimin in the kitchen eating lunch. He thought that he’d be out with one of the others, but that obviously wasn’t the case. Yoongi could sense that there was something up with Jimin. After living together for so long, he had grown accustomed to the way Jimin acted. Just by the way the younger poked at his food and zoned out, Yoongi could tell that there was something wrong.
“Hey, Jiminie. What’s that?” Yoongi pointed to the bowl Jimin was eating from.
Jimin, who got startled, quickly fixed his slouched posture, “Oh this? It’s just food.”
Yoongi huffed, came over to the younger, “Well, no shit. Can I have some? I’m kinda feeling a bit hungry.”
“Sure. I’ll go get you a bowl.” Jimin got up and went to fix Yoongi a bowl of food
The elder took a seat across from where Jimin was sitting and peered over to the television which was playing some entertainment news. The anchor stood on a platform with photos of 2S displaying on the screen behind him,
“This morning rookie group Shooting Stars dropped unexpected cover videos of the songs that each member claimed they had a special attachment to. Just after the five videos were released four hours ago, they have gone viral on the internet garnering much praise from fans all over the world. Out of all the videos, the two that brought the most wow factor were those of members Leo and Y/N. 
Rapper Leo, or Kang Sol Mi, chose to cover the personal yet powerful song ‘The Las’ written and performed by none other than Agust D, aka Bangtan Sonyeondan’s Suga. Fans especially praised Leo’s ability to fully convey the feelings expressed by the original artist as well as adding a zest of her own personal emotions as well. 
Main Vocalist Y/N was also highly praised because she was the only one to display her dance capabilities instead of her voice. In her video, she showcased why she is 2S’ dance leader in her perfectly executed dance cover to ‘Lie’ by Jimin also of the popular group BTS. 
The song choices made by Leo and Y/N has obviously gotten fans stirred up especially since 2S’ love and admiration for BTS are no secrets. Rumors have been...”
“Hyung.” Jimin turned Yoongi’s attention away from the television, “Here. It’s pretty hot, so...be careful.”
“Thanks.” The younger returned to his seat and the sound of the television became nothing but background noise to the two. Mindlessly, Yoongi took a bite of the food Jimin had served him and instantaneously he recognized the taste,
“Jimin...where did you get this porridge?”
“The porridge?” Jimin paused for a split second, curling one of his fists under the table, “I...I got it from a restaurant nearby.” 
Yoongi knew Jimin was lying to him, "Oh did you? Which one?” 
“Just one...a few blocks away. I don’t remember the name of it. Does it really matter, hyung?” He jabbed his spoon in the porridge with much force causing a loud clatter. Yoongi had seen Jimin when he was angry, but he never acted this way in front of him before, “Hey, hyung? ...Can I ask you a question?”
“It’s about Y/N-noona.” The entire time, Jimin had been looking down at his bowl of food but only when he brought you up did he look at Yoongi straight in the eye. Just like how Yoongi could sense that there was something wrong with his dongsaeng, Jimin could easily see the apprehension in his hyung’s eyes. 
“Y-Y/N? What about her?” Beads of sweat formed all over Yoongi’s body in anticipation. He wondered what sort of thing Jimin would ask. Deep down, Yoongi was scared. Did Jimin know about you and him? About his past? What would he do if he did know? Would he tell someone? Yoongi quickly dismissed that idea. Jimin was like family to him and he knew that the younger felt the same way. Jimin wouldn’t hurt him...would he?
“Um...” Jimin’s tight grip on his spoon loosened and he let out a sigh, “Sun Hee-noona told me how Y/N-noona may have a bit of trouble when recording the bridge. They asked me if I could come with you to help them record. I wanted to ask you about it before I agreed to anything.”
A wave of relief crashed on Yoongi and his rapid heart rate slowed down, “Oh...well if they asked for the help, then I guess it’s fine. I plan on going back tomorrow so you can come along.”
“Thanks, hyung!” Jimin seemed to be back to his old smiley self, “Hyung...is something wrong? You look kinda stressed.”  he took another bite before continuing, “Why? Did you think I was going to ask you something else?” 
Since Jimin had food in his mouth, Yoongi couldn’t tell if he was just chewing or if he intended to have a smirk on his face, 
“No, not at all.” Yoongi replied before taking in a bite of the porridge.
Yoongi and Jimin made their way up to the second floor in Music Box’s elevator in route to the recording studio. It was fairly early, but Yoongi wanted to make sure that he was there on time after his sudden week-long hiatus. 
Jimin was standingTo Yoongi’s relief, Jimin seemed to be acting like his usual self after yesterday’s lunch incident. He figured that maybe he was just overthinking this and worrying too much...but that didn’t explain why Jimin lied about the fact that the porridge was made by you. It wasn’t like it was a big deal or anything, so Yoongi decided to push the issue into the back of his mind.
The metallic doors slid open and the pair walked into the open lounge. 
“Yeah, Jiminie?”
“Where’s the bathroom? I need to use it.”
“Aish,” Yoongi lightly poked the younger on the shoulder, “I told you to use the bathroom before we left.”
“My bad. Sorry that my bladder isn’t as big as yours.”
“That’s not the only thing that’s...YAH.” Jimin shoved Yoongi before he could finish that statement, “What? I was gonna say my height is bigger!”
“Hyung, that doesn’t make any sense. Plus, we are practically the same height.”
“Nuh-uh.” Yoongi stood on his toes as he squared up to Jimin causing the younger to break out in laughter.
A loud squeal from down the hall startled the pair. Hwa Joo, who covered her red face with her hands scurried towards them, “Omo...the ship...it’s s-sailing...” She mumbled so softly that her voice was barely audible. 
“What did you say?” Jimin asked.
“N-Nothing...” It took her a moment, but she finally noticed Yoongi standing behind Jimin, “Oh! Yoongi-oppa! You’re back! We were all worried you know...”
“Sorry about that...Jimin told me all about how concerned you all were. I promise I won’t get sick again anytime soon.”
“You better not! You should’ve seen how much Mimi-unnie sulked the entire week. And Y/N-unnie too! She was so quiet at the dorms and...” She brought her hands to her mouth as soon as she realized what she just said, “Oops...uh...just forget what I said...my unnies would kill me..hehehe...” 
Hwa Joo was quick to alleviate the sudden awkwardness as she took Jimin by the wrist, “Oppa! Why don’t I show you around Music Box? You’ve only seen the dance studio, but the rest of the building is cool. And there’s a load of free snacks!” 
Jimin was a bit hesitant, “I don’t know... Shouldn’t we be working on the song or something?”
“Jimin, why don’t you just go with her? You needed the bathroom, right? I’m sure Hwa Joo can show you where it is.”
“Yeah! And the bridge is the only thing being recorded today anyway. You need Y/N-unnie for that, but she isn’t here yet so we have time to spare.”
“Okay then. I’ll go with...” Hwa Joo whisked away dragging Jimin along with her before he could finish his sentence. 
“Don’t take too long!” Yoongi shouted down the hall before making his way to the recording studio.
You looked down at your watch as you fidgeted in the elevator. Mentally, you scolded yourself for missing your alarm and oversleeping for over half an hour. Luckily you managed to get dressed and ready in a timely manner, so you weren’t going to be as late as you thought you were going to be...but that didn’t change the fact that you’d still be late. 
Once the doors opened you took no time to dash across the lounge and into the recording studio. The door swung open with a loud thud, and you heaved since you were so out of breath after running to Music Box from your dorm. You found Yoongi sitting next to the control panel setting up the equipment to record. 
The minute you saw his figure, your heart started to beat so fast you thought it’d leap out of your chest. A wave of nervousness set in and you had no idea why. All he was doing was sitting in a chair working...but seeing that he was alright and back in action made you feel something.
“Oh, Yoongi....um...hi. I wasn’t expecting to see you here. I didn’t know you were coming today.” He stood from his chair and turned to face you as you took slow steps towards him,
“Why? Was I supposed to make an announcement or something?”
“Um...uh...” You were flustered and the seriousness in his face and tone made you even more nervous. Yoongi looked at you as you froze up and as your face started to distort in awkwardness. It made him laugh. His sudden outburst made you jump and you looked at him confused,
“Y/N, I’m just kidding around with you.”
“Yah...” You scoffed in disbelief. A part of you wanted to hit him over the head for teasing you and it took the strength you had to hold back, “...anyway, sorry I’m late.”
“It’s alright. Jimin came with me to give you some support, but he’s currently on a tour around the building with Hwa Joo. So we have to wait for them to come back.”
“Oh, okay.”
“And actually...I should be the one apologizing.”
“Huh? For what?”
“For the way I treated you last week. I was out of line and I was insensitive towards you. I shouldn’t have scolded you like that.”
“What? No, you don’t have to apologize. I was in the wrong and I was being stubborn as always. You were right, I wasn’t doing my best and I was too distracted to see it...so no hard feelings.”
You began to walk past him to place your things on a table at the other side of the room when he caught your wrist in his hand making you halt, “Thanks for the porridge by the way...it helped me feel better.”
His touch, his warmth...it burned your skin in such a pleasant way. You didn’t know how much you missed it until now, “Y-You’re welcome.”
“I yelled at you...” he let go of your wrist and you let it carelessly dangle at your side, “...but you still made me porridge when I was sick like you used to. So I was thinking as a way to apologize and to make up for the porridge...maybe you would like to have lunch...with me?”
It took you a moment to take in what he just asked. Min Yoongi was asking you out to dinner. Even though he and you had dated for a few years, him asking you out to dinner still made your heart flutter. Your mouth moved before your brain could fully grasp the situation, “Sure.”
“WE’RE BAAACK!” Hwa Joo came running in with a sweaty Jimin behind her. In his hands were a bunch of snacks that Hwa Joo must’ve given him. 
It had been hours since you all started to record, and Hwa Joo had left due to boredom. Soon after she left, Sol Mi came to the studio. The maknae must’ve told her that Yoongi was back. 
From the other side of the glass, Sol Mi and Yoongi sat patiently as you and Jimin conversed, probably talking about how to better hit the notes with ease. There were no problems with the recording thus far, you just had trouble reaching the high note. Yoongi had suggested to change it, but you insisted on keeping the song as it was so Jimin went to go help you out.
“Yeah?” Sol Mi scooted her chair to sit a bit closer to Yoongi,
“What do you think about them?”
“About who?”
“About Jimin and Y/N. They look good together don’t they?” They stared at you and Jimin through the glass. You were sitting in a chair while Jimin loomed over you, pointing at the sheet of lyrics that was placed on a metal stand. You looked so comfortable having Jimin near you, your faces were almost touching and Jimin’s hand was gently touching your shoulder. Yoongi couldn’t lie to himself, you two did look like a real couple.
He averted his gaze down to the vast panel of buttons and switches. “I guess they’re alright.”
“Hmmm? Only alright? They look perfect to me. Just look at them! Look at the way Jimin looks at her, and look at how perfect she just fits into in frame...they’re like a star-studded couple.”
Yoongi closed his eyes as he felt something grow within him. A sort of burning sensation ripped through his insides trying to devour the little patience he had. 
“And have you seen the internet, Yoongi? Ever since she mentioned Jimin’s song in that interview, people have been shipping them so much. Don’t you think it’d make great publicity for both our groups if they start going out? I mean, they look like a perfect match and if the fans want it then why don’t they...”
“Sol Mi...” On the exterior, Yoongi was calm and collected, but on the inside...it was a war zone, “From what I understand, you’re here so that I can demonstrate to you how to properly used the equipment not to discuss relationships. If you don’t plan on focusing on the work then I’d suggest you leave.”
She immediately stopped her yapping after she saw Yoongi’s sudden cold demeanor, “Sorry...” 
He sighed and pressed the button that allowed him to communicate with you and Jimin in the room next door, “Let’s call it a day you guys.”
You and Jimin looked at each other then looked to Yoongi, “But we haven’t finished yet.” You protested.
“It’s okay, we can finish up another day.” With that, Yoongi got up, collected his things and left. 
You knew Yoongi was upset, but you didn’t know why. Too bad you couldn’t hear the conversation that went on in the room on the other side of the glass.
Sol Mi left and Jimin said he had to go back to his company, so you were all alone in the studio. You were packing your belongings when you received a text. That feeling of butterflies rose again when you saw the name on your screen. You forgot that you never did change his contact name.
[❤ Yoongs❤]: Sorry I walked out earlier. I’m waiting outside. 
You took you bag and ran out as fast as you could. When you saw him leave you were a bit disappointed because you thought he forgot about lunch, but you were wrong. He didn’t forget and he was waiting for you. 
The doors couldn’t have opened any slower and you were practically prying them open. When you were finally out you frantically looked around as if you were afraid he’d disappear, but you jumped when a hand landed on your shoulder causing you to yelp rather loudly,
“Y/N, calm down. It’s just me.” You turned around and saw Yoongi. He was barely visible with his beanie and mask covering almost the entirety of his face. 
“Geez, you scared me...so...where are we having lunch?”
“Follow me.” Yoongi turned on the ball of his foot and began to walk down the sidewalk. Carefully, you trailed behind him since you feared the possibility of anyone recognizing your identities. You kept your head down, you put on your own mask and wore sunglasses. You were so engrossed in covering yourself that you didn’t notice that Yoongi had stopped walking and you ended up bumping into him. 
“Ouch...” You rubbed your forehead and flinched in pain. Your head didn’t hurt that much, it was just the sudden contact made you fluster so much you wanted to hide. Suddenly you felt a hand come up and a thumb rub your forehead,
“Aish, you were always so clumsy.” Under his touch, you felt that burning sensation again as you tensed up, “Watch where you’re going or else you’re going to hurt yourself by accident like you always do.” 
Somehow you regained the little control you had over your body and swatted his hand away, “Y-Yah...you can’t do this in public where anyone can see. What if we get recognized?”
“Y/N look around. There’s no one here. Besides, where we’re going nobody is going to recognize us. Now come on, I never realized how slow you walked.” He smiled, unexpectedly took your hand and dashed down the street taking a few turned left and right. All this running would have caused an average person to faint, but It was a good thing that years of dancing built up your stamina. 
After a few minutes, you finally reached your destination...an all too familiar destination. 
While the two of you were still together, you and Yoongi didn’t live together. He moved to Seoul before you did, and the place where he lived was way too small for two so you ended up purchasing your own apartment in the city. However, you’d frequently visit him...well to be more precise you’d frequently visit his empty apartment. He was so busy doing the work given to him during his trainee days that he barely had any time to keep his place clean, so you’d come and spruce up the place while he was at the studio. Even though it might have sounded lonely, you still cherished those memories.
The building, the scenery, the stuffy atmosphere...nothing had changed. Yoongi’s old apartment building still looked the same as it did years ago except it seemed like there were a few technological updates like the use of a keycard instead of an actual metal key to get into the building. Once inside, your muscle memory kicked in. Up the stairs you went, your body seemingly moving all by itself, to the third story first door to the right. 
It might be weird to say this, but the smell was exactly as you remembered. You couldn’t quite describe it other than it being the scent that always reminded you of Yoongi.
“Please, come in.” He gestured to the door and allowed you to enter first. You slipped off your shoes and there was already a pair of slippers waiting for you. Inside, the apartment was obviously still very small but it seemed different...it seemed more open. There used to be one closed off bedroom and a tiny kitchen open to a poor excuse of a living room. However, the wall that separated the bedroom from the living area was gone which allowed for the apartment to feel just a tad bit larger. Of course, the decoration was different as well. Instead of a small, low rise table in the middle of the room, there was now a desk, a bunch of music equipment, and a keyboard. It was like a mini studio. 
“The place looks a bit different now, doesn’t it?” Yoongi laughed at your rather speechless reaction.
“Yeah...it does. I can’t believe you still have this place! I thought you would’ve sold it when you moved into your dorms.”
“I did, but then after a few years, I saved enough money to buy it back. I decided to make it into a personal studio. Have a seat while I prepare some lunch.”
You took a seat on the leather couch that sat against on of the walls while you waited. The sounds of pots clattering and Yoongi’s whistling resonated throughout the tiny apartment. Something like deja vu hit you. The sounds of him cooking, the smell of the food...it was all the same as it used to be...it was like you had gone back to the time when you two were together.
Yoongi scurried over with a pot in his hands and laid it down on a couple of books that littered the coffee table, “Sorry that it isn’t fancy or anyhting but I was kinda craving for some.” 
He lifted the lid and with a pair of chopsticks, he lifted a bountiful amount of ramyun. Drool practically formed at the corners of your mouth as you ogled at the noodles before you. But it wasn’t just any ramyun,
“Isn’t that the brand we used to get all the time?” Memories of going down to the convenience store around the corner came flooding back. You two were low on money so all you could afford were cups of ramyun and this was always your go to brand. You remembered when you’d spend those few nights when he had free time eating ramyun while sitting on the floor wrapped in his arms. Those days were hectic, but simpler...and you missed that. 
“Yeah, it is. It’s actually been a while since I’ve had it.” He handed you a pair of chopsticks and a bowl. Almost immediately, you started to attack the pot of ramyun as if you were entered in some eating contest. Yoongi only watched, smiling in silence as you devoured the noodles,
“I guess all that singing must’ve tired you out.” 
“Nuh-uh, it was all that running that made me hungry. I wonder whose fault that was.” Teasingly, you pointed your chopsticks toward him as you accused the perpetrator, “Anyway, I’ve gotta say that you haven’t lost your touch. This ramyun is delicious.”
“Why thank you, thank you very much. I am not only just the genius rapper Suga, but the most swagilicious chef prodigy Min Yoongi.” His face was full of confidence as he boastfully shrugged his shoulders. 
“Yah...Min Yoongi...I see you still haven’t gotten rid of your cheesiness.” 
“Hmm? Well, what can I say? My cheesiness may be my most charming quality.”
You snorted, almost causing the broth to go up your nose, “Right...I’m sure you’re such a ladies man.”
“Hey, people threatened to sue me for my charms and handsomeness.”
“To be clear, that was a singular girl...who I heard got married, soooo...”
“Tsk, whatever. Anyway, I saw your dance cover on the Internet. It was really great...like I’d have to say it was practically perfect.”
Instantly, the compliment brought a smile on your face, “Thanks, Yoongi. It really means a lot.”
“No need to thank me, you deserve the positive remarks.” 
“Actually, Jimin came around and helped me with the cover. Without him, I don’t know if would’ve been able to pull the dance off to be very honest.”
“Yeah, he helped me a lot. Like one time I couldn’t get this move down because it really hurt my hip when I turned, but he...” You continued your spiel without noticing how quiet Yoongi had become. Everytime Jimin’s name left your mouth, he felt like he wanted to change the subject just to get you to stop talking about him...it really bothered Yoongi. 
Eventually, you did notice how irritated he was, so you decided to stop your blabbering about Jimin and poke some fun at Mr. Grumps who sat across from you, “Hey Yoongi?”
“Why’d you leave the studio so suddenly earlier?”
“I just felt like we worked on the recording long enough...I didn’t want to tire your voice out.”
“Hmmm, are you suuuuure?”
“Why? Why do you think I left?”
“Mmmm, were you,” You reached across the coffee table and poked his shoulder, “...jealous perhaps? Hmmmmm?”
“Excuse me? Me? Jealous? Why would I be jealous?”
“Oh come on, Yoongi. You and I both know just how close I was with Jimin in that recording studio. Don’t think that I didn’t notice you glaring at us.”
“I wasn’t glaring! ....and why? So what if I was jealous?”
His indirect confession actually shocked you, “Y-You know...I was just joking when I accused you of being jealous...”
“But what if I actually was? ...I may not be your boyfriend anymore, but that doesn’t change the fact that I was in the past...of course I’d be a little ticked off if I saw someone with my ex.” Yoongi looked down towards the floor and brought his shoulders inward in embarrassment which made him look smaller than he already was.
For some reason, for all these years it never occurred to you that he still somewhat cared for you. He was the one to break things off with you after all,
“Y/N...when I heard that you debuted, I was genuinely surprised. I never imagined that you’d be able to do it. Not because you were talentless, oh god no, you have an enormous amount of talent...so much that I don’t even know if I could compare. I know about your severe stage fright, and I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to cope with all the attention. There were times when I wanted to message you and ask if you were okay...but I held back because I didn’t want to...”
“Distract me?” He looked up and your eyes met. He didn’t need to verbally answer your question because you already knew that your guess was correct, “Serves you right. Now you know how worried and anxious I felt when you were a trainee....and when you were sick this past week.”
“So you really were actually worried about me?”
“Of course, you pabo. I did make that porridge for you, you know.” You giggled, "As you said before, the fact that we were in a relationship once will never change...but that doesn’t mean we have to stop caring for each other.”
That sentence made Yoongi reveal that gummy smile you missed so much, “I agree,” he held out his hand for you to shake, “Why don’t we start over? As friends.”
Happily, you took his hand, your own smile widening across your face, “Yeah, that sounds like a great place to start.” 
Everything between you and Yoongi felt alright. You felt like the Yoongi you fell in love with years ago was back and nothing could’ve made you happier.
It was late by the time Yoongi decided to go home. You already left his personal studio a couple hours ago, but he decided he wanted to get some work done. He had some new emotions that he needed to convey through words and lyrics. 
As he stepped into the dorm, he felt a body rush past him almost knocking him over. Slightly ticked off, Yoongi turned to see who had bumped into him and by the small frame, he could tell who it was. He wanted to chase after him, but the vibe that the younger gave off made it seem like he needed to be alone.
The atmosphere in the dorm felt grim as he walked inside. It was felt even weirder since all of the members were huddled around the television as if it were some oddity in a museum.
“Hey guys, what wrong with Jimin?” None of them answered. Instead, they cleared the way and what Yoongi saw on the screen made every hair on his body stand. 
The television was on some channel playing late night entertainment news...and on the was one big fat giant headline:
“[BREAKING NEWS] BTS Park Jimin and 2S Y/F/N Dating Scandal!!”
Gif not mine, creds to owner
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tetsuroutxt · 7 years
haikyuu characters + kpop
basically, which haikyuu characters would listen to kpop and and what would they enjoy realistically?
as the kpop industry is kinda saturated with idols, obv i couldnt include every group/artist. also its important to note that kpop would be a really niche interest unless they’re a trending group (eg. twice), regularly promoting in japan (ie. bts, apink, ikon, shinee), have established themselves because of hallyu (eg. dbsk, suju, big bang, snsd). if a artist/group met any or more of those conditions, the more i took them into consideration for this. 
I also took into consideration characters who are more likely to enjoy browsing the internet. those who put in a good amount of effort to look for music are very much more likely to come across it!
bokuto koutarou: only aware of kpop songs that go viral. often the very high-energy & catchy songs.
really really loves bts:  DOPE / war of hormone (HELLO HELLO)
he just really loves their intense choreography & how energetic their music is
just imagine him finding dope for the first time.
always attempts to learn the choreography, maybe just parts of it that he thought was the coolest
favourite korean songs thats not bts:
call me baby (he LOVES every single part of this song..)
RHYTHM TA the dance is simple & the song is his style
sugawara koushi: generally an open-minded individual... has the ability to appreciate many kinds of music
likes surfing through various mvs on youtube when he's bored, so he’s prob seen like most of ur favs, and surprisingly keeps tabs on the ones he likes.
likes shinee’s releases because enjoys the harmony of all their voices blending, very smooth and light. 
replay / your number / dont let me go
also likes charting/trending korean songs that aren't necessarily idol/kpop based like this
good vocals and songs with warm tones are a must 
azumane asahi, yamaguchi tadashi, yachi hitoka: the three of them enjoy cute & soft music
yamaguchi & yachi are both huge huge fans of iu. they love you & i, as well as good day!
peach is another strong favourite!
asahi loves how sweet kissing you sounds. he also likes nonono because the lyrics (its there in the vid!) are always super encouraging and comforting.
while they like mainstream songs, its not far-fetched to imagine them surfing the internet, due to their introverted natures, and uncovering sweet sounding korean indie music like rainy day and how do you think. yachi and yamaguchi like to share songs with each other since they trust each other’s taste.
tsukishima kei, akaashi keiji, ennoshita chikara: anything that’s layered and made with artistry. 
akaashi was almost a kpop anti (hates rhythm ta so fucking much lol) but then he found this and thought otherwise
just once you hit that part of youtube, the same type of music fills the entire sidebar. its a whole new world of music which is exactly what tsukki, akaashi, and ennoshita are after.
part of ennoshita's fascination of this music is the cinematography also he likes being unique for the music vids. its undeniable how high quality kpop music videos are... the camera-work, the selection of sets and props & lighting to create certain moods such as across the universe
tsukki is just an avid listener of music and enjoys being informed and up to date on all kinds of music. very attracted to tracks that are very well produced and well crafted such as bawling
akaashi is naturally thorough and doesnt like to settle for music readily available around him, he truly loves the meeting new sounds and styles, especially anything thats a clever/creative hybrid of genres such as neon bunny’s romance in seoul (jazz + electro) 
oikawa tooru: open-minded, but mostly he loves anything feel-good and cute.
enjoys often very catchy and upbeat hits:
cheer up - twice /  very nice - seventeen / party - snsd 
usually a pleasant hummer and has a nice soft voice when singing. knows how to be obnoxious though
he cant help it because the songs are so FUN iwa-chan, 
also songs that make him feel nostalgic and longing, especially if the vocalist is good at conveying emotion
like taeyeon’s rain ... also loves why though. dbsk’s why did i fall in love with you?
though updated with some trends (twice, seventeen), only truly familiar with older generation of idols.
hanamaki & mattsun: always looking for entertainment, yall know how they’re like lmfao.
they know kpop thanks to oikawa who showed them cheer up... found it cute and rly love dancing to the “sha sha sha” and chorus.
both curious, they did their own research and exploring and came out with their own likes and dislikes.
prefer sexier/non-cute groups: mini skirt -aoa
also ring ding dong (started liking it ironically to piss off hajime but now finds genuine enjoyment in it. they know the chorus dance)
it g ma because kohh features (they were shook) but also because of its meme factor. listen to it please oh my god [TW: lots of BRIGHT flashes in that mv..] the squawking and yelling annoys hajime so much wtf which may or may not contribute to why they both like this song so much. oikawa doesnt like it either ("its so ugly!")
generally prefers k-hip hop scene over kpop 
sunshine - verbal jint feat chancelor / jet lag - paloalto
kuroo & yaku: idol fanboys confirmed (see ch 200.)
as confirmed in ch 200. they are both huge fans of perfume, an electropop girl band, even to the point where they are familiar with the names of the members
thus i think its fair to say out of all the hq characters, its these two who are most likely to get to know their idol groups & not just be passive listeners.
upbeat, quirky electronic groups... the nu abo album by f(x) basically embodies this...
kuroo didnt care about kpop until he decided to give super junior’s hero album a listen during the time it was just released and very hot and popular on the charts. unexpectedly really loved the tracks & shared with yaku and kai. kai likes it too but isnt into idol stuff (more into rock) as much as yaku and kuroo. this was gateway into kpop for them. they’re mostly familiar with idols from sm ent.
iwaizumi hajime:
kpop anti
with oikawa being relentless singing the same repetitive hook choruses over & over ("cheer up baby! cheer up baby!" "gee gee gee gee baby baby~") & hanamatsu joining in because they’re hanamatsu
he hates it 
like A Lot
(needs better company)
(would probably like baby baby & winner's rock influenced music tbh)
give him time
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Music Promotion Online - 8 Essential Tips to Viral Internet Music Promotion
As An independent artist you probably all ready know it, even should you not, you better get with this. Marketing and promoting your music on the internet is the best way to go now. Even important authorized artists are going this course, some significant players going to the extent of publishing a new album in electronic download format only.
At a Fairly detailed phone Conversation with a fantastic friend and partner who's the president of a fairly large independent record label he reports that electronic music revenue or electronic music downloads has reached the 50% stage of music sold. Meaning that quite soon there might not be a necessity to have a concrete item. Obviously it'll definitely beef up the funding for individual artists not needing to place out for CD manufacturing and pressing. And of course how much simpler it is likely to make your audio supply initiatives.
So, long story short, where am I going with this? What josh mannis saying is you ought to be placing nearly all time, effort, and money, into boosting your songs and endeavor on line. You should seek out Internet music advertising at a bigger percentage over conventional printing advertising. After all, look at all of the print magazines and newspapers moving out of business now or shifting each of their books to a strictly online edition. Yep, we ought to confront itIf you aren't not on the Internet ring yet for promoting and marketing your music, then you better get there immediately. Keeping in contact with your fans in as many ways as possible is how go now. Don't make them come for you, reach out to them.
To briefly summarize, Listed below are a couple of of the ways you must be using as an independent artist so as to market your music and audio career, and remain in contact with your fans from the now digital era.
Para Social Relationships Online
You Should be establishing a presence for you or you group on as numerous social media sites as possible. Certainly you've got a myspace site, which most of us know is essential, but now, that's simply inadequate. You need to be keeping your fans and prospective fans educated constantly using social sites like Twitter, Facebook, iLike, Squidoo, iMeens, Reverbnation, and also there are several more. Socializing in audio forums particular to your own music genre is something different you ought to do a good deal of. Setting up fit and greets through these Internet portals can also be fast becoming a new approach to stay interactive with your own fans.
Official Band or Artist Website and Blog
Your Official group or artist site is important also. It ought to be professionally designed as you can and also be consistent with your artist picture. That can be the home on the net and needs to be updated and kept clean continuously. It ought to have a news site, a media page, and sound page that ought to be kept fresh with fresh news, media clips, and audio. It's also wise to have some interactive performance happening in your house page so enthusiasts will get involved, put comments, and socialize with you. A website is just another fantastic way to keep fans informed provided you keep it updated and fresh also. Using a website, lovers can join via RSS Feed, and whatever you post will be sent immediately to your own desktopcomputer. Quite strong.
Tumblr media
Online Press Kit and Publicity
An Online media kit, also called an EPK (Electronic Press Kit) is a promotional tool which each artist or group ought to have, even in the event that you've got a printing or electronic press kit. The online EPK lets you quickly send your bands info and audio samples to places, labels, agents, as well as enthusiasts with the aim of music marketing.
Widgets -- A Big One
Widgets, As I write this guide, are a comparatively new kind of internet music marketing but if used correctly are a very powerful technique of viral Internet advertising. Basically a widget is an electronic screenshot of your own profile and may contain downloadable or streaming audio, audio, promotion, etc.. Additionally, it allows you to collect contacts email addresses. The widget should be placed on each website from the official, for example many societal websites, for example your myspace website as you can. The attractiveness of widgets is they empower fans to really catch the widget out of your site and set the code within their own site, hence spreading the word to finally tens of thousands of brand new fans. It's possible to get your widgets just by registering for an account on a location such . Are you beginning to have the significance of Viral Music Marketing?
Digital Mailing List
I need to Not need to mention it but sadly most new artists in early stages of evolution I take on still don't get it. In other words, the very important significance of an electronic mail sign up module on all sites. Gathering your fans and possible fans email address and keeping it in a database for supply is essential. Everything you could do with this mailing list is remarkable. Announce all display details; thus bringing out more buffs, send a brand new news or marketing statement, broadcast a competition, and declare new CD releases; consequently more record earnings. An electronic mailing list is something no artist, possibly individual or major must be without.
Advertising on Genre Specific Web Portals
Another Fantastic online thought, if it matches your budget, would be to consider banner ads on audio portals which are in your audio genre. You are able to promote a new launch, a trip, or even a brand new deal of some type. Some audio portals get many thousands of people per month, which can definitely boost your vulnerability. Be sure however, the banner ads is designed and revived if at all possible. A number of those genre specific music portals I talk of will just cost twenty to thirty dollars a month to publicize your brand. As I said, when you've got disposable cash in your budget, it sure can't hurt.
Search Engine Marketing, Drive the Traffic to All Your Websites
Needless To state, you can have the most professionally design, magnificent, and Functional sites online but if nobody visits them they aren't much Great, are you? So You Would like to take some time and attempt to research Search engine optimisation. Learn all of the techniques search engine Savvy techies utilize to get rated high in each the search engines and Particularly in audio associated outcomes. Search engine optimisation, done Right, isn't simple should you not know a lot about it. Again, in Case You Have a Few added dollars on your budget you might wish to consider employing a search Engine optimization pro. Obtaining your ring found from the search Engines may be an wonderful increase to your consciousness
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
By our own popular demand!
Ian Mathers: I cannot wait for the blurb here that's going to explain to me why this whole thing just feels off to me, because god knows I don't have the background knowledge or vocabulary for it. In the meantime it mostly just reminds me of After Last Season. I love After Last Season. [7]
Andy Hutchins: Indebted to the long-running tradition of paranoiac rap and strides made more recently by fellow Michigander Tee Grizzley's relentless flows spilling over at bar's end, Kasher Quon and Teejayx6 embark on an instantly legendary cataloging of what being young, dumb, and so full of ways to hustle and scam sounds like in 2019. Dish detergent as a lean ingredient? Sure. Scamming your own nephew(s) with fake Js and/or fraudulent iPhone purchases? Sure. The endgame here is admirably low-budget, too: Flying Spirit is not even close to enviable. "I just went to Walmart, and I tore that bitch down" is a legitimate aspirational flex, and you get the sense that this is an improbable inversion of the age-old rapping just to get a rep, with the penny-ante schemes being touted by kids unafraid of being called small-timers or unaware of why that would even be a problem. And if "Dynamic Duo" were about a minute shorter, it would not tick past the point of an electrifying thrill ride into what chemistry on a rap song can be and into an exercise sure to exhaust the listener. Something tells me Kasher and Teejay will keep going, though. [6]
Maxwell Cavaseno: For arguably the last two or three years (at minimum), it's been a poorly kept secret that Detroit has become the best city of the rap game. Atlanta? Self-rewriting hogwash sounding just as generic as NYC did in the mid '00s. Los Angeles? Still depending on rappers who've taken over nine years to gain any sort of traction outside of its own city walls and would rather keep going back to the well from tired old icons. Chicago? Their best rapper MOVED OUT, and now they're best represented by a sanctimonious theater kid working out his ABDL-related complex in public. Sickening! No, Detroit has been THE place to be, thanks to a frantic paced scene built on Scamming, Sniping, and Sleaziness. Plenty of my peers, in response to "Dynamic Duo," have been confounded and astonished at how seemingly extreme and hysterical the record sounds, but once you've heard the likes of Pablo Skywalkin or Rocaine, that this city has produced, you get it. The maniacal offbeat flows, the stressed out hyperactive minor key piano licks over the Mannie Fresh-indebted throwback drums, the vivid detail as these men describe going on The Dark Net and buying your (YES YOURS READER!) social security numbers to make Venmo into a frenzied honeypot. Believe me when I tell you that Kasher Quon and Teejayx6 are some of the youngest to do it, but they're astonishingly normal for this scene. If this is the record that puts The Motor City back on the map, then I'm all the happier! But approach with caution! [8]
Alex Clifton: I want to make it absolutely clear that this is one of the worst things I have ever heard. I also listened to it four times in a row. It's not just bad but unforgivably bad, inept and cringey and something that could only exist in the era of YouTube. I don't mind small-time guys trying to make a song and sounding endearingly bad; usually in those cases, though, you have an idea of the song, a notion of what the artist wanted it to be. There is, however, no redeeming musical quality to this track. I can't even call it a song because that implies structure and melody and some sort of forethought as opposed to whatever the hell this is. The best part of this contraption is the beat, which is the repetitive Phoenix Wright soundtrack from hell mixed with a bad trap drum. Honestly it wouldn't be so bad if it had literally any variation other than randomly going up or down. And then the rap starts. I can't. I literally can't. I could rap better than these dudes, and I am the kind of person who karaokes Taylor goddamn Swift whenever I can. And yet this performance is hypnotic? Every time I listen to this I am struck anew by its utter badness. This isn't Maroon 5 phoning-it-in bad, nor Lukas Graham full-of-shit pomposity bad; it's just a literal trainwreck of words thrown about with no care as to order or sense. Throw in some absolute what-the-fuck lines ("stingy with my sauce like Mr. Krabs" is my current favourite) and this thing throws me for a loop each time I hear it. I hate this bloody thing and it won't leave my brain. It is worth mentioning that the video is a solid [10]. [0]
David Sheffieck: This is a vertiginous experience, mashing together a beat like a mid-'80s car chase with the high wire act of Kasher Quon and Teejayx6 swapping and overlapping lines at a headlong, near-breathless pace. It's technically dazzling and (more importantly) fun: a thrill-ride built from quotable lines, wild boasts, and a sense that nothing's impossible. Maybe the best song I've heard all year -- and without question the most exciting. [10]
Crystal Leww: There's a moment in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse where Miles Morales scores a 0 on a test and his teacher gives him a 100 instead, because "You have to know all the answers to get all of them wrong; you're trying to fail out." That pretty much sums up how I feel about "Dynamic Duo." I would never play this in a club or a car and would never hope that anyone ever plays it on the radio where others would be trapped into listening to this. There is so much chaotic, bad energy stuffed into this seemingly never-ending track of rap verses. Both Kasher Quon and Teejayx6 are somehow off beat for every single beat, which sounds so cheaply made on knockoff Garage Band. Everyone involved knew every single thing they were supposed to do in rap music and decided to do exactly the opposite. That's beautiful to me -- that's high art. [8]
Will Adams: Admittedly, this is the first time in a while that a song has evoked the feeling of "I'm losing my fucking mind," so I can't not give points for that. [5]
Joshua Copperman: I am 100% not the target audience. But nothing exists and has ever existed in a vacuum. This was going to find its way to me eventually, even though it was not made for me, a writer-type person who can't be called a critic because to people of a certain age the word brings to mind not not Christgau, not Zoladz, not even Fantano, but, like, Doug Walker. Then it brings up Lizzo. Yet I know the feeling of something being so deeply your thing that you become irrepressibly On Brand. This sound collage of absurd punchlines is baffling to me -- this is what most people probably hear when they say they hate SoundCloud rap. And then you have the writers that would view it as punk, flying in the face of everyone trying to analyze it. But that wasn't the intention. It was a duo fooling around and going music-Twitter viral, maybe for the wrong reasons. It's easy to imagine someone liking it in spite of other music, not because they genuinely enjoy it. But watching my Twitter feed briefly explode with excitement was a beautiful moment. "Dynamic Duo" doesn't transcend its trappings -- the punchlines are given no room to breathe, and the beat is too busy. But it works enough that the irony-drenched recesses of music twitter paused for only a moment. That's plenty. [6]
Ryo Miyauchi: Leave it to Detroit rappers to continue and celebrate an exercise in rap practiced in the earliest wave of the genre. "Dynamic Duo" gets off the rails pretty quick with Kasher Quon foregoing some attempt at narrative of him and Teejayx6 getting ambushed, and it instead becomes a competition of who can one-up the other in humor, raunchiness and violence. A thrilling, off-the-cuff freestyle feel flows throughout: bits like handling mom's bills on Comcast.com and entering Wal-Mart with a frown can only come from a wild stream of consciousness, rushing to grab any word and rhyme that comes first. It's been a while to witness not only this intense of baton passing between two rappers but also for one to inspire a better bar out of another with each succession. [8]
Alfred Soto: The tinny beat is the point, the off-the-beat rapping perhaps. Intentions are for lawyers, not critics. To enjoy "Dynamic Duo" is to relish the can-you-top-this? vulgarity of who did what to which women. Quon and Teejayx6 could go on for sixteen more verses, by which point every other kid on the playground would've returned to class and called the disciplinarian. When they don't flex their imagination for the sake of cruelty, it works, which is about half the time. [5]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Trapped on the precipice between never wanting to hear this again and wanting an extended cut and I think the latter is winning. Please send help. [6]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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haulix · 6 years
Albums are neither dead nor dying, so why do people claim otherwise?
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The industry is changing. Aside from the rise of streaming, which has completely altered the way people consume music and the way artists make money, the business as a whole seems more uncertain than ever about what might come next. Will festivals continue to grow in popularity? Will radius clauses force up and coming acts to choose between high-profile gigs and a series of smaller, more intimate performances? Will venues demand more substantial cuts of merch sales? Will fans still want physical media, and if so, in what format?
These questions and many more are pondered in offices and at conferences every year. They each create an excellent foundation for conversation, but the outcome is usually the same: We won’t know until it happens. Maybe the festival bubble will burst, but then again, perhaps it won’t. Maybe smaller artists will breakout from a single high-profile appearance, but they may fair better with smaller gigs that provide fans more access to the talent. It’s all up in the air all the time, and more importantly, not every answer works for everyone.
One thing that is certain: We will continue to debate the livelihood of albums until the end of time.
Every year for the past decade there comes a time, usually in the fall or winter, when significant publications debate whether or not the albums are practical. The most recent outlet to hop on this bandwagon is Rolling Stone, who just this week published an article claiming records are ‘in deep trouble.’ 
For those who prefer a TL;DR explanation, the latest round of ‘RIP Albums’ posts stem from a report released by the RIAA a couple months back regarding sales in 2018. According to the numbers, total album sales for the first half of 2018 were down 25% compared to the first half of 2017. If that figure continues for the second half of the year, which many believe it will, then total album sales will plummet 50% compared to the previous year. That is a major drop, and it’s being said that track-led consumption through streaming services. In other words, people love singles, and the popularity of playlists in the streaming arena has made the success of a single track, not to mention its ability to be placed, over the quality of albums.
But there’s more to the drop in sales than the popularity of singles. Cultural trends play a part in consumer behavior as well, and right now there are no two genres of music more popular than hip-hop and EDM. An artist in these areas can make a career out of one song. Sheck Wes, for example, landed a record deal with Kanye West’s GOOD Music off the strength of his viral hit “Mo Bamba.” Similarly, Cardi B found international success with “Bodak Yellow.” She was hailed as a new artist because of the release, despite the fact she had previously released multiple mixtapes.
Both Sheck Wes and Cardi B released albums in 2018, but when discussing their successes and failures, it’s the singles that lead any conversation.
And speaking of conversation, you can probably add social media to the list of things contributing to the belief albums are dead. It is far easier to not only digest single tracks but also to discuss them. It takes less than five minutes to stream most singles, and just a matter of seconds to tweet out one's thoughts on the material. Albums, on the other hand, require far more time and attention. You could easily spend an hour listening to a record, and expressing your thoughts on the material in full will likely require more than 280 characters (the maximum length of a tweet). Culture has trained people to believe that if they’re not contributing to the endless chatroom that is social media, then they are somehow missing out, which in turn encourages people to stay on top of everything that can be consumed at a moments notice. Singles are more accessible, which means more people can make time to consume them. More people = more conversation. 
Rock and country music work differently. Artists hoping to make it in those areas of music need to not only have good singles but also must tour heavily, which means performing numerous songs any given night. One great track may help start a conversation, or even land a meeting with label execs, but those who become household names must also possess a catalog of potential hits. Fans of these genres still buy albums, but because country and rock are less popular than they were ten or even twenty years ago the most successful LPs cannot hold a candle to the streaming numbers artists achieve in other genres of music.
Albums are not dead, and they never will be, but as consumer behavior continues to evolve there may be less of them garnering attention. This same trend can be found in all areas of entertainment. Paintings, for example, were once the height of entertainment. Most people can name iconic talents such as Van Gogh or Picasso, but how many modern painters do you know? There are galleries of all sizes in cities all over the world showcasing current talent all the time, so surely someone is paying attention.
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afoolsingenuity · 6 years
Bite Sized Books // A Mish Mash of ARCs I’ve Read During My Blogging Slump
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I figured a return to blogging should include a little catch up (and an attempt to get my Netgalley shelf back under control). As such, we have a few actual bite sized reviews (because I acknowledge I have a habit of rambling in even my shorter reviews). There is no theme, literally a mish-mash of books I should have reviewed for the past 2 months. I have a couple more to come and then I might talk about my bookish highlights from the past couple of months because I’ve read some awesome books lately (although these ARC reviews might make it seem like I haven’t).
From Duke Till Dawn (The London Underground #1) – Eva Leigh Published: 26th July 2018 Source: Netgalley Genre: Historical Romance My Rating: DNF 20%
Eva Leigh launches a seductive new series that sizzles with the dark secrets of London’s underworld…
‘It’s not my habit to seduce impoverished widows…’
The Duke of Greyland lost his heart – and a princely sum – to a charming, beautiful and destitute widow who, after one passionate night, vanished without a trace. Cassandra Blair grew up on the city streets, picking pockets to survive. Greyland was a rich mark – to be fleeced and forgotten – only she’d never forgotten him.
Years later, chance brings them together again, in a London gaming hell. Grayland is desperate to have her… never suspecting everything about his lover was a lie. But finding herself in dire financial straits, at risk of losing everything, Cassandra has no choice but to beg the man she betrayed for help.
The proud Duke will assist her under one condition: she doesn’t leave his sight until her debts are paid! But can the real Cassandra – the smart, streetwise survivor – steal his heart all over again?
Book one in the Scandalous Ladies of London series
Let’s begin with a DNF (or two). I thought this would be a fun read of a Duke meeting with the woman who scammed him and forcing her to stay with him until her debts are paid. I obviously should have read the summary much more closely as it does say he never suspects his lover of a single night scammed him. Well, his naivete and how utterly gullible he was pissed me right off. He was annoying and a wet blanket to be honest. I didn’t like him one jot. He was boring. So I began reading this book of a woman who scammed a man over one night and then left him with no intention of seeing him again and whilst I probably would have grown to like her (have to respect a woman who is making it on her own scamming the rich) I didn’t ever get to know her because boring mc-boringpants The Duke of Greyland was the one whose perspective you had at the start and he just gradually pissed me off by being an utter idiot so I DNF-ed before the book actually made me angry.
Does it count that I liked the idea at least?
The Proposal (The Weddings Date #2) – Jasmine Guillory
Published: 30th October 2018
Source: Netgalley
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
My Rating: DNF 20%
When Nik Paterson went to the Dodgers game with her C-list actor boyfriend, Ford, for his birthday, she expected nothing more than a few boring hours with him and his bros. She certainly didn't expect a Jumbotron proposal. Or her name to be misspelled. Or to go viral in minutes...
Carlos Ibarra wants to hang out with his sister, catch a Dodgers game, and relax for once. But when a camera crew descends on Nik after the disastrous proposal, he has to rescue her. After they flee the stadium, he delivers her into the arms of her supportive girlfriends, and they both think they'll never see each other again.
Fate has other plans. Nik and Carlos keep crossing paths, accidentally and on purpose. When they finally give in to their attraction to each other, they are on the same page: sex and nothing more. But the proposed friends-with-benefits relationship is turning into something more, and the pair have to decide if they have room in their lives for love.
DNF number 2 was an upsetting one for me. I’d seen other bloggers review and although I hadn’t seen any 5-star reviews I had seen positive ones. Sure, people’s small criticisms did raise a few red flags for me, but just to go in wary. Sadly, I think my opinions may have been coloured by those other bloggers… or I am just less willing to put up with books I’m not behind 100%. Whatever happened I ended up not clicking with this book.
Carlos, we met in The Wedding Date and I was interested to see his story and so when we’re introduced to Nik I was excited. Nik seemed like she would be sassy and fun… but I just didn’t feel a spark between the two when I was reading. The chemistry wasn’t there for me so I didn’t feel invested in the path of them getting together. I mean, this is a term normally reserved for several YA books I've read, but it felt a little insta-lovey. I in no way believed the spark that apparently existed. I know in romance characters go on about how good looking the other is and about how they've kept thinking about them but although Carlos's rescue was kind I could not see Nik pursuing more from that alone. Both of them were apparently interested but I didn’t get why when reading. And when you were in Carlos’s head and he was thinking things like ‘is that a hint’ or ‘is she giving me signals’ and all that crap just made me like him. Yeah, folks probably do have those thoughts but it was so jarring to read them!
There were characters I was interested to learn more about (I loved Nik’s friends) but that was not enough to keep me reading.
First Earl I See Tonight (debutante Diaries #1) – Anna Bennett
Published: 30th October 2018 Source: Netgalley Genre: Historical Romance My Rating:
An heiress with a daring proposal. An earl who’s determined to resist her. And a love that just might be written in the stars…
Recently jilted by his fiancée, David Gray, Earl of Ravenport is not in the market for a wife. Even if Gray didn’t have his hands full renovating his crumbling country house, it would take more than a bold marriage proposal from a headstrong young beauty to thaw his frozen heart. Gray is confident that spending a week at his ramshackle estate will change her mind about marriage, but every passionate moment he spends with her tempts him to change his…
A talented artist, Miss Fiona Hartley desperately needs her dowry money to pay off a blackmailer set on ruining her sister. The handsome earl seems a sensible choice for a husband…if only she can convince him that romance will play no part. But marrying in name only may prove difficult for Fiona. Gray can’t help but be dazzled by her genuine warmth. Yet as their feelings deepen, Fiona’s deadline looms. Will her secrets destroy them, or is true love their final destiny?
This one I finished (yay) and it was a more middling read for me. I certainly enjoyed myself from time to time but it’s been a month and looking back on this one I have to flick back to my comments I wrote whilst reading because it’s not stood the books amnesia test well. That’s not to say that’s a point against this book, I forget many a book, but if I hadn’t have reread the summary and had a couple of notes to hand I definitely wouldn’t have remembered anything of this book.
There was something which stopped me fully invested in reading this. I did enjoy it and both the characters appealed to me, the Earl was interesting and I liked him, and Fiona’s quest to receive her dowry to pay a blackmailer was pretty exciting (although a touch farfetched). I liked how Fiona was not daunted by anything, she made the most of things and went with it and who can’t respect that in a woman. I did like the interaction between our romantic couple but I just didn’t fully wholeheartedly invested. I did roll my eyes a little as the mystery of the blackmailer was revealed too, because really? I don’t know. It was enjoyable enough and I’d read more from Anna Bennett because hopefully, it would click next time.
Smooth-Talking Cowboy (Gold Valley #1) – Maisey Yates
Published: 1st March 2018
Source: Netgalley
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
My Rating:
Welcome to Gold Valley, Oregon, where a rough-and-tumble rancher and the girl next door are about to learn that opposites attract
Olivia Logan has a plan: win back her ex by making him see what he’s missing. But first she needs to find a man who’s willing to play along. With his laid-back cowboy charm and knack for getting under her skin, Luke Hollister is an unlikely hero—but he wants her help convincing her father to sell him land, which means he needs her as much as she needs him.
Luke likes his life—and his women—uncomplicated. So why does good girl Olivia heat his blood like no one else? She’s always been off-limits, but the more time they spend as Gold Valley’s hottest new “couple,” the more real it’s starting to feel. Luke was supposed to help her win back another man…not keep her in his arms. But now that he has her there, he’s not sure he’ll ever let go.
This one I honestly don’t remember why I requested this on Netgalley because apart from the fake relationship aspect (which is my bread and butter) there is nothing about this which would usually appeal. Cowboys are not my jam in romance (and why are they so popular, there a whole heap of cowboy romances out there in the world!). That being said I did enjoy this but it was another middling read as a whole and that was mostly because the fake relationship didn’t last all that long. The very beginning had Olivia and Luke faking their relationship but it very swiftly turned to a genuine one and this pare who were convinced they weren’t going to be together realised that they had a serious case of denial because there were sparks flying and they definitely were meant to be. I mean, I think that aspect would have worked for me but the part that really annoyed me was Olivia had broken up with her ex to try and push him to ‘put a ring on it’. That kind of game playing rubs me the wrong way so that and her uppity attitude you get from her at the start put me off. You do get to see another side of her but I think as a whole she was never destined to be a heroine I loved because I prefer them a bit more stubborn and with a bit more attitude. In the end, it was ok and I enjoyed it… but I wouldn’t go back for more.
Beneath The Citadel – Destiny Soria
Published: 9th October 2018 Source: Netgalley Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy My Rating:
In the city of Eldra, people are ruled by ancient prophecies. For centuries, the high council has stayed in power by virtue of the prophecies of the elder seers. After the last infallible prophecy came to pass, growing unrest led to murders and an eventual rebellion that raged for more than a decade.

  In the present day, Cassa, the orphaned daughter of rebels, is determined to fight back against the high council, which governs Eldra from behind the walls of the citadel. Her only allies are no-nonsense Alys, easygoing Evander, and perpetually underestimated Newt, and Cassa struggles to come to terms with the legacy of rebellion her dead parents have left her — and the fear that she may be inadequate to shoulder the burden. But by the time Cassa and her friends uncover the mystery of the final infallible prophecy, it may be too late to save the city — or themselves.
This is one I had been excited for, I loved Destiny Soria’s debut, Iron Cast, and so when I saw she had a new fantasy novel coming out I most definitely wanted to read. think my expectations had been a touch high because although I enjoyed it, it didn’t compare to that debut for me. That being said, I don’t really think a novel set in alternate history Boston in 1919 can really be compared to a full fantasy novel set in its own world where there is a city controlled by a government who uses prophecies to stay in power. They're not really comparable so if you loved Iron Cast then be prepared for a different kind of book in this one (which I thought I was but I still something didn’t work for me).
I will say, though, I wasn’t in a fantasy mood when I started this so even I knew it would be a struggle for it to click into place and work for me so the poor book started on the backfoot. It also had multiple POV, not loads, but more than I like in my books and that put me off it a little too. The characters were all interesting and I loved seeing the dynamics between each of them, from Cassa and her back and forth with Evander, to Evander interacting with his sister, Alys. Each character has a distinct personality so even if it hadn’t said at the start of a chapter, you knew whose POV you were reading from. Sadly, I think the multiple POV meant I didn’t connect quick enough with the characters. For the first quarter of the book at least I couldn’t figure why I should care about these characters and even them investigating the corruption of the government did nothing for me.
Maybe if I’d begin this book at another time I’d be raving about. I will say no one can complain about a book which has so much diversity within its pages, from racial diversity to sexual with gay and bi characters. I do appreciate when fantasy novels make the effort because there has been too little diversity in them for too long. I just wish I’d been in a fantasy reading mood for this one as my rating is very much influenced by that.
And this is my first mish-mash of reviews for a little while. I had another one or two I could have included but 5 should be enough for now. Have you read any of these, what did you think?
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