#|. harrison; int.
sorenrobertson · 3 months
closed starter for @harrisonhayes
location: bubble time
"I think I need something stronger than tapioca pearls after the week that I had. But I'll take your company." Soren mumbled after she sipped from her matcha milk tea, smirking over at her old friend. Apart from her friendship with Jemma, she and Harrison knew each other fairly well too. They'd managed to stay friends throughout the years which she was grateful for, she tended to surround herself with other women, for some reason. But Harrison had always been a great guy, so she liked spending time with him. "What did you get? That one looks better than mine."
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ofnyctophilia · 2 years
open to: masc. identifying muses. plot: your muse and harrison have a bit of tension at the club. loosely inspired by the best scene in television history from skam. muse: harrison mitchell. twenty-one. androsexual. political science major and heir. he/him.
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the son of the not-long-dead mayor at a place like the iceberg lounge, it wasn’t exactly a good look considering the headlines that were already plaguing the mitchell family. but harrison didn’t care. all he wanted at this point was an escape from his life, wanting to lose himself in the crowd of sweaty bodies and strobe lights. he had taken something that he bought from someone at school before arriving at the club and was already in an elated state. his dark curls had gotten considerably messier throughout the night, shirt half unbuttoned as he danced with a stranger. feeling eyes on him, he scanned the crowd only to find someone staring in his direction. he wet his lips as he held their gaze, wondering what was going through their head. instead of daring to approach them, he wanted to see if he would press their buttons a bit. he allowed himself to lean down and begin to kiss the neck of the stranger he was dancing with, careful to keep hold of their gaze as he did.
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herpsandbirds · 1 year
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Bali Myna (Leucopsar rothschildi), family Sturnidae, endemic to Bali, Indonesia
As of 2020, it is assumed that 50 or fewer adults exist int he wild.
photograph by JJ Harrison 
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afairytalestray · 2 years
So last week I saw the UK/Int tour of Cats in Switzerland and oh. My. GOD. I have thoughts and I am going to share them right now! I have vaguely attempted to keep them organised by timeline/character but I scribbled these down at the intermission and on the bus back to my hotel as quickly as I could before I forgot anything (fully made myself travel sick but it was worth it).
Act 1
First thing I noticed was that Demeter, at the start, was so shy and skittish around the other Cats. I think they were definitely playing into the idea that she had just escaped Macavity and come home. The only one she was ok with right away was Bombalurina. They two were so sweet together – Bomba was always making sure she was ok. Dem got really into her role in the Gumbie trio and was having a great old time.
TumbleBailey got to ride on the flying trapeze during JSFJC and he was living his best life. The boy was not happy unless he was gymnastic-ing.
The lift that Munkustrap and Victoria did in ‘98 was done by Coricopat and Tantomile which I thought was fun! Always happy for my boy to get more screen time 💪
Side note: This is my third time seeing Cats, but because of Covid it was my first time getting to see the Cats all come in down the aisles at the start wearing the green goggles! I was in the front row, so I didn’t get the full effect, but it was still cool.
Tugger’s song was so much fun. Harrison Wilde was so energetic! During the number he came down off the stage into the audience (again the first time I got to see this!), and began twirling the security lady and dancing with her. 11/10. Bomba was SO PUT OUT when he said “no” and booped her away – like, she was raging, it was so funny. Munk was so annoyed the whole time. Peak big brother energy.
I got the impression almost right away that Jennyanydots is Cori and Tanto’s mum, they were interacting quite a lot and she was always looking after them. Ditto with Skimbleshanks and Jemima - he was definitely her dad - he was so protective of her when Grizabella showed up, it was adorable! I hadn’t considered that relationship before (despite my love of Skimbledad), so it was super fun.
This Misto does not like rice pudding, this is not a drill! The face he pulled during that line in Bustopher Jones was hilarious, he looked so disgusted. Misto was definitely more of an adult than he was in ‘98 or the Broadway Revival. Liam Mower is a bloody FANTASTIC dancer; I couldn’t take my eyes off him! He was clearly loving life and I appreciated every moment.
This production said Casslonzo RIGHTS and we love to see it. They kept on snuggling up to each other when they were in the background and you can bet your ass I noticed EVERY TIME. We stan a power couple of protectors. Alonzo’s actor Sebastian Goffin's voice was so deep and I was LIVING. Like I was not expecting this voice to come out of this man. Twas brilliant. Cassandra was so beautiful I nearly cried like ma’am PLEASE HAVE MERCY. She was definitely an obvious protector with how she was always looking out for the other Cats. Also during the first song she was lying right in front of me and I had to try so hard not to explode.
Old Deuteronomy was such a loving dad to everyone, he had such a warm vibe and energy and I just wanted to hug him! Like all of these Cats were his babies and he adored them all. He and Jerrie and Teazer had a wee “oh, you”/slightly nervous giggling moment when they had just come back on stage after getting busted in their number and it was excellent.
Cori and Tanto were definitely portrayed as younger than they were in ‘98. Cori in particular reminded me of Misto from ‘98; like an adult and everything, but a young one who still had a bit of kittenish energy. Their wigs were pleated up the sides which I thought was unique and cool, I don’t think I’ve seen Cats wigs like that before! Cori was so pissed when Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer ran under his and Tanto’s arms during the back-and-forth dialogue-y bit of the Jellicle Ball and interrupted them. He enjoyed hissing a lot which I can respect. Nothing but love for my hissy prince. I actually think Milan was covered by a swing on my night. There wasn’t anything saying so, but I don’t think it was Milan? Idk, it could’ve just been the lights or my position. Either way, loved her. This tour gave the twins so many characteristics unique to it and they will definitely affect my headcanons from now on.
Ok but every time Grizabella showed up, Munk genuinely looked like he wanted to/was about to cry, which I thought was an awesome bit of character work. I really got the impression that she was his mum, and she had abandoned him when she left the tribe. Russell Dickson was trying to make me feel things and he succeeded, I was so invested in his performance.
Also, during the ball, he was sitting just below Old Doots on his tyre who was patting his shoulders. A WHOLE DAD AND HIS BOY.
Jemima’s actress Lottie Stephens was also a fantastic dancer who was leaning just on the edge of cryptid and I loved it.
Plato spent a lot of time trying to look like a very distinguished boy and it was so cute. He definitely still had some kittenish moments though. He wass definitely learning to be a protector; every time there was a protector moment on stage he was there, just to the side or behind the others, looking nervous but wanting to make Munk and co. proud.
Act 2
OK OK OK Moments of Happiness? Not usually my favourite song of the show, but there were two excellent moments of personal happiness for me. First, Shakeel’s Cori slinked right over in front of my seat and I became even more unhinged than before, to the surprise of probably 0 people. But SECOND was omg, so Demeter and Munk were sitting a bit apart at the front of the stage and the atmosphere and chemistry between them was literally off the charts. Dem had become more comfy around most of the other Cats throughout Act 1, but here she was acting really nervous and shy. So the two of them locked eyes for a moment and it was EVERYTHING. Like I cannot describe in a human language what they made me feel at that moment but it was SO MANY. Dem almost immediately looked away all shy like, but Munk kept looking at her until the end of the song in the most softest beautiful way. Like omg the acting was SO GOOD and I’m still not normal about it. Like you could tell both of them really liked each other but were too nervous to do anything about it and inside I was screeching infinitely.
Jellylorum my Queen. Aimee Hodnett was actually mind blowing I was totally enraptured. Her expressions and vocals were outstanding. When Old Doots said to Gus “you could do it again” before Pekes and Polls her face was like ‘exsqueeze me sir what are you doing? Desist immediately!’ But then she got involved and it was great.
I really enjoyed that Gus and Munk shared the narration of Pekes and Polls. Gus’ actor Hal Fowler was so expressive and dramatic and everyone was loving it and laughing along with him, and Munk still got his stressed-theatre-director moment.
TumbleBailey was super put out when Gus had his “youths today” lines, like, he proper turned around, folded his arms, and sulked. He was a whole baby and it was precious. PounceBucketty looked a bit more maturely cowed (he was definitelythe big brother of the two), but Cori was actually DEVO’D. Like my boy was so hurt, he needed a big hug from Tanto before Skimble’s song started. Tbh my reaction to Shakeel’s acting throughout the show was practically feral. On the outside I was calm, but inside it was like Guy Fawkes Night, Christmas, and Hogmanay all rolled into one.
Both Cori and Jerrie seemed to be close pals with Tugger – Cori even got a Tugger hug at one point. Shakeel’s Cori is very cuddly and I love it with all my soul. He doesn’t seem to like Jerrie all that much though, which is hilarious to me as a dedicated Coricojerrie stan. Good thing enemies to lovers is a popular trope amirite 👀
Jerrie has so much respect for Skimble it was so sweet. He was really active all throughout his song, helping him out and pointing out when others weren’t doing what they should be (the irony) during the “hilarity and riot” lines. Top notch stuff. He was also the bottom step of the Skimblestairs at the end of the song.
He definitely has respect for Alonzo as well, he was always on his best behaviour when Lonz was nearby. I loved these little character relationship decisions SO MUCH, like you could tell the actors had put a lot of thought into their characters and that they truly cared about the show.
Bomba was in the background for parts of Skimbleshanks, but she started making flexing motions at the “weak or strong” line and Tugger was next to her ooh-ing and ahh-ing appropriately. It sparked so much joy y’all I love her forever.
SPEAKING OF BOMBA HYPE – Macavity. Omg the song slapped! Dem was super spooked, but Bomba? She was absolutely ripping the piss out of Macavity and I loved every second. Not a single facial expression missed, every one clearly read: oh, you think you’re hot stuff? You’ve got NOTHING YOU LOSER. She was so smirky and sassy, almost like she was challenging him to come and have a go.
Macavity Fight was A++ 5 gold stars stuff. Demeter has a moment when “Old Doots” comes back, and it was great how at first everyone was like, “girl wtf get a grip,” only to be like OMG MACAVITY when my Queen rips into him. Mac starts to drag Dem away and then Munk starts to batter him. The fight was super dramatic and gripping, and when Munk went down he went down HARD. But then we got this magical moment when the whole tribe was like “NOT TODAY SATAN” and started fighting back together, and I feel like this production made more out of this moment than others do. Of course it wrecked me, because I am weak. (Also the Cat standing over Munk and protecting him was my angel Cori so I was delighted by that.) After that, Dem and Munk said Demestrap supremacy and the image was so magical of them nuzzling in the light of the single lamp when everything else was dark, it was *chef's kiss*.
So like, I was never sure why I wasn’t the biggest fan of the new Quaxo look for this tour, but now I think it’s because it’s just a bit too different from the Mistoffelees costume? Like I know Jenny also has a really dramatic costume change, but that change happens on stage and we see her transform. But for Misto, this change happens off-stage and we don’t get to see it, so it just seems a bit less smooth of a transition. I know Mistoffelees is kinda like the stage persona of Quaxo, but I guess I prefer it when they’re clearly the same Cat. I presume this was intentional but, and you’re supposed to be like, omg is that really him? But idk, just not my personal fave.
Having said that, IT WAS STILL LITERALLY THE BEST PART OF THE SHOW FOR ME. Because I’m Misto trash so I guess it doesn’t matter. I really liked that they made it a Tugger solo again, I like that a bit better than the duet. Everyone was appropriately surprised and awed at the magic, but it obviously was not new information to Tugger, who was standing there like, “oh, haven’t you heard?”. And the only word for his expression when the dance solo started was adoration, it was so lovely how enamoured he was. And the slow lines when Tugger addresses Old D were so soft and loving and I die. So my hc for this production is that they were close friends up till this point (and Tugger is the only one who knew about the magic), and this is when Tugger realises, oh, I LIKE like him. May write a thing around this later because I am predictable and basic and easily pleased. Also Cass was so nervous about being Misto’s chosen assistant – she wasn’t even volunteering when he picked her! It was such a cute moment.
Then there was more Casslonzo lounging in the background when Grizzy showed up again. Ok so all throughout the show I was worried about Memory, because Jacinta White started really strong in Act 1, and she did again with her big solo and I was like, oh no this is going to fizzle where can it go from here? I have never been happier to be a fool and a jester. That woman has some set of pipes I was blown away. Think my jaw might have literally dropped.
The bows were fab, but especially TumbleBailey. He came out last as usual and did his flippy flips across the stage, but then he decided to do an extra backwards one, and I don't think it was planned as he nearly kicked Jacinta and Martin (Doots) in the face and they looked surprised. Either that or they're really good actors! Everyone was fine though, and they were laughing about it.
But yeah. So glad I splurged on my Swiss weekend and saw this show. Worth it.
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naomirmaid · 2 months
The Magician's Burden Stats Abbreviations
Hyperfixation on The Magician's Burden by Samuel Harrison Young: abbreviations for stat planning.
Mana: m
Coins: c
Charisma: cha
Intimidation: intim
Intelligence: int
Deception: dec
Resolve: res
Diplomacy: dip
Skills and Knowledge
Combat: com
Strength: str
Agility: agi
Stealth: ste
Ranged: ran
Nature: nat
Arcana: arc
Zaleth: Z
Mabelin: Mab
Rigel: R
Keano: K
Violet: V
Mowbow: Mow
Father/Theyo: F
Mother/Hadia: Mot
Percy: P
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david-ennocenti · 1 year
Blood On The Hill - TV Pilot
(Pilot episode) "My Enemy, My Friend"
Horses tied to hitching posts in front of the boarding house. People walk past.
JOHN HARRISON (early 40's) lies on a bed in a room in the boarding house. He overhears the others in the next room.
MAN #1 David Herold is going to bring Powell to Seward's house. Powell will kill Seward. George Atzerodt will get Vice President Johnson and Booth is at Ford's Theater right now.
The action changes to another room in the boarding house. There are three men: MAN #1, MAN #2, and MAN #3. All about 30 years old.
MAN #2 Who changed the plans?
MAN #1 Booth. He'll kill Lincoln. We need to get fresh horses and supplies so they can make it to the Surratt tavern. And from-
The back door to the boarding house is heard - SLAMMED SHUT.
The three men in the room run into the hallway and see the back door is shut.
SARAH SLATER (mid 30's) is half way to the back door when the men enter the hallway.
MAN #1 (to Slater) Sarah, did you see who went out the back?
Sarah turns to face them.
SLATER The boarder, John Harrison.
MAN #2 He overheard the plan. He must be heading to Ford's theater.
Slater runs out the back door. The men start to run out the front door. The third man, Man #1 stops.
MAN #1 My horse is out back.
Man #1 runs out the back door. The others continue out the front.
Man #1 steps out the back door and looks around.
MAN #1 Where's my horse?
Harrison runs past the THEATER EMPLOYEE in the front lobby.
THEATER EMPLOYEE Sir, no one is admitted after the show has started.
HARRISON Did you see John Wilkes Booth come in here?
THEATER EMPLOYEE Yes, are you a friend?
HARRISON Yes, is he here?
THEATER EMPLOYEE He said he was going to greet the President.
HARRISON How do I get to the President's seat?
THEATER EMPLOYEE (pointing) Down that hallway and up the stairs.
Harrison runs down the hall. Slater is at the end near the stairs.
THEATER EMPLOYEE But the guard won't let you in.
HARRISON (as he approaches Slater) Sarah, get out of here. You could be implicated. Booth is planning to get the President.
SLATER Yes, I know, I'm here to help. Follow me.
Harrison follows her.
TELEVISION NEWS ANCHOR And in local news, Senator John Harrison was in Tysons Corner today…
Harrison stands in the kitchen. A Television in the kitchen is tuned to a local news channel. Harrison's picture is on the TV screen, behind the news anchor.
TELEVISION NEWS ANCHOR He held a press conference to discuss his bill The Trafficking Awareness Health Care Act.
Harrison is dressed very conservatively in a dark suit, white shirt, and tie. He loosens his tie as he walks through the kitchen. He rubs his neck. A scar is visible.
B.G. The news cast continues.
He opens the refrigerator and takes out a BOTTLE OF BLOOD marked type O. He pours a glass.
His FANGS show as he brings the glass to his mouth. He drinks the entire glass. He rinses the glass and puts it in the sink. He picks up the remote, turns off the TV, turns out the light and leaves the kitchen.
Congressman TOM CONLIN (40's) stands alone. He ties his jogging shoe laces and then jogs away. The bushes behind him move due to someone, or something, disturbing them.
John Harrison (still looks like late 30's or early 40's), and the TALK SHOW HOST of "Capitol Hill News" are in the studio.
Democrat U.S. Senator DENNIS CARNEY (Mid 40's) is at a remote studio in New York State.
The scene continues to shift between the studios and the park.
TALK SHOW HOST In case you're just joining us, we're talking with Republican Senator from Virginia, John Harrison, who's here in the studio with me. Democrat Senator from New York, Dennis Carney, is in our New York Studio.
The talk show host turns to Harrison.
TALK SHOW HOST Senator Harrison, I understand you are going to Beijing.
HARRISON Yes. We intend to clear the way for development there.
CARNEY That's right, after the trade deficit we have with them, he's going to go and clear the way for his campaign contributors.
TALK SHOW HOST That's how some see it, Senator Harrison.
HARRISON And what's the problem with helping to expand American business and interest.
CARNEY Because you're expanding it where we have a trade deficit. They're practically our enemies.
HARRISON Lincoln once said, if I make my enemy my friend, haven't I defeated my enemy?
CARNEY There he goes again, quoting Lincoln.
TALK SHOW HOST You do seem to have a habit of that Senator.
CARNEY He quotes him so much, you'd think he knew him.
HARRISON I wish I had. I'll tell you this, I wish I could have prevented his assassination.
TALK SHOW HOST Tell us more on why you're going to Beijing.
HARRISON Benson Supermarkets would like to expand into Asia.
CARNEY Benson has donated to his campaign.
HARRISON Can we see your list of donors?
CARNEY The point is Benson is shipping American jobs to Beijing.
HARRISON Not at all. Opening a store in another country doesn't send jobs there.
CARNEY It's money they could invest here. This is the type of nonsense that has my colleague in the House asking the Senate to investigate Senator Harrison.
TALK SHOW HOST You're referring to Congressman Conlin From New York.
City park - Conlin jogging.
TALK SHOW HOST The feud between Conlin and Senator Harrison has been going on for years.
HARRISON Yes, it began when I was a Congressman. Conlin continues it.
CARNEY He has good cause.
TALK SHOW HOST Senator Carney, you've taken up Conlin's cause against Senator Harrison in the Senate.
HARRISON He sure has.
TALK SHOW HOST There's certainly bad blood on the Hill, that's for sure.
CARNEY We have our reasons.
TALK SHOW HOST How do you feel about Congressman Conlin's constant attacks and demands of investigations, Senator Harrison?
HARRISON It's a distraction but, I have my ways of dealing with my enemies.
TALK SHOW HOST Make them your friend?
HARRISON My first option, but I can resort to other means.
Conlin jogs in the public Park.
TALK SHOW HOST We're not going to resolve this tonight. Good luck on your trip to Beijing, Senator Harrison. Senator Carney thank you for joining us. That's going to do it for us tonight. We'll see you tomorrow night on Capitol Hill News.
Congressman Conlin stops, catches his breath, and looks around. There is some movement in the bushes behind Conlin. A car pulls up and Conlin's aid, MARK WALTERS (30's) gets out of the passenger side.
WALTERS Congressman, there's some news about Senator Harrison.
CONLIN What is it?
WALTERS He confirmed he's going to Beijing.
CONLIN Great, he's going for it. I was afraid he'd back out. We've got him.
WALTERS Come on, get in. We need to go to D.C. for a Press Conference.
CONLIN You're right, better coverage in D.C.
Conlin gets in the car and they drive away. Behind where Conlin was standing there is movement in the bushes.
Aerial view of the Capital Dome seen from the front.
Congressman Conlin, standing at the podium, conducts a press conference.
CONLIN The character of Senator Harrison has been questionable for some time. I've questioned his ethics and motives from the time he was a congressman.
REPORTER #1 Is this just another rehash of the same old, same old?
CONLIN Yes and no. Even if I had nothing new, what's in his past is questionable enough. Time doesn't erase it. He decided to go to Beijing to transact some business. Despite our trade problems.
REPORTER #2 He has the right.
CONLIN Listen, one of his biggest donors is Benson Supermarkets. They want to expand business into Asia. That's the purpose behind his going there.
REPORTER #1 Are you saying there is something illegal about it?
CONLIN At the very least unethical.
REPORTER #1 In what way?
CONLIN Senator Harrison is taking contributions from a business while he is also negotiating a deal for that business with a foreign nation.
REPORTER #3 How do you know he's negotiating?
CONLIN Because he's going to that foreign nation with his donor client.
REPORTER #2 You don't know he's negotiating.
CONLIN It has the appearance of impropriety.
REPORTER #3 But you don't know that there is anything improper going on.
CONLIN Are you familiar with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?
CONLIN Well you will be. I'm going to make sure we look into this. That's it for now.
Conlin walks away as reporters keep asking questions.
Harrison and his Chief of Staff, MICHAEL STOKES (Early 30's), watch the press conference on TV.
Harrison shuts off the TV as the conference ends.
STOKES We have to do something about this.
HARRISON Why? We're within the law.
STOKES The problem is public perception. Like he said, the appearance of impropriety. It could put too much heat on you in the public eye.
HARRISON So you think we need to counter his attacks?
STOKES Yes, especially for three years from now.
HARRISON If I announce my candidacy for President?
STOKES What do you mean if?
HARRISON You realize it depends on who gets elected President this year.
STOKES I know.
HARRISON What do you suggest we do?
STOKES Start with what we have. We know plenty about him.
HARRISON Like what?
STOKES We know his habits, his lifestyle. We're reviewing his voting record. And, we've been following him.
HARRISON Do you have a plan?
STOKES We know he's an avid jogger.
HARRISON How does that help us?
STOKES Go on your trip to Beijing. I'll take care of things here.
Harrison shakes is head.
Aerial view of the Capitol Dome at night.
A number of Senators and members of Congress are in a conference room. Harrison is at the head of the table. In attendance SENATOR FROM MARYLAND, CONGRESSMAN FROM VIRGINIA, CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VIRGINIA, and a few others.
There are a couple of glasses of blood on the tables.
The door to the room opens. Harrison walks in.
HARRISON Bringing those refreshments in here is not a good idea.
CONGRESSMAN FROM VA Don't worry we'll take them with us when we leave.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA It's still not a good idea. What if someone gets past the guard outside the door?
HARRISON Or, what if someone spills it. Don't do it again.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA You'd think all of you would know better.
Harrison looks around.
HARRISON Not a very good turn out.
SENATOR FROM MD That's because congress isn't in session.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA Only those of us from Maryland and Virginia are here for this meeting.
HARRISON Then why was it called? What's the big issue.
SENATOR FROM MD The big issue is you're getting too much exposure.
HARRISON What do you expect? I've been in the Senate two terms.
CONGRESSMAN FROM VA Yes, but it's the kind of attention you're drawing.
HARRISON Look, I can't help it if Conlin and his Senate sidekick-
SENATOR FROM MD Dennis Carney?
HARRISON Yes, Dennis the Menace.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA You can't help it if what?
HARRISON I can't help it if they're going to constantly feud with me.
SENATOR FROM MD No, but you didn't have to advertise your trip to Beijing.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA And for what, to work out deals for your campaign contributors?
HARRISON I went on the talk show with Carney to quiet those rumors.
SENATOR FROM MD Instead it fueled them.
CONGRESSMAN FROM VA And kept the spotlight on you.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA So, we don't need the spotlight on us.
HARRISON Look, we're in the House and Senate, expect the spotlight.
SENATOR FROM MD And what are you going to do about the feuding?
HARRISON I'll take care of Conlin. Stokes, my Chief of Staff, is working on it. Things will be different when I return from Asia.
CONGRESSMAN FROM VA In the meantime, how do we stop the rumors that you plan to run for President?
HARRISON We don't.
SENATOR FROM MD You in the White House? That would be real low profile, wouldn't it?
HARRISON I'm not worried about it.
SENATOR FROM MD Because old Senators can fade way.
CONGRESSMAN FROM VA Old Presidents can't.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA Have you thought about that?
SENATOR FROM MD After Presidents leave office they stay in the public eye, Senators don't.
HARRISON I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA You've been through this before.
HARRISON About a hundred years ago.
CONGRESSMAN FROM VA And you backed down then.
HARRISON It was time to recycle and hibernate.
SENATOR FROM MD Disappear and reinvent yourself.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA Which is what you should do now.
SENATOR FROM MD My point exactly.
CONGRESSMAN FROM VA A vampire President can be trouble for all of us.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA It's bad enough some people think Nixon was one of us.
HARRISON Just let me handle it. One of us in the White House has it's benefits.
Harrison gets up and leaves.
Harrison is with his campaign donor JOSEPH BENSON (50's), from Benson Supermarkets and a Beijing business man, BOLIN CHEN (50's).
HARRISON I'm going to leave you two alone to discuss your business. I'll be in the lobby.
BENSON Oaky, Bolin and I can discuss our options. We'll get you when we're done.
CHEN (Mandarin accent) Fine Senator. I am sure we can work this out.
HARRISON It's best I stay out of it.
Harrison leaves the room and shuts the door behind him.
Harrison walks out to the lobby and sits on a couch. The lobby is empty.
The scene shifts between the conference room and the lobby.
Benson and Chen continue their discussion.
BENSON You know this is going to cost quite a bit.
CHEN How much?
BENSON Perhaps 100 million U.S. Dollars for starters.
Harrison has his finger near his ear, like he is listening. He jumps up and looks startled. He pauses a second and runs out the front door of the Hotel and is gone down the street.
Men in plain clothes, guns drawn, break in through a back door in the conference room.
SAUNDERS FBI AGENT FBI. Freeze. Put your hands up.
FBI AGENT #2 Where's Harrison?
BENSON In the lobby.
FBI Agent #2 runs out to the lobby.
FBI Agent #2 Looks around the lobby. Harrison is not in sight. The agent returns to the conference room.
FBI AGENT #2 He's gone, someone must have tipped him off.
CHEN How? He just walked out a minute ago.
FBI AGENT #2 Well, he's gone. He couldn't have heard us all the way in the lobby.
SAUNDERS FBI AGENT How could he disappear that quickly?
FBI AGENT #2 Who tipped him?
CHEN It wasn't us.
BENSON What's this about?
SAUNDERS FBI AGENT It's about bribing foreign officials.
BENSON What foreign official?
FBI AGENT #2 (pointing at Chen) Him.
CHEN I'm a business man.
BENSON He's not a foreign official.
SAUNDERS FBI AGENT No matter. Cuff them and let's go.
There are banners in the room "Re-Elect Sarah Slater to New York Assembly."
SARAH SLATER (still looks like mid 30's) very attractive, speaks to the crowd. She is dressed like it's a press conference.
Applause in the room, dies down.
SLATER Thank you everyone for making this a successful fund raiser. A special thanks to my Chief of Staff, Jack Townsend. I plan to continue to serve Rochester as assemblywoman. Everyone enjoy the rest of the evening.
Slater steps away from the microphone and approaches her chief of staff, JACK TOWNSEND (mid 40's). He is dressed casually.
TOWNSEND My work is done here.
SLATER Thanks again, Jack.
TOWNSEND I'm headin' home.
SLATER Good night. I'm heading home soon myself. It's been a long day.
Townsend leaves. Slater returns to the crowd.
Townsend exits the party house through the door leading to the parking lot. He continues walking.
Conlin is jogging. He stops. He bends over, puts his hands on his knees, and takes a deep breath.
Suddenly someone jumps out from between the bushes, grabs Conlin, and drags him behind the bushes.
TWO ROCHESTER POLICE OFFICERS in uniform, examine the taped off crime scene.
OFFICER #1 Looks like he was murdered somewhere else and dragged here.
OFFICER #2 I think you're right. Not much of a struggle here, just some evidence of movement.
A WOMAN OFFICER in uniform, approaches.
WOMAN OFFICER That looks like Congressman Conlin.
OFFICER #2 How can you tell in that condition?
WOMAN OFFICER It just looks like him. Any I.D. on the body?
OFFICER #2 No wallet. Could have been a robbery.
WOMAN OFFICER He was jogging he probably left it in his car.
OFFICER #1 Then why drag the body back here through the bushes after the murder?
OFFICER #2 We've got other officers looking around to see if a struggle happened nearby.
OFFICER #1 Have them check for parked cars.
WOMAN OFFICER What makes you think he was murdered elsewhere?
OFFICER #1 Look at his condition, he looks mangled. But, not much evidence of a struggle.
OFFICER #2 There's also little blood here. It's like he bled to death and was brought here later.
OFFICER #1 Or, at least after the blood clotted.
OFFICER #1 (to the woman officer) Call the congressman's office. See if they have anything on his whereabouts.
WOMAN OFFICER So you think it's Conlin?
OFFICER #1 No, but you do.
The woman officer pulls out her cell phone and walks away, typing on it.
OFFICER #2 If it's Conlin, we have to call the FBI.
Harrison's SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST is sitting at her desk. Harrison comes walking in. He looks disheveled.
SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST What happened to your trip?
HARRISON Cut short.
SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST Michael said you were coming in.
HARRISON Where is he?
HARRISON Has Joe Benson's people called?
HARRISON Call his office and get me someone in charge there.
Harrison walks through the office and stops at Stokes door. He pokes his head in.
HARRISON My office.
Stokes follows Harrison into his office. Harrison sits at his desk, Stokes sits in a chair in front of it.
STOKES Want to clue me in?
HARRISON All I know is I was out in the lobby letting the two of them talk. I could hear the bust going down from the lobby. So I ran. Got on a plane. Here I am.
STOKES There's been nothing in the news about the bust.
HARRISON I wonder why?
STOKES Maybe they're waiting to see what you do.
HARRISON It's been two days. Not a word?
Harrison picks up the remote on his desk and turns on his office TV. The TV is tuned to one of the news stations.
HARRISON Let's keep an eye on this.
STOKES Any clue about the bust?
HARRISON I heard them shout violation of the FCPA.
STOKES You could hear that all the way in the lobby?
Harrison taps his ear.
STOKES But wasn't there noise out in the lobby?
HARRISON No, fortunately it was empty.
TWO FBI AGENTS are at the scene with two Rochester Police Department Officers. Officer #1 approaches.
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #1 (to Officer #1) Do we have a positive I.D.?
OFFICER #1 It's Conlin.
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #2 Okay, let's find a cause of death and start making a list of the usual suspects.
OFFICER #1 Suspects?
OFFICER #2 He's a Congressman, that list could be endless.
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #2 Fortunately for you, we're the ones working the case now.
The two FBI agents are in a conference room.
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #1 I want to know who his friends and enemies in Congress were. What committees he served on. Which ones he may have chaired. What bills he sponsored or co-sponsored, maybe more important, which ones he opposed.
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #2 Remember, it could have been just a random murder. His staff said he jogged there nearly every night.
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #1 A victim of habit makes for an easy target.
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #1 The evidence looks like he was murdered elsewhere and brought there.
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #2 Who would do that?
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #1 Someone trying to hide something?
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #2 We should consider friends, acquaintances, possible affairs.
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #1 We need to call the Capitol City Police Department.
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #2 Why not the D.C. office of the bureau?
ROCHESTER FBI AGENT #1 Protocol. It's their jurisdiction.
Harrison and Stokes are in Harrison's office. The Television is still on the news channel.
HARRISON I'm beginning to think the FBI realizes they don't have a case.
STOKES They should have known that going in.
HARRISON They may not have cared.
STOKES Could be that they're dropping it because they missed you.
HARRISON Or, they're busy trying to get Benson and Chen to implicate me.
STOKES Implicate you in what? You know there were no violations.
HARRISON True, unless they want to manufacture something. After all, they did jump the gun on the bust. No one said anything incriminating.
STOKES You sure?
HARRISON I heard every word. I stayed just far enough away.
STOKES What would have made them jump the gun? They must have heard something.
Harrison SCOFFS.
HARRISON Those fools.
HARRISON Benson said it would cost about 100 million. They must have thought that was a bribe.
Harrison eyes the TV, grabs the remote and turns up the volume.
HARRISON Hold it. Something about Conlin.
Harrison and Stokes turn their attention to the T.V. There is a photo of Conlin behind the news anchor.
TELEVISION NEWS ANCHOR Police in Rochester New York are reporting that Congressman Conlin has been found murdered in a public park.
HARRISON Is that how you took care of it?
STOKES I had nothing to do with this. He left for Rochester right after his last press conference.
HARRISON That doesn't exactly exonerate you. You did say you were following him.
STOKES Here. Not Rochester. We knew he jogged at night in D.C.
HARRISON What did you expect to gain from knowing he jogged?
STOKES We figured maybe you could accidentally bump into him off Capitol Hill and talk to him.
HARRISON Fat chance of him making amends.
STOKES You're the one who said, make my enemy my friend.
HARRISON He's never forgiven me for blocking his accounting and finance bill.
STOKES You were pretty adamant about it.
HARRISON Because the bill would have left no trust in the financial markets.
STOKES I know, I know.
TELEVISION NEWS ANCHOR We are breaking away to a press conference at the Capitol.
The scene cuts away to the press conference.
The scene intercuts between the Harrison's office and the Press conference.
CARNEY I called this press conference to express my deep sympathy over the tragic murder of my friend and colleague, Congressman Tom Conlin. My deepest condolences to his family.
REPORTER AT CARNEY CONFERENCE Senator, do you have any opinion of the comment Senator Harrison made during your appearance together on Capitol City News?
CARNEY You mean how he would take care of his enemies?
HARRISON He we go.
STOKES Starting already.
CARNEY Not really. The whole world heard it. Let the police take care of it. We all know of their feud.
REPORTER #2 AT THE CARNEY CONFERENCE Do you think the feud between you and Senator Harrison will continue?
CARNEY No further questions.
Carney steps away as the reporters shout out questions.
HARRISON Oh, he doesn't want to comment at this time he just wants to throw some red meat out for the vultures.
TELEVISION NEWS ANCHOR In case you missed it earlier, this is the comment Harrison made on Capitol City News. The one referred to in the Carney press conference.
Harrison grabs the remote and shuts off the TV with a quick click. He drops it on the desk.
STOKES You realize that question was a plant?
HARRISON Ya think?.
STOKES That's going to be the sound bite of the week.
HARRISON Completely out of context. Cherry picked.
STOKES It'll continue until the next big sound bite.
Townsend charges into Slater's office.
TOWNSEND Did you hear about Conlin?
SLATER No, what about him?
TOWNSEND He was murdered last night.
SLATER That's awful.
She looks at Townsend's grinning face.
SLATER What's with the smile?
TOWNSEND Do you realize it's an election year?
Slater looks around at the election posters.
TOWNSEND You've made it known you want Conlin's seat in the House someday.
Slater is silent for a while and stares.
TOWNSEND What's the matter?
SLATER What's the matter is…I've made it known I want Conlin's seat in the House someday.
SLATER So? Am I going to be a suspect because I voiced my ambitions?
TOWNSEND Maybe, but don't worry about that.
SLATER Don't worry about that!
TOWNSEND Did you murder him?
SLATER Why would you ask me that question?
TOWNSEND That's not the right answer.
SLATER Of course I didn't murder him.
TOWNSEND That's better.
SLATER So now what?
TOWNSEND You announce your candidacy. But to be safe wait until someone else announces first.
SLATER Wouldn't it be better if I were the first to announce?
TOWNSEND Maybe if he died of natural causes. And even then only after you expressed your admiration and condolences.
SLATER What if it's someone I couldn't beat?
TOWNSEND Of all the possible candidates I doubt there is anyone you can't beat.
Townsend pauses a moment.
TOWNSEND Just to be safe, I'll go to the Democrat headquarters and ask them to announce that one of the County Legislators in your district is seeking the nomination.
SLATER What good does that do?
TOWNSEND Then you announce you're seeking the nomination for Conlin's seat. The legislator steps down.
SLATER How are you going to convince them?
TOWNSEND I'll point out how having someone announce then withdraw when you enter will keep this in the news longer for the Democrats.
SLATER Why are you so concerned that it doesn't look like I killed him.
TOWNSEND Just being cautious. When you announce your candidacy, you also endorse the legislator for your assembly seat. That way everyone comes out looking good.
SLATER You seem to have it all figured out.
Slater pauses a moment turns her head away from Townsend then back to him.
SLATER Did you kill him?
TOWNSEND Why would you ask me that question?
SLATER That's not the right answer.
TOWNSEND It doesn't matter about me, I'm not the one running.
Townsend leaves.
SLATER Yeah. You're not running.
SHALLAMAR BOUDREAUX,(30), an attractive and physically fit woman kicks and punches a heavy bag. She is dressed in an all white karate gi and a black belt. The phone at the main desk rings and a MAN AT THE DOJO DESK, dressed in plain clothes answers.
MAN AT THE DOJO DESK (into the phone) Yes, she's right here.
The man puts the phone on hold and yells.
MAN AT THE DOJO DESK Sensei Shallamar, phone call.
BOUDREAUX (hitting the bag) Take a message.
MAN AT THE DOJO DESK It's the Capitol City Police.
Shallamar hits the bag once more, grabs a towel, wipes her face as she walks over to the desk. She answers the phone.
BOUDREAUX Sergeant Boudreaux.
The scene shifts between the Dojo and the Police department.
Capitol City Police officer PHILIP KIRBY, (mid-20's) physically fit, sits at his desk.
KIRBY You weren't answering your cell so I thought I'd try you here.
BOUDREAUX Good guess Sherlock. What's so important?
KIRBY Congressman Conlin was murdered last night.
KIRBY In Rochester New York.
BOUDREAUX In Rochester? So what are we supposed to do, fly there and investigate?
KIRBY They want us to go to the Senate office building and speak to Senator Harrison.
KIRBY They say he made a threat. I'll fill you in when you get here.
Boudreaux hangs up the phone and takes a deep breath.
Senator Harrison sits at his desk. He is on the phone.
HARRISON (into the phone) Thanks. This is good to know.
He hangs up the phone.
Harrison's Secretary is sitting at her desk. Sergeant Boudreaux and officer Kirby arrive in plain clothes. Boudreaux flashes her badge as she approaches the desk.
BOUDREAUX We'd like to see Senator Harrison.
SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST I'll ask him if he's available.
BOUDREAUX Suggest to him that he be available.
SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST (into the phone) Capitol City police are here.
She hangs up the phone.
Boudreaux and Kirby enter the office
BOUDREAUX Senator, I'm Sergeant Boudreaux and this is officer Kirby.
The officers take their seats in front of Harrison's desk.
BOUDREAUX You probably know why we are here.
BOUDREAUX Other than the murder of Congressman Conlin, is there anything else we should be looking into?
HARRISON What does his murder have to do with me?
KIRBY Your feud is well known.
HARRISON Well known, or did you look it up?
KIRBY It's well known.
BOUDREAUX And it's easy to look it up. What do you know about the murder?
HARRISON Am I a suspect?
BOUDREAUX You're a person of interest.
KIRBY You had motive.
HARRISON As does two thirds of congress and half his constituents.
BOUDREAUX I'll ask again, what do you know about the murder?
HARRISON Only what's been reported in the news.
BOUDREAUX Nothing more?
HARRISON Why would I know more?
KIRBY That's what we'd like to know.
BOUDREAUX Look it's really no secret that you two have been feuding.
HARRISON Many of us feud.
BOUDREAUX Not like you two.
KIRBY Word is it was Conlin who contacted the FBI and set up the sting on your campaign donor.
Boudreaux gives Kirby a stern look.
HARRISON Who says he was my campaign donor?
KIRBY He contributed to your Super PAC.
Boudreaux gives him another look.
HARRISON That's all on public record. I'm not hiding anything, Never do.
KIRBY Never?
HARRISON I'm a Senator. What do you think?
BOUDREAUX Weren't you there when the bust came down?
HARRISON Should I have an attorney present?
KIRBY That's not necessary.
BOUDREAUX We're not charging you with anything.
HARRISON How do you know it was Conlin who set me up?
BOUDREAUX So you were there?
Harrison fidgets a bit.
HARRISON Not really. But my donor-
KIRBY Your donor? I thought you said he wasn't your donor.
HARRISON So you're saying my acquaintance was set up in the hopes that I would be present.
BOUDREAUX And you're saying you weren't?
HARRISON Did the FBI say I was?
BOUDREAUX They saw you go in, but not come out.
KIRBY And Senator Carney is asking for an investigation.
BOUDREAUX Violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
HARRISON Which is quite a stretch since I wasn't present.
BOUDREAUX That remains to be seen from the investigation. Bribing a foreign official is a serious matter.
HARRISON There is no foreign official and just what would you know about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?
BOUDREAUX I studied the FCPA as an accounting student.
HARRISON Accounting student? So why did you become a cop?
BOUDREAUX I have a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Police Science.
HARRISON Why, both?
BOUDREAUX That's needed to become an FBI agent.
HARRISON So why aren't you with the FBI?
BOUDREAUX I'm working on it.
HARRISON Maybe I can help you with that.
BOUDREAUX What do you mean by that?
HARRISON You help me in some way and I'll see what I can do to get you in the FBI.
BOUDREAUX That sounds like a conflict of interest.
HARRISON Not at all. I wash your back, you wash mine.
BOUDREAUX Besides a bad visual, that sounds like a bribe.
BOUDREAUX How about if we ask the questions?
KIRBY You started to say something about your accomplice.
HARRISON Acquaintance.
KIRBY What did you mean when you said on Capital Hill News, you have ways of dealing with your enemies?
HARRISON Nothing. Look is there anything you want from me with all this badgering?
BOUDREAUX Not at this time. The FBI in New York asked us to talk to you.
HARRISON Why didn't they send agents from their D.C. office?
KIRBY This is our jurisdiction.
BOUDREAUX So, where were you when Conlin was murdered?
HARRISON You know very well where I was.
KIRBY But you denied being in Beijing.
HARRISON I said, I wasn't in the meeting.
KIRBY So you were there. It doesn't exonerate you.
BOUDREAUX Al Capone was in Florida when his enemies were killed in Chicago on Valentines Day.
HARRISON Yes, I remember.
KIRBY You remember?
HARRISON I recall, okay? Do you have anymore questions? Something specific?
KIRBY We'd like your personal financial records.
BOUDREAUX You can turn them over or we'll get a court order for them.
HARRISON Why? Has this talk of Capone given you the idea of charging me with income tax evasion?
BOUDREAUX That's the Treasury Department.
KIRBY We can refer it to them if you'd like.
BOUDREAUX We're requesting them because the FBI wants them.
HARRISON You mean they want to see if there's a money trail linking me to Conlin's murder.
KIRBY Is there?
BOUDREAUX There may be other things they're looking for.
HARRISON Tell them get a court order, a warrant or whatever they need for that. In the meantime I'll contact my attorney. This interrogation is over.
Harrison stands and begins to come out from behind his desk.
Boudreaux and Kirby stand, Boudreaux hands Harrison her card.
BOUDREAUX Here, if you think of anything.
HARRISON You mean anything that can exonerate me?
BOUDREAUX Anything that helps us solve the case.
Harrison looks at her card.
HARRISON Okay, (reading the card) Sergeant Shallamar Boudreaux. Interesting first name.
BOUDREAUX My mother liked the perfume, but not the spelling. If you think of anything, call.
Boudreaux and Kirby leave. Harrison follows behind, pokes his head into Stokes office and indicates, by pointing, he wants to see Stokes in his office.
Stokes jumps up from behind his desk and follows Harrison into Harrison's office.
HARRISON Shut the door.
STOKES What was that about?
STOKES Were they accusing you?
HARRISON I'm just one of the suspects. They claim I had motive.
STOKES Many people had motive. The network keeps showing that clip of you.
HARRISON Still out of context I'm sure.
STOKES Of course.
HARRISON They arrived while I was on a call from our FBI contact in Rochester. It was a vampire who did the killing.
STOKES Are they saying that on the news.
HARRISON Are you serious?
STOKES How can our contact be so sure.
HARRISON The evidence points to a vampire killing. The police just think the fact that Conlin lost so much blood that he bled elsewhere and was dumped there.
STOKES So what do we do?
HARRISON I don't know. What do you know about this?
STOKES Are you accusing me.
HARRISON You said you were going to take care of it.
STOKES Now who's being ridiculous?
HARRISON Look let's circle the wagons. I did find out one thing from those two, it was Conlin who set up the sting.
STOKES Now what?
HARRISON Now we cooperate and just go about business as usual. As for the woman cop, I say we keep her close.
STOKES Why is that?
HARRISON She could come in handy for our own needs. She's very sharp.
STOKES She's also involved in the investigation.
HARRISON All the more reason to keep her close. Besides, I've got nothing to hide.
Boudreaux and Kirby walk to their car.
BOUDREAUX You realize you gave him information he shouldn't have.
KIRBY Like what?
BOUDREAUX Like it was Conlin who set up a sting on him. He now has information that could interfere with the investigation.
KIRBY I didn't think that was a problem.
BOUDREAUX And, you told him we know Benson donated money to his Super Pac.
KIRBY What is that going to hurt?
BOUDREAUX He now knows we see the financial gain he has.
KIRBY It's not illegal for him to do that.
BOUDREAUX No, but it looks unethical. Look, just try not to give out any information that's not necessary. It makes them know what you're thinking and that makes you vulnerable.
Slater stands at a podium with microphones from several news stations. Campaign signs are on the wall behind her. County legislator MARK GIVENS is with her.
SLATER I imagine everyone wonders why I called this press conference. It's to pledge my support for Mark Givens for New York State assembly.
The crowd applauds.
SLATER That's because I am announcing my candidacy for Congress.
More applause.
Harrison sits at his desk with Stokes in the seat in front. The T.V. is on in his office tuned to the station covering Slater's press conference.
Harrison picks up the remote and turns up the volume.
HARRISON Oh my god.
HARRISON It's Sarah Slater.
SLATER (on TV) I'm looking forward to campaigning for Congress and and representing my constituents in Washington.
HARRISON So, she's running for Conlin's seat. I wonder.
STOKES You have a history with her or something?
HARRISON You could say that.
John Harrison walks into the Surratt tavern. He approaches the bar and strikes up a conversation with the bartender. Sarah Slater sits at a nearby table with JOHN WILKES BOOTH.
HARRISON Excuse me, I wonder if you can tell me where I can find John Surratt.
Sarah Slater appears to overhear the conversation and approaches.
HARRISON Do you know when he might be in?
BARTENDER SURRATT TAVERN He's away on business.
SLATER Excuse me, may I ask what your interest might be with John Surratt? He's a friend of mine.
HARRISON It's a little personal.
SLATER His mother may be in later.
HARRISON His mother?
SLATER Yes, his mother, most people have them.
HARRISON I didn't think she would still be alive.
SLATER Why is that?
HARRISON I believe John has to be in his 50's so I just thought…
SLATER Oh. I'm afraid you must have the wrong John Surratt, he's in his twenties.
HARRISON Yes, I guess I do. I was told that John and Mary Surratt own this tavern.
SLATER Yes, that would be Mary and John Senior. He passed away a year ago. I thought you meant John Junior.
HARRISON John Junior?
SLATER Yes, John and Mary's son.
HARRISON Oh, of course.
SLATER What did you want to see John Senior about?
HARRISON Like I said, it's personal.
SLATER Would you care to see Mary? She still owns this tavern. She should be at her Boarding house in D.C.
HARRISON I seriously doubt she would want to hear from me.
SLATER Sounds like you have a really deep secret.
HARRISON You could say that.
SLATER A dark past perhaps?
HARRISON Perhaps. You mentioned a boarding house. Might there be a room available?
SLATER A good chance. Why don't you have a seat over here with us and chat for a minute.
Slater walks back to the table and rejoins the man she was sitting with. Harrison follows her.
SLATER My name is Sarah, and you're?
HARRISON John Harrison.
SLATER Really?
HARRISON Yes, Really. You seem surprised.
SLATER In a way. Harrison happens to be John Junior's middle name.
HARRISON Interesting.
SLATER It is intriguing, isn't it? John Harrison this is John Wilkes Booth.
HARRISON The actor?
JOHN WILKES BOOTH That would be me.
HARRISON What a pleasure to meet you. Are you in town for a performance?
JOHN WILKES BOOTH No, I have other business to attend to.
HARRISON I wish you luck with it. (to Slater) Listen, I have to head back to D.C. I need to find a room. The Surratt boarding house?
SLATER It's at 604 H Street North West. Ask for Mary, tell her Sarah Slater sent you.
HARRISON Thank you, I will do that.
SLATER You must be disappointed that John Senior is deceased.
SLATER Your deep dark secret intrigues me.
HARRISON Maybe we'll meet again.
SLATER Certainly, I spend a lot of time at the boarding house.
STOKES So you actually met John Wilkes Booth?
STOKES Did you ever tell Slater what your deep secret was?
HARRISON You mean that I'm John Surratt Senior's bastard son?
STOKES You are?
HARRISON Yes. I told her later.
STOKES Did you ever tell Mary Surratt?
HARRISON Didn't have a chance to.
STOKES Why not?
HARRISON She was hung for the assassination of Lincoln.
STOKES Seriously?
HARRISON Seriously, my half-brother's mother.
STOKES Did you ever see Booth again?
HARRISON No, I just missed him.
Slater wraps up her press conference in New York on TV.
Slater and Townsend are alone in her office.
SLATER We need to raise more campaign money.
TOWNSEND I'm way ahead of you. I started a Super Pac.
SLATER Already?
TOWNSEND Yes, I'm calling it Cross of Gold.
SLATER Where did that name come from?
TOWNSEND Sometimes if you hide things in plain sight, no one notices.
SLATER Am I missing something?
TOWNSEND Nothing you need to know. But maybe the cross part will get some religious types to donate.
Slater gives him a confused look.
FBI Agent Saunders and FBI Agent #2 walk into Slater's office and approach the receptionist.
FBI AGENT #2 (showing his badge) We're here to see Assemblywoman Slater.
SLATER'S RECEPTIONIST I'll tell her you're here.
The receptionist picks up the phone and calls Slater.
SLATER'S RECEPTIONIST The FBI is here to see you.
The receptionist hangs up the phone.
SLATER'S RECEPTIONIST It's straight to the back.
The FBI agents head back to Slater's office.
As the agents enter the room, Townsend leaves. They shut the door behind him.
SAUNDERS FBI AGENT Assemblywoman, can you tell us where you were the night congressman Conlin was murdered?
SAUNDERS FBI AGENT Just answer the question please.
SLATER You certainly don't believe I killed him?
FBI AGENT #2 And why wouldn't we?
SLATER From what I read in the paper, the killing was awfully violent. Do you really think I'm capable of doing that to anyone?
SAUNDERS FBI AGENT At this point everyone is a suspect.
FBI AGENT #2 You had the most to gain from his murder.
SLATER Maybe you should talk to the Republican candidate for congress.
FBI AGENT #2 We've done that already.
SLATER Gee, and I thought you said I was the most likely suspect.
SAUNDERS FBI AGENT No, we said you had the most to gain.
SLATER So did his Republican opponent.
FBI AGENT #2 Where were you the night he was murdered?
SLATER I was at a campaign fund raiser. A dinner with my staff and my supporters. You can verify it.
SAUNDERS FBI AGENT Okay, we will do that. That's all for now.
SLATER So now what? You gonna tell me not to leave town?
SAUNDERS FBI AGENT Not yet anyway. We will have to talk to your staff as well.
Saunders looks at Slater and addresses her
SAUNDERS FBI AGENT Shall we meet your staff.
SLATER Sure, this way.
Slater leads the agents out of her office into the outer office.
Townsend sits in his living room; decorated like a red neck's humble abode. A Confederate battle flag is on the wall. He reads the newspaper. Country music is playing on his stereo.
The room with a conference table in the middle. All the seats are filled. Included are Congresswoman from VA, Congressman from VA, MAN SENATOR FROM NV, MAN SENATOR FROM PA, and WOMAN SENATOR FROM WI.
Harrison is at the head of the table and addresses everyone.
HARRISON Do we have anything new to report?
There is silence. All the members exchange looks.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA Yes. We've decided that you need to lay low for a while.
CONGRESSMAN FROM VA You're front page news right now.
MAN SENATOR FROM PA Sort of like the Mafia Don being in the news too much.
MAN SENATOR FROM NV It draws too much attention to us.
HARRISON Are you all crazy? They don't know we exist.
CONGRESSMAN FROM VA We'd like to keep it that way.
HARRISON What makes you think I had anything to do with any of these accusations?
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA You're not being accused.
HARRISON Suspected then. How about some support? You can't possibly believe I'm guilty.
WOMAN SENATOR FROM WI What we think is not important, it's what the media thinks.
MAN SENATOR FROM NV And that influences what the public thinks. It reflects on all of us.
HARRISON The Republican party?
WOMAN SENATOR FROM WI Yes, Republican's too.
HARRISON Don't be ridiculous.
MAN SENATOR FROM NV The media doesn't like many members of the GOP.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA That's the Republican's problem, it's not our problem.
CONGRESSMAN FROM VA Your party thinks all Republicans are vampires.
The Congresswoman from VA SCOFFS.
MAN SENATOR FROM PA There is a segment out there who thinks that of Congress as a whole.
WOMAN SENATOR FROM WI Some of us more so than others.
HARRISON I've been in the House and Senate for over 16 years. Suddenly I'm a blood sucker?
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA You have had a history of going for the jugular.
HARRISON Yes, when I'm defending myself, not as a steady diet.
MAN SENATOR FROM PA You did find out that Conlin's murder was committed by a vampire.
HARRISON Yes, but that could mean anything.
CONGRESSWOMAN FROM VA We still think you need to lay low for a while.
MAN SENATOR FROM NV Maybe we all need to.
HARRISON I say business as usual. Anything different could raise suspicions.
MAN SENATOR FROM PA How about business as usual, but a little more low key?
Harrison sits at his desk. Stokes walks in.
STOKES Your friend in Rochester won her race.
HARRISON No big surprise. Neither was the tight Presidential race.
STOKES Yep, it's going to require another Florida recount. Remember the first time it happened?
HARRISON I sure do.
The "National Republican" newspaper headline November 8, 1876 reads: "Florida Recount To Decide Presidential Race."
John Harrison sits at a table reading the newspaper. He downs of shot of whiskey.
HARRISON Tilden won the popular vote but the Florida recount sent the election to the House. Rutherford B. Hayes won by one vote over Tilden.
STOKES Sounds familiar. I wonder how long this is going to take to decide?
HARRISON Who knows. I'd like to stay out of it.
STOKES You should stay out of it.
HARRISON I may not be able to.
Harrison walks into Slater's office. She is behind the desk writing. She does not address him as he walks in. As if she doesn't know he's there.
HARRISON Mrs. Brown, I presume?
SLATER (without looking up) I haven't been Mrs. Brown in decades. (looks up) I wondered when you would get here.
HARRISON You're here early.
SLATER Early? It's late at night, John.
HARRISON I mean the next congressional session doesn't begin until January.
SLATER I'm filling a vacant seat, remember? I've been sworn in by the Speaker. Besides with Florida up in the air, who knows if my services won't be vital.
HARRISON Speaking of that vacant seat, did the FBI interrogate you about it?
SLATER Yes, they did.
SLATER I was at a fund raiser at the time of the murder.
HARRISON I should tell you, my sources in the FBI tell me it was a vampire who committed the murder.
SLATER And where were you?
HARRISON On a trip to Beijing.
SLATER That doesn't mean you didn't have it done for you. The news says you had plenty of motive and made threats.
HARRISON Statements taken out of context. You had plenty to gain as well. And who know, with the speed we can move, you may have had time to appear to be at the fund raiser and still commit the murder.
SLATER So…How have you been these past 150 or so years?
HARRISON A century and a half. Never quite thought of it that way. I wondered what happened to you. I thought maybe someone drove a stake through your heart.
SLATER No, but it has been broken from time to time.
HARRISON By the way, congratulations on winning the election.
SLATER Thank you. You know something tells me you haven't gotten to what you came in here for.
HARRISON You're right.
SLATER You're not going to try and get me to change sides are you? You know that didn't work before.
HARRISON I've come to bring you inside.
SLATER The Senate? But I'm a member of the House.
HARRISON No, inside the community. You do realize we have a community inside Congress?
SLATER I assumed.
HARRISON Well that's why I'm here.
SLATER But I'm a Democrat.
HARRISON Members in the community come from both sides of the isle.
SLATER Okay, I'll bite.
Harrison gives her a surprised look.
SLATER A figure of speech.
HARRISON Maybe we should meet again before I introduce you to the community.
SLATER What's the big rush? After all we haven't seen each other in 150 years.
HARRISON That's what I mean, we have a lot to catch up on. I'll be in touch.
Harrison leaves.
SLATER (to herself) How do they know it was a vampire?
Slater picks up the phone on her desk and dials.
SLATER Damn it, Jack, answer your phone.
Slater slams down the phone when she hears Jack's voice mail.
SLATER Did you really go straight home that night, Jack?
Harrison enters his office. He turns on the lights, goes into his office, and sits at his desk. Stokes arrives in the office. Harrison hearing someone come in gets up from his desk and enters the hallway.
Harrison and Stokes appear surprised to see each other.
STOKES Why are you here?
HARRISON I was about to ask you the same thing.
STOKES I want to do some research on what our role could be in the Presidential recount.
HARRISON Slater was just telling me the same thing.
STOKES When did you see her?
HARRISON Just now.
STOKES How was the reunion?
HARRISON Sort of uneventful considering it's been 150 years. She did seem a little off kilter. I told her Conlin's murder was a vampire. I'm not sure if she's hiding something or not.
STOKES Can we trust her?
HARRISON We're going to have to.
STOKES Are you saying we have no choice?
HARRISON It's like President Johnson said, Lyndon, not Andrew, about J. Edgar Hoover. It's better to have him inside the tent pissing out rather than outside, pissing in.
STOKES Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.
HARRISON Exactly. Except I'm not sure which she really is.
STOKES Did she have a roll in the Lincoln assassination?
HARRISON Only one that I know of. I was in the boarding house that night. I over heard the plot, including how Booth was going to get Lincoln at Ford's Theater.
STOKES The benefit of great hearing again.
HARRISON More like thin walls.
Harrison heads down the hall where the theater employee pointed. Slater approaches him from down the hall.
HARRISON Sarah, get out of here. You could be implicated. Booth is planning to get the President.
SLATER Yes, I know, I'm here to help. Follow me.
Harrison follows her.
She stops, turns around. Her FANGS Show. She grabs Harrison very aggressively showing great strength and bites him in the neck. Harrison falls. Slater catches him and slowly sets him down.
Off screen: a single GUN SHOT is heard. CROWD NOISE is heard. A LOUD THUD is heard from John Wilkes Booth hitting the stage after jumping from the balcony.
JOHN WILKES BOOTH Sic semper tyrannis! (beat) The South is avenged.
Harrison is on the ground as Slater holds him. Harrison's hand is on his neck where Slater sunk her fangs.
A YOUNG WOMAN is jogging alone in the park. She jogs past a ROCK CREEK PARK sign. A car drives past her. As she approaches an area near bushes, someone jumps out and drags her back into the bushes.
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inkwelloftheheart · 1 year
John, a 30-year-old man with a complex mix of nervousness and excitement, sits down on the bench next to Mr. Harrison, a handsome and kind-hearted man in his mid-40s. There is a palpable tension in the air.
JOHN: *trying to sound casual* Hey, Mr. Harrison! Beautiful day, isn't it?
MR. HARRISON: *smiling* It definitely is, John. How are you doing today?
JOHN: *nervously* Oh, you know, just the usual. Work, errands, and all that. But... um... there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about.
MR. HARRISON: *raising an eyebrow* Oh really? Well, go ahead. I'm here to listen.
John takes a deep breath, mustering up the courage to express his feelings.
JOHN: *quietly* I've been feeling something... for a while now. And I think it's time I tell you the truth. I... I've fallen in love with you, Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Harrison's eyes widen in surprise, but he manages to maintain his composure.
MR. HARRISON: *taken aback* John... I didn't expect this. I value our friendship, but I never saw you in that way. I'm flattered, really.
JOHN: *apologetic* I know, I know. It's just... I can't help how I feel. I've been trying to suppress it, but it's becoming harder every day. And I couldn't keep it a secret anymore.
Mr. Harrison stays silent for a moment, contemplating his response.
MR. HARRISON: *sincerely* John, I appreciate your honesty. You're a great person, and our friendship means a lot to me. But I have to be upfront with you too. I'm not sure if I can reciprocate those feelings romantically.
JOHN: *disappointed but understanding* I understand, Mr. Harrison. It's okay. I just needed to tell you how I felt. I value your friendship too much to let my feelings ruin what we have.
MR. HARRISON: *smiling gently* That's very mature of you, John. And I want you to know that I still want to be your friend. We can continue to spend time together just like we always have.
JOHN: *slightly relieved* That means a lot to me, Mr. Harrison. I'm glad we can still be friends. Maybe with time, my feelings will fade away.
They sit in a comfortable silence, both relieved by their open and honest conversation.
MR. HARRISON: *encouraging* Just remember, John, there's somebody out there who will reciprocate your feelings. You deserve to be happy, and I'm here for you no matter what.
JOHN: *smiling* Thank you, Mr. Harrison. Your support means everything to me.
They continue talking, their friendship stronger than ever, as they enjoy the rest of the beautiful day together on the park bench.
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jabbage · 1 year
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nxlvb4 · 3 months
Doctor in the Ring - Episode 1: "Paging Dr. Love"
COLD OPEN INT. HOSPITAL – DAY [Establishing shot of the bustling hospital. Nurses and doctors move quickly, patients being wheeled through hallways. The camera zooms in on the door of DR. ALEX HARRISON’s office.] CUT TO: INT. DR. ALEX HARRISON’S OFFICE – DAY [ALEX, a mid-30s doctor with a charming yet slightly frazzled demeanor, sits at his desk buried in paperwork. His phone rings. He picks…
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newsworld-nw · 11 months
Heisman Trophy odds for 2023: JJ McCarthy, Marvin Harrison Jr. jump ahead of the game
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As if the upcoming matchup between No. 2 Michigan and No. 3 Ohio State wanted extra drama between the Massive Ten rivals, the Heisman Trophy could possibly be at stake. Heading into Week 9, Michigan's JJ McCarthy is taken into account the front-runner for the award. Based on the newest odds from BetMGM.com. McCarthy is now at +240. MORE: How Marvin Harrison Jr. earned a brand new nickname from Fox Are McCarthy and Harrison Sensible Picks for the Heisman Trophy? Search for this dialog to accentuate for the November 25 matchup
JJ McCarthy Heisman Trophy Odds
Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh — who completed third in Heisman Trophy voting in 1986 — continues to have the very best reward for McCarthy. "JJ has proven to be on his strategy to changing into the perfect quarterback in Michigan historical past," Harbaugh mentioned. "I believe going ahead, JJ would be the quarterback that every one future quarterbacks are in comparison with." McCarthy is coming off his greatest sport of the season. He completed 21 of 27 for 287 yards and 4 TDs in a 49-0 rout of in-state rival Michigan State. McCarthy ranks second within the FBS in passer effectivity (199.2). He averaged 219.6 yards with 11 TDs and no interceptions in Massive Ten play. These stats aren't groundbreaking, however McCarthy has combined in 168 dashing yards and three TDs. He is a playmaker, and after a bye week Michigan could have Purdue, No. 10 Penn State, Maryland and No. 3 Ohio State. MORE: What ought to Michigan's punishment be if convicted?
Marvin Harrison Heisman Trophy Odds
Harrison is coming off a dominant efficiency in opposition to the Nittany Lions. Had 11 catches on 16 targets for 162 yards and a landing, together with a game-sealing 18-yard rating on a crossing route. Ohio State coach Ryan Day continues to reward the junior receiver for his work ethic. "The requirements that he set right here, his work ethic and what he meant to the state of Ohio, it is about leaving a legacy behind," Day mentioned after Penn State. "We're midway by means of the season, so I am not going there but, however he is on his manner. I am happy with him." Harrison is on a roll. He has three straight 100-yard video games and has 5 100-yard video games this season regardless of a 56.8% catch proportion with first-year starter Kyle McCord. Has 13 receivers with no less than 700 receiving yards. Harrison is tied with Rome Odung amongst that bunch with 18.2 yards per catch. Harrison is the perfect deep-threat receiver in school soccer, and his acrobatic catches are unbelievable. He has an opportunity to affix Alabama's DeVonta Smith (2020) because the second receiver to win the Heisman Trophy within the final 4 years. In fact, it would take an enormous efficiency in opposition to Michigan. Harrison had seven catches for 120 yards and a TD in final 12 months's sport. Extra: Bowl Conjecture | Rating of all 133 groups Week 9 Peak
Present Heisman Trophy Odds
Listed here are the present Heisman Trophy odds in keeping with BetMGM.com. A complete of seven gamers have Heisman odds of +2000 or higher heading into Week 7: the participant the college ODDS JJ McCarthy Michigan +240 Michael Penix Jr Washington +300 Jayden Daniels LSU +375 Jordan Travis State of Florida +800 Dillon Gabriel Oklahoma +1200 Bo Nix Oregon +2000 Marvin Harrison Jr Ohio State +2000
Prime Heisman Trophy Candidate
McCarthy and Harrison are amongst seven candidates with odds of +2000 or higher. Here is a take a look at the opposite 5 contenders for the Heisman Trophy. All of those gamers are switch quarterbacks. Michael Penix Jr., QB, Washington (+300) 2023 Statistics: 2,576 passing yards, 70.8%, 20 TDs, 5 INTs The Pennix are actually in second place after rallying to a 15-7 win over Arizona State in Week 8. Penix had 275 passing yards and two interceptions and one fumble. Based on Professional Soccer Focus, Penix has a 49.1% completion proportion when underneath stress. He nonetheless has an upcoming stretch in opposition to USC, Utah and Oregon State. There may be loads of time to maneuver again up. Jayden Daniels, QB, LSU (+375) 2023 Statistics: 2,573 passing yards, 73.1%, 25 TDs, 3 INTs Daniels is within the combine. He leads the FBS in complete offense (386.8 ypg.). He has 521 dashing yards at 5.7 yards per carry with 5 TDs. Daniels' inventory will not change this week with the Tigers on a bye week, however he'll get his greatest stage in opposition to Alabama in Week 9. Daniels had 182 passing yards, 95 dashing yards, three complete TDs and threw the profitable 2-point conversion. In final 12 months's 32-31 win over the Crimson Tide. Jordan Travis, QB, Florida State (+800) 2023 Statistics: 1,750 passing yards, 65.1%, 15 TDs, 2 INTs Travis was the main rusher within the preseason and ranks within the high 5 after main Florida State to wins over LSU, Clemson and Duke. Travis averaged 299.7 passing yards with eight TDs and two interceptions in these video games. At this level he was at his greatest. Dillon Gabriel, QB, Oklahoma (+1200) 2023 Statistics: 2,131 passing yards, 71.2%, 19 TDs, 3 INTs Gabriel is the one hope for a Heisman winner from the Massive 12, particularly now that Texas quarterback Quinn Ewers is out indefinitely with a shoulder sprain. Gabriel has added 230 dashing yards and 5 TDs, and the Sooners are squarely within the CFP combine. He picked the usual on this bunch. Bo Nix, QB, Oregon (+2000) 2023 Statistics: 2,089 passing yards, 78.4%, 19 TDs, 1 INT The Knicks nonetheless lead the FBS in completion proportion and are ninth in complete offense (313.4), however he does not should be a menace within the operating sport for the Geese. Oregon is a tricky take a look at in Utah in Week 9, and a win there would enhance the Knicks.
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Has a Michigan QB ever gained the Heisman Trophy?
Two Michigan quarterbacks completed third in Heisman Trophy voting, an inventory that features Rick Leach (1978) and Jim Harbaugh (1986). Halfback Tom Harmon (1940), receiver Desmond Howard (1991) and defensive again Charles Woodson (1997) are Michigan's three Heisman Trophy winners. Tom Brady didn't end within the high 10 in 1999.
Who's Ohio State's final Heisman Trophy winner?
The Buckeyes' final Heisman winner was quarterback Troy Smith (2006) in 2006. Ohio State has had seven Heisman Trophy winners, together with two-time winner Archie Griffin (1974-75). Les Horvath (1944), Vic Janowicz (1950), Howard Cassady (1955) and Eddie George (1995) additionally gained the Heisman Trophy for the Buckeyes.
When is the Heisman Trophy Ceremony?
The Heisman Trophy will probably be awarded on December 9, one week after the convention championship video games. The occasion will probably be telecasted hour-long program on ESPN. #Heisman #Trophy #odds #McCarthy #Marvin #Harrison #bounce #forward #sport Read the full article
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whyyourteamisgood · 1 year
2023 - Week 4
BUF - Stefon Diggs is tied for the league lead with 4 receiving TDs
NE - Myles Bryant is tied for second in the league with 2 forced fumbles
MIA - Tua Tagovailoa is second in the league with a 114.4 QB rating
NYJ - Xavier Gipson is second in the AFC in both kick return and punt return yards
BAL - Lamar Jackson is tied for the AFC lead with 17 first downs running the ball
PIT - Alex Highsmith is one of only 3 AFC players with an INT return for a TD
CLE - Myles Garrett is second in the AFC with 44 yards on sacks
CIN - Charlie Jones is tied for the AFC lead with 8 punt returns
TEN - Nick Folk has hit 10 FGs without a miss, second most in the league
JAX - Josh Allen is tied for the league lead with 6 sacks
IND - Zack Moss is tied for the AFC lead with 17 first downs running the ball
HOU - Nico Collins averages 19.45 yards per reception, most among anyone with 10 or more catches
KC - Harrison Butker is tied for the AFC lead with 21 kickoffs for touchback
LV - Davante Adams is second in the AFC with 33 receptions
LAC - Keenan Allen is second in the league with 35 receptions
DEN - Marvin Mims leads the AFC with 176 kick return yards
DAL - DaRon Bland is tied for the league lead with 3 INTs and is the only player with 2 INT returns for TDs
WAS - Montez Sweat is tied for second in the league with 2 forced fumbles
PHL - DeAndre Swift is second in the league with 364 rushing yards
NYG - Daniel Jones is second among NFC QBs with 5.1 yards per carry
GB - Quay Walker is second in the league with 25 assisted tackles
CHI - Tremaine Edmunds is second in the league with 52 tackles
DET - David Montgomery is tied for second in the NFC with 5 rushing TDs
MIN - Kirk Cousins leads the league with 11 TD passes
NO - Rashid Shaheed leads the league with 23.83 yards per punt return
TB - Antoine Winfield Jr is tied for the league lead with 2 recoveries of opponents’ fumbles
ATL - Jessie Bates is tied for the league lead with 3 INTs
CAR - Ihmir Smith-Marsette leads the league with 10 punt returns
SEA - DeeJay Dallas is second in the league averaging 26.6 yards per kick return
LAR - Kyren Williams is tied for second in the NFC with 5 rushing TDs
ARI - Dennis Gardeck is tied for second in the NFC with 4 sacks
SF - Brock Purdy leads the league with a 115.1 QB rating
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themeatlife · 1 year
the Meat Life College Football Preview Part 2 - 2023 Season Preview
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Week 0 of the 2023 College Football season is upon us! The offseason was full of conference realignment news, but we are finally going to get some actual football. It will be the final season of the four-team playoff, with next season welcoming a massive 12-team playoff. This will likely also be the final season of the Pac 12 athletic conference, featuring a loaded conference race that should be interesting all year.
Per usual, I'll go over some Heisman candidates, some Power Five Conference predictions, the College Football Playoff predictions, and to close out the outlook for the Oklahoma Sooners this season.
Heisman Hopefuls
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The Frontrunner: Caleb Williams - QB USC The Contenders: Michael Penix Jr - QB Washington, Drake Maye - QB North Carolina, Marvin Harrison Jr - WR Ohio State, Blake Corum - RB Michigan, JJ McCarthy - QB Michigan The Darkhorses: Jordan Travis - QB Florida State, Quinn Ewers - QB Texas, Sam Hartman - QB Notre Dame the Meat Life Prediction: Michael Penix Jr - QB Washington
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I respect Caleb Williams' talent. He has been by far the most talented QB in the country. But a lot of factors against him here. There has only been Archie Griffin of Ohio State as a repeat winner of the Heisman and that was almost 50 years ago. Also, I'll touch on this later, but Williams and USC are in probably the most competitive conference race in college football this year.
I like Washington's offense with Penix as the triggerman and I think Washington's defense will outperform USC's defense. As much as the QB position isn't related to the defense, the team's success is directly tied to a Heisman candidate's chances to win. And I'm banking on Washington in the Pac 12.
The other candidates, I think Drake Maye will have a great year statistically. Marvin Harrison Jr is going to kill defenses in the Big Ten like he did last year. And the two Michigan guys will get a mention because I think it might be a special year for Michigan this year. I threw Jordan Travis on there as a darkhorse because there's a lot of hype behind him and Florida State. Also Quinn Ewers is on there just to cover my bases. Personally I think Texas might plateau but there will be hype behind Ewers early, especially if there is a good showing against their Week 2 matchup with Alabama. Notre Dame have transfer QB Sam Hartman from Wake Forest providing a lot of experience and big play potential.
Power Five Conference Predictions
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The Frontrunner: Florida State Seminoles The Contenders: Clemson Tigers, North Carolina Tar Heels The Darkhorse: Miami Hurricanes the Meat Life Prediction: Florida State Seminoles
I forgot and most people might have forgotten that Clemson actually won the ACC last year. With the coverage of their offensive struggles, you wouldn't know it. I listed the Seminoles as the frontrunners though, because the national rankings have them ahead of Clemson and FSU has the proven QB returning in Jordan Travis. Clemson will be moving to sophomore QB Cade Klubnik after DJ Uiagalelei transferring to Oregon State (more on that later). Klubnik had mixed results, performing well against UNC in the ACC Championship game but throwing 2 INTs against Tennessee in the bowl game. So I think this will be Florida State's year to win the ACC.
Drake Maye might have a special year statistically for North Carolina, but UNC's defense might hold that team back from winning the conference. And then there is the U. Will HC Mario Cristobal figure things out this season? I think they will improve but not enough to win the conference. With the ACC going divisionless, it gives Miami less of a chance at a conference championship game berth.
Big Ten
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The Frontrunner: Michigan Wolverines The Contenders: Ohio State Buckeyes, Penn State Nittany Lions The Darkhorse: Wisconsin Badgers the Meat Life Prediction: Michigan Wolverines
This could be a special year for Michigan. They have won the Big Ten and beat Ohio State back to back years. They have gone to the playoff the last couple years. Now, it'll get interesting with the self-imposed suspension of HC Jim Harbaugh in the non-con schedule for supposed NCAA recruitment violation (Google Jim Harbaugh cheeseburger, good stuff), but I think they will be fine. It is Michigan's conference to lose, and I don't think they will come close to losing it.
Ohio State, once a consistent winner against Michigan, now is a question mark in their biggest game. and the other big contender Penn State usually performs well against Ohio State but struggles against Michigan. Ohio State also has to replace CJ Stroud at QB - they have yet to name the successor. Whoever they name will have tremendous WRs to throw to led by Marvin Harrison Jr.
I put Wisconsin as a darkhorse, I like new HC Luke Fickell. They will be super interesting because they will be installing a new offense with transfer Tanner Mordecai at QB. Mordecai started his college career at OU but made his bread throwing for thousands of yards at SMU. The Big Ten still has divisions, so Wisconsin already rules the West division and will make things interesting in the conference championship game.
Big 12
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The Frontrunner: Kansas State Wildcats The Contenders: Texas Longhorns, TCU Horned Frogs, Oklahoma Sooners The Darkhorse: Texas Tech Red Raiders the Meat Life Prediction: Kansas State Wildcats
Is it wild that the Big 12 has had three different winners in the last three years? And they also had a team in the national title game and it wasn't the school that won the conference. For years of Oklahoma dominance, it has been kind of fun watching the conference race the past few years.
As far as Kansas State, they will have QB Will Howard do his best Collin Klein impression (with Klein as his OC!), especially since RB Deuce Vaughn has moved on to the NFL. They have four returning offensive linemen and a ton of experience back on the defense, so they look good to repeat.
TCU was that team in the national title game last year, getting waxed by Georgia. But before then they had a magical season with QB Max Duggan last year. Their biggest question will be replacing Duggan, possibly with Chandler Morris who Duggan replaced early in the season due to injury.
Texas is a contender but I honestly have my doubts. Superstar RB Bijan Robinson moved on to the NFL so it's QB Quinn Ewers' show. Ewers declined in performance when they ran Robinson less last season. Texas has had only one 10-win season in the ten years since Mack Brown was fired and HC Steve Sarkisian has never won 10 games in his coaching career. That can change, sure. But Texas' problem in the post-Mack Brown era has always been performing against teams they are supposed to win against. The big games they are always up for, but the smaller stage they usually have struggled.
I'll get to Oklahoma at the end of my entry.
Pac 12
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The Frontrunner: USC Trojans The Contenders: Washington Huskies, Utah Utes, Oregon Ducks The Darkhorse: Oregon State Beavers, Colorado Buffaloes the Meat Life Prediction: Washington Huskies
What a shame. This could be the best season of football in the history of the Pac 12. This could also be the last season the Pac 12 ever plays, with 8 of its members leaving after this season and the future of the rest of the teams in limbo. As far as the football, this conference probably has the most QB depth in the country with Caleb Williams, Michael Penix Jr, Bo Nix, DJ Uiagalelei, and Shedeur Sanders. I picked the Huskies to win as discussed in the Heisman conversation.
I'm probably biased against USC, but they relied heavily on their defense getting turnovers while getting shredded for big yards. That philosophy isn't really sustainable, so I think it might come back to bite them, especially in the big games. USC couldn't beat Utah in two tries last season and the Utes are the defending champs. Utah could be in trouble early this season though, with the health status of QB Cam Rising in doubt the first few weeks of the season. Also quietly QB Bo Nix is having a renaissance and should push the Ducks in contention this year.
I put in Oregon State and Colorado in the darkhorse, one because the Pac 12 is going divisionless for their last year, and two because of the interesting storylines. Oregon State will be starting QB DJ Uiagalelei, freshly transferred from Clemson. The new scenery could be good for him. And I cannot mention Colorado without new HC Deion Sanders. He resurrected Jackson State in his short tenure there, and is planning to do the same in Colorado. They might not be great this season, but it'll be entertaining to see how far they go.
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The Frontrunner: Georgia Bulldogs The Contenders: Alabama Crimson Tide, Tennessee Volunteers, LSU Tigers The Darkhorses: Texas A&M Aggies, South Carolina Gamecocks the Meat Life Prediction: Georgia Bulldogs
Some of the contenders have a lot in common, breaking in new QBs.
The defending conference champ Georgia has the most talent in the toughest conference in America, but they have to replace QB Stetson Bennett who finally graduated and moved on to the NFL. Carson Beck was named the game 1 starter and he'll have a superb supporting cast including all-world TE Brock Bowers. It will be a grind especially getting Tennessee on the road this season, but Georgia is in the driver seat.
Alabama will still have a talented squad, but they will also be breaking in a new QB as Heisman winner Bryce Young has moved on to the NFL as well. HC Nick Saban seems pretty chill for someone breaking in a new QB. Tennessee will also be breaking in QB Joe Milton to replace Hendon Hooker in HC Josh Heupel's high powered offense. It will be year 2 for HC Brian Kelley and LSU, fresh off an SEC championship game berth. They will be a force again.
I put Texas A&M as a darkhorse because of the talent. But they have a similar problem that Texas has where 10 wins are rare and it seems they can only get up for the big games. South Carolina also a darkhorse. I like HC Shane Beamer a lot and they have QB Spencer Rattler coming back after a strong second half of the year last season.
College Football Playoff Predictions
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The Frontrunners: Georgia Bulldogs, Michigan Wolverines, Ohio State Buckeyes, Alabama Crimson Tide The Contenders: LSU Tigers, Tennessee Volunteers, USC Trojans, Washington Huskies, Penn State Nittany Lions, Florida State Seminoles, Clemson Tigers The Darkhorses: Kansas State Wildcats, Texas Longhorns, Texas A&M Aggies, Utah Utes, Oregon Ducks, Notre Dame the Meat Life Prediction: Semifinal teams - Georgia Bulldogs, Michigan Wolverines, LSU Tigers, Washington Huskies Championship game - Georgia vs Michigan Champion - Michigan
This may sound crazy given what two-time defending champion Georgia has done, but I think it is Michigan's year. Harbaugh will give a big eff-you to the NCAA by winning it all. They have the most experience in the key positions, particularly JJ McCarthy at QB. They will lean heavily on their RBs Blake Corum and Donovan Edwards. I just think it's time. And for Georgia, it is hard for a team to win three championships in a row - something that hasn't been done since Minnesota in the 1930s. I think Alabama will lose against Georgia in the SEC championship game, catapulting LSU into the CFP. And I'm big on Washington out of the Pac 12.
The 2023 Outlook for the Oklahoma Sooners
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In the aftermath of getting burned by Lincoln Riley leaving to coach USC, 2022 was rough for Oklahoma. HC Brent Venables salvaged a recruiting class and got some key transfers but ultimately had a 6-7 season, something that has become very rare for the Oklahoma program. The Sooners just didn't know how to finish games off. In five of those losses were by one score, two of them having the lead at one point in the fourth quarter.
If they are able to figure out how to close games and keep QB Dillion Gabriel healthy (the two games he missed due to injury were blow out losses to TCU and Texas), the Sooners will improve. Now, they have a more capable backup QB in freshman Jackson Arnold, so that should open things up a little bit for Gabriel. Personnel wise, they do have more depth elsewhere as well, particularly at RB (Marcus Major and Javontae Barnes joined by Kalib Hicks and Gavin Sawchuk) and offensive and defensive lines. They will probably have a depth issue at WR replacing Marvin Mims, although they still have Jalil Farooq, Drake Stoops, and Gavin Freeman.
Compared to previous seasons, the schedule does look a little on the weaker side with Arkansas State, SMU, and Tulsa in the non-con and then Big 12 newbies Cincinnati, UCF, and BYU.
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If we see improvement, I see the Sooners go 9-3 and contend for a Big 12 Championship Game berth. I would consider that a success and a good season. These things need to be incremental in some cases, and since they are building a foundation over time, I'm willing to be patient. If the Sooners get to 10+ wins, I would consider that beyond expectations and it will be a great building block going into the SEC next year.
But I completely hope they win the Big 12 on their way out of the conference. Let's grab that trophy back!
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To the new season! Cheers!
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hobbyspacer · 1 year
The Space Show this week - July.25.2023
The guests and topics of discussion on The Space Show this week: 1. Tuesday, July.25.2023; 7 pm PST (9 pm CST, 10 pm EST): We welcome Riley Harrison to discuss Indigenous representation for the space ecosystem. Please confirm this program with the Upcoming Show Menu on our home page. 2. Hotel Mars - Wednesday, July.26.2023; 1:00 pm PST (3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST): Douglas Messier will give John Batchelor and Dr. David Livingston an update on the next Starship launch and other space developments. 3. Friday, July.28.2023; 9:30-11 am PST (11:30 am-1 pm CST, 12:30-2 pm EST): We welcome Matt Shindell, author of For The Love of Mars. Dr. Shindell is also the curator of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s collection. 4. Sunday, July.30.2023; 12-1:30 pm PST (2-3:30 pm CST, 3-4:30 pm EST): We welcome Gary Barnhard on his energy and SSP (Space Solar Power) plans with the ISS (Int. Space Station. Some recent shows: ** Sunday, July.23.2023 - John Strickland gave an in-depth discussion on terraforming Mars. Don't forget to check out his information sheet on the blog and his publication list on his bio page. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4060-BWB-2023-07-23.mp3 ** Friday, July.21.2023 - Patrick O'Neill talked about the "the ISS National Lab, who uses it, how it works, a national lab for the private stations, research and more". https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4059-BWB-2023-07-21.mp3 ** Thursday, July.20.2023 - Rand Simberg was a special guest for this special Space Show July 20th program. We talked about multiple topics including going to the lunar S. Pole or returning to Tranquility base. Starship was a main top throughout our discussion. The need for the gravity RX for human settlement, the renewal of the learning time extension coming due in Oct and much more. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4058-BWB-2023-07-20.mp3 ** Hotel Mars - Wednesday, July.19.2023 - Stephanie Thomas of Princeton Satellite Systems gave John Batchelor and Dr. David Livingston an update on progress with both fusion energy and fusion propulsion for space. Stephanie talked about PSS and their work on a direct drive fusion rocket engine for propulsion, she mentioned timelines plus she mentioned other fusion methodology. We also talked about research for fusion for space and fusion for electricity here on Earth. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4057-BWB-2023-07-19.mp3 ** Tuesday, July.18.2023 - Dr. John Brandenburg discussed his nuclear catastrophe theory about the possible nuclear destruction of Mars approximately 500 million years ago. John's newly reviewed and published paper on this subject is now on our blog for this program. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4056-BWB-2023-07-18.mp3 ** Sunday, July.16.2023 - Dr. Arun Sharma of Cedars Sinai in Los Angles explained current stem cell research, the different types of stem cells and why the use of space for this research. We talked many related issues including Mars, Moon, settlement, human reproduction, the need for 1 g and more. The stem cell technology is very advanced and exciting. The excitement sure came across with Dr. Sharma in this interview. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4055-BWB-2023-07-16.mp3 ** Friday, July.14.2023 - Manuel Cuba of Helix Space in Luxembourg was interviewed. Helix Space is also a new sponsor for The Space Show and is very much appreciated for its sponsorship. Manuel talked about space and Luxembourg, Helix Space, European satellite ventures and companies, markets, both the public sector and the commercial sector, public space attitude in Luxembourg and medical R&D for profit in space. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4054-BWB-2023-07-14.mp3 ** Hotel Mars - Wednesday, July.12.2023 - Anatoly Zak of RussianSpaceWeb.com spoke with John Batchelor and Dr. David Livingston about "Roscomos recruiting and training soldiers for the Ukraine war". https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4053-BWB-2023-07-12.mp3 ** Tuesday, July.11.2023 - Matt Bille with Kerri Westburg discussed ideas for rapid turnaround and response with Space Force launches, smaller satellites and much more. This was an excellent discussion on a topic we don't hear about that often on The Space Show. Don't miss this one! https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4052-BWB-2023-07-11.mp3 ** Sunday, July.9.2023 - Stephanie Thomas of Princeton Satellite Systems gave fusion industry updates plus the latest on the fusion Princeton Satellite is working on. We talked about fusion in general, the government and fusion, other private companies, fusion in space and more. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4051-BWB-2023-07-09.mp3 ** See also: * The Space Show Archives * The Space Show Newsletter * The Space Show Shop The Space Show is a project of the One Giant Leap Foundation.
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The Space Show - Dr. David Livingston === Amazon Ads === When the Heavens Went on Sale: The Misfits and Geniuses Racing to Put Space Within Reach === Critical Mass (A Delta-v Novel) Read the full article
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clarklovescarole · 1 year
March 1939: Blazing Into Marriage
March 4, 1939
Paul Harrison “In Hollywood”
Movietown’s favorite romance, sizzling for three years, is about to blaze into marriage. 
The principals, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, aren’t saying just when or where. But it will be any day now, and it will be a simple ceremony without any touches of Lombard levity.
“When you’re one of the victims,” whopped the actress, “a wedding is serious business!” 
This will be her second venture, Gable’s third. His last divorce, obtained in Reno by Maria Langham, and final on March 6, has been a subject of more speculation and wrong guessing than anything except the selection of Scarlett O’Hara. Hollywood concluded that Mrs. Gable had refused Clark a divorce following their separation in September 1935. Guessing, Hollywood then decided that there must have been a disagreement about the cash settlement. 
The truth seems to be that Gable did not ask for a divorce until about the first ot his year. At the time of their separation, an agreement was made that no divorce would be sought until one wanted to remarry.
Their closest friends believe that there was never any trouble over money. Maria Langham is moderately wealthy in her own right. Gable’s payment to her of $1000 a week during the separation is said to have been urged by a studio executive who believed that “it would look better to the public.” 
Gable and Miss Lombard often have been glimpsed lunching or dining at ordinary little restaurants and drive-in sandwich stands, but never int eh celebrity-haunted cafes, or even in studio commissaries. Occasionally they slip into a movie theater together, but they attended only one premiere – “Marie Antoinette.” 
They have not even attended the annual Academy banquets. Gable calls ‘em “clam bakes.” 
Of course they have attended parties at the home of friends. But not many. Their social life mostly has consisted of piling into a station wagon and visiting the Andy Devines and their kids, or calling at one of the adjacent ranch homes of Bob Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck. They also drop in on the actor’s father, William Gable, who lives in a modest little house near RKO studio. 
This routine is quite a chance for Miss Lombard, who used to dote on gay and original parties. Never especially athletic, she now likes to go duck hunting with Gable, affectionately known to her as “the big moose.” He says she’s a pretty good shot, too. Anyway she shoots, for she has proudly displayed a shoulder black and blue from the recoil of a shotgun.
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naomirmaid · 2 months
The Magician's Burden Chapter 1 Stats
Hyperfixation on The Magician's Burden by Samuel Harrison Young: chapter 1 stat planning.
Chapter 1
1 Killian Response
-Punch: +3 str
-Run: +3 agi
-Intimidate: +1 intim
-Insult: +1 cha
-Reason: +1 dip
2 Gender
*Seems to affect naming, pronouns, clothing options, and anatomy
3 Name
4 Demonic Abilities
-Never: +1 res, Z-
-Consider: +1 intim, Z+
-Tired: +1 res, Z-
5 Activities
-Chess: +1 int, Mab+
-Woods: +3 nat, +1 agi, K+
-Library: +3 nat, +1 int, +2 arc, R+
-Cave: +2 arc, +1 res
-Arena: +1 com, +1 agi, +1 ran, Mab+
-Little: +1 int
-Decent: +2 dec, Mab+
-Good: +1 int, +1 res, Mab+
-Sass: +1 res, Mab-
-Playful: +1 cha, Mab+
-Smile: +1 dip, Mab+
-Thanks: +1 int, Mab+
-Grumble: +1 res, Mab-
-Thanks: +1 dip, Mab+
-Smile: +1 dip, Mab+
-Wink: +1 cha, Mab+
-Interest, yes: +1 nat, +3 agi, K+
-Challenge, yes: +4 agi, +1 nat, K+
-Grin, no: +1 cha, K+
-Vertigo, no: +1 ste, +1 dip
-Dry, no: +1 int, K-
If you climb:
-Zaleth: +1 dec, +1 intim, Z+, K-
-Smile: +1 cha, K+
-Fun: +1 res, K+
-Shrug: +1 res, K-
-Cynical: +1 res, K-
-Avoid: +1 int, K+
-Grin: +1 cha, K+
-Enthusiastic: +1 cha, K+
-Sorry: +1 cha, V+
-Accident: +1 dip, V+
-Flustered: +1 dec, V-
-Retort: +1 intim, V-
-Shrug: +1 res, +1 intim, V-
-Zaleth: +1 intim, +2 dec, Z+, R-
-Smile: +1 cha, R+
-Motion: +1 cha, R+
-Joke: +1dec, +1 cha, R-
-Blunt: +1 intim, R-
-Destroy: +1 int, +1 res, R+
-Ask: +1 int, R+
-Joke: +1 cha, +1 dec, R-
-Take: +2 dec, R-
-Zaleth: +1 dec, +1 intim, Z+, V-
-Mischievous: +1 cha, V+
-Grumble: +1dec, +3 agi, V+
-Sarcasm: +1 cha, +1 intim, V-
-Punch: +1 com, +1 intim,V-
-Badass: +1 res, V+
-Crazy: +1 int, V-
-Revenge: +1 intim, V-
-Zaleth: +3 agi, +1 dec, Z+, Mab-
-Club: +3 com, +1 agi
-Staff: +3 agi, +1 com
-Sword: +3 com, +1 agi, Mab+
-Bump: +1 cha, Mab+
-Smile: +1 dip, Mab+
-Grin: +1 res, Mab+
-Cynical: +1 res, Mab-
6 Choice
-Home: +1 dip, F+, Mot+, P+
-Out: +1 res, +1 dec, F-, Mot-, P-
End Chapter 1
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rank-sentimentalist · 2 years
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I posted 5,514 times in 2022
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#thatsbelievable - 133 posts
#vintage - 125 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#female railroad workers employed during wartime eat in the break room of the chicago and northwestern railroad in clinton iowa
My Top Posts in 2022:
Nana Visitor appeared alongside Chase Masterson and Alexander Siddig at the convention Star Trek: Mission Chicago, and during a conversation about how well the show has aged, Visitor shared an interesting tidbit about how audiences viewed Kira during the show versus how she’s viewed now. Visitor explained she first saw the shift around the same time Deep Space Nine was first made available to stream on Netflix, and a young fan came to talk to her at a convention. Said Visitor:
The attitude towards me, my character, has certainly changed. Where I was [once] viewed as, ‘Oh, why is she always angry?’ Now, I remember when it happened, it was just when the show went on Netflix. I went to a convention, and there was a 15-year-old boy, and that is telling. He was like, ‘I have a big crush on you.’ I was like, ‘Wait, what? Wait, wait, let’s talk about this. I’m not too angry? I’m not threatening you in any way? He’s like, ‘Oh, I think it’s great.’ So that has changed.
Kira was once seen as “too angry” or brash back during the first run of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but decades later, when strong women who take charge are one of the more celebrated archetypes of modern pop culture, she’s viewed differently (similar to Jeri Ryan's return to the franchise as Seven of Nine). It’s always cool to see a show’s characters age well or when they’re brought in and given character growth that deepens their character’s meaning, like what Picard recently did with revelations about the titular captain's parents.
11 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Desire of the Endless and Rio of the Duran Duran
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Neil Gaiman
Yes. Patrick Nagel was the artist and I suggested Mike Dringenberg use his art style as an inspiration.
Quote Tweet
 · Jan 16, 2019
@neilhimself was Desire from The Sandman inspired by the album cover for Rio by Duran Duran? Was listening to the album and I couldn't get the thought of Desire out of my head. Thank you for writing such fantastic stories!
7:32 PM · Jan 16, 2019·Twitter for iPhone
23 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
The West Wing: "The Short List"
THE SHORT LIST' (1 x 09)
Bartlet and Harrison are now with Sam and Toby.
Judges are bound to interpret the Constitution within the strict parameters of the text itself. The Constitution doesn't provide for a right of privacy. The right doesn't exist.
The third amendment says soldiers can't be quartered in private homes. The fifth provides protection against self-incrimination, and the fourth against unreasonable searches. You deny the right to privacy lived in those passages?
No. I do not deny it, but the fact that the framers enumerated those specific protections is all the more reason to believe that they had no intention of making privacy a de facto right.
They just fought a revolution but they had no question of their freedom. The Bill of Rights wasn't meant to codify the most crucial of those rights not to limit the others.
I do this for a living, Mr. Seaborn.
So do I, your honor.
Peyton, do I have the right to put on an ugly plaid jacket and a loud polka-dot tie and walk down Main Street?
Where in the Constitution is that right guaranteed?
First Amendment. Freedom of expression.
See the full post
34 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
"With sorrow"
“With sorrow — for this Court, but more, for the many millions of American women who have today lost a fundamental constitutional protection—we dissent.” 
--Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan
dissenting to the decision to strike down Roe v Wade
35 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Quotes from viewers included in the article:
“If you’re planning to see Thor: Love and Thunder and are sensitive to cancer/cancer treatment, it is an extremely prevalent theme and plot driver in the movie,” one viewer warned, adding: “Prepare yourself and take care of yourself if you need to.”
Another viewer said: “No spoilers, but Thor: Love and Thunder SHOULD have had a trigger warning for graphic depiction of cancer and the fact that we didn't know going in is atrocious.”
“If you have medical or cancer triggers, I’d do some light googling on the plot before deciding to see it or not,” another added, with one person stating: “I knew in the comics that Jane has cancer. It’s been mentioned many times since this movie was announced and yet the cancer scenes still hit hard. Prepare yourselves, if you’ve lost anyone to cancer.”
82 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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