#˖ * 。 charleigh ﹕ threads.
virghosun · 4 months
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fatherhood came more natural to him than he could ever imagine. dylan was special to him, made asher feel like he could have a second change of growing up through their little boy. everything he never even got to dream of, being able to give that to his son meant everything. somehow the world seemed simpler now. some times at least. bringing a baby to sleep after the time they had spend on the road turned out to be quite easy, or perhaps he had just become a natural at it. after a proud goodnight kiss on dylan’s forehead followed by turning on the music box they had brought along with them, the tattooed male left the room to walk around the accommodation that was all too familiar for him. memories popped up in his head as he planned to go look for charleigh. his fiancé. the certitude of their engagement still felt unreal to him. all he wanted was to see her and enter the reality of them really spending the rest of their lives together. all it took was a few seconds after closing the door of dylan’s bedroom behind him, before his hazel hues met her silhouette. rooted to the ground for just a second, he gave her a once over. the way her silky skin was showing, had him captivated in an instant. by now he had memorized every inch of her body back and forth so often he had lost count. still she had him under her spell in a fraction of a second. it was arousingly scandalous how easy it was. a long, brown facade of hair accentuating the features of her beautiful face. her bare chest ever so slightly moved up and down as she breathed and the whole world had to be jealous of him right now. black, see through material hugged the curves of her hips seductively; there for the sheer reason of grabbing attention he was sure. mission accomplished. he felt like his jaw was most likely down all the way to the floor at this point. “fucking hell, you ― you look goddamn sexy.” instinctively he walked closer while he was unable to keep his eyes off of her. wanting, needing to touch her. a warm hand slipped around her waist as he pulled her close. his taller figure hovered over her as he looked from her dark brown eyes to her heated lips. a free hand cupped her face and he briefly shook his head, just because he couldn’t believe how lucky he was. “i’m gonna fuck you so hard tonight.” asher promised in a whisper before he planted his lips against her and kissed her like it was the only thing in the world that made sense to him. as though nothing else mattered and his love for her was the only thing that was left on this world.
she  knew  how  badly  asher  wanted  a  complete,  functioning  family.  one  that  was  whole  and  full  of  love.  and  he  himself  was  fully  capable  and  responsible  to  have  that,  as  she  always  knew  he  could.  she  didn’t  say  yes  to  give  him  what  he  desired,  but  because  she  wanted  that  with  him  —  more  than  anything.  despite  the  many  challenges  their  relationship  had  navigated  over  the years,  it  was  with  him  that  charleigh  had  never  felt  safer,  cared  for,  or  loved.  choosing  him  as  the  man  she  wanted  to  spend  the  rest  of  her  life  with  had  been  an  easier  choice  now  than  it  had  been  a  year  or  two  ago.  she  often  wondered  how  her  life  would  be  had  she  given  up  on  him  then.  there  would’ve  been  no  dylan,  who  she  loved  more  than  life  itself,  and  asher,  who  had  chosen  her  time  and  again  as  if  it  was  the  easiest  thing  in  the  world  to  do.  but  in  that  moment,  all  her  nerves  disappeared.  it  was  all  in  her  head  ;  there  had  never  been  a  time  when  asher  didn’t  want  her — even  when  she  thought  otherwise.  despite  everything  they  had  gone  through  —  together,  and  separately   —  she  still  wanted  him  and  he  still  wanted  her.  she  bristled  in  his  warmth,  cheeks  tinted  red  as  his  gaze  moved  over  her,  analyzing  every  inch  of  her  skin.  she  felt  like  she  was  laid  bare,  more  than  she  had  in  a long  time.  it  still  amazed  her  how  his  touch  alone  alighted  her  in  flames.  it  wasn’t  enough  —  she  needed  more.  warm  fingertips  dipped  under  his  shirt,  tracing  over  the  hard  lines  on  his  stomach,  his  chest,  his  back,  taking  time  to  explore  the  body  of  the  man  she  loved.  then  they  shifted  lower,  toying  with  the  waistband  of  his  pants,  slipping  underneath  it,  before  reluctantly  pulling  away.  they  had  all  night  to  be  together.  she  reached  for  his  hand,  not  wanting  to  be  separated  for  too  long,  giving  him  a  view  of  her  nearly  bare  backside  as  she  lead  him  inside  the bedroom.  had  forgone  the  matching  panties,  letting  him  see  all  of  her.  knowing that  he  wanted  her  this  badly  ;  she  looked  and  felt  sexy as  she  gently  nudged  him  toward  the  bed,  frame  standing  in  front  of  him.
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huedskys · 2 years
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since he had found out she was pregnant, everything he had done was leading up until this moment and yet still he didn’t feel like he was prepared enough. in no way was this going to be easy, but he believed that they took it one step at a time, they would be able to make it work. doubting himself was not going to bring them any good and the most important thing in a family was love, or so he believed. “yeah well, it’s kind of a big deal so it’s only natural.” he spoke, smiling as he took her hand after the hug and looked at her. “i love you, charleigh. and you got this, okay?” he was on the verge of getting emotional, something that never happened to him but a situation like this could do that to a person. deciding not to dwell on it too much, he took her hand to guide her towards what was next and they had entered the car, he drove them towards the hospital where they would already be waiting.
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she  read  all  the  books,  the  articles,  anything  she  could  get  her  hands  on.  spent  her  free  time  devouring  information,  trying  to  calm  her  fears  and  anxieties.  despite  her  best  efforts,  she  knew  nothing  would  prepare  her  for  the  real  thing.  no  more  wondering  how  she’d  feel  about  it  and  because  she  didn’t  want  to  worry  him,  she  had  no  other  choice  but  to  let  him  lead  her  to  the  car  and  drive  them  to  the  hospital.  thankfully,  they  didn’t  live  too  far  away  because  there  it  was  —  another  contraction.  more  painful  than  the  previous  ones,  she  found  herself  gripping  her  seat  as  she  waited  for  it  to  pass,  taking  deep  breaths.  “  um,  asher  ?  ”  she  quietly  spoke  up,  trying  her  best  to  sound  calm.  “  they  know  we’re  coming,  right  ?  i  think  that  one  was  stronger.  ”
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almcstalways · 6 years
( a closed starter for @lilyrussoxo !! )
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adrian was with her best friend charliegh at one of her father’s newest hotels. it was on the beach in southern california, and before he opened he’d asked adrian to go and test some things out with a friend or two. so she’d asked charleigh to come along, telling the girl it would be like a private resort getaway during the purge cause no one else would be there, but it would be fully stocked and the staff would be there too. so the girls were sitting out at the pool, adrian in her newest bikini ( one she’d bought just for the new trip ). but the pair weren’t even talking at the moment, and adrian worried. so the girl turned over to charleigh with a curious look. “char, you’ve been quiet all day. is something bugging you?” she asked. 
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lollypopsx · 2 years
Dialogue game ✍🏻
Charleigh: Age 10
Scene: Charleigh huffs and rolls her eyes at Harry while shopping for ‘nice’ clothes for Nana’s birthday, after being told to stop complaining…daddy is not at all pleased.
"But I have clothes already" Charleigh whines, crossing her arms and muttering as she trudges behind Harry through the London streets.
"Charleigh, you've grown taller in the last two weeks, half of it doesn't fit you. Next weekend, we're going through your whole wardrobe and closet room and throwing out anything that doesn't fit" He sighs softly, beginning to get tired of her whining.
"No buts Charleigh. We need to find you something nice to wear for Nana's party, go home, pack and then leave to go to Cheshire" He wanders into River Island with Charleigh in tow, pausing and letting her walk in front.
"Come on, lead the way. This is the shop you wanted to go in" He sighs softly, following behind her as she looks around all the dresses. He arm reaches out for a short, black strappy dress, with criss-cross threads at the side.
"Absolutely not" Harry shakes his head firmly.
"But why..."
"Charleigh. You're 10. That's something an 18 year old would wear. It's not appropriate for your age"
"You're being so difficult" She mutters, slamming the hanger back to the rail. "You complain I don't have anything to wear then when I find something, you say no"
Harry took Charleigh's arm gently and pulled her to the side. "I don't know who you think you're speaking to but this attitude is stopping right now Charleigh. Enough with the complaints, whining and sarcastic comments. I've had enough of it" He says quietly but sternly as Charleigh lowers her head and goes to find a more appropriate dress.
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cocained · 3 years
how it started :)
Send “How it started” and I’ll post a paragraph from my very first RP thread with you and one from the current one I have with you to see how our writing changed over time!
6 years ago (😱):
asher & charleigh (river back then, so confusing lol):
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Three in the morning. Three in the goddamn morning is when River decides to not-so-quietly walk through their apartment door. In an instant Charleigh’s out of bed- god, she couldn’t believe she was waiting up for him to come home, like they were in love and couldn’t sleep without him- and nearly stomping her way to the living room, where her “boyfriend” was. “Where the hell have you been? You should’ve been home hours ago.” She doesn’t want to hear his excuses this time, she’s wants the truth.
carly & matthew
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the brunette’s figure is coated in a little black dress and her heels were tapping on the floor as she walks to the mirror in the hallway to give her lipstick a touch up. she’s early, like always. but that gives her enough time to do the finishing touches to make sure everything was perfectly fine before she goes out with her friends. she expects it to be a night like no other. where she’ll wake up the next morning sore from all the dancing and sick because the good amount of alcohol she’ll use, but nothing is less true. an unannounced knock on the window makes her look up quickly and when she sees the person behind the window, sheer astonishment appears on her countenance. her bag drops on the floor as her arms fell right next to her body, hanging loosely beside her hips. for a couple of seconds her chocolate brown hues stare at the other like she’s eye in eye with the impossible. it takes her a while to process, but she immediately knows that tonight won’t be anything like she’d expected. in small, almost careful steps she moves to the door to open up for him, but with the feeling as if someone’s hand are around her throat, she can’t bring herself to say anything.
carly & matthew
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matthew loved it being the two of them. but there had always been something missing ; the sound of laughter in the morning or chasing a toddler around the yard, the male wasn’t sure. maybe this was what it was. the separation, the cheating, the getting back together, the proposal, and the marriage had led to this. he couldn’t have done better than carly, soccer included. ‘ me too. ’ although he wanted to shout the news from the rooftops, he’d respect carly’s wishes and wait until they were ready to. ‘ i can’t wait for all the trying we’re gonna do.’ almost as if he was emphasizing his point, his hand coming up to press against her lower back as he kissed her.
asher & charleigh
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when asher grew up he never dreamed about having a family on his own. it was only him and carter, until the brunette came along at least. she ignited a light in him that he didn’t know existed. now he was relying on it more than he even realized. it was clear to see that she didn’t want them to stop what they were doing and neither did he, yet he couldn’t help but to smile of it. “don’t act like it’s a punishment. it’ll be worth it.” he told her, brushing his lips past hers once more before she stood up and he followed her towards the bedroom. “i’m right behind you.” once they were through the door he threw off his shirt and his large palms reached for her hips quickly after, turning her around towards him. “you’re not gonna tell me to stop, are you?” he expected, following up his previous comment and stealing another kiss from her as the distance between them was close to zero. picking her up from the ground, he walked over towards the bed and placed her on top of it, continuing his trail of kisses from her neck down.
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zayn/justin b/selena g/alexis ren
Send me an FC and I’ll say which blog immediately comes to my mind
this is going to be everywhere since main blogs come to my head for some of these so i’ll try to make it short omg. @comcta my babe who i talk to constantly, has muses that are a zayn (erik), selena (alma), & alexis (sofia) that my muses all adore and all the ships those fc have with my muses that need to get together like we planned along w/ having the babies & marriage ((: another blog i think of is @huedskys since our threads include these fc’s i am just the zayn tho lol but i enjoy them and my muses are whipped for axel, hera, and charleigh (even if seb has a funny way of showing it). @bcngerz has one of the best justins and selenas i’ve ever had omf rain kills me with our babies every time we have hc’s or in our threads cause they all are so high in otp status i love her and them sm ♥ then @khcleesis because of her zayn i dont do things with much zayn’s but she has one so s/o cause her zayn is cool oh and her justin is pretty neat too from the things we have! sadly i don’t do anything w/ her selenas or alexis ren’s hmmm .
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virghosun · 1 year
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huedskys · 2 years
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it was hard to imagine that not all too long ago he still had trouble saying how he felt about her, while now there wasn’t even a doubt in his mind that she was the one. there was nothing which would make him happier than being able to spend the rest of his life with her and become a family. a regular one, whatever that meant. then again, there would always be these doubts within him that it wasn’t meant to be and that charleigh was by his side for the mere reason of reminding what he shouldn’t have. perhaps he himself was exactly the reason that kept him from being happy. “it had to be done.” the blond had needed the time to think about things. a couple of hard punches in the face to remind him he was alive and this was truly happening. decide on the person he wanted to be and cut off the unnecessary distractions, like parties, nicotine and recreational drug use when he felt like having fun. these sort of things had real consequences now. “i’m back now if you want me to be, i promise. and you can be mad at me, that’s okay. you probably should be.” he told her, feeling like his actions had deserved at least double the fight that they have had so far, but perhaps they had grown. they certainly weren’t the same kids as they used to be a few years ago anyway and that was clear as day in moments like these. “i’ll stay the night, char. of course i will, but i need to know —” soft sigh escaped his lungs as he crossed eyes with her again but at the same time refused to let go off her just yet. “what happens after? where do we go from here?”
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better  to  air  their  grievances  now,  and  not  three  months  later,  newborn  in  their  home.  “  asher ,  i  want  to  understand.  i  really  do.  ”  she  sighed,  the  beginning  of  a  headache  forming  between  her  temples.  there  wasn’t  much  to  understand.  she  didn’t  think  about  it  much  in  his  absence,  preferring  to  not  dwell  on  it.  asher  had  made  his  decision,  and  no  amount  of  reliving  each  moment  or  agonizing  over  the  things  she  wished  she  said  would  bring  him  back.  yet  here  he  was,  looking  the  same  as  he’d  left  her,  save  the  bruise  decorating  the  face  she  loved  so  much.  it  was  difficult  to  keep  her  resolve  in  his  presence,  but  rehashing  the  events,  she’s  upset.  “  we’re  having  a  baby  and  you  —  you  just  left.  didn’t  care  how  i’d  feel  about  it,  didn’t  bother  to  mention  it  until  you  were  going.  ”  she  found  herself  stuck  between  wanting  to  welcome  him  back  with  open  arms,  because  he’d  come  back  to  her,  and  wanting  to  be  angry,  because  he’d  hurt  her  when  she  needed  him  most.  “  i  missed  you  and  of  course  i  want  you  here,  ”  but.  she  let  a  moment  pass,  resting  her  head  against  his  chest  once  more,  frame  filled  with  all  the  love  she’s  ever  had  for  him.  how  easily  she’d  forgiven  him  in  the  past,  letting  him  wipe  away  her  tears  and  hold  her,  with  promises  to  be  better.  not  this  time.  “  i’m  not  ready  to  forgive  you  yet.  ”  she  murmured,  as  if  the  words  were  too  hard  to  speak  any  louder.  she’d  always  taken  asher  for  exactly  who  he  has,  for  all  his  faults  and  emotional  shortcomings.  “  i  know  you  mean  well,  but,  how  am  i  supposed  to  trust  someone  that  comes  and  goes  as  he  pleases  ?  ”
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dreamskinned · 3 years
top 5 writing partners you vibe with the most
i don't even think i write with five people so i'll just do everyone i write with
@cocained we've been writing together since 2014 i think? so a very long time. and i've learned so much about my muses through writing with kelly. asher & charleigh, matt & carly, axel & amy, tristan & rory, and all the other ships we’ll come up with, i love them all. she’s one of my favorite people to write with <3
@ncwkings i love topanga & axel and duncan & hera (and hopefully more coming soon). i love your writing and reading your replies, they’re so thoughtful and detailed that i have no trouble replying to our threads. here’s to more angsty couples!!
@icekisseds juniper and elijah. two people who deserve more than what they got. i love angst but they’re just trying to be happy and heal together, which makes me love them even more <3
@ofdamnation i love the plot/ideas that we’ve come up with for jackson/jason/rory and although i’m terrible at replying to our thread, i love them and writing with you!!
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