#|| but i'm not allowed to self-immolate??????
smouldring · 2 years
the mutual larp brainrot that those girls had. and then they killed god.
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ohmerricat · 10 months
revolutionary optimism ... wish i had an ounce of it. wish any of it rang true
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jewreallythinkthat · 3 months
You know I actually don't think we talk enough about the notions of irredeemability and mortification of the flesh which is so intrinsic to a lot of the left wing, especially (and I know people won't like this but it's true), ex-christian atheists, generally younger Millennials and Gen Z.
I first noticed it in fandom spaces, and it's become even more apparent since October 7th.
In fandom spaces, there is a belief that a character is either fully justified in their actions or completely irredeemable. Murder, assault, abuse is OK if it is directed at the deserving character. I've watched people justify characters being assaulted into heir own home and then accuse those calling out the abuse of being racist because the perpetrators was not white. The victim was not allowed any sympathy (objectively, also this person literally followed a request from their sister to not tell people where the sister was. That was the crime...) and the assault was justified by progressive members of the left because their personally had decided the crime was punishable by violence.
More recently, they have turned against queer characters, belittled the queer experience because nothing could ever make up for the behaviour of people decades ago in a much more homophobic world. It really is so very recent that people could be openly queer safely - laws protecting people's rights do not mean the people are safe and I think a lot of leftists seem to forget this. I, a queer man, made plenty of "gay jokes" at school to avoid being outed (like a lot of people who have come out since we left school) as an act of self preservation. I'm not proud of it but it was something that happened when I was a young teenager and I acknowledge that. According to a huge swathe of the left, I can never be forgiven for this, and I must spend the rest of my life repenting.
The revertion to these puritanical, medieval beliefs on sin - that we are never able to atone for mistakes of the past is a very, very, Christian notion which has permeated the left and is actively spread by a lot of people will push it in one breath and then decry everything Christianity has ever done in the next.
Since October 7ths, the Jews (they often say "Israelis" but it's so clear that they mean "Jews" - as shown by the number of times people accidentally say "Jew" and then try and correct themselves to "Zionists" or "Israelis") have become the ones who embody irredeemability. Nothing we do will be enough to make up for the sin of being Jewish. The left has become a whirlwind of conspiracy and (((they))) are at the centre of every single one.
I mentioned the mortification of the flesh before. There is an obsession in the left of self-flagellation. That because there is suffering in part of the world, then those in others parts must suffer as penitence. Israeli peace activists are only peaceful if they die in the pursuit of the destruction of Israel; peace activists fighting in Israel for Palestinian rights and the establishment of Palestine alongside Israel are not doing enough because committed the crime of being born in Israel and they must suffer to make up for it; people in "The West" are not allowed to have any enjoyment of anything until the suffering deemed most important by the Left has ceased.
Physical suffering, self-immolation, death in pursuit of The Cause has become the most pure one can be. This is identical to early Christians, it's just that The Cause is no longer Jesus but is Palestine (at the moment). Forgoing your own needs will not help end the war but people will do it to demonstrate their commitment rather than putting in the effort to push for sustainable and feesable solutions.
The strands of puritan Christianity that are twisted into the social justice of The Left are many, and people do not like to think or acknowledge them because that would imply Christianity has affected them, but heres the thing. If you live in any country which has been around a significant time and was, literally at ANY point a theocracy, then the beliefs of the religion that ruled the country will be infused into the culture there. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just how society evolves. Turning a blind eye to the influence of Christianity on countries like the US, UK, Canada, lot of Europe is willful ignorance and historical revisionism. The Left should be better than this but instead, it has decided that we are born into the sin of the crimes of the country we were born in and must atone for them for the rest of time, but anything other than physical suffering and death will never be enough.
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anglespin · 3 months
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E:"What will you be doing with it, Agent Kennedy? It's a bioweapon. We can't exactly let it roam free. It's not a person and a threat to public safety." DI:"Taking him home with me, first off. He deserves somewhere to go that isn't some lab that's going to keep hurting him. He's a person like you and me, not some violent infected that's going to mindlessly kill people." E:"Is that what it is, a poor whelp that needs to be helped? I'm so--" DI:"Listen here, sir. I'm not going to let someone who didn't ask for this, to be created for bad intentions-- a derivative of my own DNA, in fact-- be used and abused even more, or worse, killed off all because some vile son of a bitch decided he wanted to play god for whatever fucked up obsession he had of ME. I will not allow it and you're disgusting for considering it."
Since I've revised my plaga lore significantly and changed around some details, time to yap about it lmao.
Kenny, previously referred to as 6, is a genetically altered clone of Leon created with the intention to reverse engineer the "greatest weapon against bioterror" into something replicable and adaptable, controllable and powerful-- enhanced. Something the Family could utilize in their plans for the United States.
(This was done through the use of the Chrysalid Virus (C-virus) and it's capability to create duplicates of humans. The process yielded a high failure rate much like the attempts to clone Ada Wong, yet not to such great numbers. Kennedy's DNA was more cooperative after alterations and the introduction of Las Plagas, already pre-engineered-- named C-type proved to yield quite interesting results.)
In 2010, Only one clone had survived the process, emerging with albinism due to issues with the genetic modifications. However, the lack of melanin was merely cosmetic--thankfully, it did not hinder the clone's eyesight or other body functions upon observation. It was also smaller than expected, but Director Simmons was far more than pleased at it's features, stating that the cloned specimen was "ethereal in appearance" and almost divine-like. It was an odd remark at the time... Though later he would state that he would like it if there were more to be made, improved of course. Closer to the source genetics or even altered more so the duplicates could be of better use if these... problems continued. The living clone wasn't strong enough for what it was made for and was kept merely as a pet. Simmons said it was a waste to kill off the little runt that may be of some use later on. Which he was right. A very valuable pet it proved to be. It was the only surviving specimen that could retain a Queen-type without self-immolating or mutating out of control. The clone also remained very docile, obedient and certainly far more stable compared to the ones later produced with less powerful Plagas. The project was moved elsewhere after the events of 2013 in order to maintain the upmost secrecy. {{The facility would later be raided in late 2017 by DSO operatives as it had been tipped off as a bio-terrorist operation hub.}}
This is pretty basic on what I want as a starting point, but overall I'm very pleased with it. I feel like I can do far more with a clone than simply moving one Leon into another Leon's world via bullshit. It also creates very interesting circumstances and pathways I can explore within my own little web I've created for this. Thank you for reading. I will expand on it some more later with more events to tie into it.
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the-amazing-boop · 7 months
After learning of Aaron Bushnell's final act of protest, we [Americans] are now also learning of another case of self immolation that happened December 2023 as a response to the genocide in Gaza. Supposedly, it was an African American woman also in front of another Israeli embassy, currently unidentified, and their incident was swept under the rug (not surprising). I'm not certain of whether they lived or died.
If anyone knows more, please share what is allowed and appropriate to maintain truth. If it is a matter of family privacy, respect their wishes, whatever the matter may be.
Whoever you, thank you for your sacrifice. I hope you're resting easier now.
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loveswirl · 2 months
obsessed with killing myself in every way but literal. being as uninvolved and distant as i can from almost everyone, and even those closest i try and disparage myself to. never going anywhere or doing much of anything, ever. scared and resigned to my supposed fate. my bed becomes a coffin. i keep shoveling dirt on this body that's barely lived at all. thinking "if i'm the one who buries myself, and i do it quick - before i get too attached - it won't be painful to fully let go of this existence." but. it hurts now, it hurts every time, every day. i can't win like this, i can't even breathe through the filth- i have to live, i have to stop this. i know it's the only way. but i don't know how, the only thing that i was taught was this self-immolation. and i find further encouragement constantly, everywhere. the echoes of past trauma rebranded over and over and over- by others, and worse, by myself.
i wish i could just allow someone else to do all the work, to recognize i needed to be saved, and i wouldn't have to fight against everything alone and weak as it always was- they'd hold me even as i screamed and clung to that stupid shovel. but i'm told that's not a fair burden to put on another. every bit of advice on the subject says the same thing: you have to be the one to save yourself. and... well. i don't think i can. the same way someone trapped in a burning building too long couldn't. except this someone keeps pouring gasoline all around them to speed up what they see as inevitable...
either way, the end result is the same: you're dead, unless someone from outside this little hell you're in saves you. (and even then- you're so damaged from it, is it even worth it? to preserve the scraps of the thing you've become, to get another chance you might not deserve?)
...i know it's too much pressure. but i can't help but say "please."
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chiarrara · 7 months
I don't know I just feel like....
We just watched a man self-immolate in his military uniform. And I don't want to sound like an idiot, because it's much more than this but, couldn't you say that was a very extreme form of conscientious objection?
He could not be complicit anymore, but there is literally no way out of being complicit in this genocide if you live in America. For him especially, being trapped in military service. But for all of us. All of us are trapped in complicity in some way, and we can try to counteract that sin with as much meaningful direct action as we can possibly do, but all of that action comes with some proportional level of risk.
So, a man burned himself alive in an extreme form of conscientious objection (the only form available to him - one of great violence)
And people are still on here telling people to suck it up and vote for Biden.
I just... maybe I'm really stupid and I just can't see the logic y'all are putting forward. Because the way you lay it out it all seems to make so much sense to you. I understand we're trapped in a two party system. I understand the Republicans don't have the same consciences we do and are gonna vote en masse for Trump. I understand Trump is a danger globally and domestically. I understand all that, and I don't want his second term to come to pass. I'm not ignorant of how dangerous he is.
But a man self-immolated to object to the system of complicity he's trapped in, and the most logical response y'all have to a bunch of people wanting to opt out of complicity in this election, and the next four years of horrors that will be done in their name is to tell them, you just have to suck it up and be complicit. Your only tool is to make a phone call. You can try to protest, but there's a non-zero chance you'll be beaten and arrested and have your life ruined, by the way. You can donate to try and put a bandaid on the horrors you're seeing through your phone screen everyday (and you should, but God it's sure not stopping anything). But you're not allowed to object to being complicit in the selection of the Genocider-In-Chief.
It's not going to stop the genocide. We know this. It's not going to stop the election. We know this. It's not going to change anything directly, and Trump is going to get elected (which he will either way. most people who would vote against him are doing it anyway, y'all are fighting a very very small online minority).
But a man self-immolated in his military uniform. He didn't think that act was going to directly stop aid from going to Israel, or stop the genocide, or destroy the US military industrial complex. He didn't think his one small (but extremely brave and impactful) act was going to solve everything. Everything that was going to happen is still going to happen just with one less man in uniform.
But it wasn't nothing. It didn't do nothing. It's not his fault that the military will keep on chugging. It's not his fault that things are getting worse in Gaza every day. But he's not complicit anymore and he sent a message. And he had to die to achieve that.
And y'all are telling us we can't even do the very small act of not being complicit in the presidency. It's a less effective act of protest, but I also don't have to die for it.
It's not a boycott (I've seen this strawman, i don't know why you think we think that). It's not going to "send a message to the government" (obviously, we're not ignorant). It's to the Party that runs these candidates, and makes money off of "pick us because we're not the other guy" then commits crimes against humanity. I don't want to roll over and be fucking complicit in that.
Parties and candidates look at those numbers. they see how many people voted for them last time and how many people this time.
They don't care about our voices, and our protests, and our emails. They care about donations, and they care about votes. That's it. That's all they look at. If the emails and the phone calls and the protests don't result in a drop in one of those two things, they don't fucking care.
I don't know. This is a long ass ramble, but I'm trying to work out my feelings about this. Because we can't opt out of paying taxes, we can't really opt out of the benefits of living and being born in the Global North, we can't opt out of work, we can't opt out of the military, we can't opt out of following the law without extreme violence being brought against us. We can't do a whole fucking lot besides call, email, donate, and protest in a way that doesn't get us beaten and arrested, and if you do get beaten and arrested, you'll be dealing with the legal consequences for years or potentially the rest of your life.
And a man burned himself to death to object but I can't withhold my vote???
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protoslacker · 7 months
Free Palestine
I work at a store. Yesterday walking by the clearance section I saw a boy, probably only a little bit over a year old, flat on his back and sound asleep in a shopping buggy. I said "hello" to his adult simply to acknowledge his sleeping child is precious and he is too.
The self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell has shocked my conscience.
Conscience is a faculty for wrestling with emotions and with reason to figure out what's right and what's wrong. Something I notice about my own conscience is that while I might be pretty sure what's right or wrong, I'm rarely certain about my answers. Maybe that's because my conscience isn't very good, however my sense about the uncertainty is that it's a "feature and not a bug. " That is not being so certain allows for movement and change. But I'm not sure.
In 1965 Thich Nhat Hanh sent a letter to the Rev. Martin Luther King concerning the self-burning of Vietnamese Buddhist monks in 1963. In the letter Thich Nhat Hanh distinguishes between their aims in setting themselves alight and the act and causes of suicide. He also explains how difficult it is for a the Western Christian conscience to understand.
Thich Nhat Hanh notes that for Buddhists suicide is a great crime. In my living, sometimes when I've gotten the news about a person's suicide my reaction has been, "who can blame them?"
When I have considered suicide, I have sometimes wondered if I might commit in a way that might move some people from no-good action. One scenario I've thought of jumping from a highway overpass into rush-hour traffic in protest. Submitting the thought experiment to my conscience it's pretty clear that would just annoy some people, and possibly injure or kill innocents. So even with my imperfect conscience the moral calculus proves such an action wrong.
ADL points out that Aaron Bushnell was the second person to self-burn themselves in front of an Israeli embassy in the USA. In December a person was critically inured after setting themselves on fire in Atlanta. The person's name has not been shared, but a security guard who was burned trying to intervene is named Michael Harris. that event didn't generate much attention. The police officer training his gun on the Aaron Bushnell has gotten a lot of attention, and he remains anonymous so far as I know. But there were people like Michael Harris who tried to save Aaron Bushnell's life. My conscience suggests that attention to them is important. Ruth Gilmore has so wisely told us: Where life is precious, life is precious.
As an American I am complicit in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
In Christian tradition Jesus was confronted with: “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” He responded with three stories, "the lost parables." I know these stories, but I'm not so sure I really understand them. As little as I understand, these stories imform my conscience.
I am moved by this post by Veterans For Peace in Common Dreams.
He [Aaron Bushnell] couldn’t bear to see any more people eviscerated and incinerated by American bombs dropped by Israelis on innocent Palestinians.
Wrestling with ones conscience is a struggle. I'm not sure such struggles are heroic, but I'm pretty sure they are necessary and that they are long.
Forgiveness and Love by Meshell NdegeOcello
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grimowled · 2 months
@sidestriker continued from x.
the owl prince replied in a goading drawl as he stepped through and closed the portal behind his billowing cloak with a whoosh, idly contemplating his glossy talons, grimoire hovering by his shoulder like a familiar and echoing with the pulse of his infernal magic; the limits of the true power of a goetic demon were nigh unknown, however stolas was wise enough to use it sparingly - and, in this case, to make a point, as striker had also stalked and caught him by surprise without warning.
(how delightfully rude ! he was lucky the dark prince had a soft spot for rebels.)
"oh-- is it really fair of you to talk about trusting me, considering it is I who was in bound in pretty ropes and on the other side of the barrel of your gun, the last time we were in the same room?"
the demon prince tittered in graceful hoots behind his taloned hand, sauntering in slow circles around the other, as if he found the irony of the situation terribly amusing; still, he was not there to antagonise, not necessarily. his prowling finally came to a halt when he swept his regal star-studded cape to the side, as the heat of the hideout was starting to get to him, and splayed a taloned hand across his buttoned chest, his other placed on the sinuous dell of his slender waist, as if to dramatically declare his intents in an earnest speech.
"--you know, I never meant any harm to you, and yet you have gone to great lengths and taken a large sum to assassinate me."
he paused for effect, pouting and heaving a purposely forlorn sigh as he cast his four-eyed gaze on the cowboy imp, glossing over the other's overt hostility and, of course, the gun permanently levelled at him; the expression on his strigine features an exquisite study in affable self-immolation, whilst his eyes scanned every detail with predatory precision.
(as a precaution, of course !)
"it still hurts, you know. I feel like we've gotten off on the wrong foot. I would beg you to consider this as you hear me out: as far as moral compass goes, we are more alike than you might think."
his tone was low and honeyed, dangerous yet alluring - the flash of a blade beneath a sheath of silk; the darker the scowl on striker's face, the wider the smile that pulled the avian's beak.
"you are ... exceptionally skilled, I'm sure you know. nobody has ever managed to do to me what you did - your talent is shockingly wasted. so I will cut to the chase - wouldn't you rather take my money and my generous patronage, than my ex-wife's ? I could help you unlock your full potential, if you will allow me. "
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nordrscaar · 1 month
Everything in the world is cyclical, and a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime.
My love for the Witcher universe is a daily act of self-immolation, but as I can't quit wanting to RP it I manage to rise from the ashes as a phoenix once every few years. The initial conditions for this are always the same: the boiling Elder Blood draws me here to search for new experiences.
As Ciri, I'm searching for everyone and anyone. Among the many untouched barrels of Beauclair wine, I'll find a few stories for almost every character.
To rewrite Geralt and Ciri’s story in a Cyberpunk setting? To collide the novice Witcheress against Dettlaff, reimagining Bram Stoker’s eternal Dracula? To send characters into a world of yokai and samurai, a version of America during the Great Depression? To create a wild crossover with Star Wars or merge Neverland with the Seven Kingdoms? Any crazy idea for your florins.
I'll allow myself to cautiously express a particular interest in characters like Emhyr (already have a plot), Cahir, Eredin, Avallac'h, Regis, Mistle, Cerys... and then every character from the saga, as I'd be delighted to play with everyone.
I've been role playing and writing for more than a decade, but for the absence of suitable partners had to abstain for couple of last years. Now, I developed a new circle of obsession and can't seem to keep it down.
English is not my native language and I can make horrible and silly mistakes, but I'm a quick learner and want to believe that my English writing is better than my first language one.
Usually I write 500+ words and can give you at least one answer a day in a literature style.
DM me here or in Discord if interested.
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hellfirebride · 1 year
liveblogging reading the labb novel 3/3
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you've gotta be shitting me
pretending to be possible murder victims with the new bestie ! !
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now you fucked up
jfghdfg mello just being like "now, i don't want to tell everyone about naomi misora's personal details. but i will anyway because it's relevant to how i'm telling the story."
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wedy and aiber my beloved
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"hm i wonder how he knew all that stuff, it's almost- wait a fuckin minute"
i cannot express how much sheer willpower it takes to self-immolate
can't help but wonder about what bb actually looks like under all the makeup.
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haha funee joke 2
i just. cannot believe how absolutely convoluted the nail and string pulley system is??????
Anyone could pull this off, as long as they used strong thread that wouldn't break. If you have time, try it in your own room. As long as you are allowed to hammer nails into the walls.
mello no
i refuse to believe bb died in prison from a heart attack. like, maybe that's the official story, but people like L can just. make people disappear.
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finally some information about those other stories from L.
"the first x to the first z from wammy's house" what??? do they just. cycle through the letters then go back to the start? it almost seems sorta unlikely that each successor generation at the house consisted of the full set of 26?? that'd be so many children. do they retire letters? we know that no one else can be L, sure. but like. are there other As after what happened to the first?
aaaand she just pushed L down the stairs. oops. like, what if he died there, how embarrassing would that be for everyone involved? "oops we need a new L right now, he fell down the stairs and broke his neck. do we have any candidates???" or can you even imagine being the person who accidentally killed the "world's greatest detective" of like. all time?
extra from NISIOISIN's afterword:
Totally irrelevant to you who don't give a damn, but I am very bad at remembering people's names, and no matter how many times I hear them I can easily forget. When you reach my level, using a roundabout expression like "bad at remembering names" is far less accurate than declaring aggressively that you are good at forgetting them.
me too nisioisin. me too.
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chounaifu · 7 months
the cigarette is briefly pulled back from between his lips, arm resting against the railing as he looks back towards the goldenrod skyline, draped in the dusky hues of the setting sun. " one of the only things i haven't forced myself to forget about the time before radio tower was the night before it. "
It was the first time the two of them had returned to Goldenrod together; individually, Proton and Archer frequented the ward for business reasons, but never simultaneously. The Game Corner was still operating at full capacity, which meant that Proton found himself in the city on a monthly basis. Often times, he found his mind wandering to ghosts-- coworkers who had perished on duty on that day. The street of the entertainment district was full of these ghosts. What a coward he was, incapable of looking at them in the eye when he passed by.
There was always enough soju flowing at the izakaya to make the phantoms disappear.
A smoke break on the roof of one of the Rocket-owned buildings in the western part of the city allows the two of them to linger in silence for a while. Traveling together for work purpose didn't necessarily mean that the pair would be spending much time together. Proton had freight for the Game Corner to attend to, while Archer had spent the entire day attending meetings with foreign investors.
Archer breaks the silence, and it causes Proton to stop breathing for a moment, lips parting somewhat, pupils sharpening in surprise.
They had a rule that they agreed upon years ago, an unwritten law that they adhered to without question: we don't talk about what we do, or what we feel, when we're alone.
. . . Of course it's Archer who betrays this creed. It shouldn't shock Proton at this point, not because he is a lawless man, no no, that's far from the truth. He keeps his promises and believes in the structure given to him. But between the two of them, it had always been Archer who turned suggestion into action. How fitting for the man who took up the helm of leadership when they had been abandoned.
Proton's brows furrow, and he huffs through his nostrils, finishing his cigarette and tossing it to the ground, crushing it with his boot. He folds his arms on the railing, turning his head off to the side.
Were they actually about to talk? He swallows, and Proton swears he feels nails slip down his throat.
"-- Y'know, I'm way more of a coward than anybody else," Proton admits quietly, eyes lidding somewhat as he props himself up on an elbow while slouching on the guard rail, slouching with his chin in his hand.
"There was a part of me that wanted to run so fuckin' badly. Not--" he lifts his head and shakes it, still looking away. "Not because I didn't wanna go through with the plan-- but because I knew there was no way back. We were either gonna get the job done, or burn ourselves down tryin'."
And a lot of them did. Proton was prepared to be one of them.
"I wanted to get outta there because," he exhales sharply, taking his hat off and scrubbing a hand through his own hair. Ah man. Nobody's taught him how to speak after muzzling himself so thoroughly.
"Well-- 'cause I wanted to get you outta there too."
A loyal hound dragging his handler away from the fire to prevent an act of self-immolation.
He turns his head and looks at the other man, and he swears he still sees that sorrowful, vulnerable look on his face, drenched in the red light of the radio tower that had flooded their hotel room through the window that night.
"-- You thought we were gonna die too, didn't you?" Proton asks, bringing a thumb up and brushing it against his own lower lip, "That's why we gave in to each other."
Giving in is the most sane way to describe it-- they'd clung to one another in mournful passion with mouthfuls of blood, like beasts struck with starvation. Like terrified lovers who did not want to die with regrets. Though, perhaps the most horrifying thing was not that their lives were at risk-- but that they wordlessly acknowledged a very human emotion that was rooted between the two of them.
That's why the madness he's been struck with has never dissipated.
And so he straightens himself back up somewhat, leaning against the other executive, and slipping an arm around his waist. Proton keeps his head angled to look at him-- thinking back to the way he slipped out of that hotel room like a coward afterwards, instead of ending things the way they had started, with their lips against each other-- he finally returns the kiss.
"We have to go," he speaks up, aware of what time it was. A business contact was meant to meet them in the business car of the Magnet Train back to Saffron.
"Staying in one place for too long is risky."
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bieups · 1 year
2023 세계노동절대회 / 2023 International Labor Day Rally
Yesterday was 노동절 (Labor Day) so I went to the union rally in Seoul~
This short video gives an overall of yesterday, including unfortunate events with the construction workers' union.
[CW: death]
Tragically, a manager/executive (간부) of the construction workers' union in Gangwondo self-immolated Monday morning in response to the government targeting/treatment of unions (particularly the construction workers' union). He was airlifted to a hospital in Seoul but news came out this afternoon that he passed away. Some construction workers' union members in Seoul fought with police near the presidential residence and 4 people were arrested.
My union-related vocabulary is really lacking, so I'm trying to learn in the wild as much as I can.
개악 - change for the worse, retrogressive/undesirable amendment (to the constitution)
저지 - stop, block
심판 - judgment, decision (like in court)
건설 - construction
__지부 - [place] chapter, branch
대장 - leader, head
부장 - department/division head
조합원 - union member
분신 - self-immolation (set yourself on fire)
위원장 - chairperson
탄압 - suppresion, oppression, crackdown on
정권 - government, administration (like "Yoon's administration")
분노 - anger, fury, rage
응징하다 - to punish
지긋지긋하다 - to be tedious, tiresome, fed up with
기득권 - vested rights
양당정치 - two-party politics
용납 - approve of, allow, admit
치졸하다 - dirty, petty
항의 - complaint, protest
연행 - taking someone to a police station (when being arrested)
석방 - release, discharge (from being held/imprisoned)
심문 - interrogation, questioning
이송되다 - to be transferred
쾌유 - recovery ("쾌유를 빌다")
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in-omni-scientia · 1 year
Dearest bookhead, you seem to be *incredibly* stressed— as one would be so outside of their element. Let's fix that, to soothe the nerves.
Do you perhaps have a favorite trivia fact? If it's too hard to choose, then, how about *book* trivia? I'm sure books have a long convoluted history *waiting* to be heard.
I know this ask was from before the end of the whole fiasco that occurred earlier, but I'd still like to answer it anyway. That "favourite fact" thought is nearly complete (for some reason it seems that event gave it a little boost?) so it's helped me come up with something.
Not a lot of people know the author of the wildly popular science fiction novel In System is actually not only supposed to take place in the same universe as the lesser known The Glinting Curve by M. Thibault, but is also written by the same author under a pen name. Thibault claimed in an interview not long before his death he was dissatisfied that In System was such a success that people would buy any book as long as it had "by the same author of In System" on its cover, without considering whether it was actually good writing or not. He believed his younger self did not have the skills to match the popularity. Though his publishers initially objected to it, he eventually negotiated with them to allow him to continue writing without the pen name.
He wrote a few more novels after The Glinting Curve, both under his real name and some other pen names, though none ever caught on quite like his earlier novels - and some manuscripts were even blocked from publishing entirely. He claimed that "they featured an Alliance of working-class folk and a shitty corporate government called the Syndicate and even something that vague got under those god-fearing fuck's skins, I guess -- they've even got the fucking ICP watching me". Moralintern representatives initially declined to comment, though eventually a statement was made which cited "antiquated values" as the reason the manuscripts were pulled. This is Governmeant-speak for "this author used an EPIS-metric fuck-ton of slurs in here and even we decided he needed to tone it down a little". No comment was made on the surveillance.
Whether Thibault was telling the truth is contentious, though he never really got a chance to publish a response to the Moralintern. It was made after his fiery retirement from his writing career, in which he denounced the entire science-fiction genre as "an affront to all that is holy", and claimed "every time someone buys that crap an angel is hit by a spacestatic and their carcasses left on the roads of Heaven to be picked at by the Bitchcclesiastes[sic]". After a period of four months of silence, he was eventually found to be the ringleader of a cult which claimed to be able to grant 'pureté d'âme' and eventually put its members on the same level as the World-Spirit. Members claimed he was a 'kind' leader, offering to shelter and provide food to members without a home to go to. Some may interpret his last actions as that of someone who was not so kind, however, as he locked 15 of the cult's members in an airtight storage closet in his house, set the house ablaze (as he believed that death by fire was the most 'pure' way to 'leave tis[sic] ghastly earth behind') then self-immolated in front of ICP agents. Two other members who were not at the house that night self-immolated in a public square the next day.
Um. That's not my favourite book trivia fact, actually. I'm so sorry.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Wait until my doxxy screechy loser haters realize that the same meta they were themselves screaming against for years was, in fact, mutually intertwined with leaks they never perceived, and built upon those leaks by observation and understanding, yes, but from those kinds of conversations. Alchemy. Kabbalah. Spiral narrative that the crew is all tweeting out now. Literally everything that started their shrill evangelical pearl clutching about Cults.
It just. It doesn't fucking compute to them that they are so many years behind on the discourse of creatives that they can't even comprehend where to start fixing it, because they can't allow themselves to admit they've been flat wrong for over half a decade on... basically everything.
I mean hell, despite proven S12 market testing which costs the company money, despite Bobo nearly quitting, re-signing only for One Thing, which he wrote first, these chuds are STILL trying to save their "NOBODY INTENDED ANYTHING UNTIL THAT MOMENT S15" because, well, they refuse to uproot the basic truth that yeah, you guys were clueless clods for years. They'd rather find a way to argue to save their ego and hope anybody else believes the nonsense.
This is WHY they can never parse what people say or mean. They don't care about Robbie or Jensen's intent now any more than they did Bobo's back then, and you know what, it didn't stop Bobo, and now there's nobody to stop ANYONE. They care about THEIR perspective, THEIR egos, and THEIR ways to save image, and will go out self immolating to the very end.
I don't know who's really been HERE all these years of 2po's screaming failures against all the things that came true, or the lies he invented about others to try to smear them on manipulative emotional and ethos appeals without any kind of logos to it. (You know, ohhhh, people are SO SCARED of Aaron, he MIGHT doxx them, they theorize--while they're the ones that actually got caught doxxing people. At least twice. And they're the ones threatening people at cons. But uwu he's not civil enough. No logic, no reality, just attacks on character since they can't actually attack my leak record.)
Like bro. Reality doesn't care if you hate me or not. That's not how reality works. You can attack my character all you want. I could be a goddamn serial killer or some shit but if what I'm saying is true about a particular topic, it remains being true, regardless if by night I do fucked up shit. Reality doesn't bend to ethical appeals, much less completely made up ones designed to manipulate people emotionally like 2po does.
But like. This is literally The Same Picture. It's been The Same Picture for years. When they denied market testing, intent, a pending confession, the roadhouse, omissions, the pilot script, the morals and premise of the Winchesters, all of it. Deny deny deny, because of their egos and what they WANT to believe, rather than what IS. Over and over again, The Same Picture of the Same Chucklefucks stirring the Same Shit they've been stirring for 6 years to zero success.
And the thing is, if they could let go of the narcissism long enough to adjust their methodology and check their biases and ask WHY they keep getting this shit wrong for years on end vs me, their egos would ACTUALLY TAKE LESS HITS. Every single time among the shit I listed, they had an opportunity to inspect their methodology, but never did, and instead doubled down. At any point, they could have accepted, guess I was wrong there, lemme figure out where I messed up so I figure out how to be right. And then boom! They'd stop failing and getting angry. But they can not let themselves admit this shit, so in result, you get them doubling down for years and years on end, deeper and deeper into the hole, further and further from the truth, because now, well, goddamnit they've committed literal years to being wrong, and they'd have to accept their like, entire fandom presence is Being Wrong All The Time And Being A Complete Joke.
So those same egos, the ones that made them refuse to update at earlier junctions, are just going through trash compactors right now. They feel it, and it's what's causing thrashing like on 2po's blog lately. The pancake flip from trying to yell about his sources, to yelling nobody can have sources because NDAs, to whatever else. Just trying to claw his way down the wall while they realize everything THEY ever had was a fuckin' joke, so maybe they can project that at everyone else, and maybe THAT will save them. But it won't.
Just. Jesus guys. It's okay to be fuckin wrong. But once you make as big a mess as 2po and spnscripthunt and their various mods have, there's really no coming back from it. Because now they've committed THEIR ethos into it, doxxed, threatened, harassed, tried to invade and break into security, whatever the fuck they've done. They gave up ethics while trying to appeal to it. All in desperate irrelevant power cloys vs someone that's laughing at them for what they considered Fandom Power to begin with.
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sparklecryptid · 2 years
Is it an isekai if attempts to change things don't quite work out right tho? And attempts at drastic changes backfire in weird ways?
So like, I'm picturing the slipper chasing thing STILL somehow leading to Feanor getting exiled. But in a 'somehow this caused major property damage' and 'now you're not allowed in Tirion for a few hundred years bc twenty guild leaders signed a petition and also the leader of the bakers guild CRIED Feanor, the terrifying elleth was CRYING in RAGE and I think it's safer for you to get out of town before she hunts you down' kind of exile. Maybe Fingolfin has to go with him in this AU bc the property damage was half his fault.
Moose!Feanor in this verse obviously has a better relationship with his siblings, so maybe they visit, and would Finwe go with Feanor in this verse? IDK
Other non-refusible quests are/were;
Have at least Seven Children (d'you think the System would let Mooseanor change Maitimo's father name to be less insulting to the rest of his family?)
Create Three Silmarils (This ones gonna take some doing. Mooseanor needs to NOT make them out of large chunks of his soul and treelight. Is there a penalty for making this a group project?)
Swear an Oath (okay okay, Mooseanor can do this one. They've surely been working on the wording since they realized where they were and WHO they were. Still a very anxiety inducing count down in the corner window thoooo!)
Follow Melkor to Beleriand (Maybe you're Mooseanor studied boat building for a bit? As a non-smithing hobby! That no one really understands bc I kinda don't picture you liking woodwork much? *G*
Nerdanel, watching Feanor mutter nasty imprecations about the tree this wood came from as he sands down a rough patch: You know love, most people choose a hobby that they find relaxing?
Moose!Feanor, hunching a little: I have no idea what you mean. This is very relaxing!
Nerdanel, fond and completely disbelieving: mmmhmmm *hands over the cold water she brought*)
NOT immolate on the battlefield (self assigned)
Mooseanor: in my defence, nolofinwë interrupted me
Nolofinwë: you went three days without food and water and locked yourself in your smithy.
Mooseanor: okay but I had a reason for it!
System: mission complete the silmarils is 45% complete! Arafinwë is waiting to help you finish it!
Finwë: you need to take better care of yourself. Which is why we are going on a family vacation
Mooseanor: are you sure it’s not because the head of the bakers guild wants to turn me into a roast?
Mooseanor: *remembers what it was like Having All Those Bits and Bobs needed for childbirth* do I. Really need to get my wife pregnant six times?
System: quest: father seven sons is non-negotiable
Mooseanor: I am going to have to buy my wife so many pretty things.
Mooseanor: thank fucking god I was a poet before all this
*swears oath that does not doom people to the void or is magically binding.*
Nerdanel follows him too. Because SOMEONE needs to be the brains of this operation.
Nerdanel: husband dear. Why are you smoking.
Mooseanor: I’m Fine
Nerdanel: of course, and I can pluck the stars from the sky. Please don’t combust
Mooseanor; okay. But you’ll stay by me?
Nerdanel; of course.
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