#°◦— good mornin' starshine ::
nottsangel · 2 months
Good mornin', starshine the Earth says, Hello
-🤠 it’s me I’m the earth
im so late but goodmorning pookie i hope you’re having a good day 🫶🏻
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I have to say, I really appreciate the song portion of season 9 of John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme. Especially in Russ’s case because who doesn’t have songs in their head that their parents/grandparents put there as a kid that you can’t get out or sometimes identify?!
For years, my mom would sing “Good Morning Starshine” at my sister and me in the mornings to get us moving. I had absolutely no idea where this came from until years later when I listened to Hair.
Told my mother and she said “Oh, where does that come from anyway?” She’d also had it in her head for years with no idea where she’d picked it up from! She thought it was Godspell (which fair enough, same time period, pretty close and yet so far apart.)
Other things I have in my head from her include: “There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza.” “Sugar in the mornin, sugar in the evening, sugar at supper time.” “Slowly I turn, step by step.” “Down by the bay where the watermelons grow, back to my home I dare not go.”
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sleepawink · 2 years
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✨Good mornin, starshine the earth says hello!✨ Had the court jester song stuck in my head and it inspired me to draw sunny
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mountainviewfarmct · 1 year
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Good mornin', starshine
There's love in your skies
From: Good Morning Starshine, 1967.
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eldritchaccident · 1 year
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Timing: Just after [Turning Point] Location: The Mines Feat: @honeysmokedham & @eldritchaccident Warnings: Surprisingly none! Summary: Time for the Mines
The change came on fast, at first it was aggressive. Raging against any bit of light that dared come by the demon. But a visit from a surly detective redirected the demon downward. In somewhat of a good way. How anyone else had gotten down there if they were in similar states to Teddy, was a fucking miracle. The demon was tripping over their own feet while Emilio had to hike them up over one shoulder. Which couldn’t have been good on his bad knee. Another pit of guilt to add to the pile. One that only grew deeper and wider just as soon as Teds realized who was Cortez’ friend was. 
It was Nora. 
Nora had been down in the mines basically alone and this crystal whatever the hell had taken over most of her body, in a way that seemed a lot more serious than Emilio made it out to be. Was he trying to minimize the stress Teds was under? Was he trying to make it seem like it wasn’t going to be that bad. The one silver lining was that Nora did very much seem to be acting like herself. A little more obsessed with the mines and everything, but she was kind of the kid who put her whole soul into every bit that crossed her mind. If it was being a crystal mascot for the underground, Nora was damn well gonna be the very best. 
Being down there did help a little. Somehow. Felt at peace. Felt right. Less like they were about to burst through their skin. Calm enough to sleep for the first time in about a week. Teddy felt bad about it, but they were also far too exhausted to really feel much of anything for very long. The moss covered rock wasn’t about to beat Ted’s bed in a comfiness competition, but they collapsed on it all the same. Soaking up the first real respite they’d had since the incident with the treepy that got them into this mess. 
In the time they had slept, Emilio had left, and Teddy was slowly coming back to consciousness. A bit more shifted than they realized. They’d been holding back so much, there were bound to be leaks. The demon didn’t look quite as crystal coated as Nora (who was staring at them as they stirred) but they certainly looked a lot more… demony than they usually did. Way more than any glasses could cover. 
“Mornin’ starshine.” One eye cracked open, pitch black all around, with just a pinprick of purple instead of their typical glowy teal. Teddy’s face was still buried in the moss. Their words, muffled by a sleep-pressed indent into the slightly moist plant matter. If this was gonna be a permanent thing, they were gonna have to find a way to bring a goddamn bed down here. 
Nora had been aware that Emilio knew Teddy for some time. The two hadn’t been subtle in their… Well, Nora didn’t know what it was between them. Arguments. Attention. Something was there, but she made it a habit not to ask Emilio about his sex life, because Emilio didn’t lie to her and there were some things she just didn’t need to know about him. Teddy had been deposited in her safe keeping, with Emilio announcing he’d be back later, and that he would fix this. What did Emilio think needed fixing? Maybe if he’d come into the mines, instead of telling her that his knee couldn’t handle it, he would understand. Perhaps with Teddy down here… 
The familiar timbre of the demon’s voice filled the little cavern they were in. Nora had been staring at Teddy without registering she was staring, lost in her own world where the mines were perfect and everyone lived down here together. Her attention snapped fully on them, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “You’re looking blue today.” Nora quipped, standing up from the rock she’d been leaning against. “I like this version of you.” Nora liked every version of the demon. It was weird to think about, the way the demon had wiggled into her heart as effectively as Pascal had. The way they had shown loyalty and discretion about her this whole time. Nora was pleased and proud to know that they would be a mine member with her. 
Nora made sure to stand there for a bit, because she was proud of what she looked like. Everything about her wanted to show off her new crystalline visage. The monster on the inside, finally out on display for the whole world to see. If that made her vain, well, she deserved to have her moment of vanity. When the thrill of looking and feeling this good, it would be a shame. A blow. She hoped she would always love the way she looked this much. Life seemed more bearable, more thrilling, when her body reflected her heart. 
“Sorry you had to sleep up here. I couldn’t carry you down deeper where the camp is by myself.” Nora reached out a hand, offering to help them to their feet. “Come on, I’ll show you around. You’ll like it. We’ve got a generator setup to run a projector. We’ve been watching all sorts of things.” Nora knew Cass was out right now, but she’d be back. Everyone would come back to the mines.
Perhaps it was the song of the crystals, the power thrumming through both their veins, a bond strengthening what was already there. Teddy was not nearly as tired as they should have been. Weren’t nearly as worried, either.  Everything just settled into its place. All as it was supposed to be. A cosmic synchronicity. The demon stretched lazily, rolling over like a cat in a particularly pleasant patch of sunlight. “You got a new look too, huh?” They chuckled, amused by the change. Seemed apt. “Suits you baby bear.” Nora wasn’t much for expression. Much less so when it seemed the crystalline parts of her skull that poked through were mostly still. (She shouldn’t have been able to speak at all, but hey. Maybe the crystals were the flavor of magic that just did not care about physics. Seemed likely as any other theory.) 
Even so, she seemed so happy. 
Who was Teddy to take that away? Did they even want to? Down there, under the earth, surrounded on all sides by the crystalline structures, it was so much harder to sift between original thought and those that siphoned in from elsewhere. This was Nora now. This was Teddy now too. If they were going to form a new family in the underground, the demon was more than a little glad it began with someone they already knew and loved. 
Nora was somewhere between the little sister they never had, and the kid they wished they did. Now they shared this. It made sense. It was good. “No troubles on that front. I hadn’t exactly been sleeping anywhere up there.” Teddy yawned and finished the languid stretch. Finally taking to their feet after they felt sufficiently loosened. “Which way to the base camp Crystal Captain?” A slight pause, as the demon steadied themself, both mind and body. "We?"
Nora’s crystals shone a shade brighter as Teddy told her they thought the look suited her. Because finally someone agreed. Finally someone was seeing how wonderful this was for her, instead of asking her if she was in pain, or how they could fix her. Nora should have known. It was always going to be a demon that understood her. Nora’s talons clacked against each other, the new equivalent of her fingers tugging at each other, just happy. Happy to be there with someone else who liked it. Cass seemed to like it now, but Nora remembered the look on her face the day of her death. The look of horror, the fear. Nora wondered if Cass was taken back to that moment every time she looked at crystal Nora, or if she truly accepted that this made Nora happy, and was therefore happy about it.
“I like your tail.” Nora offered. It seemed fair, since they were complimenting each other. The bigger Teddy had a bigger tail, but this Teddy’s tail was good too. Thank god Nora’s human didn’t have a tail. How embarrassing would it be to have the little nub of a bear tail. People might confuse her for a bunny. “Yeah, sleep comes better in the mines.” Nora promised. “Everything is better down here.” Trusting that Teddy would follow, Nora allowed the darkness of the mines to swallow her as she started the familiar walk back into the belly of the beast. 
“We.” Nora agreed, calling back over her shoulder. “Cass, my best friend, she was with me when I first came down here. She’s been staying. You’ll love her. I know because I love her. My bar is high.” Each and every word Nora had for Cass was about how much she meant to her, and still she could never think of the right words to describe it. It was especially true now that Cass hadn’t abandoned Nora down here in the mines. Wouldn’t that have been cosmic justice? Nora had abandoned Cass in New York, but Cass hadn’t been scared. Well, Cass had been scared for a moment, but Cass hadn’t left. Proving she was the better of the pair. “We’ve been watching the office lately. But I think we can switch if you don’t want to watch it.” 
Yeah. Nora definitely seemed happier like this. Teddy watched as she almost made a whole expression. They were proud of her. Regardless of what brought it on, Ted knew how hard it could be to feel comfortable in your own body. Not everyone got to be a shapeshifting demon about it. They had done a good bit of time and research into perfecting certain rituals. Always free of cost. For folks who knew they were one way and were born another. This wasn’t exactly that, Teds knew. But it was on a similar keel. Nora strutted and preened (in her own way) like she was finally proud of herself. Like the outsides matched the in. Teddy knew that look far too well. 
And in turn, she offered the demon something prize worthy as well. Acceptance. Hell, even admiration. Teddy hid this form so often because too many people were— wait did she say tail? 
The demon turned just in time to see the thing swinging behind them. Unnoticed perhaps because their larger form did in fact have one as well. But that one was thick. Rudder like. Built for propelling a massive frame through water. This one was long and thin as a rope. The same sort of accent at the very end though, glowing bright teal as per uszhe. They stood there, stunned just for a moment. Never had a tail in their base form before. It swished this way and that, Teddy tested out its dexterity and realized it was pretty prehensile. “Oh. Huh.” A little bit clumsily, it slunk around the shirt that Emilio had left, but after a second of figuring it out, Teds was able to use it to grab the tee, and fling it back to their hand. “Neat.” 
Nothing like a good little shock to the system to wake you up, right? Teddy plodded along after Nora, happily listening to everything she had to say, though maybe not paying as close attention as they should have been. The tail was… distracting. The demon couldn’t help from flexing it this way and that, figuring out exactly where its limits lie and entertaining the occasional thought of what other… purposes it could be put to use for. A few faces of those up above flitted through their mind, but Teddy’s chest only tightened at one of them. Was the tail there when Emilio had– Fuck why did they care? It wasn’t like they hadn’t ruined any chance of even friendship there. Anything beyond that was a dream. Or a nightmare. 
“Wait Cass like–” Finally snapping back to the conversation, Ted had to speed up to catch back up to where Nora was still walking at a steady even pace. “About yea tall–” They gestured quickly above Nora’s head. “–curly hair, super sweet, excitable, with excellent taste Cass?” 
Nora watched as Teddy played with their tail, a tilt of her head as she wondered if the tail was a new feature. “A gift from the mines?” Nora asked, the question too important to contain. Had Teddy always wanted a tail like that? Were the mines making their dreams about their perfect body ideal come true too? The words built up in the back of her mouth, trying their best to stumble over each other, but her lips closed the dam, keeping the torrent back. There would be time for more questions later. They would be in the mines forever, after all. There would be time to talk about everything under the sun, and back again. 
Nora kept leading the trail to camp, taloned finger sliding across the walls of the mines as they walked. In the distance she could smell something running by. “There are a lot of guests down here.” Nora mumbled to Teddy. “Don’t worry about them. We are all just living, you know? The mines keep us safe.” Nora kept the pace, their camp was pretty far in, thanks to the fact that Nora wanted to be nestled safely and deeply inside. Cass had been an expert at finding the perfect cavern, large enough to fit a town, but saved for the two of them. Now the three of them. Her heart gave a light fluttering sensation. 
Then Teddy was talking about Cass, and Nora was ecstatic to learn that they knew each other. “Yeah.” Nora nodded, almost eagerly. “That’s her.” The excellent taste didn’t pass by her. Nora knew it. No one could meet Cass and not instantly fall in love with her. She was wondering. “This is even better. If you’re her friend, she’ll be so happy to see you down here with us. She really loves people, you know?” 
The final steps were the hardest, the steepest and most uneven part of the path before it flattened out. Blankets and cushions built a fort against one of the walls. A foldable table stacked high with food that was sent as offering. An ice chest that was used as their refrigerator. Nora turned to make sure she could see Teddy’s full reaction to their new home. Camp. The name camp was fitting, even if camp implied it was only temporary. This camp would never be temporary. “Welcome home.” Nora announced. “Make yourself cozy.” 
Teddy shrugged. Genuinely they didn’t know. They weren’t the type to put forth a real concrete explanation unless they were very sure, or feeling very silly. “Sometimes I just wake up a bit more… demony?” Usually, after a brush with death. After a bit more of their humanity was stripped away and Leviathan’s power had to bathe them in the light of recreation. Was it the mine's power this time? Probably not? At least not directly. Technically the crystals were the parasitic impetus for this dip near the proverbial river styx. So in a roundabout way… yes? “Probably gonna keep happening as I get older. I only started gettin’ blue when I was like… sixteen? Back then it was just spots. Now–” 
The demon grinned and wiggled their very blue fingers out in front of them, a little closer to where Nora was walking. “Always something new.” Enough to keep them on their toes. And plenty to keep behind closed doors. Teddy wondered if the changes would ever settle. Wondered if Leviathan felt the pulsing ache through its bones when it pretended to be human. It had told them when they were just a young boy that the pain was normal. That they’d get used to it. Ted might have almost been thirty-five but that was nothing compared to the great demon’s lifespan. Not even a blink, compared to one who watched civilizations rise and fall. Who could have made a scrapbook of every stage of evolution from single celled amoebas all the way up to upright apes capable of spaceflight. 
It was exciting, to think of the future. Or at least it usually was. Before it was all ‘when are we going to explore the galaxy?’ and ‘When will humans finally meet aliens?’ that kind of junk. Now it was more along the lines of ‘When was The Leviathan going to join them in the mines?’ Teddy knew it wasn’t their thought. It was a foreign object lodging itself amongst their thoughts like a splinter. They knew that now. Thanks to Emilio’s intervention. It might not have ever occurred to them had the detective not shown up on their boat. 
The way Teddy’s mind kept flitting back to the night before meant the fever wasn’t fully gone. It must have. There wasn’t any other reason to dwell so deeply on moments of touch. Tender as it was strong. So much more care than the man had ever shown. He was a protector, after all. Maybe those instincts just didn’t go away. Even around annoying demons who didn’t know when to shut up. 
But that was then, this was now. They were here. With Nora. What she lacked in expression she made up for in personality. So unique, and so unabashedly herself. She was still a kid, that much was evident. She was still learning who that self was, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t admirably audacious with her authenticity. And apparently she was friends with Big Finn’s number one fan. Hell yeah. 
“I’m excited to get to know her more. She visited the Folklore Tourism shop when I was there a… month or so ago?” Keeping track of time was a losing game for Teddy Jones on the best of days. Now that there had been a heavy sickness weighing on their mind and body, it could have been mid September and they would have been none the wiser. “Though, just between me and you, we kinda met once loooooong ago. Only she didn’t know.” The demon offered a wink, this time with a nictitating membrane that went sideways rather than up and down. Nora would appreciate that, they figured. Nora liked the odd things about them. And that’s why they liked Nora. She was a good kid. The very best. 
More demony? That was an option? There was a time when Nora would have longed for that to be her. In her mind, Nora was a demon without the benefits of a body that reflected it. A terror and the fright of all good Christian people. When they saw her, they groped their pearls and prayed to jesus. Except, Nora was just a bear. A bugbear.
The mines knew who she truly was. The mines understood her heart, and they molded her into the creature she always wanted to be. Horns, sharp teeth, talons. There wasn’t a reason to objectify a body like this, because a body like this was a creation of terror. People on the internet wouldn’t write long detailed posts about everything that was wrong with her, why they weren’t attracted to her, why she should kill herself and what plastic surgery she should get if she wanted to be a valid member of society. People on the internet would see her new self, her true self, and write essays about why they thought she was photoshopped. Their only debates wouldn’t be about if she was worthy to exist in a space she didn’t even want to be in, but if she was real or not.
The mines had gifted her the perfect body.
Teddy would understand, Nora thought. If she could find the words. If she could work the large crystalline jaw that weighed heavy on her skull and shared those thoughts with them. Teddy would understand, because they had multiple forms to choose from, but they were fine with their demon form. Nora wanted to ask if they loved it. If they loved looking into the mirror and embracing who they were. If they were happy, they were a demon. Had they been born a demon? Had they become one? Maybe in the past she might have asked if she could become one too. So that she could wake up and look into the mirror and see something she could love, something anyone could love. But she didn’t need to become a demon for that. The mines had so lovingly supplied it to her. They had read her heart and given her the desire that had haunted her since she was thirteen and her first magazine cover was making headlines.
Nora had to tear herself from her inner monologue as Teddy wiggled their fingers and let a few tidbits of conversation slide over them. “Folklore tourism?” She had never heard of it. It sounded cool. It was probably cool if Teddy was there, they were cool like that. And of course, she should have known they were cool enough to know Cass already. “Long ago?” Nora watched, delighted, as the nictitating membrane closed around their eyes sideways. An illusion quickly manifested in Nora’s own eye, copying the movement. Being a demon suddenly looked very cool again. If the mines were okay with her being both, of course. “You should tell her. She’ll be excited to know she’s met an old friend again.” Because Cass was like that. Because Nora knew Cass wanted to keep people in her life, and people coming back, that wasn’t the same as keeping, but it was a close second, right? “And I would like to hear it too.”
Nora moved deeper within camp, opening the fort and beckoning Teddy inside. This was the coziest part of the cavern. Unfortunately, a few of the blankets had rips in them. Nora had a lot of trouble with coordinating her crystals to keep them from catching onto fabric and ripping them, but it was a small price to pay for happiness. Nora climbed deeper and deeper inside. It wasn’t big, three people could fit, but it would be a little cozy. Which was good, since they would be watching their shows on a tablet with a smaller screen. Besides, who didn’t want to snuggle with their rock friends in a mine?
Doubt and skepticism melted away step by step. The further the pair went, the more this just became a fun little camping trip. Like the ones Leviathan and Teddy shared years ago. Roughin’ it. Young Teddy loved those trips. They were filled with stars, s’mores, and smiles. It wasn’t until they were older that they realized it was at least partially a distraction. A father’s love sweetly showing kindness that the world refused to give to demons. Maybe Teddy could do that here. For Nora. 
Uber eats probably wouldn’t deliver marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate and whatever Teds felt like adding. Probably. If they did, whoever that dasher was would get the world’s biggest tip. Enough to probably quit doing doordash. 
“Yep. My pops owns it. Started it up when we moved here. We pay a few of the local cryptids and put on a show. Though, no one knows it’s a show. For them, it’s like a fancier whale watch. That and Mephisto’s, which is like a magical or cursed object pawn shop… kinda.” Teddy beamed. Kind of proud of their little accomplishments. They weren’t the first successful Jones endeavors. As Leviathan learned how important cash was to the human experience and as its desire to give a better life to its ward grew, it began to hoard wealth like a dragon might. Appropriate. Considering, y’know, the everything about Levi. 
The younger demon now had a lot of loose money and very little they cared to spend it on. Something in the way they had grown up showed them that you didn’t really need all that much to bring things together. Enough to make you comfortable, make sure you had shelter and food. Enough to keep the capitalistic hellscape at bay. Though things like that didn’t seem to matter that much down in the mines. 
Not much seemed to matter at all. 
Only that they were here, that they were together. Everything else was a merry-go-round. An arcade. Free-for-all. Nora and Cass had set up a fort, and the littlest bugbear was inviting Teddy in. A request they happily complied with, grinning like sunshine down in the darkness. “I bet you any money we could trick Emilio into bringing us even more blankets.” The demon looked around and felt so at home in the little fort. It was great. They slung an arm around Nora, pulling her into a probably unwanted hug, resting their head carefully between Nora’s crystal horns and nuzzling like an overly affectionate cat. 
“Happy to be here with you kiddo. Best mine buddy I could ask for. I’ll tell the story if it comes up. It’s better over a campfire, maybe I can cook us something too. Sound good?” 
"Local cryptids?" The words unlocked something inside of Nora. The part of her that was once more a girl standing at a mall directory, but each store was an unknown supernatural monster. The night she had accepted a reason to live and move on past Debbie's death. That part of her flared up for a second, it whispered that she wouldn't get to meet those cryptids if she didn't leave the mines. It kindled the curiosity that had smothered into embers under the weight of the mines. For a moment it stoked. "What kind of cryptids?" She asked, but the siren song of the mines was stronger. It laughed at the question, it reminded her that it didn't matter because they were never leaving the mines. Unless those local cryptids wanted to come join the ranks of the blessed, they were nothing. Nora bit on her lip for a second, her tongue pushing one of her snake bites around in a loop. "We can start a cryptid show down here. It could attract more people to the mines. People should come to the mines." The curiosity was smothered, the girl at the directory no longer stared with wonder at all the places she could go and instead turned back to the shop she knew. 
"Do you think we could trick him into bringing himself?" Nora asked. Blankets, Emilio, Teddy, and Cass. Emilio was good, he'd bring more ham too. Nora just knew it. It was a cozy thought. Then Teddy was wrapping their arm around Nora in a hug. Hugs were new to Nora, but they were coming frequently now. Cass hugging Nora after her death. Nora hugging Van as she cried. Now Teddy hugging Nora. Foreheads pressed together. This wasn't a sad hug. This wasn't one where something was wrong and hugging was the only way to reassure each other that it was okay. This was a happy hug. A hug of acceptance and love. Nora didn't push away. If only bears purred, Nora thought to herself. If only bears came with something inside them to let others know how happy they were. Because Nora didn't know the words to express the feelings inside. Nora didn't know how to thank Teddy for this moment. For this gentleness that she didn't deserve but always craved. If she could purr, she thought, Teddy would understand. 
Nora hummed softly. A content monotone note vibrated deep in her chest and echoed through her crystalline jaw as she kept her forehead pressed against Teddy's and accepted the nuzzling. "When it comes up." Nora agreed, content to let the moment be. Because the story would come up in the mines if the mines wanted it to be. She had full trust that all that was meant to pass, would pass. 
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sugarsynthesis-kg · 1 year
ONE MONTH AGO. APRIL 24TH. 2023. I’m going to be frank. It’s none of my business concerning how you live your lives. But one way or another, you all received emails. Letters. However you collect your personal mail from the outside world. Perhaps this is a celebratory occasion for you, or maybe a pleasant surprise. You were asked to come here. And thus you replied. “Of Course, Thank you for the opportunity” “Sure, why not” “Fuck yeah, Bitch” Arrangements were made, and you would be personally escorted to the Factory in a month's time. By plane, car, train. It didn’t matter how you needed to get here, it would be cared for. And all you have to do is wait. Maybe it would be a fun wait, excitedly crossing off the days. Or maybe stressful, nervously triple-checking luggage, and accommodating for the time you would be gone. Or maybe it was never even noticed, the time flickering away in a mere matter of breaths, as you go about your life- The contest nothing more than another appointment in your busy agenda. Regardless, It doesn’t matter, and I shouldn’t care. But how could I not. This was bigger than anyone expected. TODAY, MAY 24TH, 2023 It was a smooth trip. You were met by people in white suits. You remember faces– but just as you would anyone else, They were gone, as you’d never really gotten to know these escorts. Only just escorts. The scenery moves through the window, and air billows out from the vents- Keeping you cool in the somewhat warm vehicle. All alone in the backseat of a car, private plane, or train cabin. The quiet was I’d hope peaceful. Eyes grow heavy, breaths slow. And you drift off. … … A coincidence this all happened to you all. No? Yet it was something of fairytales, or dreams. To all wake in the same place. Together. As you look down, or at the others- It’s truly some sort of strange fantasy. You’re dressed in colorful costumes, all vibrant and candy themed, your hair is up, or down- And layers of fabric, and tulle surround your body as you process the waking world. One could ask where you are, but would it be necessary? You’re in the Factory, Just within the gates. Good mornin’ Starshine. The earth says “Hello.” The prologue begins.
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constant-mason24 · 2 years
Video Killed the Radio Star (Chapter Seven)
Riddler x F!Reader
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(Y/n) sat on her couch, the steaming cup of tea in her hands doing nothing to prevent the shaking. Batman stood in front of her just across the small living room, but she didn’t look at him. She stared out the open window, watching as the rain began to fall outside.
“You’ll get wet when you leave.” Her voice came out just above a whisper, almost cracking beneath the weight of the silence before it. It was the first thing she said to him, besides asking if he wanted tea.
“I’m not concerned about the rain. I’m more concerned about you.”
“Concerned?” That brought her attention back to him. It was hard to tell with the cowl, but it looked like his gaze was on her wallet now. It lay on the coffee table, where he had gently set it down. She hadn’t touched it.
“There doesn’t seem to be anything missing,” He continued. “But only you can confirm that.”
He waited for a response. (Y/n) didn’t speak.
“The GCPD found it in a dumpster outside the Hall of Records. That’s where the Riddler was last night.”
“I’m aware.” It came out of her mouth with more bite than she had intended. Her hands started to shake harder. She lifted them to drink. 
“We didn’t recover the rest of your things.” (Y/n)’s head snapped to look at the Batman. Recover her things? Did he-
Oh. He didn’t realize she was there, did he? He thought she got robbed…
“That’s alright.” (Y/n) bowed her head again, playing along. “I had my housekeys on me. Nothing else was really that important.”
“I’m sure you must be terrified.” Batman’s tone of voice was almost… comforting? “Do you have any idea why the Riddler might be targeting you?”
“No. I haven’t ever had any interactions with him until the issue at the station.” She sipped her tea again. “And, well, now this.”
Batman seemed to be thinking to himself now. (Y/n) glanced at him before looking out the window again. The rain was only getting worse. “You sure you aren’t worried about the rain?”
“I’m waterproof.” She chuckled at that, which Batman took as a sign of her warming up. “If you feel unsafe here, there are ways we can help you.”
“Help me?”
“We can give you someplace to go. Lie low until the Riddler is in custody. That way he can’t come bothering you anymore.”
“Oh,” she huffed in thought, moving a hand from her cup to push back her hair. “I don’t think that’s necessary… I mean, I can’t just leave my job, and he knows where I work so it wouldn’t make a difference. Besides, it’s just minor nuisances and I’m not usually home alone. I’m not fearing for my life or anything.”
Batman just stared for a moment before nodding. “I understand. But if you change your mind, or things escalate, don’t hesitate to talk to the police. The commissioner would be glad to help.”
“Thank you. I really appreciate it.” With a deep breath, (Y/n) stood up, leaving her empty teacup in the sink. She turned back towards the living room, about to say something else when she realized the room was empty. He was already gone.
She shivers violently.
It took (Y/n) forever to fall asleep that night. By the time she gets up the next day, Katie’s back home. She’s washing dishes in the kitchen while music softly plays on the television. 
“Mornin’, Kate.” (Y/n) mumbled, standing on the other side of the countertop. Katie turns with a smile, turning off the water and drying her hands. 
“Good Morning, starshine! There’s coffee over here.” She gestures with her head as she sets the towl back on its rack. As (Y/n) comes into the kitchen, she leaves to stand outside it, effectively switching places. “Did you know you have a secret admirer?”
“What?” (Y/n) squints at her, pouring coffee into a cup.
“Someone is asking you out on a date,” Katie responds, softly pointing at the fridge. (Y/n) turns her attention to a bright green sticky note hung by a magnet. Taking the note off, it seems much less sticky, meaning it was removed from its original place. On it was an address, one of the loading bays at the docks.
‘9 pm. Meet me?’
“Oh, that’s interesting.” (Y/n) plays it cool, but she knows exactly who it’s from. Why was he asking her outright to meet with him? 
“Ya gonna go?”
“... yeah. I suppose so. You’ll know where I am so if I don’t come home, you can send the police that way.”
“What if they take you to a secondary location?” Katie gasps in jest. “Then how will we find you?”
“I’m sure the GCPD will find clues then.”
“If they won’t, Batman will!” Katie’s smile fades. “In all seriousness, though, doesn’t this seem sketchy to you?”
“A little bit, yeah, but I’m pretty sure this is just Robbie from the station. He isn’t always the most tactful guy.” A lie, but it’s fine. 
“You think Robbie’s askin’ ya out?” Katie raises a brow.
(Y/n) shrugs, “Wouldn’t be too surprised. He's always seemed a little too sweet on me.”
“Do you want to go on a date with Robbie?”
“I don’t know. I don’t have a raging crush on the guy, but I don’t have anything against him. I’m sure if he was nice and respectful I’d be down to give him a chance. He seems pretty romantic.”
“He must be if he’s leaving mysterious notes on our door addressed to you. Still, can’t be too careful. Try to keep me updated so I know you aren’t gonna die tonight, okay?”
“Of course.” (Y/n) put the note back on the fridge, making her towards the couch with her cup of coffee. “You got any plans today?”
“Nope. Jer is at work today, so he’s busy. Maybe you and I can go shopping for a date night outfit for you!” Katie sat next to her practically squealing in delight. 
“God, no. I’m not planning on getting dressed up for this. Besides, I don’t get paid til next Friday. But we can have a girl’s day in today, and we can do some shopping next week just for fun.”
“Sounds good to me! Hey, wanna watch that new movie that just hit Netflix? The one with that actor you think is cute?” Katie grabs the remote, switching the tv to Netflix.
“You’re gonna have to be more specific.”
Things might not end well tonight, but that was a problem for future (Y/n). For now, she was gonna hang out with her best friend and relax.
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thatconfusedanon · 1 year
good morning starshine
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swede1952 · 1 year
Good morning. 🐢🐢🐢
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"Good mornin' starshine, the Earth says hello You twinkle above us We twinkle below'
Ah the 60s, back in the days when singers actually had to be able to grab you with the song and not the visuals. I mean who can forget the immortal lyrics of:
"Glibby gloop gloopy, nibby nabby noopy, la, la, la, lo, lo Sabba sibby sabba, nooby abba nabba, le, le, lo, lo Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba nabba Early mornin' singin' song"
James Rado, Gerome Ragni, and Galt MacDermot wrote Good Morning Starshine. It was recorded by both Oliver and Strawberry Alarm Clock.
Well, I gotta get up and feed the dogs. Charlie was just in here letting me know.
Charlie likes to play chase but his favorite game is 'keep away.' He will loom over his toy and when I reach for it, he will snatch it away and dance around.
“It's hard not to immediately fall in love with a dog who has a good sense of humor.” - Kate DiCamillo, Because of Winn-Dixie
photo #photography #morning #1960s #lake #turtle
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ao3feed-clydephelia · 6 months
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ask-ishirin-kiata · 7 months
good morning ishirin!
mornin starshine, how’d you sleep?
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a-hazbin-spider · 11 months
this... isn't my bed. ~ Husk
Aftermath || @cxffeeshxp
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Angel lays on his stomach, chin in palm, cigarette hanging from his lips. Was he watching the cat sleep? Perhaps.
“Mornin’ starshine. Hope mine was comfy enough for ya. Did you have a good time, Husky~?”
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Oliver - Good Morning Starshine - adaption of a song from the musical „Hair“
Good mornin' starshine
The Earth says "Hello"
You twinkle above us
We twinkle below
Good mornin‘ starshine
You lead us along
My love and me as we singing
Our early mornin' singin' song
Comment: San Francisco (its quarter Haight Ashbury) was the center of the hippie movement in the late 1960s which peaked in 1967. The cultural highlight of the “Summer of Love” (1967) was the Monterey Music Festival.
“Good Morning Starshine” - a song from the Musical „Hair“ (which shows the life of a hippie community in New York at the time) was my morning alarm clock music for a long time. The song somehow spreads a good mood for a positive start into the morning.
Love, peace and understanding ☮️!
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mountainviewfarmct · 11 months
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Good mornin', starshine
There's love in your skies
Reflecting the sunlight
Good Morning Starshine lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
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shiverrinqs · 3 years
kash📲 mr serious
kash: you know i was expecting more... drama 🤔
kash: a little more violence? aren't humans really prone to violence?
kash: anyway, did you figure out the squiggles yet?
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princessphilly · 3 years
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Baby It’s Cold Outside
The third of my Soulful Hoeliday Collective drabbles and the only hockey one. Starring the hockey player that always got someone on my nuts.
CW: enthusiastic consent, a bit of role play, mild smut, slight femdom
This fic includes Karina, the OC from My Favorite One Night Stand
Tagging the collective: @geminixevans @fineanddandy @cocobutterqwueen @syntheticavenger @jamalflanagan @sunshinexsin @afriendlyblackhottie
Also tagging: @chara-hugs @newlibrary @thebookofmags @hockeynshit @hockeywocs @littlebabyboybarzal @starshine-hockey-girl @himbos-on-ice @2-fast-2-curious @huggybearmylove43​ 
“Did you have fun tonight?”
Karina sighed happily after Mat asked that question. “You know I did. Your teammates are hilarious for overgrown frat boys. And their girlfriends and wives are so nice.”
Mat pretended to fall with an exaggerated grin on his face. Then he straightened up and put an arm around your waist. “So what do you want to do next?”
“I don’t know,” Karina shrugged. “It’s getting late.”
Karina looked at Mat through her lashes with a sly look. He gave her a matching grin. “Are you sure?”
“My roommate’s going to call to see where I am,” Karina lightly said as she wrapped an arm around his neck. 
As if on cue, her phone rang, Way 2 Sexy blaring. Pressing a button on her apple watch, Karina said, “Hello?”
“Hey girl, what’s going on, where you at,” was screamed at her. Mat snickered as Karina replied, “I’m with my man, about to get my back blown out. Don’t worry, see you tomorrow.”
“Get it girl!”
As you hung up, Mat jokingly asked, “Getting your back blown out?”
“We already talked about it earlier but I still want to be fucked. You still want me?”
Karina gave Mat a pouting look as he groaned.
“Fuck yeah, you know that.”
The next morning, Karina woke up, deliciously sore from getting exactly what she wanted. And Mat was between her legs, his fingers in her cunt, making her wet, his face close to hers. “Good morning,” he rumbled before offering Karina a breath strip. Karina accepted it, nipping his fingers slightly.
“Mornin’, I remembered you wanted to wake up cumming this morning,” Mat drawled as his thumb on his other hand played with Karina’s clit just the way she liked it. 
“Yeah, remind me why I stayed over last night,” Karina breathed before tugging his hair, pulling his face closer to hers for a kiss.
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