#{Tell you all about it when I got the Time|Aladdin's Interactions}
bones4thecats · 10 months
poseidon, rudra, buddha, thor with disney! Jasmine? (Ngl the "I'm not a prize to be won" quote is a life motto itself) *and she's with humanity in ragnarok despite being a goddess *
A/N: When I saw this, I had just finished re-watching Aladdin, so, hey, perfect timing, Anon!! I'm not sure if I got her character right, so she may be OOC. Sorry for the rambling, enjoy~~
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🔱 He did not like you at all
🔱 You and him had far different views on many things, including Humanity’s survival
🔱 Poseidon and you just glared at each other when Zeus and Adam fought, he knew you cared for Adam to an extreme amount, and Zeus was his brother, so he had to care for him
🔱 But, during the Gods’ Council meetings, and many, many seduction attempts by Zeus, Poseidon enjoyed watching you chew others out
🔱 He also enjoyed watching your tiger, Raja, pounce on those who defied you
🔱 Now, at a Gods’ Council meeting, Zeus had been discussing the many different things that Humanity had done, you defended them, giving good reasons, reasons that even had Poseidon rethinking his placements, for why they had done what they had done
🔱 But, many Gods did not listen as well as others…
🔱 When a minor God yelled back at you, he took his trident and slammed it onto the ground, sending a wave of shock against the God across the room
🔱 You just stared at him and smiled slightly, maybe you guys were kind of alike?
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⛈️ Let’s get this straight, personally, I don’t believe Rudra hates Humanity as strongly as many other Gods
⛈️ He understand why they do certain things, as not all lives are as fair as others, and sometimes desperate times lead to desperate measures
⛈️ When he heard you were siding with Humanity, Rudra just sighed and patted your head as you walked out of the room, many whispered about you behind you back, causing you to raise your voice
⛈️ Rudra looked at you as Brunhilde grabbed your arm and dragged you away, probably needing to find human fighters immediately
⛈️ Between every round of Ragnarok, he would meet with you between the two species’ areas, he just held you in the shadows, knowing if anyone saw you guys, either you would be yelled at, or he would be exiled until the end of Ragnarok
⛈️ But, no matter the cost, you, his little stubborn Arabic Goddess, and he, your wonderful Hindu God, could go through anything
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🍭 You and Buddha had met merely a few hours after he was blessed with Godhood
🍭 Buddha saw a minor God scolding you for being ‘unlady-like’ and ‘in desperate need of being controlled like any other woman’, and you snapped like a pencil
🍭 When you kicked the God across the head and began yelling at him, he just laughed and watched as he ran away
🍭 Once Brunhilde confronted you both about Ragnarok, you two had decided in fighting in the ring together and siding with Humanity to antagonize the Gods
🍭 Hearing the Gods yell at you both was like music to your ears
🍭 Once your battle was over and you and Buddha were relaxing, Raja, your tiger, had walked up to him and laid a box in his hands
🍭 That was when he proposed to you, it was quite the interesting timing, but he had quite the interesting lifestyle, so, yeah
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🌩️ He and you did get along quite well before Ragnarok
🌩️ You two bonded over the dislike for many social interactions, but you seemed to do it way more often than him
🌩️ Thor and you had married before Ragnarok, but your beliefs in Humanity did differ, but he was fine with it, he loved you, not what you believed in
🌩️ When he was set for his first match, Brunhilde could tell you were fighting your beliefs and your heart at the same time, so she told you to go relax with the rest of the fighters while she and Göll watched your husband and your ally Lü Bu battle
🌩️ You refused and stood strong, determined to watch this happen, even if Humanity lost this round, or if the God’s lost, you wanted to see the loser’s last moments, it was a sign of respect
🌩️ Seeing Lü Bu die hurt, but seeing your husband just look so down after the amazing fight hurt you more
🌩️ Your stubbornness caused you to walk away and towards Thor’s room as he healed, you scolded him and listened to him as he mourned, in his own way, for the loss of Lü Bu
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Just thought up the other potential reactions from the g7 counterparts:
Alice would be curious, as always, of yuu because she’s never seen the queen of hearts just being patient-ish with someone. Also yuu is definitely much more normal (somewhat) unlike the rest of wonderland’s residents. She asks a lot of questions like child simba but because she just wants to know how and why this happened? Depending on the yuu, she might look up to them? Although that depends on who someone wants to characterize them.
Like you said, Ursula would try to keep yuu away from ariel but I think the same goes for king triton. So either they meet up by accident or one of them sneaks away to meet the other. Once they do finally meet, ariel wants to know all about yuu and but also probably asks them about human stuff (depending on how old she is). Yuu and ariel end up sharing stories for the whole time till they’re found. She might try to introduce them to the rest of the family, but probably doesn’t really go far intimately. They might eventually open up, but it either takes a lot of time and they don’t really have full trust or it just doesn’t happen at all. Is that cousin that you only see every other holiday at grandma’s house but despite that you guys are like best friends.
Like Snow, don’t got a lot of thoughts on aurora. I think she would just kinda neutral meeting yuu, honestly the whole interaction is her being just chill while talking to them. Depending on the relationship between she and maleficent is, Maleficent might introduce yuu to aurora herself or just kinda keeps an eye on them while they interact. The fairies absolutely distrust yuu and don’t want them anywhere near aurora.
Aladdin doesn’t trust yuu at all 100%, same goes with jasmine. He won’t be outright rude, but definitely goes out of his way to avoid them or keep any interactions short. Although does keep an eye on them to see how they interact with jafar. He would probably one of the last people they interact with and is either formally introduced to them through Hercules, Snow, or Aurora. He joins in on any antics that might happen but when alone with yuu, both are just sitting there awkwardly. Kinda like a going out friend and their friend you don’t really know and your friend left so you’re both waiting in silence for them to get back. If yuu and aladdin eventually get along, he’s that friend thats message you or you message to see if they want to go on a 3am mcdonalds run and than hang out in a walmarts parking lot afterwards.
And completely fair on misreading the first ask, I probably would’ve if I didn’t send it. Also sorry if I don’t got the characterizations right, it’s been a long time since I watched any classic Disney movie that wasn’t aristocats or robin hood.
I love Aladdin and Jasmin having beef with like 13 year old and is like "we don't trust you!!" "Damn what did I do???"
I feel like Ariels would be the most interesting. The two sneak out together realize who each other are and have conversations comparing things.
"You're never allowed to go to the surface?"
"It's dangerous, father says."
"Humans aren't so bad... besides doesn't your father also say I'm dangerous cause of my mother?"
"I guess so yeah..."
"Mom says to stay away from your side of the family, cause women there are only ever seen and not heard and he did bad stuff to my mom too. Maybe, you should start questioning him"
Hercules is just "don't you fucking try anything" and Meg is like "OK that's valid but after working with Hades I can tell you the kid is cool" and now Hades is trying to be the cool cousin
Aurora and Yuu should be like siblings change my mind.
Also rip Alice. "How are you the queens child??" "Idk bro I fell from the sky and she was like "oh cool" and now I'm royalty.
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creative-creatures · 10 months
"Once Upon A Time...
Where summer seemed to never end and raindrops kissed the sky. Twenty two teens lived a dangerous life where many were left behind. Many a story were shown for their truth no matter how hard they tried. Oh sweet young children they were who just couldn't hide. Since one by one a story was spun and the teenagers lost their lives.``
-The Narrators
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YO! New AU! well not really. I decided to redo The Acharya Curse and ended up changing the entire story... haha? anyway! I present to you something I will be working on while I work on the Circus AU!
Total Drama: Ever After!
What you need to know/Warnings:
 Everyone from the Total Drama OG cast will be in this AU (other seasons might be added later).
They aren't contestants in this, instead they are labeled Travelers or Story Folk.
Total Drama as a whole never happened in this AU as well. 
Chris Mclean, Chef Hatchet and Blaineley are all evil in this AU.
All fairytales followed will be off of their original written versions or the Brothers Grimm versions (Which for most cases are the original).
Only a select few will be simular to the more modern tellings.
There will be death, gore, and loss in this AU.
There will be ships.
Basic premise: 
8 of the 24 original contestants find themselves transported to a fairytale world where they are tasked to find a way back home or risk getting stuck. 
Not knowing why or how they got transported the 8 travelers set upon their mission. Thankfully, the only thing that changed about the travelers themselves in their teleportation was their clothing to better fit the fairytale vibe. 
The 8 travelers will run into multiple fairytales being played out by those they meet along the way. Sometimes the stories don't go as originally written, and sometimes they go brutally familiar to the original text. Due to this the travelers find themselves forced to witness the stories play out. They soon learn they can change the classic stories.
This story will continue and play out in future posts! 
some interesting facts for the Travelers:
They can follow fairytales depending on who and when they interact with different Story Folk… though unlike the Story Folk they aren't forced to follow the stories unless cursed.
A Traveler can be cursed to follow a fairytale by a Story Folk. When a Story folk does this they will switch places with the Traveler. Often it is done so they can free themselves from their designed fate.
To curse a traveler the Story Folk has to find the Fables Storybook and write the travelers name into their selected story.
Once a Traveler is turned they can get themselves turned back if they stab the Story folk who cursed them with a Devils Shard.
Travelers can only follow fairytales of where their chosen character is a human. (EX Cody becomes Jack from Jack and the Giant peach or something)
Katie & Sadie
Story Folk:
Owen ( Mad Hatter )
Courtney (Cinderella) 
Heather (The Snow Queen) 
Izzy (Cheshire Cat) 
Eva (Queen of Hearts) 
Noah (Sleeping Beauty with small mix of Kaj) 
DJ (Winnie the Pooh)
Lindsey (Rapunzel) 
Duncan (Aladdin) 
Beth (Thumbelina) 
Justin (Prince Charming) 
Harold (Pinocchio) 
Bridgette (Ariel) 
Ezekiel (Rumpelstiltskin) 
Gwen (one of the twelve dancing princesses) 
Blaineley (Maleficent/Evil Queen)
Chris + Chef (Narrators)
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I dont own the images in this post... they are stock images I found that I just personally liked... also the chosen fairytales may change! Nothing is set 100% in stone yet.
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scratchyemporium · 1 year
in the midst of me drawing mirage and struggling with his design, i've made a few -1 braincell headcanons for the fellow mirage fandom because of course i did 🤡 (updated; will continue to add on until i forget):
okay so he smells like ocean mist, like, the scent you find at candle shops yknow?? he smells like the color blue or some sort of blue candy or fruit or candle basically
he ain't that smart bruh, like, he forgets words all the time like one time he thought that the word "konnichiwa" was fucking "coochiewap" like a fucking idiot
he likes storms, but just the rain part. he got jumpscared by thunder one time and he didn't like it at all. he can handle the rain outside but he won't go outside when it's thundering
when he was finally introduced to the sonic the hedgehog games, he deadass said "wait a minute, that ain't noah". he proceeded to feel like a clown for the rest of the day
blud can purr, i'm telling you! but like, he keeps it to himself most of the time for obvious reasons (he doesn't wanna be seen as a dork)
he's sarcastic for literally no reason and he loves trolling people. he probably has a inactive 4chan or deactivated reddit account that was only made to make people mad
he can and will hold you like burger. sometimes he will actually nom down onto your head (not like, actual bite but yknow the soft noms) or just hold you like a lil plushie
mirage has been dunked on by optimus at least once, like, full on basketball game. he has sworn to dunk on optimus in revenge. he hasn't succeeded so far....
i know this motherfucker can whimper, i know he does. if he can purr, he can whimper, and that is 102% facts right there. he already has a girlish scream....
on god he knows any cheesy old song that radiates positive vibes to heart. he could sing "bad" by michael jackson perfectly and do all the moves too. just imagine a huge blueberry of a robot jammin' out to the most stupidest songs /pos
i don't know why but he seems like a kids movie type of guy. you can and will catch him watching nightmare before christmas or aladdin alone in the back for like the 126th time
his favorite game to play in the sonic series is sonic cd. he asked noah to make a special controller for him so that he could play and not just watch all the time. his second favorite game is donkey kong country
this big ol' nerd can't count in uneven groups!! he's like that one guy counting the cash. in fact, he can't really count in big groups without thinking about it, even if it was by 100 or 1,000 (yes he's a doofus in my eyes [and i love him so much])
he craves, and i mean craves interaction. you saw him using the car as a step-stool to snoop on noah and kris!! you can't leave him alone for too long or else he gets a bit grumpy (he's tired of being cooped up and alone yknow)
when he was confessing to noah or whoever, he got overheated and sputtered really super duper quadruper hard (like a silly engine) and had to confess on a more cold day to keep himself maintained
sometimes he feels absolutely awful for literally no reason.. when he does feel bad, he targets one person to hover close to and just sticks beside them until he feels better/gets distracted (he usually sticks around optimus or noah but if you're lucky you might see him stick around with you!!)
speaking of distracted, he gets easily distracted like a silly lil goober kid! he could like deadass chase a little red dot around like a kitten and will nevereverever get tired. he's just that silly and hyper and goofy!!
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Ace is King Arthur Theory Part 2:
Okay with chapter 7 giving us new info and other things with the game. Know I would like to make this post before the year ends, as well as a predictions of what could happen in chapter seven, and put in more facts I noticed about Ace here. This isn’t spoiler free. So know that I am putting things in JP and that includes chapter 7 info. Not your cup of tea, then don’t read. For more info for part one if you see this post, then here is a link to the first part going into more detail of my theory of Ace being king Arthur: POST Not only that I am going to go in to details as well with Silver that could be telling as well, and so this might be a Ace/Silver combo theory.
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With that all said and done lets move on to the speculations and theory I have.
Ace’s brother: Annnnnnd here we go again with his brother. So in chapter 7 we find out about where the 4th years, are and it goes into Cater and Trey talking about what they want to do before they become 4 years themselves. Cater brings up, ‘‘Theme park management, and planning the shows and attractions.” To which Trey drops this, "Ace's brother also chose the same kind of company for his internship, and he got the job right away." and my mind went to this part in sword in the stone.
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Now that could be a huge stretch to connect Ace’s brother work to the training of Sir Key in the movie, but I wanted to share it none the less. Chapter Seven and the War: Okay I will admit I am shocked over this. But the fandom doesn’t really go into theories on the war in Twisted wonderland. Mostly because there isn’t a lot of facts about it. The go to ones that I see people think is, that is the humans and fea had a war, and that caused humans to fear the fea because of it. This is the main go to as well, due to people thinking it might be a reference to the the live action Maleficent movie as well, which fair. As well as in the star gazer event, where Lilia says this for his wish, “...For humans, fea, and other species to live in harmony.” Not only that but it seems twst makes some effort to referencing the life action movie, then any other life action movie. For proof there is no reference for, ‘Alice in wonderland 1-2, Aladdin, Lion King, and for a stretch. Not even one for the Cruella movie to connect to Crewel’. But the life action, Maleficent movie is another story. To my knowledge there is only one reference to the the movie, and people use this as the main reason as to why believe think this is solid evidence to being the case of this movie connecting to the war in Twst. In Lilia’s SSR Band club outfit you can see he has on the side of his shirt, ‘Mistress of all evil‘  which is connected to not only Maleficent, but is the full title of the life action movie. So people think this means something or something we should take note of. To try to see where they are coming from. I will submit and see where this takes me. So from here onward I will use the life action movie for some references to my own theory. So with that said I will say this. Since we know what we know about Lilia raising Silver, and being viewed as a family member. It dose relate to the life action movie as well, since that was not in the original at all. Maleficent was mad at baby and the family for not being invited to the baby’s party, cursed said baby, and the rest of the movie plays out. She never even interacts with the princess. The only time they are in the same room is when Aurora is asleep and that was only one time.
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Now on track with twst finally. If you take a step back you realize some things, that do not match up to the mind set of people believing, that the war happened, because of humans and fea not getting along. Lilia and Sebek are treated equal to everyone else, this fear is centered around mostly Malleus, because humans and most races other then fea fear him. Only on the soul fact of how strong he is and his grandmother. That’s it. So now let me ask these two questions that I think might be connected to each other. Why did the war started? and Who is the king/ruler of humans? Think about the second question for the moment. We know that in chapter 3 the merfolk have a king and a prince named, prince Rielle, who is twst version of Ariel, In chapter 2 we also know that the beastmen also have a future king named, Cheka, and a prince known as Leona, but what do the humans have? Now this is something we do not know or really asked in the fandom. Do not get me wrong I do see theories on it who it might be, but all of them point at Silver being the rightful heir to the humans, and to me it leaves into this question. If true, then what is the proof of that? Well with Silver we see moment in his vignettes and one SR card robe’s card that he is very Aurora like. With animals being around him easily, him sleeping beautifully, as well as him sleeping in odd times in both the game and manga, which funny and oddly enough connects to him having Narcolepsy. If you don’t know it’s just a rare condition that causes people to sleeping at in inappropriate times, which can not be controlled. There is also more connections to this in chapter 7 he had a ring as a baby that was of the design of Aurora’s crown. Not only that but he lived in the woods with Lilia, a fea/fairy who raised him for most of his life. Which people connect Silver being looked after Lilia, because of said war with the humans. So that is some solid info it’s Silver right? I mean it lines up, but now the question of. “Why the war started“ and, “Why did Lilia raise him?” Okay, remember me saying I am going to talk about more theories on Ace being king Arthur at the start of the post? Well I am doing it now and guess what? I believe the war is mostly in parallel to the sword and the stone. In the opening of the movie you are sung a song of what is going on in the movie: ‘A legend is sung of when England was young, and knights where brave and bold! The good king had died. And no one could decide. Who was rightful heir to the thrown. It seems that the land would be torn by war or saved by a miracle alone! and that miracle appeared in London town. The sword in the stone. It’s the only Disney movie I can recall, where a war is shared with you, that happened, and the movie wants you to take note of why why everyone is training to be king. Yet again you are also right with the Maleficent life action one as well, since there is a war with humans and fea, with the fea protecting there land from the humans. Not only that, but as I was looking at the live action movie again I found this. Well would you look at that! The same flags for battle shown in the sword and the stone are also in the life action Maleficent movie, which is also the thing I pointed to Ace’s birthday card being. Funny how that is something noticed.
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“No one could decide who was rightful heir to the thrown. It seems that the land would be torn by war.” Now I think is might mean something to connect to what really happened. What if the rightful ruler to the humans died with no heir, and the humans fought for who was rightful king? Which would explain why we are not told about the war fully, because of how complex those fighting for there own reasons, and the possibility of some of these factions of the people supporting these people are? Not only that what if Silver’s family fell in the war leaving only him, and Lilia took the role to watch him and raise him to be king, Which holy hell that’s a lot to unpack right there. Cause that could mean it wasn’t just fea and humans fighting it could be beastmen and merfolk to right for these two factions? Since that’s too much even for me. let’s take a step back, and go to the next point. Lilia’s Weapon: Now the other thing I want to bring up is what we found out about Lilia’s weapon. We are told it’s his war weapon, which during battle he was so fearless no one wanted to go near him. And honestly if I saw a guy cutting people up with a CLEAVER! I wouldn’t mess with that guy either. Now on Lilia’s weapon again we are also told, that depending on who is holding it, the weapon will change based on said person. Thing is I want to point out how odd that his weapon has rose thorns around it. Now you could say, “But it’s in line to sleeping beauty’s tower and Maleficent in theme“, which sure. But there is no famous weapon in disney that looks like a green Cleaver. Sure it could relate to Lilia’s connection to one of the gargoyles in the original sleeping beauty movie, but I think there is more to it then that.
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But let’s recap to what we know about the weapon. -It’s Lilia’s war weapon. -It changes it’s looks depending on who is holding it Let’s focus on the second one real quick. So that means it could look like anything to reflect that person, right? So if that is the case then it can look like a dagger, sword, hell maybe even a frying pan? It all depends on the person right? So it’s a endless thought of possibilities on what it could be. With this train of thought it lead me to remembering something else, but before I get into that let me share this fact with you. A sad fact at that. Lilia is shown and even tells you his memory is not as good as it used to be. He knows about 500 years or so, but adds a “More or less” meaning it’s spotty. Not only that but he misplaces or loses things a lot if you pay attention to some of his dialog. Now to my next point, if this can change into anything, then could it be really a sword, and it shows it true form by the thorns around it gone? Even the one who once fought with it has forgotten it’s true purpose, but knows maybe Silver should hold it. After all with Lilia getting help from Silver and Sebek packing his stuff he put it in a place they could easily find the weapon and Silver’s ring. So what if this a weapon that has been forgotten through time, and the real weapon is by the true welder? Then is it possible, that true welder is someone who is worthy of being king? We have such Disney sword. This one, Excalibur. A sword forgotten through time, and who ever pulls the sword from the stone is king. And Lilia’s weapon is a sword made out of emerald. Now what if the emerald is the stone trapping the true weapon is finally shown when the rightful king or welder is finally given to it? Also both Excalibur and Lilia’s weapons have plant life around it as well. With that out of the way the last thing we must talk about is Silver and how this weapon could relate to him or what it could mean in chapter 7.
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Silver Is royalty and what it could mean with the Ace Theory: With Silver’s connection to Aurora with the necklace looking like Aurora’s crown, and in one vignettes Silver tells Epel there are rules to making a good prince that he learned from Lilia. As well as other things I pointed out, that could connect to Silver being royalty, and him being the rightful ruler for the humans. Here is the thing I failed to mention. People have said that, since he is Aurora other people have also said he could be prince Philip. And the weapon could play into him maybe killing Malleus. Sorry to say I am not one of those people who believe in this mostly because Silver is not Maleficence weakness in the life action movie, It’s IRON. So I believe this is a red herring. But I do believe that this weapon is going to play out in a big way. Yes, I do think Silver is going to hold the weapon and it will be like the sword of truth, which we know Yuu/the player will have a dream about. Thing is it’s also going to connect to really it being the sword and the stone, and I bet you are wondering what I mean by that. Well...Let me bring up something very very crazy. I know there are people who do not believe my theory of Ace being twst King Arthur, and that has to do with this idea, “They already had the dorms in the game, and no way they are going to add a new one or any other reference’s to something that has not happened.” Well...No you are wrong or you forgot slash didn’t know this fact at the time. To remind you all, but remember chapter 5 where we see Royal Sword Academy after Epel and Deuce have that scream off? If you look at the center of the place you see a sword. A sword in a stone! Not only that, but the headmaster is Merlin. So there was always connections to the movie. So with these facts what could this mean?
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I think we are finally going to find out who Ace really is and him coming to NRC was to get the weapon to be king finally. Now what do I mean by that. Well let’s go over some things. -Looking back on Ace’s second birthday card you notice, that roses are around his name. The other dorm student’s do not have any roses, and Riddle’s card only has one rose and that’s for the I. Now this is very weird when you know Cater was the one who was painting roses, and I could be wrong, but Ace only talks about tending to the flamingos and hedgehogs, and never painting roses. To add to this we know that Ace only painted the roses just so Cater can do a solid for him to get Riddle’s lock off his neck. That’s it. Him painting the roses red was not a punishment given to him by Riddle. It was just Ace painting the roses to make Cater talk to Riddle on his behalf. Nothing more then that. So because of this I am wondering if it wasn’t to connect to ‘painting the roses red’ but was really a hint Ace trying to find the weapon. Roses being around his name, while rose thorns are around the weapon. - The war might have started by some human’s right to be king, then those families might have been connected to Silver and Maybe Ace’s family. (To clear this up not saying they are brothers.) -Silver is adopted by a fea after his family failed to win the war, as well as to protect him. He also grew up not knowing he is royalty while he lives with Lilia, and NRC not knowing of his past and silver happy being with his father, Lilia. -So where dose that leave Ace wanting to be king? Well...There is some prove to it, that I never brought up in my first post. Remember how odd it was in chapter 1, where Ace was so hyped to overthrow Riddle to be dorm Queen? I could be wrong, but I think he said he wanted to be king. Not only that, but in his SSR dorm card he says, “You think I can overthrow Riddle now? I am joking of course.” when you level him up. Even in the manga he wants to be dorm head to be Queen. Now I can understand when other thought it was just him wanting to rule over Riddle and get him to say sorry. As well as him wanting to get Riddle’s dorm title not being brought up again. It dose seem that way, but this could have been a early hint of his connection to a king in Disney. And the only one from the classic Disney era I can think of with it being the main character being really a king is Arthur. Which if true do you know what this means? I didn’t say this at the time, but there is so much more possibilities that could connect to what is to come or could happen. -If Ace is King Arthur dose that mean, “Ace“ is not his real name, because in sword in the stone Arthur was mostly called, Wort until he was crowned king. -Is he connected to RSA, and if so dose he know Merlin? -If that is the case, then could it be possible that Merlin is connected to him or might even be related to him? -If so then my theory about Madam Mim being his grandma means she could be Married to Merlin 63. (Ship is canon in twst if true) -Lastly as much as I don’t want to say this, but with all this could it really be that Ace really is the traitor, but we looked at it the wrong way? Ace...Could be the Traitor: Edit: I got rid of the original words here, since it’s too out there and I don’t believe it I want to clear it up on Ace being the Traitor theory. Now I do not believe him being a traitor is him being evil. I feel this more then likely happened. He was told to go to NRC by his family, since they have been working for years to find the king’s sword, which Lilia has. Ace gets in NRC, has to hide his Unique Magic/identity so Lilia or anyone in Malleus’s circle would not know who Ace really is, and try to get close to them to find weapon, and when there is a opening he takes weapon to be king. That’s what I believe. The other idea is that he is a traitor in a sense of really being a RSA student. Why? Well we are shown that everyone in RSA is nice. Like...SUPER NICE. Even when fans are like, “No they are really evil guys! Watch!“ Only for chapter 5-6 to be like, “No. They are sweet beans and don’t you feel silly for thinking that way?“ So with me pointing out in my Crowley post about how the school is low on funds, and Crowley has been doing a lot to make sure no knows, but it’s clear something is not right with how Crowley is with money. Now what if, as crazy as this sounds, what if RSA wants to combined the schools? To help them out? I know that’s very out there, but we know how well off that school is doing compared to NRC. And I can so see Merlin and some students from both sides not wanting NRC to shut down. So a merger needs to happen, and Ace was sent to see how Merlin could make this happen. Because you and I both know Crowley is so prideful he would never ever accept help from RSA no matter what. Yet again these are just ideas I believe in mostly rather then Ace being fully evil to try to kill Silver for the sword or to betray Yuu and Grim. Like I know Ace is shady as heck, but he is not evil. He is just a trickster, and good for him for thinking ahead. Edit: Now I am adding this in cause I have forgotten to, but I realized this. That being why would Ace’s family and Silver’s fight for the right to be king and be the main rulers of the humans? Well if Ace is King Arthur, then he is English in origins. As for Silver’s connection being Aurora and Sleeping Beauty as a whole, then fun fact that means he is French in origins. So a French family and a English one fighting for the right to rule said people, that just makes too much since with our own world’s history. I know it’s Twst and different a bit to our world, but once this thought went into my mind I had to share it. Listen, I will admit on the possibility that I could be very wrong in all this. There is still a lot we do not know and we do not know where the story is taking us, but if I am right....Then that means if Ace is King Arthur, then we have a character who hid there real identity with wind magic or has a wind theme to them. Now if I had a nickle for every time this happened, I’d have two nickles. Which isn’t a lot, but odd it happened twice. and so I am going to end this post with some lyrics from the video game, Sonic and the black knight. Song being Knight of the wind.
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Hey all (hey all) Welcome to the greatest storm I know (I know) You have waited much too long And I (and I) I will be your shining star I'm here (I'm here) Here to conquer near and far! Like a sword, I'm drawn Into the heat of day Like a knight, I'll fight Until the fight is won In the reign, I slay Each and every, each and every Each and every one Till this war is won And I live to rule By the sword Slashing through the every inch of the power The power in you As I sit and I stand By the table I command My kingdom I’m the knight of the wind  Edit: (Making this edit at 2/22/24) Spoilers from chapter 7 BTW. Future me here for a MEGA OUT THERE theory. So to go more into them fighting for king. You know what I find like super weird? How the RSA logo has two horses, and I was wondering what that could have to do with anything. If you look at the logo it’s two horses and one sword, and on top of the sword is a crown and we know it to mean Excalibur. I saw a lot of people using this as a reason for why RSA had such nice students. They help each other out by supporting each other. But...What if this logo has a future meaning? If Ace and Silver are going to fight for king like I theorized, then why do the horses look the same? Shouldn’t they look different to perfectly show that these two different people with different families are going to fight? Well...I have to swallow a HUGE hard pill that I never wanted to swallow...But I think Silver and Ace might be related. Due to future events in chapter 7 in Lilia’s memories.  We find out that Silver’s mom ran away once the castle was falling and had to leave Silver behind under the protection of some fairies, that will keep him as a baby for 100 years if need be to make sure he survives. And Lilia found Silver when going back to the castle all those years later, and the rest is history. We do not know what happened to Silver’s mom other then she ran away to safety, but what if she found love again and remarried, and her bloodline still lives on...In Ace. If true then that would explain why the horses look alike as if it was a mirror. Silver is Aces Idk how many greats family member, and both have no idea about this. The main reason i didn’t want to believe it was because Silver is mostly based on Aurora from a French tale, and Ace, if I am right, Ace is based on King Arthur a English tale. And saying a french man and a English man are related just seemed really out there for me, then yet again a french man and a English man fighting for right to be king makes TOO MUCH SENSE TO ME. Also I have seen people say Ace might be Alice form Alice in wonderland, and I failed to make a theory explaining a possibility of him being the true main character...And both Alice and Aurora have blonde hair...You  know what I am going to stop now. If I am going to do any more edits I will make a maga post about these two or Ace from here on out. Let’s see how wrong I am in the future or not. Until then. See you next chapter update in TWST.
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luimagines · 2 years
Before I go into this, Altered Beast starts with an outbreak as the organization behind the project ends up causing a city-wide pandemic when a helicopter carrying stuff that changed the main character crashes. Anyone without those enhancements got mutated into monsters.
Reader was stuck cleaning up the mess and still doesn't know if all the monsters have been dealt with so I imagine the Links' reactions hearing more about their past.
Reader: It was pure hell. Ending abominations of all kinds that used to be normal people. Only made worse when I had to fight ones that were once innocent children. The isolation only made it worse as there was no one to talk to. No one to tell me that things would get better or it wasn't your fault.
Sky: Dear Hylia...
Some of Reader's forms have access to some minor element manipulation. Merman can conduct electricity due to being made with electric eel genes. Garuda can whip up minor twisters. Gravity manipulation for UWH. Minotaur has fire breath and can harden. Dragon can breath bolts of lightning. The group being taught about bits of various mythology based on their forms.
Reader: My forms were made with the idea of mythological creatures and cryptids. Whether the real beasts exist is unknown. The Garuda is actually depicted as a protector to even sacred beast and servant to a deity in various religions or tribes.
Time: Interesting...
It definitely puts a lot of perspective into Reader's transformations. Also I can see the Links interacting more with them in their different forms. Definitely see Wind and Four hitching a ride on Reader's back for airborne forms like Garuda or Dragon.
Also Captain is gonna get picked up often by Reader in Abominable Snowman form cause he sucks at taking care of himself. Hyrule probably warms up better to Dragon than the actual creatures from Hyrule.
Garuda probably helps Sky feel less homesick as he must've miss his Loftwing or the feeling of flying. I can see Four making something similar to a hang glider seat so Reader can carry the bigger Links with their winged forms.
UWH with Time cause I can see Reader share the feeling of flight similar to fairies via zero gravity. Like a Peter Pan moment by holding his hand and guide him through it. Merman with Wind as he relate more with a form suited for the seas. Plus the Mermen from his era helped him during his first journey.
Werewolf and Twilight since having another wolf around makes him feel less lonely with his wolf side. Even if Reader is a different kind of wolf, they definitely goof off together. Also Twilight would definitely try to wrestle Werewolf Reader. I leaning towards Minotaur with Four especially since they can help him at the forge in this form. Lighting the fire made a lot easier.
Wild and Were-Bear/Grizzly as bears are one animal you can tame in BotW so having a constant ursa companion is definitely a plus. Especially since he would wrestle Reader like this. Legend and Were-Tiger partly cause I headcanon him as a cat person. Reader definitely intimidated blokes who got too close, kinda like Jasmine and Rajah from Aladdin.
Oh my goodness, I might have to do more research on this ^.^*
I'm inclined to agree with all of this. You've put a lot fo thought onto it and there's not mch I can add ot be ohonest.
But I think that Wild will also warm up to the Garuda because sacred beast. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Not to mention that Wild is a bit protective of Twilight being a divine beast as well.
But he would also wrestle a bear, no doubt about it XD
Maybe UWH can Time with like... weightless therapy. Like in those salt baths where you just float in completely silence. I am forgetting the name of the stuff but you know what I'm talking about, right? It's not necessarily a sensory deprivation chamber. Just a pool of heavily salted water where you float since it equals the buoyancy of the person. Man, I wish I coudl think of the name.
But anyway- that.
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dclicatus · 5 years
Closed starter for @royalconsorts {Atem}
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“This might sound strange, but have you seen a golden lamp?” Aladdin questioned, a hesitant look mixed with worry appearing in his eyes. He was concerned about the fact that he couldn’t find the Genie, especially since he promised him that his last wish would be used to free him from the lamp. And he was intending on keeping his promise. The brunette might’ve been a thief but he also didn’t want to break his promises, it was also why he had tried to have a times it’s okay to steal and times when it’s not. There is some honor among thieves even if people don’t want to see it. “My friend,” was it okay to call the Genie his friend? It wasn’t like he actually knew the ins and outs of friendship, since his first real friend was Abu. “It’s his lamp. He’s really protective over it, since it was a family heirloom?” It wasn’t like the other male actually had a choice, since the lamp is his home, at least until the brunette sets him free. “Like I said, it’s a strange question but I really need to find it.”
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sandbees · 3 years
Okay I was thinking about how the other charathers that Arent the great Seven would react to the NRC students in the house of mouse AU. Like i can Imagine Azul asking Ariel if She wants ti make a deal with him and Ariel Is like "lol no", or the First year see Cruella de vil at One of the tables and they are like "She look so much like Crewel that She's giving us PTSD" or kalim and Aladdin becoming buddies :D.
Well, let me put in some headcannons then:
Word goes around that some of the Great Disney villains come to visit Yuu and everyone gets jealous.
So now whenever Yuu goes to work they always get asked to have them visit their world.
So, Yuu just says, “Meh ok, you guys can visit me whenever just ask one of the Great Seven or go through the mirror in my dressing room-“
And suddenly Yuu gets someone they met from the House of Mouse ever other day. It’s literal chaos and Yuu doesn’t know if they should feel exasperated or flattered.
Anyways, here’s some interactions between the dorms and some Disney Characters:
Heartslybul: Obviously when Alice comes to visit, she comments on how Heartslybul reminds her of the Queen of Hearts’ garden. When Yuu mentions that they paint the roses red, Alice sarcastically asks, “Does the dorm leader behead people who don’t paint the roses?” “...Well, he’s more lenient now but...” “...You’re serious?”
Ace and Alice get along swimmingly, basically quick quips and a lot of teasing. Yuu regrets introducing them to each other because they know the two are going to get into some sort of trouble. Deuce also gets along with Alice, though he can get lost in Alice’s rambles in imagination.
I think Alice would get along with Trey and Cater. I mean, they both give big brother vibes (Trey more than Cater). Trey would give Alice some tarts and Alice is like, “....He’s cool.”
Cater is going to take a bunch of pictures, and Alice is very curious about the device he’s holding (I don’t think phones or the internet existed during Alice’s time so...). Cater ends up teaching Alice about the internet and phones.
Riddle...ohhh noo. Once Alice broke one of the 810 rules and Riddle lightly scolded her for it. Alice thinks most of the rules are ridiculous and while Riddle has toned down on being strict, he’ll quickly get annoyed with Alice questioning the rules. There’s rules for a reason! The dorm was founded on these rules!!
Savannaclaw: It’s Simba, obviously. He’s curious to see the dorm after his...nefarious uncle. It’s much more nicer than he expected, though he’s a little off put by the dorm’s...rowdiness.
But he’s impressed with the Magishift practices they have when Yuu showed them.
He likes Jack, right off the bat. Jack has this sense of justice that he can relate to. I think they would get along pretty well. Oh, and probably how strong and buff Jack is.
Simba is wary of Ruggie, due to him being a hyena beastmen. He has...bad memories of hyenas. His wariness is correct, since Ruggie has tried to swindle Simba and Yuu to do some of his work. Does the relationship get better? Only if Yuu makes them hang out with each other haha.
Leona reminds Simba of Scar...to a certain degree. Lazy, cunning, and has this look where it seems like he could be planning something nefarious...
Ok, maybe not that bad, but Simba is weary of Leona. He kind of expected a character similar to Scar since this is the dorm based on him but...still. It’s really odd. It’s kind of rocky, but if Cheka comes over to visit, well...it could get better.
I mean, Leona does find Cheka annoying and calls him a brat but...Simba can tell there’s no malicious desire towards Cheka, which raises Leona’s “evil people don’t interact” list. That doesn’t mean Leona’s in the clear, but he’s ok.
Octavinelle: Surprise, surprise, it’s Ariel! She comes over, human legs and all. (Don’t worry! She got them from the nicer sorcerers). She wanted to visit Yuu and see how great NRC was! They had fun, and then they went to Mostro Lounge.
Ariel is terrified of the Tweels. They give her this...off putting feeling and they’re very intimidating. She does not trust them at all. She does like how they get up close and how they speak as if she’s some poor soul waiting to be taken advantage over.
That’s also why she does not trust Azul at all. He reminds Ariel of Ursula - especially when he tries making a contract with her. Uh-uh, no way. Never again.
This leads to Ariel dubbing NRC a dangerous place for Yuu to stay at. Why doesn’t Yuu come live with her and her family back at her world? Surely it’s much more safer than here! Why, Melody already sees Yuu as a big sibling so why not just stay at the castle permanently?
Ursula fumes at the thought of her enemy trying to take Yuu away and become their parent. That’s her role, dammit!
Scarabia: Kalim invites Aladdin, actually. It’s the most funniest scenario. Yuu mentioned to Kalim about the street rat that wooed the princess and Kalim says, “:00 WE SHOULD INVITE HIM!!” Jamil sighs and facepalms.
It’s actually going great! Aladdin is kind of shocked at the big party that Kalim threw, but it was a great welcome. He’s shook that Kalim apparently trusted Aladdin enough to show him the treasury room. “It’s open for all of the dorm to use! I don’t need much of it!”
Wasn’t NRC rumored to be a villain’s school??? What is this ball of sunshine doing here???
Actually, the Scarabia duo are good in his eyes. Sure, a little rough around the edges with Kalim being a bit too naive and Jamil being more of a watching snake, but they’re better than what he expected. Aladdin gets along with them pretty well!
And then they go on a carpet ride when Kalim introduces Aladdin to his magic flying carpet.
Yuu and Jamil scream at the two of them to get down as they fly across the night sky.
Pomfiore: oh no. Oh no no no. Snow White visiting Pomfiore is like...Neige visiting.
Vil is cold to Snow White, and she knows why. She’s seen the images that Yuu had of this “Neige Leblanc”. He certainly reminds her of her younger days. Which is why she completely understands why Vil is so standoffish of her.
What she doesn’t expect is Rook singing her praises and also kind of...watching her. It’s low key creepy but Yuu says it’s normal and since he doesn’t mean any harm Snow White lets it slide. They do have a good conversation though. Snow White learns to understand Rook’s...eccentric hobbies.
Epel and Snow White go together like apples and oranges. They go pretty well together, but they have contrasting differences. They could be passed of as siblings with their cute looks, as much as Epel hates to admit it. Though I’d like to think they have this “Soft big sister with a gremlin of a little brother” dynamic. Or “Big sister that is harmless but has a badass little bother” dynamic. Just...a cool sibling dynamic, basically.
Ignihyde: Hercules comes by when he hears that a dorm was based off of Hades. He had to see what it was like. He expected the doom and gloom, but he didn’t expect all the technology.
He and Ortho go along swimmingly. I mean, he’s pretty chill around the more upbeat and cheery dorm member, at least. (Seriously, the others were such buzzkills). He also gets a good impression on Idia when Ortho affectionately talks about his big brother! Wow, so the kids here do have a heart! Unlike Hades-
Ok, so as much as Ortho talks so highly of Idia, Hercules does not see how Ortho does. I mean, Idia is a complete shut in and gloomy recluse! Why do you stick around him?! It isn’t until he speaks his mind about that comment does Ortho turn into a crazy murder machine. (“How DARE you speak of that about my brother!!”) Yuu has to save Hercules and the entire dorm before Ortho blows up the school.
So now Hercules sees how inseparable the two are and how much they care for each other, which yeah, that’s pretty cool. (Is also low key jealous, how come his half brothers weren’t like that?)
Diasomnia: Aurora visits with Maleficent. Both do not share ill will after their stories are completed. They actually do make amends. So Maleficent invited Aurora to see her grandson, and Aurora politely accepts.
They have tea with Malleus, and it is a very pleasant conversation. Aurora gets along well with Malleus, even suggesting maybe she should invite him and Maleficent to her kingdom one day. (Maybe when she gives birth to a beautiful baby. Maleficent liked that)
Lilia is also a fun one to be around! Aurora was so surprised by his scare that she had laughed. Ah, what a funny fae! Why, she hadn’t laughed this hard since...well, never. She likes Lilia and will come by if she needs a good laugh.
Poor Sebek though....he acts all uptight around Aurora because she’s a Queen and also aquatinted with Maleficent...he must be respectful to her at all costs! It takes a long time for Sebek to at least act a little casual around her. Maleficent says it’ll take some time, though Aurora isn’t sure if that time will come on her lifetime...but for the meantime, she is still happy to be around Sebek’s presence and have pleasant conversations with him.
Aurora and Silver...ok, let me say this: they got along during a sleepover. The Diasomnia gang + Maleficent and Aurora had a sleepover in the dorms to “better know each other”. I also think Aurora would feel sympathy for Silver if the conversation of him tending to fall asleep came up. Heavens knows she still has her sleepy spells even after her curse was broken.
Also- wofhenod I just imagine Aurora and Silver walking in the forest together and a bunch of animals surround them. (Yuu finds them and cries when they actually attracted a bunch of adorable puppies (or whatever animal you find cute). Cute, adorable animals that are so gentle with them that they start to cry due to stress from being at NRC (Silver and Aurora look at Yuu with concern and gently start comforting them)
Winfendien Suddenly I want a twin dynamic with Silver and Aurora. Even a sibling dynamic would be cool. Just two sleepy siblings that won’t hesitate to kick your ass.
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Academy Storytime: The Holiday Picture
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"Jimbo, it's that time."
"…It can't be."
"And yet, somehow, it is."
Rolling his eyes, Jim burrowed further into his bed sheets as he did his best to avoid the inevitable.
"Hey, we have to leave now if we want to get a good spot."
Jim clenched his jaw
"Al, there is no such thing as a "good" spot. It's a school holiday picture. It's inherently cursed."
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Aladdin, standing across the room and flashing a smile into the full length mirror, straightened his holiday vest.
"You think everything is cursed," he mumbled underneath his breath as he checked his phone.
Aladdin had decided to be the coordinator for the current year, ensuring each of his friends were appropriately prepared for the annual Walt Academy Holiday photo. It was a tradition that caused most of the students to groan.
Not Aladdin. 
He reveled in it. 
Each year he requested a copy for personal reasons. The photo itself was already included in the yearbook. 
He didn't care.
He wanted the memory for himself.
And Jim, obviously.
"James, I'm not going to tell you again. Get the f up - we're going to be late!"
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After a few mumbled expletives and a tossed blanket later, Jim finally stumbled out of bed and followed a jovial Aladdin out of their dorm room.
"I just texted Lottie," Aladdin said, his face plastered on his phone screen, "She said to meet her near the stairs."
Jim squinted his eyes. "Wait, where is this again?
"In front of Cinder."
"In front of Cinder?!" Jim whined. "We've got to walk all the way over there for this stupid-"
"Hey, you two headed to the holiday picture site?"
Aladdin and Jim simultaneously looked over their shoulder to see the smoldering fifth year sauntering up to them.
"Hey Flynn - yep, that's where we're headed," Aladdin replied with a cheeky smile. "Want to walk with?"
Jim eyed Flynn to his right. He'd never really interacted with the senior student. Everything he knew about Flynn was second hand. Besides his break-up with Pocahontas and the antics he pulled during his first year, Flynn was a mystery to him.
Flynn narrowed his view on Aladdin. "Al, loving the vest."
Welp, that confirms he has poor taste, Jim thought with a sigh.
Flynn pursued his lips. He knew it was odd for him to choose to walk with a third and second year. He wasn't familiar with them. They didn't share any classes.
But Belle and Kristoff were already at the site.
And he wouldn't walk with Pocahontas. Couldn't.
"So, Jim, how are things at the Academy?" Flynn said, trying to distract himself from her, "This is your second year, right?"
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Jim did a double take, not completely certain Flynn was addressing him at first.
"Um yeah, it is…and it's alright. I mean it's school. So, it's not…usually anything to write home about."
"I guess I haven't had a mental breakdown this month. That's…nice."
Flynn nodded sincerely. "That's cool. I try to avoid those myself, when I can. They are sneaky little bastards."
"They are indeed," Jim said with a smile.
Aladdin nudged Jim to his left, motioning towards his most recent text message.
"She's on her way," he sang as Jim's face reddened.
"Who's she?" Flynn asked.
"Just a first year-" Jim said as Aladdin shoved him to the side.
"Ariel - Ariel Atlanta."
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Flynn shrugged. "I don't know her - I only really know one of first years-"
Flynn jumped a little as he heard his last name being bellowed behind him. Peering over his shoulder, he watched as a mound of red curls bounded towards him.
"Hey Bean," Flynn greeted as Merida grinned up at him. "I was wondering where you…oh…speak of the devil."
He leaned to his right as Rapunzel, who had previously been hiding behind Merida, came into view.
Her green eyes looked up to him as she gave a small wave. Flynn's face lit up.
He smiled - truly smiled.
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"Hi, Flynn. Happy Holidays," she said softly, her hands clasped on her signature violet dress. "You're headed to Cinder Castle for the photo, right?
"Right-o," he responded, his eyes caught on her fitting reindeer headband, "This is going to be your first one - it's a real treat."
Jim shook his head, pacing himself a bit in front of the group. "He's lying to you. It's pain in the ass."
"Shut up, Jim. You're a pain in the ass," Aladdin spat as the group broke into laughter.
In similar fashion, several other groups across the academy were starting to make their way to the Cinder Castle entrance. On the north side of campus, Tiana, Mulan, and Anna found themselves racing down a corridor, hoping the event was running late.
"You told me it was at three!" Tiana groaned, trying to maintain her balance as all three students raced around the corner.
"I know, Tiana. I didn't mean to screw us over on purpose. I legitimately thought Rolfe said that. I didn't know they said to arrive at 2:45."
Tiana continued to gripe underneath her breath. As mentioned, she had asked Mulan to determine the timing of the photograph with Professor Rolfe. This was her way of "letting things go" and working to not control every situation.
As per the usual, Tiana was regretting this decision.
"Don't worry - this isn't our f-first rodeo with these pictures," Anna said, trying to catch her breath. "They always take forever to get started. I was, like, fifteen minutes late last year and the photographer hadn't even set up her camera yet."
"See?" Mulan said with a slightly optimistic shrug.
Tiana was not fully convinced, but she did begin to slow her run, signaling Mulan and Anna could do the same. All three took several seconds to collect themselves, wiping the sweat from their brows.
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"I don't even like being apart of this picture," Tiana said, rolling her eyes. "So, why do I even care if I we arrive on time?
"Because you have to be everywhere on time - regardless of the destination."
Tiana glared at Mulan to her right, hugging herself. She wanted to refute the statement.  She used to think punctuality was a positive quality - that it showed she was attentive and focused. Now, it just made her feel staunch and inflexible.
It was how she felt with most all the students at the Academy - even Mulan, as she did now.
Is he really the only one who doesn't make me feel that way?" Tiana thought, holding herself a bit tighter.
"I can't wait until this picture is over too," Anna sighed, "Then the actual holidays can begin. I miss my home staff so much. They're waiting for me to get home to put up the main tree - I begged them too."
"That sounds wonderful. I asked my mama to do the same. She has so many holiday orders to fill so she is no rush to get them up. I'll be happy to be home so I can help her finish those orders."
Anna's face softened. "Do you…always have to help your mom with orders, Tiana?"
"Of course - I mean, we sell most of our desserts during the holidays. Taking them off would really cut into our annual revenue."
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"And no one else can help?" Anna questioned further.
Tiana paused before responding as the Cinder Castle came into view.
"Well, my parents had no siblings so my family is very small. My mother really just has…me. It can be a lot sometimes, but we always make it work. Because we love each other and because…we have to."
Anna stared at Tiana, her familiar smile absent. "You are a really good daughter, Tiana. I'm sure your mother really appreciates everything you do."
The statement made Mulan come to a complete halt. Her feet were heavy and worn - almost as much as her heart.
"Family is so important," she said, clenching her fists.
Tiana rushed back to stand beside her friend, placing her hand on Mulan's shoulder, giving a supportive squeeze. The gesture made Anna walk back to them both, her comforting grin having returned.
"And so are friends," she finished, all three embracing as they approached the picture venue, happily late.
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The site of the photograph was an organized frenzy. Students, dressed in a varied level of holiday garb, were trying to spot their cliques to ensure they were all standing together when the picture was captured.
"These are the moments I truly wished I wasn't a student teacher…" Meg objected, trying her best not to be overrun by the ever growing number of students. "This is a punishment."
Shang exhaled loudly. "Everything a is a punishment to you. Shocking as it may sound, even I can see the value in something like this."
Meg crossed her arms, leering up at Shang. His focus was elsewhere, beyond the students standing in front of them. Meg followed it, noting the three students that had just joined the crowd - Tiana in particular.
She shifted closer to Shang. "Oh yeah? And what's that?"
Shang didn't immediately respond. His eyes were still following her - her graceful steps carrying her holiday attire.
"Because…" he finally said, "This picture gets to capture one moment of so many of us. Captures what we were feeling at this time of year, all together. Some moments you can work hard to replicate - might even come close."
"Nothing will be able to replicate what we're feeling right now."
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Meg didn't respond to Shang. She stood in place, her arms still folded, trying to comprehend that the words spoken had come from Shang's mouth. Seconds later, Eric passed in front of her, stretching his neck and moving his head from left to right. His eyes doubled in size as he heard his name being called.
"There you are!" he responded, literally leaping up to Jasmine. "I tried texting you, but the reception is horrible out here."
"Same…" Jasmine complained, swiping hurriedly at her non-responsive cell. "You'd think it would be better with the tuition we pay, right…"
Eric shook his head with snicker, noticing Jasmine eyes were shifting rapidly.
"Who you looking for, Jas? Can't be me - I'm already here."
Jasmine gave Eric a playful shove. "Haha. Very funny."
"I was actually…I was actually looking for Aladdin. You know we've been having our differences but…we always stand together. And I'm not feeling too petty today."
Eric smirked. Jasmine took offense.
"What?" she scoffed.
"Nothing, nothing. It's just…you usually try to act unbothered and uncaring but…you can't help being you. And you are good."
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"Oh shut up," Jasmine retorted, pushing Eric once more as they crossed the pavement, walking past Kristoff and Belle who had arrived the earliest of the attenders.
"Are you sure this is not too much?" Belle inquired, picking up her dress nervously, "I thought more people were going to be festively dressed. I look so over the top."
"Come on - that's not true. I mean, look at Charlotte over there. She's literally shimmering like a disco ball."
Belle couldn't help but laugh as Kristoff pointed to Charlotte who was jumping up and down, the light bouncing off her rhinestone adorned gown.
Kristoff looked Belle up and down. "I mean, personally, I think you look…great."
Belle spun around, her Santa themed headband almost falling off her head. His gaze was unwavering.
"You…you think so?" she asked. "If I had known that, I would have bought you a headband too."
"Nah, I'm glad you didn't. It's unique and special."
Moving slowly forward, Kristoff hesitantly reached out and placed a stray strand of Belle's hair behind her ear. "…I like that it's just for you."
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For a second, they stood alone underneath the towering castle, only inches apart.
The moment promptly ended as Hercules and Ariel rushed past them.
"SORRY, BELLE. SORRY KRISTOFF!" Ariel screeched as she skipped through the crowd.
Hercules, a bit less in a rush than his younger sister, turned to face Belle and Kristoff. "Sorry, guys. We got tied up talking to Phoebus about social policy. You know how those conversations can go…"
They responded with an understanding nod as the fourth year hurriedly waved goodbye, trying to catch up with Ariel.
"Ariel, wait up. Who are…who are we looking for?"
"Hercules, please, do not be that daft. I'm looking for Lottie. She said she'd be over to the right with - OH, JIM! JIM!"
Ariel was hollering at the top of her lungs at this point, resulting in Jim almost jumping out of his skin. When he turned to see who had called him, his face instantly relaxed.
"Hey, you" he said, their familiar hello. "I like the bells."
The red head responded with a large wave, the bells around head ringing in the holidays. "I knew you would."
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Jim's expression tightened, sensing Hercules judgmental stare. Ariel noticed it soon after and gave her eyes a good roll.
"Hercules, you are fully grown and I'm tired of telling you to say hello to Jim."
"Hello," Hercules grimaced.
"Right back at ya…" Jim replied. He wasn't even bothered by his greeting. In fact, he was becoming quite accustomed to it.
Ariel's face scrunched up as she stepped behind Jim and then back in front. "Where's Al? I see Lottie, Jas, and Eric just over there."
Jim bit his lip, "Um, I think he was just getting something to drink. He'll be back soon."
"Okay, perfect!"
Jim quickly ushered Ariel and Hercules to the side after this. Somehow, he now lived in a world where he covered for both Aladdin and Naveen.
The cousins were standing next to the photographer. They felt watched by those standing nearest to them. They talked in hushed tones accordingly.
"You know I'd…I'd stand with you like we usually do if it wasn't a big deal," Aladdin whispered reassuringly, "I know we have to have each other's backs. I'd never go back on that. But…but…"
Naveen shook his head  vigorously with a clearly forced smile. He was being agreeable and understanding. It was his nature. At least part of it.
"Ya don't have to explain it to me, Cuz. And I get it. It's just a picture - I know that doesn't change anything."
Aladdin bit his lower lip. "You're sure?"
"Of course! Now get back to them, before it's too late.”
Feeling a little more at ease, Aladdin fist bumped his relative before falling into place with his friend circle, the picture now minutes from be taken.
"Alright everyone, let's settle down please," Esmeralda spoke from the castle underpass. "We want to take the picture in the next couple of minutes, so please find your places."
Naveen wrung his hands, making sure to set himself on the outskirts of the now tight circle of students. He knew at this position he was almost at risk of not being in frame.
He liked it that way.
"Hey…I see what you're trying to do there…"
Naveen turned to his side, suddenly facing Pocahontas. She wasn't looking at him. She was smiling ahead.
"You're trying too hard. Everyone knows you're standing alone."
Eyes widened and brows furrowed, Naveen's head fell.
"You know it's okay to stand alone, right?" she continued.
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"ALRIGHT, EVERYONE STAND TOGETHER NOW," the ancient photographer commanded, the chattering and laughing students slowly beginning to quiet.
Pocahontas took two steps closer to Naveen. "Sometimes we deserve it and sometimes we don't. But, a lot of times, when we're alone…we're able to see others who are too."
She could see his lip quivering as the photographer screamed for everyone to say "Happy Holidays".
Pocahontas parted her mouth to smile. "We can be alone together, Naveen."
"Just remember to look up."
Right then, Pocahontas felt someone brush up beside her, arriving mere seconds before the picture was captured.
“Great advice!” Jack gasped, flashing a massive grin. 
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Happy Holidays, everyone! Hope you enjoyed this Academy Storytime and lookout for more Winter Wonder 2021 posts. 
26 notes · View notes
aspoonofsugar · 4 years
Emerald + Mercury = Cinder
The episodes Beginning of the End and Midnight can be seen as complementary.
Both share a similar structure with the first part telling Cinder’s story and the second part showing how past events are influencing the present. At the same time, they show the links among Cinder, Emerald and Mercury and explore their changing dynamic.
In Beginning of the End it is shown how they came together and we reach the climax of their cooperation. The Fall of Beacon is when the trio is at its strongest. It is only because of their coordination and teamwork that the plan succeeds. In Midnight instead we are shown the beginning of their separation.
For different reasons (fears and wishes) both Mercury and Emerald are about to leave Cinder. Mercury already has and it is probable Emerald will soon.
The two episodes also give us two opposite and complementary visions of Cinder.
In Beginning of the End, we have the way Cinder wants to appear:
Cinder: (stepping forward slowly, glass anklet shifting with her footsteps) I've already told you. And I don't like repeating myself.
Salem: I would like to think I have shown a great deal of patience over my many years walking Remnant. But I do hate repeating myself.
Mercury: Is this how you treat a patient? (Emerald reaches over and twists the screwdriver in his leg, causing him to wince) Ah, too tight!
Cinder: Enough. Our Mercury put on a wonderful show. He was quite brave.
Salem: Do you find such malignance necessary?
Watts: I apologize, ma'am. I'm not particularly fond of failure.
Salem: Then I see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. She's become our Fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon Tower, and most importantly, killed dear Ozpin. So I'm curious, to what failures are you referring?
In Midnight we see who she really is. Moreover, it becomes more and more clear that her imitation of Salem is different from the original:
Salem: I will tell you when and where you are needed.
Cinder: Both of you, get out. I’ll let you know when you’re needed next.
Mercury: Yeah about that, Salem’s got other plans for me. I’m not gonna be taking orders from you anymore.
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Why is this being shown through her interactions with Emerald and Mercury? Why are they important for Cinder’s character?
First of all, Mercury and Emerald are Cinder’s kids, at least narratively speaking:
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Roman: Oh, look! She sent the kids again! This is turning out just like the divorce!
Roman calls them so when they first appear and later on several characters refer to them as kids in relation to Cinder.
Raven (about Emerald and Mercury): Two children you've tricked into following you.
Tyrian: (chuckles as he slowly walks toward Emerald) Careful, little girl. Cinder isn't here to protect you anymore.
Tyrian (mocking Mercury): Oh yes, the world is mean, and I'm a big, bad man now just like the others.
Salem (to Emerald): Speak, child.
In short, they are meant to be the last link in a chain of abuse that starts with Salem, goes on with Cinder and finally arrives to them.
At the same time, as the title says Mercury + Emerald = Cinder because they are nothing more than parts of Cinder herself, both in their backgrounds and in their personalities.
Cinder: Follow me, and you'll never be hungry again.
Cinder: It's... an emptiness. It burns. Like hunger. I like it.
In Beginning of the End Emerald and Cinder are shown to share a hunger motif.
Emerald is presented as a street rat who survives through stealing. She is poor and starved, so she accepts Cinder’s offer to be taken care of and to be given food. That said, it is clear that other than food what Emerald is truly starving for is love:
Emerald: I just... (sighs) Cinder was the only family I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things...
I'm the one Who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one
Similarly, Cinder too is shown to be hungry. More specifically, she is hungry for power:
Cinder: I want to be powerful.
It is meaningful that in the episode where Cinder tells Emerald she won’t have to starve anymore, she herself is starving. This contradiction conveys the tragedy of Cinder’s character aka a traumatized girl taking in a kid similar to her and becoming like her past parental figures.
As a matter of fact Emerald and Cinder’s first meeting has parallels with Cinder meeting both Madame and Rhodes.
When Cinder meets Madame she asks for food, but is negated it:
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And she is later shown to have survived through leftovers.
In contrast, food is the first thing Cinder offers Emerald, who she recognizes as a girl who has survived in poverty, like her.
In their first meeting, Cinder also treats Emerald pretty much like Rhodes treated her. Both discover a young girl, who has just committed a theft and confront her. However, instead of punishing the girl, they both offer to be the girl’s mentor and become her idol.
As a matter of fact both Cinder and Emerald are shown to idolize their saviors to the point that both girls try to look like them by changing their hair/clothes:
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So, it would superficially seem that Cinder is acting like Rhodes and in the opposite way of Madame. However, the reality is far more complex. Deep down, Cinder is acting like her adoptive mother because she is targeting a girl and thinking about how she can weaponize her. At the same time, there is a key difference between her behaviour and Rhodes’s. Rhodes had Cinder give the sword back, while Cinder never stopped Emerald from stealing. If anything, she encouraged her criminal activities changing her from a thief to a terrorist. In other words, Cinder radicalized Emerald.
This is once again linked to the motif of hunger both girls share:
Cinder: You Atlas elites are all the same! You think hoarding power means you'll have it forever, but it just makes the rest of us hungrier.
Cinder’s trauma is rooted in the unfairness of the world. She was made to starve simply because she was born in the wrong situation and society completely failed her.
What is more, when Rhodes refuses Cinder as well, she too refuses his vision of the world. Rhodes, pretty much like the Prince of the original fairy-tale, offers Cinder a way to social-climb. In the fairy-tale, Cinderella marries the prince and so becomes a princess in the end. Here, Rhodes is telling Cinder she can reach her own castle. Cinder can escape her misery and reach Atlas. However, this is seen as a lie by Cinder the moment he attacks her.
So, Cinder giving food to an orphan like her and trying to destroy the current order are both coherent with the idea that the world is unjust and needs to be changed. However, Cinder is using the same problems she criticizes to her advantage. What is more, she is exasperating them in order to fulfill her personal agenda, which is only about herself and her self-image.
Let’s see now, what do our two young thieves steal? What are they “hungry” for?
a) Emerald steals a ring:
Salesman: A beautiful ring... for a beautiful woman.
Interestingly, the ring itself might be a reference to the original story of Aladdin, which is apparently Emerald’s allusion.
In the original story Aladdin meets two jinns. The first one is in a ring and Aladdin uses it to save himself and to escape with the magic lamp, where a stronger jinn is. So it makes sense for Emerald to steal a ring (something she wishes) just to meet a woman that promises her she can have more (her personal jinn aka someone that can realize Emerald’s dreams).
Why does Emerald steal the ring?
It is possible she just wants to sell it in order to buy some food, but I like the idea that she steals it also because she wants some beauty (”a beautiful ring for a beautiful woman”) in the harsh and horrible world she lives in (“filth”).
b) Cinder steals a sword:
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Like in Emerald’s case, the object of Cinder’s theft can be seen as part of her fairy-tale’s allusion.
As a matter of fact, in Cinder’s adaptation of Cinderella the swords are nothing, but her glass slippers.
This is made clear later on when Rhodes (both the Prince and the Fairy Godmother) gives Cinder the first sword. It is meant to be a prize on his part. He is showing Cinder she does not need to steal it anymore because she has gained it. Moreover,  weapons are said to be extensions of a person by Ruby, so it makes sense that the slipper of the original Cinderella becomes a sword in this version. It fits the personality of our Cinder, a fiery young girl, who wants to become a huntress.
Finally, since Cinder’s story uses both inversion and deconstruction when adapting the fairy-tale, it is interesting that in the end the Prince refuses to give Cinder the other sword (slipper) and Cinder takes it by force:
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In this way, Cinder goes back to stealing, which was what Rhodes had originally tried to avoid.
Why does Cinder steal the sword in the first place?
She steals something to defend herself with and to hurt her tormentors. Violence is rooted in Cinder’s first theft.
In short, Emerald wants something beautiful, while Cinder wants something powerful.
This difference is coherent with their respective semblances since Emerald creates illusions, while Cinder is able to overheat objects, so that she can create explosions and manipulate their shape. Both powers are representative of their user’s flaw and coping mechanism.
Emerald is a person who has reacted to her traumatic life by chasing illusory dreams of warmth and love. She tricks others and is tricked because she refuses to dispel her self-delusions.
Cinder is instead a person, who has been molded through violence just like the glass statues in the hotel. She is forced to endure until she can’t take it anymore and she explodes:
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She herself is the Glass Unicorn, which shatters like Cinder’s innocence when too much pressure is added. Not only that, but Cinder too has started molding others to her will. She has been grooming both Emerald and Mercury for her own ego. This is why the name Scorching Caress fits her so well. It is because behind every act of care it is hidden an act of manipulation. And this happens because Cinder too has been treated utilitaristically and the only kind of love she experienced (Rhodes’s) was a “weak” love Cinder ended up perceiving as fake.
In short, Emerald and Cinder have different coping mechanisms and aim for different things. However, this does not mean that one is better or worse than the other. Their main difference is that right now Emerald is more in touch with her own needs and wishes. Ironically, the delusional girl has never lost sight of what she truly wants.
Emerald wants a family. She has been looking for it in the wrong places and she has been pursuing it in the wrong ways. However, Emerald has never forgotten what she is truly after and she is starting to realize she won’t have it, until she stays on Salem’s side:
Salem: It's important not to lose sight of what drives us: Love, justice, reverence... but the moment you put your desires before my own... they will be lost to you. This isn't a threat, this is simply the truth. The path to your desires is only found... through me.
Tyrian: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. I want to tell you both a little secret. Your question is all wrong. (laughs)
Emerald: What?
Tyrian: "What do you want from this?" Children, please, if you're not loving what you're doing, then you're in the wrong field.
Salem promises to fulfill Emerald’s wishes, but Tyrian has already told her that pursuing a wish while working for Salem is useless. Emerald is starting to realize it and this is why she will probably leave.
Cinder has instead forgotten what she originally wanted:
Cinder: Like you? You can do whatever you want, go wherever you want.
Cinder’s original wish was to be free and also to be loved, like Emerald:
You're no good I hope you know That your life is of no use And the truth is that No one's ever loved you
However, her being failed by the adults has twisted her wish into a desire for power.
This difference is well conveyed by Cinder and Emerald’s respective line in Beginning of the End:
Cinder: Follow me, and you'll never be hungry again.
Emerald: Thank you...
Cinder: The Huntsman severed the connection before it was complete. (pause) Yes. It's... an emptiness. It burns. Like hunger. I like it. (pause) Yes. I will claim what is ours. (pause) Thank you.
Emerald thanks Cinder because she won’t have to be hungry anymore, while Cinder thanks Salem because she is able to feel a hunger she likes.
This fits well with Cinder’s last words to the Madame:
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Cinder: You’re right. Without you I am nothing. But because of you, I am everything.
Emerald does not want to be hungry, while Cinder has been tricked into thinking that being hungry is the only way she can become not even “everything”, but just “something”.
Cinder: Because of you, I am everything.
Mercury: So I got strong, but I never got it back! I've had to work harder than anyone to get where I am.
Cinder’s way of thinking is very similar to Mercury’s. Not only have they both endured their parents’ violence, but they have tried to give this violence meaning. It is because of Madame that Cinder has become “everything” and it is because of Marcus that Mercury has become “strong”. They must believe that it was not all for nothing and that the pain they felt made them stronger instead of weaker.
This is why Cinder thinks that deep down her “hunger” is good. It is because it drives her, but she ignores that it blinds her too.
This is why Mercury keeps going back to his father:
Mercury: Bad hair, used a scythe, and smelled like my dad after a long day. It was him.
Mercury: My dad always said... "if you need to know a city, ask the rats."
He mentions Marcus here and there and uses his teachings to solve problems. That is because those teachings must have some value, right? If they don’t, then Mercury’s life means nothing.
The nature of Cinder and Mercury’s foiling is clear in their first meeting:
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Like in Emerald’s case, Cinder finding Mercury calls back a moment of her past.
In particular, it parallels the murder of her adoptive family and Rhodes discovering it. Mercury, just like young Cinder, has just killed an abusive parent and is confronted by a person after the fact.
Once again, Cinder seems to act differently from the adults that let her down. Rhodes was horrified and attacked her, while Cinder praises Mercury and has him join her group.
However, she is deep down acting as Rhodes did. As a matter of fact what truly hurt Cinder about Rhodes’s reaction is that he convinced her that she is irredeemable.
The whole scene plays with the Cinderella’s allusion and inverts it:
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The clock strikes midnight and just like in the fairy-tale, the magic is over. In Cinderella, the protagonist goes back to her true self and runs away not to be seen. However, in the end, the prince recognizes her through her slipper (a symbol of her innate beauty and kindness) and marries her despite her humble condition.
In Cinder’s story, midnight is when she reveals a part of herself to Rhodes. She shows all the anger and violence she has been repressing. Cinder is not a “good victim” like the Cinderella of the fairy-tale and Rhodes can’t accept it. Not only that, but he negates Cinder’s dream to be free:
Rhodes: You can run, but you’re going to be running for the rest of your life.
Cinder: I won’t have to run now.
Rhodes: That’s all you’ll ever do.
This shatters Cinder’s hopes and self-perception. She internalizes that she will have to live in opposition to society because she is somehow “a bad person”. She is not a huntress (a princess), but a nobody who’ll have to use violence to survive. And she starts doing it immediately. As the song that starts playing implies, she has been awaken from the “fragile lies in bones”. However, this “truth has broken her soul in two”. This wound is still there and it has influenced, among other things, her reaction to Mercury.
When Cinder meets Mercury, she associates him to his father three times:
Cinder:  And you're his son. We saw your fight from the treeline. He's taught you well.
Mercury: Guess so.
Cinder: What's your name?
Mercury: Mercury.
Cinder: Mercury... Tell me, are you anything like your father?
In this way, she strengthens the connection Mercury tried to cut by killing Marcus. She is indirectly convincing him that he can’t be different from his father:
Tyrian: All you ever learned was pain and violence, and now you're too afraid to leave it. Such a tragedy.
Tyrian spells it out clearly for both Mercury and the audience. The only reason Mercury joined Cinder and is now working for Salem is that he is scared. Not only is he scared for his own survival, but he is scared about failing to be anything else than what his father taught him.
Cinder is deep down scared too by Salem and her group:
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However, she too, like Mercury, has given up on being anything different than a criminal. She puts up a strong demeanor, but is actually really frail. She is like glass that has been bended through heat (violence) and can easily shatter.
Both Mercury and Cinder are two violent victims. This duality is kind of conveyed also through their names and colors.
“Cinder” is something that has only partially burnt. They tried to reduce her to ashes, but failed and a part of Cinder is still burning. This is why her main colors are black and red. She is black because she was burnt. She is red because she can burn. She was both hurt and has hurted others.
Similarly, “mercury” is a silver/gray metal and this is Mercury’s main color. This choice gains a possible deeper meaning when one considers that his aura is white and that his surname is Black. His aura can be seen as Mercury’s nature, while the surname “Black” is a symbol of the “nurture” he received. Mixing these two factors made so that Mercury turned out like he is (a gray character).
So, Cinder and Mercury have been shaped by their abuse and this is clearly visible on their bodies as well:
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Cinder keeps the scar on her neck hidden, while Mercury has chosen to weaponize his missing legs.
It is telling that Mercury made of his own mechanical legs his weapon and that he mostly uses kicks to fight. It is another detail that shows how he is reducing both himself and his trauma to weapons he can use.
Cinder too shows how frail her sense of self is through weapons. It is not by chance that her current weapons are made of glass. In her backstory her swords were a symbol of her true self and of who she could become. Right now, they are nothing, but glass imitations of that ideal.
In short, Cinder and Mercury are both victims and murderers and they needed to have both sides of themselves accepted by their mentors.
However, Rhodes and Cinder failed to do so. They both refused the victimhood of the child in front of them, but they did so in opposite ways.
On one hand Rhodes refused Cinder’s violence and its reasons. He ignored his feelings of affection for the girl and steeled himself, so that he could fight her.
On the other hand Cinder gladly accepted Mercury’s violence and groomed him (Scorching caress), so that he would completely embrace it too.
The difference between Rhodes and Cinder lies in them having different reactions to the violence perpetrated by a child. However, they both fail to address the child’s pain. Rhodes does so because his vision is too black and white. Cinder does so because she is not even able to address her own pain.
However, both Cinder and Mercury need to address their own victimhood. Still, they refuse to do so because it would mean to accept their vulnerability. It is easier to convince themselves that they are the strong and violent ones. They are the ones others are scared of:
Mercury: We're the guys you should be afraid of.
But it is precisely because of this refusal that they are currently caught in dynamics similar to the ones they escaped:
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Salem and Tyrian are nothing, but more dangerous versions of Madame and Marcus.
Salem treats Cinder as a pawn, rather than a person. She strips her of her personhood and agency and punishes her violently.
Tyrian is a killer, who enjoys his job like Marcus. He keeps invading Mercury’s personal space and threathens him. Moreover, his own semblance is similar to Marcus’s. It might not steal people’s semblances, but it still messes with their auras (with their very souls).
Cinder and Mercury struggle to recognize their own situations because to do so they must accept they are still stuck in their horrible childhoods:
Mercury: You may not like it here without Cinder, but I think I'm right where I'm supposed to be!
Cinder: I don’t serve anyone. And you wouldn’t either, if you were built that way.
However, this refusal is confusing them about what their true needs and wishes are:
Cinder: I want to be strong. I want to be feared. I want to be powerful.
Mercury: So what's in it for me?
In Beginning of the End both characters receive a line where they express some kind of wish.
As stated above, Cinder’s wish is not her original one, but a twisted version because she thinks she can’t reach her true desire.
When it comes to Mercury, he is not even sure of what he really wants. This is made clear even later on:
Emerald: I mean, there has to be something you want from this, right?
Mercury: Salem's promised us everything. We win this thing for her, we'll be top dogs in her new world. What more do you want?
He says Salem will give him all he wants, but he still fails to answer Emerald’s question. What is it that he wants?
He wants “everything” Cinder can offer him and later on “everything” Salem offers him. However, this is just another way to say he’ll take anything he is given, be it even something as basic as survival:
Mercury: Look, even if what he said was true, we can’t stop Salem. You told me yourself, Hazel tried. He failed and he got in line. Big guy’s not going to pick fights he can’t win, and neither should we.
This is because Mercury is so scared and hurt he can’t even start to think about what he wants.
Similarly, he goes back to a fatalistic vision of the world:
Mercury: Just made sense.
Emerald: It made sense?
Mercury: All my life, my father trained me to be a killer, an assassin like him. And then moments after I killed him, you two showed up looking for someone with my exact skills. Just felt like it was meant to be.
Let’s highlight that Cinder does the same:
Pyrrha: Do you believe in destiny?
Cinder: Yes.
Cinder: You know, Neo, someone once asked me if I believed in destiny. And I'm happy to say I still do.
Both Mercury and Cinder have convinced themselves that there is a “destiny” written for them and that they must play that role (the role of an assassin, the role of the Maiden). However, in this way they are just chaining themselves and accepting to Do As They Are Told by adults and mentor figures, who do not really care about them.
I'm the one That was born in a nightmare a murderer's son Got no gun But I gleam like a blade and I'm harder than iron I'm the one Who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one Delusion I'll steal til your blind and defeat you from inside your mind
I'm the one That was ripped from the earth and exposed to the sun Overrun By the hate and the beatings defiled by a father I'm the one I'll race with your eyes and you'll never outrun Illusions Will conquer your mind and will make you fulfill my design
Mercury and Emerald’s song says several things about them.
First of all, it conveys the idea of two kids that feel let down by the world and have decided to retaliate. They mock their opponents and praise their respective abilities. However, it is clear from the verses above that it is just a mask to hide their pain.
This fits with them appearing for the first time in Best Day Ever where Ozpin says this:
Ozpin: And they will be, but right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part? After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever.
Differently from out protagonists (at the time), Emerald and Mercury are not playing the part of kids, but they are acting as big bad thugs to prove themselves to the people around them.
Secondly, the song is useful to explore Emerald and Mercury’s foiling.
I'm the one Who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one Delusion I'll steal til your blind and defeat you from inside your mind
I'm the one That was ripped from the earth and exposed to the sun Overrun By the hate and the beatings defiled by a father
Emerald was never given love, while Mercury was given hate:
Mercury: I'm sorry you didn't have a mommy that loved you, but I had a father who hated me!
This difference is at the root of their different personalities.
On one hand Emerald attaches herself to the care Cinder gives her and takes it as the most love she’ll ever receive.
On the other hand Mercury is just content with not receiving hate and violence from the people around him.
Emerald is more open about her connections with others, while Mercury is more disillusioned. She is strongly driven by them, while Mercury is too scared to fully embrace them.
Emerald has clear wishes, but she is deluding herself about them. Mercury has fears that do not let him realize what he wants.
This difference stems from the different nature of their traumas. Who was never given anything accepts whatever they are offered, while who received pain thinks even nothing is better than more pain.
Still, we are currently seeing an inversion of this dynamic. Emerald’s wishes and their not overlapping with reality are making her doubtful. Mercury’s fear and survival instinct are making him refuse the truth:
Mercury: And all of this is pointless, anyway. Salem’s not ending the world.
In the end, facing one’s own feelings, being them wishes:
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Or fears:
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Is still better than repressing them, even if it might be painful.
I'm the one That was born in a nightmare a murderer's son Got no gun But I gleam like a blade and I'm harder than iron
I'm the one I'll race with your eyes and you'll never outrun Illusions Will conquer your mind and will make you fulfill my design
The song I’m the One has four key verses. In the first two ones both characters tell a little of their past and then discuss their abilities, while in the other two Mercury mostly talks about his past and emphasizes it, while Emerald highlights her semblance more.
This ends up foreshadowing the importance of Emerald’s semblance and Mercury’s lack of one (”got no gun”).
Emerald’s semblance is important on different levels. As stated above, it perfectly embodies Emerald’s flaw:
Mercury: You're in denial.
And it is linked to unconscious aspects, like wishes and fears. Finally, it is a semblance linked to trickery and lies and these are among the causes of The Fall of Beacon:
Cinder:  Our Kingdoms are on the brink of war, yet we, the citizens, are left in the dark.
It is not by chance that this semblance specifically has been so instrumental in Cinder’s plan, after all.
Similarly, Mercury’s lack of a semblance is one of his defining traits:
Mercury: He never went easy on me! Every day of training was a beating. And when I unlocked my Semblance, he stole it with his!
Ironically, this would make for an excellent narrative objective for Mercury’s character. However, he is so sure his semblance can’t be taken back that he has completely given up on it. This even if he is clearly bitter about having had a part of himself stolen.
The key aspect here may be that Mercury has failed to get his semblance back through his father’s teachings:
Mercury: He told me I could have it back when I was strong. So I got strong, but I never got it back!
And he is now considering it lost forever. It is possible that the path to find his ability again is instead another one altogether.
That said, while Cinder mostly used Emerald’s semblance in her plan, she also made great use of Mercury’s skill and of the peculiar nature of his body:
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The first step in her plan, after all, uses both Emerald’s semblance and Mercury’s prostethic legs to spread negative emotions. This tendency continues in PvP where Emerald uses her semblance and Mercury, unhurt because of his legs, prevents Ruby from interrupting the fight.
In short, Emerald mostly relies on her semblance, while Mercury mostly relies on his legs and fighting prowess.
This detail adds to the idea that Emerald and Mercury have been acting as a unit and have been complementing each other. Emerald acts as the “soul” and Mercury as the “body”.
The soul is one’s personal essence (like the semblance). It is where (once again) wishes reside. The body is what protects the soul and is animated by instincts and self-survival.
They complement each other. This complementarity is shown in Emerald and Mercury’s fights.
In the Vytal festival, Mercury takes on both Coco and Yatsuhashi for a short while, so that Emerald can size her chance to fight Coco at her own terms (and she wins by using her semblance).
In the Battle of Heaven, Emerald uses her semblance to help Mercury fight and, in a sense, she compensates for his lack of one:
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This perfect complementarity used to make them strong, but right now it is clear that it has become limitating:
Blake: When you’ve been at someone’s side for so long, after a while they become a part of you. But that’s just it, they’re only a part of you. Don’t forget about the rest.
 This is why they are currently being separated by the narrative.
On one hand Emerald must learn not to be so emotionally dependant from others and must make her own choices. This is also why her using the lamp might be meaningful:
Qrow: This last great creation would be given the power to both create and destroy. It would be given the gift of knowledge, so that it could learn about itself and the world around it. And most importantly, it would be given the power to choose, to have free will to take everything it had learned and decide which path to follow - the path of light or the path of darkness.
The whole point of the relics (and of the journey we are going through) is to learn about the world, about creation and destruction, so that in the end a choice can be made.
This is why the first relic we saw is the relic of knowledge. Now, Emerald is a character that has been dependant on others, so that she could realize her wishes. Aladdin itself is a story about a character depending on a Jinn to make his dreams come true. However, it is possible Emerald’s arc will be different and it will be about gaining the knowledge to act and realize one’s wishes.
On the other hand Mercury must face himself and learn what he really wants. He must start living instead of simply surviving. In a sense, he must take the soul his father stole back.
Mercury quoting Marcus: "This is a crutch!" "This makes you weak!"
Marcus was wrong. One’s individuality (semblance) does not make them weak. If anything, Marcus’s abuse of Mercury made him need a literal crutch (since he lost his legs) and the boy is still hiding behind this violence to avoid any real choice about himself. This is what prevents him from becoming strong:
Yang: You might be powerful, but that doesn't make you strong.
Raven: Who do you think you are, lecturing me?! Standing there, shaking like a scared little girl?!
Yang: Yeah, I'm scared. But I'm still standing here!
His connection with Emerald might still play a role in this. After all, Mercury is, among other things, the god of thieves and this allusion has been played with by making him protective of Emerald (whose surname means “thief”). It might be used in a deeper and more meaningful way later on.
Emerald and Mercury must grow because if they don’t, they’ll end up as their dark foils:
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Both Hazel and Emerald ended up joining Salem out of a feeling of love that was twisted. Emerald joined Salem because of her loyalty to Cinder, who is using her. Hazel joined Salem because of the death of his sister that he blames on Ozpin. Their semblances are even symbolic of their respective flaws since Emerald is caught up in her own delusions, while Hazel is unable to properly grieve, so he can’t “feel pain” on more than just the physical level.
Both Mercury and Tyrian are assassins and Tyrian is who Mercury might become if he truly chooses to live only to kill and does not find a different goal.
It is also telling that both Emerald and Mercury are currently put in similar circumstances as their two foils. As a matter of fact Mercury is leaving with Tytian, while Emerald and Hazel have been given the password to use the lamp and must choose what to make of this information.
At the same time, Emerald and Mercury have also some traits of respectively Tyrian and Hazel as well.
Emerald is fiercely loyal to Cinder like Tyrian is to Salem:
Tyrian: So devoted to someone so incompetent.
Hazel wanted to protect Gretchen (and is still acting on these unfulfilled feelings of protectiveness) like Mercury is trying to protect Emerald. Moreover, Gretchen and (probably) Emerald’s choice was/will be to fight an enemy that can’t be beaten, going against Hazel and Mercury’s wishes.
All in all, Emerald and Mercury have had interesting interactions with both Hazel and Tyrian that can be (ironically) seen as two incomplete and flawed mentor figures.
On one hand Hazel has been acting as a protector of sorts. He carried Emerald when she lost consciousness after the Battle of Heaven and he tried to protect both Emerald and Mercury from Salem’s rage after their failure.
On the other hand Tyrian is seen tormenting the two kids whenever he gets the chance. That said, he ironically ends up spelling out for them truths the two must face:
Tyrian: Do what makes you happy children... please? I'm begging you...
Tyrian: Of course she is! You’re surprised? Salem is destruction incarnate! Our mistress wishes to see the end of it all! There is no ideal more beautiful.
In short, some kind of interesting foiling seems to have been set-up for the four of them and it will be interesting to see if/how it develops.
In a sense, when the clock stroke midnight it was the beginning of Cinder’s end because she entered a spiral she has not been able to stop since then. Not only that, but she has dragged other people in that same spirals and those people are now struggling against it, just like her.
At the same time, midnight signals the end of illusions and that may be a fitting description for where we are in the story so far.
Ruby has just announced the existence of Salem to the world, Emerald is uncovering several truths about Salem, Cinder and herself and the Ace Ops are being forced to face their emotions. Of course, when some illusions end, new ones appear. However, it is clear we are in a pivotal moment, which will hopefully lead to some changes.
Similarly, Cinder, Mercury and Emerald will probably go their own ways soon and it will be interesting to see how their paths will foil and where they will meet again.
As for now, it seems that because of Emerald’s allusion to Aladdin, she might use the last question to Jinn. If so, she will probably aquire knowledge and wisdom (emeralds are the stones of wisdom apparently).
Mercury will probably spiral a little bit as for now, but I wonder if he will receive some pivotal focus in the Vacuo’s volumes. Other than him going there with Tyrian, there is also the fact that it would make what is currently just a juxtaposition with Penny (thank you, @hamliet​ for noticing) a more interesting foiling.
Penny is an artificial human, a creation who was given life because her father loved her so much that he sacrificed a part of his aura for her... twice. She is at the centre of the theme of creation and it represents the good sides of it. She is a creation with a soul, a child, the fruit of parental love. It is because of the love she received that she is willing to protect creation:
Penny: That is not… I choose to fight for people who care about me.
Penny’s arc is about self-actualization. She struggles to be her own person outside her role, her purpose and even her parent. However, even if she has been objectified and keeps being objectified, she has also been given affection and this is why she fights.
Mercury is her opposite. He was the target of his father’s violence. Marcus not only stole his legs (while Pietro built Penny a body), but even a part of his soul (while Pietro gave Penny a part of his). He taught Mercury hate and violence and this is why he is currently helping a witch to destroy the world. Because of this, it would be interesting for such a character to receive focus on the volumes about destruction.
Finally, Cinder, as the Fall Maiden, is linked to the theme of choice. This has already been explored a little bit in her being obessed by destiny, as said above. However, the theme of choice is one which must still be fully explored.
In particular, there are several references to choice and destiny when it comes to Cinder’s foil aka Pyrrha:
Cinder (about Pyrrha): Hmm... People assume that she's fated for victory, when she's really taking fate into her own hands.
Cinder: It's unfortunate you were promised a power that was never truly yours.
Pyrrha: When I think of destiny, I don't think of a predetermined fate you can't escape. But rather... some sort of final goal, something you work towards your entire life.
Red-Haired Woman: She understood that she had a responsibility... to try. I don't think she would regret her choice, because a Huntress would understand that there really wasn't a choice to make. And a Huntress is what she always wanted to be.
Pyrrha’s arc is about making a choice. She must choose if she wants to become a Maiden. She struggles, but in the end she accepts this responsibilty. She embraces her idea of destiny and tries to be a Maiden even without powers.
Cinder’s idea of destiny is not fully explored. In a sense, just like Pyrrha, she has taken destiny in her own hands. However, she also seems to use the idea of destiny to nurture her self-image as the Chosen One and as the Worthy One.
At the same time, Pyrrha’s choice led to her tragic death. Not only that, but in the end her death accomplished little. Even Ruby activating her silver eyes has more to do with her wish to protect life, rather than with death. Why is that so? It is probably because Pyrrha’s choice was made without knowledge. She had been explained only a fragment of the truth, while the whole point is that one should learn, meet creation and destruction and then make a choice. This is why we have yet to meet the relic of choice.
My guess is that the theme of choice will mostly be explored through Cinder’s character, who will be asked to choose her destiny in the end.
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danielkaybooks · 3 years
Daniel's Disney: Beauty and the Beast
Continuing my thoughts about making famous Disney couples into brother/sister's, here is my attempt with the beloved classic Beauty and the Beast. It is always my preference to make the romantic couple full-blood vs. half-blood, so some of my scenarios may be a bit more difficult/extreme than necessary, but that's more fun for me.
If you don’t like the idea of Belle and Adam/the Beast being brother/sister AND lovers, please don’t interact!
Previously, I did Tangled and Aladdin.
Here we go--Beauty and the Beast! Obviously it would be easy to make these two half-siblings. Adam/the Beast's parents aren't featured at all in the film, so you can much more easily wrangle that. I especially want this couple to be full-blooded siblings, though, so here is my idea: Maurice is not Belle's real father.
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I feel like this isn't even that hard of a thought--look at him. Certainly Belle didn't get her Beauty from him! As was common with older Disney films, Belle's mother is not in the film at all. This is very convenient for us, though. Let's assume that Belle and Adam were brother and sister, born to the same king and queen and raised together--at least partially.
The timeline in Beauty and the Beast is weird, if you don't know it. Adam is cursed to be a beast until his 21st birthday ("The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his twenty-first year") and the curse has been in effect for 10 years ("'For ten years we've been rusting, needing so much more than dusting" from Be Our Guest) at the start of the film. That means that Adam was cursed to be a beast when he was only 10 or 11 years old. Belle is 17 in the film, which would make her only approximately 7 when the curse happened. Where are the parents? Why was a little boy able to so piss off the enchantress that she cursed him?
Well, to start, the whole thing isn't well-written in the first place. I'm pretty sure the writers intended him to be an adult or at least a teenager when he was cursed, but the timeline doesn't work out that way, and would end up with a 31-year-old Beast with a 17-year-old Belle. Hot, but too big an age gap for Disney.
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(This is not the face of an 11-year-old... Maybe it's Dad and Belle just thinks it's the Beast? Or...)
Anyway, in keeping with the canon we've been given let's posit that Adam's parents were already dead when he was eleven. Let's assume that the reason he was in charge of receiving or denying the enchantress in the first place at that point is because he was the 11-year-old king. Let's say he'd been a wild and particularly asshole-ish little king for a long time, too. Let's say that his parents died years ago, in fact. Let's say Adam has been the king for years at this point. His mother got pregnant with Belle, the king died somehow, the queen died in childbirth with Belle and Adam was crowned when he was four. Let's just say it was utter chaos from the beginning. Maybe there was no precedent for this; no advisors, no regent, no queen mother, nothing. It was just a cocky little four-year-old baby with a screaming little sister and Mommy and Daddy are gone and literally no one can tell him no.
A lot of the servants stay on because they need a job and assume eventually the brat will mature and grow up, but let's say that the little sister is very neglected and maybe even in trouble. The castle is probably hemorrhaging employees long before the enchantress shows up. Let's assume that as the ship is sinking, one of the servants decides to smuggle Belle out of the castle for her own safety. She's maybe one or two years old--too young to have any memory of the castle. (I considered that Maurice was employed as an inventor at the castle and smuggled her out himself, but he seems too unfamiliar with the castle for it to have been a former place of employment for him.) I like to instead imagine some kindly servant smuggled Belle out and either she fell in love with Maurice and they raised her as their own, or else Maurice somehow adopted her, all without knowing her truth birth right.
The the rest of the story happens as on screen. Belle is a long-lost sister that Adam has forgotten all about, and of course none of the servants would recognize her either. (Until/unless you want them to reveal the story of the missing sister and Adam and Belle put one-and-one together to discover the tantalizing truth!)
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They look less related than I'd like, but certainly not outside the realm of possibility. Adam is blue-eyed and Belle is hazel-eyed, which are both possible for siblings depending on what eye-colors their parents and grandparents had, but it is possible. The same is true for their hair color. All in all, I really like this scenario for them. I do think there could be an angle with the enchantress, as well. Why she was angry enough to curse a bratty 11-year-old, for staters.
Anyway, what do you think? I plan to actually write a family erotica Beauty and the Beast-style story someday. It would likely be much more different than the Disney story, but I certainly like the idea of the lost-sister making her way back and falling in love with the Beast-brother she doesn't even know is her brother.
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kaistryder · 3 years
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DISCLAIMER: The fallowing of this Interactive Fan Fiction is meant for entertainment purposes only and is not canon to the series in questioned.
Descendants, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 101 Dalmatians, Cinderella, Mulan,
Kingdom Hearts, Pinocchio, Hercules, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Tarzan, Alice In Wonderland, The Sword in the Stone, and Fantasia.
Is owned by Disney and Square Enix outside of the story and a few characters I do not own anything else.
With all of this out of the way ladies and gentlemen and others please allow me to welcome you to, "Descendants: Simple and Clean."
INTRO: What if: Descendants has Kingdom Hearts Descendants.
An interactive FanFiction Series as Descendants is set after the events of Kingdom Hearts.
As the series will focuse on the children of characters like Sora, Riku, & Kairi.
The series will have three parts to each story this give me time to come up with concepts of the next story.
Part one will tell the perspective before the Descendantd film and the main characters and his friends will go quests through out over all of Auradon.
Part two will be a re telling of the Descendants, but in the perspective to Kingdom Hearts Descendant.
Part three will be putting the two parts together in one conclusion with the story ending off with a twist to tease the next story.
At the end of the story I take all the questions you have been asking for this story.
PLOT: Descendants: Simple & Clean focuses on two Kingdom Hearts Descendants. Soren the son of Sora & Kairi and Rika the Daughter of Riku & Naminè.
Growing up Soren life was complicated see years ago Sorens dad went to on a quest, but didn't make it back he just disappeared.
Soren's life went to complicated see he was an Auradon student, but he didn't like how most of Royal Kids acted.
One day his life changed when he stopped Audrey and Chad from bullying Doug.
Because of this Soren got expled sent back to his home where Soren reunited with his best friend and cousin Rika.
Telling him about a second school on Auradon well it's not a school it's more like a summer camp.
Camp Olympus a school to train the next generation of Ture heroes, but things are not all easy as someone has stolen the three symbols ofOlympus.
Hades Ember, Positions Tide Spear, and Zeus's lighting bolt.
Now Soren and Rika along with their friends Jamie Criket daughter of Jiminy Crickrt, Gordon son of Grumpy, and Bobby Hood son of Robin Hood & Maid Marrian Must go on a quest to find and return the three symbols of power in Olympus. To Hades, Posidon, and Zeus.
SETTING: There are three setting points Part 1 is on the Isle of the Lost, Part 2 is on Auradon, and Part 3 is in Olympus.
TIMELINE: Part 1. Set before the First Descendants Movie, Part 2. Re-Tells the Desendant Movie, and Part 3. Is set after Descendants.
1. Soren: Son of Sora & Kairi.
2. Rika: Daughter of Riku & Naminè.
3. Jamie Cricket: Daughter of Jiminy Cricket
4. Gordon: Son of Grumpy.
5. Bobby Hood: Son of Robin Hood & Maid Marian.
6. Mal: Daughter of Maleficent & Hades.
7. Jay: Son of Jafar.
8. Evie: Daughter of the Evil Queen.
9. Carlos De Vil: Son of Cruella De Vil.
10. Maleficent.
11. Churnobog.
12. Audrey: Daughter of Auroea & Philip.
13. Ben: Son of Belle & Beast.
14. Chad: Son of Cinderella & Prince Charming.
15. Doug: Son of Dopey.
16. Jane: Daughter of Fairy Godmother.
17. Lonnie: Daughter of Mulan & Shang.
18. Herkie: Son of Hercules & Meg.
19. Aziz: Son of Aladdin & Jasmine.
20. Airica: Daughter of Ariel & Eric.
21. Scarlet Pan: Son of Peter Pan.
22. Hazel Skelington: Daughter of Jack Skellington & sally.
23. Fairy Godmother.
24. Kairi.
25. Merlin.
26. Phil.
27. Hades.
28. Zeus.
29. Posidon.
30. Belle.
31. Beast.
32. Jafar.
33. Cruella De Vil.
34. The Evil Queen.
35. Leah.
FINAL NOTE: So before I close off I would like to introduce you to somewhat of a poll.
So this one will be revealed what happened to Sora. So what do you think happened to Sora when Soren was born.
Option #1. Sora disappeared when he went to take care of the situation he was lost.
Option #2. Sora is dead. He died heroically but his spirit lives on through out those who fought for the the innocent.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Puppy Problems (USWNT x Reader)
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Request: team x reader where the reader lost her dog and the team manages to find it (maybe it was in a shelter or someone contacted them or something idk) and reunites her with her dog during a match?
Hey dudes, I changed this just slightly because it thought it flowed a little better! I hope you enjoy. Hit me up with requests, questions or if you just want to say Hi!
You loved Lindsey and Emily, you really really did, but you were going to kill them. Really, how could two grown-ass adults lose a giant black dog? A giant black lab who had been trained to be a police dog but turned out to be too kind for the job, who never strayed more than three feet from you at any given point in time. 
He was more than just a puppy. Riker was your best friend. He had been the only one there for you when your grandma died. And now the two lovable idiots before you had lost him.
“Run it by me again,” You ground out, your fists clenching as you glared at Emily, who was attempting to cower behind Lindsey. 
“Riker, Fergs, and Bagle were playing by the wooded area at the park-“ Emily started, avoiding eye contact with you. 
“Without their leashes?” You interrupted, glaring a hole in the side of her head. You had specifically instructed them to not take him off his leash unless he was in an enclosed space. Riker was a good boy, but you didn’t like him running wild when there wasn’t a fence to stop him. Like you, he got distracted and liked to meet new people and animals. At least with a fence or a leash, he couldn’t wander too far. 
Emily took a step back, almost as if she were using Lindsey as a shield. The taller blond rolled her eyes, placing both hands on Emily’s shoulders and forcing her to stand in front of her. 
“Without their leashes, and we got distracted for a second-“ Sonnett tried again, doing whatever she could to placate you. 
“Don’t try and put this on me Sonnett, you were the one who just had to try the swings” Lindsey interrupted her with a scoff. You loved that dog more than anything else on this planet, and she had been too busy making sure Sonnett didn’t break her neck to watch Ri too. This was all on Emily as far as she was concerned. 
“We looked away for one second and Ri was gone,” Emily continued as though Lindsey hadn’t tried to throw her under the bus. 
She bit her lip when you didn’t respond. You glared at the floor, your fists clenching and unclenching. 
“You lost my dog, my best friend because you wanted to go on some swings?” You said through gritted teeth. Retiring your Laser eyes to the two women. 
“We’re so sorry,” Emily said, raising her arms in a calm down motion. But you were way too far gone. You knew Emily could be childish, but this was above and beyond that. This was sheer negligence. Blatant disrespect for your wishes and it had resulted in your best friend being missing. 
“5…” You said your voice deadly calm.
“What?” Sonnett asked, her eyebrows furrowing. Of all the things she thought you were going to say, this wasn’t one of them. 
“4…” You took a step towards them, and they matched you with a step back.
“Em,” Lindsey said with fear in her voice, the wheels turning rapidly in her head. 
“3…” You took another step, a sickening smirk stretching across your face. You were going to kill them. 
“Em, run,” Lindsey said, eyes wide and Emily took off out of the hotel room and down the all. 
“0,” You yelled, chasing after her, catching up to her with ease. It was one of the perks of being a forward you supposed. 
“Hey, that’s not fair,” Emily yelped, as you hoisted her up on your shoulder. 
“Was losing my fuckin-“ You growled, planning on throwing her in the hotel pool with all her stuff in her pockets. You loved towards the stairs, paying no attention to the protesting woman on your shoulders or the women who were peeking their heads out of their rooms. 
“Whoa there Ms. Muscles, I think you need to take a chill pill,” Ash said, stepping into the hallway, and placing a hand on your chest.
“Don’t tell me what to do Ash, they lost Riker,” You growled at the woman, a touch of just how upset you were leaking into your tone. 
You placed Emily back into the floor, bringing your hands up to scrub your eyes, your shoulders shaking from trying to suppress your tears. Ash immediately pulled you into a hug, glaring over your head at the two women who had done probably the worst thing they could have to you. 
“You two did what?!” She hissed at them. She loved Riker almost as you did. He was Logan and Storms’ best buddy. Plus he was fantastic at keeping you calm. 
“It was an accident,” Emily mumbled miserably, and Lindsey had the decency to at least look ashamed. 
“You left him by himself. Now he’s all alone, probably out there scared out of his mind,” You sobbed into Ash’s chest. She carded her fingers through your hair, running fingers down your back. 
“He’s just a dog, calm down,” Lindsey rolled her eyes, and you lunged at her. A feral scream leaving your lips. How fucking dare her. Ash’s arm wrapped around your middle, preventing you from getting to the blond. 
“Ok, I think everyone here needs to take a breather,” Alex said, finally stepping in, putting in her captain voice. 
“Take Y/n to my room,” she ordered, and ash nodded, lifting you and dragging you towards The room Alex was sharing with Kelley. She waited for the telltale click of the door before turning to the crowd of women before her. 
“We need to find that dog,” Kelley mumbled, not used to seeing you go from adorable and sunny to ready to rip someone’s head off. Alex ran a frustrated hand through her hair. 
“Tobs and Chris check the hotel, Sam and Rose check the park. Kel, you call all the shelters in the area, and Mal, you make sure that Sonnett and Horan stay away from Y/n” Alex ordered, listing off the women on her fingers. 
“And what are you going to do,” Kelley asked with a raised eyebrow. So maybe Alex had a thing for you. A very small thing that the entire team, besides you, was well aware of. They had bets going on how long it was going to take you to finally ask her out or is she was going to ask you out first. 
“Comfort Y/n,” She hummed, looking away. 
“Of course that’s the job you assign yourself,” Kelley’s snort was accompanied by the
“Shut up, and find the dog,” Alex grumbled, a light shade of pink dusting her cheeks. The team mock saluted and headed to their station. 
The sight that met Alex when she entered your room could only be described as pitiful. You were buried under the blankets, curled up next to Ash. Your eyes were red, and the tear stains were burned into your cheeks. 
The sound of the door drew your attention away from the Disney movie playing on the screen, and you opened your arms when you saw Alex. You wouldn’t ever tell Ash, but Alex gave the best cuddles out of everyone on the team. She obliged your request, sliding into bed and pulling you into her chest. She placed a delicate kiss on the crown of your head. You sighed, relaxing back into her. 
“We’ll find him, I promise,” She whispered, and you just nodded, too tired to form words. You trusted her with your life, and now Riker’s. She would do her best to keep her word. 
“How the fuck are we supposed to find one particular Black Lab in a city filled to the brim with them,” Kelley growled, tossing her phone down on the bed. That had been the 4th shelter that told her about the wide array of pups they had, just not the one she was looking for. 
“Didn’t Y/n have him chipped last year?” Mal asked after a few seconds. 
“Mal you’re a freaking genius,” Kelley exclaimed, placing both of her hands on Mal’s face and kissing her forehead. ”So what does that mean?” She asked after a few seconds and the rest of the room’s occupants burst into laughter. 
“It means we just have to wait for a vet or a shelter to call us and tell us that they have Riker,” Emily mumbled, rolling her eyes, but her cheeks still turning upwards a little. Sure, she fucked up, but at least they had a better shot of finding Riker. 
Alex sighed in content, running her fingers through your soft hair, and tracing your dimples as you cuddled impossibly closer to her. It had taken both the Little Mermaid and Peter Pan to calm you down after Ash had accidentally put in Lady and the Tramp instead of Aladdin, and she was released that you had finally seemed to settle. 
You were so adorable with the blanket pulled up to your chin, your stuffed triceratops Roary tucked under your arm, all wrapped in her arms. Not Cathay she would ever mention that out loud. 
A knock at the door pulled the both of you out of your quiet stupor, and you Groaned as the knocking got even more insistent. Alex patted your head and got up to answer the door. You heard it click and her soft voice call for you. 
“Alex, I don’t want anyone else trying to cheer me up,” You huffed, rolling over and burying your face into the pillow. Your various teammates had taken turns coming to check on you and Alex, and you were just tired of them treating you like a baby. 
“I think you’ll like this person,” You could hear the smirk on her voice, as a heavyweight was suddenly on top of you. Soft barking filling the air as it started to try and dig you out of your blankets. You immediately flipped over and were met with a million licks to your face. 
“Ri!!!” You squeezed, petting him everywhere you could reach, as he wiggles in your arms, licking you and rubbing his head on your face as if to say that he missed you just as much as you missed him. 
Alex and Kelley watched the two of you reconnect from the door, wide smiles breaking across their face. They knew that you and Riker were close, and the way the two of you interacted only proved that point. They were glad that the two of you were back together 
“She’s so cute,” Alex mumbled under her breath as you moved the covers to let Riker burrow into your side, placing a very sweet kiss on his head. She wasn’t even bothered that she had been replaced by your furry friend. 
“You better make a move before someone else does,” Kelley smirked, bumping her shoulder. Alex’s blush was answer enough. She loved you, and she could only hope that you would love her as much as you loved Riker.
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v-1enna · 3 years
starkid moments that are squatting in my head and refuse to leave
all of show stoppin number
we got work to do (specifically the beginning, of course)
harry FREAKIN potter
kick my head
sing the beginning of moana (i said sing goddamnit)
duck is lord
kiss my toe
unless i get what i shit
thanks hermione/herman
this is all your fault jafar
take off your clothes
literally all of soldier three's lines
the little head bops in ani
the force (you got it) especially the clap jumps they exude high school musical theatre and i LOVE IT
robert's sirens and subsequent dancing
her cat is dead
joey's independence fuck up
naked in a lake (several parts)
the fact that lauren stays completely in character as craphole while being the fire on the wagon (LOOK AT THAT FACE)
mariah's run at the end of la dee dah dah day
i wanna be a modern dancer
hi gary goldstein attorney at law i was a little further back in line are you aware that my client linda monroe suffers from a rare little understood anxiety disorder and any lasting medical conditions which may arise from stress caused on these premises are your liability sir? i hope you have your finances in order! get ready for audits! audits up your ears! audits in your yin yang! audits in your wazoo!
did you know if you spend money your kids will love you maybe
the shape of the person "who keeps you lusted" in what do you want paul
every night at the stroke of threeeeeeeee
hey, it's me and my dick
your father and i separated
i was in brigadoon in high school
~shut the fuck uuup~
emma. gesundheit
devin's fake southern accent that she uses in literally all the musicals she's in
every single second hot chocolate boy is on screen
hufflepuffs are particularly good finders
emma's little "professor?" in inevitable
when i interact with a new object monologue
kick it up a notch reprise
GILDEROOOOOOOOY (those harmonies... chef's kiss)
you probably know my dad, yeah i'm his son
jaime's waving at the end of tgwdlm
conversely, jeff's clapping at the end of tgwdlm
god is a vicious two faced prick
two faced (hmb)
robin and batman's handshake(?)
oh my wizard god!
lucky for me, god is dead. when you see him in hell, tell him junior sent you.
every time junior is on screen (starship)
buggette's laughter/crying
i'm not dying in your dirty ass methodist church
he's a king (do i ship tedgens? i haven't decided)
when u wake up with mud on ur dick (YES COREY SERVE THOSE VOCALS)
let's eat jemilla
they're all into fortnite dude
im happy as a squirrel when im with mr quirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrel
my name's cletus jones i've killed three people
i can't. i gotta keep refreshing this web page.
the way ginny says harry potter
the way paul declines literally everything presented to him in the first scene ("bill... no. :)")
the way emma smiles after paul says "some things are worth it"
hello :) hey
yeah i know deb's a vegetarian, they got fish
i used to want to kill them all while high on bathsalt zombie drugs snacking on a dead man's face
you're gonna get your drink on with a shirley fucking temple?
i hire you pauls to keep our stock high
AU CONTRAIRE (cue audience screaming for our beloved robert manion)
unlike aladdin, abdul probably had a family who cared about him (exactly!)
did we get the bread back?
ethan green being a dad to hannah
the little faces clark kent makes in the dialogue before cup of roasted coffee
actually pretty much every second robert is on screen in any musical including firebringer
emma's "is that borat?" at the mention of the lattay hattay
mariah's cop hat slowly falling down her face
that's not his brain! it's blue! (how do you know? you're not a doctor either!)
don't lie to me whoever you are, i'm professor hidgens
feel free to add on, this is not a comprehensive list as of yet
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Heads up, this is MY personal opinion. I'm sorry if one of your favorite Disney princess is not in the place you feel like they should be. But again, these are my personal ranking of where I feel each Disney Princess lies. Let's go down the list... 1) Belle: Out of all the Disney Princesses and their moves in general, Belle is by far my top favorite. And Beauty and the Beast is my top favorite in the Disney Princess movies. It was my childhood. I loved it so much and I loved how strong Belle was. She is certainly my idol and I will always love her. (Not going to mention that stupid live action one. Ugh...) 2) Tiana: Princess and the Frog comes in second for my favorite movies and Tiana is awesome. I also like how she is focused on trying to achieve her goals but in the end, she learns that it's also good to embrace the little things. Otherwise, you will miss it. This is a really good lesson to learn. 3) Rapunzel: Rapunzel reminds me of myself when I was younger. Creative and also naive. She will always be in the top three for me. I really do love Tangled. It's a fun adventure and the songs are great. 4) Mulan: Rewatching Mulan has made me love her even more. I can understand why people enjoy the movie so much and I do too. Mulan is a great role model. She isn't perfect but that's fine. And it's not also because she's Asian like me. (Again...gonna ignore the horrible live action remake.) 5) Pocahontas: Okay unpopular opinion, but, I really love Pocahontas. Both the first and second. I guess I can see why people didn't like the movies in general, but for me, it's like with the Don Bluth Anastasia. I like historical fiction. And I feel both did great with these two. I love Pocahontas's spirit and how she fights for her people. I do think the one drawback I have is John Smith. It really boggles my mind people prefer him over John Rolfe when Smith is still a freaking racist sexist guy who only liked Pochontas for her pretty face and wanted to change her. Rolfe loved her for her who she is. Yeah, Rolfe all the way for me! 6) Kida: Ah yes, the forgotten queen. Recently I have watched Atlantis the Lost Empire and I really enjoyed it. The characters were great and I also liked the story. Kida is really kickass and able to look it while doing it. So yeah, awesome queen. 7) Moana: I really love Moana. Both her and her movie. Moana is a great character. Love the songs and I love how Disney went all out in doing their research to make such a beautiful movie. And of course, let's not forget The Rock playing Maui. XD 8) Megera: I have always enjoyed the sassy types and Meg is no different. I loved her no nonsense and then turning into a better person in the end. Plus Hercules is one of my favorite movies too. I love the style and I love coming back to rewatch it. The songs are seriously catchy too. 9) Elsa: Elsa is an older sister like me, so I can see where she comes from. I have seen people stating she is a horrible sister in Frozen 2, but honestly, I just don't see that way. Yes she should have told Anna about the voice, but let's be real, she grew up pushing Anna away because she was forced to. She's not used to being so open. And honestly, I know Anna is allowed to worry for her but um...I always felt she was too clingy. Frozen 2 I feel has some major issues, but I will explain that a bit more when I get to Anna. Bottom line, I prefer Elsa and her songs Show Yourself and Let it Go are still my favorites. 10) Esmeralda: In my childhood, I have never seen the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Reason why is that I just never was able to get the movie. But it did look awesome. I remember having a Esmeralda shirt when I was little and it was one of my favorite shirts. She is one of my favorites and I love how she never judged anyone until after she got to know them. 11) Ariel: Okay, we're kinda in the neutral zone right now. While I did enjoy The Little Mermaid for the most part, Ariel wasn't exactly my favorite. But don't get me wrong, I didn't hate her either. I guess I didn't know what to feel for her. Though I do like her singing and her voice actress Jodi Benson. 12) Jasmine: Again, like with The Little Mermaid, while I did enjoy Aladdin, Jasmine is just neutral to me. I do admire her for not wanting to marry just for the sake of it. And having a pet tiger is awesome. But she doesn't really stick out so much for me. So yeah... 13) Aurora: Considering Aurora doesn't have the biggest screen time compared to the other princesses, I seriously can't be too harsh on her. Sleeping Beauty is a nice movie and I love the art in it. But I felt the movie was more about the good fairies than Aurora herself. So it's why she falls in the D category. She didn't have enough screen time to give us a proper characterization. 14) Cinderella: This was kinda tough...Cinderella wasn't exactly my favorite movie. Though the character herself is fine. She doesn't have the most unique personality but I do admire for her staying kind and hopeful despite living with such an abusive family. I also feel bad that most people misinterpret her character who has to be saved all the time. 15) Merida: Ah yes, now to finally tell my real thoughts on Merida. Honest truth, she is really not my favorite. Far from it. If it wasn't for the Big Four fandom, I would have cared less about Merida. Her actions in her movie were...seriously selfish. And I know, she doesn't want to be married, I get that. And I have see her fans act like it's her mother's fault for doing that. But, keep in mind, her mother was doing it because she wanted to keep peace with the clans. Merida's actions almost sent them into an all out war. But I also feel Brave has some major issues. It could have been an awesome movie but it wasn't. It was one of Pixar's weakest and Merida isn't really all that great. 16) Anna: I don't know why, but Anna falls low on this list too. I have never been the biggest fan of her and she did not do herself well in Frozen 2. I know she loves Elsa, but she put herself in danger by running into the fire. Elsa didn't run into it, ANNA DID. And she treated Kristoff not so well either. She was more tolerable in the first because I know she just wanted to reconnect with Elsa. I feel like Disney tried to give Anna way too make quirks that...meh, I don't think I can really put up with her. Again, if it wasn't for me liking the idea of her being the daughter of Jack Frost and Rapunzel, I would care less about Anna. 17) Snow White: I know she's the very first Disney Princess and the fact she is in the first movie ever. But honestly, she's my least favorite due to her being kinda bland and forgettable. Though I did like her interactions with the Dwarfs. All in all, she's meh to me. So there you have it. My real thoughts on the Disney princesses and where they fall under for me. I'm sure people will have different opinions on this and that's fine. For me, this is what I truly think of them.
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dclicatus · 5 years
Closed starter for @ofcrunaways {Jasmine}
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“Look at that, Abu. A street market, just like the one back home, which means no one would notice a slight slip of the hand. Besides, it isn’t like they no who we are here, and wouldn’t be able to call out my name to gain a guards attention.” A slight smile stretched across his face at the sight of the market, while dark hues took everything in as Abu sat next to his feet to watch the people as well. Aladdin might’ve been promised a better life than the one he had, but yet he was still stealing things that he couldn’t afford which was everything, since he didn’t exactly come from a life of luxury before Woodshore. He was just another orphan in foster care, trying to get by and not get into too much trouble with his foster families. Yet at sixteen he ran away from it all and joined the circus which treated him better than anyone else had, and was able to train the animals and work with them in his performances. Yet the moment, he got his letter he left his friends to come to Woodshore, and the moment he arrived he found Abu again at a street market just like this one, and pretty much stole him away from his false ‘owner’ and the rest was history.   The brunette shook his head to clear his thoughts, before doing one more look over the market to see where they should head first, when dark hues caught sight of a familiar face. “Is that who I think it is, Abu?” Aladdin questioned, as he moved from where he was standing to head towards her. “Jasmine?” He calls out, once he’s close enough for her to hear him without him needing to shout.
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