#|| (ch.) bakugo katsuki ||
hanasnx · 4 months
“This is sum’ wifey shit, you know that?” KATSUKI BAKUGOU remarks, a husky grate to his winded voice as he fucks your guts through your pretty asshole. Big hands split you open, fingernails digging into the flesh of your backside. You can’t keep it together, eyes drowsily fluttering as you clutch onto the sheets and whimper. It’s as if you can’t tell if it hurts or feels good, however satisfying the fill is. “Fuckin’ yer ass and you’re backin’ up on the dick like you want it. The fuck’you playin’ at, huh? Wanna ring or som’thin’?” You cry into the mattress, curling your toes so hard they ache while he’s pumping those hips into you. Fat cock making a mess of your asshole, pre-cum and spit lubing up the tight hole enough to let him fuck you like he wants you in pain. “Damn, you think you’re gunna cum? Feel like you’re close. Haven’t even touched that cunt yet.”
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electroshockromance · 2 months
mha chapter 430 review in one emoji: 😮
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shiraiza · 9 months
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“Persistent Tenacity” - Art from My Hero Ultra Impact
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pixleth · 11 months
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Nope, still the same old Bakugo.
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toughbunnyforever · 2 years
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king of my heart
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kandyshoppe · 2 days
(2437 words)
The doors crashed open as the woman left crying, her lovely gown trailing behind her as her maid-in-waiting tried to dab at her tears. “That man is no prince! He is a brute with a crown!” the princess cried as she slammed her carriage door closed, the prince and queen watching as the horses pulled her away. The wheels crunched upon the cobblestone as her weeps and cries grew fainter.
The queen scowled “That’s the seventeenth woman you’ve made storm out!” The queen turned, her blonde hair flowing around her as she reprimanded her son, “How am I and your father to retire before death if you never marry, Katsuki! You need a wife, and an heir!”
Prince Bakugo rolled his eyes at his mother, before crying out in surprise as his ear was harshly grabbed, “OW! What the fuck, mom! I’m not a child!” He pulls free from her grip, rubbing his now reddening ear as he glared at her. 
“Could have fooled me with your behavior! I swear! Do we need to have you redo etiquette classes!?!”
Bakugo huffs, turning away and tuning out his mother’s rant. He never wanted a wife, or an heir. He doesn’t want to be all soft and gooey like his parents are together. His father kissing his mother’s cheek always made him gag, and her draping herself all over him made him turn green. He refused to become weak like them. Their love was a weakness in his eyes, and a King couldn’t be weak.
“Bakugo,” his father finally piped up, having stayed behind in the entrance than chase the poor girl out, “It’s been two years since you’ve come of age, you need to find a bride sooner rather than later” He laid a strong hand upon his son’s shoulder, “It’s always better to have a someone you can trust with your life” The goo goo eyes his father was making at his mother made Bakugo want to retch. 
“I’m going to train, regardless if I marry, there is still a kingdom to lead and protect” he sauntered off, to the training grounds, but taking the long way past the kitchen, for an unknown reason.
The kitchen was warm, causing the young woman to sweat slightly as she kneaded the bread that was to be served with dinner. Her hair stuck slightly to her face as she pushed and pulled the dough before rolling it into perfect little buns. She slid them into a resting tray for them to raise, before taking her apron and wiping her forehead. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, the smell of stew and bread, cakes and roasted vegetables were always calming to her. Though it did make her stomach growl in excitement for her own dinner. 
She never noticed the Prince peeking in to watch her, she wasn’t perfectly thin like the princesses. She had strong arms to knead the dough and lift the pots full of soup and stew, she had a slight tummy from sneaking bites of the food, making sure it was good before serving, thick legs to carry not only herself, but trays upon trays of food and drink. She was who he wanted as a bride, though he would never admit it. A princess was to be thin, prim and proper, not a strong, stout woman such as she.
“Young Prince!” The head chef cried joyously having noticed the peeping man, a knowing glint in his eye. A long stringy man, who was once full of muscle in his youth, and was also once the head guard before retiring to the safety of the kitchen in his old age. Yagi Toshinori. “Are you hungry? We have some fresh chicken that is just about ready! You could taste test it before dinner!”  
“No thank you, Mr.. Toshinori” Bakugo grumbled, hoping the heat on his face was just from the heat of the kitchen. “Just passing by” he turned on his heel and stalked away, missing the young woman staring at his retreating form, and the slight chuckle the old chef gave. 
“Ah, young love” the chef sighed, turning back to face the staff, the young woman included, “Alright, back to work! Can’t have our Prince going hungry!” The staff quickly started bustling about, pots and pans clanging as the woman quickly put her thoughts to the back of her mind. The family would need dinner sooner rather than later after all! And she refused to be the one to make it late.
The swords clanged loudly, and onlookers swore they saw sparks as Bakugo and his head knight, and best friend, though he would never call him that, practiced their sword fighting. Quick steps, fast slashes, they really shouldn’t be practicing with real swords, instead using the safety wooden practice swords, but Bakugo never liked following other’s rules. The danger made the practice real, in a true battle there would be real swords afterall. 
“So…the Princess” the red haired man barely dodged the sword heading towards him.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Shitty Hair!” Bakugo snarled, taking another swipe for the other.
“Okay, okay!” Kirishima sighed, parlaying the attack, kicking up dirt as he held his own against the prince.
“Aw! Come on, Princy!” the other knights called from the sideline, the black haired one snickering as he added “Where’s your wifey!” The blonde male and pink haired female next to him bursted out into giggles, before screaming in delight as they ran from the rampaging Prince.
“I’ll cut your tongue out of your stupid face if you say anything else, Soy-Sauce!” he snarled, chasing after his friends, though he would never call them that. “I could have you thrown in the dungeons for that!”
“You would never,” the pink haired woman replied, “You love us too much”
The prince stopped, heaving in exertion as he caught his breath” Shut up Pinkie” He threw his sword to the side, running a hand through his spiky hair, before stalking to the rest station. Splashing some cool water from the water barrel onto his face, and taking a seat, he sighed. “Why do I even need a wife? Can’t I just be king already?”
The knights put away the swords, and armor before slumping next to him, “Cause you need an heir dude, who will run the kingdom after you?” the blonde, Denki, said. “I would LOVE to have a princess in my bed, man! I bet they’re…”
“Don’t!” Mina said, glaring at the man, sitting down on the opposite side of Bakugo, she laid a knowing hand on his shoulder. “You’ll find someone eventually, Bakugo. Someone who completes you” She smiles softly, standing again, and turning to her other knights “We need to get to basic, our own training starts soon you know” 
The three other knights groaned, having already been beaten and bruised by the prince, none were looking forward to more fighting. Bakugo snickered as they all dragged their aching bodies to their training, staying on the bench until their silhouettes disappeared into the distance. He already had found someone, someone who completes him. Except his mother would never agree to her becoming queen. He doubted the woman viewed him as anything else than the prince he was, and not the man he wished to be.
Walking back inside, the one who he honestly never wanted to see again but never wanted to leave him stood before him.
“Prince! I heard you were training, so i brought some freshly squeezed lemonade, and some tea sandwiches to help you recover your strength” the woman bowed, presenting the small platter, delicately decorated with a glass of lemonade, and several pastrami sandwiches, she had even placed some fresh mint to decorate the plate, and some floated gently in the glass. 
“Thanks” Bakugo said, grabbing the glass and downing it in one gulp. He seemed to be thirstier than he originally thought. “Is there any more?” he asked, shoving an entire sandwich into his mouth. 
“Um…There should be!” she chirped, bouncing slightly in excitement, her bosom bouncing with her. Bakugo tried to keep his eyes away from there. It was a dangerous area after all. The princesses tended to have theirs forcefully pushed upwards, trying to draw attention there, while hers was modestly covered, yet allowed just enough to peek through for Bakugo to want even more. Each button on her blouse held back a soft sweet supple breast that he wished to see. He shook his head, shoving another sandwich into his mouth before speaking.
“Lead me” he demanded, taking the last sandwich, and taking a large bite. The woman nodded, her hair bouncing much like her breasts, and turned to lead the man. The platter still balanced upon her hand. 
Her skirts swished upon the floors, as Bakugo followed, trying not to stare at her butt, instead focusing on the tiled floors. The cleaning staff should shine these better, they're getting a bit dull Bakugo thought to himself, squinting at each speck of dirt. He was so focused on the flooring he nearly ran right into the woman as they reached the kitchen. 
“Wait here, Prince” she said as she slipped into the kitchen. Through the crack in the door, he could see that it was mostly an empty room now, just her, and several trays of food ready to be served. Seemed everyone else was out, for some reason. He stepped inside.
“Where is everyone? Usually this place is so busy, it makes me dizzy watching all the movement” Bakugo sighed, leaning against one of the tables, the heat was suffocating even without anyone else in there. 
“They are preparing the dining hall,” she said, grabbing the pitcher of lemonade to pour some more, as she turned her eyes widened before she carefully stifled a small giggle.
Bakugo glared at her, “What? You shouldn’t be laughing at your prince!” he snarked, leaning forward and snatching the glass from her. 
“Um..Prince…That’s the dough table”
“It’s covered in flour”
He leaped away from the table, turning frantically in circles, much like a dog chasing it’s tail, to see if his butt was pale with flour. The woman couldn’t hold her laughter, a full belly laugh bursting forth as she watched her prince turn around like a dog after its tail. He blushed as he turned to face her.
“Shut up and fix this!” He shouted, pointing to his powdered bum. She couldn’t stop her giggling as she stepped forward before stopping and blushing alongside him.
“Prince, are you asking me to…pat your butt clean of the flour?”
Bakugo somehow got even redder, “NO” he shouted again. 
It seems the shouting finally reached the ears of Toshinori, who came running in at a speed no man his age should have, “Is everything alright!?! Is anyone burned!?!” He stopped short of the door, taking in the sight of two blushing young people, a strange print on the dough table,  and the prince with a powdered butt. It didn’t take long for him to put two and two together. 
Coughing into his fist to cover his own laughter, Toshinori turned to Bakugo, “Prince, I believe you should change your pants for dinner” 
“OF COURSE I AM GOING TO!” Bakugo shouted, red as an apple, before starting to stomp forward. “Don’t need you to tell me” he grumbled, heading for the door.
“Wait!” The woman went forward, taking Bakugo’s arm before untying her apron, and retying it around Bakugo’s waist, covering his floured bum. “This way you wont get flour everywhere in your room” She smiled gently up at him. “I know how hard it can be to get flour out of a bedspread” she giggles at her own memory, standing to pat his shoulder. “Tell the washing staff it was my fault, or you might get an earful from them” she said, before turning the man and pushing him forward, out the door. “Dinner will be served soon!” she called out as the wooden door swung shut behind him.
Not exactly how he wanted his meeting with her to go, but the sound of her laughter and the feel of her hands brushing his sides as she tied the apron around him was good enough. He just hoped nobody would see him in this embarrassing get up while he dashed to his room. 
A knowing look chased after him as Toshinor turned to the woman again, “Why was the prince in here anyway?” he asked, a slight twinkle in his eye as the woman flushed.
“He was thirsty after practicing sword fighting it seems”
“And he didn’t have a drink at the practice field?”
“They were out it seems” she responded quickly, turning away to start putting dishes up to be washed, and to scrub down any missed specks off the counters.
Toshinori passed behind her, before stopping at the lemonade pitcher. “Lemonade! Why, didn’t we only have a few lemons left? Must have been very tiring to make this. Would have to use as much as possible” he squinted into the drink mixture, “and is that mint? We haven’t had fresh mint here in awhile, where did it come from?”
The woman refused to acknowledge the chef, instead pretending to scrub a difficult stain.
“Don't you have your own small garden? Several herbs and the like?”
“Maybe” she curtly responded, still refusing to turn to face him.
“And I’m guessing you used the last of the lemons to make this?”
She turned, suddenly a bit frightened. There hadn’t been any recipes needing lemons on the schedule! Had she made a mistake?
Toshinori chuckled, “It’s fine my dear, lemons are going out of season right now. If they weren’t used they would rot and be a waste.” He patted her shoulder gently, like a father to his child, “But don’t overwork yourself! It would do no good for the Prince to hear one of the kitchen staff fainted from having to make him lemonade! Unless…He hadn’t asked for the lemonade and was just offered it”
The woman flushed a deeper tone before turning and grabbing some food, “We really should get the dining hall ready for the royals dinner! Don’t want to keep them waiting!” 
As she bustled out of the kitchen, trays balanced delicately, Toshinori chuckled. “Young love makes one do crazy things” he called after her, only to hear a small voice respond “hush!” Toshinori hadn’t laughed that hard in a while now. Doubled over and held his stomach. He was quite happy the grumpy prince wasn’t there to get mad at him laughing.
So, this is going to be a slow, SLOW burn, cause that's the only way I know how to write. BUT if you're interested in the more adult scenes, those will ONLY be posted to my nsfw blog ( @kandyshoppeafterdark ) be warned I block at will, so better be of age (18+) and have your age easily found on your blog
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jinkushiroll · 3 months
izuku and spinner's conversation was peak actually so well handled.
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he's so
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I don't understand all the iz//ch shippers that want the exact same scenes that bkdk has but for iz//ch "ochako calling deku by his first name" "iz//ch sharing ofa" "izuku breakdowns because ochako getting hurt"
Like... At this point, just ship bkdk, bkdk has all of it and more and you obviously want what they have so... just ship them and stop being so bitter lol
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supernaturalist-sdcj · 11 months
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mossmotif · 4 days
reader falling in love with the second male lead (bakugo katsuki)
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hanasnx · 4 months
" DOUBLE BUBBLE DISCO QUEEN " — katsuki bakugou.
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MINORS DNI 18+ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ WARNINGS: fem bratty pink!reader ノ pussy whipped bakugou ノ established relationship ノ explicit sexual content ノ p in v ノ degradation: f receiving ノ reader has pink hair and pink style.
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KATSUKI BAKUGOU didn’t know what to make of you at first. He’d never admit you were intimidating, but your commitment to one color made him nauseous. Pink was everything he saw you sport, as if you couldn’t have a style outside of it. Even your hair sprouted from your scalp in a soft pink shade. Regardless of his initial apprehension, somehow he was roped into a relationship with you. Now he carries your many bags, opens doors for you, holds your hand when you start yapping too much. You annoy him, and yet he sticks with you.
He’s come to respect you, and even like you a little bit. Not that you give him any choice. He can’t be fooled by your soft appearance, you’re just as domineering as he is. You’re spoiled rotten, and high maintenance as hell. It’s taken him loads of tries to get it right, to treat you exactly how you believe you deserve to. It’s difficult—next to impossible—but you make it worth it, don’t you?
When you spread those legs, all pretty and eager for him, things go quiet. For once, things go his way. Katsuki’s never considered himself to be a pussy-driven guy until he met you. Suddenly, he’s letting you bully him into all kinds of things just for a glimpse of that kitty. He’d feel shame if his mouth wasn’t watering right now staring down at those drippy lips, open and waiting for him.
“C’mon, Katsu. Wanna feel you.” you whine with a coy smile to your lips, impatient and brows upturned. Just as you wiggle your hips enticingly, mean and callused hands envelope them, pinning your ass to the mattress.
Gripping the base, he feeds himself into your hole, sniffing out the give until you moan just from the stretch, and he sighs with goddamn relief. As if he’s finally getting payback for everything you throw at him. You’re a damn bitch, and you know he thinks so, but getting this tight cunt gives you a blank slate. After he’s good and fucked his fill, he’ll be ready to take your attitude again. For now, he keeps a palm over that smart mouth of yours, just so you don’t ruin the moment.
“Mmf—“ he grunts, scooping an arm under your knee to pick your leg up, giving himself a little more room inside you. “Even this princess pussy’s a brat…Clenching down on me.” he speaks through his teeth, rutting in and out to hollow out a space for himself. “You’re more trouble than you’re worth, you know that?” A bold-faced lie, but you take it anyway, nodding to him. Anything to get him to keep going, anything to get him to make you loosen up so he can fuck you for real. His palm over your mouth remains, and you smell his sweet scent of sweat.
“Running me ‘round, dangling this cunt in front of me knowing I’ll do whatever for it. Tch, you’re so damn annoying.” His words in your ear sends a powerful shudder down your spine, fluttering your eyelashes. You slick, lubing up his entry as he keeps pushing in and in. Even without seeing his face, breathing hard through your nose over his third pinky knuckle, you can feel him grin next to you. You know it's wolfish just from the sound of his reply, “You like hearing that shit, huh?” His husky voice grates your ears and you whimper pitifully under his weight.
His hips increase their fervor, getting excited over the new room in your hole, setting an immediate bruising pace just to be a jerk.
“For someone so spoiled, struttin’ ‘round like you can buy anything you want with daddy’s money, you sure like gettin’ called out on it.” That's what he's here for.
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@HANASNX 2024 | do not copy, plagiarize, or steal.
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cyberesc · 21 days
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pairing: Prohero!Bakugo x Prohero!Reader
synopsis: After every mission, Katsuki makes it a habit of checking you for injuries. It’s a routine that’s as comforting as it is embarrassing, especially when your friends start to get the wrong idea.
rating: fluff
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The hum of the city buzzed in the background as you and the rest of your team made your way back to the agency. The mission had been a success—minimal collateral damage, civilians unharmed, and the villain apprehended. But the moment you stepped through the doors of the agency’s lobby, you knew what was coming.
Katsuki Bakugou, your ever-determined longtime friend, was already making his way toward you, his gaze sharp and focused. You barely had time to greet the others before Katsuki was in front of you, his eyes scanning you up and down like he was searching for something.
“Kats, I’m fine,” you started to say, but it was no use.
Without a word, his hands reached out and cupped your face, his palms warm and calloused against your skin. He tilted your head gently, his thumbs brushing over your cheeks as he examined you for any signs of injury.
It was the same routine every time you finished a mission. No matter how minor or major, Katsuki always insisted on checking you over himself, making sure you hadn’t gotten hurt in the line of duty. It was sweet, in his own way, but it was also… a little embarrassing, especially when it happened in front of your friends.
“Seriously, I’m okay,” you mumbled, your cheeks heating up under his intense scrutiny.
“Just shut up and let me look,” he muttered back, his voice low but firm.
You sighed, knowing it was pointless to argue. Katsuki was nothing if not thorough. His red eyes flicked over your face, lingering on a small scrape on your forehead that you’d barely noticed.
“This,” he said, brushing his thumb lightly over the scrape, “looks like it needs disinfecting.”
“It’s just a scratch,” you protested weakly, though the concern in his eyes made your heart skip a beat.
“Doesn’t matter,” he replied, his tone brooking no argument. “You’re getting it cleaned up.”
By now, you were well aware that the rest of your team was watching. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Kirishima grinning like an idiot, Mina whispering something to Kaminari, and Sero trying—and failing—to suppress his smirk.
They’d all gotten it into their heads that you and Katsuki were more than just friends. It wasn’t hard to see why, what with the way he was always looking out for you, always making sure you were okay, but the truth was… well, the truth was you wouldn’t mind if they were right.
But Katsuki had never said anything to make you think he saw you as anything more than a teammate and a friend. Sure, he was protective, and sure, he got in your personal space a lot, but that was just how Katsuki was. He cared about the people in his life, even if he had a funny way of showing it.
“There,” Katsuki finally said, letting go of your face with a satisfied nod. “No other injuries?”
“Nope, that was it,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. “Good as new.”
“Hmph.” He gave you one last look, as if double-checking, before stepping back.
You exhaled in relief, glad to have your space back, even if you did miss the warmth of his hands. But before you could fully regain your composure, Mina was suddenly at your side, her arm slung around your shoulders as she grinned up at you.
“You two are just too cute,” she cooed, batting her eyelashes exaggeratedly. “Honestly, how long are you gonna keep us all in suspense?”
“Mina, come on,” you groaned, trying to brush her off, but she was relentless.
“What? It’s obvious! The way he looks at you, the way you let him fuss over you—” She glanced at Katsuki, who was glaring at her but not denying anything, “—you two are like a married couple already.”
“Shut it, Raccoon Eyes,” Katsuki snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. “Ain’t nobody asked for your commentary.”
“Oh, touche, touche,” Kaminari chimed in, winking at you. “C’mon, Y/N, you’ve got to admit, it’s kinda romantic.”
“Yeah,” Sero added with a grin. “You’ve got your very own knight in shining armor.”
You could feel your face heating up even more, and you shot a pleading look at Kirishima, hoping he might intervene. But Kirishima just laughed, clearly enjoying the show. “Hey, man, they’re not wrong! You two have some serious chemistry.”
Katsuki looked like he was about to explode, and you decided it was time to put an end to the teasing before it got out of hand. “Okay, okay, that’s enough!” you said, holding up your hands. “We’ve all had a long day, so let’s just… chill, alright?”
Mina pouted, but she finally relented, giving you a playful nudge. “Fine, fine. But don’t think you’re off the hook. We’re gonna keep an eye on you two.”
You rolled your eyes, grateful that the attention was finally off you, but when you glanced back at Katsuki, you found him staring at you, his expression unreadable.
You opened your mouth to say something—anything—to diffuse the tension, but Katsuki beat you to it.
“Next time, don’t get hurt,” he said, his voice gruff but soft enough that only you could hear. “Can’t stand seeing you like that.”
Your breath caught in your throat, and for a moment, all you could do was nod. There was something in his eyes, something vulnerable that made your heart ache.
“I’ll try,” you managed to say, your voice a little shakier than you’d like.
“Good.” He nodded, satisfied, before turning on his heel and heading toward the locker rooms. But before he disappeared, he glanced back over his shoulder, his gaze locking with yours. “Get that scrape cleaned up.”
You watched him go, your mind a whirlwind of emotions, and it wasn’t until Mina nudged you again that you realized you were still staring.
“See what I mean?” she whispered, winking. “Totally smitten.”
You groaned, covering your face with your hands, but the truth was, you didn’t mind as much as you pretended to. Because even if Katsuki’s habit of fussing over you was a little embarrassing, it was also the highlight of your day.
And maybe, just maybe, one day you’d find the courage to tell him how much those moments meant to you.
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© property of cyberesc 2024. please refrain from plagiarizing any of my works and do not repost/copy onto any other sites.
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peachsukii · 8 months
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Hollow Heart { chapter 1 - hurricane }
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『♡』 pro-hero fem!reader x pro-hero bakugo ╰➤ ꒰ pro-heroes au | friends to lovers ꒱ ♡ katsuki bakugo masterlist ♡
summary: The dynamic duo of Dynamight and Deku are unstoppable, climbing the hero charts like they always dreamed of as kids. Their journeys were tough, but offered them the world - fame, fortune, protection of their family and friends, a comfortable hero life. The recent increase in crime around Tokyo kept their entire sector busy, sending heroes out non-stop, desperate to keep the statistics as low as possible to maintain a clean reputation. When a nearby sector is requesting assistance, the boys are tasked with a mission to inspect a villain’s lair in a deserted area outside of the city. Reports have noted people going missing, specifically with rare quirks. With plenty of other heroes being unavailable, you’re chosen to tag along with the duo for the night operation. Everything is going according to plan until the villain lands a surprise attack, resulting in the your kidnapping and whisking you away through a mysterious portal. It’s been a month since your disappearance with no help of the hero agency. Bakugo and Midoriya take it into their own hands and are determined to get you back - no matter how long or what it takes. tags & warnings: mentions of blood/violence, eventual & mild smut, kidnapping/abduction, experimentation, physical & psychological torture, PTSD, implied/referenced self harm, cursing, talks of trauma | angst with happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, regret, mutual pining, friends to lovers, insomnia, eventual romance a/n: Prepare for the heartbreaking journey of Bakugo battling with his feelings when it’s too late…or is it? :) ꒰ Ao3 version | word count; ~20.6k as of ch.4 ꒱ Chapter 1 | Hurricane [5k] Chapter 2 | The Ghost of You [4.7k] Chapter 3 | Choke [3.9k] Chapter 4 | The Grey [6.7k] Chapter 5 | The Good Left Undone [4.7k] Chapter 6 | Tourniquet Chapter 7 | There is Fear in Letting Go 『♡』 this fic has a playlist! ✩
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A beautiful summer morning, rays of tangerine light poured into the living room of your apartment as you sleepily make your way to the kitchen, desperate for that first cup of coffee. The clock on the stove read 8:35AM - the latest you’ve overslept in the last month. It was another long night in the office, writing reports for your previous week’s hero patrols that you’d put off for far too long. You'd think someone else would be responsible for inputting notes into the agency's system, but no - anyone below rank 10 was tasked with entering in their own data. 
Criminal activity in the area had increased significantly within the last 3 months, calling heroes of all ranks out nonstop, especially lower ranked heroes. Was it annoying? Sure, being awoken in the middle of the night out of a dead sleep to go stop a small robbery at the local late-night supermarket wasn't ideal. Especially when you dreamed of dealing with bigger threats, akin to crime syndicates and large scale villain organizations. As a hero, you’re taught to tune out the small details and focus on what’s in front of you - keeping the citizens of your ward safe and sound, even if it's helping a granny cross the street in the middle of the afternoon.
The agency accepted you with open arms right out of UA High, over the moon to have a hero with a quirk like yours in their roster. Psionic energy manipulation was shockingly uncommon amongst the 80% of the population of quirk users. The kinetic hero, Y/H/N, ranked number 37 - high enough to earn respect from your peers and low enough to not have to worry about being followed by paparazzi and negotiating brand deals. Cities were full of billboards with ads sponsored by heroes, heavily focused on those in the top 10 for allure to their product. Deku and Dynamight’s athletic wear collaboration, Uravity’s mochi bites, Shouto’s fire and ice energy drinks - it was impossible to avoid. Did you wish you had the smallest bit of spotlight? Sometimes, but being able to walk the streets off-duty and not be bothered was a luxury you'd like to keep. On the counter, your phone buzzed and flashed awake, shaking you out of the sleepy stupor.
Incoming Call: Katsuki Bakugo 
A picture of you and Bakugo appeared on to the caller ID screen - one of your favorite pictures with him. It was from a concert in Shibuya you'd attended a few months back. His arm around your shoulder, pulling you close as he flipped off the camera, wearing his infamous toothy smirk as you leaned against him with a small peace sign and a warm smile. 
It's unfair how effortlessly attractive he was. Admittedly, you'd had a crush on him since high school and drank up every ounce of affection he threw your way over the years. Even though you've known him and Midoriya since childhood, your friendship didn't truly blossom until your first year in UA. Thanks to your tenacity and fighting spirit, he respected you after a long six months. That broke down his walls just enough to tolerate you and continue to be friends ever since. 
You, Midoriya, and Bakugo became three peas in pod, a strong bond established to last a lifetime. Post-UA life wasn’t as easy to see each other, but you made it work - trainings, missions, conflicting work schedules, and general life couldn’t get in between the three of you, even if it was just over texts, phone calls and late-night movie marathons. It helped that you all lived in Tokyo, at least. Midoriya, of course, was extremely special and essential to your life. He’s like the little brother you always wanted and a constant ray of sunshine, always there for whatever you need. There was just something different and special about your bond with Bakugo - a spark, without sounding cliche. And after all these years later, he's still your favorite person and one of your best friends. 
You wouldn't trade it for the world. Oh shit, I forgot we planned to go for a run this morning. You answer hesitantly, knowing full well you’re about to get an earful about being late. 
“Yo, Y/N, you plan on showin' up anytime soon?” There was shockingly no annoyance in his tone. “It’s almost 9.”
“Sorry Kat! I overslept. Had a long night writing reports in the office. I’ll be there in 10,” you say, not making any excuses. You hear a loud tch in response - ah, there’s the annoyance.
“I was about to bust down your door and give you a personal wake up call,” he teases, laughing to himself. “Get your ass to the park. See ya, lite-brite.” The line ended with a click. 
He'd never let that nickname go, one that followed you all the way back from high school. You'd grown used to it as he typically reserved it to get under your skin or light a fire under your ass. Most of the time? It worked - and you liked it.
Setting the coffee cup in the sink, you jog back into your room down the hallway and change into a clean set of workout clothes. You'd just gotten the PR package from Midoriya last week with his new sports wear collaboration with Bakugo, saving you time by not having to dig through your laundry pile. He would have scolded you for slacking on chores if he were to have woken you up in person, and then folded it himself to prove a point. He’d often harp on you for not keeping up with basic shit around your place, but in the same breath, start cleaning up for you - it was one of his love languages. 
The company they collaborated with nailed the designs perfectly. It was minimalistic, but still paid homage to their hero costumes. You grab Bakugo's set - a cropped black sleeveless hoodie with an orange 'X' across the front, a forest green band with a drawstring around the midsection, and an orange hood. The matching shorts were all black with a simple orange stripe down the sides. The neoprene material allowed for the set to breathe in any weather condition.
Thankfully, the park you were meeting him at was only a couple minute walk from your apartment building. Not long after pulling your hair into a ponytail, splashing your face with water and brushing your teeth, you're kicking on your sneakers by the door and shuffling out of the apartment. A few minutes to spare, you duck into the convenience store along the way, grabbing two sports drinks and a bag of his favorite spicy-flavored chips. God, you hated the taste of them and never understood why he liked them so much. Some part of you jokingly thought it fueled his already explosive personality, literally heating him up from the inside.
"You wear that on purpose?" Bakugo snickers over his phone as you skip toward him, pointing to your workout gear. 
"What can I say? It's comfortable. Happy to be a walking ad for the number four hero," you say, elbowing him in the arm. He rolls his eyes, snatching the sports drink you've outstretched to him and mutters a thanks. 
"You should model our next set," he pats you on the back. "You're the perfect fit." 
You scoff, waving a hand at him. "Yeah, like I'm model material."
"I literally just said you were, dumbass. Take a damn compliment!" 
He peers over your shoulder to see the chips in your bag. "Damn, you're really kissing up to me today. What's the occasion?" He's beaming over the attention you're showering him with - he'd never admit how much he loved it.
You shake your head playfully. "What, I can't spoil my favorite person?" 
Bakugo barks out a laugh while opening the sports drink and chugging half of it in one go. Again, it was stupid how attractive he was, no matter what he did. The summer breeze made his blonde locks dance lazily in the morning sun, a sheen on his flawless skin as some of the liquid spilled out of the corner of his mouth, trickling down his jawline. A sadistic part of you thought he did this shit on purpose to rile you up, testing the boundaries of your friendship. 
If only you had the nerve to just scream from the rooftops - Katsuki, I fucking love you.
“You good, Y/N?” He's waving a hand in front of your face. “Space case much?”
“Yeah! Sorry, apparently still waking up,” you apologize while stretching your arms over your head. “Let’s go!”
An hour later, you and Bakugo finish your run in the park, completely drenched in sweat. The two of you plop under a nearby tree in the shade, the humidity adding a layer of exhaustion to your depleted stamina. Lazily slouching over onto your shoulder, he steals the sports drink out of your hand and downs the rest of it himself with a satisfied hah. Somehow, you always forget that he smells like caramel and burnt sugar after a run, invading your senses with that sweet essence that you loved. His bangs stuck to the sweat on his forehead as he dropped his head back against the tree, eyes closed as he caught his breath. 
God, he’s so fucking beautiful, you think to yourself, almost afraid he'd somehow hear you.
"I'm free the rest of the day," he comments between shallow breaths, lazily opening one eye and elbowing your side. "Down for a movie day? Been awhile."
"Hell yeah. Junk food, too?" Your eyes light up with excitement.
"Like you gotta ask. I didn't run three fuckin' miles just to look good," he quips. "Cool if I shower at your place?"
That catches you off guard, sending a flutter of butterflies off in your stomach. Why the hell are you so riled up today? Sure, you've had a massive crush on your best friend for ages, but its usually not this intense. Must be the scent of his sweat deluding your thoughts...or maybe it’s the potential scene of watching him walk out into your living room, shirtless - excess water cascading down his hourglass figure, tracing his abs and settling into the hem of his sweatpants.
Stop it! Calm the fuck down.
"S-sure. I have a pair of your sweats, I think…maybe Izuku’s? It’s like you guys leave your shit at my place so I do your laundry for free." 
He shoves you jokingly, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Hah! Knew it was you who stole my favorite pair. I’ve got shit with me, no worries.”
Bakugo climbs to his feet, extending a hand back to you. “C’mon, I’m fucking starving and dying to do nothing the rest of the day.”
The sunset’s sorbet-colored afterglow flooded the living room as the fourth movie’s credits rolled on the TV screen, a faint warm breeze coming through the open balcony door. The two of you had settled in after your run, marathoning through a collection of films you'd be wanting to watch, surrounded by a buffet of comfort food - taiyaki, meat buns, spicy fried chicken bites, mabo tofu, yakitori, and a box full of various flavors of dango. The cashier at the convenience store must have thought you two were hosting an insane party with how much food you bought, cleaning out their entire hot foods section in minutes. 
Bakugo stretched out like a cat, his abs flexing as his black tank top moved up his midsection. It was impossible not to stare, especially when he wore cropped shirts, showing off his hard earned muscles. You found it ironic how you mentioned once - and only once - how crop tops on guys are attractive as hell, and a few weeks later? He had a handful of them that he’d rotate wearing during the summer, claiming he only wears them for “regulating his temperature for his quirk.” You knew that was a bold-faced lie, but never called him on it. Why would you risk making him change his mind when they looked so good on him? 
He let out a satisfactory groan, putting his feet up on the coffee table and hands behind his head. You stretch as well, throwing your feet in his lap like always. Bakugo looked comfortable, like he was at home. You were home to him.
“I got somethin’ on my face?” He jokes, lolling his head to face you. 
Lost in thought, you have no time to stop the words falling from your mouth.
“No, just admiring you.”
Bakugo quirks an eyebrow, surprised by your flattery. You see a faint pink blush begin to make it’s way across his cheeks, an extremely rare sight.
“Th-thanks,” is all he can muster to say in a low voice. 
“Is that so weird to say? You’re gorgeous, Katsuki,” you blurt out, shocked by your own words. Where the hell is this coming from? You normally weren't so...forward. Not that you were lying in any capacity. You've complimented him plenty times before, why is now different? 
You pause, realizing you could be overwhelming him. He'd always been adamant on how much he hates when "fans" view him as just a sex object rather than respect him as a heroic figure. 
“I know you hate being objectified. I’m sorry -,”
“Don’t be, y’didn't.” 
The static of the TV hummed through the lull in your conversation, the credits of the last movie approaching the end of its sequence. You nervously fiddle with the hem of your shirt. Thank fuck he can't hear your thoughts.
Bakugo notices your nervous tick and grins. That damn shit-eating grin. 
"Relax, Y/N. I didn't say I didn't like it. Big difference between you and a fan girl sayin' shit like that." 
As he’s about to continue the conversation, both of your phones ring simultaneously. That’s weird…it’s 8:30PM on a Tuesday night. Neither of you were scheduled for patrol and all sectors had coverage from the last e-mail update. You pull your phone out to check the caller ID and sigh in annoyance.
“The fuck?” Bakugo huffs, his brow furrowed in confusion. 
After 15 minutes, you're debriefed with a new mission, and strangely, you’re assigned with none other than Bakugo and Midoriya. This was extremely uncommon for heroes of top 10 rank to work with those below rank 25 and only happened when other top 10 heroes are too busy. Emergency calls were normally automated messages, but this was a personal conference call from the board of directors.
We are in need of Y/H/N to assist Dynamight and Deku’s mission to stake out a villain’s laboratory tonight in Sector 42. We’ve received reports of civilians going missing near the area over the last few weeks, specifically those with uncommon and rare quirks. There is a probability that hostages are being using for the development of a secret serum, to which is unknown at this time. Report to the agency by 11:30PM for further instruction.
Man, you were really looking forward to more time with Bakugo. Granted, you’ll still be with him, but now you’ll be stalking around for work, not stuffing your face on the couch together.
“Kat, I don’t know what it is, but I…I have a really weird feeling about this stake out,” you admit, unsure of where this anxiety is coming from. This isn’t the first time you’ve been assigned to a mission like this, and certainly won’t be the last, there was just something odd in the air surrounding this one. 
“Yeah. Go grab your suit, I’ll call Izuku to meet us here and we'll go over together,” Bakugo says hesitantly, already dialing Midoriya and bringing his phone to his ear. 
“Hey, yeah just got the call. Y/N and I are at her apartment, swing by and we'll go to the agency together.”
By 11:45PM, the three of you are suited up and stationed in Sector 42. The area was very…barren? It was confusing to you how people would wander out here and disappear. It was in the middle of nowhere, miles from the city limits, an open field surrounded by a spotty tree line. Something still felt off about this entire set up - a gut feeling, but it was enough to keep you on edge.
“Y/N?” Midoriya called to you, blinking with concern. “Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale.”
You rub your temple, desperately trying to push the feeling down. 
“Sorry, Izu. I’ve had a gut feeling something was wrong since the phone call.”
“What do you mean?” His interest is peaked, both out of curiosity and concern. 
“Can’t place it, but I feel it, too. Something’s not right,” Bakugo chimed in, surveying the field for any signs of…whatever the hell it was they’re looking for. An entrance to a lab? Masked minions abducting people? The agency was extremely vague in their details. That didn’t sit well with you, and Bakugo now, too. 
“You’re not wrong. This is an open area in the middle of nowhere. Why would anyone wander out here alone?” Midoriya muttered, continuing a conversation with his own thoughts aloud. “It's not a common road for travel, by foot or by vehicle. And how would the agency know what this villain is making without having the location of the lab in question?”
The abrupt sound of creaking metal echoed around you, a sense of danger spiking in your nerves. You place a hand on the shoulder of both Midoriya and Bakugo to halt them in their tracks.
“Did you hear that? It sounded like a door was opening…close by,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. 
You didn’t register there was another presence amongst you until the dart made contact with your skin. A warming sensation flowed through your right shoulder as you let out a cry, stumbling to your knee. What the fuck? Your hero suit was designed to prevent piercing damage to a degree, but this dart cut right through it. The dart resembled a syringe, automatically activating the injection mechanism as it pierced your skin.
“Y/N!” Midoriya shouted, immediately wrapping an arm around your waist to whisk you away from another potential attack. Bakugo whipped his head around, looking for any sign of where the dart came from. Was someone hiding, or was it a device hidden out of sight? Maybe in a nearby tree? That's not possible, these trees don't have enough leaves for coverage like that.
“Hold still, I’m going to pull it out,” Midoriya warned. You braced for the pain as he yanked the dart from your shoulder, tossing it out of reach. You wince, the sting slowly fading a few seconds later. “Are you feeling okay?”
Things were starting to feel fuzzy, the ache spreading rapidly through the rest of your body. Everything felt warm and cold simultaneously, as if your body was at war over what temperature to settle on. 
“I’m alright, just…dizzy,” you mumble, slurring as you attempt to reassure him.
Midoriya helps you to your feet, offering to let you use him as support. You wave a hand, muttering over and over again I’m fine, I’m fine. There’s a pulsing sensation starting to build in your shoulder, creeping its way through your right arm. It’s tingling, crawling - uncomfortable, but not painful. What the hell was in that dart? 
A flash of black invades your vision, throwing you off balance as things pixelate and sharpen repeatedly before completely disappearing. Things are spinning and your senses are dulling. You notice that you don’t hear Bakugo or Midoriya anymore…did they wander off? You should be able to hear explosions, gusts of wind, crackling energy - something.
A force knocks you on your back, slamming you to the ground. You don’t feel a damn thing, just a vague numbness as your body, what you presume, hits the ground. You can’t make out whatever, or whoever, it is that is attacking you. I still can’t hear anything! Can you speak? Can anyone hear you even if you could?
…Y…N! …Y/N!
A voice? It’s muffled, but you hear someone calling for you. Was that Midoriya?
“Let her go, jackass!”
Oh no, that’s Bakugo. 
His booming voice reverberates through your head, sending your thoughts whirling in a vortex more than they already were. A vision of the battlefield was starting coming into focus, hazy, but a semblance of scenery was making its way back to you. When did I get up from the ground? Didn't I get knocked down? 
The field before you was littered with debris.
…Branches and broken stumps of dead trees.
…Craters in the ground.
…are those broken pieces of Bakugo’s gauntlets? 
…patchy trails and puddles of blood soaking into the dirt.
The sights sent a chill up your spine - your gut instinct was right. 
To your right, Midoriya panted with force as he held onto his thigh, blood seeping through his suit and staining around the wound. He was close enough that you could see the detailing of his tendons exposed from the impact, frayed pieces of skin hanging from the damage. His hair was slicked back, matted with a mix of, what you think, is dirt and blood. The rest of his suit had a variety of slashes and cuts, the material tattered and torn all over his body.
To your left, Bakugo’s on the ground, battered and bruised as he’s struggling to get to his feet. His gauntlets were missing, along with the glove underneath on his right hand. His exposed forearm was beat red, what looked like hand prints blistering the area. Blood trickled from his forehead and pooled under his mask. He’s shouting again…you can’t quite make out what he’s saying as he’s extending his bare arm in your direction.
What the fuck happened?! 
Something inside you clicks abruptly, adrenaline surging, urging you to fight. It’s competing with the numbness in your muscles. How much damage have you taken if you can’t feel a damn thing?
Fuck. Come on, dammit. Move, fight - do something! Help them!
In your peripheral vision, a man appears beside you, placing a hand on your shoulder. You turn on your heel, ready to activate your quirk and blast this guy into oblivion. Your hand meets his clothed chest with a thump.
Nothing happens. 
Your quirk doesn’t activate.
Another swing, focusing all the energy you have into a concentrated blast.
Panic sets in as you study your hand, mortified that you’ve been rendered useless. Your mind is racing faster than you can keep up with. Is this the serum they talked about earlier? How long was I unconscious...was I even unconscious? 
And then it dawns on you - it’s a quirk suppressant. 
The serum they’re using to abduct people nullifies their quirks to make them a willing target.
The mystery man cups your chin, forcing you to look up at him. Your vision tunnels on his face, the rest of your body shutting back down. You feel your arms flop to their sides as your knees begin to buckle - the adrenaline being zapped from your muscles at his touch. 
“Good, it’s setting in. You’ll be a decent specimen. We’ve been waiting for a psionics user like you to add to our roster.”
A giant swirl of matter begins to manifest in front of you, a gentle force sucking you closer to it’s entry point. You can't help but think about how helpless you look in this moment, confused as hell that this scrawny man could take down three heroes with ease. You fucking hated the feeling, never wanting to be the damsel in distress. It pissed you off beyond belief.
“It’s time.” The man, in what you can now see is a white lab coat, turns you around to face the boys sprawled on the battlefield. “We’ll be going now.”
Every inch of your body is screaming run. But you can’t. You can’t move, paralyzed by all the conflicting effects of the serum running rampant through your veins. Your vision is dimming once more, your eyes threaten to close as Bakugo’s voice drags you back to reality. Your eyes snap open as he appears in front of you, digging his heels into the dirt. 
“Hey, wake up! I’m not letting you go!” 
He’s screaming at the top of his lungs, pleading for you to hear him as he clutches your forearm, attempting to pull you to him. You can’t feel it, but by the strain shown in his bicep, he’s using all of his strength to hold onto you. His eyes are full of panic, wide and bloodshot, crimson irises aflame.
"Let her fucking go!" he roars a second time. His hand is slipping down your forearm, now desperately gripping onto your hand. You attempt to grasp it to no avail, your strength failing you. You hear him let out an anxious grunt, struggling against the force of whatever is pulling you away behind you.
Time seems to slow as you lock eyes, an exchange of unspoken words between you two. A sense of dread begins to flood through your body as you see tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.
He's terrified. 
You remember a thought from earlier in the day, if only I could scream "I love you."
There will never be a perfect moment, never a time and place for you to say it. You have to create the moment yourself.
A steady breath escapes you, softly gazing at Bakugo as you see his fingers slipping through your own.
"Katsuki," you mouth, barely able to hear the sound of your own voice.
"I love you."
The last thing you see is Bakugo frantically scrambling toward you before darkness envelops your sight.
- - - BAKUGO POV - - -
Everything happened in the blink of a fucking eye.
Ambushed, both him and Midoriya were hazed with a mysterious smoke, rendering their quirks useless. His explosions fizzled out as he fought the onslaught of henchmen surrounding them, armed with various weapons. The two of them blitzed through a good number of them before quickly becoming overwhelmed - 25 on 2 wasn't ideal odds.
Their hero suits were ripped, equipment shattered as they were punched, kicked, stabbed at, battered, and thrown around.
"I don't need my fuckin' quirk to kick your asses!" Bakugo threatened as he swiped at a nameless henchmen, nailing a right hook to his jaw. Midoriya was holding his own behind him until he let out an agonizing yelp, falling to the ground audibly.
"Deku!" Bakugo called out, spinning in the direction of his cry as someone socked him from the left side. He skid onto the ground, particles of dirt trailing behind him.
Regaining his composure, he looked around to see that all of the henchmen had swiftly disappeared without a trace, as if they were never there in the first place. What the fuck?
He saw her body standing still, some man in a lab coat behind her. She resembled a lifeless puppet, the light from her eyes dim and limbs loosely at her sides. It looked as though she could collapse at any moment.
"Let her go, jackass!" Bakugo shouted, unable to get to his feet.
The unknown man gripped her shoulder as a large black mass appeared behind them. 
Is that a portal? That looks like Kurogiri's quirk from years ago, he thought to himself, willing every fiber of his being to get to his fucking feet.
He's able to muster enough strength get one knee off the ground, enough to launch in range of her and wildly grasp for her hand. 
“Hey, wake up! I’m not letting you go!” 
Bakugo doesn't realize he's screaming, he's acting on impulse and adrenaline - desperation to save her. His hand is slipping at an agonizingly slow pace, moving from forearm to her hand, hardly able to keep his hand clasped with hers. He's cursing internally, hoping that she can't see the terror in his eyes, the anxiety filling him to the brim. That's when he hears her speak, her voice hauntingly quiet.
"Katsuki, I love you."
His hand slips away, watching her disappear into the portal. It closes in an instant as he's hopelessly dashing to it, not noticing that Midoriya is charging from behind him. They briefly collide, stumbling from the impact before they both steady themselves. 
The silence surrounding them is deafening.
"Kacchan," Midoriya snivels, head hung low. "I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough to help." His voice was breaking, clenching his fists at his side.
Bakugo stares at his hand, collapsing to his knees. He felt nauseous, the crippling realization churning in his stomach.
I love you.
Her voice ricocheted through his head, bouncing around as it tugged hard at his heartstrings. An overwhelming sensation of loss fills his heart, refusing to come to terms with the current reality. 
A brief memory flooded into Bakugo's mind, reminding him of a feeling he'd long shoved away. One night - years ago - at his brand new apartment in Tokyo, they'd been up all night talking after the long day of moving his shit into the place. It was 3AM, boxes piled everywhere as they laid in his bed, bullshitting the night away with random talks of life. She started a vulnerable conversation of mental health amongst heroes, ranging from her own family issues and medicated struggles as examples of not knowing what people deal with beneath the surface. He'd been listening, watching as she poured her heart out next to him, able to smile through it all. It was in that moment that struck him like lightning - he'd fallen madly and irrevocably in love with her. He had convinced himself there was no way she would have felt the same, forcing himself to suffocate that feeling for years.
And he was wrong.
Midoriya crouched down beside him as he's lost in the memory, a hand on his shoulder. 
"We'll find her, Kacchan, don't worry," he attempts to declare confidently as his own tears are staining his cheeks. "She's strong, she'll be -,"
"She said she loved me." Bakugo's facade was shattering before his eyes as he watched his best friend crumble onto the ground, clutching his chest. He couldn't control the wail that escaped him, tears pouring from his eyes like the downpour of a rainstorm. 
Midoriya pulled him close, Bakugo falling limply into him, curling into a ball as they sobbed together.
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and thus begins the traumatic story of bakugo and midoriya losing their best friend to a mystery portal to nowhere!
Divider by : @/saradika
412 notes · View notes
slayfics · 9 months
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Unknown Pleasures Ch.1
You’ve had a crush on Katsuki Bakugo since joining UA, but will another student change your mind?
Warnings: Minor angst
1.2k words
Chapter links
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The hum of the engine filled the car as the song stopped and Denki continued driving down the road. The last few weekends had consisted of Denki riling up whoever he could to come out on an adventure in his new car.
You sat in the middle back seat between Hanta and Katsuki, leaning your head against the headrest you let out a heavy sigh. A wave of relief washed over you finally being able to take your mind off responsibilities for a moment.
These random weekend adventures always lifted a weight off your shoulders and allowed you to enjoy your youth.
In the front seat, Hitoshi shifted uncomfortably. Hitoshi was a new addition to your usual cast of shenanigans. Denki had quickly befriended him much to the dismay of Katsuki who detested anyone new.
"What's Kirishima doing tonight?" Hanta asked curiously. Denki fiddled with his phone at a red light attempting to change the song.
"Oh, he is busy with Ashido~," Denki said in a sing-song voice.
"Tch- that's why you picked up this mind freak?" Katsuki huffed, making his disdain for a new face heard.
"Hey play nice blasty!" Denki called back to him.
Katsuki grunted and you giggled pinching his cheek, "Come on don't be rude," You teased.
"Cut it out!" Katsuki yelled smacking your hand away.
The light turned green, and Denki shoved his phone into Hitoshi's hand. "Why don't you be DJ man?" Denki suggested as he focused back on driving.
"You want me to choose a song?" Hitoshi clarified.
"Yeah, go ahead! I want to hear what you usually listen to!" Denki said encouragingly.
Hitoshi fiddled with Denki's phone until selecting the song Atmosphere by Joy Division.
"Oh! I love this song!" You exclaimed and began to sing.
Hitoshi's eyes wandered to the rearview mirror where he caught the reflection of you singing. The calm smile that painted your face as you sang the words perfectly caused his stomach to flutter.
However, the euphoria your playfulness gave him came crashing down when he noticed how your eyes wandered to Katsuki. Your eyes danced as they admired his face as if you were waiting for Katsuki to acknowledge you.
But what if you knew he looked at you the way you longed for Katsuki too?
His stomach only soured the more he observed the interaction. Katsuki's gaze stayed out the window completely indifferent to the softness of your expressions and the longingness in your eyes.
As if your soft features and carefree personality weren't enough to do him in, your voice was intoxicating as well. Hitoshi was sure he could spend a whole day listening to you sing his favorite songs.
Denki's voice infiltrated Hitoshi's daydream shattering his lovely image of you singing just for him.
"Alright, we're here!" Denki announced.
"About fucking time- had enough of being in this stupid car," Katsuki exclaimed and threw open the door exiting eagerly.
Hitoshi's eyes followed your figure as you quickly jumped out after Katsuki. The way the moonlight hit your skin as soon as you stepped out and your features bounced as you happily sprang in excitement forced him to suck in air to ground himself.
"You ready man?" Denki asked, noticing Hitoshi's slowness.
"Yeah," Hitoshi answered, forcing himself to blink away his desires and exit the car.
You five began to walk up a hiking trail. Denki had claimed the view had to be amazing at night, and hiking was one of the only things he could get Katsuki to agree to come to.
Hitoshi was new to the group and hung back observing the four of your interactions. It didn't take long for him to notice your gaze never left Katsuki. He was always in your line of vision and most of all he was the main person you responded to in the conversation. The other two boys might as well not have been there at all in your eyes.
Eventually, the conversation pushed you out as the three boys got into a heated discussion regarding something pointless.
Hitoshi quickened his pace, taking this opportunity to speak more with you.
"Hey," He called out to get your attention.
"Hey general studies~," You teased.
Hitoshi would have corrected you that he was enrolling in the hero course now, but your teasing caught him off guard and it took all his concentration not to be flustered by your comment.
"How are you enjoying the hike so far?" You asked.
"It's fine-," He shrugged his shoulders." So- what usually happens on these night outs?" he asked.
"Hmm- well usually we try to get in as much trouble as we can before Bakugo yells at us to go back," You giggled.
Hitoshi's nose scrunched up at the sound of how you sang out Katsuki's name. Your crush on him was all too evident.
But why?
What did you see in that belligerent blond?
“Are you excited to be in the hero course now?” you asked, snapping Hitoshi out of his thoughts.
“Yes of course. It’s all I’ve ever wanted… I’m especially excited to get to know everyone more.” He stated.
“Oh, that’s funny~ last I remember you said you weren’t here to make friends.” You teased.
Hitoshi flushed slightly at your comment, “Yes, I did say that- however, I find myself particularly excited to get to know you more. Speaking of that- would you like to go out to eat sometime?” He asked.
His words took the breath out of your lungs and froze your footsteps. Hitoshi stopped and turned to face you, taking in your shocked expression. You had never been asked out so straightforward before- nor did you expect it from your new classmate. And then there was your feelings for-…
Hitoshi spoke, bringing you out of your spiraling thoughts.
“It’s Bakugo, isn’t it?” He asked simply.
His words sent you into even more peril. In the brief time Hitoshi has spent with you he had picked up your crush on Katsuki. Was it that obvious?
“Is he your boyfriend?” Hitoshi asked further.
You stuttered like an idiot not knowing how to form a sentence after being so taken off guard. “He- well no he’s not but- I uh- I don’t-,” you tried to get out anything that would make sense. Thankfully, Hitoshi hated seeing you in such discomfort.
“It’s all right. You don’t have to explain, I think I understand. However… if you’re ever tired of waiting for him to appreciate you like he should- I can assure you I’d do a better job.” He spoke.
Your eyes searched his, completely overwhelmed by his boldness. His expression was genuine, calm, and serious. Hitoshi had every intention of laying out his affinity for you honestly and politely. It was unlike anything you had experienced before- and left you speechless.
“The hell are you two doing back there?” Katsuki spewed looking back at you both. In the fleeting moment you two had stopped to speak, the three boys had made some considerable distance.
Hitoshi let out a disgruntled sigh, the angry chihuahua's temper poked at his nerves. It was past cruel that such a vulgar man would have your affection. However, as Hitoshi averted his gaze from you to Katsuki he saw for the first time a quick shimmer of possessiveness in the blond's eyes.
Did Katsuki have some feelings for you after all? Or was it just his ego that appreciated your attention? Whatever the case, the tension that held between the two students was not going to be the last.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee
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mypimpademia · 1 year
— Croissants, Cookies, & Coffee
Pro Hero! Bakugo x Cafe Worker! Black! Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Jagged edged pro hero Dynamight begins to show up to his local cafe just a little too much.
TW: Swearing
“Next in line, please,”
Customers and passerby’s gawked a the man you only smiled politely at. His tall, hulking figure towered over everyone, sticking out like a sore thumb, and his reputation did nothing to help the attention. He seemed tense about it all, the prolonged stares irritating him to no end. But seeing you unfazed, warm lights glowing on your brownskin, gave him some sort of grounding.
“Good afternoon Mr. Dynamight. Should I ring up your usual, or would you like to try one of our new items?” The words fell off your glossed lips so casually, as if you weren’t speaking to the most powerful man in Japan.
“Don’t call me that,” he snarled. “It’s policy,” you said in unison with him, his eyes rolling in annoyance as he kissed his teeth.
“I don’t give a shit about policy, you know what to call me,” he told you, before humming in thought. “I’ll try that fuckin’ peach shit, but only if you make it for me.”
“One pretty peach refresher,” you said, smiling whilst typing the order into the screen in front of you. “What size?”
“Large, and that’ll be all,” he said, reaching into his pockets for his wallet as he mumbled to himself. “Fuckin’ pretty peach refresher, who the fuck comes up with these names?”
You stifled a laugh, lips curling inward. He swiped his card on the reader before you could even tell him the price, huffing as he put his wallet away.
“Thank you, I’ll bring your order over as soon as it’s done,” you chimed.
Swapping places with one of your coworkers, you took on drinks for the moment. To anyone who didn’t know better, you were only doing this because if someone like the explosive pro hero Dynamight says, you do. And in a way, they weren’t wrong.
But your drinks are the only ones he’ll take. Hell, that’s the only time he takes anything, even the pre made baked goods, anything else gets sent back. Your coworkers were convinced your quirk had some magical touch aspect to it. How the hell could he tell if a cappuccino was made by you or not?
A scoop of ice, a cup of dehydrated peach, a cup of peach juice, some water, and a blend later, his order was ready. As you approached, his attention was turned towards the window, simply watching as people and cars passed.
“Katsuki,” you uttered, handing the drink over. “Enjoy your pretty peach refresher.”
Your emphasis on the three words made him roll his eyes again, but you didn’t miss the smile he covered with his cup as he took a sip.
For months, that’s how your interactions went. If you ever asked Katsuki why he progressed passed this in the manner he did, he’d be far to ashamed to say.
Sure, he made nearly daily visits, sometimes coming twice a day. Once in the morning, and then again on the way back home. But his visits soon became erratic, as if he was going for reasons he didn’t want anyone to know.
“Good morning, Katsuki,” you hummed, placing his plate in front of him. “One eggs, ham, and cheese croissant sandwich for you.”
You walked away too fast to see it, only focused on getting through the morning rush of people. Had you stayed a second longer, you’d have caught him watching the morning sun illuminate your features.
That was his first visit of the day. You knew he’d be back soon, as he’d been coming more frequently, just not as soon as he did.
“Since when did you guys have cookies?” The blond asked, nodding over to the display of baked goods.
“Always,” you told him. “I can ring them up for you if you wanna try?”
“Only if you bring them to me,” he smirked.
The aroma of warm chocolate chip cookies had you salivating as you walked them over to his usual window booth. You needed to remind yourself to steal some before clocking out.
“Here are your cookies. And this is your second time back in,” you checked the clock. “Six hours? You beat your record from last time.”
“Yeah?” Katsuki asked, fake surprised at his own timing as he bit into a cookie, humming in satisfaction.
“Yeah,” you smirked, running your hand over pulled back coils to make sure your hair was still neatly in its bun. “Were you hungry or did you just miss me?”
You were standing just feet away from him, and even now he missed you.
“Fucking starving,” he teased, making you kiss your teeth. “You just happen to make all the shit I like.”
You raised your eyebrow in amusement, bearing your teeth in a glossy lipped smile.
“Oh? Like the cookies I only put onto a plate for you?” You asked, pointing to the now empty plate.
“It’s just different when you put it on a plate,” he shrugged.
“Right, right,” you nodded. “Gotta get back to work, but I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Katsuki came back just two hours later.
“Y’know, I was joking before, but this is getting concerning,” you huffed, placing the mug of coffee onto the table. “This is your third time back, and you were here just two hours ago. And who orders coffee at noon?”
Unbotheredly, he takes a sip from his coffee and says nothing.
“I know you hear me,” you huffed.
You folded your arms over your chest, annoyed that he wouldn’t give you a straight answer. Something was obviously bothersome him, and he was itching to get it off his chest.
“Don’t get me mad on shift Katsuki,” you said sternly. “What’s actually going on.”
“Honestly? I just missed you,” he shrugged.
You were just ready to go off on him, but he sounded so genuine that you held your tongue. This was far from your usual dynamic, and the sudden shift had you at a loss for words
“You free after work?”
Taglist: @megurulvr @ivanari @planetlunaa @romiantic @szaplsdropthealbum @dreampurpledreams @goldenglow149 @gender-queery @roaringlion @cosmiles @tatiquichi @kxtsxkii @lillizxzz @starsoir
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ayasuki · 10 months
6th Bakugou x Reader FANFIC RECS
some are short but they're good hehe (most of these are suggestive :P)
> • 𝑹𝒆𝒄 𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒕
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" Dream Eater " by justatypicaltrash
dream eater!bakugou x reader
warning: slight angst
bakugo is an eternal living dream eater.
" I Like You, Okay?! " by kikyo-bnha-imagines
bakugou x fem!reader
summary: katsuki struggles to confess to his crush.
" Workshopped Romance " by itsmm4hiii
pro-hero!bakugou x fem!reader
summary: working for a hero costume designer has its perks like; meeting heroes, playing with cool technologies, getting you're name out- y/n didn't  really expect her own boss will try and hook her up with a customer. 
" Blood Moonlit, Must be Counterfeit " by irisintheafterglow
pro-hero!bakugou x reader
warning: swearing ofc cuz it's bakugo, mentions of drinking and alcohol, halloween party, first meeting, emotionally constipated katsuki and reader is kinda oblivious lol
summary: a guy at a party has a really good dynamight costume, and you two get to talking about your favorite heroes.
WARNING | beneath the cut are slightly suggestive to full on smut fics
" no title " by moominsuki
bakugou x fem!reader
warning: ch. 359-362 spoilers kinda. a little suggestive but fluff all around
summary: katsuki hates being off the job. but what he hates more is being treated like glass, especially by you.
" as the years go by " by quitesins
pro-hero!bakugou x fem!reader
warning: suggestive, slight nsfw, friends to lovers, unrequited love ig? virgin!reader, drabble
summary: being friends with bakugou since UA, watching each other change as the years go by, but still having room to learn more, so much more.
" no title " by izvmimi
warning: palace drama au, multiple wives, fem!reader, brief explicit sex.
" One More Time " by yanderenightmare
warning: derogatory dirty talk, spanking, angsty but with a fluffy ending
" no title " by dreamland03
bakugou x reader
warning: mention of sex like once, drinking, mention of trauma, bad self image
" Come Sit " by saturnorbits
bakugou x fem!reader
warning: cock-warming
summary: after a long day, all you need is bakugo.
" Feral " by smiley-babe
wolfhybrid!bakugou x fem!reader
warnings: aged up characters, lowkey monster fucking (hybrid bakugo has wolf ears, a tail, and fangs), knotting, HUGE breeding kink, no specific dynamics, biting, small blood kink (if you squint), marking/ bonding, heat/ rut behavior, panty sniffing, kind of rough sex, oral (f receiving), and fingering
summary: taking in a wolf hybrid already didn’t seem like a good idea, but when spring hits… all hell breaks loose.
" Personal Trainer!BKG " by bakubunny
personal trainer!bakugou x plus size!fem!reader
warning: oral sex (m receiving), rough sex.
" On To Better Things " by savnofilter
prohero!dilf!bakugou x fem!reader
warning: angst, strangers to lovers
sfw | toxic & abusive relationship, toxic baby daddy, mentions postpartum, mental health, arguing, mentions of legal proceedings, counseling, drama, cultural family expectations, love bombing, manipulation, a man being a hypocrite, reader low-key needs a new circle of people around them but that's neither here nor there, reader loves their daughter to pieces </3, reader's daughter is a hand full but we stan!, reader spaces out a lot, "our kids are best friends but we never met before and so happen to be single" trope.
nsfw | fingering, cunnilingus, groping, praise kink, reader has multiple orgasms (2, hinted 4), reader is a bit shy as it's been awhile and feels nervous, vocal queen reader, clothed sex, protected sex, comforting!bakugo, non-established relationship.
" Swipe Right " by ryukatters
bakugou x fem!reader
warning: dubcon, quirkless/college! au, jealousy, possessiveness, breeding, creampie, unprotected sex, cum eating, cunnilingus, overstimulation, praise, biting, bkg gets a little rough with you, and bkg's also a fucking simp
summary: your boyfriend decides to make a fake tinder profile for you just to see how many matches you get. he comes to a realization just how many other people want what’s already his.
" no title " by katbakubae
bakugou x fem!reader
warning: language, dom!bakugou, possessiveness, jealousy, (mild) stalking, name calling, spanking, rough oral.
summary: sick of your boyfriends lack of time with you because of his busy schedule, you decided to take some time for yourself. unfortunately, letting that happen was never an option for him.
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