#{hope this is okay?}
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Having just left his home, heading down the street, he felt like someone was staring at him. Having made sure in his phone he wasn't meeting up with anyone, he glanced around and noticed someone near by just, staring at him. {Hm... Interesting...} He debated, as he shifted to move near a building and step inside. He thought for a moment maybe his mind was acting up thinking it was him they were staring at.
"Maybe I can find something in here since I stepped inside." He said to himself, looking through a few things before seeing the person from before stop outside. {Okay not going to lie this is strange} He thought before stepping near the door after putting the items down. "HI there. I couldn't help but notice you looking. Can I help you?" He said as he played it off that he worked there so the other didn't know he saw them earlier and freak.
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erikahenningsen · 27 days
potential rejoins au: I always thought if it was an au where they didnt know each other growing up that Kylie came to stay with them for an extended amount of time and it would make Janis realize how soft Regina can be. Usually she's protective of her friends in a very offensive way but seeing her barely even eyerolling at Kylie even if shes a teenager would be so shocking but also make janis fall even harder
Janis and Regina met in college and decided to move into an apartment their senior year. They’re on opposite schedules (Regina is a morning person and Janis doesn’t go to bed before three in the morning) and Janis drives Regina nuts with how messy she is but for some reason it works for them. Fighting is their love language.
Kylie comes to spend a week with them in the summer because Regina’s parents are going on vacation to Italy and Kylie is only thirteen. Janis is like oh god, now there’s TWO of you.
Janis is so used to fighting with Regina about everything all the time, so she’s shocked when Regina and Kylie never seem to have even a minor disagreement. Regina doesn’t complain when Kylie uses all the hot water in the shower or puts dirty dishes into the clean dishwasher.
Janis has never really seen Regina be very physically affectionate with people—even her “boyfriends,” whom she didn’t seem to like all that much—but Kylie is always leaning her head on Regina’s shoulder or Regina is always running her fingers through Kylie’s hair or giving her piggyback rides when she complains that she’s tired. Janis starts having crazy thoughts that she wants Regina to do that with her.
Janis starts getting weirdly jealous of all the time and attention Kylie is getting from Regina even though she knows that’s insane because 1) Kylie is a child and 2) Kylie is Regina’s SISTER so Janis goes to stay with Cady for a night just so she can stop being crazy.
Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story
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ofinfinitedreams · 6 months
To be part of one of the most successful bands (Rage Nation) in the business was such an achievement. Every night Alex performed was such a rush of adrenaline. It was the greatest feeling to have your songs sang back to you. There was nothing quite like it. It was indescribable. At the moment it was festival season so she and her band had a few gigs lined up, but at this moment the brunette was here at this bar to celebrate one of her oldest and dearest friends’ birthday. It was a thankful time to celebrate and mingle with the other elite musicians that were in her orbit. After an hour or so the party was in full swing. There was a copious amount of alcohol and music was blaring within the karaoke section. Her body was absolutely buzzing with giddiness as she was urged to take up position on the stage for a random duet. A soft chuckle fell from her lips as she waited for her partner and their song selection of choice. She prayed it was someone she knew well, but she was here to have fun and enjoy herself which is exactly what she was doing, so she didn’t mind if it wasn’t. She’d eat them alive and absolutely kill whatever song was about to play, she mused to herself and the crowd cheered in anticipation. A shy smile graced her features as she saw him take to the stage as well. Andrew Harris. She knew him a little and glad it's him out there with her. Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado.Timbaland started and feels electric when she hears him start to sing along ready for her to join.
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underteika · 4 months
@kleinstar liked for a starter!
The rain is really coming down this time. Sheets of water, booming thunder, and the wind is picking up too. Honestly, it's a terrible time to be outside. And now there's this hippie van beeping at Eiden from the sidewalk. How rude! ... Oh. No, that's Anda.
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"Hey! Eiden! Need a lift?"
It's hard to hear the 'CLUNK' of the locks disengaging, but the door to the vehicle is open!
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Further living with Eddie scenarios: Steve is briefly woken up at like three am and vaguely registers he has moved from one place to another, as if Eddie was getting him to bed from the couch. He wakes up in the morning. He is not in his bed. He is not in his house. He appears to be in the back of Eddie's van. When he opens the door, he discovers he is on the beach. After much bafflement and a cup of coffee Eddie got on the way, he figures out that Eddie just. Decided they were going to have a beach day, checked to see if Steve was off work in the morning, and loaded him up. They have to get a change of clothes for Eddie bc he remembered to check whether Steve was working and grab him a change but not Anything else. They have a good time tho.
I read this at work and then haven’t been able to think of anything else since. BLESS YOUR MIND.
I’m just imaging eddie playing Tetris with sleepy Steve’s body in the back of the van, trying to get him in a position just right so that he isn’t rolling around like a bowling ball
These trips start to become a regular thing but they are never scheduled because eddie doesn’t really plan them in advance. He just has a feeling when he thinks Steve needs to be out of the town and in a different headspace. There’s at most 2 days worth of planning but usually it’s the same day decision.
Robin has had to cover A LOT of shifts for Steve but after her initial complaining she doesn’t mind. Not really. She sees how much effort Steve puts into caring for everyone else and if she can help eddie look after Steve in this small way she’ll do it. She’d do anything for her best friend.
Eddie tends to get a bit anxious about his plans just as they are reaching his intended destination, wherever it might be. He talks himself into believing that this is too much and something Steve doesn’t want, that he’s just putting up with because he feels sorry for Eddie. These feelings fade away when Steve slowly wakes up in stages involving coffee, blankets, kisses and breathing in his boyfriend’s scent at the place where his neck and shoulder meet. This ritual always makes Eddie feel fuzzy and warm in the best way, the smile he gets from Steve when he checks out the scenery for the day confirms to Eddie that all the worry was worth it. Always will be.
They have a collection of Polaroids in a beaten up vhs case of all of their trips that is Eddie’s prized possession.
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main verse
"You are all alone it seems," Shiera commented gently as she came over to her brother. The hall of the Red Keep was rather crowded, their father King Aegon was throwing yet another feast, and all his children, including the bastards, were present.
Shiera had been enjoying herself, dressed in a long silver gown, her mismatched eyes bright with entertainment, dancing with several people throughout the evening before finding her way over to one of her brothers. She sat down next to Byrnden and looked at him.
"Are you not enjoying the feast?" She asked.
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finclgicls · 1 year
@fxcdboys liked for a starter based on the wishlist !
𝗜𝗧 𝗪𝗔𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗗𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗢 𝗞𝗘𝗘𝗣 𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗘𝗟𝗙 𝗔𝗪𝗔𝗬 𝗙𝗥𝗢𝗠 𝗛𝗜𝗠 , especially when she knew he was right there . a few months ago , when the chance to go on a summer vacation with her best friend and her family had presented itself , clara had all but jumped to the opportunity . it wasn't uncommon for them , not when clara had done so since she was a young girl .
naturally it all changed when by chance , she had matched with her best friend's brother on tinder . of all people . suddenly she wasn't so sure if she should be there , last thing she wanted was to make him think she plotted this somehow , but seeing as not-so-innocent looks had turned to her sneaking away into his room once her best friend was asleep , it felt like she had made the right decision not backing down from it after all .
there she was again . tiptoeing to the upper floor , hoping no one would hear her . hoping she would be silent enough as she opened his bedroom door with a smile on her lips and excitement in her bones , soon occupying her place on his bed , ginger hair thrown to the back as to not block her view of him . " you're slowly but surely getting in the way of my nice nights of sleep , your sister almost pulled an all nighter on me today . "
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packsurvivcs · 2 months
@playshrp liked THIS for a random starter
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"I am genuinely surprised that you're still here" she hadn't realized that there had been a single Bolton left alive after they'd taken back Winterfell. But Sansa had assured her that he was not anything like his half sibling, and that's why he was still here. If Arya was honest, she wouldn't have been so kind and she would have gotten rid of him, but she was learning to trust her sister's judgement, and maybe she wasn't wrong about him.
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storiesofthenight · 2 months
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@chaosfindsaway liked for a starter.
When Joyce told Will that he was going to camp, his first reaction was that he didn't want to go. But she'd told him it'd be good for him, to get away from the chaos. After all, what could go wrong on camp?
Will had a list of things that could go wrong on camp, and that was before he learned where he was going. But he wasn't going to worry her, so ... he kept silent and tried not to think of the fact that years ago, opening a similar park had gone terribly wrong and now ... he was going to another one at the same location? It felt like tempting fate.
Nonetheless, he found himself on the boat a lot sooner than he'd expected and arriving at the island. He couldn't help but wonder if it was safe to be there.
Everything looked impressive enough, and arriving at the location of the camp, he was rather ... surprised by the sheer size of the place. Gazing up at the treehouse, Will was in awe. He could almost imagine the views from up there, it'd be wonderful for drawing.
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fckher · 2 months
closed for @lecheroustaint
harper russo for javier vargas
requested kinks are incest, daddy kink, size difference and breeding
She's only here because of him. Sitting in this class, directly in front of him. Harper knew it was wrong, crushing on her teacher, having such intense and indecent feelings for someone who should be so forbidden. But, she can't help how she feels. That first day a year ago, she'd latched on to the sight of him at the front of the lecture hall, commanding the room with the power of a strong, dominant man. It didn't matter to her that he was older. Old enough to be her absent father. It's actually one of the many reasons she's so attracted to him. A deep, dark secret known only to her. But when she touches herself at night, she doesn't cum until she's crying out for the dad she never knew, and lately, that man in her fantasies had taken on the image of Professor Vargas. She's taking an incredible risk right now, gnawing on the cap of her pen as she watched him hungrily, eyes locked on his pacing form until she catches his eye, and she inhales sharply. She doesn't have to do this, she knows. She can back out and keep her need for him to herself. But, she doesn't.
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When she's sure she's caught his eye, her leg uncrossed under her desk and she shifts slightly to the edge of her seat, spreading her legs unseen by the rest of her college classmates around her. This is only for him. She's wearing a skirt today, her collared shirt tucked in at the waist with a sweater over the top, sleeves bunched up around her elbows. The boots she's wearing are six inch and black leather, ankle cut with a peak of her white socks. But that's not the important aspect of her outfit today. When she spreads her legs for him, it's to the sight of her slick thighs and her wet pussy. No panties today. The cool air hits her with a breeze and she twitches, her arousal leaking out the folds of her young cunt, and she watches him closely for a reaction.
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kit-just-kit · 3 months
*(closed starter for @luriddaze - theo)*
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"I'm sorry for bursting in.......being all.....you know.......but when I saw this little guy get hit by the car and then it just drive off, without even stopping......all I could do was pick him up and Google where the nearest vet practice was.........". She'd been out jogging when the incident occurred, but all thoughts of exercise and 'me' time where gone once the small, probably stray dog had yelped out in pain as the vehicle had struck him. Now she was shaking, both through the exertion and the worry over the poor creature in her arms.
"Can you take a look at him, please? I can pay.....".
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thefvrious · 1 year
@carp3diems wanted indiana mallory
Indiana stared at what was happening before him with eyes wide and with confused terror. "Can... can you please just explain to me what the fuck is going on?" He asked, the fear rising like bile in him.
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daringsunflowers · 1 year
@wildestdrcam based off THIS
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As Colton sat on the back booth of the bar he couldnt help but feel like this was a terrible idea. Maybe she wouldn’t know who he was? Doubtful lately his name had been all in the news since his split with the famous actress. Some people knew his band and loved the drummer. Regardless he had felt nervous. What if she decided she was mad that he was who he was. He hadn’t really told her the complete truth of who he was over Tinder but it was only to protect himself. If he was to go on Tinder with his photos and real name people would either think he was some troll or they would be talking to him for the wrong reasons. 
The two had clicked so well that when he was in town for a show this weekend he has invited her out at the bar. Letting her know that he was in the back booth he waited nursing his drink. When the door chimed and he looked up he saw her. She had looked even more beautiful in person than in photos. Cole lifted his hand a little to get her attention and let he know he was here.
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woednesdayaddams · 2 years
♱ starter for @edxmunson
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frail hands are tightly holding a black envelope from each side. she considers the letter inside as classified, uttermost important and only a select few will have the honor of receiving it. arm extends toward him, shoving the envelope close to his face. the content of the letter, short and on point.
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Hellfire club member,
You've been invited to a secret seance. Location for the event is LX GNTRD. Hint: alphabet -1.
Signed, Wednesday Addams.
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wednesday couldn't think of a better way than to codify the location, other than going backwards one letter in the alphabet. the riddled location is simply [my house]. her parents kept plaguing her with questions about her friends at school and frankly, she doesn't have friends, acquaintances at the very best. inviting eddie seems like the better alternative to her mother's insistent and plainly diabolical way of inviting people over. it's enough to shut their mouths.
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sonofsaviors · 5 months
It had been a month, two weeks, and four days since Logan had been separated from his father. They had been scavenging through an abandoned neighborhood in north Virginia, rifling through cabinets and cupboards and drawers for anything of use.
Negan trusted Logan enough to allow him to check a house across the street; they habitually whistled at certain times, to draw walkers out from their hiding places. The herd had materialized from the woods across the neighborhood and by the time father and son had seen them through the dust-streaked windows, it was too late to head back together. The best chance was to hunker down and wait for them to pass.
At least until Logan had accidentally startled a raccoon and drawn a few walkers towards him, and he had no choice but to run. He was too busy hauling ass to see his father's reaction or what became of him. He just kept going until he couldn't anymore.
Logan didn't even know where he was for a while, although he did find maps, but struggled matching them up to real life roads; he'd never had to do it before. He spent weeks scavenging plants he remembered from Scouts, subsidized with food from homes and buildings.
He would find Dad again, no matter what. Even if it took a while.
The sound of approaching footsteps drew Logan's attention and the young boy tensed up as he drew a knife. A lone walker stepped through the bushes and ambled towards him, halting for a second, and Logan could feel the hair on the back of his neck raise. Walkers didn't think, so why did it seem like this one was... startled by seeing him.
Logan growled slightly as it reached for him, stepping back carefully and waiting for the best moment. Of course, nothing could have prepared him for the very human-like noise of pain and bright, living blood that came when he stabbed the walker - the man - in the neck.
The boy scrambled back a bit in surprise, before more footsteps made him look up. A group of walkers - wait, no, people wearing the faces of walkers - stood staring at him.
Logan stared back, completely bewildered and lost for words.
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wastheheart · 6 months
Miscellaneous Quotes
@rosefromdeath asked: ‘ i’ve never been so alive. ’ (thank you!)
This day had always seemed nothing more than an idea. Now it's happened, Esme is left unsure of just how she feels. Worry primarily settles in her bones.
Of course, Carlisle was the one to take it upon himself to initiate Gabriella's change. If not for the Volturi and the pressure they unyieldingly placed upon Esme's coven, Gabby would still be mortal. Every avenue to them was explored in an effort to extend Gabriella's mortality, but they were met by resistance in every direction; threats, ultimatums.
Esme has not left her daughter's side in the days it's taken for her transformation to reach completion. It is a hard pill to swallow as familiar eyes open to reveal red eyes. Esme's guilt is only outweighed by the relief that Gabby survived, although that invites a whole other can of worms that she presently chooses to ignore.
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"Everything will be overstimulating for you right now," she comments, her hand still holding Gabriella's own. "I'm not surprised you feel that way."
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