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bamsywrites · 1 year
Guilt Part Two
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Summary: Tyrion worries. You have a baby.
Ships: future Tyrion x Reader, past Tywin x Reader
Tags: depictions of child birth, babies, probably ooc, fluffy, a lil bit of angst. not my best writing.
Notes: it's been forever, I know, I apologize. This is just a short fluffy piece. Let me know if you'd like to see more from this story or if you'd like to read what reader and Tywins relationship was like (spoiler warning: it's complex as fuck and reader did kinda sorta like him a little bit despite what she says). Like I said in the first one, this story has been in my maladaptive daydreams for forever and I love getting the story down. As always I'm open to criticism as long as it's helpful and constructive.
Part 1
Tyrion paced.
He'd been pacing so long he swore there would be indents of his feet on the stone floor of the halls. Hours have passed, day turned to night and still he paced. The torches had long since burnt out, nothing but the moon and stars coming through windows illuminated the stone now. The night was silent besides the muffled sounds coming from the closed door that Tyrion continued to pace in front of. He desperately tried to hear what was going on behind those doors. But all he heard was muffled chaos.
Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Turn.
He strained his ears once again to hear. Muffled pained moans. The sound of cups and bowls being moved. People were talking, frantic, but he couldn't make out what was being said. Damned those walls, damned his painfully average hearing, damned it all.
Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Turn.
He'd tried to gather information where he could, a few handmaidens had left the room in the hours that he'd been there to fetch water or medicine or... whatever, he wasn't sure because they wouldn't answer his questions. Not so much as a nod or a head shake. Damn those women too, he thought.
Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Turn.
You'd been in labor since early that morning, he'd been woken by the news that your baby was coming, and he'd been outside the door since. It shouldn't take this long? Should it? This was an area of women's anatomy that he has little experience with and it infuriated him. The not knowing, the sounds of your screams, the anxiety, the worry, the guilt.
Step. Step. Step - Stop.
"Agh! Fuck!" Tyrion yelled, throwing his flask full of wine at the wall as hard as he could. He watched it clatter to floor, wine splattering the floor and the wall.
He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to tune the world out, tried to focus on getting himself together and not allowing his thoughts to go too far. His fingers bitter themselves in his hair, his forehead pressed against his knees. Worry and guilt consumed all of him. You were the only person he had here, that babe was his brother. You were smart and kind and strong. You were good and all that came from you was good. Trysta, Nataria - they were good. The world couldn't lose you.
He couldn't lose you. He couldn't lose you. He couldn't lose you. He couldn't lose you. He couldn't lose you.
There was a new sound from behind the closed door. A cry.
A baby cry.
Tyrion wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting there, but his ass was numb as he stood and waited for word of how you were doing. How the baby was doing. Just a word.
A young handmaid emerged from the room, "She's doing well, m'lord. Tired but she's doing well." But her voice sounded almost pitiful, it worried him for a moment until he heard the sound of your tired voice from inside the room.
"Tell him to come in."
You sounded exhausted but he could hear the smile in your voice.
Thank the gods.
Tyrion had never felt such a wave of relief in his life as when he entered the room and saw you with your babe swaddled to your chest. Your face was pale and you were covered with sweat, your hair sticking to your face and skin slick. Your lips looked chapped but they smiled down at the bundle in your arms. His heart jumped at the sight of your smile. Even now, he thought you looked beautiful.
You were the first to speak, "A baby boy. I haven't thought of a name quite yet," you never took your eyes off the baby in your arms. "He is beautiful though, come look at him. He's perfect."
Tyrion approached and his breath hitched in his throat as he saw the baby asleep in your arms.
"A dwarf?"
His voice was quiet as he looked at the sleeping baby. He was shocked. The baby was his brother after all, it would make sense he supposed but he was more shocked at how you were looking at the baby. You had no disgust. No contempt. You had love radiating from your features as you looked at your son.
"I...I am sorry," he apologized- for what he did not know. He felt that's what he's supposed to do.
Your eyes shot up to him and your gaze turned stern.
"No, your self pity is not going to taint my son'" your voice was harsh and firm "There is nothing to be sorry for. He's perfect the way he is, just as are you, and I will not have you think there is something wrong with my son simply because you falsely believe there is something wrong with you," you turned your gaze to the bundle in your arms. "I would burn all of the Seven Kingdoms to the ground for him, just as I would my daughters. Oh, how I wish they could be here to meet him. "
Tyrion stood in awe for a moment. In that moment you were awe inspiring, with your body exhausted and covered in sweat, your eyes telling the story of how your body was spent of all energy but still bright and smiling at at your son. You were gentle, loving with your baby on your chest but the fire in your eyes never died. You managed to put him in his place while making him feel more worthy than he ever had.
"Come," your voice broke him out of his trance, "Hold him." You held the sleeping baby for him to hold.
"I have no where to sit, my lady." He feared that if he touched the babe, if he held him, that Tyrion would taint him or ruin him in some way.
"Nonsense," you moved motioning to the spot on your bed right next you. He must have shown his hesitance on his face because before he could object your voice cut him off.
"I just spent an entire day painfully and excruciatingly pushing this child out of my womb. I do not give a fuck about what is proper or improper."
"Yes, my lady." He couldn't stop the smile that stretched upon his face. He'd never heard you say such things but he suspected you were right.
The blankets rustled as Tyrion sat next to you and made himself comfortable. "Of all the reasons I've found myself in a beautiful woman's bed, I cannot say this has been one of them."
You smiled softly as you sat the sleeping babe in his arms.
"They're always so peaceful right after birth," you say softly. "Its the next day that's the hardest. Tonight he will sleep and I will rest and tomorrow he must come to terms that this world is colder than the one he was used to."
Tyrion looked down at the babe, his brother, and smiled softly. He had already tufts of Lannister hair on his head and he looked so peaceful. His fingers traced the babes face gently. "My father is rather good at making adorable babies I must say."
"I would like to think that it is me making the adorable babes and not Tywin."
"You? I was more so talking about me than the babe."
You laughed out loud, it was exhausted but it still made Tyrions heart skip a beat.
"Speaking of him, you must give this babe a name. You can't just refer to him as the babe or him for ever."
You sighed, your head falling to rest on his shoulder. "I do not think I have it in me to name him today."
Silence filled the room for a few minutes as the three of you sat there. Tyrion fully enjoying the weight of your head on his shoulder and sleeping babe in his lap. It wasn't until he noticed your breathing change that he realized you had fallen asleep. To know you felt safe enough, felt relaxed enough to sleep on him made his heart race.
"I will not let the harshness of this world take you from me." Tyrions voice was quiet and soft, he didn't know if he was speaking to you or your child or to both but he meant everyword.
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heythereneighbor · 9 days
Hey there Neighbor,
My friend has been really busy lately. She's been so busy that she forgot to buy flowers for her mom for a "welcome home from your vacation" present. Her mom is back tomorrow and it is night time. Howdy's is closed, and it is too late to ask anyone for help.
But I had an idea. @:)
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If her mom likes it, I'll tell you tomorrow, ha ha ha.
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dy6nsty · 8 months
I love art
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reanimatedguts · 1 year
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idek what to say other than trent crimm brainrot real
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tacitusauxilium · 3 months
(( I know I haven’t been on here in months, but wanted to share some good news with you all since it will change my schedule up a bit in general. And I can’t tell anyone at work until Saturday and need to tell you all at least!
I work 10-8 Thursday-Sunday instead of 7a-3p Tues-Saturday, but I get three days off of work back to back AND I still get one day off with my husband nonetheless!
I know the 7-3 shift is the best shift ever but five days is killing me. I am so thrilled and excited and I can’t even tell the crew until tomorrow night. But, I got what I wanted and I am fucking thrilled!))
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agonizedembrace · 24 days
Take a margo photo dump as i lay down
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4fter-hours-archive · 4 months
━━ ✦  ( @inhumanhacker )
"Come on, ump! Are you blind!" Elizabeth yelled standing up and shaking her cap towards the field along with some of the others in the crowd at the out that was just called. Charlie sat next to her laughing. "Don't be a sore loser, Libby." He handed her the hotdog that she shoved at him when she stood up.
The one that he knew she intended to eat with the beer he had fetched during the previous inning. With a huff, she sat back in her seat and muttered to herself some profanities before taking a bite of the thing.
"Sorry," Charlie smiled at Sage who sat on the other side of him. " You were saying? What's the job? And why us?”
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((So I got to write as Gregory on Discord, and this is how it's going so far;
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arealmunited · 1 month
This is Frank. He’s the stray cat I’ve been feeding and now we are the best of friends.
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ghostsbimbo · 9 months
Simon Riley with a significant other whose a daycare/Pre-K teacher or teacher's assistant.
this is fairly short due to being on mobile!!
⚝ Simon would totally take care of them when they get hit with a cold from their job - and whenever it happens within the first few years because god the colds are rough. It would continue until they can finally figure out a routine that works for them, and actually does start wearing masks around this time because, hey, COVID was actually smart with the mask mandate.
⚝ Simon helps them out on nights when they're trying to make lesson plans for their students - if kindergarten students - who have affectionately earned the nickname of their "little wonders".
⚝ The fridge is always covered in art work from their kids. A few kids even drew Simon and asked his significant to send them to him if on deployment or give them to him when he's home. Their office wall is no different.
He immediately apologizes and gives them more candy to calm them down. It totally worked.
⚝ Simon coming in and helping them out on party days. The students? LOVE HIM. he's basically a jungle gym to them. One boy even says he wants to be as big and strong as him - he totally didn't melt at the statement.
He doesn't wear his mask, per their request because they're worried about scaring the kiddos. They do gently remind them to not ask about the scars every once in a while.
⚝ Simon tries to do their teacher voice sometimes when they're getting more rowdy than you and your teacher aide can handle, but it scares them on accident.
⚝ Simon totally can't help but fall in love with his significant other even more while watching them interact with their kiddos, enough to the point that after the day is over and they're on their way home together, he just bluntly states he wants a kid with them.
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ravarui · 6 months
// So...guess who is officially 31 now
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Oh, he’s acting weird. Sniffing.
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heythereneighbor · 29 days
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I'm happy to know that you two like my art. I think I'm getting better at drawing with pencils, ha ha ha.
To say "thank you", I drew the three of us getting hot dogs. I don't know what you both like to wear apart from sunglasses so I hope the clothes I drew are okay.
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3ninth · 2 years
Always thinking about that mini tantrum Byakuya throws during the final investigation if you try to look at the stuff in the office before talking to him
You r in love, silly!!!!!!
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reanimatedguts · 1 year
random guy, about me as he passed by me: HER SHIRT SAID SOMETHING ABOUT FEMINISM!!!!
the shirt in question:
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me, internally: first of all, i’m a guy, and second——this was a quote by a misogynistic twink!!
me: wrong on all counts, jackass!!
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tacitusauxilium · 23 days
((So uhh…
Would anyone like to RP tonight? Nothing serious—unless…?))
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