#{ robert 'bob' floyd }
justabigassnerd · 1 year
Baby on Board's... Baby?
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Pairing - Robert 'Bob' Floyd x daughter!reader
Word count - 1,799
Warnings - talks of being left out, pretty much just fluff
Summary - the Daggers find out Bob has a kid and short circuit at the news
A/N - it's fic time! I'm so sorry for how long it's taken for me to get a fic out, I've been going through some shit and I'm only just feeling up to writing. this may not be the best thing I've written, Bob is really fucking hard to write but I have to give a shoutout to @maverick-wingman and @horseslovers2016 for the peer pressure otherwise this fic wouldn't exist in the first place. anyways I'll stop rambling now, as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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Your grip on your dad’s hand tightened as he leads you towards the looming doors of the Hard Deck.
“You okay, y/n/n?” Bob asks as he stops, turning to face you and crouching down to be at your height. You remain silent, thinking about whether you wanted to tell your dad how you were feeling.
“I’m scared.” You eventually admit, looking down at your shoes as your dad’s face softens at your words.
“Oh, sweet pea, it’s okay to be scared, this is a new place with new people. We don’t have to stay long if you don’t want to. But Phoenix is going to be there, and everyone else is so nice I just know they’ll love you.” Bob says softly, smiling as he notices you perk up at the mention of Phoenix being there.
“Nix?” You ask, your eyes lighting up at the thought of seeing your beloved godmother.
“Yeah, Phoenix is here.” Bob says with a smile as you look to the door of the Hard Deck, eager to see your other favourite human. You hold your arms up as an indication that you want to be picked up and Bob obliges, scooping you up and sitting you on his hip.
“Remember jellybean, if you want to go home, let me know and we’ll head home.” Bob whispers reassuringly, waiting for you to nod before he pushes the door open, searching for his squadron while you eagerly search for Phoenix, using you being in your dad’s arms as a vantage point.
“Nix!” You call out when you see your godmother amongst a group and wiggle to get out of your dad’s arms so you can rush over to Phoenix.
“Hello, y/n/n. How’s my favourite princess doing?” Phoenix beams as she scoops you up effortlessly the moment you reach her, cuddling you close as you giggle, your little arms hugging her as fiercely as you can.
“You got a kid, Phoenix?” Payback questions, eyebrow raised at the sight before him, having missed you calling out to Phoenix and only saw her scooping you up and hugging you tight. At Payback’s words, the rest of the Daggers watched Phoenix carefully as Bob joined the group, unnoticed by everyone.
“I’m her godmother. She’s not mine. She’s Bob’s.” Phoenix says, and at her words, everyone is made hyper-aware of Bob’s presence nearby and Hangman chokes on his beer, coughing loudly as Coyote slaps him harshly on the back.
“Wait, so you’re telling me that Baby on Board actually has a baby?” Hangman manages to say once he’s recovered enough to speak, eye wide as he looks from you in Phoenix’s arms to Bob.
“And you kept her a secret since we met?” Fanboy pesters, shock written all over his face at the realisation of how long Bob had been keeping his daughter a secret from the squadron.
“She stayed with my parents when we were initially called back, I thought it would be a short detachment but when it became permanent, I bought a place and now this is home for us.” Bob says, crossing to Phoenix and skilfully taking you in his arms.
“Then why did you tell Phoenix but not us?” Rooster asks quietly, all of the Daggers wearing a slightly hurt expressions that they were left out of this.
“I figured you guys wouldn’t really care. You guys became your own little group and I’m usually on the sidelines, so I thought it wasn’t worth wasting my breath trying to tell you guys because you’d rather talk about training or dart tournaments. But also y/n is very shy, and you guys can get quite loud, so I wanted to take things at her pace.” Bob explains with a light shrug, a small smile crossing his face when you cuddle closer, burying your face in his neck before you look out at all the people watching you curiously. At Bob’s words the Daggers exchange sorrowful looks, feeling bad for making Bob feel like he couldn’t talk to them or be open about things if he wanted. They knew Bob was quieter than most of the Dagger Squad and he had a tendency to slip away into the background because of how rowdy and loud the group could be. They also knew he was close with Phoenix; it shouldn’t come as a surprise to them at all. Most pilots got on well with their WSOs, they needed to have a strong trust between them, and Phoenix was the first person to act welcoming towards Bob when the team became aware of his presence that first night in the Hard Deck.
“Hey, we’re really sorry man. We never meant to make you feel like you weren’t part of the group, because you are. You’re a badass and have been since the uranium mission. You got a lock on the structure which is more than I can say, we’re lucky Rooster managed to drop blind and hit the target.” Fanboy says, looking down and then glancing back up as Bob moves, handing you to Phoenix so he could cross to Fanboy.
“Don’t put yourself down Fanboy, you were picked for the mission for a reason, and you’ve been picked for more since then. You’re a great wizzo, Payback’s lucky to have you.” Bob says, patting Fanboy on the shoulder and glancing over at Payback who nods in agreement before clapping Fanboy on the back as Bob moves back to Phoenix, taking you in his arms. As Bob takes you back into his arms, the team exchange knowing nods, vowing that they’ll never let Bob feel like his thoughts and stories didn’t matter as much and that they’d include him more. As they looked back at Bob, they caught Phoenix’s eye who simply raised an eyebrow. She had stayed quiet on Bob’s request because he didn’t want to be a bother although Phoenix insisted, he’d never be a bother to her or the team. Part of her had hoped the team would notice that Bob had a tendency to disappear into the background and that they’d include him a little more but apparently, it took Bob bringing his daughter to actually get attention.
“So, how old’s baby Bob?” Payback asks, the team keeping a distance so as to not overwhelm you. You heard Payback’s question and held up three fingers while keeping yourself as buried in your dad’s embrace as possible.
“Three? Damn, kid that’s the best age to be.” Hangman says with a grin, making you look at him, offering him a small smile when you make eye contact. Intrigued by the man who had told you that being three was the best, you squirmed in your dad’s arms, requesting to be put down and when Bob obliged, you toddled over to Hangman, looking up at him curiously before holding your arms up for him to pick you up. Hangman looked over at Bob who nodded, giving him permission to scoop you up into his arms as you giggled. Hangman carefully navigated sitting you on his shoulders, holding on to your legs as you admire being high up. Hangman carefully walks over to the jukebox, taking you off his shoulders, sitting you back on his hip and pointing out which buttons you need to press to play a song, making sure it was appropriate for you to listen to. After putting the song on, Jake places you down on the floor and dances with you, twirling you effortlessly as you giggle and dance along to the music as the Daggers watch on with large smiles. When the song ends, the Daggers clap as you dart back over to your dad and are immediately scooped up into your dads’ arms. Rooster quirked an eyebrow when he noticed you turn your attention to the piano, looking at it curiously.
“Does y/n like piano?” Rooster asks, crossing to Bob who notices your stare at the piano.
“My parents have one at their house, but it mostly sits there collecting dust. It probably reminds her of her grandparents.” Bob says, bouncing you lightly on his hip. Getting an idea, Rooster crosses to the jukebox and unplugs it, eliciting a groan from every patron in the bar as Rooster sat himself at the piano, playing some light notes, his fingers dancing across the keys masterfully. Bob and the others cross to the piano, knowing where Rooster is going with his piano playing. Bob sits you on top of the piano, keeping a hand braced on your back just in case you leant back too far, and Rooster then began playing ‘Great Balls of Fire’ getting the whole bar singing in seconds. You picked up the ‘goodness gracious, great balls of fire’ lyric quickly and were soon attempting to join in whenever the bar sang that one lyric. When the song concludes, you clap as loud as your little hands will allow as the patron’s whoop and cheer. Bob picks you back up and everyone moves to sit down at tables to converse some more over some drinks and snacks. The Daggers involve Bob in their conversations and ask questions about not only him but you, arranging a day for you, your dad, and the team to go to the beach to spend some more time together, naming themselves your new cool uncles, earning a raised eyebrow from Phoenix and Bob. The moment a small yawn slipped past your lips; Bob was up on his feet instantly while keeping you in his arms.
“I should think about heading home, it’s almost y/n’s bedtime.” Bob says, addressing the Daggers who all bid him and you goodnight as Phoenix gets to her feet.
“Night night y/n/n.” Phoenix whispers, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head.
“Night night, Nix.” You mumble, clinging to your dad and burying your face in his shirt as you wave goodbye to the rest of the Daggers who give you waves of their own. Bob then exits the Hard Deck, crossing to his car and buckling you into your car seat before brushing a stray piece of hair out of your face and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head.
Unbeknownst to Bob, Hangman crossed to the door of the bar, leaning against the frame as he watches the car pull away. The second the car was out of his line of sight he entered the bar, eyes gleaming with joy at what he had seen as he crosses back to the Daggers who all, bar Phoenix, looked up at him with bated breath, each of them hoping they won the bet the team had quickly made. All eyes were on Hangman as he opened his mouth to speak.
“He’s got a baby on board sign in the window.”
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Chronos // Robert Bob Floyd
Summary: Bob told you that Chronos carried a sickle, that he used it to cut a hole, a tear in the cosmos between heaven and earth. Chronos did that to separate this world from the next, to separate the known from the unknown.
And while someone by the name of Pete Mitchell told you over the phone that your husband had been involved in a training accident….Well—you felt as if you'd fallen straight into it.
Warnings: Bob Floyd x Pregnant F!reader. F-18 accident. Medical inaccuracies. Birth. Bob Whump, ANGST. Major character death.
Word Count: 6.1k
Author Note: Today is Monday, for most of you it’s Sunday: Please enjoy this oneshot that’s been a work in progress since the 28th of March. ~ Last minute title name change. I’m posting this at 4am my time so blow this up.
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First there was a storm of carbon and molten rock which begat granite and soil. Then, the land shook and it cracked and it rose till it spiked the sky. Forest grew and died and grew a hundred times again. And then people grew and died and grew and died a hundred times again. There were storms and seasons and fences and blood. Wonder and vengeance and a whole lot of regret….
And through every grievance, every war, the land and the sky didn't give two shits about any of it. Bob Floyd knew that as he and his front seater, Natasha Phoenix Trance, fell through the sky in a tin bird designed by man, for man to destroy other men….
That it wouldn't give two shits about them either. 
“Extinguishing right engine!” There were far too many sounds coming from every system possible as Phoenix tried to regain control of the F-18 that seemed impossible to wrangle. All Bob could think about in those utterly terrifying moments was you. 
He’d always made it a promise to come home to you. He knew how much you worried about him, how much the thought of being left behind ping ponged around in your brain. How sometimes you'd stay up all hours of the night hoping that wherever he was and whatever ocean he flew across that he was okay. That he was safe and that he;d come home to you. 
Robert Floyd had made you a promise he had every intention of keeping, but he wasn't so sure he could. 
“Phoenix, Bob! Punch out! Punch out!” Maverick shouted through the comms as he chased the rogue fighter jet down. Bob looked around at all the warnings flashing in his face, there was nothing left to save except themselves. 
“Phoenix there’s warning lights everywhere, we’re in hydraulic failure!” All Bob prayed for in those terrifying moments as his colleagues watched on in pure shock horror from the ground below was that he’d get a chance to tell you he loved you again. 
He always told you that he’d come home, that there wasn’t a chance in hell that he wouldn’t. You knew better than to believe Government Property though, Bob knew you knew that there was always a chance. So he promised in the event of his untimely demise that he’d come back to you and wiggle your earlobe. To let you know he made it safe and sound. That you need not worry about him anymore. 
You promised him the same thing, because working from home was just as terrifying as flying a multimillion dollar fighter jet. 
“I can’t control it!” But as the ground grew closer and closer, Bob knew he wasn’t ready to die, he wasn’t ready to leave you behind and he certainly wasn’t ready to not meet his unborn child. 
“We’re going down, Phoenix! We’re going in! We’re going in!” He wasn’t ready to wiggle your ear. 
“You can’t save it! eject, eject!” Maverick shouted again, he was watching on like he’d been sucked into some kind of timeloop. He’d seen this happen before. Only he lost his best friend when to this day he thought it should have been him. 
“Eject! Eject! Eject!” Were the last three words Bob heard escape from Phoenix’s mouth before he was reaching between his legs to pull at the emergency yellow and black striped handle that sent him flying out of the cockpit. He’d been taught how to handle a situation like this, they all had. Every single naval aviator currently on active duty had been taught what to do when they needed to eject. 
But when Bob's head hit the top of the cockpit? He didn’t care for procedures and protocol and what he should or shouldn’t have done in the moment, all he cared about was you and holding on to whatever consciousness he had left as he tumbled through the sky at a rapid pace. Reaching for his parachute in just the nic of time. 
Knowing if he hit the ground where the land had shook and cracked and rose till it spiked the sky that it wouldn’t have given a shit. It wouldn’t have been all that forgiving and it certainly wouldn’t have mourned his untimely demise. 
So Bob faught until he hit the ground with a not so graceful thud, he hit the ground hard—with an almighty groan as his ribs popped and his head throbbed inside his helmet. 
“Ahhh!” He gasped as he clutched at his stomach, forgetting how to breathe as the darkness of tunnel vision claimed its next victim. Unconsciousness overcoming its latest casualty: 
Bob Floyd. 
Bob had asked you once when you were wrapped up in his arms in the dead of the night, listening to the storm raging on outside if you knew anything at all about a Greek God called Chronos. When you had chuckled out a soft no as his lips trailed up your neck and his slightly calloused hands roamed your body like they knew every inch, Bob told you that he carried a sickle, that he used it to cut a hole, a tear in the cosmos between heaven and earth. Chronos did that to separate this world from the next, to separate the known from the unknown.
And while someone by the name of Pete Mitchell told you over the phone that your husband had been involved in a training accident….
Well—you felt as if you'd fallen straight into it.
You felt like you'd fallen into the cosmic existence between now and soon to come, plummeting into a realm where time didn’t exist and light didn’t reach. You tumbled into a parallel dimension where nothing made sense, nothing seemed tangible or real. You descended into a world where Bob Floyd wasn’t around. 
“Your husband was involved in an accident during a training exercise this afternoon—“. 
At the sound of Pete Maverick Mitchell’s voice explaining that there had been an accident on base during an exercise—you begun to crack, you started slipping further and further into the unknown because Bob had always said he’d never leave and if he did you’d feel him tugging on your earlobe to let you know he got there safe and sound. 
There was no one tugging on your earlobe though, no soul that had passed on or ghostly figure watching over you. What there was though, was a radiating warmth between your legs. A wetness that shouldn't have been there. 
Had your water just broken? 
“Oh—oh god.” You gasped as you looked down, gripping the side of the kitchen island as you groaned out a prolonged, primal moan. You were in labour there was no doubt about it. “Ahh.” 
“Mrs Floyd? Are you alright?” The voice on the other end of the line asked with a confused undertone as you watched the seconds tick past on the ongoing call. 
“I uh—“ You tried to speak, tried to make sense of what you were hearing, what you were experiencing. Pain in every aspect both physically, emotionally and mentally. “I think my water just broke.” 
“Oh—“ Maverick couldn’t suppress his shock nor could he disguise his sudden state of disbelief. “Oh okay, I’ll uh—I'll have an ambulance come by right away.” You replied with a sharp groan. Doubling over as you felt how hard your stomach had truly become. This was happening, everything was happening all at once and you had lost focus in the pain of both worrying about the state your husband was currently in and the fact your baby was on their way. “Mrs Floyd, someone will be there very soon, I’m gonna stay on the line with you until they arrive.” 
“I need Bob—“ You’d begun to cry as you kneeled on the kitchen floor before you decided that sitting up against the cabinet with your legs outstretched felt a hell of a lot more comfortable. “I need my husband, I can't do this without him.” You felt warm tears streaming down your cheeks as your bottom lip quivered and another painful contraction rippled through your body. Every fibre of your being ignited in a fireball. “Ahhh—I won’t do this without my husband!” 
On the other side of the phone call that had taken a rather drastic turn, Mav looked to Phoenix who was being wheeled into the awaiting ambulance on the tarmac. Bob was next, Pete didn’t have the heart to tell the Weapons Systems Officer that had just escaped death that his wife, who he hadn’t mentioned to a soul beside Phoenix, that his wife’s water had just broken. 
“Phoenix, hey—“ Pete stopped the medics briefly, they looked at Pete like he was risking her life by wasting valuable time. But this was just as important. “What’s Bob's wife’s name?” Pete wanted to know so he could be a little more personal. 
The truth was Natasha didn’t even know, she’d seen the picture of you in Bob's wallet that he’d shown her, but Bob had only ever called you by your nickname. Bob's beloved term of endearment. 
“He’s only ever called her Peach, I don’t even know her name.” Phoenix cried. She was still trying to process what had happened—she felt like the blame was all her own to bear. She’d damn near killed her back seater and she didn’t even know his wife’s real name or that you were pregnant. “I nearly killed him and I don’t even know his wife’s name—“ 
“Hey hey hey.” Mav tried to soothe the clearly shocked pilot. “It wasn’t your fault, it could’ve happened to anyone, Phoenix.” Mav smiled softly as he held the phone back to his ear, he was still yet to call Phoenix's emergency contact, her sister Lily. It wasn’t inherently Mavericks' job to call the emergency contacts listed in Bob and Phoenix’s files, but it was his duty, his responsibility. 
He was going to as soon as he’d informed you, however, Pete wasn’t expecting this call to take the turn it had. “Peach, you there?” 
There was no answer, Simply whimpers. When you’d doubled over in pain in the kitchen you’d left your phone on the island bench top. It was far too out of reach now as you sat trying to breathe through the latest contraction that bodied you. 
“Peach—“ Mav started, but as he did so saw the medics wheeling Bob closer and closer to the ambulance waiting on the tarmac. He couldn’t say anything, not when Bob was still fighting to stay conscious. “Mrs Floyd, someone will be there as soon as they can, I promise.” 
“Bbboooooobb—!” You cried out. “I can’t do this!” It was all too much for you to handle, the immense pressure, the anxiety, the fear of losing your husband. “I can’t fucking do this!” You never thought in your wildest dreams you’d have to do this alone. Bob always said he’d be right with you every single step of the way. And up until right now he had been. 
“Someone’s coming Peach.” Maverick knew you couldn’t hear him, but he couldn’t bring himself to put the phone down. He looked at Bob being wheeled into the back of the ambulance on a stretcher, wondering if his decision to not say anything as of right now was a bad decision. He seemed to always be full of those. 
“Someone’s coming—“
By the time Bob was brought back to the North Island Base Hospital, he was very aware that someone would need to call his emergency contact about what had happened. Someone was going to need to call you, he thought it would be best if he was the one who called. 
With a throbbing headache and a few cuts and gashes, Bob let the nurses and doctors tend to his aid without much of a fight. He knew he needed the care, knew it was for the best if he just let everyone do their jobs. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon and if he put up a fight they would only keep him admitted for longer. 
“You got a partner Robert? A wife or husband that we need to call?” Doctor Austin asked as he shined a light into Bob's eyes, watching carefully as he followed the light side to side. 
“I have a wife–” Bob mumbled, his head hurt from when he’d hit the ground not so gracefully but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle as he sat up on the hospital bed with his legs hanging off the side. Phoenix was laying with an ice pack over her eyes on the other bed. “She’s um, she's pregnant, could go any day now.” Doctor Austin chuckled as he clicked his pen light off and placed it into his top pocket. Sending Bob an all knowing look. 
“And you thought it was a good idea to fall outta the sky?” Bob's ribs hurt when he laughed softly, cupping at his side as he did so, laughing with the doctor who had cleared him and Natasha of any serious injury. “My good man, I can't say that's a good mix.” But there were still observations that needed to be made and a few more tests just to be sure. He wasn't out of the woods. 
“Yeah I think you might be right doc—“ Bob smiled softly. “But can I be the one to call her? She’ll probably take the news a little better if she heard it from me.” 
“I’ll see what I can do Lieutenant.” Doctor Austin nodded as he picked up his charts and headed out of the room, leaving Phoenix and Bob in the heavy silence of the aftermath of their near death experience. 
“What’s her name?” Phoenix mumbled from behind the ice pack she kept over her eyes. 
“Y/n—“ Bob replied softly as he played with the wedding band that was strung through his dog tags. “We’ve been together since high school.” 
“Why do you call her Peach?” 
“Because she’s as sweet as the peaches from the orchard my grandma used to own.” Bob couldn’t stop himself from bashfully blushing, a hume all consuming crept across the apples of his cheeks whenever he spoke about you. “We’re about to have a baby, the detachment was meant to be my last before I could access my paternity leave entitlements.” 
“Rough last assignment—“ Phoenix chuckled as she shook her head in disbelief. Bob agreed silently, it was a rough last assignment. “You don’t talk about her an awful lot do you?” 
“I would—“ Bob pressed his lips together. “Just no one really asked.” It was then that Phoenix realised that she didn’t know an awful lot about the man who had gone down with her. The man who sat behind her and had her back in the sky. Her WSO. “And I guess we’re not here for all that long anyway so I just kept her to myself, she’s a nice reminder that even after the rough days we’ve been having I get to go home, safe and in one piece to the woman I love.” 
“Do you guys know what your having?” Phoenix didn't mean to pry, but she felt an overwhelming pressure to get to know the person she had been flying with since being requested for this detachment. Bob shook his head in response. 
“Nah, we wanted to keep it a surprise.” Just as Bob was finishing his sentences Doctor Austin returned, his face looked all kinds of pale and worry was written in the deep lines across his forehead. 
“Lieutenant Floyd it looks as if your wife was just admitted into the maternity ward—“ Bob's heart stopped beating inside his chest as he listened to Doctor Austin. “It appears that she was contacted earlier about your accident and the shock sent her into labour—“ 
“I uh—I need to see her.” Bob mumbled as he slid off the exam bed and nearly fell to the floor. His knees were so weak from the shock and adrenaline from the accident and now the realisation that he was about to be a first time dad. “I need to see my wife, where is she?” 
“Lieutenant, I know this must be a stressful situation for you but I really advise against leaving until we’ve finished with your own test. We still need to get you in for—“ 
“I won’t miss the birth of my baby.” Bob shook his head in defiance. “No, I won’t leave her to do that alone, she needs me—I know she does because I know how scared she is about doing this alone.” 
“No no you have to listen to me. I can't let her do this alone because I’ve heard her cry about it in the middle of the night.” Phoenix's heart shattered into a million pieces as she watched Bob plead with the doctor and the nurses that had come in to try and subdue him. “She’s scared I won’t come back one day and today was almost that day and now she’s giving birth to our baby alone after I promised I’d be here for her—“ 
“We can’t let you go, it would be against all my medical advice.” Doctor Austin tried to explain. “I understand the difficulty of the situation Mr Floyd but your health and wellbeing is our number one priority.”
“But you have to let me!! That’s my wife! She needs me! Please—“ You needed your husband, things weren’t travelling all that well in the delivery room. You weren’t ready to have this baby—not if Bob wasn’t there with you. Not if Bob had left you behind, he was too young to die. He couldn’t leave you here by yourself to raise a baby, his baby, on your own. He promised he wouldn’t. 
“Mrs Floyd, you are going to have this baby.” 
“Aahhhhhh! I’m not doing this without my husband!” You groaned out. You were covered in sweat and crying your heart out as one of the labour and delivery nurses held your hand and placed a cool washcloth to your forehead. “I won’t have this baby without him, do you understand me!” 
“Someone needs to contact her husband—“ Everyone from the King of England to the Hounds of Hell could hear you screaming. It had been a rather quiet day for the L&D department. Until the ambulance had brought you in. 
“We can’t reach him, but I’ll try again.” One of the intern labour and delivery nurses replied as she rushed out of the room, she sprinted towards the nurses station in a hurry. So fast she almost went straight past it, she came to a halt with a flustered sigh.“I need you to try contacting Mr Floyd again, his wife won’t cooperate—she’s refusing to give birth to this baby without him.” 
“She knows how having a baby works doesn’t she?” One of the older nurses sitting at the desk rolled her eyes. “That baby, no matter the circumstances, isn’t going to wait for anyone.”
“I’ll let the L&D ward know you’re here as a patient but that’s the best I can do at this stage Lieutenant, I can’t in good conscience let you leave this ward without having run through all the proper medical procedures to make sure you’re fit to return to work.” Doctor Austin wasn’t trying to be the bay guy, if anything he wanted nothing more than to send Bob on his way—but he couldn’t, he wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing he didn’t do his job to the best of his ability. “My primary priority is you and Miss Trance here.” 
“You don’t understand!” Bob ran his hands through his hair as his bottom lip quivered. He was holding back tears as he looked up to the ceiling—begging whatever God up there that saved him this morning to work just a little more magic. “She won’t have this baby without me, that was the deal—I needed to be there and now that I’m not—“
“She can’t not have the baby Robert.” Doctor Austin sighed, that was the moment Bob knew he needed out. He needed to get to you, he needed to be there by your side and whisper how beautiful and strong and amazing you are for being a whole person into this world. Because if there was one thing you were, it was strong willed, and you weren't going to have this baby without him. That was a promise. “I’ll go talk with L&D and I’ll be right back.” 
“Tell my wife I’m here!” Bob shouted as Doctor Austin left the room, Bob felt like he couldn’t breathe. There was a pressure mounting inside his chest, like an elephant was perched upon his chest. “I’m—I’m here.” He broke. Tears streamed down his grazed cheeks as Phoenix hobbled over. She’d done a little damage to herself but nothing a little rest and recovery couldn’t fix. 
They were lucky—oh so lucky. 
“She's gonna be okay.” Natasha tried her best to comfort the Weapons System Officer she hardly knew, but Bob was long gone. He’d fallen deep into that hole, the one that the Greek God Chronos had created to separate this life from the next one. He was falling through a helpless paradox of anxiety and fear. You were about to give birth and he was going to miss it. As he crouched down as a whale of pain escaped his parted lips, Bob wished for nothing more than to reverse time.
Because if he could just simply reserve time then he wouldn’t have gone into work this morning. And none of this would be happening. 
“Desmond, she’s not doing well, at all.” Lily, one of your delivery nurses, pleaded with Bob's doctor to just let him come to your aid. “She thinks he’s dead, something about an accident he was in this morning.” 
“F-18 ejection, he hit the ground pretty hard.” Doctors Austin looked in at you on the bed, in the middle of active labour, fighting every urge you had to push. You weren’t having this baby, not without Bob, the love of your life, your best friend, your husband. “He’s fine, but he’s in for observation overnight and I’m still waiting for his result to come back from his MRI.” 
“If she doesn’t see her husband soon she’s going to need an emergency c-section and I for one am not about to place a panicked mother to be under the knife unless it’s critical.” Lily was your voice of reason. You couldn’t plead with Doctor Austin to let your husband go yourself so she did it for you. “If your patient can walk, hold his wife’s hand while she delivers their child and can sign a waiver saying he waved all medical advice then send him down here before she loses this baby.” 
“You L&D ladies think you know everything—“ 
“Just bring me her damn husband before it’s too late.” 
Bob felt like he’d been condemned to some eternal hell, time froze as the walls of the hospital room he sat in with Phoenix grew closer and closer. He felt claustrophobic for the first time in a long time. 
“How did the two of you meet?” Phoenix tried to keep Bob's mind from going to places too dark to fathom. He needed a distraction from the fact he was here with her and you were delivering his child. All alone. 
“I was never good at history, she was my partner for this assessment we had in ancient history class once, everyone was doing their research on Pompeii but not Peach.” Bob chuckled to himself at the memory. “No she wanted to do Herculaneum and it turned out to be the only project I ever got an A on for that class.” You were just it for Bob. There was something special about your aura. Your ability to draw him close like a moth entranced by a flame. You took his breath away every time you told him you loved him. 
Your love sent Bob's heart clear out of this world. 
“We kinda just never left each other's side since then.” Bob explained as he sat against the wall on the floor with his elbows on his knees. “She’s always been so supportive of what I do even though I know it scares her more than anything to see me walk out that door every morning and she worries endlessly whenever I’m deployed.” 
“Becoming she loves you.” Phoenix wished she knew a love like Bobs, but her time hadn’t come yet. Bob nodded along as he twirled his wedding band around his finger as it hung from his dog tags. 
“Because she loves me.” 
“Floyd—“ Doctor Austin made his presence known as he chucked Bob a blue hospital gown and cap. “Put those on, sign this form that says you're going against my professional medical advice and follow me, you’re needed in labour and delivery.”
“Push! Y/n dear you need to push—!” Lily tried to persuade you to push when your next contraction hit but you were too far gone. You weren’t ready to be a mother, not without Bob there to be a father. 
“No! No, I'm not having this baby!” It was the hardest thing to hear as Bob came racing down the hall, his entire body ached from bruises, his head felt heavy on his shoulders from his concussion. But he was okay, he was alive. “I’m not! I won’t! I can’t do this without him!” You cried out in pain as you fought the urge to push, you swore your teeth were about to crush under the force of you clenching. A scream so heartbreaking and primal ripped through you as your body began to betray you. You were fighting nature's course and it wasn’t going well.
“She needs to push—she’s losing too much blood.” One of the nurses stated as a matter of factly just as Bob made it to the door. He froze at the sight of you, how could you look so beautiful in so much pain? He thought he was going to pass out as he took steady, slow steps into the room. 
“I’m here—“ Bob cooed as he came up to your beside. “I’m here Peach I’m here.”
“Bob?” You turned in a delirious state to where your husband's voice had come from. “No no I thought you—“
“I’m okay.” He smiled as he bent over to kiss your forehead and splay his hand on top of your head to push your hair away from your face. “I’m here, I told you I’d be here didn’t I?” 
“I thought you died, I thought you were in an accident?” You could barely focus, you felt so light headed that the world felt like it was spinning. “I thought—“
“Hey, hey you need to push alright? You can push now baby because I’m here and I’m with you and I’m fine.” Bob reassured you as you sobbed and nodded as he kissed your lips softly and held your hand. “You’re so strong, you’re so brave, and I love you so much, please push mama.” 
“This baby is coming whether you're ready or not Mrs Floyd so I’m gonna need you to focus so we can get this baby out.” Lily rounded the bed as she positioned herself between your legs. Bob felt you tighten your grip around his head and everything stopped. Time stood still, your screams were all but drowned out by the excitement and fear in Bob's heart. 
“Yes, Y/n good job. I can see bubs head you’re doing so well! Oh your next contraction I need you to push until I tell you to stop.” Lily smiled as you let your head fall back against the bed. 
“You’ve been telling me to push and now you don’t want me to push!?” You hissed. Bob couldn’t help but to chuckle. He was so amazed by your strength. 
“Yep, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.” Lily chuckled. She knew you were close, barreling towards another contraction. She could see it. “Alright this is the one mama, big push for me and bubs will be here in no time.” 
“Bob! It hurts! Make it stop!” You cried out, Bob wished he could take all your pain and experience it himself. He never wanted to see you in such a state, but your baby was coming, the baby you’d made together. You’d created together late one night or in the early hours of the morning he wasn’t too sure. But what he was sure of was that you could do this. “It hurts!!” 
“Push Mrs Floyd!” Lily shouted. 
“Come on peach push! push!” Bob willed you on as you did. You shouted  and cried and squeezed your husband’s hand so hard he thought you were about to break his damn hand. But this was it. Your baby was coming. 
“Okay okay the heads out stop!” Lily guided you as you let your head fall back against the bed in pure exhaustion. You were dehydrated, covered in sweat and ready to give up. “So I lied before, you’re gonna give me one smaller push to help bubs out Y/n and that it’s—you're done.” 
“I can’t.” 
“No peach you can.” Bob cooed. “You can because you’ve come this far.” 
“I’m not even sure if you're here or not.” You sobbed as you reached out to caress Bob's cheek. “I’m not even sure if you're here with me or if I’m seeing things.”
“I’m here, I’m real.” Bob whispered in your ear. “And we’re having our baby Peach, just one more little push and it’s gonna be you and me and our little one against the world.” You nodded softly and you shut your eyes and groaned. “You can do it.” 
“Alright let’s have this baby! One more small push!” Lily announced as another contraction tour through your exhausted body. 
“Ahhhhhh!!” You shouted and Bob swore you bust his eardrum, but it was a small sacrifice as the cries of the world’s newest human echoed off the walls. 
“Congratulations Mr and Mrs Floyd you have a little baby girl.” Lily handed you your daughter the second she was born. Placing her on your chest within seconds of her arrival. 
“Oh Peach, she's so beautiful.” Bob cried as tears streamed down his cheeks. He swore he’d never be able to love someone more than he loved you. But as you held your newborn daughter on your chest he kinda thought he’d been wrong. He could love someone just as much as he loved you. Your daughter. 
“She's perfect, hi b-baby.” Your voice was all but a whisper as your head lulled to the side. You felt dizzy, lightheaded as your daughters cried softened. “I love you.” 
“Y/n? Sweetheart are you alright?” You didn’t reply but you looked up at your husband with a dazed expression, a tunnel had begun to form, edges of a dark black hole crept its way into your mind.
Chronos hole—the one between this world and the next. 
“Peach?” Alarms rang out as Lily removed your crying newborn just minutes earth side from your chest as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. “No no no no what’s wrong what’s happening to her?” Bob asked as he tapped your cheek softly. “Hey, Peach, no stay with me, stay with me.” 
“Her blood pressure is dropping, she’s haemorrhaging.” Lily explained as she and a bunch of other nurses worked around you. “We need to get her into surgery, Mr Floyd.” 
“Sir, step back—“ An older nurse asked as she placed a hand on Bob's shoulder. He did as he watched Lily take a sample of your blood. 
“I’ll head directly to the lab to drop off the sample.” 
“Just make sure her surgeon has o-negative on the ready.” The only nurse replied as Bob stood there, watching as they wheeled you out on the same bed you'd just given birth in. He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye, he didn't get a chance to tell you how much he loved you. 
“Uh, do I go with her or?” Bob didn’t know what to do, his whole world had been turned upside down and on its head already today, and again it had just flipped once more. There was one nurse left, he didn’t know her name, but she smiled politely at him. 
“No, you should stay here with your daughter, she needs her daddy now.” 
First there was a storm of carbon and molten rock which begat granite and soil. Then, the land shook and it cracked and it rose till it spiked the sky. Forest grew and died and grew a hundred times again. And then people grew and died and grew and died a hundred times again. There were storms and seasons and fences and blood. Wonder and vengeance and a whole lot of regret….
And through every grievance, every war, the land and the sky didn't give two shits about any of it. Bob Floyd knew that as he sat with his newborn daughter in the maternity room of the Miramar Base Hospital designed by man, for man to help other men with westernised medical procedures and treatments…
That it wouldn't give two shits about you either. 
“Hey..” A gruff voice came from the doorway, it took Bob all his light and all his remaining energy to look up from his daughter. The light and life of you. “I uh, I just thought I’d come check in on you and Phoenix.” Mav crossed his arms over his chest as he moved into the room. “How’s your wife doing?” 
“I don’t know.” Bob explained as he rocked his little girl, skin to skin was important so he’d stripped off what he could. “She’s still in surgery.” Pete could see the worry written in the lines of Bob's face. But the little girl who cried against his shoulder had him mesmerised. “Sorry darlin, I got you, daddy’s here.” 
“She’s a little beauty isn’t she?” Mav sat down beside the WSO who’d had a longer day then most. “You get a chance to name her yet? Before—?” Mav didn’t have to say before you went into shock. Your body had been through a lot and the nurses believed if you hadn’t held on so long, held back against what your body was telling you it needed to do then there was a possibility that it could have been a rather smooth delivery. Bob took that personally, the only reason you were holding back was because he wasn't here for you when you needed him the most. 
“No, but we’ll name her after, for now she’s baby Peach.” 
“Your wife’s nickname.” Mav replied softly as he looked up. He knew then and there what was about to happen. 
Bob knew there was a Doctor standing in the doorway. He didn’t dare look up. He knew if he looked up he’d be told the worst news of his life. 
Bob remembered that had asked you once when you were wrapped up in his arms in the dead of the night, listening to the storm raging on outside if you knew anything at all about a Greek God called Chronos. He remembered that you had chuckled out a soft no as he trailed his lips up your neck. Bob told you that he carried a sickle, that he used it to cut a hole, a tear in the cosmos between heaven and earth. Chronos did that to separate this world from the next, to separate the known from the unknown.
And while a Doctor by the name of Henry Nardella told him that you didn’t make it through the surgery, that you'd left him and your daughter behind, in a world where nothing made sense without you in it. 
Well—Robert Floyd felt as if he’d fallen straight into it. 
“No, please don't leave me here.” Bob felt like he’d fallen into the cosmic existence between now and soon to come, plummeting into a realm where time didn’t exist and light didn’t reach. He felt like he had tumbled into a parallel dimension where nothing made sense, nothing seemed tangible or real. He’d descended into a world where you weren't around. “No Peach, no.” 
But at the touch of his earlobe, a slight pressure formed at the lobe. So warm and comforting. Bob knew as your baby girl settled in against his chest at the lub dub of his heart beating for you–he knew you were safe on the other side. 
Because you had tugged on his earlobe, just like you promised you would. 
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Christmas Gift | Robert 'Bob' Floyd
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Pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x Teacher!Wife!Reader
Summary: Bob gets the most special christmas gift ever.
Word count: 1215
Warnings: fluff. BOB. Bob should be a warning. BUT I'M SAYING BOB IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. baby on board
Tag list: @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox @mercurio23 @shrimping-for-all @abaker74 @smells-like-perfect-senses
(if you want to be in the 'All TGM' tag list, send me an ask!)
A/N: Is this an attempt to stop y'all from suing me? yes. Hope you like it!
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“How is the wife doing, Bob?” Hangman asks while walking to the parking lot. 
“I don’t know. She woke up sick this morning. Perhaps the sushi we had last night was spoiled,” Bob answers, checking his phone to see if there was any message from you, but you haven’t talked to him all day. 
“Oh, damn. If you need us to raincheck the Secret Santa party, call me.” He says while patting Bob’s back.
“I’ll ask her when I get home and I’ll text you” 
“Sure. Say hi to Bobette for me” 
Bob nods, walking to the car and dialing his wife’s number. 
"Hey, Mrs. Floyd. How are you feeling?” He asks, opening the car door and sitting inside. “If you’re still sick I can take you to the doctor” 
'Honey, I'm fine. I think it was the sushi,” you reply quickly, trying to stop his worry. “I was just about to jump in the shower and get ready for the party” 
“And you were gonna shower without me? Miss, do I need to remind you that we need to save the planet and use water wisely?” He can almost hear your smile from the other end of the line. 
“You have fifteen minutes to come home,” you challenge him, and Bob smirks. 
“Make it ten” 
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One shower and a few hours later, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd are walking hand in hand towards Hangman and Coyote’s house. A few weeks ago, both of them brought up the idea of celebrating Christmas with the squad. Of course, that included you as an honorary member of the squad through marriage. There were rumors of an upcoming mission that will happen during the holidays, so Coyote thought that they could celebrate some Secret Santa and exchange gifts two weeks before Christmas instead of doing it on Christmas Eve. 
Today is the day. 
You have been a bit worried about your gift for the past few weeks, not knowing what you should give them. But then, a few days ago, the answer came to you unexpectedly. 
Coyote opens the door, smiling at the sight. “Look at you, my favorite married couple.” He hugs you tight. “If you two ever get a divorce I’ll stop believing in love” 
“Javy, why are you talking about divorces?” Phoenix asks from behind him. She pushes the pilot away and pulls you close to hug you tightly. “Look at you, you’re beautiful! Are you using a new highlighter or something?"
You look at her with a puzzled expression. “Uh… no? Why?” 
“You’re literally glowing.” she adds. 
“I just got out of the shower, Nat. I’m not even wearing much makeup” 
 “Unbelievable” she grabs your hand and leads you inside. 
You hug and say hi to all the aviators, not having seen them in a while. It’s been crazy with the final exams, the Christmas play at school, and tons of different things. You all sit down, Nat offering you some hot chocolate that you gladly accept. 
“So, are we giving the presents now?” Fanboy says, almost jumping in his seat from the excitement. 
“What are you, five?” laughs Rooster while stealing some Christmas cookies from the tray that Jake left on the coffee table. 
“Look, I’ve been waiting two weeks for this. I need my gift now.” Fanboy states, and all of you chuckle a bit at his antics. Fanboy truly loves Christmas. 
“Okay, go get the gifts, we’ll be here” Payback says, leaning back on the sofa. 
“But there’s a lot?” the wizzo retorts. 
“You wanted the gifts, go get them” 
“OH LORD I’LL GO WITH YOU” exclaims Phoenix getting up from her seat and going with him to Jake’s room where all the gifts have been carefully placed. 
When they come back, you feel a bit nervous. It’s a very significant gift. Maybe you shouldn’t have bought that. 
You watch as Rooster opens his gift first. Inside the box, there’s the most ugly Hawaiian shirt you’ve ever seen. 
“Wait, are those actual roosters?” you point to the birds in the shirt, and Rooster laughs out loud when he sees that yes, those are actual roosters.
“Oh my god, I know who gave me this” he looks directly at Nat. “Was it you?” 
“Look, I hate your shirts. But I know you love them, so I had to give you a very special one” she says, getting up to hug Bradley. 
Nat is now opening her gift. It’s a helmet for her motorcycle, with the same stickers as her aviator helmet. Bob bought a helmet the other day. Yes! You were right! Bob had Phoenix. 
“Oh. my. God. This is the best gift EVER” she tries it on, and immediately goes to hug Bob. “I don’t even have to ask. You know my helmet better than me” 
“I was worried for a second that it wouldn’t fit you” he smiles and pats the helmet. "It looks good on you." 
“Thank you so much, Bob. It's perfect," she says as she grabs a white box with red dots from the table. “I think this one’s yours, buddy.” 
 Bob grabs the box and sits next to you, opening it slowly. He has the most beautiful smile on his face. But it drops instantly when he sees what’s inside the box. 
“Bob? It’s an iPad, bud. That’s awesome!” Coyote announces, not understanding the wizzo’s reaction. 
“It’s mine. I bought it last year,” he explains, looking at you. “Y/n?” 
“Just open it,” you simply reply. 
When Bob unlocks the iPad, a video begins to play immediately. It’s an ultrasound. 
"Oh, my god,” Nat says, covering her mouth in surprise. 
Bob is still looking at the screen, looking at the 11-week-old baby that will soon keep the both of you awake during the night. “You’re pregnant?” 
You nod, tears filling your eyes. Bob drops the iPad in the box and hugs you so tight that it almost hurts. “Babe, too tight” 
He pulls away, tears welling up in his eyes. “I’m sorry, darling. It’s just… Oh my god. You’re gonna be a mom. I’m gonna be a dad! We’re gonna be parents,” he is rambling at this point, and it’s just so cute. 
“And we’re gonna be uncles!” exclaims Hangman. “Oh my god, I have experience. I can change diapers. And babysit. You better name him Jake.” 
“I don’t even know if they’re a girl or a boy,” you laugh. 
Bob kneels down in front of you, carefully moving his hands toward your belly. “We showered together; how come I didn’t notice?” 
“You can suck your belly in, even if you’re pregnant.” 
His hands caress your belly, and he lowers his head to leave a soft kiss. “Hi, Bob” 
“Did you just call them Bob?” 
"Yeah, it's their call sign, Baby On Board," he says, and you can't stop yourself from kissing him. 
“Hey! That’s what I call you! I should be the godfather.” Jake protests, ending in a heated debate between Rooster, Payback, Fanboy, Coyote, and himself, fighting for the godfather position. 
“This is the most wonderful Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten, darling. Thank you so much,” he whispers, kissing you softly, his hands never leaving your belly. 
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sushiwriterhere · 1 year
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summary: "Perhaps most tantalizing of all were his glasses–their lenses were lightly fogged, but you could still almost see his wide eyes behind them."  rating: explicit (18+ mdni) pairing: bob floyd x f!reader word count: ~2.9k warnings: idiots pining, car sex (lol), hangman being hangman, no use of y/n.  notes: Inspired by me thinking about Bob's glasses getting all fogged up. y'all i wish i could apologize for this but all i can think abt is this man and how someone once said they wanna chew on him like a polly pocket.. anyways please let me know what you think ! no beta we die like men tagging: @sebsxphia @theharddeck - tagging ppl either by request or whom i feel like luv bob soooo pls let me know if you'd like to be added/removed
You were usually far more behaved than this, really. You paid attention in your classes, did your work, showed up on time to your job–kept it all together. But there was something about him, about Bob, that just made that tiny part of you want to be reckless. And he had no idea. 
There he was, along with the rest of the group like every Friday, sitting and watching them play pool. They’d hoot and holler, order drink after drink, and he’d sit and laugh along with his peanuts and his Shirley Temples or lemonades. And it made you want to jump his bones.
It was a smidge ironic that as a bartender his non-alcoholic drink choices were part of what got you going, but what could you say? A man of multitudes and contradictions was appealing, and Bob was just that. Best weapons system operator around, shy as all hell, and damn smart. He always tipped generously, never put his phone on the bar, and had interrupted more than one creep on a mission to try and ruin your Friday night (flirting is for tips, not for keeps!). 
But any time you tried to move it past your brief interactions, he always slipped away. You figured it wasn’t necessarily on purpose— he seemed to be friendly otherwise, just probably not interested. So you resigned yourself to the occasional small chat when making drinks or he came in while the Hard Deck was a bit less noisy—and ever so often, finishing while imagining just what it would feel like to have his body pressed up against yours. 
And this Friday began like every other. You came in right as lunch ended, and busied yourself with prepping more limes than you ever wanted to see again in your life. There were glasses to be stacked, napkins and straws to be refilled, and liquors to be restocked. Patrons would start trickling in around 5 or 6, with the majority starting to filter in around 8, clearly coming from dinner or work. By 9, the Hard Deck would be packed to the brim with fighter pilots and other people from the nearby base. 
Your favorite fighter pilots would make it in at 8:45 pm every Friday, like clockwork. They’d take over the pool table with a direct eyeline to the bar, and stay till the early hours of the morning, sometimes till closing. Rooster usually bought the first round if the weather was nice, Hangman would when the weather was shit. More than once you’d tried to discern a pattern beyond that, but they seemed to have some sort of system. 
Bob would always buy his own drinks. 
He’d make his way to the bar, smiling gently at you and waiting patiently while you fielded other customers. Then he’d place his drink order and ask for a refill on his cup of peanuts, and stand there humming something to himself while you poured him a drink. Tips came in cash, straight into your palms and always paired with a soft smile that made your knees weak and your pulse hammer.
Tonight was no different. He ordered his lemonade and handed you cash with a warm smile before returning to what appeared to be an increasingly hostile and heated game of pool. Sitting on the sidelines, he seemed to just be content observing the madness. 
When Hangman approached the bar during a momentary lull, you expected it to be for another round. Except he leaned over the counter conspiratorially, and crooked a finger at you to beckon you closer. 
“I have a secret to tell you, only it’s not really a secret.” He had a coy smile on his face like he was about to tell you he’d taken a cookie from the cookie jar. 
You really wanted to roll your eyes at him, but you had to admit sometimes Hangman was entertaining and you figured your shift would at least be somewhat more lively with his antics. So you just shifted closer to him while maintaining an eye on the bar in case someone needed anything. 
“Do tell.”
He pointed a finger back towards the game of pool just as Rooster sunk a shot and Phoenix high-fived him, “You see Bob over there?”
You narrowed your eyes. You definitely didn’t like where this was going. While Hangman was all huge ego on the outside, you knew he wasn’t really like that on the inside, so it made you suspicious that he was deciding to pick on Bob. Usually it was all in good fun, but you had a soft spot for Bob and you really didn’t want to be caught up in any hurtful gossip.
“Play nice in my bar, Bagman.” You said, scrubbing a bit more aggressively at the countertop than you meant to.
“Hey! I’ll have you know I’m playing very nice, I’m being a wingman instead of Hangman tonight.” Wingman? “Bob over there, has a very big and bad crush on a certain someone.” 
You hoped this was some sort of prank, because Hangman had one perfectly manicured finger pointing at you. You felt your face go bright red. 
“That’s not playing nice.” God, why was this happening? 
It was one thing to harbor your little crush on Bob, to let yourself check him out while you were sure he wasn’t looking, it was another to have Hangman mock you by telling you that Bob liked you back. 
“He really thinks he’s being subtle,” Hangman continued as if he hadn’t heard you speak, “But he refuses to let us buy his drinks whenever we’re buying a round just so he can talk to you. I swear he spends more time up here or staring at you than he does hanging out with us.”
Saved by a customer, you let your attention drift away from Hangman and what he’d said to you. Even though he lingered, leaning on the bar, you tried not to focus on him. 
What did he mean Bob had a crush on you? That couldn’t be possible. A few weeks prior you had almost asked Bob out to dinner after not charging him for his drink, hoping that that would be enough to start a bit of flirting. 
Instead the WSO had placed enough cash to cover his drink and a very generous tip on the bar and stammered out something about needing to get back to the game of pool him and Rooster were losing. So you took that as your hint. 
Ever a patient asshole, Hangman was still there after you finished making drinks. Clearly being decently drunk wasn’t enough to keep him from being a pain. He just kept looking between you and Bob and not saying anything. 
“You’re scaring other customers.” You wanted this to end, the observation, you wanted to get out from under his knowing gaze.
He flicked a cherry stem at you, and without flinching proceeded to make you feel like you were officially the world’s least subtle person, “It’s not hard to see that you and Bob wanna jump each other’s bones, I think once you get it out of your system you’ll be perfect for each other. Just have to get over that first hurdle.”
And with that, Hangman walked himself back over to the rest of the group. You stood there in stunned silence trying to process exactly what just happened.
Like you said before, you were usually far more behaved than this. But nevertheless, you now found yourself pressed up against your car in the corner of the Hard Deck’s parking lot, Bob’s lips on yours and his hands on your waist. 
Anyone could see. Hangman or Rooster could step out for a breath of fresh air, maybe even a drunk cigarette (no one was allowed to tell Mav), and see you pulling Bob’s shirt out of his standard-issue khakis and running your hands over his stomach. You had always known he was hiding some serious muscle under his uniform. Someone could see you, weak in the knees for the quiet, but beautiful, Bob. 
“Jesus Christ,” he said quietly against your lips as you scratched at his back and trembled in his arms. “We shouldn’t–shouldn’t be doing this out in the open. You deserve better.”
Was it wrong that him being so respectful made you want him to ruin you all that more? What you wouldn’t give to be in your, or his, apartment right now, protected by four walls and free to strip and see all of him. But for now, you’d have to take the cards you were dealt. 
Grasping behind yourself, you yanked the back door handle against yourself, feeling the door give against you and open slightly. You pushed Bob off you gently, just enough to pull the door open and grab his collar to pull him into the car with you. He made a choked off sound, and you honestly weren’t sure if it was because of you grabbing his shirt or if he was surprised. 
“Wait,” He managed, and you froze, “I... Will you sit in my lap?”
You were going to die, here and now, with him almost hovering over you, his eyes wide and pleading. For a moment, time seemed to turn into something syrupy as he slid fully into the car, shut the door, and pulled you into his lap. 
You both sat there for just a moment, panting and staring at each other. Maybe you owed Hangman an apology for doubting his wingman skills, but you weren’t sure you wanted to inflate his ego more than it already was. 
However, he did deserve some credit. After he had dropped that bomb on you, Bob had come over and asked if you were alright, claiming he’d give Hangman a talking-to about whatever he said that had clearly upset you. You just stood there staring at him, until he started to squirm slightly under your gaze. 
It was in that moment you had blurted out, “I have a crush on you.”
He had stared at you for a split second before he whispered, so quietly you weren’t even sure you were supposed to hear it, “Oh my god, I want to kiss you so badly.” 
It had taken everything in you not to drag him across the bar and press your lips into his. Instead, you managed to tell him that you had your thirty minute break in five minutes, and to meet you in the parking lot by your car. It was probably the most reckless thing you had ever done.
So that was how you ended up in the backseat of your car, Bob’s tongue running along the seam of your lips, whining slightly when you opened your mouth to feel his tongue glide over your teeth. You could tell he had his feet firmly planted on the floor by the steady rhythm of his hips against yours. That part of his actions seemed so confident, so assured in comparison to the slight tremor in his hands against your hips, but you wanted him to let loose a little, show you just how much he wanted you. 
The car rocked gently with your movements. He was panting as his forehead leaned against yours, and he let out a particularly high pitched whine as you grabbed him by the back of the neck to force your lips together again.
“Been thinking about this, about you,” he ground out as you both pulled away again to catch your breaths, “See you every Friday and Hangman, ah, Hangman makes fun of me.” 
You groaned at his confession and twisted your hands into his neatly combed hair. Honestly, you couldn’t judge his hesitancy, for god’s sake you thought he barely liked you as a friend. Plus, you’d firmly asked more than one patron to leave when they tried to be too forward. Bob was never too forward. 
“Been, fuck! Been, trying to be a gentleman.”
You didn’t want him to be a gentleman, you wanted him to ruin you. Grabbing his wrists, you shoved them under your shirt and sighed as he got the message, rubbing your nipples over your bra. 
“F-Fuck,” you gasped, rolling your hips against his more firmly. 
“You’re so beautiful,” He whispered as his lips marked a path down your neck, mouthing at your collarbone as he tugged the collar of your shirt to the side.
“Bob...” You could feel the heat in your stomach building, the familiar tingle in your fingers.
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” With one hand on your stomach rubbing soothing circles, and the other dipping into your bra, the flood of physical sensations was almost too much. 
You moaned into his mouth and shuddered against his grip, raking your hands through his hair and feeling just how much he liked the sensation of your nails scraping against his scalp when the rhythm of his hips stuttered.  
When you came it felt like a star bursting in your chest, everything went fuzzy around the edges as he rocked you in his lap and you rode out your orgasm. It felt like Christmas morning, your birthday, and every party all rolled into one. You shuddered as he kept your hips moving against his, clearly close. 
But you would have none of that.
Still trembling from your own release you unbuttoned his khakis with shaking hands and reached in to grasp him. He stared down at your through lightly fogged up glasses, clearly shocked. 
“Fuck, wait, are you sure—!” Was all he managed to get out before you were on your knees, doing your damndest to swallow him down.
He came with a choked shout, one hand on the back of your head and the other clawing at the worn leather of your seats, grasping for something, anything to keep him tethered. For a moment you stayed on your knees, reveling in the feeling of what had just happened. 
He was a fucking vision from this angle. His usually perfectly done haired was wild from you running your hands through it, his khakis were haphazardly open and his softening cock was laying against his stomach where you had rucked his shirt up. Breathing wild, his chest rose and fell quickly, and his fingers resting on the seat twitched in a matching rhythm to the ones in your hair.
Perhaps most tantalizing of all were his glasses–their lenses were fogged up, but you could still almost see his wide eyes behind them. 
You wished you had a camera to capture the moment. 
The moment was broken when Bob reached down to pull you back into his lap and move his lips softly against yours. It took you a moment to register that he was whispering sweet nothings to you–a combination of thank you, and all sorts of compliments that made your chest ache. 
A sudden alarm sound made both of you turn in opposite directions at the same time, smacking your foreheads together. Suddenly any sexual tension had completely dissipated, replaced by both of you melting into laughter. Leave it to you and Bob to top off humping in your car like teenagers by giving each other concussions. 
“I need to get back to work.” You whispered as he inspected your forehead for any lasting injuries, “That was my alarm.”
He pressed his lips to yours softly, as if he was savoring your final moments together. “Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow? Do this part right?”
“I’d love that.”
You almost made it to closing without anyone noticing that you and Bob had both conveniently been gone for most of your meal break. But the crew crowding the pool table was far too observant for their own good. To his credit, Bob got himself almost fully back to his normal appearance, and you slipped into the bathroom to make sure you were presentable again. 
“You should say thank you to people who do nice things for you,” Hangman was back, toothpick hanging loosely from his mouth as he turned a sly grin in your direction, “I’ll take a beer in compensation, though.”
Pretending not to know what he could possibly mean, you continued to clean up. “Making sure all your cups are on the bar by closing is not exactly free beer material.”
He scoffed and stole another garnish, “You might think you’re slick but Bob’s been staring at you uninterrupted since you got back from your little break.”
“According to you he stares at me regardless.” Sorry, Bob.
“Yeah, but now he stares at you all mopey, which means you must’ve gotten the other stuff out of your system–”
You threw a piece of ice, the universe granting you with perfect aim for once, and watched as it hit his collarbone and slid down his shirt. He jerked backwards with a hiss. 
“Okay! Just take your beer and shut up.” Why did he have to be like this?
“Why thank you sweetheart, consider your debt settled.” With a wink, he was gone.
If you were honest with yourself, you probably would give Hangman a thousand free beers just to see Bob in the backseat, glasses foggy, and staring at you like you hung the moon. But he didn’t have to know that.
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ereardon · 4 months
At Sea [Bob Floyd x Reader] Chapter 1
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Summary: I’ll be home in five weeks. That’s what naval aviator Y/N told her fiance before leaving for deployment in the Atlantic. But time ceased to stop when she met Bob Floyd, the ship surgeon. Shy and honest, Bob quietly slipped into Y/N’s life, creating a complicated dynamic on an already intense mission. Falling for Bob was not in Y/N’s plan, and as she continues to weave a web of lies, she must make a choice: return to the life she left on land, or forge ahead into the unknown with Bob. But before Y/N can decide, disaster strikes, leaving Bob to make the decision that will alter their lives forever. 
Pairing: Navy Doctor Bob Floyd x Female Aviator Reader
Warnings: Implied emotional cheating, lots of Naval inaccuracies
WC: 2.3K
Masterlist here
When you first stepped onto the ship, you didn’t notice him. You were too caught up with the running list of checklist items in your head. 
Is your bag too big? Did you bring enough pairs of underwear? Were there enough officers for a carrier of this size? What was the threat level of the mission? Were you wrong to say yes? 
You looked down. The two carat oval engagement ring glinted back. The ring you had dreamed about since you were a teen and first saw a similar one on a debutante. 
You just weren’t sure that the man who had purchased it was the man you had been dreaming of. 
Connor proposed three weeks before the carrier run. The two of you had met almost two years before, at a museum opening. He was a prince, for a while. But at some point, and it’s different for every relationship, the carriage turns back into a pumpkin. The prince becomes a pauper. The tux has to be returned to avoid a late fee. 
You had expected magic. And then you joined the Navy and reality set in. You were no longer the bright eyed Louisiana girl who believed in fairytales and princes. You were an aviator who witnessed death up close. 
When Connor placed the ring on your finger, nothing stood out. Tears didn’t choke your line of vision. Your hands didn’t shake, your stomach didn’t cramp, your pulse didn’t raise. 
The only thing that happened was you hesitated. For a split second, but a hesitation nonetheless. 
And then you smiled and nodded. 
And with that, you belonged to him. 
You grabbed the first bunk and tossed your bag on it. A five-week mission with barely any service, except for satellites. It feels wrong, but a part of you was relieved knowing Connor couldn’t contact you. 
At dinner, you entered the mess hall and sat at a table toward the middle when a round of laughter erupted from near the doors and you turned to look. 
There was a group of five men, all attractive in the way that large groups of men can be intimidating from afar. Four brunettes and a blond with wire glasses. Of the brunettes, three were wearing wedding rings that glinted beneath the fluorescent lights. Scoping out wedding rings had become a habit about ten years before, right before you left for college. 
And now, you were the one carting around the ring that said, Don’t talk to me. I’m taken. 
You must have been staring, because the blond turned and looked at you for a moment, the two of you locking eyes before you began to panic and ripped your gaze down to the overmixed mashed potatoes on your plate. When you looked up again, he had turned away. 
Later, once everything had been cleaned and your introductory meetings for the day had been complete, you found yourself wandering on the ship deck. The water was calm. You rested your fingertips on the rail and peered down. The blackness of the sky mixed with the blackness of the deep water, and on the horizon it isn’t clear where one ends and the other begins. You never liked water all that much. It’s why you chose to be in the skies instead. The deep ocean and how at night on a ship light this, you and the crew were the only ones for miles – the thought terrified you. 
It took a moment in the darkness to realize that the blond from the mess was standing not ten feet away, leaning on the rail and looking down at the water. It wasn’t until he sighed that you realized he was on a satellite phone. 
“Those aren’t good. Run another panel and let me know how it looks. Get back to me as soon as the blood work is done.” 
You heard the click of the phone just as you locked eyes. You gave him a quick smile before turning back to the water. He rested his head into his arms and let out a loud breath. 
After a moment, he lifted his head and said, “It’s not fair, you know.” 
You pushed yourself up off the rail and turned to him. “What?” 
“The fact that kids get sick. If an adult gets sick when they’re seventy or even forty, I feel bad, but it’s not the same. They’ve had lives. They got to grow up and find out what hobbies make them happiest. They fall in love, get married.” You noticed he wasn’t wearing a ring. Instinctively, you felt for your ring with your thumb, the diamond pressed against the fleshy part of your palm. It was too big, and you hadn’t gotten it resized. Unconsciously, you slipped your hand inside your pocket. “But kids,” he continued. “They haven’t really experienced anything yet. They have so much more to lose.” 
You gave him a quick once over. He was obviously distraught. He gave you a tight smile. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I must sound crazy to you. Just going off to a complete stranger. I promise, I’m not dangerous and I never really talk this much.” 
“I don’t mind,” you replied. “I don’t think you’re crazy. And out here, nobody can really be strangers for long.” 
He nodded and you could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he muled your words. After a moment, he looked over at you and you felt my heart start to race as his blue eyes smoothed over your face. The two of you were less than six feet apart now. Somewhere during the conversation one of you had moved closer, or both of you had. You weren't sure who made the move first. “Well I’m sorry, again, for interrupting you. I’ll let you be.” He made no move to leave.
You tilted your head. “Don’t worry about it. It can get pretty lonely out here. I don’t mind the conversation.” 
He was still looking at you so intensely that you had to look away. He was difficult to read. But the way his large hands were gripping the railing made you want to reach out and brush your hand over his and tell him it was going to be OK. To calm down. To relax.
He gave you a small smile. “Goodnight, then.” He had a long gait, neat. No uniform. 
You wondered what he thought of you. Sloppy, to say the least. Hair in a bun, pajama bottoms dragging down over ratty sneakers. 
Along the horizon, you spotted the light of another ship, barely visible in the thick darkness. Some reassurance that others were out there. 
On the second night, you were standing in nearly the same spot on the railing, hands pressed against the cold metal, peering over at the churning waves. The water was rockier, angry. It lept against the side of the ship. 
You heard his footsteps before he was within your line of sight. 
“Hello again.” 
You turned, the slight lick of wetness beneath the fabric of your sleeve. On a ship, everything is wet all the time. It’s nearly impossible to stay dry. “It’s you.” 
He took his spot next to you against the rail, closer this time. You reached up, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, silently sending up a prayer that you had put in an ounce of effort that night. It had been an educated guess he would come. 
A part of you hoped he would, however terrible that was to admit. 
“Can I ask what you’re doing here?” he asked. 
“Here, as in the deck at midnight? Or here on the ship?” 
“Both. Either.” The edges of a bright white smile shone through soft pink lips. “Neither, if you don’t want to talk to a stranger. Whatever you’d like to tell me. I’m a bit starved for conversation. It’s been a quiet day down in the sick bay.” 
So he was med corps. That tracked. 
“You seemed rich with conversation in the mess last night,” you blurted out. Regret flowed through your veins instantly and you wanted to smack yourself for letting onto the fact that you had been watching him. 
He gave a small laugh. It was rough and deep and forced a layer of goosebumps on your arms. “They’re good guys. But they can be a lot.” 
You tilted your head, waiting for him to fill the empty space. But he simply gazed out at the azure waves, letting silence envelop the two of you. 
“To answer your question of what brings me here,” you said, “why don’t you give me your best guess.” 
You could feel his stare all the way to the marrow of your bones. The way his eyes gently rolled over your hair, down your face, across your chest, over your abdomen, all the way to your feet. You felt a tingle work its way through your body. “Intelligence?” he guessed. 
You shook your head. 
“OK I give up,” he said with a small grin. 
“I’m an aviator.” He blinked in disbelief. “You’re surprised?” 
“Honestly?” he asked. “Yes. You look really young to be on this carrier as an aviator.” 
“I’m twenty eight. Not sure that’s considered young.” 
He groaned. “Trust me, it’s young.” 
“So how old does that make you?” 
“Thirty five.” 
“God, ancient.” You watched him grimace. “Being a grandpa suits you.” 
“People are living to one hundred now, easily. I’m young by those standards.” 
My eyes scanned him top to bottom. He was taller than me, with thick blond hair combed evenly to one side, soft blue eyes behind a pair of thin wire glasses. Nerdy in an unassuming way, but there was an energy that radiated from him. 
“OK, my turn to ask questions,” you said and his lips twitched into a smile. “What brings you here?” 
“The ship or the deck?” he teased. 
“If we’re talking about the ship – I’m a doctor. Peds. Someone had to drop out last minute and I got called in. That phone call you overheard last night was about one of my patients back home. I didn’t know I’d be here. Didn’t realize I’d be gone so long without seeing him.”
A doctor. You had suspected, but it fit. The sympathetic eyes, the large steady hands. The way he made you feel calm without even saying anything. 
“As for the deck,” he continued, “what if I said it was because I thought maybe I wouldn’t have to be alone tonight?” 
“Presumptuous,” you whispered. 
“A bit,” he murmured, round cheeks turning pink, “considering we’re not even on a first name basis.” 
You told him your name and he smiled. 
“I’m Bob,” he replied. “Bob Floyd.” 
“See? Now we’re not strangers.” 
He smiled, wire glasses sliding down his nose and he pressed them up with one fingertip. Behind him, a few security lights casted thin yellow halos, and you could make out the faint shape of a person on the other end of the long, flat deck. It couldn’t be more than forty degrees out, and you shivered in your thin jacket. “Are you cold?” he asked. 
“I’m alright, thanks.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, and in doing so realized you left the engagement ring back in the bunk after your morning shower. It had yet to become a habit to wear it. After twenty eight years with an empty finger, it’s an adjustment to slip on a ring every day and let it be one fact that the world knows about you before you even open your mouth. 
Bob shrugged off his jacket, a black Patagonia puffer, and held it out. “Here,” he said softly, blushing again like he was embarrassed to be offering it. “Please? I’d feel really guilty for monopolizing your time and keeping you cold while doing it.” 
You smiled and he held out the jacket as you slipped your arms into the sleeves. Bob’s hands lingered on the coat for a moment before dropping as he backed away. “Thank you.” His scent surrounds you – a warm woodsy pine, mixed with the sharp mint of toothpaste. 
You tapped your fingers on the rail, desperately racking your brain for something to say to continue the conversation. 
“What brought you out here tonight?” Bob’s deep, throaty voice punctuated the silence. 
“I’m not sure, honestly,” you replied. “I think I prefer to be out here as opposed to being in there.” His eyes followed your gaze to the cabin door. 
“I get that,” he replied. “Not a fan of small spaces either.” 
“There’s something about the ship at night that I really like. It’s quiet.” 
He gave you a sideways glance. “Sorry to be interrupting your quiet time.” 
“Trust me, I’ve had enough of that already and it’s only been two days.” 
“Where are you getting off?” 
“Quite a trip.” 
“Always is,” you replied. “Not really what I thought I was signing up for.” 
“It never is,” Bob added. 
You turned around, pressing your arms against the railing and propping up one foot. You watched as Bob ran one hand across the corner of his mouth before shoving it in his khaki pocket. The Atlantic wind penetrated Bob’s jacket and your shift, nipping at your skin. “You said you came up here hoping you wouldn’t have to be alone. Were you looking for me?” 
Your words are tossed out into the open like a gunshot. 
Bob stilled for a moment and you half expect him to make an excuse to leave. To avoid answering. But then he opens his mouth. “Yes.” 
That’s it. One word. Simple and complex at once. He is honest and raw in a way you’ve seen with very few men up until that point. A younger man would find a way to deflect. A smarter girl would have asked in a more coy way. Understated. Neither of which you excelled at. You’ve always been too pushy, too bold, too forward. 
“Why?” you pressed, embarrassed by how badly a part of you wanted this near stranger to want you. The neediness was unbecoming. And despite the fact that he was a stranger, you wanted Bob’s approval. It felt like an Olympic medal you had been chasing your entire life. 
“You were so kind last night,” he said, voice dipping down into a whisper. “I just, I wanted to learn more about the person who was nice to a complete stranger. That felt like someone worth knowing.” 
“You’re sweet.” 
Bob blushed and it spread to the tips of his ears. You could feel Bob’s gaze linger for a beat too long before he, too, turned back out toward the open, angry sea. 
“I should probably get to bed.” You stepped away from the railing, unzipping the jacket and handing it back to him. Instead of putting it on, he folded it over one forearm. 
Bob smiled. “Goodnight, Y/N.” 
Part of you wants more. Maybe it’s the chill of the wind and the sudden loss of warmth from his coat. Perhaps it’s your future, looming ahead. The unknown. Dark and uncharted, like the water the boat is struggling against. 
You wonder what Bob is thinking. His blue eyes searching yours, evaluating your next move. 
“Goodnight.” As you make your way inside, you resist the urge to turn around and see if he’s watching you walk away. 
A part of you knows that he is. 
Lying in the bunk, the cool dampness of the sheets on your skin, you curse yourself. What are you doing? You have a fiance at home. You have a life at stake. 
But who is to say that if you had met Bob before Connor that you wouldn’t fall into the same trap. Maybe every relationship is bound for it, eventually. Everyone boards a train headed in the same direction. There is no basis to say that one relationship is inherently more exciting than another. There’s every reason to believe that it’s because you grow older, more set in your ways. You get busier, drink more, have less sex, watch more TV, spend more time apart. That might just be life. And no matter how strong the butterflies are, it’ll eventually route back to that same destination. The end of the butterfly period, where everything turns into the inevitable. 
But that doesn’t explain why the last thing that crosses your mind before you fall asleep is Bob’s soft face, smiling at you from behind his wire frames. 
And how part of you can already feel him slipping away. 
Please follow my library page @ereardonlibrary
Tagging some people who I think may like this (but feel free to message me and say you're not interested and I won't tag you going forward!): @blue-aconite @bobfloydsbabe @horseshoegirl @clancycucumber230 @kmc1989 @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @spinning-away @bvbfloyd @startrekfangirl2233-writes @shanimallina87 @xoxabs88xox @xomrsalliej4787xo @sio-ina-bottle @joaquinwhorres @thedroneranger @gigisimsonmars @fanficfandomlove @callsign-magnolia @sometimesanalice @stargazer-88 @tomanybandstolove @laracrofted @iangiemae @teacupsandtopgun @palepeanutponyshoe @mrsjobarnes @desert-fern
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Fix it.
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x reader
Summary: Hangman offers to help Bob with a crush he has on the Hard Decks barmaid. 
Warnings: Swearing, degradation of women, use of the term slut, mentions of sex, degradation during sex, mild mention of wanting to crash a plane, misogyny, inaccuracies about women and daddy issues, throwing a drink in someone's face, the term bumping uglies is used and I feel like that should be a warning.  
Word Count: 4003
Author's note: So, this is the first time I have ever written for Top Gun, I know nothing about the military, so please forgive me. But, here it is, and I hope you all like it. Also, I obviously do not believe the nonsense about women and daddy issues or any of the other degrading things said about women, It is all to further the story. Please remember to be kind. And remember, do not tolerate, let alone fall for, anyone who degrades you! 
“So, tell me little Bobby Boy”, the chair squeaked across the linoleum floor as Hangman turned it around, taking a seat across from Phoenix and Bob, who were clearly engaged in a private conversation, “were my eyes deceiving me or were you blushing when you were talking to Penny’s new pretty little barmaid?” Neither the scowl on Phoenix’s face nor the blush on Bob’s could be prevented, and these both deepened the smirk on Hangmans. 
“What’s it to you Bagman?” There were very specific moments Bob was thankful for Phoenix, and intercepting hangman when they all knew he was about to get too much was one of them. The ever deepening crush on ‘Penny's new pretty little barmaid’ was something Bob was hoping to just, kind of, get through. He was well aware that this was something that was never going to happen and he needed it to blow over, now. 
So Phoenix sitting here quietly trying to encourage him to ask for your number was not helping squash any and all hope he had that he MIGHT get the courage to ask, but now he also had Bagman asking questions on top of it? What happened to the days where no one noticed him?
“Well, you see, I myself had my eyes on her, but the second I saw Baby On Board over here looking redder than Rooster after a game of DogFight, I knew I had to do my good deed of the week and help my man out over here.” Phoenix felt her annoyance rise the longer she stared at that godforsaken toothpick hanging out of his mouth. Bobby didn’t need help, not from Hangman at least. 
“I’ve got it, but thanks Bagman” Phoenix twisted in her chair, fully facing Bob’s side profile now, the man in question focusing on a spot on the table in front of him, hoping they’d forget he was even there at this point while he tried to get his own blushing under control. 
“Ah! So he does have a crush on her!” Hangman's voice carried across the room causing the other Daggers to start paying more attention to what was happening in the once seemingly quiet corner of the room. 
“Who has a crush on who now?” Rooster made his way over, mimicking Hangman as he took the chair next to him and spun it round, heaving himself into it as he waited for an explanation. Coyote, Fanboy and Payback all sauntered after him, the entire table now surrounded, Bob’s head dropping even lower, eyes scrunched shut, refusing to push his glasses further up his nose from where they had begun slipping down in fear of moving and drawing attention to himself. 
“Bob has a crush on the new barmaid” Hangmans gaze hadn’t left Phoenix’s glaring eyes and that shit eating grin had yet to leave his face. 
“Oh shit! No wonder he was so willing to get the drinks Friday night then.” a large hand came down on the table in front of them, the loud noise causing Bob to jump, a bewildered (and very red looking face) turning to Phoenix, a silent plea to get them out of this situation. 
“Well, yes, but we don’t need-” Phoenix tried, she really did, but when these men got in on information like this, it was hard to get them out of it again. 
“So, when are you making your move?” Fanboys' question was innocent enough, but considering he was one of the few pilots that knew Bob a little better than the rest, just after Phoenix, it was a fairly dumb question and the alarmed look on Bob's face was indication enough of that. 
And if the look on Bob’s face wasn’t enough, the look of exasperation on Phoenix’s was. 
“We were working on getting Bob to that point before Hangman over here,” an accusatory finger was thrown in the offender's direction, “interrupted me”. 
“And here I was to extend a helping hand. It’s kind of seeming like you aren’t all that appreciative of that help here Bobby Boy” the entire table, other than Phoenix (again, thank you Phoenix), was now staring directly at Bob. 
“That’s a little rude of you Bob” Cyotes voice could be heard behind him. 
Roosters popping up next, “Yeah Bob, the man’s just trying to help.” 
“Since when are you siding with Bagman of all people!” Phoenix couldn’t believe what she was hearing. How had all of these men, who seemingly couldn't stand Hangman, suddenly be siding with him. 
“Since he knows how to work women. The least Bob could do would be to hear him out.” Payback tried to offer a voice of reason, knowing that when it came to Phoenix and Hangman though, it was probably falling on deaf ears. 
“Work women! Are you hearing yourself?” She needed to get Bob out of here quickly. 
“Listen, he has a point. Just, the goal is to get Bob and this girl together-” Rooster began before Phoenix interrupted him. 
“No, the goal is to get him to have courage to ask for her number.” 
“You’re thinking too small. Bobby’s a good looking guy, we can get him laid.” Bobs head shot up, wide eyes meeting Hangman’s own, more relaxed face, which was now looking directly at him, “So, what do you say? Want big ol’ Hangman's help to get you laid?” 
“I don’t, it’s not really like that.” Bob muttered out weakly. I mean, yes, the thought of potentially bedding you was definitely something he didn’t want to discount, but it was more than that. 
He wanted to date you. He wanted to ask for your number and talk to you for two weeks to a month over the phone and at the Hard Deck and then he wanted to ask you on a real date. And then he wanted to go on more dates and he wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend and then well, if in any of that you thought he deserved it, yeah, he wanted to bed you. If he ever got the courage to do any of that, but that’s what he wanted. That was the game plan. 
“Of course it’s like that. Do you or do you not want to bump uglies?” The round of ew’s did nothing to deter Hangman from the question. 
“I, well, of course I want to bed her.” Bob couldn't help but beg for the ground beneath him to open up and so he could just fall into it, but Bob also knew that he rarely got so lucky. 
“Bed her?” 
“He means ‘fuck’ Bagman” 
“Ah, thank you Rooster. But also, bed her? Seriously? Even bump uglies sounds better than that.” Hangman knew he was just getting a rise out of Bob at this point, the kick beneath the table directly into his shin from Phoenix a sharp warning to drop it, “Regardless, you’ve got our help there friend. Don’t you worry, I’ll have her eating out of your hand by the end of the night, that is a guaranteed promise.”
“Bob, listen, this is a bad idea. This is Hangman for gods sake, do you honestly think this is going to go well?” Phoenix was trying her best to dissuade him from agreeing to Hangmans help. 
Bob swung his gaze between the two pilots, completely unsure of what to do. On one hand, Hangman did kind of know what he was doing when it came to women. He was frequently leaving the Hard Deck with them to get up to what Bob can only assume was some pretty disgusting activities, but on the other hand, Phoenix was completely right, this was Hangman they were talking about, one of the most cocky and degrading men any of them had ever known. 
But he needed to make a call, and desperate times call for desperate measures, and Lord knows Bob was desperate for you to notice him.  
“What do I need to do?” It was almost a whisper directed at Hangman followed by a groan from Phoenix and a round of cheers from the others. 
“Bobby, you will not regret this, I promise you, and honestly, I’m willing to start your lessons on women right here, right now.” He swung towards Phoenix, his smile so wide Phoenix had to do everything physically possible not to wipe it off with her fist. 
“The most important thing you need to remember when it comes to women,” Hangman was now looking back at Bob, who was leaning forward, attentive as always, praying this would be the lifeline he needed when it came to you, “they love what they think they can’t have and they LOVE it when you call them a slut.” The sound of Hangman and Coyotes hands meeting in a high-five was heard, shortly followed by a chair being shoved away from the desk they were currently sitting at as Phoenix rose to her feet. 
“Jesus, Bob, don’t you dare come crawling to me when this goes balls up.” With one final scowl directed at hangman she was leaving the group of men, a last middle finger thrown up as a “Bye Phoenix” was shouted after her from the cockiest pilot known to man, deciding to leave whatever this mess was alone for good. 
“So you decided to come anyway?” Rooster asked as Phoenix settled next to him, watching the pool game happening between Fanboy and Payback, both pilots taking a sip of their individual beers.
“Came to see the shit show.” Her eyes landed on Bob and Hangman in the corner. The latter vividly talking as if he was instructing a boxer in the corner of the ring before their next round. 
“I know you have your doubts, but Hangman can actually be a good man. He isn’t trying to hurt Bob, he’s just trying to help as best as he knows how.” Rooster just shrugged as Phoenix let out a sigh, both knowing what he had just said was completely true. 
“I know, but God, saying women like to be called a slut?” she threw Rooster a disapproving look, concerned at the smile on her friends face. 
“He explained it to Bob after you left. He meant it purely from a sex perspective. Like, you know when you’re going at it and you say ‘such a good little slut, just for me’ kind of vibe? None of us actually think women are sluts, especially not the ones willing to sleep with us. Honestly, we’re all just really thankful they are willing to even sleep with us.” Rooster tried to placate Phoenix. 
“Even Hangman?” She wasn’t going to stop until he had been knocked down a peg or two. 
“You didn’t hear it from me, but especially Bagman. He speaks like that to get a rise out of you, but honestly, he’s actually terrifyingly respectful. I'm pretty sure he even hates calling women anything degrading in bed. I think he’d prefer to be called something gross and degrading now that I think about it.” Rooster could only shrug at the alarmed look Phoenix had given him at the new i information he had casually dropped on her, “You know that bullshit that women with daddy issues like to be degraded? Well, I never met anyone with bigger daddy issues than Bagman over there, and that’s coming from me.” A knowing look following the statement.
Phoenix couldn't find a surface to place her beer fast enough before she was letting out a full belly laugh at what Rooster had just told her, her drink spilling all over her hand as she tried to picture Hangman of all people begging a woman to call him her pretty little slut. She hated that Rooster made sense, but yeah, it fit. Suddenly she felt like she understood Hangman just that much better. 
Suddenly Coyote was rushing into the little section the dagger squad had carved out for themselves, “Shut up! She’s coming! Act natural!”
“We can shut up or we can act natural, you gotta choose here bud” Hangman was the first to address the confusion caused by their friend, “Bob, it’s your time to shine, here she comes”, a final clap on the back and Hangman was making his way over to Rooster and Phoenix to watch how well his own little protege did trying to pick up you up. 
As Bob watched you walk over with their drinks all neatly lined up on a tray, he tried to calm himself down, replaying all the lessons Hangman had taught him in his mind, reminding himself he could actually do this. 
This was all just to get your attention. 
You just needed to know he existed. 
Women like what they can't have. 
Women liked being called a slut. 
Yes, that was it. That's what Hangman had said. 
Why was he so sweaty? 
Women like what they can't have. 
Women liked being called a slut. 
“You look like a slut.” 
A silence descended over the entire area. All eyes, wide, now focusing on Bob. Music was the only thing that could be heard between any of them. No one is willing to move out of fear alone. 
Although to him, all he could hear was his own blood pounding in his ears, nerves fully taking over. But he did it and now he was just waiting for you to fall at his feet, at least, that's what Hangman told him would happen. 
Although this, this felt wrong. He had messed up. He knew he had messed up somehow, but his brain wasn’t working fast enough for him to figure it out. 
“Excuse me?” You were the first to speak up after Bob’s faux pas. 
“Oh, I said, you look like a slut.” From there, the entire group watched events unfold in slow motion. 
“No Bob! It’s -” Before Hangman could interject, you’d already thrown a drink over him. Bob covered head to toe in someone's beer, “rhetorical.” 
“Get out Bobby Floyd!” Your look was icy, finger pointed towards the Hard Decks doors. 
“Yes Ma’am.” Bob knew better than to argue with you. He immediately got up, head down, tail between his legs and made his way to the doors, praying he could get out of there as quickly as possible, making promises that he’d never step foot into the Hard Deck again, mentally figuring out how to crash his plane tomorrow.  
Hangman could feel Phoenix seething next to him, against his better judgment he turned to look at her only to find her already staring holes into him, “You have 24 hours to fix it Hangman, before I shoot you out of the sky myself,” and with that she was gone, following Bob outside, but not before she was profusely apologizing to you, promising that this was not Bob.  
Bob isn’t sure how Phoenix had convinced him to come to the Hard Deck tonight, but here he was outside its doors, breathing deeply as he tried to convince himself to step inside. 
And if he happened to see you, well, the written out three page apology was ready. He had no shame in groveling if it got you to forgive him. 
One last deep breath and he made his way in, beelining for the pool table where he knew Phoenix was waiting for him. He couldn’t give a damn about anyone else there, actively making the choice to ignore every single one of them. He knew technically it wasn’t their fault, it was him, he was the one who had messed it up, but this felt right. 
And if he had gotten an extra confidence boost from telling Bagman to fuck off the next day at work in front everyone, well, that was no one else’s business but his. 
The air was awkward, everyone could feel it, everyone was being extra nice to him and despite him being polite, he was still avoiding actually entertaining conversation with anyone else except Phoenix, until “Hey Bob, you need a drink, go get one.” He glared at Hangman, the other pilot only shrugging his shoulders, nudging his head in the direction of the bar. 
“Go, I know you don’t trust him, but trust me, go get your drink.” It was Phoenix, giving him a slight push off his stool. As he made his way to the bar, already getting his apology pages out of his pocket, he noticed the entire dagger squad quietly watching him make his way over. He felt bitter, but he knew that he had to do this. He was ready to beg. 
“Bob,” it was Penny leaning over the bar, lemonade in hand, a smirk firmly plastered on her face as she handed it over to him, “I think you owe this bar a round of drinks considering last week's indiscretion.” 
“Ma’am, a round of drinks for the bar is probably the least I could do considering what I did,” Bob ran a hand over his face as Penny cackled, making her way over to the bell, its humiliating ring sounding throughout the bar, all the patrons giving a loud cheer as the prospect of a free drink from a stranger who had somehow wronged the bar owner. 
“Who fucked up this time Pen?” Your voice sounded out as you made your way back around the bar from the kitchen, clearly not having noticed Bob yet, but when you did, a smile a mile wide graced your face and Bob felt both humiliated and blessed all at once, “Ah, I assume this is penance for his sins of last week?” You and Penny shared a knowing look, and Bob wished he was in on the joke instead of the butt of it. 
“And he will be paying for it.” Penny let out one more laugh as she slapped the top of her bar and gave a quick look around at how full her bar was this evening, knowing this was going to take a hefty chunk out of Bob's money, throwing Bob a wink as she left you two to talk. 
“I’m sorry.” Bob wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. He had felt awful all week and he needed to make amends and find out how he could fix this as soon as he could. 
“Why on earth would you get Hangman to help you get  a girl's number?” Bob froze, you knew. You knew he had needed someone else's help to try and flirt with you. He might not have crashed his plane last week, but tomorrow, it was definitely happening tomorrow. 
“I will regret doing that until the day I die.” Bob groaned out as you watched him squirm in front of you, a laugh leaving you once again at his misery, “He is possibly the worst person I have ever met in my entire life.” 
“Hey, he’s not that bad, considering the groveling he did this week and all.” You shrugged as you continued to wipe down the bar in front of you. 
“What groveling?” Bob hadn’t heard anything about Hangman groveling, but when he threw a look towards his fellow aviators, the shy smile on all their faces, Hangmans in particular, showed that maybe they had been in his corner all along, even if he had messed up as badly as he did. 
“Well, after you told me I looked like a slut,” Bob felt the humiliation flood him again, “Hangman profusely apologized and the lot of them had explained that you may have a crush on me and were just super nervous to ask for my number, so he had offered to coach you and that you may have gotten just a little nervous and duffed it a little bit.” 
“That may have been exactly what happened.” Bob chanced a look at you, the soft smile you sported gave him hope that maybe you weren’t all that mad with him after Hangman had pulled his weight to remedy the situation, “And I think duffed it a little bit is the understatement of the century.” 
“Oh Bobby Floyd, I was just trying to be polite, but you completely fucked it. Didn’t anyone tell you that you only call a girl a slut while you’re busy rawing her from behind?” If Bob didn’t already look like a loser in front of you, him choking on his spit and face going even redder than it already was at the thought of ‘rawing you’ did not do him any favors. 
“Ma’am, I will never call a woman a slut, ever again, under any circumstances, I can promise you that.” Bob had made this promise the second he had said the word to you last week, but this just solidified it to him. 
“Oh, well, that’s a bit of a pity, I was kind of hoping after our third date, you might be willing to while you bed me.” Bob was sure his heart stopped. 
“Date?” It was all he could get out. If he didn’t want to make more of a fool of himself, this was all he was willing to get out. 
“Yeah, the date Hangman offered to pay for, after that first one though, it’s on us.” You were enamored with the look of wonder on his face as you told him you’d be going on a date with him. 
“You’re seriously willing to go on a date with me after everything?” In lieu of an answer, you instead just glanced down to the napkin Bob hadn’t even seen you place in front of him, your name and number scrawled on it, all nice and neat just for him, “I promise it will be the best and most expensive date you ever go on.” The look of absolute shock never leaving his fae=ce as he immediately pocketed your number, not willing to jinx anything more. 
“Oh I bank on it being the most expensive date we ever go on, I mean, it’s the least we can do to thank Hangman for his lesson.” With that you swung your cloth over your shoulder, “I look forward to your call Bobby Floyd.” and with one last wink you were making your way to the other side of the bar to help Penny with the ever increasing amount of patrons swamping the bar for a free drink. 
As Bob stood there with possibly the biggest smile on his face, he felt a nudge to his shoulder, seeing his Captain with a small smile of his own, “Mav”, he greeted with a nod of his head, receiving one in return, embarrassed that his superior had to hear all that. 
“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop Bob, but did she just use the term ‘bed you’ when telling you she hoped you’d call her a slut while you sleep with her?” Mav didn’t really care what term she used, in truth, he was just sure Bob hadn’t even really registered she’d said it at all, and honestly, he was rooting for Bob, he wanted him to know that he hadn’t completely fumbled the bag when it came to you. 
“Bed me?” Bob hadn’t even fully registered what Mav had said before he heard Rooster behind him. 
“He means ‘fuck’ Bob” 
And for the second time, Rooster had to watch Bob end up with a drink all over him at the Hard Deck, this time though it was infinitely funnier as he watched Bob spill his own lemonade all over himself in shock. 
“Did she see that?” Bob’s eyes were closed, refusing to look at you. 
“She definitely saw that” Rooster couldn’t lie, flashing a smile to you as he turned Bob away, “Go, run,” shoving Bob back in the direction of their friends, but Bob couldn’t even find himself to be embarrassed this time as he pulled your number out the closer he got, waving it like a flag as all his friends cheered him on, dripping, covered in lemonade and with your number clutched in his hand. 
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nobody7102 · 2 years
The Double Birthday
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A/N: This is very self indulgent because not only is it Lewis’s birthday it’s also mine! So happy birthday to me and Lew (and my twin sister) and to anyone else who shares the glorious January 29th birthday!!!
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, Oral (F receiving), hand-job, unprotected P in V (wrap it before you tap it), breeding kink (if you squint)
Main Master-List
As the sun peeked through the windows of the house, other than the pitter patter of paws on the hardwood before they scratched at the closed door of the bedroom, it was quiet.
Shifting in the sheets, Y/N’s brows furrowed before a gasp let her mouth and her eyes fluttered open as her body tried to curl into itself. Yet Bob’s hands held firm against her hips as he moved her legs to frame his head, his nose bumping against her clit as his tongue delved into her sweet cunt. Her legs tensed as moans fell from her mouth “No fair!” she whined as her hand moved down to tangle itself into Bob’s hair.
Feeling her nail against his scalp a groan left his lips “Oh Sweetheart”, sending a vibration though Y/N’s core causing her toes to curl. Taking one long lick from the bottom of her cunt up to her clit, Bob relished in hearing the sweet moans that emitted from Y/N before he lifted his head up and rested his chin against her hip bone. “It’s your birthday Sweets… I just wanted to give you a good…. Morning” as he spoke the last few words one of his hands slipped from her hip down to her core, slipping his middle and ring finger into her, the coolness of his ring sending goosebumps across Y/N’s legs as he slowly started pumping them in and out of her. “Can’t I give you a good morning?” he smirked as he felt Y/N’s heel dig into his back as she threw her head back into the pillows.
“But it’s your birthday too” She panted “Wanna give you a good morni- Oh Fuuck Bobby!” she gasped breathlessly as he dipped his head back down, to nip at her clit as his fingers picked up their pace. “Ahh! Yes!” Her hand tightened its grip on his hair as Bob interlaced his free hand with her’s “Please don’t stop!” she pleated “Please Bobby! Feel’s so good!” Starting to rock her hips against his face, Y/N noticed how the whole bed started to rock before she glanced down seeing how Bob had buried himself in her cunt as he rutted his hips into the mattress.
Biting her lip, Y/N took in the sight before grabbing onto Bobby’s hair and raising his head, a sigh left her lips before her hands pulled on his shoulder to bring him up to her. Making his way up the bed, his nose brushed against her as her hands pushed the waistband of his sweatpants down. “Happy Birthday Bobby” she hummed, nipping at his bottom lip while her hand slowly stroked Bob’s cock.
Smirking as a gasp left his lips, he pressed a firm kiss to her lips mumbling “Happy Birthday Sweets” before he replaced her hand with his, guiding his cock into her dripping cunt. Seating himself into her, Bob placed one of her legs over his shoulder as he hitched the other over his hip, holding it in place before slowly rutting his hips into her’s.
“Bobby!” she gasped, hands flying to his shoulders, nails digging into her skin.
After grinding into her hips, Bobby slowly unsheathed himself before slowly pushing back into her, keeping his pace slowly and his strokes long. Burying his head into her neck, he kissed his way just below her ear “You know what I want for my birthday Sweets?” he panted before licking the shell of her ear “I want you to come all over my cock… I… want… this pretty… Little… Cunt… to absolutely… soak me” he emphasized every word with a thrust before picking up his pace “Can you do that for me?”
Feeling her start to squeeze around him Y/N nodded her head frantically “Yes! Yes Please” she whined before she turned her head into Bob’s ear “You know what… what I want for my- Shit! My birthday” she forced the words from her mouth, knowing she had to say it before she was too blissed out to say anything “I want your cum Bobby, I wan- OH FuCK YES!” She cried as Bob moved her other leg over her shoulder before she felt his fingers circle over her clit as he planted his feet into the mattress, folding her in half as he pounded into her.
The bed rocked back and forth, headboard slamming into the wall with the momentum, Bob’s forehead pressed into the crook of Y/N’s neck “Yeah you wanna be full of me Sweets?” he mumbled
“Fuuck yes! Please” she pleaded, feeling her legs start to shake. Taking her hands in his, Bob laced their fingers together as Y/N knuckles turned white as her back arched from the bed “OH MY GO-“ as she was pushed over the edge her moans were cut off from Bob pressing his lips to hers to silence his own cries as his hips shuttered before he slammed his hips into Y/N one last time. His hips and legs tensed as they came down from their highs.
Lips still seared together before Y/N freed one of her hands from Bob’s grasp to trail it over his shoulder and down his back. “fuck Sweets” he mutter as a shiver made its way down his back before he rested his forehead against hers. “… Have a good start to the Double Birthday?” he hummed, moving to kiss the top of her nose.
“But best start to the Double Birthday, Bobby” she smiled back.
Ppl who might be interested: @sebsxphia @beachbabey @thesluttyarchivist @hangmanapologist @hangmanbrainrot @rhettabbotts @auroralightsthesky @fanboygarcia @mothdruid @writercole @sweetlittlegingy @weakling-grace @glodessa @sunlightmurdock @tigerlillyyy @withahappyrefrain
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moonlight-prose · 2 months
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a/n: this started out as a biker!mickey one shot i was writing, but eventually it just became something bigger. so rather than make this a whole series and drag it on (and possibly never finish cause let's be real it's me), i figured it would be easier and more fun to write small one-shots for each character. below is the masterlist. enjoy!
each fic has their own warnings, but they are all 18+ only!
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Thieves & Kings | {COMING SOON}
summary: he's the heir to the throne, the would be king. only he doesn't want it - but that's before he meets his queen.
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Let It Burn | {COMING SOON}
summary: two households both alike in diginity...is where we meet our lovers. where hatred burns deep and rivalry is worn like a second skin.
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A Star In The Dark
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Tu Corazón Es Mío
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Nothing Breaks Like A Heart
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The Sweetest Thing
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Reckless Driving
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Bob: "Why would anyone want to hurt Hangman?" Rooster: "Maybe because they met him?"
Rooster: "Hi." Maverick: "Hey, did you do what I said? Did you tell him?" Rooster: "I did. Maverick: And what did he say?" Rooster: "“Thank you.”" Maverick: "You’re totally welcome. What’d he say?" Rooster: "He said, “Thank you.” I said “I love you” and Hangman said, “Thank you.”"
Phoenix: "Rooster, get that hideous thing out of the house would you?" Rooster: "Hangman, Phoenix wants you to get out of the house."
Iceman: "I lost Maverick" Goose: "How did you LOSE Maverick?" Iceman: "To be fair, he is very small."
Maverick: "The best way to gain someone's undying loyalty is by saving them from a perilous situation." Penny: "So you're just gonna wait until Rooster is in danger and save him?" Maverick: "Of course not, I'm going to create a situation that puts him in danger and then save him." Penny: ... Penny: "You're insane."
Rooster, at an awards ceremony: "First, I'd like to thank Hangman for telling me I wouldn't win, so don't bother writing a speech."
Fanboy: "We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare." Bob: "Scrabble? Scrabble’s great." Fanboy: "Not when you’re playing with Phoenix, it’s not. She put words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”"
Iceman: "Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Maverick?" Maverick: "No." Rooster: "I do!" Iceman: "I know, Rooster." Rooster: "I’m sad." Iceman: "I know, Rooster."
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo <changed url?, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry, @onuen
Top Gun Taglist: @malindacath, @hotch-meeeeeuppppp, @sarcastic-sourwolf, @stargirl-05, @persephonesportal, @springflwer07, @pockyandme, @iceman-kazansky, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @linkxneptune
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bobby-r2d2-floyd · 1 year
Never There part 2
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happy easter if you celebrate!
i rewrote this three times before finally word vomitting this piece out. thinking one more part for this one and then it'll be wrapped up
warnings: 18+, swearing, reader throws a punch, some talk of blood, no smut but allusions to "bob fucks" mentality, some arguing
word count: 2k
It’s been a month since you left Bradley, at least the apartment that you shared once upon a time. You still worked at the Hard Deck while you were waiting for your state veterinary license to come in so you can start to try and find a clinic to work in. 
To make matters worse, nearly every single night the Dagger squad took up residence at the pool tables after they were dismissed for the day from Top Gun. Meaning nearly every single night, you were stuck serving Bradley and his friends, even Bob. Bradley did his best to try and get you back, he would try to make small talk whenever he could between down time but you always did your best to ignore him. The rest of the team would look over at you, almost like they pitied you. 
Bob was the only one who looked at you like you were a real person. He would stay until after close when you worked late, would usually be leaving with you when you had a shift where you were out before midnight. 
You had caught yourself a couple of times, just after the break up. You nearly walked over a few times after your shift but after what had happened, you doubt any of them actually wanted your company. 
It was a rare shift where you were working and Bob wasn’t at the bar, so when you walked out at 2:45 in the morning and a hand wrapped around your bicep you didn’t hesitate to whip around and punch the person who grabbed you. 
“Ouch what the fuck was that for?” a light voice yells at you and you take a better look at them.
“Natasha? Oh my god, why the fuck would you grab me like that?” you shoot back and set your bag down before taking her face in your hands so you can look at her nose. “Well, it isn’t broken, just bleeding, you’ll probably have a bruise in the morning.” you tell her before grabbing your first aid kit from your bag you always carried around and you hand her some tissues to hold against her face.
“Why are you here, Nat?” 
“To talk to you, you’ve been avoiding all of us like the plague aside from Bob.” she says, spitting some of the blood into the plants off to the side.
“You couldn’t have texted me that you needed to talk?” you ask, picking up your stuff and walking back towards your 4Runner and she follows you.
“No, this couldn’t have been a text because I know that you would have ignored it.” she pulled the tissue away and checks to see if the bleeding stopped with a different one you handed to her. You nod, knowing she wasn’t wrong and you open your door and toss your bag in and she slams it shut, making sure not to hit you. 
“I need you to know I never had sex with Bradley,” you roll your eyes and she pushes you against your car. “I didn’t sleep with him. No one from the squad even knew he was seeing someone else. We’re sorry that we didn’t go to your graduation, it was our fault and we had the weekends mixed up.”
“Bullshit. I texted all of you in a group and individually when it was, Natasha.” you glare at her and she straightens up, like she’s sizing you up even though you have a few inches and pounds on her.
“We fucked up, but don’t ice us out like this.” 
“I’m icing Bradley out, and you all hang off his every word most of the time, so forgive me for not wanting to keep the company my ex boyfriend keeps, Trace. Now back off so I can go home and go to bed. It’s been a long day and unlike you, I actually had a job to do.” you knew it was a low blow but it got her to back off and you got in your car, not looking back once as you pulled out of the parking lot; she watched you drive off with tears in her eyes. You were one of her best friends and one of the only other girls she actually tolerated that hung around the Hard Deck. She was quick to wipe her eyes before climbing in her own car and driving to her off base housing.
You walked into Bob’s house, not wanting to be alone and he’s already fast asleep. You strip quickly, slipping into one of his discarded shirts before climbing into bed with him. He lets out a small hum before shifting and wrapping his arm around your waist. 
“How was work?” he mumbles before kissing your shoulder.
“Punched Natasha in the face on accident.” you respond and settle more against him.
“What?” he asks, a little more coherently.
“I’ll tell you in the morning.” you say and he just wraps his arm tighter around you.
You wake up alone, which isn’t unusual since you got home late most nights and he was awake early every morning. The smell of coffee and bacon summons you to the kitchen and he smiles at you when you walk in. 
“How’d you sleep?” he asks, setting a cup in front of you and you can smell your favorite irish creme coffee creamer and you smile before taking a sip and letting out a gentle moan.
“It was better when I finally got home.”
“What happened with you and Nat?” 
“She grabbed my arm as I was leaving the bar and I just… decked her. Right in the nose too so don’t be surprised if she’s sporting some bruising next time you see her.”
“What did she want?” 
“Said she wanted to talk? Something about how everyone from the squad misses me and that she didn’t sleep with Bradley and that none of you guys even knew he was cheating on me.” you look up at him and he’s already looking over at you. He gives you a small smile before turning the bacon.
“The team does miss you. And they do feel bad for not being there, there’s no excuse for why they weren’t but at least give them another chance?”
“They’re Brad’s friends-”
“So am I. Do you know how hard it is being his friend and living with you?” he asks, not meaning any malice but you still feel a sting.
“Well then I’ll leave, I’ll start looking for apartments tomorrow-”
“That’s not what ’m sayin’.” he says, his drawl coming out a little more since he’s getting frustrated. “All ‘m sayin’ is that you and him were a package deal for so long and now you’re not, but we got used to havin’ you ‘round and now you’re not there anymore. They miss you.” he plates the food up and sets a plate in front of you. “And yeah, livin’ with you and lovin’ you is hard, especially when not even a month ago you were still with Brad.” 
“You love me?” you ask looking up at him and he gives you a pointed look.
“That’s all you got from that?” 
“No but-”
“No but’s. Brad and you need to talk things out ‘fore things get more serious between you and I.” 
“We have nothing to talk about. You and I have basically been together for months, the only difference is I was still sleeping with him.” you mumble into your eggs and he rolls his eyes.
“Talk to Bradley. Talk to Natasha. Talk to the rest of the Dagger’s for god’s sake.” 
“Why are you mad at me?” you ask, your voice small and he sighs.
“I’m not mad at you, darlin’. I’m mad at the situation. You deserved so much better than anythin’ that Bradley gave you, and I want nothin’ more than to love you in public and not have to worry about him ripping my arms off every time that I touch you.” He places his hand on your thigh and gives you a gentle squeeze, “sure our relationship start wasn’t conventional by any means, but I know that I want you, but I also want Bradley to be okay with it, he and I are on the same team and I don’t want the dynamic getting ruined.” 
“So you wouldn’t be selfish, and just be with me despite what he says? You’d wait for Bradley’s permission to date me?” 
He sighs, knowing no matter how this ends he’s going to be sleeping on the couch so he just agrees with you. “Yes, darlin’. I would wait because the last thing that anyone needs is two people in goddamn f-18’s to be fighting with each other when we’re supposed to be on the same side.” 
You’re silent the rest of the meal and he feels bad, knowing that you don’t like arguing, especially first thing in the morning so when you’re standing at the sink washing the dishes from breakfast he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist and hooks his chin on your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry, darlin’. I do love you, and I want nothing more than to be selfish with you. But Brad was an important person in your life for a majority of your life. It’s important to me that he’s okay with us being together.” he whispers softly against your ear and you nod, “besides, it’s my bed you’re in now, not his.” you laugh and he presses kisses down your neck while his hands sneak their way under your shirt. You flinch at the coolness of his fingers and he drags you back to the bedroom by your hips and your laugh fills the apartment as you try to grab at the walls and door frames. 
“Robert!” you cry out and he tosses you on the bed before climbing on top of you. He has a leg pressed between your thighs and you wrap your arms around his neck as one of his hands rests on your thigh and the other holds your head as he leans down on his elbow to be closer to you.
“I love you, darlin’. More than anything, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much.” he says and your eyes flick from his eyes to his lips.
“What are you waiting for, Lieutenant?” you whisper and he gives you a gentle smirk.
“Your permission.” he says, accent thick and the gravel to his voice has you pulling him down in a bruising kiss.
The bedroom quickly fills with moans, groans, gasps, and wet noises as Bob takes you to heaven and back four separate times before he fills you, only to do it again in the shower while you two are trying to get ready to head to the Hard Deck where you have to help Penny with the book keeping and he’s meeting the rest of the team to play dogfight football. 
He helps you get ready since you’re unsteady on your legs and he laughs and presses a kiss to your wet neck, “gonna be leaking me out of you all day in front of all our friends and your boss.”
“Bob, if we want to leave, get away from me. And they’re your friends.”
“They’re our friends darlin’, you just lost your way a bit.” he tells you and you sigh.
“Yeah, I know. I’ll talk to Bradley today, see if I can pull him away from the game for a bit or something.” 
By the time you two finally arrive at the beach Penny already has the back deck supplied with beers and burgers for the team. Mav pulls you into a hug and you gladly return it.
“It’s good to see you kid.” 
“It’s good to see you too.” you say before pulling away from the hug and walking up to Bradley, “can we talk?” 
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” he says, standing up from where he was seated with Natasha and you give her a small smile.
He follows you into the bar and you two take a seat at a booth by the window, Bob shoots you a reassuring smile through the glass and you return it. “So, what did you want to talk about?” Bradley asks as he takes a bite of his burger.
“Us. Or well, what happened to us.”
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mothdruid · 2 years
Maybe It's Time
pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x fem!reader
summary: you and Bob decide to help out at his family pumpkin patch. seeing all the little kids throughout the day makes Bob realize he wants his own little ones. when brings it up to you, you confirm that it's making you feel the same way.
wc: 844
warnings: fluff, pregnancy talk, having kids talk.
a/n: the first of my four autumn/Halloween drabbles for the month!!
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Bob loved this time of year. He loved it because you loved it. The smell of changing leaves and the occasional apple or pumpkin pie made him happy. But seeing you react to them? It made his heart gush. So when his family asked for help this year at the pumpkin patch, he couldn’t decline. Bob didn’t know it would have this type of an effect on him though.
Small to medium sized children wandered around with their parents. Some tugged the adults in the direction of the goats, others heading straight to pick out their pumpkin for the season. Bob couldn’t contain his smile as he watched a few kids trying to pick up their pumpkins, failing because they were too big. It was the first time he realized he yearned for that. Yearned for the possibility of a family, especially with you.
Bob and you were stationed at the apple cider and donut area, passing out donuts and warm apple cider to the families. Your bright smile had attracted Bob’s attention as he poured a cup of warm cider. He took in the beautiful scene, you kneeling down to talk to a kid and handing them their apple donut. He finished handing the cup to the parent of the kid, adjusting his glasses and nodding. They were the last family for a moment, giving you both a little bit of time to rest.
“What’s that look for?” You questioned Bob. He didn’t hide it very well, the way he had been silently fawning over you all day. Bob tugged on the edge of his Carhart beanie, pulling it down over his ears a little bit.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bob didn’t want to tell you the truth. The truth about wanting to have kids with you. It wasn’t something you two avoided, having talked about it a handful of times. A few times you had mentioned how cute you thought certain names were or him mentioning what he would like to do with kids one day. Nothing extensive though.
“Fine, be like that.” Bob immediately smacked himself mentally on the forehead. He hated when you pulled out that tone. That tone always had a way of pulling the truth out of him.
“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you.” Bob watched as you lit up, lips pulling into a big smile. Bob sat on the spare chair you had for breaks, staring up at you with puppy dog eyes. It was the first time you were able to take your husband in for the day, honestly since he came home. His metal frames outlined his eyes, the wire running back underneath his beanie. His bangs were peeking out the front of his beanie on his forehead. There was a soft rosy dusting on his cheeks, ears tucked underneath his beanie.
“These kids just have me thinking.” A small amount of embarrassment weaved into his words. He watched you raise an eyebrow, encouraging him to explain further.
“Thinking about?”
“Makes me think that I want my own.” Bob stared down at his hands, not wanting to meet your gaze. It was rather cute. You hadn’t seen Bob this shy since you two had started dating. You couldn’t hold it against him, it was a topic you two had never really talked about in depth. After spending the morning at his family’s pumpkin patch, you were starting to feel similar though. You took a step forward, hand reaching out to cup his face. The chill from the air had bit at his skin, looking like an out of season reindeer.
“Why are you embarrassed about it?” You brought his gaze up to yours. Bob smiled softly as your gaze welcomed him. The warmth you seemed to provide him was present. Bob leaned his cheek into your hand.
“It’s just something that we haven’t talked about. And what I want isn’t the only thing to take into account.” Always so thoughtful, you picked up exactly what he was putting down. The bodily changes you would have to go through while pregnant were terrifying, to you and Bob.
“But what if I said I might want it too.” Bob’s eyes went wide, bright blue orbs looking up at you.
“Are you..?” Bob couldn’t even finish the question. A big smile pulled to your lips, nodding your answer.
“Maybe, it’s time we start trying.” Bob shot up out of the chair, wrapping his arms around your waist. Your feet left the ground, Bob spinning you in a small circle and pressing a kiss to your cheek. A giggle burst through as he set you back on your feet, pulling him into a kiss. A big smile was on his face, tongue poking out the side of his lips slightly.
The rest of the day went by, you helping kids with their donuts while Bob handed out more cider. There were only two things on Bob and yours minds though. The prospect of starting a family and just how cute your kids would be while carving pumpkins.
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imdoingmybest0 · 1 year
Bob was in a Frat??
Bob Floyds "Brothers" from college come for a visit to see Bobs new life in the Navy. The dagger crew find out that the man they nicknamed 'Baby' used to be quite a legend before they met him. Robert "Bob/Baby" Floyd x fem!character 18+, Minor DNI. Mature Themes, mentions of sexual exploits and alcohol consumption (all 21+)
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Bob Floyd is a shy man, always the first to offer to be the DD and the type of guy to pull a drunk persons phone off of the bar, before Penny notices. Well maybe shy isn't the word to describe him. Quiet might be better, he's content to sit on a bar stool shelling peanuts shittily into a cup in his lap and speaking to whomever approaches him.
Which is why when the Dagger squad found out Bob was in a frat in college came as such a surprise. The thought of Bob rushing a frat, pounding down beer, and flirting with everyone in his vicinity is hard to picture. But here sat four of his 'brothers', chatting with Bobs new family surrounding a pool table.
"Yes sir!" said, Carlton, one of the frat brothers who was stood talking to of course, Hangman, "Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Bobby was actually the one who roped me into joining." he continued grinning at Bob who was leaning one hip on the green, felt table face red with embarrassment.
"Oh really," Jake said with a mischievous look towards Bob, "what made you wanna do something like that Bobby?", Hangman drew out the nickname in a teasing tone.
Bob shrugged, "Seemed like any easy way to make friends and add onto my resume."
Carlton laughed, "Thats not what you told me Bobby! I remember you saying 'Dude, think about it, beer and girls.' I don't think you were thinking with the right head back then, man."
"Now hold on," Jake cuts in, "that's where this tale gets too tall for me. I could believe that 'Baby on Board' here used to get hammered on cheap beer and maybe even saying 'dude'. But Bob? Chasin' skirts? That's unrealistic." He laughs lightheartedly, and Carlton joins in. Bobs face remains red.
"Well come one, cut him some slack." it's another one of Bobs 'brothers', TJ. "If I remember correctly, Bob could take home the first girl he took a shot with.", TJ claps a hand over Bobs shoulder. "Hell, one time I saw him walking a girl to the door in the morning looking like she was still comin' back down from heaven."
Another brother, Harris cut in, "But whenever they shut that door shut, you'd think she was in hell."
Rooster almost choked on his drink, "You're kidding me. Our Baby here had game?"
Bob smirks at Rooster, "What do you mean, had?"
Hangman cackles, "Oh come off it Bobby, I've never even seen you approach a girl, much less take one home."
"Well yea," says Bobs "I'm to busy takin care of you drunks to try."
"Oh really?" says Coyote, "How about we make a bet, if you can get a girls number in the next ten minutes, I'll buy all of us a round. If you can't, you buy."
Bob hands the pool cue he'd been holding to James ,the last of his frat pals who gave him a winning look, knowing either way they would be getting free drinks out of it. "Might wanna go make your order Coyote." Bob says as he makes his way into the crowd of patrons.
The group of men watch for a moment, occasionally seeing the tall, bespectacled man appear between pillars and people. He's gone for a moment before Harris says, "Three o'clock, the one in the pink and the one with the curly hair, at the high-tops." The group looks to see Bob, forearms casually resting on one of the tall chairs speaking to the two women.
He was turned so that the group by the pool tables could see when his lips moved but not enough where they could make out what he was saying to the two of them. He was leaning on the chair but made sure to give both of the women personal space. He casually pointed to one of their wrists, the woman touched her beaded bracelet and started talking quickly with a smile on her face. Bob nodded occasionally while she spoke and smiled when she made eye contact with him. He pulled out his phone, and showed the girls his lock screen, they both made 'awe' faces and smiled up at him.
He made a small gesture to himself, and the to the door, presumably to the port down the road. He nodded his head slightly to one side while speaking and the girls laughed. He gave a shy smile to the girl with the bracelet and adjusted his glasses and said something else. She blushed and glanced to her friend, who nodded excitedly.
Then Bob was pulling his phone out of his pocket and handing it to her, she quickly typed something into it, and handed it back to Baby Bobby Floyd.
Bob said one or two more words to the women and gave a small wave, before making his way back around the bar towards the pool tables.
Hangman slapped his hand on Carlton's shoulder as Bob approached in a swirl of whistles and congratulations with a shy smile and blush adorning his face, "I guess we are buyin' you boys a round then, huh."
A/N; I tried to make the two ladies pretty neutral so its easier to picture anyone as them :) I did kind of intend for the Bracelet and Bobs Lock screen to be a TSwift bracelet and a photo of Bob and his twin sister at an Eras concert but it could easily be a pet rescue thing and a photo of his pet, or whatever you'd like :D
- okay, bye, thanks for reading, luv u <3
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
I’ve tried to get this concept out of my head but I can’t. It’s based on this post. I can’t stop thinking of a mid hike fuck with Bob. 🤤
Oh those visuals are literally giving me life right now.
Warnings: This is Strictly Scandalous. Smut ahead.
Bob Floyd strikes me as the type of person who absolutely demolishes anyone at cardio. He's not a weights guy, hats pushups, pullups, sit-ups and all the other ups there are. But mention a hike in any aspect, rain, hail or shine Robert Floyd is there with his hiking shoes on and T-shirt tucked into his shorts. 
“Bob!” You cried, down on your hands and knees looking at the view over the edge of the secluded lookout. “The rocks are digging into my knees!” It’s a whimper mixed of pleasure and pain. On one hand, Bobs fucking you deep and slow from behind, his hand wrapped in your sweaty ponytail–pulling your head back so that your voice carries over the valley. 
“You’ll be right princess.” Bobs letting out an airy sigh, reveling in the way your pussy feels clenching around his shaft. “Doing so well for me, such a good girl aren't you?” Bob said it as if he wanted an answer, so you gave him one as he thrust his hips against your ass, burying himself to the hilt. 
“Fuck, so good–so good for you baby.” It's raw and quick and rushed because at any moment anyone could be hiking up the same path you and Bob took to get here. But he just needed you now, he couldn't wait. “Bob–fuuughh–” 
“So pretty up here isn't it love?” Bobs painting as he fucks you a little faster, his fingernails are digging small crescent like shapes into your hips as he pulls you back down onto him. “Might have to capture the moment so I don't forget how good the view is up here really is.” 
“M’gonna lose my mind if you take pictures right now Robert Floyd!” It came out in broken drabs, but Bob heard you loud and clear, still–he reached for his phone, the grip he had in your hair tightened and it was unmistakable that it was you in the pictures he snapped. He makes one his background picture. Your exposed back on display, Bob's hand griped into your hair, the sunset illuminating your silhouette as the view just encapsulated your beauty. 
“Too late, had to.” It’s not missable in the way Bob sounds behind you that he's nearing the edge of his own high. “Really needed to be able to look back on this moment.”
“You’re a horn dog Lieutenant Floyd.” You chuckle, biting down into your bottom lips, feeling the coil inside you beginning to wind and wind and wind. “Stop messing around and fuck me before we get caught.” It's with that Bob laughs, he bites back a guttural moan before he's reaching forward and round to tease your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Yes ma'am–” Bob complies with your request, picking up the pace as the sun sets just on the horizon, committing it to memory how fucking perfect this all was. Knowing this was going to become a regular occurrence on your hikes together.
Strictly Scandalous Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Mrs. Floyd's class | Robert 'Bob' Floyd
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Pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x Teacher!Wife!Reader
Summary: Bob helps his wife on Read Across America day.
Word count: 966 (it's short, sorry)
Warnings: nothing! just fluff.
Tag list: @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox @mercurio23 @shrimping-for-all
(if you want to be in the 'All TGM' tag list, send me an ask!)
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“Honey, it’s late already. You can finish this tomorrow” says Bob, trying to pry you away from your laptop. 
“Let me just write one more email, maybe this time they will answer me” 
“Alright, that’s it” he takes your laptop away from you. 
“Robert! I need to get someone for the reading day. This author just bailed out on me" you say, feeling sad that you promised your students to bring someone to read a book for them. You had been talking to this local author for weeks now, and he just emailed you that he is not coming. 
"It's too late. Nobody is going to answer today" 
You let out a sigh of defeat, getting up from the sofa and opening your arms. "Hug me?" 
Bob smiles softly and hugs you, his hand caressing your back. "Your kids will understand it, y/n. They love you and know you always do what you can for them. They'll understand it" 
You hug him closer, and Bob kisses your hair. "I prepared a bath for you" he says, pulling away from you and kissing your forehead. "Go relax while I finish dinner, okay?" 
You nod, walking away with heavy feet, your body fully envisioning defeatedness. He knows how important your 3rd graders are to you, and how you try to give them the opportunity to live different experiences in life if you can make them happen. He remembers last Valentine's day when you were adamant about making heart-shaped cookies for every student in your class. Bob knows how much you care, and he feels terrible to see you this way. 
And then he realizes he has the solution right in front of him. 
When he hears the soft click of the bathroom door closing, Bob pulls out his phone and immediately FaceTimes the whole Dagger Squad. He knows it's late, but he also knows that his aviator family wouldn't leave him behind. 
"Bob, have you called us with your butt or something?" Asks Hangman, knowing very well that Bob wasn't usually the one initiating a FaceTime call. 
"I honestly thought the same thing" agrees Coyote. 
"Guys, can you let him speak? Maybe it's something important" Phoenix, always caring about her wizzo, makes the two men stop talking so Bob can tell them the reason for this call. 
"Thanks, Nat. I know it's late. Like, really late. But I need your help" 
"It's something wrong?" Rooster immediately asks, very concerned. 
"Do you have anything to do on Read Across America day?" 
"Isn't that in two days?" questions Fanboy, looking at his watch. 
"Yeah, but Y/n had planned for a writer to read something for her students but…" 
"Wait, is this for Bobette?" Bob nods at Hangman's question. "Alright, buddy. Tell us when and where" 
He knew the Dagger squad would always have his back. 
Two days later, you're explaining to your kids how you tried to bring someone to read for them, even though it had been impossible. The kids seem a bit upset about it, but they know you have tried your best. Mrs. Floyd always did her best. 
You're looking for the book in your bag when a sudden knock on the door makes you turn. 
"Excuse me, it's this Mrs. Floyd's class?" says Phoenix, smiling at you. She's wearing her uniform and has a Dr. Seuss book in her hands. 
"Nat? What are you doing here?" you're completely shocked by her sudden appearance. "Come in, let me introduce you to my kids!" 
And when she enters, Hangman, Payback, Coyote, Fanboy, and Rooster walk in behind her. You're about to cry. Your friends, the ones you consider a second family, have come to help you. 
Bob, it's the last one to enter, a bright smile on his face. He is next to you in a heartbeat.
"Good morning, Mrs. Floyd" 
"Did you call them?" You ask, wiping away a tear. 
"Of course. Everyone was more than happy to help Bobette, you know" he chuckles a bit. 
"I wish I could kiss you right now" 
"Mrs. Floyd, care to introduce us?" says Rooster while waving to a few kids. 
"Of course!" 
You introduce all of them, and when it's Bob's turn, a few kids begin whispering and gossiping between them. One of the girls is the first one to speak. 
"Mrs. Floyd, is Lieutenant Floyd your husband?" 
These little kids love gossiping. More than their parents. 
"Yes, he is. Now, I know you want to know about their jobs and how cool it is to fly aircrafts, but let's read Phoenix's book first, all right? Then I'm sure they will be very pleased to answer all the questions you may have" 
It's funny seeing Payback and Fanboy reenacting a scene from the book as if they were the characters. You see the smiles on your students' faces and on your family's faces too. You can't say for sure who are the ones having more fun with this, aviators or students. 
After the book, you decide to make small groups, 4 or 5 kids are sitting in a circle with one of the aviators, talking, asking, and learning something they won't learn in their books, hearing stories, and maybe, dreaming of their future. 
"You know, I've always known you're a hell of a teacher but these kids look at you with devotion in their eyes. One of them even told me that he was to be like you when he grows up" confesses Bob, sitting next to you while watching the kids. 
"Was it Josh?" you laugh. He wants to be a teacher and he tries to help other students when they don't understand something. 
"Thank you, Bobby. Thank you so much. They will remember this in the future." 
"Anything for you, darling" 
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sushiwriterhere · 1 year
top gun threesomeissance 2023 masterlist
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wow y'all!!! i'm so sorry for how late this is but you guys blew me away with each of these pieces. thank you to everyone who wrote, read, reblogged, liked, commented, and just in general encouraged their friends to write. so much love, and i hope everyone enjoyed!! now, in no particular order...... the masterlist:
bradley, jake, x f!reader
Up the Ante - @sometimesanalice Rooster had heard the whispers. He knew what the stories were about- the ones that had followed him and Hangman around for years. You, however, are more than happy to find out for yourself if all the rumors were true.
jake, f!reader, x f!reader's friend
You and Me and She Makes Three - @roosterforme Jake had feelings for you. And that was a problem, because he didn't do relationships. He was going to have to choose his independence over being with you. At least that's what he thought until he was presented with the opportunity to enjoy you and his freedom at the same time. 
bob, jake, x reader
three tender lovers - @sebsxphia bob proposes a solution to jake’s remarks to the marks on bob’s back. all three of you find resolution and something else. love.
(im)Patiently Waiting - @callsign-cacti You and Bob have been dancing around one another for years. Now, with Jake and Bob eyeing each other, you have a plan. Hopefully, it ends with both of them in your bed... or any bed.
mickey, bob, x f!reader
Two Turns Into Three - @foreverrandomwritings You and your boyfriend Fanboy propostion your close friend Bob with a threesome request.
javy, bradley, x f!reader
Merrier the More - @sylviebell Jake strikes out at the bar, but you hit a couple of home runs
javy, natasha, x reader
The Last Unicorn - @thedroneranger Getting caught between Natasha and Javy leads to a unique experience.
javy, mickey, x f!plus size!reader
"It was always gonna end this way" - @briseisgone [no author written summary but!] smut, polyamory, boys being bisexual boys, and a whole lotta fun
beau, jake, x f!reader
The Magic Number - @wkndwlff Beau and his fiancé discover the magic of threes.
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ereardon · 4 months
At Sea [Bob Floyd x Reader] [Sneak peek]
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Summary: I’ll be home in five weeks. That’s what naval aviator Y/N told her fiance before leaving for deployment in the Atlantic. But time ceased to stop when she met Bob Floyd, the ship surgeon. Shy and honest, Bob quietly slipped into Y/N’s life, creating a complicated dynamic on an already intense mission. Falling for Bob was not in Y/N’s plan, and as she continues to weave a web of lies, she must make a choice: return to the life she left on land, or forge ahead into the unknown with Bob. But before Y/N can decide, disaster strikes, leaving Bob to make the decision that will alter their lives forever. 
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Female Aviator Reader
Status: Coming soon!
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