#{ threads : guest }
c-kiddo · 9 hours
was worried parts of cr2 would not hold up on rewatch (especially seeing people hate the aeor arc so much) but ngl so far its either been good and fun as hell (travellercon, pirate arc) or just straight up banger after banger. like the xhorhas to angel of irons through to refjorged arc and then the cathedral.................. unrelenting slay
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melodyplucked · 2 months
“nina- that’s right, isn’t it? my son seems to call you everything but your name.” lynne is curious about the girl her son has home for christmas. she would be with any girlfriend of his, to be fair, but… she’s very obviously a different situation than when he was in high school. and not just because lynne has never met her, though that certainly adds to the situation. “i know you’re not from around here- i can imagine this little town is nothing like europe. how do you like it?” but then as much as the question is loaded with other possible questions… the girl who had left gucci loafers by the door and wore a dress lynne was fairly sure was from this season… is now in her former kitchen wearing her son’s old cotton t-shirt from some skate competition. there’s something endearing about it. even if she knows her son likely notices none of the tells of his girlfriend’s clearly immense wealth. plus well- maybe they’re both fish out of water as lynne sleeps in the guest bedroom of her former home to be close for her son the next few days. “i know ricky probably told you i was… critical of his ex… i hope we can start on our own terms. not based on lily. ricky seems serious about you.” so she’s going to do her best to get on board. even if time will tell.
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troublemakingrebel · 8 months
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tarnishedxknight · 2 years
Princess, Interrupted || closed with tarnishedxjudgement
“Because... if you are going to sell me to the enemy, then you should at least grant me the comfort of a friend whilst I’m there, father,” Ashelia said firmly, staring the old king down.
“Ashelia... Sir Ronsenburg is needed here and at war’s front,” Raminas said wearily. He was already dealing with immense guilt over the arrangement for his daughter to be held in Archadia’s capital to ensure Dalmascan loyalty, and Ashe’s resistance to it was not helping. 
“Why? My being shipped off to Archadia ensures the fighting will stop,” she shot back.
“Because this arrangement is a precarious and delicate thing, my dear. You do not understand,” Raminas replied.
Ashe huffed. “If I do not understand, it is because you forbade me to be in your war room while it was being discussed! Also, I do understand, because unlike you, Basch does not think women so fragile of mind that they cannot learn of such things.”
“Then understand that your duty and your place right now are to do this in Dalmasca’s name and for her people. Please... do not make this more difficult than it must be,” the king sighed.
“I’ll need guidance,” Ashe said.
“You will be alright, my child,” Raminas said.
“I’ll need protection,” she tried again.
“They’ll not harm you,” Raminas insisted.
“You don’t know that!” Ashe exclaimed, feeling a pang of something in her chest. Was it panic? No, she wasn’t going to be a scared child. “I don’t know that.”
Raminas sighed again... because she was right.
“Grant me Basch and I will do my duty, as you put it, without further objection, father,” she challenged. As strong as she knew she was, the idea of going to live in Archadia alone without a single familiar face when she had never even been outside of her own country before had Ashelia beyond terrified. Basch was her dearest friend, her rock, and her voice of reason. She needed him with her. Her gaze turned a bit vulnerable, much as she wished it wouldn’t. “Please, father.”
Sending Sir Ronsenburg to Archadia would make a serious dent in the leadership of the Dalmascan military. However, he knew it would affect the knight captain’s performance to have the princess abroad with the enemy, whether the man admitted to the distraction or not. And perhaps it would ease some of the old king’s worries as well to have someone like Basch looking after Ashelia. “Very well. He will accompany you there,” Raminas said, not speaking as to whether he would stay.
- - - - - - - - - -
It was hours to Archadia by airship, especially the Durga class cargo and passenger ship they had been granted for this particular trip. Something unmistakably civilian was needed to avoid any and all aerial misunderstandings. Even so, the ship bore Dalmasca’s banners on its carapace. As they neard their destination, Ashelia emerged from her room and came to stand with Basch to see the empire on the horizon, its capital coming into sharper focus. 
A quivering sigh, forced out through her nose, caught Basch’s attention. He turned to see Ashelia’s wide eyes welling up with tears, even as they gazed out the large window at Archadia. He watched as her expression otherwise remained unchanged save for a thick swallow, and she blinked repeatedly to rid herself of the tears she never allowed to fall. Basch’s own eyes fell for a moment, and then he turned back to the view past the glass himself, not calling attention to her moment of fearful vulnerability. She hated when someone pointed out that she was crying.
“Steady,” he whispered to her, and out of his peripheral vision he saw her turn to look up at him. “You represent Dalmasca here. Show them her strength through your own, my lady.”
Ashelia smiled softly and nodded. This was precisely why she had needed Basch with her. His words had already replaced the terror and despair in her heart with resolve and pride. As the ship slowly docked, Ashelia tried to prepare herself for anything and everything that might greet her once they were boarded...
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kerizaret · 10 months
Finally they're here as promised!!
☆ Hinamatsuri AU Leo/Need ☆
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(Forgot to write it but Honami is based on her Musical Twilight Parade card )
Bonus interactions:
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tsu22 · 1 year
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josh is having too much fun making fun of their height huh
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holyguardian · 2 months
@soldier-lodbrok | X
She would be able to sit down and rest again soon. That's what Ifalna told herself as her steps grew heavier. Truth be told, she hadn't wanted to leave 'Tink', Glenn's bike had given her the opportunity to lean and rest through what had been her worst wave of dizziness. But the road to Leif's home had run out. They were here.
Swallowing, she moved to take another step — though out here, the path was rough and uneven, and her foot clipped where the dirt had hardened around a chocobo's trail. She stumbled, attempted to catch her footing, but in the end she fell...
... though it wasn't a harsh fall. She hadn't landed on the hardened earth, instead finding herself in Glenn's arms.
There was no apology on her lips. Ifalna uttered a groan as her head kept spinning, the spike in her fever making her feel no less miserable. Something wasn't right. Her immune system had been stripped bare in that laboratory, and a quick pit stop in Kalm was all it had taken for her to catch something.
For any normal case, it wouldn't be so serious. But her body had already been struggling with so much else, adding illness on top of it was dangerous.
"Mummy?!" Aerith cried, rushing to where Glenn had her mother bundled up. The worry was plain on her face, as were the tears already welling in her eyes. This was... scary. Everyone kept promising that her mother would be better soon, but that wasn't true, she looked worse than she ever had.
Sniffling, she took off up the path as instructed, though she didn't even get to bang on the door. It swung open and Glenn stood there. What? — Aerith looked back and saw Glenn holding onto her mother, and forward again to Glenn at the door. That was the tipping point. Too many emotions had bubbled up and before anyone could say another word she had her head tipped back wailing. None of this made any sense.
Eyelids heavy, Ifalna still managed to softly utter "Don't cry, sweetheart..." though her strength was spent. Head tipped back, the heaviness of her sickness took over, and she faded out briefly.
Leif stood there with his eyebrows somewhere in his hairline. Glenn had given him surprises before, but this one topped the fucking list of them, a woman that looked dead in his arms, a wailing child that barely reached his hip, and his brother with the audacity to look just as confused as he felt. If he could have spoken freely he would have asked what the fuck was going on.
Instead he shoved his door open wider, and a hand reached to hold at the kid's back with a gentle guidance to step out of the way of Glenn. "First room on the left." And hello to you too.
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arachnidiots · 5 months
so anyways how are we gonna celebrate thread 300? im thinking we gotta go all out for this one. group thread with the whole following list
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iomadachd · 1 year
@alastors-radioshow liked the starter call
Trick r Treat - Day 3: A maze-like forest at dusk, with a sense of anxiety as the sun disappears
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It is not as common a practice these days, but this is a special occasion.
Copia has always made it a point to organize a Hunt in the sprawling woods behind the Abbey after a tour cycle for his Ghouls. It allowed them to work off the pent-up energy from being stuck on buses, planes, and their behavior for months on end.
He knew it had been especially hard on Phantom and Aurora, being the youngest summons who had all but been thrown immediately into performing without an adjustment period.
It was largely the reason they were doing it tonight instead of waiting until the full moon. It was just too far away, and the Ghouls were antsy as is.
There's a quiet unease in his belly as the sun sets, but that always happens each hunt, even knowing that he is the only perfectly safe human in the Abbey on nights like these.
The unease picks up as the Demon Overlord joins the crowd of Ghouls. He is welcome, of course, but he simply hasn't had the chance to bring him up with Imperator yet.
"Ah, buonasera, Alastor. Will you be joining the Ghouls or staying back with an old man and his bonfire?"
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the-graves-family · 1 year
[care] + “Is that…. somebody’s hand?” + “Will you tell me how it happened?” with Mafia!Aaron
It's not just his neck.
Aaron has bruises everywhere. His lip's split and bleeding, the skin over his nose broken. His shirt's off and he'd been in the middle of cleaning up. Handprints on his throat and waist.
Shame on him for keeping his door unlocked.
He glares up at Enzo, a sneer twisting his lips. It hurts. "Why do you care?"
Some play with a few ill-advised people had turned sour when he'd been recognized. It had turned some fun into a brawl. Ruined his night out.
"I don't pay you to care about shit like this."
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arsocalum · 9 days
Starter for @kh-oc-askblog
The first thing Ace felt as she came to was pain, an immense amount of it as well. Eyes slowly opening she looked around her vision somewhat blurry. As the blur cleared the first thing she noticed was her environment, it wasn't the keyblade graveyard which confused her a little bit. And it absolutely wasn't really a place she recognized either. To what she had known the only ones who'd been in that accursed place was herself, Matios, or well formerly anyways, and whatever the hell had attacked her. The girl's best guess was that someone had swooped in and saved her, but whoever that was she didn't know, nor had she yet seen them either. Blinking a small bit she waited out the blurriness and moved to sit up, stopping herself before doing so, it wouldn't be a good idea to move so suddenly, especially with her injuries, if any of them could reopen she didn't want that happening. Letting out a small noise she laid there, she might as well get comfortable best she could, it would be a long while before she fully recovered from her injuries.
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inseparableduo · 4 months
Random starter for @tenfaceandthree !
"Thanks for letting Janne tag along with us! It's been forever since I've seen him, and today is the only day that works in his schedule." Darla said, while she gave her in law a hug. She really did miss her best friend and the feeling was mutual since he agreed to go shopping with her. Still, the man had yet to show up but, she can feel him getting closer.
She was like a little kid buzzing with excitement. Phone calls just wasn't enough so, when he's finally in eyesight, she jumps up and screams his name before running into his arms. Janne was used to this though and easily caught her and spin her around. The two were completely blind to the attention they drew. The two kiss each other on the cheeks a few times before he finally lets her down.
"Oh, so you must be Andy's partner, right? No offense, but, you look too sane and cute for him." Janne greets as he gives a wink. A hand around Darla's waist as she was still clinging on to him.
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powersandplanetaries · 8 months
The problem with leveling up my sewing skills considerably over the last year is that now my impulse for every occasion that needs a new outfit it "sew something". Like yes I could probably get a better fit in a style I actually like, but on the other hand that's a lot of extra work and stress for a wedding three weeks away, for which i have already agreed to help assemble the party favours.
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ravarui · 4 months
Starter for @aamaranthiine from Jaime (OP verse) In response to this post (Not Accepting)
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Fingers are drumming impatiently against the table as he's waiting for his betrothed. The word alone has him shaking his head. This wasn't what he wanted. He wanted no wife, no children. It was why he had joined the Gods Knights all those years ago. To avoid these responsibilities. He didn't want to become the new head of house Lannister, his brother Tyrion could have all the titles for all he cared. Jaime only wanted to be knight, wanted to be as famous and skilled as Saint Garling. A decision his father had always hated and despite everything he had still found a way to get what he wanted.
His future wife wasn't one from the other houses or even a celestial dragon in the first place. No. She came from the Blues and yet she was something special. He knew his sister had already met her and knowing her she was likely already planning to get rid of her too. Just like she had done with her husband. Not that Jaime could blame her for this, he happily turned a blind eye to her doings in this regard.
As the door opens Jaime has at least the decency to stand up from his seat. Looking at her he could see that she was as happy about this arrangement as he was, meaning not at all. She was...not at all what he had expected if he was honest with himself.
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countlessrealities · 7 months
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Plotted starter for @ofmoraliity ~ Alastor & Vox [ ft: Velvette & Rosie ]
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Alastor idly ran a clawed finger along the thin cane of his microphone, eyes fixed on Carmilla and wide grin firmly in place, making it impossible to tell what might be going on in his mind. It had been a long time since he had attended one of those meetings. Ten years? More? In any case, it had been longer than he cared to remember.
The truth was that, even before his, ah, "sabbatical", he used to attend them only sporadically. While he understood the strategic value of such events, he had always found most of them quite pointless. It was all about settling disputes over territories and all the sort of politics no one cared about. Fact that was proven mere hours after said meeting had ended, when one of the Overlords crossed the lines they had voted to establish, as if the discussion had never happened.
In spite of all that, he was ready to admit that things seemed to have changed since the last time he had been in town. With Carmilla Carmine holding the reins, the discussion was handled by someone who not only had some proper common sense, but who also never beat around the bush and wasted everyone's time.
Also, unlike the previous times, he had an actual stake to defend, since he was sponsoring Charlie's hotel and said little endeavour was intimately connect with the whole Extermination talk. So, perhaps, that meeting would have turned out to be productive, to an extent. A little disappointing, since no one seemed to care about his prolonged absence, but not a total waste of his time.
Or, at least, he had believed so until the door had been shoved open, cutting Carmilla's off mid-sentence, and Velvette and Vox had stepped in the conference room. "Fashionably late", someone would have called them, but in Alastor's eyes, it was merely rude cheekiness.
The Radio Demon's expression remained unchanged, even if that took an extra effort when Velvette hopped in the spot at the other head of the table, leaving her associate the only still available seat. Namely, the one next to Alastor himself.
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Oh deer.
He could have almost sworn that Velvette's eyes had locked on him for the briefest moment, before she had directed her attention back to her phone. Paranoia wasn't something he often indulged into, since he found it extremely inconvenient and annoying, but he couldn't help wondering if her choice of seat had a second aim.
"Before you ask, it's just me and Voxxy," the fashionista spoke up, before anyone could address the newcomers. "Val has better shit to do than listening to an old windbag like you. I was planning on coming on my own to represent, but someone insisted on tagging along."
Only then her gaze left the screen once more, this time landing on Vox, her painted lips curling in a subtle grin that was half way between knowing and mocking.
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"Isn't that right, my darling?~"
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misc-muses · 2 months
"It's here! It's here it's here it's here!" She throws her arms up, piece of paper in hand that's being waved around too frantically to read but is no doubt the source of her joy.
"Check it out! My acceptance letter into the college of my dreams, Dipper! I poured my whole SOUL into that portfolio, and they LOVED it!" The Mystery Twins were GOING TO COLLEGE!
"Promise me you'll visit me?" @apotelexma from x
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