#ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❛ sully family ༉‧₊˚𑁍
neteyamyawne · 1 year
Titsyul ♡
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Pairing: Jake x fem!metkayina!Twin!pregnant!Reader x Neytiri
Request: [@avatar4life] Hello how are you doing? I hope well, if you don't mind i have an idea.
So jake x reader x neytiri they're about to fight the tulkun killers and quaritch but reader found out they were pregnant but went to fight anyway, fast forward, reader neytiri and tuk are stuck and almost drowned but luckily got saved but reader's body went to a coma to save the baby(s) due to the stress of the fight, while the family is worried but also shocked about the fact that reader is pregnant with twins ( girls) due to the fact she's a twin herself and her brother is a healer ( he took care of her in the coma) ofc they all became overprotective once she wakes up
Fast forward reader is in labor and cursing everywhere, her brother is just laughing in the background while everyone is worried sick, the twin girls are healthy and everyone is happy.Jake's hand hurt but he's shutting up about it
Oh and i forgot to mention the twins skin is omaticaya along with how the rest of their body look like but they have reader face and nose and eyes but also have eyebrows and ten fingers
Mawey 🤍
❈ Warning : pregnancy, graphi birth, water birth, war, injury, going in coma, war, tsaheylu, claustrophobic!reader, lots of fluff + ft. Spider
❈ word count : 6.9k proof read.
"word" - dialogue
❈ Note : I watched the movie again to get more inspiration to write this but instead i ended up crying the whole movie and a hour after that, great times 🙂
❈ Extras : hey love 😊 thank you for requesting, I'm doing amazing and I loved this idea!!! (Te'yul - is the twin brother's made up name) I've been listening to Bajirao Mastani songs while writing this and omg the feels I got 😭
❈ Glossary : kelku - living space, Eywa - Na'vi deity, yawne - beloved, mawey - calm, Tiyawn - love, Mauri - metkayina living space, Sa'nok - Mother, Utumauti - Banana fruit, Sayrip - Handsome, syulang - flower, paskalin - sweet berry, Skxwang - Moron, Txe'lan - Heart, Zola' u niprrte nga prrnen - welcome your child, Tweng - loin cloth
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You paced in your kelku, your hand going to your stomach unconsciously as you thought about your mates and children being out there fighting those demons all by themselves, you couldn't just sit here on the shore and wait for them to come back, you knew the risk but you weren't about to let your mates be alone on the battlefield.
your twin watched as you dug a pit in the middle of your mauri as you paced back and forth, his eyes never leaving your worried form walking out of the kelku, as you called your ilu he stopped you "y/n…." He said softly, looking down at your abdomen and back up into your eyes but you shook your head "not now, te" was your only reply, instantly mounting your ilu and making your way towards the raging cold waters of the battle.
You were horrified to see the sight in front of you, the demon ship was crashed on the rock Island, people fighting and killing whoever in sight, your ears going flat against your forehead as you made your way towards the ship cautiously, the sky was dark and gloomy, sun setting down in the distance, the only light was from the fire that shone over the ship was from the explosion.
You climbed on the cold metal as the scene unfolding on the sinking dock made your blood run cold, Kiri in the grasp of that demon, his knife against her throat, Neytiri standing in front of them with her own knife against a human's chest, but a loud cry from tuk grabbed your attention as she ran into your arms "MAMA!!" you picked her up hurriedly.
Jake immediately pulled you behind him, his eyes wide in fear "what are you doing here?!" He whisper-yelled at you in concern, though you tried to answer but the na’vi looking man in demon clothes let Kiri go with a yell as Neytiri almost killed the human child in her grasp, a ruby red cut marred his chest now, Jake instantly pushed you behind him “stay behind” he ordered, tuk wrapped her arms around your neck, clinging onto your side, while burying her face in the crook of your neck and shoulder, Neytiri jogged back to you as she kissed your and tuk's foreheads, checking for any cuts and bruises “thank Eywa, are you okay, ma’yawne?” Her voice was strained from the fight, everything was happening too fast for her to comprehend “I’m okay… for now i guess” you answered back as the unease inside you grew, the only thing she knew is that she needed you and her family safe.
Walking away from the scene, Neytiri's arm around your waist as you carried tuk on your hip, the water filling in, breaths shivering out of everyone's lips, Kiri and the human child, Spider, walking behind you, your eyes going back to Jake as he fought the demon with all his might.
The distraction was enough as your foot slipped going straight into the open door of the sinking ship, the water sucking you in forcefully as tuk screamed in your neck, holding tightly as Neytiri yelled, wide eyed, holding onto your hand but the force was too great and her hold went slack, your body slamming onto the metal bottom with a loud ‘thud’, the water drowning out your cries for help as you struggled to keep tuk close to you, coughing and spitting out the salty water at the sudden impact but strong arms pulled you up, face to face with Neytiri, her hands wiping the water out of your eyes, pulling you and tuk close to her chest "oh eywa, thank you great mother" she whispered kissing you softly before pulling you through the tunnels of the ship, water pouring in heavily as tuk clinged to your hip once again, face buried in your neck "mama….I'm scared" Her voice quivering and shaking as you held her close, walking through the cold water "shhh we'll be okay, stay close to me, okay?" You whispered back with as much of a steady voice you could muster, her little nod was all you needed.
Falling and tumbling through the hallways and rooms, you were now trapped, the tunnel filling in will water, Neytiri held you and tuk close to her, your heart beating fast as you looked around the closed walls, ears flat on your skull, tail swaying as your body starts to tremble, the lights going out one by one making your heartbeat pace faster than rolling winds, your breaths getting cut short and Neytiri noticed your change in behavior, carefully making you look at her by hooking a finger under your chin "ma'y/n, mawey, tiyawn mawey" she whispered caressing your cheek, making you breathe evenly with her "it's okay, yawne, we will get out of this, we will" she whispered, looking in your eyes, her statement firm at the end, tuk looked at your disheveled state "mama, it will be okay" she said kissing your cheek to reassure you.
You tried to calm down but the fear reside, hands shaking, body trembling, head light as feather and bile rising up your throat, you knew something was terribly wrong, neytiri rubbed your back, whispering sweet nothings in your ear to distract you but the water levels were rising, though you were a water na'vi the rising water made you uneasy and nervous, the surface of it was now up to your necks, your breathes coming out in short puffs of air as you held tuk as High above as possible, the three of you huddled together, praying to eywa to get out of here when a sudden bright light filled the space, hundreds of glowing fishes swam towards your direction and soon kiri's head popped up at the end of the tunnel with a big squeal from tuk, happy to see her sister again,even with a smile playing on your lip you knew your state was getting worse and worse and Neytiri saw it as her arm was supporting your waist as she held you close to her.
Getting out of the sinking ship as your group broke the water surface taking deep, enriching breaths of air, reaching payakan slowly, Jake pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly as his own breaths puffed up, but you couldn't care less, eyes drooping close as your body went limp in his arms, the stress from the confinement and war taking a toll on your body, the only sign of you being alive is your steady breathing and heartbeats thundering in your chest.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Bright morning rays of the sun filled the entirety of your tent, the war was over but the tension in the environment was still the same, your unconscious body was lying comfortably on a mat, your twin and tsahik working together on getting you back in a conscious state, Kiri rubbing the sole of your feet to keep you warm, Neytiri was worried sick holding your hand in her’s as Ronal had a hand placed on your stomach as her eyes wide while pressing lightly around your abdomen to be sure of what she was feeling, te'yul cringed as he had promised you he'll keep it a secret until you decided it was the right time.
Ronal checked again just to be one hundred percent sure, Jake was pacing outside the tent with Neteyam, Lo'ak and spider trying to sneak inside, Kiri sitting near your feet, rubbing some warmth into them when Ronal looked at neytiri with a vexed expression "Did you know?" her voice angered and upset, Neytiri furrowed her non-existent eyebrows, a big question mark visible on her face "what?!" Ronal was fuming at this point "Did. You. Know?" This time Neytiri was taken aback and even Jake entered the tent from the anticipation of what's going on with Ronal’s raised voices at Neytiri and because his legs were aching from the amount of pacing he did outside, the couple were worried for their mate as you laid with your eyes closed "what's going on?" Jake asked carefully as he saw Ronal's enraged face and demeanor.
Te'yul came in between the budding argument, resting a hand on Ronal's shoulder to calm her down as he faced Jake and neytiri to see their confused expressions, he apologized internally to you for breaking your promise without your permission he was worried for all the reactions he’ll get after this, his tone was tuned down as he spoke "y/n is pregnant…..with twins"
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The whole sully family sat around your sleeping form, Jake's arms wrapped around Neytiri's shoulders comforting her as best as he could, tuk was laying beside you, hugging you close as she slept next to you, her little arms thrown over your torso, kiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak and spider huddled together as they watched you and tuk sleeping together, te'yul sitting in a corner as he worked on some pastes and herbs for you, preparing some syrups for your future symptoms of the pregnancy, waiting for you to wake up soon.
The word of your health spread throughout metkayina like wildfire, everyone's new topic of gossip was your pregnancy, of course this is the first time a child with both metkayina and omaticaya features would be born, that too not one but two babies at once, a miracle by eywa herself, though it was quite predictable given you were a twin and Jake was a twin as well, it was bound to happen.
After a week and a half of no sign of movement your eyes fluttered open, the soft rays of the sunset hitting your irises making them dilate and contract quickly, tuk saw you waking up first, as she refused to leave your side, and squealed running around telling everyone “MAMA WOKE UP! MAMA WOKE UP!” Te'yul immediately coming up to your side as Neytiri and Jake did, ignoring the fact that Jake almost ran over a kid to get to you, you didn't blame him for it, he was worried after all, Ronal was called as they all looked down at you, Ronal and Te'yul working on you as they tried to bring you back to your full consciousness, ronal with her ear pressed to your chest then to your stomach, Te’yul applying a soothing paste to the base of your throat, Jake on the other hand was a nervous wreck, he sent out a message to norm and team to come by, it's not like he didn't trust the metkayina healers or your own brother at that matter but for his own peace of mind.
A few hours later when everyone calmed down and with Te'yul forcing you to drink a bitter syrup with a "it's good for the babies'' which you had no idea what it did, now you were finally relaxing with your family, again the word of you waking up was all around the village but the Sully's didn't care, all they cared about is that you're awake, well and very much alive, Jake almost cried tears of relief when norm said everything was okay with you and your babies, for the family there wasn't anything more happier than you and the babies okay and healthy.
Now that the environment was much calmer not one of them was ready to leave your side, Jake and Neytiri were on your side, tuk cuddled into your chest, kiri in between you and Neytiri, Lo’ak in between Jake and you while Neteyam had his head snuggled on your stomach, being careful so he won’t “hurt” his new baby brothers or sisters, all of you were a tangled pile of limbs and love, Jake would lovingly give you a few kisses while Lo’ak who was in between grimaced and gagged at the sight, Neytiri chuckled and shook her head, snuggling close to everyone she gave tuk a small kiss on her temple as she slept on your chest, this was the best time for the family to be all together, at peace and happy as they all drift asleep as their love for one another floated in the air strong and radiant.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
~ 2 months pregnant ~
You were given complete bed rest for the time being and Neytiri was adamant on not letting you step out of the hammock let alone the mauri, constantly checking over you every two hours, bringing you fruits, soups, and whatnot.
Jake wasn't anything less than Neytiri was, he'd walk into your shared mauri with a worried expression. Run a hand over your slightly swollen belly, give you a kiss on your forehead and if you were awake he’d bombard you with questions for several minutes on end “are you feeling okay, babygirl?” “Do you feel nauseous?” “Does your stomach hurt? Does your back hurt? I can give you a massage if you want”
he’d pestered continuously back and forth in his visits throughout the day, he was worried as twin pregnancies are rare in na’vi, plus the babies being half omaticayan and half metkayian, it added more tension to his growing worry day by day as the pregnancy progressed.
“ma’Jake, I’m fine! I’m pregnant, not dying!” you spoke with a hint of annoyance tracing your voice after his 1000th query of your health and it's not even complete 2 months yet “baby, i know that, but you’re pregnant with MY twins and I’m worried, so its better you answer those questions to me, tiyawn” he whispered in your ear and planted a soft kiss on your temple, you knew there was no escaping his sweet slick words.
Neytiri and the kids were nothing less than Jake, tuk was glued to your side, being the youngest she was mesmerized by your belly and happy that she won’t be the youngest anymore, while neteyan, being used to seeing his mom pregnant with his siblings before, he was just the gentleman to you as his father, always making sure if your comfortable or not, bringing in fresh fruits and meat for you, placing his head on your belly to hear the babies’ heartbeats, while Lo’ak did his best to keep up with the fact that he’s getting not just one but TWO new siblings at the same time, poor boy would cling to you and ask if you’d love him and the others less because you’re getting your own babies now, you’d hold him tight in your arms and reassure him that you’d love him just as much as before and the others, that the babies won’t change it as he opens up to you “mama, i still want to spend our swims together after this” he’d whisper hugging you “of course we will, you and i will have lots of fun once i have your siblings, i’ll even take you to my favorite place” a smirk dancing on your lips as you reassured him and pressed a kiss on his head.
Spider was nervous and intrigued by everything about you, not having met you before he was a little scared if you’d accept him, though Neytiri was reluctant to let him be anywhere near you, she quickly backed down when you reassured her that it was okay, your warm and welcoming smile was enough to let him feel at ease, he grew more attached to you day by day, looking up to you like a mother he never had, you didn’t expect yourself to as protective of him, not knowing whether it was your pregnancy or because he was so small compared to others, you were protective of him immediately.
“Spider, why don’t you sit with me? I’ll put your hair up for you” you’d say with a loving voice he couldn’t ignore, but there was a hint of worry too, he didn’t know the way of the water and you didn’t him to be hurt plus it was nice to have some company, He’d comply every time you asked him though, he wasn’t about to refuse some head pets from you, it’s not even been a few months living with you and he was already calling you ‘mom’ which surely melted your heart every time he called you that “coming, sa’nok” he’d say before coming right up to you with a hug or cuddles, it was his favorite thing to do now, he still kept in mind about your belly before doing so.
Jake was happy to see you and him bonding together, he was nervous on how neytiri would react but it surprised him how quickly she backed down when you asked her to, still he was happy about the fact that spider was finally getting the love and attention he deserved.
~ 6 months pregnant ~
The babies were growing and thriving, while also leaving you at the mercy of their cravings, the night shone bright, the chirping of the creatures outside weren’t doing anything to put you back to sleep, Jake and Neytiri were on your sides sleeping peacefully while you laid awake, mouth watering with the thought of tasting utumauti at such ungodly hour, you looked at jake who was snoring softly, one arm wrapped around your swollen middle while you were using his other arm as a pillow, his bioluminescent freckles glowing bright in the darkness as he slept.
“ma’Jake, wake up…. Please” you whispered to him as you couldn’t help yourself now, you needed to taste it, midnight or not, instead of him Neytiri woke up as she looked at your attempts to wake him “do you need anything, paskalin?” her voice was soft yet rough from the sleep which startled you a bit, now you were a bit embarrassed to say that you were hungry even after eating a big dinner “ohh tiri… it’s just… um i wanted some utumauti” she chuckled getting up from the hammock “that’s it? You could have asked me sooner, ma’txelan” she said pressing a kiss on your temple before heading outside to get some for you.
In a few minutes she was back with quite a few Utumauti in her arms, keeping silent as she cut them up in cubes while you sat beside her near the fireplace, everything was quiet, all the kids and the village sleeping, the only sounds that could be heard were Jake’s snoring, creatures chirping, waves crashing outside while you munched on the fruit pieces.
“Is that good or do you need more?” her voice was sweet and filled with love as she watched you eat, her hand caressing your back gently, you shook your head “No, this is enough, thank you” your giggle bringing a smile on her face as you had already eaten at least five utumauti by now, she didn’t mind though, she’d bring the whole damn tree if you asked her.
When jake turned in the hammock and felt both you and neytiri out of place, he woke up to the sight of you and Neytiri sitting close together while you satisfied your midnight cravings, she had her arms wrapped around your midsection, he felt a warm feeling build up inside his chest at the scene in front of him, though he wasn’t a part of it, he was still content and happy to just witness it, going back to sleep while the memory played in his mind and a smile lingered on his lips.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The twins could now move and kick very well, which also made all the sully’s take turn and sit in front of you with their hands on your growing belly, Jake was the most persistent one as he still didn’t get to feel the baby while everyone else felt one or both the babies move or kick, even Rotxo had his turn fulfilled and Jake didn’t, which frustrated the hell out of him.
“Ma’Jake, you can’t force the babies to move if they don’t want to” you spoke as you and Neytiri were holding back your laughs so you wouldn’t frustrate him even more “but they moved for everyone else!” he said in almost a whiny voice as he removed his hands from your stomach.
Your stomach, that now held your twins with a beautiful curve to it didn’t show any movement, he let out an exasperated sigh with a frown looking at your belly, Neytiri decided to tease him more “maybe the babies love their sa’nok and sa’nu more” she said with a smirk as she placed her hand on the top of your belly and to everyone's surprise one of the babies moved under her touch as if agreeing with her, Neytiri in result bursted out laughing not able to hold in any longer, Jake on the other hand frowned even more as you tried to comfort him while trying not to laugh yourself as he crossed his arms across his chest “they’re not even born and they already don’t like me” which only caused Neytiri to laugh more and Jake to roll his eyes at her, you were now stuck with a sulking Jake and overjoyed Neytiri “they will move for you jake, give them some time, sayrip” you said with a smile as he sulked.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You were having a particularly hard day walking around, back strained, legs and ankles swollen, Jake was the one overlooking you as Neytiri was out for once after being cooped up with you for the period of the entire pregnancy, she went out fishing to try new things, the kids were out as Tsireya invited them the night over at their mauri and Jake couldn’t be more happier to have you all for himself all day and then with Neytiri at night, once again you were restricted to the hammock but this time you were grateful for it, the nap was treating you well after all those sleepless and restless nights, Jake, on the other hand, was preparing a meal for when you wake up, as the day went on you woke up with a slight pain in your abdomen, dismissing it as you got up.
Eating with Jake in a peaceful silence when the pain was getting harder to ignore, your hand instinctively moving towards his hand as a dull yet sharp pain went through your abdomen, which definitely caught Jake's attention “darling, you okay?” his eyes going wide in alarm as he grabbed onto want just happened, forgetting all about the food as he connected the dots, the sudden tiredness, unusual cramps, constant back pains, it was clear you were going into labor, he knew the signs after three times with Neytiri, getting to your side as his rough calloused hand caressed the side of your head “shhh it’s gonna be okay, don’t panic, stay calm and breath okay? I’ll call Ronal and your brother, stay here!” he whispered soothingly as you caught onto the moment and nodded this was it…..you are going to give birth.
After waiting for jake to come back, you were on all fours as you felt the first of the contractions coming which were in no way pleasant, they immediately got to work, easing you in a more comfortable position as the pain and adrenaline starts to kick in, Jake getting behind you as he rubbed your back, kissing your forehead “there you go, hold onto me and relax, deep breathes remember?” he whispered directly in your ear as he tangled his hand in your hair but only one thing ran through your mind “Call Neytiri!! I can’t do this without her!! I want tiri” your cries were heard as someone was sent to get her.
She came running and stumbled back to your shared mauri, bursting through the flaps dropping her bow and arrows in an instance as she got to you “I’m here, I’m here syulang” she said encouragingly as she kissed your forehead, her breaths were quick and short but she didn't care, you were her first priority and the babies, that’s all she cared about.
You were kneeling on the woven flooring of the mauri, your breaths coming in short puffs of air, cheeks red and wet from the efforts as Jake supported you from behind and neytiri was kneeling in front of you, gently caressing your contracting abdomen, kissing your temple lovingly as they both tried to comfort you through the pain, tears flowing down your cheeks as your head was buried in neytiri’s shoulder.
“tiri, it hurts so much, i can’t do this ahh please ughh'' your whimpers were painful for her to hear, she ran a hand through your hair, kissing the top of it “it’ll be over soon, paskalin, you can do this just hold on a little longer” her whispers of reassurance did wonders to calm you down but the contractions that racked your womb pulled another scream of pain from your throat.
you rocked your body back and forth to soothe the pain holding onto neytiri for dear life “ohhh GREAT MOTHER! Why does this have to hurt so much!!!” your cries ringing through the mauri and te’yul let out a chuckle.
“i told you so, it's your fault that you decided to get pregnant and-” a loud groan from you shuts him up “shut the fuck up for moment, you skxwang! I didn’t ask for your opinion right now! I swear to eywa I’ll-” your rant was stopped by Jake as he made you look at him with his finger under your chin, though everyone was surprised at your outburst.
“easy, easy there, sweetheart, take a deep breath with me, i know it hurts but you have to calm down for the babies'' he whispered looking down in your ocean blue eye that now welled up with tears, holding your hand in his as he ran the pad of his thumb over your knuckles then glared daggers at te’yul for his remark while you're twin just shrugged.
you groaned not having the patience to go through all this, Ronal hits te’yul upside his head with a quick reprimand about not to rile a laboring woman, you groan loudly, throwing your head back on jake’s shoulder as you squeezed his hand in a vice like grip while bearing through the contraction “I hate you jake! You did this to me! I hate you so much” you cried, eyes screwed shut in pain, your grip on his hand so tight it sprained his wrist but he didn’t dare to utter a single word against it as he saw the amount of pain you were in was way greater than his sprained wrist, he smiled “I’m sorry, sweetheart, now please concentrate” he whispered, not taking your comments to heart, Neytiri chuckled kissing your forehead and looked at Jake with a smile, she yelled the same things to him while giving birth to Neteyam, Lo’ak and tuk so he was now used to it by now, he didn't mind being the punching bag, verbally and physically.
“Its okay, ma’tiyawn, you can blame him, it's his fault anyways” she said with a smile, adding fuel to the already blazing fire while Jake rolled his eyes at her trying to distract you from the pain as much as possible, but you weren’t in the mood to smile or laugh as the contractions were numbing your thought process.
Ronal had a worried look on her face “let her speak what she want, it's better she if lets it out” as she came up to the three of you with a bowl of dark green liquid in it, kneeling down beside you she brought the bowl to your lips “drink this, child, you’ll feel better, let your body do its thing, do not hold back” you drank the, for once, sweet liquid in two gulps, you tried to relax but it was easier said than done.
Neytiri and Jake did their best to calm you down through your screams of agony, the liquid will take a few minutes to show effect but when it does the moan of relief you let out is louder than any scream you let out before, which earned another fit of chuckles from te’yul while Ronal glared at him this time, even Jake couldn’t hold back his smile at that, you placed your head on Neytiri’s shoulder again as she rubs your back lovingly while Jake holds his hand on your hip, the other sprained one was still being used as a stress ball by you, even while you were in such immense pain te’yul couldn’t help but smile, you were his sister, yes, but he’ll also make puns about this moment when all of this is over.
Ronal walked over to Neytiri as she placed a hand on your shoulder “i think we should go to the hot water springs, the warm water would help her a lot” she said sympathetically looking at your worn out and exhausted state and both Jake and Neytiri nodded in agreement.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Your twin and Ronal were both working on getting the place ready to help you through the birth but that was still a long way ahead, Jake carried you in his arms bridal style to the springs, your eyes closed, mind clouded with pain as soft mewls left your lips while your nails dug into his shoulder and arms, reaching the pond he slowly lowered your body into the warm water, the liquid immediately helping with the soreness and subside the pain to some extent.
Jake got behind you, once again giving you support to lean on, your body was already drenched in cold sweat before, the beads of water and sweat ran down your skin, Neytiri got into the water as well, standing in front of you as she caressed your cheek, giving you a sweet kiss on your lips as your face scrunched up in agony from the new contractions “shhh you’re nearly there, yawne, just a little more and you’ll meet your babies, breathe ma’txe’lan breathe, in and out” she whispered stroking your swollen stomach and rubbing your back, Jake kissed the nape of your neck “you’re doing so good, sweetie, we’ve already gone through the first half of it, this is the last stretch, i know you can do it” their words of encouragement gave you motivation to push through it, head rolling back on his shoulder, by now you didn’t have it in you to scream anyways, Exhaustion was taking its toll on your body, the soft groans and tears that were rolling down your already wet cheeks were the only signs of your ongoing suffering.
Ronal checked your dilation as Neytiri wiped the sweat and tears from your face and neck, helping you drink some water to keep you hydrated while going through such painful period which she was familiar with but even the simplest act of drinking a sip of water was difficult with the oncoming waves of contractions in your womb, new batch of tears stream down your cheeks as Neytiri wiped them away gently.
Her’s and Jake’s faces were twisted in a frown as they hated to even see you get a scratch let alone to see you writhe in pain like this was making them worried sick by the passing second, Neytiri’s hands massaged your hips to loosen any tense muscles to help the parturition even more, another intense pain ripped through your abdomen as you grit your teeth against it, eyes shut tightly in pain, lips pressed in a thin line and Jake couldn’t see you in pain anymore “okay, this is enough…” he whispered as he brought his queue forward and connected it yours, Ronal tried to say otherwise but the decision was made, Neytiri following suit connecting with the two of you, the full force of the pain now washing over them, Neytiri was accustomed to it by now but still shuddered at the sudden rush of feelings and even when Jake had assisted Neytiri with all her births like this but the feeling of the pain was always unexpected for him.
Now with the queues connected they held you, gently caressing and massaging your body to ease you in any possible way, you felt their calming thoughts filling your mind as your braids connected together "you can do it, tiyawn, just push through it, Love, everything will be over soon, it will be all worth it" Jake's whispers of affection and comfort falling over deaf ears when the first of the twins started to make an appearance resulting in your roars of pain and clutching Jake's already sprained wrist as the first baby started to crown.
Ronal held your legs apart, Neytiri caressed your face and neck, while Jake ran his hand down on your waist as your sobs were clearly heard through the pain "We understand, syulang, we understand, now please push as hard as you can, zola' u niprrte nga prrnen" Neytiri said calmly, guiding you through the pain to push and encourage to bring these children to life.
Hot tears rolled down your cheeks as you gave a push "ngghhhh get them out!!" Your screams of desperation were heartfelt for everyone who heard them, Neytiri's face was full of concern as you screamed "shhh just push the best you can, you want to see them right? You can't give up now that you're so close….i know it hurts, yawne, i know but you can't lose everything when you're so close, push one more time, for us, for the babies" she whispered softly as you stare at her with a tear soaked face, snort running down your nose as sweat dripped down your scalp, the water washed over to your chest giving you an effect of weightlessness, with a new kind of determination take over your body, you began to push.
The saying childbirth is the worst pain anyone can experience was really starting to become very clear to you now, you grit your teeth taking a deep breath and pushed but soon turned into a scream and then a sob, the burning sensation was too overwhelming, even taking a breath felt like a laboring act, Ronal held your hand gently in hers “shh calm down, calm down… breath, y/n, breath”
She guided your hand between your thighs, letting your fingers brush against the baby’s head, you stared at her as your expression went from pained to one of awe and longing, the fact that you were so close to meeting your babies, ignited a deep urge to keep going no matter how bad the pain was, after taking a moment to catch up, you beared down with the next contraction, eyes shut tightly, toes curled up as you screamed head bowed down, jake held your hand while you squeezed it, his other arm holding you in place, Neytiri rubbed your back soothingly.
Ronal cupped the crowning head of the baby with her hand when finally the head slipped out followed by your groan, now the time ticked, you had to push to get the shoulders out soon with the next contraction, she urged you to push again, tugging on the baby gently with the next push as your whole body trembled from the effort as the baby’s shoulders passed through the canal with the final push, Ronal and te’yul immediately took the newborn to clean up, your breaths becoming shallow while Neytiri smiled caressing your cheek “there, that’s it, you’re okay” she whispered leaning her forehead against yours.
Jake stroked your waist kissing your forehead gently “good girl, very good, one down one to go” he said softly, currently looking absolutely proud of you as he placed several kisses on your head, tears forming in his eyes “I’m so proud of you, you did so good, just a little more, sweetheart” his words were spoken from shere love and appreciation.
Neytiri was looking at you with just as much pride as jake, patting your cheek when finally a piercing cry rang through the air, grabbing all your attention, the cry was mighty enough to make your heart sore but the pain wasn’t done yet, Ronal coming back in front of you as she held you by your shoulders “a little more and it's done, push when you feel like” but exhaustion made you feel like your head was underwater, even being in the hot spring wasn’t helping that much, head rolling back on Jake’s chest, only getting out of the daze when the burning sensation came back in the nether regions, blinking back your tears as you pushed, this was relatively easier than the first and the second twin came out faster than you expected, which was more than a big relief.
In the most fastest few minutes of your life, Ronal and Neytiri held your daughters in their arms as Jake held you tired body in his, admiring the sight in front of him “You did it, sweetheart, You did it, you’re absolutely wonderful” he whispered as your ears twitched from his warm breath, your tail swishing underwater, a tired smile on your face as you stared at your newborn daughters, your own daughters and you couldn’t be more proud “go ahead, name them sweetie” he said proudly as he caressed your arm and neytiri nodded along “you should name them, paskalin”
After thinking for a few minutes, you came up with a pair of names you thought were the best “Pe’rul and Peyal” your voice strained and rough but the emotions behind it melted everyone's heart as they all agreed that those were good names “those are beautiful name, tiyawn” neytiri said as she brought peyal closer to you and jake and ronal nodded as well, ronal swam forward as well both the babies went quiet as they were laid on your chest, going silent as they felt their mother’s touch, it was a beautiful sight for all of them while te’yul cheered and howled in happiness in the background as he was officially an uncle now as Ronal now carefully bandaged Jake’s sprained wrist while you gave him a apologetic smile in return he just chuckled and pecked your forehead.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
A few weeks have passed since the day of arrival of the twins, the happiness of the clan was quadrupled as the babies were the most miraculous things they have witnessed, azure skin like Jake and Neytiri but soft ocean blue eyes and teal stripes like yours, the combination made the pair look blessed by Eywa herself, lanky and long tails like the omaticaya but slightly broader with a tuft of hair at the tail ends, seemingly they were the most beautiful babies to be seen on the land of metkayina.
If Jake and Neytiri weren’t overprotective before now it was like being smothered in their love, which was more overwhelming than anything, and boy oh boy did Neytiri took care of you after the birth, knowing damn well how down and depressed a new mother can feel after the birth, she did everything in her power to keep you happy, making necklaces, shawls, blankets, tops for you everyday, kissing your postpartum belly, all the stretch marks, massaging your back, making your favorite foods, pampering you in any way possible, she made sure to make you feel like a queen.
While Neytiri takes care of you, Jake and the kids are on the duty to take care of the twins, and eywa bless him, he’s taking that job very seriously, now father of seven, including spider, he was almost delirious at the amount of children he has, to think at one point in his life he gave up hope to ever have the joy of a family of his own and to now with two mates and seven children, oh how things have changed, for good this once.
Overjoyed was an understatement for Neteyam and the gang, two little baby sisters? You bet the protection levels are through the clouds, may the great mother help the person who even looks or breathes at the twins in a wrong way, Kiri held Peyal with the most widest grin possible, while Neteyam held Pe’rul as if she was the most precious thing on pandora and as of now she was, Lo’ak and tuk were in their thoughts as how he won’t be the only middle child and tuk was happy as she won’t be the youngest anymore, for spider, the more siblings the better.
Uncle te’yul made the first song chords for the babies as gift which you then attached it to the band of their tewng, adding a pearl as the memory of their birth to your song chord as well, right next to the bead Jake gave you which symbolized your mating with the couple, plus adding two similar pearls on the twins song chords as a symbol to the start of their journey in this new and amazing world.
The whole family huddled together. You in the middle, Jake and Neytiri on your sides as the twins laid on top of you, Lo’ak and spider beside Jake while Neteyam and Kiri were beside Neytiri, tuk was sandwiched between you and Jake but she didn’t mind, as everyone’s attention was on the newest members of the family while they slept on your chest, Neytiri caressed your cheek and jake went a step ahead, pecking your lips sweetly “we are so proud of you, txe’lan” Neytiri nodding in agreement as all of the others groaned and fake gagged at the public display of affection, tuk and Kiri just giggled, Neteyam laughing his ass off with a loud “Gross” from Lo’ak and spider while you, Jake and tiri burst out laughing, love floated in the air, it was a beautiful beginning, which you'll cherish forever.
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A/n : I had so much fun writing this! The amount of time i spent researching everything omggg, i hope y'all would enjoy!
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @elriel-4-ever, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @neteyamsoare, @elijangwifey, @erosthefae, @murderbirbdany, @thearabloak06, @killua2dot0, @ilovechickenwings, @kylobensgirl, @darling-imobsessed, @majathepapaya, @sweetirilly, @moonchildxoxx.
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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httpsserene-main · 2 years
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‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ hummingbird ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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notifications ☽︎: fem!navi!reader, selectivelymute!reader, deaf!reader, sully family x reader (platonic), side!neteyam x reader, self harm, panic attacks, sensory overload, child neglect and abuse, canon typical violence, no proofreading whatsoever lmao, 7.5k words
requested ☽︎: uhh sort of?? i reached out to the lovely @inutheangel who happily dealt with my rambling and decided to give writing a mute and deaf reader a shot! so i am really thankful they wanted to see this!
developer's notes ☽︎: okayyyyyyy! i am back! i was originally planning to get this out like last friday but i got reallyyy sick. like 103 degree fever for two days sick, multiple antibiotics, bed rest, no energy type beat. and i worked on it when i could but school started for me and it was taking everything in me to recover lmao. n e ways…. this is my child now. thank you @inutheangel, for gracing me with the opportunity to write this, and for answering all of my questions, and i hope you are pleased!! 
so this is a fem!reader, who’s also selectively mute and deaf. i did a bit of research to have a deeper understanding of these conditions, but i didn’t get too technical with it because i didn’t want to bore anyone, and this piece is already long enough without drawn out details. so it’s sort of? family-centric and follows the plot of the second movie loosely, because i couldn’t decide how to include it fully and that would’ve been an even longer work. it’s an 18 page long google doc, please spare me. i apologize to the besties reading on mobile. this whole work consists of headcanons, but i’m lowkey thinking about writing scenarios, and drabbles about fem!mute!deaf!na’vi!reader, which is a mouthful so i’m just going to call her hummingbird!reader, because jake calls her that in these hcs lol. if you want to see more of hummingbird!reader, and have any ideas of your own, or any fun thoughts about her and interactions with the sully’s let me know and i genuinely will respond and enthuse about this!
if i missed any tw's let me know, if you want more of hummingbird!reader let me know, and of course, enjoy!
much love, kirby <3 !!!
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your father who died due to wounds being sustained when fighting the sky people
neytiri gave birth to neteyam 4 months before your father passed, and is the one to inform reader’s mother as they are close friends. 
your mother is barely 6 months pregnant with you, and the news about her mate sends her into distress and early labor
jake who was close with your parents (being two of the few omatikaya who eagerly helped him learn their ways) frantically got in touch with norm and max when the elders who were assisting your mother said that both you and your mother would probably die during childbirth.
norm and max perform a successful c-section not only saving you and your mother; you are born drastically underweight, barely half the size of your mother’s forearm, and you fail to breastfeed properly and you are transported to the lab to receive proper nourishment
your mother comes with, needing time to heal from c-section and the instinct to be close to you, but her behavior will change unbeknownst to everyone
when you become healthy enough to leave with your mother and return to the omatikaya clan, she’s aided by the women in the tribe helping her raise and nourish you in the absence of her mate, but it is mainly neytiri who sticks by her side bringing neteyam and, jake who stops on his own to watch over you as he promised your father he would
but when she’s alone with you… her instinctive mothering nature begins to dwindle, your face mirrors your fathers, and your mother hurts whenever she looks at you
she ignores your cries for her attention only seeming to return to the present when other na’vi come to check in on why your screams haven’t ceased
and as you grow stronger and older, her feelings of anguish and despair transform into anger.
she refers to you as a demon child, never stopping to remind you that you nearly killed her in the process of your birth, that she wishes you were never born, and that she’d trade your life for your father’s without hesitation
you do not understand her words yet, you understand her body language and the hostility radiating off of her
you're nearing two years of age, and it gets worse. you have yet not begun to speak. no first words, not a single babble besides cries. and she begins to compare you to other children your age who are developing normally
she yells at you for being a stupid, worthless child, embarrassing her with your silence. her volume raises even more when she finds you not even turning to look at her while she screams at you talks to you, failing to notice that you literally cannot hear her
she’s practically breaking the sound barrier raging for you to look at her while she’s talking to you. she marches over—roughly pulling your arm to get you to look at her— and your pained yelp is the only sound that escapes you as she continues to berate you
tiny ears pinned back in distress, tail tucked between your legs to match eyes wide with fear and confusion— not understanding why your mother only treats you like this you’ve seen how sweet neytiri is to her children
you’ve become numb to your mother’s behavior. you adapted to survive her anger. learning to avoid her at all costs; staying as far away from her as possible when she begins one of her tyrants. but this is her first time becoming physical with you
her bruising grip at your arm drops and switches to ripping your hair out yanking at your braids pulling your head backwards uncomfortably, scalp burning, and you begin to scream and cry
she’s completely delusional, cackling, “now you start making noise”
jake who was not far from your dwelling, is preparing a few carcasses to be cooked, when his ears picked up on your cries
he brushes off the first wave of your tears assuming it's just regular childlike tantrums which you rarely have without good reason anymore 
jake who fails to brush off tears the second time, your mother’s vengeful screams paired with your terrified cries—his paternal affliction for you overrides him and he rushes to get to you
you blank out of most of the altercation, only remembering seeing the olo’eyktan’s angry expression when he enters the tent, and eventually ending up returning to awareness in neytiri’s arms head hugged to her chest, feeling her sobs
you pull away confused at the change in scenery, looking around a little panicked unknowing of how you ended up in the sully’s tent; neteyam, kiri and jake nowhere to be seen
neytiri who tries to calm you down, but you do not even react, only turning to reach up at her face— a painfully adorable confused expression on your face as you pat her face trying to wipe her tears her heart breaks for you
your mother is probably banished to another clan i don’t know the logistics of that but she is definitely not welcome to stay neytiri would rip her fucking tracks out on god
and from that point forward you are basically adopted by the sully’s
neytiri accepts you as her own daughter, feeling responsible for not being aware of your mother’s neglectful and abusive treatment of you. she’d do anything for you (when you reach an older age she offhandedly mentions that she almost slaughtered your mother lol)
jake fully accepts you as well; he’s angry at himself for not protecting you as he should have. he’s extremely gentle with you, still treating you carefully as you’re still on the smaller side of average you’re barely bigger than kiri even though your almost a year older than her
neteyam and kiri are thrilled that you’re here to play with them forever. both of them accept you with minimal confusion; kiri is extremely grateful that she has someone to help her in bothering her older brother
when lo’ak is born, neteyam and kiri were interested in their baby brother at first but soon become bored when they realize he can’t play with them yet and even more uninterested when all lo’ak seems to do is eat, sleep, and cry. emphasis on the crying part
you on the other hand, are thrilled at having a baby brother, eager to hold him and stay by his side with neytiri and jake.
when neytiri and jake awake to lo’ak’s shrill screams in the middle of the night, neteyam and kiri are awoken as well disgruntled at the interruption of their sleep. but you stay asleep, as if you never heard his cries.
neytiri and jake, who take this as a blessing at first, because they don’t have to soothe all of their children back to sleep. but as all of you continue growing, neytiri and jake begin to become concerned
you still haven't made any effort with words, and they start to notice your lack of reaction at speech, and the sounds of pandora all around you
jake’s sweet call of your nickname “hummingbird” because all you seem to do is hum so quietly it’s almost inaudible, he repeats himself multiple times to try and get your attention, but ends up having to insert himself into your field of view for you to pay attention
neytiri’s warning for you not to stray too far from them at the river in the jungle, toddling off on your own intrigued by the feeling of the water rushing across your feet, ending up alone by yourself further downstream, hysterically crying (so quietly that its hard for them to find you), the only thing you're able to feel is the vibration of the water that soothes you as it gets darker. and the vibration of her panicked footsteps through the ground rush in your direction before your scooped up by her
kiri asking you to add some beads to her hair, distracted by the field of flowers in front of you, only becoming aware of her request when she pats you on the shoulder and you jump unaware of her being that close
neteyam asking if you want to play hide and seek with him and a couple other kids, he knows you get scared if you’re randomly touched,so he stomps on the ground behind you and you turn around curious at the vibrations, and he asks you again and you squint to read his lips
couldn’t think of anything for lo’ak since he’s just a littol baybee
neytiri and jake who finally bring their questions to norm and max after they see neteyam’s manner of interaction with you
and they finally receive an answer for your behavior. you're selectively mute, and completely deaf !!! wow shocker crazy breathtaking shook unbelievable
this isn’t that much of a surprise to jake, but to neytiri this is unheard of in na’vi society, or at least so rare it’s not talked about
norm and max who theorize that your deafness was due to complications of your premature birth, and that your selective mutism stems from the traumatic relationship with your biological mother
jake and neytiri who are at first distraught with this revelation–and the fact that you won’t be able to experience life like other children– but are quick to ask for ways to communicate better with you 
and at around 5 years old you begin speech therapy and your own special version of listening therapy with norm and max!
they do a couple tests with you to see where you are developmentally, and find that you’re actually smarter than most kids your age lmao, when you find out about this you definitely rub it in neteyam’s face.
neteyam who allows your non-verbal smugness parade, finding himself happy at your confidence
they learn that the squinting when you talk isn’t because you can’t see, it’s because you're trying to read their lips as they talk. you struggle with it now. not only because you’re a kid, but also because you’ve never heard the language
and as you spend more time in the lab with norm and max, you get more comfortable with them and learning speech.
the lab is the only place you feel comfortable with your attempts at talking because there’s no pressure from the two, unlike the other na’vi. being around everybody who can hear you struggling to speak correctly, and being teased and mocked by kids your age
norm and max suggest that your family learns sign language to try and help communicate with you
when they taught you how to write to more accurately represent yourself the first thing you wrote was “head hurt,” and tried to gesture that it was because of all the eye strain from squinting to read lips
the sully’s who are now dedicated to learning sign language for you <3
jake, norm, and max all work on developing your special language quickly developing it with the help of fancy sky people technology
and you take to it like a ikran does to flying (i’m working on relevant phrases as you can tell i am struggling lmao)
yet you only use it outside of the lab whenever you muster up enough confidence too, it’s still a form of communication and sometimes you just get so anxious that you shut down even more
the first time you sign with your family is in the comfort around the fire, when lo’ak sets his food on fire. you all freak out for a moment, jake scrambling to put it out, and it’s silent for a minute.
lo’ak who is on the verge of tears, and you hum above your normal volume of damn near silent and everyone’s attention flickers to you, but you do not notice.
you sign a simple, “skxawng. eat mine.” offering him your food
everyone laughs a bit shocked and hysterical at tonight's two big events, lo’ak being a lost cause, and you calling him an idiot
when tuk is born, you are happy to have another girl around to outnumber lo’ak and neteyam.
as a baby tuk loves your consistent quiet humming to your own tune, and you love the vibrations of her giggles and even her cries. you quickly decipher the different feelings of her cries understanding what she wants better that her own parents
now you and neteyam are both around 7, kiri and lo’ak roughly 6, and tuk a newborn
you’ve adapted so quickly in pandora
you’ve become way better with understanding the vibrations you feel beneath your feet; whether it’s an ikran pushing off from the ground, a pa’li nearing closer, a stream flowing nearby, or now spider’s failed attempts to sneak up on you (idk what to do with spider can you tell)
with how much you spend time in the lab with norm and max, you eventually start speaking in small quantities around them
your voice incredibly quiet, as you cannot hear yourself, but you watch their surprise and preen at the praise they give you as you succeed and excel
neytiri and jake who are pissed at the fact that norm and max are the only ones who have heard your voice lmao
the labrats take you out into the jungle to study your reaction to the stimuli in the jungle and notice that the mid-tone humming you do in your throat, actually changes to a higher pitch and sometimes you click
your ears flick towards the ruffling of leaves, the fluttering of insect wings, the rushing of water, the growling of animals, as if you can actually hear
they also notice how you hate when your feet are not touching the ground, your feet are always firmly planted, to feel
you’ve grown so much around norm and max with your speech that you can even read some of their english paperwork to them outloud even if you have no understanding of the bigger words but you still verbally close off when you return to your clan
but hey that’s selective mutism, when they ask why you are unable to speak you find that it’s not because you don’t want to…it feels like you physically can’t
when you and lo’ak are running around out of your parents’ range of hearing you love to speak to him (no matter how quiet your voice is) and everytime lo’ak bursts with joy at the fact that you feel comfortable enough to talk to him #youngerbrotherprivileges
he runs off to tell your parents and siblings that you spoke to him, but you pretend like nothing ever happened and that lo’ak is just imagining things
nobody believes him lmaooo, (i’m grinning)
omg! jake who brings you along to war strategy meeting when the sky people return, with you resting against his chest soaking up the feeling of his strong heartbeat, the softest purr continuously rumbling your tiny body
jake who holds you on his hip and explains the strategies of war to you and the various maps, lowkey using you as a medium to help remember plans better not realizing you’re eager to learn more about how to protect your people
omg major plot point alert!! when you come for a yearly checkup with norm and max, they mention cochlear implants for you
neytiri and jake are thrilled that you may have a possibility to actually hear
but you are scared at the idea of hearing everything
the discussion continues norm and max letting you know it would be a few years until you implants are made as there isn’t a audiologist around to assist them in their creation (idk how this would take realistically, but i’m going with this)
eventually you agree, starting to realize that you’d be able to hear your mom and dad’s voice, your sibling’s laughter, and neteyam’s laugh <3
at this point you have lurked around mo’at soaking up all of her tsahik practices, while neteyam is being taught how to use his bow and knife by jake and neytiri
at first your fine with just learning to be a healer, but eventually you start to see how jake and neytiri treat you and neteyam differently
they still treat you as if you’re the defenseless little girl they adopted years ago and neteyam as if he’s a full blown warrior
one more morning of watching neytiri and jake gather their various weapons, and neteyam begin to grab his own, while you’re being sent to mo’at to learn more about eywa (whom you love, but it’s begin to become repetitive, as you’ve heard her lessons many times before) you’ve finally had enough!
you walk up to jake and neytiri, shoulders raised upwards with unbridled anger and begin vigorously signing and them, a little to fast for them to catch up
neteyam who translates the bits and pieces he catches from the side “i….fight too….same…learn…defense…arrows…knives…”
jake who squats to your level and asks you to repeat yourself
slowly you sign as if speaking to tuk a child, “why can’t i learn to fight too? neteyam and i are the same age, we should be equal! i want to hunt fish too, learn to be a warrior, how to defend the people, shoot arrows, and cut with knives!!”
jake who is vehemently against you learning to use weapons and fight, and neytiri agrees
you spend the whole morning arguing as best as you can, before jake dismisses you and trashes your wishes to become a warrior
you break down into sobs, and jake reaches out to pull you his chest, neytiri to pet your hair but you shove their hands away from you, and your very first words to them are an anger-filled “i hate you!” stunning neytiri and jake long enough for you to rush by them and into the forest, narrowly avoiding the other na’vi’s grasps to bring you back to your parents
you travel in a direction you’ve never been in; leading yourself to a part of the forest your unfamiliar with, and discover you’ve gotten yourself lost (skull emoji)
you sit down expecting jake or neytiri to find you but when you feel the vibrations of footsteps reaching you, you realize it’s neteyam
you turn to hiss at him (one of your louder sounds) but he ignores it, going to sit right next to you and throwing an arm around your shoulder
you begin to cry again, using neteyam’s shoulder to literally cry on
he lets you tire yourself out before he pats your cheek causing you to look up at him and he says, “mom and dad are dumb.” (wide eyes emoji) “i will teach you what i learn from them when we are supposed to be playing, okay?”
and you accept his offer (girl boss and boy boss locked in bound 4 lyfe by their treasonous?? actions)
when neteyam leads you home, you allow yourself to be scolded and hugged by your parents and siblings, but their stance on you becoming a warrior hasn’t changed, so you fully rely on neteyam’s plan.
jake who does the bare minimum™ and gives you a little dagger for protection and teaches you how to use it, but refuses to do any more than that
a few more years have passed, sending you and neteyam into awkward growth stages, long limbs becoming lanky, the height difference between you becoming more obvious even though you are only four months younger than him. lo’ak starts learning to fight like his brother, you and kiri fully become apprentices training with mo’at and the other healers, and tuk shadowing her sisters everywhere
for 5 years you and neteyam have kept your promise learning how to fight through everything he teaches you, and the both of you stalking watching omatikaya warriors to perfect your form
anytime you try to tell neteyam that his grasp on his knife is incorrect, or his bow string isn’t taught enough, he automatically claims that you’re wrong and he’s right because “he’s older”
and everytime you say “only by four months!” receiving a smug “i'm still older” in response lol
you’ve definitely developed a little puppy crush on him, making a disgusted face when the other na’vi girls your learning to heal with refers to neteyam as your brother
you are quick to correct them tho, with an audible “no. he is my best friend, not my brother.” stunning them into silence at your firm yet light–quiet voice
kiri and tuk hear all of this of course, and start to prod at you about your crush on neteyam and suddenly you’ve lost the ability to understand sign language and how to read lips (reader is a comedian lmao)
while you and neteyam are locked in, 4 lifers, bound by your mutual-disobedience to your parents; you and lo’ak become a different breed of na’vi
apart from him, you are a poster-child for the poster-child. you weave many clothes, bracelets, baskets for everyone. address younger children's wounds when they played too rough, and genuinely strived to brighten everyones day with your mere presence, not needing to speak to do so
but with lo’ak… y'all are menaces to society, playing pranks on everyone but they’re generally pranks of minor inconveniences. y’all also stay out too late in the jungle, precariously explore areas you shouldn’t, etc. casual lo’ak type beat
jake still brings you to the strat meetings, letting this be the closest you ever get to war, and eventually asks for your point of view on things and starts taking your input into account, and sometimes even says to the other warriors, “my daughter notices that…my daughter thinks it may be better if..” and you preen, happy to accept this level of acknowledgement even if you are still not allowed to fight :(
ding dong! your ears have arrived!!!
as your listening and speech therapy has continued you’ve started to refer to your implants as your “ears” (i just thought it would be cute to call them that lol)
neytiri and jake drop you off at the lab for surgery, and it all happens pretty quick. (small incisions behind the ears while under anesthesia, instructions to keep them clean, and you have another four weeks to wait until you can use them to hear)
a month passes, and this time the whole family ventures to the lab to be there for your first experience of full volume
norm signs to you that he’s turning the ears on and when you begin to hear noises, you gasp, scaring yourself at your own volume, hands covering your mouth, ears perked upwards reaching and grasping for every sound around you
and the very first thing you hear is neteyam laughing at you, you turn to look at him, shocked that you can actually hear it, and then everyone begins talking with you, well at you
the rowdy sully’s are instructed to calm down before they overwhelm you with their voices, and the first words you grace them all with after you told neytiri and jake that you hated them are:
“i love you.” and then you begin crying bc your a soft soul who can’t take all these life changing moments you’ve had with the sully’s
talking is still very hard for you, so when you return home you shyly sign, “even though there are so many beautiful sounds, my favorites have to be the sound of your voices”
you are a rizzologistTM, there go the whole family blushing and kicking their feet
now there are two downsides to your “ears”
1. the fact that they rely on battery and last only around 8 hours (i feel like they’d still be in their prototype-era idk)
and b. that you become incredibly overwhelmed at all the sounds you’re hearing. the switch up was intentional ty (but i think overstimulation is normal for a person who has never experienced hearing before??)
almost everyday, after 4 hours you yank the ears off your head exhausted at hearing and return to the family tent happy with your silence as you recover
one particular day, you go through your daily duties, assisting mo’at in organizing in prepping and preparing medicines, delivering goods to various families, drawing new supply lines for the warriors, refereeing a children’s game, braiding hair, refining your arrow accuracy–and the noises are starting to make you physically hurt
the breaking point is when your whole family is sitting and waiting for dinner to finish cooking, and the sound of neytiri’s knife hitting the board sounds like a gunshot right by your ear
you abruptly burst into tears, the sound of your own distress further upsetting you. your hand cover your ears, before you finally rip your hearing aids off throwing them away from you, uncaring about damaging the precious technology
jake who immediately tries to soothe you asking you questions you can’t hear, and then you begin to claw at behind your ears as if your trying to dig out the internal mechanisms, starting to draw blood
kiri’s who’s sitting next to you tries to pull you hands away, but you shove her off of you, and you now curl up, knees to your chest rocking back and forth frantically
neytiri is the one to manage to get you to stop scratching at yourself, hugging you tightly and not letting you go no matter how hard you try to push yourself away from her gasp
your still inconsolable even though you’ve stopped hurting yourself, rocking back and forth as much as you can in neytiri’s grasp, and neteyam offers a solution
neteyam requests to bring you to a spot that he “found” implying that it might help you calm down. jake and neytiri are against the idea, not wanting to move you in this state, but he pleads, “if this doesn’t work then we can come back and try something different, but i know it will!”
mo’at is called over to watch over the rest of the kiddies as you, neteyam, neytiri, and jake make the trip to this “secret spot” 
you being princess carried (i think it’s the bridal carry but nah u a princess today) by jake *sob sob* it the calmest you’ve gotten so far but you’re still unresponsive and very far away from the present
they approach a clearing in the jungle after an 30ish minute walk, and neteyam gestures for you to be set on the ground, while gesturing for neytiri and jake to stop hovering around you while he sits in front of your still rocking body
the grass is a luscious green even in the dark, the area illuminated by the glowing fauna on the outskirts, and neteyam gently brings your hand up to his chest placing it directly over his heart, and presses his forehead to yours, his eyes closed, as he slows and strengthens his breathing
you slowly stop rocking, your eyes clearing as your breathing matches neteyam’s, the bioluminescent freckles on both of your body's flickering in the same pattern, and grass starts to pulse in time with your synced breaths
your eyes flutter closed as well, and a few atokirina start to float around the both you landing on both of you two–and when one lands on neteyam’s head he opens his eyes and carefully pulls his head away, a sigh escaping him as he relaxes fully
and then he turns to see jake and neytiri’s faces (i’m screaming, as i'm writing this) of shock like, he’s never seen his parents this off balance, and figures he owes them an explanation
“we discovered this place when we were kids, and she really liked it because she said that she felt eywa’s presence was strong here, and that it was like she could almost hear my voice when i spoke to her. and when she got her ears, we’d visit here more often whenever we both could sneak out between our tasks so she could relax from the constant noises.”
his last sentence brings neytiri’s and jake’s attention that they’re are very few sounds escaping into the clearing from the dense brush surrounding them, it was a void masking the noises of the jungle
neteyam continues, “it was a little trial and error process to figure out how to calm her down when she got overwhelmed like she did tonight–” he pauses as you slump forward into his chest exhaustion besting you as you fall asleep, “but i managed to figure it out after she crashed during one of our sparring matches.”
and then he does a verbal “oh shit” 
jake repeats him, “one of your ‘sparring matches’????” neytiri stunned into silence at his side
and now neteyam realizes he might not make it back alive to the rest of your family as he explains for the past almost 6 years that he's been teaching you how to fight, and jake and neytiri start to lose their mind at neteyam’s prolonged betrayal of their wishes
hey but he’s saved by your sleeping, and jake stonily tables the discussion for the morning
 the morning is not very fun for you or neteyam, being lectured for many hours about your secret lessons and everything and jake tries to use your recent overstimulation-episode as reason as to why you shouldn’t be fighting and you lose it at him
you speak, desperately, “you have not even seen my skills yet! it does not matter if it is a bow, or a knife, or a spear, i am very skilled. neteyam says that i have even better aim than him! instead of using my weaknesses as a reason for me to not learn, you should try to teach me to become better! not ban me from protecting myself, my family, or my people!” your voice breaks, “will you not even allow me the ability to defend my home?”
and with those words, neytiri–sees herself mirrored in you–breaks and suggests to jake that he he does teach you how to fight, soothing his worries with the stance of you at least being prepared to defend yourself and your family, while not necessarily having to be fighting on the front lines
spoiler alert jake caves, you and neteyam rejoice before your both consequently punished with morning training and evening training sessions
you have a lot of catching up to do, even lo’ak knows more than you as he teases you in the morning sessions he now tags along in
your relationship with neytiri grows stronger as she teaches you the way of the bow.
it’s like you’re her clone, as you grow up you begin to resemble her more than your biological mother. you become more confident, your presence assertive, not being afraid to speak your mind more often.
your relationship with jake takes more time to mend in the start. you feel his hesitation when you deal with any slightly dangerous matters. but it improves as you make a clean kill on your 13th birthday so precise many of the people debate if you or neteyam had a cleaner kill on your rites of passage. when you beat neteyam’s time for your own iknimaya by a few seconds (a whole seven seconds you taunt to neteyam) jake is berating himself for suppressing your talents
lowkey, i think you would hate flying in the begin because your feet aren’t touching the ground, but that is a story for another time because this is getting way too long
and he begins to allow you to join supply raids with neteyam when you turn 15 (as long as your ears are full charged up)
(let’s pretend like they never went to the metkayina clan for this i am too tired to make this chronologically/canonically accurate; i promise i have a plot somewhere in this long ass headcanon)
you and neteyam are excelling at being the eyes for your father and the warriors, always alerting everybody of sky people and leaving with no casualties or low numbers during the unfortunate but rare circumstances
 the warriors ask for your thoughts when planning raids, and even happily utilize your suggestions
when lo’ak joins you two on raids, too eager, it always end up with he and neteyam getting hurt, but when that missile hit you almost lost yourself thinking your little brother and first love died
but unlike jake, you don’t berate lo’ak you only tightly hug him, quietly conversing with him expressing your worry that you lost him, which does begin to have him start considering his reckless behavior
after caring for lo’ak and addressing his few scratches and knicks that were bypassed by your mother and father, you direct lo’ak to the tent with neteyam, your sisters, and your grandmother
the healer in you automatically awakens, taking care of the scrapes kiri and mo’at have not gotten to
you hold his face and clean the knicks from rubble, applying a paste to prevent scarring, and feel his gaze warming your cheeks, you steadfastly ignoring him
mo’at and lo’ak making eye contact and almost bursting out laughing and snorting at the two of you (i hc that mo’at and lo’ak are besties)
omg after that night when neteyam took you to the clearing with your parents, neytiri and jake automatically consulted mo’at about the atokirina and the pulsing of the grass and all she had to say was “eywa has chosen” with a smug ass look on her face (the smug look must be genetic)
lo’ak of course eavesdropping and then gossiping with mo’at constantly about how dense you two were lmaooo i love him so much
the sky people still capture spider. you are unaware of the situation as you’re hearing aids were undergoing updates with max and norm, and you were in the lab with them
when you return to the depressing aura surrounding the omatikaya, kiri’s haunted expression, you get the full story from poor tuk, pulling her into your lap as you wait for your parents to finish their discussion
obviously, when you hear about jake’s plan to leave you tell him that’s utterly stupid, obv he doesn’t want to hear it, but you plead for him to listen as the olo’eyktan, and not as a father
something along the lines of you'd be bringing the fight to clans who have nothing to do with it, you have better knowledge of the mountains than of the sky people yadayadayada, 
and he agrees! wow ur so strong and persuasive with logical reasoning, but he still does make a trip to the island to try and recruit some of the homies
you, neteyam, lo’ak, neytiri, and the other warriors start drafting so many war plans together while jake is toruk-makto-ing his ass of in foreign lands, intertwining the reef tactics with your own forest tactics
the metkayina agree to aid you in the rivers meeting the sea underneath the mountains, and secure the coastline of any fleeing sky people and stuff
fast forward, jake draws the sky people into the mountainous area, battle being fought successfully on the na’vi part but the same capture situation of lo’ak, tuk, and kiri occurs
you take tuk and kiri, while lo’ak and neteyam stupidly try to find spider on their own.
you fly kiri and tuk to safety on a nearby cliffside with a trusted ally, and circle back calling the boys’ ikran for a quick getaway
as you order lo’ak to jump for his ikran with spider, gunshots narrowly whizz by and neteyam follows after
his ikran gets hit, and so does he, plummeting out of the air
you dive after him, your ikran just barely getting you close enough to grab and pull him onto your saddle before they crashed
you feel his blood spill onto you, and you abandon the battle to take him back to mo’at and the healers knowing they have all the material prepared for caring for injuries
you dismount, screaming for help, as you lay him on the flat ground, hands applying pressure to the wound above his heart, neteyam whimpering out an “i-i’m okay, you can hear me right- i won’t leave you before…” and he struggles to continue
you cry, as the healers all join you doing the most to staunch the bleeding, on his back as the bullet went straight through, and at the pain he passes out, and you begin to panic at the thought of losing him forever
norm and max are there tho, and with their swanky human technology and  endless prayers to eywa–the healers, a dreamwalker, and a human are able to stop the bleeding and stabilize neteyam!!!! (aye i really am not ready to kill neteyam in one of my works my soul is too fragile for that)
ding dong the wicked quatrich is dead!!! or maybe not i’ll let you decide whether or not spider saves him in this scenario it’s not key to the plot at this point
the sky people turn running with their figurative tails between their legs
the metkayina annihilate any stragglers trying to escape off the coast
your family returns learning how close neteyam is/was to death, and rush to see him
you’re sitting by his side, hand over his heart making sure it doesn’t miss a beat, eyes trained on his face, your other hand with a damp rag cleaning all other debrief off of him
mo’at stands behind you, hands on your shoulders, staring at her grandson with worry seeping through her usual expressionless face
your hearing aids have died, so you can’t hear you’re family entering
tuk startles you as she climbs into your lap, and hugs your arm while her own tiny hand joins yours on neteyam’s chest
you look up at your mom and dad while lo’ak, spider, and kiri, rush to neteyam’s side, the tears beginning to flow from your eyes again, a raspy “i was almost too late to save him” spills from your lips
jake embraces you and mo’at, while neytiri kneels next to you, a hand on your knee while dampening your cloth to continue cleaning her son
as everyone begins to get treated for their injuries, various warriors spilling in, you refuse to have you own wounds looked at if it requires you to leave neteyam’s side
you stay in the tent by neteyam’s beside, numb to all the chaos happening around you, and it definitely helps that you can’t be disturbed at the sounds around you
it’s three days before neteyam awakens
you’ve slept in the tent, picked at your food, only eating enough to please your mother, kiri treated your wounds as you refused to remove your hand from his chest.
and when he rouses with a groan, and eyes squinting open, you call for mo’at, max and norm frantically, your whole family tumbling in too
and as dry as his throat must be, the first thing he asks is, “did we do it?”
and you all start crying again, jake walking over to sit on the ground by neteyam’s side and pets his head, nodding softly, choking up
and you finally slip away from his side, neteyam not missing your withdrawal, before his siblings fill up your absence, and you allow mo’at to finally get a closer look at your injuries
neteyam stays in the medical tent for a week, before he’s allowed to be transferred back to his family, and you’ve haven’t been to see him since he’s woken up
you’re afraid
you’ve spent seven days constantly working, over-working, so you don’t have to go to sleep; checking everybodies injuries to make sure they’re healing properly, guiding prayers for the na’vi’s that are returning to eywa, cleaning up debris from the mountain and surrounding area and stockpiling any material/tools that may be useful in the future, healing injured ikrans and pa’li, hunting for hours to gather enough food for the injured, and when you join jake to speak with the metkayina leader with the deepest eye bags and gaunt form he’s ever seen he’s had enough
lol as he’s inviting the metkayina to return when they omatikaya have settled back to normal ronal tsks at him, and gestures to you, you struggling to stop yourself from falling asleep standing and says, “you cannot even take care of your daughter. our visit can wait longer.”
jake who pulls you to his side on the walk back waiting for you to open up to him, and you finally break, “i can’t close my eyes without seeing him die.”
he slows you both to a stop, cups your cheeks and tilts your head upwards so you can read his lips, “babygirl hummingbird, maybe what you need is to remind yourself that you saved him. he’s been waiting for you to come see him. i’m confident that neteyam won’t mind if all you do is sleep next to him, he’d be comforted knowing that you are safe too.”
you end up falling asleep in your father’s arms, getting carried the rest of the way back, and waking up the next morning cuddled up with neteyam
he’s playing with your hair, gently massaging you scalp as he talks with neytiri, a smile on his face, as he watches her prepare breakfast, being scolded when he offers to help
you make a soft questionable hum, and his head automatically turns to look at you, his smile turning into a smirk as he teases, “i heard you couldn’t fall asleep without me?” (RIZZ level 99)
you shove him away from you, cheeks turning indigo and you snark out a “shut the fuck up”
lo’ak and kirk dramatically losing their minds over you cursing in english, and tuk really overselling it with a “she said a bad word! she said bad word!” while jake and neytiri laugh and half heartedly scold you for your choice of words
both of you stick to each other as you eat breakfast, elbows and knees knocking together constantly but you two refuse to even allow a millimeter of space come between you
after everyone’s stomach’s are full, energies high, suddenly everyone is finding an excuse to leave you and neteyam alone in the tent, jake grounding you to bed rest for a few more days to recover from sleep deprivation
lo’ak’s like: “i gotta go walk my ikran real quick” did i say i love him already
before neytiri leaves she gives you a rundown of how to clean and monitor neteyam’s wounds (even though you’re capable of figuring it out yourself, being mo’at’s best student after kiri), but you let her to soothe her maternal instinct
finally alone, neteyam signs to you, “i was asking for you the moment i could speak again, but you never came to see me. i was beginning to accept the idea that you…that you didn’t care for me.” your head snaps up to make direct eye contact with him, tears clouding the dismayed look in your eyes (matching his own broken expression), vehemently shaking your head and you speak, your volume nearly reaching a yell, “do not think for a second that i do not care for you. that i do not need you anymore. like you are not my reason to fight for our lives here.”
neteyam who is stunned to silence not only at the borderline confession within your words but also at the traumatized look in your eyes that you are unable to hide, and you switch to signing, “i was the reason you died if you think about it. it was my idea for us to stay here and fight when we should have just listened to your dad and left! maybe you wouldn’t have been near death! maybe all of us would have never been found! maybe we could just be normal children again!”
neteyam places his hand on your cheek, and you raise your own to hold his wrist as you nuzzle deeper into his grasp and you lightly brush your lips against his palm. your eyes flicker to his own again and he brushes the tears off your lashes and comforts you, “but none of that happened. we made our decision, and your idea to stay here has saved us, saved me. while the sky people have not been ousted completely, we have pushed them back, only because of you and your brilliance. i live to see you grow and flourish because you are a strong warrior, strategist, healer, and more. and most of all, i am thankful you have saved me so i can stand by your side, if you allow me to…?”
you smile, fangs you have yet to grow completely into making you look a lil adorable, and sign the english phrase “i love you,” and you follow it up with an audible, “oel ngati kameie.”
neteyam with hearts for eyes, physically swooning for you, parrots your words and signs, voice velvety, “oel ngati kameie.”
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© killakirby - piracy and plagiarism are not allowed. no reposts on any form of media.
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fleursbending · 2 years
Hellooo Junie, not a request but I just wanna say that you are an incredibly good writer, I especially love your "Sully's Stick Together" fic. Every single of those 700 followers is well-deserved.
hiya !! 🤍 MSKSZK this just made me feel so 💌💌 thank you so much for your kind words! i feel like my hard work put into my stories is paid off when i get such heartwarming feedback like this.
sullys stick together is one of my fave things ive written and seeing the love its gottwn 😭😭 im definitely making a second part for it and also have alot of sully family wips.
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ngayawneluoer · 2 years
eye on you
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ neteyam x reader
requested! - you’re being picked on by ao’nung and his friends, and neteyam comes to the rescue
word count: 2095
a/n: just as a side note, the two other boys ao’nung and rotxo were with are unnamed as far as i’m aware, so i gave them names - Yel'tam and Teyxll.
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It was rare to find a peaceful moment since your arrival in Awa'atlu. Your daily life was painstakingly packed with learning the ways of the Metkayina, but you supposed you couldn't complain.
When the Sully family declared they would leave the Omatikayan people, you begged and pleaded with them to let you come along. You and Neteyam were inseparable; Jake saw a lot of himself and his mate in you and Neteyam, and he didn't have the heart to separate you. So with the approval of your carers, you packed your things and joined the Sullys. You were more than lucky that Jake and Neytiri had allowed you to come, and you weren't about to waste their kindness. They practically signed up to have another unruly kid they needed to care for and you were more than grateful. You would do everything you could to adapt to the ways of the sea.
But at this particular time, you found that everything had already been done for the day, and you could relax on the beach for the first time in what felt like forever. You lay back on the wet sand where the beach met the sea, letting the gentle waves roll over your legs. Kiri was a few meters away from you, her head under the water. She had blabbered something about seeing a crab before dunking her head in the water, but truth be told, you really couldn't care less. You were taking these few tranquil minutes for yourself and yourself only.
Of course, your relaxation couldn't last more than 5 minutes. Not on this island and not with Ao'nung and his friends around. You looked up and saw Ao'nung, Roxto and two other boys you knew as Yel'tam and Teyxll approach, grins on their faces that indicated they were looking to stir up trouble.
"What are you up to?" you said defensively, eyes squinted in a glare.
"Don't you worry your little tail," Ao'nung snickered. They continued their journey towards Kiri, who was still entranced with the underwater creature she had seen. You sat up, guardedly eyeing them with a dubious look on your face.
"What is she doing?" "She's just looking at sand." You heard the group belittle.
You scowled, raising your voice angrily, "Leave her alone, skxawngs," You turned towards them and splashed water at them to get their attention.
Despite your effort, the cruel boys disregarded you and continued chortling amongst themselves.
Now aware of the commotion, Kiri rose from the water, confused, "Huh? What d'you say?"
"Are you some sort of... freak?" Ao'nung taunted.
"He asked if you are a freak," Roxto ridiculed with a condescending smirk, leaning forward towards Kiri as if talking to a child.
Kiri's expression twisted into one of confusion and hurt, and she let out a deflated, "No…."
Having had enough, you angrily got up from the water and stalked over to the four troublemakers. You pulled Kiri behind you protectively before shooting the boys a hateful glare, "Leave her alone."
This only caused them to burst into ridiculing laughter, and Ao'nung grinned tauntingly, "Little forest girl coming to the rescue?" You bared your teeth in irritation, but he continued, "Why bother defending her? I mean, she's not even Na'vi. Look at those hands."
Ao'nung stepped forward and grabbed Kiri's hand before you could stop him, but she instantaneously snatched it back, offended. Heart beating fast, you hissed at him, your hands trembling with rage.
With a threatening glint in his eye, Ao'nung stepped closer to you. All went quiet as he stood above you, his tall frame sizing you up as if trying to intimidate you. Unafraid, you stared back into his eyes with a cold, challenging gaze, a deep-set snarl on your face.
Before either of you could do anything, the sound of Lo'ak's voice as he made his way down the beach stopped you.  
"Hey! Back off, fish lips!" Lo'ak shouted, face contorted with rage.
Upon seeing Lo'ak, Ao'nung sniggered like a cat who was given another mouse to toy with, "Aw look, another four-fingered freak!"
"Stop it!" You hissed, which only caused Rotxo to pull your tail, making you yelp and jump away from him, "Look at her little baby tail!"
Lo'ak growled furiously, turning around and slapping Rotxo's hands away from you, "Don't touch her."
"Baby tail!"
"Leave us alone!" Kiri abruptly exclaimed, her eyes widened in anxiety.
The Metkayinan boys remained unbothered. Instead, they shifted to pulling at Lo'ak's tail, and he slapped their hands away to the best of his ability. As stubborn as stone, the boys continued tugging his tail, hollering and cackling about his "baby tail".
With a sneer on your face, you approached Yel'tam, who was pulling Lo'aks tail, "Leave!" You commanded, fiercely shoving Yel'tam away. He budged slightly, vainly chuckling at your attempt before pushing you back twice as hard, causing you to stumble to the sand.
You didn't even register Neteyam arriving, but he was with you in an instant, standing protectively in front of you. He pushed Ao'nang to the side and hissed at his lackeys, making them all step back. "You heard what she said. Leave them alone."
"Oh, big brother coming to the-" Yel'tam started mocking but stopped when Ao'nang raised his hand to signal him to shut up.
You stood up with a huff and brushed yourself off, standing behind Neteyam. He held a menacing finger up to Ao'nang, his voice tense and threatening like you'd never heard it before, "Back off. Now."
Ao'nung, with that stupid look on his face, looked at you, Kiri, then Lo'ak, and finally, his stare fell on Neteyam again. Ultimately, his hands went up in defence as if to admit defeat, even if his face said otherwise.
Tense muscles relaxing, Neteyam seemed satisfied and moved back, "Smart move."
He gently pushed Lo'ak to walk away before turning to make eye contact with you, a silent conversation between the two of you. When you nodded to indicate that you were okay, he took your hand, and the two of you treaded away to join Kiri and Lo'ak.
"Bye-bye!" "They're all freaks. Their whole family."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Lo'ak stop, and you instantly knew you would not leave this beach unscathed. You looked back towards your headstrong friend with a glare, and Neteyam followed your gaze, "Lo'ak." He warned.
"I got this, bro," Lo'ak said, walking back up to the boys, "I know this hand is funny. Look, I'm a freak, alien." They all cracked up, but you rolled your eyes, knowing Lo'ak was stirring the pot. He wouldn't be entertaining their stupid narrative if he wasn't about to do something stupid himself.
"Watch. First, you ball it up real tight like this. Okay?" Ao'nung watched curiously, "And then-"
Lo'ak punched Ao'nung. There it is. You thought.
Ao'nung, stunned, stumbled backwards into the sand, and Lo'ak was left standing with a scornful grin, "It's called a punch bitch. Don't ever touch my sister again."
Lips curled with fury, Ao'nung immediately got up and tackled him to the ground, but Lo'ak got the upper hand by rolling him over and punching him again. Rotxo and Yel'tam pulled Lo'ak away by his tail, and Teyxll twirled to whip his tail in his face.
Neteyam met your eyes for a second, a grimace on his face. In his mind he was weighing his options, wondering if this was worth the lecture he would get later. He scratched his head awkwardly before letting go of your hand with a quick "fuck it" and running over to join the fight. You watched as he punched Teyxll before driving a knee into Rotxo's stomach.
"Stop it," Kiri said with minimal effort, knowing she was unlikely to succeed in stopping the brawl.
You sighed, rubbing your temple as you watched the scuffle, "Honestly..."
Yel'tam tackled Neteyam to the ground, throwing punches as Neteyam grappled with him. Not that you didn't love Lo'ak, but he deserved to get scuffed up once in a while. Neteyam, on the other hand did not, and you would not stand back and watch your boyfriend get his ass beat just because of his blockheaded brother. You groaned and gave in, rushing over to help your idiots. Within moments you jumped onto the Metkayinan boy's back to pull him off Neteyam.
"This is stupid!" You faintly heard Kiri yell.
You threw a powerful punch at Yel'tam's face but quickly got ripped off him by Teyxll. Neteyam took your place on top of Yel'tam, gaining the upper hand. You struggled as Teyxll pulled you by your hair, making you shriek with pain.
Upon hearing your shriek Lo'ak pulled Teyxll by his ear, but it didn't help much as the boy in question refused to release his tight grip on your hair. Amongst the commotion, Ao'nang and Rotxo started pulling at Lo'ak's tail, dragging all three of you through the sand.
"Ow! My tail!"
"My ear!"
"Let go of my hair!"
You quietly followed Jake behind Neteyam and Lo'ak, mentally preparing yourself for a scolding. Your hair was a complete bird's nest, and you had blood on your lip and sand in places sand should not be. You really hoped Jake would keep this lecture short so you could fix yourself up as quickly as possible.
"What is the one thing I asked you not to do?" Jake scolded as you arrived inside the Marui pod, the three of you looking down in shame.
"Cause trouble," Lo'ak and Neteyam all replied in unison.
Jake looked at you expectedly, and you grimaced, answering to not provoke his wrath, "cause trouble…."
"And what did you do?"
Lo'ak spoke up, "But dad, he was picking on Kiri. He called her a freak."
Jake sighed, looking conflicted for a second, but ultimately shook his head, "Ao'nung is the chief's son. Go apologise."
Lo'ak looked at him in disbelief, "But dad-"
"I don't care how you do it. Just go make peace."
Lo'ak walked out of the Marui, and Jake's attention turned to you, "And you should know better than to join these two knuckleheads."
You nodded, ushering a genuine "Sorry, sir."
Jake sighed, looking between the two of you as if examining your bruises.
"So what'd the other guys look like?" He asked.
Neteyam smiled softly, meeting his father's eyes, "Worse. A lot worse."
Jake beamed tenderly. He was strict, but you could tell he was proud of his sons for protecting their sister, "Good. Dismissed."
You and Neteyam walked out of the Marui hand in hand.
"I really need to fix my hair," you groaned, shaking a hand through your hair, a sandstorm falling from amongst your locks.
"Or we could go for a swim," Neteyam suggested, a grin on his face as he walked in front of you to face you.
"I really don't feel like swimming Nete," You groaned, "I just got my ass kicked; I really don't feel high energy right now."
Neteyam pouted playfully, grabbing both of your hands, "Please. Just a quick dip to get ourselves clean of this sand."
You couldn't help but give in when he gave you those eyes. He had a little blood on his bottom lip, so you reached up to cup his face, thumb rubbing the blood off his lip. You met his gaze with gentle eyes, "Fine. But I swear if anything else happens today, it will end me."
Neteyam chuckled softly, "I wouldn't say things like that with Lo'ak around."
You giggled, "You're not wrong," You paused for a second, thinking over the earlier events, "That was nice of you. To help that idiot when he threw himself into that fight. You are a good brother, Nete."
He smiled fondly, then leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on your forehead, his hand cradling your cheek, "Thank you, my love. And thank you for helping earlier," he finished, amused, "My little warrior."
"Little? I'm almost as tall as you," You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you started walking towards the dock where the ilu gear was kept.
"Almost!" Neteyam emphasised as he followed you, cheekily pulling your tail, earning him a slap on the hand and a glare.
"I will pluck your eyes out, Neteyam."
He came up behind you, momentarily embracing you and giving you a quick peck, "You love me."
You rolled your eyes comically, "Unfortunately."
Unfettered, he called his ilu and jumped in the water. You smiled softly and followed suit, looking forward to whatever Neteyam had planned.
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iwantjaketosullyme · 1 year
𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
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...hear my prayer
➺ pairing: aged up!lo'ak x metkayina!reader ➺ series summary: lovesick!lo'ak does all he can to win the heart of oblivious!reader ➺ series warnings: minor mentions of death, tuk bullying lo'ak (he had it coming), throwing up (minor), general lovesick behaviour a/n: ♪ and they call it puppy loveee ♪ i strongly believe that lo'ak's goofy ass is ultimate rom-com material !! a couple yrs hv passed since the sea battle with the recoms so everyone's older.
➵ ᴘᴀʀᴛ Ⅰ -- ❝ eyes of liquid gold meet their aquamarine match and just like that, he is smitten ❞ (w/c: 1.6k)
➵ ᴘᴀʀᴛ Ⅱ -- ❝ If one movie trope is true then surely they all are, right? ❞ (w/c: 1.6k)
➵ ᴘᴀʀᴛ Ⅲ -- ❝ You dare to divulge your deepest concerns to him, and his heart swells the more with his love for you. ❞ (w/c: 2.6k)
➵ ᴘᴀʀᴛ Ⅳ -- ❝ Sullys stick together, so he knows that his disappointment will be cut into little pieces and divided equally amongst his family members, another burden shared. ❞ (w/c: 3.1k)
➵ ᴘᴀʀᴛ Ⅴ
➵ ᴘᴀʀᴛ Ⅵ
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© iwantjaketosullyme tumblr 2023
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lorre-verie · 2 years
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐡. 𝟏 ࿐ྂ
summary: metkayinan! reader who is expected to become the next olo’eyktan but wishes nothing more than to shed their responsibilities and simply run away from all their problems meets the sully family. they speak of them in defense in front of their people, catching the attention of a certain omaticayan boy.
word count: 5k words
pairings: neteyam x gn! ao'nung's older twin! reader
basically:  - reader is the oldest child of ronal and tonowari by a few seconds (fraternal twins w/ ao'nung, you can imagine yourself however you like) - No idea how old tsireya actually is so i'm saying shes 1 year younger than reader and ao’nung for the sake of my sanity - Take a shot everytime you see the word “you” or “your”
warnings: literally 90% no neteyam in this part because this is like the backstory of the reader’s life. parents being overbearing per usual, feeling guilty for putting yourself over others, literally nothing else idk
tsaheylu: the bond/neural connection made between two beings gill mantle: the creature that provides the ability to respire underwater (given to Neytiri by Kiri when they were swimming out of the sunken ship) marui: the tents the na’vi live in Tree of Souls: the tree that is said to be the closest connection to Eywa on Pandora (the tree that helped Jake transfer into his avatar body permanently) irayo: "thank you" in the na'vi language
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | masterlist
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Both you and your twin brother Ao’nung had been considered blessed gifts from Eywa ever since the day you both were born.
at least that's what every elder in Awa’atlu said to the both of you, for as long as you two could remember. The first twins in the Metkayina clan to have been born for hundreds of years, they emphasised.
Since you were just children, it had already been clear to the whole village that you and Ao’nung were far more talented than other kids, and your parents, especially your father, were extremely proud of the both of you for that reason, his chest always puffing out more than usual and lips turned into a smile whenever someone complimented his children in front of him.
At the age of 7, you both were skilled at using your spears, having amazingly swift reaction time and swimming at speeds comparable to other na’vi 2 times your age. Everyone around you would always whisper in awe of both of your talents, always speaking highly of both of you equally, since you were on par with one another.
But despite how similar you both were in talent and intelligence, it was clear which one of you had the heart of a leader. 
You were always one step ahead of Ao’nung, especially in the literal sense, protecting him and guiding him through the waters, teaching him to do things that you learned first. And whenever you played with the other children and a fight ensued, you always were quick to find the way to a peaceful solution.
Your parents noticed this of course, and they quickly started talking about you becoming the future olo’eyktan during family dinners, which at first you had no opposition to, instead beaming at the prospect of becoming a leader for your brothers and sisters. 
But inevitably throughout the years you grew tired. Tired of your mother always nagging you about looking presentable even if you were only going for a walk along the shore, tired of your father always expecting nothing less than exceptional from you, tired of everyone around you always asking for assistance in everyday tasks and being the person that they looked for when disagreements started.
Of course, you loved your family and your people. But it truly drained you to put their needs over your own. You had no time to enjoy the feeling of the water brushing against your skin, to take in the beauty of Pandora’s waters and the underwater creatures that Eywa created. 
Your siblings Ao’nung and Tsireya, despite having their own expectations from your parents, were still always able to have fun and enjoy the waters and make close friends that they could trust and talk to, while you were stuck helping the elderly and the young. 
But every time you thought of rejecting helping others it always hurt you inside, because what were you doing thinking like that? You were the future olo’eyktan, you couldn’t not help your people, right?
It wasn’t like you didn’t have the ability to help, you were very much capable, so everytime you had the thought to say no, you pushed it far away in the back of your mind, thinking you were selfish for even coming up with such an absurd idea.
But one morning when you were 13, you finally had quite enough of having to endure all your responsibilities. So you did what every other pubescent teenager would do; you formed an escape plan.
In the bright and early morning when you know absolutely nobody would be awake, you snuck past your parents and siblings while they slept, going out of your family’s marui, asking for forgiveness from Eywa with every step you took.
But you didn’t regret it, not for a second. Once you were far enough from all the marui, you ran to one of the shores farthest from the centre of the island. At last, you were able to really feel the sand between your toes and take a deep breath of the salty air. 
It smelled of the ocean, you thought, while closing your eyes and outstretching your arms, your smile so big it hurt. You walked along the beach a little while longer, relishing in your extremely rare moment of freedom and alone time. 
Until you heard the morning horn sound. Your smile instantly disappeared, realising that soon people would be up and about and that you would have to return to your duties. 
No, your heart said. I don’t want to. And for once, your brain didn’t tell you to go back. It didn’t say you were being selfish.
Instead, your heart rate went faster, every beat against your chest urging you to run. So you disappeared in the glittering water before anyone could see, swimming away while being careful to not be seen and only coming up for air behind rocks. 
You didn’t know where you were swimming, you just wanted to be somewhere that wasn’t surrounded by other na’vi constantly asking for help right after you were done assisting another. 
Through tsaheylu, you attached a gill mantle to your back, allowing you to breathe under the water. Since you didn’t need to resurface for a while, you swam at your own pace, enjoying the colourful sea life that surrounded you.
The coldness on your skin was refreshing, you could finally enjoy the feeling of swimming deep into the water without bringing a spear to hunt fish. You glided through the water, closing your eyes to focus your senses on the feeling of the water all around your body.
You felt a disturbance in the water near you, like someone was next to you. When you opened your eyes, you realised you were face to face with a baby ilu staring at you with curiosity.
Looking around, you saw great amounts of colourful fish and coral, meaning you were in the part within the reef that na’vi rarely came to, the one with the great sea mountain. 
The reason it was near empty was because it was forbidden to prevent hunting around that area, an order issued by your great-great grandmother who was once olo’eyktan.
And you knew nobody in their right mind would swim down this deep without the purpose of hunting; most would only swim near the surface if they chose to come here. This is it, you thought to yourself as you smiled at the ilu, it swimming circles around you in response, examining your features. 
While looking at the sand below you admiring the seashells shining in the light, you saw a large dark blue boulder heavily covered in seaweed. On the top of it, you noticed a bright purple fish struggling to get free, some of the seaweed tangled around its fins, preventing it from escaping. 
You swam down, concerned for the helpless creature. You carefully unwrapped the seaweed from around its tail, then its dorsal fin. With that, the fish was free, and it spared no time swimming away from you. But not to the ocean with the rest of its friends, no. It swam behind the big rock, then disappeared. 
Confused, you made your way to the other side, examining the seaweed all over it while wondering where the fish could have possibly gone. 
Then you saw it; behind all the seaweed there was a small opening, like a tunnel of sorts. Lifting up the seaweed around it, you discovered that the tunnel was much bigger than you originally thought, enough to fit an adult male na’vi. 
Peering into it, you almost gasped. You saw bioluminescent plants arranged in a beautiful pattern across the walls of the tunnel. They reminded you of old metkayinan patterns that used to be woven into the cloth your people would use for formal ceremonies, but alas that was a long time ago. 
The art was long lost, except for the leftover worn down cloth that your father kept draped over your families’ marui, as a reminder of who our ancestors were. You always looked at the pattern before you went to sleep, the cloth dangling above your head and serving as yet another reminder of your responsibilities. 
But now, you were able to admire it for its beauty. The patterns twisted into curls at the end, the lines mimicking the waves of the ocean. It was certainly old, you deduced, since some of the plants had grown, bleeding out into the grooves between the rocks of the tunnel.
Where did this tunnel come from? Who arranged the plants in this way? Did anyone know about this? These questions flooded your mind as you moved forward, swimming through the tunnel. It dipped deep below the sand, the only light you had to guide you were the plants on the wall, glowing purple and blue. Your hands pushed you forward as you placed them on both sides of the tunnel, propelling you forward.
It had been around 2 minutes of seemingly endless swimming when you finally saw a light in front of you. When you finally made it out of the tunnel, you were met with an astonishing sight.
A cave greeted you, with a huge air pocket that allowed you to poke your head out of the water. You removed the bond that attached you to the gill mantle, letting it go back through the tunnel and leaving you alone to marvel at this cave of wonders. 
There were flat rocks shaped like stairs which you stepped on, and the walls of the cave were smoother than most, almost like they’d been carved into and perfected with a tool.
There were paintings and maps hung and scattered on the cave walls, adorned with colourful seashells on the corners. In the corner, lay a delicate carving into the rock of a mighty tulkun with its tattoos in all of its glory, a small calf following it. 
Algae you’d never seen before were growing on the rocks underneath your feet and on the ceiling, hanging down like what you heard the flora that grew on the Vitraya Ramunong (Tree of Souls) would look like.
On the smooth rock floor in front of you there was a large hammock hooked up with woven cloth, and as you stepped closer to it, you noticed something. 
Grazing your fingertips on the edges of the hammock, you observed the same metkayinan pattern that decorated the tunnel woven here. You inspected the maps that were on the walls; maps of Awa’atlu and the other islands surrounding it. Beautiful paintings of tulkun and other sea creatures, the pigment extracted from the colourful plant life in the reef, more vibrant than any other paintings you had seen before.
Your eyes were simply open in shock and in awe of all the beauty. Perhaps Eywa had shown you this cave for a reason. Perhaps she had seen that you needed a place to escape to and gifted you the honour of finding this place. 
That night when you went home, you watched the area, wondering if anyone would sneak out to go in the direction of the reef to go to the cave. But nobody ever did. And everytime you went back, it was always exactly how you’d left it. 
For the next 2 years, you had escaped to that cave every time you felt overwhelmed, even staying for a nap in the hammock a few times. No one had ever questioned where you went, always assuming you were out helping others. 
Sometimes you returned with fish you hunted from the other reefs just to steer clear of suspicions. Of course, you never stayed in there for too long, only going in between duties for a break to avoid more being piled onto you.
It was your sanctuary.
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“Tsireya! Where are you going?” you asked your little sister, catching up to her as she walked along the beach which was teeming with your people. Kids were playing, adults were preparing to go hunting, and the elderly were weaving baskets and garments to wear. For the metkayina, this was the usual.
She recognized the sound of your voice, turning around with a smile. “Y/n! I was just about to go feed the ilu. Want to come with me?” she said, looking at you hopefully. Your relationship with your sister was not as close as the bond you shared with your brother, of course, but you still cherished her for she was in your eyes, adorable. 
You smiled back, agreeing. She waved her hand as a signal for you to follow her. “So..” you glanced at Tsireya. As you both walked together you asked her, “Have you been considering anyone lately, sister?” A cheeky grin appeared on your face as her cheeks turned slightly purple. 
She pursed her lips, using her right hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. “Well, no…not really. None of the boys interest me.” You raised your not-eyebrows in slight surprise. None of them? “And of the girls?” you inquired, folding your arms while slightly speeding up to get a better look at her face. “None.” she responded, avoiding your gaze nervously. 
The wind from the sea blew against her face as she stepped into the water, you still looking at her in slight shock. Out of all the people, none of them had interested her? You were absolutely sure she was interested in one of the boys, Lälo, who had always made her laugh and always gave her gifts to show his interest.
“They’re nice, of course. But… I just don’t feel a spark with them.” she said, lowering her head and her ears pointed down, as if she expected you to be upset.
Your whole family thought she would accept Lälo’s courtship, always looking fondly upon them whenever he invited her for a walk. Your face morphed from one of shock into sympathy, reaching out a hand to put on her shoulder.
“There’s no rush sister, you don’t need to be ashamed of anything. Love is something that’s unpredictable, and one day Eywa will bless you in finding your future mate. You don’t need to worry about that now.” you reassured her, and she gave you a smile that almost melted your heart. “Irayo, y/n.”
You both waded through the water to the ilu’s feeding area, signing a quick I see you to the ilu keeper. When you were feeding one of the babies, Tsireya suddenly questioned, “And you?”. You turned your head in confusion, but she continued feeding the mother ilu. “What?”
“Do you have anyone you’re interested in?” her smile turned into the same grin you had on your face earlier. Before you could respond, a horn sounded.
Multiple shadows were cast on you both, and disappeared as soon as they came. Looking up, you saw multiple mountain banshees flying down towards a blank spot near the marui, the horn continuing to sound. This was certainly not a normal occurrence. 
You shared a look with your sister, and you both rode your ilu to the spot they landed, diving into the water first before resurfacing and brushing some of your wet hair out of your face while walking onto dry land. When you got there, whole bunches of your people had already surrounded the omaticayans, including your brother and his friend Rotxo. 
“It’s too small, how are they supposed to swim?” Rotxo said, pointing at their tails while Ao’nung laughed. Tsireya was quick to silence them, “Do not, Rotxo and Ao’nung!” she scolded them, as you walked next to her and watched the omaticayans who were still raising their hands to show they meant no harm.
She sighed, then turned her gaze to one of the younger male forest people who had two braids dangling in front of his face, shooting her a simple “Hey.” She smiled and looked down, and you tried to contain your laughter by covering your mouth as you recognized the look he gave your sister, failing to notice someone else also giving you a similar look. 
All of a sudden, the sound of skimwings splashing the water as they moved could be heard. Both metkayina and omaticaya turned their heads to witness your father flying over the crowd and landing back in the water on the opposite side. 
You whispered to Tsireya, “Does he always have to be so dramatic?”, and she put a hand in front of her mouth to keep her from laughing. 
As your father and the omaticayans exchanged greetings, your mother approached, a confused look in her eye. “Why do you come to us, Jake Sully?” your father asked.
You slightly gasped at the mention of his name, recognizing the tallest males' non-na’vi features. He had strange hairs over his eyes and an extra finger and toe, which you recognized on two of the other children. 
Jake Sully, who was once part of the Sky People and known throughout Pandora as the newest Toruk Makto, was here in Awa’atlu? You couldn’t believe your eyes. Was this his family?
“We seek uturu”, he said bravely, outstretching his arms. You heard murmurs spread throughout the crowd. Uturu? Jake Sully? Toruk Makto? were the words you heard repeated the most. Why would they need to seek uturu in the home of a stranger?, you yourself wondered, tilting your head in confusion. 
“Uturu?” your mother repeated, to confirm she was hearing correctly. “A sanctuary for my family.” Jake Sully said in affirmation. Your parents shared a glance before your mother stalked towards them, inspecting their features. 
“We are reef people, you are forest people, your skills will mean nothing here.” your father said. “So we will learn your ways,” Jake Sully responded, before looking at who you could only assume was his mate, Neytiri. You have heard of her amazing skills in the war between the omaticaya and the sky people, and your eyes shimmered with adoration when you looked at her. 
“Right?” he asked his mate, before your mother took her tail between her hands without saying anything. You groaned internally. She never did have a sense of personal space, especially after she became the official Tsahìk after your grandmother died (may she rest in the Great Mother’s arms.) 
She grabbed the youngest one’s arm, and said “Their arms are thin.”, the little girl pouting and retreating to the safe embrace of her mother after yours let her arm go. 
“Their tails,” she added, grabbing the tail of another girl with a uniquely shaped nose, almost like that of the Sky People, as she exclaimed in slight agitation and slapped your mothers hand away, “are weak,” she frowned. “You will be slow in the water.”
You looked at the girl again. She had a woven shawl around her neck, probably shielding her from being too cold on the ride here. Your mother grabbed her hands one by one, showing them to the clan. 
“These children-" she paused, her eyes widening, "are not even true Na’vi!”, she announced, your people gasping in shock. “Yes we are!” she said back to her, and you felt a slight twinge of guiltiness in your heart for your mothers behaviour, even though it was not yours to control. 
She walked to the boy that Tsireya was looking at before and grabbed his hand, also raising it up for your people to see. 
“They have demon blood!” she announced again, the boy’s head hanging low, only being able to look down at the sand below him as gasps mixed with shock and outrage again rose from the metkayina that surrounded you all. Another boy who you assumed was his brother, looked at her in slight annoyance. 
You did not blame him, for your mother had clearly overstepped her boundaries this day. You glanced towards your sister, her face twisted into one of guilt and sympathy, and you guessed she was feeling a similar sentiment.
You put your left hand on her shoulder, whispering, “It’s alright. I will talk to mother about this later.” you tried to muster a smile but you could not, looking at the little omaticayan girl that was absolutely crestfallen, hugging her sister’s leg. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at them anymore, even as Neytiri started to talk in defence of her mate. You turned your gaze to your brother, who despite whispering something into Rotxo’s ear, was still being stupidly loud enough that you could hear. 
“My mother is right, Rotxo. They will be useless here. Just look at how ridiculous that one’s hand looks!” he snickered. You felt anger boil up in your body as you walked over to him, still bent down and whispering. 
You grabbed him by the ear, pulling him through and away from the crowd, unaware of a certain pair of yellow eyes fixed on you both.
“Ao’nung! How could you say such foul things about them like that! You as the son of the olo’eyktan have to be responsible! Not ill-mannered like a child!” you scolded him, still pulling on his ear as he hissed in pain.
“Okay, okay I’m sorry!” he apologised in a panic, trying to slap your hand away. 
“Do not let me catch you doing it again, skxawng! At least do not be so loud that they can hear you!” you hissed as you slapped the back of his head, him looking away from you with agitation once he was free from your vice-like grip. 
The nerve of your skxawng of a brother sometimes. You rolled your eyes, walking back to your original position next to your sister. 
You saw the youngest hugging her father, whispering “Do we have to go?” as he reassured her “Shh, we’ll be okay.” Your ears drooped at the sight, once again sad for the family. You looked towards your parents who were looking at each other in silent conversation. Perhaps you could nudge them in the right direction. 
Taking a deep breath, you stepped towards your parents, suddenly aware of all eyes on you. “Mother, father, may I speak?” you said with a hushed tone. Your father simply nodded. 
“Alright I–” 
“If you must speak, you will speak in front of our people.” your mother said, staring into your eyes. 
Your lips parted in shock. You? Speak in front of all your people? In defence of strangers?
“Darling, I don’t believe that’s necessary.” your father tried to cut in after seeing the colour drain from your face at the thought of publicly speaking. Ronal sighed and ignored her husband, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“Not for me,” she shook her head, “For your people.” 
Your ears perked up when she said those words. 
“They are scared, ma y/n.” she breathed out, her voice trembled so little that nobody would ever notice. But you weren’t nobody, you were her oldest child.
You could see in her eyes and hear in her voice that she was distressed at their sudden arrival. Her best friend in the Ta’unui clan was murdered a long time ago trying to protect the tulkun from the Sky people before Payakan’s murders, and she had to pay the price for it with her tears.
Not them, but her.
"If you truly believe in that family, then you will show it to the people.” she said, eyes scanning the crowd to which you followed. 
The children were hiding behind a few elders who were trying to calm them down. The thought of demon blood being in front of them of course terrified them, they did not know any better. Some of the metkayina had their teeth bared, fangs showing in clear aggression and disapproval, still gripping onto their spears. 
The metkayina despised the Sky People ever since they set foot on Pandora, when they hunted the tulkun and left their bodies scattered at the bottom of the ocean. They ruined the spiritual bonds that intertwined the lives of your people and the tulkun, and they did it without remorse. 
You looked at a group of younger metkayina who looked terrified, ears pointing down and scared, and you recognized the face of a crouched down elder who had his spirit brother murdered by the sky people long ago, struggling to hold in his tears as he whispered “Mawey, mawey, my child.” as he hugged a little girl who buried her face into his shoulder. His grandchild. 
“Show them.” your mother repeated, squeezing your shoulder in reassurance. You took a deep breath, and whispered, “May the Great Mother give me strength.” before slowly stepping towards Jake Sully and his family. 
“Jake Sully. Neytiri.” you said, bowing your head and signing I see you, to which they returned with slight confusion. You turned around, facing your people. 
“My people, you have all heard of the things that Jake Sully had done during the fight with the omaticaya and the sky people. You all heard how their hometree had fallen and they had fled to the Tree of Souls.” you began, not noticing the slightly pained expression of Neytiri as you mentioned the hometree.
“You also remember how these brave warriors,” you gestured towards the omaticayan adults behind you, “had saved the forest from being destroyed by the sky people.” 
“Jake Sully may have been of the sky people but he had seen the beauty that the Great Mother blessed Pandora with and he fell in love with it. As we all would if we were in his place.” You paused, taking a breath. 
“He’s not the same as those who have hurt the tulkun, I’m sure of that. He is not different from you and I. So do not be scared. And do not be angered.” you continued, and took a deep breath after. The crowd murmured, and the children stopped crying to listen to your words. 
“This family has been nothing but respectful towards all of us since they have set foot in Awa’atlu, so I expect you all to return this favour. Else your stares of disapproval will burn into their memory.” you said, and noticing the group of hunters loosening their holds on their spears.
“My people, we know better than to judge others based on their physical differences. So I implore you all to keep an open mind. They mean no harm to us. That is all I have to say.” you finished, bowing your head down to your parents before stepping beside Tsireya once more. 
“That was great, y/n!” she whispered excitedly, bending slightly to the right to look into your eyes, hers glimmering with adoration for her older sibling. 
“You really think so?” you grinned back, still a bit flustered from having to speak in front of everyone. 
“I know so. Take a look.” she reassured you, subtly gesturing towards the metkayina that had been showing aggression towards the Sullys, now seeming to calm down, looking at the sand in slight embarrassment of their previous actions.
You looked at the children who seemed to be wiping their tears and now were asking their elders about the feats of Jake Sully, then to the once scared group of metkayina who also calmed down, and your heart swelled. 
You looked to the Sully family, or more precisely, into the eyes of one. He smiled at you, to which you returned graciously. Now that you were able to look at him, he was quite cute.
He was not taller than your brother but his posture was perfect, making him stand tall and proud. Every strand of his hair was pulled into delicate braids, sort of different from the ones metkayina used in their hair, and some colourful beads decorated one of the braids near his ear. Your sister had not failed to notice your gawking. 
She playfully hit your left arm, still looking forward and paying attention to her father speaking with a straight face as if her arm was acting on its own, but you know that deep down inside she was ready to unleash her relentless teasing about the boy later. 
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After your father had announced that the Sully family would be staying here, your sister excitedly went to show them to their new marui, hopping on the nets that connected them all. Since your skxawng of a brother had no intention of helping them, you had to drag him to follow the omaticayans, Rotxo coming along as well. 
You looked at the older sister, who begrudgingly introduced herself as Kiri earlier, at the back of all her family members lagging behind. You turned, glaring at your brother. “Keep following. Do not try to escape this.” you warned him, to which he grumbled something you couldn’t hear but still nodded. 
You then sped up your hopping, and Kiri turned to look at you as you matched her pace. “Hey.” you said.
“...hey.” she returned, avoiding your gaze.
“I’m sorry.” you said, putting your hands behind your back. She looked at you confused. “For what?” 
“For my mom earlier. What she said back there wasn’t nice. At all. I’m sorry you and your siblings had to go through that.” you responded, turning your gaze downwards in shame. “Thanks. But it’s not like you’re in control of your mom…” she looked at me, her voice trailing off. 
I realised I had never introduced myself to the family, being off helping some children when the initial introductions were being made. “Y/n.” you smiled. “Cool. ” she gave a small smile back. As you tried to explain more about the metkayina and our culture to her, she couldn’t help but focus on trying to keep her snickering to a minimum. 
She had seen Neteyam’s ears flick in your direction as soon as you said your name, and she knew he was listening to your rambling intently.
He was doing that thing where he nodded subconsciously while learning information from someone. “Kiri? Kiriiii?” you asked, waving your hand in her face. “Oh sorry! I got lost in thought.” she apologised. 
“No problem. Do you want me to repeat that for you?” you smiled, completely unaware of the boy in front of you both who had now turned his full attention towards you, taking in your smile. “Yeah, if you wouldn’t mind.” she said, grinning.
Lo’ak laughed in front of you both, and you looked at him with confusion. He said something in a language you didn’t understand, which earned a “Haha!” from Kiri and a push forward from Neteyam, muttering “Skxawng.” under his breath.
“Mind telling me what that was about?” you turned to Kiri. She shrugged while hiding a chuckle behind her hand, “Oh don't worry about it, just Lo’ak joking around, as usual.”
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | masterlist
Thank you so much for reading to the end! I’m sorry that there actually wasn’t that much Neteyam in this part but I promise he’ll show up more in the next part 🥲 I didn’t want to post too long of a part (else this would’ve been 10k words instead of 5k) or have to wait longer to post this. 
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!dreamwalker!reader/female!human!reader
Chapter 6
CW: lots of angst, jealousy is not even the right word to describe neteyam's state anymore, emotionally hurt neteyam, yandere neteyam, reader has a hard time trying to fight her feelings for neteyam, mentions of using someone with the intention of forgetting someone else, mild violence, mentions of sexual fluids, possessive and territorial neteyam, mentions of depressive symptoms, use of alcohol, feelings of fear, tension, confessions of love, fluff. I think that's all (??)
✨ IM BACK ✨ I can't even believe I managed to finally update this fanfic! 😂 All of a sudden I spent days on end being a 24/7 nurse for my spayed kitten and didn't have time for anything + having to give her 2 different pills at 2 different times, all during the am hours, plus another one in the morning, left me SOOO sleep deprived. It was horrible. Thank God she doesn't have to take the pills anymore. ANYWAY lol Guys, in the beginning of the chapter until the middle of it, I think, I know you guys are gonna want to murder me or reader or both (you know that y/n meme with the pic of the blonde girl "choking" her own shadow in the wall, saying like "babe this is not us" or smth? so… pretty much that! lol) BUT I PROMISE it's gonna be really good in the end 🥲 trust me, please 🥺 it's the moment most of us (yes, me included!) have been waiting for! 💕 Also, this is a longer chapter, compared to the usual. Maybe a compensation for my absence? Idk! lol I just hope you guys like it! haha OKAY if I say anything else, it'll be a spoiler lol love y'all to death!!! my readers are my babies, my lil angels… I truly freaking love you guys so much!!! 🫀⚘
Not proofread.
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Chapter 5
I can see you standing, honey, with his arms around your body
Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all
I can see you staring, honey, like he's just your understudy
Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me
Second, third, and hundredth chances
Balancin' on breaking branches
Those eyes add insult to injury 
exile (Taylor Swift, Bon Iver)
The air was thick and chaotic at the Olo'eyktan's hut that morning. Everyone seemed to be a bit too restless, either getting ready to go show up to their duties to the clan, like Neytiri, or thinking about some personal struggle, like Kiri, who was lost in thought, looking a bit sad. But she was also mixing some herbs and flowers, preparing a thick, violet colored substance that was used to treat wounds, that she would later give to Neytiri. Kiri would always help Neytiri a lot, assisting her in her Tsahìk position in the Omatikaya clan.
But Neteyam still stood out among the whole family. He was unmistakably grumpy that morning, Lo’ak noticed, as he was - once again - watching the weird way his older brother was behaving. Neteyam was not being his usual calm and caring self. He was not trying to take care of everyone, not giving out smiles and trying to cheer his siblings up. He was even distracted when Jake was giving him instructions about how today's training would go and giving him other orders, like telling him to keep an eye on Tuk whenever he's able to, as she was growing and becoming even smarter, more energetic and mischievous and was starting to get into more trouble, sometimes even picking fights with other girls in the clan, becoming a bit too much like Lo'ak, which had been making Jake rub the sides of his forehead in worry lately, way more often than he liked to admit.
"The Mighty Warrior, distracted when dad is telling him what to do?! What the fuck is happening?!" Lo'ak thought. Something was very wrong. And Lo’ak was determined to find out what it was.
Neteyam sat with his legs slightly open, his hands were crossed, his elbows resting on his knees. He had a lost stare in his eyes, gazing at the nothingness, looking like he was mad at someone who had just maybe punched him in the face.
He did not know how to deal with it all, that turmoil of emotions you were causing inside him felt overwhelming to the Sullys first born. He had taken on just so many challenges throughout his life and conquered most of them, but he feared you were gonna be a war that he might lose. He had to admit it bruised his ego. Suddenly, he did not feel like such a Mighty Warrior after all. An adversary that most people would judge as a weak one compared to him, a mere human girl, so small in comparison to his size, was defeating him. Suddenly all his skills with bows, arrows, big knives and even big, intimidating shotguns were not enough.
And Neteyam felt lost. He did not know what to do. For the first time in his life, his rational and smart brain could not seem to produce a war strategy that could help him win. Win you. He felt just like a wounded warrior, bleeding on the floor.
You decided to finally answer Derek’s messages today, after ghosting him for a while. You were feeling weird and lonely. And shaken. God, still so shaken... What the hell happened last night? Did that really happen? Was it all just a dream? You could swear those words Neteyam Suli had given you, about how he was in love with you, that his hauntingly tall and broad figure, vulnerable, kneeling on the ground in front of you, telling you he could tell you desired him too, had all been just part of a weird, eerie, anxious, borderline wet dream.
You knew very well what you were doing to Derek. You were using him to forget about the mess Neteyam was making of you. You knew that was wrong and you did feel guilty and ashamed. But you also knew you had to step back into your old reality, into that familiar world, into your comfort zone, a place where there were only regular human guys interested in you, not that current unsettling reality you were living in - you could still swear it had all just been a dream. Or a nightmare, perhaps. You were not sure -, where there was an almost 10 feet tall alien boy pursuing you, declaring his love and his nearly inappropriate desire for you, talking about the intimate parts of your body in a way that made you uncomfortable, anxious but... that lured you in too, at the same time. You needed an escape from it all. Your already disturbed mind did not seem able to deal with those facts at that moment and Derek seemed like the perfect distraction. 
Damn, what had you become? That was not ethical or moral at all - using a human being like a tool to distract you from your conflicting emotions - but you did not seem to be capable of caring too much about being ethical or moral at that time. Your whole perception of the world seemed to be changing. You felt bedazzled and unsteady. You did not want to admit to yourself that you were starting to feel too much for Neteyam, that you were running away from your feelings like a thief runs away with an expensive item he just robbed. No, you were not in love with him. How could that even be? Everybody knew the na’vi don’t get romantically involved with humans. Your races were more like enemies than buddies. There were only a few humans who were loyal to the na'vi and maintained a somewhat close relationship with them, but never a romantic one. What was making you and Neteyam feel like that for each other? That could only bring problems and you sure as hell did not want more trouble in your already complicated life.
You would be better off sticking to a human male instead. It was safe and familiar. It did not make your anxiety skyrocket. But it also did not excite you a single bit. Derek caused you nothing. You could barely even feel actually turned on when he touched your body and kissed your lips. It was just like he was a habit you had gotten used to, making out with him here and there, to numb the pain you felt inside your heart almost all the time. His biggest efforts to make you wet never seemed to work. Meanwhile, Neteyam got you wet without having ever touched you. That sure spoke loud enough. 
So why were you rejecting Neteyam and going after Derek?
Maybe you felt too afraid to take a risk, to follow your heart. God knows following that damn reddish muscular organ had put you in the worst situations possible in the past. You felt numb but you felt safe. And safe felt good. Bearable, at least. You were afraid if you gave into what you felt for Neteyam you just might explode. The feelings were that strong. You did not know what to do to try and ignore that tiny but extremely annoying creature inside your brain that would always be whispering “What if something actually good came out of it? Take a risk. For once in your life, don’t play it safe.”
But you were choosing to play it safe, anyway. At least this afternoon. You were gonna meet Derek, after two weeks without doing so, and just hang out, eat junk food, drink some alcohol and talk about non important things, just laugh and be silly, like you two always used to do. He was a good friend. Too bad he never made any type of fire light up inside of you, not even in the very beginning of your rendezvous, that’s why you never got to have sex with him. You were simply not interested. At all, to be honest. You wondered why you still insisted on being physically intimate with him. There were many things in your life that you did and did not really think too much about. They were just pure routine, they just kinda happened and you let them, almost like you weren't really living your life, but only a mere spectator to the events that were happening to you. And it seemed like you felt too emotionally numb to put an end to them. Your involvement with Derek was one of those things. He started to flirt with you one day, you were bored and you thought "why not?" and now, months later, you were still caught in this situation. If anyone asked you if there was any other reason why you were gonna see Derek today other than to try and get Neteyam out of your mind, you honestly couldn't say there was. It was crystal clear to you that, even though you were fighting like crazy to deny your feelings for Neteyam, you were indeed falling for him.
But how could that be? Some days ago, he was only an Omatikaya famous warrior - and, oh, let's not forget, the next Olo'eyktan of their clan - that you had only heard people talk about.
Neteyam was up in one of the highest tree branches he could find that day. He did not want anybody to see him, as usual, but he also did not want you to know he was watching you, either. He knew you were now aware of his constant presence around you. He knew you were not oblivious to his love anymore.
The sun was harassing his eyes, so he put his hand over them and squinted hard to try and see if the guy next to you, in the laboratory’s cafeteria, was really who he thought it was. When his eyes could get a better view, once the sun was not bothering them so much anymore, he felt something sinking in his stomach and his heartbeat accelerated considerably.
He had just confirmed who the guy was. It was that disgusting little human male that liked to act like you were his mate. Neteyam hissed ferociously, his protruding na’vi fangs looking scarier than ever, as his wide feline eyes watched Derek leaning close to your face and kissing your lips. Neteyam wanted to die - or maybe kill Derek - when he noticed you kissed him back.
You forced a smile while looking at Derek, after you had the initiative to break that damn kiss who seemed to never end. He seemed satisfied with the fact that you two had just kissed, contrary to what you were feeling. You honestly felt like you wanted to throw up. All you could think about was how it would feel to kiss Neteyam, to smell his scent again, that was so abundantly different from what you were used to, but that fact only seemed to make you want him even more.
You looked away to try and forget the ridiculous mistake you were making by being with Derek at that moment. You were looking at the ground and your gaze moved upwards. Now your eyes were directed towards the outside of the lab. What you saw startled you beyond reason. Neteyam was squatting, up in the branches of a huge tree, not too close but not too far from the part of the laboratory you and Derek were currently in. His fangs were out, seeming bigger than ever, as he hissed ferociously. Neteyam's animalistic side had completely taken over him and you could tell.
A chill ran down your spine. You could feel in your guts something bad was about to happen.
Your heart throbbed in pain as you saw how hurt he was now that he had seen you kissing Derek, even after he - Neteyam - had confessed his feelings for you in such a vulnerable way last eclipse. You saw in his eyes how betrayed he felt, like you were just silently telling him that his love did not matter at all to you and you'd rather be with any other guy but him.
"Hey, I'm going outside for a while, 'kay?" Derek spoke as he got up from the place he had been sitting, beside you, kissing your cheek "The boys are gonna meet me behind the lab in a while. "
Oh, no. Derek would not be safe if he went outside. Not with Neteyam spilling hate for him out of his soul like that. You had to try and find a way to keep Derek inside.
"Oh." You said, not being able to conceal your nervousness "Why don't you wait for them to actually get there before you go?!" You almost begged, visibly tense
"God, you seem nervous." He chuckled slightly, seeming uncomfortable " Is everything alright?"
"Yeah! I just want you to spend some more time with me." You pouted at him, coming up with an excuse to try and keep Derek from going out of the lab
"Sorry, sugar. It was nice hanging out and stuff but I really need to go now." He was already walking fast towards the door before you could try and talk him out of that stupid idea
You couldn't let any of the people in that cafeteria know something was up, so, you pretended everything was alright and finished eating your chips and took the last sip of your canned whisky and coke and stood up, walking slowly (when you actually wanted to freaking run) in the direction of the lab's metal door that led to outside.
You put your oxygen mask on, took a deep breath and walked out the door. 
You heard a noise, it was like a really heavy object falling to the floor. You also heard some strong thuds.
When you started to walk around to try and see what was happening, you realized your fear had become reality. Neteyam was sitting on top of Derek’s squirming body, his toned, striped thighs straddling Derek’s torax. You gasped when you realized Derek was no longer wearing his oxygen mask and Neteyam's huge hand was over Derek's mouth, preventing him from screaming for help. Neteyam looked at him like a hunter looks at their prey, while his big fangs and loud hisses put fear in the human boy's eyes. Derek was completely terrified.
Your heart beat sped up insanely and your hands were now cold as ice. You were afraid for Derek’s life.
You knew that the way Neteyam was taking out his frustration and jealousy on Derek was indescribably far from okay but still, as cruel to Derek as it seemed, you still felt incredibly sorry for the Omatikaya in front of you.
At the end of the day, you had a big percentage of blame for what he was doing right now. You were confused and afraid and torn but you knew to whom your heart belonged and it was not Derek. So why the hell were you being so selfish to the point of hurting two boys at the same time just because you didn't know how to deal with your own feelings? You realized it was time for you to stop being a coward and put an end to that madness.
You could tell Neteyam was not okay mentally and you knew that you were being toxic too, that you were contributing for his mental state to get worse with your indecisiveness and fear, despite his efforts to show you he would never hurt you. You wanted to stop hurting him and help him instead, to finally let go and admit to yourself and to him that yes, despite the way you had been acting, you were in love with him too.
"Neteyam, don't!! Let him go, please!!" You shouted, running towards the human and the na'vi boy.
You finally got close to Neteyam. He stopped and looked at you, his eyes so fiery, the calm golden pools they always used to be were now boiling with feelings of anger, jealousy, hurt and betrayal.
"For me! Please?" You pleaded him, looking deep into his eyes while stroking his strong blue arm
You watched that beast inside of Neteyam slowly calm down, as his feline ears pointed downwards and his eyes became softer. He moved his hand away from Derek’s mouth and the human boy let out a series of labored breaths. Neteyam slowly got off of him, revealing his beyond intimidating height as he stood up, and stepped away from him.
You walked as fast as you could to where Derek's oxygen mask was laying on the floor and picked it up, checking if was broken (it wasn't! Thank you, Universe.) and went back to where he was lying down and gave it back to him.
Neteyam watched your movements and felt jealous when you got close to Derek, so, once you got back to the place where you were standing before, Neteyam stood right next to your arm. His instincts told him to mark his territory.
Derek swiftly put it back on. He was almost completely out of breath. Derek breathed in deep once the mask was covering his face, taking in all the oxygen he possibly could.
"Are you okay?" You looked down at Derek’s body, searching for any visible wounds. There were none, at best. "God, I'm so sorry about this…"
"Yeah, I'm fine, somehow." Derek seemed afraid, shocked, frustrated and angry, all simultaneously, as he got off the floor and got back on his feet
"Please, don't tell anyone that you saw Neteyam or that he tried to hurt you, okay?"
"What the fuck?!! This psycho almost tried to kill me!! Why are you defending him?!"
Neteyam hissed at him when he heard what he had just called him but you squeezed his arm and he looked at you, remembering your pleas were the thing that were keeping him from killing that small, pink male. Even though it hurt him deeply that you were protecting that human, he couldn't bring himself to ignore you when you were begging him not to hurt Derek. You had Neteyam in the palm of your hand.
"You don't understand! If you let anyone in that lab know what Neteyam did to you, the RDA will eventually know about it too! Do you understand how serious this is? Do you wanna see Neteyam dead?!" You urged him, looking deep into his eyes "You could even help start another war between the humans and the na'vi. Do you understand that it is a much bigger issue than it seems to be? Just forget about what happened and I'll make sure Neteyam won't ever try to hurt you again."
Derek smirked in contempt 
"How can you be so sure he will listen to you?"
"I know he will! He loves me. And… I love him too."
Derek’s face had a big question mark all over it now and his mouth fell open.
Neteyam seemed to be shocked for a while. He did not expect you to say that, at all. He thought you would never love him back. Neteyam couldn't seem to believe those words had actually just come out of your mouth.
You breathed in deep, trying to stay calm amidst all that chaos "This thing between us…" You looked at Derek "It's over. I don't know why I was still insisting on it, I never even felt attracted to you, in the first place. I'm sorry."
"I'm outta here! All of this shit that's going on… feels like a fucking nightmare"
"Can you do as I said and not tell anyone about Neteyam? Nobody, ever? Please?!" You were nervous, brows furrowed, talking fast
"Okay!! Just let me go now! I think it's better if you and I keep some distance from each other from now on. I don't want your crazy na'vi boyfriend trying to kill me again." 
Neteyam hissed at Derek again when he heard the word "crazy" and Derek rapidly looked at him, startled, but couldn't be brave enough to spend more than some seconds staring at him, so, he swiftly looked away 
"Neteyam, please!! He's going already." You looked at Neteyam, a bit angry and impatient, asking him to calm down "Just go, Derek." You spit out and sighed, feeling physically and mentally drained after having to stop that stupid fight
Derek finally turned his back to you and Neteyam and left.
You looked at Neteyam. His eyes were glued on you. Those pretty amber eyes. His face wasn't full of hatred and anger anymore. His demeanor was much calmer now. His body language radiated love towards you. His tail was wagging softly. You felt pain and regret consuming your chest. How could you have treated Neteyam so badly last night? You realized now you couldn't hold him to the same standards you hold human males. The na'vi are animalistic beings, in spite of their high intelligence. And worse, how could you be irresponsible enough to kiss Derek even not actually wanting to, making Neteyam see it and get as hurt as he did? You sure were being trashy.
"My tawtute…" he cooed as he turned to look in your eyes "I won't let you run away from me anymore." Neteyam had a big smile on his lips "I don't care if you try to. That's all I needed to hear, that you love me. Now that you've said it, even if you didn't say it directly to me, I'm gonna fight for you even harder, even if you keep trying to push me away, I will keep bothering you." He kept smiling, blissful "You're like an Ikran. I just need to be patient with you. Eventually, I'll tame you and you'll be mine. All mine, hi'ì 'emyu." (small cook) "Bonded to me through tsaheylu. I can be patient and I will be."
You could only look at him, stare at his face and ask yourself why. Why was he willing to put so much work into making you his mate? 
"I'm not gonna run away from you anymore." You finally said "I'm done running. I'm done keeping myself miserable and alone because I'm too afraid to trust you and let you in. While trying to keep myself "safe", I was hurting myself and hurting you. I'm not doing that anymore, Neteyam. I was so stupid… I can't really say what it is, but there's just something about you… I think about you all the time, since the first time I saw you when you appeared for me outside that window. I don't believe someone can fall in love so fast but…" You were about to burst into tears "I'm in love with you."
Neteyam looked at you with the biggest smile on his plump lips, while his heart beat uncommonly fast inside his chest. He was overwhelmed with joy but as he was seeing the tears welling up in your eyes, he felt like he was about to cry too. But he didn't. Having learned throughout his whole life to always act with self control and rationality in front of everyone, - not really by choice, but because he knew that was how the Olo'eyktan to be should act, to keep a good reputation, to let his people know he was strong enough to control his emotions and not let them get in the way of him making good decisions for the Omatikaya - his ability to show some aspects of his feelings was a bit impaired now and that included crying. Even though he almost cried in front of you when you rejected him, he couldn't bring himself to cry of joy, now that you were saying that you wanna be with him too.
"I'm sorry for… what you saw. Me and Derek. I never liked him, Neteyam. He was just-"
"Yawne, no." Neteyam interrupted " It's okay. I don't wanna hear about that human." He looked disgusted only by the thought of Derek "And I don’t want you thinking about him either. You're mine now. Just forget about him. It's me that you like, right?" He gave you a gentle smile now and you nodded your head positively "Then focus on me, yawntutsyìp."
You looked at him, shyly, and smiled
"So… Can I ask for a hug, now?" your heart beat fast inside your chest cavity as you nervously said that
"Oeyä tawtute…" (my human) "You don't even need to ask." He opened his big, strong arms as he spoke "Come here."
Taglist: @kitsunefirewail @tumblingdevils @a-blog-name-2003 @xylobee @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog @henhouse-horrors @lala-1516 @xylianasblog @samistars @crazy4books1 @explosiongamora @lik0 @your-girl-mj @darktyrantwinner @sereisstuff @yeosxxx @die4niyahhh @iman-lu @manumanulau @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @hana-yuri @thehoneymushroomhealer @melllinaa @annaibansworld @siriuslysmoking @avatar4eva @ellabellabus07 @badbishsblog @neteyamsmate4life @c-h-i-l @criticallybella
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lvrcpid · 2 years
DEPENDABLE! - intro.
sully family x oldersister!reader
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introduction. let’s meet ney’ite, the first born and eldest of the sully family. (this is a reader insert but instead of y/n , you have a name)
NAME: Ney’ite te Suli Neytiri'ite
AGE: 17
GENDER: female
LOOKS : completely up to you all.
SEXUALITY: again , up to you guys.
SPECIES: na’vi.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ DAD: Jake Sully
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ MOM: Neytiri
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ BROTHER(S): Neteyam , Lo’ak
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ SISTER(S): Kiri, Tuktirey
RELATIONSHIP WITH DAD: Ney’ite has a strange relationship with her father. as she is the first born and eldest daughter, her father expects her to lead by example for her siblings; making sure they don’t get into any trouble , taking care of them and disciplining them when needed. The pair often got into arguments about this, Jake just thinking his eldest daughter is going through a rebellious stage. Ney’ite is a sensitive person and her father can see that, so when she gets in her small moods, sniffling turning into sobbing, Jake is right there comforting his daughter, letting her know it’s okay and that he loves her.
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RELATIONSHIP WITH MOM: Neytiri sees herself in Ney’ite. She named her after all. Knowing she gets her attitude from her father. She is more patient with Ney’ite, defending her when Jake expects too much from her, or is blaming her for her siblings actions. Ney’ite and Neytiri are very close. “Ma” is what Ney’ite calls her mother. Neytiri misses the days where her daughter called her “mama” but she knows as time goes on , her daughter will eventually grow up and leave the pod so Neytiri takes all she can get. she’s just glad her little girl is always happy and healthy.
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RELATIONSHIP WITH BROTHER(S): Neteyam and Lo’ak were very protective of their sister, despite the fact she was older. They always worried about her when she would leave the pod early in the morning to go hunting with their father, worrying for the pair. Lo’ak confied in Ney’ite more , he knew she understood the pressure he was under, wanting to be just like his big siblings. Lo’ak liked the fact she was patient and motherly to him, opting to always have his sisters back. Neteyam was more of Ney’ite’s headache. He was constantly wanted to follow her around , looking like a lost puppy despite the pair only being a year apart. Neteyam always had his sisters back despite them constantly bickering.
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RELATIONSHIP WITH SISTER(S): Kiri and Tuktirey love Ney’ite to no ends. They want to be like their big sister one day! When everyone is busy, Ite takes Tuk around the forest telling her stories of the infamous Toruk Makto , their father. Tuk loves spending time with her eldest sister and follows her around all the time, bursting into tears when ite tells her she can’t come on this adventure cause she could get hurt. Kiri and Ney’ite were a force to be reckoned with. Talk about scary big sister privilege. Ney’ite felt very spiritually connected to her sister, although they were not blood related. Kiri tells Ney’ite all about her plans for the future while Ney’ite pats her head. Kiri loved her big sister and Ney’ite loved her even more.
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a.n // starting off my page right with a series! i need more older sister content from this movie so i’m doing it myself. i hope y’all like it <3 btw im taking asks for this series (i.e headcannons, little one shots or drabbles)
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
Inferno : Holocaust ♡✦
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Pairing : • Neteyam x twin!fem!reader x Sully family
• Tsireya x fem!reader
• Neteyam x Ao'nung
Summary : y/n and neteyam were inseparable twins but as they grew up things got difficult with humans coming back on Pandora, they both got distant and neglected by their own in the process, what would be their next step? (For more info click on the summary link)
Parts : pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5
• series masterlist
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Overcome 🤍
❈ Warning : angst, fluff, suggestive, fighting, little blood, cursing? That's it i guess
❈ Word count : 5.9k not proof read.
❈ Note : The love interests do not affect the plot of the story it's Just because i want them to be together in this series 🤭 Ao'nung is not the bully, it's a character i made up, next part is angsty as hell
"word" - dialogue
❈ Glossary : iknimaya - avatar rite of passage, sa'nu - mom, kelku - tent, ite - daughter, tsurak - warrior's mount, ma' sempul - my father, ma' sa'nok - my mother, sempu - dad, ma'evi - my child, ma'parultsyip - term of endearment from an adult to their child, yawnetu - little loved one, mauri - metkayina tent, tsmuke - sister, tsmukan - brother, y/n - your name, y/ts/n - your tsurak name, y/i/n - your ikran name.
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I laughed as i flew over the waters on my tsurak, Tsireya's hands wrapped around my waist while she screamed in my ears when I dived in without her knowing, going pinpoint into the water, i hooked my hand under her thigh, fingers grazing her inner thigh, holding her close, speeding ahead, i commanded to go deeper into the sea, the sea life swirling around us, fishes and ilus staring at us, sometimes purposely disturbing a school of fishes myself, finally after a lot of exploring, she tapped my shoulder signaling me to go up, i nodded, slowly rising up to the surface, she settled her chin in the gap of my neck and shoulder, i turned my head about to give her a peck when my twin brother's voice called out loudly to my irritation "Heyyy, wait for us! You having a tsurak doesn't mean everyone does!" I rolled my eyes and grunted when they finally caught up to us, Ao'nung glared at me from behind Neteyam.
they were on Neteyam's ilu, it was supposed to be a double date but it was turning out more annoying than i expected "you know, maybe if you were fast enough we wouldn't have to wait for you, brother" Tsireya hit me on my forearm, i looked at her huffing and shrugged "what? I'm just telling th-" but before I could finish my sentence Neteyam splashed me with the help of his ilu, i gasped "you Skxwang, I'm going to kill you for real, this time" he took off, Ao'nung nearly fell into the water and i chased them, i backed up to them in an instance while Tsireya was giggling at our idiocy. Soon catching up to them we all got into splash fighting, whoever splashes someone the most wins but as the game went on and no one was ready to back down, getting tired and wanting to spend some alone time together me and Tsireya called our quits, bidding a short goodbye and promising to meet at our spot at eclipse we went on our ways.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
We laid down on the soft grass, the spot we found in the more forest part of awa'atlu but still close to the sea, the perfect place for us to rest and spend time together, the breeze from the sea cooling the area, the sun providing the perfect amount of sunlight, there were rocks surrounding us, shielding us from onlookers and gave us enough shade, Tsireya sighed in my neck, eyes closed with a small smile playing on her lips, i shifted a strand of her hair behind her ear, the soft membrane shell of it flickering at my touch, I chuckled internally, we've been together now for almost three years now, Tonowari was more than shocked at the new while Ronal almost passed out, but they accepted us eventually, It was a shocker when neteyam and ao'nung told them the truth as well but they accepted us, why not one more? Now we all lived under the same mauri, all six of us together under one roof, like a loving family, atlast.
It's been 6 years since we came here, and almost 5 years since I had my tsurak, thanks to Ao'nung, tonowari took me and Neteyam under his wing, teaching me how to ride y/ts/n while training Neteyam for his iknimaya, even tho I did technically pass mine, i still chose to wait for my spiritual passing, that I'll go through with my twin and Ao'nung. during the period of these 5 years, the whole of metkayina thought I'd end up with Ao'nung while Neteyam with Tsireya but something total opposite happened, i fell for Tsireya first then Neteyam confirmed my suspicions about Ao'nung and him, soon, after 2 and half years of dropping hints and small advances, we confessed, more like we blurted out everything and the metkayina siblings just stared at us confused, but to everyone's surprise it was Ao'nung who made the first move, kissing Neteyam right in front of us, i didn't leave my chance either capturing Tsireya's lips right then and there.
Now we're here, laying on the soft patch of grass, my hand lazily roaming on her back and waist, the sunset spreading out shades of pinks and purples, these were the moments that made me glad we left that prison, the eclipse was nearing and we had to be present for the dinner this time because I don't want Ronal biting my ears off again, i shook Tsireya lightly, kissing all over her face while she smiled waking up finally "ohh c'mon, do we have to leave right now?" Her voice groggy from the slumber, i pulled her to sit up with me, she leaned her head on my shoulder, mumbling something i didn't catch, i rolled my eyes "wake up sleepyhead, i don't want sa'nu to be mad at me again for being late" picking her up enough to let her stand, she yawned, i called out to y/ts/n, He happily swam towards us, i took tsireya's hand guiding her to him, taking our seats she wrapped her arms around my waist, pressing her cheek to my back while i flew above the water so it doesn't disturb her, getting to the shore Neteyam and ao'nung already there, but to my distaste i caught them kissing, landing near them as their attention went to us, i just gave them a gagged reaction while ao'nung gave me the biggest eye roll he could muster on Pandora, reaching them, tsireya by my side ao'nung spoke "you act like you don't do this with my own sister" you grimaced at him "well atleast- you know what? Leave it, it's weird enough to see my twin kiss you" you shook your head letting out an exhale, neteyam having enough of this conversation pulled us all towards our kelku while me and ao'nung bicker about it, tsireya just ignored us both, she has listened to this tale well over a thousand times, so she knows not to get in between.
As we got to our mauri, me and ao'nung both fell silent in seconds when we saw Ronal, none of us wanting an ear full before dinner. Quickly washing up and freshening, we sat down in a circle together, tonowari sat directly opposite to Ronal, me on his right and ao'nung on his left, our mates on our side then Ronal, The roasted fish made by her almost melting on my tongue as I breathed out with mouth stuffed with it "This is so good, sa'nok" she just smiled at me, reaching over to pat my cheek "you say that every time, ite" we all laughed digging in, talking about our day, though most of mine and tsireya's was spent together, ao'nung, with no surprise, had too much to say, apparently he and neteyam went hunting for a date, and caught to much to handle, ended up giving most of the kill to the communal space, tonowari talked about the new warriors that have joined in now, but the subject was changed when ronal asked "when do you think the iknimaya should be held, wari?" All eyes fell onto him, he thought for a minute before answering "it is time they pass through it, in a month would be reasonable" he looked back at neteyam and ao'nung, both of them had a little fear plastered over their faces, I chuckled internally at their reaction but it didn't go unnoticed as ronal asked me "why are you so happy, huh? You only have a tsurak, the rest is still to be passed" I just looked at her sheepishly, not wanting to talk about this further I changed the topic again "ma'sempul, can I join you and others for the hunt tomorrow? I still want to practice hunting with y/ts/n" he smiled agreeing right away, telling me what I should or shouldn't take with me, in the end the dinner was finished with me and ao'nung fighting again but it was no surprise.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
I rode besides tonowari and the other hunters as we made our way to the deep waters for today's hunt, these were the new warriors in training so I had some experience to be a level above them or at least be equal to them, I mastered riding my tsurak many moons ago, now it was becoming a second nature to me, I still flew with my ikran, when the night gets too suffocating a nice flight around awa'atlu is the only thing I need, but y/ts/n was becoming my day to day ride so it was easier to be with him, plus he has the most beautiful saddle and accessories thanks to my gorgeous soon-to-be mate, she hand-made many of the things that are now attached to my tsurak, the intricate details, beading, the weaving patterns, all the time and effort she put into them to make them perfect for me, these were the things I could never thank her enough for, only shower her with my love even more.
We all hunt for hours, tonowari giving us useful tips now and then for better catching, by the end of the hunt my net was full to the brim and so did many others, passing my net to another warrior who was carrying the kills, we started our journey back to the shore, by the time we were halfway there the sun was scalding on our skins, constantly diving into the water to keep our bodies cool, at last we reached the golden shores of metkayina, the only thing on my mind was to take a portion of my hunt back to our mauri and ask ma'sa'nok to prepare it for me, maybe I'll take neteyam with me to convince her even more but my thoughts came to a stop as we landed down, there was a commotion swirling in front of us, i looked at tonowari, he gave the same confused look back, we both made our way towards to center to see what was happening but the scene in front of me stopped me in my tracks altogether.
My mind went blank when i saw Jake, neytiri and their children standing on the golden sands of Awa'atlu, my eyes immediately darted through the crowd to find the face similar to mine but he was looking at me with a same horrified expression, meeting each other in the middle still away from the family we once called ours, he had the same fear evident in his eyes, they still haven't seen us yet but it won't be long before they do, he gripped my arm as he spoke in a hushed voice "what are they doing here?!" I licked my dry lips before speaking "i don't know but if we want to find out…." I looked at tonowari's side and then back at neteyam, he nodded and i gathered every ounce of courage that was left in me but i was again the same little girl who was desperate for her family's love and affection, the same girl who was shoved ruthlessly aside with her twin, rage coursed through my veins and with a nod to him, we walked to tonowari's side ready to face our former family yet again.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
2nd person pov
The area went silent as you and your twin stood besides the leaders of the clan, the omaticayan family astonished to see their lost twins in such a unexpected place, your face was devoid of expressions, neytiri's heart rejoiced and panged seeing your faces but you held no warmth towards her, Jake felt helpless all over again, deteriorated even. Ronal circled them, throwing insults with great displeasure at the group but not a flicker of sympathy rested in your heart, instead rage kindled in the pit of your stomach, itching brighter as the moments passed, they were here again to ruin everything you made for yourself, everything your brother made for himself, they are here to take it away from you, that's all you could think of, past memories flooded in your mind like a dam being opened at full force, your hands shook as a blanket of fear wafted over your body at the thought to losing everything you've earned now, to start anew, you didn't have that energy to do it all over again, you had a family now, who loves and cares for you, you are not alone this time.
Tonowari was concerned about how quiet you and neteyam were, he rested a hand on your shoulder pulling you back from the trench of old nightmares "are you alright, ma'parultsyip?" His voice soft and caring, he knew by the way you and him reacted to the situation, you knew who the people were but to what extent he didn't know, "we're fine sempul, you and sa'nok have a greater problem to deal with right now" neteyam said with as much steadiness as he could muster, and you nodded, tonowari leaned down cupping yours and neteyam's face as he said "there's no greater problem than ma'parultsyip being in distress, do you understand?" you smiled putting a hand over his where it rested on your cheek "it's fine, sempu, you can go, maybe we can talk about this later" he nodded smiling back and looked at Ronal who was still questioning the family, making his way to them to question them further, while you stared daggers at the family.
Lo'ak and kiri were taken aback at your presence, guilt traced their hearts, they never got a chance to apologize and now they didn't know if you'd even accept it, you stared at them with no remorse as they cower in your gaze, tuk was on cloud nine seeing her tsmuke and tsmukan after so many years, she never once forgot about you two, even in her small memory she remembered, all she wanted to do was jump in your arms and never leave but neytiri held her back as not to upset the Olo'eyktan and the tsahik, you and neteyam were glad to meet your little sister again, you both missed her more than anything, your eyes shifted to Jake, who was struggling to form words, seeing your interaction with tonowari, he knew his chapter in your lifes were over, at a loss of words in the end picking up tuk, when everything felt lost he spoke with an voice of desperation "please, i just want my family safe" you rolled your eyes but sighed looking at tuk, tonowari held a silent conversation with Ronal, looking at the two of you for approval as well, you nodded giving him the green flag to go ahead, you didn't stop to hear the rest as you made your way to tsireya, holding her hand in yours to calm your nerves, she turned to you smiling, rubbing her thumb over the back of your hand, she turned her head back looking at someone, staring at her line of sight, anger swirled in your stomach as you saw lo'ak checking her out but in an instance he looked away when you caught him, tsireya tightened her grip on your hand as she saw the small interaction, for her it was probably nothing but you were adamant to not let go of what you've made for yourself, not to the ones who ruined it for the first time to begin with.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
1st person pov
As much i disliked the decision of tsireya and ao'nung training their kids, it was done and couldn't be taken back, for now me and neteyam helped the family move into the new mauri given to them, i didn't like the decision of them living with us in the first place but i wasn't as cruel as they were plus we'll see tuk again, i dropped the mats i was holding with a sickening thump they rolled open, i saw Jake cringed but I didn't say anything, turning back to walk out but i was stopped by a hand on my arm, i looked up to see neytiri with tears in her eyes as she started "ma'evi, how-" i didn't give her time to speak as i wrenched my arm out of her grip, scowling at her while i spoke "do not touch me, ever! Without my permission" the tension in the mauri could be pierced with a knife, she turned to neteyam beginning to speak but he didn't even stop to listen as he walked out, ao'nung followed him, worried what was going on, Jake frantically walked forward, eyes begging to talk to us but i beat him to it "No" I held up my hand to stop him "Enough! don't try to talk to us, anyone of you, you are welcome to stay here as long as you want but leave us alone, do not try to meddle in our lives, the consequences won't be good" with that i walk out to, tsireya following me out, i was angry, at myself, at them, at eywa for giving us this shitty life, at everyone, we met up with neteyam and ao'nung while the latter comforted the former, i sat down beside my twin, tsireya next to me, she held concern in her voice as she spoke "y/n, what was that? Why did you speak to them like that? Do you know them?" I didn't answer her right away, looking at neteyam for confirmation, if he wants to tell them the truth, he nodded once and i answered tsireya's questions "of course we know them *sigh* They were our family"
We sat with tonowari and Ronal, while she wrapped her arms around me, we told them everything as now there was no point in hiding, Ronal kissed my forehead and tonowari was livid, he felt ashamed to let the people who abused his children stay with them, i was in tears by the end we finished our story, tsireya rubbed my back, ao'nung held neteyam, tonowari comforting him as well, my mind felt numb while i snuggled closer in her embrace, Ronal ran her fingers through my hair, whispering against it "are you okay ma' yawnetu? I know it must be hard for both of you, if you want you can go live-" i shook my head in her neck "no sa'nok, you are our family now, you, sempul, ao'nung and tsireya is our family now, not them, not anyone else" neteyam nodded too, joining our hug, soon the other three got in too, we sat there in huge pile of tangled limbs and love, tonowari being the biggest was the foundation, Ronal at his side while me and tsireya cuddle to her left, neteyam and ao'nung beside tonowari cuddled together, that evening every tear was wiped and hearts were mended, everyone slept lighter than usual and i was happy the day ended this way, i pulled tsireya closer to me before i drifted to sleep myself.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
I few above the clear waters of Awa'atlu, leaning back on my y/i/n, i stared at the bright sky, giving all the control over to him, the sun cascading sunlight down on the beautiful village, i needed a break from yesterday, away from everyone for a little while, enjoying my own presence and thoughts, it's been a few days since they came here, not me nor neteyam has talked to anyone of them neither did they try to seek us out, which was a blessing but we both knew it wasn't for long till we have to talk to them, i closed my eyes sighing at the feeling of the wind caressing my body, i flew in peace till the sun came down a little, not afternoon or evening just in between, sitting up i looked down to land near the shore, while looking out i saw the group tsireya and ao'nung have been training, deciding maybe i can take tsireya with me for a evening walk before we head back for dinner.
I jumped down disconnecting my queue as y/i/n flew away in seconds, everyone's eyes were on me because of my entrance but i didn't care as my eyes only trailed to tsireya's, she smiled instantly signaling me to come in and i did, diving beside her, i ignored everyone but her and ao'nung, turning to ao'nung as neteyam had a message for him "nung, neteyam was looking for you earlier, he has something to give you, i think" i say trying to remember the exact thing my twin told me but couldn't, he nodded bidding his goodbyes, making his way towards the village in minutes, i refocused my attention on tsireya, catching her hand underneath the waters i spoke in a silky voice "maybe if you're done, we can go collect seashells?" She just gave me her shy smile that i could die for, moving away from me she instructed the lesson would continue tomorrow, i went to grab her hand again but lo'ak beat me to it, taking her hand in his as they talked, i raised my eyebrow, what the fuck does he think he's doing? Tsireya nervously got her hand out of his hold, giving him a small smile while she swam back to me, if looks could kill he'd be 6ft under, i restrained myself from talking to him, making our way out of the shallow waters, his stare still lingered on her and my blood boiled but tsireya quietly kept a hand on my shoulder, taking my attention away from him, i smiled at her, instantly forget about my bad mood as we started our walk towards our kelku.
We entered our mauri, my eyes quickly going to ao'nung, who now fashioned a new necklace, i smiled at neteyam who was looking at me already, i yawned, even if i didn't do anything today i felt exhausted, when i told Ronal about it she just suggested i should take some rest and that's what I did, falling onto my hammock and pulling tsireya with me, she giggled but cuddled up to me in the end, my thoughts got less and less clouded, finally going blank as i slipped into a peaceful slumber but before i did i hear a familiar voice which i haven't heard in years sounded, still i was lulled to sleep before i could react as i was too comfortable in my mate's arms.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
2nd person pov
Jake and neytiri entered the tent, giving their respect to tonowari and Ronal, neytiri's eyes watched your sleeping form cuddled with tsireya, how peaceful you looked in your sleeping state in contrast to your scowl when you saw them, they knew their mistakes, they were sorry for it as well but it was too late, neteyam turned away from them, going as far away as he could so he didn't have to interact, Ronal stepped towards them, ready to defend you and your twin with her life if she had to, putting her hand on the small bump she had as she spoke "is there anything you need?" Her voice stoic, Neytiri looked at you and neteyam longingly, she never forgave Jake for treating you like the way he did, but it was Jake who answered first "we are here to invite our kids for dinner tonight" Ronal's face twisted in disgust "you have lost your right to call them your kids, they are my children not yours" both jake and neytiri flinched at the sudden outburst, neteyam just rolled his eyes from his corner, thank eywa you weren't awake, tonowari got up from his place, reaching his mates side he spoke calmly "we will talk to them, but do not hope they will come" Jake nodded, but neytiri was planted to the ground as she stared at neteyam, who sat like she was invisible, unbothered to even look up from his work, Ronal getting annoyed, she put a arm on neytiri's arm, giving her a slight push as to indicate their stay was over, with a heavy heart she moved, stepping out the mauri with her head hung low.
Tonowari made his way towards neteyam, sitting down in front of him, neteyam sighed of course he had to go, and so did you, you had to make things smooth, even if you'd rather die than see their faces again but you had do it now, tonowari patted him on his head, ao'nung taking his hand, intertwining their fingers together, soon enough Ronal woke you and Tsireya up and delivered the awful news, though your first answer was a stern "NO" you were firm on your decision but a little persuasion and bribing of food, you agreed, both you and neteyam would go to their tent for dinner, instead it felt more like you were walking straight into a palulukan's nest.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
1st person pov
Me and Neteyam walked towards the kelku we avoided the most, I begged Tsireya to come with me, cried even, but she was firm on me going alone, ahh how she betrayed me! But she was right too, i guess, still even if i thought about good thing, the tent in front of me made me sulk again, reaching the entrance of it, i took in a shaky breath and Neteyam knocked on the rim, all their heads turned to us and i wanted to turn around and run away forever, Again! But i fought the urge and walked in with Neteyam with me, Neytiri looked like she was holding her breath, tuk looked happy to see us, Kiri and Lo'ak were too shock to see us there, Jake looked like he was about to breakdown, i sighed having enough of this "you called us for dinner, jake?" His face fell when I called him by his name, but i had no regret, Neytiri looked heart broken, Neteyam stayed silent beside me, Jake started talking "yes- yeah, i wanted to have chat over dinner" i nod, keeping my face straight, we sat down in a circle, me and Neteyam a little bit further away from the circle so we weren't sitting directly beside them, i look up from my plate as i said "what did you want to take about, Jake?" It was clear it hurted him to hear me calling him Jake, "we wanted to talk about- um- about what happened, 6 years ago" i stopped mid bite, so did Neteyam, his hand in the air as he was about to take one.
"We had enough of you dictating us, you burnt us out, so we left, we found a home where they actually treated us like children and not like soldiers, we are happy and we have a happy family with a loving mother and a amazing father" i finished then Neteyam started "we found our love here, where we tried to find it in you, but you were too full of yourself, none of you helped us, not Neytiri, not Kiri, not Lo'ak, we only had eachother, we did what was best for us, we left" Neytiri's face crumbled when Neteyam called her Neytiri, he was a mama's boy but his mama ignored him in the end.
Everyone was silent after that, Kiri was crying silently, Lo'ak looked down in embarrassment and guilt, i just continued to eat, i didn't care now how they felt by now, i was here for dinner so I'm having it, when i was finished, Neytiri was crying, Jake looked like he was slapped in the face, Kiri was sobbing, Lo'ak looked like he could throw up, i looked to tuk "i happy to see you tuk tuk, come by tomorrow, we'll go swimming" i said right in front of them, tuk smiled as she threw herself on me hugging me, and i laughed hugging her tightly, she pulled Neteyam in too "I'm missed you so much tsmukan, tsmuke" i smiled and we both said in sync "we missed you too tuk tuk" she pulled back, going back to her place and we got up, our faces going blank again "i think we're clear here" i said in a flat voice, that held no warmth, no kindness like it did before when i talked with tuk and i hear Neteyam say "don't call us again" and with that we both turned around, walking out, not looking back at them, once again.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
I groaned as i leaned back on my hands, Tsireya beside me, she had a sympathetic expression on her face, she held my hand in hers, when we got back i nearly picked her up in front of everyone and put her down on my tsurak as we made our way to our spot, i was furious, mad crazy, but hurt too, their apologize meant nothing, not anymore anyways, for once we were having an amazing life and they HAD to come ruin for us, tsireya comforted me as best as she could buy i was in my own mind, we stayed the whole night there, sleep was something that i had to chase every night but tonight it was exceptionally hard, at afternoon the next day we decide to go back, my stomach was growling for food as we didn't have breakfast, so getting on y/ts/n, me and tsireya started to make our way back.
As we got closer to our side of the shore, some shouts and screams caught my attention, i looked back at tsireya in confusion "what's going on?" I asked her, her shrug was the only answer, getting to the spot of the shouting my blood ran cold as i saw ka'ani, the clan's known idiot, pushing kiri back and lo'ak shoving him in return, i quickly flew my way over to them, i jumped down before my tsurak even touched the ground and i immediately got in between both the boy, i pressed two fingers on ka'ani's chest, pushing him back "stay away from, you hear me?!" He looked at me, eyeing me from head to toe, he backed up, hands up in the air, motioning his surrender, just then I saw neteyam and ao'nung coming in on their ilus, I walked to kiri "are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I asked, checking her for any harm, she just grabbed my arm, tears forming in her eyes "hey, we might be angry, but we won't stop to protect our own from harm, alright? But this doesn't mean we forgive you" i said patting her shoulder, i heard murmuring behind me, turning around i see ao'nung talking back to ka'ani and neteyam pulling back lo'ak, tsireya walked upto me "come on, guys, enough of this let's go home" i said as i grabbed tsireya's hand and started my way back when i heard screaming and yelling again but this time louder.
Lo'ak and ka'ani hit eachother furiously, ao'nung joined lo'ak and soon did neteyam, i hesitated but the prospect of beating ka'ani's ass was too good and i got in with them, we handed their asses back to them before tonowari and Jake pulled us back, i had blood dripping down from the side of my eye, my lip busted but the adrenaline from beating them was still running through me, tonowari was pissed "what was that?!" He yelled at me, neteyam and ao'nung, shoving us into the mauri, i started "sempul, ka'ani and his gang were disrespecting kiri and lo'ak, we just tried to protect them" he pinched the bridge of his nose "Fine! But next time, you come to me and no more fighting! Am I clear?!" All three of us replied in sync "yes sempu" he simply smiled and shook his head "what have i got myself into?" And we all laughed, while we were all unaware of what lo'ak got in consequence of this fight.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
I was sitting on the beach with tsireya and tuk, neteyam and ao'nung were playing in the water, when i heard footsteps coming towards us, i looked up to see lo'ak and kiri walking towards us, i instantly sat up as they took their places beside me, before i could register them being there, Kiri started "thank you- for saving me" and i looked at her with a soft expression "it's okay, i did what i thought was right and ka'ani needed some putting in place too" i smile, my eyes shifted to lo'ak, who had his head down "Jake scolded you, didn't he? I know he did" i looked annoyed, not at him but at Jake, lo'ak looked at me "I'm glad you and neteyam got away, i finally saw what you guys went through and we turned a blind eye to both of you" tears stained his cheeks and neteyam, ao'nung and tuk made their way to us, neteyam sitting beside me as we both pulled lo'ak into a hug "hey, it's fine, we get it" kiri joined our hug "we're sorry, really, terribly sorry for what we did to you, for all the ignorance" kiri cried in my shoulder and i looked at neteyam, we both knew they were sorry, as we held them, i sighed, my mind fought for the years we spent suffering then my heart is battling with my love towards my siblings, in the in we all knew we couldn't be angry at them, Jake and neytiri? Yes but not them, they were kids too so we forgave them "it's okay, we forgive you" me and neteyam both said together, their cries worsened and we held them till all the years worth of guilt and blame was spent out.
After they calmed down, we all laughed and played together, i even gave kiri a ride on my tsurak, while lo'ak begged me to give him one, i just flipped him off, the splash fighting lasted till eclipse and by the time we got out of water we were shivering, all of us but it was fun, nonetheless, it was time well spent.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
3rd person pov
Jake stood near the tree, so close yet so far away, as he watched the scene unfold in front of him, his twins, his once pride and joy and still are at some degree at the present but his own heart burned and shriveled up for their love, his eyes stung with unshed tears, a small smile playing on his lips at the sight of Lo'ak and Kiri Bonding with them, they had forgiven their siblings but he knew even if Neteyam might forgive them but you would rain hell before even thinking about it, he messed up and he knows it, god he suffered and is suffering for 6 years now, with Neytiri blaming him and lo'ak's guilt stricken state, he had no choice but to suffer in silence and he knew he deserved it because you and your twin suffered in silence all those years and now that you're finally living your life to the fullest, he is no longer a part of it, it kills him that people who are strangers to him are more of parent then he ever was, to see your trust in them being so great, he died a little inside everyday seeing you call someone else 'father' and him by his name- that's what shocked him even more, you called him Jake, not dad, nor sir just jake, as if he was nothing to you.
He longed to be your father again, but he knew he'd have to walk through a holocaust to even make up one percent of the damage he had inflicted upon them, he burned in the fire he ignited and only you could stop it now.
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A/n: I'm so sorry for the delay, my weeks and life have been really busy, i thought I'd post it soon but my bad, I'm sorry, i hope y'all like it 😭
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @elriel-4-ever, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @teyamsbitch, @elijangwifey, @erosthefae, @murderbirbdany, @thearabloak06, @killua2dot0, @ilovechickenwings, @kylobensgirl, @darling-imobsessed, @majathepapaya, @sweetirilly, @reinap06, @neteyamforlife, @thatgirljas13, @totesnothere04, @arminsgfloll, @babyqueen17.
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© Neteyamyawne 2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
220 notes · View notes
jakegasm · 2 years
confide in me ~ tonowari
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 ˗ˏˋ request ´ˎ˗
╰┈➤ “ Hi can I request a Tonowari imagine with his female mate who has just started seeing him and she is a very strong person who keeps everything to herself like her feelings, stresses and worries in general and relies on herself for everything and only trusts herself and over time Tonowari realises this and brings it up with her one day and she gets defensive and angry at him before pushing him away aggressively and leaving him alone in their home. He talks about this with his best friend Jake and he gives him some advice as Neytiri is similar to Tonowari’s mate and the next day his mate comes home going straight to cook for them both he gets up sitting in front of her taking her hands in his trying a softer approach this time instead of getting irritated like last time, letting her know that he knows she has depended on herself for long but that she can trust him too and talk to him about anything. She eventually opens up to him with much difficulty but he doesn’t rush her just says soothing words whilst she lays in his lap softly running his fingers through her hair and on her face before they both move to cuddle each other face to face where they both fall asleep happy that they are closer than ever? Thanks 😊 “
: ̗̀➛ genre: fluff ! slight angst (not too much, it's mainly fluff)
: ̗̀➛ pairing: tonowari x metikaynia!reader
: ̗̀➛ word count: 1.5k 
: ̗̀➛ warnings: none! 
: ̗̀➛ notes: tsireya and ao'nung don't exist in this ! I mean bc he's w/ you and not ronal duh? lol i felt like this one sucked so i do apologize in advance, i haven’t been in a writing mood lately 😭 but i did my best and i still hope you all enjoy 🥺
also i threw a little surprise in there just because I felt like it *wink, wink*
annnnnnnd no proof read, imma probably hire someone to do that for me as much as i don’t do it 😂
tìywan - love 
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“My brother, I do not know what to do. She will not talk to me.” 
Tonowari was desperate. Something was bothering you and tonowari could sense it. But, the way you were built, it wasn’t in you to confide in someone so easily. Not even your own mate. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him, you trusted him with your whole life. You were just never one to speak your feelings and instead keep them to yourself as you deemed it better that way. 
He hated that. 
He wanted to help you. Help you the way you help him when he feels less of a leader of his clan, you help bring back that spark and stride in him but it seems unfair to him when he can’t do the same for you.
He had turned to his last and only hope. Jake Sully. He had only arrived a few months ago with his family seeking security, and his family had fit right in as quickly as they arrived. At first, tonowari assumed this was your issue. Maybe you weren’t comfortable with the sully’s as much as he was just yet. But, when he saw the wide smile on your face as you helped his children learn how to weave picking baskets, that was quickly scratched out as the potential problem. 
“Ease your way into talking to her. Catch her when she’s in her calmest state. She’ll most likely be more vulnerable to speak her mind to you.” Tonowari raised an eyebrow at his friend's suggestion. You were always calm. How would he know when you’re at your calmest when being calm is your whole personality. He cringed at the thought of asking you last time. The anger that you held was new to him. He had felt as if he did something wrong. Your voice was so different. So—mean. 
“I do not want to speak about it tonowari!” 
“I am your mate, you are supposed to trust me! I only want to help you!” 
Your head whipped around towards him, your nose flaring in anger. The sparkle in your eyes he had loved so much is now gone and replaced with fire. 
“I do not need your help. I am fine on my own.” 
Tonowari wasn’t accepting that as an answer though. He stood on his word, never a man to back down. 
“You do not have wants when we are promised to each other. Ewya brought us together because she knew we bring out the best of each other. If you do refuse my help you will be going against the gift of Ewy-“ 
“Enough!” Your voice boomed. Tonowari froze. He had never heard your voice in such an aggressive tone. You were upset. 
He had made you upset. Biting his lip he contemplated if he had pushed you too far. Whatever he has done so quickly, he regretted just as fast. His hands reached out for you only for you to jerk away from him, a pain ripping its way in his chest at your actions. 
“I do not wish to speak with you about it anymore. Leave it alone.” Your tone so cold. So low. You walked past him leaving him stunned and confused as to what he did wrong. 
Maybe it was him? 
Maybe he did push you too far. 
With a puff of air from his nose he nodded his head to show he understood what he must do. 
“I will try. But it may not go well Jake sully.” Jake laughed in response, placing a hand on tonowari’s shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze. 
“Well if it doesn’t, I have room in my pod for you to sleep in.” 
Night time had fallen and there was nothing but silence filled between you and tonowari. Your back turned towards him as you roasted tonight’s dinner on the fire pit mounted in the middle of your pod, twisting and turning your dinner you inspected it ignoring the way you felt your mate’s eyes on you. You weren’t looking but you could definitely tell he wanted to ask you something, so with a sigh you placed your dinner down and spoke gently to him. 
“What is on your mind my love?” 
Your sudden soft voice broke him out of some trance he was in. Turning your body you peered at him over your shoulder, he sat against the wall, legs crossed and arms folded. His hair out of his usual bun draping over his shoulders, he looked majestic. Strong. He looked like the great leader he was of the clan. The only thing different was the scowl he wore on his face. Whatever was on his mind was killing him to tell or ask you. Without hesitation you stood up and strided towards him, his eyes never leaving your as you did so. Softly you took his face in your hands smiling gently towards him. Slowly you leaned down and placed a tender kiss on his forehead, smiling when you heard the breath he probably had been holding for a while now. 
“Tell me what is wrong wari.” 
Like the many times you had done before, you rendered him speechless. You never ceased to amaze him with your beauty or your kindness. That’s why when you were anger with him it left him in a daze, and quite frankly he was still recovering from it. He desperately wanted to ask you again but afraid it may spark up another fight, so he bit the inside of his cheek to refrain. 
“Nothing. Nothing at all my tìyawn.” He tried his best to crack a smile to you but he knew you weren’t going to but it. 
And he was right. Your face quickly turned into a look of disapproval. His stomach churned at this, he had said something wrong yet again. His ears lowered and pulled back cowering away from you, your hands in an instant brushed and rubbed them tenderly showing a sign of comfort to him. Something you had always done when he felt like this. 
“Do not lie Wari. Something is bothering you, you have been staring at me all night. Tell me what are you thinking of?” 
Closing his eyes and thought about what he was going to say, the words of his brother flooding back to his memory. 
“Ease your way into talking to her. Catch her when she’s in her calmest state. She’ll most likely be more vulnerable to speak her mind to you.” 
Slowly opening his eyes again he found your eyes still on his, gazing softly at him patiently waiting for his response. He swallowed what felt like a ball from how hard he swallowed, cleaning his throat trying to ease his nerves. 
“I—I want to know what is bothering you. Or has been. You have not been yourself lately and last time you were so angry I did not want to upset you again.” 
You were silent. Your silence scared him. He wanted to know what you were going to say or what you were going to do. He really didn’t want a replay of the occurrence that happened a few nights ago. What you did next surprised him at the least. You did not hit him. You didn’t yell at him as he expected you, instead you sat down next to him gesturing to him to lay his head down on your lap. Hesitatingly he laid his head down, your fingers immediately finding their ways through his soft curls tenderly scratching his scalp in the process. 
“I actually wanted to apologize to you for that. I should not have acted that way, I knew you were very concerned about me.” He remained silent letting you continue your ramble, closing his eyes as he absorbed the way your fingers tickled his scalp soothingly. 
“I had been feeling ill for a while and i went to speak with our tsahik—“ Your  fingers paused their motions causing tonowari eyes to pry open, turning his head to face up to you, you smiled down at him. 
“Tsahik said that Ewya has blessed us with a great gift.” 
Tonowari blinked slowly as he tried to process your words. 
Feeling ill? One blink. 
Getting angry so easily? Two blinks. 
Ewya has given you two a gift? Three blinks. 
In a instant tonowari kneeled rather quickly in front of you, his hands cupping your face. He looked frantically at you, hopelessly looking for a sign that you were joking with him. Only the smile on your face that has widened told him otherwise. Quickly he reeled you in for a bear crushing embrace peppering kisses to the side of your skull in the process. 
“Oh thank you Ewya. Thank you. Thank you.”  He repeated over and over again as he covered you in kisses with each word. He rested his forehead against your own soaking in the information you had just relied onto him. 
“My love you had me so worried. I was upset that I had done something wrong.” 
“You did nothing wrong wari. I apologize for my behavior, you do not deserve that.” 
He only hummed in response before pressing another loving kiss to your face. 
“I promise. And please hold me to this. I will be there for you whenever you need me.” He paused, reaching his hand down, gently laying it across your stomach. 
“For our family.”
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fleursbending · 2 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑. | Sully!Daughter
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⤷ first installment of 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒, coming soon. ✎ᝰ ── based on the song : the archer, by taylor swift.
ˏˋ °•*⁀➷ set before the events of atwow.
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 :
Combat is all she has ever known, especially when following in the footsteps of Neteyam her brother who is literally called the Mighty Warrior. Alongside a mother and father like Jake and Neytiri - she doesn't really have any choice but to acclimate to the battlefields.
But the Eclipses are quickening in pace, and time has finally caught up to her. The eldest Sully daughter is coming of age, and her grandma Mo'at wants to set her up with a mate for life. Ever so suddenly, her entire demeanor has changed.
A Sully whose more outspoken than Lo'ak has begun to shut everyone out. But a life-risking incident causes everything she has ever tried to hide, to come to a head. It leaves her questioning, "can they see right through me?"
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : sully!family x sully!daughter.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : internalized homophobia, talks of war & weapons, near-death experience, injuries, angst, hurt/comfort, fight scenes, lots of flashback scenes, (more to be possibly added in the near future).
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𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒃𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
⤷ if you would like to join 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 taglist please comment on the linked post or ask through my inbox. thank you!♡
you can access the spotify playlist, ➥ here !
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ngayawneluoer · 2 years
we seek revenge
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ neteyam x reader (past), neytiri x reader (platonic), tbh mostly just a spider hate fic, if you like spider you’re prolly not gonna like this lol
Time doesn't seem to heal the wound of losing you mate, and when the sky people return and you learn the truth, no one can stop you from seeking revenge. Set a year after the events of ATWOW.
word count: 1700
a/n: pov you and neytiri form a spider hate club and beat his ass (sort of)
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Even a year later, every breath you took without Neteyam felt like eternal punishment. Every moment you felt the loss of your mate and every step you took without him was only a reminder that you would never feel whole again. Every day, you suffered and mourned the pair you could have been and the life you could have lived, and every night you prayed that Eywa would bring him back or take you with him. But it was never that simple.
And so, you busied yourself with the daily tasks of the Metkayina, your head held high and your face unwavering. At least you had Neytiri, who never seemed to leave your side since her son's death. You mourned, suffered, and cried together, and as time passed, you helped each other get back on your feet and brave the world. To her, you were one final living piece of her son, his other half and the one he loved most, and she couldn't help but love you in turn. She had become like a mother to you, and whilst you knew you would never be able to replace Neteyam, your shared memories of him brought you closer together. And obviously, you bore the whole Sully family in your heart, but you and Neytiri had developed a special bond through the pain you shared and the rage you held for the sky demons that had so mercilessly killed the one you loved.
Another thing you shared with Neytiri was the wariness you felt towards Spider, who Jake had wholly accepted into the family following Neteyam's death. You had grown up around him, but being nothing more than a regular Omatikaya with almost no interaction with humans, you never were the most comfortable with him. The emotion had only doubled after his 'father' brought about the war that killed your beloved. Those around you started accepting him, but you kept your distance, as did Neytiri. You couldn't find it in your hearts to forgive him.
“(Y/N)! Come swim with us!"
The voice broke your train of thought, and you looked up from the bracelet you were weaving. From where you sat next to Neytiri, your eyes found Kiri waving at you from amongst the group of Na'vi youths splashing about in the water. You noticed Spider was there too, practically clinging to her side like a pathetic dog. You tried not to roll your eyes.
"No thank you, Kiri," You answered loud enough for her to hear, trying your hardest to mask the venom in your voice, "Later."
A sad pout graced her face for a mere second, and you knew what was coming. You usually rejected her offers, and she would rarely take no for an answer, opting instead to drag you into the group and make it so that you had no choice but to participate. Sometimes she would even send Tuk to guilt trip you into joining with those adorable eyes of hers, knowing you could never say no to Tuk.
You knew Kiri meant well; she simply saw you pull away and didn't want you to feel left out. Lucky for you, this time she was distracted by Rotxo pulling her tail, and she forgot all about her usual routine of demanding you to join. Better this way. You wouldn't have enjoyed yourself anyway.
Neytiri looked up from the arrow she was crafting, a somewhat curious look on her face. She spoke quietly, deliberately to keep the conversation private from possible overhearers, "I don't see you with those your age lately," her fingers continued crafting, but her focus was still on you, awaiting an answer. Finally, when your gaze didn't shift from where it was fixed onto your hands, she continued, "I cannot be your only friend."
You sighed softly, eyes brimming with tears that you were afraid would spill if you met her gaze, "I do not... want to see him," you knew she knew who you meant from the way you spat out the word as if it was poison on your tongue, "it hurts too much."
You finally bit the bullet and looked up at her, only to find her gaze looking off into the distance, following the human boy you were referring to. Her features twisted into anger as if in the process of a hiss, "He shouldn't be here. He should be with his kind."
"I agree," you started, but didn't know what else to say. There was nothing you could do.
Neytiri hesitated for a second but eventually uttered the words you had a feeling swirled through her mind every day, "I... cannot help but blame him. He is not just a child. He is a demon's child. He will bring nothing but trouble... But I cannot bring it up with anyone but you."
You could tell from how she spoke that she had had this conversation before. You wondered if this was a frequent argument she had with Jake, who was so adamant about accepting Spider into their family.
"I don't understand how they can so easily accept him. I know he is not responsible for his father's actions, but…." you trailed off at a loss for words. But what? You weren't sure where you were going with this. And with Spider so close by, you were hesitant to confess the hatred you held for him simply due to his heritage out loud.
Neytiri understood though. She always did.
She dropped the arrow she was crafting from her hand and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into her side to comfort you, "You are not alone. I see you."
You leaned into her motherly touch, revelling in the comfort she provided, "I see you."
But comfort never seemed to last for your kind. The sky people returned, led by the man that didn't seem to die. Your people fought his soldiers bravely, some winning, some losing, but you could safely say you had done more damage to them than they had to you.
"How many times do we have to kill you!" You heard Jake hiss from somewhere, but you were too preoccupied with fighting off the armed soldier in front of you. With a final swift move, you drove your dagger into the avatar soldier's neck, your fangs bared in a hiss as blood sprayed across your face. Briskly, you sheathed your blade into its scabbard and let the body drop, turning back to the dying battle. The sky people were retreating. They were cowards and had finally realised they were severely underprepared. They would be back, they always were, but you revelled in the fact that you didn't die at their hand today.
One of them remained, however. To everyone's shock, Quaritch in the flesh had shown up. He stood proudly with a gun pointed at Jake - Jake pointing one back - knowing that the mere fact that he was alive was rubbing salt in the wound. His return brought back memories of your previous battle with him, and you snarled; eyes focused on the conniving man that stood before you. A thick metal cable fell from the sky behind him, undoubtedly how he would make his escape into the helicopter above. You wouldn't allow it.
As you advanced, you heard Jake hiss again, "How are you alive?"
Quaritch only smirked, attaching himself to the cable, "The answer is simple, Jake. I am, and always will be, better than you," His gaze left Jake and switched to someone far behind you all, and he winked. "Thanks for the save, kid."
Your blood froze and your muscles tensed, barely registering the sound of the Colonel escaping. It felt like the world had stilled; everyone around you was frozen and unable to breathe as they processed the words that had been spoken mere seconds ago.
You could barely process the faces that surrounded you as you slowly turned, following the direction of where the Colonel had been looking. You should have known.
The world around you disappeared, voices echoing as you could barely hear them over the sound of your own heartbeat. All you knew was the pure anger rushing through your veins and the pathetic human boy standing a few meters away in your line of sight. His eyes met yours. You had never seen such pure, primal terror in anyone's eyes before.
"What did he mean?" You seethed, voice muted as your features twisted in anger. You began taking steps towards Spider, which seemed to trigger Kiri into holding you back.
"(Y/N), wait," She grabbed your arm to try to hold you back, muttering something about how you should relax and how it could have been a misunderstanding, but you snatched your arm back. You knew what you heard.
"Speak!" You screamed, making Spider flinch. He remained quiet, seemingly unable to defend himself, "You saved that man?"
"I.." Spider began taking a step back but came to a sudden halt as he heard the subtle sound of the pull of a bow. Your gaze flickered behind him for just a second, and you saw Neytiri with an arrow pointed straight at his head, a snarl as equally vicious as yours on her face.
"Neytiri, no!" "Mother, please don't hurt him!"
You and Neytiri barely registered the voices.
You took another step forward, your figure towering over Spider.
"That man is responsible for Neteyam's death," Your voice shook and your tail flicked behind you with anger as you spoke - everyone seemed to fall quiet, "And you saved him?"
Spider had the intelligence to keep quiet, at least. Unfortunately, what he didn't have was the courage to look you in the eye.
"Look at me when I speak to you!" You screamed, startling Spider. His head tilted up, and his fearful eyes met yours. His face was scrunched with pain and guilt, but it meant nothing to you. "He went back for you! He wanted to save you! He died because of you!"
You unsheathed your dagger, the dry blood on its sharp blade a symbol of the fate the boy in front of you would face.
"And you will die because of me."
a/n: If we don’t get a scene of Neytiri killing Spider’s ass in Avatar 3 I will sue
p.s I made an ask box request things pls and ty
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iwantjaketosullyme · 1 year
𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ᴘᴀʀᴛ Ⅳ: ᴍɪʟᴋ, ʜᴏɴᴇʏ, ʜᴀʀᴍᴏɴɪᴇꜱ
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➺ pairing: aged up!lo'ak x f!metkayina!reader (fluff) ➺ series summary: lovesick!lo'ak does all he can to win the heart of oblivious!reader ➺ chapter summary: ❝ Sullys stick together, so he knows that his disappointment will be cut into little pieces and divided equally amongst his family members, another burden shared. ❞ (w/c: 3.1k) ➺ warnings: kiri nd tuk bullying lo'ak (he had it coming), throwing up (minor), lo'ak is still a silly billy🤭 a/n: sully shenanigans continue ! i'm making tuk 10 yrs old in this even tho everyone else is 5 yrs older. if she was human, tuk would defo mutilate her barbie dolls then beg jake to buy her more. someone needs to save lo'ak, reader rlly thinks everything is life or death lmaooo. na'vi dictionary at the end :)
« 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬┃𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭┃𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 »
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
It is evening. Eywa has strung the stars in the sky, illuminating her dear Eywa’eveng with the same tanhi that litter the skin of her children. The constellations are visual retellings of the stories of humble Na’vi made legend after achieving exploits for their people, a reminder of the greatness found in unity.
All clan activities have wound down – the fishers have hung up their nets, divers have inspected their findings and hunters have laid down their spears. At the centre of the shore blazes a strong and defiant bonfire. Its flames are fanned and fuelled by the life that pulses in the Metkayina gathered around it who convene to share tales of the day’s events.   
The soft scraping of fingertips on wooden bowls fills the air as separate family units come together to share a communal meal and enjoy the spoils of the day’s hunt. A myriad of voices can be heard; the croak of an aged elder, the babble of a babe and the peeved huff of a particular young Na’vi male.
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Over the din of the clan’s combined chatter, Lo’ak’s expression of his annoyance is only heard by those that are sat right next to him. On his right-hand side sits Neteyam, who is half-concerned about what it is that has his baby bro so upset, but simultaneously trying to keep up with Tuk’s recounting of the scenarios she had made her figurines act out today.
On the other side of Lo’ak sits Kiri, who is praying to the Great Mother in her head, begging for the grace not to hit him if he sighs one more time.
“Hey Lo’ak, are you going to tell us what’s wrong or are you going to keep sitting there with a face like a slapped palulukan’s arse?” Kiri’s voice cuts off Tuk’s rambling, the girl deciding to take matters into her own hands. She couldn’t bear seeing his pinched expression in her peripheral vision for a second longer. Her remark brings the attention of the whole family onto Lo’ak, whose brow only furrows further in lieu of a response.
Scandalised by such a comment from her daughter (who typically had her head too high up in the clouds to engage in petty name-calling), Neytiri’s face flushes in shock. At the same time, Jake struggles to suppress a chuckle and manages to cover it up with a faux-stern “Kiri!”, forehead creasing into a frown that is nearly convincing enough. Nearly.
It was easy to see that something was off with Lo’ak – where he would usually have scarfed down his helping of food in the first five minutes of the meal and spent the rest of it badgering Tuk and Kiri for the food in their bowls with a cheeky ‘are you gonna eat that?’, he’d been pushing the same piece of fish around for the past thirty minutes. 
If that was not enough of a sign, the clearest indication of his displeasure could be seen in his tail that hangs limply in the sand behind him, or his folded-back ears that had not even perked up at the sound of Tuk’s stories, for which he usually provided the sound effects. 
It was for these reasons that nobody was truly surprised at Kiri’s outburst. They had just been hoping that Lo’ak would open up without being prompted first.
With the hubbub of the clan’s numerous conversations in the background, Lo’ak’s silence is loud. While he is embarrassed to have been caught in the act of sulking (Eywa, he couldn’t even mourn a love that died before it lived in peace), he is more so hesitant to declare his premature failure to the people who had been so ardently supportive of his romantic pursuit.
Sullys stick together, so he knows that his disappointment will be cut into little pieces and shared equally amongst his family members, another burden shared. But Lo’ak is tired of being a burden, and has been for a while.
Ever the attentive older brother, Neteyam recognises the resignation in the hunch of his shoulders. Planting a warm, comforting hand on one of them, he chances a gentle coax, “Tell us what’s up baby bro, I’m listening.”
Realising that the family will not be satisfied until he supplies an answer, Lo’ak heaves a final sigh before revealing what has been troubling him – to nobody’s surprise, you. He relays an abridged version of the conversation the two of you had in the afternoon, purposefully leaving out the part where he too had laid his soul bare. 
As he discloses his grievances, Lo’ak’s eyes are cast downwards, anxious fingers fiddle with the songcord attached securely to his tewng. His new favourite pastime is pondering over which trinkets he will choose to signify your and his union, your first child and the countless other life events he longs to share with you. What he would choose, he corrects mentally.
After your proclamation of seeing him as merely a friend earlier today, his future projections of a life with you are now conditional, a distant alternative in the far-away realm of possibility. 
Eventually gaining enough courage to look up from his lap, he shares the news of his relegation to the dreaded friend zone, which to him is a fate more damning than exile. He finishes by imploring somewhat desperately, “So how do I make her want me back?”
The most unlikely of advisors in the affairs of romance answers. “You can’t. And you will never be able to,” Tuk declares. Quite frankly, she is already tired of this conversation and has not forgiven Lo’ak for indirectly interrupting her storytelling. His moping around has shifted everyone’s attention away from her and onto him. She will make him pay, if it’s the last thing she does.
Flabbergasted to the point of agitation, Lo’ak’s head whips to the side to grill Tuk, beaded braids smacking his face in his haste. “And how would you know, huh?” He continues with a sing-song quality in his voice, “You’re still a baby.”
After releasing a petulant huff of indignation, Tuk replies, “Because you’re a boy so you have cooties, duh!” Endlessly tired of having her opinions disregarded because of her young age, she drives her point further. “I bet she won’t even talk to you if you don’t talk to her first!”
Lo’ak’s initial reaction is one of hurt. Still insecure in the status of his relationship with you, he is especially sensitive to criticism, even if it comes from his kid sister. In spite of this, although he would never admit it, Tuk’s childish banter breaks Lo’ak from the bondage of his melancholy and is a welcomed reprieve from the unchartered waters of love he has been struggling to navigate. 
Thus, he allows himself to be enraptured by the familiar push and pull of sibling rivalry and resolves to do all he can to prove that his belief in your love is not just fuelled by fantasy.
“Oh, you wanna bet?” His sudden determination to make your feelings towards him evident becomes a quick priority, even though he is not too sure of them himself and that was the exact reason for his previous sulking. “Go on,” Lo’ak goads, “pick the forfeit.”
Knowing that there is no way that this will end well but also knowing both siblings are too far gone to be dissuaded now, Jake, Neytiri, Kiri and Neteyam separately reach the same conclusion. Better to sit back and watch it all unfold than attempt to meddle. This is gonna be a long night.
“Loser has to give up their yovo fruit for a month!” Tuk responds, a challenging glint present in her large eyes. She is well aware that yovo fruit is Lo'ak's dessert of choice and cannot wait to delight in the pained look on his face when he is denied of it.
Spurred on by the flair for showmanship that he most definitely inherited from his father, Lo’ak shakes his head and demands higher stakes. “Nah, that’s too easy. What’s something you really want?”
Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth,Tuk responds, “Well…I do need some new figurines to play with…” and looks at Lo’ak expectantly, waiting for him to connect the dots.
“Already??” Lo’ak asks, confused. “I made you a new ikran toy like two months ago, what happened to him?” Blessed with an uncanny knack for woodwork, Lo’ak was Tuk’s preferred manufacturer of the figurines that were the subjects of her elaborate storylines, some of which were cause for concern.
“She was a girl. And I just lost her tragically in battle. IED. You would know if you were listening.” Tuk likes her play time to be as realistic as possible. She quite literally simulated an IED explosion by throwing the figurine in the central fire of the marui used for cooking, when nobody was looking. All that remains of the fallen comrade is the pile of ashes Lo’ak stares at accusingly later in the night when he returns home.
“Okay, what about the toruk Dad made for Neteyam that was passed down to Kiri, who passed it down to me, who passed it down to you?” Their father had spent months crafting that particular piece and it was a cherished part of each of their childhoods. There’s no way Tuk would dare destroy it.
Undeterred, Tuk answers. “He’s senile. Not fit for flight and too slow for guerilla warfare. It’s an ikran eat ikran world out there y’know.” She completes her explanation with a casual shrug, as if to say ‘well, what can you do?’
Caught in the crossfire, Jake willfully ignores that she looks at him when saying the word senile. She had been taking advantage of every chance to remind him of his age ever since he and Neytiri made the terrible mistake of trying to introduce her to the idea of them having another baby. Her firm belief in her right to be the baby of the family was not to be questioned. Ever.
Lo’ak groans and throws his head back in exasperation. He misses the days when the best comeback Tuk had was sticking her tongue out at him. As the years go by, more and more of Kiri’s effortless sass rubs off on her and he always seems to be her victim of choice. Eywa’s justice for him teasing her mercilessly when she was little, he admits to himself, albeit begrudgingly.
“Fine!” He relents, “bet’s on! I’m gonna make her fall for me and you’re gonna kiss my big, blue, striped a-”
“Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk’itan!” “Boy if you don’t-”
Neytiri and Jake’s respective exclamations of admonishment cut Lo’ak off swiftly, identical disapproving glares putting an effective end to the verbal tug of war he and Tuk had been engaged in.
Naturally assuming the role of peacemaker, Neteyam raises both his hands in a sign of caution, attempting to diffuse the situation before it escalates any further. He then turns to Lo’ak and with a teasing smirk tells him, “Forget all this bet talk, bro. You’d better go pray to the Great Mother because your skxawng ass needs all the help you can get.” 
His gaze softens when he becomes serious again, smirk melting into a genuine smile. “If you get her blessing, your courtship is sure to succeed, baby bro!”
Ruled by his propensity to act rashly, Lo’ak does not detect the sincerity in Neteyam’s advice and brushes him off. “Nah bro, I got this. Lemme let Eywa have a rest day for once, alright?”
Neteyam and Kiri share an incredulous look; was this the same man that looked one prod away from tears a few moments ago?
He will do this his way. A Sully man through and through, Lo’ak ups the ante.
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With renewed vigour, Lo’ak crams handfuls of fish into his mouth as he devises a plan to get your attention, his appetite returning with a vengeance. As he plots, Tuk resumes her storytelling and the family falls back into the lull of easy conversation.
(*for atmosphere, you can play 'na'vi river journey ride through' here*)
Soon after, the long, low and heavy note of the clan horn carries over the shore, signalling the end of the communal meal and the prompt beginning of communal worship. Designated Na’vi make their way around the bonfire, collecting the gourds that the meal had been served on. The gathered Metkayina set their used bowls aside, placing them behind the logs they are sat on before rising to their feet.
This moment coincides with Lo’ak’s thoughts aligning, finally settling on the plan he will put in motion.
Subtlety is key, he surmises. He needs to be suave, mysterious, intriguing. No lady can resist the charm of a smouldering gaze, after all. With the image of every elusive male protagonist in the tawtute romance films he had watched at the forefront of his mind, Lo’ak fixes his face into what he thinks to be a firm, guarded expression and sets his gaze on you. To him, he looks like he is brooding in the corner of the evening gathering, veiled countenance emitting an allure that is sure to attract you to him. 
When the singing has commenced and you still have not turned to face him despite him practically burning holes into your face with the strength of his stare, he beckons you over in his head. As he struggles to keep the intense look on his face for an extended period of time, a vein bulges prominently from his forehead. For the first time, he finds himself jealous of Payakan, wishing he had the ability to communicate with echolocation like the tulkun.
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Swaying in time with the rhythm of the beat being drummed by the clan percussionists, you are brought out of your reverie by a short nudge from Tsireya. Once she has your attention, she points a clandestine finger in Lo’ak’s direction. Focus shifting to where she is pointing, you observe Lo’ak and the expression on his face. He appears to be…pained?
Your eyes are full of concern as they meet his, look to your left, look to your right and meet his again, noticing that his unwavering gaze remains on you. You pat Tsireya’s back, indicating your exit before crouching down and slinking towards Lo’ak, weaving between the singing Metkayina around you. 
He sees you coming his way and thinks well, looks like Tuk owes me a whole lotta yovo fruit. As the distance between the two of you reduces, his anticipation for what you will say mounts to the point where he feels he could almost burst. For the second time today, he awaits your words with baited breath. 
“Oh my Eywa, Lo’ak are you constipated?” Up close, he looks even more disturbed than he did from afar. The pinched together eyebrows, clenched fists and pursed lips – from your training as a healer you recognise these as the telltale signs of constipation. “Good thing I always keep a stash of paywll leaves on me!” You reach into the pouch of herbs slung around your torso, medical mode activated and ready to treat him.
His hand shoots forward to stop you from going any further with your movements, touching yours in the process. He becomes so overwhelmed by the direct skin on skin contact that he gets all flustered, looking worse than he already did. He wants to tell you that he’s perfectly fine and this is a big misunderstanding but he can’t. Riddled with nerves, his throat swells up and blood rushes to his cheeks in embarrassment. He’s blushing. 
Continuing your spontaneous medical examination, you press a hand to his cheeks. His temperature is burning hot. How could you be so silly? You chide yourself mentally. He’s clearly suffering from food poisoning! 
Thinking back, you remember that the hunting party had returned to the village with the catch of the day a little later than usual. Perhaps the cooks were in such a hurry they undercooked some of the fish?
Before he can so much as say ‘I’m a silly skxawng’, you’re dragging him by the wrist until you are a short distance away from the gathered clan, behind the cover of a tall tautral plant.
He does not get the chance to ask you to explain yourself before you turn him around to face you and shove two of your three fingers down his oesophagus. If he thought the first time he met you was the most embarrassing moment of his life, this current moment quickly proved him wrong. 
Not only was he forced by the triggering of his gag reflex to pass up the contents of his stomach, he was doing it in a spot that was not far enough away to ensure no other clan member would hear the nauseating sounds, even over the sound of singing. Making matters worse, in his sorry attempt to psych himself up before executing his plan, he had eaten a behemoth amount of food. And now, there is a behemoth amount for him to pass up.
When he appears to have fully emptied the contents of his stomach, you crouch down to be level with his bent-over figure.
“All better?” You ask.
“Y-yeah,” his voice cracks pitifully. “Much better.” He nods his head, as if convincing himself. “Thanks.” 
Lo’ak looks up to find a dopey smile on your face and he knows that you must be happy to have saved him again, because he is happy to have been ‘saved’ by you again. Even though things didn't go as he had planned, as he looks into the depths of your eyes he cannot bring himself to regret a single thing.
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He returns to the fellowship after a little while, painfully aware that at least parts of the debacle had been audible. He is met by sympathetic looks from his family, barring one person. Tuk.
She refuses to give him anything even though he had technically won the bet – you did talk to him first. Adamant, she insists that he still owes her a month’s worth of yovo fruit and a new toy. When he presses, attempting to stand his ground, she narrows her eyes menacingly and calls for Neytiri with a mighty “Sa’nu!” and Lo’ak knows that the odds are woefully against him.
As he predicted, Neytiri forces him to make the toy for her anyway. 
Knowing he is now at her mercy, Tuk demands, “I want this one to be a tsurak. Blue, yellow and green.” Lo’ak turns to leave, but she is still going. “And don’t you dare cut corners this time!”
He turns back to find her in a bossy little pose, arms crossed over her chest. “I noticed the smudge in the paint on the last one, penis face.”
Lo’ak pivots to look to his mother for support, but she is already walking down the pathway, inwardly questioning why she decided to have four children.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
na’vi dictionary
eywa’eveng- na’vi word for pandora // tanhi - na’vi bioluminescent freckles // palulukan - thanator // tewng - loincloth // yovo- type of Na’vi fruit // ikran - mountain banshee // toruk- great leonopteryx // marui - tent // skxawng - idiot // paywll - dapophet (healing plant) // tautral- beanstalk palm // sa’nu - mummy // tsurak- skimwing
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© iwantjaketosullyme tumblr 2023
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thegirlzkpop · 1 year
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˗ˏˋ BASICS ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ stage name. iseul
 ˗ˏˋ birth name. park iseul
     ……❪ 박이슬 ❫
     ……❪ MEANING. the surname 'park' is reported to be based off of geographical locational. the name 'iseul' meaning morning dew ❫
 ˗ˏˋ nickname. izzy ❪ by members and fans ❫, main character ❪ by fans ❫ sully ❪ by members ❫, the nations barbie ❪ by fans ❫ goddess iseul ❪ by members and fans ❫
 ˗ˏˋ birthday. may 4, 2000
 ˗ˏˋ zodiac sign. taurus
 ˗ˏˋ birth place. sejong, south korea
 ˗ˏˋ hometown. sejong, south korea
 ˗ˏˋ current residency. seoul, south korea
 ˗ˏˋ ethnicity. korean
 ˗ˏˋ nationality. korean
 ˗ˏˋ languages. korean ❪ native ❫, english ❪ basic ❫, japanese ❪ fluent ❫
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 ˗ˏˋ mbti. infp-a ❪ mediator ❫
 ˗ˏˋ description. infps can often be seen as quiet or shy, but they are very passionate and creative souls. they are often fueled by creativity and care. they are daydreamers, often losing themselves in thought. they are empathetic and caring people and take great care of their relationships with others. this personality type is very sincere and are open to those who need some care and attention. mediators are often poetic and speak their own truths, having self-expression. their imaginations and love for others are strong.
 ˗ˏˋ strengths. empathetic, generous, caring, creative, poetic,idealistic, passionate, open-minded, heart-warming
 ˗ˏˋ weaknesses. unrealistic, self-isolating, introverted, vulnerable, people pleaser, self critical, sensitive
 ˗ˏˋ habits. messing with jewely, running hands through hairs, happy dancing, hugging her members, talking fast
 ˗ˏˋ phobias. deep water ❪ thalassophobia, severe ❫, snake ❪ ophidiophobia, moderate ❫, fireworks ❪ phonophobia, mild ❫
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˗ˏˋ CAREER ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ occupation. kpop idol
 ˗ˏˋ labels. jyp entertainment ❪ 2016-2018 ❫ cre.ker entertainment ❪ 2018-2021 ❫, ist entertainment ❪ 2021-present ❫, kakao m; formerly loen ent ❪ 2018-present ❫, universal music ❪ 2022-present ❫
 ˗ˏˋ training time. 2016-2019, 3 year and 0 months
 ˗ˏˋ debut. december 7, 2019
     ……❪ age; 19 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ positions. visual, lead dancer, lead vocal
 ˗ˏˋ known for. body proportions, dancing, funny quotes, visuals
 ˗ˏˋ representative number. 12
     ……❪ she chose 12 because they debuted on the 12th month of the year ❫
 ˗ˏˋ designed color. barbie pink
 ˗ˏˋ rankings.
     ……❪ singing. 8/10 ❫
     ……❪ dancing. 8/10 ❫
     ……❪ rapping. 7/10 ❫
     ……❪ acting. 8/10 ❫
     ……❪ modeling. 10/10 ❫
     ……❪ songwriting. 9/10 ❫
     ……❪ composing. 5/10 ❫
     ……❪ choreographing. 5/10 ❫
     ……❪ speeches. 6/10 ❫
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˗ˏˋ FAMILY ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ mom. n/a ❪ 1980 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ dad. n/a ❪ 1977 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ siblings. n/a
 ˗ˏˋ pets. bobi ❪ grey cat, 2021-present ❫
 ˗ˏˋ notable family. n/a
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˗ˏˋ PHYSICAL ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ height. 167 cm ❪ 5'6'' ❫
 ˗ˏˋ weight. 49 kg ❪ 110 lbs ❫
 ˗ˏˋ blood type. A-
 ˗ˏˋ hair color. brown
 ˗ˏˋ eye color. dark brown
 ˗ˏˋ body modifications. 4 piercings, 0 tattoo
 ˗ˏˋ face claim. yuna ❪ itzy ❫
 ˗ˏˋ vocal claim. yuna ❪ (g)i-dle ❫
 ˗ˏˋ voice claim. yuna ❪ itzy ❫
 ˗ˏˋ dance claim. yuna ❪ itzy ❫
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 ˗ˏˋ likes. ribs, sparkly things, stuffed animals, fashion, movies over books, cupcakes, sweets, salad, carrots, getting her nails done, online shopping, interior decoration, show drama; reality tv, comedies, cute animals, new friends, coffee dates, paris, fancy things, chanel, driving
 ˗ˏˋ dislikes. super spicy things, scary movies, men, fake people, school, math, people that act like they're better than everyone else, cherries, loud noises, waking up early, farm smells, working out
 ˗ˏˋ favorites.
     ……❪ movies. the notebook ❪ 2004 ❫, on your wedding day ❪ 2018 ❫, la la land ❪ 2016 ❫ tangled ❪ 2010 ❫ grease ❪ 1978 ❫, moana ❪ 2016 ❫ ❫
     ……❪ shows. extra curricular ❪ 2020 ❫, crash landing on you ❪ 2019 ❫, nevertheless ❪ 2021 ❫, start up ❪ 2020 ❫, snowdrop ❪ 2021 ❫ ❫
     ……❪ colors. white and gold ❫
     ……❪ food. galbi; grilled ribs, cupcakes, salad, carrots. ❫
     ……❪ drinks. tea and water ❫
     ……❪ books. she doesn't read much but she likes the silent patient ❫
     ……❪ emojis. 🤍🤓 ❫
     ……❪ musical artists. shawn mendes, blackpink; jisoo stan, red velvet, 2ne1, taylor swift, seventeen ❫
     ……❪ songs. lost in japan ❪ shawn mendes ❫, all eyes on me ❪ jisoo ❫, say my name ❪ ateez ❫, enchanted ❪ taylor swift ❫, cruel summer ❪ taylor swift ❫ ❫
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˗ˏˋ TRIVIA ´ˎ˗
     ……❪ she is a big jisoo fan and says that she is her inspiration ❫
     ……❪ she likes watching movies with her members, she has trouble focusing on movies by herself though ❫
     ……❪ her original representative color was grey but she changed it to pink after she dyed her hair blonde because people kept calling her barbie ❫
     ……❪ she enjoys eating junk food but limits herself well ❫
     ……❪ she wanted to do gymnastics when she was younger but she lost interest after a week ❫
     ……❪ she's an only child so she says she's spoiled ❫
     ……❪ her mom is a chef at a popular restaurant and her dad is a head nurse ❫
     ……❪ she is close friends with many jyp idols and trainees because of her training time there, even though her time there was short ❫
     ……❪ she will often go to pet stores just to pet cute animals ❫
     ……❪ her dad and her have a very strong relationship and even though he was skeptical about her idol life he was supportive all the way, she said her mom was also supportive but would always beg for her to come home and continue her studying. ❫
     ……❪ she can eat a lot of food and still stay fit because she works out a lot even though she hates it ❫
     ……❪ she grew up playing volleyball and was the best in her school up until she became a trainee ❫
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lorre-verie · 2 years
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐡. 𝟐 ࿐ྂ
summary: (part 2 of the ‘my sanctuary’ series) It’s the first day of training with the Sully siblings, and all is going well, except for the fact that Neteyam, the oldest, has captured your heart. But what will happen when he crosses a boundary he didn’t know existed, causing you to lash out?
word count: 5.3k words EXACTLY
pairings: neteyam x gn! ao'nung's older twin! reader, lo’ak x tsireya
warnings: mentions of stress, being tired of life, etc, Neteyam may or may not be ooc (pushing my flirty neteyam agenda so hard), violence (not that much but fighting still ensues but its just a tiny little part yk), crying, physical touch.
note: most of the time when words are in italics in dialogue that means those words are being said in english
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | masterlist
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To say you weren’t absolutely delighted with the Sully family's arrival would be a complete, absolute lie. A lie so bad anyone could have seen through it. The type of lie that wouldn’t even be considered a lie because it was so bad. 
Your father had excused you from your training and your duties so that you could focus your time on helping the family get settled into their new environment, and you were ecstatic. This would be the first break you’d ever officially gotten that would last for more than a few fleeting moments. 
The first thing you all planned to do together was try and swim in the ocean; to test what you had to work with. You walked along the damp walkways of Awa’atlu with your younger siblings Tsireya and Ao’nung, discussing the many activities you could teach them. “We could teach them how to stand on their hands in the water, perhaps?” you suggested, Tsireya nodding in agreement. 
“Oh! We could show them the glittering coral reef! Or how to weave cloth using seaweed?” Tsireya piped up, hands clasped together in excitement. Ao’nung scoffed behind you both, and you sent him a glare. “What?” you raised a nonexistent eyebrow. He rolled his eyes in response. 
“Can those tree huggers even swim? I’ll be surprised if they can even match the speed of a- OW!” he yelled, after you shut him up by pulling his ear for the second day in a row.. You crossed your arms, giving Ao’nung a disapproving glare as Tsireya giggled at his reaction, him rubbing his ear trying to soothe the pain. 
“Y/n, don’t you love me?? Don’t you care about your younger brother?? Why are you doing this to me?” he whined, being ridiculous as usual. 
“Oh shut up, you buffoon.” you sighed, getting tired of your brother's consistent efforts of trying to get you to apologize as you walked to the agreed upon meeting place near the Sully’s marui. Even Tsireya was annoyed at this point. 
Past the broad leaves of the trees that surrounded the walkway, you saw the 4 dark blue na’vi sitting in the sand by the water and a smile creeped up on your face as you noticed the youngest playing with the sand, and seeming to build a little structure out of it. 
“You’re supposed to be my older sibling, my protector, not hurt me!” Ao’nung fake cried, before opening his eyes and realising both you and Tsireya had already ran over to them. He immediately stopped his wailing and put on his serious face, walking over to all of you. 
“Morning, Kiri, Tuk, Lo’ak, Neteyam.” you smiled at them, Kiri sending a wave of her hand to greet you back paired with a slightly awkward smile, Lo’ak simply nodding in response and Neteyam sending you a sweet smile in return. 
“What are you making, Tuk?” you asked, crouching down to observe her . “It’s called a sandcastle! It’s a home made out of sand for tiny people!” she exclaimed happily, molding the sand together, her braids flying around in the air and she ran back and forth to cup water in her hands and poured it on the mound. The foreign word and the concept altogether made you confused, but you decided to just smile and nod.
“Hey, uhm. Tsireya.” Lo’ak croaked out, his voice cracking as he said your sister's name. He covered his mouth and looked like he wanted to punch himself in the face, but your sister did not seem to notice. “Yes, Lo’ak?” she smiled bashfully, putting her hands behind her back. 
You grinned at the sight. Those two were adorable together. As you looked at them having their conversation, your mind wandered. Would you ever find that type of love with anyone? It only seemed impossible for you.
Sudden sounds of gagging and throwing up behind you interrupted your train of thought. Ao’nung, you rolled your eyes. To others it would seem like he was just being bothersome per usual, but you knew that he was just being protective of your little sister in his own little way. 
Recently he’d been more vigilant in his task of watching over Tsireya, especially when she talked to other boys, probably because she was approaching the time to begin her rites of passage. 
You stood up and tilted your head backwards to look at Ao’nung, followed closely by Rotxo. You did a quick head count as Rotxo went to talk to Kiri before announcing, “Alright, now that everyone’s here we can get to the diving rock.” 
“Diving rock?” Neteyam said, standing up. “Yes, it's that rock over there.” you pointed at a large rock in the distance. He walked over next to you, bending down to see properly where you were pointing at. He put his hand on your shoulder, and you tensed up at the sudden contact. His hand was warm. 
Although his touch was foreign, it just felt right somehow.  “Can you see it?” you said, letting out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“Yea, I can see it just fine now.” he whispered, his omaticayan accent stirring something deep in your stomach. You could feel his warm breath on your neck, sending shivers down your spine. 
You turned to look at him out of impulse, and your breath hitched when you found that he was already looking at you, golden eyes boring into yours, as if he was searching for something. 
It’s as if the world went silent. Your surroundings melted into nothing, leaving just you and Neteyam. Time had stopped, the only sign that the universe hadn’t paused being your heartbeat, pumping in time. 
You were pulled out of your daze when Neteyam took his hand off your shoulder and started conversing with Kiri. Thankfully, it seemed that nobody had noticed your little interaction, being too immersed in their own conversations– and Tuk’s “san cashu’ul”.
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You grabbed Kiri’s arm and helped her onto the diving rock, and you both sauntered towards Tsireya and the others who were already standing at the very top of it. 
“I take it that you all know how to dive and swim?” Tsireya asked, the question directed to the omaticayans. They all nodded in response, all but Tuk. She craned her neck to look past the edge of the rock, examining how big the jump would be. Once she saw that it was about 3 times her own height, she slowly backed away from the ledge in fear, ears folded downwards. 
Lo’ak saw this, and was determined to make his baby sister less terrified. He wanted to be the older brother for once, and he considered this to be the perfect moment. He moved towards the girl and got down on one knee. “Hey sis, look at me.” he said, in a voice so low that only she could hear him. She turned her head towards him, bottom lip turned outwards in a pout.
He put a hand on her head. “You can do this alright? You are the brave warrior Tuktirey, and you are not going to let a small cliff stop you.” he encouraged her in english, but to no avail. “But I’m not a warrior… I’m only 7…” she said, head lowered and eyes not meeting his.
“Hey, we can’t let age stop us like that. Do you want to be a brave warrior? Or nah. Cause y’know it’s really fine if you don’t. You can just, I dunno, weave tents.” 
Tuk furrowed her nonexistent eyebrows, slightly outraged by her brother's statement. “Yes I do! I don’t wanna weave tents my whole life!” she argued. 
You shared a look with Ao’nung. You had no idea what they were saying. Kiri and Neteyam on the other hand, their eyes were wide open. Lo’ak? Being a good brother? Unheard of!
“Well then, are you gonna let a stupid cliff intimidate you?” Lo’ak asked, smirking. “No!” Tuk shouted. “Lemme hear you say it louder!” he said, spurring her on. Tuk giggled, shouting “No!” even louder. 
“That’s right! You are gonna dive like you never have before, you hear me!” he yelled while getting up. “Yeah!” she shouted, pumping a hand into the air. “LOUDERR!” he bellowed, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify the sound, eyes screwed shut and head tilted backwards towards the sky. “HELL YEAH!!!” she screamed, jumping up and down in excitement. 
You glanced at Neteyam, who was now sharing the same impressed look with Kiri. You couldn’t understand the conversation, but you knew it was a good thing. Tsireya was giggling, her eyes solely focused on Lo’ak. Rotxo and Ao’nung were just laughing, entertained by the two siblings’ howling.
Lo’ak took a deep breath, before bellowing again. “LLLOOOOUUUDDERRRRR!” “HELL! YEAHHHHHHHH!” she waved her hands high up in the air, cheering for herself. They both just started screaming nonsense, and all of you excluding Lo’ak and Tuk were grimacing, covering your ears. 
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Somewhere, Neytiri was laying and chatting with Ronal near the beach, rays of light shining onto them. They were sunbathing. “Right, and the only way to truly control your children sometimes is to just-” Neytiri stopped, suddenly hearing the loud sounds of familiar screaming. “AAAAAGHHHH”
Their ears both pointed into the direction of the source of the screaming. Ronal sighed, expecting Neytiri to leave her in concern of her children. The omaticayan looked back at her.
“I’m…sure they’ll be fine. Neteyam will have it covered. If not, then my mate for once.” she dismissed, continuing with her previous sentence, Ronal humming in agreement.
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Just as Neteyam was about to stop them and their insolent behavior, Tuk ran to the edge of the rock, still screaming, and jumped. “DO A FLIP!” Lo’ak called. And she did. 
You all crowded towards the ledge, peering down to see if she would resurface. It was silent for a few moments, the white foam and bubbles on top of the cerulean ocean showing no sign of her. Lo’ak being in front, got nervous and jumped into the water.
You waited for about 5 more seconds with bated breath. Just then, Tuk erupted from underneath the water with a big smile on her face, shaking the water out of her face. Everyone burst out in cheers. She was followed closely by Lo’ak, who nodded his head in beaming approval. “Lo’ak! I did it! I really did it” she screamed, her smile stretching across her face. “Never doubted you, sis.” he smirked, and they both high-fived. 
After Tsireya, Kiri, Ao’nung and Rotxo dived in, it was Neteyam’s turn. “Go on, forest boy. Show me what you can do.” you teased with a smile, arms crossed. He cocked his head, looking down at you. “No no, I’d much prefer it if you could teach me.” He gave you a sincere smile, but you could see the mirth dancing and twirling around in his eyes. 
“Teach you? Didn’t you say you already knew how to dive?” you questioned, looking up at him. He was so close, chest pressed against your folded arms. 
Since that interaction at the shore, you couldn’t tell what his deal was. He seemed sweet and polite to you when around others, but when you were alone, he was cocky and confident, always gazing at you in amusement.
“Well yes, but I noticed that you guys dive differently. You all stretched in some way before diving with perfect posture.” he responded, making unwavering eye contact with you. “Mmm. Alright then. I’ll teach you. But I will not be kind.” you muttered. “Perfect.” he smiled, leaning forward slightly.
“Straighter back.” you demanded, hitting the arch of his spine. “Cut me some slack…” he groaned. Your teaching reminded him of back when he had to learn how to wield his bow properly, except this was much harder. You pursed your lips into a straight line. “I do not know what that means. You know this.” you said nonchalantly, using your hands to fix his waist in order to do the stretching movement properly. 
Ao’nung burst out of the water, looking up at you two. “Hey! What are you guys doing??” he yelled. His eyes turned to slits as he saw you holding Neteyams waist behind him. That was not a good position to be caught in. 
“Do not worry about it! I’m teaching Neteyam how to dive in the metkayina way.” you yelled back. He rolled his eyes before dipping back into the water. “It means cut me some slack, y/n.” Neteyam resumed, voice slightly strained because he was not comfortable in the slightest.
You scoffed, backing away from him. The way he was trying to stretch flexed his muscles (emphasis on trying), and you were silently admiring his body. The light from the sky shone on his back, accentuating the curves on his arms and waist. “Y/n? Can I please stop this..” he practically begged. 
An idea popped into your head. “Yes, you may.” you smiled. “There is just one last thing I must teach you. Just relax your body,” you said. He relaxed his muscles in relief. “Forest boy?” you mumbled, placing your hands on his back. “Yeah?” he responded, and you felt him shudder under your gentle touch. 
“Fly.” you whispered, pushing him forward. He screamed while falling messily into the water, and you couldn’t contain your laughter. You followed him shortly after, not before executing a flawless twisted somersault in the air and landing in the water with a splash, looking around to figure out where he was. You couldn’t find him among the sea life, and started to panic, worry etched into every part of your face. Had you gone too far?
Just as you were about to swim up to the surface you felt someone pull you down by the waist. 
It was him. His grip tightened, and you thrashed around trying to fight your way back up for some air. The bubbles in the water from your movements surrounded you, obscuring your vision. Despite this, you weren’t upset. Or mad at him. You were smiling, trying your best to not laugh, else you’d swallow water. 
Your tail swished around behind you, and you felt it hit something, probably his face. Neteyam’s hand released you, allowing you to finally float up to the top of the ocean. Taking a deep breath of the salty air when you finally made it back up, you laughed to yourself and dipped your head back in to take a look at where he might be. You almost inhaled the seawater when you opened your eyes, because he was literally right in front of you. 
With your quick instincts you immediately whipped your head out, and when you were done wiping the water from your face, Neteyam was already face to face with you, a bold smirk plastered on his face when he saw how flustered you were from the closeness. 
“That good looking am I?” he chuckled, taking in your form. You simply gave him an unamused look, even though deep down inside you really just wanted to kick him away from you. But you weren’t going to let him know that he was getting to you. “Let’s just go swim with the others.” you said, swimming away from him, motioning for him to follow. 
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You met up with Tsireya, Rotxo and Ao’nung catching up to them. Tsireya’s mouth curved into a smile when she saw you, and she signed “You are late.” with a mischievous glint in her eye. Your stomach did backflips at what she was suggesting. You swiftly played it off and signed back, “Nothing happened.” putting a normal look on your face like you didn’t get what she was trying to say. But Tsireya wasn’t dumb, she knew that you knew. 
But she decided to let it go, for now, because she was more concerned about the omaticayans behind you, who were at the top of the water, floating. Lo’ak submerged his head back into the water and looked at Tsireya who was signing, “Swim with us.” with a kind smile. You whirled around in the water to take a look at Neteyam, Lo’ak and Tuk. You noticed Kiri’s absence, asking Tsireya “Where is Kiri?” to which she shrugged as a response. “Maybe she swam ahead.” your sister suggested.
You all tread in the water a little more, turning yet again to wait for the omaticayans. But they swam up to the surface again to take in more air. Ao’nung signed, “What’s wrong with them?” with an annoyed expression on his face. At times like this you very subtly wanted to strangle your younger brother. 
“They are lousy divers.” Rotxo added. “Stop.” you and Tsireya both signed at the same time. “They are learning.” she signed, clicking her tongue, and you nodded in agreement. Ao’nung rolled his eyes and you pinched his neck out of irritation. Being the drama queen he was, he feigned death as if you had stabbed him in the heart with a spear. You and Tsireya swam up to talk to the omaticayans as Rotxo put Ao’nung in a headlock, the two fighting under the water.
This time both Neteyam and Lo’ak submerged their face in the water, looking at the both of you (followed by Rotxo and Ao’nung who were frantically scrambling to the surface to get some air because they were fighting like idiots prior) floating up gracefully to meet them. “Are you alright?” Tsireya asked softly, looking genuinely concerned.
“You’re too fast! Wait for us!” Tuk groaned, rubbing her eyes as Ao’nung and Rotxo came from under the water with a splash, shaking the water out of their hair and laughing at each other. Your brother looked at each of the omaticayans, all out of breath. “You are not good divers–” he sniggered, chuckling at his own joke he hadn’t even said yet– “Maybe good at swimming through trees but-” his sentence was interrupted by Tsireya, who gave him a smack on the back of his head. He gave her an offended look.
“C’mon bro.” Lo’ak sighed, eyebrows furrowed. He was clearly getting tired of Ao’nung’s relentless comments about their differences, as were you. “We don’t speak this “finger talk”, we don’t know what you’re saying.” Neteyam said, earning a slightly annoyed look from Tsireya when he said “finger talk”. However, she dismissed it. “I will teach you.” she acknowledged. 
“Where is Kiri?” Rotxo asked, his words laced with concern. Everyone including you started calling out her name and looking for any sign of her, with the exception of Ao’nung, who was too busy trying to figure out who “Kiri” was.
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At long last, the day’s activities had ended. It was going to be eclipse soon, and you all decided it would be best to leave the ilu riding and teaching for the next day. You and Tsireya guided the Sully family back to their marui, met with smiles from Jake and Neytiri who thanked you both. “You must stay for dinner.” Neytiri insisted, with a kind smile on her face. 
Even as enamoured as you were, being face to face with a famous and fierce warrior (and Toruk Makto of course) who was inviting you for dinner, you had to politely decline as there was some place that you wanted to go to more. 
Tsireya, on the other hand, excitedly accepted the invitation, asking you to notify your parents on your way back. You gave her a knowing smirk, pointedly looking towards Lo’ak. Her ears turned purple, and she hurriedly shooed you away from the Sullys’ marui. 
You stopped quickly at your family's marui, telling your mother and father that you and Tsireya would not be joining them for dinner. “Oh? Why not, my child?” Ronal asked, holding a basket of food that was to be roasted. “Tsireya is joining the Sully family for dinner,” you paused, noticing your mother’s face hardening slightly at the mention of them, “and I’m going to go and clear my mind for a bit.” Your father simply hummed okay, taking a sip of water.
“Where to?” she asked, a glint of something that you couldn’t quite place your finger on, lurking in her eyes. Your dad swallowed the water quickly, “Yes- Where to?” he asked with her, trying to be just as attentive and caring as his mate. “Just along the reefs. I will not go far.” you answered with a smile. 
You expected your mother to ask more questions, she usually did, but this time she simply nodded for you to go. You waved a quick goodbye before excitedly scampering off to your second home. 
However, in your haste, you did not notice your mother peering at your retreating figure, following you with her eyes. Technically, you never lied to her, but you weren’t being as truthful. She saw you heading in the direction of the reef you always went to, and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.
“Tonowari,” she breathed out. “Yes, love?” he responded. “I believe y/n has found it.” she said, still looking out from under the marui flap. “Didn’t you say that a while ago?” he asked, a little confused. “Yes….but I believe they have also found it.” she replied, gazing at the figure of a certain dark blue na’vi running to follow you.
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You were knees deep into the water when you heard someone call your name. “Hey y/n! Are you about to run away or something?” Neteyam yelled, not far behind you. You whirled around in shock and disbelief. He had followed you here? The audacity! He walked towards you, that signature smirk plastered on his face. He was not aware at all of the boundary he had just breached.
You glared at him, anger written all over your face. “What’s wrong?” he asked, tilting his head to the left. You didn’t know whether he was asking out of concern or just teasing you, and you didn’t care. Who would he tell that he saw you going in this direction? What if he blabbed to the whole village, and everyone would have an idea of where you went everyday, going here to wait for you?
“Y/n-” he said, putting a hand on your shoulder. You responded with a right hook to his stomach, sending him toppling into the water with a splash. You straddled him, raising your hand to punch him again, arm shaking. You were unable to contain yourself. Anger consumed you. All the pent up frustration from your past responsibilities and what you had to endure came flooding back into your head, as well as all the guilt. 
It wasn’t rational of you to act this way, but you just couldn’t think of anything else you could do.
His hand stopped yours, and he grabbed your waist to flip you both around, turning the tables. You thrashed against his hold, this reminding you of when you were in the water, but a whole lot different. Before, you were fighting him playfully, happily, but now you were just a mess. He picked you up and flung you over his shoulder (this man is STRONG as hell), pinning you to a tree. 
You were truly a mess now. Your attempts to get out of his hold turned into pathetic slaps, punches and cries, tears flowing down your face. You tried to stop, but you simply couldn’t. To you it felt as if Eywa stripped you bare and exposed you to the world, as you hadn’t cried in front of anyone in years. 
“I’m- I’m so, so sorry, so sorry, Neteyam. So-" you hiccuped- "so sorry…” you cried, leaning against the tree and wiping the tears from your face. “Shhh, it’s alright. Just calm down, calm down.” he comforted you, hands on your shoulders and still holding you against the tree, lest you run away from him.
You opened your teary eyes, looking into his. To your surprise, he didn’t look angry, or annoyed, or upset. He looked at you, calm and comforting. Your crying had reduced to sniffles, and you turned your gaze to the spot on his stomach which you striked earlier. He noticed this, and he smirked. “You may have gone through olo’eyktan training but I have too, y/n. It’ll take more than a little punch to injure me.” he said, trying to lighten up the mood (even though inside he felt like you knocked the living daylights out of him).
You didn’t respond, standing up straight. He let you go, wondering if he said the wrong thing. Instead of running, you pulled him into a hug. He froze, not knowing what to do, but after a few seconds he leaned into the hug, patting your back and ensuring you that everything would be fine. 
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Now, you were both sitting on the shore silently, looking at the night sky and the luminescent plantlife glowing from underneath the water. You couldn't believe how ridiculous the outburst you just had just was. The water touched your feet, and you wrapped your arms around your legs as you sat. He sat about a few inches away from you, similarly staring into the sky.
“Do you..want to talk about it?” he asked, his voice sincere. 
“Only if you promise not to utter a word to anyone else," you inhaled, "And to not think of me as a monster after this.” the last words spoken in a mumble.
“Pinky promise.” he said, holding out his smallest finger, and you looked at him in confusion. “Oh right- I’ll teach you that later.” he dismissed, putting his hand back on the sand.
“There’s...there's a later?” your ears perked up, your eyes turned to look at him. “Of course. You can’t scare me away that easily.” he laughed. 
You sighed, “Okay, I’ll tell you.” You pivoted on your spot, whole body turned towards him. You told him the story of how you felt stressed of having to shoulder the responsibilities of your clan at such a young age, and the guilt of running away from them. You knew it wasn’t right, that you should have taken responsibility for your actions or had a talk with your parents about it. But you kept running back to the cave, as it kept you happy and comforted you, it was your safe space. 
“It’s not like I couldn’t help them, I was very capable of it. I was weak, lazy, irresponsible and stupid. The guilt has been eating away at me for forever, but I keep shoving it down. Maybe…maybe I just don’t deserve to be the next olo’eyktan.” you muttered, finishing your story.
 “It’s not your fault, y/n. You were just a kid when you had all that attention and those expectations pushed onto you, there was nothing else that you could do. And it’s not like you ran away from them completely, you just took a simple break every once in a while.” he said softly, putting his hand on your knee. Now that you both were calm, you could feel how exhilarating his touch was.
 “You know, I also had to endure tough training from my dad and stuff. The more I accomplished the more he expected from me,” he began.
“I wish I could have escaped like you did, every once in a while.” His golden eyes glowed in the night, and if you didn’t know who he was you would have thought he was a spirit staring into your soul. 
“I think that you were brave for doing that.” he mumbled, gently squeezing your knee. Your mind wandered back to when he grabbed you by the waist in the water, or how he picked you up in the fight before. Your cheeks turned purple, and you prayed to Eywa he didn’t notice it before you looked down.
A few more moments of silence passed by, you both heard nothing but the waves crashing softly against the sand, and the little taps of the tiny creatures burrowing their homes in the shore. You got up, stepping into the water once more. Neteyam watched you, confused. You were waist deep in the water when you turned back to him. 
“Well? Are you coming or not?” you yelled, and he quickly scurried to where you were, following you. You swam across the surface of the water, being considerate of the fact he couldn’t hold his breath for long. Eventually, you brought him a gill mantle so that he could breathe properly. Once he properly made the bond with it, you held his hand, guiding him to the tunnel. 
When you revealed what was past the seaweed he almost gasped the same way you did when you first saw it, and you smiled at his reaction. You let go of his hand, slightly wishing you didn’t, and began the descent into the tunnel, checking behind you to make sure he was following you. 
Once you made it into the cave, you immediately stepped out of the water, pulling out a new seashell you brought from out of your pouch, placing it on the wall. This is what you did every time you visited, bringing something special to add to the cave. Some of the items would be lost, probably as a result of the little creatures scuttling in to steal them, but you didn’t mind.
Neteyam poked his head out of the water, and he marvelled at the beauty of the cave, lips parted in shock. You smiled, sitting down on the smooth steps and dipping your legs into the water. “I told you, it’s stunning right?” you said, swishing the water around with your hand. 
“Well I can think of something that’s even more stunning-” he said with a suggestive smile, before you splashed him. “Okay okay! I surrender!” he laughed, before disattaching the bond with the gill mantle, letting it float around freely in the small water pool until it was needed again.
He sat next to you, his leg touching yours. You shivered from the contact. Everytime he touched you, or you touched him, it sent a tingle through your body, and you didn’t understand why. “I get why you keep coming back here.” he looked at you, “It’s beautiful.” You nodded, unsure of what else to say.
“..Do you want to play 20 questions?” he asked. You gave him a confused look (the na’vi only count until 16 because of the total amount of their toes and fingers, anything larger than that they just say ‘many’ so 20 here is said in english). “In English, they have words for every single number, all the way up to as many stars there are in the sky, or as many days have existed on Pandora.” he explained, and you looked at him with great interest.
“Twenty, is 16 and 4 together,” he added. You repeated the word in your mouth softly, ‘Twenty’. “Hey you got it! You don’t even have an accent.” he smiled, and you smiled back. It didn’t seem to be that hard to pronounce english words, if you were being honest. Like it was easy for you to learn how to speak in perfect sentences back when you were only 5.
“But what is twenty questions?” you asked, voice dripping with curiosity. Since you were a child, you wanted to know everything about everything that there was on Pandora. And you had learned everything that anyone could teach you, until now. 
“It’s a game where we can both ask twenty questions about each other, so we can get to know each other better,” he responded. That didn’t seem like such a bad idea, you thought. 
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | masterlist That’s all for now! Tysm for reading to the end, as always if there's any mistakes please feel free to point them out! Next part is going to be super fun, it also involves my own little headcanons of what Neteyam is like. Feedback is much much appreciated and I hope you enjoyed it! Please lmk if there was anything less than satisfactory, improvement is always something I strive for 💚
Taglist: @strawberryclouds22 @assistantquail @st4rrry @neteyamforlife @heaven1oo4 @spicycloudsalad @1ntefly @laylasbunbunny
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scryarchives · 8 months
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⇢ ˗ˏˋƧΛM [ 18, genderfluid, SEA ]
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ dreamer, infp, into many, many fandoms & simps for fictional characters (sue me)
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likes ! ☼ anything with my favourite hyperfixations/kins, angst & fluff, doodles, one-shots, writing canon x oc, talking with my mutuals, talking about my hyperfixations and long convos! i love compliments and feedback on my works is always encouraged. feel free to reach out cuz id love to chat!
dislikes ! ☼ negative comments, overall negative vibes, mosquitoes, loud noises and busy-bodies.
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my favourite shows and movies ! ☼ the owl house (toh), metal family, jujutsu kaisen (jjk), fionna and cake, dr. strange, guardians of the galaxy vol. 3, blue beetle, avatar, avatar: the way of water, encanto, the greatest showman, sherlock, httyd, howl's moving castle (or anything studio ghibli) !
my kins ! ☼ [ jjk ] itadori yuuji, [ toh ] hunter, amity, luz, [ metal family ] glam, dee, [ mcu ] america chavez, rocket raccoon, [ avatar ] neteyam & lo'ak sully, [ dcu ] jaime reyes, [ adventure time ] simon petrikov, fionna campbell
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dni if you(‘re) ➼ dislike canon x oc. homophobic, transphobic, or racist. a pedophile, xenophobe, islamophobe. dislike the content i create. this blog is a safe space for all.
before you follow ➼ currently, i have a lot of time on my hands but updates will be slow (i get burned out too, now and then). please keep in mind that any form of hate speech will not be tolerated! you will be blocked and reported if so.
bear in mind that ➼ english is my first language, but i’m still learning and growing. as mentioned before, constructive criticism is welcome! i write for canon x oc, both platonic and romantic. if you aren’t comfortable with that content, you are welcome to leave (i mean this in the nicest way possible!).
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