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Step four in childhood: Cross dressing rabbits.
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isadomna · 6 days
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Fourteenth Century: Fredegund the Fierce
Amid the many crises of the fourteenth century, Fredegund was portrayed as a warrior king would be, leading her troops into battle and overseeing the torture of her enemies.
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Fifteenth Century: Victim of Ambition
Fifteenth-century illuminated manuscripts reveled in the gruesome execution that cleaves through the queens’ story. Alarmed by the power wielded by the likes of Isabella, the She-Wolf of France; Yolande of Aragon; and Margaret of Anjou, chroniclers used these images as a warning to other women with political ambitions.
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Seventeenth Century: Shameless and Cruel
This deck of playing cards designed for a young Louis XIV showcases various queens. While some are described as saincte (holy) or a bonne femme (a good wife), Brunhild and Fredegund are cast as murderous villains, the sort of women the young king ought to avoid.
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Eighteenth Century: Foremothers of France
A century later, both queens were rehabilitated. The rise of nationalism led to an obsession with the great men of the past. Brunhild and Fredegund were transformed into the respectable wives of the kings they overshadowed in life.
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Nineteenth Century: Defiant Heroines
At a time when the ideal woman was submissive and self-effacing, Brunhild and Fredegund were cast as fighters. In a woodcut, Brunhild is carried by her warriors, and in an illustration, Fredegund battles with her daughter.
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Nineteenth Century: Opera Darlings
By the end of the nineteenth century, both queens enjoyed newfound popularity. They appeared as the subjects of poems, the protagonists of plays, and, most notably, the leads of operas.
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Twentieth Century: The Catfight
Illustrators lampooned Brunhild and Fredegund’s decades-long political rivalry. The two queens box one another on the back of a turn-of-the-century magazine; by mid-century they have progressed to yanking each other’s hair out in a lottery advertisement.
Shelley Puhak, The Dark Queens: A gripping tale of power, ambition and murderous rivalry in early medieval
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so the horus heresy is some real gotterdammerung shit, right? it’s operatic, it’s dramatic, it’s got betrayal and heartbreak and deceit and wacky mystical hijinks, all that good stuff that works best with the bombastic music of richard wagner losing his gotdam mind. right, so who is the chick who rides her horse into her lover’s funeral pyre singing up a storm, burning down Walhalla in the process? i feel like this is a crucial question but it yet remains unanswered
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Coming back to Tumblr has been so much fun so far, thank you!
Another anime that I've loved is Netflix's "Record of Ragnarok." I like how it takes the concept of the final battle and turns it to God and humans, mixing both Norse and Greek Pantheons, throwing in the Hindu Gods as well, and pairing them with some surprising humans - Jack the Ripper v. Hercules comes to mind. It's a little drawn out at times, and Heimdall is obviously overdoing it with the Monster Energy drinks, but it's a fun watch.
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geekynerfherder · 25 days
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'Brunhild' by Justin Sweet.
Illustration from the book 'The Eddas', published by Easton Press.
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miserable-homo-momo · 1 month
My opinions and rating on early ror characters design. Credits @perplexedhare for the images!
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-i literally screamed "awoop, jumpscare" when I saw their designs ☠️☠️☠️
- IM SO GLAD THEY CHANGED OMGGGGG (especially on goll, cause why they gave her A LITERAL BIKINI???)
- Hear me out on Brunhilde...
- Kay let me be honest, I personally hate her design generally cause of the fan service but my gay ass is literally screaming rn.
-is generally so much better.
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- I actually quite liked the small flower details ^^^
So goll rating is 0/10 and 4/10 (only adding the four because of the flowers cause I love flowers)
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- I personally prefer the current one tbh.
- I like it, but it doesn't wow me.
- He lowkey reminds me of Zoro.
- It felt like a Oni more than a Thor to me.
General rating for thor is a decent 7/10.
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- it's it okay I have a mix feelings about this one?
- I like it but also lowkey kinda dislike it?
Things I like about his design :
- his design has alot of peacock resemblance.
- his jewellery and the details.
Things I dislike about it :
- his hair I think?
-I feel like it lowkey kinda messy for me. Maybe it's better if it was let go.
Shiva early design rating is a 6/10 for me.
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- tbh I can't tell if she is wearing clothes or not
- her earlier design kinda look like eve
- but I like the details like the pearls and those fabric around her
Overall its a 5 for me.
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yesbutmakeitgay · 2 months
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Where are my King Valkyrie babes at?
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yurgenschmidt · 2 months
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isadomna · 6 days
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The execution of Queen Brunhild
The field was prepared for a trial. Brunhild was brought before them, straight-backed. King Clothar II, from his makeshift dais, declared that the charge against Queen Brunhild was the death of ten kings. She would have been incredulous. Then, Fredegund’s crimes were laid at Brunhild’s feet – the assassination of her husband Sigibert, the suicide of her second husband, Merovech, and the staged jailhouse murder of Fredegund’s other stepson, Prince Clovis. Brunhild was blamed for the death of Clothar’s infant son, who had died from natural causes. Clothar’s list of kings Brunhild had murdered also included her own great-grandsons, two of whom he himself had just executed. (The king listed three boys, either wanting to hide the fact that he had allowed young Prince Merovech to live or, more likely, wanting to hide news of Prince Childebert’s escape.)
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Only three of the deaths Brunhild was accused of could possibly be attributed to her – most understandably, Clothar blamed her for the death of his father, Chilperic, whose assassin had never been found. Blaming Brunhild was the only way to decisively clear his own mother of that charge. The deaths of Brunhild’s grandson Theudebert and his baby son could also possibly be laid at her feet because she had supported Theuderic’s feud against his brother. Still, the assembled nobles and soldiers cried that Brunhild was guilty. Had not this wicked woman brought untold death and destruction to their realm? Brunhild was then legally deposed, symbolically stripped of her royal finery, as was the common practice. She stood motionless as her necklace, brooches, cape and embroidered gown were ripped off her, and she stood before them in her linen shift, shivering. Here was the part when she waited – exile, or a convent? Clothar pronounced her sentence: death.
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The clamour was disorienting, the sunlight too bright. She had been ‘tortured in various ways for three days’ – likely whipped and beaten. Her face would have been bruised and dirt-streaked, her long grey hair bloody at the temples. She stumbled as she was yanked out of her tent. She was led before a great hulking beast. When her eyes focused, she realized it was a camel. Clothar had somehow managed to secure one – all the sources agree on this specific point – and Brunhild was lifted upon it. It may seem strange to expend the time and money to secure a camel when there were already numerous horses on hand. But this was a public ritual for humiliating deposed tyrants, a practice imported from Egypt to Byzantium. The victim would be whipped and then paraded around on a camel, facing backward, which was intended as the symbolic opposite of an emperor’s triumphant entry into a city on horseback.
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Along with the Neustrian army, the aristocrats of Austrasia and Burgundy who had betrayed her lined up to watch. Many of these were the sons of the men who had craned their necks for a glimpse of her at her wedding. Brunhild was ‘already broken by old age’; now she made ‘a most sorry spectacle’. The crowd yelled insults or spat. This mockery went on ‘for some time’, but when the men tired of shouting insults at a great-grandmother, they brought out the horses. In some reports there is just one horse, but regardless of number, they are always described as wild and unbroken, rearing as they are led forward. Brunhild was dragged off the camel, and the men called for the rope. One source says she was bound to the horses’ hooves, another that she was bound to their tails, and yet another specifies that she was bound to a single tail by ‘her hair, one arm and one leg’. At this point, she must have understood. Her nephew gave the signal, and the horses were let loose and given a smack, urged to gallop across this ‘pathless, rocky terrain’. The last thing Brunhild heard was hoofbeats.
Nothing remained of the queen. The King of Spain writes that ‘her nameless and bloody limbs, pulled apart, were spread out, widely scattered’. A chronicler notes that she was ‘cut to shreds’. Another notes the effort Clothar went to, even after her death, to destroy what remained: ‘Her final grave was the fire. Her bones were burnt.’ Clothar could not take the chance that Brunhild would be regarded as a martyr, that her tomb would become a focal point for opposition to his rule. It seems, though, there may have been a tomb in the crypt at Brunhild’s church in Autun, complete with marble columns and mosaics. Although the church was destroyed during the French Revolution.
Shelley Puhak, The Dark Queens: A gripping tale of power, ambition and murderous rivalry in early medieval
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illustratus · 3 months
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Wotan's farewell to Brunhilde by Ferdinand Leeke
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biseugen · 3 months
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bimbogardevoirnoal · 1 month
Prompt - Noah w/ Brunhilde
It was a new episode of Noah's pranking series, and he was going to be pranking the owner of a sex toy/candy shop~! It involved using his limited psychic power to shove one of the owners dildo's into her pussy before leaving as fast as he could.
*the froslass yelps as the candy cane monster dildo was ramming into her cunt as she bent over to put some new treats in the display rack, her massive tits popping out and pressing against the glass as she was shoved in by the force*
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existentialcrisisfish · 4 months
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unityrain24 · 4 months
does anyone else think its sort of strange that valkyrie got to be king? like.
a) she was a valkyrie for odin (which the mcu presents as warriors rather than carriers of souls to the afterlife), so would had partaken in the colonialism/imperialism and genocide that asgard loved so dearly
b) after that instead of changing to become a new and better person she just went to sakaar and captured and enslaved people to be part of gladiator fights which was basically a death sentence that doubled as spectacle, dehumanizing and frivolizing your death
c) she was a warrior with no education in ruling, had no interest in asgard for centuries, and was an alcoholic (seemed ok with it though) who enjoyed having no responsibilities
it just seems a bit... strange? i mean i wouldn't put it past thor to give that responsibility to her thinking it would help change her for the better or whatnot, but that fact that it "worked" and she was a good king (at least i think, i suppose i haven't watched any of the latest mcu stuff) is what doesn't seem right?
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marvel-and-dc-geek · 4 months
Fun fact:
Miyuki Sawashiro, voice actress for Brunhilde
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Does the voice of Valkirie/Brunhilde of the Japanese MCU dub
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As an extra fun fact: Thor in the Latin dub of both SNV and MCU is played by the same actor too
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dogesterone · 4 months
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she got a haircut
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