7rr899 · 6 months
öldükçe öldüm ve gömmedin hiç
mavi erikler yalnızlığın çili
ihanet etmedim hiçbir zaman
ama insan zaten hain değil mi?
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138484848593994 · 2 years
10 takip çili blogum da bozuldu ben gidiyom baybay
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hazirancar · 1 month
mavi erikler yalnızlığın çili'
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jubaer01 · 9 months
For AZERBAIJAN CITIZENS - VIETNAMESE Official Urgent Electronic Visa - eVisa Vietnam - Online Vietnam Visa
Tez və Sürətli Vyetnam Elektron Viza Onlayn, Rəsmi Hökumət Vyetnam Turist və İşgüzar Viza
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Address: 1033 ул. Измира, Baku, Azerbaijan
Phone: (+994 12) 490 78 18/19
Website: https://www.vietnam-e-visa.org/az/visa/ 
Business Hours: 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name: Ria Holden Vanessa
Description: Vyetnam Hökuməti bu veb-saytda Vyetnam Vizasına Onlayn müraciət etmək üçün ən sadə, ən sürətli və asan metodu təqdim etmişdir. İndi Vyetnam Səfirliyinə getmədən Vyetnam Viza Onlayn Müraciət Formasını evinizin lüksündən doldura bilərsiniz. Bir neçə dəqiqə ərzində formanı doldurun, üz şəklinizi və pasport səhifənizi yükləyin və onlayn ödəniş edin. Bir neçə gündən sonra siz e-poçt vasitəsilə Vyetnam eVisa alacaqsınız. Vyetnam səfirliyinə getmədən dərhal hava limanına və ya dəniz limanına baş çəkə bilərsiniz. Həmçinin, pasportunuzda fiziki və ya kağız möhür tələb olunur. eVisa və ya Vyetnam üçün Elektron Viza kimi tanınan bu elektron proses 80 ölkədə mövcuddur. Bu şanslı ölkələrdən birindənsinizsə, Vyetnam Vizasına Onlayn Portalda müraciət etmək üçün növbəni atlaya bilərsiniz. Fotonu mobil telefonunuzdan çəkə və yükləyə bilmirsinizsə, bizə e-poçt göndərə bilərsiniz. Hava limanındakı immiqrasiya məmurları Vyetnama daxil olmaq üçün pasportunuzun səhifəsinə möhür vura bilməsi üçün orijinal pasportu hava limanına aparmalısınız. Həmçinin, pasportunuz Vyetnama daxil olduğunuz tarixdə 180 gün ərzində etibarlı olmalıdır. Aşağıdakı ölkələr Vyetnam Onlayn Vizasına uyğundur eVisa Vyetnam, Belçika, Hollandiya, Hindistan, Nauru, Portuqaliya, Xorvatiya, Rusiya, İspaniya, Solomon Adaları, Qatar, Almaniya, Lixtenşteyn, Argentina, Polşa, Yunanıstan, Avstraliya, Bruney, Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları , Danimarka, Rumıniya, Braziliya, Malta, Bolqarıstan, Finlandiya, İslandiya, Azərbaycan, Filippin, Saint Lucia, İrlandiya, Meksika, Peru, Slovakiya, Venesuela, Norveç, Gürcüstan, Monqolustan, Estoniya, Sloveniya, Litva, Kolumbiya, Papua Yeni Qvineya, Serbiya, Qazaxıstan, Uruqvay, Birləşmiş Ərəb Əmirlikləri, İsveç, Koreya, Ermənistan, Fici, Monteneqro, İsveçrə, Andorra, Kuba, Latviya, Kamboca, Monako, Kanada, Yeni Zelandiya, İtaliya, Fransa, Lüksemburq, Marşal adaları, Vanuatu, Kipr, Makedoniya, Macarıstan, Çexiya, Yaponiya, San Marino, Bosniya və Herseqovina, Moldova, Belarusiya, Böyük Britaniya, Panama, Avstriya, Montserrat, Mikroneziya, Çili.  Government of Vietnam has introduced the simplest, quickest and easy method to apply for Vietnam Visa Online on this website. You can now fill out the Vietnam Visa Online Application Form from the luxury of your home without visiting Vietnam Embassy. Fill the form in couple of minutes, upload your face photograph and passport page and make payment online. After a few days you will receive vietnamse eVisa by email. You can visit the airport or seaport straight away without going to vietnamse Embassy. Also, there is on physical or paper stamp required on your passport. This electronic process also known as eVisa or Electronic Visa for Vietnam is available to 80 countries. If you are from one of these lucky countries, you can skip the queue to apply on Online Portal for Vietnam Visa. You can take the photo from your mobile phone and email us if you cannot upload. You will need to carry original passport to the airport so that the immigration officers at the airport can stamp your passport page for entry into Vietnam. Also, your passport must be valid for 180 days on the date of your entry into Vietnam. The following countries are eligible for Vietnam Online Visa aka eVisa Vietnam, Belgium, Netherlands, India, Nauru, Portugal, Croatia, Russia, Spain, Solomon Islands, Qatar, Germany, Liechtenstein, Argentina, Poland, Greece, Australia, Brunei, United States, Denmark, Romania, Brazil, Malta, Bulgaria, Finland, Iceland, Azerbaijan, Philippines, Saint Lucia, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Slovakia, Venezuela, Norway, Georgia, Mongolia, Estonia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Colombia, Papua New Guinea, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Uruguay, United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Korea, Armenia, Fiji, Montenegro, Switzerland, Andorra, Cuba, Latvia, Cambodia, Monaco, Canada, New Zealand, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Cyprus, Macedonia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Japan, San Marino, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Belarus, United Kingdom, Panama, Austria, Montserrat, Micronesia, Chile. 
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morkedisblog · 1 year
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Allah akıl fikir versin Hindistanda 14 yaşındaki bir çocuk kuyruk çıkarınca Tanrı ilân edilmiş bu bir tür mutasyon mu genetik bozukluk mu birşeymiş yıl 1976-77 falan bizim bir bohçacı nimet abla vardı Nişancıdaki Ermeni kilisesi Surp Yeğay yanında evi vardı hatta kurban bayramında önce kurbanlığı getirip evin bodrumuna bağlamışlar Mevlid okutuyorlar anneannem de gitti o ara deprem oldu şiddetli değil ama ev eski tahtalar çökmüş sedirde oturanlar arasında anneannem de vardı hepsi bodruma düştüler küçük sıyrıklarla el ayak incinmeleriyle atlattılar nimet abla kurbanlık koçun üstüne binmiş koç zavallı yere çöküp kalmış herkes şaşırmıştı koç nasıl ezilmedi diye çünkü kadın ben gibi şişkoydu😂 bunun bir yakının kızı ki kızın annesi annemin de arkadaşıydı bu kız ailesini karşısına alıp üniversiteden tanıştığı bir gençle kaçtı çocuk bunu memleketine götürdü şehri yazmayayım heyyyyy bizim şehirde doğan başında altın taçla doğar diyecekler uğraşmaya keyfim yok hava da çok sıcak zaten neyse kız demek orospu değilmiş ki evlenmeden yatmamış keşke yatsaydı hiç değilse bilirdi çocuğun göğsünde çili mi var kıçında beni mi var nikâh yazılmış düğün yapılmış gerdeğe girmişler kız bornozla odadan bağırarak çıkmış meğer o ailenin erkeklerinin böyle kuyrukları belli bir yaştan sonra çıkarmış Ankaradaki bir doktor bunun ameliyatla alınabileceğini söylemiş ama babaanneleri" dedenizin de kuyruğu vardı ailemize Allahın lûtfudur ameliyat olursanız hakkımı helâl etmem"demiş onlar da vasiyete uymuşlar kız tabiiki İstanbula döndü boşandı bu kuyrukta o kuyruk gibi bir ayrıcalık değil Allah esirgesin sakatlık neee?Çoşmayın benim kuyruğum yok eksiğim tuhaflığım çok sakatım😤😠😈yarı sağır yarı körüm domuz gibi şişmanım yeterli mi👀👂🐗
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sirdanizmir · 6 years
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İzmirde ilk ve Tek ŞIRDAN KEYFİ #izmir #izmirli #izmirliyiz #izmirlezzet #izmirgurme #izmir🇹🇷 #izmirdeyasam #izmiretkinlik #izmir💖 #izmire #izmirdeyaşam #izmirkonak #izmirkordon #alsancak #buca #bayraklı #bostanlı #bornova #çili #torbalı #egeüniversitesi #9eylülüniversitesi #yaşarüniversitesi #gaziemir #balçova #karşıyaka #şirdan #mumbar #izmirbüyükşehirbelediyesi 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷 (Şırdankeyfi İzmir) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-oyZQlPOe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v3upadujey8e
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mirai-desu · 5 years
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Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2019 - Share the Joy!
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dweemeister · 4 years
Tomka and His Friends (1977, Albania) – directed by Xhanfize Keko
Albanian director Xhanfize Keko (1928–2007) was a founding member of the New Albania Film Studio in 1952 and was the only woman directing films in Communist Albania. Many of Keko’s films centered on the lives of children, including the one above, Tomka and His Friends. Though some dismissed Keko for this very reason, she tailored her screenplays mid-production to accommodate the many non-professional child actors she directed.
In this film, the German Wehrmacht arrives in a small Albanian town sometime after Italy’s surrender to the Allies. Tomka (Enea Zhegu; the only professional actor of all the children in this film) and the other boys of the village are furious when the German soldiers set up camp on their favorite soccer field. Thus, they decide to fight back by helping the Albanian partisans.
The print provided above contains English subtitles. The restoration was made possible by the United States Library of Congress, in coordination with the Albanian Cinema Project and the Albanian National Film Archive.
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acid-gramma · 3 years
Neyle yaptın çili
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seerendipity · 3 years
öldükçe öldüm ve gömmedin hiç,mavi erikler yalnızlığın çili
ihanet etmedim hiçbir zaman ama insan zaten hain değil mi
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radladybear · 4 years
"Kırmızı bir geyik yanıyor güz ırmaklarında
Gözleri bengi bengi bir orman
Zamanı kaşıyan parmaklarında
Benek benek kan...
Ayaklarına keçe bağlanmış bütün atların
Silinmiş yazıları kitapların
Tohum, merhametine sığınmış bulutların
Öylesine üryan...
Yeniden yeşeren otların koşturan yeşili
Görkemli tabiatın en zengin dili
Gönül pırrr diye uçan bir keklik çili
Yürek bir yanık harman...
Her ağacın arkasına sen saklanmışsın
Yerden göklere dek germişsin sessizliği
Öteğen bir kuştur bıraktığın ışın
Ya da sultanca bir ferman...
Sabahtan akşama, akşamdan sabaha
Bir kirmen gibi seni eğirir ruhum
Dağ, orman, deniz, gökyüzü... aha
Her yıldız kılıfını yırtmış bir can...
Ey mutluluğumun müziği şiir mayam
İksirinin karışmadığı sular sığ, söyleşiler ham
Bense gözlerini dinlemek istiyorum bu akşam
Bütün sevdalı kuşlardan..."
Her Mevsim Gündemdesin / Bahattin Karakoç
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akihsulkaz · 5 years
Junior Eurovision 2019 Pre-Show Top 19
So this is my first time looking forward to JESC since back then I couldn’t care less but like, hey why not for once? So here’s my top 19 before the show! It was unfortunate I didn’t end up posting my ranking for ESC 2019 but this is what you’ll get for now. 
Do remember that I’ll probably have quite different opinions than what others have. So please don’t go shitting on me for how I ranked/commented on the songs. Honestly the rankings from 7-12 feel quite interchangeable for me since I can’t really decide which I love more. But here goes my top 19 (with shitty commentary that’s probably outdated)!
19. Erin Mai - Calon yn Curo (Heart Beating) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 I’m gonna get so much hate for this. I just found it utterly boring. Other than that, the percussion seems too soft? And the strings are too loud. I just found it boring and near unlikeable for me for some reason.
18. Joana Almeida - Ven Camigo (Come With Me) 🇵🇹 When the first part of the song came in, I thought this was going to be some Electra Heart rip-off. But then the rest of the song came in and I knew this was definitely getting low. While I know this is Junior Eurovision, Joana's voice is just too…childish for me. Maybe I’m being too harsh since I’m typically not watching JESC. Other than that, I generally didn't like the melody nor the instrumental. The only thing I liked was the lyrics. Which is weird since I usually kinda like these types of songs? But it just didn’t come off as good.
17. Liza Misnikova - Pepelny (Ashen) 🇧🇾 This song reminded me a lot of "Like It," to be honest. Though funnily enough, I prefer Zena's vocals, but prefer this song's instrumentals. I actually enjoyed the instrumentals, the vocals and melody itself not too much. Though overall I'm not too much into it anyway, so yeah.
16. Isea Çili - Mikja ime fëmijëri 🇦🇱 I like the story/concept of the song though the lyrics itself seem pretty eh to me. Albania has some pretty good vocals in general so it's unsurprising even Isea has some, too. Though the song itself is also pretty bland for me, just like the singing itself.
15. Marta Viola - La Voce Della Terra 🇮🇹 I feel bad for putting it this low, especially when I usually rank Italy so high. I personally find it boring. That's not to say it's a bad song. But yeah, it's not that great for me. Marta's voice is good for the song, however. But it just doesn’t stand out that much for me.
14. Tatyana Mezhentseva and Denberel Oorzhak - A Time For Us 🇷🇺 Seeing the title, I was like, "What, like the mass song?" That was just random though, lol. I…actually liked it, and somehow unlike some others' opinions, I actually kinda like Denberel's voice. Though it has a weak start. I personally just really liked the last part and mostly just that, which is why it’s lower than I probably would’ve given.
13. Jordan Anthony - We Will Rise 🇦🇺 No offense to Aussies, but for some reason I don't really have high expectations for Australia's songs. But this song was actually really good in my opinion. Jordan's voice fits in with the song and it's overall just a nice song. Problem is, it's not overly nice nor does it stand out as much. But I think this might end up doing well.
12. Giorgi Rostiashvili - We Need Love 🇬🇪 I'm seeing that this song seems quite underrated. I personally enjoy it. It's a nice "feel-good" song. I always end up swaying my head to this song. Though I don't expect it to win, it's a personal favourite of mine and it's probably the song in the list I would listen to when I just want to sit down and get myself happy and stuff. Just overall a nice vibe.
11. Eliana Gomez Blanco - We Are More 🇲🇹 Me ranking the songs starting with “We” is pure coincidence. Anyways,wWhile I adore this song, it doesn't have as much kick as I would've probably liked for this. Especially for the chorus. The rest is good, and I really like her vocals. Though sidenote, Eliana looks really mature for her age, she probably looks older than I am haha.
10. Yerzhan Maxim - Armanyńnan Qalma 🇰🇿 This is an overly unpopular opinion. But boy, this song comes straight outta a Disney movie. And Disney songs are hella rad. I don't see people liking this song enough. Though that's fair seems it would feel more like a typical ballad. But this kid managed to make me like it. This is one of the songs I definitely don't think will win, but still deserves some love all the way.
9. Matheu - Dans Met Jou 🇳🇱 I have a feeling this song would do great in the televoting because a lot of people will probably get tired of the "SAVE THE WORLD!" message and just want a song about a guy and his dudes chillin' and dancin' with the girl he likes. And while I love the damn other songs, I can't help but liking it because it's such an upbeat and carefree song.
8. Karina Ignatyan - Colours of Your Dream 🇦🇲 This is a really catchy and upbeat song which pretty much says to colour your life with happiness and stuff. The vocals are nice and the beat definitely gets your groove as it stays true to its lyrics of feeling great.
7. Darija Vračević - Podigni Glas (Raise Your Voice) 🇷🇸 Okay, I heckin' love this one. Lyrics are nice, the song is quite consistent throughout, and I just really love the last part where they all drop down and didn't continue the line to say, "Oh look, it's too late now." And just hhhhhhh, I didn't have this as my favourite because while I have high praise for this song, it doesn't seem like a song people would vote for. Plus I feel like it won't stand out enough, plus Darija needs some little bit more improvement in her voice.
6. Anna Kearney - Banshee 🇮🇪 I feel like I speak for everyone when I say this song is probably better than most of the songs Ireland has recently sent in the ESC. I like this song as well, but I have fears that people might sleep on this. Plus I have a soft spot for fantasy-esque songs so lol. Anna’s voice is great and the message itself I find really nice.
5. Mila Moskov - Fire 🇲🇰 The chorus was stuck in my damn head the entire day. I love a good lot about this song, and I wished it was longer. But unfortunately, it isn't. I honestly don’t know what else to say about this, other than maybe the lyrics would’ve been nicer, but it’s still decent.
4. Carla - Bim Bam Toi 🇫🇷 I think everyone liked this song. And I agree. It's super duper fun and catchy and I actually like the dance in the music video and how much fun and enjoyment Carla has. It's a personal thing that I'm not too much of a fan of the non-singingish parts, but that's really only because I can't sing them without sounding/feeling too awkward. And I like singing the French songs since I actually can read partial French so yeah. Overall, really neat song, but not my winner.
3. Sophia Ivanko - The Spirit of Music 🇺🇦 This song is the number one candidate of "songs that need to be longer." I love it. It's a nice and simple song and boy, I just love those "hoo"s. Maybe because I just like birds and to that owls, but I really do. It's my favourite part of the song.
2. Melani Garcia - Marte 🇪🇸 A lot of the entries this year pertains to saving Earth, but Marte focuses more on saving the ocean in line to saving the world. And can I just say how much I love the high notes? This kid can sing! I was actually contemplating if I would put this in first, but ended up putting it at a close second.
1. Viki Gabor - Superhero 🇵🇱 You know what always ends up being such bops? Pop songs about saving the world, that is! This was one of the songs I instantly loved from the moment I began listening to it. I can definitely feel myself dancing along to the song and such. This was also one of the songs I wished was just longer.
So yeah that’s all! Good luck to everyone^^
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rrjetat-online · 5 years
Henri Çili ka dalë në një konferencë urgjente nga hotel “Rogner”
Henri Çili ka dalë në një konferencë urgjente nga hotel “Rogner”
Botuesi dhe pronari i Universitetit Evropian të Tiranës, Henri Çili ka dalë në një konferencë urgjente nga hotel “Rogner”, ku po shpjegon versionin e tij pas arrestimit.
Henri Cili: Gjatë gjithë këtyre ditëve shtypi dhe media është mbushur me versionin e prokurorisë ose policisë dhe besoj se është më minimalja të them versionin tim. Unë më 27 shkurt, Betim Shkupi dhe Ilir Korbi jemi ndaluar në…
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jubaer01 · 9 months
For AZERBAIJAN CITIZENS - United States American ESTA Visa Service Online - USA Electronic Visa Application Online
ABŞ viza müraciəti immiqrasiya mərkəzi
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Address: 1033 ул. Измира, Baku, Azerbaijan
Phone: (+994 12) 490 78 18/19
Website: https://www.evisa-us.org/az/visa/ 
Business Hours: 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name: James Charleton Gibsons
Description: ABŞ Visa Online üçün hansı şəxs müraciət etməlidir. Əgər Siz AB��-la vizadan imtina proqramına dair paktı olan bir ölkənin vətəndaşısınızsa və sizin ABŞ-a hər hansı Viza VİZASINIZ OLMAZsa, onda siz uyğunsunuz. Səyahətiniz üç aydan azdır. Amerikaya səfər etmək niyyətiniz iş və ya istirahət üçündür. Bir şəxs və ya bir qrup şəxs üçün yeni icazə və ya ABŞ vizası üçün müraciət etməlisiniz. ABŞ Visa Onlayn müraciət etmək üçün HANSI sənədlər lazımdır Vizadan imtina Proqramından etibarlı pasport(lar). Sizin ölkəniz Vizadan imtina edən ölkələr siyahısında olmalıdır, ABŞ Visa Onlayn əldə etmək üçün sizə qanuni e-poçt ünvanınız lazımdır. Ziyarətçinin əlaqə smartfonu və e-poçtunun təcili yardım nöqtəsi. Formanı doldurub yerləşdirdiyiniz və emal haqqını ödədiyiniz zaman siz ABŞ Viza Müraciəti üçün onlayn izlənilə bilən ESTA müraciət nömrəsi alacaqsınız. Yalnız icazə verilən hər bir fərdi ABŞ vizası 2 il etibarlıdır və AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK Ştatlarına çoxsaylı səfərlərə icazə verir. Pasportunuzun müddəti iki ildən az müddətdə başa çatarsa, ABŞ Visa Online yalnız pasportun bitmə tarixinə qədər etibarlı olacaq. Bir çox ölkələrə ABŞ Visa Onlayn icazə verilir, onlardan bəziləri İsrail, Portuqaliya, Almaniya, Latviya, Hollandiya, Yunanıstan, Lixtenşteyn, İsveç, Andorra, Finlandiya, Fransa, İrlandiya, Bruney, Xorvatiya, İsveçrə, İtaliya, Estoniya, Avstraliya, Koreyadır. , Cənubi, Yaponiya, İslandiya, İspaniya, Belçika, Litva, Norveç, Macarıstan, Slovakiya, Danimarka, Lüksemburq, Tayvan, Sloveniya, Avstriya, Polşa, Böyük Britaniya, San Marino, Yeni Zelandiya, Sinqapur, Çili, Monako, Çexiya, Malta . Səfərin məqsədi Turizm və ya Biznesdirsə  Which person should apply for USA Visa Online. If You are a citizen of a country which has a pact with USA for Waiver of Visa Program, and you also DO NOT have any Visits Visa to USA then you are eligible. Your journey is for less than three months. Your intention to visit America is for business or recreation. You need to apply for a new authorization or USA Visa for one individual or a group of person. WHAT documentation is needed to apply USA Visa Online A Valid passport(s) from a Visa Waiver Program. Your country should be in the List of Visa Waiver Countries, you need a legitimate e mail address to get US Visa Online. Visitor emergency point of contact smartphone and email. When you complete and put up the form and pay the processing charge, you will get an ESTA application number that can be tracked online for US Visa Application. Each permitted individual US Visa Only is for 2 years validity and allows multiple visits to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. If your passport expires in less than two years then your USA Visa Online will be valid only till the passport expiration date. Many countries are allowed USA Visa Online, some of them include, Israel, Portugal, Germany, Latvia, Netherlands, Greece, Liechtenstein, Sweden, Andorra, Finland, France, Ireland, Brunei, Croatia, Switzerland, Italy, Estonia, Australia, Korea, South, Japan, Iceland, Spain, Belgium, Lithuania, Norway, Hungary, Slovakia, Denmark, Luxembourg, Taiwan, Slovenia, Austria, Poland, United Kingdom, San Marino, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile, Monaco, Czech Republic, Malta. If the purpose of the trip is Tourism or Business then 
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arabela25 · 5 years
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Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2019 countdown: 15 days left!
Mikja Ime Fëmijëri - Isea Çili, Albania 🇦🇱        [x]
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mexicaneurolover · 5 years
Junior Eurovision 2019 my top 19 Pre-Live Show
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Well hello people around the world!! It’s me again with this provisional top 19 for this Junior Eurovision that will take place on Gliwice-Silesia on November, maybe this will change after the contest takes place and I’ll post another top with the final reactions and actual results... so let’s go!! 
1st Place: FRANCE/Carla-Bim bam toi 
After Angelina’s 2nd place last year, France send us this absolute banger, this is infectiously catchy, the lyrics are so nice, the music is crazy but this is what my inner child loves, also I’m expecting a lot for this entry, any of my top 5 songs would make wonderful winners, so GO FRANCE as well. 
2nd Place: SPAIN/Melani García-Marte 
Spain returned and what a return!!!! Melani is such a great singer, she definitively has the vocals, the lyrics are pretty, the music is breathtaking and I always want to cry with this song, GO SPAIN!!!! 
3rd Place: POLAND/Viki Gabor-Superhero 
If someone told me that Poland was going to be a powerhouse at JESC, I wouldn’t have believed it, but this latest years they have been sending bops, and this isn’t the exception, this is pure awesomeness, Viki sings pretty nice and I don’t mind Poland winning twice in succession, I’d be down for it. 
4th Place: SERBIA/Darija Vračević-Podigni glas (Raise your voice)
Another song I think is going to do very well, this builds up very well and I hope everything will be on place on the final night, the music is strong, the message is good and well, I just love this entry. 
5th Place: IRELAND/Anna Kearny-Banshee
This is pure perfection, her voice, the music, the feeling, for once... DON’T ROB IRELAND!!!!!! I want this in the top 10, they deserve it and Anna has a very pretty voice. And we don’t have the final version, so I hope it will slay. 
6th Place: UKRAINE/Sophia Ivanko-The spirit of music 
Ahhhhhh I remember when I had this song last, but the revamp lifted this to the sky, a relaxing feeling, a nice singer, it has a nice hook and wow, I fell in love with this, such a pleasant entry. 
7th Place: THE NETHERLANDS/Matheu-Dans met jou 
A pure pop banger, a nice singer with nice vocals, what can be wrong with this song, very catchy and for sure this will finish in the top 10, GO MATHEU.  
8th Place: NORTH MACEDONIA/Mila Moskov-Fire 
Ranking this high places was very difficult because I love all the songs that will come after this. This was a pleasant surprise and this is a very strong entry, so PLEASE I want North Macedonia to finish higher than 12th place for once. 
9th Place: ALBANIA/Isea Çili-Mikja ime fëmijëri 
Awwwwww I love this song, this is amazing and Albania is giving us a lot of bops, so I hope this won’t be underrated and have a good placing, a lovely lovely ballad. 
10th Place: MALTA/Eliana Gomez Blanco-We are more  
WEEEEEEEEEE MALTESE, and wow this is a very good song!!!! Also I think Eliana has amazing vocals so this for sure will finish top 5, the music is wow and yes, I like it. 
11th Place: WALES/Erin Mai-Calon yn curo (Heart beating) 
WAAAAAALES please don’t let this song come last, maybe the revamp isn’t what I expected but it warms my heart, also she sings so well and who knows... this can give a surprise. 
12th Place: PORTUGAL/Joana Almeida-Vem comigo (Come with me)
Welcome to the clown opinion of this top: this is my guilty pleasure (as much as all the Portuguese entries at this point), this promises to be an upbeat song but it’s kinda trance? Maybe someone left the button pressed and the song has a repetitive beat, this aside, I like it and hope this will do as better as expected. 
13th Place: ARMENIA/Karina Ignatyan-Colors of your dream
Here’s where my stan list starts. This song is very goooooooood, I love her voice, the music is very nice, this overall feels like a pleasant song and I want this to do well, go Karina!!!
14th Place: BELARUS/Liza Misnikova-Pepelny (Ashen) 
Hmmmmm... at this point I think this is my grower because it has a catchy beat and maybe the song isn’t 100% of my taste but it’s Belarus, they always do great things on stage and this won’t be an exception, maybe this will be my grower?
15th Place: AUSTRALIA/Jordan Anthony-We will rise 
Wow this youngster for sure has the vocals, the song isn’t that special for me but I can see this in the top 10 with the help of the juries, this needed a bit of an oomph to place it higher on my list, a nice pop tune. 
16th Place: GEORGIA/Giorgi Rostiashvili-We got need love 
This has a nice feel to it, a relaxing vibe, the beat is amazing and I see myself ranking this higher after the show, also, he has a nice voice so let’s see how this goes. 
17th Place: ITALY/Marta Viola-La voce della terra 
Again, Italy has had great entries in their short JESC story, but this is much in the line from last year, the lyrics are very good but this fails to impress me in a quite strong field of songs, I wonder how will this finish in the final results because I said the same about What is love and it finished top 10 so... you never know 
18th Place: KAZAKHSTAN-Yerzhan Maksim-Armanyńnan Qalma  
After their amazing and wig snatching debut, this feels like a letdown, this is very Disney-ish (and at some point I imagine him at an ice castle, wonder why) the music has great elements and he seems like a lovely lad, maybe this will be a growe but for now, I’ll place it here  
19th Place: RUSSIA-Tatyana Mezhentseva and Denberel Oorzhak-A time for us 
In this very bottom of the list we find Russia, I love the voice of Denberel but the song is very... meh compared to the other entries, as with all the kids I wish them the best and good luck but this isn’t for me 
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