#{/I fucking audibly gasped; SLAPPED my phone down on the bed; and went 'NO WAY. SHUT UP. NO *FUCKING* WAY. SHUT UP. SHUT. UP"
blindedguilt · 1 year
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Could we please have a prequel to the praise kink fic? Because i really want to know why were Sirius and Remus not together and what did Remus send him. I really need context
I was hoping somebody would ask for this!! The aforementioned fic is here for any curious souls (18+ please) and SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for spicy texts (not exactly nudes), and smutty feelings with nothing explicit
The bus went over a bump and Sirius winced as his shins knocked against the back of the seat in front of him, connecting with the metal brace inside. “Fuck.”
“You sure you don’t want to switch?” James asked next to him. Sirius glanced down at the veritable wall of gear and empty snack bags between them, then back to James in disbelief. He shrugged, then set his headphones back over his ears. “Worth a shot.”
“Merde,” Sirius hissed as a pothole nearly took off his kneecap. He gritted his teeth and readjusted, drawing his legs closer to his chest. I want to be home, he thought, allowing himself an internal moment to whine.
He checked his phone—not even ten in the morning. It was a Saturday, so Remus would probably just be rolling out of bed, still sleepy and soft with his hair sticking up like a disgruntled cat’s. Sirius sighed heavily and stared out the window at the small town rolling past in the distance; there was little he wouldn’t give to be back with him instead of on the way to a full week of conferences.
“Why did we have to win the Cup?” he grumbled.
James lifted one side of his headphones. “What?”
It wasn’t like they had had much time to themselves before that, either—Sirius’ schedule was packed with interviews that felt more like interrogations, and Remus had been running the PT department mostly by himself while Moody took a well-deserved vacation. They were dead on their feet every night, worked to the bone with little energy left to do more than cuddle and fall asleep. Still, Sirius was grateful for every second of it.
He waited ten more minutes before giving in.
New Message To: Re
Bonjour mon loup <3
There was no immediate response, which made sense, though he was a little bit disappointed. Sirius closed his eyes and tried to make himself relax; it would be at least another six hours before they arrived at their destination, and the bad weather gathering overhead didn’t bode well for quick travel.
His phone buzzed gently and he scrambled to answer. Don’t be Reg, don’t be Reg, don’t be Reg—
New Message From: Re
Morning love!
Thanks for the bagels <3
“Fuck yes,” Sirius said under his breath. The bagels had been a last-minute decision as he crept through the house in the early hours of the morning after carefully detaching himself from Remus with a final half-asleep farewell kiss. There was no guarantee he would remember breakfast with everything going on, so Sirius figured it was a safe bet to toast them and leave them on the countertop before heading out.
Message To: Re
Pas de problem
Sleep well?
Message From: Re
Missed you :(
Sirius rested his temple against the cold window with a soft sound. He hated leaving at different times, but that was just how their life worked at the moment.
Message To: Re
Missed you too <3
Three small dots appeared for a long moment before vanishing without a trace just as his heart rate began picking up. Where’d you go? he almost wondered aloud. Something bumped his arm and James raised a quizzical brow. “Loops,” Sirius said by way of explanation.
“I figured. He okay?”
“I think so? He just…disappeared on me.” Sirius was well-aware of how plaintive he sounded—James’ teasing smile was completely unnecessary.
“Aw, Cap,” he laughed, reaching over to mess with his beanie until Sirius slapped his hand away. “It’s alright, buddy, it’s just a couple days.”
Sirius jammed his hat back on his head and flicked James on the unprotected bit of his ear, making him yelp. “Fuck off, I know you’ll be a mess as soon as Lily FaceTimes with my godson.”
“He has a name, you know.”
“Sorry. You’ll be a mess as soon as she FaceTimes with Pocket Pots, who happens to be my godson.”
James rolled his eyes. “I regret giving you that title.”
“Nah, you don’t.”
As if on cue, his phone lit up again; Sirius ignored James’ snickering as he quickly unlocked it.
New Message From: Re
When will you be at the hotel?
“That’s it?” he muttered.
Message To: Re
That was a lot of typing for one sentence
6-7 hrs, if the weather holds
Message From: Re
Sorry lmao Reg came in for a bit
Just curious :) Keep me updated?
Message To: Re
Will do <3
Tell Reg he needs to wash his sheets. It’s been over a month.
A small thumbs-up emoji was his only answer, and he tried not to be too bummed. Remus liked having things to do; sitting there and texting Sirius while he slowly got further and further away was probably not his preferred way to spend a morning. With a sigh that was likely a bit too dramatic for the situation he was in, Sirius faced the window once more and buckled in for a long ride.
He chatted off and on with the others when they stopped for lunch, but everyone was exhausted from the combination of a packed week and an early morning. Even Talker stayed fairly quiet, and James kept his headphones on for most of the trip.
Sirius finally succumbed to his tiredness and put some music on, then dozed for an hour or three while they traveled through yet another field. A few halfhearted calls of “cows” made their way around the bus, though nobody seemed particularly enthused about being packed in with double the gear due to a broken storage compartment. Donuts and gas station coffee could only do so much.
“Just crossed the state border,” Arthur called from the front of the bus as Sirius tried to ignore the cramping in his thighs. Three hours. Just three more.
His music was interrupted by a soft jingle alert and he pulled his phone out, hoping against hope that Regulus hadn’t caused a fire anywhere. It was unlikely given the…well, everything about him, but with Sirius’ luck it could happen.
New Message From: Re
How far?
Message To: Re
About 3 hrs. Ran into some detours
Good day?
Remus remained silent on the other end and Sirius frowned. That was rather rude, and highly unusual. Between the two of them, Remus was the one who kept conversations going past the initial question to be answered.
Message From: Re
Attachment: 1 Image
Love you! Call me when you get there : )
Sirius opened the attachment and almost threw his phone in utter shock. Skin. Bare skin everywhere, its smooth edges broken up only by tight black fabric that may as well have been painted onto the curve of Remus’ ass. “Oh my god,” he whimpered, voice barely audible even to his own ears. It had been taken in their bedroom mirror; Remus looked over his shoulder, and Sirius caught the corner of a devious smirk on his lips. “Oh, you fucker.”
Message From: Re
Thoughts? They’re cozy
Message To: Re
Did you miss the part where I said three (3) hours
Message From: Re
Second one is a guessing game and u get a prize if u get it right : )
The second photograph was more zoomed-in than the first and Sirius wracked his brain, running through his mental catalogue of Remus’ body to figure out the answer. It did absolutely nothing to calm the situation in his pants.
He had no idea what the promised prize was, but anticipation made his hands shake slightly as he carefully scanned the picture. The shadows caught it at an odd angle—it wasn’t the steady slopes of his face or neck, nor was it the strong curve of a shoulder. Not enough freckles, either, he thought.
A lightbulb lit in the back of his mind.
Message To: Re
Right hip
Another thought connected half a second later.
Holy fuck you took them off
Is that my prize?
Remus Lupin I swear to god
Message From: Re
Christ you’re impatient, I was gone for like 2 mins
He chanced a look toward Pots, whose head lolled to the side as he snored.
Message To: Re
Hey quick question why are you like this
It’s a good thing Pots is out cold bc this bus is too small to hide anything
Message From: Re
Haha sux to be you
Sirius’ cheeks heated with a whole cocktail of different emotions as he furiously typed a response.
Message To: Re
‘Sux to be you’???
Are you 13 yrs old????
Message From: Re
Do you want your prize or not u horndog
Message To: Re
He took a deep breath through his nose and flexed his fingers.
Yes please
A simple smiley face—Sirius would never see those things the same—popped up, followed by an audio file. He triple-checked that his headphones were plugged in before tapping ‘play’ with an unsteady thumb.
His face went very, very hot before all the blood went straight to his groin and he closed his eyes, covering his mouth with his hand. Breathy sounds came through the heavy earphones, a little more crackly than they would be in-person; he heard Remus’ gasp catch in his throat and crossed his legs as best he could in the too-small seat, torn between thanking and cursing any higher power. He could practically see Remus’ face in his mind’s eye as the noises continued, intermixed with fragments of desperate words.
The file came to an end after what felt like the blink of an eye and a hundred years, and Sirius did not look away from the violently red seat cushion in front of him for a long moment as his brain came back online. He couldn’t remember the last time he was so turned on.
He took a few deep breaths, though it did nothing to erase the poorly-muffled whines that still rang between his ears like church bells. Sirius huffed and turned to grab his waterbottle out of his duffel, only to make direct eye contact with Finn across the aisle.
Sirius froze.
Finn grinned.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” he hissed, too low to wake James but just loud enough to carry over the four feet separating them. Finn’s smile widened. “Stop it. Stop it right now.”
“How’s Loops?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“That good, huh?”
“O’Hara, I swear to god—”
“Oh, is Cap spilling secrets?” Kasey asked, poking his head over the back of the seat.
Finn opened his mouth, but the force of Sirius’ glare must have been enough to at least intimidate him a little, because he shook his head. The smug Cheshire grin remained. “Nah, just having a chat about our plans when we get home.”
Kasey groaned. “You’re a lucky man, O’Hara. Both your people get to come with you. Nat sent me a promise, like, twenty minutes ago and I can’t stop thinking about it. I won’t be available tonight from six to eight if anyone was wondering.”
“Did she really?” Finn looked back to Sirius, who bit the inside of his cheek and tried to keep his cool. Two and a half hours, and then he would be safe. Just two and a half more hours.
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
onlyfans #1 [ransom drysdale]
A/n: I’ve had this idea for a LONG time, and yesterday it wasn’t showing up in the tags, so I’m trying again today! This is part of a future pseudo-series, because I adore this concept. Also, prepare for cameos!!
Summary: So Ransom lost his inheritance. I hope the title doesn’t spoil his plan to make a living (SMUT) 3.4k
Warnings: spanking, daddy kink, size kink, dirty talk, domestic submission, name calling, degradation, dub con (just in case), slight spit play, breath play, taking/selling nudes (lowkey non con here lol) Ransom is a bit of an ass. 
absolutely DO NOT READ if any of the warnings mentioned above make you uncomfortable, or if you are under 18!! That being said, enjoy!!!
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"Ransom!" you yelled, rummaging through the shopping bag he just left on the counter in the kitchen. "We can't afford-" you scoffed, turning a bottle of wine over in your hands. Feeling yourself fume with anger that was threatening to burst out of you at any time, you placed it back on the counter, and started looking for him around the house, "Ransom, where the fuck are you?"
"Will you stop yelling!?" you heard him groan through the wall.
Rolling your eyes and with genuine rage surging through you, you slammed the door open, so hard it hit the wall behind it. "The fuck is wrong with you? You know we're already fucking tight with money, yet you had to go and buy a $200 bottle of wine!?"
Only after the words left your mouth, did you realize what he was doing. When your eyes landed on his computer screen and you saw him playing Spider Solitaire, you felt like you were actually going to fucking hit him.
"It was the cheapest I could find" he joked, without even bothering to turn around and face you.
"I'm serious right now" you sighed, walking over and snatching his hand from the mouse, "Look at me"
And he did. He turned to look at you, with a roll of his eyes and a displeased grin on his lips, "We're doing fine, you have a good job, what the fuck do you want from me?"
"Only the president could fucking keep up with you, Ransom, I can't afford that kind of crap. If you keep that shit up, we'll both end up on the streets!"
"Don't be so dramatic, doll" he chuckled, rubbing his hand up and down your outer thigh. Grabbing a handful of your ass, he pulled you closer, "Stop worrying, we'll figure something out"
"We'd better. Because soon-"
"We will" he stopped you, grabbing even harder. His fingers sunk into your flesh, and your whole attitude changed in an instant, as you went mellow under his touch.
"Ok, then" you sighed, determined to find another way to go about this.
"Kiss me" Ransom smiled, and you obliged in an instant. He went in open mouthed, his tongue finding yours in an instant. You gave in completely, submitting to him like you always do. The way he bit into your lower lip, a tad harder than you would have considered pleasurable, made you moan softly against his lips.
"You adore me, I know" he smiled, pulling away from you. Ransom nodded towards the door, "Now go make us something to eat" he said, and then turned back to his computer, "I was busy with something"
"Busy" you mocked him, walking out of the room.
The next few hours of the day went by as usual. Ransom was hard around the edges, a difficult man to please - and god knows you had to constantly please him in order for him to accept you. But you got the hang of it, it became your routine, and you didn't mind it one bit. After having lunch, he went out to meet with a friend, while you stayed inside, making yourself busy.
When you two started getting more comfortable with one another, every now and then Ransom would insist on choosing what you wore while you were home alone with him. You loved this kink of his - he was doing it to himself, having you dress up all hot and skimpy only to have his dick get hard about 20 minutes later - it was a win-win situation. So now, still in one of the outfits he had chosen for you, and with your makeup perfectly done, you sat on the living room couch, finishing up your nails. A show about some mysterious crime that took place over 20 years ago was playing in the background, when Ransom entered the room.
"How's my favorite girl doing?" he beamed, walking over to you, blocking your view of the TV.
"She's fine" you smiled, actually surprised with how cheery he was being.
"You love me, right?"
"Of course, baby" you giggled, "So much"
"Good" Ransom said, his smile fading. "Put this on-" he added, throwing a small red paper bag into your lap, "And then come into the bedroom"
"Are you only ever nice to me when you want something?" you sighed, watching him as he walked out of the room.
"Don't be ridiculous" he laughed, "If I had to be nice every time I wanted something from you, I'd combust"
For a second, you remained dumbfounded. 'He's an asshole, but he's your asshole and you love him' you told yourself, before gathering the courage to open the bag and peak inside. Black lace. Your mouth fell open as you pulled the lingerie out - there was so little material you barely even realized how it was supposed to go. And those little patches of material? Almost completely transparent. You felt a little bit of anxiety curse though your body, but put on in nonetheless. Feeling entirely naked, you put the robe back on over the lingerie, and headed to the bedroom.
In an instant, you spotted Ransom sitting at his desk, scrolling through his phone. Once he noticed you, he pointed to the bed.
"Take that off and lay down"
Halfheartedly, you listened to him, and then padded over to the bed, wondering what you did wrong. You sat down and leaned back, watching him march up to you.
"Not like this" he said, effortlessly spinning you around to lay on your stomach. "Ass up"
Swallowing thickly, you arched your back and perched your ass up. "What's going on?" you questioned, already getting wet under his hungry stare.
"Shut up, baby" he whispered, groping your thighs and hips. "Stay like this, ok?"
You weren't going to object, but when you felt him distance himself from the bed and walk across the room, your curiosity got the best of you, "Why?"
"Told you something, pet" he threatened, "Keep that sweet little mouth of yours shut. You can do that, can't you?"
"Yeah, ok" you whined.
The anticipation was killing you. The tension between your legs was getting more and more difficult to ignore, and rubbing your thighs together proved futile. A powerful wave of eagerness washed over you when you heard Ransom walk over. You didn't even get to wonder what he was doing, before he slapped your ass hard. You gasped in surprise, but you didn't get a chance to react before he went again. Slap after slap, each growing in intensity against your sensitive skin.
The only thing that interrupted your whines were a few soft moans, as you kicked your legs and squirmed under him, "Fuck-"
"Does it hurt?" Ransom asked, spanking your ass one more time.
"Yes" you cried.
"Good, baby" he hummed, rubbing your inflamed skin. He wasn't as gentle as you wished, his touch burning all the way down to your bones. 
You tried to wiggle away, but he was quick to stop you, "Daddy's not finished with you yet. It has to hurt, ok? You need to be Daddy's good little slut and take it"
"I am" you nodded.
"What are you?" he asked, his smile audible in his tone.
"Daddy's good little slut" you repeated, your own words making the pain between your legs skyrocket.
"That's right, pet. That's why you're gonna take all that Daddy has to give you, even if it hurts, yeah? Daddy always knows better than you" Ransom said. 
You nodded again, bracing yourself for the impact. But it didn't come. Instead you felt him play with your ass, working strong, marron bruises into your skin. As you started to relax and get used to the feeling, he grabbed your underwear and pulled it down your thighs, leaving you completely exposed to him. "You love this, don't you, doll?"
"I do" you squealed, fisting the cotton bed sheets into your palms.
"Such a wet cunt for me" he said, tracing your opening with his pointer finger, "Practically begging for my cock, always fucking ready to be ruined"
You whined, the pressure he was applying only managing to drive you even crazier. "Please-"
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me"
"No, baby" Ransom chuckled, rubbing his hand over the curve of your ass, "Not tonight"
"But Daddy-" you began to protest, but your words were cut short by another spank, this one hitting differently.
With your skin already on fire, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to tears with every slap delivered. Unconsciously, you started to pull away from him, but that didn't stop him in any way. Ransom kept going until he felt you'd had enough, only then stopping. "Good girl" he spoke, leaning down to kiss the skin he had just abused, "You take it so well, baby. You're a gem"
"Thank you, daddy" you moaned, shuffling around the bed. You wanted to wrap your arms around him, but he stopped you again.
"On your knees, baby, c'mon" he commanded, pointing to the fluffy red carpet next to the bed. "Daddy deserves to have his cock sucked, doll, so get to it"
Without even thinking twice, you jumped off the bed and sunk to your knees, hands on his thighs as you looked up at him.
"Always so hungry for my cock" he shook his head, lacing his fingers through your hair, "I'm gonna record you, angel, but don't freak out. Just suck my dick like you do everyday, yeah?"
"And take that bra off, I wanna see your tits"
You obliged in an instant, heart beating out of your chest. When he pulled out his phone and pointed the camera down at your face, you gulped, but then nodded eagerly, big doe eyes trained up at him. Ransom didn't wait any longer before he shuffled out of his jeans, his massive, already hard cock springing out.
Although slightly anxious about having a phone pointed at you, you fought to not let it bother you. Rubbing your hands up and down his length a few times, you looked up at him, licking your lips.
"Open that whore mouth for me, yeah?" Ransom commanded.
As soon as you followed his order, he bent down, spitting on your tongue. With your eyes locked onto the camera, you swallowed and then opened your mouth again.
"Want more, huh?" he laughed, playing with your hair.
"Yes, please!"
"How about you throat my cock first, and then we'll see if you deserve it?"
Without even giving him any kind of approval, you went in, bringing the tip of his cock into your mouth. You sucked wholeheartedly, hollowing your cheeks around his massive member. Bopping your head up and down, you closed your eyes, enjoying the feel of his tip against your tongue. When you felt yourself prepared enough, you pushed yourself further along his cock, allowing it to brush past the back of your throat. Your gag reflex instantly kicked in, but you fought it, remaining in place. 
"That's right, angel-" Ransom grunted, gripping the roots at the top of your head into his hand.
Feeling your oxygen supply run low, you wanted to pull away, but he wasn't having it. He easily controlled your movements, pushing his cock even further down your throat.
"Angel-" he panted, as you struggled against his hold, "You were made to be face fucked"
You had your arms wrapped around his strong thighs, your manicured nails sinking into his skin, hoping you'd get his attention. It didn't work.
By the time he let you go, you had tears running down your cheeks, your mascara almost reaching your chin. You fell backwards, desperate for a breath of air.
"You look better with your makeup like this, love" Ransome laughed, wiping your tears with the back of his fingers, "Suits you"
After regaining your composure, you pushed yourself back up, getting ready to resume your work. However, Ransom had other ideas as he grabbed his member, slowly pumping it in his own hand.
"Tongue out, slut" he said.
You listened to him, and felt a rush of ecstasy course through you when he slapped his cock against your tongue and then your cheeks. His tip was already leaking precum, and you swallowed obediently every drop that landed inside your mouth.
"You want it back?" he asked, grinning.
"Balls first, baby"
Bracing yourself against his thighs, you leaned forward, connecting your lips to the soft skin of his balls. You sucked deeply, applying the kind of pressure you knew would drive him crazy. "Fuck, fuck, yes, come on-" he grunted, bucking his hips into you.
You were nowhere near done when he grabbed your hair again and manhandled you to take his cock down your throat. Your frame fell limply under his hold, as you forced yourself to relax and obey him for as long as you could.
"That’s right-" he moaned, "don't fight it. You know that's my favorite thing about you? The way you worship my dick, you fucking slut"
As he spoke, he forced you deeper down his cock. No matter how hard you tried to resist, you couldn't help but start to squirm around, trying to push him away.
"Don't be a fucking bitch, Y/n" Ransom huffed, keeping you in place, as your throat muscles constricted around his tip, "Just fucking take it"
With a fresh wave of tears streaming down your face, you slapped his thighs frantically, until he finally allowed you to breathe again.
"I'm so fucking close, baby" he grinned, as you panted your lungs away. "Look up at me, I wanna see those that dumb look in your eyes whenever you take my cock"
Mouth agape as you still worked on regulating your breathing, you looked up, right into the camera. "That's it! Yeah, that's my slut, I can see it in your eyes, baby"
If it were up to you, you would have waited more. But Ransom was having none of that. Instead, he grabbed your hair again, this time controlling your movements completely. He forced your mouth along his cock, bopping your head up and down until his hips started shaking and he couldn't take it anymore. Proud with yourself for getting through this without panicking, you leaned back and opened your mouth.
Ransom's grunts and pleasure filled moans filled the room, as his cum started shooting out of his cock. Little droplets ended up inside your mouth and on your lips, and maybe intentionally or by mistake, he shot a few pumps on your cheeks and in your hair. But you remained there, motionless, waiting for his next move.
With the phone still pointed at you, Random used his thumb to gather all the cum you had missed, before shoving his finger into your mouth.
"Always eager to suck on something, aren't you?"
You proudly nodded.
After that he threw his phone on the bed, and helped you up. He instantly went in for a kiss, his arms wrapping around your body to play with your ass while his tongue dominated yours. He owned you completely.
"Go run a bath, baby" Ransom said, slapping your ass, "I'll be right there"
"But.." you hesitated, "What about me?"
"What about you?" he asked, cluelessly.
"I didn't finish…"
"It's early, love" he smiled, kissing your forehead, "Let's take a bath now, and then daddy will take really good care of you, yeah?"
And he did. He kept his word. You jumped in the bathtub about 5 minutes later, settling between his legs. He held you in his arms, kissing all along the curve of your neck, playing with your breasts as he kept telling you about his plan to take over his grandfather's company.
Eventually, with you being your needy self, he had you straddle his hips, as he sunk his cock into your pussy. You went limp against his chest, your pussy every now and then clenching around him as he tickled your sides and played with your ass. When the water started to get cold, all it took for you to finish were a few simple rolls of your hips, Ransom following closely behind, much to your surprise. 
That night, he didn't ask you to cook anything for him, instead just ordering and sharing a pizza. As you waited for it to be delivered, Ransom ate your pussy into oblivion on the kitchen table, joking about how your cunt was the most delicious thing to ever touch that surface.
The following days went by similarly. He was always down to get dirty, but the one thing that was different now was his constant need to film you. With time you got perfectly comfortable with it, putting on a show for him with every chance you got. It was just a matter of time until you barely even noticed it.
One day, as you ran your usual errands, when you stopped by the bank, something caught your eye. You instantly requested the balance, and you almost dropped the piece of paper when you read the numbers. You paid the cashier a polite goodbye, and stormed out of the bank, your phone glued to your ear.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up!!" 
But he didn't.
You rushed home, palms sweaty against the steering wheel. God, you hoped it wasn't what it seemed. What troubled you the most, was that you weren’t even 100% mad. There was some other kind of emotion there, but you pushed it aside. As soon as you reached your house, you stormed inside, bursting into Ransom's office without bothering to knock first. 
And this time, you caught it. For a split second, you managed to see the video open on his computer, before he switched the tab back to Spider Solitaire. 
"You fucking asshole!" you yelled, slamming the piece of paper against his chest, "You sick fuck! You thought I wouldn't notice?"
"Come on, baby" Ransom chuckled, way too relaxed for how enraged you were. He spun his chair around to face you, extending his hand to grab yours, "Relax, I only-"
"You only what?" you interrupted him, "Sold my nudes? Are you insane?"
"Don't talk to me like that-" he threatened, leaning his head to the side, "You know I don't appreciate it"
"And I don't apreciate you posting my sex tapes on the Internet!"
He grinned, "That’s not the same thing"
"Yeah!" you scoffed, throwing your arms into the air, "What you did is so much worse!"
"Careful there, baby" he shook his head.
You wanted to protest again, but he stood up. Ransom took a menacing step towards you, towering over your small frame, the fire in your attitude instantly dying down.
"You don't get to talk to me like that-" he whispered, rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip, "But I'll let it slide this time, doll, because that's exactly why I didn't tell you earlier. Wanted to see you panick a bit"
"Ransom…" you whined, "You should've asked"
He shook his head no, "You know I never ask, I just take. You should've considered this when you decided to be mine"
"I would have been into it, but I still wished you had told me" you said softly, too shy now to even look into his eyes.
"We talked about this, you're mine, I make the calls, not you"
"I know, Ransom, but-" you whined, but he grabbed your cheeks between his hands and stopped you.
"But what?"
You blinked a few times, "But nothing, I'm sorry I yelled, you're right"
"Of course I am" he chuckled, kissing your forehead, "See what happens when you worry, baby? Just be a good little girl and do what you're told without whining and bitching around, and everyone will be happy. We don't have to fight if you listen to me"
"I love you" you pouted, pressing yourself against his chest.
"Love you too, pet" he responded, slapping your ass a few times. 
As things finally calmed down, you decided to go change and then return to Ransom's office so he could show you how the page was doing. Just when you were about to walk out the door, he called after you. "Oh, and Y/n?"
"Love, some of the ideas I've gotten over the past few days where actually requests from our subscribers. Today will be fine, nothing new, but tomorrow we have a threesome. Some dude, Lee Bodecker, handsome guy, make yourself pretty, you'll love him!"
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mochiiikko · 3 years
Locked out
I’m terrible at titles
The six x reader tag is dry y'all wtf
Warning(s) : Cathy says a few ✨nsfw✨ things, heavily implied fem!reader but they/them pronouns is used, cursing
Summary : Cathy gets locked out of the house and asks to stay the night with you. And at the end of the night you find yourself in bed with a former monarch
Cathy turned around at the slight bang, to reveal what she already expected : The front door closed due to the wind.
“Keys, Cathy keys-" Cathy desperately went through their pockets. "Come on Parr you're supposed to be the smart one-!" They searched for a few minutes. Though all in vain as they groaned and slid to the floor.
They reached for their phone, and whether it was pure luck or fate, they did atleast bring that with them.
They thought about texting Catherine for a moment— But decided against it, 'it's the middle of the show— She won't even have her phone.'
Cathy scrolled through their contacts, trying to figure out anyone they could ask for help.
Their eyes landed quickly, the alternate that had a day off— Rightfully so, Being a super swing they do a lot of covers.
They contemplated their options before opening it, realizing they really didn't have any other options.
Cathy Parr : Heyyyy- could i ask for a favor
{Y/N} : Course- what do you need?
Cathy Parr : could you come pick me up i locked myself out of the house :))). And could i stay with you for the night- maybe- please-
{Y/N} : You what-
Cathy Parr : Pls pls pls, I'll ask Catherine if she can give you a few more days off pls.
{Y/N} : Okay okay, i'm coming- this better be a one time thing
Cathy Parr : ofc no worries
Cathy cheered— Thanking the gods they asked for all the alts their numbers.
It was originally for calling in sick, till it became making a group chat of the entire cast and talking a lot more outside of the show
Soon enough a car pulled up, Thank god they all knew eachother's adresses in case of emergency.
"Alright, Get in before i change my mind." You lowered the Car's window to speak to Cathy— Who looked almost in awe at seeing you in completely casual attire.
"Right." They snapped out of their trance and got up from the side walk, taking the passengers seat, sending a smile your way.
As the car started up, you decided to make conversation, it would make an awkward night if you didn't talk to the survivor at all.
"How did you end up like this?"
Cathy stared at you before giggling, "i was throwing away leftovers from takeout— No one besides me would want it anyway. I forgot my keys and the door shut because of the wind." You raised a brow before responding.
"Makes sense, i suppose."
The rest of the ride was spent with small talk, You were having small talk— with a former queen. If you'd told anyone about this you doubt they'd believe you.
Soon enough you'd arrived at your home, Cathy staring in awe, despite knowing where you live and being able to come over any time, they never actually did, assuming you'd be uncomfortable with them just showing up.
You chuckled lightly at the wonder in Cathy's eyes as you opened the car door, the noise basically smacking them out of their thoughts and quickly following you out of the car and into your house.
Inside, Cathy looked around. It wasn't much— but it was still pretty.
"You wait here, i'll see if the geust bedroom is available." Cathy raised a brow, did you already have someone over?
You laughed at them, "It's just because it's normally a huge mess, no one ever comes over to spend a night it's basically a storage room with a bed in the middle." Cathy let out a noise of understanding.
“Make yourself feel at home! Or— Whatever they always say.” Cathy chuckled, barely audible to you as you walked away to the geust room. 
After a few minutes you returned, Startling Cathy when you started talking. “It is absolutely not, It’s a mess. Unless you like sleeping in between dirt bags, which in that case go ahead.” Cathy snickered, shaking their head. “Rather not. I imagine it’s rather uncomfortable.” 
You smiled. “If you want you can sleep on my bed, i’m fine sleeping on the couch.” 
“Because it seems rather rude to have the geust sleep on the couch.”
“We could sleep togheter.” 
You blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice.
“I don’t want you to sleep on the couch either- It’s your house after all. And i wouldn’t mind sleeping in the same bed.” Cathy’s face slowly became a dark shade of red, only now realizing what they really said.
“But i don’t know- You don’t have to-” 
“I wouldn’t mind.” 
Cathy stared into space for a minute, processing your answer. “Do you have any sleeping clothes with you by some kind of miracle?” You asked, way to casually for the flustered queen to understand. Cathy smiled sheepishly, their face becoming even more red. “I have a bra on?” You grimaced. “Who in their right mind sleeps while wearing a bra.” 
Cathy grinned, seeing an oppurtunity. “Want me to sleep naked then?” 
This time your face went red. “I’ll see if i have anything else for you.” You walked off again, leaving the queen to process everything that just happened. “Oh sweet lord.” Cathy whispered to themself. They put their face in their hands, blushing heavily. 
You returned in only a matter of seconds. Cathy had already calmed down in the short time, but your face was still burning red, Causing a light chuckle from Cathy.
“What’s your size?” 
“I... honestly don’t know.” Cathy said, causing you to throw your head back with a groan. “That means you’re gonna have to see if it fits— And i don’t know if you have the energy to go through my entire closet.”
“I’ll really have to sleep in my bra then.” Cathy joked, Though not really knowing if it was fully a joke. “How the hell do you do that?” You asked. “It’s comfortable?” Cathy shrugged, smiling. You looked at her with confusion for a few more seconds before continuing. 
“I mean if you’re okay, and comfortable, with that.” Cathy nodded. “It’s not like we’ve never seen eachother like that before.”
Cathy had almost said it in something others would consider a romantic way. It was almost like they were suggesting something different— Of course you knew that wasn’t it. But you still blushed at the thought.
Cathy laughed as she saw your blush grow. “Don’t worry! I’m  not suggesting anything!”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding
“Unless you want me to—”
You slapped your hand over your mouth, blushing furiously. Cathy laughed harder. “I’m kidding, i’m kidding!” They threw their hands up in defence. “I’m only teasing you. Promise.” Cathy grinned. 
“Right—, Yeah let’s just go to sleep now.” You walked off to your bedroom, leaving Cathy to undress. 
The moment you sat down you slammed your head down on your pillow. Processing the entire situation. You quickly went to your closet to change yourself. 
A few minutes after you were done Cathy walked into the room. 
Cathy smiled sheepishly. “Well time to sleep then?”
You raised your brow. “Shouldn’t you message the others about where you are?” You asked, Cathy chuckling in response. “I’m an adult.” 
“Doesn’t always seem like it.”
You laughed as Cathy crossed their arms in mock anger. “I’m 21 thank you.” 
“21 going on 5 then.” You chuckled as Cathy gasped. “Let’s just get to bed!” Cathy walked over to the bed, ushering you over to the other side. You quickly thanked the gods you decided to get a double bed as Cathy pulled you down.
“Lay down you maniac!”  Cathy grinned playfully holding you down to the matress. “For the first time in my life i want to sleep, which means you have to as well.” They looked up at you for a reaction, grinning more when you rolled your eyes but obeyed. 
“Like i said 21 going on 5.” You smiled as Cathy turned the remaining bed side lamp off. 
“Fuck off.” 
“Can’t exactly do that now can i-” 
“Shut up! Go to sleep.” 
And as you both layed down and finally went to sleep, you realized you'd have some feelings to work out.
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aficwhore · 3 years
Truth Is (Chapter 3)
Chapter 3: Paper Weighted Problems
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Frankie “Catfish” Morales x F!reader
Summary: After the night before, tensions between Fish and Chip arise. While tearing through the jungle and Lorea’s place, Frankie and the reader fight, leading to an amazing discovery.
Word count: 3K
Warnings: explicit language, blood, violence, guns/weapons, lots of angst and emotions, infidelity?, smut, sexual innuendos, drinking, mentions of drugs, talk of death/death itself, and talk of mental health(PTSD and depression).
A/N: Sorry for the late update, Life has its ups and downs! Today we had a bad storm so I sat in my basement and wrote this. I hope you like it<3
Regret. Frankie couldn't hide the emotion from me. It was as clear as day, I wondered if the boys had noticed it. 
“Well what’s for breakfast?” I broke the awkward silence, causing everyone but Frankie to break their gazes away from me, but exchanges looks between each other. I finally looked anywhere but in Frankie’s direction.
Tom cleared his throat, “Uh nothing special, we saw that you had some frozen waffles and just made those.” He tried to lighten the mood, it was obvious, everyone knew about last night. 
“Haha, yea, what grown woman buys Eggos?” Benny attempted to joke, causing Santi and Will to stifle a laugh. 
I rolled my eyes, fighting a smile, thoughts of Frankie still clouding my mind. “For occasions just like this one! When five grown men have a slumber party in my living room.” I added, walking over to the counter and grabbing a plate full of waffles and dowsing them in syrup.
“Right, because that’s definitely what it was.” Tom chuckled, handing me a napkin.
“Exactly, I’m pretty sure I saw Pope braiding Benny Boy’s hair.” I joked biting into a chunk of food.
Ben scoffed, “It gets in my eyes!” And everyone froze, staring at him in shock. After a second of complete silence, Frankie burst into laughter, sending the rest of us into a laughing fit, except Ben. He stood there blushing, trying to act like he didn’t reveal that he braids his hair.
Will began to cough, struggling to not choke on the mouthful of food while he snickered. Pope roughly patted him on the back as our giggles died down. 
“So, does that mean you sit in the mirror and braid your own hair?” Tom questioned with a smirk on his face, wanting to bother Benny more.
“You shut up.” He jokingly spits. Tom raises his hands as a sign of defeat and continues to finish the last bites of food on his plate.
“Anyways...Other than our ‘slumber party’ I know two people that had some fun last night.” Pope spoke up, causing mine and Fish’s eyes to open wide.
“Oh yea, how could we forget? ‘Oh FrAnKiE, Oh YeS! HaRdEr!’” Benny mimicked me while thrusting his hips for dramatic affect. I could feel heat rising to my face as the boys roared with giggles again. 
“Would you cut it out?” Frankie replied, wanting to avoid this talk entirely. 
Then Pope joined in, making fun of Frankie, “’FuCk, bAbY, I wOn’T LaSt LoNg!’” I sat there, embarrassed and not knowing what to say. Normally this would be a joke, but with everything, this wasn’t a joking matter.
“I said enough!” Frankie shouted, “It shouldn’t have happened, okay?!” He expressed, shoving his chair back, getting up, and storming outside.
All the commotion died immediately. Pope and Benny opened their mouths to apologize when they turned to me, but were met with a blank stare.
Did he really mean that? After pursuing me? After trying so hard to make up, he goes and says ‘It shouldn’t have happened.’
Everyone remained quiet, continuing to stare at me in concern. After what felt like hours, Tom pushed his seat back and got up, hopefully headed to catch Frankie.
Once Tom had made it out the front door, I cleared my throat, "So, what time are we leaving?" I asked, trying to hide all the hurt and pain from my eyes.
The three remaining men all exchanged looks, "Here in 15." Santi spoke quietly, unsure of what exactly just happened.
"Sounds good!" I faked enthusiasm, stuffing my mouth with the last bite on my plate and getting up. I swiftly put my dishes in the sink and headed back to my room. I could hear the boys whispering to each other, trying to understand what the hell was going on with Frankie and I.
I closed my door behind me. I leaned against it, letting my head fall back with defeat and hit the door. Feeling my emotions topple over the brim, tears rushed to my eyes as I slid down the door and sank to the floor.
What the fuck was going on? Why was Frankie so upset with our actions. I thought finally we had made up, that he was once again MY Fish. Had he just used me last night? What changed his mind? Why was this happening all over again?
Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't realized that my sobs were now audible. I couldn't hold back the garbled gasps I let out. Tears stained my cheeks and began to soak my shirt.
Through the door I could hear the boys trying to get each other to come get me, because it was close for us to leave. Not wanting to deal with the water works anymore, I slapped my cheeks a few times, trying to smack the emotions out of my head. I wiped my tears off and quick got up to change my shirt.
After rummaging through my clothes, I found a similar shirt, threw it on and swung open the door, wanting to just head to the airport, and to get this over with.
Holding my head up high, I confidently walked back to the kitchen/living room to meet the boys. Only Benny and Will stood there waiting for me, finishing the dishes and putting them away.
"All set? I'm ready to get this over with and be rich." I attempted to joke, causing the brothers in front of me to awkwardly chuckle, their eyes full of worry.
Benny shook his head, acknowledging that I wanted to ignore the fiasco and to get on the road. He led the way out of the apartment after hanging up a dish towel and grabbing his wallet and keys off the counter.
I followed quickly behind him with Will right on my heels. When we made it to the cars, Frankie sat in the front passenger side of Santi's truck, Santi in the driver seat, and Tom between them.
"I'll drive," Will offered, making his way to his truck and getting in. Benny walked ahead of me, opened the door and waited for me to hop in, before getting in after.
No one spoke as we tailgated Santi's truck all the way to the airport. Will placed his hand on my thigh the whole time, as a way to console me. Benny had his arm around me, slightly pulling me into his side. With them, I felt much better, they were my best friends and knew exactly how to comfort me.
When we found a good parking space, we all hopped out, and grabbed our things from the bed of the trucks. It was still awkwardly silent between everyone.
As we checked into our flights and went through TSA, Benny tried to lighten the mood by saying he needed a snack, even though we had just ate. We all giggled when Will called him a 'garbage disposal.'
Sitting at our flight gate was almost unbearable, realizing this mission would be very difficult, now with the added tension.
When we boarded the plane, Will and Santi sat with me, of course I was in the middle. Tom, Benny, and Frankie sat in the seats next to us. During the first hour I attempted to read a book, but quickly got bored as I felt Pope fall asleep and rest his head against my shoulder. Will sat with his eyes closed and headphones in.
I glanced over Pope's sleeping frame to find the others. Benny was leaned forward, head down and snoring on the tray he had propped up. Tom was slouched in his chair, his head lulling back and forth with sleep consuming him. And Frankie, who was also reading, looked up and met my eyes.
I ignored the gaze he gave me and turned my attention back to my book. Moments later I felt my phone buzz with a text. I sat my book down and pulled out my phone, reading the message;
Fishie: "I'm sorry..."
I rolled my eyes, was he really apologizing for his blowout, over a text?
Locking my phone, I put it face down into my lap, leaving the message unanswered. I continued my page in my book, only getting past a few sentences before my phone vibrated again. I acted as if I didn't feel it and remained reading. Only for it to ping again.
Frustratedly, I opened my phone again, seeing two additional texts;
Fishie: "Really?"
Fishie: "I meant what I said. I am sorry, but last night... was a mistake."
Heat began to rise to my cheeks, I forcefully typed back;
Me: "Wow, you are unbelievable."
I heard him shuffle and type back quickly;
Fishie: "Because I apologized? It's true, I'm only helping us both here. Yea it was my fault, but I shouldn't have gone to your room."
Me: "You took advantage of my feelings. You acted like we can just ignore this, I can't help but feel you led me on."
Fishie: "Led you on?! How? WE both decided to sleep together, thats it. I didn't LEAD you to do anything."
Me: "You're a real fucking piece of work."
Fishie: "Oh really?"
Me: "Yea, fuck you."
Fishie: "God you are the most stubborn and hard headed person I've ever met. Can't you see that this was a damn mistake?"
Me: "Screw you, oh wait, I did, but look where that got me. I don't even know why you're trying to apologize, because somehow you keep shifting the blame to me."
As I hit send and shoved my phone between my legs and put my book away, I heard Frankie huff with anger. Awaiting a reply I closed my eyes and leaned against Will, using his arm as a pillow.
But for a while, nothing came, and I slowly began to drift into unconsciousness.
My sleep had been interrupted by the plane shaking and a loud thump. I opened my eyes abruptly, and slightly frightened. I faced Will, to glance out the window and found that we had finally landed in Colombia.
We all silently gathered our things and slowly made our departure from the plane and airport. Once we trudged through the doors, we made it into the humid climate, the wet air immediately dampening our skin and clothes.
"Damn, this is gonna be fun." Benny chirped as we all huddled into the jeep Santi had prepared for us. Santi hopped upfront, and so did Tom, leaving four of us to try and fit in the backseat.
"Pope, there six of us, there's no way we'll fit AND have room for the bags." I spoke up, watching as Will, Benny, and Frankie smushed into the seats together.
"I know, I promise I'm more prepared than that," he laughed. "We only have to ride like this for a few miles, then we're on foot, and they'll have cargo vans there." He explained, turning on the engine and motioning for me to somehow get in.
"You can sit on my lap, I'll hold you down during Pope's insane driving." Benny laughed from between Will and Fish. I climbed over Will, careful not to hurt him, and landed in Ben's lap when he yanked the arm I used to brace my weight.
I twisted in his lap to sit comfortably, hoping I'd fit and we could just hurry up and get this over with. Benny wrapped his arms around my waist as Santi sped off and made way to a long and bumpy road.
We hit quite a few bumps and potholes, causing me to shift and bounce in Benny's lap. I tried to lean forward and hang in-between the two front seats, to help alleviate the rough contact between us.
"Damn it Chip, quit wiggling." Benny grunted from behind me.
"I can't control that, Pope is hitting every possible bump on the road." I squeaked as we hit a particularly hard one. I landed back into his lap and felt something. "Ouch, what the hell is in your pocket."
Will snorted and faced the window to hide his face as Benny gulped loudly. "I-I can't help it, you keep moving!" I froze, wanting to still believe it was something in his pocket.
"C'mon man, can't you control yourself?" Frankie angrily spoke up.
I pulled my back from Benny and sat as far forward on his legs as I could, turning to look at Frankie. "What? How is it-" I countered, my voice dying in my throat.
"Fish, you know how it works, it's not like I'm doing this on purpose." Benny awkwardly explained.
Frankie huffed and shook his head. "Whatever." he muttered.
"Looks like someone is jealous." Santi quietly joked.
"I am not jealous! We-we are on a damn mission! That should be the last thing from anyones mind, we need to focus on not dying and getting the fucking money." Frankie snapped, filling the jeep with his booming voice.
All noise ceased, the only sound was the creaking of the car as we rolled off the main road into a trail. The tension was at an all time high, it was engulfing and in a way, suffocating.
After some time, we stopped, Santi throwing the car in park and quickly turning to us. "My informant said that the mansion should be vacant, but we only have about 15 minutes, so we get in and get out, with as much as we can carry, but we can't take too much time." We all nodded. "When I get the signal, we're coming in hot and getting right to it. Get out and suit up." He turned back around and hopped out.
We followed behind, pulling out our bags and pulling on our gear. Not much else was said, due to the shit that was about to go down, even though it would be empty, you never know what could happen.
"Alright, obviously with everything, we no longer fit, I'll ride the side." I spoke, waiting for Will to get in and shut the door.
"Me too, easier that way." Frankie offered, shutting his door after Benny jumped in.
Will shut his door and I placed my foot on the step bar, hauling myself up to grab the rack on top for support, hanging on tight as Frankie did the same. "All good?" Pope asked through the window.
"Game time bitches." I quirked, slapping my free hand on the top of the Jeep. As we waited for the signal, I took in my surroundings, lush, thick forest all the way around, If Pope doesn't know where to go, we'd definitely get lost.
As I admired the greenery, I turned to look over the roof of the car, meeting Frankie's eyes for what seemed like the millionth time since we've reunited.
He sheepishly looked away and down at the ground, his knuckles which wrapped around the frame of the rack, tightened and turned white.
A garbled and staticky noise came from the cab of the vehicle, causing Pope to slam the gear shift into drive and yell "Hold on tight!" He lurked the jeep forward, stepping up the speed.
I held on tighter, pulling my body as flush as I could to the side of the Jeep, to avoid hitting the branches and brush that littered the sides of the overgrown trial.
After a long blur of green, the forest broke into a path, leading to a small mansion. Just as fast as we drove, we stopped. I jumped off and quickly swung the door open for Will, stepping back and pulling my gun from my side.
Without any words, we all strategically filed into the house, making sure to take cover and search the premise, eliminating any threats. The first floor had been barren, as for people, though it was filled with expensive artwork and furniture.
Once we all searched and met at the staircase, Pope nodded at me, signaling for me to take the lead upstairs and sweep the area. I quickly glided up the stairs and took cover near the first door, getting ready to burst in the room and check. To my luck, when I leaped into the room, it was empty. I glanced behind the door, and walked further into the office, keeping my gun at attention.
I could hear the boys doing the same, in the last four rooms. I observed the room, a big desk sat in the middle, a fancy chair accompanied it, the walls were decorated with paintings and portraits. The was a door in the corner, which I strode over to, swinging it open, full force. An alarmed Fish sat on the other side, the door led to the next room. I quickly pointed my gun at the ground and rolled my eyes, turning to examine the room again.
"Clear!" I yelled, letting the team know our section was safe.
Frankie walked through the door and up to me, as I sifted through the desk. "Hey I just wanted to talk real quick."
"Really? Now is not the time, look for the money." I spat back at him. "Any luck?!" I yelled hoping someone found something.
A faint voice answered, "No! I swear, she said there was money here!" Pope echoed.
Getting antsy, I shoved the desk, causing it to fall over, Frankie stepped back, "Listen, I didn't mean to make things worse, okay? Trust me I wanted nothing more than to be with you again."
I paused my movements, holding a paperweight in my hand, "No Frankie, you've done enough, either you want me or don't." I spoke harshly.
"Damn it Chip, just listen!" He raised his voice.
"No! I'm not doing this again, get your shit together and fucking look for something!" I yelled, bending down to put the weight down. He leaned forward and grabbed my arm. "Fuck you!" I yanked away, causing the paper weight to leave my hand and barrel into the wall.
The wall cracked, a hole forming as the weight bounced off and fell to the ground. "Look at what you did!" Frankie gasped with frustration.
I whipped around, walking to the wall, grabbing the paperweight. As I stood, I stopped halfway up when I was met with the hole. But it wasn't just an empty wall or beam behind it. There were plastic packages sticking out, which is very unusual for houses. Frankie began to murmur again.
"Shh! Shut Up!" I shushed him, reaching into the hole and tugging at the bag.
"You never let me talk-" Frankie continued.
"Frankie shut the fuck up! Look!" I screamed when the bag came out of the wall and into my hands. I Twisted on my heel and showed him the bag, which contained a huge stack of One-hundred dollar bills.
"Holy Fuck." Frankie gulped, making eye contact with me.
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TAGLIST @tanyaherondale @winter-fox-queen @supernaturalgirl @actual-spawn-of-satan @hnt-escape @toomanystoriessolittletime @shadowolf993 @goldielocks2004
*if your user has a strike through, it wouldn’t let me tag you*
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iamyoursinblog · 4 years
Green-Eyed Monster
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Pairing: Im Jaebeom x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  4.8 k
POV Jaebeom
She will most likely kill me, Jaebeom thought as he headed for the practice room. He was almost two hours late due to the fact that he was busy recording the demo for the new album. He called you several times, but you didn't answer. It seems he will have to beg on his knees for your forgiveness. Perhaps you will agree if he makes amends in the bedrooms, he smiled at the thought. A wave of excitement went through him, from the colorful pictures of what he wanted to do with you. Calmly Jaebeom, he muttered under his breath, smiling broadly.
He opened the door to the hall and froze on the threshold, unable to cross it. You were lying on the floor next to Jackson. Your head was on his shoulder and your hand was on his stomach. It seemed that something inside him snapped. Every time he found you in Jackson's arms or sleeping in his lap, everything inside him boiled with jealousy. But today was the last straw. Seeing you asleep hugging him made everything inside him burn with rage. He closed the door and turned on his heels and headed back to his studio.
Going back to the studio, he hit the chair with his foot, "Fuck!" he growled, unable to calm down. He knew how you treated to him, and the fact that rather there is an excuse for what he saw. But jealousy consumed him completely, and there was no room for any excuse!
Pov You
You smiled when you smelled Jaebeom. Your hand was on his stomach, and despite the fact that the smell was familiar, the sensations were completely wrong... You opened your eyes and pulled back when you saw that you were lying on Jackson's shoulder. He opened his eyes and smiled sleepily at you "Woke up?"
"What are you doing here?" You asked in disbelief
“I came to see how your practice was going, but I saw that you were sleeping on the floor. So I decided that my shoulder is much more comfortable than floor. But I didn't even notice how fell asleep."
"Damn it!" you swore when you looked at the clock on the wall. You quickly took your phone out of your bag and saw a few missed ones from Jaebeom. Probably he called to say that he would stay in the studio. "See you," you said, quickly getting up from the floor. You grabbed your bag and ran to the exit. You went to his studio, but the thought that most likely he hadn't eaten yet made you stop and go downstairs. Taking drinks and food, you went to his studio.
"Hi darling!" you said happily. You put the bag on the table and went to hug him.
He shoved your hand away, turning to the display "I'm busy, did you want something?" he asked in a cold tone.
“You didn't come to me, and I decided that you were busy in the studio, so I came to you myself. I brought you a snack, I don't think you had lunch today" you tried to sound calm, most likely he was annoyed by the stress of the new album. "I missed you"
"I came, but you were busy" he practically spat out the last word in disgust, forcing everything inside you to turn into ice. "You probably didn't miss me that much while you slept hugging Jackson."
“Jaebeom, I don’t… this is not what you thought. I thought it was you" you just couldn't believe that he was jealous of you for Jackson.
"Yes, really, we're fucking twins with Jackson!" he snorted displeased
“He came when I was already asleep. And due to the fact that you use the same perfume, I thought in a dream that it was you who came”
“You can go home or wherever you want. I have no time for your stupid excuses, I'm too busy for this shit!" he said, turning in your direction, his gaze was merciless "You can take that too" he pointed to the bag you brought before turning back again. "Give it to Jackson, he must be very hungry after playing the role of your pillow" every word was felt like a searing slap in the face. You stood and looked at him with your mouth open. This time, his jealousy crossed all boundaries. You swallowed, clearing the lump in your throat caused by the tears running down your cheeks.
"If that's what you want, then ..."
"Yes, that's exactly what I want!" He interrupted you without even letting you finish.
"Okay" you practically whispered, unable to cope with the pain inside you. You left his studio, closing the door behind you. You slowly walked down the hallway, everything inside you trembled. This was the first time you saw Jaebeom like that. You sometimes had quarrels, but they all stopped within 5 minutes, ending with hugs. Going down to the parking lot, you got into the car giving vent to tears. You headed towards the house, not wanting someone to see you now. You practically did not see the road, because of tears that did not stop flowing down your cheeks.
Going home, you took a sleeping pill from the bedside table and drank a few pills. Now you didn't want to feel all this pain and emptiness inside you. You went to bed and hoped that you could fall asleep as soon as possible. You closed your eyes falling into the darkness.
"Get out!" Jaebeom's scream made you sit up abruptly in bed. A dream, it was a dream. Although he didn’t say that word, his last phrase meant just that. You sighed when you saw it was the middle of the night. What? Have you slept for almost 9 hours? Why did you think that you closed your eyes 5 minutes ago ... you took a deep breath and got out of bed, trudged into the bathroom. You washed up and changed into your pajamas. It looks like there was alcohol somewhere in this house, you muttered as you left the bathroom. You turned on the dim kitchen light and stopped. 
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Jaebeom was sitting on the living room floor with his back to the sofa. In his hands was a glass of amber liquid. You were right, there is alcohol in your house. You went to the coffee table and took a bottle of whiskey, pouring it into your glass.. You went back to the kitchen and sat at the kitchen table, looking at the wall, it was too painful for you to look at Jaebeom.
“I was wrong,” Jaebeom said breaking the silence.
You turned your head the other way as tears ran down your cheeks.
"Please forgive me!"
"What's the point? It doesn't matter how many times I tell you that I  love only you. It doesn't matter how many times I tell you that the guys I talk to are just a friends and you shouldn't be jealous because I don't see anyone in them but a good friends. No matter how many times I say, I will prove to you that my heart belongs only to you. It's all doesn't matter if you don't trust me. What is the point of continuing all this if you only believe in what you yourself want to believe" You got up leaving your glass of whiskey untouched on the table
"____, ..."
"Enough... You hurt me enough for today to continue this conversation. Let's talk another time" you took your phone and car keys and left the apartment. You hoped that the further you go now from him, the less your heart will ache. You just drove through the empty city, trying not to think about anything. I came to my senses when there was only darkness around you. You continued to drive along a dark road, not knowing where you were at all. You turned on the GPS and gasped. Seosan - and how did you manage to be here. How many hours did you drive without stopping, you looked around in surprise when the city lights finally began to appear.
You parked at the nearest good hotel and went inside. Trying not to pay attention to how they looked at you at the reception desk, you quickly paid for the room and went to the elevator. All this time, your phone never stopped ringing. The number of missed calls from Jaebeom reached a hundred. You didn’t even know that he could call you so much, you snorted as you disconnected the phone. Turning to the mirror, you laughed for the first time that day. Your hair was disheveled, mascara flowed from tears, and you refused to comment your short blue pajamas with little yellow ducklings at all. Your appearance clearly did not correspond to the level of the hotel, you were glad that you were allowed in at all. Although this is probably due to the car in which you arrived. No wonder they looked at you like that while you were filling out the paperwork. Spending a couple of days here would be a good idea, you whispered watching the sunrise through the huge window as you entered your room.
 POV Jaebeom
He was sitting on the floor next to a nearly empty bottle. What a jerk you are, Jaebeom, he muttered, throwing his head back onto the couch. How can he fix it? And will you allow him to fix something at all? He was ready to kill himself for the cruel words that he said to you. But at that moment he could not stop splashing out on you all those emotions that raged inside him. The problem was not even you, you were not the person to whom he wanted to express all this. He knew you had nothing to do with Jackson. But the problem was Jackson, who tried to hide his feelings for you in "friendship." He guessed that Jackson fell in love with you as soon as he saw, and Jackson's every look at you, only confirmed this guess.
You never gave rise to jealousy, although he didn't always like the fact that he almost always found you in the arms of one of the members. But he never felt jealous of others. Even if today he saw you sleeping on Mark or BamBam, with whom you spent almost all your free time, he would just come up and lie down next to you, throwing his leg over you to listen to your sweet grumbling. He's lucky he didn't meet Jackson after a fight with you.
He tried to call you again, but your phone was still disconnected. Where are you? He could barely reach the bedroom, staggering violently. He hugged the blanket that smelled of you, falling asleep. Shut up, he practically yelled at the phone when someone called him.
"Where are you?" asked Mark when he picked up the phone
“At _____'s home” he muttered barely audibly
“Um… are you okay? What's with the voice? " asked Mark and he heard the woried in his voice
"Oh, that's it ... yesterday with ______, you had a party, but we were not invited!" laughed Mark. Everything inside him clenched in pain as all the emotions that had been muted by the alcohol hit him with renewed vigor. "Are you crying?" asked Mark in surprise
"I fucked up, hyung ... seriously fucked up!" tears choked him
“I'll be soon” Mark hung up and Jaebeom closed his eyes again
He didn't even notice how quickly the time passed when the doorbell rang. He barely got out of bed and trudged off to open the door.
“You look shitty,” Mark said when he saw him.
“And hello to you.” Jaebeom headed toward the kitchen. He sat down at the table, resting his head in his palms.
"Where is ______?" asked Mark, putting hangover soup on the table
“She's gone. Why am I such an idiot? " he lifted his head to meet Mark's gaze.
"What the fuck happened between the two of you?" asked Mark, sitting down at the table
“It seems we broke up because of me” he lowered his head to the table as tears filled his eyes
"WHAT?! How is this possible? Don't fucking tell me you're jealous of her for Jackson? ”Mark asked and Jaebeom looked up at him in shock.
"Have you spoken to ____?"
“No, but I saw that she slept in the gym with Jackson yesterday. So is that the reason? Seriously?"
"I know!" he raised his voice as he stood up from his chair. “I said so many cruel words to her. I understood that she was not the reason for my anger, but I could not stop myself” he shook his head, remembering your barely audible voice due to tears
"Gosh, what a fucking fuck!" groaned Mark. “Why are you even jealous of her, knowing how much she loves you. She looks at you as if only you exist in this world! You've never been jealous of her for us, so why is Jackson an exception? "
"You know why!" Jaebeom looked angrily at Mark, banged his fist hard on the table
"You know as well as I do that he would never ..."
“And yet he does!” he interrupted Mark. "Every time he does something like that, covering it all up with friendship"
“If I had come earlier, ______ would have slept on me. Would you react the same way? "
"You  know yourself that this means not the same to you as it does to Jackson!" he practically yelled at Mark.
“Even if you're so angry now, remembering this, I’m afraid to imagine what you said yesterday.” Mark looked at him furiously. “Whatever she does, you deserve it!”
“I know it without you.” His jaw tightened. “How can I get her back? _______ took her phone and car keys and just left."
"I'm sorry, but I don't think you deserve to have her come back to you."
"I know..." he answered barely audibly. He knew without Mark that he did not deserve your forgiveness. But what else can he do? He's not ready to just give up and let you go. "But I won't survive without her..." his voice trembled from the tears he tried to hold back
"Moron," Mark growled as he stood up. Mark walked over to the coffee table and picked up your laptop, then returned to the table in the kitchen. He opened the laptop, carefully examining something on the screen. “She clearly doesn't want to see you,” Mark muttered, and taking a notebook and pen, he quickly wrote something down. Tearing off the sheet, Mark handed it to him “This is the last time her phone was on the network. I'm sure this is the address of the hotel. If you hurt her even more, I will kill you myself! " Mark got up and walked towards the exit, leaving him alone.
He looked at the note and his eyes widened - Seosan ?! You ran far away from him ... He squeezed the note in his hands and got up and walked into the room. He picked up the phone and dialed your number again... still no connection. He fell onto the bed, covering his face with his hands. It wonder how you will react if he comes? It would be better if you yelled at him and were angry. Most of all he was afraid now to see indifference in your eyes. He got out of bed and went to the exit. He stopped and looked at your shoes. He went back to the bedroom, taking out your bag, he folded underwear, jeans and a shirt. He understood that it is unlikely that you still walk in your pajamas that are too open, but he wanted to have at least some excuse for his arrival. He lifted your shoes and put them in a bag and left the apartment. He went down to the parking lot, it's good that he arrived by car. Putting the bag on the passenger seat, he quickly started the car and drove to the address that he asked in the GPS. The road took a long time. The further he went, the more worried about you, realizing that you were drove along the night road. He breathed a sigh of relief when he drove up to the hotel and saw your car in the parking lot. Choosing a place farther away, he got out of the car, taking the bag with your clothes. He walked over to your car and smiled when he saw a parking ticket with your room number. He quickly checked in by taking a room opposite yours. He went up to the floor, knocking on your door, he was greeted by silence. He left the bag in his room and went down to the restaurant. He hoped you were there, but unfortunately you weren't there. He sat down at the bar, from where he could see the entrance through the large windows.
Several hours passed and it began to get dark outside, but you never showed up. He got up and staggered towards the elevator. Having risen to his floor, he sat down next to your door, so he will definitely not skip you.
"Jaebeom ..." he heard your voice and looked up.
"Hi" he smiled broadly at you
"How did you get here?"
"You are so beautiful," he leaned his cheek on his knee, examining you. He chuckled, he couldn't think of anything but your beauty.
"Jaebeom, what are you doing here?" you sighed
"I brought you clothes"
“I thought that the turned off phone said about my unwillingness to talk to you,” you walked past him, approaching your door. He grabbed your wrist, stopping you. Clutching your wrist, he rose to his feet. Everything inside him was on fire, he held out with the last of his strength. He headed towards his door, dragging you after him. You wrenched your hand away and turned back to your door. He walked up to you and hugged you on your shoulders, again went to his door. You pushed him away "Enough" you turned your back on him. He grabbed you by the shirt and pulled you back into the room. "What the fuck are you doing!" you forcefully threw back his hand when you found yourself in the narrow corridor of his room. 
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He leaned against the wall, his legs practically did not support him. Tears choked him without giving him the opportunity to say anything. He put his hands on his knees as tears streamed down his cheeks. He took a deep breath, regaining his composure. He grabbed your hand again and walked on. He lifted the bag off the floor and shoved it into your hand.
The bag fell to the floor as you pulled the hand out of his grip again. “I have clothes,” you growled as you took a step back from him.
"Very beautiful. Have you bought it? " he smiled broadly, he could not control his emotions. Laughter, tears, hysterics, angry, sad all mixed up inside him.
"Jackson brought it to me" you practically spit those words out. Your words made everything inside him fill with pure fury. He grabbed you by the arm and threw you violently onto the bed when he completely lost control. You got out of bed shoving him in the chest when he tried to stop you by the shoulders. "What's wrong with you?!" you yelled at him. He tried to hug you, but you kept pushing him out "Stop this show"
He squeezed your hands tightly and took a few steps, pressing you to the bed. "Jaebeom!" you growled when he squeezed you tightly, immobilizing you. Tears burst from him. Everything was so confused in his head. He did not understand what he was doing. “Sorry, I shouldn't have said these cruel words to you…” He couldn't stop. He cried so hard that your shirt got wet from his tears. You lay motionless and did not even try to escape. “Sorry,” he said barely audibly, continuing to cry heavily. “We can start all over again, huh? Let's just start all over again.” He couldn't breathe, all the pain he had caused you fell upon him.
"What's happened with you?"
"Shhhh" he covered your mouth with his hand. He took you by the collar, squeezing it tightly. "Why?" he looked at you angrily, "Why did you say that?" the anger at what you said about Jackson is back.
"Are you kidding me, Jaebeom !?" for some reason he felt funny from your look, although his laughter was more like a hysteria. You pushed him hard, forcing him to get out of bed, backing away. He sat down on the bed bench opposite the bed.
His laughter mingled with tears. He took a deep breath to calm. He lifted his head to meet your ferocious gaze. For some reason, your anger in your eyes soothed him. He sighed, shaking his head. "Where are you going?" he asked when you got out of bed and picked up the bag from the floor.
“Thanks for the clothes,” you hissed through clenched teeth.
He got up and taking you by the hand led you to the bed bench where he was sitting. He sat you down, taking the bag out of your hands, throwing it forcefully across the room. He sat down next to you, running his hand over his face. He turned to face you, but you sat motionless, staring at the wall in front of you. He approached you, taking your hand. "Do you want to break up with me?" he leaned forward, wanting to kiss you. You strayed away from him, which caused him to practically lie on top of you in order to be able to leave a kiss on your neck. Your head dangled in the air, giving you space to stray from his kiss. He squeezed your hair, giving you no more chance to tilt your head back, and leaved a kiss on your lips. You tried to push your head away from his kiss by pushing him away with your hands.
"You don't trust me, why should we be together?" you asked and he covered your mouth with his hand. He shook his head, moving you completely onto the bed bench.
"No ... it isn't ..." He rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes as tears filled his eyes again. “I trust you, it's just that Jackson is in love with you. And I can't stop getting mad at him when he touches you.” His voice was no louder than a whisper. “Love for you turns me into a pathetic madman. Please... forgive me.” He left gentle kisses on your face. He removed his hand and kissed you.
"You moron!" you said, begin crying. Your tears broke his heart to pieces. "What a moron you are!" you hit him in the shoulder
"Forgive me. Please, sweetheart, forgive me.” He hugged you tightly. He groaned in relief when you hugged him back. “Forgive me...” he kept whispering in your ear, over and over. "I love you so much! Forgive me!" he kissed you. The gentle kisses became more seductive each time. A wave of desire swept over him as yours tongues entwined. All the emotions that were inside burst out. His fingers dug into your body, wanting more. He moaned when you squeezed his ass with your hand and forced him to rub against your crotch. Your actions each time aroused him to the limit. He ripped your shirt open, causing the buttons to fly across the floor around you. He got off the bed bench with you in his arms, heading for the bed. Taking off your shirt, he threw it on the floor before putting you on the bed. He took off his shirt, throwing it on the floor. He moaned when you left a kiss on his belly. You unbuttoned his pants, making him go crazy with the sight. He ran his hand through your hair, lifting your head up. He kissed you, lying on top of you.
He pulled back to dispose of the remnants of yours clothes before returning to bed. He pushed hard at you, unable to wait even a second any longer. Your hips went up taking him completely. He groaned when you started squeezing his dick. “Baby…" he groaned. He turned, placing you on top of him. He rested his hand on the bed, and the second hugged you around the waist. Your sexy look drove him crazy, making him growl with impatience. You put your palms on his shoulders, continuing to move your hips. He had to control himself so as not to come right now. Every time you were on top, it was torture for him. Your moans filled the room as you continued to ride his dick. He squeezed your waist, making the thrusts deeper. You pushed him back, forcing him to lie down. Your gaze gave him goosebumps as you bit your lip and looked at him with such lust. You turned your back on him and sat down on his dick again. "Oh shit," he growled at the sight of your ass moving on his cock. It is unlikely that he will live to the end. He squeezed your ass, lowering you harder on his dick. His hips rose to meet your movements. He sat down, wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing against your back. Leaning you forward, he knelt down, starting to fuck you harder. His fingers dug into your thighs while he fucked you. He took your hands, leading them behind your back. He kept you in the air while he hard fuck you.
He stopped, letting go of you when he realized how cruel he was now. You got to your knees leaning your back on his chest as he sat on his knees. Taking his dick with your hand, you directed him inward again, sitting on top of his knees. You put your head on his shoulder with a groan. He ran his hands over your wet body, bringing his hand down to your clit. He could hardly restrain himself from cumming. He covered your clit, fingering it, making you cum first. You stopped when your thighs trembled violently. You groaned loudly as he started to move again. He also started to cum when you squeezed his dick hard because of orgasm. He fell forward, holding your thighs as he continued to push hard, lost in his pleasure. He put his hands on the bed, slowly moving inside you. Your body trembled underneath him, and your pussy tightened around his dick, sending heat through his body. He fell down next to you on the bed pulling you into his arms when he finally left you.
“I love you,” he whispered, leaving kisses on your lips.
"Why didn't you tell me about Jackson, and especially how you feel about it?"
“Because you friendly with everyone. I didn't want you to feel awkward"
“You could take care of it when you yourself would be calm about it, and not when everything inside you was burning with jealousy,” you angrily looked at him.
“Something went wrong in my plan,” he laughed softly, for which he received a blow in the shoulder. "Ouch ..." he groaned
"Don't even think about whining to me here now."
"Yes, my mistress," he muttered, making you giggle.
"I hope you didn't get into a fight with Jackson?" you looked at him with wide eyes and he laughed
“No, I was lucky and I didn’t meet him. Although I can’t guarantee that it wouldn’t have happened if I had seen him then.” He shook his head.
"Do you understand how stupid this is?"
He said nothing, his emotions were still too strong.
“Forgive me,” you said, and he looked at you in surprise. “For saying that Jackson brought me clothes,” you laughed, “Although I did not expect you to lose your temper so much. I was scared even for a moment, ”you chuckled.
"Sorry, I couldn't control myself." Everything inside him squeezed into a tight knot.
“You and I are talking about everything, why did you keep silent about it? Why did you suffer alone? I promise you, if you doubt me again, I will leave without even looking back in your direction!" you said, and a coldness passed through his body from your gaze. He realized that now in your words there was not even a hint of a joke.
“I don't know why I was acting so stupid. But I promise you that this will never happen again. Never!"
"I believe you, so please don't make me regret it later."
"I swear. I love you"
"I love you too"
He squeezed you in his arms, stroking your hair until you both fell asleep, exhausted by yours emotions.
More Im Jaebeom x Reader
Chance meeting (smut)
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Girls! P25 Just Playing With Kings
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"really?" Benny sighed as he got back throwing the stuff on the kitchen side noticing the state we were in, 
"You got the girls, it's only fair" Harry smiled taking a cigarette from Beth 
"So you three had fun without me?"
"Just so it was fair Benny" Beth smirked 
"You girls are evil" he sighed 
"Indeed we are" I smirked 
"Fuck it" Benny sighed locking the door and coming over "Harry come here" Benny smirked stripping off his shirt 
"What is it watts?" he smirked sitting up slightly and smirking at him 
"I think the girls have had enough attention for a while" Benny smirked leaning over harry a little "We can be evil too girls..." Benny smirked winking to us both forcing Harry down on the airbed, I smirked pulling Beth to me as the boys started kissing hard benny being very forceful be harry doing his best to like the kiss was them arguing like the kiss was them playing a game together to see who could come out ironically ok on top. Harry tried to wrap his arms around Benny's neck but the moment his hands touched his skin, Benny grabbed his hands pinning his wrists onto the makeshift bed either side of his head, "tell me beltik? Did you like your time with the girls?' he asked kissing down harry's neck and chest never letting go of his wrists
"I did, they were good to me. They even… where dirty for me"
"Were they? How dirty were they for you beltik?" 
"They were bad girls"
"Oh I bet they were," he smirked, his kisses getting lower and sloppier "what did they do then? I missed the show"
"They kissed and… stripped each other" he gasped as benny had reached his v overstimulated already from everything we had just done with him 
"Yeah they like doing that, to wind you up" Benny smirked 
I held Beth's arm tightly watching as benny licked up harry's cock 
"And they uhhh"
"They spanked each other. For me to watch"
"Did they now? They didn't do that for me"
"You didn't ask" beth smirked 
"Would you have… spanked each other for me if I had?"
"Maybe" I shrug
"Beside I like spanking them myself" he smirked "maybe I should spank you and make our little girls watch?"
"I think you were submissive" harry smirked sitting up pulling in benny's long hair to pull him into an intense lustful kiss 
"I am. With girls. With you… lay down, and open your legs I'm gonna make the girls watch as I make you do something they can't make you do" he growled pushing harry flat on the pillows harry blushed and opened his legs wide as benny told him, and benny began again kissing and licking at harry's shaft "beth, be a dear darling fetch me the bottle of lube from my shopping" Benny smirked between kisses 
"Okay" she nodded 
"What about me? What should I do?" I asked 
"You just stay there looking so beautiful" Benny winked to me and beth returned throwing him the bottle of lube he took the lid off with his teeth and spat the lid across the room he put a little of on his fingers coating them in it before kneel down and kissing all over harry's shaft gently sucking in him as his fingers rubbed gently on harry's entrance. Harry gasped as benny's fingers slipped inside 
"So tight. The girls must have been teasing you bad" Benny smirked before taking every inch of Harry's dick in his mouth, sucking hard as his fingers moved back and forth slowly and harry… well he grasped benny's hair tightly his head thrown back in pleasure
"Uuughhhhh uughhh uuuuhhhhh!" Harry moaned till Benny pulled away without a second of warning Benny turned harry on his stomach bending him over like both he and benny had done to us. Benny got the bottle back rubbing it all over his cock before pushing inside making harry grab the pillows digging his nails in "uuugh fuck watts ease in! Ease!" Harry yelled at him 
"Sorry, I got impatient" Benny argued 
"You have to go slower then that I'm not as use to it yet"
"Ohh please I've been doing this to you for what… nine ten months?"
"Since ohio"
"See, plenty of time to get use to me" 
"When you use enough lube, we do lubricate like the girls do" 
"I know, I just don't like slavering you in it, I like you a little… rougher, uughhh your almost as tight as y/n'' Benny groans getting faster and faster I bit my lip watching it hearing harry groan loudly grinding a little against the pillow he was rock hard again 
"Uuuuhhhhh Benny! Benny I'm-"
"I know come on show the girls what they can't do" Benny smirked getting faster again almost ponding poor harry until
"Uuuuhhhhh uuuuhhhhh uughhh uuuuhhhhh uuuuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhh!" Harry screamed his eyes rolling back and seeming in another universe Benny smirked and pulled out rather enjoying the sight of what he had done to harry "your a dick"
'yeah, well you still love me" Benny smirked slapping harry's butt 
"Yeah… your turn" harry smirked sitting up grabbing Benny and pushing him face first of onto the pillows "you won't need winding up you never do watts" harry smirked spanking his butt hard and getting the lube bottle "y/n, be a sweetheart and… grab benny's belt for me" Harry said 
"Okay" I giggled a little going and getting benny's belt from his discarded jeans handing it to harry and going back to being sat with Beth noticing she had been touching herself while she watched and I couldn't deny watching as harry used benny's belt to restrain benny's arms behind his back was… extremely hot, I mean just watching them together was hit but the thought of what harry was about to do to him made me wanna squirm in my seat Benny was gasping already
"So you don't try to flip me back over, I know how much you like being in your stomach watts. Maybe you just wanna show off for the girls" harry smirked tightening the belt a little 
"No" Benny argued "I just wanted to wind then up for playing around without me, and torcher you for touching my girls"
"Our girls, they love me as much as they love you" 
 as harry covers his fingers and shaft in the lube at first he pushed his fingers in with no problems making Benny bite his mouth and shut his eyes he clearly enjoyed it "just because you've for a hard on for y/n"
"And you don't for beth? And y/n? And me?"
"Yeah but I just have a hard on in my pants… you don't"
"And… where exactly else am I meant to have a hard on?"
"You know what I mean watts. You've for a heart hard on for y/n" harry smirked and benny didn't answer avoiding my eyes hard smirked harder taking his hand away and slapping benny's ass 
"Uhh not so hard!" 
"Why? I thought you liked it?" He laughs doing it again, and again, and again spanking Benny over and over 
"Uhh uughhh! Uughhh! Beltik! Stop fucking working out your spank fetish and fuck me already!" 
"Impairment little pirate aren't you" harry laughed before slipping inside and starting to move
"Uughhhhhhhhh! Harder!" Benny groaned and harry complied "uughhh! Harder come on beltik!" He groans moving a little all but wrapping his legs around harry's, harry instantly began pounding as hard as he could which drive Benny crazy moaning and groaning struggling against his restraints often biting his lip and grinding his ass against harry and thought all of this his eyes never left my own like he was watching me, like he couldn't take his eyes away, I giggled a little blushing hearing him moan like that gently rubbing on myself secretly in a way knowone could see, Benny began getting close his cock throbbed and his moans got throaty his eyes still never leaving mine I knew I was close too unable to stop my fingers secretly rubbing, and suddenly Benny bit down on the pillow hard his muffled screams only just audible his eyes directly on me and as he did I hit my own unable to take my eyes away ethier doing my best to stay quiet, harry pulled out and collapsed against the wall under benny's bedroom window beth went helping him up taking him to the makeshift sofa in the corner for a cosy cuddle so I went letting Benny out the restraints letting him collapse on the floor I giggled helping him up and sitting him in the leather chair as he gasped sweaty and in his own world still after all that had happened beth and harry fell asleep almost immediately and I smiled laying my head in benny's chest which he smiled at wrapping an arm around me and kissing my head 
"Benny?" I whispered
"Ummmm?" He mumbled 
"Why were you looking at me?"
"I like looking at you" he shrugs 
"Did you know?"
"Know what?"
I giggled and moved his hand to feel how wet I was 
"Ooh.. no. I didn't know that. When were you doing that?"
"While… you where you know" 
"Ohh come on you're not one to go all blushy about this stuff come on"
"When you where getting fucked"
"Yeah? You liked watching harry have sex with me?"
"Now you know how I feel when I watch you and Beth. It's fine touch your to me all you want sugar" he smirked "what do you think I was biting in the pillow for?"
"I'd I hadn't maybe I would have screamed for you rather then for harry as… you where the one I was staring at" he smirked gently running his hands across my skin in some ways it was barely even sexual just a cuddle with his fingers tracing the lines on my skin like he would the lines of his chess board 
"Benny?" I spoke up
"I need to go home soon"
"What?" He asks sitting up holding me closely
"I can't stay here in new york with you three forever, I need to go home to call I have stuff to sort out" I said 
"... You're gonna go home?"
"Benny, you knew Id go home at some point"
"I know I just… nothing, go home. Sort stuff out in cali, maybe next time I come visit you"
"Yeah, and until then I'm only a phone call away" 
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fluffypeachwriting · 3 years
huuhuuu~~ fathers day passed already but....how bout the reader (who sees hitoya as their father figure) spending fathers day together with him? but!!! they suddenly both get isekaid/transported into some unknown world/place..!!? (feel free to choose where they landed at :D)
Anon this was SO MUCH FUN to write, so I really hope you enjoy it!  (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚If you’d like a sequel then I’d be more than happy to do it!
Hitoya seemed so hard to please, even after all the time you’d spent together. The trouble of picking out a gift for him was an internal battle you struggled with for weeks leading up to father’s day. He had become such a dad-like figure that it only seemed natural. Giving him a gift was not natural. Whiskey was a painfully obvious choice, so it was already out of the question. He wasn’t really a fashion person, even though he rocked the greaser/biker vibe. You’d already gone to countless restaurants together – where Hitoya would insist on paying for the both of you – so it wouldn’t be anything new. What an ordeal.
The morning of the big day, you woke up especially early – too worried to sleep long. In the bright hours of the morning you went out to look for some last minute inspiration. When you were almost at your wits’ end, a delicious smell wafted through the street, and you instantly knew what to do.
Hitoya wasn’t surprised to see you walk into his office (even his employees were used to it), but he was curious about what you were holding behind your back. Some of the tiredness dissolved from his face as you greeted him, and he was happy to take an unofficial break. Not like you would let him work while you were there anyway.
With a beaming smile, you presented the cake to him: “Happy father’s day!”
“It’s not like it’s my birthday, what is this?” Hitoya said with a tired tone, though there was a fond smile on his face. “Hey, don’t pout at me! I – fine.” He set aside the papers he was holding; the clients could wait.
“Wait wait wait wait!” From your pocket you took out a candle and delicately placed it in the centre, then realised you had no matches or lighter on you. “Ah…” Your put your bag on his desk and rummaged through it to no avail.
Wordlessly, Hitoya handed you a lighter. His smirk, however, said a million words. He opened his mouth, likely to do his “There’s only two things I don’t like: blah blah blah and blah blah blah,” spiel, but then changed his mind.
You lit the candle with care, and with a flourish, you held the cake out to him again. “Happy father’s day, Hitoya!”
“You really do act like my kid, hm? I can’t say no to you.” He chuckled and stood up.
As soon as he blew out the candle the room went dark. Pitch-black. The candle had definitely not been the only light source in the room. This was not right and you couldn’t help but let out a little squeak at the sudden darkness. In surprise, your hands fell loose, but there was no sound of cake falling to the floor. The cake just wasn’t in your hands anymore. The weirdness of it all made you whine in discomfort.
“Hey, it’s alright.” His calm tone soothed you more than you thought you needed. “Shit. I don’t need a power outage right now.” He muttered to himself.
“I’m not scared, it just surprised me.” You lied.
“Sure.” There was an audible smile in Hitoya’s voice. “I’ve got my phone here, right on my desk. I – we are at my desk, right?”
“Yep…?” You were positive that that was the case, since you hadn’t dared to move since the lights went out. “Why?”
You held still for a moment, listening to the room, which was completely silent, save for the whoosh of Hitoya frantically trying to find his desk. It almost made you laugh, how panicked he was getting over a power outage. That laugh came out as another squeak when you felt a hand pat you.
“Sorry, did I hurt you?”
“No,” It was only a small prod, however the size of his desk and the fact that you had been standing at opposite sides of it made it impossible for him to have done that. As you thought about this, you also noticed how you started to feel more tiny whooshes of air as Hitoya moved. He must be right next to you. “Did you walk around your desk?”
“No, I just stood up. Hey, come over here.”
Something was really not right. That really not right feeling sat with you, starting with a small headache that travelled down and settled as a pit in your stomach. You shuffled into Hitoya’s arms, and he held you close. That eased your nerves a little. His warm embrace was a sure-fire way to comfort you, no matter what. Your eyes soon adjusted to the dark but there wasn’t much to see. Oh, apart from the room that was most certainly not Hitoya’s office.
The room was just wood panels from floor to ceiling. A long table was various chairs was laid out on one side. It had some papers on it that you weren’t concerned about. On the other side were two beds and a few boxes and crates.
Your stomach turned again and you began to feel faint – this must be bad dream. Surely you just went back to bed after waking up so early, and this was a dream. Hitoya held you closer and knocked your hat off your hat onto the floor.
Since when were you wearing a hat?
You didn’t remember, but you knelt down to pick it up anyway. Your eyes couldn’t see the detail of it well enough but the shape of it felt funny, not like a hat you’d normally find.
You took a few breaths, feeling the pit in your stomach sway from side to side. Hitoya found you again and put one hand on your shoulder, checking how you were doing. You told him about the swaying feeling, and he told you he felt it too. In that moment you figured out that it wasn’t your stomach at all. The room itself was swaying from side to side and back and forth and in direction that a room shouldn’t be swaying. A room shouldn’t be swaying at all. A room on solid ground, at least.
You inhaled deeply a few times, concentrating on the flow of your breath – something Hitoya had told you to do when you were feeling nervous.
He noticed this: “Are you okay? Do you have your phone on you?”
Back in his office, your phone was in your bag. On his desk.
“Nope.” You took some more breaths. The air was salty. A loud creak from close by interrupted your thoughts. “Nope nope nope!”
“Hey, it’s alright. I’m here. I think there’s a door over there. Let’s try moving somewhere, okay? Can you do that?” Hitoya was just as nervous as you were, judging from the shaking of his voice. But, like always, he pushed it aside.
“Yeah, okay.”
You held his hand and followed behind him as Hitoya went to the doorway he saw. Turns out, it lead to a short staircase with a hatch above it. Sunlight was peeking through gaps in the wood panels. You squinted, preparing your eyes for a burst of light. With nowhere to go but up, Hitoya opened it and stepped out onto… wherever you were. You heard him gasp and call you up quickly. As you suspected, it was bright.
What you didn’t expect, was the intense wind. The salt of the air was more intense up here. On any other day it would be refreshing but now it was like a slap to the face. Tiny specks of icy rain poked your face. As your eyes had to adjust again, you took a second to conclude that you were outside.
The floor was wood panelling again, with railings around it, after that was just water. The vast expanse was not a deep blue, but something like a deep wine colour. The sky above it was orange, with flecks of pink and red reflecting off rolling clouds; the sun was peeking over the horizon, though you didn’t know if it was rising or setting. Light from the sun bounced off each wave and roll of the water, making it look like an upside down night sky. You could see a large wheel at one side and oh my god this is a boat. You’re on a boat.
“This is a fucking boat?!” Hitoya exclaimed exactly what you were thinking.
“Why?” You asked rhetorically. The splash of waves against the boat drowned out any explanations you could try thinking of. “I don’t understand. I just wanted to give you a cake.” An especially harsh gust of wind knocked you off your feet. Hitoya instinctually caught you before you could hit the ground, and set you back on your feet, with a few pats on the head for good measure.
It was all too much. You sniffled as a few fear tears threatened to spill over.
“Hey, it’s alright, this is a bad dream, its fine,” Hitoya repeated over and over until you weren’t sure if he was actually saying it or if it was echoing in your head.
The cake was a nice idea, but you would give anything to wake up again in your bed, early on that father’s day morning.
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impala-dreamer · 4 years
SPN FanFic
~Sam's major headache leads to a major oops on Dean's part and some major fun for Sam.~
Sam x Reader, Dean
3,969 Words
Warnings: NSFW. Accidental Drug Use. Smut. Hair Pulling. Stoned!Sex
A/N: This will stand as my Free Square for @spnkinkbingo​ 2020. I'm doing "Hair Pulling Kink" bc Sam totally likes to have his hair pulled. ;) Hope you all enjoy!
2020 KinkBingo Masterlist ~ My Masterlist ~ Become A Patreon ~ Find My Original Works on Amazon
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Sam pressed his forehead deeper into the ledge of his knuckles, hoping the pressure would distract his ears from the beeping and ease the headache pounding behind his eyes.
It did not.
“Shit.” Dean was across the way, kicked back in his chair, ankles cross on the tabletop, phone in hand. In between alternating whispered curses and victory cheers, his phone was making the most irritating bleeping noises. “Yeah, baby!”
A devastated and annoyed sigh filled the air and Sam let his hand fall to the table with a thud. “What are you doing?” he snapped, eyes wide, head shaking at Dean.
Green eyes popped up innocently. “Playing Tetris, what are you doing?”
Sam tossed his hands up and sat back. “I’m trying to work! Why is it so loud?”
“I don’t know, Tetris is loud.” Dean shrugged and hiss disappointedly as he put a cube in the wrong spot. “You’re distracting me, shut up.”
“I’m distracting you- I- what!”
A melodic whistle from the next room caught their ears and both boys looked up to see Y/N dancing about, shaking her ass as she cleaned up last night’s messy dinner. Headphones snug in her ears, she whistled along to the music as she picked up empty beer bottles and a few scattered napkins.
Dean leaned over the table to get a better view, humming in approval at the curves on display. “Nice.”
“Dean!” Sam scolded in a low voice, quickly looking away and back to his book.
“What? She’s got a nice-”
“Just stop it.”
Dean laughed and licked his chapped lips as he settled back in place. “I know you like her, it’s cool, man. She’s all yours.”
Sam’s spine straightened in defense even as a blush filled his cheeks. “She’s not- mine. What? I don’t-”
“Sammy,” Dean grinned, dropping his chin as his eyebrows rose knowingly. “You can’t hide this stuff from me. I see all.”
Sam cleared his throat and tried to end the conversation, ducking his gaze back to his text. “You don’t see anything. There’s nothing to see.”
“Lucky for you,” Dean went on, ignoring him, “she likes you too.”
“H-how do you know?” Sam refused to look up, but lifted his eyes slightly.
Dean sighed happily and puckered his lips. “Because she turned me down.”
That lifted Sam’s entire frame. “What!”
“I know, shocking, right? I mean…” Dean waved a hand down the length of himself Vanna White style. “How could she say no? But she did.”
“Few months ago. We were working that case in Ossining- remember? And… we got a little buzzed and I made a move and…”
“I know. It was a pretty good move.”
“No, not- I just- wow.”
Dean laughed and dropped his feet so he could lean over the table and lower his voice. “Look, she likes you. You like her. It’s cool.”
The tip of Sam’s tongue snuck out to hang on his lower lip as he looked a little to the left, contemplating Dean’s confession. “Huh.”
“Yup.” Satisfied that his point was made, Dean sat back and started the game again, bleeping away without a thought.
Sam soon turned back to his research, trying to forget what Dean had said about Y/N. If it was meant to be, it would be; there was no use dwelling on it, especially when there was work to be done.
Very time consuming, tedious work that involved translating handwritten Romanian from a faded text while listening to Dean's Tetris antics.
Thoughts of Y/N were soon drowned out by a sharp pounding in his left temple, and Sam gave up, throwing his pencil down like a gavel and leaning back. He clutched his skull and groaned.
“Dude, go take something,” Dean suggested after slipping a bar into place and clearing three lines at once.
Sam sighed and rubbed at his eyes. “Yeah. You want anything?”
“Nah. Awe, damnit! Freaking cube again!”
The farther from Dean he walked, the calmer Sam felt, but his head was still pulsing.
The kitchen was practically bare and no meds were to be found. Sam growled lowly as he shuffled back to the library and paused in the archway.
“There's an empty bottle of Excedrin in the pantry,” he said cooly.
Dean looked up from his phone with a lingering smile. “OK. Did you take some?”
“Empty. Bottle.” Sam enunciated each letter and Dean's smile fell.
Dean closed one eye as he thought up both an excuse and solution at once. “Uh, I think there's some Tylenol in my room.”
Sam grit his teeth and nodded curtly. “Thanks.”
A handful of little white pills later, Sam was back in his seat, head in hand, waiting for relief to find him. He cradled his head in his hands, fingers splayed across his forehead, eyes glazing over the words set before him. It was slow going.
“Hey, bros,” Y/N greeted, taking the seat next to Sam as she set down three beers on the table. “Whatcha doin’?”
Dean happily reached for a beer. “Beating my high score.”
Sam sighed. “Working. Or trying to.” He looked up to find Y/N watching him intently and it made his heart race. “What’re y-you up to?” He could feel his cheeks flush and Y/N smiled.
“Oh, big day for me,” she said, sitting back with a beer. “I cleaned the bathroom- gross by the way,” she said, casting an eye at Dean. “You know you can rinse out the sink after you shave. It’s not hard.”
Dean waved a dismissive hand and failed to flip a Z piece in time. “Shit.”
“Yeah. Exactly.” She sighed and turned back to Sam who’s eyes had never left her face. “Then I did two loads of laundry,” she continued, ticking her chore list off on one hand. “Found my lost Blues Traveler tee- under the bed,” she added in a whisper, cupping her hand to her cheek as if it were a secret, “and just finished reorganizing 6A. Did you know we have jars full of random animal bones? Because...ew.”
Sam managed a daze laugh, but found it hard to look away from her perfect lips as they frowned in disgust. “Yeah. Bones.”
“So whatcha working on?” Y/N smiled and leaned over to look at his book, and Sam’s breath nearly stopped.
His eyes zoomed in on the delicate lines on her lips, the hint of teeth just between as she spoke, the way she bit the tip of her tongue just slightly when she smiled. His mouth was watering, his pulse pounding, so focused on her mouth as she came closer.
Y/N laughed at his awkward stare and he nearly jumped out of his skin, startled back into himself.
“Yeah. Yes. Working.” He swallowed hard and shivered, prying his eyes from Y/N to the book. “Um… It’s-er- lore. From the- Romania on things.”
“OK…” Y/N shook her head at his ramblings and sat back, lifting the beer bottle to her lips. She puckered her mouth and took a delicate sip as her head tipped back, and Sam made a noise that turned all their heads, even his own.
“Dude,” Dean gasped across the table at the audible moan that pushed up from the back of Sam’s throat, and Sam quickly coughed, hoping to cover his mishap.
Y/N politely ignored the noise, turning her face away as an embarrassingly pleased smile tickled her lips. She took another drink, slower this time, and Sam could not stop himself.
His pupils went wide as he watched the muscles in her throat contract, as he saw her mouth move around the thick bottle neck. He groaned again and shifted in his seat, his pants growing tighter with unsolicited lust.
Dean sat forward and slapped a hand on the table to get Sam’s attention. “You OK, man?”
Sam startled and twisted in his chair, rubbing his damp palms over his thighs to dry them. “What? Yes. What? Why?”
Dean’s eyes narrowed in concern. “You’re all… shaky.”
Y/N, too, was watching Sam carefully. “And you’re sweating.” She put the beer down and leaned over, gently placing her wrist on Sam’s forehead. “Do you have a fever?”
Her touch felt like lightning, his entire body sparking with the feeling of her skin upon his. His heart skipped too many beats and when it came back, it was frantic and loud, banging against his ribs. He closed his eyes, wishing it all away, but Y/N’s sweet voice tickled his ear.
“Sam, are you feeling alright?”
His stomach tightened and his cock jumped, painfully swelling against the roughness of his jeans. “Uh…” He shuddered and took a deep breath, holding it until his shoulders stopped shaking. “W-will you excuse me, please?”
Sam jumped up before she could answer, dragging the old Romanian book on gypsies with him, holding it over his crotch as camouflage. He ran from the room, and Y/N looked at Dean with worried eyes.
“Something I said?”
Dean chewed his lip, pondering the situation, and excused himself as well after finishing his beer in two long pulls. “I’ll be right back.”
Sam was in the mouth of the hallway, filling up the cavernous passageway with not only his height but his frantic movements. He paced back and forth across the seven foot wide tiled expanse, his teeth gnawing at the middle nail of his left hand.
Dean approached quickly but gently. “Dude, what the fuck?”
Sam skidded to a halt and turned on his heel, eyes wide, sweat glistening on his forehead. “I don’t know. I don’t know. I can’t calm down. I’m like, my- with- and she- there was- I couldn’t sit there anymore. Do you know how soft her skin is?”
“Whoa.” Dean raised his hands carefully, trying to get Sam to calm down. “Reel it in, man.”
“I can’t. I can’t. It’s like my brain is jumping. And my heart is like- boom boom boom. Did you see Y/N’s lips on that bottle? Oh my god- it was like- wow.” Sam’s stomach flipped again and he bit his lip to keep in a moan. “What is happening!”
Dean shook his head, dumbfounded. “What the hell did you take?”
“Tylenol!” Sam snapped back. “You told me to take the tylenol in your room! Because somebody finished the Exce-”
“Oh...fuck.” Dean exhaled slowly and sought sanctuary on the ceiling, but found none.
“Which bottle?”
Sam’s shoulders rose up to his ears. “Which bottle! The one in your nightstand. You said to take the Tylenol. I took the Tylenol. You said the one in your room. That’s the one I took. Why the fuck? What!”
Dean tread carefully. “Ya know, it’s no big deal,” he said with a fake laugh. “You’ll be fine.”
“What did you do!”
“I did nothing!” Dean defended, backing away slightly as Sam lurched forward. “You… may have taken some-”
“Some what, Dean?”
Dean let out a breath that rumbled his pursed lips. “Ecstasy?”
Sam’s explosion was instant and a little bit terrifying. The book dropped to the floor as both his massive hands rose to strangle the air in front of Dean’s face, inching ever closer to his actual neck. “What is ecstasy doing in the Tylenol, Dean!”
“You remember Chloe, right?” Dean said quickly, hoping to weasel out of danger with a memory. “The waitress from Lincoln with the sister who had the big…” He smirked, hands out and curved around his chest. “You remember. Anyway- I didn’t want to just leave it laying around so…”  
Sam’s jaw was near to breaking with how tightly he gnashed his teeth together. “So you put it in the Tylenol?” His voice echoed down the hall and Dean shushed him quickly, lest Y/N come running.
“I forgot, OK? I was drunk. Anyway, it’s old. That was like three years ago. You’ll be fine. Just...go lay down. You’re freaking vibrating.”
Sam spun around three times, tugging at his hair as his muscles twitched. “Fuck. Fuck.”
“Go lay down and sleep it off,” Dean ordered, clamping a firm hand on his brother’s shoulder. “You’re fine.”
“Remind me to kill you tomorrow.”
“Will do, buddy.” Dean patted his back and gave him a push, sending Sam off to bed. “Goodnight.”
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The sheets were so soft, Sam couldn’t stop touching them. He ran his hands down across the mattress, feeling every single thread in the woven fabric, wondering if he could count them all if he concentrated really hard.
The pillow was cool against his cheek. It rubbed against his face, so soft and cool, wicking away the heat from his skin until it was warm and he frowned, quickly flipping it over to feel the cold again. It was amazing.
He was burning up, sweating and prickling with energy. He could feel every hair on his body, every cell was alive and moving. It was maddening and incredible, and he wanted… something. He needed...something.
Y/N knocked, but Sam was too lost in his own frantically dancing thoughts to acknowledge her. She opened the door a crack, peeking in just to make sure he was decent.
He jumped at the sound of her sweet voice and turned over quickly, sitting up to face her. “Hey, Y/N/N.”
She stepped inside and kicked the door shut with a tap of her heel. “I just wanted to check on you,” she said cheerfully, tossing a water bottle at him. “Feeling any better?”
He missed the catch and the bottle landed by his side on the bed. “Uh, yeah. Good. Why? How are you? Are you ok?” He rambled while trying to pick up the bottle, immediately distracted by the weight of the water and the way it felt moving in his hands. He stared into the clear plastic and Y/N raised her brows in worry.
“What is going on with you?”
“It's like holding an ocean,” he mused, entranced by a bubble near the cap.
“Right.” Cautiously, she came close and touched his hand, moving it and the bottle away from his eyes. “Sam…”
The touch of her fingers on his made Sam's blood sing. His focus zoomed in on her delicate hand, the supple, soft skin, the dimples of her knuckles. He couldn't breathe for what seemed like forever, his lungs frozen, body void of all function except the nerve endings that sizzled with her touch.
She cocked her head at his faint whisper and moved her hands to his cheeks, looking him over with concerned eyes. “Sam, what's wrong? Tell me what you need.”
He took a quick breath and looked up into her eyes, losing himself in the heat of her hands. “I need…”
She leaned closer, wanting to help, scared of the wild look in his eyes. “Tell me. Anything you need, Sam. I'm here.”
His pulse was pounding, loud in his ears; his skin was on fire, stomach churning with nerves. He breathed deep, trying to calm himself but finding no point. She was what he needed. Always had been. “I need...you.”
Her breath caught and Y/N shook her head gently, in confusion not disapproval. “What?”
“You,” he said again, eyes looking deep into hers. “I need you, Y/N.”
“Are you-”
Sam laid his hands on top of hers, his eyes rolling a bit at the softness of her skin. “High? A little. Yeah. Dean and the- it's a long story there was a waitress with- it doesn't matter.” She let him ramble, amazed by the strange lightness of his voice. Sam stumbled over his own tongue, words spilling out before he could think them through. “The point isn't about the waitress. I had a headache and- Y/N… can I?”
She laughed gently. “Can you what, Sam?”
“I wanna kiss you. Can I- um...may I kiss you?”
Heart in her throat, unable to answer, Y/N simply nodded and chewed nervously at her lip, waiting for the kiss she'd wanted since the moment they'd met.
Sam's face lit up with a smile. “Really?” He moved his hands from hers to hover over her cheeks, unsure if he should let them land. He could feel the space between them, their auras touching, atoms ricocheting off each other in the tiny gap.
“Yes, Sam,” she sputtered in a whisper. “Kiss me.”
It wasn't a kiss, it was an explosion. Sam let go of every nervous doubt, every worry, every self conscious thought that had ever passed behind his hazel eyes and finally took a leap two and a half years in the making.
His fingertips landed on the apples of her cheeks and he pushed upwards, taking her lips without a second thought. The feeling was maddening and Sam sealed his eyes shut tight, enjoying the sensations sparking against his mouth. She breathed against him, parting her lips to snake her tongue across his mouth and Sam moaned loudly, his hands moving to grab hold of her neck and shoulders, pulling her down.
They fell onto the bed; sheet billowing around them as their bodies tangled. Sam kissed her again and again, unable to decide which kiss felt better: the quick press of warm lips, or a lingering, soft pull. When her tongue touched his again, he gave up trying to analyze and licked into her mouth like a starving man.
Y/N tried to roll off of his chest, but Sam followed her, turning onto his side so that as much of him was touching as much of her as he could manage. The very thought of moving his hands away from her body was sheer panic, and he clung to her with all he had.
“God, you feel so good,” he panted in between kisses, holding her close. He ran his hand up and down her side, marveling at the dip at her waist and the softness of her hips. “I never knew it could feel so good. Fuck. I…” His voice was cracking, nervousness creeping back into his mind. What if she didn't want more, what if she was just here because he was a wreck? His fingertips paused at the hem of her shirt, twitching as he debated reaching under the cotton. “Can I- I need to- feel you.”
Y/N kissed him hard and grabbed his hand, guiding it up underneath her shirt. Sam stiffened as she pressed his palm against her breast and he let loose a husky growl.
“Touch me, Sam,” she urged, squeezing his hand so that his fingers curled around her. “I want you to.”
He sighed against her lips and the animal inside took over. Sam lifted her with him as he sat up, quickly pulling her shirt off. He stared for a moment, stunned by the dip between her breasts and the soft mounds caged and held high by her bra. When Y/N unhooked the clasp and pulled the fabric away, Sam dove down, locking his mouth around her nipple, and feeling the flesh harden against his tongue. He hummed, feeling every dimple like a spark of fire on his lips, and he sucked hard, drawing a husky moan from Y/N.
“Fuck, Sam!” She pushed her fingers through his hair, nails scraping his scalp. When he bit down on her, she yanked a fistful of hair and Sam let her tit fall from his mouth as his head flew backwards, eyes rolling as tortured pleasure spread through him like icy fingers down his spine.
“Do it again,” he breathed, chest heaving, lips wet and parted.
Y/N pulled his hair again and he let out a wail of desperation and sank back onto the bed.
“You feel so good,” he murmured, reaching for her hips to pull her close. “Everything feels so good.”
She wiggled her arm out from beneath his head and tossed a leg over him, straddling his trim hips. Sam looked up with dark eyes that struggled to focus, his lips trembling as she plucked his shirt buttons open. His hands traveled slowly up her thighs, massaging with unmappable touches as he tried to feel all of her at once. By the time his hands cupped her breasts again, Y/N had his flannel open and she bent down to lick at his chest while pushing the cotton further from his broad shoulders.
“Oh-my-god.” He was near to hysteria, every atom in his body craving more. “Please.”
The tip of her tongue flickered, hot, over his left nipple and Sam nearly roared as the sensation zapped through him. Y/N sat back then and rubbed her ass over his jeans, making his eyes roll back hard.
“I-I-fuck, please...” His jaw dropped as she rocked forward again, denim on denim, rough yet gentle; friction heating the air between them and making his cock swell even harder.
Y/N tugged her hand through his long hair once more, loving the silkiness between her fingers, the pathetic cry it pulled from his throat. “You need something else, baby?”    
She yanked the chestnut strands, winding her fingers around the soft locks until her knuckles grazed his scalp.
“Tell me.”
Sam opened his eyes, struggling to focus on her, panting as the pain spread like delicious fire across his skull. “Need to fuck you. Please.”
Another firm tug lifted his chin and Y/N kissed him hard, plunging her tongue into his dazed mouth, lapping at the stale taste of beer and mint that lingered on his tongue. “You sure?”
His head lolled to the side when her hand disappeared. “Yes. Please. Please.”
Zippers were ripped, buttons snapped and belts opened, drawers discarded. Sam could barely stand it. The slide of his own hands as he undressed drove him insane; the sight of Y/N stripping for him made his heart beat dangerously fast.  
Finally, she came back to him, hopping back into his lap, taking his lips again as she slid down, slowly impaling herself on his enormous erection. She inched down as gently as she could, holding her breath against his mouth as her cunt stretched for him.
Sam held on, wrapping his arms tight around her back, holding her close so neither would fall. His head was spinning, his blood rushing too fast, pounding in his ears.
“It’s OK, Sam,” Y/N whispered, kissing his cheek sweetly, “I got this…”
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Dean tripped over his bootlace in the hallway but caught himself and laughed it off, thankful that no one was around to see his balancing ballet. Realizing he was putting himself in mortal danger, he finally shut down his game and stashed the phone in his back pocket, sighing as he said adieu to his high score.
“I could go professional,” he mused as he passed Sam’s room. “Do they do tournaments for Tetris?” He paused, scrunching up his nose as he thought about the ridiculousness of such an idea.
“Hey, Sam?” Dean spun on his heel and headed back to Sam’s bedroom, lifting a closed fist to knock on the door. “Do they do Tetris- oh...”
Just as quickly as he had before, Dean spun around again, this time smirking as the unmistakable sounds of fevered lovemaking made their way through the ancient door. Shaking his head, Dean made a mental note to ask Sam about his new money-making idea in the morning. That, and what he and Y/N had gotten up to thanks to his accidental drugging.
Dean laughed to himself. “Poor kid needs to be stoned to make a move.”
From behind the door, Y/N let out a wail, screaming Sam’s name without care.
Dean paused for a moment to listen, nodding proudly before heading off to bed. “That’s my boy.”
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2020 Forever Tags: @67-chevy-baby​ @akshi8278 @akhuna01​ @amanda-teaches​ @because-imma-lady-assface​ @blondemarvelchick​ @blushingjared​ @broiderie​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @classic-rock-angel​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @covered-byroses​ @crashdevlin​ @deansgirl215​ @deans-baby-momma​ @deangirl7695​ @deanwanddamons​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @defenderrosetyler​  @dolphincliffs​ @dontshootmespence​ @edge-oftonight​ @emoryhemsworth​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @flamencodiva​ @focusonspn​ @herbologystudent252​ @heycasbutt​ @hornyandsmol​ @ilovefanfic86​ @i-love-superhero​ @ilsawasanacrobat​ @imjustadrummer​ @ivvitm1109​ @joseyrw​ @justagirlinafandomworld​ @justcallmeasmodeus​ @katymacsupernatural​ @laxe-from-outer-space​ @leatherandfrackles​ @lessons-of-red​​ @letsby​ @letsdisneythings​ @lonewolf471​ @maddiepants​ @mariekoukie6661​ @meganwinchester1999​ @missjenniferb​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @mummybear​  @onethirstyunicorn​ @our-jensen-ackles-love​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @starboycas​ @stephaniecanfield96us​​ @stoneyggirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @thebookisbtr​ @thehardcoveraddict​ @thevelvetseries​ @veevm​​ @winchestersister55​​ @wendibird​ @winecatsandpizza​ @winterpoohbear​
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danishmiilk · 4 years
if it isn’t too late 💋💄
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pairing || mark lee x fem!reader
au || best friends to lovers!au
genre || fluff; angst
word count || 2.2k
warnings || swearing (i think)
summary || your best friend leaves for Canada, taking a piece of your heart along with him. you liked him, but rejected him. is it too late for you to take him back?
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“are you really going to Canada?”
“yeah. i’m going to college there, remember?”
you sighed, having repeated this conversation more times than you’d wanted to the previous week. letting your eyes land on mark’s apologetic expression, you lamented the fact that you’d never gotten to do what you’d always wanted to before he left. he hadn’t left, not yet, but you’d never have the courage to do it, never again. 
“y/n? don’t cry, okay? i’ll still be back every summer to spend time with you.” 
it’s not the same, you thought, but merely sighed and leaned back against the headboard. your best friend sat on the opposite side of the bed, looking at you like he was sorry for his choice, but at the same time didn’t regret it. there was a hint of sympathy and sadness in his posture, and something else, almost longing. you shrugged it off, merely reaching over to hug him before saying, “let’s move on to a happier topic, okay?”
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it was hard for you to accept that your best friend for all eighteen years of your life was leaving for Canada, oceans away from you. you’d tried to come to terms with it, but imagining a lifetime without mark was almost awkward and impossible. 
you’d miss the late-night talks, the all-nighters before exams, the walks on the beach and the times you’d played together in the kindergarten sand pit (even when you’d both graduated.) you’d lament about not being able to attend college with mark, and only being able to see him once a year.
but most of all, you’d lament that you’d never gotten to tell him your secret (and you were sure, unreciprocated) feelings for him. you’d planned to tell him this year on his birthday, but on that same day when you’d finally been able to gather the courage to confess, he’d dropped the bombshell on you. you decided there was no point in confessing to him, because even if he did reciprocate your feelings, which you sorely doubted would happen, you’d only be able to date him for two months. fate didn’t allow for a relationship between you and mark, you thought. 
and so you pushed the feelings away, back into the depths of your heart. where they’d stayed for a very long time. where they would stay for a very long time. 
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you swore to murder whoever had woken you up at this ungodly hour. it was 4.a.m. in the morning, for god’s sake. who was even awake at this time? and who was awake and free enough to come and wake you up? grumbling in the dim light, you slapped your failing right arm lazily around the bed before finally managing to find your phone (and hurting your pinky).
squinting to let your eyes adjust to the light of your phone, you clicked on the sinning chat. 
mark lee 🥰🥳
- hello hellooooooooo
- meet me at the swings in the park please i have something important to tell youuuu
- can’t it wait please?? it’s like four am in the fucking morning
mark lee 🥰🥳
- nooooo i’m leaving in two weeks we don’t!! HAVE!! TIME!!
not having the energy to do anything other than leave him on read, you stifled a yawn and pulled on a sweater with blurry vision. you weren’t sure if you’d even put it on correctly, but you were too tired to care. 
after a face wash, you’d gotten slightly more awake and managed to gather the will and motivation to drag your tired limbs to the park which you’d spent most of your childhood at- and the place where you’d met your best friend for the first time.
cliche as it was, you halted your steps and rocked to and fro on the spot when you saw the boy waiting for you. a hoodie and jeans, with the hood pulled over his hair- very typical clothing for mark. he was just sitting on the swing, twisting the chains around each other then letting them go, spinning himself around on the swing. an admittedly childish act, but… he was so beautiful. you cringed inwardly from the cheesiness of your thoughts, but your heart sang a different song. 
your heart was happy, its beat erratic. you felt as if you were reliving the time so long ago, the time that you fell in love with him. the scene was almost perfect, perfect for a late-night confession. you didn’t want to get your hopes up, though. he was leaving in a fortnight. if only he wasn’t. if only.
the leaves that were blown into your face by the autumn breeze elicited a squawk out of you, alerting mark to your presence. searching his face for anything other than his usual awkwardness for a hint on why you were called here at this hour, you saw nothing but a hint of nervousness, uncharacteristic of mark. 
“so? what’s the matter, mark?”
the ever-present smile on his face suddenly vanished. fiddling with his thumbs, his shoelaces, the hem of his sweater and everything else, before finally speaking softly and haltingly, “well, i’ve kind of… liked you? for a while now? like a few years? and i’ve never been able to tell you this but… i’m leaving soon, and if you reject me then i can just… leave and… maybe it won’t hurt so much.”
“and what if i reciprocated your feelings?” you asked in a whisper. 
“you wouldn’t.”
“why are you making decisions for me? i do. i do like you back. i have for a long time now,” you reached your hand up to wipe moistness from your eyes, unsure of why you were even crying in the first place, in relief or regret, “we’ve wasted so much time.”
a hopeful expression began to show on mark’s face, like the sun peeking out from behind the storm clouds, “so… will you be my girlfriend, then?”
your heart broke. you wanted to date him, but at the same time you didn’t think you’d be able to handle a long-distance relationship. “i… can’t. it’s the distance. you’re going to- to- Canada. i’m staying here. i can’t handle this kind of relationship. and fate- fate obviously didn’t mean for us to be together. if it’s sending you off to Canada and it’s leaving me here… its intention was never to let us enjoy any relationship other than friendship.”
when disappointment flashed across his face, you nearly dropped everything and took back what you just said. “it’s- it’s fine- i just thought we could try at it- nevermind,” mark shook his head, “it was a stupid idea, forget i said anything. anyway… i’m sorry for calling you out here so late. i’ll just get going.”
i’m sorry, you thought desperately, i’m sorry. i’m sorry i’m not strong or brave enough to attempt a long distance relationship, i’m sorry i’m not courageous enough to take risks. having known mark for such a long time, you read him as easily as your favourite childhood book, and now, sadness and heartbreak were written in his every step. away from you.
you didn’t feel like going home, not yet. sitting down on the same swing mark had been on just a few moments ago, you resented fate in that moment. you resented it for sending mark to Canada, and for pulling the two of you apart. you could have had a ridiculously cute best friends-to-lovers kdrama plot, you could have enjoyed a nice, normal relationship, but fate didn’t allow for it. 
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understandably, neither of you tried to contact each other for days. the cloud of sadness that seemingly followed you around wherever you went got denser and denser, until your grandmother who was here to visit knocked on your door one day. “y/n, dear? can i come in?”
“how did it go with mark?” you’d told her about the crush you’d had on mark, and how he’d called you out in the middle of the night. when you just shrugged in response, she pressed on, “did he reject you? i thought he’d called you out to confess. the boy’s always liked you, you know. we could all tell.” 
it was the last straw for you. you crumbled and cried into her shoulder, feeling like a little girl once more. the two of you sat there in silence for a few more minutes, your grandmother running her fingers through your hair. when you’d calmed down, you looked at her with tears in your puffy eyes. “he… didn’t reject me,” you whispered in horror, “i rejected him.”
the gasp of shock your grandmother sucked in beside you did nothing to elevate your sentiments. “but… why?” your tone hardened, sadness turning into unadulterated anger, “fate won’t let us be together. it’s sending him to Canada, while i stay here. it’s the first time i’ve fallen in love, and yet i still can’t experience a relationship with my first love. it’s not fair. there isn’t any way we can be together.” without realising it, tears had begun to fall again. you wiped them away furiously, refusing to cry again. “i wish there was,” you said, detached, voice barely audible. 
your grandmother looked contemplative for a moment before beginning to speak slowly, “but that’s true! you don’t know when you’re going to be able to find a love like this ever again! when you find something like this, how can you let something little like fate get in your way? take this love and run away with it!” her voice began to escalate at the end, face shining with enthusiasm. you wondered momentarily if that was what she did with your grandfather.
“so you’re saying that… i should try to reconcile with mark, and we can give it a shot at all this relationship stuff?”
“yes. now go! you have a boyfriend to get!”
the world suddenly seemed five shades brighter as you grabbed your things, ready to leave, when your phone screen lit up with a notification.
calendar: mark’s flight today at 5pm! do not miss!
“fuck. his flight is in an hour’s time,” you panicked, trying to tie your hair up with your shoelace which was inconveniently lying on a table. (you hadn’t been focusing much on room upkeep ever since you rejected mark.)
your grandmother didn’t even bother reprimanding you for your less than appropriate language, instead slamming her hand down on the bed with more strength than you thought an eighty year old woman would have. “what are you waiting for? go get your man! grandma’ll be waiting for you right here, so you better come back with good news.”
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you raced through the halls of the airport, nearly knocking over five people, a stroller and a pet carrier, adrenaline pumping through your veins like it’d never before. you’d almost failed all your runs for phys ed in school, but you suddenly felt like usain bolt. you didn’t have time. mark’s flight was leaving in fifteen minutes, and you didn’t know when would be the next time he returned.
after an eternity of running, you arrived at the doors of the departure hall, where you saw a figure saying goodbye hurriedly to his family. you felt your lips tug up in a fond smile - it was just like mark to be borderline late. “mark lee! MARK LEE! LEE MINHYUNG!”
he turned around to look at you quizzically. “y/n? i- i thought you wouldn’t come. aren’t you still- aren’t you still mad? because of that night?”
you knew your hair looked like a mess, your clothes crumpled and makeup nonexistent, but mark was still looking at you like you’d hung the stars. you grinned. “what kind of a best friend would i be if i didn’t come to send you off? however…” apprehension filled mark’s expression at your last word, only causing your grin to grow as you continued, “i’d prefer to be your girlfriend.”
you didn’t think your grin would be able to grow even more, but it did as you saw mark’s face morph into shock and elation. “yes, i’m serious. i was dumb and stupid and i’m really sorry but i’d still like to give this a try-”
cliche as it sounds, he kissed you to shut you up. the media portrayed first kisses wrongly, you thought. it didn’t feel explosive or anything really shocking, but it was special. it felt right, somehow, and your soul had been yearning for this for who knows how long. so you kissed him back.
you’d lost track of how much time had passed, but mark’s brother taeyong suddenly coughed very loudly and awkwardly. “right, we’re all happy you’ve finally gotten together and all because watching you dance around each other like idiots was the worst thing i’ve ever had to do and i once had to wake up sleepy hungover yuta, but mark’s flight leaves in five minutes and i think he needs to go.”
you pulled apart hurriedly, smashing your nose against mark’s chin in the process. “bye, i love you, take care in Canada, don’t die, and talk to me!”
“call me!”
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neither of you knew what the future held. but if you’re together, it’ll be alright. it’ll always be. and someday you’ll meet again.
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mfbakuhoe · 5 years
💥Detention💥 (Bakugou x fem!reader)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x fem!reader
Genre: Smut
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: smut, lowkey dissing while fucking, public sex, kinda sassy reader
A/N: Ok so I made this...and It took a whoooole turn from what it was supposed to be. So yeah.
,,...and think about your behavior and how to handle things like this as an upcoming hero“, Aizawa Sensei said, audibly and visibly exhausted as he looked at you and the annoyed ash blond, two seats away from you to your left.
,,This dumbass shouldn’t have started shit from the get go, if she can’t finish it“, Bakugou grumbled pissy, with his arms crossed on his chest and his narrowed crimson eyes fixed on the wall across from him.
Indignantly, you gasped for air, raising your eyebrows in disbelief.
,,I started shit? If you otto rocket built bitch wouldn’t obsess over me and always tryna argue with me-"
,,Stop it, kids! I don’t have the time nor the energy for that. I don’t care whoever started this, both of you are in trouble anyway!“ Aizawa Sensei mumbled stressed, massaging his temples.
He grabbed his yellow sleeping bag, preparing to leave this room full of tension.
,,I‘ll be back in about two hours. I need peace and some rest. When I‘m back, I want that you already solved the situation and to agree with each other. Got it?“
,,I asked, if you got it“, Aizawa Sensei repeated with a pressuring undertone in his voice. You nodded annoyed, turning your head to the side.
,,I got it, dammit“, Bakugou cussed, obviously as unhappy with the situation as yourself.
,,Good. Can‘t believe I have to waste my evening for that.“ With that being said, Aizawa left the classroom, slandering down the hallway into the teacher‘s room.
It was uncomfortably silent in the room, as you didn’t try to waste one glance at Bakugou and vice versa, the pride getting the best of you.
Usually you wouldn’t care about detention with anybody, but the person to your left wasn’t anybody. It was Bakugou Katsuki, your crush since your first year at UA High.
Well, no. He was definitely not your crush, since he is pretty obnoxious and mean, but you couldn’t argue about how attractive he was.
It was something about Bakugou, that made your body feel all hot and tingly when he was around. Something, that made you crave his rough hands all over your body and his pink lips harshly sucking on your neck, while you lightly tug on his hair.
But it shouldn’t be, since it was very obvious to you that he didn’t like you at all. Regardless of his opinion about you, you did your best not to jump on his lap and smash your lips on his.
You shook your head, trying to remove those tempting pictures out of your head, rummaging around your bag, pulling you smartphone out, so you could distract yourself.
Curious, Bakugou gave you a side glance, observing your actions.
,,Oi, dumbass. Put that fucking phone away. It’s against the rules”, he finally spoke, breaking the weird silence.
,,It was against the rules too, when you forced Midoriya-Kun to fight you”, you answered sassy, continuing to scroll around on your phone screen.
Bakugou grumbled in response, probably cursing you. A cheeky smile crept up your face.
Suddenly you heard a squeaky sound, signalizing, that a chair was pushed back, before a big shadow appeared over you. Two big hands slammed on your table, as spiked hair tickled your forehead.
You lifted your head up, removing your eyesight from your screen as your (e/c) eyes interlinked with crimson eyes.
Bakugou’s face was so close to yours, you tried not to gasp for air in surprise as your heart rate went up times 100 in comparison to before.
,,Look, Idiot. I’m not trying to be your fucking friend, alright? I got shit to do, so you better cooperate, so I can leave“, he mumbled dangerously, not breaking the eye contact.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, trying not to press your lips on his.
,,Do I look like I wanna be friends with sonic the hedgehog? I preferred Shadow anyway“, you said calmly, putting on a poker face as you tried to sound as cool as possible.
You pursed your lips, looking up and down from his eyes to his soft looking lips, trying to keep you hormones under control.
Bakugou raised an eyebrow, as he noticed your moving pupils. As he realized the amount of attraction you felt towards him, he licked over his curled up lips, causing your abdomen to pull together.
,,W-what?“, you stumbled, your voice shaky as your nervousness increased. Bakugou chuckled breathy, causing you to feel highly insecure under his view.
He lowered his head even more, a sheet of paper could barley fit between the two of your faces. Surprised, you pushed your chair back as the grin on his face grew even wider.
,,What are you doing?“, you asked hastily as you stood up. ,,You’re such a fuckin‘ idiot Bakugou. I‘m outta here!“ You grabbed your stuff, ready to rush through the door, before Bakugou grabbed your upper arm pulling you back.
,,Where do you think you’re going, Stupid?“, he asked seriously, his face undefinable, not showing any emotion.
,,I said I‘m outta here!“ Before you could pull the doorknob to open the door, you body was turned around, your back hitting the door.
You hissed in surprise and slight pain. Your eyes met those damn crimson eyes again, as you opened them to get clear about your surroundings.
,,Are you crazy? That hurt!“, you complained, trying to push him off of you but he didn’t budge. You were trapped between his body and his arms, placed left and right next to your shoulders as he towered over you.
,,You can‘t leave until we figured this shit out dumbass“, he grumbled lowly, sending a cold shiver down your spine. Bakugou didn‘t seem angry or annoyed as per usual. He was rather intimidatingly calm and balanced.
,,Wh-why don’t we just tell Aizawa that we‘ve had an agreement. He‘ll surely believe us“, you stumbled nervously as you nibbled on your bottom lip.
,,Because I wanna solve this fucking situation my way“, he mumbled.
You squinted your eyes as Bakugou suddenly lifted his right hand, afraid of him to slap you across the face but you soon relaxed in surprise as you felt his rough fingers tugging on your bottom lip.
,,Did you think I‘d slap you?“, he asked slightly concerned watching you nod lightly. He growled lowly before a grin covered his face.
,,The only thing I’ll slap is that fat ass of yours”, he said amused leaving you in utter shock as you realized what he’d just said.
You ripped your eyes wide open as you understood how serious he was.
,,W-wait we can’t do this!”, you said defensively.
,,Didn’t Aizawa say we’re supposed to solve the situation? He didn’t say how, did he?”
Hesitantly, you began biting your lip again before Bakugou roughly tugged on your chin, causing you to stop.
,,Oi, stop biting your fucking lips off. I still need them around my cock later”, he smiled cocky, releasing your chin.
You frowned. ,,I fucking hate you Bakugou Katsuki”, you hissed before harshly pressing your lips on his. It even caught him by surprise, since he didn’t kiss you back at first.
You thought you had the dominance over him but as soon as he kissed you back, he slid his hand around your throat, lightly pulling you away from the door as he pushed you on the teacher’s desk never breaking the kiss.
Bakugou roughly pushed his tongue between your lips, searching for a battle with your own. Both of you fought for the dominance but he won, grinning larking into the kiss.
Your lips parted before you felt Bakugou placing wet kisses all over your neck, sucking on the sensitive skin. Your legs wrapped around his waist, hansa tugging on his blonde spikes, just as you’d dreamed before.
Feeling Bakugou so close to you felt even better than you’d imagined all the time. His lips were even softer than they looked and the kisses on you neck even more intense than you thought.
His hands grabbed the collar of your shirt, ready to unbutton it, but you stopped him.
,,We don’t have that much time you blockhead. Just fuck me!”, you whispered between heavy breaths. You heard a low throaty chuckle before Bakugou pulled your legs, causing you to lay on your back snd your legs on his shoulder.
You shrieked as his action caught you by surprise.
,,Oi, shut the fuck up idiot or you won’t get anything.“
,,Are you dumb? I can live without dick! You want this pussy though!“, you argued, supporting your upper body on your elbows. Bakugou frowned in annoyance.
,,We only have about 30 minutes until Aizawa Sensei comes back. Do you really think your weak ass could make me cum that fast?“, you challenged even though it was obvious to you, that Bakugou‘s mere existence could make you cum.
,,You wanna challenge me, dumbass?“, he asked raising an eyebrow at you.
,,Sure, stupid ass bitch!“
Suddenly, Bakugou flipped you around, causing you to kneel on all fours, facing the window across from you.
,,Stop twisting an flipping me like a fucking pretzel!“, you complained.
,,Stop fucking complaining. If we had a bed and more time, you‘d look like origami.“ You giggled at his straightforwardness but your laughter muted quickly, as you felt a harsh slap on your ass, only covered by your panties.
You gasped, listening to the slap sound echoing through the room. You felt how you panties were pushed to the side, exposing your already wet folds.
,,Mmh, so wet for me, talking about I can’t make you cum that fast“, he said cockily placing another harsh smack on your ass. You jolted forward moaning in response. You could hear the grin out of his chuckle at your reaction to him.
Bakugou implied to take of your panties, by tapping on your upper thigh.
You tilted your head to the side, looking at what Bakugou was about to do next but he noticed and roughly pushed your face down on to the cold wooden desk material.
,,Are you crazy?“, you mumbled as he still held your head in place.
,,Ass up and face down babygirl.“ You felt your abdomen clenching at the sound of his voice, unable to resist his sassy behavior.
,,Let me get a taste of you, princess“, Bakugou hummed happily, spreading your ass cheeks apart as he lowered his head. Finally you felt his warm tongue licking from your clit to your dampness causing you to let out a long satisfied moan.
Bakugou began to passionately make out with your heat, sucking and licking out your juices and flicking his tongue on your nerve bud, leaving you as a moaning mess.
,,You like that don’t you?“, he asked before humming against your clit, sending vibrations through your body. You simply nodded, to focused on the amount of satisfaction his actions brought within you. You felt your high slowly reaching you.
,,Answer Daddy, bitch”, Bakugou demanded slapping your ass again.
,,Ow!”, you shrieked annoyed sending him a death glare. ,,Shut the fuck up Katsuki! Just do your fucking job!”
,,My job? Fuck are you talking about, Brat?”
You laid your head back down, waiting for Bakugou to continue eating you out, as you ignored his question. Suddenly you felt a big hardness stretching out your walls.
,,Oh fuck”, you moaned surprised as you realized what it was. You didn’t expect Bakugou to be this big although he radiates big dick energy.
His member filled every inch inside of you, causing you to press the air out of your lungs and buck your back at the amount of intensity.
As you adjusted to his size, you waited for him to move but, s you didn’t felt anything moving, making you got impatient.
,,What are you waiting for? Move.”, you whined
,,Oi, bitch, call me daddy first!”, he insisted.
,,Stop calling me a fucking bitch, Idiot!”
You heard Bakugou growl throaty, as he understood you wouldn’t give in so fast, so he finally began moving.
He went relentlessly fast, almost as if he hated you. His sudden roughness didn’t give you any time to clear your mind as you moaned nonstop for yourself.
Bakugou arched your back, intensifying the pleasure for the both of you, causing you to cry out in satisfaction.
,,Fuck, you feel better than I‘d imagined“, he said between his heavy breathing as he continued to fuck you merciless.
As his tip began to rub against your G-Spot it didn’t take you long until you felt your interrupted high from earlier to approach you again.
,,Katsuki, I’m gonna cum!”, you cooed as you began to move your hips to his consistent rhythm. The slapping sound turned up banging through the room in combination with your irregular moans.
,,Oi, beg me!”, he demanded.
,,N-no!”, you stumbled to focused on your upcoming high. Suddenly he stopped moving, again taking the needed release from you.
,,H-hey! Why’d you stop!”
,,Fucking beg me. What do you want, baby?”, he said provoking, scratching on your pride.
,,Come on, Katsuki please!” you pleaded hesitantly. He placed his hands on the table left and right next to your ass, his chest touching the got skin of your butt as his cock still rested inside of you.
You knew he wouldn’t give you what you wanted until you gave him what he wanted first. You sighed needy.
,,Please fuck me Katsuki. I need you to fuck me till I cum. Please!”, you begged embarrassed.
,,Aren’t you forgetting something”, he whispered lowly in your ear, causing goosebumps all over your skin. You knew what he was implying. You clenched you jaw, as your pride got disrespected.
,,Please Daddy”, you pressed through gritted teeth, listening to the low chuckle of the ash blond from behind you, before you felt the reckless pounding continuing.
He pulled your upper body up by your neck, arching your beg for the ultimative feeling for the both of you. Before you even realized your walls clenched around his length, milking all his juices as he poured them inside of you.
Bakugou grunted lowly as he rode both of your highs out, letting go of your neck, causing your upper body to fall back on the desk.
,,Oh my god”, you mumbled perplex as you tried to process what just happened.
,,Guess I won the challenge, didn’t I?”, Bakugou grinned mischievous as he watched you wiping away the mixture from your cum with your panties.
,,I guess”, you smiled uncomfortably as you hopped off the desk. Reusing those panties wasn’t possible now, so you accepted the fact, that you had to walk back without panties on.
Your eyes slid to the clock on the wall, as Bakugou and you tried to rearrange the room to its original state.
As you wiped over the desk, you glanced at Bakugou, who’d casually leaned against the blackboard calmly following your movements.
,,What?”, you asked annoyed.
,,You owe me a Blowjob.”
,,I don’t owe you-“ But before you could finish your sentence, the door was ripped open and a sleepy man in a sleeping bag appeared behind it.
,,So students, I hope you were able to clear any misunderstandings and agreed with each other. With that being said; you are dismissed”, Aizawa Sensei sighed relieved, as he made space for you, implying to leave the room.
Both of you grabbed your things, you rushing pass him first. You felt highly uncomfortable walking past your teacher after what happened on his desk, especially without panties on meanwhile Bakugou seemed unbothered as always.
You rushed down the hall way and as you wanted to turn, a big hand grabbed your upper arm, lightly pulling you back.
,,My room in 2 hours”, he said before he left through the school entrance, leaving you nervous.
Didn’t matter how much you tried to ignore the feelings Bakugou stirred up within you, you couldn’t deny how much you wanted to repeat this experience with him.
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cozykhaos · 4 years
A New Sun Part 14
I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long! I had to wait for inspiration to strike and it did! And to apologize there is some sexy bits! 
It was too early in the morning to be awake, I had been up most of the night working on my latest project I was hired for. At ass o’clock in the morning I heard a knock at the door, which I promptly ignored. It didn’t stop my door from creaking open and my mom asking me for help. I groaned and pulled a pillow over my head.
“Please Sebby,” she sat down on the edge of my bed. “I just need help with loading and unloading, I’ll have help once we get to the beach.”
I sighed. The Luau my least favorite holiday.
“I know you were up late last night but Maru and Demetrius are working in the lab, I could really use an extra set of hands.”
The sentence caused me to grinned my teeth together. OF COURSE THEY COULDN’T HELP. Why should they have to help while they worked? I just stayed up all night working my ass off but no one cared about that.
My eyes popped open, of course she would be the one to get me motivated. I grumbled and sat up.
“Thank you Seb,” my mom smiled and gave me a quick hug before leaving. I dressed in gray shorts, purple tank top and my work boots then headed out. Mom handed me my to go mug, already filled with coffee. A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth.
We loaded the truck in record time and drove down to the beach. The planning committee was already there. Mayor Lewis, Haley, Evelyn, Marnie, Gus the towns over achievers. A wildfire of curls caught my attention, her once alabaster skin had lost the angry sunburn and had now tanned into a golden honey, a constellation of freckles were sprinkled over her arms and face. I hadn’t seen her since last week when we went on our scavenger hunt. Once she had the items in hand she had thanked me and all but ran away. Since then neither myself, Abigail or Sam had seen her.
I turned away from Kit and started to unload the truck of the buffet tables and stage for the cauldron of soup.
“We can just put them right here, the others will figure out where they need to go,” mom said, starting the line up.
I grunted a response as I lifted a table. I glanced back over at Kit, she was listening intently to Lewis and nodding.
Mom and I unloaded the tables in record time, I was ready to go home and take a shower then find my way back to bed. I slammed the bed of the truck closed just as mom said. “I’ll be right back, I’m going to talk to Lewis.” I rolled my eyes as she turned her back and leaned against the closed door. My fingers tapped against the side of my leg. I just wanted to sleep. I just wanted -
My thoughts were cut off, I could feel her eyes on me. I looked up and even though she was across the beach I could see the look of concern on her face. The corners of her mouth pulled into a frown, her eye brows knitted together. The look vanished when I raised my hand in a small greeting. She beamed, her smile reaching her green eyes.
Fuck. What did I do to deserve that smile?
I looked at the ground.
Then turned.
And left.
I didn’t deserve her smile. Or the gaze of her bright green eyes, the color of the new summer advances. I didn’t deserve to gaze upon her face, where all I wanted to do was to trace the new constellations of stars that were sprinkled across her soft skin.
Love is hard, fucking is easy.
I dragged my hand down my face and scrolled through the meaningless names on my phone. There had to be someone in here to distract me from Kit. I flicked through the names, most of the girls I had met at a club in Zuzu called Fantasia. It was a BDSM club that I had started to frequent a couple years ago.
Like I said.
Fucking was easy.
No string attached.
No emotions.
Was that something that I could accomplish with Kit? Could I kiss her and feel nothing? I looked at the name on my phone, it was the girl from the electronic store in Zuzu. What was her name again?
That was it.
I remember the way she had fished my phone out of my pocket, typing her number in before sliding it back into my jeans. Hesitating I scrolled up to Kit’s name. There was a picture of the two of us as her icon picture. Her red curls flared around her, unable to be tamed that day. Clover green eyes clear and that smile reached upwards and filled them. Then… then there was me. I didn’t deserve her.
I scrolled back to Morgan’s name and sent a text.
Kit’s P.O.V.
Abbie and I watched, wine coolers in hand as Sam and Vincent built a sandcastle. The day was warm with a vibrant blue and cloudless sky. The luau was one of the few celebrations that I was apart of growing up and the nostalgia was comforting. I looked back at mayor Lewis who was speaking to the Governor, for a moment I expected to see my grandfather standing next to them.
“I don’t understand, where is Seb?” Abbie said checking her phone again.
“You know he hates these things,” Sam spoke over his shoulder. “He will probably skip the luau and show up for the bonfire tonight.”
“Bonfire?” I asked.
“Yeah, we have it every year,” Abbie finished tapping out a message then looked turned to me. “Did you not come before?”
I raised an eyebrow at her.
“Really?” Abbie paused, her eyebrows knitted together. “For some reason I remember you being there.”
“That’s just how strong our love is,” I bumped our hips together.
“You know it boo,” Abbie slung her arm over my shoulder.
“You guys are cute together,” Sam said.
“Can I have everyone join me around the cauldron please!” Lewis shouted from the middle of the beach. “Well folks, it’s time once again for the potluck ceremony. I trust that you all put high-quality ?ingredients in the post this year. We don’t want the governor to regret his visit to the valley! Well… Governor? Would you do us the honor of tasting the soup?”
“Of course! I’ve been looking forward to this all year!” The Governor clapped his hands together and rubbed them together. Abbie, Sam and I exchanged looks, Sam opened his mouth with what had to be a sarcastic comment when the Governor jumped in surprised.
“Oh my!” He belted out. “That’s the best soup I’ve ever tasted!” He didn’t hesitate to grab and bowl and fill it and slurped it down.
Lewis filled his own bowl and took a hesitant taste. “You’re right! It is delicious! Wonderful job everyone! Now, who else wants a taste?”
They were right, the soup was amazing. It was sweet from the tomatoes I brought, spicy from the jalapenos. The macaroni had absorbed the flavor of the bone broth. Even in the afternoon warmth the soup was delicious and comforting.  
That comfort lasted all day and into the evening. The sun melted behind the mountains casting the golden glow of honey onto the water. The girls and I passed a bottle of blueberry wine between us, a bottle that never touched a corporate shelf. It was sweet and cooled the sting of summer that had kissed my nose and shoulders.
“What games do we have planned for tonight?” Leah asked.
“Thought we would spice things up tonight with Kiss or Strip,” Haley wiggled her eyebrows.
Abbie perked up. “Speaking of, has anyone talked to Sebastian?”
I choked on a sip of wine, coughing I passed the bottle to Emily.
“Thinking of kissing Sebastian under the stars are we?” Leah teased.
“Someone is, but it isn’t me,” Abbie dug her elbow into my ribs. I slapped her arm away and turned towards the beach where Sam, Shane and Alex were tossing a football between them. Harvey and Alex stood back with there own glasses of wine.
Robin hadn’t seemed worried, she hadn’t even mentioned his absence when I briefly spoke to her earlier.
Maru pipped up from her spot next to Penny (who hadn’t touched the bottle of wine). “He left yesterday,” she shrugged. “Didn’t really say anything just that he’d be back sometime today.”
Abbie frowned, I reached for the bottle of wine and drank deeply.
“Come on, lets get this night started,” Haley bounced to her feet, with a twirl she sashayed down the boardwalk.
“That girl has more grace in her tiny toe than I do in my whole body,” Leah said.
“I really hate it,” Abbie sighed.
“Same,” Emily frowned looking after her sister.
I stood, my knees popping and I groaned.
“That’s more like it!” Maru clapped, her own knees popping when she stood.
Haley had confiscated the football from the guys and had taken a seat around the fire, the guys were sitting, Shane and Alex pouting that their game was interrupted.
“Since we have a new face I’ll explain the rules, granted the are stupid simple,” Haley flicked her golden hair over her shoulder. “You spin the bottle, you either choose to kiss the person it lands on, or strip. Easy, right Farmer?”
“Stupid simple,” I muttered.
She took out a square of plywood and grabbed an empty wine bottle, starting to pass it to Alex she reached over his head and handed it Harvey. There was a noticeable frown on Harvey’s face, even in the firelight, but he spun any ways.
I grabbed for a wine cooler and drank.
The bottle landed on Penny, Maru demeanor visibly sunk. Harvey shrugged and moved to kiss Penny, giving her a small peck.
Next to Abbie Sam cringed.
Elliot was next, landing on Abbie.
“By the way, if you want more privacy, feel free to walk to the other side of the beach,” Haley pointed.
“That doesn’t seem nes-” Abbie was cut off by Elliot’s lips pressing against her, his fingers curling through her purple hair. Elliot pulled away, his thumb brushing across Abbie’s bottom lip. Her mouth dropping.
“Want me to get your jaw for you?” I asked, pretending to pick it out of the sand. She slapped my hand away and stared at Elliot.
“At least close your mouth,” Sam shut her mouth.
The game continued, with Sam taking off his shoes when the bottle landed on Abbie. I followed suite when the bottle landed on Shane, next to me Emily squeezed my hand in thanks. Then when she spun and it landed on Shane, she practically lept across the circle and kissed him. There was an audible gasp from Shane before he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back. Haley cleared her throat loudly.
Three times.
Before Emily finally stopped kissing Shane, then kissed his cheek with a loud smooch. Emily plopped back down in the sand next to me, a giant smile on her face, the blush on Shane’s cheeks could of replaced the glow of the fire.
Alex spun next, the bottle pointing towards me. My heart rate quickened in fear, in case he did choose to kiss me. I could already feel Haley’s wrath and a shutter ran down my spine. For both of our safety and because Alex was fiercely loyal, he stripped off his shirt, revealing his toned abs, he was the first to show actual skin.
“Good boy,” Haley purred, running her fingers through his hair.
The game continued, I ended up kissing Sam on my next turn, a simple peck that tasted like Joja Cola.
I thankfully did not puke on him.
It was back to Elliott, who on this spin landed on me.
“My my, it looks like the bottle favors that side of the fire.” It was true, on his last turn he landed on Sam, whom Elliott had kissed, loudly and dramatically on the mouth.
Ellis moved towards me, Abbie shifted away from me, I turned to look at her when Elliot’s hand touched my cheek. I turned back to him, his lips grazed over mine, lightly pressing against mine in a chaste kiss. He returned to seat and I looked back at Abbie, still blinking at strobe light speeds.
“Right?” She mouthed at me.
“Seb!” Sam shouted as a shadowy figure sat next to him. “I knew you’d show your face eventually!”
“Sorry I’m late, I didn’t want to be here,” sitting criss crossed, Sebastian propped his elbow on his knee and rested his chin on his palm.
“Well thank you for gracing us with your negative energy,” Haley sneered, Sebastian flicked her off.
“Since you are late you’ll have to wait until we go around the circle again,” Haley said. Sebastian didn’t respond. I suddenly couldn’t remember how to breath and every second seemed to drag by.
Had he seen the kiss between Elliot and I? Why did it even matter? Why did I care? It wasn’t like he was interested in me. Unless Abbie spilled the beans and told him how I felt. She wouldn’t do that, would she?
What was I even doing here?
The Farm.
You’re a failure.
You’re letting your grandfather down.
He doesn’t like you.
“Kit?” Sebastian was leaning in front of me, the fire light blocked by his frame. My eyes darted back and forth, no one seemed to notice my panic attack or the fact I was now clutching the front of my shirt. “Kit, you okay?” He asked softly, I shook my head no. He held out his hand to me, I took it and he helped me up.
“Kit?” Haley asked.
“We will be right back, give her a minute,” Sebastian said pulling me along after him.
“Want me to come?” Abbie asked. I just shook my head, wither she saw me or not I don’t know, I just trailed after Sebastian, anchoring myself to the warmth of his hand in mine.
We crossed a small bridge, past some tide pools and to the rock face. I pushed my back against the cool rock surface and closed my eyes.
“Deep breaths, you’re okay,” Sebastian spoke quietly, he ran his thumb over the back of my hand, rubbing slow circles into my knuckles. “Hey Kit?”
I looked up into his dark eyes.
“Can I talk to you?” He asked.
I shook my head again.
“No?” His eyebrows knitted together.
“Now…. Is …. not… the best… time,” I said between gasp of breaths.
“I’m just bad at this,” Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck. “And if I don’t do it now, then I might not be brave enough to do it again.”
My eyes flicked downward.
Sebastian caught my chin between his thumb and forefinger and forced me to look up at him.
“Bash -”
My words were taken from me as his lips crashed against mine. He pulled me close, one arm snaking around my waist, the other planted against the rock wall behind me. I suddenly couldn’t figure out how to think, or what to do with my hands. Sebastian backed away and the ole’ hamster started running on its wheel again. I grabbed at the front of his hoodie and pulled him back towards me.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since we were kids-”
“Kids? Really?” He smirked.
“Teenagers, whatever. We are not done!” I snapped and pushed my lips against his. He placed both hands on the rock face behind us, trapping me. My hands slid down his toned chest, until I found his belt loops, hooking my fingers around them and pulled him against me. Feeling his hardness I let out a moan.
“Fuck, lets get out of here,” Sebastian groaned against my lips. He began to trail kisses down to my neck, sucking on the skin at the base of my ear, I let out a gasp.
It took me a moment to put a thought together to answer him. “What about the others?”
“I mean I’m really not into orgies,” he nipped at my ear lobe.
His knee found its way in between my legs.
“My shoes are still over there,” I wiggled my bare toes in the sand.
“Say the word and I can get Sam to grab them,” Sebastian whispered into my ear, pulling his phone out of his pocket. I couldn’t think properly with him so close. “Kit, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want too,” Sebastian moved to where he was looking down into my eyes. “Understand? We can go back to the fire right now. We can pretend this never happened, or talk about it later.”
I chewed on my bottom lip, staring up into his eyes. “What are you thinking about?”
“Wither I want you to cum on my face or dick first,” Sebastian shrugged.
“Lets get out of here.” I grabbed his hand.
“Follow me."
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Please Talk To Me
Warning: Angst, poly relationships, slapping, heartbreak. 
It had been 4 day’s since Willow had sprained their ankle. They were getting extremely frustrated with the brothers, Lucifer arranged with the brothers for them to have someone there all the time and it rotated who would be with them and when. None of them were letting Willow do anything, for themselves, Beel was usually in charge of food, Asmo helped with hygiene, and the rest were basically told to make sure Willow had whatever else they may need. They were lucky that they had their own bathroom, but that was as far as the brother’s would allow them to go, but what bothered them the most was that Simeon had been leaving them on read, picking up their phone and checking messages knowing there isn’t anything new. “Everything okay, Sweetie?” Asmo asked putting his nail file down while he sat on the bed behind Willow, who was sitting in the middle of their bed. “Yeah, why?” Willow said trying not to show how upset they truly were. 
“You looked at your phone and sighed before putting it down” Asmo said pulling them into his arms into a small embrace. “You know you can always tell us when something is going on” “I know, it’s over something stupid. I haven’t heard from Simeon since the game. He’s completely left me on read and I don’t know what I did wrong” tears were now spilling down Willow’s cheeks “I’m sure you haven’t done anything wrong, he might just be feeling really guilty about what happened” he cooed as he gently rocked Willow in his arms. “Yeah, I guess. It still hurts though” They said leaning back against Asmo’s chest, resting their head on his shoulder. “I know, I’m sure he’ll come around soon” he replied rubbing his fingers in their hair, lulling them to a gently sleep.
When they woke up the next morning, they heard Diavolo and Lucifer knocking on their door softly before quietly letting themselves into Willow’s room. “Good morning you two, what do I owe the pleasure of the visit from the both of you together” Willow said wiping sleep out of their eyes. “Asmo talked to us about what you told him” Lucifer said “fucking bitch snitch” Willow mumbled under their breath. “I’d… Wait what did you just say? Any way I’d already spoken to Simeon prior, Asmo is correct in Simeon feeling guilty. He’s not doing well. We want to help fix things” Diavolo said sitting on the edge of Willow’s bed. “How do you plan on doing that. I don’t mean to sound rude but what are you going to invite us both for tea but not tell him I’m going to be there?” they asked trying to stifle a yawn half way through. Lucifer and Diavolo just looked at each other “I thought it was a good idea” Diavolo said hanging his head. “Oh Dia, I was being sarcastic. I didn’t know that was what you had actually planned” opening their arms to him to give him a hug. “I’d stand to hug you but, I don’t think Lucifer would let me do that right now… Also how do you expect me to get there for tea, I’m lucky they let me shower on my own.” Willow said trying to watch their tone. “Beel offered to carry you over, it would be this afternoon” Lucifer said. “Does everyone know?” Willow cried. “Everyone except Simeon” Diavolo said softly. 
“How fast does gossip spread around here…I” grabbing their crutches to get out of bed “You know what, whatever.  I’m going to get ready, could I have sone privacy to do so please” Willow cried trying to shoo the other two demons out the door.    Tossing a pair of skinny jeans, a nice top and a towel over their shoulder they hobbled into the bathroom to get ready. As they were drying off they got a text from Asmo 
*Is everything okay, Diavolo and Lucifer are standing outside your door silently just staring at it.*
 *Yes everything is fine, Diavolo arranged tea with Simeon but he doesn’t know I’m going to be there. Thanks for snitching on me bitch XP* 
*I was just trying to help. I don’t like seeing you upset, Oh I should come do your make up before you go*
*I know you were, <3. Actually that would be a big help. I can’t balance and do my eyeliner without stabbing myself. The door is unlocked you can just let yourself in*
*See you soon* 
Moments after setting their phone down and starting to get dressed before Asmo burst in. “Oh no honey, let me pick you out something better.” Before turning on his heels and rummaging through Willow’s closet. Asmo came back holding one of Willow’s form fitting sweater dresses and their pair of grey booties. “Try this instead. I tried to find shoes that had ankle support and would fit around the brace.” Handing the clothes to Willow before turning around so they could change. “Did they give you a hard time before coming in” Willow asked as Asmo started on their makeup. “No I told them that you asked for help with make up showed them the text” He said as he delicately cupped their face. 
After finishing their makeup Asmo helped them gather their stuff and waited for Beel to arrive. “Are you okay, you seem nervous” He asked putting his arm around their shoulder. “I’m very nervous” Willow responded resting their head on his shoulder. The door suddenly swung open as Beel tried to grab it before it slammed into the wall behind it. “Sorry I didn’t mean to open the door that fast. I got excited to see you” He said his smile seemed to glow under the blush rising on his cheeks. “It’s okay, teacake, I assume it’s time to head to the castle for tea” Willow asked using a crutch to lift themself off the bed. “I get to be your noble steed for the day” Beel joked as he effortlessly lifted Willow into a princess carry nuzzling his face into their neck as he hugged them. “Oi don’t think that just because you’re the one carrying them that means you get to be all snuggly with them. Lucifer said he would meet us there” Mammon yelled as he barged his way into Willow’s room grabbing the crutches and their bag.
As they arrived at the castle, Barbatos was waiting outside for them telling them to keep quiet as they entered, taking Willow’s crutches and bag from Mammon as he walked over to Beel and Willow. “Simeon will be here soon, follow me Lucifer and the Young Master are already in the garden waiting. I made sure to make some of that lavender tea you liked Will” he said squeezing Willow’s arm gently. Once they got to the garden, Beel set Willow down in a high back chair facing away from where they were sitting so no one could see them. Once everyone got settled down Simeon’s voice could be heard from inside the castle. Willow could feel the knot in their stomach tightening as they nursed the warm teacup in their hand, slowly breathing in the calming aroma trying to focus on their breathing, but they couldn’t stop the hot tears that had lined their eyes. They could see Simeon’s robe before he turned around the left side of Willow. An audible gasp escaped his lips when he looked down and saw Willow staring back up at him with wide eyes and cheeks stained with tears. “Oh, Lilo… I…I” He stammered swallowing hard. “This is what this was about isn’t” he asked trying to choke back tears himself. 
“Why have you been ignoring me?” Willow choked out. Simeon kneeled down in front of Willow. Trying to take their hands in his, Willow jerked their hands away. Suddenly a loud crack echoed through the air along with a small shriek. Simeon was holding his right cheek as his head hung to the left. “Take me home Beel, please” the tears were pouring down their cheeks. As Beel picked them up they buried their face into his neck while they sobbed, not trying to hold back. Mammon gathered Willow’s things as he followed them towards the exit. Diavolo calmly got up and went after them to talk to Willow. When he caught up to them Willow was seated on a chair inside trying to get their breathing under control. 
Meanwhile Lucifer was left to comfort the now teary eyed Angel. “I deserved that, but honestly didn’t expect them to actually slap me” Finally looking up at the eldest brother. Lucifer tried to stifle a laugh when he saw that Simeon’s face had a large red welt in the shape of Willow’s hand on his cheek. “What’s so funny, Luci? Laughing at my pain is one thing but not theirs. I really messed up didn’t I?” Simeon asked “Yeah you did. I know you felt bad hurting them. But you hurt them more by ignoring them. I’m really disappointed in you for how you acted in response to their injury.” Lucifer said looking up to see Diavolo carrying Willow back towards the garden. 
“Let’s try this again” Diavolo said sitting down still holding Willow in his lap. “I can sit on my own, Dia” Willow said trying to wiggle their way out of the prince’s arms. Both of them now seeing Simeon’s face, that was still marked by Willow’s hand. Diavolo loosed his grip and had Barbatos help them hop over to Simeon, who then helped them transfer into the chair. Willow cupped Simeon’s left cheek softly “I’m sorry I slapped you. I was just so angry and it felt like I was being chastised. Please talk to me. I’m not mad at you for what happened during the game. I am about how you have been treating me.” “I know. I’m sorry” Simeon said leaning into Willow’s hand. “Let me see your face” Willow asked turning his face so they could see the mark, grimacing as they looked at the welt “I got you good, I really am sorry” they chuckled as they pulled them into a tight embrace. “Please talk to me next time. I’d rather work things out with you than against you.” 
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shyvioletcat · 5 years
Roommates pregnancy au but it's *Halloween themed*
Am I getting this in by the skin of my teeth? Is it still Halloween in places? I had planned to do it earlier today but it was either write or nap, and nap won.
For the sake of spoilers this happens before the incident but I still hope you enjoy it.
Masterlist for roommate pregnancy au
For the fifth time in 10 minutes there was a knock on the door followed by a muffled call of ‘trick or treat’. Rowan sighed angrily at the intrusion but Aelin swept by behind him towards the front door almost gleefully. “Hi, guys,” Aelin said opening the door. “Wow you all look amazing. Have some candy.” She said the same thing every time she opened the door. Rowan doubted it was actually true. Rowan hadn’t wanted to do Halloween, he wanted to leave the door unadorned and maybe even a no candy sign but Aelin had insisted. After a pretty heated discussion they’d come to a compromise. The door would be decorated and candy would be given out but Aelin had to do it all, Rowan would have no part in it. She also had to take down the decorations before leaving for whatever party she’d be attending tonight, because once she was gone he was not going to be handing anything out. Aelin ran back to her room, obviously to get ready. Rowan went back to his TV show, blocking everything else out. Then before he knew it there was another knock. Rowan paused the TV waiting for the flourish of noise, but Aelin didn’t come out.
“Can you get that one?” Aelin called from her room. “No,” he said back, scrolling aimlessly through his phone, waiting for quiet. “Please?” “That wasn’t the deal,” Rowan called back. The kids knocked again and hollered trick or treat a little louder. “I really don’t want to answer the door to a group of children with my boobs out so could you please get this one,” Aelin practically yelled at him. “Not my problem!” Rowan yelled back. There was an exasperated sound and then stomping and the banging of Aelin’s door being flung open. Rowan turned to see the solution to Aelin’s problem. She’d thrown on a loose sweater, arms folded over her chest. Aelin went through her ritual and closed the door a little harder than she usually did. And then glared at Rowan. “I don’t see a problem,” Rowan said meeting her stare. “The problem is that I had my hair done and was about to put on my dress, but I had to put something on so I didn’t answer the door half naked but didn’t want to disappoint the children so I chucked on the first thing I could find. Which was this. Which ruined my hair.” Rowan looked at her hair, he hadn’t noticed but Aelin had done something to make it look paler, almost white and the braids she had done were now loose and askew. “Well better get to it before there’s another knock,” Rowan said as he resumed his show. As Aelin went past she hissed, “Prick.” The next activity at the door wasn’t a knock from trick or treat-er, but Aedion arriving to pick Aelin up. “Hey man,” Aedion said as he closed the door behind him, he was dressed at Thor, cape and everything. “Hey,” Rowan said back. Despite his less that cordial relationship with Aedion’s cousin, Rowan and Aedion were quite good friends. “Aelin, hurry up!” Aedion called from the kitchen before inspection the fridge. “Shut up Aedion!” Aelin called back. There was a knock on the door and Aedion went to answer it. As he opened it there were audible gasps and a few ‘whoas’ as the kids took Aedion in. “Are you really Thor?” One kid asked. Aedion didn’t miss a beat. “Yes.” There were giggles and squealing then the door was closed. Rowan himself went to the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge, as he turned to head back to back to his spot on the lounge Aelin emerged. She was in a dress that had a white pleated skirt that hung low on her hips, it was attached by pieces of what looked like blue leather that crossed over her chest and then fanned out to created a small sleeve. The cups of the dress were the same colour of the skirt but textured to look like dragon scales. The way the dress was cut left Aelin’s sides bare and a diamond cut out over her taut stomach. She was dressed as Daenerys Targaryen. Lorcan’s most often used nickname for his roommate came to Rowan’s mind. Fire-breathing bitch queen. “Put a coat on,” Aedion said from his position by the door. “Don’t be a prude,” Aelin snapped back. “I’m not, its freezing outside,” Aedion said. Aelin sighed. “Ugh fine.” Aelin disappeared back into her room and Rowan heard Aedion step up beside him. Then there was a swift slap to the back of his head. “What – ” Rowan’s hand was immediately over the hurt. Aedion gave him a look. “That’s my cousin. Don’t even go there.” “I didn’t…” but Rowan stopped. Yeah, he had to admit he had been checking her out. Aedion’s look turned knowing. “Alright lets go,” Aelin said with her coat over her arm. She went straight for the door not bothering with goodbyes. Aedion followed Aelin out with a ‘see ya’. With the apartment now to himself Rowan resumed his evening of TV watching. He’d just settled into the perfect spot when there was a knock on the door. Rowan sat up. She didn’t… Aelin had left the decorations up on the door, no doubt on purpose as petty payback from him not getting the door while she was getting ready. Rowan groaned as he got up to answer the door, he put the candy in the bags before the kids even had a chance to say their line, and then he was ripping off the paper pumpkin cut outs and fake spider webs. The kids looked at him a little startled but then ran off to the next door. With the decorations under his arm Rowan stormed to Aelin’s room and scattered them over her bed for her to deal with when she came in wasted at whatever ungodly hour she got in. If she wanted to be petty about this it was fine, so could he.
I know its kinda technically not part of the main story but I’ll tag everyone anyway.
@fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @galyxsy // @tangledraysofsunshine // @highqueenofelfhame // @3am-reading // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @aelinfire-bringer // @nalgenewhore // @highladyofthesith // @http-itsrebecca // @sleeping-and-books // @average-girl-at-best // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @ttakeitbacknoww // @tswaney17 // @starseternalnighttriumphant // @rowaelinforeverworld // @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter // @they-call-me-cuatro // @musicmaam // @secret-lil-rendez-vous // @armixers-unite // @mariamuses // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @princess-galathynius // @heroesofterrasen // @ladyofstoriesandmusic // @tothestarswholisten // @chemicha // @therapeuticrambling // @mydarlingfireheart // @mybbyfeyre // @unassumingsodalovesherbooks // @amitynotpity // @loysydark // @queenophelia // @empire-of-wildfire // @crackedship // @camerooonchiu // @worldoffae // @notaddictedtoanything // @sierrareads // @lowhangingtreebranches //
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emomint · 5 years
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a/n: i want apologize to the person who requested i am sorry for the wait for such a suck-ish reaction; this is definitely not my best work, but i believe it is beginning to improve; also i forgot yixing, whenever i am able i’ll try to add him if that is what you all would like - emomint 🥀
warning: this is a mafia au, there will be violence including murder, vulgar language, and or abuse. if any of these things make you uncomfortable, do not read. ⚠️
kim junmyeon.
it was never intentional to talk to him, it would just happen. you were with [ex name] when he introduced you to junmyeon. supposedly they had just became allies within the business, but do to meeting you. 
junmyeon no longer cared for business with him, but pursuing you. even after stealing you away, he kept [ex name] around, as if he was flaunting you around. but the moment [ex name] even tried to have a simple conversation, he would be made an example out of.
“i believe i’ve said once before, no one that works here and anyone who wants to continue living, would stay away from y/n” junmyeon said to everyone in the break room, while looking at [ex name]
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kim minseok.
he had went away to prison; he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. of course, you were pissed, you were the only person to attempt to make him stay home.
he even had the nerve to tell you not to come visit him, after the judge realized who he was and wouldn’t allow bail. just that fast, he would be doing 6 months in jail.
out of rage, you called up an old friend, not even thinking twice about minseok’s workers. whom had immediately went reporting the news to hiss boss.
you had woke up to an empty bed, while the bathtub water was running. the door then opened, there stood minseok covered in blood. 
“jagiya, why don’t you join me in a bubble bath” he said giving you a sinister smile afterwards.
you took the opportunity to run as fast as possible out of the bedroom, but ahead of laid out was your secret lover. fresh blood pouring down the staircase 
“that wasn’t very nice of you to run away from me” 
“oh i see you’ve noticed our guest, he had worn out his welcome. now, again, come join me in a bath.”
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byun baekhyun.
you were mesmerizing to baekhyun and when he fell, he fell hard, as did you. but what about [ex name], you did leave him for baekhyun. but he didn’t lose hope, he would try everything get you back. flowers, chocolate, cards, etc.
but when he realized how deeply in love you were with baehyun, he became violent. he would flatten your tires, throw bricks into your windshield, and going as far as trying to break into your house. recently he had gotten in contact with you, blackmailing your fiancé and baby’s father. you, you had become with child 6 months previous, as baekhyun proposed right afterwards.
the same questions sat in the back of your mind, how far would [ex name] go to get you back? would he really try to strip your family away to get you back
sitting in bed thinking of different foods you’d like to eat momentarily seemed like the only thing you did nowadays. every now and then, going work on the nursery. when suddenly a loud sound erupted through the hallway.
girl don’t go
you got up to see where the noise was coming from.
goddamn it please just turn around
twisting the knob, before you could pull, the door was forcefully pushed open, there stood on the other side [ex name] with a devious grin.
before you scream, he had you against the wall, hand covering your mouth. while the other wondered around your body occasionally groping your breast.
“you think your too good for me” he said, breathe smelling like liquor
“please.....”you said barely audibly 
“why did you leave me? why did you leave me for him!!?” He yelled, slapping you in the process, making you fall.
you were furious, but still the tears began to pour.
“because, i love him!!!” you screamed attempting to knee him in the chest, catching his growing.
he then wrapped his hand around your neck.
“if i can’t have you, non-”
his eyes widen as he froze in shock, he collapsed onto you. behind him stood baekhyun, pistol in hand, and with a glare you’d never thought you would ever see. making eye contact with you, his eyes softened, rushing over to you, pulling after you as far away from the man and into his arms.
“i’m so sorry y/n. I left you and our baby unprotected. i am so-”he said laying his head in crook of your neck, as his tears poured out.
“i’m ok, let’s just stay like this for a little bit longer.”
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kim jongdae.
you had been married to kim jongdae the last 17 years. had 3 beautiful children and was a full time housewife. sure, to anyone on the outside, you were living your best life. but, you didn’t. you felt like you were living with a complete stranger, constantly craving affection and attention, you couldn’t get even from your spouse.
jongdae was still apart of the mafia, still coming home late as ever and still expected you to take care of him, his kids, and his home. 
going grocery shopping one day, you ran into an old friend from college. the two of you caught up, while sharing a bottle of wine. which led to a mistake.
but once you had gotten a feel of what you’d been craving, it became an addiction. you knew it was wrong, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
that is until one day. jongdae had gotten home much earlier than expected. walking in on the two of you in an act, he didn’t yell, or fight, he just began packing.
your head was finally out of the clouds and you were about to hit rock bottom. you began admitting to your fault, pleading him to stay and forgive you.
“you want him or me” he said, pulling the pistol from his holester
“you. it’s always been you” you said immediately 
before you could blink, the gun went off, shooting the person beside you”
“go clean yourself up princess”
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park chanyeol.
he was your ex. the two of you married when you were only 18, while he was 25. during those 6 years together, the two of you shared 2 sons, but you left due to his uncontrollable possessiveness. 1 year later and you lived happily hours away from chanyeol and now closer to your boyfriend. he was kind, patient, and was really good with your boys. he was-
“y/n, open the door” the voice from the other side barked, beating as if they were the police.
opening up. there stood chanyeol with your sons. not waiting for your approval, he’d let himself in.
“where’s your boyfriend” he asked, looking around in disgust.
he always had something against bf/n.
“why? chanyeol don’t you have places to be? possibly even people to do, you whore” you said, not forgetting to through into his face that you knew he has been a hoe, since your divorce.
“actually, i do. boys, why don’t you go try out the new games” he said to the children, still holding eye contact with you.
once alone, he began inching closer. before you could properly comprehend what you were getting yourself into, the two of you were completely naked in your bedroom panting after what felt like hours.
“i love you. still, i still am in love with you. i want you and the boys back at home with me, not some shitty apartment. but i am willing to wait for you, my love” he said, gently kissing your lips, then leaving.
that’s how it started. the two of you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself whenever around each other.
“are you sleeping with him? it’s a simple yes or no question” your boyfriend yelled, blocking the walk way
“no” you said, as he finally let you walk pass
“fuck, it’s not your doing it” you muttered a little to loudly, which caused his hand to connect with your face.
“bitch, so you just go around sleeping with whoever?” he asked, roughly grabbing your hair
“well, do you?”  he asked, yanking it you closer.
“no” you cried out.
the next few days, he began beating on you. you were thankful your boys weren’t around to witness such things happen. you couldn’t call for help because he had broken your phone and threatened to hurt you again, if you told anyone what happened. finally the day had come, bf/n would be leaving for work.
your thoughts were interrupted by two loud knocks.
oh no, chanyeol
you cracked the door enough to let the boys slip in, but quickly tried shutting the door before chanyeol could come in. but due to his strength compared to yours, he easily pushed open the door. causing you to turn the opposite direction.
“boys go play in your room” he said 
“hey, you alright” chanyeol spoke again, once alone.
“yeah” you said picking up the imaginary lint from the counter to avoid turning
“y/n baby, please look at me” he said desperately as he walked closer
slowly, you turned, he gasped seeing your face
“did he really-” chanyeol was now as red as a tomato
“it was an accident” you said covering for bf/n
“accident my ass’
“boys, pack your things” he yelled, earning two high pitched scream ‘ok dad’
“what are you doing” you said, heart pounding
“babygirl, just go pack all of your things” he said pulling the gun from his holster, checking for bullets
“chanyeol, what are you doing”
“look, just make sure you and my boys are ready to come back home” he said, pecking your lips before rushing out.
you spent the next five hours pacing back and forth after packing. eventually, around 4:30 am, chanyeol walked in, covered in blood. huffing in relief, you ran into his arms, not caring about the blood.  “i thought i...we lost you” you said wrapping your legs around his torso
“never, you will always be stuck with me” he said playfully
“is everyone ready?” he asked
“yeah, let’s go home”
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do kyungsoo.
kyungsoo was your knight, he had saved you from your own castle. you had previously been with [ex name] during a dark time in your life, looking back, you realized how much he was tearing you down, worsening your mental health. sure, kyungsoo was apart of the mafia but he was also caring, funny, and an amazing cook.
one thing you learned on your journey bettering yourself and health was to just forgive and forget.
which is why you were agreeing to meet with him, when you were told about his terminal illness.
“where the hell is y/n” kyungsoo said thinking out loud in the hall
“sir, she went out with her friends again” the maid said, carrying your 1 year old son down the stairs
“again? she never told me anything about going with friends” he said to himself lowly
feeling suspicious of his lover, he did what any normal s/o would do. he tracked your phone. which lead him to a cheap apartment complex.
he followed you for days, watching your every move, until the time was right to fall through with his plan.
finally, he went through, picking the lock, there stood y/n, feeding [ex name] soup, whom much different from the last time the two had seen each other.
before anyone could say anything, kyungsoo had a gun to the man’s head.
“kyungsoo, baby, please don’t do this, he’s sick, he only needed some help around here.” you said gently 
“help? send his ass to a nursing home-”he screamed, but immediately shut up, seeing your face.
 “aishh, you too kind for your own good, try anything and i just might find a way to ‘cure’ you” he said holding his gun, now sitting down in the recliner.
“is that the soup i made” he yelled again
“you can leave” you finally yelled back
“i was just asking” he said sinking into the chair.
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kim jongin.
“are you done yet.”
“i don’t even know why your jealous, we’ve never been official and again he is an ex.” you yelled at the jongin from the closet
“i didn’t have too, when i fucked you in my car, you became mines”
“and to say your with a mafia boss, you act like any clown can just come sweep you away from me” he continued, flopping onto your bed
“whatever you say” you said coming out of the walk in closet with a backpack
“i am not property, you don’t own me jongin, if you can’t respect that then i’ll be with somebody who will. bye.” you said walking out, before he could protest.
time skip
*boom* *boom* *boom*
“who is-jongin. what are you going here.” you scolded the man, who wasn’t looking at you, but around you at the man coming down the stairs
“babygirl whose at the door.” [ex name], your former lover, said wrapping an arm around you.
*bang* *bang* *bang*
the sound of his body hitting the ground caused the tears to start prickle out of your eyes.
“did you think, he could save you from me? i thought you were smarter than that. go get her shit.” he said putting the gun back in his waistband.
his henchmen then emerged from what seemed like thin air. going upstairs to grab your items.
“after you” he said letting you walk out of the house to his car
holding the door open for you, you slowly got into the vehicle. anticipating what was to come. once jongin was in the car with, he gave you the most evilest look. before you could speak, the back of his hand came in contact with your face.
“i thought he was just an ex, huh?” he barked at you
“you probably fucked him too, you slu-
“i didn’t. can you just take me home.” you said looking out of the window letting the tears pour out silently.
time skip
“are you really still ignoring me? it’s been 3 weeks since you’ve said anything to me.”
“i get it, he was your ex, but he was also your friend. i wasn’t thinking rationally at the moment, being blinded my jealousy. but i’m sorry for i have done, i can’t take it back, but..i’m sorry.” jongin said getting up to leave the room.
“your also possessive, grumpy, clumsy, lazy, manipulative, psychotic, narcissistic, and a overall monster. but...i love you.” you said, making him turn around with the biggest smile.
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oh sehun.
“fuck” the man said as he began pushing himself deeper into your womanhood
he began thrusting deep, but slowly, making sure you felt every inch. he missed you so much. he hated the fact that he had to share you with another man. why couldn’t you have stayed with him?
“just like that, don’t stop” you moaned, moving your hips upwards, slamming against his prostate
feeling your walls clinching around him, he sped up. both of your moans, following after, but he’d keep thrusting, making your milky cum gush from your inside. finishing up, he immediately got down, to your private, sucking and licking away the substance.
“oh my-
the door knob was then shot, making the door push open. outside stood your husband, one of the most powerful mafia bosses in s.korea, oh sehun.
“baby, i-
“shut up” he said
you immediately got up from the bed, grabbing your clothes.
“you lie to me, tell me your going to see your hoe ass friend. i allow you. only to find out you went to get your pussy wet.” he said looking at you with so much hate, you would feel the heated tears at the rim of your eyes.
sehun then turned to leave the hotel room.
“wait. sehun don’t go.” you yelled, hurriedly. as he halted at the door waiting to hear what you had to say.
“let him go, we can finally be together.” the man said rubbing his fingertips against your waist.
“choose, it’s me or him.” sehun said turning back to you, a hint of excitement in his eyes.
“i..i choose sehun” you said looking up at him nervously.
“y/n your not thinking this through. you said you loved me...we have history-
“exactly, we have history. nothing else. i love you [ex name], but not like sehun. i regret reconnecting with you, these few weeks have been a mistake. i’m sorry.” you said looking at your ex lover, who was now on his knees, hoping you change your mind and pick him
you brushed him off, slowly walking toward sehun afraid of what was to come.
“go wait for me in the car” he said, not sparing you.
you began walking out of the room, down the hall, before you could make it down the stairs. the sound of a gun going off rang through the hall. you continued walking, feeling the same heated sensation in the rim of your eyes.
“i’m sorry.” you said feeling a single tear shed, before getting into the passenger seat
minutes later, sehun got into the car, slamming the door. you kept your head down to avoid his criticism, but it never came. in fact, he drove silently, going the correct the speed limited, which made being in the car scarier because sehun had been known for speeding.
when pulling up, he silently got out, opening the door for you, walking away right after. he went straight to his office. after hours of being home, sehun still had himself locked away.
what would you expect
finally gaining the courage, you knocked on the door of his office, after standing outside for about 7 minutes.
hearing a faint ‘come in’, you entered
“i..i was...gonna go cook. are you hungry?”you asked trying to start a conversation
he looked up at you as if you had two heads, a dry laugh following.
“come here”
you slowly stalked towards his desk, coming around, so that you now stood in front of him. within what felt like seconds, he had you against the wall, right hand lightly wrapped around your throat.
“if you were even so much as breath the same oxygen as another man, i’ll kill him and make you watch, is that what you want princess?” he asked lowly into your ear, seeing rapidly shake your head no, he gave you a deranged smile.
“good. bibimbap will do for tonight.” he said letting you go, sitting back in his seat.
“sure thing” you said hurriedly scurrying out of the office.
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credit to the owners of the gifs
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darkwritingsnshit · 5 years
Make me
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    Warnings: This is a dark fic, please don’t read if you’re under 18 or uncomfortable with noncon or dark characters.       
 His fist hit the wall behind you and the paint cracked.
           “Why do you insist on testing me?” Steve had steely eyes, anger set in every line on his face.
           “What the fuck are you talking about? I got here twenty minutes ago and you’re already on my case, what exactly did I do wrong this time Steve?” You were sick his attitude lately.
           Steve had watched you for a few months before asking you out for the first time, had everything planned out, down to the pen you had dropped for him to return to you. It had gone well at first, he was so fucking sweet, always came with flowers, opened car doors and gave you his jacket. Not to mention those blue eyes had rendered you speechless and caused you to fumble your words the first time the two of you had spoken. Things were wonderful, but as time wore on, little things Steve did made you roll your eyes or think him overbearing.
           It had started when you weren’t home exactly at seven, he was calling  you up at 7:01, asking why you were late and who you were with, though you  had already told him you and your friend were catching up at her apartment. He always wanted to know who you were with, when you would be back, didn’t like you leaving him or the house for longer than an hour or so. Steve insisted on knowing the passcode to your phone, you had walked in on him going through your texts and even work emails and nearly lost it then and there. He always told you it was your safety he worried about, there were a lot of crazy people wandering around NYC.
           When Steve had introduced you to his coworkers, he had been difficult to be around for days. He insisted that you were flirting with Sam and Bucky, though you had only shaken their hands and made polite small talk. Nothing you did could convince him that you weren’t flirting with other men, even your gay coworker that came over for face masks and pedicures was not immune to Steve’s evil eye. 
           Twenty minutes ago you had walked through the door from work, you hadn’t the time to change clothes or relax on the couch before Steve had picked a fight about god knows what this time.
           “Don’t play dumb, sweetheart, if I wanted a girlfriend who fucked other guys, I’d go rent a whore.”
           “Who am I fucking, Steve? Please tell me because I have no idea.” You were tired of his accusations, they didn’t even make any sense. His possession and control issues had absolutely spiraled, making it hard for you to interact with any other person for fear that Steve would be angry.
           “I see how you look at your boss, how close the two of you get, how desperate you are for his approval. You think I’m stupid enough to believe that you don’t fuck him in the supply closet on your breaks? I know all about his late night texts and emails, you’re not fooling me.” Steve had you pressed against the paint he had cracked with his fist, and you were scared. He hadn’t ever hurt you, but the way he loomed over you, with three times the body weight and muscle as you, it was menacing to say the least.
           “Steve, he’s my boss. He texted me last night and said, “the morning meeting was pushed to 10”. The only approval I want from him is professional, forgive me for wanting a raise sometime in the next six months. What is your problem?” You were scared but held your ground. You hadn’t done a damn thing wrong, hadn’t flirted or slept with anyone but Steve since the two of you got together.
           “Stop lying to me and shut your fucking mouth.” He was growling through his teeth by now.
           “Make me,” was all it took for him to wrap a hand around your neck and kiss you rough; there was no love behind his lips, there was anger and aggression. You wanted to push Steve away, you were angry, hurt, tired of his bullshit, but he was stronger than you by far. You hit at his shoulders and he let you, when you tried to bring your knee up and hit him between the legs, he grabbed your thigh and wrapped it around his waist instead. Shifting his weight and hauling you up over his shoulder, he walked to the bedroom, threw you across the bed, ignoring your kicking legs and hits across his back.
           When Steve attached himself to your neck and tugged at your shirt, your fight was leaving you. By the time he ripped off your pants and shirt, he had you squirming on the bed, but no longer trying to get away. He wrapped your arms around his neck as he kissed you, you pulled him deeper, answering his lips with teeth and tongue. You shivered as he yanked your underwear down, tearing them in the process, his hand replacing the silk fabric.
           “You’re a wet little bitch, you’re a fucking slut, aren’t you?” Steve was hissing in your ear, his question brought the anger back to the surface and you bit down on his shoulder as an answer. “I bet you wish I was your boss, I bet you wish I was someone else, don’t you?” He was egging you on, taunting you as his fingers made you even wetter, made you moan into his words instead of screaming at him.
           “Fuck you,” turned into a moan as he sank into you, his pelvis meeting yours, making you gasp and whine. Steve always hurt, but it always felt so fucking good. He was rocking into you, making you feel good before pulling out and thrusting inside of you, hard. Steve wouldn’t stop, feet on the floor, your legs around his waist, he fucked you so hard you were sure you’d have bruises inside and out when he was finished with you.
           “Little, fucking, slut,” he punctuated his words with hard thrusts, making you scream as Steve filled you completely. You didn’t even care what he was saying, you just wanted him to keep going. Before you could cum, he pulled out and flipped you onto your stomach, you were whining until he slammed back inside of you, yanking your hips tight against him. His hand went to your hair, making a fist and pulling your head close to his.
           “You’re going to cum all over my cock, aren’t you, whore?” You could feel his anger as he fucked you, you tried to shake your head but he was holding your hair too tight.
           “I’m not, a whore,” your voice was breathy, hardly audible over the skin on skin and wet noises Steve and you were making.
           “Maybe not,” Steve released your hair, “but you’re still gonna cum all over me, aren’t you princess?” You really didn’t even want to at this point, but the way Steve was fucking you, the angles he was hitting and the way he gripped your hips had you crying out and gushing around him before you realized it.
           “Fuck you,” you somehow managed, unable to life your head or move at all, fingers tingling from your orgasm, Steve was pushing you into another one and he knew it. You came again as he did, you could feel him cum deep inside of you and stay there, slapping your ass before he pulled out and stepped back.
           You couldn’t move, just laid on the mattress with your eyes closed. You could hear Steve in the drawers behind you, heard him walk into the bathroom and crank the shower.
           “The reservations are for seven, so you better get cleaned up fast.” He shouted. Dragging yourself up the bedspread, reality hit you in the face, as you realized Steve was right. It wouldn’t look very good if Steve showed up to Tony’s dinner without his beautiful girlfriend, would it?
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