#{if that's the case feel free to point it out to me!! I don't rlly write historical fiction like. ever}
hi, the way this blog is formatted and the menu is written is so creative and fitting! i had a great time looking through it
may i request some fem reader w rocky? maybe him playing the violin or reciting poems in a public space to himself and reader is the only one to react (positively) so he immediately is struck in awe. please and thank you :)
Good evening, Anon!! First off, thank you very much for the compliment. Two things you should know, however...
This ended up over three thousand words long somehow. (For the record, it was gonna be a scenario.)
It's the cheesiest meet-cute I've ever written, so I advise you all to brace yourselves, folks-
That being said, enjoy!! <3
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When you heard it, everything else quieted.
The thunder of cars bolting down a busy road, metal armor bobbing upon four wheels as they broke past and left smaugful clamor clashing against the monstrum business blocks, softened to but a distant skitter of shiny black bugs ambling self-importantly about. The cacophony of pedestrians, indiscernible faces in square suits and tasteful pastels spewing bits of language into one converging mess, each voice independent yet competing for dominance until they clawed at your eardrums and suffocated your thoughts now felt no graver than the meek rustle of forest foliage when coddled by the summer breeze; a humming chorus to a beautiful solist’s serenade, and when a bycicle trilled inches past normally skittish, city-dweller you it didn’t even occur to step aside as you were far too absorbed in the one delightful sound that made the greys of asphalt’s reign seem greyer and dulled even the most striking women’s daywear to sun-worn cleaning rags in comparison.
It was a melody the color of blue, matching his eyes.
You hadn’t a chance to admire them for long when you spotted him in the crowd. They drifted closed for long stretches of time as their owner’s features suggested a deep, gentle focus on the music, his whole being smoothing into the instrument. There was something bewitching about the violin, you found; seemed even its players could seldom resist its particular pull, fingers dancing across the strings as if possessed by magic. The rosined bow dipped to and fro in a hypnotic sequence that pulsed like the rise and ebb of the tides; sometimes the pace changed, slowed to but a meandering, peaceful ponderance before it flew from the threads of catgut like nimble sparks of lightning, with the ease and comfort of at least a thousand hours of practice.
Must’ve been a classical piece, if not improv; but for that far too complex. Vivaldi? Mozart? You hadn’t heard it before, so you couldn’t confirm, however it proved the enchanting stranger to be both talented and educated. He looked up from his divine craft to initiate eye contact with passersby and, yes, he had the bluest eyes indeed, seated under emphatic brows, and he gave a hopeful smile of such integrity to those undeserving strangers who walked past in indifference as if he’d been an smaug-borne ghost, a trick of the light invisible to all but yourself and when he turned in resignation and his gaze caught upon you, playing still, your breath hitched in your throat.
How long had you been gawking there, frozen on the sidewalk like a dimwit? Oh, no. He must have thought you such a creeper; a notion which you had to rectify, and rectify it quick. Puff your chest out, march up, tell him you liked his playing and leave a dime; you took off at once with this very plan in mind.
In doing so, you forgot you had stood on opposing sides of the road.
Heels clicked across hot concrete in a headlong hurry. You realized that the cars were still coming midway through when his eyes widened in horror and a spontaneous screech of tires replaced that joyous melody. You stumbled back, blinded by car polish and a pair of glaring headlights you profusely apologized to before skittering away from a second car in the right lane when it came to an angry halt likewise. Loud honks scolded you along your path whilst you yelled back sheepish sorries.
Well, talk about making an entrance.
As you reached the paved edge, a hand manifested to help you up on it.
“Are you alright, miss?”
And blue eyes. You felt yourself sink further into the road with the transient wish those cars had hit you after all, nonetheless took the offer and tottered along with the stranger’s help. He held bow and violin in his other hand, by the neck, and you narrowly avoided stepping on their rickety case with a meager amount of coins and a crumpled up bill inside.
Ah, right. He’d been busking, after all.
“You’re not hurt, are you?” he reiterated, scanning you, and you realized you’d missed the previous question. “It’s hardly safe to cross this thoroughfare without looking both ways first, you know. You ought to try that next time.”
“I know, I know– I’m sorry. I’m fine.”
You weren’t. Not when this handsome vagabond with the most radiant blue oculars you’d ever seen and enough of a musical gift to put you in a trance kept observing you from such proximity whilst implicitly chiding you for being a tunnel-visioned idiot.
“Well, great news, then!” he grinned. Oh. That’s a lot of teeth, you noted with slightly raising eyebrows. “I doubt I’d have been able to sleep tonight had you met an undue fate under the stampede of these motorized beasts all for just trying to reach me.”
An odd penchant for metaphors, too. When you didn’t respond right away, he withdrew his gesturing hand in contemplation.
“You… were careening specifically my way, yes?”
You snapped out of your appreciation for his endearingly boyish timbre and thereby commenced a frantic battle with your purse as you attempted to pry something from it.
“Right, I was heading this way– just give me a moment–”
He watched in intrigue as you counted something he couldn’t see under your breath, then produced the intended amount of what he identified to be cash and reached to hand it over to him, near breathless.
“I really loved your playing.”
You couldn’t bear to look him in the eye yet hardly missed his astonishment when he conceived the sum.
“Miss, that’s ten dollars.”
“Yes,” you affirmed curtly. “What of it?”
“I can’t accept that.”
Hearing which, you did finally face him with a frown.
“You’re a very kind soul,” he asserted in a hurry, smile never faltering, “and I’m thoroughly humbled by your contribution, but I cannot rob a lady of her hard earned pay in good conscience for that frivolous noise–”
“It was beautiful noise,” you interjected with knitted brows, “I really did enjoy it, and you deserve much better audience than the pedestrians of some drab street corner who’ll never bother to pay your music the attention it deserves.”
You pointed curtly toward the flow of people. Some in turn spared you a glance, but then you blended into their scenery again like another pair of shop mannequins.
“So take it from a lady,” you enunciated, all but shoving the money in his chest, “and I sincerely hope you end up in a concert hall someday.”
You exhaled and waited. He stared at your extended hand, then you, then at your hand and back again and gorgeous as you found those gleaming sapphires you couldn’t for the life of you tell what he was thinking. Your arm muscles trembled, and you contemplated whether sparing yourself from the awkwardness of further playing statue might be worth giving up anyway.
Finally, he seized your wrist with both hands. He didn’t seem to notice your startlement as he was busy beaming at you bright enough to put celestial bodies to shame.
“What’s your name?”
God forsake it, that smile alone was turning your heart into a fluffy, overripe dandelion inside your chest. If he kept up, you feared he might just blow it apart.
But you managed to tell.
“Well, miss…” he began, implementing your surname, and you would’ve bolted on pure instinct had you not taken root at your spot, “your generous praise is, by far and large, the most invaluable gift I could’ve received on this brilliant morning.”
You took a deep inhale, acutely aware of his touch tingling across your skin even though he meant nothing by it… you supposed.
“You have certainly made a lowly troubadour’s day with your gracious approbation,” he patted your knuckles, at the same time gently shoving your offer away. “You see, I could tell from the moment our gazes locked across the street that I would enjoy the pleasure of meeting someone positively extraordinary… right after she ambled through the active traffic. Call it a concise connection of kindred souls, if you will. You, miss, have proved yourself a true appreciator of the arts.”
When those blue eyes were holding yours hostage so intently, you almost did believe he could see into your very soul. You tried to brave it, however.
“Thank y–”
“Which is why this won’t be needed.”
You held the rejected money against your chest, where he had guided it.
“You’ll be better off forfeiting it to charity,” he suggested, “if aiding the honest predicaments of your fellow citizens in need is a cause dear to your heart. Like orphans! Those poor, unmothered things, always caught in the throes of some quintessential lack or other; surely they could put your benevolent funds to good use… that is, in case you are looking to make a charity. If you’re not interested in, erm, providing for the orphans, that’s still quite fine. You just seem to me the sort to care for children. But that doesn’t make it your obligation, of course, to feed the orphans… no one is about to force that duty upon you… in equally sound conscience I suppose you could just as well keep the money…”
He proceeded along his mildly morally concerned tangent, but any of it beyond the lip movements you ceased to process. Some convoluted cliché about personal indulgence over supporting the waifs of the world, you reckoned. In terms of lifting your spirits it achieved a ludicrous heap of nothing, and amidst your silent marinating in this strange and unexpected failure of your strange and unexpected encounter, you continued to clutch the bills to yourself.
You didn’t figure that may have looked like dismay on his end until he trailed off, fidgeting vaguely as he probed your expression. The warmth of his hands on yours still lingered.
“My attempt at a point is,” he resumed at a slower pace, “you’re awful generous, but to tell you the truth, I’m quite comfortably off without the help. I am employed, after all.”
“You are?”
Rude as it sounded to gape the question so, you hadn’t considered that possibility. He was… well, not badly dressed, but his clothes appeared worn and a tad oversized on his comically skinny limbs, granting him a ragamuffin sort of appearance.
Though you still found it quite charming.
“Sure am!” he grinned in earnest, and you’d soon come to accept that his face simply looked that way when he did. “This is only some nifty supplemental income for a craft I spend day and night honing anyway. Really, I play out here to preserve my associates’ peace of mind more than anything. The other day they got so peeved with all the melodic caterwauling my boss had to fetch a broomstick and chase me out into the great wide open after failing to quiet me down.”
A chuckle escaped you at the joke, and it’s like his eyes gleamed brighter.
“What can I say,” he admitted with a theatrical shrug, “a musician’s ichor pulses to the ever-flowing rhythm of higher realms beckoning. That can hardly be helped. When my eager heart doesn’t sing Apollo’s odes from the strings, it reaches for the lyre, however… but they don’t deal in stanzas and limericks on the job market in contemporary times.” He glanced off into the distance wistfully, as if envisioning an ideal future where they did. “Miss M, our aforementioned lady-in-charge, says it’s only since our customers can’t exactly do the Lindy Hop to recitativo verse form.”
“So that means you’re a poet?”
You hummed in acknowledgement. He gave his vest a proud little adjustment as part of the performance, not that it served to make him look any more presentable.
“Vivacious vicinal versificator,” he expatiated with a playful half-bow, “humble herald of numinous inspiration, eulogizing the beauties of this peculiar earthly life to the cobblestone and the stars for a passtime. Old Muddy Miss herself has proven to be my most faithful audience… and for lack of substantial competition, in her listening skills she remains unexcelled.”
“Not for long, I should hope.”
That made him pause. Your nerves struck you alert as you rushed to explain.
“That is, well, I would be curious to join said, um, audience… mayhaps… sometime. I mean– you have a fascinating vocabulary, sir, so I can only imagine…”
He listened on with perplexed blue eyes; you mentally smacked yourself for the honorific. No one so refreshingly unrefined as this overeager stray puppy of a man could even remotely qualify for a ‘sir’, and you were happy about that, because had you made so many social blunders with any other stranger in succession you would’ve craved death.
He took his sweet time providing a readable reaction, but when he did he laughed. Not with a mocking edge, as you had feared; the sound tinkled as melodically as his trusty violin.
“Oh, miss, you’re just a bundle of pleasant surprises.”
You came to chuckle along, too, a nervous smile stretching your lips. He took your hand again.
“I’d be delighted to deliver a private recital,” he dipped forward then paused, perhaps contemplating whether a kiss on the back of it would be appropriate, peering up at you in a bluest display of rapt attention that made your heart leap, “if that’s truly the case.”
You averted your eyes. The vague unease as if you’d given your name to a fae in a stroke of recklessness minutes prior melted into the bustle of sluggish, smoke-ridden traffic.
“So where is it that you work?” you switched the topic.
Attuned, he let go of your hand as if it had burned him, adjusting his hat like an excuse.
“Little Daisy Café,” he responded quickly, perpetual cheer intact. “It’s just an ambitious spit from here, actually, a few blocks down that way.” He pointed in the opposite direction from where you’d been headed. “Awful cute little gem of an establishment. Perhaps you’ve been to?”
“No, not that I recall.”
“Well, I can only recommend that you drop by. The pancakes are to die for.”
“And there’s live music?”
You both glanced at the violin, then back at each other. He gave you another grin that you couldn’t help but detect as somewhat complicit.
“Makes your early beverage taste all the sweeter.”
You let your eyes linger on one of the boutique windows in the background; a closed one under construction. The ample light struck it at an angle which obscured the debris-filled darkness and activity inside, flawless glass surface glimmering at front in gorgeous deceit. Its reflective sheen conjured an alluring vision; deep azure sky dotted with fringed, fluffy lamb-clouds.
Suppose you offered it.
“Well, if you won’t let yourself be tipped,” you sighed, putting your money away, “may I treat you to breakfast, at least? A plate of those fabled pancakes, even?”
Childlike delight flashed across his face before the metaphorical reins were pulled back with a frantic grip.
“Why, miss, you’re spoiling me,” he lamented, “but I really shouldn’t–”
“I was heading for the bakery myself,” you continued with a pacifying gesture, “but now with your recommendation in mind, I might as well try a treat from that ‘little gem’ of a café, no? You could show me the way there, and… I suppose I could listen to those stanzas of yours, if you’d be willing to share…”
The words intended to compose the rest of your reasoning kept tumbling from your grasp before you could string them together, and someone in the crowd of pedestrians laughed. A snooty, feminine laugh. He kept watching you and you only, however, engulfing you in that mysterious blue once again.
“…granted that is okay with you, of course.”
He began to smile like the sun itself and dove with startling momentum for the violin case.
“Why, it’d be most uncouth to refuse the benevolent offer of such lovely ladyship,” he concluded while packing away his instrument then slapped the lid over the case once finished, money withstanding, “and I don’t reckon I’ll make two more pennies to rub together this morning, so I’d be more than happy to escort you along.”
He grabbed the handle and sprung up, beaming at you with the energy of a couple additional suns before he got an idea and moved to offer his free arm toward you like the smoothest of gallants. Clearing his throat, to boot.
You put a hand to your chest, accentuating the action with a playful once-over.
“Chivalrous,” you chuckled before locking his arm with your own. The two of you would set off this way not unlike lovers, which he stiffened at the realization of.
“Too much?” he questioned.
“No, it’s quite alright.”
The cracks in the sidewalk became very interesting all of a sudden, however. You could feel his skinniness and lack of musculature thus far only guessed through the rolled-sleeved shirt; not that you minded.
Must have not gotten treated to meals often.
“About that poetry,” he piped up a bit quieter than before, “granted you won’t tire of my voice ahead of time…”
“Don’t be silly.”
You gave him a look, then caught yourself.
“Well, alright,” he resigned with an evaluating pout when you turned away, “but, uh… unfortunately, most of my limbs are occupied. And the fervent gesticulation makes up half the performence.”
By that point, you found yourself believing him. You all but burst into laughter at the mental image.
“Maybe you can gesticulate it to me after the fact,” you quipped.
“…Fair enough.”
You reached a street corner together and turned it. From the corner of your eye, a young couple were teasing each other by a flower shop on the opposite side of the road with a posy gift of piquant red tulips, blushing and giggling. You matched the bouncing steps of the stranger you were intertwined with in newfound giddiness.
“Let’s see,” he pondered, scanning the rows of buildings in an absent-minded manner before his eyes lit up. “Right! As fortune would have it, there does happen to be one I’ve been itching to inflict on a willing pair of ears for the past week…”
He made a big show of clearing his throat before he began; you were eager to let the mesmerized flow that had brought you to him in the first place take you along, absorbing the dramatic inflection and animated spirit oozing from his entire complexion as he made the widest gestures he was capable of in his inhibited position nonetheless.
A stranger indeed…
Before he could proceed with any experimental odes to clay and calicos, you cut him off. He turned to you right away, magic put on hold.
“I never caught your name.”
He glanced around in recollection before those notorious brows sprung up.
“I never passed it,” he exclaimed, bewildered, and wriggled from your hold haphazardly as he scrambled for his hat. “Oh, foolish I! Forgive me this horrendous discourtesy, milady, if you might find it in your heart.”
You simply observed him in amusement.
A zephyr swept along the length of the street, bringing where you stood a nectarine fragrance which, though delicate, transcended the heavy smoke and for a delightful moment let you smell nothing but itself. With his hat now off and held politely to his chest, the breeze ruffled his tousled hair as it did yours. His blue eyes shone in the urban grey like diamonds.
“The name is Rocky Rickaby.”
And when he said it, you already knew you wouldn’t tire of that voice anytime soon.
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desmoonl · 9 months
Can you please answer the fandom part of these asks for Magnificent Century? Yes, ALL of them.
1. the moment in the story that I started shipping my OTP from this world.
Soo I was literally a kid, but they had me from their first scene of Hürrem screaming Süleyman's name in the hallway
2. my three favorite characters and why I love them so much.
I have said this before, it's Hürrem, Süleyman and Ibo. I mostly just think they're the most interesting characters tbh, but I also love Nigar, Defne, Daye etc.. and Ibo can annoy me so it depends
3. which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
How do I choose just one.. hm maybe Sümbül stealing Gül's clothes😭 like that was soo stupid. I would say the entire s2a, but it says like one scene so..
4. why you should choose to check out the world of this story and choose three gifs that should underline my point.
Hmm it is genuinely fun to watch, characters are pretty well written, it's fun to binge once in a while. And yeah a lot of interesting female characters. About the gifs, I've no idea, but there's this Hürrem edit that I adore and everyone should check out
5. the scene from it that lives in my head rent free.
Hm it has a lot of good scenes.. some are cute, some are awful. I guess I'll do the basic Leo, Hürrem and Ibo's final scene. It is a pretty good scene, even though I don't think abt it that much😭
6. which is my favorite platonic or familial relationship in this world.
Daye and Nigar I think? But I also love s1 Nigar and Hürrem
7. How likely I am to follow the writers and directors from this project to their other ones and why.
Not very likely lol sorry mck
8. a quote from it that means a lot to me.
Oof .. I have no idea, there are some funny and some cringey and some actually nice quotes. Probably Hürrem's "Only in one case we wouldn't be enemies, only if you were my son." to Mustafa
9. Which characters I think should have interacted more in canon.
NIGAR AND SÜLEYMAN!!!!! Literally hidden soulmates not many will get it..
10. how many fics I've read that are set in it (approximately and making exaggerated guesstimates).
All your @faintingheroine and @minetteskvareninova 's fics, my beloved, talented pooks! Tho I still have to read one Ibo/S fic
11. what I think of the central character(s).
Umm are those central characters Ibo S and Hürrem, because I've already said what I think. But the rest, Mahi and Hatice I do like them, they have their moments where I really appreciate them as characters. You get used to them as well, but they can annoy me a lot
12. what attracted me into checking it out.
So there were literally these short commercials for this show on tv and I thought that it would be something stupid idjdjsj but then I watched the first episode because I was rlly curious and yeahh continued watching from there
13. Which canon or popular fanon relationship I can't stand or feel 'meh' about and why.
Ohh I have a few
Fanon-Ibrahim&Hürrem, I just don't see any romantic chemistry between them at all
F- Ibrahim&Süleyman, so I think their relationship works perfectly fine and is interesting as it is. Anything else would feel forced?
Canon- Ibo&Hatice, I don't hate their scenes, they are believable as a married couple, but I just don't see anything to really enjoy abt them and to ship here
14. If I think the largest majority of fics I crave for it are fix-its, nobody-dies-everybody-lives, fluffy fics of my OTP, pining fics for my OTP, or plot heavy Gen stories?
Not suree? I guess fix its? It has a lot of episode so it's not surprising. But tbh I also like reading just filler fics about it
15. which character I would choose for the chopping block if I knew the writers wanted to kill someone.
Fatma hatun 100000%
16. which character's death would (or did) make me rage-quit.
Hm so most of them died😭 idk honestly. If anything some characters should've died sooner. I guess I'm glad Gülnihal, Gül and Sümbül weren't killed off at least
17.the world-building aspect of the story I have the greatest admiration for.
I mean? I don't know it is supposed to be based on real history.. so not sure how to answer this one. They handled things aright, but it also could've been better lol. Okay I liked princes going to their own sanjaks, expanding the set a bit lol
18. the perfect number of books/seasons/movies needed to tell this story properly.
Hm I think 4 seasons is alright.
19. One behind-the-scenes trivia fact I've learned somewhere and my thoughts on it.
That big ass crown Süleyman wears is really heavy?
20. exactly how little or how much headspace this fandom takes up in my brain at any given point.
Probably too much, mostly because I see something related to it whenever I open this app😭
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jaegerisim · 11 months
So I'm not against you or anything but I feel crazy. I feel like with my experiences with things I just can't believe some people are not amazing. Obviously ik people have flaws and any perfect but if someone says something bad about someone I like then I get defensive. Like it seems to me, I cant like certain people beacuse they arnt who I thought they were.
Rn I'm talking about the duffers. I think/thought/hope/wished they were the geniuses a lot of people think they are. Like why can't they be evil masterminds who portrayed the show perfectly with no flaws (and before you yell at me ik, that's just me and ik it's not realistic, and blah blah blah)
But it kinda bums me out when you're like
● one reason why the show sucks
● and another
● One more
Because I just want to watch the show and enjoy it without people saying why it sucks or pointing out the problems with it. I'm not being ignorant, if it was seriously problematic I wouldn't ignore it(I've learned my lesson with many other instances where it was VERY problematic.) My feelings towards ppl talking about what they did wrong or didn't do or why it's not the best comes from how I've been treated with father so I understand how I might be annoying but aside from me, I'm sure a lot of other people would appreciate the hate free zone. I could block you but I'd rather not.
Instead of this
● the duffers represented Lucas as a black character badly and it makes me not want to watch they treat him like shit and he is not shown dealing with it
You could say
● instead of the duffers having Lucas be a punching bag for characters and have him just deal with it, they could've shown a bit more of the trauma side of it.
See how it gives a nicer vibe. If with all the problematic people I've watched and like be introduced with a kinder tone, I might have listened instead of turned my head. Beacuse when people make a video titled "why _ is a bad person" is only going to make the fans hate on the creator instead of listening.
Obviously it's not the same instance but I hope you get what I'm saying. You can tell your opinions in a nicer way and people will be more likely to listen.
And I'm not saying you're wrong. Please don't hate on me, this is supposed to be informational if you don't like what I saying please tell me why you disagree
Hi, idk who you are but I'm guessing you are a byler blog... I'm sorry I came off as abrasive and I can be pretty aggressive so I'm sorry if that put you off.
I understand why you say that I should be nicer but being "mean" is kind of the point of the post, y'know? As an asian and thus woc who works at an embassy, racism is something that puts me on edge and as I said it was a vent post. I rlly didn't expect for it to get so big and for so many ppl to agree.
In any case, I rlly don't mind being blocked. 2 big blogs have already blocked and I honestly dgaf. If you feel the need to block me then so be it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'd prefer you don't block me but if that's what's best for you...
I won't hate on you and it's kinda sad you think I will. I only troll and hate on the "bad" anons (ex: the argyle is native american anon).
All in all nonny, you've been super polite to me and I hope I was polite to you too! Feel free to drop by my inbox anytime! ☺️🫶🏻
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atxxzist · 2 years
Hello, thanks for your long answer! Btw I didn't think the first chapter of Blacklist was bad or anything (but I understand you might not be happy with it personally), I just wasn't sure if the stories would be my style. I don't always love bad boy stories, so I often drop them, especially if there's smut involved very early on and it makes no sense whatsoever.
I think Seonghwa was an asshole and a little bitch boy initially, but he did come across as genuine at times and in the end was still a flawed human with unresolved issues. I'm glad you gave us an open ending that was still hopeful. I think Y/N and Hwa have a future together, but it won't come easy and it shouldn't, because Y/N needs to trust him fully. The chemistry is there, they can communicate quite well, but Seonghwa needs to earn it. I love a slow burn and I love enemies to lovers, but unless the fic is long and detailed as hell I'm not gonna believe people who truly despised each other are suddenly lovey dovey! So your ending was just right imo. And the fact we had a time jump also makes it better, months have passed yet Seonghwa was still into Y/N and this time for the right reasons, and decided to come back and try again. This is a good sign. But I'm glad Y/N stood her ground. I think they may figure things out together eventually and I think Seonghwa deserves a chance after all, but he needs to put a lot of work into it.
And one more thing, I appreciate that Y/N had flaws as well, Seonghwa did call her out on her behaviour too. It's not like they were on the same level, lol because Hwa fucked up a few times, but I understand that Y/N's attitude was a bit upsetting as well.
no bc i completely understand 😭 i am the biggest anti-smut person ever and will look for any excuse in the world to not write it (and i kind of found one for blacklist lol) but all jokes aside, i am also not a very big fan of smut scenes where i cannot personally see the logic behind it. like what is the dynamic about the two at this point that they'll agree to such an act, y'know. bc the process can indeed be just very quick and dirty, but it is also a very intimate process that has a lot of power in taking the relationship to a new level. which is why i could not give it to seonghwa and y/n at the time or else yall would've gotten a very toxic smut scene (the first time in his car) 😭 which i am embarrassed to say, almost was gunna b the case.
more under the cut again dskdkjsajkdsjasd
but yes to everything you said. if i truly was to rlly develop their relationship fully to something that is more definite as opposed to the more open ending, it would've gone forever 😭 which was why i said at one point, i was afraid this series was gonna b longer than my last one (that is 100k words) but the potential for them is definitely there, tho it gets crazier the more i think about it bc of how different both their worlds are (even im not sure how his parents would feel about y/n) but we not gonna go there. we can just assume it goes well tho, bc my inspiration for hwa's character and the dynamic between him and y/n comes from f4 thailand's thyme and gorya 🥰 and they had a very happy ending.
also def, i tried to make y/n's flaws apparent (like her losing it with sumi and hongjoong and going to seonghwa out of spite) also the retelling of her past, since she was mostly known to just be self righteous and outspoken, but she is also not perfect <3
once again, ty anon, for taking the time to send me this message and share your thoughts, as well as to allow me to share mine 💕 u r not obligated to respond or reply to all of it. just know i appreciate it 🥰 and if there's a chance of u making future reappearances, feel free to give urself an emoji of your choice <3
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ebullienced-a · 2 years
please note: I will be talking about my own experience ahead but feel free to reply with your own if you'd like! Just PLEASE DO NOT REBLOG, as this post isn't intended to be inflammatory.
tw rant ahead !! /
being a combination of: a multi muse, all female characters, a lot of OCs, and mostly POC face claims has made its impact on this blog.
the way the rpc community treats female characters (especially ocs) of colour, is STILL vile. I thought we'd evolved from this shit honestly!!! it's almost impossible to distinguish the reason why you're being treated like you don't exist. a lot of it is also because (and I saw a mutual post about this earlier and I love them 💛) people really don't seem to like multi muses?? which is?? WHY?? but I guess what I'm saying is — I've had to really delve deep into why this blog hasn't been doing well. And what I found isn't great. It sucks to be ignored, and no one should have to feel that way. it impacts everything. it makes you doubt yourself and beat yourself up for not being good enough. I'm so sorry to anyone else who has had this struggle. and I know there's a lot of us. thank you so much to those few ppl that have taken the time to write and talk to me and those who have been a lovely presence on my dash - I love you more than you know and I'll be adding you if/when I do remake!!
or maybe it's just me. or me being a shit writer in which case massive apologies and ily and I'm sorry (self doubt is a bitch even when trying to make a point). i do have to take into account that I am accountable for my own feelings and I do worry that I haven't been a good presence and that I haven't been a good writer. In which case, again, I'm sorry.
pls also note this post in no way shape or form has been made to guilt trip anyone into interacting with certain blogs and this is no way directed to ANYONE who I follow / is on the dash / sees this!! it's just a general statement. there are no hard feelings towards any individuals here!! ever!! but if you don't feel something, block and move on!! false hope is rlly shitty when it's en-masse
also btw I am so grateful to have been out of all of the drama that's happened here thank u all for being angels x
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starrierknight · 6 months
I’m pretty sure you’re a leak reader but just in case, don’t read past here if you don’t:
How do you feel about jjk rn? I feel like Gege is killing everybody and idk there’s subverting expectations and then there is this. Tbh it would be subverting expectations if the sword actually struck Sukuna next chapter.
I am a leaks reader!!!! lololol pls do feel free to come n chat abt leaks/theories abt the plot to me <3
yeahhhhhh icl, I'm kinda sceptical abt where the story is going rn. i wanna put my faith in Gege yk, they are the author who gave us jjk 0, the shibuya incident, and Gojo's past arc.... but it's just a bit eh??
from what i've gathered, it seems like they have meticulously planned certain events in the narrative to the finest detail but kinda string the rest of the plot along?? so everything between a Major Plot Point seems out of place? which is pretty normal for writers, i think many do that... but given that we're approaching the end of the manga, we're all kinda wanting to see what happens for the big finish of an ending.
the pacing of the recent chapters has been a little slow in some areas (imo), and i have a feeling that they may have written themselves into a corner by killing off both Gojo and Higuruma.
i rlly rlly hope that they utilise Itadori more!!!!! that would be exciting, plus i think it would sufficiently subvert our expectations given that... well, Itadori is the MC, but he hasn't really been in the spotlight for a while.
idk it's tough yk. i just don't want Sukuna to have plot armour or be too OP, because otherwise the story gets repeitive if it's... oh a new foe! oh, Sukuna kills them! what a surprise! who could've possibly predicated that!
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
Okay okay, you might've got tired of me already, but in case you didn't, I'm here to throw some more ideas--
Okay so,,, stick with me, but what if s/o's parents found a way to visit Britain somehow to check up on their child? They could be lying in those letters for all they know and the situation's worse than s/o lets on--
(Also honestly it was said before but Sherlock is a lesser evil for sure: of all the unfortunate scenarios, he just secured himself an ally approved by the gov., so he can get away w/whatever bs regardless of what police thinks abt his methods. Barok, on the other hand..)
I feel like s/o would immediately pull their parents away and ask them to not interfere, bc they're already walking a figurative blade of a glass knife.
They'd also prolly refuse being taken to home country, bc even if they wanted to (which is nonsense), I don't feel like either of the guys(but van Zieks in particular, bc he seems like the controlling type-) would approve of them leaving London.
Oo, on another note, what if s/o was invited to a social event or smth? I feel like they wouldn't be ashamed of dressing in their home country's clothing (although they def would take all the other precautions like specific makeup, shoulderpads, etc etc).
It would be a weird situation for both Sherlock and Barok: bc I mean sure Barok can keep them out of a major scandal on a daily basis, but either of them going out w/ s/o in public would look hella sus. And being gae was also punishable by death 😳
Oh! And if we're talking danger-- Just imagine that someone challenged s/o to a duel? And they couldn't refuse, bc public image?? They wouldn't die there obv, but what if they got injured? Like, mb they took a bullet to their shoulder or smth- I wonder how would Sherlock and Barok react if they saw them bleeding severely? Especially their reaction after s/o explained how they got injured in the first place--
Urs, 🪄 anon.
Ps: I might change to 🎭 anon if u can see that emoji? You aren't missing much w/ the mystery box one tho, it's just Miles' disco stick a magic wand.
Pps: I send LOL to Mod Miles, Suzume, 🐸, and all the other anons on here! You're rlly cool!💯
LOL stands for Lots Of Love;)
Ooooooooooooop someone better prepare the yandere duo for the wrath that is parents. I can indeed see the 🎭 emoji so if you want to be 🎭Anon then that's okay with me. I'm absolutely distraught that I can't see the uh- *adjusts collar* magic wand emoji though.
First thing they'd do once they hit English soil is start cussing these two men out in their native language. Not the most polite thing to do in any sort of public space, especially during the late Victorian/Edwardian period but seeing as no one would understand the language I think an exception could be made.
I do think that Barok and Sherlock would want to make a good impression on S/O's parents though. They'd paint themselves as allies to S/O, people who have sworn to keep their secret and even help them to maintain appearances.
Hopefully, S/O's parents see through this BS. But if S/O was desperate to keep them out of it, they'd respect their child's wishes but the minute that they return home they'll start badgering their Government officials to bring their child home.
Sherlock would be LIVING IT UP with his free access pass (courtesy of being associated with Barok) to pretty much every crime scene in the country.
As for S/O going to an event, I think that they'd be a bit nervous but if they particularly wanted to wear their national clothing and they took the correct precautions, I don't think anyone would realise. They'd be more wrapped up in the potential scandal that is whatever is going on between them, Barok van Zieks and Sherlock Holmes.
You are spot on, being gay at this time was absolutely punishable by death, but then again, those with the power to keep themselves out of trouble would definitely do so.
Barok could definitely keep the three of them out of trouble and without proof, there can be no accusation.
I found this website which I think could have some interesting information (specifically, the later 19th Century) so feel free to peruse that if you wish!
Danger you say 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Poor S/O, duels are not a fun way to go. Although, by this point in time duels had largely fallen out of favour and they were illegal as well so whoever was asking S/O to duel must have really wanted to chance it.
Barok would be furious, he'd track the other party down on the spot to prosecute them. Trust me, he won't be letting this go.
Sherlock would be the one to stay with S/O while Barok sorts this out but once Barok is back, the two of them would "collaborate" in order to make sure that S/O is comfortable and their wound is closed (they couldn't really go to a hospital because then S/O's cover would be blown)
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aks3raao1 · 3 years
You know, there's a thing with characters that foil each other and serve as the "good" and "bad" respectively (Toga/Himiko, Tenko/Izuku, Nagito/Hajime, Ryoko/Hajime, Atsushi/Akutagawa) but that trope felt rather annoying to write, especially in the world I am trying to write about (ALTERNATIVE's world is basically MHA X BSD but like. 1000 times more fucked up and the Specialised are always prejudiced against. A terrible lot).
The title itself, ALTERNATIVE is to symbolise Romila's POV of "infinite choices and paths present for every being" and how she starts off the story with a decisive line of,
"Many people ask me if this could have been avoided. They beg for me to tell them that things could have been better. There are others too, who try to justify that this was the only way for things to have been. If you ask me, both are living in states of denial. One can't accept the stupidity of humanity for disregarding common sense for violence and prejudices. Another can't accept humanity's choice for having better circumstances if the one with the power chose to."
The thing is, the running theme is that the story is a bittersweet one, despite there not being many deaths of the main characters, but there was always a junction where you can see it could have been avoided, that there was an "alternative" for things to have gotten better, especially in the first book.
Another reason for the title is that it's basically an "ALTERNATIVE" to this world of ours, where super powers and stuff like those exist.
The subtitles of both the books (Myriad of Colours, Colour of Death) signifies Romila's power, "Aura Tracker" which lets her view people's aura as colours (Myriad of Colours is to signify the different kinds of people she meets, Colour of Death is about what affects her the most (death) and how she's constantly seeing that colour everywhere, especially now that it's war).
The thing about ALTERNATIVES is that Romila could have chosen to be a doormat (like Koldin tends to be at the beginning (his rp self is like THAT due to circumstances different to ALTERNATIVE's actual storyline. Also because Hack's a nicer person to be around than Romila is) in order to nOt hAvE cOnFliCt™) to not get into conflict and put up a super nice persona for people but she didn't. She decided to focus on hanging onto her reasons for doing what she does and using it to create a caustic personality to shield herself because she knows that she will regret being a doormat (Her Despair takes the form of Koldin Hopkins).
Now Koldin could have certainly put his hatred for society at the forefront and taken a caustic personality but instead chooses to be nice. Because he doesn't want to become as hurtful as the rest, that's how he wants to disentangle himself from society. However he, like Romila (who just took standing up for herself to extremes), takes this to the extremes causing him to gain the personality of a nice boy™.
However this also goes into why they made the choices they did (which is what Romila realises during the Mansion of Death arc), because for Romila, she didn't really have the psychology for actually becoming a doormat (because a) Her mom wouldn't have it b) She hated to be called weak c) She didn't have anyone to fall back to after the inevitable consequences of being a doormat d) She felt that if she were to live with monsters, then it's easier to blend in by being one (this comes useful to her when she infiltrates into the Government) e) She saw doormats getting suicidal which frightened her) or not becoming fully caustic (since her standing up for herself wasn't. Liked. By. Anyone. And seen as aggressive and she basically went, "Well if they see me as bad, I will show them BAD" which led to her breakdown causing the incidents at the Mansion Of Death (especially a twisted hatred against Koldin for extremely understandable reasons).
For Koldin, being meek and peaceful had let him get by in the streets and his skills to difuse fights had come in handy. Later when Dr. Hopkins took him in, he was well. A member of the Radicals who were known to be extremely merciless towards the Specialised (he had defected but Koldin had a REALLY good reason to be wary) so he figured if he stayed nice, he wouldn't be kicked out of the house and Dr. Hopkins being Dr. Hopkins just assumed that it was his normal and that behaviour carried into school. He figured that it was a horrifying thing to be aggressive and then saw how Romila got treated and decided that yep, he was right, that confirmed his world view alright and it was more reason to be super nice. While Romila saw Koldin as a person who everyone took advantage of (a thing she hated. To be exploited just like that) and went, yep that confirmed hers and it was more reason to be super angry.
However the thing is that, Romila was chided for being anything, which caused her to just give up to be peaceful (because what would she do? Anything she tried to do got her scolded) while Koldin (thankfully) found a support system. It really goes to show the difference a good friend can do.....
As it is, when I first began writing this, the most obvious choice presented itself to me. Koldin is the "hope" and Romila is the "despair" (on the protagonist, deutergonist side) but that seemed stupid and boring as it wouldn't make sense. Since I am trying to make a point of showing with how Romila's world view gradually changes from "there are wrong and right choices" to the fact that it doesn't have to be rigid and that *now* she wouldn't be hurt if she used what her vulnerable side wanted (a world free of prejudices and unnecessary cruelty) with the talents she had. That kindness mixed with her usual personality won't literally kill her.
And for Koldin, being a doormat means that he got taken advantage of a lot by different people and since he refused to actually stand up for himself ("Ah...aha......it seems that I can't..." "Can't what?" "Feel angry for myself......it's always anger that comes from the ones I love being hurt" "Then love yourself too, you will feel angry again" ~ Koldin's conversation with his inverted self in the Labyrinth) he got. Taken advantage of. By virtually everyone. However he decided that if being nice would keep him keep his self and his name self then it would be fine. He did not want to be the source of grief (his actual parents tossed him out because of his Specialisation). The Mansion Of Death actually causes him to snap for that reason, because Romila literally puts him in a torture dream "for the greater good" and then proceeds to kill his dear friend. One thing Koldin HATED. Killing friends. (Due to them being run over by a car, which led to his paralysed left arm)
Now on the other side, their respective friends:
Luja: Cynical and annoyed by people's stupidity but not to caustic extents and she wants to be a scientist and isn't haunted by the possibility of dying.
Kratanos: Full of anger and hatred against the world but not entirely blinded by it and is focused to using that anger for reformation of the world (she becomes a therapist later, to help people)
They both have her caustic parts but they also let themselves embrace another side which makes them her "balance".
Anand: Believes that there's no requirement for violence unless it's absolutely necessary.
Karishma: Figures it's a better idea to just listen to rules but doesn't hesitate to break them if she sees that they are bs
They both have his peacefulness, but don't hesitate to do what they think they should do, which makes them his "balance".
The point is that, the case of choosing alternatives isn't possible with a tunnel vision. Even so, there are choices that literally can't be made due to the individual and circumstances. Sometimes the choice is to choose more than one choice. Well, that's one dramatic storyline......
It reminds me of DDLC side stories since everyone has a bit of the other person's solutions and more of a opposite personality (don't take this the wrong way, there are many stories like that and it's honestly a favourite to think abt but it's just that DDLC does it well especially since it's only a school environment). Tbh, I like dramatic storylines that rlly dig deep into a character's perspective (reasons why I'm in love with Hack and Axel in particular). My whole thing is that I'd rather read a story with interesting and in depth characters than one where only the plot is good so I say you made the great call of the century with Koldin and Romila's characters.
What you thought before getting into it is rlly how every great character arc starts. You focus on one, somewhat forget the other one until you review every single character for inspiration and then BAM! PARALLELS! It's really admirable how, even in this messed up world of specializations, you didn't purely focus on the plot bc it honestly sounds interesting enough to just stick around for Romila's life and journey. You could have ended it all with just that, but no, you smacked Koldin in there and said "be my interesting on par character that can kick Romila's gut" and IT WORKED SPECTACULARLY!!!
I really love ur writing and hoping to one day read (and maybe print out) every story you've ever written bc GODDAMNIT I NEED THE FEELING OF THOSE WORDS ON WORN PAPER WITH AN ARTISTIC COVER AND AN AMAZINGLY HEAVY WEIGHT
Aka, paperback. Bc that's how I like to roll and that's how good I think it is. 1000% worthy of a bestseller
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bellfort3 · 3 years
This is a vent fic i wrote ages ago. I don't have any plans for it, so I'm giving it to you. It's a gift. You can honestly do whatever you want with it. It's completely yours, add to it, read it, delete it, I don't mind. I think you might enjoy it and tbh i just want to be free of it. Its not published anywhere or anything. Uh tw for mildly implied suicidal thoughts.
Wilbur leaned back in his chair, taking a drag of the energy drink on his desk. He was streaming, and it had been nice and chill so far. Some QnA, some GeoGuesser and he'd promised to play a song for chat at the end.
"Thank you BXLBB for the 20," he exclaimed. "BXLBB" he repeated dramatically, and laughed. "Geez, put a vowel in your name dude. Do I plan on doing more chill streams? Yeah probably. We'll have to see how it goes, I'm not really going by too much of a schedule right now." He leaned forward. "Millie X, thank you for the 10. OK, so I think we-"
Wilbur jumped violently in his chair, then giggled slightly. "Oh god that was my phone. I didn't"- he laughed again. "I wasn't expecting that chat, it made me jump. That's going to get clipped, isnt it. Jesus."
He looked at the phone screen. TommyInnit calling. Wait. Tommy calling? At 11pm, while  Wilbur was streaming, AND on his phone? With no texts or discord messages first? That was concerning. It was probably just Tommy being an ass, but the anxious part of Wilburs brain said he had to be sure. Ugh, if he was pranking him, he would kill that child. Tommy would just messing around, in which case the moment he started talking, Wil would tell him he was streaming and immedietly hang up on him.
"Oh fuck, it's the FBI," he yelped. He had to play it of as a joke for chat. "They saw how good I am at Geoguesser and now they're all after me. Hold on chat, let me just take this and make sure everything's alright. I'll be right back."
He muted his mic and picked up the call.
"Hullo TommyInnit."
No response.
He turned his volume up. Maybe it had been too low.
If he really strained, he could hear a very faint noise.
Oh fuck.
His anxiety was starting to creep in now.
Silence again.
"Tommy, I can't hear you."
More silence.
And then there was a muffled choking noise, and a quiet broken voice said "Hey Will."
For a split-second, Wilbur wondered if someone else had got his number by mistake. He had never in his life heard Tommy sound like that. But it had to be him by the call screen.
"Tommy are you OK?" Thank God he didn't ignore the call, thank god he didn't ignore the call. "Whats going on?"
Another beat of awkward quiet.
"It's nothing," muttered Tommy. "I-I'm sorry for bothering you Wil."
Oh fuck it must be bad. This was the teen who had told him his mother was dying to get him on stream.
"Tommy tell me what's going on."
"I don't- honestly Wilbur it's, I mean- I just-" Tommy stammered. He breathed out slowly and shakily. His voice was getting more watery and unsteady, in a very un-Tommyinnit like way. "I can't- can't seem to do-." He exhaled again and then he blurted out "Wil I want to delete my channel."
"You want to delete your channel?" Wilbur was trying to keep his voice level, but he could hear a tiny bit of incredulity and panic spill through.
Tommy was getting more worked up now. "I'm going to delete it Wil, I'm going to."
"Woah, woah. Don't do anything you'll regret. Where are you?"
"In my room. At my desk."
"OK. Sit on your bed away from the PC. Are your parents home?"
"They've gone out." He could hear a soft SCHMF as Tommy threw himself on the bed.
"So what-why do you want to delete your channel, Tommy?" The question 'what happened?' was clear in his words.
"I hate it Will. I... I don't like, I mean- honestly Wilbur, everything that's on there is shit. What is the point of keeping it up?" Tommy sniffed.
"Don't sugarcoat it Wil, I know- I know- I see how things are, you know. And I know I let you down and" Tommy's voice broke. "I'm sorry-I'm sorry, I've fucking failed Wilbur, I've let everyone down, I shouldn't even- I didn't mean to fuck everything up like I have, I dissapointed you-" and then Tommy was really crying, with sobs muffled by his hands and the phone.
Wilbur was stunned. Truly stunned. This was not a prank. Tommy was not OK. Tommy wanted to destroy everything he had worked for. Tommy was crying.
"Tommy," he said softly. "You haven't dissapointed me. Why did you think that?"
"Cos' y'know I-" he sobbed. "You-you like believed, you thought I could do good with my channel and my streams, but it's-" he sobbed again. "All of its so shit, and- and I've thrown away all my chances and I've limited everything and I just think it would be-" Tommy couldn't get the rest out. 
"Tommy, your videos are good. Maybe they're not all amazing, but you worked hard on all of them and they're all enjoyed by people." Wilbur was still reeling. "You don't hate all of them right?"
Tommy, save for crying, didn't reply.
No response.
"Tommy, trust me, you just don't see it now but I don't think your channel is as bad as you think. Did someone say something?"
"No!" Tommy cried, insistently. "No, no, you don't understand, this is just the way it is. Nobody told me, I came to this realisation myself."
"But," Wilbur started. "This realisation of yours is total nonsense Tommy."
Tommy sniffled.
"I don't know. I'm sorry Will."
"Are you doing OK? Is everything alright at school and home?"
"It's fine. Its... Fine."
"You don't think you're, you know, going through something? Are you depressed?" As Wilbur said this a realisation of his own hit him- he was still streaming. Chat was going crazy. He typed in chat: "everything is OK, but I have to end stream now. Sorry everybody. Go send Niki some love." Then he pressed the raid button. And watched the viewers drop.
"Wil I'm not-I don't know," Tommy said. "It would just be easier-well, better for everyone if it was gone. If I was y'know."
'End Stream.' Click. Hopefully the Internet wasn't too rabid. Then Tommy's words caught up with his brain. "Wait, Tommy you don't mean that," he said. "Thats really concerning Tommy. What about Dream and Techno and Tubbo and Schlatt? All these people you-"
"No!" Tommy screamed, immedietly distressed. "No, no, no, no, they don't, I can't-"
"Tommy, Tommy, calm down. It's OK." Tommys breathing filled the space.
"I'm getting Phil."
"No, please don't get Phil, please Wilbur I'm sorry, please Will-" Tommy spluttered frantically.
Wilbur typed a message to Phil with rapid speed, explaining what had happened.
Phil called immedietly, and Wil muted his phone.
"Will, what the fuck is happening? I saw you ended stream early. And you say Tommy's-." Phil was silent for a second. "Oh. Is he OK?"
"I have him on the phone, Phil, please talk to him."
Wilbur unmuted his phone.
"Hiya mate," Phil said softly.
Tommy quietly replied "Hi Phil."
Anon what the actual fuck. I just read this while sitting in ap world and I’m literally like stunned. Anon how-anon-I-
This is rlly rlly rlly good. Like rlly good. It actually made me feel like I was there like I was Wilbur what the fuck this lowkey wrecked me what
Anon I know you have gifted this to me but please. I think it’s amazing and that you should continue with it if you want to. It’s very good.
Please come back and talk to me!! I’m invested in this now
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todaytomorrowgiraff · 3 years
hello! i was scrolling thru the frenrey tag and i saw ur post abt frenrey fics and read thru some comments and i just wanted to try to clear this up bc like it could be bad? someone replied w a threat abt if ppl wrote frenrey as predatory they'd kill them, and while yeah joke threatening is rlly fucking awful especially towards ppl u don't kno, i just wanted to ask why like instead of going a bit more into it u just left the possibility that writing mlm relationships as predatory wasn't an actual issue and was just something "uncomfortable?" it's definitely uncomfortable, it's been a real issue w ppl who rn't mlm writing or making that a common trope. it's been damaging to their community. of course addressing that you don't want threats on your posts is a good thing and boundaries are good to set, i don't blame you for telling them to leave you alone about that, i just got a generally bad vibe from the rest of the reply. sorry, this was a long thing to read and i hope it doesn't mess up your day too horribly.
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Ok, so I didn’t answer the person because I make a point of only debating with people who actually tries to debate with me. Why would I answer a person who only wanted their opinion heard and threatened people in the process? I’m too old for that shit. You on the other hand pose a valid question and I feel like this can be a good learning opportunity for you younger people on tumblr. 
I want to start out with that I’m saying this as a queer person who has read fanfics and been in fandoms for 20 years. And as a person who’s job it is to teach about literature and story telling structures. I’ve studied this shit.
So lets talk tropes. Most of you already know why certain tropes are harmful for certain groups. In the case of the predatory gay it’s harmful when used in main stream media because it helps paint the picture of gay and queer people as dangerous and predatory. 
So why is it different when the same tropes are used in fan fiction? Shouldn’t that also be bad? Not necessarily. Now the big difference here is context. This is something I feel lot of people who only learn about these kinds of things in online settings fail to see. When it comes to tropes in storytelling context is everything. Lets look at the context of HLVRAI fan fiction. It is written by singular people for free, not giant companies making money of stereotypes. It’s written in a community that is largely made up of queer people (honestly I’ve yet to find a cis het person in any of the servers I’m in XD). Lastly frenrey is a queer relationship which means all the fanfics written with this ship has queer representation. 
Now as you see, the context here (independent writer who writes for free in a community largely made up of queer people with only queer representation) is very different from when the same trope is featured in main stream media (Big companies making money and reaching a diverse audience and often featuring very little queer representation). The trope in the fanfic setting will not harm in the same way it would in the main stream setting. It won't teach people that queer people are predatory because the people reading it are either queer themselves or have seen enough different representations on other fanfics to know this is not the case. Therefor the trope in this context is at worse upsetting or uncomfortable for someone reading it. Which is why tags exists. 
You also have to take into consideration that fan fic writers don’t create these character, they interpret them from the source material. Benrey in the show is acting kinda predatory at times. He flirts kind of aggressively with Gordon who clearly shows it makes him uncomfortable. Now does this make HLVRAI bad because they use this trope? No, again we have to see to the context. This is a friend group (which contains several queer people) who improvises a story on the fly. The way they act is how they usually act and joke with each other. 
So if people chooses to use this aspect of Benrey’s character in their writing they’re also not just making up a predatory gay character from scratch, they’re interpreting the source material. 
I hope this little rant might help to widen the perspective for some folks of tropes in media. Just because a trope is bad in one context, doesn’t mean it is in another. You have to see the wider picture in this, it’s not a black or white issue. 
TLDR: When we consume any type of media we always have to be aware of in what context it has been made and how we consume it. Trope that are harmful in main stream media does not necessarily have to have the same harmful impact when written in fan fiction. 
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All the Fluff Asks with whomever is on the brain rn :)
HELL YEAH TY TY Ima talk abt Bojack again FWHXHSH He is On The Brain. Its Childhood Friends Content!
blankets: how do you relax together?
Movie nights, or...hanging out in his pool- I'm my case, hanging out NEAR his pool lmao. Usually movie nights just end in us talking, but it's still good for r&r.
hugs: do you hug or touch each other often?
Yes and no? He's in indoor affection person but he's also just bad at physical affection, not his love language. It's not rare, but it's also not often, and I'm usually the one initiating contact. I dont rlly mind, cause he holds my hand out in public, or leans on me, or initiates a kiss. So it's all ok. We were a lot more physically affectionate when we were younger.
rainbows: how do you spend an off day inside together?
lights: how do you spend your night together?
sweet: what’s one of your favourite things your f/o does for/to you?
When he buys things just bc it reminded him of me, or stays by me during parties or other social functions.
nostalgia: what makes you and your f/o nostalgic?
special: what stands out to you about your f/o? what stands out to your f/o about you?
He's easy to read- I mean, we have been friends for...ever but, I dunno? Some people act like they don't know what he wants when he says certain things but fuck dude? Mans is an open book.
When he met me...it was the way I treated him that caught his attention. I don't think he was used to it at the time all things considered but, he always said I was too nice to him- still feels like I am, actually. I don't believe it, tbh.
moods: what makes your f/o happiest?
Me. Which is softcore as FUCK but, he always says that. That I make his day better, and that even when he's in a bad mood thinking of me just makes him smile- which makes me all!!! Shut up!!! Shut up!!! And he always laughs at me and that's what makes my day.
bubbles: do you take baths or showers together?
Pfhhh sometimes. Usually it's the baths and that's only when it's an R&R day. But...its also a bit rare. We can still be a bit self conscious around eachother.
comfort: how do you take care of each other?
I don't really know? We've been taking care of eachother since we were kids, at this point our version of caring has just adapted with age. It's the kind of care that comes with knowing another person after a long time, I think.
starry: what gets both and your f/o excited?
Travelling, being outside of our homes is a freeing feeling, honestly? Forgetting about responsibilities is a big thing for him but I just enjoy the long car rides with him? Double points if he doesn't tell me where we're going and double points if I actually agree to come with him
relief: how does your f/o help you feel better? how do you help them?
He is CHRONICALLY BAD at comforting people, ima b honest FSHXHSH
But...he tries? Buying me my favorite foods and watching whatever he knows I'll enjoy- listening to old music too. Avoiding the topic too, cause he knows I'll always end up coming to him abt it when I'm ready.
I can't bully him for not knowing what to do sometimes tho when I'm basically the same way with him. The only form of help I know if distraction, so usually if I wanna make him feel better I might suggest going somewhere or having a fun night out on the town with some friends- usually I'll try to get him to talk abt what upset him after, bc I know if I let him sit on it it'll just make him feel worse.
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mydeaddad · 4 years
hey, rlly recommend looking back at that post about educating the right u rbed and thinking about it again. racism is a systemic problem, an inherently racist system cannot be solved per individual. it has to be torn down. i don't want to break the mutual but as a poc the idea of having to spoon feed the alt right in order for them to wonder if we should maybe have rights doesn't sit well with me. maybe check out assata shakur or angela davis' work.
I agree that the systems in place that uphold racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. need to be dismantled entirely, that these things are not solved simply because a few people who used to be alt right were educated. However, the individual needs to be educated in order for these systems to be dismantled. There is power in numbers and there is power in education. If numerous amounts of people are educated on the intricacies of oppression, how it is employed systematically, what methods we can employ to ensure a more fair system is in place. We need more people in order to do that.
The BLM protests around 2014 helped bring national attention to police brutality, the effects racism had on the police, how racism was integrated so deeply within the system that it's near impossible to separate the two. This was super important and the BLM movement has not let up since then. With the BLM protests that have been happening recently, we have seen many changes (both minor and major) and this is thanks, in part, to the countless hours of work, activism, and education black people have been responsible for. What makes BLM 2020 so much more impactful is numbers. More and more people, in the six years between the two, have come to realize how serious and important this issue is. People were educated on what BLM means and represents, and therefore more people showed their support by donating, signing petitions, going to protests, etc. All of these things were already happening, of course, but it's so different now bc of how many people are supporting. Educating people is important and I wholeheartedly believe more people should take the time to educate.
That being said, i don't think that burden is on POC or women or LGBT people or whatever the case may be. The post actually addresses this:
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the onus is on those who have privilege. White people, men, cishets, abled people, etc. to take on the emotional labor to explain these things since they don't have to actually deal with it in their real lives, it doesn't affect them the way it does minorities. Granted, this is not the opportunity for people in positions of power to speak over marginalized groups, but rather to elevate their voices. Point to resources from marginalized groups explaining their experiences and oppression, what systems in place exist the reinforce them, use reputable sources to point out the injustice, etc. It is not the place of, for example, a straight man to determine what is and isn't lesbophobia. That is not his right bc he does not understand. But, it is his responsibility, if he supports and cares about lesbians, to understand what we determine is and isn't lesbophobia, educate himself on why it is, and, if someone comes to him asking about those things, to explain it to them using our words. Naturally, there are times where it would be best to leave it to a lesbian, which is also important for an ally to understand--when and where their right to speak on an issue starts and ends.
Essentially, my understanding and interpretation of that post is this: people who come to us asking questions should not be treated in a hostile manner. Doing this only pushes them further right because it reinforces the alt right's narrative of "the intolerant Left" bc it gives them fodder. You are of course allowed to be exhausted by explaining the same thing over and over again, especially when it is an issue that directly affects you, of course. But, this post isn't saying "you as an individual person need to answer every question someone has as nicely as possible and if you don't, you are Part Of The Problem" bc that would be silly. It speaks broadly about the Left as a whole. It more so, as I understand it, encourages white people, men, cishets, able-bodied people, etc. to understand why they need to step up and take the time to explain these things. And, even then, it could be directing them to other sources whether that be someone else's post or books or even Tedtalks. That is what i took from that post.
Feel free to message me to talk more about this, in case i am misunderstanding something you are trying to say. I hope explaining my interpretation helped clear up some things :)
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dyketectivecomics · 6 years
{{ Okay, as a fellow aficionado of playlists, I HAVE. TO ASK. About those songs you've chosen! Throw 5k at me, I DON'T MIND! But I'm dead-serious and deadly curious about what soundtrack I should be imagining for Magic Fam scenes. ;P (Maybe pick your Top 10, because Attention Spans are a thing. but if you want to make it into a full-blown lyrical analysis project, I'm totally down for reading that, too.)
I tried to pare this down as much as possible (kept around 1k so theres that!) w/out being too rambly, & still including a bit over that 10 bc i can’t PICK THINGS, but without any further ado & in no particular order~
Have Some Magic Fam’s Greatest Hits/Must Hears (under the cut):
- I’d say p much All of Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nick’s is worth listening to, but some highlights i wanna point out real quick are gonna be “Hold Me”, “Little Lies”, and Nick’s “Whole Lotta Trouble”.While most of these will have the greatest frame of reference with an Idealized Version of John & Zee’s relationship, the purely mystical sounds that they bring into their music also lends itself to something that I can only describe as nostalgic for myself. My dad played a lot of Fleetwood/Nicks when i was younger & its the kind of sound that you can put on as bg, just allowing yourself to get lost in the music or let it drift softly w/out taking too much attention. It’s the kind of music that i absolutely see Constantine & Zatanna reaching as a middle ground (what w/ John being very punk rock, and Zee i see as being an absolute sucker for pop) Its just a very happy middle & represents an idyllic childhood I’d want for Raven.
-Moving up to Angsty Teen Years, and doing a lot of projection in the mean time: i’d push/encourage listening to Linkin Park and Flyleaf. But not their heavier stuff, no. Start with something like “Shadow of the Day” & “Leave Out All the Rest” (LPs) and “There for You” (flyleaf). I absolutely headcanon Raven (in any canon) being introduced to Flyleaf thru Aunt Alice (as a way to try to Connect through a musical middle ground for reasons that would be Obvious for anyone who knows the band’s history/focus a bit more on the lyrics for certain songs…). By the time Raven meets Rose (who would introduce her to LP) she’d absolutely start edging into a Goth/Emo/Scene phase. #LetRavenHaveACringyTeenPhase2kwhatever like, just imagine her screaming her head off to “One Step Closer” while Constantine’s in the next room like ‘not my style, but good for u kid’ while he slowly turns up The Clash
-Honorable Mentions bc they have more to do w/ general relationship dynamics include:“(They Long To Be) Close to You” by The Carpenters, this is v self-indulgent, bc Simpsons fans might remember this is Homer & Marge’s song. it absolutely falls in line w/ Fleetwood as being a Love Anthem during Rae’s childhood before John n Zee move slowly into their Little Lies phase if you will“Sins of My Youth” by Neon Trees, where you start to see some breakdown btwn the two. bc the reality is that they’re BOTH weighed down by things in their past, and unless they really WORK at those things (which 9/10 john usually ISN’T) then they WILL start to break apart. helps that theres an extra layer/theme of addiction which i think adds to the tone of the song as well as hits the nail a little on the head (which brings me to the next song…)“Demons” by Imagine Dragons, (gonna show my 2010s scene phase a bit here) bc this one is HELLA on the nose/cliche for all of them, BUT YA NEED TO BE A BIT CLICHE SOMETIMES OK? this song just WORKS so well for them all and its… not quite a bop, but like? its Good. it’s Been Good and I’m so sad that it got so overplayed when first released to the point of oversaturation, its a Shame“You Learn” by Alanis Morissette, funnily enough, i was listening to this one while driving, and like? so many little Zatanna & Raven ideas kept popping into my head. it really helped to help form ideas and tone of how i want their relationship to be, and provided a great stepping stone like getting into the zone for writing that most recent chapter of Retrieval (& @squiddybeifong i actually rlly wanna rec this one esp & feel free to give the rest of these, in case where you were wondering how trash my music taste is for this AU lmao)
TBH i think ima break my music library overall like this for this AU:
70s rock/pop absolutely encompasses Raven’s childhood, so ages 5-10/11. Anything 90s Punk/early Aughts Alt Rock is Raven’s Teen Angst Phase in SPADES. On the opposite end of that, Zatanna & Raven’s relationship could probably be encompassed by the feelings I get from listening to 90s pop/rock, and Constantine & Rae’s would be more U2/80s-ish, think “Sunday Bloody Sunday” or maybe “With or Without You” vibes would be better? NO WAIT “Stay (Faraway, So Close!)” THAT ONES DEF A GOOD ONE FOR THEM BOTH UGHHHH- everything else gets sorted into Particular Circumstances & Feelings/Events… and there’s couple of those so-
Last but not least, while I don’t see Raven being quite the romantic thats presented in this song, “The Only Exception” by Paramore also includes a lot of that great relationship angst that anyone who’s seen their parents go through bad breaks & have it negatively affect how they enter their own relationships… yeah, i’ve said a lot there, that probably didn’t rlly need explaining for such a simple song but like… it Works for this dynamic, esp since John & Zee aren’t MEANT to completely last in this. not without a lot of work that I’m still… trying to be sure that they want to work out, if that makes sense? (bc i know what *I* want but that might not necessarily be where they take me lmao)
tl;dr- i have shit music taste bc my own parents raised me on a lot of shit that they loved
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craveher · 4 years
I don't know if I love my bf of a year & a half anymore. I still love cuddling w him but sometimes when he's touching me/complimenting me I feel uncomfortable. Hes been getting on my nerves & idk if it's just bc he's putting me in a tough spot w our living situation and I'm a little angry w him & stressed or if it's a bigger issue. I tend to be kinda severe w ppl and I always ruin relationships bc of my problems so idk if that's what this is. I think he's rlly priveleged & doesn't understand what it's like to not be priveleged & that frustrates me. He doesn't understand where I come from. Sometimes I'm embarrassed when he talks in front of ppl. He's always on his phone when I'm trying to talk to him & we don't do things together anymore. I feel like he might not like me much anymore either bc he doesn't say the same stuff & he doesn't spend much time w me or text me ever but we both still say we love each other. Thanks for letting me vent❤️
Hey, I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with this hun. You don’t have to love him yet, everyone falls in love at different points. Some people swear it’s instant, but I think in every case it’s something you both have to work for every day. And it’s not something you need to time. I really think you should try bringing some of these things up. Like saying “hey babe, I understand that you may need a break or are busy with your phone, but maybe we could set aside a time or place where we both shut them off and focus on eachother”. Quarantine is also making everyone on edge, especially with living situations. I suggest making time for you two to have some space for your own hobbies. If you live in an area that isn’t highly populated, maybe going for a walk or bike ride on your own would help. Even just a drive with your music turned up. Something that helps relieve stress. Then after that, if you think on it and still are bothered try writing those things down because that could mean you really are more than mildly annoyed in the moment by those things. And you could bring those things up when you feel ready. It sounds scary when you think of it, but avoiding these conversations is scarier because they will come out, and probably during an argument or emotional moment and it won’t start a dialogue, just sound accusatory. I’m sorry if you didn’t want advice, if you just wanted to vent then feel free to ignore all this and I’m glad you felt good enough to vent to me 💖 just know that your feelings are valid and worthy of speaking about, and if you need anything I’ll be here!
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catboynecromancy · 3 years
("rolling" anon here) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE EXPLANATION it was v helpful and i'm grateful that you took the time to explain all that to a drug virgin
i did have another q if you wanna answer, what was ur first time like doing drugs? I'm gonna be moving to college soon and i know i don't wanna mess w anything hardcore like coke but the most common thing is weed and my weak nose hates the smell. My friend said she wants to see me on shrooms and i'm rlly curious so I was thinking of starting w that. Suggestions?
!!!Drug Talk Ahead!!!
I am gonna put this under a cut, just in case.
Hey again, anon!
My first time doing something (other than smoking weed) would have been my first time taking shrooms when I was 21. I was going to a concert with a friend, who had acquired them, and a person who was completely sober for the night. Now, it was a great experience, personally. The thing about shrooms is a lot of people think it'll make you see weird shit, which isn't exactly true about psychedelics. The most common type of hallucination would be seeing very vague, moving patterns when you let your eyes relax, colors brightening quite a bit, and what are typically called "tracers". Tracers are when something moves in your vision and leaves behind a trail. Closed eye visuals can often be way more intense, however.
Other than that, shrooms can help you experience euphoria, connection, and leave you with a pleasant "after-glow" of happiness for a few days to a week later.
Shrooms can also exacerbate mental health issues, especially if you have a tendency to experience high anxiety and panic attacks. If you're in a bad state of mind, experiencing any particular stressors, or are nervous about taking them I would suggest passing. While my first time taking shrooms was great, my last time was during a very high stress point in my life, and the result was very not fun at all.
If you are on any sort of medications, such as SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, do NOT take shrooms. In fact, I would suggest not taking anything, not even smoking weed. Thoroughly look up any and all drug interactions before you ingest anything.
Now, with that in mind, if you decide to do this — always, always, always have what is called a trip sitter. I know it's not fun, but someone who is able to be responsible needs to be sober. While my experience was in a public setting, my advice is to, generally, try new drugs in a much calmer, easier to control situation.
Shrooms can be really fun, it isn't actually a bad first drug to take, but it's always good to make sure you're 100% prepared first. I could probably go more into my actual experience, but the best I can really give is "fun, lots of giggling, mind blown".
Another thing to remember is you can always take more, not less. Start off with the smallest dose possible, give it a couple hours, if nothing happens you can take more. However, if you take too much at once, you can't go back from that.
Make sure you trust your source. I'm not actually sure there are ways to test psilocybin mushrooms, so the take less advice is very important here.
Here are some very good, non-bias drug information sources.
😎👉DanceSafe 👈😎 - Non-profit promoting drug safety, with information about common music fest drugs, and sells testing kits for specific drugs (If testing is available, ALWAYS do this first! You never know what you have until you test it!)
😎👉Erowid👈😎 - HUGE database with lots and lots and lots of information about pretty much every single drug out there. Has been around for a very long time. Also has people giving their own personal experiences with drugs and combinations of drugs.
As always, please feel free to either send me more anons, or my DMs are also open.
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