#| M: Somewhere Along The Way I Asked Myself Is It All A Game? (Memes/Prompt) |
sweettoothselfships · 3 years
hi, hope its ok to ask! for the platober prompts, 🛍 🗝📝🏝 for any of your Gothic literature f/os, or anyone you'd like to answer them for! (citrus-selfinserts)
hiii @citrus-selfinserts Oooohhh boy i got too busy to participate in my own event which is fine it’s been fun seeing people participate anyway but i’m gonna answer some old asks now :33 thanks for asking, answering for r.enfield my best friend re.nfield 100 years arthur and renfie.ld
🛍 What kinds of things do you like to imagine you and your f/o doing together in this universe?
ohhh i wanna take this man somewhere NICE i wanna go Sightseein there’s this super neat old fashioned carousel in my city. i’m taking him on that, at night with all the pretty lights. i just wanna see him relax and have a good time tbh. i would also like to take him to some kind of animal sanctuary NOT to eat any of the animals JUST to hang out i will be keeping a very close eye on him. but personally i would like to hold a bat and i think he would like to hold a bat too. i’m gonna take him to a movie since he’s an olden times man and he’ll be just nuts about that. also i think we should have a sleepover
🗝 What kinds of things do you like to imagine you and your f/o doing together in their universe?
[redacted] well let’s see. travel would be nice. perhaps by train. lots of time to sit and chat and maybe play card games. also what if we went to the beach. what if he had little sunglasses huh what then. what if he had an ice cream cone. also we should be like ghost hunters together. well not hunters we just go look for em and not ghosts just all manner of spooky shit. we should look for spooky shit together is what i’m saying. and i still think we should have sleepovers
📝 Does your s/i’s presence in the source change your f/o’s story, and if so, how?
oh yeah definitely i’m saving this man’s life. (dra.cula spoilers but it’s a 124 year old book so) my gothic lit s/i’s whole point is to try to get these people to get along as much as possible so i’m either just rewriting the source so’s as drac.ula never tries to kill ren.field in the first place OR i will have my s/i kick my other friend dr.acula’s ass myself if i have to. but one way or another i am keeping the dear man alive.
🏝 Where would you like to travel with your platonic f/o?
oh HEY i mentioned this earlier didn’t i. well first of all i’m taking him here (city in france where i live no details 🤫 ) cuz it’s nice and i know the city. then i wanna do italy. but also i’d like to take him to new york because. bless him but also talk about a fish out of water it would be very entertaining for both of us even if i have to keep him from accidentally starting a fight. also while i’m throwing places out how about morocco that sounds nice :)
thanks again! ask meme here
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Ali: tl;dr: Somebody draw it for me, and since it was kinda my OC, I decided to use it.
And now the full story - that I told here like 3-4 times so far prompted by asks, so sorry to those who remember it. But this is really full story now. A FULL STORY. ALL THE DETAILS, ALL THE LOGO’S LORE. INCLUDING INFO YOU DON’T NEED AT ALL. BRACE YOURSELF.
Some years ago there was this fan project going on called Overtale, which was supposed to be sequel of Undertale following the plot of monster and humans living together on the surface. Since then the project got cancelled due to various issues and all that’s left of it is amazing music (seriously, listen to it, it’s great), some voice acting sneak peeks with very snarky Asriel and full 3D alpha-demo somewhere.
But when the project was still going on I really fallen in love with it and since I was also deeply in love with Papyrus - and still Am - I started a bit obnoxiously roleplaying him on the game project page in comments. Soon that helped me made friends with other fans of the project and then we gathered in this little group on Skype (oh, those times before Discord existed) with plans to make some kind of a video gift for the developers. And then developers themselves noticed us, and since the game was going to be in open world, we got an opportunity to create a little side town filled with characters made by us and with a short side plot line for a player to complete. 
And that let to creation of Ali, red haired, green eyed cat monster, who was  troubled with extreme case of double personality. She was supposed to be one of the shopkeepers in the town. But the town itself was in the midst of a conflict. Split in half, one side supporting beliefs of Sans-like scientist human and other side supporting beliefs of spirtual and kind dog monster. The problem was that Ali loved everybody and wanted to be friends with everybody. She just could not pick one side, it was too hard for her. She ended up developing a second personality, who she claimed was her sister named Ila. And then Ali supported one side of the conflict and Ila the other one. When you would interact with her in the shop, she would try to trick you, ducking under the counter and slightly changing outfits, trying to convince you that one time you talk with her and the other time with her sister, but it was all quite easy to look through. 
I even did some digging around now and found old files with dialogue ideas, I think they fit the humour of Undertale quite well, why not share some of them (the stuff in brackets are comments in the shop’s window or random notes made when this was wrote):
1. (conversation)
Ali: “Alright, what would you like to know?”
Ila: “Oh, meme-ingful conversation's your thing, huh?” heavy emphasis on the pun
2. (on sister) 
Ali: “My sister thinks she's hilarious. I think she's nuts.” 
Ila: “My sister thinks I'm nuts. Isn't that hilarious?”
3.  (random) “There's a good reason you never see monsters with guns. A really good reason. Maybe humans use them to kill things, and some humans don't like killing things, and that's why they don't use guns, but our reason is way better, and way more important than that. Gunpowder smells weird.”
4.  (on FKDK versus UFOP - town’s groups conflict) “People have been shouting at each other in the street a lot, lately. I'm pretty sure it's a new sport someone came up with.”
5.  (on Tree of Threes) “Some say that one of the trees just outside town is actually a were-man! It used to be a normal tree, but then one day a human bit it, and now it transforms into a man under the full moon.”
6.  (on Zwelf) “Zwelf once accidentally ingested a plastic donut while absentmindedly working out a problem. I didn't believe it at first. It was a lot to swallow.”
7.  "[talk][new] “Sir Mallow of Marsh... Bit of a mouthful, if you ask me. Why doesn't he just call himself Sir Marshmallow?”
8. (organisations)
 Ali: “I support the FDKD, of course. That's the (I forgot the acronym ). They (I don't know the answer to this question ). I suppose you wanna hear about the UFOP too? My sister knows more, I'll go get her.” exits to back room to change to Ila 
Ila: “Oh, the UFOP! That's the United Federation of Puns! It's so much pun being a member, we hang out and tell jokes all day, it's great! (idk wtf the UFOP goals are, she woud mention this now). Ugh. There's also the FDKD, but they're lame. No sense of humor whatsoever! Like my sister. Hang on, I'll get her for you, she can tell you more.” exits to back room to change to Ali
So yea, I have much more of those, but that’s probably enough and that was the kind of person Ali was supposed to be!
But then the project got sadly canceled due to personal reasons of the developers. I became quite fond of Ali though. There was more to the whole town idea, eventually it was dropped, then we were supposed to just made OC characters wandering the game world, so Ali changed into wandering merchant you could meet on the road. 
And then, since I had a very detailed desctription of how she was supposed to look like:
“Ali/Ila Appearance: Monster. Short-haired bipedal feline, the base colour of the coat being a concrete grey(#95A5A6), with patches of near-white(#ECF0F1), silver(#BDC3C7) and dark grey(#7F8C8D) which have defined edges, mimicking a tabby-blotchy khaki pattern. The face is intersected by a stripe of silver grey(#BDC3C7), running diagonally from just above the right-eye brow ridge, to the edge of the jaw just below the left side of the mouth. She has a narrow face and jaw; a longer muzzle with her pointed eye-teeth showing whenever she smiles; short ears sticking up through her hair; slitted emerald-green eyes(#00FF33) which are an average depth; and a windswept-styled pixie haircut about 5 inches long, dyed pomegranate red (#C0392B). Ali's body is slightly large, with some muscle present but not obvious. Ali wears a close-fitting scarlet(#FB0012) tee-shirt with a high v-neckline and short sleeves about ¼ the length from shoulder to elbow which has a skeleton's skull printed on it to symbolise her admiration for Papyrus, with a sleeveless green-and-brown khaki vest which is unzipped over the top, plain mid-blue jeans, red(#FB0012) canvas tennis shoes with white laces, and a FDKD pin displayed prominently on her vest. When changing to Ila she swaps her khaki vest for a blue hoodie, zipped up to hide the skull-printed shirt, but with a small skull pendant attached to the zipper tag to demonstrate her admiration for Sans. She also wears a UFOP pin prominently on the front of her hoodie. Ali/Ila's tail is tipped with a fluffed tuft of hair, which she dyes the same shade of red as the hair on her head.“
One of my friends took that and comissioned somebody else to draw her for me. This way I ended up with this lovely and amazing thing:
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At first it was all production secret, none of us was allowed to share any of it. But once Overtale got cancelled, the whole project stopped being secret, the main developer even published whole long document with all the plot.
And then I came up with this idea to make a liveblog with Jean and I found myself being extremely lost as to what I should use as the logo. I didn’t want to just grab some picture from the Internet, it just felt wrong to kinda “steal” somebody’s else work. And I wanted it to be something more personal too. 
And then I reminded myself of Ali, the cat monster with personality, hair style and color, and fashion choices modeled after me. It felt like a perfect choice. 
The time of hanging out with other Undertale fans, coming up with creative ideas, chatting about random stuff and chilling together was one of the greatest time of my life. So having Ali here brings me warm and nostalgic emotions. Maybe she never got to be a character in the game, but I could not just let her fade away. So I took her along for this new project.
The End. 
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years
Identity ask: 3, 20, 30
Yay! Thanks for the prompts!
identity ask meme!
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with
OOOOOH I LIKE THIS ONE! I’ll pick just a few of my bigger fandoms…
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: ROY MUSTANG. Not like I actually have my life together or am a powerful young leader or am interested in military or politics or something. Let’s not think I’m being some cocky hotshot here, comparing me to him. I’m no sexy badass with success. I relate moreso along the lines of having a very long-term life goal and endless lifetime determination to see it there, even if it seems so hard to reach. At the same time, we’re struggling through memories of bad life crap we’ve been through, and having that affect how we think and feel and believe and respond to new tough times. Oh also the fact we’re both Slytherin as fuck. Love this character. It’s interesting because when I was younger I related to Ed and his “young genius” reputation, but now my feel of relating has transferred all to this glorious colonel dumbass. Ed’s personal philosophy now feels naive and juvenile to me that I’ve aged. But that’s one of the genius things Arakawa does with her writing: she gets how people think and act at different points in their life.
Gravity Falls: STANFORD PINES. Complete nerd who loves research and tabletop and stuff? Check. Dedicated academic who went to their backup school? Check. Someone who’s always been pinned as the abnormal one? Check. Has made huge mistakes resulting in the loss of friendships and screwing your life over? Check. Isn’t the most socially capable or easily expressably-compassionate character, but usually has his heart in the right place? Yup. I Relate™ to Ford! 
How to Train Your Dragon: BOOK!HICCUP. Mostly because of his philosophy of forgiveness: the idea that we should forgive people a second time, and a third time, and a fourth time, and a fifth time, and believe in a world where we can have peace, all the while knowing the likelihood that our beliefs can be made true. I’m nowhere near as optimistic as Hiccup, but I love his moral foundings.
Lord of the Rings: BILBO BAGGINS. I just want to chill at home in peace and safety and quietness, yet at the same time I can’t say “no” when drama and dragons come into my life…
Mass Effect: MORDIN SOLUS. No, I’m not a brilliant genius or a war criminal who’s screwed over an entire alien civilization. But I do relate to his quirky nerdiness, his 3000042 ongoing projects and endless energy, and his love for music and the arts. Also I’m so appreciative of a stark utilitarian-based ethical character in fiction who’s not presented as a baddie in the franchise. I’m not exactly utilitarian myself, but he’s far more aligned with me than the waves of unrealistically deontological heroes in contemporary Western superhero movies.
Voltron: Legendary Defender: KATIE HOLT. The way she nerds out over what she loves (including video games) is something I relate to exceedingly. XD I might not be a techie, but her vibe feels so much like me. I really relate to Katie. I had one irl friend tell me I was her “headcanoned Pidge” and you’d have no idea how happy that made me.
20. would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
WHOOSH! Narnia!!!
30. pick one of your favorite quotes.
Btw I’ll answer this one multiple times if I get #30 multiple times! For starters, part of Hiccup’s speech from the end of HTTYD 2:
“We are the voice of peace, and bit by bit we will change this world.”
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dmitri-smerdyakov · 7 years
@izzypuppybutt asked for Walter x Daniels for the “send me a ship and I’ll tell you” meme so…here it is!
Walter and Daniels:
who hogs the duvet Daniels does – Walter doesn’t need a duvet really but he’ll cuddle with Daniels under one just because she wants him to.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going (I had to ask myself if there are phones on Origae-6 and then I remembered that yes, there probably are) I feel like Walter would check in with Daniels a lot to make sure she’s safe and doing well, but Daniels would also keep an eye on him from afar.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts Daniels. Walter relies on data he’s collected if he gives gifts, so it’s not exactly creative – but she loves it all the same.
who gets up first in the morning Walter gets up first to make Daniels some breakfast and coffee – she likes to be woken up to coffee, and only Walter has quite managed to make it the exact way she likes it (a feat not even her late husband could pull off)
who suggests new things in bed Daniels – Walter has no sexual desires or needs, though he can feel pleasure, so Daniels does all the initiating/suggesting new stuff.
who cries at movies Daniels would be more likely to but only because she’s human and Walter is a synthetic. I feel like it wouldn’t be movies so much as memories or nightmares.
who gives unprompted massages Well, Walter kinda needs to be prompted at first but soon he starts doing it unprompted more and more often.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick Walter is like a mother hen when Daniels is sick, like making her soup and making sure she’s resting (“I don’t need to rest-“ “Yes, you do, Danny.”)
who gets jealous easiest Walter doesn’t get jealous, really, though occasionally he’ll feel a slightly possessive stir run through him if he notices another colonist trying far too hard to make a move on Daniels. Occasionally Daniels may get jealous of people fauning over Walter, but she’s mostly just amused by it.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music Pffft. Walter. I can just see him listening to something with a mildly interested look on his face and Daniels cracking up at how ridiculous it is.
who collects something unusual I feel like Walter keeps every scrap piece of paper that’s ever existed in the cabin in an organised file somewhere, just in case. (he can’t admit to himself that it’s because he likes to admire Daniels’ handwriting)
who takes the longest to get ready Walter throws on a hoodie and is ready to go – let’s face it, he’s not concerned with attractiveness or the like, he’s built to function and serve. By default, Daniels spends the longest getting ready (though she doesn’t take too long either)
who is the most tidy and organised Walter, of course! :3
who gets most excited about the holidays At first neither of them are particularly excited about holidays but over time, especially once the kids have come along, Daniels starts getting more and more into the whole holiday thing. Walter’s knowledge of holidays is what he’s seen over the years/in films etc., so there were some rather….interesting attempts at decoration for a few years.
who is the big spoon/little spoon Walter is the big spoon – his arms make Daniels feel warm and safe and loved, especially on nights where her nightmares rear their ugly heads.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports Walter’s not competitive – it’s really Daniels whenever she’s with Tennessee, to be honest (but a friendly competitiveness)
who starts the most arguments Argh, this is the hard one: obviously Walter doesn’t exactly start them, but sometimes he’s so literal that it drives Daniels a little crazy. A few times when she’s been under extreme stress or upset, she’s snapped at him to get out of the cabin and leave her alone – which he does. Walter doesn’t argue, he may disagree but…
who suggests that they buy a pet In @spyvstailor's​ fic “Reason”, they find little space-kittens (I think that’s the term??) and I love the idea of them finding some kind of fuzzy creature on Origae-6 and Daniels being like “Yep, we’re adopting this one”
what couple traditions they have I had to think about this one… I feel like they’re the couple who do a lot of gardening in the greenhouse together?? So like, Walter would show Daniels about all the atmospheric requirements that suit each plant, and she’d help him tend to them in the evenings. Daniels has a habit of watching Walter referee sports matches between the children on Origae-6 too.
what tv shows they watch together (does TV exist on Origae-6?) If it does, then it’s hard to say because it’s obviously in the future, and I feel that they wouldn’t watch television because a) they live in a cabin on a lake and b) Daniels is more of an outdoors-y, nature person.
what other couple they hang out with Well they WOULD have hung out with Tennessee and Faris, should Faris have survived (*sobbing*) but we all know that’ll never happen… I mean, there’s colonists they’re on good-terms with but not like in the “hanging out all the time” sense. If anything, they just hang out with Tennessee.
how they spend time together as a couple Talking, mostly; at night, Daniels likes to curl up with her head on Walter’s chest as she falls asleep, his arm around her – he’ll stay the night with her, patiently staying still whilst she turns and moves around the bed, and occasionally he might read if it doesn’t disturb her. When their children are born, they spend a lot of time taking care of them, helping them learn to walk and talk etc.
who made the first move Daniels did; a few years after they made their home on Origae-6, she realized she had feelings for Walter and told him so. At first he merely titled his head and said “it would be impossible for me to feel the same way” and “I cannot give you what you need, Danny” but she affirmed that she wanted him, she was sure, and she didn’t give a fuck what anyone else thought because she wanted to be with him, and that was that.
who brings flowers home The first time Walter did it was because he saw another colonist do it for their partner; the surprise on Daniels’ face confused him, furthermore when she started laughing. He brings her flowers he grows himself from the greenhouse, and she loves it.
who is the best cook Walter – “I excel in the garden and in the kitchen” (Phobos).
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8 and 18 for the artist ask meme!
Thank you!!!! I half wasn’t expecting to get any Asks forthis, but I am pleasantly surprised!
I’m gonna go ahead and plop question 8 below the cut becauseit… got long… because I decided to cheat. >.
Feelfree to ask me more about my art~
18. What is yourpurpose for drawing?
Even when I was a kid, I have always drawn to illustrate theideas I had in my head either to go with a story I was writing or to tell astory in pictures. (Can you believe that once upon a time I also used to drawcomics? I still have them somewhere. ;;v;;) A few years ago, I made it my goalto draw every OC I ever created because I wanted to have the visuals to go withtheir stories. But since there are 300 and counting and I have so little energynow, the process became an endless cycle and I will forever be unable to catchup with my overactive imagination.
So, I guess what you can pluck out of that is that I draw asa creative outlet and to make myself happy. But I do hope that what I draw isable to make other people happy, too! So, if I can accomplish that, it makes mefeel even better that I can share this little joy with someone else~ nvn
Especially since lately I’ve mostly been drawing fanart ofrare ships. My art is usually highly self-indulgent is what I’m trying to say,but it brings me joy when I discover that there are other people who also sharemy interests and look forward to seeing my content.
8. What is yourfavourite piece that you have done?
Well, this is an unfair question because I have too manyfavorites to just pick one. But… I guess I’ll go through the stuff I’ve postedonline and link a few of them here instead of reposting them (because I am notin the mood to go through all of the art pieces I HAVEN’T posted just tophotograph and upload them… yet, anyway… but I may later if prompted). ^^
AKing Always Makes His Pretty Fool Dance is an old favorite because I drewit for a friend based on an idea from a roleplay we were doing with our OCs. Ihave such a great love for Magister and Smith because they have a really funand intimate dynamic that is great to portray~ I had an interesting time withthat piece particularly because there’s something so playful there about howthey’re sizing each other up and playing this game just to get closer. Theirentire story basically started with Magister challenging Smith to solve herriddles and it evolved into an intricate mind game that Smith quickly foundhimself addicted to (hence the title of the still unposted story being AnAccidental Addiction).
FriendOr Foe is another sketch illustrating a scene where two of my mer OCs meetfor the first time. Aleksander and Zane are so precious because it’s like thehappy socialite sunshine baby meets the always-on-edge-fight-to-survive lonertype and they find something they didn’t realize they were looking for in eachother. It’s very sweet but also angsty and that sketch gives me so many feelsbecause I love them. ;;v;;
I don’t really have as particular of a reason for likingthese next two aside from how much work I put into their character sheets. Daceyis such a cutiepie and despite the fact that there was a struggle to get hisdragon half to look good, I’m actually more proud of how soft his torso looksand how good the markings on his face turned out. The sheet for Brizalatook me so long to complete and the coloring!!! The reason I don’t color muchanymore is that it takes too much energy, but it looks really good here~ And Ialso just really like all the poses and how they illustrate different parts ofxyr story. >v
But anyway, enough of my OCs (even though I could and wouldgo on about them for ages if prompted) because the only thing I’m known forhere on Tumblr is fanart and I’m sure that’s what most people are expecting. XDI could say every single piece of Boueibu fanart in myart tag is my favorite, but… I’ll just pluck out a few.
Vanilla-ScentedAngel is definitely a personal favorite because of how nice the colors lookand I love the expressions on their faces~ They just look so happy and in love,and it’s very sweet and just how I wanted them to be. ^^ Arima’s smile, though…is the best part along with the rose, in my opinion.
The Kurotori/Munakata sketch I drew for TomorrowStarts Today is one of the most unexpectedly beautiful things I think I’vepersonally done (even though I was too lazy to finish drawing Kurotori’s hands//bricked) because they just look so good together. Similarly, I could say thesame for the Ichiban/Ryuusketches I drew for that series rewrite AU I’ve been planning. Iespecially love how the first one cameout because Ichiban ended up way more handsome than I had originally intended(though I’m not complaining) and the body language is just… so perfect for thedynamics I had in my head. And then I just wanted to mention my Kurotori/Gourasketches for The Darkest Night again because I will forever have too manyfeelings about them and something about those first two sketches makes mereally happy. I think it’s mostly their facial expressions and also how softthey look in the second picture that I really like.
And I’ll force myself to stop here because I pretty muchcheated on this question and didn’t particularly add any insight to thosesketches by talking about them either. //shot
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