itsgerges · 9 months
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Best Greetings
Planet Diameter Is Created As A Function In The Rotation Period
First/ The Equation Definition
The equation proves planet diameter is created by a mathematical equation-
Planet diameter is NOT created by random process, BUT By A Geometrical Rule-
Means–Planet creation data is defined based on geometrical rules and NOT randomly 
The airplane industry helps to understand, the manufacturer needs exact equations to define the airplane length, width, weight and all dimensions - otherwise this airplane can't fly safely- similar to that- the planet creation data (diameter, mass and all data) need to be defined based on exact equations otherwise the planet can't move safely-
Let's see the planet diameter equation in following…
Second / Planet Diameter Equation tells ((v1/v2)=(s/r)=I)
(v= planet velocity, r= planet diameter, I= planet orbital inclination, and s= planet rotation periods number in its orbital period- the factors v2,s,r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet)
The equation works from the Earth to Pluto only (the discussion explains the reason)
The planet (v1) is defined by minimum error test- 
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity
Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter)
Neptune Equation (89143 /49528) = 9.7/ 5.4 =1.8         
89143          = Neptune rotation periods number in Neptune orbital period
49528 km    = Neptune diameter
9.7 km/s      = Saturn velocity
5.4 km/s      = Neptune velocity
59800 days = Neptune orbital period (and Neptune rotation period =16.1 hours)
1.8 degrees = Neptune Orbital Inclination
The Equation Concept
The equation tells, planet diameter is created as a function in its rotation period and the rotation period is a function in its velocity and the velocity is a function in its orbital distance – but why??
Planet diameter should be a function in its orbital distance for the planet safe motion otherwise this planet can be broken by its motion as a result for the inconsistency between the planet diameter and its orbital distance
BUT- the designer couldn't create Planet diameter and its orbital distance in one function only- Because if the planet changes its orbit its diameter will be broken also- for that- the designer created the planet diameter a function in its rotation period and the rotation is a function in its velocity and the velocity is a function in its orbital distance- and
In case the planet changes its orbit around the sun, its diameter wouldn't be broken but the planet would change its velocity, its rotation period, its orbital period and its orbital inclination but the diameter will be saved.  
The equation tells – for example- Uranus diameter is created 51118 km and never changes since its creation during the history.  
Thanks a lot – please read
Physics Nobel Prize For Imaginary Ideas! (Revised)
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow
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in-si-gh-ts-posts · 6 months
"Неопределённость" фильм, помогающий узнать своё будущее
Глубокий смысл👌🏼🔥🔥🔥
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tulpaffffan1996 · 9 months
Все неправда, не играю в доту с 19 года и не жалею об этом
Сейчас я играю в судебные тяжбы со своей двоюродной бабкой за квартиру в волгограде, вы спросите зачем мне квартира в волгограде? По рофлу )))))))))))))))))))
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cyber-penis · 2 years
can i just go through the fullmetal alchemist Gates and get the entirety of the human knowledge put in my head. i'm ok with the madness btw
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newsundphotos · 7 months
Фізики з Саутгемптонського університету, працюючи з вченими в Європі, успішно виявили слабке гравітаційне тяжіння крихітної частинки за допомогою нової методики.
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They lasted 10-34 sec
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Они продержались 10-34 сек
Мои мемы my memes
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innerwordss · 2 months
Математика работает, но никто не понимает почему она работает. Даже две фундаментальные основы на которых стоит все наше мироздание - теория относительности и квантовая механика до сих пор находятся в таком моменте, что просто существуют и работают. А все учёные приняли их как данность. Есть масса интерпретаций, но окончательного описания причин их работы нет.
Помните как в фильме "Автостопом по Галактике" ? Когда у суперкомпьютера спросили ответ на главный вопрос жизни, вселенной и всего такого?
А он спустя 7 с половиной миллионов лет дал ответ - Сорок два! "Я все очень тщательно проверил, - сказал компьютер, - и со всей определенностью заявляю, что это и есть ответ".
То есть существуют цифры и формулы, только почему они существуют именно в таком виде мы не понимаем.
Это как вопрос про яйцо и курицу, только про математику - она открытие или изобретение? До сих пор есть масса споров, но без окончательного ответа)
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womanin-w · 9 days
Итак, Смысл жизни
Чаще всего под смыслом жизни люди понимают нечто такое, ради чего живет вся жизнь на земле и человечество, как самая развитая часть ее; это что-то, что важнее каждого из нас по отдельности и больше чем все мы вместе взятые; нечто к чему мы стремимся, на благо чего все мы были, есть и должны стараться быть в будущем.
То есть, имеется ввиду некая Великая Цель, некий Божественный Замысел всего этого спектакля, в котором нас угораздило играть.
Так уж устроена человеческая психика...
... — всему искать цель и смысл. Без этого человек просто не будет прикладывать усилий никаких и ни к чему вообще. Всё, что делает человек, он делает для чего-то, для чего-то благого лично для себя. Например, для оптимизации охоты он создал орудия труда из камня, потом из бронзы, для оптимизации собирательства научился выращивать пшеницу и тд. И человек склонен полагать, что если таков он, то Бог, создавший его по своему образу и подобию тоже таков, а значит цель точно быть должна, просто она по каким-то причинам нам не видна.
Раньше люди выходили из этого тупика с помощью религии. Если охота — значит богиня Диана направляет меня; если война — значит Марсу так угодно — что боги нам говорят делать, то мы и делаем, им оттуда виднее. В христианстве тоже: "Пути господни неисповедимы", Бог мудрее нас, он старше нас, он любит нас, а значит у него все схвачено и все продумано, и нам простым людям не понять Его замыслов, да и не надо, верь, что все на благо, этого достаточно. Затем эпоха просвещения, промышленная революция, атеизм и всё — Божественным замыслом эту дыру в человеческом сознании больше не прикроешь, и начинает у просвещенных людей случаться экзистенциальный кризис.
Наука, с каждым своим открытием делает эту дыру только больше, и беспросветнее. Сначала выясняется, что у Вселенной было начало — Большой Взрыв. В контексте нашего исследования, это плохая новость, ведь насколько мы знаем, у всего, у чего есть начало есть и конец, а значит мы можем небезосновательно предположить, что Вселенная кончится, а значит умрем не только мы, не только наши внуки и правнуки, но умрут вообще все люди на Земле, вместе с самой Землей, солнечной системой, соседними галактиками (и даже другими планетами, на которых тоже возможно есть разумная жизнь вроде нашей!), вместе со всеми элементами, частицами, законами физики погибнет гравитация и даже время! Один только Бог останется, вероятно для того чтобы начать новый творческий проект на обломках старого…
И это, к нашему сожалению, еще не всё, что выяснила наука. Очередной нож в сердце Смыслу жизни втыкает квантовая физика. Выясняется, что на микроуровне частицы двигаются непредсказуемо, хаотично, их траектории не поддаются законам описанной физики (логика в квантовой системе появляется лишь в присутствии осознанного наблюдателя, но на заре веков такого не было, а значит частицы большую часть времени, пока создавалась вселенная, двигались случайным образом) а значит… наш мир — есть естественное следствие совершенно случайных совпадений и столкновений неких случайных частиц.
Отсюда неутешительный для нас всех вывод: жизнь возникла на Земле случайно и вероятно не имеет никакой цели, помимо заключенной самой в себе: просто продолжать быть, пока следующие случайные совпадения не прикажут чего-то другого…
Однако… есть кое-что еще.
Когда я изучала этот вопрос, то подозревала что такого смысла (назовем его объективный) действительно нет. Это казалось верным, потому что наука на это указывала. Но как оказалось, наука указывала не только на это, потому что дальше я выяснила нечто покруче: его (объективного смысла) не просто нет, его наличие было бы для нас потенциально смертельно.
Я спросила себя: если бы объективный смысл жизни был, то в чем бы он заключался? и ответила, что как по мне, он заключался бы в совершенствовании жизни нашего общества. То есть весь мир жил бы для того чтобы в итоге создать для себя идеальные условия: все было бы экологично, гуманно, разумно, технологически совершенно, все люди жили бы в достатке и были бы психически и физически здоровы, возможно даже бессмертны, если бы того хотели, словом было бы идеально. Но когда думаешь об этом, то быстро становится понятно, что при достижении такого идеального миропорядка и реализации "смысла жизни" жизни бы пришел конец. Что человек будет делать если всего достигнет? Он начнет чахнуть и задыхаться от того что ему больше не к чему и не для чего приложить твой творческий ум, все уже придумано и делать абсолютно нечего. Я думаю такая цивилизация погибла бы, как только осознала, что делает и к чему это ее ведет. Это как в том эксперименте с крысами, если слышали про него, там крысам создали абсолютно идеальные условия для жизни, в итоге они… ну, в общем если обойти довольно жесткие подробности, они все умерли.
Так вот… Помимо объективного смысла жизни, с которым в принципе уже все понятно, есть еще и субъективный. Это тот который "для каждого свой". У кого не спросишь, кто во что горазд: моя семья, мои дети, путешествия, моя компания и разработки, мои книги, мой огород, мои питомцы, моя страна, мои удовольствия, мое счастье… Короче, искать надо именно субъективный смысл. Его можно (в отличие от объективного) и нужно найти обязательно, чтобы было чем интересным и приятным себя занять по жизни, пока мы все дружно ждем конца этого спектакля (вернемся опять к этой метафоре)… Потому что покинуть сцену раньше времени по собственной воле невероятно сложно, значит будем выкручиваться по-другому: попробуем принять бытие таким какое оно есть, научимся играть теми картами какие нам достались и, возможно, со временем даже начнем получать от этой игры удовольствие.
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marinakrinicina · 3 months
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Это квантовая запутанность или квантовая связь.
Две частицы, которые в какой-то момент были связаны, связаны всегда. Несмотря на расстояние между ними, даже если они находятся на противоположных концах Вселенной, связь между ними мгновенная.
То же самое происходит между двумя людьми, когда их связывает то, что могут испытать только живые существа. Анна Хуравлева
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therealaliwa · 2 months
(∂ + m) ψ = 0
Это уравнение Дирака и оно самое красивое из всех в физике. Оно описывает феномен квантовой запутанности, в котором говорится: "Если две системы взаимодействуют друг с другом в течение определенного периода времени, а затем отделяются друг от друга, мы можем описать их как две разные системы, но они уже существуют как иная уникальная система. То, что происходит с одним продолжает влиять на другого, даже на расстоянии миль или световых лет".
Это квантовая запутанность или квантовая связь.
Две частицы, которые в какой-то момент были связаны, связаны всегда. Не смотря на расстояние между ними, даже если они находятся на противоположных концах Вселенной, связь между ними мгновенная.
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cheshire-cat-books · 5 months
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Книжный апрель 2024
Лучшие книги: Михаил Булгаков «Белая гвардия»
Эми Паркс «Квантовая теория недопоцелуев»
Джордж Мартин «Игра престолов»
Марина Солотова «Как стать ребенку другом, оставаясь его родителем»
Карина Шнелль «Когда приходит шторм»
Уильям Шекспир «Гамлет»
Стефан Цвейг «Нетерпение сердца»
Ася Володина «Протагонист»
Худшие книги: Лора Кейли «Колокол»
Л.Дж.Шэн «Мятежный»
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itsgerges · 7 months
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Kind Regards
Can The Gravitational Waves  Produce A Light Beam?
Paper hypothesis
The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies And Not By The Sun Gravitational Field
The hypothesis explanation
The question asks
Can The Gravitational Waves  Produce A Light Beam?
Let's summarize the answer in 5 points
(I) The FACT
The Gravitational Waves Produce A Light Beam
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
This new article tells - the gravitational waves can move by high velocity motion and can produce A Light Beam–
Shortly- the article answers our question tells (YES) (The Gravitational Waves Can Produce A Light Beam)
We know the light beam is produced by the value (C^2)
Means, the article tells
The gravitational waves can move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) and that enables the gravitational waves to produce the value (C^2) and produce A Light Beam! 
I suppose the sun rays are produced by this method and not by any nuclear fusion,
Means, The Sun Is NOT Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays, instead, the sun rays are produced by the gravitational waves motions energies  
Here is important moment of the science history, No longer the nuclear fusion process will be used as the reason for the star rays production- instead- the gravitational waves motions will be used in place of it –
Clearly- we see the change in the mechanism
The sun nuclear fusion uses the nuclear fusion process to produce the sun rays from the sun mass as the source of energy- where the sun mass is changed into the sun rays by the nuclear fusion process- But the gravitational waves use the motion energy to produce the light beam (the sun rays)– means- the sun rays production method is changed- shortly- the production mechanism is changed (from nuclear fusion process) into (the high velocity motion) – and the source of energy is changed from (the sun mass) into (the gravitational waves motion energy)   
(Notice, I refuse to suppose there are many methods to produce the light beam, I suppose the light beams are produced by one method only)
That force us to analyze the gravitational waves production and Nature- let's do that in following- 
Let's ask
(1) (its source)
How Are The Gravitational Waves Produced?
By What Method and from what energy The Gravitational Waves Are Produced?
(2) (its nature)
How Can The Gravitational Waves Move By Speed Of Light?
And - Can The Gravitational Waves Move By Less Velocity Than Speed Of Light?
Are there proves for this fact (the gravitational waves move by speed of light)?
Can We Follow The Gravitational Waves Motions Trajectories In The Solar System?
Can The Gravitational Waves Be Reflected? And Why Is The Wave Reflected?
What Effects Are Produced By The Gravitational Waves Reflection?
(6) (its result)
How Can The Gravitational Waves Produce A Light Beam?
Means - If the gravitational waves move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s), how can the value (C^2) be produced to enable the gravitational waves to produce the light beam? This discussion aims to answer these questions in details. 
Let's ask (Where's Planet Motion Energy?)
Any moving body produces motion energy (1/2mv^2), but where's the planet motion energy? The planet can't store its motion energy inside its body because it would raise its temperature, and no planet temperature is raised by its motion- so- again (Where's The Planet Motion Energy?)
Logically, Planet motion energy must be stored in the space in waves form-
The space is similar to the sea of water and planet motion in space is similar to a fish swimming in water- the fish motion creates waves in water and the planet motion energy creates waves in the space- means- Planet motion energy is stored in the space in waves form. 
Let's see this picture accurately- we observe one swimming fish in the sea- the fish hits the sea water by its tail and pushes some water and by that the fish swims and moves- we conclude the water moves by a velocity Equal the fish velocity because of the reaction force- means- the fish swimming creates wave in the water and this wave moves by the fish motion velocity-  
Similar to that-
Mercury motion energy creates wave in the space- this wave velocity equals Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) -means– while Mercury moves, its motion creates waves move by the velocity (47.4 km/s)- 
Shortly- All planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves move by these planets velocities- The space waves are similar to the water waves, they move far from their sources and can be reflected-
The Conclusion
I suppose the gravitational waves are these space waves, they are produced by the planets motions energies and NOT by the Sun gravitational field 
We should notice that- the article tells (the gravitational waves can move by a speed of light) but the article believes the gravitational waves are produced by the sun gravitational field- BUT- I refuse this idea- the gravitational waves are NOT produced by any gravitational field but by the planets motions energies as I have explained.
(the discussion proves this fact by the analysis of the gravitational waves nature)
The sun rays is created from the gravitational waves motions energies and the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies-
Based on that 
The Sun Is A Phenomenon Created By The Planets Motions
The Sun Is NOT Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays- instead- The Planets Motions Energies Total Is Used To Produce The Sun Rays
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion – means
The Planets Are Created And Moving In Their Orbits Around A Point Of Space Before The Sun Creation- And The Sun Is Created On This Point Of Space around which the planets revolve - And
No Planet moves by The Sun Gravity (Newton is Wrong) - And
The Sun Doesn't Produce A Gravitational Field (Einstein Is Wrong)
The Sun Is A Phenomenon Created By The Planets Motions– means-The Sun creation and death depends on a cycle – means – after this current sun death another sun will be created for the solar system.
The logical idea summary
We agreed that, the planets motions produce energies and the motions energies are stored in the space in waves form- simply- the stored energy should be used- by that this stored energy is used to produce the sun rays- means- the sun is the outlet for the stored motion energy in the solar system and without the sun the stored energy can cause a continuous risk of explosion for the solar system. 
This analysis explains why (the sun nuclear fusion theory is wrong logically) because the solar system is rich in the motion energy- the planets move and produce motion energy continuously and this energy is stored in the space – that tells – there's massive motion energy stored in the space- the logical idea tells this energy should be used to produce the sun rays- but – the scientists created very artificial reason for the sun rays production (the sun nuclear fusion theory)- the theory is wrong in principle because the theory left the stored motion energy without using in the space and created the artificial idea (which doesn't depend on any cycle or motion), while everything in the solar system depends on motions and cycles
The Discussion Is Divided Into Two Parts
(Part No. I) The Gravitational Waves (Source, Nature and role
(Part No. II) The Sun Rays Production Details
Let's start our discussion immediately
(Part No. I) The Gravitational Waves Analysis (Source, Nature and role)
I- The Gravitational Waves Analysis (Source, Nature and role)
I-1 The Sun Doesn't Create A Gravitational Field
I-2 Planet Motion Reason
I-3 The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies (The Paper hypothesis) and (the hypothesis proves)
I-4 The Planets Waves Are Unified Into One Unified Wave
I-5 Space And Matter Definitions  
I-6 Can The Motion Be Transported Among The Planets?
I-7 The Gravitational Waves Nature Analysis (A Vision Through The Planets Data) 
I-7-1  Preface
I-7-2  The Unified Wave Trajectory
I-7-3  The Unified Wave Reflection Theory
I-7-4  The Unified Wave Reflection Proves
I-7-5  The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light (Theory)
I-7-6   The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light (Proves)
I-8 The Gravitational Waves Nature Analysis (A Vision Through The Energy From Which The Solar System Is Created)
I-8-1  The Solar System Creation Theory
I-8-2 The Solar Planets Creation
I-8-3 The Rate Of Time Use
I-8-4  The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light
I-8-5  Planet Velocity Analysis
I-8-6  The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion (Proves)
I-8-7  The Total Solar Eclipse Proves The Sun Rays Is Created By The Gravitational Waves Motions And Not By The Sun Nuclear Fusion
I-1 The Sun Doesn't Create A Gravitational Field
I claim (The Sun Doesn't Create Any Gravitational Field)
The Sun Rotation Period is (25.4 days at equator) and (34.4 days at pole), that proves the sun has NO massive gravity (even it has no gravity equal any planet gravity otherwise it would rotate in one period of time)
The gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and Not by any gravitational field - I prove this fact in point no. (1-3)
No planet moves by the sun gravity (Newton Is Wrong).
The planet moves by its creation force- means-  the planet creation and motion should be done by the same one force because if two forces have effects on the same one planet, this planet would be broken
Mass gravity Can Not Cause any Motion- (Again Newton is wrong)– let's explain that
Mass gravity is a bond between 2 masses –
The Earth and the moon are bond together by the mass gravity- They are similar to a lorry and its trailer– If a force causes the Earth to move the moon will move with the Earth– this is the effect of the mass gravity but the mass gravity can't cause any motion! Why? Suppose the moon moves by the Earth mass gravity
The moon motion produces energy (1/2mv^2)- and– From what source this motion energy will be provided? From the mass itself!
means- If the Earth causes the moon to move that necessitates to decrease the Earth and moon masses by the motion energy– it's wrong definition for the mass gravity
The mass gravity creates a bond between two masses- and if a force causes the Earth to move the moon will move with the Earth, in this case, this force will provide the motion energy for the Earth and the moon– but No Motion can be done by the mass gravity.
I-2 Planet Motion Reason
Now let's ask (How Does Planet Move If Not By The Sun Gravity?)
My Planet diameter equation proves the planet creation data is created based on its motion features- means – the motion is found before the planet creation- my planet diameter equation provides a new vision for the matter nature and motion- let's summarize it in following-
The Matter Nature
The space and matter are created from the same original energy and they move with this original energy motion- BUT the matter has a distinguish picture and different velocity from the space picture and velocity (notice- The Gravitational Waves Prove That The Space Has A Motion)   
If we suppose the space is similar to the sea of water, the matter be similar to a whirlpool or a vortex found on the sea page- means- the matter is a geometrical design has distinguish picture from the space- as the whirlpool, it's created from the sea water but it has a distinguish picture from the sea waves picture
The whirlpool is carried by the waves motion- and- the matter is carried by its original energy and moves with it- No Mass gravity is required for the matter motion- means- the matter is MOVABLE by nature.
The whirlpool dimensions are defined by the water motion - for example- we have a whirlpool its diameter is (2 meters)- this diameter is defined by the sea water motion features (velocity, pressure and other motion features) by that- the water motion analysis explains how the whirlpool dimensions are created
Also- the whirlpool is created but the creation requirements are needed every day- means- even if this whirlpool is found since years it can be changed immediately if the water motion features are changed- means- the whirlpool creation process is NOT a historical one.
Also- the matter is similar to a creature muscle, the muscle is found based on the blood motion and without this motion the muscle can be changed or removed.
Shortly -the energy was found and moving before the matter creation -and from this energy the matter is created and for that the created matter dimensions are in harmony with the motion features because the created matter moves with the original energy motion means the matter moves this same motion of the original energy- where the matter dimensions are created based on this original energy motion- that explains the full harmony between the matter dimensions and the motion features.    
This idea is proved by my planet diameter equation (my fourth equation) –
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion
Means- All planets are created and found in their orbits and they revolve around a point in space before the sun creation- later – the sun is created in this point of space around which the planets revolve- this fact is proved strongly in point no. (I-8-6)
I-3 The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies (The Paper hypothesis) and (the hypothesis proves)
The paper hypothesis tells (The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies)-
This hypothesis is important because- it gives us a method to use deep (analysis) for the gravitational waves features- on the other side- the idea tells (the gravitational waves are produced by the gravitational field) causes major difficulty for our analysis because no one knows what's the gravity or how does it work? means the idea puts the gravitational waves (features) under the same mystery of the gravity (work and effect)   
Because of that- there are massive importance to prove this hypothesis- let's prove it in following–(before we need to remember the planet motion energy analysis) 
Planet Motion Energy Analysis –
(Where's Planet Motion Energy?)
Any moving body produces motion energy (1/2mv^2), but where's the planet motion energy? the planet can't store its motion energy inside its body because it would raise its temperature, and no planet temperature is raised by its motion- so- again (Where's The Planet Motion Energy?)
Logically, Planet motion energy must be stored in the space in waves form-
The space is similar to the sea of water and planet motion in space is similar to a fish swimming in water- the fish motion creates waves in water and the planet motion energy creates waves in the space- means- Planet motion energy is stored in the space in waves form. 
Let's see this picture accurately- we observe one swimming fish in the sea- the fish hits the sea water by its tail and pushes some water and by that the fish swims and moves- we conclude the water moves by a velocity Equal the fish velocity because of the reaction force- means- the fish swimming creates wave in the water and this wave moves by the fish motion velocity- Similar to that-
Mercury motion energy creates wave in the space- this wave velocity equals Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) -means– while Mercury moves, its motion creates waves move by the velocity (47.4 km/s)- 
Shortly- All planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves move by these planets velocities- The space waves are similar to the water waves, they move far from their sources and can be reflected-
The Conclusion (The Gravitational Waves Are These Space Waves, They Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies And Not By The Sun Gravitational Field) 
The Hypothesis Proves
I will refer to the proves in following in summary but and these same proves will be discussed in details in the mentioned points.  
First proof
The planet motion energy analysis proves planet motion energy must be stored in the space in waves form (the gravitational waves) – as explained before
Second proof
The energy is reflected in the solar system and this reflection proves the gravitational waves are belonged to the planets and not to any gravitational field –
the energy reflection is discussed in details in point no. (I-7-4)  
Third proof
The motion is transported among the planets- this fact is proved by my planet diameter equation (my fourth equation)
The transportation of motion and energy must be done by some method and the gravitational waves are this method by which the transportation is done 
The transportation of motion among the planets is proved in point no. (I-6)
Fourth proof
Planet velocity analysis proves that, there's a motion by speed of light in the solar system- means- the planets velocities are defined to produce a motion by speed of light in the solar system- and – because the gravitational waves move by speed of light (as the article states) that tells – the gravitational waves move by speed of light depending on the planets velocities which prove these waves are produced by the planets motions energies and Not by any gravitational field
(planet velocity analysis proves this fact in point no. I-8-5)  
In point no. (I-7-6) I put the proves for the fact tells (There Are Relativistic Effects In The Solar System)- the fact supports the article discovery- means- because the gravitational waves moves by speed of light that caused relativistic effects to be found in the solar system-
Fifth proof
The sun rays creation proves the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by any gravitational field- because- the planets motions energies are stored in the space (and should be used because logically the energy can't be stored in the space forever without using) that tells the sun rays is produced from this stored energy and by that the sun is the outlet for the solar system motion energy
Understandable, if the stored energy is not used, it would cause a risk of explosion for the solar system
(also the sun creation depends on a cycle which is suitable for the solar system motion principle – where the nuclear fusion idea is very strange here because it doesn't depend on any cycle)  
The sun rays production is discussed in Part NO. (II) of this discussion
I-4 The Planets Waves Are Unified Into One Unified Wave
We agreed- planet motion energy creates waves in the space- and these waves are similar to the sea water waves they move far from their source and can be reflected
Also- we agreed- planet motion energy creates wave in the space and this wave moves by a velocity equal the planet velocity  
By that– all planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves move by their planets velocities
What's Happened After The Planets Waves Creation?
The planets motions waves are unified into One Unified Wave
The one unified wave is a wave moves by a velocity = the planets velocities total
Point no. (I-7-2) explains in details how this unified wave is produced by the planets motions waves
The important information is (The Unified Wave Definition)
The unified wave is a wave moves by a velocity = the planets velocities total (176 km/s) + the Earth moon velocity (29.8 km/s) = 205.8 km/s
The moon velocity is added because the unified wave revolves around the sun through the moon orbit-
(the moon velocity = the Earth velocity because they revolve together around the sun) 
Shortly, There's One Wave Revolves Around The Sun Through The Moon Orbit And Its Velocity 205.8 km/s
We should consider that- the unified wave is The Major Player in the solar system and this wave motion is the most important and effective motion in the solar system
The next discussions will explain the reason of this importance
I-5 Space And Matter Definitions  
Here we need to define the space and matter natures – shortly- we need to see the whole picture in which the matter is created and moves and produces waves in the space- let's try to see that as clear as possible
I suppose the space is similar to the sea of water
Let's ask (How Can The Sea Waves Be So Strong and massive?),
Because, the sea has millions of creatures, they swim and produce motion energy which is stored in the sea water as waves- here – we conclude the sea waves don't depend on the winds force but on the motion momentum of the millions of creatures live in the sea
I suppose space is similar to sea of water and the matter is similar to a whirlpool found on the sea page- by that- the space and matter are created from the same one energy and both move with this energy motion but the matter has a distinguish picture and velocity from the space- that causes to see the matter in motion relative to the space but the space itself is in motion also by different velocity and the gravitational waves prove the space also has a motion- Let's explain that more clear -
The matter is similar to a whirlpool found on the sea page- this idea is explained before- and we agreed the whirlpool creation is not a historical one but the whirlpool dimensions can be changed immediately if the water motion features are changed
This idea is still insufficient - we need 3 Dimensions Moving Whirlpool - by that- this whirlpool will be similar to a fish swims in the water- and this fish motion energy creates waves in the space- here we see the picture more clear- the whirlpool is created from the sea water (the matter and space are created from the same energy) and the whirlpool motion (similar to a fish motion) creates waves in the space, by that the whirlpool motion produces energy and this energy is stored in the space in waves form- and these waves are the gravitational waves- 
But- we should remember that- the whirlpool is created based on the sea water motion features- that causes the whirlpool to be in (full harmony with the motion) because it created from this motion         
The previous explanation has two goals
I refute the planet classical definition tells (The Planet Is A Rigid Body Created Independently From The Space And The Other Planets Creation)
I prove that the space has mechanical features and any moving body in the space produces motion energy which is stored in the space in waves form and these waves are the gravitational waves (Notice this idea will be explained in more details with the planet creation discussion point no.I-8-2)
I-6 Can The Motion Be Transported Among The Planets?
The Motion Transportation Is Proved In Details In Point No. (I-6)
I don't put the proves here to avoid the confusion- but – I have to refer to this fact because all required ideas are discussed already. 
Shortly The Motion Is Transported Among The Planets  - But How?
Planet motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves move freely far from their source- by these waves the energy is transported among the planets
The planet matter (is NOT rigid body) but it's similar to (a whirlpool on the sea page), the energy waves can transport among the planets and the planets (matters) can be effected by these waves energy- the whirlpool example explains clearly this idea-
Suppose we have 9 whirlpools on one sea page, where these 9 whirlpools are found at distances from each other- can the motion be transported among them? Of course Yes 
With the sea water the motion is transported- and if we put some color (red or blue) on the sea water far from these whirlpools this color may pass through all these whirlpools which proves the motion and water are transported among them  
I refer to this fact here- because- the planets data prove strongly that the motion is transported among the planets –powerful proves are discussed in point No. (I-6)
NOTICE My planet diameter equation depend basically on a transported motion among the planets- let's explain that more clear
Each planet diameter is created depending on this mathematical equation and based on its geometrical rule- and we have to ask- how can planet diameter be defined by a geometrical rule? the fact is that, there's a force moves from a planet to another and forces each planet to define its diameter according to the same geometrical rule and by the same one equation- now – the next question is (what's this force which causes each planet to define its diameter based on the same mathematical equation?) this force is a transported motion – this motion is transported from Pluto to the Earth moon and the transported motion transports also (energy) with it and this energy forces each planet to define its diameter based on the geometrical rule and by the same mathematical equation – let's refer to my planet diameter equation in following
(v1/ v2) = (s/r) =I
v1 = planet velocity in second
v2 = another planet velocity in second
r  = Planet Diameter
s  = The Planet Rotation Periods Number In Its Orbital Period 
I  = Planet Orbital Inclination
v2, s, r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet
The planet (v1) be defined by test the minimum error 
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity             Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter) - The equation is discussed in my paper and The transportation of motion is proved in details with
I-7 The Gravitational Waves Nature Analysis (A Vision Through The Planets Data) 
I-7-1  Preface
Here we analyze The Gravitational Waves Source And Nature in details
The point answers our questions, let's remember them in following
(i) (its source)
How Are The Gravitational Waves Produced? Means
By What Method and from what energy The Gravitational Waves Be Produced?
(ii) (its nature)
How Can The Gravitational Waves Move By Speed Of Light?
And - Can The Gravitational Waves Move By Less Velocity Than Speed Of Light?
Are there proves for this fact (the gravitational waves move by speed of light)?
Can We Follow The Gravitational Waves Motions Trajectories In The Solar System?
Can The Gravitational Waves Be Reflected? And Why Is The Wave Reflected?
And What Effects Are Produced By The Gravitational Waves Reflection?
(vi) (its result)
How Can The Gravitational Waves Produce A Light Beam?
Means - If the gravitational waves move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s), how can the value (C^2) be produced to enable the gravitational waves to produce the light beam? This discussion aims to answer these questions
We remember the hypothesis (The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies)
We agreed that- the planet motion energy must be stored in the space in waves form-and these waves are the gravitational waves- that proves the hypothesis
Also – I have put other proves for this hypothesis, let’s refer to them    
(1st proof) planet motion energy analysis (2nd proof) the reflection of energy
(3rd proof) the motion is transported among the planets and the gravitational waves are the transportation method
(4th proof) planet velocity analysis proves the gravitational waves move by speed of light depending on the planets motions
(5th proof) the sun rays production proves the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by any gravitational field.
I-7-2  The Unified Wave Trajectory
We agreed, Planet motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves are similar to the water waves they move far from their source and can be reflected -
We agreed also that, these waves are the gravitational waves - Now let's follow these waves trajectory- 
The planets revolve around the sun in the same one direction because of that their motions energies waves move in one direction toward Pluto (perpendicular on the revolution direction)- and the waves are unified together in Pluto orbit and consist together One Unified Wave contains the planets motions energies total 
What does mean (One Unified Wave)? means
One Wave Moves By A Velocity = The Planets Velocities Total –
Let's remember this picture
We observed one swimming fish in the sea- the fish hits the sea water by its tail and pushes some water and by that the fish swims and moves- we conclude the water moves by a velocity Equal the fish velocity because of the reaction force.
Similar to that-
Mercury motion energy creates waves in the space- the wave velocity equal Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) because of the reaction force- means – all planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves move by these planets velocities- now these waves are unified into One Unified Wave moves by The Planets Velocities Total
Shortly- the 9 planets velocities total =176 km/s- and- there's One Wave in the space moves by this velocity 176 km/s- this wave motion is created by all planets motions energies- this is the unified wave and this unified wave is created in Pluto orbit
Now let's resume our process – we follow the wave motion trajectory- 
The unified wave (176 km/s) is reflected from Pluto toward Venus– in fact – the unified wave is reflected three times in the solar system –
let's refer to them in following…. 
The energy is reflected from Pluto to Venus (first reflection) – in details – the unified wave is reflected from Pluto to Neptune, then from Neptune to Uranus and then from Uranus to Saturn– BUT- inSaturn the unified wave is reflected one more time inside Saturn body- Means- Saturn body worked as 2 mirrors and the wave is reflected between them-          
The reflection inside Saturn is the second reflection of energy
After the reflection –
The energy unified wave left Saturn moving in its same original direction toward Venus – and then the energy reach Venus –
Then Venus reflects the unified wave energy toward Mars and the energy is stored in the Earth moon orbit between Venus and Mars
The energy reflection from Venus to Mars is (the energy third reflection)
Shortly- the planets motions energies total is stored in the Earth moon orbit in one unified wave moves by velocity 176 km/s But
We have to add the moon velocity because the energy is stored in its orbit- the moon velocity = the Earth velocity, by that 176 +29.8 = 205.8 km/s
Means- The Unified Wave Velocity becomes 205.8 km/s
There's ONE WAVE Revolves Around The Sun Its Velocity 205.8 Km/S And This Wave Revolves Around The Sun Through The Earth Moon Orbit-  
Where we see the planets revolutions we don't see this One Unified Wave revolution around the sun- while – this wave motion contains all planets motions energies-
The One Unified Wave is the main player in the solar system- because – by this wave motion relative to the sun point of space the light beam is created (the sun rays production)
Means- the light beam is NOT created by any planet motion energy – but by the one unified wave motion energy- by that- this unified wave which is Not seen by us we should consider (the main player in the solar system) and the most important effective motion in the solar system – we keep our eyes on it frequently
I-7-3  The Unified Wave Reflection Theory
How Can We Discover The Waves Reflection? And what effect of this reflection is found? The reflection of energy causes (basic changes) we can discover clearly and simply which are
The wave motion trajectory is changed
The wave velocity is SQUARED
The players are reflected (the data will explain and prove that clearly)
The data are reflected (what's used as "A" before reflection will be used as "1/A" after reflection) and (what's used as "a period of time" before reflection will be used as "a distance" after reflection)
The previous features are very important for my theory of the gravitational waves- for three reasons
(First Reason) the light beam can be produced only from (C^2), and the gravitational waves can move only by (speed of light = C= 300000 km/s)
Shortly- if the velocity (Can NOT Be Squared) No light beam can be produced
Means-the light beam is produced only after the wave reflection because the reflection causes the velocity to be squared
In next point I put powerful proves for the wave reflection, that point shows how deep effects of the squared values are found in the planets data-
I want to say, the unified gravitational wave moves by speed of light (depending on the planets data because the waves are produced by the planets motions energies) and for that the wave velocity square causes to square many related data of the planets – the data analysis proves this fact clearly
(Second Reason)
The planets data are reflected- the next point proves that with powerful data- we can't explain how can the planets data be reflected on one another?
The reflection can be done (for waves only) and not for (planets) that proves these waves are produced from these planets (and not from any gravitational field) because the wave reflection caused to reflect the planets data   
(Three Reason)
Also we follow the wave motion trajectory, and the unified wave changes its trajectory- as I have explained before- the planets motions produces energies in waves form and these waves move toward Pluto because the wave move perpendicular on the revolution direction- here we follow closely the wave motion trajectory- But the waves are unified into one unified wave and this unified wave is reflected from Pluto toward Venus- (The wave first reflection), this reflection shows the motion trajectory is changed and the energy no longer is found in Pluto orbit
By that, the energy left Pluto to Neptune then to Uranus, then to Saturn, but in Saturn the energy is reflected one more time because the data shows (the velocities square) and the data is reflected on one another (one more time)- that tells another (new reflection is done for the wave energy) this reflection (the second one) is done inside Saturn body – Saturn body works as two mirrors between which the energy is reflected and left Saturn moving in its original direction toward Venus
Venus reflects the energy toward Mars (the third reflection) and by that the energy is stored in the Earth moon orbit between Venus and Mars        
the three reasons prove that the refection of energy is a fact – the planets data analysis in next point will prove that with powerful data
The Energy Is Stored In One Unified Wave Moves By A Velocity 205.8 km/s And Revolves Around The Sun Through The Earth Moon Orbit.
This is (The One Unified Wave) in which the planets motions energies total is found and by this unified wave relative motion to the sun point of space the light beam is produced.
I-7-4  The Unified Wave Reflection Proves
(The Unified Gravitational Wave Reflection)
Let's remember, Planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves are the gravitational waves-
The planets motions energies waves move far from their planets and unify together in Pluto orbit, and the unified wave is reflected from Pluto to Venus (first reflection),
Means, the wave moves from Pluto to Neptune to Uranus to Saturn and in Saturn the wave is reflected inside Saturn body (second reflection) and the wave left Saturn to Venus (the wave completes the motion in its original direction), then Venus reflects the wave to Mars (the third reflection)
Also we remember the wave reflection causes the following changes
The wave motion trajectory is changed
The wave velocity is SQUARED
The players are reflected
The data are reflected (what's used as "A" before reflection will be used as "1/A" after reflection) and (what's used as "a period of time" before reflection will be used as "a distance" after reflection) – let's prove this fact in following
The Proves
Proof No. (1)
Sin (3.4 deg) =(1/17.2) where (3.4 degrees = Venus Orbital Inclination) and
(17.2 degrees = Pluto Orbital Inclination)
We see clearly, Pluto orbital inclination is reflected to Venus orbital inclination.
(more analysis for the two orbital inclinations are found in the paper discussion)
Proof No. (2)
The inner planets order is
(Mercury – Mars- Venus – The Earth)
The order tells greater diameter (and mass) necessitates Longer orbital distance
(I prove Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus in my paper)
The outer planets order is
(Jupiter– Saturn – Uranus– Neptune - Pluto)
The order tells greater diameter necessitates Shorter orbital distance
The order is reflected clearly
Proof No. (3)
Venus orbital circumference 680 million km
And Mars orbital period 687 days (error 1%) -And
Venus orbital period (224.7 days)
Mars orbital distance (227.9 million km) (error 1%)
The data is reflected (what's time for one planet used as a distance for the other)
Proof No. (4)
The planets velocities proves the reflection because (v1v2= constant=322) (my equ)
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity)  x 6.8 km/s (Uranus velocity)
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity)        x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2    (error 2%)
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2      
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity)        x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)       (error 2%)
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity)
The constant (322) proves The Velocities Are Reflected on one another
Proof No. (5)
Each planet orbit is defined based on an angle, these angles are reflected also – let's prove that  (I suppose –There's a right triangle by the three points The Sun, Mercury and Venus) - Now
Venus angle is (61 degrees) because Venus orbital distance (108.2 mkm) x cos (61) = Venus Mercury distance (50.3 mkm) -
Here we can replace Venus with any other planet in the same triangle to define this planet angle based on similar calculation – as a result
Earth angle is (51 degrees) because Earth orbital distance (149.6 mkm) x cos (51) = Earth Mercury distance (91.7 mkm)
Mars angle is (41.7 degrees) because Mars orbital distance (227.9mkm) x cos (41.7)= Mars Mercury distance (170 mkm)
Jupiter angle is (22.2 degrees) because Jupiter orbital distance (778.6 mkm) x cos (22.2)= Jupiter Mercury distance (721 mkm)
Similar to that – Saturn angle is 16.5, Uranus angle is 11.6 deg, Neptune angle is 9.2 deg and Pluto angle is 8 deg- these angles follow the same system – for example
Pluto angle is (8 degrees) because Pluto orbital distance (5906 mkm) x cos (8)= Pluto Mercury distance (5848 mkm)
NOTICE No. (1)
The right angle and its triangle is (a hypothesis) – we Can prove it because
(v1/v2) = (θ1/ θ2)
means – these angles are rated with their planets velocities – for example
(Neptune velocity 5.4/ Pluto velocity 4.7) = (9.2 deg /8 deg)
Shortly -the angles which are defined based on the sun perpendicularity on Mercury orbit – all of them- are the correct angles by which the planets orbits are defined – that because the planets velocities are rated with these angles and Kepler stated (Planet orbit defines its velocity)- means- the planets orbits are defined based on these angles and that causes the angles rates to be equal with the velocities rates
That tells indeed the sun position is perpendicular on the (inner planets orbits) – in fact – the sun is perpendicular on the Earth moon orbit- and this perpendicularity has effect on all inner planets because of the small distances among them. 
NOTICE No. (2)
The planets angles are REFLECTED based on one another – that tells – the planets velocities also are reflected based on one another –
Let's prove that in following
940 = 2 x Venus angle (61 deg) x Pluto angle (8 deg)
940 = 2 x Earth angle (51 deg) x Neptune angle (9.2 deg)
940 = Jupiter angle (22.2 deg) x Mars angle (41.7  deg)
Mercury is not used because of the right angle -
The Conclusion
The Planets Data Are Reflected On One Another- and this reflection can be explained only if the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies- because the reflection is a feature of the wave nature- means- the planets data reflection should be used as a proof for my theory tells (the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by any gravitational field) 
The planets velocities rates create rates of time for the planets motions (which we be explained in details later), and
Because the wave reflection causes to square the velocities, that causes to square the rates of time also – we should study that in details in point no. (I-7-4)
I-7-5  The Unified Gravitational Wave Moves By Speed Of Light (Theory)
The following equation is the proof for this fact
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2 where
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect for velocity 297000 km/s (= 0.99 C)
205.8 km/s = the 9 planets velocities total (176 km/s) + the Earth moon velocity
(The moon velocity =29.8 km/s = the Earth velocity because they revolve together)
Why does the data use the squared value (205.8)^2?
Let's write the answer idea here and its proof is found in details in point no. (I-8-4)
The unified wave moves by a velocity 205.8 km/s relative to the sun point of space, the sun point motion velocity 1 km/s (we accept this motion as a hypothesis for now)  
The unified wave velocity 205.8 km/s relative to the sun velocity 1 km/s
This motion creates a rate of time (1=205.8) means
(One Hour Of The Wave Clock = 205.8 Hours Of The Sun Clock)
Mercury velocity =1.6 Earth velocity by that (One second of Mercury clock = 1.6 seconds of the Earth clock)– by this rate of time Mercury and the Earth move equal distances in equal periods of time
Let's return to our wave
The motion causes to create the rate of time
(One Second Of The Wave Clock = 205.8 Seconds Of The Sun Clock)
But, the energy is reflected (as I have proved before) that causes to reflect the players also – means – the rate will be 
(One Second Of The Sun Clock = 205.8 Seconds Of The Sun Clock)
But the wave velocity is 205.8 km/s
While one second is passed on the sun clock, the wave clock passes 205.8 seconds and the wave moves by a velocity 205.8 km/s – means-
During one second of the sun clock, the wave passes a distance = (205.8 km)^2 = 42253 km
This is a new velocity 42253 km per second (relative to the sun clock)
We remember 300000 km = 42253 km x 7.1 and
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect
Means- if the light (300000 km/s) moves one second we will not see (300000 km) but we will see n(42253 km) because of Lorentz length contraction effect
And that makes the two velocities equivalent – means – the velocity 42253 km/s is equivalent to the speed of light 300000 km/s
(because the reflection of energy enables to reflect the geometrical effects)   
The previous analysis tells the unified gravitational wave moves by speed of light (depending on the planets motions and velocities)
I-7-6 The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light (Proves)
Relativistic Effects Are Found In The Solar System
The next planets data proves there are relativistic effects in the solar system– that proves the motion by speed of light
A velocity 297000 km (=99% of speed of light) causes Lorentz length contraction effect with a rate (7.1)- (we used this rate before)
BUT- this rate is used also with a modification
(7.1/100) + 1 = 1.0725 - this rate proves the relativistic effects existence- because
This rate controls around 40% Of All Data In The Solar System –as the following data proves- no explanation for it except Lorentz length contraction effect-  
DATA No. (1) 
(243/224.7) = (29.53/27.3) = (27.3/25.4)= 1.0725 –where
243 And 224.7 Days Are Venus Rotation And Orbital Periods  
29.53 And 27.3 Days Are The Moon Orbital And Day Periods
25.4 Days The Sun Rotation Period.
DATA No. (2) 
(778.6/721)=(721/670)= (670/629)=(1433/1325)=(1284/1205)= (2872/2644)= 1.0725
These are distances measured in millions km – let's define them
778.6, 721, 670 and 629 are the distances between Jupiter and the sun, Mercury, Venus and the Earth respectively.
1433, 1325, 1284, 1025 are the distances between Saturn and the sun, Venus, the Earth and Mars respectively.
2872 and 2644 are the distances between Uranus and the sun and Mars respectively.
DATA No. (3) 
629 million km (The Earth Jupiter distance)= (1.0725)^2 x 551 million km (Jupiter Mars Distance)
4495.1 million km (Neptune Orbital Distance) =1.0725 x 2 x 2094 million km (Jupiter Uranus Distance)
5906 million km (Pluto Orbital Distance) = (1.0725)^2 x 5127 million km (Jupiter Pluto Distance)
5127 million km (Jupiter Pluto Distance)= (1.0725)^2 x 4437 million km (Mercury Neptune Distance)
2.574 million km (Earth motion distance daily) = 1.0725 x 2.4 million km (TheMoon Orbital Circumference)
(around 40% of all distances in the solar system are effected be 1.0725)
DATA No. (4) 
(28.3/26.7)=(26.7/25.2)= (25.2/23.4)=(122.5/113.4)=(97.8/91.3)= 1.0725
The values (28.3 degrees, 26.7 degrees, 25.2 degrees, 23.4 degrees) are the axial tilts of (Neptune, Saturn, Mars and the Earth) respectively –
The values (122.5 degrees, 97.8 degrees) are the axial tilts of Pluto and Uranus
113.4 degrees =90 deg +23.4 deg and 91.3 deg =90 deg+ 1.3 deg (Jupiter orbital inclination)
DATA No. (5) 
Let's remember our equation
300000 km =7.1 x (205.8)^2
The 9 planets velocities total is 176 km/s+ the moon velocity 29.8 km/s =205.8 km/s
(the moon velocity = the Earth velocity because they revolve around the sun together)
7.1 is Lorentz Length Contraction Effect (for a velocity 0.99 speed of  light)
That shows the planets velocities total is defined based on the speed of light (300000 km/s) and that causes to find the high velocity motion in the solar system by which these relativistic effects are produced- this data supports the article discovery 
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
This new article tells the gravitational waves can move by high velocity motion and can produce a light beam.  
I-8 The Gravitational Waves Nature Analysis (A Vision Through The Energy From Which The Solar System Is Created)
I-8-1  The Solar System Creation Theory
1-8-2  The Solar Planets Creation
I-8-3 The Rate Of Time Use
I-8-4  The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light
I-8-5  Planet Velocity Analysis
I-8-6  The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion (Proves)
I-8-7    The total solar eclipse proves the sun rays is created by the gravitational waves motions and not by the sun nuclear fusion
I-8-1  The Solar System Creation Theory
The solar system is created from one energy- this energy is provided by one light beam its velocity is 1.16 million km per second (The velocity is proved in Part II, also this velocity disproves Einstein hypothesis)
From this energy the space is created and the energy is consumed in this creation and the rest energy after the space creation is found in One Wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s)
Shortly -We have 2 operations for the solar system creation-
(First Operation is the space creation) by this operation the energy of the original light beam (its velocity 1.16 million km per second) is consumed and that caused to decrease the speed and the rest energy is a wave moves by light speed (300000 km/s)  
(Second Operation is the planets creation)
The planets are created from this one wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s)
This idea is proved with powerful proves in (Part II) and I put this idea here to explain that the solar planets are created from the energy of this one wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) because this is the solar planets creation cornerstone
The Conclusion /The Solar System Is One Wave Moves By Speed Of Light (C=300000 km/s) Through the space-
1-8-2  The Solar Planets Creation
We know- The solar system is one wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s)
Through the space- (till now NO any planet is created)  
Now -The Solar System needs To Create A Stationary Point Its velocity Zero relative to the moving wave its velocity is 300000 km/s
This is the basic information in the solar system design-
The solar system needs to create a stationary point relative to the wave motion- by that – two velocities will be found which are (v1= the wave velocity 300000 km/s) and (v2= Zero= the stationary point relative to the wave motion)–these two velocities produce a relative motion with different velocity 300000 km/s– this relative motion is the solar system design cornerstone.
Notice– The solar system is one wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s), or the solar system is carried on light beam moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s),
Everything in the solar system is carried on this one light beam motion- and nothing is static- No stationary point can be found here-
This is similar to ships are found on the sea- nothing is stopped- all ships move and can't stop- because the motion is done forcedly by the sea waves.
The stationary point will be similar to the whirlpool (vortex) found on the sea page- 
We see the whirlpool doesn't move with the sea waves- for that the whirlpool can be considered as a stationary point relative to the sea waves.  
The solar system needs to create the stationary point
Now – let's try to create this stationary point in following
The solar system uses two procedures to do that,  
The first procedure
The wave its velocity 300000 km/s revolves around a point in space (any point in space), the revolution motion creates 2 equal velocities on both sides of the revolution- the two velocities are equal in value and opposite in direction- their total be equal Zero-means- the revolution motion creates a stationary point in the center of the revolution. 
The second procedure
The previous idea is correct- but –the velocity 300000 km/s is a huge one and to decrease it to Zero velocity this is a complex process– for that- the wave (300000 km/s) created small waves with low velocities to use them as steps to decrease the velocity to Zero- the small waves are The Planets- (The planet is a small wave moves by low velocity relative to the original wave its velocity 300000 km/s) 
Why Are These Small Waves Required?
Because the velocity 300000 km/s is decreased to Zero by using these small waves and their low velocities- the low velocities are used as steps to decrease the wave velocity (300000 km/s) to be (Zero)- this process decreases the velocity gradually from 300000 km/s to Zero depending on these small waves velocities (the planets velocities)  
Means- the planets are created for this process to decrease the wave velocity from 300000 km/s to Zero- and The Planet Is A Small Wave Moves By Low Velocity  
Shortly – the solar system has one complete system of velocities, Starting from Zero to 300000 km/s where the planets velocities are the steps between the two velocities –
Please note clearly this idea- because-
The solar system has one motor for all motions which is the wave motion by speed of light (300000 km/s) No any other motor is found in the solar system
The planets are similar to carriages in one train but the train engine is the light motion by that the only motor under all motions in the solar system is the wave motion (speed of light 300000 km/s)
So, we have to ask- how can any planet move by a velocity Less than (300000 km/s)?
Because – The Planets Use Different Rates Of Time-
The rates of time is created based on the velocities rates –
For example-
Mercury velocity =1.6 Earth velocity, for that, one hour of Mercury clock= 1.6 hours of the Earth clock and by that Mercury and the Earth move equal distances in equal periods of time. 
This is very important fact because – the light moves carrying all planets with it- Now the light moves (one motion) and passes (one distance) in (one period of time)
All planets will move (this same motion) and pass (this same distance) in (this same period of time)- but
We need different velocities for the planets to work as steps to decrease the velocity (300000 km/s) to Zero (Stationary point)- means- it's essential to have (different velocities) and that causes the using of the rates of time inevitable and essential method to enable the solar system to do its motion.
I-8-3 The Rate Of Time Use
(Part II) of this discussion explains all details of the rate of time use- here I put a summarized idea only to explain how the gravitational wave moves by speed of light
We agreed that, the solar system has one motor only which is the wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s)- means- no velocity can be less than speed of light unless it depends on a rate of time –
Means- all planets velocities are created based on rates of time- that causes the rates of time to be used in all motions in the solar system  
Let's remember,
Planet motion energy creates waves in the space- we remember the accurate vision- we observed one swimming fish, the fish hits the water by its tail and swims, that creates a wave in the sea and this wave moves by the fish velocity because of the reaction-
Similar to that, Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves and by its motion energy waves are created and these waves move by Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) – BUT- Mercury velocity is created based on a rate of time- that causes the waves motions use rates of time-   
I try to show how the gravitational waves motions depend on rates of time
For more clear vision
We have to consider that the solar system has one motor only and this motor is the wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) for that any motion in the solar system with velocity less than speed of light (must depend on rates of time)  
The rates of time = the velocities rate –
Let's remember out example
Mercury velocity =1.6 Earth velocity by that (One second of Mercury clock = 1.6 seconds of the Earth clock)– by this rate of time Mercury and the Earth move equal distances in equal periods of time -
We understand the reason- where
The planets are geometrical points on the same one light beam- and this light beam moves carrying all planets with it- and
The light moves one motion, passes one distance in one period of time, for that, all planets move this same motion, pass this same distance in this same period of time
the previous discussion will enable us to understand how the gravitational wave moves by speed of light, but the rates of time details are discussed in (Part II) of this discussion
I-8-4  The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light
Let's remember out equation
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2 where
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect for velocity 297000 km/s (= 0.99 C)
205.8 km/s = the 9 planets velocities total (176 km/s) + the Earth moon velocity
(The moon velocity =29.8 km/s = the Earth velocity because they revolve together)
Why does the data use the squared value (205.8)^2?
We know the answer- but - Let's remember it
The planets are geometrical points on the same light beam and move with its motion- for that- the planets velocities rates creates rates of time– for example-  Mercury velocity = 1.6 the Earth velocity- that means – one hour of Mercury clock = 1.6 hours of the Earth clock- as I have explained before 
Now- the velocity (205.8 km/s) move relative to the stationary point its velocity Zero (The Sun) and creates a rate of time (1 second = 205.8 seconds) –
(one second of the unified wave clock = 205.8 seconds of the stationary point clock) (The Sun Clock)  
But – the energy is reflected in the solar system (I prove that in point no.I-7-4),
The energy reflection reflects the players – means
(one second of the Sun clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock)
(one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of any planet clock) –
Now during one second of the sun clock, the wave clock needs 205.8 seconds while the wave moves by a velocity 205.8 km/s- means –
During one second of the sun clock, the wave moves 42253 km = 300000 km /7.1
By that the velocity is 42253 km/s which is equivalent to the speed of light
Notice 1
The wave (205.8 km/s) moves during 1461 seconds a distance = 300000 km, and we know the Earth cycle (1461 days = 365 +365 +365 +366)
That tells, the speed of light (300000 km/s) is performed by the rate of time and that causes to create the Earth cycle-   
Notice 2
My theory supposes to create a stationary point its velocity is Zero relative to the unified wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s)
But- this is NOT Fact- the stationary point velocity should be 1 km/s – because
The rate (1=205.8) depends on the velocities rate – means – the stationary point should be 1 km/s
BUT- Again – this is Not Fact –
The sun real velocity is (2 km/s) this velocity I concluded based on the sun rotation period- where the sun rotation period is (25.4 days at equator) and the sun circumference is 4.37 million km, this data tells the sun rotation is done by a velocity (2 km/s) and this value causes a real change in data- and –
Because the sun velocity should be (1 km/s) and the real velocity is (2 km/s) that causes the rate (2) to be used frequently in the sun rays creation process – as we will see that clearly in the data discussion. 
I-8-5  Planet Velocity Analysis
My 5th equation (v1v2=322)- the planets velocities prove it–let's see that in following  
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocities)  x 6.8 km/s  (Uranus velocities)                    
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2             
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2      
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)               
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity) (Max error 2%)
The previous data tells the planets velocities are defined by two features
(1st Feature)
The planets velocities are complementary one another –means - each planet velocity is complementary with another planet – means– The planets velocities are defined in pairs and not in single planets. 
(Notice, the inner planets orbital inclinations are defined by the rule (v1/v2), for example, Mercury orbital inclination 7 deg = Mercury velocity 47.4/ Uranus velocity 6.8- that proves the effect of the rule (v1v2=322) on the planet motion)
(2nd Feature)
Why the constant is 322 because
1160000 seconds = 322 hours – means- there's a light velocity = 1.16 million km /s and this light moves for one second passes 1160000 km but we see this distance as a period (1160000 seconds =322 hours)- and - the planets velocities are defined based on this velocity 1.16 million km /s
(I proved this light beam velocity is found in (Part II)
Ceres velocity tells the idea - Ceres is used as the origin point - as a result the outer planets be complementary with the inner planets – for that the rule (v1v2=322) controls the planets velocities.
The planets velocities are created based on one design- Ceres velocity is used as the origin point for this design
Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves during 6.8 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 47.4 hours a distance               = 1160000 km 
Mars (24.1 km/s) moves during 13.1 hours a distance                = 1160000 km 
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 24.1 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
(error 2%) - And
Earth (29.8 km/s) moves during 2 x 5.4 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves during 2 x 29.8 hours a distance        = 1160000 km 
Venus (35 km/s) moves during 2 x 4.7 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2 x 35 hours a distance               = 1160000 km 
(error 2%)
Notice - Saturn (9.7 km/s) moves during 33.2 hours a distance = 1160000 km 
(between 33.2 and Venus velocity 35 km/s the error 5%) 
The planets velocities definition depend on the speed of light 300000 km/s
As we have seen before
The 9 planets velocities total is 176 km/s (I add the Earth moon velocity 29.8 km/s)
The 10 planets velocities total is 205.8 km/s
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2
A velocity 297000 km (99% speed of light) causes Lorentz length contraction effect with the rate 7.1
The velocity (205.8 km/s) moves during 205.8 seconds a distance 42253 km
Where 300000 = 7.1 x 42253 km BUT 42253 = (205.8)^2
The squared value (205.8)^2 is found because of the used rate of time
Planet velocity analysis tries to prove that planet velocity is defined as a function in light velocity, and the light has 2 velocities – the known speed of light 300000 km/s and the original speed of light 1.16 million km per second – this velocity is proved with powerful data in (Part II)
Why is it necessary to review the planet velocity analysis here? 
Because the planet velocity analysis proves the sun is created after all planets creation and motion
Let's prove that in the next point
I-8-6  The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion (Proves)
We analyzed the planet velocity definition before, let's remember its basic feature  
We remember the rule (v1v2=322) (my 5th equation)– let's prove it
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocities)  x 6.8 km/s  (Uranus velocities)                    
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2             
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2      
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)               
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity) (Max error 2%)
The data tells
The Planets Velocities Are Defined Based On One Design
The planets are added in pairs in the solar group- means- No single planet can be added to the solar group
Now we have to ask
Can We Add A New Planet To The Solar Group?
Let's answer in following
I add a new planet after Pluto
I suppose the new planet orbital distance to be =7000 million km
This new planet velocity will be 4.3 km/s (We can define it by kepler law)
Now we need the complementary planet because of the rule (v1v2 =322)
(322 =4.3 x 75), means, the complementary planet velocity is 75 km/s   
Where can we find a planet its velocity 75 km/s? this planet must be in the distance between the Sun and Mercury –
This planet orbital distance should be 23.2 million km
(57.9/23.2) = (75/47.4)^2  where
(57.9 million km = Mercury Orbital Distance) and (47.4 km/s) Mercury velocity
Shortly –
It's hard to add any planet in the distance between Mercury and the Sun- means- we can't add any new planet to the solar group because of the Sun existence.
How Could The Found Planets Be Added To The Solar System?
The Sun is created after all planets creation and motion- means – after all planets be in their orbits the Sun is created-
In details-The planets were created in their orbits and revolve around a point of space, before the sun creation, and later the sun is created in this point of space around which the planets revolve
Because - technically-  the Sun existence prevents to add any new planet to the solar system and also the Sun existence prevents any planet to change its orbit
(For example- Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and Mars had migrated to its current orbit before the Sun creation And Mars couldn't return to its original orbit because of the Sun existence ) (Mars Migration is proved in the paper)  
I-8-7  The total solar eclipse proves the sun rays is created by the gravitational waves motions and not by the sun nuclear fusion
Let's ask
If the sun rays is produced by the gravitational waves motion energies and Not by the sun nuclear fusion process , what's The Essential Requirement to do this process? 
To answer we need to remember,
How Can The Light Beam Be Produced From The Gravitational Waves?
First, the gravitational waves should move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) and by the energy reflection, the velocities be squared and by that the speed of light (C) will be squared and produce (C^2) from this value the light beam will be created
That means-
The cornerstone here is to enable the gravitational wave to move by speed of light,
It's A Relative Motion
Let's suppose there are two neighbor points in Space, Point (A) and Point (B) 
Now, the gravitational wave moves by speed of light (relative to the point A) but the same gravitational wave moves by (50% of the speed of light) relative to the Point (B), in this case what would happen? 
The light beam will be created in point (A) and NOT in point (B)
Because, It's A Relative Motion,
Means, specific point moves relative to specific point
I try to show that, the sun position in the sky is defined based on geometrical design and with mathematical calculations because if the sun position in the sky is changed- the relative motion will be canceled and the process can NOT be done and NO light beam can be created.
In following I add the total solar eclipse data to show how accurate definition is used to define the sun position in the sky
4900 million km = 1.392 mkm x 3475 km = 406000 km x 12104 km = 384000 km x 12756 km = 363000 x 2 x 6792 km = 51118 km x 49528 km x 2 (Max error 3%)  where
4900 million km    = Jupiter Orbital Circumference
1.392 million km   = The Sun Diameter
3475 km                = The Moon Diameter
12104 km              = Venus Diameter
12756 km              = The Earth Diameter
6792 km                = Mars Diameter
406000 km            = The Moon Orbital Apogee Radius
384000 km            = The Moon Orbital Distance
363000 km            = The Moon Orbital Perigee Radius
The sun diameter / the moon diameter = Earth orbital distance / Earth moon distance
Data No. (2) shows why we see the sun disc = the moon disc and
data No.(1) shows there's even more complex and accurate system behind is found to support this result
The proportionality not only between the sun and the moon data but also all inner planets, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune all of them are players in this same proportionality proves that we see the sun disc equal the moon disc based on a accurate geometrical design found because of the sun creation process needed it 
The Conclusion
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion
(Part No. II) The Sun Rays Production Details
II- The Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time
Preface (Proved Facts)
The Rate Of Time Use Reason (The Solar System Creation Theory)
The Planet Creation and Motion Description
The Difficulty To Prove The Rate Of Time Use
The Rate Of Time Importance And Creation
The Energy Reflection Effect On The Rates Of Time 
(The Energy Reflection is explained and proved in Point No. 6)
The Solar System Main Rates Of Time
The Solar System Motion Depends on Mercury Clock
The Time Creation In The Solar System
The Earth Motion Effect On The Planets Motions Rates Of Time
The Rate Of Time Between Mercury And The Earth
The Rate Of Time Between Mercury And The Sun
The Rate Of Time Between The Sun And The Planets
The Rate Of Time Between The Sun And The Earth
Mercury behaves in place of the sun and The Earth in place of the planets
The Rate Of Time Of Saturn
The Rate Of Time Of Mars
 The Solar System Motion During 24 Hours Of Mercury Clock
 The Rate of time (1=1461)
II-20 The Used Rate Of Time For The Sun Rays Production
II-20-1 Preface
II-20-2 The Light Beam Production Method
II-20-3 The Light Beam Is Produced From (C^2)
II-20-4 The Earth Moon Motion Effect On The Sun Rays Production
II-20-5 The Solar System Motion Depends on Mercury Clock
II-20- 6 Mercury Day Period Problem
II-20-7 The Gravitational Waves move by speed of light (how)?
II-20-8   The Energy Reflection Effect
II-20-9   The rate (1=365.25) (the proves)
II-20-10 The Used Rate Of Time For The Light Beam Production
II-20-11 The Light Beam Production Process
II-21- 12 The Sun Rays Production Process Summary     
This part no (II) explains in details the sun rays production process, the discussions try to deepen our vision through the motions data to see accurately how the light production process is done- for that – many ideas are repeated in the discussions- also some same points are discussed by different sides- shortly- I try to show the picture from all sides and based on all data to see the complex process details- for that- the same points are discussed two or three times in some cases- I wish the respectful reader will not feel the boredom for the ideas repeating discussions because each new discussion for (the same ideas) provides more deep vision to see accurately what's happening really to produce Our Splendid Sun Rays
(Item no. 1) Preface (Proved Facts)
Let's remember this idea
Planet motion energy creates waves in the space-
The space is similar to the sea of water and planet motion creates waves in the space as fish motion creates waves in the sea- let's see the picture accurately,
We observe one swimming fish in the sea- the fish hits the sea water by its tail and pushes some water and by that the fish can swim and move- we conclude the water moves by a velocity Equal the fish velocity because of the reaction force.
Similar to that-
Mercury motion energy creates waves in the space- the wave velocity equal Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) because of the reaction force- means – all planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves move by these planets velocities- now these waves are similar to the water waves they move far from the source and can be reflected- now- because the planets revolve around the sun in the same one direction, the planets motions energies waves move in one direction toward Pluto (Perpendicular on the revolution direction) – and these waves are unified together in Pluto orbit and by that one unified wave is produced moves by 176 km/s (the 9 planets velocities total)-
And this wave (176 km/s) is reflected from Pluto to Venus- and finally
There's one wave revolves around The Sun its velocity (205.8 km/s)
(because the energy is stored finally in the Earth moon orbit that necessitates to add the moon velocity to the total 176+29.8 = 205.8 km/s)
I claim these waves are the gravitational waves, the scientists called them wrongly (gravitational) supposing that they are created by the sun gravitational field- I proved that (The sun does NOT create a gravitational field) and these waves are produced by the planets motions energies.
(Notice. The reflection of energy will be explained here)
Shortly, this fact tells one wave revolves around the Sun its velocity is 205.8 km/s
Means-while we see the planets revolution, this wave revolves also but we don't see it
We know, There's One Wave In The Space Revolves Around The Sun Its Velocity= 205.8 km/s 
The Sun motion velocity is (1km/s=zero approximately), means, The sun is stationary point- here we have a relative motion between 2 velocities
The wave velocity (205.8 km/s) and the sun velocity (Zero approximately)-
This relative motion is the solar system design cornerstone because
In this relative motion the planet motion energy is stored-   
Let's explain that
Planet motion energy is stored in the space in waves form, and this energy created the one wave revolves around the sun its velocity (205.8 km/s) but
The planets still move and produce motions energies- means- more energy need to be stored- for that- the rate of time is used to increase the capacity of the energy storing.
Let's use example
One hour of Mercury clock = 24 hours of Pluto clock-
This rate means –
While Mercury moves in a solar day (24 hours) a distance 4.09 million km, Pluto moves in this same period a distance= 9.7 million km, because, (24 hours) of Mercury clock = 24 solar days of Pluto clock- that shows in the same period Pluto moves a distance longer than double Mercury motion distance 
All These Motions Energies Are Transformed Into Waves In The Space- And All Of Them Are Parts In The One Unified Wave- Means- Pluto Motion Contributes In The One Unified Wave By Energy More Than Mercury Motion Energy- that increase the capacity to store the energy
That explains how the rate of time using effect on the planets motions
A Question - Why Should The Energy Be Accumulated?
Because, we need to use the energy and the less amount energy can't be useful and we need massive amount of energy to use it- 
Shortly, the sun rays is created from this stored energy and the light beam production process need massive energy, and the planet motion energy is very small amount of energy can't produce any light beam, for that, the planets motions energies have to be stored and accumulated to create the required quantum of energy which is sufficient to produce the light beam.
Here there are 2 facts we need to consider
There's a relative motion between the unified wave (205.8 km/s) and the sun point (1 km/s), All planets motions energies are put in this relative motion- by that, the planets be similar to fingers and this relative motion is the hand of these fingers- No planet motion energy is used out of this relative motion-
Now the relative motion has 2 velocities, the unified wave (205.8 km/s) and the sun point (1 km/s), and the planets still move and add more motion energies – this more motion energies increase the different velocity 205.8 km/s gradually till this velocity be equal speed of light 300000 km/s - The light beam is produced based on this high velocity
Let's remember the proof
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
The article tells- the gravitational waves can move by high velocity and can produce A Light Beam– means- the different velocity should b increased from 205.8 km/s to speed of light (300000 km/s) to produce the light beam
(notice, I have proved the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by the sun gravitational field)
Planet Creation details can help greatly because it gives another vision for this same fact- it's discussed in item (no.3)- 
(THIRD FACT) There Are Relativistic Effects In The Solar System
The relativistic effects are proved because they effect on the planets data – means- because the solar system have relativistic effects, the planets data are effected by these relativistic effects 
The relativistic effects prove there's a high velocity motion found in the solar system, by that, the gravitational waves move by speed of light is a fact proved by the relativistic effects found in the solar system –
Please note- the relativistic effects in the solar system depends on the rate (7.1) while the planets velocities analysis shows this same rate (7.1) proves the high velocity motion is a real motion in the solar system
The relativistic effects are proved in point No. (5)
(FOURTH FACT) The Energy Is Reflected In The Solar System
We agreed, the planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves move toward Pluto, and these waves are unified together into one unified wave its velocity= 205.8 km/s (The planets velocities total) and then the wave is reflected toward Venus- in fact- the unified wave is reflected three times in the solar system   
First time, the wave is reflected from Pluto toward Venus – Means, the wave is reflected from Pluto to Neptune then to Uranus to Saturn to Jupiter to Venus
Second time, in Saturn, the wave is reflected inside Saturn body one more time, by that Saturn body works as mirrors and the energy is reflected between them- then the energy left Saturn moves in its original direction toward Venus
Third time, Venus reflects the energy toward Mars, and the energy finally is sorted in the Earth moon orbit between Venus and Mars   
The reflection of energy is very important because of many reasons we should study but here I refer to one reason only
The reflection of energy causes to reflect the planets data-
what's used as (A) before the reflection will be used as (1/A) after the reflection-
what's used as (a period of time) before the reflection will be used as (a distance) after the reflection – and vice versa
these effects on the data is very important because it explains why the planets data is reflected on one another- and that also proves the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by a gravitational field because the data is belonged to the planets–and the reflection is done by the waves–here the gravitational field has no any effect.
the reflection of energy is proved by strong proves in point no. (6)
(Item no. 2) The Rate Of Time Use Reason (The Solar System Creation Theory)
The solar system is created from one energy- in details
The planets matters and their distances are created from one energy –this energy is provided by one light beam– and this light beam moves by a velocity 1.16 million km per second- the energy is consumed in the space and time creation- the energy consumption caused to decrease the light velocity and the rest energy is one light beam its velocity 300000 km/s (the known speed of light) 
The space and time creation is done by the equation (1.16/0.3) x 2π = 24.3
The equation tells, the space is created in curved lines (2π) and the time is created based on the solar day (24 hours) (later the reason will be explained)
Notice-the space is created from the energy (1.16 million km/ second) but the planets are created from the energy (300000 km/s)- the planets are created after the space.  
We realize this is the same one light beam and the two velocities are found as a result for the energy consumption in the space creation.
Shortly the space is created by the energy (1.16 mkm/s) but in this space there's one wave moves by 300000 km/s from this wave the planets are created 
Shortly- the planets matters and their distances are created from One Light Beam Energy- The planets are geometrical points found on this one light beam- by that the planets are similar to knots (or nodes) on ONE rope or cable.  
The planets are carried on this light beam and move by this light beam motion
By that- The Planets Are Similar To Carriages In One Train- and the light beam motion is this train engine- the light moves carrying all planets with it- 
Light moves one motion and passes one distance in one period of time- The planets have to move this same motion and pass this same distance in this same period of time- BUT –
The planets velocities are less than light velocity for that the planets use rates of time for their motions–by the rates of time- the planets move equal distances in equal periods of time and this distance equal also the light motion distance.
For example-
Mercury velocity = 1.6 the Earth velocity- that means – one hour of Mercury clock = 1.6 hours of the Earth clock- Why??
Because Mercury and the Earth are carried by the same one light beam motion- the light moves one motion and passes one distance in one period of time- by that Mercury and the Earth have to move this same motion and to pass this same distance in this same period of time- but the two planets velocities are different- for that- the planets use different rates of time based on their velocities rates and by that the planets move equal distances in the same period of time – that's the reason to use the rates of time-
The Velocity 1.16 Million Km Per Second (The Proves)
(first proof) Planet Velocity Analysis  
I have discovered a rule tells (v1v2=322) (my fifth equation)– let's prove it
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity)  x 6.8 km/s  (Uranus velocity)                         
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2             
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2      
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)               
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity) (Max error 2%)
The data tells the planets velocities are created complementary one another and based on this constant (322)- but why the constant equal =322? 
1160000 seconds = 3600 x 322 hours – means
Mercury (47.4km/s) moves a distance 1160000 km in a period (6.8 hours) and Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves a distance 1160000 km in a period (47.4 hours) – that proves the constant 322 depends on the velocity 1160000 km/s–means- All planets velocities are defined based on this velocity 1160000 km/s which proves this velocity is a fact
(The inner planets orbital inclinations are defined by the rule (v1/v2), for example, Mercury orbital inclination 7 deg = Mercury velocity 47.4/ Uranus velocity 6.8 that proves the effect of the rule (v1v2=322) on the planet motion)
(Second proof) The planets orbital circumferences total
100733 million km = 86400 seconds x 1160000 km/s
(100733 million km= The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total)
Means- the velocity 1160000 km/s passes per solar day (86400 s) a distance =100733 million km= The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total 
Shortly- the planets orbits are defined based on this velocity-
Notice / the planets motions distances total in 1461 solar days = 25920 million km = the distance is passed by light known speed (300000 km/s) in one solar day (86400s)
(1461 days = the Earth cycle = 365 +365 +365 +366)
(the distances total=the 9 planets motions distance + the Earth moon motion distance)
(Third proof) The Planets Distances Creation
The planets distances are created depending on this velocity (1160000 km/s), let's prove that,
778.6 million km (Jupiter orbital distance) = 1160000 km/s x 671 seconds
721 million km (Jupiter Mercury distance) = 1160000 km/s x 629 seconds
629 million km (Jupiter Earth distance)      = 1160000 km/s x 551 seconds
4900 million km (Jupiter Orbital Circumference)= 1160000 km/s x 2094 seconds x 2
5906 million km (Pluto Orbital Distance)= 1160000 km/s x 5127 seconds
671 million km = Jupiter Venus distance
551 million km = Jupiter Mars distance
5127 million km = Jupiter Pluto distance
Shortly, the light beam its velocity 1160000 km/s uses the distances as periods of time to create more distances based on one another– for that- the distances are created as one network and one group- Jupiter distances proves this fact clearly-  
We remember also the creation equation (1.16/0.3) x 2π = 24.3 by which the space and time are created- the equation tells- all distances are created in curves (2π) and all periods are created based on the solar day (24 hours)
This data tries to prove the velocity 1.16 million km/s is a fact and my paper provides more proves for this fact-
(Item no. 3) The Planet Creation and Motion Description
Before the solar planets creation
The solar system energy was found in one wave moves by speed of light 300000 km/s- Means-
The solar system is one wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s)
The Solar System needs To Create A Stationary Point Its velocity Zero relative to the moving wave its velocity is 300000 km/s
This is the basic information in the solar system design-
The solar system needs to create a stationary point relative to the wave motion- by that – two velocities will be found which are (v1= the wave its velocity 300000 km/s) and (v2= Zero= the stationary point relative to the wave motion)–these two velocities produce a relative motion with different velocity 300000 km/s– this relative motion is the solar system design cornerstone.
Notice– The solar system is carried by the light beam motion, NO stationary point can be found here – it's similar to a ship on this sea water- Nothing can stop- because the motion is done forcedly by the sea water –
The stationary point will be similar to the whirlpool (vortex) on the sea page- 
The solar system needs to create this stationary point
Now – let's try to create this stationary point in following
The solar system uses two procedures to do that,  
The first procedure
The wave its velocity 300000 km/s revolves around a point in space (any point in space), the revolution motion creates 2 equal velocities on both sides of the revolution- the two velocities are equal in value and opposite in direction- their total be equal Zero-means- the revolution motion creates a stationary point in the center of the revolution. 
The second procedure
The previous idea is correct- but –the velocity 300000 km/s is a huge one and to decrease it to Zero velocity this is a complex process– for that- the wave (300000 km/s) created small waves with low velocities to use them as steps to decrease the velocity to Zero- the small waves are The Planets- (The planet is a small wave moves by low velocity relative to the original wave its velocity 300000 km/s) 
Why Are These Small Waves Required?
Because the velocity 300000 km/s is decreased to Zero by using these small waves and their low velocities- the low velocities are used as steps to decrease the unified wave velocity (300000 km/s) to be (Zero)- this process decreases the velocity gradually from 300000 km/s to Zero depending on these small waves velocities (the planets velocities)  
Means- the planets are created for this process to decrease the wave velocity from 300000 km/s to Zero- and The Planet Is A Small Wave Moves By Low Velocity  
Shortly – the solar system has one complete system of velocities, Starting from Zero to 300000 km/s where the planets velocities are the steps between the two velocities – let's prove that here
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2 where
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect for velocity 297000 km/s (99% of speed of light)
205.8 km/s = the 9 planets velocities total (176 km/s) + the Earth moon velocity
(The moon velocity =29.8 km/s = the Earth velocity because they revolve together)
Why does the data use the squared value (205.8)^2?
We know the answer- but - Let's remember it
The planets are geometrical points on the same light beam and move with its motion- for that- the planets velocities rates creates rates of time– for example-  Mercury velocity = 1.6 the Earth velocity- that means – one hour of Mercury clock = 1.6 hours of the Earth clock- Why??
Because Mercury and the Earth are carried by the same one light beam- the light moves one motion and passes one distance in one period of time- by that Mercury and the Earth have to move this same motion and to pass this same distance in this same period of time- but the two planets velocities are different- for that- the planets use different rates of time based on their velocities rates and by that the planets move equal distances in the same period of time –
Now- the velocity (205.8 km/s) move relative to the stationary point (Zero) and creates a rate of time (1 second = 205.8 seconds) –
(one second of the unified wave clock = 205.8 seconds of the stationary point clock)
But – the energy is reflected in the solar system (I prove that in point no.6),
The energy reflection reflects the players – means
(one second of the stationary point clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock)
The stationary point will be THE SUN – by that
(one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock) – means
(one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of any planet clock) –
Now during one second of the sun clock, the wave clock needs 205.8 seconds while the wave moves by a velocity 205.8 km/s- means –
During one second of the sun clock, the wave moves 42253 km = 300000 km /7.1
That creates the different velocity 300000 km/s between the sun motion and the wave motion-
Notice 1
The wave (205.8 km/s) moves during 1461 seconds a distance = 300000 km, and we know the Earth cycle (1461 days = 365 +365 +365 +366)
That tells, the speed of light (300000 km/s) is performed by the rate of time and that causes to create the Earth cycle-   
Notice 2
Planet velocity is created by the rate of time- means- if no rate of time can be used – No planet velocity can be created – instead- all motions will be only by speed of light (300000 km/s)- the planet can create a small velocity because it can use rate of time
We realize that clearly because
The planets motions depend on the light motion- by that – the motion is done by One Motor only which moves by speed of light (300000 km/s), the planets can only move by speed of light or create a rate of time for their smaller velocities - No more options are provided.  
(Item no. 4) The Difficulty To Prove The Rate Of Time Use
The idea is a simple but it causes a shock – let's summarize it here
The planets are geometrical points found on the same one light beam- that means- these planets move (The Same One Motion)
The solar group is similar to one train and the planets are this train carriages and the light motion is this train engine – simply- they all move ONE MOTION-
Means- the motion is transported from a planet to another and the reflection of energy proves that –
This fact we have to know before to discover the rates of time use- because –
We need to compare the planets motions data to discover the used rates of time
Only the comparison of the motions data can discover the rates of time
The problem is that, the physicist considers each planet motion is independent from the other motions and depend on this planet mass- 
Here we see the major difficulty-
Let’s use example for explanation
Imagine there are 9 waterwheels are built on one canal,
This idea tells us how (each waterwheel rotation has effect on the others) and by that the group rotations can create One Motion for the canal water
By that, the comparison between the waterwheel can explain each motion features,
On the other side, the physicist considers each planet motion independent and based on its mass only, for that, the comparison is useless for him
Shortly, The observation can NOT discover the rates of time using and we need to compare each planet motion features and data based on a hypothesis tells (the planets motions are unified into One Unified Motion), this is the method to discover the rates of time using, while the physicist considers each planet motion is independent, that creates impossibility for him to discover this fact.
(Item no. 5) The Rate Of Time Importance And Creation
The rate of time creation
The rate of time is created as a rate between the velocities –
Means – (v1/v2) = the rate of time between the two planets
For example – Mercury velocity =1.6 Earth velocity for that one hour of Mercury clock = 1.6 hours of the Earth clock and by that the two planets move equal distances in equal periods of time
The reflection of energy causes to square the rate of time- Saturn is example-
(One Hour Of Mercury Clock =24 Hours Of Any Planet Clock)
This is a main rate of time in the solar system
But –
The energy is reflected in Saturn that caused the value (24) to be squared and be (576) by that
(One Hour Of Mercury Clock =24 Hours Of Any Planet Clock)
And (One Hour Of Mercury Clock =576 Hours Of Saturn Clock)
And (One Hour Of Any Planet =24 Hours Of Saturn Clock)
This is resulted by the energy reflection in Saturn and the reflection in different planets cause similar effects we should study in details
Notice- the rate of time is created between motions basically, for that, the same planets can have many rates of time based on their different motions 
For example –
The sun moves a distance = 2.59 million km in (365.25 days of the Earth clock) and
The Earth moves a distance=2.74 million km in solar day of the Earth clock (error 1%)
By that the rate (one hour of the sun clock = 365.25 hours of the Earth clock) be created- I prove this fact in item no. (II-20)
But I refer to it here because I want to show, The Rate Of Time Is Defined Based On The Passed Distances Rates Whatsoever The Moving Point Is- because – the whole solar system is carried by one light beam – for that – any relative motion is done should be considered based on this light beam motion – because this light motion is the motor for all motions be done in the solar system.  
The rate of time importance
The Rate Of Time Creates The Harmony Between The Planets And Light Motion.
The Rate Of Time Enables The planet small motion energy to be stored and accumulated and to be sufficient to produce a light beam.
The planets motions should produce a light beam, because, the motion energy can't be stored in the space forever, by that, there's a necessity to produce the light beam- spite the planet motion energy is very small relative to the light beam energy but the planet motion has a necessity to produce the light beam to create an outlet for the stored energy- that shows – the rate of time is a vital tool can't work without.
The rate of time controls the moving energy amount from a point to another-means – the rate of time works as organizer for the moving energy amount- it's similar to arches on water which organizes the passing amount of water.    
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
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mumblingstudent · 11 months
Физика как наука? Важнейшие этапы истории физики?
Физика - наука, изучающая неживую природу: вещества и поля. Изучает общие формы движения материи и их взаимные превращения.
В зависимости от типа движения и физических объектов выделяют следующие разделы:
статистическая физика и термодинамика;
электричество и магнетизм;
колебания и волны;
квантовая физика.
Физика базируется на величинах. В 1982 году в нашей стране ввели международную систему единиц СИ. Основные единицы измерения:
длина - метр (м)
время - секунда (с)
масса - килограмм (кг)
количество вещества - моль (моль)
термодинамическая температура - кельвин (К)
сила электрического тока - ампер (А)
сила света - кандела (кд)
Дополнительные единицы измерения:
плоский угол - радиан (рад)
телесный угол - стерадиан (ср)
Развитие физики началось в 17 веке, благодаря Галилею.
Механика появилась у древних египтян и греков. Начало ей положено в трудах Аристотеля в 3 веке до н.э. Основные положения описаны в 1687 году Исааком Ньютоном.
Основы термодинамики были описаны в труде Сади Карно в 1824 году.
В 1831 Майкл Фарадей открыл электрическую индукцию.
В 1869 году Менделеев открыл периодический закон -> развитие учения об атомах и химических явлений. В 1897 году был открыт электрон.
В 70-х годах 19-го века Максвелл создал теорию электромагнитных процессов и пришёл к выводу, что электромагнитная энергия может распространяться в виде волн. В 1888 году Герц подтвердил это.
Дата рождения квантовой механики - 1924 год. Луи де Бройль предположил, что корпускулярно-волновая двойственность свойств (*что-то на квантофизическом*) характерна не только для света.
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hint · 1 year
об эвфемизменной терминологии
Дифференциальные уравнения, квантовая механика, марксизм-ленинизм и DevOps - это взрослый контент.
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garrettherrderleere · 2 years
Теория струн
определимся, как построены теории в науке. Все они — математическая модель, описывающая мир с некоторой погрешностью. Существует множество теорий. Чтобы хоть что-то понять, нам нужно получить базовое представление и о некоторых других теориях.
1. Общая Теория Относительности (ОТО) — объясняет природу гравитации, хорошо работает на макро-расстояниях (больших расстояниях).
2. Квантовая Теория Поля — не работает на макро-расстояниях, только на микро.
Эти две теории, применяемые на одном расстоянии, конфликтуют друг с другом. Но интуиция подсказывает, что наша реальность не должна быть так устроена. Ведь должна быть теория, работающая одинаково хорошо на всех расстояниях. Конфликт Теории относительности и Теории поля как раз устраняется Теорией струн.
Различные вещества состоят из молекул, которые состоят из атомов, далее субатомы (кварки), а за ними одномерные вибрирующие образования струны. Особенность Теории Струн состоит в том, что в ней кирпичиками выступают не частицы, а ультрамикроскопические квантовые струны, которые совершают колебания. Струна с более высокой частотой колебания, проявляется, как частица с большей массой. Здесь важно понимать, что струна не представляет собой никакую материю, а по сути является энергией, и поэтому Теория струн как бы намекает, что всё, что существует, состоит из энергии.
Представим огонь. Когда вы на него смотрите, кажется, что он материален, вроде бы как объект, который можно потрогать, но на деле — просто энергия, которую нельзя потрогать. Только в отличие от огня, через струну или струны нельзя пропустить руку, так как колеблющаяся струна — это как бы возбужденное состояние пространства, которое становится осязаемым.
В настоящее время нам известно четыре измерения: длина, ширина, высота и время. По математическим подсчетам теории струн получается, что на самом деле измерений больше. Одна из причин, почему мы не можем наблюдать остальные измерения — локализация — состоит в том, что дополнительные измерения не столь малы, однако в силу ряда причин все частицы нашего мира локализованы на четырёхмерном листе в многомерной вселенной (мультивселенной) и не могут его покинуть. Этот четырёхмерный лист (брана) и есть наблюдаемая часть мультивселенной. Поскольку мы, как и вся наша техника, состоим из обычных частиц, то мы в принципе неспособны взглянуть вовне.
Единственная возможность обнаружить присутствие дополнительных измерений — гравитация. Гравитация, будучи результатом искривления пространства-времени, не локализована на бране, и потому гравитоны и микроскопические чёрные дыры могут выходить вовне. В наблюдаемом мире такой процесс будет выглядеть как внезапное исчезновение энергии и импульса, уносимых этими объектами.
И тут, как часто бывает в физике, возникает стандартная проблема: Теория струн нуждается в экспериментальной проверке, однако ни один из вариантов теории не даёт однозначных предсказаний, которые можно было бы проверить в эксперименте. Таким образом, Теория струн находится в «зачаточной стадии»: она обладает множеством привлекательных математических особенностей и может стать чрезвычайно важной в понимании устройства Вселенной, но требуется дальнейшая разработка для того, чтобы принять её или отвергнуть. Поскольку Теорию струн, скорее всего, нельзя будет проверить в обозримом будущем в силу технологических ограничений, некоторые учёные сомневаются, заслуживает ли данная теория статуса научной, поскольку, по их мнению, она не соответствует критерию Поппера (нефальсифицируема).
{статья с Пикабу}
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coznanie · 2 years
Всё есть Сознание, и Сознание это Бог.
Всё есть энергия, но откуда она взялась?... Ничего не возникает из ниоткуда и никуда не исчезает. Так откуда же всё взялось? ...
Сознание создает энергию. Всё есть Сознание, Сознанием творится, Сознание и есть Бог. И мы - его творения, его роли, его одновременно частицы и всё оно.
Сознание в нас, оно безгранично. Можно сказать, это мы в своих телах ограниченны, ибо считаем себя телами.
Сознание можно сравнить с безграничным океаном без низа, верха и берегов, а нас каплями в нём. Но можно ли разделить океан на капли, если разделять некуда, всё кругом океан?
Наше ощущение отдельности создано иллюзией ума - эго. Ум - это тоже энергия, но более низкого порядка, он создает иллюзию индивидуальности, отдельности. Именно эго даёт нам ощущение, что мы не океан, а капли.
Двойственность свойственна эго, она же его ограничивает и лишает безграничного знания. Что может знать капля и что безграничный океан Сознания? Эго не знает, оно невежественно, ограниченно формой ( телом). Сознание же безгранично, всё в нем, всё Оно - живое, творящее в самом себе Сознание. Именно оно создает энергии разной частотности, а они формы, которые мы наблюдаем как физический мир, оно и есть главная творящая Энергия. Именно поэтому оно - Бог.
Квантовая физика о частице и волне вам в помощь. Мы одновременно и частицы, и волна, - эго-частица, считающее себя отдельным, и Сознание-волна, вернее, безграничный океан живого Сознания.
Вспомните опыт: мы видим частицы, пока наблюдаем, но как только не смотрим, частицы превращаются в волны. Есть наблюдатель ( мы) - мир превращается в частицы ( физический мир). Нет наблюдателя - нет ничего. Двойственность. Одновременно мир и частицы, и волна - и физический, и духовный ( чистое Сознание). Всё просто.
Бог не дядька на небе, Бог это безграничное творящее, живое Сознание. Как вы можете описать то, что безгранично и, поэтому, не имеет формы? Только ограниченное, глупое эго ограничивает и Бога, придавая ему форму и помещая куда-то далеко в небо, ибо капля не ведает, что она океан.
Бог безграничен и повсюду - Сознание, безграничный Разум, Атман, Брахман, как угодно называйте То, что творит все формы и реальности. Безграничное невозможно описать, у безграничности нет формы, потому что она безгранична. Но так как Сознание творит, то оно может принимать любую форму. Поэтому люди представляют своим ограниченным умом Бога по-разному, он даже национальность и качества у каждой народности имеет свои, свойственные этому народу. Однако, всё это лишь представления ограниченного эго-ума капли.
Всё создается безграничным Сознанием, вернее, всё в нем уже есть, просто мы наблюдаем то, что уже существует, подобно тому как луч фонаря освещает темную комнату. Наши мысли, представления, фантазии ведь нереальны, но мы видим то, что представляем. Возможно ли видеть то, чего нет? Но в том-то и дело, что всё уже есть, просто мы как Сознание это видим, а как тело - это для нас лишь представления, нереально.
Кстати, сны относятся туда же. Разве вы сомневаетесь, когда их видите, что бы невероятное там ни происходило? Как можно видеть то, чего, вроде бы, не существует? Но вот именно, что существует. В безграничном пространстве Сознания есть всё.
И для Сознания всё реально. Само творит, само наблюдает. Невозможно наблюдать то, чего не существует, поэтому сны - такие же реальности для Сознания, как для эго его реальность.
Сознание в вас и повсюду. Безграничное в ограниченном. Сознание - творец и наблюдатель одновременно.
Вы - хоть и бесконечно маленький и ограниченный своим бесконечно малым эго по сравнению с безграничным Сознанием, но творец и наблюдатель своей маленькой реальности. Каждый из нас.
Именно поэтому именно мы своим мышлением творим свою реальность. Мышление у эго глупое, ограниченное, эгоистичное. Оно не понимает, что отделенность его иллюзорна, что оно частица и волна одновременно, что создавая зло, оно вредит себе же, а создавая добро, оно делает добро себе же. Мы, капли, есть единый, безграничный океан Сознания. Выйдите из своего эго, творите разумно.
Даже осознавая, что мир двойственен и иллюзорен, одновременно и есть, и нет, что наблюдаемый мир подобен сну, всё же, гораздо приятнее смотреть добрые, прекрасные, приятные сны, чем кошмары, не так ли?
Мы создаем всё это. Мы воспринимаем свои сны как реальность. Так почему бы не творить прекрасный мир? ...
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