#—◆ ic | that means i'm abnormal. . . probably because i've seen far too many abnormal things
naitfall · 4 months
@gyofukuki replied:
isa vc: beast levi emerges victorious!
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Not a beast, Isabel. Wrong choice of words, Isabel.
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moved-naitfall · 11 months
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@worldhell asked:
" i stayed. " - from farlan !!!
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the receiver has told the sender that they haven't slept for several days due to intense nightmares, and asks them to stay the night so that they might be able to sleep. send in " i stayed. " for the receiver to waken the next morning and find the sender to still be sitting by their bedside, having stayed the whole night to ensure they slept.
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Change. Contrary to popular belief, Levi despised change of things. Adaptability may be a strength of his — he'd be the first to change himself whenever needed in order to survive under any circumstances — but far too attached to any sentiments made as he was, far too accustomed to letting go of everything important, he'd come to despite change. If only he could go back to their first home, the place Farlan and Isabel made their own. If only he could go back to the same morning routine from when his squad was still alive. If only he didn't have to witness the command of the Survey Corps change hands. Far too attached, yet the first to deny the shackles of the past in order to keep moving forward.
Suddenly, they had found themselves in a situation where nothing was the same. A world without Titans, a dream far too unrealistic to have come true. Enemies to their supposed homeland Paradis — the two of them had nowhere to belong, not really, citizens of the underground, of darkness. Having killed sacrificed one of their own ( they weren't that unfamiliar with it, were they? ), someone placed under his care, Eren, the one Levi used to believe was humanity's hope. Having survived long after they had submitted to certain death.
Farlan was alive. They had lost everything along the way, but they hadn't lost each other. Fighting was over, even if only temporarily. Fighting for their lives was over.
He couldn't recall when was the last time he had slept in a bed, mattress and all. Their roles reversed, the one sitting in the chair watching after him, being Farlan. For long Levi hadn't been able to sleep at all, his mind beginning to deteriorate as days passed and he couldn't close his eyes for longer than a few minutes. Insomnia had kept him company for years, since he lost his mother, but its leash had never been this tight, suffocating him, until he couldn't any longer breathe on his own. Weakness of body and mind wasn't entirely unfamiliar to him, yet this would make it the first time he'd allow the other see him in this pathetic state ( a state he couldn't help )— or so he thought.
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Who would have thought, nightmares would come to haunt him the most when the real nightmare was over? He hadn't exactly asked Farlan to stay — the two didn't need words to communicate. The other had noticed, the only one who watched him same way Levi watched others, with piercing concern. ❝ Thank you. ❞ Showing gratitude wasn't what was painful, but once again relying on him, once again placing more weight on his shoulders than he was supposed to carry. His driving force he had been for many years — living for Farlan, to protect him, care for him, stay human for him, from when they were both young and full of grand dreams of sunlight. How could Levi keep holding him down, to his own darkness? If only he wasn't certain Farlan wouldn't let go.
He grabbed the cane by his bedside, attempting to get up with intention to get to the kitchen, before deciding otherwise, a sigh following his frustration. ❝ Have you eaten anything? ❞ Still recovering, still healing, still struggling on getting used to his body failing him. He wasn't supposed to be moving much, but he couldn't stay in one place either. Stubborn even when pain meddled with his ability to think, to act, to pretend to be his normal self.
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naitfall-ii · 2 years
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spezialistin asked:
“ i've got nowhere else to be.” ( @sogekihei )
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hurt comfort prompts
What was she fighting for? A more just society? A new order of things? Retaliation ? Heroes and villains often were sides of the same coin — abusing power, forcing their sense of morality on those who lacked in strength or will. Levi, having been labeled with both names, never claimed to belong to any. Morality to him, was another mystery meant to remain unsolved. Was the heart meant to follow the rules society had set — adjust to the norms time and catastrophe had shaped through the eons of human existence — or was it meant to listen to its own rhythm, ignoring all else? Another question, whose answer would remain secret, while he battled for his own ideals, whether right or wrong.
Looking back at his years as a criminal, he saw a cornered man, trying to earn his place in the world using the only means he ever had known. His hands, stained with blood, as much as hers was. Did he have regrets for who he used to be? If so, he wouldn't be the man he was to this day. If so, they wouldn't be standing in front of one another. Time had taught him one could keep moving forward, only that way — free of shackles like guilt or regrets to bound him.
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A shelter his place would be, even if endangering the fragile peace he had recently found. Deciding his course of action, guided by what his instincts told him, what his eyes recognized in people, defying reason to normally command he shouldn't be harboring her. “ I see. ” Their estranged bond was meant to be tested — both sides forced to trust one other. He left the room for a moment, returning with what she'd need for a bath, and clean clothes that'd supposedly fit her. “ You should take a bath. I'll prepare dinner in the meantime. ” His way of giving her the space and time she needed for herself.
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knightinoldarmor · 2 years
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@imstarwalkin tried to kill my muse and asked:
[ DISCOVER ]  for receiver to find sender at the end of a trail of blood. (from farlan - TOO SOON, I KNOW, BUT HE LIVES OK)
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even more injury memes
[ DISCOVER ]  for receiver to find sender at the end of a trail of blood. 
tw: injury
In this dirty, rotten hole in the world, forming bonds was a fairytale not even children bought. Family or friends, were notions those in the underground had forgotten about. Yet, for some mysterious unknown reason, life had brought them together. They weren't allies, like they had agreed at the start. Their relationship had grown to something more deep, something more precious, when nothing of such worth lasted in this dark place. What he'd protect with his whole being. Levi would give his life for Farlan, he'd give up on his humanity if he had to — a sacrifice that probably didn't mean as much, considering how much was left of it. It was him he'd fight for, holding onto the last thing to bring light to his life, a light stronger than that of a sun they hadn't known.
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“ Words can't buy everyone. You should have known this already. ” There were times when he'd wonder how he had survived all the years they hadn't known each other. His damn arrogance was to blame, the idiotic belief he could manipulate everyone to his wants. Words weren't as convincing as terror was, the reason he wished he would have been there, certain they wouldn't dare to make a move while he was around. Different was their power, and they were invincible TOGETHER. “ What were you thinking? I told you to wait for me. ” Those who did this to him wouldn't last the day, that was for certain, but now, he had to make sure Farlan would.
His blood was boiling with rage, but he had to find the cool to patch him up properly. He wasn't mad at them, he knew the scum they were, and how they would have eventually ended up at the edge of his blade. Neither he was at Farlan, having come at peace with his flaws a while ago. It was himself he was furious at. For not having predicted the outcome, for being too careless. Such a blunder could have cost the other's life, and Levi was no amateur. Used to fighting on his own all these years, he hadn't been prepared to be responsible for another life, and the effect it'd have on him. Farlan was the one bleeding, but his own heart had stopped — even for a second. When did he sign up for this?
Crouching down to his level, fingers carefully slid into the open injury, examining the severity of it. The cut on his stomach was deep, but he'd make it. It was obvious whoever did it, it was their first time. A sloppy work, and the reason he was still breathing. Taking off his shirt, he began to tear it into strips, so he could use them as bandages. For the most part, he worked in silence, ice blue eyes glancing at his every few seconds, both to check on his condition, his reaction to pain, and to remind him with his sharp gaze that once he felt better, he'd pay for this.
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a-darknessbaund · 2 years
semi-plotted random starter for the wonderful @withsorrowandregret and gangsters Chuuya and Levi
Levi wasn't a man to avoid conflict. He believed it to be the goad for any rotten parts in a supposed relationship to surface, pinpoint, cut off, in order to rebuild on steadier foundations. Mutual misunderstandings would be solved, expectations would be compromised, and if needed, ties would be cut. Their case wasn't any different. Patiently he waited for what the outcome was going to be, curious for his ‘ partner's ’ reaction, for Chuuya to begin to show his real colors. Tribulation was required to get to know someone for real, after all.
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He had taken seat, polishing his blade with a piece of cloth at hand, his attention being interrupted only when he heard the other walk in. His shoes were dirty, but he could let it slide, for now. “ I believe you agree I had to teach him a lesson. Unless you share his view on having a chief between the two of us. Or that my people should bow down before yours. ” Levi had never been fond of the idea of forming an alliance with another group. If it was up to his hand, if Farlan hadn't talked him into agreeing, he'd never consider it. So far, he hadn't any issues working with Chuuya. Not till this moment, where both their opinions on leadership and tolerance were to be questioned.
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@slayersaided asked:
"i'm here to help." (for kny levi!)
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For a moment, Levi thought he wouldn't see the sun rise once again. How arrogant of him, wanting to lose his life in the daylight when having chosen to fight in the DARKNESS. There was the darkness of this cruel world, a world to rip them of their humanity — both humans and demons, and the cold darkness to rest within himself. One the rays of the sun could only reach, warming the empty space to be found to the place his heart once was. The last piece of it, belonged to the man to have given him a reason to live, the man he watched being lacerated between a demon's teeth years ago, losing him along with his heart. Now, he could only find comfort in the burning sun, that'd rise each day purging them all of their sins.
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A kakushi had appeared in front of him, the last person he expected to see in an isolated area like this. “ There's no need, ” was his answer, his eyes falling to his own arm, the light of day revealing the deep cut to have painted the fabric deep red. The pain he could ignore, yet not the figure still standing before him. He wasn't going to leave. A real wonder, these people were. Tending for peace, in a world of war and chaos. It took real resolve, not to lose oneself in the massacre to surround them. They were the real heroes, even if they had chosen not to wield a sword — because they had chosen not to wield a sword. Fighting with absurd means in a time to make no sense at all.
“ Won't you get in trouble? Considering I'm not a demon slayer anymore. ” He had abandoned the Demon Slayer Corps a long time now, choosing to fight on his own, choose his battles so he could get closer to his cause. Never capable of dreaming by himself, he used to find purpose in other people's dreams. He had to lose everyone, to find a dream of his own. To kill every last demon. And to do that, he had to do it alone. If wanting to be the only one to shed blood. “ Leave and I'll do the same. ”
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ladylynse · 4 years
So, I've seen you reblogging some random My Hero Academia fanart lately, and I was wondering how much of it you know? Why? Because I'm curious if you have any idea about a possible crossover with Danny Phantom. (it's surprising how well DP can be crossover-ed with basically EVERYTHING and still make sense...)
I have seen the show. I...think?...I’m caught up on the show. I have not read a word of the manga. 
For a crossover with DP, I like the idea of Danny falling into their world rather than the other way around; it’s just easier, even if you toss in a time travel/dimension kind of quirk thing gone wrong and rely on Clockwork to get them home again. Me, I’d do this one of two ways, depending on whether or not Danny ever has a chance of going home again. Or, perhaps more accurately, how slim that chance is, because he’d still have a chance.
Option 1: Danny’s stuck in their world. Forever. Or near enough. Because he was trapped in a thermos for years, longer than anyone would expect him to be alive, and his time doesn’t exist, it’s past, it’s gone, because it hasn’t just been a day, it hasn’t just been a month, not even a year, and every human he ever knew and loved is gone. He couldn’t even find his family if he tried. It’s been too long, the world’s changed, and there are these things called quirks now, and he just.... He holds onto the faint hope that Clockwork can get him back home, that Clockwork will agree to let him go back home, that this can just be a few extra days or weeks or whatever lived in his life but otherwise it’s fine and like he was never anywhere else, but the stable portals he knew are gone, he doesn’t know how to find and can’t create the natural ones, and ghosts like Wulf and Cujo wouldn’t even know he was back. 
He can’t remember very well how he got into this mess. Maybe Vlad caught him and buried him on the other side of the world; maybe Vlad tossed him into the Ghost Zone, never really expecting Danny to get out. Everything is muddled, confused, coming back in pieces, and not like a moment frozen in time where he gets out and immediately remembers everything. It’s not like it normally is. But maybe it’s because he wasn’t released like he normally is, since he didn’t get out until the thermos degraded to the point that there was a hole he could slip through. Maybe it’s just because he was in there too long. He...he doesn’t know.
Option 2: AKA my old standby for DP crossovers to worlds that aren’t enough like his own, a door or portal in the Ghost Zone. Maybe Danny meant to go through, whether he was exploring or running from something with five sets of teeth that was faster than it had any right to be, or maybe it popped up in front of him and he was through before he could change course. He doesn’t have more hope of getting home in this scenario, exactly, but he’d be more hopeful, because this obviously isn’t the same world, it can’t be, so he can get back and get home and it’ll all be fine. 
In both cases, you can ignore the language barrier--write it off as a ghostly ability Danny didn’t realize he had, though that logic fails a bit when Tucker understands Wulf the best, or maybe Danny hearing it for years while in the thermos and just sort of absorbing it--through osmosis, if you like. But if you acknowledge it. If you accept the fact that Danny suddenly finds himself in a world where he can’t speak the language, can’t read or understand or even be sure he recognizes the language--because what is that, Chinese, Japanese, Korean? He has no idea. It might not even be any of those if it’s been how many years since, what with evolution of language. He just knows he doesn’t know the alphabet at all--then you can easily force other characters to interact with him once he gets in trouble (as will happen; it’s Danny) and maybe bring in a convenient universal translator hero support prototype, initially designed to help heroes better communicate with victims who don’t speak the same tongue(s) with plans for further development outside of heroing if it’s successful. Such a device would also give Danny a convenient excuse for when he says something that receives blank stares, as he can pretend it glitched.
Now. Danny will be trying to get home. That might be his entire thing--that and potentially acceptance that he can’t go home, depending on how things pan out. If he came through a portal/doorway, then he might be keeping an ear to the ground to find out why if there’s some reason why he’s here, but if he was just stuck in a thermos, he’s going to assume he got out because of pure dumb luck/erosion and focus most of his energy on finding a way into the Ghost Zone, which may or may not come back to bite him later. Especially if he didn’t just get out by chance or is here for a reason and doesn’t know enough to understand what that reason is.
The obvious thing to consider is how quickly Danny realizes these guys only have one ‘quirk’, even if they can use it in multiple ways. If he gets any inkling at all from them that having more than one quirk is odd and potentially suspicious, you can bet he’d try to hide it. He’s used to that. He’s had to hide from so many people. He can hide from these people, too. Or at least try his best. Me and my penchant for misunderstandings would obviously choose to have him hide his multiple abilities and not just, y’know, tell or show them straight away.
I mean.
Say they saw Phantom before they ever saw Fenton. Flying. Phasing. Shooting ectoblasts. That’s not normal.
And if Danny saw something happen and jumped in to help without entirely understanding the situation? He might try to take down both heroes and bad guys because geez, those people almost got crushed when that building fell, and another bystander nearly got flambéed, and he knows he’s destructive when he’s trying to save people, but still. Giant Lady is a pretty good distraction if you need a distraction, and she could get away from the good guys fast enough, and that guy just walked through a brick wall, so there’s a good chance he’s overshadowed even if Danny’s too far away for his ghost sense to go off, and--
Point is, they (some) might mistakenly peg Phantom as a villain, at least until the next fight where they have time to talk. Danny, who very definitely Not Going Ghost until he figures out what the heck is going on, is found in the aftermath and assumed to be a victim--a tourist, probably, since they can’t understand him and he can’t understand them--and probably picks an ability to call a ‘quirk’ even if pretending to be quirkless would be smarter because he’s not convinced he might not do something almost on instinct, and then where would that get him?
Danny does not overhear the speculation that perhaps this Phantom is after him. He does not overhear the concern of the UA students who witnessed the fight. He does not know how many strings were pulled to get him released from the hospital--where he Very Obviously does Not want to be, but he can write off weird abnormalities as, say, part of his Ice Quirk powers; after all, sneaking away probably won’t do him any favours, even if he has to get out of there before they realize exactly how fast he’s healing--or how difficult it was to get him released into the protective custody of the good people at UA (or, more specifically, those who rallied for him to get the opportunity). Because he’s wary and spooked and confused but still ready to fight, and they can see that, and they want to help him. They’re not even sure how much training he’s had with his quirk, since even after extensive questioning and a subsequent exhaustive search, they can’t find any record of a hero named Frostbite.
They can’t even find a record of Daniel Fenton. Not someone with an Ice Quirk who matches his description, anyway.
Which makes some people wary, even when others are eagerly including him, because what if he’s a plant, a spy, otherwise not on their side even if he’s not working with any known villains, and--
Hogwash. Poppycock. Pick your old-fashioned word for it, but that’s pretty much how your thinking is going, someone else would say. Because the kid’s got a good heart, and anyone can see that. He wants to help people. He does, even when it hurts him. He’s got the heart of a hero.
With what they’ve seen of him, it’s enough to quiet the mutterings.
Until the day Danny forgets himself and displays another Quirk in a way that can’t be explained, especially in light of all the other incidents that were.
(related - Dani)
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naitfall · 1 month
continued ask | Porco @jxwz & Levi
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Immediately, Porco clips his mouth shut and drops into the nearest chair available. Even if he is already healing—steam spilling out from between his fingers, his bloody bicep clutched tight to his side—there's no way he's going to argue with the Captain. An order is still an order and Porco didn't get this far by disobeying them and defying his superiors. He's not an idiot.
"Sir." It is the only thing he says; his respect shown, authority acknowledged. An effort he hopes that will steer him out from the center of the Captain's ire. And at least the blood on the floor won't stay there for long. . .
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They were humans. Alongside them, alongside the soldiers of the Survey Corps, fought those with the power of titans— to transform, to heal, to survive when all hope was lost. The thin line between humans and human-eating monsters shall never be crossed, the warriors' nature, their birth and rights as human beings, shall never be questioned, else their own humanity would be the one to doubt, and Levi had seen with his own eyes countless monsters wearing human skin. They weren’t tools to use until they’d break, to endure such pain and suffering. To be seen as someone inhuman, both a monster and a tool— ‘humanity’s strongest soldier’ wasn’t unfamiliar to that.
He shouldn’t have been worried, and yet he couldn’t divert his eyes when looking at a young soldier, HIS soldier, suffering in pain as if it were natural, whose injuries could have put his life in danger. In disgust he’d stare, for how absurd was the sight before him, yet incredible, to witness wounds close. It was disgust, at the proof of a world that wouldn’t make any sense, and their efforts to give up on reason for the sake of survival.
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His intended grouchy mood was cut off by complete obedience. ❝ Make sure you don't die. ❞ He had enough suicidal brats to watch over.
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naitfall · 7 months
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@lausticzt asked:
❛   nurse .   give  my  muse  company  in  the  hospital .
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‘ He’s dead. ’ He was still breathing. It took all his strength just to keep on breathing. Didn’t they know he was listening ? He wanted to speak, but his body had shut down, only his conscience remaining. Witness to a familiar scene — he’s seen it happen before, laying helpless, his life at the mercy of others (and there was none). ‘ We got lucky. Our biggest threat covered in his own blood ’, ‘ I'll send a shot through his head ’. Oh. They wanted him dead.
The absurdity of human behavior could no longer surprise him — the soldiers he’d sacrifice himself for in a heartbeat, would turn their guns on him at the first chance given. Neither could the absurdity of his own nature — he held no resentment against them. He wouldn’t raise his blade even if he could still move his body. They still were his soldiers. Fighting in a world gone mad, desperately trying to make sense of their insignificant lives and all their efforts. An innocence he could relate to and gave up on many years ago — a painful transition he had to undergo, accept the futility of it all, in order to become strong enough to fight for a ridiculously hopeless cause. A few years ago, he could have been the one holding the gun, and pulled the trigger with no remorse whatsoever.
Suddenly, his body grew cold, and heavy. He was sinking, his body surrounded by water. He heard the faint sound of guns firing in the distance. Alone, running out of air, slowly losing the last of his senses, his consciousness (his existence) fading. It was peaceful. He wouldn’t feel any pain, or regret, a comforting numbness. Maybe, it wouldn’t be that bad for him to go– Zeke. He had to kill Zeke. Fulfill the vow he made on that day. Wait— Hadn’t he killed him? Hadn’t they killed Eren? Was it all a nightmare? Which was the real nightmare?
He couldn’t breathe. His throat closed, water filling up his lungs. He had to get to the surface. Even if he could move, he didn’t know how to swim. He was drowning. This wasn’t a dr—
Levi woke up in a violent coughing fit. He’d sit up, covering his mouth with his hand, trying to catch his breath. After long, he’d calm down, confused, still in a haze, trying to take in his surroundings. He was at a hospital. How many hours, how many days had passed, since they stopped the rumbling? He had been sleeping for the most time, beginning to lose track of time. Years of insomnia were his body’s defense against the cruel fabrications of his mind. Without that defense, sleeping longer would mean, nightmares he couldn’t escape from. Yet, there was no worse nightmare than the reality he had woken up in. A foreign place, his body damaged, the pain insufferable (physical or not). The purpose he had dedicated his entire life to serve was fulfilled. They had won, but lost everything along the way.
Feverish, they said he was. His body fighting some infection with a funny name. Quite ironic, the moment he allowed himself to rest, his body collapsed, gave up on him completely. He had been pushing his limits for far too long. Far too many years. The time for all scars to heal had come. A painful process he was forced to undergo, in order to stand back on his feet, and move forward.
In a lifetime of war, how was he supposed to find peace? His entire life he'd fight — for his life, for the life of others, for a cause — as if born to become a soldier. His edges sharpened, shaped into a tool. How was he supposed to turn back human, embrace the nature he was forced to deny for so long? When any future he used to dream of ended with dying on the battlefield, how was he supposed to accept the life ahead of him, ahead of them ? They weren’t soldiers anymore. They didn’t serve anyone, but themselves. They could only make choices for their own life, shape their own future. A different kind of freedom and the most dangerous of all.
In the short distance between them, lay an ocean of emotions, of everything they wouldn’t say. What were the exact feelings that brought her to his hospital room? He knew her heart, better than his own, better than anyone else’s, for he had been observing her closely for long, a challenge to understand, and a knowledge conquered kept close to his heart, valuable to keep. Still, despite claiming to know her, he couldn’t explain her presence here. Had she sensed his silent call for help? His shield had gotten damaged along with his body in the explosion, cracks making their appearance, ice blue eyes revealing the heartache within.
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He wished to speak, but he was feeling weak. Not the same kind of weakness of his wrecked body, but an all-consuming heaviness of heart. ❝ You're here. ❞ He could start by acknowledging her presence, and maybe, he could later find the words to ask her to stay. ❝ How long have you been here? ❞ Had she been looking after him? What for? He wasn't strong enough any longer, nor was useful in any way. Fighting was over. There wasn't any reason for anyone to stay by his side.
Especially NOT for his heart, kept at distance, away from everyone's reach. A conscious choice he'd pay for. He should have been alone. Yet, she wasn't like anyone else. She wouldn't comply with reason. A sense of relief flooded within, calming his nerves — since when could the presence of someone ease the suffocating pain of everything he's lost? Those eyes of hers. Piercing, clear as if staring in a mirror, as if to clear the storm clouds his own carried.
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naitfall · 2 months
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Levi had taken a moment to relax. After two sleepless days of preparing for the next expedition, he can finally enjoy his tea in peace . . .
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naitfall · 3 months
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. . .
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naitfall · 4 months
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@devoteyrheart asked:
blood or sign or umbrella (cant decide u pick) from eld
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actions speak louder than words
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver.
sign, sender walks into a sign and receiver sees. ( I don't get this at all? )
umbrella, sender lets receiver under their umbrella.
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Rain was falling heavily. All activity had to suddenly pause. If it was an expedition, they’d be damned. Many were the risk factors when venturing outside the walls, and bad weather was no less dangerous than the others. Levi had found shelter at the stables, waiting for the downpour to quiet down. A figure was seen approaching, holding an umbrella. Eld. Levi wouldn’t have minded getting wet. He wouldn’t make a fuss over such a minor thing, despite his short temper. He wouldn’t take his frustration out on his squad, if that was what they feared — did they fear him? When they stared with wide eyes, on edge on his presence, was it fear, they felt? Levi wouldn’t have minded getting wet, to return to the headquarters in this weather. He simply didn’t want to.
Levi despised rain, and the cold air of unfulfillment it carried — of insufferable melancholy. Unsteady feet on slippery ground, boots sinking to the sticky mud, clothes getting wet as if asking for a cold . . . the urgency to find shelter, to run away, to escape. All senses he couldn’t stand, all his nightmares were made of. In one of the worst moments of his life, rain had accompanied him, raindrops mixing with tears — concealing the existence of his heart, at the sight of the last of his family having died before him. The heavy dark clouds also carried a reminder ( he never forgot, never kept on living without their absence, a part of their hearts residing inside his, filling in for the missing pieces ), the reminder of who he had once been and the choice to deny himself and start over.
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Unbeknownst to Eld, other than an umbrella to share, he had offered him a distraction. Levi preferred his company, over the silence of his mind, and the sound of falling rain. On other days, when the weather was the same, the captain found himself indoors, too busy with paperwork to pay any mind — a rare occasion he’d attempt to fool himself, consciously averting his eyes from the window. ❝ Do you want to catch a cold? ❞ said he, who didn’t carry an umbrella to begin with, before approaching, getting close enough to fit them both. ❝ Let’s go. I can’t stand this shitty weather. ❞ A foul mouth he couldn’t control, and wouldn’t, for he had earned that right — not from a position of authority, he never abused power like many on his rank would — but mostly because of a closeness they shared, of mutual understanding. With him, Levi could speak his mind, without any restraints.
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naitfall · 5 months
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@worldhell asked:
[ ARM ]: the sender rests a hand on the receiver's shoulder, their arm draped around them in order to do so. - farlan!
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This shitty world was his enemy, and Levi had chosen to fight a battle he was certain to lose. Still, he wouldn't give up, wouldn't give in to rot, for he had made a promise — to defy, to rebel with all his strength against those trying to take away what was his own — his dignity, his freedom, his right to live underneath the sun. To rebel, just like HER act of rebellion, carrying such warm light in the darkness of the underground.
The entirety of the world was his enemy, until their paths came to cross, and Farlan came into his life to change the foundations he had built himself on. Persistent, as if standing outside sealed doors, he'd search for an opening, use all means trying to get closer — to see what was inside and use what he could to his advantage, any weakness of heart or mind. That was the reason at the beginning, and Levi didn’t mind, for he hadn’t anything he could use. For he could see him clearly for who he was and what his intentions were.
Until those feelings began to change in nature, suspicion turned to trust, their alliance into brotherhood, commitment to their common goal turned into commitment to him. Before he knew it, the hatred to serve as Levi's guide for many years, was eased. The loneliness — the deafening silence of an empty room — he had grown accustomed to, would now bring him unease once again. He wouldn't any longer fight for revenge but for a hopeless dream, Farlan's dream, a delusion. He wouldn’t wander the streets like a rabid dog searching for its next prey, the hunter in him subdued, for he had a family to protect.
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He was still being tamed, still learning human contact, and how to control the frantic beat of his heart (a response to all his instincts on alert? or a reaction to something else? another feeling he couldn’t yet explain or understand . . . ). With Farlan draping his arm around him, Levi doesn’t pull away. Stay put. Arms are crossed in front of his chest, his posture not changing. Shoulders tense but only for a moment. He doesn’t meet his gaze, concealing any possible uprising hostility (an instinct he was fighting against), before completely relaxing in his presence, becoming accustomed to his touch. One step at a time. ❝ Right, ❞ he responded, even if he hadn't been listening for a while now — couldn't let him know he momentarily lost his composure, that closeness of any kind (physical, emotional, spiritual connection) was unfamiliar to him. Maybe that shot of bootleg whiskey he had just downed was going to help.
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naitfall · 9 months
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@worldhell asked:
SPOTIFY WRAPPED - number 23 for petra c:
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In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song.
A rare sight it was, for him to let his guard down. A rare sight none got to witness these days, the more they kept on fighting, the more they lost (of themselves, of their humanity). His responsibility — to give their sacrifices meaning, a duty hard to bear for any man, even for humanity's strongest. It was only for a moment, where he had given in to his own selfish urge, a desire for healing of the soul. At first, he believed to be alone — how else would he have been caught? — but when he noticed prying eyes staring, when he felt someone's presence desperately trying not to make themselves known, it was too late.
He hadn't seen a piano since he left the underground. Quite ironic, for a rotten bar at the darkest corner of the world, to have a piano nearly none knew how to play. He had imagined those living underneath the sun (delusional as he used to be, his imagination running wild) would be more attached to music for it carried light as well, but he was mistaken — it remained a privilege to those who could afford it. It was behind Wall Sina, where all military officers were supposed to gather, that he saw the instrument at the center of the room, displayed as an object of wealth, even if, once more, none knew how to play. It was when everyone had left, when the man took seat and set his fingers on the keys. He had gotten rusty, but he still had it.
Self-taught, playing by memory alone. When he was a child, he'd observe an old man playing at the place Kenny used to drag him along. The man died shortly, brutally murdered like most found their end in the underground, but a part of him lived on — how many continued to live within him, and how much of himself was left ?
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He could tell by footsteps alone it was Petra peeking behind the door, yet he continued to play. He wouldn't get this chance again, for words he couldn't say to gain voice. Physically unable as he was in saying what rested inside of him, this music piece served as a confession. Why was it he let her observe such an intimate moment? Was it he didn't care? Was it he hadn't anything worth saying? Or because she was already familiar to this side of him, knowing him in ways he couldn't (and didn't want to) grasp? ❝ Is there a reason to hide from me? ❞ I see you. Always. Even when you think I don't. ❝ Shouldn't you be resting? ❞ Somewhere else? Somewhere where him, stripped off his armor wasn't in sight?
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naitfall · 5 months
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@worldhell asked:
😞 For the sending muse to find the receiving muse in a state of sleep deprivation. - zeke :) :) either modern or main !
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Insomnia was his longest-lasting company, the only constant in his ever-changing world. Erwin and Hange kept insisting he should take a few days off work. Their efforts came up empty, Levi showing up at the school early in the morning like he did every day, unbeknownst to him his schedule of classes was intentionally changed for the day to a more relaxed one. Something he would have immediately noticed, if he wasn't barely standing on his feet, his senses dulled, his head in a haze. His case was one they couldn't explain. Medications wouldn't work, neither using up all his remaining energy, hoping his body would collapse at some point — quite ironic, to hope for such a thing. Since there was no treatment, Levi didn't see a point in sitting around and waiting. Those children wouldn't.
After class, Levi took his break at the teacher's lounge. Completely on his own as he was, surprisingly the only teacher with a long break until his next class (not really a surprise, considering there were at least two people to look after him in secret), his eyes began to grow heavy. The silence of the room comforting, the warm soft light coming in from the window relaxing his tense nerves. Maybe, he could finally take a nap for a short while.
They say lack of sleep causes you to lose your mind. ‘ Extreme sleep deprivation can involve changes in perception of reality, including disorganized thoughts, speech, and delusions or hallucinations. ’ Levi’s paranoia had been growing stronger the longer he spent without any rest at all, having lost the count of days. The leash on his sanity was tight, holding at it with everything he had, for having known insanity far too well — the desire to dig his blade down one’s throat, the feeling of hot blood on his hands, holding a hand growing cold as life left one’s body.
Back then, many years ago, he had embraced insanity, as the only means to survive in a reality where people lacked any resemblance of humanity. A reality where after his mother’s death, he got to witness with his own eyes the darkest parts of the human soul. A reality where if Kenny hadn’t found him — hadn’t saved him — he would have led a short life void of any meaning. A reality where he had to wander the streets alone, fight, steal, and kill for his survival. But when he found a place to call home, a place to provide safety, a bed to sleep at night — when he found a moment’s rest, he put away his blade, stopped holding onto his madness like a rabid dog, chose to move on, despite the cracks and missing pieces his heart had suffered. It took greater strength to resist madness, and that was the path he had chosen for himself.
But something had recently changed. His inability to sleep had worsened, his instincts on incessant alert. What was to have changed? Was it discovering Kenny's dead body? Couldn't be. Levi was accustomed to loss. Maybe, it was the words he wished to hear from him and never would. Maybe, he wasn't losing it because he couldn't sleep. Maybe he couldn't sleep because he was losing it.
For a moment, his mind had grown silent. Mistakenly he thought his mind had finally surrendered to his body's needs. A familiar voice called his name, his figure blurry, while feelings of hatred and despair took over him. ❝ You missed me, didn't you, Levi?! I can't say I missed you! ❞ Zeke. He had to kill Zeke. ❝ Levi! ❞
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A knife was pulled, regaining consciousness right before reaching the other’s neck. Dilated pupils tried to focus, still hard to distinguish him. The worst person at the worst time. Disoriented, he stared at his hand holding the knife. He was missing two fingers? For how long had he been carrying a blade? He couldn't recall. He let it fall to the ground, pushing his chair a step away from the blond. ❝ Don't wake people up all of a sudden. ❞ Damn it. Zeke would either make a fuss or ask questions Levi wasn't in a state of mind to avoid.
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naitfall · 6 months
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@worldhell asked:
❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ . - farlan c:
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He couldn’t help but wonder: what was Farlan staring at, wearing such an expression? What was that he saw and where could their perceptions differ? Both curious and unwilling to find out, his nature once again proving to be impossible to decipher. Unwilling, for he believed it was better if he couldn’t see himself clearly — if he didn’t know where his heart found shelter (in his hands, Farlan’s hands). If he didn’t know he was still weak, and could break at any moment, as easy as it was to lose him.
Maybe their hearts weren’t meant to align. A sacrifice he’d make, for his sake. Levi would turn his attention elsewhere, in the opposite direction of Farlan, avoiding his gaze, quite blatantly at that. Resisting to be held captive, give in to hope, the most destructive of human emotions. He needed to be free, to ensure a future for them both. He’d fight against him, the hardest of battles, he’d march forward, to a pace he couldn’t match, clear up the road ahead of all monsters. Didn’t Farlan realize the reason he kept trying to escape him? Or was he more interested in winning this game? A game he had won long ago.
A battle whose outcome had already been decided, where Levi was the loser. Yet he’d refuse to accept his defeat, stubborn as he’s always been, pretending those eyes hadn’t an effect on him. Eyes carrying light, even when having only known darkness. Truth was, Levi wouldn’t have minded to never get to the surface, for he had his own source of light. A light he’d protect at all cost. He couldn’t keep up his act for long, his attention back at him, met with a sight he couldn’t possibly any longer pretend to ignore. He could still be holding such warmth in his eyes. How unfortunate for Farlan, to be met with absolute coldness. Levi couldn’t be any other way, he couldn’t change the way he carried himself — couldn't soften his edges.
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Maybe, he should try a different approach. ❝ What is it? ❞ Shamelessly confronted, despite knowing the answer to his question.
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