#{ drabble } and the only story he doesn't tell is his own
davheira · 5 months
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title: a bard's melancholy when: post the tinkerer where: audelie trigger warnings: none
Fifteen years is nothing for the former eladrin. 
The blink of an eye, an unexpectedly long nap, a long weekend out of commission with the cold. Compared to Davheira’s long life, fifteen years are nothing.
Or they would be, in normal conditions. 
There is a crucial difference between now and all the times Davhy has gotten in shenanigans he could not bullshit his way out of in a timely manner. 
This time, his amata is gone. 
This time, he knows Nikolai is not coming back. 
There is much unfinished between the two, their last meeting leaving Davhy befuddled yet hopeful by the druid’s words. He had felt as if he was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, that perhaps he had been remembering.
In the end, he never got his answer. 
Nikolai died, and before he could even begin to grieve, he was swept away into an unending torture undercut by the devastation of knowing he had lost his love. 
For years, the only hope he had left was knowing that Evan was still alive. 
Then that too was taken from him, suddenly and painfully. 
He had known his son was gone as soon as it had happened. 
They say grief can kill a fey. 
For a long moment, he considered finding out if it would be the same for an elf. 
Then, he remembered his promise to Niko, back before he had left for the troupe’s quest. 
Perhaps he would never be able to see Niko again, perhaps he had broken his promise to him once more, but Davhy had long decided to keep his promise if he could. 
And he could, even if the grief of loss was heavier and more painful than being consumed by Zahrya’s blood orchard. 
Davheira endures, placing all his faith on Sehanine and praying to his goddess to see her moonlight once more. 
His prayers are answered in the shape of an astral bomb and suddenly he is free, in a world he does not know how to live in. 
He avoids thinking about it, focusing instead on fighting what is before him. The fight it’s an eternity, it’s all he knows. 
It’s what kills him. 
He opens his eyes with a start, lupine shape jogging next the the Titan he had seen fall and he freezes, unable to believe his eyes. 
Forsaken Rome is no more. 
Before his gaze he sees the Rome that was lost to the gods. 
He could weep. 
He could sing. 
He does neither, too dumbstruck by the change to gather his thoughts. 
Davheira follows Aurora into the Fey Forest, and helps the survivors, too busy with his duties to think about anything else. 
Purposefully busy, and desiring to avoid thinking about those who died, the grief that came from it and the reality that now he is faced. 
For weeks, he works with Aurora, he watches the birth of a realm, avoiding the pain and the grief until he can no longer do so. 
He is appointed ambassador to the Senate. 
He has to face the people that he lost.
He doesn’t quite know how to do that.
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ddejavvu · 6 months
hi mei! i absolutely love your stories! you’re a really great writer 🥰
i was wondering if u’d be interested in doing a hotch drabble about him with a s/o who seems really intimidating but is actually really soft and sweet?
like maybe it’s her appearance that makes the team intimidated by her—edgy clothing and dark makeup and stuff—when she shows up to hang out with hotch on his lunch breaks. and she’s like ‘i feel like your team doesn’t like me :(‘ and he’s like ‘honey, they’re borderline scared of you’ but it’s fluffy.
if you don’t wanna that’s totally okay! i did a bad job explaining but i’m sure you’d do an amazing job :)
love ya!! hope ur having a good day
Aaron loves when you visit him at the office for lunch, but you don't look like you're in high spirits yourself. When you sit down its with a huff and a hiss of the chair accommodating your weight, only adding to your dramatics.
"This might be my career in profiling speaking," Aaron begins, his voice soft in case something is terribly wrong, "But something tells me you're not having a good day, sweetheart."
"You're good," You tease him, and he wishes you could laugh about it together, "Aaron, I think Doctor Reid is afraid of me."
Aaron has to bite his tongue not to laugh. Doctor Reid is afraid of buffets, he thinks, but it's not an abundance of germs that unnerves Spencer about you, it's- well, it's everything he knows about you.
"Honey," Aaron calls upon that sweet tone again, "He doesn't know you very well."
"You didn't deny it!" You groan, falling back into your chair and abandoning your soup on his desk, "I knew it. What did I do?"
Aaron looks into your eyes, black-lined and sharp. He watches you chew on your cheek, your black-stained lips moved by the nervous quirk. Below your tense jaw is a chain that rests against your neck, not a full choker but not loose, either. It nearly disappears into the hem of your jacket, black leather that falls over a rather graphic old band tee.
"It's not what you've done," Aaron explains tentatively, "It's probably- well, how you look."
Your nose scrunches, and Aaron marvels the fact that you seem to have forgotten your appearance, "How do I look?"
"Like a doberman pinscher in human form," Aaron bites off a corner of his sandwich, chewing it in lieu of pressing the matter further.
"I like dobermans." You supply weakly, "Why is he afraid of me?"
"You're just not what he's used to," Aaron sighs, swallowing his mouthful and leaning across the desk, hand outstretched, "He probably thinks you could dismember him with those nails."
You place your palm in Aaron's own, and he flips your hand around to showcase the rather impressively sharp acrylics you're sporting.
"And your boots are heavier than he is, I guarantee it," Aaron nods down at your thick-soled black boots, ones that give away your entrance from a mile away by the sound of their rubber hitting the ground.
"He's just..." Aaron searches for the right word, trying not to disparage you or Reid, "Skittish. You should talk to him, though, honey. He likes science, and literature, and Star Trek. Pick something from one of those categories, and I promise he'll never stop talking to you for the rest of your life."
You're mostly satisfied, but you let your hand rest in Aaron's for a moment longer, and he'd be a fool to drop it.
"Am I scary, Aaron?" You ask earnestly, and his smile is warm as he brings your hand to his mouth to kiss at your knuckles.
"Not to me. And not to anyone who knows you," He promises, "But... it is nice to not have to worry about carrying a gun when we go out together."
"Aaron!" You laugh, "I'm not a weapon!"
"You could be!" Aaron insists, tugging your hand over to his lunch and dragging your fingernail across his sandwich, "Here, honey, cut it for me, would you? They forgot to give us knives."
"Stop!" You insist, but your laughter gives you away as you turn back to your soup with burning cheeks, "Just you wait, Aaron. As soon as Penelope stops running whenever I enter a room, we're gonna talk shit about you for this."
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keerysfreckles · 5 months
hey hey hey, yo
It's 2am and I was thinking of a simple Luke story (in whatever format you want) with an Aphrodite! reader who simply leaves him mesmerized every time, and at one point Percy simply exposes him and it all ends in a confession and reader just being completely beautiful lol lol lol (no description needed, we are all beautiful!!!)
teenage dream — luke castellan
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pairing: luke castellan x aphrodite!reader (no specific pronouns used)
warnings: none! just a cute little luke drabble 🤗
a/n: im a sucker for aphrodite!reader x luke omg SMTH ABT IT IS JUST SO UGH-
masterlist !
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
if you said luke staring at you almost all day every day was shocking to you, you'd be lying. you didn't tell luke you noticed, but oh, you noticed.
in archery today, while you were helping a few of the newer campers how to aim, you sensed someone staring at you with nothing but heart eyes. that someone was luke.
while you were walking with one of your sisters after lunch, you made eye contact with luke as you passed his cabin. the boy blushed, and turned in embarrassment. you thought it was adorable.
and on the way to the infirmary with another camper, who hurt his arm during sword fighting lessons, you saw luke staring at you from afar. you sent him a simple wave and a smile. you were surprised he waved back, considering most of the time he would've just looked away with flushed cheeks.
those were only three of the hundreds of times the hermes boy has stared at you with adoration. you couldn't help yourself when you stared at him the same way. (what he doesn't know won't kill him).
you were on your way to dinner with your cabin. mr d. barrelled into your cabin telling you all to get to the mess hall. he mentioned something about chiron waiting on your cabin so he can get along with tonight's announcements.
just as you were about to sit down, you felt a tug on the back of your camp half-blood shirt.
"oh, what's up percy?"
you'd seen the boy around camp plenty of times. you two became close once you helped him get seaweed out of his hair one time. (don't ask, he had a long day).
"hey, so you see that guy over there?" he was quick to the point, as he turned and gestured to luke sitting at the hermes table.
you nod, "i'd say im familiar with him, why?"
"now luke doesn't really want me to tell you this, so you didn't hear it from me." you nod, making him continue. "he has the biggest crush on you, and i mean biggest. even when i was in his cabin he wouldn't shut up about you."
your eyebrows raise in amusement, "oh! is that so?" you look over towards luke, who seems too busy to be talking with his temporary siblings to see your stare.
percy nods, "i'm telling you, he's obsessed."
you giggle, and look at luke again. he's now looking at you and percy. you almost sense that he's nervous.
you thank percy for the not so newfound information, before walking towards luke's table. his eyes never leave you. "hi luke," you smile, placing your hand on his shoulder. "so uh, a little birdie may have told me you have a crush on me."
a few ooh's left the lips of luke's siblings. both of you chose to ignore it.
he shakes his head, "i don't know what you're talking about."
you lean down to his ear, so only he can hear, "meet me outside my cabin after dinner," you offer sweetly. you simply kiss his right temple before going back to your own table, leaving a very stunned and blushing luke behind.
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Warnings: branding (of reader), as well as typical yandere themes like abduction, mentioned murder, mentioned violence, and threats.
There are also slight spoilers for the main quest (Idk how the quests are organized yet HAKDHD I didn't pay attention. But I'm at the point where I have to get to union lvl 21 to continue the main quest, so no spoilers for those quests).
ALSO HI LADIES here's your yearly fanfic. The drabbles are in chronological order. Its nearly 2.9k words total. Goodbye now.
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Scar is a busy man who, by the nature of his work, can't settle down in any one place for too long.
It's what is keeping you sane, honestly. You only have a certain dramatic, scarred, card-wielding bastard on your couch (or, as is becoming more frequent, next to you when you wake up) for a few days every once in a while. His visits are irregular and unpredictable, just like he is. 
That doesn't make it much better, though. He seems to take pride in being a pest. Scar loves attention, and unfortunately, he's not above being annoying to get it. From monologues about the great Lament to asking you about tragedies that seem random, until he openly admits to being the culprit so he can tell the story, there's little he won't do to keep your eyes on him. None of it is anything that would be helpful to the authorities, of course, but there's not much to avoid talking about there. The Fractsidus has always made their ideals quite clear, after all.
One of the first things you do when you find him, relaxing in your living room like he owns it, is threaten to tell the higher-ups about him.
"Alright, then. Go right ahead!" With a seemingly carefree smile, he crosses his legs on your couch, feet on the table and all, and gestures towards the front door.
You narrow your eyes at him and back away, not tearing them away for a second. He snorts and gives you a small, sarcastic little wave and an ingenuine closed-eye smile.
Your back hits the door behind you, so you're forced to turn around to undo the deadbolt. Right as you do, though, a strange, bright red blanket of cards spreads up from beneath your feet, encasing you in a dome. You blink, and you're under a red sky on a desolate, floatibg island. Whirling all around you is a maelstrom of decimated buildings and pillars.
You whirl on your feet, and your eyes land on him, standing only a few feet away from you with one hand on his hip. A muted sense of anxiety thrums uneasily in the back of your mind. Your eyes meet his, one red and the other a dull gray, and you think you finally understand how a deer in headlights feels.
"Are you going to kill me?" Your voice is eerily steady and calm, belying the anxiety and adrenaline rushing through your veins. It sounds alien to your ears.
He outright laughs in your face and leans in close. "What reason would I have to lie?" he asked. "If I did want to kill you, I'd just tell you. There's nothing you could do to stop me." He places a hand on your head and ruffles your hair, undeterred by your instinctual flinch.
"Remember this. With the new Lament growing ever closer, nobody has the resources or time to spare to keep a simple civilian, like you, safe from someone like me." Scar's tone lowers towards the end with a dark promise, and his smile sharpens into a smirk.
He turns on one heel and walks away. With a snap of his fingers, the chaotic scenery melts away to reveal your simple living room once again. "Consider that a warning. Even if you did tell anyone, do you think they could do anything that would help you?" He looks over his shoulder at you, his dim, empty eyes flashing dangerously.
"Think about the price they would have to pay for your own desperation."
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Night has long since fallen, but you're still out and about. It's not that you have anything left to do, it's just... when you go home, you're going to have to see Scar again. If you have to listen to another of his monologues, you might actually try to kill him. It's not because you're a little scared of him. Of course not.
(Your eyes still dart around nervously, jumping at any flash of red you see.)
You check your phone for the time, only to find it's just past midnight. Everything is closed, and you're really not sure what to do now. Maybe you should just suck it up and go home. The thought has you slumping your shoulders with a defeated sigh.
A hand clamps down on your mouth, and another strong arm wraps around your waist, pulling you against a firm chest. In a panic, you kick and flail and try your best to scream, but it's all futile. They drag you into the alleyway behind you anyway.
"Relax! It's just me," Scar purred, the hints of a laugh tinging his voice. His breath fans against your ear. "I've just noticed... You've been spending so much time out and about, it's like you’ve forgotten about me. Consider my feelings hurt."
Scar pulls the both of you into one of his all-too-familiar crimson portals. You try to pipe up with some snide comments or annoyed curses, but his hand only presses more firmly against your mouth.
"Ah-ah-ah." He moves his hand into your sight from your waist just to wag a claw-tipped finger at you before he places it back, securing you against him again.
It's only a few seconds before a wall in your bedroom comes into view and the red light of the portal behind you disappears. All of a sudden Scar falls backwards, pulling you helplessly along with him. You make an embarrassing, surprised little squeak on the way down, reflexively clinging to him until you both land on the bed behind you.
He lets out an amused little chuckle and rolls over, putting you both on your sides with his chest pressed against your back. He buries his face in your throat with a sigh and finally frees your mouth so he can hold you close like a plushie.
"I know what you were trying to do," he murmurs into your ear, a threatening undertone to his voice.
Your breath catches in your throat before you can stop it. "I don't know what you're talking about. I was just busy."
His lips dance across your skin, and you can feel his smile against your throat. "You don't think I'm gullible, do you?"
Well, dammit. So much for that. You try to look at him to gauge his reaction, but his arms only tighten around you. His face is hidden in your neck anyway, so it's a lost cause.
"I'm... sorry?"
"As long as you don't try it again, dollface."
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For a few months, maybe a year (depending on the timing and your temperament) Scar doesn't think he'll need to kidnap you. You're somewhere safe, in a place where he can come find you whenever he pleases. Why bother? Besides, it's nice watching you go about your day.
Unfortunately, he slowly comes around more and more over time, making this outcome inevitable. There are two primary factors. The prophecy is the first; his free time dwindles more and more as it nears its fulfillment, and the idea of having you available at any given moment becomes a more alluring prospect day by day. Alternatively, you're too desperate to get rid of him, and he decides it would be easier to isolate you, away from any "pesky helpers," as he would put it.
Scar tosses the idea around in his mind for a few days before he makes his final decision. He won't even keep it a secret from you, either; he tells you this casually in the spur of the moment, in a bid for your attention. Maybe you seem disinterested, too busy paying attention to something else. Maybe you've realized his "weakness," as you might call it, and tried to give him the silent treatment. Either way, what you do can push him towards a decision a little early. He usually takes great care to reign in his impulses, but with you, he doesn't have to. An ordinary citizen like yourself would have quite a bit of difficulty getting away from him, after all. He finds your helplessness freeing, to a degree.
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"I've been thinking lately," Scar trails off, clearly fishing for your response.
"You can do that?" It's out of your mouth before you can think to stop it. You almost regret giving him what he wants, but the opportunity was too good to pass up. At the very least, you can focus on the dishes you're washing instead of sparing him a glance.
He snorts, but otherwise doesn't acknowledge your comment. "I think it's about time we take our relationship to the next level. Don't you?"
Your head snaps in his direction. "The hell does that mean?" you demand. Your face twists in a mixture of confusion and slowly dawning horror, an expression the bastard revels in. His toothy grin widens, and with a flick of his wrist, he produces a card out of thin air to idly spin and flip between his fingers.
"It's been really nice spending time with you here, you know? But unfortunately, duty calls, and I can't always spare the time to come visit." Scar sighs dramatically with an exaggerated frown, resting both arms on the back of your couch. "It's such a shame. I'm sure you miss me, don't you?"
You uneasily turn back to the dishes, putting another on the drying rack and picking up a new one. "Not really. Don't you have any friends to talk to?"
"And there's the other point!" You refuse to look at him, but you can hear his footsteps as he leisurely saunters to the kitchen. You try to focus on scrubbing off a particularly stubborn patch of grease on your pan. "You can be so hard to deal with sometimes! It makes me wonder if all the effort I go through to keep you happy is worth it."
You furrow your brows, a frown tugging at your lips. The moment you move to speak, a red-tipped finger comes from behind to press against your lips in a shushing motion. "Now, now, dear. No need to tell me it isn't true." His face leans into view from over your shoulder with a smile. "Besides, I'm sure you'll be just as excited for this as I am."
"Excited for wh-"
Scar cuts you off without words, making the world spin as he turns you around to face him. Your pan falls with a clatter, and suddenly you're faced away from the window above the sink and looking up into his face, split by an ear-to-ear grin. His pupils are blown wide with excitement, lit up by a manic glint in his usually dull irises.
"You're coming with me. You have three days to write out your will and say goodbye to the people you care about," he spoke, his voice rough at the edges and trembling with suppressed amusement. His hands rest on the edge of the counter on each side of you, caging you in. "Try to run away or tell anyone, and I'll kill them all. Obey, and they can live."
Scar leans in so close that his nose brushes yours, with a stare so intense you would have thought his eyes were glowing. "We have a lot of things we can do with their bodies. Would you like to see what a Tacet Discord born of human flesh looks like?"
You can't tear your eyes away from his intense, bright stare for even a second. With slow, trembling movements, you shake your head.
"Now that's what I wanted to see." Scar leans in, pressing a kiss to your lips, only pulling away after a long moment. "Not so hard, was it? I'm sure you'll be alright, there's no need to be scared!" He brightens up in a flash, any trace of his previous threats gone. He licks his lips as he turns away from you.
"All that being said, I'm sure something similar will happen to your family in the true Lament, so it doesn't matter. But if it makes you happy, I don't mind leaving them be in the meantime." Scar looks up at nothing in particular, summoning another card to toy with idly. His spare hand rests behind his back.
"Isn't it boring how the world is stagnating?" Scar starts up again. "Chaos, as orchestrated by the great Threnodians, can create a form of equality impossible to achieve with our current status quo..." His voice turns fuzzy in your mind as you tune his droning out. Three days? Where is he taking you? What about your life?
You take a shaky breath, bringing a hand up to tug at your hair. Wasn't there anything you could do? All his talk of controlling one's own destiny flashes in your mind, mocking you. Would you ever see your family again?
You only realize that Scar has noticed your breakdown when he places a hand on your shoulder and pulls you close. "Aww, don't cry," he murmurs, wiping away tears you didn't even realize were falling with a thumb. "It's not so bad, I promise." His lips stretch into a facsimile of a comforting smile, and he strokes your hair in an attempt at comfort. He pulls your face into his shoulder, periodically shushing you.
You stay like that for a few minutes, and when he deems you suitably stable, he moves to lean on you with one arm on your shoulder, the other outstretched before the both of you in a grand gesture. "Don't worry, just imagine it. Wouldn't it be lovely, being safe and sound by my side in my new world?"
"Not at all. Are you sure you don't hate me?" You mumble, your voice rough and tired.
He rolls his eyes. "Darling, I could never. Oh well, I'm sure you'll come around." Scar shrugs it off. Suddenly, he snaps his fingers, and his eyes flash, as though he had remembered something important. "Oh, by the way, the rest of today is the first of the three days. Would you like to get a head start?"
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One day, Scar returns from one of his excursions with a plan in mind. Without a word, he sits you down in the makeshift infirmary of his Fractsidus hideout of choice for the week. For once, he refuses to answer any of your questions, instead opting to gather a few medical supplies from around the room. When he's satisfied with the collection—bandages, ointment, and a bottle of painkillers—he sets them down on the table next to you.
"Did you get hurt out there or something?" You cross your arms and lean back in the uncomfortable metal chair. "Don't expect me to bandage you up." If that growing smile is anything to go by, he knows you're just trying to cover up your sense of unease, but he doesn't call you out on it.
"You wound me. But to answer your question, not quite."
The hair on the back of your neck stands on end. What could he have planned?
Scar isn't going to let you theorize for too long, it seems. He kneels in front of you, one of his signature ram skull cards held flat against the palm of his hand. He ignores you as you flinch away, tensing up, eyes darting between him and his hand.
"What are you doing?" you hiss. Scar chuckles in lieu of a response. His hand drifts up to the side of your throat, pressing his palm—and the smooth side of the card within it—firmly to the skin of your throat. As if reading your mind, his opposite hand lands on your opposite shoulder, keeping you in place before you can try anything.
With a wink, a sharp-toothed grin, and a faint flash of red from beneath his hand, he sears the card's image into your skin with a flash of white-hot pain. The rest is a blur. All you can remember are your cries as he presses your face into his shoulder, stroking your hair as he shushes you.
Now you sit on the couch, with a cup of (instant, but still) hot chocolate in hand and soft bandages around your throat. Scar crosses one leg over the other and slings an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in close.
"Why?" you ask simply, with not even enough energy left to look at him.
He hums in mock thought, making a show out of considering his words. "Well, there's really not much to it," he shrugs with one of his characteristic smiles. "I was just thinking of something more... permanent, today."
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steddieas-shegoes · 10 months
Steve Harrington having a stutter? maybe Eddie and Steve are in an interview after revealing their relationship to the public (kinda ties with ur rockstar eddie drabbles?) and people make fun of his stutter. Hes always had it, he just doesn't talk in public so its a surprise to everyone that he has a stutter and that they actually get to hear his voice
So I know the request said he always had the stutter, but I wanted to do something head trauma related for this because Eddie is gonna get a little overprotective and says some stuff about his very amazing husband to be. I've never written a character having a stutter before, so I hopefully made it realistic. In my head, he struggled with some hard consonants and 'th', 'ch', and 'sh' sounds. - Mickala ❤️
“Everyone please give your warmest welcome to Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington!”
They walked onto the stage with smiles and waves, hands clasped between them as they walked to the couch they’d be sitting on for their interview.
They chose this talk show host, Hannah, because she wasn’t pushy, asked heartfelt questions, and wanted to get the genuine stories out there.
Steve had been nervous to be on any talk show, so he was the one who made the decision to be on this one and Eddie was happy to oblige.
Her viewers may not have been his usual crowd, but if it made Steve more comfortable, he didn’t really care.
“Wow, that was a warm welcome!” Eddie exclaimed.
He wanted to keep it light; Steve’s hand in his was sweaty and shaking, and he knew Hannah could see his nerves.
“I think everyone is just so excited to have you here! You’re not our usual guest, I’ll be honest, so you’re shaking things up for all of us.” She smiled before looking at Steve. “Now, let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way first. Steve, that ring on your finger sure is a beauty!”
He glanced down at it for a moment, smiling to himself.
Eddie proposed a month ago, on their week-long getaway to Greece, and as much as they tried to hide it, it was on the cover of every tabloid and online news article within 24 hours.
They hadn’t even come out officially yet.
It caused Steve to panic, and then Eddie panicked, and then they both decided to take control of their own narrative and do this interview.
“Th-thank you,” Steve replied. “Eddie did g-good, didn’t he?”
Steve’s stutter was barely noticeable when they were in a comfortable environment, especially since they’d been together for so long. But when they were in a stressful situation, or around new people, or both, it became more obvious.
Steve had already spoken to Hannah about it beforehand, said he wouldn’t mind talking about it as long as it wasn’t the focus of the interview. She agreed and said that she would follow his lead on everything, and Eddie warned her he wouldn’t hesitate to walk them both off the stage if Steve got uncomfortable.
“He did great! Honestly, I’ll have to get you to show my husband how to pick an engagement ring. Bless his heart, he tried. Luckily, we married for love and not his ability to know what I want in a ring.”
The audience laughed, and Steve couldn’t help letting out a small giggle.
“Soooo…tell us how he did it!” Hannah continued, eyes glimmering under the stage lights.
“Um.” Steve took in a shaky breath. “We were at a p-priv-vate d-dinner on the beach-ch.” Eddie squeezed his hand once, smiling over at him as he let him lead. “He s-sang me a s-song and th-then proposed.”
“How romantic,” Hannah rested her head in her hands and sighed. “Everyone in the audience is going to show this to their significant others for them to take notes, I’m sure.”
“He left out the part where I also bought him the fancy wine he wanted only for it to be the worst thing we’ve ever tasted and we ended up giving it to a couple further down the beach,” Eddie added, playfully nudging Steve’s shoulder.
“Yeah, w-well,” Steve shrugged, blushing profusely.
“What a letdown! Hopefully the other couple liked it,” Hannah laughed.
“They didn’t complain, but honestly we didn’t stick around for too long. We were freshly engaged and had much better things to be doing,” Eddie winked at the audience.
“Oh, I bet you did!” Hannah smiled before getting more serious. “So you’ve been together for a while?”
“We were friends when we were really young, and it grew into more when Steve was supporting me and my band in the local bar scene. We’ve dated for almost four years now.”
“Awww. And you’ll be getting married pretty soon, right?” Hannah asked.
“Yes, we d-decided on next March-ch,” Steve added. “Spring is when w-we met-t.”
“Lovely! I’m sure the wedding will be quite the party.”
“We’re keeping it pretty small, just family and our circle of friends. My bandmates will be there. Just us back at home with the people who love us,” Eddie smiled.
“I think that sounds wonderful.” Hannah clapped her hands. “So, Eddie, with all this excitement in your personal life, what’s it look like for the band?”
“I’ll be on tour with them for August and September, and then we’ll be working hard on recording the next album in October and November so we can have it out next year. I won’t be doing anything else until after the wedding, though. I promised Stevie I’d help him plan everything.”
The crowd cheered, and Steve spoke up.
“He also p-promised t-to visit the loc-cation with me in Novemb-ber so we’ll see,” Steve teased, seeming to relax quite a bit more.
The interview carried on, mostly focusing on Eddie’s band and some more casual talk of the wedding and future plans.
Steve never completely relaxed, but he seemed much more at ease as Hannah focused more on Eddie for a few minutes, smiling at Steve when he decided to add something.
“Alright, that’s all the time we have boys! It was lovely to have you and we’re so looking forward to your future together!”
The audience cheered, the boys waved goodbye, and they walked back to the green room to grab some water before going back to their hotel.
Eddie stopped Steve in the hall, ignoring the people passing by, and pulled Steve against him.
“I’m so proud of you, sweetheart,” he whispered against his lips before pressing a soft kiss there. “You’re amazing.”
“Eds, st-stop,” Steve blushed.
“Nope, wanna tell you all the time. You’re incredible.”
Steve is a lovely person, and I will not tolerate hate comments on anything related to the interview I did with him and Eddie. My team always does the best with reporting hate comments, so keep that in mind before posting something you may regret later. Any Eddie Munson fan should know that Eddie wouldn’t accept this disgusting behavior towards his fiance.
Steve could feel tears welling in his eyes as he read Hannah’s lovely public comment about some of the hate she’d been receiving in regards to their interview.
One comment in particular had hurt to see: a fan claiming that Eddie just felt bad for him and didn’t want to break up with him because Steve would run to the press with negative stories about him.
Eddie was still asleep, hadn’t seen most of what was being posted since the interview aired first thing that morning, but Steve did.
He liked Hannah’s statement and posted it to his Instagram story with a heart emoji.
He went through some responses from Eddie’s bandmates and liked them, too.
Steve is probably the best thing that’s happened to all of us, so any “fan” of ours who doesn’t see how awesome he is, consider yourself uninvited to any show. Gareth posted.
You guys better hope Eddie doesn’t hop on here and see all this or he’ll end up hunting you for sport. Jeff joked, though Steve knew that he may be more right than not.
Imagine being so jealous of someone that you decide to make fun of the one thing they’re self-conscious about. Couldn’t be me. Grant posted on all his social media profiles.
Then he saw Robin’s post and his heart stopped for a moment.
My best friend is the bravest person I know. He only has a stutter because he risked his life to protect me. If head trauma is a joke to you, then I hope you find new material soon. When Eddie sees this, he’s gonna lose his shit.
Steve let out a mix of a sob and a laugh, startling Eddie awake.
“What is it, sweetheart? What’s wrong?” he asked as he sat up in their bed.
“I g-guess p-people aren’t a b-big fan of me,” he said as he held his phone out towards Eddie to show him what was going on.
Eddie’s face flushed red with anger before he calmly handed Steve his phone back.
Eddie silently reached for his own phone and pulled up his notes app.
Steve watched him type furiously for a few minutes, then screenshot a couple of times, and open Instagram.
“Eds…it’s fine. Not w-worth it.”
But it was too late, and Steve’s phone went off with a notification that he’d been tagged in Eddie’s post.
It was a series of pictures, the first being a picture taken of them shortly after Steve’s worst head injury, when he barely could speak at all.
The next few images were the screenshots from Eddie’s phone.
I can’t believe I have to say this, but here goes. Steve Harrington, soon-to-be Munson, is the best person I know. I am lucky to be able to wake up next to him, to call him mine, to be his. He is incredibly brave, incredibly loving, and much too forgiving. He will be much nicer than I will. He is not defined by his stutter, but it is a part of his life, and it does impact him much more than he should ever have to worry about. But that picture you just saw? That was a man who could barely even say my name. I thought I would never hear him even say my name again. I’ve seen comments making fun of how he talks, how long it takes him to say some things, his intelligence. And I won’t tolerate it. If you have anything negative to say about him, unfollow me before I block you myself. Fame means absolutely nothing to me compared to this man, and I won’t let him suffer through the bullying just so I can make some fucking music. See yourself out or see us be happy. Up to you.
The last image was a picture of them the night before, cozy in their bed, Steve looking into the camera while Eddie looked at him, so much love passing from him it was almost a physical presence.
“Eds-” Steve started.
“I love you. I won’t let anyone let you think for a second that I don’t,” Eddie said fiercely.
“I know. I l-love you, t-too.”
They both shut off their phones for the rest of the day, didn’t care much for anything outside of their bed.
Steve called Hannah to thank her for everything the next day, and she was grateful to hear from him. He explained that he wouldn’t be doing any more interviews, but was glad he’d had a positive experience with her.
“Do you think Eddie will come back to the show someday to talk about you?” she asked.
“I th-think you’ll reg-gret asking him back. He won’t sh-shut up about me,” Steve smirked to himself.
“He shouldn’t. You’re both so lucky to have each other.”
“Yeah. W-we are.”
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k4marina · 24 days
this was supposed to be a drabble, but fuck it, we ball.
bassed off of this.
warnings: gotham. moral of the story is don’t walk the streets of gotham alone at night
"i don't get it," you say into the phone that's pressed in between your ear and shoulder. your best friend on the other line hums in agreement. "it's like he's living like a double life y'know? rich corporate dude by day, and then some sort of street thug by night."
she laughs on the other end. "that would be an interesting movie plot. but for real, i'm glad that i'm not in your shoes, no offense-"
"none taken,"
"-i'd drive myself insane trying to figure out who my soulmate was."
you shake your head, smiling, "careful, keep talking like that and you'll end up in arkham."
her laugh fades for a second before coming back to the phone. "speaking of which, has your little thug boyfriend run across the batman yet?"
you shake your head, not that she can see anyways, "no, not yet. i wonder what that would be like though. maybe then he'd stop running around in the streets like an idiot."
"a little intervention by the bats?"
"totally," you laugh. you glance back at the little wall clock you had, groaning. "i'm gonna have to go, gotta head to work. talk to you tomorrow?"
"okay, stay safe, byeee," you could hear the sound of her kissing on the other end, you doing the same before ending the call and getting ready for work.
by the time 4 am had rolled around you had finished your shift and were steadily making your way back home. was it risky to walk alone in the dead of night in gotham? yes. but at least you have your pepper spray.
the streets are dimly lit, casting an orange hue onto the pavement. the second you turn the corner you could already tell something was off. your hand reaches into the bag, pulling out your pepper spray, uncapping it.
your eyes shift around, scanning the area in front of you when a hand reaches out, pulling you back by your shoulder. you hit the persons chest, instinctively pulling back to see who it was.
some street thug who looked like he hasn't taken a shower in days gives you an eerie smile, sending shivers down your body and paralyzes you.
"don't cha' know betta then to walk around at night?" his nasally voice makes you want to recoil into yourself. his rancid cigarette breath doesn't help when he speaks up again.
"hey, i'm talkin' ta yah. you not gon' answer me." he steps forward and you step back in fear. "what? you think you too fuckin' good?"
he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a switchblade. "no like's a fuckin' bitch, yeah?"
before he could do anything, he stops, looking past you. you find the courage to turn, craning your head at the shadowy figure, spotting the symbol on his chest.
his eyes lock onto yours and you take a sigh of relief. he grunts, softly grasping your shoulder and pushes you behind him. only, when his hand makes contact with you, a white flash comes over your eyes and when it all fades away your met with the thugs face.
except, it's like you're in another persons body.. sort of how when you and your soulmate see out of the others eyes...
you watch as the thug gets beaten into a pulp in an all familiar way, now finally taking notice of the gloves he always wore and how thee thug rasps his name.
by the time the beating is finished your sight has returned to you and you stare into batman's back, your heart racing. he turns, and by the look in his eyes he knows too. he steps back to leave, but you're quicker.
"wait," you reach out, your hand just briefly making contact with his gloved hand. but it's enough for your sight to switch, momentarily seeing your own shocked face from a higher angle.
it was the batman.
"no fucking way," is all you're able to say. your soulmate wasn't a rich street thug.
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i tired to make the creepy dude have a new york /jersey accent, but i've never written one before so it's probably shit lol.
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lestappenforever · 7 months
Post Brazil GP 2023 Lestappen drabble
There is a heaviness in his chest as Charles makes his way down a hotel hallway that isn't his own. His eyes feel dry and sore — seemingly completely devoid of any moisture. Not that he's surprised, given the countless tears he's been shedding this afternoon.
He'd qualified P2 in Brazil, still high off his P3 finish in Mexico the week before. Finally going into the race weekend feeling confident for what felt like the first time in ages. When he'd woken up that Sunday morning, Charles had been full of hope. He'd been excited. Happy.
He should have known it would end with engine failure, sending him into the barriers in the formation lap, because it's the fucking story of his life this year.
If only the team had listened to him. If only they'd changed the fucking engine like he'd begged them to.
But no. Instead, he went from P2 to a fucking DNS.
How could he be so fucking unlucky?
He stops outside of a hotel room door at the end of the hall, and he only manages to knock once before the door swings open.
Max is wearing a towel slung low around his waist, his damp hair a mess atop his head. The skin of his chest and face are flushed a soft pink.
If Charles didn't feel so damn empty, he would have been able to fully appreciate the sight. He would have reached out and tugged the knot of Max's towel loose with a swift flick of his wrist and they'd stumble into the room and fall gracelessly onto the bed in a tangle of limbs like they have done so many times before.
But alas, every ounce of desire, of excitement, every resemblance of joy, even for Max Verstappen, was ripped from his grasp the moment his car collided with the barries in the formation lap, leaving only nothingness behind. Only darkness. Only a dull ache that somehow feels situated in his very soul, rather than in his heart.
It's an odd feeling.
Max can tell that he's been crying, but he doesn't say anything — just steps aside to let Charles trudge into his hotel room with his head down and his shoulders slumped, heading straight for the minibar.
Behind him, the door clicks shut. Charles almost doesn't hear it over the sound of the beer he's cracking open.
He chugs the entire thing in one go. Opens another immediately after.
Max is leaning against the wall a couple of steps behind him, arms folded across his broad chest. Watching Charles intently, but remaining silent. Knowing there's nothing he can say; knowing Charles will say something.
The Monégasque downs the second beer. Opens a third before he turns to Max.
There's a light gone from his eyes. Max tries to suppress the shudder that runs through him at the unfamiliar sight.
He's seen Charles sad before. More times than he would like, in fact, especially this season. But this? This is something new. Something that makes something hard and unpleasant lodge in the center of Max's chest.
It's the last straw.
"Call Christian." Charles' voice is cold and flat, devoid of any emotions.
Max raises an eyebrow, heart skipping a beat in his chest.
"Are you sure?" The Dutchman asks, tentative in a way he seldom is.
He knows this is a sensitive topic. With the amount of conversations they've had about the potential of Charles joining Red Bull, Max has long since learned that he needs to tread carefully. But, this is the first time Charles is the one to initiate the conversation. And he supposes that counts for something.
Charles takes a long drink of his beer. Puts the bottle down on the table next to him. Nods.
"I'm sure," he says, voice firm. Certain. "I'm done."
Max doesn't ask another question; just walks over to the nightstand to pick up his phone. He unlocks it and navigates to Christian's contact. Allows himself one final look in Charles' direction, giving the other man one last chance to change his mind.
All Charles does is nod, shoulders squared. He looks solid — unyielding. Steady as a mountain amidst the most brutal storm.
As Max hits the 'Call' button on his phone, he can't help but think how gorgeous Charles looks like this, even though he knows that Charles' heart is broken into a million pieces.
Scuderia Ferrari will forever regret the day they destroyed the final piece of loyalty of their beloved prince — their Il Predestinato, who would have given them his entire life if they'd allowed him to.
"Hey Max," Christian's voice sounds through the speaker, and Max puts the phone to his ear.
"Christian," Max greets, watching as Charles closes the distance between them, holds out his hand expectantly. "There's somebody who wants to talk to you."
Max places the phone in Charles' outstretched hand. The Monégasque places it against his ear without hesitation.
"Christian, it's Charles," he says, green gaze locked on blue. "I'm in."
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misc-obeyme · 17 days
Hey cc
So in the vampire pop quiz I think it was Dia who said something very interesting "looks like they are fixated on mc because mc is the manifestation of their desires" now that did align well with my effort to understand why would all 7 of them be this obsessed lol
Anyway in my head mc goes like guys that's just my idea of how a proper human should be lol pretty sure if any other human ended up here who kinda like hot demons you all would be obsessed about that human too
Anyway, can I request a drabble about this kind of mc not insecure, just not understanding why mc deserving all this attention
Barb would be interesting to drabble about this since it took him sooooo looooong to open up to mc a bit
happy to see you are still having fun with Barbs thirst trap 😎
Hi there, 🐆 anon! I apologize for the delay on this - it's been taking me a little longer than I anticipated to get through the drabble requests...
Augh the Barbatos shower picture is going to be the death of me, I swear. I'm still thinking about a nsfw drabble based on one of his lines lkasdfkjfj it's a problem, I swear.
Anyway, here's a Barb drabble with MC not getting why the demons are obsessed with them! I thought it was a cute little scenario. And Barb is just being super romantic as always lol. I can't help it, I am but a humble fluff writer.
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Barbatos could see it on your face - a subtle expression that the others might not pick up on. It told him the story of how you were trying your best to hide your own confusion. It was something that happened every time one of the brothers complimented you, when they fought over you, when they expressed this need to always be near you. A slight furrow of your brow, the tiniest downturn of your lips, the fleeting uncertainty that flashed through your eyes.
Ever since your first day in the Devildom, Barbatos had seen this look. He was always watching you. The more he did, the more it became clear to him that you didn't understand why everyone seemed to think there was something special about you.
Perhaps he waited too long. Perhaps he should have mentioned it to you sooner. But you didn't seem distressed. All he ever saw was bafflement. So he let it be for quite some time. Until he finally found himself alone with you when it displayed itself.
Barbatos had been pouring you a cup of tea as he heard about the brothers' latest antics. You were telling him that they had been arguing over who got to work with you on an upcoming school project.
"And then Levi got involved and I had to calm everybody down before Lotan was summoned," you said.
You were looking down at the table, your mind clearly elsewhere, when that expression flashed across your face.
Barbatos put down the teapot. "Does it make you uncomfortable, MC? When they argue over you this way?"
You met his eyes, seemingly startled by his question. "No," you said. "It's a little silly, but it doesn't make me uncomfortable. Why do you ask?"
"It's only that I've noticed the look of confusion you sometimes have in moments like these," Barbatos said. "As if there's something that troubles you about it."
You frowned in thought for a moment. "I guess I just don't understand why they care so much? Why do they think I deserve this much attention? I just act like a regular human would. Why are they so… obsessed?"
Barbatos chuckled. "Do you truly not see? This is exactly what makes you so fascinating."
"I don't know what you mean," you said.
"Despite being a totally unique individual, you still believe you are ordinary," Barbatos said gently. "I have been alive for a long time, MC. I have met many humans. No two are alike. You are not 'regular' because there is no such thing. You are yourself and that is why we love you."
Barbatos was pleased to see that confused look replaced by a soft blush. "You…?" you couldn't finish your question.
Barbatos took your hand and kissed the back of it. "Indeed," he said. "Even I have fallen under your spell. I will remind you of how special you are for the rest of your life if I must."
You laughed, a little taken aback. "I don't think that's going to be necessary."
Barbatos only smiled, your hand still clasped in his. He was content to see such a soft and sweet expression on your face, a glint of happiness in your eyes. Despite what you said, if he ever did see that confusion there again, he would do everything he could to bring your smile back instead.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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ohbo-ohno · 7 months
Oh okay yes please talk about stalker Johnny and Ghost and reader with the make your own dick model 🙏🏻
yeeeesss. i should be writing 1k drabbles but you're getting this instead so i can get it out of my head. sorry not sorry!
stalker johnny who corrupts his girlfriend. you're very happy together and he very slowly introduces the idea of ghost... tells you all about how perfect his is, how strong, how big, how protective of his people, all sorts of things. paints this picture of an almost guardian angel type for her, sorta talks about ghost like he's a god
shows you pictures and his drawings too. and just, slowly, you starts to see ghost in the same way. it's definitely intentional on johnny's part - he tells you very specific stories about ghost to make him sound as perfect as possible
there's a bit of time when johnny starts to bring ghost into the bedroom. he'll fuck his pretty girlfriend with a strap and stuff a few fingers into her ass, whisper in her ear that he's stretching her out for simon. they'll make out and between kisses he'll whisper about what it would feel like to share ghost's cock between the two of you - both of you fighting over who gets to suck his shaft and who his balls, kissing around the head of his cock, fingering you while you suck his cock. it really works for you, and slowly but surely you share johnny's obsession
(he brings home a recording of ghost shouting at recruits one day. you've never come harder than when he fucks you with it playing in the background)
and ghost knows about johnny's little crush. how could he not? his sergeant follows him around like a puppy on base, constantly looking for approval, it would be impossible not to notice quite frankly. once johnny gets a girlfriend he thinks maybe the obsession will abate a bit, but... nope. if anything it gets worse
and, listen, ghost is a bit of an asshole. he's not above feeding johnny's obsession a bit. you think he doesn't see johnny filming him screaming at recruits? babe, he'll yell at johnny without pointing out the camera in his pocket. flexes a little bit when he catches johnny sneaking into the shower behind him. manhandles the boy by the back of his neck
he figures it's mostly harmless, though. honestly he's not sure johnny is freaky enough to really do anything about his crush
he meets you when the whole task force goes out for drinks one night. and ohhhh he gets it. he sees what's going on here.
you and johnny are like two little puppies, begging for his attention. he shows up to the table and sees you sitting in johnny's lap, and you're both staring up at him with stars in your eyes. it's a bit jarring, but ghost settles quickly. price and gaz fuck off early on in the night, and ghost is more than happy to spend some time with the two of you
the both of you pant after his attention all night. he tries to make small talk about your life but quickly realizes that you're only interested in hearing about him. sort of awkward, to be honest, but the attention is nice.
johnny scoots as close as he can with you in his lap, and ghost spreads his legs a bit press their thighs together. without saying anything he scoops your ankles up, setting them on the other side of his legs so you're laid out across him. ghost settles back into the cracked leather of the seat, throws an arm over johnny's shoulder, and takes a sip of his bourbon.
and oh you two blush so prettily
ghost honestly isn't sure if either you or johnny will be brave enough to do anything about your little crushes. he's not going to take that first step - he'll take all the steps after that, but he wants one of you to take the first - and he's a little disappointed when neither of you makes a move at the end of the night.
he notices something's wrong when he and johnny catch a ride home.
the heaviness in his limbs is terrifying at first, and he almost sounds the alarm before he sees the little gleam in johnny's eye.
and it clicks. he understands why his drink tasted just a little different when he came back to the table. and he lets himself relax into johnny's side, and starts planning how he'll get his boy back.
johnny helps him into his room, but leaves him be. simon applauds his restraint, and settles in to wait.
sure enough, less than an hour later, johnny sneaks into the room. ghost leaves his eyes shut, fighting the drugs to keep his mind present.
johnny nudges him a bit, then settles between his legs when he seems content that ghost isn't waking up any time soon. it's hard not to smirk.
"is he asleep?"
"yeah, bonnie, he's out."
oh now that's interesting, johnny's pretty little girlfriend is on the phone with him. your tinny voice sounds nervous but excited from the speaks, and johnny's is just excited.
it takes a while for ghost to figure out what the hell johnny is trying to do - he's never had a dick mold made of himself, alright? it's not an easy process to recognize. he wills himself to stay relaxed, and amuses himself with your conversation.
"oh, wow."
"what? is it big?"
a scoff. "big is an understatement. not sure even you'll be able to take this, lass."
an offended noise. "oh im sorry, this coming from the man who's stretched me out on his entire fist before?"
a laugh. "you're not face to face with his cock, bonnie. fuck, my fingers can't even wrap around it."
a moan. "yes, he's... thick, long. fuck, he's pretty."
ghost would laugh if he wasn't so complimented. who knew johnny would love his cock so much? alright, ghost knew. the boy hasn't been shy with his worship outside of the bedroom, it's not exactly a shock that he is inside of it.
"be careful you don't wake him."
"i'm not an amateur, lass. we watched him drink the whole thing, he's out for the night."
ghost almost laughs.
he's not sure how long johnny takes, but eventually he takes his phone and leaves. ghost's still drugged enough that he can't really look around and see what's happened, but he's pretty confident he knows at that point.
it's gratifying, to know that johnny is so obsessed that he wants to fuck his girlfriend with simon's cock.
now he's just got to figure out a way to watch him do it.
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mywifealhaitham · 1 year
warmth in the harshest winters
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-- fatui harbinger fluff drabbles !!
all romantic besides Pierro and Pulcinella
⚠: just fluff, slight mention of injury in some parts, firm believer in disabled sandrone, Capitano is very soft and squishy, scaramouche is wanderer, not proofread I'm sleepy
A/N: every fic I see with the harbingers are always more dark and borderline toxic so I wanted to make them all soft and fluffy :3
PIERRO doesn't know what to do with you sometimes. He's been alive for so long yet he can barely show affection to one he feels connected too. So he takes to the streets observing families all across snezhnaya. He sees fathers decorating their daughters in jewels calling them more beautiful than the gods and mothers teaching their sons how to cook for their future beloveds. Even though the old man has you, he still gets a wave of loneliness whenever he sees real families talk and live life together. However when he himself gifts you fine jewelry and teaches you ancient meals long forgotten by time the loneliness is his heart subdues and just for a moment, he has a family once again.
like DOTTORE himself, his segments share a great love for you and often pamper and coddle you when you're in their vicinity. Younger segments of himself often have heart eyes when they look at you, like how a schoolboy admires their teachers. You always pat their heads and tell them that technically when their older they can call you their own. His older segments often like to have more fun with you. Sometimes they'll sandwich you and poke you all already or they'll pull you in the lab to watch experiments they have conducted, waiting for your praise. Sometimes they get jealous of eachother and often that manifests into insecurities. So you reassure them that you'll love them all equally and you'll support them as long as you live.
COLUMBINA dotes on you almost all the time, you're practically her little doll. With your permission she takes you everywhere, walks through the city's most beautiful hidden spots were she has you rest on her lap while she sings songs proclaiming the love you too share, missions were she protects you with her life like a true knight in shining armor with you as her royalty, banquets that the fatui hold were she dresses you two up in matching outfits and walk into the ballroom arm-in-arm as everyone stares in awe, but her all time favorite place to take you is in her arms. As ethereal as some see her, her feelings are entirely human. The softness you provide fuels her fire, it gives her a reason to keep fighting if all her wings are clipped and she's left to die. Often times she'll hold you, almost making time stop and all you can hear is her heartbeat and a tune she hums as you drift off into a restful slumber.
though some may see him as a strong yet evil leader PULCINELLA treats you and a few others he sees as children very nicely. He holds great pride in the title grandpa you've given him, often time joking about how you'll need to be careful not to hurt his hold heart and soul. Whenever you visit him his face lights up patting the nearest seat, an invitation to get lost in stories with him. He'll offer you sweets he picked up that he knows you'll enjoy. As you snack happily he tells you stories of all different genres, ranging from snezhnian myths about creatures lurking in the night to foolish and silly things his fellow harbingers have done. Sometimes if you ask nicely he'll share stories about himself and how he came to be, leaving out more gruesome parts only leaving you with stories of a strong and determined man. If fate would allow it, he'd sit with you in these armchairs telling endless stories with you forever.
even before SCARAMOUCHE abandoned his title as balladeer and erasing himself from this world he vowed to keep you with him, you are his heart along with the electro gnosis. Before becoming the wanderer he is today, he asked Nahida if there's a way to keep you in his memories, if you can know him as both scaramouche and wanderer. Her response was simply no but the solution was simple, make you fall in love all over again. Even when Wanderer regained his memories he was puzzled on courting you. He used all the same methods as the balladeer and yet you would not fall as easily. Until one night you broke down hugging him, recently your heart felt like something was teared out and he replaced it. With a gentle smile he embraced you back, promising to repair the seemly ghosting feeling in your heart. Though in his mind he promised to love you more than the balladeer could ever give.
though most of her comrades were robots, screws and tools SANDRONE always knew how to be human around you. Due to locking herself away in metal and confinement she lost most of the skill you need to be human, accidentally crafting herself to be a robot. However you are her heart that beats reminding herself that she is flesh and bones and not bolts and steel. Being unable to walk on her own she relies on you to be her guiding feet to humanity. She's blunt but not by choice, she'll demand you too wheel her into the garden were she'll then demand you again to explain the life of plants and flowers. Her demands aren't terrifying like how she commands her subordinates but more light and flustered. As you explain how plants breath the air, drink water from their roots and bask in the sunlight she's silent. She's completely lost in your voice. She applies all the information that you told her into you. you are her air that she breaths, you are the water that brings her to life and finally you are her sun that melts away the metal of her skin, leaving her with flesh and bones, leaving her to be a human again.
people all across snezhnaya envy the fair lady's beauty, singing praises about her skin, her hair and her eyes. As much as she prides herself the only person to ever top SIGNORA'S beauty is you. Sometimes she'll place you on her lap as she brushes your hair and powders your face. The only words to come out of her mouth are endless waterfalls of praises. The gods themselves took the finest jewels teyvat has to offer and crafted them into your eyes she sings kissing your cheek while she pins up your hair. Every single silk flower in teyvat is jealous of how soft and clear you're skin is she sighs her hand trailing up from the tip of your fingers to your jawline as her other hand applies powder to your face, making it shine more than before. She scoots you off her lap, making you sit in the chair she occupied before you as she pulls out two shining outfits of your favorite colors. They look like something celestial being would wear, as you pick the one you like the best she beams. Perfect, she sings, tonight both of us will shine like stars, maybe even the gods will notice us hand in hand and imprint our love onto the night sky she winks and kisses your cheek. Tonight at the banquet your love will rival the sun and the moon.
Even though he is the richest of them all and believes money can define the world itself PANTALONE believes that 100% of your happiness cant be bought with mora alone. He believes in equality and that belief spreads onto you. Don't get me wrong he spends ungodly amounts of mora on you already, buying you the best meals any chef on teyvat can make, renting out museums and aquariums just so you can him can waltz in front of statues of the gods or the most gorgeous looking sea life. He buys you jewels and gems that shine so brightly that it blinds everyone around, but to him the thing that truly blinds everyone is money. So he makes sure that the greed he can give you doesn't taint you or corrupt your mind, making you believe that he's only bribing you to stay with him. The way he compels these thoughts is with his undying love to you. Most of his work is filing documents requesting funds so he always allows you to enter his space and exist along with him. Though he still needs to do his work he'll take breaks and play a few round of card games with you, or perhaps read a book together and discuss it but his favorite break time activity is when you two simply lay together on the couch he commissioned for times you wish to nap while he works. The combined comfort of the luxury couch and the warmth and weight of you on top of his person is something money can never buy, it's something he earned alone with no funds required.
TARTAGLIA is a child(e)ish man at heart and that applies for when you're around too. He'll hide behind the wall and as you walk by he'll shout boo as you clutch your chest and fall to the ground. Realizing the situation you both laugh as he outstretched his hand for you to get off the ground. In the early mornings he'll tickle you awake, he enjoys the feeling of you swatting him away and how your body vibrates when you burst out into giggles against him. He also loves when you play with his siblings, fully immersed in the action game his siblings have dragged you both into. As much as he says he's focused his real attention is on you and how your eyes sparkle when you get playfully shot at with a stick gun. Even though he is as playful as a fox there are times when he matures and is more romantic with you. He'll prepare candle-lit dinners with the best home made snezhnaya specialties. He'll warm you too a bath with rose petals and the best oils imported from all across the globe so you too can relax into eachother. Whenever you're sad he will be there, when your happy he will laugh with you, when your angry he will calm you down. As long as the sun still shines he will remain by your side, he is forever your loyal loving knight Ajax.
whenever they hear CAPITANO'S name one often thinks of a brutal man with a army that shadows a nation but what you hear is much more different. the Capitano you know is a gentle giant who during midnight walks will pick the most beautiful rose in the bush, carefully remove all it's thorns and gently placing it behind your ear. The Capitano you also know clasps one of your hands in excitement when the stray cat he was petting starts purring and nuzzling into the cool armor of his hand. Capitano is totally at your mercy, he's completely wrapped around your finger. He talks about you nonstop to the fatui soldiers around him, at first they hold great respect for you because you are Capitanos partner but overtime they respect you for yourself. You bring in blankets and pillows on cold nights to them, wrapped them and yourself up around a small campfire as you tell them stories of happy times. If you have the skill you even train with them, praising them on their blade work. This never goes unnoticed by Capitano who when he finally has you too himself engulfs you in a huge hug, telling you how proud he is of you and all the work you do to help the fatui. He and some of the fatui members you have helped call you a angel, a rare kind soul in the harshest of winters.
though her loyalty to the Tsaritsa is questionable ARLECCHINO love for you is not. People say she is crazy, not one part of her is sane but when she's with you all humanity she's lost throughout her life comes back into her. She's slightly possessive over you, asking to take you along for missions. During said missions she always makes sure you don't get a single scratch on your perfect body. She also likes to impress you during these times, sometimes she'll fight five strong enemies at once just enough so you'll be at the edge of your seat. When she swiftly and elegantly kills them all she'll kneel before you and kiss your hand, looking at you with loyalty and determination in her eyes. When you come on missions with her she only brings her most trusted fatui soliders with her, often times these soldiers are the ones she has personally raised at the house of the hearth. These fatui soldiers know better than to hurt you or get too comfortable with you so they simply let you be, protectively watching you from beyond. If by any chance some force breaks through the defense of well trained soldiers or Arlecchino herself and mange to her you she is deeply concerned. She'll drag you to her private tent and gently patch your wounds. after she'll cup your face in her hands and kiss away any tears that may have fallen during the process, promising you that she will shield you from any bad in this world even if that meant death to herself.
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mybelovedwoo · 10 months
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when we were younger
bff!san x f!reader
fluff, childhood best friends to lovers (slow burn) / wc: 2.5k
warnings: flashback secens, car ride, a very sleepy sannie
note: the second story of the san best friends to lovers drabbles. in this one, we can see a little more of their bond and how much they mean to each other. i hope you love the flashbacks too!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
san masterlist - main masterlist
Every year, you looked forward to one thing the most, and that was your annual vacation. Your whole family and your best friend San's, altogether far from the stressful days. It's been a tradition ever since you were a little kid, and it's still an ongoing thing, even now when you are all grown up. You never go to the same place twice, you are trying to travel through the whole country, that was the entire concept your guy's dads came up with.
You always go with two cars, one with San's family, his dad, mom, and his older sister, and one with your's dad, mom, you, and of course San. When you were little, San always wanted to go with you, because you were inseparable. You were an only child, you never had someone to play with at home, to be said you always were a little jealous of San and Haneul. They were there for each other always,  Haneul was the best big sister to San, you just wished you were their sibling too. But they took you in as their own.
In truth, they always thought of you as their own sibling, you all grew up together, and you and San being the same age made everything much easier. And there was Haneul, who always acted like a big sister to you, you looked up and learned a lot of things from her, she even helped you get ready for your first date. 
"Is it on? Let me see it already!" Haneul shouted from behind the closed door. You put on one of her dresses, which she gave you so that you can wear it tonight. This was your very first date, and the guy from your class that you liked asked you out to watch a movie with him. Sure you were nervous, but to be honest you were more excited. 
After school ended, you literally ran straight to Haneul's house, you asked her to help you get ready. You have never really done your make-up or hair like this before, so you couldn't be more thankful to have someone like her in your life, who can teach you things like this.
You opened the door and stepped out with that little flowery summer dress on you from her bathroom. You weren't much of a "dress" girl, you liked comfy pants much better, but you have to go all out on your first date, right?
"So, what do you think?" You asked of the girl in front of you. 
"I think it's perfect Y/n. If Daejung doesn't fall in love with you tonight, then he is dumb. Or blind." You both laughed at the last statement. But that soon stopped, when the door to Haneul's room suddenly opened, after two little knocks. You didn't even have time to answer it before San poked his head in.
"Hey, I just heard you two talking. Y/n, why didn't you wait for me? We could have come home together." He looked a little disappointed. You two always came home together from school every single day. You only live two streets away from each other, still, San always walks you home first, even though he lives closer to the school. "Wow, I've never seen you in a dress like this before." He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and got distracted.
"I know, but how do you like it?" You spun around, so he could see the whole dress. You waited for his answer with curiosity. You were interested in San's opinion, he was your best friend after all and he is a guy, he should know what other guys like.
"You look beautiful Y/n, as always, it doesn't matter what you wear. But why are you in one of Haneul's dresses?" Oh yes, in the big excitement, you forgot to tell San about the news. 
"She's going on a date with Lee Daejung!!" Haneul's told him excitedly, you couldn't even say anything. You wanted to say something, but nothing came to your mind. You don't know if San's disappointment is because you didn't tell him about it or that you left him there in school or something completely else.
"What?? So this is why you didn't wait for me after school, hm?"  You've never expected this reaction from San, he seems kinda upset about this date. He must have found something more interesting on the floor because he didn't look back up at you, he just turned around and walked out the door, but before he completely closed it behind him he said one last thing. "You deserve so much better than him!"
Thinking back San never liked any of the guys, you dated. But now you know he just wanted to protect you, because at the moment you didn't see how shitty those guys were, and you wish you would've just listened to him, then you would have saved yourself from a couple of heartbreaks. 
You've been in the car for the past 2 hours, and while you are all nostalgic, the boy next to you is deep in his sleep. You can't blame him for it, he had a schedule yesterday, from where he went home very late at night, but still proceeded to come early in the morning today. The moment the traffic jam cleared out and you left the city, he was fast asleep. 
And here you were bored as hell, without your best friend giving you any attention.
You couldn't be happier, when the car stopped, and your dad announced that you have finally arrived at your destination. San was still asleep, and you wondered how can someone sleep so much, not even speaking, from any place he slept in the car. The road to this campsite through the forest was very bumpy and he didn't even wake up once.
"San-a, wake up sleepy head. We're finally here." You shake his whole body to wake him up, and your mission seemed successful when you saw two drowsy eyes open up at your loud voice, (he probably didn't even notice that you shook him). 
"What? We're already here?" He stretched his whole body and you could only wonder how much it hurts right now, that he slept in a very uncomfortable position for hours. You two get out of the car, leaving a big slam behind you when you close the door. "Did I snore loudly? I'm sorry for that, I didn't know I was that tired." 
"No, it's okay. Everyone knows that you work too hard, so don't worry. This little trip is for you to finally rest." You bumped his shoulder for him to remember your words later. You don't want him to work here even more, he seriously needs some rest, and you are worried about him all the time anyways. But you know San is the type of person who is unable to rest for more than an hour, he just has too much stamina. He looked at you with such a loving way, that even his dimples showed up, it made your stomach flip and you couldn't help but smile back at him.
You two walk up to the place where your parents have already packed everything out of the cars, the only thing left is to set the tents up. You girls decided to give that work to the boys, and you will explore the area until then and bring back some wood for the fire. It was only the second time you come camping on vacation, usually, you rent out a house or go to a hotel, but since this one's purpose was to relax a little, where can you relax more than in the forest?
You were around 7 when you last came camping, but that whole experience was a disaster.
"What was that sound? You heard it too, right?" You asked San as you sat up in your shared tent. Your parents decided it would be convenient if all three of you kids would sleep together in one tent because your still small bodies would just fit in there all and in that case, they don't have to buy another one. 
"Yes, I heard it too." San sat up next to you too with so much concern. You moved closer to each other finding comfort in the other's presence. You both were just two scared little kids.
"Wait, where is Haneul?" You asked looking at the boy next to you, worried about the oldest one. As San was about to say something the whole tent started to shake as something was growling from outside. Only screams could be heard from the two of you as you hugged San closer to yourself, you don't want to die at such a young age.
"Don't worry Y/n, no matter what happens I will protect you!" San tried to calm you down a little, but he was just as scared as you if not more. But you knew you can count on him, he really did prove to you multiple times that he will be there for you always, and will protect you no matter what, even at this young age. His hug became tighter around you, and at that moment you indeed felt safer in his arms.
In the next moment, laughter came from the outside and the tent's entrance zipped out. Haneul came into the tent with tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. "Omg, you should've heard yourselves, it was so funny!" While she couldn't stop laughing, you were so confused, but San didn't let go of you, you were still hugging each other.
Even now, San never stopped caring about you, even when his schedule was tight he always found time in between breaks to text you or send you a picture, and when he forgot about it you knew at the end of the day he will call you no matter what.
"Mom, I swear to god, you can go back with them. I can pee on my own!" You told your mother, she made you so annoyed sometimes. But she was just worried about you, wandering off alone in the woods, even tho you didn't plan to go that far away, you just wanted to pee in peace. You held it in all day in the car, you can't wait any longer.
"Okay, just be careful, honey!" She hesitantly turned around and went back to the camp with Haneul and her mom. Your mother tends to get a bit too protective from time to time, but you don't really get it, what could possibly happen in a few minutes?
You've found a perfect spot and quickly done what you had to. It literally took you like two minutes, nothing more. When you got out, back to the main trail that lead back to the campsite, you saw San just standing there on his own. "What are you doing?" You asked him.
"I saw you go in there, so I waited for you here." He tried to explain, a bit flustered. "The others came back and you weren't there, I got a little worried." He pointed behind him, where he came from.
"But how did you get here so fast?" And that's when you noticed the drops of sweat on his forehead. You couldn't help, you had to hold back your laughter. "I ran." He confessed, looking down not able to look you in the eyes. You busted out laughing at this, but honestly deep down his actions gave you little butterflies in your stomach.
"Don't laugh at me! You never know who walks around in the woods, even an animal could have attacked you." He said all pouty, turning around pretending as if he got mad at you, but you both knew he was unable to do that. You followed him all the way back, trying to catch up to him. He was just teasing you, he looked back every now and then to make sure you were following him, he would never leave you behind.
Arriving back, Haneul told you that you are going to sleep with her in one tent. San got all sulky from the info because he has to sleep alone, but he claimed it was not because he is scared or something, simply just because he doesn't like to sleep alone. You wondered how can someone be so adorable with such a big body, but that's just Choi San. He had to understand you are not that small anymore, you can't all three of you fit in one tent now.
It was getting kinda late now, so after the bonfire was put out you all went to your own tents to settle down for the night. It was around one in the morning and you still couldn't fall asleep, you hate these sleepless nights, especially since it had to happen now when you were supposed to be relaxing. The girl next to you was far fast asleep for hours now and you just kept tossing around, it felt like the tent was a sauna, and every time you closed your eyes it automatically opened again.
You had no other choice, you decided you needed some fresh air, so you opened up the zipper and climbed out of that hellhole, but careful not to wake Haneul up. You stretched out all your limbs, but what are you gonna do now, you can't just stand here like this until you will get tired, it's too dark and scary out here.
You looked at the tent, where your best friend is probably sleeping tight right now, but there must be some space for you left there still, right? He is sleeping there all alone, he even said he doesn't like sleeping alone, he wouldn't mind it, right? You hesitated a lot, but after a couple of minutes, you made up your mind and went up there. You slowly opened it up and to your own surprise, San was awake. "Y/n what are you doing here?" He sat up looking at you curiously. "Is everything okay?" He woke up when he heard someone walking around outside.
"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." You froze at your place, outside of his tent. What were you supposed to do now? "I just can't sleep, and thought- "
"It's okay, come here!" He lifted his blanket up and pointed to the empty space beside him. He didn't even let you finish your sentence, he knew exactly what you were thinking about, because he was thinking the same thing. You didn't expect anything else from the person who knows you the best.
You carefully climbed in next to the boy. He put his arms around your shoulders and laid you down with him, right at his chest, pulling you closer to his body. You could hear how fast his heart was beating like he ran a marathon. 
"You can sleep peacefully now Y/n. I got you." As if you came home to his arms, you felt so comfortable, you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore, the slumber just hit you. And here you were, falling asleep in your best friend's arm once again, he was your own comfort blanket and you can't even imagine what would you do without him.
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random-thot-generator · 5 months
Thinking about dark knight!Ghost who is sent by King John to conquer a neighboring kingdom and bring him back a pretty princess to marry.
TW- Adult content below the cut. Brief violence, Sexual situations, Explicit sexual content
Notes: A long drabble(?) to purge this horny medieval brainworm from my head, so I can work on my other WIPS. Hope you enjoy my brainrot. Bone apple tea!
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Dark knight Ghost, who sneaks in a small band of his personally trained men through the king's own escape tunnel in the wee hours of the morning. The entire castle guard is defeated by dawn, the king himself captured.
Dark knight Ghost, who corners the king in his chambers and under threat of death forces him to sign a decree, giving over the Princess' hand in marriage. The king's daughter is now betrothed to Ghost's sovereign lord, King John. He makes sure the wedding banns are posted throughout the surrounding kingdoms, cementing his king's claim on the princess.
Dark knight Ghost, who has also been tasked with delivering the bride-to-be to King John, but he ends up being duped by the crafty princess and her ladies-in-waiting, who dress you, her chambermaid, in one of her finest dresses, draping you in jewels and finery before handing you over to the frightening dark knight in your princess' stead.
Dark knight Ghost, who is only doing this odious task at his king's behest, but the gruff knight doesn't care to deal with a royal snobby brat. He's heard the stories about the Princess' terrible moods and tantrums and has already decided he will suffer none of it.
Dark knight Ghost, who can't reconcile the stories of the shrewish Princess with the shy, soft-spoken damsel now in his care. Thinking you are trying to play him for a fool, his treatment of you is gruff, manhandling you and barking orders at you until tears well up in your eyes and you cringe away in fright. If he happens to feel guilty for scaring you and making you cry, he never lets it show, but he refrains from doing it again; he honestly can't bear to see you shrink away from him.
Dark knight Ghost, who is irritated when his younger knights, Sirs Kyle and Johnny, fawn over you, dressing them down for their unseemly behavior even though he himself can't deny that your sweet smile, soft voice and big doe-eyes are a constant distraction. He can't get you back to King John fast enough.
Dark knight Ghost, who insists on accompanying you himself when you bathe. He tries to be chivalrous and keep his back turned, but after catching a glimpse of your naked, wet curves shimmering in the sunlight, he now blatantly watches you bathe from the bank, much to your mortification. He takes particular delight in ordering you out of the river, just to watch your nude form rise from the water like Aphrodite from the waves.
Dark knight Ghost, who begins to grow jealous of his knights, Kyle and Johnny, who he has ordered to guard you while traveling. The pair of them are too bloody charming for their own good, making your cute little giggles ring in his ears and harden his cock. He ends up having to call a halt for rest, just to relieve the heaviness of his aching balls, leaving a copious amount of his seed on the trunk of an ancient oak.
Dark knight Ghost, who 'discovers' the following morning that your royal mount is now gone, apparently "stolen by vagabonds" while most of the camp was asleep. He admonishes the men on guard duty for not keeping a sharper eye, but leaves it at that, uncharacteristically lenient, for a change. He does insist that you ride his destrier with him for the rest of the journey, however.
Dark knight Ghost, who makes you sleep by his side when camp is set every night, because he likes waking in the predawn hours to find you cuddled up in his arms. He now pulls you close before you even fall asleep, pulling your back into his chest before settling his big hand on your belly, telling you it's the pommel of his short sword that's poking you in the back.
Dark knight Ghost, who doesn't realize how hard he's truly fallen for you until highway bandits attack them on the forest road and steal you away. He decides in that instant he'll kill anyone who stands between him and his sweet princess.
Dark knight Ghost, who will stop at nothing to get you back, so tracks down the thieves to their den hidden deep in the forest and slaughters them all for daring to lay a finger on his woman. The cowardly bandit who pressed his blade to your throat and drew a bead of blood dies a particularly brutal death, Ghost relishing the sound of the bastard choking on his own blood.
Dark knight Ghost, who can no longer keep his feelings hidden, ripping his helmet off and kissing you amidst the carnage, swearing an oath to give his own life to protect you. His hold is possessive as he carries you back to his destrier and sits you in front of him, hands wandering over your body as he lets his horse pick its way back to camp.
Dark knight Ghost, who stops at an inn to give you a proper rest while his men camp outside of town. He demands the best room in the inn for his Princess. There is only the one bed, and though he offers to sleep on the floor, you won't allow it. What finally breaks his will to deny you is when you look up at him with those soulful eyes and soft, trembling lips, whispering, "I cannot sleep without you now, my lord. Please, come to bed."
Dark knight Ghost, who strips down to his tunic and climbs into bed with his king's betrothed, knowing full well he's already done enough to warrant his own execution, but still pulls you close in the darkness as a shudder runs through his body. When his lips meet yours, he is well and truly lost.
Dark knight Ghost, who feels your soft hands tracing the many scars underneath his tunic— on his back, on his chest, even the ones on his face, and leans into your touch instead of away, letting his own hands explore the intimate parts of your body that he has denied himself for too long.
Dark knight Ghost, who has never wanted a woman more than he wants you and can't stop himself from climbing on top of you to kiss your soft lips while his hand delves between your legs to find you wet and wanting. He drinks long and deep from your cup, making you squirm and beg, but for what you do not know.
Dark knight Ghost, who can no longer bear to listen to your soft little whines and moans, can no longer deny his need for you, so settles himself between her trembling thighs and eases his engorged cock into your virgin cunt, finally claiming you for his own. If he had to die a thousand deaths to experience this one moment with you, he would gladly receive the killing blade into his heart over and over again.
Dark knight Ghost, who takes you again and again throughout the night, insatiable for you, your cries of his name echoing down the narrow, creaking corridors of the inn. If his fellow knights happen to overhear, Kyle and Johnny do not mention it the following morning.
Dark knight Ghost, who smirks smugly under his helm when you can barely sit a horse the next day. He stops midday to take you to "bathe" at the river, soothing your sore cunt with his tongue. He lays you out on the soft grass of the riverbank, his head buried between your legs for the better part of an hour, still in his full armor, your cum painting his face. He doesn't think he's ever tasted anything sweeter; he would happily drown in you, unable to imagine a better death.
Dark knight Ghost, who begins to drag out the journey, no longer eager to return to King John's court. He's never shirked his duty to his king, but this time he is sorely tested. He knows if the king learns that his most trusted knight has deflowered his betrothed, he may well kill you both, so your dark knight insists that you say he forced you if your illicit affair is discovered. You refuse, much to his irritation, but also to his secret delight. You are well and truly his, no matter what fate has in store for you.
Dark knight Ghost, who finally arrives at King John's castle, feeling sick down to his very soul as he leads you into the throne room to greet your future husband and king. He watches with a heavy heart as you demure before the king, bowing in a deep curtsy, hand laid over your fluttering heart.
Dark knight Ghost, who frowns in confusion when King John barks out a laugh and waves a hand at you, the so-called Princess. "This is not the princess, Sir Ghost," King John informs him. He sniffs in amusement. "Should have known the little minx would pull something like this. You've been duped, Sir knight, by no fault of your own. I will have to retrieve the stubborn wench myself, I suppose, show her who her future husband really is."
Dark knight Ghost, who glares at you while you stare down at your fidgeting hands, biting your lip in that way that drives him bloody mad with lust. He seizes your arm in his grip, his cock twitching beneath his armor when you let out a squeak of fright. "An' what o' this one, my king? What shall I do with her?"
Dark knight Ghost, whose eyes go half-lidded and dark when the king grants him permission to interrogate this false princess for information about the king's true betrothed. He can keep you as his servant, the king tells him, if you're still alive once the interrogation is over. This is said only to frighten you, of course, but there's no need to tell you that just yet.
Dark knight Ghost, who is already planning on marrying you once all this Princess business is finally done and over, but he isn't about to tell you that just yet, either. He finds that he very much likes the way you tremble in his hands. He's most eager to begin your 'interrogation'. "Don't worry, my Liege. I know just what t'do t'make her sing like a li'l bird." He grips your arm and pulls you close. "Ain't tha' right, Princess?"
Good King!John drabble (sequel)
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nczennie · 3 months
A drabble in which you don't remember your past life, but Seonghwa does.
Featuring: Reader x Ateez's Seonghwa Genre: Fluff, Angst Warnings: Mentions of death
[22:12] with Seonghwa
The room was quiet except for the clicking of the remote and the traffic outside the window. You sat up in the warm bed, intently focused on finding a movie to put on for you and your boyfriend.
Holding the sheet over your bare body, you mindlessly chewed your lips while looking through the movie guide.
Behind you, Seonghwa still lays on his pillow, one arm stretched behind his head while the other he kept planted on your waist; his hand feeling warm on your cooling skin.
He lets you choose the movie, instead keeping his attention focused on you. He takes in your back, your hair, the curve of your spine, the color of your skin, and the softness he feels under his fingers. Seonghwa is so drawn in he doesn't even realize the sheet slipping further down his bare stomach as you lean forward to see the TV better.
Seonghwa's eyes take notice of the familiar beauty marks that mark the back of your arm. The dots lead from just before your elbow up to your shoulder.
Not being able to help himself, he leans forward pressing his soft lips against your arm. Placing gentle kisses on each mark as if he were following a map.
The action doesn't surprise you as your boyfriend has developed this habit very early on in your relationship. You hum breaking your trance from the TV to speak to him.
"You know, they say where your beauty marks are, are where you were kissed the most in your past life."
You say nonchalantly recalling something you read on the internet once. Seonghwa pauses halfway up your arm, his breath seeming to hitch against his throat. A nervous feeling formed in his stomach and spread through his veins.
Because to him this was not a legend. He remembers.
He remembers your layered dresses, your updos you hated, and the detailed fan you carried at all times. He remembers the smell of the port, his captain telling the crew they had to stay in this village until they could repair the ship, and the day he met you at the market. He remembers the walks along the beach, you sneaking into his room late at night, and falling in love.
He remembers you joining the crew unable to part from him, the rocking of the waves as he held you close underdeck, and the trails of kisses he constantly left up your arm as he watched you draw.
He remembers their first run-in with danger and immediately decided he needed to get you home. He remembers you screaming and crying at him that you wouldn't leave but he left you back in the village nonetheless; the tears in his eyes burning even more with the salt water spraying. But it was for your own safety, he couldn't let anything happen to you.
He remembers returning years later, eager for you and ready to settle down from his sea life only to find you were gone. He remembers the village people recalling different stories, some say you had married and moved, others saying you were so heartbroken you had died and your family moved unable to bear the memories.
He never knew the truth but he remembers the pain he felt. As if his heart was not only ripped out but stomped on and thrown into the sea. He remembers how foolish he felt as if you would have waited for him all these years after he abandoned you.
He remembers praying that you had got married, had a happy family and didn't suffer the way he did for the rest of his life.
He remembers wishing more than anything that he could have had the chance to spend his life with you. To live a quiet peaceful life and have a family. He remembers and he remembers for the hundreds and hundreds of years; for every life he lives yet all without you.
Seonghwa remembers everything.
He also remembers meeting you in this life at the farmers market. He knew at once it was you, you who he had been waiting for. And he knew now that he had his chance there was nothing that could make him let you go.
Tears brim in his closed eyes as he tries to steady his breath at the awful memories. Leaning forward he continues his kissing trail up your arm; yes, you're still here with him.
"I bet it's true."
He mumbles deeply but he pauses so long you forget what he was replying to, instead watching a preview of a movie on the screen in front of you.
Seonghwa's arm hooks around your waist as he hugs himself into your body, squeezing you tightly. He wants this, he wants this quiet slow-paced life with you forever. Eventually a house, some pets, some kids. Growing old and making up for the dire mistake he made all those lives ago.
"I love you."
He mumbles lowly speaking into the skin of your back. You pauses the clicking of the remote to squeeze at his hand that rests on his stomach.
"I love you."
You reply and his heart thumps. Every time you say it feels like the first time you admitted it in your tiny village by the sea. Where you both had different lives but your love was the same.
But this time, Seonghwa will not let himself make the same mistakes. His endless suffering will end here with you in his arms- forever.
Copyright © 2024 by nczennie. All rights reserved.
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nofacentity · 11 months
Miguel O'hara x gn Reader
Please take in consideration that I'm still learning english, so I'm open to any critisism! I dont know if my wording will feel authentic🙇🏻‍♀️
Im currently working on something like a drabble on Miguel x reader and this dialogue may or may not take place in the story I'm writing, I'm imagining it as a part of the story buuuut I'm not sure.
But either way this is still a little story of its own.
About the story: It's just a silly little conversation and Miguel just being protective
"Day eleven of observing Miguel O'hara. The temperature is normal, and so is the humidity; there are no significant changes in the subjects' behavior."
"What are you doing?"
"I don't know. I'm bored. And you insist I stay here, I don't even know why."
"Because it's safe."
"Oh, the great dangers of spider-societies HQ."
"You aren't as funny as you think you are."
" I know. I'm way funnier. But, really, safe from what?"
"I just don't want you wandering off somewhere."
"Because I don't know if it's safe."
"Oh my god! It is safe! The whole place is safe!"
"I'm not talking about the HQ."
"I don't want you to wander in other dimensions."
"Am I this fucking unreliable?" You were beyond frustrated
"What? What does this have to do with anything?"
"Well, if I need to be under a watch 24/7, so other dimensions will be safe." It really hurt your pride.
"I'm not talking about-... it's about your safety, not dimensions. I know you wouldn't do anything like that."
"And what about my safety?"
"What about it?"
"Well, I don't understand what threat to my safety there is."
"None. Because you're here, with me."
"And if I'm not here? And without you?"
"Then I wouldn't be so sure. So you're here."
"What.. What is out there?" You started to feel uneasy. Is there someone or something that is after you?
"I don't know."
"Ugh! Just please say it in a way that I will understand. What are you protecting me from?"
"Everything what?!"
"Everything that could potentially harm you."
"That's just.. That doesn't make any sense. Am I, like, important for something?"
"Not for something."
"Could you talk in complete sentences?"
"I am."
"No, you're not. I have no idea what you are talking about."
He finally turned towards you.
"What do I need to explain to you?"
"Why am I here? Why is my safety so necessary?"
"It is necessary. For the reason that it's necessary."
"Why? Why am I the only one here? Isn't everyone's safety important? So why me?"
"Because you're important"
"For what?!"
"For me"
He said it with a straight face, no emotions. And you were completely taken aback
"...And what do you need me for?"
He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Now he was the one who's frustrated.
"I don't need you for anything... it's not about it."
You were just staring at him, so he understood the need to elaborate.
"Listen, it's just... you know what happened to the...the world... to what was important to me... So could you just bear with me? " You could tell it was hard for him to talk about it, but you still weren't understanding half of what he was saying.
"What is the connection between me and that world exactly? I'm not from there."
"I know you're not from there..." he paused.
" I just want to ensure the safety of what is important to me." He said finally.
You were still silent, waiting for him to continue. He was keeping in mind what you said earlier, trying to find right words to explain it to you.
"It's not that you're important for something.. Specifically. As I said, it's about what's important to me." He took another pause and said, "personally."
You were trying to process his words, unsuccessfully.
"I don't see how... I just don't really... am I like a daughter to you? Like a... child-figure?"
"I'm just trying to make a connection!"
"How are you a child?"
"I don't know! Maybe because of the age difference!"
"What age—...what?"
"Well, you know how it is, like maybe you see me as a child because I'm just old enough to be your child!"
"You're twenty-five."
"Well, yeah! And you're..." you didn't know his age. Well, you had assumptions, but you didn't know the exact numbers.
"What? Wait.. You don't know... How old do you think I am?" He was just so perplexed.
"Well, uh.. fifti-... forties?"
He didn't even know how to react. He had no idea what was going through your head. He just stared at you, dumbfounded.
"Forties?" he repeated after you.
"Well... uh…"
"Am I-.. How did you even... Why?"
"What why? Did I guess or?.." You had a look of embarrassment on your face, but you really had no better guesses.
"Sixties?! Oh my god! You look so good for your age!"
"What?! I'm thirty!"
"What?! You're thirty?!" You echoed him with the same astonishment.
He just stared at you with an open mouth.
"I mean.. You look good either way. It just... you're always so serious. And you seem so... seasoned?"
"Well, I mean! It's like you always know what to do and everything... and so sure about everything... like you've seen a lot."
"I've seen a lot."
"Well, I mean..." you bit your tongue" I'm sorry."
You were waiting for him to say something, but he was just looking at you, frowning.
"So..I'm not a child-figure to you?"
"Could you stop talking about it? No way you would be."
"Then what?"
"Well.. I meant to take it slow... maybe start with friends and then..." He looked away.
You felt like your heart went to your throat. It was too much shock to handle in one evening. You lost your ability to process anything that was going on. Take what slow? Friends? And what then?
"As I said, you're important to me. Personaly."
"Right. Personaly."
You expected him to turn away, get back to his work, but he didnt. He was still standing looking at you. And you just felt so small under his gaze.
"Im... Im... Im just... I have no idea..."
"Im sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I understand"
"No, I'm sorry.. I said... you were forthy"
"You said I was sixty." He chuckled
"Well, I'm sorry! I didn't!...uh."
"You didn't know. I figured. Do you have any other questions?"
"No, I won't be able to handle any more answers."
He was still looking at you with a slight amusement.
"You can go back to your work now.. I know you have lots of stuff to do and everything."
"No, I finished."
"I said I finished."
"Who are you? Miguel would never say that."
"Well, I just said that."
"So, what are you going to do now? Are you going to charge?"
"Cielos...You keep talking nonsense all evening."
"Well, I didn't ever see you not working! And even less eating or sleeping. Maybe you just go to charge, like a robot."
"So now I'm a robot. What else do you think I am?" He was still amused; you could almost say he was joking. In his own way.
"There isn't anything else really... Well, I think you're, like, super cool and everything.. This is what I think you are!" You were trying to fawn your way out of the shame you just brought upon yourself..
"So what are you going to do now?"
"Take you out for dinner. If it's okay with you?"
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astroboots · 1 year
Homecoming tings, more of them in public! Do they hide it? Do they not give a shit? Alternatively, how did the Miller bros find out. I kinda feel like the trio didn't want to like. Draw attention to it, but they weren't gonna police their behavior either. I feel like Will was content to just stay silent and accept the new dynamic but Benny is an idiot and said a quiet thing out loud 😂
Girl and boy Interrupted
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Pairing: Santiago Garcia x female reader
Summary: This is the story of how one half of the Miller brothers finds out about you and Santiago and Frankie.
Content: Explicit shenanigans. Semi public? Getting caught in the act with your pants pulled down.
Homecoming Drabbles | Homecoming Masterlist | Astroboot’s Masterlist
Follow me on astroboots-writes and turn on notifications to be notified when I post something new!
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You're sitting on a chair on Molly's porch, trying not to stare. But Santiago isn't making it easy for you today.
He'd been bitching and moaning (as he so often does) about the heat all morning and on the way over. Complaining that he felt like he'd stepped inside a pizza oven, while tugging at his t-shirt, grumbling about how it was sticking to his skin everywhere.
At the time, when you had walked across Molly's law and spotted the water hose, spraying him had seemed like a hilarious idea.
At the time, when Santiago yelped and jumped away, with an indignant scowl on his face, it had been oh-so-satisfying.
At the time, seeing him soaked from head to toe had felt like victory.
Now though, as you spy him across the lawn, golden skin damp and slick with a wet sheen, those ridiculous curls of his glistening against the bright sun like a beacon to guide in lost sailors from the sea, it feels like torture.
He's doing it on purpose isn't he? He must be.
As you think the thought, it's as if Santiago (in tune with you as he always is) is capable of reading your mind. His head turns back to you, meeting your gaze, mouth pulling into an amused smile as he sees you watch him. Then he winks.
It's all it takes. That simple gesture sends an electric jolt through your spine that has you bolt up in your seat and clamp your thighs together to stem the sensation.
Yeah, definitely on purpose.
What exactly is he expecting you to do about the situation?
You're at Molly's, surrounded by friends. Frankie's still not here (running an hour late from work). Tom is tending to the barbecue like it's one of his military operations and Will is standing next to him stoic and disinterested as always, not intervening even though you and him both know that Tom is putting in way too much charcoal.
Shaking your head, you try to focus on the conversation at hand, but it's hopeless. Benjamin is standing next to you and Molly telling you an animated story about... something.
You're not really paying attention in all honesty. But judging from the way the younger Miller is swinging his arms around, he's either talking about wrestling down an alligator or how his newest hobby of crocheting is going.
There's no way you can haul the smirking asshole in your peripheral vision off somewhere to rub that self-satisfied expression of his face the only way you know how.
Not unless you two want to invite a lot of uncomfortable questions about yours and Frankie's relationship with Santiago.
Benny would never let it go, not with his curiosity. Molly is already suspicious. Tom... god you don't even want to imagine having that conversation with that man. As for Will... well actually Will would would probably mind his own business.
He's never been the type to pry. He doesn't get involved unless he absolutely has to and even then, he'll take the path of least resistance, and say as little about it (if anything at all).
Your eyes trail off, and you find yourself watching Santiago from the distance as he takes a sip from the cold bottle of beer. Watching as his Adam's apple in that long gracious throat of his bob with a mesmerizing movement. Watching his still wet t-shirt stick to his chest.
Did you say beacon earlier? Scratch that, the man is a fucking siren, trying to lure you in to your inevitable death and doom with his shameless seduction.
God, he's doing that stupid thing with his lips again. Raising the palm of his hand to his mouth to wipe away the remnants of the sticky beer, then his tongue darts out to lick at his luscious bottom lip. Glimpses of that very same habit of his whenever he's tucked between your thighs invades your vision.
Oh fuck it!
"Santiago!" you announce, and Santiago's head perks up. "Can you help me get another crate of beer from the garage?"
His eyes practically glitters at that. Smile pulling wider and you can almost hear the way he wants to cackle with laughter.
He doesn't of course. Instead all he says is, "of course, cariño," and puts down his beer on the nearest surface and starts making his way to the garage.
If Molly gives you a strange look as you start running towards Santiago, you wouldn't know, because you are too focused on the man in front of you to pay attention to your surroundings.
"That wasn't very subtle was it?" Santiago grins, as he steps into the garage.
The door barely has time to shut behind you before your arms flings around his shoulders and you haul him down to meet your lips.
Whatever the smartass has to say next is lost in a low rumbling moan as you lick into his mouth. He tastes slightly sweet of malty hoppy that sticks to your tongue and goes straight to your head as you drag your teeth against his bottom lip and nip down.
A bit too hard it seems, because Santiago groans into you, shuddering, as his lashes flutter and he looks down on you with half-lidded eyes.
"Fuck, sweetheart, what's gotten into you?"
That's such a ridiculous question. Santiago knows exactly what's gotten into you. Knows exactly what he did to get you as riled up as you are. You don't dignify it with an answer, instead you reach up, fingers tangling into his wet curls as you pull him down against you as you walk him backwards. Not stopping until his chest is pressed up against you. Not until your back hits the edge of some surface that you're not really paying attention to (a workbench? a disused dining table? who the fuck cares). You don't stop until you feel his arms wrap around you and hoist you up on that very same mysterious surface. And then Santiago's caging you in between his thick thighs, that slick mouth on yours as he grinds against you.
The denim of his jeans drags against your groin, the hard bulge of his cock trapped underneath, pressing against the inside of your thigh. Electricity surges through every one of your nerve endings at the contact.
Those clever fingers of his trails the side of your hips, down along the inside of your thighs and then they hook against the lining of your panties as he traces the seam of your cunt.
Fuck! fuck.
"So fucking wet already," he murmurs, fingertip flicking over your clit, "and you weren't even the one who got hosed down like an animal."
Then he pulls his fingers away.
You want to scream. Because that would've been too easy wouldn't it? Of course the bastard was still carrying a grudge about that.
"Santiago," you start, glaring at him even as he smiles back at you. Thumb dragging against the corner of his mouth as his tongue flicks out and he licks both his lip and then the taste of you from his fingers. Doing that stupid thing with his lips that got you here in the first place.
God you could kill him.
"Santiago, we don't have time."
"Don't worry cariño, I'll make the time"
The man has no fucking common sense. Did he forget that you're at a barbecue with your friends? Friends who are waiting for the two of you to come back with beer supplies. Friends who don't know that Santiago is fucking his best friend and his best friend's husband? Friends who will be asking a lot of questions and probably have suspicions if you don't come back with said beers in the next few seconds????!
"I'm not playing this game with you today, Santiago."
Reaching up, you're growling as you grab him by the back of his neck and pull him back down to you.
"I need you to just fuck me," you order as your free hand is already fumbling at the front button of his jeans, wrenching down the zipper.
The asshole chuckles in reply. A breathless boyish laugh, as he finally decides to help you instead of being obstructive and reaches down to pull down his jeans the rest of the way down his hips.
"Fuck you huh?" He grabs himself in one hand, spreading your legs wider with his other, as he positions himself at your entrance and for a moment you forget what it is like to breathe.
"Think I need that too," he says, mouth still pulled into that arrogant angle. But you can hear from the shakiness of his words, the way his breath stutters in your ear that he needs this just as bad as you do.
Then he slides into you, inch by sweet addictive inch, arms bracketing your side as his hips cant up and into you. The relief you feel as he fills you up can't be described with words.
Pleasure swims through your veins, fast and overwhelming until your vision goes white and fuzzy with it.
"God Boa, you feel so--" you don't hear the rest.
Your hearing must've gone along with your vision, because you can't even hear your own moans anymore. Even though you know from the way your throat scratches with a raw burn that you must be making noises loud enough to wake the dead. And in some distant remote location where your sole remaining brain cell resides, it is telling you that you need to be quiet. Need to be careful so that you don't get caught.
But you can't. Can't stop and can't care. Not when it feels this good. Not when Santiago is thrusting into you deep and reckless, both of you chasing the pleasure of it as that familiar heat buzzes pleasantly in your veins.
And if it wasn't for the fact that you're both so gone, maybe you would've noticed. Would've noticed as the garage door to the side opens. Would've noticed the way sunlight floods the space. But you don't.
You don't notice anything at all until Santiago stills and refuses to move even as you wrap your legs around him and try to pull him closer.
Don't even notice that Santiago is looking away from you, eyes burst wide with horror.
You don't notice until it's entirely too late that in front of the open garage door, Captain William Miller is standing with wide eyes and frozen stiff shoulders.
Your stomach drops to the concrete floor and tries to scuba dive into the soil beneath and reach its way to Australia.
Shit. oh shit. oh shit! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!
"It's not what it looks like," Santiago says.
And oh god. That's the most cliched and stupidest thing to say. It's not what it looks like? What exactly does it not look like?
Does it not look like Santiago is balls deep inside you with his jeans pooled around his ankles?
Thankfully, before Santiago gets a chance to dig himself even deeper, Will interrupts him with a curt, "don't."
He averts his gaze, turning on his feet as if to leave, but then he stops mid-rotation. "Does Frankie know?"
You look to Santiago, the man of many words in every situation. His mouth parts, but no words seem to come out. The man who always knows what to say has finally run out of words.
"Ye-yes," you manage to stutter out.
"And he's okay with it yeah?"
What's the answer to that? Do you say more? Do you explain? Do you tell Will that Frankie is part of this-- well whatever this is??
Jesus, fuck, how do you even begin to explain this?
You look at Santiago again, and he looks back at you, and without a word you know the same line of questions is racing through his mind. There's no adequate explanation that would begun to unravel what this is. Instead the only thing both of you do is nod dumbly in coordination.
There is a minute change in his facial expression and if William Miller hadn't been a peripheral part of your life for as many years as it's been, it would've been far too easy to miss. The straight grim line of his mouth relaxing ever so slightly, the line of his brow smoothing out, as he tilts his head by a fraction of an inch to give you an imperceptible nod.
"Alright," he says.
Then he just... leaves, gently closing the door behind himself with a soft click of the hinge, leaving you and Santiago, still inside you, still with his pants pulled to his ankles, in shock and confusion.
And that's the story of how Will finds out about Santiago and you, but decides to mind his own business.
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A/N: Nonny I can't tell you enough how much I LOVED this ask because before you sent it in it just so happened that @thirstworldproblemss and I had been discussing and cackling at this very scenario of how Will and the others find out. So thank you so so much for sending this in so that I had an excuse to write this silly thing out and share it with you all. This one is dedicated to you nonny!
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skzfictions · 1 year
Just The Way You Are (Bang Chan Fic)
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Summary: When your mother accidentally takes the wrong gift in your place to your ex-best friend's 18th birthday party, you decide you must go and retrieve it before he can see it. Of course, due to your luck, or lack thereof, this doesn't go as planned…
Genre: fluff, funny, high school setting, awkward reader, best friends to lovers trope
♡Pairing: Bang Chan X GN! Reader
Word Count: 6K
A/N: Wrote this based on Chan's current style. This was supposed to be a short drabble, but it seems I just can't write short stories to save my life. I don't know if it's any good… Regardless, if you do enjoy it, reblogs are always appreciated. Much love!
"Mission complete!" you whispered to yourself, triumphantly, as you lifted a little black wrapped gift box from a table full of birthday presents and examined it. 
Despite how small it was, the gift stood out amongst all the other brightly colored gifts that currently decorated the table thanks to you using black wrapping paper, Chan's favorite color, to decorate the little gift box. You had finished its wrappings with a shiny silver ribbon thus, giving it a nice sleek vibe. 
However, as you examined the little gift, a wave of melancholy suddenly washed over you at the thought that he would never actually get the chance to appreciate your handiwork or the gift inside because of the fact that you were about to quickly swap it out for another gift before jetting on home. 
You sighed, heavily, as you realized you really had no reason to be sad. After all, that was your entire purpose for coming to Chan's birthday party in the first place. Because even despite the fact that you had spent so much money on the present and had taken your time wrapping it to perfection, you had never actually intended to give it to him. Well, you had at first, but had changed your mind at the very last minute.  
Unfortunately, your mother hadn’t known this and therefore, ended up taking the wrong gift in your place to Chan's birthday party.
See, you and Chan hadn’t spoken much over the last month ever since you had found out that he had been secretly dating someone who had been a childhood bully of yours, even despite the fact you both had been best buds since your diaper days and therefore, he should've been able to trust you enough to tell you the truth.
The only way you had even found out the truth was after your old bully had stalked right up to Chan one day while you and him were mid-conversation and they locked lips with him right in front of you leaving you feeling very much like a clueless little child. You both had fallen out ever since. 
He'd tried apologizing to you which you did come to accept, but ultimately, it still changed your friendship because from then on, things had gotten increasingly awkward between you both especially as he drifted further and further into the popular crowd his partner rolled with while you, on the other hand, found your own little circle of friends to hang with, eventually. 
Today, you two barely acknowledged each other, except for the occasional smile you were both forced to share whenever either of you noticed the other in the halls of your high school. 
It was sad that you guys had fallen out so much over the past month to the point that you no longer even felt comfortable giving him a birthday gift, instead choosing to have your mother do it for you.  
But dammit! Your mom had taken the wrong gift! 
When she had bugged you earlier that morning about going to the birthday party Chan’s parents were throwing for him at their house, you had ignored her, choosing to stay in bed and sleep in, but you had mumbled to her something about taking the small wrapped gift that was in your backpack to Chan’s. 
The part you had forgotten to mention was there were actually two gifts in your backpack. One was Chan’s true present that you were too afraid to give him and the other was the gift card you had bought at the last minute to replace the true gift. 
You had wrapped both gifts and left them in your backpack so when your mom had come to your room and asked you if she had grabbed the right one, still half asleep, you just mumbled "mmhm" before rolling over and going back to dreamland. 
It wasn't until you got up about an hour later and went downstairs only to find the wrong gift sitting on the counter that you realized which one your mom had taken with her.
That’s when you knew you just had to sneak into Chan's party to take it back and replace it. 
It had taken a while to get alone in the house where Chan's presents table was so that you could carry out your little plan. You'd had to play cordial and greet Chan’s parents, even Chan himself, and then mingle with several of the guests in attendance before you could finally find some alone time to make your way inside the house to grab back the gift. 
Now that you had successfully had the gift in your hand you could just switch it out with the one from your backpack and then you could-
At the sound of the unexpected voice from behind you, you shouted, nearly jumping out of your skin. Simultaneously, you…
…bumped into Chan’s presents table causing a few of them to topple over and fall onto the floor. 
So much for being discreet, you thought, hopelessly. 
Needless to say, you hadn’t been expecting the sound of your ex-best friend's voice to interrupt you in your quest to get back the gift thus, startling you and causing you to knock into the gift table. 
At least it was just a couple of presents that fell and not the whole damn table. 
Oops,” you now whimpered in embarrassment as you immediately kneeled to the floor to start picking up the few presents that had toppled over. As you scrambled to pick up the gifts, you felt Chan come up beside you to pick up a few himself. 
"I'm so sorry," you continued to apologize. 
He wasn't supposed to see you. That's why you had been trying to be sneaky about taking back your gift. Of course, you should've known better. You were never good at sneaking. Not only that but even despite the fact that you and Chan had not spoken in the last month it seemed he still had his "best friend radar" intact. How else would he have known to come inside the house right at the same time you had snuck in just to take back the damned gift? In fact, you had specifically waited to sneak inside only after you saw him surrounded by his guests and therefore he should've been too busy to even come inside, but here he was.   
Ever since you guys were kids Chan had always had a knack for finding you even when you didn't want to be found. He called it the "best friend radar." You wished you had it too. Then maybe you would've sensed him coming and then you could've moved a bit faster and got the hell out of his house before he could see you. But, no such luck. 
"It's okay, Y/N," Chan said as you both stood up and placed the gifts that had fallen back on the table. "I'm actually glad you're here. I thought you weren't coming. Or, at least, that's what your mom had said."
He was fully facing you now, smiling his dimpled grin that never ceased to help him charm his way into or out of anything, you included.
However, what he wanted at the moment you were not sure of, but with his gift still in your grasp, which you were now hiding behind your back, you knew you had to find a way to shoo him off so that you could switch out the gift. 
"Oh…yeah, well…here I am!" you replied rather awkwardly, with a nervous chuckle but it only came out as awkward as it had because you were both trying to be discreet about hiding his gift, while also not succumbing to his physical charms due to that smile of his whilst also trying to be friendly even despite the fact that the last time you both had a solid conversation was the day you had found out about his dating secret.  
In order to get him out of the house, you were going to have to figure out something quick though because in addition to the “best friend radar” Chan was also good at reading you. Actually, he was pretty good at reading people in general, but he knew you to the point that you were like an open book to him.
"Yeah, thanks for coming,” he now replied, his smile falling just a little as he glanced down for a second then back up at you. “So…long time no talk, huh? How have you been?” 
Chan looked at you expectantly causing you to avert your eyes when you answered in your attempt to appear more aloof. 
“Oh, you know…” you trailed momentarily. “I’ve been good.” 
Liar, your mind immediately responded which you ignored.  
“You?” you asked him as well as it was the courteous thing to do. 
However, Chan didn’t respond immediately but just stared at you for a moment causing you to fidget, uncomfortably. It had been a long while since you two had been alone and this moment with him proved it. It was awkward to be alone with him. Or, maybe it was just you.
Whatever the case, you were sure he was deciphering your every move which was why you were trying to appear standoffish but you didn't think it was working. 
Finally Chan answered, “...yeah, I���ve been good, too.”
His response was curt which caused you to grimace in response. The conversation really was getting increasingly awkward to the point of being painful when in comparison to the way conversation used to flow between you two so effortlessly just the month before. You wondered if it was always going to be like this from now on…
“Cool,” you said simply and you would have just left it at that but because the silence was killing you, you in all your awkwardness, continued to ramble on. “So then you’ve been good, and I’ve been good and everything is…good...”
As you rambled on, Chan's lips had begun to spread into a smirk, clearly amused by your awkwardness, but it soon turned to a full on chuckle causing you to look away in embarrassment. 
Well, at least your awkward personality got a laugh out of him, which actually did help to relieve some of the tension between you two, but only by just a bit. Regardless, you wanted to use that moment to get the chance to leave the room, so you attempted to start inching towards the exit. “Yeah, so, I’ll just…”   
However, as you were doing so, Chan cut you off.
“What are you hiding behind your back?" 
You halted, stumped by his question. Automatically, your hand squeezed the gift you were indeed, hiding behind you.
You blinked a few times not knowing how to answer so you feigned innocence, instead. “What?”
Chan pointed at your arm that was placed behind your back.
“Behind your back,” he said, frankly. “What are you hiding?” 
Damnit! You cried, internally. 
See, this was why you were trying to get the hell out of that house! Chan had already figured you out in the five minutes or so you two had been talking. Of course, you already knew you were an open book but damn! Five minutes! He had kept a secret from you for months but you couldn’t keep a secret from him for five damn minutes!  
That’s okay y/n, you spoke to yourself in your head as you felt your heart rate speeding up. Just try to remain cool. 
You shook your head. “Oh, um…I’m not-” 
“Is it my birthday gift?” he cut you off again.  
“No,” you responded a little too quickly and he smirked. 
Damnit! He knew. 
“Really?” he said, challenging you while grinning ear-to-ear. “Then show me.” 
You sighed, exasperatedly, exhausted with his persistence. “Chan, it’s not-whaaaat are you doing?” 
With his head tilted to the side like he was trying to get a look around your frame so that he could see what you were holding behind your back, Chan had slowly started inching towards you very much in a manner that resembled a wolf stalking a prey animal. You, in turn, started to move backward, tentatively. 
“If you won’t show me then I’ll just have to find out for myself,” Chan answered in a teasing tone, his grin now mischievous, still moving closer and closer to you while you kept moving back.  
As he continued to close in on you, your heart beat with such intensity you worried it might actually beat out of your chest! “Chan, it’s not what you-hey!”
Before you could fully register what was happening, Chan rushed past you and you felt the weight of the present that was in your hand suddenly disappear. Next thing you knew, Chan was raising his arms high in the air in triumph of having successfully stolen the gift from you. 
You cursed him and his lightning fast reflexes.   
“Damnit, Chan!” 
Immediately, you lunged for him in an attempt to try and retrieve it back but he stretched out his long arm in the opposite direction. When you attempted to reach around him in order to try and get it back again, he just ducked, switched it to his other hand and held that arm out, instead. 
He was so amused, he was laughing at the entire situation. Another thing about Chan was he absolutely loved to tease. You especially, which was something you both loathed and endeared.
In fact, had you not been desperately trying to retrieve the gift, you would've been happy at the fact that you two were now behaving more the way you used to before the big secret.  
“Chan, come on!” you whined now, exasperatedly, as you continued to try and get back the gift but he just ignored your cries. 
With a voice full of humor, Chan read the little sticker you had placed on the gift. “To Chan, from Y/N.” He shot you with an accusatory glare. “I thought you said this wasn’t for me?” 
You stomped your foot, begrudgingly. “It’s for another Chan!”
At this, Chan raised an eyebrow at you in disbelief, clearly not buying it, then the corners of his mouth lifted into a grin again.  
“Can I?” he wiggled his thick brows at you. You didn’t even have to ask what he meant by those two words. 
“Absolutely not!” you cried, vehemently as you went back to trying to grab the gift back from him again. 
Immediately, you felt Chan’s entire mood change as his arm that had been stretched out in the opposite direction, suddenly slapped down to his side. He had gone from amused to serious in a heartbeat. 
“Why not?” he asked with a confused frown. “We always open each other’s gifts, first, before anybody else's.”
He was right. That’s probably part of the reason he felt entitled to the gift. As best friends, over the years you both had made it your own little tradition to open each other’s gifts, first, before anyone else's on your birthdays. Even you had opened Chan’s gift to you, first, during your birthday which had been a compilation of his greatest songs he had made on his laptop. 
“Not this time,” you now said, placing your hand out for him to hand over the gift. Now that he wasn’t fighting you anymore about the gift and was actually taking you seriously, you thought that maybe he would give it back, but Chan just looked down at your open palm then his expression turned from serious to suspicious.  
“You’re being weird,” he said with eyes narrowed at you as he started to step back whilst holding the gift away from you, clearly not bending on giving it back.  “Weirder than normal.” 
You on the other hand had unknowingly started to follow his steps, still set on getting the gift back from him, possibly through force if he kept up this little charade. 
“And you’re being more insufferable than normal,” you shot back at him, fed up. “Give me back the damned gift, Chan!” 
But this little uproar of yours hardly got the reaction out of him that you wanted. Instead, his expression turned challenging again. His brows furrowed, and his mouth turned in a lopsided smirk. 
He held the gift even further away before replying defiantly, “No!” 
You winced at him. “That’s it.” 
You were done with his shit. 
And what happened next was a complete blur to you. One moment you were closing in on Chan just as he had been doing to you only a moment ago, and the next you were literally jumping his bones. 
As a result, limbs fell on top of limbs as Chan stumbled backward and fell onto the couch behind him, while you, in all the momentum, followed along, landing right on top of him.
Crashing onto the fluffy material (thank God it was the couch and not the hard floor) you used your hands to try and help control yourself from completely colliding with him by planting them firmly down on the material surrounding you both otherwise you would've knocked heads.
It worked, but only by just a hair because your face stopped a mere centimeter from his.
With parted lips, you both gasped for air, worked up from the unexpected crash. 
Neither of you said anything. The house was dead silent as you both tried to catch your breaths. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the low hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen and each of your shallow breaths.
In this moment of silence, you couldn't help but to notice that even despite how long you both had been best friends, you had never been this close to him before. 
Well, that wasn't true. You'd both been up in each other’s personal space plenty of times before but all those times were platonic. 
For instance, sharing whispered jokes in each other’s ears that would get the other bursting in laughter or slinging arms around each other's shoulders like good friends often do. Hugs during celebrations or even just friendly hugs for no reason were a constant ritual in your friendship but this…for some reason, your closeness to him this time felt different. 
For instance, a weird tickling sensation began to develop in the pit of your stomach at the feel of his chest and stomach being pressed right up against your very own. With each rise and fall of your chest, his own moved in sync underneath you as you both breathed heavily against one another. 
However, when the tickling sensation suddenly started to move further downward to your nether regions, embarrassed at the new feeling, you knew you had to get off him immediately.  
But it seemed Chan didn’t mind you on top of him because when you had tried to sit up by pressing your hand against his chest to get leverage, he surprised you by quickly pressing his own hand firmly on your back, keeping you in place on him. 
Your heart rate skyrocketed at the action. In fact, you two were so close you bet he could feel it drumming in your chest. 
Swallowing hard, you gulped in response. 
"Chan, what are you-" 
"Why can't I open your gift, Y/N?" he asked you, breathlessly.
You sighed, putting your head down in his chest too embarrassed to look at him.
Because then you'll know, you answered in your head. 
"Fine," you finally gave in as you spoke into his chest. "Open it."
And so he did.  
Still keeping you in place on top of him with his arms, you felt Chan unwrap the gift above you while you remained quiet and unmoving. 
Once he got the gift unwrapped, he opened the box and you held your breath as you waited for his reaction, but as the moments ticked by and you didn't get one, you frowned. 
You looked up at him. Chan was silent. 
You watched his face, devoid of all emotion, as he eyed the piece of jewelry you had gotten him for his 18th birthday.
You didn't know what to make of this lack of reaction, but Chan soon cleared his throat before finally speaking. 
"How did you get this?"
You squirmed, uncomfortably. "Oh, I um…" 
"It's like, over two hundred dollars," he continued eyeing the piece of jewelry. 
"I know…I saved up for it," you admitted. 
Chan frowned as his eyes landed on you for the first time since he had opened the gift. 
"Why?" He asked, looking genuinely confused. "I mean, how did you even know…" He trailed in his speech, seeming to be having a hard time finding the words he wanted to say. He then sighed. "I can't believe this. I had been looking at this exact necklace a couple months ago."
You smiled sheepishly as you admitted, "Yeah, I know. I kinda had seen you staring at it in the window at Nordstrom at the mall."
Chan looked at you again. “You were following me?” 
You shook your head, figuring it was time for you to explain. 
“No. I was just at the mall with some friends, and you were at the mall, too, and I just saw you looking kind of hard at something in a store window for a really long time," you said, recalling the very day that inspired you to get the specific gift. "When you finally left, I went to go see what it was you were staring at and I saw the necklace and I just knew it was something you would’ve really liked. It was totally your style. Well, your old style, at least.” 
You looked up at him, running your eyes over his now neatly, fresh cut, straightened hair. Truthfully, you missed the untamable curls he used to sport that although he hated, you always loved. 
In fact, there was a lot he had changed about his appearance since he had started dating his current partner. 
He had taken out his studded earrings, leaving his lobes bare. He had gotten rid of his nose piercing. Had removed the black polish from his fingernails, and had completely gotten rid of his all black clothes in exchange for an ensemble that looked like it came out of an Old Navy catalog.
Today he wore brightly colored shirts, and V-necks. Dress shirts, slacks, and whatever new sneakers his partner bought for him were his everyday attire now. He looked fine, really. Chan looked good in anything, and you weren't adverse to him trying new styles, but you could tell that it wasn’t him. That he was only doing it to please his partner and their friends who could be super judgmental over things like appearances. 
You thought that by getting him the gift that maybe it would remind him of his old self somehow. That he might realize there was someone who liked him just the way he was, regardless, and did pay attention to what he liked.
When you guys were much younger Chan hadn’t paid any attention to his style, often choosing whatever hoodie he could grab followed with a pair of jeans, but as you guys got older his style changed a lot.
In addition to the all black ensemble and piercings, Chan had a thing for chunky jewelry like chokers, chains, spikes, and large rings. The jewelry piece you bought him for his birthday fit right in with what he would usually adorn himself in before his more recent makeover. 
The gift was a long sterling silver chain necklace with a polished silver skull dangling from it. The skull had a full grin, all teeth showing and the black empty sockets of its eyes were slanted downward giving it a slightly more menacing look. Lastly, was a slanted crown sitting atop its skull head.
The necklace had been a whopping two-hundred and twenty five dollars (hardly the most expensive piece of jewelry at Nordstrom’s but still plenty pricey for your budget). Luckily, since you had planned ahead to get Chan the gift for his birthday, which at the time, wasn’t until the latter end of the year in October, that meant you had plenty of time to save up money from your local cafe job. 
You had bought the necklace the second you had received your paycheck in hopes to make sure that no one else bought it before you could. Eager, you had even wrapped the gift immediately after you got home despite the fact that Chan’s birthday wasn’t for another two months. After that, the gift remained in your room on your dresser until Chan’s 18th birthday finally came around. But so much had changed between you both in the last month that you had no longer felt comfortable giving him such an intimate gift. That’s when you had bought a gift card in its place. 
Of course, switching out the gift had been a major failure on your part leading you to your current situation with you on top of him now. 
Chan continued to play with the necklace in silence and you wondered what he was thinking.
“You don’t hate it, do you?" You asked him, worriedly. "I-I could take it back-” 
“It’s incredible, Y/N," he interjected. "I can’t believe you even bought this for me." He continued to play with the necklace until his eyes finally landed on you again and he smiled that cute, dimpled grin again. "Thank you.” 
You nodded, feeling your cheeks burn, flustered by the sincerity in his appreciation for the gift. 
“Sure, no problem," you said nonchalantly although on the inside you were feeling anything but. "I just wanted to get you something special for your eighteenth.” 
As you admitted this, a confused frown made its way onto Chan's features again. "Y/N, why did you-"
But he didn't get to finish that question because the side door in the kitchen suddenly swung open.
“Chan?!” a voice called immediately following the opening of the door. On impulse, both you and Chan shot up from the couch. 
The voice continued, “Chan where are you, everyone’s…oh…” 
You stood uncomfortably as you were now looking at the person who was not only your old bully but Chan’s current partner. They looked you up and down, momentarily, before turning their attention to Chan. 
“What are you doing in here?" They asked him. "Everyone’s outside wondering ‘where’s the birthday boy?’ They want to bring out your cake. Come on!”
They ushered him with their hand to move quickly. 
Chan got up to move towards them. “Uh, yeah, sorry. I was just talking to Y/N.” 
“Oh," they glanced back at you but didn't say anything further about you. It was like you were barely even there. "Well, come on. Everyone's waiting.” 
They grabbed Chan's hand to take him outside but he turned around to ask, “You coming, Y/N?” 
You were so engrossed in the two you almost forgot about your own existence so it startled you just a bit when Chan questioned you, suddenly. 
With a forged smile, you nodded and followed a few feet behind the couple as they began to make their way outside. That's when you heard your old bully scoff at something. 
“Ew!” they said to Chan with a mocking laugh. “Where did you get that?” 
“What? The necklace?" Chan looked down at the necklace you had gifted him with which he was still holding in his hand. "It was a gift.”
“Really?" They said with a grimace. "But It’s so tacky…”
You frowned at their distaste for your gift but didn’t hear much more of the conversation from there as they went outside and everyone crowded Chan.   
Everyone sang him happy birthday, then watched him cut his cake and then watched him get smashed in the face with said cake by his partner, followed by friends and family. As everyone dove for the cake, Chan and your old bully ended up locking lips in a kiss that made your stomach churn, completely ruining any semblance of an appetite you had. 
It was then that you knew it was time for you to go. You had given him his gift, and even if his partner didn't like it, he was happy with it and that was all that mattered. Now, you could go home.    
You hadn't told anyone you were leaving, but just decided to sneak out while everyone was busy fighting over the cake. As you drove home you thought about your feelings for Chan. 
You didn’t know when your feelings towards him began to change. Maybe you had always liked him but was just the last person to realize it.
Regardless, the change wasn’t immediate, but your feelings just seemed to grow the more you and Chan drew further apart over the last month to the point that there was an ache in your chest whenever you saw him and his partner together, especially when they were locked at the lips like earlier. 
Sometimes seeing them together actually made you feel sick. Like sick to the point that you wanted to throw up. Aside from his new group of friends, that was the other major reason why you two would rarely hung out anymore. Because you couldn’t handle watching the two of them together when your feelings for Chan had grown so complicated over the past month but it was way too late to say anything now. 
It's funny how both your parents seemed to know there was something going on between you two, though. Even Chan's parents seemed to be surprised when you showed up for his birthday. 
Both your parents and Chan's parents had been friends since their high school days and had apparently always joked about having their kids grow up together, too, which actually did end up happening with you and Chan, so when you two stopped talking, your parents were the first ones to notice. That's how your mother knew there was something wrong between you both. 
After all, you and Chan had been inseparable since childhood so for him to suddenly stop coming around when he used to practically live at your house or for you to suddenly start staying in on weekends when you both used to hang out pretty much every weekend, the difference was highly noticeable. Still, your mother didn't pry but you could tell she was concerned. 
Regardless, you just reassured her that everything was okay between you both but just that you both had been really busy with prepping for life after high school like college applications and such. 
Speaking of college applications, you still had a few to fill out before the deadlines so you decided that that would be your main focus for now instead of on all your best friend drama. 
However, as the week progressed, Chan had made this decision of yours practically impossible to keep since he kept calling and texting you. You knew you should've just answered to find out what he wanted, but you really did just want to forget about him for a little while. Maybe if you could get over your stupid feelings for him then you could manage to have a normal friendship with him again, but for now you just wanted to be left alone. 
But again, no such luck because after being bombarded with calls and texts all week, by that weekend, you got a text from your mom saying there was someone at your house to see you. 
Who? You texted her back. 
It's Chan. She responded. Should I send him up? 
Chan? You thought in disbelief. You knew you couldn't continue to ignore him. It wouldn't be fair and after all his attempts to contact you, followed by him showing up at your doorstep now, clearly he had something very important to tell you so you figured you might as well see what he wanted. 
You quickly shot your mom a text that you would be downstairs in a minute. 
But before you did, you took a quick glance at yourself in the mirror. You weren't disgusting by any means. You had at least showered, brushed your teeth and then threw on something comfy to lounge around the house in.
Then it suddenly occurred to you why you were even bothering to care about your appearance in the first place when Chan had seen you both at your worst and your best. In fact, that was one of the best things about having grown up with him since your childhood. You never had to "dress up" to impress him. 
With that in mind, you left your room, then quickly scuttled down the stairs. Your mom told you he was outside on the porch, so you headed out to meet up with him. 
When you stepped outside, you saw him sitting on the little decorative bench that was placed on your porch but you almost had to do a double take once you saw him because of what he was wearing. 
He was dressed very much like his old self which included faded black jeans that were ripped at the knees, a black tee, and a black leather jacket with the usual buckles, and chains dangling from it that he always liked.
At the sound of your voice, he looked up at you and straightened up. "Hey, Y/N." 
"Hi," you said, unsurely, as you closed the front door behind you. "What are you doing here?" 
Chan stared at you for a moment as he seemed to be mulling something over in his head before finally asking, "You haven't received any of my texts or calls in the last week?"
You look down embarrassed and shrugged. "I did but I've been kinda busy…" 
It wasn't necessarily a lie. In addition to school, you still had your job, studies, and college applications. But you didn't mention the part about you using those as distractions to purposely avoid his attempts to contact you. 
"Right…" he said now, rubbing his hands on his pants like his palms were sweaty. "Look Y/N, I'll cut straight to the chase." He looked up at you from his position on the bench, while you were still near the front door. "I can't get over your gift." 
Pulling out the necklace you bought him from underneath his shirt, he fingered it before asking, "Why did you get this?" 
You didn't know what to say so you shrugged again. "Because I knew you'd like it. 
"But why?" He pursued further. "It's so expensive. Even I didn't get you anything that cost this much. Just that lame playlist of songs I'd made…"
"I love your songs, Chan," you whispered but he didn't hear it so he continued on. 
"...but this…" he lifted the necklace wrapped around his neck. It suited him so well especially now that he was in his original all black attire. "This is way more than what I could ever ask for…so why?" 
He looked up at you again, searching for answers but you kept your head down, not daring to look him directly in the eye. 
"It's really not that big of a deal…" you mumbled. 
"It is to me," he said with such seriousness that it caused your stomach to flip. When you stayed silent, he added, "Y/N. The truth. Please. I need to be sure of something."
You honestly didn't know what to say. You couldn’t just suddenly come out and say "because I'm hopelessly in love with you!" He's seriously dating someone already for heaven's sake! 
Because you didn't know what to say your mouth fell open but no words came out. 
Finally, Chan relented and leaned back on the bench before running a hand over his face. 
"I broke up with them," he said, causing you to look up at him. "It wasn't pretty but, uh…it's over. That's what I've been trying to call you to tell you."
"Oh…" Now you felt bad for having ignored him all week. You finally moved away from the door and sat down beside him on the bench. "I'm sorry, Chan. That sucks. What happened? You guys seemed good on your birthday." 
Just the mere mention of his birthday  caused your brain to draw up images of the two kissing again and you shook your head to get rid of them. 
Chan scratched at the back of his neck. "Uh…look, I know I told you that I've been good, but…I was lying. Truthfully, I was happier in the short time we were alone on my birthday than I have been since we stopped talking a while ago."
This news surprised you. "You haven't been happy, Chan?" 
He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. He then shook his head. "No, I mean, I've been alright." He looked confused now like he was trying to figure out his own emotions. "It's just…that's it. Nothing more. I've just been al-right. Not here or there…just," he shrugged. "You know, fine." 
He then turned to face you fully. "You remember when we were younger how we always wondered what it would be like to get in with the popular crowd?" 
You nodded. Neither of you were outcasts by any means but neither of you were ever at the center of your school's social circle either. It was just something you thought about from time to time. 
Chan continued. "Well, I'll admit that's part of the reason why I dated my ex in the first place. Everyone, even those who swear they don't care at least wonders what it's like and I'm no different. But honestly, it's not that great. At least, not with them and their friends. 
"At first, it was cool. You know, having someone from the popular crowd be into me. Plus, they were hot…" Chan chuckled to himself at having to admit this to which you just rolled your eyes. But there was no denying that their looks were a huge part of the reason for your old bully's climb up the social ladder. 
"But then the longer we dated the more I realized they didn't really like me the way I was. I had to keep changing things to please them…" 
As he spoke, he looked far off before his eyes finally landed back on you. "Those were the times I missed you most. But you were upset with me, so I didn't know how to tell you. I'm still really sorry, Y/N."
You sat in silence as you thought over everything he was admitting to you. 
"I never would've guessed," you said finally. "You two always seemed so wrapped up in each other and just because I wasn't friends with them, I still wanted you to be happy. I was willing to accept it if they were good to you." 
"...they were, but only to the changed version of me," Chan said. "That's why we were dating secretly, at first. Not only because I didn't want you to know because of your past with them, but because they were worried about being seen with me in public and what their friends would think." 
You scoffed at this. Now you hated them twice as much! 
Going into best friend mode, you immediately started off in a tirade about how awesome he is. 
"How could they be embarrassed of you?!" You exploded. "They're the ones that needs to be embarrassed! Not you! Chan you're awesome and you could do way better. They don't deserve you." 
At first, Chan had started to laugh as you went off but got quiet once you said your last words. 
"Who does then?" He asked, glumly. "What do I deserve?" 
You stared at your best friend, sitting beside you in awe of all his beauty that for whatever reason, he just couldn't see himself. 
"You deserve to be happy, Chan," you told him sincerely. "To have someone who won't be embarrassed to be out with you in public no matter what you're wearing. Someone who will support you no matter what." 
He grinned as he looked up at the sky before saying, "Like…you?" 
Your cheeks burned and you looked away. He was being cheeky. Teasing you once again. That's when he snapped his fingers. 
"I knew it!" He said excitedly at having figured out your secret. "How long?"
You looked down at your fingers as you admitted to him, "I think I always have, but just didn't realize it until we stopped speaking." You paused as you looked down at your shoes. "I'm sorry." 
At this, Chan snapped his tongue. "Why are you apologizing? You're sorry you like me?" 
You shook your head, before admitting frustratedly, "No, it's just…because we're supposed to be best friends and best friends aren't supposed to like each other…"  
After you trailed in your speech not elaborating any further, Chan was quiet for a moment until he finally spoke up.
"No, they aren't," he said, "And you know what else best friends don't do?"
You looked up at him, confusedly but was completely caught off guard when you felt his thumb and index finger lightly grab your chin and tilt it upward before placing his lips on yours.
Butterflies soared in your stomach. You had never thought much about your best friend's lips before, but boy were they soft with just the right amount of plumpness! 
When he finally ended the kiss with a quick lick of your lips, you swore you almost melted into a puddle right on that very bench. 
No wonder why your old bully seemed to enjoy kissing him so much. Oh well, their loss. 
He eventually pulled away, still with his hand gripping your chin, and you bit your lip before leaning away slightly feeling both elated and embarrassed at the same time. 
"Uh…yeah. Best friends definitely don't do that…." You started to ramble. '"Well, I mean...unless they're not best friends anymore but are actually dating now then I guess they-" 
But Chan just shook his head, laughing at your usual awkwardness as always before shutting you up with another kiss to which you just enjoyed instead of interrupting it with more rambling. 
Then suddenly, Chan stopped kissing you for a moment as a thought seemed to come to him. 
"So, I just have one more question," he told you and you nodded as you waited for him to ask. You had thought it was actually going to be something serious, that is until he asked you, "So, do you really like my songs, Y/N?" 
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes and shut him up with a kiss. Of course you loved all his songs, but not nearly as much as you loved the incredible guy who made them. 
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