#‘Dude boss you gotta get inside you’re gonna freeze out here’
sooouth · 2 years
poor killer and nightmare during the winter.
I’m just imagining, like, nightmare’s goop gets super cold and almost freezes, which i can imagine is a bit of a problem. killer’s eye goop probably freezes to his face, but more keeps coming out no matter what. so it just turns into this mess of frozen liquid on his face.
don’t ask I just randomly got that thought LMAO
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lovelylunarwriting · 4 years
Jaemin Soulmate!AU
Jaemin has a reputation as a “cool” kind of guy, which is why he wears bracelets to hide the words permanently etched on his left wrist
“Wait- if it’s not butter, then what is it?”
Jisung and Haechan are notorious for giving him shit for having a ‘weird’ soulmate, but Jaemin thinks it’s kind of funny, honestly
Like great question dude but,,, why are you asking me this
Jaemin’s apartment is around the corner from a little family-owned grocery store that he’s frequented since his high school days.
He’s very much a regular, to the point of the owner being like “Jaemin…. Please just work here. You already know where everything is”
To which Jaemin has to respectfully decline, because he wants to focus on his dancing and singing, and working too much would get in the way of practicing.
That, however, does not stop the old man from sending customers with questions to Jaemin whenever he comes in.
Because Jaemin is too polite to be like “uhh I don’t work here, good luck”, he always ends up helping them
But secretly, he doesn’t mind. He thinks that maybe one day, his soulmate will be the next one to ask him a question.
Even after repeated questions about “how much does this cost?”, “when do you guys open tomorrow?”, “when will the next shipment of bok choy be in?”, he still isn’t terribly bothered.
The other employees chastise the boss for sending customers to Jaemin, but the old man is always like “he knows this store better than you all do. That’s why he gets a discount higher than yours”
Employee discount: 15 percent off all merchandise
Na Jaemin discount: 20 percent off all merchandise
It’s an unspoken rule amongst employees that Na Jaemin gets a discount, but they are NEVER to mention it to him! He knows that business has been rough recently and wouldn’t accept the generosity, but the boss thinks Jaemin is too skinny and wants him to be able to afford to eat well.
Now lovely reader, this is where you come in. You recently got a job at this grocery store but you work in the back, so you have never seen the famous “Na Jaemin” that all your fellow employees chat about so frequently.
Coworker #1: “Ugh, he’s like SO dreamy”
Coworker #2: “I know right? He’ll have no trouble becoming an idol at this rate”
Meanwhile you’re like “lol what who? Also where is the printer for printing clearance labels”
You specifically applied for the back of house position because you did not want to talk to people.
It’s not that you’re antisocial by any means- honestly it’s the opposite. It’s just that you have the tendency to say whatever you’re thinking with absolutely no filter.
So in the past when more…. challenging… customers have talked down to you, you gave back the same energy without thinking.
Management was not happy,,, so you were like “mmmm maybe I should just keep to myself and everyone would be happier”
One day though, it seems that you’re shit out of luck.
Your work bestie calls you at 3 in the morning on your day off saying that her kid has a fever and she’s gotta stay home and take care of him.
You have no plans other than generally being a lazy lump at home, and she’s always had your back at work, so you’re like “girl don’t worry about it, I got your shift. I’ll make some chicken noodle soup for him too”
To which she’s like “bitch if I hadn’t found my soulmate already I would’ve snatched you up T-T”
You giggle and tell her to try and get some rest- both her and her kid.
And then sleep another blissful 4 hours before rolling in for the 8am shift.
When you get there, boss man is like “ayeee so you’re covering for her shift which is stocking shelves, are you gonna be okay doing that?”
You: “Ahaha yeah it’ll be fine~ just please don’t send customers to me oh my gosh”
Boss Man: “Don’t worry, I just saw Jaemin walk in. I’ll send them to him”
You: “... who is Jaemin”
Boss Man: “He’s my FAVORITE!! Remember that!”
You: “Oh, okay!! Yes sir!”
You’re like fifteen minutes into your shift and you’re already on edge because all you’ve done so far is dodge all the old ladies who are shopping this early.
No actual products have been put on the shelves yet, or at least not by your hands.
Settling down in the dairy section, you relax a bit and start putting cold products in the cold shelves fixed to the wall.
And of course- things are in the wrong place. Why would anyone put anything back where it belongs?
Picking up a product, you glance at the label out of sheer boredom more than anything.
“Wait- if it’s not butter, then what is it?”, you say to yourself.
Or so you think.
“Yeah, that is like the one question I don’t know how to answer”, you hear a masculine voice say from behind.
You spin around and look up into the man’s face.
And oh boy is that a nice looking face.
“Oh I’m sorry, I- WAIT”, you start, before you realize what he said.
Grabbing his left wrist, you push up the bracelets to reveal what you’d just said. Then you drop his hand out of sudden shyness, and because it’s not cool just to grab people.
“Do… do you mind if I look at your wrist as well?”, he asks quietly.
You roll up your sleeve and present him with your arm. He delicately wraps his fingers around your wrist and flips it over to read the words written”
He drops your wrist and sinks into a squat, flopping his arms over his head and looking at the ground.
“Oh my gosh why did I say something so lame…”
“Umm,,, to be fair,,, I did ask you about butter so by comparison yours isn’t that bad,,,,”, you try to comfort him, and he lifts his head up to meet your gaze.
“You mean that? It wasn’t like the lamest thing you’ve ever heard?”
“Oh I’ve heard much lamer things, don’t worry!”, you say with a cheery smile that contrasts your words entirely.
He stands up again and clasps your hands in his. With a look of determination he looks straight into your soul and asks:
“What time do you get off work?”
You tell him, but let him know that you’ll be busy after work making chicken noodle soup for your coworker and her son.
He’s like “oh you can cook?” and you’re like “lol no but I’m gonna die trying”
He writes his phone number on your arm (next to your soulmate tattoo) and is like “text me when you’re done with work and I’ll swing by and walk you home and maybe I can help you cook”
You’re like “dude,,,, it’s fine, we are literally destined to be together. Also if you try anything I’ll just beat you up so it’s chill”
Looking at his watch, he sprints makes a beeline for the checkout counter, going on about he’s gonna be so later and Haechan’s never gonna let it go if he’s late twice in a row, and something else but by that point he’s so far away from the dairy aisle you can only hear muffled sounds where words should be.
The next several hours could not go by ANY SLOWER.
Starting off today, you figured the day would go by quickly because you’d be preoccupied figuring out how to do something new, but now all you can think about is pretty soulmate boy.
And how he never mentioned his name, but to be fair, it was a rather quick exchange.
What feels like centuries later, your shift is coming to a close so you grab the ingredients you the internet tells you you need for the soup and head to your favorite cashier.
Somehow the front of the store is both quiet and abnormally loud for this time of night.
“Jaemin’s been waiting there for fifteen minutes? Do you think he’s waiting for someone?”
“Maybe he needs to talk to the boss? Usually he’d just ask one of us to grab him but he’s just standing outside”
“Ugh it’s so cold, should we tell him to come inside?”
You glance over to the crowd of coworkers towards the entrance and break out into a smile.
“Just keep ringing me up, I’ll be right back!”, you tell the cashier and fast walk past the small crowd.
Peeping your head out the door, you greet him.
“Are you cold? Come inside, I’m almost done”
“Oh okay, should I wait by the door though?”
“No, come with me. I wanna show you off~”, you instruct and he raises an eyebrow, but plays along.
Holding open the door for him, he scuffles his way in and shyly offers his hand.
Gladly, and with a pounding heart, you lock your fingers between his.
“Your hands are freezing, dude”
“Shhh it’s fine. I was trying to be cool, okay”, he jokes with you as you walk back to the register
Ringing up your items, the cashier is looking at you and him with raised eyebrows, and you’re just like “shut up jessica I’ll explain tomorrow”
The two of you walk back to your apartment and spend the rest of the night cooking and talking about everything and nothing.
The more you learn about Jaemin, the more confident you are that the universe got this one right.
Even when most things feel unclear, you know this person is someone you can always rely on.
(also when you bring your sick work bestie the soup, Jaemin insists on tagging along and she’s like “omg Y/N that’s JAEMIN” and you’re like “I KNOW” and he’s like “hi here’s some soup, also why do you know my name”
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
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Harringrove April prompt 15, Sun.  After the Mindflayer, Billy’s kinda weird, but Steve figures that makes sense.
Steve took the kids to pick each other up, sometimes, and sometimes, Max was at the hospital, to see Billy.  In Steve’s head, Billy nearly dying to save Eleven kind of...balanced out beating Steve’s head in.  Didn’t mean Steve liked the guy, but he thought...well, Steve Harrington had been no kinda prize until he started fighting for kids, and maybe Billy had changed, at least a little.  
Also, it was hilarious, because post-Mindflayer Billy Hargrove didn’t give a shit.  Steve had thought he hadn’t before, but then he saw a nurse outside, trying to get Billy to go back in—or at least put his clothes back on—and Billy just leaning against the side of the building by the dumpsters, naked in the sun.  She saw Max, and sighed with relief, heading inside.
Before, Billy had cared too much, Steve realized—about what Steve was doing, about who ruled the school—but he only cared about the sun, anymore.  
That, and probably annoying his sister, some, because when she leaned around the corner of the building and yelled, “Billy Hargrove, put your damn pants on,” he leaned his head back, eyes still closed, and replied, “Don’t look over here and you won’t see anything you don’t like, Maxine.”
“You better have left your bandages alone,” she shouted, and he laughed, then grimaced, wincing.
“You better stop bossing me around,” he yelled back.
“You’re gonna freeze your ass cheeks off,” she hollered, her hands firmly over her eyes as she meandered hesitantly towards his voice.  
“Don’t fucking come over here,” Billy groaned, bracing himself against the wall to look over, but one of his knees bent, and his legs both collapsed.  He landed with a soft “—oop.”
“...can I look?” Max asked, stopping.
“No, don’t,” he muttered, trying to push himself back up, and Steve took a step forward automatically, grimacing.  
“You are such a pain in the ass,” Max told him, putting her hands on her hips.  “I’m gonna get you a wheelchair.”
“The sun’s only over here for like fifteen more minutes,” Billy hissed at her, squirming until he could lean back against the building, at least.  “Lemme alone.”
“I can hear you shivering,” she snarled back.  “You’re probably getting dirt under all your bandages.  I’m getting a wheelchair.”
“Get the wheelchair,” Steve told her, and Billy twitched, but he didn’t open his eyes.  “Once he’s in the shade, we can throw a blanket on him, and push him in the sun again.”
“...fine,” Max growled, and stomped off.
“...y’know if you leave a bottle of water in the sun for six hours, it disinfects it,” Billy said softly.  “The UV rays.”
“...okay,” Steve said, keeping an eye out for anyone he needed to prevent walking around the edge of the building.  Billy mumbled something, and Steve wandered closer, trying not to notice how thin his shoulders looked, or the irritated red skin peeking out from under his bandages.  “...what’s that?”
“It doesn’t like the sun,” Billy whispered.  “Can’t take the UV.”
“...you know it’s gone, right,” Steve told him, and Billy snorted a laugh, his knuckles whitening as he gripped at the scrubby grass.  
“Mmm,” Billy said, and Steve crouched to grab his hand.  
“Come on,” he said, “I’ll help you stand up.”
Billy laughed.  “You’re gonna see shit and wish you hadn’t, Harringto—fuck,” he gasped, as Steve slid an arm around him, and slowly stood.  “You’re warm, fuck,” Billy muttered, staggering, and shivering harder.  
“We showered together,” Steve reminded him, trying to hold Billy so he faced the sun, but not touch him anywhere weird.  “I’ve seen it all.  I mean, you didn’t look as shitty, then.”
Billy laughed again, then took a few shuddery breaths, touching his bandages.  “...fffuck,” he breathed.  “I’m hot as...hell, Harrington,” he gasped, his whole face screwed up with pain.  “Just...got no taste.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Steve played along.  “The stubble really helps.  And the goosebumps, can’t forget those.”  
“Shit,” Billy breathed, pulling him a couple of inches further into the sun.  “...yeah.  I gotta...hide back here,” he said, coughing, and groaning.  “My public keeps wanting autographs.”
“...what about a tanning bed,” Steve asked, watching the last sliver of sun slide behind the laurels that shielded the dumpsters.  “Surround you with the same thing, right?”
Billy’s breath caught.  “...they’re not gonna let me out,” he whispered, curling a little against Steve’s shoulder, worn out.  “I can’t get to one.”
“I will talk to your doctor, okay,” Steve told him.  “Would you lie down and sleep, after?  If we get you in one?  Surrounded by the what, the UV light?”
Billy gripped his arms, and nodded, swallowing.  “Y-yeah.  I—I just need to—”
“Okay,” Steve nodded, as Max pushed the wheelchair around the corner.  
 Billy draped himself over the chair like a throne, and Max groaned at the drama, but tucked a blanket around him with annoyingly thorough pokes.  Billy grumbled, batting at her hand.
Once Steve wheeled him into the room, Billy lolled his head back and hollered, “Max!  You were so right, I’m dying, I need water.”  
“Like a plant,” Steve said.  “He needs to be watered.  I kinda have to take a piss—”
“Sounds like you two can work that out,” Max said, wrinkling her nose, but running off.  
“You piss on me and I’ll tear your dick off—” Billy started, then trailed off, watching her go.  “Check my back,” he whispered, yanking at the blanket, and Steve grabbed his hands.  
“Get in the bed,” he whispered back.  “I can’t see anything with you in the chair.  I’ll check.”  Billy’s shoulders were bony in his hands, and Steve bit his lips, helping him back onto the hospital bed.
“...don’t get fresh, now,” Billy grunted, shaking with exhaustion as he flopped too far down on the bed, his feet hanging over the edge, but too tired to move.  
“I would never,” Steve told him, snorting a laugh.  “Lemme scoot you up—”
“Just look,” Billy hissed, clenching his fists, and Steve kept his sigh silent, and yanked back the blanket.  
There were still a bunch of bandages down Billy’s back, and Steve grimaced, trying not to stare at a dude’s naked ass.  “”You’re fine,” he sighed, and Billy slammed his hand against the mattress so hard the bed rolled a little.  
“You didn’t fucking look—”
“I did,” Steve hissed back, and Billy shook his head, wrapping his arms around his pillow and his face.  
“Look harder,” he whispered hoarsely.  “Everything hurts, there’s something there this time—”
Steve rubbed his face, and then, grimacing, reached out and touched Billy’s shoulder.  Billy gave a full-body shudder, flinching away.  “—the fuck,” he gasped, sounding strained, but Steve just set his jaw and ran his fingertips down the back of Billy’s arm.  
“I’m looking.  There’s nothing.”
Billy stayed still, for once, letting Steve run his fingers down the whole length of his body as Steve’s face flamed.  When Steve finished running his fingers down Billy’s sides and along his legs and feet, he stuck his arms out behind him, and Steve carefully inspected his hands and forearms for black veins.  
“Back here,” Billy said, grabbing his hair off his neck, and Steve leaned in to inspect the back of Billy’s neck, and behind his ears, listening to the panting, snuffly breaths he was taking into the pillow.  
“You’re clear,” Steve said, and Billy finally relaxed, swallowing hard.  
“...fuck,” he muttered, between slow, shaky breaths.  “Shit.  I thought—”
“Try to get some sleep,” Steve told him, sighing.  “You’re fine.”
“I’m so fine,” Billy muttered into his arms, huffing a laugh.
Steve thought about telling someone that “looking” with fingertips worked, but he couldn’t see Max wanting to try it, or Billy letting her.  
“...you want me to come look tomorrow?” Steve asked, resignedly, and Billy went really still.  “...I can check for you if you’ll feel better.”
“...you just wanna get your hands on my ass,” Billy whispered finally, his voice cracking.
“That’s definitely it,” Steve snorted, pulling the blanket back over him, and tucking it in.  “Stay under there, it didn’t like warm either, right.”
When Max came back in, she had a tray of food, and started bickering with Billy over the applesauce on it, so Steve left.  As he opened the door, Billy called out “Tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow,” Steve agreed.
 He tried to find Billy’d doctor to ask him about a tanning bed, and then the nurse on duty, but she must have thought Billy wanted a tan, because she rolled her eyes.  “That kid is gonna die of vanity,” she said, and Steve laughed uncomfortably.
 When he’d been at the grocery store, they had cactuses.  He drove over there and wandered around until he found a lady holding flowers, and grilled her on how to make somewhere warm and sunny enough for a cactus.  After writing a lot on his hand about grow lamps and minimum temperatures, he turned away, and she said “...you aren’t gonna buy a cactus?”, so he did.  He picked out an especially spiky one to call Billy, and a shorter wooly one that looked like it was crouching to lunge, and called that one Max with great satisfaction.  
The hardware store didn’t have grow lamps, so he ordered two, and bought some bulbs.  When he got home, he put Billy and Max into the window, and carefully watered them, then frowned at them through the evening, half expecting them to wither and die.  
 The next day, Billy was waiting for him after work, his hands shaking a little, but he looked less exhausted.  
“You get some sleep, finally?” Steve asked, pulling Billy’s hair away from his ears to check, and then lifting it off his neck.
“Don’t get distracted,” Billy muttered.
“Yeah, yeah, I gotta appreciate the sights, right,” Steve sighed, and Billy laughed, relaxing already under Steve’s careful fingers.  
“What about under the bandage,” Billy whispered, when Steve’s fingers grazed his ribs.  “Where it went through me.”
“Doesn’t the nurse change that out every day,” Steve asked, having seen it, and Billy’s fingers clenched around the edges of the mattress.  
“She’s not looking, she thinks I’m nuts,” he growled, and Steve grimaced, lifting the edges to look underneath.  
“I think they’ll throw me out if I mess with your bandages.  How about you have Max watch?”
“...she doesn’t wanna see that,” Billy muttered, and Steve rolled his eyes, thinking ‘because I do, right.’
“She wants to make sure you’re safe too,” he told Billy, who was silent.
 “His room at home doesn’t get any sun at all,” Max said, when she showed up, and Steve frowned at the man huddled under the blankets.  “He’s gonna get arrested for flashing the neighbors.  And probably, like, skin cancer on his dick.”
Both options seemed likely.
“When are they releasing him?” Steve asked, cocking his head thoughtfully, and Max winced, blowing through her cheeks.  
“We don’t know.  He keeps talking about how he could stay longer if he fell down the stairs,” she said, smiling grimly.  
“...what the fuck,” Steve said, staring at her, and his vague thoughts of Billy coming to visit began to take shape.
 “What?!  No!” Robin said, when he mentioned the idea of inviting the man who’d given him a concussion to live in his house.  
“He’s changed,” Steve said lamely.  “And he’s got no strength in his arms,” he pointed out, with more certainty.  “He’s not gonna be hitting anybody.”
“We can always fling him off your balcony,” she said, considering.
 He broached it to Billy the next day, as he ran his fingertips down the warm, goose pimply skin of Billy’s thighs.  “You should come to my apartment,” he said, and Billy’s foot twitched.
“...the hell would I wanna go visiting anywhere,” he asked.  “Don’t get distracted—”
“I’m not, look, I’m stopping here, I’ll restart in the right spot,” Steve said, resting his whole hand on Billy’s thigh just below his ass.  He shivered.  “I’m saying come stay with me, okay.”
After a long pause, Billy lifted his head from the pillow.  “...what,” he croaked.
“Come stay with me.”
“...are you fucking serious,” Billy shot back, glaring over his shoulder.  “Don’t fuck with me, Harrington—”
“I’m not,” Steve sighed, rolling his eyes.  “My apartment faces south, man, sunny all day.”  Billy’s breath caught.  “Think about it,” Steve told him, bending to carefully check Billy’s legs for the black veins of the Mindflayer.  
 That night, Steve’s phone rang.  “Were you serious?” Billy said, with no preamble.  “I can come stay with you?”
“Yeah,” Steve said, winding the cord around his finger, his cheeks irrationally flushed.  It was just Billy, he told himself, glancing around the apartment and wishing it was nicer.  The carpet looked older than Steve was, he thought in dismay.
“For how long,” Billy said softly, like there had to be a catch, and Steve shrugged.  
“Doesn’t matter, Hargrove, jesus.  I can’t let you go home.”
“...the hell did Max tell you,” Billy hissed, and Steve blinked.  
“She said your room had no sun.”
Billy started laughing—Steve hoped the noise was laughing, anyway, at least mostly—and then hung up.
 The day Billy was released, Steve took him straight to a tanning salon, and he emerged half-asleep from the tanning bed, so sleepy and quiet he didn’t even resist Steve carrying him back out to the car.  
He did have a lot to say about getting piggy-backed up the stairs to Steve’s apartment, like “Giddyup”, “Yee-haw”, “You just want me wrapped aorund you,” and “What the shit, Harrington, three stories, I’m gonna be trapped up here like fucking Rapunzel.”
“Didn’t a king put her in a tower to weave gold,” Steve asked, panting, and Billy laughed against his shoulder.  
“That was Rumpelstitzkin.  Wrong story.  Rapunzel, a witch did it.  They traded her for salad.”
“They fucking what,” Steve said, staggering to a stop on the stairs, and Billy burst out laughing.  
“Keep walking, your majesty.  Don’t drop me.”
 Steve reached and flicked the lights on, and then carried Billy inside.  His mom had gotten rid of his kid’s bed, so he’d just hauled his queen size out to the front room, in front of the windows, and he lowered Billy next to it, turning to grab him as he stumbled, looking around.  
“...there’re cactuses growing on your windowsill,” Billy pointed out, and Steve nodded.  
“It’s so sunny in here cactuses grow,” Steve informed him proudly.  “I thought that one looked like you—”
“Sturdy?” Billy suggested, smirking.  “Prickly?”
“Pain in my ass,” Steve told him.  “Here, sit down before you fall down.  Okay, these lamps?” he pointed, walking over,  “—sun lamps, okay.  They’ll keep it sunny year-round—”
“...why do you care if it’s sunny year-round,” Billy asked flatly, and Steve blinked over at him.  “I already don’t know how I’m gonna pay you back for this,” Billy gritted out.  “The fuck do you mean year-round.”  
Steve bit his lips together, thinking how weird and pathetic it was that he’d been so excited to have Billy come he’d lost sleep, bought grow lamps and cacti, and scrubbed his whole fridge out that morning at three, after it occurred to him, lying awake, that he hadn’t since he moved in.  He walked into the kitchen, and started getting out the chicken soup fixings he’d been assured Billy could eat.  “...I put a plastic lawn chair in the shower for when you can take showers,” he said, and heard his bed creak.  He looked over to see Billy standing, gripping the headboard, but then he sat again, swearing.  
“Harrington,” he hissed.
Steve told him about the hours he kept, and the plan with Max to bring Billy’s things, and Billy muttered darkly, and eventually complimented Steve’s soup like he was mad to admit it was good.
 That night, he squirmed next to Steve, slowly, because he couldn’t move fast, his breathing catching, then evening out, then gasping again.  
“...you need anything?” Steve asked finally, and Billy was silent for a long time, like he was holding his breath.  
“Maybe I should shave my head,” he said, casually, out of the blue, and Steve couldn’t help it, he snorted a laugh, dissolving into snickers.
“What?!” he hissed, still giggling.
“Can’t check under my hair,” Billy said, nearly inaudibly, and Steve groaned, then scooted closer, and reached up to find Billy’s shoulder in the dark.  
He slid his hand up and through Billy’s curls.  “S’warm, right?”
“...yeah,” Billy breathed.
“Doesn’t like warm,” Steve whispered back, sliding his fingers through every inch of Billy’s hair, slowly, so heat could build.  “If this feels bad, we’ll know, right?”
“......yeah,” Billy said, after an even longer pause.  
“...so does it?” Steve asked, after a while, and Billy didn’t answer.  Steve suspected he’d fallen asleep, but he made sure to finish.
 While Steve got ready for work, Billy was arranging himself in the bed, centered in the windows with his naked ass hanging out.  He sighed contentedly, and Steve groaned.
“Tell me you put sunscreen on,” he said, and Billy glared over.  
“I can’t put a shirt on, Harrington.  It’s fine—”
“You’re gonna be pissed if you get sunburned,” Steve told him, grabbing the sunscreen he’d bought for the time he took the Party camping, before they were too old for fun.  Billy stared at him, but Steve had had girlfriends, and he was a good babysitter, so he was an expert at warming sunscreen just enough, and not letting his fingers linger anywhere they weren’t supposed to be.  
Billy lay stiff as taxidermy as Steve rubbed sunscreen into his shoulders and arms, and then down his back—and then paused, because usually there was swimsuit there, and Billy cracked up the hardest Steve had ever heard him laugh.  He ever kicked his foot a little, snickering at Steve’s bad life choices.
Steve slapped a lotion-gooey hand on Billy’s ass, defiantly, and Billy yelped, laughing harder, and curling a little on his side, so Steve had to shove him on his face again to get him around the side of his butt.
“What are you doing,” Billy groaned into his pillow, cackling as Steve got his thighs and down the backs of his knees.  
“I just don’t wanna find you burned to ashes, like a vampire,” Steve said, blushing harder than ever, and then patted the calf of Billy’s leg.  “Flip over.”
“...I’ll get the front,” Billy said, still sniggering.  “I promise.  I swear, Harrington—”
“...you better,” Steve said, a little relieved, and a lot disappointed.  He shook his head hard, and left the sunscreen where Billy could get it.  
When he glanced back, Billy’s whole body was much redder than Steve’s squeamish lotioning could explain.  
 That night when he got home from work, he brought a pizza.  Billy eyed it doubtfully, but accepted the offered plate.  He stayed on the bed, watching Steve watch TV, until Steve waved him over, making a face.  
“D’you need help getting off the bed, or something?” he asked, and Billy shook his head, narrowing his eyes.
“Not gonna risk it,” he said.  “You felt me up too good this morning.  Might get ideas.”
Steve threw an olive at him, and Billy popped it in his mouth.  Steve watched him lick the drooping tip of the pizza into his mouth, and the grease shining on his lips.  Steve cleared his throat, and fixed his eyes on the TV screen.  
“So if I’m the spiky one,” Billy said, pausing halfway through the pizza slice to lay back on the bed, “—who’s the other one?  You got two cactuses in your life?”
“Max,” Steve told him absently.  “I was asking the lady at the store how to keep it sunny enough for a cactus in here, and so she thought I’d buy some, y’know.”
“...I guess when you start bringing a girl around, you’ll get something pretty,” Billy said, not any particular way, and Steve realized he’d been listening closely for tone.  
“Cactuses have flowers,” Steve told him, and Billy pushed himself up again, watching Steve’s face.  
Steve didn’t know what to do with that, except stick his tongue out, or something, so he stuffed the whole rest of the pizza slice in his mouth, and chewed.
 Billy could mostly take care of himself, except for being a little crazy.  Steve asked Dustin what it was called if something couldn’t live without sunlight, and Dustin said photosynthesis, so that was what Steve told his neighbors Billy had.  He jerked awake nearly every night no matter how long he baked himself the night before, breathing shakily.  Sometimes, it worked for Steve to slide a hand over and touch his shoulder, and then smooth his hand over Billy’s skin, reminding him the Mindflayer didn’t like it warm.
“You could just look, and we could go back to sleep,” Billy mumbled, but he scooted closer as Steve smoothed a hand along his ribs, and down his hip.
“Too sleepy, no lights,” Steve groaned, flopping half on top of him, and Billy laughed until they were both awake.
 Once, he tried to escape Steve, who scrambled the other way, thudded to the floor with a loud crash at 3am, and woke the neighbors, who yelled up through the floor asking if they were okay.  
Billy and Steve snickered in horror over that one, and Steve tried to sleep on the couch, that night, despite Billy’s continual whispers of “You know you’d rather get some, Harrington.  Get back over here.  I’m lonely, Harrington.  Put your hands on me, Harrington.”  He started singing it, softly, then louder, like their neighbors weren’t tortured enough, and finally Steve groaned, laughing, and tromped back over to crawl into bed.
“You want my hands on you, huh,” Steve whispered, daring to scoot close and slide a hand around Billy’s waist, pulling their whole bodies against each other.  “...warm enough?” he asked, and Billy nodded, frozen stiff like a board against his chest.
“...what were you dreaming?” Steve whispered, against Billy’s ear, because usually Billy curled into his warmth, edging towards him even asleep, until they were a mess of arms and legs and their skin stuck together a little with sweat.
Billy took a slow breath, then let it out.  Steve waited, but he just kept...breathing, until Steve finally grunted unhappily against his neck, and snuggled closer.  They didn’t get much sleep, that night, since Billy kept twitching awake, and finally Steve got up and turned on the sun lamps, and yanked off the blanket to run his hand up and down Billy’s lower back.
“...d’you wanna kiss me,” Billy finally said, flatly, like he was mad, and Steve froze.  
He thought about the way Billy knew exactly how to make Max mad—but teased her about something else, instead, after listening to her scream as he went down at the mall.  The shine of the pizza grease on Billy’s lips, and how pink they’d been, after he licked them.  How he sat up a little every time Steve walked in the room, like Steve Harrington was someone to get excited about.  
“...you don’t, do you,” Billy said, even more firmly, his hands clenched on Steve’s, around his waist.  “Fuck.  Forget it.”
“What the hell, no, I’m not forgetting it,” Steve hissed, and Billy laughed, less happily, this time.  
“Yeah,” he whispered.  “That’s what I was dreaming about.”
“What if—what if I do.  Want to,” Steve mumbled, feeling like a moron, and Billy went all stiff and uncomfortable in his arms again.  
“Make up your mind, Harrington,” he growled, and Steve sat up, so Billy fell on his back with a sputtered “Fuck!”
 Steve licked his lips, staring down at Billy’s glowering face and set jaw, going golden in the first, early rays of the sun.  He leaned in for a kiss.
The other Harringrove April prompts I’ve done
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zen3to5 · 4 years
J/H 4-20: Jackie’s Cheese Squeeze
Another partial rewrite...but this one is much more Zen-heavy ;) Basically, every scene dealing with the "secret squirrel" runner has been rewritten with a new runner involving Hyde.
We assume that, in this timeline, 4-19 ("Leo Loves Kitty") is without changes.
FF.Net AO3
INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - DAY   ERIC stands in front of the TV. Before him sit HYDE in his chair and DONNA and FEZ on the couch. He has their full attention.   ERIC: I saw Jackie making out with the guy from the cheese shop! The little guy!   Donna breaks into a huge grin, Fez’s jaw drops, and Hyde folds his arms and scowls.   DONNA: No way!   ERIC: Oh, yeah. She was chompin’ on the cheddar.   DONNA: She was swapping spit with the Swiss?   ERIC: She was gettin’ the Gouda.   FEZ: Ooh, ooh! She was... doing it with the dairy?   ERIC: (beat) Fez, not bad, man!   He chuckles, Fez smiles, and Donna pats Fez on the back.   Eric looks over at Hyde.   HYDE: Hey, Hyde, buddy? You want in?   FEZ: Yes, we have just learned information that could crush the very heart and soul of one of our best friends. You live for days like this!   HYDE: Guys, this isn’t funny.   DONNA: Yeah, I guess he’s right. I mean, Kelso used to cheat on Jackie, like, all the time. If all she did was kiss this guy, then you could call it Kelso’s just desserts.   ERIC: What, you mean Jackie chewing on the cheesecake?   Donna and Fez snicker as Hyde stands.   HYDE: No, man. Jackie finally gets fed up with Kelso and she starts making out with Captain Curd? What a load of crap!   DONNA: Wow, Hyde, you’re really upset. Now, why would Jackie kissing some random cheese guy bother you so much?   She, Fez, and Eric all grin and look to him. Hyde’s shades don’t quite hide the nervous darting of his eyes.   HYDE: (beat) That’s my student out there, man, my grasshopper! I can’t have her locking lips with losers on the bottom rung of the food service industry!   He looks over his friends, seeing if they buy it; they clearly don’t.   HYDE (cont’d): The honor of the dojo’s on the line here!   They all just keep grinning.   HYDE (cont’d): Ah, get bent!   He stomps off to his room as the others break down laughing.
***   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - DAY   The gang’s all here, but one. KELSO sits in the lawn chair. Eric, Fez, and Donna all sit on the couch (Eric up on its back) and Hyde sits in his chair.   JACKIE enters through the basement door. Eric looks up at her, grins, and turns to the others.   ERIC: Oh, hey, guys! It’s Kelso’s loyal girlfriend, Jackie!   DONNA & FEZ: (teasing) Hi, Jackie!   They smile up at her. Hyde turns to face the TV, his arms crossed.   JACKIE: (beat) Okay... I’m not here to stay. I just came to get Michael. (to Kelso) Come on.   ERIC: Oh, no, stay. We’re just gonna hang out and fool around. We all know how much you like to... fool around.   He gives her a telling look. Jackie edges away from him and taps Kelso on the shoulder.   JACKIE: Okay, Michael, come on. Let’s go to the Hub.   KELSO: No, I wanna stay here and fool around.   He smiles at the others, who all smile back sans Hyde and Jackie.   ERIC: So, hey, Jackie, how’s it going down at the cheese shop? You must be so tired from... giving it away at the mall.   Jackie glares at Eric, who just looks right back.   HYDE: It sickens me.   All eyes snap to him, though it takes him a moment to realize he spoke aloud and pulled focus.   HYDE: (beat) Corporations using free samples to lure the masses into gorging at the feed bags of their factory farmed dairy. I want no part of it!   He turns in his chair so his back is to the others.   KELSO: I think it’d be fun to be a dairy farmer. I’ve always wondered if those udders on a cow feel like boobs.   Jackie rolls her eyes and slaps Kelso’s arm.   JACKIE: Come on, Michael, let’s go!   ERIC: No, let’s stay! We could play Monopoly. Oh, but that wouldn’t be much fun since we all know that... Jackie cheats.   JACKIE: I do not!   KELSO: Oh, you do cheat. We’ve all caught you.   Jackie squirms on her feet as Eric, Donna, and Fez snicker.   ***   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - DAY   THE CIRCLE. Kelso is halfway between a grin and a grimace. Elton John’s “Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting)” plays on the radio.   KELSO: You guys are never gonna believe this – Jackie cheated on me. WITH THE CHEESE GUY!   Pan to Hyde, just as upset as Kelso. His raised fist trembles as he glares out into space.   Pan to Kelso.   KELSO (cont’d): I know. I was speechless too.   Pan to Fez.   FEZ: Well, thank God all she did was kiss him.   Pan to Kelso.   KELSO: I guess, but... wait. How did you know all she did was kiss him?   Pan to Fez.   FEZ: Kiss? Ah... I didn’t say “kiss.” Don’t make fun of my accent.   Pan to Kelso.   KELSO: That cheese guy’s lucky he’s a little fella, or I’d kick his ass. Just – BOOM! Right in the ass!   Pan to Hyde.   HYDE: Hey, man, you gotta kick his ass. Like on Fantasy Island, if Tattoo took one of Mr. Roarke’s women up to his little tower and put it to her, Roarke would slap that little dude like a drunk southern widow! And then he’d hit him off with some vicious voodoo.   Pan to a laughing Donna.   DONNA: Voodoo on Tattoo. Voodoo... Tattoo... peek-a-boo! Honeydew... kung-fu... goo goo g’joob! (beat) I’m done.   ***   INT. MALL - DAY   Kelso’s on the warpath. He struts through the courtyard with Hyde, Donna, and Fez in tow. They make a beeline for the Cheese Palace, where TODD is taking inventory. Kelso gets right up in his face, with Hyde right beside him and Donna and Fez standing off to one side.   KELSO:  Your ass is mine, cheese puff!   TODD: How did you know my nickname?   KELSO: Wait – your nickname’s “cheese puff?”   Todd nods. Hyde smacks Kelso on the arm.   HYDE: (to Kelso) Stay focused – kick his ass!   KELSO: Yeah, right! Good! Yeah! (to Todd) What do you think you’re doing, kissing my girlfriend, huh? Huh?   TODD: Well, maybe if you paid more attention to that gorgeous creature than your little modeling gig, it wouldn’t have happened.   KELSO: Little? That picture sold hundreds of young men’s briefs all over the greater Kenosha area!   FEZ: It’s true. I bought three pairs. Very supportive!   KELSO: Yeah! (to Todd) So look – I know you’re a little fella, but I can’t let you go around kissing my girlfriend, so you’re gonna have to take a punch.   TODD: I understand.   Hyde circles around to Todd’s left and puts his dukes up as Kelso gives a solid jab to Todd’s gut. Todd, grinning like a madman, looks up at Kelso.   HYDE: (beat) Okay, that didn’t work.   TODD: Well, I guess it’s my turn.   He slowly advances toward Kelso, who backs up along with Hyde.   KELSO: Hey – I didn’t mean to scare you, little guy -   He grabs a serving tray off one of the decorative barrels and holds it up between himself and Todd. With one punch, Todd splits the board in two.   TODD: I’m a black belt.   Kelso and Hyde look to each other, Fez grabs Donna’s arm, and Donna’s jaw drops.   DONNA: I did not see that coming!   ***   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT – NIGHT   As Eric promised, he and Jackie wait for Kelso, but they have company. While Eric paces the room, Fez sits in the lawn chair, and Donna and Hyde sit on either side of Jackie on the couch. Hyde has a busted lip.   JACKIE: And I’ve just had such a hard time lately that I guess I was open to any sign of affection.   DONNA: Well, that’s understandable. It’s just too bad it had to happen with your boss. (to Hyde) Right, Hyde?   Donna grins, and Jackie looks to Hyde. He looks straight ahead, his arms crossed.   HYDE: (to Jackie) You stay away from that cheese guy. Corporate stooge and kung-fu fighter? That combination shouldn’t be allowed to exist.   Kelso comes running down the stairs. Jackie stands and crosses to meet him.   KELSO: All right, look. Jackie, here’s the deal: you cheated on me.   JACKIE: You used to cheat on me all the time.   KELSO: Yeah? Well... yeah.   As he considers that, Jackie crosses, sits on the deep freeze.   KELSO (cont’d): (following Jackie) But you cheated out of hate, and I cheated out of joy.   Jackie shakes her head.   JACKIE: I didn’t cheat out of hate, Michael. I cheated because, lately, you’ve been acting like I don’t exist.   KELSO: Well, I sure know you exist now that you’ve frenched the whole mall!   Fez “oohs;” Hyde cuts him off with a look.   KELSO (cont’d): Look, I know that I need to pay more attention to you, and I want to forgive you, but I have all this anger built up inside of me and nowhere to put it.   Jackie considers that for a moment, smiles.   JACKIE: Eric knew about the kiss all along and didn’t tell you.   Kelso turns and glowers at Eric.   KELSO: (to Eric) You knew?   ERIC: Jackie!   JACKIE: What’d you expect?   KELSO: (beat) You’re a dead man, Forman.   He charges. Eric makes it to the basement door and up the stairs, and Kelso follows in pursuit.   Jackie hops off the deep freeze. Hyde stands and crosses to her.   HYDE: Look, Jackie - I get where you’re coming from, feeling the brush-off and all, but you gotta find better ways to deal with it.   JACKIE: I know.   FEZ: Or maybe you just need a better fellow to kiss. Now, who could Hyde have in mind for that?   He and Donna each give Hyde a smug grin. A confused Jackie looks to him to explain their behavior, but Hyde shakes his head.   HYDE: If you’re having a problem with Kelso, then you’ve gotta go straight to Kelso.   JACKIE: What, you mean, talk to him? Steven, I just did that.   HYDE: (nods) That’s one option.   The basement door flies open. Eric comes tearing through the basement.   ERIC: I doubled back, but he’s still behind me!   He races up the stairs just as Kelso comes back in through the basement door. He starts after Eric, but Hyde sticks his foot out, and Kelso goes crashing into the dryer.   From the floor, Kelso lets out a low moan.   KELSO: That’s both my eyes!   Hyde grins, nods toward Kelso’s body on the ground.   HYDE: (to Jackie) That’s another.   Jackie tries and fails to choke down a laugh.   FADE TO BLACK
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
A Tale of Two Soldiers Part 6
Title: A Tale of Two Soldiers Part 6
Characters: Erik x reader, Bucky x reader
Summary: Erik and Bucky come to save you.
Word Count: 5703
Warnings: Sexual assault and sex trafficking (Plesse don’t read if they’re triggers for you even though it does not go into depth.) Violence and a little torture
A/N: no keep reading link since I’m on mobile.
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You awoke with a pounding headache, it was worst than the time you were matching drink for drink with Steve. Whatever room you were in the air was freezing and it didn’t help that Marcus or whoever he was working with left you in your lingerie set.
As you were coming to, you heard a murmur of voices. You got up to investigate where the voices were coming from. With each closer step you heard a bunch of:
‘She’s up’
‘She’s coming’
‘Is that Y/N’
‘Isn’t she an avenger’
When you found the voices, they belong to a group of women, scratch that not all of them were women. The youngest seemed to be about 11. All of them were in skimpy shorts and crop tops. Judging from their outfits, your new environment, and your abduction you just got caught in a fucking sex trafficking ring. Great, Bucky and Erik weren’t going to let you out your sight after this.
A young girl with big doe eyes tentatively walked to you.”Are you here to save us? You’re Y/N, the avenger, right?” Her eyes were filled with hope and you didn’t want to tell her the truth and break her heart but you also didn’t want to lie to her and give her false hope.
You didn’t know if it was luck or not but a girl who looked like life hardened her answered for you. “Does she look like she’s here to save us? She’s for sell just like us!”
To make yourself smaller you kneeled down to the other girl’s level. “She’s right. I’m here against my will. But, I got some powerful friends and they’ll find us sooner than later.”
Suddenly, you heard a loud slam of a door and the clicking of heels against the tile floor. A man in a full Armani suit was surrounded by his bodyguards appeared. He seem like the type of man to brag about his accomplishments and flaunt his wealth, especially with women. And if they didn’t do as he asked, he’ll call them anything but a child of God.
“I see that you met your new roommates,” the man stated smugly.
Already tired of the bullshit you punched ole dude in his smug face. In return you received a kick in the gut that caused you to fall to the ground.
Armani suit bent down and jerked your chin so you could look into his emotionless eyes. “They were already ordered not to hit you in the face. We don’t want to damage our money maker.”
“You’re really selling me and these girls? Oh, you don’t know what trouble you just got yourself into asshole.”
“Trouble? I don't think so. You’re gonna be worth more than all of them combined. Someone as beautiful and strong as you. You’re gonna make me a rich man.”
“Let’s say if you get the chance to sell me, you’re not gonna live long enough to spend it. My dad’s a senator, my uncles are War Machine and Ironman, my best friends are Captain America and Black Widow, and my boyfriends are the two most ruthless killers ever. I’m starting to feel bad for you bro.” You shrugged at the man and smirked.
“I knew you were a little slut.” He gripped your face harder to the point you thought he would break some of your teeth and then he gave you a bruising kiss. In return you head butted him, which he seemed to enjoy from his evil chuckle. “I wish I could keep you for myself. Do you know what’s the most satisfying thing about my job?”
“I don’t know. You get your tiny dick sucked? You must be overcompensating for something,” you sneered.
The big bad grabbed your hand and put it on his rather unimpressive hard on.”I assure you I’m not overcompensating for anything.” Great, not only were you kidnapped by an asshole but he was delusional as well.
“Anyway, my favorite thing about my job is dousing out fires. Now, your average sex trafficker wants to get easy girls. Girls who won’t put up fight. But me personally, I like it when my girls got fight in em, because I enjoy putting them out. I love when a break down a girl and make her submit. The more fight she had the better. And you, Ms. Y/L/N are one of the strongest women I ever had and to bend you to my will until I submit,” he took a deep inhale and palmed himself. “I would pay good money for that, but you’re the product and I can’t make money if I use my own product. But no worries, there are buyers out there with similar viewpoints as mines and they’ll pay a pretty penny for you. So, I’m not scared because I’ll have enough money in the world not to worry about your friends and family.”
As Armani suit gave his bad guy monologue, you found a random pipe on the floor behind you. Despite your better judgement you grabbed the pipe and whacked the smug smirk off your captors face. “I’m glad you like your girls with fight because I gotta whole lotta fight in me.”
When he faced you, you finally saw the anger in him instead of that giddiness he had earlier. “Make sure you don’t hit her in the face. Remember that’s our money maker, but everything else is fair game.” While he ordered his men to do their worst his eyes never left yours until he exited the room.
Soon as their boss left, the goons started pounding at you. Some used their fists, some used their feet, some used the butt of a gun, and some used a pipe. No matter what they were using, pain reverberated throughout your body. Although, you were in immense pain you refused to give these monsters the satisfaction of your screams in pain, so you suffered in silence. The only thing that could be heard were their grunts and vile words towards you. It wasn’t until you blacked out with thoughts of Bucky and Erik saving you were you able to escape the pain.
Charles automatically noticed something was wrong when you didn’t show for the family photo shoot. Even though you hated doing things like these you were always 30 minutes early, just in case someone needed help with something. So when his baby girl wasn’t there when he got there, he ordered his crazy daughter, Casey to track you down.
That was two days ago and there was still no word from you. HPD inform your parents that they couldn’t find Marcus, who you were last seen with and now he was officially a person of interest.
The whole family was gathered in the living room with the Wakandans, James Warren, Tony, Rhodey, and Detective Johnson from HPD.
“We have an update on your daughter’s case,” the detective informed the Y/L/N family as he handed a folder to your father.
His knees buckled once he saw what was inside. It was photos of you in your lingerie, posed for sell. The pictures got worse as he saw all the bruises on your body.
Your mother got a look as well and she instantly wailed. “Who would do this to my baby?”
Tired of being in the dark, Erik took the photos from your dad. When he saw them he was fuming and he knew just who to blame.
Throwing the photos at Bucky, Erik stormed towards Bucky and sucker punched him.”Its your fault! I was stupid enough to listen to you and let her go to that damn auction! Now look, Barnes she’s caught in a sex trafficking ring!”
Everyone except the Wakandans perked up at the mention of Barnes. “Bucky Barnes?” Tony and your mom questioned.
Bucky was outed now, so he took the nano mask off. “I’m just as pissed as you, Stevens and I blame myself more than you ever could.” Then Bucky turned his gaze towards Tony and your mom, “But all of you have a choice. You either can turn me in over duty or some personal vendetta or you let me be Winter Soldier and bring our girl home and kill those sons of bitches.”
Regrettably, Tony conceded to Bucky. He was far too worried about you to get back at Bucky and he knew how much those bastards needed to pay and the Winter Soldier was what they needed.
“Who took those photos,” Rhodey asked gravelly.
“We believe it’s Richard Dominguez. He just took over the Dominguez crime family and expanded into sex trafficking, which his recently deceased father was against.” Detective Johnson informed the room.
“What about this Marcus nigga?” Erik asked. He was ready to kill someone and if he couldn’t get to Dominguez then Marcus would have to do.
The detective felt uncomfortable under Erik’s murderous gaze. “Umm...we can’t find him.”
“Then what the fuck you niggas good for? Oh wait never mind y’all good for killing innocent black people.”
“Cousin!” T’Challa admonished his younger cousin.
Erik just shrugged his shoulders because he believed he told no lie. He looked at Shuri and nodded his head at her. “Lil cuz, can you find this Marcus dude if we give you his picture?”
Shuri looked at Erik as if he grew a second head. Did he know who he was talking to?”
“My bad, cuz,” Erik quickly apologized once he saw the look on Shuri’s face. “Can you find him quickly is what I meant to ask.”
“Give me the picture and I’ll tell you his last location within 30 minutes, cousin,” the Wakandan princess stated.
Detective Johnson handed a photo of Marcus to Shuri and she promptly went to work.
Everything hurt. You were sure that you had a couple of broken ribs. The girls took turns looking after you and in that time they told you who held the group captive. It was some dude named Richard Dominguez and he was fairly new to the game.
The door squealed open and the girls hid in their respective corners. You thought it was Dominguez coming to gloat about the offers he got for you, but it was a woman instead. She reminded you of a Kim Kardashian wannabe. Nothing on the woman was real. Her ass was disproportionate to her thighs, her lips looked as if they were stung by bees, and her tan was so dark that she was nearly the same color as you.
“So, you’re the one my husband can’t shut up about. He keeps on talking about your beauty, but from where I’m standing, darling, you ain’t that beautiful.” The woman sneered at you as she inspected you.
If her physical appearance didn’t put you off, her attitude did the job for you. Annoyed with the woman you sighed, “Don’t tell me your ok with this? And please don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
“Ok? Sweetie, I’m ecstatic with anything that allows me to afford my lifestyle. I would sell my own grandmother if it meant I could live like this. Honey, why would I ever be jealous of you?”
What a delusional one this chick was. You laughed at her and proceeded to read her. “Listen, sweetie, ummm, everything on your body is predominantly features of a black woman and under all that tanning lotion, you’re clearly not a black woman. You literally just came in here and called me ugly for having the same features you have that your plastic surgeon did a botch job on.”
You stood up face to face with Dominguez’s wife and even in your diminished shape she was frightened by you. “I bet your bitchass husband is fantsizing about me while he’s fucking you,” a look of embrassement from the woman confirmed your hunch and you contined. “I’m gonna go as far and say he called out my name on accident. Man, it must suck to be you.”
The wannabe was in tears by now and she ran out the room. Usually, you wouldn’t revel in the fact that a husband was mentally cheating on his wife, but since she was compliant, you didn’t feel an ounce of guilt.
Once again the door creaked open and this time it was Dominguez and he was pissed. He stormed towards you and punched you in the gut. “You made my wife upset, you little cunt! Be glad that you are of value to me or you be dead.”
You knew Dominguez didn’t care about his wife, but she must’ve gave him an earful and that set him off. Holding yourself back, you smirked at the man. “I don’t know what’s worse for you. Me getting to you and killing you or the Winter Soldier and Killmonger killing you. Either way you end up dead and you better pray that nothing happens to me, because those two I mentioned are nothing nice to play with.”
All the blood drained from Dominguez’s face when you mentioned the Winter Soldier. He didn’t know about Killmonger, but he didn’t sound fun and now suddenly he was fearing for his life.
His silence stuck with you and you knew you had him. You decided to taunt Dominiguez some more. “Remember when I said boyfriends? I was talking about them. So, even if I end up getting sold, you won’t be spending any of the money.”
Richard continued to keep his mouth shut as he tried to calmly exit the room. When he was outside the door, he ordered his head of security to hire more guards in case the Winter Soldier came looking for him. Now he had to get rid of you much quicker than he would like to, because he refused to be a victim of the infamous Winter Soldier.
Shuri came through and she was able to locate Marcus in 15 minutes instead of 30, and the team had him in their custody no less than 45 minutes.
Bucky was sharpening his knife trying to calm himself before interrogating Marcus when Tony approached him. “I know you hate me, Stark, but I love Y/N, so don’t be mad at her when we get her back. She was just doing what she believed what was right by protecting me.”
Tony held back his disdain for Bucky. He had to admit that he admired how fiercely Bucky wanted to fight for you. “Barnes, I’m not here to fight you. Y/N would whoop my ass if I did right now. I just wanted to say I appreciate how you’re fighting to get her back and that none of this is your fault.” Bucky drew his brows in confusion at Tony’s statement. Did Stark really compliment him?
“I know. I know. It doesn’t sound like me. But you can’t fight at your best if you keep thinking its your fault that Y/N is captured. You were ok with Y/N going to the auction, because you knew she was going to do it anyway. Don’t beat yourself up over that,” Tony advised the soldier.
“I still hate you by the way. I’ll just hate you less once we get her back.” Tony effectively killed the chance of any reconciliation between the two and left the room
As Tony and Bucky were having a moment, Rhodey was talking to Erik trying to calm him down. “You can’t just go in there and start beating on the dude.”
Erik looked at Rhodey in disbelief, “Oh, I can’t? Watch me.” Erik was walking to the door that Marcus was behind and Rhodey pulled him back before he turned the handle.
“You need to calm down and do it quickly! I’m not letting you blow the only lead we have on finding my niece. Do you understand me?” This was the first time Erik seen the older man lose his cool. He heard from you how your Uncle James was always the chill one despite how crazy our mom or Uncle Tony could be. So, he knew he needed to calm down for the sake of your uncle.
“A’ight. I’m sorry, man. I just need to find her asap.”
Rhodey understood the young man’s urgency. He clapped his shoulder and warned Erik. “We need Marcus alive. The cops need someone to arrest.”
Erik caught Rhodey’s drift. He wouldn’t he able to kill Marcus but whoever was the real culprit was fair game.
When Erik finally gathered himself together he went to the door where Bucky was at and entered the room. The two killers had to school their faces as they entered the room. It smelled of bodily fluids and the heat in the room made it no better.
Marcus was sitting in the middle of the room in his own mess. He was a nervous mess because he didn’t know who kidnapped him and then the crazies had a jaguar and wolf snapping in his face.
“They miss their mom and they know you have something to do with her being missing.” Marcus instantly recognized the man talking. He was the Winter Soldier and he was casually flipping a knife around.
Soon as he recognized Bucky Barnes, Marcus soiled himself once again. Erik scrunched up his face in disgust and pinched his nose. “Really, nigga? You already pissed now you gotta shit! I bet you didn’t have that same energy when you let Y/N go.”
“Look man, I didn’t have a choice,” Marcus yelled in desperation.
Pissed off, Bucky echoed Marcus. “No choice!” Bucky kicked Marcus’s chair, causing him to fall and have Apollo and Artemis growl in his face.
“Are you really gonna let em eat him?” Erik pointed to the predators.
“They haven’t ate all day and he’s obviously no help. Is that a problem?”
“Nah, it’s chow time.” Erik broke out into a smile while Apollo and Artemis widen their jaws for their new meal.
“She’s in Huntsville! Dominguez has a bunch of land out there, but he has a small army. He’ll know you’re coming.”
“We don’t care!” Bucky yelled already texting T’Challa with the information.
Erik bent down to Marcus. “Before I rock yo shit, why did you betray her?”
Marcus was a sobbing mess by now, he feared for his life. “I had a gambling debt at one of Dominguez’s underground casinos. He said it’ll clear my debt and I could get a little extra if I help him get her. Y/N’s an Avenger, I thought she would be out by now.”
As Bucky heard Marcus’s explanation, he crushed the door knob in frustration. What kind of man traded his friend for money? He took his knife out and aimed it at Marcus and cut off the top of his ear.
Annoyed that Bucky threw the knife so close to his face, Erik reprimanded him. “You had to throw it next to my face?” Bucky nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders and exited the room. Erik quickly followed Bucky after he punched Marcus to silence his wails.
Thanks to Bucky texting the intel while they were still with Marcus, Shuri had the location of Dominguez. Everyone suited up as soon as a plan was formed, even though Bucky and Erik just wanted to go in guns blazing.
“You know we don’t plan on bringing Dominguez alive.” Bucky warned your parents.
Your mother left her husband’s side and for the first time looked Bucky in the eye. “I don’t give a damn. If he’s begging for mercy, you better let him bleed out. Just bring back my baby girl.” Now Erik and Bucky understood where you got a fierceness from.
Both men gave a head nod and a yes ma’am to her and left to go save their girl.
You were getting anxious. If it was just you held captive, you would’ve already escaped and killed Dominguez, but you weren’t. The other girls were your responsibility and you promised them all that you would get them out safely and alive.
“Miss. Y/N, are your friends going to save us?” Lexie, the 10 year old asked you with hope in her eyes.
“Of course, honey. They’ll be here soon. If we get lucky, we might get to see the Scarlet Witch.”
Santana being the pessimist she was told the child not to get her hopes up. You were on the verge to cuss Santana out, but you heard gunshots and the screams of Dominguez’s guards.
A smile broke out on your face, help had came. You ordered the girls to grab the shivs they made in the past days.
All of you gathered together and were approaching the door when you heard footsteps by the door. You pushed the girls behind you and got in your fighting stance.
You abandoned your stance and fell to the floor in relief when you saw Steve, Nat, Sam, and Wanda at the door.
“It’s okay. I got you,” Steve hugged you being mindful of your injuries. You hugged everyone else and asked Wanda where Vision was. She told you he joined Tony and should be here soon.
“This family reunion is great, but we got people shooting at us and we need to get these girls to safety,” Nat reminded everyone.
“Nat’s right. You guys get the girls out and I’ll handle Dominguez.” You offered to your former teammates.
Steve was heavily against the idea. He claimed that you would be outnumber and your injuries would be a clear disadvantage. But you weren’t hearing none of it. You needed to kill Dominguez and your friends couldn’t get caught since they were still fugitives.
In the middle of your argument with Steve, your sword Shuri made for your birthday was suddenly in your hand. Then you heard the roar of Artemis and the howl of Apollo.
You smiled at your friends. “Game time, bitches.” This time Steve didn’t argue with you when you ordered them to get the girls to safety. He knew Bucky was there to save you and nothing would get in his way.
Thanks to your sword being made out of vibranium you easily dodge bullets and sliced through Dominguez’s henchmen. Your goal was to kill your captor and everyone who helped him, and you weren’t leaving the base til you did.
Taking two stairs at a time, you ran into the master bedroom and found Dominguez’s wife frantically throwing clothes, shoes, and jewelry into a duffel bag.
“Materialistic to the end, huh?” Your chuckle halted her packing. Immediately she was begging for her life and in that moment you truly didn’t know if you would leave her alive. You asked yourself WWCAD (what would Captain America do?) and regrettably you only knocked her out with a vase.
As you were tying up Richard’s wife, he came running into the room seeking refuge. Once he spotted you, he pointed his gun at you. “Damn, I thought you would’ve killed her. She knows too much about the operation.”
Dang, this man really didn’t care about anyone except himself. “You know I would say I feel bad for her, but she’s as guilty as you are.”
“Then maybe you should give me the same punishment as her,” he tried to bargain with you.
“Too late,” you stated and then you charged the man.
Your fight ended up in the hallway and near the railing. Dominguez and you were dodging each other’s hits. You lunged to stab him, but he fell over the railing but he grabbed you to bring you with him. You were expecting to feel the coolness of the marble floor, but instead you felt the familiar warmth of strong arms.
“I got you, princess.” Tears threatened to spill out when you saw Bucky and Erik. You kissed Erik and murmur a bunch of I love you. Then you jumped out of his arms and limped towards Bucky to do the same.
Unfortunately, your reunion got cut short by the groans of Dominguez. Erik and Bucky instantly got in defense mode but you had to pull them back. As much as you understood their anger, this was your kill.
You slammed your foot into Dominguez’s chest to stop him from getting up. “Remember when I told you I didn’t know if it was worse for you if I got to you if they got to you,” you pointed towards the two soldiers. He gave no answer, but looked at you in pure hatred.
“Well, I forgot about a third option and I’m gonna go with them, cuz they’ll kill you slower than I ever could.” Confusion and then fear crossed Dominguez’s face as he saw the jaguar and wolf prowling towards him out of the shadows.
While Apollo and Artemis were snarling in his face, you bent down to his ear and whispered, “You know my favorite thing about you douchebag dudes is the fear on your face once you know you lost and how you’re gonna die soon. It’s the best feeling.” You patted his chest as you smugly mocked his first conversation he had with you.
Once you started walking away you heard the crunching and breaking of his bones and his cries of pain as Apollo and Artemis ripped into him.
The adrenaline must’ve stopped pumping through you, because you fell to the ground before either Bucky or Erik could get to you. Blood was seeping out of your stomach when the boys reached you. Each of them were yelling it wasn’t your time yet as you repeatedly told them you were sorry. Luckily, Erik managed to insert a Kimoyo bead into your wound to stop the bleeding. And once again you blacked out as you have done so many times this week.
“You’re very lucky Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N based on all your daughter’s injuries she should be dead,” you heard the doctor inform your parents.
“Thank God!” Your mother praised as she sat in the chair next to your bed.
“Ummm, but is it necessary for them being here?” You could only assume that the doctor was referring to Apollo and Artemis, since you could sense their presence.
“They stay,” Erik ordered leaving no room for negotiations.
A few moments later and you felt your eyes flutter open. No one noticed that you were awake until they heard you groan in pain.
Your first words were where was Bucky and Erik.
Erik left his corner in the room and ran up to you. “Hey, princess. I’m right here and Barnes not here right now. We have too many eyes on us right now.”
Usually you would be understanding, but you didn’t feel complete until you had both men by your side. So, you pleaded with Erik to get him and he was about to comply when Secretary Ross entered your hospital room.
Automatically, you were on the defense and tried to sit up despite the pain you were in. Last time you saw Ross, you cussed him out so you doubted he would be happy to see you again.
“Y/L/N, it’s good to see you’re doing well.”
“What do you want,” you croaked out.
Ross widen his stance in an attempt to intimidate you. “We have reports from the other girls you saved and they said that Steve Rogers and the others were there helping them. Do you know where they have could’ve gone? And please don’t lie, the girls did say you did talk to Rogers.”
Your monitor was beeping quickly indicating the spike in your blood pressure. At this point, Ross was more than a thorn in your side and he was getting dangerously close to be on your kill list.
It also must’ve been your mother’s breaking point, because she jumped out of her seat and was in Ross’s face. “Are you fucking kidding me!!!” Your mama had to be furious to be cussing. You only heard her cuss a handful of times in her lifetime. “My daughter is in the damn hospital barely escaping death and you’re worried about capturing damn Captain America??? My baby girl is right, that heart attack must’ve fucked with your head more than you thought. Now I suggest you get out of this room or that wolf and jaguar are gonna have a new chew toy.”
Ross made the smart decision of leaving the room with no protests. You knew your mom could be scary, but for her to successfully threaten the Secretary of State, she earned a new level of respect from you.
“Damn, Mrs. Y/L/N remind me not to piss you off.” Erik laughed in admiration.
While looking at you and giving you a motherly caress, your mama replied to Erik. “I don’t play about my kids, even the ones who give me the most headaches. So, it’s best you and Barnes remember that.”
You almost couldn’t contain your excitement. That warning your mama gave Erik was also a seal of approval for both of them to date you. Who would’ve thought your mama would be open to you dating an assassin.
For a while you talked with your family. Shannon tried to apologize for unknowingly helping you get kidnapped, but you threatened to burn all her wigs if she tried apologizing again. That quickly got her to shut up.
The nurse came by and told everyone that visiting hours were over. Everyone left except Erik and when she tried to get him to leave, he gave her a deadly stare until she scurried off.
Running your fingers through Erik’s dreads calmed you and him. It was very possible that you wouldn’t have survived and never had the chance to see each other again.
Tears were forming in Erik’s eyes and this was the second time you saw him cry. Between sniffles Erik spoke for the first time since you two been left alone. “I almost lost you, Y/N. That scared the shit out of me. I’m about to ask T’Challa to assign a Dora to follow you when me or Barnes are not around.”
Half of you was grateful that you had a man that cared that much about you, but the other half was annoyed that you were about to get a 24 hour detail after this whole debacle. “I’m safe, E. But don’t you think it may be a little extreme to have someone watching me all the time?”
“Hell no.” Welp, there’s goes any negotiation. You didn’t have the energy to fight Erik on the topic, so you let it go for now.
Erik jokes with you for a bit to lift your spirits, but he knew eventually you would ask for Bucky again. He told you what you already suspected which was that Bucky felt guilty about your abduction and was avoiding you. You told Erik to get Bucky and tell him if he refused to come you would never speak to him again.
Within 10 minutes, Bucky was sulking in your room. Erik excused himself, knowing that you two needed this intimate moment and appreciative that he spent time with you already.
“You two seem really close now,” you pointed out to Bucky after Erik clapped his shoulder.
Seemingly nervous, his metal hand scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, when the girl you both love gets kidnapped it brings enemies closer.”
Bucky made no attempt to get near you and it broke your heart. In the time you needed him the most he refused to be there for you, but you understood it, he was still blaming himself.
“Doll, I really shouldn’t be here.”
“It’s not safe. I heard that Ross came by looking for intel. Someone can come by and turn me in.”
Although, it was a valid concern, you knew that wasn’t the real reason Bucky thought he shouldn’t be there. “I have my own hospital floor and Tony made sure everyone signed a NDA, so try again, Barnes.”
This time Bucky moved towards you and you could see the pain in his eyes. Hell, you practically felt the pain rolling off of him onto you.
Bucky was crying by the time he sat next to you. He laid his head on your stomach and you could feel his tears seeping through your hospital gown.
When he finally composed himself, Bucky spoke.”Fuck doll, if I hadn’t encouraged you to go to that damn auction you wouldn’t be in this damn hospital bed.”
You lifted his chin to get his attention. “I’m only gonna say this once. It’s not your fault. I was gonna go with or without your permission.”
Bucky opened his mouth to apologize, but you held up your hand to stop him. “James Buchanan Barnes if you are fixing those gifted lips of yours to apologize, I promise you I will cut off your dick and you know how much I love it, baby. You wouldn’t want to do that to me, would you, babe?”
Laughter filled the air and it was music to your ears. Bucky’s laugh was low like his voice but it held a certain lightness that Bucky must’ve retained before joining the army.
“Ok no more apologies. But you’re gonna have someone with you at all times just to make me feel better.”
“I basically told her the same thing and she didn’t argue with me,” Erik added while he was standing in the doorway eating some jello-o.
You rolled your eyes in annoyance at the two men. They really thought you were gonna comply with them. “I didn’t argue with you because I’m too mentally tired to do so. But watch, once I’m feeling better I’m cussing both of you out for trying to tell me what to do.”
Both muttered a ‘we’ll see’ and laughed at you. Throughout the entire night the boys kept you entertained and not once did they argue. It was a rare occurrence for Bucky and Erik get along and you hoped for more of it in the future.
Sleep eventually claimed you and you were glad that you had your two favorite men by your side as it always should be
Tags: @blackreaders-assemble @destinio1 @lildashofmelanin @nickidub718 @dumbchick @chaneajoyyy @wakanda-inspired @blackpinup22 @pastelastronomy24 @cyrioussoul @valkyriesnymph @bitchacho25 @yoyolovesbucky @toniilaney @euphoric05 @marvelmaree @dessianna1
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atamascolily · 5 years
lily liveblogs “terminator: dark fate”, part 2
“It’s raining men (and women)”.... hallelujah? Or not, as the case may be.
(For those just joining us, part one is here)
I was kinda hoping they would run the credits  after the title, but I guess filmmakers... don't do that anymore, because we all have short attention spans these days?? Some of that is George Lucas's fault, I know, but tbh I kinda enjoy the creative ways in which filmmakers USED that space occupied by the opening credits... like how The Karate Kid uses it for Daniel and Lucille's road trip between Jersey and California, how it establishes how many friends Daniel had, the importance of his bike, and the whole "putting the car in neutral" and rolling it to get the engine going AND the motif/promise of the pool... all in a minute or two. Magical.  I kinda miss that compared to earlier films.
Anyway, highway at night in what the screen tells me is Mexico City 22 years later. Okay, then. There's ice... and then lightning crackling on the road edge, which can only mean one thing -- a visitor from the future!!
There's a woman making out with her boyfriend underneath the highway, and she says "Oh, my god," and the boyfriend thinks it's all his doing, LOL. Sorry, dude, not today.
THE SPHERE IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY OVERPASS, HOLY FUCK, WHO SET THOSE COORDINATES?? It's a good thing the spheres destroy everything around them, or else this movie would be very, very short.
As it is, Grace falls naked from a great height, banging on supports as she goes down. Ow. Great way of showing she's not quite human.
Of course the watching girl goes over to help while her boyfriend sits there slack-jawed until she shames him into going along. They pick her up and carry her towards their car, only for the police to show up and demand to know what's going on. They think that they're drug dealers (?) and don't believe that she fell from a bridge.
"I love it when it rains naked ladies," says the cop, which is movie-speak for, "I'm an asshole about to get my ass kicked and the audience is going to cheer while it happens".
He grabs her, and Grace sees his gun, and goes for it. Yup, he's down. She's got some sort of augmented vision like the Terminator though anyone who's seen the trailer knows already she's on the side of good.
Grace takes out all the cops completely naked, and I love how this scene is filmed because it's so not focused on anything sexual and it's not sexualized at all, at least for the male gaze that I can tell. It's just... a naked woman kicking ass without obsessing over the fact that she's naked, and it's so goddamn refreshing.
The boyfriend thinks she's amazing. His girlfriend walks over and hugs him. Grace strides up to him and compares her bare foot to his boot. "Don't thank me yet," she says in a deadpan.
Cut to Grace wearing his clothes driving away in his car as the boyfriend stands around in his boxers and yells for her to go to hell. And I like this because it's so much more effective  this way to leave the details in the reader's head and show us the results. The girlfriend steers him away, and he starts blaming her, for getting them involved in the first place. Fuck you, dude. I hope she dumps him that night, too.
Cut to Dani in the street somewhere, carrying flowers and chatting with a tamale vendor. We learn from this that she always has flowers -- an association with life and spirit, and not letting the grind get you down. I approve.  
Dani has a brother, Diego, who wants to be a pop star, and a father whom she reminds to go to the doctor. Caretaker of the family! Of course they have a dog, named Taco. I'm sure this will be relevant later. I hope Taco survives. Diego tries to chat up a neighbor named Julia, and I'm sure this will all end tragically. I hope she survives.
Dani and Diego leave just in time... for another naked person to drop from the sky in a glowing electric sphere! What are the odd??!
Okay, I don't remember the spheres forming ice in previous films, but it's a cool detail that it makes all the laundry on the lines freeze and shatter... so it's gotta be SUPER COLD. Like, liquid-nitrogen levels of cold.
Like Grace's sphere, this one drops its inhabitant off in mid-air, but the Terminator is able to do a beautiful leap and land on his feet like a cat. He looks like a marble sculpture here - beautiful, smooth, polished, muscled grace. Hot damn. There is absolutely no emotion on his face as he stands up, and even without the music cues, you know right away something is wrong.
There's a woman staring at him when he turns around. And now he looks friendly... earnest, helpful. "Good morning," he says in Spanish as he reaches out to touch the jacket she has in her hand, and it spills up out of his skin HOLY FUCK THAT IS CREEPY AND AMAZING at the same time.
The woman FREAKS OUT and he SMILES at her ever so slightly, and--
Cut to a busy city street. Unlike the highway where Grace appeared, this in the middle of the city, with lots of apartment buildings and traffic. Dani and Diego are on a bus.
Cut to Dani's father answering a knock on the door while Taco the dog barks hysterically. I know, I know, I'm so sorry, Taco. There's the Terminator, and he's so charming and earnest in his plaid jacket, looking for Dani. He claims to be a friend. Her father is shocked. "That's strange. Her friends call her Dani..."
(but it actually makes PERFECT SENSE for reasons that will be explained later [kinda] in the film!!!!)
Cut to a factory. Arius Motors. Dani and Diego going in to work as cars swing by on the line. There are robot arms and it's all very timely and metaphorical. Somebody goes by on a bicycle INSIDE THE FACTORY and I have no idea how that works, but okay.
Diego's station has been replaced by "a new guy,"--an orange robot arm. Dani asks the supervisor what's going on and he says, "The future," and the manager wants to see Diego in his office. Dani goes in his place, the supervisor says no, Dani pulls out her hair tie, and goes anyway. THIS IS WHY SHE'S THE LEADER OF THE MOTHERFUCKING RESISTANCE, Y'ALL, she’s ALREADY taking no shit from robots. 
Dani's father shows up at the factory claiming his kids forgot their lunch and can he come in? Poor dad is definitely dead. I hope Taco at least survived, but I doubt it. Meanwhile Grace is approaching and just leaps over the turnstile like it's no big deal and I LOVE IT. Then she follows a security guard into a corner and mugs him for his uniform and it's all so goddamn quick.
The security guard tells "Dad" that he can't come in without a helmet and vest, which is bullshit, because most of the employees don't wear them, but whatever. Grace keeps walking. How the fuck did she dress so fast, but she looks great. She's got a jacket awkwardly covering her gun, and it's not subtle, but no one seems to notice.
Dani is arguing with the boss, who is... American? At least he's speaking English. She's trying to keep her brother's job, but he's all "well, he's not as good as you are," and Dani is Not Having It. She threatens to tell them that machines are coming for ALL the jobs, and god, I love her so much because EVEN WITHOUT TERMINATORS MESSING UP HER LIFE, SHE WAS GONNA GO PLACES.
"Dad" goes to Dani's station and she isn't there, but he talks to Diego. (I don't know how he knows so much, but I'm sure it wasn't pretty.) The Terminator makes that lame excuse about bringing lunches, and Diego is confused, because Dani already took care of that--
Then Dani shows up and the lunch morphs into a gun, and I'm not sure how they did that, because wasn't the morphing stuff not supposed to MAKE GUNS--ok, maybe he took the security guard's gun and morphed the lunch OVER it as a cover with his polyalloy bits--but FUCK this dude is SCARY--and points the gun at Dani as she and Diego stare--only to have his head blown open as Grace fires.
Grace keeps shooting as Dani screams, and grabs Dani before she can get to "Dad". Grace is way better at explaining things than Kyle Reese: "That is NOT your father. That was a machine that sent here to kill you. " It helps that the Terminator has lots of metal bits exposed at this point, and rapidly shifting back to normal. Come with me or you're dead in the next thirty seconds!"
Dani doesn't buy this, but she runs as Grace shepherds both her and Diego away.
And that back arch as the Terminator sits up and regenerates back to his "original" persona--which, I'll note, he DIDN't steal from anyone in our present; it was the one he came with UNLIKE the T-1000 in T2--and it's scary as hell. And even watching him run, and leap--it's not human. It's a predator disguised in human form. Well done, filmmakers.
I like how they show Grace's augmented senses here, and how she has the extra warning to shove Dani and Diego out of the way when the Terminator goes flying for her. He slices her cap off with arms that are suddenly sword-knives, and she swings a mallet at him, knocking him flat--and flinging him into a wall when she hits him again. She is really fucking strong, and I've never seen a woman be this strong before and it's AMAZING.
She hits him on the head over and over again, and then he starts crawling up the mallet towards her and it's so creepy HOLY FUCK and then he sends her sprawling and pops the mallet back out of his head OH MY GOD.
Grace starts using a piece of car siding as shield because she lost her weapon, keeping herself between the Terminator and Dani at all times.
Diego crushes him with a machine--I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE, FILMMAKERS, NICE CALLBACK. Unfortunately, it doesn't take, but it does give them some breathing room. Meanwhile, Grace is tired and out of breath, and visibly overheating. The perfect time to introduce herself to Dani!
Grace explains the situation on the run, and throws Diego into the truck they steal outside when he hesitates. I gotta hand it to her, she's doing this whole thing pretty well.
Diego sees her arm. "Are you a machine too?" "No I'm human, like you!" They don't believe her. "No, I'm augmented." THIS IS GOING TO BE A THEME, OH MY GOD. More on this later. Grace can argue with them AND hotwire the truck at the same time. #goals.
They bust out of the factory. The police immediately go after them, not sure how that worked, and Grace says "Oh, shit," seconds before the Terminator (now revealed as the Rev-9) busts through the wall with a truck and a... snowplow? I guess it's for moving stone and metal bits around the factory? Whatever. It's a lot. The police cars go flying.
Somehow Grace manages to drive AND explain backstory at the same time, which I admire, because I can barely talk and drive at the same time.
There's a lot of civilian casualties, mostly due to the Rev-9 snowplowing everything. They end up going backwards up the highway off-ramp and onto the highway. The Rev-9 busts through more things and loses the snowplow. It's a bad day to be driving in Mexico City, let's just say that much.
Grace gets the first "FUCK!" of the movie, as the check engine light of the truck comes on, so Dani gets to drive while Grace makes improvised weapons out of rebar. Oh, wait, Dani can't drive, so Diego gets to do it. (Hahaha, I guess Dani's going to learn how to drive soon because METAPHOR)
Graces eases off her jacket so she can blow off steam and leaps into the back of the truck, yelling for Dani to put her seatbelt on OH MY GOD THIS MOVIE. I love it.
She targets the Rev-9 and throws. He doesn't even flinch at the first one and catches the second one. She stabs him several times through and then he grabs the rebar and moves the polymetallic alloy portion of himself onto the front of the truck while the metallic Terminator skeleton drives.
It looks like the skeleton is laughing at Grace, but I think that's just his resting bitch face, lol.
Grace changes tactics and shoots for the tires. The Rev-9 jumps and throws a rebar back at her and Grace deflects it so it misses Dani. Then the truck is dragging the Rev-9's protoplasm while the other half crashes and Grace has to fend him off. Rev-9 takes this opportunity and slashes at the tires with his sword-hands. Grace kicks him off and he gets run over, but it won't take. Diego crashes the truck as the tire blows and Grace rolls and takes a bad fall onto the pavement. The Rev-9's skeleton crawls out of the flames.
DANI WORE HER SEATBELT SO SHE'S FINE WHILE DIEGO DIDN'T AND IS INJURED OH MY GOD THIS MOVIE THE DETAILS FUUUUUUCCCKKKK. Like, Grace knew Dani had to wear her seatbelt BECAUSE SHE'S FROM THE FUTURE AND OLDER!DANI TOLD HER TO DO IT! And younger!Dani DID IT! OH my GOD! (either that or they really are just that drift compatible)
Oh, no, Diego has rebar through him, he's not going to survive AAAAAAAAH no whhhhhhyyyyy
Meanwhile, some poor motorist tries to help the Rev-9 and is murdered for his troubles. sigh.
Grace has to pull Dani over the body of her dying brother seconds before the Rev-9 smashes into the car and everything explodes in fire. Dani tries to run to Diego and Grace holds her back. Grace makes Dani run.
All of the Rev-9's protoplasm is oozing back towards the skeleton in liquid dark smears on the ground and it's so creepy FUUUUCCKKKK
And then the skeleton starts throwing rebar at them from the other SIDE fuuuuckk. this movie so isn't subtle, because there's the machine part and the human-looking part, and they're both working together as one, and this is a METAPHOR, we're meant to see the Rev-9 and Grace as FOILS to each other AAHHHHHH and the Rev-9 is also a SYMBOL OF WHAT HUMANITY CAN BECOME IF IT MELDS WITH AI, AHHHHHHH
"When they start to kill me, run," Grace says to Dani. But... AN SUV pulls up, knocks the skeleton flat on its ass as the human part of the REV-9 just stares in dull, placid confusion.
next up: my fave returns!
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paradoxidolatry · 6 years
Brotherly Love
@birdhole , @beatconductor a lil bit
TG: hey TG: sup
TT: Hey. TT: Not much.  Lunch break at work. TT: Sup?
TG: oh thats sweet TG: sucks theres no free pizza in it when you work as a cop huh TG: i guess its overall kind of a step up from the pizza gig tho
TT: Right? Free donuts though. TT: But nah, yeah, not so bad. TT: Didn't get a chance to tell you about it but I figure Dave or whoever's already spilled those beans. TT: Kinda weird, right?
TG: yeah dave told me TG: donuts just like a real cop huh TG: still cant quite wrap my head around this cop thing tbh TG: i can see you working as a LOT of things but a cop? thats wild
TT: Yeah. TT: I mean, I figured.  Got all that military experience, right? TT: But I didn't want to go back to the military. TT: Plus, working as a cop is an equal mix of 'keeps me active' and 'allows me to work around certain roadblocks in regards to the acquisitions business', so it was a good compromise. TT: Better than fast food and skin flicks again, at any rate.
TG: i mean i guess that makes logical sense n all TG: still fucking wild as shit to me TG: guess you can still wear a uniform even its obviously not as sweet as the fast food ones
TT: Yeah, I really miss that old greasy apron. TT: But what can you do?
TG: the grease just made your eyes pop in that special way ykno TG: chicks love it
TT: They fuckin do, don't they? TT: But somethin tells me you didn't message me to talk about the chicks missing my pizza funk.
TG: you sure about that? its a pretty great topic you could write a book on it become rich quick with your pick up tips
TT: Hey, I'm already on chapter 7: the Sausage Party. TT: But really though. TT: What's up, boss?
TG: nothing TG: i was just TG: thinking about you is all
> Heart, squeeze. TT: That right? TT: Cool, cool. TT: Was thinking about you earlier too, actually.
TG: oh? any reason or
[Dave txt @ bro] im watching u [Dave txt @ bro] > that chicken image
TT: Just, y'know. TT: Was outside on a smoke break and I saw a couple of pigeons hanging out, eating some sandwich or some shit on the sidewalk and like. TT: Got me thinking about you, and like. TT: I spent the past 13 years thing you're dead or some shit, and now you're alive and it's. TT: Just fuckin buck wild. TT: Pardon me for sound fucking sappy but it's kind of like a dream come true.
[TT > Dave: I'm behaving, dad.]
TG: ...am i a pigeon now? tho i do admit i would eat that floor sandwich(edited) TG: yeah its...its fucking wild huh? TG: kinda thought id never see you again even after TG:  i got away and shit TG: idk why not like you up and died but? after looking for you and you werent there i dunno i guess TG: i thought you just TG: werent going to come back TG: ...you didnt even see my wings yet you dont get to relate me to birds just yet dude
TT: I mean, I saw them in a picture. TT: One of you and Dave and a bunch of trolls and some old dude in front of a candy cane dildo? TT: But also you post about birds and shit all the time, so I figured that was sort of your Thing now. TT: And ... well.  I dunno. TT: Almost didn't. TT: I was just gonna stay on Earth, maybe pop in to visit every so often. TT: But then all that shit happened and Dave wasn't answering my messages, so I thought he was dead too, and...well. TT: I guess I'm, uh... grateful to the apocalypse for.  I guess bringing you back to me? TT: Well, no. TT: But like, at least letting me know you're alive.
TG: oh...yeah thats TG: thats my sisters actually and uh..shit what even is grig? grandpa i guess TG: already know mr d after all TG: i mean... im not sure how i feel yet TG: i guess im sorta glad because TG: i mean it has been my embarrassing dream to play family with you again for a while TG: i want to be a family again TG: a lot TG: its just TG: hard
TT: Sisters, huh?  Well damn, you got the whole family package with these folks, huh? TT: Nice.  How long you been with them? TT: Yeah, I figured. TT: I didn't, and don't, make it easy. I know. TT: A lot easier when you were a baby, even if our folks were shit, just cuz, y'know. TT: Everything hadn'tt happened yet. TT: Hadn't started to completely fuckin lose my mind and treat you like dogshit. TT: But I mean.  I dunno. TT: I'm not gonna force you or nothin. TT: But if you ever wanted to come backto the apartment and chill for a day, see how you feel about it? TT: That'd be uh. TT: That'd be really nice.
TG: 3 years TG: as long as ive been TG: away from scratch... TG: i..yeah i guess maybe TG: can you even handle seeing me get gay with dave tho
TT: God.  You were with Scratch that whole fuckin time? TT: Fuckin sonnuvabitch refused to tell me what he did with you. TT: Anyway. TT: Handling y'all and your homogay is a small price to pay at the end of the day. TT: Even if it's still. TT: Kinda really weird from my perspective. TT: But I respect y'all and he takes good care of you, so I can't complain too much, right?
TG: ...yeah like ten years TG: kinda fucked up huh TG: ill..ill think about it TG: okay so im gonna be real with you here for a sec okay TG: i TG: messaged you because i was talking to dave and i realized i missed you and TG: that i TG: kindawantahugiguess
TT: ...Yeah? TT: I can do a hug, yeah. TT: Where are you?  I can meet you, if you wanna.
TG: ...workin TG: at [coords] TG: dont arrest me mr officer these drugs are prescription
TT: I'll leave the cuffs in the car. TT: What happens off-duty stays off-duty, though, so. TT: See you in five.
TG: kay > Try not to freak out. Freak out anyways.
> Pull up by the curb a short walk away and park. > Look, you even pay for the parking meter and everything. > Step out of the car in your full uniform and approach Sock, one hand in  your pocket, the other raised in a wave hello.
> Oh god, he really fucking is a god damn cop. That's so damn weird. God. > Not as weird as randomly meeting up with him for a hug though. Damn it that was the dumbest idea. > You wave back, trying hard to look cool and not like you are dying on the inside and failing miserably.
> You stride up alongside him and... ...well, now what, actually. > Neither of you are very good at this kind of planning, are you. > Damnit, Striders. "Hey." > Now just to... > ... > Open your arms up? > Yeah.  That's how hugs happen.
> Oh god, he's going right for it.Oh god. Not even small talk or anything really bro? > Maybe that's better anyways because god know you don't know what to say. "Hey." > You take a deep breath and you...Go for the fucking hug. Squeeze that big bro tight.
> Aww shit here it comes and here he is.  All up and hugging you. > Actually, that's uh. > That's real nice. > You wrap your arms around him and pull him in for a good, tight hug. > It's probably not the most comfortable thing, what with your radio strapped onto your chest and name plates aand shit, but. > At least for you?  This is a fucking good hug. > (Don't you dare tear up in public.)
> You don't really care about the cofort level of this, it's something you've been craving for 13 years now, a little radio isn't going to stop you from enjoying it. > It's nice. It's familiar, like all the good parts of Bro you've been missing wrapped up for you in one big huggable form. Easy to forget all the shit for a moment. > But the moment does end and when you pull away you have to wipe at you eyes like an idiot. "Uh...Th-thanks."
> Aww, shit goddamn.  He's teaaring up too under those glasses. > You swipe one knuckle under your shades, and you take a steaadying breath. "Hey, yeah, no problem." > Breathe easy, Strider.  You glance up for a moment as you see a fatass snowflake come drifting down, then you look to Sock again. "Hey, you wanna maybe grab some lunch with me?  Haven't eaten yet and it's still my break, so."
> Well at least you are both sappy motherfuckers now. > Oh. You didn't expect that. You think about what Dave told you earlier "Stay in control" and promptly decide to fuck that advice because shit. You are already here. You already went for it like an idiot. "Yeah sure. Gonna have Donuts like a proper cop?" > You make such a face at the snow. Ugh, you didn't really prepare for that kinda weather, fuck.
> You snort a laugh and give your flat stomach a pat. "Gotta work on that signature cop gut, don't I? C'mon." > You gesture behind you with a jerk of your thumb. "Hop in up front.  You can pick the place."
"Hell yeah you do. You look like a fake ass striper cop dude." > You get into the car and immediately get the seatbelt. Doesn't feel safe otherwise. You don't really like cars still but you can't pin point why. It's just a weird personality quirk yeah? But you are used to being in one at this point of your life. > Just drive carefully. Please.
> You hop in and buckle up too, both pleased and a litttle saddened that you didn't even need to remind Sock to put on his seatbelt. > Poor kid. > Luckily, you are an impeccably safe driver, and the drive to Wherever is smooth and uneventful.
> Old habits die hard. > You feel kind of awkward in the car with him, it's too silent for our tastes. > You get out of the car at whatever this amazing food place he's taking you is. Fingers crossed for fast food- "Y'know kinda funny. Always figured my first frive in a cop car would be because I'm getting arrested."
> You snort a laugh.  It's Sock's old favorite pizza place. > God you hope he still likes this shit. > Also this wasn't a Pizza Pimp before, was it?  It was Gino's-- > Wait. > Ugh, well, maybe Dave's not at work. "If you're planning on getting arrested, you're doing this pushing thing wrong, kid."(edited)
> Oh the Pizza Pimp. Fucking score. Maybe Dave is there, that would be rad. "I didn't say I was, I said I didn't think I'd ride a cop car otherwise. Your hearing getting bad?" > You immediately freeze after saying that. Oh man, actually sassing Bro though? Please don't hit me.
> Dave is unfortunately not there, but he sure would love to.
> You catch that freeze, and you... > You snort a little, before pointing to your ears. "Too many concerts and phat-ass beats.  Knew I shouldn't have gotten all up and personal with those speakers.  Who knew the grown-ups were right about that?" > You smile, and it's a little awkward cuz you sure as hell have never been the smiling type, before you hold open the door for him. "C'mon, before we freeze our asses off."
> Oh. Okay. It's cool. It's chill. In a quite literal sense even so you get your silly ass inside. > A smile though? You haven't seen your brother smile in...far longer than you haven't seen him for sure. > That little scare knocked the speech right out of you though so you just awkwardly sit down at the next best table, suddenly really not sure how good of an idea this was.
> You take a seat opposite him, and when the server approaches, you order yourself a water instead of a soda. > Who are you, even. > You glance over the menu, humming softly.  Some of these item names... fitting for a place called Pizza Pimp. "You wanna split one, or do individuals, or?"
> Who is he indeed. You order a black coffee instead of apple juice though, so maybe the traditional Strider beverages are just staying outside today. "Uhhh..Not super hungry honestly I don't mind sharing one." > You haven't been able to eat a whole pizza at once in a while but you don't say that.
"Alright.  We'll split a medium and you can take the rest home if you want." > You let him pick the toppings too.  This really is a strange Strider day.
> The strangest. Do they have nuggets as topping because you want that.
> They might have like, baked chicken, which is kinda like nuggets and also? Is Carro-approved.
> Do you think the pizza pimp doesn't have a nugget topping what kinda fool do you take Dave for.
> A big one. >:3
> LISTEN Nuggets have been added like at least two months ago. Cock Special.
> Goddamnit, Dave.
> Sock loves Dave and the Cock Special Pizza. Prepare ya taste buds Bro.(edited)
"One Cock Special with extra cock please" > Yes, this is exactly how you order.
> Oh your face. > You're so fucking proud.  Dave sure is your little brother, and so too is Sock. > Bless these fucking kids.
"Hope you like it, it's my fav." > Both the pizza and you know.
> Yeah.  Yeah, you know. "Sure I will." > Snort a laugh. "This sure isn't Gino's anymore, huh.  You remember that place?"
"Oh yeah. Man..That's been a while. Clover gifted the place to Dave what? 2 years ago?" > Back when you were on a no homo basis. Memories.
> [Clover: nya face]
"Used to be your favorite, but maybe that's because it was free when I worked here. ...Clover?"
"I'm always a slut for free food but I still digged their shit later. Oh uh..Yeah. Little green guy? 4 of the Felt?" > Should..You now have mentioned that?
> [Dave] Oh no.
> There's this shift in your face.  It's not a frown, but a certain tightening of your lips as you're hit with the full brunt of what Sock just said. "...Dave's...doing business with the Felt?"
> WHOOPSIES >Oh. Oh, oh, oh shit. You fucked up. You didn't really think about that when you said it. At all. Shit. Fuck. Damn. "Hahaha whaaaat? Noooo. Of course not! He'd never uh...Clover is just y'know his uh... Sugar daddy yeah. Cash money man, can't say no to that even from a greenie right?" > Well it's not entirely a lie. You are sweating though.
> You paw at your face and you sit back in your seat, eyebrows knit together tightly. > Looks like you're going to have to have a little talk with Dave when you get home. "...No, guess not.  Desperate times and all that, right?"
"Yeah exactly! Haha..." > God this is uncomfortable. You are going to warn Dave but you already feel like shit. Fuck. "Don't...Don't hurt him okay?" > There's fear in your eyes now. Not for you but for your boyfriend, which is so much worse in your eyes.
> That snaps you Right out of your bad thought spiral and you quickly wave your hand. "Hey, no, no.  Not gonna hurt him.  It's chill." > There's that smile again, even if it's uneasy and a bit green around the gills.  Your brother and the Felt... "Really.  Just surprised he hadn't mentioned it before now."
> [Dave] GUESS WHY.
" 'kay..." > He probably hadn't mentioned it for a reason. You couldn't have known Dave wasn't supposed to do business with the Felt but you still feel like shit. It makes sense in hindsight and considering your history of course but...You just plain didn't know. > The Pizza arrives but you suddenly don't feel very hungry at all, sipping on you coffee awkwardly instead.
> You're, similarly, not hungry, but you've got to salvage this.  Not telling when or if Sock will agree to see you again after this. "Sorry, I just... Y'know, getting offered a gift by those guys.  If they had snatched Dave too..." > You shake your head, and sigh it off.  Out with the bad. "But they didn't, and that's that.  So." > You take up a slice of the pizza and you point is casually at Sock, an eyebrow quirked. "What're you out there peddling?"
> Oh. You'd really rather not follow that line of thought, yeah.  Smooth topic change. "Dude, don't think I should be discussing that with a cop in a pizzeria. Mr D would murder me man."
"Hey." > You make a show of taking off your badge and laying it upside down on the table. "Off-duty, not a cop.  So is it the good shit, or is it like, oregano in a dimebag being passed off as weed."
"We're still in public man." > And you don't want to piss off your Dad on top of the shit you just pulled.
"Yeah, yeah.  Weren't you in public anyway?" > You chuckle a little and you point toward the kitchen area. "Your big bro used to sell shitty dimebags out of there, way back.  Dealt to all the line cooks."
" Course you did." > You roll your eyes behind your shades. "What you want an inventory list? Okay I'll just tell you my favorite product aight? Kinder Überraschungseier......The surprise is Cocaine." > Huh, sure did slip into your mother tongue there. Welp..
> Okay.  You actually laugh then. "You're selling Kinder Überraschungseier full of Cocaine.  Shut the fuck up, seriously?" > You're nodding approvingly now. "That's a fucking great idea.  Where the fuck'd you get the chocolates, though? Make them yourself?"
> That makes you feel..really proud? Huh. You can't stop the big dorky grin from spreading on your face. "Best idea I ever had, honestly. I'm importing them from earth, duh. Along with a bunch of other banned sweets and shit. Who the fuck thought peeps are illegal anyways?"
> You balk at that and you laugh again. "Peeps are illegal here-- wait, shit, right." > Smack your forehead. "That's my job to know that now.  Wow, fuckin fire me now."
"Maybe I should show you my stock, just as a reminder. A fucking lot of dumb shit is. Fucking Lattes were banned man. Until the King unbanned them just for Jude which is honestly so fucking stupid. Way to play favorite, just like royalty should am I right? Not that I'm complaining, love me a big fat Latte." > Man it's...Nice to be able to make that kind of shit tier level german dick joke and to know you're gonna be understood just fine.
> You snort your water and you pull a face,but you're clearly goofing around a loving it. "Fucking nasty, dude.  I don't need to hear about your love of big hot fuckin Lattes."
"Aren't you glad the prospitian monarchy digs a steaming hot Latte too? What a life that would be otherwise." > You snort yourself.
"Jesus christ.  Fuckin whities, dude." > You stuff some pizza in your mouth and you talk withyour mouth full like the fat nasty trash you are. "Can you believe I have to work with them?  Like what the fuck."
"The Queen gives me the creeps with her I love everyone bull. And the King seems like a huge fucking idiot so...Congrats man. Jackpot."
"Not had the chance to meet either, but this is the closest I've gotten to infiltrating the corrupt government yet.  Maybe if I keep my shit up, I can finally overthrow them from the inside." > You are entirely dead seriouus.
"What's the masterplan? Shoot them in public?" > You aren't but you also don't mind the topic. Not a fan of these guys.
"Nah, nah, nothing like that.  Too messy.  Besides." > You gesture at the scar that runs oveer your eyes. "Never been a fan of guns."
"I know." > Hell maybe you should be grateful he ain't. Swords fucked you over bad enough. "Seems like a popular approach is all. Like historically or whatever. But I guess you gotta go for something less stale huh?"
"Of course.  Flashy's the only way to be when you're taking out a corrupt system of government."
"Looking forwards to the show Bro." > Except you hope he's fucking joking.
> You totally fucking aren't. > You toss him a wink, which of course he can't see all that well behind your shades. "Hope it's a good one.  You gonna eat any pizza, lil bro?"
"Oh, right." > You finally grab a piece too. "How's the Cock Special?"
> Stuff the rest of your piece into your mouth and brush the crumbs off of your fingers. "It's not big hot Latte, but it's nice and tasty all up in my mouth, so it'll do."
"I mean we can grab a Latte next time-" > Did you just say next time. Did you just imply you want to meet up like this again? Shit. > Stuff your mouth with Pizza real quick.
> Oh. > Oh... That makes yourr heart do the smiley emote. > You grin a liittle bit about that and you say, voice kinda soft, "Yeah... alright.  I'd like that."
"Me too...I think." > If you don't hurt my boyfriend tonight that is, is what you think.
> Don't you worry, Sock.  Not gonna hurt your boyfriend tonight. > You're not gonna be home, so Dave gets to go unhurt for another night.
> Or any other night Bro.(edited) > Or day, or ever:
> Well, at least you'll try to keep your cool when you talk to Dave about it later.
> That's a good start.
> Fuck yeah.  Before you all finish up here, you nod back to the streets now lightly coat with snow. "You going back to your corner, right?  You need a jacket?"
"I mean, I'll live..." > But it's pretty obvious that you don't have any especially warm clothes on you, you know like an idiot.
"Yeah, and you'll get sick, doofus." > You shrug off your jacket--it's a plain black windbreaker, while you wait for your city issue polcie jacket to come in--and you ball it up, handing it over to him. "Here."
> You open your mouth to respond but the Jacket is already in your hands. Oh. That's..Oh. > Is that what it's like to have a caring older brother? "Thanks..." > The Jacket is far too big for you and smells like Bro. It's a weird feeling to put it on. Like a hug you can wear. > Your heart is doing several emotions.
"Hey, no sweat. No good to go out there to work if you're just gonna freeze to death, yeah?" > You have the server bring you all a box for the leftovers, and you give those to him, too. > You stand from the stand and stretch. "Alright, my lunch is about over.  You ready to go?
"Uh, yeah." > You are still trying to sort your feelings over all of this. It's weird. It's nice. > It's what you wanted all along. > Except for the part where you are scared about Dave. > You get up too feeling like a huge fool.
> You, very very carefully, put your hand on his back and lead him out back into the cold. > Look to him, then to your car. "Back to tthe same corner? Or you got anywhere else you need to be?"
> You tense up just a little at the touch but let it happen anyways. "Y-yeah same place." > You just get into the car quickly to cut off the awkward moment. Not without putting on your seatbelt of course.
> Always seatbelt first, kid! > You buckle in and drive him back to the street corner you found him on, putting the car into park but not getting out. "Alright.  Don't get into any trouble, alright?  Oh, and patrol comes past here in about 30 minutes, so be cool when they pass, yeah?"
"Oh uh..Okay. See you, I guess." > You wave an awkward goodbye, overwhelmed by a lot of conflicting emotions.
> You're about to drive off, but then you open the door and, hanging halfway out, you call to him, "Hey! Love you, Sock."
> That just leaves you starring for a moment. Did he just-? Does he? What. Can not compute. "L-Love you too Bro..." > You are not sure if he heard that with the way you mumbled that. You are not sure if you want him to or not. > It's only getting weirder. > But it also warms your birdy little heart.
> You heard it--you've actually got pretty good hearing still, despite all tthatt music and shit. > You smile and wave again before ducking back into your car and driving off.
> The patrol driving by half an hour later doesn't find a drug dealer, just a crying kid in some back alley. > This absolutely kills the bird.
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getabompaway-blog · 6 years
Aug 8 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Cargo
«The good news: boss brought a bunch of loot for us to go through, so I got a nice pile of mixed currency. I’ll have to find out what planets they’re from later.
«The bad news: “Froid” wasn’t actually Froid at all. He was a Soundwave. Lying to me.
«So. So much for that.»
_Whirl here he be, and straight to the Whirl hammock 9:09 pm recuerdaxme 9:09 pm /here he is, arriving in no fashion what so ever. With crates under each arm / _Whirl 9:12 pm Whatcha got there, Teach? recuerdaxme 9:12 pm Bunch of stuff we don't need. We over stocked on some stolen goods. _Whirl 9:13 pm Pfft. A little too into it, eh? So what IS it all? recuerdaxme 9:13 pm Assorted goods. Some weaponry, small weapon accessories. Different types of currency. Some energon. Uh... limbs, bolts, screws... NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm *Soundwave peers into the room with a feeler before deciding the coast is clear and trudging in to take his seat. Rumble jogs in shortly after and heads right over to where Whirl is with a nod to both him and Blurr.* recuerdaxme 9:14 pm / wiggles claws with the biggest smirk on ever / _Whirl 9:15 pm Hmm. I MIGHT have use for some of that if you need it taken off your hands... *perks up and bobs his head to both Soundwave and Rumble, gesturing grandly to the hammock as he regards the latter* Need a lift up? recuerdaxme 9:16 pm Well, if you want some of it, feel free to look through it. I've got some things here that my new recruit might need /hums and rummages/ found some old texts, too. NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm //If ya don't mind. Climbin' up my own self ain't awful, but I don't wanna go tippin' out today, heh.// NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm *Perk.* [[New texts?]] recuerdaxme 9:17 pm Mmhm. Some new texts- or old. They look fairly old to me. New to me. You can have some, if you want. _Whirl 9:18 pm Anytime, mech. *the claw is offered, and Rumble is summarily ferried up* And don't worry about tipping. I've got this hammock thing on lockdown. *tilts his head back at Blurr* I'll go through some of it after the movie, if you don't mind. And as for new recruit, you mean that Getaway that rolled up last week? Getaway 9:19 pm *he's coming in more hesitantly this week than he did last week. he pauses in the doorway a moment.* recuerdaxme 9:19 pm Mmhm. That's the one. Getaway 9:19 pm *and when he hears his name he ducks back outside, whoops.* NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm *Rumble snorts and gets himself settled in. He might've tried to figure hammocks out while Whirl was gone. It didn't go so well. Of course, it probably would've gone better if he wasn't squabbling with Frenzy over who got to get in it at the time...* *Either way, Soundwave banned them from doing it again.* _Whirl 9:21 pm Well, good luck. Poor fella seems clueless. But if anyone can handle a crash course, you can, Teach. recuerdaxme 9:21 pm ... Thanks /smirks/ I'll take that as a compliment I taught NOS manners. THAT is a challenge. _Whirl 9:23 pm *Whirl streeetches one last time before also settling in, getting comfortably cozy* Now if only you could teach them to Piston... Getaway 9:23 pm ((hearing this in japanese is a trip)) recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( lemme know when y'all are good. ) Getaway 9:23 pm ((im good)) _Whirl 9:23 pm ((I am! AND ALSO YEAH IT IS)) recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( i love this song in all languages ;A; ) ( but spanish is still a fAV ) Piston HAS manners. He's been very decent lately. NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm //Getaway? Y'mean that gold-faced fragger Prowl likes? He ain't comin' /here,/ is he? Last time we met he was thinkin' how to kill me 'n the others, 'n who to knock off first.// *Rumble scowls.* recuerdaxme 9:25 pm Not the same one, I don't think. Could be, but I don't know. ( I gonna start then if we all good. I have to be up at 4am again tomorrow 8( ) NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm ((i'm good whenever)) Getaway 9:25 pm ((the soonoer the better)) ((soonoer)) _Whirl 9:25 pm ((soonoer)) recuerdaxme 9:25 pm soonerer) Getaway 9:26 pm ((soonoonerer)) NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm ((soonoerest)) recuerdaxme 9:26 pm omg bgskdfsd ) _Whirl 9:27 pm Nah. This one's from Blurr's neck of the woods, so he's pretty different from our Getaway. *a pause, and Whirl's antenna flattens* And if that other one comes back then I'm going to reach down his throat and turn him inside-out. recuerdaxme 9:27 pm (( is it streaming okay for y'all? )) Getaway 9:28 pm ((there are little static sounds, idk whether it's on my end)) _Whirl 9:28 pm ((ye it's got the little static noises here too)) Getaway 9:28 pm ((oh it's that dude)) recuerdaxme 9:28 pm (( *SIGH* It wasn't there before and now it there )) (( go away mystery sound )) NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm //Huh. That mean he's real sweetlike, or nastier? Never been good figurin' out how they're gonna bend.// *Shakes his head. And gives Whirl a light punch in thanks for what he perceives as support.* NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm *A gentle bop, really, with a grin.* recuerdaxme 9:30 pm You can never really guess what they're gonna be like, honestly. It's either they're Autobots or Decepticons, but most Decepticons are too touchy, feely, sweet. _Whirl 9:31 pm *nudges him back. Yes, threatening enemies with grotesque bodily harm is how he shows affection* NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm *Soundwave perks. The movie doesn't waste any time, does i-- is that the sound of a human larva? Is it that young? Don't they need to eat more often? Oh dear.* Getaway 9:32 pm ((that rock TV is the saddest thing ive ever seen)) _Whirl 9:32 pm As far as he goes, he was really bubbly, but I dunno. My Getaway was kinda like that too. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm /flops on the couch/ Well, you're all free to pick through the spoils we've gathered too much of. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm We didn't have a Getaway where I'm from. _Whirl 9:32 pm Well, now ya do. recuerdaxme 9:33 pm yes i suppose so Getaway 9:34 pm *okay, he's camped out here now. back on the wall, right outside the doorway.* _Whirl 9:34 pm And I'll go through the stuff when we're all wrapped up. If nobody else wants the limbs, I can take 'em home to Killer. recuerdaxme 9:34 pm Sure you can. _Whirl 9:35 pm Ohh, boy. ...wait, never mind. I was sure it was going to be a zombie on the other end of the line. Chaoit 9:35 pm ....? feck, rabbit you ass let me change my muse)) Getaway 9:36 pm ((rabbit's bein rude about that lately)) ((tonight, apparently, i'm a suspiciously prowl-shaped getaway)) Chaoit 9:37 pm ((trying to make it Sides, but nooooo)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm @G: [[He can sense you out there.]] *And it is driving him up the wall. He can't tell why Getaway is hiding. Anxiety-inducing. What if he's up to something? What if he's trying to plan to kill Rumble too?* Chaoit 9:37 pm ((and wow, getaway, your skills at disguise are great _Whirl 9:37 pm ((he's the new Makeshift)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm [[Oh, now this is too much. One of them wandering in alone was unsafe. Now another is.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / leaning over his couch to see where Getaway is at. He can sense the lingering, though not as great as Soundwave. / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[She isn't even armed.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / But oh the movie is interesting now / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[Run, human.]] _Whirl 9:38 pm Yeah. Honestly, tying down right by the boat was a bad idea. Getaway 9:38 pm *Getaway starts, then freezes.* NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm *Shakes his head. Too late.* Chaoit 9:39 pm ((okay, is THIS any better? _Whirl 9:39 pm ((still Chaoit with a Blaster face)) Chaoit 9:40 pm ((MOTHER FUCKER _Whirl 9:40 pm Okay, if they haven't moved away from that wreck by NOW... Chaoit 9:40 pm ((can I give up? Just...go with that I be Sides because I may just put rabbit into a stew soon _Whirl 9:41 pm ((ye dude! Sideswipe, then?)) Getaway 9:42 pm *After a moment, he leans in the doorway.* ... Sorry about that. I heard my name, and... well. And then I heard— *gestures vaguely at Whirl.* The, the whole. inside-out. thing. _Whirl 9:42 pm Well. Don't plot on killing my friends and I won't do that. Getaway 9:42 pm Didn't—want to interrupt. _Whirl 9:42 pm You should have nothing to worry about. recuerdaxme 9:42 pm Hnh? Oh, pits. He won't do anything to you. Not now anyway. You're part of my crew. TEchnically, /I/ would do it. Chaoit 9:42 pm ((yeah, cuz Blaster got into trouble with a demigod Chaoit 9:43 pm -and Sides is here, just curiously looking at the screen- What'd I miss? _Whirl 9:44 pm Point. The honor goes to the Captain. @B: I get dibs on anyone who messes with Rumble, though. Deal?
...not that I expect it, or anything, I mean. Just saying. Getaway 9:44 pm No, n-no, no, not—not threatening anyone's friends. recuerdaxme 9:44 pm @W: I mean, I guess. Chaoit 9:44 pm Like, what'er we watchin'? NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm ((food came right after she put the watch thing on what did i miss) Getaway 9:46 pm ((zombie symptoms don't show up for 3 hours but she's gonna bleed out in 2 hours so they're taking their chances and going to the hospital.)) ((as long as they don't know whether she's infected yet.)) _Whirl 9:46 pm One of them should REALLY be standing lookout now. Getaway 9:47 pm ((so they got an abandoned car. a zombie almost got them.)) Chaoit 9:47 pm Oh NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[...He hopes she did not bite the bitlet.]] _Whirl 9:47 pm *shudders, despite himself* Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[Greetings, Getaway.]] *Bobs his head. At least the mech's making himself known now.* Chaoit 9:47 pm That...a symptom, ain't it? recuerdaxme 9:47 pm Hello, my new little recruit. _Whirl 9:47 pm Yeah, I'm guessing so. Chaoit 9:48 pm Getaway, huh? Getaway 9:48 pm ... Hey, boss. NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm //They oughta have somethin' over her mouth. Then she can't bite nobody if she goes all sudden.// Chaoit 9:48 pm She's got a point dude _Whirl 9:49 pm Yeah. If there's a chance to cure her then, yeah, but if not... I mean. He knows what he's gotta do. She knows it, too. recuerdaxme 9:49 pm Well, don't be so... whatever you are! Come in. Look at all this scrap we over collected. See if you want anything. Chaoit 9:49 pm Yeah. Sucks, but... -has plopped himself in a seat- Getaway 9:50 pm ... Yeah, sure. Chaoit 9:50 pm -raises servo- _Whirl 9:50 pm *adopts his Teacher Voice* Yes, Sideswipe? recuerdaxme 9:51 pm ...Wow. Chaoit 9:51 pm Can I say that I think the guy's being stupid fraggin' bit-brain right now? _Whirl 9:51 pm Yes, you may. Proceed. *waves aclaw magnanimously. NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm //Run, buddy. She's done.// _Whirl 9:52 pm At least put her out of her misery so she can die as HERSELF. Chaoit 9:52 pm Kay. The guy's bein' a stupid fraggin' bit-brain Getaway 9:52 pm *gives Whirl a nervous look; but, moves to the crates.* NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[Oh dear. She'll have gone while he was out, won't she.]] Chaoit 9:52 pm She's turning into a monster......... NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm [[Did she get to him?]] Chaoit 9:53 pm .......... _Whirl 9:53 pm Looked like it to me. recuerdaxme 9:53 pm Don't worry so much, Getaway. He's not gonna do anything to you. Chaoit 9:53 pm Let's hope not Getaway 9:53 pm ((don't leave the baby behind jfc)) _Whirl 9:53 pm Yeah. I'm a triple sweetie, remember? Should have DONE THAT WHILE SHE WAS ALIVE, IDIOT. Chaoit 9:53 pm Or that sparkling is going to be a snack Getaway 9:54 pm ... Yeah. Triple sweetie. *doesn't sound convinced.* Chaoit 9:55 pm ....oh boy Getaway 9:55 pm *starts hesitantly digging through one of the crates.* Chaoit 9:55 pm He's not a bright one, is he? Uh.... NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm @G: [[If anyone attempts to harm you, he will intervene as much as he can.]] *Probably to handle it himself, if it's because of the minicons.* [[We still have a meeting to complete.]] recuerdaxme 9:56 pm Getaway . /wiggles claws/ I've got my optic on you. You're fine. Chaoit 9:56 pm What....the.... _Whirl 9:57 pm *is not really terribly concerned. Being feared is a-ok by him* Chaoit 9:57 pm Well THAT can't be good _Whirl 9:58 pm Also, hey. That kid had the same idea. *nudges Rumble* A bit-and-harness, to keep him from biting. Getaway 9:58 pm *glances up between the two of them; after a moment, gives them half-optic smiles.* Thanks, guys. Means a lot to me. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm //Kid knows what's up.// _Whirl 9:58 pm *nods* Chaoit 10:00 pm Hmmmm You don't have time dude recuerdaxme 10:01 pm /smirks/ Don't worry. Captains take care of their crew. _Whirl 10:01 pm Am I missing something, there? *peers* Chaoit 10:01 pm The hell was that? NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm *He nods. Of course.* _Whirl 10:02 pm Why's that scar something he's scared of? Getaway 10:02 pm *back to digging through the crate. He's rummaging straight past all the bigger objects.* Getaway 10:04 pm *once he gets to the bottom, he starts pulling coins out. he makes a pile of them, just outside the crate.* NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm [[So he is infected.]] //...Whatcha doin' with all them?// *Points at the coins.* Chaoit 10:05 pm Oh...and now he's becoming one too recuerdaxme 10:05 pm Well, he was bit, wasn't he? _Whirl 10:05 pm *also looks over, curiously* recuerdaxme 10:06 pm / is also watching / Getaway 10:06 pm Saving up. Chaoit 10:06 pm -turns to watch the coin-stacking too- recuerdaxme 10:06 pm Are you planning on buying something? Chaoit 10:07 pm -turns back to the movie after a moment- Getaway 10:07 pm Nah. Just preparing for when I've got to move on. Costs a lot to cross the multiverse when you've got no ship of your own and no friends. recuerdaxme 10:07 pm ... /ugly loud laughter / _Whirl 10:07 pm Huh. Second one we've seen doing that. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[...No friends?]] Chaoit 10:08 pm Hmn.... recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Just because you're leaving doesn't mean you can't call me for assistance. We can remain allies. _Whirl 10:08 pm Take my advice--stick with Teach. He's tough. He's been around a while. Chaoit 10:08 pm Heh, nice shot guy recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Long while. They say I'm a roach. _Whirl 10:09 pm *gravely* It's true. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Very hard to kill. _Whirl 10:09 pm Looks like that's how they rest. Sticking their heads in the ground. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Weird way to sleep. Getaway 10:10 pm *a half-optic smile for Froid.* Present company excluded. But you're not MY Froid. Probably. Chaoit 10:10 pm -snickering- Wait, diggers? Oh, like they go digging and bury their head? _Whirl 10:11 pm *at long last, relents just a little bit. His good influences have had SOME impact on him* Hey, Getaway. It's... you're gonna have to get used to that. You might be the only one around from your timeline. Same with me. Just stop thinking about everything as being "not yours." Just roll with it. recuerdaxme 10:12 pm You get used to it after a while. All I've run into are the Decepticons and they irritate my entire core. NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm [[Perhaps. Perhaps not. He does not know. Though he is curious as to how you would.]] Getaway 10:12 pm ... Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm—far from home. On purpose. Chaoit 10:13 pm On purpose, hmn? recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm //Maybe they like the taste of dirt or somethin'.// _Whirl 10:13 pm You'll get used to it, mech. You'll probably come to prefer it this way. I did. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm But, so long as you stay on track, you'll outrun them. If it's Rodimus after you, then I can easily kill him. _Whirl 10:13 pm PFFT. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Oh, shut up. I could. _Whirl 10:14 pm That was for Rumble, not you. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Oh, good. _Whirl 10:14 pm I've seen you in action--I believe it. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Then I retract. _Whirl 10:15 pm *nods gravely* Thank you, Teach. NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm //...Hold up, he's usin' live bait!// recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Huh. I've done that before... _Whirl 10:16 pm Yeah, he... must be some kind of nutcase. Chaoit 10:16 pm Well frack recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Of course, I dropped the bait in the smelting pit. NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm //I didn't know humans did that.// _Whirl 10:16 pm No wonder that girl back at camp was so nervous all the time. One wrong move and he tosses her in the cage. Getaway 10:16 pm *glances at Froid.* Oh, just—you know. Considering the odds. I ran far and fast on purpose. The odds my Froid had the same thought, and went the same way... Chaoit 10:17 pm Practical...but...messed up Oh. Oh no. DID the kid get bit? _Whirl 10:17 pm I got no respect for that. You should fight 'em head on. recuerdaxme 10:18 pm I mean, either commit or don't hunt them. Honestly. NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm *He taps a finger to his chin, thinking. That is very good reasoning.* [[He supposes that does make sense. It is a vast multiverse.]] Getaway 10:18 pm *to Blurr* I appreciate that. The—protecting me. From Rodimus. Really. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm Honestly, any chance to slaughter that mech would make me so... /pauses. Thinks/ What's the word? _Whirl 10:19 pm Out of your goddamned mind with glee? NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm //Hope they didn't. Poor bitlet. 'N this fragger - I mean, he got the blood. How come he don't just leave a bucket in the cage?// recuerdaxme 10:19 pm / glances left and right/ What? That's not the word... which one? Ah, right. / to Getaway/ Content. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm And, what Whirl said. _Whirl 10:20 pm Because he's sadistic. There's always folks like that. You get someone on the other side of some bars and a set of keys and it's just a matter of time. Chaoit 10:20 pm Yeeeeep NoodlesAtNight 10:21 pm //He can't leave her with a fragger like that. He's gonna use the kid for bait too.// _Whirl 10:21 pm Yeah I--yeah. recuerdaxme 10:21 pm ... Huh. I like this one. This... woman. Chaoit 10:21 pm Better than himself, he's gonna be one of them soon. _Whirl 10:22 pm I mean obviously he SHOULD off himself, but not while she's with these people. So here's what you do: Kill that guy in his sleep. Chaoit 10:22 pm ...........or not recuerdaxme 10:22 pm ... Hnh. I knew something was odd. Chaoit 10:22 pm Yikes The man is nuts NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm [[Indeed. She did not seem to be affectionate in return.]] [[Now we see why.]] _Whirl 10:23 pm Go get the folks in the cage, bring em in. Hopefully some of them won't hold it against you, and then you've got a little squad at the base. THEN you off yourself. Chaoit 10:23 pm Scratch that, he's an afthat NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm //Aw, Pit. This ain't good.// _Whirl 10:23 pm Especially not for that kid. Chaoit 10:23 pm Nope NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm [[The clever man?]] [[Does this refer to the older one in the cage?]] _Whirl 10:25 pm The old guy, with the beard. One who talked about the land getting sick. Yep. I'm guessing it's capitalized. Clever Man. A title. NoodlesAtNight 10:26 pm //Primus.// *Flops back on his portion of the hammock.* _Whirl 10:26 pm *looks down, amused* Suspenseful enough for you? Oh, come on, he's asleep, he's a sitting duck. Just SHOOT him. Getaway 10:27 pm *he's got a nice little pile of coins now.* Chaoit 10:27 pm They don't want to attract the things Loud noises do that _Whirl 10:27 pm Then cut his throat. Chaoit 10:27 pm Gunshots are loud noises NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //Listen, I did my share of suspensi-- aw, COME ON.// Chaoit 10:28 pm ............ recuerdaxme 10:28 pm /smirk/ do you want more coins? Chaoit 10:28 pm Well slag recuerdaxme 10:28 pm ... huh. that's ironic NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //RUN!// _Whirl 10:28 pm Damn. Getaway 10:28 pm If you've got them, yeah. Thanks. Chaoit 10:28 pm You shot her instead Serves you right, afthat _Whirl 10:29 pm Guess he really WAS a clever man. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm [[What else will you need? Besides money.]] [[And a ship, and transport.]] _Whirl 10:29 pm *looks over to Getaway* I can hook you up with a loving, beautiful pet. Okay, movie. All his yelling has GOT to have attracted them. Movie, please. You gotta have this guy get eaten. Getaway 10:31 pm *he shrugs.* A—a safe crew to join on the other side, I guess. Chaoit 10:31 pm Smart girl NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm [[What kind?]] Chaoit 10:32 pm Whooops Getaway 10:33 pm ... The kind that can protect me if Rodimus comes after me. _Whirl 10:33 pm *points to Blurr* Getaway 10:34 pm Yeah—I know, but—boss here is on the wrong side. I've gotta make it to the other half of the multiverse. _Whirl 10:34 pm Well, that's why you kill him, instead of running from him. recuerdaxme 10:34 pm ... Wrong side? Chaoit 10:35 pm That's... recuerdaxme 10:35 pm Mech, you know my ship can travel space at the fastest speeds right? Chaoit 10:35 pm ...depressing. Getaway 10:36 pm Yeah, but you LIVE on this side. You're—FROM this side. recuerdaxme 10:36 pm ... Uhhh. I mean, more or less. I'm not allowed back on my Cybertron Ever. _Whirl 10:37 pm *can't hold back another shudder* NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm //....WHERE'S THE--oh.// recuerdaxme 10:37 pm Rodimus claimed he pulled off the bounty for my helm, but I don't trust him at all. Huh... now she's gonna take him? Chaoit 10:38 pm -settles- Getaway 10:39 pm Heh. Yeah. I wouldn't trust him either. He's shifty. Chaoit 10:39 pm Roddy? Getaway 10:39 pm And dishonest and power-hungry. _Whirl 10:39 pm And terribly unfashionable. recuerdaxme 10:39 pm Yes, I would know. _Whirl 10:40 pm *holds his claw upside-down and holds it under his eye like it's a goatee* recuerdaxme 10:40 pm He used to be close to me. Ah, but... who needs him. /shrugs pauldrons and relaxes / Getaway 10:40 pm Yeah. I guess you would. recuerdaxme 10:40 pm Not sure how /your/ Blurr handled that mess, but I didn't let him take that ship. My Master trusted me. Not Rodimus. Chaoit 10:40 pm Things don't exactly always work like that Getaway 10:41 pm Your master? recuerdaxme 10:41 pm My Prime. Chaoit 10:41 pm ...someone got munched recuerdaxme 10:41 pm Trusted me with literally everything, down to keeping his armor clean. /flexes claws/ _Whirl 10:41 pm ((I'm liking freeman in this. I've only ever seen him do one type of role, but he's very convincing. Good jearb)) recuerdaxme 10:41 pm ( yeah same!! ) _Whirl 10:41 pm *nudges Rumble* You were saying something, earlier. About having your fair share of something? recuerdaxme 10:42 pm ... That's not foreboding. NoodlesAtNight 10:42 pm [[Oh, no.]] Chaoit 10:43 pm That's... Frag. _Whirl 10:43 pm If he actually cared about his OWN ones he'd end it. recuerdaxme 10:44 pm Nn... _Whirl 10:44 pm ...not what I meant. NoodlesAtNight 10:44 pm //Oh. Uh. Had my fair share of suspensin' from scrap like this. Ain't a good time. Aaaaaan' now they gotta move. Them diggin things is gonna come for 'em.// Chaoit 10:44 pm Hah...haha...holy frag _Whirl 10:45 pm Oh. Pfft. You and me both. recuerdaxme 10:45 pm Look mech, when the rust finally gets to me and I turn into some rusted Empty, I either want Whirl or Drift to off my aft. Or... just chain me up and use me as a quick Empty attack, I guess. That'd be cool. "Release the monster" Bam, there I go _Whirl 10:45 pm Well MAYBE the rust wouldn't GET to you if you'd go to the DOCTOR more often. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm / B( / Well, I DO. Kind of. _Whirl 10:46 pm I'd let you go out in style, Teach. Strap some high-end explosives to you, send you out in the face of someone we'd both enjoy killing. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm ... Good. And then tell Buster he's free from my clutches. _Whirl 10:46 pm ...@B: I'd break it to him gently. Chaoit 10:46 pm Uh... recuerdaxme 10:47 pm @W: ... Well, that's the best I could ask for. Chaoit 10:47 pm Huh.... Getaway 10:47 pm Oh. Yeah, the Prime didn't trust our Rodimus, either. Which makes sense, since he was trying to overthrow him and all. _Whirl 10:47 pm Luckily, I don't think I've got to worry about THIS anymore. Once you've gotten a virus once, you're immune, right? Chaoit 10:47 pm Ooooh That's why they do that recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, yes. I've never met a Rodimus that was loyal to anything but himself, really. _Whirl 10:48 pm Oh, this asshole, again. NoodlesAtNight 10:48 pm *Is learning all KINDS of things about the other side of the multiverse tonight* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Mine is surprisingly still alive, though I've discovered that he's afraid of my denta. _Whirl 10:48 pm As most living things SHOULD be. recuerdaxme 10:48 pm ... Which virus do you mean, Whirl ? Getaway 10:48 pm *... peers at Blurr's mouth.* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, most living things don't live to see them very long /cackle/ _Whirl 10:49 pm The sparkeater one. I went once, so... I mean. That's how viruses USUALLY work. NoodlesAtNight 10:49 pm //...Pit, I wasn't even thinkin' about - mech, I got stuff to tell ya some time. But yeah. Definitely that too.// _Whirl 10:49 pm Hell yeah, SHOOT HIM. recuerdaxme 10:49 pm / he has them nice sharp denta with them energon stains. The flexi-stitches holding his jaw together get nice and wide/ Wanna see? Chaoit 10:49 pm Well then Getaway 10:50 pm ... I can see them from here. recuerdaxme 10:50 pm I dunno. I don't even know if Empties carry a virus. I know drinking their energon is not good for your tanks. Had to cut mine out. Aww, you don't want a close up? I won't bite... much. _Whirl 10:50 pm *tilts his head* Hm? Whatcha mean? *he senses a story... but he can be patient and hear it later. If he has to. But he's nosy* Getaway 10:50 pm I'm good, thanks. Chaoit 10:50 pm Kinda hoping to see that guy eaten now recuerdaxme 10:50 pm / snickers / recuerdaxme 10:51 pm Wait til you see what they can do. You'll see if you work with us _Whirl 10:51 pm Dad goes full zombie and eats the guy to save his bitlet. Chaoit 10:51 pm He'd deserve it recuerdaxme 10:51 pm I'm down to see that. recuerdaxme 10:53 pm (( god i really love him in this )) (( it's a whole different side of him )) Chaoit 10:53 pm ((it's interesting to say the least NoodlesAtNight 10:54 pm //Ah, it's, uh... probably I shouldn't talk about it here. Ain't no prettier'n this scrap.// *Jerks his head at the screen.* _Whirl 10:54 pm *nods* Yeah, I get ya. Some other time. recuerdaxme 10:54 pm You know. If I ever got that sick... I don't think I'd want to get all the way sick. Chaoit 10:54 pm That's...that's not gooooooodon'teatthat recuerdaxme 10:54 pm I don't know. Depends. I mean, the crew would survive without me. _Whirl 10:55 pm Hell yeah, look at em go! Chaoit 10:56 pm Oh no recuerdaxme 10:56 pm (( me: already sobbing )) _Whirl 10:57 pm *just not gonna. Watch this part. Suddenly very interested in Getaway's coin pile* Getaway 10:57 pm *it's grown steadily* _Whirl 10:58 pm *how incredibly impressive* recuerdaxme 10:58 pm Hey, Getaway. Tell you what. You help us get the next few treasures we look for, and I'll give you a ship and some of the fleet members. Chaoit 10:59 pm Is she using him as transportation? recuerdaxme 10:59 pm I mean, I don't need the /entire/ fleet. _Whirl 10:59 pm *returns his attention to the screen* Chaoit 11:00 pm Huh. She is. Getaway 11:00 pm Oh, no—you don't need to give me that much. But—I could use a ship. Thank you. I won't let you down, boss. recuerdaxme 11:00 pm Sure thing. They're all stolen anyway. So, I'd give you one/ *. Chaoit 11:02 pm ((WEH recuerdaxme 11:02 pm (( mOOD )) (( Don't mind me cryin' alone in my home )) NoodlesAtNight 11:02 pm *...Soundwave has an odd urge to check on the protoforms.* Chaoit 11:03 pm ...... recuerdaxme 11:03 pm / internally worries about Oberyn. His best child. / Chaoit 11:03 pm -Sides is going to be squishing his brother later- ((ohmygod ((this ending hurts recuerdaxme 11:04 pm (( yEAH )) Chaoit 11:04 pm ...... _Whirl 11:05 pm Not bad. Chaoit 11:05 pm -raises servo again- recuerdaxme 11:05 pm Not bad at all. Hnh? What is it? Chaoit 11:05 pm Who else here kinda hated the ending because surprise feels recuerdaxme 11:05 pm I mean, if you're into that kind of scrap. / oh he knows what he'll do. / recuerdaxme 11:06 pm / he's gonna have a sleepover with his frames tonight / NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //Least the kid survived.// NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //'S better 'n most.// _Whirl 11:06 pm Yeah. That's the important bit. recuerdaxme 11:06 pm Yes, I suppose. She wasn't as problematic as I assumed. Very quiet. Chaoit 11:06 pm Family is family And yeah...at least the kids survived _Whirl 11:07 pm Well, you know how little ones are. Unruly. It's part of their charm. recuerdaxme 11:07 pm I suppose. We don't have kids where I'm from, so. Chaoit 11:08 pm ((they have a movie ((called anon _Whirl 11:08 pm I'm not exactly... what you'd call experienced, either. *A LIE* Getaway 11:08 pm ((it's about smokey's life)) ((truly a neverending horror story)) Chaoit 11:08 pm ((YEP recuerdaxme 11:09 pm (( LOL )) Getaway 11:09 pm *just sort of glances between speakers, listening to the conversation about the movie* _Whirl 11:09 pm ((omg)) Chaoit 11:09 pm -huffs, and settles down again- recuerdaxme 11:09 pm /shrugs pauldrons/ I honestly think if kids existed in my universe, they'd keep them away from me. _Whirl 11:10 pm Same. I'm pretty sure if we ever get the hang of propagating, I'm going to be barred from it. Which, honestly, is just as well. NoodlesAtNight 11:10 pm [[Hm. A strange thought, but he has seen plenty of others who have.]] Chaoit 11:11 pm Annnyway I gotta go _Whirl 11:11 pm Huh? recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Heading out? Chaoit 11:11 pm Yup _Whirl 11:11 pm ...to Soundwave, not you, Sideswipe. Seeya. Chaoit 11:11 pm Thanks for the stream, though recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Sure thing. /wiggles claws / NoodlesAtNight 11:11 pm *DAMN IT, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:11 pm *LOOK HE'S NOT A SPY HE CAN'T BE COUNTED ON FOR THIS STUFF* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm / DID NOT RUIN THE DEAL / _Whirl 11:12 pm *ALSO IF YOU WANT SOMEONE TO PLAY ALONG MAYBE LET THEM IN ON YOUR GAME* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm K-Kyeheheh. Are you *sure* you're completely cleared of that virus there, Whirl? Sounds like you're a little confused. NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Note to himself: never, ever ask Whirl to be a field agent.* Getaway 11:12 pm *... very slowly looks from Whirl to "Froid."* NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Very slowly looks over to Getaway. Yes?* _Whirl 11:13 pm ...huh? Well. I mean, you don't see me waving around tentacles and trying to EAT people, do you? Chaoit 11:13 pm ....annnyway, 'night guys, thanks for the stream, but I'm out now. NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm //Night, Blaster.// recuerdaxme 11:13 pm See you. No, but that sounds like fun. Can I do that? _Whirl 11:13 pm *i stand by my "tell him the plan if you want him to be a part of it" statement* Getaway 11:13 pm *and then from "Froid" to the small guy who's been cuddled up with Whirl all night.* NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm *HE THOUGHT WHIRL HAD THE IDEA* _Whirl 11:13 pm *suddenly very serious* It's not, Blurr. Trust me. *no nicknames, so you know he means it* recuerdaxme 11:14 pm / shrugs pauldrons / I wouldn't know. My universe doesn't have oddities like that. recuerdaxme 11:14 pm We have Empties, Zombies and that's it. ... And Rodimus. All are absolute filth., _Whirl 11:14 pm Basically the same principle. ((Getaway right now:))
recuerdaxme 11:15 pm (( lmaooo )) Getaway 11:15 pm ((HAHAHA)) NoodlesAtNight 11:15 pm ((LOL)) _Whirl 11:16 pm ((I'm honestly not sorry this is hilarious)) NoodlesAtNight 11:17 pm *Well, he'll just fold his hands and continue to sit waiting on the couch for whatever hellstorm is about to come his way.* recuerdaxme 11:18 pm /is going to watch, but pretend he's not. This is surprisingly easier with one optic / Getaway 11:19 pm *after a moment glancing between the two of them, focuses on the small guy* Hey. Sorry, I came in kinda late, I never got your name. Let me guess, it's... it's gotta be either Rumble or Frenzy, right? You're both completely different colors where I'm from, I don't wanna guess and be wrong. recuerdaxme 11:19 pm They're both *alive* where you're from? NoodlesAtNight 11:20 pm *Rumble sits up* //Hold on. Y'mean we're dead?// Getaway 11:20 pm ... I... honestly don't know. I'm not a frontliner. I've only seen them in pictures. _Whirl 11:20 pm *still hasn't grasped the full implications of what's going on, but is staring at Getaway while he addresses Rumble. No expression whatsoeve* recuerdaxme 11:21 pm Not "we" Just one of you. At least where I'm from. NoodlesAtNight 11:22 pm *Rumble glances from Blurr to Whirl to the Boss to Getaway. Is he - is he in danger? Should he pop his piledrivers out? He's gonna fidget slightly, already feeling the urge to fight crawl up his spinal strut.* //I'm Rumble. What's it to ya?// NoodlesAtNight 11:23 pm *Don't mind Soundwave, just... watching like a hawk.* Getaway 11:24 pm Rumble! Nice to meet you properly. I'm Getaway. Not—not the one that was plotting to kill you, obviously. _Whirl 11:24 pm Obviously. NoodlesAtNight 11:24 pm *Rumble frowns.* //Heard that, huh?// Getaway 11:25 pm ... Yeah. Kinda. recuerdaxme 11:25 pm Master of surprises. Getaway 11:26 pm *drops his gaze down to his coins.* Everything I hear about my alternate is bad news. I'm kinda used to it, at this point. recuerdaxme 11:26 pm Pits, everything I hear is good news. It's annoying. Why don't you just kill your alternate? Getaway 11:26 pm ... Nah, that's a lie. I'll /get/ used to it. recuerdaxme 11:27 pm I have connections. ... / pauses / Wait a second... This got me in trouble last time. _Whirl 11:27 pm Don't have much experience with that myself, but, yeah. That's another multiverse thing. Getaway 11:27 pm *shocked look at Blurr* I can't do that! recuerdaxme 11:27 pm Well , why not? _Whirl 11:27 pm Shocking dearth of Whirls running around, but apparently not Starscreams, which is a damned crime. Getaway 11:28 pm Because he's— I don't even KNOW him! And he's ME! recuerdaxme 11:28 pm ...No. YOU are you. _Whirl 11:28 pm *dryly, to Getaway* You probably won't have to. recuerdaxme 11:28 pm HE is someone else. NoodlesAtNight 11:28 pm //Well, good. Ya don't hurt us 'n I ain't gotta hurt you.// *Probably. Rumble's breaking out in a smile, but it's not one he's sure he feels yet.* //Y'think that's weird, try bein' me. I got alternates turnin' into -cassettes.-// recuerdaxme 11:28 pm / points at Whirl/ A good point. Getaway 11:28 pm *slowly turns toward Whirl* ... Is he...? _Whirl 11:29 pm I have no clue what he's up to. Vanished. But I mean, obviously things are going to go bad if he shows his face around here, so... recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( guys the fire in northern CA is now bigger than the city of LA )) (( I'm terrified ahaha )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((JESUS)) _Whirl 11:29 pm SPEDDY.....(( recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( It's out of control )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((get packed in case and stay safe)) recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( Well it's pretty far north but the smoke )) (( It's bad )) recuerdaxme 11:30 pm / leans forward/ Eh, yeah. And if he tries to come here? I'll send him to Whirl's. Getaway 11:32 pm Hm. From what I heard about him, maybe he deserves it. *... starts rummaging through one of the crates again.* _Whirl 11:32 pm *finally relaxes again* recuerdaxme 11:33 pm That's the spirit. Getaway 11:33 pm *doesn't sound very spirited.* NoodlesAtNight 11:33 pm //That's him, though.// *Kicks back again.* //You ain't that mech any more'n our Ravage's some blue 'n white nerd.// Getaway 11:33 pm *at the moment, he is a hollow shell of his previously chipper self.* ... What color nerd IS he? NoodlesAtNight 11:34 pm //PFFF.// recuerdaxme 11:34 pm Kyehehe. NoodlesAtNight 11:35 pm //Black 'n silver, mostly. Li'l bit of yellow 'n purple. 'N if he hears ya called him a nerd I ain't gettin' Frenzy to patch you up.// Getaway 11:35 pm I'll keep that in mind. _Whirl 11:35 pm Mixes a damn good drink, too. Highly recommended. recuerdaxme 11:36 pm /snort / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm I know you're new to the idea of various verses, but you should keep in mind that the only mech with your coding is you. Your experiences are yours. Your fights were and are yours. /shrugs pauldrons/ Same name, same face- doesn't make you them. Didn't do what he did. He doesn't do what you do. It's a complex situation, but you'll get the hang of it. Getaway 11:37 pm Thanks. I'll remember that. recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / this is the wisest thing he has said all year / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / will give himself a sticker later / NoodlesAtNight 11:37 pm *Soundwave: still quietly observing. Getaway's been rather... off, tonight, compared to before. All the talk about slaughtering his alternate, and now this revelation. Perhaps it can be salvaged somehow? They really don't know who he is, aside from what he's been saying. Soundwave would /like/ to believe he's the protector he says he is. They could use more of them, albeit less focused on the humans.* _Whirl 11:37 pm *decides, again, to show that a little bit of that whole I Know Decent People has rubbed off, maybe* And, mech. As far as places for second chances go... you can't really do better than the multiverse. Take it from someone who knows. recuerdaxme 11:38 pm Look. Let's make this simple. You could be a tool like Rodimus, but you're not. You get to explore the multiverse and make a new... life? Existence ? Job? Getaway 11:39 pm Heh. I try to keep that as my guiding star. Not being like Rodimus. _Whirl 11:39 pm A good policy, honestly. recuerdaxme 11:39 pm That should be everyone's motivation Getaway 11:40 pm ... It's—tricky, though. Isn't it? *he's found a helmet! He pulls it out of the crate.* The first time you—you meet someone who looks like someone who hurt you, and find out they've got nothing in common. *he's using the helmet as a bucket to scoop his coins into. he's focusing very intently on it.* ... Or the first time you're hurt by someone who looks like a person you called a friend. _Whirl 11:41 pm Don't got to be in the multiverse to experience THAT, mech. NoodlesAtNight 11:41 pm [[....He apologizes for the deceit. You seemed so happy to see your companion, and he - well. He doesn't know as much about the ember timelines as he would like, and he enjoys a good story.]]
[[He thought you might manage to go on your way after a while, better than before. It seemed relatively harmless at the time.]] Getaway 11:41 pm No, I guess not. *glances up at Soundwave. then back down.* You really do look exactly like him. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[That is new to him. He's never seen /anyone/ who looks like him. Perhaps you'd still consider enlightening him some time.]] recuerdaxme 11:43 pm You'll learn to separate the mechs who look the same. I've run into mechs I know are gone, but I know it's not them. You just have to... get used to it, I guess. /flicks finials/ I suppose I'm numb to it because we recycle so much. I don't know if you recycle in your verse, like ours. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[He would make it something of an even exchange, of course.]] _Whirl 11:44 pm *tilts his head and looks to Soundwave, then to Getaway. ....ohhh.* NoodlesAtNight 11:44 pm *YEAH, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:44 pm *honestly doesn't seem too bothered* I've never seen it anywhere but your home turf, Teach. recuerdaxme 11:45 pm Huh... wow. Look at us. The only recycling verse. Getaway 11:46 pm ... No offense, but—you've already messed with me once. You know what they say, once bitten... recuerdaxme 11:46 pm (( this fire won't be contained til September lmAO )) recuerdaxme 11:49 pm Mm... just learn to keep your guard up. /suddenly perks up/ I can teach you how to survive! Getaway 11:50 pm *starts when Blurr perks. his helmet-bucket jangles.* Oh—yeah? NoodlesAtNight 11:52 pm [[...Yes, of course.]] *And there goes a fountain of free data. Blast.* [[A pity he'll have to learn about that Rodimus some other way, but an understandable one.]] recuerdaxme 11:52 pm But of course! I'm an experienced lecturer and educator.
recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( lemme know when y'all are good. ) Getaway 9:23 pm ((im good)) _Whirl 9:23 pm ((I am! AND ALSO YEAH IT IS)) recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( i love this song in all languages ;A; ) ( but spanish is still a fAV ) Piston HAS manners. He's been very decent lately. NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm //Getaway? Y'mean that gold-faced fragger Prowl likes? He ain't comin' /here,/ is he? Last time we met he was thinkin' how to kill me 'n the others, 'n who to knock off first.// *Rumble scowls.* recuerdaxme 9:25 pm Not the same one, I don't think. Could be, but I don't know. ( I gonna start then if we all good. I have to be up at 4am again tomorrow 8( ) NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm ((i'm good whenever)) Getaway 9:25 pm ((the soonoer the better)) ((soonoer)) _Whirl 9:25 pm ((soonoer)) recuerdaxme 9:25 pm soonerer) Getaway 9:26 pm ((soonoonerer)) NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm ((soonoerest)) recuerdaxme 9:26 pm omg bgskdfsd ) _Whirl 9:27 pm Nah. This one's from Blurr's neck of the woods, so he's pretty different from our Getaway. *a pause, and Whirl's antenna flattens* And if that other one comes back then I'm going to reach down his throat and turn him inside-out. recuerdaxme 9:27 pm (( is it streaming okay for y'all? )) Getaway 9:28 pm ((there are little static sounds, idk whether it's on my end)) _Whirl 9:28 pm ((ye it's got the little static noises here too)) Getaway 9:28 pm ((oh it's that dude)) recuerdaxme 9:28 pm (( *SIGH* It wasn't there before and now it there )) (( go away mystery sound )) NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm //Huh. That mean he's real sweetlike, or nastier? Never been good figurin' out how they're gonna bend.// *Shakes his head. And gives Whirl a light punch in thanks for what he perceives as support.* NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm *A gentle bop, really, with a grin.* recuerdaxme 9:30 pm You can never really guess what they're gonna be like, honestly. It's either they're Autobots or Decepticons, but most Decepticons are too touchy, feely, sweet. _Whirl 9:31 pm *nudges him back. Yes, threatening enemies with grotesque bodily harm is how he shows affection* NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm *Soundwave perks. The movie doesn't waste any time, does i-- is that the sound of a human larva? Is it that young? Don't they need to eat more often? Oh dear.* Getaway 9:32 pm ((that rock TV is the saddest thing ive ever seen)) _Whirl 9:32 pm As far as he goes, he was really bubbly, but I dunno. My Getaway was kinda like that too. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm /flops on the couch/ Well, you're all free to pick through the spoils we've gathered too much of. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm We didn't have a Getaway where I'm from. _Whirl 9:32 pm Well, now ya do. recuerdaxme 9:33 pm yes i suppose so Getaway 9:34 pm *okay, he's camped out here now. back on the wall, right outside the doorway.* _Whirl 9:34 pm And I'll go through the stuff when we're all wrapped up. If nobody else wants the limbs, I can take 'em home to Killer. recuerdaxme 9:34 pm Sure you can. _Whirl 9:35 pm Ohh, boy. ...wait, never mind. I was sure it was going to be a zombie on the other end of the line. Chaoit 9:35 pm ....? feck, rabbit you ass let me change my muse)) Getaway 9:36 pm ((rabbit's bein rude about that lately)) ((tonight, apparently, i'm a suspiciously prowl-shaped getaway)) Chaoit 9:37 pm ((trying to make it Sides, but nooooo)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm @G: [[He can sense you out there.]] *And it is driving him up the wall. He can't tell why Getaway is hiding. Anxiety-inducing. What if he's up to something? What if he's trying to plan to kill Rumble too?* Chaoit 9:37 pm ((and wow, getaway, your skills at disguise are great _Whirl 9:37 pm ((he's the new Makeshift)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm [[Oh, now this is too much. One of them wandering in alone was unsafe. Now another is.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / leaning over his couch to see where Getaway is at. He can sense the lingering, though not as great as Soundwave. / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[She isn't even armed.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / But oh the movie is interesting now / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[Run, human.]] _Whirl 9:38 pm Yeah. Honestly, tying down right by the boat was a bad idea. Getaway 9:38 pm *Getaway starts, then freezes.* NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm *Shakes his head. Too late.* Chaoit 9:39 pm ((okay, is THIS any better? _Whirl 9:39 pm ((still Chaoit with a Blaster face)) Chaoit 9:40 pm ((MOTHER FUCKER _Whirl 9:40 pm Okay, if they haven't moved away from that wreck by NOW... Chaoit 9:40 pm ((can I give up? Just...go with that I be Sides because I may just put rabbit into a stew soon _Whirl 9:41 pm ((ye dude! Sideswipe, then?)) Getaway 9:42 pm *After a moment, he leans in the doorway.* ... Sorry about that. I heard my name, and... well. And then I heard— *gestures vaguely at Whirl.* The, the whole. inside-out. thing. _Whirl 9:42 pm Well. Don't plot on killing my friends and I won't do that. Getaway 9:42 pm Didn't—want to interrupt. _Whirl 9:42 pm You should have nothing to worry about. recuerdaxme 9:42 pm Hnh? Oh, pits. He won't do anything to you. Not now anyway. You're part of my crew. TEchnically, /I/ would do it. Chaoit 9:42 pm ((yeah, cuz Blaster got into trouble with a demigod Chaoit 9:43 pm -and Sides is here, just curiously looking at the screen- What'd I miss? _Whirl 9:44 pm Point. The honor goes to the Captain. @B: I get dibs on anyone who messes with Rumble, though. Deal?
...not that I expect it, or anything, I mean. Just saying. Getaway 9:44 pm No, n-no, no, not—not threatening anyone's friends. recuerdaxme 9:44 pm @W: I mean, I guess. Chaoit 9:44 pm Like, what'er we watchin'? NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm ((food came right after she put the watch thing on what did i miss) Getaway 9:46 pm ((zombie symptoms don't show up for 3 hours but she's gonna bleed out in 2 hours so they're taking their chances and going to the hospital.)) ((as long as they don't know whether she's infected yet.)) _Whirl 9:46 pm One of them should REALLY be standing lookout now. Getaway 9:47 pm ((so they got an abandoned car. a zombie almost got them.)) Chaoit 9:47 pm Oh NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[...He hopes she did not bite the bitlet.]] _Whirl 9:47 pm *shudders, despite himself* Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[Greetings, Getaway.]] *Bobs his head. At least the mech's making himself known now.* Chaoit 9:47 pm That...a symptom, ain't it? recuerdaxme 9:47 pm Hello, my new little recruit. _Whirl 9:47 pm Yeah, I'm guessing so. Chaoit 9:48 pm Getaway, huh? Getaway 9:48 pm ... Hey, boss. NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm //They oughta have somethin' over her mouth. Then she can't bite nobody if she goes all sudden.// Chaoit 9:48 pm She's got a point dude _Whirl 9:49 pm Yeah. If there's a chance to cure her then, yeah, but if not... I mean. He knows what he's gotta do. She knows it, too. recuerdaxme 9:49 pm Well, don't be so... whatever you are! Come in. Look at all this scrap we over collected. See if you want anything. Chaoit 9:49 pm Yeah. Sucks, but... -has plopped himself in a seat- Getaway 9:50 pm ... Yeah, sure. Chaoit 9:50 pm -raises servo- _Whirl 9:50 pm *adopts his Teacher Voice* Yes, Sideswipe? recuerdaxme 9:51 pm ...Wow. Chaoit 9:51 pm Can I say that I think the guy's being stupid fraggin' bit-brain right now? _Whirl 9:51 pm Yes, you may. Proceed. *waves aclaw magnanimously. NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm //Run, buddy. She's done.// _Whirl 9:52 pm At least put her out of her misery so she can die as HERSELF. Chaoit 9:52 pm Kay. The guy's bein' a stupid fraggin' bit-brain Getaway 9:52 pm *gives Whirl a nervous look; but, moves to the crates.* NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[Oh dear. She'll have gone while he was out, won't she.]] Chaoit 9:52 pm She's turning into a monster......... NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm [[Did she get to him?]] Chaoit 9:53 pm .......... _Whirl 9:53 pm Looked like it to me. recuerdaxme 9:53 pm Don't worry so much, Getaway. He's not gonna do anything to you. Chaoit 9:53 pm Let's hope not Getaway 9:53 pm ((don't leave the baby behind jfc)) _Whirl 9:53 pm Yeah. I'm a triple sweetie, remember? Should have DONE THAT WHILE SHE WAS ALIVE, IDIOT. Chaoit 9:53 pm Or that sparkling is going to be a snack Getaway 9:54 pm ... Yeah. Triple sweetie. *doesn't sound convinced.* Chaoit 9:55 pm ....oh boy Getaway 9:55 pm *starts hesitantly digging through one of the crates.* Chaoit 9:55 pm He's not a bright one, is he? Uh.... NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm @G: [[If anyone attempts to harm you, he will intervene as much as he can.]] *Probably to handle it himself, if it's because of the minicons.* [[We still have a meeting to complete.]] recuerdaxme 9:56 pm Getaway . /wiggles claws/ I've got my optic on you. You're fine. Chaoit 9:56 pm What....the.... _Whirl 9:57 pm *is not really terribly concerned. Being feared is a-ok by him* Chaoit 9:57 pm Well THAT can't be good _Whirl 9:58 pm Also, hey. That kid had the same idea. *nudges Rumble* A bit-and-harness, to keep him from biting. Getaway 9:58 pm *glances up between the two of them; after a moment, gives them half-optic smiles.* Thanks, guys. Means a lot to me. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm //Kid knows what's up.// _Whirl 9:58 pm *nods* Chaoit 10:00 pm Hmmmm You don't have time dude recuerdaxme 10:01 pm /smirks/ Don't worry. Captains take care of their crew. _Whirl 10:01 pm Am I missing something, there? *peers* Chaoit 10:01 pm The hell was that? NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm *He nods. Of course.* _Whirl 10:02 pm Why's that scar something he's scared of? Getaway 10:02 pm *back to digging through the crate. He's rummaging straight past all the bigger objects.* Getaway 10:04 pm *once he gets to the bottom, he starts pulling coins out. he makes a pile of them, just outside the crate.* NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm [[So he is infected.]] //...Whatcha doin' with all them?// *Points at the coins.* Chaoit 10:05 pm Oh...and now he's becoming one too recuerdaxme 10:05 pm Well, he was bit, wasn't he? _Whirl 10:05 pm *also looks over, curiously* recuerdaxme 10:06 pm / is also watching / Getaway 10:06 pm Saving up. Chaoit 10:06 pm -turns to watch the coin-stacking too- recuerdaxme 10:06 pm Are you planning on buying something? Chaoit 10:07 pm -turns back to the movie after a moment- Getaway 10:07 pm Nah. Just preparing for when I've got to move on. Costs a lot to cross the multiverse when you've got no ship of your own and no friends. recuerdaxme 10:07 pm ... /ugly loud laughter / _Whirl 10:07 pm Huh. Second one we've seen doing that. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[...No friends?]] Chaoit 10:08 pm Hmn.... recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Just because you're leaving doesn't mean you can't call me for assistance. We can remain allies. _Whirl 10:08 pm Take my advice--stick with Teach. He's tough. He's been around a while. Chaoit 10:08 pm Heh, nice shot guy recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Long while. They say I'm a roach. _Whirl 10:09 pm *gravely* It's true. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Very hard to kill. _Whirl 10:09 pm Looks like that's how they rest. Sticking their heads in the ground. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Weird way to sleep. Getaway 10:10 pm *a half-optic smile for Froid.* Present company excluded. But you're not MY Froid. Probably. Chaoit 10:10 pm -snickering- Wait, diggers? Oh, like they go digging and bury their head? _Whirl 10:11 pm *at long last, relents just a little bit. His good influences have had SOME impact on him* Hey, Getaway. It's... you're gonna have to get used to that. You might be the only one around from your timeline. Same with me. Just stop thinking about everything as being "not yours." Just roll with it. recuerdaxme 10:12 pm You get used to it after a while. All I've run into are the Decepticons and they irritate my entire core. NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm [[Perhaps. Perhaps not. He does not know. Though he is curious as to how you would.]] Getaway 10:12 pm ... Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm—far from home. On purpose. Chaoit 10:13 pm On purpose, hmn? recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm //Maybe they like the taste of dirt or somethin'.// _Whirl 10:13 pm You'll get used to it, mech. You'll probably come to prefer it this way. I did. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm But, so long as you stay on track, you'll outrun them. If it's Rodimus after you, then I can easily kill him. _Whirl 10:13 pm PFFT. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Oh, shut up. I could. _Whirl 10:14 pm That was for Rumble, not you. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Oh, good. _Whirl 10:14 pm I've seen you in action--I believe it. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Then I retract. _Whirl 10:15 pm *nods gravely* Thank you, Teach. NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm //...Hold up, he's usin' live bait!// recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Huh. I've done that before... _Whirl 10:16 pm Yeah, he... must be some kind of nutcase. Chaoit 10:16 pm Well frack recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Of course, I dropped the bait in the smelting pit. NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm //I didn't know humans did that.// _Whirl 10:16 pm No wonder that girl back at camp was so nervous all the time. One wrong move and he tosses her in the cage. Getaway 10:16 pm *glances at Froid.* Oh, just—you know. Considering the odds. I ran far and fast on purpose. The odds my Froid had the same thought, and went the same way... Chaoit 10:17 pm Practical...but...messed up Oh. Oh no. DID the kid get bit? _Whirl 10:17 pm I got no respect for that. You should fight 'em head on. recuerdaxme 10:18 pm I mean, either commit or don't hunt them. Honestly. NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm *He taps a finger to his chin, thinking. That is very good reasoning.* [[He supposes that does make sense. It is a vast multiverse.]] Getaway 10:18 pm *to Blurr* I appreciate that. The—protecting me. From Rodimus. Really. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm Honestly, any chance to slaughter that mech would make me so... /pauses. Thinks/ What's the word? _Whirl 10:19 pm Out of your goddamned mind with glee? NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm //Hope they didn't. Poor bitlet. 'N this fragger - I mean, he got the blood. How come he don't just leave a bucket in the cage?// recuerdaxme 10:19 pm / glances left and right/ What? That's not the word... which one? Ah, right. / to Getaway/ Content. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm And, what Whirl said. _Whirl 10:20 pm Because he's sadistic. There's always folks like that. You get someone on the other side of some bars and a set of keys and it's just a matter of time. Chaoit 10:20 pm Yeeeeep NoodlesAtNight 10:21 pm //He can't leave her with a fragger like that. He's gonna use the kid for bait too.// _Whirl 10:21 pm Yeah I--yeah. recuerdaxme 10:21 pm ... Huh. I like this one. This... woman. Chaoit 10:21 pm Better than himself, he's gonna be one of them soon. _Whirl 10:22 pm I mean obviously he SHOULD off himself, but not while she's with these people. So here's what you do: Kill that guy in his sleep. Chaoit 10:22 pm ...........or not recuerdaxme 10:22 pm ... Hnh. I knew something was odd. Chaoit 10:22 pm Yikes The man is nuts NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm [[Indeed. She did not seem to be affectionate in return.]] [[Now we see why.]] _Whirl 10:23 pm Go get the folks in the cage, bring em in. Hopefully some of them won't hold it against you, and then you've got a little squad at the base. THEN you off yourself. Chaoit 10:23 pm Scratch that, he's an afthat NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm //Aw, Pit. This ain't good.// _Whirl 10:23 pm Especially not for that kid. Chaoit 10:23 pm Nope NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm [[The clever man?]] [[Does this refer to the older one in the cage?]] _Whirl 10:25 pm The old guy, with the beard. One who talked about the land getting sick. Yep. I'm guessing it's capitalized. Clever Man. A title. NoodlesAtNight 10:26 pm //Primus.// *Flops back on his portion of the hammock.* _Whirl 10:26 pm *looks down, amused* Suspenseful enough for you? Oh, come on, he's asleep, he's a sitting duck. Just SHOOT him. Getaway 10:27 pm *he's got a nice little pile of coins now.* Chaoit 10:27 pm They don't want to attract the things Loud noises do that _Whirl 10:27 pm Then cut his throat. Chaoit 10:27 pm Gunshots are loud noises NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //Listen, I did my share of suspensi-- aw, COME ON.// Chaoit 10:28 pm ............ recuerdaxme 10:28 pm /smirk/ do you want more coins? Chaoit 10:28 pm Well slag recuerdaxme 10:28 pm ... huh. that's ironic NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //RUN!// _Whirl 10:28 pm Damn. Getaway 10:28 pm If you've got them, yeah. Thanks. Chaoit 10:28 pm You shot her instead Serves you right, afthat _Whirl 10:29 pm Guess he really WAS a clever man. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm [[What else will you need? Besides money.]] [[And a ship, and transport.]] _Whirl 10:29 pm *looks over to Getaway* I can hook you up with a loving, beautiful pet. Okay, movie. All his yelling has GOT to have attracted them. Movie, please. You gotta have this guy get eaten. Getaway 10:31 pm *he shrugs.* A—a safe crew to join on the other side, I guess. Chaoit 10:31 pm Smart girl NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm [[What kind?]] Chaoit 10:32 pm Whooops Getaway 10:33 pm ... The kind that can protect me if Rodimus comes after me. _Whirl 10:33 pm *points to Blurr* Getaway 10:34 pm Yeah—I know, but—boss here is on the wrong side. I've gotta make it to the other half of the multiverse. _Whirl 10:34 pm Well, that's why you kill him, instead of running from him. recuerdaxme 10:34 pm ... Wrong side? Chaoit 10:35 pm That's... recuerdaxme 10:35 pm Mech, you know my ship can travel space at the fastest speeds right? Chaoit 10:35 pm ...depressing. Getaway 10:36 pm Yeah, but you LIVE on this side. You're—FROM this side. recuerdaxme 10:36 pm ... Uhhh. I mean, more or less. I'm not allowed back on my Cybertron Ever. _Whirl 10:37 pm *can't hold back another shudder* NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm //....WHERE'S THE--oh.// recuerdaxme 10:37 pm Rodimus claimed he pulled off the bounty for my helm, but I don't trust him at all. Huh... now she's gonna take him? Chaoit 10:38 pm -settles- Getaway 10:39 pm Heh. Yeah. I wouldn't trust him either. He's shifty. Chaoit 10:39 pm Roddy? Getaway 10:39 pm And dishonest and power-hungry. _Whirl 10:39 pm And terribly unfashionable. recuerdaxme 10:39 pm Yes, I would know. _Whirl 10:40 pm *holds his claw upside-down and holds it under his eye like it's a goatee* recuerdaxme 10:40 pm He used to be close to me. Ah, but... who needs him. /shrugs pauldrons and relaxes / Getaway 10:40 pm Yeah. I guess you would. recuerdaxme 10:40 pm Not sure how /your/ Blurr handled that mess, but I didn't let him take that ship. My Master trusted me. Not Rodimus. Chaoit 10:40 pm Things don't exactly always work like that Getaway 10:41 pm Your master? recuerdaxme 10:41 pm My Prime. Chaoit 10:41 pm ...someone got munched recuerdaxme 10:41 pm Trusted me with literally everything, down to keeping his armor clean. /flexes claws/ _Whirl 10:41 pm ((I'm liking freeman in this. I've only ever seen him do one type of role, but he's very convincing. Good jearb)) recuerdaxme 10:41 pm ( yeah same!! ) _Whirl 10:41 pm *nudges Rumble* You were saying something, earlier. About having your fair share of something? recuerdaxme 10:42 pm ... That's not foreboding. NoodlesAtNight 10:42 pm [[Oh, no.]] Chaoit 10:43 pm That's... Frag. _Whirl 10:43 pm If he actually cared about his OWN ones he'd end it. recuerdaxme 10:44 pm Nn... _Whirl 10:44 pm ...not what I meant. NoodlesAtNight 10:44 pm //Oh. Uh. Had my fair share of suspensin' from scrap like this. Ain't a good time. Aaaaaan' now they gotta move. Them diggin things is gonna come for 'em.// Chaoit 10:44 pm Hah...haha...holy frag _Whirl 10:45 pm Oh. Pfft. You and me both. recuerdaxme 10:45 pm Look mech, when the rust finally gets to me and I turn into some rusted Empty, I either want Whirl or Drift to off my aft. Or... just chain me up and use me as a quick Empty attack, I guess. That'd be cool. "Release the monster" Bam, there I go _Whirl 10:45 pm Well MAYBE the rust wouldn't GET to you if you'd go to the DOCTOR more often. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm / B( / Well, I DO. Kind of. _Whirl 10:46 pm I'd let you go out in style, Teach. Strap some high-end explosives to you, send you out in the face of someone we'd both enjoy killing. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm ... Good. And then tell Buster he's free from my clutches. _Whirl 10:46 pm ...@B: I'd break it to him gently. Chaoit 10:46 pm Uh... recuerdaxme 10:47 pm @W: ... Well, that's the best I could ask for. Chaoit 10:47 pm Huh.... Getaway 10:47 pm Oh. Yeah, the Prime didn't trust our Rodimus, either. Which makes sense, since he was trying to overthrow him and all. _Whirl 10:47 pm Luckily, I don't think I've got to worry about THIS anymore. Once you've gotten a virus once, you're immune, right? Chaoit 10:47 pm Ooooh That's why they do that recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, yes. I've never met a Rodimus that was loyal to anything but himself, really. _Whirl 10:48 pm Oh, this asshole, again. NoodlesAtNight 10:48 pm *Is learning all KINDS of things about the other side of the multiverse tonight* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Mine is surprisingly still alive, though I've discovered that he's afraid of my denta. _Whirl 10:48 pm As most living things SHOULD be. recuerdaxme 10:48 pm ... Which virus do you mean, Whirl ? Getaway 10:48 pm *... peers at Blurr's mouth.* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, most living things don't live to see them very long /cackle/ _Whirl 10:49 pm The sparkeater one. I went once, so... I mean. That's how viruses USUALLY work. NoodlesAtNight 10:49 pm //...Pit, I wasn't even thinkin' about - mech, I got stuff to tell ya some time. But yeah. Definitely that too.// _Whirl 10:49 pm Hell yeah, SHOOT HIM. recuerdaxme 10:49 pm / he has them nice sharp denta with them energon stains. The flexi-stitches holding his jaw together get nice and wide/ Wanna see? Chaoit 10:49 pm Well then Getaway 10:50 pm ... I can see them from here. recuerdaxme 10:50 pm I dunno. I don't even know if Empties carry a virus. I know drinking their energon is not good for your tanks. Had to cut mine out. Aww, you don't want a close up? I won't bite... much. _Whirl 10:50 pm *tilts his head* Hm? Whatcha mean? *he senses a story... but he can be patient and hear it later. If he has to. But he's nosy* Getaway 10:50 pm I'm good, thanks. Chaoit 10:50 pm Kinda hoping to see that guy eaten now recuerdaxme 10:50 pm / snickers / recuerdaxme 10:51 pm Wait til you see what they can do. You'll see if you work with us _Whirl 10:51 pm Dad goes full zombie and eats the guy to save his bitlet. Chaoit 10:51 pm He'd deserve it recuerdaxme 10:51 pm I'm down to see that. recuerdaxme 10:53 pm (( god i really love him in this )) (( it's a whole different side of him )) Chaoit 10:53 pm ((it's interesting to say the least NoodlesAtNight 10:54 pm //Ah, it's, uh... probably I shouldn't talk about it here. Ain't no prettier'n this scrap.// *Jerks his head at the screen.* _Whirl 10:54 pm *nods* Yeah, I get ya. Some other time. recuerdaxme 10:54 pm You know. If I ever got that sick... I don't think I'd want to get all the way sick. Chaoit 10:54 pm That's...that's not gooooooodon'teatthat recuerdaxme 10:54 pm I don't know. Depends. I mean, the crew would survive without me. _Whirl 10:55 pm Hell yeah, look at em go! Chaoit 10:56 pm Oh no recuerdaxme 10:56 pm (( me: already sobbing )) _Whirl 10:57 pm *just not gonna. Watch this part. Suddenly very interested in Getaway's coin pile* Getaway 10:57 pm *it's grown steadily* _Whirl 10:58 pm *how incredibly impressive* recuerdaxme 10:58 pm Hey, Getaway. Tell you what. You help us get the next few treasures we look for, and I'll give you a ship and some of the fleet members. Chaoit 10:59 pm Is she using him as transportation? recuerdaxme 10:59 pm I mean, I don't need the /entire/ fleet. _Whirl 10:59 pm *returns his attention to the screen* Chaoit 11:00 pm Huh. She is. Getaway 11:00 pm Oh, no—you don't need to give me that much. But—I could use a ship. Thank you. I won't let you down, boss. recuerdaxme 11:00 pm Sure thing. They're all stolen anyway. So, I'd give you one/ *. Chaoit 11:02 pm ((WEH recuerdaxme 11:02 pm (( mOOD )) (( Don't mind me cryin' alone in my home )) NoodlesAtNight 11:02 pm *...Soundwave has an odd urge to check on the protoforms.* Chaoit 11:03 pm ...... recuerdaxme 11:03 pm / internally worries about Oberyn. His best child. / Chaoit 11:03 pm -Sides is going to be squishing his brother later- ((ohmygod ((this ending hurts recuerdaxme 11:04 pm (( yEAH )) Chaoit 11:04 pm ...... _Whirl 11:05 pm Not bad. Chaoit 11:05 pm -raises servo again- recuerdaxme 11:05 pm Not bad at all. Hnh? What is it? Chaoit 11:05 pm Who else here kinda hated the ending because surprise feels recuerdaxme 11:05 pm I mean, if you're into that kind of scrap. / oh he knows what he'll do. / recuerdaxme 11:06 pm / he's gonna have a sleepover with his frames tonight / NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //Least the kid survived.// NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //'S better 'n most.// _Whirl 11:06 pm Yeah. That's the important bit. recuerdaxme 11:06 pm Yes, I suppose. She wasn't as problematic as I assumed. Very quiet. Chaoit 11:06 pm Family is family And yeah...at least the kids survived _Whirl 11:07 pm Well, you know how little ones are. Unruly. It's part of their charm. recuerdaxme 11:07 pm I suppose. We don't have kids where I'm from, so. Chaoit 11:08 pm ((they have a movie ((called anon _Whirl 11:08 pm I'm not exactly... what you'd call experienced, either. *A LIE* Getaway 11:08 pm ((it's about smokey's life)) ((truly a neverending horror story)) Chaoit 11:08 pm ((YEP recuerdaxme 11:09 pm (( LOL )) Getaway 11:09 pm *just sort of glances between speakers, listening to the conversation about the movie* _Whirl 11:09 pm ((omg)) Chaoit 11:09 pm -huffs, and settles down again- recuerdaxme 11:09 pm /shrugs pauldrons/ I honestly think if kids existed in my universe, they'd keep them away from me. _Whirl 11:10 pm Same. I'm pretty sure if we ever get the hang of propagating, I'm going to be barred from it. Which, honestly, is just as well. NoodlesAtNight 11:10 pm [[Hm. A strange thought, but he has seen plenty of others who have.]] Chaoit 11:11 pm Annnyway I gotta go _Whirl 11:11 pm Huh? recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Heading out? Chaoit 11:11 pm Yup _Whirl 11:11 pm ...to Soundwave, not you, Sideswipe. Seeya. Chaoit 11:11 pm Thanks for the stream, though recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Sure thing. /wiggles claws / NoodlesAtNight 11:11 pm *DAMN IT, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:11 pm *LOOK HE'S NOT A SPY HE CAN'T BE COUNTED ON FOR THIS STUFF* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm / DID NOT RUIN THE DEAL / _Whirl 11:12 pm *ALSO IF YOU WANT SOMEONE TO PLAY ALONG MAYBE LET THEM IN ON YOUR GAME* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm K-Kyeheheh. Are you *sure* you're completely cleared of that virus there, Whirl? Sounds like you're a little confused. NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Note to himself: never, ever ask Whirl to be a field agent.* Getaway 11:12 pm *... very slowly looks from Whirl to "Froid."* NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Very slowly looks over to Getaway. Yes?* _Whirl 11:13 pm ...huh? Well. I mean, you don't see me waving around tentacles and trying to EAT people, do you? Chaoit 11:13 pm ....annnyway, 'night guys, thanks for the stream, but I'm out now. NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm //Night, Blaster.// recuerdaxme 11:13 pm See you. No, but that sounds like fun. Can I do that? _Whirl 11:13 pm *i stand by my "tell him the plan if you want him to be a part of it" statement* Getaway 11:13 pm *and then from "Froid" to the small guy who's been cuddled up with Whirl all night.* NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm *HE THOUGHT WHIRL HAD THE IDEA* _Whirl 11:13 pm *suddenly very serious* It's not, Blurr. Trust me. *no nicknames, so you know he means it* recuerdaxme 11:14 pm / shrugs pauldrons / I wouldn't know. My universe doesn't have oddities like that. recuerdaxme 11:14 pm We have Empties, Zombies and that's it. ... And Rodimus. All are absolute filth., _Whirl 11:14 pm Basically the same principle. ((Getaway right now:))
recuerdaxme 11:15 pm (( lmaooo )) Getaway 11:15 pm ((HAHAHA)) NoodlesAtNight 11:15 pm ((LOL)) _Whirl 11:16 pm ((I'm honestly not sorry this is hilarious)) NoodlesAtNight 11:17 pm *Well, he'll just fold his hands and continue to sit waiting on the couch for whatever hellstorm is about to come his way.* recuerdaxme 11:18 pm /is going to watch, but pretend he's not. This is surprisingly easier with one optic / Getaway 11:19 pm *after a moment glancing between the two of them, focuses on the small guy* Hey. Sorry, I came in kinda late, I never got your name. Let me guess, it's... it's gotta be either Rumble or Frenzy, right? You're both completely different colors where I'm from, I don't wanna guess and be wrong. recuerdaxme 11:19 pm They're both *alive* where you're from? NoodlesAtNight 11:20 pm *Rumble sits up* //Hold on. Y'mean we're dead?// Getaway 11:20 pm ... I... honestly don't know. I'm not a frontliner. I've only seen them in pictures. _Whirl 11:20 pm *still hasn't grasped the full implications of what's going on, but is staring at Getaway while he addresses Rumble. No expression whatsoeve* recuerdaxme 11:21 pm Not "we" Just one of you. At least where I'm from. NoodlesAtNight 11:22 pm *Rumble glances from Blurr to Whirl to the Boss to Getaway. Is he - is he in danger? Should he pop his piledrivers out? He's gonna fidget slightly, already feeling the urge to fight crawl up his spinal strut.* //I'm Rumble. What's it to ya?// NoodlesAtNight 11:23 pm *Don't mind Soundwave, just... watching like a hawk.* Getaway 11:24 pm Rumble! Nice to meet you properly. I'm Getaway. Not—not the one that was plotting to kill you, obviously. _Whirl 11:24 pm Obviously. NoodlesAtNight 11:24 pm *Rumble frowns.* //Heard that, huh?// Getaway 11:25 pm ... Yeah. Kinda. recuerdaxme 11:25 pm Master of surprises. Getaway 11:26 pm *drops his gaze down to his coins.* Everything I hear about my alternate is bad news. I'm kinda used to it, at this point. recuerdaxme 11:26 pm Pits, everything I hear is good news. It's annoying. Why don't you just kill your alternate? Getaway 11:26 pm ... Nah, that's a lie. I'll /get/ used to it. recuerdaxme 11:27 pm I have connections. ... / pauses / Wait a second... This got me in trouble last time. _Whirl 11:27 pm Don't have much experience with that myself, but, yeah. That's another multiverse thing. Getaway 11:27 pm *shocked look at Blurr* I can't do that! recuerdaxme 11:27 pm Well , why not? _Whirl 11:27 pm Shocking dearth of Whirls running around, but apparently not Starscreams, which is a damned crime. Getaway 11:28 pm Because he's— I don't even KNOW him! And he's ME! recuerdaxme 11:28 pm ...No. YOU are you. _Whirl 11:28 pm *dryly, to Getaway* You probably won't have to. recuerdaxme 11:28 pm HE is someone else. NoodlesAtNight 11:28 pm //Well, good. Ya don't hurt us 'n I ain't gotta hurt you.// *Probably. Rumble's breaking out in a smile, but it's not one he's sure he feels yet.* //Y'think that's weird, try bein' me. I got alternates turnin' into -cassettes.-// recuerdaxme 11:28 pm / points at Whirl/ A good point. Getaway 11:28 pm *slowly turns toward Whirl* ... Is he...? _Whirl 11:29 pm I have no clue what he's up to. Vanished. But I mean, obviously things are going to go bad if he shows his face around here, so... recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( guys the fire in northern CA is now bigger than the city of LA )) (( I'm terrified ahaha )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((JESUS)) _Whirl 11:29 pm SPEDDY.....(( recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( It's out of control )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((get packed in case and stay safe)) recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( Well it's pretty far north but the smoke )) (( It's bad )) recuerdaxme 11:30 pm / leans forward/ Eh, yeah. And if he tries to come here? I'll send him to Whirl's. Getaway 11:32 pm Hm. From what I heard about him, maybe he deserves it. *... starts rummaging through one of the crates again.* _Whirl 11:32 pm *finally relaxes again* recuerdaxme 11:33 pm That's the spirit. Getaway 11:33 pm *doesn't sound very spirited.* NoodlesAtNight 11:33 pm //That's him, though.// *Kicks back again.* //You ain't that mech any more'n our Ravage's some blue 'n white nerd.// Getaway 11:33 pm *at the moment, he is a hollow shell of his previously chipper self.* ... What color nerd IS he? NoodlesAtNight 11:34 pm //PFFF.// recuerdaxme 11:34 pm Kyehehe. NoodlesAtNight 11:35 pm //Black 'n silver, mostly. Li'l bit of yellow 'n purple. 'N if he hears ya called him a nerd I ain't gettin' Frenzy to patch you up.// Getaway 11:35 pm I'll keep that in mind. _Whirl 11:35 pm Mixes a damn good drink, too. Highly recommended. recuerdaxme 11:36 pm /snort / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm I know you're new to the idea of various verses, but you should keep in mind that the only mech with your coding is you. Your experiences are yours. Your fights were and are yours. /shrugs pauldrons/ Same name, same face- doesn't make you them. Didn't do what he did. He doesn't do what you do. It's a complex situation, but you'll get the hang of it. Getaway 11:37 pm Thanks. I'll remember that. recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / this is the wisest thing he has said all year / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / will give himself a sticker later / NoodlesAtNight 11:37 pm *Soundwave: still quietly observing. Getaway's been rather... off, tonight, compared to before. All the talk about slaughtering his alternate, and now this revelation. Perhaps it can be salvaged somehow? They really don't know who he is, aside from what he's been saying. Soundwave would /like/ to believe he's the protector he says he is. They could use more of them, albeit less focused on the humans.* _Whirl 11:37 pm *decides, again, to show that a little bit of that whole I Know Decent People has rubbed off, maybe* And, mech. As far as places for second chances go... you can't really do better than the multiverse. Take it from someone who knows. recuerdaxme 11:38 pm Look. Let's make this simple. You could be a tool like Rodimus, but you're not. You get to explore the multiverse and make a new... life? Existence ? Job? Getaway 11:39 pm Heh. I try to keep that as my guiding star. Not being like Rodimus. _Whirl 11:39 pm A good policy, honestly. recuerdaxme 11:39 pm That should be everyone's motivation Getaway 11:40 pm ... It's—tricky, though. Isn't it? *he's found a helmet! He pulls it out of the crate.* The first time you—you meet someone who looks like someone who hurt you, and find out they've got nothing in common. *he's using the helmet as a bucket to scoop his coins into. he's focusing very intently on it.* ... Or the first time you're hurt by someone who looks like a person you called a friend. _Whirl 11:41 pm Don't got to be in the multiverse to experience THAT, mech. NoodlesAtNight 11:41 pm [[....He apologizes for the deceit. You seemed so happy to see your companion, and he - well. He doesn't know as much about the ember timelines as he would like, and he enjoys a good story.]]
[[He thought you might manage to go on your way after a while, better than before. It seemed relatively harmless at the time.]] Getaway 11:41 pm No, I guess not. *glances up at Soundwave. then back down.* You really do look exactly like him. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[That is new to him. He's never seen /anyone/ who looks like him. Perhaps you'd still consider enlightening him some time.]] recuerdaxme 11:43 pm You'll learn to separate the mechs who look the same. I've run into mechs I know are gone, but I know it's not them. You just have to... get used to it, I guess. /flicks finials/ I suppose I'm numb to it because we recycle so much. I don't know if you recycle in your verse, like ours. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[He would make it something of an even exchange, of course.]] _Whirl 11:44 pm *tilts his head and looks to Soundwave, then to Getaway. ....ohhh.* NoodlesAtNight 11:44 pm *YEAH, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:44 pm *honestly doesn't seem too bothered* I've never seen it anywhere but your home turf, Teach. recuerdaxme 11:45 pm Huh... wow. Look at us. The only recycling verse. Getaway 11:46 pm ... No offense, but—you've already messed with me once. You know what they say, once bitten... recuerdaxme 11:46 pm (( this fire won't be contained til September lmAO )) recuerdaxme 11:49 pm Mm... just learn to keep your guard up. /suddenly perks up/ I can teach you how to survive! Getaway 11:50 pm *starts when Blurr perks. his helmet-bucket jangles.* Oh—yeah? NoodlesAtNight 11:52 pm [[...Yes, of course.]] *And there goes a fountain of free data. Blast.* [[A pity he'll have to learn about that Rodimus some other way, but an understandable one.]] recuerdaxme 11:52 pm But of course! I'm an experienced lecturer and educator. Getaway 11:53 pm Just assume the worst, and you're probably right. *another optic smile for Soundwave; but it's not as bright as his earlier ones.* NoodlesAtNight 11:53 pm *As such, he doesn't believe it for a second.* *Yeah, he lost this one. Not his best work.* _Whirl 11:54 pm *streeetches* Well, I'm headin out, folks. Seeya, losers. *Rumble gets a separate nudge* And you, too. Getaway 11:54 pm See you, Other Whirl. ... Probably Other Whirl. NoodlesAtNight 11:54 pm *Rumble nudges back and grins.* //Seeya soon.// _Whirl 11:55 pm I'm Some Kinda Whirl. That's the best any of us can do. recuerdaxme 11:55 pm The best Whirl, honestly. Getaway 11:55 pm Ha! Yeah. Guess so. _Whirl 11:55 pm Yeah! Soon. *and he will carefully extricate himself--see? He's good at this. No tipping* Aww, Teach. You sap. recuerdaxme 11:55 pm / waves claw / recuerdaxme 11:55 pm Just like I'm the best Blurr, I know. NoodlesAtNight 11:56 pm [[Well. We should be going, Rumble. Our own timeline will not wait forever, and you still have a game table to repair.]] _Whirl 11:56 pm Damn straight! I'll come back later to rummage through the stuff. recuerdaxme 11:56 pm / wiggles claws/ You mechs have fun. Yes, of course, Whirl. K-Kyeheheh. recuerdaxme 11:56 pm We might have more when you do. NoodlesAtNight 11:56 pm //Aw, c'mon. Can't I do it tomorrow? I been cleanin' up games for so long I can't even remember playin' none of 'em no more.// _Whirl 11:57 pm Oh, yeah, uh... if you want my help, with that. Y'know. Repair stuff... just ring me up. NoodlesAtNight 11:57 pm [[Tonight. He'll extend your free shift tomorrow.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:58 pm //Nah. Nah, you focus on doin' you some good. We got this. Probably got, what... a day 'n a half left? Small stuff.// *He grins.* //But ya wanna help me turn Elita One's lunch sour, lemme know.// NoodlesAtNight 11:59 pm [[He didn't hear that. Come.]] _Whirl 11:59 pm Hmm. Sounds intriguing. I'll keep my comm line open. *with that, he salutes one last time, and trots off* Yesterday recuerdaxme 11:59 pm / waves claw / NoodlesAtNight 12:00 am *Rumble waves to Blurr, sort of half-asses a wave to Getaway - he can tell when the Boss messed up just as well as the Boss can - and hops out the hammock to head toward Soundwave. Up on the arm he gets.* *Soundwave flexes the hand to get one of the fiddly joints on his ring finger aligned, nods, and bows.* [[Goodnight, and thank you for hosting us.]] *Off they'll go as well.* Getaway 12:01 am *he waves back at Rumble. It's about 3/4ths-assed.* recuerdaxme 12:02 am / shifts and moves to stand, stretching his limbs out/ ... Hanging in there, mech? Getaway 12:03 am Yeah. I'll be— I'm fine. recuerdaxme 12:03 am / smirks/ Yeah, that's what I always say. Getaway 12:03 am Anyway, I should— *hefts his helmet.* Better get this to my storage room. recuerdaxme 12:04 am / shifts./ Yes, I suppose. /taps chinplate/ Hey, listen. I'm your Captain, but... I don't get to meet many mechs from a verse like mine. recuerdaxme 12:04 am Contrary to what people think, I'm not too damaged in the processor to comprehend things. /shrugs/ If you ever want to just... I don't know. /grumbles/ I AM saying it- talk. We- I... can talk. Getaway 12:05 am ... Are we that rare out here? Thanks, boss. I might just take you up on that sometime. recuerdaxme 12:05 am / smirk/ Yeah, we're rare. recuerdaxme 12:05 am Mechs usually kill us off. But, I've got strong allies and I don't intend on letting my crew go. Anyway, you know where I am. So... you know. / how do make friends ???? Awkward offer of help /
_Whirl 11:57 pm Oh, yeah, uh... if you want my help, with that. Y'know. Repair stuff... just ring me up. NoodlesAtNight 11:57 pm [[Tonight. He'll extend your free shift tomorrow.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:58 pm //Nah. Nah, you focus on doin' you some good. We got this. Probably got, what... a day 'n a half left? Small stuff.// *He grins.* //But ya wanna help me turn Elita One's lunch sour, lemme know.// NoodlesAtNight 11:59 pm [[He didn't hear that. Come.]] _Whirl 11:59 pm Hmm. Sounds intriguing. I'll keep my comm line open. *with that, he salutes one last time, and trots off* Yesterday recuerdaxme 11:59 pm / waves claw / NoodlesAtNight 12:00 am *Rumble waves to Blurr, sort of half-asses a wave to Getaway - he can tell when the Boss messed up just as well as the Boss can - and hops out the hammock to head toward Soundwave. Up on the arm he gets.* *Soundwave flexes the hand to get one of the fiddly joints on his ring finger aligned, nods, and bows.* [[Goodnight, and thank you for hosting us.]] *Off they'll go as well.* Getaway 12:01 am *he waves back at Rumble. It's about 3/4ths-assed.* recuerdaxme 12:02 am / shifts and moves to stand, stretching his limbs out/ ... Hanging in there, mech? Getaway 12:03 am Yeah. I'll be— I'm fine. recuerdaxme 12:03 am / smirks/ Yeah, that's what I always say. Getaway 12:03 am Anyway, I should— *hefts his helmet.* Better get this to my storage room. recuerdaxme 12:04 am / shifts./ Yes, I suppose. /taps chinplate/ Hey, listen. I'm your Captain, but... I don't get to meet many mechs from a verse like mine. recuerdaxme 12:04 am Contrary to what people think, I'm not too damaged in the processor to comprehend things. /shrugs/ If you ever want to just... I don't know. /grumbles/ I AM saying it- talk. We- I... can talk. Getaway 12:05 am ... Are we that rare out here? Thanks, boss. I might just take you up on that sometime. recuerdaxme 12:05 am / smirk/ Yeah, we're rare. recuerdaxme 12:05 am Mechs usually kill us off. But, I've got strong allies and I don't intend on letting my crew go. Anyway, you know where I am. So... you know. / how do make friends ???? Awkward offer of help / Getaway 12:06 am Yeah. And you know where I am—heh, obviously. You put me there. recuerdaxme 12:06 am Kyeheheheh. Now you're getting it. Ah, Dodge is starting to like you. /snort / Well, go on. Before NOS tries to punch you for the coins. He doesn't need them. He's just a bully. Getaway 12:07 am I don't think I've met Dodge yet. Introduce me sometime soon. *waves as he heads out the door* See you later, boss. recuerdaxme 12:08 am /sweats loudly/ Yeah, sure. See you.
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captainexplody · 7 years
Inspector Gadget
Inspector Gadget stands in the middle of a busy shopping mall, surrounded by people, as he stares at his most recent enemy he needs to vanquish, Sergeant BadMan. Sergeant BadMan is holding a lady in front of him, a random woman he just grabbed from the mall a few short moments ago. The situation is tense as Inspector Gadget stares angrily at Sergeant BadMan.
Inspector Gadget: Let the girl go, BadMan. She’s got nothing to do with this. It’s between me and you.
Sergeant BadMan: Nuh uh! I need a way out of this sticky situation, and she is my ticket to freedom! You better watch your step, hero, or I’m going to snap her neck right in front of everyone.
Inspector Gadget: You wouldn’t dare!
Sergeant BadMan: Wouldn’t I? I’m the bad guy in this scenario!
Inspector Gadget: Oh yeah. Well, it looks like it’s up to me to save the day again! Go-go gadget smokescreen!
Inspector Gadget dramatically holds out his right arm, pointing a finger straight at Sergeant BadMan. The finger whirrs and moves around, and it transforms into a knife. Inspector Gadget’s arm then very casually swishes to the right, accidentally slashing the throat of a passer by.
Inspector Gadget: Whoops.
Sergeant BadMan: Wait, what? What just happened, did you just kill a guy?
Inspector Gadget: Yeah, looks like it.
Sergeant BadMan: But I’m the bad guy here! I’M supposed to be doing the killing! I thought you were going to hit me with a smokescreen or something?
Inspector Gadget: Oh yeah, see, basically I’m mainly made out of knives. I’m like 92% knives, you know? So sometimes when I’m trying to get one of my gadgets to come out, a knife comes out instead. And then when I have a knife as one of my fingers, sometimes my arm just instinctively tries to slash the nearest throat. I can’t help it.
Sergeant BadMan: Wow, that’s crazy.
Inspector Gadget: Tell me about it. It’s a real pain in the ass when I’m brushing my teeth in the morning.
Sergeant BadMan: Why would a robot like you need to brush your teeth?
Inspector Gadget: Shut up and let the hostage go, that’s why!
Sergeant BadMan: Nuh uh! This still isn’t over, buddy. I’m getting the hell out of here whether you like it or not!
Inspector Gadget: Oh yeah? Well get a load of THIS! 
Inspector Gadget points his left hand at Sergeant BadMan this time, looking extremely confident in himself.
Inspector Gadget: Go-go gadget freeze gun! 
Inspector Gadget grins as he waits for his freeze gun to form out of his finger. Unfortunately for him another knife comes out of his finger. As is the custom, his arm swings to the left slightly and catches a nearby onlooker, slashing their throat.
Inspector Gadget: Aww damnit.
Sergeant BadMan: Hey stop doing that!
Inspector Gadget: I cant help it, man. Whoever designed me was not good at making robots. I mean, he must have been a real angry dude. 
Sergeant BadMan: Well whatever! Look just stay away from me or I’ll kill the girl, ok?
Inspector Gadget: Yeah but I’ve killed like, two people, so I’m already one up over you when it comes to killing people. I’m the good guy here and I’m better at killing than you are.
Sergeant BadMan looks confused as he tries to comprehend what is going on. He lets go of his hostage as he holds his head.
Sergeant BadMan: ...?! I don’t understand what is happening...!
Inspector Gadget: A-HA! I’ve got you exactly where I want you now, Sergeant BadMan! I’ve been manipulating you all this time! I’ve got you now, you evildoer! Go-go gadget handcuffs!
Sergeant BadMan turns and looks nervously at Inspector Gadget, who is pointing one of his fingers at the bad man. The finger whirrs and transforms, and turns into a knife. During this standoff between Sergeant BadMan and Inspector Gadget a lot of people have ran out of the mall, but there are still a few people wandering around. Unfortunately one passer by gets a little too close to Inspector Gadget, and his arm impulsively swings out and slashes the guys throat.
Inspector Gadget: Oh c’mon, again..?
Inspector Gadget starts poking at his hand, trying to stop it from shooting knives out of his fingers. Sergeant BadMan is sitting on the ground, his knees up against his chin and his hands clutching at his head maniacally.
Sergeant BadMan: No please no. No more knives please, for the love of God.
Inspector Gadget looks down at Sergeant BadMan with mild confusion, as the Chief of Police walks up to him.
Chief of Police: Hey nice work there Gadget. All this time I thought you were a bumbling idiot, but it looks like you took down Sergeant BadMan pretty good. Look at him, he’s a gibbering wreck.
The chief of Police points at poor Sergeant BadMan, who is curled up on the floor in the foetal position as some other cops come over to arrest him.
Inspector Gadget: How’d he ever become a sergeant anyway?
Chief of Police: Eh, it’s a long story. Anyway nice work, Inspector Gadget.
The chief of Police holds out his hand for a handshake.
Inspector Gadget: Wow, thanks! Go-go gadget handshake!
Inspector Gadget holds his hand out too, to accept the handshake. Unfortunately his fingers turn into knives and he accidentally slices the throat of the chief of Police. The chief looks up at Inspector Gadget with his eyes wide, partly in shock, partly because he’s dying.
Inspector Gadget: Oh crap.
The other cops who were arresting Sergeant BadMan turn to look at Inspector Gadget, who is standing in front of the corpse of their boss, who Inspector Gadget has just brutally murdered.
Inspector Gadget: C’mon guys, this isn’t what it looks like.
Other Cop: Well it looks like you just killed the chief in cold blood with your fingers that have turned into extremely sharp knives.
Inspector Gadget: ... Yeah. Well, looks like I gotta get out of here! Go-go gadget helicopter hat thing!
Inspector Gadget stands ready for his hat to turn into a helicopter. Unfortunately, as the other cops advance on him to arrest him, instead of his hat turning into a helicopter, his fingers turn into knives and he accidentally ends up slicing the cops to shreds. Inspector Gadget gasps as he looks at the carnage he has created, staring at his own hands in horror.
Inspector Gadget: My god... What have I become..? I have to get out of here!
Inspector Gadget runs out of the shopping mall, running past the six bodies he’s already killed so far. He runs out into the street where, thus far, nobody knows about his accidental murderous rampage inside the mall. At that moment, he can see a bus coming down the street towards him.
Inspector Gadget: Oh thank God. Finally I can get the hell out of here.
Inspector gadget waves down the bus, and it eventually stops. As the door opens the bus conductor glares angrily at the inspector.
Bus Driver: Wherever you’re going, it’ll cost $5.
Inspector Gadget: No problem, I have a bus pass. Go-go gadget bus pass!
Inspector Gadget holds out his hand as he waits for one of his fingers to turn into a bus pass, clearly having forgotten everything that just happened to him. Typically, as is the theme with this story, his finger turns into a knife and accidentally slices the throat of the bus driver.
Inspector Gadget: Oh no, not again! Why does this keep happening?!
Some guy on the bus is angry at all the commotion.
Angry Guy on Bus: Hey, you gonna drive this bus now you trenchcoat wearing fuck? I got places to be.
Inspector Gadget: Shut up and leave me alone!
Inspector Gadget runs off the bus again, looking panicked. He feels like everybody is watching him, like everybody knows what he did, ie killed around 7 people in the space of like, half an hour. He looks around nervously, frantically trying to think of a way out of this situation. Unfortunately they don’t teach you how to deal with this sort of thing in Police school. Mainly because this sort of thing rarely happens on the police force. Inspector Gadget runs into a nearby alleyway, where nobody is loitering, nobody can see him. He leans up against a wall sadly, his head bowed.
Inspector Gadget: I can’t believe it... I can’t keep living like this...! How many more people must die by my knife hands? There’s only one thing to do here. Only one way out...
Inspector Gadget sadly pulls one of his hands up to his head, close to his face. A little robot tear somehow drips down out from one of his eyes. I mean I didn’t know robots could cry or whatever, but there we are. Anyway so Inspector Gadget is on his final ebb.
Inspector Gadget: ... Go-go gadget suicide gun.
Inspector Gadget opens his mouth wide, pushing his fingers in, awaiting some kind of suicide gun, or at the very least, for his fingers to turn into knives so they can slice his face to shreds. Instead, some kind of juicy liquid streams out of his fingers, into his mouth, pouring out the sides and all down his trench coat.
Inspector Gadget: ..? What the.. Apple juice?
He pulls his fingers back and looks at them carefully. No knives. No suicide gun. One of his fingers has turned into a water pistol that is squirting apple juice around.
Inspector Gadget: Oh wow! Maybe my knife related days are over! Hurrah!
There is a little cat walking around the alleyway; Inspector Gadget bends down and picks it up cheerfully.
Inspector Gadget: You hear that, kitty cat? Maybe my life is starting to change, for the better! Go-go gadget hug-a-kitty-mode!
Inspector Gadget attempts to hug the alley cat, but unfortunately at that very moment all of his fingers turn into incredibly sharp knives, those incredibly sharp knives that you see on those late night shopping channels, y’know? Like, those knives that can cut through steel cans or whatever. Yeah, those knives. Anyway they slice the shit out of that cat.
Inspector Gadget: Oh no!!
And so, Inspector Gadget cries his little robot eyes out, somehow. I still haven’t figured out how robots can cry. Anyway, the moral of the story is, you can’t rely on ‘go-go gadget’-ing everything.
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snappedsky · 8 years
Fanatics 47
We were long overdue for a Gaz story. Previous! Next!
Gaming Night
              Gaz lowers her GS3 after having just beaten a boss and checks the time. Almost midnight. She should get going.
            She hops out of bed and pulls on a black coat, boots, and gloves. She grabs her bat and leaves her room.
            Dib is in the living room, watching some sort of all-night marathon for a paranormal show. Gaz hopes he’s too engrossed in his show to notice her. But unfortunately he hears her slip by towards the front door.
            “Hey, what are you doing?” he asks.
            “Going out,” she replies plainly.
            “Now? It’s the middle of the night,” he points out.
            “I know. I’ll be back in a couple hours,” she states.
            Dib gets to his feet and marches up to her. “A young girl can’t just go out by herself in the middle of the night. It’s way too dangerous.”
            Gaz growls and points the end of her bat inches from his face. He freezes.
            “Uhm…which is why I’ll be texting you periodically,” he concludes, “reply to every one or I’ll come looking for you.”
            “Fine, whatever,” she grunts and leaves.
            Gaz strolls down the dark streets, the streetlamps and the full moon the only things illuminating her way. There aren’t many people out. The few that are keep to themselves, like she does.
            She eventually arrives at an old shopping area, with condemned building or convenience stores that sell products that have most likely been expired for years. It looks lifeless, except for one building that is completely out of place. One would think from looking at it- from the bright lights flashing through the small windows and the techno music blasting from inside- that it’s some kind of hopping club. But it’s actually an arcade.
            Gaz grins as she approaches it and lets herself in. As usual it’s full of all kinds of people, mostly teenagers and young adults, playing all kinds of games. There are countless arcade consoles lined up in rows through the entire building and vending machines set up near the door. The only lights illuminating the building are the flashing lights from the games.
            Gaz discovered this place a few months ago. It’s open 24hours but it doesn’t get hopping like this until after dark. She loves it. It’s like her own slice of heaven where nobody judges her, everyone has a good time, and she reigns supreme.
            One of the patrons notices her saunter into the crowd and elbows his buddy. “Dude, look. It’s the Queen.”
            “The what?” he questions and looks around.
            “The Queen, dude,” he says again, “she’s the one who holds the high scores on every single game.”
            His friend looks at him with surprise. “You mean…GAZ?”
            “Yeah, man,” he nods, “the Queen of Gaming.”
            Gaz smirks as she strolls through the aisles, eyeing the consoles. She can feel everyone looking at her and hear them muttering. When she first found this place, she spent the next few nights getting the high scores on all the games. It wasn’t too difficult. For each game she put in her initials as ‘GAZ’. After that, it didn’t take long for rumours about her to spread around the establishment.
            Here she is revered for her gaming skills and mysteriousness. Every so often she returns to make sure her reign continues by getting the high score on any games where she might’ve been replaced. It’s fun and makes for a new challenge every few weeks.
            She spots the high scores of a nearby console and sees her name second on the list. She smirks, slips in a quarter, and starts playing.
            It’s a generic space fighting game where you gotta blow up alien invaders. It gets progressively harder with the addition of more and stronger enemies as you level up. The more levels you pass, the more points you get, along with any power ups you receive along the way.
            Gaz goes for every power up and blows up every enemy each with one hit. She eventually regains her place at the top of the high score list within the hour, and then moves on.
            As she searches for her next target, she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulls it out and reads a text from Dib: ‘are you okay?’
            She rolls her eyes and sends a reply: ‘yes, I’m fine.’
            This is why she doesn’t want Dib knowing about this place. He worries too much. He would just ruin it.
            Gaz spends the next few hours roaming around the arcade games, making sure she’s got the high score on all of them. She also plays a couple of her favourite ones even if she does have the high score. This trip can’t be all business.
            As he promised, Dib texts her periodically to make sure she’s okay. She’s quick to respond to each one just to shut him up.
            She decides she’s done for the night around 3am and heads for the door. But before she leaves, she stops at one of the vending machines and buys a cola.
            As she chugging it down, she spots something in the faded reflection of the machine’s glass. There’s somebody standing in the crowd of gamers staring right at her.
            Gaz turns around but she doesn’t see them. They’ve disappeared into the crowd.
            She glances at the vending machine then back at the crowd before shrugging it off and leaving. But she keeps a tighter grip on her bat.
            She walks home through the dead silence of the night. She’s feeling more uneasy than before. She can’t shake the odd feeling that she’s being watched. But she doesn’t see anyone around.
            She hears something clatter in an alleyway to her left. She spins around and lifts her bat, prepared to fight.
            A cat jumps into view. It blinks at her before trotting away.
            Gaz groans and rubs her face. “I’m letting my nerves get to me. So stupid.”
            She starts to continue walking when she senses a presence behind her. Before she has time to turn around, a bag is suddenly shoved over her head. She drops her bat as her hands are bound behind her back by tape. Then she’s pushed over into somebody’s arms and her ankles are taped together.
            She starts squirming as she’s picked up and dropped into something but it’s too late. She can’t escape now.
            She hears a trunk door slam overhead and then a car engine start. She pants as she quickly puts the pieces together. It’s not that hard to figure out. She’s been kidnapped.
            “Dammit,” she growls, “now Dib’s gonna be able to say ‘I told you so’.”
            Gaz doesn’t panic. She knows that won’t accomplish anything. But she doesn’t sit still either. She bends her legs back so she can touch her ankles and starts tearing at the duct tape. If she can at least get her legs free, then she might stand a fighting chance.
            But before she can rip it all off, she feels the car slow to a stop. She hears car doors slam and muffled voices slowly get louder as people come around to the trunk. She hears the lid open and at least three sets of rough hands grab her and pull her out.
            She doesn’t bother struggling. She’s outnumbered and blind to the full situation. If she tried to fight, she would just get hurt.
            They carry her a little ways before dropping her in a chair. Then they whip the bag off her head.
            She’s in a room so dark she can’t make out anything. The only light is coming from a candlestick placed on the table she’s sitting at. It’s barely illuminating somebody sitting across from her but she can’t make out any of their features.
            “Hello, Miss Gaz,” he says, “it’s nice to finally meet you.”
            “Who are you? What’s going on?” Gaz demands.
            “I’m sorry if my subordinates with rough with you but I needed to meet you and I figured this was the most sure fire way.”
            “I don’t like repeating myself,” she growls, “who are you?”
            “Call me M,” he replies, “as for your second question, I promise to explain everything.”
            “You see, I am a co-leader and founder of a small organization made up completely of gamers,” he explains, “we are called The Secret Society of Gamers and our goal is stop the oppression of gamers.”
            “Oppression?” Gaz questions.
            “Of course. Gamers are always looked down upon; made fun of in media. They refuse to see us for who we really are: brilliant and powerful.”
            “Right,” Gaz grunts, “so how do you plan to stop the oppression?”
            “By taking over the world!” he declares.
            She can’t hold back her groan.
            “Yes! We will take over the world and everyone who looked down on us will be forced to revere and respect us!” M booms, “gamers will never be oppressed again!”
            “So why am I here?” Gaz asks.
            “We want you,” he replies, “surely you understand the oppression I speak of. You, who is considered the Queen of Gaming. You must also be very smart and resilient. We want you to join our organization.”
            “And you had to kidnap me?”
            “As I said, we are a secret organization,” M points out, “if you give us an undesired answer, we can’t have you spreading rumours about us.”
            “So, what? If I say no, you’re gonna keep me prisoner or something?”
            “Something like that. But I am quite confident in your answer.”
            Gaz scoffs. “Well, sorry, M. But I’m already part of a group of idiots who think they can take over the world. And, frankly, I like their cause better. So my answer is no.”
            He sighs. “That is…disappointing, to say the least.”
            “Life’s full of disappointments,” Gaz states, “now if you’ll excuse me, I’m sure my brother is blowing up my phone so I better get going before he sends a search party after me.”
            “You’re not going anywhere,” M growls.
            “You won’t be taking me prisoner,” she retorts.
            She hears multiple footsteps coming up behind her. She waits until they’re closer, then jumps to her feet, shoving the chair back and knocking it into them.
            Before anyone can fully comprehend what’s happening, Gaz falls to the floor and kicks the table’s leg, knocking it over. The candlestick rolls along the floor, still lit. She quickly wiggles up to it and places her duct taped wrists near the flame.
            “Somebody grab her!” she hears M shout followed by lots of running footsteps. She can’t tell where they’re coming from.
            Gaz winces as the flame burns through the tape. Once it’s weak enough, she rips through it and lashes out with her fists at all the nearby silhouettes.
            “She’s free!” somebody yells.
            “Grab her!” someone else adds.
            Gaz quickly rips off the tape around her ankles and jumps to her feet. She grabs the candlestick and waves it around in front of her, trying to illuminate the room more.
            She hears footsteps coming up behind her. She immediately does a roundhouse kick. She doesn’t hit anybody, but she’s hears them stumble back.
            It’s so dark. She has no idea how many people there are, but she has to assume she’s surrounded. She can’t see any escape route, but there must be walls somewhere. She has to find one.
            She whips the candle ahead of her into the darkness. It briefly illuminates a couple people scattering from the flame before going out. Then she races after it.
            She feels herself brush past some people. She sticks out her elbows and grins when she connects and hears them grunt in pain. She quickly sticks out her hands just in time to feel them press up against a wall.
            She stops and puts her back against it. Without the candle, the room is even darker. But if she can’t see, then they can’t either.
            “Where’d she go?” someone shouts.
            “Can somebody turn on the lights please?” somebody else demands.
            Gaz reaches into her pocket and pulls out her cellphone. “Sure,” she chirps as she turns on the flashlight.
            The sudden bright light is harsh and all of her captors shout with surprise and cover their eyes. Now Gaz is able to view her surroundings.
            She’s in some sort of old warehouse. It looks like it hasn’t been used for anything in years. The windows are all boarded up and there are old tools on the floor, all covered in layers of dust.
            She spots a pipe wrench by her feet and quickly wields it like her bat. The gamers flinch back from her.
            “Now you’re gonna let me go or I’ll start cracking skulls,” she warns.
            “You think you can beat us?” one of them questions. She quickly recognizes his voice as M. He looks about sixteen and he’s scrawny with messy brown hair that hangs over his face.
            “Yes,” Gaz says bluntly.
            “You have no idea how powerful we really are!” he barks, “you can’t escape us! We’ll always be there, in the shadows, watching you! You’ll never have a moment of peace!”             “Shut up,” Gaz grunts and whacks him in the face with the wrench. He cries out in pain and collapses to the floor.
            She looks around for any other challengers. They immediately shy away from her, putting their hands up defensively. Gaz rests the pipe wrench on her shoulder and marches to the nearby door. She lets herself out and slams it shut behind her.
            Gaz sighs, glad that that’s finally all over. She looks around. She’s in some sort of warehouse district but she’s not sure which way is home.
            She turns off the flashlight on her phone and checks her texts. Dib is absolutely freaking out. It must’ve been a while since she last replied.
            She sends him a quick text telling him she’s on her way home then turns on the GPS. It tracks her location and shows her the closest route to the house.
            She sighs. It’s going to be a long walk.
            Dawn is just starting to crack by the time Gaz makes it home. She lets herself in and sighs exhaustedly as she leans against the door.
            She spots Dib’s scythe lock poking over the side of the couch. She leaves her new pipe wrench leaning against the wall and peeks over.
            He’s fast asleep, with his phone still in his hand.
            Gaz smiles wearily and heads upstairs to get some sleep of her own. He really worries too much.
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horrorsleazetrash · 6 years
‘Crossing Styx’ by Rob Bliss
Damn me, Charlie, where you been?  You can’t be busy this weekend – long weekend, everybody out of the city except poor bastards like us.  Thanks for picking me up – colder than a nun’s ass out there, damn winter’s never gonna end, colder than hell.  Oh right – Danforth and Main – gotta pick up, then I gotta go back to Sherbourne and Bloor, delivering to a guy.  You know Nicky – Rasta guy, long-ass dreads, really cool, got everything you need – I need. I swear he never sleeps.  What is it?  Four a.m.?  No shit. Damn, I’ve been riding high all night. Look, you know I got no money to pay for this, right?  But we’re buddies, we help each other out, I can pay you after I see Nicky.  We cool?  You’re a friend, Charlie baby, a friend.  Your dispatcher’s not gonna give you shit, is he?  You got a fare, it’s regular business, you get paid, you just don’t declare this kind of payment on your taxes.  Death and taxes, Charlie, the only guaranteesSorry, I’m rambling.  Nicky’s got the shit.  I mean serious.  I’ll introduce you if you got the time, don’t have to hit the road too soon – he can supply all.  I’ve done shit I didn’t know existed in this country.  And I mean just in the past twenty-four hours.  I met him through this chick I banged at an after-hours club. Hot piece of ass, bubble butt, big tits, crazy hot.  I just hope she was clean, I went commando, but hell, if she wasn’t, she was worth it. I’ll deal with a dead dick later. We were both flying that night, she might’ve dropped E the way she was crazy for me.  She wanted more after we banged in the alley so she took me to Nicky. Great guy, real nice, cool, chilled out, no worries like some dealers.  Remember that guy who laced his shit?  I swear – was that angel dust?  Who has angel dust anymore?
Just up a bit, like half way to that light, there’s a street and this alley, the guy lives in a house with a bunch of people.  I just knock on his window – he’s got the basement apartment – and he passes it through.  He knows Nicky, they all know each other – and I know you, buddy.  So, seriously, what do you want for this?  What’s your poison, my man?  And I mean you don’t have to go pot – sky’s the limit. Something to save, to keep for the next long weekend or whenever you take a day off.  Hell, man, you work, I don’t know how you do it – what is it, ten, twelve hours a day, a night?  Damn, you got the money.  That’s good, you’re a hard worker, got a steady job.  Not me, I can’t do this shit.  Seriously, I can’t stand a boss telling me what to do.  Any boss.  They always sound like my old man.  Fuck that. Tell me what to do with my life and you’ll be kissing my cold ass as I walk out the door.
Okay, just right here, yeah, it’s just up a bit, see that fire hydrant, yeah there. Cool.  Cool.  Can you wait, you gotta go somewhere?  I’ll be, like, two minutes, in and out, knock on the glass, get the shit and I’m back. We cool?  Thanks, man.
Ah, damn, this is it, this is the shit!  Charlie, dude, check this out – oh right, yeah, thanks, man, back to Sherbourne, thanks. Look at this.  See that?  That’s high-grade.  Damn. Can’t do anything with it, though, it’s all Nicky’s, I’m just picking it up for him.  But look at that, you can’t get this here.  Hell, none of my business how Nicky gets this in the country – but you know how much this shit goes for?  I mean only bankers and CEOs can afford this.  Nicky’s got connections all over, from the sewer to the skyscraper, he supplies the city and keeps it humming.
  You cold? You got the heat on?  I’m freezing my nuts off, soaked up a chill or something, just in and out of the car for two seconds but it’ll get you.  What is it, like, forty below?  Feels like it.  I can feel my bones shiver.  Once we get to Nicky he’ll have something to warm us up – only way to kill the cold in this damn country.
  Seriously, I’m thinking of going down south, maybe move there, Nicky’s been telling me about it, always warm, sand and surf, bikini girls all year round, no assholes to deal with.  I mean, it’s poor and there’s no jobs, but that’s how the drugs get here, right?  So if I can get into that, transporting them or something, then I should be okay.  Think of it, all the celebrities, all the computer millionaires, they all got yachts and bungalows down there, right in the heart of the drug pipeline. You don’t think they get supplied. Think all their parties are booze and unfiltered cigarettes?  Right, right, I know, could you imagine?
  It’s really dark tonight.  You see this? I mean, no stars, no moon – it’s not snowing or overcast – it’s just the sky.  Weird sky.  Everything looks really dark.  Even the streets.  Gotta be some street lights out of something.  You got your lights on, Char, can you see?  I feel like I’m going blind or something.  Dark and cold, damn winter – damn country.
  You look kinda cold, too, Charlie, seriously, look, I can see your breath. Aren’t you cold, you got the heat on in here, your window’s not open is it?  No, I’m just wondering ‘cause your skin looks weird – no offense, you’re, like, blue or something, turning blue.  Shit, you got a light in here?  Look at my hands – do they look weird to you?  Like they’re really really white, grey-white, blue-white.
  Goddamn, I can see my breath too.  Why is it so cold, Charlie?  Char, I don’t feel so good.  Are we almost there?  I gotta see Nicky, get something soon, pep me up, put a spark under my ass.  I can’t get warm.  Can’t really feel my feet anymore.  Feel my fingers, do they feel cold, numb and cold, are you cold or is it just me?
  Something feels different, I don’t know.  Why don’t they have any street lights on – this is a city, someone could get mugged in the dark, especially on Sherbourne, you know the city inside and out, me too, where to go where not to go, this is one of the worst areas, you’d think they’d turn on some lights.  You could get killed, you know?
  Hell, you could die in an alley and no one would notice you ‘till the sun came up, as long as it didn’t snow overnight and cover you head to foot, then they’d have to wait for it to melt, and how long would that take?  
  Imagine if the sun never came up ever again.  
  Could you imagine, wouldn’t that be weird, freaky shit, bizarre?  Feels like the sun’s gone down forever, feels cold, this dark is cold.  It’s really dark.  Goddamn. Charlie, why is it so dark?
  You’re a good friend, Char.  You got your head on straight, you got respect, you got a job, you don’t waste your life. You’re a man, a real man, taking care of the shit you gotta take care of.  And still you picked me up, helped a buddy out.  Thanks, man, a good man.  Some of us aren’t, we never had the chance, got shit on our whole lives, and shit just leads to more shit.  You get what you can, by hook or crook, try to stay out of the cold, think about going someplace warm, retire, take it easy, live on a beach under a palm tree, die happy.
  I’m thinking now that no one dies happy ‘cause no one lives happy.  Why the drugs, why is everybody hooked on something, booze, smokes, even gambling I’ve heard, or porn even, or even just fifty cups of coffee a day – it’s all drugs.  TV and movies are drugs, and sports, and any mind-numbing shit, all drugs. Society needs its drugs, I guess. That’s where I fit in.  Gotta fit in somewhere, I suppose.
  You’re quiet, Charlie.  It’s all so quiet and dark out here.  Goddamn, yeah that’s right.  You could be dead in an alley on a night like this – OD from all the weird shit in your system, you don’t know what it is, could be laced with anything, who the hell brings this shit into the country, crazy people, junkies, pimps and pushers and whores, politicians and CEOs and computer hackers in skyscrapers.  They get the drugs in, we just roll down here on the street.  Roll and roll and roll.
  It’s a big city, Charlie, and you and me we’re just little guys.  We’ll always be little guys, just trying to make it. Gotta get away from this winter, too cold, too dark.
  Charlie, damn, I can’t feel my hands, dude.  I can’t feel my feet, I don’t know if I can even walk out of this cab.  I’m scared, Charlie.  Take me to the hospital, fuck Nicky, I’ll ditch his shit before I go in, or you take it and deliver, say I was too fucked up. Goddamn, take me to the morgue is more like it.  Roll me off the bridge into the river.  I got a bad feeling, Charlie.  I don’t think…ah, Jesus, buddy…I don’t feel alive anymore.
  I’m not alive.  I’m not alive.  It happened, it finally happened.  I died back there where you picked me up.  I’ve been dead the whole time, haven’t I?
  You’re a good friend, Charlie, a good friend.  Just keep driving, okay?  Never mind Nicky or the hospital, it doesn’t matter anymore.  I’ll find a way to pay the fare, somehow.  You can have Nicky’s shit as payment, take it all, but go slow, it’s strong shit.  Let’s just drive for a little while, I don’t care where, anywhere, maybe out of the city, it’s the long weekend, party weekend, just drop me off in the country, a farmer’s field, near a lake, a body of water, I could really use the sound of water right now.  None of the sounds of this shit hole.  It’s all just shit in the end, ain’t it, Char?
 Just keep going, I don’t want the ride to end, not yet, just give me  a little longer, just another mile or two.  Maybe the sun will come up soon, light this place up, burn it down, a nice warm blaze eating every brick in the sky and line on the road.  Then I’ll get out.  I’ll get out with the sun.  No more darkness, no more cold.
 I got a bad feeling I don’t think I’m ever gonna see the sun again.  Charlie.  Death and taxes, right, but no guarantee that the sun will rise every day.  There never really has been a guarantee to anything we do. I guess that’s what life is.  Too bad you only find out at the end, and it’s just not enough of an answer.  You never get the answer. --- Rob Bliss has a degree in English and Writing from York University, Canada. He has over fifty stories published in various online magazines, including Twisted Dreams Magazine, Sanitarium Magazine, 69 Flavours of Paranoia, Ideomancer, and Death Throes Webzine.  He also have stories in two anthologies: "Bonded By Blood V" (SNM Magazine Press) and "Timeless Worlds" (Schlock Press). Rob Bliss was chosen Author of the Year, 2013, by SNM Magazine. His first novel, Cut, was published by Necro Publications in 2014. --- Facebook . Instagram . Twitter . Patreon . HST Merch!
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