#{Meihui Headcanon
draconicace · 6 months
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fanart for In Another World, Bureaucracy is the Same by @obstinaterixatrix (linked below)! sunshine on
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arcxnumvitae · 6 months
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While her father, the former emperor, was still alive, almost no one paid any attention to Minglian. Literally. Her father didn't care a whit about the second girl child, not when he had his perfect heir. What use was she beyond marrying off to a distant royal family for political ties one day? The emperor's lack of interest in his daughter thus influenced the rest of the Tengmen court, because what was there to gain in trying to earn the affection of the forgotten princess? Truthfully, many nobles tittered to each other about the embarrassing nature of her pitiful plight-- a princess who theoretically should have everything in the world, left in the corner.
It was only because her older brother took her care into his hands that she had servants, clothes, and her household was kept in order. It was him who would request funds from their father for Minglian's sake and who would see to her servants and the like.
The attitude only changed as Huaxiu grew older and it became clear that the future emperor cared for his sister and wouldn't tolerate any making a mockery of her. Slowly, the court began to acknowledge her more after the passing of the former emperor, though it still rings very hollow to Minglian's ears.
Because of the way the court viewed her, few ever take her seriously in her pursuits, be it her demands to learn swordplay or otherwise. She was often turned away by chuckling guards and captains. It would be easy to tell her brother and have them be made to teach her, but Minglian, already feeling she was enough of a burden on her brother, didn't want to. Besides, how would it look if she ran crying to her brother every time?
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twstchaos · 1 year
Do they have any allergies? (Bouquette)
What was their worst injury? (Missy)
What movie is most likely to make them cry? (Sumana)
What movie or book could they watch/read a hundred times and never get tired of? (Kore)
Can they dance? Do they like to? (Meihui)
Hiiiiiiiiii, Kura!!!
17. Do they have any allergies?
No, Bouquette does not have allergies, but she does have dermatographia which looks like an allergic reaction sometimes.
18. What was their worst injury?
Mmmmm, physical or emotional~? Sorry to all my angst-loving peeps, but Missy's worst physical injury was breaking her arm during a Magift/Spelldrive practice.
19. What movie is most likely to make them cry?
Sumana will honestly cry to anything remotely sad or sappy. A cute movie about a grieving mother caring for an orphan boy as if he were her own? Tears will be shed.
20. What movie or book could they watch/read a hundred times and never get tired of?
A movie that would Kore would never get tired of is anything Studio Ghibli or whatever the twst equivalent would be. Not a specific book but a genre: choose your own adventures.
21. Can they dance? Do they like to?
Meihui can dance, ranging from traditional styles to modern styles. Additionally, she is on the Night Raven College cheerleading team that I headcanon exists. She does enjoy dancing, both performance-wise and for fun.
Thanks for the questions~
(Link to the question list: Here)
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Ixora Empire | 1st Imperial Princess, Meihui
Made in Collab with @tetsuwan-atom​! Faceclaim: Cai Wenji(Dyansty Warriors 9 version only)
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The 1st born, Imperial Gulun Princess, Meihui Fukuyama, Princess of the First Rank of the Ixora Empire.
Older sister to the 2nd born Heshuo Princess, Hanako Fukuyama, Princess of the Second Rank. They are the daughters of the Huáng Guì Fēi(Imperial Noble Consort), Xiang Akemi, the only woman in the Ixoran Harem to bare more then a single child.
Meihui’s name means ‘Beautiful Wisdom’, which is a reflection of her personality & skills. Meihui, called Mei for short by her family, is incredibly beautiful & intelligent, having spent much her life studying & educating herself with the resources that were only available to her as the 1st Princess. Her wisdom is praised even by that of her enemies. Much like her sister ‘Hana’, she enjoys music, but even more so holds love for poetry. The two sisters often incorporate Hanako’s musical talents, & Meihui’s poetry talents to create wonderous songs & harmonies together.
Meihui is hyper aware of the Empire’s decline, due to the corruption of the government & mistreatment of the people, & has predicted that it would not be long before a coming tragedy would push the people over the edge. With the assistance of her oldest brother, they have used their varying influence in the nation to quietly secure a safe place where they may flee too, if a coup truly does take place. However, they have not spoken to anyone about these arrangements, including Hanako & their family for the safety of their plans, as well as to keeping them from panicking or worrying.
Meihui is the closest to her sister, Hanako, often being the only one to call her by the shorten version of her name. They had spent their whole childhoods together, under their loving mother’s close gaze. While she is not close to her father, the Huáng Shàng(Emperor) Shi, she still is dutiful, loyal & kind to him, hoping to be labeled a worthy 1st Princess by him. Too, is she quite close with her eldest brother, the Crowned 1st Imperial Prince & Heir to the Ixoran Throne, however, Meihui’s relationship with his mother, the Huáng Hòu(Empress) Koyo Moyo is in decline, due to the Empress’s jealousy of Meihui’s mother, the Imperial Noble Consort, from having birthed two children, where as the Empress only has one child.
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antiquecompass · 4 years
hi!!! i just wanted to pop by and say i LOVEEE the lahl series (and that i have a super soft spot for the juniors, esp jingyi and sizhui!!) that whole series has made quarantine a bit easier to handle, and i’ve gone back to reread parts of it more often than i’d care to admit!! it has gotten me thinking, though, if there are any zhuiyi tidbits/headcanons that you haven’t gotten the chance to include yet that you’re got?? like i said i love them and their dynamic so i’d love to hear more 🥺💖💓🌸
Thank you, sweet anon! I’m so glad that series is bringing a little bit of joy during all of this.
As for the Juniors in LAHL ‘verse, they’ll pop up again! Zhenling on the 24th and Zhuiyi on the 25th.
As for various tidbits/little details that either got lost in everything or I’ve forgotten if I’ve posted them somewhere:
--While they do have a massive, ridic wedding at the estate. It’s the only time the place ever runs OUT of space. But also in a grand unofficial family tradition, they have their own quiet, private ceremony in Molly’s backyard first before the EVENT that is their ‘official’ ceremony.
--They honeymoon in Scotland. Despite what he’ll tell everyone, Jingyi did NOT almost get possessed by the ghost of a bagpipper.
--Sophie McKim was the surrogate for both Meihui and Malia. (There’s a seven year gap between them.)
--I haven’t written it yet, but Sizhui does, indeed, join the Harvard Horntails.
--Jingyi calls Math his Enemy, but it’s really Geometry. He’s actually pretty damn quick when it comes to do calculations in his head.
--They’ve never been good at the ‘dating’ thing just because they’re both two homebodies who’ve spent their lifetimes together. Whenever they try to ‘date’ like a ‘normal’ couple it just becomes an awkward mess that usually ends in disaster. (And lots of laughter.)
--Sizhui’s anxiety leads to bouts of insomnia every now and then. Jingyi will often wake-up, find him, and sing to him. It doesn’t put Sizhui to sleep, but it calms him down.
--The house they eventually build on their plot of Lan land is designed by Jingyi, with the help of Lan Xichen.
--Jingyi’s parents eventually settle out with the West Coast Lans. While they’re not banned from the Lan New England areas, it’s been made clear that they better not come back unless Jingyi invites him. He extended that invitation twice: for his wedding and for the birth of Meihui. They showed up for the wedding. They did not show up to meet their grandchild. That’s when Jingyi finally gave up.
--The youth sport Meihui goes for? Hockey. They all blame Nie Mingjue for this.
--It’s also not posted yet, but the absolute fear that goes through a majority of the Cloud Recesses senior staff when Sizhui starts attending, when they realize just WHO Sizhui’s dad is: legendary. Sizhui still didn’t even know all the stories, legends, and rumors surrounding the infamous Wei Wuxian until he was nineteen, spent a summer as a counselor, and saw the official file.
--Even though most of his major grand romantic gestures fail, at least once a year, Jingyi pulls a medium-sized one off without any problems.
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arcxnumvitae · 10 months
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The newly-crowned ruler of the Tengmen empire.
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Her Imperial Highness, the Emperor's younger sister.
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The "prince" of a kingdom recently added to the Tengmen empire.
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The Emperor's council.
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
Who/What inspired my muses
Part 2 babbyyyy I’m sufferinnggg!
Arata: More elf underground shenanigan tomfoolery. Also tying in some backstories for funsies with Val playing a big role in a pivotal moment. A muse I fully intended to have die! For some reason my friends took issue with that!
Katarina: I saw Kirei ( @thewolfisawake) make a fun looking institution and I wanted to stick my big meaty claws alllllllll in it. I asked her, all shy and shit, if I could make a Bastion muse too and she graciously allowed me to do so. Of course I had to make Katarina a half-elf. 
Emil: I thought it’d be fun to make a muse from Katarina’s human side of the family, the one her mom was estranged from. Kirei had included in her blurbs how some older families of the Bastion were still anti-supernatural creatures so I thought it would be an interesting thing to explore further in a muse, but since Katarina was separated from all of that...
Dawn: I looked at how I’d fridged William’s dead girlfriend in his backstory just for the sake of giving him angst and feelings and I really didn’t like that I’d done that! So I decided to flesh out Dawn as a person. Which led to me going to my friends and saying, “Y’all, this muse is deader than a doornail in his backstory, I can’t bring her back, right?!” And then I brought her back. This was when I started to firmly put my foot in fun Greek myth stuff and let my PJO kid flag fly by straight up incorporating Aphrodite into the mix.
Xiaodan: uh. dragon. dragon searching for Jianhuren. Searching with another dragon.
Meihui: uh. other dragon. other dragon searching for Jianhuren. drogon. They actually were made earlier, around Qingshan, pushed to being side muses, and then re-added as main muses around this time when Kirei petitioned for it.
Huaxiu: Hey, same mangaka, he looks like Qingshan-- oh baby we can make some lore from this. This is really where Red Eyes as a concept started to get cemented, a smooth, uh, 2-3 years after I first added Jianhuren, ahahaa. It was also shortly after Huaxiu that I created Zhaohui as a side muse so we were really chugging along the dragon train at that time.
Luiz: No clue. Truly, no idea. I think I just wanted to mash a bunch of different mythological creature facets together and see what I got. I know the inspiration for the gorgon blood he was infused with came from Kirei because her muse Crowe has gorgon blood.
Cornelius: What if I made a family member from the Texas side of Dawn’s family that she had never been in contact with? What if he looked like her dad too in a way to make her force her feelings and her grief? Cornelius truly was made actually as basically to circle around Dawn’s ongoing story, haha. 
Raven: ‘I know it doesn’t make sense, but what if Thanatos had a kid.’ How would that type of godly parentage manifest in someone?
Olympia: Hey, let’s do an Artemis god-touched. I only have Dawn and William at the moment after all.
Ava: Sort of a tie in with Arata’s story as she’s the right hand woman of, like, oh geez, the niece and former fling of the guy who owned him and his mom. I also basically just looked at D&D’s scrying spell, pointed, and went “I want that.”
Eira: What if I did a muse from Katarina’s dad’s side of the family? And what if she was utterly adorable.
Aur: Phew, so, actually, I didn’t have any huge plans for Aur when I first made him! He was an amnesiac and I left his backstory open and vague in case I thought of something later that would be cool to do with him! I figured I could get away with it for a minute since it’s not like he himself knew what his backstory was. In truth, I hadn’t even settled on him being a fae for a while either, I also kept that up in the air! If he didn’t end up a fae then he would’ve been a siren actually I think.
Soon-hee: She’s not really online anymore now but my friend Angie had come up with the idea to do a seven deadly sins thing and asked if I wanted to make a muse or two for it too. And I, contractually obligated by my love for F.MA, couldn’t refuse.
Arya: Ditto, seven sins inspo.
Matthias: Also another Angie-inspired, she came up with a pantheon of deities and asked if I wanted to join in. I thought for a good minute on what domain of power I wanted his to be and I settled on storytelling. Him having muses for sisters was inspired by Greek myth...and H.ercules. His current name came from my white boy of the month every month in a book series called S.ix of C.rows as a sort of homage. And his rings, silver eyes, and some personality beats came from the character Po from the G.raceling book series.
I’m panting..........but part 3, we’re on the way....... 
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arcxnumvitae · 6 months
Fandom Mischaracterizations
@soraeia said: the dragons >:D ❤️
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Jianhuren: Misgendered despite using they/them because of their more "stereotypically" gendered appearances. Only fanart ever drawn is of their masculine form, new people to the fandom are very surprised to learn they have a feminine form at all despite each form getting equal screentime in media. Any trauma and issues related to their histories and actions with their students is ignored in favor of relegating them solely to the wise old mentor archetype. Received some unfortunate characterizations based on Qingshan’s one-sided unrequited crush on them despite them being completely unaware of it and not at all involved.
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Qingshan: Completely ignores any scrap of ace-coding she has. Headcanons her as everything else under the sun BUT ace. Also her muscles are gone. For some reason included as a villain in the same exact ranks of actual innocent-slaughterers and world-enders. "Love can fix her!"
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Huaxiu: Flattens all of his negative traits for the sole purpose of making him a more ideal partner to “save” them/their ocs/other character in said media they ship Huaxiu with/whoever/etc. Gets mad when said negative traits appear in the canon media. Ignores the trauma-based nuance behind Huaxiu’s preference of masculine partners over the years vs feminine and you bet it will not be engaged with at all in fanon. Fandom is likely too busy focusing on whatever ship wars he’s in. “Love can fix him.” Ignores Minglian. Even worse, treats Minglian as an obstacle in the way of any ships despite the fact that she’s not a romantic interest at all and is Just There.
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Meihui: She loves teasing people so that would be kicked up about 20 notches. Always asking Xiaodan for tips and help with her swordplay despite her being older, more experienced, and way more skilled at it than him. Only ever makes an appearance in fan material to prop up Xiaodan's own strength and skills.
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Xiaodan: Because he has a resting face, not even a resting bitch face but just a resting face, his only fanon portrayal is “angery.” Ramps up his fondness of sweets to his only other defining trait. Sex god daddy…somehow, despite having been an uninterested virgin thus far in the series.
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Minglian: There are no fanon interpretations of Minglian because she is treated solely as Huaxiu’s accessory at best and completely ignored at worst. If she got any, then she’s infantilized out the wazoo. Precious baby can’t do a single thing without her teacher, never says a word against him, and does not act any way of her own volition. Needs to be protected from anything and naïve to the point of being a pushover unable to live and function without assistance. Gets called the dreaded M*** S**
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Zhifeng: Woobifies them into only a doe-eyed, sweet being despite them genuinely and explicitly having a foul personality when they're not playing polite. Wife-ification, ignoring said sour traits and softening them into a stereotypically, traditionally feminine, traditionally "wife" role even though it is wildly ooc and then declares that characterization as canon. Zhifeng: *dresses in gnc ways, actively makes it known they're genderfluid, never uses just masculine pronouns, 'I am not a man'* The fandom: What a handsome pretty-boy, I'm going to only call you "he" and constantly use only masculine-gendered terms like boy and man to refer to you, my beautiful little cis male <3. Also sex doll-ifies them despite any and all sexual aspects of their character being explicitly a survival method and not something they engaged with because they genuinely wanted to. Who cares, they're obsessed with sex now!
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arcxnumvitae · 8 months
shxtteredillusions​ asked:  ©© for all the dragons
Send “©” for a muse fact
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Jianhuren, in actuality, is not very good at asking for help. Since they’re so used to being the eldest of the dragons and the one that others come to for help, they developed a habit of keeping any negativity to themselves. Especially after the ordeal with Qingshan, which actually causes them a great amount of pain and distress.
Jianhuren is not a good cook at all. Not for lack of skill or patience but they tend to space out or get distracted whenever doing so, coupled with the fact that they don’t ever have to cook often to begin with, leads to it being better if they do food prep or cleanup instead. Many a time has something accidentally caught on fire at the oven with Jianhuren right there in the same room
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It was Qingshan who introduced Huaxiu to spicier food, she took him out to eat one day and, deciding to mess with her stuffy little student, decided to order the spiciest dish on the menu for him. Needless to say she was surprised when he loved it. 
She can make simple dishes but is by no means extremely skilled, mainly because she didn’t have any interest in cultivating her culinary skill. Also, she was the one mainly putting out the fires in Jianhuren’s kitchen.
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Despite all of his talk about how he no longer associates himself with the red eyes anymore and is only willing really to bother with Jianhuren at all, Zhaohui still unintentionally finds himself slipping into that “Us/Them” mentality that the other red eyes are prone to. That is, he tends to default to still considering the red eyes like comrades and others as, well, outsiders to their affairs.
Due to the curse placed on him by the gods for his betrayal, his pain tolerance is astronomically high. And once the curse is removed? Not many wounds would faze him or cause him pause at all.
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Huaxiu is by no means a lightweight and can hold his liquor extremely well. One of his favorite pastimes when he was younger was to go to lavish tea houses, listen to the entertainment, order food and wine, and dazzle others with his looks, tolerance, and clearly wealthy disposition. Basically, he was a rich boy who liked indulging himself (maybe it was a byproduct of the years spent training under Qingshan where he lived more simply)
In his library, Huaxiu has countless ancient books and documents that are old enough to be in a museum. Among those, hidden away, are a few certain “books” he obtained when he was younger before he even met Jiao. As time went and he grew older he considered throwing them away, but by that point they were old enough to be considered historical artifacts, and so they remained, although hidden away inside thicker and boring texts so that no one would ever find them. He forgets they’re even there most of the time but would definitely die from embarrassment if anyone ever found them.
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In the few instances she’s encountered him, and of course in the future, Meihui calls Huaxiu “gege” but really she doesn’t have to. They’re extremely close in age by dragon standards, with her being 2,000 and Huaxiu 2,500, so he’s not nearly older enough for her to call him that. It’s just a testament to her teasing personality and her messing a bit with how he tends to act.
Meihui and Xiaodan visit Jianhuren for New Years not only because of their fond feelings for the elder of course, but also because even with Qingshan there before, Jianhuren’s other pupil was always noticeably absent and didn’t often come by to visit. They didn’t want Jianhuren to get lonely.
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Not every dragon in existence was created by the Dragon God like how all of the red eyes were made by him, Meihui for example wasn’t. But Xiaodan was and it was the Dragon God himself who put the seal on his powers during the time he was searching for Jianhuren. Due to this connection, he’s a little bit more familiar with the deity than any “normal” dragons.
He doesn’t look it at all but he actually has a soft spot for kids! He just doesn’t know how to act around them but he finds them very cute. Of note is in the future when Xianzi comes around, anytime Meihui shows up to help train her guess who just so happens to be there with her? Don’t point it out though or he’ll get huffy.
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It may not look it but Vasilios ends up having a hefty influence on Minglian just like Huaxiu. Namely, from him teaching her and showing her how he builds things started a love for creation for her. Afterwards, Minglian will find herself interested in drawing, painting, and playing instruments and shows a talent in all of it too. 
Her favorite flower is the lotus. Not because of her name (Lian 莲 means lotus) but because she became enamored with the lotus flowers that grew in the lake at Huaxiu’s estate.
Bonus third: While at first Huaxiu just handled both of their laundry, eventually after their emotions being returned Minglian asked to be in charge of her own stuff. Huaxiu was a bit confused but agreed, not realizing that it was because the embarrassment and realization hit her all of a sudden that he was handling all of her clothes, underthings included. Huaxiu doesn’t know the reason but if he did he still wouldn’t get it because he was the one who picked out and bought them in the first place, and thus has already seen them.
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
13. if they were a social link in a p.ersona game, what would their arcana be? (if you need a broader spread (lol) of options: what’s their associated tarot card?)
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Hanged Man
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
What the dragons refer to each other as--:
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Qingshan: Xiao-shan, Qingshan
Huaxiu: Xiao-xiu
Minglian: Xiao-lian
Xiaodan: Xiao-Xiao
Meihui: Xiao-hui
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Jianhuren: Jianhuren (per their request)
Huaxiu: Huaxiu
Zhaohui: Probably a curse or something
The others she never interacted much with and she hasn’t met Minglian
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Jianhuren: Shifu
Qingshan: Shizun
Minglian: Minglian
Zhaohui: Also probably nothing good
Meihui: Meihui
Xiaodan: Xiaodan
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Jianhuren:  老人家 (lǎo rén jiā, a polite gender-neutral term for an older person) 
Qingshan: Qingshan
Huaxiu: Hua Hua, Peacock, Huaxiu
Meihui: Meihui
Xiaodan: Xiao-Xiao
Minglian: Lianlian, Ming Ming
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Jianhuren: Jianhuren (per their request)
Huaxiu: Hua-ge
Zhaohui: Zhao-ge
Xiaodan: Xiao-Xiao
Minglian: Ming Ming, A-Lian, Xiaolong, Meimei
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Jianhuren: Jianhuren (per their request)
Huaxiu: Hua-ge
Zhaohui: Zhao-he
Meihui: Mei-jie
Minglian: Xiao-lian, Meimei, Minglian
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Jianhuren: Shifu
Huaxiu: Laoshi
Zhaohui: Zhao-ge
Meihui: Mei-jie
Xiaodan: Xiao-ge
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
In honor of the Mid-A.utumn Festival coming up--
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Jianhuren: Neutral Good
Qingshan: Lawful Neutral
Huaxiu: Lawful Good
Meihui: Chaotic Neutral
Xiaodan: Chaotic Good
Minglian: Lawful Good
Zhaohui: Neutral Evil
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arcxnumvitae · 2 years
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The main reason they don’t bother trying to learn is because this guy is always cooking the good food ^^^. Why go through the effort when their personal chef is already whipping up some gourmet dish as we speak?
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twstchaos · 2 years
For the flower ask, lavender
Mmm, I love the scent of lavender~
Lavender - How does your OC cope with loud noises?
I'll answer this with the kitty cat twins and their automatic sensitivity to noise ala cat.
Meihui and Sumana will either lock themselves in their dorm room to avoid any outside noises or head over to Savanaclaw. This is partially because I ship them with Leona and Ruggie respectively and that I headcanon that there is an unspoken rule in Savanaclaw to keep the noise at a certain level since like 95% of the students there also have heightened senses. So, long story short, they cope with loud noises by hiding away from it.
Thanks for the question, anon!!!
(Link to the question list: Here)
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arcxnumvitae · 2 years
Can the dragons drive/how well do they drive?
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‘Look at that metal contraption move, how quaint.’ No one knows if they’re joking or not. Either way, can’t drive.
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Can drive but she doesn’t care for cars. If a motorcycle is available she’s taking it, otherwise she might actually just prefer to walk.
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Peak mom, can drive impeccably, both hands on the wheel type of deal. However, he hates it. He hates being in cars/buses/land transportation. He drives so well because he’s on ten the entire time he’s in that stupid machine.
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Can drive and is probably the most ‘normal’ driver of all the dragons. Has a bit of a lead foot though.
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Can also drive, but does it pretty rarely. Does the unfairly hot ‘one hand on the wheel, other chilling behind the passenger’s headrest’ type of thing. 
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Can drive! Huaxiu taught her himself despite Vasilios offering to do so, which went as smoothly as you can imagine. She prefers public transit like subways and buses if they’re available though so she very rarely drives. 
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Can’t drive because he’s felt no desire to learn and doesn’t care. Does anyone really want him on the road either? 
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arcxnumvitae · 2 years
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Because of Zhaohui’s disgraced status, rumors and myths aplenty regarding him are abound among the supernatural community within China. Oftentimes, exaggeration creates larger than life, or straight up false, depictions of him. Sometimes Meihui will bring back the most amusing rumors about Zhaohui to share and laugh about over tea.
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